#wizardess heart fan route
My otome game journey
Note: So, I’ve been thinking lately about my journey from playing otome games and I just wanted to put it out there. Mainly because I was so curious if anyone has done the same thing as me.
Let’s see, I started with Midnight Cinderella, and I remember the first route I ever did was Alyn’s, which was pretty chill. The ending in a way traumatized me because if I remember correctly, he actually went off to war instead of being with you. For Alyn it made sense because he’s a knight and all that but, I didn’t know at that time that sometimes it’s not always a happy ending.
After that I ventured into the world of wizardess hearts, I actually played several routes. Yet, I don’t remember much other than really liking the MC because I thought she looked cute. Yeah, I can't exactly say much about that one…
It was then that I found my forged wedding and started playing a bunch of voltage inc games. I absolutely love my forged wedding, it’s one of the few otome games where I recommended playing everyone’s route. Seeing as I loved my forged wedding, I continued playing a bunch of other games from them all the way to Irristable mistakes.
During that time, I heavily invested several hours into several different game titles and fell in love with many of the suitors. Some shoutouts would be Star crossed myths, My last first kiss, seduced in the sleepless city and many more. Of course, I came to find another game which was not mystic messenger. I actually was not involved in that because I had a sister who was too invested in that. Let’s just say, I didn’t want to wake up late at night because of their game events.
Anyway, I came to invest my time in Mr Love: Queen's Choice, but it was very short lived. Why, because during that time I was too far down the kpop rabbit hole. Even though I was a big kpop fan since 2011, I reached an all-time peak. I still do enjoy kpop now, just not to that level of extreme. When I say extreme, I mean following several groups and watching everything that they had. Anything they appeared in I felt like I needed to watch that, but more on my kpop journey later.
By now it was late 2018 and I rekindled the flame for Mr Love: Queen's Choice but it wasn’t just that. I fell down the rabbit hole of the Chinese media! I grew to love c-dramas and their music. I kid you not I was in a whole different league of my own. So next thing I knew I repeated my kpop trash days but with everything c-pop instead.
Then, for a very brief time period in 2019 I grew to love Thai series because my mother had a liking for Thai BL. Then I went back to watching C-dramas and watched the series called the Untamed with my mother since she really liked the actors.
Finally, we arrive at the year 2020, the pandemic and such made life crazy. I also started to hear about this game called Ikemen sengoku and I was like hey how interesting. However, I was busy and never got back to the game after finishing a couple chapters. Yet, I heard about twisted wonderland, and I became more consistent with that instead. I love twisted wonderland and thought that I should find another game to give my life to.
This is when I finally decided to try ikemen vampire, I thought it was a pretty crazy idea. I was like, did someone drunk come up with this idea because I want what they were drinking. Now, we are in our present timeline.
I have finished over half of the suitors, routes and I’m very happy I did. This game made me fall in love with otome games all over again. However, every now and then I get a craving for something crazy. That’s when I play games from voltage inc. I highly recommend Ikemen vampire for those that like angst.
Aside from ikemen vampire, I tried out ikemen prince and romance MD as well as Her love in the force. Out of those three I just named, I recommend the latter two rather than the first, especially for those who want a breath of fresh air. Well, that’s all for my progress so far, but it’s not the last!
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ceragondubs · 1 year
Here is our completed fan voice over for Yukiya Reizen's route in Wizardess Heart!! There are also one voiced spin-off of his I was able to obtain without using real money!
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eye-cri · 2 years
Okay so I've been thinking about this for a lil bit so. .
Sometime ago someone suggested that Zeus might be a dark skinned Asian like Glenn, but I disagree. If the wizardess heart devs wanted us to perceive Zeus as Asian, then they'd do that.
All Asian coded wizardess heart characters have some sort of Asian originated name. (Except for Ted.)
It's never disclosed where Zeus and Hiro's ancestors first met, but I think the devs would have specified the place to be of some Asian country wizardess heart equivalent. Ted may not have a Asian originated name but he talks about where he came from in his route. Hisoka in his route mentioned that where Ted is from the culture is similar to Hinomoto. The devs probably would have had Hiro specified where their ancestors met if they wanted to show Zeus is Asian coded. (The majority of the continents in canon wh except Gedonelune seem to be Asian coded).
Personally, I think it's because the devs know about Asian culture enough to feel comfortable writing about it in detail, and American culture because their fans mostly are there. They didn't write about other cultures to much because they'd have to research on it, like they had to for any Latin stuff of wh.
And, yes there was that chibi New Year kimonos thing but Klaus was in it to, and we all know the Goldsteins are German coded. Imo they wanted to show two Asian coded and two non Asian coded boys to be inclusive.
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“Fancy meeting you here,” he said nonchalantly, as if we were in town and not in a forest on a hard to reach peninsula. For a moment, I wondered if I was hallucinating. But no, Zett was really here, right in front of me.
“What are you doing here?!” I demanded. “You’re not a student, are you?”
“No, I’m here doing some freelance security,” he replied. He looked weirdly proud of himself, smirking and folding his arms against his puffed-up chest.
“‘Freelance security?’” I wanted to sigh. What was he doing now? This was seriously the weirdest dude I’d ever met.
“Yeah. I’m just making sure the Academy’s secure so no weirdos get in,” he told me.
“Well, you already failed. You’re here.” I couldn’t stop myself from letting the words slip out of my mouth. But instead of getting mad, he just grinned at me.
“Oh, I’m allowed here,” he said. I really doubt it, I wanted to say, but pissing off a guy in the middle of the forest seemed like a really bad idea. “All right, I make sure my secret entrance is secure, but really, I watch out for creeps,” he added with a shrug.
“Is that a problem?” I asked. All right. I could bite for a moment.
“Well, yeah. You got a private school full of privileged rich kids and a lot of them either come from real old money or their parents are celebrities. And also, you know the kind of parents that send their kids to private school,” he said with accusatory eyes and a bitter note in his voice. I wouldn’t lie, that stung a bit.
“No, I wouldn’t, actually. I was home-schooled until now, and I’m an orphan” I told him. I wanted to add, “Are you happy now?” but the smirk slid off his face in an instant and there was something… strange in his eyes. Was that worry?
