#welcome to Escuellas
freezerfish · 29 days
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I actually love this fic, I need to read more to see if there's more VanderMathews because I love VanderMathews.
@slicedmayonnaise for u ❤️
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slicedmayonnaise · 3 months
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wanted to share the layouts of the different houses in the WTE universe
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idyllghost · 13 days
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heard @slicedmayonnaise was waiting for someone to make fanart of the scene from chapter 4 in “Welcome to Escuella’s” SO I obviously did my duty as a mutual and delivered
Pssss go read it!! Here’s a link it’s a wonderful fic!!!! I hope this silly doodle does it justice
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frogkingtheorginal · 2 months
Ao3 is down people.... I'm gonna send my self to heaven for real 😭
How dere anyone even think that this was a good idea ?!!!??!?!?
Like teenagers like me (and my friend grup) frickin live and breathe ao3, and what am I supposed to do now? I was nearly always reading a story before going to sleep, and now THEY just take this away from me??????
U can't do this kind of shit? This frickin assassin move just hurt tenegers 10000% more then they think that fanfics does.
I WAS I THE MIDDLE of an excellent Arthur/Albert fic, and how am I now supposed to know the ending u bastards???? How???? It was so good... Et least the 'Welcome to Escuella's' guy is on Tumblr so I can as well ask for the ending or something 'couse they also cut me from this when I have like last chapter to complete.....
But they also ruin people's dream to start writing??? Why??? I was planning to write a Blackstar's Super Edition 'couse his novella sucks and a couple of sweet pieces about Frostfur and Lionheart because I love them....
I really don't know what I can do now....
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zanazirafanfic · 3 months
what is it that you like about Welcome to Escuellas so much? I've been wanting to read it but I haven't had a lot of time and I want to know what good things I should be expecting!
So, I'm not much of a modern AU fan usually, but this is one of the few exceptions to that for me. It's got some of my favorite ships, for one thing (John/Javier, Arthur/Charles, and Dutch/Hosea).
All of the characters' backstories make sense for a modern day rendition of them, and their friendships and family relationships and struggles feel very real and relatable.
It's equal parts sweet, funny, and heartbreaking, which I love in a fic (and in RDR itself.) I won't give any spoilers, but... just get ready for some gut punches. Some you may see coming, and some you won't, but the bittersweet payoff in the end is just *chef's kiss.*
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I feel like a deer about to get hit by a semi seeing my fav javier enthusiasts and artists liking and rbing my posts HOW DID YOU SEE ME WAAAAA
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mx-pastelwriting · 1 year
RDR2 HC - How They'd React to you coming to them when its a cold night.
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RDR2 x GN! Reader
Summary: How They'd React to you coming to them when its a cold night.
Warnings: Fluff, Cuddles, Established Relationship
Characters: Dutch van der Linde, Arthur Morgan, Javier Escuella, Charles Smith, Bill Williamson, Hosea Matthews, John Marston
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Dutch van der Linde
-Would wake up startled and reach for his gun under his pillow, but quickly sees it's just you.
-He takes a breath, a sign of relief, and asks you with a laugh what you're doing in his tent.
-Only dating for two months, you never spend a night in Dutch's tent. He respected your choice to go slowly, but on this cold night, everyone had to huddle up near the fire, leaving no room for you.
-Explaining to him, he happily opens his blanket for you to snuggle in. His hands wrap around your waist, him being the big spoon.
-Being so close, he whispers into your ear, telling you how much he loves you and the moments you have.
Dutch spoke sweet nothing into your ear, his warm body welcoming you, the shivering one. As you fall asleep, he pulls you closer into his chest. He kisses the back of your neck, making you laugh in your sleepy state. Not stopping, he locked his fingers with yours to bring you more warmth. Your eyes started to fall closed; he noticed and pulled the blanket over you, tucking you in with a final kiss on the cheek before you fell asleep.
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Arthur Morgan
-Would be up and see you coming to his bed; through the five months you had been dating, you had only been next to him in bed three times.
-It wasn’t a regular thing to come to his bed and cuddle with him, but he welcomed you with open arms.
-He could feel how cold it was, so he moved over before pulling you onto his chest and putting the blanket around you.
-Saying nothing, the only thing you hear is his warm breaths and his heartbeat, which you could only hear in his little space.
-Waiting until you stop shaking, he gives you a kiss on the hand, taking it from the warm underside of the blanket before you fall asleep.
You could feel Arthur's hand cup your cheek; its warmth tingled your cheek, and as it came closer, you kissed him, causing a hummed laugh from him. Smiling, you cuddle in more into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist as he did yours, and looking up, you meet his eyes. You kiss him, cuddling up into his neck. Taking a final deep breath, you close your eyes, having his breaths lullaby you to sleep. You could faintly catch an "I love you," but you chalked it up to the crackling of the fire a few feet away.
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Javier Escuella
-After his song for the night, as he was getting ready for bed, he saw you come over with your bedding.
-Would greet you and help you place your bedding next to his by the fire. As you both lay down, he faces you, warping his arm around your waist.
