#your fav is an ace lesbian
hermit-scribe-vibe · 7 months
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laikabu · 2 months
re: my thoughts on laios’s sexuality (long post ahead lol)
let me start this post with this. first, this contains a lot of references to the new adventurer’s bible world guide book released last february. i can read japanese, but i’m sure they’re translated somewhere. general spoiler warning in case. also… i am ESL, so sorry for any grammar errors
second, if you’re on the team that insists laios doesn’t care about humans enough to form relationships, either read the manga again or at the very least read this thread.
last, please don’t chime in with your acearo headcanons on this post. there’s already a majority of posts here that insist laios is acearo and that anything else is impossible. i don’t like it the same way i don’t like when someone declares they hc marcille as bisexual to a poster who reads her as lesbian. i already have enough people here who declare he’s ace on my own art. at least people on twitter of all places don’t do this sort of thing to me. nothing in this manga is canon, you can headcanon anything i won’t get mad if you hc him as bi or something. just. don’t be weird on my post.
okay. trust me, i love women, and i love the idea of making my favs women lovers but the idea of laios being gay really appeals to me because of his background. this isn’t fueled by yaoi since i don’t even ship the only m/m relationship i bring up here, i just think it adds a nice layer to his disconnect with his own humanity
i do think laios has a very abstract relationship with his sexuality for a multitude of reasons. he grew up in a very conservative backwater village. he has a hard time recognizing his own feelings towards others just as much as vice versa. i don’t really care for the “laios is a monsterfucker” agenda people are pushing but i do think he’d engage in sexual thoughts in his own weird way, i won’t deny his deviantart fetish shit
as an autistic person myself, i relate to how he’d prioritize his special interest over social interactions. after all, he was fixated on monster food so he’s distracted from dark thoughts. he’s not an actual glutton
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he’s shy around women, but i don’t think it’s out of attraction. i just think it’s because he’s awkward and doesn’t want to be seen as a threat. there’s a couple of times when, out of armor, he deliberately tries to make himself look smaller and nonthreatening.
he didn’t show any interest towards ashivia (the hubby hunter girl marcille replaced) and just humored her because she wouldn’t leave him alone. his other party members thought he was giving her special treatment so he had to tell her he “doesnt want to give her special treatment anymore”(even though he never did), so she left
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ashivia did her best to butter herself up to laios and he didn’t care, but laios thought shuro was his bestest friend in the whole world because he was too much of a pushover to reject him. ironically�� what ashivia did to him parallels what he was doing to shuro
also… yeah sorry i keep bringing up that one comic of laios saying if he were falin he’d marry shuro and then begging him to take him back to his country, or that comic of laios wondering why he doesn’t like him(and then the first two questions he asks the magic mirror was what if he or shuro were women). i don’t even ship them! but it’s not a reach to assume that he likes men because of this, even if it’s kinda played like a joke(after all,a lot of people like chilshi even though their ‘shippy’ interaction was played as a joke)
of course, given the setting, i don’t think knows he’s gay, he wouldn’t have the vocabulary to label himself. i do want to dance around with the idea of him forcibly confronting his own sexuality after years of yaad pressuring him to produce heirs lol. laios might not be cishet but he’s a king so he rdgaf about that right now. i’m open to him having female consorts for political reasons, but i don’t think he’s into women, is all.
before anyone brings up his succubus… god forbid an author makes hetbait. a part of the plot twist was that not-marcille wasn’t the only succubus enticing laios, his other party members were copied too. she was the only one who approached him. also… succubi aren’t always inherently romantic. once it realized marcille didn’t work, it switched to appeal to his desire to be a monster.
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krislgfox · 4 months
Ahem, so, didn't draw this sillies for a long time, so here they are! :_]
(Also changed their pendants)
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Also I made other fan kids of my other fav ships! :]
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Also some stuff under below ↓
So here's the list from oldest to youngest:
ShoutingStar - 18
SunsetDay - 17
Creatingphant n Smartercorn - 17(Creatingphant is older on 5 mins)
PickingHug - 16
LovingTaste - 15
DawnNap - 9
QuickBeak - 7
And their orientations:
ShoutingStar, Craftingphant, LovingTaste - Pansexual, Ace
SunsetDay, Picking Hug - Bisexual, Ace
Smartercorn - Lesbian, Ace
QuickBeak n DawnNap - is too young to understand it(when they got older they would be both gays)
Also I give you my permission to ship this silly fan kids with each other(no pedo and incest!) :]
A little reminder, it's fan kids of MY fav ships, if you don't like it or doesn't ship it, please don't send me hate or other aggressive stuff! :_|
If you want, you can send me ask request and I'll draw a fan kid/s of your fav or just a ship(expect for pedo, incest, ect), fan children of which you want to see! :_]
Thanks for listening :_]
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peachiime · 8 months
super good reasons why you should check out antics at akademi
it's made by a non-pedophilic non-ableist (neurodivergent!) actually decent human being (i hope) writer who knows how to handle serious topics like racism and homophobia (i am poc and queer!) unlike yonder devon who implements it as a twagic bwackstowy for a background character
representation of other ethnicities other than just japanese
neurodivergent rep and NON-VILLAINIZED DEPICTIONS OF MENTAL ILLNESS!!! done with actual research
disabled rep!!!! done with actual research!!!!
lgbtq+ rep! for the girls and the gays (and its not just gays lesbians and bis. theres people on the aro/ace spectrum, theres trans people, theres NONBINARY PEOPLE and that includes the whole umbrella, inkyu kenko musume and saki r all intersex guys)
it's a slice of life comedy!! it's an ensemble story with every single character as the protagonist!! your fav will get lots of screentime!! and they'll be super silly 24/7!!
cute redesigns!!! :D
family bonding for those who want it. wholesome genuine friendships for those who want it. fleshed out and developed romances with actual chemistry for those who want it.
and yes. the faculty gets screentime too. dont think i left those lovely ladies out (and kocho)
its intentionally silly! this story does not take itself seriously! im not including stupid anime tropes and then doing deep narration voice and expecting you to gasp and cry at it
ayano gets a character arc!!!!!! she gets to be happy!!!!!!! do you want to see mentally ill autistic bisexual girl get happy!??!??!! yes you do check out aaa!!!!
there are actual serious moments though. you get to see these characters be genuinely sad, show actual weakness, you see just how shitty their circumstances really are, and then you get to see them get better. you will see, you will get to witness how it gets better. how it gets better, by working through it and facing it head-on, by having the support of people you love, by believing. it will get better if you just try. you can make it better.
no death only happy!!!! you get to see your favs be happy!!!!
you'll be supporting a queer poc neurodivergent writer oooooooooooo ooooooooo im waving my magic wand at you oooooooooooo
epic rap battles of akademi is a plot device
SO MUCH DEPTH TO EVERY CHARACTERRRRR go on. ask me any question about any person. i'll answer.
i. i've just been working on this for 3 years. an actual audience would be very rewarding and motivating for me. hi.
follow my blog for updates on antics at akademi (and make sure to block the "not aaa related" tag if you're only here for that!)
