#Media: Gifs
layla-keating · 1 year
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XO, KITTY — 1.09 “SNAFU”
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magicshop · 1 year
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You, who gave me their hand when I fell, now I'll hold it for you.
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dazzlinhaze · 1 year
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and he never thinks of me...
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montygreen · 1 year
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LEILA'S 12K FOLLOWERS CELEBRATION: @trueloveistreacherous​ asked Peraltiago + “Glitch”
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yeamarvel · 1 year
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Elizabeth Olsen Rewatches Wandavision, Love & Death, Ingrid Goes West & More | Vanity Fair
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sonicfangamebot · 5 months
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'SA2B: Route 64' (2021) by @Litronom (Hack) Adds a stage based on the 'Sonic Adventure 2' track to 'Mario Kart 64'. Available via OverKart Discord: https://discord.gg/NNkQSz9
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allamericandaily · 1 year
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ALL AMERICAN — 5.20 “Now That We’ve Found Love”
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kingsroad · 2 years
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𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐏𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐑𝐔𝐈𝐍 is a house of the dragon fanfic preceding the beginning of the dance of the dragons, if only just. it begins in 127 AC, two years before the death of viserys i targaryen and the usurping of the throne by the greens. the main characters are aegon himself and a woman two years his senior, alyse of house barren, along with sundry other relations on either side.
𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠: — ao3. — alyse’s tag. — fic tag. 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐬: — fic intro gifset. — title gifset. — no one has ever loved me gifset. — house barren gifset. — “a burnt thing” quote gifset. — me and my husband gifset. — ‘what if’ gifset. — nfwmb gifset. — barren family gifset. — saint bernard gifset. — love run gifset. — ribs gifset. — the love books of ovid gifset. — francesca gifset #1. — francesca gifset #2.
𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫: — pinterest. — playlist.
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louscartridge · 1 year
⇢ ˗ˏˋ closer
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haku shota x gn reader.
angst / comfort.
cw- reader is scared soul is cheating on them, insicurities, mentions of drifing appart, reader and soul saying ‘ily’, established relashionship, both the reader and soul wear cologne bc lets be honest cologne is better anyway, mentions of his real name like once, bpd iyk for the reader.
brought to you by- closer by waterparks and my first real relashionship 😻😹💀
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your relationship with soul was amazing. it was everything you could ever want. but yet, you wanted more.
you both loved eachother so much, no matter what. both of you had your difficulties with expressing your feelings, sure, but you tried to show it in other ways. giving or making eachother a piece of jewellery or clothes, borrowing outfits, trading colognes, helping eachother with work. however, you could only go so long before you started to get scared and insecure.
you’ve both said ‘i love you’ to eachother a few times. you don’t say it a lot anymore.
you felt as if the two of you had drifted.
the beginning of your relashionship was everything and more. non-stop texting and calling no matter what, endless ‘i love yous’, and hell, arguing over who loves the other more. but as always, the honeymoon phase always ends eventually.
whenever you would text him ‘i love you’ or anything along those lines, he just replies with a simple emoji or an ‘ilyt’. he was showing something, but it wasn’t the same. you stopped saying it in person, ‘cause honestly? you were scared.  
you felt as if you guys flirted more and were more affectionate when you weren’t even dating. so what happened? so now he finally has you he thinks it doesn’t even matter? did he find someone else? replace you? that didn’t seem like shota at all, but yet again, it doesnt sound like most of the people who had done it to you. you couldn’t bear the embarrassment of him breaking up with you if he was cheating, or lost feelings. should you do it yourself? save the embarrassment and get it over with? but what if he wasn’t cheating on you, didnt lose feelings, then what. you just ruined the best thing you’ve ever had.
you don’t want to break up with him. you can’t. you won’t. but you need more of him. you need him closer. you just need to feel like you have him again.
that’s what led you here.
standing on one side of the dance studio while soul stood in the middle, breathing heavily, a bit sweaty.
you had texted him asking if you could come over to the dance studio, which he had replied to with a ‘yeah’.
you didnt know what you were going to say, but you wanted to say something.
“hi y/n” soul smiled.
“hey” you awkwardly mutter.
souls smile quickly went away while he turned his head slightly to the side. “what’s wrong?”
“i just-” you sigh before continuing. “are you cheating on me?” you ask quietly, voice shaking slightly.
your brain immediately scolded you. ‘holy shit holy shit holy shit. why did you actually just ask him that? what if he is? do you really want to know that? what if he’s not and he gets mad what if-‘
souls eyes widen slighty and eyebrows furrow. “what? no, im not cheating on you y/n”
“do you still love me?” your eyes start to water and he notices.
“oh my god, of course i still love you y/n!” souls hands fly out and he walks closer towards you.
you let out a sob of relief at his words, but you were still doubting. why is everything colder than it used to be?
soul takes your hands in his and pulls you down to sit on the floor with him. “i made you feel like i don’t?” he questions, his own voice small.
“i don’t know i just- no its okay, nevermind, it’s stupid.” you sniff.
“no, nothing is stupid if it makes you feel like this. especially if it has to do with our relationship.”
“i don’t know, why don’t you say you love me anymore? why- why are you so dry with texting? more than you used to be, somehow. i feel like we’ve drifted and i’m losing you or you’re losing me, i don’t know, it could be my fault for all i know. maybe it’s not you who’s being cold, maybe its me-”
soul cut you off. “baby stop. nothing is your fault. i haven’t lost feelings for you. at all. i’m not cheating on you or anything. i feel the same exact way i did when we first started dating. if anything, i love you more.” soul briefly let go of your hands to move behind you and hold you. “i didn’t really say it as much as i used to because i guess i thought you knew that so i didn’t need to say it so much anymore. obviously, i didnt think about that. and as for getting dryer? i didnt even realize i was doing it, i swear i didnt mean to and its not gonna be the only thing i’ll start working on.”
after you didn’t say anything, soul broke the silence by asking you, “why didn’t you say anything to me when you first started feeling like this?”
“i was scared. scared that maybe i was right. but then what?” you answer.
“well if you ever start thinking or feeling anything similar again, tell me. like, right away, don’t wait. okay?”
“i love you so much.”
god, hearing him say that make you so happy.
“i love you too.”
