#Super sensitive to feeling ignored rn i guess
smores100 · 6 months
so. haven't been around for quite some time, mostly due to my health issues (the usual + muscle aches and joint pains, i'm having a great time), but also in part due to The Situation. it's hard to care about anything with everything that's been going on, it all seems so pointless and meaningless, i'm living in a completely different universe from everyone else here. wish i could be that privileged, but alas. it's also hard being around here, and on other social media platforms for that matter, and seeing the raging antisemitism and sheer hate everywhere. i haven't checked my dash in almost 2 months, haven't checked specific blogs like i used to either, and have no plans on doing so anytime soon. i know what i'll find, i don't want it.
i was gonna stay quiet like i ususally do, especially since i genuinely don't have energy for anything rn, but it's been 2 months and i've been biting my tongue and screaming and crying into my pillow daily and i just need to get some of it out before i implode. there's only so much ignorance and hate that one person can take before snapping, so. here i am.
i have so much i want to say, i've written a million posts in my mind in the past 2 months, but i'm too Tired to actually write them down, and it'll just be one big messy ramble anyway, so i'm just gonna reblog a couple of other people's posts and make do with that. just a couple, don't worry, i know these are issues most either want to avoid dealing with or the opinions shared in those posts are a complete 180 degrees from what's trendy to believe in today. but i have to share it anyway. for 2 months i've been terrified, frustrated, bitter, angry and absolutely heartbroken, but there's one thing i haven't been, and that is ashamed. i'm proud of who i am. i'm proud of my people and their spirit. you will never understand what it's been like for us, what it still is like for us, but let me just say this: they wanted to break us, they wanted to break our spirit. they failed. we've never been more united. they just made us stronger.
so i'm gonna reblog some stuff so i can get it out of my system and move on. at worst i hope you just ignore and scroll past it; at best i hope you keep an open mind and maybe for the first time read things from a different pov instead of just the one sided propaganda everyone is continuously exposed to. maybe you'll see it isn't all black and white, maybe you'll see there are nuances you're not even aware of, maybe you'll realize you've been fed a lot of misinformation, half truths and even lies over the years. maybe. if you have questions or want to have a mature and civil conversation about it, feel free to msg me and i'll try and reply when my health allows me to, i'm open to discussion. if you want to unfollow me after this, feel free to do so. i'm not gonna force my truth on anyone, but i'm also not gonna change who i am for anyone either.
and on a more personal note, i wanna say thank you again for the msgs i've received last time and haven't replied to (due to health, Situation etc), and for the ones i've gotten since (will get to those soon i hope). i do feel the need to say this tho - i did have a peek or two at my dash and on twitter earlier on and saw some things. i was in a super sensitive state at the time and it was pretty disheartening ngl. it's hard nowadays, with all the hate going on and public opinion being what it is, to know whether or not you're still welcome in these spaces, whether or not people still like you and care about you, or if you've officially become persona non grata. most days it feels like the latter tbh. i just don't know where i stand. i said i'm not gonna force myself on anyone and i'm not, so if you're still ok with me…i guess the ball's in your court? 🌻
thanks for reading. thanks for sticking around, to those who decide to do so. take care y'all. never again is now. am yisrael chai. 💙
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wildmelon · 1 year
get to know the blogger! ty @olya-occult-lover and @alltimefail-sims for the tag <3333 ly
show your wallpaper
i already did!
last song you listened to?
hearts and bones by paul simon 💔
currently reading?
wayhaven book 3, on my fourth playthrough
last movie you watched?
freaky friday <3
last show you watched?
yellowjackets, my best friend is obsessed and trying to put me on
a cinnamon bun 🤤
what are you wearing right now?
a tank top and sweatpants
how tall are you?
both my ears are double pierced but super sensitive and infected lol
too scared of needles, but i'd love some small ones
just got glasses a couple months ago after not being able to see the board in class for like four years lol
last thing you ate?
4 reese's eggs 😳
favorite color?
i never know what to say for this. pink and green i guess?
current obsession?
wayhaven, dragon age origins, percy jackson
any pets?
my family's two cats and my leopard gecko <3
favorite fictional character?
i mean there are so many! i'm on a dragon age origins kick rn though and very obsessed with alistair, zevran, and morrigan
last place you traveled?
charleston, south carolina
tagging: @simgerale @prematurehag @morrigan-sims @mmonetsims @alpine-lapine @moonsyrups @mattodore @lucidicer @arcanewonder @elmleif @simarcana
feel free to ignore/sorry if you've already done this and i missed it 💗
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puppyyboyy · 10 days
huge vent under the thingy
im really selfish i think, like i dont really do much for people and i dont like to talk to people anymore as much as i used to but i think im just scared of people now. my parents pulled me out of school so i wouldnt be bullied but i think it just made my social anxiety worse
im also really sensitive and cry easily and i dont like that, yesterday i almost started crying because i couldnt find a room number in school (i was there for exams) that was super embarrassing
today is my brothers birthday and he has special needs and i feel bad because he has no friends to celebrate his birthday and my sister left the house to go hangout with her boyfriend so its only my mom, dad and me there for him on his birthday and i feel so bad and im like miserable right now and i woke up really upset because i was almost late for my exam and i definitely failed it because i guessed on almost question and i talked about college today and my plans with my guidance counselor at school and she talked about what im gonna do after highschool and i dont know what i wanna do because i thought i was gonna kms at 11 years old and not have anything else ahead of me and im so lost now and i dont even know what to do anymore
and im crying because i cant stop thinking about all the stuff thats gone wrong in my life and if i did things differently i couldve been happier and a better person
and i feel bad cuz im ignoring literally everyone rn whos texting me and im just sitting on my bedroom floor crying and writing this lmao im literally venting on tumblr💀 how did i get this bad omg. i could use my notes app to vent but i also want someone to read this, like anyone idc who im not even asking for help i just wanna be seen in a way i think
and my head is always full of ideas and thoughts and its hard to do anything because its always racing and i dont like it at all and i cant ever find the right words to get all these thoughts out or draw them out because i make art but irs not good it sucks and i hate my art style and i hate how i cant draw poses right or render correctly it pisses me off
my sister is really good at art, she goes to college for it and is way better then me and my parents are always praising her about her art and i feel like ill never be as good as her with anything, shes an honors student and graduated almost top of her class and president of the art club at her highschool (currently my highschool) and i got pulled into a bunch of shit when i made friends at highschool and they are all older then me and have so much drama and i feel like no matter who im friends with i cant be friends with the other people i wanna be friends with because they have drama together and if im one persons friend then i cant be the other persons friend because then im a bad person and i just hate it so much i hate beiing around people and i hate having to pick sides and i wish i could kms and i wouldnt have to deal with anything anymore
and then with my sister- anything i do or make art of my parents are like "cool!" and move on with their rlife and when my sister does art they post it on their facebook and show other family members and praise her so fucking much. im not saying i want all that but it feels like they dont even care
and i also noticed i get less things at Christmas and on my birthday now ever since i came out as trans to my extended family like my grandparents and uncle and aunt, my sister and brother get a bunch of shit and ill get some books and some other shit i dont even want or asked for but my sister gets money and a bunch of shit she asked for (expensive things) and my brother gets new electronics every fucking year. he got the newest iphone and a ipad and a fucking 3d printer last christmas???? and i got books and a 20$ Michaels gift card? its so unfair i with i was cis and my family would like me more itd not even about the gifts its just in general they got so distant and weird with me i feel so odd when i go to family events
sexual talk here- and i feel really gross a lot of the time cuz im sexual a lot and i wish i wasnt because i always feel gross and idk it makes me feel weird i guess its just hormones and a trauma response from when i was younger but i just feel weird especially when im alone and im being sexual i feel gross after and i dont know why im like this
theres so much on my mind and im just like AGHHHH!!!!!! i wanna cut myself and bleed out everywhere istg (i wont actually cuz im very afraid of physical pain)
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liminalkandlez · 1 year
well, hello!
wanted to make an actual personal blog since what was supposed to be my one and only blog didn't feel all that personal to me, so here we are. introduction and the like under the cut!
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(hi i'm sneaking this in here hoping no one notices erm we are a system. this is the host. a while ago we made the collective decision not to be too open about it unless we're comfortable with people but like. fuck it this is LITERALLY our personal blog. can't wait to get yelled at by my headmates 😁... uh. might make a section for system stuff eventually if i don't get yelled at LOL) (update yeah we're gonna make smthin seperate and link it here instead of this thing... we would make a carrd but!!! how the fuck do we work those. what)
hiii (this is the host still), i go by like, a ton of names, and i don't feel like listing every single one, but the most preferred ones right now are rex, kel or mack! i use he/him pronouns plus a lot of neos that i might actually list at another time.
i draw and write like, a ton, so expect some of that if i remember to post (unlikely)! i roleplay a lot too, and i'd love to find more roleplay partners!!! if you spot any fandoms that we have in common, since i primarily do fandom roleplay, you can message me!!!
also, do note that we are bodily 16.
current fixations of ours are OMORI, Incredibox, Rain World, Warrior Cats, Wii Deleted You, and Project Moon Games.
current project(s): Tragibox Retake (over 100k... CLAWING AT THE WALLS) , Evadare AU, Fungibox, Liminalbox... a lot more things. help.
oh also, these are important since these are our tags for this blog, so they're getting put here. hooray
🌟: constellations_chatter -> general posts.
