#OC: Yasushi
It'd be interesting to know what every Placeholders theme song would be. or at the very least what their favorite song might be.
In your defense you did send this last friday night its just late cuz I wanted to put genuine thought into which songs I picked songs that would reflect potential character arcs or the characters as a whole. It just took longer then expected cuz I forgot every song that I've listened to
Minori’s Theme song would be The Main Character by Will Wood
The reasoning being because it’s somewhat a goofy song about being the main character and how everyone has to like them because of it. But the song itself is making fun of that mindset so it fits the two sides of Minori; the fun loving trickster persona who wants all eyes on her and to love her like how one would love a god, and then the overly self aware and constantly analyzing and somewhat teetering on being nihilistic superego. Also Will Wood song’s have a certain chaotic energy to them that fits Minori’s energy as well.
Hyousuke’s Theme song would be Wild Side by ALI (cover by We.B)
He has the internal struggle of having to fight the violent and primal feelings he’s inherited from being the son of the Major God of War Kyou. On top of that he’s the most busy person out of the Cult of Minori due to him being a single dad of a 9 year old and having to work at the Valerian Bar until late at night. He tries to be a good person and father and he genuinely doesn’t regret Mitsuko being born. He’s just tired. However he does get moments of peace in between all the chaotic moments of his life.
Yoshino’s is A Realistic Logical Ideologist by Goboumen (Cover by JubyPhonic)
Yoshino isn't really aware of how smart she is and believes that she is at best average intelligence. She genuinely thinks anything she’s knowledgeable about is just a silly childish obsession cuz that’s all they were treated as growing up. This brings a weird self-perception across her where she doesn't hate or dislike herself she just doesn't think she will really become anything. She doesn't even have any ambitious goals for herself, all she wants to do is graduate from film school so she could work in the film and/or anime industry.
She wants to be something more but just doesn't think that she will actually achieve any high belief goals. So she just uses escapism to avoid reality.
Jun's is Hello, Worker by KEI (cover by Jubyphonic)
To be fair this could've also fit Yoshino, bUT I think it fits Jun just a bit more as a creative going through burn-out as well as seeing himself having the potential of being left behind by his friends as they get swept away into Minori's drama. His biggest insecurity is that they only keep him around for his connections, and while he knows Yoshino is his friend and has been for many many years people can change and people have tried to get close to him purely for his online presence. He's not stupid he's aware of whats going on. So he needs the reassurance of not only do they all hang out with him cuz they enjoy his company but also because they all see him as a friend. He also needs to reassurance that he's not washed up and that he just needs to try different things to get new ideas so he doesn't fall into being a gimmick channel.
Currently the only song that I can think of that fits Yasushi the best is The Other Side from the Greatest Showman (You get the animatic version of someone else's ocs cuz I think this person and their comic series concepts fuck)
BUT YEAH, while this is a duet, this song can work as a Yasushi song if we paint it in a way of instead of trying to convince somebody to join your plan/aspiration is if its painted as Head Familiar Yasushi, the person who has been with and dealt with Minori the longest, trying to tempt Minori out of her centuries long depression and to work towards clearing her name to become a full fledge god again. Or at the very least become happy and content with her position as a dishonored god. While Yasushi is timid and probably has social anxiety, he is very comfortable with Minori and is the most capable of ripping her out of her self-pitying funk. He knows how Minori works, he knows how her brain thinks, he can read her without even trying. He knows what buttons to press to make her act. So instead of being a business man song, its just a sassy little fox man taunting and trying to convince his god and best friend to do her job that she worked hard for.
Now the whole series theme song/opening song would be This Fucked Up Wonderful World Exists for Me by n.k
Fundamentally the vibe I wish to go for in this series is that the world is a flawed place and as well go on to our dull day to day life this is some beauty. Also the raw stubbornness of refusing to accept that things will always be the same and you should just stop trying in life.
I'm not happy with all these theme songs(Except the series theme song that one is the only correct option) and they're all prone to change if I find or remember a song that fits them better. But for now these are the closest thing to their theme songs I can think of.
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emiehhsstuff · 10 months
Oya High full-time students meet Nakaoka's big sister.
"Okay! Nakaoka, you coming?"
Nakagoshi called out with a grin, together with their friends who were ready to go wherever they had decided for today to hang out.
"Huh? Where?"
Not totally listening earlier, the others frowned. Nakagoshi approaching him and put him in a headlock making Nakaoka protest. The older teen had always liked to tease him whenever he could.
"Arcade of course! Don't tell me you're going to bail on us again?!"
They were currently on the rooftop, together with the other 3rd years, mainly Fujio with Tsukasa and Jamuo chatting, Todoroki reading quietly with Shibaman and Tsuji on the other side by the couch, and the duo, Yasushi and Kiyoshi bickering with their buddies by the side of the pool while the younger ones, mostly the ChunChun faction were on the other side talking about boy's stuff when they decided to go to the arcade.
