#adorable mantis walking around
bytesizeambs · 7 months
Adorable Praying Mantis | Mantises #shorts #cutecritters #bytesizeambsshorts #prayingmantis #mantis
@thad-man got a couple of videos of this cute and very active Praying Mantis. This is one of those videos.
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cyanocoraxx · 1 year
whilst i’m here. i don’t like this growing trend of treating exotic bugs and spiders like toys or props to make “viral” videos and such. the amount of videos i see floating around showing people irresponsibly handling tarantulas (especially old worlds!!!) high off the ground, bothering jumping spiders constantly because they’re cute and not providing them with enough enrichment, etc etc. tarantulas gain nothing from being handled and you put them at risk of injury or death if they fall or if you flinch and drop them. jumping spiders are adorable, but that doesn’t mean they should be poked and prodded for videos all the time like i’ve seen some people doing. yeah, they’re really cool, fascinating and a lot of people are adverse to these animals, but it doesn’t give you the right to treat those animals like props. they’re still wild creatures, they still deserve to have peace, and most importantly they need to be safe. that’s your responsibility and they owe you nothing in return!
yes, handle at your own risk. yes, some tarantulas and trues may harmlessly walk onto your hand and allow you to hold them. that doesn’t mean you should wave them around in front of a camera for likes and comments telling you how cool and brave you are for putting your animal at risk. sorry to be the fun police or whatever but come on. advocate for your animals so that people know that they’re not monsters, but advocate for them in a way that’s fair to your animal and honest to your viewers.
the only inverts i actively handle are one of my jumping spiders and both of my mantids and i do so entirely on their terms. if they want to come onto my hand they can, if they want to go home they can. i know each of them very well and know their limits and boundaries. my peacock mantis for example seems to appreciate being held where they can observe the room around them. my L3 thistle mantis doesn't like having hands close to her or above her as she's very small, and she prefers to jump onto a finger on her terms. my phidippus regius spiderling is shy and needs plenty of time to work up to jumping onto a finger from above, but once she’s settled she seems to like the warmth of my hand. my phidippus octopunctatus jumper doesn't want to be handled or touched, that's fine and i give her plenty of space.
just respect your inverts for the wild animals they are
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midnightmayhem13 · 11 months
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how the blood rushed into my cheeks
the ladies with a crush on you!! enjoy🩶
carol danvers
now, carols a confident women. but when you and you're pretty little grin come into her life, she can't help but feel nervous. but she won't let it show. and tbh she was completely infatuated w you the second she laid her eyes on you. she couldn't help but do a double take and stare. since then she's been making an effort to talk to you and make you flustered. and ofc shes succeeding. she constantly put her arm around ur shoulder, complements you and being protective of you. she doesn't rlly care that she's made her crush on you very obvious but it has caused the team to start teasing you bc they ship you. and the team urges u that she likes you but you won't believe it. you two end up rlly close and start cuddling and going out on dates but unfortunately you're oblivious to it all. and ur "friendly" cheek kissed are helping carol become confident enough to confess. in the end she takes you on the cutest date ever
darcy lewis
you and darcy click the second you two meet so catching feelings didn't take very long. and darcy is such a flirt. she constantly leans on you or winks or put her hand on ur thigh or blows you a kiss and the list goes on. you are equally as flirty as you find it adorable when she starts blushing. it's constantly a back and forth relationship and bystanders can't help but wonder when either of you will ask the other out. you and darcy were a couple before you even knew it yourselves. i mean you went out on dates and opened up and flirted in public and held hands and cuddled. and darcy often rants to jane about you basically thirsting over you and you do the same with your best friend. when you two confess it's in the cutest way and you kiss the second feelings are out
sharon carter
sharon gets what she wants, so when she sees you she knows she has to make you hers. she has a tough exterior but when u guys get close she lets it down around you. and you've discovered you make her blush really easily. she's very confident around you and spoils you with gifts. she loves making you laugh bc shit you're laugh sounds like trumpets from heaven. you're an angel in her eyes. and when you guys are out in public she makes sure everyone knows you're hers, well not yet but she will death glare anyone who tries to steal her girl. she also goes up and hugs you very tight when someones getting to touchy from you and will glare at them from behind ur back. you go on walks together and swing ur arms together on one of these walks where the moon is shining bright and the night is peaceful you two confess ur feelings for eachother
nebula doesn't know what love is. so when she met you and her heart started beating fast and she go nervous around you she immediately thought you had put a curse on her. she avoided you ever since she started developing feelings for you. although she couldn't ignore the fact that she got angry when one of the guardians was mean to you or if someone tried to make advances on you. she felt a pant in her chest when you got hurt or when she heard or saw you cry. unfortunately as a way to deal w it she thought being mean to you would take away her feelings. little did she know you had the biggest school girl crush on her. always admiring her afar and making an effort to get her to like her. with some help from her sister and mantis she finally realized her feelings and all she craved was you.
maria hill
maria keeps are crush on you very concealed and professional. she didn't want a relationship to distract her. although it didn't stop her from becoming work friends. she often got coffee and you even brought her coffee in your free times and you two would eat lunch together. but over time her feeling started getting stronger, and yours did too. she found herself going out with you outside of work. so, she women's up and confronts her feelings she's straight up and asks you on a date. you gladly accept and she finally lets out a relieved breath. you were suprised she was so nervous she somewhat stuttered out her confession and her pale skin was bring red. you have a beautiful date in the beach. the next day you two come back to the compound to wolf whistles from the team.
kate bishop
kate's a blabbering mess around you. always dragging out her stories way too long or making awkward attempts at "flirting" they always made you laugh tho so she felt accomplished. you had so many pizza dates and walks with lucky. lucky liked you too, it's one of the things that made her fall harder for you. when her mom hosted a gala, she'd always bring you two matched and got ready together. you always took her breath away. those nights were filled with giggles and flustered messes. she confessed to you on a misty late night she took a while to word it out but you cut it off with a kiss and she was left absolutely star struck you cuddles the rest of the night as she stared at the prettiest girl in the world right in her arms. and you listened to her heartbeat tracing hearts one her chest glad you could lay in her arms as her girl
this was so fun and sorry if some are choppy😭🩵
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hey can i get those five species of cockroaches listed. i was gonna leave it at that but it seems you are a cockroach main so a top 5 list might be more interesting if possible
Omg thanks for asking me about roaches 🥺 and sorry for taking that long to answer your ask but I just couldn't throw a list without at least giving some information about those wonderful little creatures that are cockroaches! I absolutely love roaches, they are so smart, so interesting, so adorable (their eyes shaped like beans!!!).
5- American Cockroach (Periplaneta americana)
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Of course, our iconic roach, maybe the first one that come into your mind when someone says "cockroach", is on the list.
American Cockroaches have one of the greatest capacity of adaptability in the entire animal kingdom (even if we wrongly think they can survive a nuclear explosion). For example, cockroaches loves sugar! But noticing that a lot of traps against them are made with sugar, they are changing their diet to eat less to not at all sweet food, to the point females will refuse to mate with a male who is often eating sugar. This is not specific to this species but I still wanted to tell (because that's pretty interesting).
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Another amazing thing I wanted to talk about is how cockroaches manage to defend themselves against predators like the emerald wasps. They turn around and hit it with their rear paws, just like on the video ↓
4/ ember wood cockroach (Ectobius vittiventris)
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This one is in my top 5 for emotional reasons 🥺. There are plenty of them in my garden so I can observe them and interact better with them than any other species of cockroaches. I played with one of them once.
Have you ever see a cockroach pooping? Because I do. One of this bad boi pooped on me once. I had a wood roach resting on my arm when suddenly it started walking around. When it stoped it bended its body and I was like "woah! Cockroaches can sit!?" Until I noticed a black dot....
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3/ question mark cockroach (Therea Olegrandjeani)
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Ok I'll be honest with you. I don't really have anything to say about them other than are very pretty...
But did you know the dots on its back only appear after the last moult? The juveniles are all dark brown before becoming adults.
2/ Madagascar hissing cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa)
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They are call like that because of the hissing sound they make to frighten predators since they are a wingless species.
The females of this species carry their ootheca (sort of bag with eggs in it some female cockroaches and mantis carry at the end of their abdomen) internally, making the eggs hatching inside the mother (this is called ovoviviparity). The nymphs stay close to their parents for protection and to be fed.
1/ Emerald Cockroach (Corydidarum magnifica)
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Of course, the emerald cockroach would be the first on list! Look at them, they are beautiful! You can easily recognise the male from the female since he is the one who got wings. One thing I love about cockroaches is when the males and females look drastically different from each other.
Just like the hissing roach, this species too have its nymphs formed inside the mother for 4 to 6 months. Once born, they will hide under their mother to be fed and protected. Then, the nymphs will explore their environment while staying close to their parents, most of the time they will hide under the mother but it's not rare to see them hiding under males.
(The video is in french but you can just read the pinned comment which have an English citation about what's happening)
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cattonicdragon · 15 days
I got a idea, shen mantis crane viper and tigress with a tiny spider reader who use there silk to control a giant wooden puppet from the inside to fight with.
A puppet with silk strings
Shen,mantis,crane,viper and tigress with a small spider S/O who controls a Wooden puppet
Trying different layouts for my requests 💪
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he finds your fighting technique amusing and interesting
Your so small yet you control this large wooden mechanism with such ease
he wonders if you would be able to fight so well without the wooden machine
He definitely asks why you chose wood of all materials,surely iron or steel would be better suited for battle?
he would ensure your puppet is in top condition
well not directly
he would assign a team to make sure your puppet is fine,he can’t have you fighting in a puppet that’s about to break.no no that wouldn’t do
asks you about how the suit works,it might come in handy
during sparing he would make sure not to damage the puppet too much
hes not going to hold back but he’s not going to break the puppet
when your out of the puppet he constantly keeps a close eye on you,your small and could get lost or stepped on easily
Very overprotective
if you need any new parts for your puppet he has it coverd within days
likes holding you whilst walking around
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A small spider for a small mantis♡
theres not many other small creatures like him that dabble in fighting so he’s very intruiged and excited
He’s amazed by your puppet and that you control it from the inside using your silk
hes kind of jealous he didn’t think of it first
he admires your craftsmanship and creativity
you handled the downside of your small size by making a puppet instead,genius!
would probally ask a few times if he could try it out himself
helps you with maintaining the puppet
both of you are very small and so he dosnt expect you to be able to take care of a puppet that’s more than 10x your size by youself
he offers to teach you ways of how he fights incase you get separated from your puppet etc
likes to climb on your puppet constantly,it becomes something like a jungle-gym to him
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You use a giant puppet that's more then twice the size of you like uts second nature
He admires you
helps you train/spar with the puppet and suggests moves you could try
suggests upgrades that may or may not be doable(he's very crafty and creative)
He helps you gather materials for your puppet,he can’t help too well with maintenance and dosnt want to accidentaly break it
it takes a lot of reassuring for him to realise that your puppet isn’t going to break easily
goes easy during spars unless you explicitly say
he likes to put you on his hat and show you what it’s like from his view
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She loves that you've managed to overcome your disadvantage of being small by using a wooden puppet
She thinks its very creative and often praises you for your work and creativity
She wonders how long it took you to master using the puppet
She gets likes putting little accessories on you,she can help it.you look so cute
She often likes putting vibrant things on you to act as like a safety jacket,the brighter and easier it is to spot,the less likely you are to have an accident!
She likes it abit more when your out of your puppet because she sees the real you,she can see how expressive you are and just likes seeing you rather then a wooden machine.
She likes to have you on her head alot or curl around you
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She adores how small you are
She admires your strength and willingness to overcome your disadvantages or challenges
She worries that your puppet may be a bit weak though
Especially since one of their training exercises is a wooden tottem
But if its what you want she dosnt interfere
She just urges you to be careful
She thinks it's neat that you use your own silk to control it,leading her to wonder how strong your silk is
Like viper she likes to put vibrant things on you
She worries she'll accidentally squish you with her strength so she whenever she holds or touches you it's as light as a feather
Very tender and caring
She helps with the mantinece of your puppet as best she can,though it's not alot she probably tests the hollowness or strength of the wood
Probably the type to tell you what wood you could use instead if she thinks the wood is too weak
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Backstory for Rose / Info on Her
taglist: @raccoonfallsharder @saaandy (if y'all want to read it no pressure just some insights into my gal)
Rose's full name is Rose, her people don't do last names
She is a Princess of the Faerie people, but will never be Queen due to having 6 older siblings.
Rose's birth year was close to 1975 Earth years.
Is Peter & Mantis's half-sister through Celestial Ego.
Rose's mother is Queen Belladonna married to King Consort Fern who was a previous war general. They gave birth to 6 healthy children almost back to back.
Rose has a 15-year age gap between her and her closest royal sibling.
Her gem on her forehead? All her people have one, it does a fun thing where it can show memories, basically can make a hologram of past people/memories. Memoires cannot be altered or forgotten. So her people perfectly remember things as least the way they saw them. (Imagine having this power for toxic people, oh you didn't say that?? HAHA I GOT THE HOLOGRAM TO PROVE IT)
Her mother committed adultery with Ego, and when Yondu showed up to collect Rose she stated the child was her husbands, and used her money and power to advantage to keep her daughter from Ego's hands.
King Consort Fern confronted Yondu and Queen Belladonna during this and stated Rose was his blood, knowing that wasn't the case, saying he would stand by his wife if Yondu was willing to fight over this.
Rose's father was very loving but very strict, her birth only stressed her parent's relationship, and she blamed herself for the downfall of their marriage. The worse the relationship became, the harder her father was on her, if he ever were to be gone she needed to be able to fight back.
Rose excels in dance. Every princess/prince is issued a talent on her planet and her talent was being the 'Princess of Dance'
Her father was poisoned when she was around 20 years old, by the 'trusted chef' and a 'duke' although it is speculated Queen Belladonna had something to do with it.
Her mother's abuse was only emotional before this, but brutal training where Rose had no chance of winning and beatings would take place, with her older siblings married off and her father now dead she had no one to protect her.
The first people she confided her abuse in truly were Mantis and Rocket on separate occasions. Coming clean to her older siblings or her people was never an option, because the abuse must've had a reason, must've been a duty she was born to carry.
She is canonically around 40 years old when she meets the Guardians, though she is still a young adult in her people's view, they live to be around 125-150 years old.
When her kind die their body becomes energy that depletes to the surroundings, only the gem from their forehead is left, and there is no burial of bodies.
She was betrothed to a King from a nearby kingdom, he was kind but Rose only saw friendship with him and was carrying out a secret relationship with a female peasant.
The night before her wedding, the peasant broke it off with Rose stating they couldn't risk their future to be with Rose, unknowingly to Rose, they had just taken a bribe from Queen Belladonna to break up with Rose so Rose would carry out with the marriage.