🌟: moonlight_friends -> chats with moots or anons that'd came around a couple times already.
🌟: starfall_vent -> general vents. yeah. i don't think i need to say much more.
🌟: sun_love -> comfort character stuff.
🌟: bleedingmoon_trigger -> any post with general triggers. said general triggers are mentioned in the second to last section.
🌟: liminal_art -> any art...
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most of our writing and art rules are on my other blog, which will also be linked here instead of rules... we don't intend on logging back into that account for a while so uh!!!! please don't send requests over there!!! ignore the fandom list on there too it's probably like severely outdated
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(under construction...)
hosts sources;
Evelin (The Mandela Catalogue)
Bandu (Dave & Bambi)
Susie (Deltarune)
Skyblue (Skyverse)
Dante (Project Moon Games)
Angelica (Project Moon Games)
Rui (Project Sekai)
Cinderpelt/Cinderheart (Warrior Cats)
Teruko (DRDT)
Mack (Incredibox Tragibox)
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and finally, a DNI list. because we kind of need one of those.
Proship/Comship/etc, get the fuck out. as someone who had experienced abuse and all, seeing the romanticization of it is fucking disgusting to us.
Zoophiles. Out. You are not apart of the LGBTQ+ community and never will be.
If you intend to make fun of Selfshipping or fakeclaim. tbf, we don't care!!!! speak your shit i guess!!!! if you want to talk to a wall, then be my guest
anything triggering will be tagged. although we will only be tagging the general sensitive topics, like; blood/gore, yandere/obsessive, vent/vent fic, s/h, etc ; although if you want a particular thing tagged, tell us what that thing is and tell me what name you want used so we can make a tag that's like "(Your name) don't look", just to make it easier on us.
speaking of as well, if you are my mutual, i'd prefer you tag things regarding SA/r*pe, p$d*philia, and NSFW in general aside from jokes to be tagged with "Rex don't look". things may be added at a later time. (again, jokes are 100% fine!!! i find them funny, as long as they aren't like... super explicit)
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User Boxes will go here eventually because I like them and think they're neat but uh. later. don't feel like grabbing em rn LMAO (edit: it's been weeks and i still haven't done it lmfao😭) (edit 2: MONTHS.)
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thatbpdgirl · 4 years
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alkalinefrog · 3 years
hey, so, I had an art related question... if all of this is too much, feel free to ignore it.
the backstory is that I've had the same laptop since early high school but recently I had a birthday (I'm 28 now). my parents got me an HP laptop, and my friend got me a tablet, which she bought off of an online friend for $30. the problem is that I haven't had new technology like... ever? none that was actually mine anyway, and certainly nothing that could handle me using it for art.
and this is especially a problem when it comes to the tablet. my friend helped me get firealpaca onto the laptop, and get the tablet set up with the right drivers, aaaaand... I cannot make one line that looks good using it. I've been using pen and paper for so long and I have a really light touch, and it feels like I have to jam the pen down to get it to register, at which point I might as well have not set the pen sensitivity to anything at all because the thickest line is the only kind I can make?? any lighter and it won't show up on the screen at all. like I can ctrl+z and it doesn't even go back a step, the line didn't get drawn. there's like a 20% chance that any line I try to put down won't actually register. and tbh this isn't really what I had wanted... it's a huion tablet, which is the brand I wanted, but I was gonna buy myself one where you can see what you're drawing on the screen of the tablet itself. not just due to coordination issues, I think I could get used to that part, but because I feel like I wouldn't be having this specific problem with getting things to register. every single line I make looks like crap with this tablet, it makes me feel like I might as well be drawing with my feet, and I've been fidgeting with settings, and it doesn't seem like anything helps. I also still don't have a mouse for the laptop yet, so I can't click and drag anything very well because it has a trackpad, so messing with sliders is already aggravating.
I feel so lost and overwhelmed, and like if I buy anything else, I'm just going to end up with more unusable stuff because *I'm* probably the problem. I just don't know anything, and trying is mentally fatiguing me so quickly... my brain knows what I want my art to look like, and my hands can do it with a real pen. I just have absolutely no clue how to make this machine produce anything.
so I guess my questions are stuff like, what equipment do you use? are there tablets that will register a light touch or am I really going to have to be this heavy handed in order to work with one? what resolution/canvas size do you usually work on? any recommendations for what program to use?
overall, I'd really like to get myself something that feels more intuitive than the tablet... honestly, I was finding some success drawing with just my finger on the touch screen of my phone at one point. there were still a lot of problems with that, but the nail in the coffin was that my phone's memory space filled up and I had to get rid of the drawing app to make it functional again (it's an iphone, which is why). maybe I should just get an ipad or something...? though, one more thing on the mountain of potential options is the last thing my crumbling ADHD brain needs. I've been taking a break from art in general because I've still maintained my 40-hours-a-week work schedule through the whole pandemic... I do 10 hour shifts and work overnight, so I technically have free time since I only work 4 days a week, but the type of work I do leaves me with no energy at all. so I've been in an art slump and I've been wanting to get out of it, but this is just making art feel impossible, even though the whole reason why I've always wished I could draw digitally is so that I can color digitally. I had been drawing things in pen and scanning them to color in photoshop, but cleanup takes so long that I literally can't produce finished work anymore. I'm out of options that aren't prohibitively labor intensive and frustrating.
this was probably way too much information, but if you have any advice I'd be really grateful.
Huh, well first off HAPPY BIRTHDAY DUDE!! Congrats on the sweet new tech (even if it's been a bit frustrating) and well-deserved celebration!
From the sounds of it I think the main issue is probably your tablet (this is pure speculation on my end though, so you know, grain of salt and all). You're right in that you shouldn't have to fight against your equipment. I have a really light touch too and I've never had the same issue. I personally don't have any experience with huion tablets, but if you're having trouble getting your lines to register then it might have been worn down by the previous user. It's not so much about buying a monitor (the screen one) vs. tablet so much as getting working equipment.
An iPad is a great alternative!! I've played around with the apple pencil and procreate and it's a super intuitive program with (obviously) super easy set up! You get the drawing on the screen AND really nice pen pressure. I'm really happy seeing it opening up new doors for more people to get into digital art!
In terms of your current laptop/tablet situation:
My set up rn is pretty pricey ngl; I have a PC desktop computer with a 16 inch Wacom Cintiq. Getting started in digital art doesn't mean you have to drop a bag on a ton of equipment right from the get go though! If you're looking for a safe small investment, I'd recommend getting a Wacom Bamboo pen tablet!
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This lil' baby right here is what I started with!! I think cost-wise it floats around 70ish bucks, but that's exponentially more affordable than buying a huge monitor. One of my friends who's also a pro artist uses a similar small tablet because it works great! That's an alternative that might be worth looking into.
You can also get free trials on other drawing programs (clip studio paint is a great one!) To test and see if it's a software issue with firealpaca.
You could also try checking online forums to see if anyone else is running into similar issues, or watch some YouTube videos of people reviewing different tablets. I know this might be even more overwhelming, so I'd try and narrow the scope to focus on one thing at a time.
My best advice right now would actually be to get a mouse, or any other accessories you need. I've also been in your shoes where I was completely overwhelmed, and I can say that checking off all the small easy things makes a HUGE difference! It makes you feel more in control of the situation, and even if you're still having trouble with digital art you can at least get more comfortable using your laptop in the mean time.
You got this dude!! I believe in you!!
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Thanks @wooliebirds!
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lilyrachelcassidy · 3 years
same anon again! and totally cool with the last request :) So I popped up with a new one. Same thing daphne x reader using 15 and/or 47 from the prompt list! (preferably daphne asking out reader but anything’s cool) :))
A/N: Hi lovely anon... You're the sweetest <3 I really think you might be my official fav person rn :D And yes, yes, I'm super happy to see you again in my inbox and... oh boy, I love Daphne x Reader so much. Here you go with with the requests you asked for :)
Warnings: Might add but I consider both of those works as children-friendly lol (maybe some alcohol but that's pretty much it)...
15: “Just tell her that.” / “Such a pep talk…”
You burst into the Slytherin common room with as much energy as your legs could carry you with at the late hour as it was. Exactly, 1 am, if to be radically precise. But getting acquainted with Pansy's strange late-night habits for over seven years, you knew you could find her sprawling over the large lounge, still awake, with the Firewhisky drink in her hand per usual.
As presumed, you were right -- she was sitting, still fully dressed in her school robes and staring aloof at the fireplace, drifting more in her perplexing thoughts than she would want to. Hearing your sleepy voice, however, made her tilt her head and glance at you, standing in your emerald-green pajamas, at the entrance of the stairs to the girls' room.
She smirked. "Insomnia playing over?" she asked, teasingly, her sparkling eyes locking with your fluttery ones.
"No," you answered carefully before covering your mouth from a yawn to which Pansy's smirk widened. You flopped tiredly on the sofa, next to her and laid your head instinctively on her shoulder. "There's something I wanted to talk with you about."
"That's why you got out of bed? To talk to me about something you could do as well in the morning but without bothering your pretty face?" she asked, and though you couldn't see her face, you imagined she was frowning in incomprehension.
"Well..." you drawled, already partly regretting you had decided to come over with such a sensitive issue to her. "It's the only time Daphne is not around."
"Oh...Is that--" Pansy gasped in enthusiasm, throwing your head off of her to which you reacted with a small moan of pain, to look directly into your face. "Are you going to finally admit you're so madly in love with her and that you drool at her every time she doesn't look?"