“Shit, are you also a part of that whack job cult – I mean, are you a part of Kristina’s church?” Zett quickly caught himself. I raised an eyebrow.
“Kristina? The waitress?” I searched my mind for the night we met. She had a brother here, doesn’t she? I don’t think I’ve met him. “Uh, no, I don’t know Kristina or her brother at all.” Zett’s body relaxed and he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Geez, you scared me. I was worried you were a part of their cult or something. Zacharias – her twin – was home-schooled too until a year ago. It’s kind of their thing.” He straightened up, that cocky grin returned to his face. “Well, I’m glad you’re not getting religious trauma.”
“… Thank you?” What the hell was I supposed to say to that? Like, I guess I’m glad, too? “But really. Why and how are you here? Don’t you need an Academy emblem to get in?” I asked. When in doubt, change the subject.
“I got a fake. It works just fine and I’m free to come and go as I please.”
“To do your ‘freelance security?’”
“That and bring people things they need.”
“Wait… you’re an errand boy?!”
“Sometimes. For my good friends. And you, if you want to hire me,” he added with a wink.
“So you just avoided my question for like, five minutes to avoid telling me you’re just an errand boy?” What was up with this guy? I didn’t know whether to laugh or be irritated.
“You know I like my secrets,” he said. “But seriously, what are youdoing out here looking for a lantern?”
“I’m being hazed,” I replied. That wiped the grin off his face. “What’s with the seriousness?” I asked as he started walking deeper into the forest. Not knowing what to do, I followed him. As we walked, he rummaged through his bag and brought out
“I know what you’re looking for. I helped design it,” he told me. “When you find it, don’t touch it. If you do, it’ll start projecting ghosts and shit.”
“I, uh… Thank you? But why are you helping me?” I inquired.
“Why not?” he replied. There was a moment of silence and he turned back to me, shrugging. “You look like you’re in a bad mood. I doubt you wanna deal with the lantern.”
“I mean, you’re not wrong.” I kept my eyes peeled for the lantern or any kind of animal I can ask. Zett and I were silent as we walked through the forest. I tried to stay on my guard too, just in case. I really should invest in pepper spray or a knife.
We turned a corner on the trail and I spotted an owl on a branch, looking regal as it surveyed its surroundings. Yay! Now I canget to work.
“Excuse me, Mr. Owl,” I called out, approaching the bird. It looked down at me. “Hi, I’m looking for a lantern. It looks like a golden sphere. Have you seen anything like that around here?”
“I don’t know what it looked like, but I did see something glowing over yonder.” The owl stretched his wing off the trail, towards a large oak tree.
“Great! Thank you so much!” Carefully, I stepped over some bushes and went off the path.
“Uh, what was that?” Zett hurried after me, gracefully stepping over the bushes and getting to me in no time. Huh. I wouldn’t have thought he could move so elegantly, but here we were.
“I can speak to animals. I figured they’d know where the lantern is. Or at least, they’d have a clue,” I told him.
“Impressive.” Again, a silence fell between us as we made our way towards the big tree.
“So, who are you doing errands for? Or is that confidential?” I added teasingly. He laughed.
“Maybe.” He flashed me a grin. “Nah, I can tell you. My best friend Isabelle asked me to get her a makeup collection that released earlier today, so I’m going to go give it to her.”
“Isabelle? Super short, purple hair?” I asked.
“You know her?”
“Yeah, I met her earlier,” I said. It was probably for the best I didn’t mention we lived in the same suite. “Do you know everyone in the Night Class?”
“Mm, probably not. But I know a lot of them.” We reached the large oak tree. From behind it, there was a faint, golden glow. I hurried towards it. “Hey, remember not to touch it!” Zett called after me. I peeked around the tree and sure enough, there it was, casting star-shaped rays of light onto the ground. Honestly, it was a very pretty lantern. Maybe Zett could make me a real lantern that looked like this. And speak of the devil, he walked right on by me, getting of his knees and fishing what looked like a screwdriver out of his back pocket. He carefully stuck it into the lantern and after fiddling with it for a few seconds, the lantern flickered and smoke poured out of the holes. The acrid stench made me cough, but soon the thick black smoke turned to gray wisps. Zett picked it up and handed it to me.
“There you go. It should be safe now,” he said. I couldn’t see anything written on his face that would tell me if he was lying or not. He seemed to be telling the truth. Not to mention this looked broken now. Tentatively, I grabbed it and held onto it tight. It was still pretty warm and nothing happened.
“Thanks again for helping me,” I told him.
“Don’t worry about it. I don’t know what’s up with you, but I hope you feel better. Really.” He paused. “When you give that back to whoever, tell them it was smoking when you found it and you had to douse it with water, all right? Don’t tell them I was here.”
“Okay…” And again, with the shady stuff. “Uh, I guess I’ll see you around?”
“Yeah. You ever need me, tell Isabelle and she’ll call me. I’ll see you later, baby.” It was good he left because otherwise I would have hit him. Geez. How was I going to handle him? If he ran errands for the other students, I was bound to run into him again. I didn’t mind him he was nice, but man, he was really capable of leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
I hurried back to the trail and back to Zeus. As soon as he realized the lantern was off, that gleeful smile on his face disappeared.
“What the hell?! Why isn’t the lantern lit?!” he demanded, storming over to me. He wrenched the lantern out of my hands.
“I found it because it was smoking. I couldn’t really figure out the mechanics, but I think something’s busted in it,” I lied.
“Damn it! I’m going to have to have my friend look at it,” he groaned. I wondered if he meant Zett. “Well… Good job, I guess.” There was a distinct bitter note in his voice.
“Cool, I’m going back to the dorms now.” I didn’t wait for an answer, heading back to the mausoleum and back to my room. As I neared our suite, I could smell something spicy and fragrant in the air. My nose twitched. I slipped into our suite and peeked into the kitchen. Dorian was stirring something in a large pot, Aika beside him slathering melted butter onto some rolls.
“That smells really good,” I commented. Aika flinched a little and the two turned back to face me. Dorian gave me a stern look and immediately my stomach dropped.
