#wow this was really long oops
Random idea, what if Phoebe and Silas' purpose is just to parallel other storylines? You said the possibility of Rosalind and Orion and Roma and Juliette parallels. It is hinted at that Phoebe actually does have feelings for Silas. We don't know why she hasn't acted on them. What if that parallels Celia and Oliver? You know the scene where Celia talks about love not mixing with war. Then, that could also lead into a parallel of the whole BenMars "why didn't you tell me you had ten years" scene. There could literally be so many parallels.
I think the potential parallels between Phoebe and Silas's relationship and other relationships in the Secret Shanghai universe are really interesting. And I think Chloe Gong is absolutely doing it on purpose. Because. The fucking marbles in tpats ohmygod.
Roma and Juliette: Both were/are pitted on opposing sides of a battle when neither of them was particularly attached to their side. (Ik we're not really sure how strongly Phoebe sides with the Communists but I highly doubt that she's quite as into it ideologically as Oliver or Celia.) They also both very innocently met as young children, only to later be forced apart (based on fhh predictions at least).
Benedikt and Marshall: Definitely the friends who spend tons of time together to lovers thing and also potentially the "why didn't you tell me you had ten years" thing you mentioned. But also (and I think that this is just a thing that Chloe likes writing because it's funny) Phoebe and Silas put Orion in the same position that Benedikt and Marshall put Roma where the family member/friend constantly third wheels with two losers who refuse to communicate with each other.
Rosalind and Orion: I think Phoebe's reveal as Priest could potentially have parallels to Rosalind hiding her identity as Fortune and/or Orion's reveal as the killer. Particularly in reference to the scene right after Oliver, Celia, and Phoebe leave Rosalind and Orion's apartment and we get the quote, "All that was unspoken between them would remain unspoken for another night. He only tugged her back and wrapped his arms around her again." Also the scene where Orion is about to confess to Rosalind and she's just like nooope goodnight, especially when you consider that a big part of why Rosalind did that was because she knew she couldn't be in a real relationship with him because of how much she was hiding from him. Also of course the "we have never been real" scene.
Also! A big theme in Rosalind and Orion's relationship and Foul Lady Fortune in general (especially in reference to Rosalind) is the effect of the misconceptions we have of other people, whether they're based on initial assumptions or longstanding beliefs that are consistently reinforced regardless of whether or not they're actually true. (I'm going to make a whole other post ranting about this because I noticed it a little bit ago, and I think what Chloe did was very cool). And Phoebe and Silas definitely play into this theme. Because yeah.
Celia and Oliver: I did not think of this at all before you mentioned it but I agree that there could definitely be a potential parallel there. I think they might parallel the "Nation over everything. But not you sweetheart. Never your life in exchange," scene as well as the "I've seen what love does scene."
Also I would assume that Phoebe hasn't acted on her feelings for Silas yet because she very desperately wants both her normal life and her life as Priest. I think she feels horrible about lying to Silas and everyone she knows (especially given her reaction when Oliver leaves during that scene in Rosalind and Orion's apartment) but knows that if she stops lying, her entire life is likely going to fall apart. I think she's terrified of Silas discovering something and finding her out. Because while I don't think Silas cares about the Nationalists quite as much as he seems to on the surface, I don't think the other characters know that. And I think Phoebe might be scared of what he would do if he were forced to choose between her and the Nationalists. I think she's also potentially scared of his reaction when he finds out how useless a lot of the work he was doing was because of her. Because they wanted to do well together.
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lampochkaart · 8 months
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Little analysis⬇️
I don't think we talk enough about how manipulative Kirumi can be. When she was considered the main suspect, she began to lie, emphasizing that she always valued the needs of others more than her own. This is partly true, but in that situation she was not caring about THEM, but about other people. And in order to remove suspicion from herself (and make everyone vote incorrectly), she used any methods. She even tried to evoke pity by crying. But the dirtiest method she used was that she used Kaede's wish to convince them that she would never try to deceive them. She knew that this wish became a symbol of hope for the group, she knew that Kaede was very important to Shuichi, she knew that it was still very difficult for him to reveal the truth. But she used it to her advantage.
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When she was found out and already chosen as the killer, Kirumi tried to force everyone to fight Monokuma for her (which would inevitably lead to someone's death), causing everyone to feel guilty towards the entire country for which she was responsible. And it almost worked.
But Kaito brought everyone to their senses with his speech that there is no such thing as the “price of life.” They can't just give their lives because "it's would be better that way". Their lives matter. " Life's purpose is to be lived". He firmly stated that he wanted to live, which was actually a very brave act, because people could've called him an egoist for putting his life before the lives of an entire nation. However, he was supported by... Kokichi. He brought the group's attention to what Kirumi was actually trying to do. He revealed that she planned to use them to escape. And she confirmed that he was right with her words.
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Also how different her behavior was before this from how aggressive she becomes when she sees that her tactics didn't work (and at a couple of other points during the class trial when she was just starting to get accused).
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I'm NOT trying to make her out to be a villain and say she's bad. But I don't like how this imperfect side of her character is often ignored. She is often positioned only as a selfless servant, which in my opinion is wrong. I DO NOT deny her selfless devotion, but I believe that the trial brought out another side of her. She really wanted to survive. She really wanted to get out. I believe that one of the reasons of her breakdown was due to the fact that she broke under the pressure of all the responsibility that was placed on her.
In the official manga, Kiyo analogizes their situation to a tradition called "jincan", where many poisonous insects are sealed in a jar and they begin to devour each other until only one insect remains. Kirumi reasons with him that if any being sees a chance to get out of the hell they are locked in, they will do anything to achieve this goal.
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I love how Danganronpa often defies obvious expectations. Like, you expect Kirumi to become a killer because someone will use her and she won't be able to refuse because of her desire to serve. But in reality, she almost sacrificed the lives of the entire group in order to get out herself.
In conclusion, I think it is important to recognize Kirumi not only as a obedient Ultimate Servant, but also as a girl who desperately wants to live, who is ready to do ANYTHING to get out. She is ready to go to great lengths if necessary to achieve this goal.
