#watch out clun boy
n1ghtwarden · 5 months
slay queen
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doingitforbokuto · 4 years
Hi! May I please request a one shot with Noya where the reader plays tennis? They could go to each other’s practices and support one another. The tennis and volleyball team could also be really close with one another so they go watch each other’s away games or something (,: thank you!
sure thing! Thank you for requesting it! I don‘t really know anything about tennis - the most I know is that Serena Williams is super good at it :D I hope this is kind of what you imagined! 💜
Nishinoya witha s/o who plays tennis
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summary: You love tennis and Nishinoya loves you.
words: 859
The clock seemed not to show any sign of time‘s passing. For what felt like an hour you had been staring at the clock on your classroom wall, waiting and waiting for it to finally end the last period of the day. You were sure that by no the teacher had noticed you zoning off but you couldn’t care less - the only thing on your mind was tennix practice. A big tournament was coming up and you just had to perfect your technique before it started.
As soon as the school bell rang you shot up, scrambling to get all of your belongings into your backpack, reaching for your gym bag.
“y/n!“ How was it that even tho you already packed your stuff with record speed that your boyfriend was always faster than you? “I’ll walk you to practice!“
Nishinoya had always been one to show you off. He loved walking around the school with you, holding your hand, letting everyone know that you were together. It was the best thing in the world to him. And as your boyfriend he had to take care of you and make sure you were safe - not like anything was going to happen to you on your way from your classroom to the gym but oh well. It is the thought that counts, right?
“I‘ll carry your bag!“
“Noya, you really don‘t have to. I can carry it myself, you already have to carry your own stuff.“
“Nonesense!“ Arguing with Nishinoya over matters like these never worked out well. He took special pride in helping you with anything at all, even if it was unnecessary.
“All right, all right.“ You let go of your bag that your boyfriend had already tried to rip from your hands before he had even asked you to give it to him. “Thank you.“
He couldn’t supress the blush that appeared on his face as you kissed his cheek as a thank you.
“Uh - um - anYWAYS -“ He was so cute when he got embarassed. “- are you ready for your tournament?“
“Almost!“ You beamed at him. “I just have to work on some of my techniques but I think I’ll get them in time.“
“I know you will.“ He had always firmly believed in you.
The Karasuno volleyball clun had never been quite close with the tennis club, after all, they didn‘t have anything in common. But that had changed pretty quickly when you and Nishinoya had gotten together. The libero had started to sneak out of the gym during breaks to go and watch you practice instead, leaving the others to go and search for him. He had gotten scolded by Daichi more than just once. And punched by Suga. And teased by Tsukki. And dragged away by Ennoshita. But he just loved seeing you play!
And he wanted everyone else to see you play too. It became a habit of his to show his teammated recordings of you playing or videos of techniques you had been training. He and Hinata worked on incorporating some of those moves into their own techniques.
“I know that! It‘s a split step! It helps me recieve the ball better!“
“Yeah and your recieves still suck.“
The tennis tournament came before the boys had to depart for Nationals. Just like Nishinoya came to see your matches you had sworn to go and watch his. It wasn‘t easy, but your parents had agreed to drive you to Tokyo to so that you could go and see him play. And since he always snuck around your practice some of your friends from the tennis club had agreed to come as well. The volleyball and the tennis club had grown as colse as they hadn‘t been in years.
“y/n!“ Before you could even react Nishinoya had already tackled you, almost sending both of you flying onto the ground in a bone crushing hug, giving you a kiss on your cheek as he did before every match. “I brought support!“
Proudly he pointed at his friends - almost the whole vbc was there. “I even made something for you!“
“I helped tho!“ Tanaka chimed in.
“You never would‘ve gotten it right without your sister‘s help,“ Ennoshita said flatly.
Nishinoya carefully pulled a good luck charm out of his pocket, handing it over to you like it was worth a fortune. “I know you won‘t need it, but-“
“Thank you.“ You just couldn‘t miss up on another opportunity to make your boyfriend all flustered with a kiss on his cheek yet again. “I‘ll put it on the bench.“
“y/n, we have to go! Warm ups are starting!“ Your friends were already walking inside of the school the tournament would take place in.
“Right!“ You turned back to Nishinoya. “Watch me, okay?“
He nodded firmly.
“You know, I‘m kinda jealous,“ one of your friends said as you reached the group. “If I had a boyfriend who showed up to my matches..“ she drifted off.
Yeah. You were really lucky to have him. Like hell were you going to let him go.
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HOW TO TAME AN OUTLAW - Allan A-dale/OC Fanfic
Prologue: A Girl with a flower crown
8th September, In the year of our lord, 1183.
Wrap. Tuck. Pin. And hope for the best. Be careful not to prick your finger.
Or at least that was the advice Elaine had learnt to making a flower crown. Actually, choosing the flowers was the hard part as the colours needed to work together. Yellow daffodils for the base, Elaine Walker smiled with satisfaction, and for decoration, a bunch of lilac's threaded through. Once she tucked the last pin in place, she held it out to herself, turning and twisting to admire her work. The girls were already playing in the field. If she waited any longer, she'd miss the travelling festival through the village, going onto Knighton and with her mother's strict rules, she wasn't to leave the boundaries of Clun.
Three solid raps on the door followed. Sarah was outside. She always made the best crowns. pink roses intwined with ivy. Elaine was meant to ask where did she find such beautiful flowers inside the village?
"'Lainey, are you coming?"
"Just two seconds." She called back, firmly placing the crown on her head and twirling. Before she left, she caught her reflection in the edge of a kitchen knife. Lovely.
She was just about to leave when her sister hobbled up behind her. With sticky fingers, she grabbed the ends of Elaine's white cloak and begged in a whimper, "Can't I come?"
"That's up to mother." She dismissed.
"Mumma says I can come if you'll look after me."
"Ugh, Meghan. I just want to go to the festival. I don't have time to make another crown."
She could see Sarah waiting outside. They planned to go together; she didn't want to keep her waiting so shoved Meghan aside and fled. The festival music chiming from the hills where the cherry trees grew. In the soft wind, the air infested with a confetti of pink petals. For once, Clun Village was charmed with banners and music.
Arms wrapped between one another, her and Sarah giggled together until their legs beat their heads and they started racing to the top. Elaine won, only because Sarah's dress held her down. They joined the fray of other girls dancing merrily to the tunes. The long grass not fazing them, nor the mud already worn down on her white silk dress. Sarah was quickly dragged by the elbow, a nice man with a nice beard twirled her around. Elaine continued to clap to the beat, forgetting completely -as the band continued through the village, up past the cherry trees and into the trees - her promise to her mother.
"This is brilliant!" Sarah found her again, beaming merrily. Her face red from dancing with the stranger, and new addition of rose flowers prickled in her hair. "Why don't we have festivals every day like this."
"Because not every day is Prince Richard's birthday."
Flutes played - Oh god, how she loved flutes. Dancing to its mellow tune until she'd spun so much the world did also. Nothing felt better than the forest pines under her feet, watching as the leaves twisted in circles as she moved her body.
The trees parted and Knighton hall appeared on her left, Elaine jolted to a stop. She'd only just realised how far she'd gone.
Never had she travelled this far without her mother or father. They'd sometimes come to trade her father's crops for wool here. She recognised the market stand. The Apple tree looked familiar. And Maid Marian of course, everyone knew her. Rosy cheeked and gorgeous, merely thirteen years of age. She didn't join in with the dancing, simply observing with a smile until a young boy took her hand. Sir Edward, her father, rolled his eyes and she giggled, already swept away by the boy into the crowd.
Elaine turned her attention back to her current predicament. She hadn't meant to leave the village, but the music and dancing spun her thoughts away until it was too late.
Needling through the crowd of white, she found Sarah. Two men in either hand and spinning so fast it hurt Elaine's eyes.
"Can I steal her for a second?" She asked, fighting back the panic swirling through her head.
Sarah escaped and Elaine pulled her aside. She urged quickly, "How are we going to get back?"
"Back?" Sarah gaped, "I'm not going back, I'm staying with a friend in Nottingham once this festival ends."
"You never told me that!"
"I didn't realise you needed to know."
Elaine slammed her leg down, in a tantrum of frustration. "Well what am I going to do now? I told mother I wouldn't leave the village and I completely forgot! I don't know how to get back to Clun."
"It's easy. Just follow the path back." But the festival was already moved so far past Knighton hall that the forest edge had disappeared around the corner. "Or come to Nottingham with me and we'll travel back tomorrow with my friend's family."
"Mother won't like that."
"She'd rather you be safe," Sarah reasoned sensibly. Rather rushed, Sarah looked back at the festival. It's music and colour radiating the air, and Elaine knew she wanted to get back to it.
"I should start walking," Elaine decided. Already, she'd held Sarah back and her many suitors would be waiting to twirl her around again. The girls were moving fast into the age of trying to find husbands, and for Sarah it was paramount with her recently deceased father to secure financial safety.
"If you want to do that. Just please be careful."
Be careful. Yes – outlaws and beasts lived deep in the heart of Sherwood forest. Elaine wasn't sure what was worse. The tales of yellow eyes monsters, with fangs, leaching on the innocent. So many bedtime stories, that she didn't know if they were tales supposed to be about outlaws or animals.
Sarah was quick to dance back to the party, and Elaine turned with Clun in mind. The forest loomed closer with each step and so did the spike of her heart. Beating. Pumping. The image of outlaws with fangs and patchy skin came to mind. She was sure she saw one or two peeking around the edge of trees – no, that was just her imagination.
They hadn't turned any corners during the dance, had they? She truly couldn't remember and decided to carry on straight with each turn in the road. The forest grew in an arch above her and she couldn't even make out where the sun was to work out her direction. God. Was she lost? Breathe, breathe, breathe… the skies darkened, trees became silhouettes. The constant thought that her mother must be so worried about her, kept her moving. Every whistle of wind, rustle of leaves and owl hoot sent Elaine reeling. She surely hadn't been dancing this long, so why was she walking so far?
"Tom!" Someone hissed. A human voice. An angry human voice.
Elaine jumped. She hadn't heard anything but animal noises for the past hour. She spun, trying to work out where it had come from. She could only see trees. Green blurred around her as he eyes pricked to hear anything even slightly differently-
Something moved. Startled, Elaine stepped back. Without a plan, her body on instinct dashed to the side of path. Maybe if she got to the trees she could hide. Whatever it was, heavy footsteps followed after her. Pinching her eyes shut, preferring not to see whatever it was. Suddenly, a great weight slammed against her. She tumbled forward, head moving faster than her body. Rush of blood swam to her head. Barely managing to catch herself with her hands before she hit the mud.
Roughly, she was pulled around and something hard pushed against her throat. She wanted to scream, but a strange stillness took over her muscles, paralysing her in place.
"Give me all your money!"
"I don't – I don't have any money. Please."
The boy pushed the object harder into her neck.
"I said give over the money!"
He was only a boy, no older than Elaine. His hair ruffled and dirt smudged into his face. If he was an outlaw, he certainly didn't look like the pictures Elaine had painted in her head.
Behind him, another figure approached. I'm outnumbered, she thought in a stir of panic. Thump, thump, thump – was that the sound of another person approaching. No – Just the sound of her heart. She needed to think clearly. Scrunching her nose up to stop the pulsing, she focused on the scene in front of her.
The approaching figure looked similar to the boy, but older. Muscles more defined and beard growing through. Most noticeably, his eyes were a piercing blue. A brother, perhaps?
From the scruff of his neck, he tugged the younger boy on top of Elaine up, like a dog would their pup.
"Tom," the older one growled, "What are you playin' at?"
"What was I playing at?" The boy – Tom – echoed, "I was thinking about getting a decent bed tonight. Or do you wanna sleep on this floor again?"
"Oi, you were the one who ran away from home. I just followed."
Tom jabbed a finger at Elaine. It was then she noticed a knife hadn't been in his hand, but a very blunt stick. She'd been afraid for nothing. "Allan, we wanna live this way, we gotta steal from the people."
"I didn't want to live like this." the older one snapped, clearly irritation by his younger brothers' behaviour. "But she clearly don't have anything. Do you see a purse?"
Whilst they fought, Elaine considered crawling away. However, as the conversation turned to her on the floor, so did their eyes and soon both of them were staring back at her.
"We don't need money, maybe her cloak'll sell for something?"
"Tom, are you thick?"
The older one groaned, his eyes popping from his skull. "She's a girl. How's it going to look if we go into Nottingham with a girl's muddy cloak and try and sell it."
Elaine clung the cloak around herself. Her mother had hand stitched this herself and was the most lavish thing she owned… but if it came to it, she'd gladly take it off and give it to them if it meant saving her life. Grabbing at the ties, she undid it and shook it from her shoulders. With trembling hands, she offered it to them.