“can we go to your dorms now? i know you were practicing but i really miss you and while we’re in this lovey-dovey mood i wanna take advantage of it.” you know there’s a huge chance he’ll say no, but you ask anyway hopefully.
“for you? of course we can.”
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a/n- i kinda wanna post this again, but with a shitty ending??
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layla-keating · 1 year
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THE FLASH 9.13 “A New World, Part Four: The Finale”
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waltermis · 1 year
For My Love And Her Forever Person PT 4
Chapter 3 ↠ Chapter 5
Summary: After you and Natasha break up, you decide to write a letter to her and her future forever person
Warnings: Angst, a FLASH character
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x reader, Frost x reader (platonic)
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5 minutes ago
You shut the door as you watched Natasha leave. Your heartbroken heart, broke a little more as you heard her tiny sniffles. “You know you didn’t have to do that right?” You asked Frost, watching as she snuggled back into her boyfriend’s arms.
Frost hadn’t been exactly lying when she told Natasha about how the two of you met. You had met her seven months ago and you had instantly clicked but she was lying when she told Natasha that her ex left her when he found out she was pregnant. 
“I know. But she was bugging you and wouldn’t leave so being the best friend that I am. I stepped in. Man, did you see her face? She was heartbroken!”
“I should probably go check on her.” You said, reaching for your keys.
“What?! No, why! I just got rid of her for you.”
“I didn’t want you to get rid of her!” you held the letter Natasha gave to you tightly in your hands.
“Listen, you have spent the last 9 months heartbroken. And then you decided to write her a letter, okay I respected that. You needed closure. But what I don't agree with is the fact that you’re going to go and comfort her! She is your ex-girlfriend!”
“AND I STILL LOVE HER!!” You screamed, shutting Frost up. “Look, I know you think that you know what’s best for me, but sometimes I need to fight my own battles.”
“I know, but I watched your heart break over and over again for the past 9 months. I’m just trying to protect you. You’re my best friend. And I love you.”
“I love you too, but this is something I have to do myself. I’ll see you and Mark in a bit.” You said, before you walked out. You shut the door and raced down the stairs, two at a time, nearly falling multiple times. You walked outside and saw Natasha still sitting in her car, sobbing into her hands. You walked over to her slowly, contemplating on whether this was a good idea. But before you could change your mind. You were knocking on her car window.
364 words
Chapter 3 ↠ Chapter 5
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jane-todd-maximoff · 1 year
We All Break
Young Primo And Terzo 
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TW: this piece of writing is centered around self harm. If this topic triggers you in anyway shape of form, I advise that you either A, proceed with caution or B, skip this entire.
Terzo has no memory of when he first started cutting. though he does remember the first and only time his brother caught him doing it. He was 15 when it happened. Young dumb and stupid. he never thought he was going to get caught skipping mass. His father, when he wasn't being a drunken fool or harming his own children, was too busy to care. And His oldest brother was preoccupied with taking care of his future in the clergy. And his older brother (only by 3 months, but this never stopped Secondo from holding it over his head.) was always busy with defiling brothers and sisters of sin. It seemed that Terzo was the one who didn’t fit in.
Terzo was sitting in his dimly lit room carving lines into the flesh on his thighs. He didn't  even know why he was doing it, he just knew he needed it. He needed to stop the pain. “Fratellino, Are you in there?” Primo's muffled voice asked from the other side of the door. Fuck. Terzo jumped off his bed letting out a low growl as blood traveled down his leg, and the growl deepend as it ran into his pants that he was trying to get on. Terzo limped to his door not paying any mind to the blades he left on the bed. “Brother, How may I help you?” Terzo rushes out as he opens his door. “You missed mass.” Primo explained “I was worried so I came to check on you.” he continued after a moment of silence. Terzo tensed, quickly thinking of a plausible excuse. "I was feeling ill," he misled, letting out a rather fake-sounding cough. "Didn't want to risk getting any others sick." Primo looked skeptical, But nodded.
Primo stared into his brother's eyes, he was lying. Primo stuck his head into the room a bit and looked around. Never in his mind was he expecting to see a bloody rag and a handful of razor blades scattered on his brother's bed. He turned his head back to his brother, His eyes were starting to water. "Fratellino,what did you do to yourself?" He asked softly. Terzo started to step back into his room. And Primo followed him. “I'm sorry." Terzo crooked out, backing into his bed. Primo put his arms out to steady him "don’t be sorry child, but I need you to show me where you hurt yourself." He said slowly.
Terzo rocked himself back and forth where he stood trying to calm himself down. But it only seemed to make it worse. He could now feel the blood soaking his pants. “Please, Terzo, for the love of Satan, show me now.” Primo yelled. But he wasn’t yelling like Nihil did. No, his voice was fearful. He was scared for him. He cared for him. Terzo cried like a baby as he shakily pulled down his pants to show his brother. This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. No one was supposed to know. 
The blood was starting to congeal, which made taking off his pants quite painful. When they were completely removed, he looked back at Primo. He looked scared. He saw all the old scars that ran up and down both of his legs. "Oh Fratellino, let me help you." Primo looked at him again with sorrow in his eyes. "I have rubbing alcohol and bandages in the last drawer to the left in the bathroom." Terzo whispered. Primo ran his hand through Terzo's hair, "Okay i will grab them in a moment, thank you for showing me.” He  consulted softly.
Primo rushed into the bathroom looking through every drawer. He had already found what he needed but he was still suspicious about what else Terzo could be hiding. And he was rightfully so. He found more razor blades; the majority had been rusted with blood. He saw the scars, there was now a deep ache in his heart. It was for Terzo, his little brother, who had been suffering all this time and never told a soul. Primo had no idea how long the cutting had been going on. But between the scars and the rust on the blades. It could have been years as far as he knows. He could feel the tears in his eyes but he soon blinked them away, he needed to help his brother.
Primo stepped back into the room after collecting himself, Tezo was now sitting on the floor shaking. He got down on his knees and placed the alcohol and gauze beside him. “Put your legs out for me please.” Terzo did as he was told. Slowly Primo picked up a rag and drenched it in the alcohol. Terzo hissed as Primo wiped the alcohol soaked rag against the cuts. “I know it hurts but don’t worry, it's almost over.” He said keeping his voice soft almost as if he was talking to a small child.  
it's almost over. It's almost over. Terzo repeated continuously in his head. All he wanted was for the pain to stop. Why had he been so stupid. He knew better to cut himself. It wasn't long before the metaphorical bridge collapsed and tears ran down his face faster than he had ever expected. Hell he didn't even get a chance to wipe them away and pretend he wasn't crying before Primo saw.
