#woke up saw joan blacked out made this post went back to bed
turnstileskyline · 1 year
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james jean’s artwork for the black parade, 2006 // gerard way performing at the corona capital music festival in mexico city, 2022 // gerard way’s concept art for the black parade, 2006
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
Her Monster (part one)
[Wing AU; Tour!verse]
A new and improved rewrite of a very old fic! Hopefully this one will be better than the past one! I’ve cleaned it up a lot because GOD there were so many tense shifts lol
EB belongs to @spooner7308!!
TW: Blood
Chapter One - Devils Don’t Fly
Sometimes bad things just happened to good people. Sometimes fate just has other plans for someone. In EB’s case, that was very much true.
Elizabeth Barton--or simply EB--had been missing for a year and two months. She was remembered for her biting wit, harsh retorts, and overabundance of sarcasm. It wasn’t easy to get along with her, but there were a select few who were close to her, and that’s why her disappearance hit as hard as it did.
By now, though, mostly everyone had moved on.
The funeral was an open casket with just photos and one of her beanies inside. It was hard to look at, painful even. The idea that she was still alive, since her body was never found, came about, but it had been dropped for awhile.
EB became a mere memory in the back of the cast’s mind.
But Joan was still hanging onto the memories that she was still there.
Jane told her she needed to move on, and she knew she did, but she just couldn’t. She couldn’t accept the fact that her friend was really gone, that there was no one around to affectionately call her a “weird little creature” or beat up the hybrid-hating racists that sometimes loudly complained at stagedoors. No more warm hugs from giant griffon vulture wings that seemed to envelope her entire body, no more late night flies because nobody else would humor her nocturnal nature, no more wordy retorts that always made her giggle no matter how awful she was feeling.
No more best friend.
It was November, now. Fall was coming into full bloom. It was Anne’s idea to go to the park on their day off, and everyone obliged, knowing that the trip would be a good chance to stretch their wings. Joan hadn’t wanted to go, but Kat had sternly said she needed some fresh air, as she became more and more reclusive ever since EB’s death (not death, not death, she’s not dead, she can’t be--) and rarely ever went out. But she branched off from the group to venture further into the forest, wanting to be alone.
It’s funny, she thought. She hated the fact that she was alone that EB was now gone, but she hated the company of other people. There was only one avian she wanted, and everyone was sure she wouldn’t ever be coming back.
Joan spread her wings to the slim slivers of sunlight leaking through the canopy of trees. She used to hate them, but EB said they made her interesting. But now she was back to hating them all over again.
Rustling snapped her out of her trance. Deer jumped out of the underbrush and rushed right past Joan, causing her to leap away and fall on her back. Her wings thrusted outwards in surprise, tail lashing. She rolled over, wincing slightly, then realized the odd behavior of the animals. Deer normally didn’t run towards an avian.
They ran away.
Joan stood up and brushed herself off, ruffling out her feathers to rid them of any dirt. She was still pondering why the deer were acting so weirdly when she heard it.
The squeaking.
Curious and concerned, she tiptoed forward and peeked through the brush. There, only a few feet away, was a doe lying in a pool of its own blood. Its stomach was ripped open, but it was still alive, like whatever had killed it wasn’t interested in eating at the moment. The sight made Joan’s veins turn icy in fear.
What did this?
When she found out, she wished she had just ran off with the rest of the herd.
Growling came to the left. A large, bulky creature emerged from its hiding spot in the trees, perching on a branch with long, curved talons. It had molted green skin and bug-like eyes. Multiple rows of teeth poked out of its maw, dripping with drool. The barb at the end of its tail was just as menacing as its seven-inch claws. When it noticed Joan, it exhaled a low hissing breath and buzzed its four insect wings.
A WingEater.
But that’s impossible! WingEaters shouldn’t exist anymore! Wasn’t the gene to activate the form dead or something?
Joan flung her wings open but it was too late; the monster was upon her. There was a terrible pain- everything went black when she hit that tree.
Joan woke up on the ground.
No-- Wait-- Waking up implied she was in a bed, at home, safe.
Joan came to.
She was lying face-down on the ground, mouth full of dirt. There was a metallic tang on her tongue- she was frothing red at the lips.
Joan lifted her head up and coughed out gritty clots of scarlet. She saw the WingEater hunched over a few feet away, distracted by something. This was her only chance to get away so she crawled. She crawled until she could finally force herself to stand up and run.
She staggered back towards the park. Someone screamed. Multiple people scream. Jane was covering her mouth in shock- but why? Maria was shielding Bessie’s eyes, Aragon had backed herself up into Kat’s arms, Anne looked like she was about to faint…
Joan’s knees were wobbling and her vision kept blurring with a blizzard of black. She couldn’t focus on anything. She attempted to speak, to ask what was wrong, but only blood flooded out. Deliriously, she dabbed her fingertips against her lips and stared in bewilderment when they came back red, like she was just now noticing her body violently ejecting its own fluids. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Cleves, maybe Maggie, sprint somewhere- where was she going?
Joan couldn’t follow, couldn’t ask what was going on. Her legs gave out. She dropped into a pool of her own blood.
It wasn’t the deer that WingEater was eating.
The Flightless. That was what people who have lost their ability to fly were called. Almost as disgraceful as hybrids. That was what Joan was now sorted into.
The doctors spent six hours trying to stabilize Joan. Eventually, they got the bleeding to stop--it was a lot of blood for one body--and stitched up the gash, but nothing could bring back the wing that was ripped off.
Joan would never fly again.
When she woke up, she cried. Joan shivered and sobbed and had bad panic attacks. The anguish was blinding- the pain was worse. Even with the antibiotics, she was overwhelmed by white hot agony that seared up through her back, ripping her apart from the inside out.
Her world was crashing down.
She hadn’t realized the damage at first, apparently. She was in a severe state of shock when she came hobbling into the park, clothing drenched in her own blood. People who had witnessed it said she looked extremely dazed and completely out-of-it, unaware of the gore she was soaked in, unaware that her back was spitting like a spigot. She just kept asking herself why. Why her? Why did this have to happen to her? What did she ever do?
When she was released from the hospital, Joan went home and lay in her bed for six days. For six days she suffered. She didn’t eat, barely drank anything, and just about everything had to be forced down her throat.
Eventually, she recovered, but she didn’t get better. Not psychologically. That was why her new psychiatrist prescribed her antidepressants. She didn’t think they worked.
Still, she eventually forced herself to get up. Even when it felt like someone had just ripped out her spine and proceeded to beat her into a pulp with it, she hauled her body off to work.
Without her other wing, though, her balance was completely thrown off. She stumbled around like a giraffe with broken legs, unable to stay upright. Not to mention all the stares she got.
The one-winged fledgling was a freak.
The others did their best to ward off gawkers, but they couldn’t always be there. Not when kids plucked out her feathers or tried to touch the spot where her other wing used to be when she was at stagedoor or out near fans. Not when adults made snide remarks when they thought she couldn’t hear them. Not when other avians posted on social media about the Flightless hybrid in SIX.
The anger and despair from it all simmered inside of Joan.
After work one day, Joan avoided the other ladies in waiting and the queens. She felt delirious and achy and just wanted to be alone.
Guided by the evening light, Joan stumbled right into predator territory.
The WingEater came out of nowhere, ramming into Joan with the force of a charging bull and sending her sprawling across the ground. She tried to scamper away, but a powerful beak clamped down on her remaining wing and threw her into a tree. 
Joan was roughed up badly, so much so that she thought the WingEater that had taken her wing had come back for revenge. But that one had been a Cimex. This one was a very angry Avem.
It stood at a staggering eight feet tall, with choppy tail feathers and massive wings. Its plumage, sand-colored that faded to dark brown, was now smeared in her blood. Its narrow white head lacked feathers, rather having the fuzz that most vultures had, but that made its enraged expression even more clear to her.
The WingEater soon pinned her to the ground. A massive, bird-like foot that was tipped with razor sharp black talons pressed down on her chest with so much weight that she thought her ribs were cracking beneath the force. The beast opened its hooked beak around her neck, preparing to rip her throat out, and Joan sobbed, “Just do it.”
The beast’s jaws twitched, then it pulled back slightly. It looked down at Joan, bloody and sobbing beneath it.
  “Just kill me already!” Joan cried, tears streaming down her face. “Do it! Please! I-- I don’t even care. I don’t wanna be alive anymore.”
That did it.
Some humanity returned to those pitch black eyes. 
The WingEater dipped its head to Joan and gently began to lick one of her many wounds clean. Joan flinched, trying to squirm away, but the foot on top of her curled its claws around her and dragged her into the fluffy girth of the creature when it laid down. All she could do was look up at the sky and sob, letting the monster clean her of all the blood, though she was sure it was just trying to calm her down so she’ll be easier to eat. 