Neither of them noticed for a minute, still bickering amongst themselves the way siblings do. Then, slowly Tom frowned and took note of the cloak offered to him. Viciously, he snatched it from her grip.
"Ah, see, the girls got some sense. She knows we'll kill 'er otherwise."
The older one snatched it back. "With what? A stick… here, take it." He offered it back kindly, his voice smoothing out as he spoke to her. "We don't want your cloak."
"Allan. That's good money there!"
Elaine shivered, "You're – You're not going to kill me?"
"No," Allan puffed a laugh as if the very idea was ridiculous and was now crouched in front of her. "My brother's the biggest wuss I know, I doubt he'd be able to hurt you."
Tom heaved a huff, "Shut up will you."
"Maybe don't go around, tackling teenage girls then, you idiot."
I just want to go home. Her father's warm embrace was waiting for her, as was her mother's carrot soup. She promised she'd keep it steaming for her. Edging up, she felt confident enough that they wouldn't harm her again, at least while the older brother was there. She made sure to keep him in between them as she rose from her knees.
But as she went to stand, her heel caught the back of her dress and she tripped again. Expecting the hard thud of the forest floor, Allan's arms instead caught her wrists and she remained standing.
"Uh – thank you."
"Look, I'm sorry about my brother. He's a right pain in the arse." Tom rolled his eyes and sulked off into the darkness of the trees. Elaine hoped to never see him again. "Just – uh, please don't tell anyone about this."
If she got out of here without getting killed, she'd be thanking them. Instead of saying this pathetic line, she simply nodded.
Allan mumbled a quite thanks and turned off the forest path to find his brother.
Almost alone again, Elaine spun in confusion. The fading light had gone now and all that was left was a shimmer of moonlight and stars seeping through the trees to guide her way. She didn't even know what way she'd come from.
"Do you…" Finding her voice, she tried again, "Do you know which way Clun is?"
Allan shrugged but looked around as if he'd find a sign that would give him the answer. "I'm sorry, I've got no clue. I'm not from around here. But there was a village just a bit down there that had these pink trees in it."
Delight sprung through her and every ounce of fear she'd just felt immediately evaporated. "Thank you so much!"
"Uh- don't mention it," Allan shrugged, his face darkening in shadow the further he backed away, "Good luck."
"You too," She sung happily. Not bothering to wait around to be attacked again, Elaine sped off, the wind ripping a thousand miles per hour across her ears. She had no intention of being attacked again.
As Clun Village sunk into her vision again, she looked to the sky and said a little prayer for Allan, the blue-eyed wanderer. His brother would surely get him in trouble if he wasn't careful.
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afterthelastreset · 4 years
Krisei Zodiac Event Aries Week
Aries Zodiac Sign Info Gotten From:
“The first sign of the Zodiac, Aries are the trailblazers. Passionate and independent, Aries will never do something just because everyone else is doing it—a Ram needs to be 100 percent committed to the task at hand. Competitive to the max, the best way to motivate an Aries is to turn something into a contest. Aries will put everything they have (and then some) into winning. Loyal, smart, and impulsive, they always have multiple projects on their mind, and won't be satisfied until their work, social life, and personal lives line up exactly with the dream life they've envisioned. Those who are drawn to magnetic Aries may have trouble keeping up—but if they can, they'll have a friend for life.”
🔥Aries Week
Day 1: *when Susie Dares you on a blind date*
The candlelights were lovely tonight. Shining brightly against the otherwise dark room, making shadows dance across the walls and adding a certain flare to the whole scene. The few rays of light that didn't make the darkness dance were shining off the small pile of food in front of them, making them hungry. But he couldn't care less about those food right now, right now he was more nervous about the real gem in front of himself.
The monster’s white fur sparkled against his beautiful  face, delicate pink eyes fluttered those lashes at him and if he wasn't already sitting down, he would've fallen over from nerves alone. Luckily being frozen meant he didn't have to worry about sweating in front of him. He had a whole new other set of worries though. Like did he put everything together ok? Did Susie warn him enough? Did she give him the right wine for this thing? Oh gosh he hoped she didn't give him apple juice. Not that the goat monster seemed to mind though. He was smiling that beautiful grin of his.
"I must say, Kris. I wasn’t expecting to be asked by Susie to meet a man in such a dashing suit.~" He glanced down to the wine bottle in his hand before back to him and giving a chuckle. Making him smile his nervous grin wider, "I never suspected you'd be one of such class.”
Kris chuckled nervously and pulled at the bowtie around his neck, "U-Uh. Y-Y-Yeah, I honesty didn't know if you'd agree to g-going out with a plain old human like me. ...UH! N-Not to say y-you're selfish or anything!" His face became more scared when he had realized what he had said. Holding his hands up. "I-I just meant that you might not have wanted to g-go with me since you're way out of my league...U-UM! N-Not saying you're one of s-s-shallow and stuck up nobles! Because obviously you're not!"
The monster chuckled at his obvious flustering. But not in a bad way, on the contrary. He thought this little scene was absolutely adorable. And the lengths he went through, though not as fancy as other dates he went on, it was still so sweet how he went through all the trouble of putting this all together just for him. Kris froze when he heard the dark prince chuckle but Ralsei didn't look mad in the slightest.
"It's quite alright.~ I must say the set up has been quite sweet thus far.~"
Kris stared at him in disbelief. "Y-You..You really m-mean it?"
He chuckled again. "Yes, and I can’t wait for this to happen again.”
“D-Don’t worry. That’s a promise.”
Day 2:*boldly taking the first kiss*
One moment.
That's all that it took. One small breath moment to have the two freezing up and staring at each other in silent shock. The two silently stared at each other for what seemed like forever- ....It wasn't supposed to happen you know. All this time just going through the steps together, gracefully gliding across the ballroom floor all alone..It was just supposed to help him learn, not to start gazing into each other's eyes for weeks on end in private after hours, admiring his strength. His booming laughter. His slowly steadying grace to the movements he was asked to teach the giant monarch. It was never supposed to come to a folly such as this. What cruel entity up above thought it'd be a great idea to push them together and set thing strange fate? If he had any sense, he would excuse himself, pretended it never happened, and move on with their lives...
His paws slowly gripped tighter around him and one look already told him he couldn't get away even if he flung his whole body forward. Not that he wanted too anyways. Eyes slowly closing. The giant paws gently bringing them closer. And in a last flee from sane thinking or any other life boggling mysteries about this whole thing-
They kissed.
Day 3:*taking that bold leap forward and taking your relationship to the next level*
Bells toiled with the distance and blinding white decorations coated the entirety of Card Castle's halls. One could smell and taste the sweet smell of the decorative flowers and the amount of deserts on the table nearby. OH what a wonderful delight to the senses this fine day was. And it was all the better for the two who's the entire celebration was for. One couple who's hardships and difficulties were no match against their hope. WHo's love despite the impossibilities that should've been there to begin with, wasn't shattered or gone away. Oh! They were tested for sure. Thick and thin. With tears shed, labored sweat, and much fighting for it. But still gained none the less. A testament for the outstanding bravery they had faced all for this one important day they had only dreamt of until now.
But with the rings slipped on his fingers. The smile on his face. The happy tears making the make up drip down his cheeks. Happy sobbing and awes from watching crowds. There was only one thing he could possibly say to something like this-
"I do."
Day 4: *boldly choosing to leave your own world to live with the one you love*
The warm bed hugged their bodies as they curled up to each other. The soft pillows and mattress was supposed to bring one comfort along with the blankets in times of rest. That was their job. That's what they were supposed to do wasn't it? The comfort of sleep was supposed to be a relaxing experience to have for all. But unfortunately sleep didn't come easily tonight, not when the one next to you was tossing and turning, and eventually woke you up with his grumbling and kicking. Oh no it simple wouldn't do at all. Not just for his own sanity, oh he could worry about that later, but the giant next to him. He couldn't just leave that be. Oh that would simply not do at all.
Currently the supposed to be silent room was alive with soft humming and little mumbles of sobs and chokes. The larger of the two had himself buried within the comforting embrace of the much smaller man as he continued to let out the sorrows of that night.
"I miss him, Ralsei. I-....I sometimes f-feel like..I betrayed her with this!"
He shushed the human. Patting his back, "No, no thou didn't. he would've understood. he wouldn't have thought bad of you."
"I-I d-don't-..."
He shushed him again, letting the two of them slightly rock back and forth. “You’ll be alright. Im here to help you."
Day 5:* Ralsei makes a bold move to contact the human*
It'll be ok just breath. Everything was going to be alright. There was totally not a chance this was going to blow up in his face, and he had zero chance of really embarrassing himself again in front of a potential hero. Yep! All he had to do was relax and not do anything to embarrass himself as always. YES! EVERYTHING WOULD BE TOTALLY FINE!!! He gave a couple more big gulps of air into his lungs as his body did the usual totally not nervous habits of tapping his foot, and wringing his hands together as he nervously kept staring up at the large door awaiting the approaching two. There he was....The hero. Well heroes but he wasn’t looking at the tall lady. Instead at the handsome hero of sparkling red eyes and fair blue skin as he walked towards the dark Prince. Ralsei could barely speak. Thank goodness his embarrassed face was hidden by the cloak. He swallowed the lump in his throat and spoke.
“Greeting Heroes...”
Day 6:* Kris contemplates his own family and the one he grew up with*
How does one decide another's worth? How does one predict another's personality or their impact they leave behind? Well unless you can see into the future and know for sure what you're dealing with then you're in for surprises. Which is what happened to him not too long ago. He could admit(just to himself) that he never expected to be surprised by someone he originally perceived as an easy pawn to his own needs. He never expected to be the one drawn to something so opposite of himself. But here he was, one moment minding himself the next-
The small child happily laughed and hugged the other man who was holding him. A strange family to one seeing it from the outside, but one he was more comfortable and familiar with over time. One he had to learn to accept but it was worth it in the end. But that brings up another question. What exactly made up a family? Most would picture a small house with a picket fence, a mom and dad, and a little boy and girl running around. But truth is it's not always that simple. Family is beyond blood or marriage.
It's who's always making you smile and there for you.
Day 7: *A kiss during a play is a forward move*
*Highschool drama club au*
The bright lights on the stage was almost blinding to the eyes of the ones on stage, and the audience but they weren't important right now. The glowing white light reflected perfectly off the two as they stood there wrapped in each other's embrace. Of course to the audience this was just another act of the school drama clun, and the ridicules costumes they were wearing for said performance were uncomfortable, but the way they was being held. The way the dashing prince's outfit fitted him. The way the white light shined off his beautiful features, no matter how artificial this role was, was absolutely breathtaking to them.
His handsome smile and fluttering eyelashes were to die for.
"And so. The Princess was safely returned to the Kingdom of Monsters," the narrator shouted somewhere on the stage to their right, but they barely paid attention. They were more focused on what the last part of the play script meant for them and their beautiful goat prince afterwards. "And the brave Prince was rewarded with her hand in marriage. They spent the rest of their lives together and lived happily ever after!"
The audience cheered in celebration and internally so did they when the prince finally got the oh so awaited kiss that was so rightfully his. It seemed like years before they pulled apart staring into each other's smile.
"Happily ever after, My Prince.~"
"Happily Ever After to US, Kris.~"
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shazyloren · 7 years
The Dragon Clun: Chapter 21 - Declarations and Kisses
Link: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12018519/chapters/27759951
Jon was feeling sorry for himself. He was sat on the sofa watching some mindless TV as he ate a box of chocolates while Ghost whimpered at his feet.  When I'm falling for someone, he'd said. Where had it all gone wrong, why had he said that? What had possessed him to even utter these words. Were they even true? Of course they're true, Snow, don't lie to yourself. He knew it to be true, but the utter rejection, the denial from Daenerys.
'Jon, I don't'. Why, why had she said it? It had broken him, the realisation. The half sentence that would haunt him forever. This was why eh never dated, why he never let anyone in, in the end, they'd get crushed.
She didn't have to speak anymore than the half sentence she did speak, he knew she did not feel the way he did. She liked him, that he knew. But was it just a passing feeling, did she only want a casual thing? Jon didn't care now, It didn't matter anymore, he was done with her as far as he was concerned.
Oh who was he kidding, he was eating a whole damn box of chocolates just to not think about her, and he was failing. Her silver hair, violet eyes, the same sight everytime he tried to block her out, the braid that fell down her back and the clothes that hugged her figure. He needed to snap out of it.
He'd wallow for the rest of his life. That was his downfall. Since Ygritte he'd just been unable to communicate with women, he'd struggled. She had been his life support and he'd let her down. She'd passed and he had felt the guilt. And now, he felt guilty, guilty for having these feelings for someone who wasn't her...
