#we can do a liddle writing for fun
gifti3 · 1 month
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
um. i don't mean it in an asshole way and i hope it doesn't come across like that, but the only reason you're aware of the repetitiveness is because you're the one writing it. it doesn't feel repetitive or annoying or anything, like it's not a bad thing as a reader.
if anything the thing that's repeated is the fact that your characters are experiencing emotions and reacting to them, which is like. not a problem.
like i'm not trying to be rude - well i am pocking fun a little but. gently! and with good intentions i swear! - but as a fellow person who breathes occasionally i would like to tell you You're Fine, and you're doing a perfectly good job with the emotional/body language description, and i'm pretty sure breathing is a thing your characters do pretty repetitively throughout the day so you probably get a pass for also mentioning it repeatedly :p
seriously, i wouldn't have ever noticed it if you hadn't pointed it out.
ask in relation to this post, which i meant to answer last night but couldn’t bc no wi-fi nor cellular
hi! i don’t know why but this ask made me laugh. the way you must have looked at my dramatic post of “i am Experiencing An Emotion are you seeing this are you aware isn’t it the most pathetic little thing to have it be so present???“ and be like “jesus someone tell them they’re literally fine” just made me crack up, idk man. 
but also i’m glad and relieved it doesn’t read repetitive, or feel bad to the reader (or, at least one reader, mwah!). which i kinda knew because everyone’s so nice about it but i guess sometimes i just wanna grab y’all by the shoulders and tell y’all not to use so many Big and Good words for me because it’s genuinely kinda not deserving of that and aah. it’s dumb. ignore me. or send me asks that poke fun at me in a sweet kinda asshole-y way, that’s apparently fine too 😂 
idk man, i’m way way deep in my own head, and unfortunately all that’s here anymore is anxiety and a liddle depression, so uhm. i am in fact at my most laughable when i’m in this here state of absolute misery to the point where i can barely breathe around it, and this reality check of “bro you’re literally fine” was kinda helpful :D 
but also “i wouldn’t have ever noticed it if you hadn’t pointed it out” GREAT now you’re not allowed to read anything of mine ever again, glad we cleared that up :D 
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local-dragonfly · 1 year
🍰 💖💭!
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
oough. of yours it is likely strange house we must keep and fill. love love love that fic u know how i am abt haunted houses. u have made me a secondhand blaseball fan. hmm. in terms of other fic i havent read any for a While but there was a period of my life where i rotated between a couple danger days fanfics every night like bedtime stories. in terms of regular books most of my comfort books r things i read when i was liddle, so calvin & hobbes or percy jackson. ive been wanting to reread miss peregrine’s recently too!!
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
i like that you can tell i also write poetry! everything ive written lately ive used verbal shortcuts and a couple odd descriptors and so it reads a bit strangely, u can tell im more used to poetry! makes it a fun read and i rlly like that ive developed a voice in writing that much! it even happens in nonfiction writing which is super cool i think
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
hmmm. ive never published any of my work besides some of my poetry because that takes an astonishing amt of bravery but!! all my buildings r alive. every single one. also in danger days the girls cat is solarpowered. this question is surprisingly difficult. ive got this haunted house story thats a wip and i didnt set out to make it abt cannibalism but thats what happened. that story is very slow going but i think that the house is less innocent than it pretends to be. i think it has some power over the ghosts it keeps as well. i love a house with a stomach.
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dream-of-neverland · 3 years
Would you consider Agere Remus with cg patton, Janus, or Logan -💚 Green anon
Well this took an embarrassingly long time to write, but here you go! 1399 words of Remus fluff and shenanigans.
Agere Remus, CG Logan, CG Janus
TW: Bathtime, lots of non-sexual nudity
“Bath. Now” Logan knew he had made the right decision when, instead of giggling maniacally, Remus whined and stomped his foot.
“I’m not that muddy. I can just get new clothes.” Remus said, looking at Logan with his best puppy dog eyes. Unfortunately for Remus, Logan was by far the least susceptible to such tactics.