Goddesses, she wished EB was there.
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victoria-daydreams · 4 years
Till Kingdom Come
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Chapter Six: Introductions
AN: When I first began writing this chapter I had an idea in mind, but seeing how long this chapter ended up being I decided to save it for the next chapter. Also, I was going to hold off on uploading this chapter, but I just finished watching the Lovecraft Country finale and now I’m depressed, so posting this is my boost of serotonin.
Word Count: 3.2k
Trigger Warnings: racism, racial slurs, dated/offensive terms, sexual assault
Chapter Seven: Target Practice
Two Months Later
The sound of a single gunshot cracked through the air, making the birds that rested in the nearby trees hurriedly fly away.
"You missed," Booker announced dryly, his breath a visible puff in the chilly, early December air that showed no signs of warming up.
Sabine eyes narrowed, "Thank you, for your wonderful commentary Booker," she said sarcastically, shooting him a glare.
"Just in case you didn't know," he retorted, lifted his hands.
"I have shot a gun before," Sabine reminded.
"So you've told me," he replied, moving behind her. "You aimed for the man's heart and somehow shot him in the ribs," he recalled, with a soft hum. "Great shooting there Sabine," he chuckled, and she could only envision the smug smirk on Booker's lips.
Sabine cursed under her breath, lowering the musket from her face as she stared at her target. Briefly, she wondered if the breeze had affected her aim, she had done everything right. The sudden contact of Booker placing his hand on her mid-back instantly made her body became rigid, her mind immediately flashing back to her time on the Martin Plantation.
"Don't get familiar," Sabine gritted out, looking over at him.
"I wasn't trying to!" Booker replied defensively, snatching his hand from her body. "Your posture was lacking and I was trying to correct it," he explained, clasping his hands behind his back.
"Well then find a way that doesn't involve touching me like that!" Sabine snapped, sticking her hand out to the side. "Matter of fact, just tell me next time," she suggested, with a slight shake of the head. Sabine exhaled and turned her attention back to the musket in her hands so she could reload. "What happened to Nicky and Josef teaching me how to shoot?" she questioned, glancing over at Booker before she brought the hammer to half-cock.
In the past two months that Sabine has known him, she's taken to calling Joe, 'Josef'. She liked the way it rolled off her tongue.
"It doesn't take two people to teach someone how to shoot a gun," Booker answered simply. "They were needed elsewhere," he added.
"And let me guess, Andy is busy as well?" Sabine asked rhetorically, and from the corner of her eye she saw him nod. "So, I'm stuck with you?" she asked, sliding the rifle down onto the butt.
"Sorry to disappoint," he quipped, a smile tugging at his lips. Booker unclasped his hands and began rubbing them together as he paced back and forth, trying to generate some warmth in his body. "You know, when I went looking for you in the wounded tent I had the strangest encounter," Booker stated, turning his head in her direction.
Sabine arched a brow, "And what's that?" she asked curiously, slipping her hand into the ammunition pouch.
"I came across this Irish fellow who warned me about and I quote, 'a she-devil, colored nurse'," he recalled, and Sabine's lips twitched up into a smirk.
Screams, yells, and moans of the injured echoed in Sabine's ears as she stood inside the field hospital tent. All around her, doctors and nurses were patching up anyone they could get their hands on. The air was thick with the smell of blood, bile, and other bodily fluids. The day was hard and encountering difficult and stubborn soldiers like the one in front of her, made Sabine's day more difficult than necessary.
Sabine went to reach for the injured Union soldier's leg again, but he jerked his body away from her.
"Get your nigg-" the soldier began to shout.
But Sabine was having none of it.
Before the man could finish his sentence, Sabine remorselessly jabbed her index and middle fingers into the gaping hole of the man's gunshot wound. The man let out a roar of pain and began thrashing in bed, unfortunately for him, nobody in the tent was paying attention to them because there were several men just like him screaming in pain. Only difference was, Sabine was inflicting it on purpose.
"Get my what hands off you?" Sabine questioned, staring down at the soldier as continued to scream in pain. "I'm sorry, I don't think I quite understood you. You said put my hands on you?" she asked again, pressing her fingers harder against the wound. The volume of the soldier's scream increased further more.
"Make it stop!" the man cried, writhing in pain.
"Say, 'I'm sorry, Miss,'" Sabine suggested, still maintaining pressure.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry Miss!"
"You wouldn't happen to know who that might be would you?" Booker wondered, staring at her with a knowing look.
"I bet that Irish bastard won't think to say it again when addressing me," Sabine remarked, grabbing a paper cartridge from the pouch a lot harder than necessary. "These ungrateful, Union bastards believe themselves to be all high and mighty compared to the seceshs," she continued, her grip growing tighter around the cartridge as her anger rose. "When they themselves, treat me like I'm some child who needs constant supervision or I'll hurt myself, disrespect me by calling me out of my name when I pass by them, or even as I try to help them. When they're the ones, bleeding out on the goddamn, blood soaked wooden floors of the hospital!" she seethed. "But hey, it's alright. Since the Union soldiers treat colored folks like me with a little more humanity than the Confederates would, I guess I should be grateful," she finished, sarcasm laced in her voice.
She looked over to Booker to see his hand hovering over hers. "Your hand," he said, and Sabine's eyes move down to where the packed paper cartridge once rested in her hand, but now there was nothing but black powder smudged all over her hand. "Here," he offered, digging inside his coat pocket and pulling out a handkerchief.
Slowly, she pulled the cloth loose from his fingers, "Thank you," she said quietly, lowering her eyes back to her hand. "I'm sorry," she apologized, shaking her head once more. "I don't know where that outburst came from," she stated, rubbing the cloth onto her palm.
"No, don't apologize," Booker replied, grabbing the rifle that rested on Sabine's body. "Your anger is righteous Sabine," he affirmed. "Let's take a break, eh?" he suggested, motioning to the grass where they could have a seat and Sabine just nodded in agreement.
She lowered herself to the ground, tucking the skirt of her dress underneath her as she went.
"Earlier...I snapped at you and I shouldn't have," Sabine commented, bringing her eyes away from her hand that she still cleaning the powder off from her skin.
"Don't let it trouble your mind, I deserved it," he defended, laying the rifle beside him. "You were right, I should've asked before touching you like that," he agreed, as Sabine slid her gloves back on.
She placed a hand on her forehead, "It's been a long day and it seems like nothing has gone right since the moment I woke up this morning," Sabine said, rubbing her fingers back and forth.
"Nicky and Joe told me about the nightmare you had this morning," Booker stated, looking over at her. "Was it about-" he started.
"No, it wasn't about the Orient woman drowning again," Sabine cut in, dropping her hand into her lap. "It was something much worse, if you can believe that," she added, a sardonic chuckle escaping her.
"Your time on the Martin Plantation?" Booker guessed.
"Yes," she answered, her voice suddenly becoming hoarse
"Do you want to talk about it?" Booker questioned, and Sabine remained quiet as she stared out in front of her. "Don't feel pressured-"
"It was three months ago," Sabine interrupted, craning her head to look back at Booker. "Only a month right before my death," she noted, feeling her arms raise in goosebumps.
Booker turned his body more to face her better, "What happened?" he asked.
"Have you ever heard of a mandingo fight?"
Sabine sighed as she sat in front of a vanity mirror, a look of pure disgust painted all over her face as she felt herself being pampered and doted on by Louisa and Joan, two female house slaves who were working on her "unruly" hair, as they liked to put it so. Tonight Master Martin was visiting the French Quarter for some "entertainment", but Sabine knew better, whatever Master Martin considered fun or entertaining was undoubtedly the exact opposite.
"Sabine, are ya payin' attention girl?" Louisa asked impatiently.
Her words snapped Sabine out of her thoughts and she shook her head, looking at the older woman who was no more than about thirty something years old, but already was sprouting gray hairs.
"What is it?" Sabine asked, irritation etched onto her features.
"I's was sayin' that ya hair and face is done,"
Sabine's gaze snapped towards the mirror on the vanity and she felt herself deflate. Her curls had been combed and brushed to the point that her hair was now in soft waves, styled into a middle part chignon. Instead of seeing her nude colored lips, she was greeted with the sight of them being painted a deep, sinful red. Her eyelids were blackened with eye paint, bringing attention to Sabine's dark brown orbs and making her appear more alluring, and her cheeks were tinged in pink rouge.
Who was the woman looking back at her in the mirror?
"T-this-" Sabine stammered out, looking at herself in horror.
She was never done up this nice for the Martin family parties, ever.
"Very pretty?" Louisa asked, with a bright smile.
"Lovely?" Joan offered, sharing the same expression as Louisa.
