#fact still deserve a seat at the table. and i dont think there should be a prerequisite academic education level to be allowed to talk.
gibbearish · 1 month
are we really back to "oh you support (blank)? name ten people who (do/are) that right now or else youre lying for allyship points and everything you have to say should be disregarded". i thought we left that back in like. 2012 misogynist nerdbro culture
#i have seen it on two entirely separate topics lately and its like. hello?????#'if you cant name 10 trans authors off the top of your head you shouldnt be talking about trans issues full stop.#i dont think thats an unreasonable expectation for anyone wanting to engage in rational discourse' how about we all go outside#because like yeah i couldnt name you too many trans authors but given my transgenderismness i think i do in#fact still deserve a seat at the table. and i dont think there should be a prerequisite academic education level to be allowed to talk.#'but you could find them for free-' yes‚ you can‚ but people should still be allowed to a) choose what they read based#off of what interests them and not mildly-to-extremely dense nonfiction writing and still Talk About Their Own Lives And Have#Opinions#shockingly not reading a lot of one specific type of author doesnt prevent a person from having reasonable and valuable opinions#if youre not capable of parsing someones argument because theyre not well-read enough then that just imo means you dont actually understand#the things youve read to be able to give them a synopsis#this isnt school. we're not being graded. there is no required reading and you are perfectly capable of giving people an#explanation on your stances if theyre unfamiliar with them#i had a b) but i dont remember what it was‚ i think it probably was part of what i covered there that i thought was a separate thought#but yeah just like. idk you can just say 'hey i would really recommend reading xyz but to summarize‚ (thing that disproves them)'#it is not . difficult to either Explain yourself or‚ if that is not possible‚ Not be condescending to the person youre not willing to teach#for not knowing#ill stop there bc ive already done that ramble before but. yes#origibberish#edit: ok upon reread i got turned around and switched from addressing the less educated one conveying their arguments#to the more well read one#bc that was the b is i was gonna talk about both#yall get what i mean though just like. split it in half and flip it turnways
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words-for-holland · 3 years
Always Yours
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Sometimes dating a celebrity is hard...but Tom & Y/N have always said no matter what happens they could get through anything. Some angst but a lot of fluff.
A/N: So sorry for leaving yall hanging! Life is just crazy right now and this blog needs a lot of TLC tbh!! Also ehh I def dont think this was my best work but enjoy?
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“Oof” Y/N lets out as she plops on to her boyfriend who was lying comfortable on the couch. Tom groaned at the impact with a cheeky smile on his face, his arms instantly wrapping around Y/N’s frame.
“Y’know..there are empty seats right there.” The soft brown-eyed boy gestured with the flick of his thick head as Y/N raises her eyes looking down at him, pretending to be slightly offended.
“Oh I see how it is then. It’s cool...Ill just cuddle with Tessa instead. I know she would welcome me with open arms instead of—” As she slowly starts getting off his chest, Tom is quick to pull her back in, securing her with his strong arms. “No baby, I was just kidding. I want you right here, and Im never letting you go.” he pleas.
The only thing Y/N could manage was letting out a fit of giggles into his chest, a sound that Tom adored and would do absolutely anything to hear every minute of every day. They stay like this for a while enjoying the feeling of each other as they both run their hands into each others hair, the feeling of their chests moving up and down, the subtle thumps of their heartbeats, and the little slips of adoration that came out of their mouths. It was peaceful. A moment that nobody could really take a way because it was theirs.
Y/N casually pulls up her phone, and scrolls through Twitter when she noticed a particular tweet on her timeline. Her eyebrows furrow, as she read the 160 character message.
Why Tom Holland Should Be With Aaliyah Cole and Dump Y/N: A Thread.
She knew it wasnt a good idea to open up the thread. She knew very well that everything within the shallow string of tweets would be a complete waste of her time because it was made up by fans who just wanted to satisfy their fantasy of shipping Tom with his co-star. Who can blame them? They always had great chemistry, but it was part of the job and thats all it would ever be.
“You’re awfully quiet.” Tom murmurs, as he places soft kisses at the crown of her head. “Whats going on?” She was lucky her phone was facing away from Tom, quickly closing the app and pretending to be on one of her many tabs in Safari.
“Mmm..nothing.” Y/N lies softly, a tight-lipped smiled plastered on her face.
“Absolute bullocks. Youre not a very good liar.” He chuckles. “Tell me darling. Whats on your mind?”
Y/N rolls her eyes in response. She’s heard that comment one too many times in her life from everyone shes known. After not giving it much thought, she gives in, sighing heavily. “Dont judge me for what Im about to say.”
“Mmm...I think it might depend on wha— Ow” Tom reacts as he playfully rubs the side of his chest that Y/N hit. “Okay too soon for jokes. Go on.”
Again, Y/N sighs as she props herself up. “Its just ... well a lot of your fans keeps talking about wanting you to get with Aaliyah.” She looks down trying not to make eye contact with Tom, who she’d imagine was looking at her with annoyance.
Tom rolls his eyes at the ridiculousness. Not so much at Y/N but the fact that some of his fans just didnt want to accept the fact that he was happy with Y/N. If it had to come from his mouth to stop the stupid rumors and give his girlfriend peace, then hed gladly yell it from the rooftops for everyone to hear. “Thats it Im making a statement about it.”
Y/N’s eyes widen in fear, scrambling to prevent him from grabbing his phone on the table next him. “No no no no.” She repeatedly declines. “You’ll only make it worse.”
“Darling, Im not going to stand here and watch you get all insecure because of their delusional ship.”
“Yeah well Im not gonna be the reason your fans hate me because Im getting in the way of your friendship with Aaliyah Cole.” She fires back.
Tom was ready to open his mouth only to be cut off once again. “And you know better. That is how your fans will always see it.”
“Okay, are you done?” He calmly asked, cautiously observing her. Rarely did Y/N ever get worked up about anything, but when she had her tangents, Tom always made sure she got off everything she needed to say before he becomes her voice of reason.
“Yeah, I guess.” she says feeling defeated. “Look its whatever and Im tired, can we just let this go and forget this whole conversation even happened?”
Tom was unconvinced, but didnt want to push her further. So reluctantly, he gave in and wrapped his arms around Y/N as they both tried to lull themselves to sleep.
Y/N wasnt sure how she ended up in the Tube. It was strange how the lights flickered off the rusted tile floor. The train was no where to be seen, but off to the side of the railroads was pitch black, she could hardly see beyond. To her right she noticed herself standing in the corner of the room, and to her surprise Aaliyah was there. Her milk chocolate kissed skin, and fashionably long frizzy hair dropped down past her shoulders. Her figure long and poised, as she wore a rain jacket and sweats. An outfit only she could pull off and make it look like she was a model for Vogue. Aasliyah smiles brightly at Y/N.
“Hey Y/N.” She says cheerfully as a genuine friend would.
To Y/N’s surprise she greeted her back in the same tone. “Hey Aaliyah...uhh whats going on?” Y/N wasnt sure if she wanted the answer of how they both ended up in the Tube or if she truly wanted to know how her day went.
“Well Im getting ready to present at the Oscars.” She replies, a smile plastered as if she was so excited about it, almost too excited like she was keeping a secret.
“Really? Oh my god, that’s amazing! Im so proud of you Aaliyah! Who are you taking?”
Aaliyah pauses for a few moment looking back and forth, making sure no one else was around. “Okay can you keep a secret?” She whispered.
Y/N nods her head slowly, not having the slightest clue of what was going on. “Im taking Tom. I think he really likes me, and well...I like him too! Do you think maybe I should ask him when we go?” Aaliyah asked genuinely. It was almost like she had no recollection of Y/N and Tom being a couple. “I think we would look good together. Everyone is already making rumors and ships about us.”
Y/N backs aways lowly only to bump into a broad figure. As she turns around she sees Tom, emotionless and almost sad. “Y/N.” He speaks out. “I dont think this is going to work out. Im leaving you.”
Y/N’s heart quickens, and her breaths become shorter as she tries to find a way to run. Running and running into the darkness, until all she could hear was Tom’s faint voice calling out her name.
“Y/N! Y/N! Baby wake up please.” Tom cries as he gently shakes his girlfriend from her disturbed sleep.
Quickly Y/N opens her eyes and clutches on to Toms hoodie firmly. Back home, and in Toms arms. It was a dream was all she thought. A sigh of relief escaping from her mouth.
“Darling...” he speaks softly, worried about his girlfriend. “Are you okay?”
Y/N looks up at him and nods frantically. “Mmm..bad dream.”
“Yeah it seemed like it. You were so frightened...I was scared. What happened?” He’s looking at her, trying to read her saddened eyes, wanting to desperately understand what scared her so he could make it all go away for her.
Y/N looks down at her fiddling hands, as she sits on the couch. “I uhh...” she lets out a chuckle, thinking of the ridiculousness of it all. “I uhh...dreamed about Aaliyah going to the oscars and saying how she loved you and how you two are perfect for each other. When I turned around I saw you but you werent happy and said you were leaving me.”
Tom doesnt say a word, all he could think about was how sorry he felt to put Y/N in this position. Though both of them knew, It wasnt Toms fault, or anyone’s for that matter. Feelings are feelings and that was okay. No human being was ever born perfect and without insecurities.
Y/N always tried to be a good sport with situations like this knowing every shippers theory and evidence were hardly ever true, but at some point there was only so much she could take before it all came out like an oil spill. Maybe it was a sign that she wasnt good enough to be with Tom if half of his fanbase thought this way as well.
Tom cradled her into his arms again, holding her tightly and kissing the top of her head. “Darling, I know youre still doubting yourself about all of this, but please believe me when I tell you that I love you so so much and no matter what happens...Im always yours.” He whispers gently in her ear. “It was only a dream and these ridiculous rumors and theories are just that. No one woman in the world could ever make me feel the way I feel for you.”
Y/N blinks softly, as she stares into space. Afraid and in a weird way ashamed, its funny how something so small and so minimal could affect her self-esteem so greatly. Tom gently brings her head up, so her eyes can meet his. He rolls his thumb on the bottom of her soft lips. “Hey, I love you.” Tom smiles.
Time stopped for the both of them the moment Y/N looked into his eyes, she felt safe. All the bad words and thoughts slowly disappear. Tom was right, none of the things that anyone said about their relationship mattered. She knew Tom loved her, and how much she truly loved him. Isnt that enough? Of course not. It was more than enough. A smile slowly forming on Y/N’s face. “Theres that smile I love so much.” He comments.
“Im sorry, for being such a —”
“No. Its okay. You have a right to feel the way you did.” He picks up her hand and leaves a gentle kiss.
“I love you so much Tom.” She says pressing her lips to his. “I dont deserve you.”
“Darling, its me that doesnt deserve you. Im always yours.” Tom proclaims as he kisses her back.
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doodledrawsthings · 4 years
Her Aim Was Getting Better
(Ahit ““““““Coffee Shop AU”““““““ rp log)
This is part of an RP between @displacedentities and myself detailing the meet-up between Luka and Vanessa, when she spikes his coffee with the curse. We did this a while back to get a feel for the characters and how that scene would go down, and they nailed it with how they wrote Vanessa. So I asked them if I could post it. Some of the stuff here was written before we had other things established, so some things like Hatties’s age and how long ago they split might be inconsistent with other posts I’ve made, but Enjoy!
(also forgive me for the way i write my parts, I’m not as practiced at writing rip)
(MysticDoodles) Despite the warm paper cup in her hands, Vanessa couldn't deny the chill in her bones. It had yet to go away since that day in court, biting at her skin and hovering just at the base of her brain stem. It always seemed to grow colder whenever she thought about how she got here... the things she'd said. What she almost did to that poor briefcase jockey in the courthouse.
But it didn't matter, anymore. If anything, her mom was happy she lost that case. Losing her husband and... child had stripped away all excuses she had not to throw herself into her work, and her mother was happy. 
Vanessa was not happy. 
In fact, she was seething. 
Luka took everything from her, that day. Her love, her place in their home. His adorable smile, his laugh... they weren't hers anymore. He only gave them to that- little gremlin. The parasite that took his love away from her, her precious nickname given to their daughter. 
Nobody got to be Luka's princess except Vanessa herself. Never again.
She lost the custody battle and her efforts to take Luka's obsession away from him, but she was going to make sure he lost so much more.
Vanessa waited in the autumn breeze, her fingers clenching and unclenching around the coffee cup. Chestnut-infused Columbian. His favorite. A sister cup sat opposite the table, waiting for him. If he was brave enough to show his face. .
(DeusExMakena)  He could see her from his car as he pulled into the parking space, sitting at a table by the large window at the front of the coffee shop. How long had it been now? Around five years, right? Hattie was barely a year old when they split.
He used to get so excited about meeting her, being in her presence, making her smile... and now the very thought of just getting out of his car and making eye contact with her left a pit in his stomach. As much as he'd loved this woman in the past, the way she treated their newborn daughter.... he had to stop thinking about it. Starting this meeting out in an angry mood wouldn't be a good idea.
With a sigh he finally willed himself to leave the vehicle, and just as he looked up their eyes met. The pit in his stomach deepened as he walked up to the cafe doors.
(MysticDoodles) The ice crept up her neck again. Vanessa forced it down, and put up a smile. No reason to start this off as cold as the ice in her veins. 
 Luka can see from her attire that she's doing rather well- financially, anyway. A thick coat against the autumn chill- or maybe from her heart, so closed off- and a scarf stuffed into her bookbag. Her mother must have improved her stipend, now that they split. What a beastly woman. It's pointless to ponder what-ifs at this point, but maybe if Vanessa's mother had been someone else... no. No point.
 With one hand, she gestures to the chair opposite her. Empty and waiting. "Hello, Luka. I got your favorite. You're doing well?" 
 ...the tenor isn't as friendly as it sounds, and feels more plastic than her smile appears.
(DeusExMakena) He hesitates, looking around the venue at the other tennants before wordlessly taking the seat across from her, mostly staring at the coffee cup in front of him.
Why is he having such a hard time looking at her?
"I'm... fine," he manages to force out as he takes the cup in both hands. Come on, man just get this over with and you can go home. "So uh, what brings you here?"
He wishes he could kick himself in the face for how out of place he feels, right now. What do you even say to someone you haven't seen in years, when the last time you saw them had been after an intense battle over the custody rights of the child you fought so hard to protect?
At least the warmth of the cup in his hands provides him with some reassurance.
(MysticDoodles) Something in Vanessa's smile twitches, but it's gone before he can really tell what it was.
"Oh- I just wanted to chat, catch up on old times, you know? I'm guessing the bar exam went well?"
Awkward silence, as Vanessa turns her smile away. She lifts her own coffee cup to her lips and takes a long drink, looking at the pavement.When she sets it down, there's a brief moment where her fingertips looked blue. It soon fades back into perfectly trimmed nails.
"...you know why I called you here, Luka. Don't make me lie to you." Her voice grows quiet, though pensive or frustrated is difficult to parse. "You were always better at lying, anyway."
(DeusExMakena) He squints slightly at that last remark and has to do enrything in his power to hold his tongue.
"I dont, actually. With the way things ended the last time we saw eachother, I was almost sure that would be it." he says, probably with a bit more venom in his tone than he should have used, but he was here for less than 10 minutes, now, and he could already feel his patience waning.
"But if you're really just here to reconnect, you'll have to forgive me" he takes a moment to swirl the cup in front of him before lifting it towards his mouth "I'm not very good at small-talk."
Chestnut-infused Columbean bean. Cream and Sugar. So nice to know that she never forgot.
(MysticDoodles) Vanessa smiles as he takes a drink. It's gone by the time he removes the cup again.
"...sorry," she says. Her stony expression shifts into a frown. This wasn't how she expected this conversation to go- but really, she had been expecting nothing, so no pain or gain thus far. "I'm not being very polite, am I? I guess I just- missed you, Luka. It's very different, going back to my mother's apartment after-... well. Being with you."
Another quiet sip. Vanessa runs her finger on the plastic cap.
"...do you miss the nights after we studied, when we'd just sit on the couch together and watch garbage movies?"
Before Harriet came along, she didn't say aloud.
(DeusExMakena) Of course he did, he loved her. And as much as he'd love to revisit those moments, to relive the sense of elation he felt when he got her to laugh over awkward acting and nonsensical writing... He just couldn't forgive her for what she did.
He sighs, opting to indulge in her to see where she's going with this.
"Yeah," He takes another sip, looking back down at the table "Sometimes I still wonder why that had to stop."
(MysticDoodles) There's no way he misses the way her fingers tighten on the paper coffee cup. Especially since it's accompanied by an audible pop of paper crumpling in a half inch, and liquid sloshing within.
"They did stop, Luka."
How could he be so blind?
"They stopped when you stopped spending them with me. You spent all your time with our daughter, and not with the loving wife who gave her to you. Don't you see how unfair that is? I deserved your time, too."
Vanessa sighs, her words almost chastising. It reminded of the times she shifted into 'disappointed mother' mode around Harriet. Their one year old, at the time, who didn't understand consequences for things like dropping a toy in the sink. She even had the nerve to sound hurt as she speaks those words.
(DeusExMakena) He is absolutely apalled.
"I-" he doesnt know why he cant find the words to respond. His eyes wide and his eyebrows furrow as he glares directly at her. He shouldnt be surprised by this, really, he saw this coming. Five years, and some things will just never change.
Luka pinches the bridge of his nose, he MARRIED this woman.
"I'm sorry, are we- are we really doing this again?" He sets his coffee cup on the table with a little more force than he wanted to, "You do realize you're getting jealous over a literal one-year old that we both agreed that we wanted to have. I'm her father, I'm sorry, again, for doing my job and raising our child."
(MysticDoodles) Vanessa's long-suffering expression hardens back into stone, pouting out her lip as once more, Luka shows no signs of budging on his stance. How very lawyerlike of him. To the bitter end, he would fight for his side of the case against the opposition. She wished they didn't have to be on opposite sides, anymore, yet here she was for the second time.
"Is it so wrong that I wanted to spend more time with my husband? All toddlers need to learn to share, anyway." Vanessa shrugs, as if this were no big deal. "You never spent evenings with me, anymore, Luka. Every night that you came back from graduate classes and networking with firms, you would go right to her. The honeyed words for me didn't come until dinner, if they came at all. And don't talk to me like I wasn't a good mother- I kept her out of trouble during the day, whenever I was out of rotation."
"How is my little Harriet doing? It's been so long since you've squirreled her away."
(DeusExMakena) No. No, no, no, he's not doing this again
"You..." He tries to hold his tongue, but peck, he doesnt want to deal with this right now. He feels his hands ball into fists "No. I'm sorry, no, you don't get to ask how my daughter is doing. You had every opportunity to join us, no one was stopping you from being happy but yourself! You wanna talk about sharing? Then why are you throwing a fit over a over a child spending time with her father?"
"She wanted a relationship with you, you know. It's... really hard having to explain to a five-year-old that she doesnt get to see her mother because she was too immature to realize 'oh hey! I could hang out with both my daughter AND my husband at the same time!'" He says that last bit in a mocking tone as he picks up his coffee and goes in for another sip, glaring straight at his ex-wife with pure exasperation.
(MysticDoodles) There he goes again. His daughter.
This time, Vanessa doesn't look away as she returns the glare. The medical graduate holds unflinching eye contact as she lifts her own cup and downs half the contents. Trying to make a statement, maybe? She always did have issues with competition.
"...so where does that leave us, then? You drink the coffee I got you, and walk away? Are you really so set on burning this bridge, Luka? Things can go back to the way they were, if you really want it that way. My stipend will get us through the rest of exams, and then we can live a good life together - high paying jobs, a comfortable apartment, as many dates and trashy movie nights as we want. Doesn't that sound wonderful?"
...she didn't say a word about five-year-old Harriet.
(DeusExMakena) Luka takes a moment to stare at her, eyes half-lidded and tired.
