#welcome to my crackship smiles
eldritch-transgirl · 3 months
need to learn to draw so i can draw ticker and archimedian yonta making out sloppy style
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hozaloza · 2 months
When a crackship turned normal ship is becoming your comfort ship and it swims in your head 24/7
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I'm really considering gonna rewrite some of the infection AU just to include this dumb ship ☠️
Okay fr, it's not a big difference, so it's not like I had a drastic change
Anyways I'm pretty sure I've never shared this artwork for it here,,, here it is! Alex Laurier, caretaker of the kids, but mainly Ashlyn.
No matter what he is doing, if Ashlyn needs him or if he is tasked to do an assignment with Ashlyn, he must go, no ifs or buts.
We do not speak of his arm. No one speaks of the incident.
Infection Au lore drop here. No spoilers for the deep lore, just putting it behind a read more bc I can
In the facility, he was given access to an area where he does physical assignments with Ashlyn Banner. These are randomly assigned by the man who runs the research.
This all started when they took a field trip to Savannah, GA. The group was looking around, having fun, and overall having a great time. At some point, they remembered they had signed up for a tour in the area a week before the trip, and they decided to check if they even still had it opened. Luckily, they did, so the group walked to where the Sorrel-Weed house was and were met by a woman with piercings. She welcomed them in, checking that they were the group she was touring before beginning the tour. It was the usual biz; she gave facts, showed them rooms, and would discuss the paranormal activity of the house. While the tour guide was showing them the Francis Sorrel Library, her phone suddenly went off.
"Ah...I'm so sorry, this is my emergency phone. I have to get it." She picked up while walking out of the room. "Please stay here while I get this. Don't touch any of the items while I'm gone, I'll be right back!"
With that, the tour lady leaves.
She leaves the room to actually discuss an actual emergency (something was going on at the facility she worked at).
And while she was gone, Aiden decided to peak out the door to see where she went off to.
"Um, Aiden? What are you doing?" Logan asked. "Checking to make sure the coast is clear, duh" Aiden replied, walking out the door.
So, he forces the group to follow him so they could explore. Tay was all over for this idea, just wanting to look around.
While they looked around, Ashlyn got a strange feeling in her stomach. She felt as though they should head back to the room before the tour guide came back. But she didn't speak up. Eventually they make it to the basement (I'm assuming, idk I've never been to the Sorrel-Weed house), and Ashlyn senses a strange presence in the room. She looks over to where the phantom was in the canon, but nothing is there. "Whatcha looking at?" Aiden asked, scaring Ashlyn. "Ah! Stop sneaking up on me like that!" She yelled. Aiden turned to where she was looking at and started walking towards the room. "What are--" "Oooh, what's this?" Aiden interrupted. The others followed behind, and Ashlyn had no choice but to follow.
They saw a small plant like material in the corner, it's pattern sort of resembling a smile if you really squinted your eyes.
"Say, didn't Logan tell us his grandparents run a plant shop?" Aiden asked, "Um…it's flowers actu--" "Same thing! So, what kind of plant is it?" Aiden asked curiously. Logan took a closer look, but he scrunched his brows, stepping back. "I'm… I'm not sure. Looks nothing like what I've studied." "Maybe we can ask the tour guide when she finds us? She's bound to know--" Before Taylor finished her sentence, Aiden threw a book at the plant, which caused it to release a cloud of smoke. COUGH COUGH "AIDEN!! What the hell was that for?!" Tyler yelled out, gagging as he was unfortunately close to it. Aiden coughed harder than him, having been the one who got the most in his lungs. "I'm sorry! I got curious if it would do something when I threw a book at it!" "What did you think the plant was going to do?? Read us a bedtime story?" Ashlyn wheezed as she wiped the dust off her face. She observed it closely, wondering what the particles even were. 'This…. this doesn't look normal…' Ashlyn thought. "Excuse me?? What are you kids doing down here?? I told y'all to stay in the room!" The tour guide stated. The kids turned around, Whoops, they've been caught. Sigh "Never mind, y'all are young, I can't blame anybody. Let's head back to continue the tour…" She stated, rubbing her eyes.
Ashlyn felt wary of the plant, but it didn't really matter to her. 'It's not our problem anymore.' she thought.
The dust never left.
(woah Hoza actually wrote the beginning??) Anyways, that's all I'm sharing, ty for reading my Infection AU snip-shots.
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sweaterkittensahoy · 2 months
hey! if you’re still doing prompts—i saw how you said that you take on any ships sort of like a challenge and everything so may i offer you this incredible crackship: douglass/harding in which harding catches him with his ridiculous amount of rubbers and teaches him how to actually use it right
ignore this if u want, or change the ship if u prefer :)
[This grew feelings. I blame feelings.]
Douglass is on his third "welcome back from the dead" whiskey when Colonel Harding comes up to him at the bar and puts a hand on his shoulder. "Sir," Douglass greets.
"How you feeling, Douglass?" Harding asks. He's got a whiskey in his own hand, his cigar in the same hand. His hand lingers for another moment on Douglass's shoulder, then he takes his hand away so he can retrieve his cigar and take a drag. 
"Some bumps and bruises," Douglass says, "but the cuts are the worst of it, Sir."
Harding nods. "Good. Glad to hear it. He leans a little closer, his shoulder brushing Douglass's for a moment. "I do have a question regarding your personal effects, though."
"What's that, Sir?" Douglass asks. 
"Why in the hell do you have so many goddamn prophylactics in your footlocker?"
Douglass snorts whiskey up his nose. Harding gives him one sharp smack on the back as he wheezes. His vision and airways clear after a couple of moments, and he realizes they have an audience. Crosby and Blakely and Hambone and a few others. "Well, Sir," he says, and flashes Harding his most winning smile, "it's been awhile since I had leave."
The boys laugh, and Harding smirks as he sips his whiskey. "For fuck's sake, Douglass, pick a pretty face and get your dick wet before we can float your damn footlocker back to the States after the war."
Douglass leads the laughter this time. "Yes, Sir," he says. "If that's an order, I'll see if I can't trick Blakely right here into a little something tonight."
"I'm still not over the clap you gave me last time," Blakely retorts, which causes even more laughing. 
"Hell, I assumed he just never wears a rubber because the social disease eats through 'em before he even gets started," Hambone adds. 
As the boys keep roasting Douglass, he cuts a quick look to Harding, who takes another sip of his whiskey, then taps his glass three times. Douglass nods once, and Harding steps back away, giving them their space to celebrate again.
"I don't know how you kept laughing like that after the Colonel busted you for those rubbers," Crosby says a few minutes later. "I think I'd have drowned myself in my drink."
"That's where you and I are different, Croz," Douglass says, giving Crosby's a little shake. "I <em>glory</em> in being a pervert. You prefer to keep it between you and the missus," he waits for Crosby to take a sip of his drink before he adds, "And Bubbles."
Crosby spits out his drink. "He <em>told</em>?" he hisses.
Douglass stares. "No!" he says. He covers his mouth. "Holy shit, really?"
"Oh, god," Crosby says. 
"Hey, look, first of all, you know no one fucking cares, right?" Douglass asks. "Wait. I remembered who I'm talking to. So, okay, first of all, Croz, no one fucking cares. We're the fuckingest and suckingest base in the whole fucking ETO. But also, good for you. And Jean. And Bubbles, honestly. If it works, it works."
"I have to go throw myself into an engine," Crosby mutters, putting his hands over his face. "We're gonna–Jean wants to tell her family first, so there's no surprises."
"What? Like a blonde-haired, blue-eyed Crosby?"
Crosby stares at him through his fingers. Douglass heaves a huge sigh. "Okay, that's a yes. So, look, I'm gonna go get your man to come and talk you down from this ledge, and then I'm gonna shut my fucking mouth until the two of you say a fucking word about it, got me?" 
"You love gossip," Crosby says. 
"Oh, I sure do," Douglass agrees. "But you're not the only one trying to figure out when to make a relationship official." Crosby glances at Blakely, which makes Douglass snort. "Nah. Love him like a brother." Crosby looks at Hambone. "Tried it. He bites harder than I like." Douglass watches as Crosby's eyes get impossibly wider. 
"Wait," Crosby whispers. "The Colonel and your foot locker and–"
"Yup," Douglass says, and it's nice to say it to someone, even if Crosby looks like he wants to crawl under the table and never talk to a human being ever again. "So, I know what you're up to, and you know what I'm up to, and we'll both keep our mouths shut until otherwise notified, yeah?"
"Yeah,' Crosby says. He clears his throat and sits up straight, dropping his hands from his face. "I mean, yeah. Obviously. You can trust me."
"I know," Douglass replies. It's true. Crosby's an overthinker, but he only talks too much about his own shit, not anyone else's. "Feel free to tell Bubbles if you want. Only seems fair."
"So, you're gonna tell–" Crosby presses his fingers to his mouth. "It's fine," he says after a moment. "I trust you, too."
"Great." Douglass stands and gives Crosby a grin, then walks over to Bubbles, who's caught in a conversation with a couple other navigators. Douglass doesn't know how the man is managing not to be at Crosby's right arm right now, but he supposes everyone's different when they witness a resurrection. "Crosby needs to talk to you, and for the record, I apologize if he's a little incoherent."
Bubbles gives him a look but doesn't ask, just walks over to Crosby. Douglass watches as Crosby whispers in Bubbles's ear, then watches Bubbles react without words, simply staring like Crosby must be crazy. Crosby nods sharply, and Bubbles laughs, then shrugs, then whispers something back to Crosby that has him laughing, too. 
Yeah, Douglass thinks as he slips out the door of the officer's club, those two and Jean will do just fine. 
He takes his time walking to his destination. He's going to be incredibly early when he gets there no matter, but it feels good to have the air on his face after what he's been through. The fear when they were hit, the crash, the sitting around and waiting for someone who could help them. Then coming back and finding out everyone had thought he'd died. Which, he doesn't blame them for assuming. Everyone saw them losing altitude in a fire fight. He'd have assumed the same. 
But still. 
He looks up at the sky, watching the patchy clouds move for a few seconds before he breathes out hard and looks towards his destination. It's Chick's hut, set a few yards behind the control tower. The lights are on, and Chick's outside, leaning next to the door and staring at the sky like Douglass just was. Douglass gives a low whistle, and Chick meets his gaze. He's mostly done with his cigar, but the ember is still bright on the end, and it shows him the upturned corner of Chick's mouth. 
"I said thirty minutes," Chick greets. 
"Didn't want to wait," Douglass replies. He doesn't stop walking until he can feel the warmth of Chick's body. He's usually a little more careful even though no one ever wanders this way at this time of day. Any possible interest in fucking on, in, or near the control tower is immediately doused by the fact that the CO's hut is within hearing distance. 
Chick takes the last drag of his cigar, and Douglass goes up on his toes, lifting his chin and opening his mouth. Chick holds his chin as he breathes the smoke against his lips, and Douglass feels wild and settled in equal measure. "Come on," Chick says, then just barely touches their mouths together. 
Douglass wants to grab him by his blouse and hold him still while he kisses him until neither of them remember their names. But he remembers their ranks, so he lets Chick open the door and gesture him inside. 
Chick's hut is as classically masculine as he is. A leather couch and chair in front of the wood stove. Simple, dark green curtains on the windows. A small table and two wooden chairs bought from a craftsman in the village next to a low bookcase full of novels and classics. The bed–an actual, real bed–done up in military green with a proper nightstand and dresser but tucked behind a wooden privacy screen that matches the table and chairs. His footlocker acts as the coffee table in front of the couch. There's a single bulb lighting up the whole hut from the middle, but there's also a standing lamp in one corner, angled to reflect the most light from the rafters of the hut, brightening the whole space.
"I thought about this," Douglass says as he looks around the space and notices the changes from just the last few days. There's clean laundry on one of the wooden chairs, and a brand new book on the footlocker. It has a bookmark in it. Chick hasn't gotten very far. 
"Thought about what?" Chick asks. He walks over to the bookcase. The top of it also serves as a small bar area. He opens the whiskey and pours a double-shot into two glasses, then carries them over to Douglass. 
"This," Douglass says, taking the glass with a nod. "The couch. The fire. Your books." He waggles his eyebrows at Chick. "Your bed."
Chick snorts. "Cheeky."
Douglass purses his lips in a kiss. "You've never complained. Not in here, at least."
Chick gives Douglass a considering look, then steps in close. "You were thinking of my quarters while you were crashing?" he asks. 
"Yeah," Douglass says. They've never said much about their relationship, not even to each other. But he's nearly died and was then presumed dead, and then walked back in to a resurrection welcome, and well, that makes a man consider things. "I was scared shitless, and I wanted to think of something safe." 
"Jim, goddamnit," Chick says, looking shattered. "You can't just say that sort of thing without warning." But there's a shaky smile at the corner of his mouth. 
"Well, our navigator shouldn't have steered us into a fucking tree, but here I am," Douglass replies, and the surprised laugh from Chick makes him feel good. 
Chick holds up his glass. "To making it back," he says. "I'm fucking glad."
"Me, too," Douglass agrees, and they tap their glasses together. He takes a sip of the whiskey, then steps forward so he can wrap an arm around Chick's waist. "Now," he says, "let's talk about why you know how many rubbers are in my foot locker."
"I do the final sign off on the inventory slips," Chick says. "I don't usually even read them. Kidd signs off before me, and I know he does. I'm just the final bit of red tape to get them sent. But…" He pauses for a long moment, but he doesn't look away from Douglass. Douglass doesn't look away from him. "I know some things about you, but I wondered what I was about to miss. So, I read it." 
Douglass can't help his chuckle. "And there they were. 200 rubbers."
Chick grins, wide and pleased, the way Douglass always tries to make him grin when they're together. "204, actually."
Douglass throws his head back and laughs. Chick cups the back of his neck like he doesn't want him to get too far away. "They <em>counted</em>?" he says. 
"Wouldn't want anyone to think we stole your rubbers," Chick replies. He leans down and kisses Douglass's Adam's apple. 
Douglass shivers and feels his knees go weak. "Chick," he whispers. Chick mouths his Adam's apple, and Douglass nearly drops his glass. "Fuck." A dragging kiss from his Adam's apple up his throat, across the underside of his chin, then onto his mouth. Douglass's whole body goes tight and wild, and then Chick slips his tongue into Douglass's mouth, and a hint of cigar smoke comes with it, and it's all Douglass can do not to tumble to the floor. 
Chick pulls away, but he keeps his hand on the back of Douglass's head. "Drink your whiskey. I'm taking you to bed."
Douglass nods, lets out a shaky breath, and slams his drink. He wouldn't usually. Chick's personal preference is above and beyond anything in the officer's club, but Chick is staring at him like he plans to eat him alive, and Jesus Christ, he's fucking <em>alive</em>.
Chick throws back his own drink, then takes Douglass's glass and sets them both on the footlocker. He turns back to Douglass and reels him in by the belt, kissing him messy and desperate, his dick hard against Douglass's own through their trousers. 
"Race you," Chick mumbles, and Douglass laughs as they shove each other away at the same time and see who ends up naked first. For all the difference in rank, it's the same amount of clothes, but Douglass has never actually beaten Chick at this silly game and doesn't mind that he loses now. 
"Come here," Chick says, stepping back towards the couch. He sits and reaches for Douglass, pulling him onto his lap. "Let me check on you."
Douglass bites back the urge to say he's fine. He is, really, but they've been doing this awhile, and Chick is just the type to check on bumps and bruises. "I told you," he says because he can't be silent on the matter, "the worst of it is on my face."
Chick makes a considering sound and lightly touches the bruises on Douglass's ribs. He finds the ones on his legs, and his chest, the little knot on his shoulder where he'd slipped and jammed into the bomb site. When he presses, Douglass hisses, and Chick pulls him in so he can kiss where he's caused pain. 
"Softie," Douglass murmurs against Chick's ear. 
Chick smacks his hip, which makes Douglass laugh, and then he checks the rest of the bruises. Once he's satisfied Douglass is just fine, he grabs Douglass's ass in both hands and squeezes hard. "How do you want it?" he asks. 
"How do you want it?" Douglass replies. Chick's fingers dig in, one finger just brushing his hole. Douglass arches forward and bites Chick's lower lip. Chick responds by smacking his hip again. 
"I don't want to hurt you, but I want to give you whatever you want," Chick says, mouth pressed against Douglass's ear. "I always want to give you what you want."
Douglass groans and presses his lips against Chick's temple. "Fuck me," he says. "Fuck me so long and hard I feel fucking alive."
Chick holds Douglass's face in his hands and stares into his eyes for a long, unstoppable moment. "You're alive, Jim."
Douglass feels something tight and hot tie up in his chest, and all he can do is nod. Chick presses his thumbs to the corners of Douglass's mouth, and then the corners of his eyes, and then he drops his hands to Douglass's thighs just under his ass and stands up from the couch, Douglass held secure in his grip. 
And the fear and terror and death wipe away, and he's Jim again. Chick's Jim. Because his parents call him James, and his friends call him Jimmy, and brothers' in arms call him Douglass. And it's Chick, only Chick who calls him Jim. And Chick's name is Neil, but it's not. Not to Jim. Who saw him in a London pub two days before Harding showed up as Thorpe's Abbot CO and said, "My name's Neil, but my call sign's Chick," and Douglass, bombardier to Blakely's pilot, had laughed that of all the men to meet that night, he'd met a fucking pilot.
Chick lays him on the bed and nuzzles his neck, then his chest, then his belly. He grips Jim's thighs hard before he pushes them open, and Jim arches his back at the way the touch goes through him. 
Chick splays a hand wide on Jim's chest before reaching over to the side table. Jim touches Chick's jaw before he can move more and uses a single finger under his chin to lead him up to his mouth. 
They share a shivery kiss, Jim cheating by licking the corner of Chick's mouth, which always drives him wild, and then Chick breaks aways. He comes back for one more, brief kiss, and then he actually turns his head like he has to or else he'll just kiss Jim again.
Jim tilts his chin upwards and smiles at the rafters in the ceiling. His skin is buzzing with <em>being alive</em>, and then Chick drops the open tin of Vaseline next to Jim's ribs, and he arches in anticipation of what's next. 