Well, that was straightforward...
"W-what?" you sputtered out, trying to make sense of what you wanted to express. But dealing suddenly with too much confusion and surprise, you found it to be a challenging task to perform. "How would you know? I've never told anyone!"
At the raised, almost frantic tone of your voice, Pansy grinned, probably satisfied with the fact she dared to shock you. "You are the worst player in this puppy-love game if you haven't noticed yet," she said, arching her eyebrows. "It's almost hard to miss you staring at her in the classrooms or... I don't know... even when you talk to her, smiling like mad. Only concerns are for Daphne, who seems to be totally oblivious to that."
"You think? I mean, hasn't she noticed? Did she s--"
"No," Pansy interrupted you intentionally, rolling her eyes. "I think she has other doubts than that. Besides... it's also she who attempts to hide her goo-goo eyes from you."
You frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Ughh... She has a crush on you too! Happy?"
"No, she does no--"
"Of course she does, you unheeding dolt! One time, I even caught her scribbling your name in her notebook with small hearts around. What do you think it means?"
"I--" Momentarily speechless, you dropped your gaze to the hands and unconsciously started playing with your fingers. "I don't know what to say..."
"Just tell her that." Pansy shrugged, finding the simplest solution in everything while eloquently sipping her drink. "It's a normal thing to do. Go over to her during lunchtime and talk to her. Confess."
You huffed, suddenly feeling a stream of sarcasm dancing on your tongue. "Oh, really? Such a pep talk, you know... Thanks, Pans."
She nudged you with her elbow. "C'mon. You've wasted plenty of time daydreaming about her. It's a moment to take up action. Tomorrow, it's your round, or otherwise, it might pass."
Sighing, you peeked at her with seriousness. "I don't know about that."
"Then you'll never know," she commented aptly, and you knew she made her point. "I realize it might be confusing. But hey, no matter what happens, I'll be always there for you. Remember?"
"Remember," you repeated, somehow feeling more confident than you had been ten minutes ago.
47. “Are you asking if I’m a single?” / “Okay… I-I will.”
The party night was... disastrous, to say at least.
And you really didn't want to be here. But all thanks to your best friend, Susan, who was definitely a go-go type of a person and had been insistently persuading you to get out with her ("This'd be so fun, Y/N!" said she with already a little too drunk tone), by now you were being pushed in the crowd of inebriated people, soaking in sweat due to the heated breaths that were puffing and blowing at your neck from all around. Making your best attempts to push your way, conflict-less, to some less teeming space, you met with a failure by being shoved to your previous position by someone's hips from behind and a loud 'Watch it!'.
Frustration and exasperation accumulated in you, and you felt truly flustered with a situation. As it turned out, flustered enough to provoke the combative self you hadn't known existed in you, to start jostling everyone around to move away from your path to freedom. It required a few angry 'ouches' and curses sent towards you, but finally...Finally, you succeeded in getting away from the bustle and a disgusting odor of sweat that hurt your nostrils just too much.
"Double Scotch, please," you said breathlessly to the bartender as you had reached the bar and casually leaned over the counter. "Triple if needed. Make it extra strong."
The bartender nodded merely, giving you a perfunctory smile, before taking care of your order by grasping some liquor from the shelf and pouring it professionally into the glass. Too distracted with exhaustion from too loud music and screeches from the crowd singing along the songs' lyrics, you hadn't even noticed a blonde girl with a glint of explicit interest in her eyes staring at you. Well, not until...
"Is it a way of dealing with the party?" the girl asked, smiling. "Or are you trying to forget you're here?"
"Both, I guess." You laughed, turning your head to behold a nice-looking gal who was casually sipping her Mohito drink. A really nice-looking, actually. Her hair was laid in the smooth curls on her broad shoulder, emphasizing her soft facial features and shiny, blue eyes. Dressed in the tight gleaming-black dress with the heals lengthening her legs, she looked more than appealing. "I was forced by a friend to come. Not my intention."
"Tell me about it," muttering under her breath, she playfully rolled her eyes and smirked suggestively. Then with an outstretched hand, she proffered you an inviting smile and introduced herself, "I'm Daphne."
You took a hand invitation, shaking in lightly and reciprocating a smile. "Y/N."
"So, you came here with a friend?" the girl, now as you knew Daphne, asked you with an arousing curiosity. "Or girlfriend, or boyfriend?"
Alcohol being the best solution for straightforwardness as it was, forced you to express your first-moment thought without any earlier contemplation. "Are you asking if I'm single?" You took a gulp of your drink and squinted suddenly at the realization of your words. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that! It's just--"
"It's okay, I'm aware of the after-alcohol effects," Daphne soothed you down and tried her best to hide her pre-momentary shock from her face, though you could still detect it.
You fucking idiot!
"Yeah, I've come here with my roommate. She loves parties and said it would be a crime to miss one, especially on Friday night," you answered her question, attempting to get slickly out of your faux pas.
Smiling, forgetting about your little confusion, and ignoring the noise from the background, you chatted, relishing each other's company and treating it as a make-up for ruined Friday plans, fault laying on both of your friends' sides. How much time had passed while you were sitting there, taking the next rounds from the bartender and goggling at each other you didn't know, but one thing was sure -- you both definitely enjoyed it.
The things came, however, to the end as soon as Susan, plastered as you had never seen her before, approached you in a stumbling manner. She was giggling like mad, which clearly indicated one thing -- it's about time to export her back to the house.
"What the heck?! It's not a funeral, peach. Come dance with me!" she screamed as if she was on the opposite side of the room, putting her arms around your shoulder and dangling on you to keep her balance. "Cooooommmmee..."
"No," you shot back, also drunk but much less than her, which made you take responsibility in your hands. Instead of looking at Susan, however, you glanced at Daphne apologetically. "We're calling a cab."
"But, I--"
"Shut it," you said, a little angry with her intoxicated state but yourself having a bit of a problem creating a coherent sentence. "The party is over. We're- are go-ing home."
Susan made a small groan but said nothing, to which you were very thankful because you wanted to end the conversation with Daphne. The sudden influx of bravery had overtaken, and you asked her to hand over her phone. So she compliantly did, and you tapped your phone number on the screen, saving it on the contacts list before handing it back to the proper owner.
"I'm sorry it turned out that way. In these circumstances," you apologized to Daphne, the weight on your arm becoming gradually heavier as your friend wriggled in her place, still grasping your shoulder like to necessary sanity. "It was nice meeting you."
Daphne smiled at that. "You too. Good luck with..." She didn't finish her sentence, but you concluded she was referring to the little situation with drunken Susan.
"Thanks. Oh, and..." You suddenly changed the timbre of your voice to a little deeper one, almost exigent actually. "...don't forget to call me."
A coy smile spread on Daphne's lips, and she said, more in the murmur than a normal tone, "Okay...I-I will..."
And then, you were strolling away, satisfied with how your Friday turned out, much less lame than you had initially assumed.
Maybe the party wasn't such a bad idea after all.
A/N: I enjoyed writing those actually. These had to be drabbles but somehow turned out to be full-length one-shots. But no fault of mine; these were just my hands doing most of the job! I'm taking a break to spend some quality time with my friends (yes, it's me bragging I have a private life lol), and I'm sitting at my computer to write the next goodie :) See ya in some time!
Btw, as I've counted (via my computer) it's almost 2k words. What's wrong?!
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My personal Pros and Cons of my ADHD
-noticing all the little details and appreciating them in the fullest
-Emotional Dysregulation, because when I get a new plant, or find that one oddly shaped metal marble I lost a while ago, I am so excited it’s pathetic, but I love that feeling of pure joy.
-hyperfixation of the week/day/hour (i know some people describe it differently, let me be pls) . I usually switch between art mediums, and/or a few video games/social media sites. for example, I’ve been on tumblr for 3 hours as i write this, after not touching it for, i think a month?
-nuerodivergent friends. They’re just better.
-the ability to completely drown myself in information to ignore reality. Is it healthy? no. But i simply cannot handle another existiential crissi rn, so i will instead play minecraft while listening to alt rock playlists on youtube because getting spotify sounds like a lot of work.
-my ability to retain absolutely useless information, from either my, or my other nuerodivergent friends hyperfixations/special interests. I can explain to you in terrible formatting if it’s out loud, the evolution, history, training, anatomy and roles of the horse in our world, and how ao3 works, and what makes or breaks a fanfiction.
-Object Impermanence. When i literally hide myself a treat or surprise and forget about it, then get so excited when i do find/discover it again. I hide google questions, and/or song lyrics in my tabs :) its so fun. Also, hiding away stressors. Again, healthy? no, but i don’t feel like having anxiety all day, so whatever.
-Emotional Dysregulation, again. I can switch from sad or angry to happy and excited/content in a few seconds. It’s also great for getting my siblings out of their funk. ex., my sister is mad at me. I make a silly voice repeating what she said or cross my eyes at her. she laughs, then we can talk and have constructive conversation about why she shouldn’t get that upset about me “cutting off her reading time” when we share a room and I want to sleep, and know that she will be very tired tomorrow if she doesn’t also go to sleep. (We have this conversation almost every single night, i’m not even joking)
-Emotional Dysregulation. When i get upset, I’m Upset. Like, big time, ruining friendships and familial ties if i let it get out of hand, Upset. Yeah.