“Can you go tell Isabelle to get her ass in here? I told her dinner was ready ten minutes ago,” he demanded. I just nodded and hurried out of the room. Isabelle’s door was propped open just a smidgen and I poked my head in. Isabelle was on the floor, a huge cardboard box with an intricate pattern printed on it sitting in front of her. It was full of assorted makeup items. I knocked and she looked up.
“Come on in! You’re just in time! I just got this delivered!” she told me. I opened the door and ventured in a step.
“Dinner’s ready and Dorian doesn’t seem happy with you,” I told her quietly. She just laughed and stood up, leaving the box in place.
“Oh, Dorian’s always big mad,” she said. Together, we walked back to the kitchen. “So, how did the first day go?” Isabelle asked as she plucked a roll off a plate.
“It was fine. Hard, but fine,” I told her.
“How did Zeus’ dumbass hazing go?” Aika asked.
“How do you know about that?”
“Tsukasa came in here in a panic and told us about it,” Dorian replied. “He wanted us to do something about it.” And you didn’t? I made a mental note not to trust them in an emergency.
“Poor thing was hysterical. His heart’s too big for him,” Isabelle commented, taking a seat. I quickly got my own food and sat down across from her. “He’s too nice for the Night Class, if you ask me.”
“I don’t know, he’s pretty stubborn,”Aika commented.
“He and Fandamilia seem really nice,” I added. Isabelle’s lips pursed into a fine line. Dorian snorted.
“I wouldn’t mention her if I were you. Isabelle hates her,” he told me.
“What? Why?” Once again, words I shouldn’t have said slipped out. I really need to work on my filter.
“Because she likes Zeus and keeps trying to justify his shitty behavior,” Isabelle said tensely. “I just don’t think you should try and make excuses or ignore people’s shitty behavior.”
“I mean… Yeah…” Aika said, looking a little uncomfortable. “No one’s perfect and you can’t bleach red flags. Not acknowledging bad behavior isn’t great. … But she’s in love, you know? She just wants him to love her back.”
“Explains it, but it’s not an excuse,” Isabelle added.
“I’m stopping this before it becomes a fight,” Dorian spoke up. “We’re moving on.” I wondered if Isabelle excused the bad things Zett did. Or maybe she didn’t know about him being a weird and lowkey creepy flirt. But then again, he didn’t have to derail his job to go help me with the lantern. Speaking of, Isabelle had that makeup package, so he must’ve already come through here. Did he see my name on the nameplate next to my door? Did Isabelle mention me to him? Was I going to run into him again? Something told me that even if I wasn’t suitemates with Isabelle, I’d be seeing more of him.
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Update/Important News
Hey guys so I have some news that kinda changes up my plans for what’s to come on here. I apologize but the Lacan route will be pushed back as I have come up with a much better plot for what to implement him in; so you can expect to see him in the second season. So right now I’ll be focusing on getting requests done and try and finish up the plotting for the serpent king series. 
Wanting to take the moment to talk about what to generally expect from my routes to come:
Say goodbye to normal endings!! There will only be a happy ending and an unhappy ending 
Overall there will be 10 chapters and two endings
There will be 6 cgs (yes I will be drawing them myself)
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Important notes/info about the series
I know I've done a special info event with Lily, but I have some important info that I would like to share about the upcoming series I'm doing, as well.
The series is still in progress, though it's been a slow process it's definitely getting to a point where it will be posted hopefully soon during this month. Some key points about this is that the MC will be genderless and gender-neutral pronouns will be used. I wanted to try and make a reader-insert series that everyone could enjoy. This will be a pick-up series and I'll be making one more series after this one is completed (details will be revealed later).
I think the biggest thing and the one that I had thought about the hardest, was whether or not I wanted to kind of pick up after Light's route. I came to the decision to have it where everyone has graduated, hence the new MC for this series. This series is sort of like a continuation of where Liz's journey left off. It's our turn to experience life at the Academy and I kind of wanted to implement that for this. Writing an entire series is something that is honestly completely new to me and while I am a bit nervous, I'm also pretty excited to share this journey with you guys.
I hope you'll all still stick around to see all the surprises I have planned; some which include bringing back things mentioned in the very first few routes of the game! 💙
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ness-plays-wizards · 4 years
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The what now
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romance2d-otomegame · 4 years
The Route Thief
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Sumary: Everybody used to tell me to stop playing those games, but what can I do? An otome game is pretty addictive and specially if is one like Wizardess Heart. This game is my life! Wait, I didn't mean literally... Then, why I'm suddenly inside on my game!? Is that Hiro and Zeus? When I said this game is my life I didn't mean to want that this game BE my life!
Pairing: Hiro x Marian
Chapter 3
I was walking from here to there on my room. They make me change into a dress too much elegant for a diner. A new make up and a new hairdo, and then I've been the rest of the evening trying to joint points. Could it be that I'm really on my otome game? How come? Just what happened to me before? Besides, on what timeline am I? Do really exist magic? Since I've never leave my room. This days, I can't tell.
"Young lady, why don't you rest a little? There's something that bothers you?"
Are you kidding? Everything bothers me!
"Say, Clarisse. "
"Are you... Able to use magic?"
She opened wide her eyes and then smiled faintly
"No young lady, I'm afraid I can't use magic."
"Oh, you can't?"
"No. But, the young lady is such an amazing wizard! Maybe you can try sometime. "
"Wait, I can use magic!?"
"Of course. I saved your wand here. "
She opened a shelve and pulled off a box, she opened in front of me and inside was this silver wand whit a red stone on the handgrip. I grabbed the wand, and probably I was waiting something like a Harry Potter moment happened to me but, it didn't, it was just like hold a simple stick. Do I'm really able to use magic?
"Maybe this is not the time for this. "
I put the wand back on her box.
"The young lady might be right. Your fiance is about to arrive any soon after all. "
And I was more nervous.
"Hey, Clarisse, uh, how is the relation between... Zeus and me?"
"Oh, uh... Well, is very... Enthusiastic?"
Why are you thinking on it so much? Soon a knock on the door call for me.
"Young lady? Young master Zeus Brundle has arrived. Please come down to welcome him."
