About love spells.
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A love spell: what it is?
A love spell doesn’t need an introduction, right? Basically, a love spell is a spell that you or a spell caster casts in order to create a certain connection between two people.
These can be people that know each other or people who are apart for many different reasons. Usually, the one linked to love spells is red magic but, being one of the most frequently sought out kinds of magic, you can find love spells in red magic, white magic, black magic, and even in voodoo magic.
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Cupid’s Flaming Arrow Spell
The Cupid’s Flaming Arrow Spell Casting is a powerful combination of many spells in one. It mainly consists of an attraction spell and beauty and charisma spell.
What you can expect from me:
* Private and personalized approach
* Casting done in less than 24h
* Only the best ingredients & tools
* Free consultations before & after spell casting
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What does a love spell feel like?
A love spell feels like you have these strong feelings for someone who might not be your partner, even for someone who you never considered as a suitable partner, but also for some of your exes. It’s like a connection shows up from nowhere and you cannot help it.
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❤️Compulsive thoughts about someone
Out of nowhere, you start to think of someone from your past or present with whom you have no direct contact or simply no longer maintain a bond, and you cannot get them out of your head and your thoughts. It can even sneak into some of your dreams, awakening feelings that did not exist in you before.
❤️Need to get in contact with someone
When thoughts become more powerful and constant, you feel an intense need to get in touch with that person; You need to see them, talk to them and start including them in your life, because the idea of continuing to stay away from them bothers you.
You do not know why, but you are completely sure that this person is also thinking of you, although they do not dare to take the first step. You even begin to imagine what the next time you see them will look like and even put together a love story in your head.
You love the feeling that person is causing you, but for some reason, you are like too excited and at night you have trouble falling asleep. You might even dream of the person of your desires!
❤️You lose your appetite
Your obsession with that person reaches such a degree that you lose your appetite, so you eventually lose weight. You are rarely hungry and sometimes you even forget to eat because you are thinking about that person.
❤️Disinterest in your partner and in your relationship
If you have a partner, you will automatically lose interest in them and you will replace them with the memory of the other person. Spending time with your partner will get tedious and boring; you will even think about ending your relationship.
❤️You want this person no matter what
You feel like you cannot live without someone in particular and you cannot wait to get together with this person, no matter what you need to do to make all this come true.
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Forms of Witchcraft
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•Dolls and Poppets
Poppets are the English terms for what movies call a ‘voodoo doll’. Voodoo doll is a misnomer, and does nothing for either poppets or Haitian magic.
Poppets can be used for a couple of things – mainly either cursing or healing. This doesn’t always have to be physical curses/cures – poppets can also be used to influence thought patterns.
Dolls can also be used to provide homes for Spirits, or used to create guardians. You can also use a doll as a scapegoat to prevent a curse from latching onto you.
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Shrine making is less a way to create a defined outcome, and more a way of pleasing Spirits who you may later want to call upon. It’s kinda like taking your new neighbours a pie, in case you ever need them to watch the house whilst you’re away. The pie is an overture to a friendly relationship, not direct payment for the house sitting. However, if you just blundered into their garden one day and offered them £100 to watch the house, they’d probably tell you to get lost. Randomly calling up Spirits, Saint or Deities can have the same effect. I mean, would you help someone get a job if they just banged on your door and waved some incense at you? Get your local Spirits pies. Find out what scents, and objects, and offerings that they like. Keep the land around you clean, and pick up after other people if you can. Use your vote and your money to protect the land from logging and fracking. Build a dedicated ‘meeting space’ where you call up Spirits, and fill it full of pictures of them or things they like. It pays dividends in the future.
Shrinemaking can also be used to help bless and protect your home and land. By connecting with the other Spirits that are there, you solidify the relationship, and can work together against intruders.
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•Bottles and Jars
Witch bottles (or spell jars)  are fun, easy ways to create a variety of effects. As a spell base, they can be effective for:
* money
* love
* friendship
* animal work
* protection
Some people define a witch bottle as strictly the traditional version which is used as a scapegoat, and call other spells involving bottles and jars ‘spell jars’. Some people use the term witch bottle to encompass all magics involving jars.
You can learn about all types of bottle magic in the free course which you can sign up for below!
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Candle magic is a much more modern form of magic than you’d think – especially if we’re talking coloured candles. Candles were very precious objects in the past! However, it was not an unusual item to have, like a hunk of crystal or fairy doll, which is why they became an item to use for undetected witchcraft – like brooms, and cauldrons.
As candles have got cheaper and cheaper and less needed to be used for lighting, much more forms and types of magic have sprung up around them. With the addition of coloured waxes or painted candles, the sorts of magic you can do with candles has grown exponentially.
Candles are a subset of fire magic and therefore are fantastic for banishing, but they are often the beginners tool of choice. It’s easy to understand why – easy to get hold of, easy to use, and there’s as much fancy ritual needed as you feel inclined to give it.
When you want to expand your knowledge, you can still stick with candles – but investigate the use of oils, herbs and crystals in conjunction with candles.
