#but given Shoto was so sure he could save him
Any predictions for the next chapter, or from this wrap up in general?
I’m gonna be honest; with Shigaraki dead, who knows how many of the League with him or soon to follow, and most of Class 1A ending their arcs as a disappointing collective carbon copy of the last generation, I’m not too interested. And that may hinder my ability to predict what little we have left, let alone to any enjoyable capacity.
The only real prediction I can make is about how the wrap up will take every implication or consequence of the kids’ failure to save or change and…continue to ignore them, brush them under the rug that is this feeling of how much the ‘day has been saved’ we’re being given.
I’m talking zero mention of corruption in the hero industry, no talk about the folks heroes aren’t around to save despite inspiring complacency & dependency, nothing to make us think villains won’t be treated worse after how Twice, Machia, and Shigaraki were treated, and you better believe they won’t bring up the Singularity Doomsday.
(Or, potentially more infuriatingly if it’s done poorly*, they actually will bring up some of the League’s old talking points…most of which no one on the heroes side have ever been shown caring about and weren’t really brought up in the final arc at all…and it’s all to talk about how they’re handling it the right way tm, which we learn is super easy for them. Turns out Shoji really can solve all of quirks racism by just being super inspiring at bigots, maybe with some finger wagging at them if he’s feeling daring**; don’t know why Spinner’s mob thought they needed to riot like that. And Shoto just made a few calls, gave a speech maybe, and now heroes abusing their power and/or families is a thing of the past; sure makes the lengths Touya went to seem silly.
Ugh, I’m getting a migraine just typing that out.)
And it’ll all end with future Deku saving some kid lost in the streets like Tenko Shimura, and we’ll be asked to just pretend that means every kid like Tenko Shimura gets saved from now on…even though that’s not how his backstory or criticism of the system worked at all. Remember: ‘the day is saved, so don’t think about it too hard.’
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*Which I expect it would be.
**Which he will not.
If, after seeing me say that I don't want an ending where they do nothing but also don't want an ending where they do everything, you're wondering what ending I'd be satisfied with…I honestly couldn't tell you.
I should want an ending where they change and improve things; but after spending a sizable fraction of MHA's total length effectively fighting against change and improvement because it was villains trying to shepherd it in while the heroes were always talking about rebuilding it all back to normal to the very end (including just last chapter), I don't know how Hori could pull that off without it feeling like bad writing. And unless that writing gets bad enough for Tomura to return from dust, I don’t much care for that idea either.
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class1akids · 1 day
BNHA Chapter 425 - Thoughts
So I guess Hori did decide to just skip the end of the battle, my hospital academia and go straight to UA graduation?
It was teased back in Ch 360, so yeah it needed to happen and it seems like drawing Neijire is a special happy place for Hori (also the sketch he couldn't even wait until Sunday to drop, lol)
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Mic DJ-ing right after ShiraGiri's death is sort of odd, but on top of the gags, there are some more serious moments.
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What stood out to me was Mirio's comment about how the heroes' fight "is always for the sake of returning the negatives to zero on the whole." It reminded me of Ch 341 - The Story of how We All Became Heroes Minus ① which featured Touya, Toga, Spinner and of course Tomura suffering the transformation. So I can't help but feel it's related to the LoV's fate.
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The class is together 😭 crying like a proud parent (whose tumblr handle just became obsolete).... and Aizawa is staying. Yay. After 400+ chapters they made it to second year!!!
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Bakugou omg, out of the hospital in a tie which he somehow tied with one hand, being calm... (it's still odd to the others? - but I guess his apology happened like 3 weeks ago in-verse). It seems like he might end up with a scar, just like Izuku (and it's a bit like Kudou's, of course).
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Aoyama leaving - I talked about this in one of the asks, but for me it's ok that it's his choice being respected and that the class clearly would be happy to have him stay. Though I wonder if his parents are just suddenly given amnesty for being "AFO's victims" and what that may mean for other villains.
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Shinsou joins Class A long at last. Yay! Is he going to get Aoyama's room or join the 5th floor boys? I do wonder if the kids are still in the dorms even.
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The Fuwa-stans are getting fed. But Class 2-A (can't get used to this...) will take a year long field trip around Japan. Reminds me of the 100 million tour newpaper sketches.
I liked Shoto mentioning AFO - how he was born in an era of turmoil (which I read as him saying that preventing the rise of such villains is now). It also seems to contradict what All Might said last chapter about Deku already being the greatest hero to everyone.
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But also Shouto speaks. Normal speech bubbles. Has a normal voice! Yay! (still don't get it why he didn't speak in Ch 422 though)
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Izuku looks troubled. Either because of what Shouto said or because of Fuwa senpai's comments about needing to experience a sudden death to understand why you'd want to be a hero. He certainly is not ready to run celebratory circles.
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Watch them all walk together (TDBK covered by Iida's speech bubble, but I recognize them from Shouto's messenger bag and Katsuki's loose pants)
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OMG, these guys are a total disaster. I don't know what Deku wanted to say, but Ochako obviously shut him down (and thought it was about her "let him rest" speech which apparently the class keeps teasing her for). Also Hori is using her to explain Deku's haircut.
And here, she looks weirdly happy compared to last time, but it could be just a front...
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poor Deku though... he thinks she hates his haircut
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No idea who the new guy is, but looks like someone escaped / let loose from a medical facility. Could be regenerated Tenko I guess or someone similar to him who can be saved by Deku this time. I prefer it to be the real Tenko because I want to see Tenko Rising. I think he looks too young to be Deku's dad tbh.
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TDDK scene !!! Yay!!! (I wonder if Deku tries to talk both to Ochako and Shouto because of his feelings about Tenko... I really badly want a saviour squad scene)
Todoroki looks hopeful but not sure if it's genuine (it could be putting on a front to stop Izuku from worrying). But his foot is like when he went to see his mom the first time, so I tend to read that right now as a good sign.
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"っし" (?????) - there is definitely a shift of emotion.
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Endeavor is sitting in front of a giant tank / or secure room window. (?) (Probably the same window Shouto was looking in last chapter.
From the context and framing it's clear that it's Touya. For now alive. Endeavor is finally keeping his promise and is watching.
And the editorial blurb also suggests we may get Hellish Todoroki Family 3 after the two weeks break. I'm very worried, but also since we are strapping in for a longer epilogue it seems, I don't expect things to go smoothly for them just yet.
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problemswithbooks · 2 years
Ch. 363 and all I can say is, I do really want Dabi to die at this point. 
Part of it is because I’m not super fond of how Hori has written his character, but also because I don’t want anymore stupid ass pulls with his character anymore. 
I’m hoping the leaks are wrong because it is ridiculous if it’s true that he’s somehow copying Shoto’s last attack. First off he doesn’t even have the duel Quirk that Shoto has so how is what he’s doing anything similar in the first place. Second, it took Shoto a long time to learn that move and was the kind of the culmination of his character arc, so Dabi figuring it out in .02 seconds is both unbelievable and undercuts Shoto. Third it under cuts Dabi character if it suddenly says that he’s made his Quirk his own, sense his entire point was that he only used Enji’s moves because he could only focus on his revenge. 