“Fratellino, look at me.” Primo whispered, removing the rag from the skin causing Terzo to shiver when the air hit the wounds, and along with that he looked up. “Terzo, tell me what's wrong. Tell me why?” Terzo remained silent for a moment, avoiding Primo's piercing gaze. "I don't wanna be me anymore." Terzo explained, whispering out. He was miserable. In fact he was so miserable that sometimes he would think the whole world would be better without him. “I can’t do this anymore.” he whined to Primo. “I'm tired of rotting away in life so it would be better if I was rotting in the ground, away from all of the world. Away from everyone." 
The confession left Primo frozen. Satans it was bad. “No it wouldn’t.” he needed  to defuse all of this. Primo needed to make Terzo understand how wrong he was. How it wouldn't be better. “It won't because I wouldn't have my Littlest Fratellino. And me and Secondo and the ghouls would miss you dearly.” he soothed. He was saying nothing but the truth and at that very moment Terzo felt his body collapse on itself. He only barely missed banging his head on the floor if it weren't for Primo rushing once more to hold him up. If it weren't for Primo Terzo could have been bleeding to death. 
“ Terzo, guardami, sono qui adesso, andrà tutto bene te lo prometto.” Primo said as Terzo let out all his sorrow into his brother's chest. “mi dispiace, per favore non ho mai pensato-” Terzo whined as his own sob cut him off.  “It okay well work everything out, Fratellino, io sono qui qualunque cosa accada.” Primo explained as he continued to run his hand through Terzos hair. 
“Whatever is troubling you to the point you need to do this to yourself, we’ll figure it out together. No matter what.” Primo started knowing damn well it was going to be  the truth. Never again will he let Terzo do this, He’ll help his Fratellino until his own soul descends to the depths of hell.
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Bruce Wayne
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Fallin’ all in you
warnings: fluff, hints at suggestive content.
This love
warnings: angst, tooth-rotting fluff, sad ending, pining, a lot. Unrequited love, but it isn’t?
I don’t wanna look at anything else now that I saw you
warnings: fluff
Aemond Targaryen
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You make me so happy; it turns back to sad.
warnings: just fluff, pining and a dash of angst
There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have. (part two of You make me so happy; it turns back to sad.  )
warnings: fluff, kissing and hints at suggestive content
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maddieautobot273 · 1 year
Silk & Cologne (9)
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A Miguel O’Hara x OC series - Link to AO3 (X)
Chapter 9 - Arena - previous chapter (X)
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Female OC
Words: 3.7K+ words
Warnings: PG - they brawlin so there’s gonna be violence ppl
Summary: It’s Lisa vs Miguel! May the best Spider win!
After a grueling 24 hours of practice, training, and a quick strategy meeting, the evening of Miguel and I’s sparring match arrived. 
Gwen helped me practice and perfect most of my move sets, Peter B. helped me plan various strategies in actually fighting against Miguel. With Miguel’s tall, large structure, Peter knew right away that I wouldn’t be able to charm him as easily as I did with him. Plus there wasn’t any way he’d let me get close enough to him. The rules did say No holds bar. So what if instead of giving him the enchantment, I gave it to him?  
Not only that, but who’s to say I couldn’t use it on myself?
After he helped me plot my scheme, Hobie brought me over to see Margo where she helped design some new toys for me to use and created a concept for my very own spider suit. 
I didn’t want to give Miguel the impression that I’d make him completely change his mind about me being an actual Spider-Woman, but if I was going to be running around and using my powers here, I might as well look the part, right? I asked Margo for a simple concept and she more than delivered. She had designed it so that it looked like street dance wear, but I could feel the spandex hugging my skin as I walked into the training area that evening. 
My suit had a black and pink colour scheme inspired by my favourite K-pop group BLACKPINK. A pink crop top hoodie with a gray spandex tank top underneath, black spandex leggings and matching black and pink high top sneakers. 
When I walked closer towards the arena, I noticed a small crowd had gathered. It looked like word had gotten out fast about tonight’s event. Peter B. Hobi, and Gwen were there, smiling as I neared them and offered cheers and words of encouragement. I smiled at them as I walked passed and looked over to see Miguel standing at the entryway, waiting for me. 
He finished his stretching, his muscles straining against his suit as he nodded his head in a greeting. I could immediately feel the pressure bottling up inside the pit of my stomach. I must have practiced and rehearsed everything at least a dozen times back at the hotel. Peter suggested I try playing into my strengths, so I thought of the whole thing as a big dance practice. I just hope it actually works. 
“So, the normal rules, right? No holding back?” I asked as I walked over to a monitor and added our names to the register. The current duo fighting in the arena had wrapped up their fight, congratulating one another as they made their exit. 
They briefly exchanged looks with Miguel, eyes widening through the eyelids of their masks as they realized who were up next. Miguel rolled his shoulders, warming himself up again. There was almost always a crowd whenever he was down here. Mostly Miguel trained by himself and rarely spared in the arena unless it was with Jessica, or any other Spider he deemed challenging enough to take on. 
"No holding back. It's not fun if there aren't any stakes," He teased with a half smile. 
I could tell he was eager to get started. I wasn’t sure how much he had been made aware of my training and recent practice with Gwen and Hobie through his security cameras. Would this new idea of mine not work out? Had he already formulated a plan to counter me? 
As much as I was nervous, I couldn’t deny I saw a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes before he materialized his mask over his head. There were butterflies in my stomach as those red optics peered at me.
“Alright then,” I nodded as I watched him be the first to enter the arena. I took a steady breath, feeling more eyes trail towards me before I slipped on my mask, pulling my hair tied through the pony tail opening in the back of the mask. 
I followed Miguel down the steps as the platforms and obstacles of the sparring arena reset to their original positions. I cracked my knuckles, a nervous habit. I looked around to see more Spider-People had gathered to watch the match. A gentle reminder that Miguel was a force to be reckoned with, and that if he was here, they’d be in for a show. 
