theenglishilearn · 4 years
Hey folks! Here you have some vocabulary words I learnt while watching Lost:
Shrapnel - metralla
Touch and go - situación precaria, delicada
Tether - atar
Furnace - horno / caldera
Scimitar - cimitarra (sword with curved edge)
Fiend - desalmado / fanático
Welding - soldadura
Infirmary - enfermería
Bloke - (UK) tipo, tío
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
Some prepositional phrases:
On the spur of the moment - (decisión) de último minuto
On the brink of - a punto de
In the region of - cerca de, alrededor de
In conjuction with - junto con
On the grounds of/that - bajo el argunento de que
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
Apparently putatively is a word in English?????
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
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No nos complicamos la vida.
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
Some compound nouns that I've learnt today:
Outlook: perspectiva / pronóstico
Outset: comienzo
Setback: contratiempo
Cutback: reducción de gastos
Crackdown: medidas severas
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
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I'm done
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
Random words of the day:
Overzealous: demasiado entusiasta
Bashful: tímido
Steer clear: mantenerse alejado
Tantamount: equivalente
Muster up: reunir
Are you a bashful person? I guess I am at first.
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
Here you have my personal tips to learn English (could work with your target language too) in a more effective way. Some of them may be too obvious:
Watch series and movies in English with English subtitles until you're prepared enough to understand almost everything without them. You will acquire many grammar structures without consciously learning them.
Focus on fluency rather than on accuracy.
Follow English-speakers on your social media.
Read in English things that genuinely interest you so that the learning gets more meaningful.
Avoid memorising words without context.
Don't rely on translations too much, try to guess the meaning from the context. Think in English.
Read the lyrics while listening to an English song.
Quizlet is a great app to make flashcards and study vocabulary. However, instead of creating them with translations, do it with definitions and pictures.
Change your phone language to English.
When you're learning new vocabulary or structures, write down examples related to your life.
Write a diary in English.
And maybe the most important one: don't be afraid to talk, to communicate, to make mistakes. Don't worry about your accent. Forget about what other people may think about you. Keep trying and keep improving.
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
Actually disappointed that the English translation for masa madre isn't mother dough.
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
Today I learnt the participle clauses!
There are three types:
Present participle: with the verb ending in -ing. For example: knowing that she liked books, Sam bought her a novel.
In Spanish: sabiendo que a ella le gustaban los libros, Sam le compró una novela.
Past participle: with the verb in past participle. For example: filled with pride, he walked towards the stage.
In Spanish: lleno de orgullo, él caminó hacia el escenario.
Perfect participle: having + the verb in past participle. For example: having finished my homework, I took a walk.
In Spanish: habiendo terminado mis deberes, di un paseo.
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
Random words of the day:
Startled - sorprendido, sobresaltado
Downright - sumamente
Dissertation - tesis doctoral
Fall out with - enemistarse con
Understatement - finura, eufemismo
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
Random words of the day:
Blacksmith - herrero
Splinter - astilla
Fair and square - con todas las de la ley
Magpie - urraca
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
Today I was reading The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury and one story was called The Veldt.
I've never heard of that word! I looked it up and it refers to the South African grassland. Veldt comes from the Afrikaans word for "field".
Spanish translation: Sabana, pradera, or simply veld
Example of use: A pride of lions appeared in the veldt / Una manada de leones apareció en la sabana
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
Word of the day: whim
Spanish translation: capricho
Example of use: On a whim, we stopped at the roadside stand to get ice cream / Por capricho, paramos en el puesto del arcén para coger helado
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
Word of the day: hindsight
Spanish translation: retrospectiva
Example of use: In hindsight, it would've been better to wait / En retrospectiva, habría sido mejor esperar
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
I got a feeling I might have lit the very fuse / Tengo la sensación de que podría haber prendido la mecha
I was listening to Knee Socks by the Arctic Monkeys when I heard that lyric. Idiom of the week!!!
Definition: if someone lights the fuse, they do something which starts something dangerous or exciting
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theenglishilearn · 4 years
please like or reblog
if you’re langblr and learning
•turkish (I can help you with that.)
I want to follow you!!
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