Reaching forward, Logan gingerly grabbed Remus’s far-too-slimy-to-just-be-mud hand before dragging Remus in the direction of one of the two bathrooms they had installed upstairs just for when people were little. “Patton would be very unhappy if he saw you getting dirt everywhere.” Logan responded, opening the door, pulling Remus in, and closing it behind him. “It’s unsanitary.”
Remus whined once more and responded “But it was so fun, though! Me and the other people in the ‘magination got to play in the mud, ‘cause it rained a lot yes’erday, and I made some really cool mud pies, and one of them looked just like a brain!”
Logan smiled to himself as he reached over to turn on the shower. “Well it sounds like you had a good time. Did you make sure to stay in the safe areas of the imagination?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Remus replied, testing the temperature of the water before reluctantly getting in. “No big ‘venjures when I’m liddle, I know, I know.”
There was a momentary lapse in the conversation as Logan helped Remus scrub off the more stubborn patches of dirt. Then, “Hey Logan? Why is dirt unsantidary?”
And with that they were off, with Remus asking more and more questions that Logan would try to answer as best he could, interspersed with long stories from Remus that were just as likely to make sense as not.
Once Logan had scrubbed off the dirt to his satisfaction, he started up the bath and pulled out the bath toys, which made Remus perk up considerably. Now their conversation was mostly about Prince Ken, who started off well meaning but quickly became a zombie, then a lich lord, only to be strangled by a Kraken and left as a warning to trespassers, and so on and so forth.
Time passed pleasantly, and before long Remus’s hair was washed, body clean as it could be, and it was time for him to get out.
“But Looooogaaaaannnnn.” Remus frowned, splashing his arms stubbornly in the water. “I need to know if the Kwagen ever fines his dwew love!”
Logan raised an eyebrow as he reached into the bathtub and pulled out the plug. “I thought he accidentally murdered his true love when he killed Prince Ken.”
“Yeah, but he doesn’ know dat!”
“Well, he’ll just have to find out next time.” Logan said, gently pulling Remus up and out.
A few moments passed as Logan dried him off before Remus broke the silence. “Why do people have to wear clothes?”
It took a lot of self control for Logan not to choke on air. Oh boy. Remus had a penchant for asking difficult questions, but this one was certainly a stand out. How could he explain this to Remus? More importantly, an age regressed Remus? “Well Remus,” He started, wrapping the towel around Remus in an attempt to stall. “If we didn’t have clothes, we would get dirty faster, and then we’d have to take more baths. And that wouldn’t be fun, now would it?”
“Well yeah, but like, why do we have to wear stuff inside?”
Tugging Remus along behind him, Logan realized that Remus would most likely not retire this topic of conversation until he was satisfied with the answer. Plan B, then. “How about we ask Patton that later, hmm? He knows that kind of stuff better than I do.”
Remus didn’t respond as they finally entered his room. Letting go of Remus’s hand, Logan walked into the closet and allowed himself a deep breath. That had been a close one. Hopefully, Patton would be able to come up with a suitable answer. Logan found that Patton was simply more able to communicate that way with the littles than he was.
It hit Logan then. A feeling of terror radiated from his chest as he considered the stillness of the air. Remus hadn’t spoken for a while now. Slowly turning around, the sensation in his chest imploded as he took in the empty room and open door.
Janus thought he knew what to expect when he heard someone enter the kitchen. It was either a regressed Roman or Remus, perhaps regressed perhaps not; no other sides had such heavy and uneven footsteps. So it was to his chagrin, as he turned around, that he wasn’t necessarily wrong. He just hadn’t anticipated Remus to be in such a. . . state.
“Hey Janny?” Remus asked, walking further into the kitchen and looking around with a small frown. “Where’s Paddy?”
“Patton is taking a break while I make lunch.” Janus said, turning back around temporarily to switch off the stove before facing Remus again. “How might I be of service, Your Grace?”
Remus giggled at Janus’s small bow before sucking in a huge breath of air and responding “So I asked Logan why people wear clothes, and he said because then people would get dirty and have to take lotta baths, but then I said ‘What about inside?’ and he said that he didn’ know and to ask Paddon, which is weird because Logan knows everything, so now I need to find Paddy.”
