#he basically looked like the type of shirtless man you’d see on the cover of a romance novel 😂
sluttyten · 2 months
I had a dream last night that some new NCT album teaser pics dropped and Haechan’s was a shirtless one and the man had a six pack , like he was ripped
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achliegh · 3 years
Yeehaw Leo… it's all because this song came on one day (I don’t even really listen to country anymore so it really is fate). Leo is based off that song, each chapter is going to be based off a yeehaw song too.
Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Beta: @the-most-slyterin-hufflepuff & @punkkkboi
TW/CW: Smut, terrible yeehaw sayings and jokes, injuries, mentions of past death, minor character death, underage drinking, mentions of past arrests, cringe
Chapter Songs (listening in order is recommended):
Chapter 5:
Redneck Woman
Red Solo Cup
Eloise smiles as Leo continues to ramble on about these boys who have clearly stolen his heart. She sips her black coffee and sets it down on the counter she is leaning against. Walking over to her offspring, that is a total of two inches taller than her, she kisses his cheek causing him to stop mid sentence.
“Was I rambling too much?” The red appearing on his cheeks made her smile, ruffling his hair that is in need of his yearly head shave. He swats her hand away. “I know it's long but because someone told me how to keep my hair healthy.” Looks pointedly at her as she snorts. “I only cut my hair once a year and it's a full shave.” He sticks out his tongue.
“Who even raised you to be so disrespectful?” She dramatically puts her hand on her chest, then tightens the ties on her robe. Giving him a motherly smile she thanks him as he puts some toad in a hole on a plate for her. “I don’t have my hearing friend in to help me listen to you,” She makes a gesture like she is swooning with her hand on her forehead and her hand fanning herself. “ GuSh, about your hockey boys. But, it is very sweet.”
“I really like them Mama… I think you and Daddy would too.” He focuses on his toast as he takes a bite and brushes the crumbs onto the floor, much to Eloise’s annoyance. She knows this is a sign of him wanting to trust his emotions but doesn’t want to jinx himself.
“Come here, let's get all the motherly squishing done before Clay and… what was his name? Rex?” She pulls him into a tight hug and crushes him in her arms with her old lady strength. He relaxes completely into her and hugs back just as tight but making sure not to hurt her. He makes sure to have his head on her right shoulder so she can hear him.
“Reg, his name is Regulus but we call him Reg. I think you should try and adopt him like you did with Clay. Pseudo Mother is just your personality now that you are so old.” He squeaks and gets out of her death grip hug as she pokes his ribs. “RUDE!”
She is still cackling as Clayton bursts through the door announcing his entrance, running into the kitchen.
“I smell food!” He hops on the counter and begins earring Leo’s breakfast. She pats his knee with a happy yet defeated look on her face. She has told him so many times not to climb on the counters that cost more than some people's entire house. “Mm! Ma, meet Reg.” He gestures to a boy who looks like he feels entirely out of place, she was going to tell Clay off for talking with his mouth full but she has a new mission now.
Protect this kid.
After making a mess and eating, Clay and Leo go out to load the trailer and Horses up for the drive to Texas where the rest of their team already is. Eloise has started on the dishes and looks over to Reg and nods him over.
“You know how to rinse dishes?”
“No Ma’am.” She smiles at him and pushes the faucet to face the sink in front of him.
“No need to call me Ma’am, call me Eloise. Now, you just run the dish under the hot warmer and get all the suds off. Make sure I don't miss any food or spots because I am just a helpless old lady at the end of the day.” She gets a small smile to form at his lips as she shows him exactly how to rinse. An easy task, but one that he was never taught. That triggers something in her head that makes her think he was told he only has one purpose in life. No one only has a single purpose in life. “Who are your parents Reg?” She notices him tense at the question and immediately regrets asking.
“Orion and Walburga Black.” Simple and straightforward answer. He doesn’t want to talk about them. She nods and hums in acknowledgement. Passing the last few dishes in silence, she drains the sink and turns to look at him.
“So, what did Marigold and Bluebell tell you to convince you to come with them this summer?” She smiles at him as his whole demeanor changes. He smiles that same small smile but he visibly relaxes.
“First off, Marigold… Bluebell? What the fuck kinda names are those.” Eloise laughs in surprise. “Second, we watched tiktoks half drunk together for two hours while the rest of the team socialized.” She nods her head, that does sound like what those two would do. “And Third, I have been needing to get away from my brother and his boyfriend so they can boink in peace and not have to worry about me hearing.” He looks at her and his smile drops off his face. “Sorry, Leo told me you were laid back and I thought it would be alright to share this type of stuff with-”
“Reg I think you are a wonderful man who is going to keep those two pea-brains in line while on the road. Maybe loosen up a little yourself.” She smiles. “Is it alright if I give you physical affection? I tend to be a touchy person and not realize it.” He pauses for a moment and then nods, she pats his cheek and smiles as the other two walk back into the kitchen.
Reg is still a little stunned when Clay throws his arm around his shoulder and jostles him around.
After kisses and hugs goodbye Leo hops into the driver's seat, Clay in the passenger and Reg in the middle seat of the back. Reg has barely seen a truck in his life but this vehicle was fucking huge. Giant. Thicc some might say. The first few hours of driving was a podcast that Clay was in the middle of listening to when he picked up Reg. Once that ended Reg descended into music hell.
He has come to the conclusion that most country songs are about the three G’s.
Guns, God, Goodies (meaning like titties)
He was absolutely taken aback by how Leo was screaming, we can’t call it singing its terrible, these songs that are the complete opposite of him. Clayton at least liked goodies. There was one song that will probably stick with Reg his entire life. Redneck Woman by Gretchen Wilson.
Holy shit. When that song came on it was like Leo and Clay were having a contest of who could sing it the loudest. So, Reg decided that for his first check in with the team. Which Sirius was making him do because he is paranoid. Reg decided he would turn around in his seat and film a video of him painfully smiling and giving a thumbs up to the camera as Leo and Clay scream at each other.
Clay sees Reg recording and flips off the camera still singing. An hour later they pull up to this massive ranch style AirBnB with stables and all. It must have cost a fortune. Reg hops out of the truck and feels out of place, Yeehaws everywhere. Okay, there were like three of them and this giant man with long hair and a braided beard, covered in tattoos just reading a book on the front porch.
“That's our tattoo artist, he travels with us because he is the only person Leo and I trust to tattoo us. You’d like him, his name is Hagrid. But, no time to chit chat! We need to teach you some of the basics, we’ve got a rodeo in two nights. I am competing on Leroy and Peanut is just here for fun. How about we teach you how to care for them a bit?” Clay smiles at him and Reg remembers he is with people who want to be friends with him… for him. Not because of hockey or his family, not because his brother made them. Just for him. Reg went willingly with Clay to watch Leo as he led the horses one by one out into a pen for them to roam around in for a bit.
Clay went into more detail about how they care for them and what he thinks Reg can do. It was night already so they decided to go inside, Leo asked around to see what people were hungry for and made almost anything after someone had got groceries.
“I didn’t know you could cook.” Reg was sitting across the island from Leo as he finished up the food, having watched him make the entire meal.
“Mama taught me how to cook when I was younger, it was the one thing I did that wouldn’t get me in trouble with the law.” He rolls his eyes at the thought of the sheriff and Reg decides not to press. “What do you want to do tomorrow while Clay practices?”
They got wasted. Mostly on jello shots, Leo taught Reg the trick: rim job, blow job, swallow. Leo had promised the boys he would call them, he didn’t want to do it drunk but he misses them like crazy. Drunk or not he was going to call them. So, there he is sitting on the balcony out of his bedroom waiting for them to answer. Finn picks up first, shirtless and sweating.
“Okay Finn, I love this” Gesturing in a circle at Finn who just smiles out of breath and wipes his face with a towel. “But I need you to calm down, because I’m a little tipsy and that means I’m very horny.” He smiles when Finn laughs.
“Well I’m glad to know that even on truth serum you find me attractive.” Finn sets his phone down but props it up on some books as he finishes his warm down stretches from his run he just came back from.
Then Logan picks up, in Leo’s T shirt he left for him last time. It was baggy on him and his hair was messed up from sleeping. The side of his face is a little red and there are lines from his pillow squished into his face. He sleepily smiles at the camera.
“Hi Leo.” Leo groans in response and leans his head back.
“You two are gonna be the death of me. Fucking Christ.” He signs and looks at Logan who is suddenly bright red but smiling back. “You’re beautiful Sweet Pea.”
“Really?” Logan looks at him with such big unbelieving eyes that it breaks Leo’s heart.
“Mhm you and Finn make my little heart do a pitter-patter every time I think of y’all.” Being drunk Leo’s accent is incredibly thick.
“You sound like a true southern man there, Le. How is Texas?” Finn is sitting on the ground criss cross with his hands resting on his knees. Logan has laid back down and snuggled up with his blanket on his side. “You’ve been there a day right?”
“Yes sir! I have been here for a full 27 hours now and I can say, it ain’t no Louisiana but it’ll do.” He shows off his chipped tooth and hears a trilling sound on his railing and looks over to see a mama opossum with her babies hanging on her back. He smiles and flips the camera. “Look at This Little Mama!” He reaches his hand out and she looks at it suspicious. Logan told Leo to stop and Finn said no, but he knows what he’s doing.
To their surprise, the mama just lets Leo pet her under her chin and Finn takes so many pictures. The opossum lets Leo pet her babies with his finger and he pats her head on last time before he goes inside to flop on his bed.
“So, We’ve been thinking” Leo lifts his phone to be above his face as he slowly starts dozing off. “We want to come out.” Leo’s eyes snap open and he drops the phone on his face, rolling over to his stomach he wiggles his nose as he processes what Finn just said.
“Wait, like all three of us or just your two?”
“Well, we thought we would leave that up to you…”
“I think to start, it would be safest for all of us, if you two came out together first. We can talk about me coming out when I’m done traveling this summer, okay?” They all smile at each other nervously and Finn notices a couple of watery sniffles from Logan, they were going to talk to Dumo and Sirius tomorrow. Maybe then they can talk more.
“Leo, do you want to move in… in the fall? Winter? I mean you don’t have too but I would like it and I bet Logan would too. We miss you.” Finn has his fingers crossed where the others can’t see.
“I would love to, let me give you my Mama’s number. She will be so glad to get me out of the house the rest of the year.” He laughs a little, they fall into a comfortable silence and Leo drifts off, fully dressed in his boots and everything. Clutching his phone like he never has.
Finn knocks on the Dumias door the next day. Nervous about this talk they are going to have with the other French speaking people. Finn can’t speak French so he hopes they don’t start speaking it because he will just up and leave. Logan opens the door and Finn can’t help the soppy smile that crosses his face when he sees Logan in his sweatshirt. He wondered where it went. Logan and Him walk into the dinning room where Sirius and Dumo are talking about new plays they want to practice. They look up when they enter the room and stand across from them.
“Dumo, Sirius I need you to mind your fucking business.”
“What he means to say is why did you tell Leo that he hurt Logan?” Finn translated.
“I was the one that hurt Leo! Leo did nothing and you guys fucking made him doubt us even more!” Logan crossed his arms and Finn rested a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.
“What? That's why you were so sad? Because of something you did… Logan, I know we sound like broken records at this point but please start talking to us.” Dumo looks at him with a slightly frustrated look in his eyes but also worry. It makes Logan’s skin crawl.
“I think you meant well with the shovel talk, but Logan was the one who broke things off with Leo before it even started. He told Leo we didn’t want him and all this other shit that was Logan being… scared.” Finn feels Logan take his hand and interlock their fingers. He looks at the smaller man and squeezes his hand as a way to say, I’m here.
Dumo and Sirius didn’t get another word in before Logan was dragging Finn out the door. Staying at his apartment for a few days. Lo already has some clothes there and… they had to film something special.
Rodeo the next day went well. The after party was even better.
They were in a large steel building with everyone, concrete floors covered in dirt with people swinging dancing their hearts out. Leo was drinking and Clay was drinking, they somehow managed to lose clay about twenty minutes ago. Reg was getting a facetime from Sirius and answered it so Sirius doesn’t worry, the music is so loud that he can barely hear him until a less background heavy song comes on and Leo is humming it while drinking out of his red solo cup.
“Reg where are you!?” Sirius was yelling because it was so loud and Remus was in the background trying not to laugh.
“I’m at an after party! Are you with the team?” Sirius nods and flips the camera to show everyone and Leo’s eye catches his boys.
“FINN! LOGAN!” He yells super loud so everyone turns to face sirius’ phone. “IF YOU WERE HERE RIGHT NOW I WOULD TOTALLY SUCK YOUR DICKS IN THE BATHROOM! AT THE SAM- CLAY!” Leo sees Clay in the ocean of people and scurries off before finishing his sentence. Reg looks back at his phone and shrugs. Finn and Logan are bright red and getting chirped to hell for sure but the music is so loud that he can’t hear them.
“I’ll call you when I get back to the BnB!” Sirius nods and hangs up. Wrestling two drunk idiots into an uber is fine but getting them out was like untangling headphones that you left in your pocket for three years.
Just legs everywhere.
Hands? Don’t know how to use them.
Braincell? Reg has it.
At some point Clayton started crying because a guy he thinks he has a crush on has a girlfriend and he isn’t Leo so he can’t convince two people to love him. Very dramatic. Leo thinks he lost his phone, even though he gave it to Reg at the beginning of the night, and he is worried someone will find it and steal his nudes for their own. Reg doesn’t even know how to respond to that.
Waking up the next morning. Leo has a mild headache, but nothing that will stop him from driving. It was going to be a good day. Especially when Leo got his phone back and saw a tiktok notification from Finn and Logan.
They came out last night.
Time to wreak havoc.
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obxfishon · 4 years
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 JJ x Reader
Description: The Pogues teach a boy a very important lesson on consent.
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: okay I got a little carried away, but a very important lesson in this one, doesn’t go any further than some non consensual touches, but still a very serious topic :)  
“(y/n), c’mon we gotta get over to John B’s to meet the boys!” Kiara yelled from the other room. 
“You could help me find my other shoe rather than yell at me if you want this to move faster you know!” you called back, leaning down still searching for the matching converse. 
After another five minutes of you and Kie looking you found it and tied it on.
“Okay, let’s goooo,” you smiled and grabbed the keys to your jeep. 
You moved to the island a few months after Kie, around the time things had started falling apart between her and Sarah. Your Mom was big in the Hotel business so you were considered a Kook, but you had a love for the simpler things in life, Kie saw this and took you under her wing and introduced you to the boys. 
Your mom could be more on the strict side and wasn’t a fan of you hanging out with the Pogues, but that just seemed like an extra push to start hanging out with them. Usually you would be dressed like a Kook when going out, no matter what the event, had to keep up your mom's nice reputation, but tonight was different. Your mother was off the island for the week due to some conference she had to attend, this meant you didn’t have anyone looking over your shoulder telling you what to wear, how to act, or correcting your posture every few seconds. 
As soon as she left you told Kie to come and to bring outfit choices, this party would be the first one you could go to dressed how you wanted. Silly issue to be having, but the adrenaline rush this was giving you was something else. 
Pulling into John B’s house you saw all the boys carrying the keg into his van, and you girls wasted no time in jumping out and rushing to help pack things. 
“Hey ladies how- woah (y/n),” JJ’s words came to a halut as he saw what you were wearing. 
Usually every part of you was covered in public, meaning one piece swimsuits or tankini sort of things, tonight you were wearing a bandeau bikini top with an unbuttoned shirt hanging off your shoulders, leaving your midriff exposed for the first time. Your jean shorts were also shorter than usual, but the whole outfit just felt so, so you, for the first time. 
“Doesn’t she look great? Her mom is out of town for the week and we’re finally able to figure out her inner Pogue look,” Kie squealed. John B let out one of the whistles that are usually only heard in movies, 
“Damn (y/n), finally showing some skin,” he winked and pushed your shoulder as he walked past and into his house for the last load of beers. 
“Yeah gonna be a struggle to keep all the horny tourists off you (y/n),” Pope laughed and got into the van to get ready to go. Kie followed him and as you went to do the same JJ finally found his words again. 
“Uh, yeah, really trying to steal my shirtless look aren't you,” He joked and slung an arm around your shoulders causing some butterflies to stir. 
You and JJ had always joked and stuff back and forth, but you couldn’t help the feelings that grew for him, but you didn’t think he felt the same, he flirted with Kie as well, and any girl that would cross his path for that matter, so you saw it as just a helpless crush.
After arriving at the boneyard the crew set everything up and people slowly started filtering in, and Kie was quick to pull you out and you both started conversations with anyone who was willing to talk. Every so often JJ would swing by and replace your empty drink with a full one, you’d smile and thank him, and then disappear again. 
Within an hour the party was in full swing and you were properly tipsey, not drunk, but just enough that you could feel your worries slip away. 
Noticing your cup was near empty you finished it and started making your way towards where JJ was at the drink table, you made eye contact and before you could hold your cup up to signal you were empty a hand came to rest on your hip and turned you away from where you were going. 
“Oh, uh hi,” you look up to see some boy that you had never seen around before. 
“Well hello there gorgeous,” he smiled a crooked smile that some would see as cute, but you were all too aware of his hand that was making its way lower from its original placement on your hip. Trying to casually break away, you removed his hand and offered a quick, 
“Sorry I need to go grab a refill,” before trying to walk away again. 
Within seconds his arm was slung around your shoulders. 
“Ah perfect, I'm empty too, i’ll join you.” he smiled again and not knowing what else to do. You offered a small nodd, knowing as soon as you got closer to your friends they would take care of him. 
Back on your original course you looked up and made eye contact with JJ from a distance again, who was already looking at you, as well as Pope and John B. Even from a distance they could tell you were not comfortable, as you drew closer they already had a plan. 
“Ah! (Y/n/n), what’s up?” John B smiled a grin full of mischief as you finally reached the table. 
You opened your mouth to respond but the boy beside you took it upon himself to pull you closer to himself and answer for you. 
“The lady and I just need a refill,” he answered and sent a wink your way. 
Knowing the boys had something up their sleeve you played along and sent him a fake smile and finished it with an eye roll sent towards JJ as soon as the boy looked away. 
“Well sure thing bud,” Pope smiled and sent a wink your way. 
Before you knew it a cup beer was spilt all over the boy, and also you due to your proximity. The beer all over the boy caused him to release his hold and take a step back. Within these seconds JJ and John B had swung around the table, JJ pulling you towards him and John B offering apologies to the boy. 
“Oh bro I am so sorry, that usually never happens,” John B was fighting off a smile, everyone knowing it had happened on purpose. 
The boy scowled and looked back at you now in the arms of JJ, somehow not realizing that you weren’t interested. 
“C’mon,” he motioned to you, “let’s go dry off somewhere quiet.” 
“Nah man, I’ve got her, don’t worry I’ll take good care of her.” JJ responded and pulled you towards the back of the drink table with him. 
The boy rolled his eyes and finally walked away. As soon as he was out of view, you hit Pope in the arm. “That's for soaking me with beer,” followed by a hug for each of them, “and that's for taking care of him.” you laughed and the boys did as well. 
“Here,” JJ spoke, taking the unbuttoned shirt off he was wearing and replacing your beer soaked one with his. 
“Not like I need a shirt anyways, the ladies love a bare chest.” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and you laughed again as you shrugged on the new shirt. It was a bit bigger than the one you originally were wearing but smelled of JJ so it didn’t matter. 
You hung with the boys and helped fill drinks until a particular song came on. You looked across the beach and saw Kiara doing the same, as soon as you made eye contact she started running towards you. 
“Gotta go boys, this is Kie and I’s song!” you yelled at them before breaking into a run yourself and meeting Kie in the middle, breaking into a crazy set of jumping and movements that could very loosely be described as “dancing”. 
Feeling the alcohol running through your veins you close your eyes and throw your hands to the sky, head leaning back and spin in a circle, truly enjoying yourself. Opening your eyes you saw that Kie was doing some weird set of moves herself and you both laughed until you felt unwanted hands on your hips and a mouth by your ear, 
“Forget about me?” the boy from before whispered and you slightly panicked, Kie making eye contact with you and felt the tension. 
“Uh hey dude, did she say you could hold her like that?” She asked as she moved closer, going to make an attempt at breaking him off but the boy just tightened his grip and pulled the two of you away, you could feel little finger shaped bruises forming where his grip held strong. You saw her eyes flicker behind you and a smirk fell on her lips. 
“Dude, I think you have about ten seconds to let her go before you get the shit beat out of you.” Kie said in a sing-song voice looking directly at the boy with determination in her eyes. 
You heard him scoff and he moved his arms around you fully, a hand about to rest on your breast before you struggled and he was ripped off of you and you were in the arms of a more familiar boy. 
JJ held you to his chest and you relaxed into him, already feeling safer. 
“Bro what the fuck is your problem?” The still unnamed boy looked at JJ with rage in his eyes. 
By now a crowd was forming around JJ, the boy and yourself, and the music had cut off. Kiara, Pope, and John B all made their way to yours and JJ’s side, all staring at the boy who dared try to make a move on you without permission. 
“What’s my problem? Dude what’s yours? You can’t just go around touching girls because you can’t keep it in your pants.” JJ retaliated. 
“Oh please, she was enjoying it, weren’t you sweetheart?” He winked at you. 
“Nah nah nah, you don’t look at her, you’re speaking to me,” JJ looked at him with daggers in his eyes, “and I don’t think she expressed any type of way of saying that she enjoyed your touch.” 
“If she didn’t want my attention then maybe she should have been wearing something less..,” the boy tried to scan your body with his eyes, “revealing. She was basically asking for it.” The boy cocked his head to the side and stood his ground. 
JJ pushed you behind him, lacing his fingers in your own to show that he still had you, but not allowing the perverted boy to look at you anymore. 
“EXCUSE ME?” Kie tried to launch herself at the boy, but was held back by Pope. 
“What the fuck bro, the way someone dresses does not give you permission to do ANYTHING.” Pope spoke, still holding onto Kie’s thrashing form. 
“Listen here you little punk,” JJ sent a pointed look at the boy, “just because a girl is feeling confident, and wears something to show that, doesn’t give your grimey little hands permission to touch her at all. You can compliment her, tell her that you think she looks absolutely gorgeous, but you never, N-E-V-E-R, lay your hand on her until she says you can.” JJ speaks with anger dripping from every word. 
Looking around he takes in the crowd. 
“You know what, this goes for everyone, everyone should be educated. Consent is a very important thing, and I hope all you learned a very valuable lesson tonight.” JJ looked around the crowd. 
“Now get the Hell out of here, this party is over.” He spoke for the last time. 
The boy in front of you tried to turn and leave but John B caught his shoulder, “Ohh, oh no dude. You can’t go yet.” The boy looked up at him with a bit of fear in his eyes.
 “You owe our friend here an apology.” John B grabbed him by his shoulders and forced him over to where you were standing behind JJ still, his thumb rubbing small circles on your hand. 
The boy looked up and met your eyes, a softer look than before. 
“Uh, I’m-” he coughed, realizing that this had to be good or he wasn’t going anywhere, “I’m sorry that I offended you, that I did what I did without permission.” He looked at his feet then up at JJ and then the rest of the gang, “You do look very nice tonight.” He finished and John B threw him to the side, signaling that he could leave. 
“Damn right she does,” JJ muttered and you released a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. 
He pulled you around to his front and embraced you, the others joining in as well. 
You all rode back in John B’s van, JJ still not letting you go. After arriving back he offered to drive you back to your place, you accepted. He grabbed your keys and a hoodie from the house and put the grey material over your head and placed a small kiss on your hairline after. Saying your goodbyes to the rest you both got in your jeep and started the short ride to your house. 
“Um, JJ,” you almost whispered, scared to break the silence. 
He looked over at your small form curled in the seat, snuggled into his hoodie and grabbed your hand in a way to signal you to continue. 
“I was just wondering, um, and you don’t have to, but my mom isn’t home, and uh, 
I don’t really want to be alone, uh… would you stay with me tonight?” you look at him from your seat, and he brought your hand to his lips for a short kiss. 
“Of course,” he smiled at you and you returned it. 
When you got home you both seemed to move right for the bedroom, both exhausted from the events of the night. 
You changed into a large tshirt and sleep shorts, and him into something similar from a bag you didn’t realize he had with him. 
You both laid in the bed and he opened his arms, silently asking if you wanted to cuddle. You moved toward him again and laid your head on his chest, one of his hands running his fingers through your hair, the other laid on your waist and you flinched from an unexpected pain, thinking you didn’t want his hand there he went to move but you stopped him. 
“No, JJ you’re fine, I think I just have a bruise there or something,” You explained. 
Concerned, he grasped the hem of your shirt, looking up at you,
“Can I see?” he so innocently asked. 
You sat up and nodded, him pulling the shirt up just enough to see five small bruises formed where the boy’s hands had grasped you, a few crescent shaped scabs from where his nails must have broken skin without you even realizing. Both of your mouths dropped open in shock, his thumb rubbing softly over the bruises, wishing he could just turn back time and stop it all from happening. 
“Thank you,” you muttered, “thank you from stopping him, for being there for me, you literally gave me the shirt off your back, you were my shirtless hero,” you laughed, trying to bring some humor to the situation, and it worked. He giggled and looked up at you, you swore you saw his eyes dart to your lips but it happened so fast you swore you imagined it.
“(Y/n),” he started, conversation turning serious, “I would do anything for you, no matter the danger, I-,” he started to stutter, “I care for you, so much, so much more than a friend should, and I want to be with you, like you know-” he fumbled over his words, you could see his confidence fading with every word, so you stopped him with one word. 
He looked up at you with shock on his face, and then a smile crept on and he pulled you into a tight hug, breaking away just enough to look into your eyes, noses now touching, 
“Can I-” he started to ask and you cut him off with bringing your lips to his, finally living the dream you’ve had since you met him. 
After a few short moments you broke apart and cuddled back into the position you were originally in. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” JJ whispered and pushed a small kiss on your forehead. 
You just smiled, “What are we gonna tell the rest of the Pogues?” you giggled, remembering the rule that existed. 
JJ let out a breathy laugh and held you closer to him.
“I don’t even care, there isn’t a single thing in the world that could ruin this.” he smiled, and you both drifted into a blissful sleep.
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parkmuse · 4 years
Not So Honest (M)
Word Count: 9322 (Reposted) (Wonhopes Masterlist)
Jungkook has got a pretty BIG problem, and he desperately asks you for your help.
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Ding dong! Ding dong! Ding dong! Dingdongdingdongdingdon-
You let out a heavy sigh, pausing your show as you get up from the couch to answer the door. That annoying repetitive doorbell rings could only come from one person.
“YAH! Where’s your fucking keys you brat-“ You stop mid-sentence from yelling at him because your eyes catch onto the large package he’s struggling to hold along with a mountain of grocery bags in his hands.
“Yeah, I forgot them this morning and remembered once I was at the store. By the way, this was at the doorstep-“ You immediately snatch it out of his grasp, twirling around as you let go of the door and let it slam back in his face. You run to the table, squealing as you set it down to try and go look for something to open it with. “My package arrived!”
You hear the front door rattle a few times before its shoved open again, him struggling to get all the bags in as he forces the door closed with a bang. “What the fuck Y/N? And I don’t even get a thank you for picking that up for you?”