I know people really expect him to have some sort of Phoenix Quirk but that’s just not a good thing to add to his arc. The point of Dabi is that he wasn’t the perfect heir Enji wanted and so he was tossed aside. If it turns out that he has some regeneration Quirk (which idk where he even would have inherited that from), it sort of implies that Enji shouldn’t have neglected, not because neglect is bad and wrong, but because Touya actually was prefect, and Enji really should have pushed him to his limits instead. It’s just a weird message to send, given all the build up we’ve had toward Touya needing to accept his limits and learn to see his value outside his Quirk, while Enji needs to show that he loves Touya for more then how much awesome his Quirk is. 
Meanwhile, giving Shoto the ability to heal him is also weird because it continues to paint him as perfect, and the savior of his family. It would also make Touya hate him even more because apparently there really wouldn’t be anything Shoto couldn’t do. It would fit in more with the themes Hori has built up then giving regeneration to Touya, but it still would feel forced and a Deus Ex Machina, given it wasn’t ever even hinted at.
And the issue is that unless he does get healed somehow, Dabi won’t have the time/power left for his big show of changing sides like many people think the core LoV will do (aka, helping take down AfO/protect civilians) so they can be “redeemed”. Not only that he seems to be calling on Skeptic, and giving him the signal to have AfO’s spies start killing civilians, while also burning people to death rather brutally, which means he’s really going to have to do something big to make up for that. Yet by the time Touya is convinced to change he’ll be completely burnt out (literally) so how will he even be able to help them?
 Touya’s character is just a mess at this point and I honestly think his death would make the most sense for the story at this point. I expect him to get some closure before he dies so Shoto still technically gets the win, but unless Hori pulls some crap out of his ass, I don’t see how Touya survives and gets to eat dinner which everyone. 
Which is sad for me because that means Enji’s most likely going to die too (it would be weird/shitty for the TodoFam plot if Touya died and Enji lived).   
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vimara00 · 6 months
Hello everyone, It's Vi! 💕 I had some 'Shoto vibes' today so I decided to write something about him. As always I hope you enjoy! Please comment, like or send me requests on my DMs (I don't know how it's called on Tumblr jajaja)
All characters reservations yo Horikoshi
Warnings: toxic relationship (not with Shoto) and swearing but fluff💕
~Always~ ShotoTodoroki
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• Shoto and y/n had been friends since they entered the UA. Well, actually that's not so true...it took time for Todoroki to get used to others but the more he knew her, the more the walls he had put around himself where trembling down. It was a slow process but Shoto realized his days were better when she's around and that he smiled more just at the thought of seeing s/o but those things had nothing to do with his growing feelings for her...right?! He indeed liked her as more that a friend but she wasn't supposed to know about this till it was too much for his heart to take
• One of the reasons He never made a move (a part from being a coward) was because she already had a relationship or more specifically a toxic relationship. For someone who wasn't given enough love and care as a child, he could see miles away how terribly it was. She was always the one who ended up hurt by the asshole's sharp and cruel words, the one who took to much space and time and that would never be enough for him not matter how much she tried. He treated her as something that belonged to him, something he could show off to his stupid friends. He had so much power over her when he laughed about her dreams of becoming a hero in front of everyone saying he'll let her play the heroine but they all know she'll be just his pretty wife. And everyone was laughing, except her and Shoto, who wanted to throw up.
• With all he might, Todoroki wished to take her out of that relationship (and burn that idiot alive but that wasn't too heroic, was it?). However, y/n, who had such a beautiful soul, too kind for this world and even more kinder for that man, always ended up forgiving him and justifying his actions after the promises that 'he'll change, he'll grow, he'll be better' (quoting Maddie here hehehe)
Shoto had witnessed how abusive behaviors and unhealthy relationships could take an amazing woman to madness and he'd known that even if that asshole didn't fiscally abuse her, his words caught deeper than a knife. She tried so much to hide her low self-esteem but Shoto knew her better than she knew herself. He could see behind that fake smile and those eyes filled with sadness, how much she struggled to save her soul. At first, he had tried to convince her about leaving him but the last few weeks he came up with the idea of showing her how she should be treated. Not only the material things but the acts of service like making her favorite tea when she was studying or heating her hand when she was cold and the attention her boyfriend lacks off giving like just listening what her worries were or how her day went and remembering all she'd said by heart. It actually was not much work, he already did that but he added more enfasis to the lingering touches that she seemed to reciprocate. Shoto was sure she noticed his longing stares when they were watching a movie or how his hand always found hers when they were in a crowd room (cause he knows she hates being surrounded by many people) or the blushing mess he became when she'd found staring for too long. Todoroki could tell something in their friendship was changing and he couldn't be happier if it werent for the fact that the dickhead was still present in her life...
• However, He had enough when one night in particular that idiot decided to visit at the doorms and ruin their weekly movie marathon (the one Shoto and y/n always did in the common area when everyone was already sleeping but her boyfriend didn't have to know that she cuddle him under the covers that they shared) Apparently, he had important news to deliver so he proceeds to enlighten the mood by saying that he was offered an amazing job abroad and that she didn't have to keep on attending to that worthless school with those wannabe heroes and that she needed to hurry cause their plane leaves in three hours. Y/n open her mouth to protest but he interrupted her like always. To that idiot surprise and Shoto's too, y/n took a few steps closer to him and shouted 'STOP FUCKING TALKING! I'M TIRED OF YOU AND YOUR TWISTED GAMES. STOP LAUGHING ABOUT MY DREAMS AND MAKING ME FEEL LIKE I'M THE PROBLEM WHEN I COMPLAIN. I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU! I'VE TOLERED TO MUCH OF YOUR BULLSHIT. I'M TIRED OF PRETENDING THAT I LOVE YOU CAUSE I DON'T. AND I WON'T GO ANYWHERE WITH YOU EVEN IF YOU WHERE THE LAST MAN OF EARTH. SOMEONE HAS ALREADY TOOK THE PLACE YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE HAD IN MY HEART AND SHOWED ME THAT I'M WORTH LOVING SO FUCK YOU!'
The room was silent and Shoto took this opportunity to grabbed that asshole and take him out the residence. Y/n will never know as Shoto would take it to the grave, that he had frightened her ex so he'll never come closer or even breath the same air as her EVER again
When he entered, he saw her trembling figure and the tears rolling down her cheecks and all he could do was embrace her body in hope of giving some comfort. Her face was against his chest as he caressed her hair delicately. Suddenly, she looked up at him and said 'I know its bad...you don't need to save me but would you stay by my side even after the storm?'
And Shoto responded firmly without a pause and without a doubt but with his entire being 'Always' and hugged her even harder
• A few days later, after things had calmed down, he confronted her about what she'd said and she confessed to him even if she wasn't sure that he'll reciprocate, she was glad that she found someone as great as him to love.
Shoto's had enough time to figured out exactly what he felt towards her so he make it his life mission to show her every day why he was worth of her love. No one will ever hurt her ever again and God forgive who'll try...