Rose would have carried out with the marriage and force herself to be happy, King Alador was kind and she did care for him as a dear friend. But when she saw her mother's slight smug smile, she ran from the alter, running away with a faerie intergalactic band that had just landed (to perform at her reception).
Met the guardians when she held a small performance with the band, Groot adored Rose right off the bat, but trouble happened when guards showed up to drag Rose back home, by any means necessary as long as she lives. And of course, Rocket has got to help a pretty princess ;) which happens shortly after Vol. 1.
Is a people pleaser and good at reading people a little too good due to a life of walking on eggshells.
Her antennas glow when humming or singing, and can change colors depending on the mood of what she is singing.
Not as skilled as Gamora in hand-to-hand combat but becomes close after training with her.
Rose's wings are usually a disadvantage in fights, unless she is using them for flights they act like a cape, and as Edna Mode said NO CAPES.
Very feminine, adores dresses and high heels, but does get seen as just a 'pretty princess' who is a damsel in distress which does cause headaches sometimes.
Does suffer from episodes of being a perfectionist, it's the way she was raised she must do everything right and perfect and be perfect. Had a panic attack once and Rocket comforted her by sitting there and just letting her pet him.
Rose's powers are similar to Poison Ivy from DC + Isabella from Encanto, she can grow flowers and vines at will but usually needs to use her hands which can be a problem when she is handcuffed.
High intelligence in combat skills due to her father's past experience passed down & high people skills knowing what to say and when. (Can be used to manipulate in the right scenario)
Can feel auras slightly, as I said very good at reading people. Would like Nebula right off the bat after meeting her. Would send her off with a ripe Yaro Root at the end of Vol 2.
Good at herbalism and can in a way grow fruits, can technically grow the vines to grow grapes, but can't just poof grapes out of nowhere if you can get my drift.
Mother Figure to Groot, Friends with Drax, Close Friends with Peter, Friends with OG Gamora, Close Friends with Mantis, Friends with Kraglin, and Friends to Lovers with the one and only Rocket.
Slow burn with Rocket, don't confess to each other until around 2 years of knowing each other, she fears he fears commitment, while he fears he isn't good enough for her / what she is looking for. (Comic Rocket would've bagged her in less than 2 months or more like 2 hours lmao)
Does NOT out her mother's adultery ever in her life, but does hint to her mother she knows the truth and to back off on forcing Rose to marry off someone after she met the guardians. But overall wants her true father's image to remain intact.
If you have any specific questions for my girl feel free to comment I adore when people ask me questions about her.
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Art sketches done by: @glow-autumz & @pompompoyo
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sleepy-sirin · 2 years
Raiden Mei x Child! Reader
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Summary: You are the little sister of Kevin Kaslana, and you were looking for something to eat. But you came across to someone who offered to cook for you.
Second POV:
You heard your stomach rumbling and begging for food, you sigh and walk around the Elysian Realm to find some food to eat. You're Y/n, the little sister of Kevin Kaslana, You are part of the Flame-chasers and the youngest in the group other than Griseo.
As you walk around you accidentally bump into someone, and It's the new visitor and a Herrscher, Raiden Mei. You tremble in fear seeing her, you quickly bow your head and immediately apologize to her:
"I'm sorry Miss Raiden! I wasn't looking where I was going, I won't bump into you again!"
"Please don't apologize, it was my fault for not looking." Mei assured the young child that it was her fault.
'She's still afraid of me...'  Mei thought, as she looks at you.
She remembers meeting you, not to long, her first encountering you is when you were by the lounge with Elysia and Eden. Those two are pretty much spoiling you with gifts and gushing how adorable you are. Elysia was the one who spotted Mei and called her to come here.
"Mei, just in time! Let me introduce you to our cute little Y/n here !" Elysia said, as she pushes you in front of Mei.
When you look at her you were already terrified meeting her because, one she's a Herrscher  and you know about Herrschers since you knew what happened to your best friend Rin. Two, she looks scary.
"My n-name is Y/n, M-Miss Herrscher..." You stutter, and avoid making eye contact on Mei.
"I'm Raiden Mei, but you can call me Mei if you want to." Mei said.
"I think I heard my big brother is calling for me. Goodbye, Miss Raiden." You quickly left the room as fast as you can.
"I think she's afraid of me..." Mei said, as she looks at the direction where you left.
"Don't worry about it Mei, she's just shy meeting you." Eden said.
"I think I'm intimidating to scare her off." Mei sweatdrop.
"Y/n will get along with you sooner. Ahh~ I remember that time how I met little Y/n, she told me how pretty I am." Elysia reminisce the past. "But I still can't believe she's related to Kevin."
"Kevin is Y/n's big brother?!" Mei looks surprised upon hearing what Elysia said.
"That's right! She's even part of the MANTIS. If you want to get along with Y/n, you have to gain her trust on you."
Mei clearly remembers her conversation with Elysia and Eden that day.  She tried to approach you but no vail, since you avoided her whenever she walks by. But here's her chance to redeem herself in front of you, Mei notice you that you were alone.
"Why are you here alone? Don't you have someone with you right now?" Mei asked.
You blush in embarrassment of hearing your stomach growling in front of a Herrscher. "I'm sorry about that, I'm just going to go-"
"Wait! I can cook for you if you want?" Mei offered you.
"Really?" You ask, you were a bit hesitant to accept her offer. But you don't want Kevin to give you cup noodles as he usually does, you were sick of eating it all day.
"Fine, I accept your offer. Just because I don't have to eat noodles what my big brother gives me." You said.
Mei sweatdrop about what you said. 'So the rumors were true about Kevin's obsession on noodles...'
You and Mei went to the kitchen, as Mei went to get ingredients inside the refrigerator and started cooking.
As for you, you sat at the kitchen stool observing Mei's cooking. You were a bit sleepy at watching her, you decided to take a small nap.
"Y/n, the food is ready~"
"Dr. MEI...?" You mumble, as you opened your eyes to see Mei placing the food on the counter in front of you.
"What's this?" You ask, observing the food in front of you.
"This is called Tempura." Mei answers your question.
"Tempura..." You took a small bit and swallowed it.
Your eyes suddenly sparkles after tasting the Tempura that Mei cook for you. Mei was glad to see you enjoy of her cooking, she smiles at you, reminding her of Kiana. As you finished eating with your food, you took a nap because how full you are.
Mei took the plate from you and started washing it and the utensils that she used. After washing them, Mei carried you while you were sleeping and send give you back to Kevin. While she was carrying, she notice that you were snuggling her and said:
"Thank you for the food, big sis Mei. I hope we can meet again." You said in a sleepy tone and went back to sleep.
Mei smiles at what you said and you called her big sister. She gently strokes your hair and said:
"Goodnight, little one."
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flickerfankids · 1 month
The kids! Here’s a list of them and their parents by row
Maria Ribeiro - Dashawn and Thiago
Shea Cruz - Alab and Jamila
Irene Vasiliev - Rosalie and Nikolai
Melati Tujang - Indah and Alicia
October Zhao - Liling and Quinn
Wren Briggs - Marley and Eduardo
Owen Liam - Fayola and Adanna
Jamie Soto - Seungho and Mateo
Sylvie Garcia - John and Bailey
Halley Raymond - Albert and Ally
Castor Raymond - Albert and Ally
Naomi Cecil - Ezra and William
Ethan Hayashi - Kiryomi and Melodie
Anika Sharma - Amethyst and Prasiddhi 
Ana Calimeris - Elizabeth and Veronica  
Leo Rahimi - Miguel and Reza
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below is a brief description of each character: (to be added)
Maria (She/Her) is a very ambitious and passionate artist. Her chosen media is painting, whether in liquid or spray form. She aspires to paint murals all over her city someday. Maria also has a pet praying mantis she named Rocket. She’s also bisexual.
Shea (He/Him) is more quiet. He’s very by the rules at some points and tries to be polite. He enjoyed doing Scouts and often tries to apply those skills to conversation. Shea also loves to help his mom bake. He has a rat named Strudel (which his parents adopted.) He is asexual but heteroromantic
Irene (She/They) is a very loud and brass person at times. She and Maria’s personalities just amplify each other. The two had been best friends since elementary. They are the kind of person who’d immediately yell at and fight anyone that you say was mean, even with not knowing them. She enjoys dancing. Irene is a demisexual demigirl.
Melati (she/her) is a kind girl with strange interests. She adores the dark and mysterious and writes stories about it. Once you ask her about it, she’ll never stop. Melati hopes to write popular best sellers of her ideas someday. She always is practicing her knowing smile to prepare for that photo. Melati is a lesbian.
October (he/him) is very introverted. He doesn’t really talk to a lot of people but he’s respectful. A lot of people are put off by his very distant attitude but if you warm up to him, you find he’s really caring. He is generally aroace. October enjoys walking around more by hiking and going trapshooting with the school’s team.
Wren (They/Them) is a wildcard. Generally impulsively doing things that are either a threat to themself or to others (like trying to pet a raccoon.) hence the various bandages. They love to do track and took up a hobby of woodworking. They have a cat named Misa and love her so much. Wren is nonbinary and pansexual.
Owen (He/Him) is the calmest out of his friend group between him, Wren, Sylvia, and Jamie, which is sort of like being the tallest dwarf. Usually being the empathetic one to listen and to tell everyone to shut up so Sylvia can speak. Owen enjoys 2000s movies and drafting up designs of all sorts. He’s also a connoisseur of gum. Owen is gay.
Sylvia (She/Her) is very.. non-talkative. She really can. Everyone’s heard her a few times. It’s just that she has moments of not wanting to talk. Her parents had issues growing up and didn’t want her to feel like her wants didn’t matter, so they told her she didn’t ever have to talk if she didn’t want to. Sylvia took this to heart. She spends more time writing poetry and ice skating than talking. Her parents are also friends with Maria and Irene’s parents so sometimes they’ll have her come with. She is bi-curious. (Fun fact: Owen designed her hat)
Jamie (He/Him) is the last member of the friend group. He is fired up most of the time. Jamie has an affinity about baseball. When he’s not playing ball, he’s usually hanging out with the three of them, probably at a restaurant. Probably staring across the table for too long and- Anyway. Jamie is a raging bisexual but has a fem pref.
Halley (She/Her) is sarcastic. Always having to have the last word, she often finds herself fighting with Irene, though they just play it up for entertainment but nobody knows. She and her twin brother are actually new to town so they are trying to settle in. Halley loves astrology partially because it bothers her dad to no end, but she also actually loves learning about astronomy and physics. Halley has a ferret named Dynamite. Halley is unlabeled as of now, so she just tells people she’s straight when they ask.
Castor (He/They) is very much opposite to his sister’s flaming personality. When she’s riling up a crowd, they often just standing by to walk her away and back to class before a teacher gets involved. He loves inventing and experimenting, having a bunch of machinery in his room from his mom’s job. Castor often finds themself a nervous wreck, even more so after realizing he has a crush on their neighbor in the apartment complex he lives in. Castor is bisexual with a masc pref.
Naomi (She/Her) is an upbeat and optimistic ray of sunshine. She enjoys playing her drums and decorating her prosthetic leg with stickers. With one of her parents’ streaming careers helping fund pay for it, she was ecstatic about it. Naomi is part of a band with two other people, Ana and Leo. They’re called Absent July Delta. Naomi is pansexual.
Ethan (He/Him) focuses more about the other people around him than himself. He is often afraid to share his interests, but he’s a huge fan of filmmaking and programming. Ethan is working on a series that he, Melati, and Shea are all in. He’d love to invite Wren to work on it too, he just can’t muster up to ask though. Ethan is demisexual.
Anika (She/He) is a gentle and listening person. She tries his best to help everyone and be there for people. After all, he’s trying to be a therapist in the future. Psychology is one of her biggest interests, alongside dying his hair different colors) Often, he will be sitting in a chair listening to people’s problems while finishing up crocheting. She finds it’s easier to listen while her hands are busy. He is aroace and transfem.
Ana (She/Her) is a “go with the flow” type person. She really finds that anything was meant to happen for a reason. She is the one usually bringing snacks for Leo and Naomi. She’s a guitarist fanatic. Always. Naomi’s family friend even offered to give her lessons. Ana has posters all over her room and was the first one to suggest starting a band. Ana is also Castor and Halley’s cousin, has a border collie named Ruthie, and wears bright green contacts for fun. She is asexual.
Leo (He/Him) finds it interesting to debate people. Doing good is something he’s always an advocate for. Leo cares about the environment and often signs up for roadside cleaning. He also does a lot of performing activities, like singing in the band, which Ana caught him doing once and dragged him into the idea, and doing competitive speech. After a lot of this, he often just curls up on his bed and takes a nap. He is straight as far as he knows.
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lizthewriter · 5 months
💖 for MCU please
Name: Violet
Sexuality: lesbian
Hobbies: reading (fics mostly) and crafts - I absolutely love making beaded jewellery. Oh and I collect stickers; I have a sticker wall in my bedroom.
In a friendship, I’m the mom friend, I always take care of my bestie. I love cute little pet names (I’m quite fond of bubble and pumpkin.) I push my friends to take care of themselves and I like to think they can always count on me. My love language is basically sending my friends tiktoks and memes I think they’ll like.
My favourite marvel characters are Loki and the Winter soldier - I enjoy morally grey characters. I’m obsessed with Florence Pugh and Gillian Anderson!! My style is very feminine and eclectic. I like wearing flower patterns. I’m allergic to dogs but I have a hypoallergenic dog called Minnie (short for minerva - I’m a Harry Potter fan as well as marvel) and I love her more than the whole world. My favourite food is pumpkin pasta, I love anything pumpkin and I’m a great cook.
at first i had a hard time figuring out who you would pair well with, violet, but then it hit my like a train - the answer was so clear in my head - nebula!
if there's any case of opposites attract in exsistence, it would be the two of you. as we know, nebula is gruff, definitely morally gray, not paticularly chatty, but most of all traumatized. she doesn't like to let people into her life and when people try to pry into her psyche and try to help, she usually lashes back at them. but with you, it's different.
nebula is used to ignoring her personal health and wellness to either help others or complete their own personal goals (thanos, ronan, quill). having someone who was helping her, not because they were annoyed by her behavior or just wanted her to be less of herself, would mean a lot to her. after years of not looking out for herself, it would be a nice change to have someone who really cares about her like you would. i think you would also be able to introduce her to a different perspective. you seem like someone who knows who they are, and she would greatly appreciate that seeing as she's never gotten a chance to understand herself. you would think that she would hate your stickers and jewelry and crafts, but secretly, she adores them (would probably steal a bracelet of yours, here and there, when she can). she would also probably not accept food from others, but perhaps at the smell of your cooking, she'd walk over and grab a bite.
i see you as a member of the guardians - how you joined, i've no clue, you can leave that up to yourself. you're probably close with mantis and drax, and while you enjoy spending time with your friends, you also like to spend time alone. nebula likes to watch you while you craft and when you cook - she probably has the biggest crush on you and for a while, i don't think she'd even realize it. but once she does, she becomes very overprotective, almost toxically territorial. one time you find her sitting in the hanger by herself, so you sit down with her. it's "night" (although there's not really night in space) and everyone else is asleep. you expected her to sit there with you in peaceful silence but she actually opens up to you. about her past, about how she thinks of herself - she asks you how you find happiness? she'd be inspired by whatever answer you'd give - and after that night, slowly, she would gain the confidence to join you in your hobbies. she would wear any bracelets you give to her and taste test new recipes you would try (warning: she's brutally honest, however, she tries her best to be softer with you). she smiles with you, she laughs with you. one night, you're sitting in the hangar yet again when she asks you, "have you ever felt love? real love?" because she's not sure she's ever felt it. and it's as she's watching you answer she realizes that you were the one that made her feel true love and she would cut you off with a kiss.
around you, she is truly herself - almost unrecognizable. teasing, smiley, playful, soft. i think the two of you would bring out the best in each other <333
hope you enjoyed pookie 😚
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layla4567 · 11 months
Would you help me?