"No...not me," Sabine corrected, waving her hands in disagreement. "I am not this woman, and she is not me," she went on, pointing at her reflection.
"Yes, you are," a male voice objected. "You look more like a dignified negro gal now," he informed.
Sabine felt herself bristle as she saw the reflection of Master Martin leaning against the doorway. He was dressed in what Sabine could only imagine was a very expensive black suit, a waistcoat the color of sherry, and black patent shoes that seemed to have a small and mostly unnoticeable scuff on them.
"Ladies, will you give Cecile and I a moment?" he asked, giving a false smile towards both the house slaves who suddenly looked terrified at his presence. They both nodded and scurried out of the room, knowing it was good to leave Master Martin and his favorite slave alone.
Once the door closed Master Martin advanced onto Sabine who only kept her gaze on the mirror, her full lips drawn into a tight, straight line. He came behind her, placing a hand on her supple naked brown shoulder, a sickly smile on his face as he leaned down towards her, inhaling her sweetening scent. He chuckled lowly as he felt her shudder in repulsion, her eyes still hard as stone as she kept her gaze forward.
"Do you know how beautiful you are...?" he asked in a mocking tone, his hot breath on her ear.
"You have told me many times Master Martin," she replied curtly.
Master Martin would always call her beautiful, but she always knew those were words of spite and menace. He never saw her truly as beautiful. She was a mere toy.
His toy.
Master Martin then laughed lightly, grabbing a loose strand of her hair, tucking it hair behind her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. Sabine suddenly let out a loud gasp when she felt his large calloused hand roughly hold her cheeks, forcing her to look at him. Fear sparked into Sabine's eyes as she stared into the penetrating eyes of her Master. He gave her a tight lipped smile, his hand squeezing her cheeks, making her wince in pain.
"How many times have I told you to call me Aaron when we are alone?" he questioned, low and menacingly. Sabine knew not to answer, she could only stare into the face of evil. "How many?!" Master Martin shouted in her face, shaking her a little, making Sabine let out a slight yelp of fear.
Tears burned at the corners of her eyes as she felt him remove his large hand from her face and she squeezed her eyes shut, a few tears falling down her face as she waited for the pain to arrive. Master Martin never did like to hit her, however, on rare occasions he would. But the pain that Sabine was so anxiously awaiting, never came. Sabine cracked open an eye, seeing Master Martin, smiling at her ruefully.
"What...?" he asked mockingly. "Did you think I would hurt you?" he asked again, using the same tone.
Sabine nodded her head slowly, her body trembling lightly. Master Martin then tsked her, shaking his head lightly, walking over to her and then wiping her tears away from her face. The act seemed almost intimate, but she knew that it was far from it.
"Sabine, do you think I'm some kind of monster?" he asked, removing his hand from her face.
"Yes," she thought.
The thought of answering out loud had crossed her mind, but she was in no mood to be hit tonight. She just wanted to accompany him to this stupid outing and then go back to doing her duties as a house slave.
"You don't have to answer that," he said humorously. "Just come downstairs in the next five minutes. Our carriage will be ready soon," he informed, patting her cheek rather roughly. "Also, I want you to provide some music for this little get together we're going to. And none of that mongrel music I hear you sing. Sing something more dignified and more...white,"
Master Martin then cupped her cheek and gave her a soft and lingering kiss. Sabine resisted the urge to bite down so hard onto his lip that he would bleed or spit into his mouth. But she just simply kissed him back, though every inch of her internally was screaming at her to fight back. But she didn't. She couldn't.
She was scared.
Once Master Martin broke the kiss his gray eyes gazed into her dark brown ones in a very sickening love way and he smiled, running his thumb over her plump bottom lip. "Je t'aime…" he said softly, before leaning up and walking away from her.
And once Sabine heard the door close shut, she felt herself break down, tears running down her face as she choked back sobs that would surely bring Master Martin back to the room.
"In all the years I was on that plantation," Sabine began, tears flowing freely down her face. "He was never that physical with me until this year," she explained, with a sniffle. "And I-I don't know what triggered it. Maybe it was because Marc and Alain were gone, or m-maybe I-I did some-"
"Sabine there is nothing you did to deserve being assaulted," Booker cut in. "You hear me? Nothing,"
And Sabine just silently nodded in agreement, another sniffle coming from her.
"Now, go ahead and use my handkerchief to dry your eyes," Booker suggested, motioning to the cloth that rested in her lap.  "Be careful though, I'd hate to see gunpowder all over your face," he joked, a warm smile on his face.
A watery laugh escaped Sabine, "You liar," she responded, bringing the clean part of the cloth to her eyes. "You'd probably think its funny and let me walk around with my face all dirty," she pointed out, dabbing the fabric underneath her eyes.
"It did cross my mind," Booker remarked, with a chuckle. "Come on, we should get back to camp. We'll continue this tomorrow if all goes well," he said, before placing his hands on the ground to help him stand.
"No," Sabine answered, shaking her head vigorously. "We're not going back until I hit that target," she stated, pointing in the direction where the target was.
Booker let out a sigh of faux exasperation, "We'll be here till sundown if that's the case," he quipped, reverting back to his usual self.
Sabine's face broke into a grin and she balled up his handkerchief and threw it at him, smacking him right in the chest. Booker mirrored her smile, grabbing the cloth and stuffing it back inside his coat before pushing himself off the ground and dusting his coat off.
He stuck his hand out, "I'm only joking," he said, sticking his gloved hand out which Sabine took. "Well, only a little bit," he added, and Sabine just rolled her eyes.
She picked the rifle up from the ground and placed it on the butt as she did earlier. Taking out another paper cartridge from the ammunition pouch, she ripped open the top with her teeth and poured the pre-measured black powder into the barrel. Afterward, she pushed in the bullet, paper and all, into the barrel and began ramming the contents with the ramrod.
"Sabine," Booker called, and she glanced up from what she was doing. "That night you told me about, he didn't...he didn't..." he trailed off, struggling to finish the question.
"No Booker," Sabine answered, as she finished ramming down the bullet with the rod. "He didn't rape me, he was too drunk to do it," she informed, tossing the rod down. "The worst I got was some wet, sloppy kisses," she recalled, bringing the rifle to her face.
He cleared his throat and nodded to himself, a look of relief clearly on his face.
After a moment, Booker took a few steps back, "Alright," he started, clearing his throat once more. "Remember to stand up straight and stand your ground," he reminded. "That rifle is pretty powerful, so keep the butt of it pressed against your shoulder," he instructed. "And keep it steady," he added, eyes keenly set forward.
Sabine cocked the hammer back with two clicks, her finger curling firmly around the trigger of the rifle. A glossy bead of sweat formed on her forehead as she aimed her gun at her target. She used her other hand to steady the barrel, closing one eye in the process. Looking down the barrel, she aligned the sights toward the target, which was still slightly obscured by the midday haze. Tiny whispers of doubt began floating in Sabine's mind on whether or not she could hit what was in front of her, but those thoughts were pushed out of her mind as she squeezed the trigger.
First, there was a powerful bang, and immediately after a shuddering recoil pushed her back. Sabine kept her balance, albeit barely, but Booker rushed to her side and kept her grounded.
She blinked, "Oh. So that's what it feels like," she looked to the Frenchman and burst into a fit of laughter, seeing his lips twitch up as well. "Come on, let go see the damage," she giggled, after regaining her composure a little.
Lightly, she grabbed Booker by his sleeve and they made a brief journey to the makeshift target, a stump between a pair of bare trees. A few torn scraps of metal were all that were left of the tin can Sabine had been aiming for.
"Wow," she breathed, an awed look on her face, as she picked up a piece of the destroyed can. "I guess that was a lucky shot though," she added with a giggle, lifting her eyes to Booker's.
He sauntered up to her, hands in his pockets. "Don't sell yourself short," he commented, his mouth curving upwards. "There may be a markswoman in you yet,"
Chapter Eight: Tis’ the Season
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britbrodcast · 7 years
Only The Thing You Were Told To Be
Um hi, I'm just a nobody but I made a thing a while ago on Wattpad and I wanted to post it on Tumblr since y'all like angst. Since I'm a nobody imma tag a few people that I think will like this
@vortexart @pattonscardigan @14masks @prinxiety-logicality-ss @prinxietytrash
TRIGGER WARNING!!!! Blood, suicidal thoughts, Gore, death, and way too much angst. I'm not really graphic but I still like using descriptive stuff so if your queasy with things from above do not read this
Morality was smiling, he just finished drawing a cute puppy and he was ready to show everyone his creation. He was limping from walking into the edge of his door but that didn't bother him, he could only feel positive emotions, no pain, no nothing. Only happy and optimistic thoughts so when Morality fell down the stairs from being in such a hurry to show everyone his drawing he didn't cry or act the slightest bit frightened when his glasses shattered and the glass had lodged itself all around his eye he didn't panic or freak out. That was Anxiety's job, nor did he feel pain from the glass or the bleeding wounds that now surrounded his eyes, only Anxiety and Prince could feel pain. Patton brushed himself off and he looked at the dog drawing which was now covered in blood.