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•Crystals and Rocks
Crystals and rocks are often used as ‘ingredients’ in other spells. They are very easy to add to bottles, pouches, dolls and more. However, you can also use crystals in spell work solely on their own by adding them to your pillow, till, money box, plant pot, etc.
Their use goes much further than this, but that enters the realm of energy healing which is a part of many traditions and is a very dedicated and intensive practice all by itself, and too much to explain here.
You can utilize the powers of air in a lot of ways. It’s usually good for cleansing spells – think sweeping with a ritual broom, burning incense (smoke=air, not fire), ringing bells or playing bowls, singing, using flags and wheels. Air methods tend to return quick results.
Earth brings slow results, but they tend to be larger. Earth practices include enchanting seeds that will bring you money as they grow, burying offerings in the Earth, making vessels and spells out of clay, or writing spells in the mud.
Fire can bring things into your life, but is much better used to get rid of them – for beginners, anyway. If there is anything in your life that you wish to get rid of, you can write or draw a representation of it and cast it into the fire to remove it.
Water can take the longest time to bring you what you need. However, think of water pounding against a rock. Drips of water became rivers, became waterfalls. Water can often bring you the biggest results, but it may take a long time.
Water spells can include potions (see below), but can also include ritual baths, leaving offers in water, or giving up bad energy or habits to the ocean.
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Bones are a contentious subject in witchcraft. Some people will never use them, some people’s practice is not complete without them. You can actually get bones in an ethical manner, by either cleaning up roadkill yourself or paying someone to do it for you, or literally keeping the bones from your dinner!
Some uses for bones are:
* Telling the future (casting bones or lots)
* Housing the Spirit of the animal so you can work with them
* Form parts of wands or ritual jewellery or headresses
* Ingredients in pouches
Tarot, Runes and Ogham
You can use all of these fortune telling tools in spells, too! You can choose one of them that has a characteristic or represents an outcome that you’d like. So if you wanted a new job, you might choose the Ace of Pentacles. Then you could do any one of the following with it:
* Use it to focus a candle spell
* Add it to a pouch or bag spell
* Add it to a jar spell
* Use it in lieu of a sigil
* Make a vision board around it
* Even burn it! (You can get single Tarot cards for this purpose on eBay.)
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•Potions and Elixirs
Potion Magic used to be a lot more popular. Whilst elixirs, tisanes and tea blends are still popular for use on yourself, the masses of recipes of potions, philtres and similar recipes have all but died out. That’s because a lot of potion magic is only to be used in desperate circumstances, like love potions and curses. The reason so many old fashioned love potions are beyond creepy and controlling is that woman’s husband was her meal ticket. If he left her, not only would she be blamed, but she would be out of a house, food and her own family probably wouldn’t take her in. She had shamed them all. (Often through no actual fault of her own.) She was literally facing public humiliation, being outcast, perhaps even starving to death – and sometimes her children along with here.
So dousing  a lover or husband’s food with love potion made a lot more sense then, than it does now.
Thankfully, most of us don’t live in those circumstances any more, so a lot of philtre or potion use has died out. However, there are still some amazing things you can make to ingest yourself:
* Tea blends
* Tisanes (herbals teas)
* Bath spells
* Lunar or solar water
* Herbal Oils
Spoken Magic
Spoken Magic can be long and complicated, or very short. It doesn’t have to rhyme (but it can) it doesn’t have to flow like poetry (but it can). You can use spoken incantation to help direct energy when you’re using other methods, but you can also use it on it’s own.
Some examples of spoken magic:
* Affirmations
* Words of power
* Singing
* Ritual Offerings
* Wishes
You can even banish Spirit’s solely through your voice. Shouting ‘Leave!’ with the correct intention can be very powerful.
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•Written Magic
Written magic has existed since we could write. Many cultures view writing AS magic. Think about it – 26 (or thereabouts, depends on your alphabet) tiny squiggles can become anything when placed in the right order. Dumbledore was right about the power of words.
Written magic can include:
* Petitions to Spirits
* Magic squares
* Words of power or protection
* Wishes
* Tattoos
* Rune work
Bag and Pouch Magic
There is all kinds of bag magic – from mojo bags, to more modern spell envelopes. The main idea behind bag or pouch magic is that keeping a carefully curated selection of objects together for a certain time period will produce the effects that you want. A lot of bag magic produces indefinite spells  provided they are charged. Such bags usually grant the wearer protection, prosperity, luck or good health. However, there are bag magics wear a specific time limited spell is wanted – invisibility spells, hex breakers and the like.
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•Enchantments and Glamours
Enchantment covers a variety of spell types, but theme of the spells are pretty much the same. Enchantment covers a lot of the old folklore kind of witchcraft – hidden worlds, changing age, changing into different animals and so on.
Enchanting something fools the viewer into believing something is there when it is not, or isn’t there when it is, or is something completely different.
Think of the Harry Potter scene where Hermione explains that the ceiling of the Great Hall isn’t a real sky, it’s just enchanted to look that way.