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dekusleftsock · 11 months
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I mean theres a lot of flashbacks in this chapter tbf, but this one didn’t fit given the situation… UNLESS WE DIG DEEPER.
Well okay, you could read it as ochako making dekus heart lighter by changing the meaning of his nickname and the speech back at UA, and she’s finally done the same for toga.
This is deku talking about saving shigaraki, and as proven with ochako… there is a way to avoid a battle. On top of that, even before that memory, Himiko is talking to Ochako about how she was afraid to confront the feelings she had for her parents, because they made her FEEL BAD!
More and more the idea of confronting your feelings directly as they are is brought up again and again. Shoto says it during his fight with touya, about how he wished they could’ve yelled at each other sooner, because sometimes confrontation is needed.
Ochako and toga talk about the importance of having simple conversations about your feelings, no matter how big or small they seem to others. Because the feelings they have can make or break lives in this world.
And in both of these instances, Shoto and Ochako avoided an actual battle. Both of them simply neutralized them. Because they knew about the one they were trying to save, and genuinely cared about them.
Deku doesn’t know the first thing about shigaraki. He doesn’t accept shigaraki as he is now, rather the child that was created from him, that still exists. Saving someone with the justification of what they used to be doesn’t really seem like you care about them at all.
I’m not sure what this battle will bring. They’re both stubborn people who are the same. You could say that with Touya and Shoto, or even Himiko and Ochako, but lets be honest no one is as stubborn as deku. No one is as stubborn as shigaraki.
So what if shigaraki and dekus fight is about confrontation and feelings?
Oh good god I can’t wait for all the people who have been so mad about this fight and how it’s just been about feelings, and then we turn to the shigaraki vs deku fight and it’s also about feelings.
Toga is a lot like deku. And from her saying this, I just want deku to come to this realization. That it’s okay to talk about bad things, that it’s okay to have bad thoughts, and even bad emotions.
Just like Toga he can’t just slap a smile on his face all the time and pretend that his traumas didn’t happen. He can’t ignore what he’s bitter of, what he envies, and he also can’t ignore what he deeply, truly, loves.
God I got nothing else to say. The chapters speak for themselves. They’re gay, everyone’s gay, mha has always been pretty fucking gay.
(Also I’m expecting togachako/bkdk fic about how similar toga and deku are BY MONDAY 8AM SHARP) /j
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lou-struck · 2 years
BNHA As Plant Dads
Featuring: Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Eijirou Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, and Shoto Todoroki...
~These Heros are skilled in saving the lives of others, but are they able to keep a house plant alive?
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Katsuki Bakugou ~
You bought the little cacti because it’s its prickly spines reminded you of your boyfriend. Upon arrival, he didn't understand what was so damn special about some dumb plant especially since all it does is sit in its little pot and barely needs to be water. 
But he became strangely attached to the little guy, especially when he has some rowdier company over. If things look like they could become dangerous, he makes sure to move Katsuki Jr to a safer place in your shared apartment.
Every time it gets a bit taller you see the way he swells up with pride and tries to hide the happy little smirk by turning his back to you.
Izuku Midoriya- 
 He has taken extensive notes on how to care for all his houseplants. He made sure to ask the employees from the garden selection everything under the sun to make sure that his plant lives and thrives in his home.
He even believes that saying words of positivity to a plant can encourage its growth. One day when you stopped by his apartment you hear him mumbling words of praise from down the hall. Fearing that he was cheating on you you dared to peek around the corner only to see your Boyfriend talking to his plant softly encouraging it to bloom for you.
Shoto Todoroki- 
Shoto is what one would call an apprehensive plant parent. He loves having the responsibility of caring for something but the first plant he ever brought home to care for ends up dying. The guilt has wracked his heart so much that he is afraid of hurting another plant. 
But the day you bring home a plant to decorate your living room you see the way he reads and rereads some care instructions he found online. Just so he can get it right this time. 
You just don't have the heart to tell him that the plant he has been carefully watering each morning is a plastic one.
Eijirou Kirishima- 
Kiri wants his plants to be as strong as him so he tries to give them alittle extra nutrients to help them bulk up a bit. His pots are littered with crushed egg shells since he swears he heard somewhere that the extra calcium is good for some plants.
He watches the pot like a hawk and swears that the plant has grown bigger in the time it took for him to head outside and get the mail, it’s so cute you just have to go with it. 
On his days off he boredly moves the plant to different locations around the house so it can get what he refers to as the ‘ideal amount of sunlight,’ He may just spill dirt over the carpet but he makes sure to clean it up when he is done.
Denki Kaminari-  
Denki Has tried and failed to keep his house plants alive for long periods of time. It’s not that he’s neglectful, it’s quite the opposite. He takes too good of care of the low-maintenance plants he has been given.
He will go through his whole care routine in the mornings before patrol. But at the end of the day, he is so worried that he forgot to give his plant a scoop of fertilizer or a douse of water he ends up killing the plant by overindulging it with what it needs to grow.
To rectify this you decide to gift him with a little checklist and a plant that thrives on attention so all his hard work pays off.
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mhacentral · 1 year
MHA Chapter 390: Todoroki Rising
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About Shoto’s words to his mother..... Shoto you already care, yes you might not have been able to cry as easy due to your trauma, but you have shown time and time again you have cared about others. That's why you never went to see your mom for so long, you were afraid of what seeing you would do to her. You only went back, after your heart was opened cause you realized you can maybe save her in the same way.
After that you continued to help others. You empathized with Iida's darkness and helped him remember who he wanted to be. You were at Midoriya's side always helping him out, giving him half your lunch to giving him advice with Kota, to bringing him back to UA. You went to rescue Bakugo, knowing it was the right thing to do, damn the consequences. Yes the remedial course may have given you an assignment, but you wanted to help those children open up, sure the first time your approach didn’t work but you stepped up and tried again. You continued to show your friendship to Bakugo, knowing he was like you and was closed off from having friendship just like you once did. You could have selfishly went to your father and got an experience like no one else, but you didn’t.... you brought Bakugo and Midoriya, the two who also aimed for the top.... you did something your father would have never dreamed of doing. From the light novels, you gave Aoyama your seat when he was feeling sick on the bus, and you helped Mei with rounding up her inventions, leaving your precious photo of your mother to blow away possibly (dont worry Mei found it with her quirk later)
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ghostlynoodles · 2 years
You're Incredible
Hello! This is my first fic and I'm nervous but
excited to say the least. But I hope you'll enjoy
so. :) 🌻
My Hero Academia
Warnings: This is a tickle fic
Lee!Todoroki Ler!Sero
Today was awful. Which usually, given who
Shoto's father was, wasn't saying too much. He
had been out on patrol with Endeavor,
Midoriya, and Bakugou when they had the job
of saving citizens from a burning building. The
civilians had been okay and no one was injured
apart from a small burn or two.
The same could not be said for the building
though. It was Shoto's job to put the fire out
while still evacuating people. He had failed at
the prior task and Endeavor made sure he knew
that. It was one thing after another. And it had
gotten to him. It got to him bad.