Jon thought of a distant memory, blinding sun and sea salt spray as he laid with his lover in his arms, a blanket beneath them as they lay on the golden sands of Sunspear. Her red hair, kissed by fire and touched by energy. She was smiling, her lips breaking out a chuckle as Jon told her a joke she'd never heard before. "You're a funny man"
They'd kissed as if it was their first time even though it was possibly the millionth. Their love was raw, fresh and every time they kissed Jon felt Joy he'd never known before. A need to be with this woman for the rest of his life. They bathed in the love they had for each other, the admiration and devotion. "I do try, my love"
"Try you do, my patience" The redhead had laughed. Jon had frowned at this, a pretend sad puppy face glazing over his own as he eyes lit up from teasing him. "Promise me something, Jon"
"Anything, my love" He had uttered as she laid her head on his chest, watching as the waves crashed onto the beach ahead. "I have already promised you everything I have to offer, I don't know how much more I can give"
"Never love another woman besides me" Ygritte had asked. Jon had found it preposterous, of course he was never going to.
"I'm so in love with you, I'd never love anyone besides you. I could never love another the way I love you. The way you talk, the way you laugh, the way you smile when you think I'm not looking, the way we kiss, the way we make love, everything about you glamours me. I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old" Jon had admitted. His declaration of love moved her, tears swarming her eye.
"I hope I don't go grey" She giggled.
"You will be beautiful either way" Jon shrugged.
"Oh I know that, lover boy" She sighed. "But you promise, we're forever, right?"
" Even if we were ripped apart, if one of us dies, I could never love another like I love you. I wouldn't want to. I know how I feel about you, and how you feel about me"
"Oh, you know nothing, Jon Snow" She'd teased before kissing him again.
...The guilt was painful in his chest as he found his eyes clouded by the tears of the memory. She had been everything to him, and he had honoured that pledge he made to her, the declaration of love. Until now; until recently. He'd never imagined that Daenerys Targaryen would have roused such feelings within him. That she brought back the same feelings that Ygritte had. It had blurred his common sense, made his vision clouded.
But something snapped in him suddenly.
Why was he pining over her?
She'd been dead three years now, he should be able to move on! What have I done, what has become of me? Jon brooded as he sunk further into his sofa. Ghost jumped up next to him and curled up next to him offering comfort. He thought about all the times in his life the last three years he'd used the loss of Ygritte as an excuse to not meet new people, as to not date someone...
Just since he'd been acquainted with Daenerys he'd mentioned her like three or four times when he thought of it. She'd only mentioned the high school abusive man to her once; and she never spoke of it, she used it as a reason to keep moving forward.
So why did he not move on too? Why was he finding it so difficult?
Trying to distract himself he put the hood of his hoodie up over his head and tried to kept some rest. He'd slept little to nothing the last two nights since snapping at Dany in her office. He'd tried to, but every time he closed his eyes he relived the fiasco in his head over and over. When he'd interviewed her, he'd barely looked at her, not being able to face the thing he'd just cut off. She'd clearly wanted to say something, but he hadn't wanted to hear it.
And then there had been the article itself and the photos, the beautiful photos, a harsh reminder. He'd wrote it quickly, he was used to his own headlines. But more than anything he'd wanted to get it over with so that part of his life was closed. Though there was one thing he couldn't bring himself to do, delete her phone number. If it wasn't for his sisters he wouldn't have had some of the late night texting sessions he'd had with Daenerys, where they'd really bonded. Or so he thought.
He couldn't delete it, or block it. What if she sent him a text, declaring that she felt the same, that she was afraid of her feelings, just like he was. That wasn't going to happen, it wasn't within her, she was a stronger being than him. He was just gonna have to admit that.
It felt like it was taking all his strength to not think of her, and clearly it wasn't working so he gave up. As he tried to sleep, his mind poured with images of her...
Ring. Ring. Ring.
Jon leapt up causing Ghost to gumble. He snatched his phone off of the table, hoping it was her. Sansa.
Feeling deflated he answered the phone anyway. "H-hullo"
"Hey Jon, I was beginning to worry" She said concerned. "I hadn't heard from you in days"
"M'okay" He mumbled as he rubbed his eyes.
"Okay, I can tell something's up" She was suspicious already. How did she do that? "You sound gruffer than usual"
"I'm fine" He mumbled once more.
"Jon Snow, you will tell me what's bothering you, right now, or I'm coming over" She said firmly. Jon sighed, why fight his sister.
"I screwed up" He admitted. "I thought she was interested and she wasn't, she was just in it for a casual fling"
"Aye, I accidently said that I was falling for her, and she just... she didn't say anything" Jon looked out of his living room window, it was beginning to rain really hard. "Where did I lose her?"
"When we saw you at the wedding, she very much looked like she was into you Jon, I can't tell you what happened. We saw you two practically undressing each other with your eyes, didn't you tell Gendry that she admitted she fancied you? That doesn't sound like a woman who is just in it for a casual fling" Sansa acted as if she was an all seeing eye-dog sometimes and it did have a tendency to grind Jon's gears. But Jon agreed with her this time.
"I kissed her on the cheek that even" Jon admitted.
"Really?" Sansa almost shouted.
"Yes, she turned beetroot red" Jon remembered the beautiful colour her skin had flushed and began to feel like he may have jumped the gun.
"Jon, has it occurred to you that maybe Daenerys is as awkward as you when it comes to social interactions with people they like and perhaps your declaration of feelings caught her off guard? That maybe she was too shocked to say what she wanted to? And that maybe by jumping to conclusions she's probably sitting at home in her pants crying over a tub of chocolate ice cream?" Jon felt his eyes almost roll at Sansa's over exaggeration.
"i guess I could have, but I don't understand why she hasn't called me, or messaged me wanting to speak?" Jon lowered his head in defeat. He just couldn't win. As Jon was speaking to his sister he was gazing out his front window, rain lashing down, bouncing off of the roads and into the drains. "It would just-"
He caught a glimpse of something silver a few metres from his house. No, it can't be. He blinked as his words trailed off. Sansa was trying to get him to talk on the other end. "Jon, are you there?"
He just hung up and left his phone on the window ledge. He rushed to the front door, Ghost barking at his sudden speed. He peered through the window pane in his door and saw a figure walking up his path, a small one. He flung his door open and there she was.
Sodden through from the massive rainfall, but he could still see tears on her cheeks. She stood there, shocked that he'd opened the door before she had a chance to know. Jon stared at this beautiful woman as she shook from the chilling air. Her clothes had almost gone see-through, but her jacket had saved her from the full soaking the rain would've given her. Her hair stuck to her face and clung to her clothes in clumps. Her lips were still as pink as he remembered.
Why was she here?
It was as if she could read his mind, because she answered.
"You are wrong" She said adamantly. "I do feel things for you. So much so that it scares me. I don't like that in 6 weeks I've fallen for a man who slandered me online, that has made me feel more alive than I have ever felt before. But I do feel things for you, many things. I couldn't say it before, the words had got stuck but now I know. I'm not afraid of it anymore. I have too fallen for you, Jon Snow"
He blinked at her Declaration. His head became clouded once again, confused.
"You may be quiet, timid and used to this. But I have to be in control, all the time. And when I'm with you, I feel nothing of the sort, I feel no control. There's so much uncertainty with it. But I know, that it's a feeling I like, that I want to keep experiencing. I want to keep experiencing you, Jon Snow. Because the honest answer is that I'm mad for you, I can't get enough of you. Every time we see each other, or agree to see each other I fill up with such glee and anticipation. When you walked into my office that day and even though you tried to get me to open up to things like ever journalist before you, there was something that instantly clicked with me. And then I saw you again, and again and again and then the wedding came. How can by just a few meeting we have come to this to quickly?"
"I... I don't know what to say" Jon said shocked.
"Don't say anything" She sighed. The rain was hammering it down even more intensely. Her eyes flashed like thunder and lightening, She glowered intensely at him, her eyes mixed with adoration and lust. Jon knew what he had to do then. It was unspoken words from her, that he knew she wanted him to do it too. He strode the few paces that were between them.
And he kissed her.
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robinhoodrevisited · 7 years
Necessary Evils
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Somewhere between Powis and Nottingham... (Henry, the former manservant of Bishop Waleran, sits at a large table. There is food laid out before him but his attention is solely on the person sat across from him.) Henry: "The army is only a couple days ride from here. (With a meaningful look:) They await their Commander readily." Unseen Man: "Good. You've done well my boy. You and your brother in fact. Loyalty like yours is a rare thing these days." Henry: "How could I not remain loyal to you, sire? After everything you've done for my brother and I, we would gladly give our lives for your cause." Unseen Man: "Our cause. Soon everything we've worked towards will come to fruition and you shall take your rightful place by my side." Henry: (Nods:) "Even during his greatest schemes and plots, I knew Waleran was no match for you, sire." Unseen Man: "True. Although his death is a great blow for our influence within the church, Waleran had served his purpose." Henry: "Yes, sire." Unseen Man: "Now, (Getting to his feet:) this is where I must leave you. I believe I can rely on you to dispatch the remaining prisoners?" Henry: "Of course, sire. Are we sure that killing them is the right decision?" Unseen Man: "Henry, we've been through this. Their survival would be an unnecessary burden on the Prince. What he doesn't know he can't worry about, hm? (Henry nods:) Good boy. Although you were right to consult with me first on the matter." Henry: (Nods:) "You must go, Sire. You have a long journey ahead of you." Unseen Man: (Picking up his coat:) "Kill them quickly then catch up to us when you can. Our time has come!" Outside The House. (Henry watches as the man rides away on his horse. Securing his saddle and mounting his own horse, Henry looks around cautiously before leaving.) Dirt Road. (Henry has not travelled far before he notices rustling in the trees.) Henry: "Who's there? Show yourself!" (Emerging from the trees atop her own horse is Octavia. They regard each other a moment before Octavia makes her move.) Octavia: "Death to Prince John!" (The woman warrior turns her horse and rides away quickly. Henry raises an eyebrow at this obvious trap. Amused and deciding that a diversion is needed, Henry kicks his horse into motion and chases Octavia. Following her tracks until he reaches a clearing, the man in black dismounts and draws his sword.) Henry: "Come out and face me, savage. (Looking around for any sign of attack:) It's true then, your kind are all cowards!" (Henry shakes his head then sheathes his sword, annoyed at himself for indulging his whim. As he turns back to his horse however, he is met by Octavia who pummels him with strategic blows to body. Falling to his knees, the last sight Henry sees is Octavia standing over him before all goes black.)
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Nottingham Castle. Castle Baths. (Despite her alliance with Prince John, Nottingham's fortunes have turned around under Isabella's reign as Sheriff. The markets thrive, taxes have been lowered and people are slowly returning from the brink of starvation. There is also a silent agreement between Isabella and the outlaws. Although she cannot pardon them outright, the Sheriff has ceased the guard patrol inside Sherwood forest allowing Robin's gang to re-enter their camp. It is an olive branch in an attempt to mend relationships that were harmed in the past. Although her time as Sheriff has been well spent, it has also been spent alone. Perhaps it’s for this reason that Isabella has reopened the castle baths. A huge pool of water in which the sheriff now sits reading her correspondence. Unfortunately for Isabella, the letter she knew was bound to come has finally arrived:
My dearest Isabella, Word of my plot to take the throne has reached both France and Italy. My mother and sister have combined their forces in an attempt to put an end to my plans for England. My own sister leads the army that seeks to destroy me! As of now my army has managed to keep them at bay but this will not last. I implore you to do what you can for your future King and send reinforcements. My Generals inform me I need at least three hundred men with food and supplies to hold back Joan's army.
Do this because you love me.
Isabella re-reads the letter and sighs. She knows that all her accomplishments to date will be forgotten with the Prince's request. Yet she cannot simply ignore the letter lest Nottingham itself be flattened. Isabella exits the baths knowing that what she is about to do will leave a mark on her soul that will never wash off.)
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A Cave. (As Henry slowly awakens, his eyes focus on the two women stood over him.) Indra: (Her arm in a sling, to Octavia:) "It was a mistake to bring him here." Octavia: "He was unconscious the whole trip and I have his weapons." Henry: "Whatever you're planning you won't get away with it." Indra: (Through gritted teeth:) "Shut your mouth!" Octavia: (Placing her hand soothingly on Indra's uninjured arm:) "Indra, we talked about this." Indra: "You waste time, the army's trail grows colder by the hour." Henry: (Smirks:) "The army is miles from here. What do you even hope to accomplish if you find them?" Indra: "Vengeance." Henry: (Scoffs:) "Two against an entire army?" Octavia: "There are more of us. Watching your people, waiting." Henry: "Savages in trees. An annoyance at best." Indra: "The Commander of the thirteen clans awaits our word." Henry: (Falters a moment:) "You're bluffing." Indra: (Steps forward:) "Try us."
