scuttlebutthasit · 3 years
I’m waiting for you
I’m waiting for you
I wait for what seems to be forever
While I’m here I’ll build the nest
I’ll write the music
I’ll clean the thistles
So what happens next
Will you lay down with me in my bed
In our bed
At least I want it to be yours as much as it is mine
Whats next
Will you save me from the towering clock
Your casted shadow would dim all the lights
And all the people
Until it is just you
And me
Should purpose exist
Should sex and touching and kissing
Be an obstacle to all the rest
do not dig up the ground
To see the hand that always reaches for more
If you will stay just a second
or a day or a year
I would seek only your offerings and nothing more
I would seek only the figures that you share
I want you eternally and selflessly
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scuttlebutthasit · 4 years
The Restless
It’s further this time:
The distance and the sound,
It is further - and therefore there is more space.
In it I leave memories and things and shelves,
And a radiant garden
Of plenty-
That could nurture a village.
And sometimes I feel like I was a coward:
When I walked among the trees,
I had nothing but seconds:
Seconds until I see you pass me,
Seconds until I look back and watch you leave,
Seconds until I turn away and carry on.
You know for me love turned into fear.
And that turned into sadness,
which eventually turned into distance,
And that turned into ambition.
But I think that they now all coexist.
I wonder if love was ever around -
Because it shifts and turns in such a way.
But could it be that all along it was my nature and fate:
It never possessed me
The way people say it should.
The room it occupied was further,
The walls are wider,
It’s distance and potential continue to be infinite.
I saw it beyond it’s original shape:
I heard it in my songs in different words and perspectives,
And even allowed to take life in a miserable and destructive silence.
It is looking at the ground
And running from my heart:
Up to a mountain.
And from the earth’s finest peaks:
It took seconds to perceive the beauty,
And seconds to remember the home
The distance,
The companions,
And that my love never stood still.
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scuttlebutthasit · 4 years
Poem: I did not follow.
I did not follow you into the canyon,
I didn’t see myself behind your shadow.
My heart forged a path that put me in motion,
And put me in a dream or a nightmare or a famous day -
Where I did not follow, I only watched to find.
I did not follow your leaps or your teachings:
They brought me some kind of fear,
That a life can be discovered just as it was before.
And I’m sorry that I could not curl round your fires,
Or dance with you in the rain -
Nor follow the roads you paved.
Though I’d hoped that in some space,
I’d find you at my destination just the same.
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scuttlebutthasit · 4 years
Is animal crossings a game about helping animals cross the street? If so I’ll buy a switch tomorrow
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scuttlebutthasit · 4 years
For the queen of England’s 100th birthday, she hosted a worldwide baking competition to see who could make the best birthday cake for her. I decided to participate despite having 0 knowledge about baking cakes. After spending 3 days in my school’s kitchen (I didn’t use the kitchen at my home for some reason), the cake was done. It had three layers, each one made out of a different type of chocolate with different things inside (top layer: dark chocolate with blueberries, middle layer: milk chocolate with hazelnuts, bottom layer: white chocolate with raspberries) and a small unicorn statue made out of white chocolate on top of the top layer. The judges came in and tasted my cake, and they said that it was one of the best ones yet. And then I woke up and never found out if I won or not.
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scuttlebutthasit · 4 years
I do not envy the earth
And her tireless companions
I do not envy the sea
That has consumed lost dreams
And metal ships
I do not envy nature and it’s compulsive
Need to create
I do not envy lovers
Even when I want to be loved
I look away
And feel repulsed by the idea that life needs love
I do not envy mathematicians
Or their equations
Take my evolution, and show me the paths
That lead to here and this.
I must survive and I can but I fail to understand
How I can out number the populations
How I can be seen through their glasses
I do not envy you or your queen
When I see how thrones have crumbled
But I envy all that that isn’t me
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scuttlebutthasit · 5 years
Over what period of time was I once captured?
In their hearts, did they see innocence in me
Was there peace that was lost in this voyage
Because at full velocity I viciously tore
Past our encompassing atmosphere
And I might hope i was plagued with regret
To succumb to these malicious ways
But it was effortless
I could’ve chosen to be kind
But ever I did I felt so much disparity
To rebuild or destroy
It seemed like the same concept
Though one was more painful
I was alone and seemingly always alone
So here I am
At the mercy of my fire
And it will end
And I do not fear the end
The only fear I have now
Is that I was always destined to fall like this
Did they know all along that this is who I would become
If they did, I wish they would have stopped me
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scuttlebutthasit · 5 years
I want her
I sat in bed and felt so heavy.
To each their own,
But my own was seemingly so depressing
My life keeps feeling so still
I needed to fly as fast as I could
And start again and again
Bolt into the perfect world.
But I don’t claim to want perfection
I love the rides of my mood
And the chaos that brings me peace;
It’s the silence that I despise.
To him, I am beautiful.
To him there is no silence within me.
He sees me in light.
To her I am not.
She’s sees it all.
The mess,
The discontent,
The constant tide would make her collapse 40 feet below the ground
In the midst of caves and darkness and she really did hate me for it.
I’d be happier with her though.
I would show her how beautiful darkness could be.
It de-programs you, and makes you gaze at yourself from afar.
She once said:
“Enjoy life, and good things will come”
And I could try because I wanna be with her
I want her arms to extend over me,
I want late night giggles,
And 2am pizza.
I want romance and passion.
I wanna sit beneath her as she sees my world crumble at her feet.
I want her.
She would cure my silence,
And remove the stillness,
And I could finally start to love again.
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scuttlebutthasit · 5 years
Today and Tomorrow
I sat in bed and yearned for a tomorrow,
That was full of fun and love.