Oh dear. One thing that Janus most certainly didn’t need right now was a naked Remus wandering around the mindscape searching for Patton. In fact, he didn’t think anyone needed that ever.
“Well it seems that you’re in luck." Janus said, stepping forward slightly and allowing the words to flow effortlessly from his lips. "For you see, I am the only other person besides Patton in the mindscape who knows the secret.”
The second Remus leaned forward and asked “What secret?” Janus knew that a light had gone off in his head. He had taken the bait, hook, line, and sinker. Now to reel him in.
“But I’m not so sure I should tell you, dear Remus. After all, it is a secret for a reason.” Janus put on a thoughtful expression and leaned back casually against the stove. “Hmmm. . . Decisions decisions. . .”
Remus came up besides him now and tugged on his sleeve, a pout forming on his face. “Please please pleeeaaaaase tell me, I pwomise, I won’ tell anyone else ever!”
“Well, I gueeessss. . .” Janus said, smothering a smile and playing it up as best as he could. “If you’re really sure that you won’t tell anyone.”
Remus nodded eagerly, and Janus gestured for him to lower his head so Janus could whisper in his ear. “It’s so that the monsters won’t want to eat us.” Remus tilted his head and opened his mouth to interrupt, but Janus continued. “If we’re wearing icky clothes, it makes them much less likely to see us as a tasty snack. Monsters like people, not clothes.”
“But why is it a secret?” Remus said, pulling back with a frown.
“Because it might scare people!” Janus explained, drawing his hand up to his chest dramatically. “What do you think Virgil would do if he found out? Or Roman? Even Logan would most likely be disturbed at such news. That’s why we don’t talk about it very often.”
Noticing movement out of the corner of his eye, Janus figured he should probably wrap things up. “Now I believe you should go get dressed. Logan and Patton look like they’ve been looking for you.”
Remus turned around and took in the sight of a very frazzled Logan and a flustered Patton. “Hey!” Remus shouted, bounding over to Logan and Patton and wrapping them in a big hug. “I wanna go get dressed now.”
“Good.” Logan said before slowly untangling them from Remus’s embrace and grasping his hand firmly.
As Logan guided Remus out of the room, he suddenly turned around and shouted back to Janus “Don’ worry. I won’ tell anyone.” And with that, they were gone.
Janus hummed to himself, allowing a smile to slip onto his face as he switched the stovetop back on and resumed cooking.
“Hey Janus?” Patton said, presumably still lingering in the kitchen entrance. “What did Remus mean when he said that he wouldn’t tell anyone?”
“Why Patton- It’s a secret.”
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starry-seongmin · 4 years
Halloween Preparations - Pocket!Enhypen 
a/n: so here it is..a bit lengthy than what I usually write. I may write another part focusing on Halloween if I get enough inspiration - Mia
themes: fluff
warnings: none
You were deep in thought when you felt a little pressure on your knee. You glanced down and saw Jungwon trying to climb his way up. With a little help from you, Jungwon now sat criss cross on your thigh, smiling up at you. “You seemed deep in your thoughts so I decided to assist you”, he spoke. Your heart warmed at the precious sight in front of you and you couldn’t help but pat his liddle head affectionately.
“Aww… I appreciate your help, Wonnie. I was thinking about your costumes for Halloween.”
Jungwon seemed excited at the mention of Halloween and costumes. “Have you thought about my costume yet?” he chirped, sitting straight. You nodded slowly, still not sure if it was your final answer. Then again, you also had to discuss it with the boys seeing as they were the one who would be wearing it. “What do you want to be for Halloween?” you ask the boy who held galaxies in his eyes. “Do you have anything in mind?”
He vigorously shook his head, an adorable pout on his face. “I can’t decide on one”, he complains. “I am stuck between Harry Potter, Tony Stark and Men in Black..Ni-ki said I can be Hinata if I dye my hair orange an-“ 
“You are not dyeing your hair… I was thinking about Harry Potter too and I’m not gonna deny it I imagined you in a lion costume and I may have died because of the cuteness”, you laugh. Jungwon gazed at you with the utmost love and admiration. “So Harry Potter is it then?”
