#izuku Midoriya x oc
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older drawing but meh
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mintichoco · 1 year
BNHA OC idea
me : *shaking my brother awake at three in the morning bcuz* OC idea~
him : *controlling the urge to smother me with a pillow* oh my gawd stfu!
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ꕥ sana : 紗 (sa) meaning "gauze, thread" combined with 夏 (na) meaning "summer"
❍ asakura : 朝 (asa) meaning "morning" and 倉 (kura) meaning "warehouse, storehouse"
ꕥ she is born on 19th june and is thus a gemini
❍ her favorite food is any type of noodles (with extra spice)
ꕥ sana dislikes sweets except for dark chocolate
❍ she likes journaling and visiting amusement parks
ꕥ she can play the irish flute and the keyboard
❍ her quirk is called 'jack of all trades'. it is a spatial power and has multiple forms of manifestation
ꕥ one : basically, it allows her to scan through multiple placement variations of any object in the multiverse and choose one that is closest to how she needs it. it appears as telekinesis to the unknowing eye.
❍ for example, if she is standing between two points (say A and B) and wants to move a ball that is in A to B, she can search for an universe where, by some catalyst, the ball reached B and deem it as reality, thus warping the existance of it.
ꕥ two : she is able to accelerate time in and around herself. doing the former grants her the ability to move at inhuman speeds and the latter allows her to remain in one short span of passed or about-to-pass time. time becomes so slow, she is able to freeze everyone in the current reality at once. and sometimes time is so fast, she's able to foresee months at end.
❍ three : create anything out of nothingness. this power is limited as it can only work with sifficient wind supply. otherwise, she can literally grasp at thin air and call it an axe and the world will be forced to believe it is the aforementioned tool. it will only remain solid as long as she has some contact with the object.
ꕥ it also includes heightened senses and amplified strength with the added benefits of severe concussions, nosebleeds, terrible fatigue and overheating to the point of her body stopping to cooperate quite often.
❍ her favorite colors are white and caramel
ꕥ her parentage was never disclosed to her. at one point of time, all that she owned was an old charm bracelet with the words 'asakura' engraved on it. for all she knows it could be someone else's name, the key's manufacturing brand or something of that sort but she chose it as her family name
❍ she is a decent mechanic and has built few small machines from tid-bits and scraps of junk
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Notes :
Inspired by the second image. No thoughts, head empty, just broken quirks. I'm thinking of taking up a job of thinking up quirk ideas.
POV when you make a whole ass character based off of a pinterest image.
No srsly, credits to the actual artist.
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multifandomlvr · 7 months
Chapter 1
Hikari felt herself being moved, she tried to move to get comfortable but something was stopping her.
She was hot and wet.
Hikari could feel something moving deep inside her, one that made her back arch, she felt a gush of slickness. If she was dreaming. She didn't want to wake up.
"D-Do you feel me deep inside you princess? I-I just couldn't wait for you to wake up" A deep voice sounded above her, forcing that thought she was sleeping away.
Hikari's eyes shot open, she came face to face with one of her alphas.
"Finally…" He said before snapping his hips fully inside her. Bottoming out in just one thrust.
Hikari's mind was not fully awake, she was so consumed by the flames of arousal and sleep that all she could do was moan. Izuki didn't give her a chance to adjust, to even wake up.
His hips snapped to hers, not relenting in the slightest.
"You feel so good, princess… So nice and warm and perfect for me." Izuku sputtered out.
"I-Izu… Please… You feel so good." Hikari stuttered.
"Yeah? Do I? Do you feel me deep inside you?" Izuku fired off question after question. Pistoning his hips at just the right angle so he could watch Hikari's face when she came undone.
The two of them were in their little world that they didn't hear the bedroom door open and close.
In came Katsuki and he smirked when he saw the entanglement his two mates were in. He took a seat in a chair a few feet away. It was angled so he could get a perfect view of the two.
Izuku just so happened to look over and see Katsuki sitting there.
"Seems like I ran out of time, we gotta quickly finish this princess." Izuku mocked and trailed his hand down Hikari's body toward her clit and started rubbing small lazy circles, Hikari tightened the slightest.
"Please… I'm so close… Izu…" Hikari begged.
"I can't hear you, baby girl… Tell your alpha what you're feeling right now" Katsuki said quietly, but enough for her to hear.
"Alpha I-Izu is so big… Fee-Feels so good…" Hikari said.
She always went dumb when one of her alphas stuck their cock inside her.
"Yeah, I bet it does feel good. Does alpha Izuku fill you up so nicely?" Katsuki asked again.
All Hikari could do was nod as Izuku increased the speed of his hand and the trajectory of his hips causing her mind to go blank.
"Alpha Izuku… Please! I need to come! Please let me come. I've been a good girl!" Hikari shouted. This caused both of her alpha's to laugh.
"Yes, we know. You've been a very good girl." Katsuki said, leaning back to watch the best part of the show.
Izuku moved his hips to bully that soft, spongy spot inside Hikari that made her see stars.