He picks up the cup and downs the rest of his coffee, before placing it back on the table and standing up from his seat, his eyes never leaving hers.
"Allow me to light the match for you."
With that, he turns towards the door, ready to leave. Why would he feel bad about burning a bridge that leads nowhere?
(MysticDoodles) Luka can hear the squeal of the metal chair legs as Vanessa stands abruptly from her seat. There's no click of heels on riverstone, but he knows she's got her fists clenched at her sides, watching him. She always did that when she was angry. Maybe this time she'd have some ice on her wrists, now that her abilities were public. She'd put less effort into hiding it after the court case, anyway.
"YOU'RE MAKING A MISTAKE!" Vanessa yells after him as he continues, stride unbroken. "You'll regret this! You won that case, but you'll always be my prince, and I'll always be your princess!"
But legally, she couldn't touch him, now. Luka and Harriet were no longer family. He knew that, and she knew he did.
Oh well.
The door closes with a crnk-ling of the bell, and the background noise of the cafe starts to fade back into her awareness. Or lack thereof. Everyone nearby was staring, not that she cared.
Stiffening her upper lip, Vanessa grabs her bag and loops it back over one shoulder. She pats the side, removing the scarf off the copy of 'Ancient Botanicals & You' she'd found at the antique bookshop, and tying the garment back around her neck. With one hand she picks up Luka's cup, and looks inside.
A smile traces her lips as she takes it along with her own, and tosses them both into the trash can.
Now all she had to do was wait and see.
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fallingfor-fics · 3 years
Teachers Pet-chapter 17: wanting
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chapter 16
Potions seemed to drag on forever, Snape was just teaching a lesson, his velvety monotone voice going on and on about a potion we were gonna brew soon. I was trying my best to stay awake, I was still very exhausted and his voice was slowly lulling me to sleep. My eyelids felt heavy and I let them close for one second, or so I thought. I began drifting off and it was too difficult to open them again. I could hear his voice get quieter as I slipped into unconsciousness. I should have known better, I saw a kid fall asleep in his class once and he practically hexed them, he took away house points and yelled at the boy, which ensured he never made that mistake again. 
I jumped awake to a tap on my shoulders. My head was now on the table on my arms and I opened my eyes to see Draco staring at me. "Y/n, come on class is over." he said, collecting his books. "What?" I looked around and saw most of the kids had already left and Snape wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Where's Professor Snape? Why didn't he wake me up? Why didn't you wake me up!" I said lightly shoving his shoulder as we headed out of the classroom. "He left as soon as the bell rang, and I didnt think I needed to, I mean I tried and you didn't move so I figured you needed the sleep." He said smiling. "How odd that he did not get angry with me, did he even say anything?" I asked as we went to the Slytherin common room. "No, when he looked and saw you asleep he just rolled his eyes and kept teaching, I guess he figured if you have the time to sleep, then you don't need to learn haha" I thought over what he was saying, that's not like Snape at all why would he do that? And he knows I'm bad at potions so you would think he'd want me to pay attention.
We went to our rooms for our free period and I said I'd see him at dinner. I was alone in my room and decided to get the book out I had stolen from Snape's room earlier. I began from the start and read the first few chapters, I noticed it began getting dark out and looked at the clock, "Great I missed dinner." I realized I had gotten through almost half of the book, it was very informational, and sadly to say, was giving me some ideas. I mean there's no way I could earn Severus' affections but a girl can dream right? I got my bag and quickly headed out to make it to Snapes lessons. "Draco! So sorry I missed Dinner I got caught up reading!" I said seeing him in the common room, "Oh that's ok I actually saved you this dinner" he said handing me a dinner roll. I smiled taking it from him, "thanks so much I'll catch you later!" I took a bite of the roll not realizing how hungry I was and headed to the potions classroom. The door was closed so I stood there and knocked on it. Recalling when Severus rescued me from the weird encounter with Lockhart that one day, I smiled to myself thinking about how he's always been there in my times of need, so conveniently.
"Come in" I heard him say from the other side and I walked in smiling, taking another bite of my roll. "Evening Professor," I said, sitting down in Dracos seat. It was closer to Snape's desk, easier to hear him from here of course, no other reason. "Today I figured we would look over the Amortentia potion" he said looking up at me, I dropped my smile, that was the potion he was teaching earlier that I so happened to have fallen asleep during the lesson. "About that," I said, getting up and walking over to his desk, "I wanted to know why you didn't wake me up during class." I said fiddling with my fingers. He looked down at his papers thinking for a moment. "I figured you deserved it after last night, although you should have indeed been awoken, I didn't want to disturb the lesson either." He said not looking up at me. "About last night.." I began "No need to discuss the matter Ms.L/n, It was wrong of me to have not sent you back to your dormitory immediately." He interrupted. "What? No..I wanted to thank you once more, It was almost a miracle you showed up when you did, and not punishing me, it helped a lot, I've been having a rough time and i'm glad you were there." I said within a small smile, I hoped this wasnt to far a reach and he didn't find it weird, I mean he was just comforting a student, nothing more. He didn't say anything he just stared down at his papers, I had said too much. I turned and sat back down. "We should get started." he said, stacking his papers. "Right." I said not looking up at him. It fell silent and I needed to break the silence, "Professor how well do you know Professor Lockhart?" I said looking up at him. "As well as any teacher I suppose why?" he asked furrowing his brows. "If I tell you something will you promise not to get angry and get me in trouble?" I said looking around and then pulling my chair up to his desk. He straightened up and looked at me with worried eyes.
"I might regret it, but sure." he said with a sarcastic tone. "Um, well... During Defense Against the Dark Arts today, we were practicing the protection spell, and I didnt have a partner again, and so Lockhart made me practice with him. He said to do easy spells to practice against. And at the end of class I was arguing with him because he used a dueling spell and he proceeded to say it was because he knew I could 'handle' it," he continued listening to me closely growing more and more confused and concerned as I went on. "And he was like 'watch' and raising his wand, and I wasn't prepared and I didnt know what he was going to do.." I looked down at my hands scared to let out the last part, "And so out of defense I hit him with Expelliarmus and he flew across his desk." I said breathing out the last part. Snape's eyes went wide for a moment and then his mouth grew into a small smile. I let my shoulders relax at his response and let out a light chuckle. "Wow Y/n you really like to test this mans limits." he said back in his normal tone. "He just makes me so furious, and I was so shocked he pulled his wand on me without a heads up so I got afraid." I added. "Are you gonna tell Dumbledore?" I asked with furrowed brows. "Well what did Lockhart do about it?" he asked looking in my eyes, I shifted in my seat, he had such an intense stare and his dark eyes looked so strong. "You see, that's the weird part, he didn't do anything," at this he returned his face to its normal stern look and looked a tad shocked, "All he said was 'be careful, you never know the consequences of your actions' and then let me leave." I said using air quotes and mocking his voice.
But Snape did not seem amused, he just looked away and dropped his gaze on my eyes and looked at the wall in thought I presumed. He didn't say anything or the next minute and I grew worried, "What?" he didn't respond. "Severus what is it?!" I said raising my voice a tad looking in his eyes. He snapped his gaze to me and opened his mouth to speak, "Dont scold me for using your name, what are you thinking about." "Nothing Ms. L/n, it's fine I just wonder why he did not assign you a detention. And I told you not to call me Severus'' Wow. The way he said his own name was beautiful, but now's not the time for this. "Well we are friends now, and friends don't use formalities such as Ms. L/n and Mr. Snape" I said jokingly but he didn't seem amused, "Definitely do not call me Mr. Snape" he said in a cold tone, I guess I hit a soft spot, I mean it makes sense, he didn't like his father and I'm guessing that was what he would hear a lot. "We are friends though, I mean at least here in our lessons, I won't do it during school.." I said reassuring him. "If it will make you focus then fine, now let's get started we have wasted enough time."
Hours had passed and I suggested he teach me how to brew the potion now for practice, and to prevent me from any mishaps in class. But he refused and said to just wait until we did it as a class since it was already so late. I was sitting next to him at his desk since we were going over stuff in the textbook. I went to close it and my arm brushed against his, I paused for a moment and let the feeling linger on my arm, I looked over at him and made eye contact with him, I got up and walked over to my table putting my book down. "I uh was organizing the books today but didn't get to finish, I can do that quickly if you'd like?" I asked, looking at the last bookshelf. "No that's alright" he said, not looking at me. "I-I should probably go now anyways heh '' I said awkwardly collecting my things, "Yes that is probably best" he said shuffling random papers around. "Ok um I will see you in class tomorrow, Goodnight Severus." I said walking to leave, "Goodnight Y/n" I smiled and walked out down the hall. I got to my room and one of my roommates was still awake, I smiled at her as I sat my bags down and sighed, "Y/n you like to read right?" my roommate asked, her name was Ruth and she was pretty popular, she had long dark brown hair and beautiful green eyes. Lots of the boys liked her, but we never became friends, but she was nice. "Yeah I do" I said looking up at her. "Good here, my muggle friend had this sent to me, but I'm not gonna touch it so you can have it." she said, extending the book to me. "Oh t-thank you! Are you sure?" I asked looking up at her hesitantly taking it from her hand, "Yeah at least i'll get some use if you have it." she said smiling, "Well ok thanks" She just nodded and said goodnight turning out her lamp and going to bed. I laid it on my bed and went to get ready to go to sleep.
When I finished I sat on my bed picking up the book, "Lolita" hmm I said reading the title to myself. I put it in my bag and told myself i'd read it once I was done with the one I stole from Severus, I grabbed the small book and continued to read through it, it was actually very helpful, except for the fact I wasn't going to get to try any of these things with him. "If the one your heart desires, does not at first glance your way, find someone to make them envy and draw attention to thine self." Merlin this translation was kind of hard to interpret, unless it was really suggesting to make them jealous, my only issue was no matter who I dated, Severus still wouldn't look at me the way I want him to. I needed to get this idea of him eventually falling for me out of my head. I looked in the margin at at a note that was scribbled in, 'she has found someone' I frowned reading it. This poor person, they must have really wanted things to work with this other girl. I flipped to the beginning to where I left the flower. It was a little white one flattened from the pages. I grabbed my wand and murmured a small "Appare Vestigium" A swirl of gold went over the pages and the flower and a few small fingerprints appeared on the flower. This would show me any magic that was lingering but it was not helpful in finding out where the flower came from and who wrote in this book. I guess I was just gonna have to tell Severus I took it and ask him whose it was, that was going to be fun.
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losers-yurio · 3 years
Micky Dolenz x reader smut 
sub!Micky with hair pulling 
requested by anon (that I've grown v attached to hshsh)
FINISHED AT 11:30 HA, I'll go over spelling and grammar in the morning y'all deserve this right now
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After a long day at work seeing your pretty boy sitting on the couch with tussled hair and a look of concentration
Coming home to him was one of your favorite things
Hearing you come in he looked up
You tossed your keys on the counter and walked over to the couch to take a seat next to him
You probably should have been too tired to be this aroused but it was the soft look on his paired with his messed up hair and the opening of his shirt that reached the middle of his chest that did you in
Sure you've seen it all before but it was I sight you never tire of seeing
Aperently Micky could see how dark your eyes were becoming with lust
He turned so that he could put his guitar up against the side table on his right
"What's on your mind y/n?" You let out a short breath before responding "You"
Turning back to look at you this time with a look of confusion playing on his features
When he didn't say anything you continued leaning in to place a small kiss to his cheek before the words left your lips
"you and your stupidly beautiful face, and how I can't stop thinking about what it would be like to have you begging under me so desperate for your release that'd you'd do almost anything to get that bliss"
This time it was his turn to let out a breath accompanied by a soft "wow"
You started to trail more light kisses down his neck, across his collarbone and down his chest to the end of the opening in his shirt
From there you moved so you were sitting completely in his lap now with his legs stretched out behind you
Out of reflex his hands imeadietly went to your hips before they made an attempt to untuck your blouse from your skirt that settled in an almost halo around you
Though before he could you took his wrists and pinned them to the arm of the couch
"oh no you dont, I'm in control tonight."
At this his eyebrows shot up in surprise
To his credit he wasn't as hesitant to give up control as you thought he would be
"Do you think you can come with me hardly doing anything like a good boy?" "Y/n..."
With the feeling of your thinly clothed core against his prominent bulge you weren't sure if that was a cry of protest or pleasure
Quite possible that it was both
You restituted yourself once more so that you were now holding both of his wrists in your left hand and you were sitting on his torso
Luckily It wasn't to difficult to shuck off his pants and briefs with only one hand especially when he was eager to help
Slowly the tips of your fingers began to ghost down his thigh being careful as to not touch his length on the way down
After reaching his knee you applied a little more pressure and slid back up a bit so that the tip of your finger was straight across from his tip
Poor thing was red and leaking pre-come
It didn't take long of fleeting touches and ones that left far too soon for his liking that finally pushed him over the edge
With a loud groan he finally reached his release with it landing on his lower abdomen
You reached over him to the tissue box in order to clean him up
"now since you've been such a good boy how about you get on your knees and remind me what that mouth of yours can do"
He had a big dopy grin
How easily he could make you come undone with just his mouth was something he was extremely proud of
You let him move out from under you making his way so that he was kneeling in front of the couch
And Infront of you
Still not exactly sure what to do while being in control of this specific situation, you just ran with it
Letting him hook his hands behind your knees to pull you closer
Still a little too high he dropped from his knees to be more level with your cunt
Moving his hands from the back of your knees to your ass he didn't hesitate to connect his mouth to your core after pressing a light kiss to the inside of your thigh
Out of habit your hands flew down to grip his hair
"fuck mick"
You'd hoped he hadn't noticed how much you were grinding on his thigh earlier but he probably had
With any luck he'd just use the fact that you were already desperate to get you off quicker and harder and maybe jokingly mention it later
Though you were still in charge it didn't feel like it
Especially when you weren't sure if he was planning to get revenge for all the teasing
You quickly pushed the thought from your mind though as you began to feel that familiar feeling in your stomach
You look down and even though you can only see part of his face your still convinced that he's the most beautiful man you've ever seen
Knowing how he liked the validation you tugged on the hair that was between your fingers Wich caused him to moan into you
Feeling your climax fast approaching you crossed your legs behind his back in an attempt to bring him closer
Getting the message his movements became faster easily being Exactly what you needed to push you over the edge
Still panting you looked back down at Micky who now looked exhausted
"come on babe let's get you into bed, you did phenomenally tonight and you need some rest" "but what about dinner?"
"We can always do a late night snack, besides I'm not hungry" he nodded before answering
"Hey y/n?" "Hm?" You should do that more often"
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Can I request Bakugo with a bubbly reader and they get into a fight because reader accidentally breaks something of his and tries to make it up to him, but he cusses her and they dont talk for a week and reader is super sad and depressed and Bakugo is too and crankier than usual. Then Bakugo decides to apologize after having received a taking to by Kirishima. Then when he goes to talk to the reader, reader hands him the replacement of what she broke and they make up?
[Requests: OPEN] 
[This sounds adorable, I appreciate the well thought out plot! I hope I did your idea justice! I love soft boy Bakugo.] 
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The world was drowned out by the music that pumped into your ears, the new album Jiro recommended was amazing and it was impossible not to dance to. Though you often danced and sung your heart out whenever much like Mina, you had a bubbly personality. You were known for smiling and your teachers often said it was a strength of yours. 
You had a warmth and kindness about you, which is why so many people were shocked to know you were friends with Bakugo. The ticking human time bomb, the guy whose only method of communication was screaming. But, he was a nice guy underneath all that anger and even a softie when it came right down to it. 
Of course, only you had the special privilege of seeing that side of him. In fact, that’s why you were currently listening to music and well, dancing around. Bakugo usually insisted that you hang out with him after school and you had taken it upon yourself to wait in his dorm until he arrived. 
You knew Kirishima and Denki liked taking up his time at the end of class which you didn’t mind, after all, they were his friends too. So in the meantime, you continued to goof off. Bakugo’s room was well organized but he did have a few special possessions, typically he kept them locked away but for some reason, he had decided to reorganize his room. 
Now those special possessions rested on the shelf near his bed, unfortunately, you hadn’t noticed the small changes he made and proceeded to climb onto his bed. Your headphones were still blasting music as you jumped up and down, though Bakugo would probably kill you for messing up his sheets. 
Your laugh echoed through the room, and your arms moved around like wild along with your legs. You were in your happy zone until your hand accidentally hit something on Bakugo’s shelf. Your body froze when you watched it tumble and shatter on the floor, your eyes wide as you pieced together what it was. Given the colors, you came to the conclusion that it was one of Bakugo’s All Might statues. 
The sound of the door opening made you gasp and you quickly got off the bed. Stumbling as you stood in front of the pile of broken glass, your hands behind your back. “B-Bakugo! I …” you paused and looked at him, he was already wearing an angry expression which you only guessed was because Kirishima and Denki had pissed him off somehow. 
You shivered when his red pupils settled on you. “What the hell were you just doing?!” he snapped and you swallowed, “Uh ...well I ...I …” your eyes shifted back and forth, he looked past you to see his messy bed. “What the fuck!?” he dropped his bag to the floor and ran to his bed. “DUMBASS, you messed up the sheets again. Damn it.” he hissed before he tried to fix it. 
You glanced to the side, hearing him mutter curses under his breath as he remade the bed. You whistled innocently before pushing your headphones back so they hung loosely from your neck. Then you scraped your shoe along the floor, trying to push the broken glass somewhere else. But Bakugo paused when he heard the noise and turned to look at you. 
His eyes slit with suspicion, “What was that?” he growled, “Uh …” you glanced back and forth. “Nothing?” you replied with a shrug and half-assed smile. But as usual, Bakugo didn’t buy it and stomped over, pushing you to the side without a care. You stumbled, twisting your ankle as you tried to regain your balance. 
You felt your heart sink as Bakugo stared at the broken All Might statue, his face was distorted and a dark shadow cast over it. His jaw was clenched, but you could hear the faint sound of his teeth grinding together. “What the FUCK did you do, DUMBASS!?” he snapped and you frowned, innocently playing with your fingers. “Well, I uh ...I didn’t mean to!” you exclaimed with a pout. 
“You didn’t MEAN to!?” he snapped, stomping his foot and his palms gave off small explosions. You took a step back, a little afraid of the angry man. “I mean ...I was just having fun and I ...accidentally knocked it down.” you explained in a soft tone, “I’ll make it up to you!” Bakugo took a step towards you and panic set in. 
“I-I’ll buy you lunch for the next week! I uh, I-I’ll do whatever you say!” Bakugo took another step and grabbed your arm. “You’re a goddamn idiot you know that?” you frowned, “I’m not an idiot!” you replied before he shoved you back and caused you to stumble once again. “Maybe if you stopped being a fucking extra when it came to your childish personality, you’d actually fucking listen when I tell you shit!” he growled before kicking the glass pieces. 
You cried out and as they flew in your direction, “Bakugo!” you snapped before he came charging at you, grabbing your shoulders. “You’re a damned idiot! A shitty extra who should just quit the hero course!” with that, he shoved you out the door. You stumbled on your feet and fell to the floor. Tears forming in your eyes as his door slammed but you could still hear him cursing you out. 
You sniffled and reached up to wipe your eyes before standing on your feet. Bakugo had never talked to you like that before, yes you had broken something of his. But you apologized and he took that and stomped it into the ground. You were beginning to see why most people avoided Bakugo and though you had always defended his name whenever people happened to be talking shit about him. 
Maybe ...you should have let them talk. After that day you decided to avoid Bakugo, which meant turning the other cheek when you two passed in the hallway and sitting alone at lunch. Your normal bubbly self was gone, there was no smile on your face and you had even gotten injured during training because Bakugo’s words kept ringing in your head. Maybe he was right, maybe you shouldn’t even try being a hero.  
