todayisafridaynight · 6 months
Is it funnier if:
Shishido tunes in to the VTuber's broadcast knowing he'll fume about exposing Kiryu being his idea first
Shishido is already a fan of the VTuber and tunes in as normal only to fume about exposing Kiryu being his idea first
Shishido is the VTuber
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falling-endlessly · 4 months
Boomerang (part 4)
Vox x Female!Ex!Overlord!Reader
Summary: Vox is determined to win you over, no matter what. You just want your damn peace back.
Warnings: some mature themes (mention of sexual arousal)
<— Part 3 Chapter Index
Vox gripped the bathroom counter, staring at himself in the LED outlined mirror. "You've still got it," he said to himself firmly, lifting a clawed finger to point at his reflection. "Just be cool, man."
He relaxed his face into his signature grin, leaning an elbow against the counter. "Hey Y/n, how's everything? I was wondering if you wanted to go for coffee sometime?" He threw in a wink for good measure.
A second of silence passed before he shuddered violently, breaking composure. "Ugh, no, no. Focus, man. Okay," he repositioned himself, shoving his hands nonchalantly in his pockets. He cleared his throat, mustering up his best confident, devil-may-care expression. "Doll, what do you say we get out of here tonight, yeah? Just say the word and I'll get us a private room at your favorite restaurant."
His smile twitched. Shit. That wouldn’t work on you either.
This was ridiculous. He started trends on a whim, charmed the masses to hang off of his every word, and yet—here he was, rehearsing in front of a bathroom mirror like a prepubescent boy with a crush. And failing miserably too.
He shook his head to clear it, hands grasping at the sides of his monitor so tightly it displaced the pixels on his screen. "Think Vox, what did you do to make her like you the first time?"
But if he was being completely honest, it was actually you who made all of the first moves. You who captured his attention like a vice. You who reeled him in, hook, line and sinker. There was no grand courtship on his part. In fact, he couldn't even remember the exact moment he had started to fall for you. It was all so easy, natural, seamless. He didn't have to do anything except for be himself.
He pursed his lips, turning back to the mirror warily. And—whatever, fine, fuck it. Not like anyone could see him debase himself like this anyway.
Vox sighed, his smile dropping like an overused mask. The desperation and vulnerability that he hated so much creeped back into his eyes, making him tense.
"I'm sorry," he said softly. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm such a damn idiot and—I just..." he trailed off, before groaning, dropping his head in his hands. "Fuck, this is pathetic."
What was he doing? Wallowing in self pity like some lovesick loser? For fuck's sake, he wasn't just some spineless bottom feeder, he was Vox. CEO of Pride's largest conglomerate. People would kill to be in his position.
A shaky grin forced itself back on his face as he lifted his head. Fuck, enough of this. Nothing was going to get done if he just sat here and twiddled his thumbs all day. It was time to make a move.
With his mental armor back in place, he marched to your room like a man on a mission. He may or may not have sent a drone on your tail to find it, since everyone else in this damned hotel seemed hellbent on pretending that they had short term memory loss when he asked. It was still a prototype, unreleased to the public. A camera the size of an ant, for incognito purposes of course.
When he finally reached your door, he pasted a confident, charming smile on his face. One that he knew used to fluster you once upon a time.
"Just act natural," he chided himself quietly, taking a deep breath before knocking on your door.
There was a moment of silence, before some shuffling was heard, and then the handle was turned.
Vox froze as you opened the door, dressed in baggy sweats with your hair in a disarray. Your shirt had ridden to the side at some point, and the rumpled neckline was exposing the enticing dip of your collarbone. He felt his mouth go dry.
And suddenly it struck him how much he missed you. God, he'd missed you. Your comforting presence, your lively humor, even the small things like waking up next to you or seeing your toothbrush next to his in the bathroom. And fuck, it hurt to have you just out of reach.
Your pretty mouth pulled down into a frown when you saw him, body language changing from relaxed to guarded in an instant.
Vox forced himself out of his trance, clearing his throat. This was his moment to shine. He'd practiced for this.
"Hey—" he started cheerfully, before the door was promptly shut in his face.
Vox blinked stupidly, standing in front of your room in shocked silence. Did—did you just—?
Frowning, he raised a hand to knock again. "Y/n?" He called out in confusion.
"Go away, asshole," your muffled voice came from somewhere on the other side of the door. "I don't want to talk to you."
"I said beat it," you growled, before a glowing barrier materialized outside of your door. Fuck, if he touched that he knew he wouldn't stop bugging until tomorrow morning.
"Fine," he hissed under his breath, turning and storming away. So that was how you wanted to play it, huh? Fine, joke’s on you. He liked a challenge.
On the way back to his room though, he felt a familiar, pleasant tightness between his legs. Vox froze, slowly looking down at the noticeable tent in his pants in horror.
"Oh, come on."
The next few days could only be described as an intensely aggressive game of cat and mouse. He tailed your ass like a damn police dog, determined to get even a moment alone with you—but to his absolute irritation, you kept coming up with increasingly ridiculous ways to blow him off.
He invited you to take a walk with him after dinner? You suddenly developed a spontaneous stomach bug and now you were bedridden. He held a door open for you? You pushed open the other side of the double doors and maintained unimpressed eye contact with him the entire time. He couldn't even follow you with his micro-camera anymore, because you'd promptly discovered it and stabbed it to his bedroom door with a needle as a violent warning.
Nothing was going according to plan and he was growing more frustrated by the minute. What was the point of coming here if he saw you just as often as if he had stayed in his tower?
"How am I supposed to convince her to come back," his eye twitched, one night on a rant-filled phone call with Velvette. "If I can't fucking talk to her?"
Velvette looked at him like he was a dried piss stain on the wall. "Vox, do I look like I give a singular fuck about your dumpster fire of a love life?"
Ah yes, such encouraging commentary as always. Really, he didn't even know why he bothered to call if his abused ego was just going to get attacked while it was already rolling around in a fetal position.
"You're still on the call with me," he said pointedly.
Velvette rolled her eyes, scrunching her nose up at him in irritation. "Fine, since you're so pathetic, I guess I could spare some charity," she ignored his scoff, continuing without a hitch. "You need to fucking lay off, stop trying so damn hard to get her attention. It’s giving desperate and creepy."
"I'm not—"
"Yes you are," Velvette glared. "Listen. If you don't want to end up permanently dumped, you need to compromise. Stop acting on your emotions like a toddler, you can't fucking afford that right now. And neither can we," she grumbled the last part.
Vox dug his claws into the bedding he was lying on, tearing up the soft material. The thought of giving up on you physically pained him, but...this wouldn't really be giving up, right? Velvette was suggesting a temporary ceasefire, a way to make you let your guard down, which might not be such a bad idea. It was more like...a strategic redirection of his efforts. Something that would benefit him in the long run.
He needed to build up the trust you'd lost in him. Slowly, bit by bit, until you accepted his feelings again.
The gravity of the situation was daunting. Something told him that this was his last chance, that if he fucked up one more time, you really would be gone for good.
He couldn't afford to lose you like that. It would fucking break him.
A loud crash sounded in the background on the other line, jolting him out of his thoughts.
Velvette's face drew into an aggravated sneer as she turned around. "For fuck's sake. What the fuck is it no—"
The line went dark, cutting off the call.
Vox sighed, throwing his phone blindly somewhere on the bed as he leaned back, staring at the ceiling.
Sleep evaded him that night, but in its place he started to devise a new strategy. Velvette was right, if he kept pushing, he would only drive you away. It was time to change his approach, and as much as he hated to admit it, it was...time to put his pride on the backburner.
Because he could live without his pride, but fuck—he didn't even want to think about what an eternity without you would be like. Besides, it was only until all of this was over and you came back home. He just...had to be patient.
After taking a few days to regroup, Vox was now more than ready to put his plan into action.
He’d rehearsed an embarrassing amount of times in the bathroom mirror, popped a breath mint, chugged an energy drink, and slapped himself in the face for good measure. Not necessarily in that order.
Now, in the late hours of the morning, he waited patiently for everyone to filter out before making his move, quietly cornering you in the kitchen.
You were sitting in the far corner, hunched over a steaming mug just like he knew you would be. It was something you'd been doing since he first met you, always reserving twenty minutes after breakfast to enjoy a second cup. He didn't even need to look at the contents to know that there was only a single cream, but enough sugar to make an elephant go into cardiac arrest.
That precious information would forever be saved to his hard drive.
For a long moment, he just stood there like a certified creep, admiring the familiar scene with painful longing. You hadn't noticed him yet, so your expression was still the vision of perfect bliss, eyes closed with a slight uptick to the corner of your mouth. And suddenly, he wasn't in this shitty hotel anymore. The retro kitchen transformed into a sleek modern design, the white walls melting to light blue. It was one of the few lazy mornings both of you were able to spend together, and—
"What do you think you're doing?" Your irritated voice shattered his fantasy like a pane of rose-tinted glass.
"Ah, Y/n!" His grin slotted back into place like a puzzle piece. Fuck, he hadn't even said a proper sentence to you, and you were already looking at him like he was a piece of shit someone forgot to flush down a public toilet. He had to act fast or you'd walk out again. "Funny running into you like this," he chuckled, hiding his fidgeting hands behind his back. Electricity crackled between them. "Actually, I was wondering if—"
"No," you said sharply, cutting him off.
"I—What?" His grin twitched.
"Whatever it is that you're going to say, no," you snapped, turning your back to him for emphasis.
Vox went silent for a moment. Tone it down, he repeated in his head. Stick to the plan.
"Look," he started, softening his tone. "I realize that I haven't exactly been," he grimaced. "Fair to you."
You laughed bitterly. "Understatement of the decade, asshole."
"I'm sorry," he sighed, watching carefully as your shoulders tensed in surprise. "I'll stop, if that's what you want. I won't ask you out anymore or bother you with stupid, meaningless shit."
"But?" You said quietly.
"But I still want to be...friends with you," the word left a bitter taste in his mouth, but he swallowed it with a smile.
He chanced a quick glance at your face, and—well you looked like you didn't really buy it, but at least you didn't look like you wanted to kill him and dispose of his body in a ditch anymore.
"Alright," you said, after a long period of skeptical silence, your eyes unreadable. "I’ll hold you to it, then."
He closed his eyes. "Please, just consider—" he froze, processing your words.
You said yes? Fuck, you said yes!
He cleared his throat. "I mean, yeah, absolutely. Totally. Makes sense."
He caught the briefest flash of amusement in your eyes, before you turned to bring your empty mug to the sink.
"So, uh," he started giddily. Fuck rein it in man, slow down. "What are you doing later?"
“I’m busy today,” you shut him down immediately, making him deflate at your sharp tone. Then you paused for a second, seeming to contemplate something. “Well actually,” you said lightly, making him perk up again. “There is something you can join me for, but it’s a little…out of your depth.”
“Oh really? Try me,” he smirked confidently. As if anything would stop him from finally spending time with you today.
A vindictive spark suddenly flared in your eyes, making him hesitate. "Group therapy and trust exercises," you said smugly, and a jumble of odd noises quickly glitched from his head, his screen flashing briefly to show a giant, red exclamation point. "But since you're too busy with that billion dollar company and all, I thought you wouldn't be interested," you smiled sweetly.
Oh. You conniving little shit. You had him cornered.
Looks like he wasn’t the only one doing his homework.
“How f-f-fun,” he forced out, the words literally tasting like ash on his tongue.
“It is,” you nodded genuinely, making him double take. “I actually quite enjoy it.”
Vox pressed his lips together into a fine line, dread steadily welling in his chest as he realized that yes, you were actually serious. Sweet fuck.
For a second, Vox contemplated making a strategic retreat and calling it a day. He eyed the door behind him longingly.
But no, he couldn’t afford to back down from your little game just yet. If this was how you wanted to raise the stakes, fine. Bring it on.
Before he could lose his nerve, Vox mustered up a pained smile. "Actually," he said, making you raise a brow. "I'd like to give it a shot."
"Really?" You said incredulously.
"Yeah?" His grin twitched. "Why not?"
<— Part 3 Chapter Index
Taglist: @pooplyface1423 @spookysisters @that-one-weeb-buts-its-the-main @neito327 @hxzbinwrites @coleisyn @bababahannah @yellowsubiesdance @dirk-strides @justaspectatorforfandomarts @harmoira @sunnyslug @gum-iie @lady-valtieri @mit-suri @whatelsecouldgowrong @sillysimplysilky @eternalera @aoiyx @hazellight11 @hopefully-not @tsuvvy @imcryinginemo @dinorawrss @rekoloid @ayesha-eroticax3 @sle3pyh3ad2 @l0verboyxoxo1111 @lucasisstupid @lu-ferri12 @fandom-queen37 @ilunapb @skyeliteratures @shannoncosplay @da-disappointment @memospacexx @crazyforbarnes
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ripcupid · 5 months
hiii, idk if u do, but i really love to see sevika smut... like whatever you want( if you want) and in the time you need
this is only if you like the idea, thanks sweetheart
if you don't thank you anyways baby
sorry if this bother, kissesss
You’re so sweet btw, hope y’all like this
Didn’t reread so idk if it makes sense
This and this inspired me for some visuals
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As Sevika looks into the mirror, it captures her behind you, her hands resting on your hips as you push back against the bulge in her jeans. Sevika chuckles softly, roaming her hands over your ass and pulling you closer to her. "Look at the mirror, baby," she whispers, landing a warning slap on your ass.
You lift your head from the pillow to face the mirror, heating rising to your cheeks as you stare at yourself. You can't help but bite your lip as Sevika gropes your ass, landing another firm slap. Her hand brushes your hair away from your face, wrapping her hand under your chin and tilting your head up.
She leans over your back and whispers in your ear, her warm breath sending shivers down your spine. "Such a pretty girl," she murmurs, squeezing your cheeks together. You whine softly, feeling a mix of embarrassment and arousal as Sevika pushes her thumb into your mouth, gently pressing against your tongue. With a soft moan, you wrap your lips around her thumb, sucking on it lightly.
As you suck on her thumb, you push back against Sevika aching to feel her cock inside you. She slowly slides her thumb out of your mouth, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "You'll get my cock soon enough, baby," she whispers in your ear, trailing kisses down your spine. You can't help but shiver at her words, your panties growing damper with anticipation.
Sevika sits back up, her thumb brushes against the damp fabric of your panties, teasingly circling against your clit. You arch your back and let out a needy moan, grabbing the pillow tightly. Sevika smirks and chuckles softly, rubbing your hips as she continues to tease you. "You like that?" she asks. You nod eagerly, moans and whimpers leaving your lips. "Yeah? But you want more, don't you?" Sevika coos. Your body trembles with desire as you desperately nod, mumbling, "Yes, please."
Sevika hums as she slides your panties to the side, exposing your wetness to the cool air. She drags her fingers through your slick folds, brushing over your clit. "No," you cry, your voice filled with desperation, "please take them off."
"Okay, fine," Sevika says with a chuckle, pulling your panties over the curve of your ass, her eyes fixed on how your wetness glistens on the fabric.
"Look at that," she smirks, her tongue darting out to wet her lips as she stares at your drooling cunt. "Please, Sevika," you whine, trying to look back at her with pleading eyes, squeezing the pillow tight in your hand, "want your cock."
"Focus on the mirror, okay?" she says, trailing her fingers up the back of your thigh. You obey, turning your attention to the mirror across the room. Sevika unzips her pants, pulling them down just enough for her strap to be exposed. "Watch yourself, baby," she commands, guiding the tip through your folds to collect the wetness that has pooled there. She slowly pushes inside you, her eyes locked on your cunt as it takes each inch of her strap.
Your head drops into the pillow as her cock stretches you open, a long moan escaping your throat. Sevika's metal hands grabs your hair and pulls your head up. "What did I just say?" she ask firmly, tugging on your hair. You whimper at the slight pain and lock eyes with her in the mirror, biting your lip. "M'sorry, Sevika," you mumble.
Sevika's metal hand leaves your hair and moves to your lower back, pushing your upper body down against the bed. "Good girl," she purrs, grabbing your hips firmly and guiding her strap deeper into you. You stare at her through the mirror with glazed eyes as you start to fuck yourself on her cock. She chuckles and guides your hips, slapping your ass.
"That's it, baby," she whispers, "such a good girl." Her words make you whimper, your brain turning into mush as she makes you speed up. The faint sound of your ass hitting her pelvis fills the room, mixing with your moans.
"S'deep," you babble, reaching back to try and push her out a little, but she firmly holds your wrist in place. Sevika leans over you, pressing her body against yours, her breath hot against your ear. "Don't do that, baby," she grunts in your ear," you can take it."
Her strong arms caging around your body and she begins to thrusts with a speed that leaves you gasping for air. She grabs your face and pulls you into a messy kiss, her lips hungry and demanding. You struggle to kiss her back as she fucks you deep and hard, moans leaving your lips uncontrollably. Sevika laughs against your lips before moving to kiss your shoulders and neck, leaving a trail of wet kisses.
She kneads the fat of your hip with a firm grip before her fingers find their way to your neglected clit. You cry out and grab the edge of the bed when she starts to messily rub your aching clit. With each stroke, Sevika pushes you closer and closer to the edge, grunting and panting in your ear. "Sev, I'm s'close," you gasp.
"Already?" Sevika chuckles softly, her warm breath tickling your earlobe, "Come on baby, come for me." You push your hips back on her pelvis as you teeter on the edge, until finally, the wave of pleasure crashes over you, causing you to clench around Sevika's cock as you ride out the intense orgasm.
Sevika smashes her lips against yours as she continues to thrust into you, leaving your sensitive clit. Her lips move down your back and she slows her pace before sitting up and carefully pulling out. As you catch your breath, you look into the mirror to watch as Sevika gets up and walks to the bathroom. You close your eyes and listen as Sevika comes back with a warm towel, gently wiping your body and kissing your back.
She tosses aside the towel and you flip over onto your back, grinning up at her as she hovers over you. Her metal hand trails down your body, tracing every curve and eliciting shivers of anticipation. As she leans down to capture your lips once again, you can't help but tangle your fingers in her hair , pulling her closer to deepen the kiss.
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This was originally for Ellie btw but send anons if you want more mwah
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biggestsimponhere · 21 days
Guilty as sin?
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➻ Synopsis: Reader has been fantasizing about regulus
➻ CW: Smut, unprotected p in v, oral (f!recieving), masturbation
➻ Requests are always welcome!!!
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he’s a paradox, i’m seeing visions am i bad? or mad? or wise?
Regulus Black. Arguably the most attractive guy in school. At least.. he is to you. You sit at your table in the great hall trying to focus on whatever it is your friends are talking about but you can’t. He’s sitting, laughing with his friends. He’s only one table over but he has some sort of hold on you.
