#Agent Tequila x OC
wardenparker · 1 year
Down the Rabbit Hole - ch 10
Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst​
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When Jack accidentally shoots a civilian on a mission he takes on not only the guilt of the man’s death, but inherits his soulmate as well. To you, it’s a dream job with more perks than you can imagine - but for Jack it’s a nightmarish complication. Even more so when he starts to develop feelings.    
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 17.9k Warnings: *Blanket warnings - mentions of deceased spouse, a lot of food and alcohol consumption, family recipes, age gap, cursing.* Fluffy Jack being old fashioned, low key voice kink, reference to food play, panty ripping because we are shameless, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, unexpected exhibitionist/voyeur kink Summary: You and Jack take a step forward on the last night of your family’s stay in Louisville, and Tex returns home with his newly minted soulmate just in time for Bobby’s going away party. Notes: I love getting to a sex scene and being surprised to find a character has a kink that I didn’t expect 😂 As always, the chosen gif has no reflection on the reader’s appearance. It’s the emotion that counts.
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11 ~ Ch 12 ~ Ch 13 ~ Ch 14 ~ Ch 15 ~ Epilogue
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On the last day of your family's stay in Louisville, an adventure to the Louisville Slugger factory and museum ended with personalized souvenir bats for everyone and extremely good moods all around. Tomorrow morning your siblings will go their respective ways to return home and your parents will go on to spend a few days at Dollywood, and you and Jack will take another step toward your new normal. The first therapy session went well, and you have another scheduled for next week, so really...it's remarkable how settled you feel considering it was only a few days ago that you were a literal captive in an abattoir in New York City. It seems an entire lifetime away, except for the nightmares, which even seem to dissipate when you wake up from them in Jack's arms in Jack's bed.
“How about we grill tonight?” Jack suggests to you, scratching his head. It’s been a trial trying to keep you from working too hard to play hostess to your family. He can see how much you love it, but you are still recovering.
"Are you thinking burgers, or something more elaborate?" Hanging out in the backyard has been everyone's favorite place to be anyway. A little backyard barbecue for their last night in Louisville might be a fun idea. You won't point out - this time - that he's chosen a method of cooking that he excels at instead of you.
“Maybe a little bit of both?” Jack offers. “Hamburgers for the kiddos and I can introduce your family to Kentucky barbecue. Just gotta start the smoker.”
"We can do that." Sitting on the porch swing with him while your brother-in-law plays with the kids, you tip your head back to lean on his shoulder. "I can get my sister to help me with cornbread and coleslaw. Since I know you'll watch me like a hawk if I try to do it myself."
“You are supposed to be resting and I caught you in the kitchen first thing this morning.” Jack huffs at you, narrowing his eyes playfully. He doesn’t want you to feel smothered but this time is good for you to rest.
"I am resting, honey." The mere minutes of time it took you to put together a tray of things for bagels and some fruit salad compared to what you would normally do is laughable, but you know Jack is just trying to take care of you. "I didn't even start baking for Bobby’s party tomorrow. I had like six different things planned but I promise I’ve narrowed it down to only things I can do tomorrow morning."
“I swear, you don’t know the meaning of rest.” Jack grumbles. “I’m going to have to whisk you away to a private island where the only thing you can do is drink whiskey and lay in the sun.”
"Sounds like a very nice vacation." You grin, having grown to love the difference in Jack's affectionate grumbles versus when he is actually upset. When it's affectionate, it means you can tease him. "I don't think I've taken a vacation since I was still in high school."
“That’s a damn shame.” He huffs at you, watching you stick your tongue out at him. He reaches out and taps the tip of your tongue with his finger.
"Never had the time or the money." Shrugging makes it seem like it's not a big deal, especially because you don't want to get bogged down in anything too serious when Jack has been in such a good mood today. "No rest - or vacations - for the wicked."
“Then once you get the restaurant rollin’ we’ll have to go somewhere.” Jack decides. “You’ll tell me where you’ve always wanted to go and that’s what we’ll do.”
There are so many places you've dreamed of going. Places you've dreamed of seeing and food you've dreamed of eating, that you shrug your shoulders and sigh wistfully. "Japan, Australia, Morocco, France, Scotland, Thailand, Mexico, Egypt... we could go anywhere and I'd enjoy it. Just...as long as we do it together."
Jack chuckles, opening his arms and inviting you in for a hug. Those have become second nature for the two of you now. “So one big world tour.”
"Maybe." The sound and vibration of his laugh warms through you like summer sun. "Maybe we'll choose a different place every year for as long as we want."
“I like that.” He knows you would want to try the food. Spend time in each location and really learn them. “We could do that easily.”
"Then that's what we'll do." Curled into his arms, with your head on his shoulder and breath mingling together, it's easy to think of the future in such wide open terms. Like anything is possible. With him, it really feels like it is. "Maybe one day we'll find a favorite, but we'll try as many different places as we want."
“So you okay with me cookin’ tonight?” Jack asks you softly. “Catering to you for once?”
"As long as you don't stop me from helping just a little." When he frowns you put on a pronounced pout, being playful if nothing else. "I hate having nothing to do Jack, you know that. I promise to have help and to keep it to a minimum."
“Just the sides.” He tells you pointedly. “You won’t touch the grill or the smoker.”
"Deal." One hand held out to him to seal the deal, the other is twined through his at your shoulder. Anyone who could see the two of you now would be astonished to hear that you were ever at odds - all they would see is a couple that is completely enchanted with each other.
He grins and winks at you. “Now you get to experience some of my cookin’ and I expect you to be truthful.” He warns you. “No tryin’ to baby my feelin’s.”
"I promise to be honest." You give him a mock salute with a very serious face. "But I believe in you. You have too good of a palette to be a terrible cook."
“I make my own sauce and rubs.” He boasts, smirking slightly and winking at you.
"Oh yeah?" He's like a peacock almost instantly, chest puffed up and chin tilted to put his nose proudly in the air, and you can't help but giggle when he's playful like this. "You planning on showing off for me? Give me a run for my money so we're the ones all our friends want a dinner invitation from?"
"Absolutely." Jack teases. "They will want to come over when I'm cookin' for free and come to haunt your restaurant and pay dearly."
"Just think of what we'll be able to achieve when we join forces." Placing a kiss on both of his cheeks, you drop one more on his forehead before sitting back in his arms again. "This house seems made for summer parties. It's going to be fun."
"I think that was the point." Jack admits as he looks around the house that had quickly come to feel more like a home with you and your family invading every nook and cranny.
"If summer comes and I haven't driven you totally crazy, we'll have to throw a party." Even though you know he has a summer birthday, you would never bring it up now that you know why he doesn't celebrate the day. It would just be a nice summer get together for friends, nowhere near that day in August.
"Whenever you want, sugar." Jack drops a kiss on your nose and smirks. "Now....let me go get everything ready for you to have the best barbecue you've ever had." He promises.
"Yes, sir." You shift away from him and stretch, tossing him a wink before you skip down the porch steps to join your siblings in sunbathing near what will soon be the vegetable garden. As soon as you have the time and the supplies to make it one. "You guys sick of me yet?" You laugh, knowing that the three of you rarely got tired of each other's company. "Ready to go home tomorrow?"
"I've decided I'm going to move here." Your sister is kidding, but she smiles lazily over at you as she lounges in the deck chair that she has claimed as her own for the entire trip. "There is something about this place that I can't quite clock, but it's the safest I've ever felt anywhere."
"Now you see why I fell in love with it so fast." Nothing would be happier than for Eliza and Ed and the kids to move down to Louisville, but you know they're happy where they are. Only a new job would get them to even consider it, and Statesman isn't exactly hiring doctors at the moment. "One day here and I knew it was going to be the right decision."
Your parents are down at the distillery again, your father falling in love with Statesman all over again and your mother shamelessly indulging him while you are here. Eliza looks around and then stares at you seriously. "Is that why you came running to New York looking heartbroken?"
"It's..." You blow out a breath, falling back on the lawn chair beside her. "It's a complicated story."
"And?" She senses that it's not exactly something that you want to talk about right now, so she decides not to press. "You're sure you are happy here?"
“Jack and I had trouble in the beginning, you know that.” Your sister, above anyone else, knows that you struggled with where your heart lay when you first arrived at Statesman. She was on the receiving end of every phone call. “We…we had a fight. That’s why I went to the city. We had a screaming match and I got overwhelmed. It was just supposed to be a couple of days fucking around New York with Matt to take my mind off things and…” When you shrug, it’s half so you can avoid talking about being kidnapped and half to keep up the front that what you were involved in is an ongoing investigation. “Things got out of hand. But we’re talking now. And Jack and I are making things work. So…I actually am happy. It just took a little while to get here.”
“I still don’t understand why he was so resistant to another soulmate.” Eliza huffs, still not completely trusting that this is the whole story. More like your mother than she’s ever willing to admit.
“He loved Abigail a lot. Isn’t that understandable?” Since Jack had said he was okay with giving your family the old story of what happened to his first wife and unborn child - what he had thought was the truth for so long - so don’t worry about talking to them about it. Your brother and sister do their best to be understanding and sympathetic people in general. “He felt like it was being disloyal to her memory to have another. And considering second soulmates are supposed to be a myth anyway? I get it.”
“I guess.” She frowns and sighs. “I just love you, you know that right? That’s the only reason I’m worrying.”
“I know.” You loop your arm around her and hug her tight. “I love you too. And you’re entitled to kick his ass if he ever makes me sad again, how about that?”
“You know I will.” That is a promise. You are too loving to have your heart stomped on by some – albeit hot – cowboy.
“But either way, he’s making dinner for us tonight.” The promise of good food will perk up anyone in your family, and you laugh when both of your siblings immediately sit up. “I’m taking volunteers to help with sides.”
“I’ll help you.” Your brother and sister both immediately volunteer. The way you have been napping has them both aware that something has happened to cause their normally tireless sister to be a little slower.
“With three sets of hands we might even manage to make some dessert without Jack worrying.” You flash them both a smile. “I know you’ll be back for the opening in barely a couple of weeks, but I’m so glad you guys came to visit.”
“Of course we were coming.” Eliza looks almost offended that you would even think that they wouldn’t come. “We were worried sick until your co-worker called us to tell us you were okay. Mom almost came through the phone at her.”
“I’m sorry you were worried.” It sits like a lump in your throat, the heaviness of what really happened, but for once you’re glad you can’t tell them the truth. If they knew what had really happened to you last weekend they would never let you out of their sight again. Just like Jack is doing. “Everything is okay now. That’s what matters.”
“Yeah but you know them.” Your brother rolls his eyes like he wasn’t the one who had filed the report. “They like to worry.”
“Sure, Matty. It was all them.” You shake your head and pinch his side. “I’ll thank mom and dad for contacting the police, then.”
“Shut up.” He grumbles at you, giving you a pout of brotherly affection. Of course he had been worried. You had come to him so upset and on the verge of shutting down and then disappeared.
"Love you too, big brother." It might be said with teasing, but you reach over to give him a hug and pull your siblings up with you to head into the kitchen.
Jack, for his part, takes the role of providing your meal very seriously. He had Champ keep the brisket over at his house to marinate last night and it’s not too long before it’s put on the smoker to fill the back yard with its mouth watering scent.
When your parents eventually wander back from their last distillery tour and tasting, the sides are ready, dessert is done, and Jack very nearly has the brisket finished. Better timing couldn't have been achieved if he had timed it all out with care.
"I don't know what to tell you, kiddo," your mother grins, pressing a kiss to the top of your head when she hugs you. "But it smells like your soulmate has a talent for the only cooking skill you never worked on."
“She doesn’t know how to grill?” Jack asks as he pops back into the kitchen to get a pan. “I’m surprised about that.”
“It’s less doesn’t know how and more that the work never went into mastering it.” Your father shrugs, leaning back against the counter when Jack comes in. “Not a lot of barbecue in classical French cuisine, I guess.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that she isn’t lacking for barbecue when she’s got a hankerin’ for it.” Jack tells him, knowing that he would keep the smoker running if you wanted him to.
“There was…maybe a year or so? When she was a teenager.” He looks to your mother for clarification, who nods. “Where she would always request it. Dinners, special occasions, everything. Any time we were eating as a family she wanted to go for barbecue.” Your father chuckles at the memory, obviously a fond one now. “Turned out she had a crush on one of the people who owned the one barbecue place in our little town.”
Jack chuckles and shakes his head, totally able to see it. “I don’t blame her if that’s the case. I’d eat a lot of anything she makes to spend more time with her.”
“I think,” your father intones, crossing his arms and glancing at his wife - his own soulmate - before turning back to Jack. “That maybe it’s prudent for all of us to have a chat before we leave?”
For a moment, the small, indulgent smile on Jack’s face slips. Worried that your parents might not approve of the relationship after all. Despite being polite, that doesn’t mean that they had any intention of allowing Jack with their daughter. “Why don’t you follow me outside.” He glances towards the kitchen where you and your siblings are laughing. “More privacy.”
The smack on the arm your mother gives her husband before he turns to follow Jack outside is pointed, and she hangs back to sit with her grandchildren before they need their nap. This conversation is not her idea, and she doesn’t think it’s necessary.
When Jack finds just your father following him, he turns back towards the outdoor kitchen. “Beer? Or does the conversation warrant something stronger?” He asks over his shoulder.
“Beer is good.” He’s not trying to scare the younger man, after all. Not trying, but if Jack does happen to shake in his boots a little, Jeff won’t be upset about that.
“Sounds good.” Jack moves over to the small fridge and pulls out two beers. Popping the cap off the tops and handing one to your father. Waiting for the other man to start the conversation as he takes a pull of the beer.
A sip of his drink comes first, but Jeff doesn't get in Jack's way as he moves around the grill area to tend to dinner. "Look," he leans back against the porch railing. "You're not kids. I'm not trying to intimidate you or dictate your actions, or anything like that. But she's my little girl and I'd be remiss if I didn't at least talk to you about her."
“I understand where you are coming from.” Jack does, he really does. He probably would have the same conversation if he was the father of a daughter. “What would you like to know?”
"It's less what I want to know and more of what I want to make sure that you know." He admits, taking another sip of his beer before he puts the bottle down beside him. "She was never the little girl that played princess first, or wrote her boyfriend's name out on her notebooks, or planned out her wedding with her friends. Not that we ever saw. But her baby sister...when Eliza wanted to do those things, it would make her sister just light up. It was like..." he sighs, taking another sip and looking for the words. "Like she was waiting for permission to dream. I know we raised her to be quick and smart and self-sufficient, but I'd hate to think that she's gone into adulthood with that same hesitancy. Just...just make sure she talks to you, Jack. That she opens up about what she wants. Because the only answer she ever used to give was that she wanted her own restaurant, and I know there's got to be more than that."
“I will.” Jack nods, frowning slightly as he stares at his bottle, the heat already making the condensation slide down the sides. “I’ve not been a good soulmate so far.” It might not be the best idea to be this honest, but he feels like he needs to be. “I was a pretty rotten one, and I hurt her. But–” he sighs. “I want nothing more than to make her happy. To give her the world if I can. To travel to all the places she wants to go, do the things that she wants to do. I want to make a life with her.”
"You'll make it up to her." Your father doesn't even make it a suggestion, it's more like an order. "Or else she won't have anything to do with you. I learned that when she was a teenager."
“Everyday.” Jack promises easily, taking another swig of his beer as he tries to dispel the image of your limp body in the back of that SUV. “Lucky for me, she’s got an amazing capacity for forgiveness.”
"Gets that from her mother." He huffs an awkward kind of chuckle in return. "I hold a grudge like a motherfucker. But those women? Angels. Who knows how they manage it." Both men are silent for a moment, letting the thought linger between them. "Are there plans?" He asks after the quiet lingers a little too long and becomes awkward. "You and her, have you made plans for that life you want to build?"
“I imagine there will be soon.” Jack frowns slightly, not sure how much you’ve told your father. “I’ve been married before. My soulmate. She was– she was killed while pregnant.” Jack explains quietly. “But I do remember asking her daddy for permission to marry her.” His eyes met your father’s. “When we are ready for that, I expect I’ll be makin’ a trip up to see you.”
“Honestly a little surprised you’re not asking right now,” your father admits, holding Jack’s gaze. “But I’m not going to rush you.”
“I want her to be comfortable with the idea.” Jack admits softly. “And I want to make sure that my past doesn’t haunt her.”
“Most people wouldn’t wait for the adjustment period.” As much as Jeff thinks of it as his job to protect his three kids, he knows you and your siblings are all grown. The oldest has been married and divorced and the youngest has a husband and two kids of her own. You have always been the question mark in the family, right up until he saw you with Jack. There’s no question in his mind now that this is the person you’ve been waiting for - second soulmate or otherwise. “I tell you what, Jack.” He sighs, glancing back over his shoulder at the house to make sure you’re not nearby. “When you’re ready, I have her grandmother’s ring in the safe at home. It’s nothing too flashy, but her grandma Jane meant the world to her and I know she’d be happy to wear it.”
“Thank you.” Jack flashes your father a grin and sighs in relief. “I have a feeling that time will come sooner than I imagine, but we’ll see.” He chuckles.
“Whenever the two of you decide is best.” Is it the life he imagined for you from the time you were just a little peanut in his arms? Maybe not. But you’re not the woman he imagined all those years ago, either. You’re better — you’re you.
Jack nods, grateful that it’s not a different kind of conversation but that’s not a bad thing. “I have talked to her about moving in.” He offers your father. “So maybe I should ask you for your permission.” He ponders.
The other man chuckles quietly, feeling like he’s listening to Jack ponder out loud. “Should I bring the ring down when we come back for the opening?”
“I think that would be very appropriate.” Jack agrees, frowning slightly as he wonders if you would feel overwhelmed if he proposed to you after the opening of your restaurant or if it would just add happiness to the occasion. “So let me formally ask you.” Jack sets his bottle down and straightens his shoulders. “Your daughter is my soulmate, and I love her. I want to protect her and cherish her with everything that I am. May I have your blessing to ask her to marry me?”
“Keep making her happy. And keep her talking to you.” Your father puts down his own bottle and straightens up, putting his hand out to Jack. “And for the love of god, don’t elope. Her mother would be broken-hearted.”
“Never.” Jack can promise that. He didn’t do it with Abigail and he wouldn’t take that away from you. Even if it was something small and intimate, he wants you to have the wedding you want.
“Then you have my blessing, for whatever kind of life you want to build together.” You would huff and call them both old-fashioned for this, but the truth is that this is just two people trying their best to take care of you. “Be good to her, Jack.”
He hadn’t been. He knows this. However, he planned on making sure that you were never distressed or upset because of him again. “Yes sir.” He nods solemnly, the seriousness of the moment not lost on him. “Thank you.”
“There you two are.” It hadn’t taken an extreme amount of effort to find them, but the table is set and everything is ready except for the meat. “Do you need another set of hands to help, babe?”
“Nawww, I should have it.” Jack immediately turns towards you with a slow, sugary smile. A little emotional from the conversation and he pulls you close for a quick kiss. “About to pull everything off.”
“Whatever you two were talking about, keep it up,” you tease, not the least bit embarrassed to steal a second kiss with your father right there. Jack is so soft right now that you wouldn’t sacrifice it for anything.
Dinner turned out to be a complete success, everyone raving over Jack’s barbecue. Making him smirk at you and volunteering his services whenever you wanted some for a special at your restaurant when it opens. Now with everyone’s bellies full and the evening winding down, Jack sends you ahead to bed to get ready while he finishes cleaning up the kitchen, figuring you might like to shower or soak in a bath.
Sometimes you swear you would have accepted the invitation to move in with Jack based on the master bathroom alone. The powerful shower with seemingly unlimited hot water is the best you’ve ever experienced, and the tub is definitely big enough for two people to lounge in. He had insisted that you bring over your bathrobe when you brought a few things from your house for the week, so now it’s hanging from the rack beside the marble countertop for when you step out. Smelling like him is a small bonus, considering Jack’s soap and shampoo smell like they were made for a lumberjack who stands on top of mountains in the crisp, cold morning to watch sunrise, and you end up just luxuriating in the hot water until you hear him come into the bedroom. That’s when you shut off the water and step out, wrapping yourself up in the terry cloth robe like a warm hug.
Walking into the bedroom finds it empty and Jack smirks as he looks towards the bathroom, knowing you are in there. He needs to shower, since he smells like a smoker, but he can wait until you are out. Instead, he's standing around looking at the small changes that you have made to his once cold bedroom. Things that are almost overlooked but it's very obvious to a man who has been a bachelor for nearly twenty years. The small notebook on the side of the bed you had claimed, where you write recipe ideas when they come to you. The way your general items are scattered on the dresser. He likes it.
“Hey handsome.” It doesn’t matter how ridiculous you look, dripping wet in a bath towel and fuzzy slippers, you open the bathroom door to let him in if he wants to share some while you brush your hair and teeth. “I know I’ve already said it, but dinner was amazing.”
"I'm glad you enjoyed it." He smirks at you and comes up to hold onto your waist, wrapping around you to kiss your ear. You hum as you load your toothbrush up and tilt your head to allow him more access to you. "You’re lookin' fresh faced and pretty tonight."
“And smelling very manly,” you joke, turning your head to kiss him properly in between his exploration of your neck and before you start brushing your teeth. Before or after is fine. During would be a bit messy.
“I like the way you smell.” His scent on your body drives him crazy and there has been more than one time where he’s had to take care of the nagging lust that always lives right under the surface since he's given into being near you.
You smile coyly at him in the mirror, raising one eyebrow. “I smell like you,” you point out before starting to brush your teeth. Not that you mind at all. Not even a little, actually.
“Yeah, sugar.” Jack’s voice dips down and he brushes another kiss over your skin. “Like I’ve wrapped myself around you and rubbed myself all over your body.”
The most articulate sound you can manage right now is a groan as you process that image - the therapist had said you were both clear headed enough for sex if it was what you both wanted, but you haven’t taken that step. So far you’ve been too tired from your recovery, so it’s been slow nights of drowning in each other’s kisses in bed - with Jack’s hands down your panties if things got rambunctious.
He chuckles against your skin, feeling himself start to harden. “But right now sugar? I need to clean up. Get the smell of smoke off me.”
"What if I like the smell of smoke?" You pose, spitting out excess toothpaste long enough to pout at him and then grin when he meets your eyes in the mirror. "Go clean up, baby. I'm going to get in bed and read."
Jack grunts, aware that his cock is twitching against your ass and he pulls his hips back. He doesn’t want to push you even if he knows you want to.
You've lost track of time, by the time Jack comes out of the bathroom, and look up over the top of your book when you spy him striding into the room. Squeaky clean but still damp from just toweling off, that towel is now wrapped around his waist when he comes into the bedroom to fish for a pair of boxers to sleep in. Fuck he looks good like that...you might be staring, but you don't care.
Jack knows you are looking and it feeds into his ego like nothing else. No one night stand cooing and lovin’ on him has the effect of his soulmate staring discreetly. He smirks at himself as he turns towards the drawer and ‘accidentally’ drops his towel.
"Whoops." It comes with a half-snort because you know damn well that he didn't do it by accident, and you set your bookmark back in your book to put it on the side table. "I'm sure that was very clumsy of you. And fully unintentional."
Jack throws a look over his shoulder with a grin. “I don’t know what you are talking about.” He draws playfully. “Ain’t you supposed to be makin’ recipes? Or readin’?”
“Nice try.” Even if you hadn’t read it before, no book is more interesting than your bare assed naked soulmate. Especially when he’s previously been very careful about modesty to keep the both of you under control.
His chuckle accompanies him reaching into the drawer to pull out a pair of boxers. “Something you like on display, sugar? Didn’t think you liked tiny asses.”
It earns him another little laugh, and you pull the blankets back on his side of the bed. “I don’t keep my hand in your back pocket when we walk around because my fingers are cold, baby.”
“And here I was thinkin’ that you were trying to warm ‘em up.” Jack puts on a thicker accent for you right now, knowing how much it seems to affect you.
“Get in bed, cowboy.” It’s practically an order, but edged with enough begging to stroke Jack’s ego like he’s stroking your voice kink by playing with his accent.
“Yes ma’am.” Jack pretends to tilt an imaginary hat as he closes the drawer and turns around to stride cockily towards the bed.
There’s something to be said for the domesticity of such a moment. The easy way he slides into bed beside you and bundles you up in his arms, and the comfort of clean bodies cuddled up in the light of your bedside lamps like you had been doing this your whole lives. Now that you’re letting yourselves, it’s so easy to be together. “So…” you hum, snuggling up to him. “I saw my dad pull you outside tonight.”
“Yes.” Jack won’t deny that. Especially because you saw it. “He did.” He rubs his hand up and down your back.
“Anything I should know about?” It’s hard to imagine they needed to have a private conversation about whiskey or the grill, but who knows.
“Your father wanted to know my intentions.” Jack admits easily. “To tell me that I need to listen to you, help you dream.”
“He worries too much.” An exasperated sigh passes your lips and you place a kiss on Jack’s chest. “I already have my dreams.”
“I know.” Jack says teasingly. “Your tea room.” He knows you mean more than that, but he’s grinning as he needles you.
“And my soulmate.” There might be other things that you bluster about, but the love of the person you’re meant to be with and your dream job are the two things you’ve always been honest about wanting.
“And your soulmate.” Jack quietly repeats. He knows how important it is to you. To him honestly, now that he’s opened that possibility up again. Your happiness is the most important thing to him.
“So there’s nothing else to worry about.” The questions of marriage or kids or anything else are all secondary to just having him in your life.
He hums and thinks about things for a moment. "Would you...want to go home with me?" He asks softly. "To Montana? See the ranch. You don't have to."
“I absolutely will if you want me to.” At dinner, your parents had invited him to come up to New Hampshire with you any time, and this seemed like a natural extension of that invitation to you. But you do lean back a little to look him in the eye. “I would love to see where you’re from, honey. But if it’s going to hurt too much…reminding you of Abigail and the baby and all that…then we don’t have to.”
"It's been a long time since I've been home." Since he had left, if he were honest, but he wasn't going to bring that up. "Might be good to go see it...introduce you to 'em." He ventures, wondering if you will think it macabre or ghoulish to visit his former soulmate's grave.
“Do you still have family out there?” It’s not hard to tell when Jack has his mind set to something, and this seems like it’s quickly becoming an important idea to him. “Or is there maybe an event that you used to like going to? That we could go back for?”
"No family left." His father had died the year before Abigail. Heart attack, or he would wonder if Rollins had any hand in it now. "Just me."
“No cousins or anything?” That surprises you, but you smooth your furrowed brow so he doesn’t get the impression that you’re judging him for something he has no control over. “Who’s running the ranch?”
"I hired a board of directors to handle things for me." Jack huffs. "Or....Champ did." Champ had taken care of that task to where Jack only had to handle the yearly reports and even then it was more of a cursory glance. He had honestly anticipated the fuckin' thing going to the Statesman conglomerate when he died.
“We should go.” There’s a wistfulness and a worry in his expression that is begging to be soothed, and you run your hand gently up and down his side. “We can see the ranch, you can show me where you grew up, and we can visit Abigail and your son. Would that…would that be a good trip for you?” Of course you’re curious to see where he came from, but the last thing you want to do is hurt him with memories.
Jack bites his lip, swallowing harshly when you are the one that brings up his wife. "I– I would l-like that." He manages, his voice cracking slightly in surprise and so much gratitude. His hold on you tightens. "I would like that a lot." It feels like Jack has a sense of closure now that Abigail's death has been explained. It wasn't some random act of violence that he couldn't rationalize. It was targeted. She was targeted. It had helped to know that more than he ever thought it would.
“We’ll bring flowers.” That’s what you do whenever you visit your own family’s graves, and in some ways you suppose Jack’s lost loved ones are a part of your family now. In an extended and loving memory sort of way. “Whenever you want to go, honey.”
“We need to get through your opening and at least the first few months, I think.” Jack looks to you. “Right?”
“Maybe we could go at the end of the summer or beginning of fall?” The land would still be in bloom and going during the heat of summer might be too close to their death date for him. Considering he doesn’t celebrate his birthday you doubt he wants that big of a reminder. “I would think that…earlier in August might be…a lot harder.”
"That would work." Jack nods, considering it. "There's nothing like fall on the ranch." He admits wistfully. "Especially when the trees start changing colors up in the mountains."
“Fall, then.” Placing a kiss over his heart, you offer Jack a soft smile. “I’m honored that you want to share that part of yourself with me.”
"Just...." Jack picks up your hand and kisses it softly. "Be patient with me when we go?" He asks, knowing that he might have to go quite a few therapy sessions before taking you, so he doesn't lash out or do something stupid.
“Honey, of course.” It seems like you shouldn’t be able to get any closer, but you nudge that much nearer to him and brush some damp hair from his forehead. “And if you decide to put the trip off until spring or even next fall, that’s just fine. The ranch isn’t going anywhere and neither am I.”
"Hmmm, thank you." He squeezes your back gently and his hand starts to drift down towards your ass as a natural progression. Having you in his bed has made it hard to keep his hands to himself on the best days and he was still in a playful mood.
“Serious conversation and then an ass grab, huh?” Sure you might be teasing him a little less, but you’re still you. It’s still fun. “Still in a good mood, Mr. Daniels?”
"Sugar, I'm finding that I've been in a good mood since that first nap with you." He tells you seriously. "Especially when I get to see that gorgeous smile on your face."
“Hmm…” He’s being so damn sweet and sincere tonight, and you’re just soaking it all in like sunbeams. “I wonder why that could be?”
"I don't know." He teases back. "Might be because your parents and siblings haven't strung me up for makin' you cry. Or because I'm currently in bed with a very sexy woman."
“If anybody would’ve gotten out the noose it would have been my sister, and it would have been immediate.” And since you would have done the same to defend her if she needed it, you can’t blame her in the least. But your little sister had listened when you told her that Jack was actively fixing things and making an effort. “I’m thinking it probably has a tiny bit more to do with having a half-undressed woman in your bed.”
"Yes." Jack's voice dips slightly, taking on a smokier sound. "That. That is a big reason why I've been in such a good mood." Despite not having sex, he's more relaxed with you here and he doesn't want you to leave when your family goes home tomorrow.
“I’ve been thinking…” Some might not consider three days a whole lot of time to think, but getting to spend so much uninterrupted time with him has been good for you. When Jack doesn’t have his guard up, he is as sweet and as appealing as apple pie with all the charm of the most attentive Southern gentleman. “And I think…” Finding his eyes in you, you fluster a little and bury your face in his shoulder. “It’d be a shame to go back to my own place.”
"I think you're right." Jack agrees softly, relieved that you seem to be on the same page as he is. "Wasted opportunities to hold you. When you go back to work, I know you aren't going to be able to be under my wing the entire day."
“I’ll text you when I get downtime,” you promise him, stretching to kiss the nearest bit of his skin you can manage - which right now is the slope of his chest just below his neck. “So you don’t worry.”
“Just wear your bracelet for me, sugar.” He requests, remembering how his heart had dropped when he had seen it on your counter.
“Always.” You pick up your hand that had been tucked in beside him to show the delicate chain with its innocent looking charm to show him that you’re wearing it even now. “I only take it off to shower now.”
“Okay.” He knows it’s a little bit of paranoia, since you will be on Statesman property, but Ginger is still going through all the personnel files to make sure another intruder hasn’t slipped through the cracks.
“It’s okay.” It’s an understatement to say that you understand now. “From now, I’m coming home to you at night.”
"Yeah?" Jack smirks slightly and bites his lips at the prospect of having you in his bed every single night. "I like the sound of that, sugar. Hand to God, I do."
“I do, too.” There’s barely any more space to move in, but you reach up and place a kiss on his lips and sigh softly. The kiss starts off soft, but need and hunger makes Jack reach up and grip the back of your neck as he deeps it with the slide of his tongue against your lips. Groaning when you eagerly open for him.
Every night has been like this. Sliding into bed together and having a little pillow talk before you indulge a little in each other without ever pushing the boundary that you’ve set for yourselves. It’s been a blissful few days, if you’re honest, and even though you know the second he signals being ready you’ll be throwing your own clothes off the side of the bed in a big goddamn rush.
That need, the underlying hunger that seems to invade every single touch and kiss is working overtime tonight. Making Jack grip your hips and urge you on top of him, wanting to feel your warmth and weight. The heat of your damp panties pressing against the rapidly expanding tent in his boxers.
The heat grows faster tonight than it usually does, something in the breath you share feeling more addictive or maybe just hungrier. You find yourself grinding your hips down on him without thinking and moaning when his hands slip under your shirt. “Fuck sugar.” Jack groans, kissing down your throat as you roll your hips back and make him choke on his own breath. “You’re so fucking…sweet.”
“Sweet?” You might giggle if you weren’t busy moaning, but you tilt your head completely out of the way to let him lick and nip and suck every bit of skin he wants. “Tonight feels—” you gasp when he swipes his thumbs across your pebbled nipples in unison. “Fuck— definitely hotter.”
“Never eaten melted chocolate?” Jack groans, smirking slightly as you push your tits against his fingers a little more. Begging for him to repeat the move. “Sweet and hot.”
“I will go get the fudge sauce out of your kitchen so fucking fast.” It would be a nice follow up to yesterday when you had caramel sauce all over your hands making yourself a fancy latte before your family woke up and Jack had very carefully licked it off every digit.
Jack chuckles quietly and shakes his head. “No food play with your parents here.” He chides playfully.
Your pout is playful and your circle your hips in his lap again before reaching to pull your t-shirt over your head. There’s been enough modesty this week for two people planning on living together - you’re itching to take a bigger step forward. Jack has seen you naked. You’ve changed in front of him with no modesty, a move that made him grin. Now he groans, eyes feasting on your tits and he drags you down to his chest to feel them pressed against his chest.
He’s throbbing hard beneath you and the barriers of his boxers and your panties are performative at best. At this point you know damn well that he can feel how soaked your panties are, he can feel the difference in the neediness of every kiss.
Diving back into your mouth is like the anchor he needs to keep himself from keeling over. Groaning your name quietly, he manages to break away to look into your eyes. “What do you want, sugar?” He demands roughly.
“I—” You know the answer. What you’re aching for. But if he isn’t ready you won’t push him. “I want you,” you admit, looking everywhere but his eyes to avoid seeing disappointment. “But not if you’re not ready.”
Jack inhales roughly, expecting that answer but still being shocked when he hears it. “With your family here?” He asks, sliding his hands down your sides to grip your hips. “Tonight, sugar?”
“I can keep my voice down.” Another roll of your hips is a figure eight this time, and your eyes nearly roll back in your head when you feel him pulse underneath you. “Can you?”
It takes Jack a moment to be able to remember what you are talking about, let alone his own name when you grind against him like that. His fingers digging into your flesh and pulling you against him again. "I- y-yeah." He groans out brokenly. "Y-you sure?" He closes his eyes and tries to control himself before he looks back up at you seriously. This is a big step for the two of you and he wants you to not regret it.
“I’m sure, baby.” The seriousness of the moment isn’t lost on you, and you stop moving to leave a soft, sincere kiss on his lips. “I love you, Jack.”
He knows you are ready, the two of you have been ready physically since the day you met. It's the mental and emotional barriers that he had created that caused this delay. Now, Jack rolls you onto your back and smirks down at you, his eyes dark and flashing with need. "I love you too, sugar. Now I'm gonna show you how you ride a real cowboy."
If you were feeling pedantic, you might quibble about position and how you had just been in the perfect place to ride him - but honestly you’re too foggy from desire and the burning in your blood to do anything more than surge up to kiss him. The measly barriers of underwear were symbols of restraint more than anything, and you are extremely ready to pull his away so you can experience every inch of him.
Jack groans, enjoying the pure desire that is fueled by your kiss, his hands sliding down to the band of your panties and he smirks into your mouth before he shreds them easily.
Oh that should not make you moan so wantonly, but it’s a good thing you were kissing him when he did it otherwise your promise to keep the volume down would have been shot to hell immediately. “Fuck, baby.”
He chuckles quietly and moves the material away so he can slide his fingers against your wet slit. "You like that, sugar?"
“Show off,” you accuse him playfully, knowing that you’ve told him in the past that shows of physical strength are a turn on for you. “I’m already always soaking wet around you.”
He hums, sliding his fingers down to press into you. Something that he has done before but now he knows that you are going to feel more than just his fingers inside you. Wanting to make sure that you cum before he slides inside you.
“Fu—fuck.” One hand shoots out to clutch his shoulder and the other twines into the soft bed sheets as your hips roll down to meet his hand as deeply as you possibly can. Yes, you’ve enjoyed exploring with him, but you’ve wanted him since the day you met and you’re aching for him now that the chance is here.
Jack's hands are clever, quick. They have to be with the type of rope and pistol work that he does. Now, his trigger finger curls up inside you. seeking the spongy spot that makes your back arch and your gasps turn desperate. Ready to drink down the sounds like a man dying of thirst while he kisses you and pushes you towards the edge.
You squirm but open up for him like a spring flower, legs spread open as wide as you can manage to give him ample room to explore. All you’ve wanted for months is to drown in him and now you’re clinging to him like a life preserver as he rockets you out over an ocean of pleasure.
“That’s it, sugar.” Jack coos in your ear, butterflying kisses along your jaw while the wet heat of your cunt surrounds his fingers. “Give it to me. Let me feel your sweetness.”
He’s well practiced at this - with plenty of partners before you, yes, but also just from the last few days together. He knows exactly the right way to quirk his wrist and exactly the right way to curl his fingers, making you gasp and chase the sensation of his fingers filling you every time he pulls them out only to thrust them back into you with more dexterity than before. He plays you like an instrument until you bow and threaten to break, with one hand clamped over your mouth so you don’t cry his name for the whole house to hear as you fall apart at the seams and flood his hand with your sticky release.
It is only because of your family down the hall that he doesn't let you cry out. When they leave, he will. Letting your sweet sounds fill the bedroom, hell, the house. Wanting to hear it. Now he just groans, his lips pressed against your hand, as if trying to kiss you through the barrier. "Good girl." He murmurs. "Good girl, sugar."
The way he coos at you is borderline criminal but combines somewhere in the back of your head with riding him and you swear you’d let this unhinged cowboy put a damn bit and bridle on you if it turned out to be some wild kink of his. The thought flies out of your head as soon as it enters, blissfully blanking out with white hot pleasure. Only when you’re sure you won’t shout do you move your hand away, pouring a moan into his mouth instead.
Only when your body can't give him any more does he still his fingers. Watching as you relax into the bed and the sugary smile of pleasure graces your face. "Was it good for you?" He asks, smug in your eventual response when you can catch your breath.
“You’re so fucking cocky,” you drawl in reply, giggling under your breath when you surge up to kiss him. “I’d be shoving you on your back to stroke your cock except I need you to fuck me.”
"Confident, sugar." Jack chuckles, kissing your lips again before he shuffles off of you so he can push his boxers down. "Confident."
“Because you know I’ve been ready to jump you since the day we met.” It’s not even judgmental or self-deprecating, just a fact as you smirk up at him. He’s so fucking handsome and the butterflies in your stomach erupt all over again. This is actually happening.
Jack peels down his boxers and stands straight, showing off the hard length that is heavily bobbing as he lets you peruse his body. "You should know I've been havin' to hide this since the day we met." He growls.
“Don’t know how you hide it anywhere.” With as tight as he wears his jeans, it should be impossible to keep the thickest cock you’ve ever seen in your life under wraps, but somehow he manages it.
He smirks and waggles his brows at you playfully. "It's all in the way you keep your jacket buttoned."
“Show off.” Though you roll your eyes dramatically, you lean forward to snag his arm and urge him to come back to you. “Get back in bed and show off here instead.”
It's the easiest order that he will probably ever receive as he kneels on the bed. "With pleasure, sugar."
As easily as you ever fit together in any other part of life, the way your bodies seem to move and mold together is instinctive. There’s no guiding or nudging, just fluid motion as he finds the cradle of your thighs and slides one arm underneath your back to keep you as close to him as possible as he devours you in a burning kiss. Jack has never been shy about sex. Not even that first time with Abigail where he was worried that he would last all of ten seconds, only to be surprised and pleased he had lasted thirty. His cock pulses against your mound and he hums into your mouth, enjoying the way you fit against him, soft in all the right places and welcoming him to slide into you.
This tension that’s been building for months has somehow intensified during the last week. No touch has been enough, although you’ve pretended it was, and every moment of intimacy has just made you burn for more. Now, with his weight bearing down on you and the heat of him threatening to consume you, you’re squirming for any kind of friction. The easy roll of his hips comes natural, grinding against your and feeling the way your gasp presses into his throat when the head of his cock catches on your swollen, soaked lips. "Easy girl," he coos gently, keeping his hips angled so that when he shifts down, it presses against your entrance. "Nice and easy."
The smirk drawn tight across your face curls at the edges when you look up at him. “If you have a horse fetish, Jack Daniels, now would be the time to tell me.”
He chuckles and shakes his head. “Nah, sugar.” He reaches down to grip your hip. “No horse fetish, but I do want you to hang on.”
Even the smallest moment of laughter seems to break the spell of apprehension that had been blanketing the two of you, and when you giggle along with him it’s like music. “Good,” you tease, hitching your leg high up on his hip. “Because I’m feeling more like save a horse, ride a cowboy tonight.”
Once you say that, Jack leans in and presses his lips to yours and slowly starts to push forward. Breaking you open with a smooth roll of his hips and a groan when he slips inside you.
Your mouth drops open as his hips roll forward, that deep moan that originates somewhere in your toes barely stifled when you clamp your mouth shut and bite your lip to keep it contained. Instead Jack gets an enthusiastic whimper while he fills your needy pussy slowly but surely. Every shuddering breath is encouragement, and you are definitely not here to discourage him.
Jack's own moan is quietly, barely breathed out but it's there. Mouth dropping open and his eyes fluttering closed at the tight, hot clutch of your cunt surrounds him. Stealing his ability to make a pithy comment, every thought of how fucking good you feel, how perfect you are, is all that he can manage until his hips nudge yours and he is buried to the hilt in your body.
All the space in your mind seems to be gone along with that space that he filled up in your body, leaving you dumbstruck in a way you’ve never felt before as your body adjusts to the weight and girth of him inside you. It isn’t like the two of you to be speechless, but the moment is consumed in drowning kisses rather than witty barbs and you can’t even say that you care. He doesn't know exactly when your fingers became entwined, curled together as your leg shifts higher on his hip and your lips tilt away from his. Breaking to give you both the space to pant softly. "Shit, sugar." He groans quietly.
“Jack—” You gasp his name softly, rolling your hips against his to seek out even the smallest movements. “You—you’re so fuckin perfect. Fuck.”
“You know how good you feel?” He groans quietly, twitching inside you when your walls contract around him.
The huff that earns him is only because your mind is too wound up in pleasure to be clever, and you draw your nails up his back to urge him on. “Might go crazy if you don’t move, baby.”
“So impatient.” He chides, leaning in and biting your chin before he draws his hips back.
“Maybe.” You might have snarked back at him if he hadn’t snapped his hips forward at that exact moment, pushing the air out of your lungs and making you have to bite back a sharp cry of his name to a bare whimper. He’s a menace and he knows what the hell he’s doing.
His grin borders on devilish and he wraps his arms around your shoulders. “You were sayin’, sugar?” He grunts as he thrusts into you again. Making sure that he forces more air out of your lungs.
“Fuck.” He said he wanted you to hold on - and he truly seems to have meant it. You cling to him as he sets a deep, steady pace that has both of you groaning into each other’s skin. The rest of the world has dissolved away so quickly that you can’t even focus on the room beyond him, eyes half-shut and fluttering every time his cock pulses inside your tight channel.
“I am, sugar.” Jack pants. “But you want it harder, I’m guessin’.” He’s teasing, but he wants to make sure you know exactly what he’s capable of in bed so he sets his knees and his pace speeds up.
It’s a miracle you don’t cry out. One hand leaves its safe place on his shoulder to dive into his hair to let your fingers scrape his scalp and pull on his hair just enough to add that hint of pain to the pleasure. “Shit.” Jack’s pace fumbles for half a thrust before he is slamming into you. Grateful for the solid poster bed to keep the headboard from banging through the wall and alerting everyone in the house to what you are doing.
“We can both play rough, cowboy.” You promise him, nipping at the sensitive skin beneath his ear and moaning vocally in his ear when he bottoms out inside you again.
If it weren’t for your experience being so fresh, Jack would have you tied to the bed. Instead he grabs your hip, hitching it up higher and groaning as he shuffles to his knees. The shift has you bouncing, head nearly hitting the headboard of the bed, and you reach up to brace yourself. The effect is that you’re stretched out in the bed below him, tits bouncing with every thrust and mouth alternately hanging open on a silent cry or pressed tightly shut to stifle the need to call his name into the night.
Huffing and puffing as he rides you hard, Jack grins down at you. Moving so he can lick his thumb and press it to your clit.
"Jesus–fuck!" You yelp when he presses his thumb to your swollen nub, eyes shooting open from where they had fallen blissfully shut to let the moment wash over you. There's a line of sweat rolling down Jack's neck that you don't hesitate to lick away, discovering tonight to be delightfully needy when you had unfoundedly assumed that things would tend toward lovemaking.
