nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
oh no based on the summary and the tags this fic sounds like some pretty fucked up shit. really dreadful stuff. problematic, no doubt.
*right click* > Open Link in New Tab
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mischievous-thunder · 3 years
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Poor souls!
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worstloki · 2 years
*after the grandmaster thing*
Loki: Thor?
Thor: What?
Loki: You didn't look did u?
Thor: FATHER'S BEARD NO!....did u
Loki: ...no. *lying* Btw that wasn't me I cast an illusion
Thor: Huh.
Loki: What were you doing with that chair?!
Thor: Oh...uh I was resting
Thor's going to be doing a lot of sitting I guess
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cyberdelph · 3 years
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by @haleru_yo
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red-shadow-wolf-19 · 3 years
My new weird grandthorki/collector au had consumed me. As well as my love for Gator Loki.
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grandthorkiday · 3 years
Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you all know that, to my huge disappointment, I've been way too busy to officially set this up this year. :( But I will still reblog anything I'm tagged in tomorrow if anyone still wanted to participate. :)
Happy Grandthorki Day!! ❤❤❤
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teleris-night · 3 years
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con Relationships: En Dwi Gast | Grandmaster/Loki/Thor, En Dwi Gast | Grandmaster/Loki, Loki/Thor (Marvel), Loki & Thor (Marvel) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), En Dwi Gast | Grandmaster Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Mutual Non-Con, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Extremely Dubious Consent, Bottom Loki (Marvel), Top Thor (Marvel), Canon Divergence - Thor: Ragnarok (2017), POV Thor (Marvel), Rape Aftermath, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Dreams, Angst, Past Torture, Mental Health Issues, Communication Failure, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Series: Part 1 of Closer than a friend, I could be your enemy
Please enjoy Thor and Loki having a not good very bad time! 
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loxxxlay · 4 years
Edit: for new people, the info is on the blog @grandthorkiday and the event is typically held on October 21st, but this year it falls on a wednesday, so I’m happy to push it to the following weekend if necessary/wanted
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WIP Wednesday, kind of!
for @grandthorkiday this year, I really wanted to finally finish the fic I started for it last year, but that didn’t happen because literally everything is happening at the same time this October and also it’s hard to focus on writing in general right now. but then I thought of this older Sakaar fic that has been vaguely on my “I’m almost positive this is practically done if I would just put some time and effort into finishing it (but it’s also totally possible it’s nowhere near as close to being done as I think it is)” list for ages, and I realized it totally fit the definition for Grandthorki, and I thought maybe I could finish that real quick instead!
...I couldn’t. there’s a lot more to this one that needs to be written than I kind of thought, in part because it’s so old I wrote it before Ragnarok ever came out, so it was based purely on the trailer (and then inspired by some speculation by @theotherodinson, I think), and to finish this fic I would first have to decide if it would be more straightforward to just keep going with my pre-Ragnarok speculation or change the setup a bit to fit the film. also I would have to turn a bunch of bullet points into an actual conversation that would have to...make sense? and, like, establish things? and that’s hard even when my brain isn’t busy constantly screaming.
but! I can post most of what I already wrote, just for fun and because at least this is something Grandthorki-related that I haven’t already posted elsewhere! knowing me this could backfire because then I won’t have as much motivation to try to finish it but on the other hand it’s been sitting at this exact level of unfinishedness for like three years so it’s probably not going to hurt.
warnings: I kind of don’t know what to say here because nothing actually happens but there’s a lot of discussion of rape and graphic violence, so...warnings for that!
[the basic premise/assumption here was that Thor ended up on Sakaar at some point in his search for the Infinity Stones, was forced into the Contest, and gradually gained more of the Grandmaster’s favor and attention because he’s Thor and he’s great at fighting. it’s probably been months at this point, he’s one of the Grandmaster’s champions, and that earns him a reward that he extremely does not want: a few hours with a sex slave, basically.]
The Grandmaster calls them his pets, sentient beings he keeps because they are pretty rather than for their fighting prowess, but the term seems only partially accurate given that it implies both ownership and some level of exclusivity. The latter, at least, seems to apply on a purely arbitrary basis according to the Grandmaster’s whims. There are other appropriate terms, certainly, and Thor has heard plenty from the guards and his fellow warriors. “Pleasure slave” seems to be the most accurate while still remaining within the bounds of marginal politeness.
