#emotional strength
femmefatalevibe · 6 months
Hi, do u have any tips for building a thicker skin and not getting hurt easily? I've only just realized recently that I'm very sensitive, if someone talks a little rudely to me or says something rude to me, I get hurt and anxious. It's so weird because I usually do not care about what other people do or think about me. But I can't handle being treated rudely or criticism. I just have the urge to stop talking, runaway or leave if a person is even a tiny bit rude to me. help.
Hi love! I would say it's all about cultivating emotional resilience. Like any muscle, you need to train your mind to remain calmer under pressure or stressful situations. Here are some ways I think are helpful to build this skillset:
Step into difficult conversations as two people vs. a project/problem/situation. Depersonalize any criticism by objectifying the criticism of a certain behavior, action, etc. Think of it as its own entity – like an object that can float away in the wind.
Internalize that a lot of criticism/rudeness is a form of projection and says more about the other person's inner turmoil than your demeanor or character. Offering non-constructive criticism is self-destructive. Case closed.
Look inward and make it a priority to truly get to know yourself. What are your core values? Desires? Goals? How do you want to present yourself to the world? What are your likes? Dislikes? Fears? Self-knowledge gives you a blueprint of how to move forward.
Reverse your "what ifs." Instead of wondering what could go wrong by leaning into criticism and difficult situations, consider "what's the worst that can happen?" Once you ask yourself and answer this question honestly, you realize that most of the time your fear is disproportional to the likely outcome.
Consider learning to sit/be present in the discomfort to be an act of self-care. You're becoming emotionally stronger and proving to yourself that you can hold your own in any situation. Stick up for yourself but know when to silently bow out for your own sake vs run away due to perceived personal incompetence.
Hope this helps xx
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soulinkpoetry · 4 months
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You were already strong, you just didn’t know how long you could last before they brake you. You see every level of failure, hardship, heartbreak, requires a certain level of strength . Some are manageable and some are simply devastating.
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soospiritualjourney · 2 years
How to deal with difficult people
Difficult people are demanding. The insecurities and fear that they carry with them has manifested into continuous negativity. They don’t take responsibility for their actions, for their own spiritual and emotional development but expect peace, joy, and harmony to come into their lives. Their inability to handle themselves causes them to feel frustrated when they don't get what they want. They project their negativity outwards.
We all have encounters with people who prefer to stay miserable, making everything difficult. They exist. There was a time in my past when I was one of those negative people. Perhaps I still can be at times.
Be still and ground yourself before engaging with them. 
Their negative energy engulfs your being and sweeps you into their toxic whirlpool. If you are not grounded, you may find yourselves arguing or stomping out of the room.
2. Look them directly in the eyes.
Looking someone directly in his or her eyes dispels darkness and in your acknowledgement of their fear and insecurity, you are sending light into their darkness. Your light brings them light.
3. Listen without taking things personally
When a person is being difficult, it is because they are responding to their perceived reality rather than what is going on in the moment. Oftentimes their projected frustrations has very little to do with us.
4. Choose your battle.
Some people are extremely closed-minded and impossible to talk to. Don’t force the issue of any situation you're in with someone who can’t hear you in the moment. It can sometimes escalate the situation. Sometimes the best form of communication is to acknowledge what is being said and walk away.
These takes practice are not easy. We just do what we can.
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brookepricer · 2 years
Daily Spell: September 28th
Spell for Emotional Strength
You’ll Need:
A gold candle
Equal parts St. John's wort, fennel seed, and nutmeg
Ever feel like you just couldn't get through one more day of challenges? Like you were shouldering the weight of the world? As though everyone depended on you to be strong? It gets exhausting, but sometimes he's strong and people are that way because others need to lean on them. If you're getting rundown mentally because other people are depending on you, do this spell to give yourself a little extra emotional strength. Try to time it for a Sunday night, before you go to bed.
Light the candle, and say “I am the one on whom others depend, but my emotional stamina is starting to end. Give me strength, that I'm a sore, give me the strength to get through one day more.”
Blend the herbs together on a plate, and drip a bit of the melted candle wax into them. As it cools but before it hardens, shape it into a small disk. Place the disk under your pillow as you go to sleep. Hold it in your hands each morning before you get up to start your day so you can absorb the strength of the herbs.
“Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch: Quick, Simple, and Practical Magic for Every Day of the Year,” by Patti Wigington 
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"The Beautifully Grim"- by BT 2020 photo by BT 2022.
At times I cling to, attach myself to, what causes me pain and get desperate to kiss my trauma. As if it's showing me affection but yet I resent it and have an uncontrollable urge to attack it and hurt. At times, more than most, I have been the breaker of my own heart
Currently writing the manuscript to tell my story from NYC delinquency. To an aspiring career in veterinarian medicine. Then an exceptional 15 year duty as an Airborne Ranger and Special Forces Green Beret. Suddenly to years of incarceration and loosing damn near everything. Being thrown back into a world strange and beautiful having to find self and purpose. Innocent childhood and rebellious youth. Falling in love and finding hate. A  compassionate and humane lively hood and a violent numbing occupation. Desperation for love, romance and stability but purging on the darkside of impulsive behaviours and hazardous risks. A story of war and armed conflict transitioning to the battlefield that is incarceration. Being controlled by isolation and fears to an awaking of self on the rise journeying down my intended path. Death, grief, drugs,alcohol, sex, romance, desire, firefights, marriage, fatherhood and family.  Including my pieces of poetry I wrote through the years which also act like a timeline of trauma. - BT
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theintpgirl · 2 years
I was never too emotional. I was simply in a family that didn't support my emotional need.