 You nod at his question and he gives a little cheer sending you in to another heart attack from cuteness overload. Okay so maybe you had the softest spot for him too… but you couldn’t blame yourself.
“Jake mentioned about being Flynn Rider earlier”, he says out of the blue, recalling the serious discussion he had with Jake and Heeseung about their costumes. “Oh he did..? I was hoping that Jake. Sunghoon and Jay would dress up as We Bare Bears…”, you couldn’t hide your disappointment from Jungwon whose smile faltered a bit. “Don’t worry, Y/N…why don’t you talk with them. I’m sure they’ll think about it”, Jungwon hated to see you be anything that was not happy, excited or anything along those lines. 
Just then Ni-ki and Sunoo entered the room, using the skateboard as a boat and a chopstick each as oars. “What are we talking about?” Ni-ki pipes up as the both of them stop in front of the couch you and Jungwon were currently occupying. . “We were just talking about who wants to be what for Halloween”, Jungwon explains. He bitterly observes Ni-ki who nestles himself between your thumb and forefinger. 
“I know about my decision!” Sunoo cries out while he’s in the middle of balancing himself on your shoulder. He carefully makes his way to stand right next to your face and with the brightest smile he could muster, kisses your cheek. “I want to be with you forever”, he exclaims, mentally giving himself a pat on the back. 
Jungwon looked disgusted and Ni-ki even pretended to throw up at Sunoo’s words. You on the other hand were very used to the boys acting and talking like that and even found amusement at the others’ reaction and of course, adored how they would remind you how they appreciate and love you.
You let out a soft laugh and kiss the top of Sunoo’s head which further increases his ego as he looks at Jungwon and Sunoo with a smug look. “But what about Halloween?” you ask the two of them. “I want to be Michael Jackson!” Ni-ki exclaims excitedly and starts to moonwalk on the top of your hand which proves to be challenging. You giggle at the slight tickling sensation. “Ni-ki, honey…you were Michael Jackson last year”.
“Oh...”, the youngest boy frowns, now deep in thought. But soon enough his face lights up and he looks at you. He runs his hands through his hair, calculating to see if he could tie it up. “I can be a samurai! My hair is even long enough to tie it back!”, he shouts with joy. You hum, picturing him in a samurai outfit with a little plastic sword. “Perfect!”, you clap your hands. “And what about you, Sunoo?”, you address the boy who’s now playing with a loose thread from your shirt.
“I thought about it and I was stuck between Pennywise and The Mask but I think it’d be more fun as Pennywise”, he smiled, a mischevious glint in his eyes. Ni-ki sniggered and the both of them exchanged a knowing look. However, you and Jungwon were in the dark. “What are the two of you up to now?”, you asked, your tone warning. “He wants to scare Jay hyung”, Ni-ki replied and Sunoo chuckled in approval, nodding his head.
“What are you going to be?”, Jungwon asks, now lying on his stomach and head propped by his elbows. “I haven’t really decided yet..but I’ll come up with something” you reply. You feel Sunoo climbing down your arm and join Jungwon, settling on your thigh in the same position as him.
“You can be Granny from Baby Looney Tunes!”, Ni-ki claps in excitement. You chuckle at his eagerness. “Because I take care of you like she does? Hmm...not bad but won’t it be much better if you guys dress up as Bugs and Daffy and all the others?”, you ask which led the three of them fall into deep thoughts over the idea.
“We can dress up as them!”, Sunoo cries, sitting up. “It’ll be our own family costume!”, his excitement is contagious as the other two agree, their eyes bright and heads nodding eagerly.
“Why not...let’s talk about this with the others though.Like you guys said it’s a family costume..” The three boys cheer and then start to present their creative and at times, ridiculous ideas about celebrating Halloween this year. The night passes as you and your youngest boys spend a wholesome and happy moment together reliving past memories and having animated reactions. 
Everyone knew that this year, Halloween would feel much more different but in the bestest way possible.