So let’s give them a show. 
I nodded my head towards Miguel, “May the best Spider win,”
“Lucharé por eso,” Miguel nodded back as I watched him get into a battle ready stance. “Sorpréndeme,” - I’ll fight to that, surprise me. 
Then, without any warning, he immediately went to attack. I flinched at his speed. He did not want to give me time to react as I just barely bent back, using my hands to backflip out of the way of his punch. I pushed my body up from the floor and as my body swung around to face Miguel, I fired a web sling that attached to his chest and propelled myself forward like a bungee jump. I pulled my fist back and threw a punch towards him.
I didn’t catch if he showed any emotion towards me, narrowly dodging his first attack, as I was too focused not getting clawed at. Miguel wasn't going to take my hits lightly and went to block my attack with a well timed left hook. I growled into his block, using some of my strength to try and push against his arm to move past it, before my Spider-Sense buzzed into my mind. 
No matter how many times I practiced it, it always felt weird. Miguel attempted to grab back the initiative with a strong uppercut of his own, but I registered the danger a second too late. 
I took the brunt of the uppercut. My body flew back, tumbling once, twice along the floor before I caught myself, my fingers and feet sliding, digging into the flooring as I focused on my stick ability and I screeched to a halt. 
“Okay, close combat is a no go,” I muttered, catching my breath as I stood up. “Let’s set this up at a distance,”
I focused, taking a deep breath as I channeled the web fluid in my wrists. I fired two large blobs of webs to stick to Miguel’s feet to keep him from charging me. If only temporarily. 
"Ah, you're not gonna give me an inch, huh?" Migel grunted as he fought against the mass of sticky webs at his feet. He looked up towards me and stopped fidgeting. He realized I hadn’t moved in on him, and took advantage of this distraction. “What are you doing?”
I slowly grinned at him from under the mask. I whistled loudly and within seconds, both Gwen and Hobie appeared on either side of me. “You said no holding back, remember?” I reminded him. 
Miguel watched me carefully as I reached to my side, my hand hovering over my holster at my hip as I pressed play on my music player and a melody began to play. He wanted to see first hand what I had planned? I’ll give it to him.
“I composed this routine just for you,”
I fired a web shot at each of my willing test dummies, and the webs glowed as I began to sing.
[Lyrics are rough English translation of Fleeting Lullaby by Ado] (X)
“I’m sick and tired of being alone,
Wanna be connected
Have a bond to hold on to
Just gonna lay it all out, how I feel~,”
As I purred a growl in my throat, Gwen and Hobie’s eyes in their masks began glowing. I snapped my fingers, pointing towards Miguel before they both sprang up and charged toward Miguel, ready to fight.
"Woah! Hey!"
Miguel was just as caught off guard by their appearance, more so when they attacked him so suddenly and vigorously. As if they were fighting an actual villain. 
"I guess this is what I get for–UGH!” He barked as he defended himself against their attacks. “--underestimating you, huh?"
“Maybe if you came to more of my training sessions like you agreed to, you’d be more prepared,” I remarked with a playful glint in my eyes. 
This rush of adrenaline, excitement. The sight of seeing Miguel caught off guard by my unique power was surprisingly more entertaining than I thought it would be. 
"Well, I suppose this is my punishment for getting cocky, then!” He snarled as he threw a punch towards Hobie. 
I hung back at a distance as I followed their momentum as they fought all across the arena. I incorporated some of my dance routines into my movements as I swung and maneuvered across the area, occasionally firing more web slings from my wrists toward Miguel. I continued the song as Gwen and Hobie appeared to be, in Miguel’s eyes, entranced by my voice. 
“Listen baby makin' you happy whether you like it or not,
Gonna be up in your ears
No running away just wait for the beat to drop
Listen for a surprise, every word will entice
Reality is overrated!~”
As Miguel took on both Gwen, Hobie, and my long ranged web slings from a far, he had to admit. He was actually impressed by all this. It wasn’t everyday someone could keep him on his toes like this. Using her hypnosis web slingers and voice, she could enchant anyone she targeted.
Clever, he thought to himself as he shoved Gwen away from him and blocked Hobie’s guitar smack attack. But I’m starting to get a little annoyed now. 
“You're not gonna outthink me I thought of everything,
You'll never get it, you can't keep up,
So just stay out of my way
Be my good, good, good boy, pretty please?~”
“You think this is a game?” He snapped, his mask eyes glaring daggers into me as he held Hobie back with his hand at his throat. 
But Gwen stuck his face with a blob of web fluid, causing him to flinch and release his grip on Hobie as he brushed it off, continuing the fight. 
I could sense he was getting reckless now. He really wanted a true fight between us. If that’s what he wanted, then I’ll deliver. I moved to the music, swinging and running along the platforms around their fight as I mixed in some more dance moves, gracefully landing on one of the higher platforms that overlooked their brawl from above. 
If my hunch was right thanks to Gwen’s advice, then this could go very good or very bad. With Miguel so focused on the fight, and not having Spider-Sense. . . 
“You think you're so tough? Well, I had enough of it
I got something here that's better
Come on up and we can sing tog��ther fun unfetterеd–” 
I did a leap of faith from the platform above the fight, soaring down as I front flipped and came down to surprise attack with a spin kick.
“Get on stage, let's go!~”
Miguel didn't see my attack coming at all, and he barely managed to duck it in an attempt to keep himself from getting hit. He dodged the initial hit, but not the other kick that followed to his chest. After that he jumped back to gain some distance and try to figure out what should be his next move.
"You certainly know how to put on a show,” He casually teased as he tried to hide his smile. 
“Oh, so the great Miguel O’Hara does make jokes,” I gasped at him, my eyes glistening playfully. “You truly are Spider-Man,” 
I could see the twitch in his eyes as he tried desperately not to laugh. It came out as a scoff as he sprinted for me, clawing on all fours before he pounced towards me. I grinned, waving my hand to the side as I signaled Gwen and Hobie to fall back, loosening the control I had on them before I met Miguel half way and brawled with him. 
I channeled a protective layer of spider web fluid around my fists, taking the form of gloves as they glowed to the sound of my voice. I threw more confident punches now, glad that Miguel was giving me his all in this fight like he promised.
