#╰┈➤ ┊❛ positivity. ❜
knightfeared · 7 months
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*TIME FOR SOME POSITIVITY! 📨 ➤   @sephyathredon ( … ) 🌵,✨, 🌼, 🌲, 🌱, 🌿, 🌙
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◈ @hexcoremagician [ ; ] a canon rp blog I’m biased here for obvious reasons — but regardless? I highly recommend Mars’ portrayal to anyone who adores Viktor from Arcane & League. How they’ve built him up, fleshed him out & developed him is nothing short of AMAZING. I absolutely adore all the replies I see on dash, can clearly hear his voice & picture a scene painted perfectly well with how they write! You will not be disappointed, in fact, you’ll be beyond blown away by the true care they have for this character. They truly do him Justice! 💕
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◈ @luxcruor [ ; ] a multimuse blog Though I’m slow with replies, Sailor is so insanely sweet to talk to ooc! They have this way of hyping you up for replies & character interactions & are not shy about meshing muses from other fandoms together which is something I admire greatly. They’re so friendly, very easy to plot with & chat to about the blorbos, you’ll be introduced to new muses through interactions with them, but it’s very easy to grow fond of them.
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◈ @vulpesse [ ; ] a blog with beautiful writing Everything? Everything is beyond gorgeous! Bunnie is someone I’m still so shy to poke & write with but my god do I admire their creativity! They have such a way with words, making everything sound so poetic & gorgeous — I feel like I’m reading a well loved story book or fairy tale with their work. The graphics they craft & use to help in visualizing their story— it’s nothing short of beautifully inspiring. Despite how insanely gorgeous their writing is, they also go out of their way to open the door for interactions with muses no matter the fandom. Bunnie is such a genuinely sweet soul, so so talented, I highly recommend any & all of their blogs because the mun truly does put a lot of effort into building stories with people.
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◈ @shimmerbeasts [ ; ] a blog with thought-provoking headcanons I gotta write together more with this lovely writer & it’s truly on me for being a chicken but I’m forever going to be blown away by how big their brain is with the lore & headcanons Miss T has developed for Zaun & their muses. Each one is so well thought out, fits seamlessly with their portrayals to help shape not only them, but build up the world itself to something that feels real, nitty & gritty but so believable. I don’t have the words to describe it, but they’re insanely skilled in worldbuilding from all I’ve seen since I’ve followed & I highly recommend them because the effort they put into their portrayals is incredible!
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◈ @pitgritted / @prtector [ ; ] a blog that's always positive SUCH A SWEETHEART— I do not know them all that well but following their blogs? It sounds cheesy, but the vibes I get from both, from the mun themselves is nothing but positive— always so wholesome & talented — I admire their passion so so much because of the distinct way they capture their muses. The effort put into Taric & Sett is awe-inspiring — but so far, yeah. No — I am nudging them over onto dash & holding them up like Simba because they are such a warm, friendly, UTTERLY WHOLESOME PERSON here in the rpc— definitely! Follow!
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◈ @jynxd [ ; ] a new blog They are new to me but I’m so happy I’m Mutuals with them. I’m excited to see all their Headcanons, their replies & writing on my dash — a new face but they have such a clear love for their muses, are so wholesome & cheerful to see poking others — all I can say for now is they’re worth following & taking the time to plot with cause so far from all I’ve seen, they’re a skilled writer with a lot of bubbling ideas!
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◈ @hymnblood / @inexoratos / @grantsuccor [ ; ] a blog for my favorite character Sage is an og— I need to gush about their Zag cause their writing is utterly gorgeous, so beautiful it will always blow me away! I need to poke them more, & I highly encourage poking their portrayals a hell of a lot more too because the ideas they come up with for interactions, the way they bring their muses to life, give them such a distinct, memorable voice in their dialogues — the headcanons are lovingly crafted, fitting well for the muses I do know, & for muses I am unfamiliar with? They catch my eye. They carry a passion for everything they do that is very strongly felt & greatly admired. But yes— their portrayals are always top tier in my personal opinion! 🙏💕💕💕
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tree-whispering · 2 months
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memeuplift · 6 months
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The drake Kendrick beef trending on tumblr is like finding out an isolated village in the middle of Siberia with no internet or television access knows who Michael Jackson is
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lovertm · 2 months
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body paintings by Karen Turner
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bahoreal · 9 months
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obsessed with this
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their-we-go · 6 months
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mild-goth-sauce · 12 days
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An informational comic I drew last year for my Comics 2 class, reposting it to my new account (had to jump ship from the old one unfortunately) with some minor grammar changes and learned my lesson in adding watermarks! Happy early pride :)
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
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A few days ago I discovered this poor little guy laying on the train tracks at my local station, I took it upon myself to rescue him, clean him, and reunite him with his owner.
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knightfeared · 7 months
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*TIME FOR SOME POSITIVITY! 📨 ➤   @jynxd ( … ) 🌿🌙 (Can I send more than one here? Imma do it anyway ljadlfjadslkfj)
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◈ @exsanguiinated [ ; ] a new blog I love their vampire babies sm— they truly do adore their muses! They’re a new face in the sense they’re returning to Tumblr rp again, giving it a shot after awhile, & I am very gently nudging them here for anyone who is interested in BG3’s Astarion or Alucard from CV! Bee is someone who throws their all into developing & building up plots / stories with other muns, growing genuinely invested in what’s created & cherishing everything. A sweetheart through & through — Their blog is one I believe deserves more attention.
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◈ @reveromantique [ ; ] a blog for my favorite character They write so many incredible characters— it’s so hard to pick just one I adore — but I’d have to say, for sentimentality sake; Seifer Almasy is my Favorite of Jana’s muses. They do very well with the dialogue of all their muses, yes, but for Seifer? In the bits I’ve nosily peeked at, I can clearly hear his voice, can very strongly envision a scene with ease. They know their muses incredibly well, & for one bastard man, he feels so incredibly REAL— they have a real talent for being able to effortlessly squeeze him into any verse or fandom, making it feel so natural like he’s always been a part of that series. But he always feels like Seifer — it takes skill to know a muse so well you can effortlessly do such a thing & I’m always gonna admire them for that.
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eri-la-nutria · 24 days
They officially made the opening so much better
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memeuplift · 6 months
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recoverr · 7 months
i don't know who needs to hear this, but guilt, self-hatred and shame are not sustainable sources of growth and healing. you can't hate yourself into feeling better, or being better. you can't repeatedly punish yourself for your flawed humanity and expect wholesome results.
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recomvery · 9 months
One of the most dangerous things in the world is not being able to say no to people because you don't want to upset them or dissapoint them. This will completely ruin your life in every way possible, at work, in your private life, your sex life and your friendships. It's a way of removing your own consent in your own decisions and go against your wishes, it is always a crime against yourself. Let yourself have a say. Upsetting people is better than traumatizing yourself.
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positivelyqueer · 2 months
the phrase ‘this is my first time being alive’ has done wonders for me recently. Yeah, I don’t know how to navigate this situation! It’s brand new to me and I’m learning on the fly, aren’t humans such wonderfully adaptive creatures?
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catchymemes · 10 months
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