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yelenasdiary · 1 month
I rather mob boss Natasha. Since Yelena is ace and autistic I think it’s really disrespectful that you don’t ever mention that in any of your Yelena posts. It’s alway about dating Yelena and smut. We want more autistic Yelena content and please start respecting that she’s ace and stop overlooking it just because she’s your fav character
Mafia Boss! Nat is a very good choice!
I don’t mean to be rude or anything when I ask this but where did you get Yelena is autistic from? While I don’t believe she is & this is the first I’m hearing about it; I wanna assume this is a Headcannon you have for her? & if so, that’s great!
On the Ace comment though, I’ve had this discussion so many times and tbh, I’m getting so tired of it. Yelena isn’t confirmed to be asexual & even if she is, that doesn’t mean she can’t date somebody or have a sexual relationship. But, I will agree with you to a degree, I need more platonic Yelena stuff & I actually do have a platonic Yelena fic ready to post.
Please don’t come at me and assume that I’m “overlooking” Yelena’s sexuality. I write fanfic, it’s a free world to write and create whatever I want. Natasha isn’t a lesbian, but nobody attacks lesbian writers for writing her as a lesbian. If any of my Yelena content isn’t your cup of tea, that’s okay, I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for eventually but attacking me isn’t going to do that.
Be kind to others, I can’t please everybody but I do try my best to cater for anybody who comes across my blog.
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thebestofoneshots · 10 months
✩ Star
hey luvv!! can i please request a romantic matchup for marauders era :) ? you don't have to rush it, take your time in writing! 🪽💕🌸🤍
i'm a capricorn, infp, and an asexual sapphic. though i don't mind being matched up with a man because i'm sapphic and not lesbian :) maybe you can match me both with a girl and a boy hehehh
i'm 173 cm, i have brown long hair (with bangs) and brown eyes. i love doing skincare/just taking care of my body. i love the colour pink! i'm quite girly and feminine. my clothing style is basically this fashion brand called ozlana. i love wearing pearl jewelleries. i feel prettiest when i do my hair well. i also love barbie fashion! i'd love to be a fashion designer and have my own fashion boutique one day.
i'm a good listener and i can understand people well. i consider myself as open minded. i'm a huge feminist (gender equality and really just social equality in general 🫶) and i resent people that makes fun of others for being excited over something they love. i love reading (preferably english classics). i love the wizard of oz a lot. i would love someone who respects women and a gentleman.
i consider myself as quite smart :) (don't wanna be too self indulgent tho). my hobbies are reading, stargazing, and making dresses/clothing. i love plants and flowers <3 i also love fruits! my favs are strawberry, grapes, and blueberry. i enjoy baking too! love making french desserts recipes. i'm scared of being a failure. my biggest fear actually. so i tend to push myself as hard as i can to ace what i want.
i think that's all!! don't wanna make this too long. if you don't want to write this then i totally understand 🌸🤍💕🪽🫧
If you want to participate in "TBOS' 400 Followers Celebration" too, you can look at this post for all the options of prompts you can choose form &lt;3
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☆ Star: send a short description of yourself and I’ll tell you who I ship you with!
Chasing Butterflies
Pairing: James x Lily x reader Prompt: The story of how you ended up dating James and Lily. Word count: 1.5 k Warnings: None, (bit angsty / what feels like unrequited love but actually isn't).
Hey beatiful! I ship you with Lily and James! The first time you saw Lily, you thought she was the prettiest girl you’d seen in the world. She was wearing this beautiful flowery pink dress and looked so in awe of everything around her that you couldn't help but stare. Having been born into a magical family, it was interesting to see it from a different perspective. You were just about to approach her when she said hi to a disagreeable-looking boy that stared down at you as you took a step forward, which deterred you from doing so. Instead, you scurried away inside the train. That’s where you met James Potter and Peter Petegrew.
James was a very well-spoken boy who saw you wandering the train by yourself and invited you to sit along with him and his friend. He had been the one to introduce you to Peter and had also bought a bunch of treats for everyone once the Trolley Witch came around. James had been so nice to you that day that you felt like a princess. When both of you were put in the same house, you became close. James was always really, really nice to you, and you liked that about him, especially compared to the way his friends treated you - Sirius always trying to flirt and Peter being so awkward all the time. You also became close with Remus, and he would lend some of his muggle books, and you would borrow some magical ones to him. It became a habit, and Sirius would call you both nerds for it. You didn’t mind it all that much; you knew it was all playful banter.
In 5th year, when you discovered your passion for making clothes, the first person you told was Lily. You politely asked her if you could design a dress for her, and she felt honored. Once you handed her the dress, she instantly put it on, and it fit her like a glove. That weekend, when you went to Hogsmeade, she wore the dress, and even though you thought she looked absolutely lovely, you couldn’t help but feel a pit in your stomach whenever you realized people were staring at her. It was as if you didn’t want them to look, and their staring was affecting you somehow.
“That sounds an awful lot like jealousy to me,” Remus had told you. You gasped in that moment, but the more you thought about it, the more it made sense. Maybe you didn’t just like Lily as a friend. Maybe you liked, like her. Romantically liked her. And it made you feel miserable because you were very aware, like pretty much the entire school, that James was absolutely hung up on her.
At Marlenes’s party, organized by Mary a year later, someone had the brilliant idea of playing spin the bottle. When Lily had to kiss Marlene, she didn’t budge, which made you both jealous but also a little curious. Could that mean Lily was interested in girls too?
You, in turn, had to kiss James, and even if he was your friend, you had to admit he was a really good kisser. You were both panting a little when you separated and awkwardly went back to your places in the circle. From that day on, James stuck to you like gum, following you around and carrying your books and bag a lot more often than he did before. And even if you appreciated how nice he was, making you feel like a princess again, you were also bothered because you felt like you were his second choice, his consolation prize after he gave up on chasing after Lily.
“I’m not a pity prize, James!” You told him one day as he tried to hold your hand.
He looked at you, hurt in his face. “I’d never see you as one, kitten. I thought you knew.”
You looked at him taken aback. “What about Lily?”
He averted your gaze. “She… She’s like a star. Unreachable.”
“And I am within reach, right?” You continued, a little angry still.
“That’s not what I…”
“James, I like her too!” You somehow blurted out.
He looked at you in shock, eyes wide open as you told him the truth. “You like–" he started, confused "–like I do?”
You looked to the side and nodded. “Yes! Like you do.”