Nakaoka looked at Nakagoshi with an apologetic look.
"I can't today. Sorry Nakagoshi-san. I'll come with next time!"
Then he rushed out in a hurry making the others frown at his escape.
"What's his problem? He always leaves early these past weeks."
"Do you think something's going on with him, Nakagoshi-san?"
Nakagoshi didn't answer but his face was serious, so they decided to leave it alone. If something was going on with their youngest, Nakagoshi would be the first to know. They're like two peas in a pod, always with each other, protecting each other and no secrets were hidden so Nakagoshi is kind of worried about Nakaoka's uncanny behavior.
Afterall, he never leaves early and was always the first to invite everyone to hang out. It's not like he has a shitty family life, and his mother was actually pretty sweet, always cooking delicious meals for them whenever they visit the teen, and he didn't think that he has problems on money. So, he is pretty worried why he would always insist to leave early these past weeks, even missing out on their weekly party two times in a row.
"Don't worry about him. Maybe he is just busy with things at home."
The others noticed that Nakagoshi's words seemed like a reassurance for himself rather, but they didn't comment on it. Even the 3rd years had noticed the kind of sullen atmosphere within the 2nd and 1st years but decided not to meddle.
"Are we still going?"
One of the 2nd years decided to break the ice and it was a minute of silent before Nakagoshi went back to his bright attitude, cheering with glee as he beckoned the others.
"Yeah, we are! Let's go!"
"That was awesome, Fujio-san!"
"Right?! I'm awesome, right?!"
"Don't pamper him, Nakaoka. His head is already bigger than it is."
"Hah?! What did you say?!"
As per usual, the Oya High full-time students, mainly the faction heads were hanging out after being in a fight with another school who tried to take them on again but failed.
And of course, aside from Nakagoshi, Nakaoka also looks up to their senior and leader, Hanaoka Fujio. He would always compliment the older teen which makes the latter raise his chest with a proud huff, doing things to impress his juniors which will also makes the other 3rd years roll their eyes.
"Ahh I'm hungry!"
Now clutching his stomach, Fujio complained, and Tsukasa chuckled. Even the others agreed. Of course, after a fight, food will always be what's next for growing teens like them. With this, they began suggesting places they knew, and arguments had started. Some, especially Yasushi and Fujio wanted ramen, Kiyoshi wanted Ice Cream which earned a lot of questioning looks, Tsuji and Shibaman craved for desserts like cake, Todoroki just stayed quiet, Tsukasa quietly wanted steam buns, and Jamuo argued for monjayaki, while the ChunChun faction surprisingly all wanted Yakisoba.
Despite their rocky start, surprisingly, they mostly hang out to eat after their fights. That would mean all faction heads and some of their buddies. Even Todoroki would join occasionally without a protest which is the most surprising of all, but they weren't complaining. They can't be bothered to fight with each other when they're tired and hungry.
While the others were arguing, Nakagoshi noticed how Nakaoka would constantly look at his phone which made him frown. He had a feeling that the young one will again try to leave them, so he put a hand around Nakaoka with a look.
"Not trying to leave early again, aren't ya?"
Nakaoka just chuckled in nervousness and all eyes were on him. Certainly, all of them were aware of Nakaoka's odd behavior of leaving early and Yasushi decided to speak up, too curious with what's going on. In contrary to his looks, he can be a bit nosey if he wanted.
"You're not up to something shady, are you?"
"What? Of course not!"
"Then why do you always leave early?"
Nakagoshi had finally asked the teen and Nakaoka just scratched his head with a defeated sigh. Not knowing what to say, he avoided their looks with a nervous laugh.
A feminine voice stated which made them, especially Nakaoka whip his head to the voice's direction and saw a familiar face. The figure then approached him, suddenly holding his face with a frown which shocked the others and made Nakaoka embarrassed that his cheeks turned pink.
"Did you fight again?! Your face is bruised!"
A girl, fair skinned, her hair short and wavy with a distinguished strawberry blonde color, and a pretty face, a couple inches smaller than Nakaoka who's currently scolding him had caught the teenagers' attention.
But what surprised them the most was Nakaoka's words. Removing her hands from his face with an embarrassed look, he protested with a whine.
"Stop it Nee-chan, it's embarrassing!"
They never knew he had a sister, although some might have like Nakagoshi, he never saw her so even he was shocked. She is undeniably pretty, and shares similar features with Nakaoka, although more feminine.
With their loud reactions, she finally realized that Nakaoka had some-- well not some but a lot of companions so she was also surprised but immediately composed herself with a smile.
"Are they your friends? It's nice to meet ya' kids! I'm Sho-chan's big sister, just call me Akane."