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imaginefanganronpas · 5 years
Here's an idea: After some party the cast had, the guys are forced to take care of a really drunk Yuri, probably until he passes out. The drunk russian most definitely acts like an extreme child; the fact he can hardly walk doesn't help. Some of the guys probably fucked around with him a lot, cause drunk people are fun!! (Yuri probably confuses Yuki for a girl a lot here but honestly who didn't)
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Ahhh, this was so much fun to write, thank you so much for this prompt, I had a blast with it! And I’m always happy to talk more about my best boy!
I hope you enjoy it! ^^
The cast having to deal with drunk! Yuri
-Whoever had the idea of allowing Yuri to drink should never be allowed to make any form of decision ever again, because this was certainly a terrible idea
-But still, the tiny male wouldn’t lose to Shinji or Setsuka and drank way too much for his tiny body while everyone was having a good time during their little party
-He didn’t even realize that Shinji and Setsuka left his table, he just took their glasses and drank the rest of the alcohol on in it, stupid grin and blush now on his face as he was swaying in his seat, just watching everyone else having a good time
-He was singing along to some of the music and fell off his chair more times than he would like to admit, but he always managed, but he didn’t seem too distraught so the others mostly ignored him and were having a good time on their own
-By the end of the party Yuri had made some pyramides with the cans and bottles, resting his head and arms on the table and looking at everyone with a tired but giddy expression, his pupils expanding and shrinking on the occasion but otherwise not doing anything
-Everyone cleaned up and wanted to get ready to leave with Yoruko countin everyone that was there to make sure they wouldn’t forget anyone.
“Hibiki, Kanade, there is Yuki, I see Shinji over there and there is Teruya… With me that are 15… one is missing….. Where is Yuri?”
-Everyone looked around, finally spotting the spaceman at the table playing with two empty bottles of alcohol as if they were cars or robots or something and laughing to himself, cheeks incredible red
-Yoruko’s eyes widened and she asked: “Oh my god,  how much did he drink?”, when she looked at Setsuka and Shinji, these two looked away sheepishly, because they just remembered with how much alcohol they left Yuri alone
-Hajime made his way over there and put a hand on Yuri’s shoulder, saying: “Hey, come on buddy, we wanna go back to the cruise. You comin’?”
-Yuri whined, not moving from his position and childishly pouting as he turns his head to one side, slurring: “Nnoo… comfy…” he hiccuped and then remained in his space
-Hajime shook his head lightly, a bit surprised that Yuri seemed to be really really drunk, grabbing him by the waist and gently hoisting him up, saying: “No, come on buddy, ya can’t stay here, we’re all gonna go an’ you’re gonna come with us-”
-Yuri tries to get up after some coaxing from Hajime, but as soon as his feet hit the ground he fell face first on the ground, making everyone gasp or groan and Hajime’s eyebrows just skyrocket out of the building, quickly hurrying to pick him back up, only for Yuri to slap his hand away and tell him that he “Can walk by myself…”
-He takes one step, almost falls down, takes another, crashes against something, it’s just a disaster but the boys kinda laugh at him, because it’s really funny to see him waddle around like this, he was way too drunk for his own good
-Nikei came up to him and patted him on the head, teasing him with a: “Whaddup little man, not handling your booze too well?”
-Yuri pouted at him and puffed his chest out, trying to make himself taller with not so much success as he exclaimed: “‘m not liddl!”, before he falls back due to balance issues and Hajime quickly catches him before he hits his head, the boys all laughing at the poor drunk spaceman
-Yuki ran closer to give Hajime a hand, throwing one of Yuri’s arms over his shoulder and keeping him upright, even if Hajme technically didn’t need any help but he was one of the few that didn’t drink at all and he wanted to make himself useful, considering how much Yuri drank compared to everyone else
-Yuri leaned into Yuki and made himself quite comfortable as he slurred: “Ai always thought yu were de prettiest gal!” He then leaned even closer as if he wanted to whisper, but all the filters and all the different volumes to talk were gone, so he just talked in his normal voice and was therefore heard by everyone as he said: “Bat dun’t tell de otha gal’s… I dun’t wanna hurt their feelings!”