“I didn’t ask for your help, Jungkook,” You replied, waving him off before you walked back over to your package.
You’ve been waiting a whole two weeks for another one of these Amazon packages. You did a little contract with some sellers there that you would test out their products for free and give your honest review in return that you get free samples of the items. So far you’ve gotten blenders, make up, wireless head phones, even a decent cellphone all for free. And all you had to do was type up a quick, honest review with the pros and cons of the product that took less than 5 minutes, then you could enjoy all your free shit. Did I say free already?
“What’s in the package? Another crappy phone?” Jungkook yells from the kitchen, placing all the food in their designated locations. You let out another heavy sigh before responding to him. “Why do you care? Go hangout with Jimin and suck each other’s dicks or something.”
“You’re just jealous cause I could probably get more dick or actually scratch that, any dick at all compared to you if I really wanted to.” You shot him a glare and he smirks, then sticks his tongue out before placing the milk in the fridge.
God, you hated that brat. You’ve hated him for so many years, basically all of your life since you’ve known each other since elementary. Your parents were great friends so you always had to hang out with him when you would go to each other’s houses, dealing with him pulling your hair and stealing all your food and toys from you almost three times a week. Once you hit high school you were even forced to baby sit him even though you were only two years older, but his parents baby him so much and think he’s not fit to stay alone in his own damn home that they’d throw him over at yours.
Even now, as two damn grown adults you are still stuck with him, forced to share an apartment since you two go to the same college because his parents don’t trust him alone or with strangers. It was a living nightmare since you basically had no privacy with this brat, always meddling in your stuff and your life and him walking out of his room practically naked every damn day. Sure, he’s grown up really well, and he’s always been cute I guess, but holy hell he gets on your nerves so much he’s lost the on chance that you would ever find him attractive. The only upside to this is that you get help paying rent, but honestly you think you’d rather live on the streets than be with this annoying kid.
At least your annoyance will be at its minimal today, too excited to let him cloud your day when you got more cool free shit-
“What the fuck?” You spit, eyes bugged and jaw dropped once you comprehend exactly what Amazon just sent to you.
“What? Another flip phone or some shit- woah,” Jungkook’s eyes widened as well once he peeks over your shoulder to see what the big deal was.
Sex toys.
Not one, not two.
A whole box full.
There were different kinds of toys like vibrators and silicone dicks in all the colors you could possibly imagine. You didn’t even know what half the shit in that box was either; there were weird looking eggs to obscure shaped things you assumed were supposed to replicate a dick but had an extended side that you couldn’t figure out what it was actually intended to do. You pulled out a box and on the cover read Sassy Anal Beads in fancy cursive lettering, finally making you lose your patience.
“Why the fuck would they send me this shit!?” You huffed, tossing the stuff back in the box. You had no use for any of this. Sure, they could keep you company since you were single as hell but you really wished they would have sent you something way more useful.
“Maybe they knew you needed it— OW!” Jungkook yelps as you punch him in the chest. He pouts as he clutches onto his pecs but you just roll your eyes.
“Shut up, you deserved it.” You walk back to the couch and plop on it with a sigh, resuming your TV show.
“Aren’t you supposed to review all this shit?” He says, digging through some more of the box as he pulls an unrealistic sized purple dildo.
“I’m not going to bother. I’ll just say they were all shitty or something,” You say as you bring your feet up to the coffee table.
“Well that’s not really fair. You have to give your honest opinion. What if King Cock Deluxe deserves five stars?” He snickers, waving it over in front of your face.
You scrunch your face in disgust, “Stop being gross.”
He laughs and tosses it back in the box, then pulls out another item. “What the hell is this thing?”
You see him examining it in his hands, his face scrunching up in confusion. It was small and black, a ring attached to the end and the top having two protruding bumps.
You’ve actually heard of that one before from one of your girl friends who was gushing all about it. It was a rabbit designed cock ring, the two ends from the top was actually a vibrator so when you had sex the “rabbit ears” would stimulate your clit. Your friend said although it looked really ugly it really did the trick, but her boyfriend never liked using it because it was way too tight on him.
“It’s a cock ring,” You said unamused, standing up to walk over to the kitchen.
“Cock ring?” Jungkook responded, still sounding confused as ever.
“Did I stutter?” You said, digging through the pantry.
“Does it make you feel really good or something?”
You turn back to face him so you can yell at him for asking so many questions, but stopped once you saw his face. He was still looking at the toy, examining it in his hand intensely.
A small smile crept on your lips, and you’re glad he was still too focused on the toy in his hands to see. “Yeah Jungkook, it makes you feel real good.”
He looks up at you with wide eyes, but quickly replaces his surprise with a lazy smirk. “Yeah right, this free shit would never work.” He tosses the toy back into the box.
You snicker at his response. How has he never heard of a cock ring? Was he that inexperienced? Jungkook’s a grown man, but you’ve always seen him as the little brat next door. “I mean, I heard that got a lot of positive feedback for being one of the best sex toys out there. Men go crazy about it,” You chimed in, continuing to tease him.
“That piece of rubber? Bullshit.” He walks back into the kitchen, throwing some more groceries into the fridge. After a couple of minutes of silence and fixing up the kitchen, Jungkook speaks up again.
“I mean, what does it even do? How is it that good?”
“I don’t know, but must be pretty amazing.” You were getting kind of tired of your little white lie, and his constant repetitiveness of the topic was staring to annoy you. Before he was about to speak up again you interrupted him.
“Jungkook! I told you to buy some more damn cereal!” You whack him on the back of the head and he groans.
“I got most of the stuff on the list!” He pouts.
“You had one job kid, and now we got milk and no cereal.” You huff, walking over to grab your purse. “I always have to do things on my own around here. I’ll be back in a bit.” You grab your keys and walk out the door.
You finally made your way back home after being stuck in traffic for a good thirty minutes just for some cereal. Damn that Jeon kid for forgetting one measly thing.
You were starving since you hadn’t eaten since breakfast, and you were too lazy to cook anything so why not just have some cereal? You walk to the kitchen to pull out a bowl, opening the box of Frosted Flakes and filling it up to the brim. You walk over to the fridge to grab the milk, opening the door. You were met with nothing but water bottles on the top shelf and some groceries at the bottom. Confused, you looked all over the sides and in the drawers. There was a whole carton before you left and now it disappeared!
Then it clicked in your head. Your eyebrows crinkled and you let out a heavy sigh, closing the fridge. “JUNGKOOK!”
That damn kid always brings the carton of milk into his room, sometimes drinking it straight out of the container. You hated sharing food with him for this very reason, and you should really get him to stop drinking that shit because he’s getting way too big for his own good.
You waited for a good minute just to give him mercy, but by now he should have answered you, walking out of his room with a yeah, yeah as he brings the carton back out.
But there was complete silence.
You groan, walking down the hall to where your bedrooms were. He better have a good ass explanation for why he hasn’t answered you by now. You twist the knob and roughly push the door open. “Where’s the fucking milk Jungkook?!”
You pause at the door, making eye contact with a seemingly alarmed Jungkook. He’s sitting on the edge of his bed faced away from you, shirtless again, head turned with his eyes wide and his mouth slightly ajar. He looks like a deer in the headlights, his hand clutching onto the sheets crumpled beside him.
“You’re just sitting there doing nothing but didn’t bother answering me?” You thought it was a little weird, but quickly brushed it off.
“Um—well, I—“ Before he can give you an explanation, your eyes catch the item you were looking for at the night stand beside where he was sitting.
“There it is, I fucking knew it!” You strode over to the carton.
“NO! DON’T COME HERE!” He hollers, causing you to stop in your tracks.
“Whoa no need to yell, what’s on your dick?”
“N-NOTHING! Just…go to the store and get more! This is my milk!”
You could have sworn you felt a vein pop out of your temple at his remark. “I just came from the damn store! That’s a brand new carton! And my milk your ass I paid for that!”
You were seriously getting tired of him. When will you finally be able to get away from him? 5 years? 10 years? Are you really going to have to spend the rest of your life with this brat?
You don’t even know why you’re listening to him at the moment. You can do whatever you want, he can’t stop you. You continue to make a beeline to your milk, running past him to grab it and run out. Your feet catches onto his blanket, causing you to trip over and onto the floor in front of him with a loud thump.
You groan on the floor, pushing the sheet off of you and sitting up as you rub your head. You turn your head to look at a mortified Jungkook, completely colorless as he stares back at you in complete fear and embarrassment. Confused, you were about to ask what his problem was but your eyes flicked south.
A mere inches from your face was his dick in his hand, semi hard and just…all out there. What definitely made your jaw drop was that right at the base was a familiar looking object, black with bunny ears sticking out at the top.
You covered your mouth, embarrassed to have caught him in the act but also trying so hard not to laugh in front of his face because you cannot believe he’s actually doing this.
“Y/N, I-I can explain-“
You get up on your feet and grab the milk from the night stand, walking straight to the door avoiding eye contact with him. “No need to Kook, pretty self-explanatory. You have fun with that!”
You just wanted to get out of there as quick as possible before it could get even more awkward, but he calls out to you, making you stop.
“No wait! Don’t go! I-Um…”
“If you think I’m going to sit here and watch you jack off you have another thing coming-“
“NO! It’s not that! Why the fuck would I ask you that? I’m not some sicko.”
“Says the one with a bunny cock ring on his dick-”
“OKAY! You got me there,” He sighs. “But I was just curious! What was so good about this piece of plastic? And then I put it on a-and…”
“And what?” It probably didn’t feel good as he expected it to. Hell, it’s supposed to be the complete opposite.
“Well, it’s kind of…kind of stuck.”
A few seconds of silence pass as you comprehend what he just said, then you burst out laughing. He jumped in his seat, surprised by your reaction but then gives you a glare and a pout. “Why are you laughing?!”
You grab onto your sides, tears coming out of your eyes. You just can’t control yourself. This dumb kid has a sex toy stuck on him and he can’t get it off.
“I’m sorry! It’s just so…so hilarious. Wow.” You wipe the tears from your cheeks as the last bits of chuckles come spewing out.
“It’s not funny! It won’t come off…a-and it really hurts.”
You can hear the pain in his voice and for a second you actually felt bad for him. Maybe you shouldn’t have teased him that much.
But then again, he deserves it.
“Well, seems like you got a real problem on your hands. I’ll leave ya to it.” You say as you start walking out the door.
“Y/N WAIT! You have to help me!”
You turn back to face him, your brows knitting in confusion. “And why do I have to do that?”
“Please Y/N, you know I wouldn’t ask you if I didn’t mean it.”
You stare at him for a moment, taking in his facial features. You were a couple of feet away from him but from there you could see the tears threatening to fall from his big doe eyes. His bottom lip was caught between his teeth, probably to stop it from quivering in front of you. His broad shoulders visibly shook, and you sigh. He must really be in pain.
“Please, Noona.”
Your eyes widened in surprise, taken aback by his response. He hasn’t called you Noona for years. The last time he called you that was years ago, during a small phase where he was actually really sweet and nice to you. You actually loved that Jungkook back then, but then he went a full 180 on you and went back to being a brat.
You bite your lip, contemplating on what to do. He winces in pain and lets out a long drawn out whimper, which immediately shot to your core. What the fuck?
You don’t know what overcame you but you had the sudden urge to touch him.
What the hell were you thinking?
You just want to help him, that’s all.
You let out a heavy sigh, then placed the milk on the TV stand, proceeding to walk over to him. “Fine, let’s just get this over with. I don’t want your parents to blame me for not watching you and you coming home dickless.”
His eyes light up in admiration for you, excited to finally be free of this dumb torture-like pleasure free device. You stop in front of him, sitting on your knees as you push his legs apart to get a better look.
Surprisingly, Jungkook didn’t have a micro penis like you thought he had all these years. It was actually really, really generous, probably one of the biggest you’ve seen. No wonder this kid had a big ego.
“Alright, let’s see what we got.” As awkward as this was supposed to feel, it didn’t feel as weird as you thought it would. Why did it feel normal to be on your knees in front of Jungkook’s dick? You honestly didn’t want to think about why other than the fact that you’ve known him all your life and being naked in front of each other probably isn’t a big as a deal as you would imagine. You guys used to bathe naked all the time; that counts for something right?
“Wow Kook, you got it lodged pretty good. How the fuck did you get that all the way up there?” You stared at the small device, tightly clenching the base of his shaft.
“I-I thought it was supposed to hurt in the beginning, and then it would feel good later. That’s how sex is for girls, right?”
You snorted. “Does it look like you have a vagina, Jungkook? I mean maybe you will after your dick falls off-“
“Stop!” He whines, pouting at you. “Don’t say that! I would die without my dick.”
“That actually sounds like a good plan, maybe we should leave it then-“ He grabs your hands in his, squeezing them tightly as you were about to sit up again.
“Y/-Noona, please, please help me. I’ll be good to you from now on. I won’t be a brat anymore if you help me. Just…please.”
He softly caresses the back of your hand, looking at you again like a lost puppy.
Was Jungkook really being obedient right now? He seems like he would do anything for you, listened to anything you said. He seemed so…submissive.
You unintentionally licked your lips, but immediately came back to your senses. It was really getting hot in here and your hands were starting to sweat.
You ripped your hands away from him. “Okay, okay. Jeez.” You played it off like you weren’t phased by what he said and his sudden new name for you. You just needed to get this shit off of him and then you could finally eat. Starving yourself is definitely not good for your head.
You take in a deep breath, then reach for him. You didn’t want to bother addressing the elephant in the room, the surprisingly pretty big elephant in the room, because you didn’t want to make this even more awkward as it is. Asking if you could touch his dick would probably make this situation even worse, so you’re just gonna do what you need to do.
You grasp onto the base of his shaft where the toy is, tugging it forward in attempts to take it off.
“OW!” Jungkook yelps, grabbing your wrist. “You’re hurting me!”
“I barely even touched you brat, suck it up.” You whip your hand away from him, bringing it back to the toy.
He really got himself into a real mess here. There’s barely any space between the toy and his dick. Did he really think this wasn’t going to happen?
You attempt to pull at it again while your hand rested on his abdomen. You didn’t expect Jungkook’s abs to be so defined and rock solid under your fingertips, but you quickly brushed the thought away while you focused on the situation at hand.
When you pulled, the toy stayed put and your hand ended up grasping through the rest of his length to the tip, leaving you empty handed. You cupped the toy again, firmly pressing against his stomach while you pulled again, only to bring your hand against him again without the toy. You hear him whimper under your touch but again you don’t let it get to you, thinking he’s just being a little wuss about the pain again. After another attempt of tugging it off and your hand unintentionally grasping his length, you accidentally squeeze the end of his tip, feeling the warmth on your fingertips.
All of a sudden Jungkook lurches forward, putting a hand on your shoulder and squeezing tightly. His face is a few inches away from yours, his heavy pants tickling your face.
“Noona,” He chokes out.
You look up at him to see his adam’s apple bob, licking his partly chapped lips as he lets out open mouthed pants while his other hand clutches the bed sheet. You could see him breaking a sweat down his temple, looking so fucking hot for some strange reason but then something breaks your thoughts.
You feel a pulse under your touch, and you realize you’re still grasping his tip. You look down to see his dick erect, the tip partly red as you slowly feel the palm of your hand get wet. You slowly open your hand to see pre-cum leaking from his tip, some smeared along your hand.
You instantly get red, looking back up at Jungkook with the best glare you could muster up at the moment when in reality you’re freaking out and heating up inside. “What the fuck Jungkook!?”
You were about to stand up to leave when he grabs you again. “I-I’m sorry! I can’t help it!”
“You’re gross!” You try to rip your hand away, but he keeps a firm grip.
“Y/N I’m sorry! Your hand just feels really, really soft…please, just help me get it off!” He pleads. “I’ll do anything Y/N. I promise!”
You look back at your hand covered in Jungkook’s residue, groaning at the sticky substance. You hate to admit that you loved the fact he got like that because of your hands, because of you touching him. You grab the blanket off the floor and wipe your hand, not wanting to think about it. You gulp once you face him again, his cock looking bigger than before and a bit more constricted against the toy.
You press your fingertips against the toy, attempting to twist it off of him. He whimpers, eyes shut tight as you can’t help but notice his stomach clench against your touch again.
“Noona, please...” He says again in what was like a husky whisper, sounding like he’s begging for you. The high pitched whine that came after striked right at your core, causing you to bite your lip. Your stomach was doing somersaults as you tried so heavily to focus on getting this damn toy off of him, but he was making this so, so hard. No pun intended.
You tried whatever you could, pushing it upwards and to the side and downwards, but none of it seemed to be working.
“I think we need to get some oil or something and maybe it’ll slip off,” You thought. “I’ll go get some in the kitchen.”
“You won’t find any,” He said hesitantly.
“What do you mean? I thought you just bought some?”
“I…was that on the list too?” He looks at your warily, biting his bottom lips as he slowly cowers away.
Your eyes turned to slits as your brows crinkled in distress again, letting out a long, slow sigh. “Well, I can’t think of anything else.”
“Why don’t you spit on it?” Your eyes bugged out while you looked at him like crazy woman. What did he just say?
“What?” You say, looking at him incredulously.
“Well, water isn’t going to work. We don’t have anything else and that’s all I could think of.”
“Do it yourself!” You yell, red as a tomato at what he just actually asked for you to do.
“I can’t! My hands are too big! Your hands are perfect and it’s easier if someone else does it. I’ll just hurt myself. Please, just do it it’ll work!” He pouts at you again, biting his bottom lip as he shifts uncomfortably on the bed. “You’re so gentle Noona. Help me,” He begs.
You know his words weren’t supposed to sound dirty in any way, but god why do you keep thinking like that?
Your empty stomach was messing with your head. Not only was your head throbbing, but you can’t ignore the ache between your legs either. You thought of just telling him to fuck off and leave him there to figure it out himself, but he speaks up again.
“It really hurts…I’m begging you Y/N,” He whimpers, whispering your name with a groan at the end. You notice his uneven breaths as his stomach vibrates, his veins protruding along his arms as he still clenches the sheets, the other hand holding onto his hard cock. He grasps himself, letting out a high pitched whine as he grits his teeth, seeing his eyes water yet again from his action.
You gulp at the sight of him before you, so helpless and vulnerable that causes your core throb even more.
You press your thighs together to ease the tension. You don’t know why such a helpless Jungkook was turning you on uncontrollably, and you’d love to see how much more he could beg and sob under your touch if he’d allow you to.
You shake your head, pulling yourself out of your crazy thoughts. This is getting really bad and you knew you had to get away from him quick. You needed this to be over as soon as possible.
“Fuck, okay! But we’re never fucking talking about this again. This never happened,” You say as you kneel in front of him again. You bring a hand to your face, spitting into it and smearing it along your palm. You cup the base of his shaft and glide your palm around the skin near the toy, trying to lubricate it as much as you can.
“It’s not enough Y/N, just spit directly on it,” He groans. You were going to yell at him for telling you what to do, but spared him once you saw his flushed and pained expression. You silently obeyed, sitting up so your face hovered over his dick. You collected enough saliva in your mouth and spit on the skin below the toy, letting the liquid slip down and over his cock. You bring your fingertips to massage the area, spreading your fluid as much as you can over him. Once you think it’s enough, you try pulling the toy again but it still didn’t budge.
“I-I think you still need to add more,” He pants.
“You think I got gallons worth Jungkook? That I’m a human sprinkler?” You spew.
“Well how about you just use your mouth?” He said nonchalantly.
You gaped at him, about to tell him off but then he cuts you off. “It would be easier! You wouldn’t have to keep spitting and have it dry up. You can get it all over and then it would pop right off!”
Your patience was really wearing thin with this kid. But then he grabs you by shoulders, pressing his sweaty forehead against yours.
“You’re my only hope Noona. You can only help me with this. I’ll do whatever you want after I promise.”
  “I swear I’ll be a good boy.”
  Good boy?
  Hearing that made the last strings of your sanity cut loose.
 Fuck it.
 You push him away by his chest abruptly, making him almost fall back on the bed. He caught himself before he could fall, hands flat against the bed. Before he could ask you what your problem was, you flatten your tongue along the base of his shaft.
“Y/N!” He moans aloud, bucking his hips up and into your face. You glide your tongue along his vein, swirling your tongue against his tip. You press an open mouthed kiss, then wrap the tip around the lips as you suck lightly.
“Oh fuck! Noona,” He rasps, trying so hard not to lose control and grab your hair to push you further into him. His moans egg you on and you tease his slit, earning another strangled moan of your name from him. Then you bring your mouth down onto his cock, taking him inch by inch.
You try your best to use your tongue, trying to wet every inch of his throbbing cock until you finally reach the base where the toy was. You hear him panting like he just ran a marathon above you, groaning as he watches your pretty lips around his thick member.
“Your mouth is so warm, it feels so good,” He groans, licking his lips before he gulps as he watches you intently. You stop your movements and look up to him, making direct eye contact. He looks at you in confusion, seeing the subtle glint in your eyes. Before he could say anything you swallow hard, causing him to thrash his head back and fist your hair.
“Fucking shit!” He moans, bucking his hips upward into you, causing the tip to hit the back of his throat. It hurt of course, but seeing the way he reacts to your ministrations was definitely worth it.
You pull your mouth off of him just until the tip, then bring him all into your mouth once again, sucking harshly.
“Holy fuck Y/N,” he moans, grasping the back of your head as you bob up and down his length.
“Keep fucking doing that.” You scratch his thighs, telling him that you’re the one in control instead of him before grazing your teeth slightly against his length. He whines in response, slightly nudging your hair back to stop you.
“Y-Y/N please…I’m sorry, just please keep going.” You release him with a pop, wiping the saliva from your chin as you look at him with a glare.
“Why are you telling me what to do? I thought you said you’d be a good boy?” You say as you slightly dig your nails into his massive thighs once again. “Or should I stop?”
“No! No please! Don’t stop I’ll be good I promise!” He whimpers at you, bringing his hand to your cheek to slowly caress your face.
“I’ll be good Noona.” You pretend to contemplate on your answer when you definitely weren’t going to leave him like this now, but you seem to think he’s had enough when you see his arm shake and his lips quiver.
“You better be.” You bring your mouth back to him, sinking your mouth down his hardened length as you take all of him again. You didn’t really think of Jungkook as the vocal type, but hearing him shamelessly moan and whimper your name aloud to the point the next door neighbors could hear heightened your ego tenfold.
You release him, bringing your hand up and down his shaft. You lift his dick so it’s against his stomach, about to run your tongue against him once again when you noticed something odd. A very thin line was visible on the cock ring, located on the bottom side of his dick. You bring your face closer to the line, looking at it curiously. Very small and slightly faint read the letters OPEN right above the line, in bold lettering.
Aha! You thought. Finally. Before you could bring your hand to the little slit, Jungkook calls out to you.
“Why did you stop? I’m being good Noona. Please, keep going.” He cries, and you swear it’s a tear that slips from his eyes and down his cheek than his sweat.
You lick your lips, looking back down at the toy then back at his cock.
He deserves this for being a brat all these years.
You look back up at him, giving him a sweet smile which felt seemingly odd to him. You never smiled like that at him. “Okay, since you’re being so good for me Kook,” You say sweetly.
“Why are you- fuck!” Jungkook groans when you take him all in one go, his tip hitting the back of your throat. You slightly gag, your mouth so full from his thick length but you push through it. You wanted to see this boy suffer.
You continue to go all out, hollowing your cheeks and deep throating him in the best ways possible, drowning in all his whines and cries of your name and how you were so fucking good.
“N-Noona, fuck, I think I’m gonna-“ You smile at his words.
Any second now.
At one particularly harsh suck he grabs your head, sinking you further down his cock as your mouth hits the toy. He moans at first but quickly cries in agony, fisting your hair harshly as you try to focus relaxing your throat.
“What…What the fuck…?” He whimpers, eyes squinting closed as he groans.
You release him with a pop, looking up at him with innocent eyes. “What’s wrong Kook?”
“I-There’s something wrong,” He says, grabbing his dick and wincing.
“Does it still hurt Jungkook? You want Noona to make you feel good?” You pull his hand away from him, grasping his length once again and pumping up and down slowly. He cries again, grabbing your wrist to stop your movements. “It fucking hurts Noona. What’s happening?” He sounded so lost, so helpless.
You never thought yourself to be a sadist but fuck, you loved it.
“Shh, Kookie,” You slowly rise to your feet, standing between his legs as you grab onto his shoulder. You bring a finger to his chin, lifting his head so he can look up to you. “Let Noona help you. I’ll make you feel real good.” With that, you pushed him harshly on the chest, causing him to fall back into the sheets. You quickly shimmy out of your shorts leaving you in your black lacy underwear, then turn back to him.
You lick your lips, staring at him sprawled on his bed looking so fucked out, completely naked. You climb up over him, bringing one leg over to straddle his waist.
“Y/N, what are you-“ You muffled him with a kiss, soft and sweet at first but slowly getting rougher to the touch as seconds go by. He moans when you bite his bottom lip, allowing you to delve your tongue into his hot cavern. His hands quickly find purchase on the soft flesh of your hips, holding you tightly. You suck on the tip of his tongue, earning you a groan.
You bring your mouth to his ear, nibbling his lobe before you whisper, “Just relax, Kook. And let Noona do all the work.”
You rise above him, your hands running along his arms as you meet his hands on your hips. You bring your hands to the hem of your shirt, quickly lifting it off of you and exposing your matching black lace bra.
“God damn,” he choked, eyes as wide as saucers as his mouth gaped at your beautiful figure. You chuckle at his response, then bring your hand down to your underwear. You rubbed yourself through the fabric, lightly moaning as you feel your juices seep through. You were definitely ready for him already. You use two fingers to hook your underwear, pushing it to the side while using your other hand to grab his dick.
He groans, watching your movements as you align yourself with his dick.
“Y/N, are you sure you- ahh!” His nails dig into your hips as you slowly sink onto him, your mouth slightly ajar as he fills you up perfectly.
His length and girth is the perfect size for you, filling you up to the brim as you settle perfectly onto his cock. You moan once your ass meets his thighs, sitting still as you adjust to the new found fullness.
Then, you move. You bring yourself off of him until just the tip is left, then sit back down with a slap. You moan at the sensation, but Jungkook is crying from your action.
“Holy f-fuck! Fuckkk,” He whimpers, chest heaving as you bring yourself up only to come down with another harsh slap. You continue these movements until you set a steady pace, bouncing on his length.
“Y/N! Oh my god, fuck, fuck Noona,” He writhes below you, looking like he’s about to lose his mind as he twists his head back and forth with his eyes tightly shut.
“You feel so fucking good, god, keep going please,” He whines, continuously licking his lips as his mouth constantly lets out a string of profanities and whimpers.
“Am I making you f-feel good, Kook? Ah, fuck,” You groan, speeding up your pace as the room fills with constant slap, slap, slaps.
“Yes yes yes, fuck yes, you’re so fucking good, I’m losing my mind,” He chokes, bringing one hand to squeeze your ass while the other tightly grasps onto your upper thigh. You continue going hard against him, him hitting you so deep and in just the right spots. Every time you drop down you feel something hitting against your flesh, then you look down.