“And you don’t like boys like that?”
“I… I wouldn’t say that either…”
“Then what’s the issue?” He said, reaching for your hand again. You stared at him with a frown, thinking of pulling your hand away. But his hand was warm, and just as James always did, it made you feel nice too.
Both you and James started to spend a lot more time together since then. People would find him sitting beside you at dinner and in some classes. He made sure to always keep some kind of contact with you, whether it was holding your hand, having his arm over your shoulder, or a hand on your waist. You actually grew to like it; you felt appreciated and loved. Maybe you really weren’t a second choice to him, maybe he really had chosen you over Lily.
But then it was Halloween, and somehow you convinced him to dress as Ken while you'd dress up as Barbie. You designed both of your outfits, and he even hung out with you while you were sewing and adding beads and glitter to both of your costumes. Even Peter was helping you with the costumes, since you’d promised to help him with his. You were all sitting in the common room, and you were on the floor, sitting between James’ legs and resting your head on his chest as you sewed some details onto a coat when Lily walked in.
You smiled and waved at her, but she just looked at the two of you, looking hurt, and stormed out. “What’s with her?” Peter asked with a shrug. You and James looked at each other with a frown and nodded, both getting up and chasing after her.
“Lily!” You shouted as she picked up the pace.
“I’ll take a short cut,” James told you. “We’ll intercept her.”
Soon enough, James was blocking Lily from the front, and you stopped her from behind. “Hey! Lils, stop running, will you?” You told her, breath a little ragged, as she tried to walk past you. Her eyes started to water, and you looked at her concerned, placing both hands on her shoulders. “Hey love, what’s wrong?” You asked.
She started to cry then, and your heart broke. Whatever you had done, you were sure to never ever do it again; you could not bear to see her cry. James looked as mortified as you did.
“Evans,” he said, not daring to place a hand on her, like you already had. “What’s wrong, darling?” He asked softly.
“I… I don’t know… I…” She started between sobs. “I just, I suddenly felt so angry at the two of you being together like that. I just… I didn’t…. I’m an asshole.” She said as she placed her hands over her face to hide it from the two of you.
Realization hit you like a truck. “You like James,” you said dryly. James looked shocked at the two of you. “You’re jealous.” You said with a bitter laugh. “I’ll leave you to talk,” you said as you started to leave.
Lily finally raised her head from her hand and shook her head, you couldn't be more wrong. She grabbed your arm. "I wasn't jealous of you!" You turned surprised. "I wanted to be James!" You looked at the two of them, shocked. James looked so confused in that moment; if it hadn't been for the situation, you would've loved to capture that expression in a picture. "Or rather, there, like… in between the two."
You looked at her even more shocked. "Does that mean you like… both me and–"
"–Me?" James finished.
Lily just looked at the two of you in desperation. "See? I AM an asshole!"
You shook your head and exchanged a glance with James. He nodded, and the two of you embraced Lily in a tight hug. You buried your head on Lily’s shoulder, relishing in the smell of her signature lavender perfume, while James wrapped his long arms around the two of you, drawing you both towards his chest. From that moment on, the three of you somehow started dating each other. Lily was the perfect companion; she understood and related to all of your girly needs, gifting you a pearl necklace on your birthday and wearing all the dresses you made for her. James always cared for the two of you like you were goddesses, giving you the best cuddles in the world and enjoying all the desserts you prepared for him. He was absolutely obsessed with the way you baked. You were so happy together; you almost couldn’t believe it was real. But it was, and it was beautiful.
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A/N: Hey sweetie! I really hope you enjoy this little ship (it totally got out hand and ended up being a mini ficlet, but I hope you like it); also I really hope all the cuddling doesn't bother you &lt;3
Much Love, Lilly xx
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maochira · 1 year
In honor of pride month, share your fav queer hcs about any character you want <3
Anri: lesbian <3
Ego: aroace spectrum and gay
Barou: unlabeled for what gender(s) he's atracted to but definitely into guys (probably in denial) and demisexual
Oliver: also unlabeled with preference for women but in general he has the "Loch ist Loch" mentality😭 ("hole is hole")
Sendou: bi (I am CONVINCED he had something going on with Oliver at some point)
Kaiser: gay gay homosexual gay
Tokimitsu: too anxious to label himself ("What if it's not right? What if it changes?"), would prefer a queerplatonic relationship over a romantic one
Zantetsu: unlabeled because he doesn't know what fits him
Raichi: biromantic and demisexual
Niko: gay, demiromantic, ace spectrum
Gagamaru: demiromantic and asexual spectrum but doesn't care about his own or anyone else's gender he just needs a tiny friend or s/o he can bully <3
Bachman: gay but lots of internalized homophobia struggle
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crow-caller · 6 months
hiya papaya! my partner and i love your youtube videos, and we recently started a book review podcast focusing on books with queer themes. i wanted to ask if you had any lesser known queer ya book reccs, cuz i'd love to hear about them of so! also, i would love to cover your book at some point and perhaps talk with you about it, but that's future things cuz i don't want to fully ask that when we're only one episode in ourselves. thanks for making such awesome videos!~
I'm a huge huge huge podcast nerd so I may check out yours and would totally love to be on it! I really do despite all appearences spend most of my time gaming while listening to podcasts. Most of those podcasts are old episodes of mbmbam but look, we don't choose our autism.
I so don't do enough reading of NOT bad books in truth. Reading is hard and I take my occasional bad book breaks to read... like random stuff rather than specifically lgbt ya. But digging through my review archives and memory:
I'd be remiss if I didn't mention The Butterfly Assassin series by Finn Longman, which is foremost a spy assassin story set in a closed city but also has (and goes into more later) an aro ace lead character! And a very keen specific focus on close platonic bonds!! Stuff like that always gets passed over talking queer lit because it's not that bombastic I think to go 'there's good friendship here' but honestly so important to me to see books on purpose intentionally highlight platonic bonds as just as important as romantic or sexual. Anyway, great books. Caveat I know the author a bit but like, I am too autistic to hype up a friend's book that I DIDN'T genuinely love.
The aro/ace database is a key friend and work of art.
I think Angels Before Man is very widely known but a very interesting queer angel book!
Valhalla trilogy by Ari Bach is a very fun far future sci fi action fest with norse mythology parallels and dangerous lesbian valkyries
Archangel Protocol series, Lyda Morehouse isn't YA I think. Maybe. The fourth book could be, that one has a teen lead. Anyway, look!!! My fav angel weird sci fi universal unitarian religious 90s cyberpunk series...
I don't think my reccs help much at all here but there you go! I KNOW a lot of indie lgbt books. I just haven't actually read them.... yet......