She introduced herself while Nakaoka carried the box she was carrying earlier with a grunt. Totally not ready to meet his sister in a situation like this, especially when he's gone to a fight earlier and has bruises all over. He never liked to worry his big sister.
They Oya full timers also responded and introduced themselves with enthusiasm, while some suddenly went shy, just like Kiyoshi. When it was Nakagoshi's turn, Akane suddenly perked up at the mention of his name and patted the teen on his head.
"So, you're Nakagoshi huh. Thanks for looking out for my baby brother!"
"Nee-san! Stop calling me that!"
Her little endearment made him embarrassed while the others laughed at his reddening ears. His tough facade would be diminished if this continues. Even Nakagoshi chuckled in amusement.
"What are you doing here anyway? What's in here?"
He decided to change the topic before he'll lose his dignity completely. Not wanting them to see him completely being babied by his sister which Akane had always done. Despite being the leader of the first years, he is still one of the youngest in Oya, even among most of the first years that most would still sometimes treat him like a kid, especially Nakagoshi and some of the 3rd years. Particularly and surprisingly, Tsukasa and the duo, Shibaman and Tsuji. Tsukasa and occasionally Fujio would always look out for him in fights aside from Nakagoshi when he is surrounded by a lot of enemies and the duo from Todoroki's faction liked his style and taste in music that they would lend him CDs and records.
Shaking the box, he asked his sister to which she replied with a grin.
"I'm just dropping some stuff at the diner."
Nakaoka nodded and was about to say something again when they heard a tummy rumble. Like actually rumble so loud that they all heard it. Looking at their leader, he just grinned while scratching his head in embarrassment.
"Well, how about this. You kids hungry? Sho-chan why don't you invite your friends and have some dinner at the diner? It would be a good opportunity for feedbacks you know so I know what to adjust before the opening."
Akane offered and Nakaoka was taken aback at first but in the end, relented. Actually, excited to invite them to try out his sister's cooking.
"What do you say guys?!"
"Hell yeah!"
"So, this is why you always leave early. You could've said so and we could have helped ya' dumbass."
Nakagoshi playfully punched Nakaoka's shoulders while the latter shyly let out a smile. The reason why he's always eager to go home was because he was helping out his sister in remodeling an old bar into a diner. His sister, the reason why nobody had ever met her was because she was studying college abroad, and upon finishing college a year ago, she recently came back and decided to open up a diner. Truthfully, Nakaoka's household were known for their cooking skills, even Nakaoka knew how to cook variety of dishes that sometimes he lets Nakagoshi and the others taste his made-up recipes and they would always end up good.
"It's fine Nakagoshi-san. Besides, I originally wanted to invite you and the others when Nee-chan had her opening, but I guess change of plans. Sorry for not telling you."
Nakaoka may love fighting and hiphop but his sister is special to him. Ever since they were kids, she would always protect him from those who will pick on him because he was shorter than the others way back then. It was a good thing that puberty hit him, and he's gotten taller. She was also the one to teach him how to cook when he reached middle school before she went abroad. It was because she liked to send him CDs that caught her attention that he got introduced to hiphop and began to love it. He learned everything because of his sister, especially that she was the one who taught him how to fight. That's why now that his sister is back, he wanted to be there for her like she always had been for him. Especially now that she is starting to build her dream of owning her own restaurant diner.
"It's fine. We're thankful though. Your sister is very kind to invite us all and let us be her first costumers for free."
"Yeah! And she's pretty too!"
"Oi! Don't push it!"
They playfully bantered while Nakaoka excused himself to help his sister in preparing the large batch of cuisines for his hungry friends. Upon reaching the kitchen, he smiled when he saw how excited his sister were as she prepared the dishes. She always liked to cook for others, saying that nothing can make her happier but to see someone smiling and saying 'delicious' to the food that she makes.
"They're rowdy but they're good guys. Sometimes."
Nakaoka stated which made Akane laugh, not bothered by the group of teens bickering inside her diner. In fact, she is actually glad that her baby brother got himself a lot of friends, even if they are obviously delinquents. She didn't like it at first when Nakaoka got himself involved in fighting, but she accepted as long as he didn't get himself in deep trouble and remember his morals. That even if you use your fists, it isn't to intentionally hurt people but to protect. Never fight dirty and know your limits. And Akane could see how they weren't just some punks who likes to fight just to seek pure pleasure in hurting others, but instead, they still have a heart while acting tough on the outside. Nakaoka likes to tell her stories about his friends and his life in Oya High and she likes to listen to his stories.
"I can see that."
The two siblings continued their work, unbeknownst to them, the others could hear their laughter which made them, especially Nakagoshi smile.