Of course, Bakugo wasn’t doing much better. At first, he had gotten annoyed that you were avoiding him. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew you were doing it on purpose. But going a week without talking to you was beginning to eat away at him, though part of him still believed he was in the right. But even so, the aftermath of your little quarrel had cast a dark cloud over him. 
He was more irritable than usual, even with his closest friends. When Kirishima had greeted him in class, Bakugo’s response was a glare and the words, “SHUT THE FUCK UP, shitty hair!” not exactly the nicest response one could get and Kirishima finally spoke up when the long week had ended. “Bakubro, is everything okay?” He took the seat next to the blond in the common area. 
Bakugo’s arms were crossed and he scoffed, glaring at the redhead. “I’m fine, leave me the hell alone.” Kirishima frowned, crossing his arms over his chest. “Well you don’t sound fine and you’ve been crankier than usual. I noticed y/n is even avoiding you, did something happen between you two?” he questioned and Bakugo growled, sinking further into the couch. 
“Everything’s fine …” he repeated, feeling more irritated because of Kirishima’s presence. The redhead sighed, determined to get an answer from Bakugo one way or another. “You know ...I’m your friend, you don’t have to lie to me,” Kirishima said, hoping his words would somehow motivate Bakugo, who sighed. “Why do you even care, shitty hair?” he asked. 
“You haven’t been yourself, man, you’re a little scarier than usual and well, I’ve noticed y/n hasn’t been themself either.” he reached up, rubbing the back of his neck. “I actually haven’t seen them smile at all this week …” For a moment, Bakugo looked concerned before he huffed. “That’s their problem, they deserve to feel that way after they broke my damned All Might statue,” he growled before kicking the coffee table in front of him. 
Kirishima jumped, though he wasn't sure what he was more surprised by. The fact that Bakugo told him what was wrong or that was what sent the two of you into a spiraling depression. A moment of silence filled the air before Kirishima spoke again, “So that’s why you two haven’t been talking? That’s why y/n hasn’t been themself? All because they accidentally broke something of yours?” he questioned and Bakugo growled. 
“It wasn’t just something! I told them to be careful dammit!” his jaw clenched and his face twisted with anger. Though the redhead was normally intimidated by Bakugo’s anger, he just huffed. “You’re acting like a little kid, y/n is your friend and probably the closest one you have and you’re just going to let them be sad and alone like that? Is your friendship with y/n worth that little that you’ll cut it off because of a small mishap?” he shook his head before rising from the couch. 
“I thought you were better than that, y/n may not be as serious as the rest of us. But I think they have a bigger heart than anyone and well, I’d never want to lose them as a friend.” he said before shrugging, “The choice is yours.” he said as he walked away from Bakugo who sat there grumbling. His mind replaying the fight in his head and the words he had spoken to you. 
Okay, maybe he had been a little harsh ...did he really want to lose you as a friend? Of course, the answer was no and now that he knew how you had been acting, were you really that sad without him? He felt his heart sink in his chest and growled as he leaned over, placing his head in his hands. “Damn it.” he hissed, knowing that he had to fix this before it was too late. Normally he didn’t worry about hurting other's feelings or apologizing to them, but it was a different case with you. 
So with that in mind, he gave another huff and stood up from the couch. Heading down the hallway towards your dorm room. You had been spending most of your week locked up in your room, it was amazing how much a fight would change your world. You found yourself lonely and bored without Bakugo, despite the mean, rude things he had said to you. It was understandable, you had broken something important of his and while you still wanted to make it up to him, you couldn’t find the courage which only added to your sadness. 
You sighed as you continued to lay in your bed, staring at the wall. In your hands was a small wrapped up box, inside was something you had hoped would make Bakugo like you again. But it was no use, you might as well kiss your friendship goodbye. Your lip quivered and you felt tears coming before a knock sounded, “Ah!” you jumped and nearly fell out of your bed, “Uh …” you unscrambled yourself from the blankets as the knocking grew louder. 
“Coming!” you shouted as you finally managed to get on your feet and open the door, “Hello-” your face dropped when you saw who was on the other side. “B-B-Bakugo?” you stuttered, he was wearing a casual outfit but a soft blush seemed to paint his cheeks and he was rubbing the back of his head. A rare nervous habit you had seen in him before, but why was he so nervous and why was he here? 
You blinked and watched as those red pupils looked in your direction. “Yeah, it’s me! So are you going to let me in or not?!” he snapped, “Oh ...uh …” you were a little confused and somewhat offended he hadn’t even said hello before going straight to yelling, but even so. You stepped aside and allowed him to walk in. Shutting the door, you crossed your arms. “Why ...are you here? You haven’t talked to me all week and-” he interrupted you. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know!” he growled, “Kiri told me okay, you’ve been sad and …” his teeth ground together as he tried to form his next words, he didn’t like being vulnerable to anyone. He took a breath, “You’ve been sad and ...it’s probably my fault, okay!? And ...well …” he looked down, a single tremble coursing through his body. “I’m ….sorry okay? But don’t expect me to say that in the future! You’re still a dumbass and ...you still need to be careful! I ...I don’t want you getting hurt ...stupid …” he muttered the last word.
You blinked, your jaw hanging open. “Did ...you just apologize to me?” you questioned and watched Bakugo’s face twist in anger. “What the hell do you think I was doing!? DUMBASS.” you stood there processing the fact that Bakugo of all people not only admitted he was wrong but apologized on top of that. “Heh …” you found yourself smiling and a giggle left your lips. 
“Wow, I never knew I had such an influence over the great Katsuki Bakugo.” you teased and watched the blond tighten his hands into fists. “What’d you say!?” he demanded, though he was still blushing like mad. “Oh nothing, nothing!” you replied, raising your hands into the air. “But …”  you looked to your bed, “I do have something for you.” Bakugo’s expression dropped and he watched as you walked over to the bed and grabbed the small present. 
Turning back to him, you smiled and held the gift out to him. “Here, I got it for you. I ...did say I’d make it up to you and well ...open it already!” you insisted as you clapped your hands and bounced on your feet, almost acting like your old self again. Bakugo looked at the present and then back to you, “What is it?” he questioned and you sighed, “Just open it!”  you insisted once again. 
Bakugo looked at the present, closing his eyes. “Fine,” he replied before he ripped the ribbon and paper off, he practically tore the flaps of the cardboard box off and you laughed as you saw his surprised expression. “Do you like it?” you questioned as he pulled out the All Might statue you had ordered. “I know it’s not the same, but I hope this makes up for ...well the one I broke,” you said, placing your hands behind your back. 
Bakugo held the statue in his hand, his fingers brushing over the lines and edges. “You got this for me?” he asked and you nodded. “Yeah, you still haven’t told me if you like it.”  you pointed out with another giggle and he took a breath. “Y-Yeah ...I like it,” he said before placing it back into the box. He put the box back on your bed and grabbed your arm to pull you close. 
You were a little shocked by his actions, even more so when you realized he was hugging you. “Thanks …” he said, his hair tickling your neck which caused you to blush. “Oh uh ...y-you’re welcome,” you replied, returning the hug with a happy smile on your face. “Do you ...want to stay here tonight? You have a lot of time to make up to me,” you said as Bakugo pulled away and smiled at you. “Yeah ...sounds like fun.” you laughed and grabbed his hand. “Great! Just don’t break anything.” you teased. 
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The Other Girl (Jungkook X You) (ONESHOT)
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A/N: Its a bit short but I hope you will like it <3
A/N : And also, I’m trying a new thing here and you are in no way obligated to do it but if any of you like my stories and want to give some support, why not buy me a coffee? ☕💜
Jungkook and Rissa.
They are the ultimate couple that everyone want to be. That everyone envy. They are the definition of perfect, romantic, lovable. Everything you want to be as a couple. And everyone always thinks, no, know, that they will end up together forever. There is no way one of them would love someone else, theres no way one of them would leave the other for anyone else.
Y/N smiles and looks into Jungkook's eyes who staring back at her. And she is sure as hell that no one could have ever thought she would be the one who would steal's Jungkook's heart from Rissa.
Thats right, shes the other girl.
Jungkook has always been her dream guy. She has had her eyes on his the moment he step on stage on his debut day. But Y/N is just a trainee, and as Jungkook and his group grew more popular, she knows her chances with him are slim to none. Y/N's heart broke to pieces when she found out that Jungkook also has a long time childhood girlfriend whom he loves so much. Everybody favorite's couple.
It doesnt help that Rissa is the definition of a perfect girl. Beautiful, soft spoken, intelligent, funny, kindhearted. Everything a girl wants to be. And every guy wants to be with. Everybody tells Jungkook thats hes lucky to be with her. That he should hold on to her forever.
They are the perfect couple in everyones eyes.
But all that never once stop Y/N from continuing to crush on him, falling in love with him. Once she debuted herself, Y/N slowly make her way to be friends with Jungkook's hyungs, his friends and slowly, very slowly, make his way into Jungkook's heart.
And now, here she is. In Jungkook's embrace, lips locked with each othet like theres no tomorrow. They have been seeing each other in secret for almost six months now, and it was the most wonderful time for Y/N. The best moments of her life.
"I love you Kookie," she giggles and hugs his neck.
"And you know I love you too baby," he smile and leans in to kiss her. A long, deep, passionate kiss. "I have to go," he pouts. "But I promise I will call you before you go to bed?"
Y/N pouts playfully.
"Do you really have to go home to her, Kookie?"
"You know I dont want to baby, but you know I have to. For now. Okay?" Jungkook smile and stroke her hair. "I love you Y/N,"
"I love you too, so much Kookie. We are going to be together for real, soon right? You promise right? That you will choose me?"
"You know I do baby. Just give me some time yeah?" Jungkook smile and kiss her one last time before leaving.
Y/N pouts alone. Thats the promise Jungkook keeps on giving her ever since they got together. That he will leave Rissa. That they will be an official couple. That he never loves Rissa. That he loves her so much more.
All those promises, they are nice to hear, but deep down, Y/N knows that Rissa will always be Jeon Jungkook's first love and he will always, always love her.
"Hey bunny, you are back. Hows practice?" Rissa smiles and gives him a quick kiss.
"It was okay. Just the usual. Hyungs bickering, Jin hyung fell and all thay," he laughs. "How about you? How was your day princess?" Jungkook smile and kiss her back.
"Same old, same old. Nothing interesting like yours, Im sure," she giggles. "I cooked your favorite for dinner today bunny. Why dont you shower, since you are all sweaty and smelly, and we can have dinner together?"
"Yah, you like it when I'm sweaty," Jungkook grins and winks, making her blush. "But yeah, I'll take a quick shower and I'll be down in a bit okay princess?" Jungkook smile, gives her another kiss and head to the bathroom.
As her usual routine, Rissa went over to where Jungkook throws his clothes and collect his dirty laundry for washing. And just like every single day since the last few months, theres the same perfume smell lingering all over his clothes. A women's perfume. The same one. And of course, stain of lipstick in random places on his clothes. She doesnt want to believe it. Its so unreal that Jungkook would do that to her. But it has been months. Theres no denying it anymore.
Rissa sighs.
Jungkook is still cheating. And she dont know how long her heart can pretend otherwise
"How is the food bunny?" Rissa smile, looking at the man sitting from across of him.
"Delicious as always princess," he smiles and to show he meant it, shoved a large amount of food inside his mouth, making his cheeks blows up like a chipmunk. Rissa giggles. Shes going to miss this mam so so much.
"Im glad you love it bunny. You deserve the best after a tiring day at work,"
"I dont know what I do to deserve you princess. Im the luckiest guy in the world," Jungkook smile and hold her hand from across the table. Rissa stop chewing. Something in what Jungkoom said hit a cord, and it just hurts. So much.
"Jungkook?" Rissa looks up at him.
"Yes?" Jungkook frowns. Its unusual for her to call him by his real name. "Is everything okay?" Jungkook is confused. They were happy just a second ago. What could have happened?
"You know I love you very much right?" Rissa asked, eyes softly looking into his.
"Of course I do know princess. Whats wrong? Anything bothering you? Want to tell me?" Jungkook stops eating and frowns heavily.
"And you. You love me right Jungkook? Just as much as I love you?"
"Rissa, princess. You already know the answer. Of course I love you. You are my life. Now, can you tell me whats going on?"
"Nothing really," she smile and looks down at her plate, slowly playing with her food. "I just want you to know, that it has always been you for me Jungkook. No one else. And Ive never wanted or look at anyone else either. You are my dream come true, and I'm sorry..." she sniffles.
"Sorry? What for? Hey, why are you crying princess?" Jungkook stands up and walks to her side, squating down to her level, startled by her sudden tears.
"Im sorry if I bore you. If my love for you isnt enough. If I am not what you wanted. What you still wanted. Ive tried my best to love you. Im just sorry Im just simply not... enough," she sniffles harder, looking down at her lap.
"Hey, what are you even talking about? Not enough? Where did all this even came from?" Jungkook smile and lifted her chin to look at him. "I love you. Only you. Forever and always right? You are ny everything. You are everything I wanted and everything I could ever dream of. Theres nothing to worry about. I promise. Okay?"
Rissa nodded weakly, knowing everything he said is nothing but empty promises.
They make love that night. Love so passionate, that one could never thought that theres a third person between their love. But there is. And even after a passionate night together, Rissa will never forget the fact.
It has been a few months since that night. And the same thing still happens every single day. Late night texts, whispered calls when Jungkook thought she was sleeping, perfumes and lipstick stain on his clothes... its even worse now because Rissa now knows whos Jungkook is actually cheating with.
Enough is enough. Enough time and chances has been given. Its time. Its time to finally do something about it.
She looks at her. Her beautiful face, with a tired smile plastered on, but still beautiful nevertheless. Y/N can tell right now why Jungkook loves her. She never gets mad, she never raises her voice at him, whenever hes tired, mad or upset, whenever he yells at her for no reason at all, she will say she understand. Her love for Jungkook is unconditional, and Y/N is the reason why Jungkook is hurting her.
"Rissa," was all she could choked out as she looks into her eyes.
"Hello Y/N," she smiles. "Its nice to finally meet you in person. Come, have a seat,"
Y/N feels her throat dries up nervously. Not really sure know what Rissa meant by that. What she being sarcastic? Sincere? What is it? Why did she ask to meet her? Does Jungkook knows about this?
"I- uh yeah, its nice to finally meet you in person too. I-I have heard so much about you," Y/N smiles nervously.
"I'm sure," she laughs. A beautiful sound. How can she still smile brightly at her? Knowing that she has been with her man for so long? Y/N is sure Rissa knows.
"Im kidding!" She laughs. "Dont worry Y/N, you dont have to be nervous. I dont bite," she laughs again. "Lets just talk  is girls. Yeah? I think we have so mich to talk about, dont you?"
Y/N nods again, nervously.
"Listen Rissa. Jungkook and I..." Y/N stops her words, not knowing herself what she should be saying. Apologize? Beg her to give Jungkook to her? Ask her to share? Explain to Rissa her feelings towards Jungkook? She has no idea. No idea at all what to do or say.
But lucky for her, she doesnt have to think further as Rissa cut her off.
"Im leaving Jungkook,"
Y/N looks at her, mouth slightly gapped open. Out of all the 1001 scenarios in her head, she never expected this to come out from Rissa's mouth. Y/N had imagined Rissa would yell, scream, hit her, slap her, laugh at her, throw a tantrum, everything anf any possible reaction, but not this. Never this.
"What? Rissa you-"
"Im leaving him, and thats my decision," she smile and take a sip of her tea. "Dont get me wrong Y/N. Iys not that I hate him, or stop loving him. I love him. I love Jungkook so much. More than anyone can ever imagined," she smiles softly. "We have been together since we were teenagers. We grew up together, and I always thought me and him are destined to be together till the end of times,"
Y/N clear her throat awkwardly. She wish the earth would just swallow her right now. The pain and hurt in Rissa's voice pierced right through her heart. She has caused another woman pain. When did she become this? What has she done?
"But I cant make something that doesnt work anymore, work... I tried. Oh god, believe me, I tried," she smile again, but a sad one. "You know... I have known about you two for the longest time,"
"Y-you did?"
Rissa laughs, a beautiful one.
"Of course silly. I think everyone knows," she smile again. "You two are always together. And when you two are together, you guys dont really keep it subtle. And it doesnt help how nervous his hyungs were went I asked them where Jungkook went when I surprise him at practice," she giggles but Y/N knows Rissa's heart is breaking. Memories with Jungkook flashes through her mind. The kisses, quickies, secret dates between shows, practices, asking his hyung to lie for them eventhough they know they didnt approve. All those days that they thought were subtle enough and kept a secret.... every little thing they did, her happiness, all at the expense of this beautiful girl's broken heart. What has she done?
"But I thought, maybe Jungkook just need a distraction. We have been together for so long, and in his line of work, he meets pretty girls like you every single day. Hes a man afterall. So I thought, maybe after he gets it out of his system, he will come back to me. That our love was still intact,"
"Y-you knew... and you are willing to let him cheat?"
"I love him Y/N. Ive never love anyone. Hes my everything, my first and I thought, if being with someone else makes him happy, makes him come back to me eventually, Im willing to," she sighs. "But I was wrong. I dont think his love for me is the same as before,"
"Thats not true Rissa! Jungkook loves you! I know he does!" Y/N raises her voice. She dont know why shes trying to protect Jungkook's and Rissa's love when Jungkook has been everything she wanted. With Rissa gone, she shpild be happy. Jungkook is all hers. But something doesnt seems right. Their love is too beautiful to destroy.
Rissa smile softly and stroke Y/N's hand across the table.
"I know you want to believe that Y/N. Maybe so that you wont feel so bad. But truly, its okay. Havent you heard the saying, if you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one? You are the second one Y/N,"
"B-but Rissa. Jungkook-"
"Stop," she raised her hand and shakes her head. "Stop trying to change my mind because I wont. Y/N, I think I owe it to myself to leave. I have done everything to love Jungkook and I dont think its fair for me to share his love when I have given my everything to him," tears finally falls down her soft cheeks. "I finally found the courage to leave, to let go of this fairytale that I wanted so much to come true and finally give myself something I deserve. Someone I deserve. I believe that I deserve someone who will love me for all that I am, and who will give everything he has for me, just like I will do for him. And thats no longer Jungkook," Rissa slowly wiped down her tears and takes a deep breathe.
"So, do me a favour yeah? Love him, take care of him and show him the same kind of love that I have been giving him all these years," she flashed a small smile as she took of the ring from her finger and placed it on Y/N's open palm. "This... Jungkook gave me this when we first met. Its a promise ring he said. We fell in love at first sight," she laughs. "Stupid, I know. But we were young and he promised me, that one day, when hes finally made it when he found everything hes chasing all this while, he will marry me, he will propose with a proper ring," she laughs. "Jungkook is always so dramatic, dont you think?"
Y/N looks at the ring and without realizing, tears has streamed down her face too. Jungkook truly loves her. And Rissa, shes willing to let go so that hes happy. Thats how strong their love are. And here she is, a monster! A home wrecker! What has she done? What has she done?!
"Hes all yours now Y/N. And thankyou for making me realize my worth," she smile one last time and stands up. Without looking back, Rissa walks out, leaving her painful love story for a better future without Jeon Jungkook in it.
"Jungkook?" Y/N walked into their messy apartment after walking aimlessly for a few hours, thinking about her earlier meeting with Rissa. Furnitures are upside down everywhere, vases are broken, books are strewn across the floors. Y/N quickly try to look for Jungkook, hoping hes alright, not sure whats happening.
"Kookie??" She ran to their bedroom and found Jungkook in the dark, at the far corner hugging his knees. Y/N immediately went over and sits besides him, hugging his shoulder. "Kookie? Are you okay? What happened? Did we get rob? What happened? Tell me? Are yoi okay?"
