juvelic-archive · 1 year
Xeniric is an umbrella term to describe any attraction to xenogender/xenine individuals, and a standalone term as a non-straight identity. Anyone who experiences attraction to xenine/xenogender individuals can use this term.
Xenine equivalent to mascic, femaric, and enboric.
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[Image ID: a rectangular flag with three vertical stripes in the following colors, from left to right: black, white, yellow. /end ID]
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daylightcommand3 · 2 months
War Bots: self-elimination voice lines
Poppett: *groan* “Another copycat.”
Velenna: “Not. Funny.”
Martinet: “Impeccable disguise… Atrocious acting.”
Navea: “Thought it’d be more of a challenge.”
Formann: “Slow AND steady, pal.”
Harmony: “An imitator? Here?”
Xenir: “I didn’t know I had a twin!?!”
Sorsier: “I really should be more careful with that duplication spell.”
Otto: “Sorry. I don’t have room for a partner.”
Nekross: “Finally. An easier way to experiment on myself.”
Burnett: “Too slow.”
Arber: *sigh* “Back to being the only one.”
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xenizaation · 2 years
hey! been a while...
shall we have a little tmi moment?
tw: ed, depressive state.
life's shitty, always has been but what surprises me most is that it keeps getting worse every time i try to make it better. i don't do much lately. i don't work, i don't write, i don't really talk. i eat a lot, i hate myself for it. i've been thinking a lot too. leads me nowhere if i'm being honest. the more i think, the more i know. the more i know, the more i don't. tough spot innit?
got some inspiration tho, i'll try to channel it into writing something but we'll see how it goes.
how are you, really? i'd love to hear.
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purplekoop · 2 months
With the pre-release of Overwatch's first (definitively) non-binary playable character showing a somewhat predictable clash between dudebro shooter fans and pronouns, I have to wonder a bit far in advance how they'd handle War Bots with its roster being 20% non-binary.
This is also me taking the chance to say outright that Wilderoad, Xenir, Sorsier, and Nekross are all NB and use exclusively they/them. Which yes, of the eventual planned cast of 20, means 4/20 (hah nice) of them are NB. The statistic holds true in the reduced cast of 15, which delays Nekross for later due to their increased technical complexity, keeping the proportion unintentionally the same.
I don't really think the high count is really for representation or anything, I just go with what feels right for the individual character. For characters like Martinet and Harmony they're based on very human gendered concepts, but then other characters are more based on wherever the design or personality leads. For a lot of the cast the gender choice was decided way later than the basic concept, and for a few characters the choice ended up being a shrug that led to me going with NB. I don't think anyone is gonna argue Xenir is a peak of masculinity or femininity.
I think it'd be fun at some point to dive into how gender as a concept works in a world where it has no physical basis and is just a vestigial element from a bygone species's society. The broader idea of self-identity would be fun to explore (and is even already a core part of one character's story), and is overall just one of those weird little things that's interesting for me specifically to think about the logistics of.
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revenant-coining · 6 months
can you design a flag for the xiaspec version of enboric/femaric/mascic? it would be "umbrella term for people attracted to xenoic individual(s)"
xenoic here includes xiaspec, xingender (genders xenine in nature), xenogender, xenic...
xeniric (link) could work ^^
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Moon (Vena), Sun (Kiaris), Nature (Polla), Magic (Ylir), Life (Ymir), Fear(Ula)
I haven’t drawn Death yet I’m getting around to it but just know Death’s name is Xenir
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vinnybox · 6 years
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New speed paint of my froggo boi
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burlveneer-music · 3 years
My WVUD playlist, 12/12/2020
Harold Budd - Juno Harold Budd - Saint's Name Spoken Robin Guthrie & Harold Budd - Coral Josh Werner - Ship of Theseus Velour - Luminate Causa Sui - Laetitia Autechre - gr4 Junk Magic - Laser Beaming Hearts William Fields - Xenir Ramenzoni - Bright Moments Karrin Allyson Sextet - Big Discount (feat. Rapsody) Dan Rosenboom - Come Humble Zach Brock - Golden Nuggets Le Grand Sbam - Vishnu foutrôline Poppy Ajudha - Watermelon Man (Under The Sun) The Fantastics! - Oblique Norwegian Wind Ensemble - E Nem da pra Dizer Gordon Grdina's The Marrow - El Baz Tyson Meya - Kivu Vladislav Delay - (528) [feat. Sly Dunbar & Robbie Shakespeare] Peter Hope & David Harrow - Face Frique
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xenizaation · 2 years
i've been in paris for a week and i'll be here for a few more days vacationing with my family. i've been trying to write something but my days are rlly full and i find it quite odd writing my stuff with family members in the same house 😬😬😬😬😬😬. so. i have some stuff almost prepared for y'all but you'll have to wait until i get home💔.