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mikeystrawberry · 2 months
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okay yeah old dr ocs are taking over my brain wtf. Yasushi Goda outfit redesign
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araveninthedarknight · 10 months
A brother's secret is another's nightmare
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A little note before we get into the actual fic, I am not the best at writing, my spelling is shit (thanks dyslexia) and I have the mouth of a sailor.. Also, I will probobly end up with veryyyy Out of Character Yasushi and Binzo but it's whatever 🤷🏻‍♂ hopefully you enjoy it non the less.
Sumary: Binzo's secret twin brother who no one really knows about is friends with Oya, and gets set up on a blind date with his crush by said crush's bestie and eventually all chaos ensues, ala high and low's typical fashion
Warnings: Extreamly terrible writing, swearing, its a high and low fic so violence and language are kinda inevitable. I use a random name i got from google for the main character, please don't be mad lol
Binzo has always been fiercely protective of his secret twin brother, that much was for sure...But the twin knew that his brother would be so absorbed in his affairs with the Suzuran's Raho faction, he will never find out about his own hidden life, right?
The young teen boy, Binzo's secret brother named Yuri had long stayed a secret, his brother knew everything about him and wanted to protect the fragile seeming boy, but because of his position in the Raho faction at Suzuran, he had not been around as often, and getting bored easily, Yuri took to making friends with other boys his age, one being Fujio of Oya and then the others of oya too. Two boys in particular became close to him, Kyoshi and Yasushi, becoming inseparable as a trio, and soon enough the ladder of the two found himself crushing on the mysterious boy, named Yuri.
His brother thought him to hide who he was related to well, so he knew being anywhere near Oya as a rival's brother would not work well, but when he was with them, he didn't even remember who his brother was, or the school he attended. He simply was him and falling hard for Yasushi...which considering Kyoshi knew pretty much everything about his partner in crime, fellow chaos gremlin and brother from another mother, he knew both boys had fallen for each other over the span of a few months. Todoroki and the others soon would grow annoyed with the two trying to flirt but backing away with it as if the other wasn't just as shamelessly in love with them too. Kyoshi planned with Jamuo to set up the head strong couple on a blind date, one where you would think nothing could go wrong, fool proof in the eyes of the excited Oya gang's most excited.
Yuri approaches a beautiful cherry blossom tree, one by a body of water that glimmered in the light, a little garden with a pond that had frogs singing softly through the warm breeze. Yasushi had followed a lit path to a blanket, soon meeting up for what both boys had thought was a group hang out, though it seemed fancy in the eyes of the two but none the less brushed off as an attempt at a high school friend night that was made to be affordable but still look nice.
"Are we the only ones showing?" Yuri breaks the silence of the shy couple after reading a simple text from Jamuo to have 'fun' on 'the date'..
"It appears to be that way.. but they are missing out on some really good food!" The blonde who tends to seem sour to untrained friend eyes said to the other teen, his dark red dyed hair shone like a dim and dark halo. "But I think we were just set up... On what would be called a blind date." The chuckle Yasushi let fall from his slightly chapped lips causing butterflies to fall into Yuri's stomach as he swept dark red velvet locks from his face with a bobby pin that he always carried with him.
As the two teens one oya, one secret suzuraun spoke softly, blushing, laughing and behaving like a couple, another teen, also from Suzuraun looked on in disbelief, he knew his twin had tried to follow his orders, protecting Yuri from being a target for opposing school gangs, but he had no clue his younger by five minuets brother was friends with Oya. But he knew he would be able to handle himself in a fight, taught by Binzo himself to survive one if absolutely needed. He left not thinking much of it, and missed something in the distance that would for sure have caused his blood to boil, maybe even start an all out war between schools.
"Yuri, I really really like you. As more than a friend. And tonight was wonderful, we both needed it more than I thought, away from everyone else, away from the chaos for a few hours. Will you be my boyfriend officially?" This seemed like the first time Yasushi had ever been so anxious, not something he did often, and of course his heart in his ears made him worry that the other boy could hear his pulse loud and clear in the soft moonlight.
"Of course 'Shi, I love you with all my heart, I have for a while now. As silly as it sounds, my worries of it being one sided only are just subsiding, I am glad you like me too." Red velvet hair tickled the blonde's face as the secret twin of Binzo leaned in and kissed a rival of his own twin, blood rushing adrenaline through him as he did, now his boyfriend, and he knew this would have to be his one and only best kept secret from his protective zombie fighter of a brother. The kiss sent both boys off into the world of bliss, hands intertwining with a delicate care, love the only emotion surging through the crisp spring nightfall air.
A couple attached at the hip was now a common sight at Oya, and though no one other than Kyoshi said it, they were all glad the two had finally gotten together, Todoroki himself seemed to let out a breath of relief when he laid eyes on the hands holding onto one another that belonged to Yasushi and Yuri, though he kept it to himself, he knew it would balance the energy of the erratic blonde before him.