Chick isn't coy. He rubs two fingers over Jim's hole in a rough caress, and then works both fingertips in at the same time. Jim gasps and grunts, then grabs tight at Chick's wrist before he can pull out. Chick grins, leaning down to kiss Jim's stomach, and then works his fingers in another inch.
"Fucking take me, Sir," Jim says, then laughs when Chick uses his free hand to drag his nails down Jim's thigh. "You're so fucking easy," Jim adds and pushes himself up with his arms. Chick shifts his weight and lifts his hand off Jim's thigh so can can wrap his arm around Jim's lower back and hold him in place for a hot, desperate kiss as he pushes his fingers in another inch. 
Jim sees stars and grabs Chick's bicep. His other hand he uses to cup Chick's face and deepen their kiss. 
They spend several minutes kissing, Chick methodically working his fingers deeper into Jack. When his fingertips press hard on Jim's prostate, he whines and falls back onto the bed. He clenches his muscles around Chick's fingers and groans loudly when Chick leans down to drag his stubble along Jim's dick.
"Please," Jim grits out, pulling at Chick's hair because he can cup his head and clench his fingers. 
Chick chuckles and kisses Jim's slit. "Not enough for you?" His voice is a delicious rumble, low and vibrating. 
But Jim's not easily swayed into admitting what he wants. "I've got 204 rubbers in my footlocker," he says. "I can find someone." He laughs and jerks when Chick rubs against his prostate with unquestionable intent, then pulls his fingers out with perfect roughness. 
"Don't you dare," Chick growls.
Jim watches Chick scoop up Vaseline and grease up his dick. "Well, get on with it," he goads as the fact that he's alive sings across his nerves and Chick's sharp, threatening look of getting fucked into the ground heightens the feeling of it all. 
Chick grabs Jim's hips and lifts him into his lap. He lets go of Jim's left hip for just enough time to line his dick up with Jim's hole, and then he pushes in, hissing through his teeth as Jim grunts and reaches out to grab Chick's forearms and keep him as close as possible as Chick starts to fuck him hard and deep and beautiful. 
Jim pants as Chick fucks him, staring into his eyes as Chick refuses to look away. Jim feels taken apart in a same but different way as he was contemplating his mortality the day before in the fort. The adrenaline is the same. The want is different. Dropping to his death the day before, the want was to survive. Being fucked now, Chick leaning forward with his arms on either side of Jim's head, Jim wants to survive and survive and <em>survive</em>. 
He groans, and it turns into a sound he's never made in his life. A combination of being alive and needing to know he's alive and feeling in every pore how alive he is. Chick sucks hard at his Adam's apple, then kisses his neck and his cheek and finally his mouth. 
"Come on," Chick says into Jim's mouth. "Make a mess."
Jim grabs Chick's shoulders and holds on. He presses his hips upward and whines when Chick grabs his ass and holds him in place so his cock rubs over Chick's stomach again and again. 
"Make a mess," Chick says again. "Make a mess, Jim." 
He comes even as Chuck keeps fucking him at the same tempo. Relentless and perfect and devastating until he pushes his mouth against Jim's ear and comes. 
Jim wraps an arm around Chick's head and holds him close. Chick's own hands press perfectly into Jim's hips as they pant into each other's ears. 
"I thought–" Chick swallows loudly in JIm's ear. 
"Me, too," Jim admits. He digs his nails into Chick's scalp and kisses his temple. "I…" he can't finish the thought, not when they're wrapped up so close. 
Chick breathes in and out. He uses one hand to press Jim gently to the right so they can share a kiss, and as it happens, he pulls out. "Shh," he says when Jim whimpers at the loss. 
"Stay. Stay," Jim says. Something he always wants to say but never has. But he survived his own death yesterday, so he feels like it's okay.
Chick kisses his mouth and his cheek and his collarbone. "Jim," he says. 
"I love you," Jim blurts because it's been caught behind his ribs since he realized he was going to live. "I know we agreed this was a fuck and suck–"
"Hush," Chick replies and his kiss is gentle but certain. "Jesus, when I thought I'd lost you," he murmurs against Jim's mouth, then carefully brushes his thumbs over each of the cuts on Jim's face. 
Jim stares at the rafters and breathes slow and deep. He rubs his hands up and down Chick's back. "Hambone puts those rubbers in my foot locker," Jim says. "He thinks I don't know it's him, but I saw him do it once. It makes him laugh."
"I don't fucking care," Chick says and presses kisses to Jim's chest and arms. 
"It's been rough," Jim says, the closest he can come to admitting the war's fucking exhausting. "And it kept making him laugh."
Chick is taking over his entire line of sight suddenly, so close Jim can't see anything else. "I didn't think you had them to fuck around on me," he says. "If you'd be using them, there'd be less."
And Jim laughs, brash and loud and maybe a little uneven, but it's genuine, and it makes Chick smile at him. They kiss again, slow and easy. But Jim's never been the type who can let something land on soft ground, so when they pull apart, he gives Chick his brashest grin and says, "Hey, so did you know Crosby and Bubbles and Mrs. Jean Crosby are fucking?"
"You might have the worst pillow talk in the entire Air Army," Chick mutters, and Jim laughs and laughs and pulls him as close as he possibly can. When he calms down, Chick is smiling at him like he's wonderful, and Jim takes his chance. "Would you tell everyone about us?"
Chick pushes Jim's curls off his forehead. "Would you tell me you love me?" he asks. 
"I love you," Jim answers instantly. 
Chick kisses Jim on the mouth. "I love you," he replies. It's the first time they've ever said it, but it feels exactly right. Honest but sharp, a little mercenary even. "But at least let me have you all to myself for the rest of the night."
Jim laughs and presses his face into Chick's neck. "Okay," he says. "That feels fair."
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applesontheground · 2 years
🕯️ push and shove ⛓️
so. i have decided to write for a crackship that wouldn’t leave me alone... you guys are welcome to join in of course, but i’m mostly doing this for myself lol. no plot or anything really, just being mistreated by these two for nearly 2k haha
NSFW | Word Count: 1,752 | Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader x Rusty Nail
contains polyamory/hinge poly, GN penetration, fingering, possessive dirty talk, shotgunning, dacryphilia, nipple play, pain play, marking, bo puts his cigarette out on you lmao
The air felt sucked from the space in between them, almost like dogs baring teeth at each other as they kept staking claim of your body, your own hands unsure of whose to settle on. One move too much in favor of one could set the whole place on fire, but you grinned at the thought of them losing their minds over the prospect of not getting to have all of you to themselves.
Even that was bound to start something, and sure enough Bo stopped looking at where his hands were grazing your sides to catch that look on your face.
“What’re you laughin’ for?”
In the dark, it was hard to tell who was grabbing where. Recognizing the hot metal of Bo’s ring from the fingers clawing around your sides, hungry for marks just as they were to feel your skin prickle under them, then the thick callouses along Rusty’s palm that the other man just didn’t have. You bit your lip, knowing trying to hide the pleasure resonating from the attention coupled with the utter closeness was a losing game. Still, Bo leaned in, hand trailing up to wrap around the side of your neck, keeping you faced towards him. “That’s right, pretty. You look at me.”
Another chuckle behind you, patting your thigh as it slid there. “Look at [him/her/them]? Look at you, takin’ the reigns." Rusty pointed out, "You know what you’re doing?”
“Shut your mouth, had my share of this – just’s much as you.” He cocked his chin in his direction, the tight sneer looking ready to spit. “What? We havin’ ourselves a pissing match, Rusty?” Bo grinned with more edge to it than any jest he could pull from himself. His eyes fell back, downcast to your body again as he jeered at you, “Tell him, [Y/N]. Say how good I make you cum.”
“Y-You make me cum so hard, Bo. I-“ You hiccupped as teeth grazed the sensitive spot in the crook of your neck, Rusty’s nicotine scented breath tracing the back of your ear, “Does he now? Make you howl like I do?”
Unable to answer to that without falling apart, you just giggled again, tipping your head up to the ceiling despite still having a hand holding you steady. It only made Bo’s fingers curl around the side of your neck, sending another shiver through your body.
“Now what’s so funny?” Rusty asked, barely able to see your expression but feeling the way your face had twinged against him. You hummed, “Nothing I can say without making you two mad.”
“That it? You wanna see us mad?” Bo murmured, and without a warning his other hand found its way to your [pussy/cock], [fingers easily sliding past your entrance to find your clit/gripping your base with a surprisingly careful hold]. “We can show you mad.” He grumbled, letting you melt and shudder forwards again, head tipping down to stare at his movements.
“God, enough with the one liners.” You complained weakly, Bo’s own smile twitching a bit at the way you muttered straight at his face, “How about you two stop fucking around and let me know-“ The air was sucked out of your lungs as you felt Rusty bottom out in you without warning, pushing through your tight [cunt/hole] and making you squeak out a noise like an animal being gutted.
“Easy. Don’t tell me that’s all it took to get you to fold, pretty pretty.” Rusty almost laughed, holding your hips still and flush against his. Bo shrugged, letting you bury your head in his chest with his lit cigarette hovering over you, the heel of his hand settled on your shoulder blade as he murmured, “Don’t got any help for you, [Y/N]. If you’re gonna act like a brat, just gonna treat you like one.”
“Think that sounds fair. More than fair.” Rusty’s own hand suddenly took hold of the back of your neck, keeping you in the center of Bo’s chest and tutted at the other man, “Hold [her/him/’em] still.” Bo let the cigarette stick out from the side of his mouth, sending him a testy look before looking down at you with a stony expression, adjusting so you were positioned better against his chest and replacing the hand at the base of your skull with his own. His free one started running laps over your [breasts/pecs], occasionally letting his fingers close in around your nipples and smiling at the way you whimpered against his clothes, callouses not making the touches any more bearable.
A few movements in and out of you had your entire body quaking, from shaking shoulders to your toes curling against the floor under them. Your vision blurred, focused sharply, and at the sensation of getting tapped at your core by Rusty’s cock at a pace slow enough to drive you straight to the border of pain and pleasure and then leave you on the edge, you started puffing and wincing. It was the only noise you could manage, eyes staring into the threads of Bo’s shirt because you had no other solace to turn to.
“Keep [‘er/’em] quiet.” Rusty barked, and suddenly Bo’s hand took hold of your chin and made you look at him again in a sharp movement. “Open. Said open.” He was too impatient, his fingers pushing past the lips on your face and grazing against your clenched teeth until they were pried, “You heard ‘em. Stay still.” The orange glow of his cigarette was right against your cheek, scorching the already heated skin and making you want to flinch out of his hold. Knowing better – and too weakened from the intrusion – you only moaned slightly as he held your mouth open. Taking the cigarette from his lips, he finally held it away from you only to lean in close and with pursed lips breathe his exhale of smoke into your open mouth.
“The hell is that you’re doin’?” Rusty muttered, following a particularly strained grunt. Bo squinted through the dark. “What? Never shotgun someone, old man?”
He shook his head briefly, once again bucking his hips into you and making you gasp under your breath. “Can’t say I have.”
Bo smirked for a pause, inhaling again just to blow smoke in his direction this time.
“Well, don’t get clever with me. An old dog can learn some new tricks.” Rusty muttered, finally taking a quicker pace against your backside. Spit started to trail from your mouth as your eyes watered. Utterly overwhelmed, you just sucked in air through your open mouth, coughing slightly between jostles from the smoke entering your lungs and lingering in the air between you and the two men.
Your fingers began tracing the outside seam of Bo’s jeans, turning into a needy scratch that began because you had to focus on something that wasn’t what was going in your mouth and taking you from the other side. His hand caught it, pressing your trembling palm into his thigh as he murmured down at you, “You’re real pretty when you drool on me, know that? Stringin’ you out, making you moan for it...”
His eyes had already been trailing down from your face, admiring your strained countenance and your shivering body knocking into his, but when he stared at his [hands rubbing your clit at a bruising pace/hand tugging in brisk motions over the length of your cock], his eyes hardened. Without another warning, he then turned the cigarette ember-side down and pressed it straight into your bare thigh.
The scream was merely a choked noise to begin, your entire face pulling tight in agony, but as the pain seared over sensitive skin it grew to an agonized wail, one that rang through the air and then shook out to a whimper. As you started heaving breaths, another level of tunnel vision fell over you and you felt Rusty’s tough hands brace your wrists to your sides.
“You thought I wouldn’t see it, huh? Now, that’s cute. Real cute.” Bo spoke over your shoulder, fingers ghosting over the faint “R” burnt into your skin, hiding right by your crotch on your inner thigh. “When’d you give [him/her/’em] that?” He then asked, bobbing his head in a cross nod and glaring hard. You screwed your eyes shut, feeling him pull the crumpled joint from your skin and flicking it to the floor, hand wrapping around your thigh to hold your trembling leg down and framing it with his own, adjusting to press against the outside of yours. Just a reminder you were staying put despite your squirming.
“What, are you jealous?” Rusty hummed, “I can give you one, too, Bo. Just gotta ask me nicely.”
“Shut the hell up.” He immediately snapped, “I told you, don’t like being surprised, seein’ that shit on my [girl/boy/baby]. Not without my fuckin’ permission, thought we agreed on that.”
“Yeah. Yeah, we did agree on that.” Rusty’s hand came around your hip, touching the faint U-shaped marks on your ribcage and framing them with the L of his index and thumb, splayed against your side and covering the cold flesh with his heat, guiding your back against his chest in the process. “But then I found a little something.” He huffed, “Those teeth look familiar to you, Bo?”
The other man glowered down at it, silent but the truth showing in the way his eyes slid back up to him, and his tongue traced over his bottom lip cautiously.
If you could tear yourself away from the sheer burn festering against your leg, you would’ve held your breath. Instead, something caved in your chest, your oncoming orgasm spiraling from the lack of attention from either of them.
“Shhh.” Bo had your face in his hands at the first hint you had begun crying, something that even startled you when you opened your eyes and the first tears tumbled from your eyes, “You’re okay.” Something you weren’t prepared for, the soft whisper against the bridge of your nose, “Why’re you crying, baby?”
You swallowed hard, warbled voice fighting to stay steady enough to reply, “I-It’s okay, I-“ You sputtered another cough, tears falling and staining his pant leg as you insisted, “I’m okay, just a lot.” Your face was soaked, but you found the strength to groan out, “Fucking love it.”
Rusty chuckled, mouth once again ghosting over your neck and itching you with his scratchy facial hair. Bo’s grin grew in a downright diabolical way, and he swooned, “Aww, course you do.”
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thedreamworldlibrary · 5 months
Nothing Bad Happens Chap. 2- Welcome to Dreamworld, Wiatt
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! My Christmas Gift to you all~ The next chapter is here! I’m glad you guys have been enjoying this so far!
I was working on this story in the days leading up to season 2 of WTDW, and it was worth it! Also, I saw episode 1 of Season 2 and SOO MANY IDEAS are gonna happen in this fanfic, Until I Found You, and any other fanfics I have planned for WTDW!!
Also please check out Until I Found You when you have time, it’s a crackship fanfic, but I’m having so much fun writing it!
BIG thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!!
While Lewis was showing Wiatt the Staract, the other founder of DWE, Sara, was typing away on her computer. A knock was heard at the door as she was working.
“Come in,” Sara said.
The door opened, revealing to be Oliver, another of Dreamworld’s Founders. “H-Hey Sara.” Oliver stuttered.
“Oliver!” Sara exclaimed, seeing her best friend nervous. “What’s going on? You okay?”
“Y-Yeah, just, umm…” Oliver trailed off, nervous about what to say to Sara.
Sara sighed, as much as Oliver was her best friend, she didn’t like how nervous Oliver would get when it came to sharing news with her. “Oliver, we're friends, you don’t have to be nervous sharing anything with me.” She reassured him.
“Not even if it’s about…” Oliver started, before mumbling Wiatt’s name.
“Sorry, what was that?” Sara asked.
“Even if it’s about…Wiatt.” Oliver repeated, sounding a bit louder.
“Can you say it a little louder?” Sara asked once again.
“Even if it’s about Wiatt,” Oliver repeated once more. This time louder, like Sara requested.
Sara’s smile dropped, hearing Wiatt’s name. She hadn’t heard that name in weeks and thought Lewis had forgotten all about him. However, he’s finally at Dreamworld Entertainment. “You mean the Wiatt we met in high school? The Wiatt who Lewis dated?”
“Is there any other Wiatt we know of?” Oliver asked.
Sara sighed and tried to calm down. After a few deep breaths, she asked Oliver again. “Why is Wiatt here?” She asked.
Oliver was about to speak up when Lewis came in with Wiatt. “Because I want to work here!” Wiatt replied, giving a smug smile. 
Oliver and Sara turned to see their old schoolmate show up, which made Sara glare at him while Oliver gave a nervous smile.
“Hey, Oliver!” Wiatt beamed, before turning to Sara and glaring at her, “Sara.”
“Wiatt,” Sara replied, doing the same.
The two stared at one another as Oliver and Lewis felt the tension between their friends. It was so bad it couldn’t be cut with a knife. “W-What do we do?” Oliver whispered to Lewis.
“Same as we always do,” Lewis whispered back. He then clapped his hands and let out a nervous chuckle. Sara and Wiatt turned to face their friend. “Well isn’t this a nice reunion!”
Sara and Wiatt glanced at each other before glaring at Lewis. They knew he was trying to break the tension, but Lewis wasn’t gonna give up.
Lewis’s smile dropped as he groaned, “Well I tried, darling.” He said to Oliver.
Seeing her friend disappointed, Sara sighed, “I guess I have no choice.” She started. “Welcome to the Dream Team, Wiatt.”
Wiatt chuckled, “Dream Team?” He asked.
“D-Don’t laugh!” Sara shouted, feeling offended. “I think it’s a good name for our Dreamworld employees.”
“I agree with her,” Oliver spoke up.
Sara smiled proudly seeing her best friend agreed with her.
“Well then,” Lewis interrupted. “Let’s get you into uniform, darling!” He put his arms around Wiatt and took him to the employee uniform room to find a good uniform for Wiatt.
