#Bucky winter soldier Barnes is DUST
paintedimagery · 3 months
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Stickers I'll be handing put tomorrow!
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dumbgothbunny · 2 years
No because I want the winter soldier strutting over to me all dangerous and swooping me up, throwing me on his shoulder and just taking me away
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Bucky likes what he sees
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Imagine Bucky goes out with the team for drinks, staying at the bar nursing on a drink while his eyes linger on the pretty girl in a red dress. It’s like she wanted his attention, the material hugging her body perfectly while her hips sway, her head tilted back when she laughs at something her friend says. They lock eyes for a second, and God does he love that smile- 
“Why don’t you go over and talk to her” Sam nudged Bucky’s shoulder when he notices the pretty thing Bucky’s been eyeing, the girl equally flirty, giving him shy smiles every so often, “C’mon, she’s into you” 
“Knock it off” Bucky huffed, shaking his head and going back to his drink while Steve takes his turn to encourage his bestfriend. 
“Maybe buy her a drink, see how it goes” he offers but the deadpan look he gets back is enough for him to snort and raise his hands in defeat. Bucky is perfectly happy just watching, noting every dip and wine of her waist, her dress riding up ever so slightly with the movement of her body. His eye’s narrow when he sees someone try to sneak their hands on her from behind, only to be turned down when she moved away. 
However the guy doesn’t seem to get it.
He’s back again, this time trying to grab her with more force, pushing his hips against her ass. 
Bucky doesn’t like it. 
Steve and Sam exchange knowing glances with each other when they see his jaw clench, the rest of the team also now quietly watching what the super solider would do. Nat and Tony noticed the sparkle of a diamond ring, huffing when she sees it’s on her ring finger. 
“Isn’t that a wedding ring? Whole ass rock on her finger” 
“Never mind, I think she’s marr-
Before they could say anything else, Bucky is on his feet, striding over to the dance floor, eyes locked on the man pawing at the doll that had his attention all night.  
“Don’t touch my wife” Bucky growled, shoving the man off, letting him stumble onto the floor, his voice dying down immediately when he noticed who was towering over him. He scrambled away without looking back while the rest of the team stayed frozen in place, jaws all on the floor, watching Bucky pull you into him with ease. He smoothed down the red material of your dress, walking you over to the bar where there was a bit more light, hardly noticing everyone staring at you both. 
“You okay, babydoll?” Bucky held your waist, looking you over, his fingers tracing over your face, his arm tightly hugging you. 
“I’m okay” You nodded, standing on your toes to peck his lips, your hand’s resting on your husbands chest, nuzzling into him. “Wondered how long you’d last just sitting there” You giggled while he smirked, kissing the top of your head. 
“Well, I didn’t do anything until someone touched you” Bucky pouted in defense, making you melt over how protective he was. 
“Thank you for saving me Mr. Barnes” you whispered while he looked down at you with heart eyes, taking your hand in his, placing a kiss on the ring that sat on your finger, the one that he spent months picking and designing just for you. 
“Wife?” Sam broke the silence while everyone else continued to look at you both in disbelief. 
“Oh” Bucky blushed, blinking with owlish eyes, his baby blues pleading with you to take over because he doesn’t know what to say. “This-this is my wife, y/n” He tried to bite back a shy smile but it was no use, his cheeks dusted pink, feeling giddy and fuzzy with you beside him. 
“Come again. Wife?” 
“Uh-yeah” He tried to hide behind you through it was no use, his much larger and taller form still clearly visible. 
“What’s terminator doing”
“This...this is the winter soldier everyone is so scared of..for fucks sake, are you trying to hide behind her?!”
“How long has this little secret been going on for” 
“thryrs” Bucky mumbled but no one else hears it except for Steve, given his enhanced hearing.
“Steve, I can explain-
Bucky groaned, tucking his face into your neck, wrapping his arms around your waist, completely tongue tied. He was going to introduce you to the team at some point, he just didn’t imagine it would be like this, he also didn’t anticipate feeling this shy. 
“You know you can blink twice if he’s been holding you hostage” Sam cackled at the way your 6ft soldier clung onto you, refusing to look at his friends, your hand gently patting his head, rolling your eyes at his antics.
“If it helps, he talks about you all of the time” You smiled, only to have Bucky frown on the inside for you exposing him. 
“No, I don’t” His muffled voice vibrated against your neck, reluctantly pulling away, “Maybe only about Steve” 
“Uh huh, sure” 
“Well, as you can see, I didn’t need to talk to her, she’s already mine” Bucky grinned, kissing your cheek, his mind now fully focused on bending you over on the dance floor but- 
“You’re not getting away that easily Barnes, sit down, we’ll ask the questions” Tony stated, while everyone moved to one side, leaving the other side empty for you and Bucky. 
“Question 1. What’s your full legal name”
It was going to be a long night. 
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buckrecs · 1 year
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Sex Pollen
masterlist | req masterlist
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Play Pretend by @wkemeup
When Bucky is injected with a substance that leaves him desperate for release, you offer your help.
In The Dust by @metalbuckaroo
at a shack after a mission, Bucky realizes the ‘dust’ that he thought wouldn’t be effective anymore needs to be brought up. You insist partners are suppose to communicate with each other.
addicted to you by @bonky-n-steeb
you find Bucky to be irresistible after you both get affected by sex pollen.
Left Gasping For Air by @bucksfucks
doused with sex pollen, you & bucky are met with a difficult decision.
Take You There by @heli0s-writes
Sam plays a game called Fuck or Die. It's like he willed it into existence as you and Bucky explore the basement of an old Hydra lair.
Chemical Reactions by @slut4buckysarm
bucky barnes joining in on your solo mission was the worst part of the night. that was until the both of you got dosed with sex pollen.
Daisies by @rebeccccccaaa
Bucky gets hit with that god awful (but really hot) sex pollen.
burning desire by @lanadelreyscokewhor3
after being sprayed with sex pollen on a mission gone wrong, bucky is the only man who can help you. the issue? you hate his guts.
A Piece of His Heart by @thefanbasewhore
Bucky has been struggling with himself for a few months now but never reaches out for help. In order to confront him, you lock him in the lab but only to find out it was on lockdown for a reason and you're now stuck to quarantine with him
only the two of us by @barnesafterglow
stuck together, you and bucky find yourselves in an unfortunate position (or maybe not)
Mean It by @gogolucky13
You and Bucky get trapped overnight in the safe house after a mission. Everything should be okay, except he's your ex and thanks to his carelessness, the situation gets a little more complicated.
Comply by @gogolucky13
With Hydra, everyone is a prisoner.
your hands have made some good mistakes : part 21 by @thenhewaswrongaboutme
The team comes home for a pre-Thanksgiving gathering. Everything is going swimmingly, until Thor breaks out the Asgardian whiskey.
Little Bit of Pollen by @simsadventures
You and Bucky are both Avengers, but that doesn’t mean you have to like each other. What happens when you two are the only one present when you breathe in a sex pollen?
Dosed by @moonstruckbucky
Sex pollen? Sex pollen.
keep your eyes on the road (aka an unexpected sex pollen adventure) by @bitsandbobsandstuff
Honestly, this is what Bucky gets for not listening to you.
for your own good by @witchywithwhiskey
bucky barnes is gifted a strange-looking plant but when you, his closest friend in avengers tower after steve rogers, touches the leaves, it lets out a strange cloud of pollen. both you and bucky soon feel the effects of the plant's pollen and, though bucky's worried about hurting you, you know he never would—and you need his help. desperately.
Petals by @biteofcherry
Bucky and reader is stuck in a cabin in the woods.
Desperate by @buckets-and-trees
Enemies? Rivals? It's always been reluctant teamwork between you and the Winter Soldier, but when put in a situation where personal feelings have to be put aside, maybe actual personal feelings are uncovered.
Thrill me, Fulfill me by @samodivaa
You agreed to help for one mission—now you are both lustful and carnal, affected by sex pollen—you are flint, he is tinder.
Imagine by @buckyalpine
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reconnaissance (1/3)
Bucky Barnes x f!reader
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Reader goes on a recon mission with the White Wolf himself, formerly the Winter Soldier, which goes awry.
(a.k.a. you two idiots are clearly in love but don't do anything about it, until circumstances become so heightened that you are forced to)
masterlist ▪︎ word count: <1k
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"Come in, do you copy?"
You keep walking, ignoring Bucky's increasingly grating tone in your earpiece.
"Respond, do you hear me? Meet back at the rendezvous in 2 minutes." Bucky tries again, seemingly deciding that this recon stint is done and dusted. Without even consulting you.
"I know what I'm doing, Buck." You keep up your pace, tailing the man you're supposed to gather intel on. He rounds the corner and unlocks a room, presumably his own office on the base, and disappears inside. "I'll meet you as soon as I'm finished."
"You are finished." Bucky snaps right back. He's only a block away, but he's getting worried that if something were to happen to you, he wouldn't make it on time. "We're only meant to scout the area, assess their operation. Not tail them right inside their fuckin' HQ."
"Woah there, grandpa, watch your language." You smirk, and you can picture him grinding his teeth in frustration. Why is he so worried anyhow? From what you've gathered, this organization is made up of a bunch of blip fanatics who want to restore the world to how Thanos left it. Balanced, sure, as the old shriveled grape said. But also in chaos - with everyone sufferring loss and living listlessly.
These people are insane. And insane is easy to handle, as far as you're concerned. Not one of the big 3 - aliens, androids, and wizards - just pure idiotic nutters.
Bucky has resorted to pacing on the roof of the dilapidated apartment complex he uses as a viewpoint. "Something's not right here. The man you're tailing was never meant to head to their HQ today. I have a feeling they found us out."
"Did they also figure that I would not give a rat's ass about that and - "
"Take the bait?" Bucky interjects.
"No. That I would beat them at their own game. " You whisper irately. You pause when the man comes out of his office and walks away from where you hide. "Wait, I'm going in."
"Don't do anything stupid, doll." Bucky pleads. For a moment, you want to cave in. He no longer sounds bossy, or annoying, like he tends to be on missions where it's just the two of you. He usually tells you to stick to the plan, to stick with him. Like you're incapable of going off on your own. Sure, he has decades more experience, and the effects of a Super Soldier serum to boot, but you wish he would just trust you. But he sounds like he's either desperate to get back home and get this shit over with, or he actually cares that much about you. "Just come back to me. Now. "
"Bucky," you breathe, steadying yourself. "C'mon. This'll be just like that time in Gdansk."