“Y/n? Are you even listening to me” Mary questions. You turn to look at her, a bit dazed “What?”
“I was asking you what you’re doing this weekend but you seem distracted” She smirks as she glances towards regulus. You quickly shut her down. “I was not distracted” You complain.
You listen to her as she starts talking about something else but you can’t take your eyes away from the slytherin table. Your mind drifts to the dream you had last night. Regulus… in your room… touching you. You glance at him and he’s seemingly already looking at you. You look away quickly but when you look back he’s no longer looking at you. Maybe he never was. You sigh as you bring your attention to the food in front of you in an attempt to distract yourself.
I keep these longings locked, in lowercase inside a vault
Watching Regulus play quidditch while trying to keep your thoughts from drifting to having him in your bed is not easy. You watch as he chases the snitch, curls messy from the wind, shirt tightening exposing his form. You’re practically salivating when the match ends. You roll your eyes at the way your Mary yanks you from your seat to pull you with her. Of course the slytherins just had to have a victory party.
This information from your friends had you in a deep blue mini dress in the slytherins dungeons. For some reason you agreed to come with though you’re not sure why, considering some girl was probably going to be draped over regulus and it wasn’t going to be you. You groan at the thought as you’re dragged to the drink table. Searching the party for him over your cup you’re surprised to find him already looking at you.
“Come on! Someone said we should play seven minutes in heaven” Adelia says as she pulls you to the circle. Of course they want to play a stupid muggle game that ends up with two people in a closet.
Regulus spins first and everyone watches as the bottle lands on you. He smirks up at you as he stands up and reaches for your hand. Instead of taking the opportunity to snog your crush like you’ve always wanted, you speed out of the dungeons.
these fatal fantasies, giving way to labored breath, taking all of me, we’ve already done it in my head
You lay on your bed, your dress on the ground. Your dormmates aren’t going to be back tonight. They all had someone to go sleep with. Your thoughts drift back to regulus. Him on top of you. Touching you. Tasting you.
“Come on sweetheart” He breaths as he pounds into you.
“I’m close regulus, please” You moan out as he captures your lips again.
“Shhh baby, we don’t want everyone to know do we?” He questions. You rapidly shake your head.
Your thighs shake as you touch yourself. Merlin you should not be doing this you think to yourself. Your thoughts of him rule out any other thought you could have had. You cum. Hard. All over your hand. You gasp, breathing in and out rapidly.
if it’s make believe, why does it feel like a vow well both uphold somehow
You gasp as your pulled into an empty classroom. You turn to see who has basically kidnapped you, only to come face to face with Regulus Black. You move back a few steps, sitting on a desk a little bit away from him. He smirks as he stalks closer. Ending up directly between your legs.
“Would i be that bad to kiss l/n?” He says brushing a hair behind your ear. You flush, shaking your head.
“Then why did you run away little dove?” He questions as he spreads your legs to better fit between them.
Your brain stutters as you try to think of what to say. What could you say? You ran away. Fast. “I- well” You try to speak but your brain can’t seem to form a sentence. He slides down till he’s on his knees in front on you.
You look away at the implication of what he’s doing but his hands wrapping around your thighs bring your attention back to him. “Do you want me to help you dove?” He asks as he breaths against your exposed thigh. You nod feverishly. He pushes your underwear to the side. Slotting his face between your legs he brings his tongue to your core. He licks a long stripe from your hole to your clit. Sucking lightly once he gets there
You cry out his name as he eats you out. He groans lightly against you sending delicious vibrations through you. You practically sob as he pulls away leaving you on the edge before kissing your thigh and standing up. He leaves you there, gasping for air, left of the edge.
if long suffering propriety is what they want from me, they don’t know how you’ve haunted me so stunningly
You’ve found it even harder to focus on anything except him since he left you in that classroom. You stare way more than you should. You swear you see him everywhere. It’s like he was always trying to be in your eye line. You groan at the thought of being left on the edge as you rest your head against the table. Your friends have noticed your off behavior but chose not to comment on it… too much.
“Why don’t you just go to the dorm and rest?” Adelia suggests. She was trying to be helpful but you know if you end up in your bed you’re just going to want him.
“I think you should get some sleep y/n/n, i don’t think i’ve even seen you sleep the last couple of days” Mary says as she looks at you with sympathy.
You nod. Though you know you’re not going to go to your bed. You stand and head out, hoping that going on a walk will help clear your head. It didn’t. Everything you saw made you think of him or rather places he could take you and you’d let him. You sigh at the thought as you continue walking, you must not have been paying attention to where you were going cause you ended up in front of the slytherin dorms.
I choose you and me… religiously. What if he’s written ‘mine’ on my upper thigh
What you didn’t expect to see was Regulus, leaning up against the wall, breathing heavily. You go to question what exactly he’s doing but he’s already stood up and walked towards you. He grabs your tie bringing you close so he can capture your lips with his. You both moan into the kiss, breathing stuttering as he moves to your neck. You sigh, he continues kissing along your neck and jaw.
“I want you.” He says hurriedly against your jaw. You nod and let him pull you into the common room and to his dorm.
“You’ve been stuck in my head since that stupid party” He says, pushing your robe off. He undoes your tie, unbuttoning your shirt. Your lips crash as he continues to undress you.
“Please Regulus, I need you” You moan against his mouth. He lifts you up before laying you out against his bed. He kisses up your thighs before pulling down your skirt.
“I’m sorry, i would but i just need to be in you” He says kissing your thigh before moving up so he can slot his legs between yours. You both moan loudly as he slips inside you. He begins to thrust, slowly at first before speeding up.
You let him go at whatever pace he wants as you slide your hands into his hair. He whines against your lips as you clench around him. You kiss him more firmly letting him slide his hand up into your hair. He moves his other hand, sliding it between the two of you so he can reach your clit. He rubs it in circles as he continues to thrust into you. You continue to make almost inaudible sounds.
After one particularly good thrust, hitting exactly right, you cum, clenching down hard on him. “y/n, i have to- please let me come in you” He breaths against your neck. You allow him to and he spills inside you. You both breathe heavily against each other as you come down from your high.
You’re about to pass out and sleep before he wakes you up to get cleaned up. After that the two of you fall asleep in each other’s arms. Recalling something stupid your friend said about how your thoughts wouldn’t be sinful if you never touch him. The thought quickly disappears as he tightens his arms around you and you drift off to sleep.
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iheartyouyou · 1 year
Kill Bill | Tate Langdon
Summary: Tate randomly breaks up with you, moving on with Violet. It sucks, because you’re a ghost too, stuck in the house forever with a broken heart. But luckily there is a way out. Or is there? (Loosely based on the song “Kill Bill” by SZA.)
Word count: 1.6k
Part two: here
Warnings: Angst, mentions of death & suic*de, not proofread and probably more (sorry!)
Author’s Note: I’m obsessed with SZA’s new album and I’ve been wanting to write for Tate for a while, and so what better way than to write some angst? Anyways, please leave feedback! <3
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You frown as you stared at the new couple— Tate and Violet— from the window, holding hands as you heard their muffled laughter. Tate was holding a candy bucket, they just got back from trick-or-treating.
That was supposed to be your guys’ thing, not their thing. It was the one day you could leave this shit hole— Tate promised he would take you trick-or-treating after you confessed to him you’ve never been.
Tate broke up with you not too long ago after dating for 11 months and 13 days. You guys couldn’t even make it to your one year anniversary. You guys would’ve, if it wasn’t for him.
It started with him acting distant, making up excuses and running away from you. Then after two weeks of not seeing or hearing anything from him, he dumps you. He shrugged it off as if it were nothing, as if he didn’t convince you to take your own life and spend the rest of eternity with him.
And now he had a new girlfriend— Violet Harmon. Her family had moved in a little bit ago, Violet immediately catching Tate’s attention.
It’s funny how the same thing happened with you. You wondered if it was a endless cycle, you wondered if the same thing would happen to her.
You hadn’t officially met her yet— deciding to stay in the shadows, she seemed sweet, but you just couldn’t help but hate her.
The couple made their way inside the house, the steps becoming closer and closer. You froze, becoming unseen.
“You know what we should watch?” You heard him ask Violet, the both of them stepping into her room before closing the door.
You came closer to the door, placing your ear against it to hear their conversation.
“Tate, I’m gonna gain like 10 pounds if I eat all this.” Violet said, giggling.
“Well, if I eat this half you’ll only gain 5.” He offered, slight amusement in his voice. He leaned forward, capturing her lips.
You back away from the door, hearing all that smooching and how they were definitely making out made you sick to your stomach.
You run to the nearest bathroom, puking.
“My dad’s not here.” You heard a voice from behind you, startling you.
It wasn’t just a voice, it was her voice.
You hesitantly turn around, facing Violet. She looked at you expectantly, eyes squinted. You shrunk under her gaze, breaking eye contact.
“H-he’s not?” You asked.
“No. He’s not. I can leave a message for hi—“
“No! I mean— uhm— no. It’s okay, I’ll have my mom call him or something.” You say, finally looking up at her.
“Who let you in anyways.”
“Moi— the maid. Or housekeeper— whatever you call her. She let me in.” You spoke, biting the inside of your cheek.
“Oh.” She mumbled, looking around. You look away, trying to think of a way to get out of there. You could just simply disappear— you were a ghost— but you didn’t want to expose yourself.
You weren’t a patient of her Dad’s, but after snooping around you found out that Tate was. You didn’t think anyone was home, trying to take a peek at his file. Too bad little miss perfect caught you, huh?
“So, what are you seeing my dad for?” She asks, causing you to look back at her. You open your mouth, a response on the tip of your tongue before it dies away, the hickey on her neck becoming your new focus point. Your face falls.
She furrows her eyebrows, placing her hand on her hip. “Uhm… are yo—“
“Tate. He’s the one who gave you that hickey, right?” You blurt, your eyes flickering back to hers.
As if her eyebrows can furrow any further, they do, her hand quickly coming up to cover the hickey.
You scowl, her suddenly becoming the one who couldn’t keep eye contact. “H-how— wha—“
“Be careful around him, or you’re just gonna become one of his victims.” You snark, storming off before disappearing.
You didn’t mean to lash out, you just couldn’t help if. It wasn’t fair. How come he gets to move on? How come he gets to leave you in the dust? How come you’re stuck in this house for eternity, your heart shattering every time you saw or heard of him. You couldn’t even remember the last time he spared you a glance.
Fucking bastard.
And how badly you wanted to kill him and his new girlfriend. Too bad he’s already dead and if you kill her, you’ll be doing him a favor.
When you’re a ghost stuck in a house for eternity, there’s really nothing to do. You’ve read every single book in this house at least a hundred times, visited every part of this house at least a million times, and probably more.
Tate never let you talk to the other ghosts, mainly Chad and Patrick.
Since you’re a ghost stuck in a house for eternity, struggling to get over your ex boyfriend, you needed advice.
“Oh honey, you’re barking up the wrong tree.” Chad announced, eyeing you up and down as you entered the room. Patrick turned, scoffing. “What you want?”
“I need…” You cringed at yourself, before shaking your head. “Never mind, sorry.” You spin around, getting ready to leave before they stopped you.
“Come on, we don’t bite. You obviously came here for something, your boyfriend trying to plot some revenge or someth—“ Chad started.
“No— we actually broke up. That’s what I came here for. He’s dating that uh, new girl.” You interrupt, head low.
They both stay silent, sharing a knowing look before staring back at you. “Violet? Jesus— she’s a pain in my ass. She’s so loud at night, I’m surprised her parents haven’t said anything. She sounds like a dying cat when she moans.” They both laugh.
You flinch, you’ve heard her moaning too. That’s why you stayed in the basement at night.
“Uhr— yeah. I know you guys don’t like Tat—“
“We don’t like both of them, hun.”
“Okay, both of them, but I need your guys’ help. Look, I know we may have had our differences and stuff… but I’m desperate.” You beg, looking between them.
You watch as Chad raises an eyebrow, Patrick pressing his lips inti a straight line before motioning for you to come over. “Fine, but you’re gonna owe us.”
You hum a soft tone, rubbing your eyes as you made your way down to the basement. You round the corner, eyes almost bulging out of your head as you spot the blond mop of curls by your makeshift bed.
“What are you doing?” You ask harshly, rubbing the last bit of sleep from your eyes before staring at him.
“Have you been sleeping down here?” Tate asks softly, ignoring your question.
“What are you doing here?” You repeat yourself, taking a sharp inhale as he finally turned around.
“What are you doing with that gay couple? I told you to stay away from them Y/N, they’re not safe.” He says, taking a step towards you. You take one back, shaking your head.
“They’re nice actually. You know they have names, right? Chad and Patrick.” You snark, staring up at him.
“I don’t care. Stay away from them— Violet too. You spooked her.”
“‘Spooked her’? I was just telling her the truth.” You say.
He sighs, rubbing his temples. “Just— don’t ruin this for me. Kay?”
“What? I’m not gonna ruin your stupid fucking relationship, Tate. Go be happy with her, I don’t care. I’ll leave your girlfriend alone, okay? Now can you go? I’ve had a long night.” You sigh, giving up as your shoulders drop.
You push past him, making your way to your bed.
“Why are you so jealous? She makes m—“ He starts.
“I’m not jealous!” You shout, eyebrows furrowing. “You wanna know why I was talking to Chad and Patrick? Because we’re planning to dig up my bones and bury me in some graveyard. Just far away from you. So, now you and your girlfriend can be happy! I’ll most definitely leave the two of you alone.” You finally admit.
You almost wish you didn’t say that when you looked up, seeing the pained expression on his face. “Wha— how do you even know about that?!”
“Moira.” You mumble, shifting your weight onto one foot.
“Moira? God damnit— look, Y/N, you c-can’t leave. I won’t let you!” He announced sadly, eyes glistening in light from the window above.
You clench your fists, anger bubbling up inside you. “I’m stuck here for eternity! Tate— this is like hell for me! You have no right to choose this choice for me.”
“Hell? You think it’s hell here?” He practically whimpered, frowning.
You stay quiet for a few moments, sitting on the edge of your makeshift bed. “Yes. I’m leaving, wether you like or not. Can you leave me alone now?”
It feels like the wind just got knocked out of him, dropping to his knees as he wraps his arms tightly around your legs. “You can’t— please. I’m sorry, please don’t leave me. You’re a-all I have. I love you, I love you so much—“ He begged, tears flooding his cheeks as his grip on your legs got impossibly tighter.
“Please don’t leave me. If Violet’s the problem I can get rid of her! Her family too— I can get rid of anyone or anything that’s the problem, okay? If I’m problem I can leave you alone! You’ll never see me again— please, I promise, i p—“
“Go away, Tate.” You say softly, wiping your eyes before any tears could start. He stops, eyes widening as he looks up at you in tears. “NO! What? No! Please!”
You look away, not having the strength to look at him. “Go away.”
And he listened.
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alectoperdita · 3 months
take care of yourself! but if you have the time, please tell me your thoughts on the last couple of 7th time loop eps.
Episode 6
Again, the Theodore-Mokuba connection is strong in my head for some reason. Mostly because Theodore seems desperate for his brother's acknowledgment and respect.
Also I love that Rishe just escaped capture within like minutes. Arnold wasn't even worried about her safety. He knows his wifey is super competent! Hahah. What a boss! I love that image of Jou breaking free to give a lecture, "yo, this is how you properly take someone prisoner."
Lol, Arnold full-on warning her: "you cannot fix me."
Okay, yeah, there's that brand of fucked up trust/codependency/misplaced self-sacrifice I can see between the Kaiba brothers.
Also the way she collapsed 👀. I feel like that may have been an indicator of a pivotal moment/relationship changed?
Yoooo how could I (and Rishe) forget about the kiss from the previous episode???
Episode 7
Ooooo she had a room prepared specifically for him at the villa! She wants to keep the same residence as him. 🥰🥰🥰
I can't believe it's only been three weeks in storytime with everything that's happened.
Yes! They're finally sparring! Haha I love the handicap equipment they're wearing for this duel. I know it's to demonstrate how hardcore the training can get, but the aesthetic is also very on point.
Also this dude, getting jealous over himself again. We love to see this. He just wants to monopolize all of Rishe's attention and focus on him. Also adore the fact that she's basically reenacting the duel to her last death.
Omg omg, scar touching! SCAR TOUCHING! The intimacy! Thank you I am eating well just on that one bit. And girl, baring your collarbone like that. You are testing him.
OF COURSE SHE CROSSDRESSES TO START KNIGHT TRAINING. Brilliant. Five stars. I'm already going feral over the idea. Especially if this allows her to go into the battlefield alongside him. Can you imagine her fighting on his side this time??? (Hopefully not for the intention of world conquest or whatever this time). But girl's gonna be one fierce knight/honor guard and no one will touch her liege. 🔪🔪🔪🔪 Truly this speaks to my Tortall loving ass. 😭😭😭
Episode 8
Also Theodore is being such a troll. He's getting a kick out of the idea of knowing a secret that his brother doesn't yet know about. I love the little gremlin.
"I must give your maid my highest praise." Translation, you look really pretty today.
Rishe is so smart, yet so dense. We love her. This is clearly a date, hehe. The man is playing hooky from work to take you out on the town and buy you pretty jewelry (and maybe test the extent of your wide and varied knowledge).
Hahaha and he gets her to accept by framing the extravagant purchase as a way to inject funds into the local economy.
Omg yesss, get a stone that matches the color of his eyes!!!!
"I JUST THINK THE COLOR IS PRETTY!" She protests. I'm dying over here.
(Also think of Jou in a similar scene 🥰)
He admitted to wanting to give her a ring because he's feeling possessive. And he gets soooo jealous when Kyle compliments her.
Episode 9
Oooo another one of Rishe's relationships from a past life.
Omg, what is with this scene with Michel force-feeding the medicine to Kyle and then making him explain it? I feel like I'm intruding on someone's specific and private kink play/scene. 🤣
Ahhh!!! Arnold gave her his pocket watch!!
We get some politics in this episode. It's so interesting to see all the little disparate pieces come together and present the picture of how Arnold may move against the nations of the world later. Because Kyle has just exposed a crippling weakness in his nation's prosperity. Any power-mongering nation would come to the same conclusion that Arnold presents at the end of the conversation.
Love the image of Arnold's eyes glowing like that. We love to see him play to his sinister image too.
Episode 10
The way I fucking cackled when Arnold showed up to knight candidates training.
"He's letting me get away with it! Yay!" Next scene: angry kabedon!
No reason Arnold can't have his wife and his knight side-piece. HAHAHAHA. I'm dying imagining the rumors already.