-You only started dating, but he made you feel like the only thing in his world. Dutch had nothing on you in Javier's eyes.
-He kisses you as he talks to you and then sings you to sleep, his voice like honey, like his kisses now on your cheek and forehead.
-Pulls you in closer as he sings to intertwine his legs with yours, tucking in your blanket more, and watching you fall asleep.
Javier's arms were warmly tucked under your arms, and his voice sang softly with words only for you. With your eyes closed, you could hear a smile on his face and his hand caressing his thumb. He planted kisses on your nose before going back to singing, He didn't care if anyone listened to him; he wanted them to know how much he loved you, despite him not being able to say it just yet because it would be too soon. He let you fall asleep with his love song playing in the background as you faded into sleep.
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Charles Smith
-You would have to get him off guard duty; thankfully, he was just about to switch with Bill.
-The bedding was already set up beforehand by you; you watched him as you shook under the blankets.
-Only dating for five and a half months just about how long he had been with you and the gang—you noticed how talkative and close he had been to, among other things, so you took that to confess your love for him.
-He quickly gets in, warping his arms around you and letting you rest your head on his chest. He rubs his hand on your arm, trying his best to warm you up.
-He kisses you on the top of your head, and he told you stories that his mother told him.
Listening to his stories, you tuck your arm close to you as you hear his faint heartbeat with his lungs air coming in or out, letting him continue with his story. You watched the fire going with the wind, but your eyes fought to close, and Charles's voice lulled you to sleep. It was quickly affecting you. With his arm soothing you, in the end, you lost hearing his warm voice as you faded into sleep.
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Bill Williamson
-He would be a bit drunk, and you would have to get him to bed or at least tell him it's bedtime.
-He was a very lovely dove to you when he was drunk, so tucking him in was easy, and he pulled you to his chest. He mumbles "I love you" a lot.
-Kisses you so much all over your face, but if you tell him to stop, he does because he knows he smells like beer.
-You dated him for a year now, and throughout that time, you've made him less of an asshole, but he's still your Bill.
-A living space heater keeping you warm through the night, he would snuggle into your neck in the middle of the night.
Bill kissed your cheek and neck, talking about how much he loves you, and you laughed as his kisses tickled your skin. Soon after you asked him to stop, he thought about it for a minute, then did snuggle into your neck. His arms warped around you, but he continued to whisper "I love you" in your ear, kissing you one last time before letting you both go to sleep.
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Hosea Matthews
-Would wake up when you get into his bed, though not getting his gun as you tell him it's you.
-He cuddles you quickly, feeling that you were shaking. He whispers that you're okay and rubs your arms, the friction from which gives you more warmth.
-He gives you kisses on your cheek and forehead, then cups your face, trying everything to make you stop shaking.
-When you did, he pulled you closer. Now he had to get you to sleep. He makes voices and tells stories about getting people out of money.
-Though he had made you laugh up a storm, you were exhausted after his words. He noticed and gave you a kiss one last time before you fell asleep.
Hosea rubbed your arms, slowly kissing the top of your head. He whispered something you couldn't make out, but it soothed you. You listened to his lungs and heartbeat as they slowed, then heard his soft snores. You huffed a laugh at it, but quickly you fell under the sleep spell, and you cuddled closer. Closing your eyes, you fall asleep, hoping you can wake before him to get him coffee. You love when his face lights up.
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John Marston
-He would be so confused waking up to your cold body next to him shaking, but he would ask you "What's wrong?".
-After telling him, he pulls you closer to him, kissing your cheek. His voice was hoarse as he told you how cold you were.
-He pulled the blanket up more, letting you intertwine your legs with his.
-He wanted to move you both next to the fire, but he could not when your shaking had come to a stop.
-Trying not to fall asleep first, but losing the battle, he talked little loving things into your ear with a final "I love you".
John put his hand on your back, rubbing it here and there; you could feel his body move like he was wanting to move, but you had only just stopped shaking. He had laid back down and continued to talk, pulling you closer. You could hear in his words how he slurred; he was falling asleep. Patting his chest, you tell him to go to sleep, but he tells you he's not tired, so you just leave it with a smile, letting yourself fall into the sweet bliss of sleep.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
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cowboyfromh3ll · 7 months
Hcs for the boys' toxic traits. Preferably arthur, javier, john, and charles, but other boys are welcome too! I'm curious to see what you'd say Dutch's toxic traist are, though they're pretty self explanatory 😭
I just love how you write sm sorreyyyy
Van Der Linde Gang's Toxic traits
(Arthur Morgan, Javier Escuella, John Marston, Charles Smith, Micah Bell, Dutch Van Der Linde, Sean Macguire, Kieran Duffy, Eagle Flies)
HAHAHA THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO WRITE. I tried not to sugarcoat anything.
