#you're on a higher plane than everybody else.
eclaire-went-bam · 24 days
bcs i'm aware of how i automatically percieve people, i earnestly try to give the benefit of the doubt a lot. i tend to believe people are Actually Just That Dumb™ when they're joking about something, so i try to get ahead of that & tell myself people are joking when they say something stupid, so that i don't look stupid
all i've learnt in doing that, is most of the time, people aren't joking. they actually did mean what they say, & i made the situation 10× worse by laughing at what they said.
not only does it reinforce the idea in my head that people are Dumb so i need to take the reins on literally Everything, but it also leads people to believe i'm making fun of them for saying something silly & talking to me less, when, if i knew it were a genuine thing they thought, i would have gladly explained it without judgement
but i don't really know how to stop treating them as jokes, because what if they ARE joking so they laugh at me for how Stupid i am for taking the bait? i can't handle being made a fool of, i think i'd rather die
#this is in part bcs my father was like this all the time i believe#i'd talk abt one of my special interests & he'd deliberately say something stupid about it#so that he could laugh at me whenever i explained how it actually worked#a lotta ppl in my family tend to pretend to be dumb around me actually. so i gave up on talking abt science special interests#i do have personal gripes with words like “stupid” & “dumb” so know in my head i Know they're toxic & have ableist connotations#but my automatic kneejerk reaction to things is to think Stupid even if i don't say it bcs of the constantly devaluing of everyone around me#everything's a competition. don't lose or show your hand and things will be better for you.#don't give people a reason to think you're incompetent. isolation is better than risking danger & ridicule so long if it's isolation because#you're on a higher plane than everybody else.#or something like that#it's not that deep#npd#narcissistic personality disorder#cluster b#autism#bcs i cant with tones#i guess this may be a fine way of looking at things on the internet with strangers bcs bait is rlly annoying#however when it comes to interpersonal relationships irl and online it's a problem. especially when logically you KNOW your circle doesn't#rlly have anyone who pretends to be stupid to you so they can laugh at you. i think they will anyways.#if anything *i* tend to be like that to people i like less. i pretend to be stupid abt something so they can mansplain it to me & i get#silent supply off so easily having control over what they're feeling towards me & what they're doing even if they think They have the reins#in the discussion. tho i won't view it as making ppl take the bait & i won't openly mock people#i'm a hypocrite
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harlronica · 2 years
psychic/intuitive astro placements for the planet Jupiter (pt. 2)
In Astrology, Jupiter is associated with the principles of growth, expansion, healing, prosperity, good fortune, and miracles. A Starseed origin in alignment with this planet illuminates the power one carries during this incarnation. This origin would hint at the grail line you're tied to the most. This would be the aspect of your oversoul and your higher mental masculine plane. 
Jupiter is where we seek wisdom, wish to expand, and where we often have a lucky card to play. Dangers here can come from recklessness or an over optimistic attitude- wishing to get away from the routine of mundane life- where we want to experience something in its fullness. An interest in Law and Justice over the houses themes can also be found in the area of Jupiter. Mostly, this house will be full of positive vibrations and will.
*Psychic/Intuitive Astrological houses for the planet Jupiter* "I Grow"
1st house: when Jupiter is found in the house of Aries this usually signifies (of course, always take in account the chart as a whole and not just this placement) that the chart holder has a spiritually evolved soul. These people come on strong and always have a forceful first impact on those that they meet. This position is similar to having a natal Sun in 1st house.
3rd house: when Jupiter is found in the 3rd house (home to Gemini) - this house will expand your mental power. These people are very intuitive and absorbent of their surroundings/body language of others' in general. Very open-minded with an ability to speak or write better than others, and they are very imaginative people. Even poetic. They're always looking for ways to expand their knowledge and advance in their spirituality. Very knowledgeable on almost any subject. This can go for Jupiter in Gemini or Jupiter in 3rd house.
4th house: intuitive and spiritual. When Jupiter is found in the 4th house (home to Cancer) - these people are likely to be spiritually blessed and would have inherited some sort of talented characteristic from their ancestors. What this talent may be will depend on the chart as a whole. This can range from supernatural powers, advanced intuitive or psychic abilities, and the possibility of being a witch.
8th house: when Jupiter is found in the 8th house (home to Scorpio) - psychic abilities, healing capabilities, with a very intuitive/spiritual mind are quite likely. This is an aspect that signifies spiritual protection. These people are likely spiritually protected in moments of danger (of course, this would depend on their chart as a whole.) If they get close to dying, it's likely that Jupiter in the 8th house will save them. Of course, nobody can escape death and everybody has to face it eventually.. Lol. Some may say that those with this placement have nine lives. This aspect can be quite similar to someone with a natal Jupiter trine Neptune (which also serves as great spiritual protection from the spirit realm.)
9th house: when Jupiter is found in the 9th house (home to Sagittarius) - it gives for prophetic abilities and a strong intuition. Jupiter will feel most comfortable here in it's home house. Some may say that these people are born lucky. They hold a deep, spiritual wisdom and because of this they are likely to start receiving success early in life. Very intellectual people who are born spiritually enlightened.