Okay life, is this is a dream this could be the perfect moment to wake up... Wait, actually, can you wait until I see Zeus whit my own eyes? I went down the stairs where some servants and the mother was waiting for me. She didnt even glanced at me. The door on the other side opened, and I stayed on such awe that the only thing I could do was hold my breath. Definitely, that man was Zeus Brundle, no doubt! He was walking so arrogant like I always imagined, and he was wearing his usual casual clothes. Wait, I'm wearing a party dress and he came dressed like that? Men are the same in any dimension... Suddenly I caught a glimpse of someone walking slightly behind Zeus, could it be...? No way... Hiro!? That's... That's Hiro Tachibana right!? OMG I wanna scream! Though he was wearing a white shirt and a black jacket whit his sleeves rolled up, he was looking just as hot like I always imagined! I covered my mouth cuz I feel that I would scream like a fan girl of a band on a concert!
"Why are you covering your mouth like that? Are you gonna barf?"
I hear a grave voice just in front of me. Darn it! I didn't realize he was already in front of me! What do I do!? What do I do!?
"Err... Ah... I-I... "
"What is wrong with you? Say welcome to him already!"
"We-we-welcome very much. "
OH SWEET LORD PLEASE KILL ME NOW AND MAKE SURE NOBODY FIND A SINGLE BONE OF ME!!! Can I go and lockdown on my room for the next three years!!??
We moved to the dinner room after my "kill me now" moment. I was unable to see Zeus right at the face even when he was sitting in front of me. Hiro was standing behind Zeus. It unusual for me but, I guess that is because Hiro is considered Zeus's bodyguard. Zeus was just there sipping his soup and nobody was saying a single word, it was getting on my nerves. Now that I notice, Zeus was actually behaving on the table. That was different from the game were it said that he attacked food like a beast. He and Hiro. But here, his manners were quite decent. I guess even him knows that he have to behave on a situation like this. Wait, but, doesn't he hate that?
"How is the soup Zeus? Is it your liking?"
The mom broke the silence
"Uh? Ah, yea is pretty good. "
Zeus barely rise his eyes to look at her.
"I glad to hear it. I apologize again, my husband is in a business trip and he couldn't accompany us today on your visit. "
"Yea I know, you don't need to worry about it."
It is my idea or Zeus answers are curt? Hiro approached Zeus from behind and whispered something to his ear.
"Oh, yea, uh, so... How are you? I hear that you fell and hit your head or something like that."
Something like that? If you're going to visit a sick person at least pretend that you're worried for her.
"Ye-Yea I fell from a horse while riding, but I totally fine know, hehe."
But probably I'm going to be killed by my own mother if she keeps looking at me like that. My face don't know if it have to turn red from embarrassing or pale from scare.
"Marian, did you thank Zeus for coming?"
Her look on me was like she was about to swallow me if I didn't.
"Uh... Th-Thank you for coming to see me, Zeus, It makes me very happy. "
I tried to give my best smile but, the look on Zeus was strange. His frown became even deeper. What is it? Did I said something bad? Di-Did he notice that I'm not his fiance?
"So tell me Zeus, when will you go back to Gedonelune?"
The scary mom continued
"mmm, on three days."
"So soon!? But I thought that classes will be staring next week."
"Yea but since I'm a Prefect I gotta be there before to prepare the welcome party of the new students. "
You do say that whit a big smile and proud huh?
"How wonderful! A welcome party!"
I don't think is the kind of party that you are thinking, mother.
"I am so glad to know that you are such a responsible prefect Zeus, you work so hard and you must be incredible at magic too. "
Excuse me?
"No need to say all that hehe. "
And you don't smile so proud when we all know the truth!
"I feel so much at easy to know that my daughter will be in such a good hands. I was worried just to think that she'll be so far away from me. "
Wait, where are you sending me now?
"Wait, where are you sending her?"
Thank you so much Zeus!
"Why of course to Gedonelune! Marian did not told you? She was accepted as an exchange student on the Royal Magic Academy, she will be joining the next week."
HOW IN THE NAME OF OTOME I'LL KNOW THAT!? Besides, the surprise on Zeus and Hiro faces shows that they didn't know either.
"No, she didn't told me."
Wait, Zeus, you don't need to look at me like that, I swear I didn't know anything! I don't know anything about magic, how I'm going to study on a school like that!? I'll be expelled right away! I want to scape please! SOMEBODY!!
To be continued...
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thorns-are-simps · 3 years
…if you are considering playing Wizardess Heart and are planning to play Klaus’ route… please know he is a jerk. A jerk who needs to grow up in certain aspects but he is a good person. I don’t like him for personal reasons, but I can admit I see why he is a fan favorite. He has a lot of good points and from what I have heard, he is one of the few who stay with us from the beginning.
A lot of the characters not wanting to stick with us in the beginning honestly makes sense to me, there needs to be conflict somewhere. In fact, I found it odd when Klaus just stayed with us the entire time but looking at it, that’s what makes sense for his character.
My point is, Klaus is a jerk. He will do something idiotic then redeem himself then fuck up again. But he is a good person and has a good heart. He does get a little better towards the end of the route.
However there are still things within his character I see as red flags which is why I don’t like him.
Play his route. It’s fun and a little romantic and the end is something you should read for yourself, not through someone else’s tale.
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enn-tea · 3 years
When I was younger, I used to play otome games, which were and continue to be hilarious for their absurdity e.g. getting transported back to the Warring States period and romancing Oda Nobunaga et al. I’d play these with my friends because of the bad storylines, and frankly questionable love interests and we’d spend all our time literally breaking down how bad these stories were, like jfc please actually do something, protagonist. Also in no way feel obligated to read this because this is just...word vomit for my own personal reference haha. Honestly don’t read this. Maybe one day I’ll turn this into some kind of actual essay about the impact on these games on wider culture or something (after I write about why romance in AOT is fine and everyone’s just reading it wrong and actually Isayama is peak romance writer and should write a massive Mills & Boon franchise around uh...some characters). But anyway. 