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Arthur Morgan - He definitely has some trouble communicating. Not to say he never will communicate with you but it'll be long in between and after it's been plaguing him for a milenium. As we've seen, this man is capable of having deep, well thought out conversations. He'd also be pretty prideful to some degree. Mostly depends what point in time you start dating, later in game he'd be able to see past his pride. Also, I feel like if you were dating a major point of contention in your relationship would be questioning whether it's time to move on from this life.
Javier Escuella - WAY too jealous. I don't even mean it in a cute way but in a way that would genuinely cause several arguments between you two. "Why were you looking at him that way?" "That sounded like you were flirting with him" "Why do you spend so much time around the other guys?" Would also be around you 24/7. Someone would be incapable of having a conversation with you that doesn't include Javier. You two would also argue about Dutch's leadership skills.
John Marston - Oh my God this man is so indecisive. Doesn't know what he wants ever. In a modern setting you two would be sitting in the car, asking each other back and forth "what do you wanna eat?". And his commitment issues? Good lord. At some points in your relationship it'd probably feel like you guys aren't dating at all. You'd probably have to beg him to put some effort into the relationship to be honest.
Charles Smith - It's so hard to think of ANYTHING this man can do wrong but alas, I must. You probably wouldn't be his top priority at all times. Which isn't to say you should ALWAYS be at the top of his list, but sometimes it can result in your feelings being neglected over a situation that affects you. Only when the day reaches it's end will he consult you over something, which will have you feeling incredibly frustrated.
Micah Bell - This man is a walking red flag so let's not dance around his flaws. Incredibly prideful, will ignore your warnings over something just to get his way. Also probably lies to you A LOT. Can be way too rough with you in many aspects. Also this man embodies the word sleezy. Yuck.
Dutch Van Der Linde - Do I even need to say. So fucking stubborn. He also probably thinks he's intelectually superior to you. If you bring up a concern to him he'll probably use as many flowery and big words as possible to make himself appear smarter during the discussion than he actually is. And if you advise him to do anything he'll probably just ignore you, saying you don't know what you're talking about. All in all, thinks he's better than you. Also you're probably a trophy wife since Dutch views women as accessories to his success, if you can even call it success.
Sean Macguire - He doesn't take anything seriously. If you're trying to have a genuine discussion with him he'll play it down and make it seem less important or severe than it actually is. Don't even bother trying to emphasize how serious you are because he won't take that seriously either. It's only until he feels the consequences of his actions will he listen to you, which results in a frustrating cycle.
Kieran Duffy - Also very indecisive but in the way where he can't speak up for himself because he doesn't think it's important. Has such low self esteem, he also probably thinks his emotions are less important which results in a lot of miscommunication on his behalf. Sorta just let's you take the lead all the way, always let's you have your way, with no valuable input of his own. You have to shake his shoulders and beg for him to actually speak his mind.
Eagle Flies - He's probably so childish. Like, mommy issues CEO over here. Will probably seek for you to fulfill that role in his life. Has almost no control over his emotions and has trouble identifying them, and when he does indentify them, has absolutely no idea what to do with them in terms of expression. He will make various efforts to communicate with you but will struggle immensely. Being with him will probably be like teaching a man how to experience emotions in a healthy way. I could write an entire post dedicated to what I think his toxic traits are
More eagle flies ones
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graveyrdgirl99 · 1 month
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Welcome to Escuella’s by slicedmayonnaise on Ao3 🥺💕
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Two's a Party, Three's... a Bigger Party
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Reader and Javier are friends with benefits who use the cover of overnight jobs to release some tension. When new guy Charles joins the gang, Dutch insists he joins them on one of their trips. Will the presence of this gorgeous stranger throw a hammer in their plans, or are these jobs about to get a lot more fun?
Chapter One: Heatstroke
Chapter Two Tumblr // AO3
1527 words Read on AO3
You and Javier prepare for a robbery over in West Elizabeth, a welcome change from the New Austin sun and the relentless tension building between you. Was it the heat or the heat that gave you heatstroke?
F!Reader x Javier x Charles / porn with plot / ch1 suggestive, smut coming in ch2 / reader not described but mentions being from the east coast / pre-Blackwater / the camp is Twin Rocks in New Austin / no whump but reader has heatstroke / we'll meet Charles in ch 3
The midday sun bore into your skin, beads of sweat rolled down your back. The bandana that swept the sweat from your brow was now too damp to do much good, and was resigned to stop the burning metal of the rifle from blistering your hands.
You were going to kill Bill Williamson.
He knew it was his guard shift when he left to go “hunting”. You should have known you’d end up on guard duty; the heat making your blood boil had made you quite an annoyance for Grimshaw. You were too warm to sit and sew, too hot to labour over laundry, and no way were you willing to make your horse endure the sun anymo than necessary. As Bill trotted out of Twin Rocks, you could already sense Grimshaw’s focus on you.
With half an hour left, you resigned yourself to another pace around the camp. Usually, behind the old buildings would provide a little shade, but the punishing noon sun banished shadows from appearing. As you approached the back of camp, you squinted to look up at the hills. New Austin burned, but God was it beautiful.