“Wanna make your day, do my thing loud and proud!
No shame in what I create, I got this down!
Everything exactly how you want it, this is a utopia.
Been a long time comin', now it's here to stay.
You can't deny,
It's a miracle of mercy, you can't stop it if you try!
I know it's possible
I'm not tryin' to ask too much,~”
Miguel was starting to get excited. This was something different, something new. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt like this during a fight, whether it was a Spider or Villain alike. The closest he can think of was when he sparred with Hobie for the first time and Spider-Punk never let it go. Ever. 
He had to make sure that he was giving it his all constantly, but more than that he needed to keep an even temper if he was going to win this fight. 
"Your powers are very versatile,” He complimented before his voice turned into a growl. “But that doesn't mean you're the one who's going to win this fight!"
Miguel then nailed me with a swift uppercut hit to the gut. An audible “OOF!” fell from my lips as the hypnosis for my dummies wore off and Gwen and Hobie were freed completely from my spell. 
“Oh crap, Gweny, RUN!” Realizing they were caught in the middle of the fight, they quickly swung out of the way. 
The music continued to chime from my player as I slid across the floor before catching myself as I took a few deep breaths. “Don’t get too cocky on me, Miguel,”
I still had one more trick up my sleeve. One more trick that I wanted to show off to him. I reached to my back and tossed out an orb. 
“Salvation's got to come, this generation's done
It's tired of never being listened to
The screams were never heard
The suffering endured but no more!~”
“What’s that– HEY!” At a glance it would look like a normal grenade, but it exploded into a pink hazy dust cloud that covered the area around Miguel. Now he couldn't see me but I couldn't barely see him either. This definitely made the situation a lot more interesting. Miguel had to make sure that he kept his wits about him if he was going to make it through this. 
Miguel then began to circle the cloud in an attempt to find me, throwing some random punches towards the cloud in an attempt to catch me off guard, but every time he swung, he’d hit thin air. I had to admit, that was a very attractive power walk. 
“Watch me rock this, they got nothin'
Up to me, you just need to stay out of my way
There's no turnin' back now
Gonna be singin' jointly for all time~”
The smoke cloud warped my voice, making it sound like I was constantly either moving closer or away from him. As Miguel continued to stalk through the cloud he could hear my distorted siren voice and it started to drive him mad. 
Miguel’s P.O.V.
As the song went on, Miguel began to hear her words as though they were an insult, telling him to just get out of the way and that she could handle everything herself. Of course, he wasn't going to listen to that. He was going to beat Lisa and shut her up.
So then she would see that he was someone worth listening to.
Lisa’s P.O.V. 
"Get real!" Miguel yelled through the smoke as he continued to circle around for me. 
“Ask, you and shall receive,” I smirked.
When his back was turned to me, I pounced into the smoke cloud, catching him off guard as I slid past him, shooting a web at his feet and yoinked him to the floor before going to pounce on him. Miguel didn't have enough time to react before he found himself being yanked back off his feet, slamming down hard as he landed on his back from my attack. 
He looked up just in time to see more webs coming for him. He managed to get his arms out and attempt to block the attack, but when I sang a series of notes, he found himself becoming incredibly drowsy. He instead found himself completely caught up in my webbed cocoon once he came to. 
“That real enough for you?” I smirked at him, arms crossed over my chest.
The crowd murmured in anticipation. Had I won? Has someone actually defeated the great Miguel O’Hara?
"Well, if that's getting real, I guess I'll have to get realer," He grimaced under the struggle of the webs. 
I didn’t have time to cringe at his corny joke as Miguel activated the talons of his claws and forearms and he broke himself free of my webbing. The rush of his arms created a harsh wind that dispersed some of the dust cloud. I looked on in awe. He actually broke through. 
I smiled proudly. “Then let’s dance,”
“Gladly,” There was an actual hint of enjoyment in his voice as he charged at me. 
My web gloved fist glowed once more as I began to sing again, coming to the final verses of the song as the music intensified with our fighting as I matched Miguel’s pace. He was starting to find his stride, learning how to fight against all of my different abilities and I could tell it was making him feel like a God.  
“Blowin' your mind with my pace
Drummin' to burst your ear drum
Bring in the bass, guitar and keys, maccaferri got nothin'
On me, no ooo-wah!~”
Miguel’s P.O.V.
Miguel was amazed by Lisa’s ability to incorporate song and dance into her fighting style, how she had learned this routine of hers so quickly. He didn't see it as a weakness. No, he saw it as her strength, as the thing that made her special. In that moment he felt a wave of shame and guilt wash over him, regretting the times he opted to stick to his work instead of helping her like he swore to. He promised her and he broke it. Never again. 
Still he couldn't help but laugh while she was singing about her ability to "blow his mind". He didn't plan on letting Lisa's music distract him this long. He continued to move forward and throw attacks at her, using all of his skill to try and knock Lisa to the ground once and for all. 
Lisa’s P.O.V. 
The force from his next attack knocked me to the floor. I back pedaled slightly as I saw him stalk towards me, and I couldn’t help it when a flustered, intimidated smile spread on my lips beneath the mask as I stuttered the next set of lyrics. Just a little further–!
“Oh, let me hear you shout!
Banish every gaslight, let clarity shine
Gotta clean up this brainwash
Don't let ‘em tell you lies, heads up—!~”
When he sprang up to pounce on me, I fired a web sling to his chest and with a heavy heave, I yanked him to the floor to fall on his side. Miguel let out a small groan, the wind kicked out of him. I tossed one smaller grenade to blind him. It was time for the finale. 
"I will not fall for your tricks!" Miguel yelled in frustration, getting up to face off against me for one last time. 
Then, he noticed the smaller grenade that I had thrown at him and a small twinge of fear ran down his spine as he realized he was a second too late. The small grenade exploded, temporarily blinding him with a smaller pink dust cloud.
“Let my song clear your senses
All you really need Is my true voice~!”
It was up just long enough for me to pin him, webbing his hands to stick to the floor as I straddled his hips before holding a punch above his head just as the song ended.