He feels an ounce of relief creeping in. Maybe you're right. "Then I'll be waiting for you, doll. Like always."
Doll. That still sends shivers up your spine. But he doesn't have to know that, does he? You walk up to the office door, and try to make quick work of the lock. "I won't be long. And quit calling me doll."
"What then? Princess?"
"Sweetheart? Has a nice ring to it." He counters quickly. He must have been sitting on this one for a while.
"Bucky - "
"Yes, darlin'?"
"Alright, that's it. I'm done with this conversation." You warn him, but the colouring on your cheeks betray your tone. Good thing he's not around to call you out on it. The lock gives way, and the door creaks open. "I'm in."
"Damn it." You hear him mumble to himself, seconds later. "Why does she never listen? I think she's actually trying to kill me. Give me a damn heart attack."
"That's likely, isn't it?" You give an unsolicited response. "Considering that you're about 100 years old."
"106, actually." He quips back, pinching the bridge of his nose, tapping his foot, taking deep breaths. He tries everything to calm down and not agonize over you. But nothing works. Bucky doesn't know what he would do if anything were to happen to you.
No. That's not quite right. He doesn't know what he wouldn't do - because he would do anything, kill anyone, just to get you back.
And you just can't seem to grasp that. Though it might have something to do with how he constantly hovers over you like an overprotective older brother, with Sam once remarking how you've got yourself a personal bodyguard. You think that's all it is - Bucky being a nice guy. Bucky watching your back as you would do the same for him. Bucky wanting to keep you in line, so that the missions would go smoothly, especially since he is technically acting as your superior.
You don't see how Bucky's gaze lingers a bit too long on your lips when you relay your mission reports to him. How his hand often finds itself hovering over the small of your back when you walk side by side. You don't know that he observed (not stalked, according to him) how your date played out with that one fellow agent that asked you out. How he tried to find solace in the bottom of a bottle when you invited that agent back to your apartment.
And how he made arrangements to have that agent indefinitely reassigned to Eastern Europe the week after.
The office you enter is encased in shadow, the window shutters all lowered. You're careful not to turn on any switches, so as not to trigger alarms. With steady hands, you raise your Beretta 92FS before you, the accompanying flashlight illuminating the room.
Then you see it. A map of the city pinned to a board covering the east wall.
"Talk to me," Bucky barks in your ear. "What do you see?"
"Jackpot." You can't help but grin. Breaking Bucky's rules pays off after all. This'll show him. "It looks like some blueprint for how they plan to infiltrate the city. Red markings for the areas where they will release the poison in the water supply."
"And how the hell do you know that?"
"Well, boss," you roll your eyes. "probably because there's a note at the bottom of the damn map that says release poison in water supply."
Yeah. Oh.
"Don't take it with you," he starts, but you beat him to it.
"Course I won't. I've already got the whole thing memorized to a tee."
"Get out of there. Now." Bucky emphasizes, and you don't know whether to be touched by how worried he sounds.
"Alright, alright, keep your hair on." Taking one final look at the scene, you head back to the door. But the handle doesn't budge. "That's weird."
At that, Bucky knew something was definitely not right. As if he did not already warn you stay out of there. His blood runs cold, and he springs into action before you can say anything further. Sprinting down the street, he tries to get you to keep talking. "I told you not to do this, doll. I told you."
"I can handle it." But the door stays closed. It doesn't even respond to your exceptional lock-picking skills. You hear a whooshing sound to your right, like a mechanical panel opening. At once, you get into a defensive stance, gun at the ready.
You don't see anything, but you can smell it. It's some kind of gas. A strong sedative, you recall from your training.
"Oh, shit." You mutter. Holding your breath can only keep you safe for so long.
"Goddamnit," Bucky curses while running, not even out of breath, "it's gas, isn't it? I knew it, I just knew it, doll!"
"I'll try the windows." You offer, but quickly find out they're of no use. Sealed shut, like the door.
Bucky's rambling now, desperate. "Should've listened... you should've... stay with me, doll. Stay with me."
You still hear his voice as white spots flood your vision. Dread sinks in as you succumb to the sensation, but you steel yourself. You will get through this. You will.
Especially when you've got Bucky promising, "I'm coming for you, doll. No one is taking you from me."
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(a/n) yes, I've rewatched tfatws again. Which prompted this lil thing. Not that I was not absolutely besotted with our Bucky for a good long time back in the day (still am). Are y'all more for Steve or Bucky? Both would be better ofc, but I've never been able to choose. Let me know! 🤷🏻‍♀️💙
part 2 coming shortly!
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fluffysucker · 5 months
Bad Things
Bucky Barnes x Reader
TW: Violence. Fighting. Brief mention of torture. Steve is alive and well.
The only way out was to awake them. And you did.
A/n: Heavily influenced by oxytocin by Billie Eilish. No like you will find lyrics throughout. Listen to it while reading, please.
Written in Third POV. No use of Y/N. However, the reader is referred to as a female. Likes, comments, reblogs are VERY VERY highly appreciated. Opinions really matter to me.
Main Masterlist
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You were sure that if you weren't driving the motorcycle, your legs would be bouncing, your hands would be shaking, and your palms would be sweating. But you were focusing on the road ahead despite feeling like you were driving on autopilot. You may not look like it, but you were a mess. Internally, at least. Anxity from the plan, danger of the situation, horrors from flashbacks, and uncertainty of the results. You were bitting your lips that you were close to feeling the metallic-tasting liquid on your tongue.
The darkness that grew, the further you got close to the agreed upon location, wasn't helping either. For someone who did this for a lifetime, you were spiraling. You wished you could cancel everything and come up with something different, but you couldn't.
Can't take it back once it's been set in motion.
You started to regulate your breath, take control of your mind, and keep your heartbeats in check once you saw the warehouse. It was now. There was no going back.
You stopped the motorcycle abruptly, causing the sand and dust around you to fly away. You took one last breath before taking the helmet out.
You got up and steadied your posture. The suit was never comfortable on your skin. Today, you felt like it was crawling on your skin, trying to devour you. You hid the suffocating feeling and put the act into action.
If you only pray on Sunday,
Could you come my way on Monday?
Confidence and peril were displayed. A strenuous look on your face. You were back in her.
"I thought you weren't coming." His voice annoyed you so much that you wanted to cut his throat open.
"I gave you a word, didn't I?" You came to a stop with enough distance between you and him. Even your voice was different in your ears.
"It's not like you had many choices." His laugh sent shivers through your body that you were able to hide.
"I always believed in your intelligence, moon." You pulled your hands into fists to stop any visible reaction from coming out of you.
The name was only associated with corruption and cruelty. Something the man in front of you strived for.
"With both of your capabilities, we will go back to the top of the world." The evil smile was more telling of his intentions than his disturbing words.
With the mere mention of him, you felt the air get thicker, the wind blowing harder, the stars dimming their lights, and the rocks and pebbles shaking on the floor.
He was here.
"Great. We didn't have to wait long for him." The man almost clapped in excitement.
In the sea of the darkness of the night and the void you were in, he appeared. His black suit made him almost unseen in the darkness of the night. But his heavy footsteps made him known.
The golden in his arm reflecting the light of the stars and the mask covering all his face except the eyes were making him even more fearful.
In person, he was much more terrifying than the stories and myths.
However, the crazy man didn't think so.
"Would you look at that?" He said once that the two of you were standing next to each other. You wanted to hold his hand, seeking any sort of comfort and reassurance, but you knew it would blow out your act.
"The Winter Soldier and Wicked Moon. Together and back at their home."
Dugal, the man speaking, had been the bane of your existence for some time now. Every mission, every warehouse, every file, and every piece of evidence all trailed back to him.
The manic, who had been obsessed with bringing Hydra back to life,.
With the right allies and calculated steps, he was able to achieve most of his plans in secret, but why show yourself now? Why draw attention to you now?
Because it was time to get Hydra's greatest weapons back.
You and your husband.
You and Sergeant James Barnes
Wicked Moon and The Winter Soldier.
You and Bucky shared the same life. Kidnapped by Hydra, injected with the serum, erased and brainwashed, trained to maximum efficiency. You reached levels of skills that were unmatched.
Despite the different start, you and Bucky were the faces of the same coin.
You were taken a bit after Bucky. Hydra had the goal of making both of you into its lethal duo. Unbeatable and unpredictable. You and Bucky became the ghost story for decades. Never once seen or traced.
You were a myth that terrified all.
And for decades, you spent all your days with Bucky, or who you called soldier at a time, because you didn't know his real name. Nor did he know yours, and he called you Moon.
You shared a cell. You trained together. You were sent on missions together. You were tortured together. You were used to each other's screams and pains. You were the same person in many ways.
While Hydra was blinded and happy with your success rate and obedience, they failed to notice the deep connection that was forming between the two of you.
The comfort you found in each other. The conversations without words. The accustomedness. The long eye contact and gaze The gentle touches that only you provided each other with. The worry and panic if one went on solo missions.
You understood each other. You trusted each other. You empathized with each other. You prayed for each other's freedom.
You loved each other.
So, looking at Bucky with questioning and worried eyes above Steve Roger's unconscious body after you disobeyed the direct orders of eliminating Steve and following Bucky to save him from death by drowning, Bucky knew he could never leave you. He took your hand and ran away.
Other people wouldn't stay
Other people don't obey
You and me are both the same
You should really run away
It was a long and bumpy road. Gaining back your memories and learning how to live. But you held each other's hands. And in the face of all the hardships, you stood together.
You fought it all until you finally settled into your shared apartment in Brooklyn. Almost ten years after escaping Hydra.
You thought life was finally good. You knew who you were. You got back your identities. You were healing bit by bit. You finished therapy and were officially pardoned. You were allowed on missions, but more importantly, you were allowed to turn down missions. A luxury you and Bucky never had.
You were so happy for Bucky, who got to have his bestfriend back, Steve, and make a new one, Sam. You were happy that one of you could have someone, especially after finding out that you had nobody, which made you the perfect target for Hydra in the first place.