“Careful, cariño, someone might sneak up on you,” a smooth voice teased from behind you. Spinning around, you saw Javier leaning against the wall, a cigarette hanging from his smirk, his face even more tanned than usual. His eyes narrowed in the glare of the sun as he looked at you from under his sombrero, the wide brim casting the only shadow for miles around. You had never wanted one more.
“Didn’t sneak up on me Escuella,” you lied with a grin, “I saw ya, just didn’t think you were much of a threat.” Your voice was slightly breathless - as far as handling the weather, you were haggard compared to the Mexican relaxing in front of you.
He chuckled softly, “That right, cariño?” His gaze shifted slightly, taking in more of your figure, causing a shiver to run through you. “Guess I haven’t been able to show off my skills recently… been a while since we last did a job, ay?”
Fighting your bashful blush, you looked away and blew a loose strand of hair from your face. You didn’t have to look at him to know he was watching your lips. You licked them before speaking, not acknowledging the shaky breath in front of you, “Has been some time, huh? I’ve been too busy scrubbing the constant dust from all our clothes to find any leads.” You kept your voice neutral incase anyone overheard, but you hoped your apology was apparent to him.
He clicked his tongue and pushed off the wall, “No worries, cariño, I got ya. Well, John said somethin’ about a stagecoach. Probably not as interesting as your laundry though.” Javier was now standing as close as he could while being in the camp; close enough to see the depths of his eyes, but not arouse suspicion. The perfect distance to make your heart jump, to make your face flush, to make you dizzy in anticipation.
There were rumours from the get-go about the two of you. The two newest recruits of the Van der Linde gang, inseparable as if from birth, found a fast and deep friendship in one another. Javier, heartbroken and forced from his home. You, having lost your family and prospects. You joined after attempting to pick-pocket Mary-Beth, who took pity on your starved and scared face, and saw a little of herself in you. You sheepishly returned her pocket watch, she apologetically returned your coin purse.
Less than a few months later, Dutch rode in with another lost soul, this one a ravenous and bloodstained foreigner. As Mary-Beth had with you, you saw yourself in his sunken face. You volunteered to help him, teaching him English and soothing him from his manic nightmares. In turn, he taught you to live by the ways of shooting and fishing. Together, you rebuilt yourselves, perfecting your partnership in crime. As to not disturb the girls you bunked with during his nightly terrors, you unceremoniously moved your bedroll into his lean-to. He didn’t look up from sharpening his knife when he told you to make yourself at home. His nightmares came less frequently.
Your friendship was natural, moving in sync and communicating with a glance. The rumours, therefore, were expected. Mary-Beth would embellish your fondness of the new mysterious revolutionary into little teases and tales. For years, you both insisted you were only friends, and for years you were telling the truth.
A job in Nevada turned sour fast, and through a storm of bullets you both escaped - nearly unscathed. Banged up from the fight and with a bullet gash in your thigh, you ended up laying on a musty cot in an abandoned cabin as Javier’s slim and precise fingers stitched you up, straddling your legs to hold you still. A bandaged leg and several bottles of whiskey later, you found yourself straddling him, fingers in his hair, kissing him like you needed him to survive.
His heart was still broken. You still wanted the freedom of a woman not spoken-for. So, friends you remained.
Long missions would keep you both from camp for a few days. Travel out, rob, hide, travel back. The adrenaline, the rush, the celebratory liquor - it was a routine between best friends. It wasn’t love - not in the traditional sense - but it was passion.
You threw yourself down on your bedroll, a long heavy sign releasing the stress from your body. The short shadow of your lean-to left your lower legs and feet in the sun, but the relief on your face and arms was heavenly. Your legs were lead and your blistered feet throbbed in your boots. Aching muscles and imminent heat stroke distracted you from approaching footsteps, the jingling of spurs muffled by a pounding headache.
You flinched at the cold cloth touching your face. “Easy, cariño,” his familiar voice cooed, “I’ll get you some water.” The cold bandana eased the stinging of your face; taking deep breaths, you smelt the tobacco and aftershave that soaked the fibres of Javier’s clothes (and, by proxy, quite a few of yours). A sloshing sound told you Javier had returned with your full canteena. Propping yourself up, you gulped down the water with desperate gratitude, the dizziness of heat stroke fading. Returning yourself to your pillow, you allowed the cloth to block the light and let the pull of sleep take over, barely aware of Javier’s gentle strumming.
You stirred awake, wiping your face with Javier’s bandana. Mid-afternoon sunlight dazzled your eyes, but thankfully offered you a larger shade, as if to apologise for its earlier abuse. Sitting, you brought the canteena to your lips, gulping down the refreshing water. In your grogginess, you vaguely noticed it had been refilled.
“Enjoy your siesta, hermosa?” You looked beside you to Javier sitting on his bedroll with his map open in front of him, watching you with a fond smile.
“Yeah, thanks for the water,” you raised your bottle towards him. “Guess the heat got to me.”
Javier hummed lightheartedly, “Don’t worry about it, we can’t all be blessed with my sun-tolerance.”