I do not wish to love now I wish to fill my self up
When my options are plenty.
I do not see the point of this suffering if I can not rise up from it and turn around and find something better
To his or hers, but usually his,
And I wish it was usually hers.
I wish her arms were around me right now.
That the sound of her voice filled up the air in my room
That the softness in our heart turned to stone
And became the only reality I’ve ever wanted
I want love with another woman
And it feels impossible
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scuttlebutthasit · 5 years
And she emerges with a thought
And maybe the moment we start becoming kinder
Is the same one we realize that we are all lost
In some version of an illusion.
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scuttlebutthasit · 5 years
I’d risk it all for that
I miss laying down side by side,
And looking up at the world with you.
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scuttlebutthasit · 5 years
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scuttlebutthasit · 5 years
He watches you sleep
And dream through the night
He takes down notes
Whether flight or fight
Some call him Wren
Some call upon him
Because they think he has their truth
But he twisted reality
Into a nightmare.
I speak and I shake
And I see him before I wake,
So I told him to leave
I said “Wren you better believe
That I will break you
Even if it breaks me”
And he smiled
All while
Knowing his magic had worked
And I saw him in the sky
And he occupied
Every corner of this town
So I lit a flame
So I can claim
Something of myself
But what was left
Was ash and spore
Nothing like it was before
At least now I can figure out
How to get rid of that old fool
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scuttlebutthasit · 5 years
When you write love letters in the sand
They’re bound to get washed away.
We met not long ago
But eventually it’s gonna be a long time
Because we don’t even talk.
Though to find ourselves in the memory of our first encounter
I should tell you I loved you.
I loved the softness of your nods
And the expressions that accompanied your laughter-
The way you lost all the air in your body,
To project a scene in a story,
Made my heart open up,
And it pirouetted around with the effervescent energy in your soul.
It is then sweet gone bitter.
Illusions couldn’t preserve,
The quick of your temper
Or the judgements of your mind -
And maybe what was really distinguished
Was the realization that I wasn’t alone in your world,
A simple formula can prove me insignificant
So I can’t tell if I’m more disappointed in the fact that you no longer wanted to be around me
Or in the flaws of my own character,
I guess I’d rather not know,
Because life was never about happy endings
Nor was it about despair
It is more discrete and finite than I can ever really understand
But I still find myself undone,
Begging for life to find a way to make you stuck with me
It is selfish and unfortunate that I couldn’t see
Anyone but you.
When you write love letters in the sand,
It’s bound that a wave will crash on top of it,
Leaving you with nothing.
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scuttlebutthasit · 5 years
The Conversation I Wished We Had
Me: I didn’t know what I wanted.
Her: Then why did you make me feel cornered. Who did you do it for?
Me: I did it because I thought it was more meaningful for things to flow in a certain way.
Her : Well, I hope you’re happy, everything we had went sour.
Me: You were the one who walked away though. I think maybe you always intended to.
Her: I’m building a life for myself. One that I can finally feel safe in. No one will come in my way. No one other than me will be the hero of my story.
Me: I guess I’m selfish enough to want more from someone. Being with you brought a lot of pain for me.
Her: But it brought you here. I hope you find what you’re looking for.
Me: And I you.
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scuttlebutthasit · 5 years
Today I wrote myself a love letter
I moved out over a month ago. I left my husband. I’m now living alone for the first time in my life. I’ve been seeing someone. But, it’s a complicated situation and he’s not sure where he’s at or what he wants. I’ve been wrestling with it. Worrying. Fretting. Do I leave it alone and move on? Do I be patient and wait for him to come around? Am I settling? I want attention and affection that he can’t seem to give. Also something my husband had been unable to give for years prior to the split. Why am I attracting men that are unavailable? But more so, WHY am I relying on someone else for the love and affection I need? What would happen if I just gave that to myself? What would that be like?
So, I wrote myself a love letter. I told her how beautiful and sexy she is to me. I told her how I love her eyes and her hair. I told her how I love her company. I love to hike and camp and adventure with her. I love how big her heart is. I love how she cares about everyone in her life. I love how she seeks growth…how she needs to heal and grow like she needs air and water. It’s one of the things I admire most about her. I love the sparkle in her eye. I love the fire in her heart. I love how she sees the good in people and in life in general. I love how she thinks everything is going to be ok and workout just fine! 
And it felt right! It felt good. It felt like exactly what I needed. And I wanted to share because maybe someone out there needs it too.
Much love.
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scuttlebutthasit · 5 years
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King Henry VIII to Ann Boleyn
In debating with myself the contents of your letters I have been put to a great agony; not knowing how to understand them, whether to my disadvantage as shown in some places, or to my advantage as in others. I beseech you now with all my heart definitely to let me know your whole mind as to the love between us; for necessity compels me to plague you for a reply, having been for more than a year now struck by the dart of love, and being uncertain either of failure or of finding a place in your heart and affection, which point has certainly kept me for some time from naming you my mistress, since if you only love me with an ordinary love the name is not appropriate to you, seeing that it stands for an uncommon position very remote from the ordinary; but if it pleases you to do the duty of a true, loyal mistress and friend, and to give yourself body and heart to me, who have been, and will be, your very loyal servant (if your rigour does not forbid me), I promise you that not only the name will be due to you, but also to take you as my sole mistress, casting off all others than yourself out of mind and affection, and to serve you only; begging you to make me a complete reply to this my rude letter as to how far and in what I can trust; and if it does not please you to reply in writing, to let me know of some place where I can have it by word of mouth, the which place I will seek out with all my heart. No more for fear of wearying you. Written by the hand of him who would willingly remain yours.
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