You forgot the cock ring was still stuck on him, then realize it was the bunny ears. Memories of your friend saying how good the vibrator was rushed into your head, then you bring one of your hands to the toy. You press the switch on the toy, the low buzz sounds filling the room along with Jungkook’s whines. Once you sink down onto him again the product lands right on your clit, vibrating at an inhumane speed which causes your eyes to roll back.
“Oh my fucking god!” You scream, pausing your movements as you let the vibrator run against your bundle of nerves. You’ve never felt anything like it before.
You attempt to squeeze your thighs together, slowly rotating your hips instead as you let the vibrations of the toy work its magic against you. You moan aloud again, throwing your head back as the feeling of Jungkook’s cock so deep inside you along with the toys ministrations make your mind go hazy. All of a sudden you feel Jungkook’s hips lurch forward, pounding into you from below as he holds you by the hips to keep you still.
“Jungkook!” You scream, scratching his chest with his hands as he takes over.
“Y-You’re getting tighter on me, fuck, you feel so fucking good,” He moans, filling you to the brim each time as the toy continues to rub against your clit.
You can’t contain your voice now, moaning nonstop as Jungkook keeps ramming into you, the toy helping you reach your high quicker than you ever thought possible. After a few more strokes you come undone, moaning loudly as you tightly clench Jungkook’s dick. He lets out a deep groan, continuously thrusting into you as you ride out your high.
“Y/N, Y/N, fuck fuck fuck, I’m gonna-“ Jungkook grabs onto your ass tightly, letting out a strangled moan. You watch as his head falls back into the bed, his stomach clenching tightly as he releases a choked sob. You felt his cock throb from within you, but no release. The side of your mouth twitches upward, but when you see his eyes fill with tears once again, him crying aloud, you finally actually start feeling bad.
You lift your hips, letting his hard cock slip out of you as you roll over beside him. You take a few seconds to catch your breath. You’re about to sit up to take the cock ring off of him but all of a sudden he rolls over to hover above you, spreading your legs open and pushing your panties to the side.
“Hey, what-“ He grabs his cock and roughly shoves himself into you again, causing you to throw your head back with a moan. He has his hands on either side of your head, then brings his mouth to your ears.
“You’re so fucking tight Noona, you feel so warm.” He grabs your hips as he starts pummeling into you, making your eyes roll back.
“You’re fucking hot as hell, you moaning my name and coming all over my cock,” He grunts, “You don’t know how many times I’ve came imagining what just happened. But why can’t I fucking come now?”
“J-Jungkook, stop,” You moan, trying to get him to stop so you can take the ring off of him. But he doesn’t let up, too focused on trying to reach his release as he fucks you harder, grunting and growling as he picks up his pace. The toy continues to buzz, occasionally rolling over your nub if Jungkook angles it the right way, causing you to yell out. He spreads your legs further, tossing one of your legs over his shoulder to reach into you deeper.
“That picture of you bouncing on my dick, fucking me, using me to make you feel good, I never imagined how fucking sexy you’d actually look. And the way you moan my name, fuck I’ll come just from thinking about that next time I touch myself,” He groans, reaching behind you to rip off your bra. His mouth latches onto your nipple, sucking your breast as you grab his head to bring him closer. He laps your nub, licking up the valley of your breasts and brings his lips to yours.
You moan into his mouth, allowing him to ravage you some more. He brings both of your legs around his waist and you cross them, shoving himself into you faster. At this angle the toy is hitting directly on your clit each time he pounds into you, making you scream out his name as you clutch the bedsheets beside you.
“Jungkook!” You moan his name like a mantra, your release getting closer and closer. He continues kissing you, and after a few more deep strokes you come all over him again, squeezing him so hard he yells your name aloud, his cock throbbing uncontrollably as you clench tightly around him. His hands are holding your hips so tightly you know there’s going to be bruises in the morning, but you don’t care. You move your hips against him as you embrace the waves of pleasure, panting as you finally go limp. You’re about to slowly doze off from being so tired, wiping the sweat along your temple when you hear another choked sob. Jungkook pulls out of you, his dick still hard and swelled. The tip looks painfully red, the rest of his shaft looking constricted as he whimpers again.
“I-I fucking can’t,” He cries, his cheeks red and wet with tears of frustration as he looks at you with pleading eyes.
“Oh Kook,” You bite your lip. Maybe you really went too far.
You crawl over to him on his knees, carefully touching his length. He winces at your touch, whimpering as you lift it up. You press the button to turn off the vibrations, then use your fingernail to dig into the slit of the toy, pulling it forward as it pops open. He groans in relief as you slowly drag the toy off of him, tossing it to the side.
“And that’s what you get for being a brat all these years.” You say as you plop onto his bed, grabbing the sheets to cover yourself.
“What?” He looks at you confused, then his eyes widen.
“Wait…you fucking knew?”
You chuckle, “Of course, who doesn’t fucking know what a cock ring does? It stops you from coming, Kook.” You shuffle onto your side, getting ready to fall asleep.
“So you fucked with me this whole time?” He said in a low tone, venom laced in his voice.
“Fucked and fucked,” You said. “You’ve always fucked with me all these years. I was just making it even. Also we’re not telling anyone about this, okay?” You pointed back and forth from yourself to him, then plopped back onto the pillow.
Silence filled the room and you accepted it with open arms. You were just completely exhausted at this point, not having really expected such a good fuck from Jungkook. But hey, he made you feel good and you got your revenge, so it all works out. You were slowly slipping off into dreamland but all of a sudden the sheets are ripped off of you. Your legs were pulled downward, dragging your head off the pillow.
“What the fuck-“ Jungkook grabs your waist and flips you over onto your stomach, pushing your head down into the mattress while your ass is raised in the air. You attempt to turn around to ask him what the fuck he thinks he’s doing, but you cry as a hard slap echos in the room.
He smooths his rough palm against your right cheek where he spanked you, then brings his hand once again over the spot making you choke.
“You think this is a fucking joke? Making me lose my fucking mind, not letting me come three times?”
“Let go brat-“
“The girl of my fucking dreams comes in here and sucks me off, fucks me twice, yet I couldn’t even fucking enjoy it cause I was in so much pain? You know how fucking horrible that is?” He grabs your underwear, tearing it in half as he lets it fall on the bedspread.
“Jungkook-ahh!” You moan once he brings his hand to your core, running his fingers along your slit.
“You call me a brat all the time, yell at me, yet I do everything for you,” He says as he lets a finger slip in, pumping into you as your wet juices fall down your thighs. “But you didn’t even let me come once.”
“Jungkook I can’t, not anymore,” You whimper, fisting the sheets as he plunges a second finger into you.
“Oh you can’t? But you came so many times Noona. Fuck, I even called you Noona cause I knew you secretly loved that,” He grunts. “I hate saying that. But I did it for you, to make you feel good Y/N.”
“Please,” You beg, trying to move away from his touch. But he doesn’t let up, continuing to touch you.
“I think you can go again. You never do anything for me, so you can do this. I haven’t even come yet,” He drags his fingers out of you, then leans forward so his dick sat against your cheeks and his chest leaned against your back. He brings his fingers to your lips, prodding them at your entrance. “Suck.”
You complied, opening your mouth as you lapped up your juices on him. You hear him groan behind you, slowly rubbing his length against your ass.
“God, you’re so fucking hot.” He leans back, pumping himself a few times before he aligns his tip at your entrance. You were going to attempt to stop him again but he pounds right into you, causing your face to fall flat onto the sheets.
He immediately starts off rough and fast, holding you by the hips as he drags you to him, fucking you onto him. You mewl, so sensitive from the last two rounds that you didn’t have the strength to do anything.
“Fuck, you’re still so fucking tight,” He groans, “God, I imagined fucking you so many times before, but I never thought it’d feel this good.”
“Jungkook…” You moan, slowly feeling the coiling in your stomach return.
“All these years Y/N, having to deal with seeing you in those short shorts, those low tops, fuck, you were such a fucking tease,” His thighs slap harder against your ass.
“Did I ever tell you I walked in on you changing once? I fucking ran to my room and jacked off that entire night to that image.” You moaned in response, thinking about the thought of Jungkook touching himself, pumping his shaft hard and fast as he thought of you, moaning your name as he came. And he was only a couple of feet away from you in the other room.
“But I never did anything about it, because you always treated me as the little brat next door,” He growled, flipping you over so you were on your back, then pushing himself right back in.
“Tell me Y/N, do you still think of me as a kid?” He grabbed one of your breasts, kneading it as he sucked on the other. “Would some brat make you feel this fucking good?”
You moaned in response, grabbing his hair as you tried to pull him closer to you. He sucked harder, pinching your nub between his fingers as he continued thrusting you at a harsh pace. He let you go, rising up to adjust you again, hooking his arms around your thighs as he fucked you into his mattress.
“Fuck, Jungkook! Oh my fucking god,” You moan aloud, slightly arching your back as he drilled into you, making your body slowly inch upward and closer to the bedframe. The hinges squeaked uncontrollably, the bed frame hitting against the wall each time he thrusted into you.
The angle was causing you to see stars, his length hitting you in your deepest and most pleasurable spot.
“Fuck, I think I’m gonna-“
He immediately stops his movements, causing you to groan at the loss of your blissful release.
“Why the fuck did you stop!?” You yell, tears of frustration clouding your vision.
He smirks at you in return, leaning forward until his face is a mere inches from yours.
“I don’t think you deserve it. Why should I let you come again?” You try to move in response, but he still has his arms around your legs, keeping you in place.
“Please,” You beg, wanting nothing more than to just drown in euphoric feeling of letting go against him.
“How are you gonna make me?”
“I’ll do anything! I won’t call you brat anymore! Just please, let me come,” You whimper, bringing your hands to cup his face.
“Hmm…” He contemplates for a little while, then you whine another please before he chuckles.
“You’ll do anything?”
“Will you be my girlfriend after this?”
Your eyes widen and your jaw drops, not expecting that request at all. You thought he’d want you to suck his dick again, which you wouldn’t mind. But girlfriend?
He grabs your hand into his, then slowly caresses his face into your touch. He turns his face to kiss the inside of your palm, then each of your fingertips.
“I’ve loved you since I was 7. You’re the only girl for me, and we’re practically going to be together for the rest of our lives cause of our parents. My parents don’t want me to be with anyone else either, so we already have their blessing.” He smiles at your speechless face, then brings himself forward to give you a kiss on the nose.
Butterflies fill your stomach, and you feel like you can’t breathe for a moment. This brat has been with you for so long you never realized you actually loved him too, and you wouldn’t know what you would do without him.
“So do I take that as a yes?” He says, peppering sweet kissing along your jawline.
You bite your lips, but slowly your mouth curves into a smile. “You’re such a greaseball.”
He chuckles, bringing his lips to yours. You wrap your arms around his neck, melting into his kiss.
“Okay not to ruin the moment but I’m kind of fucking dying here and I feel like my dick is going to fall off,” He groans, feeling him still hard within you.
You giggle, giving him one last kiss on the lips before moving away from him. “Where do you want to come?”
“Fuck,” He grunts, licking his lips as he contemplates.
“I want to come inside you.” You nod at his response, “That’s fine, I’m on the pill. And how do you want me?”
“On top.” You nod again, smiling at him as you lift yourself up, changing positions with him. He falls back on the sheets and groans while he watches you straddle him, lining his cock with your soaking entrance. Once again you sink onto him, allowing him to fill you up to the brim. Both of you sigh in content, him kneading your breasts and you holding onto his chest.
You quickly start bouncing on him, wanting him to have his relief as quickly as possible. He groans as your ass slaps against his thighs harshly every time you come down, eyes closed shut as his mouth hangs open. You clench against him, trying to milk him out for his release, and he moans your name louder. You feeling the throbbing occur and you know he’s close. You were so focused on trying to get him off that you didn’t realize Jungkook reached for the toy again, turning the power on as the slight buzzing filled the room. Your eyes pop open and you cry aloud once he presses the vibrator part of the cock ring against your clit, making you writhe above him.
“Oh fuck! Fuck, Jungkook, fuck,” You mewl, moving faster against him as he keeps the toy against your bundle of nerves.
“Come on Y/N, come for me babe. Come all over my cock,” He grunts, and after a few more seconds of the toy against you you let go, lurching forward as you throw your head against Jungkook’s chest, crying his name aloud. He grabs onto your hips and plants his feet flat on the bed, fucking you through your high, and after another half dozen strokes he chokes your name out, coming inside of you in long, hot spurts. Jungkook’s warmth felt nice inside you, and you continued moving as best you could until he finished, groaning as he slowly went limp inside of you.
Both of you were panting and you could feel his rapid heartbeat slow against your cheek. He brings a hand to brush through your hair, bringing a blanket to cover the both of you before wrapping an arm around your waist.
“I love you Y/N,” He said, kissing your temple.
“And I love sex toys now even though it hurt like a bitch, but at least it brought us together.” You slap his chest, causing him to let out a chuckle. “We should give it a 5 star review. The toy sucked ass for me but it also brought me this beautiful ass,” He said as he squeezed one of your cheeks. “Pretty great if you ask me.”
“You’re still dumb and a brat,” You said as you rested your chin on his firm chest, staring up at him. You leaned forward to kiss his bottom lip, right where his mole was that you always secretly adored.  
“But honestly, I love you too.”
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My Personal Trainer
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I met Nick five months ago when he became my personal trainer. I joined the gym in the summer to finally work my body towards my personal goals. I had been skinny all my life and knew that if I wanted to change it I would have to get serious. Five months of 3-5 workouts a week and heavy carb/protein loading I was pushing towards my goal. I was up 20 pounds of muscle and my progress pics were really showing obvious changes. I of course had taken photos every step of the way, but hadn't really shared them with anyone until recently. Nick and I had our weekly Monday appointment scheduled. Today was chest day for me and he pushed me hard through it. I was actually pretty lucky getting Nick as my trainer. He was attractive but not instantly my type. It was easier to get a solid workout in if I wasn't drooling over my trainer the entire time. Nick was probably 5'11. He had a lot of muscle but was rounded since bulking season had set in. His arms were massive, chest was broad, and butt (from what I could tell) was quite a bubble. His legs were probably the most underdeveloped part of him but they weren't thin by any means. Definitely thicker than mine. Nick was pale but had clear, unblemished skin. His hair was dark and kept short. In fact sometimes his beard would get longer than his hair before he trimmed everything up. He was one of the few trainers that didn't seem to shave everything. His legs and arms had a nice layer of thick dark hair.
I tried not to fantasize about him but couldn't help the occasional naughty thought, especially when he would demonstrate squat formations or anything that popped his butt. However, I really tried to keep things professional. No harmless flirting or ogles were done by this guy. Nick figured out I was gay probably 2 months into our routine. It didn't phase him at all and things continued as normal. He would occasionally ask about my personal life, if I was seeing anyone, and I'd ask the same. We were both helplessly single but he was straight so there were no possibilities there. I didn't shower at the gym since I lived so close and Nick always did his workouts in the afternoon before I arrived. What this meant is that I'd never even seen the guy shirtless. The most skin I'd ever seen on the man was his calves, arms, and occasional upper thigh depending on the workout. His body was still a mystery, and that was probably a good thing for me. That all changed in the 4 month mark. We were talking after my workout and just shooting the shit. He asked if I had taken progress pictures and I explained I had, but wasn't quite ready to share. Maybe one day, I told him. He understood, but offered up his own. He flipped through his phone and then handed it to me. "Don't flip too much though," Nick said with a nervous laugh. He obviously had nudes on his phone. Of him or of someone else I wondered? The screen was zoomed in to a 3 picture side-by-side, each 6 months apart. I should probably mention that it was his neck down in nothing but some tight underwear. My eyes must have bulged. His body was amazing. I mean he definitely was a 'round' muscled guy but that was absolutely my type. His chest had a light dusting of dark hair which picked back up around his belly button and continued south, growing in intensity until it was hidden below his waistband. He kept his body hair trimmed but definitely all there. I couldn't help but focus on his package. Fuck keeping things personal, I thought. The pictures weren't amazingly lit, but I could easily see the large bulge in his briefs. Whether it was cock, balls, or both I couldn't tell. Whatever it was though, it was hefty. "... and if you blend that all together, it makes a wicked easy meal with tons of calories." Oh shit! I had completely zoned out while looking at his pictures. Quick, say something. "Well it's working out really well for you Nick. This is great progress. I'd be happy with any of them, honestly." Nick laughed. "Like, for your own body or as in your boyfriend?" It had seemed innocent enough but a million thoughts were running through my head. "Umm, well I meant for my own body, but if I was lucky enough to snatch someone up with a body like yours, I'd hold on tight." Nick just gave a cheesy grin and said thanks. We talked for a few more minutes about our weeks and what I would focus on while at the gym. Unfortunately, that night I jacked off thinking about those photos. The next night, I texted Nick telling him how raw I was from the workout yesterday and he responded with the picture he showed me. "Pain builds progress" he wrote with it. That week I did nothing but masturbate to that photo. The slippery slope had started and there was no turning back. Another month went by without much significance except how I looked at Nick. He was no longer just my personal trainer, he was now an object of my lust. Every workout he showed me I couldn't help but turn it dirty in my mind. I was losing it. We had hung out a few times outside of the gym. It had always been with a bunch of the gym staff for a game or just a night out in downtown. I got a text on Saturday morning asking if I wanted to hang out and drink some beers. His roommate was out of town and he wanted to enjoy the apartment to himself while watching the football game. I agreed, trying not to fantasize about unrealistic outcomes. When I got there he was basically in gym attire. I felt a bit dressed up in my nice jeans and button up shirt but oh well. We drank while watching the game, Nick drinking much faster than me. Near the end of the 3rd quarter, it was obvious our home team was going to win and interest in the game subsided. We talked about the gym, work, girls, guys, and continued to drink. I was getting tipsy at this point but Nick was sufficiently drunk. "When are you gonna show me your progress photos, man?" Nick asked me. He actually didn't need to beg much. The alcohol helped, but it only felt fair knowing how much I'd stared at his almost naked body. "Eh, I'll show you. Remember, I was SKINNY. Don't make fun." "I would never! Plus you've grown so much. I'm so proud!" He was smiling ear to ear. It made me swoon a little. I flipped through my phone to get the most recent. It was my 5 month comparison photo. Nothing too crazy. Just standing in front of the mirror flexing one arm in my underwear. I wore skimpy briefs but it was nothing x-rated. I had clearly changed. My ribs were no longer visible and every muscle and it's own definition. Where a flat chest had been there were now pecs. Where a stick arm was there was muscled girth. "Wow! I'm so impressed; you've changed more than I imagined." "Thanks Nick." I was genuinely appreciative of his compliments. "Although, you need to get better at posing." "What?" Nick continued, "You're not showing off the right muscles in these. Like, you've grown a lot in your back but you can't tell in these." "Oh, haha. I didn't realize there was an art to gym selfies." I chastised him a little sarcastically. "There is!!" Nick was drunkenly serious. This was clearly a subject he was passionate about. "Okay, how do you feel about practicing some?" "Sure, that's fine." I said. "You'd have to take off those clothes though to see what I mean." Nick was very direct. I played along, my mind secretly hoping for something like this or more. "That's fine. You would too, right? To show me?" "Yeah, yeah. Obviously." With that Nick stripped. There was no romantic tease to it. This was clearly just what Nick said it was and nothing more. In a few seconds he had peeled out to just his tight boxer briefs. I stood there for longer than I should have because he cleared his throat and said, "you're turn." I quickly snapped back to reality and disrobed as well. I wore my tight AussieBum red briefs tonight just in case something like this happened. What can I say, I'm a planner. "Nice briefs man." Nick offered. "Nice body." He laughed. "Okay, so the first pose is really to show off your Lats and all the work you've been doing on your back." He walked through a couple poses and I imitated him. He would correct me a few times and move my arms or body in the right way. I was really proud of myself for not popping an erection at all with the contact. Minutes passed and things started to get warm in the living room from all our flexing and holding poses. Nick offered to take some photos for me on my phone and I happily agreed. They would be much better than selfies. After taking some photos Nick asked if I would do the same. I obviously agreed. We got to a pose that Nick wanted to try to accentuate his butt. He stood sideways to the camera and twisted his torso towards the lens to accentuate the roundness of his bubble butt. I took a few photos, wishing they were on my phone instead. "Does it look good? Does my butt look good?" He asked me. "It looks incredible Nick. Easily one of the hottest asses I've ever seen." I didn't really think about what I was saying anymore. We were both getting drunk by this time. "Coming from you that means a lot, thanks!" Nick replied with a cheesy smile. "Hey, I kind of want to get some more but without my briefs. Is that okay?" "You want me to take your nudes for you?" I sarcastically asked. Probably should have played that differently. He laughed loudly, "No! I can take my own dick pics thank you. I'll still cover the goods up, I just want some sexier ones without underwear." "Sure, why would I mind?" Nick shrugged, "I dunno, just wanted to make sure, ya know?" He turned around to slip his briefs off. His butt, was amazing. Two large globes of muscle sat atop his legs. They were dusted in his dark fur but he kept his butt trimmed as well. He went through the same poses but was really good at covering up his cock with either his legs or his hands. As much as I wanted to, I never actually saw what he was packing other than some heavy pubes. When Nick felt he had enough shots, he plopped down onto the couch. He grabbed his briefs and placed them over this crotch but didn't actually put them on. He asked for his phone and flipped through the photos when I handed it to him. He was clearly pleased with the photos. "Is it bad that I find myself hot?" he asked. I laughed, still standing there in my underwear. "No. Is it bad if I do?" Oops. He looked up at me. "You think I'm hot?" I didn't know what to do. I scrambled to find words that would make this alright but the drunken haze was cast over my thoughts. "Well, never mind. That answers that question." Nick was looking down on me. I followed his eyes to see my obvious erection in my briefs. Shit!! I covered up quickly and turned from him. That's when he started laughing. "Don't worry about it dude. I'm flattered. Can't say I've given a guy a hard on before. Nice to know I can." "Ha, ha" I said sarcastically, still trying to will my cock to shrink. "Really, it's not a big deal. Come'on. Come here and help me figure out what shots are the best. You'll clearly have an eye for what looks good here." I looked over my shoulder and he was patting the seat of the couch beside him. I said Fuck it in my head and went to sit by him. My erection wasn't gone at all, but at this point in my life I wasn't really that shy about nudity anymore. A few minutes of flipping through shots and adding filters here and there, Nick asked me a question out of the blue. "So you really like cocks? Like, they look good to you?" "Yeah. Don't you like the look of your dick?" I replied. "Well yeah, but that's mine, ya know. I've never thought any other dick was nice." "I guess that's the difference in being gay," i laughed at that. Nick laughed too. "I guess you're right. But like, what exactly do you like about them?" I couldn't really explain it well after I thought for a moment. "I'm not really sure there's specific things or features I like about dicks and balls. It's just linked so closely with arousal that even seeing one triggers so much sexual endorphin release in me. And it's a muscle that can't hide sexual feelings, as we've clearly seen tonight. I like how honest cocks are." Nick lost it at that. "Hahaha, you like how 'honest' cocks are! That's a new one." "I'm a sucker for an honest dick, what can I say?" I laughed with him. Nick put his phone down. "Okay, then tell me. Do I have an honest dick?" He pulled his briefs off his cock. I stared without caring how obvious I was being, plus I assumed that's what he wanted. His cock was awesome. It was still pretty soft, cut, and pretty thick from what I could tell. However, it was his balls that was giving the bulging briefs in his photos. They were massive. He kept almost all his hair closely trimmed but Nick shaved his balls. "It's um... it's... honestly awesome. Nick, your balls are huge!" was all I could put together. "Haha, yeah. They've been big since I was a teenager." He handled them with palm and moved them around a bit. I swore I saw his cock twitch a bit too. "So, this is hot to you? Like, you actually think my cock and my balls are sexy?" "Do you need reassurance?" "No, no. It's just, I'm trying to figure it out. I'm.. I just can't believe someone would find someone else's dick hot." "Well, I could prove it to you." I offered. "Oh yeah? How?" Nick said. He's not a very good actor and it seemed obvious where this was going. I played it safe though and went with another slow tell. I moved my hand to his thigh. "I could show you how much I like your cock." Nick smiled. "You may have to. I still think you're fibbin'" "I would never lie," I joked. I moved my hand the extra few inches to his soft package. It felt even bigger in my hands. I had to skip to his balls first though since they were so incredibly. I moved them around and massaged them with my fingers. I would pull on them a little bit and stretch the skin which elicited light moans from Nick. I felt adventurous for a few reasons and leaned in. I kissed his balls, first lightly, and then heavier with some wet tongue. Nick moaned more. I continued to kiss and lick his balls while loosely gripping his cock. It was filling up quickly. A few seconds later, he was hard in my hand. I backed up from his balls to take a look at his meat. It was thicker than I thought. Probably 6 inches or so in length but probably the same around. It was the hottest cock I'd ever seen. I looked up to Nick just to reassure myself it was him and that this was honestly happening. He caught my eyes and just whispered, "Please don't stop." Oh that made me wet. I got down onto the floor and moved in between his legs. I took hold of his shaft and licked that cock from base to head like a popsicle. It was delicious. He had already started to precum a little for me. I wasn't in the mood to tease and went right into it. I took as much of Nick's cock into my mouth as I could. He wasn't super long but the girth prevented me from taking him all in on the first go. As I sucked with his member filling my mouth, Nick's light moans evolved to deep rumbling groans. He was loving this which made me even hornier. A couple of bobs was all it took for me to get most of him in my throat. After that I could try my different techniques (which were admittedly rusty). I swiveled my tongue around his head, used my hand to match pace with my mouth, and used a little teeth on the retract. Nick was loving each skill and would buck uncontrollably at some. I was surprised what a gentleman he was. He didn't try and grab my head to face fuck me (although I would have been fine with it) and made it very audible how much he appreciated what I was doing. "Fuck yes. That feels so good. You're amazing. You're incredible. Please don't stop." were the only things he could muster between groans. It only took a couple of minutes before Nick's balls began to tighten. I knew he was getting close. He finally did take hold of my head, but to remove it and saying, "I"m about to cum, man." What a fucking knight. "Good," I said and fought against his grip to latch back onto his cock. He tried to pull me off him again, "No, you really don't have to do that. I don't want you to feel like you do." I continued to stroke him with my hands as I popped off to say, "You don't know what it's like to be gay, but fact one, I WANT to do this." I batted his hands away and took his cock back into my wanting mouth. He just said, "oh god, oh god." over and over as he edged towards the finish line. Nick tried to hold back his orgasm as long as he could but finally he couldn't fight anymore. I took hold of his balls with a free hand as he erupted into me. His tank had definitely been full and I almost struggled to get it all down. Jet after jet of warm seed filled my mouth and was swallowed down. Nick tried to remain still but was bucking and shaking uncontrollably between his heavy breathing. When I was sure he was done, I milked him dry with a last squeeze and popped off his still hard cock. "So," I said, "believe me now that I actually like cock?" He tried to laugh but didn't have the energy. "That. Was. Amazing. I've never gotten head like that before. You're a master." I laughed. "Stand up," Nick said. I did as commanded and rose before him. I was still rock hard in my briefs, and had actually popped out a little on top. He put his hands on my ass and pulled me in closer. I had no words for what was happening, so I just went with it. He fondled me through my briefs for a bit, getting used to the feeling of a hard cock in close proximity to his body. He swallowed, and shucked my briefs to the floor. My cock sprang out and almost hit him in the face which he wasn't expecting and jumped back a bit. I couldn't help but laugh, "You're right to be scared. He bites." "You're huge, dude!" I was definitely longer than Nick. Around 8 inches, but not near as thick. And my balls were only average compared to his massive globes a few feet below. He hesitantly took hold of my cock with one hand and slowly stroked it. This was clearly more for him than it was for me. He was exploring what another man's cock was like and I didn't want to rush him through that. Plus it was incredibly hot to see him oaf around it like a foreign object. After giving me a slow, steady hand job for a few minutes he swallowed again and licked his lips. He inched closer and closed his eyes. I was now feeling bad about this. "Nick, stop. You don't have to do this. You don't owe me anything." He finally looked up at me. "No, I know. I just, I want to see what it's like." "Okay, but go slow. Don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable and you can stop anytime." He was looking at my dick again and nodded. He inched close again and closed his eyes to lick my cock head. Once he had a taste he moved his tongue around in his mouth to figure out if he liked it or not. "It just tastes like, skin?" I laughed, "yeah, they don't come in different flavors." "I guess I just, I thought it would taste different." I explained to him that it can if a guy precums a lot, but that I didn't. My cock was a great 'beginners' cock. We both laughed a bit. He then took hold with one hand and tried to wrap his lips around my cock. He could, but didn't take too much into his mouth. He bobbed on my cock like he thought he should but only took an inch or two in at a time and without any suction. What should I have expected from a straight guy. However poor the actual blow job was going, it was Nick who was giving it and that was incredibly hot. I was loving every second of it regardless. I must have began to leak a bit because Nick pulled away with a slight disgust taste on his mouth.