-Yuki turns bright red, the guys howl with laughter and the girls just kinda chuckle and Hajime has officially enough and just lifts Yuri up bridal style, who yelps and quickly clings onto Hajime’s neck so he doesn’t fall down, slurring in a panicked voice: “D-dun’t drop me…. I dun’t wanna dead…”
-Yuri was very cuddly when drunk and just nuzzled into Hajime’s neck, not caring if he was being carried by a man, he just wanted cuddles and love and he whines when Hajime wasn’t giving him any mind, kicking with his legs and wailing about wanting love and Hajime couldn’t take it anymore at some point so he threw Yuri in Shinji’s direction, who quickly caught him and put him on his shoulders
-Yuri has to be passed around permanently because he needs love from everyone, otherwise he will throw a tantrum and he keeps slurring compliments at everyone, even the males and is just way too honest about everything
-They eventually got him to throw up and surprisingly not ON anyone, which was a huge relief, but he still needed to be babied about literally everything and he wanted to be carried around after he realized how comfy it was and he wanted hugs and don’t you dare ignore him for a second or he will stagger off into the nearest pond and only his hair will poke out while the ducks try to eat him
-The guys just made constantly fun of him and asked all forms of questions that he answered without any hesitation
“Yo, Yuri, what’s my next scoop?!”“U gittin’ stuck at h-home depot auver night an’ slowly turnin’ insane.”
-Syobai made all the videos for potential blackmailing, laughing and cooing later, just so no one would forget how funny and adorable the drunk russian child is
-He eventually just passed out and was brought to bed with  someone staying behind and making sure that Yuri would be alright and to take care of him in the morning in case of intense hangover
-Needless to say that Yuri was mortified once he saw the videos, face bright red and hiding in his room for probably the rest of his life, because no way is he going to come out ever again. But the others know. And the others will never forget
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sidewritings · 7 years
Tiny Side Adventures: In The Name of Love
Inspired by this post. Also, check out this version of events by tinysidestrashcaptain.  Sincerest thanks to romananalogicality for the idea, it’s a lot of fun, even if it did grow beyond what I thought it would be.
Pairings: None
Genres: Tiny Sides, Fluff, Adventure, Parenting(ish), Hurt/comfort
Warnings: Tears, hurt/comfort
Word Count:1016
Author’s Note: Honestly, this fic is beginning to be more draining than rewarding to write, so I’m trying to wrap things up here and get to a conclusion. For those of you still here and still reading, your dedication is noted and appreciated.  For newcomers, I hope I tagged all of you who asked to be tagged!   I’ve started tagging all my original fics #sidewritten in hopes of making them easier to find.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8
When Roman was sure that little Logan and teenage Virgil were safely in Logan's room reading fairytales, Roman went downstairs to the living room.  It was time for him to talk to Patton.  
Patton was still sitting at his little desk, drawing a picture with his crayons. Roman stopped at the foot of the stairs and watched as Patton switched between colors; Purple and black and dark blue and red a light blue were used liberally. The little side looked more consumed by his coloring than enjoying it, hunched over the paper and pressing a little too hard with the crayon, laying the colored wax on thick.  When he seemed finished with his coloring, Roman walked over to him.
“Hi Patton, can I see your drawing?” Roman asked, keeping his voice as soft as he could.
Patton looked up at him warily before silently handing him the piece of paper  That wasn't a good sign. Roman took the paper and sat on the floor beside Patton.  The drawing was, well, messy.  None of them were artists, and Patton was only two or three, so fine motor skills weren't fully developed yet. But the colors, he recognized the colors, and from there he started to make out the drawing.
The tall red scribble was him, he was between a small black and blue scribble (Logan) and a slightly taller purple and black scribble (Verge).  In the far corner of the page was a small light blue scribble (Patton) with dark blue around what Roman assumed were his feet.  There were a few water marks on the paper that had the look and feel of recent tears.
Roman looked back at Patton who was curled into himself, arms around his middle, and staring at the desk in front of him.  He looked so fragile and sad as if he was waiting for Roman to yell at him.  From his new angle on the floor Roman finally saw the little tear streaks on Patton's cheeks and the way his lower lip trembled.