i promise it's gonna worth the wait. i miss showing you my stuff so much.
thank you! i love you and stay safe!!!! xoxo
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xenizaation · 2 years
big rant cause i don't wanna talk about this with people in my life anymore and probably no one would read this anyway but it's gonna make me feel better probably.
every day that passes by makes me want to give up more. it's horrible when you come to the realisation that life can't be happy and you have to manage with a lot of shit between these brief moments of joy. I read a few days ago about how we need to stop searching the meaning of life and start searching the things that give meaning to our life and since then i keep wondering, what brings meaning to my life? most days seems like nothing does, like i only live just so i don't die. nothing is enjoyable, nothing is memorable.
i forget a lot.
i forget what day it is or what i last ate, i forget if i locked my door or if i gave my dog food. i forget about people, i don't message them, i forget about their birthdays, i forget when i last saw them or what i last talked to them. i forget about my mom. i don't even know if i like her that much, to be honest.
my life's a mess and most of the times it seems that whatever i do, i can't put anything in order, i make a bigger mess and it swallows me whole. sometimes i don't feel like this, but most of the times i do.
i don't know which road i should go on, i don't know what to do, don't know who i am. i don't know.
i'm only twenty and yet, i feel like my life is going to end tomorrow and i've done nothing all these years.
i hate my country, i hate the world and with all this hate burning inside me, i'm left with no other choice but to hate myself and all people around me as well.
i'm still holding on, but what for?
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xenizaation · 11 months
Hi, someone on wattpad stole this work of yours
Here’s the link to their repost
hiyaaa! thanks for letting me know!
i'm a bit late to the party as i don't get on this blog as often as before...but good news! the account has been taken down hihi. justice has been made!😎 thank you again, for telling me about it!
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xenizaation · 2 years
food's almost ready! 😋
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xenizaation · 2 years
next week next week next week next week
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purplekoop · 4 months
Do the characters of War Bots have a base and/or team name? Do they have roommates? Are there wacky sitcom-esque situations between them?
Ooh, this gives me a good general chance to talk about connected characters!
The biggest group (by a small margin) is Formann, Xenir, and Burnett, who don't have a formal group name yet but they're the building team! Because reconstruction and bot repair are vital jobs in this world, they tend to be pretty highly regarded positions. That said, this trio in particular tends to be more open to odd jobs since they're a neutral party between the big Haven government and the rebel Outlander factions, and tend to just work for whoever pays more without picking permanent sides since it's their belief there's no "right" side between the two. This of course tends to rub some people on either side the wrong way, but they manage to navigate both circles fine enough. I like to imagine their dynamic being vaguely like Team Chaotix with some traits mixed around. Formann is the rugged but caring grandpa-like figure, Xenir is the bright-eyed dreamer who wants to help people, and Burnett is the short-tempered practical one. They enlist as mercenaries in the Plantoid fight mostly because Formann and Xenir want to help people, and Burnett just begrudgingly does what she has to for a paycheck.
Aside from that group, most of the other groupings I have in mind are smaller pairings.
Calber and Navea are actually old colleagues from one of the prior Outlander wars, serving as esteemed high-ranking members of the Haven militia. They were both built as well... some of the few literal war bots in this cast, with Calber being a standard infantry unit while Navea is a more robust "juggernaut" model, so her model is much less common. Calber largely resents his time in action, detesting conflict between bots just as much as the conflicts that drove humans into extinction. Navea meanwhile is more of an optimist, still not liking conflict but seeing it as a necessary evil sometimes. Both of them were some of the first contacted to lead the fight against the plantoid invasion, though it took some personal convincing from Navea to get Calber willing to go back into action.
Not so much a proper group but more just a pair of character that I'd want to put together in an "official" story is Poppett and Martinet. This was actually a suggestion by my partner, since I didn't realize "poppet" was a british term of endearment, so they suggested they pair up as a sort of adoptive father-daughter duo. They both have some manner of leg-mounted wheels so I figured it makes sense, plus I like the potential interactions between the skilled but vaguely aloof parental figure clashing with the impulsive but still relatively grounded child-ish figure.
