#Archer’s Arrow Coffee House
luxebeat · 10 months
Summer Specials from North County's Coffee Shops
It finally feels like summer in North County San Diego. The gloom and rain remained up until a few weeks ago, so the clear, sunny skies and rising temperatures are a warm and welcome change. The crowded beaches and tourists in swimsuits toting their beach gear are tell-tale signs of summer. Cool off after an incredible day outside with seasonal summer drinks.  This season, there are many fun…
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lavendertea489 · 10 months
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Hear me out. These songs are all flower husband coded. Ju- just hear me out.
Spoilers for 3rd life below
Dandelions: It's fairly self explanatory. It talk about flowers and longing so my brain went "aah yes, flower husbands, mhm yes". (Literally the least in depth one.-) Wine Red: OK. Listen. Jimmy's final death was by a bow. He was shot. First line of the song? "Who shot that arrow in your throat?" Grated the next line is "Who missed the crimson apple?" implying the archer was aiming at a different target (now theoretically this *could* be counted as Scar but it's unlikely). But in my opinions these lines fit fh the most: "The sea is wine red, this is the death of beauty, the doves have died, the lovers have lied." Cloud 9: This song is just so bubbly and romantic. It's sweet and happy. I imagine it would be 3L!Jimmy singing it. "Lately, all I feel is bad and bruised, tired of tripping on my shoes." Definetly 3L!JImmy coded. He died twice in an episode lmao. "Eventually when we fade eventually, I'm nothing, you will always be my favorite form of loving.". This reminds me of the afterlife scene Scott shows at the end of his finale. It's sweet, they know it won't last, but they love each other anyways. "When I start to tumble from the sky, you remind me how to fly" Canary curse anyone? Kindergarten: It sweet it soft it giving butterflies in the stomach. " 'Cause this kindergarten crush has got my stomach all twisted, sweeter than sugar, lover, I'm addicted". This is so sweet. Also the fact that it's a 'kindergarten crush' gives the notion of a temporary situation. As if it won't last due to maturing/aging. Coffee Breath: Okay once again this is 3L!JImmy singing. "You've got those big blue eyes, drive me crazy" is him singing about Scott. "And you smell so sweet, like fresh-picked daisies." Scott is the cutesy flower guy who works on the base the most in terms of aesthetics. "And I watched you break, like glass, you shatter, said it's my mistake, I make things harder". Ok so the breaking like glass is the loss of lives right? But hear me out. It's actually Scott singing that bit. It refernces breaking twice which could be translated to the loss of two lives. Perhaps within a single episode. And then the last mistake is Scott talking about Jimmy feeling bad that he died so quickly. And let's ne honest 'supposedly' a red an green pairing wouldn't be easy (we all know how that ended). "And in our separate worlds, we sleep alone." ONe could interpret this as many things. The red/green divide, just their seperate houses, or their different kingdoms in empires. This has been my funky little ramble. I'll be so honest with you I have no idea if this actually is coherent at all. But I decided to post something non-art. P.S. If you like this, I may do some more songs sometime within the next few days. In the meantime you should go listen to these songs
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Whumptober 2022 - Day 1
A little out of the ordinary - “This wasn’t supposed to happen”
Tony dropped everything he held in his hands - a cup of coffee and a StarkPad - when he heard the explosion. He paled, stared at the stairs into the basement of his new Malibu house and started to run. 
Clint! Clint was down there and… and something happened!
He almost tripped over his own feet on the stairs and slithered to a halt in front of the glass doors to the workshop. 
This morning Clint had asked him if he could use a few of his tools and some stuff from his workshop to build new trick arrows and Tony had agreed. Clint often tinkered around there and he was astounded when he found out that he was not only an exceptional archer but also very talented with a soldering iron. 
Thick smoke filled the room behind the glass wall and he couldn’t see anything. He punched in the code to open the door but nothing happened. 
“FRIDAY!” he bellowed. “Open the door!” 
“I’m sorry, boss,” the AI said. “I can’t do that.” 
“I swear to God, if you don’t open the door I’ll…” he yelled but the AI interrupted him.
“No, boss, I mean something is wrong with the mechanism and I have no access. I cannot open the door,” FRIDAY said again. 
Tony cursed some more and looked around to find a solution when the door went open and someone stumbled out of the workshop. Someone… purple. 
Clint dropped down to his knees and coughed violently and he was completely purple. Not only his shirt but his hair and skin, too. 
“Clint!” Tony breathed relieved and then, “Clint?” 
The archer looked up, still coughing and tried to get onto his feet. In an instant Tony was on him, grabbed his arm and helped him up. 
“What the… why are you purple?” he burst out. 
“This wasn’t supposed to happen,” Clint  coughed and scratched the back of his neck. 
“No shit, Sherlock?” Tony blurted. “What was supposed to happen. And what exploded inside of my lab?” he wanted to know. 
“I… uh…” Clint rubbed his neck again. “You know those dye packs they use in banks?” 
“Yes?” Tony said but it sounded more like a question. 
“So, I had the idea for a trick arrow with some sort of dye pack tip,” Clint said. 
“Uh huh,” Tony frowned. “And… why?” 
“Well, if the bad guys run away I can shoot at them without injuring them and then they are purple and everyone knows that…” Clint trailed off when Tony pinched his nose and took a deep breath. 
“When I talked about it with Kate it sounded like a good idea,” he said then. 
“Clint, baby,” Tony sighed. “I love you, but you know that Kate’s ideas are… weird sometimes. And it still doesn’t explain the explosion.” 
“Well,” Clint said and Tony knew he would blush if he weren’t purple right now. “There was gas.. .and a soldering iron… and these dye packs I already had and…” 
“Okay,” Tony huffed. “Are you injured? I mean, aside from your new color?” 
“What? No. No, I’m fine,” Clint said. “I just have to…” he gestured at himself. 
“Need some help?” Tony asked, a brow raised. Clint started to grin and waggled his brows. 
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themculibrary · 1 year
Fics With Titles That Start With L Masterlist
Lay Down Your Wings (ao3) - Sororising rhodey/sam T, 12k
Summary: They go on their next date - their first, technically, but they both agree that the evening in the pub had felt more than a little date-like - a few days later, and Sam finds it just as easy to talk to Jim as he had the first night. He learns that Jim has a mechanical engineering degree and is studying part-time for a theoretical physics one; he learns that Jim has very strict rules about the times of days he’ll drink coffee, and he learns that making Jim laugh is rapidly becoming one of his favourite things to do in the world.
God, Sarah’s never going to let him hear the end of this.
They decide to meet up again the next day, and Sam tries not to be too hopeful about where this is going.
leave the gun on the table (ao3) - Myrime steve/tony, bruce/thor, bucky/natasha M, 185k
Summary: Tony meets his soulmate under the worst possible circumstances. It is not just a kidnapping gone wrong. It turns out Steve and his gang picked him on purpose and they want some personal revenge. If only he had managed to say the words written on his soulmate’s arm before they threw him back out into the streets.
Left Foot Forward (ao3) - shatteredhourglass bucky/clint M, 22k
Summary: There was an unspoken rule among the Avengers that they didn't talk about Clint's soulmark. They didn't talk about it, they didn't look at it, and they didn't bring it up.
lesson learnt (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor bucky/clint T, 3k
Summary: Clint gets upset when his alpha's tell him that he can't go on a mission for Fury. He ends up going anyways to try and prove a point to his alpha's, and drags Bucky along with him. Things don't exactly go to plan.
Let it Be (ao3) - lucifersfavoritechild tony/stephen, past steve/tony T, 15k
Summary: While dealing with his son's car accident and a rapidly-dissolving marriage, Tony is drawn to Peter's surgeon, Dr. Stephen Strange.
Let Love Lead Us (Love is Christmas) (ao3) - Bucket_Burns steve/bucky G, 11k
Summary: The Christmas season will always be something special to Steve and Bucky.
Let’s Play House (ao3) - Not Applicable (not_applicable) rhodey/steve M, 4k
Summary: “So. Good morning, I guess.”
“Yeah, good morning,” Steve said, and he took a seat on the bed beside Rhodey. Rhodey was still just in his boxers with his phone resting on one leg, and he was twisting his matching wedding band around his left ring finger as he grinned warily at Steve. “So,” Steve continued, and he held up his left hand, “this happened last night.”
life in cinematic haze (ao3) - shatteredhourglass bucky/clint M, 13k
Summary: They get closer and Bucky gets a better look at the man, thinks maybe Sam had been expecting an archer in purple instead of a sword-wielder in black. The thing is, he met Hawkeye years ago, at an airport with his bow in hand and his head held high. They hadn’t spoken to each other but Bucky had seen the resolve, the vibrant life streaming from him as he’d given Steve a tight smile and pulled out an arrow.
He hadn’t met this.
Life In Reverse (ao3) - Lise T, 228k
Summary: Home is where you make it. Or, the AU where Loki falls to Earth after Thor, wanders around trying to work out what to do with himself, and somehow ends up working for SHIELD. (Mostly because supervillains are so plebian.)
Like an Arrow Through a Flock of Doves (ao3) - arsenicarcher (Arsenic), hoosierbitch clint/phil E, 68k
Summary: When he takes the rap for a crime committed by Barney and the Swordsman, Clint is charged as an adult at 17 and spends the next four years of his life without protection in prison. Enter one Neal Caffrey, who knows how to charm his way to whatever he wants or needs, and Clint’s life gets a lot more interesting. Pretty much, the story of Clint in prison, Clint getting out, and Clint, like always, finding his way to SHIELD, and Phil.
like clockwork, when it dies (ao3) - killerqueenwrites pepper/tony T, 3k
Summary: Tony jerks awake in a chair that feels a little too small, blinding light searing through his eyelids before he even opens them.
It’s off. Wrong. Sideways. He can’t put his finger on why.
The clock is ticking for both Tony and Peter, but Tony can’t help but feel that this torture wasn’t meant for him.
like sick flowers need the sun (ao3) - hoosierbitch clint/phil M, 7k
Summary: Clint hasn't felt this alone in a long time. Coulson's gone, SHIELD isn't a home anymore, and no one on his new team seems to like him. After a lifetime of being ignored, Clint's gotten good at demanding attention. He'll annoy and frustrate and piss everyone off until they notice him. To him, any attention—even the negative kind—is good attention.
This poses a problem when they all finally learn to just ignore him.
Looking at You (ao3) - NotEvenCloseToStraight bucky/tony E, 28k
Summary: Bucky doesn’t understand why no one ever says anything about Tony’s PTSD. A year after they have all come back, after they all hugged and made up, Tony is still jumping anytime someone speaks to him. His hands shake when Steve raises his voice. All he does is work and drink and apologize for being around. And nobody notices except Bucky, because he is looking. Constantly. Watching Tony as he goes through his day to day. Bucky looks and LOOKS, until he is having a hard time even wanting to look away from short spiky hair that begs to be mussed, deep brown eyes that always looks so sad, and perfect lips that Bucky just wants to kiss forever. Bucky looks for so long that now all he wants to do is touch and hold and fix everything. But Tony can barely be in the same room as Bucky, cant even look him in the eye. So Bucky doesn’t know what to do about Tony, but he is determined to do something. Because all he wants is to look at Tony, and see Tony looking back with a smile.
lost in the woods (and i wander on) (ao3) - shatteredhourglass bucky/clint M, 7k
Summary: “You want to talk about it?”
“I really don’t,” Clint says, and his voice doesn't crack but it feels like it should.
love carved out of caring (ao3) - luthien82 clint/phil T, 25k
Summary: It's just a normal day at the office: an alien invasion, the Avengers assemble and fight, and they lose radio contact with Barton. Except that this time, it's not really a normal day at all, as Phil Coulson finds out soon enough when he is confronted with a three year old Clint Barton and no idea what happened.
Love Is A Battlefield (ao3) - crumbcrash2000 steve/tony, tony/tiberius E, 53k
Summary: In Siberia, Steve looks on in horror as Tony watches the video of his parents’ murder. Expecting the worst, he is prepared to fight to defend Bucky, even through the shock of his own betrayal.
But Tony doesn’t lash out.
Instead, Tony cries, and Steve’s whole life falls apart.
love is like a stubborn youth (ao3) - owlvsdove pepper/tony T, 9k
Summary: The long-winded story of the meeting, hiring, working relationship, courting, and comedy goldmine that is Tony Stark’s relationship with Pepper Potts.
Lullaby (ao3) - Trumpeteer34 bruce/natasha G, 3k
Summary: After a battle, the team try to calm Hulk down. Natasha has an idea.
Or: Natasha's touch-therapy is called a "lullaby." The name had to come from somewhere.
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thestuffedalligator · 4 years
On a small farm outside of a small town in Canada, a horde of four-hundred thirteenth-century Mongol soldiers on horseback rode out through a hole in time and space.
One of them had a thick leather glove, on which a golden eagle perched. Its handler reached up, slipped the little hood off the eagle’s head, and flicked his wrist. It took off, caught a thermal, soared in a lazy arc, dove, spread its talons forward, and then hit a window with a thunk.
Daniel DiSebastian, who was fifteen and on the other side of the window, stared. The eagle had managed to sink its talons into the mesh of the window screen before it stunned itself. It was hanging upside down. Over it, Dan saw a horde of four-hundred thirteenth-century Mongol soldiers standing in formation in his neighbour’s field.
He stared for a moment longer. Curiosity won over self-preservation, and he walked out onto the porch of the house for a better view.
There was a ripping noise, the sound of panicked flapping, and something huge and tawny swooped low over Dan’s head. He ducked and only just managed to see the golden eagle fly in a wide circle back towards the horde of waiting soldiers. He heard a distant shout. Then two-hundred-and-forty of the soldiers drew their bows and fired into the air, creating a screaming cloud of arrows that blotted out the sun before raining down in a lethal shower.
Eighty-seven of these arrows hit Dan.
Dan died instantly.
He got better. When he did, the horde was already gone.
Eleven months later, Dan was mostly sure that whatever had happened that day eleven months ago had not, in fact, happened.
He was very happy to accept that it hadn’t happened until he walked into a Tim Hortons for a coffee and a donut and walked out to find a golden eagle perched on the sign for the drive-through.
Dan blinked. The eagle blinked. It took off with a heavy thump of wings, and Dan noticed the four-hundred thirteenth-century Mongol soldiers on horseback in the parking lot.
There was a whistling noise. Dan was hit by one-hundred-and-seventy-nine-arrows.
Dan died instantly.
He got better. The horde was gone again. One of them had stolen his donut.
It was already dark when Dan and Cameron Burnaby walked out of the theatre.
“God, what a bad movie,” she laughed. Her breath came out in puffs of vapour in the November air.
“Like not even so bad it’s good,” Dan said. “It’s so bad it goes all around the world and crosses back into bad.”
“It’s supposed to be the last one, right?”
“That’s what I heard?”
Another puff of laughter. “Hope,” Cameron Burnaby said, grinning. “That’s what you hope.”
A huge bird took off from the sign over the theatre. Cameron Burnaby oohed at the sight and watched as it flew away.
Dan looked at her. This was nice. It was slow, but it was nice. It was nevertheless slightly spoiled by the little anxious voice that banged around in his hindbrain. It had been a year since his last attack. It was bound to happen eventually, and he had no idea how to bring it up in conversation. ‘So, I see you like the Mongolian beef and broccoli. Speaking of Mongolia, have I ever told you that I’ve been killed by Mongols four times?’
He had to tell her. But maybe he didn’t. Maybe they were done. It had been a whole year. Maybe killing him four times was enough for them. Surely killing somebody once was enough for most people, right?
Cameron Burnaby turned back at him and grinned. “So!” she said. “Was it the worst horror movie you’ve ever seen?”
He shook himself out of a vision of archers on horseback. “Nope, not even,” he said, walking forward again. “There was this one movie that came out last year. It’s about a guy who kidnaps tourists and turns them into walruses, it’s amazingly—”
Dan slipped on the ice. His leg flew up from underneath him. He felt sudden weightlessness and there was a crack as he landed on the sidewalk.
Everything hurt. Stars flashed across his vision. They faded to reveal the face of Cameron Burnaby, mittens clasped over her mouth. “Are you okay?” she asked.
No, Dan thought. “Yep,” Dan groaned. He pulled himself up onto his elbows. “Trust me, I’ve had worse.”
Cameron Burnaby offered him a hand. He took it, she pulled him up to his feet, and the two were suddenly standing much closer than he had expected.
Dan swallowed. He was suddenly aware of a thousand tiny details. The snowflakes that hung in her hair. The freckles on her nose. The shape of her lips. The terror in her eyes which were looking at something just over and past his shoulder.
He was briefly aware of seventeen arrows hitting the back of his skull.
Dan died instantly.
He got better. Cameron Burnaby was retching in the snow.
“What the fuck was that?!” she finally said, wiping the corner of her mouth with a mitten.
Dan considered a variety of responses. He decided that they all sounded stupid. He settled for the only one he knew was accurate. “A horde of four-hundred thirteenth-century Mongol soldiers,” he sighed.
“They – you—” She gestured wildly. “Your face.”
Dan winced and eased himself onto the sidewalk. “I didn’t want you to see that,” he said.
There was a pause. “Has this happened before?” Cameron Burnaby asked.
Dan thought. “Yeah,” he said. “Five times, counting this one.”
“So this is just a thing that happens.”
“It – yeah,” he said. “I think so. It is.”
Cameron Burnaby nodded. “Oh. Okay.”
Another pause. A car drove past. Cameron Burnaby stood up. “I’m going to go.”
Dan nodded. “Right,” he said. “Some other time?”
There was no answer. Dan closed his eyes. He laid down on the sidewalk and listened to the crunch of snow under boots until they died away. Snowflakes landed on his face, tiny pinpricks of cold which stung and faded almost instantly as they melted.
There was a thump. Dan opened his eyes and looked over. There was a golden eagle standing there, twisting its head to glare at Dan.
Dan glared back. “I hate you,” he said. “I really, deeply hate you.”
The eagle, apparently satisfied with the answer, took off.
Another two-hundred-and-forty arrows sprouted from the sky.
Dan died instantly.
He got better. Physically, at least.
Dan had made the account because it had been five years since his date with Cameron Burnaby.
He looked it over again. The picture wasn’t great – he had tried several different angles and decided that he just didn’t have any good angles – but he was at least a little proud of the summary. Bi fella seeking someone to run from these time-travelling Mongol hordes with. Is that a metaphor? Contact me now to find out. Likes: coffee shops, people watching, history podcasts, dislikes: horses, arrows, people on horses with arrows, the CW show Arrow.
It was a long and glorious joke. Just like him.
He closed the app when he reached his car. He needed to drive. He didn’t have a specific location in mind. He just needed to drive somewhere. Anywhere.
Sometimes on drives like this, he’d drown out his thoughts with gory history podcasts. This time he let his mind wander.
Here he was. Daniel DiSebastian, twenty-four, killed by time-travelling Mongols twelve times. The butt of some cosmic running gag. Living in a cheap, empty condo in the city.
He turned a corner. Even the streets were empty this late at night.
Supposed to be empty. Dan turned onto the highway and was faced with a horde of four-hundred thirteenth-century Mongol soldiers.
The car squealed to a stop. Dan stared. He’d studied – or at least, he’d listened to a few podcasts about the Mongols. They could pull back the string of a one-hundred-and-sixty-pound bow twelve times a minute and could carry one-hundred-and-fifty arrows in a quiver.
A part of his brain wondered what they could do to a 2004 Chrysler Sebring.
The rest of his brain said: Fuck it.
What happened next happened very quickly. Dan heard the engine scream as he floored the gas. He heard one-hundred-and-twelve arrows drum on the roof of the car. He saw another twelve as they punched through the windshield. Through the web of cracks he thought he saw movement, saw the cavalry part like a sea.
Then he was in the middle of the horde. Horses and men and spears were tangled around him, a whirlwind of screams and smells. He felt the car lurch as it ran over something. A few bodies threw themselves onto the hood of the car and were thrown off. Something landed with a thump on his roof.
