#any way sorry for this little mini artist statement
samglyph · 25 days
Hello! if it is not wrong to ask, can you explain the thing with antlers? When I first saw your pfp I thought you were 'cosplaying' jackaloop, but in the last art you've mentioned it means something metaphorical?
Hi! I can explain, but it’s kinda weird!
I’ve been drawing myself with antlers for a long time! I live in an area with a lot of deer, and since I was little they’ve been one of my favorite animals. I have been described as deer like (jumpy, makes weird sounds out of nowhere, will attack if startled, etc, etc,). We live next to a big overgrown field and my family has always taken joy in watching the deer in the summer and spring. We also hike a lot so we run into them a lot. They’re familiar, and a connection to my life so far.
I also associate them with death and growth— living in the area I do I’ve seen as many dead deer as I’ve seen fauns. I have a deer skull in my room that my dad gave me as a birthday present (he did not kill this deer. He just found the skull) I have a hipbone that I found in the woods (also on my birthday?) I’m not gonna dive into this, cause it’s too personal, but I have a weird relationship with death! Deer are a comfort!
The ‘metaphor’ I mention in the post is referring mostly to Arthur (but a bit myself as I just explained). Arthur is a character who is constantly hunted by things bigger and stronger than himself, however he has that distinct ‘prey animal rage’ where instead of only getting scared, he’s fully willing to attack and defend himself, even when things are hopeless. (‘I’m gonna kill him’ said about a being double your height that just snapped your leg in two.) Anybody familiar with bucks knows to keep a good distance if you run into one on a hike.
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
Blind Date| Monkey D. Luffy X BlackFem!Reader
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Hey besties, this is a collaboration with my love @xogabbiexo. This is a mini series that will include blind date oneshots with characters for various animes. The warning is a blanket statement that covers all the oneshots, I won't be doing all this with just one character, lol. I hope you enjoy.
WARNING (18+) | NSFW Content, may include:
Aged up characters
Foul language
Sexual or Implied sexual acts
Fingering (vaginal/anal)
Oral Sex
Vaginal Sex
Anal Sex
Nipple Play
Throat Fucking
Breath Play
Sensory Deprivation
Foot fetish
I do not own these animes or any characters from the anime. I do not own any images used, all artwork was obtained from google. If you know the artist, feel free to tag them. Do not steal my ideas.
©pervysenpaix 2021
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"This isn't what I was expecting" you muttered to yourself as you walked towards the marina.
Nami told you that Luffy was well off and liked to spend his free time at the ocean so, when your GPS led you towards the beach you figured that the two of you would be having some beach picnic. Well butter me and call me a biscuit because you were dead wrong.
Dozens of luxury sailboats were lined up, bobbing peacefully on the water while the seagulls flew overhead singing their nautical tunes. It was a magical view, only made better by the waving man standing at the edge of the dock.
"Hi there! You must be (y/n) ?" He shouted, grinning widely as he beckoned you over. This man was HOT. Super tall with tan skin and a great smile; a small scar rested beneath his eye but it worked for him in a sexy pirate kind of way. His outfit was simple, sandals, jean shorts, a straw hat and a red shirt that was unbuttoned, exposing his abs and a nasty looking scar. You'd have to ask about it later.
"Hello!" you replied, shuffling quickly towards the waiting man. It was hard to hide your excitement, you could already tell that this was gonna an interesting experience and you didn't even know what the man had planned yet. "Yeah, that's me and you must Luff-ahhh!" your wedge got caught over a bundle of rope, causing you to trip and crash into the handsome stranger. The impact should've made him fall back but he didn't budge. He just looked down at you with a playful smirk on his face as he held you by your waist.
"Falling for me already, darling ?" Luffy drawled, flexing the long fingers that were splayed against your back. "I'm so sorry !" you giggled, "I'm such a clutz!". It was true, you're a ditzy little bimbo, always stumbling or tripping into something. Then laughing hysterically when you landed flat on your face. No shame. Everyone often said that you had a great sense of humor, that's why Nami set the two of you up. She thought that your personalities would compliment eachother. "It's okay. How could I complain when I ended up with such a pretty girl in my arms ?"
Smooth talker, huh ?
"Oh? You think I'm pretty, big guy?" you teased, placing your hand against his forearm. Dude was ripped. Literally muscles everywhere. And, his hands were so big and pretty, you just wanted him to cho-
"How could I not think you're pretty? Did you not check the mirror when you left the house this morning? You look amazing , (y/n)!" You weren't expecting him to keep complimenting you, you'd have any other guy blushing right now but he was completely unbothered. Actually, he was the one making you flustered. "Oh - i- uhh, thank you ?" you laughed, stepping out of his firm grasp. He chuckled, resting one hand on his hip as he regarded you. "Oh, so you can try and tease me but get shy when I respond? That's cute, sailor."
Sir, please stop complimenting me. I will suck your dick.
"Sailor?" you repeat, brow raised and held tilted to the side. So cute, Luffy thought as he eyed your figure. You'd definitely exceeded his expectations, that sundress was the perfect color for your complexion and it hugged you in all the right places; he also liked the way you styled your natural hair. Stunning. Gorgeous from head to to toe and that cute little laugh was captivating. Don't even get him started on the way you squeaked his name when you tripped, he couldn't wait to hear what other sounds you could make. "That's right, pretty girl. Welcome aboard the Thousand Sunny and I'll be your captain Monkey D. Luffy"
"Wow, this is amazing. I've never been on a boat before." you exclaimed as you looked around. It was a pretty big and it's impressive that he was able to set sail and everything by himself. Now the two of you were drifting, about 1/3 of a mile from the coast, and enjoying the picnic he had prepared. "Aww, I'm your first? That's cute, sailor."
Luffy has been casually flirting with you nonstop. It's not even on purpose, he just says whatever comes to his mind and you like it. If you try to tease or flirt back, he doesn't even bat an eyelash, just continues on as if you've known eachother forever.
"So ..." you clear your throat, trying to rid your mind of the innuendos formed from Luffy's latest retort. "This is really nice. What do you do? I mean, I expected you to be well off but, this is some billionaire bachelor type of shit". You laugh and the sound stirs up butterflies in Luffy's stomach, making him smile too. Yeah, he could brush off your cute little attempts at flirting off but that didn't mean he wasn't interested. He was awestruck by you, you were so live and bubbly and beautiful. And that voice, you had to be a siren in another life, maybe even Calypso because that mesmerizing sound could bring, even, the strongest men to their knees. Good thing he liked a challenge.
"I'm the rubber man !" He said proudly as he bit into an apple.
The rub- what ?
"Come again?" you ask politely, you didn't want to risk offending him but you had no clue what he was referencing. That sounds like a phrase from an anime or something.
Luffy laughed and took another big bite, "that's what I called myself. I own a condom company, One Piece." Oh, so now it was clicking. What a cornball. "How clever" you snort, which brings out another enthusiastic grin from the man, "So I've been told."
The date progressed nicely. You intended to spend only 30 minutes to an hour , but the conversation flowed so well that you ended up spending the whole day at sea.
"This was so nice. The best date I've been on", your eyes were closed and your head was thrown back as you soaked in the sun with your legs rested in Luffy's lap. "Awesome, I'll make sure or next one is even better. I'm gonna be the King of Dates!" he smirked, as he massaged your feet between his rough, calloused hands (lmao @xogabbiexo).
"Oh ?" you questioned playfully, "Bold of you to assume that we're having another date, Captain". That was the first time your words seemed to affect him, a slight blush covered his cheeks and nose. Does someone like power play? Luffy recovered quickly, chuckling deeply and biting his lip. Oh to be that lip. "Oh you can count on it, sailor. I've already decided." he winked, running his and along your calf. You raised up on you elbows to look at him properly, he looked absolutely sinful with the breeze whipping his shirt back and the slight sheen that dusted his abs from the salty spray of the water. His hat was slightly tilted forward, covering one eye, making him look even hotter if that's possible. "What else have you decided, Captain ?"
"Right there ! Luff- ahh, right there !" you moaned, rolling your hips against his face as you pulled on his shaggy hair. "Here?" he whispered, hot breathe fanning over your clit and sending trickles of pleasure to your core.
Luffy's tongue circled your clit, flicking and pressing at the bud as he thrust two fingers inside your wet pussy. Slick coated his cheek and chin and he'd occasionally wipe his face and stuff his fingers in your mouth.
"Did you not hear me, Sailor? This is your captain speaking." he teased, pulling his fingers from your fluttering hole just moment before your climax. You whined, at the emptiness and it was met with a sharp smack on your pussy. " Ahh! Luffy, whyy-" you mewled, back arching in pleasure even though you wanted to pretend you didn't like it. "Because I felt like it" he shrugged indifferently, "Plus that's captain to you, sailor. One more slip up and I'll send you below deck. And, I've been told it's kind of hard to breathe down there". Holy mother of balls.
"Sir, yes sir" you whined, "please touch me, sir. It felt so good." His thick digits slid back into your drenched cunt, curling up against your sweet spot. "You like that, Sailor ?" he murmured, lapping at the slick dripping down your thigh. "Mmph~ yes sir. So good, gonna cum. Fuck~ ahh! Can I come, sir ?" you whined. Luffy grunted in approval and sucked your clit into his mouth. His fat tongue worked you over wonderfully, swirling around your sensitive bud and then lapping at the slick folds. You loved it when his tongue would join your fingers, slipping inside your core.
"Cum for me, sailor. That's an order."
His name. All you could say was his name as the shockwaves of pleasure traveled through you. Luffy egged you on, moaning at the way your cunt pulse against your tongue. He was drunk off your sweet nectar and couldn't wait for his next meal.
After all, he loves to eat.
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This was for you bb @kaizokuluv, I hope you enjoyed 🥺
Check out at @xogabbiexo for her parts. I believe she's doing Gojo first 🌚
Nasty Girls| @plussizeficchick, @gabzlovesu, @dejwrites, @xogabbiexo, @xosuki, @presidentmonica, @indiecursor, @angwritez, @arielspoem, @thicksimpx
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carmenxjulia · 3 years
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Another Duane interview transcript, coming at you! This one was from a smaller Carmen Sandiego chatroom. There were several interviewers, so that’s why the name of the question asker changes. Get the details below the break! Stay tuned, more interview transcripts coming soon.
Duane Capizzi:
Sorry I'm late, I got lost on the way haha. Then got lost trying to change my PFP
Thanks for gathering! Shall we get started? Let's do some Q&A!
(as long as they are not geography questions haha)
What characters or plot points were cut from the final product?
Duane Capizzi:
Ooo, starting with a right hook to the jaw!
Let me think about that for a moment: I'm hesitant to give too much away because I'm really hoping we can tell more stories in this world at some point
Which is to say, we tend not to waste anything: if we don't use it when we originally planned, we usually find a way to use something later - and there's usually a "karmic" reason that we waited.
I'll also preface by saying this: I know season 3 was more of a mini-drop and some felt season 4 was rushed. But I wish EVERY season were longer. Season 1: ideally, i wanted the Pilot to be its own event and 10 more episodes after that (but we had to tell the post-Pilot story in 7. At the end of the day, that had its benefits: we got to the Shadowsan turn earlier and I think that's when a lot of viewers realized the ride they were truly in for). Season 2: we initially figured we'd need 5 episodes to have Carmen doing the ACME dance with Chief, and wound up doing it in 3 - mostly because it quickly became clear that Rio needed to be a 2 parter, and the Zack and Ivy backstory a rough 2 parter. So we squeezed 3 episodes worth of plot into 209. It was exhilarating!
So, we had hoped to have more episodes for Season 4 of course. We had a ton of ideas and had to compress things a bit. But honestly in many ways it was for the better. I know we all wanted to live in this world longer, but I think sometimes the flip side is true - when you have big ongoing storylines, it can get frustrating when some things drag out too long. But, we got all the "story" we wanted to tell in Season 4 - we just lost some "incident" if that makes sense. We would have taken longer to get there.
So, all that preface to answer the question: we wanted to do more musical numbers! We had a Bollywood dance sequence in a return to India caper with Paperstar. We wanted to do a famous Elvis suit theft in Las Vegas during an Elvis impersonator convention (Shadowsan's an early elvis guy; Brunt likes the Vegas "jumpsuit" era). We also wanted to do a thread where Gunnar gets captured by ACME so that Julia could interrogate him and he could play mind games with her a la Hannibal Lector and Clarice. CAVEAT TO ALL THIS: these were some ideas that were bouncing around, that may not have seen the light of day if we couldn't get them to work. But they were on our wish list.
re: "other stories" - I could live with these characters for another 32 episodes easily and there have of course been discussions. But alas, that is up to the powers that be. Let's keep fingers crossed - and keep the Carmen love alive online so that someone up there takes note
There is more of course, but those are some things that spring to mind.
Were there any scenes cut for time that were your favorite?
Duane Capizzi:
Not much springs to mind: our directors were amazing at getting everything in the scripts to fit naturally (and in fact, I was the one who was usually suggesting trims to let other things breathe, etc). We were limited to 22 minutes of episode time, NOT counting front and end credits so a little longer than the average show. We have a pretty good idea when the SCRIPT is too long, so the cutting usually happens at script stage before it gets to the board crew so that they don't waste efforts over-boarding material that won't be used.
We had hoped to build out Chase and Carmen teaming up for the first time, meeting at Carmen's hotel lobby etc for more scenes of them together; but had to reduce that to get that all to fit in the VERY packed episode 406. But again, tighter was fine considering. That's one area that leaps to mind. (note that when I say packed, I don't mean that in a bad way: we spend a lot of time pouring over details in editing to make sure everything gets its due).
If I think of anything, I'll circle back at a later point. But the simple answer is that scenes were usually trimmed or compressed at script rather than board or animatic. So nothing comes to mind. I know it's hard to believe, but "shorter is usually better."
except for my answers to fan questions of course
We saw that in s4 episode 6 that Julia's mother(?) is wearing a necklace remarkably similar to the one Julia wears all the time. Is this the same necklace and if so, why was it given to Julia?
Duane Capizzi:
Just when I thought I was detail oriented! Wow! You guys blow me away
I can't take credit for that: it was either the board artist or director who added that. They do slip things in! As I've said before, EVERYONE on the crew really brought their A-game and were as deep thinking and as passionate as I was/am about the show.
It's a nice detail and I would say your interpretation works!
It took me three or four reviews before noticing that the team had slipped in baby Carmen near the play set in Mom's front yard at the end of 408. When I caught it, I was like: bravo!
When they first met, Zack and Ivy said to Carmen that they were the only family they had, do you know what happened to the rest of Zack and Ivy's family?
Duane Capizzi:
I don't. At least, I don't yet until such a time that I might have the opportunity to explore that. It was important to their relationship with Carmen that they be orphans, so they had that common bond (aside from being "thieves who steal from bad guys" - even if it was only gonna be one time for Zack and Ivy).
I know there are writers out there who like to do entire bio's for characters up front but i'm not one of them. It could be a trap in many ways. I like to have a general idea but be open to the demands of the ongoing storyline. You discover things along the way - it's like you're taking a journey with the characters by writing them, and the longer you spend, the better you get to know them (that was not a prepared statement by the way - I just made that up but I'll have to use it again :). So in Z/I's case it wasn't important to the story or Carmen's relationship, we felt. Conversely, we STARTED with Shadowsan's family backstory with 203, but more important to me was that we use it as a platform to explain why he stays with Carmen and crew. He really has no home at that point, so it was relevant to the present ongoing story. Which is what made that especially powerful to me.
Also, there's always a push-pull between telling character back stories while balancing them with ongoing episodic plots. You have to service both. If you just tell back story, then you're writing a biography
What was the biggest challenge when designing these characters, especially the pre-existing characters from the series in the 90's?
Duane Capizzi:
This is probably more of a question for Chromosphere, re: challenges. But from my standpoint overseeing that process, the first thing I'll say is that we weren't necessarily trying to be "true" to those characters since we reinvented nearly every one from the ground up. (with the exception of Carmen of course - her trademark red hat/coat weren't going anywhere! But mostly the update with Carmen was in the styling of her "outerwear"
ALTHOUGH: I will admit that I was pushing for Carmen to have shorter hair as Carmen. I thought it would be a cool update. Chromosphere were really passionate about giving her long full hair and I have to see that they were right. The short tomboy cut worked so well for Black Sheep anyway. We had a different hair style for each of her ages.
So about the reinventions: Gunnar is in spirit a similar character to the original (old colleague in Vile and an early mentor if I remember), but his presentation completely different. We weren't trying to be "in canon" with the original. The beauty of CSD is that every incarnation has been its own entity so that freed us to reimagine the characters. THE CLEANERS, for instance: gimme some Cleaner love! There were a pair of janitors from the original game named RICK AND NICK ICK. They were literally janitors, it was too silly for our purposes. But, it's one small step to make them "Cleaners" (in the sinister hit men sense) - and lo, our reinvention.
So to summarize the answer to your question, they weren't really challenges to me so much as FUN to creatively reinvent the original characters (many of which were from the game, so not really "characters" per se with dialogue and inner lives). Whenever we could, we tried to use character names from the originals and update their looks and personalities. Where we couldn't find an equivalent for what we needed, we created characters from whole cloth. For instance, it seemed a miss to do a heist show without a tunnel guy and a high rise climber guy. Hence, LC & ET, everyone's favorite taco truck vendors!
(yes, i've seen some short hair carmen fan art on Twitter - someone did a great one recently!)
Are there plans to give us more of the characters in, say, novel/graphic novel form?
Duane Capizzi:
I know HMH has done a bunch and no doubt have more in works. There's currently a novelization of the Pilot with some additional material if anyone's interested. I consulted on the second one, Clue for Clue, because it falls in the timeline while Chase was still Interpol/pre-Acme so was tricky.
And depending on whether another series in this canon makes it to air, I may just approach them about writing one or two myself to get some "further adventures" our there. Anything is possible!
If you could go back and change anything about the series, what would it be?
Duane Capizzi:
File under anecdote, but there was what I felt was an important expression on Gray that kept me awake at nights, from his graduation ceremony at Vile. When we revisited those flashbacks in the Gray arc in Season 4, I had them change his expression there (to be more evil less innocent). We had it corrected in 404 so was able to get permission to have Netflix "fix" the Pilot by adding that shot in. I am tenacious!
We really poured over everything, it's the series that I have virtually zero complaints with the end product to be honest. But the simple answer is: I would have gone back to 106 and "un-greek'd" Gray's nametag. It's sort of a rule for international that we scramble signage (which is weird for a show that takes place in many countries/languages, I know I know). It's mostly for localization/translation reasons. And I'm sure there are some countries where Gray's name might be spoken differently. But as a proper name, I think we could have made an exception and seen "Gray" on his name tag. See? Details! But that's about the worst of it
there's also like one small line from Chief in 208 where she indicates she knows Carmen is a good guy (something to that effect) which I felt was too absolute and would have tweaked the line to temper it a bit. It's tiny, but looking back it sort of bugs me and I kick myself for not catching it. But this is absolutely the series I wanted and couldn't be happier.
How did Carmen know she could trust Julia? As far as we know, she has not seen or heard Julia defending her, and in the Fashionista Caper, Julia even held up her gas gun to her, saying she was under arrest. Do you have any opinions on this? Was it just intuition?
Duane Capizzi:
I'm gonna go with intuition
Carmen was raised on an island with some hardened criminal types. I think she's a pretty good judge of character. Poor Julia, trying to be tough with Carmen didn't suit her.
But, great observation! I'd have to mentally step through everything to see if Carmen had any earlier indication but i think you're right there.
Yes, sometimes you just gotta follow your heart
Are there any characters that didn't actually interact that you think would get along well?
Duane Capizzi:
Amazing question! First, I'd have to think more about who DIDN'T meet - you're asking the hard questions haha. But "get along well" is very specific! Hmmm, care to volley anyone?
I'll also add that so many smaller moments get lost in the "binge" of it all, but I am surprised how few fans have noted the first meeting between Player and Julia. THAT was a good one IMO! Very sweet!
Before getting back to your question, I also want to add that we were originally going to find a way for Carmen to lose her earring in Stockholm so that Julia could pick it up and be communicating with Player. BUT, I cut it at treatment stage because I knew we didn't have room in that episode to service it. Circling back to questions 1 & 2, another case where it turned out better saved for later IMO (saving Player meeting Julia, not to mention the earring business in 402 with Ivy).
Oh of course, Julia and any of the other Vile members. It would have been Gunnar for my vote, as mentioned earlier. We probably would not have had Julia meet anyone else and mixed it up more. I like that Cleo sort of became J's personal nemesis.
YES, SONIA & XIFENG (and LUPE PELIGRO, if I can add). The intent was (and is, if we ever get to revisit) to see them again in Carmen's travels. We started to expand Carmen's world but when we finally learned the finite number of episodes we had to finish the story, we drilled back down into the essentials. Would love to see them some day!
I'm hesitant to share too many things I have in mind in this forum for hope that they will see the light of day one day. You know, "spoilers"
Do you have any opinions on Zari? Just in general? Some thoughts on her backstory would be nice if possible
Duane Capizzi:
I love Zari! I really don't have any back story on her at this point. She was originally just "Agent B" but when the need arose to give story points to another agent, we chose her because she looked so awesome! And Sharon Muthu gave voice to her so wonderfully.
I love when we finally teamed her with Chase. Hopefully the anticipation was that she would give him a hard time. I love that we defied expectation (organically, of course) and had her respect him by the end of that episode (for believing that he foiled Carmen!)
Do you have any thoughts on small facts about any character, major or minor, that you think are fun/interesting to think about, but don't necessarily add to the plot itself?
Duane Capizzi:
Bellum, like myself, likes cats. But you knew that!
I try to put everything pertinent on screen, doing double duty to service any given episode's story but also the overarching story. That "journey" thing I mentioned earlier - we had no idea Chase falling on his own car would be a thing when I first came up with it. But as other characters refer to the incident, it took on a life of its own and made the characters feel more real.
Sorta kinda related to this question and some earlier ones, I will say that I DO think there's more to learn about Shadowsan's past vis a vis Lady Dokuso: it's clear to me that they have a history together, and it's something I hope to explore someday soon (maybe in a book if not another series
Are the Carmen Sandiego books a part of canon?
Duane Capizzi:
I only consulted on the first two or three (too busy with series!) and have not read them, so hard for me to answer in a definite way. They are definitely in the universe we've created, but not in the timeline that I know of (which would have been too hard to pull off with our script development running concurrently). But do know that the book team at HMH pays close attention to the series and world so they should be perfectly compatible. Look no further to their clever social media on the series for example.
We saw in season 4 that Julia and Carmen helped each other mid to long term; would there ever be a possibility that Julia would permanently or semi-permanently join team Red?
Duane Capizzi:
Of course there's a possibility. But in a sense, with ACME now finally on Carmen's side, in a sense if Carmen were back in the game Julia, Chase, Zack and Ivy would ALL be an extension of Carmen's crew. But, would J remain with ACME or literally come to Carmen's team at her HQ? As they said in an old radio show: "Only The Duane Capizzi knows ..."
Where do you see Carmen in her retirement (if she retires)? Do you think she would still travel the world or settle down somewhere? Similarly, do you have any thoughts on what some other characters could be doing years down the line?
Duane Capizzi:
That is a big question, and one difficult to answer without some potential future spoilers (and yes, I really want to tell more Carmen stories if you can't tell But I'll answer by giving you one "read" on our open-ended ending as seen in 408 (read no further if you haven't seen it - yeah, right haha). The ending suggests to me that Carmen settled down for a spell to forge that relationship with her mother, to make up for lost time. But, if that is indeed Carmen that we see on the rooftop, I think the ending suggests that Carmen doesn't stay still for very long. If Vile is back, there is work to be done! Carmen has a life mission - she's one determined lady.
But of course, it's deliberately ambiguous: "anyone with your heart, wisdom and courage can be Carmen Sandiego." Is it Carmen? Sonia? Someone we haven't met? I think both endings resonate: Caroline and I always said "Carmen is bigger than a person, Carmen is a movement" would be a great message to end the series on. And I think our ending resolves this chapter of Carmen's journey as a person, but also elevates her to mythic status. Which is why I love it!
And, that seems to me a pretty perfect question and answer to end our chat on. Thanks everyone! Again, I cannot tell you how moved I am to see that we have such a passionate, intelligent and talented fan base. THANK YOU.
Take care guys, thanks again for having me! 'night!
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marvels-writings · 4 years
Quarantine Madness
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Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) Masterlist
Requested by Anon: Hiii! Because of the current situation literally everywhere, I got this idea of carol x female reader who are both head over heels for eachother but neither admitted it, and they get stuck quarantining together in a ONE bed room penthouse in new york (cuz u know the one bed trope). They fall even more in love there getting to know each other more while feeling tortured by how much they blush and get flustered by literally the tiniest things the other does. Thank u and sorry for my english haha
Word Count: 3,508 (long and worth it)
A/N: Instead of making this into a mini series I just wrote a ginormous oneshot, hope you like it!
“Perfect timing,” you grumbled, Carol flopped down next to you on the couch.
“What?” She asked, offering you a bag of candy she took from the counter. 
“Thanks to COVID 19,” You showed her the phone. “We’re in lockdown for at least a month.” 
Carol read the news and groaned, leaning back onto the couch. You raised an eyebrow at the blonde.
“I can’t be that bad.” You joked, Carol shot up instantly to correct the statement. 
“You’re not, I’d rather not be stuck in one place for a month,” She groaned, you shrugged. 
“We still haven’t explored.” You commented, gesturing to the rest of the enormous penthouse. 
Getting sent on a mission with Carol was already stressful enough as it is. You were already under constant pressure to try to impress her, on top of it, you were with her for a month. Without anyone else to talk to. You doubted the situation could get worse. 
“Good point,” She got off the couch. Dropping the bag of candy on the coffee table and started walking around the huge penthouse.
Most of the furniture was white or a light grey. Everything was modern and comfy. You expected most penthouses to be steel and white, you expected them to be cold. But this felt homey, there were succulents everywhere, paintings, blankets. It felt a little like home.
You walked into the bedroom, Carol followed you in, whistling at the furnishings. It was a simple king size bed, there was a side table on both sides with a succulent and a lamp. A ginormous bathroom was on the right end of the room, the ensuite bathroom on the left.
“I’ll take the other one, you can have the master,” Carol stated, you raised an eyebrow.
“Nope, you take the master bedroom,” You argued, Carol raised an eyebrow and grinned. 
“Race you there,” She winked and raced out. 
You opened your mouth in surprise but followed her out to the large living room. The blonde looked around and spotted a door near the kitchen and ran to it. It was a closet, you frowned and opened the door next to you, it was another bathroom. 
“Guess we’re sharing the master then,” Carol remarked. Closing the closet door after both of you had finished checking every door.
The situation just got worse, a lot worse. 
“Yeah, I’m gonna go change.” You gestured to the bedroom with your thumb. 
She nodded and went to explore the kitchen. After you took your duffel bags from the living room and moved them into the kitchen.  You picked out a casual outfit consisting of a white Calvin Klien sweatshirt and black jeggings. 
Even the bathroom was lavishly furnished, Tony had gone all out on this penthouse for both of you. You went into the shower, turning up the heat to a warmer shower. You washed your hair and towel dried most of it before you realized you didn’t know where the blow drier was. 
You sighed and wrapped a towel around yourself since you didn’t want your sweatshirt to get wet. You opened the door and gasped when you saw Carol lounging on the bed and reading her book. She turned to look at you in surprise. 
“Oh, uh, shit,” She stuttered, trying not to stare. She turned around quickly, closing her eyes shut. Carol couldn’t get you out of her head. You looked surprised but gorgeous in just a towel dress with your wet hair trailing down onto your shoulders.
“Sorry, do you know where the blow drier is?” You asked, she nodded. 
“It’s in here,” She pulled out the blow drier from the wardrobe and hesitated to turn around.
“Carol, I’m not naked,” You chuckled, a blush creeping onto your face. 
She turned around and handed you the blow drier, trying not to let her eyes linger on you. You thanked her and twirled around to go inside.
“This is going to be harder than I thought,” Carol muttered to herself. 
“Did you say something?” You shouted from inside the bathroom.
“Nope,” The blonde shouted back. Living a month with her crush by herself was going to be harder than she had thought. 
After both of you had showered, you lounged on the couches and watched TV before you realized you were hungry. 
“We need to make something to eat, I’m starving.” You complained, reaching for the remote and pausing the TV show.
“Do you have anything in mind?” Carol asked, seated on the couch as you got up and checked the fridge.
“Well, the fridge is stocked,” You moved some things around in the fridge. “We could try making pasta.”
Carol got up and helped you get the ingredients out. You started boiling the pasta when you noticed it was too quiet. After telling Carol you were going to go look for something, you searched the apartment for a speaker. You found a light grey Bose speaker in the living room and connected it to your phone.
“Any requests?” You asked, showing her the speaker as you came into the kitchen.
“I’ve been trying to catch up on pop music, so we could do that,” She suggested.
“Okay…” You trailed off as you flipped through the playlists on your phone. “Lana del Rey, Dua Lipa, or Billie Eilish?” 
“I don’t know who any of them are,” Carol stated, your eyes widened.
“Well, Lana Del Rey is a classic, let’s start with that then.” you clicked on the playlist with all three artists and many other pop icons. 
Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey started playing in the room, you grinned. But you noticed Carol raise an eyebrow at your music choice. 
“This doesn’t count as music.” She gestured to the speaker with her cutting knife. 
You stuck your tongue out at her jokingly and played a remix of the song. The Cedric Gervias remix started playing and Carol’s mood improved instantly.
“Better your highness?” You mocked, Carol glared at you playfully and finished chopping.
You started mixing the veggies with some olive oil and spices in a cast iron pan. Carol sat on the barstool opposite the kitchen, watching you dance and hum softly to the music. You were oblivious to her staring, too absorbed in the music and the food.
Carol continued staring when she saw you weren’t paying attention to her. She noticed the subtle way you danced while cooking, your voice as you sang along to the beat. Your foot tapping to the beat of the music. She was swooning. 
“Wanna help?” You asked, gesturing to the cast iron in front of you. 
The blonde snapped out of her daze and nodded, making her way next to you. You handed her the wooden spatula, oblivious to the way her breath hitched when your fingers brushed hers. She held it awkwardly in her hands, making you laugh.
“You have no idea what to do, do you?” You asked, she shrugged and tried mixing it. A few veggies fell off the edge of the pan, causing you to giggle.
“No need to mock me,” Carol argued, stopping the stirring when more things fell from the pan.
You laughed and moved to stand next to her. You placed your left hand on top of her right hand, noticing the way she tensed at the contact.
“Is this okay?” You asked, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.
“Ye-Yeah,” She stuttered, nodding as a small piece of short hair fell into her eyes. She blew it out of her face with a puff of air. 
You laughed and guided her hands to mix the pasta without dropping anything. Carol was blushing at the contact, but she faced the pain and tried not to show it. You stole a glance at her while cooking, gauging her reaction while staring at her features. 
“This is good, right?” Carol asked once she got the hang of it. You turned to look back at the pasta and nodded. 