-Time Blindness. Constantly late, or early, or under or over estimating the amount of time it takes to do a thing, not eating til 4 because you forgot but you also should just wait til dinner, but now its 9 and I still haven’t eaten-
-Executive Dysfunction. I can’t do the things needed to function. Don’t have the mental energy to explain this one, so google it i guess? There’s a whole checklist of things you need to be able to do to function, and i can do like, three on a good day.
-Sleeping Trouble. People with adhd have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking up. So, sleeping trouble. So I’m constantly tired.
-Internal Clock is SLIGHTLY OFF. Nuerotypicals have that normal sleep schedule. Adhd ers have it shifted forward by, i think, 2, 3 hours. So we go to sleep later, and wake up later, and that’s the only way to get a healthy amount of sleep. My entire family also eats dinner super late, which might be because we’re weird, but I suspect the inner clock thing cuz we all got adhd.
-Object Impermanance. I hid my math homework one time. I failed that class. 
-Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria. Never trying, or starting cuz I’m so terrified to get a bad reaction. Constantly masking around certain people to appeal to the few of my Nuerotypical friends. Or, y’know, majority of my extended family. They’re ableist. and homophobic. And transphobic. And racist. and sexist. The list goes on, but, yeah. Never coming out to them! :D
-Masking. It’s exhausting and I can only handle so much of it.
-Not Masking around nuerotypicals. The shoot down after finally revealing my true thoughts, urges, feelings, stims, etc. just sucks. Super disheartening. 
-Squirrel or shiny jokes when they’re made by people without adhd. Yes, I do get distracted by squirrels, and shiny things, and dice. Stop pointing it out, and/or putting me into yet another box of your labeling. 
-saying that I’m lazy, worthless, or a disaster when really it’s not helping. I already have that internal monologue, you adding to it and giving it some truth/extra ammunition is not. helping.
-Emotional Dysregulation. Again, because mood swings. like, I’m trying to be rightfully angry with you. Stop making me laugh with you’re silly faces or pointing out of a weird face someone made in a picture you took. 
-the stigma about the hyperactive subtype. I’m inattentive. I have No Energy. Ever. Sometimes i have restlessness, but there is still no energy. Stop portraying me as bouncing off the walls, especially with caffeine. Caffeine just catches my body speed up to my brain speed, settling me down a bit, at least mentally. 
-people not getting when i say I’m overstimulated, or need some time alone to process or re-energize, and following me, or continuing to do the overstimulating thing. I will literally. lose. my. mind.
-when people shut me down after I share something that is really important to me, or make fun of me for liking something an “abnormal” amount. Flashbacks to overnight camp, when whenever I said anything about horses, they said I had to do five squats, and when i got really excited about discussing the differences in riding styles/types with another person who really liked horses, but rode english, they said that it was obnoxious, when i was just.. excited to finally find someone to talk to and who felt the same way after, basically, years and years of no one getting it or wanting to listen or talking with me about the thing. To this day I don’t discuss horses with anyone, cuz it hurts so much remembering that, and the fear of it happening again is still there. 
-seeing other people be ashamed about their adhd and hesitant to mention until i talk, like, super openly about having it, in like, the first 5 minutes of knowing each other. It just.. hurts.
-I’m super empathetic, not in a way that’s helpful though. Like, wincing, or limping myself because I saw you drop something on your foot, and am imagining it so vividly that it feels like it happened to me. Reading a fic about abuse or depression, and it hitting too hard and hurting me almost physically, and on a personal level because I simply cannot handle it. Feeling someone else’s pain so vividly that i can’t comfort or help them in any way, because I am so preoccupied with  feeling their pain. 
-never being able to finish things without starting something else. All the WIPs in my google docs, istg, i will be driven insane by it. 
(y’know, this was kinda fun. As a rant, but also as a way for me to identify things about myself and my adhd that i like. Like, I know its so much shorter, but I have a hard time with positive self affirmation, so it was kinda nice. I might do it again, but just the pros part cuz the cons are kinda depressing ngl.)
(OH, Y’all should reblog with your own personal pros added on! You can add cons if you’d like to :) I’m just interested in seeing how your experiences/feeling differ from mine :) )
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nako-doodles · 4 years
get to know me tag 🌸
i was tagged by my loves @honsool and @mainvocaljin​ 💖💖💖 thank you mwah mwah mwah~
what do you prefer to be called name wise? no. 1 jin pun enthujinist shirley
when is your birthday? oct 26 
where do you live? im stuck in east asia rn but i usually live in the states
three things you are doing right now? working on that top 2020 korean song tag i got tagged in literally 3 months ago......, picking my way thru lin manuel miranda’s gmorning, gnight (bc i really need that pep talk) and anna pulley’s the lesbian sex haiku book (with cats!) (so we can both can pretend my mom’s distaste is bc most of the poems arent haikus and it grates against her japanese sensitivities), waiting for the green bean congee to finish and tofu pudding to set so i can have dinner
four fandoms that have piqued your interest right now? thats a excellent question since my motivation is at an all-time low, but ive been listening to a lot of lee hi, alexa, bibi, and oooo to pass the time. i picked up pixel art bc of the quarantine in the beginning of the year, and ive been trying to learn how to make clothes bc fast fashion pisses me off and i already know how to knit and crochet.
how is the pandemic treating you? ive been ready for 2021 since yesteryear 
a song you can’t stop listening to right now? lee hi’s holo, specifically this version, and day6′s zombie depending on my day
recommend a movie? studio ghibli’s princess kaguya bc its the movie i put on when i dont feel like time is real anymore
how old are you? 23
school, university, occupation, other? work, temporary leave from uni
do you prefer hot or cold? the cold bc ive been suffering from muggy humid hot weather for too long and i lost the cooler winter months to miss rona. plus i really like being able to bundle up and drink hot drinks and cuddle. 
name one fact others may not know about you: im really curious. i read up on random trivia facts when im bored. im always alternating between 3-4 books at a time bc i cant pay attention to one single thing. if I see something idiosyncratic or it goes against my understanding of the world, i immediately want to know more.
are you shy? im very introverted and have little tolerance for noise and confrontation, so many people think im shy 
do you have any preferred pronouns? she/her
any pet peeves? my god, people who wear their masks incorrectly and/or take off their masks to talk, sneeze, cough etc. it used to be selfish people who are wilfully ignorant or are purposefully antagonistic and like making things difficult for others. i guess they are one and the same. 
what’s your favorite “dere” type? genuinely thought i would be a himedere bc my japanese name has the character for princess, and my chinese name literally translates to “a thousand luxuries” but according to this quiz, im a deredere. the more you know.