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oc-challenges · 1 year
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Hello guys, gals, nonbinary pals, and every other lovely person in this community! The time has come for your (second) favorite challenge! Thanks to you all for voting on the polls, this challenge is a little different than previous years despite some of the winners but we hope you’ll still enjoy!
This challenge is for LGBTQ+ ocs only... hence why it’s called the pride challenge.
Tag your posts with #opc2023 in order to have them reblogged. (please do not tag any non-challenge related edits with this)
DON’T steal edits. If you feel your edit or someone else's has been stolen, report it to our submission box by following these guidelines.
If you want to make a crossover edit with somebody else’s oc, make sure the other person is okay with crossovers.
Feel free to send us any questions and keep in mind that all challenges are up for interpretation.
Be kind!!
Day One (June 1st): Gay
Make something for an oc that identifies as gay!
Day Two (June 2nd): Lesbian
Make something for an oc that identifies as a lesbian!
Day Three (June 3rd): Bi
Make something for an oc that identifies as bisexual and/or biromantic!
Day Four (June 4th): Pan
Make something for an oc that identifies as pansexual and/or panromantic!
Day Five (June 5th): Aro/Ace
Make something for an oc who identifies with the aro-ace spectrum!
Day Six (June 6th): Poly
Make something for an oc who is in a polyamorous relationship and/or identifies as poly in anyway!
Day Seven (June 7th): Gender
Make something for an oc who is not cisgender!
Tropes are a ton of fun, and there’s a trope for basically everything! This pride challenge as something new but exciting (hopefully!), we are doing LGBTQIA+ tropes week! Take a look at this list (or come up with your own) and apply them to your ocs!
Unfortunately guys there is only so many weeks in a month, and therefore we’ve dropped AU week (although look out for a special edition of it in the valentines challenge of this year), but we are keeping our favorite LGBTQIA+ artists around! You know the drill, promote your favs with an edit/drabble to one of their songs or poems!
WEEK FOUR (June 22nd—28th): PROMPTS
Prompt #1 (June 22nd): Pride/Proud
It’s what this month is all about so of course we’re bringing back this one!
Prompt #2 (June 23rd): Freedom
Making something for an oc using the word free and/or freedom! Are they free, are they pining for freedom? Use it however you’d like!
Prompt #3 (June 24th): Worth/Worthy
Make an oc creation using the word worth or worthy! Whether they use L'Oréal Paris' or not, you know they’re worth it.
Prompt #4 (June 25th): Truth
Let your ocs live their truth and use the word in a creation!
Prompt #5 (June 26th): Growth
As our ocs find their identities, they experience a lot of growth, so make a creation sing the word Growth!
Prompt #6 (June 27th): Change
As Taylor Swift said, these things will change. I can even feel it now! Can you and your ocs? Well show us through this word prompt
Prompt #7 (June 28th): Reflect
Use the word reflect in an oc creation! Are they reflecting on a relationship? On their journey to self-discovery?
Day 29 (June 29th): Here’s My Review... Not Gay Enough
We all know it; How Harry met Sally, the 10 things Kat hates about Patrick, what happens when Juliet faces the loss of her Romeo... But what about when Harry met Sully? The 10 things Kurt hates about Patrick? When Julio faces the loss of his Romeo? Well, I’m sure you get the point. Take a classic het romance and show us in another fun way how love is love! 
Day 30 (June 30th): Gift to The World
Hopefully you’ve signed up for the pride exchange on @ocpotluck and you can spend this day admiring everyone’s creations and adoring your gift!
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genthekick · 4 months
What your fav dbd character says about you (from a Yui main) - survivor edition:
Once again, this is only for entertainment purposes, don’t sentence me to death pls
Dwight - bald Dwight ftw
Meg - Beyoncé should sing: “Who run the world? Meg!”
Claudette - why do you keep fucking up the generator??
Jake - macho macho man
Nea - the OG lesbian
Laurie Strode - who? Seriously, does anyone play her?
Ace - you make me angry, but you’re trying
Bill - peepaw will save you!
Fang Min - we could go two ways: toxic or saviour of the world
David King - you look angry, but you’re actually aight
Quentin - who? 2.0
David Tapp - Tapp that gen please
Kate Denson - the saviour of the game AND my heart
Adam Francis - what a legend, he will die for you
Jeff - does anyone play him? 2.5
Jane Romero - tell me the truth? Do you actually play her cause she’s good or is it because she’s thiccc?
Ash - I admire you, I would like an autograph
Nancy Wheeler - will carry the game
Steve Harrington - will try and help, but at the end of the day, you’ll hear him scream on a hook
Yui - not to be biased, but… mum, she’s the one!
Zarina - Talented. Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Showstopping. Spectacular. Never the same. Totally Unique. Completely not ever been done before.
Cheryl Mason - you do NOTHING! Get out of the basement!!
Felix - you pop out of nowhere, making me almost shit myself
Élodie - you look like you know what you’re doing
Yun-Jin - props to you surviving in a bright fluffy jacket
Leon - unless you’re a bot, you’re my guardian angel
Mikaela - I thought she was the ultimate survivor until she started running… so so slow
Jonah Vasquez - a who now? Also how do you see through those glasses in the mist??
Yoichi - a legend that I never see
Haddie - you’ve gone through some shit
Ada Wong - you are the moment
Rebecca Chambers - always dies first
Vittorio - father?
Thalita - you don’t exist
Renato - you only exist as a bot
Gabriel Soma - if you explode a gen one more time, istg…
Nicholas Cage - either legendary or A COMPLETE ASSHOLE
Ellen Ripley - you remind me of my mother
Alan Wake - my best friend, my saviour, my will to live
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little-alien-duck · 1 year
the worlds most nichest post: my thoughts about what different doctor who characters rock climbing styles would be 
okay the point of this is to discuss dr who characters climbing vibes. Climbing is a sport with an INSANE amount of jargon so i’m gonna try to define all of it/explain my thought process but we’ll see how that goes. Also this is written in the order of vibes which is to say that there is no order at all. Also this is not exhaustive as there are characters i don’t have any specific climbing thoughts about (yet)
first category: characters who would primarily be top-ropers
top-roping is what people often think of when they think of climbing. you’re wearing a harness which is attached to the top of the wall via long rope. there is another person on the other end of the rope belaying you (catching you if you fall). this kind of climbing is more technical and endurance based.