She noticed your flustered expression when she caught you staring. The blonde decided not to overestimate it and continued stirring the veggies. Once you’d drained the pasta, Carol tumbled it in with the rest of the veggies. You helped her stir it again before putting it into the oven to let it bake. 
“This is Dua Lipa?” Carol asked when ‘Break my Heart’ started playing after a few other Lana Del Rey songs. 
You nodded and grinned, showing her your playlist. She scrolled through it and quickly realized she didn’t know any of the songs. 
“What do you think?” You asked curiously. The blonde shrugged and tried to pretend that she knew what she was talking about. 
“I think this is better than Billie Eilish,” She stated, trying to be confident. You raised an eyebrow.
“You can’t compare them, they are different styles.” You argued Carol’s eyes widened slightly but she tried to play it cool.
“Aren’t they the same?” She asked, you giggled and took back your phone, playing the first Billie Eilish song you came across in your playlist.
‘Bad guy’ started playing from the bose. Carol felt like facepalming at her embarrassment. 
“Man, you do have a lot to catch up on.” You commented and laughed. 
Carol opened her mouth to say something snarky, but your laugh entranced her more than she had expected. She found herself staring at you. Before you could ask what she was staring at, the beep of the oven cut you off.
You turned around and put on an oven mitt before pulling the pan out. Grinning at the pasta before setting it down on the countertop, and taking the mittens off. Carol looked surprised at how well the pasta had turned out. 
“Don’t look that surprised.” You commented, she shrugged and grinned at you before pulling out some plates and a few glasses of wine.
“Damn, Tony went all out on this penthouse,” Carol pulled out a bottle of Pinot Noir from the wine cupboard. Your eyes widened slightly and you whistled before serving both of you a plate of pasta as Carol brought the wine to the table. 
Dinner went as it normally was between both of you, there was plenty of bantering and joking throughout the meal. Carol drank a few glasses of wine and urged you to drink more since the wine tasted better than most things she had drank. 
After 2 glasses, you were opening up to her about your past and a few of your previous relationships. Carol listened, fascinated by a lot of your stories. She found herself staring at the way you spoke, animating everything, and talking casually. The blonde constantly found herself entranced by the way you looked at her like she was the most important thing in the world to you.
But after your third glass of wine, you started to get a little drunk and Carol noticed. She guided you to the couch and took the bottle away. You flopped down on the couch, your feet resting on the armrest. Carol sat on the opposite couch and started talking, but you managed to pull her closer to you and rested your head on her lap.
Carol bit her lip at the closeness, barely resisting the urge to play with your hair in her lap. She smiled down at you as you talked about something Tony did that almost set fire to the entire compound.
“What are you looking at?” You slurred when you noticed her staring at you. 
“Nothing,” Carol smiled, gently running her fingers through your hair. You leaned into her touch, eyes fluttering shut before you opened them to look up at her. 
“You know, you’re really pretty.” You muttered, Carol blushed and grinned at your sudden confession.
“I think you got a little too much wine,” She chuckled and tried to help you off of her lap. “Let’s get you to bed.”
“Okay,” You slurred, letting Carol pick you up bridal style and carry you into the bedroom. 
She didn’t bother helping you change since you’d swore that they were ‘the comfiest thing’ even after Carol urged you to wear sweatpants. After getting you settled on the pillows, she covered you with the duvet and smiled down at you.
“Goodnight y/n/n,” She whispered, in a surge of confidence, she leaned down and kissed the top of your forehead softly. She smiled at you and started to walk away to sleep on the couch when you grabbed her hand. 
“Stay?” You asked, looking at her through half-lidded eyes. She winced, unsure of what to do.
“I really should sleep on the couch,” She argued softly, you shook your head vigorously. 
“No, please,” You hiccuped and yawned lightly. “Stay?” 
“Okay, I’ll stay,” Carol finally gave into your soft voice. 
You grinned at her sleepily and moved over to make room for her. The instant she was under the duvet, you snuggled into her. You laid your head on her shoulder and wrapped both arms around her waist tightly, tucking your head into the crook of her neck. Carol’s face lit up in a bright blush, her heart pounding loudly in her chest. 
Carol could have told you to move over, to not be as cuddly, but she didn’t want to, even though she had told you she hated physical affection. The blonde couldn’t help but wrap an arm around your waist and melt into your embrace. The tension left her shoulders as she felt your breathing even out, your breath coming in soft puffs on her neck. 
She smiled at you and ran her hands through your hair a few times until she fell asleep. Happy to fall asleep in the arms of her secret crush.
You groaned the second you woke up, you had a massive headache and you felt slightly nauseous. You propped yourself up on your elbows and looked around. The area next to you was messy, showing someone had been there before. Before you could think about it, Carol opened the door with a tray of food in her hands. 
“You’re awake,” She remarked, balancing the tray as she walked inside. You nodded and scooted over to give her some space. 
“What do I owe this pleasure?” You asked sarcastically, rubbing your eyes as you looked at the plate.
There was a plate of pancakes with maple syrup and some butter, with two cups of coffee on the side and some cutlery. You took a sip of coffee after thanking her and groaned at the bitter taste. You put it aside and cut into a pancake with your fork, putting it in your mouth and moaning at the taste.
“Oh my god I love you,” You muttered through a mouthful of pancakes. Carol’s eyes widened as she blushed at the comment, opening and closing her mouth like a fish.
But before she could say anything else, you offered her a bite on your fork. She looked at it in confusion before you nudged it lightly towards her. She understood the gesture and opened her mouth, letting you feed her. After eating in silence, you sipped your coffee and downed some aspirin.
“How much wine did you let me drink?” You asked, throat stinging from the hot coffee.
“A few more glasses than I should have,” Carol answered, you glared as she laughed. 
The blonde sipped her coffee as she thought about what you said. Did you love her or did you just say that because of the pancakes? She wasn’t sure. 
Two weeks went by. Neither of you got drunk again after your hangover. But you were going crazy, it was killing you to spend so much time with Carol. Every time she did something for you, whether it was putting on your favorite show since you were angry. Or ordering something you liked, it made you swoon over her.
Music was a constant at this point, you’d claimed the Bose soundlink as yours and used it constantly to introduce new music to Carol. You danced to it most of the time as Carol stared at you and listened to the music. Her personal favorite had become Summertime Sadness. The remix since you’d nicknamed it ‘Quarantine Madness’.
But the closeness was killing you, both of you fell asleep on opposite ends of the bed. But when you woke up, you were always in Carol’s arms somehow. You meant to get out before she could wake up, but being so close to her. Feeling her behind you was more comforting than you could imagine. So you stayed, Carol awoke and lay there for a few seconds, treasuring the feeling of having you in her arms before getting up.
Neither of you spoke about it. You never spoke about how you wore Carol’s clothes more than yours because they smelled like her. She didn’t speak about how you caught her staring at her many times or how she played with your hair whenever she got the change. 
The closeness was killing both of you. 
Tonight, Carol had been planning to change that, she put on a plain, black t-shirt and your peacock blue flannel and navy blue jeans. She planned to tell you how she felt about you.
“So, what’s the plan for tonight?” Carol asked, sitting next to you on the couch as you browse your phone for DIY ideas.
“Not sure, we’ve done most of the things on this website.” You muttered, scrolling through different recipes. 
Carol bit her lip, considering when she should tell you. She called your name to get your attention, you gave her a nonchalant hum and resumed scrolling. Carol opened her mouth to speak, but you cut her off by shoving your phone in her face, showing her a plan for a blanket fort.
“Blanket forts? What are you, five?” The blonde asked after she got over her initial shock. 
“Come on, it’s a clear night and we have string lights,” You argued, you saw her features flicker as she started to cave. 
“Y/n…” She trailed off. 
You grinned at her, knowing her resolve had dwindled completely. You pulled her up by her wrist and dragged her to the bedroom to gather everything for the blanket fort. Pillows, blankets, some string to tie up the blanket, string lights and a speaker for music was all you needed.
Carol helped you set it up on the roof of the penthouse, thinking of a confession the entire time. You noticed how absorbed in thought she was but decided not to question it. 
Eventually, you finished setting up the blanket fort at the edge of the roof so you could still look down on the city below. You sat down at the edge of the fort, looking down at the city below, your legs crossed under you as soft music played from the speaker.
Your eyes glinted softly in the moonlight, your features seeming softer in the dim lighting. Carol stared at you a bit before leaving to get drinks from the kitchen.
Carol got you a few beers and sat down next to you. You leaned your head on her shoulder and sipped the beer thoughtfully. The blonde took in a deep breath and decided this was the right time to tell you.
“Y/n, can I tell you something?” She asked, her heart starting to beat faster as her palms became sweaty.
“‘Course, you can tell me anything Stargirl,” You answered, Carol, smiled softly at the nickname you’d grown used to. 
“I think,” She stuttered, taking in a deep breath and watching the cars whizz by below. 
“Promise we can still be friends if this doesn’t end well?” She asked, you almost groaned.
“Pinky promise.” You lifted your pinky. She laughed and linked her pinky with yours, resting both your hands in her lap.
You played with her fingers as you waited for her to tell you. Carol took in a final deep breath and chugged the rest of her beer. 
“Y/n, I think I’m in love with you,” Carol Whispered, your heart skipped a beat as you grinned.
You pulled away to look at her, in the darkness, she could see the grin on your face, but it confused her. She opened her mouth to justify herself, to ask you something, but you cut her off by pressing your lips to hers. 
Carol’s eyes widened slightly before she melted into your lips. Your hands slid into her short hair, gently pulling on the strands as she sighed into the kiss. Her hands moved to your hips, pulling you closer to her. You pulled away for breath, resting your forehead against hers as your breath fanned across her face.
Eyes fluttered open as you pulled away with a small smile.
“I’m in love with you too.” You whispered, eyes sparkling in the soft light. 
Carol smiled at you, her smile was so soft it made your heart melt. She leaned in again, swearing to herself she would never let you go. 
At least something good came out of this quarantine madness. 
Tag List: @capcarolsdanver​, @versdan​, @lesbian-girls-wayhaught​, @lovebotlarson​, @dhengkt​, @5aftermidnight​, @hstoria​, @natasha-danvers​, @veryfunnyal​, @xxxtwilightaxelxxx​ , @ophelias-heart​  , @never-didbefore​ , @justarandomhumanhere​, @the-most-unicorn-of-them-all , @thatssocamryn​ , @lesbian-x-blackwidow​ , @marvelbbyx​ , @wlw-imaginesss​ , @hcartbyheart​​ , @summergeezburr​​ let me know if you’d like to be in any of my tag lists!
A/N: This was long, I wrote this in one day. Please tell me what you think
151 notes · View notes
treasuredays · 4 years
physical description of the kids
hyung line
seung & yong
identical twins🤩
they have hyunsuk’s eyes,, it’s a must
they also have his ears?? yk how they stick out a lil bit
5’6” (167cm)
i think seung would have a more of a soft boy style???
but like a rapper soft boy if that makes sense
it does not
i see him with brown, fluffy hair
and a lot of pastel/colourful clothing
5’7” (170cm)
dresses more like an eboy/dark rapper
but occasionally throws in a colourful peice
has black hair,, an undercut
probably has a lot of peircings as he gets older
has a birth mark on the side of his lip !!
5’6” (169cm)
has hyunsuk’s smile !!!!!! omg
apart from that though i’d say he looks more like his mum
skater boy
has shaggy hair?? brown coloured me thinks
and a scar down his arm
definitely enjoys wearing oversized clothes
4’11” (151cm)
literally like hyunsuk in girl form i stg!!!!!!!!!
but with better eyebrows sorry hyunsuk
and i think she’d have her mum’s nose🥰
and personality wise she’s similar to hyunsuk too,, so she’s there with the fashion
definitely a more outgoing fashion style,, with statement pieces and lots of patterns and colours
would have mid-length hair?? and a barely there fringe
dyes her hair a lot
5’3” (160cm)
has jihoon’s lips!!😚😚
+ eye smile!!
i think she has quite a boy-ish sense of style??
wears a lot of her dad’s clothes
but has long hair (boob-waist length)
and loves doing make up :)
5’10” (177cm)
has jihoon’s eyes!!!!! 100% his lil rounded eyes omg yes
i imagine him to be quite manly?? in his body structure and build; like jihoon but,,,, bigger
in his style though his more artsy/soft boy
has a birth mark on his neck !!
and i think just has standard short hair?? black
5’8” (175cm)
looks exactly like his mum omg
like you could pass him as not being jihoon’s (appearance wise, personality wise you can tell straight away)
i think he’d also dress like jihoon, like quite clean cut,, but also quite colourful !
he looks more like his dad as he gets older and starts developing more muscle though
has midlength hair,, that’s dark brown
5’11” (180cm)
i feel like he’d have lots of freckles all over his face
and yoshi’s smile!!!! his little baby, healing smile!!
so similar eye shape as well,, but apart from that he’s a 50/50 split of yoshi and you
i’d say he dresses very artistic/vintage, with lots of colours and pieces that not many people would pick out
but he always looks good
i think he’d have this long hair that goes into a slight mullet,, like skz hyunjin
the prettiest girl aLIVE omg
5’4” (162cm)
also has yoshinori’s eyes & smile,, but apart from that looks mostly like her mum
has long hair (waist length) which is brown and which is always in the cutest styles and things like that
wears a lot of her brother’s and dad’s clothing
but when she wears her own stuff it’s full of flowy dresses/skirts/trousers
5’6” (166.5cm)
junkyu’s lips !!
and when she smiles,, she has almost exactly the same eyes
i’d say she constantly dresses like she’s got somewhere to be
she does not care about formality lol
has shoulder length dark brown hair
5’4” (163cm)
i’d say apart from her eyes she looks like her mum
but still, you have to look at when she and junkyu are together to go ‘oh yeah’
and true to her name she’s very arty with the way she dresses
does not care about what she looks like,, if all the patterns aren’t matching,, if all the items don’t go together
has waist length dark brown hair,, i’d say she bleaches it blonde when she gets older though
5’1” (152cm)
is just the cutest
looks the most like junkyu out of the three,, they’re eyes are like exact mirror opposites
and they have the same mannerisms and everything
she also dresses in a lot of junkyu’s old clothes,, making her constantly look even smaller because of how big they are on her
i think she’d have shoulder-boob length light brown hair
and a scar across her shoulder
150cm (4’11”)
okay,, i’m just saying,,she is her dad in girl form
like she’s adorable and she has the big, pouty eyes and the puffy cheeks and her ears stick out just a lil bit
has long,, boob length hair that she often dyes different colours
i’d say she has a retro fashion sense,, like lisa from blackpink, she likes wearing colourful items and vintage items
5’0” (152cm)
i’d say she’s like her sister but you have to look closely at hanako to see the similarities between her and her dad
she’s like a 50/50 split of both parents
often wears dresses,, but they’re pretty dark as well
i’d say like hippy goth/pastel goth,, that kind of style, like a split of the two
has long (waist) length hair !! & a brown birth mark on the back of her hand
5’4” (163cm)
has big lips!! like jae’s🥺
but other than that,, looks like her mum
i’d say has a really clean sense of style,, looks like she could be going out for lunch with her friends or to a business meeting at any one time
has shoulder length brown hair & a fringe
likes wearing little cute accessories🥺
5’9” (176cm)
i’d say he looks quite a lot like jaehyuk!!! but his nose is his mum’s
has big pouty lips and almost exactly the same eyes though🥺
i think he’d dress quite classy/clean as well
but a bit more casual than bomi
has short brown hair,, like the actor jisoo
has a scar on his jawline
21 notes · View notes
raleighcarrera · 4 years
platinum | raleigh carrera x mc (cadence dorian)
an au where raleigh is still raleigh but cadence is an actress on a teen tv drama.
~5.4k words | M (18+)
raleigh tag list: @omgjasminesimone, @choicesarehard
cadence rolled her eyes from the makeup chair, prompting the artist that was working on applying her eyeshadow to let out an annoyed sigh. “sorry, katie,” she apologized, before cutting her gaze over to her co-star, sitting in the chair beside her.
“what’s the big deal?” cadence asked, still not seeing what made today so vastly different from any other day on set. “he’s just a guy.”
jaylen looked like she was about to have a stroke. “raleigh carrera is not just a guy. please don’t ever say that again.” 
cadence snuck a glance at katie, but the older woman only smirked silently as she waved a strip of false eyelashes in the air, waiting for the glue to try. “okay,” cadence started slowly, “i just meant -- that he’s probably like any other guest star we’ve had?”
jaylen scoffed. the set hairstylist finally walked up and started pulling the curlers out of her long, brown hair, running her fingers through it to loosen them. “he is so not. seriously, stop acting like you didn’t camp out all night for sunset skatepark tickets at one point in your life like everyone else.”
she definitely had, but -- “that was, like, a million years ago. i was thirteen. besides, he’s totally different now. i’ll be amazed if he even manages to show up on time today.”
cadence was due on set in an hour, which, if katie could get her eyelashes on in one try, was going to give her just enough time to grab something to eat before her first scene. at this point in filming the show, she was hardly nervous about anything, anymore, even having to film with one of the most famous people she’d probably ever meet -- so there wasn’t much she’d need to do to prepare, except maybe pop a mint before their big scene.
from beside her, jaylen was sulking. cadence watched her in the mirror as best as she could with katie curling her eyelashes. “his visit is totally wasted on you,” she whined, “i can’t believe the writers gave you the kiss.”
“it’s not like i asked for it. besides, rosa --” jaylen’s character “-- and trevor just got back together. it wouldn’t have made sense for it to be anyone else.”
she blinked rapidly as katie backed away, testing the weight of the false eyelashes. they were in the middle of filming the third season of the show, and while her eyes had definitely stopped watering, by now, that didn’t mean that it didn’t still feel a little bit weird, to have so much makeup on all the time.
just a few years ago, she was making smoothies for forty hours each week, barely pulling in enough money to afford her rent. now she was part of one of the most popular teen dramas in the world -- and about to get paid to make out with the guy that literally performed with justin timberlake at the super bowl.
so, life was surreal, sometimes. 
once her hair was set in the waves her character always wore, cadence left jaylen pouting in wardrobe and strolled to craft services, making a bee-line for the breakfast table. she was piling mini-muffins into a napkin when she saw him.
his hair was shorter than she’d expected it to be; when she thought of raleigh carrera she pictured the way he looked on the ‘famous’ album cover -- long hair, dark smile, lots of tattoos. the guy sitting in the chair in the corner of the room was undeniably the same person, but he looked...
hungover, that was the word she was looking for.
raleigh had sunglasses on. inside. he was cradling a cup of coffee in his hands.
cadence gathered up the corners of her napkin and made her way over to him. “hey,” she said, her voice perfectly level -- not, as shane always called it, monday-morning-chipper. “i’m cadence, i’ll be your scene partner today.”
raleigh stared at her -- or she assumed that was what he was doing. for all she knew, he was asleep. she arched her eyebrows at him, and a minute later, he tilted his head, letting his sunglasses slip down his nose. 
sheesh. he was hot. the look in his eyes caught her and pinned her in place. 
“cadence dorian, right?” she nodded, trying not to look too surprised. so -- he knew who she was? he didn’t seem like the type of guy that would be familiar with her work -- this teen drama and a number of big-studio romantic comedies. “my agent said we’re filming romance today. lots of kissing.”
cadence felt her lips spread into a grin. “yeah. i hope you brushed your teeth.”
raleigh let out a bark of laughter so loud that a few of the production assistants turned around to look at them. he was smirking when he said, “don’t tell me chadley fortnum’s got bad breath.”
she gaped at him. chadley had played her character’s boyfriend for the last two years, before the writers finally killed him off. he was an awful kisser. “do you seriously expect me to believe that you actually watch wicked midnight?”
now he was smirking in that way she’d expected. he looked a lot more like the guy from the ‘famous’ album cover. “maybe i catch an episode here and there.”
“this is hilarious. do you also watch gossip girl? riverdale? is your favorite movie fifty first dates?”
he reached up and pushed his sunglasses up into his hair. “i prefer how to lose a guy in ten days.” 
of course he was funny. why wouldn’t he be? it wasn’t like he wasn’t already drop-dead gorgeous and effortlessly cool. 
maybe jaylen was right. she’d only known him for three minutes, and already cadence could see he wasn’t just a guy.
“we should get going, or we’re going to be late. i’ll show you where the soundstage is.” 
raleigh nodded at her and they started walking to set together, him with his coffee and her with the four or so muffins in her hands that she was suddenly too shy to eat. “so,” she asked abruptly, for a distraction from thinking about how handsome he was, “why the sudden interest in acting?”
cadence glanced at him and watched him shrug his broad shoulders. “for the positive pr, mostly. i think my team’s just hoping to generate some headlines that aren’t about something i destroyed, for once.”
she laughed. “fair enough. i guess raleigh carrera guest stars in wicked midnight midseason finale is a lot better than raleigh carrera crashes motorcycle into wildlife sanctuary, kills family of endangered pandas.”
“okay, i would never do that,” he argued, “pandas are adorable. there’s nothing cool about anti-conservation.”
“but there is something cool about breaking into and wrecking a cruise ship?” so -- she read her fair share of gossip blogs. sue her.
“totally,” he confirmed. he drew her eye as he tipped his head back to drain what was left in his coffee cup. “would you believe me if i said it was a statement against capitalism?”
“i think i’d be more likely to believe you if you said you were drunk and bored.” they stepped onto set as the last scene was wrapping, and cadence hung back while production transformed the high school set into the one for rosa’s home; jaylen’s character was supposed to be throwing a house party -- that was where cadence and raleigh would meet.
her eyes scanned the room, but jaylen was no where to be found. “huh.” though her scenes weren’t filming until later today, cadence didn’t think she’d want to miss a minute of time with raleigh. 
she’d forgotten he was still standing beside her. “what?”
“i was just wondering where jaylen is,” cadence explained, “my co-star? she was pretty excited to meet you.”
raleigh turned towards her, then, smirking again. “finally. i gotta say, i was pretty disappointed you didn’t seem more star-struck. you know -- when girls treat me normally, it really hurts my feelings.”
she laughed, leaning over to playfully shove her shoulder into his. raleigh made a face at her as though she’d actually hurt him, reaching up to rub at his arm. “hey, easy! save it for the bedroom.” he looked back towards the set. “or... the fake kitchen counter.”
“cadence?” one of the production assistants jogged up to her before she could form a retort. “we’re ready for you.”
she found her mark in the fake kitchen and started making herself a drink. the extras milled around behind her, and as the director called for action, she wondered what the props team had put together to fill the bottles before her with -- on her birthday, they’d given her a full glass of vinegar disguised as water as a prank, and she’d spit it out all over ryan summers in the middle of a take.
raleigh walked into the scene and strolled right up to her. “hey.” he nodded coolly at the red cup in her hands. “what’s your poison?”
cadence surveyed him from behind the plastic rim as she took a sip. thank god it was just water with food dye in it. “i’m not picky when it comes to free alcohol.”
he pulled a red cup from the stack on the kitchen counter and made a drink for himself. “fair enough.” she watched him flick his wrist to swirl the liquid inside the cup around, mixing it together. “what’re we drinking to?”
cadence lifted her drink into the air, smiling sardonically at him. “to my dead boyfriend. his funeral was on tuesday.” she tilted her head back and chugged until the cup was empty, looking challengingly at raleigh once she finished. “cheerful, i know.”
she stared at him as his tongue poked into his cheek. he was a better actor than she’d expected him to be. “i’m sorry for your loss.”
cadence laughed humorlessly. “don’t be.” she sniffed, rubbing her nose with the hand not holding her cup. “any idiot who drives drunk deserves what they get.”
she chewed on her bottom lip, watching the extras leave the kitchen set. when she looked back at him, his gaze was intense -- it felt like he was staring into her soul.
“i’m jason,” he said, holding out his hand. cadence dropped her gaze to it and snorted, rolling her eyes. 
after a beat, she begrudgingly introduced herself. “lexi. you go to brentwood?”
he smirked at her, pushing the hand she refused to take smoothly through his hair. wardrobe had given raleigh a long-sleeved shirt, but she could still see his tattoos peeking out from under the cuffs. “nah, i’m a senior at p.s. 119. i just come to parties like this one to pass out favors to rich kids like you.”
her eyebrows lifted. with intent, she trailed her gaze up and down his body. “what’ve you got?”
raleigh dug in his pockets and pulled out a medicine bottle. he shook a pill into his hand -- the prop department had found something that looked almost fluorescent, under the artificially dim party lighting. “something that’ll help me cheer you up, i think.”
she shrugged, like it was all the same to her. “you can try.”
one of the cameras moved in for a close up. raleigh leaned in. “you’ll have to come and get it,” he said, right before he laid the pill on his own tongue.
cadence laughed, the sound low and throaty. her eyes dropped to his lips, and then she leaned in, pressing their mouths together. 
raleigh gathered her into his arms as the sweet taste of strawberry candy exploded on her tongue. he pushed the candy into her mouth and kissed her hard, his hands moving swiftly to her hips. cadence responded in kind, winding her arms around his neck and slipping her fingers into his hair, holding on tightly.
kissing him was... nothing like kissing chadley. it was nothing like kissing anyone, it was -- something she didn’t think she could have prepared for, even if she’d tried. already, she knew she’d never forget this kiss for as long as she lived. she was going to spend the rest of time comparing everyone she kissed to him, to this, to right now --
raleigh lifted her easily onto the prop kitchen counter, settling his hands on her thighs. cadence shivered as he stepped in close between her spread legs, the hushed noise of the set around them fading away. she wasn’t acting when he pushed his hips forward against hers and she let out a breathless moan of ecstasy, her grip on his hair tightening so she could pull him closer.
“cut! great work, guys. let’s reset and run it again.”
her mouth broke away from his in a daze. cadence dragged the back of her hand across her lips, breathing hard. raleigh barely looked rattled, but she was struggling to get herself together, staring at him with wide eyes.
he smirked at her. “that good, huh?”
cadence blinked. “what -- i --” she reached out and whacked his shoulder. “shut up.”
his thumbs were rubbing little circles on her bare thighs, where the hem of the denim cut-offs she’d been given ended. his laugh was fond and warm -- it didn’t feel like he was laughing at her, exactly. it felt nice, like they were in on the same joke. “it was pretty good for me, too.”
“just pretty good?”
“guys?” the assistant director was looking at them like they were insane, and cadence startled, remembering they’d been instructed to reset. right. now wasn’t the time to be flirting with raleigh carrera, even though he’d just given her an earth-shatteringly good kiss. she was supposed to be working.
she cleared her throat, scrambling to stand again. raleigh waited a beat before moving away, so there were a few heart-stopping seconds where the full length of her body brushed against his. cadence shot him a look from under her false eyelashes as he slinked away.
they ran the scene an agonizing nine more times. by the end of the morning, her lips felt swollen and raw, and her jaw was tingling from the stubble that dotted raleigh’s face. 
and that wasn’t even to mention her nerves, which were alight and on edge after a seemingly endless few hours spent kissing the hottest guy on the face of planet earth. 
raleigh wrapped an arm around her shoulders as production broke down the set around them. “so, can i buy you lunch? i feel like it’s the least i can do.”
“i bet you say that to all the girls,” cadence hummed, leaning against his side. from across the room, she noticed jaylen watching them with narrowed eyes, a frown set on her face. cadence looked away. “did they set you up with a trailer?”
“yeah, but i bet yours is nicer,” he grinned, “since you’re the star, and i’m the guy who brings property damage everywhere he goes.” he had a point. “want to show it to me?”
cadence wondered if he meant the words as the invitation she thought he did. her pulse was racing. still, she nodded. “definitely.”
raleigh wasn’t shy about looking around when she let him inside her trailer. he seemed particularly taken by her large jar of pink starbursts, which he immediately dug his hand into as she dropped down onto the couch. “woah, okay, diva. you make them sort out the other colors?”
“no,” she laughed, “i tweeted once that the pink ones are my favorite, so -- now they just send them to me.”
he grinned obnoxiously at her as he popped one in his mouth. “aren’t the pink ones everyone’s favorite? you’re not so special.”
“god, i hope you don’t talk to every girl you make out with like this,” she laughed, kicking her feet up onto the table in front of the couch. “no wonder everyone thinks you’re such a dick.”
raleigh laid a hand over his heart, looking wounded. “it’s not everyone. just the MARCs.”
“the marks?”
“M-A-R-Cs. mothers against raleigh carrera.” he said the words with a completely straight face. cadence looked at him skeptically.
“no way is that real.”
“wanna bet?” he pulled his phone from his pocket before dropping down onto the couch beside her. the long line of his body took up an inordinate amount of space in her trailer. “see for yourself.”
“huh. they even have a facebook page.” her eyes drifted from the phone screen back to his face, which was suddenly very close. “i guess you are every parent’s worst nightmare.”
raleigh laughed, staring at her for a long moment before moving away, putting some distance between them. “cadence, you flatter me. now -- what do you want for lunch? you need to carb up for this afternoon.”
she rolled over to the end of the couch, grabbing her stack of takeout menus off the side table and presenting them to him with amusement. “we have to film one scene.”
“yeah, but you’ll be in bed with me. that’s -- understandably, of course -- going to be a lot for you.”
cadence leaned over and kicked his ankle. “the show airs in primetime. we’re just going to be waking up together. it’s all in the subtext.”
“hmmm.” his eyes were on the menus, even as he said, “doesn’t mean we can’t bring it into the... foretext.”
she blinked at him. “i don’t think that’s a word.”
raleigh lifted his head. his eyes were serious and intense when they locked on hers, and again cadence found herself helplessly caught in his gaze. “you know what i mean.”
oh, god. was raleigh carrera hitting on her? 
“um.” her eyes dropped to his lips, which quirked up at the corners as soon as he noticed. yeah. he was definitely hitting on her. raleigh carrera. hitting on her. she wondered what jared from ninth grade, who’d told her she was too ugly to go to homecoming with, would say if he was here. 
presumably tired of waiting for her to try to make sentences, raleigh leaned in and kissed her. not because they were rolling, or because he thought they should run lines for later -- but because he wanted to. 
cadence gasped, leaning back against the arm of the couch. raleigh shifted to lean over her, the takeout menus that’d been in his lap falling to the floor as he moved on top of her and pressed in close. 
since they’d filmed wicked midnight’s pilot, there had been a lot of famous people who visited the set. but she’d never done this before with anyone, and she felt more than a little out of her depth as raleigh’s knees pushed her thighs open so he could grind down against her. 
she felt like she was floating. he was a truly exceptional kisser, and the way he looked at her made her feel more than a little dangerous. if she was being honest, cadence wasn’t entirely sure what he thought he saw when he stared at her like he kept doing, but she was hardly in a position to question it when he tore his mouth away from hers, breathing hard, and started kissing down her neck instead.
her head tilted to the opposite side encouragingly, and her fingers found his hair again. “i thought you had a girlfriend,” she panted, the detail stuck in her mind, for some reason. she’d definitely read about it. she had a ridiculous name. peach? pear? plum? 