Oh... black powder must be gun powder... Michel wants to use it to rock the very foundations of the world...
Ahhh I love that Theodore has his little intelligence network.
So that's Michel's damage.
I like that not everyone Rishe has met or had relationships with is a net good or bad person, and that she doesn't write them off forever. Maybe in that given life she didn't have the knowledge or leverage to affect them, but she can try again in different lives if they meet again. I like the tenacity of her character.
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kitkatt0430 · 29 days
What's a character you haven't written about but would like to? O r a character you'd like to write more of, if you prefer
How about two for the price of one. 😉
I wrote Homeward as a response to a prompt from @avatarskywalker78 and in it included two OCs who are the E90 version of the Tornado Twins. Dawn Allen and her brother Jay. And I really want to write more for these two, though right now my focus is on other places.
So what I know of these two thus far is that they were born identical twins, but Dawn was quite insistent about being a girl when she was still very, very young and while Barry and Tina were a bit confused at first, they were supportive of their daughter even when they didn't really understand her. They've had their powers since early childhood. But Barry and Tina were very good at explaining to a child's understanding of logic why exposing their powers to others wasn't safe.
Jay is, of course, named after their deceased uncle, Detective Jay Allen. Dawn picked her name herself because she thought sunrises were beautiful and Dawn is when they happen. I don't know what name she was given at birth, but it's not really relevant unless I ever decide to write something about back when they were still babies.
By the time the baby twins were born, Tina had come up with a chemical formula that would bind with certain pain medications, increasing the amount of time it could last in a person's system. It'd probably cause a normal amount of pain meds to overdose a normal person, but in a speedster it makes the medication work - and last - the way it's supposed to. Tina was able to adapt the formula to bind to puberty blockers for Dawn and then to her HRT later on.
Jay has, absolutely, gotten in trouble for punching a school bully who would misgender Dawn. But Dawn has also gotten in trouble for punching that same kid for bullying Jay over being artsy. Tina had to be the one to scold them over resorting to violence first and not last because Barry was trying too hard not to say 'good job, slugger' to Jay and 'that's my girl' to Dawn.
Dawn wants to be a CSI like her dad, though she's just interested enough in pure research that Tina still has a chance to steer her towards a career at Mercury Labs instead of forensics. While Tina and Barry have a friendly 'rivalry' over Dawn's career choices, they've also made sure she knows they'll respect whatever she chooses. It's her life, she should live it the way that makes her happy.
Jay was nervous to admit he wasn't all that interested in science. He's good at it, but he's not really drawn to it. Unlike Dawn he really just... does not know what he wants to do with his life, so his parents suggested he do an Associate's Degree in General Studies. Which he could then build on for a Bachelors in whatever ultimately catches his interest. He still hadn't figured it out when Barry was captured by Zoom and imprisoned on Earth-2, but he either figures it out while Barry's away or not long after his dad gets back. Jay wants to be an art teacher.
They're both really close to their Uncle Julio and Aunt Sabrina, who are both in the know about the Allen family Speedster Powers. They're less close with their Aunt Eve (Dt. Jay Allen's widow) and their cousin Shawn, but that's more because of the distance between where Eve and Shawn moved and Central City. They do love Eve and Shawn and enjoy the chance to see them whenever possible.
Admittedly, some of this is subject to change once I finally start writing additional fics for the series, but this is where I am with them right now.
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hypnolurker · 10 months
So hot. I’m so sweaty. It stinks of sweat in here, amongst other things. I’m so exhausted, my body aches and begs for rest but I can’t. I can’t stop writhing and grinding and moaning.
They won’t let me. I’m not here of my own free will. They captured me. They forced me here, naked and exposed. They brought this crowd to watch. They made these lights flash.
The flashing. It won’t stop. It never stops. Flash. Flash. Flash. Over and over. Makes my head hurt. Makes my body stiff and my voice quiet. Makes me feel docile and obedient.
I try to stay strong. Try to keep the flashing from driving me crazy. I’ve only been here for a day…or…two? Three? Feels longer, I’m tired and soaking with sweat but the flashing continues. Even it I close my eyes the flashing goes on.
It’s some kind of mind control. It flashes and my hips move. It flashes and I moan. It flashes and I…
Space out! It flashes and my mind just unravels a little bit more. I need to fight it, if not for me then for Penny. I can hear her fighting behind me. Moaning and bumping against me but…but I know she’s going through the same thing.
I try to focus on her over the crowd. Their chants and cheers. Their eyes ogling me. Their hands reach out to grope me, squeezing my breasts roughly. I moan louder when they do, I can’t help it. They enjoy hearing it, so they grope me more. There’s nothing I can do to stop them. I can’t do anything but grind and moan.
I’m just a piece of meat to them, vulgar entertainment. I tell myself I’ll escape, but more and more I know I won’t. It’s getting worse, with every flash it becomes harder to imagine escaping. Harder to imagine what I would escape to, what I was before I came here. I can’t remember what it feels like to have my pussy empty. I can’t remember what it feels like to wear clothes. I can’t remember what it was like before the flashing blurred my vision and dulled my thoughts.
I can’t…can’t bare it…maybe if I just focus on the flashing…stop thinking…worrying. I’ll just watch the flashing and do…whatever they tell me…
Flash. Grind. Flash. Moan. Flash…
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violetueur-archive · 2 years
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the  intimacy  of  hands. » ACCEPTING
@fallesto​ asked:  [ lay ]  for the sender’s muse to lay next to the receiver and lay their hand in the receiver muses’ hand.  Angel Devil 
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She doesn’t know how long she’s been laying here for. At one point the sun had been high in the sky, warming her skin with an intensity that quickly went from comforting to painful as the hours passed, and now, as it hangs low against the horizon, the sensation lingers upon her exposed flesh. Thankfully, she had been proactive about protecting her face, important as it was, by covering it with a hat, but Nicolette knows the rest will be burned, come tomorrow— an angry red that will sting for many days after. Still, she has not counted the minutes or noted the changing hours. Her mind refuses to focus clearly and her soul is unbearably tired.
It’s only as she hears the sound of feet crunching through the grass, drawing nearer, that Nicolette realizes she’s missed a very important appointment.
Well, maybe that was being generous, lacking comedic weight to anyone but her, yet it was important to her, regardless. The visitor stops some feet away, and she finally reaches up to pull the hat from her face. ❝ Hey, I— fuck! ❞ The reaction is immediate, a sharp hiss leaving as her eyes peel open and then immediately begin to water, scrunching closed at the sudden burn of light hitting them. Gloved fingers quickly lift to rub over them, soaking up stray tears as she forces herself to blink rapidly. A moment passes before her writhing, wiggling body ceases movement and lays still again, head turning towards the other. She looks at him with an unreadable expression, but knitted brows and puffy, red-rimmed eyes must give enough away that he doesn’t immediately leave in boredom. 
❝ Sorry I missed our date, ❞ It’s said like a joke, but the smile stays at her lips and doesn’t reach anywhere else. It has become a bit of a habit, she’ll admit, to bother him ever since he captured her fascination during their first meeting. Nicolette has developed an uncanny ability to somehow locate him whenever he’s around, always idling in his presence until it’s time to part ways. It’s inconsequential and entirely based on her own whims, but she enjoys their time spent together, regardless. She doesn’t know what he thinks of it, but he doesn’t bother to send her away or leave on his own, but whether that’s proof of shared enjoyment or a result of his impressive laziness, she has yet to determine. Either way, he remains until the last possible second before carrying out his mission and then eventually he returns to wherever it is he goes. She occupies the time with whatever she can think of, perhaps fondling his hair she’s become so fond of or spoiling him with whatever sweet treat she can get her hands on. Angel, she’s realized, will eat just about anything you give him.
Lost in thought, Nicolette doesn't notice the movement made just outside her vision until suddenly his face enters her line of sight. She blinks, watching speechlessly as he lays down on the grass beside her. Nicolette is shocked even further as he reaches out, entirely of his own accord, and lays a hand atop her own, resting beside her head in the grass. Her gloves are on, but like this, palm to palm, she can still feel a bit of warmth. It’s almost pathetic how much the contact immediately consoles her from the troubles she refuses to speak of. You’re touching me, she wants to say. A fucking plot twist if she’s ever seen one. Angel has never once initiated contact with her, even when the threat of her depleting life has been prevented with a layer of fabric. Perhaps she’s allowed her distress to show more clearly on her face than she intended. ❝ Sorry, ❞ she begins softly, turning to lay on her side so that she could face him, but dares not move her hand. ❝ Today’s a... it’s— a rough time of year, for me. ❞
Mild surprise registers on her face as if she hadn't expected to confess such a thing, but it’s gone just as quickly as it appeared. An anniversary, of sorts. Of the day she freed herself from shackles of a cruel hand, and yet... somehow, Nicolette has never been able to celebrate it. Instead, all it does it force her to recall everything she’d endured before that day came, to relive the trauma that was so unfairly branded into her very being. It was a day of freedom gained, but an eternal reminder of what she’d been forced to live through to get it. ❝ I’m sure you couldn’t care less that I didn’t show up, ❞ she laughs, and tries to ignore the way it hurts to say it ( that there's really no one... who would care if she was around or not ), ❝ but I intended to, really. Guess I just... got distracted. ❞
As if on instinct her fingers curl around his, clutching his hand tightly, searching for reassurance and comfort that no one has ever been willing to give her. Somehow, it helps, and the smile she gives him is a little lighter. A little more sincere. ❝ I’m glad you found me, though. Even if it was an accident, it... it’s nice to see you, Angel. I feel a little bit better, now that you’re here. ❞
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captain-buckyyy · 3 years
worst behaviour ⭒ part one
summary: steve and bucky break your number one rule: no playtime without mommy’s permission
pairing: sub!steve x reader x sub!bucky
warnings: swearing, steve and bucky call reader ‘mommy’, steve eats reader out, pet names, male x male smut
word count: 2.4k
a/n: this is part one of two! hope u enjoy!
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Bucky can’t sleep, his head wracked with thoughts of you. His cock is achingly hard in the snug material of the sweatpants he wore to bed. You’re sound asleep next to him and on the other side of you is Steve, who snores gently. Bucky sneaks a glance at you laid there, your skin glowing in the early morning light; he can’t the way his hand palms over the bulge in his grey sweatpants at the sight of you. Bucky’s blue eyes can’t leave your supple flesh as images of him on his knees eating your sweet pussy out for hours flash through his mind.
“Fuck!” Bucky lowly groans as he kneads his hard cock through his sweatpants as you stir slightly in your sleep moving an inch, enough for the material of the thin vest you’re wearing to move and Bucky gets a peek at the soft flesh of your breasts.
“Shit! Fuck!” Bucky practically whimpers at the sight, his sweatpants are getting uncomfortably tight and his cock is painfully hard and needing release.
The sound of Bucky’s moans and sweet little whimpers entice Steve away from his dreams of sucking your tits and tasting the sweet nectar of your milk. Steve wakes confused and startled as Bucky’s moans get louder as his hands slip under the soft material of his pants grasping his thick cock and slowly jerking his hand over it, his hips bucking into his flesh hand instinctively as the familiar rush of pleasure waves over him.
“Buck?” Steve rasps out, his voice thick and full of sleep, his eyes adjusting to the light as he focuses on the sight of Bucky sitting up in bed next to you, stroking himself as he focuses on your body.
Bucky’s eyes reluctantly tear away from your body to focus on the sight of his rather sleepy boyfriend sitting up in bed, eyes zeroed on Bucky’s cock.
“Buck, stop! You’re gonna get in trouble,” Steve says ever the obedient little boy, Bucky’s always been more of the troublemaker of the two. Steve would do anything and everything for you but Bucky liked to act out, he liked the thrill of the rush and the way the paddle felt on his bare bottom when you spanked him as a punishment.
Bucky merely smirks at Steve words, the super-soldier couldn’t deny that the thought of you punishing him was exhilarating. The last time you punished him, his ass was red and raw and he came so hard he nearly passed out.
Bucky ignores Steve, too busy with the feeling of his wet hand gliding over his cock, high-pitched moans leaving his plump pink lips in ecstasy. Steve can’t help but grow hard at the sight of Bucky jerking himself, Bucky’s head is tipped back against the headboard, one hand gripping the curve of your ass, the other secured tightly against the flesh of his thick cock. Bucky’s teeth rake over the plump sensitive skin of his lips, clamping down against it and the moan Steve lets out at the sight is sinful.
“Come on Stevie, let’s have some together. Mommy doesn’t have to know,” Bucky says quietly not to wake you.  Steve sighs, his face taken over with thought as he weighs his options: he could be good and go back to sleep and pretend he didn’t see anything to avoid punishment or he could be a little naughty and have some fun with Bucky.
Steve barely has time to think before Bucky is getting up from his side of the bed coming over to Steve and pressing his lips to Steve’s. Steve moans almost immediately the moment he feels Bucky’s wet and warm tongue slip past his lips, Bucky can’t help but smirk as his hand slithers down to the boxers Steve wore to bed and he feels the hardness of Steve’s clothed cock. “Bucky!” Steve moans but the sound is swallowed against Bucky’s plump lips that are devouring Steve.
Steve whimpers as Bucky pulls back, his lips reluctantly leaving Bucky. “Shhh… we don’t want to wake mommy up do we?” Bucky says smirking at Steve as his hand palms over Steve’s shorts-covered cock. Steve shakes his head before diving in and capturing Bucky’s lips, his hips rut up against Bucky’s metal hand and small whimpers leave his lips as he feels Bucky’s metal fingers squeeze his hard cock.
“You’re so hard,” Bucky laughs, pressing harder against Steve’s now painfully hard cock. Steve can’t help the animal-like mewl that leaves his throat at the sensation.
“Please Bucky,” Steve whines, making Bucky smirk wide at the sinful sounds escaping Steve’s lips.
“What do you want?” Bucky asks with a smirk.
“Please Bucky, need you to suck my cock,” Steve whines loudly and that was his mistake. The sound of one of your perfect little puppies whining wakes you quickly, Steve’s whine is so loud it fills the room and wakes you almost instantly.
Your eyes take time to adjust to the light and when they do, they’re suddenly met with the sight of Bucky removing Steve’s shorts as Steve hisses in desperate want and need at the feeling of Bucky’s flesh wrapped tightly around his hard cock.
“Need your mouth, Bucky,’ Steve practically begs the other super soldier and Bucky can’t help but coo taking pity on him, his warm pink lips wrap around the thick base of Steve’s cock and it feels too good Steve can barely string out a sentence instead opting to moan Bucky’s name over and over.
They don’t seem to notice the fact you’re awake, eyes open laying watching them disobey your number one rule: no playing without mommy’s permission. It seems your usual good little obedient puppies are being naughty and from the sound of Steve’s moans, they seem to be thoroughly enjoying themselves.
Bucky’s tongue swirls across the swollen red tip of Steve’s cock and Steve’s body jolts as pleasure consumes him, “Fuck!” Steve says, tears falling from his blue eyes as pleasure wrecks through his body. Bucky can’t help but laugh at how far gone Steve is and he’s barely even started. Bucky likes to be submissive to you but on the rare occasion, he’s naughty and plays with Steve without your permission Bucky likes to take control and watch Steve squirm.
The sight before you makes wetness pool in between your legs, your thighs instantly lubricated and sticky with your oozing slick as you watch your two little pets play with each other. It’s arousing, there’s no denying it but Bucky and Steve have broken your number one rule so as much as you’d like to join them, have Steve suck on your erect nipples as Bucky sucks him off; you need to remind them who’s in control and who calls the shots.
“Well isn’t this a lovely sight to wake up to, my two little boys misbehaving and breaking our rules,” you say tutting as you sit up in bed arms folded across your chest as you glare daggers at the two super soldiers.
Bucky immediately releases Steve’s thick cock from the wet and warm confines of his mouth making your other pet whimper at the loss but one harsh look from you has Steve immediately shutting up. Bucky can’t help the way blood rushes to his cock as his little plan play out before him: he wanted Steve to wake you up because something about getting punished is all too enticing for the former winter soldier.
“Mommy-” Steve tries to but you cut him off.
“I didn’t ask you to speak pet,” you say, silencing him and Steve hangs his head in disappointment. He knew he shouldn’t have let Bucky get to him, Steve isn’t used to breaking rules and he’s not sure he’ll be able to handle whatever punishment you’ll dole out.
“Bucky, speak!” You command and Bucky already knows what you want him to say, you’ve trained him to perfection.
“Mommy, Steve was so hard, I had to take care of him,” Bucky says his blue eyes round and begging as he puts on that sweet like sugar voice he knows can get him out of any trouble. However, this time that sweet little voice of his has lost its magic.
“Steve, is that true?” You ask.
Steve instantly shakes his head, “No mommy, I woke up and Buck was playing with himself and then he said we should play with each other and to never tell you.” Bucky should have expected it, Steve ratting him out but he’s rather surprised when Steve exposes him.
“Momm-” Bucky tries but is cut off when you slap his thigh, his cock jumping in excitement.
“I should have known you were the little mastermind behind this, you like getting punished too much. That’s what all of this is about, you want mommy to spank and edge you?” You ask and Bucky’s head hangs low in shame as he nods.
“I’m really sorry, mommy,” Bucky says, his eyes glassy as he looks up at you. You can’t help but scoff at the sight of unshed tears in his eyes, he’s really committing to his little act.
You laugh and that’s when Bucky knows you’re not going to be taking it easy on him and he gets so painfully hard he’s sure he could cum just there as he thinks of all the ways you could punish him. Maybe you’ll tie him up again and make him cum so much he can’t cum anymore.
“Stevie, my little pet come over here,” you command, spreading your legs and of course your little Stevie does as you say and immediately settling on his knees between your legs.
“Such a good boy” you coo, hand coming up to stroke his soft cheek. Steve practically purrs at your gentle touch and hopes you continue to be so happy towards him.
“Now Stevie baby, you’re gonna eat mommy out and Bucky you’re gonna watch and if you make any noise or touch yourself at all then you won’t be allowed any playtime for a long time,” you say smirking at the cute little pout that etches its way onto Bucky’s face.
Steve is practically glowing at your words, he’s so unbelievably happy Bucky’s the only one in trouble and he’s of course happy he gets to please his mommy. The panties you wore to bed slip off with ease and Steve wastes no time, he dives in and the moment you feel the wetness and warmth of his tongue glides across your clit you can’t help the moan that leaves your lips.
Your eyes find Bucky and he’s looking at you with such intensity you’re sure he's bound to pop a vessel with the level of concentration he’s trying to uphold. Steve practically devours you, moaning into your wet pussy at the sweet taste of you on his tongue and whimpering lowly as he hears you tell him, “you’re such a good boy for mommy, you’re making mommy feel so good.”