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Many of Kirumi's moments have a theme of surviving no matter what: her behavior at the Class Trial (the fact that she initially tried to frame Himiko, who can not stand up for herself), her manipulation at the end of the trial, her breakdown before her execution, execution itself, where she tries to escape so desperately that she climbs up a thorny vine through a tunnel, not stopping even when circular saws appear from the walls (her escape attempt was clearly part of the execution, Monokuma knew what she will try to do and made sure to cause her as much despair as possible, giving her hope of getting out).
She wanted to get out not only to continue to serve, but also because she just wanted to survive. She wanted to do something not only for the sake of others, but also for her own sake. Perhaps for the first time in my life.
I love seeing complex characters who have many sides and flaws. So I find it strange to see that sometimes Kirumi is only described as a obedient servant. She is so much more than that. This is exactly what I love about Kirumi, what makes her so interesting.
Uh, hey. I just wanted to ask if you would be intrested in seeing here more of my drv3 analysis (spoiler: most of them are ch 5 related). And if you are, should i make drawings to accompany them (like in the beginning of this post) or just post them as they are
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moeblob · 3 months
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Karen: LMAO every guy I meet reminds me of my big brothers that's so funny except if Paul is already my brother and you're also a brother that's a bit awkward, huh Hot bartender: THATS MOVING REALLY FAST AND I LIKE YOU AS A PERSON BUT - Karen: having my brothers date would be SO WEIRD Hot bartender: Well on the bright side I literally cannot speak more than five words to him so we aren't dating because he's so cute
(Everyone else: that is somehow the most depressing bright side we never want to hear)
#my characters#oops i fell in love#I just think its really funny how i view so many of the cast as either the only child or#somehow still the only child but with twin cousins that he grew up with somewhat like siblings but is older than them#and then THESE TWO LOSERS (beloveds) are definitely younger siblings#there is no way Karen developed her personality without the help of older brothers#there is also a very funny and agonizing thing where she is super single cause she can't view a guy as more than a brother#she meets an asshole and is like wow just getting huge brother vibes from him wtf#and meets the nicest man possible and is like HOW IS HE ALSO LIKE A BROTHER I WILL NEVER LOVE ROMANTICALLY#and she has all of the guy friends and its very clear if they were interested she has long since friendzoned them#but its fine because they all are also convinced that shes exactly what it would be like to have a brother#so its fine its all good no one really agonizes over not romancing her and she just as a found family in everyone#hi my name is salmon and you may recall my feheroes experience where i want to give a certain male all of the siblings#the sibling adopter extraordinaire ? yeah thats basically karen now that i think about it#you know one time at work at my first job there was a girl who had a crush on a guy and we all worked the same shift a lot#and one day she was whining because he was so friendly to me and he looks at the girl straight faced and says#ITS BROS BEFORE HOES aint that right and im like uh huh sure thats exactly right#and later i told him i really wanted to know where she went wrong because i had a crush on him in school until he opened his mouth#and hes like yeah sucks to wanna date me you made the right choice#and i just ..... will never forget that weird guy#he saw me in a hoodie once and goes NO WAY I HAVE THE SAME ONE and then makes sure he brings it in next time we work together to prove it#he was like an annoying younger brother to me and i thought it was very funny that apparently i too am a sibling to him#i might be adopted and i might be biased but i think everyone could use an adopted sibling that they dont live with#thats a special bond ok im just sayin#also sorry its so late tonight i had some uhhhhhh problems haha
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gayhoediaz · 7 months
me throughout my entire life: going out in public and talking to people and interacting takes a lot of energy out of me.
literally everyone including supposed mental health professionals: mhm. because you’re shy and have a lot of social anxiety.
me: uh. no. zero social anxiety actually. not shy. have no issue talking to people it just makes me tired afterwards.
them: mhm. but there must be a rational explanation so it’s because you’re anxious. you must practice.
me: i have practiced my entire life it just created burnout, it’s not gonna change, this is how i work. i could get up on a stage in front of thousands of people and give a speech it wouldn’t make me anxious at all, i’m just tired after.
them: mhm. so you have social anxiety.
me throughout my entire life: *is quiet*
literally everyone including supposed mental health professionals: you’re so shy
me: actually no, i just like to listen and reflect on what’s being said, and i like to think things over. whenever i have something to say, i have no issue saying it, i just naturally examine things from every angle and i want to make sure that my words are a valuable contribution to the conversation.
them: shy <3
me: yeah so my dad kind of traumatized me, he would gaslight and invalidate my fee-
therapists and psychologists: you’re too sensitive <3
me: …and i’m afraid his new kids will also struggle with-
therapists and psychologists: they’re probably not as sensitive as you don’t place your experiences and emotions onto other people
me: i’m depressed
therapist: go to a spa <3
me: you make me uncomfortable i’m not ready to talk about this specific assault that just happened to me please don’t push it
psychologist: therapy is difficult <3 it’s okay to be uncomfortable <3
me: okay but i’m uncomfortable with you - like as a person. and i never agreed to this therapy.
psychologist: therapy is difficult <3 it’s okay to be uncomfortable <3
me: i-
psychologist: listen to the only song that brings you any kind of comfort while i stare at you <3 im sure it won’t ruin the song at all <3
me for 5 years straight: i feel exhausted all the time i feel like a zombie
psychiatrist: hm lets increase the dosage of this extremely heavy anti depressant
me: i don’t think i was ever depressed i think it was burnout but these meds just don’t make me feel good. i’m still exhausted i can’t get out of bed.
psychologists and psychiatrists: lets increase the meds and also you can’t just rely on medication, sweaty, you have to try also.
me: i am tryi-
psychologists and psychiatrists: no <3 try harder <3
me: yeah a few years ago i slowly decreased my anti depressants by myself under the supervision of my family and i feel like i woke up after 5 years in a coma and i am still catching up in life because it was all paused but i feel so much better since quitting therapy because it was just giving me so much extra trauma and frustration with constantly being invalidated and misunderstood. i completely support medication and therapy when it’s necessary but i think it’s harmful to look at professionals as if they’re gods who can’t do anything wrong. i do not, in fact believe that everyone should go to therapy.
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I suddenly wish to post about my genshin oc. The main one at least (looks at the 12 others...) djskfjfk
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More under the cut cause this is gonna be long af
But it's as they grow closer to Kabu that they realized they grew attached, regret filling their head when they remembered the events that are supposed to take place. Should they change them? Can they even do that? Well it wouldn't hurt to try.