Sara decided to go first to help pick out Wiatt’s uniform and decided to go for Cheer’s uniform, which was a pink shirt decaled with a yellow and neon green lightning bolt and pink pants.
However, Wiatt didn’t look like he enjoyed the uniform one bit.
“There! You look great, Wiatt.” Sara complimented.
Wiatt glared at her, “Sara, this is more your choice of color.” He said.
Sara looked at her friends who agreed with Wiatt. She groaned, and soon Oliver spoke up, “My turn I guess.”
Oliver gave Wiatt a Ribbondancer uniform, which was green with different color patterns over it, as well as a pair of dark green pants. Wiatt preferred this uniform, but it still wasn’t something he would wear.
“I think this is better, don’t you agree?” Oliver asked.
Lewis and Sara looked at one another both agreeing that the shade of green wasn’t Wiatt’s color.
Oliver frowned knowing his friends didn’t like it. “You don’t like it, do you?” He asked.
“Well…” Sara and Lewis said at the same time, both trailing off as they tried to think of something nice to not upset their friend. The two let out words like, “It’s okay, it’s fine, or it’s green.”
Oliver wasn’t convinced knowing they were just trying to be nice. Wiatt saw how disappointed Oliver looked, and decided to speak up. “It’s nice, but I’d like to try on one more uniform before making my decision.”
Lewis knew he hadn’t helped Wiatt pick out a uniform yet, and he had an idea of what the perfect uniform and position Wiatt could have. “Leave it to me, darling, I got the perfect uniform for you.” He said, taking Wiatt’s hand and taking him deeper into the closet.
It took a few minutes, but soon Lewis came out with Wiatt wearing a Starlight-themed uniform. This uniform was a vest split into teal and yellow over a white shirt with rolled-up sleeves, a pair of dark blue pants, and a dark blue and orange cap over his head.
“Sara and Oliver, meet Dreamworld’s newest mechanic!” Lewis introduced as Wiatt stepped up smiling.
“Hey, looking good Wiatt!” Oliver exclaimed.
“Thanks! This seems perfect for me!” Wiatt replied.
“See, I know what you like darling,” Lewis said.
Wiatt and Lewis shared a laugh, which made Sara glare at the two. Oliver saw his friend’s glare and got up and went to his best friend and his best friend’s boyfriend. “Well,” Oliver spoke up, “shouldn’t we introduce Wiatt to the rest of the group?”
“Oh! Of course!” Lewis exclaimed. “Wiatt, let me introduce you to everyone.”
“Thanks, Lewis,” Wiatt replied. The two walked out of the dressing room, talking with one another.
“It’s nice to see these two together again,” Oliver said.
Sara quickly changed her expression and gave a false smile, “Y-yeah. It’s nice.” She lied.
Oliver smiled and followed Lewis and Wiatt out of the dressing room. 
Once he was gone, Sara frowned and turned away. She didn’t like Wiatt being here one bit, it brought back the painful memories and anxiety over losing Lewis. She almost lost him once due to her stupid ideas, and now his boyfriend is back in town.
“Don’t worry Sara, I’m here.” A deep voice whispered as red eyes appeared behind her.
Soon, Lewis and Oliver watched as Wiatt talked with the other Dreamworld workers. Everyone seemed to get along with Wiatt well.
Starlight was passing by and saw Wiatt with the other workers. “I see Wiatt is getting along great with everyone.”
“He is,” Lewis replied.
Starlight saw Lewis frown and turn away from Wiatt before walking off. “I thought he would be happy seeing his boyfriend back.” He pointed out.
“Ex-boyfriend.” Oliver corrected.
Starlight’s eyes widened, “pardon?” He asked.
“Wiatt and Lewis broke up two years ago. Sure they kept in contact, but the two haven’t been in a relationship in two years.” Oliver explained.
Starlight frowned and looked at Wiatt before turning to Lewis who was now entering the employee-only entrance.
Not to drop spoilers, but that whole scene with Oliver picking out Wiatt’s uniform and choosing green was written before episode 1 dropped!
Also, have a Happy Holidays and New Year's everyone!!!
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crackshipparadise · 5 months
Until I Found You Chap. 5
((Posting the entire story like this now instead of links! If you wanna read chapters 1-4 click here!!!))
Happy New Years!!
Here is more of my lovely crackship for you all to start off the new year!
So, I did see the prologue and Episode 1 for WTDW Season 2 and I had to change a few ideas that focused around Norman.  I won’t say till we introduce him, physically, but yeah how I portrayed him in Chapter 2 would have to be re-written or explained in a future chapter.
All I can say is, Sara is living the trope of a protagonist falling in love with a childhood friend (Norman) and the mysterious/bad boy (Artemis/Moonjumper). 
Big thanks to @gigilefache for being my beta reader!
On Friday afternoon, Artemis parked in front of Dreamworld Entertainment and smiled looking at his niece in the backseat. “Well Hayley, we’re here!” Artemis announced. 
Hayley had brown hair tied into a ponytail with a yellow ribbon, blue eyes, and wore a yellow and white jacket over a purple t-shirt, black jeans, and brown sneakers. She smiled looking at the window and quickly got out of the car.
“I can’t believe I’m finally going to Dreamworld!” Artemis’s niece beamed in excitement.
Artemis chuckled as he got out of the car, but before he could take a hold of his niece’s hand, Hayley bolted inside the facility.
Inside, Wiatt was setting up Halloween decorations when suddenly the door bolted open and he ended up losing his balance, only to hang onto the decorations for dear life.
Artemis soon followed after his niece, ignoring Wiatt who was struggling not to fall to his death. “Hayley, don’t run off like that!” He yelled.
“Sorry, Uncle Artie!” Hayley replied, giggling.
“H-Hey! A little help!” Wiatt called out.
Artemis and Hayley turned to see Wiatt hanging on to a banner for dear life. “How’s it hanging, Wiatt?” Artemis asked.
Wiatt glared, however, as much as he wanted to curse at him, he saw that Artemis had a kid. “Ha, ha, very funny.” He replied. He tried to use his feet to get on the ladder again, but it was too far away from him.
Hayley saw Wiatt needed help and went over to drag the ladder to him. Feeling his foot touch the ladder, Wiatt was able to steady himself using the banner and wall as a balance.
“Thank you.” Wiatt said, giving a sigh.
“You’re welcome!” Hayley replied.
“Waitt, meet my niece, Hayley.” Artemis said.
“Hi there!” Hayley beamed waving to the mechanic. 
Wiatt gave a light chuckle and waved back, “hi.” He replied.
“Wiatt, do you know if Sara is in today?” Artemis asked.
“She is! She's in a meeting with Lewis and Oliver, so I wouldn’t bother them right now.” Wiatt replied as he continued setting up the decorations.
Artemis and Hayley looked at each other before giving a smug smile. “Okay. Come on Hayley, let's go see my friend.”
Wiatt’s eyes widened seeing Artemis and Hayley walking towards the Employee Only entrance.
“W-Wait! Hold on!” Wiatt yelled. “I said you can’t bother them right now!” He groaned seeing Artemis nearing the door and not listening to him.
Just before Artemis opened the door, the founder trio opened it themselves, having been done with their meeting, and wanting to check on the workers and guests at the facility. Sara froze in shock seeing Artemis was here, earlier as usual. 
“Oh! Y-You’re here.” Sara said, stuttering a bit.
“As I promised.” Artemis replied with a smile.
Sara smiled back and looked at Hayley, “is this your niece?” She asked.
Artemis nodded, “this is Hayley. Hayley, this is my friend, Sara.”
“Nice to meet you, Miss Sara!” Hayley beamed.
Sara chuckled, “She’s so cute!” She commented.
Hayley giggled, “thank you.” She replied.
Sara and Artemis giggled and smiled at each other. Seeing the two wanted to talk alone, Lewis decided to speak up.
“If it's okay with you, darling, may Oliver and I show Hayley around the facility?” Lewis asked.
“Oh! O-Of course.” Artemis smiled, giving a slight blush. Sara was the same, nodding as well.
“Y-Yeah, uh… Artemis come with me.” Sara stuttered as she took his hand. The two looked down and pulled their hands away, blushing harder.
Hayley’s eyes widened as she gave a smug smile. “Ooooh.” She commented. The adults turned towards the kid as Artemis gave a nervous chuckle. He quickly left with Sara to her office for alone time.
Hayley chuckled seeing her uncle in love as Lewis and Oliver began to give the young girl a tour.
Once at Sara’s office, Artemis and Sara breathed in relief as they were able to escape the embarrassment. “Sorry about that. Hayley has a unique personality.” Artemis said.
“It’s fine.” Sara reassured him. “She’s very sweet.”
“She is. It’s funny how she went from a shy little girl to someone open, quirky, and silly as she calls it.” Artemis explained.
Sara giggled in reply.
Artemis sat down and smiled staring into Sara’s eyes. “So… getting ready for Halloween?” He asked.
Sara sighed, “well, sorta…” she replied.
Artemis frowned, “what’s wrong?” He asked. “You work at an entertainment facility! It’s got to be fun!”
“It is. Every month Lewis, Oliver and I come up with ideas for what fun events should take place here. Lewis and Oliver decided to hold a Halloween masquerade ball.” Sara explained.
“That sounds fun!” Artemis exclaimed, but saw Sara was still sad. “Uh, you look bothered, is anything wrong?”
“Well…” Sara paused before taking a deep breath. “I’m not mad about the event, it’s just that Lewis wants this to be a masquerade ball and I’m not good at dancing.” She admitted.
Artemis gave a light chuckle, “that’s not true, everyone knows how to dance!” He exclaimed.
“Not me!” Sara exclaimed. She paused knowing it was a little lie, “W-Well I know how to dance, but like line dancing and just having fun, not ballroom dancing.”
Artemis gave a smug smile and put his hand on Sara’s shoulder. “Well look no further, because I can teach you.” He revealed.
Sara blushed and looked at Artemis in shock. As much as she would love some dance lessons, the thought of it feeling like it’s a fairytale made her blush again.
“N-No that’s fine!” Sara stuttered, turning away to hide her blush.
“You sure?” Artemis asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Y-Yeah!” Sara replied.
Artemis smirked and sighed, “alright I won’t push it.”
Sara sighed and smiled, “thanks.”
Artemis smiled, but he still wasn’t done teasing his friend yet. “So, if you're not into ballroom dancing, what about dresses?” He asked.
Sara groaned as she slammed her head on the desk. “Don’t get me started.” She muffled.
Artemis gave a chuckle, hearing dresses clearly weren’t Sara’s thing. He then looked at the photos on Sara’s desk, and saw one of a young man with blonde hair with his arm around her. “Hey, Sara.”
“What?” Sara asked, her face still covered.
“Who is this handsome man with you?” He asked.
Sara looked up and her eyes widened seeing Artemis looking at the photo of her and Norman. “Oh!” She exclaimed. “That’s Norman, he’s…an old friend.”
“An old boyfriend or just a friend?” Artemis questioned.
“Friend, but he always saw me as his girlfriend.” Sara replied.
Artemis understood, and put the photo down. He was about to ask, but Sara interrupted him.
“We didn’t date. He just had a crush on me, that's all.” Sara explained.
Artemis gave a sigh, but he had one more awkward question to ask. “So do you see me as a friend?” He asked.
Sara felt the blush coming back, as anxiety ran through her. “W-Well! I-I mean we just met so…y-yeah.” Sara stuttered. 
That’s your response Sara! You're stupid! Of course you want to see him more as a friend!  Sara thought to herself.
Artemis smiled, “I’m glad. I see you as a friend too.” He replied.
Sara smiled, that’s a relief. I guess. Glad I didn’t say I love him at that point, She thought to herself.
I think I played it safe by calling her friend. Artemis thought to himself.
What the two didn’t know was Masquerade was watching their conversation. He rolled his eyes before leaving the employee’s only area.
Meanwhile, Hayley was playing some arcade games at  the Arcadescape after her tour. While she played, Mimic and Melody were watching the young girl as Masquerade came by checking on his siblings.
“So how are you enjoying your time here, Hayley?” Masquerade asked.
“It’s great! I’ve been wanting to come here for a long time now!” Hayley beamed.
“Masquerade, Hayley is amazing at this game! She’s about to beat Ben’s high score!” Mimic beamed.
Hayley smiled proudly. She then looked around to make sure no one was listening. “So what did my Uncle talk about with Sara?” She whispered to Masquerade.
Masquerade sighed, “Sara talked about the Halloween masquerade ball, your uncle asked if she sees him as a friend and she said yes, and your uncle replied he sees her as a friend too.” He listed.
Hayley groaned in frustration. “Not again. He’s always like this, he finds someone, says they're friends, and then the person they crushed on gets married to someone else!”
Mimic chuckled, “wow you really want your uncle to not be lonely!” He beamed.
“It’s not that. I can sense feelings a mile away, and I can sense my love meters are going strong!” Hayley beamed. She then saw the “Employee’s only door and smirked, “I just have to break the ice.” Hayley said.
The triplets smirked and decided to help Hayley with her mission. With everyone distracted the triplets went to the Employee’s Only door and ushered Hayley in. Once inside the triplets took Hayley to where Sara and Artemis are located.
“In here.” Mimic said. The triplets and Hayley looked through the door and saw Sara and Artemis talking and laughing with each other.
Hayley chuckled, “I knew it.” She said. 
“You can sense it from here?” Mimic asked.
Hayley nodded, “I told you, I can sense it!” She exclaimed as she made beeping noises. 
The triplets giggled, enjoying Hayley’s personality. However, their giggling stopped as they froze in fear.
Behind them, was Sara and Artemis crossing their arms seeing the kids sneaking into the employee’s only area.
Hayley stopped laughing and turned around, shocked. She then gave a sheepish smile and chuckle seeing they’ve been caught.
“H-Hi Uncle Artemis.” Hayley sheepishly said.
Artemis sighed and rolled his eyes as he carried his niece, which made her giggle. “I’m so sorry, my niece here loves to be sneaky! It happens a lot!” He explained.
Sara chuckled, “it’s fine. My co-workers bring their kids and their siblings here.” She explained, reassuring him.
Artemis smiled, but not before looking down to see Hayley giving him a smug smile. He gave a nervous chuckle, “w-well you must be hungry! C-Come on let’s get something to eat!”
“Well we got food here. I’ll treat you guys.” Sara said.
“Are you sure?” Artemis asked.
Sara nodded, “you got those books for me, it’s the least I can do.”
Artemis smiled, “alright, but just so you know I've got to pay you back for this!”
“We’ll see.” Sara replied.
As she walked off, Artemis smiled and followed his friend out of the employee’s area. The triplets blinked and looked at each other and smiled seeing that Hayley was right, Sara was in love.
In the lobby, Artemis and Hayley sat down as Sara brought over pepperoni pizza for the three of them. “Alright, here you guys go!” Sara exclaimed.
Hayley clapped, and was ready to grab some pizza. However, Artemis stopped her, “what do we say?” He asked.
Hayley sighed, “thank you Miss Sara.” She said, politely.
Artemis smiled, “good, now you can grab a slice.” He said.
Hayley smiled and took a slice of pepperoni pizza and took a bite of it. “It’s so good!” She beamed.
“Glad you like it! It’s Oliver’s secret recipe!” Sara beamed, taking a slice of pizza for herself.
Artemis took a slice and his niece was right, it was good. “I’m guessing how the food was made was your friend’s recipes?” He asked.
“Yep, food was an afterthought, and luckily Oliver knew how to cook and we got these amazing meals!” Sara answered.
Artemis chuckled and smiled lovingly at Sara. The latter blinked and smiled too as she nervously drank her soda.
Hayley looked at her uncle and his friend, and decided to drop it on her uncle, “so, are you sure you're not my Uncle’s girlfriend?” She asked, giving a smug smile.
Sara’s eyes widened as she spit out her soda, not knowing it hit her co-worker, Hayden, who was sitting down with his other co-workers. She coughed trying to apologize for what she did, while Artemis sat down there embarrassed at what his niece just said.
“H-Hayley you don’t just drop that on someone!” Artemis yelled.
Hayley chuckled before eating more of her pizza. Artemis sighed knowing Hayley wouldn’t care.
“You okay?” Artemis asked.
“I-I’m fine!” Sara coughed, “I’m fine!”
Artemis went over to Sara and rubbed her back. She looked up and smiled.
Inside the vents, Winnie watched the whole event play out and chuckled. “Perfect.” He said, his eyes glaring at Hayley.
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dreamnoteprincess · 3 months
Hiya! I'm DreamNotePrincess!
Hiya! I'm DreamNotePrincess!
I'm a fanfic writer and PNGTuber and welcome to my tumblr! I'm very creative so fanfiction and story ideas are endless and very kind and sweet!
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Where to Find Me:
Ko-Fi- https://ko-fi.com/dreamnoteprincess
AO3- https://archiveofourown.org/users/DreamNotePrincess
Twitter- https://twitter.com/DreamyNoteRoyal
IG- https://www.instagram.com/dreamynoteroyal/
Youtube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCxou1lTNmXoHUy5Z8qxUBg
ToyHouse- https://toyhou.se/DreamNotePrincess
Twitch- https://www.twitch.tv/dreamnoteprincess
ArtFight- https://artfight.net/~DreamNotePrincess
BlueSky- https://bsky.app/profile/dreamnoteprincess.bsky.social
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Welcome to Dreamworld
Pretty Cure
A Hat in Time
Smiling Critters
Cookie Run
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bendywackyadventures : A Bendy fanfic blog! Closed, but may re-open at some point due to BATDR.
ahatintimestorybook : A Hat in Time fanfic blog!
dreamnotefancures: A blog where links to my Fancure stories are posted. MY fancures from kiseake and more are also on there.
Indie Kids AU: A blog to follow my comfort/randomness fanfic Indie Kids! You are free to ask questions or submit chapter ideas!!
TheDreamworldLibrary : A blog for WTDW fanfics!
Gleaming Red Nuzlocke: My fanfic blog for my Pokemon Fire Red Nuzlocke, Gleaming Red. I may or may not make this my Nuzlocke blog since I have plans for another storylocke in the near future.