And then he was on the other side.
The car screamed through the dark until it found its way back to the parking lot of his condo. Dan parked quickly, threw open a door, ran out, and retched onto the asphalt.
“Who’s the joke now!” he screamed between gags. “I’M DANIEL MOTHERFUCKING DISEBASTIAN!”
The parking lot echoed his name. His breath was ragged, and his throat burned. He felt his heartbeat slow to the point that he could make out individual beats, and then he noticed the arrow stuck in his sternum.
He touched it gingerly. “Oh fuck,” he hissed. He tried to pull it out. “Fuck me, seriously.”
Something went thump behind him. Dan turned. A thirteenth-century Mongol soldier had let go of the roof of his car.
He was holding a curved knife.
Dan died slowly.
It was, he decided, a lot worse than dying instantly.
So here he was. Daniel DiSebastian, twenty-four, lying on the asphalt, killed by time-travelling Mongols thirteen times. He stared up at the sky, trying to see stars through the haze of the city.
His phone buzzed in his pocket. A profile picture of a man with a beard and a tattooed feather on his neck had sent him a message.
I’ll bite. Is it a metaphor?
Dan looked at the profile picture. He looked up at the sky. He wiggled his thumbs in thought before he tapped out a response. That’s a great question.
Their first date was that Saturday.
They went to an old book shop. They bought each other a book. Theo had bought Dan a copy of The Song of Achilles, and Dan had almost managed not to laugh, and promised Theo that he’d explain the joke later.
They walked out of the shop together.
The sun was blotted out.
Dan died instantly.
He woke to the sound of running feet.
Panic started to seize up in his chest – oh god they were here they wanted to crush their enemies and see them driven before them and hear the lamentations of the women – when he heard the shrieking giggle.
Panic paused. Mongols didn’t giggle. Did they? No, not as far as he knew. So it wasn’t Mongols. Who giggles? Kids?
The kids across the hall. Of his apartment. Yes. This was fine.
Adrenaline sizzled on contact with relief and boiled into seething indignation. “Somebody’s daddy should have been castrated,” he muttered.
Theo twisted beside him. “It’s like, eleven in the morning, babe.”
Dan glared at the stucco surface of the ceiling. “Fine,” he said. “They get a pass. This time.”
Theo snorted. He turned his phone of with a click, and he rolled to wrap his arm over Dan’s chest. “Don’t get maaad at them,” he said, nuzzling his chin into Dan’s neck.
“I’ll get as maaad as I want,” Dan said, the whine of the defeated.
An hour later, Dan pulled on his pants. “Remind me what we need again?”
“No, I’ll go with you,” Theo said. “I can’t trust you to buy groceries anymore.”
“Rude and true. We still have fifteen bags of Tostitos.”
Dan sighed. “Is that just going to be a thing now?” he asked. “The Tostitos Incident?”
“I already have your tombstone planned. ‘Here Lies Daniel DiSebastian. He Once Bought Twenty Bags of Tostitos Chips By Accident.” Theo wiggled his fingers in the air to draw quotation marks around the words ‘By Accident.’ “We Don’t Know How It Happened Either.”
Dan wrinkled his nose. “Yeah, it’ll look great next to yours. ‘Here Lies Theodore Oliveira, Stung By Bees Forty-Five Times Specifically On The Crotch.”
“Now hold on.”
“We Don’t Know How It Happened, But We Can Guess!”
Theo shook his head. “Cool,” he said. “Cool, cool, cool. So because I learned a thing about Cleopatra, I’m the guy who wants a vibrator made of bees.”
Dan shrugged as he pulled his coat on. “I mean, you seemed pretty keen about it.”
“Fuck you, Tostitos.”
“Mm. Love you too, Cleo.”
When they were in the parking lot, Theo said, “You know I love you too, right?”
Dan looked over. “Yes?” he said. “We’ve been living together for a year, babe.”
“I know, I know. It’s just—”
“If you didn’t then I’m shit at reading signals.”
Theo grinned. “Yeah, your Bi-dar is total garbage.”
“I can’t connect to the Bi-Fi.”
“You need some…” Theo grimaced. “Bi-focals? To see who’s attracted to you?”
“That was terrible, Theo.”
“Yeah, but you’ll get bi.”
Dan snorted. “Jesus Christ. Anyways. You were saying?”
Theo shrugged. “I dunno. I said fuck you, and you said love you, and…” He blew the air out of his cheeks. “This is the longest I’ve been in a relationship, and I think I know what’s normal for us? But sometimes I’m not sure I know.”
Dan laughed, grabbed the lapels of Theo’s jacket, pulled him down and kissed him. “Fuck, I don’t know either. But I haven’t been normal in years, Theo. This is a ‘not normal’ I can take.”
Theo smiled. “How’re you feeling today, by the way?”
“Good!” Dan grinned. “I’m feeling good.”
There was a thump. Dan looked over and saw a golden eagle take off from the tailgate of a parked truck.
“Actually, hold that thought,” he said, taking a couple steps back.
Two-hundred-and-thirty-nine arrows came screaming out of the sky.
Dan died instantly.
He got better. He heard Theo asking if he was okay.
“Please tell me you saved the donuts,” he muttered.
There was a pause. “Y’know, you keep saying that, and I’ve never actually seen them steal anything from you.”
Dan screwed open an eye to glare. It didn’t last. Theo was squatting on the pavement next to him with his chin in his hand and a smile crinkling the corners of his mouth, and goddammit, he was cute.
He tried anyways. “Excuse you, how many times have you been killed by thirteenth-century Mongol soldiers?”
Theo shrugged. “Exactly zero,” he admitted. “But I’ve seen you get killed by thirteenth-century Mongol soldiers three times now, and I have the benefit of watching what they do while you’re out of it.”
“Oh, what, so someone else stole that donut? Some asshole was like, ‘Oh dope, a dead kid and a donut, yoink!’”
Theo grinned. “I’ve seen weirder things happen.”
Dan stared up at the sky. “Y’know what?” he said. “Totally fair.”
Dan got up and lived.
At least until eight months later. But he’d get better.
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stxphxn-strange · 3 years
(no) rest for the innocent
summary: Tony wasn’t even on trial, but the jury found him guilty and he couldn’t disagree.
a/n: idk last night i was thinking about tony dealing w survivor’s guilt after endgame (and IW) so i threw this together, tw for mention of death and implied thoughts of suicide
“Good evening, Doctor.” FRIDAY’s warm, pleasant voice always reminded Stephen of home and cinnamon scented candles. “How was your trip?” 
“Too long for a meeting that could’ve been handled over email. Or through carrier pigeon, as Tony would say,” Stephen replied as his cloak sailed off down the hall. 
He washed his hands carefully, drying them on an Iron Man dish towel that Peter had given them as a joke wedding gift before putting the kettle on. 
As the water was boiling, he noticed a covered plate on the kitchen counter. There was an obnoxiously orange piece of paper in front of it, which made Stephen smile. Tony always left him little notes on purposefully electrifying paper, that way they were easy to find. 
The sorcerer’s smile only widened as he read the note. 
I wasn’t sure when you’d be back, but I decided to make you dinner anyway. But not because I’m missing you and wanted to surprise you, I just accidentally cooked too much. You know how that happens sometimes and you just end up with an ungodly amount of chicken parm? Life’s funny like that. 
Anyway, I’m in the lab. I had some good ideas earlier and I wanted to start them while I still felt productive. Welcome home sweetheart, and if you go to bed before I do (because you probably will, you responsible asshole you), sweet dreams and goodnight. 
Love, Tones
PS— Orange you glad you met me? … don’t answer that, I just couldn’t help it and had to write that down. 
Stephen rolled his eyes fondly. “Fri, will you tell Tony that even though he’s not funny, I’m very glad I met him?” 
FRIDAY was quiet for a few moments before responding. “Boss says, quote, ‘fuck you Gandalf, I’m hilarious,’ unquote.” 
Stephen smiled, heating up his meal before sitting down to eat. He flipped through a magazine while he ate, FRIDAY turning on some soft jazz music as background noise until Stephen cleaned up and left the kitchen. After a refreshing shower, the sorcerer found himself in his most comfortable pjs and slippers as he walked through the house. Stephen wasn’t sure if he was going to bed yet, but he wanted to see Tony (and maybe he wanted a kiss or two or even three). 
The music in the lab automatically lowered when Stephen shut the door behind him, and Tony looked up with an expression that could only be described as tired. 
Actually, he looked exhausted. Weary. Barely holding himself together. Stephen wasn’t a thesaurus, but very concerned about his husband. 
Tony was trying to smile, but he seemed too exhausted to do that and just gave up, not saying anything as Stephen sat beside him. 
“Hi.” Stephen leaned over and softly kissed his husband’s temple. “Thanks for cooking for me, you didn’t have to.” 
Tony shrugged. “I had a lot of energy earlier, and I accidentally cooked way too much. Maybe it was intentional, you know I’d take any excuse to go out of my way for you.” 
His words said one thing, but his tone betrayed him. His voice was brittle, hard, and almost staticky. Stephen thought he sounded like a rusted hinge that was trying not to cry out for repairs… or maybe that analogy only made sense given where they were. 
Stephen kissed him again as Tony sat back at his desk, closing his well-used sketchbook. “You alright?” 
“Yeah. Tired I guess.” Tony sounded as unconvinced as Stephen felt. 
“Come to bed with me,” Stephen offered. “I’ll bore you to sleep by telling you about the meeting.” 
Tony laughed hollowly. “That bad?” 
“I don’t know how to describe it, but it was a waste of time. Even Wong was bored, and he watches the Antiques Roadshow remake for fun,” Stephen replied. He yawned and leaned against Tony’s side. 
“I see what you’re doing,” Tony murmured, trying to be lighthearted. He was just feeling some kind of way right now, he felt serious and was so endeared by his husband that it hurt. 
“What am I doing?” Stephen asked, resting his head on Tony’s shoulder. 
“Being cute and sweet so I’ll go to bed and let you be the big spoon,” Tony accused. “And maybe I just really fucking need a hug, but… it’s working.” 
Stephen shifted and pulled Tony into his arms, holding the mechanic close as he went lax. 
“My Boss Is Singing Closing Time Protocol please, Fri,” Tony mumbled. 
“Goodnight Boss, goodnight Doctor,” the AI replied, beginning to run the lab’s standard closing protocol. 
“Portal?” Stephen asked. Tony was getting better with going through portals, but some days were harder than others. Stephen didn’t know what tonight would be like and opted to ask, selfishly wanting to make sure Tony got some rest as soon as possible. 
He was so out of it by that point that Stephen wasn’t sure if Tony registered the question, but he nodded slowly and trusted Stephen to lead him through it and into their bed. 
Despite “resembling a sloth clinging to a tree bough,” (Tony’s words) Stephen was intuitive and knew when not to hug Tony. Even when he was asleep, if Tony woke up thrashing or fighting against something in a dream, Stephen let him go. 
Tonight was a bit different. Stephen wasn’t brought to the edge of reality by Tony thrashing in their bed or accidentally tangling himself in their sheets, so he assumed everything was fine. That was until the sorcerer hugged his husband closer, still mostly asleep and just following his instinct, and Tony outright begged Stephen to let go of him. He wasn’t quite awake, but Stephen backed off immediately and heard Tony trip over his own feet as he left the room. The sorcerer fell asleep again after that, trying to stop the sound of Tony’s broken plea from cementing itself in his memory. When Tony climbed back into bed some time later, Stephen was stirring a little bit more. Tony hid his face in Stephen’s collarbone and said nothing, his breathing still slightly erratic. 
“Sorry if I woke you up,” he mumbled. 
“Don’ be,” Stephen replied, his voice unsure whether or not to wake up. 
“Will you hold me again?” Tony asked pleadingly, his voice almost imperceptible. 
Stephen wordlessly obliged, kissing the top of his head. “Whatever’s bothering you… you can talk to me about it. When you’re ready. And you don’t have to, but I’m here for you.” 
Tony nodded. “It feels like too much right now. What I’m thinking about, I mean. I need time to process, I guess.” 
“Okay,” Stephen said simply. “But I’m here for you whenever.”
“I know. I love you,” Tony replied. 
Stephen began to trace soothing patterns on Tony’s back. “Love you Tones.” 
Tony didn’t seem any more rested the next day, but his confident Tony Stark™ pose seemed natural. He’d easily be able to fool people who didn’t know him as well as his family did. So it was a “fake it until you make it” kind of day, and Tony’s energy was on a strict schedule. There was only so much he could take today, and if his teammates wanted to call him selfish then that was their choice. 
It would just go in one ear and out the other, especially this late in the day and after brutal team training. Tony was close to skipping the meeting, but a cutting remark in the hallway made him change his mind. Why did they always act like it was breaking news when Tony needed to step back from something anyway? He was just as human as anyone else, and the world was happy to throw responsibilities on his unenhanced, steady shoulders just because he was a natural caretaker. 
The arguments about Tony’s quiet, withdrawn demeanor started two minutes into the meeting. Stephen was ready to defend his husband as soon as they got to the conference room, Tony collapsing into a chair and leaning his head against the cool metal of the table. 
He didn’t want to talk today, and Stephen didn’t want him to. 
“It’s not nap time, Stark.” There was a small hint of fondness in Natasha’s cold, clipped voice. 
Tony was already regretting his decision to show up, wishing he hadn’t told Stephen again and again that he was fine. He wasn’t, and they both knew it. Everyone knew it, but Tony knew better than to advocate for himself in front of his… colleagues. 
“I don’t even remember what we’re meeting about,” Tony muttered, looking up enough to address whoever was talking to him. 
Rhodey took a seat beside Tony, encouragingly patting his back. “You good?” 
“I’m fine, Honeybear,” Tony replied. He was sitting between his two favorite people, and that helped him feel a little more grounded. “I just didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.”
Someone scoffed. “I don’t think anyone’s slept right in months. And don’t say you haven’t slept in years, Stark. We don’t need a story about how everything you’ve ever done has led to years of sleepless nights. We know already. Put it in a book or something and make the team more money so I can have better arrows.” 
Stephen was two seconds away from dropping the archer into the Dark Dimension, or flipping a table. He wasn’t sure how to handle the man yet, still taken aback by the rudeness and stupidity of his comment. “Barton, what the fuck—” 
“Steph, don’t bother with him,” Tony said. He stood up, forcing his tiredness into a corner and giving his coworkers a confident glare. “Pardon me for giving it my all and being a bit tired as a result. Now I’m going to get an ice pack for my shoulder and maybe a cup of coffee. Does anyone want anything?” 
“I’ll take a—”
“Get it yourself, you know where the kitchen is.” 
For dramatic effect (and moral support), the cloak landed on Tony’s shoulders and billowed out as he left the room. He returned with the aforementioned ice and coffee, and a mug of tea for Stephen. 
“You didn’t have to do that sweetheart, but thank you,” Stephen said appreciatively. 
“That’s why I wanted to,” Tony replied. He relaxed a little into his chair, starting to believe he could get through the meeting. 
Then, like clockwork, Clint opened his mouth to complain. 
“Why did you bring him tea and nothing for the rest of us?” He whined. 
“Doesn’t Tony do enough for you?” Stephen asked, innocently taking a sip of his tea. It was his afternoon green tea, made exactly the way he liked it. 
Tony was always so sweet and attentive with his loved ones, it warmed Stephen’s heart. The sorcerer stifled a laugh as Rhodey poured half of Tony’s coffee into his own empty mug. 
“Thank you,” the colonel said impishly. “Consider the roommate tax paid for this month.” 
Tony tried to smile at the old inside joke, but Stephen noticed that it fell flat. 
“Are we done with the interruptions? We need to talk about what’s out there. We don’t know if Thanos is the exception or the rule, and—”
Tony stopped listening. Clint’s snootiness was doing his head in, but the idea of another threat, another thing, another colossus he’d have to conquer and survive if his luck had anything to say about it… that was the breaking point. 
Tony didn’t have a good relationship with luck. He didn’t really believe in it, but apparently it believed in him. Because Tony was lucky. It was true that he was lucky in meeting his husband, his friends, and his family, but this was a different kind of luck. Tony was intelligent and skilled, shrewd and savvy, and there was virtually nothing he couldn’t do or solve, except for one thing. 
He was constantly lucky, constantly cheating death. 
And he didn’t realize that he was hyperventilating, didn’t recall dropping his head into his hands. He didn’t recall that he’d just walked out in the middle of the meeting after a minute, didn’t realize that he was home when he opened his eyes. 
Tony was home, in his spot on the couch in Stephen’s library. Stephen was sitting beside him, quietly watching a documentary or something like that. Tony was laying down, his head in Stephen’s lap with the cloak draped over him like a blanket. The crimson fabric continued to cling to him as he sat up, further proving Tony’s point that Levi liked him best, but he wasn’t in the mood to banter now. He just appreciated the support and the warmth of his sorcerer and their shared, sentient blanket.
With some hesitancy, Tony leaned over and rested his head on Stephen’s shoulder. They locked eyes for a minute, Tony’s gaze deliriously bright and vacant. 
Stephen didn’t know what to say or do to make the man trembling in his arms feel better, but started by hugging him closer and softly stroking up and down his spine. 
“I’m sorry,” Tony whispered, lowering his head and hiding against Stephen’s chest. 
“No apologies,” Stephen reminded him. “I don’t want or need them, and you don’t have to explain yourself.” 
“I have to give a good reason,” Tony said, his voice beginning to shake. “Everything I do needs a reason.” 
“Why? Says who?” Stephen asked. He was more thinking aloud, half expecting Tony to leave the question unanswered. 
For a while, he did. He just sat, furiously trying to blink back tears and gather his thoughts as Stephen held him protectively. 
“Sometimes I think about… things,” Tony began vaguely. “And people. And places. I guess I just like nouns.” 
At this point, he didn’t even know if he was trying to deflect or just tell a joke, but his attempt at humor fell flat. He tried to force a laugh, but halfway through it turned into a painful sob. He cried harder with each breath, ignoring the ache in his chest. Tony barely listened when Stephen encouraged him to breathe, but eventually he gave into his exhaustion and listened to his lungs. 
His stupid lungs, which apparently were just as stubborn as his brain. 
“I can’t keep doing this,” Tony whispered. “I shouldn’t have survived Afghanistan, New York, Sokovia, Siberia, or Titan. I can’t keep cheating death, Stephen. I don’t want to. I don’t want to be lucky and survive when the damage I’ve caused, the damage I claim full responsibility for, has taken so many lives. I don’t want anyone else to get hurt or killed for me.” 
Stephen pressed a soft kiss to his hair, feeling Tony’s guit and fatigue as if it was his own. 
“I don’t want to do this,” Tony repeated. “I’m probably just spiraling or being needlessly selfish, but  I… I don’t know.” 
“You’re taking on too much responsibility where you don’t need to,” Stephen said. “I know that’s easy for me to just say from the outside, but you aren’t the only Avenger. It’s about time the team, if you can even call them that, takes accountability for their actions and stops bulldozing you with their problems. You aren’t selfish, Tones. You’re tired and overworked, and you deserve a break. You deserve to breathe, to just exist without feeling like you have to look over your shoulder or justify your every step.” 
“I don’t think I know how to even do that anymore,” Tony replied. “And I don’t deserve it.” 
“You do,” Stephen argued. “And rest assured I’ll keep telling you that. And I’ll keep telling you how much I love you, because I really do.” 
Tony smiled sadly, trying to press himself closer to Stephen if that was even possible. “I love you too.” 
He was starting to settle down, soothed by a flurry of soft kisses in his hair and the gentle brushes up and down his spine, when FRIDAY quietly spoke up. She almost sounded remorseful. 
“Mister Parker is requesting one or both of you in the lab, whenever it’s convenient,” she began. “And he’s asked me to assure you that it’s nothing major.” 