“who, apricott?” that was it. “god, no. that’s just for press. and i can’t stand her.”
she did seem pretty terrible. “so why do you --”
raleigh lifted his head. cadence had trouble focusing on the expression on his face when one of his large hands was spanning what felt like the entirety of her side under her costume shirt, his thumb mindlessly stroking the skin beneath the waistband of her denim shorts. “look, i like you. so if you want to do this -- i’ll tell my publicist it’s over.” 
what the fuck was happening? “if i want to... do what?”
he shrugged. he had all the confidence of someone who was never turned down. “hang out. see where this goes.”
well, she wasn’t that stupid. “i -- yeah, of course i do. like -- you mean... date, right?”
for a half-second, it looked like he was going to argue with her use of the word ‘date,’ but then that unreadable look was back on his face. raleigh nodded decisively. “yeah. date.” 
“okay, i think you’re asking me out.” her voice was playful again and her racing heartbeat was starting to calm, her thoughts finally getting back on track. she could fake the same level of confidence he had, right? “in which case -- i totally accept, but... you’ll need to pull out all the stops.”
raleigh smirked at her, his grip on her side tightening before his hand relaxed. “oh, yeah? you want a limo full of pink starbursts? dinner on top of the empire state building? a helicopter ride to a walk on the beach? i’ve heard it all before.”
cadence laughed, running her fingers through his hair. the warm smile raleigh gave her made her heartbeat skip. “oh my god, are those your moves? yes, definitely. i want the full raleigh carrera experience.”
his eyebrows bounced up and down, and he wiggled his hips pointedly against hers. “you sure? it could be a long night.”
the laugh she gave him was breathless. cadence felt unbelievably giddy as she sunk her teeth into her bottom lip and watched raleigh’s eyes narrow in on it. “i’m kinda counting on that.”
they made out until their call time, rolling around on her couch like teenagers. cadence couldn’t remember another time she’d kissed anyone for literal hours before. the way raleigh looked at her, disheveled and wanting and flushed, when the pa finally knocked on her trailer door to call for them, made her want to play hooky and blow off returning to set -- just so they could keep doing this. 
her indecision must’ve shown on her face. raleigh pressed his thumb against her bottom lip and sighed heavily. “you are so, so, so beautiful. i can’t wait to introduce you to second base.”
she laughed. “i have been there before, you know.”
raleigh’s hands slid slowly down her body, full of intent. “not with me.”
the poor pa knocked on her door again. “um, ms. dorian? you’re really needed on set, now.”
cadence lifted her hand to push at his shoulder. “get up, you’re going to get me in trouble.”
his fingers trailed ever-so-lightly over her bare thigh. “what’s life without a little trouble? besides, they literally can’t start without us. they can wait a few minutes.”
her hands moved to his messy hair, trying her best to smooth it back down. “they’re going to have to. we’re going to need another round of hair and makeup. and zadie’s going to kill me when she finds that thread you ripped.”
raleigh shrugged unrepentantly. “it was loose.” the unimpressed look she leveled him with made him sigh again. “fine, goody-two-shoes. we’ll go to set. but you’re in for it, later.”
anticipation sang through her, quick and thrilling. “oh, yeah?”
he groaned and rolled to stand. “don’t start, or i’ll never let you go. come on.”
every eye in the studio followed them when they stepped into the bedroom scene. they separated to get changed, and cadence blushed all over when she traded her nondescript top and shorts for just a bra and panties, prompting zadie to hone her gaze in on the fresh hickey starting to bloom across her collarbone. “i love the commitment. very method.”
cadence stalked off back towards the bed; raleigh was already shirtless and under the sheets, scrolling through his phone. for a moment, she pretended like they were at home in her apartment, and let herself really look at him. he looked good -- great. incredible.
he whistled at her when he saw her. that didn’t help her blush. a few members of the lighting crew laughed, double checking the scene when she slipped into the bed beside him.
katie from makeup came over with powder. she didn’t say anything about cadence’s hickey, even when raleigh very obviously leaned in, pressed his thumb against it and laughed, “oh, shit. sorry about that.”
it would have been a perfect time for the ground to open up and swallow her whole, but they started rolling, instead.
cadence had her back to raleigh, his arm slung low across her waist. lexi was supposed to wake up first, so she did, holding up a hand against the artificial bright light of the fake sun-filled window in her face. she groaned, pressing against her forehead, and then noticed the arm around her and slowly turned towards raleigh. 
her eyes went wide. “jason?”
she had to bite the inside of her cheek to stifle the smile that threatened as raleigh woke up so adorably. he made a soft, sleepy sound of confusion from beside her, cracking one eye open. “lexi. i thought i dreamt that.”
her expression was gentle for a split second before it hardened. she shook her head. “it was just a one-time thing,” she insisted brusquely, pulling away. “i was drunk.”
“you weren’t that drunk.” 
cadence was pointedly not looking at him. “we were high.”
raleigh laughed. “that, i’ll give you.” as she moved to get up out of the bed, his arm swung out and grabbed her, holding her still. “hey.”
she looked back at him expectantly. raleigh was great at acting nervous, swallowing hard while his eyes darted around the room. “can i see you again?”
cadence shook her head. “i don’t think so.”
“why not?”
“because... i’m a mess, jason. look at me. i deserve to be alone.”
she shook her head, pulling out of his hold. raleigh let her go, and she started moving around the set by the bed, picking up the pieces of her outfit. “forget it.”
he slid to the edge of the bed, sitting on the mattress in just his briefs. both she and her character were trying not to stare. “you know, for what it’s worth... i don’t think you’re a mess. i think you’re pretty cool. and you’re -- you’re going to be okay, lexi.”
her lips pursed. her voice wavered when she said, “you don’t even know me.”
raleigh stood, crowding into her space. “actually, i think i know you better than you think. so that’s why... i’m okay with saying goodbye.” his eyes searched her face. “can i kiss you one last time?”
cadence drew in a shallow breath and nodded. raleigh cupped her face in his hands, holding her jaw steady, and kissed her hard. she had to actively fight the urge to pull him closer, knowing that lexi was still resistant to letting him get close -- but it was hard, when raleigh was such an expert kisser, the movement of his mouth against hers making her weak in the knees.
she was almost relieved when the director called, “cut! that was great, guys. we definitely got it. raleigh -- thanks for coming out, man. awesome stuff today. hopefully we can have you back soon.”
he reached out and ruffled her hair, grinning brightly. “only if you keep sticking me with this one.” cadence elbowed him in the side. “seriously, thanks for having me. this was really cool.”
zadie was holding out a robe for her. cadence reluctantly stepped out from raleigh’s body heat and put it on, smiling softly at the way he pouted when she tied it closed. 
he stepped up close and lowered his voice so none of the many, many people moving around them could hear. “so, are you done for the day? can i buy you a drink?”
“ooooh, are we going out for drinks?” somehow, jaylen stepped up between them, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “hi, i don’t think we got a chance to meet, yet. jaylen riaz -- i play rosa martinez.”
“...right. good to meet you. i’m raleigh.”
jaylen laughed as though he’d just made a funny joke. “of course i know who you are, silly. do you think i live under a rock?”
raleigh’s eyes were begging for help. cadence leaned in between them. “you should totally meet us when you’re wrapped for the day. i’ll text you where we wind up, but -- first we need to grab some food.”
“right.” raleigh’s lips twitched. “we skipped lunch.”
the memory of what they’d been doing instead threatened to make her blush, but cadence fought it off, wary of the way jaylen was looking back and forth between the two of them. “okay,” she said finally, her voice slow and thoughtful, “sounds fun.”
fortunately, they made it back to her trailer before she lost it, dissolving into giggles. cadence leaned her back against the closed door as her shoulders shook with laughter. “god,” she grinned, “you are such a dick.”
“me?” raleigh demanded, “what about you? you should totally meet us.” 
“okay, i do not sound like that.” cadence dropped her robe and started getting dressed in the clothes she’d wore to set that morning, what felt like a hundred years ago. “and i was just being nice. she totally likes you, she’s going to be so pissed at me when she finds out this is, like, a thing.”
“i guess i am irresistible,” he sighed, expertly ducking the t-shirt she threw at him. “i can’t fault her for her good taste.”
“it’s amazing your ego even fits in here.” she reached for her purse, pulling out her phone. she’d hardly looked at it all day, and it was alive with activity -- her manager had texted her about... forty-five times. cadence scrolled down to the bottom and saw the message that started it all: what’s this i hear about you getting cozy on set with raleigh carrera? sure you want to go down that road?
she grimaced. “let me guess,” raleigh said, cutting through her thoughts, “someone doesn’t want you getting messed up with me.”
cadence hesitated, her non-answer an answer on its own. he dragged his tongue across his teeth. “it’s really up to you, though, isn’t it?”
it was. “yeah,” she nodded, “and i don’t care about any of that, anyway. are you sure i’m not causing trouble for you? what about your fake girlfriend?”
he rolled his eyes. “she’ll get over it. as long as you’re okay, i’m okay.”
she smiled. “i’m okay,” cadence confirmed, “whatever happens -- i can handle it.” the look he was giving her was difficult to decipher, but she thought he might be pleased. she hesitated. “you’re... sure you want to do this, though? it’s okay if you just got caught up in the story.” 
“uh, hello? i already slept with lexi d’agosto, remember?” the obnoxious grin he was wearing softened at the sight of the expression on her face. “cadence, i’m sure. i like you. i want to hang out more -- see where this goes. you’re the one i should be double-checking.” 
“no way.” she gestured for him to follow her out of her trailer, into the film lot. “you’re not going to get out of giving me the full raleigh carrera experience. i don’t care what it costs you to buy out the empire state building.”
he laughed, his hand finding hers to link their fingers together. “i think you’ll change your tune after the blogs get wind of this, but -- fair enough.”
eventually, they reached the security gate. she’d have to walk them out into the street to find the car that was waiting for her, and if her manager had already heard the rumors sparking from their day on set, that meant that it was likely a few photographers had, too. once they left the film lot, there was no going back.
raleigh squeezed her hand. “ready for your life to get messier?”
things had been awfully predictable, lately. “definitely. ready for yours to get more awesome?”
“oh, absolutely.” together, they started off down the street. camera flashes exploded behind her eyelids, but she kept her head down, fighting a smile all the way to the car.
at least whatever happened next was bound to be interesting.
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Never say “Yes” to Ghost Hunting... Unless....
Summary: Ghost Hunting AU anyone? Judai and Johan are sensitives and realize that Yusei is partially sensitive when he momentarily spots their familiar spirits Yubel and Ruby. However, Yusei doesn’t believe in them and thinks that the two of them are out of their minds. Can looking for non-existent beings lead to something else? (No Duel Monsters in this AU. Yubel and Ruby are both human spirits that died generations ago.)
Author’s Notes: Now that I am in a place where I don’t feel completely overwhelmed by everything and can remember to actually post here, here it is! This is the story I kept promising for that mini bang I was apart of! @hyperionnebulae​ did a fantastic job of setting it up. I’ll link the full collection at the end. Also, I had an amazing artist and I’ll edit this post with their information. The piece that they did is *chef’s kiss*.  I do know that you can visit their DeviantArt page and I highly encourage you to do so! 
Anyway, enjoy!
Yusei’s face was not looking down at the screen of his laptop, but instead, he was staring at the two men sitting across from him. It was a warm, sunny evening and he had decided that he was going to do some of his work at the local coffee shop so that he could focus. Focus. What a funny word it was. That was exactly what he was not doing.
Two young men were sitting at the table next to him, chatting amicably about something he didn't quite catch. While they were both very appealing to the eyes, they didn’t interest him nearly as much as the two people sitting next to both of them. These two figures were translucent and clearly injured. He was not a doctor, that was Aki’s area of expertise, but he’d seen enough in his day to recognize deadly injuries like those. The tallest one (Yusei couldn’t quite determine which gender either of the translucent people were and decided it was probably best not to assume anything) had a scar that went down its face, nearly dividing it in two and what looked like a jewel embedded into its forehead. Their hair was a soft, metallic blue color. The other one was shorter with wide, ruby-colored eyes and lavender colored hair, a clear bloodstain blooming from their chest and out against their lovely lavender blouse. The tall one said something to the man next to it. He responded casually. Like… like there was nothing wrong!
Yusei blinked.
They were gone.
He breathed in deep and quickly turned back to his computer screen, the words suddenly not making any kind of sense as something cold shot up his spine. No. There was no way. Those things did not exist. He refused to accept what he had just seen. There had to be a logical explanation.
Didn’t there?
“Excuse me,” a voice asked him, “Are you alright?” He looked up. The two men at the table were now looking at him. The one who spoke had teal-blue colored hair and equally blue eyes; he wore a light lavender colored blouse-style shirt with a darker blue vest over the top. “You look like you’re about to be sick.”
“Or you’ve seen a ghost,” the other added. He was dressed in a dark t-shirt with a red jacket over it. His hair was a light brown and stood out in nearly every direction (not that Yusei could judge with his own black mess) and his eyes were a warm brown. He took a breath as he registered the statement. A ghost? Those things did not exist.
“I’m fine,” he finally answered. He couldn’t stop himself as he blurted out, “but what happened to your two friends?” The two of them shared a look.
“It’s only been us here,” the brown haired one said.
Yusei blinked, “You mean you don’t have two friends that are dressed up for Halloween somewhere around here?”
“Oh, they just left,” the blue haired one cut in just as the brown haired one went to say something. He shot the other a look and it seemed to take a second but, eventually, he got the meaning and quickly clamped his mouth shut again.
“They couldn’t have left that quickly,” he argued. “Are you pulling some kind of prank?” They shared a look again, and Yusei started to get mildly annoyed with it. They didn’t say anything to him for some time. Finally, he closed his laptop and stood to pack his things. Clearly, this was not where he was meant to be. Before he could walk away from the table, the brown-haired guy caught his wrist gently; electricity shot up Yusei’s arm and he flinched at the sensation even though it did not hurt. It felt a bit good.
“Sorry,” he said quickly, releasing him. “It’s just… Can we walk with you for a bit? Here’s not the place to talk.” Yusei blinked. A couple of alarms went off in his mind, but he ignored them, in favor of nodding his consent, and the three of them left together.
The brown-haired guy leaned forward as they walked, “I’m Judai Yuki and this is my partner, Johan Anderson.” Johan raised a hand in greeting when Yusei looked at him.
“Yusei Fudo.”
“Nice to meet you Yusei,” Johan greeted. Judai smiled and continued introducing the two of them.
“We’re paranormal investigators; basically, we work to help people in desperate situations involving anything they can’t explain or handle.” He straightened, walking forward a little bit. Yusei couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow.
“Ghost? You two deal with ghosts?”
“More or less,” Johan nodded.
“You do understand ghosts aren’t real?” They shared another look.
“Yeah, that’s what a lot of people say.”
“But we happen to know differently.”
Yusei stopped and leaned his head to the side a bit, “Alright, I’ll bite. What is your proof? A grainy photo? Horribly shot night-vision scenes? A scar you got from something being magically thrown at you?” Johan snickered and Judai had to cover his mouth with his hand. After a few seconds, the two of them could not help but laugh at his response. Yusei was taken a bit off guard. “What’s so funny?”
“You were so deadpanned when you were asking,” Judai breathed.
“It was hilarious,” Johan added. Yusei found himself blushing a bit, and he turned his head away, trying to not let them see how embarrassed he was. They recovered after a few moments. “And to answer your question, nothing like that.” He pointed off over his shoulder, “Do you see them?”
Yusei looked, then shook his head. “See who?”
“Our friends from the café,” Judai clarified. Yusei looked over their shoulders again, but still only saw the street in front of them. He shook his head.
“Nobody’s there.”
“But you did see them in the café?”
“I saw something ,” Yusei pointed out. “I don’t know what it is I saw.”
“Deny it all you want Yusei,” Judai returned, “but you did ask us about it, which meant that you did see them.” He pointed between the two of them. “Johan and I are mediums. We can communicate with spirits and we’re pretty certain that you’re at least a little bit sensitive since you could see our familiars briefly. You can’t see them right now even though they are standing next to us without utilizing too much of theirs or our energy.” Judai nodded, as if his point made a whole ton of sense. “I wonder what it would take to help you see them again? What made it possible at the café?”
“Do you think the setting had something to do with it,” Johan added. “I remember reading a report that that café has natural running water under it.”
“That might have something to do with it.”
“You two are crazy,” Yusei returned. Nothing they said made any sense! Ghosts didn’t exist, but now they were claiming… all of this ? Johan smiled at him apologetically.
“It’s a lot the first time. You probably don’t believe us, but I have a suggestion.” He clapped his hands together. “Why don’t you come with us tonight? We have a job at a local place this evening. It’ll give us a chance to show you what you’re talking about and to confirm if you are sensitive or not.”
“Full offense, but I just met you.”
“I know.”
“How can I trust you?”
“You can’t.” That took him by surprise and Yusei felt staggered a bit. “But you might find it more interesting than you think. I promise.” Yusei looked between the two of them. Logically, he had no reason to trust either one of them. Something in his gut, though, told him something completely different; it was whispering that he should take the chance and see where this was going to lead. After a few seconds of the two of them staring him down, he finally sighed. He raised his hands in defeat.
“Alright. I’ll join you.”
Johan and Judai smiled at each other.
My, my, my- how the night had suddenly turned around.
The house they were investigating turned out to be an older mansion on the outskirts of the city. Yusei made sure to let a couple of people know where he was going. Martha was worried, of course, but Jack and Crow got a huge trip out of the fact that he, Yusei Fudo, was going ghost hunting. Of all things in the world.
What a weird first date , they had teased.
He had left the house with red across his nose and both cheeks, but he had not given them the satisfaction of seeing it. Yusei slammed the door on his way out.
He now sat leaned up against his red motorcycle. Neither of them had arrived yet. This left him time to do a little extra research on the address on his transparent tablet. The mansion was built in the year XXXX by a rich mogul who wanted a place for his new bride to be the mistress of; however, he built over sacred ground, despite multiple warnings, and thus, “cursed” the home and his family for all eternity. They lost several children in birth and early into childhood. Eventually, the wife passed of an illness, but information on which one was scarce. Her death was the final straw for him. The mogul retired from the home and disappeared into obscurity. It was left to rot. Reports of families moving in and immediately moving out were plentiful in the first few decades after the original owner’s leaving, but quickly teetered off as rumors of a haunting became more prevalent.
He scrolled up on his tablet, murmuring. “Reports of a white lady…. Children laughing… shadow figures…. Objects being thrown. So just your run of the mill hoax?”
“Well, even if it is a hoax, it’s still our job to ease the worries of our customer.” He looked up, not necessarily startled by the sound of Johan’s voice, but a bit surprised that he hadn’t heard them approaching, especially in the large, older van they were driving. Judai was behind him, starting to mess with some equipment. Yusei closed the tablet and placed it in his pocket. “We’re glad you decided to come. What’d you find in your research?”
“Nothing out of this world,” he confirmed, arms still crossed. “Pretty standard reports. White lady, children, objects being thrown.”
Johan nodded. He turned his head a bit, as if listening to someone, and he smiled after a few seconds before saying, “That was pretty much everything we were able to find or was given to us as in our initial customer request.” He paused for a second, “I better help Judai with the equipment. As brave as he is as a ghost hunter, he’s a complete ditz when it comes to setting it up.”
“Would you like me to help? I’m fairly good with technology.”
Johan shot him a grateful smile. “You don’t have to. We’re the ones that invited you out here.”
Yusei rolled up the sleeve of his jacket. “Don’t worry about it. I might as well do something useful now since I’m probably going to mess up your results anyway.” Johan shook his head but led him over to the wired mess that had become Judai. It took them about an hour, once they had untangled him, to set up all the equipment they planned to use and since they were getting paid a hefty price, they were using everything . EVP, static night vision, Mel meters, motion detectors. You name it, they had it. The sun was starting to set when they finally started to sync up all their equipment, recording audio introductions on their three different recording devices. Johan helped Yusei into a specially made vest with several different pieces of equipment attached to it such as a night vision camera, perspective camera, and a few other useful tools like glow sticks, back-up batteries, and flashlights. Yusei felt the electricity again as his hand brushed his arm. A soft blush touched his cheeks. He did not miss the fact that Johan had one as well. Was it possible that he was feeling it too? What was even more astounding to him was that this was the second time he had felt it… with both of them.
Judai smiled brightly when they came back from the back of the van, “That vest looks good on you Yusei.”
Oof, that blush was not going away any time soon.
“Thank you,” he managed to get out without sounding like a stammering idiot.
Yusei had had feelings for people before in his life. Aki, the young lady who had become one of his greatest friends of all time, was one such example. His friend Kiryu was another. However, he had never been in this kind of situation before; his feelings for the previous two had come at different times. This was new. And a bit confusing, especially with how fast everything was moving.
“Are you feeling alright,” Judai asked. Yusei turned to face him. He was looking up at him, his brow furrowed a bit. “You’re not having second thoughts, are you?”
“You make it sound like I’m regretting my wedding or something.”
“Hmmm, I’m pretty sure this isn’t as stressful as a wedding.” He smirked. “But if you’re feeling scared, I recommend hanging back behind us.”
“I can’t be scared of something that doesn’t exist.”
“We’ll see about that.”
“Me being scared or ghosts being real?”
Yusei shook his head as he walked away, and he followed. Johan bowed mockingly as he opened the front door. Judai gave him a quick kiss on the forehead before blowing a kiss back at Yusei and disappearing into the darkness, only the light of his flashlight illuminating a soft outline of his head and left shoulder. The two of them followed.
The entryway was as bad as you could imagine. Dust clung to everything. Spider webs decorated every corner, and the stairs, and the molding, and the walls, and basically every available square inch. Old paint and wallpaper were missing in great chunks. The building material was old and decayed. An odd sensation of dread shot through Yusei the longer he looked down the hallway. There was no discernible reason for the feeling. He grabbed both Judai’s and Johan’s shoulders, preventing them from stepping any further inside.
When they turned to look at him, he raised his hands apologetically, but dropped them and breathed, “Something isn’t right.”
Judai blinked, quickly looked to his right, and briefly nodded. “What are you feeling?”
“I don’t know. All I know is that if we go any further, something bad is going to happen.”
“But we’ve already been in here multiple times,” Johan assured him. “We had to set up all the static cameras, remember?”
Yusei hesitated. That was true. They’d already been in and out, and up and down all sets of stairs, as they’d been busy setting up static night vision cameras in a couple of the hotspots, specifically where the white lady and the children were often seen and heard moving about. Nothing seemed to happen during that time, and he rationalized that they would be fine in this moment.
The feeling, on the other hand, would not leave him alone.
He started to say something again, but Judai started moving inward and Johan followed. The feeling grew worse as he raised a hand to stop them.
A white figure suddenly appeared at the end of the narrow hallway. The three of them froze, but Judai, after a few seconds, threw a hand back. What Yusei could not see was how his eyes shifted from brown to green and orange, ready for whatever was about to occur. Johan took a step back. Something creaked. The white figure raised its head and with an unearthly scream, it shot forward at them. Judai jumped back. Johan moved in front of Yusei which put the three of them into roughly the same spot on the floor. Yusei looked down immediately as the sound of breaking wood caught his attention; just before the figure could reach them, he grabbed both of them close to him.
The floor gave way, and they fell into darkness.
“Yusei, Yusei, Yusei!” He blinked. Everything felt sore and painful. It took him a few moments to remember that they had fallen through the floor. He groaned. Thankfully, nothing seemed broken, but he was going to be feeling this for the next few days; Martha was probably going to order him to go to a doctor, and for once, he probably wouldn’t protest it. A soft smile crossed Johan’s face. He was momentarily confused.
“I’m dead,” he breathed, “I swear I’m seeing an angel.”
“You wish,” Johan laughed. “But Judai and I owe you quite a bit for saving our lives.”
“What happened?”
Johan crossed his arms, contemplating on how much to share. “Well, you see….” He paused and changed his question, “Did you happen to see a white figure come at us?” Yusei shook his head.
He struggled to remember. Nothing came to mind however and he shook his head. “All I saw was you and Judai get defensive.”
“Maybe that’s for the best,” he mused. Louder, he said, “Anyway, we all were standing on the same space and the floor gave way. You just barely managed to brace us against you before it happened. You took the brunt of the injury.” He pointed to some old bags of flour that were clearly busted in the fall. “You really do have to have a guardian angel at least since this is what we landed on. Judai went back upstairs to double check everything. We should really get out of here.” He stood. Johan offered out a hand, which Yusei took gratefully. Together, they made their way back up the stairs and, to his surprise, the sun was starting to rise.
How long had he been out?
Judai was at the back of the van, putting away most of their equipment. He looked up when they exited. Without hesitation, or warning, he ran for Yusei, catching him in a tight hug; Yusei flinched a bit but accepted it.
“Thank you,” Judai breathed. “We wouldn’t be standing here if it weren’t for you.” After a few seconds, he released Yusei’s waist, backed away from him, and bowed. “I’m also so sorry. I should have listened to your warning. I know better than to ignore things like that.”
Yusei waved a hand. “No harm, no foul.”
“Well, a little harm,” Johan reminded him, elbowing his side. He flinched again. Johan walked over and wrapped an arm lovingly around Judai’s shoulders. “As such, breakfast is on us.”
“If you’d like,” Judai quickly added. Yusei did not miss how brightly red his expression had become and he smiled.
“Sure,” he agreed. “As long as the ghosts aren’t invited.”
“No promises,” they said together.
The three of them managed to hook their transportations together and rode back to town in the van. Yusei looked out the window. He was surprised when a weight hit his shoulder; Judai had slumped over, soundly asleep. Johan smiled apologetically.
Something swelled in his heart. He turned to look out the window once more and mused that he would not mind trying it again. Ghost hunting that is. Falling into decrepit basements he could definitely do without.
Judai shifted a bit on his shoulder and Yusei looked down at him softly.
Yeah, maybe just one more time.
Thank you so much for reading!
The story on AO3
The mini bang collection
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Relationship Goals
Henry Emily and William Afton have been best friends for as long as they can remember. So, when William starts acting like a drama queen, Henry contemplates either enjoying the rare moment, or wrecking him...
Eventually, Henry finds a good compromise for both options...
This takes place WAY before the killings at Five Nights at Freddy's. I wanted to establish the Men's relationship in a very...fluffy light...
Hope you enjoy!
Henry Emily and William Afton have been the best of friends for as long as they could remember. They spent High School together, being 2 teenagers on top of the world.
Henry was an artist and a tradesmen. He could often be seen taking visual art classes AND Mechanical Engineering classes in the same year, for multiple years in a row! His favorite past time was tinkering with any spare parts with a toolbox by his side. When he finished, Henry would run test after test to make sure there were no flaws. He was very perseverant, and often refused to give up on a project he had worked so hard on. Heck, it was sometimes impossible to leave his project for a few minutes to go eat or take a bathroom break! But, Henry eventually learned that taking breaks can be good. It allowed Henry the time to think about what to do next, and allowed Henry to look at his project in a new light. Unsurprisingly, Henry kept up his passion as a career choice. But long before moving onto college, Henry met William.
Now, William Afton was an anti-social kind of teen. William was one of those 'non-scholarly' kinda kids. He was very good with numbers and received semi-good grades, but didn't really bother putting the hard work in. William understood high school life to be the time to 'have fun while you can' and often told Henry to 'loosen up and have fun once in a while'. The two best friends were polar opposite in that regard, but managed to balance each other out. William had shoulder-length hair that would often be dyed with a tinge of purple. He didn't care very much for piercings and tattoos, but loved painting his nails black and wearing purple clothing as much as possible. You could really tell what William's favorite color was back in the day...
Back then, they were just kids trying to find themselves in the world. Who could've possibly known they would end up here: Working together on an Animatronic-filled dining area for families, in the middle of the crazy 80's?! It was absolutely unheard of to have robotic animals in dining rooms. But, with Henry's engineering degree and William's business degree, Freddy Fazbear's Pizza had become a successful company! To celebrate, the boys went out for some drinks at a local bar.
Months later, William and Henry were working in their double duo office (an office with 2 people sharing the space), and having a bit of fun while they worked.
William was filling out some paperwork on a clipboard, and was losing focus rather quickly. It was exhausting trying to work on such paperwork at 7:00 at night. Henry was doing more of the fun stuff. He was working on a tiny version of the Freddy Fazbear animatronic. William proceeded to watch for a few minutes, before getting an idea.
"Hey Henry! Look!" William said as he opened up a drawer and pulled another mini figure out of his drawer.
"One second..."Henry told him.
William took advantage of the delay, and started contorting the arm to face in front. Next, William moved the fingers into a fist, and flipped up one of the fingers to the air. "Okay. Look." William told him, holding up the mini figure.
"I'm busy. One more minute..." Henry told William.
William rolled his eyes. Not wanting to wait for him, William decided to place the mini figure on the ground. With the figure facing the right way, William clicked a button on the back and let it walk itself over to Henry.
The Bonnie mini figure started walking its choppy little legs over to Henry's direction. It took a couple minutes but soon enough, the Bonnie mini figure hit his foot, getting his attention. Henry looked down at the floor and rolled his eyes at the sight. The Bonnie mini figure was leaning against Henry's shoe, still walking on the spot as if it wasn't being stopped at all. Henry bent down and picked up the figure, turning it off as he looked at it.
It took a second to process it, but Henry noticed something...odd...about Bonnie's hand: The right hand appeared to have been reassembled into the shape of a middle finger. Henry let out a short titter in response. "Really Will?" Henry asked.
William only proceeded to burst out laughing at the reaction he got from his only friend. On one hand, Henry was mentally rolling his eyes at William's immaturity. At the same time though, Henry felt playful enough to mirror some of William's playfulness. So, Henry took the other hand, and contorted it to form another middle finger. When it was ready, Henry placed it on the ground and clicked the button to start it up.
A few mechanical noises and beeps later, the mini figure, along with its middle fingers, were now walking up to William's desk. William had heard the sound of the mini figure walking, and decided to look up just in time to see a smiling purple Bonnie, flipping him off with two delightful-looking middle fingers.
William bursted out laughing at the stupid humor. "That awesome." William muttered before getting up from his seat. William bent down and grabbed the Bonnie figure. He turned it off, and placed it onto the desk in front of him. "This glorious Bonnie, has earned its place on the Freddy Fazbear's Hall of Fame. A beautiful, family-friendly, fuck you!" William joked.
Henry bursted out laughing. "Oh my gosh...You're seriously not gonna-aaaaaand you have...great...Our business is gonna get sued, because SoMeOnE couldn't keep their inappropriate jokes to themselves!" Henry reacted sarcastically.
"Hey! I'll...hide it during the day...I'll only bring it out when it's just us." William reassured.
Henry sighed, but nodded his head. "...Fine." Henry concluded before returning to his mechanics.
Another 20 minutes had passed, with no contact between the two co-workers. Henry had just connected the hand wires to the arm wires, and was beginning to push the wires inside and clip the hand in place.
*click* That was hand #1.
All of a sudden, Henry had felt a quick hit from something super light. At first, Henry couldn't even tell if something hit him! The only thing he heard in the room, was the sounds of William throwing away paper. So, with a quick swipe of the hand against the back of his head, Henry returned back to his figure.
