skatingstudies · 3 years
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Old chaotic to do list from August 2020!
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lalalaikas · 5 years
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[5.9.19] another picture from the previous day, oops. i spent a lot of yesterday cleaning and running errands, after a night of almost no sleep for some mysterious reason. legit could not fall asleep until 5:30 am, woke up at 10 :// anyways, i’ve done 2/5 finals, and my next one is saturday, so i’m starting to prepare as best i can... good luck to all my fellow students prepping for finals or projects or whatever you’re facing rn!!
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actuarystudies · 5 years
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12.01.2019 | day 12 of 100 days of productivity
Ok I realize I’m posting this the next morning, I’ll make another post today too. So I was actually quite productive today. The only thing I didn’t do that I wanted too was a yoga flow (esp because I didn’t go to the gym), but i was honestly exhausted. I went to school, bought a textbook, read my textbook, studied, and went out to a cool steakhouse. I love how my spread turned out this week!
ig: actuarystudies
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blacklinguist · 5 years
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just some thoughts I have after graduating...if more comes to me I'll make another post but...yeah.
stay on top of your degree requirements: 
no idea about other schools (or even departments within my own university), but my advisor would give some weird information and advice sometimes. once, an entire minor was added to my workload...in a language completely different from what I was studying at the time, and after I had already decided to do something else. don’t rely on others to keep an eye on things for you. write that mess down and refer to it several times during the semester to keep yourself on track.
have your own plan: 
related to the last one, but spend a lot of time figuring out what YOU want from your college experience / future career / later studies, and work towards that. there will be people who try to direct your future and ‘know what’s best for you’, and you could end up wasting a lot of time/money trying to fulfill THEIR goals instead of your own. beat them to the punch and know when to turn something down [or just ignore advice after gracefully receiving it].
but! use your professors wisely: 
I'm not saying to avoid all advice. I got my degree in a field where literally no one in my family has any experience, and it was hard to not feel lost. pick your professors’ brains about their own academic careers, how they went about their degrees, what they would change (or would not), and any suggestions they have. your professors have been in the game for a while, and their networks are extensive. don’t be afraid to tap into that. converse with them about your favorite topics in class, or ideas you have, or projects you would like to complete. they will welcome it.
you won’t have time for everything at the same time: 
be mindful of what you prioritize, and give yourself a break every now and then. even though I was involved in a lot of things on campus, juggled campus jobs, and kept up with my four classes, I couldn’t follow the same routine every single week. some weeks, all I did was study and go to work. other weeks, I dropped my extra study time to go to club meetings and volunteer at events. balance your yes and no, and switch things up to keep the semester feeling fresh [and preventing burnout].
input = output
college is a great environment, full of possibilities, but only if you make it such. rarely will you walk into amazing circumstances or have a cool opportunity drop in your lap. sliding out of your comfort zone, creating new boundaries for yourself, and trying out new things is what puts you in a position for success [whatever that looks like for you!]. don’t wait around, get up and get out.
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scholastc · 5 years
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Hey! I had a particularly hard time choosing what career path I want to be taking. Because of that, I also struggled figuring out what course I wanted for college. So, I decided to make this post to help those who are also having difficulties :)
Sometimes, it’s easier for others to figure out what they want to be doing in the future, but that certainly was not the case for me. When determining what career you want to pursue, you must consider two aspects: the internal and external factors.
To assess your internal factors, here are some things you should consider:
1. Your skills. List your strengths and your weaknesses. This may include the subjects you did best at, activities outside school that you enjoyed, and aspects of your life that you think you need to work on.
2. Your talents and abilities. List your accomplishments, what skills you used, and what makes the achievement important to you. This should help you realize your outstanding talents and abilities in different contexts. Here’s an example:
Achievement: Having an article and a poem published in the school paper
Skills used: Writing
Importance of the achievement: Having something published in the paper helped me gain confidence in my writing abilities.
3. Your work values. It’s important to consider what aspects of work matter to you. Here are some work values that I considered in the process
Recognition: Being recognized for your work
Independence: Being in control (e.g. being able to work for yourself, deciding for yourself, etc)
Balance: Having time for work, time for family, time for leisure
Achievement: Feeling accomplished (e.g. being an expert in your field, excelling what you do) 
People: Having good relations with your co-workers and peers
Economic: Having a good paying job with monetary benefits
Security: Being secure in your job (e.g. safe working conditions, regular paying job)
Variety: Being able to enjoy your work
Some of my friends actually used this website for this.
After figuring it out, list your top three work values and reflect on each one. Do a simple research on what jobs match each of these work values. Consider the jobs you listed that keep you interested.
4. Your career-related personality traits. John Holland developed a model that basically groups people into six different career types to see what work environments are most suitable for them.
Here is a test you can take to help you figure it out.
Once you get your Holland Code, match your code to the descriptions in this image.
Now that you have evaluated your internal factors, it’s time to consider the external factors.