Not too long later, Oya and Suzuraun united to fight, and while Yuri had stayed out of it all, he had rushed to pack a big duffle bag of first aid, knowing that his love would be battered pretty well, and the last time it had happened, the dark red haired boy had let his sobs free, his fear as he kissed his lover's lips and tried to be ever gentle with him, causing him to vow he would always come through with as much as he could to help him from then on after a particularly hard battle.
Long forgotten were the thoughts about his brother having been dispelled from his mind, not thinking he would be there as he rushed to where he knew his darling blonde devilish angel would be, the fight had clearly been over, bodies groaning in pain on the ground, the boy carefully stepping to avoid them but looking for a mop of blonde hair tied up on one side into small braids that only went half way down the side of his head, cascading into a soft flow of sandy clouds.
"YASUSHI!!" Yuri scurries to his partner, opening the bag he brought and pulling him to sit by him on a stack of mats he had formed in the gym to help be more comfortable for the other. "Fucking hell, you look like you got the shit beat out of you with a fucking iron fist darling." Pouts the hidden twin, his frown making his adoring boyfriend let out a pained chuckle as he holds his middle, "I am ok baby boy, just a little run down, nothing I can't handle." Yasushi promises, missing Binzo having an alarmed look on his face as he sees his brother patching up an oya, the same one he was with months earlier in the garden, and then to his horror kissing Yasushi, being careful of the split lip and blood drying on in flaky cakes of smeared crimson. "Babe, you had previous injuries, its only natural I worry." Yuri sighs, remembering the fear he felt when he saw a haggard Kyoshi and a not much better Yasushi.
"WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THIS MIYAUCHI YURI?!?!" Binzo roars, causing his twin to jump and all of the occupants of the gym to fall silent, non of them expecting a relative to Binzo in their midst.
"You said you wanted no one to know we were twins right? This was me being not your twin, blending in and falling hopelessly in love with my boyfriend." Yuri says, anger laced in his tone that his brother would dare cause a scene, especially while he was tending to wounds of someone from the fight. "Wait-wait wait..."Tusksaka sais, befuddled by the sudden commotion that all were watching with pure shock, "Yuri is your twin? Heads up, Yasushi and Yuri have been dating for months, sooooo um... yeah, they are together and you will have to buck it up. We all love your brother, and he too is friends with Fujio, much like Raho himself."
"HOW DID WE NOT KNOW HE HAD A TWIN??" Mercy says, he sounded alarmed,surprised and at the same time impressed as his voice cut through the thick tension that hung upon the air, like a thick blanket in winter.
"I had him keep it hidden to protect him, told him to act normal because I didn't want him a target, but I also taught him to fight for emergencies, he has a mean right hand hook, I have to say. But I worried he would be a target, one that could be avoided, so I hid him...Had I known about this...."Binzo feels the air deflate from his lungs, letting out a sigh, "Hurt my brother and you will have to pay."
Yuri hears his twin grumble as he walks away, hand running though his crazy hair, his signiture look of his own.
"Sorry you had to find out like this and see him blow up." Yuri whispers, laying his head on Yasushi's shoulder as he felt his partner wrap his slender arm around his waist, something the two often did on Oya's rooftop on a sunny day.
"All that matters is that I love you." Yasushi says softly, breaking his normal tough guy act long enough to kiss his head and then glare at the crowd, "What the hell do you all think ya are fucking looking at??"
This was only the start of something bigger, a love for the ages.
A/N: Soooo.... first high and low fic in the books.. I hope it was ok, but I am super proud of it because I don't Know if I have ever willingly written something so long before in my life. I apologize for all of the out of character moments, but I just felt the need for fluffy goodness with a small pinch of angst.
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skyezekiel · 28 days
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🎏 happy children's day, mashiro & yasushi!
commissioned my friend meadowsweet for the kiddos to celebrate children's day (today, may 5th)! please check out her art and comms info if you're interested!!!
read my bsd next gen fic "of lone wolves and songs" (where mashiro and yasushi are deuteragonists) here and read more about the kids at the profile website!
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nvrcmplt · 2 years
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My babies
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tysm Vee & Sils ;;
i wuv u guys sm y'all do the gods work
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snowy-dream-bunny · 5 months
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The character color is blue: Yasushi
The character design did not change yay because I love it
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gojou-violin · 2 years
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⏣ AOT: Eren (s4), Erwin, Hange, Jean (s4), Kenny, Levi, Mikasa (s4), Piek, Porco, Reiner (s4), Sasha (s4), Zeke.
⏣ BJ Alex: Chanwoo, Dong-Gyun, Jiwon, Myung-Dae.
⏣ Blue Lock: Bachira (aged up), Baro (aged up), Chigiri (aged up), Ego (aged up), Gagamaru (aged up), Kunigami (aged up), Imamura (aged up), Isagi (aged up), Lemon (aged up), Nagi (aged up), Naruhaya (aged up), Niko (aged up), Raichi (aged up), Reo (aged up), Rin (aged up), Ryosuke (aged up).