A few minutes later, Henry felt another light hit. This time, Henry felt the back of his head, and looked down at his feet. There, laying on the ground, was a crumpled up paper. Henry picked it up, uncrumpled it, and read the message:
~Hi ;)
Henry rolled his eyes and threw the paper aside, before returning to the Freddy mini figure.
Soon, the papers started hitting his back and head more...frequently. It became very apparent that William was the one doing it. He threw paper, after paper, after paper, after paper, after-
It just never ended! By the time Henry had even considered telling him off, William had thrown almost 30 paper balls at the man!
Henry turned himself around to face William. "Will, I swear to God-" Henry started scolding, before being interrupted by a paper ball to the face.
"What? Am I annoying you yet?" William asked, before throwing another paper ball at his face. "How about now?" William taunted, pulling out another piece of paper and crumpling it up. "Am I annoying you yet?" William asked before throwing the crumpled paper at Henry's face. "Tell me, my lovely co-worker-" William taunted as he crumpled up yet ANOTHER paper. "Am I annoying you yet?" William asked one last time, before throwing it at Henry's face.
This time though, Henry caught the crumpled paper like a baseball with his right hand.
Henry looked at the crumpled paper in his hand for a minute...When he felt ready, Henry threw the paper back at William. William dodged the paper, and began cheering and taunting him. "Hey look at that! You missed!" William mocked. Henry, without breaking eye contact with William, bent down and picked up another crumpled paper. With the taunting starting to get to him, Henry threw the crumpled paper at William with all his might. William jumped out of the way again, and started laughing at him.
"HA! You missed me!"
In reaction to that, Henry began picking up all the paper balls and throwing them at William.
"Whoa! Look at that slide, though!"
"Wheeee! This is kinda fun!"
"WHOA- That was clo- Ow..."
"Now, now WAIT A SECOND- You're not allowed to walk closer! That's against the rules!"
Henry guffawed at the statement. "What rules?" Henry replied, before continuing to throw his paper balls at a closer distance.
"Alright, smart ass, fine. Do what you- HEY! Okay! Okay, I'm sorry! Stop- Ow! Dude! Cut it out- Aah! Knohohock ihihit ohohoff! Hehehenry! Plehehehease!" William reacted, getting more playful and giggly the longer it went on.
Okay, fine. I'll stop." Henry decided before walking back to his desk. William's face went from confusion, right to disappointment in a matter of seconds. That wasn't what he meant...He meant stop throwing the papers, not 'stop playing all together'...It was fun what they were doing. He didn't want it to end...
The truth was, William craved attention. He craved it a lot. Playful moments showed William he was loved and cared for. silly moments showed William he was funny and worth being around. Lastly, people like Henry showed William he didn't need to be alone anymore...
William's paper ball-throwing, was one of the many ways he'd get Henry's attention. So, since William still craved it, he decided to try and gain back Henry's attention. William sat onto his black, leather rolling chair, and started rolling it back and forth across the room.
Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth he went, multiple times in a row. This seemed to get Henry's attention. Henry, near the third time around, started following William. "What are you doing?" Henry asked.
"Getting your attention." William replied with a smug face.
Next, William rolled the chair towards Henry, and began poking him.
*poke* *poke, poke* *poke, poke, pokepoke* *pokepokepoke, poke, pokepokepokepoke*
It didn't take long for William's pokes to start irritating the poor man. So, in an attempt to stop his childish endeavors, Henry placed his foot on the chair and used it to push William away from him. "I'm trying to work." Henry told him.
"No you're not!" William reacted, mentally calling Henry's excuse 'complete bullshit'.
In retaliation, William pushed himself towards the closest wall. When his aim was completely adjusted, William pushed his feet against the wall, and rolled himself all the way across the room...towards Henry's chair!
Henry, hearing the wheels getting closer, looked up:
INSTANT panic filled his body. A quick screech had left his lungs, as he instinctively fled from the 50 pound chair with the 200 pound man riding it!
"BUMPER CARS!" William shouted before crashing into Henry's chair. William bursted out laughing and spun around in the chair, drowning in his giddy playfulness.
Henry, in anger, began to yell at the man. "DUDE! We paid good money for these chairs! You break any of these chairs, you're paying for it. Got that?" Henry asked. William only continued to laugh in amusement. So, Henry paused his yelling and, in an attempt to corner William in the chair, Henry moved his upper body REALLY close to the chair, and placed his hands on the hand rests to intimidate him. "These are NOT! BUMPER CARS!" Henry yelled.
Normally, the only way to get something into William's head is by looking him in the eyes and telling him directly. But today, William only stared at Henry with a mischievous little smile on his face, and a glint of playfulness in his eyes. Suddenly, Henry began to regret his close proximity because soon, William began poking and squeezing Henry's sides.
AAAH! Dohohon't! William, this is SERIOUS!" Henry reacted, surprised by the sudden spill of laughter. William only understood this to mean 'keep going'. So, he did! William rolled himself closer to Henry and started digging his fingers into Henry's sides. "Wihihill, I swear-Hahahaha! Come hehehehere, yohohou lihihittle-" Henry giggled, before shoving his hands into William's armpits.
William gasped in surprise. "EEEEEK!" William shrieked, retreating his hands to cover the spot. Henry let out some deep, teasy giggles to successfully intimidate the man. "Now I've gotcha..." Henry said in an evil voice.
"Now, hold on-Just waaaAAAHAHAHAHAHA! NO! GAAAAHH- SHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIT!" William shouted desperately as his back slid down the chair.
"What's wrong, Will? Can't handle what you dish out?" Henry teased.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHOT THE AHAHAHARMPIHIHIHITS!" William begged, before giving up and flopping his body onto the floor. Henry, with his hands still in William's armpits, came falling down with him! And so, two crazy best friends could be seen lying on the ground, in front of the security camera in their room. But, Henry didn't care! That didn't stop him from continuing his tickle attack! Henry shoved his hands back into William's armpits, and continued tickling wherever he could reach.
"HEHEHEHEHENRYYY! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" William laughed helplessly. The man in the purple shirt was helplessly squirming back and forth with his arms and fists tightened against his chest. But even so, William's grip on Henry's hands, was still loose enough to get his hands out.
Henry, wanting to try somewhere else, decided to remove his hands. Next, Henry grabbed one of William's ankles and pulled the shoe right off his foot.
William sat his upper body up, and gasped in utter betrayal. "You wouldn't..." William accused in a slightly nervous voice.
It was now Henry's turn to smirk mischievously. "Oh, I would..." Henry replied smugly, removing William's sock. "And I definitely will!" Henry added, before scribbling his fingers all over William's foot.
William's face contorted, as giggles began filling in his lungs. It turns out, William's immediate reaction was to hold in his giggles. William's head began shaking back and forth to cope with the tickly feeling ALL OVER his poor foot. William's body soon found this unhelpful, and began to use his right hand to cope instead! His hand had turned into a fist, and had started pounding desperately against the ground. But pretty soon, the reminder to laugh would return and and ruin William from the inside out.
"Come on, William...It'd be a lot easier if you just laughed it aaaall out." Henry teased calmly. By now, bits of laughter was starting to come out in titters through his teeth! So, William threw his hand right up, to cover his mouth. No matter how much his lungs were forcing him, and no matter how tempting it was:
He refused! He, was NOT, going to laugh!
"Oooooh! I can tell that you're looking extremely determined! You haven't laughed in about 10 minutes! I'll admit, I'm impressed." Henry commented. "But, I can't help but feel like you need a little...nudge into the right direction..." Henry teased very suspense-fully.
William's face froze in growing fear. What did Henry have planned? Was he gonna tease him? Talk to him in baby talk? wiggle his fingers in FRONT of his feet?! BLINDFOLD HIM?! Dear lord, William couldn't even stand THINKING about it, let alone the OUTCOME...
Henry's smirk grew even wider, as his hand retreated slightly to create some suspense.
1 second...
2 seconds...
5 seconds...
10 seconds...
20 seconds...
Suddenly, Henry's fingers touched down on William's foot again! Henry breathed in and..."Aaa-coochy-coochy-coochy-coochy-coo! Aaa-coochy-coochy-coochy-coochy-coochy-coo!" Henry teased in a baby voice, wiggling his fingers during the teasing, and pausing them in between every teasy mumble.
Oh GOD NO! William began whimpering desperately, and began pounding his fists into the ground again! It looked like he was really close to breaking.
"Who has ticklish wittle feetsies? I think..." Henry paused his tickling, before resuming with all 5 fingers wiggling all at once. "William does! William definitely has de tickwish wittle footsies!" Henry teased evilly.
"GAAAAAA-FAHAHAHAHA! EEEEEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" William bursted out as his upper body flopped onto the ground. Now, William was actually laughing! Hysterically, too! He was finally letting out every single laugh that was pent up in his lungs.
Henry gasped happily. "There it is! Aaa-citchy-citchy-citchy-citchy-coo! Aaa-citchy-citchy-citchy-citchy-coo! Aaa-citchy-citchy-citchy-citchy-citchy-cichy-coo!" Henry teased as evil and childish as possible.
William's face had quickly turned a dark red. The teasing was SUPER overdone! He couldn't handle just how teasy these teases were!
"Awww...Is William fwustered? Is wittle William not used to tickwy teases?" Henry asked in a baby voice.
"NOHOHOHOHO IHIHIHI'M NAHAHAHAHAHAHAT!" William replied loudly, lifting himself up to point at Henry and yell at him for mentioning something like that.
"I wonder...What would happen if I moooooved...my fiiiingeeeerrs..." Henry teased, slowly walking his fingers up to where his toes were. "...Uuuuup to these...tiny toes?" Henry asked.
"Oohohoho...Henry...YES!" Henry replied, before immediately fluttering his fingernails under William's toes.
It only took a second for William's back to fall onto the ground. laughter almost immediately turned into cackles. It was taking everything in him not to kick Henry in the face with the other foot. The tickly feeling was so overwhelmingly strong! It was a wonder he even lasted this long! Since it may not have been easy to pick up on before: William's feet are an absolute death spot for him! This was his reaction to only ONE of his feet tickled! Tickling BOTH feet, would be a completely different story.
Finally, after a while of endless tomfoolery, Henry stopped tickling him. William's laughter lessened dramatically, with only a few giggles still leaving his mouth. William laid on the ground for a bit, breathing in lots of air to make up for the oxygen he lost.
Though breathing was pretty important...So was revenge...and boy oh boy, did William feel like getting some revenge on the man!
"You okay? I didn't kill you, did I?" Henry asked.
William smiled at his friend. "No...you didn't..." William replied.
"Oh, thank God. You want help up?" Henry asked, getting up and reaching his hand out for William to grab it.
William smiled politely. "Sure." William replied, taking his hand. Right as he was gonna pull up, Henry felt a sudden tug at his arm. One more tug, and Henry was down for the count, laying beside William who had an evil smirk on his face.
"W-Will, Wai-AAAH!" Henry yelled, getting tackled by the thin man beside him.
"You thought you'd be able to tickle me, without getting any tickles yourself?" William asked, holding his arms down with his hands.
"I...no, I knew you'd get revenge. It's just that-...um..." Henry replied, drifting off as he attempted to think of an answer.
"...yeeeesssss?" William said slowly, signalling for Henry to keep going.
"I-I didn't know that you'd recover so quickly...I thought I'd get a...bit of a break before getting tickled." Henry explained.
William's face softened a bit. He let go of his arms and sat up a little bit. "Oh...Well, looks like you caused your own funeral then." William declared, before poking and clawing at Henry's ribs first.
"What- Hehehehey! Dohohon't gohohoho blahahaming thihihihihis ohohon MEEhehehe! Yohohohou stahahaharted ihihihihit!" Henry argued through his giggles.
"Yeah! And I'm finishing it!" William replied confidently. Next, William moved his hands down to Henry's lower body, and began to drill his thumbs into Henry's hips.
"Ohoho GAHAHAHAD NOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!" Henry bursted out. Henry's entire body reacted to the tickling and in an instant, began squirming like a madman!
William couldn't even hold him down! "Holy shit man! I'm not killing you, I swear!" William reacted. In an attempt to get Henry under control, William sat himself onto Henry's waist and resorted to Henry's upper ribs instead.
"IHIHIHI'M TOOHOhohoho squihihihirmy fohohohohohor thihihihihis!" Henry complained as his laughter lessened a little bit.
"I can see that! You're just a squirmy little wiggle worm." William replied smugly.
"Shuhuhuhut uhuhuhup!" Henry shot back at him.
"Why? Don't like your friend reminding you of the truth? Guess what world! Henry is a wiggle, wiggle, wiggle worm!" William teased with a big smile, as he clawed and dug in between the ribs of Henry's ribcage.
"No way! It's too cute! You're a wiggly little worm! And, if I remember correctly..." William added, before moving his arm behind him. William reached out to Henry's knee, and squeezed it a few times.
All of nowhere, a snort and a giggle rang through through the room!
Henry covered his mouth with his hand, to cover up the embarrassing sound he had just made.
"You have a cute little snort too!" William mentioned.
"Ihihihit's nahahahahat cuhuhuhute..." Henry argued.
William let out an offended gasp and squeezed his knee a few more times in retaliation. Henry's muffled snorts and giggles began to fill the room and fill Will's heart as well.
"Are you kidding me? The snorts are the best part about you! It's adorable!" William replied, pausing his squeezing for a minute.
Henry didn't seem to think so. "It's weird...I don't like it." Henry admitted.
"Well, since you're not gonna love your own snort, I'm gonna have to love it for you." William reacted, before giving his knee another squeeze. "The truth is, any woman would love to have a husband who snorts. It's an adorable feature that you come with. If a woman won't appreciate that part of you, then I sure as hell will!" William added as he continued to squeeze Henry's knees.
Henry continued to wiggle back and forth, giggling and snorting uncontrollably. Even though Henry appreciated the compliment, he didn't really believe him. His snort was something that his family and friends would make fun of him for. Some of them even went as far as to call him 'Mr. Piggy' in school. That taught him that snorts are weird and only good for laughing at. It's not like he could control it, either! He couldn't, and that made things worse!
William was the only person who...actually got excited the first time he heard him snort. Instead of laughing at him like most kids did, William would...treat him like an adorable puppy for having such a snort. He would also make him laugh as much as possible, to hear it as much as he could. That's what made William so different from the others: He appreciated his small quirks.
In return, Henry would grow to appreciate William's adorable quirks! One of his adorable quirks, happened to include: how freaking ticklish the man was! All you'd have to do is poke him in the ribs, and William would be down on the floor, giggling up a storm! Sometimes, Henry would follow him and keep tickling the man! It was unbelievable how ticklish the man would reveal himself to be! Just about all the usual tickle spots made him laugh! However: there was one, single spot that Henry absolutely loved:
And that was right where he was gonna strike! Since William was busy looking at the knees behind him, Henry reached his hands out and wiggled his fingers onto William's tummy.
William gasped in surprise! "Yeeehehehehehahahaha! NO! NO WAY!" William yelled, pushing away his arms in an attempt to hold dominance over him. However, Henry was quick! "It was MY turn for reve-EEEEhehehehehehehehehe! Stahahap ihihit! Ihihit was MYHYHY TUHUHUHURN!" William begged as he attempted, but failed to cover up his belly and armpits. In the process of covering up the spots, Henry gave William a friendly push, allowing William to fall backwards so Henry could become the ler once again!
"Newsflash! Your turn just expired!" Henry replied confidently as he got up and continued tickling Will's chubby-looking tummy.
"Yohohohohou suhuhuhuhuck! Ihihi wahahahahanted rehehehehevenge!" William argued.
"You got your revenge! Plus, we were talking about adorable things about each other! My adorable thing, apparently, is my snort. YOUR adorable thing, is how unbelievably ticklish you really are!" Henry explained.
"I can touch here-" Henry wiggled his fingers around William's belly button, making him squeal and giggle.
"Here-" Henry clawed his fingers on William's ribcage, causing his laughter to heighten.
"Here-" Henry squeezed William's hips, making him cackle.
"Even here!" Henry fluttered his fingers on William's neck, making him squeak and giggle in a high-pitched voice.
"-And you'll explode into laughter immediately! Your entire body is ticklish, and it's so cute!" Henry declared.
William started squirming slightly to cope with the different spots being poked and prodded at. He was WAY too ticklish for his own good!
"Ihihihit ihihisn't fahahahahair! Yohohohou're lehehess tihihicklihihish thahahahan mehehehe!" William argued.
Henry rolled his eyes. "Aww, boo-hoo! Poor William is TOO ticklish for his OWN GOOD! How terrible! Such bad news! So unfortunate!" Henry taunted dramatically.
"Shuhuhut uhuhup, you ahahahasshohohohole!" William spat back, unable to handle how flustered he was becoming.
Henry paused his hands, and covered his mouth with them as he gasped in surprise and offense. "Such language, coming from a pizzeria owner for KIDS! That language is NOT! TOLERATED here! I think SOMEONE needs some SENSE tickled into them!" Henry scolded before shoving his hands into William's armpits.
"Oh, but I don't think you really ARE, though! At least, not yet! Am I right?" Henry asked as he continued to quickly tickle his armpits.
"Oh! Now you're saying you're REALLY sorry!...I see! Well, I suppose I could consider letting you-"
"Hey! I didn't finish yet! You just earned yourself 2 more minutes of tickles, Will!" Henry declared.
Eventually, Henry did stop to let the poor man breath. Though, Henry ended up regretting his actions, once William's revenge included RASPBERRIES! And only God knew how ticklish THOSE were! But, even William eventually had pity on the man, and stopped himself. He didn't wanna kill him, after all. Plus, it was nearing the end of their work day! So, William wanted Henry to have a bit of time to get read to go home!
After packing up their stuff, the two co-workers left the building, giving each other a hug before going their separate ways. As William drove home, he felt thankful for having a best friend like Henry. He also felt thankful for the little snort noises that came with Henry. It was a super adorable thing that William loved about him. It was...a bit of a guilty pleasure...But, that's normal!...
Or so he hoped...
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hopesilverheart · 4 years
Title: I loved your colours (before I loved you) Artist: @calliartss​ Rating: Explicit (Chapter 10 only) Pairings: Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, Alec Lightwood & Clary Fray, Clary Fray/Isabelle Lightwood Word Count: ~95k Summary: Magnus Bane is a journalist who's always dreamed of modelling for Lightwood Fashions. When the CEO Alec Lightwood starts looking for new models for their spring collection, he jumps on the occasion.
In the meantime, Alec Lightwood is struggling with the idea of finally announcing his role as co-designer. When Magnus Bane strolls into his life, Alec is torn between keeping his secret or throwing all caution to the wind.
This fic was created for the Malec Discord Mini Bang 2020.
Chapter 10: You’ll be flushed when you return
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“So… Magnus.”
Alec wasn’t even sure who had spoken; it could have been Maia just as easily as it could have been Helen. However, he was sure that nothing good ever came out of a conversation that started with those two words.
It wasn’t that he didn’t like talking about Magnus, because he loved talking about his boyfriend and telling everyone about how lucky he was. He just didn’t necessarily enjoy discussing his private life in the middle of the work day when he was supposed to be focusing on the photo shoot happening in front of him.
“Do we have to do this right now?” He sighed, turning towards Helen – he could recognise that blond hair anywhere – immediately groaning when he caught sight of her mischievous smile. “I don’t know if you noticed, but we are a little bit busy with this Vogue shoot. You and I both know we need this to be as perfect as possible. And as much as I would love to talk to you about my boyfriend, I’m not sure now is the time.”
“Now is the perfect time!” Maia exclaimed from his other side, looping one of her arms around his shoulders and winking conspiratorially at Helen. “Don’t think it’s escaped our attention that you’ve been avoiding every single Fashion team bar night since you started dating Magnus. We thought you’d come more often now that you have someone to show off, but you’ve managed to disappoint us once again.”
“My dating status has never, not once, influenced my lack of interest in bar nights,” Alec pointed out. “I don’t like going out with large groups of people just to get drunk and having Magnus at my side won’t change that.”
Besides, he had definitely gone to a bar night less than a month ago, right before he and Magnus had started dating. He had hated every second of it and had only attended because Clary had dragged him there kicking and screaming, but he had still been present. That had to count for something. The unofficial rule was that every member of the team had to attend a bar night at least once a month, and Alec had filled his quota for February.
“The last time you came was in January,” Helen said wryly, raising her eyebrows at him and smirking smugly when he snapped his mouth shut, realising that she was probably right. Damn it. “So we expect you to come next week, alright? No pressure or anything, but we’re celebrating my three years with Aline, so…”
“I’ll be there!” Alec threw his hands in the air, hoping his word would be enough to placate his friends. “I can’t promise that I’ll bring Magnus, because heaven knows he can get very busy with all the work he has to do, but I’ll be there. I’ll clear my night, let Clary choose my outfit, and hang out with you for the four required hours. Does that sound nice?”
“That sounds perfect,” Maia grinned, high-fiving Helen behind Alec’s back. “Although that’s also not what we wanted to talk to you about. I mean, I’m glad we got that promise out of you, but we really did want to have a little conversation about Magnus. Lydia is worried that your relationship might have an impact on his efficiency on the job.”
“Has it caused any problems so far?” Alec frowned.
To be honest, he hadn’t really thought about what it meant for him to date his colleague – employee, technically – when he and Magnus had started going out. He had talked about intra-company relationships with his bosses and teams before, but he had never thought that it would apply to him, and he had… Well, he had been so caught up in Magnus that he had forgotten about that little detail.
However, he hadn’t had reason to believe that his relationship with Magnus would impact the way his boyfriend worked. Magnus was nothing if not a hard-worker – and a bit of a perfectionist – and Alec couldn’t imagine him slacking off just because he was dating the company’s CEO.
“Not so far, no,” Maia answered, waving over at Aline as the model sidled up to them and kissed her girlfriend on the cheek. “But you know how Lydia is. She likes to think about all the possibilities so she’s prepared were the worst case scenario to arise. She’s probably thinking about your break-up or whatever other nonsense situations she likes to create in her mind.”
“Well, Magnus and I aren’t going to break up any time soon,” Alec brushed their concerns off, fighting back a blush as he realised how true that statement was. Magnus and he hadn’t really talked about the future of their relationship, but Alec knew without a doubt that they were on the same track. “You both know I don’t do casual hook-ups, and I don’t think Magnus does either. We’re committed to each other and I don’t see how this could go wrong.”
“No one ever sees how things could go wrong,” Helen pointed out smartly. “That’s often how break-ups happen. They hit you right when you think you’re safe. It’s dangerous Alec, and you shouldn’t let your romantic ideals get in the way of reality.”
“Alright, well that got depressing,” Aline clapped her hands together. “How about we focus on something a little more light-hearted, huh? Like how gorgeous the models look today. And yes, I’m including myself in that category.”
“Well of course you are,” Helen smiled softly at her girlfriend, pressing a quick kiss to her lips before curling a possessive hand around her waist. “Prettiest girl in the room. Although Emily and Diana are looking quite stunning today, too. Have you seen them? They finished their shoots ten minutes ago and said they were going to change, but those outfits were spectacular. You really outdid yourself, Alec.”
“Thank you,” he blushed, glancing around the room to try and catch a glimpse of the models. Magnus had just stepped up to the photographers and was handling his poses expertly, but the women were nowhere to be seen. He could have sworn Izzy had been talking to Emily less than five minutes earlier, but-
“Emily!” Aline called out, waving the brunette over with a reassuring smile. The young woman looked vaguely terrified, but Alec knew that was mostly his fault. He had been so busy with life and work and his family that he had forgotten to spend time with the new models. Magnus had told him that he intimidated them, and he should have fixed that as soon as he had heard about it. “Hey, Em.”
“Hey guys,” the brunette said softly, grinning at Maia and Helen before flushing darkly as her eyes landed on Alec. “Hello, Mister Lightwood.”
“Oh, lord,” Helen breathed out. “This is worse than I thought.”
“Please call me Alec,” the designer insisted, grimacing at Emily’s obvious deference. “I’m sorry I didn’t take the time to talk to you before this, but my schedule has been even more packed than usual and I completely forgot about my usual CEO-model talk.”
“That’s a thing?” Aline’s eyebrows flew up. “How did I not know that was a thing? I’m pretty sure I never got a talk like that when I started working for you. Was I not good enough for it?”
“Aline, you’re my cousin,” Alec sighed tiredly. “You didn’t need a talk because you already knew me and had stopped being afraid of me long before you joined Lightwood Fashions. I assure you, Magnus didn’t – and won’t – get the talk either.”
“You sound like you’re talking about sex.” Lydia’s voice came out of nowhere and, before Alec could blink, the blonde woman was standing in front of them, looking at them with judgement in her eyes. “I can’t believe you’re talking about sex whilst we’re trying to get work done. It’s no wonder the models have been a little less concentrated lately.”
Emily made a small noise at the back of her throat, almost as though she was afraid Lydia was talking about her and was about to fire her or something equally as ridiculous, but Aline and Maia were quick to pat her on the back comfortingly.
“Sorry, Emily, I just mean that Isabelle, Meliorn, and Andrew have been harder to handle than usual today,” Lydia explained, pointing at the trio of models waiting to the side, looking down at the floor sheepishly. Clary was standing with them, arms crossed over her chest as she valiantly tried to act like she was scolding them, even though they all knew she was just staring at them menacingly whilst waiting for Lydia to come back.
“Well, we definitely weren’t talking about sex,” Maia shrugged. “Those three, however… We all know Izzy has finally caught her girl, so I wouldn’t be surprised if something was happening there. Meliorn is always distracted when we have evening shoots, and Andrew… You didn’t hear this from me, but I think he’s been sneaking around with a boy from another company. Very scandalous, if you ask me.”
The rest of the group blinked at Maia blankly. Alec had never understood how the woman managed to get so much information from people she barely knew, but it was a talent he reluctantly admired. Maia had all the gossip, all the time, and although the fashion team liked to act as though they didn’t care about scandals and other such nonsense, it wasn’t a secret that they all thrived on the drama.
“I’m still not completely convinced Izzy and Clary didn’t get up to something even before they were together,” Aline hummed thoughtfully, tilting her head to the side as she let her gaze rake up and down the two women in question. “There’s always been so much tension between them, and they spent a lot of time in close quarters, so…”
“So nothing,” Alec shook his head, chuckling at his friend’s subsequent pout. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, but those two were strictly platonic until they started dating.  Since they have only been official for a few weeks, I’m not even sure they’ve slept together yet.”
“Does Clary not tell you these things?” Helen frowned. “Isn’t that what best friends are for?”
“Clary is currently dating my little sister,” Alec pointed out, grimacing at the mere thought of having to listen to his best friend talk about Izzy like that. “I’m very happy for the both of them, and I’m sure their romantic and sexual chemistry is off the charts, but I really don’t want to hear about it. I’m sure Clary will use one of you as her confidant when she finds herself in desperate need of sex talk.”
“I hope it’s me,” Aline sighed dreamily, earning herself a sharp nudge in the ribs from her girlfriend. “What?! I mean, just like, as friends. Besides, you have to admit those two are absolutely gorgeous. God, if they could have children…”
“Ours would be prettier,” Helen pouted. “But enough about Clary and Izzy. Those two are old news, even if their relationship is pretty new. I want to hear about this mysterious lover Andrew is sneaking around with. Do you have any details, or did you just conveniently overhead a conversation?”
“Sorry,” Maia shrugged. “I’ve got nothing.”
“I do.”
At once every single pair of eyes turned towards Emily, who was looking both embarrassed at being the centre of attention and smug at having more information than any of them. Which made sense, since she and Andrew had grown quite close since they had been hired.
“But I don’t want to say anything if it’ll get Andrew in trouble,” she bit down on her bottom lip, glancing over at her friend worriedly. “It’s not against the rules to date someone from another company, right? Even if that person is technically a Lightwood rival?”
“Ooh, is Andrew pulling a Romeo and Juliet?” Aline cackled gleefully, only calming down when Alec and Lydia sent her matching disapproving looks.
“No, Emily, it isn’t against the rules,” Lydia assured the model, a gleam of excitement entering her eyes when Emily perked up. “So, do you have a story for us, or are we going to have to go digging?”
“It’s Lorenzo Rey!” Emily blurted out, clapping her hands over her mouth as soon as she spoke and sending a panicked glance in Andrew’s direction, as though the man could have heard her from all the way across the room. “Please tell me you do this with everyone and that I didn’t just reveal one of my closest friend’s secrets for nothing.”
“Relax, Emily,” Maia chuckled. “We do this every time someone new joins the company, just to know whether or not we should be trying to set up dates or not. Someone would have stumbled upon him and his secret lover eventually, so you just saved us a lot of time and trouble. But seriously… Lorenzo Rey?”
“I always thought the guy was a complete dick,” Alec furrowed his brows. He had only met Rey a few times, and none of their meetings had been particularly pleasant. So to think about a man as sweet as Andrew dating someone as arrogant and self-absorbed as Fade Media’s Head Editor… It was a little disconcerting. “How on earth did it happen?”
“I have no idea,” Emily shrugged. “But he seems to really like Rey, even though he calls him an egotistical idiot almost every single time I bring him up. I don’t claim to understand what the hell they have going on.”
Alec and the girls all took a moment to ponder over the model’s words, but it wasn’t like they didn’t have their own improbable romances going on within the office. Izzy and Clary, for one, had one of the strangest relationships. Just because Alec didn’t see how Andrew and Rey could possibly fit together didn’t mean they didn’t care about each other.
“Hey, um…” Emily interrupted their collective moment of silence, shuffling her feet nervously. “Does this mean you guys also know about my love life?”
“Are you asking if we know about your little writer girlfriend?” Helen grinned, winking at Emily as the younger woman blushed brightly. “Yes, Em, we know that you’re going out with a girl from the media department. Izzy was the first one to catch you in the act, and then it was easy enough to put the pieces together. Good on you, though, I’m sure she’s a great person.”
“Yeah, she is,” Emily smiled softly, her eyes widening as she looked over Alec’s shoulder. “Oh my god.”
Next to her, Aline and Maia whistled in tandem, snickering quietly as Alec remembered just what was going on behind him and spun around, coming face to face with a shirtless Magnus. Well, technically his boyfriend was still a few feet away, finishing up his shoot with Raphael and the Vogue people, but he was also shirtless, and Alec…
Alec was a weak man. He swallowed reflexively as Magnus flexed his muscles and smirked at the camera, winking straight at the lens.
“Is now the right time to talk about sex?” Lydia murmured, grinning wickedly at Alec. “Because you know, it’s not every day a man as handsome and well-sculpted as Magnus gets to do a shirtless photoshoot right in front of us. Please tell me you’ve already gotten a piece of him.”
“Who are you and what have you done with Lydia?” Helen gaped, staring at the other blonde as though she had never seen her before. “I thought we weren’t supposed to discuss sexual relationships when there’s serious business going on.”
“We aren’t,” Lydia shrugged unrepentantly. “But Alec is far too easy to tease, and since he refuses to show up to bar nights, this might be our only chance to get something out of him. So if you have any questions for him, feel free to go ahead. I’ll pretend I didn’t hear any of this.”
Alec groaned loudly as three pairs of eyes – Lydia was too busy staring at Magnus, and Emily still looked a little uncomfortable around him – turned towards him. He loved his friends, but he had never been a fan of oversharing, and discussing his and Magnus’ sex life definitely felt like oversharing to him.