“Hah! I’d like to see you try snow-tolerance,” you thought back to your childhood on the east coast. “Bet you wouldn’t have made it to noon.”
“Good luck getting me anywhere past West Elizabeth. Speaking of which,” he pulled the map closer to you, “I’ve drawn out our route for tomorrow, what do you think?” He looked up and paused at your confused expression, “Cariño?”
The last thing you really remembered was the way Javier was looking at you, his smirk, his suggestion at doing a job together-
“Oh!” He smiled as your memory came back, the fog from the heat stroke disappearing. John had followed the lead of a banking coach crossing West Elizabeth once a month. Some other job had taken John’s attention, so Javier had volunteered to follow up on it. The invitation of three days alone with Javier was too tempting - so did a few days out of the New Austin sun. “Yes! The bak thing in West- yeah! I remember. When’re we going?”
“Careful hermosa, you might get faint again,” his sultry voice teased, flashing a toothy grin. “I reckon we leave first thing: we can get to Blackwater, stake out the roads, find a place to, ahhh, bunk down for the night,” he traced a long finger along the road he had drawn on his map. His suggestive wording was paired with a subtle glance at you, pleased to see you looked as excited as him. “Next day, we hit the coach. Hide out as usual, be back the day after. Hopefully,” he added dryly.
“Hopefully,” you repeated. “You know if Blackwater has a hotel? Or are we, uh, roughing it?” The innuendoes could pass as a poor choice of words for eavesdropping ears, but all they did was fuel the fire that was building up between the two of you.
“Don’t worry about it, hermosa,” he reassured you with a dark laugh, “I’ll make sure you’re well taken care of.”
This is my first upload for RDR so please please let me know if you have any feedback ! Any and all comments are appreciated ♡ Porn is coming in Part 2, then we'll be meeting Charles, so I hope you hang around for a bit ! Thanks for reading, enjoy xoxo
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whoyacallinyellow · 3 months
Borrowed Time
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Javier Escuella x F! reader
Spoilers: major RDR2 events chapters 1-6 Content: 18+, Javier angst, loyalty, dramatic, possessive, referenced/implied sex, canon typical events & violence, possible unintentional spelling mistakes, google translated Spanish Type: changed to second pov (wc - 2278) / pc: pinterest Prompt / inspiration credit: @/red-dead-do-over246
Summary: Javier has changed after his time in Guarma. With what’s left of the gang, his loyalty between you and Dutch becomes convoluted.
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You gazed at Beaver Hollow’s entrance, which resided Javier, stiff as a board, shoulders squared and hips narrowed. Pacing every so often as he fiddled with his carbine. 
The sight alone made you cringe, pitying the feller who stumbled upon the camp while Javier was on shift. 
Drawing attention to your presence with steady steps, he turned towards you in a trance, eyes clouded over with deep thought. 
“Hello.” Javier greeted absentmindedly, rolling up the sleeves of tattered shirt. 
“You alright?” He wondered softly, as if he was nearly confused by your sudden presence. 
“Of course.” You replied, hoping the matched tenderness of your tone was convincing enough.
“I was jus’ wondering if we could talk? You still haven’t told me what happened in uh— Guarma.” You proposed hesitantly, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. Just thinking about the boys ending up there made your head spin. 
“Can it wait? I needa focus, things are complicated right now— ‘nd I’m sure Ms. Grimshaw needs you.” He replied, an automatic response he has given you more than once since his return. 
You sighed, gazing down at his recently shined cowboy boots. Javier held so much loyalty, you wondered if he had lost himself in the process. As if he broke out of his trance he shuffled around, rubbing a harsh calloused hand down his mouth and chin. 
“Okay— ok, sure, mi amor— come.” He rambled softly with a disoriented head shake. Javier trudged up to you and placed a gentle hand on your back, ushering you to a nearby log. 
After a brief moment of silence he sighed tiredly, if you did not know any better, you would think it was in relief. Waiting for you to break the ice, he wrapped an arm around you and welcomed you into his warm embrace. 
“I— I thought you were dead, Javier…” you trailed off, your face being a constant reminder of how much you worried and cared about the man. You felt his grip tighten in reassurance before speaking. 
“Dead? Oh— mi amor, you know I would never leave you.” He cooed, his silky voice nearly resembling the man he used to be. 
You abruptly leaned away from him, eyes glossy from the tears that welled up. His rough thumbs responded almost immediately with small shushing noises exiting under his breath. He began stroking your cheeks, preparing for the tears threatening to fall. 
“Please no tears.” He whispered, the sight of you broke his heart— he knew his love didn’t deserve this, but you had to trust him. 
“‘M scared, I dunno what’s goin’ on anymore.” Your voice shook, chest heaving as you desperately tried to blink away the tears. You had always tried to be strong for him, the last thing you wanted was for him to be distracted while on a job.  
“Don’t be, hermosa, there’s a rat in the gang, s’all. We're takin’ care of it.” Javier’s vague words left a lot of room for interpretation, causing you to shutter nervously. Poor Molly was all you think about, and how her love for Dutch killed her in the end.  