However, amongst all of these was probably the game with the most generic concept was Wizardess Heart, which was this magic school which the protagonist attended. Over the course of two weeks, she would have to be partnered up with a “buddy” and they would help each other with their magic (they also fell in love over these two weeks LOL and quite honestly her best romantic choice was her roommate, which was never an option :( She was, for a while also the only other female character in the school who actually had a personality).
Anyway, the point is - the setting was clearly a riff on certain franchises, the whole system was super basic...but. These stories had no right to be as good as they were. Or perhaps they had every right. Because from the ones I played, they were...genuinely really interesting. Each storyline was a season, and there were three romanceable characters, who all had their own individual plotlines but...tied into one coherent plot, as either a protagonist or an antagonist, which I still find - kind of revolutionary for an otome game haha (I’m not counting Mystic Messenger bc I actually enjoyed getting to set up a bakery and cult investigation).
But honestly? These were within the universe, believable but also super crazy stories. I only ever played two “seasons” fully, because of the ticket mechanic, but the second one has literally stayed with me in terms of really interesting perspective, and the characters themselves because if the first season was mildly crazy, season two was insane and focused on these three characters: Klaus Goldstein (...no comment lmao, I do hate how he’s the figurehead of the game), Serge Durandal (the best character tbh) and Azusa Kuze (a piece of shit and not in a good way, what are the messages this game is telling us). Each season had a mystery as a premise, and the second one was about mysterious animal deaths occurring around the school.
I don’t think I’ll ever really be able to explain Wizardess Heart comprehensively, but the personal lives of these characters? Was crazy. I loved they all had cameos in each other’s storylines and were so tightly linked. Like you have Klaus who does actually have the least interesting plotline, but a shared tragic backstory with Serge (more on that later, because this is literally peak melodrama lmao). You have Azusa who comes from fantasy Japan in that universe, which has been overrun by nature spirits who are taking over because they think humans are overstepping their boundaries, and Azusa has signed a deal with one of them to bring back his dead brother, and in fact is being manipulated by visions of said brother (and even with that in context, he’s still actual trash for other reasons, and I can’t believe the happy end for his route is to get married and have kids with him EW). 
My favourite character in this however was Serge Durandal who is also a premium shit-stirrer but never super maliciously haha (apparently I have a favourite character archetype I’m a fan of). Even now he’s literally the best character because he’s such a passive aggressive individual to Klaus (who deserves it).  But their shared backstory cracks me up, is kind of sad and ridiculously absurd because they’re both so fixated on the past. I also personally find his storyline interesting from a character progression viewpoint, because he’s the main character’s idol when she starts at the school, but has mysteriously disappeared.
So basically in Klaus’ storyline, he always references this dead friend he’s hung up over (although the “friend” part is debatable maybe haha) and you help him investigate the dead pigeons. Ofc you then find out that polite, charming Azusa is the antagonist of the season and you have to play through the next routes in order to get a better picture of this. But throughout Klaus’ route, this character called Randy March (unfortunate name lmao)  keeps on popping up. He’s funny, doesn’t treat the main character as inconvenience (best friend goals right there) but what’s more interesting is how he’s never in the same room as Klaus; as soon as he hears that he’s approaching, he just...disappears. And this continues for the whole of the story until the end, when they finally meet each other face to face, and Klaus reacts badly. Not quite in an upset way, more shocked - but it’s clear that they have a History. 
So - cue “Randy’s” route. He is the same as he is in Klaus’ route, and still dodges bumping into Klaus, but then - then, they bump into each other far earlier in his route (one thing I do like about these stories is how the main character does actually have some impact on the plot. It all follows the same storyline, with the same conclusion, but they do diverge because the character happens to interact with different characters and some things can’t happen if she isn’t there for it). Leading up to this, Randy has been very cagey about being the main character’s “buddy” and insists he already has one, and he really, really gets awkward when the main character states that she really idolises Serge Durandal (who in this is like, IDK good at animal magic like the main character). 
And then, my god, the reveal. The fact that Randy March is not, in fact, Randy March, but Serge Durandal (which honestly is such a cool name comparatively lol, I named all my other otome protagonists Serge Durandal). And that Randy March, is in fact, the dead friend of Klaus who Serge has been impersonating for literal years. On top of this? Serge was also a best friend of Randy, who was his “buddy” and leading up to Randy’s death, he and Klaus were involved in a rivalry over his friendship (and I’m not joking I do actually think this was some kind of unvoiced love triangle, because both Serge and Klaus genuinely say that they’re attracted to the main character because she reminds them of Randy, they need to get over this before they can actually engage in a romantic relationship with anyone else kthx. Also at some point, Serge actually says he loved Randy in a way that really can’t be construed as entirely platonic, and the main character says it as well, and considering her personality and the way she interprets things, when she says love - she definitely means romantically). 
Klaus holds Serge responsible for Randy’s death, as the two were working on a project together which led directly to it. His first reaction on ever hearing Serge’s name is “the murderer” which continues all the way up until the end of the story when they resolve their character arcs (also incredibly satisfying). 
Apparently the reason behind Serge impersonating his dead friend is because he felt so guilty and so ashamed and willingly accepted the blame that Klaus placed on him, he felt that if he became Randy, it would basically be like letting his friend experience the life he didn’t get to have, and he’s spent years searching for a cure to revive him. This has taken him to Hinomoto, where he’s become friends with Azusa (drawing him into the storyline) and back to the main setting of Gedonelune. Side note, Azusa, I’m not going to even go into your character because you’re such a piece of shit and I only played through your storyline because I felt compelled to get the full picture. 
Ofc, this all links to the main plot - because at this time of year, there’s a whole thing related to a unicorn appearing in the nearby forest. This is a unicorn who has struck a deal with Serge years prior to the main storyline who is Serge’s last hope of reviving Randy, and Azusa finds out about this and wants to bring his brother back etc. and this all culminates in a massive showdown. 
Anyway, at the end of this, peace returns etc. and there’s a sequel I haven’t actually played but you know what’s perfect about the ending? Serge ends up staying on as a prefect - the same role as Klaus and they have to share a room. I cannot describe how funny their interactions are for the rest of the story and the other storylines they have to live together.
I’m not entirely sure what the point of this was, apart from an exercise in pinning down precisely what I liked about this story but - it’s certainly one that’s stuck with me through a LOT of otome haha. 