Real enchantment can be done for fun, but they can also be useful pieces of magic. You can enchant jewelry, clothes or makeup to bestow certain personality traits upon you. You can enchant your witchy items to look normal if you’re fearful of discovery. The possibilities are just about endless.
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What is magic?
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Magic is simply changing the world by manipulation of energy. The world as you know it is merely a hallucination caused by your senses trying to make sense of it.
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Magic is using the rules of the actual Universe to influence it. It can feel a lot like breaking them. You are bending your own mind past what you believe to be true – sensing what is actually there, and trying to make sense of it and use it.
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So, what can you actually do with it? Just about anything you like. If you aren’t getting the results that you want, you need to look at what you are doing to get them, and change it. Anything is possible – you just have to know the passwords.
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Who is Ganesha? 🕉
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Lord Shiva while in meditation had ordered Lord Nandi not let anyone to disturb his deep meditation. Goddess Parvati wants to meet Lord Shiva but Nandi did not allow her to see Lord Shiva, was terribly upset and was looking for someone to be as loyal as Lord Nandi to Lord Shiva. Once Goddess Parvati, was having her bath and out of turmeric powder shaped it into a form of an handsome boy, blessed and breathed life into a noble form, which gave life to Lord Ganesha.
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Once when Lord Shiva was returning after his meditation, wish to meet his consort Goddess Parvati and have deputed Lord Ganesha to Guard as Goddess Parvati was taking her bath and not to let anyone to meet her. Lord Ganesha did not allow Lord Shiva to meet Goddess Parvati and out of anger and furiousness, beheaded Lord Ganesha. When Goddess Paravti saw this she was so depressed and cried out loudly saying Lord Ganesha was her son.
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Lord Shiva immediately ordered his men to find a head for Lord Ganesha. The elephant was the first animal that Lord Brahma has first noted when he went with his men to look for one to replace Lord Ganesha's head.  Lord Shiva attached the head to his son torso and brought back the life of Lord Ganesha and also rewarded him for his bravery and courage being the guardian of entrances and lord of new beginnings. This is how Maha Ganapathy has an Elephant head.
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Using book of shadows.
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🕯 As A Spiritual Diary
Whenever you’re feeling the vibe, simply light a candle, burn some incense, and start writing!
Write about a breakthrough you’ve had, your thoughts on a spiritual topic, or your feelings about an intention you’re setting. Anything goes, but make it a sacred, meditative practice by being conscious of the type of energy you’re putting into it. Keep it positive and progressive! Remember, these are the types of feelings you’re choosing to attract more of.
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🕯 As A Reference Book
To make your magical and spiritual studies into a fun and personal process, use your book of shadows as a place to neatly copy down notes on topics as you learn about them.
For example, if you’re studying the tarot, take notes on the meanings of the cards, the various spreads, etc. Or, if you’re learning about gardening, write down tips about how to bless seeds, when to sow and harvest specific plants in your area, etc. You can make your whole book about one subject, or you can create eclectic entries. Don’t over think it! Studying can be a fun and magical practice too!
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🕯 For Creative Visualization
If you’re into the Law of Attraction (or manifesting, which is the basis of most forms of magick), use your book of shadows as a place to artfully record your intentions and visions.
Describe what you intend to attract into your life in beautifully excruciating detail! Re-read your entries any time you’re having doubts about the manifestation of your wish, or look back on it to see how the Universe unfolded that experience for you. This is a great way to keep track of your progress as you learn how the Universe works!
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🕯 As a Spiritual Scrap Book
If you’re inspired by art, poetry, music, and quotes, let your book of shadows be a place to honor your inspirations!
Print out song lyrics, glue in illustrations, press flowers and herbs into your book. Create collages of things that remind you of a magical moment you’ve had, and look back on it whenever you’re seeking inspiration in your life!
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🕯 As a Gratitude Journal
Manifesting more good things into your experience always starts with being thankful for what you already have.
Use your book of shadows to list off things that you’re grateful to have in your life. Make it a short daily practice to keep your spirits up, or periodically write an ode to a particular thing that makes you smile. As you go along, you’ll find you’ve lived a beautifully full life, and will always be able to count your blessings! Via the law of attraction, this also programs you to attract more things to be thankful for!
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🕯 As an Art Journal
If you’re an artist like I am, let your book of shadows be a place to honor your divinely channeled creativity!
Write poems in it, or draw sketches. Do full on paintings in your book of shadows, if you want to! The possibilities are truly endless! You can even channel intentions into your artwork as a form of spell!
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🕯 As a Recipe Book
If you’re into cooking, making incenses, oils, or anything that follows a recipe, use your book of shadows to remember what you’ve cooked up!
Whether you’ve successfully repeated someone else’s recipe, or invented your own, your book of shadows is a perfect place to document your process!
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🕯 As a Grimoire
If you’re becoming a more experienced magical practitioner, you may use your book of shadows in the more traditional sense, to record the way you’ve performed spells and rituals that have actually worked for you and become a meaningful part of your spiritual practice.