Morality brushed a bit of the blood off his face, "Well at least I didn't injure myself that much! And now the doggo has very pretty light blue fur!" He brushed himself off and walked towards the commons where he could show off his art. When Morality walked into the commons he met a terrified Anxiety who immediately rushed over to him and asked how he hurt himself, Morality wasn't able to be disappointed that Anxiety hadn't acknowledged his drawing since he couldn't think negatively. It made sense that Anxiety first noticed the bright blue blood that was now running down his face since he embodies worry, fear, anxiety, self-doubt, and all negative thoughts. Anxiety busied himself over patching up Morality while Mor hummed to himself and didn't even notice that Anx was pulling glass shards out of his skin.
When Anxiety was finally finished he sighed, Anxiety wasn't able to feel any form of accomplishment from his task since that was Prince's job. Anxiety muttered, "I um, I'll just go to my room now." He scooped up the first aid supplies and threw the used gauze and the glass shards in the trash before running to his room, probably to have an attack or to do some other Anxious activity. Anxiety has seen the others blood colors before but it still freaked him out. It wasn't natural. Anxiety closed his door and looked at the charts on his bedroom wall: Traits blood colors: Roman- Red/ normal human color: found from seeing the aftermath of fighting a gorgon Logan- Dark Blue/ color of Screen of Death: found when Logic dropped a knife in the kitchen, finger has been sewn back and healed. Me: Black/ color of my soul if I had one: found when I slipped and fell on top of a table, splinters have been removed and compound fracture had been put back to proper place and healed. Patton: Light Blue/ color of the sky: found when he mistook Cerberus as a normal dog, both arms have been found a few days after being torn off and magically healed back to proper place. Anxiety sighed and fell face first onto his bed, he cocooned himself in blankets and passed out from worry and exhaustion.
Roman was in the land of dreams fighting the demons that live within the realm. He could only feel bravery and hopes and he could never let go of his hopes and dreams since it wasn't brave to give up. He was ready for any attack that might come, he was wrong. A figure crept up behind him and Prince could hear the creature's long scaly tail slither up to him. He turned around with the speed of a viper and sliced through the air, a thump was heard and Prince looked at the creature he thought he had just slain. A giant dragon serpent with six heads, the one he had decapitated was slowly reforming and two heads had grown in its place. It was a hydra. Prince looked around for fire since the only way to kill the creature was to burn the decapitated head before it grew back, no fire was in sight so he had to go to plan B, cut off all of the heads and make an escape before they all grew back. Part of his plan worked, he cut off all of the heads and started to run. But he did not escape, a hydra head had bit him in the shoulder. He still thought he could win, even as he was struck in the arm and neck, he still thought he could win. Even when he was on the ground and slowly dying from the poison in his veins, he still thought he could win. As his vision went black he still thought he could win. He then was still, and he never was going to fight another battle for he was dead. All of the the Traits had felt it. Whenever a Trait dies the others inherent the dead Traits abilitys so their host won't become a shell of their former self, that will only happen when every Main Trait is dead and that almost never happens. A few days later Morality was sitting hear a pure white coffin with Prince inside, Anxiety had covered up Prince's wounds and did his best to make him look peaceful. Logan was talking to Morality about how illogical it was for Prince to think he could defeat a hydra. Logic could only think Logical thoughts and would only believe things if they were pure fact. Halfway through the ceremony Anxiety fled off into his room to have a panic attack in peace. Morality was laughing and was telling Logan about all of Prince's embarrassing stories he had collected throughout the years.
As Logic peered into the coffin after the service he noticed the position of the sword and he told Morality how illogical it is to have Prince's sword straight up and down his body so the tip of its blade was touching his throat. Morality ignored Logan and grabbed the front of the coffin to lift it up while Logic grabbed the end of the coffin near Prince's legs. Logic called to Morality, "Don't tip the coffin down." Morality giggled, "You mean like this?" Morality dipped the coffin so his side touched the floor, he then yelped and spat a strange metallic liquid out of his mouth, morality now looked at the blade which was now stuck in Prince's head. His head looked like it was going to fall off his neck at any moment, Logic yelled, "Now look what you've done!" He grabbed the hilt of the sword and pulled, Prince's head was now touching his collarbone, the back of his head had a giant stab wound that was filling the white coffin with red blood. Logic grabbed the coffin and sword, he made a mistake of holding a 50 pound coffin with a hundred pound Trait inside of it with one hand, he fell and the sword flew into the air. Logan noticed it's trajectory and where it would land but it was too late, the sword had impaled itself in Logan's gut. Morality set down the coffin and smiled at the impaled Trait, "Common Lo-Lo!" He nudged the Trait with his foot who was mumbling about how the wound was fatal and that nothing could heal him, a pool of dark blue blood slowly forming around him. Morality smiled, "you must be tired, here. I'll help you!" He pulled out the blade and placed it on an angle near the coffin. He then picked up the Trait but he lost his grip on the bloody and slippery Trait and dropped him. Logic's mutterings were cut short, so was his head. It rolled across the floor but Morality grabbed it, and giggled "Oh you silly, you'll need this!" He then dragged Logan to his room, slowly the trail of blue liquid stopped for there was no more of it in Logan's body. Morality placed Logic in his bed and put his head where it should be, he kissed the corpse, "Don't let the bedbugs bite!"
He closed the door, his inheritance of Prince's abilities started to shift the mindspace, a few minutes after he closed the door small black beetles swarmed the dead Trait and when they dispersed only a blue tie and broken glasses remained. Anxiety was in his room from another panic attack, Prince was dead and from the now logical thoughts in his head he knew what had happened, Logic was dead. He knew that Traits who were opposite to another wouldn't feel the entirety of the dead Traits abilities within an hour. Anxiety managed to grab a black revolver and check the ammo, it only had three bullets left. (A/N: I'm sorry I don't know anything about guns) Anxiety walked to Morality's room to find said Trait sitting on his bed drenched in blood, he smiled and the red and dark blue liquid covering his teeth made it look like he was insane, "hey Anx!" Anxiety looked at the Trait, "I... Um, need you to do me a favor." Morality hoped off the bed, "sure thing kiddo, what is it?" "Hold this." Anxiety handed Morality the gun, Morality somehow held the gun correctly, apparently Logics abilities were appearing quicker than Anxiety thought, Anx pointed at the trigger, "Mor, I need you to pull the thing that your pointer finger is on." Mor moved away from Anx, Anxiety yelped, "Nope! Not like that! Put it here," He guided the gun to his temple. "You can move your finger now." BANG!! The light was slowly going out of Anxiety's eyes, he managed to say, "T-T-Th-Thanks, D-Da-Dad, I-I'm So-So-Sor-Sorry." The life hand vanished out of his eyes. Morality being the last Trait, immediately inherits the dead Traits abilities, now a whole person. He notices what he has done, in a day three people had died, two of them he saw, and two of them he helped kill. He soon made the death count to 4, He put the gun on the same place Anxiety had and he pulled the trigger. Thomas was making a new YouTube video, he then stopped, his eyes suddenly loosing the spark of happiness in them, now not able to speak or even think, he was a shell of his former self. His only purpose was to live, he could do nothing by himself. He 'woke up' in a hospital bed and his friends were standing around him, Joan asked, "Thomas? Are you alright?" A image appeared next to Thomas, a image of all the dead Traits and morality pulling the trigger and just before he died he said, "I'm sorry.." he then later still, and he closed his eyes for the last time. Everyone was shocked, first of all from the blood and carnage, second to that a hologram appeared in front of them, and third that the Sander Sides were real. Thomas opened his eyes, they were dull and he looked off into the distance. Terrence understood what happened, he waved his hand in front of Thomas's face, "Thomas, can you understand me? Please respond." Thomas didn't respond, he just looked into the distance, Something had died inside Thomas that day but not only one, but four parts of him had left. _timeskip 20 years_ A few moments before Thomas's death he spoke for the first time in 20 years. At his funeral the video was shown, his eyes were still vacant but he spoke, "take it easy guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out." And the life vanished from his figure, his eyes closed and he stopped breathing.
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alanafsmith · 7 years
Bill Cosby's sexual-assault trial starts today — here's the backstory of the allegations against him
Bill Cosby's sexual-assault trial began Monday. The 79-year-old actor and comedian is facing charges of aggravated indecent assault.
Andrea Constand said Cosby gave her quaaludes, a type of sedative, and sexually assaulted her more than a decade ago.