"S-she left. She left me. She left...."
Y/N feels her heart beats faster. Okay, Jungkook has found out then. Rissa must have moved out from their apartment.
"Kookie, baby....I-I know,"
Jungkook looks up with his tear strained face.
"Y-you knew?"
"I-" Y/N paused for a moment. Not knowing if she should proceed. "R-Rissa... she asked to meet me earlier today..."
"She what?" Jungkook immediately perked up and turns to look at Y/N. A part of her feels hurt that Jungkook cares so much about Rissa, that he showed it, especially in front of her. Didnt he say that he loves her? That he wants a future with her? That he will leave Rissa for her? Then what is all this? Shouldnt he be happy instead? Y/N shakes the thoughts away. This is not the time to think about herself. Right?
"She asked to meet me Kookie... and I didnt know what its for until we met," Y/N looks into his eyes whos looking at her, confused. "Rissa... she uh.. she gave me this," she slowly and reluctantly gave Jungkook the ring. Jungkook just stare at it, as if its some poisonous snake that he shouldnt touch.
"Kookie?" Y/N whispered slowly. "Y-you okay?"
He jolted from her the sound of her voice, like someone shocked him and grab the ring, surprising Y/N, and threw the tiny ring across the room.
"She thinks she can just leave me like that?! No fucking way! We promised forever! She promised she will be with me until forever!" Jungkook suddenly screamed. Y/N was taken aback, both by his sudden outburst and whats hes saying. Doesnt Jungkook remember who is with him right now? Doesnt he remember that he promised her forever? That hes supposed to love her, to be with her?
"Kookie p-please calm down," Y/N pulled him tight into her embrace, trying to calm him, immediately making Jungkook burst into tears. "Im sorry Kookie. Im sorry, Im really, really sorry,"
Im really sorry I fell in love with you.
Y/N knows. Oh she knows Jungkook is only staying in the relationship with her, being with her all because of guilt. Just to prove that he made the right decision, that he didnt regret what he did, that he didnt regret he cheated, that hes happy with her. Because, if he didnt... if hes not happy... then he just threw away Rissa, his love, the greatest thing that could have happened in his life, for... her.
The other girl.
Y/N knows, everytime Jungkook thinks she wasnt looking, she saw him staring blanklessly out the window. And Y/N knows hes thinking about her. Her smile, her laugh, if shes thinking of him too. But Y/N also know, that she isnt. Y/N knows that Rissa have moved on. That she would probably have found another man that would love her woth all his heart, make her happpy. The kind of man she deserves. A man that would appreciate her. Why would she think about a man so stupid, a mam who broke her heart like its nothing, so idiotic, a man who would threw out a girl like herself, for a girl like her...
The other girl.
After Jungkook calmed down that day, he asked Y/N to tell hin everything that Rissa told her. Because Rissa left without saying goodbye, without saying anything. Jungkook came back from practice to find all Rissa's things gone. Her stuffed animals, their photos together, her shoes, her books in the side table. Everything. All traces of her... gone.
And thats when Y/N knew how much Rissa was hurting from what she did. Maybe she didnt show it, she didnt say it, but it shows. Y/N also finally knew how much Rissa loves Jungkook. Because she cant even bare to see him one last time. She cant even say goodbye to him. Because she knows she will give in. She will give him another chance and he will break her all over again.
And Y/N finally knew how she has ruined a love so great.
And as years goes by, yes, Y/N and Jungkook are together, exchanging little smile here and there, a dull how are you at the end of the day instead of laughter and love. But Y/N knows, from the dying glint in his eyes whenever he looks at her that whatever they have is not love, never love. She stole away his love story, his one true love, hoping that she can be a greater one, a better one. But she was wrong. Dead wrong.
But is she the only one to blame? Jungkook fell in love too, didnt he? He betrayed their love too? Didnt he? Both hers and Rissa. So she guess they are both to blame. The dark storm in a beautifil love by a beautiful girl.
And for hurting her.
For making her cry.
For breaking her heart.
For making her loose the love of her life...
This is what Y/N deserve. To forever be with the man she loves, the man she long for everyday, the man she wants to love her back as much as she loves him, but he never will.... the man who will forever see her as.. the other girl.
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tom-foolery-time · 4 years
Good Ol’ Competition
George Weasley x Ravenclaw! GN reader
Embers sparked from the fireplace onto the thick navy blue carpet of the Ravenclaw common room. A quiet chatter filled the space, as it almost always did. The Ravenclaw common room was never empty, someone was always studying, working, or sleeping on their books, it felt as if the rug was so plush it was meant for tired overachievers slumped over their studies. Tucked in a corner leaned against your favorite bookshelves your homework is left undone in your lap as you stare at the wall trapped in wandering thought. You find yourself so distracted you don’t notice the approach of a house mate, until they slide their back against the bookcase to seat themself beside you.
“Did you see Pansy’s new do?” the curly haired girl asked with a snorting giggle.
“Green really suits her doesn’t it?” you jested, joining her in laughter. You were grateful for your friendship with Nelly, she’d made you proud to be a Ravenclaw. Her thoughtfulness, creativity, and seeming ability to always say the right thing made you immediately cling to her when you met on the train to Hogwarts your first day.
Nudging you with her shoulder she rhetorically inquired, “Those boys sure know how to fuck with the wrong people, dont they?”
“First of all, we can’t be sure it was in fact them,” you rebutteled, “and secondly, the hardest people to mess with often need it the most.”
“Well, considering neither of us have said Weasley yet both knew who we were talking about implies we do know who did it.” Nelly laughed again. It seemed her dark regal eyes were meant to scrunch up in pleasant smiles all the time, it suited her lovely, round, face perfectly.
“Ah the double bladed dagger of fame.” You sighed with an exaggerated shrug. “I bet if two reasonably quiet ravenclaws attempted pranks they’d never get caught. And might even be extremely successful.”
Nelly narrowed her eyes as she stared into your wide inquiring ones. “Put your eyebrow down you nit. What do you have in mind?”
“Don’t you think Draco and Pansy deserve matching looks? Slytherin prince and princess, yes?” You asked your cohort, mischievous smile ever present.
“What implications are you making? You know I require directness.” Nelly questioned.
“A copycat prank-” you stopped for dramatic effect and to give Nelly a second chance to guess, but as she did not interrupt you, you continued your explanation, “Everyone already knows the twins caused Pansy’s green hair, so…”
“So we give the same elixir to Draco. Everyone will think it was Fred and George again, and we’ll get to enjoy some good justice and none of the punishment!” You finished with an accomplished smile.
“Ahh, justice without the justice, I see. I can’t believe you’re not Slytherin.” Nelly rolled her eyes.
“I’m vaguely insulted but you didn’t say no.”
After helping with the potion Nelly was adamant that you have to be the one to do the actual deed, since it was your idea, so all you had to do was slip the little vial of shimmering liquid into Draco’s chalice at breakfast. Simple enough. Journeying alongside Nelly and a couple other Ravenclaw pals, you briefly passed the Slytherin table. Nelly stepped on Malfoy’s robes as she passed and while he turned to see who gave his robe a tug, you poured the vial in his chalice. Nelly fluttered her eyelashes and apologized with her bright smile, and Draco was none the wiser. You managed to contain your giggles until you reached your table, upon arrival you leaned into Nelly’s sweatered arm to hide your snickers as she hid hers in her cup of tea. Scanning the room your eyes landed accidentally on a particular weasley, one whom you were seconds away from throwing under a bus. George Weasley’s freckles seemed to tease you as they lined themselves up along his cheeks and marched onto the bridge of his nose. His hair was messy as if he never brushed it, which you assumed he hadn’t. His toothy smile crept to the side of his face as he bantered with his housemates. Nelly was the reason you loved being a Raveclaw, but George Weasley made you wish you could wear those red and gold ties, made you wish you were just a bit louder, and just a bit braver. Coffee colored eyes seemed to eat at your own as your lingering gaze was caught by its recipient. He tilted his head causing his mess of red hair to flop to the side as he offered a smile just for you and quickly received one in turn before you looked back down to your plate. You needed to distract yourself, you needed to eat a huge delicious breakfast right this moment.
“Y/N! Look, LOOK!” Nelly excitedly whisper yelled as she tugged on your arm and bounced in her seat, looking over at the almost forgotten Slytherin table.
“Holy shit it worked. We’re bloody geniuses.” you mumbled, staring at the green mop atop the head of the largest prick in school. Slowly other tables began looking over, and the snickers and stares of his own housemates alerted the now green haired boy to his altered appearance. Draco rose from his seat and stormed out of the dining hall as whispers increased before turning into full, loud conversations as his posse had followed him out. When your eyes drifted back to the Gryffindor table a viscous guilt seemed to find its way into your stomach, sloshing around, unsettled. When your eyes happened to meet George’s once again, you raised an eyebrow and motioned with your finger from the slytherin table back to him, mouthing the questioning word, “you?”. You felt guilty but you didn’t suddenly feel stupid, busting yourself was more of a gryffidor thing anyway. George looked around the room and offered back an exaggerated shrug. Perhaps he was still questioning whether they should take credit for it, or maybe he wasn’t sure if Fred had acted on his own. Regardless his lack of denial to the crime released some of your guilt, if he didn’t want the credit he’d figure it out. The Weasleys were a resourceful bunch.
While trying to make your escape after breakfast you found yourself halted by a light grab on your sleeve. The grabber in question was of course the Weasley with whom you most struggled to keep your composure. Beyond simple crushing and blushing you now had to worry about any fumbles that may lead to a confession not of romance but of pranking guilt.
“Y/N can I walk with you to class?” George inquired with that tempting smile you couldn’t quite resist.
With a gentle teasing air and a very pointed gaze toward the ground you asked, “Do you get lost without Fred to walk with you?”
“I do, he’s my compass. Would you help a poor lost little boy find his way to class?” He asked, and the adorable begging look upon his face made you wish you’d kept your eyes on the floor.
Laughing, you replied, “I suppose. I am feeling charitable today.” His eyes shone and his grin pushed his freckles into each other. You could get used to him looking at you like that.
“Quite odd happenings at breakfast today, huh?” George questioned during your brisk walk through the hall.
“Ah yes, green looks quite good on them, you did an impeccable job.” You answered, nudging him with your shoulder.
“We did do a good job.” He agreed, and you smiled to yourself, feeling momentarily like you’d gotten away with your scheme, “And then someone else did an even greater job.”
“What ever do you mean by that?” You feigned ignorance as your eyebrows found refuge in the middle of your forehead.
“Well if I’m honest, which I rarely am, I think making the pair of them match was brilliant, but it was not Fred or I’s doing. At least not the Malfoy part.” George admitted as you two approached the door of your class.
Before you slipped into the room you left him with the haunting sentence, “Then it appears you have some competition.”
The school seemed to be tiptoeing as the rate of pranking seemed to have increased substantially. The Weasley's vandalized the Hufflepuff entrance with glitter that seemed nearly impossible to get off, and stuck to the clothes of everyone who entered and exited. Then the Hufflepuffs’ common room floor was replaced by a bed of flowers, which garnered little uprise as most were quite content with the change, but it was intended to be a prank. Figuring their competitor wouldn’t prank their own house, Fred and George narrowed them down to a gryffindor or ravenclaw. Their assumptions were confirmed when they charmed the Ravenclaw books to fly away from their shelves and create utter chaos in the common room, and in response the gryffindor house received a prank as well. After entering the portrait hole the unfortunate gryffindor would land in 3 feet of water, the gryffindor common room had effectively become a children’s pool. As the prank war continued the Weasley twins managed to escape many punishments, but were not lucky enough to escape a few detentions. Their competitors however remained anonymous, with the small hint of Ravenclaw. The issue of competing with a Ravenclaw, was they seemed to think three steps ahead. Not to mention competing with one and a half ravenclaws, as Nelly helped occasionally but preferred to maintain limited involvement. You were so careful and thought everything out so thoroughly, that you couldn’t have predicted your downfall being your own over preparedness.
You had stayed up all night trying to plan your next prank, the feeling of baffling the Weasley twins you had found surprisingly addictive. All your plans were charmed to invisibility, and tucked safely under a floorboard beneath your bed, you made sure to always be clean and precise, but you often forgot to give yourself time to rest. The nagging secrecy didn’t aid in your sleeping either, but overall you were quite proud of yourself. You didn’t even bat an eye when George asked to walk with you to your first class of the day, it had started to become a tradition after breakfast. Your guilt was easy to forget when you were laughing and sharing stolen glances with the tangerine headed wizard. But the walk to class you partook with George the morning after your all night scheming seemed to be doomed as your bonding with George had led him to notice the small changes in you that morning.
“Didn’t get much sleep last night?” He asked as his brows furrowed, looking at the grey bags under your eyes.
“What? Why do you say that?” You questioned, turning to face him.
“You just seem tired. What were you up to last night?” His inquisition, though initially innocent triggered a paranoia in the back of your mind. A stress your mind could’ve better handled had it gotten any rest the night before, but in your slightly crazed, drained state you failed to make sensical replies.
“Nothing. Sleeping probably. I don’t know, what were you doing?” You deflected ungracefully as you pointed your head to the floor. George’s feet stopped in place and you nearly walked right on without him. You stopped a few paces ahead of him and turned to look up at him as he stared back at you with squinted eyes.
“Sleeping. Probably.” came his reply as his gaze bore holes into your soul. He stepped towards you and you noticed briefly that you two would be late to class soon as the halls were quickly emptying.
You couldn’t back track now so you bulldozed straight ahead, “That is what I said.”
“Hmm, you’d think, a Ravenclaw as clever as Y/N, L/N, would be able to remember whether they slept or not.” He answered nonchalantly with a slight shrug.
“Well it’s hard to remember when you’re tired.” you mumbled, feeling the conversation crumble.
“And you’re tired because…?” George questioned with a small smile as he leaned nearer your face, still staring into your eyes.
“Because you are such a bother.” You huffed, turning to march off to class. Your motion was quickly stopped by his arm wrapping around your waist, pulling you back. When you turned back around to face him you found yourself locked in an awkward, distanced hug, of sorts.
“And do you prank my house because you find me such a bother, L/N?” He questioned with the most mischievous of glints in his soft brown eyes.
Pausing to gather your courage you continued your denial, “I’m certain I have no idea what you mean.”
George pulled you slightly closer, and you turned your gaze from his eyes to his chest as a result. He spoke again, entirely ignoring your denial of his accusation, “I knew it had to be someone clever, and I don’t know anyone more clever than you, but I must admit I didn’t suspect you for quite a while. I didn’t think you would be so… difficult.”
“Difficult? Please. If anything, competition helped you make your pranks better.” You looked back into his eyes and had only a moment to do so before his face was rushing toward you. He brought his hand up to cup your cheek as his lips crashed into your own. Initially startled, your eyes stared ahead until his other hand came to the small of your back and you fully melted into him. You placed your hands delicately on his chest, before moving up and over his shoulders to hang loosely around his neck. When he attempted to pull away, your lips followed and found their way back to his causing George to huff a laugh as he kissed you again. When you relinquished your capture of his lips and moved your face back you stayed in each other's arms, warm and blushing.
“I’m glad it’s you.” George mumbled as he nuzzled his warm face into the crook of your neck, “Now that I’ve romanced you I can use your stealth powers to further my own pranking prerogative.” His comment earned your shoving him off of you as you both laughed.
“I can’t believe I let you make me late to class just to snog in the hall. You’ve truly spoilt my character.” You teased, planting a chaste kiss on his cheek. Before he had any time to reply, you bolted down the hall to class, and were not surprised to hear him follow quickly after you.
First fanfic! It’s x reader because that’s the comfort food of fanfic to me, and felt like a good place to start. If anyone wants to request anything that’d be cool :) 
(And every common room description I think of seems to start with a fire place...)
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accioromione · 4 years
How Ron and Hermione would be during COVID-19 if their kids had to come back from Hogwarts
So because it is 2020 and the epilogue happens in 2017...That would mean that Rose is in her third year and Hugo was 2 years younger so he’d be in his first year., (poor guy). 
Ron would be forced to be home because Wheezes would probably be forced to shut down and Hermione would have to work from home. And both would have to deal with Rose and Hugo trying to study from home.
Here’s a written piece of what would probably happen 
“Dad do you know anything about arthimancy?” Rose asked  
“Rose, the fact that you even chose arthimancy came from your mums brain not mine.” Ron responded 
“Ugh...mums busy though and I don’t want to bother her!” 
“Okay okay let me take a look” Ron said, getting the piece of paper from her hand “yeah....Okay....so.....Yeah I have no idea.” He said handing it back 
“But you were an auror!” Rose responded, desperate.
“Yeah, you don't need arthimancy for that, defence against the dark arts help maybe...Runes...Arthimancy...That’s your mum.”
“ugh okay fine I’ll ask her after dinner if I dont figure it out myself...It’s hard to teach yourself I thought I was smarter than this.” Rose sighed in frustration. 
“Rosie you’re really smart, not having a class with a professor teaching you these things would be challenging for the smartest people.” Ron responded reassuringly 
Rose smiled, “Thanks dad this whole situation’s mad” 
“I know sweetheart, trust me no one hates this more than me....I don't know why your mum doesn’t just invent a cure...Don’t tell her I said that because knowing your mum she’d try to make one just because I said that” 
Rose laughed, “I won’t, okay thanks dad I’ll try again....” Rose said going back to his room.
Ron sighed, this situation was not ideal. Especially it being Hugo’s first year...He loved his kids but having a home with just Hermione and him after 13 years was exciting. 
And although they were financially stable...Ron was responsible for a successful business... which many employees depended on  ... He also wanted Rose and Hugo to have a proper Hogwarts experience...He had no idea that this would come into the muggle and the wizarding world...And poor Hermione...They were giving her twice the amount of work and in addition to that with the kids at home...It was all a lot...He tried to help in anyway he could, like right now, he was making dinner. Usually Hermione did cook, and she had become quite a good cook at that. However, upon marriage he’d learn how to make a few staple dishes from him mum.... and could master about 4 of them..which came in handy most of the time” 
Upon the smell of the cooking the Hugo came downstairs 
“Mmm are you making roasted potatoes dad?” Hugo asked, taking a whiff
“yep, along with the roast chicken and sprouts.” Ron said “It’s nearly done..can you go ask your sister to come downstairs”  
“Rose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Hugo yelled “Come downstairs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dinner!!!!” 
“Brilliant,” Ron said sarcastically “Definitely couldn't have done that myself Hugh” Rose went downstairs looking defeated.
“Arthimancy?” Ron asked
“I got it actually...It’s ancient runes now...This is too much....” Rose said, grabbing plates, helping to set the table. 
“You can do it...the both of you..How’s school with you Hugh?” Ron asked 
“Not too bad yet... I think they’re pitying us cause we’re first years and we had to be sent home first year and all of that....Which they should because this sucks” Hugo said, taking a seat at the table. 
“Yeah- well there’s still six more years for you..so hopefully everyones healthy and well and you can enjoy those.” Ron said....
“I’m going to go get your mum” Ron said before leaving the kitchen..upon leaving the kitchen he went upstairs to go to Hermione’s office...He knocked the door and opened it..to see a Hermione rapidly writing on a piece of parchment in focus 
“Love?” he asked gently 
Hermione looked up and stopped writing 
“Is everything okay??” She asked, her hair was in a messy bun and she looked exhausted 
“Yeah no - everything’s fine...it’s just 8:30 you haven't eaten all day...I made dinner ..” Ron said 
“Oh is it 8:30 already!? Blimey...Oh Ron I’m horrible I’m sorry that’s like the third night you’ve made dinner” 
“It’s fine Hermione I have more spare time....Everything alright? You look stressed.” 
“I dont deserve you,” Hermione said putting down her parchment and getting off her seat to hug Ron, “and everything’s fine, it’s just having to be in contact with the ministry and the muggle politicians as well over this whole ordeal is a lot.” 
