#i love my brain
happyheidi · 9 months
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lewmagoo · 4 months
y’all…i had a dream about bob. apparently in this dream i was running a charity organization. rooster introduced me to bob, and he told him all about my charity. well, bob was an admiral (and very much a silver fox) and he was also very rich, which i didn’t yet know. out of the goodness of his heart he immediately promised to give a very large sum of money to my organization. and when i tell you dream me fell in love with him right then and there. we struck up a friendship and later on i went to his house (which was insanely beautiful, a victorian mansion with so much character), wanting to thank him for his generosity. it ended with him fucking me in his alaskan king size bed 🤭 anyway i think i’m gonna turn this into a fic now
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mkqdot05 · 5 months
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Steven Universe references? In my RaiLao??? Ain't no way 🗿
(incoherent rambling under the cut cuz it'll be too long in the tags ⬇)
So like... I read up on the SU wiki for "Here Comes a Thought" just cuz I was so deadset on drawing them in this scenario in the fusion realm and read up on what the butterflies are supposed to mean. The butterflies are supposed to represent anxieties that one has, you know "butterflies in my stomach".
And I was like "what if Kung Lao has a ton of them on him because he's still in denial with his feelings for Raiden aka he got anxious thoughts and what if Raiden doesn't have as many because he's good at meditating/good at sorting shit out mentally (yet he doesn't acknowledge that small part of him that has more than platonic love for his "best friend")?" And then I whipped out the drawing tablet and 25 elapsed hours later I have this ^^.
Now how did they even end up in this situation?
Basically at the Wu Shi Academy, Raiden sees that something is plaguing Kung Lao's mind and invites him to do some private meditation in some secluded spot.
*queue Here Comes a Thought sequence and raiden is like "oh shit my bestie likes me.... OH SHIT I LIKE HIM BACK"*
insert some johnny cage intervention and 💥BOOM💥 railao becomes canon
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scyeschef · 2 months
Had a small dream where carmy and sydney were in an apartment kitchen together. I'm going to assume it was theirs bc it didn't look like carmy's. Sydney was expressing about how much of the restaurant felt like it was all on her, and carmy apologized and said that she's right but he's going to work harder to get most of it off her shoulders. Kinda similar to their under the table conversation.
Then he went to grab her waist, apologized again, and then hugged her. When they pulled back after a while, she went to kiss him, and things started to get a little heated.
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nyx-thedragon · 3 months
my brain decided to become obsessed with blitzstone once again and i have no idea why :3
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lipstickmarks · 1 year
Imagine Argyle Meeting Hellcheer
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I sent this to my eddissy gc awhile back and I just can’t let go of this hc. So I give you this! *sparkles, glitter, and fairy dust*
“Woahhh!” Argyle let out overdrawn exclamation.
The California gang had met up with the Hawkins gang after a terrible earthquake-like event sent a ripple throughout the town.
Dustin, Lucas, Mike had made it out. They thankfully found Eddie and Chrissy as well. The latter couple were beaten up and bloody but they were safe. When the boys found them, they figured the safest thing to do was to get out of dodge before Jason’s mob ripped Eddie apart limb by limb.
They took Eddie’s van and drove all the way to Utah, meeting the California gang at Suzie’s house.
Argyle, Jonathon, Will, and El were waiting for them. They were relieved to see their friends and amidst all the hugging and teary reunions, Argyle laid eyes on leather clad Eddie, who had his arm wrapped around a girl in a cheerleading uniform.
Eddie was the first to notice Argyle’s staring. He fixed him with a mean glare.
“Can I help you?”
“You seem to have already helped yourself, brother. Knocking down the high school hierarchy for us all who might reach beyond our means for love.” He pounded his chest with his fist twice. “Respect.”
Eddie Munson, perhaps for the first time in his life, was speechless. How in hell’s name do you react to that?
Chrissy’s choice? To laugh.
She could barely contain the giggles even with her manicured fingers clamping over her mouth.
“You’re funny.”
“Actually, I’m Argyle.”
Chrissy laughed even harder.