So they are someone who was isekaied into genshin, but during the time of Kabukimono. They essentially showed up on island with only the clothes on their back. Of course they're confused as all heck, barely recognizing their surroundings. It's only when they're found by the people of Tatarasuna and see Niwa and Kabukimono do they realize where they are. And very much as expected they freak out internally, thinking over many options they could choose for how to handle their situation.
They were a fool. It did hurt in the end, for they died alongside Niwa. Their heart placed into the box by the doctor and framed as being killed by Niwa himself. They couldn't save the boy (not puppet, they never considered him one) from his fate.
It's only when they wake up near Narukami Shrine do they realize their situation further. They can die in this world, and be returned to the living. From there they decide to wander, since they had no hope of finding the boy once more. They didn't even know how much time had passed since their death. They traveled through the nation of electro exploring what it was before the events they were familiar with.
So more time passes on, and they eventually find a way onto the mainland. They experience more deaths, but more so from them being clumsy and not experienced with dealing with the monsters of Teyvat. It never bothered them, for they knew death wasn't something to truly be afraid of. What more so bothered them was how embarrassing they were when recounting them.
Many years go by before they received word of the traveler, just arriving in Teyvat. With baited breath they slowly followed their footsteps, awaiting for when they could potentially help. While they had learned their lesson in messing with the fate the Heavily Principles had set, they at least had learn they could help with improving the course to such fate.
By the time they arrived in Sumeru, the final fight against the fatui harbinger, now named Scaramouche, was done. Quick to use this opportunity, they rush to speak with Kusanali. While it took some effort to sneak into her chambers, they were greeted with the sight of the little god tending to the unconscious man.
While talking the outlander had asked of the god to potentially erase any memory of them from the man, explaining the regret they held over not being able to help him.
Kusinali, while understanding, had refused to do so, explaining that if they truly regret it then they should attempt to make up for it in the proper way. Instead of running away. This seems to get through to them, so they agreed. Though they weren't surprised when the man had cried upon seeing them before him, rushing to comfort him. And this is where their companionship began once more, with too many small shenanigans of their bonding and blossoming relationship to list off.
That's about as much as I have in my head in terms of story. I mainly prefer to think over their bonding moments. Also yes it is a romantic pairing, just making that clear in case it wasn't.
Honestly I have like several versions of what the confession scene could look like, but also same with so many almost confessions. I just love these two sassing each other and it just turns into this easily readable tension that anyone could fucking see besides for them, or at least the Outlander doesn't see it dhskdjf.
They're so oblivious to Kuni's (what they call him, because they wanted to give some respect to the name he gave himself over the names that was given by others) feelings, they genuinely at first thought he only saw them as either an older sibling figure or a parental figure because of how maternal they were over him during the Kabu days. Meanwhile Kuni is practically this close to screaming in their face he's been in love with them since then, but of course he would refuse to do so because of his own dignity.
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crow-doc-with-a-pen · 2 years
Gov frowned as he nervously rubbed his hands together. He was doing a favor for IDC which apparently meant playing piano for a few of her friends because she had apparently mentioned it one time and they were fairly insistent. And yes, maybe he would've turned it down anyway but he was easily manipulated by his sister.
So he agreed. He was pretty nervous, he genuinely couldn't remember the last time he had been around a piano, much less play. What song could he even play? What song should he play? He didn't know what music IDC's friends liked. He sighed, deciding that he would just run through a couple scales and patterns to warm up and see where he went from there.
He was suddenly reminded of a song that IDC had shown him a while back. She had said that it reminded her of him. Looking at the translation of the song he wasn't really sure what to think of that. Even though it had been so long, the notes came easily.
Niemand kommt rein und setzt sich hin
Den Fuss auf den Tisch, die Hand unters Kinn
Niemand ist hungrig, mein Frühstücksmenü
Niemand kommt immer zu früh
And the words flowed just as easily.
Niemand, ich habe Geschenke für Dich
Was wäre ich geworden gäb es Dich nicht
Meine gesammelten Werke, bitte sehr
Alles gehört Dir
He sank into the music, despite the somber tone of the song he felt himself smile.
Niemand, niemand kennt mich wie Du
Unbedingt, ich geb alles zu
Keine Enttäuschung, kein einziges Mal
Aber Dir ist eh alles egal
He felt himself relax completely as focused entirely on the gentle waltz
Niemand, siehst Du's ich wachse nicht mehr
Meine Hände sind Füsse, niemand schau her
Bald bin ich nichts und das was dann bleibt
Ist Deine Wenigkeit
He smiled, playing always felt like a dance in of itself, one that he hadn't realized that he had missed so much.
Niemand, was, was willst Du?
Immer bist Du hier
Niemand, was, was willst Du
Von mir?
Von mir?
Von mir?
He huffed, satisfied with his playing. His singing could probably use some work but that's why he was playing for no one right now. At least, that was what thought until he heard clapping that almost made him fall out of his seat and yelp.
He looked up to see IDC and a few others who he didn't remember the names of. He could feel the color drain from his face. He cleared his throat and adjusted his tie. "Umm. Hello." He didn't know what to say.
One of them, a taller man with strong features blinked, Gov noticed the faintest hint of tears in his eyes. "Hallo. You have very good pronunciation." The man spoke with a heavy German accent. Gov flushed and muttered a quiet thank you. IDC raised a brow at the two of them before grinning.
"One, told you he can play. Two, I told you you'd do fine. So three, you guys should listen to me more often." She said almost absent mindedly as she did something on her phone. She smiled at Gov, something mischievous in her expression. That didn't bode well for him.
He was quickly distracted from his sister by the other states and provinces. He ended up playing a few more songs, all varying in genre. They were all songs that the states had suggested he listen to at one point or another. By the time everyone was ready to split ways, his hands ached with every movement.
Favor completed, he flew back to the state house the next day, too exhausted to see the way IDC seemed to have certain glint in her eyes. It wasn't until he got back to the state house, tired and ready to collapse into his bed that he realized what his sister had planned.
He had barely set foot in the door when he was confronted by Louisiana and Florida. "Maid sha, how was the 'business trip'?" He put an odd emphasis on business trip but Gov was much too tired to care. He just shrugged and yawned.
He pushed his way past the chaos duo, intent of his bed when he stopped dead in his tracks. Someone was playing music, which wouldn't have been anything new or worrying if it wasn't his voice singing with the piano. He slowly turned back to Louisiana and Florida.