“Nonsense, of course you do, and yeah I know-” Ron said squeezing her “come eat...get some more energy” 
Hermione kissed him and they went downstairs.
Hugo was already shoving food in his mouth and Hermione smiled “just like your father Hugh- oh Ron this looks delicious!” 
“Mum do you remember anything about ancient runes?” Rose asked as Ron and Hermione took their seats 
“Ummm I think a bit- why?” Hermione asked 
“It’s just they’re making us do readings and I did better having the explanations and then doing the readings so I found it hard to translate some things do you think you could help for like 5 minutes after dinner?” Rose asked 
“Yeah of course sweetie why didn't you just ask?” Hermione responded. 
“I didn’t want to bother you- with all your ministry stuff” Rose said 
“Oh Rose I’m sorry- I know this isnt easy for the both of you...but if I can help of course I will!” Hermione added 
“Thanks mum I love you- ugh, I just feel like I’m going to fail everything!” Rose said before forking a potato 
“Funny, your mum said that before her OWLs and what you get again?” Ron added looking at Hermione “Ten O’s and one E?” 
Rose looked worried, “An E in what!?!” 
Ron laughed...
“Yep just like your mother...Defence against the Dark arts...she got the same as me..” Ron teased 
Hermione rolled her eyes and Hugo laughed...
After dinner was finished Hermione helped Rose with Ancient Runes and came downstairs to see Ron doing the dishes...
“Oh Ron stop I’ll do them you’ve done so much” Hermione said swatting his hands away 
“It’s fine really” Ron said 
“No stop..go sit” 
“Hermione it’s” 
Ron obliged, he knew better than to argue with Hermione 
“Rose figured out Runes?” Ron asked watching Hermione 
“Oh yes, she only needed like 30 seconds from me and then she got it...barely helped her” 
“Yeah she’s brilliant...figured she was being harsh on herself ...like someone I know” Ron added with a smirk. 
“Ho ho” Hermione said, putting away the last of the dishes...
“Oh I really hope they can go back soon...but based on my meetings it will be a while...May go into next year..we’re in the works in opening up things in stages..business’ are obviously the priority because so many people depend on them...”  Hermione sighed lying on the couch next to Ron 
“Yeah I’m aware-” Ron said, being a business owner himself...
“Looking at reopening shops with proper equipment so I think you'll be back quite soon....schools however it’s tougher...poor Hugh..in his first year. But you know... health first” Hermione said as Ron wrapped her in his arms 
“yeah well I mean we also missed one year of Hogwarts...guess it goes in generations...We lit the candle with a war...now a pandemic...maybe our grandkids will experience an alien invasion or something” Ron joked, trying to make light in a bad situation 
“I certainly hope not” Hermione cheeked back “But you are right..we didn’t really have a normal Hogwarts experience either did we? And we turned out okay” 
“I mean.....I don't know if okay is the world....you are slightly mad..but yeah exactly” Ron joked and Hermione hit his arm 
“Abusive woman” Ron joked 
“I’ll let that slide because you cooked dinner-all  jokes aside, you have been lovely Ron, I know you’re busy too with all the business meetings but you’ve been doing all this house stuff- I love you” Hermione said before kissing him, and Ron kissed her back and held the back of her head pushing her closer to him. Even after all these years he had never lost attraction for her and only felt himself falling more and more in love with her...her and the kids meant the world to him and he felt grateful everyday..even in the midst of a pandemic..having this home ...with Hermione ...and his kids...made him realize just how far he’d come in his life. 
“Mum have you seen my- oh God my eyes...” Hugo said as he was running downstairs 
Ron and Hermione pulled apart, Hermione pink in the face
“God....can’t unsee....” Hugo said, looking disgusted. 
“Seen what?” Hermione asked, still pink 
“That black Jumper of mine-” Hugo asked and then added “god ...gross...I can't wait to go back to Hogwarts” he mumbled 
“I put it in the wash” Hermione responded 
“But it was clean!” 
“Then don’t put it on the floor if it’s clean” Hermione responded, “if it’s on the floor it goes in the wash” 
“ugh....can you give it to me when its done mum” Hugo added 
“Why do you want it so bad anyways? Have somewhere to go?” Ron joked 
“I was going to play quidditch outside...I usually wear...” 
“Okay so you’ll get it when it’s clean...besides its too late for quidditch...” Hermione added and Hugo looked at his dad for approval...
“Let the boy play quidditch...” Ron reasoned with Hermione and she gave him a deathly stare 
“You’re playing quidditch by yourself in the dark?” Hermione asked...
“Yeah I’m making the bewitching the balls and saving them myself...It’s rubbish but better than nothing” Hugo said ...Ron was reminded of when he did the exact same thing while he was trying out for the quidditch team during fifth year 
“They only allowed you to use magic outside of Hogwarts  for school work in the circumstance Hugo..not to play quidditch” Hermione reminded him 
“How is that fair? It’s not my fault I’m not at Hogwarts....Dad....” Hugo said looking for his father to be the voice of reason 
“Hermione let the boy have fun” and Hermione gave him a death stare. 
“Fine go off! But do not go far....if I even find out you’re....” and Hugo ran off going up to his room to get his broom and ran outside
“You never let me discipline” Hermione scolded, 
“Let him be a kid Hermione....we never got that...besides would you rather him outside or walking in on us every two minutes?” Ron asked 
“Walking in?” Hermione asked 
“Mhmmm come....” Ron said dragging her upstairs
“Is in her room studying...and now Hugo’s outside...we have time...silencing charm for like fifteen minutes should be enough” 
“Ron I...” 
“Come on..relieve some stress...” Ron said and kissed her on the neck..he knew once he did that it was over...And unsurprisingly, Hermione, now mush in his hands, was obliging and following him...making the best of an unfortunate situation 
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fanficsrusz · 5 years
Bedroom Window - John Wick Smut
A/n : so this is based of a situation that happened to me yesterday 😭😭 i wish i could make this shit up but my neighbour saw me get undressed because i left my curtains open and yhh it was the most embarrassing thing ever. @xo-dragonette-xo and @mikaneonox suggested i should turn this into a fic so i did 😂😂😭😭
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Sighing, y/n slammed the door to her apartment shut. Her day at work had been long and frustrating. Her manager had kept nagging her to complete her work faster, her colleague smashed her favourite cup and she had dropped her laptop causing it to smash to pieces. 
She wanted nothing more than to change into comfy clothes and ingest an unhealthy amount of ice cream in an inhuman amount of time. 
She shuffled into her bedroom, throwing her heels of along the way. 
"Rebecca" the girl called out to her roommate. When no reply came she assumed she was out. As she approached her bedroom door, she noticed a note stuck to the handle. 
"y/n, i've gone out for the day. I won't be back to late. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Love you". Y/n laughed to herself and sighed "at least I can watch my shows alone" she smiled to herself happy at the fact that she would be able to relax in the silence of the flat by herself. 
Once in the bedroom, she threw her bag onto the bed as she turned the light on. Pulling out her phone she pressed shuffle on her playlist and let her worries wash away as she sang along to the lyrics, moving about the room as she sorted herself out. 
She  removed the hair band from her ponytail and ran her fingers through her hair, releasing the pressure it had on her head. 
Once happy with her hair, she began to remove the pencil skirt she was wearing. Pushing it to the floor she sighed as she felt like she could finally relax without the tight material around her waist. 
She picked it up from the ground and moved to hang it up on a coat hanger before beginning to remove her blouse. 
She stood in her lacy black underwear as she hung it up with the other clothes in her wardrobe. 
She moved over to her dressing table and began to take off her jewellery, placing them in the trinket box where they belong. 
"good evening y/n"
Y/n stilled her movements as she heard a voice call out to her. It was a man's voice, smooth like honey and warm like a hot apple pie, yet she could hear that whoever spoke had a smirk on their face. 
At first she thought she imagined it, knowing that she was alone in the house but then she heard him chuckle, confirming that she did in fact hear someone call out to her. 
Slowly she turned to the direction that the voice came from. 
Letting out a yelp, y/n grabbed a pillow from her bed in an attempt to cover herself as she looked out of her bedroom window. 
The curtains and window were wide open, revealing her to the world but more importantly, revealing her to her handsome neighbour known as John Wick. 
He stood in a white button up shirt as he leaned onto the windowsill, staring at the girl who stood only in her underwear with his dark brown eyes that seemed to be able to stare right into her soul.
 His hair was slicked back and he looked memorising. If under any other circumstances, y/n would have swooned at how good he looked but instead she just wanted to die. 
She never really had a chance to talk to him properly, just barely having time to say a quick good morning when she passed him in the street or having a quick conversation when she bumped into him at the local store. 
Y/n stepped out of view of the man and to the side of the window. She heard him chuckle to himself and her cheeks burned red from embarrassment . 
"John, im so sorry. I- um- i dont - oh god. I'm so sorry." she peeked around the corner as she looked at the man as he laughed. 
She couldn't deny the fact that he was attractive, especially the way he stood at that moment. 
His muscles prominent in the tight shirt he wore. 
" its ok. Y/n. it should be me apologising, besides i quite enjoyed what I saw if im honest. I think any man would enjoy watching a beautiful girl get undressed" the words made y/n blush deeper and she opened her mouth to say a smart remark back but nothing came. For once in her life, she was speechless. 
John laughed deeply as he watched the girl shuffle awkwardly. 
" if you want, I can return the favour?" he joked as he began to unbutton the top button of his own shirt and y/n quickly covered her eyes. 
"no it's quite ok. I think im just going to go die of embarrassment if you don't mind. Goodnight John". 
Y/n rushed to close the curtains, not giving John the chance to answer. 
She held her hand to her chest as she tried to control her breathing. 
"Why do you hate me God" she sighed and began to make her way to the bathroom to shower. She double checked the curtains were shut before she stepped into the shower, not wanting to give any one else a private show.
Sitting on the sofa, y/n lazily flicked through the various programs on netflix, not being able to settle on something. Finally she decided to just listen to some music instead. 
She picked up her phone as she flicked through social media. 
For some reason, she couldn't quite concentrate on what she was looking at as her mind kept wandering back to the events of what happened earlier. 
She squeezed her legs tight together as she felt herself become wet just thinking of the look on John's face as he watched her. She shook her head as she threw the thoughts out of her head. 
"get it together y/n" she whispered to herself as she went back to scrolling through Instagram. 
The doorbell rang, causing y/n to jump out of her seat. She looked up at the clock and was confused as to who it could be. She wasn't expecting anyone and it was too late for any packages to be delivered. 
Slowly she made her way over to the door, the oversized shirt she wore fell to her knees as she stood on her tiptoes to look out of the spyhole. 
Her stomach twisted as she saw who was at the door. 
"just a minute" she called out as she stumbled to the nearest mirror, quickly fixing her hair. 
She flung the door open, revealing john as he leaned against the door frame. "john. What can I do for you?". She tried to play it cool as John looked down at her, taking in her outfit before he stood straight, extending a bottle of wine that he held in his hand. 
"as an apology for…the little show i wasnt suppose to see" john laughed as y/n blushed looking down. 
She stepped aside, allowing john to enter. 
He looked around at the flat and smiled. "you have beautiful taste in decor y/n" he looked around the flat and y/n thanked him as she walked into the living room. 
John followed closely behind her, watching as she made her way over to a cabinet, pulling out two wine glasses from it. 
John poured the drinks and handed one to y/n who quickly downed it in one. 
"did you enjoy the show then?" she said bravely as she twirled the glass in hand, the alcohol in her system now making it easier for her to speak. John sat down on the sofa as y/n stood in the middle of the room. He looked at her with dark eyes before smirking.
" I didn't really get to see that much. Maybe you should do another dance for me" john sat back in his seat as he opened his legs wide, his bulge now evident as a tent formed in his pants. 
Y/n bit down on her bottom lip as she contemplated on the idea. 
She had remembered something her roommate had told her: "you never take any risks". And that's all she needed for her to make up her mind. 
She walked over to the dimmer switch on the wall and dimmed the lights enough for him to still see every detail but dark enough to set the mood. 
She could feel john's eyes on her every move and so made sure to sway her hips more than usual as she made her way back to the centre of the room. 
The music she was listening to in the background continued to play and she closed her eyes, letting the soft beats take control of her body. 
Her hands gripped onto the hem of her shirt as she began to sway her hips in time to the music. 
Johns eyes were glued to how the girls body danced to the beat. 
She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head, she was so glad she had decided on wearing good underwear that night. She made sure she stuck out her chest as she moved the material off her body and through it at john. 
He sat forward, catching the shirt and beckoned her closer with a single finger. 
Y/n approached carefully as she smirked at the man. Once she was close enough she leaned forward placing her hands onto his knees. 
"do you do this for all your neighbours?" his voice was low as he asked the simple question. 
Y/n dropped to her knees and rested her head onto his jeans clad thighs. Looking up at him with doe eyes she thought for a moment before dragging her fingers up his leg, stopping just before she got to his crotch. 
"only the ones who deserve it". Johns cock became painful in his pants, the material becoming to restrictive for his liking. Y/n noticed how he squirmed and so moved to pull his jeans down. She 'accidentally' grazed against his crotch as she removed the jeans. John let out a hiss as he threw his head back. "you're playing with fire little one" he warned her and y/n took that as her own personal challenge. 
Y/n threw his pants and underwear to the floor, watching as his cock sprang free, hitting his stomach as it stood tall. She admired how veins danced across the skin and she licked her own lips. 
She looked up at johns eyes that bore deep into hers and she slowly moved up to his face. 
John let out a moan as she passed his cock and moved towards his face. 
She placed a hand onto his face, feeling the stubble under her palm she couldn't help but anticipate the feeling of it rubbing against her thighs. 
She leaned in slowly before she kissed him, her soft lips tasted like wine and complemented johns rough lips. 
He reached a hand up and brought it to her hair as be gripped it tightly. Y/n moaned at the movement and moved her hand down to his cock. 
She gripped the base of if slowly and john let out a moan. Y/n moved her hand from the base to the tip, feeling him twitch under her hand. She memorised every vein that she came across before she reached the top. 
Once there, she flicked across the slit as pre cum leaked from it. He pulled away from the kiss, earning himself a small moan of disappointment from y/n. He leaned his forehead against hers as he breathed heavily. 
"so you like to tease people huh" he breathed out as he reached behind her, unclasping her bra, letting it drop as it revealed her perky breasts. Her nipples were hard with arousal and John placed a kiss on her neck, making sure to bite down so he would leave a mark. 
It was now y/n turn to let out a moan as she stretched her neck back giving him more space. She grabbed onto his shoulders to stop herself falling back. 
John kissed his way down to her chest where he took a nipple into his mouth. His tongue dancing around the sensitive lump. His other hand moving to grab the other tit harshly. Y/n pushed her chest further into his face as she rocked her hips against his cock. The material of her panties rubbed against his throbbing cock causing john to moan against the nipple in his mouth. 
"John please. I want you inside me" she begged and john pulled away as he looked at her face, small beads of sweat began to form on her forehead. 
John picked her up by her hips, making y/n laugh and he flipped her around so she laid on sofa. 
"I think I should take my turn in teasing you first. Show you what it's like to get only half a show". He crouched between his legs and Y/n watched as john rubbed his large hand up to her heat, rubbing his thumb over the clothed area. He slowly pulled the panties down to reveal the glistening liquid that seeped from her. 
"we haven't even done anything and you're already this wet?". 
Y/n hid her face in her hands as John placed his large hands on her thighs, spreading her wide for him to see. Y/n shuddered as she felt his hot breath on her heat, letting herself relax in his touch. 
Y/n watched as John leaned down and pressed kisses to the inside of her thigh.
John kept eye contact with her as he made his way up, stopping just inches from where she wanted him to touch. He admired how beautiful her pussy was, pink and luscious, ready for him to explore. 
John stuck out his tongue and gave one long lick up her slit.
Y/n threw her head back at the sudden sensation, pushing her hands into his hair to keep him there and a small moan escaping her lips. 
John smirked at her reaction and spread her with his fingers. He used her own wetness as a lubricant as be pushed two fingers inside her. 
She was tight around him and he smirked as he began to pump slowly in and out of her. 
Y/n moaned quietly as she closed her eyes and John began to draw circles around her clit with his tongue and y/n tightened her grip on Johns hair. She felt as his stubble rubbed against her thighs and She arched her back, bringing her knees up higher as she felt a knot begin to form in the pit of her stomach as she edged closer to her release.
"oh God John, ple- ah please don't stop" she begged him. John felt her walls tighten around his fingers and he suddenly pulled away. 
Y/n let her arms fall to her side at the lack of contact and her chest heaved from her heavy breathing. 
"why did you stop" she asked pouting through breaths and John just laughed as he crawled over her.
"pay back for teasing me for that little show of yours earlier." he reached his hand down as he lined his erect cock up with her hole and pushed the tip in slowly. 
John closed his eyes tightly as he took in how good she felt around him. Y/n voice hitched in her throat as she gripped onto his shoulders, digger her nails into his skin deeply. 
"besides, I want you to cum from my cock y/n not my fingers" he moaned out. 
He began to push himself fully into y/ns cunt. He had never felt someone so tight around his cock and if he wasn't careful he would cum from just that alone. 
John watched as y/n scrunched up her face at the burning sensation that she felt in her pussy. She was being stretched more than she had ever been before. She bit her lip as she tried to suppress the urge to scream her lungs out. She could feel him deep inside her and she let out a moan of ecstasy. 
John stopped briefly once his whole cock stretched her out, waiting for her to finally adjust to his size. 
Y/n opened her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing him closer so she could capture his lips in a kiss. "fuck me John. Fuck me like you've never fucked anyone else before". 
John didn't need to be told twice and so he pulled out of her before slamming straight back in. Her walls were tight around him and the pair moaned in unison. 
He slammed in and out repeatedly, y/ns mouth falling open as she began to feel the beginning stages of her release approach. John watched at y/n's tits bounced in time to his thrusts and he reached to grab one, playing with the sensitive nipple. 
"ahhh faster please" y/n begged and John moved to grip onto her hips, complying with the girls demand. He pushed her hips down in the mattress to stop y/n from bucking them up. Johns hair clung to his forehead as sweat began to drip down his face. He felt as y/ns walls began to tighten around him once again, stopping him from moving in her as fast as he wanted down. He knew she was close just as he was. He reached down between her legs and flicked her sensitive clit and watched as y/n fell apart. Loud moans erupting from her pretty lips as the pleasure took over her body. She no longer cared if the neighbours heard her, all she wanted to do was scream to her heart's desire. 
"cum for me y/n" John whispered into her ear and that's all she needed as her climax hit. "ah fuck John" she moaned out. Johns dick twitched inside her as his own release hit. His thrusts quicken as he milked the last of his cum out of himself. The sticky substance coated y/ns walls and mixed with her own cum. 
Johns thrusts slowed as they both rode out their climaxes, their moans quieting down and being replaced with quick breaths as they both tried to control their breathing. 
John pulled out of y/n and fell next to her on the sofa. 
He turned to look at the y/n's face which was turning red and y/n turned to look at him. They stared at each other momentarily before they both erupted into fits of laughter. 
"I should have left my curtains open a long time ago if i knew that would have happened" John grabbed her hand, enlacing their fingers together and brought it to his lips as he placed a kiss to the back of her hand before letting it  fall onto his stomach as he laughed. "if im honest, you've left it open a few times and I've just watched but I finally had the courage to tell you this time" John laughed as the girl sat up suddenly a small grin on her face.
"so you're telling me you've been getting free shows for god knows how long? You owe me big time" she moved to straddle him, leaning down to kiss him,
Their lips moving in unison. 