rate your life 1-10; 1 being really crappy and 10 being the best you could ever be: a solid 3.5 bc fuck 2020 
what’s your main blog? @daejinta
list your side blogs and what they are used for: none bc im l a z y 
is there anything you think people need to know about you before being friends with you? im really bad at this “making friends” business but know i think of all my moots really fondly even if im super blunt 🥺🥺🥺
i tag my loves: @stargazingjin @suggable @houseofarmanto @jinv @cultleaderyoongi @jincentvangogh @suhdays @dykejhope 
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surveysonfleek · 4 years
Zodiac Bingo 
Aries Gotta go fast Independence Participant, always Fuck you, don’t tell me what do to *brooding intensifies* Good sense of humor I ain’t neva scared “I’m not competitive but I’m gonna win” Assertive Going first Running yellow lights
People are drawn to you even tho you don’t invite them Feelings = action Impulsivity Creative Leader Competent “I thought you didn’t like me”-everyone Accidentally hurting people’s feelings Shares everything with partner What if the pope blasted cigs? Starting shit you don’t feel like finishing “I guess that was rude” No. 9/24
Taurus Treat yo’self Underappreciated at work Loyalty Great tastes in art&culture Spoiled (or wishing you were) Robe appreciation A vice (alcohol, weed, or comfort food) Homemaking/nesting Continuing to do something you don’t love just because you’re resistant to change Affection via touch Easy going Perfecting a wardrobe that is both comfy and flawless Having good ass eyebrows Highkey sensitive Stubborn af Not even taking your *own* advice Gossiping Lady in the street but a freak in the bed Creativity Spooning Commitment Stressing out over a change in someone’s tone of voice Finishing what you started Lots of venting lol 9/24
Gemini Unpopular opinion factory Secret&diverse intellectual landscape “Oh I got really into *miscellaneous hobby or topic* for a while” Intellectualizing or ignoring feelings Cleaning maybe once a year Look, a distraction! Thinking faster than you can talk Restless without hobbies Talking faster than you can think Reading four books at once Tons of energy Teaching others what you know Trivia machine Moodiness Knowing everything but also forgetting everything Existential crisis “Sorry I forgot to text you back” So many interests so little time Accidentally talking too loud Young at heart Pretty good public speaker Endless scrolling Shitposting Unpredictable sleep schedule 5/24
Cancer Connecting with women “Guess I’ll have to love you with my whole heart and soul” Vegetarianism/veganism Fear of rejection Surrounding yourself with soft blankets and  mood lighting Ferocious protector “I’m not going to dwell on it” *dwells on it* Takes child-rearing seriously Hardshell protecting soft ego Feeding sad friends Forecast: mood swings Heart of gold but still a badass Bad with boundaries Learning how to relax like it’s your job Lightweight drinker Yeah. Crying, ok? It’s not a big deal Mama trauma Food = comfort Nostalgia as a coping mechanism Identify built off memories Complaining Very emotionally intuitive of others Big fan of physical and emotional affection People telling you all their BS all the time 9/24
Leo Friendly Self-indulgence Never being able to tell if you’re the best or the worst People trying to compete with you lol Sensitive Decent at cheering people up Great hair Wardrobe swings between hot as hell and lazy af Interrupting Having a sense of honor Not doing something because you’re not good at it Talking too loud Finding dogs pretty relatable Creative talent Super supportive friend Enthusiasm Socializing like it’s your job&then needing to recharge Memes Priorities: eating and sleeping Boo hiss at rejection Looking good even when you feel like shit Drama Needing lots of love Loyal 9/24
Virgo Relating to Hermione Granger Gives great advice even when your own life is in shambles Flirting and running, an autobiography Petty Pretty damn intelligent Loving words/linguistics 8 hours of “studying” = 1 hour of real work Swings between clean and slobbish Indecision Splurging on food Mom friend A freak on the DL Peculiar eating habits Pretty good with words Good with pets and/or kids Known to schedule sex Multitasking af Cleaning as a coping mechanism “It me” Loves self-care but deprioritizes it 0 to hottie in 2 seconds flat Lowkey wood nymph All the receipts Bratty sub or service top 10/24
Libra If you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all Pls no fighting Good judge of character Leadership roles in friendships Takes up less emotional space for the well being of others Art adoration Real glo up wizards Nature adoration Hates boredom Wholesome Keep it cute Emotionally braced for betrayal Lowkey running from problems with people Falling in love with people’s hearts/minds Investing in your appearance Loves all things cute Always the mediator Trust issues Charming Staying up to date on culture Taking the high road Always putting your feelings aside for others Aesthetics Mom friend 6/24
Scorpio Growing up early Being a new person every few years Black/dark wardrobe Pain is cool Interest in psychology/criminology/sociology Privacy Sexual but not promiscuous All or nothing thinking Intelligent Loner/lonely Taking care of everyone Would kill or die for loved ones Protective as fuck Bloodhound for truth Deep Fascination with death/insanity/occultism Love-hate relationships “idk I’m just feeling numb rn” Jealous or possessive Trust issues Loyal as fuck Secretly soft Gets shit done Boundaries 6/24
Sagittarius Long ass bucket list Prefers to mind their own business Unbothered Nice enough that people always think you’re hitting on them Fear of missing out Optimism Honest and upfront Your shit is lowkey not together Plenty of friends Snobby enough to have good taste Flirting your way into something you can’t finish Storyteller or philosophical preacher “Here for a good time, not a long time” “…rude” Free spirit “Films” Distracted Smarter than you look I’m just speaking my truth! “I’m just inviting a few people” Falls in love with your mind, then your body Blows up the aux cord Hedonism phases Horniness gets you into some shit lol 11/24
Capricorn On your grind Discipline dgaf attitude Stoic in the streets, softie in the sheets Planning ahead, way ahead Always prepared (Un)healthy coping mechanisms Likes structure Prioritizing self-mastery Loyal protector of friends, babies, and animals Basically born an adult Dark humor People being mad about your tough love Old soul Major procrastinator Kind of a know-it-all on the DL Major sadness and madness People thanking you for your tough love People think you’re responsible “Why was I programmed to feel pain” meme Parenting your parents “Lock that in the trauma vault” Either a loner or a socialite Giving advice like it’s your job 5/24
Aquarius Me, an intellectual: Needing to do things your way Superiority complex Gossip Conspiracy theories Skepticism Not even having the energy to tell people how wrong they are Courteous/considerate People love you but you hate people Lonely Outsider syndrome Relating to cats a great deal Hates being told what to do or when to do it Not trusting someone/something that’s popular Being accused of being emotionless Insightful Feeling like the only rational person in a room Existential crisis Devil’s advocate just to get people to think Rationalizing tf out of your feelings Hates small talk Vices You’re entitled to your opinion no matter how wrong it is Interest in sociology, psychology, and politics 10/24
Pisces Empath Dramatic Poetry or music Lots of imagination, fluctuating identity Getting high on being outside (and maybe weed) Alone time “Idk I’m just a lil sad rn idk” Spiritual af Helping people heal Existential dread Pets love you Mommy issues Good with kids Cathartic crying over art, movies, or nature Knowing how people feel before they do Feeling misunderstood/alone “Go with the flow” Encountering spirits On life: “I’m just here for the ride” Drugs Forgiving others but blaming yourself Kindness Sorry, I was dissociating Exploring nature 3/24
I am most like a: Sagittarius
I am actually a: Sagittarius (I actually don’t really believe in starsigns but here you go lol)
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memaha19 · 4 years
Saw TROS, have some thoughts:
Spoilers, obviously.
Okay, I really liked The Rise of Skywalker and I definitely need to see it again to absorb everything but I guess here are my complaints? (And the list isn't too long so I don't wanna hear any of this "only fake fans like TROS" because that's EXACTLY what people said about TLJ, the same people who are singing the praises of TLJ right now like they have selective memory loss.)
(Also if you're one of those "the only real Star Wars is the original trilogy, everything else is garbage" fanboys/girls, please stay away from me and my post)
So, look. I ship Reylo. I have ever since Kylo shouted "you need a teacher, I could show you the ways of the force!" in Rey's face in TFA and she snatched the lightsaber and it flew past his face and he looked at her like "damn, girl". So I'm a little sad and a lot annoyed that they killed Ben. Like, was that necessary? I don't think so. They already did the "be redeemed and die" thing with Anakin. And wasn't the dyad thing supposed to mean they could both live? I've seen the rumors flying that the OG ending had Rey and Ben on Tattooine together and I want that. That's the ending I wish they had gone with. There was zero reason Ben had to die. Now, to be fair, I think it's super sweet that he was like "can't live without you, you need to be here more than me" and brought her back from the dead, but the movie teased me hard and made me think they were both gonna live and then it was like "HA FUCKING HA! HE'S DEAD!"
There's definitely some uncomfortably obvious retconning going on. Especially with TLJ saying "Rey's parents were no one special" and then TROS coming along to be like "but just kidding, she's Palpatine's granddaughter!". I was very okay with the idea of Rey being "no one special" and so them changing their mind and making up this whole story about how her parent was Palpatine's child and they gave her away to protect her from him...just...hmm.
Which brings us to: my biggest overall problem with the sequel trilogy is that...shouldn't they have established a general idea for how the arc for these three movies was going to go before they made them? I've enjoyed all three movies but they all feel like they've been made in a "what do we do now, how about this plot point, oh maybe this too, and maybe add some of this" way. I think maybe they should've all had one director? (Not necessarily JJ) Because JJ Abrams obviously set some stuff up in TFA and then Rian Johnson came along and kinda did his own wild thing with TLJ which left JJ Abrams to either outright ignore some things established in TLJ (like some of the character development, and Rose in general) or to try very aggressively to bring things back around to the way things were in TFA. This included throwing some things into TROS that go against everything else we've known.
Also Hux. He's never been a favorite character of mine but I had hoped him being the spy would be a little more of a storyline. Instead they just got rid of him so fast.
This movie kinda did that "introduce and underutilize a bunch of characters" thing that sequels often have issues with. Keri Russell's character, Naomi Acki's character (I'm so sorry, I cannot remember either of their names rn and am too lazy to Google), Rose (yeah, I know she was introduced in TLJ but she was basically just religated to saying a few lines here and there), etc. They all popped in to serve a purpose for a moment along Rey's journey to the Sith planet (sorry, I also can't remember that name either, just that it sounds like "icicle", forgive me, I'm tired and don't want to Google) but then they're just like "buh bye!"
They killed Ben and I am mad.
Overall I am about 75% less salty about TROS than I've seen a lot of people be. I did find the dialogue clunky at times and it was obvious that it was hard to work around Carrie Fisher's leftover scenes, which also added to the clunky dialogue. Sometimes I found myself thinking "how can they do that?", "how'd he get there so fast?", "how is Finn so force-sensitive all of the sudden?" and "are the Knights of Ren going to do anything other than stand around like a cool, black-clad boy band?". I liked that there was so much interaction between Rey, Finn, and Poe (especially since TLJ had them all split and I've always felt like Finn is at his strongest as a character when he's got either Rey or Poe to interact with) and the humour was honestly so good. I loved all the little nostalgic throwbacks, from the music to things like Maz giving Chewbacca that medal at the end to Rey ending up on Tattooine at the end. I loved the Rey/Kylo Ren, riiiiiiiight up until they were like "no future for Ben, he gets to die".
I just wish this trilogy felt a little bit more like everyone who made it was on the same page the whole time. My dad described it like "that game where everyone takes turns telling one sentence of a story and then the next person tells the next sentence", except in this case it's like one person telling a story and then the other person saying "no, not that way, this way", again and again, wash rinse repeat.
TL;DR: I liked TROS but also can see some flaws but, y'know, it was entertaining. So. Yeah.