"That's what I expected they tasted like." Nick said with some nervous laughter.
"Yeah, if you don't like that you definitely won't like the ending."
He looked visibly nervous. I leaned down and pushed him away from my cock. "You're done. I'm not letting you go any further. Thanks for trying."
He sighed some relief, "Thanks for letting me try. And for that amazing blow job you gave me. I just wish I could return the favor."
"Trust me Nick, I loved every minute of that probably as much as you did." We both smiled.
"Well, do you wanna shoot on my chest?" Nick said.
I froze for a second and then began dying of laughter.
"What? People do that right?" Nick looked at my confused.
"Hahahaha, sure Nick, sure they do. But rarely does a straight guy just go, 'hey wanna cum on my chest?' It was just too funny."
He leaned back and rubbed his chest seductively, playing with himself a bit too. His cock had softened up almost entirely. "Do you wanna cum on this hot piece of man or not?"
I did.
I leaned into him and put one arm on his shoulder and the other on my cock. Nick just stared at the barrel of the gun in somewhat excited anticipation actually. Having this hunk below me, wanting my cum all over him, was enough to help me finish quickly. My balls tightened as the first blast shot forward onto his pecs. 8 steams of hot spunk fell onto Nick, coating his chest, abs, and cock in my cum. I sighed in relief.
"Hot." was all Nick had to say before we both started laughing.
We stayed there for a minute while I got my breath back and then he offered we take a shower. I rubbed his back, he rubbed mine. I probably washed his ass more than I had to but he didn't stop me or protest. By the end of the shower we both had erections again but heading into the living room he put on his briefs which signaled the nights fun was over.
We both fell asleep on the couch that night and I woke up spooning him in the morning. He was snoring. I got off of him and got the rest of my clothes on to leave. Before I left I looked back at this amazing, delicious man I had known for the past few months. He was sprawled out, chest up, almost naked in his tight white briefs. He had a serious case of morning wood going on that was clearly visible.
I felt naughty and probably was risking more than I should have, but I gave into the momentary idea. I got down on my knees and fished his cock and balls out of his briefs and gave them some light kisses. Nick continued to snore obliviously.
I took a step back to admire the view. I decided to take a picture of him like this for later use. I was going to put his junk back in but last minute decided instead to bob on it a couple times for one last taste and leave.
When I got home I felt guilty about the picture. I didn't want to delete it for obvious reasons but felt like I crossed a line. I decided to text him the photo with the caption "Had a great night. Took this souvenir. Hope you don't mind ;)"
That way if he wanted me to delete it he could tell me, but at least he would know that I had it.
I woke up from a nap to a response from Nick. "Likewise"
A few seconds later a video came through. I opened it and saw myself giving Nick head, his loud moans were close to the speaker. That little shit took a video of me blowing him without me knowing. The anger was only a reflex and I quickly found it hilarious that he captured that moment.
I texted him back, "That's blackmail!"
"Maybe it is. I need something to hold onto to remember last night."
"You could always just get the real thing again if you needed a reminder."
"Deal! Deleted."
"You don't really have to delete it, you can keep it for your own spank bank."
"haha good. I wasn't actually going to delete it anyway."
"lol, dick."
Bling. A picture of his hard cock and balls came through.
"This one?? ;P"
I was definitely jacking off today. "Tease!"
He replied, "I think we need to have a special work out session each week after our gym sessions. There are some special muscles we need to work out."
"Deal, see you Monday."
My training sessions had become something more, and I was absolutely, fucking floored about it.
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Viego, the Ruined King build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Pan Chengwei. Made for Riot Games.)
What? Did you expect me not to make this? It’s the goddamn Ruined King! He’s finally out after all these years! I mean sure he’s a goddamn twink but still; he’s finally out! Also Samira build is coming out 35 years from now.
And even though I put a Warlock TikTok meme in my last video, here’s a whole bunch of them because... yeah no shit he’s a Hexblade... Of the Ruined King.
Ruin to all! - MIST'S EDGE: Basic attacks deal a percentage of the target's current health bonus physical damage on-hit.
Serve me in death - If you ever wanted to play as the enemy for a bit Viego will let you take a ghost or two; as a treat.
The mist is my great unending sadness - Foggy days are typical for an edgy boy, and King Ruin is so edgy he wants to cover the entire world with fog! Yeah that “mist is sadness” quote is real; I got it from the Wiki.
Viego is a human... but he has a great degree of variance. We’ll be going for yet another Variant Human because we’re not allowed any monster champions anymore. As a Variant Human you get a +1 in two different stats of your choice: increase your Charisma and Strength by 1 for the strength to be beautiful for your queen. You also get proficiency in a skill of your choice: Perception will let you see through the mist and search far-and-wide for your queen. And you get a language of your choice: Abyssal seems reasonable to speak to the mist.
Of course the main appeal of Variant Human is the feat at level 1, and to swing the Blade of the Ruined King Great Weapon Master will let you cut through a percentage of the enemy’s health! When you make a melee attack with a heavy weapon (such as a greatsword), you can choose to take a -5 penalty to your hit chance. If you do hit you’ll do an extra 10 damage with your strike! And as an added bonus when you score a critical hit (with a melee weapon) or kill a creature, you can make one melee weapon attack as a bonus action!
15; CHARISMA - League of shirtless anime boys amIrite? Gotta look good for Isolde.
14; DEXTERITY - Repeat after me: “something something Medium Armor.”
13; STRENGTH - This is a requirement for another one of the classes we’ll be taking. Yup this isn’t just straight 20 levels in Hexblade!
12; CONSTITUTION - A ruined king with a blackened heart is still allowed to have some health.
10; WISDOM - Destroying the entire planet just to simp for your wife isn’t the wisest move.
8; INTELLIGENCE - Nor is it the smartest.
You were the king of a long-forgotten nation, so unfortunately noble wouldn’t work. But you still have servants! The Knight background grants proficiency in the History that you lived through as well as Persuasion to get Isolde back. You also get proficiency with a Gaming Set and Language of your choice, which I’d say pick your fancy.
But the main reason we’re taking Knight (and not Noble) is for Retainers! You get three knights sworn to your kingdom (Kalista, Hecarim, and the third one) who will do mundane tasks for you. While Hecarim may be up for a slaughter unfortunately your retainers can’t do anything in combat and won’t follow you into dangerous locations. And of course if you treat your subjects poorly they will leave you. But it can always be useful to have more spirits in the mist to search for her!
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(Artwork by @thejenneralchen on Twitter)
Hah! Did you think we’d be starting with Warlock? Put simply we need things from Paladin more, notably the proficiencies as well as starting equipment. Dude imagine having to spend 3200 gold to buy the sword literally named after you? But for now you might just want to grab a Longsword to start. Regardless Paladins get proficiency in two skills from the Paladin list: Athletics are required in the jungle, and Intimidation will let everyone meet know that you will stop at nothing for her! You fucking simp...
You also get Divine Sense to sense the beasts of the mist, or your queen. As an action you can know the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the creature type, but not its identity. Within the same radius, you also detect the presence of any place or object that has been consecrated or desecrated. (Have a feeling you’ll find a lot of desecrated areas.) You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier plus 1, and regain all uses at the end of a Long Rest.
And you can restore a bit of health thanks to Lay on Hands. You have a pool of healing equal to 5 times your Paladin level that comes back at the end of a Long Rest. You can heal a creature for any number of hitpoints from that pool as an action when you touch them, or cure a disease / poison affecting them with 5 hitpoints. Man that would’ve been useful a couple of thousand years ago, huhn?
Time to pick up the Sword of the Ruler of the Mist. Hm... There has to be a better way of saying that. Regardless Warlocks get to choose their subclass at level 1 and to get a comedically large sword that saps peoples’ lifeforce we’ll be opting for the one, the only Hexblade patron! As a Hex Warrior you can wield martial weapons as well as medium armor (which you already could cause Paladin), but can also choose to swing a sword with your Charisma instead of your Strength or Dexterity. Which is great because you’re not exactly the buff sort. Unfortunately you can’t use a two-handed greatsword just yet, which is why I said you’d do good to grab a longsword instead.
But if you are locked in combat Hexblade’s Curse will make sure that you can dispose of them quickly. As a bonus action you can mark a target for 1 minute. During that time you do bonus damage equal to your proficiency bonus to the cursed target, crit on a 19 or a 20, and regain hit points equal to your warlock level + your Charisma modifier when you kill them. The curse ends early if the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated.
And of course as a Warlock you get Pact Magic. You learn two cantrips and two leveled spells: Eldritch Blast will let you manipulate the mists for a ranged attack, and Prestidigitation will help you keep clean and kingly despite all the black mist flowing out of that gaping stab wound in your chest. As for leveled spells Armor of Agathys will let you put on some Thornmail to keep your health up and hit your foes back, and I mean Shield is on the Hexblade expanded spell list anyways so we may as well use it.
Second level Warlocks get Eldritch Invocations as the mist manipulates your body and soul. For now take Devil’s Sight to see through your Harrowed Path with your dumb human eyes, and we’ll be leaving the other invocation slot open for a level.
You also get another spell but all the other first level spells don’t really interest me. Yeah we’re not taking Hex you’re going to have to live with it!
Third level Warlocks get their Pact Boon for a particular tool of the Warlock trade, and to wield a weapon of spectral steel grab Pact of the Blade! The long and short of it is you can make yourself any melee weapon, and Hex Warrior affects any weapon you summon with this feature! This means that you can actually wield a two-handed Greatsword, but feel free to choose other options. Especially now that you can take the Improved Pact Weapon invocation to turn that Cutlass of the Twink King into a +1 weapon, and also summon yourself a gun (shortbow / longbow / light crossbow / heavy crossbow) if you so desire. But I mean, why would you when you have Eldritch Blast?
You can also add some second level spells to your list like Darkness to walk a Harrowed Path through the mist, though remember that even if you can see through the mist your allies probably can’t. And Misty Step, because something something Flash.
4th level means the first of many Ability Score Improvements. Charisma is used for everything that you do so... maybe increase that?
You also get another spell and another cantrip! For your cantrip Mage Hand is helpful to manipulate the mist to grab things from high places. As for leveled spells Blur is on the Hexblade list... but why would you take that instead of Mirror Image, which doesn’t require Concentration.
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(Artwork by @WetHamster1 on Twitter)
5th level Warlocks get more Eldritch Invocations. To knock a foe down with Spectral Maw take Eldritch Smite, letting you channel a spell slot into a particularly deadly slash of your Viego’s Edge.
If you want an extra attack early you can also replace Improved Pact Weapon with Thirsting Blade, which is now available. But we will be getting Extra Attack from other sources later.
You can also now learn third level spells like Vampiric Touch for a bit of lifesteal. As a treat.
6th level Hexblades can put their passive to work, and have spirits serve your Sovereign's Domination. Accursed Specter lets you use the soul of a humanoid you killed and make it serve you, using the stats of a specter with temporary hit points equal to half your Warlock level and a bonus to hit equal to your Charisma modifier. The specter remains in your service until the end of your next long rest, which is good because you can use the ability once per Long Rest. The specter rolls initiative separately from you, and obeys your commands.
And hey: you’ve already got ghosts fighting for you, so why not summon your depression to fight as well? Summon Shadowspawn from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything (requires a 300 gold gemstone containing tears and) summons a spirit of Fury, Despair, or Fear to fight alongside you. There’s a lot of specifics to this spell that I don’t want to go into (its actual description does a far better job than I ever could) but the important thing to note is that it’ll give you another loyal follower.
Time for a few levels in that other class we have. Second level Paladins can choose their Fighting Style and of course to swing a Shank of the Former Blessed Isles Great Weapon Fighting (style) will let you reroll low die to more reliably cut through the mists.
Paladins also get Spellcasting at level 2, and unlike with Warlock casting you actually get some spell slots! You can prepare a number of spells equal to your Charisma modifier plus half your Paladin level (rounded down.) Divine Favor will let you do a bit more damage with your titular blade, and if you want more of a burst of damage then either Thunderous Smite or Wrathful Smite will do some more damage along with additional effects. To protect yourself from the mists and others who’d want to keep you from Isolde take Protection from Evil and Good. And to borrow a death realm from the other world-ending lord of Runeterra take Compelled Duel.
Of course you could ignore all that spellcasting stuff for even more Damage of the Ruined Blade! Divine Smite will let you do 2d8 damage with a first level spell slot, plus an additional 1d8 per spell slot above first, up to a maximum of 5d8 (with a 4th level slot.) Additionally if you hit an undead or fiend you’ll do an extra d8, meaning that with a 4th level spell slot you can do 6d8 damage!
The real neat thing is that this works with Smite spells as well as the Eldritch Smite invocation, allowing you to effectively use two spell slots at once to smite if you so desire.
3rd level Paladins get to choose their Divine Oath and nothing will stop your Oath of Conquest to save your queen. You get to add the Command spell to your spell list, as well as Armor of Agathys... Uh woups. Uh we’ll address that when we go back to Warlock.
You get two Channel Divinity options: to keep others from stopping you from reaching your queen Conquering Presence will let you force a Wisdom save on units of your choice within 30 feet to frighten them! Alternatively Guided Strike is like Great Weapon Master but in reverse, giving you +10 to hit. This means that if you use Great Weapon Master as well you’d have a +5 to hit and do +10 damage! But remember that you only have one Channel Divinity per short rest.
You also get Divine Health, because simps don’t take sick days.
4th level Paladins get another Ability Score Improvement, and we still use Charisma for basically everything so with this you can cap it off completely!
You can also prepare two more spells but... there isn’t much I want from first level? I mean you can take Cure Wounds for a bit of healing... as treat.
5th level Paladins get an Extra Attack. If you took Thirsting Blade from Warlock you might want to replace that too.
You can also prepare second level Paladin spells now! As a Conquest Paladin you get Hold Person to stun with Spectral Maw, and Spiritual Weapon for more soldiers from the mist. You can also prepare Aid to strengthen your army and Branding Smite to see your foes through the mist.
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(Artwork by @vmatbox on Twitter)
Back to Warlock to replace a lot of things. But firstly you get another Eldritch Invocation: take Trickster's Escape for an emergency QSS.
You also get 4th level spells like Shadow of Moil to become a creature of the mist, and also to get an upgrade from the Darkness spell (which you might want to replace.) Speaking of replacing spells: you got Armor of Agathys from Paladin so replace it with Hallucinatory Terrain to cover the land with mist.
8th level Warlocks get another Ability Score Improvement or a Feat. We’ll be taking the Eldritch Adept feat for more Eldritch Invocations. Which Eldritch Invocation? Why Undying Servitude of course, for more servants of the mist!
D&D Beyond tip: Replace Devil’s Sight and then give yourself 120 feet of Darkvision on the sheet.
You can also get another 4th level spell like Dimension Door, to travel far and wide in a flash to reach your queen.
Hey more Eldritch Invocations! Whispers of the Grave will let you speak to the fragments of Isolde’s soul.
And hey: 5th level spells finally! To strike a foe with Heartbreaker take 
Negative Energy Flood, sundering their health and making them rise to serve you if you end up killing them.
10th level Hexblades get Armor of Hexes. If the target affected by your Hexblade’s Curse hits you with an attack roll, you can use your reaction to roll a d6. On a 4 or higher, the attack instead misses you, regardless of its roll. Naturally this ability makes you particularly good in a 1v1 with whoever you target for Ruination.
You don’t get another spell but you do get a cantrip. Take Toll the Dead to deal with enemies who have high armor, for the mist comes for all.
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(Artwork by @stingrae36 on Twitter)
11th level Warlocks get their 6th level Mystic Arcanum, which looks like a spell slot and acts like a spell slot (IE it comes back after a Long Rest, not a Short one) but can’t be used to upcast your other spells. You can only use it to cast one spell, and for an AoE Heartbreaker take good ol’ Circle of Death.
Also more spells known from your regular Warlock slots: Banishing Smite is on the Hexblade list, and can be used to send any demons back to whence they came.
12th level Warlocks get an Ability Score Improvement or a Feat. I have no idea what else to grab so take the Tough feat for a much needed 24 hitpoint increase to a primarily melee-based character.
You also get another Eldritch Invocation so it’s finally time to get the true Blade of the Ruined King damage with Lifedrinker! This will make any foe struck by your Pact Weapon take an additional 5 necrotic damage. This means that you should be doing 2d6 + 11 damage with every swing of a (+1) Greatsword!
More Mystic Arcanum, this time at 7th level! Power Word Pain will let you subjugate the weak.
And more regular spells: Danse Macabre lets you get more servants forever loyal at your side!
14th level Hexblades are Master of Hexes. Put simply: when a creature affected by Hexblade’s Curse dies, you can apply the curse to a different creature you can see within 30 feet of you. (Though you won’t be healed for the last foe’s death.) This will let you bounce your curse around and reap all its benefits constantly, becoming a master of your own blade.
Our last level is the 15th level of Warlock for a handful of benefits. Firstly we can get an 8th level Mystic Arcanum: Feeblemind is the ultimate tool to truly sunder the weak and discard the chaff.
Secondly you can get your level 15 Eldritch Invocations, and to never mistake Isolde’s face Witch Sight will let you see through any illusion that may be hiding her!
You may also want to replace Improved Pact Weapon as by this point you’ve likely found something better than a regular old +1 greatsword. Visions of Distant Realms and Shroud of Shadows are both very good options.
And we can finally get our last spell: as you gather enough information on the new world Scrying will help you expand your search further beyond!
Surrender to me! - Two smites plus Great Weapon Master on an already deadly blade results in absolutely devastating spikes of damage with your sword. God forbid you crit!
The black mist flows from me like a tide - You also have plenty of tricks to give you an upper hand in longer combats. Hexblade’s Curse of course, but also Armor of Agathys, Shadow of Moil, and Spiritual Weapon.
Fight, puppet; fight for your king! - You can summon all manner of ghosts, ghouls, skeletons, zombies, and everything in between to serve in your search for your queen.
The world denied my happiness - Low ability scores mean that your skills won’t be amazing. The ones you’re proficient in are alright but you aren’t much help outside of being deadly and being royal.
Answer for your crimes, death; answer me! - We didn’t take the 6th level of Paladin which means we didn’t get Aura of Protection. As a result your saving throws are rather low, and while I tried to avoid grabbing too many Concentration spells yo do still have quite a few, which is not at all helped by your meager +1 to CON.
She remains in this world; I can feel it - All the melee tools in the world don’t mean much when you lack any proper way to get close. You have Eldritch blast sure but beyond Dimension Door (which granted is very strong) enemies can easily keep their distance from the mad king with a big blade. Even if you want to use Dimension Door you have a very limited amount of spell slots.
But the world can only hide from the Ruination for so long. The black mist comes, and with it you come to search for your queen. Nothing can stop you; nothing will stop you until you have her again. The world shall be torn to shreds and shattered beyond repair, as long as you can have your queen... Or like, just find a Wish spell or something? Shame you’re a couple thousand years old because True Resurrection doesn’t even work anymore.
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(Artwork by Bo “chenbowow” Chen. Made for Riot Games.)
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meepmoopfanfics · 4 years
you don’t get a win unless you’re playing the game: Daveed Diggs x Reader Chapter 4 Part 2
You scoot past the long line of tourists waiting to be seated at Jack’s Wife Frida. You feel slightly cocky thinking to yourself that this was the first of many things to come easier in your life thanks to Hamilton.
You gave Michelle a huge hug and sat down carefully scanning through the menu while she told you the intimate and quite frankly sloppily drunk evening she had with Cedric. Michelle mentioned it may only be a hookup phase, but you definitely knew there was great chemistry between the two of them. You made sure to give advice to tell her to take it slow. Although you gave the best guy advice, you still to this day never take your own advice yourself.
You immediately open your phone.
Diggs: I’m losing my patience over here...
Oh shit. You forgot to respond. You were too busy romanticizing the thought of the two of you later tonight to even fathom a response.
Your eyes widened as you locked your phone and flipped it face down on your table. Maybe you did need a drink. Or six. The waiter came over to the table looking irritated. She began reading off the specials in a smart ass tone. You were too high off of life to even hear her...
“Bottomless mimosas and Banana Chocolate Chip French toast” you blurted out before she even finished listing off the specials.
“Bottomless?! You out of your mind?” Michelle screeched while rolling her eyes at you. She then looked back at the waiter, “Guess I’m in too. I’ll do the same.”
You both looked at each other and laughed as the waitress gave you both dirty looks and waltzed away.
“You’re acting so weird today, Y/N! What gives? Is it the harsh light? Did I give a little TMI about my evening?”
“Oh no no no definitely not that. And my hangover isn’t exactly the problem…”

You flipped your phone over and to your surprise you stare straight back at a shirtless photo of Daveed in only a towel wrapped low around his waist. His abs so defined and chiseled from the natural light... you couldn’t help but sigh aloud.
“Holy shit...” you mumbled.
You look further down to notice his obliques tapering into a perfect V just as the towel began. Your eyes drifted down to see the towel covering his full erection. Imagining exploring those creases in his abdomen with your tongue was all you could think of.
He was all yours. All yours for the taking. At least in this fleeting moment. And you needed him. Now.
“Who the hell is texting you that is so important?” Michelle yapped. She reached for your phone. You were frozen, simply starting in awe. “Give me your phone right-“ Michelle snatched the phone out of your hands and was face to face with that picture.
Oh well.
“AHH!” She squealed in her hilarious high pitched scream and tossed the phone back into your lap. “No fucking WAY!”
It felt like every table around you turned around to see the chaos that was happening at your table. You didn’t even have a sip of alcohol yet and you both were acting like idiots. All you could do was chuckle and reference your favorite TikTok sound back to Michelle,
“Uh... how do I say this in the best way... I would let this man... crack... my spine in half.”
You both erupted into even louder laughter.
“Maybe let’s just do one drink so you can get yourself ready and get ya ass out of here.” Michelle said. “Daveed Diggs sent you a PIC.” She said in a loud whisper.
She called over the waitress before she charged you both for bottomless. You both chugged your mimosas, had a lovely conversation all while enjoying the decadent French toast, completely eliminating your hangover.
You finally were hit by the bubbles and typed back quickly:
Y/N: “Damn... Trying to make me act up in public?”
Daveed started typing...
Diggs: “It’s the least I can do 😈”
Y/N: “And what would that make the “most” ?”
Diggs: “Why don’t you come over and find out?”
Y/N “Think I could make arrangements...”
He then sent his address on a pin to you.
A fucking PIN of his apartment.
Diggs: “I’ll send you a car, angel. The thought of that lavender lace is driving me over the edge... can’t stop looking at this pic of you...”
You turned to Michelle, “He’s sending me a CAR.”
Michelle’s jaw dropped as she packed her credit card back in her bright pink Marc Jacobs zip wallet and shoved it into her tote bag.
“Let’s get outta here,” Michelle said as you both stood up and sucked in to avoid hitting any of the chairs in the extremely crowded restaurant. “I’ll make sure you get in the car safe.”
You were thankful you only put natural makeup on. Everything was shaved from before the party, of course, so you didn’t have to worry about those basics. You still had your lavender set on. You thought he’d appreciate your casualness in your hoodie and leggings with the special set on underneath for his eyes only. You took your hair down out of your top knot and shook it so it fell down perfectly how you liked it.
“You look hella hot!” Michelle said as your car approached the curb in front of the quaint restaurant. “You tell me everything the instant you leave.”
You hopped in the backseat, reached in your back for your compact and Kiehl’s lip balm. You wanted this to be perfect. You put one spray of (fave perfume of choice) to make you smell amazing and confident. This was going to be an afternoon and hopefully evening you’d never forget.
You had to make him beg for it.
Y/N: “I can’t wait to get on my knees for you...”
Daveed: “You’re making me rock hard. Tell the driver to speed the fuck up”
You began to lose your inhibitions.
Y/N: “You better not be stroking yourself...”
Daveed: “Fuck Y/N...”
Y/N: “Are you thinking about the bullet sucking you off now? I can’t wait to take all of you in my mouth...I’d love it if you’d push your thick cock deep in my throat”
Who were you? You... saying all of this?! You have never acted this way but you were so horny and desperate you didn’t have a filter anymore. If you were about to sleep with your all time celebrity crush, you were gonna make sure it went perfectly.
Daveed: “I want to fuck the shit out of you, Y/N. I’m going to fuck the shit out of you...”
The uber stopped in front of his apartment building.
At this point your fake confidence turned real. You were wet and ready for him. You looked into your compact one last time while in the elevator. The doors opened and you were face to face with his door.
Y/N: “Well then stop touching yourself, get up, and unlock the door.”
Game on.
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jotarosbelt · 5 years
Jotaro Kujo [“She Doesn’t Need to Know.”]
Under the cut for length and 18+ content!
part 2
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dilf jotaro for our viewing pleasure
Having met Jolyne at school, you two became quick friends. Studying at each other’s houses and after school hours, hanging out outside of school, you really covered the basics of a normal friendship and moved into the territory of best friends fairly quickly.
Now, you’ve never been to her house; mostly because she’d prefer to go over to your place or hang out at places like the mall or the park...
...until today.
You came by to study with Jolyne per usual, but you weren’t expecting to lay your eyes on a tall and muscular figure, slinking away into his office as soon as you two met eyes.
“Don’t worry about him, he’ll come around eventually. Besides, the fact he even looked at you is a good sign.” She laughed at her own remark, gesturing for you to follow her upstairs to her room.