“I know you would never... mi novia, I know.” Javier reassured, catching onto your fearful thoughts.
“Now, what about that talk?” He changed the subject, planting a small kiss upon the crown of your head before leaning away. 
You paused with a deep breath, with everything that has happened since Black Water, you were not sure how the man would react anymore. Things have changed more than you expected since the two of you have joined the gang. 
“Well, I found a place, it’s a bit to the west—“ You began hesitantly. 
“A place? Why didn’t you say? That’s great, I’ll let Dutch know.” He cut off your timid words, grinning brightly, a rare smile you usually can’t force out of him if you tried. 
“Not for the gang.” You quickly added as Javier frowned in confusion, staring at you over his brow-line. 
“A small cabin with a garden, birds in the pines up yonder.” You describe in awe, in attempts to win him over. The both of you gazed off the small cliff side, trying to imagine the place despite the reality of the damp smog you currently resided in. 
“It ain’t Tahiti, but it’ll be quiet for us.” You continued, not noticing the concerned look plastered upon the man. 
Javier hummed gently in consideration, entertaining your thoughts as he conceptualized your vision of a quiet life as a farm man, just for a moment. 
“Don’t we already have that? I mean— besides the cabin.” Javier asked, suddenly sizing you up. His stare possessed a dreadful amount of tension and certainty— as if his question were a test. 
You met Javier's tranquil stare; a long hardened face, he was simply a husk of a man he once was. It felt like years ago when he would treat you so tenderly, like a prize he had won and held sacred, something he could only have. His gentle, yet timid hands that used to run along your figure in the night now seemed like a mere dream. 
No longer a bright eyed cowboy, but a dangerous outlaw, consumed in drunken power and delusion, his trigger happily gunning down any poor soul that dares to get in his way— or look at him the wrong way. 
This new reality broke everyone, Javier was no exception. Bandoliers decorated his vested torso, his wounds earned in Guarma still raw, paying it no mind to rest and heal. 
“You sure you’re alright?” His words broke through your clouded mind, you gazed back at his prying eyes in hesitation. 
“Leave with me. Let’s run away.” The words finally escaped you, your heart now pounding in your ears. The added tension was bound to break at any moment. 
The outlaw now lazily wore a cigarette on his lip, it sagging ever so slightly as he contemplated your words carefully. Javier seemed to always deliberately think about what you said; that is just the kind of man he is. But if he could properly rationalize his reaction was a shot in the dark. Before too long his dull eyes turned ablaze in blinded fury as if you spoke blasphemy. 
A sharp breath exited his nose, his broken fists clenched at his side as he prepared to speak, a powder keg waiting to blow. 
“My bones break for you, I’ve killed for you, fuck— amor, if I didn’t know any better I’d die for you.” Javier’s words cut through the air like knives, sharp but quiet. 
“—and now you’re asking to leave? Is my loyalty not good enough— have I not proven worthy to you?” He ranted, presenting a side you had not seen before. 
But you had no defense, Javier was the most loyal lover and companion you ever had. Time and time again he proved that, with no hesitation he would put himself in between any dangers you could face. A promise he made to himself that night, unable to bear the thought of losing you. Additional scars and wounds that would be nonexistent if he were not protecting an extension of himself. 
“Answer me!” He shouted, not caring if the gang— or what was left of it heard.
“Why can’t you trust me?” Javier’s voice suddenly lowered again in betrayal, like a horse who finally broke under the stress of Dutch van der Linde’s wrath. 
“Javier—“ You mumbled softly in shock, begging for some sort of reasoning from the outlaw. 
“I trust you, Javier, it’s—“
“Then what do you want from me?” He spat, arms gesturing out in frustration. 
“I want you, Javier.” 
“Me?!— I am yours! I’ve been yours since that night at the lake! Whether you know that or not, estúpida.”
That night you two had snuck away for a swim while the gang rested in Clemens Point. The lake looked like glass, reflecting off the starry night, only to be broken by your intimacy. Your eager fingertips ran over the cowboys scars and insecurities, gentle lips trailing down his olive skin, from his cheeks to his collarbone, covering every area not submerged. 
In midst of Javier’s vulnerabilities he couldn’t do anything but hold you dumbfoundedly, his trembling hands resting underneath your thighs which wrapped around his hips. The close contact made blood rush to his head, and among other places. 
He remained that way for the entire swim, afraid to make the wrong move and scare you off, despite your naked body quite literally holding onto his, an unmistakable gesture for the trust you held for him. 
Javier swore up and down there were twice as many stars in the sky that night, which only encouraged him to make that promise to you. It was also that night he knew you officially had to be his, despite Micah’s advances—
“If you trust me, you’d trust Dutch’s plan.” He offered calmly, resting a hand on his belt. 
“They’re picking us off one by one— Javi, we’re on borrowed time, you must see that.” 
Javier adjusted his neck handkerchief, gaze locked on the ground away from you and the camp dwellers. 
“Why don’t’cha go, Dutch needs me strong.” He murmured simply, unaware of the extent you would obey. 