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Sherwood Forest. Great North Road. The Next Morning. (Robin puts his ear to the ground and listens. He hears a single horse galloping down the road. He chuckles and gets up. He nocks an arrow, pulls out a second one from his quiver and nocks it beside the first. He draws and aims. Marian puts her face next to Robin’s and lays another arrow above the two.) Marian: (Saucily:) “I bet you can’t do it with three.” (Robin nocks the third arrow, looks back at her and smiles slyly. The horse neighs. Robin draws and shoots. The three arrows sail and land in front of the horse, spooking it. It rears and bucks off its rider. Gisborne immediately stands over him with his sword, turns him over and pulls the message from his belt.) Gisborne: “I’ll take that.” (Gisborne hands the parchment to Marian.) Robin: “Tie him up, then.” (Allan flips the messenger back onto his face, whips out a piece of rope and hands it to Gisborne. Marian reads the message.) Marian: “It’s from Isabella to Prince John. “My Prince, I understand the urgency of your request. Richard returns from the Crusades within the month. (Robin turns his head, distressed at what he’s hearing.) Troops loyal to him await his return in Loughborough. We must be ready.” (Gisborne stares at the ground, fearing for his future.) Allan: “Richard… King Richard?” Marian: “The King’s coming home.” Robin: (Steps away from the gang, thinking.) “Read the rest.” (Allan leads the tied-up messenger to his horse.) Marian: “You asked for three hundred men, food and supplies. I will dispatch them at sunset to join with your northern forces in Doncaster.” Robin: (Grimaces.) “So where’s Isabella supposed to find three hundred men?” Marian: “England will soon be yours.” Gisborne: (Considering:) “It’s only through the Prince that Isabella is sheriff.” Robin: (Leans on his bow. to messenger:) “You give the Prince this message…” Allan: (Patting the horse’s rump:) “Go on.” (The horse walks down the road with the messenger riding backwards, his hands tied to the saddle.)
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Robin: “England will never be a slave to Prince John, not while Robin Hood fights for King Richard.” Little John: (Calling from over the hill:) “Robin! (Marian and Robin run up the hill. The gang follow.) They’ve taken them! (Robin and Marian come over the rise.) They took them!” Robin: “Taken who?” Little John: “I was in Clun. The sheriff’s soldiers. They’ve taken all the men!” Gisborne: “How many?” Little John: “I don’t know. Must have been at least a hundred.” Much: (From a nearby ridge:) “Robin! Same in Nettlestone! The sheriff’s guard came and just carted them off. Crops and livestock, too.” Marian: “A hundred from Clun, a hundred from Nettlestone.” Robin: “They’ll go to Locksley next. (to Much:) Get to Locksley!”
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powerdragonmoon · 7 years
The Warmth of Your Hand
Some brief moments and glimpses of figure skater Adrien Agreste's life growing up.
Birthday One-shot for the one, the only @qookyquiche!! Happy Birthday!!!! hope you had a fabulous birthday and that you rocked your presentation!!
(ao3 link)
She asked for it, and for some reason I made it a figure skating//hockey AU BECAUSE OF REASONS – but here you are my dear: A Childhood Friends AU (seriously tho, look at her cute childhood fluff art, LOOK AT ALL HER ART!!! ITS AMAZING!!)
Also this falls into Adrienette month, so I’m tagging it as a late day 12 prompt!! Enjoy!
Adrien couldn’t remember the first time he walked. Sure his parents had shown him the pictures and the slightly out of focus videos of him as a toddler taking his first steps, but he was much too young to remember such events.
The first time he placed his foot on this ice, though, well that he remembered.
When he stepped on the ice, for that first time, his small mitten-clad hand was held firmly in the warm caress of his mother’s. She stared down at him with a bright beaming smile as together they caught their balance on the slippery rink surface.
Of course they also had video of this too. His father had watched from the stands, recording the whole adventure as Adrien clutched onto his mother for dear life. She skated backwards with ease, her two hands holding Adrien’s as she pulled him along, taking them both gliding across the ice. In the video footage you could hear Gabriel’s deep, soft laugh as he watched his wife and son clumsily make their way around.
Years, later watching those videos were one of the few pieces Adrien would have left of the family he once had. One where his mother was there, holding his hand and his father was present and smiling.
It wasn’t until his third lesson that he met her.
Well, not so much met her as collided with her.
He had gotten to the rink early that day meaning he was the first to get on the ice, as he usually was. His mother was up in the stands smiling as he warmed up.
But despite his skills, he was still somewhat hesitant about the whole ordeal. He was so used to having someone’s hand steadying him, and it made him anxious to drift too close to center ice. So there he was, hand still tentatively grazing the boards of the ice’s perimeter, ready to stop himself or use the solid walls as leverage should he need help to stop.
Then suddenly a whoosh of air past by him, he looked up to see a small figure sped past him a light giggle filling the air behind her as she glided around the ice.
Eyes wide Adrien tracked her as she easily completed a lap in a third of the time it would take him. Clad in thick black leggings, a bright red tutu, and a pale pink jacket, the girl’s dark black hair was parted into cute pigtails, her bangs fluttering against the wind as she glided. She pushed off the ice forcefully, her arms swinging with great abandon. With each passing lap, her speed seemed to increase.
Adrien smiled watching her seem to let herself loose on the ice. She gave out a whoop of delight, pausing in her strokes to simply sail, her hands raised up to feel the breeze of her own momentum. Her eyes closed, looking at peace.
He didn’t even register that he was standing awestruck and still, directly in her path, until it was too late.
Both children released twin squawks as the girl crashed into him. In a pile of limbs, they feel onto the ice, sliding slightly on the slippery surface.
“Oh! Sorry!” the girl peeped, shifting her arm out from underneath him.
She quickly and easily got back onto her feet. Adrien himself was a little too shellshock to recover quite as quickly. He timidly got up to his knees, trying his best not to slip.
“Here,” said the girl, her voice drawing his eyes upwards.
She held out a hand, an offer of assistance.
“I’m – um,” the girl pouted her mouth, trying to find her words, “I’m really sorry, I wasn’t really watching where I was going… I guess… But here! Let me help you up!”
She reached forward with both hands held out in front of her.
Her gloves were mismatched. That’s what he remembered.
She wore a black glove with red polka dots, on one hand, while the one on her other hand was a shock of bright pink.
His eyes flickered, looking back and forth from her gloves and back up to her face.
Across her checks and nose, she had freckles. Her eyes were a beautiful blue and after another beat of silence, her brows creased, mouth pouting in confusion.
“Oh!” Adrien shook himself from the awe struck upon his face, “No! I’m sorry; I was in your way!”
He gladly placed his hands in hers and together they were able to haul him off the ice – although he had to admit it was mostly her doing.
“Ummmm… Thank you,” he said once he was rebalanced.
She smiled, her eyes closing in delight.
“It’s no problem!” she said, “Do you wanna skate with me?”
Adrien frowned, “I’m not as fast as you…”
Her head tilted to one side, a small smile still lingering on her face. “That's ok! I’ll race you next time. For now we can just practise!”
She held out a fist towards him and he stared at it with bewilderment. He held his hand out as if to shake, but he paused unsure.
She giggled. Together they both blushed.
Grabbing his hand with both of hers she brought his fingers together into a fist. Smiling wide she brought her own fist up to his and knocked against it gently.
“There!” she declared with a triumphant grin that Adrien couldn't help but share.
Together they started skating across the ice. She was obviously holding back, gently keeping pace with Adrien. But he didn't mind. He enjoyed the companionship… his own self-made friend.
“Oh!” She paused, slowing down, Adrien struggled to stop himself, and his legs shaking as he pushed on his outside edges. His arms flailed as he lost his balance again.
Before he fell backwards though, the girl grabbed his arm, steadying him.
“Oop! Sorry, I just… well I’m Marinette!” she smiled; one of her hands holding his arm released him to point towards herself. Her other hand remained at holding his arm just above his elbow, as if afraid he would fall if she let go.
“Adrien!” he almost shouted, “I mean! My name is Adrien.”
They shared a smile and her hand slipped down his arm to hold his hand.
At the same time they both spoke, “It’s nice to meet you!” Before they both broke out in laughter and continued their skating, gliding hand in hand. Eventually, they were joined by the rest of the students and the lesson began.
From the sidelines his mother snapped as many pictures as she could.
Over the first few weeks of lessons, he and Marinette became fast friends, in the way that only young children could manage. He quickly learnt that Marinette was not interested in figure skating, rather, that she wanted to be a hockey player. Her parents had told her though that in order to do so, she should build up a strong foundation of skating, hence the lessons.
She had been quite against the idea, since she already felt herself to be quite a strong skater and had ended up missing the first two lessons due to her own stubborn tantrums. But now it seemed that she seemed to be enjoying herself.
As it turned out, a lot of the children enrolled in the class were in the same boat: future hockey players.
Even Marinette’s father had taken figure skating up at a young age, which you wouldn’t be able to tell by looking at him. He was a large, giant man and Marinette spoke of his glory days as a hockey player often.
Likewise, Adrien was following in the path of his parent. His mother was quite a well-known figure skater before she had retired just before her marriage to his father. He grew up accompanying her to the ice rink, where she still trained on and off, sometimes consulting and coaching other skaters. Adrien would watch as they spun on the ice, twirling in lovely formations and leaping into the air.
He loved it.
But he still wasn’t nearly as good.
So he worked hard. Practicing and training daily, and receiving extra tutelage, until he got to resemble more and more how his mother danced on the ice.
Where he was grace, Marinette was strength.
And if anyone tried to make fun of Adrien for being one of the only boys who was there just to figure skate, Marinette was there to stick up for him.
He hadn’t touched the ice in weeks.
The only reason he was here was because he had promised her… but of course that was before…
Still, he had asked Natalie, and she arranged for his driver to take him, and he was at an arena, staring down at the ice from the stands. The glassy sheen off the surface matched the glaze across his green eyes. He sniffed at the cold air filling his lungs and quickly realized his mistake.
He wasn’t ready.
But before he could voice his concerns to his driver, the players took to the ice and he quickly recognized her pigtails peeking out from under her helmet.
And so he watched the game, he was quickly joined by her parents, who found him in the crowd, and for a short hour and a half he was distracted from his grief.
It wasn’t until a few months later that he put his skates back on. He had long ago learnt how to tie them for himself and he was more than old enough to do so. But he thought of his mother lacing them for him, of his father counting along with him as each crisscross and it made him sad.
He remembered his father’s deep laugh, them all holding hands and walking to the ice.
He sat there for a while, with just one skate on, until a knock on the door, shook him from his thoughts.
“Adrien?” she called softly, opening the door slightly, “Can I come in?”
“Mmm,” he replied.
She settled beside him, not saying anything for a long time. They simply sat there in silence.
Slowly, her hand reached for his, enveloping his hand in her gloved hand. This time her gloves matched, she had knitted them herself, a pale pink pair for herself and a pretty blue for him.
She leaned against his side, her head resting lightly on his shoulder.
“We don’t have to skate today,” she whispered, crosses her clunky skates out in front of them.
He huffed a slow, deep breath before replying with a soft, “Okay.”
He tilted his head, settling against her dark, black hair. She squeezed his hand as a tear streaked down his face.
“Besides,” she continued, “I’m still sore from that game last week… Did you see that hit I got?”
He chuckled.
“And the referee didn’t even call that!” she scoffed, still holding his hand, “I mean…? Really?”
He smiled, sniffling slightly. After a beat of silence, he replied, “Yeah, what the puck?”
She snorted, her hand squeezing his once more.
They sat there, giggling, until their tears of grief bleed into tears of laughter.
The next week he was back on the ice, holding her hand.
It was his first time back in Paris in years.
He glanced down at his phone, still no reply. But he automatically moved in the direction to their ice rink.
It had been about seven years since Adrien had moved to train overseas. He and Marinette had kept in contact over emails, messaging, and the rare phone call, but over the years things had gotten in the way. He was competing and constantly travelling and she eventually graduated school and was accepted to play hockey at a university in Canada. With their busy schedules and time zone differences, communication had become more and more scarce.
All this had culminated to today, where Adrien had returned for a quick offseason vacation, back to his hometown for a stay longer than a few days, while Marinette had returned home for her summer break.
They had planned on meeting at one of their favourite cafés from their younger years, but Adrien was just too excited. He quickly sent her a text that he was going back to their rink and if she was free, to join him.