Louisiana was holding up his phone, where he could clearly see himself playing in the video. It was specifically a jazzy, nearly ragtime piece that Louisiana himself had shown the fed once. The southern state's mischievous grin softened. "I didn't know you liked it that much sha."
Gov felt himself blush even as Florida chimed in, "I didn't know you could sing or play. Where have ya been hiding this?" He sounded slightly scandalized but his tone was still light-hearted. Gov just shrugged, he hadn't wanted to tell any of the states, a cruel voice in the back of his mind always said that they would hate and ridicule him for it.
"We should play together sometime sha" Louisiana grinned at him happily. Gov nodded tiredly.
"Alright, but maybe so other time. Right now I need sleep." The two southerners nodded and let him go to sleep. Gov fell asleep with a warm feeling in his chest.
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mothwingedmyths · 2 years
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And here's the previously mentioned Proto angst
I had a very different idea in the beginning but I couldn't figure out how to make it look good but tbh I like this a lot better
And I have a square brush now so that'll be snazzy too
Okay back to silly bards and grumpy witches and arrogant paladins (and quite possibly some sad bugs hehehehehehe)
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
your wrist was hurting sorry man I know how drawing and presumably college work does that get well soon ❤️‍🩹
LMAO NAW ITS FINE for one thing my hurt wrist is my non-writing/drawing hand so i can still draw/write/use utensils, drawing's just a lot slower without my hotkeys so i figure this is a sign i should take a proper break and rest up. plus i hurt my wrist rollerskating so dont worry i didnt sprain anything from drawing too much
#snap chats#genuinely surprising ive not seriously hurt my left wrist from drawing#i mean- some years back my wrist did really hurt for a few days but i dont think it was as bad of a strain as this#i take real good care of my left wrist since then anyhow so im not worried about getting another drawing-induced injury#like i said last ask tho my wrist feels a lil better compared to yesterday so hopefully i can get back to it soon#got plenty of things i wanna doodle and write and while i can write with one hand... this is a nightmare LMAO#'snap i thought you were sleeping' uhhhhh Oops <3 i started playing y7 again but before i did i was watching a vid#and now im watching it agan so.. lol#so funny while i was playing tho my sis walked in and started watchin and crackin jokes#shes so funny... SO FUNNY she saw sawashiro and was like 'wow he looks like a real guy'#to which Of Course i was like 'oh yeah its cause hes modeled after a real guy :)' an she was like OOOOHHHH ok#and then she saw arakawa and was like 'see he doesnt look real' and then i had to be like 'bro hes Also based off a real guy' LMAO#yeah... super silly.... i always love playin games when shes around even if shes never SUPER invested#i appreciate that she still watches an can still be funny. goofy as hell she was like 'these cutscenes are so long--#didnt uou play this game last summer ??? how many times have you played this' and i was just Uuuuhhh Seven :)#LMAO HER FACE but she was all 'awww :)' when i tol her i was letting the cutscenes play out so she could watch#ok im done rambling i just said typing like this is a nightmare and it is so im stopping now BYE
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fatcowboys · 1 year
very funny in hindsight how i was assuming i wasnt paying close enough attention and missing a detail or two and now its incredibly likely that they probably just mentioned stuff bc they assumed (correctly. it was a correct assumption i am a fool) that people would. Read the books on order and thus not need to detail on things already gone over in the first book
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mychemikuromance · 1 year
Ruh roh..
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8, 10, and 14 for the wip ask game?? :)
8- in ten words or less, what are the themes of the piece, intentional or otherwise?
the idea for this fic spawned from me remembering that aziraphale “doesn’t need sleep” and thinking that maybe aziraphale never has slept, so i thought it would be nice if he and crowley had a silly little sleepover. at first i didn’t think it really had any notable themes other than “wouldn’t that be cool,” but upon further thought, i would say the themes are: healing, discovering your own autonomy, letting go (of a variety of things), and probably something about the power of friendship i think. oh and something about transitionary periods in life too.
10- what do they currently need?
on the large scale, to step back, re-examine their existences and decide what to do with themselves, but in a more immediate sense, to get wasted and then get un-drunk, play some scrabble or something and have a good long nap :)
14- what do you like about this WIP?
i think i’m succeeding at striking a balance between imitating the writing style of good omens the book (which i absolutely love) and my own writing style, which makes me very happy. i also think that it’s pretty funny; it starts with aziraphale unintentionally scaring the shit out of a tax inspector guy with his perfect accounting (and then crowley on purpose scaring the guy to be an asshole, lmao).
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astrxealis · 2 years
man i wanted ffxv comrades for the longest time. fun fact but like. it's been less ever since i got into ffxiv but i've always been super into games w character customization (bcs ocs or self-insert stuff lol) !! so all mmos i've gotten into (most on mobile bcs i never really was a pc gamer </3 or played online games on ps until xiv) are bcs of the character customization actually. even ffxiv (but also esp bcs i love final fantasy). man i hope i can get ffxiv comrades sometime ??
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#either character customization or bcs of friends btw! uh i've played like. black desert (mobile only </3) and there was toram online#man i trolled people on there with my friend who is now famous on tiktok (sorry it's just really funny /pos to me)#does dragon raja count. ALSO i want to play lost ark sometime and other mmos (esp pso2) hehehe.#but yeah! character customization <3 but i think i can also say i'm definitely into mmos HGSJBHBEGHB#ffxiv actually i heard of a long time ago... bcs of my dad actually GOD i love my dad sm#he once showed us a trailer for. idk whether 1.0 or 2.0 but yeah but then 'oops nvm it's online' BUT HAHA IRONIC NOW LMFAO#dad. i want to get him into ffxiv! dude has played like wow and diablo apparently so <3 (i want to play those too sometime)#also i miss playing shooter gamesss i only ever played a lot of those games on mobile + some cod games i have on xbox#and then apex for. one day on ps LMFAO but i want to get into others too ^___^ but i don't want to support blizzard at all yuck#but i want to at least have the experience so. yeah!#BUT YEAH after that trailer i think a few years later ofc super interested in character customization games#so there was ffxv comrades which was great bcs then we were suuuper into ffxv. and then we also got more interested in xiv bcs of ^^#wow... memories are so interesting. i wonder how i remembered a long time after that our dad showed us ffxiv a long long time ago#i rmbr around that time i still had my angsty emo comfort ocs :)) LMFAO. but then it slowly developed into the sort of#found family i kinda made for myself. they're still in my head i love them a lot so very much!#idk what i'm talking about anymore oh well but yeah that's how i got into ffxiv bcs of ffxv and character customization#and my history with mmos and shooter games it seems.#i still want ffxv comrades btw. one day! i really just love ff(xv) okay
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yeehawvamp · 9 months
finished fruits basket after years of putting it off and i cant rlly understand why ppl hate akito so much. or maybe it was just the naivety of being young cuz her situation was fuckin rough and sure she shouldn't have lashed out like she did (many, many times) but still, she never had the tools to be anything else for as long as she had up to that point. so many of her actions were needlessly cruel and otherwise just flat out mean and yet, i can't find it in me to hate her. she's such a fascinating character. oh n don't even get me started on shigure.