She is one of dozens of women who have said they were drugged and assaulted by the comedian.
Constand filed a civil suit against Cosby years ago, and a damning deposition from that suit was made public in July 2015.
In that deposition from 2005, Cosby answered "yes" to this question: "When you got the quaaludes was it in your mind that you were going to use these quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?"
After Constand filed the lawsuit that produced the deposition, she said she could produce more than a dozen other women with similar stories. But that suit was settled in 2006, and Cosby's reputation remained intact — until a few years ago.
In 2014, another comedian, Hannibal Buress, suggested Cosby was a hypocrite for telling African-Americans how to behave.
Sarcastically imitating Cosby, Buress said: "Pull your pants up, black people! I was on TV in the '80s. I can talk down to you 'cause I had a successful sitcom."
"Well, yeah, you're a rapist," Buress said to the audience.
The taped set went viral, spurring more women to come forward. The renewed attention ultimately led The Associated Press to compel the release of the court deposition from 2005.
Cosby has maintained his innocence even as more and more women have come forward to accuse him of rape.
The accusations have common threads, painting a picture of a man who used his power and influence in the entertainment industry to seek out vulnerable young women and lure them in with the promise of mentorship.
Some have said they felt discouraged from going public because of Cosby's fame, power, and reputation as "America's dad."
Even before Cosby was criminally charged, the accusations hurt his career. Cosby's agency, Creative Artists Agency, quietly dumped him in 2015.
TV networks yanked reruns of "The Cosby Show," and Disney took down a statue of the comedian at Hollywood Studios. In 2015, Inside Higher Ed reported that a dozen colleges had revoked his honorary degree.
Here's an overview of some of the allegations against Cosby by some of the more high-profile women, starting with the one whose case resulted in criminal charges against him.
Andrea Constand
Constand alleges that Cosby sexually assaulted her in 2004 at his home in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
She went to police with the allegations, but a district attorney ruled that there wasn't enough evidence to charge Cosby. The district attorney on the case later told The Daily Mail that at the time he thought Cosby was probably guilty and wanted to arrest him.
After police declined to charge Cosby, Constand filed a civil suit and lined up 13 other women as supporting witnesses who had stories about Cosby similar to hers. The lawsuit was settled in 2006 for an undisclosed amount.
Constand used to work for the women's basketball program at Temple University, Cosby's alma mater. She said she met Cosby in 2002 and saw him as a mentor. He invited her to dinners at his house, she told The Daily Mail.
She said in court documents that in 2004 she went to Cosby's house for a visit at his request. He told her he wanted to help her pursue a new career, she said. When she talked about being stressed, he gave her three blue pills that he said were an "herbal medication" to help her relax, she said.
Constand said she then began to feel shaky, weak, and dizzy. She said she told Cosby she wasn't feeling well, and he led her to a sofa where he laid her down. Constand said she was so impaired she couldn't walk on her own.
She said Cosby then positioned himself behind her on the sofa and began touching her inappropriately. He then sexually assaulted her while she was barely conscious, she said.
Constand woke up around 4 a.m., with her clothes and underwear in disarray, according to the lawsuit. Cosby greeted her in his bathrobe before she left his house, she said.
Tamara Green
Green, a lawyer who lives in California, was the only named supporting witness in Constand's suit.
When Green heard that the district attorney thought Constand's story was weak and that she didn't come forward quickly enough, she decided to step forward and tell her story, she said.
She said that Cosby assaulted her in the 1970s. Green told Newsweek she met Cosby through a friend when she was 19 and modeling in Los Angeles.
Green said she met Cosby for a business lunch one day while she had the flu, and that he gave her pills he said were cold medicine.
Green told the "Today" show in 2005 that she was "face down on the table" of a restaurant about 30 minutes after taking the pills. Cosby offered to take her home, she said. Once they were at Green's apartment, he undressed her and assaulted her in her bed, she said.
Eventually, Green said, she started throwing things. Cosby left her apartment after leaving two $100 bills on her coffee table, according to Green.
She said in the Newsweek interview that she never reported the alleged assault to the police because for a victim, "it never works out, unless you're bleeding and there's DNA and an eyewitness. I was 19 and he was the king of the world. ... Nobody would've believed me."
Green told the news magazine that coming forward with the allegations essentially ended her career as a lawyer.
Barbara Bowman
Bowman, another witness in Constand's lawsuit, came forward in 2006 in interviews with Philadelphia news outlets. She later wrote a column in The Washington Post in light of Buress' viral comedy video in which he called Cosby a rapist.
Bowman said she met Cosby in 1985 when she was a 17-year-old aspiring actress. He became a father figure and mentor to her, she said.
She said Cosby drugged and raped her several times during the two years they knew each other. Bowman told The Daily Mail that he flew her all over the country and invited her to attend events with him to "see if I was worth mentoring and grooming" for an acting career.
Bowman said in the Daily Mail interview that Cosby brainwashed her and befriended her mother to gain her trust. He eventually started giving her drugs and raping her, Bowman alleged. She said she continued to see him because he was a useful mentor while she was trying to build a career in the entertainment industry.
Bowman said that one time, she had one glass of wine at Cosby's house and then came to a while later slumped over a toilet throwing up while wearing a man's T-shirt. She told The Daily Mail that Cosby was wearing a robe as he was helping her after she regained consciousness.
The last incident happened in Atlantic City, she said. She wrote in The Post that she fought him when he tried to pin her to his bed, and he called her a "baby" and sent her home.
Beth Ferrier
Ferrier met Cosby in 1984 while she was working as a young model in New York, according to Philadelphia Magazine She was another unnamed witness in Constand's lawsuit.
She came forward with her story in the Philadelphia Daily News in 2005 after the suit was filed but before it was settled.
Her relationship with Cosby started as a consensual affair, she told the Daily News. She said in 2005 that the affair lasted about six months, but she told People magazine in 2006 that it was an on-and-off affair that lasted several years. Ferrier said that at one point after they decided to end the affair, Cosby drugged and assaulted her when she went to see him perform in Denver.
Ferrier said Cosby gave her her "favorite coffee" to relax her. After she drank it, she said, she started to feel woozy. She woke up in the back seat of her car several hours later with her clothes disheveled, she said.
When she confronted him at his hotel later, he told her she had too much to drink, she said.
Ferrier told People magazine in 2006 that she had recently lost her father when she met Cosby and was "very vulnerable." Cosby was a mentor and father figure to her, she said.
Joan Tarshis
In 2014, Hollywood Elsewhere published the accusations of Tarshis, a former actress who says Cosby raped her in 1969. She decided to come forward after seeing renewed media attention on the Cosby allegations.
Tarshis was 19 when she flew to Los Angeles to work on a monologue, and friends she was staying with knew Cosby, she said. She said she met Cosby at a lunch and he took a liking to her.
Cosby asked Tarshis to work on some material with him one day, and he gave her a drink, she said. Tarshis says she vaguely remembers being undressed by Cosby and telling him that she had an infection so that he wouldn't have sex with her. He still sexually assaulted her, she said.
Tarshis told Hollywood Elsewhere about one other incident that she alleges occurred in a hotel room when he invited her to an event. She said she went because she was too ashamed to tell her mother what had happened and turn down the invitation.
She never went to police with the allegations. Tarshis told Philadelphia Magazine: "What could I say? I was 19 years old. I felt, 'He's Bill Cosby. He'll lawyer himself up. I don't have a lawyer. It's going to be he said, she said, and they'll look at me like I'm crazy.' ... My reputation would have been ruined."
Tarshis also said that at the time, no other women had come forward with similar accusations.
Janice Dickinson
Dickinson, a supermodel and TV personality, is so far the highest-profile woman to publicly come forward and accuse Cosby of sexual assault.
She told Entertainment Tonight in 2014 that Cosby assaulted her in 1982. Dickinson said she met Cosby at the request of her agent, who was trying to get her booked on "The Cosby Show."
Dickinson later went to rehab for drug and alcohol abuse. She said Cosby called her while she was there, and then after she got out, he invited her to visit him while he was performing in Lake Tahoe. He told her he wanted to offer her a job and help her develop a singing career, she said.
Dickinson said that after she had dinner with Cosby in Lake Tahoe, she had a glass of wine and a pill that Cosby gave her in her room.
She says the last thing she remembers before passing out was seeing Cosby take off his patchwork robe and get on top of her.
She told ET that she never went to the police because she "was afraid of being labeled a whore or a slut and trying to sleep my way to the top of a career that never took place."
Dickinson had alluded to her issues with Cosby but hadn't publicly accused him of sexual assault before 2014. She told ET that she wanted to write about her alleged assault in her 2002 autobiography but was pressured by Cosby and his lawyers to remove the details of the incident.