"WHAT THE FUCK Y/N". Y/ns eyes widened as she recognised the voice of her roommate Rebecca. She turned quickly to confirm her fears and there she stood, a smirk on her face. Y/n scrambled to grab a blanket and covered herself as she jumped of John who hid behind y/n. 
"i dont care if you have sex in the living room y/n but jesus christ i could hear you down the hall, i think the whole road could hear you" Rebecca walked off to her room muttering something about cleaning up any mess, leaving y/n and John to just laugh at the situation they were in.
The end
A/n: Apart from the smut this is actually what happened to me. My roommate also once walked in on me with a guy so thats also fun. Ok hope you enjoyed it.
Tag list:
@gwenebear @celestiaelisia @blondieee-me
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nockfellblues · 4 years
I don't know if you do these kinds of asks but how about reader pulling a hunger games type moment and confronting Larry before he kills himself saying if you go I do too I won't let someone I love die alone type thing.
All aboard the angst train ♥  written as a mini fic! TW for attempted suicide! Reader is gender neutral.
If you are in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline and get the help you deserve. Call 1-800-273-8255. If you are like me and are afraid to call, there are also live online chat options as well, located HERE! 
You’d known for awhile something was... off with Larry. Ever since Sal had officially moved in with Todd and Neil, Larry had been stadoff-ish on a good day, and on bad days would seclude himself in the tree house, Sanity’s Fall blasting from that tiny stereo so loud you could hear it from your shared basement apartment. To say you were worried about his behavior was an understatement. Especially after you’d begun to notice the pattern of near constant headaches, the fact that he was always saying it was too loud in the apartment, the occasional mutter of, “shut up,” to an empty room when he though you weren’t close enough to hear, and the quickly worsening whip of anger he’d been developing… You were walking on eggshells at any given moment.
Finally, it all hit a breaking point. 
You had been helping Larry pack up the remainder of his non-essentials, getting them ready to go over to his new room at Todd’s. It had been a process to pack a lot of his stuff up- it was a whole lifetime to sort through; countless weird knick knacks to decide to keep or not, finding old drawings and sketchbooks from his childhood, finding a random little thing that had been lost years ago tucked away in a dusty corner someplace… 
To be honest, it had been more reminiscing about his childhood and the memories about each of the items you both went through than it was actually packing. But it was fun, and the wistful smile he wore as he told you stories of his mother, his missing father and his years of shenanigans with Sal and Todd made every wasted second well worth it. 
When you unearthed a little silver puzzle box, you expected a fun story and for him to add it into the donation box for the local second hand shop for some needy kid to enjoy it later. But the simple question of, “Trash or stash?” quickly devolved into an argument about how much you didn’t care about his sentimentality or that it was an important object to him- and it just got worse from there- until you gave up, tossed up your hands, and stated you were gonna bring the box you’d finished earlier over to Todd’s while he cooled off, and walked out.
When you’d gotten there, the first thing you did was tell Sal what was up, hoping maybe he’d have some kind of wise words or what you could have done to set Larry off in the first place. Sally, ever the sweetheart, pulled you into a gentle hug, reassuring you that Larry was probably just having a rough patch and that he would talk to him and see if Larry might open up about it. 
Taking Todd up on an offer to stay the night, you threw on a movie and made yourself comfortable on the couch, falling into a dreamless sleep. 
Neil woke you the next morning with a killer cup of coffee and a poor mans breakfast of sugar coated pop tarts. Sally had come around not long after, letting you know Larry had texted him, and they’d be headed to the apartments for some, “Ghost hunting.” He seemed kind of tense but reassured you that he’d talk to Larry today, before he met up with Ash. Of course, you’d thanked him, and settled into Larry’s soon-to-be room to start sorting out some of the easier boxes.
You woke up later, sprawled on the couch, to the sound of Todd rummaging in the kitchen. Yawning, you stretched and made your way out to greet him, smoothing out your bead-head. 
“Hey Todd, how as class?” You asked, grabbing a seat at the kitchen table. 
Todd shrugged, idly stirring an instant noodle cup, “No complaints. How’s Larry’s room coming along? Sal said you were unpacking this morning.”
“Well, I made it through the clothes and some oddball boxes… Did Sally mention anything about Larry by chance?”
Todd shook his head, “No, but he left with Ash almost as soon as he was back, so we didn’t have much time to chat. Knowing Sal, things should be smoothed over. He’s always been able to mellow Larry out like that.” 
With that, you decided to head back and see if Larry was feeling any better after some Sally time. It was getting dark, and the thick clouds looming overhead finally opened into a sweeping downpour just after you had left Todd’s. You stopped under a thicket of trees just off the road, hoping the rain would lessen, when your cell phone went off. 
Larry: [Name] im rly sry. i nvr meant that shit i said.
[Name]: Dude its all good i know youre stressed lately. Im heading back now.
Larry: stay at todds. and just dont blame urself ok? its my time to go.
[Name]: Larry wtf are you talking about? youre scaring me?
Without waiting for a reply you took off towards the apartments at a breakneck run. Bypassing the front door, you ran around the backside of the building to use the back entrance, when you noticed a light on in the old tree house- Then your gaze trailed down to the baggy with a neatly folded paper pinned to the lower steps on the tree.
You felt your blood run cold. He wouldn’t- no. 
“Larry!” You scrambled up the rickety planks, ignoring the note, and all but threw yourself onto the tree house floor. “Larry, don’t!” 
Tucked against the wall of the tree house, just under the little window, sat Larry, an old camping lantern lit in the corner beside him. His eyes were puffy and his hair disheveled, evidence that he’d been crying before. Tears welled in your own eyes as you took in his distraught expression and the bottle of whiskey in his hands. 
“[Name]..?” He whispered your name, and the way his voice cracked brought you to instant tears, and you all but launched yourself at him, pulling him into a desperate embrace. 
“Larry Johnson, you fucking asshole! Don’t you dare- don’t you dare take a sip from that bottle-”
“[Name]-” you cut him off, taking his face into your hands and forcing him to look at you. The circles under his eyes were so deep, and the absolute emptiness in them broke your heart.
“No! You listen here, you fucking string bean- you don’t get to do this. You can’t just… just push me away and expect me not to worry. You can’t just text… text me something like that and not expect me to come running to- to fucking keep you from being stupid! What the fuck am I supposed to do without you?!” You were openly sobbing now, practically screaming at the boy who all but held your entire world in his hands. “You’re all I have! You can’t just-just leave me behind and expect me to move on- who am I without my other half, Larry? Who am I?!” 
He scrunched his eyes closed, tears streaming down his cheeks again, as he shook his head.
“If you fucking kill yourself, I’m going with you. And you can’t stop me.” You knew it was a dirty trick to play, guilting him like this when his soul was this ravaged and he was so vulnerable- but you were being honest. What would you do without him in your life? What about Sal? God, what about poor Lisa? He was so dear to you all, so loved, and he was ready and willing just throw it all away-
“[Name], I-I can’t take it anymore- I just- the cult shit, that demon, the ghosts! The fucking whispers-  they’re dri-driving me insane! I‘m not like you or Sal- I can’t handle this shit anymore!” He finally breaks down into heaving sobs at that, burying his face into your shoulder, and dropping the bottle in favor of a bone-crushing embrace that you readily return.
You kick the bottle away from Larry, as far as you can get it, and quietly thank whoever will listen when the cap pops the rest of the way off, spilling the amber liquid and the mostly dissolved remnants of pills onto the tree house floor.
“…Why didn’t you just tell me? Or even Sal. Someone. You know we’d do anything for you, Larry, absolutely anything.” He didn’t reply, just shook his head and pulled you closer. What the fuck was was this place doing to him? You had to get him out- get him away- Larry’s phone vibrated from the other side of the tree house, but you elected to ignore it, praying whoever was calling was also smart enough to find you both before things got any worse.
He sniffled, hiccuping into you shoulder, “I’m so sorry, [name]. I didn’t mean anything that I said the other day- or anything I said in those other arguments. I just- This- this place is.. I think I’m going crazy-”
You shushed him, smoothing a hand down his hair and he devolved into body-wracking sobs that shook you both with the sheer force of them. Your soul ached for the boy you had known almost all your life- the boy you grew up with, shared secrets with, made countless memories with, and loved with all your heart. 
Why didn’t you see this coming sooner? “I know, Larry, I know. This place- there’s something still wrong with Addison apartments and we’re gonna get you out of here, forever. I promise.” 
“I-I’m so, so sorry, [name]. Please... Please don’t leave me.”
The rain continued to pour in violent sheets outside, but you distinctly heard the frantic voice of Sal, calling Larry’s name, as he ran towards the tree house. You had never felt such absolute relief in your life, even with Larry clinging to you like a lifeline, and the stain of his near-death slowly seeping into the floor of the tree house just behind you.
 “I’m not going anywhere, Larry. I’m with you, always, no matter what happens.”
WHEW. I tried to make it so you could read their relationship as either romantic or platonic, and tried to stay as neutral as possible in gender as well! I hope this is alright, and I hope you like it! I’ve actually never seen the Hunger Games so I kinda went my own way ♥
I’d also like to use this space as a PSA:I’ve struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts and tendencies my whole life- don’t let your depression convince you that you are trapped or alone or unloveable. I know its hard, and there’s no easy fix for it, but there are things in life that make it worth sticking around. Even if its something as silly as looking forward to a new game or story or waiting for a flower you planted to bloom, there are reasons to keep living. Please be kind to yourself and remember, even if we’ve never spoken or interacted or existed in the same space, I know that you are worthy of being loved and cared for and you are not alone. 
If ever you feel like you are truly alone in this world, please reach out- there will always be people out here willing to lend a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, and a friend to those who feel lost ♥ I know i will always be open to anyone out there in need of a friend so, please, never be afraid to reach out!
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kyukun · 4 years
Barking up the Wrong Tree (OumaSai)
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hEY HEY ANON!! hhh writing mr. saihara is my favorite thing ever hes so fun to write. though i need to think of a name for him so i dont have to be so formal lmao but i hOPE YOU ENJOY! this came out a lot sappier than i had planned...
title: Barking up the Wrong Tree
summary: Shuichi takes Kokichi to his uncle's house to meet a little special someone. Though he did not expect to be practically ignored the entire time they were there. 
word count: 1287
~~ prompt starts after cut! ~~
Kokichi loves animals, and Shuichi has known this for a super long time. In fact, they first met when Kokichi was dog sitting for a neighbor. Shuichi loved the way Kokichi acted around animals. It was seriously the cutest thing ever. 
 Kokichi had mentioned multiple times that he loves rescue dogs the most, even wanting to open his own pet rescue shelter at one point in time. Shuichi knew of someone who had recently gotten a rescue animal and decided to take Kokichi to go meet them.
 And when he did, boy was Kokichi absolutely thrilled to meet the animal. His uncle had recently adopted a rescue dog and asked if him and Kokichi wanted to go and meet her. She was a German shepherd, and while she was still less than a year, she was quite big. His uncle had found her at a recent shelter when she was just a pup and decided to take her in. 
 The minute Kokichi walked into the door, she was all over him. She was a bit scared of him at first and barked a bit at the pair but eventually had gotten used to him. Kokichi had this thing about him that seemingly all animals were drawn to, making their first meeting go by smoothly. 
 Shuichi sat down on the couch, watching as Kokichi played with the dog on the floor. He smiled, "What's her name?" He giggled as she licked his cheek playfully. Mr. Saihara walked into the living room, a grin plastered on his lips. "Her name is Luna."
 "Luna, huh? That's such a cute name! You are so, so cute Luna-chan!" He snuggled into her neck as she pounced on top of him. Shuichi couldn't help but laugh. That was cute. 
 "Shumai look! Luna-chan likes me a lot, doesn't she?"
 "Yeah. She really does." He playfully shook his head as Kokichi hugged the dog once more. Mr. Saihara smiled alongside his nephew, "Man Shuichi, your boyfriend's going to steal my dog from me."
 The rest of their time there, Shuichi increasingly dreaded. Kokichi would not leave the dog alone, actually, it was the other way around. 
 See Luna was a sweet dog, she liked mostly everyone. Though for some fucking reason, she did not like Shuichi. When she was a small puppy, she loved him. But she seemed to forget all about that when Kokichi came around. She was attached to the hip with Kokichi, following him everywhere and even growling slightly at Shuichi whenever he'd so much as touch Kokichi. Kokichi usually tried his best to play it off as a joke and tried his best to escape Luna but to no avail. Shuichi groaned at the dinner table, looking over to see Kokichi sitting on the opposite side of him instead of sitting right beside him. 
 Why was he sitting there you may ask? Well that’s where Luna’s bowl is of course! 
 He rolled his eyes, “Kokichi, sit over here.”
 He pouted, which slightly annoyed Shuichi. “But she’ll whine if I leave her alone.”
 Shuichi's uncle gave him a knowing look, casually eating his dinner as he observed the interaction quietly. "Okay but you need to eat your food. It's getting cold. Don't be rude."
 Kokichi huffed even louder, petting Luna's ears playfully as she wagged her tail. "How am I being rude? Am I being rude?" He looked over to his uncle, whom of which was smirking this entire time but stopped when the couple shared a gaze towards him. He coughed down his food, taking a sip of his wine before clearing his throat once more. "No, not at all. It's okay, I don't mind."
 "See!? Uncle is fine with it, quit being a baby Shumai. You were the one who brought me here in the first place."
 Well, that's true. He did take him here to meet Luna but he didn't expect to be ignored the entire time he was here. He wanted to hang out with Luna? Fine. That's what he was going to do. Shuichi rolled his eyes, taking a bite of his meal before closing his eyes in annoyance. "Fine. Don't eat then."
 "I won't!" 
 Shuichi's Uncle stayed quiet, awkwardly waiting for either of them to talk but realized that moment wouldn't come when both males had their chests turned the other way in a huff. He cleared his throat and noticed how sad both of them looked after. 
 He needed to step in. 
 The remainder of the day went by very awkwardly, tension filling the air every time either of them stepped into the room. Shuichi wasn't speaking to Kokichi and likewise with Kokichi. He noticed Kokichi sadly playing with Luna outside, his head hung low with a frown plastered on his lips. He took a seat beside the male who had been sitting on the grass with his legs crossed over the other, throwing a ball halfheartedly for Luna to catch.
 "Hey there, bud."
 He glanced up and noticed it was just Shuichi's Uncle with a gentle grin on his face. He sighed and turned his attention back to the dog. "Hey." 
 "Why did you two fight earlier? You guys rarely get into arguments like that."
 "You saw the way he was acting! He was acting all grumpy and stuff whenever Luna was around. He was overreacting, I was just playing with her." Mr. Saihara listened intently as Kokichi ranted, hearing a few cracks in his voice from the pure frustration he had felt. "Maybe you should talk to him about it and explain how you feel? Y'know, Shu has always been a jealous kid. He's never really had things to himself, always having to share. So maybe he got jealous with Luna ‘cause she was taking all of your attention?"
 Shuichi was jealous? But… but why? That didn't make any sense. "Why though? Luna-chan is just a dog, there's no reason for him to be jealous."
 "Then tell him that. Explain to him and reassure him. You know who he is: his insecurities, his thoughts. Reassurance is the thing he needs the most right now. Even if it's over something silly like this." Ah, that makes sense now. He'd always tell Kokichi how insecure he had felt when they had started dating, and how he didn't feel like he had deserved Kokichi.
 Man he felt stupid. Why didn't he figure this out before? "You're right. I'll talk to him. Thank you, Uncle." His arms wrapped around him as he pulled him into a tight hug. He hugged back, "Of course. Now go back to being lovebirds again, I'll take care of her." 
 He nodded and rushed back inside. He noticed Shuichi sadly fidgeting around with a throw pillow and cleared his throat to gain his attention. Shuichi glared up at him, their eyes remaining fixated on one another with a slight yearn in their irises. Kokchi gave a halfhearted smile before taking a seat next to the detective. “I’m sorry.” 
 “No, don’t apologize. I’m the one who should be apologizing. The way I acted was completely unnecessary and immature. Please don’t be mad at me—” Kokichi threw himself into Shuichi’s arms, kissing his neck furiously. “How could I be mad at you?! Seriously! You’re an idiot if you think I’d replace you with a dog. Shumai has no reason to be jealous over Luna-chan. I’m only yours.”
 Shuichi chuckled, feeling his cheeks heat up as his hands trailed down Kokichi’s back in a soothing motion. “I know, I know. I just didn’t expect you to ignore me. Sorry for yelling.”
“It’s no biggie! Come on, stop sulking and let’s go tell your Uncle we’re okay before he starts crying about it.”
 “Right behind you.”
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sukunas-play-thing · 5 years
I hope you are doing well may i request Nsfw and Sfw headcannons For Tetsutetsu And Kosei
I am doing quite fine anon bean thank you! I'd love to write kosei and tetsu (god I love my metal hottie) characters will be aged up in the NSFW headcanons!! Also reader is female
Word count: 8559
Warnings: nsfw content below and alotta fluff.
Kosei Tsubarbura
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- very competitive when it comes to you.
- He shows off when you two go to the gym to work out. Dumbbells look awfully sexy when he's looking at you with those bedroom eyes.
- Coffee and ramen dates my dudes this guy dotes on you like you're the queen if England.
- Loves loves LOVES when you support him. Seriously this guy holds so much high standards for himself it's unbelievable at what lengths he'll go to be a good hero to his people. And you.
- complete sweetheart. He melts when you cook for him, help him with his training or anything else to help his life be much mire easier.
- But don't get it twisted. He goes above and beyond for you too.
- Gets mad when you think you have to do things yourself, what kind of a man would he be if he didn't help his old lady?.
- Can't help the lecherous thoughts flood his mind when you're just being. You.
- Wearing skimpy clothes of any kind? Touched him a certain way? Simply look his way with an all too sexy look of any kind? The man falters in his steps and has to stop himself before jumping you.
- You'd think after high school his closet perv would go down? Nope his thoughts only got worse after graduating and going out into the adult world.
NSFW under the cut
- he loves it when you use your tongue on him. Lap at his neck while whispering naughty things to him, making out with him, blow jobs. This man can't help himself your tongue does the hottest things to him. It should be a sin.
-He has a kink for doing the dirty in public.
- Netflix and chill. The dude pretty much invented it. Sex scene comes on the telley? Pssh guess what let's fuck.
- Praise kink. He needs to know he's fucking you good. And that you love him deeply.
- He's competitive in general so I van see this in effect tenfold in the bedroom.
- Sees how much he can get you to orgasm before the actually sex itself. Overestimation is a must in his book.
- of course he doesn't go too far he stops occasionally to make sure you're okay.
- His favorite position is Gemini and doggy style. Gives him a damn good view of your ass and loves watching it bounce and jiggle
- Gives that booty a nice spank too.
- Up to try anything you bring to the table. In fact he's a very adventurous man in the bedroom and isn't afraid of using toys of any size as long as it gets the job done and you both are splayed out on the bed sweaty and chests heaving in pure after glow.
- Takes very good care of you afterwards.
- Makes sure you're cooled off, gets wet rags and cleans you up
- Need a snack or drink he'll get it for you just wants you to be happy.
Tetsutetsu my metal hottie (also I really love this picture of him)
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- GOSH this man here.
- Apple in your eye you fell for this man the moment you came to U. A to train to become a hero.
- Your friends from other classes at first complained about his loud and boisterous behavior.
- You shot them down immediately
- You thought he was the most beautiful man you've ever seen. The main thing that you loved most about him? His eyelashes. You were kinda jealous about them.
- approaching him on the other hand?
- Gosh you couldn't be as outspoken and honest as him
- He is an inspiration to you and you're whole class.
- When you finally had enough courage to tell him how you felt? He was taken aback for sure.
- It was during the villain attack at your camp you fought moonfish trying to protect an unconscious juzo and kodai.
