#yes im a genius
hijackalx · 7 months
gortash likes to make all kinds of crazy mechanical doodads yes? imagine him making the worlds first vibrator just for dark urge LMAO. imagine him making all kinds of sex toys for durge to use……
like something about them using an object he made to get off with is so hot to him. he’ll want to watch. if theyre not together he’ll want them to write about it in the letters they exchange. and post
* EDIT no cuz him sitting at his desk late at night designing and creating stuff to make them feel good is extremely endearing and perverted and hot. like he made that !!!!! personally !!! with his hands !!!! he thought about stuff they would like and drew it out and made it !!!!!! my man so talented i need him
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denfucker · 1 year
i truly see in my mind an episode about macs online boyfriend. mac comes into the bar, yelling that he has news, AMAZING news, and he gets the typical unenthusiastic reactions, but he doesnt care and announces he has a PROPER BOYFRIEND NOW. he describes this perfect boyfriend, how they have similar interests (karate and god), how he thinks mac is totally a bear and a beefcake and so hot, etc etc, and one of them asks for a picture of this Perfect Guy and mac is like. "Well technically i havent seen him yet BUT TRUST ME GUYS hes totally legit, i did a virtual ocular patdown😎". so the gang starts yelling at him about catfishes and scammers and mac rolls his eyes and says "guys, i think id know if i was getting scammed, and trust me, this isnt it-" and then you cut to the title screen and it reads "Mac Gets Scammed"
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projecttirnanog · 1 year
i think when (copium) asuka gets added to the gg strive roster he should be the only character to have an instakill and it should be called autism stare and it looks like this . daisuke hmu
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bloodyrawsweet · 1 year
the end of 'bones and all' if they played strangers by ethel cain
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lil-beanz000 · 5 months
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@banana-jar-studio an I were brain storming an yep another Au was born >.<" I swear its the last AU >.>""" They really got me going tho on this idea <3
I am obsessed with the idea of fashion, makeup, jewelry, modeling so why not mix the obsession with my other ~ the boiz, I'm also just not a fan of the shells being covered (Time to let those babies out to shine!) Anywhooo~~~~ Have the concepts I was workin on awhile ago of how the tops would work. Raph was more thought out as I wanted his wear to be more durable for his rough exterior.
aaa srry I go hide in ma hole an draw more~
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oh yea um
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Sundown "Sunny" Summer (lazy) ref!
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driedmosquito · 4 months
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help girl im stuck in the spiral domain Halp Halp Halp!!!!!!!!
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manmadedonut · 1 month
datasha au where everything is the same but yar sings i wont say im in love with worf/wesley/troi/riker as the backup singers
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cosmicdorito · 1 year
"hozier my cottagecore lesbian bog man" shut the fuck up
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magic-glasses · 2 months
Chat I love rarepairs with a passion and y’all gotta hear me out on this
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qwingfish · 10 months
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Soundwave's children except I made them lil people on 2 legs
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murdermitties · 2 years
you haven't already, can you draw Tawnypelt? she's a favorite of mine and I love your designs^^
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trashcanfills · 1 year
Genshin Impact x Reader - Being an absolute Genius Invocation TCG nerd
Feat. Itto, Cyno (of course), and Kaeya because those are the ones I know who are into the game. Can be seen as mostly platonic but I added a bit of optional romance headcanons at the end for each character. Reader here is gender-neutral.
Ok so I’m getting some brain worms today in the form of the genius invocation tcg event like bruh
As someone who loves the card game and gets REALLY into it, can you imagine a reader agt the genshin cast while playing? Reader who’s such a dedicated player that they know the strats, the meta, and different deck playstyles. Reader who goes to the Cat’s Tail to hang out with fellow players and duels them on the daily enough that they have a reputation for being a pro.
It would be even more hilarious if they don’t exactly advertise this hobby (cough obsession) at all to anyone else outside the game, but the moment someone engages them in a duel or they go into places like the Cat’s Tail where many other players gather, or they attend any tcg related event? They go hardcore mode.
Itto sees you buying the latest tcg cards and he saunters up to you, bragging about how good he is at the game in an attempt to impress you lmao. Your curiosity is piqued and thus decide to challenge Itto for the funsies. At that, the oni is all “ho ho ho sure but don’t get too upset when I win, alright?”