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saorikuhara39 · 4 years
If you know Obey Me and happen to see this post, please read.
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This is from Kagura’s Normal Ending prize, from the game Ninja Shadow, a game made by Shall We Date, from NTT Solmare.
Would you look at the caption? It says, ‘Shall We Date? The No.1 Choice of Otome Game in the USA!’ This was back in December 2016.
Looking back, this is one big joke. ALL of the otome games from Shall We Date, of NTT Solmare have either stopped updating, or erased from existence. Yes, even that Story Jar app that they are trying to market so hard, had stopped updating.
Instead, they are trying to put all of their resources on their very popular Joseimuke game in English-speaking countries, Obey Me. At the point of writing, they are currently marketing their game to the Japanese audience, scheduled to be released in December 2020.
Many fans are praising the game and the development team non-stop, saying that it’s a great game with a great story. But did you know the story of what the company had made in the past, around 8-9 years ago? (Note: the following are my observations I’ve made so far from my 2 years of playing SWD games. I’m not a very long player of these games, so these are what I’ve known about according to my observations.)
NTT Solmare, under their Shall We Date? name, have made otome games, LOTS of otome games exclusive to English that have many players liking and praising. But everything changed when the Apple Nation attacked, where they discourage the publishing of cookie cutter apps. (i.e. similar apps from the same company)
So, they tried to concentrate all their content into fewer apps. But some unknown circumstances from the company have made them keep changing directions all over. The original writers were gone, so the rest of the team which produced the games have no idea what they are writing for the characters’ routes and their sequels. (Guard Me, Sherlock is one example.) Then the company is driven by greed and wants the players’ money, more and more, to the point that they are too obvious. Players have commented their feedback on Facebook, but they all fell to blind eyes. They are a Japanese company, so for whether it’s a case of miscommunication of unable to convey the feedback in English to the Japanese staff, we’ll never know. Everything about their games went downhill.
In the end, the company that was once great has lost many players. The remaining players have to see their games shut down one by one. The games stopped updating without giving any notice, which of course, further upset the players.
Then they had Story Jar, an all-in-one app that they had built from scratch, which they plan to put their otome routes in, and include some non-otome stories in there as well. They tried to move the routes from Lost Alice in and they planned to continue developing stories form there. Alas, what the company received were major backlash and tons of angry reacts on their Facebook page. As the app is built from scratch, there is no way players can move their save data from the standalone apps to the Story Jar app. Also, players have to pay for premium choices with diamonds to get good endings, which they can do it FOR FREE in the standalone app. Which would you prefer, if you were the one playing it? Hence, due to various reasons on their own, Story Jar had stopped updating since April 2020.
And in the year 2020, they are going to stop having new events for the last of their three remaining otome games: Blood in Roses, Wizardess Heart, Ninja Shadow. This time, they did it with notice to players, so it wasn’t as bad as before.
Back in 2019, Obey Me was announced. Back then, I was excited to play the game and even made the first ever fan art of Obey Me in existence, before the game release.
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This post was published on 3 September 2019.
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Then the game was released on December 2019. I thought it would be like any other game on the app store. But something unexpected to me happened - the game got EXPLOSIVELY POPULAR, thanks to the ads and marketing that were catered towards their English-speaking audience.
I’ve felt Envy. I was envious of the huge success that the game - the company - had become. The company had changed its gears, and succeeded. Seeing the praises from the unknowing new players had me jealous of their success, which I don’t think they deserved. They outsourced most of their game development to a different company, which means they are being run by a different team.
The company might have changed, sure. But that doesn’t change the fact that I despise them, and I’m still living under Solmare’s shadow. I tried hard to get behind it, but well, even in the game they are so proud of, their true colours start to show: Harder lessons that are impossible to beat without a UR card or using a glowstick; lesser opportunities to get Devil Points as you play (which in turn will have you to spend real money on them if you’re desperate); increased variety of items needed to unlock spaces in Devil’s Tree; decreased drop rates for items in lessons, etc.
I like the characters, but what’s the use if I cannot enjoy the game and end up frustrating myself?
So, with a heavy heart, I’ve decided to quit. After Ninja Shadow’s last day of update, I will stop playing all SWD games. I will stop living under Solmare’s shadow, and be free.
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honey-in-june · 4 years
Since people seem eager to hear me talk about more visual novel games since my last post I thought I might start by introducing you kids to the company that got me into visual novel games in the first place.
That being the one and only soulmare entertainment who are known for their “shall we date?” Series.
They are also the same company between the recently VERY popular game “obey me!”
Bet some of y’all didn’t know they had other games before “obey me!” Did you?
Well that’s probably because “obey me!” Is the only game they put actual effort into advertising for which sucks because between you and me their other games are better.
Unfortunately their games are catered towards a straight female fan base which sucks but even if you are someone who doesn’t fall into that group I still highly recommend giving them a try because the writing for some of their games is phenomenal.
Here are some of my personal favorite shall we date? games as well as character routes I personally recommend in no particular order.
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Listen when I tell you this game will fuck you up, IT WILL FUCK YOU UP.
Scarlett fate is easily the darkest game in solmares catalog and it had me shook on multiple occasions.
How dark are you asking? It could rival the arcana with its dark themes.
I personally enjoy Kuso-no-mikotos route as his character has some pretty solid development.
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The level to which I adore ninja assassin is rivaled only by my adoration for the arcana, this is one of silmares older games and it impresses me how well it holds up, my only issue is its lack of a sound track.
I recommend all the routes because all the characters are my absolute favorite and their dynamic is amazing.
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Wizardess heart was solmares reigning champion in terms of popularity until “obey me!” Was released, I still remember when this game came out as though it was yesterday. *cue nostalgic sigh*
Let’s just say there is a good reason it’s so popular.
My favorite is the “the labyrinth and the cursed prince.” Story arc the prince himself being my favorite character, seriously the character dynamic between the characters released during this arc is some of the best I’ve seen and I’ve read a fuckton of books.
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Nephilim is another dark one, taking place in the land of the dead.