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ablazeinhim · 11 months
I went out with my childhood bestie's friend group the other night and it really made me realize that I'm very picky about my friends. 😂
As I've been reflecting on it the past couple days I've put a few things together about like who somebody was and stories my friend has told me. And girl, some some of these situations and some of these people's actions and attitudes, like... I find it a little hard to believe that these are my friend's type of people.
And maybe they were all just having really bad days/times in life when those things happened and they acted that way, but some of them I'm like yeah I would be pulling away hard. I would always rather have fewer friends and know they're supportive and dependable and honest and loving, than many friends who aren't a perfect fit. And often that means I do shit alone, because my friends are busy people, or they live far. And I'm ok with that.
I don't wanna mask in front of my friends, or watch what I say, or be scared to talk about what I believe. I need open communication and mutual respect.
***I rambled about the night and decided it was distracting from what I actually wanted to say so I cut that part out of the middle and put it here in case you want to read the post in it's og form:
I can fall in love in an instant and vibe with people so hard, so it's not that. Like the other week I was in Ohio for a friend's wedding and I got to meet his twin brother and childhood friends and fucking loved them all. The vibes were excellent, the energy exquisite. Me and one of them laughed constantly when next to each other. No awkwardness at all. We took stupid group pictures in the yard. I left longing to be their friend.
That was not the vibe of the other evening. I didn't have a bad time, but I didn't gel with any of them. My friend and I carpooled, so on the way home she did tell me that it was kind of a weird night.
But I don't think it would have made a difference.
It was clear a couple of them were "partiers." I love a party, and I *am* a good time. But I don't drink and it was clear that was typically a big aspect/the main activity. My idea of a fun night out is a light dinner(so I don't have to worry about leftovers. Definitely snacking later at home) followed by something entertaining (my top choices would probably be a drag show or an arcade) and then dancing. I NEED dancing. Please God get me in the room with the queers and the neurodivergent DJ. I could skip all the other things as long as I can vibe on the dance floor with my loved ones.
We went out to dinner and to the gay bar. Both things I like!
And there was no dancing! One of them was adamant, "I don't dance." WHY. Why would you deny yourself the joy of movement. The embodiment of sound. Why would you declare it like it's something you can't wait to spit out of your mouth.
Why was there so much talk of past times getting fucked up (and presumably that was a positive experience for them). [This also probably wasnt discussed a TON, but it was multiple times and since I'm not into that personally it really stood out to me--like if you wanna tell me about the party that's great, but like can you tell me a funny story from it or something, instead of just how much your bar tab was?]
One of the people was abrasive and aggressive (in energy) in a way that did not make me feel safe or at ease.
Maybe it's because they're an established group and it was my first time with them. Maybe it's because I'm neurodivergent and introverted. Whatever it was, it just wasn't my scene. And that's ok. None of them were mean.
Someone we ran into that night is not really someone that my friend likes, but despite that, my friend still buys this person's art and still is considering doing a group activity with them before this person moves like an hour away. And internally I was like...why? Why would you spend time with people who send you mixed signals and act in an emotionally abusive manner???
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reikook · 1 month
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summary: y/n finds herself caught in a web of as she develops unexpected feelings for her brother's best friend once she comes back from uni for summer break. initial hesitation, the undeniable connection between them pulls her closer, leading to a forbidden romance that tests loyalties and boundaries.
parring: fuckboy!jk x richgirloc
warnings: jk has some anger issues.., they play tennis alott brother best friend trope, y/n brother is taehyung, situationship, secret relationship kinda?, jungkook used to fw y/ns bestie OOP, thier all rich asf smut. angst drug use. and many more to come in other chapters
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“Y/n! Taehyung!” their mother said hugging them both. “it’s been so long i miss my kiddos!”
They unloaded the car quickly, and as soon as they were done, y/n picked up her suitcase and book bag and headed straight for her old bedroom.
It had calico wallpaper and a white bedroom set and not to mention it was huge. she went over to her night stand and saw a white framed picture of her as a middle schooler and she quickly put it in the drawer “ew”
Y/ns mom knocks on her door “get dressed Taehyung is inviting his friends over for dinner
Y/n groans knowing his douche friends are coming over.
“Wear something nice!” Y/n mother said leaving her be in her room. Y/n flops on her bed and sighs heavily falling to sleep from the long airplane trip.
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Y/n decided to wear a black crop top and light washed blue baggy jeans with black and white converse. She went downstairs of her almost mansion and saw his friends. She already knew them but there was a new member?
He had fluffy black hair, black shirt and jorts with black sambas and tattoos going down his arm with sliver chrome hearts bracelet and a lip piercing. Holy fuck.
Y/n sneaked up back upstairs to her room and added mascara and concealer. Then went back downstairs and sat down at the neatly seat dinner table
“You have a nice home Mrs. L/n” jimin said stuffing his face with the salad. “Aw thank you sweetheart!” Her mom responded, Y/n almost cringed by her mom acting fake and nice
“Y/n can you hand me the bread please?” Taehyung butted in. She reached over and handed it to him
“So.. jungkook? Is that your name?” Jungkook nodded knowing he’s about to be questioned
“You have a lot of tattoos wow.. what did your parents say?” Y/n mom says
“Mom stop” Taehyung whispers to her
“It’s fine my parents didn’t really care about them and I like them a lot so”
Y/ns mom hummed
“And what about you y/n how’s school going? I mean they’ve been calling me alot so”
She shrugged playing with her food. This is the worst thing ever for y/n
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After dinner y/n took a shower and changed into a hoodie and shorts and laid on her bed watching tiktok trying to keep her mind off that hottie. She went quickly to Instagram to find him but was quickly interrupted.