But being the good people they were, Steve and Sam instantly took you in like family. They could easily tell how much you meant to Bucky. Even from the first day. Whether on the bridge or in Bucharest, The uncontrolled urge to protect you despite being perfectly capable of looking after yourself. The care and admiration in his eyes whenever you were around or your name was mentioned. All and more signs that exposed Bucky's feelings for you.
They were more than happy when Bucky told them that you got married on the very long, overdue vacation that you went on.
You were everything to Bucky's. His love. His life. His rescue. His salvation. You were his reason to keep going.
While he felt bad that you had to go through the tough life you had, he couldn't imagine how his life would have looked if he had never met you.
So when the danger of Hydra taking you away from him arose with Dugal's appearance, Bucky almost lost his mind.
Dugal seemed insistent on taking you and Bucky back. He was destroying places, terrorizing, and hurting innocent people. Dugal heard you were trying to be good people, so he played on your conscience. He was pushing you and Bucky towards this moment. The moment you caved and gave up. The moment you returned to Hydra.
So, with his knife on Cass's neck, you surrendered. You promised to meet him and do whatever he wanted. And you promised to bring Bucky as well. He wanted the both of you.
And you listened.
Here you were. In the suits you thought you would never put on again. Triggering the two people you buried so deeply within. In front of the warehouse of an enemy, you fought for and against your whole lives.
"This is your home. This is your purpose. Not fake heroism. You were made to serve the greater good. To protect and serve Hydra." Dugal's voice made its way to your ears.
"You belong to Hydra. And Hydra only."
'Cause as long as you're still breathing
Don't you even think of leaving
Not gonna wanna look away, look away, look away
You're gonna wanna get involved, involved, involved
And what would people say, people say, people say
If they listen through the wall, the wall, the wall?
You kept the stoic expression on your face, refusing to let him see the effect his words had on you.
The door of the warehouse opened, and walking out of it were Dugal's two trusted men that you saw everywhere with him. Nedward and Alexios. They stopped behind him.
Following them, hundreds of agents came out of the warehouse. They surrounded you and Bucky in seconds. You looked at Dugal, confused.
"I want to make sure you are still the best. I want to know where to pick up from." His smile was wicked and filled with bad intentions.
"Call it a test. A test of Wicked Moon and The Winter Soldier's abilities." His wicked smile wasn't flattering.
You got into a fighting position quickly, not willing to lose this. You felt Bucky take position, too, his back turning to you. You were back-to-back, moving in slow circles, assisting the situation.
And once the first agent threw the punch, it was nonstop.
I can see it clear as day
You don't really need a break
Wanna see what you can take
You should really run away
While the agents largely outnumbered you, they were at a disadvantage. You and Bucky fought like one. You had a never-seen-before fight style. You designed it so that you used each other's strengths to the full and utilized the weaknesses as power points. You used your full bodies in fighting. You were familiar with each other's bodies and movements. You grabbed weapons that were strapped to the other's suit. You twisted around each other to reach as many targets as possible. You trained until you perfected it. No flaws. No mistakes. No room for lacunas.
It didn't take long before the last agent was down on the floor. You felt like it was harder to breathe. There was a ringing noise in your ears. Your hand wanted to start shaking. Tears were rushing to your eyes. You were having a panic attack.
Memories of missions and assignments you did throughout your life It all looked like this. You standing above the fallen, waiting for your destiny to be decided by an evil organization that thought of you as an object of killing.
Dugal's voice gave you a sense of where you were and the situation around you. Quickly, you pushed your emotions inside and regained your focus. A trait you learned from your days at Hydra. Human emotions were never well accepted by Hydra.
You shook your head as you looked at Dugal, who was clapping slowly.
"Excellent. Great job." He moved a bit towards the both of you.
"It seems you haven't changed. Still the best." You succeeded in his test.
"You did cost me all the agents in the base. But we will bring more." Dugal was proud of the two assets.
"So it's only us in here?" You were hoping to get a specific answer.
"Yes. Tomorrow, I will bring agents and recruiters. Also, scientists who know how to treat and handle great weapons like you. This will be Hydra's biggest base." Dugal seemed excited for his plan.
However, once the words left his mouth, chaos erupted everywhere.
Bucky caught the shield in his hand as Sam and Steve landed on the ground and attacked Dugal. You and Bucky moved to Nedward and Alexios. Each taking on one.
Cars and vehicles appeared everywhere, lighting up the deserted place.
This was the plan all along.
No matter how much time passed, Hydra's men would always have something in common. They were arrogant. They had an ego big enough for an entire population. And that made them stupid. That made them vulnerable to mistakes.
You and Bucky knew that more than anyone. So the plan was to trick Dugal with your alliance until he was defenceless. It was risky, but it worked.
You only let go of Alexios once handcuffs were secured around his wrists. Same with Bucky and Nedward. You turned to see Sam and Steve holding Dugal until Torres handcuffed him.
"You think you won?" His words were more direct towards you and Bucky.
"You think you can ever escape this? You think you can be free? You are delusional. Hydra will never die." Dugal continued. Torres handcuffed him, letting Steve through him in one of the more armored cars and strapping him more.
"Cut off one head; two more shall take its place. Hail HYDRA!"
Steve closed the door of the car.
They weren't planning to cut off one head. They were planning to burn down the whole bunch. No mercy. No stopping until they were all gone.
Once his voice was muted and you couldn't see him anymore, you couldn't hold up any longer. You sat on the ground, hugging your knees to your chest, trying to get hold of yourself, trying to reconnect, trying to disassociate from what just happened.
Like you, immediately after the car started to move, Bucky threw the mask off his face, finally breathing. He hated everything about this mask. Trapped like an animal behind it. Deprived of any form of humanity.
He prayed he never had to put on again.
"You okay?" Sam asked his friend, worried about the mental toll this whole act may have had on him.
Despite having his nephews being the ones in danger, Sam was against this plan. He cared about you and Bucky dearly and didn't want to know how stepping back into your assassin personas would hurt your healing. You had come a long way.
While your quick response to save his nephews and willingness to do this for them touched his heart immensely, Sam couldn't help but feel like they should come up with something else.
But both of you insisted, and it worked, but was the cost expensive?
Bucky nodded. They were okay physically, at least.
Bucky turned around to see you still sitting on the sandy ground, face in hand. He knew it wasn't just today, but the whole thing. Hydra still haunted you, messing with your progress. He understood.
Bucky sat on the ground next to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling into him and letting you lay in his laps, both of your legs on the side of his thigh. You nuzzled into his neck, holding his gear in your hand. You wanted to disappear in him.
"It's over. You're fine. You are okay. You are safe." Bucky's voice whispered in your ears, the end of his long hair touching your face and his hands wrapping up your back and waist.
You felt the tension leaving your body a bit by bit, making yourself only focus on Bucky's voice and letting yourself breathe. You knew you were surrounded by people, but you didn't care.
You only cared about Bucky right now.
You moved away from Bucky so you could look at him.
"We are okay. We are safe." You said to Bucky.
Because you cared about Bucky more than you cared about yourself. You loved Bucky more than anything. Bucky was the reason you were still alive. Bucky was your everything.
You wanted him to know that he was okay, too. You both survived this. You weren't back in that cell. You were going to your home.
Being the good-hearted person he was, Bucky always felt responsible for you. Even when he was the Winter Soldier. That's how the spark between you kindled. His instincts to protect you and care for you took a big part of him. And that made you fall deeper in love with him.
But you loved him just as much, if not more. You wanted to protect him from the hell you went through. Because he didn't deserve it. None of it.
The bigger burden of today wasn't the possibility of falling back into your old selves. It was the possibility of losing your partner to Hydra and watching them lose themselves once again.
You both came in with one goal. Protect each other to death.
And you succeeded. You were fine.
Bucky looked at you with love pouring out of his eyes. Bucky didn't understand how, after so much evil, he was still able to feel such strong emotions of love and adoration. But you melted him and lived in his heart. You were printed on his soul.
He nodded with a smile. You were okay. He leaned in and kissed you. It was a slow and gentle kiss. A reminder that you were both still yourselves. You were free. You were okay.
"Let's go home." You spoke once the kiss broke.
Home. Bucky was going home to the city he grew up in. He was going home to a place he had chosen to live. He was going home, where he would take a shower and lay on a comfortable bed. Bucky was going with his wife. Bucky was going to hold on as you both got rid of the remains of tonight. Bucky was going to hold you as you both drifted to sleep, dreaming of your future together.
Hydra didn't win. You were okay.
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onceuponastory · 7 months
the day i lost you - bucky barnes x reader
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Still remember how you taste Somewhere in the bitter and the sweet dream Do you think of me standing in a summer haze? When we were gonna be okay? - january rain by PVRIS
Plot: In the aftermath of The Blip and her boyfriend Bucky turning to dust, Y/N finds a voicemail from him... sent the day she lost him. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader Warnings: Mentions of death, or at least Bucky is presumed dead (obviously we know Bucky isn't dead but we all thought he was after Infinity War, let's be honest) and grief. And of course, some angst. But as always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know. Notes: This is for @whumptober Day 24. I used the prompt: "Goodbye Note". I also combined it with the @angstober "The Day I Lost You" prompt. I was once again sad and listening to PVRIS as I wrote this, so now you can be too :)
Not beta'd, so any mistakes are my own.
Stepping over the threshold into her apartment, Y/N drops her bags to the floor with a tired groan. The rain still pounds down outside, the sound echoing through the building. As a personal assistant to Tony Stark himself, Y/N’s working life is extremely busy. And since The Blip, she’s busier than ever, constantly being pulled into meetings with little time for herself. For the past few weeks, she’s been away at a conference with the surviving Avengers, working on a solution to The Blip. This is the first time she’s had to breathe in about a year. And that also means it’s the first time she’s been home since it all happened, since her boyfriend and some of her best friends turned to dust.
And she’s never felt so alone.
Of course, Y/N knows that dating an Avenger, let alone the Winter Soldier himself, comes with its own risk. Especially the risk he may never come home. But although it’s always been at the back of her mind, seeping into her every thought whilst he’s away on a mission… Bucky came back safe so many times that the worry dissipated. Foolishly, she believed he was indestructible, and that he’d always come home to her.
Until he didn’t.