It is in my humble opinion the most underrated game in the shall we date? Series and it deserves far more love than its gotten so please go check it out and give it the love it deserves.
Orlando is easily my favorite li in this game he has a certain appeal that made even a gay girl like me go 👀.
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Blood n roses is the 3rd most popular shall we date game?
And more importantly it is the only game with not one but TWO female love interests and while has haven’t read the other girls route I can tell you if you love Nadia and Portia you will most definitely ADORE Briget.
She is the perfect blend of Nadia and Portia with Nadias beauty, intellect, and confidence combined with portias mischievous additude, good naturedness, and their combined leadership skills.
Also she is a told bad ass and can wield a pistol like a fucking pro and HELP IM SO GAY OMG.
If ur not convinced she looks like this.
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To all my fellow lesbians... you’re welcome.
I hope y’all will give these and solmares other games a chance the ones listed here are just my personal favorites there are many more games I haven’t listed here you might enjoy as well.
@hordefuzzball @cyberbeardbouquetblog @thermophilic-lizzy
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ceragondubs · 1 year
Xyniss has been playing as our Eress in our Wizardess Heart fandub! The voice lines used were from the very first audition. So the voice might've changed a bit since then compared to recent videos Xynisss is in (joel's route) as everyone got older but I thought it would be cool to use the befores.
So yes I will be doing these voice reveals for everyone in the cast, regardless of whether or not they are new to the team or have already made an appearance on the channel! :) Stay tuned for more voice over announcements, both for new and old VAs in the cast! :D
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eye-cri · 4 years
Wizardess Heart fans be like I CANT- you can't what? Get another sequel or route?
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The final teaser is a preview of Tsukasa’s route!! This isn’t footage from the fangame, it’s edits but hey it’s something! It was hard to pick the preview scenes, but I feel like this is a fair representation of Tsukasa’s route.
Tomorrow (Oct 30, 2020), Tsukasa’s route will be posted and I hope this gets you guys even more hype for it! I’ve been working on this for a long time and I hope everyone enjoys it!
And also, thank you to my wonderful cast for helping bring these characters and project to life. And also thanks for auditioning for this project even though I’m sure the casting call sounded batshit crazy. Fuffy, Bunnywuzhere, Shouganai_senpai, Lizzy-chan, Saitogami, and MockI3, thank you for your hard work! 
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Chapter One: Welcome To Gedonelune!
Summary: Gedonelune, the prestigious royal magic academy is waiting just for you! The door has opened a whole new world of possibilities for your future. For the next thirteen days you’ll be undergoing the provisional trial to see if you have what it takes to become an official student. Along the way you’ll be meeting new faces and going on exciting new adventures. But be warned, shadows are being cast on the land, if you dive to deep, you may find yourself being swallowed up by the chaos. Your journey begins now, will you be able to banish the darkness?
I remember hearing stories when I was younger, they were about the ancient magic that was buried within the land. Long ago, legends claimed that there used to be many different dragon species that roamed the skies and breathed life into the land. One such species, known as the divine, were the Zirnitra. Their name lives on in the legends that are passed down as stories from family to family. They were known to be one of the strongest but also one of the most gentle species, but something terrible happened and they were wiped away from the pages of history forever. There’s no records or even proof of their existence, all we have are the fairy tales that were told to us when we were children. But maybe they did exist? I wonder how life would be if dragons still roamed the land…
Hmm…? It sounds almost like someone is calling out to me.
“I said wake up you fool!”
My eyes shot open as I clutched my chest. I looked around at my surroundings, realizing that I was still on the train, the only difference was that the scenery was no longer moving. In front of my face was my acceptance letter, who was now receiving a glare for such a rude awakening.
“Now was that really necessary?”
“Quite. You’re a student here at the Academy now, so you better start acting like it. Being tardy and almost missing your stop because you decided to snooze away in la-la land, is unacceptable.”
“Well excuse me.” I scoffed while getting my belongings.
The minute I was off the train I was greeted to a heart-stopping view. Towering over the city was the famous and most prestigious magic academy known to any mage. Gedonelune Magic Royal Academy, famous names were made here and to think I could be one of them in the future. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I stared at the Academy in all her glory, of course, that was short-lived as I heard a very impatient letter clear their...throat? 
“Ahem, stop gawking, and get a move on. You have a special pickup point that you need to be at.”
“Pickup point?”
“Yes, a prefect from the Academy should be here soon. Your destination is the town square, which luckily for you, isn’t too far from where we are now.”
“How convenient.” 
I mumbled to myself as I began walking forward rather absentmindedly, only stopping when I heard a shout for me to stop. I turned back to see my acceptance letter floating over to me and although he didn’t have a face, I could tell he was clearly annoyed. 
“We haven’t even been here for more than ten minutes and you’re already wandering off on your own without a care in the world. How on in the world did you get accepted here?”
“How did I get you as an acceptance letter? You’re rather rude.” 
I could hear the letter scoff and begin to say something but was cut off by a rather cheery voice.
“Hey, are you by any chance the new student?”
I looked in the direction of the voice to see a girl in a white uniform heading my way. She had hair as red as fire which was pulled into a side ponytail and mint eyes that looked almost unreal, doll-like even. She had a clipboard in her hand and a smile on her face as she came over to me.
“Ah, yes, I’m the new student!”
“Oh thank god, I thought I got the wrong person again.” She admitted with an embarrassed laugh.
“No, you have the right one, but be careful, they’re not the brightest.”
The acceptance letter gave its final words before disappearing falling appearing in my bag with a puff of smoke.
“Seriously? Why was it so rude?”
“They all are.” The girl beside me laughed. “Mine wasn’t nice to me either.”
“Yep, to this day I swear I can still hear the insults. Anyways, back to the topic at hand, since you’re the one I’m looking for, I’d love to give you a big welcome to Gedonelune Royal Magic Academy!” 
“Thank you...er…”
“Oh, right, my name is Nadia.” She held her hand out to me which I took and gave a firm a handshake. “Since I already know your name, I suppose our introductions are done. If you’ll follow me, I’ll go ahead and show you around as we make our way up to the gates.”
I gave a quick and firm nod. “That would be nice, thank you.”