What if there was still someone inside?
You were too slow.
Why can't you do anything right, Shoto?
The words replayed in his head over and over.
He kept to himself as usual until he got to his
dorm room.
Shoto dropped his bag and clenched his fists
tightly and let out this frustrated, wobbly and
quiet sigh, tears welling up in his eyes as he sat
on his bed. At least now he could have a little
peace and quiet. The knock on the door
seconds later disagreed.
"Hey, my love? I brought my manga.” Sero
called from the other side of the door. Shoto
had promised his boyfriend, Sero that they'd
hang out and read their manga together when
he got home, which he had seemingly forgotten
about in his tearful frustration.
"*Oh, yeah. Come in!" Shoto called back, just
barely keeping back the shake in his voice as he
hastily wiped his eyes with his sleeve.
Sero walked in as Shoto was still wiping his
face, and his heart broke at the sight of his
teary, red-eyed boyfriend, "Roki! Hey, dear,
whats the matter?" Sero questioned worriedly
as he rushed to hold Shoto.
They bi-colored boy merely shrugged and
sniffled, leaning into the hug none the less,
"Patrol went horribly today because of me"
Sero frowned, brushing peppermint colored
hair back carefully with his hand "I'm sure it
went better then you think. In fact, I know it did!
I spoke with Midoriya on my way here and he
said you saved a bunch of people! He said
enthusiastically with a small shake to Shoto's
shoulder. He only shrugged.
Sero smiled softly, cupping his hand against
Shoto's cheek to get him to look up,
"Hey," he whispered "you're incredible." His grin
grew at the blush of his boyfriend. "Yeah, you
know you're amazing, don't you?” Sero said and
pulled Shoto back in to kiss his forehead. Shoto
then burrowed into the hug, hiding his face in
his boyfriends chest. Sero hummed affectionately as he decided to just cuddle and
comfort Shoto for a while, that was until his
hand wandered down absentmindedly for a
more comfortable resting place, making Shoto
squeak softly as his thumb brushed against a rib.
Sero stared down at Shoto in confusion before
he repeated the action on purpose, earning
another squeak.
"Shoto?" Sero spoke up, a smile growing across
his face. Shoto was tense and his face was
quickly heating up.
Shoto and Sero were pretty honest with each
other but there was one thing Shoto had
managed to keep to himself.
He was insanely ticklish.
Shoto shook his head a little before Sero even
asked his follow up question. "Are you ticklish?"
He asked teasingly and Shoto's blush became
visible, spreading up to his ears.
"Oh, you are~” Sero sang as he carefully moved
Shoto. The bicolor haired boy giggled out
quietly as he was gently pushed onto his back
against the bed, now face to face with his
mischievously grinning boyfriend.
"Wow, I haven't even done anything yet.” Sero
said, laughing a little himself at Shoto's
anticipatory giggle. "Yehehet?" Shoto
questioned through soft giggles.
"Uh-huh, yet." Sero nodded. He carefully
moving to sit on Shoto's thighs, making his
giggles more excitedly panicked, "Hanta,
plehehehehease!" Shoto whined, carefully
wiggling what he could of his legs.
"Please? Do you mean please tickle you silly?
Because I really like that idea~” Sero teased and
carefully stole Shoto's hands in one of his own
and pinned them above his head. Shoto was
beet red and giggling before anything even
happened, "I- I suppohose?” The giggly boy
"Juhust, be cahareful.” Shoto said and Sero's
look softened. "Of course, dear." He nodded
and held up a wiggling, clawed hand above
Shoto's belly, making him squeal quietly and
suck his stomach in like it would lesson the
tickles. Sero brought his hand lower, and lower
until he made contact with the gently bouncing
Shoto squealed, it was soft, but a squeal none
the less, "NAHahahaha!" Shoto giggled harder
as he tossed his head back. Sero was just
taking in the sight of his usually stoic, quiet
boyfriend giggling freely and happily. Shoto
wiggled from side to side as his belly was being
scribbled all over.
Sero thought he could do better than a few
giggles and slowly moved up to Shoto's ribs, his
laughter rising up an octave, "Hahahantaha!"
Shoto laughed as he gently kicked his legs out
behind Sero. "Ooo~ bad spot?" Sero asked and
Sero asked and tilted his head to the side.
"Yehehes, it IHIHIHIS!" Shoto suddenly
screamed as both of Sero's hands darted down
to squeeze his thighs. He didn't notice Sero
move to target his legs in his giggling state.
Shoto was happily squirming as he forgot about
why he was even sad in the first place.
Though after a few minutes of tickling, his
laugh started becoming tired,
Shoto pleaded through his laughter. Sero
understood the sign to stop, slowing the tickles
down gradually and started gently rubbing
Shoto's leg as he came down from his little
giggle high.
"I might've gotten a little carried away, l'm
sorry" Sero apologized "you feeling better
though?" He asked
"N- noho, you're okahay. And I do, thahank you,
it really helped." Shoto said as his giggles
completely died off. Sero smiled and laid beside
his now bright pink boyfriend and wrapped him
up in his arms and cuddled him. Shoto giving a
small hum of approval as he turned onto his
side to officially become the little spoon of this
cuddle session.
Sero still couldn't get over just how adorable
Shoto turned out to be, "You really are
incredible, Shoto."
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
Thinking about how, once again, mha is a dystopia. Why every kid wants to be heroes?
Money could be a good reason but excluding Izu and Ocha, no one seems to be struggling financially to the point "oh no. I need to be a hero and help my family"
Then I thought about and well...propaganda is a good tool for good or bad. Then now I wonder if AM was such tool. Think about it, he is the #1 hero of all Japan and kids, especially in Japan, have this idol culture where "this dude is so cool. I want to buy all his merch and be like him"
We see kids (even baby Tenko) playing as AM, the victorious one. A propaganda can sure make seem this job as a amazing and wonderful.
Ok....where is the propaganda? Why the kids really want to be heroes? (Maybe is an excuse to use their quirks freely, but I can only especulate)
In mha we are told (lightly show) kids want to be heroes but is never explaines why, let alone why quirkless Izu wants to be a hero.
Where is the propaganda?
Does other heroes resent AM for that? Does they thank AM for this?
Hori wants us to believe everyone wants to be hero, in a society where people will blame you, the hero, if you lose. You have to be Atlas or else you are cancelled.
Hi @mikeellee 👋
Yeah this is what I find strange about Hori's world building - it's never really explored why all these kids want to be heroes bar a few rare examples (here's the ones I can think of.)
Bakugou - wants to be the next number 1 and rich for himself (see Volume 1.)
Ochaco - wants to provide for her family and being a hero will help her do that.
Izuku - Wants to help and save people like All Might. (Ok that's fine but why a hero specifically? Izu could have been a Doctor, Firefighter or a Quirk Analyst and still done that. It would be interesting if he wanted to be a hero specifically out of spite because that's one of the things people told him he could never do.)