The crowd was silent as all they could audibly hear was both Miguel and I’s heavy breathing, our chests rising and falling. Miguel suddenly dematerialized his mask, allowing me to see his face. He was drenched in sweat, some tuffles of his hair stuck to his skin. There was an enchanting look in his eyes that I could quite decipher. 
Not from my power, no. Something else. Something he was truly feeling. 
Then he started laughing. 
"Well, I guess the joke is on me." Miguel said, laughing through the pain as he accepted his defeat with a smile on his face. 
I was stunned, my mouth gawking at him. Did he just– did he yield? I won?!
I shook off the surprised expression on my face as I slowly stood up to my feet, my body still towering over him as I offered him my hand and a confident smile. “You fought like hell. Well played, Miguel,” 
Miguel took my hand and let me pull him back to his feet, shaking off the pain from the battle as he tried to take in everything that had just happened, looking out into the crowd. 
I followed his gaze as one by one, different Spider-People began applauding us. As the chorus intensified, Miguel looked down at my hand, noting that he was still holding mine. He smiled softly and with a gentle squeeze he raised my fist into the air, formally announcing my victory. 
The crowd erupted in an uproar. I could hear Gwen and Hobi cheering loudly for me as I looked up towards Miguel, astonished. It was then I could truly see the respect towards me in his eyes. He then stepped back, motioning towards me. 
I looked at him with a perplexed expression before I realized what he was asking me to do. With a laugh, I looked out into the audience and took my bow. 
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lizardthelizard · 2 years
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get to know me: favourite characters: John Locke (Lost (2004-2010))  
“When John first came to the Island, he was a very sad man. A victim, shouting at the world for being told what he couldn't do, even though they were right. He was weak, and pathetic, and irreparably broken. But, despite all that, there was something admirable about him. He was the only one of them that didn't wanna leave. The only one, who realized how pitiful the life he'd left behind actually was.”    
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yes, i’m a squib | part 9.
Summary: Y/N Black has always been a squib, to the dismay of her pureblood family. Cast out to the orphanage at a young age, she thought that was her life. Until her relative Sirius Black breaks out of Azkaban. Suddenly a letter to Hogwarts in thrusted into her hand and Y/N becomes a true part of the magical Wizarding World.
Warnings for the Series: violence, death, light smut, angst, fluff
Pairing: harry potter x black!reader, cedric diggory x black!reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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“Don’t kill him. You’ll go to Azkaban for a real crime this time.”
That made Sirius pause. He returned the wand to Remus, keeping a tight grip on Peter. Not heeding Sirius’ advice, Pettigrew began sputtering thanks to Harry. The boy shook his head.
“We aren’t letting you go. You should take his place, go to Azkaban for what you did to my parents. Let the Ministry and the dementors decide what to do with you.”
Your dad chuckled, gravelly with all sweetness missing. “You are Lily Evans’ son alright… try transforming back into a rat before we hand you over, Wormtail, and I’ll kill you. Forget Harry’s kindness.”
The man swallowed hard and nodded. Lupin performed spells to tie up Peter and Snape before mending Ron’s leg to the best of his ability. Your father apologized to Ron, insisting that he was aiming for the rat. Ron tried to brush it off like it was nothing— more for your sake than anything really. You all made your way back up the tunnel. Lupin held on to Peter, Ron leaned on Harry for support. Hermione carried Crookshanks back and occasionally checked behind her to make sure the floating Professor Snape who was still knocked out was in fact behind you all. You and Sirius led the pack, your father wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Lupin called out to his friend who turned his head to look.
“When we turn him in this means you’re free.”
Sirius sighed. “Freedom, haven’t felt that idea be possible in a long time… what’s the first thing you want to do, Poppet?”
“Will you sign my permission slip for Hogsmeade? Uncle Remus keeps busting me and making me pay in candy.”
The gravelly laugh erupted from Sirius. “Absolutely! And then?”
“Teach you to be nice to Kreacher.”
“He’s still alive?”
“Yes and a very nice house-elf.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “I will very very reluctantly learn to be nice to our devil of a house-elf for Poppet’s sake.”
“Good, one more thing.”
“Don’t tell me you want me to make nice with Bellatrix. I’ll hex her the next time I run into my brat of a cousin. Almost bit her when escaping my cell just for good measure.”
“I want to go home.”
That small statement made Sirius pause just at the opening of the tunnel. He turned to look at you completely. He nodded his head minutely and the faintest, most broken looking smile graced his face.
“Yeah, (Y/N), we can go home.” He turned to Harry. “You can come stay too, boy. Remus is in charge of (Y/N) if anything happens to me. I’m in charge of you for James and Lily— if your aunt and uncle let you. They have real guardianship.”
“They might say no just to spite me but I’ll ask!” Harry said, enthusiastically.
Even if the Durselys said no, he could always visit for a vacation. Anything was better than spending all his time with his aunt and uncle. You all made your way out, avoiding stepping too harshly and waking up the Whomping Willow tree. The march up to the castle began when everyone was safely out. Your father left your side to run to his friend.
“Remus, Remus, did you remember?”
The man shook his head. In the haste of finding Sirius when he realized that the four of you were still at Buckbeak’s execution, the man forgot to take the wolfsbane potion. Remus shook his head and his whole body began to shake violently. His eyes went to black.
“Children, run!” Sirius yelled at all of you. “Run— Now!”
You, Harry, Ron, and Hermione headed back towards the castle. Lupin, now a fully transformed werewolf, casted Sirius aside and began to follow the easy targets that you were. Sirius transformed into his Animagus form. Pettigrew used the chaos to his advantage, transforming into a rat and fleeing.
Ron led the way as he darted into the woods. The forest provided some form of shelter but had split the four of you up. You and Ron had been separated from Harry and Hermione. The two of you darted behind a tree, holding your breath, as you watched the werewolf slink past you.
A cawing noise garnered his attention. Ron grabbed your arm and ushered you in the opposite direction. The two of you continued your hushed run until you saw the stones of the castle. Ducking behind the stone ledge, you two waited impatiently for Hermione and Harry. You got more worried by the minute when you didn’t see them or Sirius or Snape. Ron hissed and grabbed at his leg.
“Ron!” you gasped.
The stitches that Lupin had given had busted open again from the running. With the adrenaline gone, Ron realized how much pain he was in— he began to think that his leg might be broken. You stood back up briefly to check on the outside, breathing in relief when you saw Snape appearing with three stretchers floating behind him, one with chains wrapped tightly around it. You ran to him.