11th house: when Jupiter is found in the 11th house (home to Aquarius) - these people have strong intuitive abilities. They are likely to easily sense danger in their community/when in a social setting while still maintaining their humanitarian composure. This allows them to easily remove themselves from the situation before danger arises or escalates. A good example would be the character in a horror movie that quickly escapes while everyone else stays back to take their chances and die... Lol. Meanwhile still encouraging others to take on the experience because they don't want to make themselves seem "better than" in a way and may be a little confused as to why they sense danger from the experience in the first place. So they don't want to discourage others. It can be similar to a Jupiter in 8th house, however, this is usually a level of intuitiveness that comes directly from within and on a personal level. Whereas Jupiter in the 8th is likely the spiritual realm itself taking over in any dangerous situation. These people seem to get what they want relatively easily because they are supported by the Universe. Jupiter in the 11th house indicates great spiritual insight and expansion and like Jupiter in the 9th, is known as a spiritual blessing.
12th house: when Jupiter is found in the 12th house (home to Pisces) - these people are likely to have a strong sense of spirit and guiding divine force. They can provide/hold profound insight and understanding about the inner and subconscious aspects of the mind. Likely to be psychic and intuitive depending on how Jupiter is positioned in the chart.
Note: not all astrological houses are listed. If your Jupiter house is not listed that does not mean that you do not have other intuitive/psychic indicators in your chart. Everybody has intuitive and psychic placements to one degree or another in their astrological chart. This is why it is important to refer to the entire astrological chart as a whole! <3
What house is your Jupiter in? Mine's in 11th! :)
For business inquiries please email [email protected] ! I'm currently offering Full Starseed Origin chart readings for $30 and Half Starseed Origin chart readings for $20 which is a shorter reading than what you receive with the Full Origin reading. I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Reader is a reclusive solo pilot that is based at TOPGUN since she graduated. She had made a name for herself and the crew knows of her and her abilities, but the crew does not know her personally. She is weary to socialize with the crew as her chain of command is so strict about discipline and talking when necessary that any wispier that the reader spoke without their direct questioning and minor (sometimes non-existent) mistakes will result in her getting screamed at and/or corrected through cruel disciplinary physical fitness (she was once ordered to run 300 laps around the compound). Anyway, she's on a solo mission when the crew is on a break. She's out numbered, but she manages to take all but one down. The last one manages to shoot her engine, but she is taught to value the mission more than the safety and life, so she ejects once she gains enough control of her pane to gain altitude to kamikaze her plane into the enemy. Back at base, the control room is panicking and yelling for her to bail and eject and the crew hears. Some of her more hardcore higher ups (who was taking care of other duties) hear it, too. The crew is worried, the higher ups goes to yell at the control center for the suggestion and the reader to not bail and finish the mission. Once she gets back, her higher ups ream her for bailing (even though she competed the mission), and the crew defend her, even though they barely know her (the reader is touched because no one stood up for her before). Sorry that this is so long!
Gurl say no more, no request is too long or too short so don't worry your head over it. If you're ok with it too, the reader's call-sign is "Ladybird" 😎😎😎😎😎
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Maverick and the others watched the screen in the recovery bay on board the USS Ronald Reagan, tracking Ladybird's every move on the screen. Why she had ever flown solo was a mystery to everybody else, but not really to them.
Outside of the gang, Ladybird hardly ever talked to anybody. With Maverick and the others, they knew that she worked her bag-ass off, often getting a tad bit flustered when something went wrong or a mistake had been made. Hangman had thought it a bit odd, even off putting at times, but one day something had happened that finally had them putting two and two together.
It had been a bright and sunny afternoon after a practice run when the team had come back, finding Ladybird on the tarmac with Turner Haywood, the entitled Annapolis graduate who pulled the rank card almost every chance he got in order to get his way, lording his position and rank over everyone and everything at Top Gun. Maverick, Rooster and Hangman didn't even need to hear her speak to tell something was wrong. The pained look on her face said it all.....as did the nasty, prideful look on Haywood's face.
"C'mon Bird," Maverick muttered. "Just push in a little bit more...."
All of them watched the screen carefully, their eyes never once leaving the image of Ladybird's plane. They tensed when she finally dropped the bomb, the red dot expanding as the plane left the field of impact, seemingly unscathed.
"Oh shit!" Hangman blurted out.
Two red dots had appeared on the screen.....bandits in the air.
Phoenix gasped as her hands shot to her face. Bob stood right up from the bed where he had been laying and Rooster rose from his place as a pang of fear burst inside him. But suddenly......
"What.....the......fuck?" Hangman breathed.
None of them could believe what they were seeing. They watched as the plane flew straight into the enemy line....right within sight of the carrier.
"Oh God no sweetheart!" Maverick gasped.
A loud crack, almost like thunder was heard outside, the team rushing through the halls and pushing past others who were running out to the deck. Up, up and up they went to the deck, the fireball in the air slowly dissipating when much to their relief appeared a parachute and the faint outline of a figure drifting slowly towards the ocean with the blazing sunset behind her.
"MAN OVERBOARD!!!!" Rooster shouted.