-liz shaw would be an EXCELLENT top-roper. super analytical and extremely determined. she would absolutely CRUSH long, technical problems. Specifically i think she’d be really good at problems with crimps (little tiny holds where you’re only using your fingertips, you have to have really good technique for these holds) and slab problems (where the top of the wall is titled back from the bottom, really balanced based and again, super technique driven)
-ian and barbara would top rope together i think. They work together on the problems and it’s very cute. They’re both SO proud when susan sends something
-tbh i think five would really enjoy belaying people. You have to be mentally engaged bc you’re watching the person you’re belaying but it’s also an easy repetitive motion which can be kinda soothing? It’s also just the ultimate Parent activity. He would be so proud of his kids (though tegan would definitely prefer bouldering over top roping. Nyssa would be really into top roping i think. Adric would focus way too much on the grade (how difficult the climb is rated) and would get really frustrated if he could do one 5.10 but then fell on a 5.9 and for this reason would have a lot of trouble actually finishing anything. He knows all the terminology and is extremely pretentious about it but spends all his time commenting on other people’s attempts instead of doing any himself)
-jo: she’s also just like a great climbing buddy. super positive and cares more about having fun than sending anything (more ppl in the gym should have this attitude)  
category two: boulderers
Bouldering (my fav type in full transparency but i’ll try not to be TOO biased) is climbing on lower walls without a harness. The max wall height is generally about 15ft and if you fall, you land on a mat. If you do this outside you bring multiple (!!!) crash pads which are a little smaller than a mattress each and position them under you so if you fall that’s where you land. Outside you ALWAYS have a spotter but inside you rarely do if ever. In bouldering the individual moves are generally harder than in top-roping in that they require more power and are riskier but they’re generally less techy and far less endurance based  
-charley “i’m a champion faller” pollard. self-explanatory.
-ace mcshane bc the lesbian vibes here are off the charts. seven would absolutely try to coach her on like proper technique which she completely ignores. She has the worst footwork in the world which has torn holes in the toes of her shoes bc she’s brute forcing her way through every move. LOVES dynos (short for “dynamic move” essentially it’s just a jump. in a true dyno there is a moment where no part of your body is touching the wall) and is incapable of static climbing (the opposite of dynamic climbing, slow/deliberate movements)
-bill: she isn’t actually bouldering really, she is mostly hanging out in the bouldering area bc there are cute girls here (bouldering is the favorite climbing style of douchey gym bros and women who want to show them up. There are girls doing pull-up competitions here)
-twelve was there at the beginning of bouldering in hueco tanks texas he told me himself :) this was the prime era of climbing being hippie shit so obvs he was there smoking pot with them
-eight: likes the physicality of bouldering. Also he would be doing show-offy moves like campusing (climbing without using your feet so essentially doing pull-ups through the whole climb) and knee-bars (literally jamming your knees into a good hold and using the tension between you knees and feet to keep yourself at rest, in a good knee-bar you can fully let go with your hands and just hang there). would also be really into buddy climbs (boulder problems done by two people working together. you literally have to step on/hang off of your partner and vice versa. They’re risky for obvious reasons and you only ever do them with someone you really trust. eight would love them)  
Category three: lead climbing
Lead climbing is like top-roping in that you have a harness and someone belaying you except that instead of the rope being attached to the top of the wall, there are clips attached to the wall at intervals throughout the climb. As you ascend, you clip yourself in. that means that if you fall while 3ft above your last clip you fall six feet (length of rope above the clip doubled bc you are now dangling below it). Your belayer has to be paying more attention than in top-roping and it is possible to “deck” (hit the ground) if you fall from low enough
-nine and rose would be an ICONIC lead duo (she has to have an anchor when belaying him so she doesn’t go flying if he falls but still can you imagine)
-martha jones would CRUSH lead problems like they’re NOTHING. Super techy problem with little pinches and edges and insane footwork? She eats that for BREAKFAST. Essentially my reasoning here is the same reasoning i gave for liz with top-roping but martha is more of an adrenaline junkie than liz so lead over top-roping
-sarah jane would also be super into lead but would hate climbing with harry bc he’s way over protective (he’s a terrible belayer bc in an effort to make sure he is on top of the job he takes in way too much slack on the rope, accidentally making it harder for sarah to clip in)
-three and delgado!master make a really good lead duo which comes in handy during some contrived circumstance after one of the master’s plans goes awry and they’ve gotta lead climb to save the earth or whatever
cat five: free soloing  
This is like bouldering only stupider (i’m biased). Free soloing is the kind of climbing that other rock climbers refer to as reckless. essentially it’s bouldering except that you climb way higher than that 15 foot ceiling i mentioned earlier. You climb like things that really should be top-rope or lead routes without a harness or any other kind of equipment (sidenote: soloing refers to a lack of safety equipment not whether or not you’re climbing with other people)
-tbh like academy era one would be into this shit. It’s risky as hell and you can be extremely pretentious about it, perfect combo for him
-jack bc he literally can’t die so might as well am i right
Deep water free soloing
This is free soloing but slightly less dangerous bc if you fall, you land in water (any kind of soloing can only be done outside for obvious reasons)
-clara: it’s all of the risk and thrills of free soloing but sexier. self-explanatory.
Speed climbing:
Literally exactly what it sounds like. This kind of climbing only exists for competition and its objective is speed and speed only. It is the only type of climbing where speed is an objective at all and if you saw climbing in the olympics, it was probably this
-ten: noodle man. look at him. he’s perfect for this. long limbs, no body weight, and the hyperactivity of a child with a caffeine addiction.
Other misc. Thoughts:
-Leela would obviously be good at climbing as an activity though i’m not sure about climbing as a sport. She would rainbow (use any holds instead of the ones for the route she was specifically climbing) literally every problem bc “the holds are there, why should I not use them?” just generally would have a difficult time with the rules of climbing as a sport not bc she doesn’t understand them, she just thinks they’re stupid
-missy would never climb as this is obviously beneath her BUT she gives really good climbing advice. She will insult you while doing it tho
-mel rotates between bouldering and top-roping to be more well-rounded (and therefore healthier) and would use the hangboard a lot (like a pull-up bar but designed to mimic small edges on climbing holds)  
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good-boy-ren · 4 months
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carrd ✦ sfw selfship✦ main blog ✦ art blog
◆ ro ‣ 30↑ ‣ they / them ‣ biro ace ◆ chronically-ill artist, 07th expansion enthusiast, alice hnkna kinnie, Weird Little Guy enjoyer, and oushirou’s spouse! ◆ this is my nsft selfship blog. i'll focus mainly on my beloved personal chewtoy and golden retriever boyfriend oc 💕ren 💕 and his AU counterparts!! 🦦💖🐐 i also have many vn and otome game f/os -- vns are my special interest! feel free to chat with me about them ^^ ◆ i block liberally. curate your online experience, peace and love on planet earth. ◆ kinks / preference list, tags, f/o list, and DNI/BYF below. (i interact from @nocturne-of-illusions -- updated 18 may 2024)
credits: 1 / 2 / 3
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──⌈ kinks & preferences ⌋──
💚 LOVE 💚 soft dom, hands, gloves, light bondage, orgasm control, edging, collars, toys, praise, body worship, breeding (NO pregnancy), voice, scent, panty sniffing, oral, light possessiveness, monsters, excessive cum, (purposeful) aphrodisiac, outercourse, cumming in pants, premature ejaculation 🔶 SQUICK 🔶 heavy bondage, degradation, injuries (causing OR receiving), blood (except for nosebleeds), breath play, flagellation, watersports, scat, anal, rimming, emeto 🛑 ABSOLUTE NO-GOES, DNI 🛑 raceplay, ageplay / ddlg / cgl / sexual agere, noncon / dubcon / etc, incest, pedophilia, lolisho, misgendering / detrans ⚠️ CURRENT BLACKLIST SQUICK TAGS ⚠️ "#bondage -"
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◆ lmk if you need anything added to the blacklist tag list! also, if you like things on my squick list, feel free to follow -- these aren't moral stances, they're simply not my thing! if you like things in the no-go list, though... leave.