You obliged, yet, you couldn’t help but wonder about the tall and muscular figure, dawning white slacks and a black turtleneck.
“I’m gonna go get a drink, you want anything?” You get up, walking to the door.
Jolyne nods. “Water, please.”
You give her a thumbs up and fly downstairs, making a turn to go to the kitchen when you ram into something; scratch that, more like someone.
You look up to meet a pair of icy blue eyes. Damn, were they gorgeous. The man just scoffs and mumbles something sounding like “good grief,” and slinks back into his office. You really didn’t have a reason to be so intrigued by a man you barely just met, but hell, curiosity is what makes you human. Right?
A short time after going back up to Jolyne with your refreshments, you excused yourself once more to go to the bathroom. At this point, you’ve learned Jotaro’s office was downstairs, right by the bathroom you intended on using.
Walking to the bathroom, you passed by his office. You were curious. So what harm was there in taking a peek inside? You cracked open the door, taking a look around to make sure he wasn’t inside before stepping in fully, closing the door behind you. You strode over to his desk, looking at all the paperwork and assignments he was working on grading and signing, as well as the picture of his ex-wife, him, and baby Jolyne together in the corner. How cute!
Reaching to pick up the photo to take a better look, you feel yourself get slammed against the desk, hands behind your back and your face pressed against the polished wood surface. You manage to turn your head just enough to see who was pinning you down and your face flushes almost instantaneously. 
Why were you getting excited?
The man backed off of you, relaxing at the thought of knowing it was just you snooping around his office. You sat up, stretching yourself out from being held so forcefully in that position, as well as trying to ignore the excitement caused by being pinned against the desk like that, completely helpless...
...by none other than your best friends dad.
You did your best to ignore the thought and the feeling between your legs, pushing it down as deep in your mind as possible and turned faced him. His eyes seemed to bore into your soul, his face completely straight and expressionless. Cold, even.
“What’re you doing looking around in my office for?”
You swallowed hard. You swore he could hear it, as well as your quickening heartbeat and your heavy breathing. “Uh... I was um, looking for the bathroom.”
His brows furrowed at your response. “There’s a bathroom upstairs by Jolyne’s room. Why didn’t you use that one?”
You bite your lip. “I wasn’t aware of the bathroom upstairs. Jolyne didn’t tell me about one..” You chuckle nervously. “Besides, I haven’t had much time to ‘explore’ the house as is.”
He scans your face with his unchanged expression. “Good grief. The bathroom’s over there, now beat it, woman.”
You nod sheepishly and make your way out of his office, delicately closing the door behind you. Little did you know, Jotaro was checking you out as you left. He let out a light chuckle at your shyness. He found it cute. 
But, he wouldn’t let you know that.
You used the bathroom as you originally intended, and made your way back up to Jolyne, pushing down all your sinful thoughts of the marine biologist currently flooding your mind to focus on finishing your study session with his daughter.
Since that visit, you opted to not study at the Kujo’s place again. That pesky marine biologist of a father would continue to penetrate your thoughts as long as you gave him a chance. So, you distanced yourself.
Well, you did until Jolyne left one of her study plan outlines at your place. And you being the good friend you are, you to opted to bring it over.
You pulled up to the Kujo home, gulping hard, as you stepped out of the car and walked up to the front door. You knocked gingerly against the door, expecting Jolyne to answer, but you were greeted by the burly man by the name of Jotaro Kujo, wearing nothing but some gray sweatpants that rested slightly below his hips revealing his surprisingly deep V-line and the hem of his boxers, as well as a pair of some black dress socks.
He looked down at you expectantly, waiting for an explanation of why the hell you were on his doorstep. “Hi, Dr. Kujo, uh..”
Goddamn, if his heart didn’t jump at how you just used his career title to address him, you’d be wrong.
“..I’m here to drop off these papers Jolyne left at my place. I thought they’d be useful when it came to studying, but I thought she’d be in right about now.”
He sighed and stepped aside and out of the doorway, gesturing for you to come inside. You looked at him with an unsure expression. 
“I’m inviting you in, bitch.”
You let out an “oh” and apologize before stepping inside and kicking off your shoes at the door. “Pardon the intrusion!”
You and Dr. Kujo sit there, talking for a few minutes about how school’s been going and how you met his daughter, but mostly about your major and what you want to do for work when you graduate.
“Well, I’m majoring in criminal law, actually.”
He cocks a brow. “A lawyer, huh. That’s unexpected.”
You look back at him, surprised. “Oh? How so?”
He sits back in his chair, taking a sip from his drink. “I didn’t take you for the ‘lawyer type,’ if I’m being honest.”
You sigh at his response, a little upset. “Fair enough.”
You two continue to talk a fair amount, asking him about how he got into marine life and about his youth before you finally get up and decide to leave. While putting on your shoes, he comes over and squats down in front of you, slipping a business card in between your lips with a number on the back.
Hot damn, it was his cell number.
You feel yourself blush at his way of giving you the card and remove it from between your lips, putting it in your bag. You thank him for letting you come by and he does the same, saying it was no problem and he’s thankful you came over and dropped off Jolyne’s things the way you did, as well as saying it was nice talking to you.
As soon as you got home, you put the number in your phone, shooting Jotaro a text. He responds a few hours later saying once again how he enjoyed your company and hoped you’d come by again. You blushed at his words and typed a quick response reading “likewise,” flinging your phone across the room and burying your face in your pillow.
A few more study sessions and hangouts with Jolyne and you finally end up full circle back at her house. To be honest, you were ecstatic about being able to see Jotaro again, but you did your best to hide it.
“Hm, seems he doesn’t mind you being here, given he hasn’t slinked off and into his office like he usually does,” she says, forking her thumb to where her dad stood in the kitchen, leaning against the counter with a mug and a book in hand. He looks up and sends you a quick wink, going back to reading with his unchanged facial expression.
You feel yourself blush and let out a giggle. “Seems like it.”
Amid your hangout, Jolyne gets up and apologizes profusely, saying she has to go run over to Ermes place due to an emergency. She says she’ll be back in an hour or so and encourages you to make yourself feel at home till she gets back. You, being as understanding as you are, nod and shoot her a smile. 
“I’ll be fine.”
“I knew you would,” she says as she grabbed herself a jacket and smiled while stepping out the door, quickly gliding down the stairs. “Keep an eye on our guest, would you Pops? I have something I need to take care of.”
He only scoffs in response.
After opting to clean Jolyne’s room up a bit, you go downstairs in search of a bite to eat, only to run into Jotaro the same way you did the first time.
“Oh, I’m so s-sorry, sir.”
Once again, he only scoffs in response. “I was looking for you anyways. Come sit.”
You gulp. Why the hell would Jotaro-motherfucking-Kujo be looking for you?
You both sit on the couch like you both did the last time you were over at this house. However, none of you bothered to make conversation this time. It was more of just Jotaro accessing the sight of you before him while you avoided making eye contact out of fear those aqua-marine eyes of his would bore into your soul again like they always did.
You really didn’t know why this was happening, but you felt that familiar feeling pooling between your legs like when he bent you against his desk, or when he answered the door completely shirtless. He really knew how to get you flustered without speaking, not like he was aware of it, though.
Yet, somehow, you ended up in his lap, your shirt as thrown into the corner of the living room, you grinding down into his erection. Jotaro groaned in your ear, those sounds of approval making you shudder. That deep, predatory-sounding growl really fired you up.
He buried his face in the crook of your neck, sucking and pulling at the flesh, being careful to make his little marks and bruises in places you could easily cover-up. You whimpered at the sensation of his soft lips dancing across your neck and collarbones like he owned you.
God, did he own you.
“Ah~ Dr. Kujo..”
He let out another predatory-sounding growl at the way you moaned out his title, quickly moving his hands up to the middle of your back to unclip your bra. It fell off in one motion and Jotaro shifted his attacks from the skin of your neck to your chest. He kissed, bit, and nipped at the flesh, making you arch your back and let out the cutest little whimpers he’d ever heard.
Wanting to coax out more of those cute and delicious sounds from you, he moved to suck the buds on your chest, alternating between each of them and proceeded to knead and pull at the tender flesh.
Having had enough, he sat you down on the couch, pulling his turtleneck from his body in one swift motion, quickly moving down to undo his belts and unzip his pants. He shot you an expectant look, glancing from you, down to the floor in front of him, down to the obvious bulge in his pants.
“Jesus Christ woman, for someone of your intellect, you’d think you’d understand what I’m asking of you right about now.”
Processing his words, you understand what he meant. Jesus fuck, he wanted you to blow him. You turned red almost immediately at the thought, but nodded and dropped down to your knees in front of him.
You pulled down his pants and navy blue boxers down just enough to pull out his member; hard and firm in your grasp. You could hear his breathing falter and his breath got heavier and ragged as you slowly began to pump him.
Finally getting the courage, you started with a few experimental licks of the tip and shaft of his dick, testing the waters. He seemed to like what you were doing, and the needy look in his eyes beckoned you to do more.
Giving in to the look Kujo was giving you, you part your lips and insert his almost throbbing member into your mouth. You tell he was trying not to buck into your mouth, mostly out of fear of hurting you, but also because he wanted this to last as long as possible.
You swirled your tongue around him, bobbing your head up and down while you used your hands to take care of whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth. Shit, he was a big guy, after all.
“Gah.. fuck,” he moaned as he gently rocked his hips into your warm, wet cavern. You looked up at him with tear-filled eyes, your hair sticking to your face.
Jotaro took the liberty of brushing your stray hair out of your face and grabbing a handful of it behind your head, admiring the way your lips wrapped around his cock before withdrawing himself and pulling you to a stand. Picking you up, he tossed you over his shoulder and trudged up the stairs to his room.
Tossing you on the bed, he crawled up behind you and roughly pulled off and threw your skirt to the side, along with your now-soaked underwear.
He lets out a scoff at the sight glistening of your folds, a slight smirk on plastered across his lips. “Good grief, you’re this wet just from having my cock shoved down your throat, huh? I would have never imagined you’d turn out to be such a slut.”
You shivered at his words. That deep, velvety voice reverberating in your ears and the way those dirty words practically rolled off of his tongue. You were having a great time becoming putty in his hands, and he was enjoying it too.
Probing experimentally at your entrance, Jotaro had his eyes locked on your face, looking at your expression for any signs of discomfort. Your face contorted out of sheer pleasure, your back arching against the covers and whiny little moans escaping your mouth. You tried bucking your hips up into Jotaro’s hand, encouraging him to enter you already or give you some form of stimulation, but your attempts were quickly put to a stop by his unoccupied hand that had shot up to pin your hips down with an immense amount of force. You whimper and look at him, pouting. His stoic expression returned and he slowly pressed a finger into you, as well as starting to rub circles on your clit.
“Please, Dr. Kujo~” you moan out, desperately trying to rut against his hand, but your movement being stopped because of his hand holding you down. He raised both of his eyebrows at you out of sheer interest. “Please what, Ms. [Last Name]? Tell me exactly what you want me to do to you. We only have so much time before Jolyne returns, yes?”
You bite your lip and nod. “I- I, uh..”
He hums expectantly, waiting for your incoming request.
“I want you to fuck me, Jotaro. I want you to fuck my brains out.”
Groaning, he withdrew his hand from your core and reached over his nightstand to grab a foil sealed packet. Ripping it open, he rolled the condom down onto himself and sat down, patting his thigh to signal for you to crawl and sit on his lap.
You crawled over and straddled him, hovering over his throbbing member. Taking a deep breath, you wrapped an arm around his neck, using your other hand to guide his cock into you, lost in the feeling of him stretching you out, obsessed with the feeling of every inch entering you.
Slowly, Jotaro began bouncing you up and down on his shaft, his grunts and growls traveling straight into your ear and down to the coil you felt forming in your stomach.
You heard him growl into your ear, mumbling something about how tight and good you felt and how you were doing such a good job for him. You felt butterflies form in your stomach because of the man's words; the cold and inexpressive man, now complimenting you and your body while performing the most intimate act man could engage in.
“Oh my god, J-Jotaro... I’m- ah,” you squabble our just barely, the pleasure coursing throughout your body clouding your senses. He nods into your shoulder and pulls you up and off of him with ease, bending you over the edge of the bed and ramming back into you, no mercy being given.
“Jotaro, AH!”
Your scream set him off, even more, Jotaro now going feral and causing him to push your upper half into the mattress and he buried himself inside of you, time and time again, panting and grunting in your ear. You’re sent over the edge, that coil you felt in your stomach coming undone as you call out his name, clenching around his length, buried as so deep inside of you, you could swear you could see it in your stomach. He let out an animalistic moan, soon stopping short as he spilled himself into the condom, still buried deep inside of you.
He peeled himself away from your body and out of you, taking off the condom and tying it up and into a not to throw away. 
“Hey,” he said as he turned around to see why you didn’t respond to his call, only to find you sprawled out on his bed, fast asleep. He really did fuck your brains out, after all.
“Good grief,” he said to himself as he went into your bathroom, getting a towel and a damp cloth to wipe yourselves down. He cleaned you up and dressed you in the pajamas you’d brought with you to stay the night, as well as the extra pair of underwear you packed and picked you up, carrying you to Jolyne’s room to rest. He was really attempting to make this look as inconspicuous as possible. 
Did you two really need to run the risk of your best friend, which was his daughter, finding out you just got you back blown out by her dad?
Didn’t think so.
Leaving Jolyne’s room, he walked downstairs to retrieve his belts, as well as your shirt and bra he’d discarded and thrown to different spots all around the room. 
The clock read 9:27. Jolyne has been gone for almost an hour. Surely she was on her way her home now.
Jotaro sighed and quickly buttoned his pants back up, throwing his belts around his neck. He went to the laundry room to throw your clothes in the wash and did one last survey of the house to make sure you wouldn’t be busted by Jolyne when she got back. After everything was settled and you were all clear, Jotaro let out a content sigh and went upstairs to take a shower, only to ultimately go back to his office where it all started.
“She doesn’t need to know.”
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:0 sure!! I'll do it in matchup form. Although im not sure what else to add... lemme think... hmm... i guess a recap of basics wouldnt hurt. Maybe i'll add something in that i forgot to mention initially.
So... Rigby Novikova, Russian-American, 22yo, 5'4, albino with short curly hair which is more on the left and almost covers her left eye (if that... makes sense lol). Fiesty, blunt, sarcastic, sci-fi nerd-- oh!! Shes actually religious, orthodox christian. And she's serious about it, too, though she's definitely not "out there" about her religion. She's got adhd like i do, and she's the, uh, "less bubbly" side of me fleshed out into its own person. Really bad at taking care of herself, hates sleeping (like will vehemently oppose it if it comes down to it), is more innocent than she seems (sexual jokes and implications mean nothing to her -- rip to the guy she ends up with, she honestly doesn't understand that wearing a loose, kinda cropped sweater in place of a shirt is ~dangerous~, nor wearing a sports bra that covers half of her torso (she's not gonna wear it outside, but within the comfort of her home she sees no problem with it cos... it covers a lot. And sometimes she just gets really overheated. So... what can ya do?)).
Not the best at socializing (evidently), often says what's on her mind, whether its "I honestly wonder if you even have a brain sometimes" or "sorry, didn't mean to stare, your eyes are just really nice to look at" with a straight face, not a hint of embarrassment, cos what's there to be embarrassed about? She's funny that way; a lot of things dont embarrass or fluster her. Even if the guy she liked was shirtless and had freaking abs, she'd just be like "ok cool" lmao, maybe stare a little, but in the end probably only end up flustering the other, not herself, because, again, she just doesnt really get embarrassed by that sort of thing. The only way to really do that is to dote on her, compliment her, show her even a tiny bit of affection. Boom. Red-faced tsundere mode activated. But the tsundere type that eventually leans into the affection (this girl is touch starved lemme tell ya), all whilst spewing tsundere things or pouting indignantly. "Shuddap, im just cold" *clings tightly to her partner*
I match you with... 
You’re the kind of person that has your ups and downs. It hasn’t always been easy to be well, you, but you haven’t let that hold you down. You want to keep going on to prove something to the world, if not yourself. You can be stubborn and straightforward to others because it’s easier to just push them away than it is to stress over the small things. You won’t let yourself be vulnerable on the outside, you’d rather bite your tongue and be alone no matter how good a hug may sound. 
You’re looking for a partner that won’t judge you for keeping things at arm’s length but at the same time is willing to push you out of your comfort zone because you need that every now and again. You tend to keep things as far away as possible so, you need a stubborn person who won’t give up on you like you don’t give up on them.
That’s why Seven is a good fit for you. That man will go to Hell and back for the ones that he loves and he won’t hesitate to give you everything that you need. It is very expected of him to tease and torment you. He’s a self-admitted sadist and that bully on the playground that would think about pulling your hair to let you know he liked you. He likes that you bite back when he steps on your toes, watching as your face burns up and your heart races when he runs his fingers through your hair and coos affectionately to you. He wants to see you stutter, stammer, and yelp. He won’t push too hard but he will know when you’ve had enough of his antics. Just know that he’s not going to let you get out of it easy and everyone just looks at you shouting at him and him laughing at you and sighs, well, the party has never been livelier. 
He loves how passionate and determined you are. Make no mistake, if you’ve got something that you want to do, he’s behind you. He wants to protect you but he knows that you’re capable. He just... likes to have a foot in the door, so he will likely be there behind you in some way, not to patronize you, just to get you done so much faster! And when you’re having a rough night, his jacket goes over your shoulders and he’ll kiss your forehead with a chuckle. He just wants to see your face light up.
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cruelangelstheses · 5 years
safe and sound
fandom: avatar: the last airbender rating: T characters: sokka/zuko, jet words: 5.8k additional tags: alternate universe (no bending), first meeting, swordfighting, sharing a bed, light angst with a happy ending, jetko that turns into zukka description: zuko has been searching for a home for a long time. a/n: sup i posted this a While back as an ao3 link for @zukka-week 2018, day 1: swords, but i’m reposting my fics as tumblr posts. this setting is technically an au but basically it’s just like the avatar universe without the four nations/elements, bending, or spirits, and thus the characters’ backstories are somewhat different, and i imagine the city as being pretty much ba sing se
read it on ao3
Zuko is not above stealing. He’ll steal an apple or two from a distracted merchant. He’ll steal money from people that he knows have more than enough. He once stole some bandages and medicine after being injured in a fight—the shopkeeper had seen how little money he had and turned him away, and he thought it ridiculous to have to pay to stay alive. No, Zuko does not necessarily object to stealing on principle, not if it’s for survival, not if it won’t hurt the person being stolen from. But something about Jet’s suggestion—to go out on a “spree of liberation,” as he so eloquently (and suspiciously) called it—makes Zuko’s skin crawl.
Jet has “liberated” a lot of things in his life, but Zuko has never actually seen him do it. He’s never really allowed himself to think about it too deeply, nor has he ever asked; it’s one of those things that he’s been content to leave as a mystery. Now, though, he’s about to find out what exactly happens on one of Jet’s “expeditions,” how he gets those expensive-looking weapons and perfectly cured meats.
The night has just begun, the sun having set less than an hour ago, the sky fading from purple to dark blue to black as Zuko quietly closes the door to Jet’s apartment and steps out onto the dimly-lit street. Jet is standing a few paces to the left with his arms folded pensively, and though they both have their faces covered up to the eyes, Zuko can still see the wheels turning as Jet seems to run through an invisible list of potential victims. Finally, he turns to Zuko and beckons with one hand to follow him.
Zuko and Jet have been dating for almost a month now, but the only people who know about it are Jet’s friends. They met at a shitty tavern near the edge of the city, Zuko alone and Jet with those same friends. As it turned out, they were all in similar situations: they were all kids without families, just trying to get by. They understood each other, and that was something precious, something Zuko couldn’t pass up, even against his better judgment.
Zuko has been alone for a few years now, ever since his family died in a devastating explosion. Zuko was the only one to survive, but not without a permanent reminder on his face. He’s been living on the streets ever since then, working odd jobs and sleeping outside or in cheap little inns. Now, of course, he sleeps in Jet’s apartment, which isn’t fancy by any means but serves as the nicest place Zuko has lived in since his family’s demise.
Jet leads him down various side streets into one of the poorer, darker, more run-down areas of the city, the sort of area where one of the biggest concerns is being caught in the wrong place after dark. It’s an area Zuko has spent quite a bit of time in these past few years. In fact, it was while he was living in one of these areas that he decided to buy his dual swords (any weapons that his family had had were lost in the explosion). As Jet slows down and starts to more closely observe the area, slinking against buildings and hiding in dark spots, Zuko’s stomach drops.
“What do you expect to find here?” he whispers, trying to mask his dread. “There won’t be very many valuables.”
“You’d be surprised,” Jet replies smoothly. “And this place isn’t very heavily guarded. You can get a lot more with a lot less risk. I usually start here and work my way up.”
Zuko opens his mouth to say something else, maybe even to try talking him out of it, but before he can actually form words, Jet’s eyes lock on a target: a young woman carrying two bags of food. Zuko thinks he sees bread in one and fruit in the other—basic necessities. Her clothes are plain, and she looks tired from a long day. She is exactly the type of person Zuko would make sure not to steal from.
Reluctantly, Zuko follows Jet’s lead as the woman turns down a lonely alley with few lights and no other people around. Jet darts around the corner after her and uses the end of one of his hook swords to catch her foot and trip her, a trick Zuko has seen him use a few times. The woman falls to the ground, the bags’ contents spilling everywhere. Accompanying the food are a few articles of clothing; it looks as though she just finished buying these things from a nearby market.
The woman gasps and glances up at them, terrified. She seems like she wants to say something, anything, but she’s frozen in fear. Jet swipes one of the pieces of clothing and briefly examines it, as if to determine whether or not it would fit him or any of his friends. Then he turns to Zuko, his eyes narrowed with expectation, silently saying, You gonna help me or what?
At that, Zuko breaks out of his horrified trance—he’s been watching Jet in shock, trying to process everything; he hasn’t even unsheathed his swords. Pulling down his mouth covering, he blurts, “Jet, what the hell?”
Jet stops what he’s doing and tosses the clothing to the ground. Without looking at the woman, he points one of his hook swords at her threateningly, a wordless demand for her to stay put. “Thought you said you didn’t have a problem with stealing,” he hisses to Zuko.
“I do if it’s from people who are just as poor as we are,” Zuko snaps, “if not poorer!”
“Zuko, you of all people should know that it’s every man for himself,” Jet snaps back. He doesn’t waste any time; he’s going straight for the jugular. “You and I, we’re outcasts, remember? We don’t have any allies. We don’t have any family. We had to do everything we could to stay alive. And we still do. You know that.”
Zuko scowls at him and clenches his fists, making his anger clear. Jet’s right, and he’s persuasive, and they both know that Zuko is far from a saint, but none of that stops the feeling in his gut that this is wrong, that he’ll beat himself up for it years down the road if he doesn’t say something now.
“No,” he says firmly, narrowing his eyes at Jet, feeling something akin to disgust rise in his chest, in his throat. “Look at this woman. She can’t be much better off than we are. This isn’t harmless petty theft. You’re practically mugging her. You’re not just doing what you need to do to stay alive; you’re hurting people. People who don’t deserve it—people who didn’t do anything wrong.”
Jet stares back at Zuko, long and hard, his expression unreadable. Then he sighs and lowers his hook sword. To the woman, who is still trembling on the ground, he says, “Grab your things and get out of here. Before I change my mind.”
The woman scrambles to her feet, hastily grabbing the bags and stuffing her goods back into them haphazardly. Within ten seconds, she’s already rounded the corner, running home as fast as her legs can carry her. Zuko silently hopes that nobody else decides to prey on her tonight.
Once the woman is out of sight, Zuko turns to Jet and says, his voice a bit softer now, “Jet, you know I don’t care if you steal from merchants, from the wealthy, from people who have more than enough food and all the money in the world. But I want you to promise me you won’t do something like that again.” Deep down, he knows he won’t be able to stop Jet from continuing to do it behind his back, but he wants something.
After a long pause, Jet says, “Okay. I promise.” It’s quiet but firm.
Zuko, half-expecting Jet to refuse, doesn’t really know what to say, nor does he know what their new plan for “liberation” is.
As if sensing Zuko’s confusion, Jet answers the unspoken question. “You know what?” he says, actually sounding somewhat nonchalant. “Let’s call it a night, okay? We can go all-out some other time. The full moon’s out anyway—too much light.” He raises an eyebrow. “That cool with you?”
Pleasantly surprised, Zuko just nods and says, “Uh, yeah, okay. Lead the way.”
The quick walk back to Jet’s apartment is carefree and comfortable, almost as if nothing happened between them. On the one hand, Zuko enjoys it, feeling like everything has returned to normal. But he can’t shake the tiny, nagging voice in his head that tells him to be on his guard.
They fall right back into their regular evening routine as soon as they return to the apartment: share the same bed (both shirtless), kiss a little (or a lot), fall asleep—Jet with one arm draped around Zuko’s body. In the comfort and safety of the bedroom, the world of crime and violence and immorality feels so far away, like a distant nightmare, like a memory from long ago.
The voice in the back of his mind tells him not to believe it. So when he wakes up in the middle of the night and finds himself alone in the bed, Zuko knows exactly where Jet has gone.
He doesn’t know how late it is or how long Jet’s been out. All he knows is that it’s still dark out (despite the moonlight) and that Jet and his hook swords have mysteriously disappeared. A part of him hopes that it’s not what it looks like, that he’s wrong, that Jet’s not doing anything behind his back. It’s just that, though: a feeble hope, based only on what he wishes were the case, not on what he knows is the truth.
Zuko wastes no time—who knows how many people Jet’s already harassed and mugged? He pulls a shirt over his head and slings his swords’ sheath across his shoulder. Then he heads out into the night, running down the same side streets Jet showed him earlier, searching for any sign of life. He investigates every shadow cast, every movement glimpsed out of the corner of his eye. Just when he starts to think that maybe he was wrong, that maybe Jet isn’t out stealing from the poor, he hears a voice in the distance, yelping, “H-hey!” It’s followed by the clatter of metal hitting the ground.
Zuko bolts toward the direction of the sound. Turning a corner at the end of the street into a dark alley, the first thing he notices is the oddly dark sword lying on the ground near him, a few feet away from the struggle. The next thing he notices is that, just as he suspected, the instigator is none other than Jet, his face inches from the boy he’s antagonizing. “Gimme your money,” he says, his voice low and hostile.
The boy—darker skinned, hair pulled up into a short ponytail, pretty damn attractive—holds his hands up. “Hey, hold on a minute, I don’t have any money,” he protests.
Jet shoves his knee into the guy’s stomach, and the guy gasps in pain. “You’ve got enough for that fancy sword, don’t ya?” Jet says with a slow grin. “Gotta be more somewhere.”
The boy gulps. “And what if there isn’t?”
“Well then,” Jet replies smoothly, “I’m sure that sword’ll fetch a fine price on the market by itself anyway.”
Zuko, who has yet to be noticed by either of them, unsheathes his swords, the sound making his presence known. Jet glances over at him and promptly freezes, like an animal seconds before it’s killed, only much less innocent. “Zuko—”
“Let him go,” Zuko interrupts gravely, taking a few deliberate steps forward. “I’ll fight you if I have to.”