“Professor, Ron is hurt!”
Without missing a beat, a stretcher was conjured up for Ron and you followed Snape as he led everyone to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey jumped at the sight, alerting Dumbledore to be down at the infirmary right away. You stayed in the infirmary all night. They had taken your dad, much to your protest.
Harry groaned when he woke up. He wiggled his toes only for them to hit something that wasn’t the edge of the hospital bed. His eyes opened to see you sitting cross-legged with your eyes closed at the edge of his bed. You were resting your chin on your hand and he was positive he could see you drooling. Laughing, Harry sat up and shook you from your nap.
“Oh, good, you’re up. Madame Pomfrey!”
The nurse came out immediately to see the entire Golden Quartet now awake. She checked on Ron and Hermione first before moving to Harry. You looked at the newspaper tucked under her arm to see your father’s mugshot plastered all over it once again. You grabbed the paper and read the front page.
“Where is he?” you asked frantically.
“Don’t worry, Ms. Black. They’ve caught him. He’s getting the Kiss now, the dementors are preparing upstairs. You are all safe now.”
You, Harry, and Hermione ran before Madame Pomfrey could catch any one of you. You didn’t get very far, running into Dumbledore right outside. He held a hand up to silence the unintelligible protests coming from the three of you. Harry was given the floor to speak, Hermione filling in all the little details.  
“Professor Snape has already reported to the Minister. He even reports that Black confunded you all.”
“He was knocked out! He doesn’t know,” you tried to reason.
Dumbledore looked at you. “Professor Snap—”
“Is ly—”
“Let me finish. Professor Snape is sure in what he saw. I cannot convince these men of otherwise.”
“Do you believe us?”
Dumbledore nodded. “What we need is more time. More time and they could see the truth. I’ll see what I can do. More time.”
You all looked as Dumbledore walked off— he seemed to be in no rush to you. You gritted your teeth in irritation.
“More time? We don’t have more time! Saying it three times doesn’t suddenly give us more.”
Hermione made a noise that you had never heard her make before. “Of course, how could I be so daft?”
She pulled out a golden necklace with an hourglass in it. Speaking faster than she ever had in her life, Hermione explained how she had been using the time-turner that McGonagall gave her to attend all of her classes. The three of you ran back into the infirmary to avoid anyone— that was one of the rules that Hermione explained, you can’t be seen using it. Madame Pomfrey had gone back to her office. Hermione looked over at Ron. His leg was still injured even with Madame Pomfrey’s healing.
“I’ll stay with him,” you offered.
“Are you sure?”
“How helpful am I with no magic? Just make sure Snape is woken up to see Pettigrew… and try to get everyone safely away from Professor Lupin.”
The other two nodded and you sat with Ron. He began to ask questions and you simply distracted him until Harry and Hermione disappeared. Ron was adamantly shaking his head. He went wide-eyed and pointed right behind you.
“How did you two— you were just there.”
The three of you laughed while you poked Ron’s good leg. “Don’t be ridiculous, Ron, how can they be in two places at once?”
Ron agreed but was left very confused. Dumbledore called you outside where he was standing with Snape and your father was still knocked out on the stretcher.
“Severus has told me of what has transpired last night,” Dumbledore said. “With Pettigrew no longer here, Sirius is not innocent immediately. I will write to Fudge but he can’t be seen here for someone else to find, Ms. Black. He will have to be taken to a holding jail on campus.”
With the final day of school officially here, every student that hadn’t gotten permission to leave early was spending their freedom at Hogsmeade before catching the Hogwarts Express that afternoon. Ron was finally let out of the hospital but no one felt like going to Hogsmeade. You were all sitting outside on the steps of Hagrid’s hut. Hagrid was excited, probably more excited than everyone.
Apparently, Buckbeak had escaped before his execution and the Minister agreed with Dumbledore that it was too much of a hassle to chase down a hippogriff for such a small offense. Lupin came strolling over, for the first time in a nice suit rather than his frayed clothing.
“Are you ready?” he asked.
You stood up and brushed out your dress. You and Lupin were going to testify on your father’s behalf— Snape was already at the Ministry with Dumbledore. There wasn’t a confirmation of trial but they agreed to let Dumbledore bring Sirius Black to the Ministry of Magic. You were told to be in the best clothes you owned. Harry, Ron, and Hermione wished you luck and gave you the final goodbye wave of the school year.  
The Ministry of Magic was an intimidating place. It only seemed to get larger as you made your way to the room where your father was. You were sure the whole Ministry was there when you entered the room. The Wizard Council and every single Magical Enforcement Squad member. At the head were Cornelius Fudge and Barty Crouch Sr— who had long been demoted to the Department of International Magical Cooperation but had to be here to see Sirius Black. Cornelius looked down at your father who was dressed in decent clothes thanks to Dumbledore.
“Mr. Black, you acknowledge that you have come to the Ministry of Magic willingly,” Fudge said.
“Willingly coming must be considered, ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Black, you may choose. Azkaban or the Dementor’s Kiss.”
“What?” you yelled. “That’s not fair.”
Lupin held your struggling form back— you cursed the man for his surprising strength because he certainly didn’t look it. The wizards and witches on the council watched uncomfortably as you thrashed about in the man’s arms. Dumbledore and even Snape began to calmly advocate for Sirius, telling Fudge that only an innocent man would walk themselves into the Ministry with such serious charges against him. Wands were drawn suddenly when they noticed that Sirius had gotten up— no one saw that Dumbledore had unlocked him— and strolled over to you. Lupin only let go because Sirius was in front of him. Sirius hugged you tightly, stroking your hair gently.
“It’s okay, (Y/N). I said this could happen, told you not to come looking for your old man, Poppet. It’s alright.”
“No!” you yelled and broke out of his grip and faced the entire council. You pointed at Barty Crouch.  
“It’s not fair because you never gave him a trial! You said it wasn’t worth your time. My father didn’t kill anyone, he didn’t do it. I’ll do anything, I’ll take Veritaserum.”
“Ms. Black,” Barty Crouch started— highly offended that you dared to call him out. “Powerful wizards can go against the effects. A potion so unreliable has never been used in a trial.”