“Grandmaster must like you special,” the guard says in a confiding tone as they walk. “This one used to be one of his favorite pets, all personal like—didn’t share him much, real picky about what anybody could do with him. Guess the mouthiness lost its shine. Oh yeah, that reminds me—” He digs into his bag and emerges with a handful of metal. “Boy’s really got a mouth on him, so use this when you get tired of it. Or if you wanna make sure he won’t bite; he still hasn’t learned his lesson on that either. Up to you though; walls are soundproof, so whatever you get up to won’t bother nobody else.”
It’s a gag, Thor realizes, reminded with a jolt of the muzzle he fastened on Loki before bringing him back to Asgard, and he cannot afford to think about Loki now. “Thank you,” he says as politely as he can, “but I have no need of…that.”
“You do, trust me,” the guard says. “Only way the boys have found to shut him up and stop him biting. Never met somebody who runs his mouth like that. Dunno why the Grandmaster liked him so long. Oh, and it opens, see—” He twists something at the side of the gag and part of the mouthpiece folds inward. Another twist and the opening widens, and it takes very little creativity to imagine how the mechanism would force the wearer’s jaw wide. “Careful with that, by the way,” the guard adds. “Two turns gets him open, three or four is good, keep going and you can dislocate his jaw—which is fine, fixed that before, it’s just the kind of thing you probably want to know you’re doing, right?”
Thor’s stomach turns over. When he is free of this place, he will come back to help the other slaves. He forces a smile. “I assure you, I do not need such an instrument.”
“You’ll thank me when you change your mind later,” the guard says, shoving the gag into Thor’s hand. Thor gives up and takes it, because if he has learned nothing else in the last few years he has at least learned the importance of picking his battles. “He hasn’t been fed today, either, so no worries he’ll puke on you. Might get him to cooperate if you promise him food after, but that never really works with this one, so, probably a waste of time. All up to you though. Anyway—” He puts a hand over the locking panel and the room’s outer door slides open. “I’ll lock you in, come get you in a few hours. Comms are open in case you need something. And ‘cause we get bored.”
“And if I prefer not to have an audience,” Thor says.
The guard snorts. “You been here this long and you don’t get how things work? In you go.”
Thor sighs and does as he’s bid. The outer door hisses shut behind him and the inner door slides open, revealing a modestly appointed bedchamber. The bed is the largest thing in it, a sturdy-looking wooden construction with prominent bedposts, but Thor’s attention is drawn immediately to the figure kneeling on the floor. He is facing away, though not by choice; his wrists are shackled behind his back and bound to a metal loop in the floor with a short length of chain. Thor has no doubt the positioning is deliberate, just another way of reminding the slave of his powerlessness. His shoulders are rigid, his fingers curled into fists—blue fingers, Thor notes, with black nails, and blue skin at the back of his neck under black hair. Probably Kree, then, which makes it a little odd that he is not being used in the arena, instead of…this.
Thor grimaces and moves to put himself in the slave’s line of sight.
[aaaaand naturally the slave is Loki, miraculously alive after dying in Thor’s arms on Svartalfheim! also he doesn’t recognize Thor at all and in fact remembers nothing prior to waking up half-dead on Svartalfheim and being scooped up by the Grandmaster somehow! this is all very upsetting for Thor! it gets more upsetting when, in the conversation I haven’t written, Loki starts working really hard to goad Thor into a temper and Thor realizes what he’s trying to do!]
“You want the gag,” Thor says finally.
Loki jerks back, his mouth snapping shut. He recovers quickly, his eyes crackling with anger, but he’s not quite fast enough to keep Thor from glimpsing a flash of fear underneath. “What I want is irrelevant. This is about what you want, that is the entire point, and I know your type, dozens of times over. You’re a warrior. You want to win. You want to hear me beg you to stop, to show mercy you delight in withholding. And I am telling you now, you can do anything you like but you will not hear me beg, not for anything. So use the damn gag.”
And with a flash of nauseating clarity Thor gets it, why Loki’s working so hard to goad others into forcibly shutting him up, because it’s the one tiny piece of control he has left. Unbidden, the image forces itself into his mind: Loki, eyes squeezed shut in pain, screaming into the gag and clinging to the very last scraps of his pride with the knowledge that if he breaks and begs for it to stop, no one will know—clinging to those scraps even though his defiance hurts him, because he has been left with nothing else that is still his.
[Thor gets real upset! upset enough to unlock his lightning powers without access to Mjolnir? yep!]