Shoto: wanted to be a hero to save people like his mother and siblings - but his mother explicitly. - This could have been a great way to explore heroic corruption if there were more 'heroic people' having quirk marriages like this. Yet Hori doesn't give us that. Endeav seems like one rare asshole. Not systemic corruption.
Here's the thing, it's not really explored why anyone else / any other kid wants to be a hero other than brief barely explored ideas at best. I've included a few examples below.
"My brother is a hero, I want to be like him," - Iida. Great - so why doesn't Hori explore this more and have Tensei appear more as a driving force for Iida?
"Saving people is so cool," - Jirou. Ok, why does she think that? Was she ever in a position where she needed saving? Why was this so strong a feeling that she prioritised this career path over her music which is passionate about?
Kirishima hates bullies and views saving people as "manly" taking inspiration from Crimson Riot. So why be a hero specifically? Just because his idol was? Kirishima could have been an amazing teacher and eradicated bullies that way. (Ignore for a moment about how being besties with the biggest bully in 1A undermines all that.)
Mineta says he wants to be a hero to "get girls" and "be popular". Shallow but realistic motivations for a teen boy yet there must be something more driving him otherwise he would have given up by now.
I wish we saw more of the HPSC propaganda, the deeper things driving these kids to heroism specifically and AM's good work that's spoken about but not seen enough.
Do the kids want freedom to use their quirks and use them for good? I could see that especially with sentient quirks like Dark Shadow, keeping sentient quirks surpressed would probably be hard and painful.
As for your last point - I think other heroes relied on and admired AM a lot viewing him as above them - the symbol of stability of their society. A concept that has a lot of flaws but will be undoubtedly repeated in Izuku being the next symbol in their heroic society.
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ace-touya · 9 months
Can I Watch You Train?
A lil Touya and Shoto fic!
“Touya-nii?” The five year old rubbed at his eyes, clutching a teddy bear in his hands.
“Shoto? You’re not supposed to come near us failures, you know. Actually, I’m pretty sure you should be asleep.”
“Wanna see what you’re doing..” he mumbled, “Don’t tell daddy.”
“I won’t, go back inside.”
“Are you going to.. train?”
Touya frowned, “What do you care?”
Shoto had heard his biggest brother asking their dad to train, saying he was getting really powerful, and that Touya was sure he could beat All Might, and Shoto himself.
Every time he heard it, Shoto hoped it was true, and he wished their father would listen. Touya wanted to train and wasn’t allowed. Shoto didn’t want to and couldn’t stop. He always wanted to switch places. Then, he knew his brother would be happy, and maybe he’d be happy too.
He didn’t know how to put that into words. How to explain that he was scared of their dad and that he wanted his brother to save him.
Instead, he mumbled, “I bet you’re super strong.”
Touya just frowned. Not strong enough, he thought. There was a time when he hated Shoto and blamed him for everything, but Touya didn’t feel that way now.
Nowadays, he looked at Shoto, and all he could really see was a little boy not cut out for the role he’d been given. A little boy who wanted to be normal. A little boy who was the opposite of him.
He didn’t think Shoto deserved the life he got.
“Go back to bed.”
“I wanna.. watch you train.” He admitted, “You always tell dad you want him to watch. And he never does. So can I watch instead?”
“You can’t watch me train, I’m going to Sekoto Peak and you can’t come with me.”
“Why not?”
“Dad will be mad that his masterpiece is spending time with the failures!” He yelled.
Shoto seemed oblivious to the fact that Touya was getting angry. Innocently, he asked, “What did you fail at?”
“…Everything.” Touya said, running a hand through his hair and tugging some out.
“Oh. Well… If I can’t watch you, he can!” Shoto held his teddy bear out to Touya, with a big smile on his face.
Touya made a weird face that reminded Shoto a little bit of the face their dad would make whenever he asked for junk food. But still, he took it.
“Just bring him back safe, okay?”
“It’s all stupid.” Touya muttered to himself as he walked to his usual spot, clutching the bear tightly in both hands. “I just want my dad to look at me and instead all I get is a dumb bear! It’s not fair!” He yelled, setting the teddy on fire. His angry expression immediately softened into one of worry. “W-wait, stop!” He threw it on the ground, trying to stomp out the flames. “Stop-“
When it finally extinguished, he stared down at it with a lump in his throat. It was all covered in ashes and dirt from the ground, one of its legs completely burned off.
Touya tried really hard not to care about what he’d done. But as he was training he found himself unable to tear his eyes away from the thing.
Shoto cried, when he got it back, but he kept it in the end. After Touya died a month later, he set it down under the shrine the family made in his bedroom.
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class1akids · 6 days
I wanted shigaraki to live so we can address “what now” with different victims of hero society… Someone said something like suicide squad and I don’t know. If foreign aid arrives after the defeat of afo, I don’t think that makes sense. But in the future maybe? I saw another say something about the lov escaping and I think that goes against what the story tries to say about owning up to one’s actions. But the story has failed in that department too so anything goes at this point.
Despite the whiplash, there are some very direct promises in this chapter that things won't go back to the status quo:
The doctor's panel put right under the rebuilding efforts.
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2. Deku thinking of Shigaraki being the leader of the villains till the end (and are we sure it is with negative judgement?) and entrusting Deku and his friends with what to make out of the destruction:
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3. Deku talking about how the end of the war doesn't automatically mean peace, and that the bright future has to be delivered, while we get the overview of Shoto looking through glass in the hospital (Toya), Spinner's scales on a medical tray and Ochako looking through the window (Toga). The way the panels are placed strongly suggest that the "bright future" includes figuring out what to do about the villains.
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4. Horikoshi's author comment committing to a post-war arc - and acknowledging that after the fighting comes the rebuilding and that new era he promised.
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So I guess let's see how he delivers on it. I have fairly low expectations and think that much of the epilogue will be spent with crowd-pleasing, cutesy, sentimental scenes like Eri singing. But I'm confident that he'll try to address the villains' fate as well.
I agree that - unlike post-PLF War - a suicide squad makes no sense tbh. But Tomura being the "hero of the LoV" should come with some kind of pay-off and I think the fact that he helped beat AFO could help with public perception to a more rehabilitative justice in the end.
I don't think that the LoV escaped, but I could see Hawks becoming HPSC president and offering Toga a deal of some sort to train to become an underground hero. Spinner's fate is tricky because he was the posterboy of the heteromorph uprising and treating him too harshly could really ignite those crowds, so I could see him get leniency in view of how he was treated.
Touya is the toughest, as he's not shown publicly much redeeming qualities, but I could see Endeavor taking responsibility for Touya's actions, leveraging his service to the public / exchanging his hero work for trying to get him a rehab clinic or a house arrest, rather than Tartarus. Shouto being the face of saving everyone at Gunga may also help.
Like I really don't expect the villains to fully escape prison / confinement. Even the reformed villains like Gentle and Nagant served prison time. But I think it's important how that time is spent, if they are given the tools / support to change and heal and prospect to rejoin society that will be livable for them.
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quirkwizard · 1 year
Hi so I’m curious if Tokoyami had to fight the opponents Izuku did how do you think he would fair?