“Shhhhhh sugar.” Jack teases as he makes tight, sure circles over your clit. “Don’t want your daddy busting’ in here, do ya?” He smirks and snaps his hips a little harder.
"Fuck why is that sexier?" The pout on your lips at enjoying the idea of enjoying the forbidden or taboo is temporary, taken over by the shaking shivering pleasure from Jack knowing exactly how you like your clit rubbed.
Chucking, Jack decides to change the pace, keeping his fingers moving over your clit but his cock draaaaaags through your walls slowly. “Don’t know, you tell me.”
Biting your lip yet again to keep from moaning too loudly, the abrupt change in rhythm means you feel every ridge and vein of his cock as he rocks backward. The slow feeling of emptiness is torture that almost makes you sob with pleasure. “Might hav—have to fuck you in a bunch of different —fuck — places to see who catches us.”
“Hmmm.” Jack ducks his head down and nips at your ear, breathing heavily. “Maybe I’ll fuck you in your kitchen. Let your staff walk in on us.”
“Shit.” That thought rockets through you like wildfire and has you grasping at his skin for any kind of mark or impression you could possibly leave on his perpetually tan skin. “Or your office.”
“My office.” Jack groans, pushing deep and grinding into you. “Spread out on my desk, my tongue buried in your cunt when someone walks in?”
Every image seems better than the last, building you up steadily along with his thrusts and the tight circles he's drawing on your clit so that you're on the edge of bursting. "Fuck yes," you're panting and swallowing your own whines beneath him. "So fucking good, baby, h–holy shit." With as tight as your body is clamping down on him in every way, your nails in his arms just might draw blood as you fall apart on a pitiful moan. It's too fast and too sharp to warn him, but the pleasure comes in wave after wave.
Watching your orgasm rip through you might be the sexiest thing that he has ever seen. Eyes clouding over and back arching up when your broken moan fills his ears. The hot grip of your walls making his already throbbing cock ache and he grits his teeth to keep from cumming as he rocks his hips to work you through the peak.
It's almost ruthless, the way he doesn't let up and just pushes you through to the other side without hesitation, but at the same time you love the seemingly endless aftershocks of such a powerful orgasm. "Come on, baby." You gasp out, holding onto his gaze with hazy eyes. "Cum for me."
“Gunna.” Jack hisses through his teeth, jaw stretched out and the muscles in his neck straining as he pushes towards his own pleasure. The way you tremble around him has him groaning your name, hips stuttering as his pace becomes sloppy and thrusts uneven.
His whole body tenses just a second before you feel it - his hips slamming forward to grind into you as deeply as he can before hot jets of his seed fill you with every pulse of his cock. It has you whimpering even as you slip your arms around him to offer him that place of comfort to come down to.
When he’s emptied himself into you, an experience that nears nirvana, he slides down into your embrace. Tucking his head against your neck and groaning your name quietly. “That..” he pants quietly. “Was worth the wait.”
Your breathing evens a little and you press a kiss to the top of his head, wrapping your arms around him tightly to just savor the moment for everything it's worth. "You were worth the wait."
His hold on you flexes, tightens as if he is afraid you would slip out of his grasp. As if you aren’t pinned beneath the bulk of his weight and still impaled on his softening cock. “Soulmates.” He murmurs softly.
“Soulmates.” You hum, quietly agreeing to what you know was not always the easiest thing for him to grasp or accept. Your hands journey up and down his back, soothing his overheated skin. “I love you.”
“I love you.” He sighs, kissing along your neck and across your shoulder gently. Not ready to move unless you need him to. It’s been a long time since Jack felt like he was home and that’s exactly what you feel like to him right now.
“Can we sleep like this?” Having him wrapped in your arms and pressing you down into the mattress might be the most comfortable you’ve ever been and you would hate to give it up too soon.
His chuckle is quiet and he settles so that he’s not just dead weight on you. “Comfortable, sugar?” He murmurs softly. “I don’t know if I can move right now.” He’s joking and he knows you know that from your huff.
There’s something to be said for feeling both safe and cherished, and your arms tighten around him briefly. “I think this is the most comfortable I’ve ever been.”
“Then go to sleep, sugar.” He nudges his hips forward slightly to make sure he doesn’t slip out of you. “I’ve gotcha.”
“Sweet dreams, love.” A soft kiss lingers between you before you close your eyes, happy to let blissful sleep take over.
“Sugar, I think four desserts is enough, don’t you?” It’s amusing to watch you rush around your kitchens and fret, but he knows that you only want to make your contribution to the going away party perfect. “You’ve made the kid’s favorites.”
“Everything has to be perfect.” Without knowing that you’re echoing his thought, you do register the affectionate grin on his face and pause in your movements to shrug sheepishly. “Bobby’s my friend, and so is his mother. This is a big day and I want them to be happy with it.”
“I know.” Jack had come by to peel you out of the kitchen, knowing if he left you for too long, you’d think of another dessert to whip up quickly. “Do we need to pack coolers or can everything go in the back of the Bronco?”
"Everything can go in the Bronco." He had let you out of his sight this morning long enough to bring your family back to the airstrip and get some clean clothes from your cabin, and you had gone into a sort of baking tizzy immediately after. Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, red berry scones, pecan pie squares, and a huge batch of coconut cupcakes are all ready to go.
“Okay,” he grunts as he picks up the two large bakery boxes with the cookies and scones. “I’ve got the backseat laid down, so we should have plenty of room.”
"Thank you, baby." You follow him out with the rest of the pastries in your arms, setting them in the back of the Bronco before hopping into the front seat to snuggle up to Jack. "And...thank you for this week. Getting to spend the time with my family was...pretty perfect."
“Recovering from something like that is always better when you have people who love you around.” Jack turns and kisses your forehead. “When we are officially livin’ together, they are welcome anytime, sugar.”
"Only two more weeks until the opening." And that, in and of itself, is as terrifying as it is exciting. "Maybe tomorrow I'll come back here and pack up some of my stuff? It's not like I have a lot to do. The furniture all came with the cabin and I haven't gotten that many new things since moving down here."
“Whenever you want to do that, sugar.” Jack isn’t trying to rush you into any moves until you are ready for that. “You let me know and I’ll be your work mule for any heavy liftin’.”
"First thing's first." You lean over and snag another kiss, giddy to be beside him again after only a couple of hours apart. "Bobby's party."
“Bobby’s party.” Jack agrees, smirking over at you softly and reaching for your hand. The word about you being Jack’s soulmate has spread like wildfire amongst all the Statesman employees and this is the first official outing as a couple. “Word has it, Champ’s opened more than a few bottles of Reserve and Diana’s got all the ingredients for a full cocktail bar set up. Including some bubbly.”
"I expect nothing less of her." If it were your son being sent overseas like this without you knowing when you were going to see him again, you would definitely be sending him off in a big way as well. "Good thing we live right next door so we can just crash when we get tired."
His lips curl into a grin when he hears ‘we’. Proudly straightening up slightly as he marvels over how much his thinking has changed over the past two weeks. “I can see you gigglin’ drunkenly in the bathtub.” He teases.
"It would not be the first time at all." The grin you flash at him when he turns the engine over is unabashed. "My brother's thirtieth birthday was a hell of a party."
“Oh lord.” Jack rolls his eyes playfully and snorts. “I have a feelin’ I’m gunna be carryin’ you home over my shoulder.”
"Nooooo." Although the mental image does make you giggle. "I wouldn't embarrass you like that."
“Who says it’s because you’ve embarrassed me?” He grins lecherously and waggles his eyebrows. It’s not a long drive from your kitchen to the house, so he doesn’t have long to flirt before you will switch back into chef mode.
"You gonna throw me over your shoulder and carry me into the house to have your wicked way with me?" The two of you had woken up this morning still tangled in each other and shared a shower - which made it take far longer than if you had gotten ready separately. It was a beautiful way to spend the earliest hours of the day.
“Might.” Jack admits, reaching over and sliding his hand up your pretty sundress. “Too pretty to keep my hands off of.”
"Mmm, I think we might have unleashed the beast," you joke, not bothering for one second to stop his hand from wandering. The entire reason for wearing a little sundress today instead of a simple pair of shorts and a shirt is so that he would want to touch you.
Chuckling, he makes sure his fingers brush your panties. “Don’t think you’re complainin’.”
"Not even a little." There isn't enough time to make the car ride playful, but you relish the feeling of his fingers against your core for even just a second.
“That’s what I thought.” A small, playful pinch to your thigh is quickly smoothed over with his fingers and he grins at you. “Don’t have to be quiet tonight.”
"Thank god." You huff dramatically, like it was the biggest effort in the world to keep quiet last night. Which, in some ways, it was. At least it wasn't easy. It doesn't matter though, all that matters is that you're taking steps forward at a pace that is good for both of you. Jack parks in his driveway so he doesn't take up any room at Champ and Diana's house, and the two of you easily carry all the treats you made across the yard to the tables that Diana has left bare for your contributions. She had predicted you would overdo it after not being allowed to cook for the better part of a week, and she was right.
“Whole damn table for your desserts.” Jack sounds like he is grumbling but the grin on his face shows that he completely belies that. He’s already planning on stealing one of the cupcakes.
"Might be just enough room." There are all sorts of serving platters out for you to choose from, and you start arranging them carefully to put things at different heights and with different shapes beside each other to make the table interesting and easy to grab from. "But only because I stopped short of making the key lime tarts..."
“Now you’re just bein’ mean.” Jack groans quietly. “I ever tell you Key Lime is one of my favorites?”
"You did not." The pout on his lips is adorable, and you grin before kissing it away. "I'll make one for us this week. How about that?"
“Yessssss.” Jack pumps his fist, grinning as he imagines the tangy tartness of the dessert. It was the perfect balance of nearly too sweet and sour.
"What are we celebratin' out here?" Diana had seen you walking up to the house but was in the middle of taking something out of the oven. Now that she can come and say hello, she's ready to throw a second party altogether for how damn happy you and Jack seem.
“Key lime pie.” Jack doesn’t explain any further than that. Aware that Diana is familiar with his love of anything Key Lime. The only thing that truly beats it is chocolate.
"You're gonna love having a chef for a soulmate," she laughs lightly, embracing both of you in turn. "How are you feelin', sweetheart? Better?"
"I'm good, Di." You hug her back fiercely. "A couple of days of rest with my family is what I needed."
“We’ve got another session with the doc and then she’s got some solo meetings.” Jack hadn’t backed down on his insistence you see the staff therapist. Wanting you to cope with things better than he ever has.
"Good." That meets Diana's approval, and she nods as she looks the two of you over. "Positively glowing," she pronounces, having a feeling that she knows why. "Happiness suits you both."
Jack knows that it is mainly his fault, all his fault really. He ducks his head slightly and wraps his arm around your back to pull you into his side. “She’s gorgeous, isn’t she?”
"I always thought so." Diana gives you a playful wink before squeezing Jack's shoulder, glad to see him looking proud instead of apprehensive. "Come inside when you're done setting up here. Bar's set up in the kitchen and people should be arriving any minute."
"Do you need anything else, sugar?" Jack asks as he takes the last box from you. He has to admit that all your desserts look amazing and he hums. "Are you plannin' on having a display case in your tea room? Desserts to take home?"
"We're going to do a case for cakes." With the menu nailed down, you know that the only thing that still might expand is the take-away aspect of the bakery, but you're starting small. "The case was put in yesterday, actually. It was the last thing to go in."
"That case is going to be bare by the end of the first night." Jack predicts, knowing that plenty of people will want to take your goods home. Your kitchen staff will have to make sure to keep the cases full.
"You have such faith in me." You lean back in his arms and press a kiss to his cheek, satisfied with the way the table works and basking in the earnest compliment. "Let's go grab a drink, honey. Before the kitchen gets swamped."
Jack follows you willingly, carrying the discarded boxes from the goods as he trails after you. Admiring the way your hips sway in that dress and he smirks to himself.
"Di, I think you might have overdone it just a little bit," you laugh to yourself when you see the way the kitchen is laid out. The enormous tray of her son's favorite mac and cheese that she just took out of the oven is off to one side but a whole half of the counter is devoted to being a self-serve bar.
"Never." Diana huffs, grinning as he whips off the oven mitts and looks over the array of food. "Okay, maybe a little." She admits with a slight shrug of her shoulders. "But my Bobby is leavin' and we are going to celebrate." She swallows. "And then I'll cry tonight when he's on that plane."
"He's not leaving forever, Di." She knows that, of course, but you feel like it's your duty as her friend to remind her. "And you know he'll come home for every holiday he can. Bobby would never stay away that long."
"Shit." Diana rolls her eyes and tosses you a knowing look. "You know as well as I do that boy is itching to get out from under his daddy's watchful eye and gallivant."
"Sure." You nod, stepping up with Jack to pour yourself drinks when she motions to the counter. "But Christmas without his momma? Even a boy Bobby's age isn't eager for that."
"That's just because the darn fool still likes to see what's in his stocking." Diana jokes, laughing with you and relaxing slightly. She's nervous and excited for him, knowing that he will do good things. "How are you anticipating Tex's arrival?" She asks, glancing over at Jack.
"Honestly?" The two of you have your heads bowed as she makes you matching bright pink cocktails. "I hope it will be okay. I miss my friend, ya know? And I know Jack does, too. But...what do we know about this girl? His soulmate?" You're happy for him. You really are. But you also want to make sure that he's actually happy.
"She's a Kingsman agent. One of the few women that they have accepted, so she has to be a damn fine spy." Diana had been told what Champ knows and has no issue with passing it along. "Tall, feisty and mouthier than most Brits."
"Oh." You nearly cackle at the description, shooting Diana an amused grin. "So she'll fit right in here."
"I have a feelin' it's gonna be real interesting around here." Champ adds as he walks into the kitchen and makes a beeline for his wife to steal a kiss.
"We like interesting." You give Champ a hug when he tears himself away from Diana's side, glad to see him relaxed and smiling and not in his suit jacket for once. "Interesting keeps us on our toes."
"When's Tex comin' in again?" Jack asks, not sure how the boy will act when he gets back.
"Plane's landing in about an hour." Champ reports, snagging a beer from the fridge beside his wife. "Said he wanted to come straight over when I mentioned it to him, but I expect Sophia - that's his lady - will want to at least drop their things at the house first."
"Speakin' of houses." Jack glances over at you quickly before he looks back at his friend and boss. "Sugar's gonna be movin' in with me. Should have it empty pretty quick."
"Well look at that." Champ smirks, chuckling with a pleased note in it. "Didn't take you two long at all once you stopped trying to tear each other's throats out. Fantastic."
"Fuck off." Jack's huff is purely bluster and he rolls his eyes to accompany his sentiment before he grins at Champ.
"Charming." You smirk at your soulmate and hug him tight. "You survived five days with my entire family, babe. You deserve to have a live-in cook as a reward."
Chuckling, he can't deny that. He tugs you closer and kisses your forehead. "I will love every second of it too."
"Uncle Jack!" Bobby swings down the main staircase with a broad smile on his face and lights up at the sight of his father's closest friend. "Did you get a load of the smoker yet? Dad's outdone himself."
"Both of your parents have pulled out all stops on this shindig, kid." He lets go of you to stride forward and pull the kid into a bone crushing hug.
"I'm glad you're here." The younger man admits quietly. The idea of leaving without being able to say goodbye had made his stomach turn.
"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Jack murmurs back, always thinking of the kid like his own. A lot of times he had wondered if his little boy and Bobby would have been best friends.
"Sucks that we never got to run a mission together." There's a hint of regret in Bobby's voice but he smiles, glancing back over at you as you talk to his parents. "You'll be back in the field soon though, right? Never know what can happen."
"As soon as I can get my guns polished." Jack promises with a grin, slapping his back fondly. "I'll make my way over to merry 'ol England and remind you how to use your ropes."
The first flood of guests to arrive includes Ginger and Gabriella and their kids, and before you know it there is music pumping through the outdoor speakers and drinks flowing, with people playing lawn games and dancing and enjoying the sunny spring day for everything it's worth.
Jack stands with Champ over at the smoker, a place of pride as the two men share a drink. His eyes straying over to you as you laugh with Diana and he smiles softly at the scene. Unsure of why he had felt like you wouldn't fit in. That you wouldn't work here in this part of his life, or in his life at all. You've taken to Statesman and everyone he cares about like a duck to water.
“Having fun, love?” When your drink ran dry you headed across the lawn to refresh and stopped on the deck to give Jack a kiss.
"Of course." Jack smirks and lifts his glass up. "I've got some of the best Kentucky mash in existence, a smoker working overtime and the prettiest gal at the party comin' to kiss me."
“Suck up,” you tease, but there’s no bite in it. Instead it just earns him another kiss and a flustered smile from you. “Diana makes dangerous cocktails, I might have to mix something slightly less potent for myself otherwise you’re actually going to have to carry me home like you threatened.”
Champ chuckles and shakes his head. "My girl always did have a heavy hand when pouring drinks." His own eyes find his soulmate and he softens, smiling gently at the older woman across the way as she bullies Astrid into taking another scoop of the mac and cheese, knowing how much the Statesman tech loves it.
“Astrid and Gabi invited us over for dinner tomorrow,” you tell Jack, stealing one more squeeze of a hug before you remind yourself that you’re too old to be hanging all over your soulmate like a groupie. “Is it okay if I tell them yes?”
"If you are wanting to go, sugar, you tell 'em." Jack agrees, knowing that if you want to go to dinner with your friends, he will show up with a smile. "As long as you don't work too hard tomorrow since it will be your first full day back."
“My first day back is the perfect day to have someone else cook dinner, don’t you think?” It’s certainly not a bad idea by any means, and you shoot him a grin. “I’ll be good. I promise.”
"What if I don't want you to be good?" Jack poses playfully. "Go tell them that you will only bring one dessert." He orders, smirking at your immediate pout.
“Only bringing one dessert is being good!” His teasing earns him a stuck-out tongue and you hustle into the house to get another drink before he can retaliate. You’re still giggling to yourself happily just seconds later as you pour yourself a slightly less powerful cocktail, but the sound of the front door opening and boots in the foyer drags your mind to the present. “Come on back!” You call to the new arrival, having heard Diana greet guests the same way an hour ago. “Party’s outside but the bar’s in here.”
"Well hey." Tex rushes up to hug you before he stops short, unsure of how exactly to approach you now that the truth is out there and Sophia is right beside him. He gives you a sheepish smile when you turn around to face him. "Looks like you are right at home, knew you would be."
“You’re home!” The way you both flinch when you obviously want to be excited to see friends makes you shove your hands in your pockets for just a moment before you decide not to care. Friends can hug each other, dammit. If this Kingsman agent soulmate of his has a problem with it, she’s never going to be comfortable at Statesman. “It’s so good to see you,” you tell him honestly, reaching forward to offer him that hug.
As soon as you open your arms, Tex breaths out a sigh of relief and Sophia knocks into him from behind. "Hug her, you ass!" She hisses at her soulmate in reproach before she shoves him again. Rolling her eyes at the hesitancy he's displaying when she knows exactly who you are and what you have done with Tex.
The laugh you let out in surprise becomes a snort, and you hug the life out of the 6’1” Texan before turning to the statuesque woman beside him - stunningly gorgeous even in her jeans and sweater. “You must be Sophia.”
Sophia can't help but grin, immediately liking you. "That I am." She isn't like most British, she's a hugger and she comes in to greet you as if you were an old friend. Which, in a twisted kind of way, you are. "You're the heartbreaker." She teases as she squeezes you and pulls back and looks over at Tex when he huffs and shuffles beside her. "Ohhhh piss off." She huffs at him goodnaturedly. "Not everyday you get to have a friend who's seen your soulmate's cock." Her grin is wicked when she turns back to you and winks. "And she and I are going to be best mates, ay?"
“You really have no choice in the matter.” You inform Tex, grinning like a mad woman when Sophia keeps one arm around you and you can’t help but feel like this woman glows from the inside out. “I love her. I’m keeping her. You and Jack need to have a good gruff grumble at each other so we can all get back to normal around here.” Turning to Sophia, you flash her a grin and nod toward the counter. “Fix you a drink?”
"God yes." Sophia huffs, rolling her eyes. "We had to fly commercial, dealt with an absolute cunt of a ticket agent." She groans, "they didn't even have a proper cuppa on that trash heap they called a jet!" She tends to be told that she's abrasive and mouthy, but she doesn't care. Thrilled to be here with her soulmate and eager to make friends with those that know him best.
“Come by the kitchen any time. I had some of our teas imported so the real thing is just a short walk from your office.” The bottle of rum is already in your hand when you look back at her. “Did Tex tell you what I do when he told you…the other stuff?”
"He said you were the best damn baker on this side of the ocean." She tilts her head and leans in conspiratorially. "Which isn't hard when you compare it to British pastries." She giggles before she reaches out and touches your arm. "Don't worry, Tex might have told me about the incident between you, but that was before we even knew we were soulmates. And I don't care who was wrapped around his cock before me. All that matters is now."
“British pastries are amazing, don’t you dare test me on that. My tea room is opening in just a couple of weeks and you’ll have access to as much tea as you can manage.” Eyeballing the right amount of each liquor for the daiquiri you had started making her, you grin when Tex just shakes his head and steps around you to grab an ice cold beer from the fridge. Warm beer just never sat well with him in any of the pubs he tried out. “What happened between us is in the past, but I’ve really missed my friend.” You tell her honestly. “I’m really glad that you’re not the type to judge before you meet someone.”
"Though I want to punch that soulmate of yours." Sophia's grin turns into a frown and she looks you over curiously. "But it seems like you are doing surprisingly well, considering Tex said you were grieving when he left." There's a question in her comment, one that would be easily ignored if you didn't want to talk about it and the opening if you did.
“Jack and I are doing a lot better.” You hold a fixed glass out to her when you turn around. “Actually? We’re doing great. It was a bumpy ride but we’re on track now. Just like…it seems like you and Tex are doing well?”
"We are." Sophia can't stop the grin if she tries as she lifts the cocktail up to take a drink. "We both have always wanted to find our soulmates and it's just– it's exhilarating. You know?" She asks, making a face of delight when she tastes the drink you had mixed up. "Ohhhh this is good." She moans. "I'm going to love it here."
“I hope you like whiskey because around here it’s a religion.” Looping your arm through hers, you tap your glass against hers and grin. “Come outside and meet everyone.”
Jack looks up to find you and another woman with your arms intertwined and your heads pressed together, a cheery grin on both of your faces. Tilting his head and wondering who the woman is, his question is answered a second later when Tequila follows you and her out of the house, a very uncomfortable set to the boy's shoulders that immediately has Jack grinning out of spite. "Hot damn." He chuckles. "Trouble's blown back into town." He calls out over the yard.
"Tex!" Diana's delighted gasp from halfway across the yard is echoed almost immediately by a wave of other cheers and greetings, and you pull Sophia to the side with you just a few inches so you don't get run over by the ever-boisterous Bobby Rogers who comes careening up to the porch to say hello with an aggressive hug.
"Is everyone as enthusiastic around here?" Sophia bursts out laughing as the obviously grown man nearly tackles her soulmate in a hug that might have killed a lesser man.
"Pretty much," you laugh, nodding a little as Tex and Bobby share something that can only be classified as a bear hug. "I give it until the end of the party until you're getting hugs that big, too. Part of it is just...everybody loves Tex. And they're so excited to meet you."
"I heard he was something of a partier while he was here." Sophia finds it vastly amusing that the stereotypical cowboys around here act like they are all one big group of teddy bears. Most of them wrapped around their soulmates or coming over to greet Tex.
"Just a little." Throwing her a conspiratorial wink, you take it on yourself to introduce the newest arrival to Jack, since her soulmate is currently in the center of a group hug that would put any sorority to shame. "Honey," you reach out to touch Jack's shoulder and get his attention. "This is Sophia. Soph– this is Jack." The grin that unfurls on your face is unstoppable. "My soulmate."
"Well, fuck me." Sophia grins, shaking her head and reaching out to shake his hand. Unsure if this one was a hugger and she wants to needle him some. "Do they breed them all like fucking Gods here?"
You snort again, louder this time, and almost double over laughing at the comment. "Holy shit." It's going to take you a lot longer than just one or two seconds to regain your composure, especially with how amused Jack looks. "I fucking love this girl," you pronounce absolutely to anyone who could possibly be listening. "And yes. They do. At least, Statesman recruits all the godlike ones."
"I should have come over to America sooner." Sophia huffs, grinning towards her soulmate. "Tried a few of these cowboys on for size before I found Tex."
"Naw, you already got the second best the country has to offer." Your eyes slide over to Jack and you smile again, feeling that familiar fluttering in your chest that you always get when you look at him. "I'm afraid I already nabbed the best for myself."
Jack chuckles and reaches for you, relieved that the entire situation isn't awkward. Sophia looks like she is a woman who will keep Tex on his toes. "All yours, sugar." He promises. "All yours."
When Tex finally manages to extricate himself from the mountain of greetings, you ambles back over to Sophia with a sheepish grin on his face. "Didn't I tell ya we liked big hellos around here, baby?" He practically blushes, running his hand down her arm to thread their fingers together before looking up at you and his best friend. Or, at least, the man who had been his best friend. He's just hoping that he didn't fuck that up too badly. "Jack." He flusters before holding out his hand to say hello.
Jack stares at the boy's hand for a moment before he slaps it away. The sharp inhale of the entire group barely able to register before Jack busts out into a chuckle and grabs Tex, pulling him in for another rib bustin' hug. "Son of a bitch!" He growls. "The fuck took you so long? I've been miserable with just Champ for company."
The air goes out of all of you all at once, and Tex practically crumples into hugging his best fucking friend. "Jackass," he huffs, though the relief is clear in his voice. "You know that's why your daddy named you Jack, right? Knew from birth that you'd be a jackass."
"Better than Tex." Jack huffs, slapping the taller man's back harshly. It would sound like he's hitting. him, but it's just the affection being pounded back into him like men do. "Can't hit for shit, Tex." Jack's own relief at Tex's return and forgiveness for his actions are palpable. A weight off his shoulders.
"Gonna have to get back in the practice ring." Tex chuckles, shaking his head at Jack before he wraps his arm around Sophia and flashes the softest smile in the world at her. "It's good to be home." He has to admit that. Fully and wholeheartedly.
It's satisfying, seeing the boy wear a besotted smile that he's only seen one other time. This time he's got an even bigger sparkle in his eyes and it's reserved for Sophia. "Good to have you home." Jack promises, nodding at the other agent meaningfully. "You made it in time for the grand openin' too."
"I heard!" And he's not going to lie and claim that he didn't hurry back to be here in time. "Gotta admit I'm a little bummed to have missed out on all the menu tastings, but..." he clears his throat and looks down at Sophia who gives him an encouraging nod. "Champ says...y'all are gonna be doing weddings soon?"
"Oh my god..." You're wide-eyed when you realize what he's asking, and immediately look down at Sophia's hand to see a meteor-sized emerald on her finger. It's unique and bold, exactly like she is. "Are you serious? That's so exciting!"
"Goddamn." Jack whistles, not missing the split second flash of something on your face. It wasn't necessarily envy but it's more like a yearning. He thinks about the conversation he had with your father and knows that he will be sliding that ring on your finger just as soon as he can get you alone after the opening. He'll have to text your dad for a picture of the ring, get another band to compliment it. Something specifically from him for his soulmate. "Congratulations." He offers seriously.
"He wanted to wait until we got over here to have the thing." Sophia absolutely beams, looking between you and Jack. "Something utterly unEnglish. No little village church, no dour aunties over breakfast, no pall mall on the lawn." She snorts as though the idea of it is completely ridiculous.
"You'll both help, won't you?" Tex had talked about you both constantly once he was more comfortable doing so. They had opened up to each other so quickly that his hesitancy to talk about you and Jack had been the biggest clue that the two of you are important to him.
"Whatever you need from me." Jack agrees instantly, knowing that he will do anything to help the couple have the event they are dreaming of. Wanting them to be happy here, he wants Tex to be happy. Wants him to be happy with his soulmate. Just like he is now with you.
"Absolutely anything." And if you happen to have a few stray thoughts about your own wedding, it won't be your fault. But you would never bring it up to Jack.
"So you mean to tell me that the first weddin' you and Diana are gunna plan is Tex's?" Jack can't help but chuckle at the irony of it.
"Looks like it." You have a sip of your drink and note with a clear conscience that the only jealousy you feel is for being able to get married, not for the specific man. That would have been a whole extra therapy session right there.
"Looks like I owe my wife twenty bucks and a spa day," Champ chuckles from a few feet away, eyeing his two agents with amusement. "I'd sworn it woulda been Jack and his Sugar, here."
Tex’s eyes widen and he glances at you and then Jack. Just now realizing that things are a bit more friendly than when he left. “Seriously?” He asks, a slow grin breaking out on his face. “You two?”
"We're not engaged or anything," you quickly throw that conversation off the rails before it can get traction, not wanting to make Jack uncomfortable. Instead you choose to focus on the very real and very positive step toward a solid relationship that you actually are taking. "But, um...I'm moving...to Jack's place." For Sophia's benefit, you point at the side of the large house across two yards. "Right next door."
“Really?” Sophia hums and her calculating gaze turns towards Jack. “That’s a mighty big house to not be married in and fill with babies.” She points out practically.
"Ain't it, though?" Tex adjusts his arm around Sophia and grins. "Seems an awful shame not to have that place full of life."
"Oookay." Too nervous to even look at Jack, you give his hand a squeeze and remind yourself to smile. "I'm gonna go tell Gabi that we're on for dinner tomorrow before I forget," you murmur, excusing yourself as fast as gracefully possible.
Jack huffs, narrowing his eyes at the happy couple, although he isn’t upset. “Let me propose to the girl before you have her knocked up and pushin’ out babies.” His heart skips a beat at that thought but he closes his eyes and reminds himself that he diced Rollins into easy to handle pieces.
"Well she's not running because she's afraid of it." Sophia observes, sipping her drink. "She looks at you like you...what's the phrase?" One glance up at Tex and she remembers it. "Like you hung the stars in the sky."
“She’s gotta– gotta heal first.” Jack murmurs quietly. Taking another sip of his drink and watching you talk with Gabi and Astrid.
"Heal?" Tex's face flashes anger immediately but since Jack looks upset rather than angry it dissipates immediately. "What the hell happened? She looks fine."
“She– uh, she was kidnapped a week ago.” Jack tells Tequila brokenly. “Someone– it was… the same person who killed my Abigail and baby boy. Took her and tortured her.”
The way Tequila absorbs that information is the instant and yet simultaneously thorough turning of gears that marks him as an intelligence agent. Has he heard the words and absorbed their meaning? Absolutely. But is he still processing their full implication? That could take an extra moment. "Tell me you took care of it," he hisses, trying to even imagine half of what he would do to someone who hurt Sophia, let alone two of his soulmates. "Tell me you took care of it or we're leaving in the Silver Pony right now."
“They are in tiny pieces.” Jack confirms. “Never gunna hurt her again. I made sure of it.” His satisfaction is grim and he’s never told you that he’s got a video file of what he had done to Rollins, captured through his glasses, on his phone for when he needs a reminder the bastard is dead.
"Good." Both the agents in front of him - Tequila and Isolde - nod seriously. "So what she needs is to take her mind off things?" Sophia raises an eyebrow at both men. "Or should I be aiming her right at wedding thoughts to have her giddy to be proposed to?"
“I’m gunna propose after her grand openin’.” He admits quietly. “Her daddy’s bringing me her grandmother's ring. Gonna give her that and a ring to go with it from me.”
"So get her excited, then." That seems to delight Sophia, who has a mischievous streak several kilometers long. "Cheers."
“She’ll try to ignore being excited.” Jack predicts. “But remind her that it’s okay to dream. To want things.” A lot of this is because of the way he treated you, and he knows it will take time to completely fix things.
“Consider it done.” An intrigue, her mother would have called it, and Sophia has always loved a good intrigue.
“But, doesn’t mean I don’t want her to focus on your weddin’.” Jack promises. “Ain’t lookin’ to steal your thunder.”
“Jack, I, uh—” Readjusting his stance and wiping his palms on his jeans, Tex is the very picture of nerves. “I wanted to ask you to be my best man, if you weren’t still pissed at me.”
Jack looks seriously at Tex, knowing that the boy is still unsure of their standing despite the greeting. He swallows, emotional and soft at the idea. “I’d be honored.” He answers honestly, reaching out and pulling him in for another hug. “Fuckin’ honored.”
“Good.” It’s as heartfelt a moment as could be between the two men, and Sophia smiles as she rubs a hand gently on her soulmate’s back. “He was bloody terrified to ask on the way over in case you were still mad.”
“Why would I be mad?” Jack asks, making sure that the boy holds his gaze. “I was wrong.” He admits. “I owe you an apology. I shoulda made sure you knew the score. I’m sorry.”
“And I shouldn’t’ve overreacted.” Tex isn’t fool enough to think he didn’t go overboard by hauling off and laying Jack out flat. But clearing the air is what they both need. “I’m glad it’s behind us.”
“Water under the bridge.” Jack waves it away, aware that he shouldn’t have hit him, but Jack was being a jackass. “Let’s just leave that in the past.”
“Right.” Tex nods, glad to have it all aired out, and looks over at Sophia with a grin. “I’m gonna go show off my lady,” he announces unrepentantly. “Can we sit and eat with you guys later on? Catch up?”
“Go on.” Jack nods and waves them away. “Gotta make sure Champ doesn’t ruin the brisket.”
“I would not!” Champ looks scandalized at that the way only a Texas man can, and all three men laugh before Tex bundles Sophia up against him and goes out into the yard to say hello to old friends.
Jack chuckles and nudges Champ with his shoulder. “Guess things are lookin’ good. ‘Cept I know you’ll miss the kid.”
“I will.” Champ is not too proud a man to admit that he’ll miss his only child. “But every boy’s gotta leave home to grow, don’t they?”
“They do.” Jack admits, knowing his life would have been much different if he hadn’t left the ranch. Even under those circumstances. He honestly wonders what the world would be like if Jack Daniels had never become Agent Whiskey. It’s a sobering thought. “Good thing the kid knows that he’s welcome home whenever he needs a soft place to land.”
“Yeah.” Champ huffs a laugh as he inspects the progress the meat is making in the smoker. “Your house.” He doesn’t grouse about it, though, he only chuckles. “I know he’ll do well. It’s just hard to see him go.”
“I know, but the kid is a helluva agent.” Jack beams with pride, since he had helped train the kid. “You and Di did a fine job.”
“Give it a little time, Jack.” There’s confidence in Champ’s tone. It’s soft, but it’s there. “Yours will be just as headstrong and determined as you and their mama.”
“It scares the hell out of me.” Jack confesses, looking over at where you are talking with Rye, flown in from New York. You had given him a hug and there were some tears, but you had waved him off from coming over. “What if I lose her? Another baby?” He chokes out. “It’ll kill me.”
“The man who took your family - who tried to take this one - is dead.” Champ reminds him quietly, abandoning the smoker to focus entirely on his friend. “I know it’s hard to remember, but I’ll remind ya every day if you’re needin’ it. What else could hurt her - birth? Not with Ginger hoverin’ over her the whole time. Ain’t no disease we can’t tackle. No danger that Statesman can’t pull her back from. And shit,” Champ clicks his tongue. “With how well she did under pressure? Leavin’ you her bracelet as a clue an all? Keepin’ her secrets like she did? Even if there were other people out there who might wanna make a target out of a Statesman agent’s wife, I’d be more afraid for them then I am for her.”
“She’s a goddamn goddess, isn’t she?” Quiet pride fills him as he stares at you in a way that has his eyes watering slightly. Just drinking in the sight of his soulmate happy and healthy. “I never believed in second soulmates, never wanted one.” He knows that Champ is completely aware of that. “But I’m goddamn proud that this is who the universe chose for me.”
“She loves the hell out of you.” The older man claps Jack on the back in a friendly, playful gesture. “Can’t for the life of me figure out why, but you’re goddamn lucky.”
“Don’t I know it.” It’s a far cry from his viewpoint a month ago, but it’s amazing what can happen when you let the fear go.
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My Masterlist!
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Drinks and kisses
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Pairing: Anthony Lockwood x fem!Reader
Summary: Four times you drunkenly confessed your love to Lockwood and one time you did it sober.
Warnings: alcohol consumption (OC is not an alcoholic, she just can't tolerate alcohol), English is not my native language
Word Count: 2,6k
For the story I used some of the Drunken Love Confessions from @creativepromptsforwriting, please check out her blog
Living the life of an agent aka child solider was most of the time gruesome. After dusk as the adults hid behind silver fences and thick walls, you and the other kids dared to venture into the dark night to fight against ghosts. Every agent knew another who had died on a mission. Life was pretty depressing if you didn’t take it in your own hands to enjoy it. Therefore, at Lockwood and Co., you celebrated every so little milestone and achievement. While Lockwood, your boss, landlord and crush, and George sometimes drank beer, you only drank alcohol at you little celebrations. To say that you could handle your liquor, was an exaggerated lie.
The first time you told Lockwood, that you liked him more than a friend was at one of this so-called parties. Lockwood and Co. had just finished a big case. That was reason enough to get together and drink.
It was already late that night, the song on the radio floated through the room and Kipps was asleep on the couch. Lucy was nowhere to be seen and George and Holly were in one corner of the living room lively talking about cooking.
However, you only had eyes for Lockwood sitting in his favourite armchair. His hair was shining so nicely, and you really wanted to touch it. Would it feel under your fingers as soft as it looked? That thought should have been warning enough that you were drunk. But drunk-you wasn’t smart and neither discreet with your staring. Everybody who took one second to watch you with Lockwood, would realize that you liked him. Thank God Lockwood was an even bigger idiot than you.
“What are you thinking about, sweets?”, broke Lockwood the silence between you two and normally, caught in your staring, you would have looked away. But normal-you and drunk-you were two totally different persons. Drunk-you was loud and bold, while normal-you shied away.
“About you”, you declared honest, and sober you would have never said something like this. However, drunk you didn’t even blush.
“About me?”, echoed Lockwood confused and reminded you by doing so of a puppy. You loved puppies.
“You’re cute. And a bit blurry. But definitely always so cute.” The words just tumbled out of your mouth. Even if you wanted to, you wouldn't have been able to stop them. But drunk-you didn’t know something like regret. Before Lockwood could say anything, you took a page out of Kipps books and just felt asleep.
The next morning you had no memory about what you said. At breakfast Lockwood acted like always except his ears turned a little red when you asked him for the butter. But you were too hungover to pay attention.             
The second time happened at Lucy’s birthday party. The birthday girl and you were dancing in the middle of the living room, downing one shot after the other. You intentionally ignored Lockwood, who warned you to slow down. Maybe that was a mistake. Or the five tequila shots were a mistake. Or both were a mistake.
Anyway, one moment you were dancing with Lucy, having the best time of your life and in the next moment you felt awful. Pressing your hand over your mouth you made a beeline for the next bathroom. You barely made it to the toilet before you threw up.
Hurrying footsteps sounded behind you and then someone held your hair back. With a small whimper you puked again.
“Just let it out then you’ll feel better”, he whispered softly while he caressed your back. Sober-you would probably have sunk into the floor in shame. But hanging over the toilet bowl you were too drunk to care.
You didn’t know how long you puked your soul out of your body. Lockwood had taken a seat on the floor behind you and didn’t stop rubbing your back.
“Can you keep a secret?”, you slurred and rested your head against his shoulder. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him nodding.
“I have a crush on Lockwood, but you can’t tell him or anybody else.” He laughed, and you could feel the vibration of his chest.
“I would love to hear those words in any other place than this bathroom, holding your hair back.”
“But you can’t tell him or anybody else”, you repeated urgent. You couldn’t imagine that Lockwood liked you back, and you didn’t want to make the atmosphere in the house awkward. Therefore, Lockwood was never allowed to know how you felt about him.
“I swear, let’s get you cleaned up and in your bed, sweets.” Fishing a washcloth from the sink, he gently wiped your face. Then he scoped you up in his arms and started carrying to your room.
The third time: Bright giggles echoed across the attic.
“No-no-no it wasn’t like this”, Lucy laughed while taking another sip from the vodka.
You just returned from your case to a waiting Norrie. Norrie was Lucy’s girlfriend and was visiting her in London. As you had stumbled through the front door, Norrie had already handed you a bottle of vodka. Now sitting in the attic, you slowly nursed the alcohol.
“And how did it go in your opinion?”, asked Norrie, who was telling an embarrassing story about the time Lucy and her had still worked in the northern part of Great Britain.
“First it wasn’t so embarrassing how you make it sound.”
“Sure”, you butted in as you and Norrie shared a meaningful glance.
“Don’t join forces against me”, Lucy demanded, not blind to your actions.
“We would never!”, giving her an appeasing kiss, Norrie took the bottle from Lucy.
“Why does it feel like you’re lying to me?” maybe a little bit paranoid, maybe appropriately paranoid, Lucy raised one eyebrow. You meanwhile tried to look as innocent as possible. Of course, you would join forces with your best friend’s girlfriend against said best friend. Where else was the fun?
Seeing through your innocent act, Lucy pointed accusing her finger at you. “As punishment you have to get the snacks from downstairs.”
Rolling your eyes, you stole the bottle out of Norrie’s grip and took a big sip. Leave it to Lucy to find an excuse to not go down all the stairs. But it was OK, as long George and Lockwood were still not home from their case. If George caught you stealing the snacks, he would demand that Lockwood would revoke your biscuits rights. So, there was a big risk associated with getting the snacks. Was it a risk worth taking? Drunk-you said yes.
“I will be right back”, with a wink to the girls, you picked yourself up.
You noticed immediately that you were drunker, than you had thought. Your steps were a little wobbly and the world was turning more than usually. But you lived more than two years in this house. You knew which floorboard creaked and how many steps each of the stairs had. With your eyes closed, you would find your way from the attic down to the kitchen. So being drunk shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
You should be right for most of the way. You already reached the last stairs down to the kitchen without tripping over your own feet, when the front door flew open, and Lockwood and George came clattering in. Normally you weren’t easily startled. You were an agent for gods’ sake. But you were drunk and hadn't expected their loud arrival.
You weren’t sure who was more surprised. You, who lost your footing and tumbled down the stairs, or Lockwood, who was standing at the bottom of said stairs. At least he wasn’t drunk and therefore had quicker reflexes than you. Instead of stepping aside and leaving you to your fate, he caught you. For a moment nobody said something, there was only a shocked silence between you.
“I think I just fell in love with you”, you drunkenly joked.
“No, you fell down the stairs. You should really learn to hold your liquor, sweets”, Lockwood told you stern, without letting go of you. But you saw the creeping blush appear on his face.
“I get her a glass of water”, clearing awkwardly his throat, George rushed to the kitchen.
“You drive me out of my mind, sweets”, whispered Lockwood against your hair, but you were too busy getting lost in his scent. He smelled of lavender and bergamot. Your favourite smell in the whole world.
The fourth time you told Lockwood, that you loved him you were drunk, shocking you know.
You just came home from evening with your old friends from Rothwell and as always, you easily became too drunk.
Usually when someone of the team went out after dark, Lockwood waited for them to come home. This time was no different.
As you drunkenly stumbled out of the night cab, Lockwood was already opening the front door.
“Hi handsome”, you greeted him without shame.
“You’re drunk”, he blandly stated, but his eyes were sparkling like someone stole the stars from the sky and hide them there. He had beautiful eyes. You could spend hours gazing in his eyes.
“Yes”, you admitted before a wide grin took over your face, “and hopelessly in love with you!”
Pushing past him, you stumbled into the hallway. Behind you, you could hear Lockwood taking a surprise inhale. However, you were already busy with your next task, taking off your shoes without falling over.
“Say that again after two coffees at least and I will be yours”, he whispered barely for you to hear.
Then he rushed to you, “Sweets, let me help.”
Getting on his knees he carefully unclasped your shoes. Where his hands touched your bare skin, it felt like you were burning.
“We should get you some water.” That sounded like a really good idea. Allowing Lockwood to take your hand, you let him pull you into the kitchen.
“I hoped you had a great evening”, he carefully led you to your chair before he went to the sink and got you a glass of water.
“It was sooo great, only you were missing!”
“Maybe then I join next time”, Lockwood mused taking a seat in front of you.
“You should, my friends really want to meet the person, who stole me away from Rothwell.”
“And I would steal you again, sweets. A shame that you will not remember this talk tomorrow.”
The one time you told him what you felt while being sober:
It had been a nerve-wracking case. You felt like a wrack when you finally reached Portland Row. Everything that could have gone wrong had gone wrong, and you were lucky that all four of you were still alive. Stressed you all went separated ways. While Lucy rushed to the attic, you scored the first shower to remove the remains of salt and sweat that stuck to you like a second skin.
When you return to the kitchen after the shower to get a glass of water, you expected to find it deserted. After a case like this the team usually retreated to each of their own room to lick their metaphorical wounds in peace. You were no exception. Therefore, you were even more surprised when you saw the light shining from under the closed kitchen door.
Not bothering to knock you entered the room, to see Lockwood sitting at the kitchen table, in front of him the open first aid kit. His dress shirt was unbuttoned, and you couldn’t help gaping. Slowly blood was seeping out of a large wound, you didn’t know about. Caught, he looked up when you entered.