Jet’s eyes narrow, wild with something between disappointment and anger swimming in their dark depths. “I thought you’d understand,” he says slowly, turning away from the boy and tightening his grip on his hook swords. “But I see now that I was wrong about you.”
“I could say the same to you,” Zuko retorts. “Fucking liar.”
Without much warning, Jet lunges at him, hook swords raised, and Zuko blocks them with his own dual swords, steel against steel, the clang echoing through the alley. Zuko shoves Jet back, and as he’s reaching forward to strike with one hand, Jet uses both his hook swords to grab onto the end of Zuko’s, deflecting it to the side. Zuko manages not to lose the sword and swings at him again. Jet leaps backward, but he doesn’t completely avoid the blades; Zuko can distinctly hear and feel the cutting of fabric and flesh, though not very deep.
Jet glances down at the cut on his arm and falters slightly, taking a step backward. Zuko takes advantage of the opportunity and springs on him, making a quick slash at the wrist of his right hand. Jet hisses in pain, instinctively loosening the grip on his sword, and Zuko swings at it with all his might, successfully knocking it out of Jet’s hand. The sword lands on the ground only a foot or two away from the boy Jet was harassing, who snatches it with a clever grin and points it threateningly at Jet.
Jet seems to realize now that he’s outnumbered and lowers his lone hook sword, staring daggers at Zuko. “Traitor,” he spits.
Zuko shakes his head. “I should’ve known. I should’ve known the moment I met you. In a way, I kind of feel sorry for you—the world has been so cruel to you that you think the only way you can survive is by hurting others.” He shrugs. “You’re confused like I used to be. And maybe one day you’ll learn like I had to. But until then…” He puts his swords back into their sheath—he’ll clean the bits of blood off later. “Until then, I don’t want to see you around.” He pauses to let that sink in, and then he adds, “I’ll come back to your place tomorrow to pick up my things.”
Jet scowls wordlessly; he knows he’s been beaten. He holds his hand out toward the boy, who still has Jet’s other hook sword. “Gimme that,” Jet says.
The boy turns to Zuko, as if for permission. Zuko nods at him, and he holds the sword outward. Jet swipes it out of the boy’s hands. He gives Zuko a look of betrayal, of anger, but Zuko can see the hurt that lies beneath it.
“Goodbye, Jet,” Zuko says softly, and something in his heart hurts, too. There’s a significant part of him that wishes it didn’t have to be this way. But it does. If Zuko is going to fully move on from the mistakes of his past, it does.
“Goodbye, Zuko,” Jet replies grimly. Then he turns around and runs swiftly out of the alley, seemingly unfazed as the blood from his cuts starts to run down his arm. He doesn’t look back.
The boy breathes a sigh of relief. “Wow,” he says as he processes everything that just happened. “Thanks, dude. Zuko’s your name, right?”
“Uh, yeah,” Zuko says, suddenly feeling his boldness leave him as he looks this guy over more carefully. He’s probably around the same age as Zuko, but a little shorter and lankier, with deep blue eyes and a pretty face.
The boy seems to notice the way Zuko is looking at him (Zuko’s never been good at hiding his feelings), and he smirks knowingly, but not maliciously. “I’m Sokka,” he says smoothly, his eyes twinkling playfully.
“Sokka,” Zuko repeats as Sokka heads over to where his own sword has been lying on the ground. He picks it up and casually wipes the dirt off of it. As Zuko watches him, an opportunity for conversation strikes him. “Why’s your blade so dark?” he asks.
Sokka smiles proudly. “It’s made out of the rock from a meteorite that landed out in the woods recently.”
“I...wow,” Zuko says in genuine fascination, staring at the dark gray sword as Sokka returns it to its sheath.
Sokka stares at Zuko for a second or two, looking like he’s considering something. “Do you, um,” he says slowly, clearing his throat, “have a place to stay for the rest of the night?”
Zuko shrugs without saying anything. He could probably find a cheap hotel or a nice spot on the street to sleep on like he used to, but the truth is that, once again, he doesn’t have any reliable place to stay.
“I’ll take that as a no,” Sokka says firmly. “You could stay with us for the night, if you want.”
Zuko raises his eyebrow. “Who’s ‘us?’”
“My sister and our two friends and I,” Sokka replies casually. “We all share an apartment not too far from here.”
“Oh, uh,” Zuko stutters, somewhat flustered at the offer. “I mean, I wouldn’t want to impose…”
Sokka waves his hand nonchalantly. “Nah, you’ll be fine,” he says, already starting to walk away. He glances back over his shoulder, as if expecting Zuko to follow him. “Well? I’m sure you’d rather sleep in a warm bed than on the damn ground, and I doubt your boyfriend’ll let you back into his place.”
That catches Zuko completely off guard, and he rushes to catch up with Sokka. “H-hey, how did you—?”
Sokka shrugs, that teasing, knowing grin back on his face with no sign of disappearing anytime soon. “Call it a hunch,” he says. “That fight definitely felt like a lovers’ spat to me.” He doesn’t mention Zuko checking him out, but it hangs in the air between them, unspoken. Sokka knows that Zuko thinks he’s attractive, and Zuko knows that Sokka knows.
After a few moments of near-silence, with the only sound being the sound of their footprints as Sokka leads Zuko to his apartment, Zuko asks, “So, what made you decide to take a walk in the middle of the night, anyway?”
“Couldn’t sleep,” Sokka replies. “I had a weird dream where food started eating people.”
Zuko snorts; he can’t help it. “Talk about revenge.”
“I know!” Sokka says, his voice going up an octave, throwing his hands up in the air. “But anyway, usually eating helps me when I wake up in the middle of the night, but obviously I wasn’t gonna do that this time. So I thought I’d take a little night walk instead.”
“If you were just taking a walk, then why’d you bring your sword with you?”
Sokka just laughs at that, short and sharp. “In case I got attacked.”
Zuko laughs a little, too, something he doesn’t do very often—he didn’t even laugh all that much when he was with Jet, and yet Sokka’s gotten him to laugh within half an hour of knowing him. That’s impressive, to say the least. “Well,” he says, “it looks like it didn’t help you out that much anyway.”
“He caught me off guard, okay?” Sokka insists, but he’s still smiling. “The guy’s stealthy. I admit it. But if I’d had my boomerang, too, he would’ve been in for it, I’m tellin’ ya.”
When they reach the apartment, Sokka lowers his voice and warns Zuko to be quiet, since everyone else is likely still asleep. Zuko can’t make out much in the darkness, but the apartment has a similar layout to Jet’s, though it doesn’t have as many rare or expensive items obtained under suspicious circumstances. Most of the things that Zuko sees are things he’d expect to see in most people’s homes—rags to clean with, some pots and pans, a few articles of clothing strewn across the floor. So far, the most remarkable possession he’s seen of theirs has been Sokka’s “space sword,” as he calls it.
“So, uh, we’ve got two beds,” Sokka whispers, “for four people, but Toph always sleeps on the floor.” He gestures to a dark shape on the floor of the main room that must be Toph. “Aang and Katara usually share the one bed because both refuse to share one with me.” He points toward the open door that leads into a small bedroom area. The other bed, decently-sized, rests near the corner of the main room, which also consists of a small living area and a kitchen.
Zuko raises his eyebrow. “Why don’t they want to share with you?”
Sokka smiles sheepishly, looking embarrassed but trying to hide it. “I just toss and turn a lot. And sometimes I accidentally steal the blankets.” He clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck. “So, um...I can, uh, sleep on the floor,” he says slowly, “if...you’d be uncomfortable...you know.” Even in the darkness, Zuko can see a blush on Sokka’s cheeks.
Zuko shrugs. He genuinely doesn’t care if he sleeps in the same bed as Sokka; at least it’s a bed, and he’s slept in much stranger places with much stranger people. (And there’s also the fact that Sokka is very attractive, and Zuko would be completely fine with sharing his warmth. But that doesn’t influence his decision at all, of course not; that would be ridiculous.) “I don’t mind,” he says out loud. “Really. It’ll be fine.”
Sokka sort of smiles at that, seeming almost relieved. “Okay,” he says, making his way over to the bed. He takes his shoes off and leans them up against the wall, then pulls the sheath of his sword off his shoulder and rests it on the floor next to the bed. He lets his hair out of its ponytail and rests the tie on the nightstand, then climbs into the bed. The covers are already somewhat messy, but only on Sokka’s side.
Zuko takes his own shoes off and rests the sheath of his swords on the floor next to the bed like Sokka did. Then he awkwardly crawls under the blanket, trying to be calm and fucking normal instead of thinking about how pretty Sokka is and how close they are. He can’t blow this.
“What’ll your friends think when they wake up and see a stranger sleeping in your bed?” he asks as the thought hits him.
“My sister might freak out a little, but other than that, it should be fine once I explain what happened. Don’t worry,” Sokka replies calmly.
Zuko rolls onto his side so that his back is facing Sokka. As he’s lying there, it finally hits him, just how much everything has changed in so little time. He broke up with Jet, and he’ll be on his own again, and he’s sleeping in the bed of some guy he just met, and everything is weird, and yet it doesn’t feel bad. He thinks he might even be okay with it.
After only a few minutes, Sokka whispers, his voice barely audible, “Zuko.”
Zuko rolls over to see Sokka sitting up, looking contemplative. “Yeah?”
“I have a question,” Sokka says quietly, “and you don’t have to answer it, but I was just wondering.”
Zuko takes a deep breath. Here it comes, the inevitable question, the question everyone asks soon enough after meeting him: the scar question.
But what comes out of Sokka’s mouth isn’t what Zuko expects. Instead, Sokka asks, “What did you mean when you said to Jet—that was his name, right?—when you said he was confused like you used to be? When you said maybe he’d learn like you had to?”
Zuko sighs in relief. Strangely enough, it feels easier to him to answer this question than it does to answer the scar question. Maybe it’s because he’s made peace with his past, with his mistakes. But he still hasn’t made peace with his family’s brutal deaths, especially his mother’s; he was closest to her. He doesn’t think he’ll ever make peace with it.
Zuko sits up on his elbows. “After I...became homeless, I did a lot of things that I regret. Things like what Jet was doing. I was angry at the world, and sometimes I think I still am. I don’t rely on it anymore, but I did then. I stole food from people who were starving because I didn’t care. I thought that I was better than them, that I deserved food more than they did. I got into fights with anyone who so much as looked at me the wrong way. A lot of them were kids or teenagers. One was probably around ten or eleven, and I think I was fourteen.” He sighs, remembering all the bloody noses, bruises, deep cuts, and broken bones he’s given people over the last few years.
“It got worse before it got better, especially after I got my swords. I mugged poor, innocent people. You would’ve wondered why I never got an apartment or anything, what with all the money I stole, not to mention the odd jobs I worked sometimes. I think it was because I didn’t want to stay in the same place. I liked running around with nowhere to be and everywhere to go, and besides, it would’ve been easier for other people to trace me if I stayed in one place, instead of committing a crime and then disappearing. I think I must’ve slept in every hotel in the city, except the really high-end ones.”
Sokka watches and listens, not judging, at least not openly. His gaze is intent and sincere. “What changed?” he says softly. “What made you stop?”
Zuko sits up more, leaning the pillow up against the wall and then resting his back against it. “It happened not too long after I turned fifteen. One evening there was this awful fire in another section of the city that destroyed several houses, and that night, across the street from where the fire had been, I saw this little kid sitting on the curb, all curled up into a ball and crying. He was maybe eight or nine. I remember not wanting to care. I remember just wanting to walk away and forget about it, because it wasn’t my problem. But I had a bad feeling about why he was crying, so I went over to him.” He closes his eyes briefly, imagining it, remembering every detail.
“He didn’t notice me at first, and I didn’t know what to say, so I just kind of sat down next to him, and that’s when he looked up at me. He asked me what I was doing, and I honestly didn’t really know, so I told him that I saw him crying and felt like I couldn’t just leave him there, which was the truth. When I looked at him closer, I realized he was partially covered in soot with a couple of small burns. He told me that his parents hadn’t made it out of the fire, that his home and his family were all gone and he didn’t know what to do. That was the first time in a long time that I’d felt sympathy for anyone. I saw myself in this kid, and I realized then that I didn’t want him to grow up hating the world and everyone in it. So I turned to him, looked him right in the eye, and told him to promise me he would never hurt someone for no reason. I remember how confused he was, because to him, it didn’t seem to have anything to do with the fire. I explained to him that when you go through something hard, sometimes it makes you bitter and angry, and I told him that I didn’t want that to happen to him. So he nodded and said that he promised, and then I gave him a bunch of money that I’d stolen the night before, and I told him to find someone that would help him, like a neighbor or an uncle or a family friend or something. He said he’d try and ran away, and then I sat down on the curb where he’d been sitting and thought about everything I’d done.
“It was hard to go through all those victims and put myself in their situations, but I did it. It was like seeing that kid had opened the floodgates and made me able to care about people again. Up until then, I think I’d locked my heart up. I never allowed myself to feel anything other than hatred and anger, because anything else made me weak.”
There’s a stretch of silence after Zuko finishes as Sokka seems to process everything. Then he says, gently, his eyes soft, “Is that what happened to you? With the fire?”
Zuko bites his lip as he remembers hearing something burning, as he remembers looking through the little window in one of the doors with his left eye just seconds before the explosion. He doesn’t look at Sokka when he says it. “Something very similar. Yeah.”
“I...I’m sorry,” Sokka says, sounding genuine. “Katara and I lost our mother six years ago.” He reaches his hand out tentatively, his gaze filled not with pity but with understanding. Normally, Zuko would shy away. Normally, the scar is off-limits. But this is far from normal.
Sokka pauses right before his hand reaches Zuko’s face, as if silently asking permission. Zuko nods. “You can touch it.”
Sokka moves closer to Zuko and rests his hand on Zuko’s cheek, his fingers feeling the burned flesh. They’re so close now, only inches away, and all Zuko has to do is lean forward and bridge the gap.
“Zuko,” Sokka says, his hand never moving, “I don’t know what exactly it is about you, but I feel...close to you for some reason. Even when I first saw you fight with Jet, I was drawn to you.”
Zuko’s heart starts to beat faster. “I, uh, I could say the same to you.”
And then they’re kissing.
It’s soft and slow, gentle and tender, Sokka’s fingers lightly brushing against Zuko’s skin. Zuko drapes his arms over Sokka’s shoulders, sighing when Sokka runs his tongue across Zuko’s bottom lip. It’s bliss, but not an energized, ecstatic bliss, like the way kissing Jet felt like. It’s more of a glowing sort of bliss, a tranquil and safe sort of bliss, warm but not scorching. Whereas kissing Jet felt like fireworks, hot and wild but short-lived, kissing Sokka feels like a hearth—like coming home.
When they break away, both of them mildly out of breath, Sokka kind of laughs and says, “Well, now I know I wasn’t misreading the signals or anything.”
He’s referring to Zuko checking him out, and Zuko’s face heats up a little. “Well, yeah, I guess I’ve never really been the best at subtlety.”
Sokka just smiles and says, “Would it be okay if I...saw you again sometime?”
Now Zuko’s definitely blushing. “I, uh, yeah,” he stutters. “Of course.”
Across the room, an annoyed voice groans, “Great performance, lovebirds; now will you please go to sleep?”
Sokka and Zuko both jump. Zuko doesn’t think he’s ever been more embarrassed in his life. One of Sokka’s friends—the one who sleeps on the floor, Toph, if he remembers correctly—is awake. He doesn’t know how much she’s heard, but apparently, she’s heard enough.
“Toph!” Sokka hisses. “Way to ruin the moment!”
“Way to ruin my sleep,” Toph retorts. “Your gross kissing noises interrupted my dream. This guy better be cute.”
“I—he is!” Sokka says, his voice cracking, also clearly embarrassed. Zuko tries not to smile (and fails miserably).
“I don’t trust your opinion,” Toph replies bluntly. “I’ll ask Katara in the morning.”
Zuko looks over at Sokka quizzically. “Can’t she just decide for herself?” he whispers.
“She’s blind,” Sokka explains. “She has no idea if you’re cute or not.”
“Guys, what’s going on?” another unfamiliar voice asks. Someone steps out from the other bedroom into the main room and turns a nearby lamp on: a girl who looks a lot like Sokka, but a little bit younger—his sister, most likely. “Sokka, who’s—?”
“Sokka’s new boyfriend,” Toph interrupts from her place on the floor.
“He’s not my—we just met!” Sokka sputters, blushing.
“Yeah, but that didn’t stop either of you from pouring your hearts out to each other. And then making out.”
“We were not making out!” Sokka insists, his voice going up an octave again; Zuko thinks it’s cute. “My tongue and Zuko’s tongue didn’t meet once!”
Another person steps out of the bedroom and into the main room, a younger boy with black hair. He rubs his eyes. “Okay, guys, you know I’d prefer it if we didn’t argue at all, but if we have to, can’t we do it after sunrise?” Then he glances over at the bed and, noticing Zuko, raises an eyebrow. “Um, Sokka, I’m not judging or anything, but why is there a random guy with a scar in your bed?”
“Can we please just discuss this in the morning?” Sokka groans. “This guy saved me from his ex-boyfriend who was trying to mug me and he needed a place to stay so I told him he could sleep here for the night. And I’m probably gonna keep hanging out with him, so be nice.”
“Katara, I want your honest opinion,” Toph says to the other girl. “Is this guy cute?”
Katara seems to think for a moment, and Zuko tries to hide his self-consciousness. Finally, she says, “Um, yeah, actually, he’s not bad-looking.”
“Great. That’s all I needed to know,” Toph says. “Now can we all please go back to sleep?”
“You don’t have to tell me twice,” the boy—Aang—says, turning around and heading back into the bedroom. After giving Sokka a skeptical look, Katara turns the light back off and follows Aang.
“I’m sorry for them,” Sokka says immediately. “They’re nice, I swear, but they don’t know you and it’s the middle of the night and they’re cranky.”
“I can still hear you, you know,” Toph grumbles.
Sokka ignores her. “Anyway, um, we should...probably get some rest,” he says slowly. “It’s been a long night. I can give you a proper introduction in the morning.”
Zuko just smiles a little and lies back down; this time, though, he’s turned toward Sokka, not away from him. “You know,” he says, “you and your friends...almost feel like a family of sorts.”
Sokka shrugs, but he’s smiling, too. “We are.”
Zuko hasn’t had a family in so long.
“Maybe one day,” Sokka says, his voice soft, “you can be a part of it, too.”
That night, Zuko sleeps better than he has in a long time, probably since before his family died. He revels in the feeling of Sokka’s warm body next to his. When he was with Jet, it felt good. But when he’s with Sokka, it feels right, like finding something that he thought he’d lost forever.
Like coming home.
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Got7 reaction to: watching kdrama’s with their S/O
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A/N: So it took forever to post this, but I hope you like it! @hello-btsfangirl 
Scenario So your boyfriend finally has time to meet up with you for a date. You two decide to stay in at your place and you convince him to watch a k-drama you’ve recently been obsessing over. You settle down onto the couch, covered up with a cozy blanket and some popcorn on your lap while your boyfriend lets you lean on his shoulder. The k-drama starts and the tv screen displays a close-up of a guy’s bare chest before paneling out to show multiple six-packs, bare backs, and biceps. You squeal in delight. Your boyfriend, however...
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Mark Notices how excited you look. You’re fangirling so much that you don’t realize Mark just keeps looking at you with a slight smile on his face. He’s jealous, but he wouldn’t want to be possessive or petty about it. He would get slightly pouty and clingy though when he sees you paying more attention to the male actors on the screen than on your boyfriend sitting right next to you. He’d be pretty chill about watching the rest of the k-drama with you, as long as you give him more attention and love instead.
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Jaebum Similar to Mark, he would get kind of sad at you not giving him enough love. Jaebum would be more jealous though. He would start wondering (aloud) if he wasn’t handsome enough for you. He’d joke about it, but if you were too engaged into the shirtless men, his pride would get hurt. Would initiate more skinship with you and get you to pay some attention to him too. If it gets too much and he gets too frustrated at you ignoring him while fangirling over those six-packs instead, he would turn off the television and initiate a make-out or he’d fall asleep during the k-drama and wake up the next morning. 
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Jackson Would be so. jealous. Starts complaining and insulting the male actors, saying their body ain’t as good as his anyway or how he has a much better-looking face and physique. He would basically do anything to get your attention; block the tv screen by showing off his muscles or just walking back and forth to block your vision, cover your eyes every time a shirtless man comes up on the screen, start singing or talking really loud when you’re about to fangirl again... In the end, he just wants some love haha. At times, I can also see him fangirling together with you though, especially if they are actors he likes as well. So it might as well go two ways or both ways.
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Jinyoung Would sigh and bitterly laugh. He would facepalm himself mentally because he should have seen it coming the moment you mysteriously grinned when he asked you what k-drama you wanted to watch. The type to sit there lifelessly and rethink his life choices whilst contemplating every way he can possibly unwatch all. those. bare. chests. from his memory. Every time you make eye contact with him, he’d just give you a sarcastic look. Still endures through the entire k-drama though, because looking at how smiley you get when watching the drama... he can’t take that happiness away from you. He would still dramatically yell ‘IT’S FINALLY OVER’ when you guys are done with the k-drama though.
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Youngjae Shocked. Slightly dramatic. “Y/N, I THOUGHT YOU WERE INNOCENT.” Would still watch the k-drama with you and occasionally start fangirling over all those six-packs too, he’d admire how all those male actors could have such a good physique. Is going to overload you with lots of hugs and kisses and compliments throughout the entire date, kinda wishing you’d do the same to him. By the end of the night, he’s become as much a fan of the k-drama as you are.
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Bambam Slightly surprised you suggested to stay in and watch a k-drama, but wouldn’t complain about it. The moment he sees all those shirtless actors though, he’d tease you to no end. “Oh so this is why you wanted to stay in tonight, huh?” Would jokingly act like he’s disappointed you asked him on a date just to watch shirtless men all day. Is still going to stay though, but... would distract you every chance he gets. Starts tickling you at some point or hiding the snacks behind his back so you’d have to pay attention to him. Doesn’t want to admit that he’s kinda jealous and bored, but if that’s what you want to watch, he’d still snuggle on the couch with you.
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Yugyeom Wouldn’t know what to do. He looks at the screen full of exposed chests, then sees you sitting there grinning with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes and he’s just... astonished. Would try to get into the k-drama, curious as to why you can be so absorbed into it. Sooner or later though, he would start getting whiny because you aren’t paying enough attention to him. Would therefore pull you into a hug and not let go for the rest of the day.
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smutbangtan · 7 years
Apartment - Part 1 (Jungkook Smut)
Word Count: 2,219
Summary: You moved into a new apartment. You have a perfect view of a neighbor across the building. You’re intrigued by him and watch his every move.
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Female Reader x Jungkook
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"Hey! I'm just making my way in now. I had dinner with Rutuni so I'm good for tonight' You laughed as you spoke to your friend over the phone. You managed to juggle a large box under your arm, a phone that was being held by the side of our head and shoulder and using your other hand to press the code of the door to let you inside your new apartment. The door buzzed and played a short electronic melody as you walked in.
"The removalists brought in the furniture yesterday, and by the looks of it they have already placed everything in the right place" You smiled in satisfaction as you vaguely saw the outlines of the furniture in the dark. You bent down and placed the box down quickly then held onto your phone, feeling relief from holding such a heavy item. You sighed then continued to talk.
"I'm a little excited but nervous at the same time" You admitted.
"Don't worry, you'll fit in right away. I'm so jealous! I should come and visit you soon! Look at you 'big city girl'!" your friend chuckled from the other end. You laughed in response then reached for the light switch.
Nothing happened.
"Oh fuck." You muttered.
"What!! What's wrong?" shouted your friend through the phone in panic. You pulled the phone back from your face, hoping you didn't turn deaf.
"Calm down Jun!" You said seriously. "My power hasn't been connected yet. I completely forgot. I think they'll connect it tomorrow" You remembered having some vague conversation with the company a few days ago.
You walked into your large apartment and saw the outlines of all the furniture and boxes neatly stacked. You specifically asked the removalists to have the bed already built and placed in the correct room.
"Oh" Jun sighed in relief. "Well luckily you just had dinner."
"Yeah" You added. "I guess I can't shower in the dark, I'll be asking for disaster"
"Yeah don't shower till the morning" Said Jun seriously. "I have to get going but text me tomorrow afternoon, I want to know how your first day went!"
While you were talking, you made your way to your bedroom and saw your bed already placed as requested. "I will, goodnight" You added before you hung up. You stood there in the dark for a moment and looked around the large room. You had boxes piled in the corner that was labelled 'bedroom'. It was a spacious apartment. The large window in the bedroom had its curtains open exposing the building beside yours which was at least 50 metres away. You happened to be seeing the east side of the same apartment building. Each window or two was a view of someone else's apartment inside, but it was curtained off. Some of the curtains were glowing which showed signs of a TV in the background, or a room light on with blurred shadows. The glow of the night sky and the distant city lights lit up your room just enough for you to gather some items from your boxes before heading bed.
You managed to find the fresh bed sheets and covers for your bed. You walked around the apartment, gathering the essentials for tomorrow including your work bag. You placed them on the floor of your room and plugged in your phone into an external USB charger for it to charge. You were humming to yourself as you walked into the bathroom. Out of habit you reached for the light switch but when nothing happened you groaned, remembering about the whole electricity situation. You quickly brushed your teeth, washed your face in the dark, hoping you didn't make such a mess and made your way back into the room.
Tomorrow you were starting a new job that you applied for weeks ago, and to your surprise you were called back and was employed. You had to move across the country to the bigger city and away from your small town and friends. It hadn't quite hit you yet. Finally you made it out from that town. It was always a dream to make something of yourself, and now was your chance. You landed a job at a small editing company. You were completely exhausted from all the running around for the day which involved opening a new bank account, connecting the internet and gas into the apartment. You wanted an early night.
All sorts of feelings were running through your mind while you were getting undressed. You didn't bother closing the curtains. You figured no one could see you since you were basically standing in the dark. You changed into a small PJ shorts and tank top then slipped into your bed. The bed happened to be placed up against the large window on its side. If someone were to see you from the outside, they could see the whole length of the bed. You reached over and pulled the bed covers together but then paused, wondering if you should change the position of the bed now. You hated the sun reaching your face early morning, and the last thing you needed was the glaring sun on your face on your first day of your new job. After a few seconds of contemplation, you decided to leave it for now.
You shuffled into your blankets and felt the crisp of the fabric and the softness of the new mattress. You realised the curtains was still open. You had a clear view of the building beside yours and a side view of the city. Someone could easily see you in the morning laying there sprawled out on your bed. You didn't want that. You shifted yourself up on your knees, reaching both sides of the curtains ready to pull it shut when suddenly you noticed a light turning on in one of the apartment windows opposite from yours. You didn't pay much attention to it but suddenly a young man came into view.