Still with his small roller luggage and fresh off a 12-hr flight, he didn’t think to waste time stopping of at home, where he was sure no one would be there anyway. He had his skates; he was set.
He walked into the arena, making his way to deposit his bags into the locker room when he realized the ice was already occupied.
It looked like an impromptu game of hockey scrimmage; players all wearing various jerseys, some layered with bright red pinnies.
Adrien smiled, deciding to find a spot in the stands to watch, much like he did when he was younger, watching one of Marinette’s many winning games.
He glanced back down at his phone, checking to see if she had replied yet. No reply. He shrugged; she must be busy.
And so he watched the game, the players all seemed fairly good, seeming to have a good time but still make it a challenge for everyone. Adrien still couldn’t help but wrinkle his nose at the violence of some of the hits. Especially since some of the players weren’t wearing full protective gear.
One player in particular, who did have a cage covering their face, seemed to use the extra protection as an excuse to wipe the ice of every player that was on the opposite team. Clad in a red vest overtop their jersey and a black ‘C’ etched on in tape, the player skated quick across the ice, showcasing their stick and puck skills, easily weaving around the other team.
Adrien raised his eyebrows after the player scored their third straight goal, impressive.
Woah, he thought, clapping lightly as the player lunged into yet another celebratory pose, holding their hockey stick like a bow and miming the action of shooting arrows all around. That guy is really good.
And then, eventually the final whistle was blown; surprising Adrien at how fast the time had flown. He checked his watch. He may just have enough time to skate before he was set to meet up with Marinette. Which reminded him! He looked down at his phone, still no reply.
Sighing, Adrien glanced back at the ice, where the teams were lined up and pounding gloves together. He watched as most of the players relieved themselves of their helmets. And he gasped.
The player with in the red... 
That was no guy. That was Marinette Dupain-Cheng!
She was older, but he could still recognize her, her blue eyes and dark black hair that shined blue in the evening light. But now instead of being held back into her signature pigtails, her hair was cut short, possibly shorter than Adrien’s. Still slightly shocked, he had to admit that the pixie hairstyle looked rather nice on her.
Not even realizing it, Adrien found himself at the boards, staring at her as she laughed with her teammates. His legs seemed to have a mind of their own and had dragged him down to be closer to her.
After a moment, he caught her eye from the sidelines.
It took him another two years before he could muster up the courage to ask her out. He liked to blame it on their conflicting schedules, but luckily one winter week they found themselves both in the city of Montréal.
Their first date?
Skating of course.
She held his hand, her large fluffy mittens like a tiny pillow in his palm. “Of course the one week you’re here, and it rains,” she giggled, scrunching her nose as light drops of rain tickled her skin.
“What can I say?” he shrugged, “I bring the good luck with me wherever I go.”
“Pffftttt,” she scoffed, “It that sarcasm, mister gold medalist?”
He laughed, slightly bashful. “No… My Lady, never…” he said as he stared up into the cloudy night sky, “perhaps it’s your luck then that we have to blame for this unfavourable weather.”
She feigned offence, quickly dropping his hand and skating ahead of him, her hands crossed and chin up in the air in defiance.
He chuckled. At the sound she spun around, playfully glaring at him with her bluebell eyes. She continued skating, backwards now, just an arms length in front of him. In the evening light her eyes flashed brightly, reflecting the Christmas lights decorating the scene.
He blushed.
And he stumbled.
It seemed that the sudden downfall of rain had affected the conditions of the outdoor rink, causing various patches of slush to bloom across the surface of the ice, impeding the skill of even the most highly skilled skater, Adrien Agreste included.
He stumbled forwards, blushing even deeper in a mixture of humiliation and slight love-struck embarrassment.
But he was saved from complete disgrace, as he contemplated returning every single figure skating accolade he had accumulated throughout the years as payment for tripping on ice, by a pair of strong arms that kept him upright. His hands naturally feel on her shoulders, and she wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him steady. He face landed into the nook between her neck and collarbone, caught in the soft cushion of her scarf. He could feel the tickle of her hair against his cheek. Even in the cold, drizzling rain, he felt like he was on fire.
Her mouth so close to his ear, he could easily hear the muffled sounds of her giggle. Leaning back and straightening up, he looked down at her with an embarrassed smile. Her arms stayed wrapped around him.
“Sorry,” he chuckled awkwardly, “it was a bit slippery there.”
“Adrien,” she deadpanned, “We’re on ice. It’s slippery everywhere.” 
But she quickly dropped her stern demeanour, and a lovely smile lit up her face. 
“Right, right,” he replied, clearing his throat, trying his best not to meet her glaze.
“Hmmmmm?” he replied, looking down at his skates.
At the soft touch of her glove against his face, he tore his gaze back to her. She was looking at him, watching him with care, a pink blush adding to the clusters of freckles across her cheeks.
“Well,” she whispered, leaning in closer, she rose up slightly higher towards him on the tips of her blades, “Looks like I’m the lucky one, huh?”
He titled his head in question.
But before he could voice a reply, she leaned further in, pulling him gently down until their lips met.
Perhaps they were both the lucky ones.
The first time she stepped on the ice, he held her hand. Her small hand was easily wrapped up in his much larger one. He smiled. She was so tiny. Probably even younger than he was when he first stepped on the ice.
On her other side, her left hand was held in the palm of his wife. He stared at her, meeting her deep blue eyes and winked. She laughed at him, reaching over to boop his nose. The action only made him laugh along with her, her fluffy gloves sending tickling sensations up and down his spine. He held back a sneeze.
Together their laughs were quickly joined by the little girl in between them, she seemed elated as she concentrated on keeping her balance.
“Look Mommy! I’m doing it!! Daddy!! Do you see?”
He did see. Smiling he nodded along with Marinette as they cooed over their daughter and her amazing feat.
He saw them. The two greatest loves of his life and he smiled.
Qooky mentioned her love for her childhood friends and married AUs SO I DECIDED TO DO BOTH!!! ^^ with a bit of my usual sports au spin!! (pls see her amazing Married AU fic = It’s An Effort – although duh, who hasn’t??!?! – it’s amaze and her art?!?! BEAUTIFUL!)
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tinymixtapes · 7 years
Daniel Bachman flees the USA to lay low and strum his guitar in Europe for a while
Daniel Bachman, our resident favorite enfant terrible of American Primitive guitar, clearly wants to avoid something at home for the next few months (maybe his mum is hassling him to clear out the garage, or maybe he’s got an overdue library book and wants to lay low for a while — who knows?) and has duly announced a very extensive tour around Europe (beginning later this week), which will keep him way off the USA’s grid until May. Luckily for Bachman, he’s got a still-fresh album called Daniel Bachman to promote while he’s over there, which TMT called “humble and intense.” Additionally, he’ll be kept company on his epic journey by like-minded guitar-scraper Jake Xerxes Fussell (who is about to drop an album of his own). What crazy shenanigans can two young Americana revivalists get up to as they make their way through what looks like almost every city in Europe? Only time can tell… but I feel a kooky TV sitcom coming on (and its theme song is totally Bachman’s “Farther Along,” for which you can watch the video down below). Daniel Bachman’s formerly-super-secret Euro-trip itinerary: 03.09-11.17 - Dawson City, Canada - Klondike Institute of Art & Culture 03.13.17 - Vancouver, Canada - The Cobalt 04.02.17 - Rotterdam, Netherlands - Worm 04.03.17 - Netherlands - TBA * 04.04.17 - London, UK - TBA * 04.05.17 - Liege, Belgium - Amer * 04.06.17 - Ghent, Belgium, - Inderuimte Ghent 04.07.17 - Brussels, Belgium - Ancienne 04.08.17 - Nantes, France - Soiree Pas Normal at Le Lieu Unique 04.09.17 - Angers, France - Ruralfaune 04.10.17 - Mettray, France - Le Barre 04.11.17 - Lyon, France - Le Sonic 04.12.17 - Marseille, France - L’Eolienne 04.14.17 - Toulouse, France - Le Bierographe 04.15.17 - Montpellier, France - TBA 04.16.17 - Barcelona, Spain - El Pumarejo de Barcelona 04.17.17 - Madrid, Spain - El Gato Verde 04.18.17 - Santiago de Compostela, Spain - Sala Riquela 04.19.17 - Lisbon, Portugal - Galeria Zé dos Bois 04.20.17 - Porto, Portugal - TBA 04.21.17 - Berlin, Germany - Nogatklause ^ 04.22.17 - Hannover, Germany - Oberdeck ^ 04.23.17 - Bonn, Germany - Kreuzung an Sankt Helena ^ 04.24.17 - Weisbaden, Germany - Wakker am Wallufer Platz ^ 04.25.17 - Cologne, Germany - TBA ^ 04.26.17 - Dusseldorf, Germany - Nimbus ^ 04.27.17 - Paris, France - House Concert ^ 04.28.17 - Bexhill-on-Sea, UK - Musics Not Dead ^ 04.29.17 - Totnes, UK - Unit 23 ^ 04.30.17 - Bristol, UK - Centerspace ^ 05.01.17 - London, UK - Cafe Oto ^ 05.02.17 - Cambridge, UK - The Blue Moon ^ 05.03.17 - Nottingham, UK - TBA ^ 05.04.17 - Clun, UK - The Sun Inn ^ 05.05.17 - Liverpool , UK - HUS ^ 05.06.17 - Todmorden, UK - TBA ^ 05.07.17 - Sheffield, UK - Broomfield Community Center ^ 05.08.17 - Stirling, UK - Stirling Tolbooth ^ 05.09.17 - Glasgow, UK - Glad Cafe ^ * Ignatz ^ Jake Xerxes Fussell http://j.mp/2mOndJx
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chaotickidcat · 4 years
true...but what if your such white fucking trash garbage and do not deserve her? And that you know that your such a piece of shit and no one deserves you or the BS. So how can somebody love a piece of shit not worth anything but shit 24/7. Would love to change and that for a while now. I stopped coke and porn and would love to fully stop drinking and smoking but I simply can't I need help and willing to accept help since i really would love to change and make her happy she deserves to be happy every minute of the day. And even if the whole fucking Internet hates me I acctually do not give a shit about your diss Orgy here. I Love her...and I really do ! Ok true Boobs are negotiable and if you realy love your wife you woulden't want her to run around with 2160cc.. but I admid I love big tits the bigger the better. I do not understand the problem here and that the WWW is trying to make me feel guilty. I see it this way I respect everybody's sexual Orientation if Gay Trans what so ever! You can have your little 19 years old boyfirend with 65 who cares...! (not ok with pedos though) you can have objectophilia and love the Busstation or your favorite tree or your VIBE. I think if I can bring up the respect and the tolerance so can you and I do not think it's asked to much if you expect something from me to at least give the same in return. I admid I love her breast... there are countless Men out there who dream of having such a wife. I NEVER FORCED her to do this NEVER ! I said I cold live with it and also without since we got a TON of PORNStars out there in the WEB. No my wife said she is not happy that I watch porn sometimes and I admid the truth the whole coke was messing this up big time aswell..true. I asked her since several weeks if she really wants to spend that cash on the tits. I said lets do your USA trip instead and if you feel like doing your boobs we can see Dr Revis and than still have more than 1/2 of the cash we spend on Dr Plovier. My wife was telling me she had pain in hr right breast so an OP was acctually inevitable. I asked her if she would like to reduce her breast instead..she said no. She even insisted and said I love em and I am used to them it would feel like she would miss something. So we decided together so see Dr Plovier since he is europes leading expert in this field of expertise. She decided to go and even came up with nearly 18.000 euros we spend on that trip and I have my doubts where the money came from. Now I acctually even refused going and said we should not do that its too much money. I love you with or with out tits and I really do. Some dreams shoud simply stay dreams. I even refused to go with her to Belgium and said let's not do it and if you still want to go on your own than take your friend mdm Garcia with you fo rtranslating. I even offerd her to take care of all her expenses if she would go. This totally broke out into a serious discussion. I said I prefer you to stay the way you are now than having all the men in this World trying to take you from me. I do not wanted to loose her. Though I admid I said... since your always complaining about housework and me gaming she would have the perfect Arguments do anything she asked me for and I mean who the fuck would want to play  Sony Playstation or WOW if she says .. hunney please could you ..Hell I would and I would run. Yes. So now after the Surgery. I asked her everyday like at least several hundred times if she is ok if she can handle it because if not we are still in Belgium and he can do them smaller. I seriously did evryday. I said we can call the Surgens office and simply decrese the volume since that is perfectly do able with expanders thats what they are made for. If too big you can simply decrese volume within in minutes with no further surgery. She denied the whole week. and she really did not want to. I admid I feelt a bit guilty but I was also totally hyped by her breasts and let my self a bit go on Twitter but I asked her if she is ok with it she said yes. And well She got me there with you guys for the 1k likes eventhough that no number compared to pine subs and Likes and views. I married her at the time in a real bad situation it was raining ... really pooring shit down on us from her ex for nearly 6 years. The Kids have been traumatised and that far far more that what ever you guy's say I did. I mean there father pushed it so far that they had to go into Childcustody and that was not because of me! I was not parrent yet ... I was simply ..voila... there you go now handle it! I had no fucking clue about parenting at the time and tryed to help and that made things even worse. But when ever I had to take the fall for her due to her Ex italien boyfriend (and boy! they can be far more exhausting than any White trash Daddy on this planet AMEN.) The Kids are not easy aswell and every week for over years.. seriously years I had to start over bulding up the relationship to them. Again and again and again...rinse and repeat and I did. Usually you grow into parenting and you're usually not just getting haveing 4 Kids and everything instantly but I love her and said I do my best and try hard. That's all I was able to do . I really meant it in a good way and wanted to help her since 4 Kids for singel mother is very though to handle.     