Crackship Paradise : A fanfic blog for my crackships. So far there's only one, but a 2nd one should come out soon.
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lazyheartcomputer · 1 year
Things you should know about me!
I'm a proud and I say a proud deku stan.
I'm fandom trash and I make memes for fun and jokes for fun
I love to make people happy or make people smile.
I want to make a crackship edit of my favorite characters and headcanon them
I can be funny but I can be a bit sensitive about myself
I'm 24 years old and still living as the blog says
I want to own so many anime plushies nenderoids in the future
I wanna make a fanfic of my favorite shows n/sfw (soon) (if anyone doesn't have an age on their bio, consider them blocked. Same with minors too)
Everyone is welcome, if you're a minor go back from whence you came
I can be a bit random and a bit of a dork sometimes
Sometimes I wanna hug a anime character if they're real
I have deku-ism running through my own veins (save me)
I'm socially awkward irl but here i wanna empress people with my memes
My favorites are anime, vocaloid, bemani and memes
If someone is feeling down, I'll give them a virtual hug to make them feel better.
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aquariusshadow · 2 years
Live!Blogging HSMTMTS s3x1
aight yall
i havent done these in a while so………welcome back! portwell nation how we doing???
its been so long
lessssss gooooo
okay ngl this recap is super fucking useful
i didnt realize how much i forgot about s2 ahahaha
"second chances" hmmmmmmm i wonder what thats forshadowing
oh ej honey
sweet summer child
the bbies
its them
theyre back
omfg theyre recreating the shjsalhdfkjaslhfdkadf
(also i take it this means seb, big red, and nini isnt gonna be in this, cool cool)
gina looks so gorgeous i cant--
wait is this the summer camp that ej and nini met before s1? or is that a different one
ngl i did kinda crackship them in s2 but………………
idk how i feel about it honestly
the harness ya know?
aye nini is in this season afterall cool cool
portwell being cute again as usual i love them
ashlynn stanning and supporting portwell is everything
yes gina this is your summer of firsts and this will be your summer and your season
"one more thing" kisses gina
smiling gina
best season best season
i love the kourt/gina/ashlynn trio
oh my god i forgot about jordan fisher playing ginas brother ahahahaha
it sounds like nini really needs some independence
……lily why are you still carrying that around
thats just dumb
we really arent gonna drag that out huh
so i retract my previous ricky/lily comments
i am a dumbass
they did rush through that tho ngl
is……is this an original joshua song? or is this one he wrote specifically for the show
i really like it hehe
looks like ricky also needs independence too based on the song ahaha
this is really catchy
portwell being cute again as always
kourt/carlos friendship rights
carlos' reaction to jet is everything lmfao
this shallow lake song wtf
i do like gadget's voice
and gina's very much vibing with ej's happy antics
THE GUY FROM KICKIN IT (i forgot his name)
yes yes corbin bleu incredible
cooperate disney allowed high school musical Chad to host frozen the musical at a summer camp in a show thats highly popular on disney plus
is ej gonna direct
hes gonna direct isnt he
Director Caswell
that has a nice ring to it
awwwwwwwwwwww portwelllllllll
"who said anyone would"
"excuse me"-ricky
Okay, so, initial thoughts.
I loved all the camp scenes and I kinda got bored when it cut to Nini and Ricky ehehe. i really liked showing the different dynamics of the girls together and the guys and exploring those friendships more and, obviously, Portwell were adorable! I love them and will defend them constantly However, I……am not a fan of a potential EJxGinaxRicky love triangle thing being POTENTIALLY set up (????) and I'm also not a fan of this love triangle POTENTIALLY resolving itself by POTENTIALLY having nini come to camp and rini gets back together. yes this is all my speculations for the rest of the season ehehuhuhuesohohoohhafhdlakjdsfhasdf Both Ricky and Nini need time away from each other to gain their own independence and to understand why their relationship ended in the first place (i cannot remember if in s2 they actually covered that or not. i do remember their breakup scene was good? in the sense that it followed exactly what the show was setting up in s2 for rini)
But who knows. Maybe Rini will reunite and actually be a better fit after some time apart to grow as people? I'll just have to see how that goes.
And while I used to ship rina and due to that, I will probably have a slight soft spot for them in the sense of just liking their scenes together………….i am very concerned for portwell's happiness. This is supposed to be Gina's season and EJ plays a big role for that and he's also getting even more screentime I--------
i just want portwell to be happy okay???
god i missed these live!blogs
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stellyeddlyn · 22 days
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🌛 𝖂𝖊𝖑𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖊 𝕿𝖔 𝕸𝖞 𝕾𝖙𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖆𝖗 𝕮𝖔𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖗 🌜
Welcome to my blog! Im Mr. Nostalger (or Edd). An artist who longs to publish his projects one day (⁠´⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠.̫⁠ ⁠.⁠ ⁠`⁠)
HCs, FanArts & Fanfiction┊OC's & Original Projects
— I like making crackships, I don't care about the canon, I want to see those two fall in love.
— My main OC x Canon is the ClownLeader! (Sterm x Boozoo), I post very often from them.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖘; I've decided to keep Tumblr organized, so here are the new tags to find content!:
· ꒰ #Thinking 'Talger Time ꒱ Random ideas that I post.
· ꒰ #Mail’Tellar ꒱ Answers to questions/requests.
· ꒰ #ClownLeader ꒱ Sterm x Boozoo content.
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🌛 𝕬𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕮𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖙 🌜
I'm mainly into: FNAF Security Breach, The Walten Files, Smile For Me, Ranfren, Regretevator, Dream Daddy, Stardew Valley, POPULAR & Monster High.
I usually hang out in other fandoms, but I prefer to keep a low profile, I'm there for the fanarts!
🌞 𝕬𝖗𝖙 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖙𝖚𝖘: 🌞
— Commissions: Closed (for now)
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— Requests: Open! [0/20]
(Any questions, my DM is always open, good day!)
REMEMBER: DON'T reupload my art to other media.
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Don't interact if you are part of the DNI list, please.
Have a nice day!
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Summer Lovin’ (Lucien x Tarquin)
Hello all!
This fic is something new, and will be in multiple parts, updated as and when I finish the next part. It is a Lucien x Tarquin fic. I know what you’re think but I had this thought about them because everyone writes crackships, but then I told @tswaney17 and the two of us fell in love with the idea. She is to thank for this spiral.
I’m using my general ACOTAR tag list for this, but you do not have to read it. Also do let me know if you would like to be kept out of the tags for this in the future. (The title is just something for now because I honestly haven’t decided something yet😂)
Lucien’s life had been chaotic lately, but still, he hadn't quite expected this to happen, of all things.
Elain had finally said she didn't want this bond between them. He knew it was going to happen and he couldn't exactly blame her. Having it related to a traumatic experience wasn't going to be something positive, and no matter what the Cauldron thought of them matching each other, accepting the bond wouldn't have made them happy. She had the Spymaster for that, and Lucien was grateful to see how much she’d healed since seeing her as skin and bones in the library of the House of Wind. Azriel helped her and loved her; it wasn’t something predestined or whatever other shit people liked to talk about. They had chosen it for themselves, and Lucien couldn’t fault them for being happy.
Then came one of the biggest bombshells of his life.
Beron was not his father.
Though he had found out several months ago, it was still fresh in his mind, as though it were yesterday that he had been told.
Lucien still didn’t understand what he was doing in the River House. Rhysand had turned up in the human lands this morning to get him. When he’d asked why, the bastard just smiled at him. Lucien had honestly thought that the male might have been taking him to his death. But then he winnowed them into an office, Feyre sitting in the window, little Nyx in her arms and a content smile on her face. Now it was a few hours later, Nesta had been and gone, collecting her nephew for his nap, and still, he didn’t know why they had brought him here.
“Are you going to tell me what is going on now, or do I have to wait several more hours?” Rhys was just smiling from where he sat on his chair, wings hidden and humming, making Lucien roll his eyes. Feyre came to sit next to her mate, giving him a reprimanding look. She gave Lucien a soft smile.
“Just a little longer, I promise.” Feyre had barely even finished the sentence when there was a knock on the door. “There we go.” She stood, smoothing the skirts of her dress before walking towards the door, trailing light fingers over Rhys’ shoulder as she went. When she pulled the door open, Lucien could honestly say he was shocked to see that it was Helion on the other side, led by Cassian.
“Your guest, dearest sister. Please, take him.” Helion let out a low chuckle behind the general. He placed a hand over his heart, faking pain when Cassian turned to look at him.
“You wound me. Why so hasty to get rid of me?”
“If you keep looking at time the way you are, I will not be held responsible for what Nesta does to you in a jealous rage.” Helion’s retort was cut off when the female in question shouted from somewhere else in the house.
“You can take him! He’s been a pesky annoyance as of late.” Cassian disappeared then, grumbling about how she didn’t mean that, he was never annoying and Nesta was madly in love with him. Which was true,-the madly in love part, not Cassian not being annoying- anyone could see it. Lucien would never tell her about the doe eyed look she got though. He valued actually being alive.
Helion laughed again, bending down to kiss Feyre on one cheek and then the other.
“Feyre, you look as lovely as you always do. Motherhood suits you.”
“That I agree with entirely.” Rhys said as his mate welcomed the newcomer into the room, closing the door gently behind them.
“I’ve told you Rhysand, no more babes until Nyx is older.” The male nodded in agreement, though Lucien thought they were going to be having this discussion a lot in the near future. She smacked him over the back of the head when he smirked, before sitting once more. He had a feeling they were talking to each other in secret again. “Have you made it so no one can hear us?” She asked when they were all settled. Helion now sat in the chair next to him, giving him a nod, Feyre sitting on the arm of Rhysand’s seat. The High Lord of the Night Court gave a dip of his head. “Warded the moment you closed the door, my love.”
“Good. Now, onto what we brought the both of you here for.”
Helion crossed an ankle over the other knee, hands linked where they rested in his lap. The High Lord of Day was dressed in a mix of gold and black. Gold fabric covered his body. One side of his chest left bare, clothing pinned at the other, flowing down his body, belted at the skirt. It was embroidered around the hem with reds and greens, and it seemed to shimmer like glitter under moonlight. Sandals wrapped around the dark skin of his calves. “Forgive me for asking, but why such secrecy? Can you not trust your own family?”
Lucien didn’t understand why they were being so careful all of a sudden, either. Any time he’d been in here, discussing all the problems they were still trying to overcome from the war with Hybern, they’d never stopped the others inside the house from being able to hear too. Rhys tilted his head slightly to the side. “The information will leave this room when you do, and you will do with it as you see fit.”
Lucien spoke then, frustrated. “You brought me here hours ago, told me absolutely nothing on why I had to come. Just tell us what’s going on.” Rhys raised a dark brow at him, but said nothing, so he turned to Feyre. She sighed, wringing her hands together before stopping herself. It was one of her nervous traits, and nervous traits accompanied by serious conversations never boded well.
“Back when we were trying to get the High Lords to work together, to help us against Hybern, you told us a story about Lucien’s mother, Helion.”
“Yes, I did.” Lucien hadn’t known that. But he supposed looking for Myriam and Drakon meant he wasn’t privy to a lot of information. There were things from the time he was gone that he was still learning about.
“Including the affair that you had.” Lucien sucked in a sharp breath, slowly looking at the male seated beside him. Beron was not nice to his mother, he knew that. But the man had spies everywhere, always had. He would have had to have known about his mother being with Helion. And if he knew, he would have had her killed for it.
“But my mother lives. My father wouldn’t have allowed her to live after he’d found out. And trust me he knows, he always knows when his family isn’t doing exactly what he wants them to.” Beron would have wanted to set an example, a vicious one at that. He showed that with what happened to Jessminda. Thinking of her only made Lucien think fondly of their good memories together now. He was no longer attacked by grief and self hatred, though waves of sadness would come and go. On the bad days, the storm in his head made them rough and dangerous, but those were few and far between.
Feyre started to look uncomfortable, causing Rhys to continue. “To have killed her, would have caused a scandal. He was younger then, and it wouldn’t have done him any good.”
Lucien still didn’t understand and it was starting to piss him off. His fire tempted its boundaries, flames growing hotter and higher in his frustration. It felt as if it were boiling his blood, heating his skin. He pushed it down into the depths where it belonged. “The only scandal is that she wasn’t faithful. The gods know he fucking hasn’t been. But then again it was always ‘do as I say and not as I do’ with him anyway.” Feyre simply shook her head at him. He opened his mouth to say something, to say how pointless this meeting was if they weren’t going to get to the point, when Helion suddenly sucked in a sharp breath from beside him. Lucien startled slightly.
“Mother above.” He breathed. “He can’t be. No, you’re lying, I don’t believe you.” Helion just stared at Lucien when he turned to him, amber eyes wide, mouth partly open.
“I’m not lying, Helion. I figured it out that day, and I’ve also had his mother confirm, but do not ask me how. You can see why Beron hated him the most now.” Lucien was severely done with them taking but still not explaining anything to him.
“Confirm what! What are you fucking talking about?” Rhysand looked at him, not even phased by his outburst.
“Beron is not your father, Lucien.” No. No. They were lying. When he looked at Feyre, when he looked at his friend, she gave him a small nod. He looked back at the male beside him, the male who seemed to be shocked into silence by the situation.
As if Lucien’s life couldn’t get anymore fucked.
It had been months since that day. Feyre told them again that she wouldn’t say how she’d been in contact with his mother, and Lucien didn’t want her to tell him anything anyway, no matter how much he wished to find out so he could see how she was. To talk to her himself. It would put her at risk, and Lucien wouldn’t allow that. And he knew now that Helion wouldn’t either. His father. The High Lord of Day was his father. Lucien was the sole heir to the Day Court. Helion had been nothing but welcoming in the time sincerely but he never pushed. Said that it didn’t have to mean anything, if it wasn’t what he wanted. Lucien had been a little confused with his wants at first, but had decided that he wanted them to acknowledge it. Wanted them to get to know each other.
Helion asked him a few weeks ago to stay with him. They didn’t have to be in the same building, that Lucien could stay wherever he liked in the Day Court, but he did want him to stay. Lucien had found he couldn’t refuse. Jurian and Vassa had been angry with him, saying that he was just abandoning them, that clearly he’d only used them. He had tried to explain that he’d just found the one who had actually fathered him. That he wanted them to have some kind of relationship, something that was robbed from the both of them. The two wouldn’t hear it, and told him to leave. So he went. They had each been closer to each other than they ever had with Lucien anyway.
That was how he was here now, standing in the garden of the small townhouse his father had found for him, the male in question standing across from him. Helion was standing in the early morning rays, arms at his sides, golden crown absent and spouting words Lucien never thought he’d hear in his life. “You want to do what?” Lucien said, still wondering if this was something that was actually happening. Helion sighed, rubbing both hands over his face for a moment, before pulling them away.
“I know that it’s not even been that long since we’ve found out the truth. And I know I don’t have the right to ask anything of you, but I think this could be the biggest step towards allying the courts together.” Lucien could see the frustration on his face, knowing that he struggled to ask this.
“You want me to marry the High Lord of Summer?”
“Does he know that you want to do this?” Helion moved closer to him a little.
“I proposed a marriage alliance to Tarquin, but I didn’t say who. He agreed after a lengthy discussion, but only if who I chose wanted it. You know I haven’t formally announced that you are my son yet, and this would mean I’d have to.” Lucien folded his arms across his chest, suddenly self conscious.
“And you don’t want to announce it?”
“No.” Lucien stopped, hands tightening where they rested on his biceps. Helion, suddenly realising what he’d said, scrambled to backtrack. “Gods, I meant yes. Yes I want to tell them all I have a son. I just weren’t sure if you were ready for that.” His father let out an unsteady breath, meeting Lucien’s eyes for a second before looking away, only two repeat that over and over. “You don’t have to do this, but having my son marrying into another court makes the alliance stronger than if I were to pick out anyone else.” Lucien understood. And he understood wanting all of the courts to get along. It would mean they could truly live in peace, something they had all hoped for.
“I’ll do it.” Helion’s head shot up, disbelief written across his face.
“I really thought you were going to say no, probably yell at me or something.” Lucien’s brows furrowed, a red lock of hair falling in front of his face.
“Why would I do that?” Helion sighed, almost exasperated. Though Lucien noticed he didn’t hold tension in his shoulders anymore, seemed more relaxed and at ease now that Lucien had answered him.
“Because I didn’t want you to think I was using you. Also, I didn’t even ask. Do you like males? That should have been a question right? I mean, I just assumed, I shouldn’t have.” His father was rambling, and Lucien chuckled.
“Yes, I like males. And Tarquin is a good male, a good High Lord. It might not end in love but, I might get a friendship out of it.” Lucien smiled, a full grin, teeth showing. It was something he realised he hadn’t done in a long, long time. Suddenly the breath was sucked out of him, and strong arms wrapped around his body. It took a moment, but Lucien returned the gesture, hugging him back. Helion was taller than him, and nearly pulled him off of his feet.
“I’m sorry. Sorry for asking. I should have found another way.”
“It’s alright. I think this might be good for me. I had Tamlin and we both know how that ended. I didn’t fit, at the Night Court, not like they do. And Jurian and Vassa...well, I told you what happened. Maybe I’ll find a home with Tarquin.” Helion pulled back, holding his shoulders, a soft smile on his face.
“You may not think it, but you fit here. I never got to be there before, and part of me is glad because the not knowing kept you and your mother safe, but I’m here now. I want to be your father.”
“Thank you.” They decided to continue walking through the garden then. Mostly in companionable silence, occasionally asking the odd question here and there. Lucien was getting lost in his own thoughts. He wondered whether Tarquin would be okay that it was Lucien he was marrying. If they’d be able to make some kind of happy life together. The few times he’d seen him before, Lucien could admit he was attracted to him. It was easy to make conversation with Tarquin, to find common interests. There was the chance it would never turn romantic and Lucien would be okay with that, but at least he’d have a companion to live his life with.
Maybe this was his chance to get his own happy ending.
Well there it is. The beginning. You’ll see Tarquin next time I promise but I just wanted to give you something to see if you were going to like the story or not. Please be respectful, I’m tired of the ship wars. I want this to be a safe place for me to post the ideas that I have.