He was holding onto his gym bag when he entered his room then dropped it to his side. He wore a white singlet top and black pants and runners. He must've come back from the gym, you concluded. Your first introduction of a new neighbour. A pang of guilt ran through you. You closed your eyes and turned away, not wanting to pry anymore as you clutched the curtains. Your eyes turned and looked back into the window one last time before you decided to close it and leaving the man be. However, this time the guy was now shirtless.
Your mouth hung open. What you saw you was beyond belief. You could see every definition of his back muscles as it faced you, and how they flexed as he was on his phone. He turned and headed to the window while his attention was on his phone screen. You gasped "Oh fuck!" then shut the curtains quickly thinking he would see you. Your heart was beating so fast against your chest from the anticipation and the fear of getting caught. You didn't want you neighbour to think you were some pervert.
You kept clutching onto the edges of the curtains then quickly made a little peep whole. It didn't seem like he saw you but instead he grabbed a towel at the edge his bed and hung it off his shoulder. He paused and resumed typing on his phone while you now admired his front you. And my god, what a view. If his back muscles weren't enough, his chest completely made your head spin. His was well toned. His abs rippled a little as he shifted on his feet. You hadn't realised you were holding your breath for those couple of moments while you admired this heavenly view. One of his hands reached up and ran it through his black hair as he tossed his phone onto his bed. The guy turned and headed out of sight. You assumed he was headed to the shower.
When you couldn't see him anymore you sat down facing the slightly opened curtains. Should you wait and see what happens next? Even if he does return it's not like you see anything but him moving around his bedroom before he sleeps. The pang of guilt ran through your mind again. If the situation was turned around and someone was staring at you from a dark window, you'd get extremely angry and feel violated. But, if it was him? Would you still feel the same? You blinked in thought.
A suddenly buzz was heard from across the room and that made you jump. You looked over at your phone and saw a text message come up on screen. The glow of the phone screen illuminated your room. You slipped out of bed and walked over to your phone that was being charged on the floor. You picked up the phone and read the message.
Message from Ella: Hey city girl! Good luck for tomorrow 
Your lips curled into a smile and you replied with a thanks and a emoji. You did a quick scroll through Facebook and other social media platforms before you decided to head back to bed.
Something moved between the curtains. You turned back and headed to the window again, wondering what you would see. Without looking at your bedsheets, you slipped into bed and stared into the stranger's window again. Your heart skipped a beat, you were so eager to know but at the same time you felt so perverted.
He was now back in his room with a white towel around his waist. You could see his pale skin glistening from under the bedroom light. His wet black hair was combined back with a few strands hanging off his eyes. His muscled ripped as he walked. The edge of the white towel was so low against his abdomen that his love handles and veins showed.
"Oh my god.." You whispered to yourself. You were so fixed on his body and his actions that your mouth started to feel dry. You licked your lips as your mind started to think of things you never thought you could.
You couldn't help but continue to look but your hands spoke for you. Your view was suddenly blocked by your curtains. You huffed to yourself, feeling relief from all that sexiness that you just witnessed.
Mentally, you convinced yourself this was your first and last time watching someone from your window. You didn't want to be known as the 'creep'. You fell back on your bed and covered your body with the blanket and sheets. You hadn't noticed how hot your skin felt. You looked up at the ceiling in thought. There was no way you would do that again. This was a new beginning for you and you didn't want to start it by secretly watching someone. No matter how hot he was. Besides, you'll be moving the bed into a different position tomorrow anyway so it was great while it lasted.
From all this 'observing' it made you realise how boring your dating life was. It had been a while since you dated, or even had a sexual encounter let alone seeing a guy partially naked. All of this sparked a need to be with someone or even just a fling of some sort. But the last time you did, it didn't turn out too well. In the end, you fell in love with him but the feelings were never returned. You sighed to yourself then closed your eyes. You pushed all those images of the stranger to the back of your head as you tried to sleep.
As days passed you started to find yourself anticipating on seeing the stranger every night. You avoided your room once you got home, ensuring that no sign of human existed in there when it got dark. You would then open the curtains slightly and watch him while in bed with the blankets around you. Sometimes you would sit up and watch, other times you would lay to your side and observe.
At first you convinced yourself you would only watch him take off his shirt when he entered his apartment, then you'd go to bed and be done with it. But one thing led to another and you practically ended up watching him till it was time for him to sleep. Thankfully he wasn't a late sleeper.
His nightly routine consisted of coming home from the gym, showering (you loved this bit), changing into his night clothes which included a white shirt and black shorts. At times, he wouldn't even wear a shirt. He would lay on his bed and stare up at his phone. You would see him chuckle at his screen or quickly flick through whatever he was reading on his phone. You never saw him fully naked. He was always out of view when he changed. From your distance, you never saw distinctive features of his face. But you saw him enough to know that he was mildly attractive. It was his body that stood out. It was the reason why you watched him.
Your work, social life or your daily activities weren't affected. This was your dirty little secret. You promised never to tell anyone.
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Model Type // Johnny - NCT
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“Heyyy, buddy,” Taeil called, rolling up into the room. Johnny was the only one there, so there was no mistake Taeil was talking to him. Johnny looked over, eyebrows raised, ready to hear what Taeil could possibly have to say that caused him to sound so nervous.
The older male scratched the back of his neck as he continued to approach Johnny. “Yes, Taeil? Got something to say?” he asked.
“Do you want to make an easy five hundred bucks?”
Johnny squinted hard as he looked at Taeil. There was no such thing as an easy five hundred bucks. He waited for Taeil to explain, but he literally was just going to stand there looking like a dork until Johnny conjured a response.
“What’s the catch, Taeil?” he asked.
Taeil’s nervous smile wasn’t easily hidden and he tried to turn away so the younger wouldn’t be able to see it. “It’s a modeling job. They’re looking for physique models; an artist… you have to sit still for a while.”
Johnny looked at Taeil, waiting for more. He could tell by the hesitation that there was a lot left to say, plus he was being really vague about the whole thing.  “You know them, obviously. You don’t come up to me so nervous asking me to sit in front of someone with my shirt off if you don’t. You wouldn’t be asking me in the first place,” Johnny explain, squinting again, very suspicious of Taeil’s behavior.
“Fine! She’s a friend of mine, she’s trying to get a designing job but she’s having a hard time with bulkier dress because she’s never had practice drawing those types of people. No cameras, no paperwork, she won’t even remember you,” Taeil finally explained, but he could feel the red paint his face the more he talked.
“Five hundred dollars and all I have to do is sit there,” Johnny stated, asking for confirmation with the look in his eyes.
“Five hundred, just sit there, still, patiently,” he responded.
Johnny was the shy type when it came to things like that. He wasn’t a huge proponent being shirtless around anyone. So, he sat there and thought about it, staring blankly at the wood of the coffee table, following the grooves.
“Later today… I know it’s really last minute, I’m sorry—”
“I guess it won’t give me time to change my mind. I’ll do it for five hundred,” Johnny replied, interrupting Taeil who emitted a sigh of relief and thanked him kindly before leaving the room, no doubt to go tell his friend that it was good to go and that Johnny would be there later that day.
The day seemed to pass with no problem. Oddly enough, Johnny didn’t feel anxious at all about this. It was one-hundred percent anonymous other than the fact that she’d straight up know that he knew Taeil. No names, no contracts, no pictures, just art.  
He rolled up to a sketch brick building, but it held the address scribbled down on the paper clutched in his hand. A few more times his gaze switched between the paper and the building before he pushed aside his reservations and went in. It was chilly out his hands shoving immediately into the pockets of his hoody as he entered, trying to beat the cold. “Studio B, studio B, studio B,” he muttered to himself as he walked down the hall. The rooms appeared to be numbered in no particular order so finding Studio B appeared to be harder than he thought.
He finally arrived to a solid wood door, a sign on it that signified his destination. His hand wrapped around the bronze handle and now he was having second thoughts. “This whole thing is so sketch,” he commented to himself, but the door was opening and he was stepping in before he knew it.
There was an easel at first view, he could see jean clad legs sitting behind it and that had to be Taeil’s friend.
Johnny cleared his through, “Hello.”
“I’m so sorry; I didn’t hear you come in! You must be Johnny,” you supposed, scrambling out of your chair to greet him.  “I’m really glad you could come; I have been having such a hard time finding a model and I just—”
You paused when you finally had a chance to look up at him after cleaning your hands off. His hair was a little disheveled from his hood, but other than that, you were particularly speechless. You blinked hard a couple of times to make sure he was real which had him turning his head away from you in embarrassment.
“Forgive me for staring,” you commented as immediately as you could, trying to shake yourself back into reality and get down to business. You jutted your hand out containing the wad of cash promised. “If it’s more comfortable, we can do a couple of sketches with a shirt on so you can get the hang of posing for a while,” you suggested as he hesitantly took the money from you, shoving it into the back pocket of his dark jeans.
No words passed from Johnny’s lips as you directed him to a stool where he could sit under the proper lighting before you dashed behind your easel, turning it to face to his left and positioned your stool for the proper head swivel. “We’re just going to do a couple of quick sketches, but still try to find a pose that’s comfortable,” you suggested.
He shifted without words, covering a majority of his face with a large hand after hiking a leg up to rest his foot on a rung of the stool enough to he could rest his elbow against that. It was the arm furthest away from you so it didn’t really matter. The other was bent, his hand shoved halfway into his pocket and the leg supporting him was straight out, shoe planted firmly on the hardwood.
“Is that good?” you asked him.
“Yeah,” he replied dryly.
“O-okay,” you stuttered. You could definitely tell he didn’t want to be there; but he had already agreed and you had already paid him so you weren’t about to let him go so easily. You threw down his basic shape with a hard pencil—your sketch lines were light, but you wouldn’t want them to be too noticeable if it were to be a completed piece. After getting the basic shape you began with his torso, measuring his broad shoulders with a thumb marker on your pencil as you held it out to him.
He watched you jot down quickly on your paper pad, watched the way your tongue would peek out to swipe across your lips, watch the way your brow would draw together when something was just a little bit off, and the way your leg bounced as you focused. Your foot stopped bouncing, shoe hitting hard against the wood which almost jolted him as you reached your pencil out towards him again, unable to properly match the angle of his shoulders with the angle of his hips and the way you couldn’t match the curve of his back just right.
Johnny was definitely different proportions than you were used to drawing. He was much taller with much longer legs, much broader shoulders than any man you were used to. It was going to be a bit of a struggle, and you knew that, but you weren’t adjusted to just how much of a struggle it was.
He listened to the way your teeth clicked together as you thought, erasing and redrawing, erasing and redrawing.  He listened to the way your pencil tapped the easel; the way your shoe clicked on the floor again.
“Not trying to tell you how to do what you do, but I think you’re trying to visualize what a body is supposed to look like, instead of visualizing it as just lines that go a certain way,” he spoke, just loud enough for you to hear. You didn’t want to admit—in all the years you’d studied art and taken art classes, that was the most basic of all basics when it came to drawing anything. Don’t focus on what it’s supposed to look like, just focus on the lines that it is.
“You’re right,” you replied and took a deep breath. Part of it in actually was that you were having a hard time looking at him without getting distracted. Taeil failed to inform you just how easy on the eyes he was and now it was coming back to haunt you.
You did your best to finish up the page of sketches, getting stuck half way in some of them and deciding to just move on and start over. You filled up a whole page with the same sketches here and there. It wasn’t long before you just had enough.
“I’m done for now. I’m going to step outside and get some fresh air. There’s water and cokes in the fridge, feel free to help yourself,” you mentioned to him, setting your pencils nicely back into their case before you disappeared through the door.
Thankful, Johnny stood from the hard wooden stool, able to stretch his legs again and retrieve a water just to mosey to the comfy looking couch on one side of the room. He plopped down on it, a little low for his liking, but did his best to relax. His bent legs were too long for the futon, and the only comfortable way for them to go was out. His knees spread further apart as he fell into his own mind. He wasn’t thinking about much, but it was enough to distract him for quite some time.
“Okay, I think I’m—Nope.”
The same second you came in the door, you were out of it again. Just seeing Johnny on the couch so lounged out was enough to make you scream. It wasn’t helping that you’d been single for who knows how long and any sight of an attractive man had you wild, but Johnny didn’t need to sit the way he was.
He scoffed which turned into a chuckle, having every idea what was going on. “How are you going to draw me with a shirt off if you can’t even stand me when I’m clothed?”
But it wasn’t long after that you collected yourself again. You came back in, this time without uttering a word and made your way to the fridge to grab water for yourself. You quickly twisted off the cap and took a long swig. “Okay,” you finally said, making your way back to your easel and flipped the page.  “Mr. Seo, when you’re ready, please,” you commented, prompting him to get up from the couch with a raised eyebrow.
“Can I stand?” he asked.
“If that’s more comfortable for you,” you replied. “Just remember, it’s going to be a while.”
He nodded, setting his water on the futon, his hoodie following as he pulled it over himself. You wanted to audibly hiss at the sliver of skin that peeked out from under his shirt, the curve of his back from his hips right above his sneaky underwear had you looking away. Which was unfortunate, because a second later it was exposed for good when he peeled away his black tee as well, tossing that onto the futon before moseying back to the stool.
He planted both hands down on it, gripping it, showing off every curve of every muscle in those thick arms of his as he straddled the stool, kicking both feet up onto the rungs. “Is this good?” he asked you, totally facing your direction so there was no way he’d miss when you were checking him out this time, as he’d have to keep his eyes in your direction for the duration of the drawing.
Your mouth felt dry, your fingers were shaking. “I was hoping for something a little more natural,” you replied.
The way his thick lips pulled into a grin had you out of your mind. You couldn’t look at him, it just was self-torture. He shifted full rear on the stool but he still sat facing you. His arms crossed over his chest and head fell slightly to the side, pulling those luscious bangs out of his eyes. He gave you a questioning eyebrow raise.
“I guess that’s better.”
“Then let’s get started,” he smiled, eyes shutting as it was better to drown in his own thoughts and let the time pass than to be fully aware of how slow it was ticking by. But he still heard the same noises—your pencil tapping your easel, your foot on the ground, your teeth clicking, all ticks he found absolutely adorable.
He found himself smiling, biting his lip as he thought about you and how your hair cascaded down, shrouding your face in just the right manner; your eyes and the way they gleamed and glimmered; the way your lips moved when you spoke—it wasn’t so bad being here after all.
“Stay still, please,” your voice interrupted him and he tried his best to go back to resting face.
They were only thirty minute sketches or so, any position wouldn’t have felt too bad, not after assuming they were going to be close to two hours each pose.
“Don’t be weird, but I want to get a good pose of your arms, if that’s possible,” you said. Johnny had no problem moving the stool, letting his back hit the wall which still resided in good light and lifted both his arms to tuck his hands behind his head. He stood on one leg, giving his hips a sassy angle.
“Wow, okay,” he barely heard you mutter, but the fact that he could get to you like that was a victory in his mind. You went to work immediately, trying your best to focus on your pencil and paper and less on the way his eyes tore into you like a hungry lion.
Soon it became not long enough. Soon it became he was leaving already. Soon he as shaking your hand as you thanked him for his service after he had clothed himself and was ready to head out the door. He headed back to the apartment, ready to tell Taeil all about it and perhaps ask him more about you.
When he pushed the door open, it was almost as if Taeil was anticipating him.
“How did it go?” he asked as if he was Johnny’s mother asking how a first date when or his first day of school.
“She’s cute,” Johnny said and Taeil’s jaw dropped.
“I don’t think that’s what I asked,” he said, following Johnny into the kitchen as he raided the cabinets for a snack.
“It was fine, Taeil. Just business,” Johnny replied, pulling a box of crackers from the top shelf where only he and Doyoung on a good day could reach them. “Though, she did try to undress me before I undressed,” he laughed, moving Taeil aside to head back into the main room.
“What does that even mean?”
“It means she thinks I’m real easy on the eyes, catch my drift?”
“What are you—”
“I’m saying, if she’s interested, I’d like to take her to dinner. Capisce?
“If she asks for my number, give it to her; I swear sometimes you’re five years old.”
A week had passed since that day. Johnny was sitting on the couch as he normally was, Taeil had just gotten up to get something to drink when the younger noticed the elder’s phone light up. Curiously, he looked over. The name, he recognized. The message…
How come Johnny hasn’t…
He couldn’t see the rest.
“Yo, Taeil; you’ve got a message,” he called but Taeil didn’t reply. He checked for Taeil thoroughly, making sure he was nowhere in sight as he snatched the phone up and unlocked it, having seen him put in his password a thousand times to open the message.
How come Jonny hasn’t messaged me? You gave him my number right?
Johnny’s mouth fell open slightly, almost appalled. Taeil, that slimy little—he plucked his phone from his pocket, typing down your number quickly and locked Taeil’s phone, tossing it back on the couch as he heard the older male coming. It was just before he sat down that Johnny sent you a message.
All this time he was supposed to give me your number… and I just found out he was hiding it from me.
“Don’t hurt her, Johnny,” Taeil commented, not bothering to look to his phone or to the other male or anything. He just looked at the TV. “She’s very close to me, and I will be very upset with you if you break her heart.”
“Nothing’s even happened yet—”
“Johnny, I know you. You’re the type of guy she’s gonna fall really hard for. So, be careful what you do. I know there’s chemistry. She told me all about you trying to get her all flustered, ass,” he said, throwing in that last part for decoration.
Johnny chuckled, thinking back it probably wasn’t the best idea, but it was far too late now.
“I just want to take her out and see what’s up. I’m not the type to play games, Mr. Johnny–I–know-you.”
“Be good to her!” he called as Johnny rose from the couch, taking his phone with him as he went off to his room.  A small conversation ensued between the two of you, starting right away with him insisting he take you out and you trying to reject, but ultimately it didn’t take much for you to fall victim to him.  
It was less than a week later that he had you sitting across from him looking over a dessert menu.
He watched you, watched the way your hair fell into your face despite the number of attempts you gave to hold it back through all of dinner. You’d been playing with his hands nearing the end of dinner as he talked, so it didn’t seem all too unnatural for him to reach over and tuck that strand deep behind your ear. It had you looking up at him.  
“What?” you asked after a couple moments of silence as he just looked at you.
“You stared at me plenty a week ago, I think it’s only fair that I return the favor,” he said, tilting his head as he talked to you, watching your eyes shift from his to his lips. Your tongue flicked out to wet your own, mostly subconsciously.
“Are you still looking for dessert?” he asked you. “Or have you found it elsewhere?” he teased with a flick up on his eyebrows.
“Leave me alone,” you teased back, eyes darting back down to the menu.
“I’d be happy to give you both,” he smirked, especially when you tapped his leg with your foot, a gentle but warning motion.  You ended up ordering Crème Brule which Johnny insisted he didn’t want any of, but ended up taking a couple of bites off your spoon after pleaded glances. After that he quickly paid the check and whisked you out of the restaurant.
It was a casual date, so both of you were in shoes suitable for walking, which was ideal since Johnny was leading you every which way. He walked side by side with you, moseying to milk the most of your time together. His hands were nervously shoved into this pockets, your hands clasped in front of you, not sure what else to do with them.
“Can I hold your hand?” he asked you quietly.
“I’d love that,” you replied, listening to his large hand scrape against the denim of his jeans as he pulled it out, offering it to you and you took it upon yourself to lace your fingers with his. He swung your hand between the two of you which brought a soft blush to your cheeks just as you stepped into some tall grass. You’d arrived at a park.
“I know you gotta get home soon, but I just wanted to take you somewhere quiet for a minute,” he admitted, leading you over to a bench, allowing you around it first to take your pick of the best seat. He sat next to you with a tug on his hand, letting your laced hands rest against his leg as he sat next to you.
He was getting ready to start before you butted in, “Thank you, Johnny. For everything,” you told him, and it closed his slightly ajar mouth to bring it up into a smile.
“You’re welcome; thank you for spending time with me,” he replied as he looked at you. You glanced at his shoulder and he scooted over a little more, picking up slightly on your cue so you could lean your head against him.
“What do you think about a second date?” he asked.
“What do you mean?” you asked.
“I mean, do you see this going somewhere?”
You squeezed his hand and pushed a little harder into his shoulder. “If the fact that I’m totally comfortable with you like this right now isn’t enough, I don’t know what to say,” you told him. “I’d love to see you again,” you added.  
“May I kiss your cheek?” he asked. You shyly lifted your head from his shoulder, enough that he could crane his neck just so far to place a kiss on your flushed cheek. You bit your lip, you cheek burning where his pecked you as you reached up to touch it.  “Let me take you home,” he said. You didn’t have words to reply, just let him tug you to your feet until the two of you wandered in the direction of your place.
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hoseokhearts-blog · 7 years
Youth (Jung Hoseok x Reader)
Part One: “The Incident”
word count: 3,245
type: ongoing, au
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The airport was not air conditioned. That was the first thing you noticed as you left the terminal and headed for baggage claim. The second thing you noticed was that all the pictures you had seen of Hawaii didn't do the island's beauty justice. And upon making it outside in search of the taxi that was supposed to pick you up, your eyes almost couldn't comprehend the vibrancy of the life that was around you. The grass was incredibly green, the palm trees lush and large, and even the sidewalks were littered with pink and white plumeria flowers.
"The drive from Lihue to Poipu is about 45 minutes, okay?" The driver said with a smile and a slight accent as he loaded your luggage into the trunk of the car.
"Sounds good," you nodded, sliding into the backseat. You had 45 minutes of peace and island observation ahead, and you were greatly looking forward to it.
The beach house in which you were staying for the summer resided in Poipu, Kauai. It was a small town, one that was only 2.8 square miles wide, with a basic population of a 1,000 people; a close-knit community. A major in Intercultural Peace Building with a minor in Hawaiian Studies had left you lucky enough to spend an entire summer here, your purpose being to integrate with the locals and provide research as well as essays to your home college.
You were excited, yet slightly skeptical as you stepped out of the taxi cab on that sunny afternoon, the warm and humid air quickly filling up your lungs. You thanked the driver, paid the fare, and clenched the handles on the two suitcases you were now dragging behind you, up the short walk to the house.
The house appeared to be a decent size for 4 people; you'd be sharing it for the summer with three other students from various other universities. It was painted blue that had faded from the constant intensity of the sunlight, and was settled in between two other houses of similar style. Directly down the street was the ocean, and the first section of Poipu beach, which was seemingly popular for body boarding and surfing. You'd caught a glimpse of some people catching waves when you had passed by in the car, immediately making you curious and inspired. You figured you'd be spending a rather large chunk of your time over the next few months at that beach park, and as soon as you were done settling in, you decided it was the first place that you wanted to check out.
You took a deep breath then, hesitating for another slight moment, and then finally, stepped over the threshold.
"Hello?" You called out, looking around for any sign of your mysterious housemates. You knew nothing about them; not their names, or where they were from, anything at all. You had failed to connect with them before making the trip over because the roommates weren't finalized until a few days prior, and you were far too busy getting ready to leave to try to figure out a way to reach out.
You left your luggage by the entrance so you could walk around the house freely. The lights were off, but the large windows were all open, allowing the outside air and light to seep in. You quickly scanned the nearby walls for a thermostat, but were disappointed when you realized that there wasn't one. It was going to be a long, hot summer; air conditions were a rarity in Hawaii.
You continued to look around then, trying to get a feel for your new home as you daydreamed about what your life may be like for the next three months. The kitchen and living room were open and connected, and a hallway led to the four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Upon seeing that all the bedroom doors were open and the rooms were empty, you finally realized that you were the first out of all the housemates to arrive. You were partially relieved that you could have some time alone to get settled in before you had to go through the awkward introductions, house rules, et cetera.
So, you took that as an opportunity to choose whichever room you wanted, and to begin unpacking. The rooms were practically identical; small and square, tan walls, with a bed, desk, dresser, and small closet in each one. Except, the room at the farthest end of the hallway had bigger windows that provided you with a better view of the foliage and palm trees outside.
After unpacking all your clothes, toiletries, and other random things you thought you would need during your stay (including a bulk-pack of sunscreen, and "She's the Man" on DVD), your housemates had yet to show. So, you changed into shorts and a tank top, left a note on the kitchen counter regarding your whereabouts in case anyone happened to show during your time away, and you headed for the beach. You were so giddy and excited to explore your surroundings you even decided to leave your phone behind, wanting to have some time that was completely distraction free.
You walked down the short road, drinking in the sights, and sounds and smells that the island had to offer, only taking you a little less than five minutes before you reached Poipu Beach Park. Rather than exploring the rest of the beach park and the other sections of beach that were connected to it, you sat down on the first stretch of sand that you found, the hot sand slightly burning your skin as you did so.
This stretch of beach was the one with all the surfers and body boarders, and it appeared that it was free of families and small children. Looking out into the water, it appeared it was mostly teenagers and young adults, most of which seemingly very experienced with waves and water. You watched for a while, intrigued and jealous of the blatant talent the surfers had, leading you to your first bucket-list item; you wanted to take a surf lesson before you went home.
You briefly closed your eyes for a while then, soaking up the sun. The light breeze in the air kept you from getting too hot, and the sound of the waves crashing was possibly the most therapeutic noise you'd ever heard. To have a moment in which you could relax so deeply, so freely, was rare for you, and honestly, most of the human population. You had forgotten how nice it was to have time like that by yourself.
Unfortunately, you were only able to enjoy about three minutes of that time of peace before it was interrupted. There you were, minding your own business, when suddenly, a loud WHACK filled your ears. The terrible sound was immediately followed by a sharp pain that covered the back of your head. You groaned in pain, a hand on your head as you whipped around to find the culprit of the sudden attack. You watched as a surfboard was being thrown down into the sand behind you, a boy now crouching beside you.
"I AM SO SORRY OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OKAY?!" He exclaimed, blatant worry occupying his tanned face. You blinked, momentarily phased by the pain that was overwhelming you.
"Um...I think so?" The words that left your mouth presented themselves more as a question rather than a sure statement. "D-Did you just hit me with a surfboard?"
"Y-Yes, I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention, and my friends were waiting for me, and I wasn't holding the board straight as I was running," the boy seemed sincere with his apology, biting his lip as he awaited your response. He didn't look like a native Hawaiian; maybe he was Japanese or Korean. His hair was a dark brown color, and he was wearing a black Volcom rash-guard. But, the skin was exposed was tanned in a way that conveyed he must've spent most of his waking hours outside.
"Hoseok, c'mon! What are you doing?!" You looked at where all the shouting was coming from, and you saw that there were two other boys with surfboards, standing by the edge of the shore. They both had a darker complexion, and looked like they might be native Hawaiians.
"Just a second!" He shouted back, before turning his attention back to you. "Are you okay?" he asked again, seemingly growing impatient at your lack of answers because he was obviously worried.
"Um...Yeah," you replied weakly even though your head was throbbing with pain. You removed your hand from its place on the back of your head, surprised that it had a tinge of red on it. You looked back up at the boy and offered a weak smile.
"Gosh, you're bleeding. Um, hold on let me think," he started, looking over at the guys were still waiting impatiently by the shore.
"Hoseok! Hurry up!" The other boy was calling this time, he seemed younger than the first.
"Just go without me!" he waved them off.
"Y-You can go. I'm okay," you said awkwardly.
"Are you kidding? I practically just broke your head with a surfboard," he said, standing up and brushing the sand off his knees after he did so.
"Go without you?!" one of the boys called out, but you weren't sure which one because your eyes were trained on Hoseok.