For the sake of this, Tokoyami will be fighting these characters in the same context and conditions that Izuku did. This includes the location and the skill level of the character. For example, Tokoyami had access to Black Fallen Angel when he was a sidekick, so he'll have it when he fights Overhaul. And I've already talked about him fighting Stain and Shoto before, so I won't go into detail with those fights here.
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vs Muscular: I honestly think that Muscular does not stand a chance against Tokoyami. Dark Shadow in a pitch-black forest in the dead of night with zero light sources is nothing short of a monster. We've seen it match and demolish characters like Re-Destro in similar conditions. And while you could attribute that to Re-Destro's legs giving out, the fact that he was able to match him at all was impressive. So in what are arguably better conditions and without anything to really fight Tokoyami except his own strength, I think Dark Shadow is going to turn Muscular into a rag doll. Heck, I'd be more worried about him hurting Kota, but I wouldn't be too worried about that.
vs Overhaul: I think Tokoyami could take him. Given how dark it is in the complex, Tokoyami should have enough power to match Overhaul, constantly smashing through whatever he tries to make until Tokoyami can take him out. And between the flight and flexibility of Dark Shadow, Tokoyami can stay at a distance until that happens. Now, if the surface opens up and Overhaul fuses with Rikiya, Tokoyami can't do much. He's going to need a full power Dark Shaodw, and he has lost all the darkness he could have gotten. He could fulfill the secondary win condition of saving Eri, but that's about it. So I think that Tokoyami could beat him in his other forms but lose to him in his final form.
vs Gentle: I think that Tokoyami does pretty well at first. Between Dark Shadow's mobility and flight, working around the barriers and elastic areas shouldn't be an issue. He could take out Gentle before he gets to the grounds. The Love Bomb is where things get complicated. Unlike someone like Izuku, who has a measurable metric of how strong he is, we're never given any real stages for Dark Shadow. It's either in its weakest form or going full throttle. So I can't say with any certainty that Dark Shadow could match Gentle. Even if they fought in the shadowy woods, I'm not sure if it's dark enough to match Gentle. So I think he'd win if he took out Gentle in time, but he'd lose to the Love Bomb.
vs Lady Nagant: Once again, the conditions of the fight win Tokoyami the day. It's a dark and stormy night in a totally abandoned city. The perfect place for Dark Shadow to smash about. The most Lady Nagant can do is take pot shots at the body and hope that she can find Tokoyami somewhere in there, but with the sheer size and mass of Dark Shadow, she doesn't have the best odds of it working out. Even if she set something up beforehand with Kai's knowledge, like setting up spot lights, I think that there are enough dark places to hide Tokoyami and Dark Shadow. From there, it's a matter of getting closer and closer until Dark Shadow can get her in close quarters. All while Tokoyami is waiting at a safe distance.
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greenhappyseed · 1 year
Honne is more about expressing one's ugly feelings to family and close ones rather than one's true self and as Pikahlua pointed out feelings can be complicated and messy. I don't see Toga getting involved at least not on panel because Dabi has been saved but it's also just the very start just like how Shoto being saved by Deku was only the start but then he had to go on a long journey. This is Dabi's start line but he has a long journey in front of him and yes Toga will be apart of that but not in a way where she magically changes his mind but more in a way like how others such as Shoto's friends were apart of his own journey as much as his family was.
Honne isn’t just negative feelings or emotions too “ugly” to show to polite society. Honne is what someone feels free to express among family/friends instead of what they feel they must repress due to societal pressure. Honne is a person’s true feelings and desires, regardless of the content of those desires. For kind, harmonious, polite characters, honne could well be “ugly” feelings. But when the character is a villain? Let’s look at some panels.
Is this Toya’s honne or tatemae? Telling people they’re useless, garbage, kindling, etc? Is this something he feels free to express?
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How about this, when he’s with his family? Are these feelings he feels free to express?
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Now, how about this? Does Toya feel free to express this? Notice how much here is dismissed as “he’s lost his mind!” and how the rest is seemingly inside Toya’s head.
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Which brings us to this panel in 390. Toya is telling his whole family, to their faces, that he wants to die and take them with him. I don’t doubt for one second that this is what Toya wants. But is it REALLY the #1 thing he wants? Based on the panels above, I think it’s clear that his true desire is for his family to see him, listen to him, and be proud of him — you know, like the eldest son of a functional family! He just thinks it’s too late to have that, so he’s going for plan B instead. He’s getting the attention he wants one way or another (more on that in a bit).
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Fatalism and inflexibility are perfectly on brand for Toya, so yes, he needs his family to show him it’s NOT too late. But I think he might need something more to truly heal, just like Shoto did. Until the match with Izuku at the Sports Festival, Shoto was determined to deny his father by never using his fire in battle. Afterwards, Shoto kept his determination to be different from his father, but he became much more flexible in how to use his power and how to view his relationship with Endeavor. Someone needs to play the Izuku role for Toya, and given Ochako’s lingering regret about not saving Bakugo, I was guessing that Ochako might intervene to bring Himiko Toga to Toya. If having fun imagining what-ifs for MHA bothers you, then you don’t have to read or interact. There are lots of great MHA blogs on this hellsite!
But I do hope you can see through these panels how rudeness and anger aren’t always indicative of honne. For a character like Bakugo, his rudeness and delinquent posturing are just that. They hide his true heroic honne. For a character like Toya, his rudeness and his desire to harm his family are how he actually feels (honne), but they are ALSO a form of posturing (tatemae). He knows he is playing the role of villain and is determined to do so in dramatic fashion. Toya wants to burn everything to “leave a mark on this world,” which sounds like honne — but that’s only because Toya hasn’t gotten his family to see him, hear him, and love him, which is what he really wants. I’m not sure when he will feel free to express that sentiment, but I do hope it’s soon.
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problemswithbooks · 1 year
I mean in Endeavor's case seems he is gong to die too. Last words of apology to the family with each one their separate things. The rough translation seems bit inaccurate so we never know. Natsu might be asking Endeavor what will he do now since his life will be hell as a continuation to how they told him in the hospital their association will only last till Dabi is stopped and Endeavor starts apologizing while touching Dabi's ice?
Endeavor didn't really do anything. If he died in the hospital with these apologies it would still be the same as it means nothing to them. He was about to kill Toya if they hadn't intervened. They alone did all the work in here and Shoto acknowledges that their ice alone helped. They are better without him weighing them down. What good is just an apology when they will never believe his blubbering because Rei truly believes he is incapable of guilt and their life story proved this to the children. He would have zero difference if he were just AFO ad remained irredeemable anyway.
Endeavor didn't really do anything. If he died in the hospital with these apologies it would still be the same as it means nothing to them.
I wouldn't say he did nothing. I think Hori could have given him more to do, but it's not as if he just sat there on his hands either. He helped fight AfO, and saved Hawks and the kids from him. Nor can we say what he's done post hospital stay means nothing to his family--we see no evidence of that.
He was about to kill Toya if they hadn't intervened. They alone did all the work in here and Shoto acknowledges that their ice alone helped. They are better without him weighing them down.