Tony sighed, sitting up again. “I’ll investigate.” 
Stephen shook his head. “No, let me. I’ll tell Peter that you’re resting, and he’ll understand.” 
“I don’t want him to think I don’t care,” Tony whispered. 
“He would never think that. You know how he gets about making sure you take care of yourself, and Peter knows with certainty that you care about him. Our son is much more mature than the Avengers,” Stephen replied. 
“I still feel bad,” Tony said. 
“I know. I can promise him Thai food if that’ll make you feel better?” Stephen suggested, half jokingly. 
“It actually would,” Tony admitted. “FRIDAY, will you schedule a Thai food delivery for 6:30pm please?” 
“Scheduled,” she replied simpy. She still sounded apologetic for disturbing them right as Tony was falling asleep, but maybe Stephen imagined that. 
The sorcerer stood up gracefully, covering Tony with another blanket as the cloak wrapped a bit tighter around him. “Look after yourself and relax, or get some sleep. No one’s expecting anything from you right now Tones, alright? I love you.” 
Tony nodded, a little smile on his face as Stephen kissed him again. “Love you.” 
He really wanted to sleep. He actually put effort into falling asleep, which was something he never thought he’d do, and of course sleep didn’t come easily. Sleep never came easily, but the memories did. It was all too easy for Tony to get caught in a thought stream, whether he was planning a surprise, inventing, or remembering unpleasantries. Today he was overwhelmed by guilt, readily convincing himself that he was a selfish failure like Howard Stark and his teammates liked to say. It was too easy to get lost in their ire and wanting to please everyone, and Tony had given up so much of his agency just to try and make other people happy. 
It was exhausting, and he didn’t even feel like he’d succeeded at that. 
The mechanic started tearing up again as he continued to think in a circular pattern, faintly aware of the Cloak trying to comfort him. It was a sweet, welcome gesture, and Tony let it happen and let himself cry. He was still laying there in tears when Stephen came back in half an hour later.
“Pete says he hopes you feel better,” Stephen said, returning to his spot and pulling Tony close. “And I told him to just go ahead and eat whenever he’s hungry, or when the food gets here.” 
Tony just nodded, feeling relieved and supported in Stephen’s arms again. He nodded again, as if trying to shake the unending self-deprecating thoughts from his head, before saying anything. “Sounds good.”
tags: @salty-ironstrange-shipper @stark-strange-love2 @chocopiggy @katninjagirl97 @kitkatfat15 @taruyison @funkylittlebidiot
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch39: The Reunion Part 1: As Long As There’s Hope, We Have A Chance.
Intro: As the remaining Avengers continue their search for Tony, Steve and Natasha take a trip to Clint’s farm to find out what happened to the Archer and his family.
Warnings: Bad Language words. Discussions of miscarriage- if this is a trigger please stay away)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: Please heed the warnings…biggedy up to my girl @angrybirdcr​
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 38
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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It was eleven days post the Snap when Nat decided she couldn’t take it anymore and told Steve she wanted to go to Clint’s.
“I have to know.” She pleaded, looking at Steve. He sighed and glanced over her shoulder to Katie who merely shrugged offering him no back up. She knew where Nat was coming from, it was killing her not knowing what had happened to Tony.  
“Alright.” He acquiesced. “Let me grab a jacket.”
“I’ll meet you on the jet?” She asked. Steve nodded and watched her go before he turned to his wife who was studying him over her coffee. “If Barton was alive he would have been here by now.” Steve dragged a hand down over his beard as he dropped onto the sofa next to Katie. “I don’t understand why she doesn’t see or get that?”
"Put yourself in her shoes.” Katie sighed as she curled in on herself under a blanket on the sofa as a particularly nasty cramp hit her stomach. “You’d do the same thing for Bucky, or Sam, or me.”
"You know that I would.” He replied, noticing her shift in position and he frowned, but before he could say anything she placed her hand on his bearded cheek.
“Then just go, let her see. Plus, you could be wrong.”
“I suppose it’s happened from time to time.” He quipped and Katie smiled as he leaned over to press their foreheads together.
“Are you feeling okay?”
“Not really.” She replied honestly, “But I’ve taken some painkillers, and Dr Kellet is coming over later. Thank fuck she wasn’t snapped.”
“I can ask Thor to go with Nat instead.” Steve looked at his wife who shook her head. “She asked you for a reason.” Katie said gently, “She trusts you. And I think if its bad news, she’s gonna need you, not Thor.”
“Are you sure?” He looked at her again and she nodded. He gave her a soft kiss, bumping his nose against hers, a soft smile on his face. “I love you, Doll.”
“I know.” She smiled back. “And I love you too, Soldier. Now go.”
As Steve had predicted, Barton’s farm was deserted. The two of them walked around, checking for any signs of life and Steve found his attention drawn to the picnic table not too far from where they had landed. It was loaded with condiments, plates, cutlery and scraps of food as a squirrel darted off the top from where it had been scratching through whatever other animals had left. Steve couldn’t help but remember the first time he had visited, when he had marvelled at the normality of Barton’s life outside the Avengers. Clint had kids, a wife, a complete alter ego. At the time Steve had almost been jealous, wondering if he and Katie could ever get that life. And then he’d gone and caused them both to be on the run, essentially ending that domestic dream.
And if he hadn’t, then Thanos certainly had when he’d snapped away their baby.
Natasha, meanwhile, had stalked straight into the house. Steve, hearing the door snap shut behind her turned and watched as she stomped straight back out and over to the barn at the far side of the yard
“Natasha?” he called.
She didn’t respond. With a sigh, Steve jogged after her, his boots slapping the damp grass of the lawn as he followed her into the barn. She dodged round the tractor in the middle, making her way to a door at the far side. Steve noticed a key pad at the side and Natasha clearly knew the code as a moment later there was a beep and it swung open to reveal what he supposed could only be referred to as an office of sorts, or as Katie would call it, a ‘man-cave’. There was a desk which sported some hi tech coms devices along with a computer. At the other side was a large flat screen TV mounted on the wall, a small couch, a stereo but none of that was what Natasha was looking at. She’d headed directly to some form of smaller room at the back and opened that to reveal a shelving unit of sorts. On one of them was an empty case that had clearly held a bow and arrow. Natasha then bent over and when she stood up Steve noticed she was holding a government issued ankle bracelet that had obviously at one point been around Clint’s ankle.
Not anymore, it was in two pieces.
“He’s alive,” Nat’s voice cracked. “Steve. he’s…he’s alive"
It was good news in a way, but then again, where was he? Surely if he and his family had survived then Clint would have brought them to the compound to find the rest of the team. But this looked like he had left in a hurry. Alone.
Which made Steve think that his family hadn’t been so lucky.
Natasha, satisfied that Clint was alive but clearly nowhere to be found at the farm, suggested they head home and see if they could track him from the compound. Steve hadn’t the heart to tell her that he didn’t think they’d have much of a chance and he knew deep down that if she was being honest, she probably thought the same thing. Instead, he nodded and they headed back over to the jet, which is when the pair of them heard something skulking around the side of the house. Natasha whipped out her gun as Steve spun, drawing himself up to full height. Exchanging a look, they both rounded the porch, cautiously approached, but as soon as Steve saw what it was, he relaxed.
“Hey buddy.” He courched down to pet the sandy coloured one-eyed dog that belonged to Clint, scratching behind his ear as the dog gave a little, desperate whine.
“Clint just left him.” Nat sighed, blinking back her tears. “He loved that dog, I don’t understand.”
“He won’t have been thinking straight, Nat.” Steve looked up at her, then around slightly, chewing the inside of his cheek before he made a decision. “We’ll take him home with us.” He stood up and, giving a sharp whistle, he was pleased to find the dog simply trotted behind him, up the ramp and happily curled up in a corner on a fleece Steve laid out for him.
“Do you know how old he is?” Steve asked, scratching the dog who rolled over, offering up his belly for a rub.
“Well when they found him the vets estimated he was about six months old…so seven now, give or take.” Natasha watched Steve who smiled, and made a cooing noise at the dog as he continued to pet him. “Never had you down as an animal lover, Rogers.”
“Always liked dogs.” He smiled. “I used to beg Ma for one all the time when I was a kid so she let us dog sit the neighbours. It set my asthma off, damned near killed me. So that put paid to that.” He took a deep breath and stood up, looking down at Lucky who flipped himself the right way up, pulling himself to a sitting position, his head cocking to the left. “Besides, I couldn’t just leave him there.”
“Katie’s right about you.” Natasha smiled. “You’re nothing but a huge softy under all that muscle.”
“Yeah, well, don’t tell anyone.” His brow raised. “I got a reputation to uphold.”
As they settled into the cockpit, Steve glanced at Natasha who was looking at the pieces of Clint’s ankle tag which she’d brought with her for some reason. But as he watched her turn them over in her hands, he had a sudden thought that there was someone else they should probably check in on as well. He voiced his thoughts to Natasha who nodded, and plugged in the co-ordinates for an airfield in San Francisco which was about thirty miles away from the address Scott Lang had listed on his house arrest details.
In little over an hour and forty later they pulled up outside Lang’s house and both hopped off the bike. No one answered so Steve simply kicked the door in and, once they were inside, they found it had been deserted some time ago. The remnants of a breakfast lay on a plate on the side growing mold and there was a mug and a plate in the sink. Natasha headed up the stairs, as Steve checked around the ground floor to see if there was anything that might give them a clue. The only thing he noticed was a calendar. The date of the Snap was circled, 23rd April, and next to it was written ‘QR- Research’. He didn’t have a clue what that meant. Letting out a deep breath he walked back into the hall and Nat came back down the stairs.
“No sign of anything being packed from his closet and his bed wasn’t made.”
“Well, his calendar seems to suggest he had a research date or something but other than that…” Steve trailed off as he spotted the red-light on the answer phone was blinking. He glanced at Natasha who inclined her head towards it and he reached out hitting the play button.
“Hi, Daddy” a little girls voice spoke and Steve and Natasha exchanged a look. Steve knew Scott had a daughter, but it struck him then that he had never even bothered to ask her name. “I tried your mobile but you’re obviously busy doing cool stuff with Hope and Dr Pymm…Mom said that you should come over tonight for five now your tag is off and it’s your favourite for tea. Oh and I got a new ant farm for you to try out. I love you, byeeeee!”
“Scott took two years house arrest to be with his daughter.” Steve shook his head, raising his eyebrows. “He wouldn’t just run out.”
“Think we’ve seen enough?” Nat sighed.
“Yeah.” Steve looked at her. “Let’s go home.”
***** “Well,” Dr Kellet looked at Katie as she sat up on the bed in the medical area of the compound, “there’s nothing physically wrong. Everything looks okay. I expect the cramps will settle down soon. It’s not uncommon with miscarriages, Mrs Rogers to feel some discomfort, especially when there’s been a procedure involved. And this, well, it wasn’t a normal miscarriage either so…”
Katie nodded and looked at her hands.
“How are you?” The Doctor asked and Katie looked up. “And I don’t mean physically.”
“I’m okay, I suppose.” Katie let out a deep breath. “I mean, I know there’s nothing I can do about it but it doesn’t stop me wondering you know, if I could have done something or-”
“Even in the case with normal miscarriages there’s nothing that anyone can do.” The Doctor spoke softly. “It’s a natural reaction, Mrs Rogers, you’re still in the grief cycle.” She clicked her bag shut. “Don’t be too hard on yourself. Give it time.”
“That’s what Steve keeps saying.” Katie mused, softly.
“How has he been?” “Amazing.” Katie smiled instantly. “He’s been an absolute rock, I know he’s upset himself but he just…” she trailed off. “It’s good that you have one another.” Dr Kellet smiled as she handed Katie her bag containing her pill. Neither of them spoke much, it was a silent gesture that made them both feel a little strange. They hadn’t even discussed the subject of her birth control going forward, but with everything that was going on Katie was suddenly struck with the thought that even the simple things like obtaining medical treatment was going to be much more difficult as they’d lost half the people that kept medical centres open.
Doctors, Nurses, receptionists, porters…
“I’m going to be meeting with the Local Authorities.” Dr Kellet looked at Katie as if she had read her mind. “All the remaining specialists have talked about how we need a, well, sort of a how we go forward planning session.” “Let me know if we can help in anyway.” Katie nodded. “That’s what we have the Stark Relief fund for.” Dr Kellet smiled before the two exchanged goodbyes and the Ob-Gyn left, leaving Katie alone with her thoughts which were disrupted when she heard her phone going. It was a message from Steve to tell her they were on their way home with good and bad news. Katie wasn’t sure if she wanted to know, to be honest, but she assumed the good news was Clint was alive, the bad news well, it didn’t bear thinking about. Deciding she would rather hear it in person, she replied and told him she’d leave some dinner for them both in the communal kitchen, and with that she headed off to find something he could cook.
Steve and Natasha landed home at just gone eight in the evening. And, given that they hadn’t eaten since breakfast, they headed straight to the kitchen with Lucky in tow and found two plates of lasagne waiting for them in the fridge, one substantially larger portion than the other. Whilst it was warming up. Steve gave Lucky a drink and then found some left over chicken and scraps of vegetables from the roast dinner the night before and placed them down in a dish for him to eat. Lucky wolfed his make shift dinner down, and so did they. Between them they ate their helpings, plus the leftovers, along with a helping of salad and then walked down the dimly lit corridors, dog on their heels. It was completely deserted.
“Feels odd doesn’t it?” Nat remarked “I mean it was always so busy.” “We will fix this Nat.” Steve spoke, and he wasn’t sure where his optimism was coming from, but seeing Clint was alive gave him more hope than he’d had that morning.
“Thank you for coming.” She said as they stopped by the stairs that led to her apartment.“I really appreciate it.”
“You don’t need to thank me, Nat.” Steve smiled, giving her a hug.  “Do you wanna take our guest or should I?” he gestured down to the dog. She shook her head. “Katie has a soft spot for that dog, plus you said yourself you’re a dog person. I prefer cats.”
That didn’t surprise Steve in the slightest and he found himself smiling slightly as he replied. “Alright, see you in the morning,” before he watched her up the steps and was pleased to see some of her usual Black Widow swagger had returned.
“Come on, buddy.” He turned to the dog which obediently trotted besides him, tongue lolling, his one eye trained on the super soldier.
Katie was awake in bed, the speakers in the room playing what sounded like the Trouble Man soundtrack as she lay on her side, facing the door, her hands absentmindedly playing with the pillow she had clutched to her chest.
“Hey.” he said as he walked in and she looked up, smiling softly. He leaned over to give her a gentle kiss before he frowned. “You’re crying.” It was a statement, not a question, as it was something she seemed to do quite a lot of recently. He sat on the edge of the bed and with tender hands, wiped her tears away with his thumbs as she sat up. “Is everything okay, I mean with…”
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine. I was just thinking about Sam, that’s all.”
Steve bowed his head, swallowing a little. Sam had been such a constant in their lives since they’d met him some four years previously, and two of those years they’d basically spent as house mates. It felt strange not to have him round, laughing and joking. Quite frankly, Steve felt like someone had ripped away his arm.
“I miss him too.” He admitted gently, and Katie looked at him, reaching up to cup his face. Steve sniffed a little before he shook his head.
“So, what did Dr Kellet say?” He changed the subject. “Nothing much. Says I’m physically alright, any discomfort I’m feeling should be gone soon.” “Do you need anything? Pain relief or…” She shook her head “I’m okay, honestly.” She took a deep breath. “So, what did you find?”
“Clint’s alive.” Steve stood and shrugged off his jacket, laying it on the back of the chair by the dressing table. Katie gave a sigh of relief which was short lived as she spotted the look on Steve’s face.
“What is it?”
“There’s no sign of him. He’d bust off his tag and left. I don’t think his family made it.” Katie bowed her head “They’re gone? All of them?”
“I think so yeah.”
“Fuck.” Katie screwed shut her eyes as her head fell back and she looked to the ceiling.
“We do, however have a guest.” Steve added, looking over at her.
“Lucky.” At the sound of his name the dog came pounding into the bedroom and jumped straight up on the bed.
“I couldn’t just leave him there.” Steve explained as Katie smiled and leaned over to scratch the dog behind his ears, promptly causing him to lay down, his head in Katie’s lap. She wrinkled up her nose.
“He stinks!”
“Yeah well he’s been alone since Clint left, God knows what he’s been up to or eating.” Steve shrugged as Katie looked down at the dog who rolled over for a belly scratch and she obliged. “And it doesn’t look like Lang made it either.” Steve finished heavily, watching as Katie tickled the animal.
Katie shook her head sadly, a tear falling onto the bed as Lucky rolled back over and moved to lick the side of her face before he jumped down on the floor.
“Nat wants to give Barton a few more days to cool off before we look for him but I’m not sure he wants to be found.“  Steve dropped back onto the side of the bed, removing his shoes and then his shirt thinking back to what he had seen at Clint’s. He laid his palms flat on the bed and dropped his head gently, letting out a sigh. He heard the sheets rustle as Katie edged her way closer to him, leaning her head on the back of his shoulder, nuzzling her cheek against him.
"How is Nat?” She asked.
“A little bit better now that we know he’s alive.”
Katie nodded as she dropped a kiss to the back of Steve’s shoulder before he stood up, “I’m gonna take a shower, I won’t be long.”
“Okay. Where’s Lucky gonna sleep?”
“I dunno.” Steve eyed up the dog who was now led on his back on the floor as if he’d been with them all his life “Looks like he’s comfy there.” “Yeah, it does.” Katie smiled.
Whilst Steve was in the shower Katie went into the closet and pulled out one of the old duvets for Lucky to sleep on, folding it up and placing it at the end of the bed. Steve was out of the shower shortly and climbed into bed besides Katie, reaching over and turning off the light before he settled down on his back and Katie cuddled up to him, head on his chest
“So what have you been up to today?” He asked gently, his hand rubbing her back.
“Still trying to get a lock on where Tony is. Other than that, well, I saw the doctor,  made dinner and then I wasn’t feeling great if I’m honest. So I came back here and Thor sat with me for a while, just talking.”
Steve took a deep breath, pulling her a little closer as they both fell silent for a moment, before she broke the silence.
“You now, knowing Clint is alive makes me feel a little more optimistic.”
“Yeah, think about it.” Katie’s hand traced hapes on his bare chest “That’s six out of seven of the original Avengers confirmed alive. Tony has to be as well, it makes sense.” “I’m not following.” Steve frowned. She propped herself up, so that she was leaning on his chest, her eyes locking onto his.  “Thor was talking before, those stones, they have a magic beyond anything we know. Thor doesn’t believe for a second that who’s left is merely a coincidence and neither do I. It’s happened for a reason. Tony’s out there, I can feel it. We just need to find him.” “Honey, I understand what you’re saying-“ Steve started, he wasn’t sure he agreed. He didn’t believe in fate, it was bullshit. But before he could say anything else she cut him off.
“Please don’t.” she said, shaking her head. “Don’t what?”
“Take this hope away from me.” She whispered, her eyes still locked onto his in the dim light of the room “Apart from you it’s all I have right now.”
He sighed and nodded, chastising himself. If it made her feel better who was he to try and make her think any differently just because he did? Eventually they would have to face facts but now, well he just wanted her to get through the next few days, one at a time. With that in mind, he bit back his response and kissed her head.
“Sorry, you’re right. As long as there’s hope, we have a chance.” She kissed him gently before settling back down, and it wasn’t long before she drifted off. *****
A week or so later, Thor returned from another scouting trip with no news or sign of his people and this time he set deep into a brooding depression, appearing only for meals. Not even Katie could talk him round. Pepper was keeping herself busy liaising with who was left at Stark Industries, turning her attention onto how they could help after Katie had told her about Dr Kellet and the Health Authorities. It kept Pepper busy and gave her something to focus on.