A pairing that I had in mind but scrapped due to one of the characters being scrapped was a dynamic between Wilderoad and a bot named Kashov. He was meant to be a money-based utility character back when the PvP mode had a money mechanic, but since that was scrapped in favor of the simpler loadout system, and I didn't know how to have a character exist in both modes where his main mechanic was only built into one of them. Because the PvE mode still has an upgrade shop (ala TF2's MvM), he's still planned to feature as the shopkeeper there since I like his potential personality. I always like the shifty spineless salesman characters, and he's always been especially pathetic in my head. Here's what he looks like, though uh. Be warned: old and not great art. Why does his right arm look like that.
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Anyways, Wilderoad as a wandering vigilante has to eventually bargain for supplies with somebody, and their favorite self-preserving capitalist to bargain with is Kashov. Mostly because they don't feel bad about holding him at gunpoint until eventually his scams get negotiated down to a reasonable price. I like their dynamic of "has morals but not for this bastard" and "is the bastard but goes along with the one with morals for practical reasons, and yet will still try to be a bastard at any given opportunity". At this time one of Wilderoad's alternate weapons was implied to be something they stole from Kashov, since it was a revolver that increased money earned from dealing damage and getting kills.
Unless I'm forgetting something that's the main group dynamics I have planned at this moment. It's something I definitely wanna flesh out more over time, but since gameplay takes precedence over story it's more something that's more just connecting dots and building from there. I wanna figure out more connections, but individual character stories and the overall plot still have a lot that needs work in general.
Good question though, was looking for a chance to bring some of this stuff up at some point!
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purplekoop · 2 months
How big are the War Bots respective to humans?
(More specifically: Which bots are smaller than humans? Are there any bots smaller than humans?Which bots are the same size as humans? Which bots are bigger?)
I’d think it’s safe to say all the tanks and Otto are bigger than humans. But I’m still curious about the rest.
I know scaling is hard, so I’m fine with a rough estimate.
Pretty simple answer actually: Martinet, Arber, and Calber are roughly human sized! Most bots are built around a human scale, just smaller or larger to fit their specific purpose.
To be a little more specific, Martinet is specifically about 5'10", since his model was originally built for high-class social events. Calber is a bit shorter though, just to save costs on mass producing military bots. Arber is somewhere in the middle as an adequately average height. Ezela meanwhile is actually a notable bit taller than average, even when on the ground. The tanks and Otto are in fact the tallest, with the order from shortest to tallest being Otto, Navea, Formann, and Harmony. The first two are just a bit taller than 6.5 ft, but Formann is at least 7 and Harmony is nearly 8.
There's also plenty of little guys too of course! Wilderoad, the poster child, is pretty dang short in fact, no more than 5 feet max. Poppett and Sorsier occupy a similar height bracket (ignoring the former's crouched stance and the latter's hat). Burnett is also a similar height, if not a little shorter, but has a bulkier overall body shape. And littlest of all is Xenir, since it's I think a law that the builder character in a class shooter has to be the shortest. They're *short* short too, no more than 4 ft and very likely even less.
The uncertain ones are Yanno, Velenna, and Nekross. The first two are due to impending redesigns, with Yanno especially due for fine tuning on his proportions. He's meant to be a fair bit tankier gameplay-wise than he looks in his current design, but I think he'd look good in the lineup as still somewhat short (around 5 ft) but stockier. Velenna similarly probably won't change much, sticking around the average height gang but looking a bit bulkier with her armor and trailing coat. Nekross is more an issue of clashing design elements, where their initial design is grand and imposing while their gameplay role is more balanced around subtlety. Granted, their design is among the more rough, and on the developmeny priority list they're 18th out of the 16 fully revealed characters just because of their gimmick, so they have plenty of time to wait on a design that hopefully meshes with the best of both worlds.
Fun question though! Sorry for the late response, been busy at a wedding all day on a mountain with no reception. Not like I needed an excuse but hey, I'm not gonna get to use it again any time soon. Probably.
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purplekoop · 7 months
Alright quick bonus tidbit before I lose it in the sands of slumber:
In my head (and in my notes those too), I have each character listed by their role and their number within that role. For example, the mysterious Otto can also be called "Utility 3", since they're the third Utility character after Xenir and Sorsier. This is mostly just so I have something to reference vague concepts by as I'm making the fourth round of characters for each role, which is something I'm coming startlingly close to reaching.
The fourth Control character I've actually had sorted for a while now, at least in terms of name and basic design, but have struggled with in terms of kit. Their main weapon (and the only ability that's stuck through multiple iterations) is a sticky bomb launcher that shoots gel-like explosives that can be detonated remotely.
And this is Control character 4... C... 4... C4.
I torment myself with accidental puns.
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