This can be as simple as writing about how you like to celebrate the seasonal festivals on the Wheel of the Year, or the steps in your morning mindfulness practice, for example.
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Why bad things happen after you start practising witchcraft?
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Calorie/Nutrient Loss
Performing spells, working with releasing blocks, or simply emotionally fraught situations use up a lot of the nutrients that our brains use. We tend to think of ‘work’ only as something we do for money, or maybe the tasks we have to do that really suck, but all action, including mental action, is work. And whilst some work lifts up our souls, all work uses up calories and nutrients. You’ve got to replace that, or you will quite literally run out and have to start using up stored resources. This is normally okay in terms of pure calories – a lot of us have pretty okay fat reserves – but when it comes to certain types of nutrients, we just can’t store them the same way.
Running low on physical energy/mental energy (which is truly the same thing) often means we’re forced to use up soul energy – that sudden burst of energy that can come through when we think we’re down and defeated. But the thing is, that energy is best saved for situations where it’s really called for – life or death situations, grieving, running marathons, writing books – amazing, cool stuff, the stuff that doesn’t happen often. When you’re dipping into that soul reserve on a regular basis, dis-ease is right behind you.
A lot of what we call mental illness is really just different ways of being burnt-out. And magick, like any other work, can contribute to burn-out. Watch out for signs like tiredness, exhaustion, fatigue, irritability, low mood, increased negative thoughts, making mistakes or poor decisions.
After you do a spell or some deep internal work, always make sure you up your amounts of salt, good sugars like those in fruit and vegetables, protein, Vitamin D and magnesium. Especially magnesium! Most of us are running low constantly anyway, as soil depletion means our food doesn’t have the levels it should.
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More sensitive
As you do more magic, particularly if you’re also deliberately working on heightening your intuition, you’ll naturally become more sensitive to feeling the various energies of the world.
This includes the negative ones. And remember – negative energy is often simply ‘inappropriate’ energy. Everything in the universe has its place, but that place is often not your house.
As you become more attuned, you’ll find yourself reacting quicker or perhaps even more intensely to negative energies, especially in other people. If you work at your meditation and use good shielding methods, after awhile you stop becoming quite so reactive about it. You also know who and what to remove out of your life, too 😉
Also, just as you got used after years to living in an energetic waste site, so to will you get used to living it a place that’s cleaning and flowing. If your rooms looks like a bomb hit it, you won’t notice the sock on the floor. But if you’re tidy and orderly, you will.
You just can’t let yourself get worked up about the energetic equivalent of a sock on the floor. It’s counter-productive in so many ways. If it really bothers you, daily energetic cleansings can take anywhere from two – five minutes when the groundwork’s been done.
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Lack of Detachment
The Universe doesn’t understand ‘dread’, which is, in essence, negative desire. The Universe only understands desire. So, what you put your focus on, does indeed grow.
When you worry about poor outcomes, or simply approach the time after a spell with worry or desperation, weird stuff happens. You’re confusing two desires, and the Universe isn’t sure which to pick, at best, and picks your dread, at worst.
Try to distract yourself from the outcome, should it arise in your mind, try and remain positive and hopeful. But don’t try and do that whole ‘be positive all the time’ shit either – leaning into negative emotions in the proper space and time is great. Just try not to poke at open wounds – a watched pot never boils!
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Guides prompting you to do stuff, normally internal blocks
There are essentially two philosophies in life. Be a good person and eventually get everything you want. And: get everything you want and through that become changed into a better person.
The first is what’s known as the right hand path in some magick circles, and the second is the left-hand path. The left hand path scares a lot of people with its focus on self-gain, hedonism, and the optional wild orgies on a moonlight night. Devotees on the left-hand path are also harder to control, with their focus on self-gratification, and self-illumination. When you look after yourself, that makes those who want you to do as your told, nervous.
I bring this up, not to preach at you (either pathway is fine, do what works for you), but to point out that any and all practical magick when entered into mindfully is the left-hand path. This is why some people don’t think that you should do magic for personal gain. I think that all practical magic is for personal gain, and given that a desire to be of service is a fundamental human desire that brings pleasure when it is gratified, that even service is selfish.
When you ask for and receive a gift from the Universe, the gift comes with a lesson. And the lesson is sometimes not fun, but when you lean into it, it can become ‘fun’. It also helps you internalise the lesson and move on quicker, rather than remaining stuck.
Especially with larger things like money or love, there is a plethora of lessons to learn about having, containing, giving, receiving and a thousand other things. So, if you do a spell for money and you’re suddenly presented with debts, be mindful about the potential lesson here. Say ‘thank you’ for the additional lessons, and trust that when you lean into the lesson, it will work itself out. Maybe not in the way, you thought, but in a way that is better for you.
This goes for other magics, too – life will not be perfect, it’s okay if you got weird results, it just means that maybe you try something slightly different. Be more specific. Be less specific. Realise that perhaps you got what you wanted and it’s not like how you thought it would be, and that’s okay too. You’re alive. You’ve learned.
Through the self-gratification of asking for and receiving your desire, you’ve grown and matured as a person.