“Patton,” Roman finally spoke, trying to maintain a soft, even tone, “why did you draw yourself alone?”
“I don know,” Patton replied with a little sniff.  The little boy tucked his chin into his chest making his bangs fall over his eyes.
“Patton,” Roman tried again, “did you draw yourself in a puddle of tears?”
Another sniff. “Maybe.” A couple more sniffs, then a sob, and Patton started wailing.  It was a horrible sight, the youngest of them with his head thrown back, mouth open, tears pouring over chubby cheeks flushing an angry red; he looked wretched.
Roman did the only thing he could think of, he picked up little Patton and held him close to his chest, letting him cry and scream and wail, waiting for him to cry himself out.  Roman stroked his back and cooed at him, conjuring tissues as needed.  He helped the little one blow his nose between fits and tears, stroked his bangs back from his forehead, and just held him. When Patton was reduced to hiccuping and the occasional stray tear, Roman stood, still holding him to his chest, and went to the kitchen to get him a sippy cup of apple juice.
Cup and juice were successfully collected without releasing Patton, and Roman returned them to the living room, sitting on the couch and settling Patton in his lap to drink his juice.  Patton kept his eyes on Roman as his drank and Roman smiled back hesitantly, still unsure what had upset Patton so much. He only knew that, whatever it was, it was his own fault.  
Patton handed back the sippy cup and Roman set it on the coffee table, trying to think of what to say.
“Why d'you leave?” Patton asked, big Bambi eyes still fixed on Roman's face.
“Is that why you're upset,” Roman asked.
Patton nodded, then frowned and shook his head.  He looked frustrated and confused, unable to voice his thoughts, so Roman decided to just answer.
“I went to see Thomas and make sure he was okay.”  
Patton blinked and nodded slowly. Roman doubted he understood, so he continued.
“I didn't mean to be gone as long as I was.  I was hoping to come back before you woke up, but Thomas was concerned about you and Logan and Virgil, so I had to tell him how you were and what I've been trying to do to make you guys big again.”
“Are we gon be big again?”  Patton asked.
“Of course you will be, I promise.”
“I dina get big tho.” Patton's bottom lip was trembling again. “I'm still liddle.”
Roman stroked Patton's hair and fought to hold back tears of his own.  Naturally, Patton had noticed Virgil and Logan's growth spurts and felt left out.  He felt so stupid and so not prince-like for having missed that.
“I know, and I'm sorry... It's my fault you didn't grow.  I'm supposed to give you what you need and then you'll grow, but I don't know what you need. I'm not doing a very good job taking care of you, huh?”  Roman said, a sad smile on his lips as he finished.
Patton's lip stopped quivering.  A determined expression on his delicate features, Patton carefully stood up on Roman's thighs and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“You're good Princey, jus ask. I need love.”
And if that was not the most profound thing Roman had ever heard from a child he didn't know what was.  Of course!  Patton was Thomas's heart, he would need love and affection to grow. Roman hugged Patton tight and covered his forehead with little kisses.
“I love you so much, Patton.  I promise, next time I'll tell you before I go anywhere or I'll take you with me.  And I'll ask you what you need so you can tell me, okay?”
Patton nodded into his shoulder and hugged him with his tiny arms around Roman's neck.
They were going to be okay.
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hottytoddynews · 7 years
Reflecting back to 1960, Doug Abraham’s life has taken many directions, all good! The former ASB President has experienced opportunities upon opportunities and offers sound advice for the Ole Miss students of 2017.
Doug Abraham with his companion, Bilbo Baggins
HottyToddy.com: Doug, before we enter “life after Ole Miss,” tell our readers first about where you were raised and why you chose Oxford.
Doug Abraham: Greenville was very much an Ole Miss town. There were over two hundred active alums. I was told, emphatically, I would go to Ole Miss and also told I would pledge Kappa Alpha. Both were the right choices.
HottyToddy.com: Your journey through Ole Miss and Law School (1955-61) must have been a great experience.