Your hands ran along the crumbling log bark before raising to your feet, wishing the man could see things how he used too. Quiet foreign curses and phrases then fired off the outlaws tongue while you departed, you recognized some of the words being that of a female dog. As you spun on your heel, the entire gang silently watched the dispute unfold from camp. 
“Fine! Sit here and wait for Dutch to turn the water into wine!” 
“Oh fuck off, chica!”
And those were the last words he spoke to you, they painstakingly replayed in his mind for the rest of the day. No one dared to ask the short-tempered outlaw what happened— not even Micah. 
The following day Javier figured he’d offer an apology to you, and perhaps convince you to prolong the running away. Emerging into your shared tent that early morning revealed an empty cot, along with your ransacked belongings at a disarray. 
After asking around camp, no one seemed to know where you wandered off to, everyone had problems of their own— the girls spat curses at him after witnessing yesterday's event, they were the least likely to talk, especially after what happened to Molly. 
The guilt and worry ate him alive throughout the day, he spent it scouting around, fearing the worst— what kind of man was he if he couldn’t keep the only promise he made? 
Defeated, the outlaw rode back into camp, Dutch lecturing him about his prolonged absence, while Micah sat at the wooden table behind them. A shit eating grin plastered on his face. 
Javier’s suspicions grew as his temper shortened, afterall, Micah was the only one he didn’t ask. 
“See my girl today? Hope not, for your sake.” He asked casually, gesturing towards the man. Micah grinned at his obvious uneasiness, dragging his boots from the table. 
“I was gon’ follow ‘er, partner, honest, but she’d threaten to gun me down, of sorts.” He shrugged, stretching out his arms lazily. 
“Where is she?” Javier demanded with a shout, further approaching Micah. 
“Easy now.” He replied, reaching slowly into his inner vest pocket, then presented a folded piece of paper he had nabbed from the tent after you fled. 
With an aggressive snatch of the paper, Javier read your note, a western cattle town scribbled down with a simple “I’ll wait for you.” 
Written so beautifully, he ran his fingers over the letters, but was rudely interrupted by a certain condescending voice.  
“So— is she our rat, amigo?” 
Javier glared at the man over the paper he clutched, unable to speak. 
“Ah, well, I knew she was no good, shoulda just let me have—” 
“Shut up, Micah— Don’t speak of her.” He hissed after a contemplating pause, desperately trying to restrain himself from disposing his pent up anger on the shyster. 
“C’mon cowpoke… only jokin’, ya’know how women are.” 
“Sure. You weren’t this chipper the nights she’d lay with me, cabrón.” Javier growled, taking a step closer to him, cracked knuckles beginning to bleed from the strain— anything to get the bastard to shut up. 
Micah chuckled sourly, his teeth gritting as he rocked in his chair. 
“Whatever you say, Mr. Escuella.”
Javier spat at the bastard's feet before crumpling up the letter with a toss, he then watched the paper engulf in flames and eventually turn to ash. But his love for you remained. 
That same night Javier sat on the edge of the path, unbothered to stand for his shift, revolver placed in the dirt next to him. 
He dug his boot into the dirt, creating a little divot with his heel, which only made his injured leg burn and sting, the pain keeping his mind at bay. 
Restlessly propped up against the same log the pair sat yesterday, he sighed in despair, freeing his aching head from his bowler hat. 
The cigarette Javier desperately puffed on nearly burnt his bloody fingers, his cheek puffy and purple. For what it was worth the outlaw would have killed Micah with his fists alone if Charles wasn't around to pry him off. Flicking away his ash he ran his fingers over the bloody patch, his mind unable to stray away from you. 
Leaning back on the log, Javier gazed up into the nights sky— and there were twice as many stars as usual— he huffed shakily, thinking of your words out loud. 
“Borrowed time.”
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slicedmayonnaise · 3 months
I'm literally so invested in my own fic universe. I need to not only write Javier's pov, but I also need to write a prequel and a prequel to the prequel about Dutch and hosea and also a spin off of Arthur and Charles and also a sequel about Javier and John's shenanigans on the run and
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sednonamoris · 1 year
can you please do reverse tousle + javier?
Pairing: Javier Escuella x gn!reader
Prompt: Mess playfully with my muse's hair
Warnings: Fluff, teasing, first kiss
Word count: 488
Javier is pretty all the time, but prettiest by firelight, you think. 
It’s late. Everyone else has gone to bed, leaving just the two of you by the dying embers of the last fire. He strums soft and tuneless on his guitar, and hums along the same. His legs are crossed loosely. A faint smile tugs at his lips.
You sit across from him and watch like he’s hung every star in the vast night sky. They twinkle down on you and shine back in the depths of his dark eyes when he looks up to smile at you, amused.
“What?” he asks.
“Just lookin’,” you shrug, but mirror his smile with one of your own.
He quirks a brow. “Like what you see?” 
Yes, you think. Always.