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a fluffy one shot (i think)
pairing: adam warlock x fem!reader
summary: The guardians of the galaxy decide to go to earth to rest from the missions, the only ones who knew the beautiful beach were you and Quill, you two had already told the others that it was that place except for Adam who had not even heard of it
warnings: none actually
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It was an exhausting day, the missions were always exhausting but this one was especially exhausting, some creatures had attacked the crew unexpectedly and they outnumbered you. There were some injuries but thank God nothing serious. The Guardians of the Galaxy have once again emerged victorious. Now in the ship you are heading towards Knowhere. Rocket, the captain, was running the ship, Mantis was sitting next to him, you was sitting behind her with Adam next to you and the others were sitting in the back seats with their seatbelts fastened. Every once in a while you would cast sidelong glances at Adam who kept a serious face looking straight ahead. The golden sovereign was such a strange and particular being, standing a head and a half taller than you, alarmingly muscular and with the temperament of a child, oh and I almost forgot, he is completely golden, even his eyes. You had already gotten used to his presence, well some more than others, you was still somewhat suspicious. But to tell the truth over time you learn to understand him and he also learned to understand everything around him.
He's just a poor boy pulled prematurely from a cocoon where he was created, that's why he acts like a mama's boy. Even when he first came to Knowhere to kidnap Rocket you could detect that Adam was only following orders from his superior, he really didn't want to fight or hurt anyone, it's ironic but behind all that strong and intimidating facade there is a pacifist being And adorable. Anyway, I'm beating around the bush. You reached your destination without further setbacks, each one went to their assigned room. you entered your room and prepared to take off your gloves followed by your boots. You was about to unbutton your suit when you realized you had a hole in one sleeve. Shit. You felt your arm cursing under your breath, checking if you had any injuries when you heard some soft blows, three fast, two slow and three fast again.
Was Mantis
She and you had a secret friend code, every time she knocked on your door like that you had to answer her with the same rhythmic knocks to let her know she could come in.
you opened the door and there was Mantis in her green suit and her radiant smile. You was always impressed by his completely black eyes but now that they were narrowed because he was smiling, they looked cute.
"Hi! I hope you didn't mind visiting you"
"Mantis.."-you said her name tenderly-"I don't mind at all, you are always welcome whenever you want"
With a nod and a giggle, she walked confidently into your room.
"Listen, I was thinking that we should have a rest day just for us. Why don't we visit your home, Earth?"
Your heart skipped a beat at that word. It had been so long since you had set foot in that place. When you first joined the group, the only one you got along with was Peter, since both shared the same origin and home, the earth. And now you had the chance to go back there? It was a dream come true.
"Mantis… that's the coolest idea you've ever had!!"
you grabbed her by the shoulders without being able to contain your enthusiasm to which she looked at you surprised
"And I'm not saying you never have good ideas, just to clarify."
Mantis just laughed fun going to warn others about the idea
you finished changing and throwing away the torn suit and went to where the other guardians were. Along the way you ran into Adam who was helping to repair pipes, he was still wearing his pristine gold suit. He was so strong that he didn't need pipe bending tools, he made them look like plasticine. Seeing you, he immediately stopped what he was doing even though he hadn't finished and followed you with a sure step, straightening up. Adam always followed the others as if he were a puppy, he was cute. But for some reason he followed you the most, maybe it was because you was patient with him.
"Regards y/n, I hope nothing bad happened to your suit"-he said looking me up and down while pointing his finger at me
Without stopping and smiling you replied that you had only had a tear in the sleeve but that you could get another suit
Adam followed you like a child follows his mother, and the height comparison was fun since you could be his daughter and he could be the father and not the other way around.
"And where exactly are we headed?"
"We? But you're the one who started following me"
you turned around laughing to see him, but when you saw that he stopped and looked serious and uncomfortable, rubbing his hands in a gesture of concern, you became serious and replied sweetly.
"It was a joke, we are planning a day of rest on earth, you can come. I know you will like it"-you said with the best smile you could
The sovereign's face seemed to lighten up and he smiled, placing himself next to me now to continue walking.
Adam didn't know much about the land, nothing to be exact. He learned a lot thanks to books that you gave him or things that you told him about your childhood. Adam paid attention to everything as if his life depended on it, he devoured the books in a heartbeat and every anecdote that you told him he looked at me with big, sparkling eyes. Adam was devoted to you in a tender way, every little laugh you let out was music to his ears and he swore that would be what he wanted to hear the most if he ever died. Sometimes he would stare at you, sometimes you would realize it and play dumb but other times you would not realize it so he could spend several minutes contemplating you as if you were the most beautiful and expensive painting in a museum. He watched your eyes shine every time you talked about something you liked and his heart raced a little, he looked at your eyelashes or your nose in profile. It wasn't weird or creepy at all, coming from him, it was just sweet.
Mantis was already proposing the idea to the others, Peter seemed as enthusiastic as you, Nebula instead seemed banal and trivial, Drax was just eating indifferently and Rocket had his arms crossed pondering the idea.
"i am Groot"
"Ugh you're a sentimental Groot, you only agreed so y/n can visit their old home."-Rocket said
"Hey! what about me?"-Quill replied annoyed but no one answered him
"Why do we have to go to earth? There are so many places to go"
"Come on Nebula, please it will be fun! Peter and y/n sure know great places on earth to go!"-implored Mantis
"I think it would be a good idea"
Everyone turned around in surprise to look at both of you as if you had committed a crime, the one who had spoken was Adam who now felt somewhat insecure having so many glances on him.
"Well then it's done, we'll go to earth!!"-Mantis clapped happily
"But we still haven't decided exactly where on earth we'll go"
Drax, who had not opened his mouth until now, formulated what all were all thinking at that moment.
"How about going to the beach? It's a beautiful place at this time of year"-you said
Everyone agreed, especially Groot, who almost always agrees with you. You got ready to travel on the ship, first of all you went through your room to make sure you hadn't forgotten anything when suddenly you feel a tall presence behind you, when you turned around you was startled. It was Adam who had followed you, again
"I apologize, I didn't mean to scare you"
"Don't be, it's ok. You need something?"
The golden boy seemed undecided whether to speak or not, as if he was going to commit an infraction.
"It's that… I don't know very well what a… beach is"-he said in a deep voice
Oh right, you had told Adam about some places in your home but you had never told him about the beach.
"Well, you see, the beach is a place surrounded by water and sand-"
"Sand? what's that?"-he interrupted you confused
"It's like, one thing..umh, nevermind. What you have to know is that it's a place where people go when it's really hot to bathe and cool off"
Adam seemed more confused than before so you approached him laughing and placed your hand on his arm which sent a sensation of electricity throughout his body.
"Don't worry, you'll understand when we arrive. C'mon"
It took Adam a moment to get out of that little trance that your soft touch had left him on his arm and follow you, that warm touch had distracted him. Back to the ship they put buttons in motion and headed for the long-awaited land
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it had put the invisible mode so that no one could see you and get scared. The first stop was your old house where you lived alone. The idea was to collect some things that you had and that you thought could be useful, such as bathing suits, towels, sunscreen, etc. The guardians sat politely on the chairs near the dining room table, except for Drax who lay down on your couch comfortably.
"Drax, don't lie on the sofa, sit like a normal person!"-Nebula scolded him
"That's not what sofas are for?"
Peter rolled his eyes.
"It's ok guys, sit where you want, I don't mind. I'll be in my room collecting what we need"
When you entered your room a wave of nostalgia invaded you, it was the same as you remembered it, even with that small damp spot in a corner of the wall. You couldn't believe that everything was exactly as you had left it when you left. You sat on the bed and put my hand under it. You smiled feeling a wooden box. You took it out and put it on your lap, in it there were a lot of photos and things you collected like theater performance tickets. A tear rolled down your cheek. You quickly wiped it clean with the back of your hand and concentrated on grabbing everything you needed.
you was about to grab the towels that were on top of your closet but unfortunately you couldn't even touch them, it was too high for you. You didn't have any ladder or bench handy to get on so you asked the only person who could reach that height for help. When you yelled his name Adam came running up with a worried frown.
"Is everything in order? Did you get hurt?"
Sometimes you like to think that Adam cared more for you than for himself, it didn't matter if he was bleeding on the floor, as soon as he saw that you had a small scratch on your forehead he would run to ask you if you are okay
"Yes don't worry. I just needed help with those towels, I just can't reach them"
you stood on tiptoes still in front of your closet but it wasn't enough, at one point you lost your balance and almost fell backwards if it wasn't because Adam quickly got behind you and grabbed your arms. His grip was firm but not strong enough to hurt you. His big, tall body so close to you made you shudder. His hands were so delicate to hold you as if they wanted to tell you that as long as he was there nothing bad would happen to you.
"Are you ok?"-he said worried
you swallowed hard
"Y-yeah, thank you"
Adam took the towels without much difficulty and handed them to you. You couldn't even look at his beautiful golden eyes that were now on you, if you had you would be as red as a tomato. After collecting everything you needed, you returned to the group and went to buy bathing suits for the others. You already had yours. It was an odyssey to explain to Adam what a bathing suit was and why he should wear it. But after many purchases you had finally arrived at the beach. Luckily there weren't that many people, you had chosen a somewhat hidden place so that people wouldn't see it weird, although to be honest every person who saw you all thought you were cosplayers.
The sand was prettier than you remembered it, very white and fine. And the water, turquoise and crystalline. You changed in the changing rooms. Mantis had opted for a nice emerald green one piece swimsuit, Nebula had chosen a black two piece swimsuit, Peter wore a brown one and Drax had a dark gray one. Only you and Adam were missing, he gave you his place and you entered the changing room. You had chosen a cute burgundy bikini. The upper part was triangle type and tied around the neck and the lower part was tied to the sides of your hip. When you came out adjusting the ties of your bikini bottom Adam looked at you in amazement and an ocher tint suffused his cheeks. The bathing suit that he was holding in his hands was now squeezing it tightly as if it wanted to fly away.
"How I look?"
The golden boy had never seen you in so few clothes before and even so, he thought it was the most beautiful thing his eyes had ever seen. The bikini that you had chosen fitted your body quite well and highlighted your most beautiful parts.
"You're beautiful, I mean..uhm"-he tried to say sincerely
His words made you smile with embarrassment as you directed your gaze to the ground.
"Well now I want to see you in that bathing suit"
He smiled shyly and went to the changing room, after a few minutes he came out wearing an orange bathing suit and the muscles of a god. Now you was the blushing one. Unlike Adam, it wasn't the first time you'd seen him bare-chested, when he was attacked the first time he arrived his suit had completely disintegrated, but you kept blushing as if it were the first time. Plus, now he was wearing a spotless bathing suit and he wasn't littered with debris.
"I look ridiculous, I know"-he said covering his torso with his arms feeling vulnerable
He was kidding right? Many envious men would like to have his figure well defined.
you approached him and grabbed his hands, you felt how they began to heat up
"Why do you say that? You look amazing, don't be ashamed of who you are, you are perfect"
Adam smirked looking around avoiding eye contact, muttering intelligible words that you caught as "thank you."
You two walked hand in hand to the seashore and then each one went to hang out as they liked best. Quill, Nebula, and Rocket lounged on their lounge chairs in the shade. Drax and Groot were playing in the waves, Drax looking like a child jumping as the waves crashed against his legs. Mantis and you decided to build a sandcastle. Adam for his part decided to find out what the water feels like between his feet, so he joined Groot and Drax. It was funny to see him recede when the water came up to the shore like it was acid. Little by little he gained confidence and went deeper into the sea enjoying the fresh foam left by the waves. While Mantis and you were making a nice sandcastle, a girl approached you excited, apparently she was a fan of superheroes so she wasn't scared of our appearance. Her tender innocence touched you so you two let her help you with your castle.
Adam looked at you tenderly from afar, the way in which you let the girl participate in your activities with great maternal instinct made the sovereign's heart melt. Every time the girl achieved something you applauded her happily for her achievement, Adam thought that you could be a great mother and that thought made something in his stomach start to tingle, he didn't know what it was but it was a soft and pleasant warmth. It made him smile
"Hurray! It's almost done!!"-shouted happy Mantis
"Would you like to do the honors?"
you gave the little girl a little red flag to place on top of the sandcastle tower. The earthling girl placed the flag that was now waving in the wind, you stood looking at our masterpiece with pride. Suddenly a wave crashed against the shore and the foaming water disarmed much of the castle. The girl became sad while big tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Oh please don't cry, you can make another one with Mantis"
you wiped the little girl's tears with your hands and caressed her cheeks making her smile a little. The tingling that Adam felt in his stomach grew.
"Hey!, golden boy!"
Adam felt someone splash him hard and he turned around in annoyance. It was Drax who had done it.
"I notice you are distracted, what were you looking at?"
"I am groot"
"That's not true!"
Drax upon hearing what Groot had said began to laugh hysterically making his shoulders shake.
"You were looking at y/n!"-Drax said pointing his finger at him while still laughing
"I am groot!"
"I don't like y/n!"
Realizing that he was almost screaming and that the others turned to see him, he approached Drax and Groot whispering
"I was just curious what she was doing, ok? that's all"
Hearing Adam's voice you approached with a safe step exclaiming a "Hi!" which was answered in kind by Drax and Groot, Adam just seemed to mutter without taking his eyes off you.
"Ok we'll leave you two alone"-Drax winked
Adam wanted to protest but they had already left
"So? What do you think of the beach? Do you like it?"
"It's pretty amazing indeed, I like what you did with Mantis, what's it called?"