Taehyung barged in her room “yo wanna play tennis”
Y/n got up and put her phone on the charger and put on her tennis shoes and grabbed her racket from her closet .They both walked to the tennis court and grabbed the tennis ball
“Ready?” Taehyung yelled out
Y/n hit the ball.
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“I’m gonna get a drink of water” y/n called out dropping her racket and walking out of the court and went to the clubhouse and there he was standing there with a blunt in his hand
“Oh shit” jungkook said throwing it away quickly
“I don’t care about that” y/n said filling up her water bottle”
“Wait I think i remember you” jungkook said looking at her intensely “oh shit it’s you! Weren’t you friends with what’s her name.. oh yea Elise. God she was a bitch, no offense”
“What?” Y/n said confused totally of what he just said
“Elise your friend? We dated for like a month or some shit senior year in high school
“I don’t know. I mean she’s my friend but she never told me about you
“Such a bitch..” he said looking up and getting flashbacks
“Shes coming to see me this week I think”
“Eh I don’t care I have no feelings for her anymore as long if I don’t see her dumb face”
Y/n laughed at that “when did u become friends with taehyung?”
“Like this year I was his plug then we just became friends I guess
“Taehyung smokes?”
“No edibles big baby”
Y/ns mouth formed a “o”
“Do you smoke?
“Um.. no I play tennis for my school”
“Boring. Anyway it was nice talking to you.. are u gonna get that”
Y/n looked to see her water bottle was overfilling “Oh thanks”
He walked past her and walked out of her sight. Y/n smiled to herself walking back to the court. “The fuck were you doing?” Taehyung called out
“Nothing? I said I was filling up my water bottle”
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a/n: hope yall enjoyed this one pls give me feedback this is like my first story ever and this is inspired by euphoria and challengers the movie!
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horangare · 9 months
omggg please do a part 2 to the dilf jeonghan fic
tis the season
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pairing : dilf!jeonghan x college student!reader
content : smut (mdni u already know)
in which : it’s time for christmas break, and iseul is asking you to buy some time with her father so she can finish her last minute shopping. you’ve been meaning to spend some one on one time with her dad, and now you finally can
warnings : age gap (late 40’s jeonghan, early 20’s reader), daddy kink (i’m sorry but it’s also like barely there), pet names (princess, baby, good girl, slut, whore, sir), dom & sub dynamics, dumbification, teasing (dirty talk, degradation, praise), mentions of multiple orgasms, fingering, finger sucking, lingerie kink (kinda? i think?), u two want each other so bad, iseul (yeah she’s a warning in this one lol), hannie’s kinda mean but u like it
wc : 3.3K words
note : i was wondering how long it would be before someone requested this. srry it took so long omg i had no idea what i wanted to do w this i literally had like 3 diff ideas
part 1
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By now, the Yoon household had become like a second home to you.
Even though it was just Iseul, Jeonghan, and that big maze of a house, it didn’t ever feel like anything was missing. Since Iseul brought you over the first time, things hardly ever changed. You’d still slept in Iseul’s room whenever you slept over (until Jeonghan made one of the guest rooms into a room for you, then the two of you both started having your sleepovers there), you still took a wrong turn trying to find the bathroom and ended up in the kitchen or the laundry room, and you still ended up bent over on a new surface somewhere in the house while Jeonghan had his way with you.
It was a comfortable routine. One you were upset would have to abandon for the next three weeks to drag yourself back to your dull little hometown to spend time with your family and a handful of other relatives who’s names you couldn’t remember even if you tried.
“You know you could just come stay with us,” Iseul said offhandedly one day when you mentioned how much you were dreading on returning home. The suggestion hadn’t held that much meaning when Iseul gave it, she already knew just how much you enjoyed coming over, but in that moment she had become your saving grace.
“Really? You mean it?” The girl just nodded, jumping in surprise when you pulled her into a hug and spun her around. “What would I do without you, Iseul?”
“Wow, it’s that bad, huh?” She laughed, patting you on the shoulder once you had placed her back on the ground.
“Oh please, you have no idea.”
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You rode in Iseul’s car for the first time the next day. When she asked how you were planning to get there and you mentioned the countless number of times you’ve Ubered back and forth to her house, she nearly started crying and promised to drive you anywhere you wanted from now on. “Do you know how much money that adds up to? No more Ubers!”
So now here you were, in the passengers seat of Iseul’s white Honda Accord, gripping onto the handle above the door as Iseul sped down the roads with the most stoic look on her face you think you’ve ever seen. The Ubers may have been expensive, but at least they were safe. It confused you a little; you had ridden in the car with Jeonghan at the wheel before and never had an experience like this. Clearly Iseul hadn’t inherited those skills from him, but right now you were wishing she had.
“Are you alright?” She looked over at you when the car finally came to a stop at a red light. You nodded, one of your hands flat against your chest as you felt your heart threatening to beat right out of your ribcage. Iseul smiled, either ignoring the panic you were trying to hide or not picking up on it at all as she sped off as soon as the light had turned green. “We’re gonna take a shortcut, there’s way too much traffic right now and—shit!” The car lurched to a halt, both you and Iseul’s bodies jerking forward with the sheer force of the stop. “Oops, I almost hit the curb.”
You really needed your own car.
After spending the next eight minutes in Iseul’s death trap car, you pretty much threw yourself out of the seat when you saw that she was pulling into the garage to the side of the house. You considered kissing the ground, but you didn’t. Your sister was a worse driver.
“Dad, we’re home,” Iseul shouted into the warm interior of the house. There was no immediate verbal response from Jeonghan, he just snaked his way through the hallways of the space with a mug in his hands and a smile on his face.
“Hi, Seulie,” He hummed, letting his eyes wander over to you. “Hello, [Y/n].”
“Hi, Mr. Yoon.”
“How was the drive? Was there a lot of traffic?” Jeonghan had already started retreating back to the living room, you and Iseul followed, seating yourselves next to each other on the couch.