Tags: @myfriendscallmeraba  @thesirenwashere @elrielllll  @stars-falling @silver-flames @1islessthan3books @bamchickawowow @empress-ofbloodshed @sleeping-and-books @tswaney17 @awkward-avocado-s @courtofjurdan @junkiejosten10 @mu-si-ca-l @agem10 @harmonyindark245 @tanaquilpriscilla @starrynightsbooks @maastrash  @elriel4life @illyriangarbage @b00kworm @thewayshedreamed @rhyswhitethorn @22emmmmmm @mimianyy @stop-breathing-its-annoying
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bonesandbrimstone · 3 years
A Johnny Blaze x Steel Wind Fic
Part 2 of ?
A/N: Better late than never! Back at it with my rare pair crackship. You can find part one here.
I’m still not sure how many parts this will be, i’m just winging it as I go.
If you’re unfamiliar with Steel Wind, here’s a brief rundown.
Having Ruriko back in his life (and not trying to kill him) was admittedly odd, at least at first. Johnny was a loner by nature, something that only intensified since losing his family. He wasn’t a total hermit but more often than not Johnny spent his time alone, a habit he was sure that Steel Wind shared. Ever since she rolled back into his life that one fateful afternoon it felt like the two had spent more and more time together.
It wasn’t a complaint, mind you. He enjoyed getting to know her, finally able to see a side of her he wasn’t sure anyone else had the chance to see. He, for instance, never knew that Ruriko had been a painter in her past life before...well...before the accident. Before Freakmaster and Centurious transformed her into a living weapon and tool for violence.
He adjusted, though....the initial awkwardness fading with each passing moment spent in one another’s company. She’d stop by, they’d talk...sometimes she’d help him in the garage, sometimes she’d stay for dinner. It became more and more frequent to the point that Johnny began letting her crash on his couch.
“Maybe I should start charging rent.” Johnny teased, as he laid out some pillows and a blanket. Ruriko peered at him, a look of surprise etched onto her features that melted into a frown.
“I’m sorry.” she began. “I do not mean to take advantage o-” “I’m kidding. It was a joke.” Johnny interrupted, holding a hand up to halt her apology. “One of these days we’ll find you a sense of humor.”
She huffed in response, cheeks flushed red as a ghost of smile graced her lips. “Asshole.”
“Hey, I gotta keep you on your toes. I can’t be too nice.” he winked, his features softening as he took a seat on the sofa. “Seriously though...you’re uh...you know you’re welcome here anytime.”
Ruriko fell into silence, letting the weight of his words sink in as she moved to sit beside him.
“It’s a big house...I live here alone, so...you know...” he continued, starting to feel flustered by her silence. “I uh...you can....you don’t have to...”
“...there’s enough room, so, ya know, I wouldn’t be in your way or-”
He closed his mouth, attention snapping back to the bemused cyborg. She moved to stand, reaching to take one of Johnny’s hands. A faint blush colored his face as the former villain gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, her eyes meeting his.
“Stop talking.” she said, bluntly, an edge of humor to her voice that earned a chuckle from Johnny. Ruriko leaned up, surprising them both when she placed a gentle peck to his flushed cheek.
“I, uh...I appreciate it. I do. It’s kind.” she smiled up at the blonde, both very much aware they were still holding hands, her body so close to his. “Can’t really even remember a time when someone showed me such kindness.”
“That’s a shame...guess it took me awhile to come around, too, huh?” Johnny mused about their early interactions.
“Mhh...it’s not like I gave you much of a reason to befriend me.” she laughed.
“So...” he started, still blushing, heart thudding hard in his chest. “That offer...it’s uh, it’s on the table. You’re welcome to stick around...”
“Oh, so smooth, Mr. Blaze.” Ruriko purred, stepping closer, letting his hands drop from hers. Her arms slowly slipped around his waist, hugging him tight, burying her face against his chest.
Johnny tensed, frozen in place, fight or flight kicking in. When was the last time anyone had hugged him? Let alone a woman? Slowly, he relaxed...the usually gruff and shameless biker reduced to that of a shy teenager, awkwardly (but gladly) returning the embrace.
Ruriko pulled back just enough to peer up at him, a grin gracing her soft lips.
“I think...you got yourself a deal.”
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alj4890 · 3 years
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(Ethan Ramsey x Olivia Nevarkis) (Olivia Nevarkis x Drake Walker) in a Choices The Royal Romance/Open Heart Crackship Series
A/N This is the finale to this miniseries. Thanks so much for indulging me in this crackship of mine. Hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did imagining it💗
@jooous​ ​ ​ @krsnlove​ ​ @nomadics-stuff​ ​   @twinkleallnight​ ​ @motorcitymademadame​ ​
Part 6
December 30th, Cordonia's Royal Palace...
Tomorrow night’s event might be the first ball in the history of Drake's years in Cordonia to actually cause a certain excitement. He usually put up with the pomp and traditions to simply be with those he cared about. For years it was to support Liam, then going meant he could hang out with Riley, Hana, and Maxwell.
And then there were his activities down in secret for a year with Olivia.
He knew she would be arriving soon. Her absence from Cordonia had been one he felt more acutely than any other. His failure in telling her how he felt about her, his inability to have a civil conversation, even his voicemail had kept him fixated on this date.
He intended for this new year to involve a new relationship with Olivia. He simply needed to find a moment alone with her.
Which as he entered the drawing room Riley and Liam used frequently for their closest friends, he realized that was going to be more difficult than he originally thought. All their friends had come home for the ball.
"I can't believe they gave us that ridiculous moniker." Thomas shook his head.
"The press isn't always known for their intelligence." Liam said, fighting a smile.
"Thomanda." Amanda laughed just saying it. "It sounds like some weird foot fungus cream."
"The press have had five years to come up with anything better than that." Thomas wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulders. "They should have combined our last names. Brunt is more tolerable than Thomanda."
Maxwell rolled off the couch laughing. "We now have to come up with crazy couple names for all of us."
"We were given Riam." Riley replied. "Personally I prefer Liley, but Riam stuck."
"Naxwell or Madia." Amanda said between giggles while pointing at Maxwell and Nadia. "That's your couple name."
"Naxwell sounds like a snack cake or cookie." Riley added with a chuckle.
"We are sweet." Maxwell responded, cuddling Nadia close.
Hana sighed at seeing them all so happy together. "What would mine and Rashad's be?"
"Rashana?" Riley offered.
"Oh I like that so much better than what I thought." Amanda laughed. "I at first thought Hahad."
The group burst into laughter while more couple names were bandied about.
"So what do we dub Olivia and Ethan?" Liam asked.
"Ethalivia?" Hana offered.
"Olithan?" Maxwell added.
"Oooh! Olithan!" Riley exclaimed. "Sounds like a sea monster. Olivia will love it!"
Drake tried to ignore what was being said as he joined them.
Maxwell noticed his frown and immediately changed the subject.
"Hey," he said over the lingering chuckles. "What's everyone's resolutions going to be?"
"Get married." Rashad grinned at Hana.
"That's your plans for next week." Maxwell winked at them. "What are you going to resolve to do this new year?"
"Spend time with my husband." Hana replied with a slight blush.
"I think more time with our significant others is what we will all resolve to do." Liam added.
Drake bit back a bitter retort. At least they knew they would have their significant others. He was praying for a chance to talk to his.
Olivia stood in front of the mirror one last time to check her reflection. It was strange to see the same old features once more in the all too familiar guest room when she felt so changed. Stepping off the plane and seeing Cordonia's capital didn't affect her like it once did. Somewhere, somehow, she had moved on past the pride of her title and country.
She still loved her home, but she now knew she was capable of so much more than merely being the Duchess of Lythikos. She wondered if the changes would be visible to anyone else. If no one noticed it, she at least had proved it to herself.
Her gaze left her reflection to focus on Ethan finishing dressing. Her lips curved at the red shirt he had pulled on with his black slacks.
She wondered if he knew he had chosen to wear her house colors.
He glanced up and noticed her staring.
"Is this the wrong thing to wear to dinner tonight?" He asked.
"No." She walked over to him.
Ethan paused in buttoning his shirt when she looped her arms around his neck.
"What made you choose this shirt?" She asked, threading her fingers in his hair.
His lips curved as they brushed her cheek. "Thomas told me about ways we men can show our support for our noble ladies." He tugged her closer. "I thought I should start out as I intend to for my fiancée."
Olivia cupped his cheek with her left hand, her eyes darting toward the sparkling proof that she was marrying the man that held her. Their lips met in a tender kiss that made her want to forget about joining anyone else and simply stay here alone with him.
"Shouldn't we hurry?" Ethan asked when she began to toy with the buttons of his shirt.
His hands moved along her back, searching for her zipper.
"We should." She pressed another kiss to his lips before easing back.
Her smile was warm as she admired him. "Red is a good color on you."
"As long as you approve." He finished buttoning his shirt.
Olivia handed him his tie he had set out earlier.
He looped it around her waist and used it to pull her close.
"Doctor?" She chided. "You have a king and queen waiting to welcome you."
"I think you know who I think deserves my attention." He leaned his forehead against hers. "Are we telling everyone tonight?"
"About our engagement?" Olivia asked.
Ethan nodded. "I want you to have all the excitement and whatever they do here to celebrate when a duchess gets engaged."
She rolled her eyes. "I don't need a ball, Ethan."
Her heart softened once more when he whispered he wanted to give her everything she deserved.
"We can tell them," her breath hitched when she felt his mouth against that special spot under her ear, "if you want to."
"I want to." He muttered against her skin. "I want everyone to know we are together." He lifted his head and smiled at her. "I want them to see how proud I am that you chose me to marry."
"Ethan." Her frown firmed. "Don't you dare make me emotional right now when I'm about to see everyone."
He chuckled as he let her go. "Very well, duchess. I'll behave."
She hmphed while returning to the mirror to retouch her lipstick.
Once they were both deemed presentable, they left their chambers and gathered Naveen to take downstairs.
While the buzz of conversations filled the room, Drake escaped to the wet bar.
"Would you mind pouring me a glass of the Pinot Noir?" Regina asked, joining him.
"Yes mam."
She cleared her throat. "Sir Drake, I--"
"Just Drake, mam." He reminded her.
She smiled at his insistence she not use any honorific. "Drake, is something wrong?"
He handed her a wine glass. "No mam." He poured the wine for her. "Why do you ask?"
"You seem a touch distracted."
"I do?"
She chuckled. "Yes. Usually by this time you would have called a halt to all the talk of weddings and romantic, as you call it, nonsense."
A hint of a smile appeared on his face. "I guess I've been tuning them out tonight."
"I see." She patted his arm. "I'll leave you to your thoughts then."
He straightened up when Olivia stepped into the room, flanked by Ethan and the other doctor Drake had yet to meet.
The older of the two men had a friendly smile on his face that disappeared when he saw Regina.
"Gin?" Delight flooded his surprised facial expression. "Is it really you?"
Everyone looked back and forth between the Queen Mother and Naveen.
"Did he just call Regina, Gin?" Riley whispered.
"I've never heard anyone call her that." Liam whispered back.
Regina had her hand pressed to her heart. "Naveen! You're the Dr. Banerji Lady Olivia talked about?!"
Naveen met her in the middle of the room, his hands taking hers.
"What is going on?" Olivia whispered.
"I haven't got a clue." Ethan whispered back. "Naveen did a fellowship here when he was fresh out of medical school. Maybe, the two met during that time."
"It seems they did more than meet." Olivia pointed out.
"After all these years," Naveen said, "You are still just as beautiful as when we met."
Regina's blush and almost girlish laughter made everyone eager to hear more.
"We both know that is not true." Regina replied with an elegant wave of dismissal.
Naveen's smile grew when he felt her squeeze his hand.
Remembering their audience, the two let go of one another.
"You two know each other?" Riley asked, loving their flustered states.
"We met when I first came to Cordonia." Naveen explained. His gaze softened on the Queen Mother. "I didn't know my way around and had gotten horribly lost when a lovely young woman pulled up in a convertible and took pity on me."
"In a convertible, huh?" Maxwell was already imagining a young Regina with her blonde hair blowing in the breeze as she pulled over to help a young, handsome doctor. "Then what happened?"
Regina's blush grew. "I offered to drive him back to the house he had rented and one thing led to another and we--"
"I begged her to be my tour guide during my stay." Naveen explained to keep her from having to reveal too much. "It ended up being the best summer of my life."
She shook her head while smiling. "It was the last time I was ever able to be free to do and act as I wanted."
"What happened, mam, that changed all that?" Hana asked. "
"My first official social season began that fall. Adelaide was being courted by Godfrey and my parents insisted I do all I could to put our family in the best light possible so that an arrangement could be made between the two." A brief sadness passed over her. "Once that started, I was sent from one house party to the next then began a tour through Europe on diplomatic endeavors. Before I knew it, two years had gone by and Naveen had left Cordonia by the time I returned."
The older doctor grimaced. "I had been accepted to Edenbrook and was unable to find Gin to tell her."
Ethan quietly studied Naveen, wondering if this was why his mentor had never married.
"Well, now you two can catch up," Nadia encouraged. "Without worry of having to part."
Regina didn't bother to hide her happiness at that thought. "I would love that."
"So would I." Naveen added.
Once all the introductions were made, the group fell into smaller ones to talk.
Keeping mostly to himself on the other side of the room, Drake couldn't take his eyes off Olivia. She seemed so different than the last time she had been in Cordonia. Not just in appearance, but there was something else there he couldn't quite identify.
She had left her hair down in loose curls. He couldn't recall when he had seen her do that here. He had once heard her say that her hair down could be used against her if an enemy were to attack.
She must have lost that worry.
Olivia almost appeared more approachable. Her smirk didn't hold the same bite it used to. She listened without too much sarcasm to the conversations going on around her.
She looks soft.
Drake took another gulp of his drink. Where had that thought come from? Olivia Nevarkis was many things, but soft? Impossible.
He noticed that Ethan remained close to her. The little touches going on between them irritated Drake. Ethan would occasionally touch her back when turning to say something to her. Olivia would respond in kind. He would brush a lock of hair over her shoulder. She would place her hand on his arm when pointing out something.
All innocent, yet all given with hidden meanings.
The smiles they shared. The heated glances. The--
A sparkle on Olivia's hand caught his attention.
No, it can't be--
"I have an announcement." Olivia raised her voice. "I wanted you all to be the first ones to know."
Drake felt his insides go numb as if his body knew the pain that was about to happen and wanted to try and spare him.
"Ethan asked me to marry him." Olivia looked up at her doctor. Her smile, so unlike any in Cordonia had seen, was tender and full of affection. "And I said, yes."
Everyone spoke at once their delight and rushed to hug and congratulate the couple.
All that is except Drake.
His empty glass slipped through his fingers and thudded softly on the floor.
Did she listen to my message? Did she decide to not give me a chance to apologize in person? Why would she choose him without first seeing what we could have?
Maxwell slipped away from the laughter and teasing of Team Olithan. Swiping up his friend's glass, he placed an arm along Drake's shoulders and led him back to the bar.
"She didn't give me a chance." He muttered to Maxwell. "I told her I wanted to try and she instead picks that doctor. She didn't bother to even say she didn't want me."
Maxwell poured him a strong one and handed it off. "I know." He sighed softly. "I'm sorry, Drake."
Drake downed the contents, poured another, then after it was gone he drank one more that was filled to the brim. "Don't be." He slammed the empty glass down. "If you have to feel sorry for anyone, feel it for Ramsey." He jerked his chin toward the couple. "He's the one stuck with her."
"Drake, I think you should still try to talk--"
"No thanks." Drake snapped. "What’s left to say?" He shrugged. "I dodged a bullet."
Maxwell gave up arguing. He didn't know what to do as Drake became angrier.
"Better go give my congratulations." He grumbled while making his way across the room.
"We'll announce your engagement at the ball." Liam told the couple. He pressed a kiss to Olivia's cheek and shook Ethan's hand. "May you both find the same happiness I found with Riley."
"I need details!" Riley exclaimed "When and where did this happen? How did you propose?"
Olivia chuckled. "Ethan asked me at his father's home when we went to spend Christmas there."
"How sweet!" Hana exclaimed. "We can start planning your wedding while we are all together."
Olivia's friends began to talk over one another to give possible opinions of wedding venues and dates for the ceremony.
Only Ethan noticed the tension forming in Olivia's body. He soon saw the reason for it approaching.
"Congratulations." Drake said.
"Thank you." Ethan answered when Olivia instinctively stepped closer to his side. "I'm still surprised she said yes." He smiled down at her.
"You shouldn't be." Olivia told him.
"Liv's right, Ramsey. You shouldn't be surprised. Give yourself another day or two and you'll see why." Drake drawled. "The only thing nobles aspire to around here is marriage."
"Drake." Liam admonished.
"What? Isn't that all that was thumped into your heads as children? Even Hana admitted to being trained from a little girl on up on how to catch a husband." He continued.
Hana's cheeks burned as she averted her eyes from everyone.
"Of course, Olivia wasn't so fortunate when it came to knowing how to catch a husband, was she?" Drake smirked at her. "Her mother died before she could begin the training. Guess it was a good thing she went ahead and married you off to a terrorist, huh?"
"That's enough." Ethan warned. "You're intoxicated and should go to your room and sleep it off."
"Is that your medical opinion, Doc?" Drake narrowed his eyes at him. "Or is it you're worried I'll say something to embarrass you and your --"
"Excuse us." Olivia wrapped her fingers around Drake's arm, making sure to dig her nails into the tender flesh under his arm. "Walker and I need to clear something up."
She yanked him towards a door that led out into a small courtyard.
He wrenched his arm from her once they reached a nearby fountain.
"What in the hell was that?" She snapped.
"What?" He taunted when she merely glared at him. "Couldn't take the truth, Libby? Or are you worried that your doc can't?"
"In there," she hissed, "is the man who actually defended you to me after our last fight."
"Did he?" Drake folded his arms. "How endearing."