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I feel the need to clarify that the term “Black Magic” is not referring to magic that is inherently evil or necessarily bad by any means. When we speak of Black and White, dark and light, we are really speaking of Destruction and Creation. As with any source of destruction, be it a simple flame or a shotgun, it is indeed dangerous but it is no less natural or useful for it.
To really understand what is Black Magic and the nature of it we need to take a more detailed look at the nature of destruction and the purpose it serves in the universe. When we speak of destruction what do you think of? Mount St. Helen going off? Pompeii? Hiroshima? Albeit, all of these apply, but when we look at incidents of destruction on this scale we start to miss the forest through the trees a bit.
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In magic we work with and deal directly with energy in an exchange, the smallest scale or frame of existence we currently understand there to be and are beginning to scientifically observe. So when we think of Black Magic we need to look at it in the smallest frame. What is its purpose? How does it fulfill it? How can this be used?
“Black Magic” is not referring to magic that is inherently evil or necessarily bad by any means. When we speak of Black and White, dark and light, we are really speaking of Destruction and Creation.
Destruction is one of the driving forces of the life, death and rebirth cycle. As with its counterbalancing force of Creation it results in transformation. Destruction takes something whole and stable in its wholeness and takes it into its many pieces. Creation takes the many pieces and makes something whole and stable of them. Nothing can die that cannot decay, and nothing can decay without the force of destruction in the universe.
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Now obviously then when we are talking about Black Magic we are speaking of spell work with the capacity to take everything of the target apart. Currently, and sadly, the most prominently known use in the magical community of Black Magic is against other people. Hexes, Curses, summoning entities to be general douchebags…you’ve probably heard of all of it and more, and I’m saddened to say I am hard-pressed to call anything you’ve heard an exaggeration of what can or has been done.
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Forest Witchcraft.
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Some witches are beach-lovers. Some witches are mountain people. Then there are the forest lovers—a brave group of forest witches who enjoy hiking through the woods, smelling the scent of conifers, and discovering hidden rivers. The forest is an enchanting, mysterious place full of riddles and adventure. We go to the forest to experience all of our senses, including our higher sense of self and to practice forest witchcraft. The forest whispers to those who listen. Take a walk through your local woods and find what magic awaits you, forest witch.
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1. Connection
As a kid, did you roam the woods with your friends? Climb across fallen trees and discover hidden creeks and waterfalls? If so, the forest might be where you find serenity and spiritual connection. Maybe you live in the city and there are limited forest areas. Find a local park or nature preserve. Take a hike and observe. Take note of the trees, plants, birds, insects, water, and other wildlife. Keep a log of your observations. By studying your local forest-life, you forge a connection with the land you didn’t have before.
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2. Grounding
The forest witch hikes in the woods to connect but also to ground him or herself. To amp up the grounding effects of the forest—take off your shoes at a grassy or soft mossy spot and let the forest-floor’s energy permeate your feet. Sit with your back against a tree and just be. Listen to the wildlife all around you. Feel the breeze against your face. Smell the aroma of the forest. Being here is enough to cleanse your aura and bring you peace. And while you’re in the forest, hug a tree! Sounds crazy, but this is another method of grounding energy that’s simple and effective.
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3. Magical Forest Foraging
If you’re a lucky forest witch and live close to the woods, forage for magical items in the forest. What is foraging? It’s the action of gathering or collecting things from nature for food, medicine, or magic. Be aware while many plants are edible and medicinal in nature, there are also those that irritate the skin or are toxic if ingested. It should go without saying whatever you forage in the forest, be able to identify the plant with 100% certainty. If you don’t know the plant, use gloves when handling and don’t put it in food, medicine, or use it topically without consulting a local herbalist first.
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The Forgotten Secret of Bibliomancy.
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It's common for wizards to open a magical tome at random to divine according to the first word or sentence the eye lights upon. Even the unenchanted practice this sort of bibliomancy, using whatever book they consider most sacred. But there is a subtlety that almost everyone has forgotten, and it is the one thing that ensures magical success. The consulted book must have fallen down from a shelfon its own. Only a book that presents itself of its own accord will be wholly reliable for consultation.
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Here is the procedure:
1. Once a book has fallen, a. pick it up respectfully b. dust it off gently c. hold it to your heart for several moments.
2. Place the book upon a table, balanced on its spine.
3. Allow the pages to fall open.
4. Close your eyes and place a finger upon the open pages.
5. Allow your finger to move across and around the pages until it seems to stop on its own.
6. Open your eyes to see what word or sentence your finger has selected.
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For witchcraft practitioners who work with plants, be it in spells, charms, being tactile in nature or gardening, this list contains some of the plants that can bring harm if used incorrectly or have a high level of toxicity.
Always be cautious and so research on any plant or herb you’re planning to utilize or grow.
Rosary Pea (Abrus precatorius) • Ingesting a single seed can kill an adult human. Symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting, convulsions, liver failure, and death, usually after several days.