⏣ Bubble: Hibiki (aged up), Kai (aged up), Makoto (aged up), Shin.
⏣ Bungo Stray Dogs: Akiko, Akutagawa, Ango, Atsushi, Chuuya, Dazai, Fukuzawa, Gin, Kenji (aged up), Kunikida, Ranpo, Tachihara, Tanizaki, Sakunosuke.
⏣ Chainsaw Man: Aki, Angel, Denji (aged up), Kishibe, Power.
⏣ Death Note: Aizawa, Lawliet, Light, Matsuda, Mikami, Misa, Naomi, Raye.
⏣ Gachiakuta: Engine, Semiu, Regto, Rudo (aged up), Zanka.
⏣ Haikyuu!!: Bokuto (post time skip), Kenma (post time skip), Kuroo (post time skip), Nishinoya (post time skip), Sugawara (post time skip), Takeda, Tendou (post time skip), Tsukishima (aged up), Ukai, Yamaguchi (post time skip).
⏣ Hell's Paradise: Chobei, Gabimaru (aged up), Isuzu, Jikka, Ju Fa, Mu Dan, ran, Rien, Sagiri (aged up), Shija, Shion, Shugen, Tao Fa, Toma, Yui (aged up), Yuzuriha, Zhu Jin.
⏣ High & Low: Amagai, Binzo, Chiharu, Cobra, Fujio, Ito, Magoroku, Mercy, Murayama, Noboru, P, Rao, Reiji, Ryu, Sachio, Smokey, Suzaki, Takeshi, Todoroki, Tsukasa, Yamoto, Yasushi, Yuken.
⏣ JJK: Choso, Geto, Gojou, Itadori (aged up), Megumi (aged up), Nanami, Noritoshi (aged up), Sukuna, Toge (aged up), Toji, Yuutah (aged up).
⏣ Link Click: Chen Bin, Cheng Xiaoshi, Lu Guang, Qiao Ling, Qian Jing, Xu Shanshan.
⏣ MHA: Aizawa, All Might (small version), Bakugo (aged up), Dabi, Hawks, Himiko (aged up), Kirishima (aged up), Midoriya (aged up), Overhaul, Tamaki (aged up), Tenya (aged up), Shoto (aged up), Shigaraki.
⏣ Spy x Family: Loid, Sylvia, Yor, Yuri.
⏣ Tokyo Ghoul: Akira, Amon, Arima, Ayato, Eto, Furuta, Haise, Hide, Hinami (aged up), Itori, Juzo, Karren, Kaneki, Naki, Rize, Saiko, Shirazu, Takizawa, Tatara, Touka, Tsukiyama, Urie, Uta, Yomo.
⏣ Wotakoi: Hanako, Hirotaka, Kabakura, Naoya, Narumi.
⏣ OCs: Aoi, Ariza, Astred, Daia, Elisa, Estera, Hitch, Ineka (aged up), Katrina, Kazuko, Lizzy, Seena, Siobhan, Umika, Uri, Yukina.
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| last updated: 14 june 2023
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abodeofhunter · 7 months
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MHA\BNHA OC UA student - Murata Yasushi Hero name - Burpadon
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yarviolenx · 8 months
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Silly sketch with my oc’s again…Yasushi and Expai 
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irukasenseii · 9 months
@nindoes "Life has a way of draining you, doesn't it?" / offers an oc, yasushi
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"It does but it's usually manageable. And I think that's why weekends were invented."
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BAM Youtube video with Yasushi’s and Minori’s current designs!
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emiehhsstuff · 10 months
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Basically: Hanaoka Fujio X (OC) Yasushi's Sister!
When Yasushi was ambushed which led him to the hospital with a bleeding head, Rikki Ishikawa, Yasushi's younger sister by a year, decided to go back to their hometown and learned about what happened to her brother.
Being the protective sister that she is, of course she would like to know what happened and who did it which led her to Oya High.
Unknowingly, catching the attention of a returning student, Fujio Hanaoka, when she barged into a school full of delinquents without any fear and care in the world but to only find Kiyoshi, Yasushi's partner in crime.
A stubborn yet kind hearted girl, and a delinquent with a golden retriever personality. Should the two meet, would it be fate? Or just a pair of strangers passing each other's lives for a brief moment?
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aininx · 1 year
Compiling all of the superpowers and superhero uhhh au??? And everything else. Just.... You'll understand later...😳😳😳😳
This is me just trying to expend me and my friend's Diamond 4 superhero au....
-Diamond 4-
Raja (Crystal King)- Crystal manipulation
Husna (Snowglow)- Ice and snow manipulation
Yuva (GG)- Pyrokinesis and danger intuation
Maria (Qué)- Super speed and temporal time rewind
Amzal (Mxar)- Metal manipulation.