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pumpkinofthedale · 4 years
hi, i just want to say that your cronus takes?? *chefs kiss* your cronus art???? *chefs kiss* thAT SNIPPET OF THE CRONUS FIC YOURE WRITING?????? *CHEFS KISS!!!!!!!!* youre the only person who ive seen put out good cronus takes on a regular basis and i want to thank you for that!!!! ps. speaking of that cronus fic, PLEASE tell me its almost finished. im starving for quality cronus fics
I uh... i love you??? Very much anon
it’s about halfway done (The first chapter at least) (I plan for it to be two chapters) (It’s... it’s over 8000 words rn.... it’ll probably end up like 20k because I haven’t seen any good reader inserts for cronus in like... almost ever. People tend to either write him as an extreme asshole or like a wooby romantic without finding a good balance or addressing some of the serious psychological issues that come from extreme feelings of isolation)
Here have another excerpt ;3c
(bc i love you)
“That’s very nice, Eridan. I’m glad you’re so passionate about your rivalry, but we still gotta make sure you finish up your homework.” You patiently replied.
He just groaned in response.
“Can’t you just do it for me or somefin?”
“Nope.” You made the mistake of looking up, catching sight of Cronus watching you both from the sofa in the other room. He smirked at you, and you rolled your eyes, turning back to look at the almost blank sheet of paper. “C’mon, these proofs aren’t going to do themselves.”
But it was almost useless as your pupil just stared off into space, drumming his fingers on the table with a determined little smile on his face.
“I can think of a couple things I wouldn’t mind watching do themselves.” Cronus said from his position on the couch. You glared at him. “If you know what-”
“Everyone knows what you mean, Cronus. You’re as subtle as a cannon.”
He just grinned, sharp teeth gleaming in the light. “I’ll show you my cannon anytime, kitten.”
You’re pretty sure you might actually end up murdering him.
“Don’t you have like… actual things to do? Like anywhere else? Ever?”
“And miss this view?” He gave you an overly suggestive wink. “You coming to the Crisp-mas party, kitten? It’s not just gonna be Danny-boy and his wiggler friends. There’s gonna be other adults and booze and stuff. It’ll be fun. Some of my other friends’ll be there too.”
You had to admit it did sound a lot better than sitting alone in your apartment getting sad drunk and crying yourself to sleep to the backdrop of hallmark movies.
“You could even bring your boyfriend that you talk about so much.” That sent a pang through your chest that you did your best to ignore. “Maybe even have a threesome because you know I’m down for that. Like not even just a little down, like super down. Damn, babe, that sounds hot. You’ve convinced me. You, me, him, let’s make a fucking Cronus sandwich. Damn that’s a good line, I gotta write that down. That’s so going into my next song.”
He hopped over the couch to the table to snag a pencil and piece of stationary, writing his lyrical masterpiece down.
“That’s going to be a hard pass. Phil and I are not looking for a unicorn and if we were you definitely would not meet the criteria.” You snorted, looking over to see Eridan just doodling a picture of him and who you guessed was John, kissing under some mistletoe but also somehow looking incredibly mad while doing it. God was romance the only thing this entire household thought about?
“I guess that’s what a guy gets for trying to be inclusive and sex positive in this world.” Cronus pouted. “I go ahead and put myself out there over and over again and everyone just steps all over my poor little pump biscuit. Every single time…. And all I ever want to do is be sensitive and listen and write poetry about them. But no, no one wants a sweet, nice guy.” He hurled himself dramatically onto the couch. “It’s like I have to broken to get some attention,” (You were at least ninety five percent sure at least part of him was broken). “No one understands the soul of a tortured artist. Being deep is hard. It’s hard and nobody understands.”
“You’re not deep, you’re just desperate. Get over yourself.”
You’re pretty sure you heard him mutter, “no one understands” into one of the many nautically themed couch pillows, but he had stopped bothering you, and it was clear that Eridan was not in the right head space for proofs. Maybe it would be best if you were to cut the session short…. You had a lot of lab journals to grade anyway.
But as you stood up, Eridan turned to you, a thoughtful look on his face as though doing some sort of mental calculation. He wore his heart on his sleeve, and his internal monologues were pretty easy to decipher just by watching his face. Finally he came to rest at a pout, cheeks sort of puffed out while he looked to the side, his hands clenching and unclenching. “Teach me how to make those cookies… so I can rub John’s stupid face in how talented I am.”
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flowrxchild · 4 years
I was tagged by the sweet @moonchildwildheart thanks lovey! I love these kinds of tags they’re so much fun!! ❤️
What was the last thing you read?
My study notes for an essay T-T
Favourite movie?
Moonrise Kingdom!
Favourite book?
It’s been the Goldfinch for a long time but as of recently I’ve fallen in love with Jenny Slate’s Little Weirds
Dream date?
Ouu like a picnic or stargazing of something like that. Laying face down in the mud under a full moon could be romantic if you rlly think about it.
Do you have a crush?
I don’t think there’s been a moment of my waking life that I havnt...
What are your hobbies?
I love to paint! I used do a lot of art but life’s kept me really busy as of recently and I don’t get to do it as much as I’d like :(
What’s your favourite time of day?
Late afternoon/golden hour! Ik it’s corny but it’s so pretty how could you not be in love???
If you could look like anything, what would you look like?
The Celestial Seasonings Sleetime Tea bear. That’s literally all I want for myself.
Are you romantic?
*leans dramatically on a staircase clutching my forehead* yes.
What’s your favourite type of weather?
Warm and lightly breezy. The opposite of whatever hell it is now in Canada...
What do you like talking about?
Movies and music always. I’m obviously a dork about it.
What are your turn ons?
Attentive affection like when someone touches you when they talk to you or eye contact I’m like 👁👄👁
Turn offs?
Rudeness. If someone’s mean or pushy yuck
If you got a tattoo what would it be and where would you get it?
I have a lot of stick and pokes everywhere that are super random lol but if I had to get an official one it’d probably be something floral on my arm?? I’m too indecisive to be a tattoo person :/
Do you have any pets?
I have a stinker of a black cat named Odin and he’s the loveliest boy to ever be
Dream job?
Something in the film industry...still to be determined
Dream place to live?
In the country? I’ve lived in a big city all my life and I’ve always wanted to be somewhere quieter and more serene
Dream vacation?
I don’t really know tbh...I love traveling anywhere so any trip would be a dream!
Do you have any piercings?
My ears and my cartilage. Used to have my septum but rip to her :(
If you had kids, what would you name them?
I really don’t know I always feel like the only person who doesn’t have a list I think...
What are your best traits?
My sense of humour has gotten me through a lot...Something bad will happen and I am forced to laugh in its face. Call it what it is: big goblin energy...Also I cherish my artistic eye aahasksk
Worst traits?
I’m a horribly distracted person lmao which makes me maybe the worlds worst reciever of information... I’ve been called flightly and disinterested because of it :( im also super anxious and i let it get the best of me sometimes...
What’s your worst fear?
Losing the people I love. Not being able to experience certain things.
What do you want to eat right now?
Im always craving brownies. I could eat a brownie rn I would not complain.
What’s your best vacation you’ve ever been on?
I’ve not traveled a ton but I went to London when I was 16 and I loved every minute of it!
Favourite city?
Gotta be biased and say my home Toronto! Even though I complain about it a lot, it’s raised me well!
Favourite social media platform?
Tumblr and twitter for sure! They’re kind of addictive
Favourite article of clothing?
Right now, it’s my black turtleneck. Gotta love a classic turtleneck ammirite?
Do you play any sports?
Bold of you to assume my bones are able to carry my akward ass in any other form besides walking. When I was a kid my parents forced me to play soccer and I literally used to lay in the field and pretend I was too sick to stand. Like during the game. The melodrama has not toned down since.
Favourite meal of the day?
Dinner I guess? It’s got the most yumminess possibility. The yummy levels are over 9000
What are you excited for?
Christmas break! This semester is beating my ass and I can’t wait for it to no longer be
Not excited for?
My finals.
When was the last time you cried?
Last night over the amount of work I had to do LOL
Dream house?
Omg a cabin or like a cottage home!! uGh itd be a dream!! Jus me and the trees
What’s something you hate about the world?
Injustice, prejudice and ignorance. I have no tolerance for it and there seems to be a lot of it. Wish a lot more people would just have less hate in them.
What’s something you love about the world?
It’s beauty!! Even outside of things that make me frustrated or terrified, the world always shows us reasons to love and reasons to live and I gotta remember that!
What scents do you like?
I love spicy “musky” smells lol I wear a unisex perfume cuz I love warmer smelling stuff like vanilla etc..
What kind of sleeper are you?
Not a good one ahahsjssk
Are you a cat or dog person?
Typically, I’m a dog person but I love cats just the same!
How long would you survive in a zombie apocalypse?
Literally like a couple hours I’d see a singular zombie and immediately fart and die from fear 😔✊🏻
Are you trusting?
I think so? But I have a really strong intuition when it comes to people so i give trust where it’s due
What fictional character do you identify with?
Idk this is a hard one I’m never good at picking one for myself lol
What labels do you commonly get?
I get sensitive a lot.. especially when I was little and I used to hate it cuz I used to see the negative in it but I think us sensitive people have got to start using it as a strength! (And maybe people should be less mean also ahshag)
What song would be your life anthem?
This is another hard one but I guess just my fave song: Jimi Hendrix’ Voodoo Chile?
What issues are you dealing with rn?
Erm school and being anxious I guess...schools been stressing me out and it’s hard going to class when you’re just terrified of everything but I’m working on it so 💩
How can someone win you over?
Literally just be nice I am not hard to win over Loool
What’s something about you people don’t know?