Wolfsbane (Aconitum spp) • All parts are poisonous, if ingested, it usually causes burning, tingling, and numbness in the mouth, followed by vomiting and nervous excitement. Even casual skin contact should be avoided. Symptoms include numbness, tingling, and cardiac irregularity.
White Baneberry (Actaea pachypoda) • All parts are poisonous, especially the berries, the consumption of which has a sedative effect on cardiac muscle tissue and can cause cardiac arrest.
Arnica • Poisonous in great quantities. Symptoms of poisoning include gastroenteritis, fever, nausea, dizziness, abnormal cardiac frequency, diarrhea, skin reaction and internal hemorrhage in the digestive system.
Azalea (Rhododendron simsii) • If ingested it is poisonous. Continued contact should be avoided. Symptoms of poisoning are nausea, depression, respiratory difficulties, coma. It is rarely lethal.
Anthurium (Anthurium spp) • Prevent getting in contact with the sap. Symptoms are skin irritation and eye irritation.
Cedronella canariensis • Can cause skin irritation, indigestions. Should not be used or touch by pregnant people or lactating people.
Belladonna (Atropa belladonna) • Extremely poisonous, it is lethal and it can be absorbed through skin. Symptoms of poisoning are fogged vision, staggering, loss of balance, dry mouth and throat, headache, skin eruptions, constipation, confusion, hallucination and convulsion.
Lamprocapnos spectabilis • Can be poisonous in big quantities, which causes convulsions and other symptoms in the nervous system.
Iris versicolor • Symptoms pf poisoning include nausea, vomit, mouth and throat irritation, irritation on the digestive system, skin irritation, headache and epiphora.
Bryony • All parts are poisonous and any type of contact causes death.
Ranunculus • If ingested, the juice can cause serious damage to the digestive system.
Acorus calamus • Toxic in big quantities, can cause hallucination, nausea and vomit.
Physostigma venenosum • Extremely toxic, can cause intense sweating, extreme salivation, nausea, vomit, diarrhea, irregular cardiac rhythm, change in blood pressure, confusion, convulsion, coma, muscular weakness, paralysis, respiratory difficulties and death.
Cinnamomum camphora • Skin rash, itchiness, respiratory difficulties, mouth, eyes, face or lips swelling.
Ricinus communis • Poisonous. Can cause burning in the mouth and throat, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea. At a long period of intoxication, can cause dehydration, low blood pressure. If not treated, death will occur in 3 to 5 days
Daphne • Poisonous. Causes burns in the mouth and digestive tract, followed by coma. Can cause death.
Vinca • Must not be ingested, causes nausea, vomit, loss of hair, loss of hearing, dizziness, bleeding, nervous difficulties, convulsions, liver damage and death.
Asclepias tuberosa • Cardiac difficulties, nausea, vomit and skin rash.
Agave spp • The juice of a number of species causes acute contact dermatitis, with blistering lasting several weeks and recurring itching for several years thereafter.
Columbine (Aquilegia spp) • Seeds and roots contain cardiogenic toxins which cause both severe gastroenteritis and heart palpitations if consumed, columbine poisonings are easily fatal.
Mercurialis perennis • Symptons happen after some hours, they include vomit, pain, gastritis, renal inflammation and sleepiness.
Colocasia • All parts are poisonous and cause mouth and tongue irritation. Can be fatal.
Gelsemium • Extremely poisonous, even in low quantities. Causes headache, problems with vision, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, muscular complications, convulsions, respiratory complications and low blood pressure.
Laburnum • Causes excitation, loss of balance, convulsions and coma. Can be lethal.
Helleborus • Dangerous if ingested or applied on the skin. Cause irritation in the mouth and throat and low blood pressure. Big quantities can cause vomit, diarrhea, difficulties swallowing, nervous system complications, blindness, convulsion, paralysis, respiratory complications and death.
Ilex aquifolium • The fruits can be lethal and the leaves cause diarrhea, nausea, vomit, stomach and intestine complications.
Hedera helix • Causes stomach pain, respiratory complications and possible coma.
Impatiens capensis • Dangerous when ingested in big quantities.
Datura stramonium • Don’t inhale or ingest. Causes dry mouth, extreme thirst, vision complications, nausea, vomit, constipation, tachycardia, hallucinations, fever, convulsion, loss of conscience, respiratory complications and death.
Convallaria majalis • Causes irregular blood pressure and cardiac rhythm, indigestion and confusion.
Mandragora officinarum • Fogged vision, dry mouth, difficulties to urinate, headache, tachycardia, vomit and hallucinations.
Viscum album • Gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, low blood pressure, convulsion. It is rarely lethal for humans.
Morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor) • Diarrhea, indigestion, disorientation, loss of apetite, ataxy and hallucinations.
Artemisia vulgaris • Prolonged contact may be fatal, so it’s best to use in a open and ventilated place.
Oak (Quercus): In big quantities is poisonous and affects the renal kidneys.
Nerium oleander • Causes cardiac complications, indigestion and can cause death.
Taxus baccata • Fatal. No symptoms come as a warning.