"Oh, it's a sandcastle. It is a very popular activity among children but adults can also enjoy it."-you smiled widely
Adam loved to see your smile, it was brighter than the stars and the moon. To tell the truth Adam loved everything about you even if he didn't say it, your presence made him feel at home. Suddenly you placed a hand on his abdomen trying to see far away and that's when the sovereign's mind became a whirlwind and his cheeks became hot. He didn't even want to think about him, the contact of your hand running over his skin or how a hug from you would feel wet in the sand with the aroma of salt impregnated in his hair and yours
"Adam! There are some boats on the horizon but I can't see them!"
you said excitedly moving your head from left to right as you stood on your toes to try to see better.
"Oh yes, I see them. No problem"
The golden boy gently grabbed you around the waist and placed you on his broad shoulders. When he realized that you were sitting comfortably he firmed his grip on your thighs so you wouldn't fall. That single gesture made the heat boil on your cheeks, a sensation of adrenaline flooded your belly and not only due to the great height. He was as tall as a utility pole so you could see the boats easily. After the vertigo passed, you laughed heartily when you felt the salty drops of the breaking waves on your face. Infected Adam started laughing with you. It was the first time in quite some time that you had heard Adam's melodious laugh, it was like the ringing of a bell, soft and syrupy.
After a while, tired of being on top of Adam, he lowered you with that delicacy that only he had, as if you were a crystal glass about to break. You both began to play in the waves, you splashed Adam and he returned it splashing you harder. In the distance you could hear how mantis and Drax were arguing because he had pushed her into the sea, but you were too busy to concentrate on that. Adam turned out to be more fun than you thought. As if all he needed was to be free and play like the child he was. You two were jumping the oncoming waves. For the golden boy it was quite easy since the water barely reached his calves but for you it reached your hips so you had to jump twice as high as him. At one point a large wave crashed against you and made you face pushing and dragging you.
"Y/n, are you ok?"
Adam rushed to your side to get you up but with a shout and a stretched out hand you pushed him away so he wouldn't come closer. Adam looked at you confused wondering if he had done something wrong. You couldn't tell him what had happened, you were so embarrassed. The damn wave had blown off your bikini and now you were trying to cover your bust with your hands. You still had your top on but if you took your arms off your chest you would be naked.
"Uhmm Adam?..I think my bikini came untieed. Would you help me tie it up?"
You squeezed your eyes shut, your cheeks burning expecting the worst, but Adam didn't say a word and hesitantly grabbed the ties of your bikini and with shaking hands began to tie it. Adam's hands began to sweat a little, luckily it didn't show because of the sea water. If you were blushing, Adam's face was an erupting volcano.
"I-I think it's done"-he stuttered
Embarrassed, you thanked him and murmured "I'm sorry." Adam told you it was nothing. An awkward silence settled between the two of you. The same image kept repeating itself over and over again in Adam's mind. Your back covering your chest, your shoulder blades in sight with the cold drops running through your body falling from your shoulders to the lower back. The thought of him almost seeing you stark naked sent a jolt up his legs. As if he were a hormonal adolescent, he wondered what your whole body would look like without any clothes, your silky skin between his arms emitting that pleasant warmth that he felt in his stomach. Adam shook his head, trying to distract himself from those inappropriate thoughts. The afternoon flew by and everyone returned to the ship. Already dressed in their normal clothes they traveled through outer space back to Knowhere. Now it was Adam who was looking at you sideways. It pleased him to know that he could count on you and vice versa. And he secretly hoped to have more intimate moments where you could show him everything you missed on earth and he could protect you wherever they go.
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celestialmantdonna · 3 days
These Days The Stars Seem Out Of Reach || closed with fasterthanmydemons
They were saving more people since Pietro joined the team, almost two weeks ago. His enhanced speed allowed them to do so. It was something all the Guardians had noticed, including Mantis. Therefore, the Guardians did what had to be done in that situation: they celebrated. They did so with music and food, staying in a beautiful planet as night fell. The party was outside the ship. It was fun. Their parties always were. The Guardians and the inhabitants of the planet congratulated Pietro sincerely. Even Peter Quill seemed more relaxed around him. He was no longer worried that Pietro would take his girl, after Mantis reassured Quill that only he could come up with pick-up lines that were so terrible Gamora would kiss him just to shut him up.
"Thanks, Mantis. That makes me feel better." Quill smirked, then frowned and blinked at her. "Wait, what?"
Mantis knew Pietro absolutely loved food. He was always hungry and willing to eat. So when Mantis realized he wasn’t touching the food, at all, she experienced a twinge of worry and concern. Pietro excused himself, saying he wanted to see how his turtle was, and disappeared behind the doors of the Benatar.
Ten minutes later, Pietro had not returned, but everyone was either too drunk or too distracted to notice. Drax and Rocket were having a drinking competition while the citizens of the planet watched or danced. Groot was playing hide-and-seek with some of the children they had saved. Quill and Gamora were slow dancing, both of them smiling as they gazed at each other in love-struck adoration. Mantis could watch them for hours.
Instead, she wrung her hands as she walked into the Benatar, stopping briefly at the kitchen to look for something sweet. Something Pietro could not resist. Moments later, she reached his room and knocked. After waiting a few seconds, Mantis gently opened the door.
“Hello,” she said. Pietro was with Mr. Dibbles, his sweet turtle, just like he said. But a part of Mantis wondered if he just needed an excuse to be alone for some time. It had been ten minutes. That had to be some time, right? “I noticed you did not eat anything... so I brought you this. Do not worry, you can eat it. My stomach number three is the more delicate one, and it could digest it just fine. I am sure that means humans can digest it, too.”
Mantis closed the door behind her, and she turned to face Pietro once again. The speedster looked… sad. Tired. A little homesick, perhaps. It came as no surprise to her. Mantis wore a friendly smile as she approached the speedster and his non-speedster pet.
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Without another word, she offered him the dessert. Mantis waited for Pietro to take it or leave it, her smile unwavering as her black irises gleamed with cheerful optimism. If he actually wanted to be left alone, Mantis would respect that, but perhaps he wanted to talk. She could do that. She would listen to @fasterthanmydemons if he needed to let it out.
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chowaya · 11 months
Some really cool powers I adore that could be used for OC's in the my hero universe. ( when really this is just my opinion and take on some powers. booyah! fooled ya! Now you gotta listen to me rant! )
1) Any kind of elemental power :
— alright, TO ME, elemental powers can be a bit boring or very boring because it's very repetitive from what I've seen. So far, to like an elemental in my taste, it's gotta be a singular quirk like fire only or earth only.
And write in a way to make it stand out or make it a bit different? I guess that's what I'm trying to say. I can't handle it when someone shows up as the fckin avatar, to me I can't take it seriously. Like sorry but I can't.
To make it stand out like change the colour or usage of the elemental quirk. Like water is mostly known for healing and defense so try to make it more of an offensive quirk- does that make sense? Oh! And I absolutely love when fire is a different colour. Blue is cool but turquoise, white, PINK— or make fire have healing properties? I eat that sht up.
2) Plant manipulation :
— I forgot what's the name of it, so ignore me. By plant manipulation I don't mean like sprouting vines from the ground and capture your absolute enemies. That's amateurish to me, I want trees uprooting themselves and those roots become LEGS, AND THOSE BRANCHES BECOME ARMS AND THEY BECOME YOUR LITTLE SOLDIER TO VICTORY IN BATTLES!!
Very much like maleficent, if you have seen it. Like sprouting trees is a bit too eh for me— for people with plant quirks I want them to be menaces to society. I want them to unleash hell, all is said.
3) Magnetism :
— brother walking in with the Magneto hairline. I WANT MAGNETS IN STORIES. it's so cool and bloody amazing and so goddamn powerful. You want an OC that's absolutely overpowered? Get yourself a magnetism quirk, enough with Avatar bullshit let it rest in peace.
Any OC with a metal quirk gives traumatized daddy energy. You can't convince me otherwise. That OC could be 5'1 and it would scream babygirl wearing black turtlenecks.
Also, I kinda came up with a really cool move that anyone could use which is like using your metal quirk. You could float a tiny coin and control it right? And then make it slice deep enough behind the knees to render your enemies useless. It's brutal but it's cool.
4) type of wings :
— I would kill for someone to have wings that aren't bird inspired. The fck why you wanna be a bird? Do you sht eggs? What are you, a pigeon? A goose? A duck? A bald eagle? What are you, American? USA RARRRR—
The wings I would love for OC's or shifters, maybe bat wings? Butterfly wings? Dragonfly wings? And maybe have your OC with coloured skin? Ombre skin? Love that.
Or maybe fish inspired wings? And how would that work? I don't know. But the idea seems like legitness. I also discovered like um Chinese moon moths? Oh My GOD you have to look it up their wings are beautiful with their fckin tails??? Hello???
Embodiment of beauty.
5) hemokinesis ( but in a certain way) :
— do y'all watch demon Slayer?? It's something like that. Have your blood create fire or explode, thin but crazy strong strings that you can slice or attach to people, blood that becomes a fragrance or smoke. Not that turning to weapon things cuz I have a better idea of quirk to go with that.
6) energy-technology construction.
— even the name sounds hella cool. With like rings around your fingers as you construct something. Chef's kisses.
7) teleportation
— I really like this quirk with the combination with the one before cuz it's badass. Do I really need to explain myself. Teleportation like- humph! I'm gone. Like quick teleportation not portals they're boring. Ew.
Like nightcrawler teleportation. If I wanted a power I would choose this. By far the most useful thing to come in life.
8) emotional manipulation or empathy
— enough is said. People be like mental manipulation is scary but BITCH LOOK AT EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION. like mantis you know? To feel and to give emotions. To put people to sleep. This isn't really such a bad power I love it.
Anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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bleper · 2 months
THE THING (as promised [under the cut because it's kinda long])
The soft splash of diving into the sea, the pursuit of his quarry, and the triumph of bringing home dinner for his family, all led to his love of penguin hunting. Sledge could hardly believe he lived in a place where he could hunt to his heart’s content without the pressure of being a perfect soldier in the upper circles.
The hiss of meat as it sizzled on the stove, the smell of fresh bread and home cooked food as it fills the small restaurant, like walking into one's home after being gone for years, Brix’s love for making food was apparent to all who visited and all left just as sure that they would return again in the future.
The buzz of circling wings flying higher to reach books on shelves up where most could not reach, getting lost in stories forgotten by most, yet forever remembered by Ryko, the smell of old books and the candle burning at his side so that he could keep reading even in the dead of night was a common sight at the library in Mantis Hive.
Quiet hushes of hatchlings being put to sleep, the soft hum of the hive nearby barely shaking the strands of silk that made up Vispis’ home, the murmur of mothers speaking with others about plans for tomorrow and their husbands. The quiet was welcome even though she couldn't hear it, the wind carrying over her wings as she glides down to her brother and home.
The rustle of trees overhead, the screech of things in the forest, the sweet scents of flowers and fruit wafting up from the floor below all welcomed Splotch as she woke from sunning. The stretch of muscles that haven't moved in hours and the chatter of others waking around her was a sound she adored listening to, even if she couldn't tell anyone so with her voice, she made sure to tell her mother with her talons.
The crash in the mud lands as her sibs thundered after one another, the mirthful giggles as they tripped and landed in an ungraceful heap, she was more than proud to be their bigwings. The sounding of a horn in the distance ended their childish games as they remembered why they were here to begin with, the chance that they would never see one another again, an arrow straight through their hearts. Lichen would protect them as best as she could, with her dying breath should it come to that.
Bubbles floating up and over their heads while they zipped around the seaweed fields, the flash of scales whilst their sister counted, the shock of being found when Skua was so positive he had been hidden to perfection, he was certain he was going to put clams in her dinner for the betrayal of giving him away. To be young and free, their parents sat and watched reminiscing of when they had been the same.
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fanfic-enthusiast · 10 months
New Year, New Feelings
A birthday gift for @cosmica-candy and a celebration for one year of Cult of the Lamb.
Sozo was happy to spend more time with Lamb, but this was a little more than what he was used to. 
Lamb had invited Sozo and some of their other companions to a celebration at their cult for the cult's creation one year ago. It was a momentous occasion, the cultists who had sworn their lives to the Lamb were busy running around the compound setting up decorations and cooking up a lavish feast for everyone to partake in. 
Sozo had brought some mushrooms for the Lamb as a gift, a handful that he was willing to part with to share with his most loyal of friends. All of these people around were making him quite anxious however. But if the Lamb trusted them then surely he would be safe. 
A large purple spider had a struggling cow tied up and slung over his shoulder, a nervous looking axolotl had a bucket of fish, a mantis or maybe a grasshopper fellow in a sailor outfit had a wrapped box tucked under one arm while he looked around. Sozo even recognized a large and sweet cat woman happily sharing a large plate of cookies with everyone who approached her, with two smaller cats at her sides standing guard. 
He decided he may as well say hello before Lamb got to them all, Sozo was in no hurry. So he wandered over to the kindly cat Forneus. Who spotted his approach quickly even without his oversized bag.
“O, doth mine eyes deceive me. Little ant who’s heart yearns for mycelial connection, how fares you?” 
“Sozo is well Forneus, your kits have returned! Wonderful”
“Aye! My heart overflows with gratitude for the Lamb for guiding their return back to me. And oh the stories they have told. Great many journeys and many battles. I can’t be anything but proud.” 
The two kits at her sides smile and cuddle into her sides with deep purrs resonating from the three of them. Sozo smiled a little at the adorable scene before attention was brought back to him.
“And what of you? What compelled your heart from the security of your grotto?”
“My bestest friend the Lamb invited me to this celebration and Sozo could not refuse, such a loyal and generous friend. Helped gather mushrooms for Sozo! Least Sozo could do is attend.” 
“Ahhhh I see, your heart calls for their company. No sweeter longing than first love.” 
Sozo flushed bright red and frantically shook his head. 
“No no no!! Not like that!! Sozo means- I don't- Maybe-” 
The cat laughed and Sozo felt her large paw rest on his shoulder carefully rubbing his back. 
“You need listen only to your heart, for there lie your truest desires friend.” she held out the plate to him, where a pile of fresh chocolate chip cookies was carefully balanced. “Would you partake of a sweet?” 
Sozo nodded and swiped a couple cookies shoving one into his mouth quickly while Forneus continued to pat him. 
“No need to be so nervous. Admitting to oneself your true feelings is the first step. Oh-” Forneus’s grin grew larger and her large fluffy tail perked up as she stared behind Sozo. “Blessed Lamb! O my heart sings to see you once more. So many tender hearts in one place.” 
Lamb smiled and waved to the small group of them. 
“I am so glad to have everyone here, this is a very big milestone for us here. Especially glad you could make it Sozo, i hope the trip wasn't too hard.”
Sozo could feel his heart jump a little when Lamb talked about him directly but he shrugged it off. 