“Just tell us if you’ve slept with him,” Maia pleaded. “That’s all we want to know. I don’t care about the details, I just want confirmation that you finally took it upon yourself to sleep with the damn man.”
“Fine!” Alec exclaimed, lowering his voice when half of the room turned to look at him curiously. “Fine. Yes, we’ve slept together. No, I’m not telling you how many times or where or how it was. You got your answer, and now you’re going to kindly act as though I didn’t say anything out of the ordinary, alright?”
“That’s fine by me,” Aline snickered. “But you go, cousin! Seriously, congrats on landing one of the hottest men in the world. If I weren’t so in love with Helen and so into women, I might have even asked if you were open to sharing. Although I have a feeling Magnus really isn’t into that.”
“Why do you think that?” Alec asked, his voice breaking slightly as he remembered the possessive way Magnus had marked him the other night, breathlessly calling him mine over and over again.
“One, you’re not as good at covering up hickeys as you think you are,” Helen smirked. “Two, every time the photographers give him a break, his eyes are drawn to you and he looks like he’s a second away from marching over here and claiming you or something. I’m honestly impressed at how well he’s keeping it together when the cameras are on. He’s handling this a lot better than those three deviants over there.”
“I’m sure you’re exaggerating,” Alec huffed, although he pointedly didn’t look in Magnus’ direction, not wanting to add more fuel to the fire. “Besides, he’s almost done, isn’t he? I’m sure the pictures will turn out just fine and then we’ll be free to leave.”
“That sounded an awful lot like you’re about to leave this building and immediately have sex with your boyfriend,” Maia snorted. “You should be a little more careful with your words, Alec, it’s far too easy to misinterpret them.”
“Maybe there was nothing there to misinterpret,” Emily piped up, earning herself a look of deep respect from Lydia and Aline, as well as a betrayed glance from Alec. “I’m just saying, those words seemed to speak for themselves. Not that there’s anything to be ashamed of, sir- Alec! You’re allowed to sleep with your boyfriend whenever you want to.”
“Well said, Emily, well said.”
Six heads snapped around as Magnus walked towards them, a smirk curling at his lips and sweat dripping down his chest. He looked like he had just stepped out of one of Alec’s fantasies, and it took all of Alec’s self-control for him not to jump his ridiculously handsome model boyfriend right there and then.
“Right, I think we should leave,” Emily winked at Magnus, looking far more comfortable and confident around him than she had around the rest of the group. “I should go find Andrew, and the rest of you probably have work to do, so we should leave these two lovebirds alone.”
To their credit, none of the girls protested as Emily led them away from Magnus and Alec, smirking at Magnus one last time before sauntering off towards Andrew.
“Since when are the two of you such good friends?” Alec raised his eyebrows, pecking Magnus’ lips obediently when his boyfriend leaned forward. “I knew you enjoyed her company, but I wasn’t aware the two of you were on good enough terms to discuss your love and sex lives.”
“What can I say,” Magnus shrugged, looping his arm through Alec’s and not even bothering to put on a shirt as he headed towards the elevator. “She’s quite bold once you get to know her, and she’s never afraid to ask for details when I talk about the things I want to do to you. In fact, she gives as good as she gets, and our conversations are always rather interesting.”
“I really don’t think I needed to know that,” Alec blushed, a relieved sigh escaping  when the elevator doors closed without anyone else stepping in. “Also, you do realise we can’t go out if you don’t have a shirt on, right? I’m all for sharing your wonderful body with the world, but I’m pretty sure it borders on illegal to go around looking like that.”
“You take all the fun out of life, Alexander,” Magnus pouted, although the mischievous glint in his eyes made Alec feel as though he were walking straight into a trap. “Why don’t we stop by Clary’s office? I know she keeps extra outfits in there from all her failed attempts at designing, and I seem to recall you telling me you had a few shirts hanging around there too.”
“Fine,” Alec sighed. “But if we’re going there, you’ll have to wait for me whilst I find the papers she was supposed to fill in two days ago and never gave in. You’re only delaying your own enjoyment by doing this.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Magnus grinned, letting one of his hands trail down Alec’s bicep teasingly and pressing a light kiss to the designer’s inner wrist when Alec’s breath caught in his chest. “You look delightful today, darling. Have I told you that already?”
“You-” Alec croaked, clearing his throat and trying again once he felt a little more collected. “You mentioned it, but I don’t mind hearing it again. Although I feel like you have me at a disadvantage, since you’re only wearing half of an outfit.”
“That’s easy enough to remedy,” Magnus grinned. Less than a second later, Alec’s shirt was being torn apart at the seams and he was being pushed out of the elevator and onto the fashion team’s main floor.
Luckily for them, the place was completely empty, everyone far too busy with the photoshoot to spend time in their offices. Still, Alec shivered at the thought of someone being able to walk onto the floor and be greeted by the sight of Alec and Magnus grinding against each other, their hands grappling for support in between them.
“Mag- Magnus,” Alec whined as his boyfriend tugged him towards Clary’s office, keeping one hand on the small of his back as the other drew meaningless patterns up and down his stomach. Heat pooled low in Alec’s gut, and he had to bite back a moan as Magnus finally pushed them into his best friend’s office – his best friend’s office, for god’s sake – and slammed the door shut behind them.
He was back in front of Alec less than a second later, smirking dangerously as he slipped the shirt off Alec’s shoulders and leaned in to bite at his collar bone hard enough that Alec knew that would leave a mark later. The mere thought of such a bruise had Alec keening and bucking his hips towards Magnus.
“What was that, Alexander?” The man purred, toying with Alec’s belt as he waited for the designer to give him instructions.
They had been over this the second time they had slept together; Magnus liked it when Alec told him what he wanted, and Alec got off on giving Magnus control over their interactions. Still, he bit down on his lip in an effort to keep in his desperate little noises for a while longer. There was no need for Magnus to know how eager he was to get taken apart in the middle of Clary’s workspace.
God, he should have been embarrassed. He should have been blushing and pushing Magnus away, telling him everything about this was completely inappropriate. Instead, he was shifting his hips so that his clothed dick brushed against Magnus’ every time one of them breathed, and he was seconds away from begging his boyfriend to do something.
“You’re going to have to speak if you want us to go any further than this, my lovely boy,” Magnus hummed lowly, shaking his head at Alec when the taller man let out a needy sound. “I know, I know you want this, but you need to use your words. I know you can do it, so come on. What do you want, Alexander? What do you want me to do to you? What do you want to do to me?”
“I want to blow you,” Alec blurted out, a tear rolling down his cheek as Magnus pressed up closer against him, sending his senses into overload. “Please, Magnus, I just want to taste you.”
“All you had to do was ask,” Magnus grinned wickedly, leaning away from Alec and unbuckling his belt in one smooth movement before pulling his pants down and revealing nothing but smooth skin. Because of course he hadn’t been wearing anything underneath his photoshoot outfit. Alec moaned loudly at the thought of Magnus posing for the photographers with nothing but those thin pants on. 
Alec whined at the praise, bending down to press a swift and hungry kiss to Magnus’ mouth before spinning them around, slamming Magnus against the wall hard enough to have the model wincing slightly at the sudden burst of pain. Alec would have asked after him, but Magnus had told him in no uncertain terms that he had nothing – absolutely nothing – about being manhandled and bruised a little bit.
“I’ve never seen anyone as beautiful as you, Magnus,” Alec whispered against Magnus’ neck, slowly lowering himself to the ground and looking up at his boyfriend from underneath his lashes, wondering if he looked even half as alluring to Magnus as Magnus did to him. If the steady darkening of Magnus’ eyes was anything to go by, he probably did.
“God, you’re gorgeous,” Magnus breathed out.
Feeling more confident by the second – and more desperate, his dick aching to be let out of its confines – Alec licked his lips and breathed in Magnus’ heady scent for a moment before leaning in to lick a strip down the man’s cock.
“Alexander,” Magnus cried out, his hands coming up to grip Alec’s hair tightly, pulling on the strands harshly when Alec repeated the gesture, slowly but surely slicking Magnus up with his own spit. “Darling, I’m going to need you to go a little faster than that if you don’t want us to get caught.”
Half an hour earlier, Alec would have panicked at the thought of someone walking in on them and catching them in the act. Now, though, he could only gasp wantonly before fighting against Magnus’ grip and swallowing the head of his boyfriend’s dick, swirling his tongue around a few times before popping off, smacking his lips loudly as he bit softly at the inside of Magnus’ thigh.
The hands in his hair tightened even more, and Alec wasn’t surprised in the slightest when Magnus involuntarily snapped his hips forward, bucking towards Alec’s mouth as though he couldn’t resist him any longer.
“Either do something about this,” Magnus hissed, the sound turning into a moan as Alec hummed and nuzzled at the cock in front of him. “Or I’m going to take care of myself.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Alec breathed out, and then he was taking Magnus’ cock as far down his throat as he could manage.
His movements were precise and his right hand found the base of his boyfriend’s dick easily as his left fingers gripped Magnus’ hip tightly, stopping him from completely ravishing Alec’s face. He could tell Magnus wanted to, could tell he was trying to pick up the pace and make Alec lose control, but Alec wasn’t about to give in that easily.
He sucked Magnus off as slowly as he wanted to, relishing in his boyfriend’s taste and letting his rhythm pick up a few times only to slow it back down at the last second, turning Magnus into an unintelligible mess of words and desperate whines.
“Alexander, please,” Magnus begged. “Please let me fuck your mouth, please. You’ve made your point, I- I know you- You’re fantastic at this but- ah, Alec, fuck. Please.”
His words sounded so wrecked, so weak against the assault of Alec’s mouth, and Alec was only so strong. His boyfriend was pleading now, his thighs trembling as he tried to stay upright, and Alec had never seen anything quite as pretty as that.
His cock was throbbing in between his legs, still stuck in his pants and as eager for relief as Magnus clearly was. So instead of drawing it out for either of them any longer, Alec let go of Magnus’ hip, nodding at his boyfriend once with an encouraging smile before he went back down on the man, his now free hand unzipping his own fly as Magnus bucked into his mouth far more quickly than Alec had anticipated.
He choked on his own spit as Magnus somehow switched their positions around again. Alec was still on his knees, looking up at Magnus as he stroked his own dick with his left hand, but his back was now to the wall, pressed up so he had almost no way of getting away from his boyfriend’s grasp.
He should have been slightly terrified, should have felt trapped, but instead he whimpered enthusiastically and quickened his pace, bucking into his own hand as Magnus used his mouth for his own pleasure. They lost themselves in a sea of wrecked noises and pleas, Alec breathing heavily as Magnus praised him and tugged at his hair repeatedly, barely giving him enough time to catch his breath before he was fucking him again, and again, and again.
They reached their climax almost at the same time, Alec moaning loudly as he came and sending vibrations through Magnus’ body, making him spill into Alec’s mouth less than a second later. They both shook with the effort and the pleasure of finally having gotten what they wanted, and Alec milked every drop he could swallow before collapsing against the wall, taking deep breaths and looking up at his boyfriend dazedly.
“That was…” Alec started, cutting himself off as he realised he didn’t think a single word could encompass what had just happened. “Yeah, I- Thank you for that.”
“And thank you,” Magnus smiled, helping Alec up and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead, his temple, his nose, before finally kissing him on the lips, the gesture warm and caring and making Alec fall a little bit more for the man. “You were incredible, Alexander.”
“You weren’t too bad yourself,” Alec blushed, kissing Magnus once more before pulling away and quickly straightening his clothes, chuckling as Magnus did the same only to smile wryly at his half-nude state. “There really are shirts in here, you know? She usually keeps them in the closet over there, so I’m sure you’ll find something to your tastes. In the meantime, I’m going to try and find those papers.”
Magnus hummed absent-mindedly, already skipping over to the closet Alec had pointed at and going through the many shirts Alec had left behind on the nights he and Clary had spent in the building, pouring over designs and falling asleep at sunrise.
Just as Alec reached Clary’s desk and started going through her drawers, hoping she hadn’t lost the papers – again – the door to the office flew open and Clary stormed in, looking harried and a little crazy.
“Where did I- Holy shit!” She yelped, bringing her hands up to her heart as she spotted Alec. “What the hell are you doing here? Everyone told me you had gone home with Magnus to do tons of terrible things to him, so what are you still doing around… here.”
Her eyes widened as they settled on Magnus, who was in the process of tugging a shirt on over his head. Alec grimaced as his best friend turned back towards him with betrayal written all over her face.
“I can explain, okay, this isn’t what it- I mean, we didn’t- It’s not-” he stumbled over his words, knowing he was only making things worse. “I’m sorry?”
“I can’t believe you! I can’t believe this! I thought we had rules, Alec! I thought we respected each other enough not to- Nope, I don’t even want to think about it. I don’t want to know what happened, I don’t- Oh god, please tell me you didn’t do anything near my desk. Alec, please tell me my favourite desk has not been compromised by… Whatever the hell it is you were doing,” Clary scrunched her nose up in disgust, staring at her desk with horrified eyes.
“Your desk is fine,” Alec winced, realising what his words implied as soon as they were out of his mouth. “Everything is fine, I swear. Maybe just… The wall near the door might need a little disinfecting. Maybe the door too, just to be safe.”
“The door?” Clary yelled, glaring at Alec and Magnus dangerously. “You two are the absolute worst. But now that I know our offices aren’t off the table, I’d double check before stepping into yours.”
“Clary!” Alec cried out as Magnus looked on, clearly amused by the turn of events. “That’s completely different! You’re talking about my sister. You cannot have sex with my sister in my office! That is completely out of the question. If you really want to get revenge, please stick to Magnus’ office.”
“Magnus’ office is mostly made of glass walls,” Clary crossed her arms over her chest, looking distinctly unimpressed. “And if you didn’t want to have to think about Isabelle and I sleeping together in your office, maybe you shouldn’t have slept with your boyfriend in mine first!”
That being said, she grabbed a file from her desk, narrowed her eyes at Alec one last time, and walked back out of the room, shimmying past the door without touching it.
“Is she really mad at us?” Magnus asked once she was gone, lacing his fingers with Alec’s and gently guiding them out of the room, shutting the door behind them carefully. “Because if so, I’m sorry for putting you in that situation. I wasn’t really thinking about the consequences when I led us here, and…”
“She’s cool with it,” Alec rolled his eyes. “She just wants me to sweat a little as I wonder whether or not she’ll go through with her plan to take Izzy to my office for unspeakable acts.”
“Unspeakable acts?”
“This is my sister we’re talking about,” Alec reminded Magnus. “I’m not going to call it anything other than that or else I may be scarred for life. Now, enough about Clary and Izzy. How about we go back to your apartment?”
“Already up for round two?” Magnus grinned cheekily. “Why Alexander, I had no idea you were so eager to get your hands back on me. I might even start thinking you’re only using me for my body if we keep on going like this.”
“I was thinking more of a movie date, maybe dinner? But you know, whatever pleases you,” Alec chuckled. “After all, I’m happy no matter what we do as long as I’m with you.”
Magnus beamed brightly at him, leading him back to the elevator and chattering on about his day and the movies they could watch and how much fun he had had during – and after, he added with a wink – the photoshoot. And all along, Alec just watched him and smiled softly, feeling happier than he had in a very long time.
Not even Izzy’s late night call filled with screaming, squealing and an unhealthy amount of threats was enough to dampen his mood.
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boymeetsweevil · 5 years
Breathe you in
Grouping: Popstar!Reader x Non-Idol!Taehyung
Word Count: ~7.8k
Warnings/Themes: Shotgunning (so thats recreational drug use), Rough face fucking, face-sitting (fm receiving), some background angst, not too scary lol
Summary: Can I pls request an ex lovers trope with taehyung where you broke up with him , but he shows you he loves you and was never over you and wants to be together again? Thanks!
A/N: This is part of the BTS Smut Club Anniversary fic exchange! Thanks for the prompt!
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It’s nearing 10pm when the town car arrives in front of your apartment complex. The driver pulls up in the back entrance used primarily for allowing the higher profile residents to discreetly enter the building when needed. Normally the back entrance is littered with snapping cameras or fans who are trying their hand at stalking. Tonight none of those people are there for you because your mini-tour ended a day early, allowing you to return from Amsterdam a day before what’s scheduled on your website.
“Don’t forget,” your publicist sits across from you on the opposite leather upholstered bench of the car, “You’re close to reaching another follower milestone, so you need to do one last Instagram live before bed.” You release a deep sigh that sounds like it came from your bones.
“Shit. Bee, I’m really tired.”
“Language,” Bee admonishes while scrolling one iPhone in one hand before switching to the one in her other hand.
“Can’t it fucking wait,” you hiss, petty from exhaustion.
She pins you with a look that tells you she’s not playing this game with you and continues typing away. “You’ll sleep soon enough once we go through the checklist for today and tomorrow.”
Bee’s phone pings and you watch the set of her mouth grow infinitely more tense before her eyes dart to you. Rarely does hesitation temper her gaze like it does in this moment. You let out a sigh. She’s about to mention your ex.
“Also, Oh! News wants to bring you in some time this week to address statements Nick made about the breakup.”
“Of course they do,” you sigh again.
“I’ve been trying to push the date back but they’re not taking no for an answer. Plus, it might be better to go out and put an end to it so it can become old news.”
You massage your temples. “Yeah, no, I’ll do it. I’ll do it.”
Bee watches the gears in your head turn as you think about the whirlwind that was the breakup. With your departure to Europe only a few days after the PG-13 video of him with another actress blew up, there was naturally a lot of speculation. Most of it hateful and directed at you, surprisingly enough. Having just starred in a movie aimed at 12-17 year olds, Nick seemingly had all of the world’s young girl population locked and loaded at you. Your relative silence while on tour for two months in the Netherlands only fueled the outrage.
“Alright, alright,” she opens the door on your side and pushes your purse into your limp arms. “I had them take your luggage up before you. Do what I told you and then...go get some sleep, Sweets.”
“Thanks, Bee.”
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Your penthouse apartment is as pristine as you left it when you push open the door, your luggage waiting neatly by your shoe closet. While you unpack your bags in your bedroom, you take note of the outfit laid out for your on your bed. It’s a pair of leggings that have sequins sewn up the sides and a matching off the shoulder top that will definitely require you to keep your bra on. It’s for the Instagram broadcast, so you won’t have to wear it long. But you want to crawl out of your skin and finally be able to turn off your public figure voice more than anything else. You suppose you can handle waiting a little while longer, though.
When you’re dressed and have your hair out of your face, you take your phone with you to the bathroom before waking up your speaker to play some mood music. A little tripod setup waits for you on the sleek countertop. Once your phone is plugged in and you’ve pulled up Instagram, you begin your livestream and your camera smile is on.
“Hey, everybody,” you greet the viewers already watching.
There’s a little more than 800,000 people are currently watching, more than normal this early in a live video. You attribute it to the tweet Bee sent from your Twitter a few minutes prior that broke your 2 month long internet silence.
“I’m sorry I’ve been gone so long,” you talk a little louder over the music you have playing. “I was so busy in Amsterdam and when I did have some down time, I wanted to really unplug. So I didn’t use social media while I was there. I’ll definitely be uploading the pictures I took, though. I saw some really amazing stuff.”
You begin pumping an oil cleanser into the palms of your hands while stopping to read the comments as they come up on the screen. Some of them you ignore because they’re comments from Nick’s fan accounts. Others welcome you back and some are fans of the artist you were touring with.
“How was touring with Nana,” you echo the fan’s question while rubbing your makeup off. “She was so wonderful, oh my god. I think she’s got such a beautiful point of view when it comes to her lyrics about getting older and dealing with the pressures of being a woman in the spotlight. Also her fashion sense is incredible.”
A few more questions about the products you’re using and what you did on your off time come up. Some people ask if you’re working on a new album yourself and you talk about that as much as you can without breaking any promises, keeping the essentials a secret. Another person asks you to sing a few bars from your verse on the song you did with Nana and you do. By the time you’re tapping moisturizer onto your face, you’ve almost made it through the broadcast unscathed. But then you see a comment that has you breaking character for a second, your muscles freezing.
douknowbt$: OMG Nick is watching the live.
Hopefully no one notices your 2 seconds of panic, but you can’t be sure until someone else blogs about it. You dismiss the comment and finish up with a few pumps of hand cream, rubbing your hands a bit manically as the comments about Nick begin to grow in number. In that moment, you sign off and quickly move to end the live. But with your haste and slippery fingers, you don’t realize you missed the button and the recording was still going.
A few of the viewers try to send messages letting you know that the live hasn’t ended, but you don’t check your phone again after throwing it onto your covers and climbing into bed. With the camera facing up, you’re seen pulling up your laptop and putting on some classical music using the surround sound speakers in your bedroom. From the screen, all the viewers can see you sitting stiffly on your bed, eyes closed for a few minutes in what looks like meditation as the adagio that’s playing washed over you. After a few deep breaths, you open your eyes and reach for your phone.
“Oh sh—,” you keep yourself from cursing at the last second when you discover the livestream didn’t end. “I’m sorry, guys. I was so tired I guess I didn’t realize I forgot to end the video. I’m signing off for real now. Yes, yes, I’m okay. Just tired. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
You triple check to make sure the video is off before throwing your phone across the bed. The day didn’t seem like it could get worse after your long flight and even longer wait at the airport when it seemed like your luggage was lost. Not to mention that you were bone tired and hungry but couldn’t have any of the foods you were craving because of a stupid photo shoot coming up in a few weeks. In that moment, the intercom rings, signaling that the front desk is trying to reach you, but you remain in bed and hope that it’ll stop. It does, for a moment, before starting up again. You groan before getting up and heading to the front door.
“Hello Miss,” says the cheerful older man who runs the front desk during nights. “I trust you’re having a delightful evening.”
“Hello, Sir.”
“We just wanted to alert you that the delivery person with your order is currently on the 15th floor and should be at your suite shortly. Please anticipate your food’s arrival in the next few minutes and have a pleasant rest of the evening.” The call ends just like that, not leaving you any room to protest and say that you didn’t order food.
You figure it’s just that Bee saw what a huge shitshow your livestream was and she wants to send you something to make you feel better. And no doubt if it was something that came with a delivery person, it was good food. If she came herself, she would definitely have brought something like a salad bowl or a sushi plate. If you eat another vegetarian sushi plate, you're certain you'll die. Not from Mercury poisoning—like your mother always warns you about—but from sadness.
A tentative knock on the door sounds and you open it with a plasticky smile. Sometimes they send people who get a little star struck. Most times you’re amenable to just being subdued but friendly so that they just ask for a selfie or a quick autograph on a take out napkin and don't try to linger or say you were a bitch later on. 
Tonight you're not really in the mood for too much friendliness tonight, though. In the drawer next to the door, you dig around for the wad of cash you keep hidden there and pull an obscene tip out.
“Hi, thank you,” you keep your head down and blindly reach for the white paper bag in the person's hand. “Have a good—excuse me, asshole!”
“That’s not my name.”
The hand yanks the bag out of your reach at the last second, lifting high above your head. You’re not at all in the mood for dealing with a pissy delivery boy who wants to knock you down a few pegs. Putting your hands on your hips, you’re about to give him the verbal lashing he deserves, PR consequences be damned, when you a good look at his face stops you.
“In the flesh,” he shoots back at you.
The man in front of you gives you a muted, smug smile before shouldering his way past you and into your apartment. He stands tall in the foyer of your apartment like he belongs there and has been there a thousand times. You can’t help but drink in the image of your ex-boyfriend from half a decade ago despite the fact that he’s technically intruding. There’s still a whisper of the boy you started dating when you were in your last year of high school, but much of that is overpowered by the man he is now. He’s broader in the jaw and the shoulders than he was before, and there must have been some growth spurts since you last saw him.
“This is real nice,” he lets out a low whistle as he takes in the large open floor-plan of your apartment. You follow closely behind as he starts walking around, head cocked forward with purpose.
“What are you looking for?”
“The kitchen,” he says casually.
“It’s that way,” you gesture before realizing that you need to get your priorities straight. “What are you doing in my house?”
“I came to bring you food.”
The bag he raises gives off a pleasant savory smell and you clench your fist to keep yourself from excusing his sudden appearance.
“I didn’t ask for food. And I certainly didn’t ask you for food.”
“Touchy,” he turns back to pin you with an amused grin. “But you didn’t have to ask. I knew you needed it.”
“You knew I needed it?” You raise an incredulous eyebrow, eager to hear his explanation. “How did you know I needed it?”
He places the bag on the countertop in your kitchen, standing on the opposite side of the counter.
“Because,” he sighs, “I saw your Instagram live and you were playing Elgar. You never play Elgar unless something’s really wrong.”
“I—that’s,” he pushes the bag toward you while you try to come up with a reason while he’s wrong, when he’s not.
You’ve had a habit of playing classical music when you were near your breaking point. It’s been a habit that you’ve had since you were 10, but concealed long before you started your time in the spotlight. While you were dating Taehyung, you were a depressed teenager and he was present for some of the worst times of your life. Several times he’d found you in your room or your parents’ car blasting tragic symphonies as accompaniment for bawling your eyes out. But that was years ago.
“You can eat it. I’m not hungry,” you finally say. He looks at you like he can tell you’re lying, but plays along and shrugs.
“Fine.” He opens the bag and pulls out some smaller plastic containers of food and a spoon.
“I didn’t mean here!”
He chuckles at your outburst, mumbling something about fame not changing you, before ambling out of the kitchen and through the rooms until he arrives at your bedroom. You find him about to sit on your bed and rush over.
“If you took the subway here, don’t even think about sitting on that bed.”
“What? Suddenly my subway clothes are too dirty for your bed?”
“Yes,” you huff. “The sheets alone cost me more than half a grand.”
“What the hell,” he jumps up like he’s been shocked. “Why would you spend that much on sheets?”
“They’re highly rated,” you admit with a small voice. “And they’re used by many foreign diplomats.”
“That’s ridiculous. You’re so prissy.”
“We can’t all be members of a practical startup.” When his eyes widen in surprise, you curse yourself for letting him know you still keep tabs on him. “Besides. You used to like prissy.”
“Still do,” he gives you with a molten look that has you moving away from him and fluffing pillows to hide your flustered state.
“Why are you still here?”
“Because you’re hurting.”
“Maybe,” you throw your hands up. “But that’s not your job anymore.”
He runs a hand through his dark hair, parting the shiny waves carelessly. He’s not sure how to admit that he’s been making sure fame doesn’t eat you alive ever since you broke up with him to pursue your singing career. The memory of that day rings clear in his head even after five years of being split up.
Cliche as it sounds, it was a rainy night. You were at a meeting with Bee a few days before the entertainment label you were flirting with was going to give you the final version of your contract to sign.
Bee was never a huge fan of his, so Taehyung waited outside her office instead of interrupting the meeting to let you know he was there. But with the office door cracked, he could still hear the sounds of your conversation and the soft sounds of your sobs.
His blood grew cold when he heard what Bee was telling you. She told you starting this career with a relationship would hurt your numbers by making it impossible for your male fanbase to project their fantasies onto you because of the presence of another guy in your life. She told you if you were going to make it, you’d need to play up the role of sexy girlfriend to the audience members for the first album at least and that wouldn’t be possible if they got wind of Taehyung.
He covered his own mouth, barely fighting tears from welling up, listening as you tried to plead with Bee. Your voice was watery as you tried to convince her that you could make it without the girlfriend role. That you had enough work ethic and talent to do it. And when she didn’t budge, you said that you loved him and threatened to walk out right then if you had to break up with him. He listened to Bee tell you that you were being naive and that you’d be stupid to throw away all your opportunities for a boy.
And Bee was right.
So when you came outside minutes later with puffy eyes and a white knuckled grip on the sleeves of your sweater, he’d accepted his fate. He’d even accepted the lie you told him about having another guy on the side. Though you couldn’t produce a name when he asked who it was. Though you looked up at him like you wanted to take it all back. Though you leaned your forehead on his chest like you were in the greatest amount of pain. He accepted it all and walked away.
That is, if walking away meant that he created fake social media accounts so he could comment positive things on your first few interview videos and bought tickets to as many concerts he could when you were in the area. He never tried to make his presence known, just stood there and drank in how vibrant you looked when you were on stage and singing your heart out. It took a while for the jealousy to stop rearing its ugly head whenever he looked at how other people would show their adoration for you. By the time Nick came around, he was convinced he was content with how things were. But after seeing the way Nick’s cheating affected you, he had a hard time sitting still.
“Well, I’m not leaving until you feel better. So, you better start talking.”
“What is there to even say?”
“I don’t know. You tell me.”
You sigh and ignore him in favor of walking over to the large sofa in the corner of your room and collapsing on the large sofa face first. A dip in the cushions near you tells you he’s followed you and sat down. When you finally reveal your face, he’s peering down at you with a sad look in his eyes. The sad, sympathetic look that would always get you spilling your guts when you were still together. So you tell him everything.
It's almost embarrassing to tell him that you thought you loved Nick. At their best, things with Nick were comfortable and sometimes passionate, but it wasn’t anything close to love. Nothing close to what you had with Taehyung. And how could it have been when the reason you got together in the first place was because Bee thought you could ‘scratch each other’s backs’? Nick was not only handsome with the clean image Bee wanted for you, but you were writing and singing the theme song for the blockbuster movie he was to star in. It all seemed to work at first.
It only took one tabloid story suggesting that he was seeing some other younger and bustier actress behind your back to make you see that nothing you had with him was substantial. You brought the story up as a joke, thinking you could laugh about the way tabloids would do anything for story—even lie. As soon as you mentioned it to him, he denied it hastily and made a snide comment about not believing everything you see just because it’s technically press. After that, it was like a switch had been flipped and suddenly you couldn’t be in the same room together for more than 10 minutes without going at each other’s throats. The cheating rumors kept flaring up until they reached a peak a little more than 2 months ago, when someone anonymously submitted a video of him groping and kissing the same actress outside of a bakery in your hometown in broad daylight.
After watching the video about 15 times on the plane to Amsterdam, you concluded that even though he had long since established himself as a grade-A asshole in your mind, he was in mushy-love with this girl. You could tell from the sweet way he cradled her face while kissing her and how he took the extra step to block any potential cameras before giving her impressive rack a squeeze. Lucky for you, the video didn’t really evoke any messy emotions like jealousy. Instead there was just some satisfaction at having your suspicions confirmed and knowing he’d have to clean up this mess. You felt bad for the other actress, though. She was just starting out with mainly B movie roles and there was no telling whether the public would fillet her or ignore her altogether.
Taehyung has to sit on his hands to keep from rubbing your back you as you pour out all the things that had been stressing you out. What startles him is how stoic you are the whole time. When he first met you, you cried at the drop of a hat. It was endearing back then, but there’s no trace of it now. You sniffle a little when you talk about some of the vicious hate mail you received while in Amsterdam, but besides the shining eyes, that’s it. He clenches his jaw and wonders what you must have gone through in the last five years to have lost that quality.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbles when the lull in the conversation is longer than he expected.