“That’s not what it’s looked like.”
“So, you didn't hide from us that you were injured?”
Not waiting for his answer, you could lie to yourself, you pressed a compress on his wound to stop the bleeding. As reaction Lockwood just took a sharp inhale and a little part of you were glad, that it hurt.
“We are a team; we can’t help you if you don’t let us”, you started to lecture him. But as Lockwood looked down ashamed your anger vanished into thin air. You couldn’t stay mad at him for long.
“I didn’t want you to worry.”
“I will always worry about you”, you paused for a moment, not sure if you should really say what just popped up in your mind. But then you gathered all your courage and did it, “I will always worry about you because I love you.”
Your heart was beating like crazy, while you waited for a response. But now it was out and nothing you could do could undo it. That was somehow liberating.
“I know.”
On the list of the worst reactions after a declaration of love, “I know” was at the top. You didn't know whether to cry or to scream. However, in the end you couldn't do either. You could just stare at him while your mouth dropped open.
“You know?”, you echoed and could feel how something in your chest broke into two parts. He knew that you loved him and never said something. That could only mean one thing, he didn’t feel the same way you did. Shame slowly crept into your face.
“You already told me one, two, or maybe four times”, Lockwood explained to you and if it were up to you, he would have simply remained silent. He didn't have to try to reject you nicely, what he said was already enough for you. Standing up so quickly that your chair flew over, you tried to escape from the kitchen, but grasping your wrist, he stopped you.
“You already told me, that you love me, but there was never a good moment to reveal to you, that I love you too.” In total disbelief you gasped at him. He must be joking. Couldn’t he have told you this sooner instead of sending you on this rollercoaster of emotions?
“You love me too?”, you echoed and slowly started to feel like a parrot.
“Yes, I love you, sweets.”
“Why couldn't you say that right away?” Technically, you should be floating from happiness that he reciprocated your feelings. But you were just angry. Before Lockwood could answer you, you continued, “and when did I tell you that I love you before?” No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't remember it.
“You told me this four times when you were really drunk.”
“And you never thought to talk to me about it the next day?” Flabbergasted you shook your head. You just couldn’t believe it.
“I wasn’t sure if you really meant it and I didn’t want to embarrass you either.”
Up in the hallway, George discreetly listened to the loud voices.
“Didn’t she just tell him that she loves him?”, Lucy asked, also attracted by the noise.
“But why are they yelling? Shouldn’t they be kissing or something like that?”, confused Lucy wrinkled her nose. Taking his eyes off the closed kitchen door, George looked at her.
“In response to her confession he said, “I know””
“What an idiot!”
“But an idiot in love, it seems.”
Back in the kitchen your chest rose and fell angrily. Still, you couldn’t believe that he had been aware that you liked him, and never acted on it while also being in love with you.
“You are an idiot, Anthony Lockwood.”
The biggest idiot you knew.
“But hopefully your idiot?”
Instead of answering, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him, softly at first but with growing intensity. When you separated you felt dizzy.
“Yes, you are my idiot.”
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beefromanoff · 8 months
Project Mockingbird Ch. 2
summary: they arrive at the compound, where some are eager to meet the new girl and others...not so much.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x OC
author's note: this got so much more traction than I was expecting with the prologue and chapter one, I tried to get this one up quicker to keep it going! thank you so much for reading, xoxo
chapter list
It turns out that flying on a jet was a hell of a lot faster, and smoother, than flying commercial. Or as a stowaway on a cargo plan. Neither of which Charlotte enjoyed, but sometimes you just have to make do. It was around 7:30am when the jet touched down on a long airstrip in the middle of a vast forest. 
Both women had dozed off during the flight, the pancakes and alcohol lulling them to sleep with the hum of the engine making it nearly impossible to resist. They taxied through down the runway under the cover of the woods before entering a clearing. There was a massive hangar open before them, several different types of aircraft visible through the open garage door. This seemed to be the most corporate of the fleet, with the rest ranging from tactical to full blown heavy artillery. 
Charlotte sat up in her seat, peering out the window. The nerves were hitting her for the first time. She saw a handful of uniformed men and women working in the hangar, performing maintenance on the aircrafts. 
“Good morning sunshine,” Natasha smiled, still tucked under a blanket. 
“Welcome home.” 
When the ramp opened, an eager uniformed man scampered into the cabin. “Agent Romanoff.” He saluted, waiting for her to nod before he continued. “How was the flight? Can I take your bags?” 
“Don’t know, I slept through most of it.” She gestured to the duffel bag and small suitcase Charlotte had retrieved from the hotel before they left. “You can help Ms. Rossi with her bags.” 
Giving a tight-lipped smile, Charlotte followed Natasha down the steps. Unabashedly holding her heels by the straps, Nat strode across the concrete floor to a set of sleek looking doors. Doing her best to ignore the questioning glances, Charlotte kept her eyes straight ahead and followed the one person she knew into unfamiliar territory. 
The doors led to a hallway with elevators to their right. The noise coming from the end let her know the hallway opened up to a larger room, one that sounded like it was already bustling with activity. To her relief, Natasha hit a button on the elevator instead of continuing towards the noise. 
“I’ll show you to your room first. I figured you’d want to get settled in, get cleaned up.” 
“Thanks,” Charlotte nodded. “I think I have glitter in more places than I even knew existed. And I smell like tequila.” 
“There are worse things to smell like.” Natasha grinned as they stepped out into another lobby area. “This is the training side of the compound. The hangars, weapons manufacturing, shooting range, training facilities, it’s all over here. This is where the SHIELD agents work. It’s the more…populated side.” She gestured out the window at a dozen trainees jogging. “They don’t live here. The only ones that do are the ones on the team.” 
“You mean The Avengers?” Charlotte raised an eyebrow. 
“You could say that,” She gave a wry smile. “I prefer to say roommates.” 
They stepped out into the fresh air and Nat pointed out a black ATV. The breeze felt nice on her cheeks as they drove down a paved path across the grounds. The entire thing seemed to be completely secluded, as if it were dropped in the middle of the woods. Charlotte couldn’t even see the entrance to the place. They passed a few smaller buildings, which Natasha dubbed storage and “room to grow”; as well as a beautiful lake off to the left. Marveling at the fog spread across the water, she didn’t realize they’d made it to their destination. 
The building in front of them had a similar exterior to the last one they’d come from. It was gray, very modern looking, though smaller than the training side. This one seemed to be only three or four stories tall, but it extended out over the water with balconies jutting from the higher levels. 
“This is the residential building. Most of us stay here full time, but some of us have rooms at the Tower in New York City, too. You can come next time I go up there, if you want. It’s more peaceful here, though. Personal preference, I guess.” She opened the door for Charlotte to walk through. “First floor is a private training facility, second is storage and a theater room, third and fourth floors are rooms, and the fifth floor is a common area, kitchen, and a meeting room.”
They stepped into another elevator where Natasha punched the button for the fourth floor. “I put you on my floor. Just so you’d have a friendly face.” She paused. “Although, sometimes the team can be a little too friendly in their own right. I don’t see an issue with them warming up to you.” 
The doors slid open and they entered a small common area with doors on every side. Natasha led her to a door on the far wall and gestured for her to enter. “We can set up your keypad in a minute, everything here is print based. Some people had trouble keeping track of their keys.” She rolled her eyes, but Charlotte was too enamored with the room to notice. 
It was plain, just the bare bones of a room, but it was perfect. A big, king-sized bed bathed in sunlight from the window behind it. Large closet and an even bigger bathroom. She dropped her duffel bag on the floor and looked around. 
“You’re welcome to decorate or do whatever you want, it’s all yours.” Natasha smiled as she watched her take everything in. “Here, let’s set up your keypad so I can give you some space. I’ll leave my number, just let me know when you get bored or hungry or feel like socializing.” 
She closed the door behind her, leaving Charlotte to settle in. 
I think this will do. She thought as she sank into the plush bedding. 
“I just don’t understand why you didn’t tell me.” Bucky grunted as he slammed his fist into the punching bag. 
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“I did tell you,” Steve protested before being interrupted. 
“No, you told me we found someone with potential HYDRA affiliation. You said the team was working on tracking her down and making contact.” Bucky stopped hitting the bag to snarl his words out. “What you didn’t say was ‘Hey buddy, there’s a chance we found someone kept in the same hellish lab as you and we’re trying to get her to come shack up with us. Oh, and she may or may not have been bred to kill you.’” 
Sighing, Steve sat on the bench next to the sparring ring. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I just didn’t know how to say it.” 
“You mean you didn’t know how I’d take it.” Fists slammed into the bag.
“Well,” He raised an eyebrow. “Is that such a stretch?”
“I think I’m handling it pretty well.” Bucky gave a forced smile as he stepped away from the punching bag, beginning to unwrap his right hand. 
“It was my idea to keep the details under wraps,” Nat’s voice echoed from across the training room as she walked toward them, wet hair darkening the collar of her sweatshirt. “I didn’t mean for it to seem like we were keeping things from you. There’s just so much we don’t know.” 
Bucky frowned. “Seems like there’s quite a bit you do know.” 
“I’ll tell you anything you want.” She smiled, always able to walk the line between cold sarcasm and genuine warmth. 
Natasha took a seat on the bench next to Steve, both of them watching Bucky as he threw the sweaty tape away. He stayed quiet for a moment, thinking. 
“What’s her name?” 
“Charlotte. Charlotte Rossi.” 
“Where’d you find her?”
“Most recently, the high stakes room at the Wynn.” Nat smirked. “Prior to that, I saw some patterns that caught my interest and dug a little further.” 
“I read the file.” Bucky’s face was stoic.
“Do you have any memory of her? Any recollection?” 
His brows knit together, thinking. “No. I don’t remember much from that…from those years. Fragments, maybe. If I saw her face it might, I don’t know, might bring something back.”
Steve watched his friend carefully, looking for any sign of distress. Bucky seemed calm, controlled, albeit a little strained.
“Where is she?”
Bucky nodded slowly. “She’s here…for good?” 
“To be determined. My offer wasn’t exactly for a week’s vacation.” Natasha stood, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I wasn’t up front with you on this. I promise not to go around you again.” 
“I get it.” He looked at Steve. “I know I don’t have the best track record for handling questionable information.” 
Grinning, Steve stood to join them. “What? You think throwing Sam out of a moving Quinjet because he told you he’d be leading point on the mission was an overreaction?” 
Bucky ran his tongue over his teeth, suppressing a smile. 
“No, totally reasonable.” Nat elbowed him. “Just like when he ripped the arm off of Tony’s last suit because he said Bucky’s arm was a ‘war relic’,”
“Alright, point made,” Bucky groaned, shrugging her hand off and walking towards the door.
Charlotte: is it too late for breakfast? 
Natasha: I know I said there are no stupid questions…..but ;)
Charlotte: music to my ears
Natasha: meet me outside the first floor elevators in 5. 
Charlotte slipped her phone back in her pocket, grinning. Thank God superheroes have a sense of humor. Well, at least one does. She made a mental note to ask if FedEx delivered to the compound, as she was in dire need of an online shopping spree. The majority of her clothes were tailored to Vegas, where she’d taken up residence the past few weeks. With the way she drifted from place to place, it wasn’t uncommon for her to leave an entire wardrobe’s worth of clothes in a hotel closet when she left town. For this trip in particular, she’d brought a few of her absolute favorite dresses, three sets of heels, and two designer bags she’d treated herself to after a particularly lucrative poker win.
Unfortunately, not much of her attire lent itself to casual daytime wear. She had a pair of jeans and trusty white sneakers, and luckily a plain white tank top shoved deep into her suitcase. Unless there was some kind of Avengers’ gift shop on the premises, she’d be repeating this look pretty much daily. 
She made her way to the elevator and when the doors slid open on the first floor, Natasha stood waiting for her. A tall, clean cut blonde man stood next to her, who Charlotte recognized instantly. 
“Hi…” She stepped out cautiously as the duo grinned. 
“Charlotte, you remember Steve.” Nat seemed to be the most amused of all three of them. The man nodded, holding his hand out for her to shake. 
“We were never officially acquainted.” His handshake was firm but his eyes were kind. “Steve Rogers.” 
“Sorry about that,” She pursed her lips. “I thought you were coming after me for my lack of patriotism.” 
Steve chuckled. “From what I’ve heard, you tried to represent our country too. Maybe we’re not so different.” The sharp look Natasha shot him as he referenced her Team USA mishap didn’t go unnoticed. Charlotte didn’t seem to take offense, simply raising an eyebrow as she carefully considered her response. 
“I think I can stick a landing a little better than you.” Her face was blank, but her eyes crinkled at the corners ever so slightly, an almost-smile. 
“I don’t doubt it.” Steve smiled. “Welcome to the compound.” 
“Thanks.” Charlotte kept her eyes on him as he led the trio through the doors. 
Natasha fell into step beside her, showing her unspoken camaraderie. Years of undercover work had honed her ability to read body language and pick up on cues undetectable to anyone else. As she watched Charlotte over the past twenty-four hours, she noticed several things. She was calculated, but not cold. Her humor was dry and she kept a poker face throughout most of her interactions, hints of a smile showing through as she warmed up to someone. She was quick-witted, but seemed to think through her replies thoroughly as she decided if someone was trustworthy or not. A familiar tactic for someone who wasn’t sure who they could rely on. Her persona was confident, relaxed, assured. Her body told another story. 
When she stood, her posture was erect. Her weight was slightly shifted forward on her toes, like someone prepared to cut and run at any moment. She could stand still, facing the person in front of her, but her eyes would flick around to every detail happening around her. She presented herself like a predator, but her behavior was that of prey. 
It made sense. She was taken, put through horrors beyond comprehension at the hands of HYDRA. Prey. She was altered, trained, brainwashed to be an elite fighter, an assassin. Predator. But now? She was somewhere in between. Not quite a predator, not quite prey. 
As Natasha strode down the path towards the main building, she couldn’t help but feel like even Charlotte didn’t know which category she fell into. 
“This is the cafe,” Steve gestured when they walked into the largest building. Charlotte recognized it as another entrance to the same place they’d left earlier that morning. This was where all the noise was coming from. It was a large room, flooded with natural light from the floor-to-ceiling windows. There were two dozen circular tables in the middle of the room, most of them empty. A few had small clusters of people in navy blue windbreakers or jackets, all emblazoned with the trademark “A” of the Avengers. There was a kitchen area to the right, a long countertop spanning part of the wall. “They serve three meals here every day, it’s all up for grabs. This is where all the agents and recruits eat while they’re here. We have a kitchen back in our building, but unless one of us feels like cooking, there’s not much more than dry cereal there.” 
They walked towards the kitchen, a few agents pausing as they walked through the room, looking at Charlotte over their clipboards and conversation. Natasha pulled open the door to a commercial sized refrigerator, revealing a massive selection of food. Everything from fresh fruit to Smucker’s PB&J sandwiches. Eyes wide, Charlotte glanced at Natasha. 
“Have at it,” She nodded, grabbing an apple and biting in. 
When they’d sufficiently raided the kitchen, Steve led them out another set of doors to a patio area. To the right, they could see the edge of the lake peeking around the treeline. To the left, there was an open field, the targets on the far end indicating a shooting range. Charlotte lowered her arms and let the barrage of snacks tumble onto the table. 
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“I didn’t think superheroes ate junk food,” She raised an eyebrow, pulling open a bag of mini-donuts. 
“Superheroes don’t, Avengers do.” Nat winked and stole one from the packaging. “Plus, not all of the agents here are combat focused. There are plenty who work in the control room or in tech and engineering and don’t have to give a shit about being mobile.” 
“Well here’s to not being mobile.” She held her chocolate milk in the air and the three of them toasted, just in time for a dozen agents to jog by on the path out in front of them. 
Bucky stood on the path around the lake, hidden under the cover of long morning shadows. He watched as Steve raised his plastic chocolate milk into the air, appearing to cheers with the two women at the table. One was Natasha, the other he assumed was the new girl. Charlotte. 
She was around Natasha’s size, a little more overtly muscular. He could see her toned arms clearly thanks to the tank top she was wearing. They seemed relaxed, talking and laughing. He took a deep breath and looked down at his phone. 
Five Minutes Ago
Steve: Come meet us on the patio by the range. You can meet Charlotte. We’re showing her around. 
Sighing, Bucky shot back a reply before shoving his phone into his pocket. 
Bucky: Sorry - told Sam I’d help him with something. Next time. 
He turned and resumed his run around the lake, going the opposite direction of the compound. Steve glanced up from his phone, brow furrowed, just in time to see black hair disappearing around the treeline.
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35 notes · View notes
ghostofaboy · 8 months
Kinktober 2023 - October 20th
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Day 20: Uniform, Titjob, Thighfucking
Jack Daniels x 2 Male OCs
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 1428
Warnings: uniforms, oral sex, public sex/voyeurism if you squint
@absurdthirst Kinktober List | Ghost of a Boy Masterlist
“Now, it’s important to remember the key pieces of kit that make a Statesman agent.” Jack pointed down the rows of stetsons before looking back at the new agents. Three new Statesman agents nodded back at him, taking in all the equipment in the room.
Jack had been assigned to them after they had passed every test Tequila and Rum had thrown at them. Now he was standing with the newly qualified Agents Gin, Vodka, and Absinthe. He loved this part of his job. These kids already knew how to handle weapons and infiltrate enemy strongholds. Now he got to teach them how to dress and act like gentlemen or ladies in the case of Agent Absinthe. He got to teach them how to be Statesman agents rather than just spies.
“Do we really have to wear the cowboy hats?” Gin stood, hands on hips, eyeing the various headwear on offer. 
“Our stetsons not only identify us to each other.” Jack sauntered over behind the young man. “But they are upgraded versions of what are commercially available. They’re stronger, some have enhanced capabilities like targetin' software and what have you. And they keep your all-important Alpha Gel safe. Let me tell you, that stuff’ll save your life.”
“Does it really work?” Absinthe mused, turning a chocolate brown hat over in her hands. 
“Been on the receivin’ end of it myself.” Jack nodded. “Wouldn’t be standin’ here talkin’ to ya’ll without that goo.”
Watching as the trio of young agents started to pick out their stetsons, Jack felt a pang of regret when thinking about the Alpha Gel. He wouldn’t be alive without it, but its after effects had almost cost him his life in Cambodia. Snapping himself out of the memory before he could spiral, Jack focused on the lesson he wanted to get across to the new recruits.
“Think of our unique look like a uniform. Now, you can tailor it to your own style a little, but every Statesman agent has these key elements.” Jack pointed to each rack as he spoke. “We have our stetsons, our belts with buckles, jeans, and boots. They all make up the look of a Statesman. Some of us wear tailored jackets, others prefer somethin’ more casual, but the silhouette is the same. Go ahead, pick out what speaks to you.”
As the minutes ticked by and the new agents scurried from rack to rack choosing what would become their own particular signature look, Jack found himself leaning against the far wall watching Agent Vodka. The young man had been quiet up until now but Jack had noticed him glancing over at Jack every few moments. At first, he’d thought that he might be trying to copy Jack’s outfit but while there were some similarities to what he was picking out, Jack realized that wasn’t it at all. 
Vodka was checking him out. 
The younger man’s eyes raked over Jack’s body with an appreciation that Jack recognized. Puffing his chest out a little more, Jack adjusted his stance, hooking his thumbs into his belt loops to position his hands close to his crotch acting as a sort of frame. Jack wasn’t hard yet but the attention of a younger, handsome man had him twitching in interest. 
It worked perfectly as Vodka’s eyes drifted down the next time he glanced over to take in the bulge in Jack’s jeans. His eyes flicked up to Jack’s face and Jack gave him the subtlest wink he could, causing Vodka to blush and return to his selection process. Feelers put out, all Jack could do now was wait as the new agents made their final choices.
Once everyone had picked out what they wanted it was time to try things on. Absinthe excused herself, heading towards the female changing rooms, while Jack walked with Gin and Vodka to the male’s. Both young men headed for their lockers in different sections, with a row of lockers blocking the view between them as they began to get changed. It was at this point that Jack could usually head to an area out of sight to wait but this time was different.
Quietly Jack made his way over to where Vodka was pulling off his shirt, putting a finger up to his lips as he approached. 
“You say the word and I’ll back off,” Jack whispered, leaning in toward Vodka slightly. “I don’t want to over step here but-”
Vodka smiled slowly and answered Jack by swiftly pulling out his trousers, revealing tented boxer briefs. Nodding, Jack took a seat on the bench behind Vodka and watched as the younger man stripped down before, piece by piece, dressing in his new Statesman uniform. Jack’s cock throbbed with each passing moment as the young man truly became Agent Vodka before his eyes.
Finally, he stood there gazing down at Jack in the full ensemble. He had chosen a very dark brown, almost black stetson with belt and boots to match with a silver Statesman buckle. Tight dark blue jeans, a crisp white shirt, and navy blue tie were topped off with a deep blue tailored tweed jacket. Jack’s eyes drifted from piece to piece taking in how the uniform sat on the young man, before his eyes were drawn to the crotch.
“How you doin’ back there Gin?” Jack called out to the other agent. “You need any help?”
“I’m good Sir.” A huffed reply called back. “Boots are a little tough to get one is all.”
“Give me a holla if you need me.” Jack motioned for Vodka to step over, running his palm over the bulge in the other man’s jeans when he did. 
Slowly unbuttoning the fly Jack grinned as Vodka’s erection sprang free and he wasted no time in licking a stripe up the length of the thick cock. Above him, Vodka stifled a moan as Jack worked the cock into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks to bob on the younger man’s shaft. Lifting one hand up to grip the base of Vodka, Jack clumsily undid his own fly, releasing the pressure on his aching erection.
Taking Vodka to the back of his throat over and over, Jack felt the younger man fighting the urge to buck into his mouth. Pulling back to the tip Jack glanced up to see Vodka staring back at him glassy-eyed. Jack opened his mouth wider, ready to deep-throat Vodka again when the younger man took a step back.
Jack bit back a moan as Vodka dropped to his knees and enveloped Jack’s twitching cock. The hot wet heat of Vodka’s mouth was delicious and Jack closed his eyes losing himself to the sensations. Vodka was swirling his tongue around Jack’s cock head before taking him to the back of his throat. Letting out a contented sigh Jack opened his eyes to spot Gin peeking around the lockers, in his new Statesman uniform, stroking his cock.
Locking eyes with Gin, Jack smirked, before eyeing the other man’s fat cock. Placing one hand on the back of Vodka’s head as he bobbed on Jack’s cock, Jack beckoned over Gin. The other man raised his eyebrows in surprise before joining them.
Jack noticed Vodka’s eyes flicker over the Gin as he approached but he didn’t miss a beat, continuing to suck Jack’s dick. Hollowing his cheeks Vodka picked up the tempo pulling a groan from Jack. There was no use being quiet now and Jack reached over with his free hand to give Gin’s cock a couple of tugs. 
The heat was building inside Jack and he could feel it creeping up his face as his peak approached. He wasn’t as young as he used to be and having two young men pay him such attention was going straight to his cock. With his fingers tangling in Vodka’s hair and playing with Gin’s balls Jack was in heaven. His whole body was prickling with energy as Vodka expertly brought him to the edge.
Letting out a deep growl Jack came down Vodka’s throat. Stars overtook his vision as his head swam with static. Below him, Jack was vaguely aware of Vodka swallowing every last drop before pulling off to lick the throbbing tip clean. Panting Jack watched as Vodka stood back up, his hard cock leaking right in front of Jack’s face. 
“Hot damn.” Jack grinned. “You boys got me shootin’ my load quicker than double struck lightnin'. Now where are my manners? Why don’t you fellas bring those tasty cocks over here and I’ll show you my double Whiskey trick.”
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pennyserenade · 2 years
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his girl friday
pairing: agent whiskey x female oc , agent whiskey x original female character summary: despite the fact that jack daniels has what he wants, he still finds himself dissatisfied as he, tequila, and alicia make their way to the first location of the mission: las vegas.   warnings: language, alcohol mention, jack being jack  word count: 4.3k+ rating: m ( mature ) author’s note: so many things to say. firstly, sorry this took three months. don’t know what happened there. secondly is that i did not intend for tequila to be such a big part of this story, but i guess he is now. he’s grown on me while i wrote this. lastly, but certainly not least, thank you for the continual support with this fic. i have such a good time writing it and an even better time sharing it with you all. 
“Undergarments, slips, stockings. Now just for the actual clothes…” 
Alicia places her belongings neatly in the open suitcase she’s sat on the bed. Archie stands closely behind her, fiddling with the zipper on her dress, helping her to undo it. The warm feel of his finger against her skin makes her ache in a way she’s not missed since she’s begun staying with him regularly. These are the drawn out touches of a man who is about to miss her terribly, and as much as she wants to relish them, she knows it is doing neither of them any good.
“What do you think is airport appropriate at this time of night? Should I go with a skirt or would a pair of pants be better?” She continues on casually. Moving to the closet, she steps away from his touch completely. “I think I’ll wear those brown pair of pants and a white blouse with the buttons and the sleeves. Maybe a scarf to make it more professional. What do you think?”
Sitting himself on their bed, Archie smiles at her. “You’d look wonderful in a burlap sack.”
“You flatter me. I’ll have to try not to miss that too much.” Her hands rummage through the shirts, filtering through the different hues in the same design and fabric, until she finds the white one. Reaching behind her to undo what Archie had been too distracted to, she takes off the party dress so she can put it on. This action inspires Archie to rise once more to his feet and carry himself over to her. 
“It’ll be over before we know it. Then you’ll be all mine again, and we’ll be married in no time,” he assures. He reaches forward and takes the shirt from her hands. This allows her to take the white slip she still has on. 
Instead of handing the shirt back to her when she’s done, Archie takes one of her hands and slips it in one of the sleeves. She lets him, watching longingly as he takes her other hand and does the same until the fabric is on her, with the front open. He pulls her closer to him with the open sides of the shirt and presses his lips tenderly to the middle of her chest. 
His nose scraps against her jaw as he brings himself up to meet her eyes. “I will have to try too hard to not miss that,” he responds playfully. 
She begins to do up the buttons of the shirt, trying not to be distracted by his presence, but he pushes her fingers aside and takes up the task himself. She can’t help but smile at the simple gesture; at how intimate it is. In all her years, she’s never had a man dress her before, just to touch her a little longer. 
“Don’t do up the top button, please. It makes me feel suffocated.” 
“I won’t,” he replies. “You might want to take more than one suitcase if you’re going to be gone for a month. This shirt is awfully puffy and if I recall correctly, some of your skirts and dresses are that way too. I don’t know if it’ll all fit.”
She laughs. “I’ve perfected packing them by now. Besides, those suitcases of yours are larger than normal. They could fit a small child and a little doggy.”
“That’s what we say when we get them made. ‘Make them big enough to fit a small American child and its small doggy, please, or they won’t be any use to us.’ We’ve been asking that for generations now and the man who makes them knows the rule. But, with you around we might ought to have to start saying, ‘And enough room for many puffy sleeves’ too. We’ll see.” 
She shakes her head. “Don’t inconvenience the man just for me. I’ll be happy to adjust to the Leach way. Our children’s children will be asking for the very same.”
His fingers finish with the last button of her shirt and he reaches up behind her, taking down the brown pair of pants she’d had in mind. “Is that what you want? Children?” He takes the pants off the hanger and passes them to her. “If it is, I’m sorry about what I said to my father tonight about us not having. I wouldn’t mind, I just didn’t want him thinking it was set in stone or anything just because he wanted it.”
Stepping into the pants, she shrugs. “I’m not sure about that just yet. I didn’t really think I’d ever have to make my mind up about any of this, really, you see, so it’s all come as a surprise.”
Before she can think about doing it herself, Archie reaches down between them and buttons the pants. He holds the fabric between his fingers for a bit, hovering. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I thought to ask that now. I really don’t care whether you wish to or not.” He offers her a pitiful smile. “I seem to be saying all the wrong things tonight.”
Alicia rests her arms around his neck and kisses the side of his mouth. “It has been a day, I don’t fault you.”
Archie shifts his head to allow him to kiss her on the lips. For a moment, she indulges him, letting him deepen it and press his body closer to hers. She even takes hold of his tux lapels, half encouraging his affections. 
“You’ve got to pack,” he remembers, resting his forehead against her own. “That damn cowboy is going to be here any minute, isn’t he?”
“Yes,” she whispers softly. “Remember, just one month.”
“One month,” he repeats. “Then there will be no more cowboys.”
“No more cowboys.”
“Or my parents,” he adds. “I promise that, too. I mean, they will be here, but not like now. I know they haven’t been making it easy—“
A knock falls upon the door. “Archie? Archie, Ms. Alicia’s guests are here. Would you like me to take them to the sitting room?”
“Yes, that'd be fine, Nora. I’ll be out in just a moment,” he calls over his shoulder. Glancing down at his watch, he grins. “He’s incredibly punctual. My father would love this man.”
“Go entertain while I pack up the rest?” she asks. “I’ll be out in just a moment. I’ve got a vague idea about what I should take already, so it shouldn't take long.” 
Archie kisses her cheek. “If you need someone to sit on the suitcase, I’ll be in the sitting room.”
“Thank you,” she smiles. “Oh and Archie, if he wants a drink, please don’t offer him any Jack Daniels unless he asks. He won’t find that very funny, I don’t think.”
Archie grins. “That’s a shame. Maybe he’ll be more enticed by a Shirley Temple? I heard she liked them.” 
“Be kind.”
“Oh, always to the men who want to take my wife from me.” Archie winks. 
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“You’ve never been to a baseball game here? That can’t be! And you’re supposed to be the real Americans, you cowboys.”
Archie stands leaned against the fireplace, his forearm resting against the mantelpiece with a tumbler in his hand. He looks slightly disheveled, but in the way women in the movies do when they wake with a full face of makeup and only slightly ruffled hair. He still wears his tuxedo from the engagement party, only without the coat this time, and his tie is loosened. Jack and Tequila sit on the couch, tumblers in their own hands, watching him. They’ve changed out of their party suits and into their regular clothes. 
Alicia has always wondered what about men commands so much respect from other men. She’s been half sure Archie has been working on turning his playful grudge against Jack into something real, but now he stands, playing entertainer, and Jack sits, sipping his alcohol, pleased. Jack Daniels, who is stubborn as can be, more set in his ways than any one person she’s ever known, is sitting in the living room of the man he doesn’t want her to marry, talking about American baseball like they’re old friends. 
Alicia enters the room, sitting her bag down beside her. “I let you into my home for less than fifteen minutes and you have him speaking about sports? I’ve never heard any of you speak about sports before.”
They all look at each other, as if they’re in on a secret. 
“We’re just trying to make an awkward go at conversation,” Archie lets her in. “I do like baseball, though. I go to those games occasionally.”
“I didn’t know you were so fond of the game.”
“I was born in New York; it’s more local pride than anything else.”
“I don’t think I was born with any of that pride,” she jokes.
“Sure you were. After the wedding, I’ll take you to one of them and you’ll find it.”  He looks back to Jack and Tequila. “I’ll take all of you if you can find the time. I know a few of the players and I’m sure I can get us some good seats.”
Jack rises from the couch and sits the glass of alcohol on the table. “We’ll have to check our schedules. It's been a busy year for Statesmen as you know, so I’m not quite sure we’ll be able to get away by then. We expect a busy summer.” He looks at Alicia, eyes full of something she can’t quite pin. “Are you ready, Pinkie?”
“Pinkie?” Archie arches his brow, eyes falling onto her. 
“Sorry, that’s a habit I’ve yet to break,” Jack apologizes. 
“What’s the story behind it?”
“She likes pink champagne. We all have nicknames like that,” Tequila interjects, grinning. “I’m Tequila, she’s Pinkie, our boss is Champ. It makes it easier to communicate.”
“Ah, so you’re not really Jack Daniels?” Archie asks Jack.
“‘Fraid so. Guess you could say I was born for the job.”
Archie grins, tilting his drink in Jack’s direction. “I know the feeling.” 
Deciding now is the best time to break up this boy’s club before anything else is revealed, Alicia nods at Jack. “I’m ready now,” she tells him. 
There’s a change in Archie’s demeanor, subtle to most but noticeable to her. He stands straighter against the fireplace, with that agreeable smile of his molding into something less set on making others believe he’s the epitome of hospitality. It's still warm, the way he turns his lips up, but his eyes let her in on his secret: he’s begun to realize she’s really leaving now. She likes it no more than he does, and she knows she’s got to leave before it settles in the pit of her stomach and sours. 
Jack goes to take the suitcase from her hands but Archie steps forward, putting his hand out. With knitted brows, Jack looks up at the man. 
“You don’t mind if I take these down for her do you? I want to give her a proper goodbye,” he explains. 
Alicia passes the bag to Jack. “You take them down to the car, and I’ll follow you both down in a bit. We’ll have that proper goodbye up here.”
Jack nods obediently and takes the suitcase. “Thank you for the drink,” he tells Archie. “I hope we’ll be able to make it to one of those ball games you speak about.”
“Me too,” Archie says. “Keep her safe for me, won’t you?”
“I don’t think you know who you’re marrying, Mr. Leach. She’ll be the one keeping us safe,” Tequila laughs. “Thanks again for letting us steal her away for a bit longer. She’s a real asset to our company.”
“You’re welcome. Thanks for coming to the party – both of you. I’ll be happy to see you again at the wedding.”
When he and Tequila find themselves out of the apartment completely, and it is just she and Archie once more, she offers Archie an apologetic grin. “One month,” she reminds him again. She rises up on her toes to kiss him softly on the lips and he kisses her back, placing his hand on the small of her back.
“Yes, one, long month. It’ll give the lifetime I waited before a run for its money, I’m afraid.”
She kisses both sides of his mouth, his cheek, and then his lips once more. “Don’t be swept away by any millionaires while I’m gone.”  
“I promise I won’t if you promise you won’t find yourself infatuated by any alcohol experts. Or men who knew how to tie knots before they were sworn into boy scouts.”
She holds up three fingers, giving him her scouts honor. He kisses her finger tips, stifling his laughter. “Goodbye Pinkie,” he tells her, drawing out the word ‘Pinkie.’ It sounds so odd coming from him. She thinks it's probably got something to do with the fact that she’s hardly ever heard it outside of Jack's teasing tone.  
“Goodbye Archibald.” 
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“Please stop looking at me like that. I can’t focus when you do.”
Leaning back in his seat, Jack props his feet up on the chair opposite of him. He obeys Alicia’s request, turning his eyes out to the darkened skies that lay above her beloved New York. “We’ve got it figured out for the most part,” he tells her, “I just couldn’t tell you off the top of my head where we were going first,” he says, rubbing the growing stumble alongside his jaw. 
“Las Vegas,” she groans. Despite himself, Jack can’t help but look back at her. The way her face crunches up in dissatisfaction makes him smile.
“S’not so bad. I kinda like it out there.”
“It's a desert. Of course you wouldn’t mind it.”
He takes a cigarette out of the pack sitting on the little table in front him. Before he closes it, he offers her one, but she shakes her head no. He doesn’t blame her. These are the cigarettes that come complementary with all Statesman flights, but they’re Woodbines. He bets Ginger gets them because she doesn’t smoke. 
“What’s the matter, didn’t pack any good outfits in that heavy fuckin’ suitcase of yours?” 
“I packed just fine. I was just hoping that we’d go somewhere a bit cooler before Nevada.” She lays the map she’s been staring out flat onto the table, abandoning it. Jack moves his ashtray to the one next to them in order not to burn it. “I didn’t miss any of that heat.” 
Tequila, who sits on the couch to the left of them, has been flipping idly through the television stations for minutes now. “It’ll be fun,” he tells Alicia, looking in their direction. “You just gotta be willing to gamble.”
Jack laughs, blowing out the smoke from the corner of his mouth. “Gamble? She already won the jackpot. Don’t you remember the apartments we were in tonight?”
Alicia rolls her eyes. “I just knew you’d find a way to say something about that. Can’t you just be happy for me?”
“Oh, honey, I’m thrilled for you. Tickled fuckin’ pink. You’ll be spending the rest of your days in an apartment that costs more than a home and meeting New York’s finest baseball players. I envy you. I wish I had found him first.”
Tequila abandons the tv and takes a seat next to Jack at the table. “You can still have fun,” he tells Alicia, ignoring Jack’s nonsense. “Bet in something other than money if you want.” He pauses, thinking for a moment. Then he grins. “Ask Jack to shave his mustache if you make more than him on the floor.”
Alicia watches as the end of Jack’s cigarette burns a bright, angry red. “I don’t think he’ll part with that stupid thing. I’ve tried since I met him.”
Jack flicks the end above the ashtray. “I will,” he nods, “I will if you bet to let us stay an extra week in Vegas.”
“That’ll throw the entire thing behind and I swore I’d only stay a month. I meant that.” She glances back down at the map. “Jack, those crests had dates on the back of them. We've got to be in Newport in a week's time, so that won’t work regardless.”
“Well, I’ll do it if you bet to be my secretary for two weeks. You can do it after you get hitched, if you please, because I know that’s important to you.”
She clicks your tongue. “Isn’t it enough that I’ve been your girl Friday since I started working with you?”
“C’mon Alicia, it’s all a part of gambling. The thrill of winning and the risk of losing.” Jack encourages. “Isn’t that right, Tequila?”
Tequila shrugs. “It might be fun. I’ve always wondered what it’d be like to see him without it, you know?”
“And I've always wondered if she was capable of being a secretary.”
She shakes her head. “I’ve always been too overqualified.”
“Outspoken, more like.”
Alicia narrows her eyes. “You know what? Why not? Except I want to be the one to shave it if you lose. I want to see the light go out in your eyes when I take away your prized possession.”
Jack shakes his head, laughing. “I’m a good gambler, Pinkie. You’re playing a precarious game.”
“Me too. I won the jackpot, didn’t I?”
“And she found him in a deli, too. That’s one in a million,” Tequila adds, nudging Jack. When they both give him curious stares, he clarifies: “I heard someone mention it at the engagement party.”
Rolling his eyes, Jack stamps out his cigarette. 
“Oh, speaking of being hitched,” Jack suddenly remembers, hand digging into his coat pocket. He retrieves the small familiar gold band and places it on the table before Alicia. “For you, Mrs. Chapman.”
Alicia takes the jewelry in her hand. “We’re still playing at that?”
“Before you came back into the works again, we figured Jack would keep at the Mr. Chapman bit.”
“Don’t you think they’d figure we stole all of those crests, as we didn’t ask for one and we left early.”
“Yeah I did figure that,” Jack says. “But I was just gonna feign ignorance and tell them you were sickly at that party. Say that’s why we didn’t accept anything and left early. Was gonna say you got something like cancer and I was here to put you to rest, too.”
“You didn’t need me,” she says, glaring. “Now what?”
Jack shrugs noncommittally. “Guess we’ll just have to wear disguises and be different this time around.”
“That might be better anyways, since your engagement party just happened and more folks are likely to recognize you now.” Tequila reaches beside him and takes a notebook from the side of the chair. He lays it out in front of him and waits for words to write. 
“We should be Texan this time,” Jack suggests. 
Alicia shakes her head. “No,” she says firmly. “We’ll be from Washington and we’ll be on vacation for the first time in our lives.”
Tequila jots down Alicia’s suggestions. “Newly married?” he asks, still scribbling. 
“Being newly wed puts too much attention on you. Say we’ve been married for two years and we’re getting away before we settle down,” Jack says.
Tequila looks at Alicia for permission. She nods and Jack scoffs. 
“I’m sorry, Jack, but this was her job before she started getting field stuff with you. She’s always been good at it.”
“Her job was to teach you to sell the fuckin’ bit, not make you characters!”
Alicia beams. “But I was good at that, wasn’t I? I always liked making up stories.”
“Burke.” Jack ignores her. “That’ll be the last name we use. She’ll be…Jolene, and I’ll be George.”
“I’ll be Betty. Jolene’s too Texan.”
“Alright, Betty. Betty and George Burke, two years married and located in…Seattle, Washington?” Jack casts his eyes in her direction, looking for approval, just as Tequila had. What a hypocrite, she thinks, smiling.
“Seattle’s fine,” she nods. “When we land, I’ll call Ginger and ask for a wig for me. I think you can pass with a pair of sunglasses and a hat, if you stay low. They don’t know Tequila, so he can dress as he pleases – vacation appropriate, that is. Look like a tourist.” 
Writing the last bits of information down, Tequila lets out a sigh of relief. “I’m sure glad you’re back, honey, because Jack's demands go down a helluva lot harder than yours do. Sure missed being around someone who treats me like a human.”
“How’d you manage to sneak your way into this organization?” Jack says in disbelief. “Does your dad work here or something?”
Alicia rolls her eyes and Tequila doesn’t answer him. His eyes sit instead with the information they gave him to write, processing it and developing a more thorough plan for himself, most likely. She takes the map in front of her and begins to fold it up. Having forgotten the ring Jack gave back to her was on it, she watches now as it slides off the paper and in the opposite direction. Before she can get it herself, Jack has his flattened palm over it, capturing it.  She looks up at him and she sees that stupid little smirk of his. He wears it much too often for someone who couldn’t manage to do a single mission without her. “What?” she spats out, annoyance lacing her words.
“You can’t help yourself,” he tells her.
“What are you talking about?”
“This.” He motions between the three of them, and then to the rest of the plane. “You like it, being a Statesman worker. I see it in your eyes. As soon as we started planning, you lit up like a little Christmas tree. I certainly didn’t see any of that at the party.”
“I’m plenty content with my life as is.”
“But excited? Are you really excited? I don’t think Archie is going to give you what you feel here, and I think deep down, you know it.”
She lifts his hand off the ring and slides it back in her direction. “Jack, you haven’t the faintest idea what Archie can or can’t give me. What’s more is that you don’t know what I want. I thought you’d know better than to start this again.”
“His cock can’t be that good,” Jack grunts, leaning back in his chair. 
Tequila rises his head from the notepad, mouth open. “Jack!” he scolds, brows furrowed. 
“It’s okay, Tequila. Jack’s still struggling with the idea that women are allowed to make their own choices. If it was up to him, we’d all be under his thumb. Isn’t that right, cowboy?”
“Cowboy,” he mimics, making a face. “I think you’re making a mistake, is all. You’re good at this–too good to throw it away for a life you won’t even like.”
“You don’t know me!” she shouts. 
“I do so!” Jack yells back. “I’ve had to know you to work with you. I know what you’re going to do before you fuckin’ do it because our lives depend on it. Don’t tell me that.”
She shakes her, adamant. “You don’t know me in the way that matters. You might know where I’ll step next or where I’ll shoot, but you don’t know how I feel. You never have. The problem with you has always been that you don’t consider the feelings of others, you prick. I got stuck with you on this job because of that.”
Looking back and forth between Alicia and Jack, Tequila scrunches up his face. He looks halfway between pained and indecisive. “I think I know why they make you a married couple so often.”  
“Oh, shut up!” Jack barks, crossing his arms over his chest. He leans towards the window, perfecting that pout of his.
Alicia, always more cool-headed than he, smiles weakly at Tequila. “I’m sorry. It seems I’ve made it a habit to fight with him in every place we go.”
“Many have,” Tequila sympathizes, feeling a bit of his own ire for the man now. 
Reaching across the table for the cigarette pack Jack’s abandoned, she sighs. Her eyes go towards the window Jack stares out of, watching nothing but the blackness that appears before them. “I’ll play house with you once more, Jack,” she addresses him softly, pressing out her anger, “But then that’s that. I don’t want to hear anymore about it.”
Jack huffs, not giving her an answer.
“Well, to your last mission,” Tequila offers, tugging gently at her sleeves. He offers her a warm smile, trying to stamp out the awkward air that’s been created.
Alicia lights the end of her cigarette. As the comfort of the nicotine fills her, she takes off her engagement ring and puts the fake wedding ring in its place. “Thank you,” she says, watching the way the light overhead catches on the metal.
Despite herself, for a reason she can’t possibly decipher, she does find herself feeling a little downcast looking at this stupid ring. If Jack was nicer, and if he really cared, he would know that she does feel sad leaving this behind. He’d know it was no easy decision, not something she did on a whim. There was no backing out involved, no cowardice. If Jack wasn’t Jack maybe she wouldn’t have to feel so bad leaving it behind. Maybe she could see them all again; send them Christmas cards and invite them to dinners annually, with the knowledge that none of them would slip up about this life she had led. He’d know that these people, even him, have been the only real family she’s had since her parents passed. And he’d know that for the first time in years, she managed to feel safe and happy here, like she really belonged for once. But Jack is Jack, and all he thinks is himself. There will never be a place in her real life for him. 
Jack Daniels is no friend, and he’s certainly not family. He is just someone she’s been made to play house with over and over, and he’s gotten confused about where that life ends and the real life begins. This has to be it for them -- for her.
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writer-rochelle · 4 years
Statesman:Ablaze Ch.1: Rules
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(a/n: i’m not sure what happened to my original post, so here it is again. i’m having to use my phone’s hotspot and it’s not the most reliable thing so i apologize for all the mixups) ft ocs by: @sunshinepascal @harrytags @pomelloe-me & myself
“Huh, what’d you say?” 