Loki’s red eyes widen, his bravado visibly wavering, and his voice shakes just a little as he says, “Well done, that’s actually a new one.”
“I’m sorry,” Thor says, “this will hurt, but I will be quick,” and he reaches out one crackling hand for the collar.
[Loki’s eyes widen etc. here instead probably] and he cringes away, raw panic breaking through his bravado, but if the guards are not already on their way they will be soon, and there is no time to spend on reassurances Loki will have no reason to believe anyway. Thor steels himself and lunges, seizing the chain at Loki’s wrists with one hand and his collar with the other, and Loki’s body snaps taut as lightning floods into him.
Once, over a century ago, a journey with Sif and the Warriors Three went disastrously wrong, resulting in Thor and Loki stranded alone on Muspelheim, relentlessly pursued by a dozen Fire Giants and unable to get far enough away to safely call on Heimdall. By the time the giants truly cornered them, they’d been running for three days straight without water or sleep, Loki’s magic was nearly depleted from several aborted attempts to hide them and open a pathway between realms, and Thor couldn’t draw down a storm from the painfully dry desert air. With no options remaining to them, Loki convinced Thor to channel the last dregs of Mjolnir’s lightning through Loki himself, in the theory that doing so might amplify what little remained of Loki’s magic and grant him the power needed to escape. It was a mad, desperate gamble that could have easily killed him and nearly did, but it worked, leaving Thor with—among other things—an unsettlingly precise knowledge of how much lightning Loki’s body could take without dying.
He has not thought of that incident in years, but he is glad of it now, especially without Mjolnir to help him control his power.
 When everything clears, Loki is sprawled on his back, staring up at Thor and breathing hard, freed of all his bonds. His expression shifts through pain and fear and shock into confusion and then, finally, a faint glimmer of recognition, and he says hoarsely, “…Thor?”
Thor exhales, relief and battle-lust tangling inside him, and holds out his hand to help Loki up. “Come, brother. It’s time to get out of this place.”
Loki stares at him for a moment longer, his throat working, and then he reaches back and takes Thor’s hand.
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bereft-of-frogs · 4 years
shadows form a grin | 2.2k
chapter 1: caught in clouds of silver rope | cage me like an animal
let the human in (whumptober 2020) | day 1: let’s hang out sometime (waking up restrained, hanging) | day 4: running out of time (caged)
Fandom: MCU | Rating: Explicit | Warnings: this fic will evolve into grandthorki in the second chapter, so general warnings for incest, rape/noncon, etc, etc (dldr)
The first attempt at escaping Sakaar goes poorly, leaving Team Revengers scattered, trapped.
The Grandmaster has the princes in the tower. He knows just what to do with them.
[read on ao3]
Day 2 of posting! Thank you all so much for the response to the first day, I can’t wait to go back and reread and respond to comments later!
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mischievous-thunder · 3 years
What everyone wholeheartedly believes Loki did to have the Grandmaster wrapped around his pretty fingers
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Warning: Grandthorki, Frostmaster(?), dub-con
This is what I imagine would happen had Grandmaster visited Asgard in Thor and Loki’s youth.
The ruler of Sakaar paid an unexpected visit to Asgard.
Chapter 1
The first time Thor saw the ruler of Sakaar was after a hunt with the Warriors Three.
Frigga’s loyal handmaidens ushered Thor into the royal hall, with the prince still muddy after a successful hunt. And there he was, slumping casually on a chaise longue while Odin sat on the opposite side with Frigga. Loki was standing behind their father, meticulously dressed. He frowned at Thor’s late entry and, with a soft gesture with his palm, signalled Thor to greet the stranger.
“Ah, Grandmaster, may I introduce to you my eldest, Thor. You must pardon him for his state, he was not notified of your arrival when he left for a hunt this morning.” Odin stated, and Thor could hear the subtle accusation his father had for the guest’s unannounced and, clearly, untimely arrival.
“Have no fear, Odin, I love surprises, especially the exotic kind.” The bizarrely-dressed man did not even spare Thor a glance, not did he take note of Odin’s displeasure. His eyes laid focused on his brother, who was fidgeting with his hands at the attention. Thor swore he saw the guest wink at his brother.
The next morning, Odin announced during breakfast that Loki, with less royal duties, would show their guest around Asgard.
Having a guest was not exactly a strange experience for Thor, especially when he, as a prince, was constantly tasked with touring various royal guests and diplomats around. However, the arrival of Grandmaster had proven to be more upsetting than any previous visits.