“It was fine. The traffic wasn’t so bad, everyone’s probably going to the airport.” Iseul hummed. She turned her head in your direction. “Dad’s happy you’re staying over. He pretends like he’s calm about it, but he giggled when I called him and told him earlier.”
Your body flushed with heat at your friend’s casual comment, your eyes flitting over to Jeonghan, who was staring down into his mug. The two of you haven’t gotten to spend much time together for a while since you were usually coming over to spend time with Iseul lately. He missed you.
“We’ll have the next three weeks to spend together, sir.” You smiled, finally getting him to look back at you. One of his eyebrows quirked upwards—he was expecting to keep that promise, but he wouldn’t say it. He would just expect you to act on it.
And you would.
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You hadn’t acted on it.
A week into staying with Iseul and Jeonghan, you had spent almost every waking moment of your time with your friend. Baking cookies, decorating the house, watching Christmas movies, going ice skating for the first time in your life (and having Iseul laugh at you until she cried when you ate shit on the ice over and over again), and a plethora of other festive events. You had been having such a good time with her, the promise you made to Jeonghan had let itself slip from your mind. The most the two of you could do was kiss for a few seconds before Iseul came popping up from around a corner or shouting your name to the house in hopes of a response. She was his daughter, and you were her friend, but he was losing his patience. All he wanted was some time to have you all to himself.
Maybe today he would finally get the chance.
Monday morning greeted you with a six am phone call from Iseul, which you answered, your mind and voice still riddled with sleep. “Hello?”
“So sorry to call you so early, but I am totally gonna make it up to you.”
“Iseul, what—”
“Look, I have to finish shopping for presents. I don’t know when I’ll be done, there’s kind of a lot on my list,” She explained, and you thought she was joking. It was just her, you, and Jeonghan. How long could the list possibly be? “Anyway, I just wanted to let you know where I was. Something else…oh! Maybe spend some time with dad while I’m away. He gets lonely, y’know. Okay, that’s all, bye!” Iseul hung up the phone before you could even process everything she had said, leaving you staring at the device in your hand dumbfounded.
“Okay.” You sighed, dragging yourself out of bed and to the bathroom (the one connected to your new room, because you were sick and tired of almost pissing yourself because you walked into the study instead) to freshen up.
Finally, you thought. Finally you’d have private time to spend, just you and Jeonghan. The time you spend with Iseul was precious to you, obviously, the girl was your best friend. But if you said the reason you had wanted to come over was just to avoid your family and bond with Iseul, you’d have been lying. You smiled to yourself, wondering what the two of you would do, and you squeezed your thighs together if it would be anything like you had come to finish your midterm project.
You jumped at the sound of the door opening and peeked your head out of the bathroom, your body relaxing when you saw Jeonghan standing in the doorway, his hands behind his back. You sighed with relief, bending over slightly to spit out the toothpaste in your mouth and wiping your mouth.
“Do you and Iseul always wake up so early?” You asked him as he got closer. He shook his head.
“It’s usually just me that’s up at this time.” He mumbled. “Where is she, anyway?”
“Last minute shopping.” You said, finally turning your body to face his. His hands were still behind his back, and Jeonghan smirked when you tried to peek at what he was hiding. “What is that?”
“What, this?” He shrugged. “Oh nothing. Just something I picked up one day. It’s supposed to be your present, but I guess it wouldn’t hurt to give it to you now, hm?”
You gasped, your heart swelling with the knowledge that Jeonghan had gone out and gotten something for you. Both of his eyebrows shot up at the excitement creeping onto your face and he quickly turned away from you.
“Or maybe I should just wait until Christmas. You wouldn’t mind, would you? I’m sure the presents Seulie got for you will be better than this.” Still smirking, Jeonghan started to walk away but stopped in place when you pulled on his arm.
“No! I’m sorry sir, really am.” You pouted, reaching to try and take the present from Jeonghan, but he easily held it just out of your reach. “Iseul will be gone for a while. It’s…just the two of us.”
Jeonghan groaned at that. He loved his daughter, but he’d gone too long without getting to have you all to himself. Turning back around, Jeonghan placed the gift in your hands. “Alright, princess. Just one condition before you open this.”
“Anything for you, sir.” You but your lip in anticipation, eagerly awaiting the response he would give you. Jeonghan leaned down, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
“You have to do anything I say, got that?” You exhaled shakily, but you still nodded, and Jeonghan cupped your face, swiping his thumb along your bottom lip.
“Good girl,” he murmured, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. He tasted good, sweet, like hot chocolate. That’s probably what he’s been drinking in that mug everyday. When he pulled away, you whined, much to Jeonghan’s delight. “I’m not going anywhere. Go on, open your present.”
You smiled, giving your full attention to the neatly wrapped box in your hands, gently untying the silver ribbon holding it together and lifting the top of the box up. You gasped. Lingerie. Jeonghan got you lingerie. “S-sir, I…”
“Put it on for me. Right here.”
Stunned into silence by his abrupt request, your clothing was thrown to the ground with haste. Jeonghan watched you the entire time from his seat on the edge of your bed, drinking in the way you would fidget and avoid making eye contact with him. Yeah, you were a little nervous. He’s never asked you to strip for him, usually he would just rip off your clothes to avoid wasting any time. He really seemed to be enjoying the fact that Iseul was away.
“It’s pretty, sir.” You whispered, tracing your fingers over the delicate lace now adorning your skin. It was white with pale pink detailing, and the bra piece had mesh slips that went all the way around your upper body. The bottom piece was a thong with a slit at the crotch. Oh, and one more tiny little detail. It was almost entirely see through. “Did you have to get something with one of these…holes?”
Jeonghan nodded, pulling you into his lap, your back flush against his chest. “Makes things easier,” he said, trailing his fingers up your inner thigh. You exhaled shakily at the feeling of them circling around your wet hole. “Already so wet for me, aren’t you?” You nodded, unable to stop the moan that spilled from your lips when he pushed one of them inside you.
There was nothing Jeonghan wanted more than to fuck you senseless right now. He’d been holding himself back for a week. Just the sounds of your moans and the way he had to hold you down just to get you to stop squirming had his cock straining against his pants. The only reason he bothered with foreplay was so you’d take him without a fuss (and because he liked it when you begged him not to stop).