Now my wife wished for Persephone another child it was the deepest wish from her heart...so I gave in to do the artificial fertilization procedure several times aswell. No husband who loves his wife woud say no to her biggest wish from her heart. Right?! So now I was really excited and also shit scared and paniced a couple of times..true. But I was at one point not able to cope with the whole situation anymore. Now... when I moved in with her I stopped coke at the time coz of her kids..thats true..but it's stilla major brainfuck sometimes if this little voice inside of you talks to you. So I did not even know anybody to get it from in the new town  I moved in with her . I swear its the truth since I really wanted to help her and really loved her and if I have to climb down the biggest Swiss Mountain in Town for her.. I would do it and litterally did it... and I would do it again. Anytime. So now the Mountain I am facing at the moment is bigger than anything else I had to handle before and I will take time... I am incapeable to change over night eventhough I wished I could. My depressions and my my constant fear to loose her just is totally messed up and emotionally its a hard fight with myself. Love is worse than drugs sometimes I makes you do things you probably would never do otherwise. And due to my emotional disorder (hey everbody got his handycap at one point so dont give me shit for that please. I was born with this disorder I did not choose to have it. Now I am not really sure if I should thank the Internet for this wake up call or give in into my depressions again. I am not sure yet I will have to sleep over it. So now since she removed the Implants and you have Posted the Photos... Now I would like to know one last thing?! If she already had a new Boyfriend and he moved in with her since a couple of month and lives with her.. than why the hell did she do the augmentation and She new exactly what she was doing. She could have said no. She could have at any given time tell the nurses or Dr Plovier that she would only like to minimal increase of even dercease since she was complaining about pain in her chest. Now the pain in her chest did not come from the implants themselfs... DR Plovier told me we where lucky to come and see him since if it would have gotten worse she would have lost her breast and this is due to cheap surgery done in Serbia. And hell believe me ... I was totally not ok with serbia since she wanted to do the T cut and that would def. made her unhappy in long term: I mean its about beeing well and feeling better and butcher her Breast in a Warzone Sugery room form the beginning 80's. SHe wanted and insisted to do it since it was affordable and her friend Dijana was with that surgeon aswell. She really insited to do it with me or without me. That's the response I got from her at the time. I really want to set things straight here .. I have never forced anything... it was her desicion and she wanted to do it and even got this hughe amount of money for it. Me and my hardcore Alcoholic Prof. friend both told her... to do the USA trip instead she always wished for and we take the kids along and stay a couple of weeks. It would fullfill her 2nd biggest dream after Persephone. So as I mentioned before... i would never say no to her dreams and always support them. Since you shoud live your dreams right?! Both the Prof and her argued that ist not possible with covid to travel through the US and my wife wanted to go to Belgium. I repeat never ever forced anything or her to do anything she is not ok with. I am a piece of shit yes and do not deserve her yes but eventhough I got Limits. Very hard for you guys to undderstand that now and to believe but it's the truth. So now... since the Situation is clear and she already lives with her new boyfriend since month and left me piece of scumbag Whitetrash and with your Super Internet pintree fiasco Shitstorm or let's call it Whitetrashstorm and..though yes I appreciate your help and the fucking wake up call bell you guys just simply smashed down on my head.. which I agree I totally deserve... But since this country is smaller than and has less Citizens than ANY of your Pinetree accounts you so surepass the 8million views and I am Nationwide Nr 2 BIGGEST LOOSER WHITETRASH Example exisiting now besides the Ideot who did the Swiss Porn Snychornisation... I will not find a Job that easy anymore. So since chris clun did brillant work... a bit exagurated at times but it's still funny and yes ..I really translated all the 1600 videos.. I really did. So now the whole World tells me to move my ass..I can not afford going back to IT school eventhough I would really want to graduate and I know that I am capable to do it .. I came untill the Finalexam but did not have the required apprenticeship in an IT comapany and therefore got got accepted with turned out me bing drunk and fucking shit up even worse  and even if my Mother said I have Math problems ..(which I acctually do not but simply didn't give a shit in Highschool about Calculus Class) am missing the cash and I will not be able to get a Job in that field that easyl but I will take my chances and try best since I have to come up with child support now and will face a Divorce... So now hear me cry... LOUD! I lost my CHILD (this hurts me very badly and giving birth to a 5 child to grow up with out Father was my greates fear ..Since I really did not have an trational Dad aswell..teaching you how to drill or see you play at a golf tournament. Or give me the needed drill..and holy shit yes.. he maybe should have kicked my lazzy ass HARDER !!! But unfortuneatly I had no opputunity and not the Luck and yes fucked up childhood. My father was working to provide my Mother the most Luxury lifestyle ever ! My Mother lived a Life back in the day shoud would have been most famous Instagram HIgh socity lady exisiting and it was easyier so send me to bording school with emotinal disorder in an Bording School and the only currency  in that Private School at that time was cocain and bitches.(Danke Ari das Du mich mit diesem scheiss Zeug angesteckt hast) The ritch Russian guy's where the only Opportunity to tripple my pocket money at the time wich was moderate but not exaggurated. I mean 100 bucks Week in Switzerland is like nothing. I could barely pay my Cigarrets with this money but no chance for out of plan Socialactivity like spending time with School friends in a Pub if I could not afford my Pepsi. Furhtermoe I would like to mention that I never drunk Alcohol not even wine or beer or whats so ever untill my 30th Brithday. My parents know that ! It all started with my Prof totally loosing it with his wife at the time and bascially lived with me for nearly 1 year, he simplay always was around. And he startet to drink exessively and since I concidered him my best friend at the time.. I played along to not let my only bro down. So now this drinking smoking and coking up to help him since he was a total wrack at the time.. useless unable to work things even got worse not able sitt straigh beeing so brainfucked by his Wife.. it was simply overkill for him. Now the drinking becaume somehow slightly and unknowingly a habit..it kind of sneaked in our lives without us even really realising and that's really bad because its not easy to to quit an habit once it's becamme a comman standard. I alwys feelt guilty for him to be honest and last Week when he came over for a visit he was drunk with in 15min I mean totally not even able to hold an conversation and man ..thats so sad. You did not see your friend for a while and are not able to talk with him its like instant drunk and usually he hurst himself in that state or passed out in the wild some where and that hurts me. Really it does. I seriously do not drink if he comes for a visit to be prepaired for the wort csae scenario. My Wife knows that.   I lost my family !!! I lost the Love of my Life !!! and I Lost my dignety and my life in Switzerland. I lost all my friends!!! I am Isolated due to beeing a piece of shit !!! Eventhough... I still resisted to take any drugs today since I kinda feelt shit is coming GREAT AGAIN. And my Fear of loosing her and my familiy made me really jealouse and jealousy... drives me sheer mad...insane. It's the most difficult Emotion for me to handle and the more I tried so set things in the right way again and fought for her Love the more it seperated us. And I am not able to handle this like apperently the wohle fucking World can and is soo easy .. but for me ..it is not. It's the hardest thing ever since that's what triggers my Voice telling me do return to old bad habits. It is a vicious cicle and is the most powerfull Deamon inside of me to fight with. NOW .. THE WHOLE FUCKING WEB tells me to move my bloody whitetrash ass and...just do it... But with the Divorce and the emotional stress coming with it.. again is the perfect condition again to drop back into old habits. It's very hard to break this Cicle and will be extremly challenging and will have serious side effects but who cares I am totally fucked up a bit more or less will not matter in my condition at the moment...right?! Emotionally I seriously doubt that I can change over or the next couple of weeks. I will though offically promise to do my best and try as hard as I can to work on me and my whitetrashflixmyvista little white Kartoffel boy ass and already made a little progress it's not much but hey..you got to take the first Step and everything starts with the first Step. Now please ...tell me why did my wife do the Surgery if she did not wanted to do it and already lives with a new Boyfriend together since month wihtou me knowing, We could have spared us the money and all the emotinal bullshit and this Shitstorm. all the lies and all furious outbreaks beeing scared to loose her... since hope dies last right? Maybe the situation would not be that fucked up as it is now. And my child growing up with a different dad.. I wish her and my child and her familie all the best and really hope that she finally get a good man who is capable of what i am sheer uncapable. My Exwife deserves it. The only thing I ASK TO YOU ALL... are 2 things... 1) Please tell my daughter that her Father really loves her and it's not her fault. And that I am very very sorry form the deepest bottom of my heart. I will never be able to make this up to her so please give my wife an helping hand and my Child. and 2) Guy's  I know I have to change myself and work hard on me and I know nobody can do this for me...but eventhough the WHOLE WEB hates me knwo and I am branded as Whitetrashdaddy world wide NR 1 (which is accutally quite a title compared to couple of rednecks and Hillbillys out there) I would appreciate a little help here. Yes flame me destroy my Life even more than I did untill now... But I really want to change but I could use a helping hand here...and hey no matter my mistaked and how hard they are... even me the biggest European Whitetrash Kartoffel piece of shit dirtbag...deserves a 2nd chance to set things straight and to be able to pay my child support. She at least ... deserves it. Now I am very sorry and I am very touched and hey thank you for the wakeup call..extrem people need extrem measures right. I hope that at least partially all of you in the WEB and my Exwife can forgive me.. I never had bad intensions towards her or any of you. For those you can not forgive me...fuck you !!! 2160xtimes !!! Do your meams... and do what you got to do and flood the net with my pathetic letter here. Do what you got to do...I deserve it and will take it like a man. But please be moderate and keep my disorder in your thoughts...please do not push it that far that I will do something incredible stupid. My child deserves a Father eventhough if I am shit and incapeble at the moment. I keep faith in that one day I will be able to be a good Father for her. Now thank you all for your time reading this. And hey I've ever somebody is willing to writ a book about how Hardcore Swiss Pirvate Bording Schools have been thoughtout the 90's..let me know I got stroy's to tell better than any Hollywood movie. The crazziest shit always happens in real life any maybe it's good warning for Parents to rethink and not do the same mistakes my Parents did. Thank you.