The ruler of Sakaar did not praise Asgard’s golden architecture, nor did he show any interest in the lavish feasts his mother had spent hours preparing for every night. He studied every part Asgard had to offer like a man studying the grass underneath his feet.
That was, except Loki.
Thor never found the library interesting, despite how much his brother insisted the opposite, but their guest spent hours there with his brother. Instead of asking to be toured, Grandmaster seemed to find great pleasure in sitting next to Loki, listening to his brother as he dug through volumes of books for new discovery. As a young sorcerer, Loki often shared with Thor the newest potions he had discovered and tested. Such sharings often fell on deaf ears, a trait Thor was guilty of because he had no interest in sorcery.
Seeing Loki’s slightly flushed face at Grandmaster’s attention, Thor could not help but felt his negligence might have paid a part in encouraging Loki’s increased reliance on their guest.
So much that Loki seemed to have lost the awareness of Thor’s presence whenever he was with their guest.
One late afternoon, Thor quietly entered the library, only to find the ruler of Sakaar whispering to his brother. The elder allowed his finger to softly trace down Loki’s. Thor nearly shouted when, with a gasp, Loki’s reflex sent a burst of strong magic from his palm.
With suppressed glee, Thor thought that their guest was finally meeting his demise after overstaying his welcome.  
One can imagine his shock when Grandmaster, with a flick of a wrist, dissolved the potentially fatal blow. He seemed to have absorbed the potent energy into his body, without changing his posture.
Grandmaster did not seem offended. Instead, he gently held up Loki’s hand and, with soothing words, calmed the prince.
It wasn’t long before his brother’s face, which was pale with shock, turned rosy pink when their guest landed a kiss on his hand.
Thor felt his world spiralling out of control when his father informed him one morning that the ruler of Sakaar had proposed a marriage alliance between both states.
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red-shadow-wolf-19 · 3 years
I (do not) apologize for the person I will become during the What If series. Especially when I hear my favorite hedonistic immortal.
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grandthorkiday · 4 years
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~ Grandthorki Day ~ Zero More Days ~
Invite | General Info | Rules | Tag System
Loki’s heart drops, all rational thought vanishing, and he lunges away—or tries, yanked up short so he doesn’t even make it off the Grandmaster’s lap. Faintly glowing threads of power tether him to the chair at wrists, knees, and ankles, immovable and unbreakable. In the mirror he sees another thread coil around his throat, and then—
You should choose your words more carefully.
—he can’t breathe.
Nothing is touching him except the Grandmaster’s magic but he can feel it again, the unyielding pressure of the Infinity Gauntlet bruising his flesh and squeezing his windpipe shut. He struggles, choking. Nothing gets in or out.
He’s trapped. He can’t breathe.
“Now, that’s the stuff,” the Grandmaster says appreciatively. He pats Loki’s quivering chest. “Keep squirming, honeybunch, that’s—well, I’m into it, that’s for sure.”
Thor takes a step toward them, his face nearly as ashen as Loki’s. “Please,” he says, “let him go, I’ll—”
The Grandmaster tsks. “I just told you like 30 seconds ago what you need to do, Sparkles, were you really not listening? I was joking when I said Kiki got all the brains in the family, but he really did, didn’t he?”
“But I—” Thor swallows, his gaze on Loki agonized. Loki’s fingers dig harder into the chair’s ruined arms as he gasps for air that never reaches his lungs. His seidr pulses weakly within him but no matter how much he scrabbles to reach it, there is nothing for him to grasp. “I can’t—”
“Better get going there,” the Grandmaster says, eyeing Loki in the mirror. “Looks like you’re uh, gonna be starting from scratch now, so…chop chop, right?”
~from I will kiss you till your breath is found by @thelightofthingshopedfor​
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teleris-night · 4 years
I was tagged by @kiwimeringue / @geminijackdaw to do the last line meme. I’m barely writing at the moment as I’ve got a lot of other stuff going on and I just seem to have lost all motivation for writing fic, but thank you for the tag! <3
Here is my most recent line, from the second chapter of A Lesson in Empathy (cus despite the fact it’s been over a year since I posted the first chapter, I am still writing it lol). 
“Yes,” Loki said as he dropped the pill into Thor’s outstretched palm, “you will.”
Tagging anyone who wants an excuse to share their stuff <3 
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loxxxlay · 4 years
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