“This way then!”
With a pep in her step, Nadia led the way through the slightly bustling town, pointing to different buildings and streets, giving an in-depth explanation. There were old buildings with ancient history, it was rather fascinating to hear of such things and in the town no less, Gedonelune truly was magical.
“ ….and this is the gate to the Academy.”
I looked to see where she was pointing.
“Strange, I always thought the gate would be as grand as the staircase I heard stories about.”
“That’s because you haven’t seen the best part yet!”
Nadia smiled as she held out her hand, the bars on the gate and her emblem began to shine brilliantly. I was worried that I was going to have to shield my eyes as the light grew brighter and brighter, but watched on as the light dimmed and the gates began to slowly open.
“Was that a spell?”
“Sort of.” Nadia smiled. “Cool though, right?” With a chuckle, Nadia held out a hand in front of her, pointing at the Academy. “Next stop, the Academy.”
Without another moment’s hesitation, she began leading the way once more. The path from the gate to the Academy was pretty boring, we hadn’t passed by any of the landmarks that I had heard stories about; such as the lake that was said to home the species known as the Lunefish. 
We were just about to reach the courtyard when Nadia broke the silence.
“How are you feeling?”
“Truthfully? A little nervous.”
“I’m not surprised.” Nadia gave a small chuckle. “Things will be pretty overwhelming, especially since this is your first day here, but I promise it’ll get easier.”
“Were you nervous when you first arrived here?”
“Oh, absolutely! In fact, I was so nervous that I ended up making myself sick. There we even moments where I wanted to drop out of her altogether.”
“But it got better for you as well, right?”
Nadia nodded. “With time and friends, I’ve practically made the Academy my second home.”
“How long have you been here for? Er..if you don’t mind me asking?”
“A couple of years. I came here right before one of the previous headmasters, Randolph stepped down as the Headmaster here at the Academy.”
“I see.”
“Alright, time for me to ask a question.”
“What made you want to come here? I’ve heard stories that acceptance letters can be sent out to people who have a strong wish or desire to come to the Academy.”
“Hmm, good question. I..” I paused for a moment, there were so many reasons for wanting to come here, but how could I possibly put them all into words. “I can’t really explain it.”
“It’s okay.” Nadia smiled. “Sorry if that question may have overwhelmed you further.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
Though the rest of the walk was a short one, the two of us continued our conversation. The worries and feeling of nervousness were beginning to fade away a little with each passing minute, of course, that changed when we made it through to the main entrance and right in front of us stood the grand staircase. My thoughts began to whisk me away from reality as I soon began to envision myself, clad in an Academy uniform, walking up those very same stairs. I was so preoccupied in fact, that I hadn’t noticed Nadia calling out my name, or the man who was standing right next to her.
He was an older gentleman with dark hair and dark clothing to match. His eyes bore into me, making me gulp as I quickly felt nervousness wash over my body once more. 
“I take it that you’re the new student?”
“Yes sir.”
“May I see your letter?”
“Of course.” I quickly began rummaging around in my bag for the letter. Once I had located it, I handed it to the man where he opened it, briefly scanning over it. 
“I see. Welcome to the Academy, your trial begins after tomorrow when the start of a new week begins. I expect you to be on time to your classes.” 
“Wait, trial? What are you talking about?”
“Did you not read your letter? You’re a provisional student, meaning that you’re not an official student.”
My eyes widened as  I quickly scanned over the letter, there at the very bottom was the word provisional written clear as day. How in the world did I miss that?
While I was preoccupied with the letter, the man turned to face Nadia. “Miss Zaidelle?”
“Er, yes sir?”
“Please show the new student around while I wait for the other prefect to show up in my office. I’ll send you a note when everything is in order.”
“You got it!”
With nothing more to say to us, the man hastily spun on his heel and left.
“I guess it’s just us two again.” 
“Yep! But hey, that’s not so bad, is it?” Nadia playfully nudged my arm.
“True. actually, if I’m being honest, I feel more at ease without that guy here, he’s...a bit scary to say the least.”
A small snort came from Nadia as she hunched over slightly. “Don’t let him hear you say that, or you’ll be in trouble.”
“Trouble?” I asked as we started walking again. “Just who is that guy anyway?”
“Him? Oh, he’s the Headmaster.”
You’ve got to be kidding me….
Sirens wailed out in the air as a magical blast was sent to a Ministry holding cell. Debris flew in all directions while smoke began to fill the area, obstructing view from every angle. There was coughing and the sound of shackles dropping to the ground with a thud. The man who had once been in restraints was now shielding his eyes from all the smoke. There was a slight break where a single ray of sunlight managed to pour through, giving a blurry view of a young man with dark navy blue hair. He wore a smirk as he looked right at him.
The man gave a sinister chuckle. “Well, well, well, what do we have here? A former master of the forbidden dark arts, right? Aster was it? I’m afraid we’ll have to skip the proper introductions for now.”
The man’s reddish-orange eyes seemed to flash with sinister delight as the man in front of him could only glare. The sounds of guards rushing to the scene were fast approaching, but they didn’t stand a chance against the man’s magic. With a single snap of his fingers, the guards were tossed around like they were nothing. Their bodies motionless in the different parts of the holding cell.
“That was forbidden dark magic…”
“Yes.” The man chuckled “Indeed it was. Now, unless you’d like to end up as one of those guards over there, I suggest you come with me quietly. We wouldn’t want things to get any uglier, now would we?”
The man held an outstretched hand to Aster, who begrudgingly took it, before pulling him up to his feet. The place was now in an uproar as the two made their escape. Darkness was beginning to cast its evil shadows, slowly eating away at the light of the land....
Nadia: Oh hey! This is cool….er...where are we exactly?
Persephone: *Sigh* We’re doing one of those preview things.
Naida: Oh you mean like how the others used to do?”
Persephone: Exactly.
Naida: Oh cool, I’ve always wanted to do one of these, oh hey let’s-
Persephone: The next chapter is Settling In.
Nadia: Hopefully the new student will settle in comfortably with their new surroundings. Something also tells me we might be meeting some familiar faces too!
Persephone: *leaves*
Nadia: Hey, wait for me!
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