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chaotickidcat · 4 years
True… but what if your such white fucking trash garbage and do not deserve her? And that you know that your such a piece of shit and no one deserves you or the BS. So how can somebody love a piece of shit not worth anything but shit 24/7. Would love to change and that for a while now. I stopped coke and porn and would love to fully stop drinking and smoking but I simply can't I need help and willing to accept help since i really would love to change and make her happy she deserves to be happy every minute of the day. And even if the whole fucking Internet hates me I acctually do not give a shit about your diss Orgy here. I Love her...and I really do ! Ok true Boobs are negotiable and if you realy love your wife you woulden't want her to run around with 2160cc.. but I admid I love big tits the bigger the better. I do not understand the problem here and that the WWW is trying to make me feel guilty. I see it this way I respect everybody's sexual Orientation if Gay Trans what so ever! You can have your little 19 years old boyfirend with 65 who cares...! (not ok with pedos though) you can have objectophilia and love the Busstation or your favorite tree or your VIBE. I think if I can bring up the respect and the tolerance so can you and I do not think it's asked to much if you expect something from me to at least give the same in return. I admid I love her breast... there are countless Men out there who dream of having such a wife. I NEVER FORCED her to do this NEVER ! I said I cold live with it and also without since we got a TON of PORNStars out there in the WEB. No my wife said she is not happy that I watch porn sometimes and I admid the truth the whole coke was messing this up big time aswell..true. I asked her since several weeks if she really wants to spend that cash on the tits. I said lets do your USA trip instead and if you feel like doing your boobs we can see Dr Revis and than still have more than 1/2 of the cash we spend on Dr Plovier. My wife was telling me she had pain in hr right breast so an OP was acctually inevitable. I asked her if she would like to reduce her breast instead..she said no. She even insisted and said I love em and I am used to them it would feel like she would miss something. So we decided together so see Dr Plovier since he is europes leading expert in this field of expertise. She decided to go and even came up with nearly 18.000 euros we spend on that trip and I have my doubts where the money came from. Now I acctually even refused going and said we should not do that its too much money. I love you with or with out tits and I really do. Some dreams shoud simply stay dreams. I even refused to go with her to Belgium and said let's not do it and if you still want to go on your own than take your friend mdm Garcia with you fo rtranslating. I even offerd her to take care of all her expenses if she would go. This totally broke out into a serious discussion. I said I prefer you to stay the way you are now than having all the men in this World trying to take you from me. I do not wanted to loose her. Though I admid I said... since your always complaining about housework and me gaming she would have the perfect Arguments do anything she asked me for and I mean who the fuck would want to play  Sony Playstation or WOW if she says .. hunney please could you ..Hell I would and I would run. Yes. So now after the Surgery. I asked her everyday like at least several hundred times if she is ok if she can handle it because if not we are still in Belgium and he can do them smaller. I seriously did everyday. I said we can Call the Surgens Office and simply decrese the volume since that is perfectly able to do with expanders thats what they are made for. If too big you can simply decrese volume within in minutes with no further surgery. She denied the whole week. and she really did not want to. I admid I feelt a bit guilty but I was also totally hyped by her breasts and let my self a bit go on Twitter but I asked her if she is ok with it she said yes. And well She got me there with you guys for the 1k likes eventhough that no number compared to pine subs and Likes and views. I married her at the time in a real bad situation it was raining ... really pooring shit down on us from her ex for nearly 6 years. The Kids have been traumatised and that far far more that what ever you guy's say I did. I mean there father pushed it so far that they had to go into Childcustody and that was not because of me! I was not parrent yet ... I was simply ..voila... there you go now handle it! I had no fucking clue about parenting at the time and tryed to help and that made things even worse. But when ever I had to take the fall for her due to her Ex italien boyfriend (and boy! they can be far more exhausting than any White trash Daddy on this planet AMEN.) The Kids are not easy aswell and every week for over years.. seriously years I had to start over bulding up the relationship to them. Again and again and again...rinse and repeat and I did. Usually you grow into parenting and you're usually not just getting haveing 4 Kids and everything instantly but I love her and said I do my best and try hard. That's all I was able to do . I really meant it in a good way and wanted to help her since 4 Kids for singel mother is very though to handle.     Now my wife wished for Persephone another child it was the deepest wish from her heart...so I gave in to do the artificial fertilization procedure several times aswell. No husband who loves his wife woud say no to her biggest wish from her heart. Right?! So now I was really excited and also shit scared and paniced a couple of times..true. But I was at one point not able to cope with the whole situation anymore. Now... when I moved in with her I stopped coke at the time coz of her kids..thats true..but it's stilla major brainfuck sometimes if this little voice inside of you talks to you. So I did not even know anybody to get it from in the new town  I moved in with her . I swear its the truth since I really wanted to help her and really loved her and if I have to climb down the biggest Swiss Mountain in Town for her.. I would do it and litterally did it... and I would do it again. Anytime. So now the Mountain I am facing at the moment is bigger than anything else I had to handle before and I will take time... I am incapeable to change over night eventhough I wished I could. My depressions and my my constant fear to loose her just is totally messed up and emotionally its a hard fight with myself. Love is worse than drugs sometimes I makes you do things you probably would never do otherwise. And due to my emotional disorder ( hey everbody got his handycap at one point so dont give me shit for that please. I was born with this disorder I did not choose to have it. Now I am not really sure if I should thank the Internet for this wake up call or give in into my depressions again. I am not sure yet I will have to sleep over it. So now since she removed the Implants and you have Posted the Photos... Now I would like to know one last thing?! If she already had a new Boyfriend and he moved in with her since a couple of month and lives with her.. than why the hell did she do the augmentation and She new exactly what she was doing. She could have said no. She could have at any given time tell the nurses or Dr Plovier that she would only like to minimal increase of even dercease since she was complaining about pain in her chest. Now the pain in her chest did not come from the implants themselfs... DR Plovier told me we where lucky to come and see him since if it would have gotten worse she would have lost her breast and this is due to cheap surgery done in Serbia. And hell believe me ... I was totally not ok with serbia since she wanted to do the T cut and that would def. made her unhappy in long term: I mean its about beeing well and feeling better and butcher her Breast in a Warzone Sugery room form the beginning 80's. SHe wanted and insisted to do it since it was affordable and her friend Dijana was with that surgeon aswell. She really insited to do it with me or without me. That's the response I got from her at the time. I really want to set things straight here .. I have never forced anything... it was her desicion and she wanted to do it and even got this hughe amount of money for it. Me and my hardcore Alcoholic Prof. friend both told her... to do the USA trip instead she always wished for and we take the kids along and stay a couple of weeks. It would fullfill her 2nd biggest dream after Persephone. So as I mentioned before... i would never say no to her dreams and always support them. Since you shoud live your dreams right?! Both the Prof and her argued that ist not possible with covid to travel through the US and my wife wanted to go to Belgium. I repeat never ever forced anything or her to do anything she is not ok with. I am a piece of shit yes and do not deserve her yes but eventhough I got Limits. Very hard for you guys to undderstand that now and to believe but it's the truth. So now... since the Situation is clear and she already lives with her new boyfriend since month and left me piece of scumbag Whitetrash and with your Super Internet pintree fiasco Shitstorm or let's call it Whitetrashstorm and..though yes I appreciate your help and the fucking wake up call bell you guys just simply smashed down on my head.. which I agree I totally deserve... But since this country is smaller than and has less Citizens than ANY of your Pinetree accounts you so surepass the 8million views and I am Nationwide Nr 2 BIGGEST LOOSER WHITETRASH Example exisiting now besides the Ideot who did the Swiss Porn Snychornisation... I will not find a Job that easy anymore. So since chris clun did brillant work... a bit exagurated at times but it's still funny and yes ..I really translated all the 1600 videos.. I really did. So now the whole World tells me to move my ass..I can not afford going back to IT school eventhough I would really want to graduate and I know that I am capable to do it .. I came untill the Finalexam but did not have the required apprenticeship in an IT comapany and therefore got got accepted with turned out me bing drunk and fucking shit up even worse  and even if my Mother said I have Math problems ..(which I acctually do not but simply didn't give a shit in Highschool about Calculus Class) am missing the cash and I will not be able to get a Job in that field that easyl but I will take my chances and try best since I have to come up with child support now and will face a Divorce... So now hear me cry... LOUD! I lost my CHILD (this hurts me very badly and giving birth to a 5 child to grow up with out Father was my greates fear ..Since I really did not have an trational Dad aswell..teaching you how to drill or see you play at a golf tournament. Or give me the needed drill..and holy shit yes.. he maybe should have kicked my lazzy ass HARDER !!! But unfortuneatly I had no opputunity and not the Luck and yes fucked up childhood. My father was working to provide my Mother the most Luxury lifestyle ever ! My Mother lived a Life back in the day shoud would have been most famous Instagram HIgh socity lady exisiting and it was easyier so send me to bording school with emotinal disorder in an Bording School and the only currency  in that Private School at that time was cocain and bitches.(Danke Ari das Du mich mit diesem scheiss Zeug angesteckt hast) The ritch Russian guy's where the only Opportunity to tripple my pocket money at the time wich was moderate but not exaggurated. I mean 100 bucks Week in Switzerland is like nothing. I could barely pay my Cigarrets with this money but no chance for out of plan Socialactivity like spending time with School friends in a Pub if I could not afford my Pepsi. Furhtermoe I would like to mention that I never drunk Alcohol not even wine or beer or whats so ever untill my 30th Brithday. My parents know that ! It all started with my Prof totally loosing it with his wife at the time and bascially lived with me for nearly 1 year, he simplay always was around. And he startet to drink exessively and since I concidered him my best friend at the time.. I played along to not let my only bro down. So now this drinking smoking and coking up to help him since he was a total wrack at the time.. useless unable to work things even got worse not able sitt straigh beeing so brainfucked by his Wife.. it was simply overkill for him. Now the drinking becaume somehow slightly and unknowingly a habit..it kind of sneaked in our lives without us even really realising and that's really bad because its not easy to to quit an habit once it's becamme a comman standard. I alwys feelt guilty for him to be honest and last Week when he came over for a visit he was drunk with in 15min I mean totally not even able to hold an conversation and man ..thats so sad. You did not see your friend for a while and are not able to talk with him its like instant drunk and usually he hurst himself in that state or passed out in the wild some where and that hurts me. Really it does. I seriously do not drink if he comes for a visit to be prepaired for the wort csae scenario. My Wife knows that.   I lost my family !!! I lost the Love of my Life !!! and I Lost my dignety and my life in Switzerland. I lost all my friends!!! I am Isolated due to beeing a piece of shit !!! Eventhough... I still resisted to take any drugs today since I kinda feelt shit is coming GREAT AGAIN. And my Fear of loosing her and my familiy made me really jealouse and jealousy... drives me sheer mad...insane. It's the most difficult Emotion for me to handle and the more I tried so set things in the right way again and fought for her Love the more it seperated us. And I am not able to handle this like apperently the wohle fucking World can and is soo easy .. but for me ..it is not. It's the hardest thing ever since that's what triggers my Voice telling me do return to old bad habits. It is a vicious cicle and is the most powerfull Deamon inside of me to fight with. NOW .. THE WHOLE FUCKING WEB tells me to move my bloody whitetrash ass and...just do it... But with the Divorce and the emotional stress coming with it.. again is the perfect condition again to drop back into old habits. It's very hard to break this Cicle and will be extremly challenging and will have serious side effects but who cares I am totally fucked up a bit more or less will not matter in my condition at the moment...right?! Emotionally I seriously doubt that I can change over or the next couple of weeks. I will though offically promise to do my best and try as hard as I can to work on me and my whitetrashflixmyvista little white Kartoffel boy ass and already made a little progress it's not much but hey..you got to take the first Step and everything starts with the first Step. Now please ...tell me why did my wife do the Surgery if she did not wanted to do it and already lives with a new Boyfriend together since month wihtou me knowing, We could have spared us the money and all the emotinal bullshit and this Shitstorm. all the lies and all furious outbreaks beeing scared to loose her... since hope dies last right? Maybe the situation would not be that fucked up as it is now. And my child growing up with a different dad.. I wish her and my child and her familie all the best and really hope that she finally get a good man who is capable of what i am sheer uncapable. My Exwife deserves it. The only thing I ASK TO YOU ALL... are 2 things... 1) Please tell my daughter that her Father really loves her and it's not her fault. And that I am very very sorry form the deepest bottom of my heart. I will never be able to make this up to her so please give my wife an helping hand and my Child. and 2) Guy's  I know I have to change myself and work hard on me and I know nobody can do this for me...but eventhough the WHOLE WEB hates me knwo and I am branded as Whitetrashdaddy world wide NR 1 (which is accutally quite a title compared to couple of rednecks and Hillbillys out there) I would appreciate a little help here. Yes flame me destroy my Life even more than I did untill now... But I really want to change but I could use a helping hand here...and hey no matter my mistaked and how hard they are... even me the biggest European Whitetrash Kartoffel piece of shit dirtbag...deserves a 2nd chance to set things straight and to be able to pay my child support. She at least ... deserves it. Now I am very sorry and I am very touched and hey thank you for the wakeup call..extrem people need extrem measures right. I hope that at least partially all of you in the WEB and my Exwife can forgive me.. I never had bad intensions towards her or any of you. For those you can not forgive me...fuck you !!! 2160xtimes !!! Do your meams... and do what you got to do and flood the net with my pathetic letter here. Do what you got to do...I deserve it and will take it like a man. But please be moderate and keep my disorder in your thoughts...please do not push it that far that I will do something incredible stupid. My child deserves a Father eventhough if I am shit and incapeble at the moment. I keep faith in that one day I will be able to be a good Father for her. Now thank you all for your time reading this. And hey I've ever somebody is willing to writ a book about how Hardcore Swiss Pirvate Bording Schools have been thoughtout the 90's..let me know I got stroy's to tell better than any Hollywood movie. The crazziest shit always happens in real life any maybe it's good warning for Parents to rethink and not do the same mistakes my Parents did. Thank you.