Steve, Natasha and Rhodey spent most of their time talking to the people who were conducting the census and the authorities, whilst Katie buried herself away with Rocket and Bruce trying to calibrate the scanners to reach further into space, bouncing off the NASA satellites to boost their range. But they continued to get nothing. The elephant in the room, however, remained Fury’s pager. In the two weeks they’d had it no one had managed to get working, not even Rocket, despite his attempts to fix the booster that was attached to it.
As the Nineteenth post snap afternoon drew to a close, the Racoon let out a frustrated sigh and downed the small screwdriver he had been using and shook his head.
“If I had the right parts I could sort this easy, but without getting up to Contraxier I wouldn’t know where to start.” “What’s Contraxier?” Katie asked.
“A market-slash-junk-slash-booze hole” Rocket shrugged.” You can find most stuff there. That’s where I stole Thor’s eye.”
Katie knew better than to ask.
“It’s so goddamned annoying.” Rocket continued. “I mean it’s a simple technology too, they’re ten a credit. All it needs to do is produce a magnetic field across each of these coils and bingo.” Katie looked at Bruce whose head had instantly shot up.
“Say that again?” The Scientist instructed gently. “These coils.” Rocket pointed to the item as Bruce walked over. “Each of them needs a magnetic core and then all of the little individual magnetic forces add together and it powers the…what?” He asked as Bruce looked at Katie and she grinned.
“An electromagnet?” She shook her head, almost laughing at the ridiculousness of the situation. “That’s all it is?” “I’ve no idea what you Terrans call it, but if that’s what that does then yeah.” “I can’t believe it.” Bruce picked up the device and slid it under the large magnifying glass Rocket had been using, letting out a groan of frustration. “I took my eye off the ball, I could have sorted this straight away…” “You’re kidding me right?” Rocket sighed “Seriously?”
“Bruce, we’ve had a lot going on, don’t...” Katie began to sooth the man who was now frantically rushing around, grabbing various bits of material as he continued to curse his stupidity.
With a final curse, he settled down at a seat, bending over the device, his nose barely an inch away from it.
“It was an electromagnet. A god-damned electromagnet.” Bruce shook his head as he stood up and placed the Pager on a plinth inside one of the glass cases he used to experiment in. He fiddled around with some wires, muttering to himself before standing back. As the three of them crowded round, the screen on the pager lit up and the word “SENDING” flashed across the screen.
Katie looked at Bruce, her face splitting into a smile as he looked at her, the corner of his mouth twisting upwards.
There was another glimmer of hope…
**** Chapter 39 Part 2
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sparkleofpizza · 4 years
The archer - Tim Drake x reader 1/?
Hey guys, how are you doing? I have been working on this story for a while now and decided to finally post it, I am currently still writing the next parts because I decided to change a few ideas I had previously, but this is mainly just me giving Tim Drake some love and incorporating a bit of my love for Arrow too. Hope you guys like it and feel free to request me anything if you'd like, I write for the batboys, Wally and Conner. 
Requested: no
Warnings: some swearing
Summary: Y/n Queen will be living in the Wayne Manor for a while, and Dick Grayson decided to be the Cupid between her and his little brother Tim Drake.
Word count: 2.228
Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
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The Wayne manor was silent that day, Bruce had everyone prepared for the arrival of a guest. The four boys were pissed off as why they had to make sure their rooms were organized, it was not like the guest would sleep in there. Dick and Jason didn't even live there anymore, but they gave up on arguing after one pointed look from Alfred.
When the doorbell finally rung, the boys were all too busy playing around in the cave - somewhere they found out they would have privacy, after all there was no way the guest would get there. So they weren’t there to greet you as you found your way around the house, after being greeted by Bruce and Alfred, letting them take your bags to the room you’d be staying at and showing you around.
You ended up standing in front of the clock, you knew pretty well what that clock meant, your brother had told you about that. You had a vague idea that the boys would be there - you really wanted to meet all of them - but didn’t want to intrude, this wasn’t your house after all and Bruce was already being nice enough to let you stay over while your brother was away in some business. So you went back to your room, deciding to meet them when was the right time.
And it actually didn’t take long for you to run into one of them. You collided with a huge body, making you land in your butt as you looked up to see none other than Jason Todd. He started down at you.
“Who are you?” He asked, frowning "Are you the guest Bruce told us about?"
“Hello to you too, Jason.” You rolled your eyes at the boys antics, pushing yourself up “It’s nice to see you again.”
He started at you for a few seconds before realization drowned on him. You are Y/N Queen, Oliver’s young sister and Roy’s ‘sister’ as well. He hasn’t seen you such a long time he almost didn’t recognize you.
“Y/N?!” He questioned, too surprised, patting your shoulder “Oh, it’s good to see you again. You look so different from the last time I saw you.”
“That’s because the last time you saw me I was sixteen.” You smirked up at him “Which means you’re getting a bit old.”
He narrowed his eyes at you “You’re like eighteen now or something?”
“Nineteen, actually.”
He nodded, leading you downstairs to the kitchen “Well, you’re still underage so you still have to respect me and do what I say.”
“When have I ever done something people tell me to do? I literally went after a serial killer on my own when I was fifteen just because Ollie told me to stay out of it.”
Jason nodded his head, remembering Roy complaining about something like that. He didn’t pay much attention at the story at the time because he thought it was boring and he had better things to think of, such as his revenge on Bruce, but now it seemed amusing a small girl like you trying something like that. He made a mental note to ask you more details about it later.
“I hope none of you are doing anything imprudent, we have a visitor and that would be really bad looking for you all.” Jason exclaimed, entering the kitchen with you by his side 
His three brothers were sitting on the counter, fighting over the last cookie Alfred had made earlier. Their heads shot up in curiosity trying to find out who was there with their brother. Hoping it wouldn't be the mysterious guest.
You stood still, pushing some hair from your face and offering them a friendly smile. Oliver has told you about them, even Roy filled you in on who they were, you’ve seen pictures of them, after all they were Bruce’s Wayne kids, but damn, you didn’t expect them to be this good looking in person. 
“Todd, who’s this?” A small boy questioned, holding up a knife to point at you
You chuckled at that “I’m y/n, it’s really nice to meet you. Maybe you should let go of that knife, kids shouldn’t hold things that can hurt them.”
“I’m not a kid!” He yelled 
His brothers laughed at his face, Tim already taking a liking into you. If you got to bother Damian in less than five minutes into conversation than you were cool. Dick though you were funny and Jason smiled proudly just because he knew you before everyone else.
“This are my brothers, Dick, Tim and Damian.” Jason introduced them to you 
You smiled once again, taking a sit across from where they were. 
“So...” Dick started “Y/n, when did you and Jason get together?”
“What? You think we’re dating?” You almost gagged, taking a look at the boy beside you. From all the stories you heard about him from Roy, you were 110% sure that you’d never be able to feel something more for him “We’re not together.” You chuckled at the end
Jason narrowed his eyes “Y/n is the guest Bruce told us about, but hold on a second... Why did you sound so disgusted?”
“Because anyone would be disgusted if someone thought they were dating you, Todd.” Damian rolled his eyes, earning a few laughs from his brother and you, and a death glare from Jason
“Roy just tells me so much shit about you, and you guys are glued. It would be like dating Roy, totally weird.”
“Oh, you’re friends with Roy?” Tim asked, leaning in a bit, curious about how much you knew about them all
You smiled directly at him, flipping some hair from your face. He stared at you for a while, mouth slightly open before quickly shutting it close. You were so pretty and what a perfect smile you have. 
“Yeah, I’ve known him almost my whole life.” You replied, frowning a bit, thinking back into old memories of when things went down hill, but quickly smiled again at boy in front of you “So I know plenty about all of you.” 
That gave him the answer he needed. You knew about their nightly activities, which was better than having to lie all the time. Not like he was expecting to have you around all the time, you were just staying for a while. But he wouldn’t mind staring at your gorgeous e/c eyes, and pretty conquer smile. 
Dick’s eyes went wide, looking at his brother and than at you. An idea already popping on his mind, if you weren’t dating Jason, maybe that meant you weren’t dating anyone, since you stated you also weren’t dating Roy. Big chances of you being single. Watching you and Tim interact made him want to play match maker, oh he was desperate to play match maker.
“How old are you, y/n?” He blurted out loudly 
“I’m nineteen, why?”
“Oh! Nothing! Just curiosity. Did you know Tim is twenty-one? Only two years older than you! Funny, right?”
You nodded, biting your lower lip to prevent yourself from laughing. Dick didn’t know how to be discreet.
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It had been a couple of days since you’ve been at the manor and you noticed a couple of things:
1. Damian was a very hard person to socialize with, he was very judging and didn’t seem to enjoy your presence at all.
2. Jason was everything Roy told you about him, and that was kind of creepy.
3. Dick was definitely trying to play cupid, asking you random questions out of the blue and then stating facts about Tim.
4. Tim had a very weird sleeping pattern, was coffee addicted and the nicest to talk out of the four of them. 
You tried to live your days as normally as possible, but nothing normal is really normal in this family. You thought it was ok their vigilant routine, your brother was one as well, but weren’t they extreme sometimes?! No wonder Oliver said Bruce was uptight. They show zero emotions. 
You tried not to get in their way, not really bothering them when they were busy with patrol and cases. You figured your time of the day should be during the night, when the would be out of the manor and on the streets fighting crime. 
Going down to the kitchen to get some coffee, maybe something to eat and then you could silently laugh while watching Brooklyn 99. What you didn’t expect was to run into Tim during that.
He was pouring down coffee on his mug when you appeared on the doorway. He glanced up, smiling once he saw you.
“Did I wake you up?” He questioned, leaning down on the counter 
“No.” You shook your head, smiling back at him “I came to get some coffee. Shouldn't you be on patrol?" 
"It is my day off." Tim replied, watching you as he took a sip of his coffee
"So then... Can't sleep?"
“I normally don’t sleep. What about you?”
You arched your brows at that, pouring some hot coffee in a mug for you. Who normally doesn’t sleep?
“Just wanted to watch some Netflix in the quite of the night.” You shrugged “What do you normally do since you don’t sleep?”
"I just work on some cases."
That seemed unlikely. How could someone stay up all night just working on some cases? He certainly did other things, maybe he had a secret girlfriend and he would sneak her into his room at night and that's just what he told everyone he was doing? Working on some cases.
"But you do that all night? I doubt it's healthy. Don't you like have a secret girlfriend you're sneaking in and you just don't want anyone to find out about?"
Tim laughed at your statement, shaking his head. 
"I don't have any secret girlfriend or a real girlfriend for the matter. I like working at night. You could help me sometime, if you'd like?" A dust pink took over his cheeks, maybe he crossed the line by asking you join him in his room in the middle of the night, but you smiled at him 
"I'd love to help you on some cases. Shall we start now?"
He nodded, grabbing your hand and pulling you in towards his room. You smiled at the touch of your palms, his hand was way bigger than yours, but you liked how it felt against your skin. His fingers were cold. You could get used to holding hands with him, it felt nice.
You entered his room, looking at the place around you and seeing how it had so much of him in it. It smelled like coffee and his cologne, a nice combination. He closed the door behind you, leading you to his desk.
"So, what do you want me to help you with?" You questioned, leaning on the desk and staring at him 
He took a moment to admire you. Your face free of makeup, some natural redness on the skin that made you look cute, your hair down on your shoulders, and your comfy pijamas. 
"Have you ever worked on a case before?" You nodded, making him look at you with surprise. You smirked before he kept on talking "I'm trying to track down some of these weapon buyers, there's supposed to be a sale soon, but I can't point out the location yet."
"What are our leads?"
Tim smiled, showing you all the evidence he got before splitting up the job and the both of you starting to work. You sat on his bed with a laptop and he sat beside you with his own. Both clicking at the keyboard, trying to find new clues to find out the place of the weapon sale before it's too late. 
At some point of the night, you had decided to take a small break. Laying on your side, looking at Tim while he worked and holding a small conversation with him. But then you were too quiet and when he looked at you again, you had fallen asleep, holding on his shirt sleeve. 
He closed his laptop, carefully placing it on his night stand, trying not to disrupt you, and lied down himself. He tried to put some distance between your bodies, but you shifted only getting closer to him once you missed his body warmth, and he found himself trapped when you plopped a leg over his thighs. His cheeks turned red and he was really glad you were asleep so you wouldn't be able to see how flustered he was right now. 
Eventually, during the night, Tim wrapped his arms around you as your head was placed on top of his chest. And that's how Alfred found the both of you in the morning, having checked your room to wake you up for breakfast and being frighted to find an empty bed. 
"What you're staring at, Alfred?" Dick asked, waking past him on the hallway only to squeaky like a little kid once he saw you two asleep holding each other "I knew it! I knew they'd end up together!"
He grabbed his phone, snapping a couple of pictures before being rushed out of there by Alfred. Tim deserved some sleep, and the both of you looked too adorable together to be disturbed like that. 
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lieshot · 2 years
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@griim​ asked:  “We’re married.”     ↳ send we’re married for my muse to wake up in an alternate universe where our   muses are married
At first, he thought nothing of it. It wasn’t the first time he had crashed at her house, waking up and practically stumbling out of the bedroom as he still struggled to wake up. But there were tiny differences that began to catch his sharp eyes. That table in the hallways hadn’t been there before. Since when were there flowers on the coffee table? Tiny details that began to spark the idea that something wasn’t RIGHT. Just enough to shake him out of his sleepiness, enough to make the archer all the more alert to his surroundings and the things he had almost missed. And, overall, the BIGGER PICTURE began to sink in that this place wasn’t the same as the one he had gone to sleep in the previous night. Pictures lining the walls of the two of them. Some separate, some together. And analyzing them closer, the familiar face seemed so much HAPPIER. Perhaps not completely, there was still that hint in her eyes that Barney had become accustomed to, that he would so easily catch when she tried to hide it. But she was certainly different. And he seemed the same, smiling so often but something still just slightly OFF in the way a normal person might appear, something so weary behind the eyes.
And then there was the wedding photo. It stopped him in his tracks, blue eyes staring only at it. There they were, together in a way he hadn’t imagined before. Here, wherever that was, they were MARRIED. Together and not something Barney had really even considered before. There weren’t others around, probably some private ceremony if they were even remotely similar to the world he knew. His hair cut shorter, appearing so PROPER. And her, shining and dazzling in her black and white gown. A far cry from the world he knew for both of them.
He found her in the kitchen at the table, the man leaning against the doorframe as he just watched her. Taking apart several guns to clean and reassemble them, Barney catching sight of his bow and arrows propped against the wall. Clearly they still held the same professions wherever this was. Apparently they couldn’t catch a break, no matter what world they were in.
Barney had never really given much thought to it. He and Gemma were close, closer than he had been with anyone in decades. One of the few people that could understand him just as he could understand her. One of the only people he ever felt he could fully TRUST and that accepted him as a whole rather than picking him apart. Apparently here, wherever he might be, they were even CLOSER. He wondered where the differences were. What made them so much closer?
There was no denying the brief pang of JEALOUSY in his chest before it dissipated.
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❝  Gemma,  ❞  he called softly. Maybe that wasn’t even the name he called her here, but his mind was left both dazed and running a thousand miles a minute trying to wrap his head around everything. How had he even gotten here? Where was here? Maybe this was all just some vivid hallucination or he was off dying in the real world.   ❝   Are you—— are you HAPPY?  ❞  The words came out without even a thought, slipping past his lips as he tried to make sense of it all. He couldn’t help but wonder, was she really? He was far from an IDEAL man, probably the same in this world if the tiny clues were correct.
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prettybuckybaby · 3 years
we lay here for years or for hours, so long we become the flowers; chapter four
the avengers babysit, part two
part seven of single parent peter parker
read on ao3 here
“Hey, you wanna ditch this thing tomorrow?”
“I don’t know, babe. You’re telling me you don’t wanna attend a lecture from one of NYU’s most prestigious lecturers on the dramatic structure of Macbeth? Sounds like a real hoot to me,”
“You’re such a dick. Are we ditching or not?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
Most of the avengers are in the common area. Tony and Pepper are in a meeting and it’s Tuesday, so Natasha and Leia are having their secret dance lesson, but the rest of them are sprawled in various positions across the room. Peter is sitting on the floor in front of the table, attention split between the chemistry homework in front of him and his phone.
“Hey, Mr Barton?” He asks when he puts his phone down and picks his pen back up.
“Are we ever going to graduate to first names?” The archer asks him, frown on his face. “Nat lets you call her ‘Tasha’, and I’m still ‘Mr Barton’. I mean, even robo-cop gets ‘Buck’ every now and then,”
“May raised me to be respectful, Mr Barton. I’m just respecting my elders,” Peter grins up at him, eyes sparkling. “Plus, I called Tasha ‘Miss Romanoff’ once and I have never felt fear like it before,”
“And Barnes?”
“He asked me to call him Bucky,” Peter explains with a small shrug.
“Will you call me Clint?”
“Sure thing,” Peter smiles at him. Clint smiles back, thinking he’s gotten his way. “Hey, Mr Clint,”
“Oh my God,” Sam snorts from across the room, where he, Steve, and Bucky are throwing a ball between themselves. “You are the worst. You are my least favourite child. You should let Keener know that he’s overtaken you,”
“That’s rude, Mr Clint,” Peter pouts up at him. “I’m just respecting you. Let me respect you, Mr Clint,”
“For the love of all things holy, Peter, shut the hell up,” Clint glares at him. Peter tries his best to look innocent, but he can’t stop his lip from twitching. “What do you want?”
“Are you busy tomorrow?” He narrows his eyes at the teen.
“Well, Harley and I have got this lecture thing on at school. And it’s like, a mixed school event thing, and it’s an all-day thing. If it was just an hour or something, I’d take her with me, but it’s all day and I don’t want her to get bored, you know? Anyway, it’s Wednesday, and Leia doesn’t go to group on Wednesdays, so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with her?” He asks, words rushing out of his mouth. “I mean, it’s fine if you don’t, I can ask someone else, but she hasn’t seen you for a while and-”
“I’d love to see her,” Clint cuts him off, grinning brightly. “The whole day? Absolutely not an issue.”
“Thanks,” Peter smiles, before it falls into a small frown. “Please do not let her touch your arrows again. If there is any sign of blood on her, you’re never seeing her again.” The teen threatens.
“I’m not irresponsible, Parker,” Clint scowls as he defends himself. “How was I meant to know she could reach them? They were on the countertop. She’s tiny,”
“She’s three,” Peter says slowly, as if this explains everything. “Three-year-olds do that. Didn’t your kids do that when they were growing up?”
“Well,” Clint shifts. “Laura was abundantly clear that I was not allowed arrows around the house when they were in their grabbing stages. Or any time after that. So, no. They never managed to reach a quiver of arrows that were on a countertop taller than them and cut their hand.”
“Yeah,” Peter rolls his eyes, turning back to his chemistry work with a small smile on his face. “You should implement Mrs Barton’s philosophies everywhere that there are children running around. She’s really onto something, you know?”
“Yeah, alright, smartarse,” Clint rolls his eyes, throwing a ball of paper at Peter’s head without looking up. The teen bats it away without looking up. “What time are you dropping her off at?”
Peter’s at the tower at seven the next morning, just as Clint is waking up. He stumbles into the kitchen and is immediately tackled by a toddler.
“Ugh,” Clint groans as the little body crashes into his legs. One of his hands rest on the top of her head. “Where do you get your energy from. I’m still asleep,”
“The sun’s awake, Clint,” Leia smiles up at him, eyes bright. “So ‘m I,”
“Uh huh,” The archer mumbles, ignoring the small laugh coming from Peter.
“Am I okay to leave her with you?” The teen asks, handing Clint a cup of coffee, voice filled with amusement. “Should I-”
“I’m awake,” He insists, downing the entire cup before almost slamming it down on the counter. Peter raises his eyebrow at him. “I am. Aren’t you meant to be in school?”
“I’m waiting for Harley,” The teen tells him, taking his phone out when a text tone goes off. “He’s downstairs.” He puts his phone back away and bends down in front of his daughter. “Hey, you’ll be good for Mr Clint, yeah?”