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────⌈ tags ⌋────
📌 [ my posts. ] ; 💭 [ my thoughts. ] 🎨 [ 046 art. ] ; ⚙️️ [ 046 wips. ] ✏️️ [ my scenarios. ] ; 💤 [ 046 dreams. ] ✨ [ oc lore. ] ; ⭐ [ canon lore. ]
⎯⎯⎯⎯ [ ♡ ]⎯⎯⎯⎯
[ official. ] ; [ imagines. ] ; [ affirmations. ] ; [ aesthetic. ] [ fashion. ] ; [ memes. ] ; [ misc. ] [ music. ] ; [ videos. ] ; [ voice. ] ; [ img. ] [ suggestive. ] ; [ nsft. ] ; [ nsft ds. ]
⎯⎯⎯⎯ [ ♡ ]⎯⎯⎯⎯
[ asks. ] ; [ ask games. ] ; [ tag games. ] [ prompts. ] ; [ need to draw. ] ; [ resources. ] [ other ppls ships. ] ; [ irl. ] ; [ favs. ]
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───⌈ top romantic ⌋───
🍄 [ lying on the blade of an emotion. ] - ♫      ¬ ren brunet (oc) [ doc!ren ] 🧃 [ who is in control. ] - ♫      ¬ ren brunet (oc, villain au) [ v!ren ] 🦦 [ can’t escape it. ] - ♫      ¬ ren brunet (oc, retail au) [ r!ren ] 🐸 [ look ahead. ] - ♫      ¬ ren brunet (oc, pkmn au) [ poke!ren ]
──⌈ primary romantic ⌋──
📷 [ phantom hearts. ] - ♫     ¬ shirogane oushirou (starry☆sky) 🦎 [ chasing starlight. ] - ♫      ¬ gray ringmarc (hnkna) ☣️ [ good in red. ] - ♫      ¬ mars (oc)
──⌈ secondary romantic ⌋──
🏹 [ purple eyes. ] - ♫      ¬ raven (tales of vesperia) 💣 [ lost in your charm. ] - ♫      ¬ sirius (starry☆sky, polestar au)
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──⌈ self insert & misc ⌋──
🐐 [ been up all night. ] - ♫      ¬ ro (self-insert) 🦔 [ used to be easy. ] - ♫      ¬ ro (self-insert, pokemon au) [ ❤️ ]      ¬ all romantic f/os
──⌈ dormant romantic ⌋──
🐝 [ step on bug. ] - ♫      ¬ utsuro (jooubachi)      ¬ no longer actively tagging 🤖 [ city of ghosts. ] - ♫      ¬ nika (oc)      ¬ no longer actively tagging
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───⌈ do not interact ⌋───
◆ NO minors, period. also, this is not an rp blog; do not solicit me for nsft DMs. ◆ i'm a staunch lgbtqia+ inclusionist, including mspec lesbians and xenogenders. neither zionism nor antisemitism welcome. villains are fun, but violently bigoted or fascist f/os will get you blocked. ◆ i dislike the fetishization of CSA, incest, abuse, assault, etc. difficult subjects should exist in fiction, but i don't enjoy them being sensationalized or sexualized. i'm also against real person fiction. if a blog includes these things, i will block and move on.
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──⌈ before you follow ⌋──
◆ DO NOT selfship with my ocs, and please be clear that any comments aren't flirty (unless we're mutuals; i trust y'all to be "flirty (platonic)"💖). ◆ i'm cool with sharing canon characters, but i'll respect if you aren't. if i gain the same f/o and you don't share, we can block each others' tags, or you can tell me we need to unfollow each other (i'll understand). if non-sharing friends share the same f/o, it's their responsibility to block each other, not mine to choose between them. ◆ i tag general triggers as "#trigger -", as well as "#pokemon -" and "#umineko -" / "#umineko spoilers -". if you need me to tag anything else, let me know!
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───⌈ for your info ⌋───
◆ i observe reblog / ask game courtesy and request it in return! i don't do chain reblogs / mail, though, but i still appreciate the thought!! 💗 ◆ chronic illness makes me slow to reply to and reblog things. i'm not ignoring you; i just need time to put my thoughts together. i also don't follow-back often bc i've hit my personal limit. feel free to send asks or replies, though! and i LOVE reading any f/o tags people leave on reblogs!! 💖
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After the last chapter is it okay if we ask for your take on the AA argument? Or AA in general? Emma and Courtney’s convo maybe made me geek out a bit and now I’m so curious because there’s so many angles to take.
absolutely i love talking ace attorney! i started off as a miego shipper but then became a lanamia shipper so i can see both sides to courtney and emma's convo lol. i think mia and diego have more basis in canon for being a couple and i like how diego was intertwined with the fey family drama. however he literally did not tell maya about this plot to kill her and instead did convoluted stuff to protect her which still involved killing her mother when he could've prevented all of that in the first place. though my memory of that case is fuzzy and i understand there needed to be a murder for there to even be a case in the first place. but i think the writing could've been better bc it's hard to sympathize with diego after all that. also i don't know for sure if his misogyny is due to faulty translation or if it was the original writers' intent. as for lana, while her existence was a retcon (if im remembering right) i love her and ema and that whole case. damon gant is a big orange power man and he's going to beat the shit out of everyone (pbnt my beloveds). that intellectually attracted line is incredibly lesbian of lana and mia. they definitely dated at some point. it's also really funny to think of maya and ema's older sisters dating idk why. vibes. but yeah i think emma would see this emotionally repressed older sister character trying to protect her younger sister from all this trauma while being taken advantage of by an older man, hear the "intellectually attracted" line, and be like "oh she ABSOLUTELY had a thing with this hot smart spunky lawyer lady" while not realizing in the slightest that she's projecting. while i feel like courtney is very much someone who goes by canon and tends to enjoy canon relationships and shipping fanon relationships doesn't really occur/make sense to her. i think she also likes diego because he'll throw coffee mugs at the defense and she wishes she could be that violent in court one day. though by that criteria franziska would be her fav character. but i also think it would be funny if she found franziska really annoying and did not see the irony in that at ALL.