Hypericum perforatum • Causes fatigue, dizziness, confusion, dry mouth and can affect medicaments.
Angel’s Trumpet (Brugmansia spp) • All parts of this plant contain toxins and are often fatal. Effects of ingestion may include losing connection with reality and hallucinations.
Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) • The leaves, seeds, and flowers are poisonous. These cause irregular heartbeat, general digestive upset, and confusion; can be fatal.
Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) • The bulbs are poisonous, causing nausea, vomiting, gasping, convulsions, and possibly death. Even handling the bulbs can cause skin irritation.
Hydrangea (Hydrangea spp) • Hydrangeas are moderately toxic if eaten.
Frangipani (Plumeria spp) • Contact with the milky latex may irritate eyes and skin.
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Rose Magical Properties and Uses.
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It is used to enhance female intuition since it is a flower closely linked to female energy or Yin energy.
Taking a bath with rose water or using its fragrance will develop this intuition and, not only that, but will attract love, health, and good luck.
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It is also used within the world of Wicca in spells to enhance love (NEVER voodoo or spells that work against the will of another person) or to request that our wishes be fulfilled.
For this flower, there is a very beautiful ritual that is performed on Full Moon, in which you must take a bouquet of roses (it doesn’t matter how much roses, but if possible they should be an odd number of them and more than three) and request with all your best intentions something you desire.
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Then you need to boil it in a pot, let it stand and cool down, and pour that water over your body in a bath, or you can use it as a cream to massage your body with it.
Roses are used when witches cast love spells. By removing the thorns before a ritual, this will enhance it.
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Girls used to create special love necklaces with rose hips. They also left three leaves on it, and for each leaf, they chose a man. The last leaf that stayed on a necklace meant that that was a man for her.
To have prophetic dreams just make a soft infusion with rosebuds and drink it just before bedtime.
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Rose isn’t only used for love magic, but also for protection spells and in mixtures to attract good luck. If the petals are spread around the house, they relieve personal tensions and help to avoid conflicts.
It is said that having a rose bush at home will attract fairies since they feel a tendency for these flowers.
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Metatron’s Cube and the Number 13
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Thirteen is definitely a special number if we are talking about Metatron’s cube. There is a reason why there are a total of 13 circles present in this cube. This is because they are representative of more important things other than themselves, and in fact, they can represent more than one thing.
Metatron's Cube Symbol, Its Origins and MeaningMetatron's Cube Symbol, Its Origins and Meaning
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Some scholars have theorized that the 13 circles actually represent the 13 archangels. It is said that these archangels each hold a specific element of creation, and therefore, with God’s love, expand these elements to give life to all. They are said to be able to bring balance to the earth.
It is also said that the 13 circles in Metatron’s cube also represent the 13 centers of energy in our human bodies. It is said that there are 13 energy centers of experience. These are believed to be manifested through Metatron’s cube.
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Number 13 is also sacred because it represents the 13 sacred keys of creation. Each of the circles is representative of one of the divine laws of creation. According to one interpretation, these 13 keys hold the secrets to both evolution and divine spiritual enlightenment.
Hope you liked our article about Metatron’s origin story, Metatron’s cube symbol and its meaning. Share it if you could please, thanks.
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1st Chakra.
The Muladhara Root Chakra
Sounds: Thunder, 396 Hz
2nd Chakra
The Swadhistana Sacral Chakra
Sounds: Water, 417 Hz
3rd Chakra
The Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra
Sounds: Fire, 528 Hz
4th Chakra
The Anahata Heart Chakra
Sounds: Wind, 639 Hz
5th Chakra
The Vishuddha Throat Chakra
Sounds: Singing Insects, 741 Hz
6th Chakra
The Ajna Third Eye Chakra
Sounds: Outer Space, 852 Hz
7th Chakra
The Sahasrara Crown Chakra
Sound: Silence, 963 Hz
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What are the 7 Main Chakras?
The word Chakra means “spinning wheel of energy” in the Sanscrit language of ancient India. There are many minor Chakras in the body, but more importantly, there are seven main Chakras, along the spine. Each of these seven Chakras are connected to a nerve plexus, situated within the seven main endocrine glands. Each chakra is also associated with different parts of the body. The Chakras are the energetic conduits of Life, connecting you directly to the Universal Life Force. Consequently, understanding and using your chakras can easily promote physical, emotional and spiritual healing and well being. You easily can achieve a healthier balance of your body, mind and spirit, with the 7 Chakra sounds.
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is there a difference between a book of shadows and a grimoire?
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Yes, there is a difference :)
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Grimoire VS Book of shadows.
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In passing conversation the other day, I was asked what the difference between a Grimoire and a Book of Shadows (BOS) is. Most witches keep a BOS, but not a Grimoire. A BOS is a witch's personal book of magic; a diary of magic if you will. It includes records of all magical workings, dreams and their meanings, rituals, etc. If the witch does not also keep a Grimoire, it can also include spells and other magical information needed to perform magic. It's always a good idea to keep records of your magical workings. This will not only help you progress as a witch by seeing your power grow, but will also allow you to see what works and what does not work for you.