I don’t really talk about it a ton but I’m adhd and was diagnosed super late in life so I spent most of my childhood and teens thinking that I was just a spaz who had a lot to think about but my brain was straight up goofing the whole time lmao I’m slowly starting to learn to cope with it but it’s been a tough journey especially being in uni and trying to do adult things. So I’m sending a hug to anyone else who also suffers because it is not an easy ride <3
I’d like to tag (and ik this is a long one so feel free to ingnore me if u don’t want to) @cantbehandled-ever @satans-helper @seven-seas-of-hi @karrotkate @v-i-d-e-n-o-i-r @lazingonsunday @thatflowerpower @eatmyshiftsticky @shes-outta-sight @pvre-mourning @aint-no-denying @dreams-madeof-strawberrylemonade ⭐️✨⭐️✨⭐️✨
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jung-snoopy-woo · 4 years
Pass the happy! 🌈 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications! 💕
Omg hi ❤️❤️❤️
First of all, thank you for sending that it's so cute 🙈 secondly, apparently, about 3-4 more people have sent me these, but for some reason I've never seen it so I guess it's time to finally do this!!
Sooooo here's my list:
(Note: except from the first one, I don't think there's a specific order lol I just love these things)
1. Family and friends
2. Music
3. Books
4. Embroidery
5. Food and working out
(6. Charity work/ volunteering)
There's an explanation because I always love explaining stuff (lol I'm sorry idk I'm just weird, you can just ignore my explanation and go on with your lives 😂😂😂)
1. My family and friends- I'm very close to all my 5 younger siblings, and to both of my parents. I can talk to them about anything and everything, and know that they're always here for me. And I know most of my friends for 10-15 years (the majority of my life lol) 💖💖
2. Music- I don't know if any of you get this feeling, but when I discover new songs that I like, knowing I might get to listen to them while working out/ doing chores/ when listening to music on the bus/ anywhere, when my playlist is on shuffle, is one of the best feelings in the world 🙃 (plus!!! my favorite artists always encourage and others to love ourselves and so many other values [* cough cough* mr. Bang Christopher Chan and skz in general * cough *], so it's not just music, it's about everything about it..)
3. Books- one of my favorite things to do is reading some good books, and another great feeling is when I visit my best friend (who has like all the best books in the world) and take more than one book, knowing that when I'm done with one of them, there's another one waiting for me ✨✨
[Fun fact: rn I’m halfway through reading Falling Kingdoms 5 aka Crystal Storm and let me tell you I’m in love with this series]
4. Embroidery (and drawing/ painting and stuff tbh)- when I was like 5 years old, my mom bought me these cute "embroidery for kids" thing (big needle made of plastic etc.), and taught me how to do these (fun fact: I also used to know how to knit, but unfortunately forgot how to:\). So thanks to quarantine, I was able to get back to it and even did (a very simple) one (so I know it's not perfect) on one of my shirts:
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5. Food and working out- (almost) last but not least, I put these two together because I LOVE eating and good food makes me super happy!!! but if I don't work out I don't really feel good about myself? And I'm not even talking about how I feel bloated and stuff, it's just that I feel a bit down and I get sensitive (I don't even know???) And I'm in love with the post-workout feeling 💪💪
6. I really had to add this one because, though I haven't done this for a while, it's something that really makes me happy so- I really love doing charity work/ volunteering or just helping people in general? 🙈🙈 it just that when I see their smiles and knowing I did something good for someone just warms my heart and makes me feel so good.. I still talk to one of the girls I used to help and she’s just the cutest :)
Again, thank you for sending me this!! And if anyone's read up to here, hope you're having a great day/night and if you want/need to talk to someone or just make a new friend, I'm here!! 💕💕💕
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heroquills-a · 5 years
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▌𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: Olgilvie Maurice Sonic the Hedgehog ▌𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍: verse dependent, taken in main verse, single in any other so far ▌𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐑 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒: his main strength lies within his speed--- seeing as almost all of his abilities/powers are connected to such. sonic has super speed (dubbed to be the fastest thing alive), various wind/air/speed based attacks and moves, durable & razor sharp quills capable of tearing through metal, dirt, and rock, keen sense of precision and balance and has almost complete control over his motor skills when in motion, aerokenisis activated through generating speed, acute chaos sensitivity, ability to harness chaos control and go super. can also pilot planes, cars, breakdance ( which he incorporates into his fighting style ), play guitar, and skateboard/snowboard.  ▌𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑: green ▌𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑: blue, thin peach blonde fur on arms/tummy/muzzle ▌𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐒: Julius (father;deceased), Bernadette (mother), Chuck (uncle;father’s side), Maurice (grandfather;father’s side), Aleana (aunt in law; Chuck’s wife), Manic (cousin), Sonia (half cousin) ▌𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐒: he has enough tiny animal friends/critters to be a disney princess but he doesn’t consider any of them to be pets tbh ▌𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄: having his personal space/personal life invaded by strangers/ppl he’s generally not comfortable with. ▌𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 / 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒: running, exploring new & exciting places, traveling/adventures, bustin’ badniks, spending time with friends and loved ones, racing or any competitive activity, playing the guitar/listening to music, break dancing ▌𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄: yes ▌𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄: hopefully not? most likely not, he’d never do it willingly. ( you might be able to count his dad since teeeechnicalllllly sonic’s the reason his dad dove into that tsunami in the first place... 🤔 ) ▌𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌: hedgehog, though a wolf seems fitting too ▌𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒: bottling up his feelings & trying to deal with his issues on his own/self isolation, too forgiving of others and willing to offer just about anyone a chance at redemption (now this might not necessarily be a bad habit ( a lot of good has come out of his naturally forgiving heart ), but it’s certainly an aspect worthy of criticism/leads more into morally grey territory for him when it comes to certain ppl he’s willing to offer forgiveness), repressing and internalizing pain and insecurities and leaving them unchecked so they wind up coming back to bite him in the ass later/he ends up unintentionally hurting others, has trouble communicating about his issues bc he doesn’t like burdening others with his demons and wants to maintain an image of strength and confidence, subconsciously puts himself on a high pedestal and holds himself to extremely high expectations to the point he down right dreads failure in his role as a hero/role model. ▌𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐒: his parents ( esp his father ), sonic world equivalent to jun senoue (crush 40 guitarist), vanilla the rabbit, and his friends ▌𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: demi pansexual / demi panromantic ( tends to repress these feelings a lot so he considers himself demi ) ▌𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒: ehhh he doesn’t really think much about it to consider it, not really interested in it rn (he’s a family person tho so i mean i’m sure he could see the appeal even if it’s not his style--- he leans more towards found family tho) ▌𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒: sonic’s style choice is a bit all over the place but it namely falls into a few categories: sporty, light weight, trendy/looks cool, and 90s/80s retro  ▌𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄: friends, family, shadow ▌𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐎 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐒: sonic thrives on his friendships with others and believes them to be one of the most important aspects in his life. his friends make him super happy and getting to spend time with ppl he cares about is free serotonin. he’s generally very friendly and can vibe with most people so long as they don’t do stupid shit like try to set a forest on fire or whatever. ▌𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊: i can never remember what so i guess it depends on his mood, he really likes fruity drinks & tea tho. ▌𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐓: out on the road, adventuring with friends, exciting places / places with pretty scenery, at home in his hammock bed where he can listen to the peaceful sounds of the forest and nap safely ▌𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍: the lake, if he had to. ▌𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄: s...strong.....confident...can kick his ass... ▌𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐒: camping !! he loves being outside
tagged by: @team-phantom and @pistolbitten ty <3
tagging: @antibadnik @skyfcx @rosehammcr @fortruechaos @rubyguardian @jewelxbat @solfading @gitbeaned + anyone who would like to ! ( apologies if you’ve already been tagged in this meme/done it already, feel free to ignore this if you have ^-^ )
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fellintotartarus · 5 years
i think we partied too hard
on ao3!
i'm obsessed with one night stand amy gets pregnant fics rn (literally don't ask why... shut up) I'm also VERY MAD about the green book win (it was a category filler?! roma deserved it shut up) so you get this, i guess.
Jake sat with his head on the table groaning. He had spent 29 hours awake, running on 2 hours of sleep, and he could not crack this case. Amy sat next to him in the same fashion, in the same situation.
 After 29 hours of looking at the same case board, interrogating the same perps, and running the same routes, they were no closer to bringing down this mysterious drug lord. The clock ticked teasingly in the corner, reminding them of the time elapsing that they couldn’t solve the case.
 All of the sudden, Jake’s head snapped up.
 “Ames,” he whispered. “It’s the sister.”
 Amy’s head shot up. They stared at each other before smiles crept onto each of their faces. They solved it.
 That night, the whole squad went to Shaw’s to celebrate. They were waist deep in shots, pints, and, in Holt’s case, Charbonay. It was a sloppy drunk kind of night.
 Four-drink Amy had come out to play. Terry tried to get another drink in her so that she would stop terribly winking at everything that walked, but the bartender had cut her off and was watching them with a hawk eye. They wanted to stay more than they wanted five-drink Amy, so they let her horniness run rampant.
 Jake was not a heavy drinker, but this case closing was a cause for celebration, so he was wasted. He didn’t have a tiered drunkenness scale like Amy did, but after six drinks he was strangely flirty as well.
 The rest of the crew was very weirded out by their gross and alcohol-fueled vibing, and they gravitated away from Jake and Amy into another corner.
 Soon enough, Jake and Amy were sitting huddled up at the bar, steadily drinking enough to keep them at the “horny-drunk” level.