"Ethan is the man I want." She stated. "Whether you can accept that or not is your problem. It is not going to be mine!" Her narrowed eyes held his own. "I personally don't know if you and I can be friends after everything that has happened. I was going to try and at least be pleasant around you, but your little act in there has made it impossible."
"Who cares?" He muttered. "You didn't care about how I would feel after I ripped my heart out and laid it at your feet just so that you could waltz back home with your new love."
"You already knew my choice!" She shouted. "You saw how much he meant to me in Boston. I told you there was nothing between me and you and yet you stand here and show the world once again what a jackass you are." Her breathing was accelerated as she tried to calm down. "This is why you and I never had a chance. There's too much resentment from years of the two of us fighting."
"There wouldn't be if you had given me a chance." He told her. "Some time to try and be what you wanted. Instead you accept the first marriage proposal you ever got."
"I ACCEPTED BECAUSE I AM IN LOVE WITH ETHAN!" She raised a trembling hand to her head, completely frustrated with his refusal to give up. "He makes me feel a way I never thought possible."
"I don't want to hear about your sex life." Drake snapped.
"I'm not talking about that!" She shoved Drake away from her. "I'm talking about how he makes me feel as if I am the most important person in the world. He actually respects me. Cares about my opinions--"
"Clearly a glutton for punishment." Drake drily remarked.
Olivia gave up trying to explain. Using moves she hadn't had to in her months away, she swept Drake's legs out from under him, sending him tumbling backwards into the water fountain.
His head shot up, coughing and sputtering water out of his mouth and nose. "What the hell was that?!"
"That is the end of this discussion." She stated in a monotone voice. "I'm marrying Ethan. I'm going to have my own happily ever after. I expect you to keep your distance from now on. We might share the same group of friends, but you and I are nothing." Her green eyes flashed a warning. "We aren't friends, acquaintances, or even enemies." She stepped away from him. "Because I respect my enemies, but you, I can't even find the energy to be disgusted with you right now."
"Olivia, wait--" he tried to get out of the fountain and chase after her. "I--"
She walked back inside and quietly shut the door, as if he hadn't been speaking at all.
The next few months flew by. Hana and Rashad's wedding was deemed the perfect way to start a new year. Cordonia's research hospital had it's ribbon cutting ceremony a week later with both the press and nobles exclaiming over the state of the art facility. Under Naveen, Ethan, and Olivia's management, patients were being treated by some of the best physicians from around the world.
Word soon spread and numerous medical journals did pieces on the findings and styles of treatments given there. In every interview, Ethan gave Olivia the credit for everything that they were accomplishing, reminding the world that it had been her idea in the first place to create such a hospital.
She didn't think she could love him more than she already did until he did that, once more helping heal her Nevarkis reputation. It had been a long time since she had wished for a knight in shining armor to come along and fight for her, and here he was, fighting along the battlefields of the press that she had always felt at a loss over.
While Olivia balanced her duchess duties and those at the hospital, she planned her wedding. Ethan, no matter how exhausted he was, would stay up late giving his opinion on the party size and location. The two became even closer to one another as they discussed their life together, the possibility of children, and the roles they were playing in both the medical society and the nobility.
They decided on an intimate ceremony in one of Lythikos's oldest chapels. Liam was to conduct it, with Olivia requesting Amanda as her matron of honor and a very pregnant Riley and Hana as bridesmaids. The two mothers' to be cried together over the sweetness of it all from the moment they were asked until Ethan kissed his bride.
Ethan asked Naveen to be his best man and Thomas as a groomsman. He and the director had only grown closer in friendship as the ladies they were committed to spent so much time together. Thomas was helping him learn how to balance his future duties of Duke of Lythikos along with his chosen career. He reassured him that he could indeed have it all and be content.
Needing one more groomsman, Ethan left that choice to Olivia. Maxwell volunteered, to help take the pressure off of her, and was soon fitted for a new tux.
Drake never received an invitation.
He had tried to apologize. He even cornered her before she left the palace for Lythikos and managed to sound sincere, but it was no use. She was done with having him in her life. There was no anger. No sadness. Nothing. Just like she had told him.
He knew it was his own fault. All of it was. Somehow he had ruined what could have ended up being the best thing in his life. Seeing how Olivia was in love and knowing it could have been him on the receiving end, it hurt worse than any insult she could ever give.
He should be happy he wasn't invited to the ceremony. It was a mercy, whether she meant it as such or not. Seeing her dressed as a bride and saying her vows to another man would have been beyond his ability to calmly accept.
So he did what anyone would do the day of their love's wedding to another.
He left Cordonia for America.
Drake decided he would stay away for an indefinite period of time. Liam had Riley by his side so he wouldn't feel guilty over abandoning him. All of their friends were happily settled with their significant others. He was finally free to see what his life could be without nobles and putting Liam first.
A few years went by. During this time, babies were born. Drake had sent handmade rocking horses to Hana and Riley when he received the news of their sons' births. He next was picking wedding gifts for Maxwell and Nadia and then, to his great shock, one to Regina and Naveen. More babies were born, including word of Olivia and Ethan having a daughter.
That text from Maxwell had left him feeling a loss be hadn't thought of.
Drake decided to test the waters and start dating again. He thought this would be a chance to see what he really wanted from a potential spouse. Nothing too serious ever came from these attempts, but they did help slowly ease his heartache.
He would get the occasional visit from those he had left back in Cordonia. Phone calls and texts were a normal, everyday occurrence. Then one day, Savannah found out she was pregnant again and asked him to come for a nice long visit to Ramsford.
The moment he stepped off the plane and caught the hint of apple blossoms in the air, he knew this would always be home. He closed his eyes and simply let the feeling wash over him that this was where he was meant to be, where he was always meant to be.
He decided to stop and see Liam and Riley on his way to Ramsford. The couple were with their children at Valtoria along with some of their other friends.
Including Olivia and Ethan.
When Drake stepped out of the car, he could hear the laughter and squeals of young children playing out back. He went down a gravel path lined with lilies, only stopping at the sight before him.
Children, five years old and under, were chasing each other all over an area that would put most playgrounds to shame. Slides, climbing walls, bridges, jungle gyms, everything a child could want covered two acres of land.
He was able to identify most of the children without much thought. He had received tons of pictures through Christmas cards and texts, but he didn't need them to know who belonged to whom.
Liam's two sons with their golden hair shining in the sunlight were easily picked out. The little princes were soon joined by a boy that could only belong to Hana.
He then noticed two little girls that looked exactly like their mothers once had so many years ago. The dark haired one was clearly Thomas and Amanda's. And just like her mother had done at her age, the little girl was playing with another who had the richest set of red hair Drake had ever seen.
The three year old looked like she had been fashioned in Olivia's very image. Even her green eyes could narrow in an all too familiar irritation when the boys' rough housing got too close to where she was playing.
And just like her mother, her smile blossomed when she saw her father walking over.
Ethan leaned down to pick her up. His own smile was bright as he spoke to his daughter.
Whatever was said had the little girl eagerly nodding her agreement.
He turned to see Olivia staring at him in surprise.
"Hey, Liv." He greeted.
"What are you doing here?"
"Savannah asked me to come for a visit." He explained.
"Ah." She placed her hand on her baby bump when another kick happened. "How have you been?"
"Good." He motioned toward her belly. "Boy or girl?"
"We don't know." She smiled down at her stomach. "Just like with Erin, Ethan and I decided we want to be surprised."
"Congratulations." He said sincerely. "I know you always wanted a family." He looked back toward where her little girl was. "Looks like you and Ethan know what you're doing."
"I think we do." She finally smiled at him.
"I'm happy for you." He managed to say and realized that it was true. If he couldn't be the one she ended up with, at least she had gotten what she wanted most out of life.
"Thank you." She stepped around him and continued toward the play area.
Ethan had been watching for her and began to make his way over to help her down the slope safely. She paused, knowing he would only worry if she tried to go down it on her own.
"Yes, Olivia?"
"It's good to see you again." She smiled once more at him then went on and took her husband's arm.
Drake watched as Ethan tenderly brushed a kiss to her temple. The two laughed at their daughter having had enough of the boys' antics and chasing after them to give them a piece of of her mind.
As he stood there alone, he realized that though there was a faint echo of what could have been, he was finally able to watch them without it hurting.
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shimmershae · 2 years
My thoughts on Episode 11--Rogue Element
As always, placed behind a cut for those of you that would rather escape my babbling, lol.  You’re welcome.  
Welp.  Somebody, someone on the grapevine, said there was minimal Carol in this episode and a whole lotta Eugene and Connie.  And while I genuinely like each character and wish them well, neither inspires any kind of excitement or anticipation for me.  So that, and AMC+ being kinda a shitshow, is why you’re getting these thoughts so late.  
Anywho.  Shae’s thinky thoughts in 3-2-1.  
“What in the name of little billy goats are you doing?”  LMAO.  Maybe I should use that one in RL.  
Okay.  But Fake Stephanie almost has to actually like Eugene at least a tiny bit because the manbun coupled with the Kansas City BBQ tee-shirt and the socks doesn’t exactly scream sexay, lol.  
Aww.  Eugene’s smile when she said “I love you, too” was actually lowkey adorable.  This girl better not break his heart.  
Eugene using Princess as his romantic sounding board only makes me want her to offer Carol and Daryl unsolicited love advice even more, lol.  
No!  She stood him up.  Poor boy’s ice cream and smile melted away and his world drained of happy color.  Just who do I have to speak to to rectify this situation?  Ugh.  
Where’s Fake Stephanie running off to?  Hmm?  Walking Dead mystery.  M’kay.  
Connie being suspicious and a thorn in Pamela Milton’s side already. You love to see it.  
Can I just say?  I love Kelly.  Because I do, lol.  
Ohhh.  Mercer’s in Trooper Davis’s room.  
Rosita/Christian is so pretty.  But how in the holy hell is that hair practical for a soldier?  
The micro look of pity that crossed her face when Eugene said he wanted to make a statement.  Like our girl Rosita doesn’t want her friend’s heart broken.  
Damn.  That was one ugly mug to be presented with after a would-be commercial break. 
My beautiful brainy girl getting her sleuth on and doing reconnaissance. 
Lancy recognizes intelligence at least.  He still slimy though, lol.  
I just wonder, what part of herself did Carol reveal in her file to impress this ambitious weasel?  
Drug dealers or smugglers?  TWD Breaking Bad?  ;) 
Mercer looks so effortlessly badass.  Like no wonder Princess is such a smitten kitten.  Same girl.  Same.  
LOL at Princess bringing Eugene an empty dish because people have to let people in if they’re carrying food.  
Eugene’s detective work on that board looks an awful lot like Caryl shippers trying to figure out how TF anybody but Carol can be Daryl’s love.  Like all roads lead back to Carol for the dude even if you don’t “ship” them.  Don’t believe me?  It starts and ends with her.  
Roman Calhoun--what a name, hahaha.  
Not gonna lie.  I almost expected the Law and Order theme to start playing.  Or the Castle theme.  
LMAO.  Sorry.  Sorry.  Eugene is going all Fox Mulderon Princess.  If he starts sporting a red speedo I may not survive.  
Melissa McBride’s eyes are one of the wonders of this world.  I swear. 
Carol’s spidey senses are clearly tingling.  
Are those Walkers hyped up on speed or something because they fast and aggressive?  
Whoa!  Mercer giving that piece of stanky meat a banana split.  Okay, okay. That’s lame AF, lol.  Cool shot, though.  
Max, aka Real Stephanie, is Mercer’s sister?  Ooohhh boy.  
Listen.  Listen. There was 10,000% more tension between Connie and Mercer than she and Daryl have ever had, PERIODT.  If y’all gonna crackship?  Crackship Connie and Mercer.  Notice I said crackship.  Because ya boy is already quite taken with Princess.  Prior bonds matter.  And anyway.  I still maintain that in her short time with us, Connie showed the most depth of feeling with Virgil.  I know.  It shocked me too.  I know not many wanna hear it.  But it’s 100% true.  
Eugene being a conspiracy theorist rings 100% true.  
So does him dreaming of being a science fiction novelist.  
“You can’t wait ‘til after you’ve lived through it because ready or not?  Right now’s all we got.”  
And this, lovelies, is why Carol and Daryl waiting for the right moment, unable to open up to one another, hurts so freaking much.  Stop torturing them, AK.  Us too.  
I love Princess being Eugene’s partner in crime, lol.  
“I gotta little job, I gotta little bed, might get a little cat...”  And my love for Princess grows leaps and bounds.  
Carol is brilliant.  Canon.  
Mother Puss Bucket?  Well.  That’s certainly a new one.  LMAO.  
So is this Calhoun dude some kind of merc?  I’m sorry.  This feels kinda comical to me. 
Who moved Trooper Daviss?  Mercer’s pissed.  
Okay. Princess deserves all the good things.  Make that happen for her, AK.  
I played it back several times and still can’t figure out the piece of data Eugene told Princess he was privy to that she was not.  Help? Who can tell me what he actually said?  I usually only have this problem with NR/Daryl.  
So. Do all of the Team Family members look at the Commonwealth as a temporary fix or? Because Kelly saying that to Connie has me wondering.  
Okay, though.  That list of names.  FIrst of all, who did Mercer send to deliver it?  If it was Mercer.  If it wasn’t, who was it?  Because I halfway think it was.  Also?  April Kelly.  Why, for the life of me, do I think Fake Stephanie is April?  I can’t explain it.  I just do.  Probably because that would turn out to be way more interesting, IMHO, than what they actually have planned. 
I’m getting total X-Files vibes here.  Why? 
Instead of flashlight, Eugene’s got a spray bottle and it’s cracking my shit up, LOL.  
My poor Eugene.  Fake Stephanie really out there kung fooing him in the gut.  
Ofc, she’s sworking with Lancy. 
Lancy is such a slick slimeball.  I’m gonna take infinite pleasure in Carol eventually ending him because you know it’s coming.  
Welp.  There’s goes that theory about Fake Stephanie, hahaha.  
The way they broke Eugene’s heart before he got a chance to really meet real Stephanie.  Way to go, AK.  We love pain, don’t we?  
Eugene burning his book manuscript is him burning his dreams of love and acceptance and success and I am cry.  Josh is really dealing this episode.  
Omigosh!  He met the real Stephanie, er Max!  I wasn’t expecting that reveal that soon.  
Okay.  Carol + Daryl in the previews + Aaron and a possibility of Lydia makes Shae a happy girl.  
Neo-noir, AK?  Definitely.  Surface story and what lies beneath is oh-so-appropriate.  
They determined to make Eugene a sad sack, huh?  
Both sides of Lancy being true?  Interesting.  
Transactional relationship, indeed.  Literally the only relationship for the sake of Carol loving a person soul deep, the relationship for her?  Has been Daryl.  Fight me.  
Overall impressions?  
I enjoyed the episode much more than I thought I would.  
There wasn’t enough Carol, there never really is, but what there was of her? Was impactful.  
Eugene/Josh broke my heart and tickled my funny bone a few times.  
Princess remains a delight.  I’m loving everything about her.  
The Mercer/Real Stephanie, aka Max connection was a nice surprise.  
I’m so happy Connie has an actual story and purpose now.  It’s long overdue and I enjoy her and Kelly working together.  I do regret, though, that Kelly seems to have stepped back into her sister’s shadow somewhat but I trust she’ll emerge eventually.  
I’m looking forward to next week. Here’s hoping with good reason. \
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eyeofthedrgn · 3 years
Healing Takes Time
Notes: So, I did a thing. Did anyone ask for this? Well, I did. I asked for it and I answered. Good job, self. Anyway, I made a new crackship. Does it make sense. No, not really, but I find it adorable. We all know I'm trash for Lorcan Salvaterre from the Throne of Glass series, well here's some Lorcan and Sam Cortland. Because I say so.
This fic is heavily inspired by my Abomination fic. This is kind of what the original ending was intended to be, sort of, but I just decided to change it to make it its own. But it's not necessary to read one before the other. Though, I am proud of Abomination. Anyway...
Summary: Lorcan Salvaterre has returned home from a treatment facility after attempting suicide. He finds a friend in someone he met in person once, but has hundreds of texts back and forth with. Sam Cortland was in an abusive relationship, but had the right mind to end it before things got any worse. His life changes when Lorcan invites him into his life.
Triggers: Mentions of attempted suicide, descriptions of attempted suicide, mentions of blood, language, depression, sexual abuse/rape/sex for favors, abusive ex, physical abuse, mental health issues, self-esteem issues, gay sex
Word count: 6966
Chapter 1
What a night. Lorcan collapsed on his bed thoroughly exhausted. Before he went to sleep, he rolled over and turned on his phone. He hid it under his pillow as a million notification sounds went off. Once they were finally done, he just swiped most of them away. He opened his texts and saw an unread message from Sam Cortland.
Sam: I hope you’re doing okay. Let me know when you’re home?
The message was sent two and half months ago when he had admitted himself to a mental health facility following a brutal suicide attempt.
Lorcan: Hey. I’m finally home.
He wasn’t expecting a reply. It was late and who knew what Sam was up to lately. They barely knew each other. They had only met in person once, but they had texted and video called a lot before Lorcan’s attempted suicide. Who knew if he was even still in Orynth. Lorcan knew he was originally from Adarlan and had talked about going back. He hoped he was still here, hoped he would still want to see him. He wanted to still be friends. It was so easy for Lorcan to talk to Sam. And not to mention that Lorcan found Sam incredibly attractive with his shining bronze hair and melted caramel eyes, his lean, fit body and the sexy Adarlanian accent. It also helped that Sam didn’t seem to bat an eye at his past.
Lorcan was startled out of his thoughts when his phone buzzed, he reached over and grabbed it even though it was probably just an email or some social media notification. It wasn’t. He tapped the new message.
Sam: Hey. How are you doing?
Lorcan smiled as he rolled on his side, pulled the blankets up. He bent his knees and started typing a reply.
Lorcan: I’m doing well. I came out to my friends today.
When he had finally arrived at home from the treatment facility, there was a small get together with all his friends. Rowan had picked him up and brought him home. It was a warm welcome, something he hadn’t expected. That’s when he decided it was time to come out, they were all there anyway. Lorcan received tons of support, though he wondered how long that support would last. It was nice, exhausting, but nice.
