#Money Hacks
moneymilf · 7 months
For anyone on SNAP benefits:
*Doordash, Instacart, & Uber Eats accept SNAP customers
* Amazon offers a discount on membership to SNAP customers
*Walmart+ subscription is only $6 for SNAP customers
*Ritas Italian Ice takes SNAP (double check if your local location does)
*The Providers app helps you track your SNAP benefits
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gravetangerines · 2 years
Crowley: How much did you spend on this date?
Aziraphale: $1400. But all of it's on credit cards, so it's like $5 a month for the next 2,000 years.
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thiagoarantesousa · 6 months
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college-hacks · 2 years
Honestly gang since we are all poor I 100% recommend looking into the zero waste movement. A lot of the tips there have saved me money in the past. (Also I ask for reusable stuff for birthdays/Christmas so I don't have to spend money on single use items) but you don't have to spend money to get started! Use washcloths instead of paper towel, wash your ziploc bags, takeout boxes, and foil a time or 2 before you toss it, save your veggie scraps if you can afford and eat veggies (or steal your friends/families) and make a stock out of them to boil with your rice/ramen for nutrients.
Seriously though I recommend looking into it, if you look past the "you have tobuy this To be zero waste!!!" Posts there's a lot of good ideas and info
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kameaella · 2 years
Important Financial Skills To Know
Paying Taxes
Paying Off Credit Cards/Debts
Saying No Once In A While
Finding and Using Coupons
Making Regular Investments
Buying Real Estate
Negotiating a Purchase Price
Using Tax Advantage Accounts
Making Regular Debt Payments
Managing an Investment Portfolio
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money--freedom · 1 year
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Attaining My Financial Goals in 2023
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As 2022 comes to an end and I've looked at my savings, I realized one thing I could have done better. Granted that I got into the personal finance space in the last four months of the year, here are some tip that I plan to use in 2023 to help me attain my goals with ease and in record time!
Prepare an actual budget: This is one of the things I need to really get done because I don't think I've ever really budgeted before. I've tried and failed because I rarely ever stick to it but come 2023, the plan is to first find out how much I spend and what I spend on and from there work out the things I need to cut out or the things I need to add depending on the situation.
Make attainable goals: This really a big deal for me as most finance hack videos or articles talk about saving $10,000 but for someone like me who is from a very corrupt country where the minimum wage is #30,000 (approx. $66.66) saving $10,000 (approx. #4,500,000) is not really a feasible goal with an income of #186,000 (approx. $413.33) monthly. So I think starting with $1,000 (approx. #450,000) in savings is a better goal to with, and hopefully this saving helps grow my income and help me attain greater goals.
Write down said goals: Another thing I need to do is write down my financial goals on a monthly, quarterly and yearly basis and tick them off as I achieve them. I believe doing this will make the goals look a lot less overwhelming. For instance in my casa I want to save #450,000 and this is a whole lot of money to people from my country but if I divide that money by 4, it means every quarter I should have #112,500, dividing that by 3 means I should save #37,500 on a monthly basis to achieve my goal. Looking a this I could easily say I want to save #40,000 instead and following the calculations will lead me to #480,000 (approx. $1066.66) which is $66.66 higher than my proposed goal!
Make use of high interest savings account and investment platforms: This is could be the biggest tool I plan to use in achieving my financial goals. As with platforms like these, I can enable instant savings withdrawal on pay day, get massive saving interest rate that can be compounded monthly, limit access to savings, get bonuses for saving monthly among other things. The actual platform I am going to be using called piggyvest because of the fact that it contains all these packages in one simple app. I also plan to limit my usage of conventional bank accounts and stick to these upcoming online banks and micro finance banks that don't charge most of exorbitant fees that conventional banks charge and they also give good interest rates of up to 2% as compared to the 0.001% given by conventional banks!
Reward myself as I achieve my goals: With this I hope to give myself positive reinforcement for achieving my goal. As this is not usually in my character this could possibly be the hardest thing on this list. Growing up in a home and a country where most achievements are taken for granted; I hope to break the norm, reward myself for goal accomplished and continue to push myself towards greater heights!
Honorable mentioned
Increasing my income: While I don't have a definite plan for this I'm looking into building rental property as it is quite easy to buy a land and build houses in my country. If you have any suggestions as to how I can increase my income While working a 9-5 job please feel free to comment down below.
Well then these are the things I plan to use as stepping stones in my way to financial freedom, I will also be sharing my progress in hopex that it motivates others to do same. Hope you join me on my journey and it spurs you to do same or spurs you to do better if you are already on your way! Stay Blessed!
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joshus-lobster · 1 year
New game of chicken, you and a random online start exchanging a single dollar bill, but after the first rotation, after each transfer of the money, you each add a dollar bill to it. At any time either of you can cease the trade and do one of the following
1) get robbed of 50% of money you earned
2) take the money and run
3) split the money
4) start a business together
5) buy a house together
6) get married
Im calling it Cash Chicken
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biznocrats · 3 months
Drain the swamp of poverty with the Digital Shopping Mall.
How can just one deal you recommend help you break the chains of poverty?
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noirtees · 3 months
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Money don't make you real
The design is sure to spark conversation and make people think. It's a great way to express your values and beliefs in a creative way.
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moneymilf · 7 months
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Where do all those Amazon returns go?!? Here is one place!!! This is just near me in the DC area but if you google “Black Friday Store” or “Black Friday Daily Deals” to find one near you!!
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bookishmomsstuff · 4 months
Self-help books to read in 2024
Self-help has always been one genre that keeps me glued while reading. I look forward to books that have a tone that is practical and not something preachy. I choose books which have a good amount of examples, case studies and research based evidence which is a sign that the book needs to be added to my TBR. Here are a few books that made it to my reading list. Average sucks by Michael…
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dominusruffian · 5 months
I’m gonna go ahead and add some tips if you’re struggling to make ends meet: please read this. I hope at least one thing helps.
Hear me out, learn new skills, add in a routine, cut back where you can. Simple stuff.
Actual 1: learn to cook.
Now for the second 1: learn to make bread. (38cents a loaf vs $1.68)
2: learn to cook dried beans. It’s extra work but less than a 5th of the cost of canned beans. And you can freeze them so you can make a big batch and then save the rest. ($.07 VS $1.28)
3: eat rice
4: make your own spaghetti sauce! It’s easy and 75% cheaper. Plus you can brag about it. ($.98 VS $3.89)
5: coupon
6: buy a crock pot. Cook ENTIRE birds instead of just buying chicken breast. Freeze the meat you don’t use. (.77/lbs VS $3.98/lbs)
1) use cash back apps
2) coupon and look for sale on food
3) utilize your freezer
4) negotiate with your utility companies for a lower rate.
5) get rid of your tv subscriptions, have one and call it good, start reading book instead.
Make MORE Money
1) side gigs like doordash, spark, Uber, freelance apps ect.
2) learn a new skill and use it as leverage for a pay raise, utilize LinkedIn Learning, Udemy, Coursera, your local college.
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I'm on Instagram as @drtkm2020. Get the app and follow me https://www.instagram.com/drtkm2020
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money--freedom · 1 year
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