Tears spring at her eyes then, and she furiously tries to wipe them away. She’s done enough grieving over the last year. Enough hoping that he’s coming back, only to end up disappointed. There’s only so much pain you can take before you can’t go on anymore. And Y/N crossed that line a long time ago.
The red light on her answering machine blinks back at her, and she sighs, rubbing her temples and closing her eyes, hoping that when she opens them, the light will be gone. But no matter how hard she tries, it’s still there, and she groans. The last thing she wants to hear right now is more “I’m sorry to hear about Bucky” and “We understand how much it hurts, but he’s in our thoughts.” Nobody will ever understand how much it hurts. Even the other Avengers. 
Because Bucky isn’t just in her thoughts. He’s everywhere. He still occupies the empty space in her bed, his laughter still fills the halls, his singing echoing from the shower. He’s the whisper in the wind, the faint scent of his cologne whenever she enters a room, and that still clings to her clothing like a safety blanket. He’s the shiver up her spine, the faint feeling of a hand holding hers, an arm wrapped around her waist.
It’s like he never even left.
Y/N presses the button, bracing herself for the onslaught of messages to come. “Hey sweetheart. It’s me-” As soon as she hears her mother’s voice, Y/N deletes the message. She’ll deal with her and her incessant questions later. She means well, of course, they all do. But the last thing she wants is to be pestered, reminded of her pain over and over again. They may mean well, but there’s nothing they can do. There’s nothing anyone can do. The other message is boring, a message about her car’s extended warranty that gets deleted almost immediately.
But when she hears the voice in the next message, she collapses to her knees. “Hey doll.” Bucky speaks. It's the first time she’s heard his voice - actually heard it - since he left. As soon as she hears him speak, she can see the smile on his face, and hear the laughter in his tone. Her presence always brought a smile to Bucky's face, even on his worst days. Because he loves her. …Loved her.
Hearing Bucky’s voice again, so soon after losing him, causes all her pent-up emotions to erupt, a year's worth of pain spilling over. As the first of her sobs break through, Bucky’s voice continues. “Just checking in to see how you are and keep you updated. Steve and the others are here…”
“Why didn’t I answer the call? I could’ve stopped them!”
“... and we have a game plan now to stop this asshole. Before you know it, I’ll be back home in New York with you, my favourite girl.” Her chest heaves, and she sobs even harder. “I miss you so much, though. The guys keep pestering me about it, but I don’t care. I love you, Y/N, and I want the entire world to know.” That sends her over the edge. A painful, anguished wail rips through her, the sound filling the room. Y/N’s full body shakes, and she clutches at her chest. “I hope you’re doing well and staying out of trouble.” Bucky chuckles. “Keep me updated. But I’ll see you soon enough, anyway.” 
“Why didn’t I answer? Why didn’t I answer?!”
“I better go, Steve’s shouting at me. Think the mission is about to start.” 
Y/N sits up, trying to grab the phone to dial Bucky’s number and tell him she’s still here, that she still loves him. Hoping that he’s there on the other side, waiting for her.
“Bye doll. See you soon. Love you always.” And then, the line goes dead, the dull beeping noise going right through her. Picking up the phone, she dials Bucky’s number, holding it to her ear as her heart pounds.
“Please… please…” she begs. "Just answer me Bucky... please."
“Hey! This is Bucky. I can’t talk right now, and I don’t really know how these things work.” He chuckles, the sound forming a small glimpse of warmth in her belly, and Y/N even laughs softly too. She was there when he recorded that message, her best efforts to teach him the wonders modern technology still not sinking in. Not that it matters now, though. None of it does. She just wants him back. “So I guess if you leave a message, I’ll call you back?”
And he always called her back. Even if it was a day, a week or even a month late. Bucky always called her back. But he won’t call back. Not this time. 
She tries to speak, to say something, anything, to Bucky's voicemail. If there's even a chance he could hear it, she wants him to know how much she loves him, and how much she misses him. Yet she can't say anything through her tears.
When the call disconnects, Y/N sinks to her knees, huddling into a ball as the sobs rack through her entire body. 
She’s alone again. 
And she always will be.
Please follow @onceuponastory-library and turn on notifications to be notified when I next post!
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thefallennightmare · 11 months
Bucky Barnes
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Soldat-: Captain America and Reader have worked together at SHIELD for over a year. What happens when they have a run in with The Winter Solider and Steve finds out the secret Reader had been hiding from him all this time? And what happens when reader is captured by Hydra and The Winter Soldier, again. Can she make Soldat remember her or is her life with Steve just a slow fading memory now? COMPLETED
Dorogaya-(sequel to Soldat): It has been sometime since Y/N and Bucky went into hiding but now their past is returning. Can this new relationship survive the Civil War that’s about to happen? COMPLETED
Vas Prizrak-(Third part to Soldat Series)- Bucky and Reader’s life in Wakanda had been everything they ever wanted. But when they are told about the fight that was on it’s way to them, they fear that life would be dusted away for good. COMPLETED.
Time-:  Before the war, Bucky and Reader had the picture perfect life together. When she lost him, she thought that she would never find that kind of love again. However, someone from a different time returns to give her that love once more. Will she follow them through the unknown or come to terms that her once in a lifetime love is truly gone? COMPLETED
MOMENT OF WEAKNESS[MOB BOSS!AU]   Reader is the assistant to New York’s most feared mob boss, James Buchanan Barnes. He had the picture-perfect life: status in the mob, friends, and beautiful wife. So why can’t he keep his mind and eyes off of reader?-COMPLETED.
Soldiers:  Reader has spent the last seventy years in hell as a prisoner soldier; Hydra’s greatest weapon. Well, second greatest weapon after The Winter Soldier. The only thing that got her through that hell was him, even if she was the one behind his biggest pain. ON HIATUS
Arranged[MOBBOSS!Bucky Barnes AU]-Reader would do anything to make her parents happy and that included agreeing to an arranged marriage. She never expected it to be to one of New York’s most feared Mob Boss: Bucky Barnes. He is anything but loving towards Reader however when her parents are mysteriously killed, Bucky makes it his mission to find out who were at fault. And in the process, ends up coming close to losing Reader.- COMPLETED
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Eyes: Bucky never thought that during his usual morning run with Steve his life would change forever.
Home:  Reader dreads going to her best friends wedding because she has to sit next her ex the entire night. What happens when she finds out the reason behind their breakup was just a lie?[AU]
Besplatno:This takes place in the same universe as SOLDAT/DOROGAYA/ VAS PRIZRAK.  Bucky had finally awoken in Wakanda but there was one thing keeping him and reader from celebrating their new found calm together; Is the Winter Soldier still buried deep in Bucky?
Soul Mates: Growing up, Y/N was told stories about Soul Mate Dreamers. You would dream your soul mates memories and they would stop once you shared your fist kiss. Y/N never believed in those stories, until a new neighbor moved in right next door.
Truth:  Years after losing her husband, Reader needed a change and decided to move to a new apartment in a new city, hoping for a fresh start. She always had questions about what happened to her husband but never expected her neighbor to be the one that had all the answers she had been looking for.
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Fallen: Reader is the new recruit at Avengers Compound, but no one is welcoming towards her because of her past; a very dark past. She was Hydra’s greatest weapon for years, until a decision forced her to flee. Before she could settle into this new life, she’s faced with memories of her past, one she thought she would never see again, The Winter Soldier. Can Bucky get reader to open up and show him what she’s been hiding for so long? COMPLETED
Forever:  Could I request something with Bucky x Australian!reader either something fluffy or smutty or both where he loves her accent or takes the piss out of her trying to imitate it
I’ll Be Okay- Is Bucky’s and Reader’s relationship worth saving or is it on the brink of destruction? Based on Shawn Mendes “I’ll Be Okay.”
Brainwashed- Bucky x reader where they are dating and he’s an asshole after a huge argument and reader gets captured and brainwashed by HYDRA and Bucky realizes his mistakes? They meet again during a mission and Bucky also realizes he lost reader forever.
I Guess I’m in Love- Bucky can’t help but reflect on his love for Reader on their lazy Sunday afternoon.
Envy- There’s a new bartender at Bucky’s club which almost spells disaster for reader and Bucky’s relationship.
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highonmarvel · 9 months
Bucky Barnes: The storm brewing outside is nothing compared to the one in here.
An entry for day nine of the exciting @sintember challenge!
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Prompt: Tempest, ft Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Warnings: severe anxiety; hints and mentions of claustrophobia (and it’s a bit of a theme that carries throughout); chasing; physical abuse. 18+!
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The house rocks as you slam the door shut behind you, half the force coming from your worry and the other half by nature’s ire. You had really cut it close getting last minute supplies, and on the short drive back from the mall, you actually worried you’d cut it too close as your car was nearly thrown off the road. A hurricane was starting, bad, but not severe enough to warrant any measures too drastic. Still, you decided to play it safe—though one could argue that rule was broken when you were driving in the beginning of a storm.
You drop the shopping bag on the kitchen counter, no sign on Bucky. Usually he sits on one of the stools at the island waiting to rummage through whatever you had picked up for plums. Of course, you had.
“Bucky?” you call as you pop the fruit into the fridge. The rest was either canned or packets of goodies, which you stuffed into the kitchen cupboard before heading to the living room.
“Bucky?” you call again as the house rocks again, and maybe he didn’t hear you over the noise.
Maybe he was in the basement. You quickly jog back to the kitchen to grab a bag of chips and start your decent to the basement. A basement was really unnecessary for the life you and Bucky live, but this house, you had both fallen in love with at first sight (much like how you two first met) and purchased it together. It was practically empty; you thought it could at least be useful for storage, but you two didn’t have anything unneeded; it was either useful, and therefore in use, or not in the house. It was at least a safe place were something like a tornado to hit. You hadn’t been down in years, not since you first bought the place. Bucky went down there every two or three months to stop it being overrun by dust bunnies, but that was it.
Lately, Bucky had been having nightmares, more often than usual, and you always got the feeling he was trapped; trapped in his body that had done so much against his will, and it worried you when the storm warning was issued: he was trapped once again.
“Bucky?” you call as you open the door to the basement. It’s pitch black, so you assume he’s not down here, but to be sure, you flick on the lights. Staring back at you is your husband, seated perfectly still, facial expression stone, legs positioned and back straight in a way one is taught is perfect posture, with his palms resting on his knees.