 “Jake, you know something? You’re super hot. I totally would sleep with you, but I’m too much of a chicken to say that,” Amy slurred, poking his chest (surprisingly firm, she might add).
 “Whaaaatttt? You’re the sexiest ever. Every time you wear that red dress it makes me suffer because I just wanna lift up the skirt and fuck you in it,” he breathed in her ear.
 The conversation had taken a significant turn from playful flirting to very serious dirty talk, and it was reflected in their proximity to each other and their heavy breathing.
 Amy moaned under breath. She took a nibble of his earlobe and whispered lightly, already grabbing her purse, “Do you wanna go back to mine?”
 Jake stood up abruptly, nodding, wobbled a little bit, and grabbed her hand. They half-ran to the door, giggling the whole way.
 The next morning, Jake rolled over to find the good lump on his mattress only to find a foreign bed and a warm barrier with its arms wrapped around him.
 Confused, Jake groggily opened his eyes to find a very naked Amy Santiago sleeping peacefully next to him.
 His eyes went wide and he gasped slightly, causing Amy to stir and open her eyes. As soon as she saw him, her reaction was about the same as his.
 After a few tense seconds of just looking at each other with surprise, they simultaneously sprang apart and let out yelps.
 Amy, realizing they were both naked, tugged the sheet over her body, leaving Jake’s (very nice, she had to say) body exposed. He gasped and grabbed the sheet and pulled it over himself, leaving Amy’s (extremely sexy, he thought) body exposed. It was a slight battle of tug-of-war before they gave up and starting mad-grabbing for their clothes on the floor. Amy found her underwear pretty close to the bed, but, holding her boobs in place with her hands, she found her bra in the hallway, and her pantsuit on the couch. Jake was luckier to find all his clothes in the bedroom.
 They met in Amy’s kitchen.
 “So we... uh...” Amy trailed off. She was visibly tense in the shoulders.
 “Seems like it,” Jake laughed awkwardly a bit, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
 A pause. Then, suddenly, laughter filled the apartment. They were belly-laughing, the good kind of laugh that left you aching. Tears welled in their eyes.
 “Was I any good?” Jake choked out through laughs.
 Amy stopped laughing and said seriously, “I don’t know. You were my first.”
 Jake stilled. “Wait, Ames, really?”
 A laugh forced its way out of Amy’s throat. “No! Oh my god, who do you take me for, a 30-year-old virgin?”
 “Jesus, you scared me!” Jake laughed.
 “Okay, well, I’m glad this isn’t weird and all, but I am majorly hungover and would like to take my day off,” Amy said.
 “No, yeah, got it. I was just on my way out.”
 They shared a genuine smile as Jake walked out the door.
 Amy lay in bed later that night and texted Jake.
 To: Jake Peralta
Isn’t it... weird that we aren’t weird?
 From: Jake Peralta
not rly tbh. the way i see it is we have a funny inside joke now. also i literally remember nothing.
 To: Jake Peralta
Yeah haha. Makes sense. Definitely don’t remember anything either.
 The thing was, she did. Or, well, she had evidence. She woke up with the mat in her hair that she only got when she had sex in her favorite position, she had the good ache between her legs of being well-fucked with a big dick, and her clitoris was really sensitive, meaning multiple orgasms. She didn’t entirely like the conclusion, but Jake must be really good at sex. Gross (Or was it? her brain said). She wondered why she couldn’t stop thinking about it, until she realized that it was weird now. She had made it weird by remembering.
 Or maybe it was the way he made her laugh like nobody else, or the soft curl of his hair flipped to the side, or his strong arms holding her as she slept away the morning.
 Amy blushed and shook the thought out of her head for the millionth time that year.
 At his apartment, Jake lay awake with memories flooding back. Jake had the rare gift of retaining memories slowly when he blacked out, and he had never been happier. Besides the obvious, Jake was mind blown that Amy freaking Santiago had given him the best sex of his life. She was such a nerd, it seemed impossible! Just remembering the night’s activities sent a shudder down his spine and warmth through his core.
 But it also begged the question: was it just the sex? Or was it also the halo of light around Amy’s face when she laughed, or the way her hair shone softly, or her adorable hate face reserved only for those who had invoked a pure form of hatred from a cinnamon roll of a human (looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you).
 Jake wondered for the millionth time that year why he couldn’t stop thinking about her. She was his colleague for Christ’s sake, his frenemy within the precinct. They competed constantly and bickered more than an old married couple.
 Jake sighed, punched the good lump into shape, and fell asleep.
 Jake and Amy’s work relationship hadn’t changed much at all, except now they seemed to have a lot more to laugh about. Every once in a while, they would be sniggers coming from their desks from a seemingly new inside joke.
 The main thing that changed, however, was the way they looked at each other. Their glances would linger while the other wasn’t looking, and there was something unidentifiable in their eyes. It was soft, and it was absolutely torturous. The rest of the squad had bets on the outcome of this newfound grossness.
 Jake’s deniable crush on Amy had spiraled into a full-blown infatuation. He thought about her constantly, texted her when he wasn’t with her, and even improved his life to please her. He cleaned every week, he sold his unnecessary stuff, and started chipping away at his debt. It was a goddamned miracle.
 Amy found herself thinking about Jake too much for it to be normal. She always suspected that she liked him as more than a friend but was always able to tamp it down and ignore it. Not anymore, she thought with a sigh. Now it was like everything he did was the cutest thing. His smiles always sent her into a soupy mess, and every time they touched by accident it was like electricity running up her spine.
 Then one day, a month after That Night, it became impossible to not think about him.
 She woke up that morning feeling nauseous for the second day in a row. She violently vomited a few times and then lay against the cool bathroom floor, the cogs turning in her brain.
 Idiot, she thought to herself.
 After nervously checking her period tracker and seeing that she was a week late, she immediately called Jake.
 “Hey, I was just about to call you to see if you could meet up for coffee before work. I wanna talk to you about something.” He sounded hopeful and groggy, like he had just woken up. But Amy was not concerned about that right now.
 “Peralta,” she whisper-yelled through the phone. “Did we not use a fucking condom?”
 She heard shuffling on the other end of the line. Then, Jake’s voice rang clear and awake. That obviously had gotten his attention.
 “Ames, what are you saying?” he said nervously.
 Amy pinched the bridge of her nose and exhaled slowly.
 “I can’t stop puking and I’m a week late,” she said softly. “Jake, I think I’m pregnant.”
 Then, after a beat, “Okay. Get dressed and meet me at the CVS on the corner by your apartment. Everything’s going to be okay.”
 Amy wiped away some stray tears and did as Jake instructed. She found him waiting at the entrance of the pharmacy. When they made eye contact, his eyes lightened, and a small smile crept onto his face. He held his hand out for her to take. It was corny, but Amy really appreciated it.
 They navigated through the store, finding the pregnancy tests, and Jake insisted on buying the most expensive one to put Amy’s mind at ease.
 They stepped into the bathroom together, receiving strange stares from the employees, and Jake turned to the corner while Amy peed on the fancy test (Why was she comfortable with him in there? God, she must really like him). Then she set a timer and they waited.
 Standing there in the bathroom waiting for the timer to go off, Amy turned to Jake and asked, “What did you want to talk to me about?”
 Jake raised his eyebrows. “Oh, right. That.” He sighed. “Well, I guess now’s as good a time as any.” Awkward smile. Deep breath.
 Amy waited with bated breath for what she thought (and hoped) he would say.
 “So, after That Night, I, uh, realized that I like you. And I wanna be with you. Romantic stylez. Stylez with a z.”
 Amy was shocked. She knew she felt the same way, and that she wanted that, too, but their life might be about to get really complicated.
 A part of her brain told her that it would make things simpler if there was a baby, but another part thought of Jane the Virgin and how complicated Mateo’s life became with on-off parents.
 But heart and mouth seemed to be ahead of her brain because she found herself saying, “Me, too.”
 Jake smiled so genuinely it hurt Amy’s heart. She smiled back and, before she could think, pulled Jake in for a tender kiss.
 If Jake had to describe it, he would say it felt like taking a deep breath after too long under water. Kissing Amy was like coming home and smelling your pillow after being away. Kissing Amy was like heaven.
 If Amy had to describe it, she would say it was like pulling on a soft shirt straight out of the dryer. Kissing Jake was like a fresh, warm binder and a clean apartment.
 Then the timer went off.
 Amy pulled away and made eye contact with Jake. There was panic and worry in her eyes.
 “Deep breath,” Jake said reassuringly.
 Together, they looked down.
 Not Pregnant.
 Amy could almost cry with relief. She let out a breath she didn’t realize she had been holding.
 She looked up at Jake, who also looked pretty relieved. He caught her looking and tried explaining.
 “I would’ve been a good dad. Y’know, if that was the case. I would have stayed and cared, I’m not—”
 Amy cut him off. “Jake. I know. I don’t doubt it even for a second. But relief is fine. I am definitely not ready, and you probably aren’t either.”
 Jake smiled pulled her in for another kiss, only for Amy to stop him.
 He looked worried and said, “Oh, shit, did I mess something up?”
 Amy laughed. “No, you goof. It’s just that we are definitely not going going to make out in a CVS bathroom.”
 “Oh. Oh, okay good. Geez, I thought I fucked up for a second.”
 “No, Peralta. We’ll be fine.”
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