“I’m Chrissy and this is Eddie—“
“I’m her boyfriend.” He made sure to enunciate with extra venom. His friends could vouch for Argyle all they wanted but at the end of the day, Eddie didn’t trust anyone. Not after what he’d seen. And he’ll be damned if anyone tries to hurt Chrissy after what they already went through.
“Hey there’s no beef at my barbecue, broseph.” Argyle said, two peace signs in the air. “I’m just digging the Romeo and Julietness of this love connection. I, myself, have a special lady in the great state of Utah who is of the gothic persuasion. If a cheerleader and a methhead—“
“Metalhead.” Eddie corrected.
“From Idaho—“
“Indiana.” Chrissy interjected.
“Can find love in this crazy, mixed up world then so can a humble surfer boy-slash-pizza wench and his gothic lady love.”
Eddie stared Mike down.
“Where the fuck did you bring us?”
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hisonetrueloveee · 1 month
if robaire and z were a duo they would defo sing ‘nothin on you’ by b.o.b and bruno mars 😋
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iiigris · 8 months
god i watch the youngblood chronicles ONE TIME and now I can’t listen to any song from save rock and roll without thinking about the guys all covered in blood and being hunted down by patrick
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honeyjars-sims · 3 months
Well I decided to go through and delete all of my timezone reblogs to tidy things up before I change my blog name, which I had been avoiding doing since I was worried I'd accidentally delete the originals instead. GUESS WHAT I DID 🙃 Yeah I deleted about 4 or 5 of my original posts from this chapter so yeah. I said things would be a mess for a while and I wasn't lying 😅
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arkhameirs · 8 months
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BRUCE WAYNE + MARTHA ARKAHM - a study in expression ; there was something very mysterious and endearing about my mother. at times she was so secure in who she was and what she wanted to be ... that i remember being awed and her presence was an awesome force. then there were times where sadness engulfed and there was no light to be had , those times i told myself that she had somehow gone away ... that she had ebbed away as does the sea upon the shore. her behavior wasn't a reflection of the child that she couldn't bear to look at but ? she felt deeper than anyone else. how was i , at a child meant to deal with my father's indiscretions ? - they tell me i look like the spitting image of her , we have the same arkham features that when i look into the mirror i'm left with nothing but fear. the fear that history , her history is staring back at me. i love her , and i forgive her - she is human , and loved me as best she could. i wonder now , would she approve , would she love the son that had so deeply fallen from grace ? - bruce wayne entry #1457 sept 24th , 2023.
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deesi-academia · 1 year
Hey December, guess I'm feeling unmoored cause I didn't get a sweater that's made of polyester :((
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sheviolentlyher · 7 months
Hello my beautiful void, please touch my skin and indulge in each layer. I’m filled with unexpressed memories that need to be hung on the walls of your intimate nothingness. ✨
I want to experience a man that makes me feel like the entire sun lives inside my chest. My heart glistens, shimmers and shines when I am around him. It’s like his spirit is speaking to mine. Trapped in a body but only they can see through our skin. When around each other we become translucent. I feel love like the invisible vapor I have always imagined it to be. He can see me. I can see him.
I want to be under his spell, hugged by his presence, safe and understood. I want to bite his lips a little when I kiss him. I want to feel the aggression in his gentleness. He has something so intoxicating about him. He ignites something magnetic in me and I feel like I can attract entire worlds into my chest cavity.
I wish to touch hands so that our half circles of energy become one. One where it would make others want to be us. Want a connection like ours. Feelings. Expression. Trust. Honesty. Beauty. Love. Depth. Passion. Lust. Tease. Sacred. Sexual.
I want him deep inside me, fucking me with his power and his eyes at the same time. I want my hand on his face so I can heal his heart. I want to take all his hidden pain and make it mine. I want to be his source, where evil diminishes in the presence of my light only with pure love, pure trust, making us pure human.
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relief-permission · 8 months
Alice in wonderland... 🍰🌻
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years
Jasico with Nico’s “I’m sorry you fell in love with someone like me”
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cuntstable · 8 months
very funny development about my feelings on starting school tomorrow is that im suprisingly not actually THAT anxious or scared which is unexpected so i AM anxious about why im not anxious. like oh noooooo whats wrong with me
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gorillaxyz · 2 months
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a peek inside my messed up mind
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