“It’s fine, I just,” you sniff again, wipe your eyes carefully. “I was really hoping that once the dating clause in my contract expired, things wouldn’t blow up in my face like this. And now I can’t go anywhere without people shoving mentions of Nick in my face. I just—it sucks. I just want to do what I want and I thought I’d earned that right but I guess not.”
“I don’t know. I think you’ve earned it. You’re grammy nominated this year, and you visited 13 countries this year alone.”
“What are you? President of my fan club?”
“Do I look like a 14 year old girl to you?”
You squint like you’re giving it some thought and he squawks.
“I’m just kidding,” you duck your head. “You’re, what, 226?” He laughs at the extra two centuries you’ve tacked on.
“You remember my birthday,” he smiles widely.
“Of course I do.” The way he looks at you makes the hairs on the back of your neck stand up so you change the subject. “Alright. I’ve done enough talking. Where’s my compensation?”
“You literally haven’t changed at all,” he says while fishing in the pockets of his dark wash denim jacket. It takes a few seconds and he has to pull a few balled up receipts and earphones out of the pockets but he eventually pulls out a fat blunt and brandishes it like a huge check.
Nose wrinkling, you push his hand out of your face. “Weed?”
“Yeah! You said you wanted a pick-me-up, right? And I just got this yesterday from a dispensary. This is the good, strong shit. Probably could compete with the stuff they have in Amsterdam.”
“Well, I wouldn’t be able to tell.”
“Huh,” he furrows his brow while hunting for a lighter.
“I’ve never smoked so I wouldn’t know.”
“You mean you were in Amsterdam and you didn’t even try to smoke?”
“It’s bad for my voice,” you whine at his judgmental glare.
“It smells like armpit,” you try again.
“There’s the prissy princess. Well, you should know that the only stuff that smells like that is the shit broke evil dealers peddle to broke college students.”
You roll your eyes, but sit up on your heels so you can pay closer attention. Taehyung flicks his lighter to life and lights up the end of the blunt. He takes a deep inhale before letting out a thick cloud of smoke. He gestures for you to take it, but you shake your head nervously.
“What’s the matter now?”
“I don’t know how to do it. What if I burn my lips?”
He squints at you, wondering how you can be such a baby. “The cherry’s not even on the side you put your mouth on.”
“Whatever! I’m still scared.”
“Do you want to try it, though?”
You gnaw at your lip thoughtfully and decide that you need to take your mind off everything for a while. “Y-yeah, I guess. I don’t have a studio session tomorrow.”
“Okay.” He scoots forward on the couch until your knees are just barely brushing. “I’ll shotgun it to you.”
“What’s that?”
“You’ll see.”
He takes another drag, this time a little smaller, and holds the smoke in his mouth. Turning to you, he leans in until you can feel his bangs brush your forehead as he tilts his head to get the angle right. There’s about an inch of space between your mouths when he starts to let the smoke billow out of his mouth. You get the gist and try to inhale it as best as possible, but you’re new to it and he’s too far away for you to get the smoke.
“I’m not getting any,” your tone is petulant as the smoke floats up around your face.
Taehyung, on the other hand, is already feeling the effects of the strong blend he bought. He scoots forward once more and then turns to the side so he can take another drag. This next time, he grabs your jaw and brings you forward to meet him. Thumbing at your bottom lip, he coaxes your mouth open and slack before slotting his lips over yours. You feel the brush of the supple skin of his lips and it distracts you a bit, but this time you do manage to inhale most of the fumes. Your eyes drop closed as you hold the smoke in for as long as possible before letting your breath out.
“How was that,” Taehyung asks lowly. His lids have drooped to match his relaxed state. With the high slowly creeping over him, he ogles you unabashedly.
“It was okay. Do it again.”
He nods and quickly burns through the rest of the blunt, giving you the larger hits when he shotguns to you and taking slightly smaller drags for himself. To keep you nearby, his hand comes to rest heavily on the small of your back. You, still on your haunches, somehow end up straddling one of his thighs to stay close. Near the end of the blunt, you’re feeling a bit floaty and like the heat from the blunt transferred to your belly. Taehyung’s gaze feels tangible on you, like a firm-handed caress across all parts of you as he looks you over. Like smoke on your skin. You recognize the feeling as one you haven’t felt in a while and move to sit more properly in his lap.
“I want the last one,” you whisper while tugging on the collar of his jacket. The ends of his long hair tickle your fingers.
He nods and moves slowly to suck the roach dry. Once he’s close enough, you wait patiently. His nose grazes your cheek for a few long seconds before he finally turns to pass the smoke to you. You take it obediently and exhale but then grab him by the lapels to press your lips to his. His hands come up immediately to cup your face and pull you closer. You work your lips over his, drawing low groans from him as your tongue teases his.
“You smell good,” he says groggily between kisses.
“Thanks,” you roll your eyes.
His eyes flutter shut when you begin to press kisses to the column of his throat, your hands moving to unbutton the dress shirt he’s wearing underneath. He tries his best to keep up with you, but he gets slow when he’s high. So he settles for you being in charge, but does let his hands roam over your body.
A lot has changed since he last felt you like this. The strict gym regimen you employ to compliment choreography for songs has given you an amazing ass that he thought could only gaze at in pictures. And he had done quite a lot of that. Though he’s not sure how you would feel if he confessed to jerking off to some of your sexier music videos. He marvels at the feel of you and you’re pleasantly surprised when his hands come down heavy on your hips to grind you down onto his lap. A pleased hum leaves you and you reward him with kisses migrating lower, across the path of his now exposed torso. You leave the couch to sit between his spread knees on the floor. The button of his jeans is your last major obstacle and you still your hands over the waistband patiently.
“You get where I’m going with this, right?”
He nods his head, tongue coming out unconsciously to wet his lips at he takes in the sight of you on your knees in front of him.
“Do want you want me to...” you trail off, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed at asking your ex if you could blow him.
“Do you? Want to?” His hand reaches out to cup your cheek, thumb brushing over you cheekbone.
“Then, yeah.”
You move quickly to unbutton his pants and slide them down his thighs once he lifts his butt to assist you. He’s wearing boxers, which is a relief because you don’t want his bare ass on your very expensive couch, and the crotch opening provides easy access. With one hand, you smooth the wrinkles in his boxers over, noting the tent in the fabric and the dark stain where his head must be dribbling pre-cum. Your mouth is watering as you pull him out and test his girth and weight in your hand. Just the sight of his dick in your hand makes you want to swallow him down.
Before he can say anything else, you’re wetting his shaft with broad licks from root to tip. He grits his teeth and lets out a satisfied grunt at the way it feels when you tongue at his slit. You take him in until you just barely wrap your lips around the head, and he lets out a low moan at finally being enveloped in the wet, silken heat of your mouth.
“Can you do me a favor,” he manages to ask you despite the fact that stars are forming in the corner of his vision when you take him against the inside of your cheek.
“Hmm,” you hum around him, causing his hips to jolt up the tiniest amount.
“Can you spit on it?”
You smile in a way that can only be described as predatory and pull him out of your mouth. You spit like he asks, letting some drool pool on him as well, while he moans again and his hand comes out to smooth over your hairline. He’s more vocal than you remember and it gets you wet quickly. Before you stain anything, you kick off your stupid bedazzled leggings so you can return them to Bee in the morning.
“Shit,” he hisses when you start bobbing your head to a fast and unforgiving rhythm. You’re playing with him, you want to wring an orgasm out of him, and he can sense this. “Why don’t we take this s-slow?”
You pull off briefly. “Tae, I want you to fuck my face. That’s not well-suited to slow.”
“Isn’t that bad for your voice,” he mimics your tone from earlier.
You give him a pinch on his thigh before taking him into your mouth again and resuming your ministrations. Since you’re so focused on getting what you want, he decides to try and level the playing field and keeps his hip movements to a minimum and opts to talk through the head instead. He’s determined to get some clarity with you
“I’ve missed you,” he breathes deeply through the feeling of your saliva starting to trickle over him. The slide is getting slicker as you continue, making him lose his train of thought briefly. “So much.”
Instead of replying back with words, you just give a little acknowledging noise that’s too neutral to be a dissenting or affirming noise. He takes it in stride and continues.
“I still think about you all the time. And I—fuck—I’ve tried to date other people, but it’s just never felt quite the same way. You were the only one who understood me so well and who didn’t try to change me.”
His words wash over you and a wave of fondness hits you in a way that has you almost shy. You haven’t been shy in a long while because you couldn’t afford to be in your line of work. People were always trying to capture parts of you, and a great deal of them were trying to capture the uglier sides. There was no room to actually fear that for the last five years of your life because it was inevitable to a certain degree. But as you work over Taehyung, his words make you feel stripped down. You feel bare and small despite the fact that his words have nothing but good in them really.
“If I’m being honest,” he says and you slow your rhythm to stare at him, wondering what he could have to confess. “You might be even further out of my league than when we first met.” You sigh and pull off of him.
“Tae, come on. Give yourself some slack.”
“No, I mean it,” he sits up slowly, tongue heavy with earnestness as he tries to talk through the high. “It seems like you’ve only become more comfortable with yourself since you started singing and the way you move—it’s like you’re from another planet.”
“Oh my god,” your cheeks heat up when he looks at you like you have a halo and wings. “Stop, you’re being so unnecessary right now.”
“I still love you,” he says. The words fall from his mouth like he’s been dying to say them. “And I know you didn’t cheat on me when we were younger.”
Your mouth drops open in shock. To this day you still regretted lying to him like that. But deep down you knew that there was something off about his reaction. He didn’t seem shocked or nearly disappointed as you thought someone might be when they hear they’re being left for another person. Instead, he had just nodded and insisted on driving you home until Bee had to come out and promise him that she’d do it herself. The fact that he didn’t block you on social media or try to drag your name through the mud immediately after your debut made you wonder if he saw through your lie.
“How did you know?”
“I came early to pick you up that day. And I heard Bee tell you what to say to me. How to break up with me.”
“Tae, I’m so—”
He shushes you with a tender kiss to the cheek that’s so soft you’re rendered momentarily speechless.
“I know. It’s not your fault, they didn’t give you a choice.”
“I would have picked you if I could,” you mumble into the space between you. His hands feel like anchors on either side of your face and you cling to them in the hopes that you won’t cry. “I really would have. You don’t know how much I missed you.”
“I feel the same way. It killed me to see you with that Nick asshole.”
You smirk a little at the mention of Nick. “Aw. Were you jealous, Tae?”
He looks down at you for a second, reading your face carefully, before dropping one hand down from your cheeks to the nape of your neck. The weight of it reads as possessive on your skin and you lean forward unconsciously until you’re able to smell the faintly sweet smell of smoke on his clothes.
“You’d like it if I was, right?” His gaze hardens, setting your heartbeat into a rabbit-quick pace. “Hmm? You like me being jealous of him?”
“I don’t know.”
“Yes, you do. Answer me.”
“Okay, fine. Maybe I do,” you nuzzle into his neck to hide the excited smile splitting your lips.
“I knew it. It’s pretty on-brand for you.”
He nudges your bare thigh to signal you need to get up and so you do. You’re about to ask him what the hell ‘on brand’ means for you when he bends down to throw you over his shoulder with a low grunt.
“Tae, what the hell!”
Your raised voice gets you a harsh tweak to the perky globe of your ass and immediately quiets you down. He walks with you to the bed before throwing you down. Not rough enough to hurt but just rough enough to surprise you and give a doe-eyed look to your face. When you look up at him, his charade has fallen a bit, eyes returning to their original sleepy softness.
“Is this how you want it,” he asks you.
His voice is deep and gentle, and it evokes a different but equally visceral reaction. You nod and then shuffle over to the edge of the bed and sit at the edge of the mattress, waiting to see where he’ll take the situation. He smiles darkly at you once more before placing a hand on the back of your head to lead to his crotch.
His erection stands taller than it did before on the couch and he digs his fingers into your hair when you plant sweet kisses on the juncture where his thigh meets groin. You look sweet like this—playful, even—as you mouth along his length with kitten licks interspersed. When you’re about to take him into your mouth once more, he fists your hair and pulls you off him. With your head angled up to look into his eyes, you see a new emotion in them.
“Look,” he sighs. “If we’re going to do this, we’re going to do the whole thing.”
“What, like sex?”
“No, I mean you and me. I want to be with you. I’ve made my peace with what happened between us, but I know I still love you. So, I’m asking you to decide if you’re willing to do that, to be with me. Because I can’t—”
“What?” His eyes grow wider and take on an awestruck quality. Like he’s not sure he wants to believe what he heard from you. “Really?”
“I want to try again,” you curl your hands around his hips. Bringing him forward into a hug around his pelvis, you lean your chin on his lower abdomen and try to infuse as much reassurance as you can into your smile.
“You won’t get in trouble with your agency?”
You shake your head and curl your arms around his hips, bringing him into an awkward hug as you lean your chin on his lower abdomen and look up at him. “Nick was an exception because he and I were arranged by our respective agencies, but my dating clause expired last year. I can date who I want. Within reason.”
He throws his head back with the realization that he’ll get a second chance with you. The hand he has on the back of your head softly caresses the skin of your neck.
“God, I love you,” he breathes with eyes drifting closed in contentedness.
“Good. Now can we get back to this? You were being fun earlier.”
“Yeah?” His tone turns gravelly and coy as he coaxes you back towards his dick. “Are you ready to choke?”
You can only nod as you take him in gradually, only for him to wait until you get halfway and push your head further down. You gag around him at the sudden pressure at the back of your throat, but shift your breathing through your nose to get a better handle on it. He pulls you by the hair until you’re at the tip again before slamming you back down, your nose nearly brushing the skin of his abdomen. You gag and the sound causes him to thicken in your mouth and a rush of arousal to trickle down into your panties.
“You feel so good around my cock,” he moans as he begins thrusting shallowly into your mouth. You can tell he’s close from how irregular the rhythm is. “Can you try to deep throat me?”
After you give an affirmative hum and relax your throat as best you can, he takes your face in both hands and starts to pull you up and down his length, going further each time until he knows he’s in your throat from the sudden tightness of you swallowing and the increase in gagging. Saliva is now dripping from your mouth, coating him and your chin, but you don’t care. Your eyes tear up at the burning sensation, but you can also feel your arousal trickle down your leg as he fucks your mouth more intensely. Right as you press two fingers to your clothed center for some relief, he gives you a tapped warning on your neck and his orgasm spills into your mouth.
He quickly pulls off his jacket and shirt, handing the latter to you to wipe your eyes and mouth with. Once your face is dry, he tucks himself back in and climbs around you into the bed. You turn to watch him fold back your blankets and throw the pillows you have all to the foot of the bed, leaving the space by the headboard. Taehyung then lies down, head where your pillows once were.
“Going to sleep already?” Your voice comes out in a sultry croak that has him laughing a little.
“No, I’m getting ready for you to sit on my face,” he says simply.
When you don’t budge, he sits up and pulls you by the arms toward him. You try to escape him, but his grip just tightens the more you protest.
“Tae, wait, I’m not—”
“You’re not what?”
“I’m not...presentable. Down there.” You avert your eyes as you explain to him that it's been a since you were last at a spa to get waxed. You figured since you weren’t seeing Nick anymore and you were mandated by your PR crew to wait at least 4 months after a breakup, there was no need to keep up with such a strict...landscaping routine. He rolls his eyes and moves to pull on the waistband of your panties to peek in and see what you mean, but you shove him away.
“Do you think I actually care?”
“Do you really not?”
“No? Unless you have some disease or infection, what’s the issue?”
“I’m clean,” you pout.
“Good,” he says before placing a kiss on your lips.
While you’re distracted by the kissing, he maneuvers you into straddling his waist before pulling back. Reluctantly, you shuffle up to hover over his ribcage and shyly grab the headboard. He huffs.
“You know I can’t reach you from there. It’s called sitting on someone’s face for a reason.”
He nudges your butt until the seat of your panties lines up with his jaw. He sees a few errant curls peeking out from the leg holes of your panties, so he uses a finger to push your underwear to the side to get a better look. What’s unsurprising is that it still looks like a vagina, though it had been a while since his last non-bald encounter. He doesn’t care, though, and cups your butt in his hands to move you the rest of the way.
The broad strip he licks up from your entrance to your clit takes you by surprise and because you were wound up so tight from a combination of nerves and horniness from blowing him, you let out a high keening sound. Taehyung chuckles beneath you before using his full lips to kiss at the apex of your thighs, sucking your clit into his mouth. The tip of his tongue scrubs figure eights against the bundle of nerve endings and has you squirming over him. More arousal leaks from you and he shifts to drink from you, humming and slurping obscenely. He then starts to lick at you in earnest, tracing strategic shapes across your lips and sucking with varying pressures and paces until you start rocking over him on your own accord.
“That’s my girl,” he praises you from below. “Now, ride my face,” he says before flattening his tongue and pressing up to meet your tentative grinding thrusts.
The combination of saliva and your arousal makes the glide smoother than you expected and it feels so good that one of your hands leaves the headboard to fist in his thick hair. He moans a little at the faint sting and wraps his hands around the backs of your thighs to press you against him harder. His tongue dips into your entrance occasionally, chasing the flavor of your arousal, trying not to let any of your juices go to waste. You bite your lip to trap the wanton moans trying to escape you, but Taehyung realizes what you’re doing and gives you another sharp swat to the bottom to coax them out, mumbling against the inside of your thigh not to hide from him anymore. 
As you start to move more desperately above him, he attempts to fuck you more purposefully with his tongue. It’s just enough that in a dozen more swivels of your hips, you’re cumming all over his face, soaking his cheeks with a glistening varnish. You try to move as quickly as possible, but he stops you with a tight hold on your hips and licks you clean. You squirm away, partly because you’re sensitive and partly because he’s so enthusiastic about it that you’re a little bashful.
Finally he lets you get off him, but he doesn’t let you get too far. He follows you and almost makes it into the en suite with you, but you close the door at the last moment. You pee and clean up and when you come out, you feel like a weight has been lifted. Taehyung looks infinitely more sober lying in the middle of your bed in just his boxers, eyes bright and hair messy as he tries to figure out which remote will turn on your speakers.
You stand by the bed and watch him for a while. He turns to you innocently and holds the remotes in his two hands with confusion.
“Nothing,” you approach your closet and take off your borrowed sweatshirt before looking for your favorite well-worn sweatsuit. “You’re just so pretty.”
“You’re prettier,” he shouts over to you. He can’t see you inside your closet, but you’re smiling like an idiot.
When you’re fully changed, you go to the bed and lean over him to kiss him. He still smells like you and you tell him so, to which he responds with a grin and subtly licking his lips.
“So when do you want me to tell the public about you?”
“Whenever you want,” he shrugs.
“Really? Because there’s a good chance you won’t be able to live your life the same way you have been once I do that.”
“Then it’ll just change. I would expect it to if you’re coming back into my life again.”
“Oh my god, you’re so—”, you’re at a loss for words.
You decide to crawl into his space and pepper kisses into his skin. He smells like a strange blend of you and him, but the smell is reassuring in some way unknown to you. You sit there for the rest of the night, breathing him in like smoke
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Re: cute prompts—I would love to see their reactions if someone happened to assume they were a married couple for the first time while they were out and about one day. Perhaps they would roll with it, or maybe it would be a little awkward.
This spiraled out of control and I think I’m going to completely rewrite it, but here you are. Mind you I am taking so many cold medicine right now.
The north side of the city had it’s ups and downs, and Samuels liked it in limited doses. Amanda barely tolerated it. She was duly proud of a lunar heritage, a second generation, born of fate or fluke of bad luck on the same rock her mother was, born into the generation that would fight for declaration of rights to Lunar citizens and their spouses, Amanda signed a couple petitions and turned out on election days when she remembered. There was just a fleeting moment of an echo of a victory when she heard the laws pass, how she imagined a casual sports fan must feel on hearing their home team’s first win in a long time, but it was gone when she heard someone call her name across the crowded cafeteria, and the dull roar of the dockhands all rushing into lunch hour over powered that of the TV. 
Mostly, the fact she’s a lunar only occurs to her when she starts her internal, bitching monologue at how much she absolutely fucking hates Luna City. Smaller than New York, twice as shiny, and every inch more valuable than her life three times over, and all the music and film and art producers; it was noisy with tourists and the general unquiet ambience that Luna always had that unnerved from it’s great distance to Terra composes and artists for thousands of years. 
She’s been spending too much time indulging Samules’ interest in art and film, and she rubs her eyes at the harsh daylight after leaving the latest art gallery, old concept art from movies about Luna going back two hundred years complete with film cells from that one by the French guy who’s name she kept mispronouncing. 
“Everyone out here has charged us for admission for two,”
“Because there’s two of us, and this place is turning into the The Kingdom Park all over again,”
“Have you been?” he asks, vacantly, only recently letting himself look ahead beyond the following morning. 
“If you’re asking if I want to go, hell no. But yeah. I repaired the antique space themed coaster, a team I was on got contracted right after Weyland-Yutani bought the franchise. Have you been there?”
“No.” If he was going to ask something else, or question her opinion on some obscure creation they’d just seen inside, he changed his mind, and hurried slightly to walk in line with her. They fell into pace naturally once he caught up; he of slightly more than average height, and her on the tall side, their gaits were similar.  “So...it’s getting late,”
“I don’t--I’m not--”
“I get it, okay? You aren’t physically tired, you don’t think they should have charged us for two tickets, and you probably aren’t hungry right now, but you know what? Maybe you’re mentally tired, and just want to relax now, maybe it’s better to shell out a little more an get to see how it feels to be treated like a human once in a while, and I don’t think you’ve ever tasted real ice cream.”
The crowds were thick, but no one acknowledged them, or the subject of Amanda’s short rant. Moments of silence passed before Samuels very subtly offered her his arm, and Amanda linked hers through it instantly. There had been very few times in her life that she had wanted to hold someone’s hand in public, but if he was going to offer, she’d take it. She walked a little closer to him too.
“I only mentioned it was getting late in case you wanted to get something to eat for yourself,”
“Treating a girl to a day out and dinner? And expecting nothing in return?” she was teasing, but as close to him as she was she could feel him get a little warmer. “Don’t worry,” she smiles, admittedly a little tired, admittedly more interested in a hot shower alone and curling up in bed with him in the warmest pajamas she owned, “You can have whatever you want later,”
“I--thank you? Where do you want to get dinner?”
“Cafe next block up might have less screaming children than the pizza place,”
“Sounds like a logical option,” 
Amanda’s noes crinkled, and she bit back her ‘okay, Spock,’ comment. They’ve had a lot of small and sweet moments today, and it’s starting to make her feel uncomfortable.Inside the cafe is full, but not crowded, and Amanda crosses quickly to a row of tables along the back windows, far away from the noise from the street. She doesn’t bother with a menu, all these places have the same junk, and she mostly just wanted a coffee anyway, but Samuels already has a menu out and opened, even though she’s never seen him consume anything closer to food than a black coffee.“All the....items are named after lunar flights.”
“Welcome to tourist hell. Why do you think I live south of the city?”
“Tranquility and it’s surrounding districts are more...utilitarian.”
“Ugly as hell but affordable.”
“And a dozen of my face walking around,”
“Among other synthetics.”
“Do you know what you’re getting?”
“I was just going to get a coffee here and order take away on the way home,”
“Order whatever you’d like,”
She didn’t know many live-in couples, but the few she did all complained of the same thing: running out of things to talk about, and now, even after spending so much time seeing and doing things, she couldn’t think of five words to string together to make any kind of conversation. He’s too good for me, a part of her said, An actual human would be more companionable, another crueler part of her mind insisted. She shook her head a little in hopes to shut up both sides, only hearing the ending of a conversation that didn’t involve her.“Amanda?”
“What, sorry?” for not being an ‘actual human’ his expression was all bemused admiration as she forced her train of thought back into the present, and the young waitress (a hideous uniform in general theme of ‘retro space’ that half this part of the city had: red mini skirt, blue blouse, white boots, and eyeliner that the 1970′s wanted back) looking a little entertained by him.
“The waitress asked what you wanted,”
“Take your time,” the waitress said, “Your husband was saying you guys just went to gallery row, if you’re staying much longer I was going to suggest the museum of science fiction.”
“I’m a local,” Amanda said, correcting her. Samuels looked like someone had walked up behind her and put a gun to the back of her head, and she almost turned around to see what was going on. “He’s the one that’s new here,”
“Well, welcome to Luna,” the girl smiled brightly as he came back online,
“Thank you, I’ve...had a very good time here so far.” 
“And keep giving him ideas,” Amanda smiled, “He’s not my husband. Not yet.”
“Oh, I’m sorry! What can I get for you guys?”
“Coffees, two, black, and we’ll split a strawberry cake slice?”Samuels is still staring at Amanda, partially confused and paritlaly shocked, looking rather frightened, long after the waitress had come and gone with their food and more pleasantries.
“Chris, take it easy you look like you were handed a divorce statement, not a mistaken for married,”
“You weren’t upset,”
“Would you want to be married?”
“We’ve been dating for a month,”
“We’re dating?”
“I don’t know what concerns me more, the fact that you didn’t realize we were dating, or the fact that you were asking if I wanted to marry you when you didn’t think we were dating.”
“I know--I know we’re together, but I thought dating implied...I don’t know. We live together. I don’t know what that makes us.”
“You always struck me as more modern than that,”
“Very true, I’m just trying to see what will make you crack a smile. You look like you’re stressed.”
“I am. But--I mean it, what does that make us?”
“Dating, I guess. A couple, internally I keep thinking of you as my boyfriend but that doesn’t sound dignified enough for you. Man-friend makes me sound like an old woman trying to hide from her grandchildren that she’s dating again.”
“So....you would be my girlfriend?”
“If you’d like,” she sipped at her coffee, hoping to just finish it and go home, not sure if she wanted to sit him down and lecture him on general norms of dating again, or kiss him until that stupid look was finally off his face.
“But would you want to be married?”
“Jesus, I don’t know! I like you a lot, more than--I’ve really cared about anyone in a long time. But again, I haven’t known you that long.”
“Out of pure curiosity, how long would...you have to be in a relationship, in any good relationship, before you would want to get married?”
“I don’t know if I want to get married? To anyone--not just to--Chris, this isn’t--I don’t know how long. I don’t know how I could ahead of time. You’re...you’re more and more human every day and yeah, I already feel like this is work, but I haven’t been in a relationship in a long time so maybe that’s just how these are, but married?”
“I would like it...I think. It’s--a closeness I’d like to have with y--...with someone. I have no expectations on a time line but I don’t know about... Well, any of it. Anything.”
“To be honest, neither do I...But we can learn,”
“I like that idea,”
“Good. So do I,”
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tervacious · 5 years
Since Everything is a Feminist Dissertation Imma blog about Shane Dawson’s palette for a minute
Nine times out of ten when you make a statement and end it with BUT, you have outted yourself as a hypocritical ass who should have the ovarios to say what follows the BUT without the opening statement.  Maybe this will be true for me too.
In agreement with most radfems I totally think the cosmetics industry is a clusterfuck of male entitlement and wealth being siphoned away from girls and women to men and male CEOs, etc etc, and I also think the sheer amount of product and time involved in placing thirty-five different products on one’s face to achieve a “natural” look is insidious and a perfect exemplar of what misogyny functions like on a daily basis, BUT
I’m a survivor of an extreme fundie xtian cult that controlled female behavior by emphasizing conformity, femininity, modesty, and lack of adornment/personality.  I did not like this even as a small child because I’m a loner, Dottie.  A rebel.  Which means I was a totally normal little girl who didn’t like being controlled and who fought back at every opportunity.
Which might explain why I’m a goth.  I’m also an artist, and I’m on this planet, as are you, for a very tiny amount of time, and if I want to spend a fraction of that time adorning myself and wearing lots of black eyeliner, by the goddess I’ll fucking do it.  And there’s nothing radical or feminist about that, any more than there’s anything inherently radical or feminist about not doing it.
I have a single small dresser drawer filled with makeup, and I’ve been eyeballing it recently because I should really pitch out and replace about 80% of it for age related reasons alone.
And thus we come to the Conspiracy palette by Shane Dawson x Jeffree Star, and also the mini palette, Lorde help me
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Jesus christ, look at that.
I only buy one eyeshadow palette at a time and use it until it is gone or falls apart into dust.  The current state of the beauty industry is such that they are pressuring women and girls into buying palette after palette, some of them enormous, some small, but a grown-ass woman owning stacks of these things is not unusual anymore.  And new ones are coming out constantly-- to the point where there’s a whole part of beauty YouTube devoted to “the anti-haul”, in which people announce which makeup thing they will NOT be buying.  This is a sorry state of affairs, there’s no way around it.
I don’t collect makeup because that’s silly.  It’s a huge waste of money.  I watch otherwise sensible women hoarding vast numbers of eyeshadow palettes, and they use only one or two colors and that’s... just sad?  Apply that to the vast quantities of makeup products, to your lipsticks and glosses, to your pencils and correctors and corrector palettes and concealers and blushes and highlighters and contours and powders and foundations and primers and mattifiers and setting sprays and mascaras and a bunch of others things I forget, add a pile of false eyelashes and I don’t know, eyebrow merkins or some shit, and that’s what a well-appointed makeup afficionado is supposed to have in her arsenal.  And all those things can’t be just one-- you have to have multiples, for reasons.  But I honestly think the eyeshadow obsession is the worst, which is strange coming from me, because I adore eyeshadow.  
And yet in spite of this I have a black stand-alone eyeshadow pan, and one large palette that is cheap, made in China, not great but with a lot of weird colors in it, so I use that one when I bother, and a few pots of glitter.  My plan is to use it up or wait until it’s too old to use safely, and then pitch it/repurpose the case for something (it is literally the size of a laptop with a huge mirror in it so I can think of something), and get a new palette.  I only buy one at a time, and use it until it’s gone.  You know, like a rational person.
At first I’d decided when the time comes I’d get the Jawbreaker palette and mini, by Jeffree Star, because I loved the colors, but now I’ve changed my mind, because Shane Dawson’s not only has a case that matches my aesthetic, it also has awesome colors and, most importantly, BLACK.  I use black eyeshadow alone or to set my eyeliner, so I’m devoted.  And while all of these palettes have too many neutrals for my taste you can always use those for some kinda detail, and the Conspiracy Palette is my jam.  It’s really gorgeous.  Not gonna lie.
The documentary he made about the making of this palette is interesting on multiple levels-- there’s the process itself, which I didn’t know shit about until now.  There was the portrayal of his relationship with Jeffree, which was interesting and often pretty funny, and touching.  And from my chronic can’t stop writing feminist dissertations POV, the way women are the target of this business and yet completely sidelined was a real eyeopener.   Let me just mention this one part:
In the final episode when the palette is assembled, each pan glued into the box and then the box boxed up, there’s a song with a woman singing about how she’ll never be Prom Queen.  Shane is walking through the assembly line, emotional, because this is his project coming to fruition.  Jeffree is with him, and Shane starts crying, and Jeffree comforts him.  The song is clearly meant to be something Shane feels.