“Uh huh, Daddy,”
“Good,” He kisses her cheek, ruffling her hair as he stands up. “I’ll be back around three?”
“Okay, kid,” Clint smiles as Leia comes back over to him, hugging his leg. “Have fun at your lecture���thing,”
“Oh, it’s going to be a blast,” Peter rolls his eyes as he walks over to the lift. “See you later. I love you!”
“Love you, Daddy,”
“Love you, Pete!” The teen steps into the open lift, sticking his finger up at the archer. “Wow. What happened to the respect, Parker?”
“Goodbye, Mr Hawkeye-Barton, Sir.” He calls as the doors shut, smirking lightly. “No arrows!”
Clint starts by himself breakfast, eating it while he lets Leia watch one of her shows. He asks Leia if she wants anything, but she tells him that she had breakfast with her father back in Queens, so he just hands her a pouch of juice while he eats. A few of the others come through the kitchen while they’re in there, all of them smiling and sitting down with Leia, asking her about the show that she’s watching.
“Right then,” He grins at Leia once she’s come to the end of an episode and he’s finished eating and clearing up. “Shall we get started?”
“What we doin’, Clint?” Leia asks, looking up at him with a smile.
“Well,” He starts as he stands them both up, walking towards the lift. “Daddy said no arrows because he’s boring. But also, Daddy’s quite smart, and I quite like hanging out with you. So, I got you something, so we can still play with arrows,”
“Will Daddy be mad?” She asks as the lift starts moving down towards the training room Clint has set up for them.
“No,” Clint comforts her easily, grinning down at her. “Because we’re going to use special arrows, ones that can’t hurt anyone,” The doors open straight into the training room, and Clint leads Leia over to the corner where his arrows are kept. He sits down next to them, grabbing one of his quivers and a smaller one. “Okay,” He takes an arrow out of each of them. “These are the arrows I normally use, yeah? See this tip?” He pokes the top of the arrow, moving it away when Leia goes to copy the movement.
“Very sharp.” He nods and puts the arrow away. He takes one out of the smaller quiver. “These are special arrows. See, instead of a point, they’ve got a flat end,” He holds this arrow out to her, letting her touch the end. He laughs lightly when she frowns.
“How’s it stick?” She asks, poking the arrow again.
“Watch this.” Clint tells her. He licks the sucker on the end of the arrow, making sure Leia’s eyes are on him, and then slams the arrow onto his forehead. It sticks when he moves his hand away.
“You look like a un’corn,” Leia giggles at him, lifting a hand to bat at the arrow. It sways until Clint pulls it off.
“Yeah,” Clint chuckles. “So, as well as using special arrows, we’ve got a special board to aim at,” He points over to the archery targets on the other side of the room, where there’s a smaller, plastic target along with the many full-sized ones. He stands up, picking up the quiver and a small bow, and takes one of Leia’s hands in his empty one. They stop when they’re standing opposite the small target, where he hands the bow to Leia. “Okay, so. First, put your left hand here,” He points to the grip. “And your other hand pulls the string back,” He kneels down behind her, putting his hands over hers after her loads an arrow onto the string. He moves their hands as he speaks. “And then we pull back, and we’re trying to hit that yellow circle in the middle.”
By the time that Clint decides they should have lunch, Leia is at a stage where she can get an arrow on the target every time she shoots. A few of them end up in the centre of the target, but most of them land closer to the edge. Clint high fives her.
After they have lunch, where Steve and Sam join them, Clint takes her to his and Nat’s floor, away from the others.
“What’re we doin’ now, Clint?” Leia asks him when they sit down in their living area. Clint grins at her.
“I thought we could go on an adventure!”
“A’venture?” She asks, eyes going wide. Clint laughs as he nods.
“Yeah! But first, we need supplies.” He brings out Leia’s bag that Peter left with them this morning, and then moves towards the kitchen area. He comes back into the living room with a small box in his arms. “Okay. You need to pick some snacks and a couple of drinks, just in case you need a nibble,” Leia nods as she picks out a couple of pouches of her juice, along with a small bag of cookies and a banana. “Okay. You put them in your bag with this,” He reaches onto the couch and picks up a Leia-sized blanket.
“Okay, Clint,” She grins as she stuffs everything into the backpack and pulls the zips shut. “Can Bearbear come?”
“Of course he can,” The archer smiles. “Okay, last thing. Do you know what this is?” He asks as he pulls a roll of paper out of his back pocket and spreads it out over the floor.
“Um,” Leia thinks for a moment before peering up at the man. “Treasure map?”
“Yeah! Sort of,” He grins again. “But, there isn’t really any treasure, so it’s really just a map. You know what it’s a map for?” Leia frowns as she looks over the map before shaking her head. “Well, you know sometimes I go into the ceiling?” He laughs when her whole face lights up.
“We’re goin’ into the ceilin’?” She nearly bounces where she’s sat with excitement, making Clint laugh again.
“Yeah. We’re going to explore the whole tower. This is a map of all of the vents. See how they’re all connected?” She nods her head as he runs his finger along the printout before his finger stops. “We’re going to start here, which is right over there,” He points to the vent that is situated above the cupboards in their kitchen area. Leia giggles as Clint picks her and her backpack up, making sure she’s holding onto Bearbear and stands her up on the counter. He pushes himself up as well and lifts her up to the vent cover. “Okay, push up on that, and then move it forwards.”
“Wow,” Leia gasps as she climbs into the tunnel. She crawls forward, giving Clint enough space to climb in as well and put the cover back over the vent.
“Let’s go this way, first.” Clint tells her, pointing down the tunnel.
They explore the vents for about an hour before Leia starts to yawn, and they get another half hour before she’s slowing down her crawling and her eyes are drooping shut.
“Hey,” Clint pokes her side gently, voice nearing a whisper. “You ready for a nap?” Leia opens her mouth to answer, but the only thing that comes out is a yawn. Clint laughs softly. “Yeah, I think so. Let’s get you comfy, sweetie pie,” He takes the blanket out of the bag on his shoulder and spreads it out over her, before pulling his jumper off his body. He rolls it up and tucks it under her head. He smiles softly when her eyes flutter shut. “Have a nice nap, precious.”
Peter and Harley arrive back at the tower at ten past three and go up to the common room. Everyone is there, apart from Tony, Pepper, Clint, and Leia.
“Hey,” Bruce smiles at them as they come into the room, both of them laughing at something. Everyone else offers their welcome when they notice the teens.
“Hi, Dr Banner,” Peter smiles at him as he takes a seat on the only seat left, groaning when Harley forces himself next to him. “Jesus, Harley,”
“You’re the one who’s taking over the whole chair,”
“How was your lecture?” Steve asks them, interrupting their bickering. He laughs when Peter groans. “That bad, huh?”
“She talked about Shakespeare for six hours.” Harley tells them, scowling slightly. “I mean, who cares about Shakespeare that much to listen to some old woman talk about him for six. Hours.”
“You slept through most of it,” Harley scoffs when Peter shoves against him. “You missed the exciting stuff. I, personally, had a wonderful day,”
“Absolute bull-”
“Where’s Clint?” Peter asks, cutting Harley off and ignoring him. He frowns when most of them shrug.
“Steve and I saw them at lunch, but we haven’t seen them since,” Sam tells him.
“I haven’t seen them since breakfast,” Bruce says.
“Bucky and I haven’t been in the tower,” Natasha frowns. “He said something about exploring somewhere, though, last night,”
“Oh.” Peter frowns as he pulls his phone out and clicking on Clint’s contact. The phone barely rings before he answers.
“Good afternoon, Parker,” Clint answers, grin clear through his voice. “To what do I owe this pleasure?”
“Where are you?”
“What?” Clint scoffs loudly. “No ‘Hello, Clint. Thanks ever so for babysitting for me today. You’re a real lifesaver. I hope you had fun!’?”
“I don’t sound like that. Where’s my kid?” Peter asks, scowling. He elbows Harley when he hears him snort out a ‘you definitely sound like that’ at Clint’s impression. “I’d quite like to know that she’s still alive.”
“She’s napping, at the moment,”
“Yeah, I figured. Stop avoiding the question. Where are you? I want to see her,” He frowns when he hears the hesitation.
“In my defence, I thought I had more time before she needed a nap. I lost track of time,” Peter sits up straight.
“Mr Barton, buddy, where are you?” His eyes narrow when he hears shifting above him. “Are you joking? Tell me you’re joking, please,” He ignores the way everyone in the room looks at him with concerned looks on their faces.
“Well, here’s the thing-”
“Why the hell did you let her fall asleep in the fucking vents?”
“She’s got a blanket and she’s got Bearbear. Everything is good, Peter,” The archer tries to sooth the teenager, but it doesn’t work.
“Everything is not ‘good’.” He almost growls down the line. “How long has she been asleep?”
“About-oh, hang on a second, she’s waking up.” Peter hears as Clint moves the phone away from his face. “Hey, sweetheart. You alright?”
“Where’s Daddy?” Peter smiles when he hears his daughter’s voice, heavy with sleep.
“Daddy’s downstairs. You wanna go and see him? Okay. We’ll be down in a second, Pete. Adios.” Peter rolls his eyes, forcing down a smile when Clint hangs up.
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Hello From the Other Side (Post Endgame)
Uh yes, hello. Tissues are required for this one. Consider this the end credit scene to Endgame we were never given, so I did the Right Thing and wrote one anyway. 
It was white.
Everything was white and everything was cold and Tony had only a moment to think to himself, “I thought Heaven would be warmer” before the wind changed and puffed balmy against his skin until he was no longer shivering.
Then it was warm like a sunny day and the white fuzzed through at the edges and filled in the blanks with flowers and tall grass and in the distance was a tree that looked remarkably like the one Tony had climbed when Mama took him back to Italia to meet the Carbonell side of the family.
It was warm and then there were flowers and the colors were so vivid it nearly hurt his eyes. Purple like the socks Clint used to wear and brilliant green like the flash of Hulk’s eyes, red like Natasha’s hair and strong blue like Steve and molten gold of Thor’s armor and pink like the blooms in Pepper’s wedding bouquet and orange like the mismatched color of Morgan’s favorite stuffed animal and Tony was wiping tears from his face before he realized he was crying.
Maria’s favorite flowers had been blue irises, the ones that bloomed all over Tuscany in April and brought beautiful patches of home to the otherwise cold Stark mansion, and Tony ran his fingers idly through the delicate petals as he walked through the field heading for some point on the other side.
Absentmindedly, he realized he could only barely feel the flowers hit his fingers before they were gone and he thought maybe if he looked behind him there would be nothing there, but the thought of nothing made him sad so Tony just kept moving forward.
Eventually-- or maybe suddenly-- there was a cliff and Tony was looking out at the ocean that sort of looked like the view from the Malibu house but then wasn’t exactly right, and a voice shimmering into existence next to him said, “It’s Malibu from my memories, not yours. That’s why it doesn’t look the same.”
She was beautiful, hair long and that gorgeous dark red it had been before the Avengers, before the Winter Soldier, before Thanos. There were no visible scars, none of the wrinkles and furrows that had settled into her forehead after the snap, none of the tears that seemed to always linger in her eyes after Clint’s family had been taken and the archer had been lost.
“Your memories?” he asked slowly, awkwardly because his voice sounded echo-y and quiet in the great open. “Really?” 
Natasha did that half smile that was nothing more than a twist of her lips and in the next second they were in a kitchen at a table looking out a window but Tony couldn’t look out the glass because he was still staring at her.
“You have memories of the Malibu house?” Tony asked. “Why the Malibu house, and why am I in your memories or-- or in your heaven? Is that what this is? Heaven?”
“Tony.” Natasha sat with all the grace she’d had before, kicked out the opposite chair and inclined her head for him to take it, she did another one of those smiles but this time it was just miserable. “I wish I could say I’m happy to see you, but if you’re here it means--”
“I’m dead.” the words didn’t hurt like Tony thought they would. “I got the gauntlet and I snapped my fingers, erased Thanos and his army and every other bogey man I could think of. And now I’m-- now I’m dead.”
“Right.” she nudged the chair again and this time Tony sat, and once he sat Natasha reached out to clutch at his hand, solid and real and so sad he thought his heart would shatter. “How’s the pain?”
And then Tony realized he hurt clear down his side, down his ruined shoulder to his devastated hand and his veins crawled with the reminder of the gauntlets power coursing through them. “The pain is awful.” he said slowly, but then he curled his fingers into a fist and squeezed as hard as he could and just like that-- “Oh. It’s gone now.”
“Yeah.” Natasha touched her side and Tony remembered a story about a bullet wound, touched her heart and he thought about all the red in her ledger. “Yeah, that’s how it works around here.”
The kitchen filled in along the blank spaces and Tony blinked when he suddenly knew where he was. “This is Clint’s kitchen. The farmhouse.”
“It’s my version of heaven.” Natasha let go and reached for a can of warm beer that hadn’t been there a second before but materialized into her palm. “Clint’s kitchen, Laura’s terrible taste in beer, the kids and their messed up attempts to braid my hair.”
Her hair was suddenly atrocious, three different braids of differing skill level and none close to professional, tangles and crooked and falling into her eyes where the bangs hadn’t been combed away just right and she played idly with a garish barrette pinned above her ear, something pink and plasticky and definitely belonging to a little girl.
“Why--” Tony almost didn’t want to ask. “Why is this your heaven?”
“This is the only place I felt safe.” she murmured, then answered his unasked question with a sigh, “The Tower was safe, Tony. The compound was safe. But this is home and home is safe for my body and my heart. Laura called me sis and the kids called me Auntie and every morning Clint kissed my forehead right before he poured Laura her cup of coffee then bitched about being a servant while he poured coffee for me too. Home. Safe.”
Tony ached at the misery in her voice, at the tears filling her eyes and he looked away from it, looked away from the Black Widow grieving and looked out the window to see--
“Clint.” he whispered and Natasha bit off a quiet sob as the field out side the window shifted to show Clint with his family, hugging on Laura as the boys ran around shooting each other with Nerf Arrows and Lila focused on making grilled cheese for dinner.
“How are we seeing--”
Everything moved again, rippled and faded and then it was that raccoon shouting at Thor in the middle of their spaceship for eating all the sweet things, and Captain Quill trying his best to look as big as Thor and hilariously failing cos these days no one was bigger than Thor, not when his weight gain after the snap had transformed to sheer bulk and muscle now that he could sleep and eat and adventure again. The wild beard and long hair only made him look more massive and Tony covered his mouth with his hand when Mantis moved close and stuck a flower in the demi-gods locks while Gamora looked on and laughed.
And then it was Scott Lang playing Uno with Harley and Peter and so obviously cheating it was outright hilarious, and then again to Rhodey--- “Rhodey.” Tony choked out.-- patiently teaching Nebula how to fix a toaster, fire extinguisher at the ready just like it had been whenever the Colonel had overseen Tony’s early attempts at mechanical work.
“What is this?” Tony finally asked, and there was Sam flinging Steve’s shield over and over to get the toss and heft just right, and Bucky retrieving the disc with long suffering sighs before tossing it back. “What are we seeing?”
“This is the other side.” Natasha said simply. “We’re right here and they’re right there and we’re almost close enough to touch but we never can. We’re right here watching them go through life, it’s just the other side of a curtain, the other side of a veil.”
“It’s like watching TV but all the characters are people you used to know.” Tony whispered and she nodded. “I didn’t know it was like this.”
“I did.” She patted at his hand again when Pepper came out from the cabin with food for Morgan. The little girl was swinging around wildly with Bruce, laughing at his cautions to be careful and shrieking for higher faster further like Carol always said when they played and Pepper was trying to smile, but sorrow still creased at her brow and Tony put a hand to his heart as it broke all over again. 
“She’s okay.” Natasha murmured. “Tony, they’re okay, see? They’re right there.” 
“This is why you were okay with going.” Tony couldn’t tear his eyes away from Morgan’s smile and the picture froze for a few seconds so he could just look. “At Vormir, I mean. You were okay with going because you knew you’d still be able to see everyone.”
“It’s one of the reasons I was okay with going.” Natasha allowed. “You don’t live like I do and not die a few times. It was easier knowing I can sit here and watch them every day, or I can go for a walk and stay beside them as they live. I’m always right here just like they are always right there.”
“...I miss them.” Tony whispered and Natasha whispered back, “I miss them too.”
“Can I--” he cleared his throat a few times. “I know this is your heaven, but could I just sit here with you for a little while?”
“Yeah, Tony.” Natasha’s smile was both hopeful and relieved. “Please do.”
It was odd that heaven would be a house, but a house it was.
Clint’s kitchen and a common area that looked like the compound where they’d had parties and movie nights and even the occasional team dinner. A bedroom that was Tony and Pepper’s so he could lie down next to her at night and watch her and Morgan sleep safe and sound, a yard that stretched for miles so they could always see the next adventure their loved ones were having. The lake from outside the cabin, the lab from the Stark Tower, a ballet studio and a rec room that looked like the one where Rhodey had taught Tony to hustle pool.
Natasha stayed young and beautiful, her hair long and braided, her clothing comfy and a far cry from the spandex and leather she’d poured herself into to fight. Tony stayed a little silver, a little older because that’s when he’d been happiest with Morgan and Pepper but it was nice to not ache anymore, to not have decades of rough living and eleven years as Iron Man making every breath a struggle.
He watched Nebula blow out candles at her very first birthday party ever, smiled every time Happy showed up to kidnap Morgan away for a weekly cheeseburger date and one night when Bucky fell asleep on Sam’s couch, Tony leaned in and whispered through the veil, “I forgive you. It wasn’t your fault but I forgive you anyway and I’m sorry I never had the chance to say it.” and the next day the soldier was lighter in his step and easier with his smiles.
Natasha cried when Laura announced a surprise pregnancy, and cried harder when Clint held the little girl close and named her Tasha, whispered that he wished Nat was there to see and Laura said, “I think she knows, honey.”
They both laughed until they were sick watching Peter fumble his way through high school shenanigans and they both watched somberly as the former Captain America was laid to rest in a small plot of earth next to Tony and Natasha’s headstones.
And then one day, one day the door to their hodge-podge home of heaven opened and Steve Rogers walked right through.
Not Captain America.
Steve Rogers, barely taller than Natasha and not even breaking a hundred pounds. His back was straight though his shoulders were thin, his blue eyes were sparkling and stubborn as ever and Tony didn’t even hesitate to cross the room and grab Steve up in a hug.
“Didn’t think you’d recognize me.” Steve said hoarsely, and his voice was almost too big for his frame but Tony only nodded and said, “I’d recognize you anywhere, Spangles.” and Steve looked like maybe he wanted to cry.
“Where’s the muscles?” Natasha asked after she got her own hug and Steve slumped into a chair looking tiny and small and tired, “I gave up my super soldier serum to save Bucky back in our original timeline.”
“I saw you dance with Peggy.” she countered, and when Tony frowned the window outside changed to show Steve slow dancing with Margaret Carter, holding her close and smiling down into her eyes. “You were still big then.”
“Oh I got my dance.” Steve watched the picture with a sad sort of smile. “Got my moment and it was real nice but Bucky was my first love, maybe the only person I ever loved and I couldn’t save him in this time line so I went back and saved him in that one. A soul for a soul, my Captain America to pull him back from the train.”
“The ring.” Tony motioned to the gold band on Steve’s fingers, turned dark from age but having obviously never left his hand. “It’s Bucky’s.”
“Couldn’t wear our rings out in public for a long time, but it was worth it in the end.” The walls of the kitchen changed a little to resemble one of those old apartments in Brooklyn, the ones with leaky pipes and floors that groaned under every step and Steve’s breath caught when the window changed again. Now it was Sam putting down the shield and marching up to Bucky and yanking him in by that black and gold arm to crush a kiss to his mouth and when they parted, Bucky was grinning and Steve covered his mouth with his hand and made a quiet, broken sort of noise.