Except you wipe his deck off the floor and Itto is. Flabbergasted while you try not to laugh too hard at his reaction. Like bruh even his gang spectating the duel had lost their hopes of their boss winning at all when they witness how outmatched Itto is against you the whole game. Itto’s character cards are all gone and yet only ONE of your character cards has taken some damage. That’s how skewed the matchup was.
Of course, as it is with Itto, expect him to challenge you again and again until he gets a win. In the meantime, you start coaching Itto about the game more, help to optimise his deck, and point out his mistakes and what he could have done better. Itto is an eager student and is in awe when you explain the strats and reasoning behind them. Itto isn’t exactly the brightest but damn even he can see that you know what the fuck you’re doing (if he’s crushing on you he’ll think that’s hot af. You’re so amazing?? And he gets to learn and spend time with you hehe totally not part of his master plan to get closer to you).
The moment Cyno notices you have a tcg deck, he’s going to immediately challenge you. Cyno goes all out and dramatic in calling out his challenge, as how it’s done in those card game medias. He absolutely HAS to battle any fellow tcg player since he’s that hardcore of a tcg nerd. The two of you will eventually engage in a duel (if you’re in a public place, expect to attract a LOT of attention because Cyno is too well known as the general mahamatra AND a proud tcg gamer). The man even narrates some of his actions while playing since he’s that much of a fucking dork. How adorable.
It’s a tense yet action-packed match. Cyno is a very good player, but evidently so are you. Spectators (if you guys are somewhere public) are starting to exchange bets on who would win. No one knows who’s going to come out on top because the two of you are so evenly matched that it could go either way. Cyno has that determined glint in his eyes as he figures out ways to beat you, yet somehow you anticipate his strategy and neutralise it, and vice versa.
Regardless of who wins though, it’s by a close margin. Cyno extends an invitation to play more matches with you whenever he’s free. How could he not when he just had the most thrilling duel of his life? You take up on his offer, since there are few players who can go toe-to-toe with you, and you can recognise that Cyno is a fellow tcg nerd like you. Boy, you two are going to get along so well. I can imagine both of you having conversations about the card metas and deckbuilding, which can sound like absolute nonsense to anyone who isn’t as hardcore abt the game. (And if Cyno has a crush on you, rip Tighnari because he has to witness the man blunders about in trying to earn your affections - keyword: TRY - and the fennec fox hybrid facepalms when Cyno keeps using tcg as a incredibly convenient excuse to hang out with you. For love of Lesser Lord Kusanali-)
Kaeya somehow picks up the fact that you’re into tcg (even if you don’t bring it up to him at all, he will know thanks to his ability to get others to share info with him, and some ppl might have mentioned you being an absolute BEAST at the game). So what does he do about it? Bring it up to you, of course, and ask if you wanna play a round or two.
Note that Kaeya isn’t a full-on hardcore nerd about the game. That’s not his thing. He doesn’t exactly know the ins and outs of the cards, but he has an incredibly strategic mindset that helps him beat most players. How else do you think he got to the final round in the tcg event competition? Still, Kaeya is absolutely intrigued when you match up against him, and said intrigue increases when you’re clearly winning. Seems like it’s true when he heard those rumors of you being an expert in tcg. He’s full on smirking when you beat him, and he claps slowly while congratulating you on your win and complimenting your skills (yet with the way he’s acting, it seems like he’s won somehow).
After that match, Kaeya will occasionally play a few rounds of tcg with you in his free time. I mean, he gets to sharpen his mind, hang out with you, gain information and be entertained. An all-round plus in his book. (And if somehow Kaeya has feelings that a biit more than platonic towards you, he’s going to use tcg as a way to get closer to you. Heck, he might even start paying closer attention to your tips and strategies to formulate a game plan. Be wary if he makes a bet with you through tcg, cus that means he’s got something planned. And if he happens to win the game and the bet? Well, hope you don’t mind doing a favor for him in the form of a kiss, maybe even a dinner date.
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imperfectcourt · 1 year
I need more morosexual Andrew in my life
I need more clueless Neil in my life
I need a combination morosexual Andrew clueless Neil in my life
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joblessquinoa · 2 years
Extraordinary Attorney Woo features an autistic female lead who loves whales and doesn't know how to return hugs, a male lead played by Kang Tae Oh, and a secondary character who regularly misses out on fun and important events because of moderate to severe gastrointestinal issues. Like this drama was literally made for me.
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undefeatablesin · 8 months
You know what? Fuck you. *Bloodbornes your Pinnochio again*
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