“Have you seriously not heard a word I just said, Pomegranate?” Alicia King said, sighing. Stakeouts were the worst, and usually being paired up with her good friend Pom Graham, they could be a lot of fun. But it seemed that the young southern woman’s mind wasn’t in the mint green bug they had been in for the past 5 hours. 
“I said I haven’t heard you talk about Whiskey lately...everything okay with y’all?” Alicia asked her friend. Pom had until very recently jabbered on and on about the older Agent Whiskey taking her under his wing. It wasn’t often that the veteran agents took much interest in the new recruits, but Pom was a family friend and as he affectionately called her, “his little pomegranate”.
“No, the stupid cunt has been too fuckin’ busy doing shit in New York to reply to my messages,” Pom said, scrolling through her phone. She didn’t want to admit the sense of abandonment she was starting to feel. She was 24 years old, for fuck's sake, not 4.  She was usually one to share anything that was bothering her, and she knew Alicia would understand, but this was something that she wanted to keep reserved. Maybe she was just overthinking.
“Absinthe! Come in Agent Absinthe!”
Alicia reached up and lightly placed a finger on the left leg of her green aviators. Instantly she could see into the Statesman meeting room. A quick glance showed that Champagne was seated at the head of the table, and from where she (or rather her hologram) sat she could tell she was at the opposite end. Next to him was Agent Cognac and across from her was Agent Whiskey’s hologram. It still never ceased to amaze her how incredibly talented Ginger Ale was. Every weapon, every piece of equipment, hell even every fiber of clothing the agents were given all had Ginger's magic touch. 
“Is Agent Rum still there with you?” Champagne asked, taking off his glasses and cleaning them with the cloth square in the front pocket of his jacket, before placing them back onto his face. He gestured towards Ginger, who walked forward from where she had been standing off to the side with her clipboard. As soon as the other Agent was present they could continue their debrief. 
“The old man is asking for you” Alicia laughed, nudging Pom who had once again turned her attention to the view out her window. Pom rolled her eyes, pushing her tortoise framed glasses onto the bridge of her nose. 
“You rang?” she said, making her voice deep and gravelly like Lurch, the Franken-butler from the Addams Family. The girls erupted into a fit of giggles, as Champagne shook his head in disappointment.
 “She gets that tomfoolery from watching you!” He said, pointing an accusatory finger at Agent Whiskey’s hologram, the man in question shrugging with a smirk on his face. Champagne turned his attention back to the girls. 
“  When y’all are finished, I’d like to carry on with this debrief  .” Alicia silently shook with the aftermath of the giggle fit she and Pom had pitched themselves into, but quickly grew serious. If Agent Whiskey was on the call it had to be of grave importance.
“Well I’ve got some good news, and some bad news,” Champagne said, regarding the two holograms at the end of the table. Agent Cognac shifted in her seat next to her boss and grandfather, she was familiar with the temperament of her two friends and braced herself for the fit they were about to throw.      
“Well, the good news is we found out where those rascals are keeping the Senator's daughter hostage. The bad news is that it's not in that warehouse y’all have been staking out all evenin’.” He pulled a fat cigar out of his jacket pocket, passing it under his nose, sucking the smell of it into his nostrils.  
“What the fuck, Champ?!!! You could have told us sooner!!” Pom shouted, she was seething. The color of her face turned red from anger. Not only had she already missed the weekly update of the Mandalorian on Disney+, but she had been stuck in a cramped car with a mix of Alicia’s perfume, her own deodorant, and the leftover stench of the KFC they had eaten. She was on the verge of a headache, and more importantly on the verge of beating the old man with her bat. 
“I told you she was gonna be pissed.” Whiskey muttered. Champ glared at his hologram before continuing his spiel.  
“As I was sayin’, Tequila was wrong; it turns out she's being held in the basement of her own house. Ginger Ale, if you’ll please?” Champ said, watching as the resident tech wiz pulled up security footage on a screen on the wall of the conference room. The Agents watched as Molly Dubois was dragged out of her house and shoved into an unmarked car, only to be returned hours later (still bound with her head in a sack) back to the mansion. 
“As it turns out, with the elections coming up soon, the Senator is looking to boost his image with the voters to ensure he’s re-elected. We were able to intercept some phone calls, I’ll be sending you all the audio recordings to listen to on your own time.” Ginger said, tapping around on her clipboard. Alicia looked over at Pom, the two agents seemingly on the same brain wave. They both knew that Senator Xavier Dubois was a ruthless, greasy, piece of crap. He would do anything to keep the state of Kentucky under his control. 
“What do you need us to do, Champ?” Alicia said, revving her green bug to life and buckling her seat belt. No need for discretion when it wasn’t the right location. “Pom, I know your ass is not wearing a seatbelt, bitch,” Alicia said quietly, stepping on the brake, cackling when Pom lurched forward in her seat colliding with the dashboard. 
“AAARGH! Fuck you!! You didn’t have to fucking brake check me!” Pom yelled, hitting Alicia’s arm before buckling her seatbelt and crossing her arms over her chest.  
“Alright kids, that’s enough! Y’all should know better than to be acting a fool and havin' an attitude during debriefs and y’all are just goofing off, actin’ like y’all ain’t got no good sense.” Champagne said harshly, watching as their holograms faded out. “Whiskey, I want you flying out to HQ asap!” 
“Sure thing boss, I’m on my way.” Whiskey said, winking at Agent Cognac before his hologram also faded out. 
Other agents sitting at the table began to remove their glasses, mirroring the actions of Whiskey, their respective holograms also disappearing. Champ and Agent Cognac were the only ones remaining in the room. Ginger, having slipped out quietly to return to her lab. Cognac turned, realizing her grandpa was staring at her closely. She blushed as she slipped her glasses into the pocket of her jacket.
“What?” She said, sheepishly pouring herself a glass of water. Champagne glared knowingly at her, putting an end to any other words about to come out of her cherry-red lips. After the tragic death of her parents (both statesman alum), he made it a point to take her in and continue to raise her as his own. He'd be damned if he let his granddaughter fall off onto the wrong side of the law. 
“Don’t think you can pull the wool over my eyes, young lady. I may be old, but I haven’t lost my sight yet!” The elder agent said with great discipline, shaking his finger at her like she was five again. He rose from his seat, moving to stand in front of the window with his hands clasped behind his back. 
“Why are you doing this to me, Carey? You know the rules! No-“
“No fraternizing with fellow Agents! I know, Grandpa,” she said, moving to stand next to him. She felt guilty; Champ had put his neck out for her countless times, hell, he was the sole reason she was still alive. The same people who had killed her parents were set out to kill her too. If he hadn't stepped in when he had….the thought of it made her shudder. 
“First of all, don’t interrupt your old man, Carey Ann. Secondly, if you know you shouldn’t, why do it?! Whiskey is a highly skilled agent; but when he’s off the clock? Jack Daniels is not the kind of man I’d want dating my granddaughter.” Champagne said. Carey sighed, knowing that he was only looking out for her. But if he knew the true extent of the relationship she had with Whiskey, he would grow even more furious.  
“It’s nothing, I promise! I just assist him with things around the New York offices from time to time...” She said innocently, turning to grab her jacket and head for the door.
“Well those ‘things’,” Champagne made air quotes around the words ‘things’, following the young woman with his cold gaze, “Those things better not be in his pants, missy! I’ll tan both of your hides; I don’t give a rat’s ass if you’re 30 years old, damn it!” His words falling on deaf ears, his granddaughter having already disappeared out the door. He sighed in defeat. Wrangling these kids was starting to get harder and harder. 
“Lord help me.”
a/n: i’m real upset, i have no clue what happened to the original post. I apologize for the mess. Thanks for reading <3 roach
Statesman: Ablaze is a multi-part fic that is a collaboration between myself and the ladies tagged. After throwing our ideas around late one night, this baby was born. We are very excited to share this with y’all, and hope you like reading it as much as @pomelloe-me and I do writing it. 
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Too Loose And You’ll Lose It
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Ch7: Old Habits Die Hard
Part 1
Co-Written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Summary: The Losers head to Mexico for Pooch’s wedding but there’s something wrong with Stella…
Pairing: Jake Jensen x OFC Stella Stevenson
Warnings: Bad language and a whole heap of angst.
A/N: So this chapter is a LONG one- so it’s split into a number of parts, to be posted over the next week or so. A LOT going down, and we really hope you enjoy it as it’s our favourite one to date for these pair of dumbasses.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. We do not own any characters in this series bar Stella Stevenson and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
TLAYLI Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 6
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 April 2008
Clay, Roque, Cougar and Jake arrived in Mexico on a glorious Thursday morning, two days before Pooch's wedding and wasted no time in settling into their hotel and kicking back with a few drinks, soaking up the sun and taking the chance to relax. Cougar was in his element, being in his native country and an area which he knew particularly well. That evening he took them away from the resort of Cozumel to a little village fifteen miles or so inland where they visited a few back alley bars he knew, meeting up with a couple of his friends. The Losers then found themselves roped into several games of poker, all of them losing a fairly substantial amount of money until Clay, rather sensibly, called time on the gambling to avoid Future Mrs Pooch going thermonuclear at them for gambling away any future Mini Pooches’ inheritance money. They somehow made it back to the hotel and managed to deliver Pooch safely to his intended. The man could hardly stand by the time they got back thanks to the copious amount of Tequila he had consumed, something Clay, Roque and Jensen were quick to blame on Cougar when an irate Jolene opened the door to their suite, a furious look on her face.
As it stood, the hangovers they were all suffering on Friday morning were clearly their penance for leading Pooch astray. Jake had woken up with a mouth like he had been eating sand, and had stood in a cold shower for fifteen minutes solid trying to find it in him to function like a normal human being. He headed down for breakfast ten minutes before the hotel was due to stop serving and spotted Clay, Cougar and Roque sat at a table on the outside balcony, all sporting sunglasses and looking as bad as he felt. Jensen helped himself to as much as his plate could handle from the buffet and tucked in. He was beyond thankful that the food went someway to actually settling his churning stomach as opposed to making it worse. As he downed his fourth orange juice of the morning, he felt his mobile buzzing in his pocket and he pulled it out, his lips quirking into a smile as he read the message.
"It's Stel." He announced to the table. "She says ETA about forty minutes."
"How come she isn't here already?" Roque asked and Jensen rolled his eyes.
"Agent Shit-name was working, apparently. Meant they could only fly out early this morning." He swallowed the bite of toast he had rather viciously taken at the thought of Stel’s asshat boyfriend.
"Touchy subject." Clay looked at Roque. "Pooch is still low-key pissed she missed his Batchelor party."
Roque said nothing, simply raised his eyebrows as Jensen leaned back in his chair, massaging his now full stomach. "The guy is a dick." He spat venomously.
"Yes, but there's gonna be no trouble." Cougar turned to him, tipping his hat up slightly so he could see him.
"I'm a lover, not a fighter, Cougs." Jensen grinned and Cougar gave a snort, shaking his head.
They finished breakfast and after several more coffees were eventually ushered out of the restaurant by a very harassed looking waiter. As they wandered back through the hotel lobby, Clay stopped and waved, causing Jensen to turn and look, a smile spreading across his face as he saw Stella walking through the door pulling her suitcase. He frowned at the fact asshole wasn’t carrying it for her, but as Stella approached them he realised that Evan was nowhere to be found.
“Where’s agent Shit-Name?” He blurted out by way of greeting, and Stella responded with a filthy glare, otherwise ignoring him completely. She turned instead to greet Roque and Cougar before she gave Clay a huge hug.
“Good flight, Arty?” Roque asked and she smiled at him, popping a shoulder.
“As good as it gets. But they didn’t have tomato juice. Would you believe it?”
Clay gave a huge laugh. “Since when have you drunk that stuff?”
“It’s not that bad, plus if you drink alcohol on a plane you get severe dehydration.” She replied.
“You’re making that up.” Jake looked at her and she turned her attention to him, giving him an appraising look.
“I read it in Science.” She quipped back. Jake blinked, before he burst out laughing and she grinned and shook her head. “I’m just joking. I had several gin and tonics and glass of wine. I’m good.”
Roque looked at Clay. “What just happened?”
“They do this.” Clay answered. “Have you not noticed yet?”
Roque rolled his eyes and then Cougar asked the question that all of them had been dying to know the answer to. “Where’s Evan?”
Well, all bar Jake that is as he couldn’t have cared less.
Stella shifted a little, rubbing her neck, Jake instantly spotting her discomfort. “He errr, he couldn’t make it.”
“He bailed on you?” Roque frowned at the same time Clay blurted out.
“What do you mean he couldn’t make it?”
Stella licked her lips and at that point Jensen jumped in. He could see her flustered and despite his dislike of her boyfriend, he hated seeing her like that so he offered her a way out. “Work?”
She nodded, shooting him a thankful look. “Yeah, something came up.”
“Of course it came up.” Clay grumbled loudly. Whether he had meant for Stella to hear or not, hear she did. And what was more, it was apparent he didn’t believe Evan’s excuse any more than she did. Stella swallowed, she had always trusted Clay’s judgement and it was unnerving a little to realise exactly what he thought.
She took a deep breath. “I’m gonna go check in.” As she reached for her bag, a hand softly batted hers away as Jensen grabbed the handle.
“I got it.”
As soon as the two of them were out of earshot, Cougar turned to Clay as Roque shook his head
“Bastard.” Clay spat. “He’s not come and left her to pick up the flack and explain to Pooch.”
Cougs mumbled a swear word in Spanish as Clay’s eyes flicked to Stella and Jake before he pulled out his phone.
“’m gonna make some calls. Meet you at the pool bar in a while.”
As they stood in the queue for the reception desk, a bunch of people all having descended to check in at once, Jake turned to Stella and took a deep breath. “Wanna tell me what’s really going on?”
“Nothing is going on, Jake.” Stella’s tone was level but firm, an indication she didn’t want to discuss the topic.
But Jensen never had been one to take heed of warnings. “I don’t believe you.”
“Well, you should.” She turned to face him, raising her brow a little. “Tell me, any Mexican chick fallen at your feet yet?”
He sighed, throwing his head back and giving a low groan. “C’mon, Stel, I thought we were past this?”
“Past what?” Her tone was innocent but Jake could tell she didn’t dare look him in the eye. Instead, she concentrated on searching for something in her purse.
“Holding out on one another.” He answered, looking at her. “You’re still my best friend.”
“Well, forgive me if I sometimes forget.” She rolled her eyes as she produced her credit card.
“Okay okay, you don’t wanna tell me then fine.” Jensen rubbed at his eye before pushing his glasses back up his nose. “Whatever.”
Stella looked at him before she gave a little sigh, and hung her head slightly. “Ev’s busy, okay? Something last minute came up and he...”
“Let me guess.” Jake rolled his eyes. “He asked you not to come without him and when you told him to fuck off you had an argument.”
“No, actually.” Stella fixed him with a glare, narrowing her eyes “He told me to come. It’s nothing like that at all.”
“Jake, just drop it okay!” Her voice grew louder. “You couldn’t be further away from the truth if you tried.”
Jensen raised his hands in surrender, knowing it was time to drop the subject. “All right, all right. I really don’t wanna know.”
Before she could shoot back a response, she was called forward to the desk. Jake moved off to the side with her bag, watching her as she spoke to the guy behind the counter.
His hands dropped to his slim hips as he studied her, wracking his brains. Despite her protestations there was obviously something more going on, he knew her too well. The only thing he could think of was that for some reason they’d had an argument, a big enough one for Agent Shit-Name to leave her to come on her own. And, considering Jake knew he had told Stella to stay away from him, it must have been pretty serious for him to say he wasn’t coming.
As Jake watched Stella signing her name on the paper the guy behind the desk slid over to her, he saw her give a little smile before she tucked her hair behind her ear. He took a deep breath, shaking himself out of his thoughts and decided that he was going to make her forget about Asshole for a couple of days and enjoy herself. Being the Stel he’d always known and adored.
She nodded and said something to the receptionist before she turned towards Jake, heading over to him and he smiled. “All sorted?”
“Yeah I’m on the 4th floor
“Hey, cool! Same as me and Cougs.”
“Are you guys sharing?” She asked and he shook his head, giving a snort.
“Hell no. The Cougar is on the prowl, apparently. He’s a couple of rooms down.”
“Well I’m in 415.”
“422, Sweetheart.”
“Good to know in case I’m attacked by a spider in the middle of the night.” She grinned and Jake chuckled.
“Well, if you want I’ll do a sweep before you go in.” He looked at her seriously. “I am a highly trained killing machine after all.”
“So am I.”
“Yeah but I ain’t afraid of spiders... well, okay, not the little ones that is.”
Stella laughed. “Course not. But, that aside, I could use your help with my suitcase.”
“You don’t need to ask.” He said gently, picking it up. “I was already gonna bring it.”
She smiled and they made their way to the elevator which by some twist of luck was already on their floor. The door opens and they stepped inside, Stella turning to select their floor.
“Alright, I gotta ask.” Jake spoke and Stella turned to him as he gestured to the large case now by his feet. “You’re here for what, three nights? You bring your whole wardrobe, Stelly?”
She scoffed “I need all three nights’ outfits and daytime clothes as well. Toiletries, make up, underwear...bikinis.” At the last word she shot him a wink and Jake’s head dropped forward, his hands on his hips.
“Stop it.” He groaned playfully and she laughed.
“You don’t wanna hit the pool then, Jakey?”
“Is this a trick question?”
“Why would it be?”
“Well this feels like the part where I’m supposed to make some rude comment only I’m not sure if you’ll laugh or slap me.”
“You’d never know if you don’t say it.”
Jake looked at her, he was utterly confused now and hadn’t got a clue what was going on. He licked his lips, swallowed before he sighed and rubbed his beard. Thankfully, he was saved from responding at all as the elevator stopped, the doors sliding open as they’d reached their floor.
Once the slightly awkward but friendly first time introductions to the rest of the guests that the boys had met the day before, Stell felt herself really beginning to relax. She had been on edge since arriving if truth be told, not least because her friends had hit the nail on the head, there was something going on with Evan. But, she didn't want to think about it. Not now. Instead, she settled herself on a sun-lounger, peeling off her little sun-dress to reveal a yellow bikini and Jake flopped onto the one besides her, whipping off his white wife-beater. They talked and laughed and joked. It felt good, just kicking back, not a care in the world. Soft, holiday themed music was playing, the atmosphere was happy, and Stella had a constant supply of cocktails thanks to the team persistently plying her with them.
She must have fallen asleep at one point, as when she turned Jake wasn't there, but it didn't take her long to find him, his distinctive laugh ringing out over the pool area. Stella led back in the sun, glasses covering her face, no one able to see her eyes as she watched him sat on the edge of the pool, one of the bridesmaids next to him, their legs dangling in the water. His broad shoulders and back muscles twitched as he talked with his hands, as usual, emphasising whatever it was he was saying, one large arm reaching up to brush through his short hair. The girl laughed and tipped her head back and Jake grinned before he said something else and stood up. Stella shifted a little as he headed towards her.
"Stel, you want another drink?"
She pulled her glasses down, and peered over them as she smiled up at him. "No, I'm fine JJ thanks."
"Cool, just, you know, ask me if you need anything."
"I’ll be fine Jake." She insisted. "Just enjoy yourself or... whatever."
He gave her a little smile before he turned and walked away. Stella watched him go, and it didn't escape her just how many heads turned in his direction. She took a deep breath then suddenly a shadow blocked her sun. She looked up to see Cougar stood beside her, hands on his hips, bright blue swim shorts and a plain grey tank covering his toned upper body.
"Enjoying the views, Arty?"
She rolled her eyes, then smirked at him as she spotted his ever present headwear. "Even round the pool you’re wearing the hat?" She sat up slightly, nodding towards it.
"Well it keeps the top of my head cool and shelters my eyes from the sun." He shrugged. "And helps maintain my youthful complexion."
"You gonna be wearing it for the wedding?" She grinned as he perched on the lounger next to her, before he led back over the top of Jake's towel, swinging his legs up to recline a little.
"Of course I am." He looked at her like she'd asked a dumbass question. "I’m making a fashion statement, Honey!"
At that she laughed. "Well, I look forward to seeing that!"
"I'll save you a front row seat!"
As the two of them continued to chat, over at a table a little further round the pool, Roque and Clay were sat deep in conversation. Pooch made his way over, flopping down heavily into a seat, shades covering his eyes.
“All right, so someone wanna tell me what happened to Shit-Name?” There was no disguising the bitterness in his tone. He was still pissed over the whole stag-do incident as Stella hadn’t gone, and the blame for that lay firmly at Evan’s feet.  “Not that I care, in fact I’m glad not having to see him around but-“ he nodded to Stella “-well I don’t like her being upset.”
Clay took a deep breath and blew it out harshly. “So, I made some calls. Pulled some strings and…”
“What?” Roque took a pull from his beer and turned towards the Colonel. Clay simply shook his head and Roque rolled his eyes. “Spit it out, Clay.”
“The guy is not on duty this whole week.” Clay looked at him, and then to Pooch who pulled a face.
“The whole week? I thought she was flying in today because he had some work to finish before taking a couple of days off?”
“So did I.” Clay shrugged.
“So what? He’s been lying to stop her coming for more than absolutely necessary?” Roque frowned. “That is fucked up, Clay.”
“I don’t get it though.” Pooch shook his head, a puzzled expression on his face. “Why is he not here? If he’s so hell bent on keeping her away from us, well, specifically Jensen, why the fuck has he let her come on her own?”
“I don’t know.” Clay looked over at Stella before turning back. “But I don’t like it.”
“Don’t like what?”
The three of them turned to see Jensen stood by their table, pushing his shades up his nose a little.
“Your swimming trunks.” Roque was quick to quip. “Pink? Really?”
Jensen grinned “Gracie got me these! Special present for being her coolest Uncle.”
“Yeah, you see she’s six, Jensen.” Clay grinned, taking a drink of his beer. “Her taste is debatable.”
At that Pooch snorted. “And besides, man, you’re her only Uncle! Not like she has anyone else to compare you to.”
“Oh yeah?” Jensen shot Pooch a look. “Fine, watch this.” He cleared his throat and looked over the pool area towards Stella. “Yo, Stel!” She glanced at him from where she was sat with Cougar and gestured with her head for him to continue speaking. “What you think of my shorts?” He gave a grin, twirling on the spot with his hands out to his side.
Stella arched a brow as she pulled down her glasses and looked over the top of them at him. “I’ve seen you in worse.” She called before she turned back to Cougar, a slight smile on her face.
Jake grinned and looked back at the men round the table, pointing in her direction. “See, that’s a compliment.”
“Yeah, by worse she means naked.” Pooch snorted. Roque and Clay both burst out laughing and the three of them clinked their beer bottles together.  
“You can all laugh but let’s face it, none of you could pull off this colour.” Jake sniffed.
“Who says you’re pulling it off, Jensen?” Clay arched his eyebrow.
“Well, he’s gonna need to as no one else is gonna pull em off for him.” Roque sniggered.
“Well, actually, Jolene’s cousins have already asked if he was free.” Pooch raised an eyebrow.
“They blind?” Roque shot back as Jensen grinned, ignoring him.
“Really? Which ones?”
“You were sitting with one of them earlier.” Pooch informed him.
“Oh, the red headed chick?” Jensen glanced around, and his eyes once more fell on Stella who was now sat up, turned towards Cougar as they talked about something. He took a deep breath. “Yeah, she’s not really my type. In a bit fellas.” With that he slapped Pooch on the head and wandered over to join Cougar and Stella.
“We cannot tell him about Evan.” Roque stated as Jensen sat down on the sun lounger next to Stella, leaning back a little on his hands.
“Nope." Clay agreed.
“Absolutely not.” Pooch affirmed with a serious nod.
Stella was in her room’s bathroom, leaning over the counter to check her mascara hadn’t left any unwelcome blotch around her eyelashes when there was a loud knock on the door followed by the two softer ones that, ever since they met all those years ago, announced Jake Jensen’s presence. She gave a last glance at her appearance on the mirror, adjusting the thin straps of her pale pink dress to her shoulders, before she went to open the door for him.
“Damn, Stel. You look amazing.”
It was all Jake could express when he recovered from the shock of seeing Stella all dolled up for the first time since what seemed like forever. Maybe the last time being when Jane and Rob got married and they were still together and waiting for their military training to be over. She looked stunning in that outfit and he couldn’t fail but to observe it was Stelly all over. Her pale pink dress was covered in delicate lace flowers and flowed down her curves, the deep v neckline doing nothing but highlighting her gorgeous breasts which Jake so damned well knew and had cherished once upon a time.
Fuck, his mouth was dry…
“Thanks JJ.” Stella chimed, making Jake blink and shake his head. “I need a quick minute…”
As she turned to go finish getting ready he followed her in, closing the door behind him.
“Hey, you’re not gonna say anything about my slacks and this fancy waistcoat I’m wearing.” He asked opening his arms for her to take in his appearance which she did when she turned, looking him up and down. She took in his dark blue plaid tweed waistcoat, matching trousers, along with his pale blue and white striped dress shirt and matching tie and she grinned.
“No jacket?”
“Fuck that shit, Stel its too hot out!” He snorted. “I’m gonna boil to death enough tomorrow in my suit.”
Stella laughed, looking him up and down again before she took a deep breath. “You could almost pass as a grown up, Jake.”
He pouted though he was slightly amused at the comment as it clearly meant her brain had also taken her to the last time they both had worn such elegant outfits, as they had been basically babies then.
“Rude, Stel. You used to like this look on me when we were.... ummm.... did you change your perfume?” Jake suddenly asked in an attempt to change topic after almost sliding dangerously down memory lane.
“No it’s the same it’s been for years.” Stella rolled her eyes at him and turned to rummage in her make up bag.
“Yes. Right….” Jensen replied somewhat awkwardly but relieved she was busy with something else. “So Cougs is coming down with us, he’ll be here in a few minutes.”
“Okay.” She said as she finished putting her lip-gloss on before grabbing her sandals and sitting on her bed. “So like, is there a huge group of us tonight then?”
Jake stood there, his brain having a hard registering Stella’s question, his hands on his trouser pockets as he bounced on the balls of his feet and blushed furiously because, from where he was stood,  as Stella was bent over doing her sandals up, he could see right down her dress and the line of her breasts. But when he finally did realise she’d spoken, he swallowed hard and tried to play it as cool as possible.
“I guess pretty much everyone invited who’s here already, it is a rehearsal dinner after all. Hey, did you know Clay’s chick is landing tomorrow morning?”
“Tomorrow morning? Stella frowned. “Cutting it a bit fine, isn’t it?” She asked standing up and readjusting her dress.
“Well, better late than never.” Jake muttered, more to himself than anything but Stella had clearly heard it as she was glaring at him.
“Don’t start.”
“Sorry, my bad.” Jensen raised the palms of his hands in surrender. But before he could continue apologizing there was another knock on the door. “That will be Cougs.” Jake took a hasty retreat as he went to open the door to Cougar who raised an eyebrow on seeing his friend’s flustered expression.
“Don’t look at me like that, Cougar.”
“What the fuck’s wrong with you, Jensen?” Cougar whispered but then his eyes landed on Stella who was coming towards them and looked at Jensen again as he mouthed. “Wow.”
On an impulse Jake dug him in the ribs with his elbow which made Cougar shove him hard on the shoulder in turn just before Stella stopped by their side and looked at them. “What the fuck are you two doing?”
“Playing tag.” Jensen blurted out.
Stella narrowed her eyes at him just as Cougar looked at him wondering what the fuck Jensen was dragging him into. Jensen gave him a look and Cougar rolled his eyes.
“I told him he’s buying the first round tonight and the jerk said he wouldn’t.” He turned to Stella, trying not to sound too eager or false.
Stella shrugged. “What else is new?”
“Hey, I’m not paying ‘cause it’s a free bar. All the rounds are on Pooch and future Mrs Pooch.” Jensen nodded lightly at Coug, rolling with it.
Stella grinned as they step out of the room and she shut the door. “Well boys, ” she linked her arms into theirs as they were at either side of her, “in that case let’s see how drunk we can go get for free.”
Jakey and Cougar both cheered loudly at the idea and she laughed heartily.
“And you’re walking into the party escorted by two of the most eligible bachelors in this resort, Sweetheart.” Jensen added cheekily.
“Yeah?” She asked as she called the lift and Jensen saw her eyes shine with mischief before speaking again. “You taking me to meet them? Are they downstairs?”
Cougar snorted but Jake wasn’t gonna let it die there. That was the playful Stella he so adored, his Stelly. They could go on at this type of banter for hours if they were in the mood.
“Face facts, I am desirable as Pooch told me before. Bridesmaids already asking for my number. How many asked for your number, Cougs?”
Cougar just smirked and tip the brim of his hat. “They only need my room number, you loser.”
At that Stella let out a huge laugh and the elevator arrived so she stepped in followed by Cougar, Jake behind them.
“Okay, yeah. I’ll give you that one.” Jensen admitted as the elevator doors closed and they headed down.
When they got to the big room where the rehearsal party was taking place, the bride and groom were already there greeting all their guests and Stella was immediately introduced to everyone in Jolene’s extended family who hadn’t been at the pool earlier that day. The drinks and conversations were flowing when the wedding planner, a woman with a thick Mexican accent, announced dinner was being served in a few minutes and politely asked them all to find their seats.
The Losers were set to share a table with Pooch’s brother and his girlfriend and a couple of Jolene’s bridesmaids who happened to be her cousins too. The food was delicious and by the time dessert had been served, Stel could swear her dress had shrunk in size but she was damned if she was going to say no to those sinful Tamales. The chocolate on her taste buds, together with all the tequila and cocktails they had consumed during the meal had her in good spirits. She could honestly say she was having a great time and was enjoying herself, only one thing casting a shadow over her jolly mood.
Jolene’s cousin Shanice, secretly renamed by Stella as Corpse Bridesmaid, who was sitting at Jake’s other side, insisted on flirting shamelessly with him, to the point it was embarrassing. So, when her piercing laughter at some of Jake’s shitty quips got everyone at their table startled, Stella shared a glance with Cougar who was sat at her other side and excused herself. Instead of going to the ladies restroom, she went outside, deciding some fresh air would do her good. She wandered out onto the beach a little and sat down breathing in deeply,  taking in the peacefulness of the sea in front of her.
Her head was swimming but not just from alcohol. She wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but it was jealousy. She was jealous of Jake and Corpse Bridesmaid when she wasn’t supposed to be. Right? She wasn’t supposed to be and she didn’t like the feeling either.
And then there was Evan. She knew he was lying about having to work. He’d just used that as an excuse not to come to cover up the real core of the issue. Although he still insisted he was stuck at the office she knew he didn’t have to be there, and that evening, when they had talked on the phone, he had been cold and curt, their conversation mainly made of void questions and monosyllabic answers. Stella breathed in shakily at the memory of that conversation and pulled her phone out for the umpteenth time that night. No messages, no missed calls. Nothing. She sighed and chucked it back on her purse hastily.
“A watched phone never rings, Arty”
She hadn’t heard him approach, absorbed as she was in her own thoughts, but she made no effort to turn around as Cougar was already sitting on the sand next to her.
“Any luck with the blonde bridesmaid, Cougs?” She asked with a soft smile. “Maybe she’s the type that calls.”
“I told you before, I don’t need her to call, just knock.” He joked before turning his head to look at her, studying her features. “What’s going on Arty?”
“Nothing Cougs, just getting a little lightheaded in there.” Stella explained as she nodded her head towards the muffled voices of the party inside.
Cougar nodded. “And I’m assuming it’s not only because of the drinks.”
Stella didn’t reply, she simply looked away not trusting herself to say anything without her voice breaking.
“You know I won’t tell anyone, right? Especially not Jensen.”
Stella sighed and lowered her head as her hands fiddled with the flowers of her dress.  “I don’t believe Ev is working. I think he was making excuses not to come.” She finally spoke, before lifting her eyes to meet Cougar’s.
“And why would he be making excuses not to come with you?” Cougar frowned. “I thought he always wanted to spend time with you. That’s why you haven’t been hanging out with us so much anymore, huh?”
Stella raised her eyebrows. “He does. We kinda had an argument about it, well, not really an argument just a discussion about him crowding me and stuff, how he acts about Jake and you guys... and he admitted he was a little full on but said it was because he loved me.”
“Oh, so he threw the big L word there. That’s good, right?” Cougar asked, looking at her confused and a bit concerned as she had looked somehow embarrassed to admit Evan had said he loved her.
Stella looked at him. “Not really Cougs, because when he said it I was paralyzed and then realized I couldn’t say it back.”
“Oh.” He grimaced. “That’s not so good.” He paused for a moment before he continued. “You don’t love him?”
Stella shrugged, feeling calmer now, almost relieved she had finally got it off her chest and shared it with someone. “I thought I was sorta getting there you know, told myself it would happen in time but we’re almost six months in now. And each week I can’t see beyond the next, there’s no long term view there for me, Cougs and…”
“That’s a hard no disguised as a not yet, Arty.” He observed when he noticed Stella was trailing off. And she didn’t reply but looked at the sand instead as there wasn’t really a suitable response to that, least of all because he was right, she knew that much.
“Come here.” Cougar sighed, waving his hand for her to get closer before wrapping an arm around her shoulder and placing a kiss on the top of her head. “What you gonna do about it?”
“Finish it I suppose. That’s the right thing to do isn’t it?” She answered as she laid her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah, I guess it’s certainly the most sensible thing to do, anyway.”
“Well I’m a very sensible person.” Stella chuckled causing Cougar to snort.
“You spent years dating Jensen, I beg to differ.”
“Not my most sensible time.” She quipped.
Cougar laughed, shaking his head in agreement, and when he looked down to watch her he saw she was looking at the sand again, only this time she was smiling as she was clearly remembering something about the time he spent with Jake.
“He still loves you, you know? Jensen I mean.”
Stella’s eyes darted up at him and she scoffed. “You’re insane, Coug? You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“Oh I know exactly what I’m saying. And more so you know it’s true.” Cougar stated as he tipped the brim of his hat and winked at her.
“Fuck, no, no more!” Jensen waved his hand as Roque grinned widely and held his hands up cheering loudly as Jensen grimaced. Both men had spent the last thirty five minutes doing shots while being cheered, as could not be otherwise, by Corpse Bridesmaid.
“All right, all right, you win Roque. I’m out.” Jensen admitted defeat as he turned around, scanning the dance floor. He frowned when he realized he couldn’t spot Stella, granted he was a bit drunk but he really couldn’t see her anywhere in the room. So he stood up from his seat and blinked twice as everything was a little hazy.
“Hey Clay, you seen Stel?” He asked when he finally steadied himself, brushing his hand through his hair before he pushed his glasses back up his nose. They’d gotten a little too close to falling off whilst he’d been doing those damned shots.
“Nope, it’s been a while since I last saw her.” Clay replied, glancing up at him from where he was sat on his spot at their table talking to Pooch’s brother.
“She went outside a while back. Didn’t say goodbye so I assumed she was coming back but…” Jolene, who had come searching for her cousin, offered but then someone Jensen couldn’t quite place tapped her shoulder so she turned round to talk to them and they left together a few seconds later, leaving him a little puzzled, without answers.
“Okay, I’ll go find her myself. You guys are useless.” He sniffed as he loosened his tie and turned to leave.
Clay rolled his eyes and looked at Roque who shook his head and snorted. “Whatever Jensen, just keep an eye on that tie. Too loose and you’ll lose it.”
“Don’t do anything stupid, Jensen.” Clay warned him, earning a frown from Pooch’s brother and causing Jensen to stop in his tracks.
“What’s that’s supposed to mean?” He asked, turning to look at Clay.
“It means you’ve drunk a lot with Roque and she’s got a boyfriend who is clearly making her upset.”
“I’m fine I…” Jensen began to protest but he immediately paused as Clay’s words registered. “Hang on, what do you mean Shit-Name is making her upset?” He frowned as Clay groaned, realizing he had said too much “Do you know something?”
“Well he’s not here, isn’t he? That should be enough.” Clay tried to brush it off.
Jensen looked at him for a moment before he turned and left the room, contemplating what Clay had just said. Despite the colonel’s attempt to brush it off as an innocent comment, he had once more raised the point that Shit-Name wasn’t here, and none of them really knew why. There was also the fact that Stella had been uncharacteristically flirty with Jake that day, more than their usual good natured quips…was it possible they had split up? But, if they had, surely she would have told him right? But then again, maybe she wouldn’t have told him, not wanting to cloud Pooch’s big weekend with her issues?
The thought was enough to make Jake grin, but the grin disappeared as fast as it had come and he couldn’t help but groan at this train of thought. Nothing would make him happier than that dick to be gone for good but he also didn’t want Stella to be upset and heartbroken. That was part of the reason that, despite his vow on New Years’ Eve to Clay in his parent’s dining room about fighting for her, he’d really tried to behave. He’d watched as her and Evan had gone from, what appeared to be, strength to strength, and, if he had to be honest, he was just grateful they were on good terms and wouldn’t want to jinx his recently fixed friendship with his Stelly for all the gold in the world. Plus, he just wanted her to be happy, she deserved that at least.  And, until now, he thought that Agent Shit-Name was making her so…
All those noisy thoughts were clouding his alcohol intoxicated head when he finally made it outside after a quick stop at the restroom. As soon as Jensen’s feet landed on the soft beach sand, he spotted Stella in the distance but she wasn’t alone as Cougar was sitting next to her on the sand with his arm round her.
“What the fuck, Cougs?” He whispered to himself, his jaw twitching a little. “Seriously, you’re going there?”
Both figures wheeled round and looked at him as he drew closer, his constant groans about tripping over on the sand alerting them to his presence. And when they did turn, Jake could see Stella had been crying.
“Stel, what’s going on?” He asked her softly.
Stella hastily wiped her tears and sniffed before speaking. “Nothing, I’m fine. It’s just….” She trailed off as she looked at Cougar with pleading eyes.
“I was telling her stories of my childhood here in Mexico.”  Cougar looked at Jake.
“Yeah…” Stella nodded eagerly. “… and it just got me thinking a bit of dad and stuff.”
Jensen glared at Cougar as he squatted beside them both, not for a minute believing the bullshit he had come up with, but then Cougar shot him a look and shook his head gently. Jensen’s frown deepened a little, before he looked at Stella who was now watching the ocean again. He knew she was lying, she had been lying about Evan and about them being fine since she had landed in Mexico that morning, but he also knew now, from Cougs, it wasn’t what his tequila mushed brain had thought some minutes earlier.
Taking a deep breath, he pushed all that to the back of his mind and fixed a smile on his face.
“Well, Stelly, I think the only thing to do here is come dance your sorrows away.” He tried to lighten the mood up a bit as he knew his Stelly had always loved dancing.
She looked at him like he was a moron before she burst out laughing and he shot her a cheeky grin.
“Yasss, come on, Sweetheart.” He pressed as he stood up, helping her up in the process and once they both were standing on their feet Jensen turned around and bent a little. “Jump up! We’re going dancing.”
“You’re not carrying me, moron!” She shook her head as he turned to look at her. “And it’s just one. I had an early morning and I need some rest.” She bent slightly, brushing the sand off her dress, giving Jensen another front row view of her cleavage line and without even looking at him, he nudged Cougar to stop him staring, sending the man sprawling over onto the sand, a string of Mexican expletives escaping his mouth.
“That’s my Stelly.” Jake grinned and she took his hand as she put her sandals back on before Jensen dipped and slung her over his shoulder.
“JJ put me down you ass!” Stella squealed.
“No can do Stel, don’t trust you not to run.” He said amidst laughter.
“Don’t mind me…” Cougar quipped as he remained sprawled on the sand.
“We won’t.” Jensen shot back as he strode up the beach to the bar with Stella over his shoulder, laughing as she slapped his back.
“Jake my boobs are gonna fall out of my dress!” She shouted, slapping his back harder once they were almost reaching the sliding doors that led to the room where the party after the dinner was now in full swing.
“I see no issue with that.”
“God, you’re a dick!” Stella scoffed and Jensen chuckled, eventually putting her down on the bar and looking at her chest. “Hey, my face is up here.”
“I was just… erm…” Jensen gave a goofy smile as he made a grabbing hand gesture in front of her boobs “…checking the twins are still in place and you’re good.”
Stella rolled her eyes at him as she rearranged her dress. “Pervert.”
All in all, and as Jensen had expected, Stella stayed for a little more than one song as she was letting herself go and forget everything. The pair of them just enjoyed themselves, and it was almost as if no time at all had passed, and they were still at some sort of crummy, homecoming or end of year dance at their school’s over decorated sports hall.
Just as they were winding down a rather energetic dance to some form of Nineties dance song, the name of which, Jensen had no idea, Pooch cut the music and stepped up to thank everyone for coming, before he started talking rather drunken and lovingly about Jolene. As Roque and Clay began to heckle, telling him to save the mushy ‘I love yous’ for tomorrow, Stella zoned out a little, thinking about what Cougar had said earlier at the beach. If she was honest, whilst she’d been able to push it away for large chunks of time as she’d been dancing, it had been in the back of her mind all night. Because Cougar had hit the nail on the head, she didn’t love Evan, she didn’t think she ever would, and she couldn’t keep fooling herself. She needed to finish it.
Almost as if he had read her mind, she felt Jake gently take her hand and give it a squeeze and that was it. It all became too much to handle again, and she turned to him giving him a shy smile.
“I’m gonna go Jake, I really am tired.”
Just as she had anticipated, he tried to get her to stay but she refused, declining his offer to walk her back up to her room. She kissed his cheek softly, gave him a smile, and headed off to say goodnight to everyone.
***** Jensen watched her go before dropping his head in defeat. He took a deep sigh, hands on his hips, before Cougar appeared at his side, thrusting a beer he hadn’t even asked for into his hand.
“Thanks.” Jensen whispered, taking a large swig as he studied Cougar. “So what really happened at the beach?”
Cougar hesitated, looking for the best way to give his friend a comforting answer without betraying Stella’s confidence, and it was proving a really difficult task. “She… umm, she told me Evan had said he loved her.” He answered a second or two later, hesitantly.
“What?” Jensen asked, swallowing hard. His beer suddenly felt a bit sandy.
“She didn’t say much more but I’ll let you draw your own conclusions how the whole thing went from how she’s been and the fact he isn’t here.” Cougar shrugged.
Jensen glared at him before taking another sip of his drink. He couldn’t think clearly, it wasn’t time for mind riddles and someone had definitely added that fucking sticky beach sand to his beer, plus, now he was pissed and his mind started spiralling.
Fucking Shit-Name dropping the fucking L word!
But then again, how could he not love her? It was impossible once you knew Stella, and he should know, he had tried it.
And what the fuck? Why hadn’t she told him when he had asked, instead of avoiding the topic all day long and then telling Cougar instead?
And yeah, Cougar could fuck off as well. With a final glare at him, he thrust his beer bottle back into Cougar’s hand and left without as much as a goodbye word.
What might seem common, rational sense to everyone else was never that common or sensible in Jake Jensen’s fucked up mind, least of all when it came down to Stella Stevenson. So, as he headed back to his room and passed hers on his way he stopped and turned back, making her way to her door. He stepped forward, ready to knock, but he dropped his knuckle when it was still mid-air and with a shake of his head and a heavy sigh he carried on.
And now he was also pissed at himself. Great.
Chapter 7 Part 2
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agentwhiskeysdarlin · 3 years
The Kiss
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Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x female!OC (written in second person)
Warnings: lots of sexual tension, use of a knife, slight violence, sexy times at the end, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), Jack being himself cause that comes with a warning, I think that’s all
Word Count: 2,606
Author’s Note: Welp I am still alive and do remember how to write! Its been so long and I am so sorry about that! I hope to get back to posting more regularly and catching up on request and doing a few new things soon. Cross your fingers, manifest, pray, whatever you do I need all the help I can get! I hope you all enjoy this little fic with the cowboy! Feedback is always always welcome and encouraged! Happy Valentine’s Day y’all!! As always a big thank you to @clint-aww-no-barton​ and my Jate’kara clan both for emotional support and putting up with my ass and my meltdowns 
ao3 link for story
    “Ginger I don’t know about this.”
   Your voice held a slight tremble which made you curse yourself mentally. You looked over yourself in the mirror before letting your gaze fall on the woman behind you. 
  “Henley you look absolutely incredible. Jack won’t know what hit him. Plus this is honestly a very calm mission for it to be your first,” she gave you a smirk as she finished the last of the lace up on the back of the dress. 
  It was a breath-taking dress. It was a deep red and it had a beautiful skirt with a slit up to about your mid thigh just enough not to show off too much and a corset top that had a heart shaped neckline which was super fitting for the occasion. 
  Statesman, a secret agency you worked for had learned of a couple selling Top Secret government information. They were using art of all things as a front to do so and tonight they were holding a large gala at the capital as a celebration of the day. Valentine’s Day and the art was all to be focused around love. Statesman finest senior agent, Agent Whiskey, or Jack was set to take the couple down but him showing up alone to an event such as this one was far too risky so here you were. You worked tech along with Ginger and one of the two women who held jobs at Statesman. You never minded a dress and heels, something Ginger curled her nose up at, plus you had all the proper training so you accepted the offer to hang off Jack’s arm. 