“...I did the right thing.” he asked shakily. “Didn’t I? My Bucky was safe and this Bucky is safe and I-- I did the right thing giving up the shield?”
“Yeah, Steve.” Tony answered quietly. “Yeah, I think you did.”
“Can I stay here for a little while?” the blond asked then. “This looks like Tasha’s heaven and maybe your heaven, but can I stay here anyway?”
“Stay as long as you want.” Natasha answered for both of them, and held out her hand for Steve. “Come on, I’ll show you around. Tony, you coming?”
“Give me a second.” Tony waved them off and once Natasha and Steve had stepped outside into whatever their heaven was changing to be, he leaned in close at the window and reached out like his fingers could brush away Pepper’s hair from her shoulder.
“Miss you.” he whispered. “I miss you guys so much, but I’m right here. I’m just right here on the other side.”
And in the picture, Pepper turned like she felt him, smiled like he heard him and reached up to hold onto the necklace he’d made for her, the one that held the pieces of shrapnel and his entire heart.
“Right here on the other side.” he said again, and then with a wistful smile, “Tell my baby hello.”
@ships-galore @ceealaina @izziebladez @cwar1864 @hausoffro @tonystarkisanangel @multishippinglife @girlnic @iam93percentstardust @paranormalmoonlight5 @igotloki @moosette05 @wayward-student-philosopher @kaz-brekkers-gloves @atomicfandombomb @1fuckingshitup69 @agentlokii @livewire28 @tulipsnbigcats @kimstark @alex-stark-rogers @bibbarnes @heeeyitskay @goindownshipping 
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one-shot-plus-size · 3 years
Crossbow Love - Chapter Four - The First Fight/Hunt
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The work was created, through collaboration with @bladeroseocrp​ https://www.wattpad.com/user/BladeRose_18
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Blade looks back at the gate and wrinkles her brow and stares at Daryl. "Daryl, what's going on?" She asks holding his hand tightly tensing up "I don't know"  He says as he stands "Go home, I'll check it out and get back to you" He looks into her eyes. Blade looks into his eyes, holds his hand, and shakes her head. "I won't leave you," She says smiling gently. "Blade, this is not negotiable, go home. Now." He growls at her. “Rosita, what's going on?" He asks as he pointed to the guardhouse. Rosita looked at him. "Michonne's back and she's dragging a pretty big pack behind her." She says. Blade looked at him and shook her head.  "Daryl, I can handle it, I'll help you." She said grabbing his arm. "Run home to get my crossbow and yours if you want to help, we can't fight with our bare hands. My crossbow is in the basement by the bed and there is a knife on the table, grab it too. Hurry up," He says as he climbed over Rosita to assess the size of the backpack.
Blade nods and quickly runs into the house to take the crossbow and knives, she also grabs her crossbow, knife, and arrows she finished and runs back to him. "DARYL!" She yells, running up to him. Daryl jumps off the platform and takes his things from her. “Don't do anything risky, understand? You can't handle it, scream!" He mutters to her, opening the gate and loading his crossbow.
The first whistles of Rosita's bullets cut through the silence of the night. Once outside the fence, Daryl goes into defensive mode and uses his arrows to take out the walkers closest to Michone. Blade goes and hides behind a tree outside the gate and shoots at the walkers behind the woman, and she draws her gun as well. Daryl pushes forward, Michonne barely walking towards the house, the herd thinning very quickly, Rosita and Blade's shots quickly go through the walkers. Daryl throws his crossbow over his shoulder and runs up to Michonne, grabbing her shoulder. "Come on, we have you covered," He says, pulling her towards the gate. Blade keeps shooting at the walkers, she takes out her knives and starts stabbing the walkers in the head, kicking them if they get too close and stabbing them with her knives. Daryl looks over his shoulder and smiles slightly to himself. The commotion outside woke the people in Alexandria and including Rick and the others Daryl handed Michonne over only to him and headed back to the gate. "Blade, come on!" He yells.
Blade growls and continues to kill the walkers and basically wants to kill every single walker, it helps her relieve her stress and anger, she's been doing this since the beginning of the apocalypse. " BLADE!" Daryl yells louder and moves towards her. Blade keeps killing and thinks back to her parents and remembers she let them do to her after hurting them and killing them after they turned. She kills the last one by stabbing him multiple times. Daryl grabs her by the shoulders and she kneels beside him. He pulls her back to him and embraces her in a hug. "Blade, It’s over" He whispers in her ear, Blade growls and tries to pull out of his embrace, and then she hugs him back and tears and covers in walker blood from head to toe. "Sorry." She says standing up and walking towards the gate. Daryl runs up to her. "Blade Rose, you want to tell me what that was? He growls at her as Rick and the others look at them. Blade stops, having her back to him and shrugs her shoulders and looks around at the people staring and crinkles her eyebrows, and tears up. "I...I" She stutters and quickly runs to Daryl's house and runs upstairs to the bathroom. Daryl combed his hand through his hair and looked at Rick. "You brought us a killing machine," Rick says smiling slightly. "That's probably not comforting to us, there's something more there. There's something wrong with her head" He groaned "I'll go check on her.” He says walking away.
Daryl moved towards the house without looking at the onlookers. Blade sits down against the wall and brings her legs to her chest, she holds them close and cries into her lap, knife in hand, she begins to think. Daryl runs upstairs and knocks lightly on the bathroom door. "Blade, are you okay?" Blade hears Daryl's voice and cries harder. "I'm sorry I can't." She says having her knife in her hand applying it to her wrist. "I'm sorry," Blade says as Daryl knocks again. "Let me in, we'll talk, you're not alone anymore. Blade please." He says lean his head against the door. "Let me in." He says. Blade closes her eyes, drops the knife and unlocks the door, then sits down on the toilet holding her hands close together. "Hey, what's going on? Daryl asks, kneeling in front of her and touching her hand. "Talk to me, what was that outside?" He asks as Blade looks him in the eye. "You know how I told you I killed my parents?" She asks. He nods slightly "I remember." He mutters in confirmation.
Blade looks into his eyes and grabs his hand. "I killed them, but I let them come back as walkers, and then I killed them and finished them off," She says. "Jesus Blade" He gasps and sits down on the ground. He runs a hand through his hair and stares at her. These people must have broken her, just like you can break a person. In the worst possible way. Blade wrinkles her brow, looks down and shakes her head. "You have no idea what the fuck they put me through. I was beaten, tortured, molested, and raped. Every single day. Every day I wanted to kill myself. They deserved what I did to them." She says crying. "Come on," He says pulling her into his lap, plants her sideways against him, and hugs her tightly "no one will hurt you here, I will never let anyone do that to you and anyone who comes near you in a bad way I will hurt them." He says linking his fingers with hers "Rick doesn't tolerate bad behavior, well except mine." He says smiling slightly.
Blade smiles slightly and cries into his chest embracing him. "I just hope he doesn't kick me out after what I did out there. I didn't want to come off as a dangerous killer." She says quietly. "He called you a killing machine." He says his frame shakes with a chuckle "He smiled at the same time, so don't worry." He says. Blade looks at him, smiles and giggles. "I just don't want people to worry about me killing someone or someone in danger. I only hurt or kill people who are a threat to me and now you and this group." She says holding his hand. "Is that them you saw in that walker?"  He asks, Blade looked down and sighed. "I see them in every walker. But I've dealt with people before after killing my parents." She said. "We'll work on it," Daryl sighed, "I'm a stickler for psychology, but I promise it gets better. But maybe start with a shower." He says resting his chin on her shoulder, "I mean you take a shower, I'll wait outside," He says as his tongue works without his brain knowing.
Blade giggled and blushed "I know Daryl. And yes, let me wash this blood off." She says standing up. Daryl's ears turn red, he rises from the ground and smiles confusedly. "Then I'll leave now." He says pointing his finger at the door. Blade blushes smiles and kisses him on the cheek. "I'll be out in a minute," She says with a giggle. At that moment Daryl's cheeks are on fire, he walks out of the house and closes the door behind him. "Fuck." He mutters to himself, walking down the stairs.
In the open doorway stands Carol with a grin from ear to ear, not saying a word. Daryl lays down on the couch. Blade giggles and knows he is so cute and adorable. She turns on the shower, steps inside, and starts washing. She starts thinking about Daryl and blushes. She's starting to like him. She gets everything clean and gets dressed. Daryl sits on the couch and Carol giggles behind him. "Jesus, just say it." He growls at her "Pookie, what do you like about her?" She asks The archer snorts under his breath, but blushes and hides his face behind his hair.
Blade looks in the mirror and looks at her knife that she dropped on the ground. She starts cleaning her knives in the sink to remove the walker’s blood from them. "Where did you find her?" Carol sits down next to him, Daryl tells her about the encounter, about letting him rest, and how he decided to take her with him. Blade smiles and finishes cleaning her knives, she looks at herself in the mirror and smiles softly. "I'm counting on there being meat tomorrow and not another girl. Because you're about to become Pookie's pimp" She says laughing. “Go on now." He says winking at her and almost pushed her out the door.
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Blade left the bathroom and went downstairs where she saw Daryl and Carol, who smiled and sat on the couch. Archer closes the door and rests his forehead against the door. "Let's get some sleep, although there is not much time left until morning”. He says. Blade smiled and shook her head. "I'm not even tired, Dixon. I feel refreshed after this shower." She says with a giggle. "Are you sure you're human?" He questions furrowing his brow but the corner of his mouth twists into a smile. Blade smiles and giggles. "If you need rest, just come and lie down on the couch and I'll be with you." She says
He looks at her uncertainty, biting his lower lip. He hesitates but finally moves towards the couch, sitting on it, his feet resting on the coffee table. Blade smiles and looks at him, blushing. "So what did Carol say?" She asks "She teases me as usual" He mutters, closing his eyes. "She asked how I met you and about everything else, she's just curious," He says shrugging his shoulders. Blade smiles and nods her head. "She teases you, huh?" She asks. "She always laughs at me when I'm uncomfortable," He says opening one eye and looks at her. "She's like a big sister clinging to her little brother." He says. Blade smiles softly as she looks at him and nods. "You mentioned you have a brother, where is he?" She asks him curious about his life. "Merle is dead." He mutters and closes his eyes, his hands clenched into fists.
Blade looks down at his hands and places her palms on his and looks at him. "I'm sorry for your loss Daryl, I didn't mean to bring it up, I just want to get to know you better." She says "Merle was a motherfucker all his life, but in the end, he sacrificed himself for the group" He snorts under his breath. Blade smiles softly and nods. "At least he went out like a hero. Did he turn?" She asks Daryl to take a breath, the images of his brother devouring the man came back to his mind, then he rose from his knees and threw himself at his brother. "I found him when he was already a walker" His voice faltered "I had to put him down myself." He says.
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Blade looked at him and furrowed her brow. "Daryl, I'm so sorry." She said holding his hand tightly. She felt so bad that he had to do this. "I did." He shrugged his shoulders. "As you always do." He says squeezing her hand. "We've lost a lot of people since this all started." He says. Blade smiles slightly and nods. "So sad, I know losing people is hard even though I never lost anyone, to begin with, but I do now." She says "Now I will make sure that no one else loses their life, no one will do it on my watch, no one," He says looking into her eyes. Blade stares into his eyes, smiles softly and nods. "I know you will and I will do the same," She says. "Good." He says nodding.
He rests his head against the back of the couch and after a few moments, his breathing becomes steady. His hands are clasped over his stomach and his hair is scattered across his face. Blade smiles and looks at him, pushing his hair away from his face, lays her head on his chest and closes her eyes. His heart beats steadily, his chest rising rhythmically. Alexandria calms down again, people go home and go to bed. No one roams the streets, and the guards go back to guarding the gates. Bladed smiles and snuggles up to him resting a bit before their hunt tomorrow, hopefully getting to know each other will make him more comfortable. Somewhere in the dream Daryl embraces her and hugs her close. His body resting seems to seek her warmth on its own. 
Blade smiles in her sleep. She knows they have only just met, but she feels a bond with Daryl and doesn't want anything bad to happen to him or this group. The rest of the night passes fairly peacefully, both of them sleeping cuddled together on the couch. Blade sleeps through the night, with no nightmares at all she is surprised that she actually sleeps through the night. First thing in the morning, they pack the necessities into a backpack and head out to hunt. Daryl moves quietly following the trail of the deer. He hopes to eventually provide Alexandria with the meat they need. Blade quietly follows him, keeping an eye out for walkers and helping to track the deer. Daryl stops suddenly and looks in her direction. He points to an animal quietly eating grass on the other side of the clearing. Blade looks at him, looks at the animal, smiles, looks at him, and nods, holding the crossbow in her hands. "Why don't you try it yourself?" He mutters to her quietly
Blade smiles and looks up at him. "I'm not sure I'm not that good of a shot," She whispers to him. "Sometimes you have to try, but ok. " He says smiling at her. He picks up his crossbow and aims at the animal's heart, he lets out a breath and releases the arrow. Blade smiles and looks at him. "You see Daryl, you're a better shot than me. I didn't want to screw anything up. When I hunt, I usually only hunt squirrels or rabbits." She says, poking him after he shoots an arrow. He looks at her from under his hair and smiles slightly. He walks over to the dead animal. Blade smiles, walking with him and looking at the animal. "Its size is perfect for meat, especially for stew. That sounds very good right now." He says, taking out an arrow, "Are you bored with squirrels?" He asks Blade to shake her head "I just miss steak, but no cows around" She says giggling and looking at him.
Daryl makes a mental note to look around for cows on his next run. Throwing his crossbow on his back, he tries to catch the animal to make as few tracks as possible on his way to Alexandria. Blade smiles and looks at him. "Are you sure we couldn't have brought a vehicle to pack this animal in so you wouldn't have to carry it?" She asks, putting a hand on her hip, "We're not far from home, so I can do it, woman." He says. Blade smiles and giggles "Ok then Dixon." She says as she steps forward and walks towards Alexandria. She raises a brow and snorts under her breath, smiling to herself and shaking her head. "This is going to be fun." He mutters to himself, taking the animal in his arms and moving to follow her.
Blade smiles and giggles "You're a big strong man Dixon you don't need my help do you?" She asks and smiles walking backward-looking at him. Daryl crinkles his eyebrows and looks at her. "Funny huh?" He snorts under his breath. Blade smiles, sticking her tongue out and giggling. "You don't have to carry it yourself. I can help you unless you want me to stand guard against walkers." She says standing in front of him. "Just go woman". He says poking his nose in the direction of the house "Too much talking, not enough walking" He says sticking out his tongue and passes her with the animal on his shoulders Blade growled and shook her head walking beside him. "You're a stubborn man, aren't you Dixon. And I don't do enough, how dare you." She says crossing her arms. Dixon rolls his eyes "So dramatic" He says poking her with his shoulder. Blade doesn't stop pouting and crosses her arms, furious at him, she literally risked her life last night killing the damn hikers. "What is it?" He asks, stops and looks at her.
Blade looks at him and shakes her head. "Nothing, let's go home." She says walking on. "Blade. I was just kidding." He says following her and catching up to her. Blade looks at him, sighs, and nods, she continues walking with her crossbow in hand and sees a walker in their direction. She puts the crossbow on her back, takes out a knife, and stabs it in the head. Daryl looks around to see if this was just an isolated incident or if they ended up where they shouldn't be. He corrected the animal on his shoulders and took a breath. Blade looked around and made sure there were no other wanderers. She quickly walked home with a dead deer, which attracts the walkers. At noon, they return to Alexandria. "I will, however, show you how to handle such an animal and where we have the larder." Blade nods and sighs "You know, I've actually been eating mostly raw squirrel meat so as not to attract attention from the fire." She says
Daryl wrinkles his brow and flinches, he would never eat raw meat in his life. They enter the pantry, where Carol is being supervised by Olivia. "Finally something decent," Carol says to them, "You found the right partner and you found something right away." She says. Daryl snorts at her comment and tosses the animal on the table. Carol smiles at Blade “I'll leave you two alone, come on Olivia" She says Blade smiles and blushes. "To be honest, I think I distract him too much when we hunt." She says with a giggle."Does she want to know how you do it? Carol stops in her tracks. Blade smiles and giggles shake her head and poke Daryl in the shoulder.
Daryl stares at the animal, whose face is obscured by hair. And his cheeks flame at Carol's comment. "Well, we're out of here Pookie, I'm not pressing." She says. Blade smiles and blushes, hiding her face and messing with her shirt sleeve. Carol laughs and walks out of the pantry with Olivia, while Daryl sets about undressing the animal. Blade smiles, looks at him and starts to help him undress the animal. Daryl glances at her every so often and smiles slightly under his breath. Maybe he's finally found someone to share his work with and have a nice time. Blade looks at him and smiles. "You do realize that Carol is not only teasing you she also teasing me." She says to him blushing "Once she starts, she can't stop," He snorts under his breath, "She can be annoying." He says.
Blade smiles and blushes knowing that she likes him and wants to get to know him. They literally have a lot in common. "The second day we were here she chased me with a hose because I didn't want to take a shower, everyone had a good time but for me." Blade laughs and smiles, "But you smell so much better after a shower." She says smiling and poking him playfully. He snorts under his breath but smiles and blushes "But I'm glad we have her, she likes you you know." Blade smiles and stares at him and looks a little confused. "What do you mean?" He asks, wondering how I thought he and she were alike.
Daryl rests his hands on the table and stares at her. "Carol is the kind of person who doesn't trust anyone, and among new people, she's just like you. She fits in with those around her, but she's a natural around you. She jokes, she laughs, she teases, she knows you're good and she recognizes that in you." He says. Blade smiles and nods. "I'm glad to hear that, I'm sure you and I have a lot in common as well that I can tell." She says Daryl nods slightly and finishes working on the animal. He packs the rest into a bag and packs the meat into the pantry, taking a small pack with him. In passing, he grabs a few more things off the shelves. "Come on, we'll make dinner, then I have to go see Rick." He says.
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miss-choco-chips · 5 years
Put a ring on it
I’m not sure what this is, everyone. Had it on my docs for a while, got bored during work and thought ‘what if I just post this?’, and here we are. Basically the Core Four being loving and caring (and spiteful).
Shout out to @animemangasoul who pumped me up about this and @the-quiet-carrotcake and @iphoenixrising for letting me cry to them the Titans loving Tim.
Can be read as either ship or friendship
When shit went down, Wally and Roy made sure they were nowhere near the planet. A nice little interplanetary fuckery called for anyone free, and both of them had magically clean schedules, so off they went, praying to every god they knew about (and, with how many holy disasters they had faced between them, there were a lot) to be back after the worst of the mess had blown over.
Even if it meant missing the undoubtedly hilarious face Batman would make when he found out. Not even the chance of witnessing that was worth staying and waiting with bated breath until someone pointed out that, in the end, it was both their faults.
-So let me get this straight.
-Difficult for me, but go on.
Wally rolled his eyes, chucking a pillow at his little dude, wondering how Nightwing could do this with not one, not two, but three badly adjusted little brothers (and that without counting the girls, though, to be honest, they already had Babs). Truly, a hero of the ages. Arsenal just cackled from his place in front of the coffee table, where he was keeping them company and cleaning his equipment.
-I’m serious. I’ve never seen you this mad without a bad guy to blame for it.
-As furious as you are at them, Bart, they are still the good guys.
Wally threw another pillow, and Bart, arms crossed and all but vibrating on the couch, didn’t even bother on dodging. Just moved his particles quick enough that the thing went straight through him. 
Arsenal raised an eyebrow at them- It’s scary when you do that. Like a freaking ghost.
-It’s scary that Tim’s whole family can be this level of neglectful, but you don’t see me bitching at them.
-Only because you know they’ll give you your ass back to you in a silver platter after they are done whooping it -interjected the older speedster, snack bag on his lap, a few more by the ground at his feet, sitting as close to Bart as the whole ‘don’t touch, I bite’ aura he had around him would allow.