Bucky can’t help the way tears fall down his soft cheeks as he hears you praise Steve; as much as Bucky liked to be bad and get punished he also loved to hear you call him your good little boy and right now he just wanted to push Steve out of the way and eat you out so good you squirt all over his face.  
Steve's lips wrap around your clit and your legs shake violently around his head, air leaves your lungs and you're breathless at the pleasure that washes over you consuming you. Bucky watches with envy, he wishes he were Steve and all he wants to do is make you scream louder than Steve could ever make you.
“Fuck, it feels so good!” You practically scream and shout, fingers tangling in the short strands of Steve’s blonde hair. You can’t resist bucking your hips up into wet tongue and plump lips and the deep groan Steve lets out as you do makes wetness ooze out of you onto his awaiting tongue.
“You taste so good, mommy,” Steve moans momentarily, tearing himself from the wetness of your pussy. He can’t help but stare in amazement at the wetness that flows out of your cunt making a mess on the mattress below you.
Steve’s fingers dip into your tight, wet hole gathering slick before he pulls them out and breathlessly pulls them into his mouth, hollowing his cheeks and sucking them till every last drop of you is on his tongue. “So good mommy,” Steve moans before he’s pulling your legs wide apart, two of his fingers in your pussy and his lips wrapped tightly around your clit.
The way his fingers curl into the spot that makes your legs shake uncontrollably makes Bucky want to scream, all he wants to do is to make you cum. In Bucky’s opinion, Steve doesn’t deserve to make you cum not with the way he snitched on Bucky so quickly.
The moment you cum Bucky can’t help the whine that leaves his lips. You almost don’t hear it too caught up in the bliss of your orgasm but when you do you can’t help but smirk. You’re truly surprised he lasted this long and even more surprised he didn’t cum in his sweatpants like he usually does.
The second the whine leaves his lips, Bucky realises his mistake and for the first time, he’s truly scared of his punishment. Steve, however, can’t help but be excited about Bucky’s punishment, he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t rooting for Bucky to slip up.
“Fuck!” Bucky mutters as both yours and Steve’s eyes lay on him.
You can’t help the chuckle that leaves your lips as you look at your pathetic little puppy.
“Please mommy,” Bucky begs but the shake of your head tells him there’s no use in trying, begging and pleading because you’ve already made your mind up.
“I gave you one instruction puppy and you couldn’t even follow that,” you say, shaking your head in faux disappointment.
“And you Stevie, you broke the rules just like Bucky did so the two of you are getting punished together, no playtime, no cumming for two weeks,” the look on Steve’s was just hilarious as if you just let it slide and pretend Bucky wasn’t sucking his cock ten minutes ago.
“But mommy-” Steve starts but a tug of his blonde locks shuts him up.
“If you complain, you try to go behind my back and break my rules then you’ll be punishment will be upped to a month, do you understand me?” You ask.
“Yes mommy,” they both reluctantly say and you can’t help but feel giddy about the torture you're gonna put them through for the next two weeks.
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
~ 𝐈𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐬 ~
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𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ; chan x fem!reader, bonnie&clyde!au, criminal!au, 60′s!au, bank robbery, heavy use of tobacco, explicit language,weaponry, mentions of infidelity, manipulation, mentions of murder, mentions of reader being smaller than chan, mentions of religious beliefs, authorities, american style!au, death, implied su-cide. 
𝘯𝘴𝘧𝘸 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ; SMUT!! sex against a wall (lmao good warning there cherry), dom!chan x sub!fem!reader, angry sex, dry humping, degradation, blowjob, face fucking, rough sex, dacryphilia, choking, possessiveness, implied corruption kink, creampie, unprotected sex (be careful plz), piv, clitorial stimulation, orgasm (m/f), cum. 
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𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ; 5.9 k 
𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦 ; this was heavily inspired by both well bonnie and clyde but also “the serpent” because holy fuck i loved that serie so much 
also warning right; this is purely fiction and not meant to romanticise crime and i think it’s pretty obvious that i don’t know shit about how to rob a bank neither do i know anything about weapons,,, so take this with a grain of salt.
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𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥.
𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘰𝘧 18
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It was love. Love had led you down this path and shattered the one you cared the most about, the one that held your hand, the one that promised to die for you. Silence filled your mind as you stroked his cold cheek, his eyes closed. 
Your partner in crime.
Bang Chan.
“Tonight, coming up on channel 4, the continuation of the Lagoons.”
You turned the knob on the car radio, the windows on the silver vauxhall viva rolled down, your hair fluttering in the light breeze that accompanied the summer heat. The voice on the radio got distorted as you shifted channels, the antenna on the car barely being able to pick up signal from how far out in the desolate area the two of you were.
“Who the fuck watches the lagoons?” you said, furrowing your eyebrows, searching for some funky tunes as Chan was driving, one hand on the steering wheel, the other resting on his thigh. He laughed, the cigarette smoke whiffing over to you, burning at the tip and hanging out of the corner of his mouth. 
“Where we heading, sweet cakes?” he asked, cocking his eyebrows and checking himself out in the rearview mirror. You scoffed, adjusting the silk scarf around your head and reaching into the glove compartment of the light colored interior of the car, grabbing the half empty cigarette box. 
“Don’t call me that, I’m married” you say, the flicker of the metal zippo echoing, a purple flame igniting and burning the white end of the cigarette in your mouth, the orange part quickly stained by your lipstick. Chan smirked, casting a glance at you as you puffed, putting the lighter on the dashboard and leaning back against the leather seats, exhaling the smoke through the window as you observed the mountains that passed you, sweltering heat making your vision blur.
“And still you fuck me. What’s he good for? Cheating on you? You should just throw that ring away, I’ll buy you a new one”
The ring.
You and your ex-husband never officially divorced. You just packed up your things and left one night when he was out drinking, probably snogging a woman younger his age. The emerald ring that he once put on your finger held no meaning, it was simply for aesthetic now. Memorabilia from when life was worse, reminding you to always strive for something better. It was ironic, the way the sun shined on the emerald green symbolizes wealth and toxic jealousy. You couldn’t help but to feel jealous of the many young women he spent his nights with. You thought you had moved on but maybe you hadn’t since you refused to let go of the ring. Thank god you didn’t have his child or else you’d be tied down for life. You escaped at the right time. 
You didn’t answer Chan, simply staring out at the window. The car zoomed past with speed, there was no time for resting since you two were the infamous criminals that could be captured at any moment, it was still a miracle you were alive and well despite how many times you’ve been in open fire with the authorities. The two of you always managed and had each other in the end and the plethora of guns that were loaded in the trunk could buy you freedom for a little while. A gritty highway that never seemed to end, the tumbleweeds rolling about in the distance, he searched for a place you could rest since dusk would soon arrive. Life as a runaway couple had it’s ups and downs but the worst part of it was not knowing if you would survive another day, cops could just arrest you, rip you from your lover and lock you up like you were once before, writing love letters to Chan on a filthy piece of paper until you were bailed out by none other than your mother that you abandoned for him. They didn’t understand. He might be a criminal, stealing cars with his older brother since he admired his fancy lifestyle with hookers, expensive liquor and gold. He was so close until he stumbled up to you through a mutual friend and fell head over heels, he was too much of a hopeless romantic for him to be able to lead such a lifestyle. 
A big sign was ahead of you, a small red building inching closer to the two of you. Sure, it wasn’t the safest place, anyone could call the authorities on you but luckily telecommunications weren’t that advanced out here, most of the news being the ones you heard from between others lips. You two were simply a married couple whatever new village you infiltrated or at least that’s what people thought, the two of you were simply well-off, being able to afford the most expensive cigars and perfumes. The cigarette had burned down, almost meeting your plush lips that were covered in the latest lipstick. You threw it out the window, Chan had done the same moments prior. 
“What you say, hm? How about here for tonight?” he asked in a low voice, his hair slicked to the side, his jaw clenching as he rested his head on the headrest, looking at you with a quick glance with a smile. He always smiled when he gazed at you, it was almost a reflex. He was too smitten with love. You nodded, grabbing your oval sunglasses from the seat in between you and Chan, putting them on and observing yourself in the exterior mirror. Now you were ready for greetings with strangers, hiding behind your dark tinted shades.
The young man swerves onto the dusty driveway, the dust billowing from behind the car as stones flew everywhere, the car coming to a hasty halt. Your back bounced against the seat, removing your safety belt and opening the car door, stepping out with your shining red heels. The hotel seemed kinda small, perfect place for two sought-after criminals to hide. The building was a cherry red, tacky curtain in mustard yellow covering the chipped white window frames that held up the grimy glass panes. It lied in a remote place, being the only building as far as the eyes could see, beside the hotel there was a kiosk where one could buy the most basic necessities like bread, milk and cigarettes. As you were looking around the place, standing with your feet wide and your hand on your hip, Chan was busy unpacking the car. Not the weapons that were nicely hidden beneath a blanket but your two small briefcases containing nothing more than a couple of expensive clothes, makeup, a small notebook of your poems, a camera and photos of relatives. As you observed the mountainous landscape and dry land where cactuses made their home a small old man hurried out, dressed in a half-dingy suit and vest, the colorful tie being the main focus.
“Welcome welcome!” he says in a scurried voice. “Please, let me!” The old man shuffled over to Chan, grabbing the briefcases out of his grasp to which Chan bowed subtly in thankfulness. You and him followed the man inside through a lime green door and were greeted by the lobby that had a dark oak check-in counter, decorated with small trinkets of older times, a golden clock and small piles of paper. The man put down the bags in front of the desk, you casting a glance at Chan that was looking at the keys and the tags attached on the walls on small hooks.
“How long will you be staying for?” the man asked to which Chan hummed, looking at you before clearing his throat and answering - “Just one night”
“alrighty hmmm,,, then I’m guessing a double bed would suit your fancy? You do make a lovely couple indeed” he said with a smile, showing off his yellow stained teeth, years of coffee and tobacco. You smiled, clenching your jaw in frustration. 
“Thank you, which room exactly?” you said quickly, wanting the old man to hurry his actions. He looked back, exposing his half-balding grey head of hair and stretched for a pair of keys at the top, the keys jingling as he put them on the desk. 
“Room 4, it’s just here by the side. That will be 30 dollars” he said, writing something down on a piece of paper. Chan opened one of the luggages, quickly pulling out the needed amount and tips out from one of many wads of cash that were neatly tucked away between clothes and other products. He put the green bills on the desk to which the old man heightened his eyebrows, the generous tip falling to his liking. 
“Keep the change” Chan said with a smile, picking up the briefcases and heading to the room. You smiled at the old man as well, picking up the keys and turning to head over to your lover. 
You put the keys in the lock of the brittle wooden door, a small golden plate saying ‘4′ with a clear font. As the door opened you were met by a rather rustic room, the walls colored light blue and the bed frame the same wood as the door, murky white duvet covers on the bed. Luckily it was just one night.
Chan started packing up your belongings, mainly picking up a map of the area that he bought at a supermarket hours prior. He unfolded the bunt of paper, laying it flat on a vanity that had a round mirror attached in front. He placed his index finger harshly on a certain point on the map, his fingers clad in all kinds of rings with jewels. 
“Here we are, Johnsons motel, right?” You nodded at his question, him continuing talking in a firm voice. “So if we take this route tomorrow at around 9 am we should be there by 10:50 am which is perfect, we c-” You interrupted him mid sentence.
“Chan, you told me we weren’t gonna do this until next week, we have money!” you yelled, only then remembering that the walls are thin in such a matured building. He sighed, turning to gaze at you with dark eyes. He hated it when you contradicted him, it was almost like he was addicted to making you his slave and sure, he did take care of you whenever you were hurt due to his actions but he liked having you totally dependent on him, risking your life for him. The veins running down his arms got bolder, he moved the arm that was holding him up from the vanity instead standing right in front of you with a wide stance, his eyebrows heightened.
“What did you say?”
Your back hit the tasteless blue wallpaper as Chan walked towards you, trapping you between the wall and his muscular figure. A harsh gulp descended down your esophagus as you gazed intently into his hooded eyes, yours twinkling with mere innocence though you were far from innocent in the eyes of the public. He looked you up and down, almost swearing with his eyes, gliding his tongue against the inside of his cheek. 
“I said why can’t we just wait with that for a bit? We robbed multiple stores last week and we have money? I don’t see why you need to hurry so, like fuck s-”
“So you think money grows on trees? We do this together y/n and I could just leave you whenever, I’d just laugh seeing your ass trying to survive”
He leaned closer to your ear, his body pressed against yours. His hot breath lingered near you, tickling the shell of your ear.
“Or better yet I could kill you, no one needs a criminal” 
His voice vibrated through you, the deep tone scaring you but oddly turning you on, the heat pooling around your core, your panties sticking to the thin fabric of your panties. You burst into laughter, catching him off guard.
“You motherfucker” you said through your teeth, smiling brightly at him. 
“I don’t like this attitude you’re giving me y/n, I’m not joking with you” he said with a devilish smirk, moving away from your ear and staring into your soul. It was almost as if he stared through you, his jaw moving as he clenched it.
“Does it look like I’m joking?” your facial expressions turned serious in seconds, the smile wiping off your face. You looked him dead in the eyes, not even flinching when he smashed the rough palm of his hand on the wall next to your head, the loud sound echoing in the cool room, the slight humming of the air conditioner above the bed.
“No and you won’t be after I fuck you” 
You wanted to rile him up even more, get him so angry that he had no other choice but to pin you against the wall and stuff his cock so far down your leaking cunt that you’d alert the other guests around the motel, hearing how good Chan fucks you. 
“Hah,,, is that your only threat?” you chuckled mockingly, running your pointer finger up his toned chest, lifting up his head by his chin and flicking your finger off it, striking a jeering smile at him. His knee traveled up your leg, jabbing at your wet clothed entrance to which you accidentally moan, the gain of friction finally arriving when your core was burning with pure arousal as Chan spoke. With a gleaming look in your eyes you rubbed against his knee, his slightly cold hands wrapping around your neck, feeling your larynx bob when you swallow your spit, not breaking eye contact for a second. His lips landed on yours, pushing his knee against your sex causing you to moan into the kiss as you rolled your hips on the flat surface of his dress pants. Your lips pursed, teasingly biting his bottom lip as a sign that you needed him, his tongue slipping into your mouth and danced around with yours in a sloppy battle. Your hands fumbled with the big metal buckle of his belt, undoing it in desperation and unzipping the black pants that covered his bottom half. Chan grunted as you palmed him through his boxers, his erection begging to be freed from it’s clothed prison, you squeezed his member, massaging it in your hands to make his knees weak, make him beg for you but this time you would be begging for him as he placed removed his knee from your dripping cunt causing you to whine from the loss of contact. 
“C-chan, please I need you” you pleaded in a thin voice, lifting your head up as his kiss diverted to your neck, his rough lips leaving kiss after kiss on the sensitive skin, moving down to your exposed collarbones. 
“You’ll only get what you want if you do whatever I ask you to”
You nodded eagerly, putting your hands down his boxers and stroking his cock, Chan groaning against the skin of your neck near your ear, your earrings rattling. 
“Yes, I’ll do anything! J-just fuck me already” you whimpered, your hot cheek against the wall. 
“Then you follow your little ass to the bank tomorrow and do what you are told, understood?” His voice was deep, humming as he nibbled on your ear, giving it small kitten licks.
“And if I don’t?” You challenged him for a last time, stopping your slow strokes down the shaft of his twitching dick and removing your hands from his underwear and instead wrapping your arms around his waist. He scoffs, pulling back and looking you in the eyes, slowly putting his hand around your throat and tightening.
“I’ll choke you to death, you know I’ll get away with it” he said with a lifeless smirk. You nodded in pure fear, your eyes twinkling in the minimal light that came from the sun setting outside the dusty windows. Suddenly his hands grasp a handful of your hair, gripping it by the roots and shoving you down on your knees that land on the frangible floorboards with a thump. He harshly lets go of your hair in order to pull down his pants and underwear, his hard veiny cock springing free mere inches from your saliva coated lips. Chan gave his cock a couple of strokes before rubbing the crimson tip against your lips, hissing when you poke your tongue out, him smearing his precum against the surface of your wet tongue. You pursed your lips around him, slowly working your way down his shaft, taking a breath of air every time you pull away, licking the underside of his dick with fat stripes all the way from the base to the tip, flicking your tongue off. His big hands grabbed either side of your head, him thrusting inside your throat, not caring if you gagged, that just made him even more viscous, hearing your desperate moaning and seeing the spit run down your chin and neck covered in his marks. Your head bumped against the wall with every thrust, your nose pressing up against his abdomen as he was balls deep inside your mouth. Your eyes burned, tears teasing at your tear duct, a cold salty stream rolling down your cheek as he stopped, pulling out your mouth, you coughing violently. He swiped his thumb over your cheek, wiping the tear with one finger before grabbing you by the neck, lifting your head up and looking into your eyes as he inserted his dick in your mouth once again, your thick saliva making his cock glisten. His silent groans only made you helplessly rub your thighs together, eager to have him inside of you. Every moan that slipped from between his swollen lips made the blood rush south, not to mention his fierce eyes that were glued on you as he coldly fucked your skull, no hint of compassion. He stretched out your throat, the clear outline of his cock making its appearance on your esophagus as he went deeper, groaning as you felt him twitch inside your mouth. As the familiar sensation of a knot in his stomach descended upon him he pulled out, rubbing the tip of his leaking cock against your glistening lips before he was quick with his movements. 
It didn’t take much for Chan to throw you over his shoulder, legs thrashing and you squealing, telling him to put you down. He did but not in the way you expected, slamming you down on the plushy bed, a fine layer of dust swirling in the orange sunset that shined in. The impact caught you off guard, knocking the air out of your lungs. Chan climbed on top of you, his belt buckle touching your body as he hovered above you. You hastily shuffled upwards to the headboard, lifting your hips as you removed your brightly colored bell bottom pants revealing your panties that already had a wet stain decorating them, Chan chuckling as his thumb glided over the patch of wetness. 
“You’re so needy baby, all worked up from giving me a blowjob, huh? I can slip my cock into you so easily” he purred at you, his fingers hooking at the elastic band of your underwear, slipping them down to your ankles, you shimmying your foot out of the fabric and letting the panties dangle from your other foot as your spread your legs, Chan being in between them. He danced his fingers up the wet folds that presented themselves in front of him, you squirming at the slightest touch. 