Azzah (Ms. Loli)- Non. Used swords.
-The Universal-
Papa Acachalla (Chief)- Pyrokinesis
Getrude (Snow Queen)- Ice and snow manipulation
Sally (Medusa)- Snake hair, claws, wings and petrification (only in demon form).
Billy (Medic)- Flight, healing and resurrection
Sue (Shampoo)- Create bombs and explosions
Spencer- Cyborg body parts
Johnny Ghost (Poltergeist)- Invisibility, intangibility and slight levitations
Johnny Toast (Prince)- Energy projections
Spooker- Illusions creations
Colon (Scopes)- Metamorphic limbs
-Stormcloak Army-
Valh (Stormcloak Queen)- Shapeshifting and sonic scream
Lydia (Valor)- Danger intuition
Farkas (Bear Hunter)- Enhanced tracking
Sophie- Non. Uses swords.
Ma'isha- A literal cat girl
Cywren Caster (Wanderer)- Metal detection.
Timebomb- Timebomb generations.
-S.S Weaver-
Asylum (The Champion)- Adrenaline activation. The more he bleeds and take damage, the stronger and faster he becomes.
Sari (Debt)- Teleportation
-Vt villains-
Maddie (Cinema)- Tranquilization through skin contact
Darth Calculus- Nightmare inducement. Can show people their worst memories and trap them in it.
-Other Vt peeps-
Officer Maloney- Can turn into a crow
Daniel- Puppet mastery. Dispense green string from fingertips to control other people limbs.
Hosuh- Shock. Can shock people into doing his bidding or telling the truth. Most useful in interrogations.
Stephen- Knife dispenser. Can dispense knifes from his skin.
Annabelle- Bandit. Can steal anything she can hold and see.
Jay- Heatwave. Can heat up the air and object. Can set thing on fire if he touch it.
Gavin- All seeing eye. Can tell him about important stuff. Is random from telling about someone's crush to how to run a a stream.
-Dream Team-
Dream- Eldritch. Mutant face, enhanced speed and skills.
George- Glitch/Error manipulations.
Sapnap-Netherite chains. Can produce large netherite chains from wrist.
-The Trio-
Bad- Halo demon.
Skeppy- Diamond shifting. Can turn skin into diamonds
A6d- Blackout. Can make people temporary blind and can see in the dark
-Random other ocs...-
Anno Akari (Sentiment)- Vibe. Can use her emotions as different powers.
Fujikawa Asuka (Firebullet)- Non. Really good with guns...
Mizuno Mai (Bandit)- Bandit. I reused Anne's power....
Akagi Takehiko (Prince)- Write. Can write in the air.
Sugiyama Tadashi- All seeing-eye
Sugiyama Takashi (Ryujin)- Water manipulation
Juno Fontes (Juno)- Emotion manipulation
Gozen Momiji- Photokinesis
Yonamine Takeo (Lupa)- Lycanthropy
Ilda Bunko (Ares) - Engine
Yonamine Inko- Non
Uraraka Yasushi- Clean air. Can clean the air from poison and toxin by moving his hand.
Kirishima Keiko (Demoness)- Harden acid. Her body discrete acid that she can harden at will.
Hikaru Junko (Nova)- Supernova. Her body can turn into a condensed galaxy.
Tsubasa Mari (Mariposa)- Metamorphosis. Can turn into a swarm of monarch butterflies.
Imada Jay (Alter)- Heatwave. Can rise the temperature of their surroundings. Can set things on fire by touching it.
Kiriu Ayano (Mist Walker)- Mist. Can turn body into most and fogs.
Tey Er-Xuan- Netherite chains. Can produce thick, indestructible and heavy chains from her wrist.
Uraraka Suzume- Cannibal
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araveninthedarknight · 9 months
A New Character in the Story chapter 1!
So this is my first full length/non drabble fanfic, please don't expect much from it. It is Yasushi X OC and while i know most characters will be out of character, I am still new to writing and am for now just focusing on bettering me as a writer..Call it creative license and personal interpretation. That being said, I won't have a set update schedule for it for the time being, maybe in the future.
Warnings: Normal high and low swearing, fighting and all that jazz, probobly out of character high and low (sorryyy)
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A young boy who loved High and Low but hated storms was home alone, waiting out a thunder storm, but as it crept closer, so did his fear, he was wishing for Yasushi to be real, to be there to be the big though one while he curled into him like a whimpering lost puppy. He decided that to distract from the brewing storm, he would watch High and Low, eat some popcorn, and hope to drown out the horrible noises and block the flashing lights with blackout curtains. Bobby booted up Netflix, turned on the movie and cranked the volume, making some popcorn and plugging his phone in.