Sam: That’s great! I’m proud of you. :)
Lorcan: Thanks. How have you been?
Sam: I got into a bad relationship about two months ago. I finally got the nerve to end it about two weeks ago. So, honestly, I’m better than I was, but I’m still not great.
His heart ached thinking of Sam in a bad relationship. Though, he was proud of him for having the courage to get out of it.
Lorcan: I’m sorry that happened. I’m glad you got out of it though. If you want to talk about it, I’m here.
Sam: Thanks. Well, I have to get to sleep. I have an appointment tomorrow. I’m glad you’re home.
Lorcan: Goodnight.
He laid in bed for a while, scrolling through several different social media feeds. There was so much he had missed. Elide and Manon got engaged, Aelin and Rowan finally set a wedding date. Lysandra and Aedion were pregnant, and Fenrys was officially going steady with Asterin. Lorcan was happy for all of them, but it didn’t stop the twang of envy that flitted through him. He always felt like he was behind all of his friends. Being in the closet his entire life, he has never had a real relationship, unless he counted the fling with his college roommate. Which he didn’t because it was just sex and experimentation, for both of them. But his friends were getting married, having kids, making lives for themselves and Lorcan was just by himself in his tiny one bedroom house. That had been one of the main reasons he tried to take his life. Hopelessness had made him dive head first into his depression, becoming so lost and lonely. He felt unloved by everyone. Even Rowan, his best friend, had pushed him to the back burner when he met Aelin.
He was sitting in the same spot that he had the first time he was here, a glass of whiskey in his hand. Sam was supposed to meet him so they could catch up. He messaged earlier in the day and said he would be late. Staghorns, the gay bar where he first met Sam, was quiet and he was thankful for that. His phone buzzed next to his glass, he opened the notification and worry creased his brow.
Sam: Can we meet at your house instead?
He messaged back that he would be home in ten minutes before dropping more than enough money on the counter and quickly walked home. Sam was already there, still sitting in his car. Lorcan walked up the drive and looked in the car window, his heart sinking at the sight of his friend. He was wearing sunglasses, a baseball hat and the hood of his jacket was pulled up. Fuck. Lorcan gently tapped on the window causing Sam to flinch and he instantly regretted his action. He pulled out his keys as Sam hesitantly exited his car and followed him up to the front door. The tension that radiated off of Sam was tangible and Lorcan wanted nothing more than to make Sam feel safe.
As soon as they were safely inside, Lorcan quietly asked, “What happened, Sam?” He put his hands in his pockets. He had a feeling what happened, but needed to know for sure. Sam took off his sunglasses, hat and hood. The bruise and swelling taking over the side of Sam’s face made Lorcan’s stomach lurch. He really wanted to pull Sam against him and make him feel safe, but he didn’t move, he swallowed harshly and then clenched his jaw. He wanted nothing more than to hurt whoever did this, red slicing over his vision. Before he could do something stupid, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a bag of frozen vegetables and a hand towel. He slowly approached the man in his living room, Sam’s arms were wrapped around his body, staring into nothingness. “Here,” Lorcan said as held out the bag of veggies. Sam didn’t move, so Lorcan took a tentative step toward him. “Sam, I’m going to gently put this on your face, okay?” Those sad caramel eyes looked up at him from beneath his lashes. He hissed as the frozen bag touched his skin, eyes never breaking contact with Lorcan’s near black eyes.
After what felt like eternity and also seconds, Sam broke eye contact and took the makeshift ice pack from Lorcan’s hand before sitting on the couch. “Can we just watch one of those stupid movies you like?” His voice was shaky.
“Sure,” Lorcan grabbed the remote and turned on the TV before playing Batman and Robin. He thought that would be a safe movie for Sam. “Do you need anything else?” he asked as the logos started playing on the screen.
“Water? And a blanket?” HIs voice was still a little shaky, “Please?” He nodded as he went to the closet and grabbed a fluffy blanket before getting a glass of water and then returning to the living room. Sam was curled up with his head on the arm of the couch, arms once again wrapped around himself, knees pulled close to his chest, the frozen bag of vegetables laying on his face. Lorcan put the glass down close enough that Sam could reach it and very gently draped the blanket on his body. The quietest thanks came from the boy that Lorcan barely caught it. Lorcan wasn’t sure that Sam would want him so close, so he sat on the armchair that was at the opposite end of the couch.
Sam hadn’t been sure if he should see Lorcan today after what he had just gone through, but he had felt safe in Lorcan’s presence. When he showed Lorcan what his face looked like, he hated seeing the pain and shock and… anger that rippled through his features. He knew then that he would be safe here. He didn’t want to go back home after his ex had basically forced himself in and tried to "apologize," but after Sam didn’t take him back, had started beating him. He had never felt so helpless as a fist met his face and his gut after he was forcefully pushed against the wall.
“You’re a fucking whore and a useless fucking piece of shit! Oh, are you crying, you fucking little cunt?!”
The words just played over and over again. He tried really hard to not let his tears fall, he didn’t want Lorcan to think he was weak and useless, but he failed as he sniffled. He heard Lorcan stand and move closer. “Sam?” Concern laced his voice as Lorcan knelt down next to the coffee table in front of him, Sam was thankful for the respectful distance he kept, but he wanted him closer, he wanted comfort, maybe it was the softness on Lorcan’s face. He untucked his hand from under the blanket and reached for the man in front of him. Lorcan’s dark eyes darted between his hand and face before hesitantly joining their hands together. Sam gently tugged Lorcan towards him, he scooted closer, sitting with his side to the front of the couch, his arm on the cushion, still holding Sam’s hand. Sam watched him as the other’s eyes roved over his face before reaching up with his other hand to move the thawing bag of vegetables on his face.
“Is it feeling better?” He removed it since it wasn't cold anymore and placed it on the coffee table. Sam only hummed in acknowledgement and gave Lorcan’s hand a squeeze which caused the corner of his lips to turn up a little. Lorcan whispered, “You’re safe here, okay?” Apparently, that was too much for Sam because he couldn’t keep in his tears anymore as a small sob left his mouth. Lorcan frowned, a crease forming between his brows. "Can I hold you?"
"Please," Sam's voice was wet with tears. Lorcan asked him to sit up so he could slide in behind him. One leg against the back of the couch, the other along the armrest. Sam was then gently tucked against Lorcan's chest. He hissed when a little too much pressure was put on his side. Lorcan cursed and then murmured an apology, every movement following was done with care until they were both comfortable. Sam let his tears fall while Lorcan had a hand gently massaging his scalp, the other sat on his arm, his thumb rubbing back and forth.
Lorcan awoke to a blanket being draped over his shoulders. Apparently Elide had come to check on him when he didn’t answer her calls, she was the only one who ever checked on him after he got home. She just smiled at him softly and kissed his temple, he returned her smile before she turned off the TV and all the lights. Sam made a small pained sound as he shifted against Lorcan's chest, Lorcan looked down at him, a frown seemingly etched into his brow. He lifted his hand and placed it once again on the back of Sam's head, gently running his fingers through short bronze hair, nails softly grazing his scalp. Another sound squeaked out of the boy in his arms, but this time it was contentment. Lorcan pressed his lips against Sam's hair, but didn't leave a kiss, just rested his face against him, wanting to be closer.
He liked holding Sam. It was comfortable and natural. He just wished it was under better circumstances. He wished this had been a proper movie night date and they cuddled up to watch the movie rather than Lorcan trying to comfort his friend who is hurting in multiple ways. If he hadn't gone suicidal and admitted to a treatment facility all those months ago, he could have been there for Sam. Maybe they would have started dating rather than Sam falling for an abusive asshole. But there was no point dwelling on the "what if's." He couldn't change the past, he only hoped he could help make things better for the caramel eyed beauty in his arms. And if Lorcan was only a friend, that would be okay.
For now, he would make Sam feel safe. Help him heal. If Sam wanted his help anyway. He wouldn't force himself to be included in his friends life.
Sam stirred again, his hand slid under Lorcan's shirt and rested against his ribs. Lorcan sucked in a breath at the contact. His hand was soft and warm and made Lorcan's skin burn. It didn't help that Sam's smell was invading his nostrils, he smelled of oakmoss and lavender. He needed to get a grip. Now was definitely not the time. He was fairly certain it was his ex who hit him. Lorcan was here to comfort Sam, not hope for something more. He leaned his head against the back of the couch and tried to go back to sleep.
Sam hadn't been very comfortable, everything hurt, but he felt safe and sleep came easy. He had always felt safe around Lorcan, it was always easy to talk to him and just be near him. At Staghorns, Sam had felt drawn to the broody guy at the end of the bar and he still felt that way. And he was so warm. Sometime in the night he had snuggled in as close as he could. His face was nuzzled against Lorcan's neck, his hand was under his shirt.
Before Sam woke up enough to figure out that he shouldn't be cuddling Lorcan like this, they were only friends after all, he wiggled closer to the warm body holding him. But the smell wasn't right. In his sleepy stupor, he had forgotten where he was, who he was with. Arobynn didn't smell like rain hitting hot asphalt. He smelled like expensive cologne. His eyes shot open and he pulled away, his cheeks turning pink. The quick movement caused pain to shoot through his side and he let out a small cry.
"Sam, are you okay?" Lorcan's voice was deep and a little gravelly from sleep.
"Fuck, I didn't mean to fall asleep, I'm sorry. I should go." He stood, wincing as he straightened. Sleeping like that was definitely a bad idea. Everything was aching more than it did yesterday.
"Sam, please talk to me," Lorcan pleaded. He put both feet on the floor, hands hanging limply between his legs, looking defeated. "Please," he whispered. All Sam could do was sigh and then lick his lips and then sigh again. Lorcan looked down at his hands, his voice so quiet Sam almost missed what he said, "I just want to know you're safe."
With a defeated sigh Sam gave Lorcan the quick abridged version, frustration finding its way into his voice, "My ex came by to apologize and when I said it was still over, he hit me. Happy?" The man who hadn't pushed him, but gave him comfort all night looked up at him, hurt flashing over his face, but also anger before schooling his features. Guilt suddenly flooded through him.
“I’m sorry,” Lorcan murmured, “Will you be safe at home?” He was staring at his hands as he picked at his nails. Sam wasn’t sure how to answer that, he really didn’t know. And if he wasn’t, what was he supposed to do about it? He didn’t have any family here, they were all in Adarlan, and he didn’t necessarily feel like he had any close friends here. He mostly kept to himself, acted like he had friends at Staghorns, but that was it really. Arobynn was his first real relationship here and that had turned out well. Not. Why were relationships so hard for him?
He ran a hand through his hair and sighed, “I don’t know. Not that it matters, I have nowhere else to go.”
Lorcan looked up at him with sad eyes. “You’re welcome to stay here.” He licked his lips, “If- if you want.” Sam took a deep breath before sitting back down on the couch next to Lorcan. There were several moments when they sat there in silence. Sam wasn’t sure what to do. He had felt safe last night when Lorcan gave him space, and when he catered to his needs, asked for consent to hold him, and especially when his strong arms were gently wrapped around him and he played with his hair. Arobynn hadn’t done any of those things.
“Okay,” he agreed. Lorcan’s eyes searched his face.
“Okay?” His brows lifted in question.
“I’ll stay here for a couple days. I’ll sleep on the couch.” He needed stuff from home though and didn’t really feel like going there by himself. “Will you come with me to get clothes from home?” Sam couldn’t look at the man next to him.
“Whatever you need, Sam.”
Lorcan went with Sam to his apartment, it was a little surreal. He didn’t live in a great part of town and Lorcan could tell that he was embarrassed to bring him along. He didn’t judge him though, he grew up in places like this, sometimes in even worse parts of town. The foster care system didn’t always have the best foster parents available.
Sam moved quickly throughout the small space he called home. Quickly shoving clothes into a duffel bag among other things, toiletries, books, phone charger and headphones. After that bag was packed, he grabbed another bag, carefully stowing a couple battery packs and lenses and a laptop. “Okay, let’s go.” He shouldered both bags, looking nervous about… everything.
“Hey,” Lorcan’s voice was soft. “It’s going to be okay.” Sam bowed his head, Lorcan leaned down to look up at him with what he hoped was a comforting smile. He nodded. “Do you need anything else?” Sam shook his head in response as Lorcan held out a hand to take one of his bags, but Sam put his hand in his instead and gave it a squeeze. He huffed a laugh, “Can I help carry something?” Lorcan gave his friend’s hand a squeeze back. An adorable flush spread up Sam’s cheeks as he realized what just happened. He tried to pull his hand back, but Lorcan wouldn’t let it go and reached over with his free hand to take the duffel bag. “Come on.” He led them out the door, only letting go of Sam’s hand so he could lock the door. Their hands found each other after his keys were pocketed. Lorcan bit the inside of his cheek as he glanced over at the man walking next to him.
“Thank you,” Sam muttered quietly when they made it back to his car. He shifted his camera bag on his shoulder before taking a deep breath and opening the trunk of his car to put his things in. Sam slumped into the driver seat and drove them back to Lorcan’s. They argued over who was going to sleep on the couch. Lorcan won, Sam would be taking his room.
Lorcan was quietly watching a movie on the couch, a pillow tucked under his head, a blanket draped over his legs. He heard the famed floor squeak from the hall causing him to turn his head towards the sound.
“Hey,” Sam whispered as he fidgeted with the hem of his sleep shirt.
“Hi, you okay?” Lorcan sat up, concern forming between his brows.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he looked at his feet as he answered. Lorcan couldn’t help but let the corner of his lips curl with how cute Sam looked in this moment.
“You wanna finish this movie with me?” He resituated himself into a sitting position, feet on the floor. His friend shuffled over and sat next to him, bending a leg under himself.
“Um,” Sam once again was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. Lorcan had only ever seen Sam be confident and assertive, seeing him so vulnerable made him want to hurt the man who hurt his friend. He sighed, “Will you…” Lorcan paused the movie and set his hand on the couch between them, an offer of comfort. Sam copied him, their pinkies touching. “Hold me?”
“Course.” Lorcan shifted so his back was against the armrest, his right leg pressed along the back of the couch, arms open. Sam crawled over and curled his knees to his chest and his head against Lorcan’s chest. Olive arms wrapped around him after draping the blanket around them.
“You can finish your movie,” Sam muttered as he nuzzled his face against Lorcan’s chest. Lorcan reached over and pressed play on the remote, he shifted back to get comfortable, Sam burying deeper into his arms. His fingers subconsciously played with the hair at the nape of Sam’s neck.
Sam twisted his head so he could look up at Lorcan. His eyes on the movie, fingers slowly brushing through the short hairs at the back of his neck. For a while, he just watched the man holding him, his face stoic, but not unfriendly, his eyes moving, following what’s happening on the screen. The soft bluish glow, lighting up his dark eyes and glinting so subtly off his midnight hair. He thought Lorcan was beautiful.
Arobynn would never hold him like this. Unless he got something out of it, unless he got some sexual reward for being nice. He missed who he used to be before meeting Arobynn. He had been strong, independent, and confident. Now, he felt meek and fragile. Yet, cradled here in the arms of a man, who has been through so much, he felt comfortable. Like it did the other night when Lorcan held him while he cried. That was why he came out here, he couldn’t sleep alone. Granted, Lorcan’s bed was comfortable and the smell was slightly intoxicating, being alone wasn’t something he could do right now.
His eyes roved over Lorcan’s face, his jawline, his neck. All of a sudden, he had the urge to kiss that neck, caress his fingers over his jaw. Sam swallowed before slowly stretching up and pressing his lips against Lorcan’s neck. The fingers in his hair stilled, his breath hitched. He murmured an apology before returning to his previous position. Lorcan’s hand moved up into his hair, gently massaging his scalp as he leaned down and placed a kiss upon his head. “I liked it,” he hummed against his locks. Sam pulled back to look at the man, a softness in Lorcan’s eyes, and a small smile on his lips.
That gave him courage, he lifted his hand, fingers grazed Lorcan’s jaw, Sam’s thumb ghosted over his lips as Lorcan’s eyes shuttered and leaned into his palm that rested against his cheek. He continued exploring the contours of his face, learning the shape of his nose, the sweep of his brow before his fingers pushed into his hair and landing on the back of his neck. Slowly, he pulled Lorcan towards him, meeting him part way. His lips were soft and warm and he just wanted to melt into him. Lorcan pressed one more kiss to him before pulling away, his thumb brushing the soft spot under his ear. Their foreheads touched, noses nuzzled, Sam sighed in contentment.
“Sleep now,” Lorcan breathed against his cheek before softly grazing his right cheek against Sam’s left. They both reshuffled how they lay. Lorcan scooted down so his head was on the armrest, Sam laying on his chest, legs nestled between Lorcan’s. Fingers once again carding through his hair, Sam nearly purring at his touch. He could get used to this.
Lorcan woke up with half of his body hanging off the couch. The only reason he wasn’t on the floor at all was because Sam was draped over half of his body. The boy had his forehead pressed against his neck, arm hanging across his torso, a leg twisted around his leg that was still on the couch. He could only chuckle at the situation they were in. Maybe tonight they should sleep in his bed instead. It would definitely be better on his back. He lifted his discarded hand to brush Sam’s bangs off his face, gently tucking it behind his ear. Sam groaned and buried his face more into the crook of Lorcan's neck. Lorcan only smiled and let his knuckles brush against the apple of Sam's cheek.
It wasn’t long after that when Sam awoke, lifting his head, taking in Lorcan’s precarious position. A few moments later, he started giggling, “I didn’t mean to take over the couch.”
“I think we should take the bed tonight.” He paused. “If you, uh… if you want.”
Sam propped himself up on his elbow to look Lorcan in the face. “I think that would probably be best,” he smirked. Then, he pressed a quick kiss to Lorcan’s cheek, an adorable blush flushing over his cheeks as he pulled back. “Is it okay if I shower?” All he could do was nod as he was suddenly much more aware of everywhere they were touching. Sam shifted to get up which caused Lorcan to finally fall off the couch with a soft ‘oof’ and that resulted in the other man laughing while apologizing. Lorcan just laughed too. He was expecting it. Fortunately, pillows and blankets had fallen off the couch overnight so his landing was much softer than it normally would have been.