Again, he wasn't killing Touya--Touya was already dying and Enji was trying to get him away from everyone else so no one else had to die in the resulting blast. He didn't just decide to murder Touya. And sure, their ice is what stopped Touya, but Enji did help. He kept Touya in place so the rest of the family could even get to him--before that he was pinging around all over the place. that might not have been the original purpose of Enji grabbing him, but in the end that did help them stop Touya.
He's not weighting them down, at least in this situation. Touya needs Enji there. The rest of the family wouldn't have been better off without Enji when trying to get through to Touya. Touya wanted his father in particular, so Enji not being there wouldn't have made things easier--it would have made them harder.
What good is just an apology when they will never believe his blubbering because Rei truly believes he is incapable of guilt and their life story proved this to the children.
Apologies do matter, even if they don't fix the past.
And when was it ever established that Rei doesn't believe Enji can feel guilt? She was the one that told the kids that Enji could change when she told them about the flowers he sent. She tells him other people are suffering more than him in the hospital but she doesn't say anything about his words being lies. Heck, I don't even think Natsuo accuses Enji of lying or not being genuinely sorry--only that it's to late and it doesn't make up for what he did.
He would have zero difference if he were just AFO ad remained irredeemable anyway.
I know I've said that I don't understand why Hori had Enji have an character arc, and it might have been better to keep him as a bad guy, but there's more to it then that.
The reason I said that was because of Hori's inconsistent writing. The problem is that Hori can't just let Enji make progress the way other characters do, and has him come to the same conclusion over and over again--which is realistic, but sticks out like a sore thumb in a battle shonen where no one else has this issue.
Enji's arc has had a lot of impact on the story and it'd have a huge impact if you took it out. That was part of my reason for saying that it might have been better if Hori kept him as is, because Enji's arc takes up a lot of time that could have been used elsewhere.
In a lot of ways we are reading a first draft of a story. If Hori had another go at it I'm sure he could clean things up and make Enji's character arc more consistent with minor tweaks. It'd actually impact the story far less to keep Enji's arc as is with minor changes then scrap it entirely and keep him as a bad guy.
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neonscandal · 2 years
“That kid of ours is no fan of rain…”
Manga with Me: MHA Pocket Theory Pt 2/2
What the Coming Rain Will Bring to the Shigaraki Showdown
⚠️ Spoiler warning through MHA 362 + Vigilantes 64 (though this covered in the anime to an extent). Will include predictions for upcoming MHA chapters.
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Fully aware the new chapter is out but I stayed up until 6A making these predictions so you will receive them untainted by foresight because I always think I'm right even though based on leaks I may be proven categorically incorrect. I maintain 363 won't give us full insight into the Shiggy show down and if you want to understand the importance of the coming rain or the allegory of Deku's name and it's impact on the story (or need a distraction from this impending chapter, read this)
Pretty sure 363 will boomerang back over to Dabi vs Shoto but not before giving us a glimpse of where we left off. I'm going to start by saying that I do not think Bakugo is dead.. at least not yet. If Horikoshi's end game is to use Bakugo's death as an impetus for Deku's hero origin story, I feel like that wouldn't be very in line with Deku becoming, in his mind, a great hero. His failure to save Kacchan would be absolutely devastating and, considering they have been shown to be two halves of the same hero vis a vis All Might, I just don't know that he could overcome that loss and truly espouse Bakugo's Win to Save mentality.
That is, unless Bakugo becomes a vestige for Deku and lives on that way. Which would be the impetus for rounding out Deku's heroic tendencies and provide the catalyst for the person who will forever guide his steps as a hero like Shimura for All might and Oboro for Aizawa. Plus, sometimes, just sometimes, I feel like we get some Bakugo POV instead of Deku's like they're telling a story and fighting for their turn to talk.
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This is Bakugo's POV, no one else and I can't help but assume he's laughing as he recalls this exchange which kind of gives strong vestigial vibes.
However, if this is indeed end game, I have two theories for how it will play out based on me thinking way too much at 4AM about shapes and lines on paper.
To the Rescue Albeit Too Late
Deku will arrive and, upon assessing the situation and realizing Bakugo is gravely injured will fly into a rage. This will result in a prolonged and hard won battle against Shigaraki fraught with cruel taunts which will ultimately test Deku's resolve to save Tenko when he knows AFO!Shigaraki injured his Kacchan. We've seen the uptick in strength and propensity to unlock new quirks/moves when Bakugo's safety (or sometimes even just his honor..) is on the line. Upon successfully defeating AFO!Shigaraki and potentially liberating Tenko, he'll reunite with Bakugo under the falling rain (this part is important) and they'll inevitably have a conversation that establishes them as equals and/or confront the complexity of their relationship as Bakugo succumbs to his injuries.
Dead on Arrival
Bakugo's status is ambiguous to the reader BUT Deku is unable to confirm his status as the situation on the battlefield is too dire when he arrives. Given the harm that has visibly come to Bakugo, Deku fights through an onslaught of emotions and rain (still important) to take AFO!Shigaraki down with Bakugo's audible support and encouragement only to find that Bakugo has, in fact, been dead all along similar to Oboro cheering on Aizawa through a broken radio (it was all in his head).
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We've already seen Bakugo interacting with vestige!All Might so there's a possibility that this slight of the mind will be as the line between Deku's using his quirks and the vestiges that have come to manifest above his shoulder to advise and support him blurs. Since the final meta quirk has yet to manifest, we only know the following:
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No, it is not and would not be romantic, Shimura. This is why you didn't give OFA to Gran Torino because that would have been a cruel burden to pass on to someone you love. Horikoshi, don't get any ideas.
It's meant to be used as a last resort,
It can't be used the usual way as the second OFA holder once did,
The second user is the one who stated that Deku needed people who matched his resolve and could keep pace to bolster him conveniently just as Bakugo found him on the streets. Also, the fact that the second OFA holder looks hauntingly like Bakugo but that's just me.... I wonder if Deku's emotional connection to Bakugo will be the key to unlocking OFA completely only for them to never get that all out fight Bakugo always wanted.
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On the one hand, pun intended, either scenario would be a horrible loss for Aizawa to suffer again and, on another, this would be a careless loss caused by All Might sending Bakugo into battle with Deku knowing AFO's propensity to use those you hold dear and twist them against you or into your weakness (literally fostering a relentless hatred for All Might within his mentor's only living relative).
Why Bakugo Can't Be Dead Yet
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As covered here, the coming rain has historically brought vulnerability and a reckoning of sorts between Bakugo and Deku. Having received the threat of it in 362, I say we have to assume that either Bakugo still lives or Deku will suffer that reckoning with a vestige of Bakugo, unknowingly or not. Ultimately, I believe that this bout of rain brings Deku's answer to Bakugo's previous reconciliation. While the story, in my opinion, has potential romantic undertones between the two (especially from what we saw from Deku's face off with Toga and his ability to somewhat understand her nature... I wonder why), istg if we get a Destiel type confession just for Bakugo to die I will rampage.