She said the alleged assault was one of the "biggest resentments" of her life.
Therese Serignese
Serignese, a nurse in Florida, came forward in 2014 and identified herself as another of the 13 witnesses in Constand's suit. She said Cosby raped her four decades ago in Las Vegas.
Serignese told The Huffington Post that she met Cosby in 1976, when she was 19.
She was in Las Vegas visiting her mother, and Cosby was in town to perform at the Hilton, she said. She said she ran into him at the hotel's gift shop while she was there with her sister looking at jewelry. He came up to her, put his arm around her, and invited her to come see his show later, she said.
Backstage after the show, Cosby gave Serignese two white pills, she said. She says the next thing she remembers is Cosby raping her in a bathroom.
She kept in touch with him intermittently throughout the next 20 years, she told The Huffington Post. There was one more sexual encounter in 1985, she said.
Serignese also said Cosby put her up in a Hilton penthouse for three weeks after the alleged rape in Las Vegas and then sent her money in 1996 after she got into a car accident.
She said she initially was reluctant to report the alleged assault because she thought no one would believe her, but she came forward after hearing about Constand's allegations.
Beverly Johnson
In 2014, Beverly Johnson, the first black model to appear on the cover of Vogue, came forward to accuse Bill Cosby of drugging her.
Writing in Vanity Fair, Johnson said Cosby drugged her in his home in the mid-1980s after she'd gone there to read lines for a part on "The Cosby Show." She said Cosby gave her a cappuccino.
"I knew by the second sip of the drink Cosby had given me that I'd been drugged — and drugged good," she said. "My head became woozy, my speech became slurred, and the room began to spin nonstop."
She said she began shouting at Cosby.
"I recall his seething anger at my tirade and then him grabbing me by my left arm hard and yanking all 110 pounds of me down a bunch of stairs as my high heels clicked and clacked on every step," she said. "I feared my neck was going to break with the force he was using to pull me down those stairs."
She didn't say Cosby raped her, but she accused him of physically assaulting her.
Chloe Goins
In 2015, a 24-year-old woman named Chloe Goins told the Los Angeles Police Department that Cosby had assaulted her at the Playboy Mansion when she was 18, according to CNN.
While few details of her case have been revealed, it's notable because she alleges the assault took place in 2008. California has a 10-year statute of limitations on rape cases, meaning the case could lead to criminal charges, according to her attorney, Spencer Kuvin.
"She was drugged," he told CNN. "She doesn't know what happened. She blacked out and woke up finding Mr. Cosby over her as she was in a state of complete undress."
Kuvin continued: "I don't want to go into details about what he was doing, and I don't believe any of these cameras can actually publish what he was doing."
Lili Bernard and Sammie Mays
In 2015, the celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred held a press conference to announce two more women were accusing Cosby of assaulting them: Sammie Mays, a writer, and Lili Bernard, who guest-starred on "The Cosby Show."
Mays said Cosby drugged her in the late '80s when she was writing about a convention in New Orleans that Cosby attended, according to USA Today. She said she believes he raped her while she was unconscious.
Bernard says Cosby drugged, raped, and threatened her in the "Cosby Show" studio in 1992. She said she still has panic attacks.
"I stand here to take back my power and to confront the fear that has paralyzed me for so many years," Bernard said during the press conference.
While Bernard tried to bring criminal charges against Cosby in New Jersey, a prosecutor decided not to file any.
Others who came forward
Angela Leslie, a former model and actress, said in a New York Daily News report published in November 2014 that Cosby assaulted her in a hotel room more than two decades ago. She said she met him in 1990 after she sent him a letter and photo hoping to land a role in his movie "Ghost Dad."
Cosby then invited her to the set of his show, she said. She said the alleged assault happened in a hotel suite in 1992 when Cosby asked her to audition for him. Leslie said he gave her a drink and told her to act like she was intoxicated. She didn't drink what Cosby gave her, but after she came out of the bathroom, Cosby was lying in bed with his clothes off, she said. Leslie said Cosby took her hand and forced her to fondle him while he was in bed.
Carla Ferrigno, who is married to the actor Lou Ferrigno, has said Cosby made an unwanted sexual advance at a party in 1967, when she was a teenager. She was working as a Playboy bunny in Los Angeles when she was invited to Cosby's house, she said. She said that at one point in the evening she was alone with Cosby playing pool. He then forcefully grabbed her and kissed her, she said.
"I had never been treated so roughly, and he pulled me hard to him so hard. And then kissed me so hard, right in the mouth," she said. "No one has ever been that physically violent with me. I was stunned. I was frozen. I took all my body strength and used both of my arms to stop him and push him away from me. He was so forceful."
Kristina Ruehli, a New Hampshire woman who says she was one of the unnamed witnesses in Constand's suit, told Philadelphia Magazine that Cosby drugged and tried to sexually assault her in 1965, when she was 22. She said she met Cosby while she was working as a secretary at a talent agency in Beverly Hills.
He invited her to a party at his home one night, but when she arrived, no one else was there, she said. Cosby gave her two drinks, and after that everything became "foggy," she said. She said she eventually wound up in one of the bedrooms in the house. Cosby then tried to force Ruehli to perform oral sex on him, she said. She said she pushed him away, ran into a bathroom, and started throwing up. When she came out of the bathroom, Cosby was gone, and she left his house, she said.
Renita Chaney Hill of Pittsburgh told KDKA News that she had a 4-year relationship with Cosby in the 1980s. She says she believes he drugged and likely raped her when she would go visit him. She was 15 when she met him. Hill told KDKA that Cosby would fly her to various cities and she would visit him at his hotel room at night. He would insist that she drink even though he knew she was underage, she said.
Hill said she would wake up the next day and not remember anything, despite not having that much to drink. She said that during one incident, right before she passed out, she remembered him kissing and touching her.
Linda Traitz, who met Cosby in 1969 when she was waiting tables at a restaurant he owned in West Hollywood, accused Cosby of sexual assault in an interview with The Washington Post. She said Cosby chatted her up one day at the restaurant and offered her a ride home.
But instead of going home, Cosby drove to the beach and took out a briefcase that had "assorted sections in it, with pills and tablets in it, different colors arranged and assorted into compartments," she told The Post.
She said she told Cosby that she didn't want any of the pills but that he kept insisting. He then lunged at her and grabbed her chest, she said. When she ran out of the car and onto the beach, he pursued her and offered to take her home, she said.
Victoria Valentino, a former Playboy bunny, told The Post she met Cosby in 1970. Another Playboy bunny knew Cosby and introduced him to Valentino, who met him for dinner with a friend one night after their initial meeting, she said. Cosby offered Valentino and her friend red pills at the end of dinner, she said. She said she then began slurring her words and "couldn't function."
Cosby then drove the pair to an apartment under the pretense of showing them memorabilia from his popular "I Spy" show, she said. It was there that she said he assaulted her. She said she never went to the police because "in those days, it was always the rape victim who wound up being victimized."
Shawn Brown, who Cosby has admitted to sleeping with, told The Daily Mail in November 2015 that he also drugged and raped her.
Judy Huth filed a lawsuit in December 2014 accusing Cosby of sexually assaulting her at the Playboy Mansion when she was 15.
Helen Gumpel, who appeared on one episode of "The Cosby Show," came forward in 2015 and said Cosby made unwanted sexual advances toward her in 1977, according to the AP.
Sunni Welles and Margie Shapiro said in 2015 that Cosby sexually assaulted them in the '60s and '70s, when they were teenagers, according to Reuters.
Autumn Burns, Marcella Tate, and Janice Baker-Kinney, who are all represented by Allred, said in 2015 that Cosby raped them in the '70s and early '80s.
"All this time, and for many, many years, I felt this was my fault," Kinney told USA Today. "I took the pills from him. ... I never thought of it as rape. ... I still felt like I was solely to blame."
Erin Fuchs contributed to this report.
SEE ALSO: One of the biggest talent agencies in the world has dropped Bill Cosby
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NOW WATCH: Here's footage of Bill Cosby arriving at court after being charged with sexual assault
from All About Law http://www.businessinsider.com/andrea-constand-bill-cosby-trial-2017-6
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nancy-astorga · 7 years
The shocking backstory behind the Bill Cosby rape allegations
Bill Cosby’s sexual assault trial started Monday. The 79-year-old actor and comedian is facing charges of aggravated indecent assault for an alleged incident involving a former Temple University employee.
That employee, Andrea Constand, said that Cosby gave her quaaludes in order to sexually assault her more than a decade ago.
She is one of dozens of women who have claimed that they were drugged and assaulted by the comedian.
Constand filed a civil suit against Cosby years ago, and later a damning deposition from that suit was made public.