“Sozo is just happy to see your cult in person. The statue looks wonderful as Sozo predicted.” and he gestured to the golden statue he gave Lamb the blueprints for. 
Lamb laughed lightly and nodded. “It really ties the garden together. How about you and everyone else get settled near the kitchen, ill bring out some food in a moment.” 
The small group started moving that way and Sozo looked over his shoulder to Forneus again as they walked, she smiled sweetly as always and winked before getting up and heading over as well. Sozo felt his face warm up again and his thoughts ran… was she right? 
“Thank you one and all for joining us for this fine feast in celebration of one year of this fine cult.” 
Lamb stood upon a stool overlooking the tables and tables of friends and allies they had made over the year. 
“I have accomplished much this past year, the defeat of the bishops, discovery of the relics, and more all thanks to this fine community that aided and welcomed me when I was at my lowest. I raise you all up as you have raised me! Here's to a prosperous future! Where all of us can be great! Praise the Lamb!”
“Praise the Lamb!” 
Applause rang out over the cult and people dug in. Lamb stepped down from their stool and sat at the head of the table, right next to Sozo on his left. 
They gave the ant a long and thoughtful look and winked at him. Popping one of the mushrooms Sozo had given them into their mouth. They shared a laugh and enjoyed their food. Yes, next year would hopefully be even better than the first, perhaps filled with new feelings and connections to be made between these close friends. 
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simpingwriter · 1 year
Cal Kestis x Kyra Yarmot
'In the Name of Love' pt.7
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A/N: sorry for taking this long...but this has the length of nearly !4! Regular chapters of mine...so if we think that way, I have been posting relatively regularly...just not publicly 🤣
I decided to post everything at once, despite me going to be in obvious mental peril at the end of editing this doorstopper today next week (by writing this edit)💀
Let's hope I didn't fuck up too badly in the 2nd edit...
Enjoy! :)
Word Count: approx. 11.000 Words
(Pre-Edit me: Kill me now-)
(Post-Edit me: Great now I am crying again.)
It's only on your slow way back to the Mantis that you see the actually quite notable limp in Cal's step. How did you not see that sooner, what kind of horrible…person he seems to like…are you?!
"You're hurt!" You exclaimed shook, immediately putting an arm out to stop him from further walking away. The Town was still basically deserted with the shoot out just a few minutes old, the streets were quiet and only you two were left within the bodies of the Bounty Hunters. Clearly they did mess with the wrong people, not the other way around.
"It's fine, we got bacta cream and patches stocked up well last month, don't you remember? You had such fun with the fizzy drink stand!"
And even with his assuring tone, you didn't move from your spot, eyes trained intently on the wound you somehow only saw now. A blaster bolt had grazed his calf, searing through his pants way too easily. You felt terrible with the knowledge that you let him get hurt because of your awful need to get revenge, all because you tend to forget that others didn't have your armored scales. Most species didn't have them.
"Listen, this will be patched up in no time, you know Merrin is good at-" No. Not Merrin.
Always it was her fixing your wounds – mainly his due to previously mentioned reasons – because she insisted on doing it for you two, which your surprisingly lazy ass definitely wouldn't complain about in normal circumstances, but the thing you had with Cal was no normal circumstances! And then...then you always would have to watch her undress his Ponchos and shirts, even watch him take his pants off...for her…She got to touch him in ways even you hadn't yet and you couldn't even openly voice your – clearly not allowed – feelings!
But now you're alone with him for once, again.
"I want to take care of your wound…I was the reason you got hurt in the first place, so I should have to help you with it. N-not Merrin…please." Why did he even have to agree to her help? Couldn't he have just told her that you are wrapping his wounds? They weren't that many either, usually!
It must've been written all over your face, your sour, bitter thoughts – Which Merrin didn't even deserve in the long run, she became your only female friend! – doing rapid rounds through your head as he tilts his head, starting to grin, "Are you jealous of Merrin?" "What?! No! N-never! I…I just…" You dug your own hole deeper – metaphorical Claws making it even easier – with every failed try to explain your thoughts as he went to cup your face in one of his hands, circling his calloused thumb over your scaly skin gently, "It's alright if you are, Kyra…though there is nothing to be jealous about in the end, you know that, right?" You leaned into his impulsive gentle caress almost instantly by instinct, craving his touch like it kept you alive, a low, content growl showing your slowly easing worry.
"I do know…but, but she…she got to see you in ways not even I have yet, Cal…" you finally decided to spill your selfish reason, knowing it wasn't fair to Cal to just keep the reason to yourself while he has no idea why you were even acting jealous in the first place. What you didn't expect was for him to chuckle deeply at your – in your eyes – embarrassing confession, his former gentle caress turned into him slightly forcing you to look up at him.
"Has anyone ever told you that you look adorable when you're starting to go all green-eyed for me?" No. No one ever has, you never had anybody to even get jealous over like you seemed to get with Cal.
No one had ever made you feel any of these things like he did. Jealousy, a new kind of fear, a new kind of anger but most importantly…your most general happiness began to feel differently around him.
You quietly shook your head at him, his sudden change in demeanor silencing you as he closed the small height difference to lean down next to your flushed ear. "Then why don't you prove to me that you're better at patching me up, my sweet Dragonfly?" Shivers.
And yet, despite your mental whiplash, you slowly nod.
Without checking out the surroundings much, he led you two towards the back of one of the many sandstone houses, still limping badly until he finally got to lean against it, sighing out exhausted.
"Shit, I didn't even think to ask if you got some First Aid with you-" "I can use some parts of my shirt, it got a hole during the fight anyways…" you mumble quietly, partially still trying to make sense of the tone alone his former words held. They sounded so strange and different coming from him in particular. But you liked it. A lot. You knew you wouldn't be able to go to bed without thinking about this moment at least twice tonight, feeling your legs rub together subconsciously.
For a split second, you had been certain, he blushed at your comment, but he shook it off much quicker than usually, once again leaving you as the only one of the two of you that resembled a Camby Berry. You pulled a grimace at the wound, fortunately really just a graze shot. Meaning your emergency Bacta Spray would be more than enough for today if you covered it with a bandage of your shirt and afterwards ask BD to give him a stim from his compartment.
Using your claws ever so carefully, you slice his pants leg open at the side – though just high enough to get to his wound – hearing a slight murmur of complaint. You knew he had just bought those last week, but you would be able to fix them easily, you cut them at the seams and not dead in the middle of the fabric.
"This could sting for a second-" "Karking Hell!" He shouts out with the first layer of mist the spray hits the burnt wound with as you clearly lied a bit. Bacta spray hurts like bad ass, unlike regular Bacta Cream. But it was most reliable on wounds that needed quick patching up.
The second and third layer could no longer hurt, the first layer covering the exposed wound already fully. The others were there to simply reinforce the strength of the hardening healing mass, it's basically a spray-on bacta patch without the patch.
"This was more than a sting, Kyra!" "Didn't tell you what that sting would feel like, did I?" You return smugly now as well, raising the sharp tip of your tail for extra emphasis as he grunts.
"And there I thought you were going to be a good Dragonfly for me…" He states back similarly as you felt his eyes bore into your skull as he quietly watched you working on his leg.
Grabbing your already ripped shirt, you took a good part of it between your hands and your fangs, using your claws to rip further through it, a nice strip now left. And basically nothing to cover you up.
You could swear he heard your immediately following thoughts, a chuckle coming from above you, "Wanted to recover what we couldn't finish this morning, Kyra?" "S-shut up, I need to concentrate!" That was also a lie, all that was left was to wrap his calf to keep the still clearly wet-ish Bacta Spray from sticking to everything – S a n d . . . – he would touch in the next hours.
Like apparently you.
As soon as you were finished, you felt his hands at your upper arms, pulling you back to stand in front of him, "Maybe you're right." He muses with a grin still very unfamiliar to you, "Maybe I should let you patch me up much more often in future…"
That would be nice…that's all you wanted. To have him see your worth in all aspects.
You wanted to help him. Just like he wanted to help you.
You were pulled from your thoughts that were parading your win as you felt his hot breath on your lips, "You haven't been hurt as well, by any chance?" Before connecting his lips with yours in a heated kiss, starting out that way already by his choice for a chance. And again you felt it, whenever you kissed, you felt this unique connection between you two, tethering you two to each other for longer than you usually planned.
Something you hadn't felt with any other Force Sensitive, something no simple touch or even hug could even dream to simulate. They gave you this ultimate feeling of being at true ease, like everything would be alright eventually, even if just for these exact few moments.
They made it hard to think straight, intoxicated you and your usually clear view on things. They obscured the supposed rules, rules that could no longer be enforced by a council.
So when you once again felt his ever-curious hands travel downwards, all in the "privacy" of a desolate sand town, you didn't hesitate to encourage him to go on, to map you with his hands. No hushed warnings, no worries of being caught by the others for taking too long to do something in your room or being too loud…
"You're not…stopping me?" He also noticed, hand currently going under the rest of your shirt to feel how hot your skin currently was. Always has been a pretty good indicator of your own desire. "N-no. I don't want…to stop you…" you confess whenever he gives you two space to talk and breath between kisses, getting sloppy as both of you lost care about how you looked while sharing this intimate moment.
"Wasn't it you who...talked about a certain... set of rules many... many Rotations ago?" He teased, pulling at the clips that held your bra together with a too-innocent-to-be smile pressed against yours. That alone made you whine, silenced with another kiss, the anticipation alone having you on edge, pressing yourself closer to his own burning up body as you felt your panties grow damp.
"Makers, kark the damned rules…" you whine out, your own claws trying to pull his Poncho off and over his head, which he was as kind as to help you along. Soon, the poncho, his shirt and your shirt were disposed and forgotten about on the ground, collecting sand to be even further complained about later. "We're going to get sunburned because of you…" You groan as your eyes rake over his slightly scarred and freckled upper body. Nothing entirely new to you, since he slept in boxer shorts and he just liked it a lot to wake you up in nothing but them.
You smiled at the memory of the feeling his small – much more innocent – pecks on your still sleepy lips gave you in the morning.
Months ago you wouldn't have dreamed of such mornings, you would've been happy to simply not wake up drenched in rain water because a cave wasn't as dry as you had initially thought…
"Any sunburn is worth it if I get to spend such a special moment with you, little Dragonfly…" He promised as his hands returned to fumble with your pesky bra. That's where his and your inexperience clearly showed, but neither of you cared all that much about that, your hands brushing his away for a moment. You feel the heat continue rising in your cheeks when his bigger hands begin to rest at your now fully exposed hips, fingertips kneading into your soft skin after he slipped his glove off to feel you better.
"There." With that small – theoretically meaningless – word, the sides of your hips had been momentarily abandoned to strip you off that pesky little clothed cage, also getting thrown onto the growing heap of clothes behind him as he stopped for just a moment. "You're staring…"
"I'm not staring. I'm admiring what is mine."
Admiring what is…his.
It took everything in your strength to not throw yourself at him for this comment, the unfamiliar heat in your body starting to concentrate more and more in your lower abdomen. You knew what it actually meant, that...feeling, but never had it felt so breathtakingly real before. As if you could grasp it with your physical hands, knowing that is was as real as your strength in the Force.
"I am yours, Cal" you return, accepting him thoughtlessly, watching a satisfied look creep onto his face, hands slowly sliding towards your sensitive mounds. At the first contact, searing skin against even worse searing skin, you bite down on your lower lip, feeling your blood bead at the broken skin. If he made you feel like this with a mere touch in such a "simple" area…how would he make you feel if he…
"All in due time…" He whispers against the shell of your ear and now you are certain: he could somehow hear your thoughts. But why couldn't you hear his? "Because you shouldn't have to know what kind of...sinful...thoughts I have about you and me right now, Kyra…" He admits and he sounds noticeably ashamed, for these thoughts, you guess.
And you could think why, as well. Years and years, you're taught to not get attached. Certainly not to have a relationship with one another…and now you're on the brink of truly breaking any and every rule talking about this behavior. You would walk a wrong path…of a way that was about to break under your feet either way.
Staring up into his clouded green eyes, you tried to find the right words. And eventually you found them, finding them easier than you had expected, "Whatever you're thinking about wanting to do with or to me today, right now...and any day in the future…I want it too…there is nothing to be asha- Cal!"
You hadn't even managed to finish your sentence, when you started hearing the thoughts he worried about, currently running freely and wildly through his head as you talked to him and you knew was going over all the things that could happen...
His "bad intrusive thoughts" won...
In seconds, he had you pressed against the wall of the house now instead – causing you to shout his name in surprise – pinning you up against it. Both of you knew you could easily overpower him if need be, but you also both seemed to just know perfectly well that you wouldn't.
You wanted this. You wanted him to lead you.
"Are you really sure about this, Kyra? I don't know if I can stop myself once I let go…" He was at the brink of panting, sharply exhaling as his blown wide eyes wander back downwards to your exposed, heaving chest. And suddenly all you heard, was what he wanted to do to them.
How he wanted to knead them, feel them, taste them. He wanted to worship them and everything else about you. He wanted to since the beginning, the thoughts growing stronger and harder to resist with the time you spent together, in each other's arms and company.
"Then don't hold back, Cal. We held back for the longest time, so don't just tell me, show me how badly you want to make me yours...and yours alone, please…" You tried not to quiver almost pathetically with your voice, not from fear but from the anticipation. Was he going to be gentle? Would he take you for himself roughly even, like a dragon's mate once upon a time was supposed to?
Was he going to lose himself for his own pleasure as well…or would he only care about you?
You wanted him to feel good.
He deserves pleasure, he deserves happiness...
"Do I really though?" "Yes you do, Cal."
And his head dips down, his hands kept a tight lock on your hands, restraining you from touching him back as his lips first grazed the soft scaled skin of your chest. At first, they were unsure, gentle. Then he seemed to get ahold of himself, fully relishing in this sadly rare moment.
He bit into your gentle flesh, sucked small markings all over them, leaving trails of his saliva, all while he kept your squirming body in check. Your tail wildly swished around under you two, throwing around dirt and sand as you – for the first time in your life – felt the astonishing pleasure of another person touching one of your most sensitive places, especially with such concentration and devotion for it.
Your hands simply couldn't do the same magic he somehow naturally had, letting them limply hang against nothing as he switched into holding you with the Force alone now. You trusted him with your life, it came to you in that very moment. You would let him restrain you in the most dangerous places and situations…you would blindly trust him.
"M-more, Cal. Maker's please!" You moan into the arid desert air, pushing outwards to feel more of him on your touch starved body, obsecene mewls and moans rolling from your lips with surprising ease, even though they had been nearly unfamiliar to you up to this day. "Only if you let me hear your divine lips sing some more." And thankfully you didn't have to hold back all the way out here, free to give into whatever he wanted and asked from you.
No one would see you two break the rules. Just like at the start of everything.