“You think you have control, you think you can do anything without me? You’re wrong, without me you’re nothing” he growled at you, his fingers covered in your slick as he teased your clit, fingers rolling in circles as you clutched onto the covers, knuckles whitening. You hurried by taking off your top, throwing your bra somewhere in the same direction, exposing your hardened buds, Chan’s mouth watering. He did the same, momentarily losing contact with your wet cunt as he pulled off his shirt, his perfectly sculpted body surprising you every time, as if you hadn’t fucked him countless times before. Chan attached his lips to one of your nipples, the other one being fondled by his hand, the cold pure silver causing you to shiver. Your hands stroked his soft hair, twirling it between your fingers and softly whimpering. He left tiny marks all over your chest, his lips sucking and gently nibbling on your supple skin. When your entire chest was a mess of marks and spit he lifted your legs, leaning them against his wide sturdy shoulders as he teased your wet entrance, rubbing his tip against your folds causing your back to arch slightly, a long pitched mewl forcing its way out of your mouth. When he finally slipped his cock inside you he groaned at your tightness. 
“fuck y/n, you’re so tight no matter how much I fuck you” he said, leaning over you so that your legs almost touch your chest, planting one hand beside your neck as the other one choked you, the restriction of air making you lightheaded but only adding to the pleasure that burned at your core as he relentlessly fucked into your squelching cunt. Your feet dangled near his shoulders lifelessly as the sheer momentum of his thrusts made you move upwards on the bed, the bed frame creaking due to the age it carried, you hoped no one noticed what scandalous activities was going on this room but it was probably already too late as your moans turned into high pitched cries. Your hands folded over Chan’s wrist as you tried to stabilize yourself, it took every ounce of strength to not close your quivering thighs. His thrusts got faster, rolling his hips against yours as the hand around your neck loosed, a harsh slap landing across your tear stained cheek, his thumb dipping inside your mouth, you latching on instantly.
“Look at you, thinking you’re so tough. You’re weak, remember that” he said with a lifted smirk, asserting his dominance through his dark gaze. You nodded, feeding his ego even more as the hand around your neck tightened, making you lightheaded with arousal, his cock ramming into your tight cunt that begged for release just like you. Chan loved seeing you like this. All fucked out with drool hanging from the corners of your lips, your eyes rolling back into your skull as he vigorously made your world shake, going hard enough to make the bed squeak loudly, the headboard bumping into the wall with every thrust. You couldn’t form a single sentence, blabbering incoherent sentences with his name stringed into it, in your mind you made perfect sense but your hesitant lips didn’t do the same. 
“f-fuck!” you cried out, the even pace getting sloppier as the skin slapping sound grew louder, bouncing against the awfully colored walls of the shabby motel room. You squirmed around on the bed, flailing your arms as you desperately tried to grab onto either your lover or the flowery sheets, your efforts fruitless as you felt your orgasm approaching with wide strides as Chan started circling your swollen abused clit with the pad of the hand that wasn't forcefully holding onto your throat, making you swoon. You arched your back as you couldn’t hold on any longer, clenching around his cock with every ounce of perseverance. With weak legs you interlaced them, trapping him deeper inside you as the merciless fiddling with your bud made you let out a breathy broken moan, your tits bouncing with the movements. The male looked at the tears that rolled down your cheeks, adoring your bloodshot eyes. How he loved staring down at his prized possession. He had ruined a once innocent girl, made her his with the mere power of love and crime. 
He lulled his head back as he was dangerously close to his climax, drawing in a harsh breath from between his clenched teeth, the air cooling down in his mouth before warming up in his tobacco-stained lungs. He was sent over the edge with a final thrust that made your body jolt in excitement, his thumb now simply resting on your clit as all thoughts were wiped clean from his mind, his hot seed spilling into your cunt, unknowingly making you cum as your abdomen contracted, your teary eyes squinting together, not in pain but in pleasure. His cum painted the quivering walls of your sex, draping his body over yours as he panted, staying inside you to ensure every drop of cum was where it supposed to be. His lips were coated with a fine layer of saliva, two lips meeting in a loveable kiss. It might seem odd to others. That you love a man that only brings you down or uses you, at least that’s what it looked like from a different perspective but you were infatuated, maybe even obsessed. He made you famous and he took you under his wing when you fled from your scumbag of a husband. 
Now Chan was the only thing that mattered.
He pulled out, falling down beside you, the weight of the bed shifting as his built back hit it. The cum dripped out of you slowly, hitting the sheets and staining them. You ruffled your hair before you stood up, cum running down your inner thigh as you made your way over to the shower. Chan instead crept down under the covers, staring up at the ceiling in a half lying position, casting glance at the dark oak bedside tables where a packet of cigarettes was left haphazardly along with your metal zippo, a gift from your dad that died in war. It was important to you, important enough to destroy you with smoke. Chan retrieved one of the deadly sticks from it’s pretty eye catching packaging and lit one end, inhaling the smoke. He put one hand beneath his head that was supported by the pillow as he other one momentarily removed the cigarette, flicking the ashes on the cold tile floor, the grey thick smoke spreading through the room, interlacing the bed sheets with it’s scent. The gentle tapping of the water on the bathroom floor calmed him, calmed him from knowing that tomorrow might be the last day he’s alive. Or maybe it’s you. 
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Here you were again, getting into the sparkling clean car that was loaded with nothing more than a multitude of weaponry that many times wasn’t used against civilians, just to give a gentle reminder that you don’t fuck with the two of you unless you wanna get a bullet burned through your skull. If they ask for it they are gonna get it.
Chan loaded the suitcases into the truck where a blanket covered the weapons, the pile of murder machines looking innocent like this. The sand of the desert was blowing in your face, your long skirt flowing in the wind. Just because you were a criminal didn’t mean you had to dress out of fashion, the style was a part of it. You gazed out into the valleys of dust, the lonesome tumbleweeds drifting with the wind like a blind rat following the smell of musky cheese, not aware that it’s heading to it’s own death.
“Ready, sugarplum?” Chan said, wrapping his hand around your head and leaning it against his sturdy shoulder. 
“I was born ready” you whispered into the wuthering wind. He smiled but put on a serious face as you looked at him, before walking over to the passenger seat, opening the car door.
“Let’s do what we do best, darling.” you said with a bittersweet grin, sitting down and closing the door. 
The bank wasn’t too far away, that being that it was still in the same state since many other robberies required long car rides that was either filled with funky tunes or more cigarettes than you can count. This one wasn’t any different. His two hands were gripping the steering wheel as he drove faster than the speed limit, praying to whatever nonexistent god he had in his head that the police wouldn’t flash their red and blue sirens behind the vehicle. He probably prayed to the money. He often said that money did things not even god was able to do and there was truth in Chan’s words or maybe the both of you were too infatuated with the idea of money that you would go to any lengths just to get it. Just to smell the fresh dollar bills in your hands. The car was in complete silence, only the growling of the engine being heard. It was always scary heading to a new place, you never knew what would happen there. Maybe it’s the last time you witness your lover behind the steering wheel, the last time you feel the wind fluttering through you hair due to the rolled down window. Maybe it was the last time you would see the emerald green jewel reflecting it’s light as the sun bounced off the glossy surface of the stone. You denied your longing for your husband, beside all the cheating and drugs you were ready to stay with him but there was one thing that Chan could do better; love. 
You could tell how tense Chan was. The way he anxiously checked the rearview mirror and forcefully looked straight at the neverending road in the middle of nowhere. It was pretty apparent that this lifestyle was driving him mad, making all his nerves stand on the edge of his skin, paranoid to the bone. But there was no end in sight unless someone else put that end there. He was never gonna stop, go as far as he could and shoot for the stars. It was people like him, greedy people that life usually steered the wrong way and well,,, you were one of those as well, greedy for luxury even though the life you were living now was anything far from that. You turned to Chan, his one hand rested in his lap and you slowly reached over to grab it, rubbing your thumb over knuckles. His eyes momentarily diverted from the road to you, looking at your eyes that were focused on his slightly rough hands.
After what seemed like an eternity, Chan parked into the parking lot of the bank, the building being just as remotely placed as the motel. Perfect. The car was strategically placed near the road for easy escape if there would even be any required. As you stepped out of the car you opened the trunk, uncovering the multitude of weapons that lay beneath the blanket and passed Chan his favorite rifle, the M1918 Browning Rifle. You simply stuck to a revolver since you could hide it in your holster for when you needed two hands to grab the money and shove it into the burlap bag. 
There wasn’t much thought needed for the robberies that happened this far away from the city, the local police station was a good drive away so neither you or Chan worried too much but it was still a risk. The big wooden doors were slammed open by him, a shot up into the ceiling shattered a lamp and next second your ears were filled by the terrified screams of men, women and children. You didn’t hesitate your movements as you went up to the multiple receptionist desks where the women in neat uniforms were all kneeling on the floor. 
“Get the fuck up!” you yelled, jumping on the desk and pointing your gun at one of the girls, she looked rather young and innocent with her dark shaking pupils that wandered with pure fear. You yelled at her to open all the vaults, to which she complied not having any other choice than to get shot. Her hands quivered as she put the money in the bag, filling it up with valuable green bills that would promise you dreams. You glanced back at Chan that was pointing the rifle at the people that lied down on their stomachs with their hands on their head, the sound of a child's tears not even bothering him or his conscience. You held the gun to her head, lonesome tears streaming down her face as her legs were barely able to hold her up. A smile cracked on your crimson painted lips as the bag filled up, the feeling of adrenaline rushing through your blood making you fly on the clouds, you could do whatever you wanted in this moment. You were free. 
Just as you were about to turn around, signaling to Chan that the mission was done you heard another gunshot that was foreign from the usual sounds of the weapons you carried. It didn’t sound like it came from inside the building. The second after you heard a window shatter, glass flying over the civilians that screamed in fear once again and then you heard a thump, a loud one. You looked over your shoulder and there he was, your lover with a bullet through his back, the puddle of sangria red blood spreading over the bright vinyl flooring. This was the sight you feared the most in the world and here it was, right in front of your naked eyes. You dropped the revolver you held in your dominant hand and rushed over to him as you heard a male voice over a megaphone from outside the building. 
“Civilians, exit the building immediately”
The crowd of people squeezed through the doors, fleeing to whatever corner they could or hiding behind the countless cop cars that flashed their colorful sirens. You dragged Chan’s head into your lap as you fell down in defeat, looking at his closed eyes and his face that turned a pale blue with hints of grey, he was cold to the touch and his blood stained your clothes as well as the floor, the dark red marks on the floor that lead to his body as you dragged him closer to you, cupping his cheek. Frigid tears rolled down your cheeks and accumulated on your chin before dripping down onto his face, coloring his lips with a clear sheen. 
He wasn’t gone, he simply couldn’t be. He was your Chan, the Chan that always got away no matter what. Nothing could stop the two of you, not a stupid bullet through his back. You shaked him as you sobbed loudly, your lips quivering as black streaks of mascara covered the supple valleys of your cheeks. 
“Chan! Chan, fuck!! Wake up!!” you yelled as you shook him vigorously but his lifeless body was limp in your arms, no sign of life to be seen. You hugged him closer, not feeling his heartbeat or lungs filling with air from this cursed place. He wasn’t gone, he was still here and he would wake up one day, you told yourself these lies because they are easier to believe than the cold hard truth. Your blood boiled with pure rage. Somebody had stopped your dream life, that someone being the law itself but no matter who it was it still stopped you and you never took no for an answer. Your empty lost gaze diverted to the loaded gun that lied only footsteps away from your cowered body.
“Exit the building, leave the weapons” you heard the voice call out from outside, the megaphone crackling and distorting the voice. 
What was better?
Dying in the hands of the authorities or dying in Chan’s arms?
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bump1nthen1ght · 3 years
Dangerous Liaisons (Reader x Tentacle Monster)
Pairing: Male!Kitsune!Reader/Tentacle Monster
Genre: FWB, Dark Fantasy, Sado-Masochism
Warnings: 18+ content up ahead! Description of blood and cuts, Mentions of past dub-con/rape (none depicted), Mentions of past murder, Just some bad people y’all
Word Count: 1695 words
Summary: After one of your neighbor’s kidnapping goes awry, you decide to make up for his lost prey.
Request: hi! i fell in love with your tentacle write, now my absolute favorite, so i’m here to request another one if you don’t mind. for this could it be a male tentacle monster x kitsune male reader? and instead of being traditionally good natured, reader’s of a more dark/evil-esk nature, as well as open minded to whatever kinks. esp anything rough, sadistic, & bloody. Tyvm!!
The cave floor is cold, icy compared to the humid air of the summer day. Sweat beads at your shoulders and your temple as you walk in, the shade a nice relief from the setting sun. You thread your tail in between your fingers, eyes drifting to the drying pool of blood near your foot.
“Another one bit the dust, huh?”
A deep gurgling sound crawls through the dark at the center of the cave. The looming stalactites and pitch-black emptiness might have scared away any nearby travelers or the mortals of the village, but you know what hides here; It’s not that scary.
To you, anyway.
You roll your eyes, walking deeper inside until you see the familiar form of your pitiful neighbor.
He isn’t terribly damaged, only one long scratch running up one of his tentacles. It’s one of his larger ones, so the poor little morsel he had captured must have shocked him enough to run away and avoid any of the other tendrils.
“Tch, figures.” You chide, kicking a rock his way. “Seems you’ll have to move caves again. There will be adventurers here by tomorrow morning to kill you.” You brush off the dust from a nearby boulder, plopping your butt on it as he moans in pain. “This is what you get, Nio. You got too greedy, kidnapping mortals to partake in your ‘fun’”
A lone tentacle throws a pebble at you, but you dodge. A set of golden eyes peers out from the mass of limbs, furrowed in anxiety. You had only seen the form he used to lure his ‘playmates’ a couple of times; It resembled a handsome young man, only entirely purple, with shiny skin and placating smile. It was just tall enough to peek out from the cave and attract any wanderers, coming close enough to be snatched up by his tentacles, stolen away for his sick fantasies.
“Besides,” You click your teeth, “They break too easily. How many have you gone through now, six? Seven?”
“.....Nine.” Nio hisses, rubbing soothingly over his slowly-healing wound.
“See? Insatiable, you are. It’s not a very respectable look, you know.” You stand up from your seat, sauntering over to where Nio huddles in the corner. You rub your neck, feeling the sweat pooled at the base, and your robe falls down to reveal your shoulder. Nio’s eye’s flit from your exposed skin to your flicking tail. A lone tentacle, dripping with a viscous ooze, slowly wraps around your ankle. You chuckle, the damp air slowly reeking of Nio’s pheromones.
“But it’s your lucky day.” You undo the strap of your robe, letting it fall down your chest and exposing your form to Nio’s greedy eyes. “Because I’m a little insatiable too.”
Nio’s pupils blow out in excitement, his tentacles shifting as he slowly reveals his form. The tentacle around your ankle begins to travel up your calf, leaving a trail of slime behind it. But you yank away your foot and stomp on the tip, Nio squealing in pain and jolting backward. You smile, his yipes music to your ears.
“Just because I’m giving you my time doesn’t mean you're the one in control, idiot.” You throw your robe to the side, slicking your hair back between your ears, “Now you can touch me.”
Two more tentacles approach your legs, far more cautious than before. But when they reach your legs, you allow them to fondle your calves and your thighs, that thick ooze making your skin light and tingly. You let out a long sigh as you let the slow-burning lust of Nio’s aphrodisiac slime run through your body. You don’t need a lot, but it’s a definite plus of these rendezvous the two of you have.
You walk forward, Nio’s hungry tentacles easily latching on to your soft skin. They skirt around your erogenous zones, knowing what punishment awaits if they do anything without your direct permission. But one tentacle craves the pain, and tentatively fondles your balls.
Your deep groan descends into a snarky chuckle, letting the tentacle press against your perineum and even prod at your asshole. But with quick precision you grab Nio’s wounded tentacle and dig one of your claws into his wound.
All of the tentacles around you shudder and tighten as Nio shreaks, but none of them detach, even as blood drips down your fingers and onto your palms. You pull out your thumb from Nio’s flesh, the tiny wound reopened from your prodding, and take a long lick up your wrist. Crimson stains your jaw and lips, smearing as you lick your lips from the taste. It’s iron-like, but just a little bit sweeter than mortals. It’s another plus of sleeping with Nio.
You relish in the taste, putting on a show of rubbing your bloody palm up and down your chest. Nio’s eyes squint in frustration, but they dart up and down the red trails left on your skin.
“That hurt?” Nio nods and you lick your lips once more. “Good-”
You’re left wheezing as the offending tentacle shoves itself past your asshole with no warning. Another tentacle wraps itself around the base of your cock and squeezes hard. You keel over from the sharp tension and fire that is stoked in your belly. You look down at the offending  tentacles with a sneer, but you can’t help the small moans that escape you as you’re stretched open.
“Oh, we’re playing that game h-huh?” You mutter, thrusting your hips into the tight, hot grip of the tentacle around your cock. That tingly sensation now buzzes across your shaft, the tentacle alternating between playing with your tip and holding your balls in a vice grip. But the hand you use to yank back his bleeding tentacle is swift, controlled.
Blood falls down the appendage in small rivulets, the wound slowly rehealing before you lick the tip. You let your tongue roll out of your mouth, licking up the tentacle like a frozen treat, just avoiding the open wound. Nio’s groans rumble through the cave floor and up your body. You sink your lower half into his grip, more tentacles coming to support (and grope) your ass and thighs.
Your hand squeezes Nio’s trapped tentacles, claws retracted, and coerce it further down your throat. Saliva and blood drips past your lips as it  goes even deeper, thrusting against the back of your throat. Droplets fall onto your hard cock, now covered in a mixture of Nio’s ooze and your pre-cum.
The tentacle in your ass has become sloppy, it’s pace haggard and quickly losing focus on your prostate. To kick it back into gear, you nip the tentacle in your mouth with your teeth, pulling it out completely before giving it a kiss.
“You’re so greedy, Nio. Isn’t this supposed to be a partnership?”
Nio growls, but you can see the burning lust in his eyes as they take over your debauched mouth. Your lips are bruised from the blowjob, your skin sweaty from the myriad of sensations attacking your body all at once. You kiss the tip of the tentacle again and give him a wink.
The tentacle inside your ass picks up speed, going even deeper than before and paying extra attention to your pleasure spot. You smirk, slowly reinserting the tentacle back in your mouth.
“Good boy.” You sputter, Nio’s tentacle hungrily forcing itself down your throat once more. It presses hard against your gag reflex, ooze spattering over your cheeks as it plunges in and out of your mouth, soon matching the tempo of the one inside you. With each jolt of pleasure running up and down your abdomen is another shuddering thrust into your mouth.