This time, Wally’s pillow was aimed at the archer. Roy just dodged without looking, still cross legged on the other side of the little table facing the couch.
-Real talk now, it’s not like they are jerks on purpose. We all know the Bats are on a whole new level of ‘always busy’, it’s to be expected they wouldn’t have time for social niceties.
Wally winced, scooting a little further away from Bart when he looked up to glare at Roy. That wasn’t a nice look. That was a ‘I can take you to someplace no one would hear you scream in less than ten seconds’ look.
-My seventeen year old best friend managed to finish high school after having to take a year off to go look for his missing mentor, going through several different mourning processes and dodging a frankly creepy cradle robber of a ninja terrorist, all while kicking ass and taking names, taking care of a huge as hell company, and keeping up the intel guy work for the rest of his shitty family. And he still graduated early. The least they could do after the fuckery he was put through by their collective stupidity would be go as moral support, but no. No, other things are more important than such a big milestone on his life. Fuckers.
Wound down after the rant, Bart dropped back on the couch, shrinking in place, oozing contempt from every pore.
Roy raised his eyes to share a look with Wally. Even if the bro code meant they were contractually obligated to defend their respective best friends, there was undeniable truth to Bart’s statement. Jason had gone on killing sprees for far less than Tim’s situation, and God knows Dick would have showed a big  middle finger at his mentor and go off world with the Titans as a protest at the slightest fight. All in all, Red Robin was taking it like a champ.
-Jason’s busy with the Torinelli drug cartel thingie -tried Roy nonetheless, loyal as one could be. 
Wally nodded- And Dick had already promised Damian to go on a camping-training trip that weekend...
-Great. So criminals that aren’t going anywhere and the ‘favorite’ demon child are more important than my best friend’s graduation, which isn’t even a long thing, just a couple hours and a few photos. Awesome. Do you happen to know Batman’s excuse? I mean, I’m sure is equally as shitty as his sons’ excuses, but, you know. Variety and stuff.
Wally sighed, because yeah, point. Were it Bart’s graduation, nothing short of the end of the world would have kept him from going, but, again, he only had one little dude to worry about. Dick’s house was full.
-You’ll be there -tried Roy, dropping his arrow back on the table and resting his crossed arms next to it, leaning forward to look straight at Bart-, you and the rest of the brats, right? Supes and Diana’s babies. You guys may not be related like that, but that’s not necessary for you to be family.
Like the Teen Titans were, went unsaid- the older heroes exchanged a glance, reminiscent of their days fighting side by side under Dick’s unwavering leadership. No matter where they were now, that’s where they both came from.
-Yeah -accepted Bart, but the frown hadn’t left his face-. It’s just. His parents are dead, his ‘foster’ bat-family are dicks. He has us, yeah, but… I wished he could have his family there, you know. Like, if I could adopt him, I would, just so he can have that.
Wally dropped the empty snack bag onto the ground and took a new one, tipping it in Bart’s direction as a peace offering- I mean, it’s still a month away, maybe one of them would clear his schedule and go? Probably not all of them, but anything’s better than nothing, right?
Bart harrumphed, hunching even lower in the couch, pout still present.
-If anything else fails -joked Roy, going back to cleaning his stuff-, I hear Kara’s single right now, and Tim’s an emancipated minor. Get them to marry each other, and then your Super friend is technically his brother- or something like that. Political families still counts.
Bart went still for a second, and if Wally were less invested in his snack and more on the thoughtful expression on his face, he might have known ahead of time that his next words were a bad, bad idea.
-And if she’s not on board, you could always ask someone else on your team. Team as family and all that shit, Tim would literally be marrying into the fam. Want some chips?
But Bart was already gone.
-Huh? -blinked Roy- Where'd he run to?
-...You don't think he…
-What? No. No, of course not, they aren't so dumb...
For a horrible second, Roy and Wally crossed eyes again, both remembering the stupid shit they got up to when they were seventeen, and replayed the conversation. Their jokes, that anyone with half a brain would take as that, as silliness. Then came the thought that being stupid was almost a requirement for being a Titan. 
With the kind of synchronicity one could only have after fighting side by side for years, they both jumped to their feet at the same time.
-I’ll hit Kori up, maybe she has some alien fuckery to deal with and we can tag along.
-Imma call Supes and let him know we’ll be off planet for a while. Shit, Dick’s gonna flip. He was the big B for a while, he knows stuff. Painful stuff.
-Dude, he at least doesn’t kill. Jay has guns, and it’s his favorite brother we’re talking about.
A shiver went through them when Batman’s reaction came to mind.
-If Kori’s not dealing with something, I’ll ask her to start shit up somewhere far, far away to give us an excuse to leave either way. She’s a goddess like that, she’ll help.
-Good thinking. I’ll start packing.
The secret meeting was held at one of Tim’s safe houses, because it had enough lead on the walls there was no risk of Superman overhearing them. Not that the owner of the place was aware of it; no one was, besides Cassie, Kon and Bart themselves. Keeping it hush hush was vital for the success of the mission.
-All on board then?
Kon’s smile could light up a town- Hell yeah dude. I’ll take care of getting Tim time off from work. Tam knows me and I’m fairly sure she doesn’t hate me as strongly as she does the bats. Fair warning though, she might ask to come with.
-She’s cool, so I’m in. We’re gonna need a witness anyway.
Cassie nodded, fierce smirk and challenge in her eyes- This is gonna piss so many people. Hey, do you think if we let Oracle in the know she’ll give us footage of the bats' faces when they find out?
Bart bit his lip- As crash as that would be, I don’t think it’s worth the risk.
Cassie deflated, but then shrugged it off- We’ll ask Tim, then. He’s as good as her with hacking, I’m sure he’ll figure something out.
-If he doesn’t kill us first, you mean.
-Don’t be a coward, Kon. I thought you were in.
-I’m not saying I’m backing down, just that we should put our business in order in case he snaps and murders us in cold blood. I know he has it in him, if pushed the right ways.
She nodded, because point. The almost feral look on her face wasn’t gone, though- Worth it. I'll be in charge of clothes. You reckon there's any chance I can get a dress on him?
-Sure, if you want him to actually break his no kill rule. 
-Fine, but he's wearing white anyway. It goes well with his skin tone.
Bart extended his first for her to bump- Now you're talking. I'll be the extraction man and take him to the place.
Kon crossed his arms, looking conflicted for the first time- We can't go the classic way about it, because a fake name would mean he won't take seriously what we're trying to do, and if we use his real one in a formal document, it'll hit the news before the ink has a chance to dry. And then he'll kill us for sure.
-You're awfully worried about him drawing blood, Blue. What gives?
-He's scared shitless of Cassie and you're too adorable to hurt, but me? I'm the one he's gonna focus his rage on, and you know how he gets when at his limit.
Cassie snorts- He can't live without you, you dork. I think we are all safe. And anyways, the plan is to make him too drunk to walk on a straight line, he wouldn't be able to hurt us.
-You say that -interjected Bart, getting up from where he was crouching above their carefully spread, color coded sheets of plans; Tim would be so proud- but I've seen the dude drop kick someone with a broken leg once. He can fuck shit up no matter the situation.
-True… still, we are doing it, right?
-Oh yeah, for sure, I just wanted everyone aware that it might be our last big bang.
-Then we better make sure it's one hell of an explosion, am I right?
-Hell yeah.
-This is gonna be so crash!
The entire thing had gone something like this.
On friday, Tam made Tim turn around and head back home the second he showed his face at the office, claiming the bags under his eyes clashed terribly with her new Prada handbag and she’d rather had it than him around. In Foxspeak, it meant ‘go the fuck to sleep or so help me God’. Tim would have fought back just on principle, but Tam had him at a standstill, because the spleen thing could very easily reach Alfred’s ears if he crosses her, and no one (him) wants that. As if to make sure he would obey, she demanded they share the car that would take her to the airport (did she have some meeting out of Gotham? He couldn’t remember) and dropped him at his Perch on her way there.
He wasn’t actually planning on sleep, maybe work some of his cases from home, start patrol early, possibly tracking Jason down to offer his help for the drug cartel thing. Confused by the unexpected way his morning had gone so far, he was woefully underprepared for a flash of red and yellow to whisk him from his living room the second he put his carrier bag on the ground. 
It was only years from using his team as glorified uber drives what kept him from nerve striking Bart on reflex. Knowing whatever he asked would be lost to the background sound of super fast travelling, he merely slumped over the thin shoulder he was thrown over and waited till they reached their destination.
Which… he wasn’t expecting Vegas.
The next few hours were a blur of his team explaining they had planned this gateaway as an early graduation party,  hugs and a few grateful tears on his part, and booze. So much booze. He was trained by Batman, he had a bigger than average resistance to… well, everything, and still, he got so, so wasted. 
Saturday’s hungover was cured with more booze. They hit casino after casino, danced over tables, payed a bar owner to close for the night and let them work their way through his entire supply, went to some neon party at someone’s exceedingly large hotel suite (the guy wasn’t getting his deposit back), his cellphone was thrown on a fountain after Cassie got sick of it going off again and again with Dick’s predetermined ringtone, drank some more, were kicked out of yet another casino... 
At some point Tam appeared (a very drunk Tim had hugged her and spun her around so fast her stilettos went flying and almost blinded someone), and they all went back to the hotel, where  Kon basically manhandled him into a white suit. More booze when Tim started asking questions, followed by a  two hour long stay at some park were Cassie, Bart and Kon took turns holding his hand, and then each others’, with Tam saying something about bonds, and family, and sickness, and health in the background, Kon muttering something in kryptonian and making Tim repeat it, Cassie dropping to one knee and sprouting some Amazonian speech, Bart jumping on his back after his own speech (futuristic laws and all) was done, then more booze, partying and….
Well, everything was a blur, before and after that.
They woke up saturday morning with the worst headache, in a undignified puppy pile back at their suit, minus Tam who apparently had her own room. Kon’s TTK took care of the blinds and Tim blinked awake at the sound (Robin instincts), looked at his sleeping friends and then went back to sleep, head pillowed by Bart’s butt, with Cassie’s knee denting his ribs and Kon’s arm thrown over his neck, completely disregarding the three rings hanging from his shiny new necklace.
That was a problem for sober Tim to solve. 
Monday morning, Tim went back to the office, Tam by his side, acting like everything was perfectly fine. 
Dick called after lunch asking about his whereabouts that past weekend, claiming he was missed during patrol, but backed down when informed he was actually relaxing with his friends. Bruce didn’t ask, probably had tracked him down the second he couldn’t find him and let him be after realizing he was at Las Vegas.
Everyone that saw them walking down WE’s hallways would have swore a trail of classic music followed them, graceful and elegant.
In Tim’s mind, however, the background sound was the kill bill sirens and blaring red lights.
Tam felt like a queen, coming back after conquering treacherous lands.
Tim felt like Jason may have been onto something when he died.
When the Big Day (capital letters included) arrived, and Tim got into the stage to accept his diploma (Honor Student, of course), his eyes automatically went to the loud, rowdy teenagers, sitting as close to the front as possible, cheering and smiling.
He was far enough that it could’ve been a trick of the light, but he thought he could see all three of them going misty-eyed. His own eyes watered when he shook the headmaster's hand and posed with his diploma for the cameras (Wayne Heir Graduating would be trending on every magazine by dinnertime), his friends never stopping yelling his name.
When the time came to throw the little hats, he catched by the corner of his eye how Bart held both Cassie’s and Kon’s hands, keeping them from flying in their emotion. If one paid close attention, their feet actually were floating juuust above the ground. They were just so genuinely excited for him, it was… it was amazing.
After as little smalltalk as possible with his classmates, he sneaked away into some hidden spot, away from prying cameras, and waited. Sure enough, his best friends were there barely ten seconds later, and using that same speed, they swept him off his feet. Bart was the first, latching to his front, Kon a close second jumping on his back and hugging his head. Cassie, ever the showoff, threw her hands around the three of them and spun them around as if they weighted nothing to her. That was probably the case.
-You did it, you did it, you did it!!!! Oh my god, this is so crash!!!
-Not that we had any doubt, with that big brain of yours. Making a girl so proud.
-Speak for yourself. Personally, I feared the worst. This is Gotham, after all.
-But nothing happened! And you GRADUATED!
Tim let out a laugh, allowing himself to just feel joy. Letting them see him like that, as payment for being the most awesome friends (family) in existence, he returned the hug, squeezing back as strongly as his non meta arms could.
Then, a voice behind them that he absolutely didn't expect- Congratulations, Master Timothy.
Without letting any of them go, Cassie turned around, so they could all see Alfred Pennyworth, in his Sunday’s best, looking proud and warm, his eyes glazed over with nostalgia when they landed on his young charge. One of the young men he had the honor to watch grow into the amazing person he was today.
Even more surprising, he held a tablet on his arms, screen facing them, with a familiar figure there, white streak and leather but no firearms, probably cautious of possible civilians around.
-Hey, baby bird. Sorry ‘couldn’t be ther’ p’rsonally. Hope ya don’t mind me an’ Alfie crashing like this.
-A-Alfred? Jason? What… I thought you were in Russia!!
The man on the screen scratched the back of his head, visibly uncomfortable but determined.
-Am, actually. But it’s yer big day, babybird. Wouldn’t missit for the world.
Tim’s already watery eyes just overflowed.
It took a month for shit to hit the fan. Tim was honestly impressed, because things rarely went his way, and getting more than a few hours to mentally prepare for Disaster? Unheard of. What a shocker.
When it did went down, it was in large part because he was milking the ‘no metas in Gotham’ rule that kept his team at bay and allowed him to go days without sleeping. Kon would say it was karmatic retribution for ignoring their orders to relax and take it easy. He would protest, but really, how to deny the truth; if not for his sleep deprivation, his secret would have gone a lot longer without being unveiled.
 Between hacking into Lexcorp, running the dna samples he took during patrol half an hour ago on the database and finishing his report of the night, he was out of fucks to give. Damian bitching on his ear was the last drop.
-...And your mere presence here is an insult to Grayson's legacy. He founded it, Todd died for it, what did you even contribute to it?
A slow blink. Tim was aware his brain to mouth filter was as good as gone, but tired as he was, he just didn't care.
-Besides providing the brains on this whole fucking operation? Pants, I guess. Common sense. Ninja skills commended by your own grandfather, the king of ninjas. Virtue, too, since Dick is a verified hoe and Jason slept with your/
-C'mon Timmy -cut in Dick, Nightwing suit halfway down his chest, when Damian's face was turning an alarming shade of blue- aren't you a little old to be fighting a kid?
-Who are you calling kid?!
Typical, big bro to the rescue. Tim was too tired to be disappointed that once again Dick was siding with an eleven year old bully that kept harassing Tim. Never mind that he had been minding his business before Damian came to bark at him.
-Boys -chided Bruce and, huh, Tim had said that out loud. Whatever, not like it wasn't true. Fuck them.
-Fuck you -he told… Bruce? Dick? Definitely Damian, too- all.
-Tim! -gasped Dick. Still half naked. Standing right by Damian's side. 
That kid was going to have a very uncomfortable sexual awakening any day now.
Wow he really needed to stop talking out loud.
-Tim -And now Bruce was walking towards them, frown firmly in place- you are obviously too tired, if you can't control what comes out of your mouth. Go to sleep.
Tim hissed at him. Dick looked too shocked to answer but Bruce, somewhat used to that reaction of the sleep deprived teen, loomed even more.
-I'm an emancipated adult. I control your company. I live on my own. You're not the boss of me. 
Now even Damian was looking at him open mouthed. Whatever. The computer pinged with his results, just as his phone did with his  'The hubbies and waifus' group chat.
-What's gotten into you, kiddo? -now Dick was worried, throwing an arm around his shoulders. Still half naked, that was an important detail.
Tim shrugged him away.
-Fucking demon spawn coming from nowhere to fuck with me just for the hell of it puts me in a bad mood, I'm weird like that -he deadpaned, replying to the group chat one handed- And the rest of this fucked up team siding with him just because he's a bad word away from a violent psychotic break doesn't help. Fuck off and let me do my shit, and I'll be out of your hair before you know it.
And then, with a sneer, ignoring both Bruce's and Dick's flabbergasted expressions, Damian said what would be Tim's down fall.
-Go to hell, Drake.
A ping made Tim look down at his phone and he replied without thinking, one hand tapping away at the screen- Wait, let me ask my wife.
A beat of silence. One sneer, one grunt, one surprised gasp.
Bruce made a half step towards him- Tim, what/?
A ping.
-She says no. Hang on, let me get you a second opinion, just to be safe.
-Timmy, what do you mean/?
Another one.
-Husband number one says no, too. Husband number two hasn't replied, probably asleep or traveling somewhere, but two already win by majority. It seems it's a ‘no’ on going to hell for me. Bummer, it would have been funny seeing your homeland, brat.
-Aaaaand that’s my cue to interrupt -announced a new voice above them all. Kon, phone at hand, looked down with half amused, half guarded expression-. Someone hasn’t held their end of the deal and slept eight hours, huh, bud?
Tim, ignoring his family that hadn’t yet recovered from the bomb, shrugged- I slept eight hours. This past week. You never said they had to be consecutive hours.
The super just sighed and landed long enough to haul a too tired to resist bird in his arms- I can see you aren’t getting any sleep in Gotham. Let’s go back to the Tower, Cassie wants us to see The Princess Bride with her again.
-Don’t lie to me, you liar.
-Bart wan/
-Look at my face and tell me the truth.
-Okay, I want to see The Princess Bride again -he conceded, taking flight towards the closest exit, sleepy bird cocooned in his arms and TTK- Later, bats!
Finally, Dick snapped back to reality, although the background noise in his head was one would expect in suspense movies right before the assassin jumped a unsuspecting protagonist- ...did he say ‘husbands’? As in, married?
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nocturnalsleeper · 4 years
500 Drawing Prompts
wizard's staff
family crest
mythical beast
spooky tree
tropical cocktail
medieval goblets
king's throne
witch's cauldron
tooth fairy
deep sea monster
magic carpet
coral reef
wine bottle
statue of liberty
Mayan ruins
bowl of soup
flower vase
full moon
bright sun
roller skates
rain boots
dining room
egg hatching
wrist watch
water bottle
bank robber
view out a window
spider web
star fish
flip flops
lawn chair
pots and pans
pie on a windowsill
house plant
barbed wire
hot sauce
hot dog
venus flytrap
stained glass
open book
favorite book character
pumpkin seed
pine cone
something sticky
island paradise
sand dune
my favorite outfit
fishing fly
black hole
scrambled eggs
leather boots
coffee cup
self portrait
snake charmer
sumo wrestler
crystal chandelier
eight ball
treasure chest
children's toy
something that sparkles
tribal pattern
suit of armor
pinball machine
erupting volcano
happy monster
futuristic car
three little pigs
magic amulet
fish bones
doll house
double sided axe
hot air balloon
polka dots
plate of cookies
snake scales
pair of socks
high dive
figure skater
Cinderella's glass slipper
hay bale
bumper cars
cover wagon
fighter jet
tree bark
art gallery
bow and arrow
pepperoni pizza
bushel of apples
talking object
chess pieces
computer keyboard
bow tie
Saturn's rings
swap creature
horse and carriage
banana peel
thunder storm
movie poster
video game controller
cinnamon sticks
alien plant life
first love
new baby
kids jumping
four wheeler
police car
someone who is full of joy
what's under your bed
wooden shield
jump rope
something big next to something small
soda can
teddy bear
fortune cookie
fruit basket
game of marbles
crumpled paper
alarm clock
salt and pepper shakers
jet pack
time machine
wood fencing
cave mouth
high heeled shoes
mad scientist
telephone booth
brier patch
something that comes in pairs
box of chocolates
brick wall
bonsai tree
a new typeface
candy canes
lawn mower
rain puddles
bowl of popcorn
ceiling fan
oil spill
invisible man
Abraham Lincoln
ice cream cone
corn on the cob
landing on the moon
rotary telephone
needle in a haystack
picnic basket
bottle of poison
genie in a bottle
wheel barrel
exploding dynamite
carousel horse
board game
a famous painting
stone walkway
maple leaf
record player
feather headdress
playing cards
windy day
sleeping bag
dancing skeleton
piggy bank
evil prince
beach ball
aircraft carrier
olympic swimmer
wedding dress
baseball glove
Lock Ness monster
gas mask
starry sky
dream house
circus clown
rocking chair
Big Ben
railroad car
Christmas sweater
Ferris wheel
sci-fi gun
medicine cabinet
birthday party
great wall of china
traffic sign
light bulb
moon colony
juice box
lake house
hard candy
football helmet
soccer game
missing teeth
birthday cake
golf ball
your least favorite food
pencil cup
half eaten apple
food with a face
tea party
bag of chips
watering can
palm tree
wind chimes
wine cork
last leaf on a tree
saber toothed tiger
grocery store
shooting star
a new invention
school of fish
bearded lady
secret garden
suspension bridge
viking artifact
Eiffel tower
a feast for a king
tree house
sea lion
Taj Mahal
your favorite animal in a tuxedo
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melyaliz · 4 years
Micky Mouse ice cream in the dead of night.