1. Consult. Ask your parents, teachers or your school guidance counselor about what career areas they think would fit your personality.
2. Research. Once you’re able to come up with a career you think you want to pursue, do some research on it. Talking to someone in this career area may also be a big help.Here are some things you may want to consider when doing this step:
The daily responsibilities you have to carry out
The working conditions
The job entry requirements
The potential earnings
The future outlook (what’s in it for the future of this occupational area?)
This part is extremely important as it helps you gain more perspective on the possible career path you’re about to take!
Just because you’re interested in a certain job title, doesn’t mean you should automatically pursue it. Although interest plays a big part in choosing what career you want to pursue, you should always consider what it takes to reach your career goals. We all want to be in an amazing, high-paying job, but we rarely ever acknowledge the pain we have to go through before actually getting there.
A personal example would be how I dreamed of being a Psychologist. I always admired the idea of becoming one but I never really thought about the classes I have to take and the years I have to sacrifice for this career. Albeit I was really interested in becoming a Psychologist, I just don’t think I would love the painful journey to get there.
When figuring out your college course, make sure to keep Mark Manson’s quote in mind: “What pain do you want to sustain?”
That quote helped me a lot in this process, and I hope it’s the same for you :)
Anyways!! That’s all for this post :) If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send them over to my ask! I hope everyone’s having a great day! ☀️
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jordanas-diary · 5 years
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4/100 ~ 28/03/19 
Finally able to move onto another subject that is not statistics. Ya girl is very happy. 
Hoy, finalmente estudié español! Ha pasado mucho tiempo que no estudié esta idioma, y bueno ahora estoy muy contento. Bueno, es muy corto hoy :D 
Nos vemos mañana  Jordana y Jerry xx
Currently listening to ~ Controla - Brytiago y Anuel Aa
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vanessastudiess · 5 years
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[4/100 days of productivity] | January 26, 2019
yummy smoothie for energy before studying. It’s time to put in the work.
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amandaswork · 6 years
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November 4, 2018
Last weekly spread of October. I really like how this one turned out! 
Studygram: boldlystudy
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adelinestudiess · 5 years
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Welcome to the post you have all been waiting for so long! This was released a little late because I procrastinated on it, and also my test was yesterday so...
It was really hard for me to choose people, because y'all are so talented tbh so don't be upset if you are not chosen.
Also, you should definitely follow these people! They are super talented!
A reminder of the prizes:
be mentioned in a post that shows up on 15k 16k+ dashboard
be featured on my blogroll
a follow from me if not already
masterpost request from me (if you want)
moodboard request from me (if you want)
me as a friend
favourite url
winner: @studiants
runners up: @ariistides @boldlystudy @coffeeandpies
favourite theme
winner: @coffeeandpies
runners up: @gloomstudy @studyskillz @summit-studies
favourite advice posts (soz guys I couldn't really find a lot of people who does advice posts)
winner: @thestudyfeels
favourite studyspo pictures
winner: @chesstudies
runners up: @etudias @study1ng @parleonstudies
favourite graphics/printables (also the same for graphics/printables)
winner: @studytako
Honourable mentions (because of the lack of people I mentioned above)
@learninghowtopasta @studyybelle
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gamernotes · 5 years
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—im back! sort of (lol). how was everyone’s christmas? i hope it was good! mine was pretty good :) ive been wondering, how do you post to tumblr without ruining the quality, or is that just me? ┐('~`;)┌
🎶shall we try to shine more brightly? — iz*one
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jhutistudies · 6 years
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2018.09.06 // 6/100 days of productivity
pretty sky and math notes + a to do planner from @emmastudies
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skatingstudies · 5 years
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Hey guys! I didn't post for like...all of senoir year bc of ~senoirits~ but now I'm in college (!!) So here's some geography notes!
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lalalaikas · 5 years
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[5.13.19] two exams remain for me ;_; i’m so brain dead and tired, it’s been so hard for me to focus and feel motivated... but i’m trying my hardest to keep at it and stay strong for the next two days. tomorrow’s exam is at 7:45 am, so it’ll be nice to just get it out of the way, but also... gonna be so tired after. wednesday’s exam is at 1:05 pm, which is a much better time. anyways, just trying to focus on the fact that in less than 48 hours, i will be FREE of junior year!!!
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actuarystudies · 5 years
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02.03.19 // my penpal sent me these stickers and I love them so much!!! What’s your plan for the weekend?
ig: actuarystudies
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blacklinguist · 5 years
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2.12 ||  🌌 j’aime étudier avec la couleur bleu ... c’est tellement belle ! 🌌
listening to: haven ~ jinsang
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gabryellastudies · 6 years
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7 oct 18
hi friends!!!! was feeling a bit lonely this weekend so i headed home for the weekend! but i wanted to post these pics of my campus and my workspace before i forgot! its so easy to forget how pretty my college campus is but here ya go! here’s to a good, fun, and productive week! 🧡
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