You take deep breaths, compensating for the thickness currently blocking your airways. Despite his roughness, you do feel Nio slip a tentacle back to the base of your tail, petting your fur with light touches as another one punishes your asshole.
Aww, what a softie.
You can feel a tightness beginning to cinch in your stomach, your cock weeping globs of pre-cum, spurred on and on by Nio’s aphrodisiac. The tentacles coveting your body thrash with abandon, shuddering as their movements become messier and messier. A tentacle presses up against your insides, barely leaving your asshole before pushing it back in with an uneven pace.
You moan, heading rolling backwards as you feel your climax approaching and your  muscles preparing for a big finish.
But right before you can approach that peak, a large tentacle wraps itself around your neck, and squeezes.
You barely hear Nio’s raucous moans as your throat constricts around his tentacle, the rubber band finally snapping as you orgasm. Your hips jerk into  Nio’s grip as ropes of cum spray across Nio’s body and up your navel. He is quick to lap it up, the tendrils soaking in it as the pet your skin.
Nio let's put another booming growl as hot liquid shoots up your asshole and down your throat, viscous and sweet like nectar. The heat feels like heaven against your sore muscles, dripping out  of your holes and down your skin as Nio finally pulls himself all the way out of you.
You collapse your body against the cave wall, sweat and cum coating your skin as you  slide down to your bottom, cringing from your ass’ sensitivity.
The air is thick, reeking of bodily fluids and sex. The pool of blood has long dried, barely leaving a dent on the cacophony of scents in the air.
After catching a breath, you stretch your arms upwards, craning your back before pushing yourself back to standing. You bend your neck too and fro, your tail lazily swinging behind you.
You approach Nio, still quivering from his climax, and grab your robe. You sling it over your shoulder and brush your hair back.
“I’d suggest you get going soon. We don’t want any stupid knights to come and ruin our fun, right?”
Nio gurgles, eyes drooping as he sinks back into his mass of tentacles, exhausted. You lean down and pat one of them.
“That's what I thought.”
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dr4cking · 3 years
First Time.
masterlist taglist
draco malfoy x reader | smut | fluff |
a/n : this was requested but my stupid self accidentally deleted the request. i’m really sorry to that anon 😭💔
y/n hooked her legs on his waist, burying her face onto his neck as he was telling her about his random story.
they were on their cuddling session as she stay over at his dorm tonight, but she has been feeling needy today.
she look up to him admiring his angelic face but all she could focus is on his lips, she adores the way he talks and sharing his story like she is his diary.
without a second thought, she grabbed his jaw tilting him to face her and closing their gap by connecting their lips.
draco stopped talking and put his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him.
they have been dating for 3 months, but all they do is just making out because draco knew she is a virgin, not wanting to rush her and making her uncomfortable.
the kiss got heated as her hands now slid into his tshirt and rubbing his abs, and when he feels her hand wanting to take off his shirt he stopped and pulling away.
“y/n.. i dont wanna rush you..” he said but she quickly pulling him again to her, pecking his swollen lips.
“i want this now draco.. i trust you.. please” her kisses move down to his jaw then biting his earlobe making his grip on her waist tightened.
“are you sure love? this is something big for you” he rubbed her back placing some kisses onto her forehead.
“yes i’m sure draco, i want it to be you and only you..” he gives in, his hands roaming up to her body.
"but i need you to stop me when you're not comfortable, okay? promise me you will stop me when you dont like it."
"yes dray i promise." she said as she stroked his blonde hair.
draco leaned in capturing her lips, their lips move in sync as the kiss now get deeper. she pulled his hair lightly and moaned into the kiss, causing butterflies erupted in his stomach.
he pulled away and placed his lips on her jaw kissing it softly and go down to her neck, sucking on her skin making a mark.
"you like it baby? or do you want me stop?" he pulled away staring into her eyes.
"i like it dray, just keep going please” she replies, playing with his hair and poking his cheek.
he keeps marking her neck making her moan softly and one of his hands starts to unbuttoning her shirt.
"is this okay baby? can i take off your shirt?"
"yes draco, do it"
he unbuttoned her shirt throwing it to the floor then unclasping her bra and throwing it to the floor too.
her cheeks heated as her chest now exposed infront of her boyfriend for the first time, her hands naturally covering them.
draco who has been staring at them, practically drooling, look up to her when she covered them with her hands.
"are you uncomfortable, darling? i can stop now"
"no, no dray dont, i still want it but i’m just embarassed, no one has seen me bare chest before" y/n explained preventing him from moving away.
"oh love, dont be embarrased with me, you're a goddess" he said before he kisses her lips gently, she finally gets comfortable and uncovered it.
he continues with his move, attaching his lips to her breast, kissing, licking and sucking her nipple while his hand massaging and playing with the other one. she moans softly running her hands everywhere on his body.
"draco, it feels g-good" she giggles in between her moan, interlocking her hand with his hair gripping on it.
he goes down kissing her stomach lifting up her skirt, his eyes held an adoration look.
"can i take these off, baby? you know you can stop me now" he tugs at the bottom of her skirt.
"please dray take them off" she said desperately giving him his permissions.
he takes her skirt and panties off at the same time.
now y/n is fully naked in front of him making him groaned, his eyes were admiring her glistening folds.
her cheeks heated in embarassment when she realized she's now fully exposed in front of her boyfriend.
"i’ll do something love and if you dont like it or you're not comfortable, please say stop, okay? promise me."
"yes, yes, draco, i promise."
he rubbed her clit gently earning a low moan from her, she closed her eyes as she arched her back, feeling the new sensation.
he positioned his face between her thighs and kitten lick her clit, teasing and eventually sucking it.
then he slowly inserting his finger into her cunt, she moaned louder and gripped the sheets tighter.
"baby, are you okay?” he said looking at her to find any discomfort in her eyes.
"keep doing it draco it feels so good”
he groaned when he feels her tightness, he adds another fingers, pumping into her faster and his lips sucking her clit harder.
y/n is a moaning mess now, this is her first time and it already feels really good.
"draco, i feel something i dont know what it is" she moaned loudly, clawing her nails on his shoulder.
"you're gonna cum baby, just let it out, i got you" as soon as draco say that, she came undone on his fingers, moaning into the pillow as she came, catching her breath.
"draco.. that was amazing” she smiles at him, her hands now unbuckling his trousers.
"i’m glad you feel good love. but are you 100% sure about this? please tell me to stop if you cant take it okay?" draco asked her as he helped her taking off his clothes. pulling out his hard cock, precum has already oozing out.
"yes, draco, i promise i’ll tell you. now do it, i cant wait any longer"
he lets out a throaty-groans at her wish, pumping his cock few times and lining up at her entrance making she gasped.
he slowly entering half of his cock inside her, they both moaning at the feeling of being connected for the first time.
she digging her nails on his back deeper, tears rolling down off of her eyes.
he looked up at her and stop his move instantly.
"baby, are you okay? is it hurting so much? i'll stop now."
"no, dray, it hurts a bit but dont stop, please, i can take it" she looks straightly at his worried eyes giving him her smile reassuring him.
"just do whatever you wanna do to ease the pain, you can scratch my back or grip onto my hair, okay?"
"yes dray" she replied, holding his biceps.
he moves again and pushing his cock fully inside her in one snap making her gripped his hair tighter, shutting her eyes as she steadying her breath.
he paused and let her adjust. she slowly open her eyes and nodded at him telling him she is okay.
he made a slow move, groaning at the feeling of her tightness wrapping his cock so perfect.
y/n was no longer crying, she throws her head in pleasure as he pulls his cock out and slamming it inside again, making her screaming his name louder.
"draco, draco.. it feels so good dray- harder please" she moans loudly at the new feeling, scratching his back and wrapped her legs on his waist.
"fuck baby you're so tight.. shit-" he moaned onto her neck pushing his cock deeper inside her.
she suddenly screamed his name out loud and he knew he just hit her spot. he keeps thrusting into it making her squirmed, the pleasure has been unbearable.
"draco.. yes.. i feel so full" she moans as he thrusts faster inside her, he can feels her walls clenching around him telling him that she's close.
"let it out y/n cum on my cock, love" he circled her clit in eight figures making her writhed at the double pleasure.
"yes draco.. i’m gonna cum" she screamed his name out loud as she cums hard on her boyfriend’s cock.
he ride out her high and reaching his high, his thrusts became sloppier as he feels his high approaching him.
he kissed her passionately, his lips are trembling as he feels his cock twitching inside her.
resting his head on her neck and screaming her name out loud, he finally came, hard.
he shuts his eyes in pleasure, mouth hung open as he catches his breaths, ropes after ropes of his cum shooting inside her.
y/n moaned, feeling so full. he ride out his orgasm before pulling out, slapping his softening cock on her pussy, landing the last cum before collapsing on her body, panting heavily.
he gets up to get the towel to do the aftercare and wiped their mixed cum, cleaning her up gently before slowly getting on the bed again, playing with her hair.
“thank you dray.. that was the perfect first time i’ve always imagined” she chuckles bringing him into her arms under the covers.
“no need to thank me love, i’m honored to be your first”
“i love you so much draco..” he smiles widely at this, ruffling her hair.
“i love you so much more y/n you have no idea..” and with that he reconnects their lips before wrapping her in his arms slowly falling to a deep sleep.
tagging : @dracoscum @hellounicorn @onyourgoddamnleft @whoreforgeorgeandfred @turn-to-page-394-please @underappreciated-spoon-321 @youreso-golden @silverdelirium @littlemissnoname13 @dracmalf0y-dm @f4iryluvy @starstruckgranger @lieswithoutfairytales @angelic-bitxh @yiamalfoy @black-repunzel99 @dlmmdl @i-love-scott-mccall @acciodignity @slythermuf @maybesandohnos @rylynn-m @arzfia @seriouslyinlove @alexthealexthealex @yvonnearce22
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edoro · 2 years
S2E6 Hunter-Belos Interaction Analysis
I said I was gonna type up my Hunter-Belos interaction meta, so, here is one of two or possibly three posts (one about s2e6, one about s2e9, and then one about a personal headcanon I believe is a reading that can be pretty well-justified by the existing canon.)
I am just really fascinated with the dynamic between Hunter and Belos. They haven’t interacted much at all on-screen, but each time they have, it’s said a lot about their relationship. The writing in The Owl House is really good in general but I think it’s especially tight in these brief interactions and that they communicate a ton of information. The relationship between these two is very complex, very obviously abusive, and there are a lot of layers to the abuse going on.
So I have a lot of feelings about that in general, the way these scenes build up our sense of this relationship - it feels wrong from the outset and just keeps getting more and more disturbing with every single additional interaction, culminating in the exposed rotten heart of it on display in the beginning of s2e9 - that I want to get into here, just offering up my interpretation of those interactions and what I think they imply about the relationship here, what we see on-screen and what can be reasonably extrapolated from it.
*cracks knuckles* SO
By the time s2e6 rolls around, here’s what we know about the Golden Guard: he’s the Emperor’s Special Little Boy, assumed to be the new head of the Emperor’s Coven, apparently a ‘genius teen prodigy’, kind of a smug dick, and… that’s pretty much it. 
Notably, Lilith doesn’t complain about nepotism when she talks about him in s2e1, and given the tone with which she discusses him I think she would if she knew, so we can pretty safely assume that their family relationship is not widely known. (I think, in fact, that Kikimora overhearing this conversation and finding out they’re family is what drives her to actually try to kill Hunter. Maybe she can out-perform him, but she certainly can’t out-be-related-to-the-Emperor-by-blood him.)
This of course is the episode where we find out a lot of things about Hunter and get a nice picture of the bad-but-sad-boy who will capture all of our hearts, but let’s focus on the first, oh, five minutes or so of the episode.
Right off the bat, the whole thing is unsettling. Belos in general just has a lot of creepy imagery associated with him, because he is an incredibly creepy and evil man, so that’s par for the course. 
Hunter’s standing there in the background, silent and attentive, while Belos gives his little acid-trip-vision speech (sidenote: there’s an awful lot of screaming in that vision for a supposed utopia?), but then oops! Ol’ Evil Emperor’s dread affliction is acting up, so he needs his loyal Guard to escort him into the privacy of the throne room next door so he can have an episode.
So we get that Hunter is in sort of a caretaker role here as well as being the Emperor’s personal guard. His line to Kikimora about being able to ‘handle this alone’ suggests some familiarity with these episodes as well as a sense of pride or accomplishment in it. 
(Also, as some people have suggested with this and some of his body language during the episode itself, he might just not want witnesses to whatever’s about to happen, both for the sake of the Emperor’s dignity and his own.)
 Hunter comes across as both familiar with how this goes - slowly easing the door shut behind them, staying in place right next to it, watching and not particularly reacting as Belos transforms - and tentative. He stays by the exit, looks away, doesn’t move or approach Belos until he’s back in more or less regular shape. 
(I’ve seen some discussion of what that turning away means. It’s an interesting moment - he watches the transformation and outburst, but then looks away towards the end of it. Is it just that it’s frightening to see your guardian that way? Is he trying to preserve Belos’s dignity? Is he trying to make himself a smaller target, since, after all, at the end of this episode it’s heavily implied that sometimes Belos lashes out at him during these episodes or at least uses them as an excuse to do so? All valid possibilities, I feel like.)
He’s jumpy when Belos takes that palisman staff from him, but that turns immediately into what sounds like an old and frustrating argument between the two of them. 
Here we get a glimpse that it isn’t just fear that motivates Hunter, nor is it only the loyalty of a subordinate to their ruler. The reveal that they’re related comes with Hunter, in a moment of stress and worry, asking Belos to let him help. 
When Hunter calls him Emperor vs Uncle is also interesting. Here he’s worried, so he slips into a familiar form of address that highlights the emotional connection, even though it’s a relatively formal setting, they’re both in uniform and were just in a government meeting, etc. S2e9 also has that kind of contrast - there Hunter addresses Belos very formally even though it’s a more relaxed, intimate setting.
The visual framing also shifts here. Up until now, Belos has loomed over Hunter, either hunched over and leaning on him (but still clearly much larger), or the shadow of his bestial curse form overlaid on Hunter, or him stalking forward to snatch the staff from Hunter’s hands. 
We’ve had fairly tight frames, mostly focused on Hunter, with only glimpses of what’s happening to Belos - the mask falling on the floor, the unnatural shifting and bulging of his body beneath the robes, the monstrous shadow, the oozing appendage slamming into that pillar - but now the camera pulls back.
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They’re still not exactly matched, but they’re on an even plane now, being looked at directly from this side view. When this moment begins, Hunter is standing entirely in Belos’s shadow, but he emerges from it as Belos moves away, and then follows Belos at a distance, addressing him directly, not as a respectful subordinate but as a concerned family member, and entreating to be given the information he needs to help.
Then he gets excited and slips even further away from the stiff formality of the Golden Guard. His body language, very stiff and restrained up until now, drawing as little attention to himself as possible, becomes much more expressive. 
He’s frustrated - “let me help” - and then he gets reminded of a personal interest and wants to tell Belos about that, since it’s both relevant and something he just seems to find interesting personally.
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Then, of course, he says the wrong thing. Belos doesn’t even have to say anything, just turns and looks at him, and Hunter immediately realizes he screwed up. He stumbles over his words, stutters a bit, then apologizes while once more shrinking physically, back to that small and restrained body language, looking away and hiding behind his cloak.
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And we’re back to Belos looming. He fills the frame up here, this huge presence that dwarfs Hunter by comparison and is so large it can’t even be properly accommodated in the frame. There’s all of Hunter, making himself small, while we just get a glimpse of Belos striding towards him. Once more, too, Hunter is engulfed in Belos’s shadow.
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He stands still as Belos approaches him, waiting for whatever is about to happen. He flinches when Belos touches him, looks down at that hand on his shoulder. 
He seems a bit surprised or uneasy at the physical contact, and I get the impression he wasn’t expecting to hear concern (or ‘concern’, as the case may be), but rather was expecting some kind of punishment, whether that was physical or verbal. But, as he tends to do throughout all of their interactions, Belos keeps him off-balance.
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With these two frames, we get the possessive-and-threatening combo that seems, to me, to be at the root of Belos’s relationship with Hunter. He’s looming again, very close, with the camera set low behind Hunter’s back, so we’re staring up at Belos in much the same way Hunter would be, only pulled out a bit so we get the full effect of seeing both of them. 
On the surface, his words and even the gesture are caring - he’s touching Hunter’s shoulder, a fond and familiar gesture, referring to their shared family and presumably their shared grief over the loss of that family, reminding Hunter of the connection between them - but there’s something sinister about it too.
He still looms so large over Hunter here, and throughout this scene Hunter has for the most part been tentative and withdrawn and jumpy, and he’s clearly been conditioned to fear Belos’s reactions to certain behaviors or topics. He makes himself small when Belos is in the middle of an episode, he flinches back when Belos grabs the staff from him, he goes quiet and shrinks apologetically when he says something wrong, and he flinches when Belos touches him. 
Then, of course, there’s that grasping hand there. In the end, Belos isn’t just laying his hand fondly on Hunter, holding his shoulder to demonstrate his care. 
He’s grabbing Hunter, digging his fingers in, emphasizing the possessiveness. He can’t let the same thing that happened to the rest of their family happen to Hunter not in the sense of being concerned for Hunter’s wellbeing but in the sense of having ownership over Hunter and being in control of Hunter’s thoughts, speech, and movements. 
I find it reductive and simplistic to say that abusers never care about their victims, especially when abuse so commonly occurs in intimate relationships of some sort, whether that’s family or friendship or romantic partners. Frankly, I also just think it’s more interesting to imagine that Belos does care about Hunter to some degree. However, I do believe that this is clear evidence that Belos uses the superficial appearance and language of caring as a way to manipulate and control Hunter. 
He’s playing on Hunter’s concern for him, on the connection that they have and the sense of gratitude Hunter feels towards him, and casting Hunter into a position of responsibility, not just for retrieving more palismen but also an emotional responsibility. 
He needs to not investigate or mess with wild magic, not just because it’s forbidden and Belos says so but because it’s dangerous and Belos cares about him and it would hurt Belos if something happened to him. Thus he makes Hunter feel guilty for this natural expression of his own concern and this very reasonable desire to investigate alternative treatments for the curse - the treatment and management of which Belos is also making him responsible for.
So we see that along with being a soldier, responsible for carrying out missions and ensuring the Emperor’s personal safety, Hunter’s also cast into a caretaking role. He’s given quite a lot of responsibility that’s really inappropriate to place on a child, and then he’s stuck in the position of not having the information or freedom to actually do anything about it. 
He’s supposed to help Belos through these episodes and bring him palismen, but he’s not allowed to know the cause of the curse or research other treatments. He knows what Belos wants him to know and he does what Belos wants him to do.