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its-just-me5 · 13 days
Did you ever have a person in your life that you knew from the start was bad for you, and you still couldn't back away? It was like magnetism, and even though you rationally knew you should leave, you just didn't have the emotional strength... And so they came into your life like a hurricane, ravaged for a bit, and when they left, you and everything around was in ruins...
And the thing is, you knew exactly what would happen, from the very start, but no matter how much you wanted too change the outcome, you just couldn't. All you could do, is helplessly stand by and watch as it all plays out.
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samw3000 · 15 days
... come what may, I will be alrightThere's no need for me to yellPut up a fight or dwellI knowThe right thingsAlways work out well(I habitually feel this way!) Image by Alexander Roy from Pixabay © 2024 Samantha Williams. All Rights Reserved.
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sparklewagon · 17 days
✨🧡✨ If today you cried yourself through a miracle happening, this is a little note that you're seen. You're loved. You're going to be okay. ✨🧡✨
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wickedzeevyln · 29 days
The Gift of Rest
Rest is not solely for recharging, we’re not mobile devices of people, we need rest so we can be people with lives. We should afford ourselves to let it all hang loose, to wear old pajamas with rips, tatters and fraying sleeves with threads waving, to wear bathroom flip-flops, to fill up the sink with dirty dishes, spoons and forks, to leave our hair down and disheveled—once in a while wouldn’t…
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It's as if he never left. He loves being close with me. Clink on the link and purchase https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QW7DQ89/?tag=knowledgeand0c-20
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nimixo · 1 month
Emotional Armor: Shielding Your Heart
Never get too attached, because people wake up with different feelings every day. -Anonymous
Someone wise once said, "Don't get too attached, because people feel different every day." This quote tells us that feelings can change quickly.
It's a reminder to be careful with our emotions and not to rely too much on others. Understanding this can help us protect ourselves from getting hurt.
Empowering Tip: Understand that it's okay to care for others, but also prioritize your own well-being while developing your inner-strength.
#emotionalresilience #SelfCare #MentalHealth #emotionalwellness #Mindfulness
#ResilienceJourney #emotionalstrength #selfempowerment #mindfulliving #selfgrowth
#emotionalstrengthtips #ResilienceBuilding #innerstrength #emotionalhealth #selfdevelopment
#Nimixo #MotivationBlowByBlow #empoweringtip
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soospiritualjourney · 4 months
Mercury turns direct suggests a moment of clarity, a moment of insight where over the last 3 weeks or so, we might be thinking something a certain way and now we are seeing things differently.
We are realising how things actually are. We are able to accept and find that truth now.
In this time communicate and understand clearly.
There is a perception of pessimism and inability of seeing light
Breathe. Be diligent with your thoughts and mind.
Hone yourself to your belief and faith in the dark. Seek help when you need it.
Be patient with self and you will find equilibrium.
My note for you. If no one has told you lately, the universe loves you. You are worthy of love. If you don’t know it yet, didn’t this year, with its triumphs and trials, woven a tapestry of our lives together?
Thank you for reading my posts.
At the New Year's dawn, let's carry that strength into the new year ahead of us. 🔥 Let's continue to build ourselves, nurturing dreams, conquering challenges, and becoming the person we envision of being.
To all you here, may the year ahead be a canvas painted with vibrant hues of joy, growth, and self-discovery.
May we continue to find solace and inspiration 🦋
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sanjay-mohindroo · 2 months
"Patience is not simply the ability to wait, it's how we behave while we're waiting." - Joyce Meyer
Discover the transformative power of patience. Learn how embracing patience can lead to greater peace, resilience, and fulfillment in your life. Sanjay Mohindroo
Sanjay Mohindroo Sanjay Mohindroo. stayingalive.in Discover the transformative power of patience. Learn how embracing patience can lead to greater peace, resilience, and fulfillment in your life.Embracing Patience: The Art of Waiting with Grace: The Meaning of PatienceThese insightful words remind us that patience is more than just waiting for something to happen—it’s about how we conduct…
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josephfagarazziauthor · 2 months
Joseph Fagarazzi Author
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Website: https://www.josephfagarazziauthor.com/
Joseph Fagarazzi, a Venice-born author now residing in Australia, shares his compelling journey through life and literature. Specializing in autobiographical works, Joseph's debut book, "Escaping My Demons," delves into overcoming childhood trauma and abuse. His narrative not only captivates but also offers solace and inspiration to others facing similar adversities. With a focus on resilience, healing, and the power of storytelling, Joseph's work is a testament to the strength of the human spirit.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jfagarazzi51/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/josephfagarazzi/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.au/Escaping-My-Demons-Joseph-Fagarazzi/dp/1922757128
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healing through words
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narrative non fiction
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australian literature
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healing through storytelling
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drdiva65 · 4 months
Beyond the Storm: A Year of Pain, Growth, and Revelations 
Welcome to a special edition of ‘Thinking Thursday’ – and what a start it is! Today, I’m introducing ‘Diva Rant,’ a segment where I’ll share unfiltered, candid reflections. As we stand at the crossroads between 2023 and 2024, this first rant is not just about sharing thoughts; it’s about embracing change, confronting challenges, and stepping boldly into the new year. Let’s navigate these…
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