Fireglow glints off of canines flashed with his grin, and you swallow past a dry mouth. That bowler hat you so love to steal has long since been abandoned, and flyaways his ponytail didn’t quite catch frame his face. Without thinking you reach across to tug on them. 
He swats your hand away but his grin is even wider, now. Like he wants to swallow you whole. 
“Could use a haircut,” you say. It’s so hard to look away. Even harder to meet his gaze.
“Sure,” he chuckles at your sorry attempt to cut the tension. “You wanna give it a try? Maybe you’ll be better than the barber in town.”
“Me? I can barely cut a hide straight out hunting. You’ll end up bald if I’m holdin’ the scissors.” 
“Maybe I’ll look good bald.” 
“You look good all the time,” you scoff with a wave of your hand.
It takes a moment to sink in that you’ve said that aloud. Your face flushes with heat the moment it registers, and he laughs in earnest, this time, at your obvious embarrassment. 
“Do I?”
“Oh, fuck off. You know what I meant.”
He smirks. “I think I do.”
“You’re terrible,” you announce. “I’m going to bed.” 
You don’t get up. 
“All alone?” His guitar has been set off to the side, leaned up against the tent pole. He’s closer than you remember, or maybe he was always this close. 
“Terrible,” you repeat. There’s an edge of desperation to the accusation as he moves closer and closer, obvious now. Waiting for you to retreat. Watching you stay. 
“Terrible,” he agrees. His breath ghosts across your lips, parted, waiting. 
He brushes your hair out of your face and gives it a playful tug before settling to cradle the back of your head. You gasp, but the sound is quickly swallowed by the kiss that follows. His lips are warm and welcome against your own. When he pulls away - too soon - his eyes are alight with mischief. 
“Was that so bad?”
“Terrible, like I said,” you say. Even you have to admit you sound breathless. “Do it again?”
He laughs, and does just that.
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worcestersausce · 1 month
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@slicedmayonnaise <3 this and WTE(welcome to escuella’s) has been holding hy heart for the last month… thank you so much sliced mayonnaise!!! can’t wait for the continuation😍 HIGHLY RECOMMENDED Fic
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spongeyspot · 6 months
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Requests are [Closed]!
Also! Wanna be a named anon with an emoji?
Check this out!
🧽Characters I write for🧽
Red Dead Redemption
Arthur Morgan
John Marston
Lenny Summers
Dutch Van Der Linde
Charles Smith
Hosea Matthews
Javier Escuella
Kieran Duffy
Abigail Roberts
Sadie Adler
(I will write for almost anyone; just ask! These are just the characters I’m most comfortable with.)
🧽Characters I DON’T ALWAYS write for🧽
Micah Bell
Note: Certain ooc scenarios with certain characters I probably won’t write, and its really up to my discretion of what I’m comfortable writing. You can ask for whatever you want, but if I don’t feel comfortable, I probably won’t do it.
🧽Forbidden themes🧽
As a writer on tumblr, there are certain things that I just can’t tolerate, and they read as such.
Scat or Watersports
Vomit play.. whatever that is called.
basically any bodily fluids besides male or female ejaculation
Incest (Excludes Step-cest)
Race Play
Ass Play (Fisting, Eating, etc.) (excluding Anal)
Anything in this list that is asked for will not be written. Your request will be ignored and deleted.
Note: If something that isn't listed is asked for, and I'm uncomfortable with the theme, I will reserve my right to refuse that prompt and add that theme to the list.
🧽Welcome Themes🧽
Character x Character (but only if the reader is also involved)
Dark themes
Character Death
Blood Play
Age Difference (Characters will always be of legal age [18+])
Con Noncon
Pet Names
Impact Play (Ex: Spanking, Slapping, etc. [Consensual])
Breath Play
Knife Play
Threesomes + Moresomes
(mostly anything else that isn’t listed is welcome, but please check the restricted criteria before asking!)
Note: I tend to write more toward afab/fem presenting. But i also write gn or amab/masc. If you don’t specify which you prefer, I’ll probably just write afab because thats what I’m most comfortable with.
If you want your prompt to be a different gender/orientation please specify so I know!
🧽Other themes (SFW)🧽
Pregnancy (Can be NSFW)
Platonic Fluff
General Fluff
Sibling/parent themes (angst or fluff, NEVER nsfw. [See restrictions])
Do not interact with this blog if you qualify as any of the following:
Ageless or Blank blog
This is a drama-free, safe environment, and I intend to keep it that way.
Thank you!
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zanazirafanfic · 3 months
this is the anon that asked for fic recs. I just want anything that's rdr if that's ok
I've got over 750 RDR fics faved, so I'm absolutely going to miss some good ones here, but the first ones that come to mind right now are:
Welcome to Escuella's by Sliced Mayonnaise
gentle hands by pinkchem91
Loose Footing by barbarosabee
This Is Fine by Emmithar
Poisoned Mind by Arwriter
Always by finefeatheredfriend
Ain't Messing With You by AliNasweter
Sun Leads Me On by TheSnailQueen
Fallen On Deaf Ears by Arwriter
i know who you are now by Azifall
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