I’d be ok with having an Aunt relationship with the people of the world. I don’t want to take care of y’all individually like a mother, that’s too overwhelming. But if I am available and you need me, I can be a shoulder or an ear. I can give a hug, a smile, and a cup of tea.
But when you’re feeling better, get the fuck out of my house ❤️ I wish you the best and I’m thinking of you fondly always
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god-complex-12 · 11 months
I saw a post talking about Miguel’s sexuality and that he was aro ace or something like that, and the user was telling writers to stop writing Miguel sexually. I’m not sure if they were joking or being serious, but either way I had something to say. And I mean this with respect, no hate to that person at all. They did nothing wrong.
Character’s sexualities are constantly being played around with by writers, fans, and artists. I am a male reader writer, so I write a lot of characters being partly homosexual. I know these characters aren’t canonically homosexual, but if I write for the character, I have to make them that way to fit what I’m going for.
Fan fiction is purely fake, it has no effect on the actual character, it’s simply used for the enjoyment of fans who want to be with a character. And some people can’t because a character is heterosexual, so we alter the sexuality for the character to be more accessible.
We also make characters AFAB/AMAB for our own enjoyment. In smut fics, sometimes, a writer will alter a characters anatomy just to spice things up.
So writing Miguel (or any other character) in a sexual way despite that their sexuality isn’t that way, doesn’t matter. Because we do it all the time. He’s not real. If he was real, then I’d get it. Say an actor, say Oscar Isaac to be specific, said “Please, don’t sexualize me, I’m ace.” Then I’d understand. But since he’s a fictional character, and fans constantly play around with characters sexuality and anatomy, it’s just not that big of a deal.
Now, if a character was a minor, I’d completely agree as well. Writing smut for a minor is disgusting in my opinion. But once again, Miguel O’Hara isn’t typically written as a minor.
Once again, this is just meant to be educational, and to inform people that writing for a of age character in a sexual light isn’t bad even if they’re a different sexuality. Fan fiction is meant to be fake and to alter characters to reach a certain expectation.
(Also, that user got a lot of hate in the comments for being informative, and I think that was very wrong. The user didn’t deserve that for that simple post, and I’m not trying to hate on them, I’m simply trying to show people that it’s not as bad as you might think. The user is welcome to not read those smut fics and to not write them, that is okay. So do not hate on someone just because they think of something differently about a character.)
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Its currently 10 at night
But I want ALL the woman out there, all of them, our trans sisters, our lesbian buddies, our bi queens, our ace/aro warriors, our pan slayers, and everyone else because I'm running out of titles, to know
That all of you on my account are accepted
Rape isn't your fault
Abuse isn't your fault
You slay, and no one can change that.
Reblog if you agree
And if you don't, FUCK OFF
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moonssong2 · 6 days
I hate the word: "homophobia". Because you're not (usually) scared, you're just being an asshole.
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21st May 2024 - Not what I usually post but I drew a new OC/Persona for myself. Her name is Cupcake Oriela, she's a Tiefling, and she's everything I aspire to be :3
I used Glaze to protect it which is why it may look a little funky
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chthonicophanim · 6 months
Is the term “rose” as a shorthand for romantic/sexual attraction exclusive to aroace identities?
Like could you shorten omnisexual and omniromantic to “omnirose”? Or would that change the meaning to omni-oriented aroace?
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iwouldkickahorse · 8 months
Victor Timely is acespec, with the way he reacted towards the word partnership and Miss Minutes
also, that double bike scene
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Just realized I would flirt and use the fact that people think I’m “attractive” so I’d have someone to talk to because I didn’t have friends and was lonely 🫠
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milady-pink · 4 months
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Sending platonic love and hugs to every aroace this fine day
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cobrastrikes421 · 7 months
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My witch oc
Her name is Iris Like the flower.
She went to magic school were she study magic and learned how to use both plants and potion making.
She has 3 familiars names Daisy the cat, Toads worth the Toad, Orchid the Snake and Cremon the butterfly.
She lives in forest area in her cottage house with her familiars and with flower garden to make her herbs and potion.
Iris loves her cottagecore lifestyle and get to live to see all of the wildlife she wants.
The dragon staff was a lost relic she found during her travel with her friends.
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immothgirl · 9 months
This moth is Arosexual
I doubt you cared, but now you know
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kingxxxchoas · 10 months
Be my favorite
Episode 10
While watching this episode it made me think that kawi might be ace or ace curious and as some one who as of recently has also been questioning some things that have to due with the relationship with my partner I do in fact believe that kawi is Ace tho he is conflicted with what max said about how sex is an important part of a relationship, and with my experience I am conflicted with what my friends are saying where I think I might be Aro but some of the people I ask are telling me that I’m just not in love with my partner and I’m not aro. If kawi is ace I would love if in a future episode kawi and pisang to have some sorts of talk about this topic for there relationship to go smoothly. Another thing that I would like to talk about is not this dude really makes my blood boil he is on a different level of the men of bl that I despise he’s up there with type at this point, the more I see him on screen the more i hate him.
This is my first post and I might start to post more on stuff either about bl or K-pop
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cherrio-krispz · 11 months
Loyal, popular, 👉👈, and funny mutual
Awww <333333
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iwouldkickahorse · 8 months
I headcannon vic to be acespec and nothing will take that from me
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I thought I wanted to be WITH hot men or hot women.
Turns out I wanted to BE a hot man or hot woman.
🤷🏻‍♀️ oops
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bookscorpion73 · 1 year
sometimes being closeted is making little frogs wherever you go or secretly choosing colors for your outfit that matches your flag or supporting artists and singers that support the lgbtq community and that’s ok you don’t need to be loud to be proud
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