  That thought alone was what made you tremble. Not the mission in itself. Not the knife that sat cool against your thigh. No it was pretending to be Jack’s girlfriend for the night. You wanted so badly for it not to be pretend. 
  “Henley?! You ready?” 
  Ginger’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts and you turned to her and gave her a nod. 
  “I’m ready as I’ll ever be.” 
  “Hey you never know this may lead to something,” Ginger finished the sentence in a sing song voice and you felt the small hope blossom in your gut. 
  You had already promised yourself you wouldn’t get your hopes too high but with every single step you took down the hall to the conference room it seems to grow. You pushed the door open and walked into the room. Champ, Tequila and Jack all stood around, their heads turning your way and all of them wore a look of pure shock. Tequila let out a whistle before smirking and glancing at Jack. He stood there his eyes raking over you several times before they met yours. The two of you shared a look that could only be sexual tension. 
  “What? The senior agent doesn’t have a line for once?” You smirked as you walked closer to Jack. 
  A crooked smirk spread across his face and he took your hand, kissed it and then twirled you around. 
  “I have to say darlin’ you are the first woman to ever render me speechless,” you couldn’t help the blush that rose on your face. 
  “You two better get going,” Ginger spoke as she glanced from her tablet to the tv in the room. 
  “We will follow you and be at the rendezvous point just in case you need backup. Get them in custody and get them back here,” Champ gave you both a nod which you returned. 
  “We got this boss. You ready darlin’?” Jack held his arm out for you and you took it. 
  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” you gave him a nervous smile and the two of you headed out of headquarters. 
  Your nerves had built up to an almost shaking manner by the time Jack and yourself walked into the building. There were more people than you thought there would be, couples bustling about and Jack’s cologne was starting to make you dizzy. You had to focus. There was a job to do and you had to push your feelings for the man on your arm aside. 
  “I think with all these people it’s going to make this a lot easier on us,” Jack whispered in your ear.
  “I sure hope you are right.”
  The two of you wondered around glancing at the art that scattered the walls. People talked about details on the artist and their work, champagne in their hands. You glanced around catching the sight of the best dressed couple in the whole place and something in your gut knew. You gave Jack a small nudge and nodded your head over in their direction.
  “That has to be them,” you whispered as you looked up meeting his eyes for the first time that night. 
  “You ready to do this darlin’?”
  You gave Jack a simple nod and a smirk to lift your confidence. As you walked away you felt Jack’s hand on your wrist stopping you in your tracks before pulling you to him and wrapping his hand around the back of your neck. His lips crashed against yours and your shock only lasted seconds before you kissed him back. The entire world around you fell away and so did your trembling nerves. When he pulled apart the two of you seemed to share the same tension filled look as you did earlier in the conference room before you broke off and went your separate ways. You glided now, with your head held high as you stepped up the stairs. You knew that the room they were secretly meeting clients in was mere steps from the stairs and you knew it would draw the woman’s attention to follow you. You sent your senses into overdrive feeling another presence behind you and hearing the sound of heels trying to be quiet.
  “What are you doing up here?” Her voice was sticky sweet with an edge to it.
  You spun around with a smile to match. The next few moments seemed to move in slow motion but all so fast. 
  “Oh just looking for that room there,” you pointed with a smirk as the both of you seemed to break into action.
  She was too slow for you and the second she charged at you, you dodged before slamming her against the nearest wall your knife just inches from your throat and her body pinning her to wall.
  “Selling Top Secret government information will get all the right peoples attention honey. You only thought ya’ll were being slick, hate to break it to you but you ain’t,” you spun her around spitting the words as you took at the handcuffs that had been rested by your knife and slamming them shut around her wrist.
  You walked her down the stairs and saw that the room was a bit of a mess and her partner was lassoed on the ground seething in anger. Jack walked to you with a smirk of pride on his face. He jerked the man up and the two of you started to walk out of the place. Jack tipped his hat at a few people in the room with apologies.
  “Well done darlin’.”
  “Thank you Jack. I had such a rush I didn’t even hear all that happening. I wouldn’t expect any less from you though,” you smirked throwing him a wink.
  You loaded up the couple, blind folding them and then heading back to Statesman headquarters. The debriefing was short and simple. You could finally breathe again or so you thought.
  “I don’t think we should let such a dress go to waste. Let me take you somewhere,” Jack spoke as he leaned on the table looking down at you.
  “Well then let’s go cowboy,” you reached out your hand and he took it with a smile.
    The restaurant was probably the nicest you had ever been in. Even in the dress you still felt like you didn’t belong. A piano player skillfully played on a small stage not far from your table but it was low enough that Jack and yourself could carry on a decent conversation. The two of you discussed your side of things during the mission, laughing in all the right places and took bites of food in between. Jack took the last bite of his food and he gave you this look for a moment that you caught. You raised your eyebrows at him which soon gathered together in confusion when he stood up.
  “May I have this dance darlin’?”
  “Jack people will stare.”
  “As they should you are the most beautiful woman in the room, hell in the world,” a smirk crossed his features and you blushed.
  You took his hand and he pulled you to the empty place next to the stage. He pulled you close and began to sway with you. Your eyes met with his and the two of you shared that look once again.
  “What was that all about?” You suddenly asked.
  “Might need to refresh my memory darlin’. I ain't got a clue what you are talking about,” the smirk on his face told you differently but you rolled your eyes and blushed a deep red again.
  “The kiss back at the gala. What was that?”
  “Darlin’ I think we both know the answer to that,” he pulled you closer his forehead touching yours.
  “I need to know for sure Jack. I’ve wanted this for far too long and I-.”
  His lips were on your suddenly but this kiss was different. It held a different hunger but it was softer, more gentle. When he pulled away you couldn't help but let out a whimper you wondered if he could hear.
  “I’ve wanted this for far too long too darlin’ and if you’ll have me I would want nothing more.”
  The smile that spread across your face could have lit the entire world up.
  “Of course I’ll have you Jack.”
  The two fo you shared another quick kiss full of laughter and smiles as the song finished up.
  “Why don’t we get out of here and head back to my place,” Jack whispered in your ear and you simply gave him a nod.
  You stopped by the table, Jack leaving a large enough amount of money to cover both the bill and the tip and the two of you practically ran out of the building. 
    Hands were everywhere as you both struggled into the door of Jack’s home. You couldn't even make yourself stop long enough to look around. All that mattered in this moment was the man who’s lips were attached to yours. Jack suddenly reached down and picked you up from under your knees and you let out a giggle as he did before reattaching your lips to his. You threw his cowboy hat off and discarded it somewhere along the way to the bedroom before lacing your fingers into his hair. It earned a grunt from him before he deepened the kiss. You felt soft sheets suddenly as Jack laid you down across his bed. He hovered over you finally detaching himself from you. Both of you panted with swollen lips for only a few seconds before Jack’s lips began to pepper across your skin. He left a trail of them across every last bit of visible skin before he dropped to his knees over the edge of the bed. You sat up, sitting back on your hands to watch him. He removed your heels slowly as he kissed along your legs you pulling you bottom lip in between your teeth at the sight. His lips made their way up your legs alternating between the two and moving your dress when need be until he came upon where your knife still sat strapped to your thigh. He threw you a smirk before his fingers brushed across your skin to unfasten it and remove it carefully. Then his lips followed causing you to let out the first moan of the night. He eyed your clothed center before moving your panties aside and without much more of a warning dove in. You jumped and let out a gasp that feel into a moan before grasping at his brown locks and pulling at them. His hand snaked up and pushed lightly on your stomach to make you lie down before his arms wrapped around your thighs. You were a mess at this mans mercy and my god had you dreamed about this too many times to count. For a few seconds you almost thought that’s all this was, a dream. That was until your first orgasm rocked through you and you were thankful for Jack’s arms or you might had suffocated him between them. He came up smiling and licking his lips. You pulled him up and kissed him again moaning when you tasted yourself. 
  “Jack I want you now,” you almost whimpered in desperation.
  “Oh darlin’ I know. I want you too. First gotta get you out of this dress,” you couldn't help the laugh as he pulled you up.
  You spun around for him and he gently started to unlace your dress, his lips falling along your shoulder and what was exposed of your back and neck as he went. You let your eyes flutter closed and took in the moment you were in and how real it finally felt. This was happening and you couldn't believe it but it was. Finally the dress pooled at your feet and you turned to help Jack out of his clothes letting them join yours on the floor. The two of you fell back into bed finally burning skin on burning skin.
  “Jack please,” you whined again giving him a begging look.
  “I got you darlin’,” he kissed you on the nose before he lined himself up with you.
  He buried himself inside of you and it was the most wonderful feeling you had ever felt. The two of you seemed to fit together like puzzle pieces so perfect and carved out just for one another. He moved first at a slow pace before you were begging for more. Your nails making soft scratches along his back as he rocked into you. His lips left marks in places only the two fo you would know about.
  “Faster Jack please,” you moaned out loudly.
  He obliged moving his hips quicker and harder. You were so close again and you grasped at him like a lifesaver. Your head flew back and without warning you let go. Your pussy squeezed around him and your entire body shook. Jack was soon behind you burying his head into your neck as he moaned and whimpered. He kept a slow pace until the both of you came down. He pulled out of you and rolled over pulling you with him. He held you there, both of you panting before it seemed the two of you let out a smile and looked at each other. 
  “That was…”
  “Amazing,” you finished his sentence in hopes you were correct.
  “It was better than that. Everything I have always thought it would be and more.”
  “Wait you have thought about us together?” You sat up and looked down at him.
  “Well hell yeah darlin’ of course I have.”
  The smile that spread across your face almost hurt but you couldn't seem to care. He pulled you back to him the two of you becoming intertwined in each other. He laid a kiss sweetly on your forehead and you closed your eyes. In that moment you finally felt safe and loved and you never wanted that feeling to end.
Tagged: @jimmythegirl​ @arcadianempress​ @discogrrl​ @immundusspiritu​ @someplace-darker​ @thisis-theway​ @ohpedromypedros-main​ @scribbledghost​ @on-the-razor-crest​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @spookyold-saintjm​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @princess-and-pedro​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @littlevodka​ @all-hallows-evie​ @mack4676​ @perropascal​ @prettyboyskywalker​
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Pairing: Kenny x OC
Summary: this is cheesy af with all the clichés, but I could not help myself. apologies in advance for the ending. its not my fave but there maybe a part 2.🤷‍♀️ - you and Kenny have had a flirty friendship for years, neither admitting to feelings until a room mix up on the Jericho cruise forces someone’s hand
You would never publicly express it, but you had been excited for this for months. The cruise was the highlight of many pro wrestlers’ year, it was hard work and tiring but also kind of like a vacation. You had sold it yourself as a work trip, when Kenny had asked if you would be attending you gave your usual nonchalant shrug and said, “don’t know I’ll see”, you really wanted to go but the thought of being trapped on a boat with Kenny was hell to you, I mean it is bad enough having a thing for your friend but a friend that you can’t escape? Yeah.
He looked disappointed you noticed, to you he was a good friend you had met on your first tour of japan, hed showed you around and the conversation and good times had flowed. You kept in touch, talking every day, and to Kenny it was a way to feel close to you, the truth was he really liked you and he figured that friendship was better than nothing so over the years you settled into your usual routine of dinner, exploring and video games whenever you happened to be in the same place together. Neither being brave enough to make a move more than the odd kiss goodnight that you would awkwardly forget the next day.
A few days after your non-committal response to Kenny you had replied to the email booking you for an appearance on the cruise, you figured it would be fun and since the boat was so big the chances of actually having to run into him where slim. You were amazing friends, but you were afraid of your feelings getting in the way and ruining what you had spent so long building. The thought of losing him was too much to bear, that and the million questions you would have from your mum if you told her you and Kenney had fallen out. She was convinced he was the perfect man for you, something you denied to her face every time while thinking how right she was in your head.
Arriving at the docks in Miami you had already bumped into a few familiar faces who seemed surprised you actually come along, none more so than Kenny of all people who you just happened to run into while waiting to check in “so much for ill see (Y/N)” he said teasing you.
“hey you” you shot back with a smile “I figured why not, I mean who doesn’t love the Bahamas and being surrounded by fans at every turn” you said turning to look at the mass of fans outside dying for a glimpse of their favourite wrestler.
“and there was me thinking you just wanted to hang out” he laughed. “I’m glad you’re here though, really I am” he replied, you could hear the sincerity in his voice and it gave you a warm feeling that no matter how much you tried to push away, would not leave your body.
“booking under (Y/N)” you said as you stepped up to the desk.
“one moment let me just get my supervisor” said the assistant behind the desk, after completing multiple attempts to book you in. this was not your first rodeo, and you knew this never ended well. “I’m so sorry miss, we have your reservation but I’m afraid due to a mistake you haven’t been allocated a cabin” the poor girl told you, the look on her face bracing herself for your wrath.
“okay, so where am I supposed to sleep? A lounger on deck?!” you replied attempting to keep your cool.
“what’s up?” Kenny cut in before you could continue your tirade at the poor girl behind the desk.
“so, I’m booked on the cruise but they don’t have a cabin for me, I mean how does that even work” you sassed looking directly at the assistant.
“just stay with me, I have a suite so there’s room, you take the bed ill sleep in the lounge its fine” he said.
“you can’t sleep on the couch in your own room Kenny, ill just call the agent and let them know I’m cancelling, I’m not doing this” you quickly answered him
“woah, wait. You cant cancel and your here now, it’s not like we haven’t roomed before it’ll be fine” said Kenny softly grabbing your arm to stop you leaving.
“fine, if that’s okay I will. But I’m not happy about it no offence” you added.
“none taken” said Kenny as he approached the desk.
“what’s up with you?” asked matt Jackson as you were waiting for Kenny to finish sorting your situation
“well….cruise line messed up my booking, sharing with Kenney’s you started
“check in girl flirting with your boyfriend” matt interjected.
“wow, no, okay why would you even…” you trailed off. Matt wasn’t stupid, hed known you and Kenny long enough to see the way you looked at each other and knew you where both stubborn enough to not do anything about the sexual tension between you two.
“look, I see the way he looks at you and you at him, plus the way you act around each other you may as well be dating” he said “just do yourselves a favour and work your shit out” he finished before walking off to talk his family.
Kenny approached you after standing back so he could watch you and matt talking, he wasn’t dumb, he knew what matt had said to you. He said it to Kenny often enough “ you ready to go” he said smiling at you offering you your own key to his suite.
“sure I need to change after travelling all day anyways” you said trying to act cool but you knew you where coming across as a bitch.
After making your way to your room, arguing over who was taking the bed (Kenny insisted you take it) and a quick shower and change you where finally doing your favourite thing; sitting in the lounge with a large tequila and tonic. Kenny was nursing a coke zero, he didn’t drink but being around you when you did made all those feelings begin to bubble to the surface, because he knew what was coming. When you drank you got chatty, and you made him promises you (and he) knew you wouldn’t remember in the morning. “stop looking at me like that, it makes me nervous” you told him laughing
“what?! I cant look at you now” he laughed “you shouldn’t be so pretty” he finished making you blush but want to leave immediately.
“why do you do this?, tease me then go back to just pretending we can only be friends” you stated oblivious to the gang sat around the table with you. You got up to leave and Kenny could only stare open mouthed not sure how to reply.
“(Y/N) come back I didn’t mean to upset you” he pleaded, you knew he hadn’t but you couldn’t take another round of the flirting that would lead to a kiss before you both woke up the next day pretending it hadn’t happened.
“go after her you dumbass” hangman said over the rim of his glass “secretly that’s what women want when they make that dramatic exit” earning laughs from your friends around the table. Gingerly Kenny got up and made his way to your room, if things got too awkward he could always room with hangman or nakazawa.
“(Y/N)” Kenny softly said knocking on the bedroom door “open up for me, I’m sorry I upset you. I just cant do this anymore” he said sadly.
“do what, you don’t want to be my friend anymore?” you asked sadly, stepping out the room closer to him. You where not drunk by any means but the strong drink had made you a little brave and he stiffened when you gently touched his shoulder leading him to sit on the couch.
“no, (Y/N). I don’t want to be your friend anymore” he replied. “I want more, id be lying to myself and you if I wasn’t honest. Its killing me to lie, I think we can be more than friends, we are both adults and I’ve wanted more for a long time. If you don’t that’s cool, but I cant do this anymore I’m sorry” he blurted out, all his words coming out at once. Looking visibly relieved and worried all at once.
You knew he was right, you had got to know each other on a level so deep you where practically a long distance couple, suddenly that bravery lept up and out of you and before you knew it you kissed him. He was shocked at first but soon returned it, deepening it “ we really gonna do this (Y/N)” he asked breathless “we gonna make out then pretend we didn’t over breakfast”.
“no, not this time” you replied kissing him again. “I’m sorry weve danced around each other for so long, I should have had the balls to tell you how I felt” you told him staring into his eyes, he could see all the sincerity and vulnerability you had in you at that moment and he knew you could see the same in his.
“I want this to work” said Kenny, “I want you (Y/N)” he stated,
“right now, here on the couch” you smirked, he knew your humour and knew you full stop. “at least take me out to dinner first” you teased .
“you know what I mean” he replied giving you that jaw dropping smile of his “but I mean, if you’re serious. I could eat” he laughed.
“shut up omega” you laughed kissing him again, he moaned into the kiss and you knew that was a sound you wanted to hear again. Maybe the cruise messing up your room was fate you though to yourself. Before getting distracted by some wandering hands.
“I was serious about dinner though ken” you deadpanned after breaking the kiss Making him laugh. Which was slowly becoming your favourite sound … after the kissy moaning.
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peterbparkerth · 3 years
The Cloaked Rose ~Chapter 2~
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Summary: What happens when a Psychic Nexus who feels anybody’s energy comes in contact with the Avengers but most importantly someone she thought she’ll never find.
Warnings: none I think.
Bucky X OC!Character
Avengers X Platonic!Character
A/N: The main character’s personality is based on myself and she’s not like Wanda just imagine the main character to be a different type of nexus and Wanda being just a witch not a nexus. Also it starts after Thanos dies meaning the falcon and winter soldier time but Tony and the rest are alive and Steve is a Nomad but the government is okay with him since He gave the shield to Sam. John Walker aka the US agent still exists but he’s on the down low. Loki is also an avenger now so chill.
Chapter 2
Alara’s POV
It has been two weeks since I moved in with the avengers and I can’t believe they’re way different than what they show people. Natasha had told me that she would be my training partner for a long time and we have grown close since then.
I had also grown close with others as Tony is usually the one who makes me laugh with his witty sense of humor and Steve gives me advice on any matter. Everyone is used to me now, everyone except James Buchanan Barnes. I have no clue as to what I did that made him despise me.
We were sitting in the lounge just doing normal stuff, when Tony spoke “alright avengers we have a mission, but only Sam Bucky and Alara are going.” he said. I spit the water from my mouth making everyone look at me, “I’m not going with Bucky, that old man hates me” I said and immediately Bucky spoke up “I’m not an old man, and I don’t wanna go with her either”.
Steve looked at Bucky signaling him to go while Wanda walked towards me and said “it’s alright Alara it’s just a few days and i will be here if you ever wanna call”. I smile at her and excused myself to get my bags packed.
A while later we were on the plane to an encrypted location and Bucky was arguing with Sam about having a plan, only for Sam to jump out without saying a word. That boy is on another level. Bucky was taking sometime to jump out of the plane so as soon as he ripped of his sleeve I pushed him out and heard him yell “I hate you Alara” making me laugh I jumped out of the plane but instead of falling, I use my power of flight making both Sam and Bucky confused.
“Yeah I can fly” I said and walked ahead of them. Bucky used his super speed to run to the building. Sam and him kept on bickering as I rolled my eyes and said “there are seven people and one hostage now we need a plan to save the person held hostage” Bucky sighed “yeah leave it up to me” he said as he ran faster than Sam and I would.
It turns out the hostage was the part of the group , she kicked Bucky out through the door: I smirked when I saw it happen. Bucky was being beaten up when I decided to have some fun.
I finally jumped on top of the truck and let my powers flow out of me. The orange beams got on my body as I finally showed my true self. Bucky looked at me and I saw a smile on his face as if he was proud of me.
During the fight Sam and Bucky were kicked out of the truck as the US agent came to the spot. Somehow Sam and Bucky hated John and I had no clue why until when we sat in his vehicle and he looked at me and said “miss you should join in with the best people here” and then touched my thigh. I grabbed him by his neck and punched him twice before Sam stopped me “Don’t you ever touch me again, you pathetic piece of a human” I said to Walker.
He looked terrified and I flew off with Sam and Bucky following me from down low. “They’re super soldiers guys” I shouted at them from above and Sam let us to a hotel room that Tony paid for us to stay at. Well let’s just say it was more of a suit than a room.
“We need to go to Madripoor” I heard Sam say as he ended his phone call. “Who was that?” Bucky asked and Sam replied “Sharon. She knows about people who would do such a thing”. Bucky looked at me and said “since when do you glow like a carrot” I rolled my eyes and replied “since hydra experimented on me and gave me powers that are unimaginable” “like what?” Sam suddenly asked, “I can open portals to other dimensions, I got my powers from Loki’s tassaract.” I clarified. They both looked amused and I chuckled at their reaction.
We came up with a plan till late when Sam told us to rest. Later that night I couldn’t sleep so I went to get something from the kitchen like area in the suite when I saw Bucky drinking a shot of tequila, he looked at me and smiled “got thirsty for something” he said and smirked “Ew no, I’m just hungry” I replied and searched for food.
I heard him take a deep breath and say “you know I don’t hate you” I looked at him confused “then why do you always treat me like you hate me?” I ask. He took the food plate from my hands and say “that’s because, something is drawing me towards you and I don’t want to hurt y-“.
I stopped him and quickly said “hurt me? You can never hurt me Bucky” he was so close to me that I could smell his perfume or odour if you can say. “Bucky, I trust you” I added, he looked at me and leaned down a bit to kiss my head, something I never expected to happen as I touch his dog tags . “Sleep Alara, we have a mission to complete” he said “Bucky I-” I said but he had already walked away from me.
I’m starting to like the mission we’re all on.
Bucky’s POV
The next morning when I woke up, I couldn’t shake away the memory of kissing Alara’s forehead. I had grown to like her a bit, she’s cool you know.
We were on our way to Madripoor when Sam said that Sharon told us to meet Shelby at a club. “You sure it’s a good idea” I say to Sam as we go to the bartender and ask him about Shelby. “You’re not welcome here” the bartender said. Alara groaned and just then a man grabbed her by the shoulder. “Let her go!” I said as I grabbed his hand and kicked him across the room. “Stop it Bucky!” I hear Alara say but I couldn’t as more men try to fight.
“Okay stop! Shelby will see you now” the bartender said I looked at Bucky and held his metal hand leading him behind Sam.
“Well well” I hear Shelby say as she sat on the sofa. “We want to know about the super soldier serum” I hear Alara say. “You need to go to Professor Negal, but since now-“ Shelby almost said something but someone shot her. I quickly grabbed Alara’s hand and ran out the club, with Sam following us behind. We were saved by Sharon who shot the men from a far.
“Sharon?” Sam said surprised, Sharon looked around before replying “follow me guys” and we nodded. She led us to her house, “how are you here Sharon?” I ask her “I stayed here after a mission I was given” she replied and got up “so I heard you wanted to know about Professor Nagel, I’m having a party tonight and I’ll find out about him. You guys get dressed” she added
Two hours later I hear the music playing out loud and then I spot Alara in a red dress dancing around in the crowd. Sam looked at me and smirked, I rolled my eyes and walked towards her “Alara you need to stop” I tell her. “No” I hear her say and she push me away.
I saw her pull a man towards her as she danced quite provocatively. I clenched my jaw as something took over me, I walked to her again but this time I pulled her away from the man and pulled her closer to me. I placed my arms around her and danced with her. She looked up at me surprised and smiled. I looked into her eyes seeing an orange spark, I let go of my body as I slowly leaned in close to her. “Bucky” I hear Sharon say and we both look at her at the same time “I have found where Nagel is” she adds and we along with Sam follow her.
I can’t believe what I was about to do
@httpscarletwitch @madisondelstan
P.S this is what Alara looked like when she revealed her powers to Sam and Bucky. It’s orange beam unlike Captain Marvel who emits yellow beam
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wardenparker · 1 year
Down the Rabbit Hole - ch 11
Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst​
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When Jack accidentally shoots a civilian on a mission he takes on not only the guilt of the man’s death, but inherits his soulmate as well. To you, it’s a dream job with more perks than you can imagine - but for Jack it’s a nightmarish complication. Even more so when he starts to develop feelings.
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 13.3k Warnings: *Blanket warnings - mentions of deceased spouse, a lot of food and alcohol consumption, family recipes, age gap, cursing.* So much cursing because Sophia is a menace, but Jack is even more of a menace because he goes commando. Oral sex (f and m receiving), outdoor sex, public sex, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, cream pie, cum play. Unaltered and pure as fuck fluff.  Summary: A girls’ night out with Sophia and Gabi collides with guys’ night out for Jack with Tequila, Ginger, and Rye and results in shameless shenanigans. Followed by the big opening night for The Rabbit-Hole that you’ve has been working toward for months! Notes: Of course I cried writing and editing this chapter. Don’t look at me like that. 
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7 ~ Ch 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch 10 ~ Ch 11 ~ Ch 12 ~ Ch 13 ~ Ch 14 ~ Ch 15 ~ Epilogue
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In the week since Tex and Sophia arrived in Louisville, it's been nearly impossible not to spend time with them. Jack and Tex might not be trolling for women together anymore but they're still causing mischief on the campus, and Sophia has been right along with them at each turn. They pop by the restaurant for lunch or just to say hi, they come by for dinner from time to time or to invite you and Jack to go out with them for the night. Tonight is a little different, just by virtue of it being a Saturday. Champ and Diana are entertaining a corporate retreat with live music and a specialized tasting, but they hadn't wanted to do food with it so that left you free as a bird. Tex, Jack, and Astrid are at Shootouts with a few of the other agents and you and Sophia have decided have a girl's night out all your own.
“Are you ready?” The door to Jack’s house swings open and Sophia darts inside. In the week since she’s been here, she’s made herself at home and that extends to coming in when you had told her to come over. “Show me the sights? We can take wagers on how long before Whiskey shows up where we are!”
"You think the boys won't be able to stay away?" You snag your jacket from the hook and shrug it over your shoulders before grabbing your purse. "Honestly, you're probably right. Dinner first and then we can bar hop our way around downtown?"
“I have never seen a soulmate who has to be close to their significant other like Jack.” She muses. “Not that it’s a bad thing.” She quickly adds. “It’s sweet.”
"He's protective of me." That, unfortunately, is an understatement, but you steer her toward your car in the driveway without it becoming a point of conversation. "It's different than the way Tex is so proud of you. He knows you can take care of yourself."
“I don’t think Jack believes that you can’t take care of yourself.” Sophia reasons. “But…why don’t I show you a few things?” She offers with a grin. “Kingsman are a bit more…elegant than our counterparts when we fight. Bit of soulmate bootcamp?”
"Now that's a thought." Your little car is a zippy thing, and there's distance between the two of you and the Statesman campus in no time. "I took a self-defense class in college, but that was long enough ago that I've forgotten most of what they taught."
“It’ll be fun.” She immediately bounces slightly in the seat. “Especially when you are snogging and you take Jack by surprise by flipping him on his back.” She giggles. “Ask me how I know.”
"Tex is not an easy man to flip." The both of you know that firsthand, and you have to appreciate that she doesn't seem to mind your history with him in the least. Actually, it seems to amuse her endlessly.
“Quite.” She murmurs with a very self-satisfied grin on her face. “Your Jack seems to be of the same measure.” She predicts. “Which makes it all the more fun.”
"A little surprise for him, like you said." The twist of a smirk on your lips sends you both into a fit of laughter. "Alright. After I get this restaurant open, a little bit of soulmate bootcamp is in order."
“Fantastic!” Sophia cackles and claps her hands together. “You and I are going to have so much fun ganging up on Tex and your Jack.”
"So how are you liking the States so far?" Hopping onto the highway to head into downtown, you glance at her again out of the corner of your eye. "I know the last Kingsman agent that was here had trouble adjusting but you seem to be having a great time."
"Oh, Danny is such cunt." She rolls her eyes and blows out a breath to tell you exactly what she thought of the last Kingsman agent here. "Of course he wouldn't last. He takes the piss too much."
"Okay, not a fan of his, got it." You snort a little, stifling a laugh. "So you're telling me that Kingsman sent him just to be rid of him for a while?"
"Only way I can see it." She snorts. "He drives Galahad mad. Thinks he knows everything and he's been an agent for two seconds."
"Guess it's only fair that Tex got sent as punishment then." It still makes you a little embarrassed, everything that happened a few months ago, but at least no one is hanging on to grudges. "Hopefully this will work out a lot better. You seem to be doing well here and Bobby is such a good kid."
"I have to thank you." Sophia realizes. "If you didn't have the golden pussy to cause Tex to knock Jack on his ass, who knows when we would have met?" She huffs, almost chuckling as she thinks about it. "Could have never met."
"You would have." It's almost daunting to think that you were part of the reason they met, but you swallow thickly when you realize that she's sort of right. In a very weird way. "You would have been transferred here, or him there, eventually."
"Might not." Sophia can't imagine her life without Tex in it and her fingers play with the ring that is on her hand. "Either way, I get to be with my soulmate and become friends with the woman who arranged it all." She reaches over and slaps your thigh playfully. "All comes out in the wash."
"Speaking of arranging." You click off the radio completely, eliminating even the soft background noise as you cruise road the road. "Do you guys have any thoughts about what you want for the wedding yet?"
"Honestly?" Sophia smiles softly, immediately adopting the magical glow of a bride to be. "I would love to do something at Statesman. On the grounds since Tex loves it so much." She had also fallen in love with the country air and the charming, rustic appeal of the distillery.
"Well, we can certainly do that." It was, after all, what you and Diana wanted to do more of in the future. Tex and Sophia would be the prototype, apparently. "I'm sure Champ would give you the run of the grounds. Whatever and wherever you wanted."
Sighing dreamily, she seems to drift off happily on the thought. "What about you? What would you do for your wedding?" She asks, keeping Jack's request in mind.
"I don't really..." A slowly exhaled breath keeps you from sounding like you're trying to ramble out an excuse, but you shrug anyway. "I don't know that Jack is interested in being married again. So I haven't really...I don't think about it." It’s sort of a lie, or at least a lie of omission, considering you do think about it. You just never admit to thinking about it.
"So think about it with me." Sophia twists her in seat and looks at you seriously. "Just because your soulmate may not want to get married again doesn't mean you shouldn't want it. One, you need to talk to him about it. Two, why can't you get what you want? You shouldn't just give him what he wants."
"I haven't thought about it much..." Alright, don’t flat out lie. And it makes you tilt your head slightly when you realize it. "I haven't given it a lot of serious thought, is what I should say. Just little things."
"Like?" Sophia prods. "Come on, give it to me. I might want to steal it." She teases with a wink.
That seems to unlock something in your inhibitions, making you laugh and relax as you drive. It's just girl talk, after all. Jack would never have to know or feel pressured by it. "We had talked...ya know, off and on, about some things. My mother's dress and his family veil. But...you obviously know I have my tearoom and I love that whole vibe. Like a classy little garden party but with party music, if that makes any sense?"
"That would suit you." She smiles, happy that you are starting to think about things like that. "I can see you liking Jack in a tuxedo and his Stetson." She teases playfully.
"He wouldn't even have to wear a tux if he didn't want to." Sure it's traditional, but it's a little much for a garden party, and you just shrug. "Just a gorgeous suit and his Stetson and freshly shined boots. He'd look like a dream." He looks like a dream no matter what, but that image is going to live rent free in your head for a long time.
Sophia snorts and shakes her head. "You're going to jump him tonight, aren't you?" She predicts with a grin. "I can tell from that little smile on your face."
"Oh yeah." You're not even going to deny it or play coy. Why would you? "Doesn't even matter that he woke me up with it this morning. I'm already missing it."
"I'm surprised he didn't get some while he was there for lunch today." Her filthy chuckle is pure sin. "He looked like he was hungry for more than a crawfish salad sandwich."
“You’re such a bad influence.” Regardless, you smirk so hard that you start laughing. “Jack is…well, he’s my soulmate. So it makes sense that he’s everything I’ve wanted in a partner.”
"That's the dream, right?" Sophia hums and her expression turns thoughtful. "I was worried about it. My mum and dad were horrid together. Toxic. But they stuck it out because they were soulmates." She shudders and shakes off the memories to give you an encouraging smile. "I'm glad he's what you want."
“Things can get in the way. Life and stress and illness, or a thousand other things.” Or other people. Like what happened with Tex or even with the Rollins brothers. You’re lucky that you were able it patch things up with him and move forward. “I’m glad you have someone so sweet, then,” you tell her honestly. The exit you want is up ahead and you head for downtown. “Tex is an angel.”
"Sometimes." She grins and squirms in her seat slightly, biting her lip. "Other times...he's the fuckin' devil, ain't he?"
“I can only speak from my very limited experience.” You smirk at her and smother a few dirty giggles. “But yeah. He definitely can be.”
"That's my Tex." She hums and pumps her fist. "If he hadn't taken care of you properly, I would dress him down."
“You can dress him down for any ol’ reason you want.” A smirk and a wink are tossed Sophia’s way as you pull off the highway, and it makes both of you giggle. “He was a perfect gentleman when he should have been, and devilish when the time called for that instead. I have nothing but great things to report about your Tex.”
"If it's weird, just let me know." Sophia knows that she doesn't think like everyone else, some would say that she should be standoffish towards you just because of the weekend date you had with her soulmate. Even though it was before they knew about each other. "I know I can be a lot."
“Honey, no.” Your free hand clasps hers tightly as you drive. “I love that you’re so free and proud and loud about being happy and caring for people. That you’re so easy-going and so enthusiastic. It’s fantastic. And I hate that anyone has ever made you feel that being a lot of so many good things is bad in any way.”
“Alright.” Even though she’s an agent, she’s still a woman with complex emotions and she has come to view you as a friend. She would hate to lose that because of things that were out of her hands. The past cannot be changed. “Anyhow, let’s go critique your competition!” She jokes.
CASK isn’t hard to get to, and the crowd on Saturday nights is almost mixed clientele owing to the great food. The two of you grab a table after only a brief wait and dive right into the heavily Southern menu. Sophia had said she wanted to go someplace authentically American tonight - well this is it.
“What is a…grit fritter?” She asks, looking up at you over the menu, her brows furrowed. “Grit isn’t something you eat.”
“It is in the South.” You flash her a grin to counteract her bewilderment. “It’s cornmeal, basically. A cornmeal…I guess the closest comparison is porridge? It doesn’t sound good when I describe it like that but I promise they’re delicious.”
“Oooookay.” Her skepticism is very obvious on her face, but she’s determined to try quintessential American food, so she will give it a whirl. “What the hell? We eat beans on toast after all.”
“Yes you do.” And even though you love typically British food, that one never quite made sense to you. “Fried green tomatoes are another classic. Those are one of my favourites.”
“Want to share?” Sophia asks, raising a brow at you with a smirk. “Twice the choices.”
“Oh, we’re over ordering and snacking on leftovers tomorrow.” You nod immediately, only pausing when the waitress comes over to take your first round of orders.
The appetizers and main courses are ordered and Sophia grins when you request to keep the menu at the table to peruse the desserts. “I wager your key lime pie is better.” She teases as the waitress walks away. “I’ve never had something like that and I quite enjoyed it.”
“It’s Jack’s favourite.” That is definitely a bragging point for you, and you loved that you could introduce Sophia to it as well. “That, and my coconut cake.”
“Have you ever thought about making it a cheesecake?” Sophia asks, for purely selfish reasons. “I think it would be marvelous.”
“I certainly could be persuaded to do that.” It sounds like it would be incredible, and you know that Sophia, Tex, and Jack all love cheesecake so there would be people to test it out on. “Would that be an alternate dessert you might want to offer at the wedding? Key lime cheesecake or wedding cake?”
“Ohhhhh.” She’s intrigued by the idea and smirks as she thinks about it. “I think that would be lovely.” Some people don’t like traditional cake, so it would be a very lovely alternative.
“I think it would be really special.” And you point a little at her ring with a grin. “And I can make sure it’s got a fun shade of green to it, if you want. If green is going to be a wedding color, I mean.”
“You’ve noticed that I prefer green, have you?” Sophia grins as she looks down at her green dress and then back at you. “How?”
“Oh, just a lucky dress.” You snort, picking up your cocktail to enjoy the aptly named I Can’t Taste The Alcohol In This, which is delicious. “I’m guessing the bridesmaids will be in green? Or will you throw everything on its head and wear green yourself and have the bridesmaids in white?”
“Now that would be interesting.” Sophia tilts her head and her eyes sparkle with absolute glee. “I honestly love that idea and it would be cheeky as hell when people see the bridesmaids in white and think that is a faux pax.”
“I catered a wedding once where the brides wore color and their bridesmaids all wore white with a little color accent. It was beautiful.” It’s just an idea, but Sophia is exactly the kind of unconventional bride that would be able to pull it off gorgeously. “You think Tex would go for it?”
“Tex will go for whatever I want as long as he gets to strip me out of my dress.” She boasts, although it would be a serious conversation she has with him. She’s not the type to believe that it is just her wedding.
“They’re all just thoughts.” And you would never presume to help her make decisions. That’s not your place. Especially not when she hasn’t officially asked you to be involved in any way. This is just girl talk. “But it would be beautiful.”
"Of course it will be." Sophia smirks. "I want to see Jack's face when you walk down the wrong aisle in white towards him."
“Oh gosh…” You wonder instantly if that would freak him out, but there’s still a smile creeping across your face. “Does that…mean you want me to be a bridesmaid?”
It's adorable that you think you wouldn't be one of her bridesmaids but Sophia just nods. "Of course. Not going to not have my first friend in the States in my wedding." She snickers quietly. "Although maybe we'll put you in a red dress. Just for shits and giggles."
“Ha—ha.” The exaggerated laugh and eye roll is totally dignified, but you sip your drink again in amusement. “I mean it’s accurate, but if you want all the women he’s fucked to show up in red dresses there are going to be a lot of us.” You shrug though, not wanting her to be uncomfortable. “Same for Jack, though. It is what it is.”
"Teasing." She winces slightly and reaches out to touch your hand. "Seriously, I would be honored if you would be my maid of honor?" She asks quietly. "You've been so kind and I feel like we are going to be close for many years to come."
“Soph, of course I will.” Both of your hands squeeze hers tightly and you grin happily. Having been so worried and proven so wrong about how things would go when Tex came back with his soulmate, you’ve been delighted to call her a friend so quickly. “It’s my honor entirely. I promise.”
“Great.” She breathes out a sigh of relief. “I hated all the girls I went to uni with.” She admits breezily. “And between you and Gabi, Astrid and Diana, it feels like I actually have friends now.”
“Moving here is the first time I ever had best friends beyond my siblings.” Pausing to thank the waitress when she delivers your appetizers, you shrug a little and wave it off. “I adore my siblings. But there’s something about people who accept you entirely without having genetic reasons for it that I’ve really come to love.”
“It’s different. But I can’t even claim that.” She shrugs. “Only child.”
“Well.” Holding up your glass with a smile, you sit up a little taller in your seat. “Let me be the first to say it, then. Welcome to the family.”
“It’s an odd family.” She acknowledges with a grin and picking up her own glass to tap against yours. “So I think I’ll fit right in.”
“There’s…a dress shop…” You’ve only gone the one time, just once months ago, with Jack, but you tilt your head at Sophia now. “It’s not a bridal shop, technically, but it might be good for bridesmaids, or if you go looking for something other than white. They’re very good to Statesman employees and Statesman soulmates.”
“Ohhhhh maybe you can take me sometime?” She asks. “I do love a good dress shop.”
“Why don’t we go after you talk to Tex about colours?” It would be a hell of an outing, and you wouldn’t miss it for anything.
“Done.” She grins and leans back in her chair. “Thought it would be a hell of a lot more difficult to convince you to stand up with me.” She confesses.
“Never.” You shake your head and start doling out your appetizers onto two plates to share. “You’re fantastic, and Tex is fantastic, and hell…he already asked Jack to be his best man, so it’s all just a package deal.”
Sophia holds up her drink again. “To everyone being fantastic.” She offers with a wink. “Including you.”
“You’re beating around the bush!” Astrid argues, ready to pull rank as the only woman present. “I know Jack wants to know too. He’s a damn softie like me.” She grins, pouring out another round of shots from the bottle that the Shootouts bartender simply handed over when the crew of them walked in. “Tell us how you proposed!”
Tex chuckles and lifts his glass and in mock salute before taking a large swallow. “Asked her in the middle of a mission.” He confesses with a grin. “Slap damn in the middle of a brawl.”
“Oh God,” Ginger groans, despite herself. “Why is that actually cute? That shouldn’t be cute!”
“Hell yeah it should be.” Tex puffs up his chest, offended at the idea that it’s not supposed to be cute. “Woman had just beat the shit out of eight different men and I just—” he shrugs. “I couldn’t keep the question to myself. Dragged her to me, kissed her and demanded she marry me.”
“And you know she’s the right woman for him because she took down eight men and was still willing to say yes to putting up with him,” Rye chuckles, taking a long swig of his beer. “You could’ve gotten decked, too.”
“Damn.” Jack shakes his head and chuckles. “Sounds like a hell of a story for later on down the road.”
“I’m sure she’s tellin’ your girl right now.” Tequila grins broadly. “She likes havin’ a cowboy. Somebody manlier than she was meetin’ before.”
Snorting, Jack leans back and lifts a brow. “That’s rich, boy.” He teases playfully. “Didn’t you just start shavin’?”
“Measure of a man ain’t the hair on his face but the mettle in his heart.” Tequila pronounces, heavily paraphrasing but proud nonetheless.
“Whatever you say, Tex.” Jack huffs, grinning behind his glass and shaking his head at how happy the other man looks.
"I do say." The younger man puffs up like a proud peacock.
“He’s gonna be impossible now.” Jack predicts, looking over as Astrid and Rye. “You know that, right?” He chuckles and sighs. “Head was too damn big before he went over the pond, surprised he could get it on the damn plane comin’ home.”
“It’s sweet,” Astrid laughs, remembering when any little compliment from Gabi would make her feel like she was flying. The early stages with your soulmate are always amazing.
Jack can’t deny that and just settles for another huff that is more like a chuckle as he sips his whiskey. “Wonder what the girls are up to.”
Text checks his watch with a flourish. “A whole thirty-two minutes,” he announces to the table. “That’s all it took for the lovestruck Jack Daniels to miss his woman.”
Everyone laughs but Jack isn’t ashamed of it. “Hell, I was missin’ her when I walked out the damn door.” He jokes.
“She’s a hell of a woman.” Rye had actually gotten a chance to talk to you last weekend and had been impressed with how normal you had been about everything. As if the previous weekend hadn’t even happened.
“Yes she is.” Jack won’t deny that, “tough as nails and pretty as a picture.” He brags. Jack has never been shy about talking up his soulmate. Abigail had been showered with compliments and love and he’s going to do the same thing to you.
“And keeps us well-damn fed.” Rye agrees. He had thoroughly enjoyed the lunch that he had had in your kitchen, finding little sandwiches and soup to be more of an indulgence when they were expertly prepared.
“We’re gonna have to increase our workouts.” Jack chuckles, rubbing his hand over the slight belly that has gotten softer since you’ve come to Kentucky. “By a lot.”
“So I should expect to see you for an early gym time?” Tex teases, knowing that Jack would never get up as early as he routinely does to work out before having to be in his office.
“Shiiiiiit.” Jack huffs, shaking his head. “My work out that early is a different kind of workout. Cardio based.” He winks, grinning at how he had woken you up this morning.
"You can do both, old man." The good-natured joking and prodding between them has returned full force, and Tex belly laughs as he reaches for his drink. "Only person at this table not getting their cardio in is Joe," he chuckles, nodding to Rye beside him. "And maybe we can fix that with a pretty bridesmaid."
Rye chuckles and shakes his head. “Nahhhh, I doubt it.” He swallows down his whiskey and holds out his glass for a refill. “All the bridesmaids are gonna be taken.”
"Well, I don't know who all she's asking, but I know the maid of honour is spoken for." Tequila waggles his eyebrows at Jack and smirks.
“She’s gonna ask my sugar?” He can’t say as it’s surprising but to some outsider it might be. If they knew the history.
"Mmhmm." The younger man nods proudly and sips his drink. "Gonna ask her tonight. Those two are thick as thieves already. We're gonna be in trouble."
“Gonna have to make a pact.” Jack laughs. “Whoever gets in the doghouse lets the other use their spare room to crash.”
"We'll be doing flashlight signals across the neighborhood." Tex laughs, thinking of how ridiculous that would be in the age of cellphones.
“Maybe we need to build a treehouse to sleep in.” Jack adds, leaning into the completely juvenile ideas. “They can’t dump a cup of water on us while we’re sleepin’ if they can’t reach us.”
"Your gal has two siblings and mine is an agent." It has Tex chortling like a madman, and Astrid and Rye join in, shaking their heads in amusement. "What makes you think Soph wouldn't just scale the treehouse and have us under attack all over again?"