In that deposition from 2005, Cosby answered “yes” to the following question:
“When you got the Quaaludes [a type of sedative] was it in your mind that you were going to use these Quaaludes for young women that you wanted to have sex with?”
After Constand filed her lawsuit that produced the deposition, she claimed that she could produce more than a dozen other women with similar stories. But that suit was settled in 2006, and Cosby’s wholesome reputation remained intact — until a few years ago.
That’s when another comedian, Hannibal Buress, suggested that Cosby was a hypocrite for telling African-Americans how to behave.
“Pull your pants up, black people! I was on TV in the ’80s. I can talk down to you ’cause I had a successful sitcom,” Buress said, sarcastically. He continued, imitating Cosby, “I don’t curse on stage.”
“Well, yeah, you’re a rapist,” Buress said to the audience.
The taped set went viral, spurring more women to come forward. The renewed attention ultimately led The Associated Press to compel the release of the court deposition from 2005.
Cosby has maintained his innocence even as more and more women come forward to accuse him of rape.
The accusations have common threads, painting a picture of a man who allegedly used his power and influence in the entertainment industry to seek out vulnerable young women and lure them in with the promise of mentorship.
Some have said that they felt discouraged from going public because of Cosby’s fame, power, and reputation as “America’s dad.”
Even before Cosby was criminally charged, these accusations hurt his career. Cosby’s agency, Creative Artists Agency, quietly dumped him in late 2015.
TV networks yanked reruns of “The Cosby Show,” and Disney took down a statue of the comedian at Hollywood Studios. In 2015, Inside Higher Ed reported that a dozen colleges had revoked his honorary degree.
Here’s an overview of some of the more high-profile women who have made allegations against Cosby, starting with the one whose case resulted in criminal charges.
Andrea Constand
Constand alleges that Cosby sexually assaulted her in his Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, home in 2004.
She went to police with the allegations, but a previous district attorney ruled that there wasn’t enough evidence to charge Cosby. The district attorney on the case told the Daily Mail that at the time he thought Cosby was probably guilty, and he wanted to arrest him, but he didn’t have sufficient proof of the alleged assault.
There wasn’t any physical evidence for the case because Constand waited a year before going to police.
After police declined to charge him, she filed a civil suit and lined up 13 other women as supporting witnesses who had stories about Cosby similar to hers. She settled the lawsuit in 2006 for an undisclosed amount.
Constand used to work for the women’s basketball program at Temple University, Cosby’s alma mater. She said she met Cosby in 2002 and saw him as a mentor. He invited her for dinners at his house, she told the Daily Mail.
She claimed in court documents that in 2004 she went to Cosby’s house for a visit at his request. He reportedly told her that he wanted to help her pursue a new career. When Constand talked about being stressed, he allegedly gave her three blue pills that he said were an “herbal medication” to help her relax.
Constand said she then began to feel shaky, weak, and dizzy. She said she told Cosby that she wasn’t feeling well, and he led her to a sofa where he laid her down. Constand was allegedly so impaired that she couldn’t walk on her own.
She said Cosby then positioned himself behind her on the sofa and began touching her inappropriately. He then allegedly sexually assaulted her. Constand claimed she was barely conscious throughout the alleged attack.
Constand woke up at about 4 a.m. with her clothes and underwear in disarray, according to the lawsuit. Cosby allegedly greeted her in his bathrobe before she left his house.
Tamara Green
Green, a lawyer who lives in California, was the only named supporting witness in Constand’s suit.
When Green heard that the district attorney thought that Constand’s story was weak and that she didn’t come forward quickly enough, she decided to step forward and tell her story.
She claimed that Cosby assaulted her in the 1970s. Green told Newsweek she met Cosby through a friend when she was 19 and modeling in Los Angeles.
Green said she met Cosby for a business lunch one day while she had the flu. He allegedly gave her pills he said were cold medicine.
Green told the “Today” show in 2005 that she was “face down on the table of the restaurant” about 30 minutes after taking the pills. Cosby allegedly offered to take her home. Once they were at Green’s apartment, he allegedly undressed her and assaulted her in her bed.
Eventually, Green said, she started throwing things. Cosby left her apartment after leaving two $100 bills on her coffee table, according to Green.
She never reported the alleged assault to the police because, as she said in the Newsweek interview, “it never works out [for the victim], unless you’re bleeding and there’s DNA and an eyewitness. I was 19 and he was the king of the world … Nobody would’ve believed me.”
Green told the news magazine that coming forward with the allegations essentially ended her career as a lawyer.
Barbara Bowman
Bowman, another witness in Constand’s lawsuit, came forward and identified herself in 2006 in interviews with Philadelphia news outlets. She later wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post in light of the viral comedy video that called Cosby a rapist.
Bowman said she met Cosby in 1985 when she was a 17-year-old aspiring actress. He became a father figure and mentor to her, she said.
She claimed that Cosby drugged and raped her several times during the two years they knew each other. Bowman told the Daily Mail that he flew her all over the country and invited her to attend events with him to “see if [she] was worth mentoring and grooming” for an acting career.
Bowman said in the Daily Mail interview that Cosby brainwashed her and befriended her mother to gain her trust. He eventually started giving her drugs and raping her, Bowman alleged. She said she continued to see him because he was a useful mentor while she was trying to build a career in the entertainment industry.
One time, Bowman said, she had one glass of wine at Cosby’s house and then came to a while later slumped over a toilet throwing up while wearing a man’s T-shirt. She told the Daily Mail that he was wearing a robe as he was helping her after she regained consciousness.
The last incident happened in Atlantic City, she said. She wrote in The Post op-ed that she fought him when he tried to pin her to his bed, and he called her a “baby” and sent her home.
Beth Ferrier
Ferrier met Cosby in 1984 while she was working as a young model in New York, according to Philadelphia Magazine. She was another unnamed witness in the Constand lawsuit.
She came forward with her story in the Philadelphia Daily News in 2005 after the suit was filed but before it was settled.
Her relationship with Cosby started as a consensual affair, she told the Daily News. She said in 2005 that the affair lasted about six months, but she told People magazine in 2006 that it was an on-and-off affair that lasted several years. Ferrier claimed that at one point after they decided to end the affair, Cosby drugged and assaulted her when she went to see him perform in Denver.
Cosby allegedly gave Ferrier her “favorite coffee” that he made to relax her. After she drank it, she said, she started to feel woozy. She allegedly woke up in the back seat of her car several hours later with her clothes disheveled.
When she confronted him at his hotel later, he allegedly told her she had too much to drink.
Ferrier told People magazine in 2006 that she had recently lost her father when she met Cosby and was “very vulnerable.” Cosby was a mentor and father figure to her, she said.
Joan Tarshis
In 2014, Hollywood Elsewhere published accusations from Tarshis, a former actress who said Cosby raped her in 1969. She decided to come forward after seeing renewed media attention on the Cosby allegations.
Tarshis was 19 years old when she flew to Los Angeles to work on a monologue. Friends she was staying with reportedly knew Cosby. She said she met Cosby at a lunch and he took a liking to her.
Cosby reportedly asked Tarshis to work on some material with him one day, and he gave her a drink. Tarshis claimed that she vaguely remembers being undressed by Cosby and telling him that she had an infection so that he wouldn’t have sex with her. He allegedly still sexually assaulted her.
Tarshis told Hollywood Elsewhere about one other incident that allegedly occurred in a hotel room when he invited her to an event. She said she went because she was too ashamed to tell her mother what had happened and turn down the invitation.
She never went to police with the allegations. Tarshis told Philadelphia Magazine: “What could I say? I was 19 years old. I felt, ‘He’s Bill Cosby. He’ll lawyer himself up. I don’t have a lawyer. It’s going to be he said, she said, and they’ll look at me like I’m crazy.’ … My reputation would have been ruined.”
Tarshis also pointed out that at the time the assault allegedly happened, no other women had come forward with similar accusations.
Janice Dickinson
Dickinson, a supermodel and TV personality, is so far the most high-profile woman to publicly come forward and accuse Cosby of sexual assault.
She told Entertainment Tonight in 2014 that the alleged assault happened in 1982. Dickinson said she met Cosby at the request of her agent, who was trying to get her booked on “The Cosby Show.”
Dickinson later landed in rehab for drug and alcohol abuse. She said Cosby called her while she was there, and then after she got out, he invited her to visit him while he was performing in Lake Tahoe. He allegedly told her he wanted to offer her a job and help her develop a singing career.
Dickinson claimed that after she had dinner with Cosby in Lake Tahoe, she had a glass of wine and a pill that Cosby gave her in her room.
She said the last thing she remembers before she passed out was seeing Cosby take off his patchwork robe and get on top of her.