But the scene is of dozens of women, none of whom will be prom queen, none of whom are about to make millions of dollars on cosmetics, in white coats and hair protectors and goggles, busily assembling a beautiful object, which one suspects only a few of them will be able to afford for themselves though I can’t swear to that, it’s possible they are paid well, the place is unusual, Jeffree makes all his product in the United States, and I’m not inclined to jump to conclusions.  But they are anonymously and busily working, putting together this thing, meant for women, and no woman really had any functional input into this project at all.  This was, as everyone was joking, Shane and Jeffree’s baby.  A baby.  You know, the thing a man can never have.
I appreciate film making that reveals truth, even if it wasn’t intentional.
So other than that there’s not much to say.  You can watch the epic thing yourself on YouTube, it was entertaining (and good for me because I need to opt out of some of the heavier shit I’m always buried in, yet one more reason I fucking QUIT MY JOB and am now FREE,) but if you want a look into the way the business works on the indy end of the spectrum, not the old timey Cosmetics Corporations but the new one that Jeffree Star basically spearheaded and upturned large chunks of the old business model, I think this documentary is a good one for understanding exactly how marginalized women remain in a business that ostensibly is directed at us.
The reason I think women like watching men like Jeffree and Shane and whoever else do these things is because it aids and abets the lie that wearing makeup is all a choice women make.  The men are choosing, because men have zero pressure on them to do these things.  Women are taught to have affinity with men and to ignore their lack of affinity with us.  These bits of entertainment are a great brainwashing reinforcing device, to get us along for the ride, to hop in the car we never ever get to drive.  And none of it is intentional, which is the best part.  As smart as Shane is, the joy of being male is you just take things, casually, as your birthright.  You’re totally entitled to make a nine-hour epic following your friends and family, unapologetically, put it on the internet, and get accolades, including the one I’m writing right now.  You’re entitled to dictate the facts as if they contain a great truth.  You can be totally unaware of the impact your decisions have for the greater bad.  You can think you’re helping your sister-in-law through her crisis created by the very culture you are responsible for while mocking the women she blames for making her feel bad.  This set of films is a monolithic treat for a radical woman to confront.  And I hope, since there’s truth hidden in plain sight throughout, that a lot of other women and girls will see it too.  Will notice the few females scattered throughout the film, consulted in the most cursory way, knowing they have to perform or they’re replaceable.  I’m an Old, and used to seeing the real world, which has looked like this all my life.  I don’t know what a fifteen year-old will see.
Tati Westbrook also released a new eyeshadow palette last week I think, and since people think if she puts out a forty-five minute video she’s talking too much, she naturally did not film a massive docudrama showcasing her Eyeshadow Palette Journey or whatever I could imagine her saying.  Thus she was very much overshadowed by something that won’t appear for sale until tomorrow.  I have no doubt she’ll do well, but will she make twenty million dollars?  Will she do as well as she could have if she were a man?
Should anyone, off of what is essentially bullshit?   Pretty, gorgeous bullshit?  Of course not.  That’s the actual feminist conclusion, it doesn’t matter if a male or a female is profitting off of, essentially, the insecurities and desires for cool new things and to be hip and liked and looked up to, which all of us have to some extent in some arena.  I’m not immune to it either, ain’t lying again.  It’s always an unseemly pleasure to have someone half my age ask me what I’m wearing and where I got it.  Capitalism has conditioned all of us to associate material things with social acceptance and admiration, and if you are a materialist person like I am, that association comes very easily.
Anyway, that’s it, that’s the bit.  I have no doubt this thing will sell out in approximately two hours, which will happen without me because my old eyeshadow palette still works.  
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sweetpxsin · 6 years
Soulmate au! Lee Felix
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•Requested:Keeyakeeya (from wattpad)
•Member:Lee Felix
•Genre:fluff // soulmate au!
•Plot:Felix and reader meet by chance and he’s all cute and shy (like Chan’s soulmate au)
•A/N: bruhhhh someone tell me what sleep is cause I don’t know what it is anymore 4hrs daily my dudes what’s good(this isn’t even related to the fic I’m sorry) Also I made this a soulmate AU to injure two birds with one stone(don’t kill kids) Also  I just decided to use blue because felix has brown eyes // [ Master list // request box:open // Guide lines ]
•There was multiple ways that connected soulmates
•Some were more common than others
•Like having a flower tattoo that connected you to your soul mate  or having time stop when you both touch for the first time [ wink wonk ;))))) ]
•And there were less common and more rare ones
•The one you so happened to have was one of the more rare ones
•Heterochromia was what connected you to your soulmate
•Basically one of your eyes was your own eye color while the other eye had  another color that perfectly matched with your soulmate
•And when you met your soulmate your eye that had a different color from your own would have a mix of the two colors (look at moodboard for reference; top left corner)
•But what was tricky about this was that specks of your natural eye color would appear on the eye if you were near them, you never knew who your soulmate was till you made full direct eye contact with the other only then your eyes would change simultaneously
•personally you liked the deep blue eye you sported along with your brown eye
•and never wanted to cover it up with a contact lense
•It had caught a lot of attention towards you having growing up with people who predominantly had only one eye color
•Though as you grew old you did have a small insecurity about it because a couple of jerk kids would call you weird
•But it never pushed you to get contacts like some people had done
•Anyways that was the only way you could find out if someone was your soulmate so the chances of you finding him/her was pretty low
•CONSIDERING LITERALLY EVERYONE AROUND YOU HAD ONE EYE COLOR and because some people had natural heterochromia that didn’t attach them to a soulmate
•Ahem...anyways although the chances were so low you didn’t mind whether or not you or you soulmate had found each other because it wasn't’ your dream or main priority in the first place
•You wanted be a producer with your own studio
•matter of fact you had written and produced a couple hot mixtapes with some underground artists
•With that some companies were pretty interested in you but of course you never signed because you didn’t wanna be signed to a contract
•But you did work with them a couple time if you really wanted to because kpop didn’t really mix with your style (think Jake Hill and 3racha)
•So once you got a email from JYP you almost thought it was a joke
•cause like no way would your music style ever mix with his idols styles
•But apparently the email was real and that he wanted you to collab with his newest upcoming group Stray kids
•You had no freaking idea who Stray kids was so you looked them up and decided to give them a try because you actually liked their music
•Once you met up at the jyp building you felt hella out of place because everyone was dressed so nicely while you wore ripped jeans, a graphic hoodie with a denim jacket over it paired with basic vans
•You also felt out of place because the staff just looked at you before whispering to the person next to them rather than just walking  by or greeting you
•but by the time the 3 boys had entered you soon felt back in and place
•they didn’t dress super nice they dressed casually and you liked that
•The whole time you worked with Jisung, Chan and Changbin they were super sweet and never once brought up the difference in your eye color
•okay no that one's  a lie, Jisung did once but it was just to compliment you
•But that’s not the point so far the whole day had managed to be super productive you were able to work on the beats yourself, mixing some of their style with yours
•of course you called them back a couple time to asked them what they thought and you were ecstatic to know they liked it so far
•But somewhere during the time you were working by yourself someone had abruptly opened the door and you had thought it would have been Jisung considering he was rather energetic but when you turned your head you were met with a new face
•”O-Oh I’m sorry I thought Chan was here.”
•And with that he closed the door just as abruptly as he had opened it
•You  decided to just brush it off and go back to your own work
•On the flip side the boy who had abruptly walked in on you was having a mini heart attack as he looked for this beloved leader
•Once he had found Chan he quickly spilled the scenario to him in a rush of  English and Korean
•”Felix calm down I can’t understand you.”
•”First of all I was in there and secondly what’s up with you did your contact fall out or something??”
•If there was one thing you should know about Felix was that he appreciated the idea of  soulmates
•and although he totally loved the deep blue his left eye possessed his parents made him cover it with a dark brown contact that matched his own to avoid complications
•Though he still wanted to find his soulmate, so he'd sometimes purposely forgot to wear his contacts because the public eye had ever witnessed him with his blue eye and just assumed it was a contact in itself
•That was one thing he could defiantly thank his parents for
•But to know there was something off about his blue eye made him smile with a warm fuzzy feeling
•quickly grabbing his phone he opened the camera and nearly dropped it seeing the hints of brown that speckled in his once naturally blue eye
•but just as quickly has his heart skipped a beat it had fallen to the pits of his stomach
•how in the world was he supposed to know who he looked in the eye to cause his eye to change
•For all he could know his soulmate could have been covering their eye or had accidentally made eye contact with him when he wasn’t playing much attention to it
•Feeling a sudden drop in Felix’s mood Chan couldn’t help but slightly pity the boy having that he went through almost the same thing
•”Actually the producer we’re working with has a deep blue eye but I’m not sure if their just born with it or it has something to do with soulmates.”
•Immediately Felix perked up at the sound of the  statement and instantly thanked his mother…(I meant chan but I’m keeping that right there…) before slouching once again
•”I  don’t know what they look like.”
•”Dude we’re literally working with them it’s not like your is from a different company”
•”Yeah but what if they’re just born with it?”
•Rolling his eyes Chan left the boy to mope in his own thoughts not knowing how to cheer him up any longer
•With a sigh Felix soon left the building remembering that he was going to head to some new pop up stores with Jisung,  Seungmin, and Jeongin
•By the time him and the other three boys had headed out to the chilly streets of Seoul the idea of soulmates had left this mind
•Especially since the whole time they were just having fun, being goofy while dancing around or randomly singing parodies about how hungry they were, like normal teenagers
•Though in one store while Felix was looking through vinyls he had bumped into another person and once he turned to see them he notice how their once blue eye suddenly had a hint of brown appear in it
•”O-Oh um sorry I didn’t mean to bump into you.”
•”I-It’s alright really.”
•Their voice sounded like music to Felix’s ears and he wanted nothing more than to confront them about their eye
•But it was hard when he had decided to cover his eyes with a contact
•”...u-hm I don’t mean to come off rude by you-”
•Both of your eyes shot towards the owner of the voice before you quickly excused yourself to catch up with friend  
•Not feeling in the place to stop you he stood there quietly scratching the back of his head
•Despite losing his chance of talking to you, he couldn’t help but smile a little to him
•”(y/n) huh?”
•He barely knew you but he already loved the way your name rolled perfectly off his tongue
•Shaking his head he allowed things to be the way they were and found his friends to  just have fun tonight and worry about confronting you later
•The next day Felix and the other 5 other boys had been called into the studio for recording
•at first Felix didn’t bother to pay attention to new person that was sitting considering he was in a very enthusiastic  conversation with Changbin
•and well because their back was facing him
•But his attention was all theirs once they had turned around to introduce themselves.
•”Hello I’m (Your full name) I hope we can work well together.”
•Your eye was a dead give away and your name only confirmed his thoughts further
•But at that exact moment something came over Felix and he no longer wanted to confront you about it
•”Let’s see...Let’s start with Felix.”
•Getting up with a little bounce he walked towards the door and confidently walked to the mic
•”Shall we try it now?”
•Felix gave you a little nod along with a small thumbs and his heart fluttered upon seeing a small smile appeared on your face before you turned on the music and started recording
•Once you stopped the recording you tilted your head slightly
•”It’s really good but something seems off..”
•You looked at where Felix was and evaluated the space he was in before immediate standing up and entering the recording room to fix his mic to his height
•In that same time Felix took the time to rush a small conversation with you
•”Aye how could a professional like you forget? It’s because I’m super cute right?”
•”No- Wai-t Yes- WAIT NO- not in that way.”
•Your face instantly heated up and you chose to be quiet and quickly fix his mic before scurrying out of the room to finish up his recording
•”Alright let’s try this again.”
•Hitting record you loved the sound of his voice more now that the mic was actually leveled with his height and instantly went into doubling it
•Once Felix was done you went to change the mics height but on the way in Felix was on his way out and managed to mumble a compliment you on your way
•”You look really cool there.”
•Brushing passed him you couldn't help feel your heartbeat acclerate as you fumbled to fix the mix for Hyunjin
•You thought he was just saying but he meant it in all honesty
•The whole time you working he couldn’t take his eyes off you
•Like honestly he was watching talent at it’s best right in front of him
•And when day of recording came to an end he was still amazed with you and the best part was that JYP was letting you work with them this whole album
•And if you’re not getting the hint now it meant Felix had the whole time to subtly flirt with you
•He did exactly that, but not to the point you were uncomfortable
•Besides the whole time he did flirt with you, it’d be something super cute or cheesy
•The members even caught on to what he was doing and even shipped it to the point of small teasing
•Though you only started to thinking about having feelings for Felix when you had to work with him late at night because he was having trouble with one of his parts
•you ended up sitting with him, helping him with the tone he need  to use for the song
•and by the time he had gotten it down it was already late so you told him to go home
•he had left but came back soon with drinks, food and a blanket
•he draped the blanket over you and opened your food and drink for you
•and the whole time he didn’t say a lot but he didn’t need to because his presence was just nice (?)
•I mean you were still young and having to stay alone every night trying to achieve your dream got lonely and dull sometimes
•and the fact he stayed by your side while occasionally asking you if you were okay the whole time you were working made your heart flutter
•and what sealed the deal was when you wrapped up to go back home Felix stood up with you and kissed your forehead while mumbling goodnight before telling you to go home safely
•The next day you couldn’t help but smile back at him as he waved at you with the widest smile
•but in the back of your head you couldn’t help but regret that today would be the last day you’d be working with them
•and in all honesty everything was going really well till Felix started to whine about something
•at first you paid no attention to it thinking the members would help him with what was wrong
•but it got progressively louder to the point you had to turn around to see what was wrong
•and when you turned around you just saw Felix lying on the couch with the boys surrounding himself as he went on about something being in his eye
•and how it really hurt
•since they weren’t really doing anything you stood up to help the poor boy
•when you get to him you noticed how puffy and wet his eyes were from being irritated
•So you went to pull away his hand that was rubbing at his eye
•but when you did your breath caught in your throat
•It took you awhile to notice the huge smile on his face and once you did you couldn't help but mimic his smile
•”you sly little-”
•”I know I’m awesome right.”
•You rolled your eyes and playfully hit the boy despite the amount of joy coursing through your veins that  almost uncontrollable
•Pulling you into a tight hug Felix showered your face in kisses happy to know that the feelings he shared were mutual
•and suddenly today wasn’t as bad as it would have been
•sure it was your last day working with Felix and Stray kids
•But it wasn’t the end of you seeing them
•You never signed with JYP as a producer but you did drop by often if the boys had difficulties, or had been practicing for a while and you wanted to bring them food
•But it just another excuse to see Felix since he was the most precious thing ever
•It didn’t matter how late he would practice he would never miss a day to visit you and stay up late waiting for you to finish  so he could cuddle with you back at your apartment or the dorm
•If you were feeling super unmotivated in your work he’d always be there to bring you up and vise versa
•He had managed to change your own perspective on soulmates and you really grew to admire him
•But besides all that serious stuff the both of you were just super fluff balls together
•If you ever came over just to hangout or with food without fail Felix would always pull you in between his lap with his arms wrapped slowly around your waist
•And if he was just watching you work he’d always get lost in your eyes because he always thought your eye was a pretty shade of blue (even though it was the exact same color..)
•Highkey loves it when he manages to gets you all shy and embarrassed
•But you always manage to make him super soft by composing cute little things for him
•and even taking the time out of your day to teach him how to produce too (and he’d always get lost because he’s too busy staring at you lovingly because he’d love just how much your eyes sparkled when you talked about stuff like this)
•Overall both of you were just super soft for the other
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hellomissmabel · 6 years
Debut I/II
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: Someone being called a bitch and a jerk. Kicking someone in a very sensitive, male spot.
Word count: 2k
Summary: You’re a small town actress catapulted to fame when you land a role in an immensely popular TV show. After turning down the flirtations of the lead male character, the media paints you as a bitch and you end up being bullied by his fans. Struggling to stay true to yourself, you find comfort and friendship in one of actors who makes his debut on the show.
This is a two-part mini series! No tagging sorry x
All Sebastian Stan’s characters & fics can be found here
A/N: Written for @bbparker
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“Y/N, babe, filming starts in ten! Please hurry up to Wanda for make-up, dear,” the producer Tony screams from the other end of the room, heatedly discussing something with the screenwriter Peggy.
Bidding goodbye to one of the extras on the show, Peter Parker, you rush to the makeup department to get touched up. Wanda is already waiting for you with a playfully stern look in her eyes, sighing exasperatingly when you finally jump into your assigned seat.
“Your hair is a mess, Y/N,” Wanda groans softly as she starts to comb through it in an attempt to tame your fake curls from last episode. “I thought I told you not to put them up in a messy bun! Now you have so many knots and I have only…” Looking down on her watch, she shrieks dramatically. “I have only six minutes left to fix this!”
“Calm down, Wanda,” the attractive brunet in the chair next to you tells your stylist. “I’m Bucky Barnes,” he introduces himself, extending a hand for you to shake.
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you smile back at the handsome stranger, “I play…”
“Harley Rains. Yeah, I instantly recognised you.” His piercing blue eyes stare straight into your soul. “The female lead. Well, Harley, meet your new co-star, August Addison.”
Wanda tugs firmly on your hair and you release a soft yelp, your face contorting in a severely unattractive expression. It seems to amuse Bucky more than it bothers you, so you continue your conversation like nothing happened. “You’re Steve’s half-brother, right? In the show, I mean.”
“Brady Hawking’s brother from another mother,” he chuckles as the make-up artist gives him a final once-over before clearing him. “Nice chatting with you, Harley. I’ll see you in a minute or two.”
The brunet leaves with a cheeky wink as Wanda rushes to raise your hair and makeup to a presentable level. When you exit the hair and makeup corner, you bump into your best friend and co-star Natasha, who funnily enough plays your on-screen nemesis, Dixie Sauvage.
“Did you already meet the fucking hot new co-star?,” she whispers into your ear as she pulls you aside. “Bucky Barnes a.k.a August Addison?” With a big, toothy grin you answer her question. “I don’t think Steve will be very happy. A lot of the girls will now be swooning over August instead of Brady.”
Maria, one of the dancers on the show, rounds the corner and stops in her tracks as she sees the two of you talking. With a foxy attitude and swaying hips, she walks up to you and flips her hair. “Guess who slept with Steve?”
Bursting into hearty laughter at her silly impersonation, the mood soon turns serious again. “No, really. Do you know who slept with Steve now?”
Both of you shake your head, curiosity peaking sky-high. “Sharon,” Maria reveals with a hushed breath. “The one and only Chanel Shaw.”
Exchanging a bewildered look with the redhead, you clasp your hand in front of your mouth to avoid screaming. “Are you kidding me? Sharon? That bitch who plays Chanel Shaw?” Natasha makes a gagging noise to emphasise her statement.
Chanel Shaw is the Barbie doll of the show, played by the screenwriter’s niece, Sharon Carter. Most of her fans are teenage girls who wouldn’t want anything more than to see her get together with Brady. Her character just happens to be Harley’s best friend on the show, but in real life you can’t stand each other, mainly because Steve never had eyes for Sharon as long as you didn’t turn him down. On top of that, Sharon’s a lousy actress and only good for numerous, pointless dramatic encounters.
“So what episode are we shooting today?,” you hear Sharon ask her niece Peggy as you, Natasha and Maria make it to the set.
Rolling your eyes with a disappointed hum, you nudge Natasha’s arm and mumble “so unprofessional, she doesn’t even know we’re shooting the Christmas special today” under your breath to the redhead.
Clapping her hands after answering Sharon, Peggy tells everyone to that we’re shooting outside and not on the set as foreseen. “Change of plans, people. Since this is still a Christmas special and there’s fresh snow outside, my personal friend and newest addition to the show, Bucky Barnes, suggested that we could shoot the outdoor scenes, in fact, outdoor.”
Her statement is met with loud cheering from some of the actors, but most of the dancers cause a little disturbance as dancing in the snow certainly isn’t easy. Eventually Peggy manages to convince them by saying she’ll buy them all hot chocolate after and next Friday off.
The general outline of today’s episode is the following: Chanel takes Harley shopping for the perfect dress for Christmas Eve as she will be spending it at Brady’s house and will meet his parents for the first time. On their way from their high school to the mall, they pass a patio surrounded by snow, where there’s a guy playing Christmas songs on a piano.
Then the camera zooms in on the new guy, August, who catches the two girls staring and invites them over to join him in his carol singing. Harley absolutely adores the Christmas spirit and decides to take him up on his offer, sitting next to him at the piano and singing along. August is enthralled by Harley’s voice and they share a few looks, sharing a beautiful moment together. Cue the dancers while the camera again zooms in on August’s face.
His face is very close to Harley’s as they finish the song, their breaths visible in the cold. Their eyes lock and a pink blush raises to her cheeks, having a very romantic moment until they’re interrupted by Chanel. They make acquaintances and bid goodbye, to which August keeps playing and Harley can’t focus on the shopping trip anymore.
“Okay, guys and girls, great work! We take a five minute break and then we do it again! I want perfection and nothing less!,” Peggy exclaims as you immediately take at least a million steps away from Sharon to get yourself a glass of water.
At the stall for food and drinks, your shoulder brushes with Bucky’s and you drop your cup, the water splashing everywhere and all over Bucky. Bucky in turn also drops his cup of coffee, the hot liquid  gushing all over you as well.
“Oh shit,” you curse as you grab some napkins to dry the stains on Bucky’s shirt, more worried about his water stains than the hot coffee stains on yours.
“Nah, don’t worry doll,” he chuckles, amused that you got so flustered by a bit of water. “Let’s go to wardrobe to change. You do know where it is, don’t you? Because I don’t and otherwise we’re lost.”
That playful, boyish glint in his eyes has an instant impact on your feelings. “Yeah, I do. Follow me.”
“That was some fine acting, Y/N. I heard you were very talented but now I got to act alongside of you, I got a taste of true talent myself.”
A small smile graces your lips as you’re turning into a red tomato after receiving such a huge compliment. “Thank you. I couldn’t help but think I’ve seen you somewhere before. Is there any chance you were in Royals? The king’s son?”
Clicking his tongue and scratching the back of his neck with a shy look, he holds the door open and lets you walk in first. “Yeah, that’s me alright. Your next question will probably be if I’m gay, right? Since my character was gay and I did such a good job…”
After finding yourself a fresh shirt and jacket, you notice Bucky is standing with his back to you, shirtless. He’s changing into a new shirt too, giving you some privacy so you can do the same. “So are you? Gay?,” you call over your shoulder to your new co-star.
“I can assure you that I am a full 100% bisexual,” he winks once you’re fully dressed again and he can turn around. His reply inspires a tiny burst of happiness in your heart, as you’re obviously not entirely oblivious to his good looks and his charms.
Offering his arm to you to escort you back to the others, you gladly accept. “Can I ask you a question, too, doll? Is it true what they say about you and Steve Rogers?”
Instantly it’s like hell has frozen over. “People say a lot of things, Bucky. You gotta be more specific,” you say in a soft voice, avoiding his eyes.
Before you’re close enough so the others might hear you, Bucky comes to a halt and searches your eyes. “Did you really threaten to cut his balls off if he tried to kiss you again?”
His grave tone and neutral expression prompt a hearty laugh from your throat, bubbling up from deep in your chest. “Yes, I did, “you confirm the rumour, still quite proud you managed to finally make it clear to Steve that you weren’t interested and never will be.
Natasha waves you over, a sign that they’re starting filming again, and you walk alongside Bucky back to the crowd. Before you party ways, Bucky being called back to the patio and piano, he leans in very close to whisper into your ear. “I’m looking forward to teaching you how to play the piano, Harley.”
“Playing the piano?” You shoot him a confused look. “For the show? No-one told me I had to learn how to play the piano for the show.”
“I’m not talking about learning how to play the piano for the show, doll. Wanda told me about your resolutions for 2018. I believe learning the piano is one of them?”
Of course it was Wanda who told him. “In that case, I’m looking forward to it too then,” you smile warmly back at him, a skip in both your step as you resume your respective places.
A day of non-stop filming with only a half hour lunch break will leave you completely exhausted at the end of the day. Especially now, when Peggy insisted on filming the closing scene for the next episode early because “the light was just perfect and she wants perfection and nothing less”.
The point of this scene is actually really simple. Brady finds out his father has a child with his high school sweetheart and that this child is August, an aspiring musician and big flirt, hellbent on winning Harley. In this scene Brady and Harley stand outside on his parents’ porch while August and Brady’s father are having a father-and-long-lost-son moment inside the house. It’s Christmas Eve and Brady is having a hard time accepting his big brother. Harley is there to convince him she loves Brady and not August and that she’ll stick by his side no matter what.
It’s so cliché and filled to the brim with tooth-rotting fluff you feel you might vomit into Steve’s mouth before you get the change to make out. “I love you, baby,” you coo innocently as you cup Brady/Steve’s face in your hands, bringing his lips to yours in a sweet, chaste kiss.
When you part away, Brady/Steve looks into your eyes as his tongue speaks words of adoration, eyes gazing lovingly into yours like you’re the only woman in the whole world. “I don’t know what I would do without you, Harley.” The scene ends with another kiss before you intertwine your fingers and head back inside to make amends with August.
When Peggy calls it a day and everyone is excused, Steve’s attitude towards you changes immediately. He commands one of the assistants to give him a tissue to wipe his mouth while grimacing in your direction. “God, I can’t wait until you break up with me because you’ve got feelings for August. Will spare me the agony of kissing you again.”
With a scoff, you turn your back on him and walk up to Natasha. “If this were a movie, I would totally have chosen him. Brady is the perfect guy. Steve on the other hand… he’s just a big jerk,” the actress snarls as she pulls you with her to the locker room.
You offer her a kind smile when she hands you a sandwich to munch, figuring you must be hungry. “Fortunately, we have Bucky now to feast our eyes on.”
“Yes, indeed,” you chuckle softly, wrapping your arm around Nat’s shoulder.
Tag list: @melconnor2007 @learisa @mrshopkirk @dont-speak-just-read @buckyappreciationsociety @beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep @lovemarvelousfics @pleasantdreamqueen @petersunderroos @movingonto-betterthings @palaiasaurus64 @ssweet-empowerment @lovemarvelousfics @rrwilson66 @petersunderroos  @reniescarlett   @lostinthoughtsandfeelings @barnes-heaven  @that-sokovian-bastard @abovethesmokestacks @marvelrevival  @marvel-fanfiction @justanotherbuckydevotee @barnes-heaven  @heartmade-writingbucky @buckyywiththegoodhair @captnbarnesrogers @a-little-hell-to-raise @knittingknerdy  @winterboobaer @hymnofthevalkyrie  @feelmyroarrrr @justareader @howlingbarnes  @themcuhasruinedme @buchananbarnestrash @hollycornish   @delicatecapnerd @tomhollandzs  @aletheladyinred @xbergiex @promarvelfangirl @capbuckybuchanan @pegasusdragontiger @salty-holographic-stickers  @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @autijahnerd13s-blahg @sophiealiice @sarahmatthews7 @lumelgy @kudosia @daringtodreamawake @moonbeambucky @suz-123 @breezy1415 @always-an-evans-addict @thegreentgirl @yourtropegirl @4theluvofall @curvybihufflepuff @caplansteverogers @amrita31199 @isnt-the-blog-youre-looking-for @pineapplebooboo @thefridgeismybestie @supernatural508 @supernaturaldean67@cant-decide-at-this-moment @mehrmonga @specs15 @kanupps06 @imnotinsanehunny @sarahgracej @jasura @nerdyandproud9 @geeksareunique @jesspfly @badassbaker @whenallsaidanddone @ailynalonso15  @thebookisbtr @animechick725 @wheneggsymetbucky
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fortisfiliae · 6 years
You’ve Changed - Chapter 2
Characters involved: Sirius Black x Amy McConnell, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew,  Lily, James and Harry Potter
A/n: A lot of plot and explanations, of how the marauders grew since Hogwarts, what jobs they have and what they’re up to, in this chapter! (Also five-year-old Harry being cute!!!)
Find the other parts on my Masterlist linked in my bio!
Warnings: mentions of war and fighting; alcohol, smoking and drama at the end
Word count: 2.7k
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Chapter Two - Dinner Disclosure
Piles of clothes were spread everywhere across Amy’s bedroom after she desperately tried to find the perfect outfit for dinner with her former schoolmates. She needed something that said ‘I got my life together, but I’m still having the best time of my life’, even if she knew, both of these statements were only partly true. Would this black skintight dress be too formal? The others have always been rather casual back then, but were they still like that? Another reminder of how little she actually knew about the Gryffindors she once shared classes with, since none of them made an effort to stay in contact. Not that they were obligated to, Amy couldn’t be bothered to try either, because they haven’t been friends in Hogwarts - just students that happened to be in the same year and got along without any noteworthy incidents. They haven’t been friends, so why would they invite her anyway?
‘Screw it’, she thought and went with the first things she had tried, a pair of pitch black skinny jeans, a burgundy blouse, her cream coat and a pair of every-day black ankle boots, before she cast a tidying spell, that made the mountains of unused clothing float back neatly into the wardrobe. She fished the piece of paper with Lily’s and James’ address out of the back pocket of her working trousers, took a deep breath to concentrate before she closed her eyes and disapparated.
Amy arrived directly at their doorstep, as she had intended. ‘Still got it, not a bit rusty’, she thought, as she raised her hand to knock on the door, but ended up hesitating, wondering if she really was welcome - for Godric’s sake, she didn’t even know anyone in there properly. What if she wouldn’t connect with this group of best friends? What if they had no topics to talk about, resulting in awkward silence, while cutlery scratched on dirty plates? She quickly shook off those thoughts, they had invited her, after all. It would be fine. And if not, she could leave and never had to see anyone, except for Remus, again. So she exhaled sharply and finally knocked three times.
The door swung open, Sirius standing in the frame. “Thought you’d never knock”, he said jokingly. “Second guessing?”
“Reconsidering maybe”, she said with a slight smile, as she stepped in. “Did you watch me?”
“I heard you apparating outside and came to check who it was”, Sirius told her and pointed at the spyhole. “Hello by the way”, he added and leant in to air kiss each of her cheeks, his stubble ghosting her skin.
“Hi”, she breathed in between them, wondering when this form of greeting has become a thing, while she unbuttoned her coat.
“Let me help you with that”, he said and took it off her shoulders. “The others are in the living room, over there.”
Amy went through the half-open door into the cosy room, which had a nice little fireplace next to two small sofas, some bookshelves in the corner and a dinner table on the other side of it. Remus was leaning against a chair, talking to James, both turning their heads her way when she approached them. Each of the two shook her hand and pulled her a little closer by the shoulder, greeting her with a warm hug - no air kisses this time.
Before they could start talking, Amy felt something gripping her pinky and pulling on it. She turned around and looked down to a small boy, who was without a doubt the Potters’ son. Every inch of his face, including his wild black hair and a mini version of round glasses, looked like an exact copy of James, except for the green eyes - they were Lily’s. He was about one meter tall, reaching a little bit above her hips, so Amy squatted to match his size.
“Hi there”, she said as he still held her pinky, yet didn’t look into her eyes as she spoke.
“Who are you?”, he asked and swung her hand from left to right gently.
“I’m Amy. And who are you?”
“Harry”, he said with a grin, before he finally made eye contact again. “Are you uncle Padfoot’s girlfriend?”
“What?”, she laughed. “Who is uncle Padfoot?”
Harry turned around and pointed at Sirius, who just entered the living room, making Amy raise her brows, which led Harry to giggle, swinging her hand more powerfully.