Doug Abraham: Totally. There was so much to learn, and the professors were so stimulating. Many of the subjects that were of little interest became enjoyable…
HottyToddy.com: What year were you ASB president and did this honor benefit you post graduation?
Doug Abraham: 1960-61…was a wonderful experience! I enjoyed every minute and every challenge. Yes, after graduation, I have many friends I still see and keep in contact with.
HottyToddy.com: We understand that you now reside in San Diego thanks to your daughter’s business.
Doug Abraham: Yeppers. We came to La Jolla, San Diego after a call for help. Our daughter, Sally McGee, is in the design business, and we were able to help her. It was a lot of work and fun. The clients were so creative. It was sold, and it was a good experience for us all.
HottyToddy.com: Your career has been exciting and extremely successful. Share with us a few high points if you could single several out.
Doug Abraham: I really loved being in the Mississippi Legislature for 12 years. It was an incredible experience. The first time I was ever in our Capitol was the day I was sworn in. The legislative experience was epic…
HottyToddy.com: When you were at Ole Miss, did you know where life was going to take you?
Doug Abraham: I was clueless, and I still am. Who knows where tomorrow will lead us. But wherever it is, it will be fun if it is anything like the past.
HottyToddy.com: What were the 1960s like for you immediately following Oxford?
Doug Abraham: Work, work and more work.
HottyToddy.com: Tell us about your family.
Doug Abraham: I married Sally Montgomery McGee from Leland. We have two children Sally McGee Liddle and Doug ll. We have a great grandchild, Axl, who is one year and one month. We also have a wonderful puppy, Bilbo Baggins, who thankfully does not leave my side!
HottyToddy.com: I forgot to ask you about what you are doing now.
Doug Abraham: I have written several dozen books and three plays, “Confidential,” “Informant” and “Serial Murders” just to name a few. One play is presently being considered by Hollywood Playhouse. I am writing two novels at present: “It’s Love,” and “The Truth or Consequence Murders.” I should have both completed in a couple of days. I have started another, “Boomarang;” but it is only in its third chapter.
HottyToddy.com: What is life like living in a resort city such as San Diego?
Doug Abraham: La Jolla is a beach city in San Diego. We love it! I write many hours each day, and that’s my main interest. We travel around California a whole lot. We enjoy Catalina Island, Palm Springs, Carmel, Malibu, Hollywood and San Francisco.
HottyToddy.com: What did you experience while at Ole Miss that prepared you most for your professional career?
Doug Abraham: Friendships. I am still in touch with so many friends from Ole Miss and Mississippi. I enjoy being called on a lot for advice by so many of them.
HottyToddy.com: Getting involved in politics (even in college) is a challenging exercise. What could you relate/recommend to our current students who might be on the fence regarding seeking election?
Doug Abraham: Do it! It is a very rewarding and challenging experience, and if you love people, you will love politics and campaigning. It is gratifying to make a difference.
HottyToddy.com: Many Southerners I know have a dim view of living in California. Is this a valid concern or simply a false perception?
Doug Abraham: California is a haven. We love it here but love and stay in touch with our folks at home. California is a fantastic state. One can go from the mountains to the ocean in an hour’s drive. We travel a lot and will be in Paris for the month of May; several European friends will meet up with us there.
HottyToddy.com: Last but not least, I always enjoy asking our alums about some of the more famous people that they have met in their life’s journey. Say you?
Doug Abraham: President John Kennedy, President Richard Nixon, President Jimmy Carter, Yuil Brenner, Cal Ripken, Joe Namath, Debbie Reynolds, Lucille Ball, Marlo and Danny Thomas through St. Jude fundraising; Dick Vitale and dozens of tennis greats through Sally McGee and Doug II such as: Andre Agassi, Nick Bollettieri among many others.
Steve Vassallo is a HottyToddy.com contributor. Steve writes on Ole Miss athletics, Oxford business, politics and other subjects. He is an Ole Miss grad and former radio announcer for the basketball team. Currently, Steve is a highly successful leader in the real estate business who lives in Oxford with his wife Rosie. You can contact Steve at [email protected] or call him at 985-852-7745.
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