“Hi, Buck,” you greet, smiling as you make your way down. He doesn’t smile back, doesn’t greet back, he remains a statue, only bright blue eyes following your movement. They’re not bright, they’re dark.
“You’re scaring me a bit,” you admit with a nervous laugh when you hold out the bag of chips to him and he makes no move to take them, doesn’t even look at them, gaze still boring straight into your soul. He’s always seen right through you, but now, it’s not an understanding he’s attempting to achieve, you can’t tell what it is. Intimidation?
“Who the hell is Bucky?”
You take a step back, physically unable to gasp despite your desire to as you feel your air flow cut off by his words, only able to throw a hand over your mouth. But… why would he? What happened? He can’t slip back unless someone says so, can he? This isn’t your husband. This is…
“Soldat?” you whisper, lowering your cupped hand from your mouth slightly so he can hear you. You think he missed it for a second due to your small voice, but he stands.
Of course Bucky is taller than you, but even if he wasn’t, this isn’t just a height different, he towers over you like the dark clouds tower over your home outside; he towers over you in demeanour alone; he could be kneeling right now but still, that stare would let you know your place immediately.
What do you do? Of course you want to help him, but this isn’t Bucky; what can you do? Even if by the Lord’s greatest miracle, there was not even a wisp of a chance you stood against the world’s deadliest assassin.
But why would he hurt you? You were absolutely no one special, no powers or access to anything to do with the Avengers, intel or otherwise. It didn’t make sense for him to attack you. But that absolutely was not a risk you were willing to take.
You’re trembling, shaking harsher than the winds were rocking the trees, you felt like one of them, maybe; just a part of nature, pretty much inconspicuous, caught in a harsh tempest.
You throw the bag at him, turn, and run; there was no way in hell you could go outside, but maybe you could lock him in the basement. You practically fly up the stairs, and you swear he’s taunting you as he takes each step up slowly, but hitting the stairs with his steps more harshly than he otherwise would.
You slam the door shut, but despite his calm pace, he’s somehow made it to the top, and slams the door open, throwing you back. You groan as you scramble to stand and dash to the kitchen. What could you do? Get a knife? You would never hurt him, of course, never, but maybe you could scare him off? That was such a ridiculous thought you nearly rolled your eyes, but you couldn’t; you needed vision. And just as you have that thought.
The lights trip.
The winds beat against the window, but nowhere near as fast as your beating heart. You try to calm down as you duck into the cupboards under the sink, hoping you could hear him coming. His footsteps had stopped, but you knew that by no means meant he had; he could be deadly silent, you know this. You strain to hear for the faintest sound of him, but you can barely hear the storm outside over your heavy breathing and blood thumping through your ears. You cup your hand over your mouth, and as much as you want to rock yourself back and forth as you hug your knees, you don’t dare risk any movement, already stressed out of your mind as your body works as always; every blood cell rushing through your veins is way too loud; he’ll hear it, he’ll hear you.
The storm rages, but the house remains dead, not even the regular creak of the pipes, it’s like your home is just as terrified of him and is hiding, making you feel exposed despite your claustrophobic situation.
How long can you wait here? It’s not safe, but neither is leaving. Maybe you can lock yourself in the basement instead, but you don’t know where the key is. Does the basement even lock from inside? There were no locks on any other door in the house considering it was just the two of you.
Either way, you’re fucked. You are so fucked. Beyond fucked.
You count to a hundred, but even time doesn’t calm your nerves, doesn’t do anything to stop your body from acting as if you’re in danger. And why should she?—you are.
One hundred, and you open the cupboard door quickly because you know it creaks. You can’t even consider your luck it stays quiet at the sight you’re met with: The Winter Soldier, crouched in front of your hiding place, dead gaze locked on you. It’s dark, and in any other circumstance, it would be too dark to make out such detail, but you see his face very clearly.
You briefly consider just closing the door again—maybe he’ll stay there—but you don’t have time to consider a next course of action when you’re suddenly roughly grasped by the elbow and yanked out of the cabinet. You shriek as your thrown onto the ground. Once again, you inelegantly manage to get yourself back to your feet, and you run again. He’s fucking with you at this point, because he could effortlessly have crushed you under his shoe right then and there. You don’t even think you’ll die directly by his hands; he’ll cause you a heart attack and that’s how he’ll kill you.
You know the Winter Soldier is the deadliest human force there is, but his ability to appear seemingly out of thin air when you have the hint of a hopeful thought to taunt you once again is borderline magic, it has to be. Your subconscious mind—let alone your conscious mind—can’t even get the thought of saving yourself going, stopped a few words, a few letters in, when you spin around to face him.
Lightning strikes and, right out of a horror film, illuminates him at the end of the corridor.
You stumble backwards into the basement and fumble around for a latch or something? You don’t even know this place well enough to know the basic things like how it locks, and if it does lock from the inside. Unfortunately, you don’t have the time to figure that out as once again the door is blown open and sends you tumbling down the stairs that feel like they’ll never end as you roll and bounce violently. You’re at least lucky the force didn’t send you literally flying into the opposite wall and break your spine, but you’re certain you’ve at least egregiously bruised a rib at the end of your fall—you refuse to believe it’s broken—dropping onto the bag of chips.
“Bucky,” you try, as you grasp at your ribs and watch him as he slowly and rhythmically descends the stairs, “Bucky, please.”
He’s here, at the bottom of the steps, looking down on you with a face so still you half expect it to remain that way forever, but it doesn’t; his expression adjusts ever so slightly; the corner of his lip barely, barely, twitches up, but you see it, he does it.
This isn’t The Winter Soldier, this is Bucky. This your husband.
He kicks you in the ribs, and if they weren’t broken before, they definitely are now, and there’s no way you can deny it. You want to pass out, you wish so badly to be knocked unconscious, have that heart attack you were anticipating, even die, just anything to end this sight: the sight of you husband consciously harming you.
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urdepressedslut · 1 year
Stray ❝part four❞
♡ Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader/The Winter Soldier x Fem!Reader
♡ Summary: It’s the next day and both you and Bucky don’t want things to change. He doesn’t want to leave, and you don’t want him to.
♡ Warnings: angst, fluff, hints to child abuse, hints to character death, hints to PTSD, hallucinations, self hate
Italics are flashbacks
Part 5
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You tapped your fingers against the stone, trying to create a melody. Your vision blurred, the hit to the back of your head continuing to bleed. Wincing from a particularly harsh throb, you started to tap harder against the stone, dust floating around the air.
“Tom—” Your throat was raw from screaming, sending you into a coughing fit, “Tommy… What’s your color?”
You forced yourself to speak, your throat irritated from overuse. Your little brother Tommy was unfortunately trapped into another room, unlucky in avoiding Mom and Dads rage. The wall closer to the ceiling was made of a different material, it was thinner. It was the only way of communication you had with him. You’d check up on him occasionally if you weren’t unconscious, asking him for a color.
Green was fine. Yellow was hanging in there, but hurting. Red was bad.
You halted your tapping, listening for Tommy’s voice. A cry, cough, anything. The sound of your painful breaths were the only thing that could be heard, leaving you to think of the worst. Your nose burned at the thought of your baby brother beaten and left alone on the floor of his room. You were his big sister, and you failed at the one thing you were meant to do as his sister. Protect him.
“Tommy?” You called out again, “You awake? Please Tom, answer me!”
Your attempts continued for hours, sobbing, screaming, despite your throats irritation. You continued to receive no response, no sign of life. You felt defeated, empty of life the longer you sat down here. Your heart felt it was gone, ripped from your frail body as you let your mind fall into the abyss.
You could faintly hear the sound of the door opening from your brothers room, having you perk up at the sound.
Your body jumped as your Mothers screaming filled the two rooms, bouncing and echoing through the small space.
“My baby boy! No please come back!” Your Mother cried.
Your Mother might as well stomped on your heart, crushing it before your eyes. Your eyes filled with tears that you feared would be never ending, and you begun to wail along with your Mothers cries.
It was sick really, listening to a person grieve so violently. Even sicker when it was by their own doings.
You sat on the front porch, waiting patiently for the sun to rise. Your hand holding a picture so tightly, it threatened to fold. Your body shivered from the cool dawn air, your blouse and dress not warming you enough. You found the cold to be refreshing after a sleepless night, waking in a pool of your own sweat.
Staring down at the picture, your eyes watered at the sweet smiling boy, face full of innocence.
With the sadness came anger that he was taken away far too young. Having missed out on his whole life, robbed of memories, experiences, everything.
Sometimes you would catch a whiff of the decomposing stench randomly in the air. Despite being free of that hell, you’d be sent back into that room. Body going into full blown panic, clawing at the air as if the walls were closing in, scratching up your arms in attempt to grab ahold of something. Then in a blink, you’d be standing in the open fields, hand full of crumpled up flowers.
Time would heal. Maybe that was true for some, but it was different when you were alone. Your thoughts seemed louder, with no outside input to interfere. You felt like you were still trapped in that room.
You felt like the same scared little girl from the first day it happened, confused, bleeding, betrayed. You trusted your parents, you loved them. Even now, you wanted to love them because you just didn’t want to believe that your parents would do such a thing.
A hazy figure to your right from your peripheral vision snapped you back to reality, causing you to flinch back from the intrusion.
Your head whipped to the figure, focusing your gaze suddenly on nothing. The figure was gone, the empty front porch the only thing filling your view. You blinked rapidly, glancing around in paranoia, wondering if what you had seen was real. If someone was lurking, watching you from afar.
The creaking of footsteps suddenly sounded from behind you, causing you to jump up from your spot, whipping around to see. Your eyebrows furrowed, eyes going wide, darting around when you were met with… Nothing.
Freaking out you were whipping your head around in paranoia again, breathing heavy from feeling terrified. You turned towards the house and ran inside, not risking another glance back at the door, in fear you’d find the figures following you inside. Shaking your head, you attempted to clear the fog that filled your brain.
Is it possible for an insane person to know they are insane?
Yes, but that doesn’t mean you can just stop. The battle wasn’t about reality. It was within your own mind. You had been molded by bloodied hands, raised to be imperfect, taught to do sinful acts. Though, you had a strong conscience, and you weren’t physically capable to follow in your parents path.