- Running on pure adrenaline you ran to find kendo and tetsu whom you knew were nearby after your fight with the villain. With friends in tow you found the two. tetsutetsu was happy to see you were okay but angered at the sight of your bloody self .
- god you were nervous the silence was deafening.
- "Like... Friends? " kendo facepalmed. "No idiot she just proclaimed her love to you. " his eyes lit up with glee.
- "Oh well why didn't ya say so!!?? " he enveloped you in the manliest hug possible.
- You two work out and eat healthy together now.
- After graduating from U. A you both decided to officially move in together.
- Best. Time. Of. Your. Life.
- you cook meals full of iron to help his quirk.
- The best dates with tetsutetsu are when you both go to arcades. Watching him play fighting games is so wholesome sometimes you forget you're supposed to be playing too and end up losing.
- "Babe!! Plus ultra!! You're supposed to kick that dirt bags ass!!"
- he's a movie night type of guy for sure. Mostly action and the like. Bends when you give him puppy eyes to watch something besides pure action. Your choices in films shocks and surprises him all the same.
- Horror.
- He gets so into yelling at the characters making dumb decisions and ends up dying. "THE CHIN. KICK HIM IN HIS BALLS DONT LET HIM KILL YOU. "you may or may not have recorded his reactions to movies before to show your friends later. He's such a dork
- Behind hugs while your doing anything around the house became a thing to him. Something about watching you work on anything you're doing at the time entices him to go up and hug tf outta you.
- He may be loud and hot headed but he's such a cuddle bug.
NSFW under the cut
- first off. Hes loud. Very loud
- the first time you both did the deed was in your living room. And apparently the walls are not near thick enough for this man.
- Neighbors complained some though gave tetsutetsu fist bumps.
- Eventually have to invest in moving into an actual house. In the country. Away from ears.
- You both wanted to do it way sooner, but being in school and the fact his mother threatened to kill him if he got you pregnant scared you both into waiting till after high school.
- when you realized how bad you loved this man and wanted the relationship to progress to physical intimacy was when he came home real late from patrolling. You woken to him just getting out of the shower and seen his bare back turned to you while he was rummaging for clothes to wear.
- God he was so sexy. Watching his muscles flex and move under his skin while water droplets fell. It made you so wet and the urge to climb him like a tree took over you.
- Slinking from bed as quiet as you could, you walked to him while he was putting a shirt on. Midway he felt small arms wrap around his stomach and stopped. His arms still in the air and shirt still over his head he felt your hands languidly move from his abs feeling every dip and curve of his body. Kissing his shoulder blades muttering words of praise to him.
- When your small hands reached his pecks feeling his clothed bulge grow in size through his sweatpants. He threw his shirt off him turning and picking you up so fast you squeaked a surprise.
- "Aight time to fuck."
- Sometimes his straight-forwardness was timed so right.
- his strength tends to leave him at times and forgets to be gentle. Unless you're into it he won't stop.
- Biting. That's it.
- Loves blowjobs
- His favorite position is any position especially those where he can pet you and see you're face contort in the most sinful expressions
- Gets off on you wearing his clothes.
- Walking around naked or in just a shirt and panties they'll be ripped off immediately.
- He tends to get jealous. Especially if you're around kirishima. I mean they're both nearly identical
- So jealous sex is common. Not that you'd complain. The mans got such a hot blooded personality and needless to say you love it when he's rough.
- The aftermath is messy and at times painful. So he always always takes care of his lady
- Hot baths together and watching a movie after is such a calming high.
- Praise kink
- May be dirty or gross to some but he's used your panties to beat the meat before.
- so all in all 100/10 Tetsutetsu is best man.
((Uhhmmm.... I'm sorry I wrote more for tetsutetsu than kosei I need to practice writing kosei more. I'm sure I am an inner hoe for him just gotta let her lose. But can you blame me? Tetsutetsu is best boy and deserves the whole damn world and then some. Please guys u be sleeping on him!))
Guys got anymore requests??? Send em in show me that inner hoe!!
🐲Queen Targe 🐲
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aceldrake · 4 years
Why wont he love me?
Im standing in the kitchen. My back is straight, and I'm chewing on my thumbnail. I do that a lot, chew on my nail until I bleed. The sting is a distraction. A small distraction. nothing can dull out the sense of dread that spreads through my entire body. numbing my nerve endings. This happens every day, at a half past 4 .Me standing in the kitchen trying not to panic. Because it means I have one hour. 60 minuets to myself before he pulls into the driveway. 60 minuets before the garage door hums into life and begins its slow decent upwards. 60 mins before he walks across the garage, opens the door and steps into the house. Our house...No. His house. It's his. Everything is his. He doesnt allow me to stake claim to anything. Everything is his. 60 mins to enjoy the calm and peace. 60 mins left of the kids being happy and content. 1 hour of pain free, anxiety free, solitude. 1 hour before my husband come's home. I hate it when he's home. He's tired and annoyed, and if I dont have a hot meal on the table....and I wont...hes going to be angry. He's always angry. I think my mere presence pisses him off. The way I look, or maybe the way I don't look...shit. I knew he'd notice the 3 pounds I put on over the holiday's... the way I talk...he hates me. I dont know why. I cant figure out why he cant stand me. I'm his wife, shouldn't he love me? take care of me? protect me? But he doesn't. hes the most painful part of my life. He gets off on hurting me. And I deserve it, I think? Im not sure, Honestly. He says I do but he never tells me WHY I deserve it. Just that I do and ive just started believing it. Maybe its true, maybe its not. but there is no point in arguing with him about it. That just makes him even more upset, which just makes it hurt that much more. Better to just clench my teeth take it and pretend it didnt happen. Bruises fade, bones heal. Cuts and scrapes scab over and eventually disappear. The scars hes left...at least the physical ones...are easy enough to tuck out of site. The lies I tell myself and others flow freely from my tongue, and eventually I can convince myself that they are, in fact, truths. I love him, thats all that matters, right? Thats the only thing that is important. I love him. I've always loved him. I can love enough for the both of us. My affection and constant, unwavering loyalty makes up for everything. I'ts my fault. I should have hugged him tighter. Kissed him harder, deeper. With more passion. I shouldn't have faked that orgasm...or at the very least, I should have been more convincing. It's my body, not his performance thats the problem. He's good in bed...amazing. Hes never not been able to satisfy his partner....its my fault. Silly me, of course its my fault.
A toddlers shriek of excitement makes me jump. I glance at the clock...five thirty...my mouth goes dry. Oh god. Hes home. I stare out the front window and my blood goes cold. His red car is in the driveway. Hes still seated in the drivers seat, head bent. Hes on his phone, probably telling Her to give him a few personal minuets and then , Yes. She can come over. At least when shes here he only hurts me with his words. Thats a small comfort. Im frantically hurrying around the living room, trying to clean, trying to tidy up the mess the babies have left in the living room. Stupid. How could I lose track of time. The house has to be clean before hes home. Its a requirement. His requirement. The door opens. I freeze. I hear him scuff.  He takes off his cover. His boots....Pulls his belt out of the loops and toss it over the arm of the couch. The same routine every day. Come in. Strip in the laundry room, so his uniform can be freshly washed before work the next morning. I remain in the front room, still on my knees, hand froze over the toy bin.
Hes mad. Hes pissed. I can hear it in the way hes banging around the laundry room. Is he mad at me, or was work just particularly rough today...Ether way, im paying the price for it. I quickly take stock of my body....flexing muscles. Legs are sore...left arm fine. Right arm still throbbing from two days ago. My head will probably be fine, but I guess it depends on how rough he is. Maybe a concussion or hopefully, if im lucky, it will just be ringing in my ears and a headache. I take a deep breath and stand. My hands fist nervously at my side.
I walk around the corner and my words die in my throat. The expression on his face says everything. He glares at me and goes to the fridge, opens it, and pulls out a beer. My blood is ice inside my veins. White noise in my ears. I turn, grab my babies and hurry them upstairs. My hands shake and I drop the ROKU remote twice before I can get the TV working and a cartoon playing. I raise the volume as high as their little ears can handle, and hope that its loud enough. I kiss their sweet, innocent little faces, my lips tremble but I fight back the rising panic. I close the door behind me, swear under my breath when I hear my sons soft voice cry out in protest and his sister plead with me to stay. I close my eyes and bite down on my lower lip. I hate doing it, but it has to be done. For their safety. I lock the door. Effectively sealing them inside the master bedroom. If they are locked behind a door, they wont see it. They wont see what I know is about to happen. They wont get in the way, and he wont hurt them. I dont think he would ever intentionally hurt them, but accidents happen and I'm not willing to take that risk. I would never really know if it was an accident or not. Cant risk that.  I stand at the top of the stairs. I force my mouth into a smile and make my legs move. My home is a nightmare. My husband hates me. And I dont know why.
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madamsixx · 4 years
Beyond The Leather Chapter 7: Secret Revealed
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Warnings: Mentions of drug use
February 2nd, 1985, LA
Theresa came down to come and get me from Toronto Canada and fly with me back to LA. I had a audition for an upcoming movie in December and a interview with Joan Rivers in February. I was staying at Theresa's apartment because Tamara was out in paris for fashion week. There were two major things I wanted to do while I was here; 1 visit Ola, Slash, and Albion and 2 nail this audition.
"So how was your Christmas and New Years?" Theresa asked as we walked into her tiny apartment.
"It was good no complaints. Hope yours was good as well?"
"It was, I went to go see my parents. They were excited to see me." She smiled. "So Motley Crue huh." She broke the tension.
"Yeah Tammy told me, wow." I say sitting on the couch. "Hey did you book the car service and glam team for my interview with Joan Rivers?" I asked.
"Um no not yet I'll do it closer to the day."
"Ok. Well I'm a bit hungry, you got anything to eat?"
"Uh no but we can go out and get something if you'd like?" Theresa says searching in the fridge.
"Sure that sounds great." I respond.
Later in the afternoon...
Theresa was on the phone talking to one of her friends, it sounded like she was making plans with them.
"So Iman one of my friends is having her birthday today at this club called the Whiskey A GO GO and wants me to come out, do you think your alright to stay on your own, or would you like to come out?" She asked
"Oh no I'll stay in doors, you go out and enjoy your self I'll be alright."
Later at Night....
I heard the door open and shut as I was sleeping. I also heard loud voices and things knocking around. I got up to check out what that noise was.
"Theresa are you ok?" I asked coming out of the room.
My eyes went wide when I saw Theresa. But it wasn't so much her it was who she was with. Robbin Crosby, Nikki Sixx and two other guys who I have never seen before. They're completely wasted.
"Iman help me please there all whacked out of there minds, they were trying to drive home so I just brought them here instead." She says as shes holding Nikki up, and the other two guys are holding Robbin up.
"Um.....sure ok" I say running to help her pick up Nikki.
We throw Nkkki on the couch and he's passed out completley. Theresa then guides the other two towards her room so Robbin can sleep on her bed.
"Thanks so much guys you can crash on the other couch. It's a pull out so you two will be comfortable on it."
"Thanks Theresa we appreciate it." One of the guys spoke up with an English accent.
They took the pillows off of the couch and pulled it out and got into the bed. Theresa went and brought some blankets for them.
"Thank you love." The other guy smiled at her.
"Here come with me." She pulled my arm and I followed her into my room.
"Theresa what the-"
"I know I know." She interrupted me. "Look I went out with my friend to the Whiskey A GO GO and Nikki, Robbin, and these two guys from Hanoi Rocks Mike Monroe and Andy McCoy were there drinking. And I saw them trying to drive so I took Nikki's car keys and drove them all here.
"That was good of you. Who are Hanoi Rocks by the way?" I asked with curiosity.
"There a rock band. The guy Razzle was there drummer, remember the one that was killed in the car crash with Vince."
"Oh yeah I remember."
"Anyways get some sleep, we'll talk tomorrow." She walks half way out my door then turns around alittle "Y' know Nikki has been asking about you since I got to the whiskey." she smiled.
"Goodnight Theresa." I say shoving her out of my room and shutting the door.
So Nikki was still thinking about me. I thought he would have hated me. But either way I needed to stay far away from him and his band.
I woke up the next morning to see a note on the side of my bed that read Went to go get breakfast- Terri. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to brush and shower. When I got to the bathroom I saw the guy from yesterday combing his hair and applying makeup on his face.
"Oh sorry I'll just wait till your done." I said as I backed away.
"Iman right?" He spoke looking at me through the mirror.
"Hi... um yes, and your?"
"Michael... Michael Monroe from Hanoi Rocks."
"Its nice to meet you. I'm a...I'm sorry about your drummer Razzle." I whispered.
"Thank you." He responded as he wiped the make up off his face. And started reapplying it.
I watched him do that a couple of times and realized that that could be a coping mechanism for him.
I turned and headed towards the living room. Nikki was sitting on the couch with another guy watching the news. He didn't look like him self, in fact he looked terrible.
"Why's Vince on the news?" Nikki asked with a slurred voice.
"That's for the manslaughter charge Nikki." I looked at him.
"Oh yeah." He leans his bed back on the sofa.
"Hi I'm Andy I'm from the rock group Hanoi Rocks, and you must be Iman." He got up to come and shake my hand.
"Hi yes I am. I'm sorry about your drummer Razzle," I shook his hand.
"You are a beauty, I can see why Nikki likes you." He looked down at Nikki and smiled. He walked back over and sat on the couch.
Nikki just glared at him. His eyes were droopy and red and he smelt really bad.
"So have you talked to Vince?" I asked sitting next to Nikki.
"Why not?" I furrowed my eyebrows.
"Because he ruined my band." He scoffed.
"Oh well don't you think-"
"Dont you think you should shut up and mind your own fucking buissness!" He snapped.
"You know what Nikki I'll do just that." I got up to walk back to the washroom, but turned back to give him a piece of my mind. " Vince is your bandmate, your best friend, and your brother. You guys just finshed a successful tour that not many rock bands have been blessed to have. I'm sure you have experienced some of the best times together and shared stories and even shared girls with each other. And your telling me that you cant even pick up the phone to call him, or visit him. He needs your support." I turned on my heel and walked away.
The door opened and Theresa came in with Robbin carrying breakfast for everyone. She set it down on the table and the boys started to dig in. I showered and stayed in the room rehearsing my lines for my audition and worrying about my first interview on TV ever with Joan Rivers.
Knock Knock
"Yes come in."
Nikki opened the door and let him self into my room. He sat down on the bed and just stared at me. He honestly didn't look like himself. And I dont think it was stress.
"How was your Christmas?" He asked
How was my Christmas??? How dare him even ask me that after the way he yelled at me.
"I'll answer that after you give me an apology for the way you spoke to me out there." I replied.
"I don't owe you shit." He snapped
"Really...after your outburst just now. You know..... I think you are that guy I met in New York Nikki."
Nikki was seething with anger, his fists rolled up into a ball and he clenched his jaw.
"Fuck you you stupid cunt." He shouted
"Get out." I grabbed my lamp on the dresser "Now!" I screamed and threw it at the door barely missing him.
"What the fuck is wrong with you psycho bitch." He yelled.
"Get out Nikki."
He flipped me off and then opened the door and slammed it shut. Ahole.
I finished my audition it went really well. So all I had to do was wait a couple days to hear a call back. Now as for my interview I was really nervous about it. Me and Theresa were sitting in her car outside her apartment. We just sat there talking while she had a smoke when all of a sudden we here another car pull up behind us. I looked through the rear view mirror and realized it was Nikki's car. Robbin was in there too.
"Is there a reason that there here?" I asked Theresa.
"Well Nikki has been asking about you through Robbin."
"What do you mean through Robbin?" I looked at Theresa.
"Well me and Robbin are kind of together. Were taking things slow." She smiled.
"Theresa after what they did at the Rainbow you still want that guy?"
"Look Iman he's sweet ok. He told me he was sorry. I forgave him. Besides he wants us to go out for lunch today."
"I'll pass."
"No your coming." She opens her car door and puts out her cigarette.
I see there car door open on the passengers side and Robbin walks towards Theresa giving her a hug and a kiss. I open my car door and walk towards the apartment to slip away quickly.
"Nooooo I dont think so your coming." Theresa chuckled and I huffed.
Nikki was driving his car, I sat in the passengers seat while Theresa and Robbin sat in the back giggling and whispering to each other. Nikki kept taking his eyes off the road to look at me. While I chose to look out the window.
"Is there somthing you want to listen to princess?" Nikki asked looking over at me.
No response
"I hear you have your first TV interview coming up, that must be exciting." He smiled. "And its Joan Rivers too."
No response
Nikki looked agitated, I know he was trying to talk to me but he really did hurt my feelings with blowing up on me earlier on in the day. Usually I'm a diva with a temper. But today I was being a sassy diva
We pulled up to a Diner. I was getting ready to get out of the car when Nikki grabbed my arm.
"Can we talk....please?" He pleaded and I rolled my eyes.
"Were going to go in, Iman just hear him out ok." Theresa rubbed my back and got out with Robbin.
"look I'm sorry for how I treated you earlier, I'm just upset over the whole Vince thing. I dont know how to handle it."
"Well drinking and having an attitude aren't going to help you handle it any better. And it's not just your outburst earlier today it was last year as well when you pushed me." I crossed my arms over my chest.
"What the fuck, Mani if I remember correctly you punched me." Nikki turned his full body towards me.
"Well you deserved it, you insulted my family."
"Because you insulted me!" He shouted.
"Were going no where with this Nikki I'm leaving." I opened the car door and he leaned over me quickly and shut it back.
"What the hell Nikki!"
"I would never hurt you on purpose Mani never. And I'm so sorry for last year and what I did today. I just want us to go back to how we were when we were at the record store and when we were meeting at the cafe. I miss you. And I know you miss me too."
He stared at me in my eyes and I needed to turn away from him immediately. I was trying to stay away from him but it just wasn't working. He was driving me insane.
"I'm sorry I made those comments to you and punched your jaw." I giggled and he giggled.
"I might need you to kiss it better for me." Nikki bit his lips and leaned closer to me.
"Nikki I'll punch your other jaw." I laughed while pushing him away and opening the car door.
After we ate at the Diner we went back to the boys home. Nikki helped me with my nerves for my interview that was coming up. He had been interviewed several times so he already knew what it was like. After that we all just sat around watching TV. Nikki and Robbin kept excusing themselves to go to the bathroom. Nikki now was in the bathroom and I had to go. I walked into the bedroom and headed to the bathroom.
"Um Nik I have to pee." I knocked on the door
"Oh uh one sec."
I heard fiddling and things dropping on the ground. He finally opened the door. And he looked different. His eyes were red and droopy and he was holding on to the door for a bit of support.
"Nikki you ok, you dont look so good?" I moved forward and tried to touch him.
"I'm alright just a stomatch ache." He moved back.
"Nik theres blood coming down your arm." I reached to grab his arm but he pulled away.
"I'm fine Iman fuck." He spat. "You said you needed to pee so you can go." He grabbed a little silver box off the counter and moved me to the side and walked out.
I wasnt sure what was going on, but what ever it is Robbin was behaving like Nikki. And I started wondering to myself if Theresa was doing what ever it is that they were doing. ______
February 16, 1985
It was the day of my interview. I quickly got up and got dressed. Tamara told Theresa to book me a glam team and a car service for today. The glam team should be waiting for me when I get there. And the car service was coming to pick me up for 7:00 because my interview was at 10. I ran to Theresa's room to wake her up so she could get ready. But she wasn't in there. She had been partying non stop with Nikki, Robbin, and the members of Hanoi Rocks for the past couple of months.
"Oh my God where is she!" I was freaking out.
Maybe she got up early to grab breakfast for us, or maybe she's downstairs in the lobby. I ran downstairs to check the lobby and she wasn't there. I came back up and decided to call Nikki and Robbin.
Ring Ring Ring
"Mmmm hello."
"Hello, Nikki its Iman please is Theresa there?" I asked a little panicked.