Your head fell back onto Jeonghan’s shoulder at the addition of a second finger, your eyes screwed shut and your mouth hanging open while you panted and whined. “F-Feels s’ good, sir. Missed this so much. Missed you so much.”
“Missed you too, baby,” Jeonghan mumbled, curling his fingers up inside of you to hit that spot that had your head spinning. You’re shaking and sweating and you can’t think straight, the feeling of Jeonghan’s fingers caressing your insides forces any other thoughts out of your head. Just when you think you can’t handle anything else, Jeonghan suddenly pinches your swollen clit, the sensation making you tighten around his fingers as you scream. “Liked that, didn’t you?” He repeated the action, the corners of his lips tilting upwards when your body reacted the same way once again.
“Mmm, yeah, liked it so much, sir. Gonna c-cum, can I?” You forced your eyes open to look at him, the pleasing look on your face doing nothing but making him harder. If he didn’t need to fuck you so bad, he would’ve said no. Seeing as this wasn’t the case, Jeonghan nodded, despite wanting this to last just a little longer.
“Yeah, princess. Go ahead and cum for me.”
His permission was all you needed before you allowed yourself to fall apart on his fingers. You cry out his name over and over until you’re left breathless. Jeonghan continues to finger you until your high has passed, and once it has, he pulls his fingers out and holds them up to your mouth. “Open,” he says, and you allow your lips to part enough for him to stick them into your mouth.
The taste of yourself on your own tongue and the action itself has you groaning, and you close your lips around his fingers, sucking off every last drop of your release.
“Good girl, sucking my fingers like the whore you are. I almost forgot how much of a slut you are,” This time, Jeonghan groans at your actions, pulling his fingers away. When you finally opened your eyes again, he was already naked. Oh, naked Jeonghan, one of your favorite sights, by far. Leaning forward, you ghosted your hands over the base of his cock, which had the older man moaning. “Fuck, baby, so desperate for my cock aren’t you? Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”
You fell backwards onto the bed and gazed up into Jeonghan’s eyes, holding onto his arms tightly as the tip of his cock slipped into your aching pussy. It had been long—too long—that you had gone without the satisfying feeling of Jeonghan stretching you apart and filling you to the brim, you almost forgot how good it felt. Jeonghan felt the same, he had long craved the warmth of your insides, how wet you’d get for him so easily, how you so easily obeyed his every order.
He didn’t bother to start off slow, not when he had been waiting so long to finally have you like this. His pace was rough and unforgiving, each thrust seemed deeper than the last, but still you loved every second of it.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, wanting his to be as close to you as he could possibly be. “Ah! Yes, right there, sir!” You cried, out as his cock abused your sweet spot, your eyes rolling back into your head.
“Feels so good, doesn’t it, princess? You like it when I fuck you like this? Hm? When I use this tight, cute little pussy of yours?”
You nodded, the words you had planned to say dying at the back of your throat and being replaced by sounds that were a combination of grunts and moans. With one of his hands, Jeonghan held onto your face, trying to get you to look at him. Your eyes were glassy and unfocused with lust, and Jeonghan grinned at your fucked-out state.
“Oh baby, if only you could see yourself,” He groaned. “So fucking pretty, you can’t even use your words. All you can do is moan like the little cockslut you are, isn’t that right?” Just like he had done before, Jeonghan’s fingers pinched your clit, once again making you cry out with pleasure.
You tried to speak—to warn him of your imminent orgasm, but all you could squeak out were a chorus of high-pitched whines as the man above you pushed you closer to your release. He seemed to get the hint though, with the way your hole clenched around his cock, making it harder for him to move.
“Gonna cum, princess?” You squeaked again. “Aw, I know, baby. Poor sweet thing, can’t even tell me yourself. You don’t need to ask me, since I’m sure you would’ve cum anyway. But go ahead, cum.” His tone was so mean and condescending, and that was exactly that tone that made you cum for a second time.
Not even a moment after you had cum, Jeonghan was following you over the edge, pushing his cum deeper into your pulsating core all while your spent body shuddered beneath him. He shushed you, stroking your hair to get you to become calm and quiet once more before snapping his hips forward again.
“S-sir! I’m still…” Jeonghan shushed you again, never letting up with the fast pace he had set earlier on. His hips snapped against yours, the sound of skin against skin being one of the only sounds in the room aside from your pornographic moans and the occasional groans or rare grunt from Jeonghan. You were so out of it, you couldn’t even stop the words that came flying out of your mouth. “D-Daddy, please…”
You don’t think you’ve ever heard Jeonghan moan so loud.
“It’s alright baby, Daddy’s got you.”
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The two of you continued for what felt like hours. Several different positions, a dozen more orgasms, one very long bath, and a two-hour long nap later, you could finally feel your body again. You blinked, looking around the room when Jeonghan opened the door.
“You’re awake,” his smile was gentle. “Do you need anything?”
You shook your head. “No, that’s alright, thank you.”
Jeonghan made his way to the bed and knelt down in front of you. “I didn’t hurt you, did I, baby?” The concern was written all over his face, the idea of you being in any sort of pain or discomfort would absolutely break his heart. Now you were the one smiling.
“No, never. If that were the case I would’ve told you, sir,” you tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear, letting your hand linger on the side of his face. “I think I’m in love with you.” You confessed quietly, almost as if you were afraid to admit it.
“You’re really gonna act all shy after everything we’ve done today?” He teased you, resting his head on your thighs. “Don’t worry, princess. I love you too.”
Don’t worry princess, I love you too.
You could’ve died right then. Jeonghan’s cheek on your thigh, his breath tickling your skin, reciprocating his love for you. Nothing could be better. Just you, Jeonghan, and—
“Hellooooo? [Y/n]? Dad? I’m home.”
“Iseullllll!” You shouted. Jeonghan pulled himself away despite his reluctance to part from you and stood himself up right as Iseul walked into the room.
She gasped. “Dad? You’re here too? Did I miss something?”
“Nothing at all, Seulie.” Jeonghan assured his daughter, his hand on her back as he walked her out of the room. “Did you find everything you were looking for? Nothing happened to the car, right?”
“I drive fine, what do you mean? You’re mean, you know that? [Y/n] never complains about my driving.”
He spared you one last glance, and your heart skipped a beat. It was just like the last time. Except this time, you loved Jeonghan, and he loved you back.
And that was the only thing you could ever want for Christmas.
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