"Right here?" He asks cautious, his slightly calloused hands now wandering your – for them still foreign – surface, the strange feeling your hardened but currently not sharp scales gave him only spurring him on. "Where else?" Your answer was just as short, unfortunately only able to view his body instead of touching it. But that didn't mean you couldn't catalog every. single. scar. he had to show.
You wondered where they all came from, if they all had their own stories? Which came from training, which came from actually dangerous combat? Are they still sensitive…did they maybe still hurt him?
"Do they still hurt?" "Some of them…but nothing I can die from. Not anymore." He knew immediately what you meant, this weird new connection you two had going keeping both of you from using too many words, relying on being able to hear each other's thoughts when the other let you.
Once he was done mapping your own little scars and different looking scales to his mind, humming at every new oddly placed scales he found, he went further down.
He felt the same way as you. He didn't expect to be here today, happier than he was months ago. And yet…you felt something odd and caged off swirling in his thoughts and feelings. He wasn't able to be as happy as he wanted to be for you.
Something had been bothering him greatly...
But you would ask him once you both had your fill of being horrible horrible Jedi.
"I didn't know your tail was this tied up in your pants, Kyra…" He mutters almost sheepishly, if it weren't for the fact that he doesn't sound much like the boyish Cal you know right now. Impatiently, you gently tug at his invisible grip, even if just to untie the laces at the back of your pants to help him out. But he didn't budge, his Force gripping you even harder to keep the message very clear. This was him in control today.
For once... you didn't have to be strong and demanding...
For once, you're getting guidance again.
Albeit quite different to what old you were used to.
"I got this, don't worry. I will even tie them back up for you afterwards…" As he said those words, you feel your pants already fall down to your knees. When you have a tail your size, the only thing holding everything up was whatever covered your tail as well, you basically wore reversed pants...
He helped you step out of them, pushing your heavy combat boots off right along to free your also clawed and scaly feet. The heat of the desert planet was slightly caught by the white-yellow wall you're being pushed against, but it didn't really help with the burning hot ground.
It didn't help shit.
While your feet – covered in special, more hardened scales – didn't pick up the full heat of the sand like the average human's feet, you definitely weren't comfortable either with standing on it as you wince out, trying to stand on your clawed toes instead and failing miserably when they just dug down, causing your unfortunate toes to get enveloped by nothing but almost scalding grains of sand. You never regretted a move quicker than that one.
"That hot?" You nod without much thought, the ability to talk leaving you with your head aimed at the realization that you were absolutely bare in front of him right now, in the middle of a desert.
Just like nature had made you.
"You're beautiful…" He remarks almost breathless, leaving you squirming on your padded feet for a moment, just to take a wide enough step back. He admired you as a whole now, took your strong, endlessly trained and yet still very feminine figure and exotic appearance in like you're one of these way too expensive paintings in the Museums in Coruscant…
"To me, those paintings are boring and utter garbage against you." He states quite bluntly before coming closer again, planting his chapped lips roughly on your equally dry lips – a simple feature that never really mattered to each of you – satisfying the building hunger of your lips on his within moments of his demand. Whatever went over him…over you…you enjoyed every forbidden second of it like it was the last time ever and you wished this moment would never have to end.
Until of course the uncomfortable situation at your feet had to return you to the current position you were caged into, just as he began to take off the belt of his own pants. Something that looks so innocent every "evening" you two went to your beds, the partition by now seen much less strict for you two, more decorative than anything now. But in this moment, it makes your face burn even brighter than ever before. Because now you were acutely aware of what would follow and it wasn't going to be these mostly innocent cuddles on his or your bed.
This would be much more. Today…today he would really show you how much he trusted you. And how much you trusted him.
Enough to bond with each other on a deeply physical level.
And not just physically, in the end, it was also an emotional bond, at least for your kind. No other "mate" would ever be like your first again…
"Then I'll have to make sure you won't regret your decision, my Dragonfly…" He throws the pants and shoes where everything else had gone in these hasty last moments, visibly enjoying your struggle of not immediately letting your hungry eyes wander below the belt. "I won't, Cal. I would never."
Your concentration on his eyes started to fail you more and more as your ears picked up the low groan from deep within his throat. His arm moved up and down as you could only take "a wild guess" what exactly he was doing further down, but of course you knew exactly what he was doing. He was preparing himself for you. So this was really happening…you only ever saw it on the HoloNet, when you dared to watch the various adult movies you could find with a detailed enough search. It always ended with your fingers carefully maneuvering deeply in your sleeping pants and even deeper within your most sensitive spot – feeling the effect you had on yourself via the wet pools afterwards – biting into your pillow to muffle your filthy moans. Your body was so incredibly sensitive, even to your own touch, so it was nearly impossible to keep it a secret from Cal during the nights you did touch yourself. Your reactive tail wasn't exactly helping with that either, having to pin it down with your feet to keep the tip from banging against the metal walls of the Mantis.
You remember theses special looks the actors gave each other, how they held such raw animalistic energy even though they were nothing but ordinary humans.
Now, as he slowly stroked himself and he kept his eyes trained on certain spots of your body, you found the exact same type of energy in them. He really wanted you, almost three months of him and you having to wait for enough privacy and the right moment did that to him and not only him.
Unfortunately, until now, these moments were rare and scarce, so you usually used them to find peace in the quiet and the other's comfort and presence instead even imagining exploring each other's bodies like this, both of you too embarrassed to find out if the other even felt the same taboo need inside of them.
And when you eventually naturally got to that point during some make outs, it was always interrupted, ending said moment of privacy immediately…
Often, these interruptions left you both feeling miserable, grumpy and on edge for the rest of the "day" and potential mission, something that didn't always slide past the rest of your team. Once Merrin even asked if you two had a fight, mentioning the raw "angry" eyes you threw at each other.
It never was anger.
It was raw lust that shortly after it dared to show in each of you, had to be forced back down, each interruption painfully reminded the two of you about how deeply wrong your attraction to each other was and for some perverted reason, it drew you two even closer.
And so with every interruption that followed the next, you felt something searing hot coil up more and more inside of you, something you thought was annoyance towards the interruption. It took a whole ass while for you to realize that it was a build up of literal need instead.
So finally, you got the courage to pan downwards, your lower lip immediately falling down at what you saw. Cal grunted prideful at your not so secret gasp, laughing airily until another aroused gasp forced said laugh into the background, "I take that you like what you see?"
Caught off guard, you just nod in innocent awe, a stray piece of your black hair falling into your face as you could only stare now. Precum long started running down the reddish tip of his cock, the rest being spread across his length as he got himself further hard. It didn't seem like such a feat, soon finding him removing his hand, leaving you to take him in without obstruction. He wasn't as big as those from the adult movies, but you were quite aware that they were usually artificially altered to be longer.
Cal's was as real as it could get, now that he no longer held it, twitching freely and eagerly in the open desert air. His cock was maybe…5 or 6 inches, looking pretty huge to inexperienced you, never having had anything beyond said artificially enhanced ones to compare to…
"Are you ready?"
From what you saw in some of these movies, something called foreplay was commonly supposed to come first…but that would take you two more time, time you didn't want to waste anymore. Who karking knew when they would comm the both of you to make sure you're not dead?
No matter that…you could no longer wait either way, you needed him.
You didn't want to wait even longer!
"Yes, yes I am, Cal. Please…please, I need you!" You beg shamelessly, the burning sand against and between your feet about to be pushed into the back of your mind, immediately rushing to memorize the pattern of his hands coming back down to your hips. His right one was really sticky now, the reason as obvious to you as the heat of the air around you. "Then jump…" What- "I'll catch you, there is absolutely no way I will drop you, Kyra…"
How did he know…does he also watch…
You decide to keep that question also for later on, instead not wanting to let him and you wait any longer by following his order without any further questions, jumping off the ground with enough airtime, relieved to no longer having to endure the hot ground underneath. Now the sweltering air was left as the only nuisance, the two suns high above you now burning right atop of you. The memories of today would hurt a bit more than a graze wound with bacta spray.
Cal times your jump perfectly, the hands on your hips swiftly going under your thighs, pulling your already sweaty bodies against each other in one fluid motion. He was almost a natural, you thought as he buried his head in your neck, nibbling on the scaled body part of yours. He couldn't exactly leave bite marks on them, that was your kind of luck. Only at your collarbone perhaps, if he worked on it for long enough.
But there was no time for him marking you, not today, probably not for a long time again afterwards. Every minute wasted was a minute less for him to finally feel all of you and other way around.
For him to ultimately claim you as his.
The first thing you felt of him was the tip as he began to rut against your by now wet with arousal entrance with an eagerness you only knew of him when he was karking hungry at breakfast till today. The friction alone felt like the most forbidden thing to do and yet still...your body reacts to his, rocking back just as needy, a small whine and some pants intermixed at this small but meaningful physical contact. There, held ever so tightly against his bare chest – for once absolutely nothing stuck between the two of you, no bothering bra, top or bedsheets – you felt his heartbeat, quick and strong. "Yours isn't any different…it almost feels like a gentle drum against my chest…"
The way he shared all the things he felt with or because of you…
"I can't wait any longer…Cal…I want- need to feel you!" When he had no smart comment about how you were feeling him already the whole time, you knew he was ready to give you what you requested, the tip of his cock twitching against your virgin folds at your unusually weak, trembling voice, begging him. He knew no other boy had heard you speak like that to them, never would, either. You showed your unguarded self only to him...
Clearly being done with teasing your entrance, not able to hold back himself as well, he shoves your not all too light body up in his grip as you feel him bare his clenched teeth against the same place he just bit at, groaning frustrated at just how long it really took both of you to get to this point today.
And by now, like an old routine, he whispers the same words you asked him months ago, "You know this is against the rules, right?", just to push himself into you without any more preparations or preemptive warnings, bottoming out for the very first time.
Although…this recurring question was you two's kind of warning by now, falling off either of your lips whenever you dreaded further and further down the path of broken rules, leaving the old teachings you both had been taught behind more and more. What even happened to promising to share only these chaste kisses like back then?
What did you two come to?
At the sudden, deep and extremely unfamiliar penetration, you loudly cry out his name, drawing out every vocal of his short name, no one stopping you apart from yourself a few seconds later. Feeling yourself instinctively clenching your fangs and teeth as tears dreaded to well up at this new intrusive feeling inside of you, it didn't feel bad, unlike one might think looking at your current unreadable expression, especially unlike many said on the Holonet. Everyone said the first time is supposed to hurt, even just a bit...but you felt no pain. Instead, a foreign version of bliss filled you.
And once again…this was nothing like your fingers touching yourself, this was…this was so much different! And he felt the same exact way, stilling inside of your clenching lower half as he pushed both of you against the wall to keep the wavering balance up, feeling his grip on your wrists falter more and more by the second. He just couldn't hold it up anymore, you felt so karking incredible around him!
"S-shit, Kyra…you're so karking tight! I never… I didn't expect it to feel so overwhelming!" His head fell back into the familiar crook of your neck, his entire grip on your body trembling as he held on just barely, overwhelmed just like he had told you. With his Force barely focused on enough anymore to be controlled and contain your arms over your head, you took the liberty of freeing yourself, immediately weaving them around his neck.
Finally you could close the last gaps your bodies had between each other, securing him before he even dared to move again, afraid of not being able to keep his promise and maybe dropping you after all.
Slow at first, experiencing your no longer pure tightness, never touched by someone else but perhaps you. It gave him a feeling of primal pride and he wondered if that's also how your species felt when they first bonded. Another feeling he wasn't supposed to have as a Jedi, but he long stopped caring once he saw you in all your naked glory in front of him, just for him and absolutely nobody else…
Daring to look down to where you two now connected, you failed to contain more of the newest addition of sounds you didn't even know you were capable off, unrestrained moans and mewls, getting louder and more evident at your eyes catching fresh, purplish streaks blood dripping off of his glistening cock, slowly disappearing and reappearing from inside of you. He had officially claimed you, in Dragon People's minds and rules at least...but just like with Jedi...there was nobody left to enforce them, other than you yourself and your body.
How was such a simple act able to make someone feel so…whole? No meditation in the world had the effect he had on you at this moment…
"Cal…" you pant, abandoning the view to finally really be able to let go. The first time in years…no…your whole life.
"Faster…oh makers, please, please go faster!" You beg wantonly, hearing the small pained hiss between moans from you accidentally digging your claws a bit too carefree into his back, forgetting he wasn't a half Dragon. But it's nothing bacta spray couldn't heal.
Before he though did as you asked him, he got another good look in from your current state, picking his head out from in between your shoulder and neck. "Kyra…" He whined and panted, but no more intelligent words managed to cross the gap of his lips when he crushed them hungrily against yours, even more need and passion in this than in every other before. He felt the same bond you did, how it reinforcedthe initial one, he knew he claimed you for himself.
Then he really followed your request and slowly began to speed up his thrusts. Until he lost track how fast he was really starting to get, ending with him stumbling once more against the wall with your weight all in his now fear-tight grip, hips rutting nearly on nothing but pure instinct roughly in and out of your wet hole with a completely different speed and feeling to it, leaving neither of you with much words to say verbally to each other.
You hadn't heard his thoughts this clear before this moment, not an ounce of a barrier as you head flooded with his warm, attractive voice, uttering nothing but compliments and praise. How you were doing so amazing for the both of you.
How amazing you made him feel.
That was everything you wanted but you got so so much more in this very moment, the increased and definitely much more rough pace sending you straight to Heaven with each and every thrust. His grip doesn't falter for even a second – no matter how shaky he was all over – never having had anything he wanted to hold more tightly and dear to himself like you, he came to realize.
All and every sound around you was muted, deemed as unnecessary for your shared and clearly – audibly – passionate pleasure, which left nothing but the unmoderated, surely deafening, moans, whines, cries and growls you gave to only each other right now, two sets of piercing yet glazed over green eyes staring into each other as you felt yet another unfamiliarity in the lower half of your body. And if it wasn't for the obscene noises your body and his together made – wet slapping of hips and thighs coming together and the squelching from your juices being pushed around inside of you whenever he pistons back out and into your tighter than tight eagerness – being absolutely foreign territory to you two, you wouldn't have a reason to blush and hide your head in his chest for your current acts, causing you to smell the manly scent the thin layer of sweat created.
As all you did, was act like normal people that had needs, no? Which Council thought it was their right to forbid this...this...incredible feeling of connectedness, while everything it did was make you feel better than you had ever thought was even possible!?
Everyonce in a while, one of the two of you would still let the other's name slip in the most pathetic way possible, clinging onto the body of the other while tears of joy fell down your face at the overabundance of pleasure thrown at your inexperienced bodies. It was a wonder how you both held on for this long, tears not the only thing rolling down your face as sweat continued beading on your bodies, making both of you sticky – though your scales didn't let you get as bad as Cal.