That’s a very common feature of childhood emotional abuse. The victim is simultaneously parentified and infantilized, exists simultaneously as an adult and a child. They’re expected to bear adult responsibilities and have an adult’s logic and hold on their own emotions and reactions, but are granted the autonomy and respect that a very young child might expect - which is to say, none - regardless of their age or developmental stage. They’re shuffled back and forth between the adult and child roles - or held to aspects of each role simultaneously - depending entirely on what suits the abuser in that moment.
(This very much holds true, in fact, even for adult victims of this type of parental abuse.)
There’s another sort of symbolism in that last panel, too, of the muck oozing out of Belos’s glove and staining Hunter’s cloak, a sort of literal visual representation of the toxicity here. Hunter is trapped, possessed, controlled by Belos, damaged and stained by Belos’s influence and the affliction Belos goes to such lengths to try to control. 
The middle of this episode both expands on the relationship and offers up some not-quite-contradictions. We see a more authentic version of Hunter without the mask and armor - one gets the impression that he crafts a persona to go with the Golden Guard, that he relies a lot on the trappings of the uniform. 
Hunter, after all, is just some powerless nobody who never thought he’d have a future. The Golden Guard is special. The Golden Guard is trusted by the Emperor. The Golden Guard is part of the Titan’s plans.
(What are those plans? Hunter sure doesn’t know. But he’s told that they’re there, that Belos knows, that Belos will shape and guide him towards that future. The Titan has big plans for him, and so he has a responsibility he’s not even allowed to see the shape of. He’s held to expectations that are never outlined for him, left to struggle and guess at what he’s supposed to do, and if he falls short then it’s not because he wasn’t taught well enough, it’s because he’s not adequate.)
He doesn’t seem very enthusiastic about those plans. He doesn’t seem terribly invested in his role as head of the Emperor’s Coven or even as the Golden Guard, honestly. He mostly seems concerned with Belos; helping Belos, healing Belos, the debt he feels he owes to Belos.
And speaking of - here’s one of our not-quite-contradictions. “Belos found me” is a weird way to describe your own uncle taking you in after some unspecified tragedy befell your family, isn’t it? 
There’s a lot of speculation about Hunter’s origin and also about just who or what Belos actually is, and I’m not really going to get into that here, but if we just take what we’re being told here at face value - something happened to their family and now Hunter and Belos are each other’s only family left - then things don’t quite add up.
If Belos was able to take him in after this tragedy, then he knew about that branch of the family at least enough to be aware of what happened and know Hunter was his nephew, right? Or did he only find out in the wake of that incident? 
When exactly did he ‘find’ Hunter? “I never thought I’d have a future” implies Hunter was a bit older, old enough to look around and notice he was different and wonder what that meant for him existentially speaking.
If Belos knew before, then why was the Emperor’s own family left to live whatever kind of life it is powerless witches live in this society? From what Hunter says - and from what we see of how Willow was treated - it doesn’t seem like it’s good. One has to wonder if Hunter’s asked Belos or himself these questions, and what the answers might be.
Regardless, it just seems odd, as do many things about their relationship. It doesn’t quite contradict anything we know, but it feels like a piece that doesn’t quite fit. There’s something strange there.
But aside from that, we get more of a sense of where Hunter’s loyalty comes from. He sees Belos as a sort of savior, someone who bestowed meaning upon his life. He was nothing without Belos, but then Belos gave him magic and a purpose. He owes Belos an essentially unrepayable debt - how much, after all, is a person’s entire life worth?
So we see another one of the hooks Belos uses to control him.
Then the ending of this episode ramps the implications of abuse up and demonstrates, specifically, the way Belos uses violence to control and intimidate Hunter. I find it really interesting because in a very short scene we’re shown not just that he does use violence, but that his use of it is incredibly deliberate and calculated.
We start off with some good ol’ emotional manipulation…
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So here we have Hunter in the position of the supplicant. He knows he screwed up and that punishment is coming. Any sense of familiarity or intimacy is gone. Belos isn’t his uncle; Belos is the Emperor, sitting on his throne and then standing tall above Hunter, who is his penitent subject.
Belos meanwhile starts off not just sitting in the throne but slumped over on it, head in his hand - the impression I get is a sort of pained weariness, a playing up of his condition. After all, Hunter was supposed to get the treatment he needs for it, and yet he’s returned empty-handed, even though he knows well enough how vital the palismen are to Belos. It could also, I think, be read as exasperation.
Then he stands, putting himself even further above Hunter and making Hunter feel even smaller in comparison. His dialogue, of course, is pure emotional manipulation - “Is this the thanks I get?” In the space of a day, we’ve gone from him telling Hunter he can’t let any harm come to him and he knows he can count on him to this.
So the nature of their relationship is entirely up to Belos. It’s at Belos’s discretion whether Hunter is his beloved nephew, his skilled prodigy, or a disappointing failure. Belos is the one who decides if they’re interacting as uncle and nephew or as ruler and subject. 
All Hunter can do is try and guess what attitude Belos expects from him and assume it (and interestingly, it seems that while he does know Belos uses that sort of subtext and has those kinds of expectations, he’s not very good at guessing correctly.)
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Hunter, of course, is appalled and horrified to be accused of being ungrateful. He’s wrapped up so tightly in Belos’s strings here and obviously has no idea how he’s being manipulated. He doesn’t see it as manipulation, he just sees that he’s letting down his sick uncle after Belos said he knew he could count on him. He’s obviously deeply distressed at the idea that Belos might think he doesn’t care and didn’t try.
And then he makes the same mistake he did at the beginning of the episode…
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(Look at that tentatively hopeful little smile… Trying to reason with Belos, explain his position, offer his help, show that he’s loyal and he cares…)
But this time, Belos isn’t in as forgiving a mood, so Hunter doesn’t just get away with a sharp look.
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So, a couple things I want to talk about here. The first is Hunter’s freeze response. 
Freezing like this is actually a very consistent response on his part to being suddenly touched or startled. It happens when Luz slaps him awake after the airship crash - jolts up and then freezes, looking at her with just his eyes for a second while he tries to get his bearings - and then again when the cardinal palisman swoops out of nowhere and lands on him while he’s talking to her about his backstory in Latissa. He goes still and wide-eyed, moves his eyes to stare at the thing touching him, and then starts shooing it away.
…Actually, he kind of also does this in the beginning when Belos touches his shoulder, doesn’t he? I characterized that as a flinch up there, because he moves his head and it looks like he sort of hunches up his shoulder, but that’s probably also to communicate that he’s looking at Belos’s hand when we can’t see his eyes because he’s wearing his mask.
(Interesting thing to note is that the palisman flies in right after he says, “At least you can figure out (your future) on your own.” Some nice symbolism there.)
Anyway, generally speaking, it takes some doing to condition someone to respond to something sharp rushing towards their face by going completely still and letting whatever’s about to happen happen. 
Yes, Hunter’s been trained in combat, so that would factor into it as well - he needs to be in control of his own flinch and freeze responses to be able to fight effectively - but given the context here, I doubt that’s all of it. This, specifically, right here, is something he’s used to.
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You can see that in his verbal response after the fact, when he’s thinking rather than just reacting on muscle memory and instinct. He closes his eyes, settles back into that penitent posture, and recites what is clearly a very carefully scripted apology: I’m sorry. I spoke out of turn. It won’t happen again.
Apology - acknowledgement of wrongdoing - promise to change behavior. In a functional situation, this is a good way to apologize. You lead with the apology, take ownership of your actions, and say how you’re going to correct your misbehavior going forwards.
However, this is not a functional situation. This is a teenager being terrorized with threats of violence for trying to talk to his uncle when he was in trouble. The scripted nature of the apology and the way that Hunter offers it completely unprompted by anything except the threat of violence makes it clear that he’s been well-taught here, which means this is far from an isolated incident.
Honestly, I’m surprised by how blatantly they get away with implying that Belos is violent towards Hunter on-screen here - I think about shows like ATLA or Gravity Falls, where the camera cuts away to the crowd’s reaction when Ozai burns Zuko, or when we cut from Stan’s father grabbing him by the shirt to a shot of Stan falling on the pavement, but the obvious intervening moment (the teenager being lifted and thrown by his father) is absent.
Here, Belos comes a literal hair’s breadth away from hitting Hunter, and between the fact that they chose to have him aim at the right side and the shape of that scar, we can reasonably assume he probably has hit Hunter before. 
I don’t even think ‘implying’ is the right word, actually. This is just violence. He doesn’t outright physically harm Hunter with it here, but functionally, this is no different than if Belos slammed his fist into the wall beside Hunter’s head. He’s using violence near and at but not quite on Hunter in order to very clearly demonstrate that he could have and that therefore doing so is on the table in the future.
And as fits that use of violence as a technique to control and intimidate, it’s extremely precise. Belos says, right after this, “These outbursts are painful”, but I don’t buy that it’s an outburst.
Maybe that’s the excuse he feeds Hunter, to make Hunter internalize the idea that if Belos ever hurts him, not only was Hunter the one at fault, but Belos himself bears absolutely no responsibility because he didn’t even choose to do it, but was instead simply so emotionally affected by whatever Hunter did wrong that he lost control of himself and lashed out.
So this scene is, in essence, a slightly more child-friendly version of Belos punching the wall beside Hunter’s head, then showing Hunter his bloody knuckles and saying, “Look what you made me do. You made me hurt myself.”
He’s not responsible for his own actions; Hunter is responsible for provoking emotions in him that make him act without any control. Classic abuser logic - the victim makes them feel things and the feelings make them do things and at no point do they have any control over it. 
With that sort of logic, then, one sees how the cycle of control comes into play. If the victim has that kind of power over the abuser, to force them into acting against their own will simply by making them feel things, then of course the abuser needs to apply whatever methods of control over the victim they possibly can. 
If they can convince the victim that this is true, then they can convince the victim that their controlling and hurtful actions are only a just and reasonable response to the power the victim has and wields over them.
So really, the physical abuse isn’t so much an attack in and of itself as it is another method of careful emotional manipulation. It’s a more brute-force method of terror, but it emphasizes the core idea, which is that sometimes Hunter is simply so bad that it hurts Belos, and that therefore Belos is justified in hurting him back in order to protect himself and to teach Hunter how to be less bad.
Living in fear of that kind of physical pain and abuse is terrible, but the component of manipulation there is another kind of insidiousness altogether. It neatly makes Hunter entirely responsible for predicting, managing, and responding to his uncle’s emotions, and it creates a built-in justification for however Belos feels like responding. He can always decide that Hunter was just wrong and make it be Hunter’s fault.
Putting the blame and responsibility onto Hunter like that does a couple of things. It keeps him from questioning the fact that Belos hurts him or what that means for their relationship or if he deserves it (of course he does, he was bad and he made it happen.) 
It divorces Belos almost entirely from responsibility at all, even in a disciplinary sense, which further means Hunter has no right to be upset with him for it. And if you do this to someone often enough, they’ll start preemptively monitoring and punishing themselves on your behalf (which, actually, we see Hunter do when he shuts himself down talking about wild magic with Luz.)
So I think that’s mostly it for s2e6! I was going to do s2e9 as well but this is already long as hell, so I’ll put that in a separate post. Here we lay a lot of the groundwork though - it’s obvious that Hunter is being emotionally manipulated as well as physically terrorized, that he feels a great sense of responsibility for Belos while also not being given the info or autonomy to actually do anything, and that he’s clearly used to being punished in various ways.
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qyllenhaal · 3 years
Pairing: Artist!Steve x Reader
Summary: Steve’s an artist, and you’re secretly his muse. 3rd POV. WC: 3.5k
Warnings: smut (18+ only, MDNI), oral (f receiving), unprotected sex. Fluff. Friends to lover.
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Steve knew it was a risk to quit his job and focus full-time on being an artist. His boss laughed in his face when he turned in his letter of resignation and asked Steve how much he thought his "little paintings" were going to make him. Steve didn't just face this scrutiny from his boss, but his friends too albeit not as harsh. Many of the people in his life didn't understand his passion for something that might leave him struggling, but Y/n was always there encouraging him.
"You may struggle for a little bit, but I think it's great Steve! Only one day into your new life as an artist and you already seem happier!"
Steve has known Y/n for almost a decade. They met under odd circumstances that some would consider a meet cute. She's still so sweet and bubbly just like she was the day he met her. It wasn't hard for him to fall head-over-heels for her. She always has a kind word and an open ear even during times of distress.
Sometimes he blushes when she gives him a compliment. She claims to not know anything about art, but every time he shows her something new she always has something stark to say that sticks with him. Maybe it's because it's coming from her.
His time spent alone in his studio is sacred. He converted a room in his apartment into a makeshift studio and he finds so much solace in those four walls. He has wanted to dabble in painting live subjects, maybe even a nude model or too, but he found himself getting real shy about it. He'd love to have someone to pose and to capture the way the light perfectly hits their face. That someone he imagined was often Y/n.
He was shocked when she allowed him to make her his subject. It started with him asking to paint a few photos of her she had lying around for "practice." Y/n was more than happy to help her friend Steve, only under the condition that he show her the final product. Steve found no problem in showing off the pastoral setting paintings he created, but it was much more harder to show off paintings of the person he thinks is the most beautiful person in the world.
Just like he couldn't muster up the confidence to ask anyone else to be his model, Steve could never ask Y/n to model for him in person. He found himself becoming too shy whenever the question was on the tip of his tongue. It would be much better if he were here in person with him, but he opted for photos of her clipped to his easel for reference. He'd finish a painting in one day and send her a photo via text of the finished product.
“I really look like that? It's amazing Steve!”
But eventually he ran out of photos. He tried to reuse some old ways and paint in a different style, or play with the colors, but it was beginning to become stale. Steve needed something new, but he didn't want to let go of Y/n as his subject.
"So you need new pictures?"
"Yeah — it's fine if you don't have any more," he tries to play it off as if he doesn't have 10 canvases in his studio of paintings of her that he hasn't shown her.
"We could take some more. Do you still have that digital camera you got a few Christmas' ago?"
"No. I think it got lost when I moved."
"Oh. Well I think Sam has a camera we can borrow. It's one of those fancy ones, right?"
Steve agreed to ask Sam to borrow his camera, but he honestly wishes that he had just bought his own. The amount of teasing he had to endure when he explained to Sam exactly why he needed the camera made his skin heat up. He couldn't stop his cheeks from becoming rosy when Sam asked when is he finally going to tell Y/n how he feels about her. Steve doesn't want to ruin what they have just in case Y/n rejects him. He'd much rather wallow in his school boy crush than put a strain on their friendship.
"How do you want me to pose?"
Y/n sat on the lone couch in Steve's studio room. It wasn't the best quality but it was still useful.
The curtains were drawn to shield the sun that was nearly set. The lighting in the room was dim save for the soft light coming from a small lamp pointed at her. It casted a warm, yellowish light onto her skin. She wore a white dress and kicked her shoes off at the front door.
"Whatever comes natural to you," his voice is weak as he responds. The atmosphere of the room is slightly romantic and he can't shake his nerves. Everything feels extremely intimate.
Y/n is almost as nervous as Steve. She's never modeled for someone and it feels a little bit awkward. She's always comfortable around Steve, but she can't help but get a little nervous when she sees Steve with the camera in his hands.
"You look perfect like that," he compliments the half-asses pose she's doing before snapping the first photo. He looks at the preview before the camera's screen could go dark.
"Let me see." He shows her and she just nods her head, "let me adjust myself," she whispers.
Y/n unbuttons the first two buttons of her dress, exposing more of her chest that only gives a glimpse of her breast. Steve pretended to not notice it as he took another picture of her. Once again Y/n asked to see the photo and looked a little more satisfied with it this time.
"Do you think that I could — nevermind."
"What is it Y/n?" He asks with a soft laugh that makes her want to melt.
"Do you think I could unbutton my dress all the way?" Her voice faltered as she asked. She watched Steve's reaction intently. She hopes the question doesn't make him uncomfortable. "It's just that I was looking up some ideas online so I could prepare and I saw this really pretty picture of this model and she was semi-nude but it was really pretty so I wanted to ask if we could try it," she explained; or perhaps over-explained.
Steve was completely dumbfounded. If Y/n couldn't see it in his dropped jaw, then she can see it in the way he just freezes.
"It's okay if that's too much."
"No! No, it's okay."
Y/n gave him a half smile before she began to unbutton the front of her dress. Steve tried to look away, but how could he not? The more she revealed herself, the easier it was for him to see the swell of her breast. Her skin looks so soft and he feels compelled to reach out and caress her bare skin. But he keeps his hands to himself.
"Is this too much?" The puffy sleeves of her dress were off of her shoulder and her dress was all the way open until the middle of her stomach. It's a lot for him to handle, but he feels blessed to see such a sight.
"No. It's perfect. You're perfect."
Y/n's skin heats up despite the room being cold. She was starting to get a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. It wasn't a bad one or an uncomfortable feeling, but it was something she wasn't used to.
Now she's half-naked and posing on his couch. The first few photos he took of her like this were awkward as they both had to adjust to Y/n being half-naked.
Steve couldn't ignore the way the cold air made her nipples hard and breast tender. Steve was supposed to be on his best behavior, but he is seconds away from making a stupid mistake with his best friend.
Y/n arches her back which makes her breast jut out at him. Steve pauses to pray that he doesn't get a hard on. He feels a bit like a scumbag for even having this dilemma. It's just his best friend's half-naked body — that looks so soft and tender.
He forced himself to steel his resolve and hurry up and finish the task at hand. He began to treat her more like a model instead of the best friend he has a crush on.
"Try this," he suggests to her to move her body in a different way, which she does, but it's not quite what he wants. He was hesitant to get his hands on her, but he went for it anyway, "a little more like this."
In the process of moving her body, his hand brushed against her nipple. Y/n involuntarily let out a moan which made both of them pause. They looked at each other before Y/n let out a nervous laugh to try to play it off.
"Sorry," Steve apologizes.
"It's okay."
He glosses over what just happened and goes back to moving her body to her liking. He can't get over how good she feels underneath him. The truth is that he was taking his time to be able to have this experience for much longer. He may never have this kind of closeness with her again and he just can't quite let go.
Y/n watches his face as his hands touch her body. He looks so handsome under this lighting and Y/n wonders if she's always felt this way about Steve. For some reason she feels lust swirling inside of her. She hopes she isn't making a mistake when she leans forward and kisses him. Steve freezes under her kiss, stunned by reality, but he lets it happen. Her lips feel so soft against his, just like he always imagined.
She pulls away and places her forehead against his. Steve still has his eyes closed, lost in the dream that is Y/n's closeness.