“I’ll take it, not him.”
“If he has confunded you? Of course, you would believe you were telling your truth. Your father seems to have gotten to you somehow.”
“No! If not that then something else. I-I’ll-I’ll accept the Cruciatus Curse to prove it.”
“(Y/N)!” Sirius and Remus yelled.  
“NO! It’s not fair! You shouldn’t die. Dad should have a fair trial, PLEASE!”
Your voice rose unnaturally high and the tears streamed down your face, your nose starting to run. Snape used the moment to his advantage. He turned to the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement— Amelia Bones.
“Surely, you know that isn’t how the law works, Councilwoman Bones. You can’t let the Minister bypass the law. Word will get around. And you’ve stressed the poor girl out, she offered to be tortured.”
Amelia cleared her throat, uncomfortable at the thought of an Unforgivable Curse being used on someone as young as fourteen and not to mention innocent. You bit down on your hand to stop your sobbing noises from getting too loud. The room went silent as they waited for the Department Head to speak.
“Mr. Black wasn’t given a trial once, we will not break the law again. Someone please clean up the girl and we will proceed.”
The trial went on longer than you imagined. Memories were pulled from you, Sirius, Lupin, Dumbledore, and Snape— Lupin hanging his head in shame as his werewolf affliction became known to everyone. You were given Veritaserum. Barty Crouch protested to both stating that they were known to be unreliable because the brain alters memories sometimes. Told to state your proof of Sirius’ innocence and what you witnessed.
And when all five of you did the process once, you did it again in a different order. And then once more with the others out of the room so the council could ask questions. You didn’t realize how much you were shaking until you were the last person left and every adult that you trusted was no longer in the room. Amelia Bones calling your name made you turn your head from the door that Dumbledore just closed to all the Ministry workers in front of you.
“Ms. Black, Remus Lupin in his memory shows you two having a conversation about Mr. Black. You maintained the entire time that Mr. Black was innocent even when his best friend potentially suspected him. When was this?”
“Fall, after Halloween.”
“Can you give us a more specific time?”
“No,” your voice shook. “After Halloween, before Christmas.”
“Early December or November?”
“I’m not sure, I don’t k—”
“Relax, sweetheart,” Amelia tried to comfort. “You are not in trouble. We are merely trying to figure out all the information.”
You nodded and relaxed the fist that had been gripping the bottom of your dress till you were sure that your knuckles would split open from the pressure. Amelia smiled and took a deep breath with you. She requested that all members of the Ministry— including Minister Fudge— direct their questions to her and she would be the only one to communicate with you.
“Alright, let’s try again. Do you remember when you talked to Remus Lupin about Mr. Black’s innocence?”
“After Halloween, before Christmas… November! Professor Snape took points from Gryffindor and assigned a very long essay on werewolves so I went to Professor Lupin when I… figured out that he was one.”
“You’re sure it is November?”
“Yes. Professor Snape was only substituting because Uncle Remus was gone and the full moon lasted longer than normal. Another one didn’t occur until December. I know because I had to keep track to become an Animagus correctly.”
“Uncle Remus, yes, let’s talk about that. You found out Remus was your godfather. Did you always know?”
“No, I didn’t.”
“But he did?”
“And you found out before or after your first contact with Mr. Black.”
“In any of your letters did Mr. Black try to convince you he was innocent?”
“He didn’t have to.”
“But did he?”
“Not— not directly. He mentioned he should’ve stayed strong to try and clear his name but never anything else.”
Amelia nodded before scribbling something with a quill. You began to mess with your dress again, fearing that you said the wrong thing. The others were called back into the room. You wouldn’t look at your dad— not if you were the reason for his conviction. You wouldn’t look up when Amelia began the raising of the hands to see if they thought Sirius was guilty or innocent. You only looked when you heard a sigh followed by a thud. Your father was crying.
“The Ministry extends their sincerest apology for your false conviction. Congratulations, from this day on you are now a free man, Mr. Black,” Amelia Bones said. “We’ll leave you to collect yourself while your papers are filed— you do in fact have to register being an Animagus, Mr. Black.”
The members of the Ministry exited the room until it was just you, Remus, and Sirius left— Dumbledore and Snape had exited with the rest of the members. Sirius stood up and you finally left the chair to give him a hug. The two of you rocked back and forth before letting go. Sirius wiped at his tears with his sleeve.
“Let’s go home. That sound good, Poppet?”
You nodded so hard you were sure that your head might roll off of your neck.
“Are you coming, Moony?”
“I’ll visit soon. I suspect with the trial details coming out, I should be on the lookout for a new job.”
“You’re not going to keep teaching? You’re literally the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Uncle Remus.”
He chuckled. “I am the only one you’ve ever had. It isn’t safe to be around children, parents will say that. After my incident, I agree. Maybe in the future but I should leave for a year or two. I’ll visit you two when you’ve settled in.”
Remus and Sirius hugged before you all went your separate ways. Naturally, Sirius took his new found freedom to apparate you two back to Grimmauld Place. He wanted nothing to do with his old house— he wasn’t even sure if it was still there. It was too close to James and Lily, was the spot where Alicia died, was the place he made the worst decision of entrusting Wormtail. Grimmauld Place, no matter how hard Kreacher tried, was a dusty and rundown place. The minute you landed inside, the large portrait of Walburga Black began to yell. You and Sirius both covered your ears until he had it.
“Mother, shut up!”
Kreacher came running down the hall. He was very pleased to see you and not so excited to see Sirius. Both Kreacher and Sirius were told to be cordial to each other. Sirius pointed to the little elf.
“Nice sweater,” he said awkwardly as if trying to be sincere.
“Thank you, Mistress (Y/N) gave it to me.”
“Doesn’t that mean you’re free? You don’t want to leave?”
“Kreacher wants to stay.”
“Of course he does,” Sirius muttered under his breath. “Well, can you figure out a way to shut mother up… please.”
You complimented your father on his rough attempt at being nice. With Kreacher’s help, the place was cleaned up in time for dinner. The dinner table— mainly its inhabitants— seemed out of place. A man with an emaciated frame, a girl no longer in trial clothes but a large hoodie, and a house-elf in a sweater.
(Part 10)...
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