Yes, you were insane. But you were also a person who struggled to remain calm, clinging desperately to the general flow of life, without ever actually being included. You were aware that things didn’t make sense, the illusions of ghosts seeming to be impossible. But there was an overwhelming lack of control, horrifying thoughts overriding your clear ones.
Maybe you were getting used to it, or maybe this was just how things were gonna be for you.
That was the only explanation of how calm you could feel, only moments after dealing with an episode. But it didn’t matter how much you were used to it, you would always feel afraid.
Coming closer to the kitchen, you slowed your footsteps at the sound of loud chewing. It almost sounded like someone was scarfing down food. Tip toeing to the doorway, you peaked your head in, your heart warming at the sight of Bucky indulging in the breakfast you made.
You had assumed he wasn’t going to attempt to touch anything you had made, but you had hoped in the back of your mind that he’d help himself.
You had caught yourself frozen in a memory, losing yourself to your mind when you had accidentally made enough food for a family of four. The innocent looking gesture was all it took for you to excuse yourself, heading outside to the front porch. That’s how you ended up clinging onto Tommy’s picture in a fraught grip.
Your chest was warm in satisfaction at the sight of Bucky enjoying himself. Happy that at least someone was having a good day. You allowed your mind to fill with Bucky, your mind feeling more at ease with just him wandering your thoughts.
He was mysterious and broken, but behind what appeared to be a soldier, was someone gentle. You didn’t know what he’d been through, and you didn’t know if you’d ever find out, but you still couldn’t believe his words that he’s a monster.
You knew what the real monsters were like, having been stuck for twenty something years trapped with them. You knew what a monster was like, and he wasn’t one of them.
You couldn’t stop yourself from letting a giggle bubble up, the soft sound alerting Bucky of your presence. The sight of this fairly large man hunched over at the island, munching on waffles like he was in love with them, entertaining you.
Bucky on the other hand was slightly embarrassed at you catching him ravaging your homemade waffles. But he found it easy to ignore the awkwardness, from the shock that your sweet laugh had given him. It was the lightest sound he’d ever heard, igniting an unfamiliar feeling in his chest. But the feeling wasn’t unpleasant.
You watched his face go through too many emotions to depict and you couldn’t help the concern you felt for him.
“I’m guessing you like my waffles.” You stated, giving him a gentle smile. Walking further into the room, standing behind the island facing him.
His cheeks flamed with red, using his right hand to wipe the syrup from his lips.
“Yes, they taste really good.” He told you, starting to push his plate away, though he was still hungry. He felt awkward to eat in front of someone.
“Well, don’t stop eating on my account.” You spoke, noticing his discomfort suddenly. “I accidentally made too much food, so there’s plenty for you to eat.”
He nodded, wondering why there was so much food to begin with. With just the two of them, it wasn’t necessary. He still had doubts whether you were being truthful the night before, about your family. He hadn’t wanted to snoop around the house, but your suspicious behavior made him want to. He didn’t sense any other heartbeat, or any other being causing noises besides you. Surely his mind was playing tricks on him, maybe you were just a little odd.
“I was thinking… About uh— Making you some lunch before you go. For the road, I suppose.” You offered, fiddling with your fingers nervously.
Bucky stayed silent while listening, greatly appreciating the gesture. But he couldn’t help the frown that settled on his face, the thought of leaving— scaring him. But the thought that maybe you wanted him to leave, made him feel miserable.
Despite still having just met you days ago, you were starting not to feel like a stranger to him.
“I can make some sandwiches, or I can chop up some fresh fruit, veggies… Well, I gotta go pick some from the fields— But that’s no issue really.” You rambled on, Bucky continuing to watch you with an unreadable expression.
“That’s really not necessary, I have to be going.” Bucky mumbled, scratching the back of his neck with his left arm, exposing the flash of silver.
“Wait— what is—”
Bucky followed your gaze, and realized you had seen his arm. He’d totally forgotten you hadn’t seen it yet.
“Uhh… This— Uh…”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable I just— I’ve never seen a prosthetic arm look like… Well, look so cool.” You rushed out, obviously staring at his arm, taking in all the intricate ridges, the bright red star.
Bucky cringed from your compliment, he didn’t believe it should be given. This arm was stained with the lives of so many innocents, it was tainted by the souls he had taken. It was a weapon, not a limb.
“Are you okay?” You snapped him out of his degrading thoughts, making him realize you’d been calling his name.
He nodded, not trusting his voice.
You watched with worried eyes and made another note to yourself.
Prosthetic arm: Sensitive topic
You would never truly understand for yourself how losing a limb could be taxing, and you’d respect him by not bringing it up. You’d felt guilty for mentioning it in the first place, the shock of seeing it had caught you off guard.
“So um… Lunch? What would you like?” You offered again, not minding to change the subject. His strange behavior was starting not to phase you.
Maybe it did, but you felt like you shouldn’t ask. You had your fair share of secrets, weird quirks that you were sure he noticed. A huge part of you appreciated that he didn’t seem to mind yours.
Bucky found you refreshing, you never pried. The second he was uncomfortable, you’d back off. It was odd to be so respected, especially after seventy years of being treated the opposite. Though he appreciated it, he felt he didn’t deserve it.
“I really shouldn’t stay any longer.” He told you with a frown.
“You running from someone or something?” You asked playfully, but your smile disappeared when you met his serious expression.
“Kind of, yeah.” He confessed shamefully, lowering his gaze to the leftover waffles.
“You’re very mysterious.” You thought out loud.
“It’s not safe for me to be here. It’s not safe for you.” He told you so suddenly, causing you to frown.
“I’m… not safe here?”
“You’re at risk with me around.” He informed you, watching your face scrunch with confusion.
“There are people looking for me. Bad people.” He said, his gaze intense.
“The bad people is who you’re running from, right?” You asked, trying to connect the dots on your own. You didn’t want to pry, but his words that you were in danger had given you the right to investigate.
Bucky on the other hand had felt surprisingly relived talking to you. Despite you not fully understanding how bad of a situation he was in, he was able to let someone else know what was happening. He felt less alone.
“Yes.” He whispered, his flesh hand closing into a fist.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but, I kinda live in the middle of nowhere.” You started, coming up with an idea.
You had obviously enjoyed having someone else around, the company being something you had missed.
Bucky furrowed his brows, a part of him had wanted you to ask him to stay, he didn’t want to get his hopes up. But deep down he knew he shouldn’t.
He nodded for you to continue, seeing as he didn’t have anything to say.
“Nobody ever comes up here— I don’t even think anybody knows there’s a house this way.” You stated, “As for the cemetery… It’s an old one, it’s been years since someone’s been buried here. So… No visitors.”
He listened intently, waiting to see where you were going with this. Again, he didn’t want to assume anything.
“You could stay. Here… With me.” You whispered, anxious that he’d reject your offer, leaving you here alone.
Bucky was taken aback, he was hoping you’d say just that, but to actually hear you say those words was almost unbelievable. Nothing ever worked to his favor. The never ending view of the fields, fenced by walls of towering trees had become something of comfort to him. It was peaceful and private, a place he could hide away.
You weren’t wrong— Yes, he had stumbled upon this place. Merely because he didn’t have a destination, the further the better. But this place was practically invisible, the grass looking untouched by anyone other than you.
He couldn’t help but want to trust you, you haven’t given him a reason not to trust you. He found it slightly terrifying that he was so willing to, but he had been trying to get a read on you the second he saw you. He didn’t come up with anything that might pose as a threat, instead he wondered if you were broken like him?
“You want me to stay?” He asked in disbelief, still thinking he imagined you saying those words.
You walked up, leaning against the island, holding his hesitant stare in a soft gaze.
“You can if you want.” You told him, wanting him to stay because he wanted to.
He had gone awhile without ever wanting anything, he was taught not to want, only to obey. But he didn’t want to obey anymore, he wanted to live how he wanted.
“Yes, I want to stay.” He confessed, the words feeling sour on his tongue. But the relief felt too good to focus on the anxiety. It was an overwhelming feeling of control he suddenly felt he had. He almost didn’t welcome it.
You smiled, watching his tense posture relax.
“Well, I’m gonna go pick some fresh fruit and veggies. I still wanna make you some lunch— And if you liked my waffles, just you wait.” You teased, “Be back in an hour.”
You reached under the sink, grabbing some old grocery bags, and headed towards the door. Beginning your adventure to gather food for lunch. You had a skip in your step, happy that Bucky had chosen to stay.
Meanwhile, Bucky watched your skipping form bounce out the door, and for the first time it felt like in forever… He genuinely smiled.
A/N: ahhh im overwhelmed with the support for this mini series, im so happy y’all like it🥹 let me know what you think of this part🤍
TAGLIST: @delicatecapnerd @buckybarnesandmarvel @viperchick47 @hunitweet @vixi-3303 @mirtaqueen @buckyb-stan @happinessinthebeing
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dumbgothbunny · 2 years
Why I want the winter soldier to obliterate my pussy:
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He’s so dangerous. A top predator.
That’s a hunk of man I deserve
Also I mean once he goes good he’s also super hot too
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mjolnirswriststrap · 6 months
Love In The Dark
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Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
Summary: Based off Adele’s song, love in the dark.
Warnings: Angsty Oneshot, you break his heart, what a bitch.
You and Bucky had been through so much together. You were already a part of the team when he got deprogrammed and joined. Steve was the driving factor for you two to become so close. Steve trusted him, and you trusted Steve, so you guessed that meant you trusted the winter soldier too.
You fell in love rather quickly, it wasn’t out of a movie scene or anything. You were friends, and it slowly led to something more. You were tasked with being his seeing eye dog for the first few months, before he was sent out on any missions.
When the first mission was dropped on your desk, your boss said you had to prepare him, you had no clue how you would do it. That was the first night Bucky opened up to you, he cried to you. He was terrified of being violent. Scared that fighting would revert his mind back into a killing machine.
That was five years ago. You settled into a routine with Bucky, you got comfortable, that was a mistake. You were independent, brave, the new it girl of the Avengers. Now you can’t do anything or go anywhere without him. You only took missions that Bucky was also assigned to. You entangled yourselves into each other.
At first it was thrilling, you’re guilty of rushing things. It all felt so right in the moment. Like he was meant to be your lifeline. You were too clouded by love bombing to see how deep the hole you dug yourself was. It’s like you were drowning now, you weren’t a person anymore.