Everyone on the carrier rushed to help, tossing Ladybird a line to which she eagerly grabbed, still in her gear and flight suit. Her face was red, terror-struck and shocked with what had just transpired.
Up and up to the deck they hauled her, like a bedraggled fish choking on air. Maverick was the first to catch her, right in his arms as he held her the same way he had done for Amelia when she was little.
"You ok?" he asked.
"Yeah....." Bird stammered. "Yeah, yeah I'm ok.....I'm ok."
She wasn't.....but she was. Soaking wet and shaking with the cold, Ladybird reached a shaky hand for Rooster who put his arms around her next. Pretty soon, the entire team had her in a giant, relieved group hug that she didn't want to get out of.
"Hey! Hey!" shouted a familiar voice.
All of them turned around and sure enough there he was, Mr. Arrogant himself, Turner Haywood, marching between Cyclone and Warlock. Ladybird gasped, choking on a big gulp of air that stung going into her chest and lungs.
"You've really fucked up now!" he shouted. "Insubordination, destruction of property and jeopardizing a mission.....boy do I have your ass for life (y/ln)!"
"Fuck yourself Haywood!" Hangman retorted, grabbing the son of a bitch by the crisp, clean collar of his shirt. "You wanna know the difference between a good soldier and a bad one? Well here you go......the good one is right there with the rest of us. And oh, by the way, you just hung a vacancy sign on your ass and my foot's looking for a room."
Haywood went a little bit wide eyed as two other officers came and grabbed him, escorting him right down to the Admiral's office but not before Hangman managed to stick his rather large middle finger in the air.
In their relief, the group lifted Ladybird right onto their shoulders, chanting her name, rooting for her as though it had never happened before. For the first time in forever, she felt free, like she could fly.....and for once, felt as though she was where she truly belonged.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
You see her son's t-shirt and people making it and people are watching intently and they want to know how long it takes to dry and the package and to send they want to see a minute and wearing it this sort of good what it means he learned from the mental hospital and it's illegal and they're wrong and they're huge problem and Matt can plants cut them out of the picture but he's not he's simply uses it for all sorts of dumb things and it's still messing everything up and harassing everybody wanting around cheesy smiles and ruining everyone's day lots of people do it technique I slept technique and it's happening during a full-blown war and there's other aspects to it and really it's about false imprisonment and grabbing people who are completely sane and saying that they're not and violating the law because he hasn't violated any laws to be in a medium security place or some of them were higher than medium security he was very pissed off the whole time you people don't know him like us you don't understand him he's a human being you can't understand anything what he's saying is if you keep doing it or trying to I'm going to fireball you it's happening to you right now that the Midwest where you guys fail to evacuate and there's still a couple hundred quadrillion of you some are running we'll say they're just going to sit there cuz I think that we're there too and we are not went through and looked at every single one of you and it hurts they say in the roasting about half the places on fire and we put it out after a Time but we let it go I'm going to rip out all the bunkers his giant bunkers underneath and mostly the ordinances out and we're going to pile up what's left and we're going to break it out fairly soon I'm going to bomb you where you are and you don't have much more stuff like comparison to what we have now cuz he took all your ordinance we have huge bombs of yours that were carving up and making it to bombs right now gigantic conventional bombs rocket raccoon and Rocky raccoon which are two lovers who love each other dearly and our leaders are two leaders have made this contraption with their kids and that giant chat that is all connected so I can carry a huge bomb about 5 ft long and the ball is 5 ft diameter and they say we're going to get you all and the whole troop is loading up they're really pretty big they have like 5 million of them globally and they're suiting up and they're all getting their Jets some of the Jets are fairly decent sized they're like half the size of it it's a half scale mig the original mig and they can carry pretty heavy bombs like 300 lb bombs and they're all heading towards your area it's in the squirrels in but it's a bit risky right now it says no they don't really know so I'm going to send squirrels in and with incendiaries now light up targets and it's going on right now.
Thor Freya
I'm laughing because it's so evil and we're playing on doing it to your people and Tommy favino can't figure it out I think she's running track you'll see these evil squirrels with this evil look on their face it looks like your face and you're mad at the hell and her face too this is like pretend to you too and rocket raccoon is coming some sort of crazy contraption all of them look rabid and they're laughing like rocket raccoon in the movie I can see them doing it I'm watching them with telescope there's a huge flock of them there must be a million of them or more this might maybe 5 million here and something around New York and DC they live a whole bunch of targets and Rocky raccoon is now flying in and rocket raccoon and they're bombing the crap out of them these bombs are hitting going very loud pow it is intense and there's millions of them it's not a huge area but it's important now they're flying out now at about Mach 3 and after them looks like real planes and jets and we send some out there to pick people up it looks like we're getting something else back huge huge bombers and they're laying into people that area is gone it's like one of Cork strongholds was starting to see what they're saying don't try to attack our people.
Mac Daddy
Wow this whole day has sucked
Yeah not for you right
No no it's kind of horrible everybody's a huge failure now they're going to go up there and try and face Galactus and we sort of got something that's what they're up there doing is protecting them
Or imprisoning them
So you get it
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