She told ET that she never went to the police about the alleged assault because she was “embarrassed and ashamed” and “was afraid of being labeled a whore or a slut and trying to sleep my way to the top of a career that never took place.”
Dickinson has previously alluded to her issues with Cosby, but hadn’t publicly accused him of sexual assault before 2014. She told ET that she wanted to write about the assault in her 2002 autobiography, but was pressured by Cosby and his lawyers to remove the details of the incident.
She said the alleged assault is one of the “biggest resentments” of her life.
Therese Serignese
Serignese, a nurse in Florida, came forward last year and identified herself as another of the 13 witnesses in Constand’s suit. She claimed that Cosby raped her four decades ago in Las Vegas.
Serignese told The Huffington Post that she met Cosby in 1976 when she was 19 years old.
She was in Las Vegas visiting her mother and Cosby was in town to perform at the Hilton, she told WPTV News. She said she ran into him at the hotel’s gift shop while she was there with her sister looking at jewelry. He reportedly came up to her, put his arm around her, and invited her to come see his show later.
Backstage after the show, Cosby allegedly gave Serignese two white pills. She said the next thing she remembers is Cosby raping her in a bathroom.
She kept in touch with him intermittently throughout the next 20 years, she told HuffPo. There was reportedly one more sexual encounter in 1985.
Serignese also alleges that Cosby put her up in a Hilton penthouse for three weeks after the alleged rape in Las Vegas and then sent her money in 1996 after she got into a car accident.
She said she was initially reluctant to report the alleged assault because she thought no one would believe her, but she eventually came forward after hearing about Constand’s allegations.
Beverly Johnson
In 2014, another high-profile woman came out to accuse Bill Cosby of drugging her: Beverly Johnson, the first black model to appear on the cover of Vogue.
Writing in Vanity Fair, Johnson said that Cosby drugged her in his home in the mid-’80s when she’d gone there to read lines for a part on “The Cosby Show.” Here’s what she said happened when Cosby gave her a cappuccino:
“I knew by the second sip of the drink Cosby had given me that I’d been drugged — and drugged good … My head became woozy, my speech became slurred, and the room began to spin nonstop.”
She said she began shouting at Cosby, prompting this response:
“I recall his seething anger at my tirade and then him grabbing me by my left arm hard and yanking all 110 pounds of me down a bunch of stairs as my high heels clicked and clacked on every step. I feared my neck was going to break with the force he was using to pull me down those stairs.”
While she didn’t allege that Cosby raped her, she did allege that Cosby physically assaulted her.
Chloe Goins
In 2015, a 25-year-old woman named Chloe Goins told the Los Angeles Police Department that Cosby had assaulted her at the Playboy Mansion when she was 18, according to CNN.
While few details of her case have been revealed, it’s notable because the alleged assault took place in 2008. California has a 10-year statute of limitations on rape cases, meaning the case could lead to criminal charges, according to her lawyer, Spencer Kuvin.
“She was drugged. She doesn’t know what happened, she blacked out and woke up finding Mr. Cosby over her as she was in a state of complete undress,” he said, according to CNN.
“I don’t want to go into details about what he was doing, and I don’t believe any of these cameras can actually publish what he was doing,” Kuvin told reporters.
Lili Bernard and Sammie Mays
In 2015, celebrity lawyer Gloria Allred held a press conference to announce that two more women were accusing Cosby of assaulting them: writer Sammie Mays and Lili Bernard, who guest-starred on “The Cosby Show.”
Mays claimed Cosby drugged her in the late ’80s when she was writing about a convention in New Orleans that Cosby attended, according to USA Today. She believes he raped her while she was unconscious.
Bernard says Cosby drugged, raped, and threatened her in the studio of the “Cosby Show” in 1992. She said she still has panic attacks.
“I stand here to take back my power and to confront the fear that has paralyzed me for so many years,” Bernard reportedly said during the press conference with Allred.
While Bernard tried to have criminal charges against Cosby filed in New Jersey, a prosecutor there ultimately decided not to file any.
Others who came forward
Angela Leslie, a former model and actress, claimed in a New York Daily News report published in November 2014 that Cosby assaulted her in a hotel room more than two decades ago. She said she met him in 1990 after she sent him a letter and photo hoping to land a role in his movie “Ghost Dad.”
Cosby reportedly then invited her to the set of his show. She said the alleged assault happened in a hotel suite in 1992 when Cosby asked her to audition for him. Leslie said he gave her a drink and told her to act like she was intoxicated. She didn’t drink what Cosby gave her, but after she came out of the bathroom, Cosby was reportedly lying in bed with his clothes off. Leslie alleges that Cosby took her hand and had her fondle him while he was in bed.
Carla Ferrigno, who is married to the actor Lou Ferrigno, has come forward and said that she experienced an unwanted sexual advance from Cosby at a party in 1967 when she was just a teenager. She was reportedly working as a Playboy Bunny in Los Angeles when she was invited to Cosby’s house. At one point in the evening, Ferrigno was alone with Cosby playing pool, she said. He then forcefully grabbed her and kissed her, she claimed.
She said:
“I had never been treated so roughly and he pulled me hard to him so hard. And then kissed me so hard, right in the mouth. No one has ever been that physically violent with me. I was stunned. I was frozen. I took all my body strength and used both of my arms to stop him and push him away from me. He was so forceful.”
Kristina Ruehli, a New Hampshire woman who says she was one of the unnamed witnesses in the Constand suit, told Philadelphia Magazine that Cosby drugged and tried to sexually assault her in 1965 when she was 22. She said she met Cosby while she was working as a secretary at a talent agency in Beverly Hills. He reportedly invited her to a party at his home one night, but when she arrived, no one else was there. Cosby allegedly gave her two drinks, and after that everything became “foggy,” she claimed. She eventually wound up in one of the bedrooms in the house. Cosby then allegedly tried to force Ruehli to perform oral sex on him. She said she pushed him away, ran into a bathroom, and started throwing up. When she came out of the bathroom, Cosby was reportedly gone, and she left his house.
Renita Chaney Hill, a Pittsburgh woman, told KDKA News that she had a four-year-long relationship with Cosby in the 1980s. She said she believes he drugged and likely raped her when she would go visit him. She was 15 years old when she met him. Hill told KDKA that Cosby would fly her to various cities and she would visit him at his hotel room at night. He would allegedly insist that she drink even though he knew she was underage.
Hill claimed that she would wake up the next day and not remember anything, despite not having that much to drink. She said that during one incident, right before she passed out, she remembers him kissing and touching her.
Linda Traitz, a woman who met Cosby in 1969 when she was waiting tables for a restaurant he co-owned in West Hollywood, came forward to accuse Cosby of sexual assault in an interview with The Washington Post. She said Cosby chatted her up one day at the restaurant and offered her a ride home.
But instead of going home, Cosby drove to the beach and took out a briefcase that had “assorted sections in it, with pills and tablets in it, different colors arranged and assorted into compartments,” she told The Post.
She said she told Cosby that she didn’t want any of the pills, but he reportedly kept insisting. He then allegedly lunged at her and grabbed her chest. When she ran out of the car and onto the beach, he allegedly pursued her and offered to take her home.
Victoria Valentino, a former Playboy Bunny, told The Post that she met Cosby in 1970. Another Playboy Bunny knew Cosby and introduced him to Valentino, who reportedly met him for dinner with a friend one night following their initial meeting. Cosby reportedly offered Valentino and her friend red pills at the end of dinner. She said she then began slurring her words and “couldn’t function.”
Cosby then reportedly drove the pair to an apartment under the pretense of showing them memorabilia from his popular “I Spy” show. It was there that he allegedly assaulted Valentino. She said she never went to the police because “in those days, it was always the rape victim who wound up being victimized.”
Shawn Brown, the only woman Cosby admitted to sleeping with, told the Daily Mail in November 2015 that he also drugged and raped her.
Judy Huth filed a lawsuit in December 2015, claiming that Cosby sexually assaulted her at the Playboy Mansion when she was 15. 
Helen Gumpel, who appeared on one episode of “The Cosby Show,” came forward in 2015 and said Cosby made lewd advances toward her in 1977, according to The Associated Press.
Sunni Welles and Margie Shapiro claimed in 2015 that Cosby sexually assaulted them in the ’60s and ’70s when they were teenagers, according to Reuters.
Autumn Burns, Marcella Tate, and Janice Baker-Kinney, who are all represented by Gloria Allred, came forward in 2015 to claim that they’d been raped by Cosby in the ’70s and early ’80s.
“All this time, and for many, many years, I felt this was my fault,” Kinney said, according to USA Today. “I took the pills from him … I never thought of it as rape … I still felt like I was solely to blame.”
Erin Fuchs contributed to this report.
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NOW WATCH: Here’s footage of Bill Cosby arriving at court after being charged with sexual assault
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