Fandom: DC / Young Justice 
Summary: Roy was the night, and you were ice cream 
Pairing: Roy Harper x Reader 
Notes: I originally wrote this for a friend who isn’t on Tumblr anymore. So I edited it for a reader. I may go back and clean it up a bit more. 
One of the (few) best things to come out of the Young Justice show is little Emo Roy growing up to be single sitcom dad.  
Honestly the most wonderful character arc. 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
He was the night; dark and mysterious. Shifting from shadow to shadow like a nightmare just beyond your vision but there. In the back of your brain. That chill that runs up your spine. That ghost of fear that is hiding in your closet.  
 He was the wind. Swift and undetectable. A breeze to a hurricane. 
He was
Ice cream.
Roy turned wiping away the sweet mint chocolate off his face, turning to glare at the dark-haired girl who was standing a few feet away from him. Her ice-blue eyes shining with laughter as she held up her plastic spoon like a catapult. 
"You did that on purpose!!" 
"Keep up Harper" she giggled admitting to nothing as she stuck out her tongue at him. Pulling out her bow and arrow she leapt from the building racing across the city.  
“You’re such a childs” 
“No, I just like to have fun.” 
Roy rolled his eyes as they raced over the city flipping over buildings and vaulting over balconies. Oliver had left him in charge and Roy Harper was going to prove to that big doof that he was ready for league duty. He just needed to focus. 
Now if she would stop rattling off House Wives facts. 
“I’m just saying she had it coming after the birthday party.” 
“Do I look like I care?” Roy asked, coming up next to her. She giggled looking up at the redhead.
“Look Oliver is counting on us to take care of the city while he’s gone.” 
“We take care of the city all the time,” the female archer said, running her fingers through her hair, “You just need to relax. Where’s my fun time Roy?” giggling she pushed him lightly only to have him catch her wrist.
“I’m serious….” 
“So am I.” 
Her voice was softer this time as she looked up at him. Meeting his gaze with her own. He was about to respond when gunshots rang out. 
Both teens turned to the sound of the shots. A convenience store right below them. 
“Please, it was a hard month…” 
“Just shut up and get the money from the safe.”
Roy nodded toward the back of the store motioning to have this partner go around the opposite way to surround four gunmen. 
“Four there is only a few hundred in here.” the bagman said looking over the contents before looking up at the one holding the gun.
“There was supposed to be more… Bring us to your safe.”
“There is nothing there, I just went to the bank.” 
“Four?” one of the other guys said clearly annoyed with this bust of a robbery. But the one called Four shoved the man.
“He’s lying, take us to your safe!”
The man nodded slowly starting to walk around the counter when he saw the young female hero from behind a magazine rack. Her bow ready, she nodded to him to duck. 
From his position across the store from her Roy leapt forward shooting two arrows. One of them freezing Four’s trigger figure. The store owner fell onto the floor behind the counter as Roy’s backup shot two more arrows at the other two guys with guns. 
Bag guy let out a scream of fear dashing toward the door only to have Roy shoot a bolas arrow which wrapped itself around the bag guy’s feet causing him to fall hard on the floor. 
Four growled swinging his now frozen gun at Roy who ducked as his partner flipped over the magazine rack shooting a net around Four. 
Sirens blared in the distance. 
Picking up the bag of money the young woman walked it over to the store owner. “Here” 
“I… how can I thank you?” he asked, taking the bag. 
“No need” Roy said, waving his hand while puffing out his chest a little doing his best Oliver impression. 
“Well… If you're offering…” the young woman’s voice trailed off as she glanced at the large icebox that held the ice cream bars. 
"This is the best," She giggled swinging her legs as they dangled off the 13 story building while she munched on her Mickey Mouse shaped ice cream bar. Glancing at Roy she smiled as he took a bite out of his bar not saying anything. Scooting closer she nudged him with her shoulder. 
“Ok fine, ice cream Mickey’s are the best” he mumbled glancing over at she who just smiled back at him. 
“Yeah, they make everything better, even getting left behind.” 
“I wasn’t left behind,” Roy argued, “You’re here.” 
“And I’m way better than Oliver.” 
Roy chuckled taking a lick of the dripping ice cream as he watched her lean against the railing looking out at the city. The sun was just starting peak it’s way over the tall buildings. Bright orange and golds streaming across the city lighting up the the wide eyes of the girl next to him. 
“I guess.” 
- Years later - 
Will sighed as he looked over his paperwork. 
Looking over the figures he ran his fingers through his hair when a Mickey-shaped ice cream bar took over his vision. 
Looking up, his green eyes met her’s. 
“I heard about last night from Artemis. And I know a wise woman who once said mickey bars always make everything better.” Chuckling Will took the ice cream seeing that his visitor had already had eaten half of hers. “I’m sorry” she added. 
“I’m not” Will responded before taking a bite of the sweet treat, letting the hard chocolate shell melt in his mouth, his tongue licking up some of the sweet creams. His green eyes meeting hers again. “Want to go get something a little more substantial than this? I have been craving that Ramen from across the street.” 
“I’m totally down but…” 
“Daddy!” Lian squealed coming rushing into the office, ice cream all over her face.
“So maybe Mcdonals?” Will asked scooping up his daughter before wiping her face, “They have the best play place.” 
“Nuggets” Lian agreed nodding as her father kissed her cheek.
“Nuggets sound AMAZING,” the woman said looking up at Will. “Don’t you think Harper?” 
“Almost as amazing as Mickey ice cream” he laughed grabbing his jacket his eyes never leaving hers. As if he looked away she would disappear. As if he could pretend that every other woman he had tired to replace her with was equal in any way. 
Because she was ice cream. Sweet and cool and always there when you needed it most. It always made you feel better no matter what. 
It was amazing. 
Just like her.
Forever tag:  @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​ @coffee-randomness​​ @0hmydeku @xx3fsxx @daisyboobear​​  @jason-redhood​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr  @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep  @cdwmtjb8 
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sparkleofpizza · 4 years
The archer - Tim Drake x reader 3/?
The archer - Tim Drake x reader 3/?
Requested: no
Warnings: swearing, flashback in italic
Taglist: @isthataladybag
Summary: Y/n Queen will be living in the Wayne Manor for a while, and Dick Grayson decided to be the Cupid between her and his little brother Tim Drake.
Word count: 2.918
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
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Tim trusted Bruce. He trusted Bruce a lot, he was Batman after all, he took care of the city very well and would never let a known threat just live there normally. But Tim was a detective as well, he felt a bit bad for it, but he had to dig a bit on you. 
After finding out you are Oliver's sister and not Roy’s, and that you had been trained by Talia al Ghul, he realized he knows nothing about you or your past. If it was anyone else staying at his house, he would've already found out all of their secrets and everything they had ever done in their life. He couldn't let a silly crush get in the way, or your pretty conquer smile. He felt very bad for snooping around, but he had to do it. It was who he was. 
You were out for the day, you had to take care of a few papers at Gotham University since you would be studying there in a few days. You had invited Tim to accompany you, and he really wanted to, specially since you knew nothing about Gotham and could easily end up going somewhere dangerous (everywhere was a bit dangerous, but still). He told you he had to work on a few papers for Wayne Enterprises and suggested you invited Jason to join you. 
So now, there was Tim. Sitting alone in his room, laptop open, a mug of warm coffee by his side, and he was ready to look you up. He started typing, doing the thing he always does when he needs to dig dirty on people he is tracking for a case - he still felt terrible about doing this behind your back, but he pushed it to the back of his mind, it was just the crush he had on you talking louder than common sense. 
Y/n M/n Queen. Birthday: xx/xx/xxxx. Birth place: Star City.
Moira Queen - mother (deceased) 
Robert Queen - father (deceased)
Oliver Queen - brother
Emiko Queen - half sister
Tim started reading everything he could find about you. Good student with great grades, former cheerleader, socialite knowing for mingling with important people from Star City. Has been saved by the Green Arrow a few times when kidnaped for being a Queen, and then Deathstroke's victim. Footage of you out there being Silver, in the years where you were activated the most, now a days you're hardly ever seen as vigilant. Associated with Thomas Merlyn - mercenary, Malcom Merlyn - mercenary and assassin. Joined the League of Assassins for five months after being held as a prize on a fight between Malcom Merlyn and Oliver Queen, resulting in the loss of Oliver and you being sent to the League. Trained by the whole al Ghul family. Often associated with Roy Harper and Connor Hawke. Teamed up with Red Arrow and Kid Flash before. 
Tim was pleased he didn't find anything bad about you. All of this was ok, even the League of Assassins stuff. He was relived, but now was feeling ever guiltier than before. Should he tell you what he did? Would you be mad?
He closed his laptop, rubbing his eyes. Maybe he was just tired, that's why he did all of this. There was no need for you to know any of this.
"Drake." Damian said, barging into his room, hands behind his back and chin held up high "I think we need to discuss the fact that Queen is a former member of the League of Assassins."
Tim sighted "I already looked it up, she is fine, Damian."
"Then look it up again and harder. You are letting your feelings cloud your judgment."
And with that the little boy left. 
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You were sitting at a cafe with Jason in Gotham Downtown. You had already delivered the missing papers at Gotham University, and now were enjoining an iced coffee with him. He had a hat and sunglasses on, trying to hide his identity, he was supposed to be dead and hasn't made his big debute just yet. 
"So... Dick seems to be trying to be the cupid between you and Tim." he commented, taking a sip of his Frappuccino "What do you think about that?"
You chuckled "I am certainly not opposed to that."
Jason's eyebrows shot up "Really? So you are crushing on my replacement?"
"Stop calling him that, you know he didn't want to replace you." you rolled your eyes, no you didn't know that, but from what you learned about Tim, you could tell that wasn't his intention when he took the mantle of Robin "And yes, I am crushing your brother. Although I have no idea what he wants from me."
The man in front of you rolled his eyes back at you, not like you could see trough the dark lenses covering his eyes. Of course you were crushing on him, if you were already willingly to defend Tim without even knowing everything.
"Dick wouldn't have came up with this idea if he didn't think Tim was interested in you as well. But, I can try and talk to him if you want to. Please, don't."
"Geez, why did you volunteer if you don't want to?"
"Because I am trying to be nice to you."
You shook your head, sipping on your iced caramel macchiato. You only hope that Jason don't rat you out to Roy, you don't want your brother to find out about you having a crush on Bruce's son thought Roy. God knows he didn't know how to keep the gossip to himself. 
"What's the deal with you being trained by the demon's mother?"
Ah there it was, the question you knew would come eventually. You regretted telling them the truth in the first place, but you also knew that if they found out later and on their own it would have been worse. They would probably think you were trying to hide it from them because of bad motives. It wasn't, you just didn't really like to look someone in the eyes and say hey, did you know I was trained by assassins? 
"I already said it isn't..."
"Yes, it is." he cut you off, not buying any of your bullshit "I know you are not the bad guy, if that is why you are afraid of telling me the truth. I just want to know what happened. I know how the league can be... brute."
You bit on your lower lip, staring off into distance.
The air was warmer than you remembered it from a few years ago, maybe it was because you were younger and was only trying to see the best into the situation - it was like a trip, right? 
You looked out of the window, watching the trees' leafs waving with the wind, people walking in a group outside, looking for any inconvenience. You wondered how long it would take for you to be killed if you decided to escape. 
"It is time for your training." Nissa al Ghul informed you, standing at the door of the room you were currently calling yours 
"Again?" you asked, not turning around to face her, you didn't want her to see your blank face "I just finished training with your sister."
Nissa sighted, pushing back the brown hair that was around her shoulders. Her hand left the handle of the sword tucked into her belt. She had promised Oliver that she would do her best to keep his sister out of harm ways, but there was only much she could do. Going against both her father and sister was not a smart idea, and although it wasn't often that she saw eye to eye with them, they were still her family, and Oliver and you were simple... friends? Maybe, that was a complex term. 
"Yes, again. My father is waiting for you and he doesn't like when people keep him waiting."
You nodded your head. There was no point in fighting like you did the first couple of weeks. You knew you were outnumbered, and God knows when your family is coming to rescue you, if they can succeed in doing so.
As you walked around, silent footsteps, no sign of your approach, you saw Ra's al Ghul. Before you could even blink, he had his sword down to your neck, you on your knees as you helplessly stared into his eyes. His angry eyes.
"Never keep your opponent waiting. It gives him the time to explore his surrounds and learn the best path to ambush you the moment you arrive."
You pushed his sword back, not caring that the blade cut into the palm of your hand. You allowed the blood to drip on the floor, pushing yourself off the floor and grabbing your bow and an arrow from the quiver on your back.
Fighting with Ra's made you think that maybe this was going to be your life from now on. Sparring everyday until you had to kill for the first time, then sparring harder until you got sent on a mission, for your first kill. You wondered if maybe you would be stopped by your brother and friends, if you would allow them, or if not, if they'd succeed in stopping you. 
"It was just Malcom's Merlyn fault." you stated, turning your gaze to Jason who was still staring at you "He provoked my brother into a fight, I was the prize. Malcom won and the league finally got a Queen so they could mold into the perfect assassin. Thankfully, Tommy joined Oliver and they both got me out of there."
Jason nodded, it wasn't a full story like he was expecting, but hey! He doesn't like to talk about his time at the league too. Hell, he thinks not even one of his brothers know fully everything that happened there with him. Somethings are better left unsaid, and apparently, for you, this was the case. He was ok with that, that was your story to be told, and if you didn't want to share it, then you didn't have to. 
"Yeah, Roy mentioned a couple of times how much of an asshole Merlyn can be." He said, earning a laugh from you
“He knows how to be a pain in the ass.” You nodded your head in agreement “I thought Bruce had said something about it to you guys.”
Jason shook his head, it was typical Bruce to not share informations with the rest of them. Jason learned from him how to be closed off and not share his feelings, even when Dick would bother him about it.
“No, he didn’t say anything.”
You persued your lips “Oliver asked him for help at the time, you know, because of Bruce’s connections to Talia. He wanted to know the best way to outsmart her. I thought at least one of you knew...”
“Bruce probably thought it was for the best to keep this kind of information away from Damian. He doesn’t like to talk about his time at the league, I don’t like to talk about my time at the league. Dick would’ve found a way to ask us how we feel about it, and Tim... he would’ve found a way to ask us how was our time there, trying to learn more.”
You nodded your head. You couldn’t blame Bruce for not talking, you were actually relieved he didn’t, that way the boys got to know you because they wanted to, and not to prove you weren’t an assassin living in their house. You’ve never even killed anyone before, so... maybe you should’ve started the conversation with Jason by stating that fact, it would’ve been better.
“I never killed anyone.” You addded, voice just above a whisper “I thought you should know that.”
“Well, then I am glad the league didn’t break you enough to start killing.” He smiled at you
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Dick was sitting at the kitchen with his brothers. Damian was going on a rant about you, exclaiming everyone should keep an eye on you, just in case.
Dick grabbed a cookie from the plate, they were still warm, freshed baked. He could understand why his little brother was worried, but Tim looking you up?
“I already talked about it with her today.” Jason sighted, presssing his hand trough his face “She isn’t an assassin, Damian! Let this go!”
“I can’t believe you were digging dirty on her.” Dick said, shaking his head in disappointment “I thought you were crushing on her! Damian said he saw you guys almost kissing yesterday!”
Tim blushed “I just had to make sure she was who I thought she was. We knew nothing about her, now we do. Her parents are both dead, she doesn’t have a criminal record, and she’s never killed anyone before.”
You stopped dead in your tracks, frowning. Did you hear them correctly? Did they look you up just to make sure you weren’t a bad person? Ok, you understand them being wary of you after they found this whole league of assassins thing out, but Tim...? You just couldn’t believe he had the nerve to do this instead of asking you, you would’ve told him anything he wanted to know.
Maybe you were being a fool, trusting him blindly when you shouldn’t. You were being a fool for just starting to fall for this boy who clearly doesn’t trust you enough like you trust him, and clearly his crush on you means nothing.
Frustrated, you went back to your room, closing the door behind you. Right now, you were regretting having agreed to wait for Oliver to come back from his missions to look for an apartment to live in Gotham.
You grabbed your cellphone from the bedside table, clicking on the screen and then holding it up to your ear.
“Hi, I need to talk to you about something.” You said as soon as he picked up
“Hello to you, too.” Connor Hawke said on the other end of the line “Who ate your ice cream?”
You rolled your eyes. Once when you were younger, Roy ate all of the ice cream there was on the fridge and you were pissed for the rest of the day. Now, every time you are on a bad mood, they would ask who ate your ice cream. Very funny.
“Hi, Connor. How are you?” You asked after taking a deep breath, taking your anger out on your best friend wasn’t going to solve your problems
“I’m fine, but you apperently aren’t. So tell me, what did Gotham do to you? Or perhaps what did the Wayne boys did to you?”
You sighted, taking a sit on the bed, Connor knew you too well. He also knew the troubles you went trough growing up as a Queen and as the Green Arrow’s sister. He was always there for you, so he knew a lot how you coped with things and how certain small things had a big impact in your life.
You started by telling him about the sparring session you had with Jason and how it ended up with everyone finding out about you being trained by the league of assassins. And then proceeded to tell him about what you overheard at the kitchen.
“I know that me being part of Team Arrow should make me understand why Tim was researching about me. We have been betrayed by people close to us before, and I really want to be resenoble about this whole situation, but...”
“But you are upset about it. You wish he had came to you to ask you all this questions.” Connor finished up your train of thoughts
“Yes, God yes! I wish he would’ve just came to me, I would’ve told him anything he wanted to know, and damn, I know this makes me sound like a fool.”
“Just a little bit.” Your best friend laughed “I am happy to see you are developing feelings for him, even if I am a bit mad he was suspicious of you. But in our line of work, we should always be too careful.”
You pushed your hair away from your face, staring at the cream walls in front of your. Connor was right, you were overreacting because you were developing feelings Tim and you wanted him to trust you because trust is fundamental in a relationship. You couldn’t help but think that if it was the other way around, you would’ve done the same thing.
“You’re right. Thank you, Conny.”
“I am always right, and please, don’t call me Conny.”
You chuckled, flopping down on bed so you could rest your back on the soft mattress.
“Should I talk to him about it?” You asked quietly
“If it is going to make you feel better than you should approach him with the subject, if not, let him come to you, it will be a proof if it is worth nurtrishing feelings for him.”
After you ended the call, you kept thinking about what Connor had said. He did know how to give good advise, and waiting for Tim to tell you was indeed a good test to know if it was actually worth it to have a crush on him. Maybe you shouldn’t let him know you knew. Let’s see what he’s gonna do.
After all, he wasn’t the only one who came from a family that knew how to keep emotions on check.
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