"Yeah but she's recovering from a hang over."
"A hang over! I have my interview today she knows that!" I shouted.
"Hey don't shout in my fucking ear ok, I had a long night." Nikki spat.
"Just put her on the phone please Nikki."
There was a bit of fumbling and then she answered the phone.
"Hello." She slurred
"Hi hello my interview is today you need to hurry back!"
"Mmm can you just do it by yourself I had a long fucking night and my head is pounding. You'll be fine. I need to get some sleep." I heard a thump on the other end but the phone wasn't hung up.
"Hello, hello, Theresa." I called out.
"Iman." It was Nikki's voice.
I started sniffling." Nikki I can't do this alone." I started crying. "She knew how much this interview meant to me. How could she do this?"
"Princess you'll be fine ok just remember what I told you, have fun with it ok." Nikki spoke calmly.
"Ok." He hung up.
8:23 am
"Where the hell is the car service?" I started pacing the room. I grabbed the phone and dialed Nikki's number again.
"Hello?" "Nikki is Theresa still there?" I asked frustrated.
"Uuuuh yeah but I dont think she can come to the phone." Nikki responded hesitantly.
"Oh God Nikki ask her if she booked the car service for me to get to the interview. It was suppose to be here at 7:00 my interview is at 10am." I burst into tears.
"Hey Theresa, hey wake the fuck up. Did you book Imans car service?" Nikki yelled.
"No she didn't she said she forgot. Dont worry princess."
"I have to worry I'll never make it Nikki." I cried.
"Yes you will." Nikki hung up the phone.
I heard a knock on the door. I ran to the door and opened it and saw Nikki standing there.
"Hey princess." He smiled and I jumped into his arms. My hero.
We got into his... oh he bought a new car. Actually it was a jeep. We got into his jeep and he sped down the roads.
We arrived just in time. But Theresa forgot to book a glam team for me. So I had to go on in the black dress I was wearing and sandals. Tamara was not going to be happy about my look. My hair was in a bun but I let it down it was a but wavy. And I didn't have any make up on.
"I look terrible." I frowned and Nikki furrowed his eye brows.
"I've never seen a more beautiful woman in my whole entire life." He put his hand under my chin for me to look up at him.
We stared at each other. Even though it was just seconds it felt like years. We both leaned in ready to do somthing we have never done before.
"Hey Iman 2 Minutes till go time."
Our eyes gaze was interrupted by Joan's producer. And a good thing to. I can't be with Nikki. So far 3 people have already told me no. _____
Joan Rivers- My next guest is a star on the rising. She has been on 30 teen magazine covers, she has stared in the hit block buster movie of 1983, and she's also staring in the new TV comedy sitcome. Please give it up for our darling, Iman Darlington.
I walk and wave at everyone. Oh my goodness I'm sooo nervous.
Joan Rivers- Hi Iman it's a pleasure to have you.
Iman- it's a pleasure to be here. Thank you.
The interview went very well. By the time she asked me about my family and growing up I was comfortable. But more so because I glanced to the side to see Nikki standing there. It really helped me. I walked off and hugged Nikki. I felt so happy. Hopefully my other interviews would be just like this. _______
"Nikki honestly I don't even know how to thank you for this." I smiled, I felt like a million dollars.
"Well I mean a kiss on the lips would be nice." Nikki turned to me and pouted.
"Keep your eyes on the road Nikki." I chuckled.
"Well I'm kind of hungry we can go out to eat?"
"Nikki your always going out to eat, cant you cook?" I raised an eyebrow.
"No never learned. Can you cook?" He asked with an amused look.
"Yes I can I was taught at a young age."
"So then why don't you cook for me?" He smiled.
I have to admit his smile was so cute and it didn't help that he covered his eyes so that he couldn't be seen. It made him so adorable. Kind of like a lost puppy.
"We have to go to the grocery store."
It was weird seeing Nikki in the grocery store. He didnt look like he fitted in with the rest of the customers. But he was so cute picking out fruits and vegetables. People were staring at us, we looked like an odd couple me looking all dolled up like a princess and him looking like a rock star in all leather. Plus he was Nikki Sixx after all, so girls were fawning over him. Actually they kept coming up to him and asking for pictures. So I was left to shop by myself pushing my cart.
"I dont know if crushed Tomatos would be better for a stew." I say to myself.
"I usually use crushed Tomatos for making stew." A voice responded behind me. I turned around and saw a very very handsome man standing behind me.
"Oh do you, and how does it taste?" I asked. "Well.... you can find out your self if you'd like?" He smiled. His teeth were white, Colgate white. He looked sheek and slick. Like someone you would take to go meet your parents. I could tell he was rich as well with the Givenchy suit he was wearing.
"That sounds-"
"Iman!" Nikki called out interrupting me while walking towards me.
"Oh hey Nik." I say scratching behind my neck. Well this is awkward.
"Can I help you?" Nikki asked crossing his arms over his chest sizing the man up.
"Uh I was just helping the young lady decide on a good stew." He smiled nervously.
I could tell Nikki didn't like him already. Nikki seemed like a very jealous type of guy.
"We're leaving now." Nikki grabs my arm and pulls the cart.
We payed for the groceries and headed out to his car. Nikki was quiet during the car ride. He gripped onto the steering wheel tight to the point where his knuckles were turning white.
"Nikki." I called out to him and he ignored me.
"Nikki" I sighed. "He was really helping me with a good stew." I chuckled.
"Iman don't be naieve. He was trying to get your number. You're just a peice of ass to him."
"Wow ok." I looked out the window.
"Look you're mine ok, and I don't want anyone else near you or having you." Nikki spat.
"Nikki you're not my boyfriend I can talk to guys if I want to." It went a bit quiet in the car.
"We'll see about that." Nikki scoffed.
In the truth I liked Nikki but as a friend. I didn't want anything else more than that. ______
We were in the kitchen cooking. And Nikki seriously had no idea what he was doing. I had to give him a really easy task. And that task was boil water, but even that was too hard for him. He kept excusing himself to go to the bathroom and leaving me to watch the water. I decided on making lasagna.
"Hey Nik the lasagna is in the oven so we could just chill and watch TV while we wait." I called out to him.
No response
I walked towards the bathroom and knocked on the door "Hey Sixx you alright?" I called. "Nikki." I knocked on the door again.
"Yeah I'm good I just have a... a runny stomatch is all."
"Oh ok." I walked away.
I walked to the living room and turned on the TV and sat on the couch. It had been a couple minutes and Nikki was still in the bathroom. Finally the door opened and he came out. And he didn't look good.
"Jesus Nikki you look pale, are you alright?" I stood up and cupped his cheeks in my hand.
"Yeah yeah um...I gotta I gotta go ok." He rushed passed me. "But the lasagna Nikki?"
"Just save me some ok princess." He turned back and kissed my forehead and bolted out the door.
Later that Night
I heard the front door open so I came out of my room and saw Theresa, she looked just like Nikki pale and sick with droopy eyes. Something wasn't right and I'm starting to feel like it's drugs. After all she had white powder on her nose in the bathroom at the Rainbow when Nikki took us. _____
February 17, 1985
Nikki called me early in the morning and asked if I wanted to come with him to the recording studio. I agreed, I thought it would be interesting to see how people recorded in a studio. Motley were to be releasing there new album this year.
"Where you off to?" Theresa asked.
"Nikki asked me if I could come to the recording studio with him." I responded while making my self breakfast.
"Do you want something to eat, you look frail?"
"No I don't, and Tamara is not going to be happy with you going any where with Nikki. You know that already." she frowned.
I'm not sure what has gotten into Theresa but she seemed alittle bitter. Maybe even a bit mad.
"Its just them recoding. I'll give you the adress. It's at Cherokee Studios."
"It doesn't matter Iman ok, Nikki is bad news. And so is Robbin. They have been strutting the streets of LA with the guys from Hanoi Rocks as if they are kings of the world." Theresa snapped.
I was so confused at what was going on. "Did Robbin or Nikki do somthing to you?" We were interrupted by a knock at the door. I went to open it and Nikki was there. He looked pale and tired.
"Hey princess you ready?"
"Yeah let me just grab my bag." I say walking to the room. When I came back out Theresa and Nikki didnt say one word to each other. In fact they were scowling at each other. ___
"Oh what's this?" I grabbed a book off the floor of his car. "The Theater of Cruelty." I read. "What's this about?"
"Well, I was reading about the relationship between theater, politics, and culture from the olden days when entertainers who failed to make a king laugh would be put to death."
"Oh that sounds interesting. What's the album called?"
"Originally I was going to call it Entertainment or Death but I changed it to Theater of Pain. And I'll tell you something funny. Our manager Doug Thaler tattooed it on his arm." He laughed.
Nikki's laugh was charming. But when I heard him speak I could tell he was very intellectual. He told me more about what he wanted from the album. But he also said he had only written 5 songs. We arrived at the studio and it was nothing like I have ever seen before. There were two rooms I guess one side was for recording and the other was for mixing the recordings. Mick was sitting on the couch drinking vodka, Tommy was hitting his head on his drums and there was Jack Daniel bottles everywhere with a platter of white substance in it.
"Hey sixx is here Tommy." Mick spoke up. "Hey Iman how are you?"
"Hey Mick I'm good just checking you guys out." I smiled.
"Dude, dude, dude hey long time Iman, why'd you stay away from us?" Tommy ran and picked me up and swung me around.
"I'm sorry I've been really busy. How's your wife Candice?"
"Oh I divorced her crazy ass." Tommy laughed.
They all looked like a mess. Nikki excused himself to go to the bathroom. And when he came back out he sat on the couch and started drinking. His eyes became droopy and he looked like he was about to pass out.
"Dude check this out." Tommy grabbed me and pulled me towards the piano he started playing a tune on it that sounded so nice.
"Wow I love it." I looked over and saw Tommy's drum kit. I had always wanted to sit behind a drum kit. "Soooo uh Tommy can I." I pointed to the drum kit.
"Yeah dude c'mon." He pulled me and I sat in front of him and he kneeled behind me. He took my hand in his and started hitting the drums slow. "Mmmmm you smell good." Tommy smiled at me.
I turned my head to the side to look at him and smiled back. "Well it's the lotion I use." I smirked
"I'd love to try some of that lotion but not from the bottle." Tommy joked.
I turned around and saw Nikki glaring at us. He did not look happy. As a matter of fact he was clenching his jaw.
The door all of a sudden opens and in walks Vince. When Vince arrived at the studio there was no tearful reunion. It was awkward in there, very awkward. I at least broke the tension and got up to give him a hug. "Hey how are you feeling?" I broke the hug "Not too good but im getting there. Thanks for asking." He walked passed me and headed to the guys.
"Hey." Vince spoke to the guys.
"Hey." Nikki spoke up.
"Um here are the lyrics."
"Home sweet home" Vince looked up at Nkkki.
"Yeah it's been too long brother." Nikki smiled. "Here, have a bump with me." Nikki picked up the silver platter and handed it to Vince.
Vince leaned down and snorted what I now know is drugs off of the silver platter. My eyes went wide when I saw Vince cover up his mouth and run to the garbage throwing everything up.
"What the fuck was that?" Vince asked.
"Smack, man," Nikki told him
"Smack? What the fuck are you doing that for?"
"Because it's cool."
"Jesus you're fucked up, fuck you!! I know what you guys are all thinking. Yeah I'm the bad guy I killed Razzle but it could have happened to anyone of you!" Vince shouted and left the studio.
"Nice job Nikki." Mick spoke up. ______
Nikki dropped me back at Theresa's place, and walked me upstairs.
"So you gonna let me come in?" He moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Nope." I responded popping the p.
"Your a tough one. Most girls are begging to be with me. But you...you keep running away from me. Why's that?" He chuckled as he pulled me in closer.
"Cause I'm not like those rocker girls you talk to." I whispered. He leaned down closing the gap between us and I pulled away. "Why do you do drugs Nikki?" I asked.
His eyes went wide.
"Princess I only snort coke that's it."
"Yeah but even that is bad."
Nikki glared at me and clenched his jaw. "I have to go." He told me.
"Nikki wait I'm telling you this as your friend it's not-
"Just mind your own buissness Iman, ok!" He snapped and cut me off.
"Ok." I said quietly. He stormed off and walked away. All I could say was that Nikki is definitely trouble.
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milkchu · 5 years
❝anyway the wind blows❞ ♔ thirteen.
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Summary: (Y/N) Mercury’s journey of love, fame, and pain, alongside what would become one of the most legendary bands ever, Queen.
Pairing: Borhap!Queen x Reader, eventual Brian May x Reader
Warnings: just a hint of angst.
⇦ previous chapter // next chapter ⇨
“I’m not even hurt by the fact that she’s let me go as a friend. But you can only be there so much for a person.”
“And so, Mr. Prenter, all these stories about (Y/N) Mercury and her lovers… that there were so many. Is it really true?”
“Yes, it is. Her lovers were countless.”
You stare blank-faced at the television, thinking, of course he would do this. But, you didn’t care. Not even one bit.
“So, you really did see what was behind the mask?”
Not wanting to hear any more of it, you grabbed the telephone from the table beside you and dialed a number you should have before, “Hello?”
“Miami?” You said, almost croaking.
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Jim raised his brows up, definitely not expecting a phone call from you, “(Y/N)? How are you?”
“There was this Africa concert… that wants Queen to play. Is that still…”
“You mean Live Aid?” Jim leaned back in his chair, sighing, “They’ve announced all the bands, (Y/N). It’s too late.”
“I need… I need to reconnect with the mothership,” You said softly.
“(Y/N), they don’t want anything to do with you. They’re still very upset.”
Feeling your chest ache a little bit, you continued, “Maybe if you ask them… they would meet me. Tell them I want to talk. Just talk.”
Tears glossed over your eyes, you managed to let out, “We’re family.”
“You know, family have fights… all the time.”
“I can call.”
“Thank you… Jim.”
Looking back towards the television before ending the call, you heard the interviewer ask, “How would you describe her on the inside as a person?”
Paul scoffed, “For me, (Y/N) will always be this frightened little girl who’s afraid to be alone.”
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Next thing you know you were sitting on one of the seats in Miami’s office, tapping your fingers on the armrest, patiently waiting. For the first time.
You tried to occupy yourself and avoid the uncomfortable feeling in your stomach by fixing your hair, fiddling with the hem of your black dress, or adjusting your leather jacket.
You looked towards Miami, who was carefully watching you the whole time, “Where are they?”
“They’re late.”
Nodding at his sentence, you couldn’t help but let a small smile grace your lips, almost chuckling at the thought. But your thoughts were soon interrupted by knocks on the glass door.
You quickly let out a breath and adjusted your position, before looking up to the three, Brian coming in first. Miami greeted, “Hi, guys.”
“Jim,” Brian acknowledged before he looked towards you, his face unreadable. Though the sight of him, especially after not seeing him for so long, never fails to make your heart beat faster than normal. Roger came in after, a glare hidden under his sunglasses, while John simply looked at his feet.
“If anybody wants any tea, coffee, bladed weapons… just ask.”
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The three took their seats, Brian letting out a sigh as he sat nearest to you.
“So…” Miami started, “Who wants to go first?”
Staring at the coffee table, you spoke up, “I’ll start.”
“I’ve been hideous. I know that, and… I deserve your fury. I’ve been conceited, selfish…” You tried to look for more words but just decided on, “Well, an asshole, basically.”
“Strong beginning,” Roger retorted.
“Look, I’m happy to strip off my shirt and flagellate myself before you,” You said in a louder tone before saying softly, “Or rather, I could ask you a simple question.”
“I’m good with the flagellation.”
Ignoring Roger’s words, you let out a sigh, “What’s it gonna take for you all to forgive me?”
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“Is that what you want, (Y/N)?” Brian asked, “I forgive you? Is that it? Can we go now?”
You immediately shook your head, “No.” Everyone in the room now looking at you, puzzled, before you continued, “I went to Munich.”
“I hired a bunch of guys. I told them exactly what I wanted them to do and the problem was…” You looked at them, “they did it.”
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“No pushback from Roger. None of your rewrites,” You turned to Brian, then to John, “None of his funny looks,” a tight-lipped smile made its way to John’s face, Roger softly smiling at what you said, “I need my boys.” 
“I need you... and you need me.”
Hearing no response, you decided to lighten up the mood by patting Brian’s shoulder, letting out a chuckle, “Let’s face it. We’re not bad for four aging queens.” His face not changing.
“So, um, go ahead. Name your terms.”
Brian continued to stare at you before speaking up, “Could you give us a moment, please, (Y/N)?”
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Your smile fell, before slowly standing up, and walking out the door. Once you were out of the room, John asked Brian, “Why’d you do that?”
Brian shrugged, “I just felt like it.” The three of them letting out soft laughs.
Meanwhile, outside, both hands in your jacket pockets, leaning your back against the wall just beside Miami’s office, you stared at the floor, a million things going through your mind. Hearing the door open and close again, Miami walked towards you.
“They’ll be all right. They just need a bit of time.”
You continued to stare blankly at the floor, “What if I don’t have time?”
“What do you mean, (Y/N)?”
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Thankfully, for now, you didn’t have to tell him as John opened the door and stepped out, “You can come back in now, if you’d like.”
Sitting back down on your seat, Roger spoke up, “We decided… what did we decide?”
John sighed, “From now on… every song, no matter who wrote it, music, lyrics… it’s by Queen. Not one of us, just Queen. All the money, all the credits split four ways evenly.”
You nodded, “Done.”
“We have a problem with the people around you,” Roger added.
“Paul is out. I fired him.”
“On what pretext?”
“Villainy. What else?”
“Bob Geldof,” Miami spoke up, “I called to convince him to squeeze you guys into the lineup for the Live Aid concert but he wants an answer now. You have to make a decision. Every ticket is already sold.”
“A hundred thousand people at Wembley, hundred thousand people at JFK Stadium in Philadelphia. A global TV audience around the world of a hundred and fifty countries, thirteen satellites. The Olympics only had three.”
“We haven’t played together in years,” Roger started, “It’s kinda suicide to play again for the first time in front of millions.”
Brian corrected, “Try over one point five billion,” before he scoffed, “Who are these four dinosaurs? Where’s Madonna?”
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“It’s a twenty-minute set. Everyone gets the same,” Miami said, “Jagger, Bowie, Elton, McCartney, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Phil Collins, REO Speedwagon, Bob Dylan.”
“Certainly good company,” John said.
“Anybody who is anybody is doing this concert.”
“Look,” You spoke up, “All I know… is that if we wake up the day after this concert and we didn’t do our part… we’re going to regret it till the day we die.”
You didn’t know how, but you managed to contain yourself. Not in front of them. Not right now. Saying out in an almost shaky voice, “Please.”
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a/n: sorry for the short chapter, i think you all know what happens next and i just wanted the next part to be its own chapter since it’s very major!
tags: @b-hardys // @hunterswearingplaid // @livingforrt // @bensrhapsody // @jennyggggrrr // @little-weirdo-13 // @kemeryyyy // @yoonlatte // @geek-and-proud // @everything-you-dont-wanna-be // @itsametaphorbriansblog // @marequeenii // @killer-queen-xo // @jedi-dreea // @achernarsaa // @nevaeh-potter15 // @banana-tree-freddiemercury // @rogertaylorssunglasses // @pyrotechnic789 // @mirkwoodshewolf // @stuff-exists // @toger-raylor // @langdonzvoid // @imamazzellhoe // @tbird20165 // @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen // @theswedishblonde // @oliviaharddyy // @sunflower-borhap-boys // @rocknrollsavedmysoul13 // @sincereleygmg // @mylifeissucky123 // @teenwolflover28 // @perrythefrickinplatypus // @deakysmisfire // @simonedk // @rockyroadthepastryarchy // @warren-lauren // @sarai-ibn-la-ahad // @danny-fucking-mercury
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