"I…I think I'm going to cum, Kyr-" You were about to say the same words as he suddenly stilled, his hands that had been holding onto you from the small of your back slid down to your hips at that moment.
His knuckles turned (even more) white at the instinctive grip he used to pull you firmly back down, flush against the base of his pulsing cock, feeling his hot balls twitching below you as he came inside of you without giving each one of you even another second to prepare or think about a different place for him to shoot his load. "Oh maker, Cal…you ohhh…oh my!" An almost strangled cry escapes you at the sudden burning hot feeling rushing inside your walls, the mere act of his own climax and how it ended so suddenly with his teeth back in your shoulders – which still wasn't enough to muffle his own shouts. It threw you over the cliff as well, joining in on the redhead's excited final chants of moans.
Clenching around his still draining cock, you pant and find some air to laugh, throwing your head back, only barely missing the house wall. You two actually just did that!
"You're still…kark…c-clenching me so tightly…" and even though you felt him shake all over his body, having obvious trouble staying on his two feet right now, you knew he still wouldn't ever drop you. He finally rested you two against the wall, staying pushed tightly and deeply into you though, not wanting to lose that one of a kind feeling just yet…he just needed you to give him a few minutes…
Two minutes pass.
Three minutes pass...
Four minutes pa-
"Ha…this…this was something…" He exhales, clearly exhausted and it reminded you of how handsome he looked whenever you two trained together on Bogano for hours and hours. Orange strands of his tousled hair sticking to his glistening forehead, some at the side of his face as well. He looked godlike, mouth hanging slightly open with a smile as he admired you back. And he thought the very same about you, the connection you two formed still intact even when you finished.
Something about that thought made you smile, knowing you now really had someone to share your thoughts with. Literally.
Carefully, he slips out from your now sore hole, swallowing hard at the various fluids that tried to roll and flow out along afterwards. "Should I clea- " "P-push it back in…p-please…" If he hadn't noticed it by the stutter in your voice already, he did once he looked back up to see it. You're again blushing, clouded green eyes settled on his cock and the pale hand that guided himself gently out of you. But mainly, you looked nearly enchanted at the amount of cum starting to leak from in between your legs.
"I-if you're okay with that, I mean…" your voice was quiet, meek, the awkwardness of the situation starting to settle in both of you when Cal shook his head with a gentle…a loving…smile, "...I have a question for you, Kyra, I…I was wondering if you ever wondered if it was possible to safe your kind's extinction?"
W-what?! What was he meaning? To let your species get taken off the extinction list, you would need live proof that you're not the last free one of your kin-...i-is he implying…
"We have a mission, Cal…My…my personal affairs, they have no place in all of this…" Trying to distract your own mind from going to the wrong places again, you suddenly become increasingly aware where you are right now.
You're right out in the open, in public. Bounty Hunter Corpses and some just knocked out – but starting to stir – all around your two naked, shaking, sticky and still intertwined bodies, sweat reflecting the two merciless suns high high up in the great Tatooine Sky.
You had your first time out in the open, of all places.
"We can find a place for it…i-if you really want it to have a place…" He slowly went to put you back onto your feet, your underwear – which was drenched in your arousal, you only realize now – being the first thing of the heap he went to pull back onto your body, probably to keep you stuffed with a memory of today. Kneeling on the ground, his touch was completely different from minutes ago.
All he did was touch your skin and scales like you're made of literal glass, like you might break at the wrong or too rough of a touch.
He is right…did you even want a place for such an utopian plan?
Was there even a chance of saving your people? Would it even be of use?
"For once, don't think about whether or not it is of use…what do you want?" He interrupts from below, warm and gentle hands pulling up to the last inches of your shaking legs, making you wonder how you're even still standing. Your legs hurt, they were numb. Sore.
What do you want?
You wanted to find something to look forward to in your future, no more hiding, no more running…but not less adventures, having to sit on some boring ass planet for the rest of your life. You wanted to jump from Planet to planet in the search for new, interesting places…not for a safer place to sleep, constantly having to worry about having shelter, warmth and water.
You wanted an actual future…not just these annoying 'what if's' from Cere…
"Then let me help you…" He begs, rising back to his full height, having already finished with your pants and shoes as well, continuing with his lower half now. And yet, he never let his attention leave you, even if he didn't look at you, his thoughts were nearly all about you.
Then there was that small piece in his head that you couldn't look at, something he kept off limits from even you for whatever reason.
You wanted to ask but not to pry…
"One day I will let you see…" He mumbles while pulling his shirt over his head, his tousled orange locks poofed up from the sudden friction the tight neck had on them. "But…but today…it simply isn't the right mood. I don't want to ruin this moment for both of us, Dragonfly." From the corner of your eyes, you had to realize the knocked out Bounty Hunters started coming back to reality fully now, groaning and rubbing their heads as they sat up.
He shouldn't have just knocked them out…it would've been less trouble now.
"Why do you want to help me with my…my wish, Cal? We're not only busy with a mission, aren't we also just…way, way too young for such a life changing decision yet…?" Cal's eyes also caught wind of the waking Bounty Hunters now, a sudden rush in the way his hands helped you back into the rest of your clothes and himself into his light fabric Poncho. Only then he managed to give you his physical attention once more, placing his still gloveless left hand against the side of your face. Even after all the times he had to look at your face in peace, he still found new features to wonder at.
The arcs some of your scales grew in, some slightly crooked in growth from a tumble in your childhood during training, their composition having still been soft enough to take form from outside impacts. Like falling off a tree and smashing your cheeks a bit too roughly against a Boulder below.
Almost nothing ever left permanent damage with your skin's natural resilience, even the roughest physical interactions you had as a Youngling usually just bouncing off of you. You were called 'Bouncy Ball' by one of your Clones for a good reason...
Sometimes you wished you had worked like that emotionally as well…just letting everything bounce off of you, like you're actually supposed to as Jedi.
But on the inside, you're carrying more scars than your actual body, restless nights being the best example. Something you had less with Cal around, until recently of course...
Cal gently squeezes your hip with his other free hand, pulling you away from your ever growing black hole of thoughts…what if someday even he couldn't pull you back out of it? When the poison in your head won you over?
"Do you really want to know why?" "Of course I do, Cal…this isn't something to be just taken lightly or for granted after all."
Giving the dazed bodies next to you two one last glance, he is back with you with a growing smile. It looked nearly carefree too, if it wasn't for the hint of sadness in his eyes, he could've almost made you think that everything was going to be alright soon…something you doubted more and more each time you went to bed with no results for looking for the Force Sensitive Children whatsoever and Cere acting more odd by the day.
"Because I thi- no. No, that isn't enough for you, you deserve a definitive answer. L-let me try again…"
Pushing his face close to yours, his lips mere inches from yours as your noses touched ever so slightly, he exhales deeply, the silence that came after deafening.
"Because I know that I love you, Kyra…I love you!" He confessed, pressing his lips against yours to seal it as the truth before exclaiming it a second time, his own green eyes squinting as he held back the tears. He never thought he would get to say these three words to anyone in his life, he got so used to never being allowed to have someone to say them towards that he couldn't believe himself with how at ease you were with breaking the rules for him. Him alone.
He loves you…
"Cal…I-" "Even if you can't say it back yet, I can wait…i will wait." But his eyes told the truth, he was thinking about that piece of thought again. Why did his confession feel so...ultimate? What…what did he know that you didn't?
If anything, that dreadful feeling made you shake your head at his thoughtfulness, thoughtfulness that seemed to hurt him more than he wanted to show.
"No, Cal…I…I want to love you too…I just, I just never thought I would even find someone to confide in in the first place. This is far more than I could ever deserve!"
All you ever did as a Padawan besides training to become a fullfledged Jedi was finding quite elaborate ways to break the rules, to bother and annoy the high council because you were very severely aware of the value your unusually high Force Sensitivity held for the Jedi, going as far as keeping your actual true power in the Force known to extremely few People. They were afraid of someone else trying to take your Powers for themselves.
You always knew they all hated you for the massive inconvenience your existence alome brought in, nevertheless, you just had to be born as non-human. Everyone except two Masters and your loyal till-death-do-you-part Clones.
Everyone else saw you as a monster. A freak of nature that should have just died like the rest of them. Simply as a menace...
And a monster didn't deserve to feel love or to be loved, especially not a Monster that was trained to become an entirely detached, almost robotic Jedi!
As you sensed the Bounty Hunters finally stand back up again, you went to show and put emphasis on the 'Monster' part, tear streaked, wide eyes snapping over to them before almost instantly exerting enough Force to push their bodies into the cracked sandstone nearly 20 Feet behind them, embedding their now once again – forever – limb bodies in rubble and dust.
But Cal didn't even bother looking at what you just did, the pain you just caused with not even a muscle showing a sign of struggle while doing so. The amount of Force you just used would need years and years and even more years of Force Meditation to strengthen and perfect their connection to it. It came natural to you.
But the display of your frightening power didn't deter him at all, it seemed so at least when he goes through his messy hair with nothing but a sigh, "I don't care what you think you are, a monster, a menace, not deserving of my love or anybody's for that matter…it won't change my mind."
Of course it wouldn't. Cal had been concerningly stubborn with you since you first met, still remembering the thrilling chase he gave you after you took care of the Stormtroopers for him.
How he had just tackled you without even a second thought passing through that thick – very thick – skull of his, ignoring the imminent and quite obvious threat you were for his life at that moment, the Force making the air crackle around you like lightning was seconds from striking you.
Kark…if you hadn't managed to keep yourself from further losing the control over the Force, he would've been dead that day.
Cut to ribbons, pulled apart at the seams of his body, fried by uncontrolled Pyrokinesis…
The list of most definitely painful deaths he dodged that day was endless in your worst thoughts.
You hated yourself for being so selfish to keep him close to that same just muted danger everyday, especially now that he bonded with you…now you wouldn't just hurt him if you continued to try and deny these feelings.
"I know that you won't hurt me…" He mumbles, his voice sounding more wounded by yours than you would've expected, an even more pained frown on his pale face, "I thought we promised to have faith in each other…and especially ourselves…"
You did, didn't you?
You promised to trust his senses, his direction and in his abilities, in a sense he replaced the inner compass that was coldly taken from you the night Master Tegra was taken from you as well. You both had been feeling lost in the Galaxy for so so long, never really having anybody to really connect to, with some who went through the same traumatic events.
Then you found each other. You saw the chance to heal, together. And you went with it. Now he wanted to make his trust in you official and there you were...still doubting yourself.
You were about to break your promise with the only Person in the Galaxy left that you really came to trust. What a karking idiot you were for that…
"I…no yeah, I am pretty karking stupid, aren't I? Getting everything I ever wanted and still hitting my head against the opposite wall, horns full force ahead…"
Just like he did before, you pull yourself together, sniffling away your fresh tears and slipped your rough hands into his rough hands, closing your eyes at the immediate ease you felt flowing through you by feeling his heartbeat dimly beat in them. He was on edge, positive or negative, you couldn't- didn't want to care about this a second time as you were done preparing your stupid self!
Sometimes, one had to rip a bacta patch off with the hair still under to continue on.
"I, Kyra Yarmot, ...Love you too, Cal Kestis…" His reaction, the giant immediate smile pulling across his face, the relief inside of him radiating off and onto you making you grab your fear and crush it to the ground. This was the last time you doubted yourself and your right to feel these types of feelings. The very last time!
So when he is about to speak up, to air the thoughts of praise you had already heard from his open thoughts, you squeeze his hands tightly, shutting him up instantly.
"...I love you so much, all of it nearly tore me apart on restless nights. Some nights, I hung sick over the toilet for hours, two sides inside of me that kept pulling and pulling at me, keeping me from making my choice!"
And both sides had made you equally sick, going closer to that one would make you physically sick, just as acknowledging the other one did. So for the first time in a month, you finally felt at ease.
You have made your decision, no one left to control your choices...
"Are you happy with your decision?" He asks innocently and curious, one last look reaching across the battlefield you two would leave behind, hand in hand – until you're in Mantis-sight of course – and apparently very heavy decisions having been finally lifted off of your shoulders.
His query on your feelings was thoughtful, just like you knew of him, one of the things you indeed love dearly about him
"Yes…yes I am." You answer, a final, determined tone to it as you squeeze his hand once more, after many back and forths for weeks returning the loving smile he sends your way now almost immediately, the hesitation having left you alone. "You don't know how happy it makes me…knowing you're really feeling the same way, despite the fact that it is forbidden to us…"
By this point, you were sure they would've kicked you out of the Order anyways. No matter if you loved him or not, the acts that came before usually had been enough to exile other strong Jedi Knights and Masters well before you two.
"Who gives a bogling-shit about the rules of dead people anyways…" you return with a carefree chuckle, trying to follow his slow path back to the Mantis, but a realization hits you already at the first wobbly step.
You couldn't walk anymore, you were frozen in your position for minutes now, so you didn't notice as much apart from the new feeling of soreness when you put your clothes back on.
"Kyra?" You slip your hand from his to hide your embarrassed face in your hands as you start to giggle in shame at your own situation, a fresh purplish blush contrasting the black scales once more. Any more times of your oddly colored blood rising to your head today and you would faint right then and there…
"I can't karking walk, Cal…"
And for the first time since your heart-rending confessions to each other, you hear a near howling laugh leave his mouth as he throws his head back, "I should take…I should take responsibility for that… shouldn't I?" He inquired in the middle of his rarely this strong and unrestrained laughter, the sound making your heart flutter and for the first time you also accepted that feeling as Love, acknowledged it fully for all it was worth.
It was worth everything, you would do anything to always remember his loud, unrestrained laughs, especially for their rarity – though you wished to make them less rare in the future...for both of you.
And all these other small things that made Cal your Cal. Now he was truly yours and you were his, officially – but still in secret.
"Well, maybe you should, Kesti- CALLLL!" You whine back but it turned just as quickly into you shouting his name in literal shock, feeling his arms wrap around your thighs and back before lifting you off the ground without a second question or warning. His grip on your small, quivering body wasn't faltering, feeling even tighter to you now than before. Now that he owned your cracked, but fixable, heart – something he now knew more than ever he had to protect with his life – he didn't dare to even potentially think about accidentally dropping you or tripping with you in his arms. Though the latter might at least make both of you laugh some more.
"C-cal, makers…warn me next time please!" He was just a bit stunned in his tracks when you didn't even tell him off for example not having to do that. You actually accepted his help, though still with that blush. Something he absolutely adored on you, a thought he wasn't afraid to share with you. Even if just to see your blush grow even worse for his more than vaguely mischievous mood.
"Hmmm, maybe." He replied curtly, but the tone was clearly held playful as he began to walk again. Every once in a few feet, he readjusted your position, once almost throwing you up a bit too much – unusually high energy letting him do that with your extra "weight" – that's at least what he took from your straight up wide open eyes as he caught you again.