"Yes, Kai! Just take Kaylen and go!" there was a twinge of impatience in Hoseok's voice.
"But, I wanted to go with you today!" you could tell the younger boy was pouting, even from the semi-long distance away.
"I'll meet you guys at Puka later, okay? Go!"
The two boys finally complied then, the younger one's shoulder slumping as they turned to make their way into the water. You weren't sure why, but you felt a pang of sadness at the sight of the young boy looking so down.
"Here," Hoseok said suddenly, dragging you out of your inner thoughts as he extended a hand toward you. You were confused for a moment before it finally registered that he was trying to help you up. You took hold of his hand then, surprised at how soft his skin was as he easily pulled you off the ground.
"I just bought this," he sighed, before grabbing the hem of his rash-guard and pulling it over his head.
"Um-" you started, confused but then flustered at the sight of him shirtless. That boy was toned.
"Here," he handed you the shirt. You looked at him with questioning eyes, and he laughed.
"You need to put pressure on the place where you're bleeding because I can't tell how bad the wound is. Are you feeling okay? Light-headed? Dizzy?"
"No, none of that. I really doubt it's anything serious," you reassured him, but balled up the rash-guard and held it against the back of your head anyway.
"There's a lifeguard stand over on the next part of the beach, and you should have one of them look at your head and make sure that you don't need stitches or anything," Hoseok said then, pointing down the beach.
"Oh okay. Um, thank you," you replied, beginning to walk slowly that way before he suddenly reappeared next to you again.
"I'll just walk you over there," he said simply.
"You don't have to do that."
"Again, I put a gash in the back of your head. The least I can do is make sure you're really okay," he chuckled as you guys continued to walk, now stepping into the grassy park area that connected all the stretches of beach together. There were more people in this section; picnic tables were scattered throughout it.
"Wait, what about your surfboard?" you remembered how he had tossed down into the sand, and how he was without it now.
"The guys I was with will grab it for me if they leave before I get back," he explained, using a hand to fan his face as the two of you walked to a particularly bright and hot area of the beach park.
"You aren't worried about someone stealing it?"
He shook his head, "Around here? Nope."
"I guess you know a lot of people from around here then?"
"Yeah I'm pretty tight with the locals because of my friend Kai. Tourists at that section of the beach are few and far between because of how rough the water and current are. So, I don't really worry too much about leaving my stuff behind. And if it does get stolen, I have about seven other boards at home anyway," he explained casually, running a hand through his hair in which the wind had tousled.
"So, girl who's head I almost broke, what's your name?" He smiled at you then, revealing incredibly white teeth and huge chubby cheeks. You couldn't help but smile back.
"I'm Y/N."
"Y/N," he repeated, "I'm Hoseok. Sorry we couldn't have met on better terms," he laughed again, and so did you. "I haven't seen you around Poipu before, so I'm assuming you're just visiting?"
"Yeah, I'll be here for the next three months for a university course I'm taking. I actually just got here today."
"Ah, I see. First time in Hawaii?"
"Sorry again," he apologized for the hundredth time.
"It's okay, I know it was an accident," you tried to put him at ease since he still clearly felt so bad.
"But your first memory of Hawaii is going to be getting smacked in the head."
"It'll make a good story to tell, though," you smiled at him that time.
"I suppose that's true." You looked over at Hoseok again, suddenly curious about his life and what his purpose was in Hawaii. You didn't have the chance to ask, however, as the two of you reached the lifeguard station.
Hoseok hopped up the steps and poked his head inside the small building, "Yo Lea, I could use your help for a second," he said, and seconds later, a girl in a lifeguard outfit appeared outside beside him. She had a complexion similar to the two boys that you saw on the beach with Hoseok.
"So, I accidentally hit this girl in the head with the edge of my surfboard," Hoseok started, leading Lea to give him a disapproving look.
"You did what?"
"It really was just an accident," Hoseok continued, "And she's bleeding so I thought-"
"Geez, Hoseok," Lea shook her head, stepping toward you. "Mind if I look?"
"Go ahead."
Lea moved your hair slightly then, looking at the wound. "It doesn't look that bad, and I really doubt that it needs stitches. But you should pay attention to how you feel over the next few hours, and if anything seems off, then get someone to take you to the ER so they can make sure you don't have a concussion. Do you have anyone that can keep an eye on you?"
You bit your lip as Lea stepped out from behind you, now standing next to you and Hoseok. "My housemates hadn't arrived yet when I left for the beach earlier. Maybe they're home now, though."
Lea sighed, tossing another harsh look at Hoseok. "Make sure she gets home okay."
You shook your head then, "Really, I'm okay," you insisted. You wondered what the relationship was between Lea and Hoseok; she was bossing him around and shooting him frowns. You couldn't tell from their appearances who was older, though, you assumed it was probably Lea. "I only live right up the street from the first stretch of beach," you added, trying to convince them that you'd be okay on your own.
"Well if you're only up the street, then Hoseok shouldn't have any problem taking time out of his "busy surfing schedule" to make sure you get there safely," Lea was looking at Hoseok the whole time, her voice full of sass.
You were so intimidated by the older girl that you didn't even bother to argue again.
"No problem," Hoseok easily complied, "Let's go."
"Um, thank you," you offered Lea a smile before you and Hoseok turned around to begin walking home.
Once out of earshot, you asked, "Was that your sister? She's kind of scary."
Hoseok sighed, "She's not my real sister, but she acts like she is."
"Oh. How do you know her?" you asked partially out of curiosity, and partially out of fear that awkward silence would overcome the two of you if you didn't continue to make an effort to further the conversation. There was nothing you hated more than awkward silence.
"She's my friend Kai's older sister. I've spent so much time around them that she's practically adopted me as her third younger brother. She can be a little scary sometimes, but she looks out for us," Hoseok answered with hesitation, and you were pleased with how easily he answered your questions. He seemed like a very open and easy-going type of person. You respected that and it was the opposite of the way that you typically were.
"Oh, how long have you been in Hawaii for?" As soon as you asked that question, it made you start wondering about his age, and how close in age relation he was to you. You caught sight of his abs again and forced yourself to look away, out into the water.
"About three years. I came here to visit Kai, who I became friends with online, and I just never left. Pretty commonly told story around here. If you end up doing any island tours, ask your non-Hawaiian guides that question, and they'll probably give you the same answer I did."
"Wow, that's so cool that you were so spontaneous. I'd have a nervous breakdown just up and moving somewhere without actually planning to," you chuckled, "And all the different island tours seem really cool, but I'm kind of a broke college student so I doubt I'll have money to do any of them."
"Hey, that's okay. Some of the best things to see on this island are free anyway, as long as you have the right person to show you around," you could've sworn you saw a hint of a smirk on his face, but you couldn't be sure as the two of you were now looking both ways to cross the street, about to reach your house.
"This is it," you said a few moments later as the two of you were now standing at the end of your drive. There was a red jeep now parked in the driveway, and you felt a rush of anxiety. "Seems like one of my housemates is finally here."
"Have you met any of them before?"
"Nope," you breathed. "I'm nervous, honestly." You realized then that you were still clutching the bloody rash-guard in your hand. "Um, sorry about your shirt."
"No worries, you can toss it. I'll just buy a new one."
"I can pay you back-"
"Really, don't worry. You can pay me back by enjoying your time here," he smiled at you again, and you were struck with how huge his smile was.
You left then after saying goodbye, taking a deep breath as you walked up the drive and to the house. And when you glanced behind you, Hoseok was still standing there, only leaving after you safely crossed the threshold, and made it inside of your home.
read on wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/113286655-youth-jung-hoseok-x-reader
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We Are Family Part 2: The Tour
Summary: Steve gives Y/N a tour of the house and she gets to meet the other residents.
Characters: Reader, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Thor, Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Sam Wilson, other eventual Marvel characters
Warnings: Steve accidentally outs the reader, some cursing
Word count: 1922
Read Part 1 here
The brownstone and its residents reminded you of those little clown cars you saw on TV as a kid. Just when you thought no one else could fit in this tiny house, someone inevitably popped out.
“So that’s Tony,” Steve said, pointing to the guy at the dining room table. “He works at a local electronics shop. Sorry for the mess. They tend to let him take home the stuff they deem unsalvageable.” Tony waved, but other than that, he barely acknowledged you as he continued to fiddle with a circuit board on the table. Smoke curled out of a small welding rod that he was holding.
Steve guided you into the kitchen and whispered, “Don’t let him fool you, Tony’s insanely talented. College isn’t his thing, but he could have easily graduated with an engineering degree from the best school in the country.”
You nodded and admired your new surroundings. The kitchen had bright yellow walls and old-fashioned tile on the floor. Sunlight seeped through at least five different windows, giving it a neat glow. A large table and wraparound bench stood to your left, and it looked like it could seat an entire army of people. A stove, microwave and dishwasher dotted the counter, and a large fridge/freezer combo stood near another door.
“So here’s the kitchen,” Steve said unnecessarily. “We all try and go grocery shopping together, and we split the bill for common stuff. If you want anything special though, that’s all on you. Label anything you don’t want to get eaten.”
He opened the door and began walking down a set of wooden stairs. “Here’s the basement,” he continued. “Bruce and Thor live down here.”
“Thor?” you questioned as you walked carefully down the steps.
“Yeah, his real name is Theodore or something like that, but it’s just Thor to us.”
The basement was carpeted and there was a slight chill in the air. Bright, white lights hummed softly overhead, and you could hear someone grunting in the distance. A man who could pass as a literal god sat on a workout bench doing bicep curls. He was completely shirtless and you admired the stacks of muscles that made up his core. The weights he was lifting were almost as big as your head. In fact, you were pretty sure his muscles were as big as your head too. His blonde hair was pulled up in a ponytail, and sweat dripped down his face. He finished his set, let the weights fall with a loud THUD, and walked over to greet you.
“Thor, this is Y/N, our new roommate,” Steve said.
Thor raised his eyebrows admiringly and grasped your hand. Before Steve could stop him, he gently kissed your knuckles.
“What a pleasure to meet a lady as fair as you,” he said suavely.
Steve groaned. “Thor, don’t even start.”
You merely laughed. “Sorry, Thor, you’re not my type.”
Something shifted next to you and you shrieked. You hadn’t even noticed the couch on your way down the stairs. A pile of blankets moved again, and Thor yanked them off. A scrawny man with messy brown curls blinked up at you.
“Bruce! Do not be rude!” Thor exclaimed. “Come and greet Y/N.”
Bruce stumbled awkwardly off the couch and held out his hand. “Nice to meet you, Y/N,” he said, half-yawning. “Sorry, it was a long night at the lab.” You shook his hand, and Steve picked up the conversation.
“Bruce is getting his doctorate in nuclear physics, so he’s rarely here. Hence, the couch and no bed.”
Bruce nodded his agreement. “Plus, I’m the only one who can deal with Thor’s ridiculous workout noises.”
Thor looked offended. “As a personal trainer, I need to make sure I am in top physical condition!”
“Whatever man,” Bruce replied, diving back under his blankets. “Wake me up for dinner.”
Steve led you back upstairs as you waved goodbye to Thor and the pile of blankets that was now Bruce.
You made your way back through the kitchen and living room and climbed the stairs up to the second floor. A narrow hallway extended from one end of the house to the other with four doors lining the left side.
“Everyone else lives up here. That’s one of the main bathrooms,” Steve said, pointing to the door in the middle. “There’s another one downstairs that you’ll share with Bruce and Nat. Thor usually uses the one at his gym.”
He walked to the door at the far right of the hall and knocked. “Come in!” a voice called. He opened the door and you both walked inside.
One side of the room was a complete mess. Clothing, books, paper plates, and empty water bottles littered every available surface. A few rock band posters hung crookedly on the walls. A young woman with shining red hair sat at a desk chair on the more immaculate side. Her space was neatly organized, and everything seemed to be in perfect order. It was a stark contrast to her roommate’s area.
“Y/N! It’s nice to finally meet you! I know so much about you!” the girl exclaimed, hopping off the chair. “I’m Natasha, but you can call me Nat.” Her smile was fiery, and you couldn’t help but grin back.
“Where’s Clint?” Steve asked. You assumed Clint was responsible for the mess on the other side of the room.
“Picking up his last paycheck from Fury,” she replied, rolling her eyes.
Steve let out an exasperated sigh. “He lost another job? That’s like the third one this month!”
“Fourth, actually,” Nat corrected. “He’s not going to be able to make rent if it keeps it up.” She turned to look at you. “Clint is adorable, but he’s basically a mess. Can’t keep a job, can’t keep a girlfriend, and definitely can’t keep a clean room.” You giggled at her honesty.
“Hey Nat, do you still have extra blankets and sheets up here?” Steve asked, changing the subject. Nat sauntered over to her closet and pulled the door open.
“Let’s see...,” she said. “Ah! Here we go!” She grabbed a purple sheet and blue blanket and handed them to you. “Sorry they don’t match.”
“It’s totally fine, thank you so much,” you rambled gratefully. “I’ll give them back once I get my own.”
“Nah, keep them as long as you’d like. Money’s tight, no sense in wasting it on something I already have, right?” The look in her eyes was comforting and unsettling at the same time. It was almost like she knew exactly why you were here. Had she overheard your conversation with Steve? You smiled nervously, and thankfully, Steve moved you onto the next room, bidding Nat goodbye.
“What does she do?” you whispered after he had closed the door.
Steve shrugged his shoulders. “None of us really know. Nat’s a bit of a mystery. She always has rent and grocery money though, so we don’t ask a lot of questions.”
The next door was already slightly opened, and Steve let himself in. “You already met Tony, and he shares a room with Sam.”
You could immediately tell which side of the room was Tony’s. It had more circuits and computer parts on the shelves above his bed.
Sam was a dark, African American man with arm muscles similar to Thor’s. He lounged on his bed reading a book called The Poisonwood Bible. Once he saw you and Steve, he marked his page and stood up.
“How’s it going?” he said in a smooth voice. “Name’s Sam.”
“Y/N,” you replied, shaking his outstretched hand.
“Sam works for the gardening store not far from here. He’ll try and recruit you to help plant stuff in the backyard. Say no,” Steve warned.
“Hey man, let the lady decide on her own!” Sam exclaimed. “See you later, Y/N!” he called. He shook his head good naturedly as Steve led you out.
“And last but not least, my room.” He opened the last door and walked inside. The room was crammed with books of every size and genre. The windowsill, desks, even the floor held copious amounts of books. It was like a mini library was hidden in the brownstone.
“Holy cow,” you breathed, taking it all in. It took you an embarrassing amount of time to notice there was another man in the room. He wore a tshirt and his left arm was covered in a tattoo sleeve. It almost looked like metal panels covered his arm. You could just barely see the point of a red star near his upper bicep. A bit of stubble accented his sharp jawline, and his eyes were a soft brown.
“Sorry for the mess,” the man said, rising from his desk chair. “I’m Bucky.” You noticed two hardcover books laying on the chair as he sat back down.
“Hi,” you replied, still staring at the room. “I’m sorry, I just don’t think I’ve ever seen so many books in one room before.”
“Yeah, that’s my fault,” Bucky replied sheepishly. “I work at a bookstore, and the owner gives me an epic discount. I’m a real bibliophile.”
“Hey speaking of the bookstore,” Steve said, “is the cafe next door still hiring?”
Bucky nodded. “Yeah, they are. Jarvis is desperate. They even pulled me in during the lunch rush to make coffee.” He grimaced. “It did not go well.”
“Do you think they’d hire me?” you asked. Working at a cafe wasn’t exactly what you had in mind for your life after high school, but you were desperate for money.
“They’re ready to hire anyone with a pulse at this point,” Bucky scoffed. “You’ll get the job, no worries. I’ll take you there tomorrow to meet Jarvis, the owner. Does she know about the Sunday rule?” he asked Steve.
“What Sunday rule?” you asked curiously.
“I know this whole place probably seems overwhelming-” Steve began,
“That’s an understatement,” Bucky muttered, raking his hands through his hair.
“But we’re like a huge family. We’re all so busy you know? So everyone tries not to work on Sundays. It’s kind of our day to hang out together.”
You swallowed at the thought of this new group of people being your family. After everything that happened with your parents, you so desperately wanted that.
“That actually sounds really awesome,” you replied softly.
Bucky returned your smile. “Also, I’m sorry about your parents. That really sucks.”
Your smile turned to a look of shock and you turned to Steve. He held up his hands in defense, just as confused as you were.
“How did you-?” you asked.
“Nat,” Bucky replied, as if the answer was obvious.
“Dammit, Nat,” Steve grumbled. “Sorry, Y/N, everyone probably knows by now. Nat can extract secrets from the best of them, but she sure as hell can’t keep one. How the heck did she find out Y/N’s gay?” he asked Bucky.
“Whoa, gay?” Bucky replied, shocked. “Stevie, Nat just said Y/N’s parents kicked her out.”
Realizing he had just outed you to a complete stranger, Steve’s face went ashen. “Y/N I am so sorry. I didn’t mean...”
“Steve, it’s okay,” you said. “It would have come out eventually. Besides, you said I was safe here, right?” He and Bucky both nodded. “Then we’re good. Just let me tell the others at my own pace, okay?” you asked gently.
Before Steve could answer, the front door burst open downstairs. A male voice reverberated through the house:
“Guys! I’ve got pizza!”
TAGS: @buckyappreciationsociety
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smokeblooded-blog1 · 7 years
REALLY LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY.  RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  !    tag  10  ! good  luck  !  TAGGED.  i took it from myself bc i was bored  TAGGING. spiritmiinded, soughtdawn, clandestinesque, spyblooded, starveincd, pastryblooded, and anyone else who wants to do it who hasnt already
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FULL  NAME :  jean otus NICKNAME :  the cigarette peddler / receiver depending on the translation, the cigaretter receiver jean AGE :  thirty BIRTHDAY :  unknown ETHNIC  GROUP :  white NATIONALITY :  german (? subject to change) LANGUAGE / S : english, japanese, german SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  bisexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION : biromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  verse dependent, canonically single HOME  TOWN / AREA :  born in the Bādon district of the country (at the beak of the bird) CURRENT  HOME : he currently still lives in Bādon in a large apartment complex (he lives on the top floor, but only because he and his sister manage the building) PROFESSION :  second in command at the ACCA inspections department
SKIN : fair skin that is scarless for the most part, no acne or notable blemishes except for some small birthmarks of no particular shape on his lower back EYES:  sky blue; the perfect blue color. they are often shaped in a tired, disinterested look of a poker face, but when smiling the softness is shown through them the most. more emotion can be seen through jean’s eyes than any other feature on him FACE :  his face is rather long for the most part, not a baby face in any form, but it doesnt look scrawny or make him look sickly either. he has a longer nose as well that is more lengthy on the bridge than the point itself LIPS :   arent particularly special. theyre not too thick, not too thin, and they are often in a straight line / resting. they dont get chapped often because he drinks enough to keep them hydrated and they are not bitten or chewed at in any form. when smiling, small dimples (barely noticiable) come on his cheeks  COMPLEXION : isnt anything particularly special. its not like he keeps his skin flawless (he has no particular interest in that), but jean is one of the lucky ones who is blessed to not have much acne. he cleans his face in the shower / when its dirty, but with that taken out of the picture, jean doesnt participate in washing it to the excess. its just naturally free of acne and other blemishes. he doesnt get red faced either, nor does he (or would he) wear makeup to cover it up BLEMISHES : besides the small birthmarks on his lower back, he doesn’t have any SCARS :  none TATTOOS :  none HEIGHT :  177.5cm / 5′10″ WEIGHT :  72.57kg / 160lbs BUILD :  has muscle, but nothing extraordinary. his strongest muscle point is in his wide / broad shoulders, but the rest of body just has lean muscle. he appears rather thin, so you wouldnt be able to tell he had much muscle unless stripping him down / seeing him shirtless / etc. he has a flat stomach, but there isnt much developed muscle through his stomach. the abs are there, but nothing noticable, really FEATURES :  nothing particularly notable ALLERGIES : bee stings. there arent many bees in Bādon, but when jean travels to other districts he often has to bring medicine with him just in case he does get stung USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  golden hair with an undercut underneath a near-bowl hair style USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  he typically is expressed with a poker face. jean doesnt smile often, or really show many other expressions for that matter, but all of his expressions are vibrant (but short lasting). his smile comes out a lot when hes drunk USUAL  CLOTHING : typically hes seen wearing his ACCA uniform, with or without the jacket 
FEAR / S :  losing the people hes close to (i.e lotta and niino for the most part) ASPIRATION / S :  completing his work every day, leaving ACCA somewhere down the line, finding niino (post ep8) POSITIVE  TRAITS :  adaptable, calm, candid, capable, compassion, determined, easygoing, empathetic, faithful, friendly (though it sometimes seems otherwise), honest, open-minded, punctual, etc NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  absent-minded, bored (sometimes), distracted, dull (before getting to know him), oblivious, etc MBTI : DEFENDER (ISFJ-A) ZODIAC : virgo (subject to change) TEMPEREMENT :  phlegmatic SOUL  TYPE / S :  the helper ANIMALS :  mouse VICE  HABIT / S :  SMOKING FAITH :  christian (however, he is not very spiritual. religion does not matter much in his life, he just has his basic beliefs in the entity itself) GHOSTS ? :  yes, but not a strong belief AFTERLIFE ? :  yes REINCARNATION ? : probably not ALIENS ? :  yeah he would POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  ACCA EDUCATION  LEVEL :  high school graduate
FATHER :  a poor man prior to managing an apartment complex (the one that was passed to jean and lotta after his death) that does not have much known about him. jean doesnt talk about him much because of his higher fondness towards his mother, but his father was not a particularly bad man. currently deceased from a train wreck MOTHER :  a woman who was formerly the second princess of Dowa, but was removed from the royal roster for the sake of the country. she kept this to herself, even her husband and children when she met them / they were born, because she had faked her death to become a commoner on the streets. currently deceased from a train wreck SIBLINGS :  lotta otus, approximately eighteen to twenty years old, is the younger sibling of jean. she has a striking resemblance to her mother, as jean notes, and currently lives with him in their shared apartment on the top floor. has a love for bread, pasteries, and just food in general really. she and jean are quite close to one another EXTENDED  FAMILY :  king falke II (jean’s grandfather, the current king in power), prince schwan (cousin), other royal family members NAME  MEANING / S :  jean’s first name in hebrew quite literally means “gift from God” while otus means “keen of hearing” in Greek HISTORICAL  CONNECTION ? :  historically speaking, jean is of a royal family bloodline. he does not know this for most of his life, nor does he care about it once he finds out that he is apart of it. he would have been the next king in line instead of schwan if not for his mother being removed off of the roster, but his bloodline is still all the more royal
BOOK :  he hasnt read a book unrelated to work in some time, so he doesnt really have one MOVIE :  see above 5  SONGS :  jean listens to a lot of untitled instrumentals, mostly because it appeals to him. he will listen to other things on and off, but his favorite thing is typing in something along the lines of “relaxing music” in the search bar and clicking one of the 8 hour videos and just letting it play. he doesnt need to know the tracks, theyre good enough for him like this DEITY :  speaking as hes christian, god / jesus obv HOLIDAY : christmas MONTH :  he doesnt have one SEASON : spring. jean likes things to be mild and, despite how flimsy spring can be, he doesnt mind it too much. he likes when its not too hot, not too cold, but doesnt like it to be as chilled and rainy as it can be in fall. spring brings about rain as well, but not nearly as often as fall does, so this is a higher preference for him PLACE : at the bar / anywhere with niino, at home / anywhere with lotta, a bakery, the roof of the apartment complex WEATHER :  he likes sun, but he doesnt like when its too hot. it has to be like, mild, because if its too hot then its uncomfortable for him. he likes when its breezy as well but, like previously said, not too much. just enough so that it isnt chilly SOUND :  niino / lotta’s laugh, a gentle breeze blowing, rain SCENT / S :  strawberry, cigarette smoke, baking bread, faint cologne scents (i e: a specific brand that niino wears), warm food cooking TASTE / S :  strawberries, tobacco, bread (specifically tough bread) FEEL / S :  the cigarette between his fingers, people he trusts rubbing his back, people he trusts petting his hair, silk ANIMAL / S :  cats NUMBER :  he doesnt have one COLORS :  blue
TALENTS :  figuring out when someone is lying to him (for the most part), investigating BAD  AT :  getting close to people, expressing his emotions in a way that isnt just deadpan / poker faced, cooking, holding his liquor, dealing with social events (he isnt anxious, he just doesnt like being at them that much) TURN  ONS :  body worship (receiving), care, confidence, dirty talk, minimal marks, praise, soft biting (more to be added most likely) TURN  OFFS :  being too rough (he likes it softer, more making love-esque), having to beg too much, too much teasing (a little is okay) (more to be added most likely) HOBBIES :   drinking with niino, smoking (is this considered a hobby? idk), listening to music, going to bakeries TROPES :  “Royal blood”, “Smoking is cool”, etc QUOTES :  “I never noticed I had an observer you’d assigned to me. But he isn’t a straightforward guy.” (to Grossular, about Niino) || “I smell tobbaco on you.” || “I try not to think of my subordinates as exceptional. After all, doubting them is my job.” (to Eider)
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?           A1 :   what does ??????? this question even mean asldkfj Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?           A2 :   itd probably be a lot of soft music. nothing super upbeat like pop and nothing like rock either. itd be maybe soft indie music, instrumentals, stuff like that Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?           A3 :   you know, i honestly wasnt going to write any muse from this fandom? i figured the rp part of it would be dead after i couldnt find anyone after some time, but a few of my friends got wound up with the show after i talked about it so much and after they decided to make blogs, i made the decision to join them. even though i dont get that many interactions and this blog is still extremely new, i love being on jean. hes a really good character and im glad my friends convinced me to write him Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ?           A4 :   honestly, it didnt come immediately. i never disliked jean, but i thought he was rather plain at first, which is to be understandable when you know how he is. i didnt think there was anything striking about him at all and i was more attracted to niino (i still am attracted to / love niino). that said, jean started to come to live more as the anime progressed and i found that hes really just a sweet bean and is VERY cute and i love him so so much. i think it was episode 3 when he was blushing / being precious and adorable while drunk that really got me getting gay for him Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.           A5 :  definitely the fact that he smokes. i dont hate people because they smoke, but i have an extreme aversion to smoking due to the fact that i not only have asthma and its very bad for me to be around, but because of the fact that it smells awful Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?           A6 :  mmm, i think we’re similar in the fact that we’re pretty introverted and / or reserved and we like being away from social events and such Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?           A7 :   i hope he likes me. i love him so Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions  with ?         A8 :   honestly ? all of the interactions on my blog so far are great. my niino spyblooded and i already have like a kajillion threads and he loves their niino so so much <3. clandestinesque and i have an interesting thread and im not quite sure where we’re going to go with it but ive enjoyed it so far !!. spiritmiinded / astrallance and i also have good interactions too. we had great ones when i was still on keith too and im super happy that im still writing with them over here :’) Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?         A9 :   i  dont really get inspiration, im just kinda here, writing because i enjoy it lmfao Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?           A10 :   idk exactly but 2-3 hours probably ? longer than it took me to complete keiths i know that
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