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robinhoodrevisited · 7 years
Caught In The Act
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The approach to Nottingham Town. (A coach with the royal crest on top and banners flying drives up to the gates of Nottingham.) Castle courtyard. (The coach pulls into the courtyard. A castle guard opens the front door for the Sheriff, Prince John and Isabella.) Prince John: "Now, Vaisey I do feel just terrible about the whole ordering your death business. Especially now that Gisborne has shown his true colours." Sheriff: "Think nothing of it my Lord, my life is yours to do with as you wish." Prince John: (Considers:) "True... but never the less I feel as though I need to do something to make things better." Sheriff: (As if trying to think:) "I suppose your Highness could restore me to my position as Sheriff?" (The Prince glances at Isabella and frowns.) Prince John: "Oh now that would hardly be fair to Isabella now would it?" Sheriff: "You did say that Lady Isabella was to be sheriff during my absence, my Lord. And clearly, I am no longer absent." (Sir Jasper gets out of the coach and starts up the steps. Prince John nods to him then turns back to the Sheriff.) Prince John: "I had anticipated this request, Vaisey and I've decided that a little friendly competition is called for." Isabella: "Competition, Sire?" Prince John: (Smiling now:) "Yes, my adorable girl. I propose that for the next couple of days during my absence that both you and Vaisey will share the position of Sheriff." Sheriff: "My Lord, I don't-" Prince John: (Continuing regardless:) "During which time whomever manages to round up the most money and the most outlaws shall become Nottingham's permanent Sheriff. The winner will be announced before the executions take place right here in the courtyard. (To Isabella:) I do so love executions my sweet. Promise your Prince this treat upon my return, won't you?" Isabella: "As you wish, my Lord." Prince John: "Excellent. Now, I must leave for Kingsbridge. I leave you in Sir Jasper's capable hands." Jasper: "Thank you, Sire." (The Prince takes Isabella's hand and kisses it. Giving Vaisey a quick nod, he turns and heads down the steps and into the awaiting carriage.) Sheriff: "My dear friend. To what do we owe this exquisite pleasure?" Jasper: "I’m here to keep things fair and impartial." Sheriff: "Oh really?" (Jasper steps even with the Sheriff one step down.) Jasper: "And I cannot be bought." (Jasper walks past a shocked Sheriff into the castle.)
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Outlaws' Camp. Sherwood Forest. (Gisborne sits in the camp alone at the camp entrance, reminiscing. Several weeks have passed since Gisborne defied the Sheriff and Prince John. Several weeks since Marian persuaded Robin to allow her former fiance into the camp now that he had nowhere else to turn. Although far from being welcomed with open arms by the other outlaws, the situation could have been a lot worse. Along with Allan, who also had reason to feel awkward amongst the outlaws, Gisborne had tried to make the best of things. Even going as far as to help Will where he could as the young man set about extending the camp to make room for everyone. The boy was quite the skilled carpenter and the mechanism that facilitated the camp's concealment was ingenious. All in all, the adjustment had not proved too difficult. True, he had not yet joined the outlaws in stealing from the rich and giving to the poor, but he had helped in other ways. The times and days where the castle guards would make their rounds into the numerous villages around Nottingham had been left largely unchanged since his exile. This along with Gisborne's unique knowledge of each guard's strengths and weaknesses, for he had trained many of them himself, had come in very handy. As he remained in the woods he would busy himself with gathering firewood or specific herbs for Djaq, the healer of the group. In truth, Guy was beginning to warm up to the camaraderie and relish the absence of loneliness that he had been used to for so long. But, above all of that, he knew the main reason he had stayed was the chance to be with Marian. To be in her company lifted his spirits more than any Manor or title had done. He’d even managed to spend some time alone with her, shared laughs with her. At one point he tried to kiss her but she had refused him. That was fine, he could wait. Shaken from his reverie by the return of the others to the camp, Gisborne stands aside to let everyone enter.) Allan: "Alright, Guy? Any sign of Much or John?" Gisborne: "No, you're the first ones back." Allan: (Slumping down onto his bunk:) "Typical, I'm bleedin' starving I am." Marian: (Putting her cloak up on a hook:) "You don't have to wait for Much to eat you know. You can do it yourself." Allan: (Waving her off:) "Oh, he loves cooking. It's what he lives for." Djaq: "Yes, but for how much long will we live for? (Rubbing her stomach:) The fish we had last night is still trying to swim upstream." (Will gives her a sympathetic look as he hangs up his tool belt beside her.) Robin: "Personally, (Looking cheekily at Marian:) I think the kitchen is in need of a woman's touch." Marian: (Smirks:) "And a woman's touch is what you shall have, right up side your head if you're not careful." Robin: (Putting his hands up in surrender:) "It was just a suggestion." Marian: "Hmm. I have no problem doing my fair share of the chores around here but not because it's expected of my gender." Gisborne: "My father used to cook for us. (As Marian looks toward him:) Before he left for war." Marian: (Gesturing towards Gisborne, to Robin:) "There you are you see? Some men don't consider it women's work." Robin: (Defensively:) "I never said it was women's work. The best meals I ever ate were cooked by Gladstone." Gisborne: (Absentmindedly:) "Roast pork." (Robin and Gisborne exchange looks as each man remembers their mutual servants culinary skills.) Marian: "Yes, well I'm sure even Gladstone is pleased not having to serve either of you meals for a change." Gisborne & Robin: "Hey!" (The others look round at the two former Lords of Locksley and begin to laugh.)
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Nottingham Castle. The Great Hall. (The Sheriff and Isabella are sitting opposite Sir Jasper across the long table.) Jasper: “The rules are simple, you have until the Prince returns tomorrow to capture as much money and as many outlaws as you can.” Sheriff: (Clears his throat:) "By any means necessary I take it?" Isabella: "What about the castle guards, how many does each...contestant get?" Jasper: "Everything is split down the middle. You will have the same amount of guards to help you on your way." Sheriff: "And what happens to the loser of this little (Looks to Isabella:) friendly endeavour?" Jasper: "The Prince did not specific. But I would imagine he'll be obliged to let the loser go." Sheriff: "He shall have his money, and his outlaws." Jasper: (Rises:) "Good. Oh, and once and for all, deal with Hood. He's become a significant pain in the Princely backside. (The Sheriff nods and Isabella smiles.) And one last thing. Everything is split fifty fifty over the next two days, including your Sheriff duties. I believe there is a town meeting scheduled for later today?" Sheriff: "Ah, yes. (Glances at Isabella:) Tell you what, you take that one and I'll take the next. Must dash, bye now!" (Vaisey quickly gets to his feet and heads out of the Great Hall, leaving Isabella to roll her eyes at his retreating form.) Jasper: "Come now, my lady. There's still time this morning to round up a few outlaws before the town meeting. (Offering his arm:) Shall we?" (Isabella considers him a moment before getting to her feet. Adopting a false but convincing smile she takes his arm and they too leave the Great Hall.)
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Sherwood Forest. Robin & Marian's Clearing. (Robin and Marian arrive at their clearing for a little alone time. It is the first time in many weeks that they have been able to make time for themselves and the forest has begun to reclaim some of the land.) Robin: (Sitting on a tree stump:) "It's been too long, the nightshade has all grown back." Marian: (Crouching down:) "And I think there's family of rabbits living down there." (Points at the hole in the ground.) Robin: (Smiles:) "Well that's appropriate. Given what we use this place for." Marian: (Returning to her full height:) "Hm, and what is that exactly?" Robin: "Oh you know, recite poems to each other, watch the stars together, have unbelievable se-" Marian: (Places her hand over Robin's mouth and smiles:) "Ah, now I remember." Robin: "I'd hoped you might." (Marian bends over so that her face is level with Robin's and they share a deep, loving kiss.) Marian: (Innocently:) "Well I might be out of practice." Robin: "We can't have that." (They kiss again, longer this time.) Marian: "I might've forgotten how." Robin: "I'm sure it'll all come flooding back to you." Marian: (Moving to straddle Robin's lap:) "Lets hope so." (Robin's hands trail down Marian's back and stroke it softly as Marian grips Robin by the hair, pulling him in for a passionate kiss. Suddenly there is a sound of a twig breaking followed by rustling leaves. Marian stops and turns in Robin's embrace to look over her shoulder. Her face pales as she sees Gisborne watching them from a distance, his jaw clenched and his eyes filled with pain and despair. Gisborne turns and leaves hurriedly as Marian gets to her feet calling after him.) Marian: "Guy, wait!" (Robin too gets to his feet, hands on his hips and shakes his head.)
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Sherwood Forest. The Path To Clun. (Much, with his satchel over his shoulder is headed back towards camp. Having made the food drop for the villagers, the former manservant is ready to eat himself. As he turns a corner however he is confronted with the Sheriff and several guards who quickly surround him.) Sheriff: (Walking forward:) "Ah, Hood's faithful companion. All alone are we?" Much: (Nervously looking around:) "N-not for long!" Sheriff: "Hm, I'm sure. In the meantime you can tell me where the money is." Much: "Money? What money." Sheriff: "Come now, dear boy, no games. Hood must have a stash hidden around here somewhere." Much: "Everything he has... everything he stole from you, he gives away. (The Sheriff frowns.) You just don’t get it, do you?" Sheriff: (Sighs:) "Have it your way. (To guards:) Grab him. (The guards grab Much and begin to shackle him.) You will tell me where Hood keeps his coffers because I need it back. All of it." (The guards drag Much away further into the forest with the Sheriff following. Behind a tree we can see Little John watching. Clearly outnumbered, the big man decides to get reinforcements before saving his friend.)
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Outlaws' Camp. (Will and Djaq are playing cards as Allan is poking around the kitchen shelves looking for something to eat.) Will: (Happily:) "Gin." Djaq: "That's not possible. (Will folds his arms as Djaq checks Will's cards.) You cheat, Will Scarlett!" Will: (Laughing:) "How can anyone cheat at Gin Rummy?" Allan: "Oh, I can show ya a few ways. (Winks at Djaq:) You just let me know when you want to play strip poker." Djaq: "Very funny, Allan." (Gisborne storms back into camp and grabs a knapsack. Ignoring the jovial atmosphere of the camp, he moves over to where Allan stands he begins filling it with food and provisions.) Allan: "Hey, hey. What's the matter?" Gisborne: (Spins around:) "All been having fun at my expense have you? All laughing at me behind my back." Allan: "What are you talking about?" Gisborne: "Yeah, laughing and joking about me as your precious leader steals the woman I love from me?" Allan: "Now listen, Guy, I tried to-" Gisborne: (Raising his sword:) "You stay away from me, (Pointing at Djaq & Will in turn:) All of you, just stay away." (Gisborne reaches over to the table and grabs a wineskin, stuffs it in his bag and heads for the entrance to the camp.) Allan: "Guy!" (Little John arrives slightly out of breath.) Little John: "The Sheriff's got Much, we need to go now! (Gisborne pushes past John on his way out of the camp. Will and Djaq look worriedly at each other then get to their feet. To Allan:) Where's he going?" Allan: "Don't worry about it, let's go get our cook back."
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Locksley. (Gisborne trudges into the still quiet village. To his left he hears a door creaking open. He quickly points his sword at the sound and sees a young girl, peeking out, confused but unafraid. Gisborne sees she is no threat and lowers his weapon, but still glares at her with mistrust. He turns and continues walking towards the manor. He ignores the villagers gathering curiously behind him. He stops, stares at the manor and imagines all that could have been. Images of he and Marian, married and surrounded by children. Images of he being the one allowed to hold and kiss her sweet lips. But those thoughts are soon replaced by ones of Marian being held tightly in Hood's embrace. By the realisation that the man who stood for everything he was not, had the heart of the woman he loved. The quiet is soon shattered by Gisborne's roar of heartbreak. And, as the Sheriff's men positioned at Locksley Manor run towards him, he raises his sword relishing the chance to fight. With parrys and thrusts, the former Sheriff's leiutenant quickly dispatches the first two guards waving on the others following in their wake. Fuelled by bitterness and betrayal, Gisborne fights with all he has, not noticing as Sir Jasper and his sister Isabella ride into the village.) Jasper: "Well, I certainly didn't expect your brother to be the first captured, my lady." (Isabella watches concernedly, wondering how she may save her brother's life.) Isabella: (Calling out to the guards:) "Capture him, don't kill him! (At Jasper's look:) The Prince would never forgive me if he missed my brother's execution." (Jasper nods his approval as sharp, gleaming swords surround Gisborne. Noticing his sister for the first time, Gisborne slowly swings his sword, ready to fight to the end.) Isabella: (Pleadingly:) "Throw down your sword, outlaw. You're surrounded!" (Noticing the look upon his sister's face, Gisborne stares at her a moment before deciding to lower his weapon, dropping it to the ground.) Jasper: (As the guards swoop in to arrest Gisborne, brightly:) "Good. One down, plenty more to go!" (Sir Jasper turns his horse towards the castle as Isabella reluctantly watches her brother being hauled away to the dungeons.)
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