“No, I’m not his girlfriend. Why did you think that?”, she asked.
He let her hand go and began to explain, using various gestures to emphasize his words: “Uncle said a new friend would come today. And you’re a girl, you know. A friend who is a girl, is a girlfriend, obviously.”
James and Remus snorted at his cute answer and Amy bit back her laughter, saying: “Sounds very logical to me. Maybe your Dad will explain what a girlfriend is, some time.”
Sirius joined them and ruffled up Harry’s hair even more. “What are you guys talking about?”
“Girlfriends”, Harry told him and clumsily tried to fix the mess on his head.
Amy stood up laughing and looked over to Remus and James, who have been watching them amusedly. “Lily’s in the kitchen, if you want to say Hello”, James whispered to her and gave her a chance to escape, before Harry would demand more details regarding girlfriends. She smiled thankfully and pointed to the door on the other side of the room, raising her brows questioningly, to which James nodded.
Entering the kitchen, Amy found Lily preparing dinner, surrounded by steaming pots and pans, some already cleaning themselves in the sink. She clearly knew how to combine muggle and wizard cooking, as she effortlessly swung her wand, as well as a wooden spoon.
“Sorry to interrupt you”, Amy raised her voice, to not get drowned by the steaming and sizzling sounds from the stove. “Can I help out somehow?”
“Oh hi Amy”, Lily cooed, turning her way and greeted her with a small hug. “No way you’re helping, you’re our guest.”
“Alright then. Thank you for the invitation by the way. I wouldn’t have thought that Remus and you wanted me to drop by”, Amy said.
“Remus and I?”, Lily asked, before she dipped a spoon into the pot with gravy and gave it a taste.
“Yeah, Sirius said you wanted to meet again. Because we were fellow prefects back in school.”
“Oh... Right. I think Sirius may have fibbed you there. He was the one who asked us if he could invite you.”
“Yes, actually I wasn’t really sure about bringing someone new to our house, given the circumstances. But he and Remus assured that you’re trustworthy. So we agreed and we’re happy to have you here now.”
Great start. They didn’t even want her to come and now she was there, a gatecrasher, untrustworthy at that. She could already sense the awkward silence that was going to linger during dinner. “I’m really sorry. I can leave if you want. Sirius told me... He... That git”, Amy struggled for words, her embarrassment spreading in dark red on her cheeks.
Lily took a step towards her and tried to calm her down: “No, stay. Please. As I said, I’m really happy to have you and we all need a breath of fresh air in here. If I really didn’t want you to come, I wouldn’t have let him invite you.”
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Peter arrived just in time for dinner, the others joking about his bad habit of always being late, but never late for food. He shook Amy’s hand quickly, his palm was sweaty and he seemed tired but jittery. She remembered how Peter has always been the shyest of the group, in school. He had been chubby back then, still was somehow, but he looked like he had lost some weight recently.
They sat down at the table, three people at each long side of it and Harry at the top, in his highchair. Lily sat next to him, with James and Peter on one side, while Amy sat on the opposite, Sirius to her left and Remus to her right. Lily had really outdone herself with the dinner she prepared, it was delicious. While everyone munched on it, they talked about the things they have been up to since Hogwarts. James had ditched his Quidditch career because he didn’t want to show himself in public all the time and had become an Auror for the ministry, while Lily stayed at home with Harry for now.  Remus worked at Being Division, Peter at Obliviator Headquarters - both in the ministry as well, making Amy wonder how 75 per cent of the infamous Marauders managed to get those jobs. Sirius told that he had also applied as Auror, but got rejected each time, due to his family’s reputation of glorifying dark magic. He eventually accepted the ministry’s decision and started a business as a tattoo artist, after apprenticing enchanted body art.
They wanted to know how Amy got her job at J. Pippin’s Potions, so she explained that she went to Greenock straight after Hogwarts. Professor Slughorn had offered her to go there and get vocational training in Potions, from his dear friend Ilona Marth. A chance she couldn’t deny, so she accepted and had been living there for two years.
“So you’re a Potions master now, right?”, Remus asked as he put the last bit of mashed potatoes on his fork.
“I am, yes. And sort of a Mediwizard too, as they go hand in hand”, Amy replied.
“And you never thought about teaching in Hogwarts?”, Lily asked impressed.
“Not really. I wanted to experience the ‘real life’ outside of school for a while. Maybe someday, but as far as I know, they got Severus as a Potions master at Hogwarts now.”
“Gosh, Snape”, Sirius mumbled before sipping on his wine.
“Yeah, I think we can agree not to talk about Snivellus again”, James jokingly added.
“James”, Lily rolled her eyes at him and got up to pick up Harry from his chair, before she went upstairs with him and put him to sleep.
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Conversations went on very easily, against Amy’s expectations. They had a lot to talk about, possibly because they still needed to get to know each other. After her second glass of wine, Amy was confident enough to ask the burning question she had been thinking of, for a while.
“So, are the rumours true?”, she asked carefully. “Did you-know-who attack you?”
The others shared a quick glance, seemingly checking if someone disagreed with telling. As no one intervened, James said: “He tried. But we were prepared.”
Lily went on: “We used various protection spells on our house and made Sirius our secret keeper, so no one can find it unless he tells them. We’re safe here, but have to watch out everywhere else.”
That’s why she has been unsure about Amy. Sirius wanted to reveal their secret to her. And she let him. “Where is he now?”, Amy kept asking.
Remus began to explain: “He and his Death Eaters attacked us during a mission for the Order.”
“The Order?”
“Guys, don’t you think it’s a little early for disclosing that?”, Peter whispered, picking his fingernails.
“Don’t kick up a fuss, Wormtail”, Sirius shushed him.
“We’re all part of an organisation called The Order of the Phoenix. Dumbledore founded it years ago and we joined right after school”, Remus continued to explain.
“We could use a Potions master slash Mediwizard among us, actually”, James said invitingly.
“And what exactly does the Order do?”, Amy asked, more baffled than anxious.
“Guys”, Peter tried to stop them, in a breathy tone. “Enough!”
“Shut it, Peter!”, Sirius simply clipped.
“We’re fighting Voldemort and his allies, trying to destroy them”, James told her.
Lily ran her finger on the rim of her wine glass and sighed. “You surely have heard of the prophecy about Harry. Since Voldemort found out about it, he tried to kill my boy, along with all of us. But we managed to fight him off. We damaged him pretty severely last time.”
“He escaped. I don’t think he’s dead, just very weak”, Lily went on.
“I tried to find them multiple times, but the Death Eaters always seem to be one step ahead”, James conceded and shook his head slightly.
Peter suddenly jumped from his chair, drawing everyone’s attention to him.  “I said enough!”, he hissed. “You invite a stranger to our house and credulously tell her all of the things we swore to keep a secret after we had dinner once?! And even ask her to join the Order, despite knowing nothing about her. She could be a spy!”
There was the awkward silence. They watched him open-mouthed, as he stood there in a rage, chest heaving heavily.
“I, I’m sorry”, Amy mumbled. “I didn’t -”
“Peter”, James tried to stay calm. “First of all, this isn’t your house. It’s Lily’s and mine.”
“I’m aware of that. Amy, this is nothing personal, but I can’t believe you guys just trust any stranger Sirius obviously just wants to shag”, it blurted out of him.
“What the fuck, Peter! Are you out of your mind?”, Sirius shouted as he got up himself.
“Okay, I’m going to head home now”, Amy interrupted them, feeling both angered and humiliated. “I’m sorry I caused this. Thank you for dinner, it was lovely, Lily. It’s been nice seeing all of you again. Peter.” She looked at him one last time, his face wrapped in a frown before she headed to the door.
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“Wait! Don’t go”, Sirius tried to stop her, as she put on her coat. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him. He’s talking utter bullshit.”
“Well, I can’t know that. Because he’s right. We don’t know each other. You don’t know if I can be trusted. But I can assure you, I’m not a quick shag”, she replied, hastily buttoning up her jacket and walked outside.
Sirius followed her, grunting: “He knew that would make you leave. That’s why he said it. Bastard.”
Amy stopped on the doorstep, turned around to face him and said: “I’m certainly not staying if someone inside clearly doesn’t want me there.”
He sighed, reached into his back pocket, pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one with his wand, taking a drag before answering: “I understand that.” He blew out a cloud of smoke and continued: “But you know everyone else thinks you’re to be trusted. Peter will settle down. And I don’t see you as a quick shag.” He inhaled once more. “I mean. You know I’m always down, but you’re not like that.”
Amy let her head fall back and laughed at his comment. “You lied to me. Lily told me they didn’t want me to come in the first place.”
“True”, he mumbled. “But would you have agreed to come, if I said that it was only me that wanted you here?”
“Probably not”, she admitted.
“See? And aren’t you glad you came?”, he asked ironically.
“I was until five minutes ago”, Amy chuckled once more, while she took a step closer to him, glanced at his lips, where the cigarette lingered and took it from there, between her index and middle finger. His eyes followed her hand, his head neared hers slowly, as his view wandered up to her mouth.
“Good night, Sirius”, she whispered, brought the cigarette up to her mouth, took a drag and disapparated.
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Find the other parts on my Masterlist linked in my bio! 
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I so hope you like where this is going, as I am really excited about this story! It would mean the world if you told me what you think and feel free to tell me your suggestions for the plot. Thank you for reading, xoxo
Permanent tags: @geeksareunique @little-hufflepuff-badger @marauderskeeper @giggleberts @way-obsessed5 @oreofrappiewithblueberry  @draqcnheartstrinq @stxxphi @whatisthisthingcalledlife  Let me know if you want to be tagged (permanently, or just in this series)!
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h-styles-babes · 7 years
Nr 51 from the writing prompts pleaseee😍
Thank you so much for your request, babes! Sorry this one took me a bit longer. Between the other requests I had and keeping up with No Control, this took bit of a backseat, but I finally got time to write it. Hope you like it!
Also, this got a wee bit out of hand, so it kinda ends on a cliffy. If you want a second part, just let me know!
51. “I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.”
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Y/N was fucked.
Well, not literally, which was part of her problem, she thought. At least if she was literally fucked, she would be getting something other than feelings of immense frustration and a little bit of self-loathing from this situation. 
But, no. Y/N was fucked in the metaphorical sense where she knew no good could come of the feelings she could sense growing in her tummy, like a snowball that has somehow rolled itself into an avalanche without anyone noticing. One day she’d been happy to have a laugh with the boy she had no business even being friends with, and now she got butterflies in her stomach and a little flutter in her chest whenever he’d so much as smile because of her. She wasn’t sure when or how it’d happened, but it had, and now she was fucked.
That was all she could think of as she sat across from said boy at a pub, his hair hidden under a beanie, his nose adorably scrunched up as he laughed at some comment she’d made about his recent televised portrayal of Mick Jagger on an American TV show. He was freshly back from his debut performance as a solo artist, having taken to New York for the momentous occasion. They’d seen each other just the week before, before he’d left for America for a few days, but she had felt like she’d missed him dearly in their time apart. Seeing and hearing him giggle at her comment made her insides warm, and she couldn’t help the smile that settled onto her own face, happy with making him happy.
It’s not like they spent all their time together. He was a busy person, always off making music or filming already critically-acclaimed blockbusters or arranging some sort of promo for the new time in his career. But they’d seen a decent amount of each other and they’d become relatively close over the years, going to each other when they were looking for a fun time and a guaranteed laugh. Y/N knew she didn’t really have a reason to miss him so, other than the fact that she had developed feelings for the man. It was an unsettling sort of feeling, missing him so deeply even though she’d seen him more than normal in recent months. She’d gone months without even so much as a call between them before with little thought, but now not texting him everyday seemed like a travesty.
“Yeh’ve seen me do the impression before!” he protested through his chuckles. He took a sip from his glass, still sort of grinning at her, his green eyes never leaving her’s.
“Yeah! But never with you all dressed up and on national fucking telly,” she giggled, gently kicking at his shin underneath the table. She vaguely understood that she was actually flirting with him now, something she was sure she’d never done before, but she couldn’t help it. “And it made me miss your long hair.” She pouted at him playfully, though her statement was true. She’d met Harry when he was already in the process of growing it out, so she’d never seen it short in person before. Seeing him for the first time after the fancy photoshoot where he’d cut it had been a bit of a shock for Y/N, she’d admit. 
“Kinda miss it myself, honestly,” he nodded, running his hand over his head to rid himself of the beanie and tug his fingers through his hair. It was a bit longer now than it had been in recent months, since he’d had to keep it pretty uniform for while he was filming, but he was pretty sure Lou was going to talk him into a cut soon. “Don’t know when I’ll get a chance to grow it out again, though. Don’t wanna be in a weird phase when I have to do the premiere and stuff.”
Y/N huffed, a little put out. “Know my opinion doesn’t matter much, but I really liked the long hair. Bring it back, dammit!” she joked.
“Course your opinion matters, petal,” he admonished. “I could see the utter horror in your eyes when I saw yeh for the first time after I’d got it cut.” He chuckled at the memory, sipping at his pint. 
“It wasn’t horror!” she protested. “I was just shocked. Never knew yeh with short hair. Baby Harry had short hair. Man Harry always had long hair.”
“Do yeh refer to me as Baby Harry and Man Harry regularly in your head?” he asked, eyebrows scrunching together.
“Not unless I see photos of yeh from your early days. You look like a right child back then.”
“I was a child back then,” he reminded her. “Been doin’ this since I was sixteen.”
She cooed. “Aw, such a wee little lad.”
“Oh, shut it,” he chuckled, throwing some peanut shells at her that had accumulated on the table.
It had been a few days since Harry and Y/N had gone for a drink at their local pub, and she hadn’t really been expecting to hear from him for awhile, what with the promo for his new album and it’s ever-nearing release date. She figured he’d be much too busy with traveling and getting things in order to text her much less stop by her flat in North London, just a few block from his own home. But that’s exactly what he did one evening after Y/N had gotten in from work, already changed into her pyjamas and hair already thrown up in a half-assed bun. She was just about to start wiping her makeup off when there was a buzz, indicating that someone was requesting to come in. 
Y/N wasn’t expecting anyone, so she thought maybe it was one of her neighbors who forgot their keys needing to be let in. It had happened before, seeing as the older woman who lived next to her was very forgetful and often left her keys sitting on her kitchen counter when she left for her bingo nights that happened twice a week. Y/N wasn’t quite sure exactly which nights those were, but there was every possibility that one of them was that night. 
She answered the buzzer with a slight smirk on her face, waiting to hear Mrs. Knowles’ high pitched voice answer back to her when she said her greeting. 
“Lemme in, love,” came back Harry’s slow drawl, slightly shocking Y/N. “Bit nippy out here for mid-April.”
“I gave you a spare key to the front door so you wouldn’t have to wait, Harold,” she nagged, worried about someone out on the street recognizing him and bombarding him. She pressed the button to unlock the door.
“Lost it,” he answered casually, and Y/N could nearly see the shrug of his shoulders. 
She waited to continue their conversation until he was in the safety of her flat. As soon as he was in the door and shrugging off his coat, she picked up where they left off.  
“Lost it? I put it on your key ring for you! Now some creep is gonna get into my flat and it’ll be all your fault. If I die, I’m gonna make sure the police throw your ass in jail right alongside my murderer’s.”
“Can’t really do that if your dead, can yeh?” Harry mocked with a roll of his eyes. “And stop bein’ dramatic. I know the key’s in my house, just don’t know where.”
“That’s reassuring.”
“Will yeh just stop for a mo’? Came over here for a reason, yeah?”
“And what is that, H?”
“What are yeh doing on the twenty-sixth?” he asked, a shit-eating grin making it’s way across his face. 
Y/N turned to look at the refrigerator where a dry-erase calendar was posted. She put her work schedule up on it as well as any appointments or important dates so that she’d remember when they came around. She remembered important events and dates just fine, but she was usually so busy scrambling around like a chicken with it’s head cut off that she forgot when it was coming up. It usually wasn’t until a day later that she’d remember and kick herself in the arse for it. The calendar helped to keep the clutter of her brain organized. 
“Nothing,” she shrugged. “‘ve got three days off in a row starting that day.” She silently rejoiced at that, having forgot from when she wrote it down the week prior. “Nothing else, though. Thought of maybe popping by my parents’ to spend a day with them. Why?”
“I’m goin’ to Paris for a performance and interview on a television show there,” he told her, grin only growing wider. 
“Congratulations?” she responded, kind of confused at the giddiness. This wasn’t something he hadn’t done before. “Make sure I set a reminder to watch it.”
“No, no,” he quickly denied, grabbing her hand from where she went to take up a marker to write the event down in the little box on the calendar. “Want yeh to come with me. Never been to Paris before, right?”
“Yeh serious?” she gasped, spinning back to stare at him with wide eyes. “Absolutely. Gonna be there for two full days, but the show’s only on the first one. Figured we could explore Paris together a bit. Sorta mini holiday.”
“What am I to do while you do your telly thing? Sit in the hotel? Get lost in Paris by myself and get picked up by human traffickers?”
“Why are yeh always so dramatic?”
“You’re the one who made me watch all the Takens! They were in Paris in the first one. I trust yeh, Harry, but you’re not exactly Liam Neeson.”
“Bugger off,” he huffed. “You’re gonna come with me, yeh weirdo. Sit all pretty in the studio and laugh at me trying to answer the questions that’ll all be in French and cry like yeh always do when I perform. Sound alright?”
“I do not always c—”“
“Love,” he cut off, grabbing her gently by the shoulders. 
She huffed. “Fine. Alright. I’ll come with yeh. Send me the information. Now, either get your arse out of my flat or sit down and watch some Netflix with me.”
Harry grinned, triumphant in getting her to agree to come to Paris with him on such short notice. He had been worried that she’d have to work or she just really wouldn’t have wanted to come with him, because they weren’t really that close, but he was pleased that it had all gone off without a hitch. Harry liked Y/N’s company. She was funny and quick-witted and she kept him on his toes in the best way possible. 
It had been complete chance that they had met a few years ago—having literally bumped into each other in a local Tesco’s on the soup aisle—but Harry thought maybe it wasn’t really chance, but actually fate. Within ten minutes of knowing her, he had felt like they knew everything about each other, aside from Y/N obviously recognizing him. She’d never treated him as Harry Styles though. They’d bumped into each other, causing Y/N to drop the soup cans she’d been balancing in her arms and under her chin. She’d cursed rather loudly, making Harry’s eyebrows jump up on his forehead at hearing such a little thing curse so vividly and with such emotion. He’d been quick to apologize, dropping down to pick up her cans and stand them upright so they didn’t roll away.
“Should’ve gotten a bloody basket,” she’d grumbled to herself, obviously frustrated. “Popped in for fucking milk and a new box of tea. Didn’t fucking think they’d be having such a good deal on the bleeding soups.”
Harry had chuckled at her dialogue to herself, amused with her colorful language and her grumbling. She must have heard him, because she popped her head up and leveled him with a glare. “What’re yeh laughing for? You’re the one that’s made me drop ‘em all.”
“I’m sorry,” he apologized through a chuckle. “I’m not laughing at yeh, promise.” He’d quickly started piling her soup cans into his own empty basket, having just entered the store. “Take my basket. Yeh won’t have to carry all the soup in your hands, then. I’ll get a new one.”
Y/N had paused then, finally realizing who it was she was knelt beside. “You’re that Styles bloke. That one in the boyband.”
Harry tried to keep his cringe to himself, so he smiled tightly and nodded. “That would be me,” he confirmed, hoping this wouldn’t get unpleasant. He’d just wanted to get some food since his home had sat empty for so long. His fridge was nearly completely empty. He would never complain aloud, but he really didn’t want to run into any fans on his quick trip out.
“Neat,” she brushed off, moving to pile more cans into the basket. “Sorry for cursing at yeh. Been a long day.”
Harry was a little thrown off by her quick brush over how he was famous. It was rare that he was recognized and not bombarded for pictures or signatures or the like. He didn’t really like that a normal human interaction felt novel to him, but he did like that she had been so breezy about it all. Maybe she just wasn’t one to obsess over celebrities. Or maybe she didn’t like their music. 
After that, they’d got to talking about something so completely mundane, Harry couldn’t even remember what it was, but they spent a good fifteen minutes in the soup aisle of Tesco’s talking about nonsense and laughing together. When they had parted ways, it had been with no intention of ever seeing each other again, which both parties were surprisingly bummed about. It wasn’t two weeks later, however that Harry saw Y/N sitting in the window of a local coffee shoppe, stirring at a large mug with a spoon and reading a book he recognized by the cover. He remembers feeling a little flushed, knowing the dirty contents of the poems within, but smiling nonetheless, because it was a book he was fond of and somehow it fit that she was reading it. So, he’d popped in, spooking her at first and making her blush as she shut the book, placing it face down on the counter. He’d made a teasing comment about the author and the words in the book, and while she sat stunned at first, she quickly righted herself and made a joke about it being the only action she’d seen in months. 
She had rejoiced internally at the way it made Harry pause, hoping he’d felt even a fifth of the embarrassment she’d felt at his original greeting.
They left that day with each other’s numbers and a promise to get in touch. Ever since then, they’d see each other occasionally, usually in casual places where Harry could keep his head down. She’d even met his bandmates within a few months of knowing them. After they’d all hung out together at a pub, Harry had gotten a good ribbing from the lads about how fond he was of her. Harry had denied it, because it was a bit ridiculous that he’d be soft for someone he’d hardly seen, but he couldn’t deny to himself that he had a bit of a crush on her. He never addressed it though, and they’d kept their relationship platonic in the years that followed. 
Three years in, though, and that same warm feeling he’d get in his chest when he was around her had only intensified. Even when they’d hadn’t spoken much in a few months, he’d dream about her and his fingers would itch to text her or call her up when he was alone in his hotel room after a long day of shooting. He’d held himself back, though, not wanting his tired mind to do something he’d regret in the morning. 
He was playing off this new request for her to join him in Paris as him being a good friend and taking her to Paris since she’d expressed the want to go several times over the years but never getting a reason to go. Now he was giving her a reason since he was going to be there anyway. She’d get to see him perform his own solo music live for the first time, as well, and Harry was telling himself that was all it was. But he knew he had selfish reasons for asking her to tag along. He wanted more time with her because she made him feel good and he felt comfortable with her. He’d wanted to ask her to come to New York with him, too, since he had been so nervous for his first solo performance and he thought she’d make him feel better, but he had to be there for a whole week to rehearse and practice for his skits as well as his performance. She’d never have the time off.
But now he’d have time with her for two whole days in Paris, just the two of them, and he was beyond excited. He didn’t know what would come of this trip, and he wasn’t sure if he was excepting anything profound, but he was excited, anyhow.
“I feel highly underdressed,” Y/N expressed, looking down at her own wardrobe and comparing it to Harry’s. It was cold in France still, much like it was in England, and she’d put on a grey jumper, a navy green jacket, black jeans and black boots*. She’d ditched her scarf once they’d entered the building, but her casual outfit had nothing on the trouser and vest combo Harry was wearing with a plain black tee that fit him perfectly.
“Yeh look perfect,” Harry assured her, buttoning up the cute little vest he had on that matched his trousers. 
“I look like a slug compared to you.” 
Harry pursed his lips and furrowed his brows at her comparison. “Yeh do not look like a bloody slug, and yeh look beautiful. I’m only dressed like this because I’m gonna be on telly.”
Y/N huffed but peeked a little grin at his compliment. The part of her that fancied Harry always giggled like a school girl when he complimented her. The other part of her hurried to repress it and make sure she didn’t let out the embarrassing sound. “Your bum looks really good in those trousers,” she said to keep the attention away from herself. 
“Oi, what yeh lookin’ at me bum for?” he yelped, hands automatically moving to cover said area of his body.
Y/N laughed. “Couldn’t help it when yeh bent over to tie your shoes.” She walked by, taking Lou’s cue to join her in going out to the crowd with just minutes to spare before Harry was set to appear on stage. She patted a light smack to Harry’s bum and snickered when he yelped.
“Cheeky!” he yelled after her as the door started to swing shut behind them.
“Yeh know yeh love me, Styles!” she tittered back, laughing with Lou as they made their way down the hall leading to the main area of the studio. 
“Yeah, I do,” Harry sighed, though it fell on deaf ears.
Y/N was a mess of emotions as she watched Harry perform his own new single live for the first time. Sure she had seen him on the telly the week before, and she had been pretty emotional then, but this was completely different. She could feel his energy on that stage, much like she could when she caught a few of his shows when he was in One Direction. This was different, though. There weren’t a few other lads to take up the attention or to evenly disperse that intense energy. All of it was very obviously coming from Harry and she couldn’t quite contain how that made her feel. 
So, yes, she was crying by the time the drums got added to the song, and she had several tears streaming down her face by the time the bridge came around. Lou hugged her close, and she felt a bit silly for crying—even though Lou was pretty teary-eyed too—because she wasn’t sure it made her any different from any of the other young girls in the room that were crying, too. But Y/N realized she was crying because one of her best friends was up on that stage, bearing his soul to a crowd by playing his first solo single and absolutely killing it. She was intensely proud of him and all she wanted to do was hug him close and tell him what a good job he was doing. She felt sort of like a mum with how she wanted to coo at him, but she couldn’t really care then. Because she also wanted to kiss him until they were both breathless, and she figured that wasn’t very motherly at all.
Harry beamed as the song finished and quickly hopped off stage to join the host of the show at the desk in the center of the studio. He caught sight of Y/N in the front row, fingers quickly wiping underneath her eyes to rid herself of tears, and his smile brightened when he caught her eyes. She gave him a watery smile back and a thumbs up, her way of congratulating him when she wasn’t allowed any words. He blew a quick kiss to her before shaking the host’s hand and sitting to begin the interview portion. 
Since Y/N knew about ten words of French (six of them being the numbers one through six), the interview was a little lost on her, especially when the host would say something and the rest of the crowd would laugh. Her and Lou were pretty lost, and they relied heavily on Harry’s reactions and his answers to understand what was going on during the whole thing. 
There was one time, though, where Y/N caught the word ‘woman’ in the host’s question, and Harry took a bit longer than was necessary for the translation to flow into his in-ear to think up an answer. His eyes shifted to Y/N, who was sitting off to the left of him, keeping an eye on her as he formulated an answer she already knew was going to be bullshit.
When he started spewing about how the album was more a reflection of himself than a bunch of songs written about a woman, she knew he was lying through his teeth. Y/N hadn’t heard the album yet, because she liked the suspense of listening to it when everyone else in the world got to, so she wasn’t quite sure what all the songs sounded like or were about. But, for whatever reason, Harry was lying about his answer, and she was a little curious about the honest one. She’d have to ask him about it later, she figured. 
After his telly performance, he had a radio interview, but he promised Y/N they would get lunch afterward, just the two of them, so Y/N went back to the hotel by herself, since Harry needed the rest of his team around to finish out his interview. Luckily, the hotel was in walking distance and she remembered the way they’d came, because there was no way she’d have been able to read the street signs and navigate her way back. 
Back in the hotel, Y/N waited for Harry in his own room as opposed to the room she was sharing with Lou just across the hall. She contemplated turning on the telly to pass some time, but she realized she probably wouldn’t find any channels in English, so it was a waste. It wasn’t an issue anyway, since Harry showed up only twenty minutes later, smiling and already stripping out of his clothes. 
“There’s a cafe down the street I saw that looked good. Wanna head there for lunch?” he suggested, nearly tripping as he tried to shimmy his trousers down his legs.  
Y/N tried desperately to prevent herself from blushing as he took off his clothes. She’d seen Harry in close to nothing before since the man had a propensity for wearing as little clothes as possible whenever he wasn’t in public, but it was somehow different now, when it was just the two of them in his hotel room. Plus, his boxers were doing somehow less of a job at hiding his dick than his trousers usually did, and Y/N was slightly worried that it’d pop out of the little slip in his pants while he shimmied around to get the rest of his clothes off. 
Not to mention, Harry was still in incredibly good shape from his time on set and the workouts he still got in regularly, and the muscles of his upper body were making her a little hot and bothered. The shift of his back muscles as he pulled his black shirt over his head and the bulge of his biceps as he lifted his suitcase onto the bed were nearly enough to make her drool.
She cleared her throat before answering. “Yeah, sounds good. You’ll probably have to translate the menu for me, though.”
“I always forget you never took French in school.” 
“I thought Spanish would be cooler.”
He snorted as he pulled on his trusty black jeans. “Do you even remember any of it?”
Harry burst out laughing, and she did her best to hide her grin because she wanted to be upset with him for laughing at her, but she couldn’t help it. He was still chuckling as he pulled on a t-shirt and the same hoodie that he wore when they flew in this morning. “Really fluent there, I see.”
“Impressive, I know,” she sighed, flipping her hair at him.
“Vamanos, senorita. Yo tengo hambre.”
Harry could feel Y/N’s stare as he ordered for both of them in French, just like he could always feel her stare when she thought he wasn’t paying attention. It was something she’d been doing for awhile now, and he’d caught her several times, even though he was pretty sure she never realized he had. She would have gotten all flustered and huffy if she’d ever known he realized she was staring at him with such a soft look on her face. It was an expression he wanted to photograph and keep forever in one of his journals or in his bloody wallet. It was a look that let him know that the feelings he harbored for her weren’t one-sided. 
Harry thanked their waiter and passed the menus off. Y/N stared at her tea, dropping her gaze quickly once Harry turned back to face her. The clinking of the metal spoon against the ceramic cup was rhythmic and it lulled helped Y/N to calm the butterflies that had kicked up in her stomach as she’d watched Harry interact with their waiter. She hated that even the most mundane things about Harry made her react so strongly. She felt out of control of her own body, and while she wanted the control back, she wasn’t necessarily upset that it as Harry who made her feel these things. There were worse people to get flustered over, she thought.
Harry cleared his throat over the lump that had formed there when he thought about voicing his next statement. He wasn’t quite sure this was the best place to have this conversation, but the urge to address it right then was something he couldn’t ignore. It was like the sentence was jumping to make it’s way out of his mouth and he was at it’s mercy at this point. Maybe he should have waited until they were in a more private place, but he’d started speaking before he even had a chance to second guess it. 
“I see the way yeh look at me when yeh think I’m not looking.”
Y/N’s stirring stopped immediately, letting her hand pause with the spoon mid-stir. She gulped loudly, afraid to face what Harry’s statement really meant. She hadn’t been that obvious, had she? She hadn’t thought so. She was pretty sure that she’d only let herself stare at him longingly when he wasn’t looking, but apparently Harry had eyes on the side of his head now. She could feel her body beginning to flush, the heat working it’s way up from her chest to her cheeks. Suddenly her cozy jumper felt suffocating and she worked quickly to remove her scarf that felt like it was strangling her. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she got out hoarsely, clearing her throat. There, that was fine. Denial was better than making a fool out of herself. 
Harry sighed. “Love…”
“Yeah?” she asked, finally chancing a glance up at him. The soft look on her face took her aback for a moment, and she blinked at the shock of seeing him look like how she was sure she looked when she stared at him. 
“I look at yeh the same way. You’re just too busy making sure I don’t see you to notice it.”
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