He sure had a pep in his tired steps now.
You didn't hold it against him either, you would've too, if you were able to walk right now, of course.
Then, as you began your ascend to the small hill the Mantis was currently lying dormant behind, the town already further behind you two, you stop him, "Wait. Hold up, Cal. What are we telling them about you carrying me? You're the hurt one!"
He kicks some loose sand and pebbles down the descent as he also thought about it for a moment before grinning a bit darkly, "I mean...we could always give you a rea- " "No thanks! Next idea please…" You brush off his unexpectedly morbid fake-plan as soon as the words tried to leave his chapped lips – though that didn't stop you from quietly chuckling at his hidden darker humor, never having known he was even capable of joking about such themes.
He fake pouts before shaking his head, "Don't worry about it, leave everything to me for today."
And so you did.
You had your doubts though when you first stepped back onto the Mantis, Merrin the first one to rush to you two, her eyes wide with worry. "By the makers, what took you two so long?! We tried to comm you two but…why are you carrying Kyra? Is she hurt? If yes how ba-" "It's a long long story, Merrin. But no, she isn't exactly hurt, her…her legs just gave out. She exerted herself a bit much today…she just never knows when to slow down."
Says the boy who rutted into your quite poorly accustomed virgin cunt like he would straight up die if he didn't do any sooner…
But they couldn't know that, so you – difficult as it was – nod in agreement, "Yeah, we got ambushed…again…and were outnumbered. I had to run more than I am surprisingly used to." The noise you three made must've been enough to draw the other two from their rooms, Cere exhaling in relief. But nothing more at first. She never showed too much of her worry and sometimes you weren't so sure if she really ever truly had been worried.
"You're hurt, Kyra?" "No…just needlessly tired. Guess I shouldn't skip leg day just because I can fly."
Cal failed to hold back an obvious snort, which Merrin probably thankfully thought was for the wrong reason. You knew why he laughed though, he watched your solo training sessions every time he had the chance too. You did not skip leg day – that much was sure – and your thighs alone could kill a man if you so wished. He remembers the strength you had in them as he made you hold onto him with nothing but them at the start…of…of…y-yeah.
He quickly discarded the amazing memory, feeling your claws subtly caress the back of his neck with gentle scratches, not enough at all to cause damage. Only enough for a shiver that traveled down his whole body. You both were highly mischievous, that much is clear.
"All that matters is that you two returned safe…but…did you find it?" Surely she would be meaning your lightsaber and although it was definitely in dire need of a clean and a quick electrical fix here and there from the stupid karking sand on Tatooine – you were more than ready to leave this stupid rock of a planet behind you again – it was just like you remembered it.
It still reminded you of its old wielder…would he be ashamed if he saw your recent...acts with Cal? Would he be indifferent…or could he maybe actually have been happy that you were happy? After all, that was something he always wanted for you, especially since he knew how you felt with your nearly eradicated origins, having no memory of your earliest childhood or parents.
"Of course I did. I wouldn't have left this karking rock without it…"
Using the by now more wordless communication between you two, you ask Cal to be so kind as to let you stand on your own, even if just for a moment to show them all what made you this furious for losing it in the first place. When you slowly took the blue hued and heavy weapon from the finally reoccupied clip at your now dirty pants, even Greez's – who showed his relief of nobody getting hurt in his own quiet special way – interest was piqued. Until this day, he had seen only Cal's Lightsaber, with its orange Blade. And maybe Cere's, if she even had one anymore…
BD, still slightly stunned from what his innocent "eyes" were set to witness earlier, climbed onto Cal's Shoulder to get a better view this time as well, the first time having been hurried to be replaced with other matters at hand.
"Maybe don't stand there, Merrin…" you insist towards the Nightsister that unknowingly stood close enough to get pierced by the blade once you pressed the button. Grimacing at apparently the same image you suddenly saw in front of you, she nods apologetic before taking a few big steps back, as well as Greez and Cal.
Within a second, the pure white glow of your lightsaber illuminated the dimmed interior of the ship, the familiar humming of the blade filling your ears like a nostalgic song you hadn't heard in too long. Sorrowful eyes glanced down at the broken second blade on the other end, nothing but fizzles coming out when you pushed the button...it had been like this since the accident that took your old companions and friends away from you.
You remember how Master Tegra showed you different poses and stances with that same double blade, knowing how dangerous it was. It was hotter than most crystals due to its unique properties…it was a synthetic crystal that had been purified by your Master when he was younger and still just a Jedi Knight. From his stories about it, you knew the crystal once belonged to a former friend and fellow Jedi that lost the path.
He always wanted to keep a piece of not only his friend but also as a constant reminder of what could happen to a Jedi that got enticed to join the dark side. It kept him strong, determined...but not less enthusiastic about teaching you both sides' techniques.
"I have never seen an actually white Blade in person…" Merrin confesses amazed, watching you carefully twirl it – yourself imagining the second blade still in working condition – , your skill of handling it evident. Just like Cal, you spent most of your free time training either with the Lightsaber or your unique Physical Capabilities, only rarely the Force to stay undetected for longer, especially not in its full capacity. You were never allowed to, to keep you hidden, even when the Order still was existing.
But Cere wasn't as awestruck at you showing off, grimacing, "Do not do that in the ship, you're going to break something if you fling it around like that!"
Just like always, you swallow your own snippy comment directed at her for surprisingly being a prune again after being excited for you when you first sensed your Lightsaber this morning. You long gave up trying to see a pattern, since there clearly was none.
"And do not give me that look either, kid. We're flying to Zeffo while you're both resting up. You can train all you want as soon as you wake up, okay?" That did sound more like a plan. Agreeing quietly as you extinguish the blade once more to put it back on your clip, feeling exhaustion starting to rush in now that your Adrenaline Levels finally began to sink again.
With the first yawn coming from him, closely followed by a more guttural, growl like one from you, Greez tsked at you two, already making his way back to his seat at the cockpit to start the Mantis for a quick lift off, wanting to reach Zeffo before the next storm was planned on it. "You two already look like you rode a bantha horde across the mountains, don't you two dare fall asleep on the couch again! Go to bed!", were his last words before you heard the ship's door hiss shut and he became too concentrated on the controls for further bickering. Well, at least he seemed to care for your wellbeing by now, something you back then wouldn't have ever expected to happen.
Both Merrin and Cere nod at the blunt Latero's words, Merrin barely having the control to not laugh at you two unknowingly challenging each other to a yawning match, one louder and longer than the other until you both for a moment looked at the couch, squinting. It did look comfo- "Don't even think about it, Kyra. You too, Cal! Off to bed with you two, come on!"
Though grumbling at how quickly they wanted to get "rid" of you two all of the sudden, Cal nods for the both of you. Once again without warning, he effortlessly lifts you back into his arms, grinning without an ounce of shame when he notices the lack of complaint of him not warning you like he was supposed to now. Instead, another growling yawn follows, such an eccentric, bone rattling one that you bare your pristine fangs and sharp canines to the open room. "I can see now why Greez feared you for a good while, they look…terrifying." He exclaimed slowly, turning to the rest of the crew when he realized you probably wouldn't give any sensible answers anymore.
He really did a number on you…the, the Bounty Hunter he means, of course…
"Well, if you would at least answer me, Kyra, you're reacting less by each minute... He laughs awkwardly, subtly trying to keep the noise down for you though when he sees how small your eyes are really getting, clearly unfocused but still on him every once in a while, a tired smile everything you return at his question.
He just wished he had some more time to talk to you before tomorrow, when everything would have to work differently again.
Even if just for then.
"Truly a spectacle to see her be quiet for once, just like you, Cal…" Merrin looks over to your still blinking self, smiling when she notices you still fully witnessed everything around you, looking around – though tired – but you just decided to save yourself the energy you could waste by talking with anyone right now. "Though I know she would love to talk smack back right about now!" A small nod from your place against his warming shoulder and the sandy poncho agreed with her, a playful frown being the limited extent of visible emotions you went with.
"I'll be going with my package…then, we'll debrief the mission after training, so I'll…see you guys later…" It took two more yawns for him to make his actual way back to the engine room you shared, cursing a bit under his breath when he somehow only now remembers the ladder taking you two down to your beds, something so basic in your daily routine, he didn't know how he forgot about it...
You really did mess with that brain of his, didn't you? But who wouldn't fall head over heels for you…he was just incredibly lucky that he was the first to see the true beauty that was you.
"Gimme a word, can you still climb a ladder?" "Uh-huh…" "It's not exactly a word, but I'll still take it." He places you back on your wobbly two feet, making sure nobody's feet were caught between the gaps in the metal platform while BD took you as his choice of descend today, beeps sounding like a laugh when you couldn't follow him to the beds yourself.
'That's what happens when you're overeager!'
Did BD just laugh at you for having your first time in the middle of a desert town? Yeah, probably…but he had a point. Though, you had no privacy anywhere else-
"Stop thinking in a loop and especially stop these 'what we did is bad' thoughts. I don't regret it, do you?" He mutters a small 'See?' when you immediately shake your head in a vigorous no, eyes as wide as they could be with sleep trying to take over.
"Do you want me to...uhm... help undress you? It's going to be uncomfortable to sleep that way…"
A few minutes later, you're both finally bed ready, though he still idled a bit on your side, warming your now shivering body as sleep clawed at not just your thoughts. But something kept you awake.
While everything should be feeling right for once, you got your Lightsaber back, you jumped over your shadow and you confessed your love to the redhead next to you, a stupid little smile on him as he let his right hand glide through your hand, gently untangling them from the battle you had on Tatooine today. It would take weeks for all the stupid sand to get out from your scalp and other body parts, feeling the small particles grind under some particular scales on your body.
But then there was this nagging feeling at the back of your head. Something was….wrong. Not everything was fine and yet you had no idea what it was, you could'nt pinpoint it. What if you had another vision tonight…what if it showed Cal getting hurt because of you?
"Cal…is everything alright?" The question was asked without a previous thought being exchanged by the two of you to give him an immediate reason for your worry, but when he freezes for just a moment, you were certain something was wrong…
"You're just exhausted, Kyra…you know your senses get a bit funky then. Tomorrow is a new day and look at it that way: You can finally fight me in actual Lightsaber Combat! I can't wait to see what you're capable of with it!"
He was rambling on, words flowing almost too quickly for your current state to actually follow him mentally, so you just...nod. You didn't question the unusual pattern of speech he suddenly took to respond to your concern.
You didn't question the sudden speed he ended your warming interaction, or how he left your bed side like it burned him, some to you inaudible excuse leading him back so his bed.
You were too tired now, still slightly basking in the afterglow of your not so Jedi like acts earlier, so you didn't even file these actions for worrisome. Maybe he had been tired as well, he had to be, he exerted himself even more than you. He held onto you, made you feel all these fantastical things for the first time. Such a feat is tiring, especially after fighting 25 Bounty Hunters at your side…
"Hey Kyra?" You hear his bed creak a bit from him letting himself fall onto it with a heavy sigh, a hint of burden hidden in it.
"Yes, Cal?" Would he maybe tell you what is evidently wrong after all…? Did he not trust you as much as you promised each other in the end?
Silence, deafening silence...
"I-I love you…" He claims, voice heavy with something, a sniffle going right past your numbed senses by now as well as you could only smile at the black partition that hid his figure from you. He made you feel like a whole different person…a better version of yourself.
"And I love you too, Goodnight Cal…and I can't wait for Zeffo to train…"
Blissful and happy about today's events, you didn't hear the effect your true-to-the-core words had on him. Meanwhile you drifted off to a hopefully dreamless sleep quicker than you had since the fall of the Order, feeling mostly at ease for once, again.
"And nothing will ever change my feelings for you, my beautiful, breathtaking Dragonfly…I love you more…"
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mitamicah · 9 months
Looked at more (almost all of them) of your ocs, so cute. They are adorable.
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So cool, love the horns/antlers? And colourful hair, sea horses are cool.
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This lil one is adorable, and very fascinating :3 love the hair, look like bunny ears which is so awwwwwwww.
Now my favourite quill, I love him so much, so freaking sweet and cute, chimeras are so cool and I have to know a few things.
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1. does he like dressing up?
2. if he does what about dog costumes?
3. is it offensive that I want to put him into several dog outfits since he’s a chimera?
4. here are a few suggestions if it is not offensive :3
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(Yes I know the shark one is a cat😺 but the ones with a dog didn’t looked as sweet 😭)
And can we get more quill facts? :3👀👀👀👀👀👀
Like are there more? He’s the adopted son of phoenix, is there a reason? Tragic backstory or just sweet like sugar?
Thanks for listening. And I hope this wasn’t too much :3
Why, thank you Jay ^V^ glad to see my babies getting some love :3
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The rest of the reply will be under the line :3
Ah, that's Skari ^V^ he's pretty cool :3 it is indeed horns like those on a seahorse ... just a lot bigger x'D
Aww, you found little Val :3 I believe he is my newest closed species character (an original species created by another online creator that has given me permission to make a character in this species ^V^) I had a fun time designing him for sure :D bunny ears and all :3
Heck yeah, more love for Quill :D!! He is not usually one who gets a lot of attention so I am glad to see he caught your eye ^V^
Why then ask away :3
Quill haven't done a lot of dress up but like most else in live he is very happy and eager to try :3
Same as before - he is a happy boy who'd be open to try anything else dog costumes
I don't think so?
Oh these are cute :3 although I hope that Phoenix are allowed to make little adjustments for their friend since otherwise I fear Quill's secondary set of arms would feel very cramped in these :'D
Is there anything specific you'd like to know ^V^?
Depending on how much you've read already these might already be something you know :'D
Quill is part fruitbat, part deer, part dog, part praying mantis, part bird (could be a parrot given his ability to learn words) and possibly part snake.
Quill hasn't learned to speak in full sentences so he communicates with single words like "hi", "road" (his way of asking to go for a walk), and "bed" (his way of saying goodnight).
Quill has learned to weave with his secondary pair of arms (I call them his mantis arms).
Quill learns new words through echolalia which in short is that he echoes a word you say to him in the same tonality back at you (it is often seen with autistic people).
While Quill can speak a few words his vocal chords are actually better suited for high pitched bird like sounds so he is often found echoing bird twitter/song.
(if you want more and/or more deep cut facts than this let me know :'D
Oh no his story isn't that tragic :'D Quill was bred in captivity to be a housepet. Phoenix found Quill at a parisian adoption center where the little guy had been given up since nobody had wanted to adopt him from the breeder. Phoenix themselves being a chimera chose to adopt Quill as a sort of son. Quill is often seen helping Phoenix carry around their arrows (Phoenix are an archer amongst other things) - actually this is how Quill got his name. :3
Thank you for the questions ^V^ I hope you can use my answers :3
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