“You’re right. They might set the damn thing on fire.” Jack huffs, grinning at the image the banter is producing. “We’re just gonna have to keep ‘em happy, that’s the bottom line.”
"Suppose that's gonna have to be the way we go." Tex raises his glass to his friend with a dopey grin on his face, thoughts obviously trained on his soulmate even as Jack meets his salute and they both drink. "Wonder if she's asked her yet," he muses, also wondering where you've decided to go together and what you're doing.
Jack grins, shaking his head. “Admit it, you’re missin’ her too.” He accuses teasingly. “I just said somethin’ first.”
"Of fuckin' course I am." It earns a sort of dreamy shine to his eyes, and maybe even a blush in his cheeks, but Tex doesn't care. He's got the girl of his dreams - his soulmate - and they're gonna spend the rest of their lives together. It's all he's ever wanted and now it's his reality. "She's the best thing that ever happened to me."
“I’m proud for you.” Jack murmurs quietly, serious for a moment, “proud of you too.” He adds. “You took what could have been looked at as a punishment and turned it into the best damn thing that could have happened to you.”
"It was absolutely a punishment." He might be on the younger side, but Tex isn't a fool. He knows exactly what he did and why he was sent away. But he doesn't regret it. A slight overreaction? Sure. But it led him to Sophia, and that's all that matters. "But things work out the way they're supposed to," he looks his best friend in the eye and meets his seriousness. "Even when it looks like something's gone wrong in the process."
“Plus…” Jack spreads his hands out and gives the boy a grin. “Don’t know if I woulda had a chance against you if you’d have stayed.” Things might not have reached their boiling point and while he could have done without you being kidnapped, it had opened his eyes to what he really wanted.
"Who knows what might have happened." Astrid looks between the two men - her dear friends - and offers them both smiles. "Although I'm sure everything would have turned out alright."
“Like I said.” Jack nods. “Water under the bridge. We just need to get Tex and his lady hitched before she realizes how much he farts in his sleep.”
The table laughs good-naturedly, but Tex fixes Jack with the most intense look imaginable. "I've met my match," he tones seriously, before bursting out into a torrent of sniggers. "Woman's a menace," he admits. "Goddamn I love her."
“That settles it.” Jack slaps the table, tears in his eyes from hooting in amusement. “I’m gettin’ you one of those air purifiers for your bedroom as a weddin’ gift.”
"Scented candles," Rye is laughing through tears as well, slapping the table between belly laughs. "Incense. Anything."
“Don’t show up at their house too early in the morning. Give the place a chance to air out.” Jack adds.
“That’s true love.” Astrid snorts. “Bodily functions that could take down an elephant but he’s got hearts in his eyes.”
“I don’t know if there is a more true expression of love than to put up with someone’s shit.” Jack chuckles, sending Rye into another fit of giggles.
“Thank you, thank you,” Tex is nearly howling with laughter, but has his hand over his heart in mock seriousness. “I am the luckiest man on earth, thank you very much. And I’ll let y’all know my gas mask size after I get fitted.”
It’s amazing that a group of deadly, highly successful agents are giggling like ten-year-olds over body functions, but Jack doesn’t remember the last time he was this lighthearted.
"What do you think about..." Tex looks around the group when their laughter finally calms down, snorting one more time and finishing his drink. "What do you think about crashin’ girls' night? All of us?"
Rye shakes his head, chuckling to himself. “Whipped,” he teases. “You are both whipped.” He shrugs his shoulders and belts back the rest of his drink. “I’m game.”
"If we can't get him a bridesmaid, maybe he can pick up a date wherever the girls are," Astrid suggests with a smirk. She knows exactly where you are, since Gabi had texted her that Diana was babysitting the kids for the rest of the night so she could go meet up with the two of you.
“I like this idea.” Jack muses, slapping the back of his hand against Rye’s chest. “All Champ’s best agents deserve to get laid tonight.”
"I was gonna tell y'all tonight." Rye looks around with a grin on his face. "I'm transferring back to Louisville. Gin asked for the New York office as a reward for her last mission."
“Hot damn.” Jack chuckles and shakes his head. “The band is back together again.” There was a lot of hell raising the last time everyone at this table was together, he expects it will be the same - only with soulmates to add to the mix.
"They're on their way to Tin Roof." Astrid reports with a grin, waving her phone in the air. "Gabi's sister's band is playing tonight and the girls are meeting her there." She knows the answer already, but she still asks. "Should we hustle and get there before them?"
“What are we still doing here?” Jack demands, shooting out of the booth and looking at the other three.
"This is it, right here." The club that you're supposed to be meeting Gabi at isn't one you frequent but it's noisy and crowded, and you love the energy from the outside as you park the car down the block. Sophia has the GPS pulled up on her phone in the passenger seat and she's been texting with Gabi. "Is she already inside?"
“Yes!” Sophia chuckles and twists the phone so you can see the picture of Gabi holding a ridiculously blue drink. “She must be ready to get snockered tonight. Without the kids for an entire night?”
"This is her sister's band." You fling off your seatbelt and grab your purse from the backseat, ready to continue the night in this second location. The impromptu invitation from Gabi was a great idea. "I've seen them play once before and I had a blast, but yeah. She's definitely getting blasted already. Love her to death, she absolutely deserves it."
“Well, I want to try whatever she is drinking.” Sophia had eaten too much and would probably regret it, but she has every intention of dancing the meal away with her new friends and getting smashed enough that Tex will have to pour her into bed.
"I've heard this place has a killer drink menu, so we're gonna have fun." You flash your IDs for the bouncer, who has your names on a list, and tug Sophia inside by your intertwined hands. The place is dark and loud and ready for a party, and Gabi nearly screams when she spots you across the bar.
"Babes!" She bounces over with her drink in her hand, throwing her free arm around both of you as well as she can. "I'm so glad you could make it!"
“We’re glad you invited us. This place is wicked!” Sophia gasps, grinning ear to ear as she soaks in the heavy music and swaying bodies in the strobe lights.
"Drinks?" Gabi flashes you both a grin, wanting to at least get you started for the night before revealing the surprise that walked in the door five minutes ago. "Maybe a tequila drink and a whiskey drink, respectively?" She laughs delightedly at the pun.
Sophia snorts and grabs Gabi’s drink playfully. “If that’s the case, you get to stick to ginger ale tonight.” She teases, holding the drink back from her friend for a moment before handing it back to her.
"Not on an actual night out." Gabi's laugh is infectious, and all three of you go to the bar to get drinks. Sophia gets another of the bright blue drinks like Gabi has and you come away with something neon pink. "I've been hanging out on the side, right over here," she tells you and Sophia, leading you to an alcove with a large table. It's not until you turn the corner, though, that you see the table is being occupied.
“Well look who finally decided to show up.” Jack drawls as he leans back in the booth and grins at you. “Hey sugar, trouble’s blown into town.”
“Jack Daniels, as I live and breathe.” You squeal with delight seeing him lounging there and practically bolt forward to throw your arm around him. “You just couldn’t stay away, could you?”
“Tex dragged us here.” He lies with a grin on his face, knowing that he had wanted to be here just as bad. “Shoulda seen it, it was pathetic how he was mopin’ and moonin’ over.”
“Oh yeah?” He makes room for you, and you sit down in his lap at the wide, circular booth. “I bet you weren’t excited at all to haul ass and come over here to surprise us.”
“He damn near broke our necks getting us here.” Tex throws him under the bus easily. “Tried drivin’ the Bronco like it was the Pony Express.”
Jack huffs and cuts his eyes at Tex. “Just because you drive like your Drivin’ Miss Daisy don’t mean I’m a fast driver.”
“You do drive kind of fast, baby.” He does almost everything fast, and you’ve been enjoying the hell out of that ever since the ‘everything’ he does included you.
Jack snickers and shakes his head. “Nahhh, y’all just can’t keep up.”
“Whatever you say.” Sophia snorts, cuddling into Tequila’s side. “I’m just glad you decided to join us.”
Jack pulls you close and presses a kiss to your jaw. “Have I told you how incredible you are lookin’ tonight, sugar?”
"Only about three times before I left the house." You hum into the moment, turning your head so you can slant your lips against his. "I think this might be your new favourite dress."
“If you could only hear the things I’m plannin’ on doing to you in that dress.” Jack drawls quietly in your ear.
“Oh yeah?” One eyebrow quirks curiously at him as you get comfortable in his lap. “You planning on having your wicked way with me?”
“Sugar….” Jack growls and his teeth scrap over your jawline. “If we weren’t in a crowded club, I’d have your dress up right now.”
There’s no way he doesn’t feel the shiver that rolls through you at that promise, or see the way your eyes flit around the space before coming back to land on him with mischief and lust written in your expression. “I see some dark corners to hide in, if we get impatient…”
“We could always go get something out of the Bronco.” Jack suggests, sliding his hand over your knee and to the hem of your dress.
Ever since the…unexpected revelation of being excited by the idea of getting caught, it’s stuck in your head. It’s slipped into your dreams. It’s been at the forefront of your fantasies. And you really just can’t shake it at all. “We definitely could,” you murmur back, shifting in his lap and feeling the unmistakable dampness in your panties that always follows the fantasies. That rush of lust never fails.
“Yeah?” Jack chuckles quietly. “I think we need to get that coat you left in there.” He teases quietly, his cock twitching against your ass.
“We do.” The emphatic nod you give him is laced with a disbelieving giggle. Are you really about to do this? “I’m a little cold…silly me for wearing a sleeveless dress…”
“Silly rabbit.” Jack smirks and dips his fingers under your dress, enjoying the way your flesh breaks out in goosebumps. “You’re cold sugar,” he announces loudly. “Let’s go get your coat out of the Bronco.”
“Back in a minute,” you hum to no one in particular, taking a large drink of your cocktail before hopping off Jack’s lap and grabbing his hand. Are you really about to do this? Asks the voice in your head again, but the rush of heat in your core is absolutely on board.
Jack tucks your hand in his and hustles you out of the club. He knows the wristbands will get you back in, but right now, he’s chuckling as he guides you past the queue to get inside and out towards the nearly deserted parking lot.
“You’re such a bad influence,” you giggle under your breath as Jack makes a beeline for his truck. You would never have considered this with any other partner before him – never. But with Jack you just can’t seem to get enough.
“Me?” Jack huffs, grinning as he pulls you forward and lets go of your hand to slap your ass. “You’re practically begging me to fuck you in that dress.” He teases.
“Do you want me to beg?” Shaking your ass at him just a little, you grin and turn to face him with a pout painted on your lips as fast as a light switch. “Does my Jack have a little bit of a dominant streak in him?”
“Sugar, I thought you knew that.” Jack huffs, even though you had already said he was something more along the lines of a ‘service top’. He hadn’t looked that upset to see what it meant, because you had been whimpering praises when you had said it.
“I must love being a sub then.” His hands are on you, holding you fast against the side of the Bronco, and your legs tremble a little in anticipation. “I’m learning so much about my sexual appetite from you.”
“Yeah, Sugar?” Jack smirks as he presses his thigh between your legs and lifts, so he is firm against your core. “You wanna be my good girl right now? Scream my name as loud as you need to and let anyone around here think you’re bein’ mugged?”
“Fuck.” There’s something about the way he says good girl that makes you ever wetter, core clenching and thighs tightening around his as it presses into you. “I—shit— yes. Whatever you want, baby.”
“Right answer.” His hands slide your dress up, aware that his body is blocking anyone from seeing too much of you, but you like this. Your cunt is already soaking his jeans through the poor excise of panties you have on underneath them. “Do you want me to rip off that lace or wear them after I’m done with you?” He demands, kissing up your throat.
“Need then to keep your cum inside me all night.” Jack had, at least, taken to your preference for cum play with eager indulgence. With an IUD in place, you’re welcome to play as much as you like, and Jack seems to love it.
“Good girl.” He groans against your clavicle, cock jumping in his pants, and he starts to pull them down. “Step out of them for me, sugar.” He orders, pulling his thigh away to kneel down in the gravel parking lot.
“Jack.” Just a gasp of his name comes from your lips in the night air, but you’re obedient in stepping out of your panties for him to shove into his jacket pocket temporarily. When he doesn’t stand up again right away you almost tease him, but he dives forward in one fluid movement to duck his head under your dress and taste your dripping slit so quickly that you can barely clap your hand over your mouth to stifle a moan.
His chuckle vibrates against your clit, smile curving up as his tongue dives into your core for a brief taste and slowly slithers though your folds before he sucks on your clit softly for a second. He would take his time if there wasn’t a group of people waiting for you back inside, but he couldn’t resist a taste as he pockets your panties.
“Oh fuck, baby.” Coming on breathy gasps instead of your usual loud moans because you are out in public, your hips follow his tongue and tilt forward to give him everything he wants even for the single minute he’s on his knees. “You’re so fucking good at that, holy shit.”
Kissing your clit again, he pulls away and shuffles to his feet. “Next time, I’m going to make you cum with my tongue.” He promises, licking your essence from his lips. “Right now I need to be inside you.”
Four hands fumble for his belt, desperate to get the buckle and his jeans open while you slide your tongue into his mouth and groan at your own taste in his kiss. You’re always so eager. Jack loves it, knowing that it’s still new but you’ve not once turned him away when he needs you. Just as eager as he is and it makes him feel like he is the only one in your orbit. “Fuck.” He groans, shuddering when your hand plunges into his jeans to wrap around him. Once again not wearing boxers pays off for him.
“So impatient,” you tease with a throaty chuckle, keeping your voice quiet as you nip at his bottom lip and pump his cock in long, luxurious strokes. There isn’t time for a lot of this, but he deserves a little attention after paying you the same courtesy.
“Fuck you’re so good to me, sugar.” He’s breathless, thrusting into your grip and his own hands flex around your hips. “Put me inside you.”
Shifting back so you’re sitting on the Bronco’s hood, you glance around quickly and feel the rush of adrenaline as you line him up at your entrance and hitch your leg up on his hip to let him sink inside you.
“Fuuuuuuck.” It gets better every fucking time. The way your body accepts him is nothing short of miraculous and he loves the way your walls give to let him in. “So good.”
“Quiet, love.” You remind him, whimpering under your breath and swallowing a gasp as he starts to move. You’re going to have to force yourself to keep your eyes open, but you don’t know how much good it will do when you’re facing a wall.
“Let ‘em hear.” Jack grunts, pulling his lip between his teeth has he starts to work his cock in and out of you. Knowing he needs to do this quick, but not caring as he punches deep and feels your body react.
Immediately your mind protests that you don’t want to get arrested for fucking in public, but the next stroke of his thick cock hits so deep that you forget to care, moaning out loud for the night to hear. Every sound you make for him is perfect, spurring him on as if you are commanding him for more. It’s hot and dirty, filthy in the best possible way and he reaches down between you to rub your clit because he knows he won’t last. “Cum for me sugar,” he growls. “Need you to be a g—good girl.”
It’s the most gorgeous symphony of sinful sounds you’ve ever heard in your life and the place makes you cling to him so that you won’t miss a single sensation. The throbbing veins lining his cock seem to pulse out both of your heartbeats and you whine out an agreement to his command as best you can before finding his lips again. If you can’t pour yourself into kissing him as you cum, you really might scream out in pleasure.
Jack moans against your lips, feeling the liquid rush of head that give him permission to cum. Letting go and gasping as he pours himself into you.
“Fucking hell, baby.” Gasping at the feeling of him spilling inside of you and clutching his leather jacket even as you lay back to feel the cool metal of the truck’s hood on your back.
Jack pants out your name, hunching over you so he can rest his head right in your stomach. Trying to catch his breath. “Warm now?” He chuckles.
“I think we just worked off the calories from dinner,” you joke, giggling breathlessly and running your fingers through his hair.
“Happy to help, sugar.” Jack looks up at you and as much as he would love to stay just like this for the rest of the night, he had to get you back. Pulling back and reaching into his pocket to pull out your panties with a grin.
As soon as he’s slipped then back on, you shimmy into them and sit back up. “C’mere,” you insist, slipping off the Bronco’s hood to bend over and slip his softening cock into your mouth, savouring the flavor of your combined juice and cleaning him up just a little so his jeans won’t be a mess when he tucks himself away.
“Shit.” Jack is spent, but still he moans quietly at the feeling of your mouth around his cock. Loving how you shamelessly want him. “Okay sugar, I need a break between rounds.”
Your satisfied hun makes both of you chuckle, and when you stand up again you feel light as a feather. “I better see if I actually have a jacket back there,” you shrug your shoulders and grin guiltlessly. “For appearances sake.”
“If you don’t, we’ll just say we couldn’t find it and I had to give you mine.” Jack reasons, smirking as he shrugs out of his jacket. He knows you don’t have a jacket in here.
“You just like seeing me in your clothes.” The first time you’d worn one of his old button-up plaid shirts around the house he’d almost pinned you to the nearest surface on sight — and you loved it.
“What can I say, sugar?” Jack grins. “Might be a little possessive.”
“Just a tad.” With both of you redressed, you snuggle into Jack’s side and head for the door again with a jubilant smile on your face. You can’t help it. He just makes you feel incredible and you’re not about to deny yourself the giddiness of it.
Back inside, none of the group has any doubts where you have been, or wheat you’ve been up to. Tex and Rye grin, the former whooping loudly for everyone to hear and slapping Jack on the back. Gabi hands you your cocktail back with a smirk, and you just set yourself down in the booth as innocently as possible before Jack comes to rejoin you, one arm thickly protectively around your body to keep you close.
“No coat in the truck?” She guesses, batting her eyelashes to you in Jack’s jacket.
“I guess not.” Your innocent shrug is fairly lame and you know it. “That’s okay, Jack doesn’t need his.”
“She knows I’ll always give her my jacket if she needs it.” Jack muses, taking a sip of his own drink with a smug grin.
Sophia nearly chokes on a laugh at that, not needing a road map for Jack’s comment in the least. “Very generous, mate,” she snorts, smirking at him and then Tex.
Jack winks at Sophia playfully, tugging you closer with his free hand and looking over at you. “I think so, wouldn’t you?”
“Extremely generous.” You agree with a solemn nod.
“Alright.” Ginger rolls her eyes at all of you like the long-suffering mother she is. “Horny bastards.”
“You are the one who told me I needed to get my head out of my ass and realize what I had.” Jack reminds her with zero shame. “Just took your advice.”
“I wish you’d take all of my advice so literally.” She shakes her head at him but readjusts her arm around her wife. “So much domesticity all at once. It’s like someone cast a spell over Statesman.”
“Something must be in the air.” Jack chuckles, leaning in and kissing your cheek. “Must be the scent of her coconut frosting.”
The day of the Rabbit-Hole’s opening party is the biggest piece of organized chaos that you’ve seen so far in your entire life. Bigger than either of your siblings’ weddings or any that you had catered – and bigger still than the last restaurant opening you worked through when you were just the pastry sous chef. Now, with the entire kitchen under your command, you’re just grateful that Diana is coordinating the party so you can focus on your food.
The cake case is full is bursting with every flavour, the decorations are as over the top as you could manage and still have the place feel cozy and inviting. There’s room for the bandstand on the patio, so that the open French doors will let music flow through the restaurant and anyone who wants to dance can be inside or out. Every single seat has been reserved and about a third of the guests have put in their reservations that they would like to partake in the tea service menu or have one of your signature soufflés as a part of their meal. And on top of it all - only three small disasters have happened today and each of them was resolved relatively easily.
Now, at four in the afternoon, you’ve run home to shower the flour out of your hair and the sweat off your skin, and to change into fresh clothes and a clean chef’s coat for tonight. Jack is back from the office early so he can meet your family at the airstrip, and you couldn’t be more grateful that he’s so willing to jump in and help.
“Hey.” Jack grins at you, excited for your gift that he has for you. “Are you ready?” He asks cocking his head slightly. “You look like you’re missing something.” You are freshly showered, in clean clothes but he gives you a playful grin as he leans in to kiss your lips.
"What?" A quick inventory of your outfit - appropriate pants and shirt, new slip-resistant boots, bracelets from your sister and from Jack, even the earrings shaped like teacups that your mother had sent you - says you've got everything in place. Even your hair and makeup are appropriate, if simple. You would sweat off anything elaborate in the kitchen. "No? I'm pretty sure I have everything. Unless—" Your hand flies to your belt loops and you sigh in relief. Your keys are where they should be. "No. I'm good."
Jack chuckles at your efficiency and shakes his head. “No, you’re definitely missing something.” The elaborately wrapped box is thanks to Astrid. Jack couldn’t wrap his way out of a room and he wanted the gift to be perfect for you. “I think this is what you need.”
"Wh—what is this?" Your eyebrows rise when he holds the box out to you, but the second it's in your hands you're eager to tear the bows and ribbon off. Jack's tendency toward gift-giving is usually smaller things - like a perfectly made cup of coffee in the morning. But this is not small by any means. You nearly giggle tearing the wrapping away, and carefully lift the lid of the box to reveal a layer of tissue...which surrounds a brand-new chef's jacket. Crisp white with The Rabbit-Hole's logo embroidered in red and black, with Chef and your name in the same style and colours underneath. "Oh my god," you gasp, feeling tears in your eyes immediately. "You didn't have to do this baby, but oh my god, it's perfect!"
“Of course I did.” Jack huffs, proud that you are touched by the gift. “No chef can attend the opening to her own restaurant without the proper wear, sugar.” Jack teases, sliding forward to unbutton the plain chef’s coat you have on right now. “Want you to remember tonight as the day all your dreams come true.” Later on will be another dream, he hopes.
"I'm so nervous." The jacket fits you perfectly, and you smooth your fingers over the embroidery with a watery smile of pure pride. "I'm terrified, honestly, but also excited. Like I have enough anxiety and adrenaline that I could vibrate into space."
“We are all here behind you.” Jack assures you, reaching up and squeezing your shoulders reassuringly. “Just let me know if you need anything, sugar.”
"Right now all I need is a kiss," you're beaming at him, unashamed to claim that prize and give him a squeezing tight hug. "And for you to pick up my family from the airstrip. I know they're only in for the one night, but I'm so glad they could all come."
“As soon as I leave here, I’m off to get them.” He promises, pulling you close and kissing you. “The jet is already starting to descend so they should be landing in ten.”
"Thank you, baby." One more kiss and you have to pull yourself away, admiring the embroidery on your coat all over again. "I have to run back to the kitchen, but I'll see all of you tonight." The opening is due to start in just two hours, and there is so much to do, but you actually - miraculously - feel ready.
“Break a leg.” Jack jokes. “Or a dish.”
"I love you." You squeeze his hand and shoot out the door, ready to get your hands dirty for the first few hundred people to ever eat at The Rabbit-Hole.
Meeting your family at the airport is nerve wracking. Not because of any changes of opinion or because you aren’t there to provide a buffer, but because of what your father is bringing Jack. Sending him a picture, Jack had bought a band to be an accompanying piece and would be completed by the wedding band to come. Anxious to see the ring in person and to put the pieces together so he can ask you to be his wife tonight after you have had one hell of a launch.
"Jack!" It's your little sister who jumps forward on the pavement first, ready to hug it out and enjoy the hell out of a weekend without the kids. "How terrified is she? Freaking out? Shaking in her stylish yet affordable boots?"
“She’s shaking in her custom embroidered chef’s jacket.” Jack accepts the bone crushing hug with a laugh. “But she’s got nothing to worry about, she’s going to kill it. You should see the place.”
"We will." Sherry steps up to be the next in line for a hug and is much gentler when she puts both arms around her daughter's soulmate. "In about a half an hour. How are you doing, honey? Work is good? Moving her in went okay?"
“Everything is floatin’ along perfectly.” He assures her, hugging your mother with a bit more restraint and smiling as he pulls back. “She’s all moved in and says she’s happy as a lark. I think that’s because she’s gotten used to me wantin’ to make her rest when she gets home. Ask her when she gets tired of eatin’ off the grill.”
"It'll take a long time for her to get tired of that." Stepping up behind his wife, your father puts his hand out to Jack with an approving smile. "But it's good to hear things are going well." He clears his throat and glances around as his family starts moving toward Jack's Bronco. "Still feeling good about tonight?" He asks Jack quietly.
“I am.” Jack nods, looking into your father’s eyes seriously. “I have your permission to ask your daughter to marry me?” It seems important to make sure, even though everyone knows it’s been leading to this. He respects the man enough to ask again.
"Yes." Jeff chuckles quietly, appreciative of the respect but knowing that you would do what you damn well liked with or without your father's permission. The ring box in his jacket pocket is Jack's now, and he offers it to the younger man easily. "I hope you don't mind, but I told them this morning. My wife wanted to know why I was going into the safe, and it seemed okay to let it out."
“Absolutely.” Jack chuckles as he opens the box and smiles down at the simple, yet gorgeous ring that had been your grandmother’s. “I have the first part of the wraparound here.” He tells him, pulling out his own small box to open, showing the band he had designed to fit around it. The wedding band would go on the other side in time.
"Oh, it's beautiful," your mother gasps with delight, inspecting the delicate details on the wrap band that Jack had picked out. "Honey, she's going to love it. I just—" She's a little misty-eyed, but who can blame her. "I'll save the congratulations for later, but I'm so happy for both of you."
“I hope to make her happy every day,” he promises Sherry. “I know I won’t succeed every day, but that’s the goal.”
"Never go to bed angry, son." That's her best motherly advice, and she hands it out with a sage nod. "That's the key to everything. No matter which one of you gets stubborn, always work it out before bed."
“Honestly, I don’t know if I can sleep without her in my arms.” Maybe it’s a little too much information for your parents, but he doesn’t mean it in a sexual way. Just the comfort of you in his arms helps him sleep.
"Oh god, they're happy," Matt groans, making gagging noises and playing his essential role as older brother. "Absolutely disgusting," he deadpans, grinning broadly at Jack.
“Completely disgusting.” Jack agrees wholeheartedly, chuckling at the way your brother likes to tease. “You should see Tex with his soulmate if you think we’re bad. She’s a Brit with a mouth that is fouler than a sailor’s and a love for him as big as Texas.”
"He found her?" Sherry clasps her hands over her heart and practically does a happy dance as the group of them climbs into the Bronco. "That's such good news. He's a nice boy. Are they going to be at the opening tonight?"
“Of course they are.” Jack climbs behind the wheel and turns the engine over. “They have become fast friends. To the point where she’s gonna be Sophia’s maid of honor this summer.”
Matt and Jeff let out an identical whistle from the backseat that sends everyone into a soft laugh, and Sherry nods her approval in the passenger seat beside Jack. "Everybody's happy. Just the way it should be." After all, she'd liked Tex when she thought that he was her daughter's soulmate, she doesn't like him any less now that he is someone else's.
“Everyone’s happy.” Jack agrees, smirking as he pulls away from the tarmac. “Let’s go down the Rabbit-Hole, shall we?”
"To The Rabbit-Hole." Sherry aims one finger in the air like the call of a charge and laughs again, excited to see the restaurant that was barely beginning to take shape the last time they were in Louisville.
By the time Jack pulls up to the distillery, the parking lot is already starting to fill up. “Oh boy, here we go.” He chuckles as he jumps out. The grand opening banner has been draped over the entrance and he beams at how everything looks. “It’s all come together.”
"Hot damn." Jeff pops out of the truck with a grin. "She's really done it, hasn't she? The whole place is hers."
"Dad, we're not even inside," Eliza laughs, pulling her husband along with her in an eager attempt to get to the door ahead of the rest of her family. "Daniels, party of six," she tells the hostess at the stand just inside the doorway. There's music pouring softly through the building and the smells from the kitchen are completely divine. "Oh my god, look!" She squeaks while the hostess is checking in their reservation, pointing at the pastry case. "The coconut cake is front and center!"
“She wanted to make that a permanent part of the menu.” You have too many ideas to have a permanent menu without some rotation, but some items were going to always be available. “I think that is the star of The Rabbit-Hole.”
The six of them follow the hostess out into the dining room, the whimsical decor and rich colors grounded by walnut-stained tables and chairs and brass accents. Soft white linen tablecloths give a feeling of elegance, and your mother can’t help cooing at every detail as they’re seated at one of the larger tables.
Jack beams as he looks at everyone taking in the atmosphere, snapping photos and looking excited as a line of servers show them to their tables. You had even gone so far as to have the party name engraved on heavy card stock and placed in the middle of the tables for a touch of whimsy and practicality, making the best use of the configurations for ease of seating. “She’s outdone herself.”
“It’s perfect,” Eliza breathes as she sits down, twisting her head to see all around the dining room and as much of the patio as she can. “It’s absolutely perfect.”
“The menu is specialized for today.” Jack boasts as he looks at the elaborate scroll of the paper.
“Everything sounds good.” Your brother-in-law groans, knowing it will be impossible for him to make a decision.
“Can I recommend the meatloaf?” Diana flashes everyone a grin, appearing at Jack’s side with the proud glow of a happy friend. She’s been pointing out to absolutely everyone that the menu says Diana’s meatloaf and glowing over it.
“I still can’t believe that you gave her your prized recipe.” Jack knows that the special will only be a once a week offering, but it’s a point of pride for him to see her so happy about it.
“If I was ever going to share it outside the family, it would only be for someone like her.” She greets your family with hugs all around, sharing in the excitement of opening night. Everyone is bubbly and jittery all at once and it’s making the restaurant feel so active.
“How is she holding up?” Jack asks quietly, having promised you he wouldn’t slip into the back while the work was going on. You were too busy for distractions.
“I heard her laughing in the kitchen just before you came in, so I think we’re okay.” Jack gets the biggest hug, of course, and Diana pats his back soothingly.
“Good.” Diana knows that he is planning on proposing after the opening is done. Making sure that there is plenty of champagne for more than just the after party.
“How are you feeling?” She asks him quietly, knowing that he must be nervous. She would be, anyway.
“Honestly?” Jack surprises himself. “I’m feeling great.” He knows you will say yes. His only worry is that he will disappoint you by proposing on your big day.
“Good,” Diana’s smile widens, overtaking her face. “Ride that wave, honey. It’s going to be great.”
“She’s going to love it, right?” Jack looks around the table at those who know you best. No one has argued with his plan, so he’s taking that as a good sign, but he wants to be sure. “Proposing tonight?”
“Absolutely.” Your sister has no hesitations about Jack’s plan, and offers her soon-to-be brother-in-law a nod of encouragement. “My sister is many things, but quiet about her happiness shouldn’t be one of them. The grand gesture is the perfect plan.”
“Good.” Jack deflates, relieved to be reassured that he’s doing the right thing. “That’s damn good.”
“Just give me a signal so I can film it,” your mother insists, always being the documentarian of the family. It’s because of her that there is such a complete photo history of your childhood.
“Of course.” Jack nods, grateful for your family’s support. “Diana, you have her dress here?” He knows you wouldn’t want to be proposed to in your chef’s uniform, so he had arranged for Diana to bring one of your favorite dresses, knowing the older woman could convince you to change for the little after party without arousing too much suspicion.
“It’s all set up.” She promises him. She had also arranged for the band to do a little rendition of the Elton John classic Your Song after you say yes, but that’s a surprise for both of you. “Don’t you fret, honey. We have everything taken care of. Just enjoy your dinner and be proud of your soulmate.”
“You know I’m going to.” Jack nods to Diana as she slides away to greet another table and he grins at everyone. “How about we order us our first drinks?”
They all knew the food would be good. They knew the food would be great, even. But whatever you’re doing back there in that kitchen tonight is magic because this might be – according to your father between giddy bites of fried chicken – the very best you’ve ever cooked.
“Whatever is in this, it’s gotta be illegal,” your brother groans, when not a single speck is left on his plate.
“And yet?” Your sister is beaming, soufflé and pork erased from existence and sitting happily in her stomach. “I can’t wait for dessert.”
“She’s been busting her ass to make sure that everything is perfect. You don’t know how many times she’s thrown out a recipe and started from scratch for tonight.”
“Sounds like her finals in culinary school.” Eliza groans happily and sits back, patting her stomach. “I think there’s just enough room for dessert.” She flashes Jack a grin. “And champagne.”
“Always room for champagne.” Jack contends. “Especially when you have to know this woman has even made an after-party menu.”
“She didn’t?” Although why your mother is surprised is anyone’s guess. Of course you went overboard. “That girl, I swear.”
“To thank the staff for all their hard work.” Jack shrugs, accepting that you do too much.
“Accidentally catering her own engagement party sounds pretty on point.” Matt chuckles at it, knowing you’ll get a kick out of it when you think about it later. “Get ready,” Diana sweeps by the table with an excited aura radiating from her. “I’m gonna go make sure she’s changed up and ready to give her ‘thank you’ speech.”
Tonight was just going to be one seating. It wasn’t going to be an all-night affair. It was the beauty of this because every table was saying they needed to book another reservation now. “It’s time.”
“Di!” When your friend appears in the kitchen you’re in your element, executing the last few desserts to go out and wiping sweat from your forehead with a kitchen towel with a giant grin on your face. “Is it time already? Shit…I completely lost track.” One glance at the clock shows yes, you’ve completely lost track of the hour. It seems like the night only started ten minutes ago. “How is…do they—do they like it?” You ask, almost afraid to hear her answer.
“Babe, you can guarantee that your tearoom will be packed from here on out.” Diana laughs, throwing her arms around you. “They are already asking for reservations to come back.”
“Really?” It would enough to have you in tears if you weren’t flying on so much adrenaline. Instead you hug Diana back fiercely. “Okay, let me just make sure we have the buffet trays ready for the after party and I’ll change.” The idea for the rest of the night is to be informal, and to let your staff join the fun. All you’ll do later is clean up the dining room. Doing the last batch of dishes before lunch service tomorrow will be a snap.
“Go change, I’ll take care of that.” Diana shoos you away from the table where the staff party supplies are sitting. “Go on. I can handle this part.”
The dress was Diana’s idea, and she had somehow magically managed to convince you to pull the vintage party dress out of the back of your closet that you had only worn once before. The little blue number was perfect, she insisted over and over until you gave in. Now you come out of your office after cleaning up and changing your clothes feeling a little silly. “It’s not too much?” You ask her, uncertain.
“Honey, it’s perfect.” Diana gushes, nearly tearing up but she knows that would make you suspicious as to why she’s crying over your launch party dress. “You deserve tonight.” She tells you honestly. “Every bit of it.”
“If you say so.” The speech of thanks and encouragement was given to your staff at the beginning of the night, and you’ve been giving them so much praise as they worked their asses off for this dinner service, and even now you flash them a big double thumbs up from one end of the kitchen. “Time to wind down, guys!” You tell them loudly, absolute giddiness clear in your voice. “Get your stations cleaned up and come out to join the party!”
Diana is just putting the finishing touches on the table with Eliza’s help while Champ and Jack start pouring glasses of champagne into flutes for all the staff. Jack wants to let you have this moment first, to bask in the success before he steals the spotlight for a moment. Matt, your father and mother are all setting the dining room to rights, giggling over the fact that every single table had taken the menus and their place cards home with their to-go pastries from the now completely wiped-out case.
The friends and family that have stayed behind for the party are all doing their part, and when you walk out of the kitchen with your staff behind you, the applause is deafening. These people – these wonderful people – are on their feet for you immediately. Cheering and whistling as they put their hands together for your efforts. And it has you nearly in tears as you take the seemingly long walk to the center of the dining room. “Well that was unexpected,” you laugh, holding the microphone that the band leader hands you away from your face when it gives you feedback. “I—thank you, everyone, from the bottom of my heart. Tonight was a dream thanks to all of you and the amazing staff of The Rabbit-Hole. Please give them another round of applause because they executed flawlessly tonight.” A second round of cheers and clapping deafens the room for a second as your staff cheers right back, already accepting flutes of champagne from Diana, Astrid, and Sophia as they walk around with trays. “Most of you probably think of this place as being three months in the making but the truth is that it has been my entire life. Some of these recipes have been handed down through my family for generations only to end up in the hands of this amazing crew of cooks and I could not be more grateful or proud. It’s—” You laugh when the first tears escape, and shrug your shoulders, because it was inevitable.
“My grandma Jane, whose coconut cake is the crown jewel of our dessert menu, used to always tell me that I could do anything. ‘Beautiful girl’ she would tell me whenever I was discouraged or afraid, ‘you can do the hard thing’. And I have lived my life with her words as my voice of encouragement. So tonight is dedicated to Grandma Jane, with all my gratitude, because I would never have gone into culinary without her. To my staff, with all my thanks, because this is going to be an amazing place that we will make a must try experience for anyone in Louisville…” Your head turns, eyes finding Jack standing just a few feet away, and you smile. “And to my soulmate, with all my love, for all of his support as I became an increasingly crazier woman as we got closer to tonight. Thank you, Jack.”
Jack ducks his head and grins as Matt whistles and decides that now is the perfect time for him to come up beside you. He can see the way you cock your head and what you don’t know is that he has a microphone already clipped to his jacket so he can be heard throughout the space. He thanks Diana silently as she reaches over and takes the microphone from your hand to give it back to the band. “Sugar.” Jack takes your hand and kisses the back of it, “I’m mighty damn proud of you.” He declares as he grins up at you from where he’s bending over your hand. “You deserve every second of tonight. And I’m hopin’ to end the night on a high note for you.”
At first you don’t put the pieces together. Why does Jack have a microphone on? Why is he coming out and acting like he’s going to make a speech? Why is your mother still recording? And then it hits all at one as Jack bends over just one of your hands when he always takes both. “Oohhh my god…”
Jack shuffles to one knee and sends you a mockingly reproachful look. “Hold on now.” He chides with a grin. “Lemme get my speech out.” He huffs, reaching into his pocket with his other hand to pull out the velvet box your father had given him. “Now sugar, every person in this place knows we’ve had a rocky road to where we are now.” Jack won’t deny that, and he wants to be honest. “But we are here and I don’t know if I ever want to be lookin’ at a future that doesn’t involve you. You’re my soulmate.” That phrase alone is very symbolic to both of you and he squeezes your hand gently as you stare down at him in shock. “Never thought second soulmates existed, and now I thank God every day that they do, and you’re mine.” Jack has to pause, clear his throat as he gets a touch emotional before he continues. “You drug me down the rabbit-hole. Where I learned to love again, that I was capable of it, and to accept that I had a future far beyond my past. I love you with every fiber of my soul, sugar. Will you marry me?” He opens the box to show you the two rings. “Your Grandma Jane also had a hand in this too. I hope you don’t mind getting two rings.” He winks at you as he waits for your answer.
The way you squeak out “Yes” is barely audible to anyone but Jack, but your emphatic nodding through a curtain of tears says all it needs to. The room has narrowed down to just Jack and you, and you pull him back up to standing again with shaking hands. Never in a thousand years would you have expected this - especially so soon - but your tears have turned from proud to ecstatic in an instant. “I love you so much,” you murmur, forgetting the microphone will pick up anything you say, and you can’t help but laugh when you hear it loud and clear across the restaurant.
“I love you, sugar.” Jack promises you, taking the rings out of the box very carefully to slide both of them on your finger. “Perfect fit.”
“Yeah.” You hold into his hands tightly, admiring the rings for a moment before you look back up at him. “We are.”
Jack leans in and presses his lips to yours, making another round of applause go up as he holds you close and the band starts to play.
“I love you.” Someone, probably Diana, thankfully cut Jack’s microphone, and you can whisper safely in his arms as he starts to move you around the middle of the dance floor. “More than anything in the world.”
“I love you too sugar.” Jack promises. “I want the rest of my time on this earth with you.”
“And you’re going to get it.” The giddy giggles that well up inside you have you grinning all over again and your hands against his chest make the rings - plural - sparkle every time they catch the light. “So…was this what you and my dad were talking about the last night they were here?”
“Yeah.” Jack grins. “Along with the ‘what are your intentions’ questioning.”
“Well I know you got his approval, because he gave you my gran’s ring.” It’s such a giddy thing, and you lean in to kiss him as you turn together. “She would have loved you. And she would have loved the idea of two rings…I’m assuming that was your idea?”
Jack nods. “I couldn’t just give you your grandmother’s ring.” He explains quietly. “There’s another band to wear as a wedding ring. Fully surrounding her ring.”
“You’re the sweetest man in the whole world, you know that don’t you?” He always goes above and beyond. You know that about him, and you love what it says about him and the depths of his caring. “I honestly…I would have been okay with it if you never wanted to get married again. But I’m a tiny bit excited to be Mrs. Daniels.”
“I know you hadn’t let yourself imagine it.” Jack huffs sadly. “It’s why Sophia had standing orders to make you think about your own wedding.”
“I have a secret for you.” It’s sweet that they had enlisted Sophia’s help, but you bite back a shit-eating grin. “I’ve imagined a lot. I just kept my stash of bridal magazines and website bookmarks secret so you wouldn’t feel pressured.”
“Yeah?” Jack chuckles, grinning at you and shaking his head. “Next you’ll be tellin’ me that you’ve already decided what names the kids will have.”
“I might have ideas,” you admit sheepishly. “But I would never decide anything without you.”
Jack chuckles quietly and leans in to kiss you. “Sounds good, sugar.” He murmurs against your lips. “I want you to dream with me.”
“For the rest of our lives.” That sounds like a very good amount of time. “I promise.”
______ Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @katheriner1999 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @hardc0rehaylz @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide​ @elegantduckturtle  ​
DtRH: @haileymorelikestupid @spishsstuff @missmarmaladeth @axshadows @a-gay-cryptid @sgt-morgan @1a-ma1a-su3rt3 @flowers4copper @ghost-timelord @the0racl30fd3lphidos @all-the-way-down-here @bobafvcker @ficsbynight @dinoflower @supernaturalgirl20 @xdaddysprincessxx @bobawh0re @amiee-mitch18 @darkhairedmenrule @heyyimlaynna @strawberry-f4iry @3zm33atzbuss33 @whataghost @cyber666slut @nobody-000 @eddiemunsonsgirlfriendirl @lucciolaraven @powergirlsupremacy @secondsistershelby @dreadmars @androgynoushellscape @soytomatecherry @cheesecake-massacre @mylifeisbasedonashow @idiotickiddo @tomfeltonisbae @maratheidiot22 @im-nada @everybirdfellsilent @deepdarkdelights @brokenwhitegirl384 @ur-honey-child @caseket @copperrose15 @we-could-have-been @valkyries-ride @scarletmunson @strawberriricemilk @ghost-timelord @galactigoos @floridawaters @cutiepie6473 @pinball-vance @theslytherinwriter @scorpioswonder @stankyleg05 @fxdsketches @sad-innit @coffeyorky @1a-ma1a-su3rt3 @starlordsonlywife @aura626 @mistresskei @marv3lwhor3 @sadimusprimee @yourwonderbelle @sgt-morgan @spot116 @milybaby018 @loserk1nks @artfulthoughtswp @aavw @babyrunsforfanfic @faceache111 @midnight-huntress @asimpleraccoonqueen @marki-moo0 @pages89 @rawr-bitches @rebel-fanfare @soooosha @luna-is-out-there @im-sylien @timpletance @certifiedhunter @ellenmunn @littlethief78 @tinalbion @eddy-y @tikibabi @whyidkok @bearcoon1666 @littlebirdsbookshelf @a-gay-cryptid @disaster-ahaha @viridiesa @axshadows @purplerain04 @karmarouge @holycyclehomo @sainteredhood @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @the-wishmonger @theliferuiner @raptorclaw24 @asp1r1ngm1lf @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @st4rl1ght444 @litholithium @tusk89 @youjustneedatherapist @nekodemon73 @iceclaw101 @lightningsface @shakespeareanwannabe @jasminemunson @spideysimpossiblegirl @wannabedaphne @sammus-white @jazzieomega @88dragon06 @ishabull @raquel-rial @tuquoquebrute @hotleaf-juice @dantaku @youokhoney @thisiswhyibleedsstuff @maximumkryptonitegladiator @jediknight122 @gadsgikklesen @movievillainess721 @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi @the-strawberrythief @spishsstuff @choppedmugjudgeplaid @haileymorelikestupid @gooddaykate @missredherring @abyssal-zone-stares-back @supernaturalgirl @winterandstars @severewobblerlightdragon @missmarmaladeth @noisynaia @saintbedelia @algressman16 @eaks0710 @mina2000alex @emdraws02 @universallyclodlawyerpainter @rayrayvan @akaleelanie @mishasminion360 @amneris21 @roxypeanut @lunarcatbun 118 @frasmotic @emdraws02 @universallyclodlawyerpainter @rayrayvan @lovelychaos420 @1432690 @no1pornstachefan @thegrimreaperbitch @esmeensheep @izz-ayes-world @kittycatcait219 @loveyou3000tonystark @tintinn16 @igenerallytrynottogiveagoshdarn @motheroftorches @phoenixhalliwell @the-dazzling-urbanite @coffeyorky @trickstersp8 @victorian-cherub @julissadunn @clarysthing @the-girl-that-loves-many-fandoms @mastersurf @theghostofutopia @ncsls0515 @seraphinaivy @hiyorinatsuki @ghostofaboy @yn-hamato @elfwriter1088 @sunnygrey99 @lexinicolenix @lazyemisfandomtrash @curiouskeyboard @qualityearthquakes @spider-284748 @unnecesarysstuff @sgt-morgan @love-affair-with-fandoms @lunarcatbun @kstar770 @kykymarty @supergingerlocks @hell0kittybimb0222 @a-birds-fin @loidforgerishotashell @mythical-writer @ghostshalo @avengersimaginesfan @sccialcasualty @lordecult @petalo-dropsart @i-quite-like-eating-carrots @svudetective @hasta-la-pasta-bb @manicpixiedreamgirly @destinydog @skeppycarnation @anaisweird @critters-beware @fruityforcocoapuffs @linnnniie @spideyromantic @paupeach2024 @faithxyu @fxramir @legomyeggo @jjggdfvvy @hi-my-name-is-riley @kasaikawa @lost-ghost-thats-sleepy @callmegkiddo @2dead2function @generallysleepdeprived   @failingclassesinmygucciglasses @thebeesknees42 @moonmoon007 @wi0na @cilliansangel @lostinsideourminds @angstismydrug @elvenmother @bilibiche @kettlekatie @preschoolispunk @djarinsstuff @generallysleepdeprived @love-affair-with-fandoms @jay-ghostly @wowieitbeme @fanofverymanythings @josephquinnswhore @this-harl0t-shant-be-unalive @djarinsstuff @justherebecausesafarisucks @cedricbitch @rebel-soldat @madisonred88
My Masterlist!