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A Grimoire is like a BOS, but not as personal. It holds information about rituals, spells, potions, and how to prepare magical tools. It also contains lists of correspondences and magical properties of herbs, gemstones, food, colors, etc. Basically, it contains all your magical research. It does not contain personal information or records of magical workings.
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Most witches keep just a BOS. I am personally in the process of transferring to two separate books. I'd much rather keep all my research in one book and my thoughts and feelings in another book. In doing so I can keep my personal information from others while still sharing my research.
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If you wish to start a Grimoire, I suggest using something with removable pages. This way you can add and remove pages as you need them instead of taking your entire book into a ritual where it may be damaged. This also allows you to easily move pages around if you decide to reorganize it. Some people keep their BOS and Grimoires on their computer. I find this cumbersome when I wish to perform magic, but it may work for you.
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Remember, your BOS contains very personal information. It is a sacred object and should be treated as such. Honor it by giving it its own special hiding place where others will not be tempted to mess with it. Bless it and protect it. It is only for you and whoever you authorize to see it. You need to be sure that whoever does see it won't disclose its contents to others or harm you or the book. If someone makes you uncomfortable, do not show it to them. This is just another reason I suggest keeping two books. Others like to see your research, not so much your personal thoughts. Keeping a Grimoire and a Book of Shadows is the best way to do this.
I hope this clears up any confusion you may have. Do you keep just a BOS or a BOS and Grimoire?
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Fifth element.
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As we already know, the pentagram is a symbol of the five elements: fire, water, air, earth, and spirit. I would like to talk about the fifth element, it is very interesting!
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The basic symbolic values of the Spirit or Aether Element in magic include transmutation, alchemical processes, Divine intervention, the eternal nature, and energy in motion. Aether doesn’t really have a physical presence so it’s hard to nail down specific correspondences let alone embrace a global view of its importance in our spiritual lives.
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Perhaps that is why a spiral is one of the symbols used for Spirit – you can easily imagine the outward circles continuing into forever. Light Workers tell us that Aether acts as a bridge between Earth/Body and Heaven/Spirit. Within our own body, it’s the conduit between our soul and our bodies. There are even theories that God used this element as the essence that created everything on all the Planes.
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Where the traditional four elements have fixed locations on the Wheel of Life, Spirit is the surprise factor. It provides dynamics, a spark and another level of awareness. Depending on your philosophy, all living things have Aether to some degree – that indescribable “something” that connects us to a larger picture including those Beings that exist just outside normal awareness.
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It has been said that not everything in life is as simple as Black and White. Nonetheless, Black and White are two colors often associated with Spirit or Aether and, typically, these Colors are together.Alternatively a Rainbow that embraces all colors even as Spirit embodies all things makes a suitable representation of this Element in the sacred space.
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Materia Medica.
A Materia Medica is a system for keeping information about plants organized. The words mean “healing materials” in Latin.
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These are journals that contain information about plants that will be helpful to you, including magickal correspondences, planetary and astrological correspondences, growth and care tips, and how to use them as medicine.
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Your Materia Medica should be personal to you and your family, and may even include information on doctors appointments, shot records, and questions to ask your doctor in the future.
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These deeply personal notebooks and journals will help you to explore herbalism more deeply. It will also thankfully give your brain a rest by storing more information than your brain for considerably longer.
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What Goes Into A Materia Medica Journal?
Bags of herbs like lavender and bay leaves.
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There are a few specific components that any good Materia Medica has:
Information on plants used in herbal medicine. This will include effects, energetics, safety issues, drug interactions, preparations and dosages.
Photos of studied plants. Some plants aren’t used as often in your home, but they are good to study for future needs. Keeping photos of plants in each stage of their growth can help you identify those plants quickly at any time of the year. This is so important for avoiding poisonous plants that look like delicious carrots.
Images, photos, drawings, and illustrations all help us to identify a plant more easily than words alone could ever do.
A section that lists conditions that can be easily treated at home, and how they can be treated. A bit of yarrow for a scraped knee, elder berry for sniffles. Keep notes of what you’ve used in the past that has worked (and what hasn’t!) as well as the form it was taken (salve, tincture, tea?). Notes on how well and how quickly the issue cleared up can help you decide if you will use that remedy again.
Recipes! Keep track of the recipes you enjoy and use. Build upon recipes taken from other sources so that they suit you and your family better.
Reference guides and notes from other sources.
Family records and medical histories.
How you lay out your Materia Medica will depend on why you’re making it. I’ve started mine in Evernote, with a stack of notebooks all about Herbalism.
I have a notebook for general notes about herbalism, where I will keep information about the craft itself.
I also have a notebook for recipes, where I will be keeping all of my herbal remedies. And finally, I have a notebook where I will be keeping information about individual plants. I’ll add photos and links for further information and reading.
Having an online Materia Medica can be a great benefit because you can have contextual linking and the internet is at your fingertips, but I will probably finalize a lot of my information in a paper notebook.
There’s something more official about a Materia Medica set in paper than one set in code.
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