"You can open your eyes now," she teases him. He obeys her and laughs along with her.
"I've wanted this for so long," he admits.
The revelation is shocking to her. She had no idea he felt this way about her, but now she wonders how much she's been oblivious to.
"Do you want this, Y/n? The last thing I want is for you to feel uncomfortable."
"No, no — I want this Steve. I wanna feel you touching me," her voice became somewhat whiny as desire fueled her.
With her blessing, Steve did not hold back. He kissed her hard, the way he imagined he would always kiss her. Imagine the way his heart nearly stopped when Y/n kissed him back with the same amount of fervor and want. Her hand came up and rested against the stubble on his cheek. They wish they could say their kiss was delicate, but it was not; it was sloppy and their tongues danced with each other.
When Steve pulls away, he's out of breath, but he's happy. The light touches he gave to her body earlier were not a bit rougher. He wants to explore every inch of her body in seconds, but he wants to be patient; he has all night to discover every inch of her.
"Touch me right here, Steve."
Y/n places his hands on her breast with his thumbs in reach of her nipples. Steve's thumb runs across her taut nipples which makes her sigh. "You like that?" He asks with a bit more confidence. She nods her head and her approval emboldens him. “Good.”
His lips ghost across the skin on her neck before he places a wet kiss against the skin on her throat. He can feel her breath hitch every time he places a tender kiss on her flesh. She smells like lavender and it makes him feel dizzy. He keeps playing with her nipples as he begins to suck on her neck. Y/n wants to just lay there and take in the feeling of him spoiling her, but she also wants to hear him moan. She strokes the bulge in his pants with her knee and she feels him groan against her skin. He lightly grinds himself against her knee to relieve all of the tension that built up inside of him. Neither of them are sure who wants who more, but it doesn’t matter to either of them. Knowing that this is an equal exchange of love and lust is enough for the two of them.
“Oh god Steve,” Y/n coos when he sucks on the most sensitive part of her neck. They’ve only just begun, but he makes her feel so good. A part of her is wishing that she had discovered Steve’s crush on her a long time ago, but she has him now and that’s all that matters.
“I wanna make you feel good,” he says against her skin, “I wanna make you cum.”
Y/n can’t help but moan at his confession. She can already imagine how it would feel to have him between her legs.
“Please Steve!”
Steve sits up just to push her dress up. The cotton panties she wears has a pink bow sewn onto it and he finds it adorable. He glances back up at her and he notices that she’s looking away from him. She’s now feeling bashful knowing that he’s going to see her completely naked even though she wants all of this and more. “It’s okay, pretty girl,” Steve pacifies her by slowly stroking her outer thigh. She finally looks at him, her pupils wide with lust. She almost sighs in content when he starts to slide her panties down. The cool air of the rooms only heats her up once it hits her hot sex.
“My god,” Steve whispers to himself. She looks so pretty, but she’s absolutely messy between her legs. She places her foot on the back of his couch to spread herself wider for him. “Good girl.”
Steve lowers himself between her legs and just stares at her for a moment. He wants to remember this for the rest of his life just in case this is the last time something like this happens between the two of them. He would be crushed if Y/n asked to just continue on as friend’s after this, but he would be eternally grateful that she granted him this opportunity. All he wants to do is make her feel good; his pleasure will follow suit, but it’s all about her.
One of his fingers runs along the edge of her folds. Y/n whimpers at the delicate way he treats her body. She feels so lucky to have someone so kind and sweet like Steve. He touches her with care, and love is in every stroke. “You’re so perfect,” he says before kissing her inner thigh. Every part of her body is sensitive but somehow she is able to withstand it all.
The first lick to her pussy overblows both of their senses. She’s sweet like honey and juicy like a peach. Steve’s first instinct is to groan against her pussy which sends vibration throughout her entire body. She feels like she’s on fire as all of the blood in her body goes straight to her sensitive nub. His tongue focuses on her clit and she’s in heaven. Steve’s tongue moves with so much skill and precision, but most importantly, passion. Steve treats her like he truly wants her, and Y/n can’t help but fall for him at this moment.
“You taste so good,” he coos against her slick.
The way he paws at her body while licking her pussy makes her feel like she’s being worshiped. Tears well in her eyes the harder he sucks at her clit. She hopes his neighbors’ aren’t home because they’d probably be annoyed at the loud sounds of her cries of pleasure. He has her on the edge and it just takes him rolling her nipples with his fingers that finally push her over.
“Don’t stop, don’t stop!”
Her cries are so angelic to him. And as much as he wants to keep licking her out, Steve needs to be inside of her so bad. He tames himself and pulls his mouth away from her to pull himself out of his pants. His incredibly hard, the head of his cock an angry red as it leaks pre-cum. “This is what you do to me,” his words are haunting. Y/n whines and wiggles her hips from being so impatient.
Steve lowers himself and presses the head of her cock at her opening. She’s so slippery that he pushes into her with ease. His cock is so big that she inhales sharply as she takes all of him inside of her. Her walls are like silk around him.
“So tight baby — oh god.”
Steve feels like he’s going to explode already. Her pussy is squeezing him and she looks up at him with wide eyes as she takes his cock like a good girl. It is the hardest task he’s ever faced in his life to not cum already. She just feels so good.
“Are you okay?” He asks sweetly before dipping his head to kiss her forehead.
She nods her head, “yes, Steve…feels so good,” she manages to speak coherently.
Her legs were thrown over his legs which allows him to fuck deeper into her. She looks so beautiful underneath him. Steve wants to feel her cum on his cock so bad. She flutters around him when he pulls out of her only to push back in seconds later.
Steve can only control himself for so long before he’s pounding into her. The cry of his name on her lips is so saccharine that it gives him a sweet tooth. He sucks on the skin of her neck to satisfy that need while Y/n places her hand on the back of his head as she moans for him.
“I’m gonna cum Steve! You’re going to make me cum!”
The ridges of his cock feels so good inside of her, but what really does it for her is how the head of his cock is kissing her cervix. The stretch of his cock is such a delicious burn that she wants him inside forever. With his face planted in her neck, lips kissing at her skin, Y/n is completely enamored with the way Steve consumes all of her. She is his just as much as he is her.
He feels her sex squeeze him one more time before she’s cumming all around him. She clings to him as her orgasm ravages through her. Steve fucks her through it before reluctantly pulling out of her. Her jerks himself off until he’s cumming all over her pretty tits, painting her body like she’s one of the world’s most precious masterpieces.
The two are completely spent as their limbs dangle off of his couch. Y/n’s heart is full feeling his cum cooling on her chest. She dips a finger in his spent and sucks it off, savoring his taste since she didn’t get a chance to go down on him. Steve almost passes out at the sight.
“You’re crushing my legs Steve,” she laughs warmly. He rolls off of her and off of the couch entirely.
Steve grabs a towel and starts t0 clean up her chest. He remembers what they were supposed to be accomplishing, but after what just happened between the two of them, Steve is certain he won’t be anxious about asking her to be his model again.
“So, where do we go from here?”
The question catches him off guard. He slowly wipes away his cum with the damp towel from her chest. As much as finding the answer to this question is hard, he is happy that she asked it because it means that she’s giving him a chance.
“I don’t want this to be the last time we do this,” Steve admits. He’s quickly become addicted to the way their foreheads pressed together; it just feels so intimate. “I love you too much for this to be the last time we ever spend like this together.”
As much as tonight has been shocking to her after the revelation of Steve proving to her that he loves her, she’s only overwhelmed with positive emotions.
“Then let’s not let this be the last time,” she whispers against his lips.
A wave of relief washes over Steve as he just lays there against, their bare bodies pressed against each other as if this is always how it should’ve been. His only hope is that they can stay like this forever.
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otptings · 3 years
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♧Requested? Yes
♧Idol; Jaehyun
♧Genre; FWBs to Lover, College Au (Frat)
♧Warning; jealousy, alcohol, unprotected sex, some degradation, fingering, mid sex confessions
♧Synopsis; You and Jaehyun have been friends with benefits for months now, but what happens when you want to be something more. Guess one of you will have to put your stubborn pride aside.
♧A/n I tried to make this just jealous sex but added feelings to it because I am a simp (this has now been edited)
“Yo, isn’t that the girl you like?” Jaehyun craned his head towards Mark in an attempt to hear him better over the music blasting from several speakers spread throughout the frat house. This was a normal Friday at NCT Frat House.
The house was filled to the brim with college students, anyone who was willinging to pay the 15 dollar entrance fee. Everywhere you turned there were drunk college students, dancing and grinding against each other on the dance floor. If you looked hard enough you could probably see the ‘couples’ - read hookups -  dry humping on the couches, or making out in the corners. Clouds of marijuana hung over the crowd on the makeshift dance floor, the stench spreading throughout the house but no one seemed to mind.
Jaehyun turned his head, trying to see who Mark was talking about. That’s when his eyes landed on you. Dancing with some guy with long blond hair. Wearing a small minidress that was slowly getting pushed up from the guy’s hand sliding up your thigh. Your breasts pushed up against his chest, but what Jaehyun saw next made his blood boil.
You were smiling at the dude happily, an absolutely breathtaking smile that should be reserved only for Jaehyun. Jaehyun bit back the growl, and took another sip from his cup, allowing the jungle juice to relax him.
“We only fuck. I don’t like her.” Mark let out an amused hum, giggling a little as he took another sip of his beer. Almost as if he knew something that Jaehyun didn’t.
“Welp,” Mark clapped Jaehyun on his back causing him to stumble a little, he might’ve pregamed decently hard before the party “Looks like she’s going to fuck him instead.” Speaking of the devil, you seemed to hear Mark’s words, because you turned your head and looked directly at Jaehyun.
You smirked a little when you saw Jaehyun poke his cheek with his tongue, knowing that your plan had worked. When Jaehyun turned his head back to Mark you sent him a week, to which he raised his beer the tiniest bit to not leave Jaehyun suspicious. When Jaehyun turned to look at you again, you quickly looked at Yuta.
“I think our plan worked.” Yuta laughed as he moved his hand to your waist, keeping your dress pushed up to tease Jaehyun a little more.
“He’s gonna try to fight me before the night ends.” You shared a laugh, knowing that his statement was partially true. If your plan worked the way you wanted it to, he’d be too distracted. Glancing over Yuta’s shoulder you made eye contact with Jaehyun, even in the dark room you could see that his eyes were darkened, an anger simmering underneath of them.
You knew he was jealous in the way that he took one last sip from his cup, before slamming it down on the kitchen counter beside him, some of the liquid spilling over the sides. Jaehyun began to walk away, turning back one last time before disappearing up the stairs.
“I think I’m in trouble.” Yuta shook his head at how gleeful you were saying the word trouble, feeling a bit relieved knowing that he could still leave the party with Mark as intended.
“Go get your man.” You gave Yuta one last wink before you two went your separate way. Quickly jogging up the steps, careful to not trip over your heels in your haste.
As you approached his room you could see his led lights and hear the soft R&B music flowing through the cracked door, noticeable even over the loud music that was drifting from downstairs. You pushed his door open, seeing him laying on his bed. Arms crossed behind his head as he watched you intensely. You felt a shiver run through you as you closed the door, excitement at the thought of what was to come. Locking the door you turned back around to Jaehyun, smiling sweetly at him as you walked further into his room.
“Strip.” Jaehyun’s voice was deep, in the way it usually is right before he fucks your life up. You slowly took your dress off, sliding it down your legs. Jaehyun’s eyes stayed trained on you, watching as you teasingly took your underwear off, before letting them pool at your feet along with your dress.
Jaehyun stood up, making you feel incredibly smaller than him as he circled you. His eyes watching, almost like a predator stalking their prey as he left no part of you unseen. You realized all too late what was in his eyes as he bent you over the edge of the bed, a gasp leaving your lips. It was hunger.
“You’re such a fucking tease. Making me watch you dance with Yuta,” Jaehyun held both your wrists with one hand while the other roamed your body, goosebumps erupting in his wake, you couldn’t be bothered to realize that he knew your plan the whole time, “so you deserve the same treatment.” His hand slid to your ass, squeezing it hard causing your lips to seperate, arousal coating them even though you’ve barely started. The effects of lust being felt deep in your stomach.
He cupped your cunt, a whine growing in your throat. You tried to grind against his hand but he only pulled it away, causing the whine to actually leave your mouth.
“Jaehyun please.” In response he pressed his growing erection against his thigh. Not letting you feel him where you truly wanted him.
“Why should I be nice to a whore? You’ve been so mean all night, making me watch you dance with a gay guy.” A teasing tone in his voice, his hand roaming over your body again, gliding his fingers through your essence that was starting to drip from your cunt. He pressed his finger against your opening, teasing the tip over your hole causing you to cry out in need.
“Already so wet for me. We haven’t even started,” Jaehyun pushed his finger in barely, before pulling it out. Whines steadily flowed from your mouth as he continued to tease you, giving you exactly what you needed, but not enough of it. Jaehyun decided to listen to your pleas and press his finger into the knuckle, listening to the way that your whines turned into mewls.
Jaehyun leaned down, pressing kisses along your neck and back as his finger steadily thrust into you. One finger wasn’t enough though. You needed more. You were desperate for him.
Having Jaehyun fully dressed above your naked body, doing whatever he wanted to you. Not being able to stop him gave you a different adrenaline rush. Knowing that you could attempt to influence him but he had the overall choice.
Normally that would terrify you, but with Jaehyun it only made everything more exciting. He was in control. The feeling was almost too much, just knowing that you couldn’t do anything. Jaehyun seemed to read your thoughts as he inserted another finger, curling them both while he stretched you.
“So gorgeous. If you weren’t such a slut I’d take my time with you.” You didn’t bother focusing on his words, only worried about the way his fingers massaged into you perfectly.  Jaehyun always knows what you like, and knows the perfect ways to make you putty in his hands. Ruining you for everyone else. Constantly keeping your thoughts focused on him outside of these hookups.
You’d get the sudden urge to text him while watching your favorite shows, imagining how’d it would feel to cuddle up next to him on the stage, or imagine bringing his favorite coffee order before he went to his early morning class. You’d walk through the campus, getting glimpses of him out with his friends. All he’d do is smile at you, a simple greeting shared only between the two of you. You wanted more, but you didn’t know what you actually wanted.
You came back to the present as Jaehyun teased his third finger around your opening, inserting it causing another round of moans to leave your mouth. His fingers never ceased as he laughed at you, scissoring and massaging at your walls, teasing your g spot with every thrust. You didn't know what you should focus on, the dull pain in your shoulders from him restricting your arms for so long or the pleasure from Jaehyun knowing every inch of your body and knowing exactly what makes you tick.
“Such a loud fucking slut. Bet everyone in the party can hear you moaning like a bitch in heat,” A cruel chuckle left his mouth, “and I've only fingered you. Imagine how loud you’re going to be for my dick.”
You nodded quickly, pleas flooding out of your mouth between moans. Jaehyun would never let on just how much he loved your moans. They were always a sign of just how good he made you feel. Only him. He knew he should be teasing you because of your shitty plan but he only wanted to be inside of you, feeling your juices coating his dick, and your tight walls squeezing him.
Jaehyun backed up, quickly dropping his jeans and boxers in a pile beside your dress. He contemplated grabbing a condom but he knew you were a cum slut. Jaehyun rolled you over on your back, switching the position so that he was comfortably between your legs. Pride filled him as he looked down at you, seeing just how fucked out you were already. He cupped your cheek, a sweet movement contradicting the way he’s been acting.
Leaning in he quickly captured your lips, smiling as you eagerly kissed him back. The hand cupping your cheek slid down to your neck, squeezing it gently causing you to moan, one that was swallowed as you kissed. Without warning he slid inside of you, a punched out moan leaving your mouth at the sudden intrusion.
Jaehyun was never one to fuck you slow, so it was no surprise when he lifted your leg and thrust into you brutally. Groans and praises left his mouth, while the grip on your neck tightened. The longer he stayed inside of you, the more he felt his composure slipping. He should’ve been punishing you, but all he wanted was to make you feel good. Especially with the way that your walls kept sucking him further in every time his tip massaged your g spot. Watching your facial expressions as your eyes scrunched up, mouth dropping open as you continued releasing the pretty high pitched moans that he loved so much.
God, he wanted you in every way possible.
“So damn pretty.” His voice seemed to cut through your haze, but he never stopped his thrusts. His raspy voice only aided in bringing you closer to your orgasm. “All mine.” You could only bring yourself to nod at his words, not focusing on them properly. They seemed to flit past quickly, not planting any seeds.  “I want you to be mine. I can’t keep fucking you. I need you in every way.” Jaehyun’s voice got raspier, his voice beginning to break along with thrusts becoming sloppier. Jaehyun was close, and so were you.
Lifting your other leg up he placed his hands on the back of your legs, pushing them back forcing him to fuck you deeper. His hand slid back to your throat, squeezing it once before sliding it down to your clit, rubbing quick circles around it. He leaned down, pressing his lips against yours in a desperate kiss. It had too much teeth and tongue, but it was just right for the moment. Him fucking into you as if it was the last time, whispering dirty words into your ear.
“Cum for me baby girl.” At his words you felt the tension inside of you explode, squirting all over his cock. Your eyes rolled back as your orgasm washed over, squirting all over him and covering his thighs and blanket. Jaehyun pulled out, stroking himself quickly, aiming at your lower stomach as he came, just the way you liked it. Jaehyun laughed as he watched your eyes closed, chest rising and falling quickly.
Jaehyun fought the urge to just lay beside you and go to sleep, knowing that you would complain about being dirty if he did it. Grabbing the baby wipes in his dresser - kept just for nights like these - he wiped himself off, before cleaning you up, being sure to carefully clean in between your legs. Putting on some clean boxers he realized his blanket was soaked, so he quickly threw it in his hamper and grabbed a fresh one out of his closet.
Jaehyun finally slid into bed beside you, pulling the blanket over the two of you and pulling you to lay on his chest. Jaehyun closed his eyes, before feeling you constantly changing your position.
“You good?” Tilting your head up you looked at him, thinking if you should actually confront him about it.
“Did you mean what you said?”
“Hm.” You sat up on the bed, turning to face him despite the sleepiness that was setting in. Playing with your fingers you decided to just rip the bandage off.
“About me being yours?” Jaehyun pulled you back against his chest, linking your hands together.
“Of course I did. I want you.” A smile spread across your lips as you looked up at him.
“I want you too.” Jaehyun let out a laugh before placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Good night.” Cuddling up closer to Jaehyun you closed your eyes, listening to the sound of his breathing mixing with the music in the background.
Happy that you both put aside your pride.
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