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I doubt Deku has a crush on All Might but he'll be damned if he brings Kacchan into this.
As a fan, I want Bakugo to live. While it would be ideal for Deku's final quirk to have some semblance of resurrection or something, that would be such a stupidly simple and ending and resolution to this death which would also be so very unsatisfying. As such, if Bakugo is meant to survive, then he simply hasn't and won't die at all.
I wouldn't; however, be surprised if this is in fact not a misstep on All Might's part and in fact a rational deception to either protect Bakugo or spurn Deku into action. How cruel to use Bakugo like a pawn but it feels like All Might's largely been doing that to Deku this whole time so it lends itself to his new role locked behind closed doors and calling the shots. We've seen the Hero Commission isn't above such underhandedness, is this All Might's resignation to the fact that, sometimes as heroes, you have to be a little unheroic?
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Okay, racing to read 363 before I bust a blood vessel. What are your thoughts on my theories? Have I already been proven incorrect?
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sideofcalimary · 2 years
Online influence
Shoto slams his hands on Izuku's desks: IZUKU!
Izuku jumped and tosses his notebook in the air, almost falling off his seat as he fumbles to catch it while the rest of the people in the library eye them angrily
Izuku catches his notebook and pulls Shoto down: Ssshhh!
Shoto: This is important!
The Librarian shushes them
Izuku gives an apologetic wave and pulls his friend to sit, whispering under his breath: Shoto-Kun what's going on? Is there trouble? Do I need to-
Shoto: you're trending on TikTok
Librarian: SSSHHHH! Izuku covers his mouth and looks at Shoto wide eyed and whispers: What?!
Shoto nods, face blank as he pulls out his phone: Technically it's spiderman that's trending but I checked the account and they've got several high viewing videos. The best ones are of you Izuku looked confused. He knew spiderman was getting more popular but he never thought he'd go viral. But what for?
Shoto shows him the first video
Izuku's face heats up: o-oh.. that's why...
And low and behold... Right on screen is spiderman himself buttoning up a suit shirt he had borrowed from Shoto
He remembers this
It was the deal between him and Ochako
The video proceeds with pop music playing in the background, the editing done to make it seem more dramatic. The next few videos were 'proof' that it was spiderman and not just some cosplayer. Izuku watches his hero alter-ego climb up the wall, shoot webs, and hang upside down on said webs like he usually did
And god he wanted to throw himself off a cliff hearing his own voice. The camera focused on spiderman's face, big lenses blinking confused as the owner of the account spoke
He remembers it clearly: Could you tell me why you decided to become a hero?
Spiderman: o-oh um, I don't think I really need a reason to want to help people in need
The awkward posture softened into genuine confidence as he spoke: I found myself with these powers one day. They make aspects of my life easier and have given him physical and reflexive advantages beyond anything I could've ever imagined. Spiderman seems to smile: And I want to use these powers to benefit others. Save people from the growing dangers that have been popping up recently. I want to save those who can't save themselves and protect people with a smile! Well, I hope people know I'm smiling Spiderman laughs. Izuku cringed hearing his own laughter but it seemed the comments thought otherwise: I wanna give people hope that there's someone out there ready to protect them and keep them safe. Just like All Might Izuku covers Shoto's phone and pulls his hoodie over his head: I can't.. I can't watch that anymore
Shoto: you haven't even seen the most viewed video. The one actually trending
Izuku: I'd rather stay ignorant for once
Shoto: Are you sure?
Izuku didn't respond Shoto sighs and turns off his phone: I think this is a good thing
Izuku: what, people knowing I did a photoshoot with a random civilian?
Shoto: people getting to hear from you directly. I've done my research-
Izuku: you asked for Shinso-San help-
Shoto: I did my research Shoto turns on his phones again and goes to twitter: And I've found several accounts trying to impersonate you and trying to pass themselves off as the real Spiderman. Spiderm4n. Spoodermn. SMOfficial which is a mall in the Philippines. SmashMeSpidey. And so many more
Izuku sunk into his seat: Nobody actually believes that.. right?
Shoto: No. Especially since Deadpool has been insulting them off the site
Izuku: oh great. He upgraded from homicide to cyber bullying Shoto: He seems to be unforgiving-
Izuku: he usually is
Shoto: -to people who try to pass off as you. One of his tweets-
Izuku: Please don't
Shoto: -reads "You shitty extra think you can even compare to my BubBabe? I hope your cat eats your ears and pisses on your eyes" Izuku: Great. His threats are getting grosser and involving animals now
Shoto: I like to think of this as protecting your honor
Izuku: I don't need him to protect my honor! I don't do it for honor!
Librarian: Midoriya. Todoroki. If you can't keep quiet then leave the library Izuku sinks lower in his seat and pulls up his notebook, trying to cover his and Shoto's faces as he whispers: I don't care what people think of me or do with my image as long as I can give them hope and save them at the end of the day Shoto whispers back: then get online and let's market you
Izuku: that's the exact opposite of what I want
Shoto: hear me out
Izuku: I have been. And so far all I got is that we need an intervention about Shinso-San's influence on you
Shoto: trust me as your man in the chair Izuku pouts at that and groans softly: fine
Shoto gives a half smile
This was gonna be a bad idea
• • •
Hitoshi: You know this is pretty creepy, right?
Ochako: Not creepy if this was part of a deal and he consented to it
Hitoshi: I thought you only needed pictures?
Ochako: I did but I asked if I could film him too and he agreed
Hitoshi: because you're blackmailing him Ochako: I didn't use the photo against him! I asked and he just said I could
Hitoshi: Oh so it's not you being a secret super villain. It's him being an idiot hero who can't say no to a cute civilian
Ochako: you think I'm cute?
Hitoshi: Shut your mochi hole Ochako waves it off and holds up her phone: I already got what I needed and I'm making more money then just selling my photographs. Plus, I'm helping him gain a bigger fanbase! Technically he should be thanking me
Hitoshi: you got him simps
Ochako: which are also fans Hitoshi takes Ochako's phone and opens the comments: Fans who want Spiderman to web them to the ceiling and get choked out by his thighs
Ochako: Those aren't ALL the comments!
Hitoshi: But it's most of them. I'm not telling you to stop though. I'm honestly proud Ochako: that we've hung out so much that you've become a bad influence?
Hitoshi: they learn so fast
Ochako: I swear you're gonna influence the wrong person one day
Hitoshi smirks: And I'll have my feet up watching it all go to shit
Denki: Damn Kats. I get it
Mina is leaning over Denki's shoulder: Oh definitely
Kirishima is on his other shoulder giving a low whistle: So manly bro!
Katsuki throws a middle finger at all of them, keeping his eyes on his own phone: All of you shut the FUCK UP He watches the video reply and feels his ears turn red. He watches spiderman in the same dark blue suit, doing a perfect one handed hand stand. Legs stretched and posed in a way that showed off his flexibility
Then he pushes up and throws himself  into a spin onto his feet His fancy shoes clicking against the wooden floor as he stands and adjusts his jacket
His voice was nervous but held a happy tone: How's that?
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