It was always Bucky and Y/N. The romance had died long ago, but you couldn’t bring yourself to end things. You told yourself you could fix it or you’d eventually fall back into each other. Your relationship was just based off convenience. You were two ships passing in the night most of the time, roommates it felt like. You didn’t know how your life would end up in another five years.
You know you have to end it, no matter how much he begs you to stay. With shaking hands, you knock on his door, stepping back when you hear him shuffling on the other side. He opens the door, raising his eyebrows at you “Why didn’t you just walk in?” He turns around, going back to his coffee table. He was dusting off old baseball cards in a brown paper bag.
You walk in, closing the door behind yourself. Making no moves to sit on the couch beside him, you stand there, giving him one last chance to do anything. When you doesn’t raise his head from polishing a clear card sleeve, you let out an exasperated huff. Tears try to form in your eyes, you feel them burning but nothings coming out. Your throat feels like it’s closing on itself, drying out instantly.
You take a deep breath, never blinking. You didn’t want to take your eyes off of him, “I can’t do this anymore.”. You finally say it, the five words you’d been grueling over for two years. It catches Bucky’s attention though, “What do you mean?”, he stands stepping towards you. You put your arms up, pressing your hands into his chest. “Please, give me space.”
He listens obediently, distancing himself from you. “Tell me what’s going on baby.” You scoff, he hasn’t called you baby in months.
“Don’t call me that.” You look into his confused eyes, “I want to be my own person Bucky. I’m breaking up with you.”
He invades your personal space when you say that. Wrapping his arms around you, he forces his face into the crook of your neck, “You don’t mean that, I know you don’t mean it. What’s wrong baby, it’s okay.”
You wiggle free from his grasp, “Give it up Bucky, it’s really over.” He steps back, his shoulders are rigid, “Why are you doing this?” Your heart starts beating out of your chest, like it’s gasping for air, begging you to stop.
“I don’t love you anymore.” You can’t look him in the eyes and say that, because you know it’s not true. You know this is the only chance to say everything so you rephrase it, “Rather, I love myself more. It’s better this way.”
“Better for you, not me.” Bucky’s face is strained, he can’t look at you. “You and I both know things haven’t been the same in a while Bucky, don’t act surprised.” Bucky took his chance to scoff at you.
“I haven’t done anything different, no changes, so what changed you?” He drops himself down on the couch, holding his head in his hands. Guilt fills you, like this is all your fault and not shared blame.
“Everything Bucky.” You sit beside him, holding his hand. “I’m sorry, but this relationship isn’t fair to either of us anymore.”
Bucky raises his head to look at you, tears running down his face, “I love you, I can’t let you go.” Tears finally spring to your eyes, it feels like you’re making the biggest mistake of your life. “You have to.”
He grabs either side of your face, cupping your cheeks in his hands. “I’ll do anything, I’ll be anything you want me to be, just don’t do this.” Your heart breaks, but you have to do this for the both of you.
You pull his hands away, standing up in front of him. “You’ll be okay, I promise.” Bucky shakes his head, in complete disbelief of what’s happening. You make your way to the door, only looking back once your in the hallway, his flesh hand was wiping tears from his eyes as he sobbed. You close the door, shielding your eyes from the damage you caused.
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buckrecs · 1 year
HELLO so i was wondering if you have some winter soldier x reader fics?? ive been trying to find some but theyre all so short (still amazing stories tho) tysm, i really appreciate you making recs
Winter Soldier!Bucky
masterlist | req masterlist
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Into Cursed Pixie Dust by @buckets-and-trees
“He's credited over two dozen assassinations in the last fifty years…” but you don’t know that. You run into him once, then again, again, again. Destiny draws you together, and neither of you can deny the pull. And yet though he never ages, you do.
Stalker by @you-are-my-sanctuary
In which Bucky has a crush on the new PR manager and is being an adorable stalker.
sleepwalking by @lanadelreyscokewhor3
when your boyfriend bucky wakes up with the winter soldier mindest, you do the only thing you know how to do- comfort him. he does the only thing he knows how to thank you- possessive sex. 
Colors in the Dark by @buckychrist
The world is without color, and that’s never bothered the Winter Soldier. The Fist of HYDRA didn’t have time for love and soulmates. At almost a century old, what are the odds that his soulmate was even still living?
ephemeral by @earlgreydream
the winter soldier shows up wounded at your door during a storm.
Purgatory by @wkemeup
While on a mission, Bucky becomes dissociated into the Winter Soldier. But instead of becoming a threat, his instinct is to protect.
a soldier gone rouge by @kinanabinks
the winter soldier has been sent to kill you. why, then, are you so wet?
Reverse Psychology by @waiting4inspiration
Bucky’s Winter Soldier mode is triggered. But you have something up your sleeves that will bring him back.
Comply by @gogolucky13
With Hydra, everyone is a prisoner.
Don’t Fear the Reaper by @gogolucky13
One night, the Winter Soldier appears at your place of work to eliminate a target. He leaves you alive, only to return a few months later.
Fatal Mistake by @rookthorne
A rogue agent amidst their ranks, it was the perfect plan, a perfect escape. It was their fatal mistake. 
Wolf, Partner, Gloves… by @revengingbarnes
HYDRA’s words make Bucky go into Winter Soldier mode. Then he meets you, and you make for him words that will bring him back to normal.
the dragon and her shadow by @kashimos-hajime
You fall in love with the Winter Soldier, and they punish you for it. Sentiment is weakness, but what can they do? After all, they cannot kill the Fist of H.Y.D.R.A. and mortal men cannot even begin to comprehend slaying a dragon.
take it easy, romeo by @sunmoonandeddie
The Soldat remembers one person through it all.
You Found Me by @samthemarvelfan
Bucky Barnes always came home to you. What happens when he doesn't? Worse than that...what happens when he forgets you existed?
Gone Again by @tokoyamisstuff
The Winter Soldier is lost and confused, unable to remember a single thing - except for the place where he’d find the woman that had become his safe space.
I’ll Come Back for You by @milliedazzledust
something where he is in winter soldier mode and protecting the scientist (y/n) where she is the only one who can sort of calm him down after a mission.
Void by @theeleggymeggy
Working as a nurse at HYDRA, you find yourself intervening when you catch Alexander Pierce striking The Asset. You don’t even know this man, but you can’t just stand and watch him be beat down.
Sweet Memory by @
One’s Promised by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Living a double life was not a choice when one was the daughter of Alexander Pierce. Y/N was the youngest agents of SHIELD and one of the most respected threats within Hydra’s empire. No matter her allegiance, she was feared by both. Y/N Pierce would’ve tried to escape it all… if it hadn’t been for The Winter Soldier.
Soldat by @the-fallen-nightmare
Captain America and Reader have worked together at SHIELD for over a year. What happens when they have a run in with The Winter Solider and Steve finds out the secret Reader had been hiding from him all this time? And what happens when reader is captured by Hydra and The Winter Soldier, again. Can she make Soldat remember her or is her life with Steve just a slow fading memory now?
Breach by @darkmasterlistyouneveraskedfor (dark)
The reader finds herself in the Winter Soldier’s cross hairs during a lock down.
Reset by @lunarbuck
The government has fallen, Hydra has taken over. You were an agent of SHIELD long before the reign of terror began, and became a member of the resistance when they needed you most. Everything changes when the Winter Soldier captures you from your safe house.
Devil’s Backbone by @trashmenofmarvel
With your team dead and your mission failed, you’ve been taken by the assassin to an unknown location and are at the mercy of your cruel tormentors.
Krasavchik by @after-avenging-hours
While under orders from Karpov to test the Soldat’s loyalties to Hydra, you find yourself questioning your own loyalties.
Welcome Home… Soldat? by @winterarmyy
Y/N had make a habit of greeting Bucky a warm 'welcome home' everytime he came back from his missions, but there was one particular day when she unknowingly greeted someone else.
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buckets-and-trees · 2 years
Forest of Fics [masterlist]
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an ask about a water creature C!Evans character [bullet point drabble] Bolotnik!Curtis Everett x Female!Reader | explicit smut, non-con, dub con, terato/monster fucking
Love That's Laid Beside Me [5k] King!Steve x Queen!Female!Reader | explicit smut, part of the Cedar Trees Royal AU
It Fit Too Right [690] soft!dark Nomad!Steve x female!reader | smut
Prepare for Takeoff [1.5k] soft!dark!mafia Andy Barber x female!reader | tw: dub con, explicit smut, part of the I'm Your Man collection
Morning Radiance [750] soft!dark!mafia Andy Barber x female!reader | tw: dub con, explicit smut, somnophilia, part of the I'm Your Man collection
Waiting On One Look [300] alpha Ari Levinson x female!omega!reader | apocalyptic omegaverse, referenced smut
Give Up [450] soft dark alpha Bucky x female!omega!reader | tw: DUB CON, explicit smut
The Only Way of Knowing You [7.8k] leshy!Nick Fowler x female!Reader | modern AU, smut, tw: dub con
CEDAR TREES [royal AU collection] f!Reader insert, king!Steve, Royal AU, smut, fluff
DEVOUR [short series] soft!dark Bucky x f!Reader insert, mob AU, non/dub-con start, explicit SMUT
Sacrificial [3.5k] Minotaur!Bucky x f!scientist!Reader (modern AU) dark SMUT/monster fucking, dub-con
Desperate [3k] Bucky Barnes x f!Reader | SMUT dubious consent, sex pollen, kidnapping
WARM SHADOWS [post-endgame omegaverse series] Alpha!Bucky x f!reader, Alpha!Captain Hydra x f!reader | DARK SMUT, tw: non con, tw: dub con, fluff beginning
events & challenges
Aspen's Holiday Extravaganza 2022
Into an Alternate June-iverse 2023
Hot Bucky Summer 2023
Bucky Barnes Bingo, Round Five - through January 2024
Aspen's 1st Anniversary Sleepover
'A Very Horny Monday to You...' August Sultry and Sinful List
Aspen's Dark Forest Fest - October 2023
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IN THE OPEN AIR [dual-part series] Gender Bend Mermaid AU, f!Reader insert
part one: Out of These Waters [7.9k]
part two: That Shore Up Above [will be continued TBD]
THE BROOKLYN BOYS [drabble series] female!Reader insert, slow burn
A MAN IS NOT HIS SONG [short series] female!Reader insert, slow burn, eventual smut, post-CA:WS era Bucky
1: More than a Melody's Needed
DEVOUR [short series] female!Reader insert, mob AU, non/dub-con start, explicit SMUT, mostly-dark!mob boss Bucky
salt - non-con fat - dub-con acid - totally con heat - coming Nov/Dec 2023 post series-drabbles: mint | yeast
BUCK'S ELEVEN [snapshot series] historical AU, Ocean's Eleven-style heist premise
Buck's Eleven (original one-shot) [1.6k] Bucky, mentions of ex-wife!Reader, Steve
WARM SHADOWS [post-endgame omegaverse series] Alpha!Bucky x f!reader, Alpha!Captain Hydra x f!reader | DARK SMUT, tw: non con, tw: dub con, fluff beginning
Into Cursed Pixie Dust [9k] female!Reader insert, SMUT, morally grey Winter Soldier
Silent Screams in Wildest Dreams [8k] female!Reader insert, SMUT, dark ending
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have [2k] dark!Wanda + Bucky x gender neutral!Reader, non-con/dub-con smut DARK FIC
Sacrificial [3.5k] Minotaur!Bucky x female!scientist!Reader (modern AU) dark SMUT/monster fucking, dub-con + follow up drabble: Do You Remember?