ANYWAY i love talking about ace attorney i love talking about what td characters would think about ace attorney please feel free to send me more ace attorney asks. those games got me through the height of the pandemic (in addition to total drama)
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svturn-exe · 1 year
ik we don't actually Know Anything abt the dude yet but still cesar is nonbinary and a lesbian to me . i know it to be true in my heart
i think he tried explaining how he feels to mark at like 3am like . he thinks girls are pretty but not how boys talk about girls being pretty but in the way a girl finds girls pretty but he doesn't feel like a girl ? but not a boy either mark just goes "mrprghnkjg,, mrph . lesbian" and passes out n cesar's like yeah........ YEAH....
diagnosed lesbian by ur friend w the autistic tboy swag
i also hc the entirety of bps as bi bc. bisexual paranormal society. that is actually the entire reasoning behind it
adam is bi ace, jonah is just straight up bi, and sarah is bi lesbian
mark is aroace bc he's 1 of my fav characters and i'm ✨Projecting✨
ik this is a post abt sexuality n stuff but if u try to talk abt shipping here i will steal your fucking femurs and beat you with them .
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theclearblue · 4 months
Ok, ship ask but this time shoujo/josei edition... (just saw your top fav manga list, love them 🥰). What do you think of these ships :
Fruits Basket :
- Yuki / Kakeru (sorry I don't really ship him with Maki)
- Hanajima / Uotani (kinda dislike end pairing for Arisa, she deserve better)
Yona of the Dawn (don't get me wrong, I love Yona/Hak but I like these ships too) :
- Suwon/Hak & Yona/ Lili
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
- Kikuhiku/ Sukeroku (one of my fav ship, tragic yaoi, I really dislike 'that woman' that ruin everything for my ship)
Sorry if my ask got too long, you can pick whichever ship that you want....
Hello again anon!! Love to see you pop up in here and I'm happy to answer all of these lol 🫡
Ship it
1. Not sure if there was one specific moment for me, but I think just seeing their friendship develop over time to the point where Yuki is able to really open up to a friend for the first time is a really compelling journey for Yuki!
2. I think it's funny how Kakeru is able to just piss off Yuki with his antics lmao, but it's also kind of a big moment for Yuki where he isn't pretending to play this "prince" character, Kakeru is able to draw the real Yuki out.
3. Hmm I do probably ship Yuki with both Kakeru and Maki, I like both pairings in different ways
Ship it
1. Ahhh I don't think there's ever just a moment but these are the most obvious lesbians of all time ajaksldlvl. Love their opposite vibes but they way they both scare everyone around them and are #1 Toohru protectors is soooo funny and also iconic.
2. I suppose I answered it in the previous section lmao but I think there's such a pure love between them and the love that they share for Toohru they just look out for each other so well and their opposite vibes are so cool, especially because it's like no big deal at all to them.
3. Anon you're so right WHY DID UOTANI END UP WITH A MAAAAAANNNN. Technically not sbout the ship I guess but yeah I really wasn't a big fan of Kureno and her ending up together, felt homophobic 💀
Ship It (Lightly)
1. This is like on the border because even though I'm usually a big multishipper, Yona/Hak are really It for me ya know. I also hc Suwon as aro/ace, but there is some real good potential with Suwon/Hak, and I'm sure this will come as a surprise (after saying it for 500th time ajslslf) but I'm a big angst enjoyer. I probably did ship this more than Yona/Hak at the beginning lmao, and then them reuniting and Hak still feels so hurt? Not just for Yona and her father bur also himself? Wowowowow yeah this ship is pretty good.
2. The angst potentiaaaaallll childhood best friends with maybe a little crush to enemies to !?!?@(#$)#)@*$*@! Goooood they're so messed up Hak is so hurt from everything but he also understands where Suwon is coming from and Suwon giving up that relationship with Hak in order to help the country?? How do you recover from all of these different feelings?? Very good food
3. As much as I like their ship potential it really is Yonahak today, Yonahak tomorrow, Yonahak forever
I'm going to kinda skip Yona/Lili cause I need to reread/catch up on Yona and I don't think I could give a solid answer on Lili rn 🤧 Do trust though I believe in bi4bi Yonahak 🫡
Ship It
1. Everythinggggggg. From the start from the beginning they were IT. I don't even have like, a SUPER good memory since it's been so long since I've watched Rakugo, but god they really are the definition of soulmates (even if sukeroku doesn't realize it...)
2. I think just their journey together is so compelling, they complete each other and bring out their best but also their worst. Kikuhiko is too in his head at all times, Sukeroku is too impulsive, but the way that they balance each other personality wise and also in their rakugo is so enticing to watch, you can't look away from them. They walked so that other disaster gays could run lmao.
3. Yeah ok let's get into the ending lmao. I will always choose to interpret that Shinnosuke is the spiritual successor to Kikuhiko's and Sukeroku's rakugo not...blood related successor of Kikuhiko lmao. I think that fits the story and the themes and the characters waaaay better than Kikuhiko having Shinnosuke as his biological grandchild 💀 It's nature vs nurture in my eyes! He has the nature of Sukeroku because that's his biological grandfather, but Kikuhiko raised him, it's the nurture side! Why it was left open ended...hmm I think it's supposed to be a stylistic choice to reflect how one unravels a rakugo story? But yeah I refuse the other option for my own sanity lmao. Also also people always ignore/forget about Kikuhiko's struggles with gender expression and I'm sad about that :( so important to his character and his relationships throughout the story.
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aceoflilies · 1 year
Welcome to the Ace Space!
Call me Ace! I use she/him pronouns and I'm 21.
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This is my primary blog! If you're looking through my profile because somebody's been liking your Pokéblogging posts, my active Pokéblogs are @humming-pokemon-helpers, @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour, @wigglytuff-guild, @pkmnathlete, @malie-city-library, and @mc-pokeprincess. Happy to talk about them OOC here too!
Otherwise, this blog is where I reblog stuff (sometimes with commentary), talk about my favorite fluff ships & series info, post the rare fics I complete, and sometimes even talk about life!
My main fandoms are Pokémon (most common), Undertale/Deltarune, Ace Attorney, Fire Emblem, and Splatoon (mostly for Pearlina content), but occasionally I'll talk about other series that interest me. Under the cut for post-shortening's sake.
Most of my ramblings are pretty much just character headcanons/interactions, but at times i like to focus on world-building/larger theories, and I'd love to connect with other people with those interests in my fandoms (especially Pokémon SWSH and SV!!)