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knjsagustd · 3 years
either side of sunrise | jjk 03
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It makes me ache.  The realisation that I’m learning all these little things - all the stuff that makes you fall in love with someone - through a screen, constantly separated by hundreds of thousands of miles is hitting different today.
prev | next | series masterlist | playlist
→ idol!Jungkook x actress!OC (Aurora Kim-Wiseman)
→ w/c: 4.8k
→ warnings: discussions of mental health, therapy and time spent in psych wards.  This chapter contains descriptions of suicide and attempted suicide.  It’s in the first italicised section.
→a/n: i just want to say thank you to anyone and everyone that has taken the time to read this fic 💛💛💛
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Interlude: Ophelia
“Today’s the day?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Do you mind if I ask why?”
“She’s like a wall in my life and I’m ready to move past her.  I can’t keep carrying this.”
“Okay, where would you like to start?”
“The beginning I guess…”
“I met Ophelia Huston when I was twelve and were both auditioning for ‘Introducing Me’, her for the main role and me for the best friend - for obvious Hollywood reasons.  Eleven then, at thirteen she was everything.  She had this magnetism, you look at her and all you wanted was to be her friend.  She was like the fucking sun - sorry.  And she chose me.  We both got cast, and the rest is immortalised on screen.  Time goes on and the show gets bigger than any of us could have imagined.  The whole cast was like a family to me considering how I was spending so much time in LA and my actual family was back home.  But Ophelia was my person.
“Around season three things started changing, Ophelia was having problems.  I don’t know what, she wouldn’t tell me.  But I saw her agent and our directors and producers giving her stuff, pills.  I told my agent at the time but he just told me it wasn’t my concern.  She changed, there was always this wild look in her eyes that felt dangerous.  Like she was hanging on  by a thread.  But I couldn’t do anything.  I was exhausted, missing my parents, missing her, crying myself to sleep every night.  I was falling apart too but my agent just said it was hormones, gave me sleeping pills to help at night, and booked me more gigs to keep me distracted.  People that knew me then said they’d never seen a fourteen year old look so old.   Completely dead behind the eyes until a camera was rolling - then I was whatever someone asked me to be.  Fourteen years old and basically fully grown.  I was too young to question or make decisions but old enough to watch my best friend, my sister destroy herself.  With the help of people that were meant to be looking out for us.
“The night season four wrapped, Ophelia killed herself.  I was the one that found her.  We used to give each other our hotel room keys in case we needed something.  She hadn’t come down to breakfast, so I went to check on her because she’d started skipping meals and I was the only one that could get her to eat.  I walked into her room and she could have just been asleep.  But there were those stupid little orange pill bottles that Americans have beside and an empty bottle of tequila beside her.  I looked the pills up.  She was on high prescriptions of citalopram and zopiclone - whatever the American equivalents are.  She overdosed on purpose then drank most of the bottle.  I called her agent instead of an ambulance.  It was too late for one anyway.  I didn’t cry until her funeral.
“If you don’t mind telling me, what happens next?” How did we end up here?”
“I don’t mind.  I think I’ve been numb since then.  When I was in the psych ward they did an evaluation and they asked me to rate my usual mental state from zero to ten, with zero being the absolute worst I’ve ever felt and ten being the best.  I said I don’t think I know what it feels like to be above a three, at a push.  I couldn’t remember the last time I wasn’t tired, or my smile wasn’t fake.  Between Ophelia’s death and my admittance there were two years where I just pushed myself harder.  I was following her track, using any method to keep myself going in order to work.  Pushing myself to the limit to get the job done.  Taking any gig my agent threw my way.  There’s a lot of shit I’m not proud of in my catalogue.  There’s things I can’t watch because I can’t find myself in the girl on screen.  In the bad way, not the I’m doing a great job way.  I’ve met people who worked with me back then who say I’m unrecognisable.  On the two year anniversary of Ophelia’s death I was alone after wrapping a project I hated every minute of.  I… I’d never felt more alone than I did sitting in that huge, empty, hotel room with a new script in front of me.  All I wanted was to sleep.  So I, uh, I took every pill in the, the current batch of my sleeping pill prescription.  Unlike Ophelia I was - um I was found in time.  My agent, they found me and called an ambulance.”
“Are you okay?  You don’t have to keep going.”
“No.. I - I need to say this out loud.  Someone needs to hear my version, not the one that the press circled.  They, um, they pumped my stomach.  There’s a specific treatment for sleeping pill overdoses.  Then I was referred to the psych ward.  That’s… that’s where I spent my eighteenth birthday.  I stayed there a month.  I went back twice in the year between then and Gravity.  You know everything after that, you were there.  I fired my old agent who’d been with me since I was ten, I got a restraining order against him too because he’s a manipulative arsehole.  I found Maia, who treats me like a person and friend, not a profit.  She lets me say no to things.  The first job I took after it was Gravity and I am so thankful for it.”
“And how are you feeling now?”
“I’m not as sad as I used to be.  Mostly I’m just tired.  Sometimes I’m angry.  At the people who didn’t help me or Ophelia.  At the industry that puts people like us in these positions.  At Ophelia for not being strong enough, which I know is shitty and wrong.”
“How do you feel for saying all of this?”
“I feel a wee bit lighter.  I’ve said it, now I’m not the only carrying it.  It can’t haunt me.”
November 2020
I’m reading over audition packets in my childhood bedroom - It’s loose term considering I spent most of my childhood bouncing around hotel rooms - when the call comes.  It’s just my phone buzzing beside me where it’s face down on my floor.  I lean back against the bottom of my bed as I answer it, not bothering to look at the contact ID.  THe only people that call me are Maia and Jungkook.  The latter of which is weird to say.  After my birthday the something snapped and we’ve started calling whenever we can, time zones permitting.  We’ve also moved off instagram as our primary mode of contact.  A simple exchange of phone numbers and emails and we’re using the internat to call and text - no international charges needed.  Because he’s a millionaire who forgets that fact and my parents have made me terrified of spending money most of the time.  Not sure why I didn’t think of it before.  However, it’s like one am in Korea right now so I’m assuming it’s Maia calling about an audition or offer.
“Hello,” I say in English, flipping the page of the audition material I’m looking at right now.  I’m fairly sure it’s a Marvel film that’s not saying so to limit spoilers.  Which has me rolling my eyes because Maia knows I’m not keen on joining the MCU.  It’s the only boundary she pushes me on.  I’m fully aware that Marvel is a steady, well paying job, but once you join that’s all you are, they own your soul.    You never escape it.  Especially at the stage I’m at in my career. (There’s also the fact that I refuse to contribute to the idea that East Asians are interchangable and I don’t know if Marvel is as committed to that as I am.  I’m Korean, I’m not interchangeable with Chinese and Japansese people.  Also I’m only half Korean, nowhere near white passing but still, sometimes it feels wrong to take roles that were written as full Korean.)
“Hey Rory.”
I almost drop my phone.  I did not expect a groggy, sleep heavy Jungkook’s voice to filter through my speakers.  Annoying little butterflies come to life in my stomach at it.  It only took like four months but he’s using my nickname.  It certainly doesn’t make my heart jump to my throat.
“Hey.”  God my voice sounds so disgustingly soft.  Pulling my brain of the script induced haze, I switch to Korean.  Something that is becoming easier with each phone call.  Especially now, since I’m home and dad likes to chat with us in Korean when mum isn’t around.  “Why are you calling, isn’t it really late there?”
“I couldn’t get back to sleep.”
“So you called me,” I ask slowly.  He’s making my heart do sick little slips in it’s new home beside my voice box.  This is going to kill me.
Dead.  The word sits heavy between us for a moment.  It’s a confession some sort.  One I know we shouldn’t push.  There’s too much at stake for the feelings behind it.  Over the phone I hear shuffling, and a deep breath.
“Could you maybe turn you camera on?  I… I just want to see your face.”
How can you say no to that?  If any of my friends knew about the way my heart just melted that would be teasing me so hard.  I wouldn’t put it past Olivia’s creepy level of instinct for her to just randomly text me ‘simp’.  She’s done it before.  And been correct.  I don’t even care that I look like my life is falling apart - hair in a half falling out pile on my head, my huge glasses perched on my nose, a ratty oversized sweatshirt turning me into a shapeless blob.  Taking a grounding breath (my therapist would be proud), I push the aforementioned glasses back up the bridge of my nose and press the facetime button.
My breath catches in my throat.  He shouldn’t be allowed to look that good at one am.  The fluorescent lights the kitchen he’s clearly sitting in are not so flattering on anyone else.  Honestly it’s unfair.  His hair is long, with a fresh undercut, and messy from sleep.  A large hoodie is hanging off his frame, dwarfing him, making him look deceptively soft and small.  There’s a soft, tired smile on his face.
“You’re wearing glasses,” he says with a small, childlike laugh.  I blush.
“Normally I wear contacts.  I’m blind without them,” I shrug.  He cocks his head, undoubtedly taking in this vision of me being presented to him.  It’s incongruent with the limited amount of shots the paparazzi manage to get and the promotional stills from Gravity that were released last week.  This, honest, version of me isn’t the same as the one the world gets.
“I like them, they suit you.”
“Thank you…  Do you, um, do you want to talk about why you can’t sleep?”
“You’re not busy?”
“I’m sat on my bedroom floor on my fifth audition pack of the day, I’ve got time,” I smile at him sardonically.  He ducks his head, it’s a familiar movement from the interviews I’ve watched - and that one time we met in person.  It makes me ache.  The realisation that I’m learning all these little things - all the stuff that makes you fall in love with someone - through a screen, constantly separated by hundreds of thousands of miles is hitting different today.  He adjusts on the bar stool he’s perched on, so as to sit more comfortably as he speaks.
Their new album is dropping tomorrow - a fact I knew not just from him but from the internet and Olivia and Daniel who won’t shut up about it. (They keep counting down to it in the group chat.  Exhibit A as to why they are not aware of my friendship with Jungkook.  It would be insufferable.)  I understand pre-album jitter, they’re of the same breed as pre-premier jitters.  You put your heart and soul into something, of course you’re worried about how people are going to react to it.  This time is worse apparently.  The boys have put it together differently than their past albums, and it’s more personal in some ways.  And Jungkook is scared it isn’t good enough.  Four months of this have taught me that Jungkook is always scared of not being good enough.  I know from experience it’s very hard to convince someone they are.  The best I can do is listen.  Remind him that ARMY will love and support anything they put out.  Because it’s from them and their hearts.
“Getting to see you is so much better,” he says sleepilly after a moment.
“Yeah, it is.”
And we just sit there for a moment, staring at each other on our phones.  If this was a movie, and we weren’t on opposite sides of the world, this would be the moment we’d kiss.  Instead we just sit there, smiling softly like idiots.
Both of us jump as a voice starts speaking from off screen.
“Jungkook-ah? Why are you up?”
Namjoon comes into frame, heading for the fridge without sparing us a glance, as Jungkook replies;
“Couldn’t sleep, hyung.”
He sounds exhausted.  I feel extremely awkward, sitting here watching Namjoon fix a bowl of cereal without him knowing that’s what I’m doing.  I can’t figure out if I should announce myself.
“Were you talking to someone,” Namjoon asks, putting the milk back in the fridge.
“Uh, Aurora-ssi,” Jungkook replies, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.  Slowly Majoon turns to look at us, a spoonful of cornflakes halfway to his mouth.   It’s almost comical.  He bows and blushes.
“I’m sorry Aurora-ssi, I didn’t realise.”
I return the bow, which is kind of weird considering I’m cross legged and doing it through a phone screen, blushing furiously.  I don’t miss the tired shit eating frin on Jungkook’s face.  There are some very obvious cogs turning in his brain.  Ones I don’t need to see come to fruition.  Especially in front of Namjoon.
“It’s okay.  Um, I hope you’re okay too?”
I don’t really know what to say.  With Namjoon here, probably fully prepared to talk Jungkook through everything better than I ever could, I feel kind of extraneous.  But it feels rude to not check in with him too.  Even if this is literally the first time we’ve properly spoken.  In truth, the only member I’ve spoken to other than Jungkook is Jimin (my little side comment to Jin on Graham Norton doesn’t count).  He was always begging to be included in our text conversation and has taken to interrupting our calls.  Always stealing the phone and insisting on having a proper chat with me before hanging up and dragging Jungkook wherever they need to be.  Last time he remembered my reluctance to say if I had a bias on Graham Norton and tried to guess.  Jungkook gave him my number - in an effort to get him to stop interrupting us.  So now it’s not just the Gravity chat spamming my phone.  Although he’s progressed from trying (and failing) to figure out my bias to just sending me memes.  Granted his attempts consist of just asking if it’s him or Jungkook over and over again - occasionally he throughs in Jin and Tae.  Apparently he doesn’t think I’m a rapline girl.
“I am fine, thank you.  I hope Jungkook didn’t interrupt anything.”
I barely suppress my laugh when Jungkook jokingly rolls his eyes.
“No I’m just trying to pick auditions.”  Namjoon nods sagely along with my words.  I’m about to continue when a text from Maia drops down on my screen.  My eyes widen. “But, uh, I should go.  And you two should go to bed.”
“Are you okay,” Jungkook is asking instantly.
“Yeah, fine.  My agent wants to call me.  But, this was really great.  It was lovely to see you again Namjoon-nim.  Good luck, I’m sure the album is amazing.”
Both of them wave goodbye on screen as I give them a thumbs up and end the call.
Interlude: Dream
“It’s called “Finding the Way Back” and Sandra Oh has specifically requested that I audition for the part.  Like what the fuck?”
“Language, Rory.”
“I’m an adult.”
“Fair.  is this an ‘I can’t believe this amazing thing is happening’ kind of what the fuck, or an ‘I don’t deserve this amazing thing’ what the fuck?”
“I don’t know.  Maybe both?”
“This is all I’ve ever wanted.  I read the audition packet and I felt so seen, I knew it was going to make so many other people feel seen too.  It’s the sort of shit that gets Oscars, you know?  I’ve never in a million years believed that i was going to do Oscar stuff.  And it’s playing across from Sandra fucking Oh - who is like my icon.  She’s so amazing, like as a person and an actress.  And she wants me - Aurora Kim-Wiseman, ex-pulic train wreck - to play her daughter in this film that is just begging to be genre-defining.  This sort of thing doesn’t happen to me.  Not in real life.”
“Nice things are allowed to happen to you Rory, not everything has another shoe waiting to drop.”
December 2020
“Welcome back, we are here with Olivia Dickens, Aurora Kim-Wiseman, Jake Llewlyn and Daniel Peterson,” James Corden says over the loud cheers that are filling the studio.  It’s hard not to smile as Olivia bounces on her toes next to me, cutting off the circulation to my hand with how hard she’s holding it.  Jake is being just as characteristically cool as usual, one arm slung over my shoulder, the other waving.  And Daniel is just laughing at Olivia’s antics, and whatever it was Jake whispered as we were getting into this line.  I give a little wave with my free hand as James continues speaking.
“Now, these four may appear very cool on the surface -” a questionable statement given the way Olivia is vibrating “- but we are going to test their nerves of steel in a game we like to call Flinch!”
The way James says the last word actually makes Olivia flinch a little bit.  It only serves to make Daniel laugh harder.  Those two are never a good combination.  At least the producers learned from our last press cycle and decided against letting them to pairs interviews together, that was disastrous.  They’re both chaotic entities who feed off each other.  Now we always do it girls and boys.  Olivia and I together because I’m apparently a calming presence.  Daniel, Jake and Matt together because they keep other in check.  Playing Flinch isn’t exactly what I expect when we started the press cycle for Gravity season two but it’s probably going to be one of my favourite parts.  Especially given how easily Olivia scares.
James is explaining the rules, like Olivia and Daniel haven’t made us all watch the video of BTS playing a million times.  In fact I’m ninety percent sure they were watching it on youtube while we were in make up.  Make that a hundred percent given the good natured eye rolls that Jake was sending me in the mirror.  He’s sending me a similar look right now, I roll my lips between my teeth to stop myself from laughing.  Looking around I catch Maia standing off stage.  Her arms are crossed, she’s looking at me in that way she does when I’ve given her something she needs to spin.  If I’m guessing, the camera’s probably caught that exchange and she’s placing money on Jake and I’s ship hashtag being revived after this airs.  Anxiety rises in my stomach.  I hate the way every friendly interaction is twisted by people.  How it always leads to invasive question and false rumours.
“Who out of you scares the easiest,” James asks, as though Olivia isn’t literally shaking next to me.  Like we’d practiced it Jake, Daniel and I turn to Olivia, while she shrinks into my captive arm.
“Well, then I think it’s only fitting that you and Aurora got first.”
With that the boys are whooping as I walk Olivia behind the screen.  She pulls my hand to her, adjusting her grip so she’s clinging to it with both hands like a lifeline.  Everyone is speaking at once, James trying to distract us to get a good jump when he launches the fruit, Jake and Daniel messing about with eachother,  Olivia replying to them and the audience cheering.  It all feels very overwhelming all of a sudden.  Especially with the concern of fruit being thrown at high speeds towards my face.  I don’t realise I’m just standing there staring ahead, dead-eyed, until James is calling to me.
“Aurora, are you okay there?” There’s a laugh in his voice that makes me feel a little bit self conscious.
“I’m already dissociating,” I say back, lifting my free hand into a peace sign on autopilot.
This gets me one of those full audience laughs.  Especially as my statement is punctuated by an orange and apple being launched towards us.  Olivia shrieks, jumping out of her skin.  My hand gets jerked along with her.  But that’s the only movement they get out of me.  The audience goes wild, along with James and the boys.  Daniel is just pointing at me as Olivia and I walk back.  He brings me into one of the bro, tug you in and pat your back, hugs, wrapping an arm over my shoulders as we watch the replay.  I don’t even blink.  Laughing I burrow into Daniel’s side to hide my blush.
Nearly four hours later we’re sitting in Olivia’s hotel room watching the show air.  We’re all piled on her bed with Shake Shack burgers that we got security to sneak in for us.  The flinch segment just ended.  We’re all laughing at how Daniel grabbed Jake, the two of them jumped for each other like Shaggy and Scooby Doo.  I definitely won.  That’s not up for debate.  My phone buzzes.  Out of habit I grab it, holding it close to my face.
JJK: Tae is annoyed that you did better than him at flinch.
I hold in my laughter so as not to get the other’s attention.  They’ve been questioning me about my ‘mysterious gentleman’ since we started filming the season and it’s been picked back up for the press tour.  Apparently i’m on my phone a suspicious amount.  And smiling more - Jake likes to say it’s creepy.
Me: you’re watching??
JJK: In between rehearsals.  We like watching Mr Corden and you’re in it so we had to.
Me: 🥺👉👈 you’re watching it for me?
JJK: ...Well yeah.
My phone is snatched, unceremoniously, out of my hand by Olivia.  Thankfully she switch sit off, placing it on the bedside table next to her, rather than looking at it.  Today is not the day I want to explain the Jungkook situation.  And the fact I’ve kept it from them.
“Pay attention to us.  Your mystery man can wait.”
I laugh, collapsing dramatically into Jake.  He rolls his eyes, adjusting me so I’m all but laying in his lap.
Interlude: Soul
“Why are you still acting?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’ve said it yourself, this industry took your childhood, killed your best friend and almost picked you.  Why keep going?  You have a stellar school record, your examination grades are excellent, you would have your pick of universities if you wanted.  Or you could just allow yourself to fade into anonymity.  Why stay?”
“...Will you judge me if I say that I don’t know who I am without it all?  This has been my entire life for so long I don’t know if I can exist without the lights and cameras.”
“Once again, I’m never judging you, and that’s a valid if slightly concerning answer.  However I can’t help but feel it isn’t the whole truth.  You’ve said before that without Gravity you be back in the psych ward by now.  Is it truly just a case of identity?”
“No…  Acting makes me feel alive in a way that nothing else does.  Not even when I was seventeen and high on LSD on Sunset Boulevard.  I love getting to tell stories, to represent people and just be someone else for a while.  I’m not over-exaggerating when I say I’d be dead by now if I hadn’t returned to it.  Before I was in a horrible situation, but it wasn’t representative of the whole industry.  There are some really good pockets that remind you this isn’t just some white guy’s billion dollar investment.  It’s an art form.  I’m not saying I’m Van Gogh with his brush, or Shakespeare with his pen when I’m in front of the camera - I’m not making masterpieces for the most part - but I’m creating something.  And it makes people feel seen.  Or allows them to experience emotions that would be too scary in real life.  Yes, it almost killed me, but now it’s keeping me alive.”
January 2021
“Happy New Year!” I say when Jungkook’s face appears on my screen.  He’d texted the same at ten am - when Korea entered the New Year - but I was in a shoot.  Filming goes ahead, even on the last day of the year.  No-one listened to my argument that that I’m Scottish and technically Hogmanay is a holiday and bigger deal than New Year’s day.  Granted I only said it to Maia who just blinked at me before sending me off to wardrobe.  But no, we only have so much time with this sort of weather - a perfect, atmospheric, grey cold punctuated with snow - in New England so we have to get the shots now.  Can’t even bank on reshoots because it’s so specific.
A chorus of ‘Happy New Year’s greets me as Jungkook waves me around the sitting room he’s in, showing me the rest of BTS draped across the various pieces of furniture and each other.  I wave at them.  Since that first facetime call they’ve become so regular that I’ve had some sort of interaction with each member at some point.  They walk in and out of them, sometimes stopping for a chat.  Usually they just drop off Jungkook’s food, remind of a call time or tell him to go to bed.  At first everytime one of them stepped into frame my stomach would flip.  There’s nothing quite like global superstars to kick start your anxiety.  But I’ve settled into it now.
“How was today?” Jimin asks over Jungkook’s shoulder.
I try to stop myself blushing.  Jungkook does the same, he’s fully aware of what I was shooting today since I’ve been anxious about it all week.  Not everyday you film your first ever (kind of) sex scene in front of a woman that has been your icon for as long as you can remember, while she gives you tips from the other side of the camera.  It wasn’t a full on sex scene, more like heavy petting and grinding to simulate the act while we both remained fully clothed.  The camera only filmed us from the waist up, with a lot of close ups.  But it’s still nerve wracking.  It’s the opposite of something I want to share with BTS.  Especially Jungkook - whose ears are turning red at the thought of it and currently looks like he wants the ground to swallow him.
“Yeah it, uh, it went fine.”  My voice comes out a little strangled.  “What are you guys up to?”
Once again Jungkook pans the camera, this showing a paused TV screen depicting a scene from one of the Marvel films.  I think it’s an early one from the looks of it, maybe the first Thor or something.  All I can see is an explosion.
“We’ve got a few days off for the New Year, so we’re doing a rewatch,” Jungkook explains.
“Oh,” I say, feeling suddenly awkward for interrupting.  “I’ll stop distracting you.”
Jungkook cocks his head at me, looking like he wants to say something but for some reason is holding it back.
“There’s a party downstairs.  I promised Maia I’d come back after making a call.”
With that we all say our goodbyes.  That funny look never leaves Jungkook’s face.
“I’ll call you later?” He says, once the others have settled down.  I just nod, biting my lip.
Once we hang up I flop back on my bed.  Is it stupid that all I can think about is how much I wish he was here?  How much I want to be able to ring in the New Year with one of those fabled kisses.  Standing next to a person I want to spend the coming year with.  God I’m a fucking idiot.  And pathetic.  My Therapist was right.
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homeformyheart · 3 years
simply be mine - adam du mortain x f!detective (twc)
author’s note: i needed to write a fluff piece after my last fic, “cottage by the sea,” and got inspiration while listening to a couple songs (see prompt line below) for a new years’ eve party fic. i hope you enjoy!
copyright: all characters, except my oc detective, are owned by mishka jenkins @seraphinitegames. series/pairing: the wayhaven chronicles  – adam du mortain x f!detective (regina bishop) rating/warnings: 14+; descriptions of drinking  word count: 3.1k based on/prompt: “only girl in the world” by rihanna / “one and only” by adele summary: adam struggles to understand why anyone would care about human new years’ eve traditions, but when he finds out regina enjoys them, he finds himself intrigued.
simply be mine
when regina walked into the warehouse living room an hour before the agency’s new years’ eve party, she was pleasantly surprised to see unit bravo somewhat dressed up, even if they were standing around brooding like usual. she was both surprised and excited that she was invited to attend as well, without having to be someone’s plus one, even though she had been assured by both nate and farah that they would’ve invited her. she giggled internally at the memory of farah practically jumping off the walls of the warehouse living room in excitement, yelling what seemed like a hundred words per minute about going shopping and getting ready together.
she quickly learned that the rest of unit bravo hated attending agency work functions and avoided them as much as they could. however, everyone was “strongly encouraged” to attend the new years’ eve party, which she gathered from both morgan and adam that what the agency meant was “we better see you there or we’ll give you the worst cases next year.” she thought they were probably exaggerating a tiny bit, but let it slide.
perhaps to make up for the fact that they’d have to spend the night in a brightly lit and loud room for several hours with colleagues they didn’t care for, regina found that unit bravo had already started pregaming before she arrived, and they pregamed hard. she saw firsthand the sheer amount of alcohol they needed to consume just to feel a little buzzed.
another rare upside to being human, regina noted, a couple of shots of any brown liquor and she was good to go. of course, she only managed one shot of nate’s vintage prohibition-era whiskey before he snatched it away and started lecturing her on its rarity and history and had to settle for farah’s tequila.
“regina, do a shot with me!” farah practically screamed, bounding over to her with a half-empty bottle of tequila and limes in one hand and a pinch of salt in the palm of her other hand.
“who taught you how to do a tequila shot?” she asked incredulously as farah poured a generous shot for them both and handed her a lime.
“i looked it up online!” she said with such a proud look on her face that regina could only smile fondly at the person who had become her best friend on the team.
they both knocked back the shots and cringed, the salt and limes providing little relief to the burn; regina could only assume it was maybe ten times worse for farah. but then farah drained whatever was left in the bottle and let out a loud whoop before wrapping regina up in a big hug.
“i am soooooooo glad we get to celebrate with youuu!! you are the best person on this teammmmmm, after me, of course,” farah shouted and regina couldn’t help but laugh.
adam raised an eyebrow. “you mean she’s the best human on the team, don’t you, farah?”
“nopeeeeeeeeeeee. regina’s the bestttttttttt of us and you can’t convince me otherwiseeeee,” she said in a singsong voice, much to everyone else’s annoyance.
“hey farah, why don’t you put on some pre-party music?” regina suggested. farah’s eyes lit up and she sped away and disappeared before regina could blink.
she felt adam’s large presence behind her, casting a figurative shadow over her in the living room. the room was softly lit by the chandelier farah herself had selected, much to morgan’s annoyance. regina let herself lean back slightly without actually touching adam’s chest, knowing it would tempt him to wrap his hands around her waist.
except he only kept one hand hovering near her hip as he said in a low murmur, “you really shouldn’t encourage her, you know.”
the corner of her lips twitched as though it wanted to break into a smile, but regina knew adam wouldn’t appreciate being teased about being a ‘stick in the mud’ considering each member of unit bravo took their turn throughout the day telling him to lighten up.
“you know she’s not going to stop, so just let her have her fun,” she winked as a familiar song started vibrating through the walls, followed by farah’s vocals. “we’ll be heading out soon anyway.”
morgan let out a sound that was a cross between a loud huff and a growl as she stomped outside, cigarettes in hand.
“i want you to love me, like a hot ride,” farah sang out as she appeared in the living room, twirling gracefully as she leaped over the table to land in front of regina. “be thinking of me, doing what you like.”
regina laughed as adam sighed loudly, intending obviously for them to hear, before he walked over to where nate was leaning against the bookshelf with a glass of wine. she immediately missed the warmth of his body behind her, or rather, the tingle she got in her spine from the prospect of his touch. she took a long sip of her whiskey, willing herself to actually enjoy tonight and not dwell on the lack of progress between her and adam.
“come on, regina, sing with me!” farah grabbed her hand and started twirling her around, whatever was left of the whiskey sloshing out of the glass and on to the floor.
“want you to make me feel, like i’m the only girl in the world,” regina belted alongside farah, throwing her head back. “like i’m the only one you’ll ever love; like i’m the only one who knows your heart.”
farah grabbed the wine bottle on the table by nate before he could intervene and put it to her mouth like a microphone. “only girl in the worlddddd,” she crooned, before collapsing into a giggling fit on the couch, bringing regina down with her.
despite wanting to roll his eyes at farah’s antics, even nate couldn’t help but smile at how cheerful his family was and how nice it was to celebrate the holidays together.
“we should get going soon,” he said, finishing his glass of wine.
“no, wait, regina’s not dressed!” farah said, immediately standing and pulling regina up with her.
“what are you talking about? i am dressed,” regina protested, motioning toward her tailored dress pants and blouse.
farah wrinkled her nose. “oh honey, no. this is a fancy party and you need to dress like it. come on!” before she could protest further, farah had dragged her back toward her room.
* * * * * “you know, regina might appreciate it if you partake in some new years’ traditions,” nate said quietly, glancing over at his longtime friend, who was staring out the window.
adam looked over at him with one eyebrow raised. “and what traditions would that be?”
nate smiled mischievously. “well, the one that seems to be really popular among humans is kissing someone at midnight.”
nate could feel adam’s shoulders tense a fraction of a second before he saw the physical movement itself. “that is an impractical and inane tradition. i would think the detective to be above such childish antics.”
now it was nate’s turn to raise an eyebrow at him. “and i think she’d appreciate the romantic gesture. it’s not childish to want to ring in the new year with someone you care for.”
before adam could retort, the sound of heels clacking along the hallway and the gentle swishing movement of fabric drew his attention toward the only thing that was capable of unraveling centuries of carefully architected walls with a single glance. regina appeared in the living room, farah’s arm looped in hers, dressed in a strapless black floor-length gown with a sweetheart neckline and slit that went all the way up to her mid-thigh.
adam’s eyes followed the length of the slit; the creamy complexion of her skin drawing him in. his gaze traced the way the fabric clung to her curves, dipping at the waist before cupping her chest. her hair was styled in soft waves to one side, leaving her collarbone and neck exposed. he didn’t realize his eyes were continuing to trace the delicate lines of her neck and jaw, before they landed on her red lips. they were lighter than blood and yet, just as, if not more, enticing to him.
he watched as the corner of those luscious lips quirked up into a smirk, which seemed to snap him out of his trance. his gaze shot upward to meet her teasing blue ones, not realizing that his feet seemed to move of their own accord until he was standing right in front of her.
“can i help you, commanding agent du mortain?” regina said, the low and sultry tone of her voice sending warmth south in an unfamiliar, but not wholly unpleasant way.
adam’s throat suddenly felt dry – an odd, human-like sensation that made him pause, until he realized that regina was suddenly very close. too close. he inwardly begged his legs to take a step back, but they wouldn’t budge, and he wasn’t sure if he really wanted to anyway.
“your… dress. it’s impractical. what if you were to get attacked?” he said slowly after clearing his throat, clasping his hands behind his back.
regina smiled and gazed up at him knowingly, a look that was both infuriating and intoxicating. as though she could read every piece of his soul back to him and love all of him anyway.
“don’t worry, i have my volt gun strapped to my thigh, see?” she reached for his hand, her touch sending a jolt up his arm that would worry him for medical reasons if he were human, but instead was stoking a deep primal urge within him as she moved it toward the back of her thigh.
the familiar rectangular gun was firm underneath his fingers and even though regina had let go of his hand, he held on, not quite allowing himself to graze her skin, but feeling her body heat at the tips of his fingertips all the same.
“besides, i know you all will be keeping an eye on me,” she said, batting her eyelashes at him. adam could hear the flutter of each lash against the air and found himself wondering how they’d feel against his skin as she kissed her way down his chest.
“of course, i— i mean, we, won’t let anything happen to you,” he said, moving his hand back behind him, flexing it once before resuming his stance.
“well, i only care that you are keeping an eye on me, commanding agent,” she said, giving him a flirty wink before putting on her coat and following farah out to the car.
adam let out an audible groan and rubbed his face with his hands. nate clasped a hand on his shoulder and he looked over to see his best friend was smirking at him.
“it’s okay. but if you’re going to pretend like there’s nothing between you all night, then you won’t mind if we all take turns dancing with her, right?” his smile only widened as adam’s mouth parted in stunned surprise. “come on or we’ll be late.”
* * * * * adam stood, tense and rigid, in a corner of the ballroom near the balcony doors with morgan, who ducked out every so often when the lights and sounds got to be too much, while nate and farah took turns dancing with regina. it baffled him how an entire room full of trained agents could let themselves potentially be compromised by partaking in such celebratory activities. even his own team, although he would admit only to himself that they needed the break.
farah loved the upbeat songs that allowed her to twirl regina around as fast as she could, and he wondered how regina could handle what must be incredibly dizzying and nauseating for a human. and then there was nate, who took advantage of the slow ballads and classic waltzing music sprinkled throughout the evening, to lead regina around in simple box steps. it was very unlike adam to care what his team did during events like this, as long as they behaved themselves, but something about how nate would lean in every once in a while to say something and make regina laugh made him want to crush every glass in sight.
he crossed his arms and glared at the back of nate’s head, knowing he was doing this to antagonize him, somehow. he felt his gaze unwillingly soften, however, whenever he felt regina’s eyes glance over at him. he quickly looked away when he realized she was walking toward him, surveying the room as though he was being vigilant.
“not fond of dancing?” she asked, the words coming out in soft gasps as she sought to catch her breath.
“i don’t see the point,” he said quickly, the defensiveness in his tone catching even him by surprise. surely, he didn’t need to explain himself.
“sometimes things don’t have to have a point to be enjoyable,” she offered, her voice pleasantly cutting through the din of the party. “and i really like dancing.”
regina let out a soft hum as nate arrived and handed her a drink. she drank it gratefully, giving nate a gentle smile that made adam grit his teeth. morgan appeared next to her and swiftly took regina’s drink, finishing it despite her half-hearted protest.
“so, regina, what is your favorite new years’ eve tradition?” nate asked, hiding his smile behind his glass of wine and ignoring adam’s pointed glare.
“oh well, i always like how excited everyone gets and parties like this are definitely fun,” regina answered, pausing for just a moment to look down at her glass hesitantly before continuing, “but the best one is of course getting to kiss someone at midnight.”
“it’ll be midnight soon, do you have anyone you plan to kiss yet?” morgan asked, slinging an arm around regina’s shoulders. “i’m free at midnight, if you’re interested.”
adam cleared his throat. “that would be unprofessional, agent.”
morgan brought another cigarette to her lips. nate stopped her hand with the lighter and motioned to the balcony. “let’s get some air, morgan, and leave these two alone.”
“sure, if you think that means he’ll actually kiss her before i do,” morgan snickered, too soft for regina to hear but it was obviously directed at adam.
a soft romantic melody started playing over the speakers; a love ballad that regina was familiar with, judging by the way she started humming along and swaying gently in place.
i don't know why i'm scared i've been here before every feeling, every word i've imagined it all you'll never know if you never try to forget your past and simply be mine
regina blinked at adam’s sudden appearance in front of her, his large figure towering over hers and blocking the chandelier from her sight.
“you like this song.” it technically wasn’t a question.
“um, i guess?” she asked, puzzled.
“you should dance,” he said, his hands itching to reach for hers.
regina tilted her head to the side and looked up at him searchingly, her blue eyes delicately framed by her long dark lashes. “are you asking me to dance?”
he pursed his lips into a thin, straight line. “you would need a partner, and seeing as no one else is around, i can… dance with you. if you’d like.”
her eyebrows shot up in surprise. she was not expecting adam du mortain to willingly admit to asking her to dance. she quickly looked around and noticed that most of the agents had gone out on the balcony to watch the fireworks.
she smiled and tucked her hand gently into his and led him to the dance floor. they settled into a swaying rhythm as regina wrapped her arms around his neck. adam hesitantly placed his hands on her waist, and a sweet heat bloomed throughout her body, making her feel flushed.
“i thought dancing was pointless?” she asked teasingly after encouraging him to shift his weight between his feet to match her movements.
adam lowered his head, as if he didn’t want anyone reading his lips or hearing what he was about to say. “with you… it doesn’t seem that way.”
regina shook her head fondly. “you continue to surprise me, commanding agent.”
i dare you to let me be your, your one and only i promise i'm worthy to hold in your arms so come on and give me the chance to prove i am the one who can walk that mile until the end starts
“i hope so,” he muttered quietly. “i have lived over nine centuries, yet every day with you seems new and uncertain.”
regina was afraid to ruin the moment by saying anything and decided to step closer and rest her head on his shoulder instead. she smiled when his hands tightened around her waist, bunching the fabric in a way that she was sure would leave wrinkles.
her head shot up at the sound of the crowd outside counting down the last few seconds to the new year. “i didn’t realize it was almost midnight, we should go join everyone.”
adam’s green eyes bore into hers and she was close enough that she could see little specks of gold reflected in them from the chandeliers and ornate décor throughout the room. “you… you want to kiss mor—ahem, someone at midnight.”
“oh, i didn’t mean anything by it,” she said quickly, giving him a reassuring smile. she tried taking a step back only to find that adam was holding her tightly in place.
“but it’s a tradition you enjoy.” it was a statement, but he was looking for confirmation while trying to maintain his composure despite his heart hammering so loudly in his chest he thought regina would be able to hear it.
she dropped her hands from his shoulders and let them rest on his chest, fiddling with the lapels of his jacket nervously. “oh well, i— i suppose with someone i care for, yes.”
the final second and cheers from the balcony faded into the background as adam leaned forward and touched his lips lightly to hers; they were softer than he imagined, even with the layer of faded lipstick between them.
regina’s body instinctively arched closer to his as she sought to deepen the kiss, her hands scrambling for some part of his shirt she could hold on to. she barely registered that it was over all too soon as adam pulled back, her head spinning from the kiss in a good way.
“happy new year, detective,” he whispered hoarsely, resting his forehead against hers briefly before stepping back and walking away.
regina touched her lips to savor the pleasant tingling feeling the kiss had left behind. happy new year indeed.
* * * * * mentions:  @kelseaaa; @kat-tia801; @anotherbeingsworld; @crackerdumortain; @pearlsandsteel; @gloynporslen; @sosolenoo; @alyssalauren; @wayhavenots; @gingerbreton; @takemyopenheart; @writer-ish; @fhauvilles;
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Dirty Water
Benny 'Borracho' Magalon x Robyn Banks (Black!OC)
Summary: Robb met a couple of shady characters calling themselves cops. Well it just so happens they are, and they're worse than she first thought.
Word count: 2.5k words
Rating/Warning(s): +16 Mature | kidnapping, mild torture, tied up, wanna be clear: IRL I do not condone hooking up with a person who kidnapped you or was complicit in kidnapping you, it just don't work out like that in reality
AN: so basically I'm gonna write and post this in whatever order I please, then go back and figure it out later. Since my brain has jumped back on the Pascal bandwagon, it's hard to focus outside of his body of work but I'm still coming back to this story with relative ease.
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Just when she'd started to warm up again, a another shower of ice cold mop water was pitched over her head. Robyn sputtered and coughed, trying not to swallow the suds in her mouth or let them see her cry to keep the dirt out of her eyes. From the shadows that danced beyond her eyelids, she could tell the alleged cop who called himself Nick was crouching in front of her. 
"Last chance, sweetheart," the dirty cop said. "Tell me how you know Tony D'Onofrio." 
Seven years ago, two federal agents walked in on officer Robyn Banks being sentenced to traffic duty. She didn't mind– she was fed up with the secrets her colleagues were forcing her to keep anyways. Maybe stepping down could help her clear her head, maybe give her time to compartmentalize those events and feelings. Only now could she say that the rest of her career was already out of her hands. 
"Those agents on that file? They approached me about D'Onofrio. Said he was my moby dick. Made a big deal about 'justice' and 'law and order' and 'the sanctity of the badge." Robyn spit more mop water onto the floor and continued, "I told them I didn't know what the fuck it had to do with me and they just sorta looked at each other." 
The blond man– Nick called him Z, she thinks– crossed his arms. "Quit jerkin us around, Banks, get to the fucking point." 
Nick held up a hand. "Easy, tiger. I asked for a story and that's what I'm hearing. Keep going, Robbie." 
Robyn scowled on the inside. "They told me he was my father. More like a sperm donor than anything, he probably didn't even know I was alive." 
"Now that is interesting," Nick purred. 
He cut the zip tie binding her arm to the rolly chair and handed her a towelette to wipe her eyes. She dared not reach for the tie on her other arm, lest her captors think she's pulling a move to escape. Instead she dabbed the sweat and mop water that soaked into the skin of her neck and face to pause and think about her next words. 
"That was the basis of the deal. I join their investigation undercover, see if I can get somewhere with my connection, and help them put one of the biggest crime bosses on this side of the coast away for good. In exchange, I get to call the shots, they'd put in a good word with my CO and elevate me to detective status instead of beat cop." 
"Thought you liked being a beat cop," the one in the silk flamingo shirt said. 
"Apparently nobody believes that." 
"So," Nick steepled his fingers beneath his aquiline nose in thought, "your end of the deal wasn't even your idea? How does that work?" 
"Sounds like she got something else out of it," the bald man in the white polo accused. 
Robyn glared at him, but she didn't contradict him. If she wanted to be listened to, she needed to stay calm. Stay calm, stay alive. Go home with the minimal amount of PTSD. 
"Do you want me to tell you what happened or not?" When nobody raised any more objections, she continued. "I agreed to their terms. Next I know, I'm climbing the criminal ladder, dropping bread crumbs about my parentage, two years goes by, yada yada yada, and then bam. I have a meeting with the heir apparent to the Italian mafia. 
"At that meeting I told Tony D'Onofrio he knew my mother and that I knew they had been dating around the time I was born–" 
"Yeah that– he stared at me for so long I forgot how to breathe and then… he… believed me." 
A pin dropped somewhere in the empty parking garage. A dog barked wildly a mile away but could still be heard in the silence that followed. Robyn still couldn't believe he'd bought it either. 
"He just… believed you," Nick said skeptically. 
Robyn could do nothing but shrug. "I never got the details, I couldn't ask my mom about it and Tony never gave me any indication that he knew about me before that meeting. He just asked me what I wanted and did it." 
Nick dragged his eyes over her form, shivering and glistening, and then-- "what did you ask him?" 
Robyn felt her eyes gloss over as she tried to remember what mysterious force compelled her to say the exact right words. "I told him all I wanted was for him to know, to see him with my own eyes and know he was real. I said I didn't need any favors or special treatment. I just needed some closure." 
That was all. And the agents had been fucking furious with her. They had accused her of using them, of being a traitor and a spy for D'Onofrio or a mastermind cat-woman type villain and all manner of other terrible things. They were ready to pull the plug on the whole operation when Tony had offered her a better job. A job where she would come face- to- face with every schmoe on Tony's payroll. 
"Tony offered me a job 'running errands.' Not quite in his inner circle but higher in his ranks than I had any business being," Robyn said. "Most of the people doing these jobs were kids, easy to get around the city undetected and reliable. Now he knew I wasn't a kid but I guess he wanted to see more from me, put his best eyes on me to see if I was legit." 
Nick nodded and stood up (his knees popping like broken branches). He walked over to Murphy in the flamingo shirt and passed a few inaudible words between them. Robyn wasn't skilled in the art of lip reading, and failed to catch anything from Murphy except the word 'pointless.' It rubbed her the wrong way, sending a spark of fear through her that quickly dulled back into the numbness of being helplessly bound to a chair. She needed to finish this soon before she completely cracked. 
Nick returned to her side, chasing some pepto bismol with a flask of what smelled like tequila in it. "That's a very sweet story, Robbie, really it is. But… what I wanna know is why you're not in this file." 
"That's not what you asked me," she griped, then backpedaled into, "I'm trying to tell you why I'm not in the file. But in order to tell you that, I have to tell you what was left out of the file first. I'm getting to the point, I just… there's a lot of shit to sift through." 
Nick nodded like a patient father (yeah, right). "Just the good parts then." 