The bronze haired man made his way to Lorcan’s room, softly closing the door behind him. Sam leaned against the now closed door and let out a long shaky breath. What the hell was that? He felt confused, though should he really? Lorcan had a strange effect on him, Sam’s body had tingled everywhere it was touching his, he wondered if Lorcan felt the same. His heart was finally calming down. He grabbed his bag before heading into the adjoining bathroom. After undressing, he inspected his bruises. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t sore, but he was mostly glad he had joined Lorcan on the couch.
When he had been trying to sleep in the bed, he just kept thinking Arobynn was going to burst through the door and hit him again. He had gotten enough courage after an hour or so to go see if Lorcan was still awake. The soft murmur of the TV gave him hope that he was, he just wanted to be held and Lorcan’s embrace was comforting. Sam hadn’t given his ex a second thought after he had collapsed into those open arms.
In the shower, Sam smelled Lorcan’s shampoo and body wash. He really enjoyed how Lorcan smelled, like a fresh rain after a hot day. Abandoning all reason, he just used his shampoo and body wash instead of his own. Hopefully Lorcan wouldn’t mind. He needed all the comfort he could get at the moment. The warmth of the water calmed his aching body, the water flowing over his face as he ran his fingers through his now clean hair. How did he let his life get so messed up? Standing in a tub that wasn’t his or Arobynn’s without any expectations of him. Sam blew out a breath, water blowing away from his lips.
Lorcan was so considerate and sweet even after all the things he had been through, even after he had attempted suicide. Always asked for consent, backtracked if he felt like he overstepped, it was amazingly refreshing. But did he deserve that? Gods, he hated that his ex changed how he felt about himself and what he felt he was worthy of. He felt like he could have had a relationship with Lorcan several months ago, but why should it be any different now?
Over the next few days, Sam kept getting more and more attached to Lorcan. Each morning, he woke up in Lorcan’s bed and cuddled up against Lorcan’s chest or side. And each time he woke, Lorcan was always smiling softly at him with sleepy eyes and messy hair. It was fucking perfect. He didn’t want to ever leave, he didn’t want to go back home to his janky apartment where bad memories haunted the rooms. Yet, he felt like he couldn’t just stay here forever. It wasn’t like they were together, Lorcan was just helping him heal. Right? Lorcan never went to kiss him after that first morning, never made a move, never touched unless Sam asked. Had he been friendzoned? Did Lorcan only want to be a friend and nothing more? If so, he wasn’t sure what he would do.
“Are you sure it’s okay if I go to work today?” Lorcan turned onto his side to look at Sam. He had had the last few days off, but had to go back in today, Sam hadn’t been looking forward to being left alone. His own job was on hold right now, photographing people with a black eye wasn’t something he felt like doing.
“I think I’ll be okay.” Lorcan took advantage of their close proximity and bumped their noses together. Sam was a little shocked by the innocent affection since Lorcan didn’t ever initiate anything. Lorcan took that shock as a sign that he shouldn’t have done that, backing away and starting to get out of bed. “Hey,” Sam reached out and grabbed his arm. He turned back towards him with a guarded expression. “You just don’t give affection unless I ask, I was just a little surprised.” His teeth tugged on his lower lip before continuing, “I liked it and would like it if you did things like that more.” A warm flush coated his cheeks as Lorcan smiled at him before leaning over and nuzzling their noses together again.
Before Lorcan could get away, Sam put his hand on the back of Lorcan's neck and pulled him in for a kiss. He was tired of waiting and he was feeling bold. Lorcan made a surprised sound as their lips met, but quickly melted into it. Fingers ran through Sam's hair, eliciting a small moan from his throat, lips still pressed against Lorcan's. Lorcan pulled back to bump their noses together yet again. "I think we need to have a chat later about what we are," he said with a sly smile and a twinkle in his eye.
Sam pecked his lips one more time before agreeing and then flopping back on the bed. A goofy smile plastered on his face.
The rest of the day before Lorcan got off work wasn't nearly as nice. He worked on editing some photo shoots he was behind on, but it was hard to focus. Once his laptop was safely on the coffee table, he laid down on the couch cuddled under the blanket, headphones on listening to some of his favorite songs, mostly songs by Omar Rudberg even though he couldn’t understand most of them.
Next thing he knew, his hair was being brushed from his face. A smile played on his face after he opened his eyes when he saw Lorcan crouched in front of him, a soft look in his eyes. “Hey,” Lorcan whispered, luckily Sam’s playlist had long since ended. He pulled his headphones off, he went to reply, but only managed to yawn. Lorcan just chuckled at him.
“Shut up,” Sam joked.
Lorcan rested his arms on his knees, leaning a little on the coffee table, the corner of his mouth pulled up. “I’m gonna go shower, I smell like motor oil.” He stood as he said, “I just wanted to let you know I was home.” Sam hummed in acknowledgement as he watched Lorcan walk down the hall. He stretched and made his way to the kitchen to start making dinner. The pasta was just being mixed with the marinara when Lorcan walked in wearing basketball shorts and a t-shirt, his damp hair up in a messy bun. Sam suddenly felt like this was all extremely domestic and he really liked that feeling. Lorcan opened the fridge to pull out a soda, “What would you like to drink?”
Sam smiled, feeling extremely warm and fuzzy, “Soda?” He heard Lorcan grab another can before setting them on the small table.
“Need help?” Lorcan leaned against the counter next to the stove.
“Can you get the bowls?” He had to bite his lip to keep his smile from breaking across his face. A quizzical look crossed Lorcan’s face before he opened the cupboard to grab two bowls, then opened the drawer for two forks.
“I have done more dishes this week than I have in the last month,” Lorcan chuckled and shook his head slightly. Sam’s face fell a little at that comment, had he overstayed his welcome? The ever observant man who was sharing his home, caught it. “It was just an observation. I like having you here.” Lorcan reached a hand up, rested it against the side of Sam’s neck, his thumb brushing against his jaw. The space between them closed, he wasn’t sure who moved, but suddenly a soft, caring kiss was pressed to Sam’s forehead. Most of the time, Sam didn’t notice their height difference, but if it meant forehead kisses, he was totally for it.
Sam playfully pushed at Lorcan’s chest, he didn’t move an inch, only huffed a laugh. “Let’s eat,” he said as he portioned out some pasta in the bowls. They talked about their days as they ate, not that Sam had much to talk about since he napped for several hours without meaning to. Lorcan dealt with several stubborn cars, but Sam didn’t really follow because he knew absolutely nothing about cars. Lorcan did the dishes, the kitchen too small for a dishwasher, while he put away his laptop and headphones.
When he made his way back to the living space, it felt like there was something heavy in the air. Maybe it was the looming conversation they were supposed to have tonight about what they were. Honestly, he was afraid that Lorcan didn’t want what he did, not that he entirely knew what he wanted, but he did know that he wanted the man in the kitchen with scars on his arms. Wanted to be more than whatever they were right now, to be something that made that warm and fuzzy feeling he felt earlier to be an everyday thing.
“What’s wrong?” He hadn’t noticed Lorcan sit next to him on the couch. He wasn’t exactly sure how to answer that. Everything suddenly felt like a lot to handle. Maybe he was fine with whatever it was that they were, no labels. Lorcan turned to face him, bending a leg under himself, he gently ran his knuckles against Sam’s arm. It was oddly comforting, he always knew how to calm him down. Sam took a deep breath before letting himself sink back into the cushions. “We don’t have to talk about it now. But it should be soon.” Lorcan’s voice was soft and understanding.
“No, no. We should do this.” Sam looked up at the ceiling. “What-” he grunted in mild frustration. “What do you want us to be?”
“Boyfriends.” Sam jerked his head to look at the man next to him. He seemed so confident saying that one word. But then he saw the confidence wavering over his features, his eyes falling to look at the couch cushion between them, his fingers running over one of his cutting scars on his forearm. It was easy to forget that Lorcan had multiple mental health issues, depression, anxiety. It was easy to forget that he was also healing, that he had nearly succeeded in killing himself, had only recently come out to everyone he knew, that he had never had a real relationship before.
“I’d like that,” he said after a while, too lost in his thoughts thinking about Lorcan’s lifetime of trauma compared to his. Sam pulled Lorcan’s hand away from rubbing his scar raw, the skin already red and irritated, and held it between both of his.
“Are you sure?” He had never heard Lorcan’s voice so small. His face had become blank, eyes a little unfocused. Sam had no idea what was going on in the other’s mind.
“Yes.” Sam lifted Lorcan’s hand to his lips and pressed kisses to his knuckles. The fire within him stoked at his actions. Calluses covered Lorcan’s fingers and palm, and he suddenly wondered what that would feel like against his skin. But then the hand he was sweetly kissing was pulled out of his hands. Lorcan started curling into himself, knees pulled into his chest.
Minutes passed between Lorcan saying what he wanted and Sam agreeing. It felt like eternity to Lorcan. Doubts and fears started sprouting into his thoughts, every ounce of confidence gone. Rejection had always been Lorcan's biggest fears. It startled him how quickly the negative thoughts swirled in his head, how quickly they morphed every good thing over the last week into something bad, into manipulation, that Sam was just using him. He couldn’t do this. Breathing became hard, like his lungs were too small for his body. His jaw clenched so hard, his head started aching. Flashes of blood gushing down his arms flickering across his eyelids, forcing him to open them again so he didn’t have to see himself almost die again. It had been weeks since those images flooded his brain. He rested his forearms against his thighs that were almost pressed to his chest and stared at the scars, the wide, white scars, stark against his dark skin. His ears were roaring, his body was shaking, he couldn’t breathe. Why hadn’t he died that day?
He was lost in his mind for a while, unseeing, not moving, breathing shallow. Every time he closed his eyes, blood ran down his arms. It felt like reliving that day all over again, minus the sting and stickiness on his arms. After an unknown amount of time, there was a soothing motion rubbing his arms. Soft hands gently smoothing over his skin. His lungs seemed to be growing, making breathing easier. A wave of exhaustion rushed over him, his body slumping into the cushions. He wanted to close his eyes, but didn't want to see any more blood, so he fought to keep them open.
"Rest, Lor. I'm here. You're okay." He just shook his head. He couldn't rest. Didn't want to see the blood. But the more he fought, the more the exhaustion started winning. Lorcan hates panic attacks. Especially when they come on so fast. He wouldn’t have been able to control this one if he had tried. What was worse was he hadn’t had one since he was at the facility.
Sam gently pulled Lorcan into his arms, holding his head against his chest, an ear over his heart. Lorcan jolted awake half an hour later, breathing hard. The nightmare was always the same, always blood running down his arms, his friends surrounding him telling him how useless he was while he knelt in a pool of his own blood. “Shh, you’re okay,” Sam said as he smoothed a hand down Lorcan’s hair. “It was just a nightmare.” Sam’s other hand cupped his cheek and brushed away tears he didn’t know were there. He brought their foreheads together, Lorcan closed his eyes, it was just darkness now. A heavy sigh left him and his hands found Sam’s waist.
He shifted his body, placing his hands on Lorcan’s shoulders for support as he swung a leg over Lorcan’s lap, one leg now on either side of the other’s hips. Sam pressed their bodies together, holding Lorcan’s head against his neck, his other arm wrapped around his shoulders. They melted together as soon as Lorcan’s arms engulfed Sam’s torso. An apology was murmured into his skin, Sam shook his head as he tightened his grip. “You have no reason to be sorry. We’ve both been through shit which means we’re going to have moments we’re not proud of and panic attacks and low points, but we don’t need to apologize for them, okay?” Lorcan nodded against his neck.
They sat there wrapped up in each other for a long time. Sam was sure both of them had gone in and out of sleep a couple times. Both exhausted. He decided that they should just go to bed, but he needed to ask a question first. “Lor,” he said softly as his fingers scratched lightly at Lorcan’s scalp. He hummed in response. “Will you be my boyfriend?”
Lorcan lifted his head to look at him, he looked so tired, but that didn’t stop one of his hands sweep up to his neck, cupping at his nape and pulling him in, lips meeting, arms tightening around him. The kiss was somehow soft and desperate at the same time. Sam arched into him, a small sound escaping his mouth. But as soon as it happened, it ended. Lorcan pulled back, panting slightly. He palmed Lorcan’s cheek, wishing he could read his mind, but since he isn’t a telepath, he decided to default to humor, “Is that a yes?” Thankfully, that pulled a small huff of a laugh from the man he was straddling as Lorcan dropped his head on his shoulder.
“Yes,” he said into his collarbone.
“Good. Let’s go to bed. I think we could both use some proper cuddles and sleep, yeah?” Another nod was his answer. He pressed a kiss to Lorcan's hair before pulling him up and making their way to bed.
Thanks for reading!
What do we like better for the ship name, Samcan or Lorsam?
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@thenerdandfandoms @starlightorstarfire @inkstainedvictorian
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arofili · 4 years
Hello! You have just been visited by the Crackship Fairy, as of now you will be given a crackship and you have to do good by them. Your crackship: Voronwë/Maglor
(This is much more of a gen take on their relationship than it is a shippy one, but my headcanon is that Voronwë is aro, so that’s just how it’s gonna be!)
It wasn’t often that Maglor came across another elf on these shores. They were rocky, dreary, generally abandoned; he liked to be alone, and this stretch of coastline was good for that. The few weary Secondborn who eked out a living here were suspicious enough to steer clear of him, and in return he did the same for them.
In ages past this land had been the border of Ossiriand, pressed up against the Blue Mountains. The mountains were still there, taller and grander than ever, but the seven rivers were sunk under the sea and the singing Laiquendi had long since fled for greener lands.
Mithlond was not too terribly far from these his favorite haunting grounds, but no matter how genial and polite Círdan was Maglor knew he was not welcome there: the Falathrim had not forgotten the ruin of Sirion. No, this was a place where he could wander alone, his mind free to catch forgotten melodies on the wind and his spirit unbound by any constraints of law or temptations of love.
And yet: here stood a simple dwelling, still clearly Noldorin in make, looking near as old as Maglor felt. He had wandered this beach a hundred times or more, and never before had he run across this little elfhome that appeared to have been here since Beleriand’s death throes had finally ceased and the lands he had bled and fought and suffered for settled under the vast ocean.
Entranced, Maglor approached the house, noting its angular shapes, the Tengwar over the door, shimmering with some faint enchantment. He shivered as his fëa brushed against it: he was not repulsed, per se, and yet he was not permitted to pass through the barrier.
“Who goes there?” demanded a voice too soft for its tone.
Maglor turned around, tensing instinctively and letting his hand wrap around the hilt of his dagger. The speaker was an elf, as he had thought, though they conversed in Westron, and though his eyes did not shine with Treelight, he had the stature and bearing of one of Maglor’s kin. Still, there was something a little off about him—the shell patterns on his clothing, perhaps, the shimmering blue of his blade, or the curve of his nose, which reminded Maglor strongly of a person he could not quite place. Perhaps he was of the Sindar as well as the Noldor.
“Peace,” he said slowly in Sindarin. “I mean you no harm. I was simply curious of your dwelling. I will leave you to your solitude.”
The ellon relaxed, though he did not sheath his sword. “Thank you,” he said in that soft voice. “But you have not answered my question. Who are you?” He glanced to Maglor’s cloak, tattered and torn and yet unmistakably blood-crimson. It was not the same one he had worn when he cast the Silmaril into the sea—that had long since unraveled into nothing but a painful memory—but thought Maglor no longer wore his father’s star openly, he would not abandon his Fëanárion pride, nor could he wash his hands of the blood upon them.
He could give the ellon a false name; he had done so to others in the past. But Maglor was so tired, of hiding, of running, of lying, and he did not have the heart to do so. He adjusted his grip on his dagger, knowing that if this ellon was part Sindar, there was every chance he would be met with long-sleeping anger reawoken.
And yet, still, he spoke his name.
“I am Kanafinwë Makalaurë Fëanárion,” he said, “though you may know me better as Maglor the singer; and you may wish my name had never had cause to be uttered here in the east. Certainly I wish that at times.”
“Oh.” For a moment the ellon’s resolve wavered, and then he grimaced, sighing, and sheathed his blade. “Well,” he began, switching to musical Quenya that made Maglor’s heart swell with a fondness long-forgotten, “by all I rights I ought to hate you, Fëanárion, and yet it is not often that I hear my father’s tongue spoken, especially not by a voice so lovely as yours.”
“Who was your father?” Makalaurë asked, dread coiling in his stomach. If this was another long-lost relative—
“Aranwë of Ondolindë,” said the nér, and a smile twitched at the corner of his lips. “I am Voronwë the mariner, once-friend of Tuor Ulmondil and Eärendil Morningstar.”
Voronwë—yes, he had heard that name before. A nér of Gondolin, a mariner, a friend to Eärendil and Tuor...and kinsman to Círdan, if he remembered correctly. Makalaurë shuddered, bowing his head.
“You were at Sirion,” he murmured. It was not a question.
“Not precisely,” Voronwë said. “Elwing, wife of my dear friend’s son, and her children—they were there. But I dwelt alone in a home not unlike this one, some miles away from the city, as I ever have since Tuor and Itarillë departed for the West.”
Makalaurë’s heart skipped a beat. “I—regret what was done,” he began, but Voronwë waved a hand.
“Come in,” he invited, walking past the protective enchantment around the perimeter of his little home and beckoning Makalaurë in. “That was an age long ago, and we have both suffered enough for our choices. I would speak with you, over supper, of those you called your sons—unlike with Eärendil, I did not have the pleasure of seeing them grow to adulthood, and I would hear from you what they are like.”
Makalaurë took a deep breath, then nodded. Voronwë’s offer of conversation, of a meal, of companionship was more than he deserved—but he spoke truly, that he was not the same nér who pillaged Sirion and kidnapped little children. And Makalaurë could never turn down an opportunity to sing the praises of his sons, no matter how little right he had to call them that.
So he walked inside, let Voronwë lay a gentle hand on his shoulder, and let go of some small portion of his sorrow.
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