A particularly loud clap of thunder roared like a lion over head, shaking the small house on it's foundation and jump-scaring the poor storm spooked late teen aged male on his couch. His sandy brown hair was all over his face, slightly shaggy and now tickling at his eye lids as the jolt from the storm caused it to move out of place. His green eyes darted to find his remote, wanting the television up louder though it couldn't actually go up much more.
"I need Yasushi to come roar at the damned thunder with Kyoshi to scare it away..." He mutters softly as he pulls a blanket from the couch back over his shoulders and lap, hoping to scramble for any type of comfort as his fear loomed over his head like a personal storm cloud. In reaching for his phone,just as a bolt of light lit the sky an erie purple, Bobby got shocked, sending him into a knocked out state. This zap would change the course of his life, but he had no clue it would.
A groan came from tired lips, a lingering dull throb in the brunette's head. He felt like he had been plowed down by bricks, sitting up almost made him fall back in exhaustion. But something seemed different then he was used to, this did not feel like his home at all, and he would be the first to proclaim he was afraid. Bobby hated the unknown and begrudgingly opened his green eyes, clear glasses on the bridge of his nose. He confirmed while using a finger to shove the lenses to his range of view, that his was NOT his house, and he had somehow ended up outside on a clear day sitting in an area that seemed all too familiar to him. He decided it was all just a dream, he would close his pools of emerald, lay back and let his cheeks feel the flutter of dark lashes, long fans over cheekbones, and sleep. Clammoring seemed to make the boy groan inwardly, hoping that whatever was in his dream state would leave him alone to his weird dream escape plan.
"Hey, what's this? A new kid?At Oya??" Fujio asked with confusion seeping from his every word, they never really got many new kids, let alone ones that looked so damned out of place.
"Please tell me this is some kind of fever dream.." Bobby thought to himself as he sat up once more, dread in his gut as he came face to face with the Oya students, ones that only existed in a fictional world. Damn had that zap in the storm messed with his brain. He surveyed the crowd around him, recognizing Fujio at the front, still as puppy-like as he was in the movie, the leather couch under him felt almost searing hot to the touch, making it more life like than ever before, and he never had had such a lifelike dream, he was now well and truly afraid. Eyes landing on Todoroki, the teen felt even more unnerved, he had quite the intimidating aura up close and Bobby felt like this was going to be the end of his short life as he knew it, for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. This had to be a dream right?
Yasushi watched everyone around the boy, Jamuo trying to talk to the new face, and even the male with the bleached hair and braids knew the poor thing was shaking in his boots and looked ready to cry, overwhelmed and wanting nothing more than to hide away from all the rowdy teens.
"OY, let the guy breath, it won't get you anywhere to be half way to being on top of him." He yells loudly, making the newcomer jump in his spot, slightly cowering in fear and causing weird feelings to arise in the chest of the bleach blonde male, but he pushed it away. He had decided it was best to ignore any issue causing feelings and go to his though exterior.
Bobby sat curled in a ball on the farthest corner of the old leather couch, trying to avoid all eye contact, a new voice broke the silent barrier that had been the air, stirring more feelings of dread within the deep pits of the teen. "You don't look like you are from here, where do you come from, and why are you here?" Asked Todoroki, his voice like a teacher, frim and proper, enough to make someone be cautios, if smart and not against athority anyhow.
"W-well, I'm originally from the united states, but I just recently moved here." Bobby lies,trying to keep his voice smooth,firm and steady, but he knew these guys would sniff out one fuck up, so he only had one chance, had to make it count, "And my name is Bobby, so I would prefer to be addressed as so." The teen was inwardly impressed with how stern he had been, holding his own like a brave lion against a diffrent lion in a den for domanance.
Kyoshi noticed how Yasushi looked at the newest oya attendee and raised an eyebrow to himself, wondering if love had started to blister at his seemingly anti anything other than fighting and Kyoshi heart. It seemed silly to most to notice a change like that just in the eyes, but after being basically brothers as long as the two had, he knew in a heartbeat it was a foreign look to his friend and he needed to figure out how to get it more often, hoping to help his friend like a good wingman.
Bobby stands as the crowd thins, putting his hands in his pockets of his black jacket as he looks over the roof of the school, people milling about looking much smaller from his new vantage point than he realized, to be fair he had only been on a roof once now, and that was something he was convinced it was a dream still, just one that felt so real that you could taste and smell and even feel the dream world around you. Bobby had no clue it wasn't a state of a relm only found in sleep but a random freak accident that gained him his one with, as if it was a geni wish grant for the brunette's own glee, despite the current state of fear he was engulfed in like he had been during the storm. This could be a disaster, or this could be one hell of an adventure, only time will tell.
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skyezekiel · 10 months
chapter 4!!! now with more fluffy shin soukoku and ranpoe :D
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