Also, if anybody ever wants to toss me some writing requests, feel free! Just know I make no guarantee of speed. (If you want to see my writing, here's my AO3!)
A few things to note about me:
This should generally be a SFW blog! Please keep any asks/requests or the like SFW, but as long as you're respectful, anybody can interact.
I post a lot about ships I like! More below the cut. I try to tag 'em.
I try to be canon compliant. I make no guarantees of that.
Maybe I'll post OC stuff here one day???
If you're discriminatory towards any marginalized groups (racism, sexism, homo/transphobia, ableism, fatphobia), I reserve the right to block freely. Likewise, if I say/repost something that makes folks uncomfortable without realizing it, please let me know! Happy to correct myself.
Other reasons I'll block people: being rude, posting pro-ED content, posting pedo stuff, actively hating on my faves. Probably other stuff that squicks me I'm forgetting right now, too.
That's most of the important stuff! Please feel free to reblog, I'd love to find some mutuals here I can talk about shared interests with!!
Favorite characters/pairings/hobbies below the readmore! It's a lot. You have been warned.
My Faves!
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Characters (top favs in yellow, sorry the list is so long,,,):
Hop (Pokémon SW/SH): I could rant about this boy for days and still not have said enough about how much I love him as a rival and character. He is the best thing to come of out SW/SH. And besides, we love Wooloo enjoyers.
Nemona (Pokémon S/V): She has so much passion and energy for battling!!! She genuinely just wants to connect with someone even though she's so misunderstood!!! Also, she can't handle exercise. I feel you, girl.
Hanamaru Kunikida (Love Live! Sunshine!!): I'm not much of a Love Live fan anymore, but I still love Hanamaru so so much. She is sunshine and light and sweetness and a bookworm and she gets so much joy out of enjoying food and spending time with her friends. A comfort character of mine.
Noelle Holiday (Deltarune): She's such a nervous little dork who's actually just a freak (affectionate), and honestly that is peak young lesbian representation.
Kris Dreemurr, Ralsei, Susie (Deltarune): Please ask me to rant about them individually. I love all of their writing.
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon): I live for her gremlin energy. Yes, even the eating mayo straight from the bottle. I also admire the fact she managed to pull Marina.
Marina Ida (Splatoon): They really did make the coolest, prettiest hacker girl who loves anime and manga and said "make her fall in love with the scrungliest little squid".
Ashe Ubert (FE3H): He's just a little guy!!! A little fella!!! Love his voice acting, his love for books, cooking, and honor, and his tragic backstory. Poor boy.
Ibuki Mioda (SDR2): Is Danganronpa a great series. No. Did Danganronpa give us the most beautifully chaotic lesbian I have ever seen and then cruelly rip her from my hands far too soon. Yes.
Trucy Wright (Ace Attorney): Please, Capcom, please remember she exists, I am begging you. Yes she's another "teenage assistant putting on a brave face so she can help solve the mysteries". But I love her magic tricks and her interactions with Phoenix and Apollo, so here she is.
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney): Please stop giving him backstories.
Bianca, N, Yancy, Skyla (Pokémon B/W/B2/W2)
Gloria, Marnie, Victor, Bede, Leon, Raihan (Pokémon SW/SH)
Arven, Penny, Clavell (Pokémon S/V): If you want more Penny and Clavell, I write them constantly on @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour.
Lillie (Pokémon S/M)
Nagito Komaeda (SDR2): No defense here.
Komaru Naegi (DRAE): I do not like UDG for many reasons. I do like Komaru.
Miles Edgeworth, Phoenix Wright, Maya Fey, Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Rin Hoshizora, Umi Sonoda, Kotori Minami, Ruby Kurosawa, You Watanabe, Emma Verde, Rina Tennoji (Love Live!): My grab bag of gay people. I also generally love most of Aqours.
Edelgard, Caspar, Linhardt, Mercedes, Annette, Marianne, & more (FE3H)
Pretty Much Everyone In Undertale.
Dusa, Artemis, Zagreus, Thanatos (Hades)
My OCs! Feel free to ask about them.
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Personal ships!
Mostly in the "I like the dynamics" sense, rather than the "I think these two would be perfectly well-adjusted together" sense. Ships with minors in them are purely fluff.
Hop/Gloria/Marnie (Pokémon SW/SH): Hop/Gloria is my main focus, just because I think their high energy (in my headcanons, anyways) play off of each other really well. I also like Gloria/Marnie for sunshine/serious. I also like Hop/Victor. I think about the Sw/Sh characters a lot.
Nemona/Juliana (Pokémon S/V): After 君と雨上がりを and Biri-Biri, they're canon. But also, you can't just ask someone to be your best rival like that!!!
Pearlina (Splatoon): They were literally built for each other. They are perfect. I will pull out a thesis on the Octo Expansion and Splatfest dialogue. Do not make me do that.
Caspashe (FE3H): Three words. Gay cat dads. (I also like Casphardt.)
Edeleth (FE3H): Yes, I'm basic. Speaking of basic:
Wrightworth/Narumitsu (AA): Like I said. Basic.
Klapollo (AA): I just find 'overly flirty guy and straight-faced serious guy who believes not a word of it' such a fun dynamic.
Suselle (DR): May I please point you to the ferris wheel scene as a whole.
Alphyne (UT/DR): Just a classic. They're cute and complement each other really well.
Komahina (SDR2): In the sense that "I think if you leave them in a room for enough time the room will literally explode". They're fun because they're so terrible. And on very, very rare occasions, fool you into thinking they're not.
Mikan/Ibuki or Band-Aid (SDR2): Let's be honest, 2-3 was a cop-out.
Rubymaru (Love Live! Sunshine!): Sunshine and sweetness.
Standard Love Live ships (When I say standard, I mean basic.)
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Hobbies/other interests! (Alternatively: Ace Touches Grass)
Cooking/baking! I don't post my food much, but I do tag food.
Writing: I started out with Club Penguin fanfiction at age 8 so you know I'm the real deal.
Practicing Japanese! I like to practice by listening to Japanese music (Ado/Suisei/Polkadot Stingray/Aqours/Vaundy/King Gnu/YOASOBI) and playing games in Japanese.
Archery! I got to try out kyudo in Japan. Best thing I ever did.
Sightseeing, trying new restaurants and foods!
Libraries, I work at one!
Reading (one book, in two days, every 6 months.)
Psychology! Mainly clinical and developmental psych.
Collecting stuffed animals and other cute things!
Animals! Favorite are penguins and foxes :)
RTGame, the Drift King Himself
Bad Karaoke (in Japanese.)
If you got this far, thanks for at least skimming over my post! Hope to make some new friends, allies, or maybe at least queer-coded rivalries here on Tumblr.
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