Talk [2k] Pleasure Dom!Bucky (modern AU) SMUT, BDSM, forced orgasm
Perfectionists [2.2k] + Test Play [1.8k] Game Designer!Bucky x female!reader (modern AU) SMUT
Desperate [3k] female reader, SMUT, dubious consent, sex pollen, kidnapping
Uncertain and Sure [550] Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader | follow up drabble to Desperate, slight angst, feels, no smut
Insatiable [1850] Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader | more for the Desperate verse but can stand alone, explicit smut
The Pool Party Op [1.2k] female reader, SMUT
Meet Cute [2.2k] female reader, modern AU, first piece in the Trader James Collection
Saturday Night Movie Marathon [2.4k] female reader, SMUT
Don't Blame Me [<1k] female reader | SMUT, tw: infidelity
What You Want [2.7k] lawyer!Bucky x curvy!female assistant!reader| modern AU, power dynamic, periphery/secular reference to the Christmas holiday, vaginal fingering, use of "plum" as a term of endearment
Christmas Eve Eve [1.1k but slotting with the drabbles because it’s still short] gn!Reader insert, fluff
Tactics [650] TFATWS era Bucky, character study
Coffee Shop Meet-Cute Request [1.1k] post-TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x female!Reader, fluff
The Color Crimson [500] Bucky Barnes x female!Reader x Ari Levinson, SMUT
Nose-brush forehead kisses post-TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Reader, fluff
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CEDAR TREES [royal AU collection] female!Reader insert, king!Steve, Royal AU, smut, fluff
THE BROOKLYN BOYS [drabble series] female!Reader insert, slow burn
WARM SHADOWS [post-endgame omegaverse series] Alpha!Bucky x f!reader, Alpha!Captain Hydra x f!reader | DARK SMUT, tw: non con, tw: dub con, fluff beginning
Tiny Vessels [1.5k] gender neutral Reader insert, end of Endgame Steve, brief moments of non-graphic physical intimacy follow up: Don't Forget You Were the One Who [1.3k] Steve returns
King [1k] female!Reader insert, mob!Steve, angst quickly resolved into fluff
Witchview [1.3k] female!Reader insert (witch!reader), Steve stays in the present after Endgame, post-WandaVision, smut, magic, manipulation, dark-ish
Peering In My Hollow Core [2.4k] Nomad!Steve x Morally Grey f!Reader | SMUT (dub-con sex pollen)
With You female!Reader insert, fluff, potential future Neighbor!Steve scenario/chaptered work
inspired by a Chris and Dodger gifset gender neutral Reader insert, fluff
Bookings and Rings female!Reader insert, Buck's Eleven Collection, light smut
Steve with a Breeding Kink [750] Steve x f!reader | soft dark SMUT, tw: dubious consent
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Sketch of Sam and Natasha [1k] Nat x Sam, exploring a CA: The Winter Soldier theory/close “reading of the text”
Are We Falling [1k] Sam x female!Reader, smut, post!TFATWS
Consort [2.3k] Namor x female!Reader, smut, post Wakanda Forever Companion [3.3k] Namor x female!Reader, smut, part two of Consort
The Ashes In My Wake [1.2k] dark!Daredevil x female!Reader, non-con smut
These Hands Had To [1k] Alpha!Joaquin Torres x female!Omega!Reader, omegaverse, fluff to smut, post!TFATWS
hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have [2k] dark!Wanda + Bucky x gn!Reader, non-con/dub-con smut DARK FIC
Late Night Quickie Natasha Romanoff x Joaquin Torres | Gamer AU, SMUT
Lexicon Post (Prologue, premise, context, character list)
Part One: Unrest - Steve, Bucky, Thanos, Natasha
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Unholy Errand [4k] Lloyd Hansen x female!Reader, God the Bounty Hunter x female!Reader, Ransom Drysdale SMUT, dark, non-con, dub-con
I'm Your Man [3k] soft!dark Mafia!Andy Barber x f!reader SMUT, tw: dubcon
The Color Crimson [500] Bucky Barnes x female!Reader x Ari Levinson | SMUT
Exactly Like You [1k] Nick Fowler x Female!Reader | soft dark, reference to smut happening, Stockholm syndrome
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Can’t Be Forgotten [4.5k] Lily Luna Potter x Tom Riddle, soft dark
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stuckybingo · 3 months
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It is time to Resurrect Stucky!
Reclists Part 3
Back in December, the call was put out for fans to create a Stucky Renaissance on Tumblr. We at Stucky Bingo are all about our two favorite centenarians and participants for this event helped to create a series of reclists for all of our fellow Stucky enthusiasts to enjoy.
This reclist is dedicated to Fanart! Whether it is drawings, manips, or moodboards, it is all amazing.
I'd do more for you but I can't by Rufferto (Teen, Fanart, Warnings: Hydra, Winter Soldier) An AU where The winter Soldier never goes in for repairs without a fuss, that is unless a blonde tech named Grant James is there. The tech is actually Steve Rogers in disguise trying to get Bucky back.In order to fix Bucky he has to accidentally hurt him which Steve is sure is a certain type of villainy that doesn't sit well in his stomach. Hydra goons are everywhere and there's only so much he can do for now while he's been secretly transformed to only resemble Captain America to get to the Winter Soldier.
Beyond the finish line by otp-holic (General, Moodboard) What if Steve and Bucky were professional cyclists...
Waiting For Something More by Rufferto (Teen, Fanart) Cap and Bucky meet and Bucky has taken drastic measures to finally get his attention.
Steve? | Sketches by petiteallemande (General, Fanart) Steve watches Bucky turn to dust.
HoeHoeHoe by elkleggs (General, Fanart) Steve and Bucky making out.
Breakfast by capibuck (General, Fanart) Bucky cooking with Steve behind him, both smiling.
Like you latte by Smutconnoisseur (General, Moodboard ) Café owner Steve finally makes a move on the cute caffeine enthusiast author who spends his mornings typing away in his shop
Diplomatic incident by petite-madame (Teen, Fanart) I’m very flattered and I know it’s a present, but…I’m not really sure about the outfit and… Tututu. Exactly, it’s a PRESENT. From Princess Shuri HERSELF, so you got nothing to want. Or d'you want to create a diplomatic incident? ANOTHER ONE ? Alienating the whole U.N. wasn’t enough, you wish to add to the list the only country that’s willing to help us? Pfff, you are just feeling self-conscious because a couple of kids told you “Hi, Jesus, can you multiply our sandwiches?” when we were visiting the town this morning
sorry by muffinshark (Teen, Fanart) Steve with his head in Bucky's lap and Bucky embracing him
Strangers in the Night by purpleicedteas (Teen, Moodboard) Steve and Bucky's mornings in bed.
artist’s model by muffinshark (Teen, Fanart) Bucky gets dressed as Steve finishes painting
the artist by muffinshark (Teen, Fanart) Steve's drawings of Bucky with some doodles Bucky added
Fur Babies by Girl_Back_There (General, Moodboard) Steve and Bucky's Fur Babies
The Life of Bucky Barnes by petite-madame (Teen, Fanart Series) Images from Bucky Barnes' Instagram. My life with Steve, mainly, and tons of other stuff. Don't call me James.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Collateral Damage
Pairing: Winter Solider x Female Reader, Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You pay the price when the Avengers try to undo the snap. Word Count: Over 300 Warnings: Noncon (you have been warned), dark themes, light choking, Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier, (he's a warning, okay?) A/N: Another one for @cockslutpadalecki's Fifteen Sentence Challenge (prompt in bold).❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Header by yours truly. Banner by the lovely @sgt-seabass and divider by the wonderful @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You tried to warn the Avengers that time travel could cause more harm than good, but they didn’t listen since they did their best to think of every possible angle and consequence. Even with the assurance that things would go back to the way they were, or at least be fixed enough, you had a feeling that something would go wrong. You just didn’t expect to be the collateral damage along the way.
And you learned quickly that in some universes, the heroes never win.
“You look so good with my hand wrapped around your throat.”
The words were spoken so quietly through the mask that you almost didn’t hear them as the soldier plunged his cock deeper into you. The assassin with the cold blue eyes didn’t remember or recognize you, but it didn’t stop him from making you his. For whatever reason, one you didn’t know at the time, you were his mission and he was going to complete it.
“Bucky, please,” you tried to plead before the hand around your neck tightened, tears sliding from the corners of your eyes.
Bucky once told you no matter what world the two of you found yourselves in, you’d be together. The man inside of you wasn’t your Bucky though, the man you fell in love with, the one who turned to dust on that fateful day. You hoped wherever that version of him went that he was at peace.
“You’re mine now,” the soldier growled, snapping his hips harder as he choked off your cry, not realizing that he was in fact Bucky.
Maybe you could help the Soldat remember who he truly is, but today wouldn’t be that day.
Because you were now the prize of the Winter Soldier, collateral damage in a battle you never wanted to fight to begin with.
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Can't be that bad, right? Hehe. Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
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