"Yeah," she nodded quickly, "just the good parts..." 
"The good parts, uhm. Well he did learn to trust me. I barely had to do anything just… let him try to kindle a relationship between us. I started calling him dad at his request, nobody bothered me or questioned me after that and I didn't abuse it, expect on the downlow giving info to the feds. He liked that about me– he liked me. We'd talk about my mom and he'd let his guard slip, started taking me to his meetings and asking me to deliver his important paperwork." 
"I let him think I was with him and documented everything I could for six more years." In truth, she had had some doubts. About putting him away and the vacuum of power it would create, about the dichotomy of good versus evil, about her career. In that last year, she had actually warmed to the idea of becoming a detective and getting to do work with her own moral backbone and not someone else's. "We made the arrest January 19th and put him away for a dime." 
Nick leaned so far forward in his chair Rob had to lean back. "This is the part where you wrap it up, sweetcheeks." 
Robyn gulped. "Gomer and Valentine pushed me out. They'd been acting really strange at the end, wearing these shit eating grins and looking at each other, and then they iced me out. Had me fired on the grounds that I was too close to the perp, used a fucking Christmas photo for evidence. There went the Italian mob's heir and seven years of hardwork, and I wouldn't even be mentioned by name in the case file. No testimony, no credit, just a dishonorable discharge and dumped on my ass in the streets." 
"Wow." Nick rubbed a hand down his face like he was the exhausted one. "That's quite the story, princess." 
He looked at each of his mates, every face stonier than the last. Especially the silent one's, the latino guy. Then he looked back at Robyn and smiled with a lot of teeth. 
"I do have some questions though, if you'll let me." Sure like I have a choice. "Now it wasn't public knowledge you were in on the investigation, but I find it hard to believe your dad's lackeys didn't know it was you who turned him in. And what I find even harder to believe is that they'd let you live for it." 
Robyn said nothing. There was a part of her that didn't quite grasp it either. When she had arrested him, when she'd slapped the cuffs on him herself and read him his Miranda rights, after the shock of her betrayal wore off, Tony had congratulated her. 
"I'm proud of you, kid. You may be a narc but at least you got your head straight. You got guts, kid." 
As far as she understood it, his last order as the leader of the mafia was not to harm her in any way. Nobody bothered her. They still knew her face on the streets, sent glares her way but never touched her. One of his underlings had come to her place and suggested she skip town permanently just to be safe. It was not a courtesy she ever expected from anyone let alone a man with a reputation for high profile robbery and murder. 
She didn't know what to expect. "I guess he really did love me." And Nick left it at that. 
Robyn was unbound, blindfolded, and dumped right back onto the street those so called cops had snatched her from. Her legs shook as she walked the last block to her place, utterly miserable and in desperate need of some sleep. Maybe tomorrow she could figure out what the fuck her life had come to. She showered (and cried) and picked up the half drunk beer from her fridge and brought it out on her front steps, taking a sip of the flat beverage and wishing it was something stronger. 
People passed below her on the streets, never once looking up. The traffic never disappeared but it did lull this time of night. She didn't mean to– barely noticed she was doing it– but she found a pack of cigarettes in her overcoat and lit one up. 
"Next time," she promised herself. I'll try to quit next time. 
Just as she was beginning to ease the tension that had been weighing on her all night, a man climbed the steps to her building and pointedly slowed down to a stop a few feet away from her. She chanced a glare at him and found him no stranger which was somehow infinitely worse. 
"Fuck off," her nerves got the better of her, "I told you everything, can't I at least get some sleep first?!" 
The man lifted his hands in defense, carrying a bottle in a brown bag in one of them. He was, well, he was the handsome one. The Cuban with the neck tattoo and broad shoulders. His eyes seemed a lot softer now Despite the dark setting. 
"Swear on my life, I'm not here for Nick." He took a single step up, waiting to see how she'd react, and when she didn't run, he took another and set the covered bottle down next to her before backing off. Still skeptical, Robyn carefully unwrapped the thing, revealing an expensive looking wine label. Dark red. "It's an apology," he explained with his hands in his pockets, "Nick thinks he's this big, clever actor but he can be a real bully when he drinks." 
Robyn gave him the 'do I look like an idiot' eyebrow and he had the decency to look at his feet. "We could really use your help with this, Banks. Nick forgot to mention the part where Tony was put on parole for good behavior. He'll be out tomorrow." 
"He what." That's just the thing isn't it? The case that ended her career permanently and he just got to walk off after only serving two years of his sentence. That was the real crime here. Robyn gritted her teeth, gripped the neck of the bottle and squeezed. She started shaking it like it was her criminal father, or the weasel federal agents who took her credit, or the dirty cops who kidnapped her tonight. 
Borracho looked concerned. "Do you need a corkscrew or– " 
Robyn shrugged off her jacket and looked him dead in the eye as she wrapped it around the base of the bottle and gently banged it on the porch step until the cork exploded into the air (along with a third of the bottle's contents but whatever). Borracho raised a hand to protect his face from the spray, and turned away to hide a silly grin. 
"Nevermind," he said, shaking the excess drink off his hand. "Listen, if he calls you about anything, please let us know." 
He pointed to the bag, which had a phone number on it. "Don't let your work be in vain." 
"You try that line on everybody?" Rob was feeling a little facetious in the face of mercy, over tired from the revelations, and pissed off by these fucking pigs. "Your good cop, bad cop routine needs some balance. Did you know I was kidnapped today? Now this wine is a start but you'd better step it up, good cop." 
He started to walk away but she called out, "I got Nick, Z, and Murphy. Clocked 'Gus' by the name written on his underwear. Which one are you?" 
"Benny," he threw back, and disappeared into the nighttime traffic. 
"Benny," Rob scoffed. "Cute ass." 
Robb drank the equivalent of two glasses, then passed out from exhaustion. She slept dreamlessly and tried to forget last night had ever happened. Benny, in the meantime, returned to the office where his crew was huddled around a phone receiver. 
"Don't appreciate you throwing me under the bus, B," Nick growled from his seat. 
"Shup up and drink this," Benny pushed the glass of raw eggs closer to his boss' hand, a so called 'hangover cure'. Nick shrunk back a little.
"Told you she'd be sweet on him," Z elbowed Murphy in the ribs and ignored his protesting 'um actually I said that.' 
"Wouldn't call her sweet," Benny said, grunting as he took up residence at his own desk. "She looked like a feral cat." 
Nick laughed. "Yeah well don't go getting mixed up with that pussy, B, we've got work to do." 
It was gonna be another long night for everybody. 
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pennyserenade · 2 years
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his girl friday
pairing: agent whiskey x female oc , agent whiskey x original female character summary: as the engagement party continues, alicia and archie realize that they might just need jack daniels to save them after all  warnings: language, alcohol mention word count: 4.4k+ rating: t ( teen ) author’s note: i don’t know anything about stocks but i did my very best here
As he brings his half empty champagne glass to his lips, Jack sees Tequila and that poor cocktail waitress, standing in the corner of the room. He scowls as the alcohol makes its way down his throat, hoping she has sense enough by the end of the night to tell him to go away. It’s not that the woman doesn’t look to be enjoying his company - quite the opposite, giving him flirtatious grins and whispering things to him when no one is looking - but that Jack can't really stand to see two people be so happy when his own plan is going so miserable.
He knows the alcohol is probably not working to improve his mind, but it seems to him the only solution to dealing with someone as damn stubborn as Alicia.
A part of him knew that it wasn’t going to be easy, that with words alone he could not get to her, but hope had carried him foolishly into going through with the previous plan. Hope. A very juvenile concept, Jack knows now, hardly something that should’ve had him lying all his eggs in one basket. The truth of it is that he’s not quite used to being on his own just yet. All these half-boiled ideas of his have been honed to perfection by Alicia over the years, and now that he does not have her, he’s finding he’s not nearly as clever as he thought himself to be. All he has is Archie, and some half-baked idea floating around in his mind about what he could give to him to make Alicia come back, even for just a bit. Being as he is richer than God himself, Jack’s not sure what in the world he has to offer.
Jack throws back the rest of the drink when Tequila kisses the woman on the mouth and she lets him. He used to be like that, so carefree, almost bordering on plain stupid. It was heaven. Women flocked to him, everywhere, even on missions, and he could have them. Then they assigned him that woman, with her smart mouth, and they made her his wife. He supposes he should rejoice that she’s making him something of a divorced man, but all he’s got is a hurt ego and a desire for her back.
Sulking, Jack walks over to Tequila. Tequila, much too taken with the woman, does not notice his presence until Jack’s tapping him impatiently on the shoulder.
“Oh hiya, Jack,” Tequila says, looking too blissed out for Jack’s taste. “This is Hilary.” Tequila looks at the woman. “Hilary, this is Jack Daniels. We’re friends of the bride.”
Jack gives her a warm smile. “Nice to meet ya, Hilary. Sorry to intrude on your little party here, but consider it me doing you a favor.” Jack digs in his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He hands the woman a twenty. “That’s for any tips he might have made you miss out on.”
“Jack!” Tequila goes to protest, but Jack glares in his direction. .
“It was nice to meet you, Hilary,” Tequila tells her solemnly.
“Thanks,” the woman says, confusion lacing her words as she looks at the bill in her hand. “It was nice to meet you too. Both of you.”
Jack watches as she retrieves her serving tray back off the table behind her and carries her way back through the crowd.
“You’re a miserable damn fool,” Tequila spats out, once she’s gone.
“Yeah, yeah,” Jack waves him off. “Listen, I need your help. Alicia did not take to my other plan.”
“What other plan, Jack? You’ve not told me a damn thing about any plan.”
Jack frowns. “Well that’s because I thought you might try to stop me, but I’m desperate. We’ve got to get Alicia back for this mission. They all think she’s my wife and I think it’d be easier with her around.”
“Jack, I’m sure we can do it alone. I don’t think she would’ve left us if she didn’t think you could complete this by yourself.”
“Yeah, well you don’t know her like I do, do ya?” Jack says, “Trust me on this one, boy scout. I need you to help me figure out how to get to her through him.”
Jack points to Archie, who is walking across the room. As he puts his finger down back at his side, Jack realizes the man is alone. He follows him with his eyes, and watches him go down the corridor where the bathroom is. Jack turns back to Tequila with a grin.
“Fan-fucking-tanstic,” Jack beams, snapping his fingers. “Tequila, go stand by the bathroom until he comes out and then tell him that Mr. Daniels needs to see him after the speech his parents will make. Say it’s about…business.”
“Jack, you haven’t one goddamn idea what you’re doing.”
“Sure I don’t, but–” Jack looks down at his watch. “We’ve got ten minutes until the speech and probably about ten minutes with the speech itself to come up with something.” He nudges Tequila with his shoulder. “Now go, before he comes out and you miss the chance. If he asks about what I’ve discussed with Alicia, tell him nothing because she wasn’t interested. I’m sure she’ll admit that much if he asks her.”
Tequila turns to him. “And why do I have to be your lap dog? Can’t you do this yourself?”
“Important people always seem to have lap dogs,” Jack tells him. “Now, go.”
Tequila shakes his head, annoyed. 
“I can’t wait to never work with you again, Jack Daniels,” he says, before heading off into Archie’s direction.
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The apartment is filled to the brim with important people, and Alicia feels a bit overwhelmed by being made to stand in front of them for this speech. She knows she should feel good about this, that she’s more than earned it, but there’s something to it that makes her feel like she’s playing her best part yet.  
Alicia had never had it easy—not until that day she had met Champ in that ratty little theater in one of the least desirable parts of New York—and she knows these people have.
She’d been doing a play that day when she met Champ. Though it didn’t pay very well, she liked it. It was pure luck that he had stumbled in the theater that day, though, but she knows it wouldn’t have mattered whether he came the day before or the day after; he would’ve seen her exactly the same way, because she always gave it her best. She had loved being an actress, even though it didn’t treat her nearly as well as it could have.
Her mother had given her that. Together, in those apartments they’d weave in and out of together as a family, they would use the stories her mother had remembered from her own childhood in Mexico, and they’d make English renditions for her father. Her mother was a wonderful actress, despite the fact that her only crowd had begun with her siblings, and had only ever expanded to her partner and child later. It didn’t seem to matter to her, that no one else could see how brilliant she was. She shined only because she could, and for no one but herself. Alicia had learned a lot about everything she wanted to be from watching her mother perform those stories in their home.
When Alicia was sixteen, her father had died, and her mother had sent her to live with her aunt and uncle in California. She had gotten with a man who was nothing like Archie while there, and he had gotten her into a picture or two because his father had been someone of importance at one of the studios. She never got far with it, because the guy liked her better quiet, and she liked herself better heard. That day Champ spotted her and offered her the job in New York, she was there because she had turned eighteen a few months prior, and had decided that she’d rather be in New York and poor than in California and someone else’s placemat. Alicia had said yes to Champ, because he offered her fair wages and the opportunity to act, even adjacently, for as long as she liked. It was a great leap of faith Champ and she had taken that day.
Statesman was very close to what her mother had wanted for her, but Alicia knows it is Archie that she would be most happy about. Alicia loves Archie, too, and there’s a privilege in that, one she’s not likely to get again. It’s why the very sight of Jack here tonight has shaken her. It’d be one thing if she thought he was here out of the kindness of his heart, but when she looked him in the eyes, she knew it wasn’t. There’s a certain twinkle he gets, when he’s up to no good, and he had it. She didn’t even need to hear him out to know it.
“You’re so stiff,” Archie whispers behind her. He has a hand on her hip, and they stand just to the left of his parents, who are in the midst of making a grand speech about love and marriage. “Don’t be so nervous—I’m right here.”
She pats the hand that holds her, but doesn’t respond.
“To my dear son, Archibald Leach and his beautiful bride-to-be, Ms. Alicia Sinclair,” Archie’s father says. He turns to the two of them, holding up the glass in his hand. Alicia watches as everyone follows suit. “May this union prove to be as fruitful as that of your mother and I’s.”
Alicia looks out at the crowd. Her future stands in glimmering evening gowns and customized tuxedos, holding up glasses of fizzy champagne in congratulations to her and Archie. They wear bright smiles, and look as though they care deeply about them, even though she knows they mustn’t. This sort of spurious emotion from these types of people would usually make her feel ill, but as she takes in the sound of their applause and feels the warm press of Archie’s body behind her, she thinks about how lucky she is to be given it, albeit it’s falseness.
Then she remembers somewhere in this room, Jack Daniels stands, probably feeling holier-than-thou as he watches her play the part. Maybe it even makes him a little sick - maybe he loses some respect and hates her for what she came to be, and the way she can do it so unabashedly. A rich little wife.
She sure hopes so. She hopes he’s red in the face and that his anger carries him straight through the door he brought himself in through.
She could kill him. The sheer audacity of him, to think she would ever do another damn thing for him after she had to work so egregiously to get his respect at Statesman. Any part of her that might have thought about missing him has been cured by that hallway interaction, too. She knows he’s well, and she also knows he’s suffering just a bit without her.
Exactly how it ought to be.
“Alicia.” Archie presses his lips to her ear, drawing her close as the crowd in front of them begins to disperse. “Alicia, when I went to the bathroom earlier, before the speech, your other friend - what’s his name? He said that Jack would like to talk business with me. Do you have any idea about what? Is it a part of what he discussed with you?”
Alicia turns. “No, I swear,” she promises. “I’m not trying to rope you into anything. He’s—he’s a little foolish, is all. We–there was nothing really said about business. I promise this is not my doing.”
Archie chuckles. “I didn’t think you were trying to rope me into anything. I just had thought maybe he had told you something about it earlier, when he said he wanted to talk business with you.”
“You don’t have to meet with him,” she says, “In fact, you probably shouldn’t. There’s not much business he could talk with you.”
“What’d he say to you?”
“Nothing,” Alicia lies, “Just congratulations in private because he’s a tad bit on the dramatic side.”
“If he tried to steal you away from me, you can tell me. I can’t promise I’ll be able to win a fight over him, but I’ll try my damndest.” Archie jokes.
“He did no such thing.” Alicia’s smile returns. “And even if he had, it’d be no contest. You’ve won already, over all the men.”
He leans down and kisses her.
“I can’t wait until we can go home. You have a fantastic way of making me like a man, and I would greatly like to repay you by putting my—“
They both turn to see Archie’s father. He wears a proud, fatherly grin - something she wasn’t aware he was capable of.
“Father,” Archie replies, straightening himself out. “I’m glad you came by. Alicia and I were just about to go search for you and Mother. Thank you for the speech.”
“And the lovely party. You truly did not have to do it on my behalf, but I am grateful you did,” Alicia adds.
Archie’s father’s expression does not shift. “Well, you know, we want the best for our son, and if his fiancé does not have parents, then we must compensate. We trust that in the future, you might repay us with grandchildren.”
“Oh, it’s quite alright,” Alicia dismisses.
“No, it’s not.” Archie holds firm. “What if we do not wish to have children?”
“Archie,” Alicia says. She looks back at his father. “We’ve discussed nothing of the sort. I’d be more than happy to have children sometime in the near future, when we’ve settled.”
“I suggest you mind your bride to be, son,” Archie’s father warns. “I love you dearly, but you’ve yet to become the man you think you are at the moment.”
“Mr. Leach,” Alicia interrupts, panicked. “I think you’d be very happy to know your son has been doing business. We have a very important man to speak with after we get done here. He wanted to wait to tell you, as a surprise, but I think it’s too good.”
The man quirks an eyebrow, looking up to his son. “Is that so? You’re truly socializing?”
Archie nods his head. “Yes,” he replies shortly. “We really must be going, too, because this man is awfully important. I think a stock in his company would be very beneficial to us.”
Archie’s father makes a pleased sound. “What sort of business?”
“Alcohol. It’s a long running distillery in the heart of Tennessee,” Alicia improvises, before she can think about what she’s saying. “I used to work there as a secretary, if you can remember.”
“I’ll discuss the details with you later,” Archie says, pushing Alicia in the opposite direction. “Tomorrow, maybe.”
Alicia takes Archie’s hand and leads them into the thick of the crowd, until they’re far enough out of his father’s watchful eye to stop. She turns back around to look at Archie.
“Oh, I sure do hope that man isn’t just talk,” Archie frowns.
“I’m not sure he isn’t.”
“You don’t think? I thought he was your friend?”
“You can have my stock in it,” she tells him, trying to think. “I have a bit.”
“Why do you have stock if you were just the secretary?”
Alicia shrugs. “It was a Christmas bonus one year?”
“How much of it?” he questions quietly. “Enough to matter?”
“Maybe,” she replies hesitantly. Then: “I’m not sure. Your parents are very rich.”
“Does this fellow Jack have a good amount of it, stock? You said he worked with you too, didn’t you?”
“Sure,” she nods.“I could get it from him, too, but probably at a small price.”
“Can I just offer to buy it off of him?”
Alicia shakes her head. “Jack is an incredibly stubborn man. He’ll want something from me, I know it.”
Archie sighs. “Your company sounds about as good as mine. Do you have any idea what? If it’s too much or if you don’t want to, then please don’t. I’d rather make my father angry than push you into something you don’t want to do.”
Alicia bites at the inside of her cheek, thinking for a moment. “Let me speak to him on my own for a bit? I know him pretty well.”
“Are you sure?” Archie asks. “I can go with you for moral support, if you need. I don’t mind.”
“No, that’s alright. It’s better if I talk to him alone.”
Archie looks down at her, and for the first time, Alicia feels like she doesn’t know what he is thinking. “Are you alright?” she asks.
“Sure,” he nods. “Well.”
“Did he and you, you know, used to see each other?” Archie says, quiet. “It's just that it seems he’s awful taken with you, and I can understand why, but…he looks at you like I look at you, I’ve noticed.”
A laugh nearly falls from Alicia’s mouth at the suggestion. “No he doesn’t, and absolutely not. He’s just a friend–always has been just that. We’ve just known each other for a while, that's all.”
“Right.” Archie says, nodding his head again. “Right. That was a silly question and I’m sorry.”
“You’re forgiven,” she smiles, patting his cheek. “Now go find a fancy-looking man to go speak with while I settle this.”
As Alicia goes to break away from Archie, he tugs her hand.
“Yeah?” she says, looking back.
“Just that I love you. And good luck.”
She winks at him. “I love you too.”
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It does not take long for Alicia to find Jack. He stands, leaning against a wall in the back of the room. His eyes meet hers before she reaches him, and she watches a smug grin come across his face as she makes her way to him. She wants to murder him already.
“Ready to be saved are you?” he greets. “I thought you might after that speech. Those parents of his–something aren’t they?”
“Shut up,” she tells him, sharply.
Jack straightens himself out, but his face doesn’t fall.
“You’re a brat, you know that?” he says. “Where’s that husband-to-be of yours? I believe it was he I asked to do business with, not you. You’ve proven to be a bad business woman.”
“Oh Jack, the only business you wanted to discuss was me. I’m not stupid.”
“Listen, I think I could really make a good bargain. I’ve been–”
“Shut up!” she tells him again, more harshly this time. “I have something to tell you, and I don’t want you to say a word until I’m finished. Got it?”
This causes his happy grin to peter out. “That hardly seems fair.”
“I won’t tell you a word until you promise me you’ll shut up.”
Jack stares down his nose at her. “Go on then.”
Alicia takes Jack by his arm and pulls him closer to the corner of the room, where less people occupy. He follows readily, and looks expectant when she looks up at him again.
“I will go with you for one more mission if you give Archie and I half the stock you have in Statesman. I know you have a lot. Don’t ask why, either, because it’s none of your business. The only condition I have is that you must wait until after the wedding.”
She looks at him, waiting for an answer.
“I’m allowed to speak now?” he asks. She nods. “No! I can’t wait until after the wedding. That’s two months from today and I needed you yesterday.”
“You've managed this far.”
“Hardly,” he confesses. “All we’ve got is a very detailed plan.”
“Jack, I need to marry Archie first.”
“I’ll give you the whole goddamn portion of my stocks if you come with me now,” he tells him. “But I do mean now—as soon as this party ends.”
Alicia sighs. “How long do you think it will take? I can’t be gone for more than a month because there’s still wedding things I need to plan and his parents will get suspicious.”
Jack shrugs. “Probably less than a month. We work well, and we’ve got Tequila with us, too. ‘Sides, if we go over you can always come back like you used to do. I’m not gonna tie you up or anything.”
Alicia bites at her lip. “And how many states?”
“Probably no more than six. California was one, Texas, Idaho, Oregon, Nevada. I forgot the other ones, but not too many”
“How much stock?”
“Probably double whatever yours is, but not nearly enough to take over the company,” Jack replies simply. “Good for investors.”
“I have to go over this with Archie.”
Jack looks like he’s about to say something, but he thinks better of it at the last moment. Instead, he points a hand in the direction of the crowd. “Be my guest.”
“Are you sure you want to give away the whole stock? Last year was a good year,” she tells him.
He looks at her incredulously. “You really are the worst goddamn business woman I’ve ever seen. Yes, I’m sure. Consider it a wedding present.”
Staring at him for a beat longer, Alicia decides that he’s probably serious about this.
“Stay right here, Jack. It won’t take long for me to go find Archie and discuss it with him.”
“Anything for you, dear,” he says, voice dripping in sarcasm.
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It does take a long time.
The room seemed to have become condensed into two large, separate groups while she was talking to Jack, and Archie somehow found himself in the center of one of these, talking to a man around the same age as his father. He didn’t seem very enthused about the conversation, and he looked at her with relief when she parted the crowd to get to him.
“What did he say?” he asks, leading her to the outside of the crowd. “Did he agree?”
“He agreed to more than I thought he would, but it comes with conditions.”
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. I can just tell my father I’m not good at business.”
“No, that’s not my worry. I want to. I think if we get this, your parents might be impressed with us both. What concerns me is the fact that I’m going to have to be gone for a significant amount of time.”
Archie stops her. “How long?”
“Oh, a month or so,” she tells him, “But I promise I’ll be back before the wedding. A whole month before.”
A defeated look crosses Archie’s face. “I don't know what I’ll tell my parents. They’ll hardly like the idea of you going back to that place now that you’re one of us.”
“Just tell them that I’ve gone to settle business out West regarding my family’s small estate.”
He quirks an eyebrow. “Do you have that? I thought you come from here.”
“No, I don’t,” she says simply. “I do come from New York, but what’s it to them? I have family out west if they’d like to investigate.”
Archie smiles. “You sure do lie awfully well.”
“What’s an actress who can’t lie?” Alicia jokes, reaching out to smooth his lapel. “I gotta go back to Jack to tell him I’ll go. By the end of the week, those stocks will be in your name.”
Archie wraps an arm around her waist. “Don’t go just yet. If this is all I’m going to get of you for a month, I want to relish in it for a little.”
Alicia grins up at him. “Archie, I told Jack I’d be back in just a few minutes.”
He scrunches his nose. “Oh, to hell with the man. He’s taking you away from me for a month; he can spare a few more moments.”
“I can’t wait to come home to you already.”
He runs his nose along the underside of her jaw, and presses a kiss to the side of her mouth. “You’re making it hard to ever let go.”
She pats his bicep. “I’ll be back at the apartment with you for a bit tonight. We’ll say goodbye properly then.”
Archie lets out a large, dramatic sigh. “Okay,” he tells her, “Go find him and deliver the good news. I’ll go back to talking about world events with Father Time and counting the minutes until I see you again.”
She leans up and kisses him on the mouth, and she lets him pull her into something longer and more passionate, uncaring of who sees. They’re to be married, people can
Archie pulls back, smiling. “You better go before I can’t find it in me to let you anymore.”
Alicia nods, mirroring his handsome grin. Archie lets her out of his embrace and before she can’t find it in herself to leave him, she allows herself to become a part of the crowd once more.
She travels less effectively through the crowd the second time around, stopped every few steps by people wishing her personal congratulations. She tells them thanks hurriedly and tries to look forward, to show that she’s in a rush, but they hardly take any mind to that.
By the time she’s back to Jack, he’s sitting at a table, fiddling with the silverware. He doesn’t look angry, just bored.
“I’ll leave with you tonight,” she tells him, pulling out a chair and taking a seat herself.
Unexpectedly, instead of offering a complaint for her tardiness or some smart-ass remark, Jack beams at the news. He puts the fork in his hand down and takes her own hand in his. “Pinkie, you’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”
Looking down at their joined hands, Alicia laughs. “You’re a pain in my ass, Jack Daniels.”
“Wouldn’t want it any other way, would we? I really do think you’ve missed me and you don’t want to admit it because you’re playing hard to get.”
He winces and clutches his heart. “You’re breaking my heart, honey.”
She rolls her eyes.
“Where shall I meet you? Or would you rather just come around to ours?”
“I’ll come to you.”
“Do you need the address?”
Jack shakes his head. “No, I’m a good agent. I’ll figure out the address.”
She narrows her eyes, inspecting him. “You already know the address.”
He shrugs shamelessly. “I’m a good agent,” he repeats, still wearing his bright grin.
As Alicia stares at Jack, she realizes just how clean Jack looks in his tuxedo, with his hair combed back. She hadn’t noticed it before, how much effort he put into looking so clean and proper, because she’d been so thoroughly pissed at him for even being here. He looks like she dressed him; it makes her smile.
“I’ll see you later, Cowboy,” she tells him softly. Kindly.
“Oh, I’m betting on it, Pinkie.”
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writer-rochelle · 4 years
Statesman: Ablaze  Ch.2: Off the Grid
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(a/n: here is chapter 2 of the one thing im super frickin proud of. thank you @pomelloe-me​ for bullying me in our shared google doc to make sure i get things done. ily <3)
“Can you leave the window down? My car smells like fucking fried chicken, and while it may be your fave food it's not mine.” Alicia said, shutting her car engine off. Pom chuckled, obliging her friend’s request. Both women stretched, their joints popping, as they clambered out of the small car and started their walk up the small driveway. 
The Agents had opted to live as far away from the brewery as they could, wanting to make a safe and work free environment for them to escape to. It was a pale green  3 story victorian house with white accents, and a small front porch. Two white rocking chairs moved slightly in the wind, and a white porch swing on the far right end swayed with them. A black and white rip n dip doormat sat under a black double front door, the words "go away" floated next to a white cat flipping any visitors off. A purchase Pom had made while online shopping in the wee early hours of the night. One that Alicia and Dena had found rather hilarious and Carey had simply shaken her head. 
“I’m gonna murder your boyfriend, he’s as dumb as a fucking rock, I swear it!” Alicia exclaimed, walking towards the front door of the shared home, twisting her head this way and that in a vain attempt to pop her still stiff neck.  She could hear Pom curse at her under her breath. “What was that? Use your words miss ma’am” Alicia teased, knowing Tequila was a nuisance for Pom. He had been Alicia's friend first, and one-day on a whim she had invited them to a carnival accompanying the rodeo that was in town. Soon, the three of them were inseparable. Tequila however soon developed feelings for Pom, his endless pining no secret to anyone. The ex-rodeo clown meant well, and when he wasn't trying to convince the southern beauty to go two-stepping with him, the two got along very well. 
“I said he ain’t my fuckin’ boyfriend,” Pom responded, she was frustrated but smiled all the same. She reciprocated the crush but put her job as a Statesman agent first. She refused to let anyone or anything jeopardize her career. The brunette removed the brown cowboy hat sitting on her head, using it to fan herself in the heat, waiting for Alicia to unlock the front door. 
“Whatever you say!” Alicia sang, throwing the door open. Pom followed the woman into the entryway, shutting and locking the door behind her. The smell of delicious food wafted towards where the two girls stood, as they began dispensing the arsenal of personal weapons they had into their designated shelves in the entryway. Pom hung her hat on the hook on the wall next to the door. Alicia groaned, taking her box braids out of the ponytail she had forced them into, massaging her scalp. 
"I don't know how you can stand having those things pulled back like that!" Pom said, emptying her pistols before placing them back in their holsters. 
"Trust me, one I'm gonna shave my head, and I only kept them in because I spent so much on them for that one assignment. Why waste money? Carey Ann, is that your cooking I smell?" Alicia called, making her way further into the house. She paused a moment, kicking her shoes off in the mudroom off to the left. 
“Yup! I’m in the kitchen, y’all! Make sure you leave your shoes in that mudroom, I just swept!”’ Carey called out to them from the direction of the kitchen. 
Whatever she had been making since she had come home had made the house warm and cozy, the warmth of the oven lightly combating the aircon. Carey was the oldest of the four women living in that house. She had recently moved to New York, assisting Agent Whiskey in running the New York office. Occasionally, she would return to their humble abode in Kentucky. Most household responsibilities fell on her, their other roommate Dena had been away for almost a year on assignment in Europe seeking out an alleged brother agency. Usually, Pom and Alicia were left to their own devices, sticking to take-out orders, or the occasional soup and grilled cheese combo Alicia cooked up. It wasn't often Alicia or Pom cooked, let alone cleaned. It was nice to have their Agent Mom back in town.  
Pom hastily unzipped the sides of her boots, sliding them off to reveal her cute space patterned socks, ‘The best feeling ever is taking your shoes off after a fuckin’ long day of work.’ she thought to herself. Pom’s hair stuck up in odd angles, no secret the hat that had been resting on her head all day. She combed her fingers through it, the brown tresses fell to her shoulders in thick, uncontrollable waves. 
“It’s good to see you here, and not on a fucking screen, ma’am.” Alicia snooped through the pots on the stove, hungrily eyeing Carey’s homemade fried pork chops, mashed potatoes, and mac & cheese warming idly on the stove. Alicia only two kinds of southern cooking, her Grandma Beaulah's, and Carey's (a close second).  
"Yeah, bitch. I thought you might have forgotten about us.” Pom called out from the living room, where she had placed herself comfortably down on the couch, flicking through something on her phone. She sighed, still no response from Whiskey. Had she upset him without realizing it? ‘Fuckin’ Whiskey, I wish he could’ve told me instead of ignoring me like a dumbass.’ she thought, shutting off her phone and tossing it to the other end of the couch.
“Well, if y’all acted 24 and 25 years old and not little children, you wouldn’t need me to come home to cook and clean for y’all. Dena hasn’t even been here and she still keeps her room clean!” Carey teased, swatting Alicia’s hands away from the food. Even if she had been present, Dena and Carey were definitely the neatest of the four. Carey had tried in vain to get the other two younger women to help, even going so far as to leave everything to pile up. It had taken a roach crawling across Alicia's face one night in her sleep to finally get them to step up. Now they kept a chore list on a dry erase board in the laundry room, and the katsaridaphobic agent no longer left dirty dishes in her room. 
“Girl, they’re clean. And for the record, Pom and I do take care of ourselves! For example, I did all the laundry in the house and Pom got rid of that possum that was living in the roof. Perfectly responsible.” Alicia said smugly, giggling as Pom chimed in quietly from her spot on the couch about the ‘Cunt ass possum that tried to eat her fucking face even though she had given him a slice of ham as a fucking peace offering headass’. 
“Pom, why don’t you come join us instead of mumbling with your colorful vocabulary from the couch; the food is ready.” Carey laughed, shaking her head at her roommate's antics. She grabbed the rolls out the oven, before removing her apron and oven mitts. She moved to pull a pitcher of sweet tea out of the fridge, and then stood back proudly to admire her work. Dinner was served. 
“You sound like my fuckin’ mom,” Pom uttered as she hoisted herself up from the couch, making her way into the kitchen to wash her hands. 
“I may as well be. But enough bickering, I missed y'all two!” Carey said, carrying her plate of food to the table where Alicia already sat eating. 
“I’m not really hankerin’ for anything, but thanks, Carey. I love you…fuck head.” Pom told Carey with her unique version of affection, leaning against the island in the kitchen and removing her rusty-colored jacket from her body. Pom's jokes and colorful nicknames were her own brand of love, and while it was offputting the first time she called you something like "hoe bag", you learned to acknowledge the underlying "I love you".  
“Well at least stay and sit with us, I’ve got something to tell y’all,” Carey said, patting the chair next to her. She needed to tell somebody about how she and Jack had recently started seeing each other. She figured he had already told Tequila, and felt justified in telling the girls. Pom sat down in the chair with a grunt after placing her jacket on the table. 
“Oh do tell, this wouldn’t happen to do with a certain mustached cowboy would it?” Alicia batted her eyelids, and suggestively wiggled her eyebrows. Pom knew exactly what this conversation was going to lead to. She wasn’t a fucking idiot; she noticed every small exchange between Carey and Whiskey, it was just something she had an eye for. The two had known each other for over two years and had recently started to go out with each other seriously. It was a wonder they hadn't started fooling around sooner.
“W-well...about that” Carey giggled nervously, maybe she wouldn’t tell them after all. 
“Don’t give me that bullshit, Carey Ann! Are you fucking Ole Jack Daniels?!” Alicia exclaimed, pointing her fork accusingly at the shorter Agent. Pom couldn’t help herself from letting out a loud chuckle, moving her long legs to sit cross-legged on the chair. 
“Alright, fine. Whiskey and I may or may not have been seeing each other exclusively for the past year while I’ve been back and forth from New York.” Carey said, casually taking a sip from her glass of tea, the clinking ice cubes being the only sound for a brief moment. 
“I fuckin’ knew it!” Agent Rum pronounced with great amusement, looking over at Carey with a menacing smile. 
“YAS BITCH, OH MY GOD! Tell us everything, and I do mean everything!” Alicia said, standing up and playfully pulling Carey into a noogie. 
The girls laughed, Carey pushed Alicia back into her chair before smoothing out her blonde curly hair. Carey was glad that the girls hadn’t reacted negatively like she thought they would. She had missed this comradery with the girls while staying in New York; she leaned forward fully retelling everything that had been happening. It was nice to finally be home. 
* * * * * 
Pom Graham was awake earlier than the rest of her housemates, as usual. Most nights she would stay up until midnight listening to her favorite kinds of music and trying to gain motivation to do her beloved hobby of painting. But she never slept for long as her natural body clock woke her up just a few short hours after she fell asleep. Still, she was always filled with so much energy. 
Pom tip-toed out of her room and down the flight of stairs in hopes of not waking her friends. She was already dressed in her usual outfit that the others rarely saw her out of. The living space downstairs was decorated with rustic, but comfortable furniture and pots of greenery scattered around. Photographs and posters could be found on the walls. 
She threw herself on to the couch in front of the large, technologically advanced television. With a press of a button on the remote, the screen came to life with the morning news channel. ‘Boring.’ Pom thought, ‘Carey must have been watching it last.’
“The daughter of beloved Kentucky senator, Xavier Dobios, is still missing and it’s sending everybody into quite the state of distress…..” Said the monotone voice of the news reporter on the TV. Pom scoffed at his words. 
“Fuck off, ‘beloved my ass’” Pom returned in a sharp whisper, smiling with amusement. She clicked another button and the kid’s channel started to play. Pom never really liked to watch television, but when she did, she would always turn on the channel that entertained her most.
“Good morning, Pomegranate.” Came Carey’s sweet but groggy voice from the doorway leading into the kitchen. Carey was dressed in cute, pink pajamas and her hair was quite the mess. She let out a big yawn. 
“Mornin’, you’re up early,” Pom responded, turning her head to give Carey a nice smile. Carey walked back into the kitchen to start preparing coffee and breakfast for herself and her housemates. 
“What do you want for breakfast? And I know you don’t like coffee, so what do you want to drink?” Carey asked from the kitchen to Pom. She sat there thinking for a moment before answering. 
“Peanut butter toast. And some water. Bless your heart, Carey.” Pom returned gently. Carey was surprised to see how calm she was. She was used to seeing the hot-tempered, mischievous, and swearing version of Pom. But she appreciated seeing this side to her too because Carey knew that’s who she really is. Pom never failed to make her laugh and smile. 
Carey made food and coffee with the sound of Pom watching the kid’s channel playing in the background. Alicia probably wasn’t going to be awake for a few more hours but Carey poured her a cup of warm coffee just in case. 
“I don’t know how you have so much energy all the time, Pom,” Carey said as she sat on the couch next to Pom, handing her the plate of peanut butter toast and a glass of water. She sipped on her own cup of coffee just the way she liked it. 
“I’ve consumed so much fuckin’ sugar in my life that I’m constantly on a sugar high.” Pom joked to her friend, smiling. Carey laughed, the sound mixing the soft sounds of the old Victorian settling over them. It wasn’t often they got a morning to themselves, and they knew they’d have to head to work soon, but for now, HQ could wait.
“GOOD MORNING VIETNAM!” Alicia yelled, bounding in the kitchen shattering the quiet moment the girls had settled into with their breakfast. Carey and Pom sighed, watching as she effortlessly leaped onto the island in the middle of the kitchen. Her gray sweatpants slung low on her hips, her lilac sleep shirt wrinkled, and her braids still wrapped up in the bonnet on her head; she looked crazy.
“What in Sam Hill are you doing?!” Carey said, standing up and rushing to try and push the taller woman off. 
“I have some good news, bitches! Dena’s coming home sooner than we thought!” Alicia was elated, it had been almost two months since Agent Sangria had been in contact with Statesman, and more importantly her roommates. She had been advised to keep all communications, few and far in between. Should there be a brother agency, it would be in Statesman's best interest to not alert them of their presence in their territory; what if they were a rogue organization? The return of the lively Latina was definitely a cause for celebration. 
“Wait, how do you know?” Carey asked, realizing that Alicia wasn’t budging off her pedestal. She looked over at Pom who looked just as puzzled as she was, no one had any recent contact with Dena. Everything had been dark. Pom got off the couch to get closer to them.  
“Well, as y’all know, I spend most of my free time in the lab with Ginger. And I was able to create a concealable communication device!” Alicia said proudly, taking what looked like a normal bottle of concealer. But the girls knew better, Alicia was a crazy tech wiz and inventor. Her and Ginger both could put Tony Stark to shame.
“How does that shit even work… it’s fuckin’ makeup.” Pom questioned. She couldn’t remember the last time she had set foot in the lab, or the last time she wore makeup. Pom would rather be training and being troublesome with the male agents than behind a vanity or in a lab coat. 
“Listen, I know it looks a little out of sorts but I promise it works! And the cosmetic part of the contraption is fully functional.” Alicia opened the packaging and did a swatch of the makeup on her arm. A perfect match.
“Say we can’t take any phones or even our glasses with us? Who’s gonna suspect a woman with a compact mirror and bottle of concealer? The idea is we use the idea of the fragile female that men have created against them. But my feminist spiel aside, I talked to Dena and she should be here by the end of next week!” Alicia got down from the counter, slipping her “concealer” into the front pocket of her black backpack. 
Pom leaned against the counter as she smiled, "You’re a genius.” She said to Alicia softly.
“I’m no Ginger Ale, but I try! Also, I’ve been making a bat prototype for you in the lab! I meant to surprise you for your birthday but I can’t wait any longer.” Pom smiled at this. Alicia started to continue but paused. The Statesman designated ringtone grew louder from where it was playing on their tv. Well, duty calls.
The three agents made their way into the living room, Carey grabbing the remote from its spot on the ottoman. Once they had all settled themselves on the comfy couch, she pressed the answer button. 
“Good morning, Angels!” Champagne greeted; the great window behind his head visible on the tv screen. It wasn’t uncommon for Champ to contact them while they were at home; saving more discreet missions for the four of them to take care of. It saved time, resources, and quite frankly more lives than if they were to send Whiskey, Tequila, or any of the other male agents instead. Hence the moniker, “Angels”.
“Good morning, Champ!” Alicia crowed, shifting to sling her legs across Pom and Carey’s laps making herself comfortable. Pom hastily grabbed Alicia’s feet from her lap and started to tickle them with no remorse, and her loud and mischievous laughs filled the room. 
“Would y’all stop? Jesus Christ.” Carey said, pushing Alicia’s legs off the couch and inserting herself between her and Pom. “Sorry, Champ, continue please!” Carey said, turning her attention back to the man on the screen. Pom was holding back her laughter as best as she could. 
“Well, when y’all are done horsing around, I have something for y’all to take care of. As you know, the senator is hiding his daughter trying to make it seem like she’s been kidnapped. Tonight, he is hosting a gala to impress some of the big wigs in the country and gain more support. I need y’all to infiltrate the gala and expose this sun’ a bitch before he can carry this tomfoolery on any longer.” 
“Do I gotta dress all fancy and shit?” Pom asked, pulling her jacket tighter around herself. She had makeup, she hated dresses, and if she didn't hate her unruly hair getting in her face, she'd hate doing it too. 
“I would prefer it if you did. The senator is very conservative, and has a strict dress code for this event.” Champagne said. Pom sighed angrily at this. 
“Awe, c’mon, Pomegranate. I thought you liked playing dress up.” the screen expanded to show that none other than Agent Whiskey sat next to Champagne at the grand mahogany meeting room table. 
“Whiskey!” Pom exclaimed with joy. A big grin was on her face now. She tucked her messy waves of hair behind her ears. Pom could feel her heart racing with pure happiness. Whiskey was the closest thing she had to a father, and she practically glowed in his attention. 
“Howdy darlin’, you ready to join your old man on the dance floor?” Whiskey tipped his hat, grinning at the young agent. 
The adopted father and daughter duo were the best partnership to come out of Statesman; Whiskey having taken Pom under his wing, saying that he saw himself in her. A troubled girl who needed a little guidance and TLC, and had unfathomable potential. Whiskey had promised Pom’s mother that he would ensure that the young woman would be taken care of while she was in the states. A promise that had been well kept. 
“While I’m all for sappy reunions, I need you, girls, to get gussied up and make your way to that gala ASAP! I’m sending Whiskey to pick y’all up at 0800, We got a party to crash.” Champagne said, ending the video call. 
Alicia stood and looked at her phone, an invitation addressed to a Penelope Vontrapp, and associates lit up her screen. “Well Miss Pom, or should I say Miss Penelope; it looks like you get to play the part of the daughter of some rich oil tycoon.” 
“Fuck you, I’m not wearing any fuckin’ makeup!!” Pom said while jumping off the couch to sprint up to her room before the others could stop her. 
“YOU’RE LUCKY THEY’RE MAKING A BIG DONATION IN YOUR HONOR! OTHERWISE, I’D BE FORCING YOU INTO A DRESS AND PUTTING SOME BLUSH ON THOSE CHEEKS!” Alicia shouted up the stairs, knowing that Pom was going to put on the same suede pantsuit she wore to all Statesman functions. It would be a cold day in hell before anyone forced her into a dress, and Alicia knew better than to even try and wrestle her into one.  
“Will you curl my hair, please? May as well get some joy out of tonight.” Carey remarked, making her way up the stairs. Alicia noticed the sad air around her friend, she stopped reaching out to grab her friend's arm. 
“What’s wrong? You were all chipper early, now you’re all….” Alicia made a fart noise with her mouth, hoping it would bring a small smile to her Carey’s face. 
“It’s nothing, I promise. Just forget it, okay?” Carey pulled her arm away, continuing up the stairs. But it wasn’t really anything. Was it right for her to feel a little envious that Whiskey hadn’t acknowledged her? Had Champ told him something? Or was she just overthinking? Either way, they had a mission to focus on, and this worrying and pining could wait. 
(a/n: thank you all for reading and standing by while i get in the swing of things. i now have a masterlist, and post with who and what yall can request will be coming soon. <3 roach)
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