The room was soon filled with Hikari's moans, Izuku's grunts, and Katsuki's soft gasps as he palmed himself through his pants.
"Alpha! Please!" Hikari shouted. She was so. close, she could practically taste her release.
Izuku gripped her face hard enough to get her attention so Hikari was looking at him.
"We're coming together. Do you hear me? I'm going to make you such a mess my pretty little omega." Izuku stated. Hikari nodded feeling that coil in her stomach get tighter and tighter.
Hikari and Izuku stared into each other's eyes until the moment she felt Izuki come inside, is the moment she came undone.
"S-So warm…" Hikari whispered. Hikari loved when the alphas gave her creampies. Especially when they used her right after one another.
Hikari lay there enjoying the warmth seep out of her.
Katsuki stood up and walked out of the room, soon coming back with warm rags to clean his mates up with.
He cleaned up Izuku first and when he was done Izuku got off the bed and went towards the bathroom to run a shower to get clean so he and Hikari could get ready for work and school.
Katsuki, once Hikari was cleaned up, scooped her up and walked her to the bathroom setting her in the shower where Izuku washed her from head to toe. Whispering sweet things in her ear as he did.
Once the two were done showering, they got dressed and went downstairs to the kitchen where Katsuki had breakfast for the three of them. Hikari jumped on Katsuki's lap and refused to get up.
He wasn't going to make her anyway.
"How many classes do you have today?" Izuku asked.
"I have four today. It's a short day, thank goodness, and then I have work until around seven tonight." She replied. Izuku nodded, finishing his breakfast so quickly. Katsuki scoffed.
"Stupid Deku, you're going to make yourself sick by inhaling your food the way you do." Katsuki scolded. Izuku just smiled at him and stood up, kissing both his mates before telling him he loved them and that he would see them later.
Once goodbyes were said, Izuku was out the door.
"We should get going too, I have to stop by the office today and work for a little," Katsuki said. Hikari finished her last bite and hopped off Katsuki's lap before putting the dishes in the sink to be done later.
"What do you want to take today?" Katsuki asked.
Without a second thought.
"Motorcycle!" Hikari replied. He gave her a smirk and nodded, the two of them walked out of the house and towards the garage that held their vehicles and Katsuki's motorcycle.
Hikari loved riding on the back of Katsuki's motorcycle, it made her feel some things.
She was so in her head, thinking about all these dirty things about Katsuki and his motorcycle that she didn't realize that they arrived at the entrance of her school.
"Izuku is picking you up today. I'll be home a little late." Katsuki explained. Hikari nodded and then kissed him, they said goodbye and she watched him take off.
She watched him until she couldn't see him anymore and then she walked inside.
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byjovewhataspend · 7 months
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Oc x Canon... listen i love them, okay. Why cant they just be happy together?? Started out as a scene for Leech Fic but i wanted Deku to be more recognizable so call this 'au where gesshiro went to a nice highschool near UA and everything was fine'
Gesshiro's absolute gremlin energy is a good combo with the goodboy chaos-- in an ideal situation he would give Deku the confidence to value himself and Deku would do the same in turn
..it.. didnt really work out that way tho
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shoshotodo · 1 year
Healing Light |1|
Word Count:  2,551
Warnings: mentions of blood; mentions of near death
Summary:  Iyashi Akari has been hiding a rare quirk almost all her life, but when an absolute idiot decides to play in traffic, she can’t just stand by and watch.
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I never expected my day to turn out like this. I never expected to wake up in the hospital with the principal of a school I'd only ever dreamt of attending and some guy who looked like he'd rather be in bed than here, standing over my bed talking to my incredibly stressed-out mother. My name is Iyashi Akari, and until recently, I was just an average junior high student.
My day started out normally; I woke up on time, had an uneventful day at school, and started walking to the train station the same way I always did. What was different, was the group of boys from the school nearby. They pushed and shoved each other and laughed so loudly and obnoxiously that I had to put my headphones in to avoid listening to them, and not even 5 minutes later, I could hear them screaming over my music! I irritatedly removed my earbuds to remind them they should respect the people around them more when I realized it wasn't even them screaming. In fact, they seemed to be frozen, staring intensely at the intersection in front of them. And when I turned, I saw him. 
Someone, likely one of the kids from the group next to me judging by his uniform, had stepped into traffic and gotten hit by a truck. He was bleeding so heavily that the blood was already pooling around him. I could hear people screaming for an ambulance and for the rest of the traffic to stop. And without thinking, I dropped my phone, backpack, and everything I was holding and ran to the boy bleeding out in the middle of the road. I placed my hands on his unmoving chest and activated my quirk, emitting a blinding bright light. And when the light faded, the last thing I saw was the slow movement of his chest; the last thing I felt was the stickiness of blood between my fingers, and then everything went black.
⠍⠽ ⠝⠼⠁⠍⠼⠑ ⠼⠊⠎ ⠠⠊⠽⠼⠁⠎⠼⠓⠼⠊ ⠼⠁⠅⠼⠁⠗⠼⠊
The next time I awoke, I saw a white ceiling and bright lights above me. I could feel someone gripping my hand a bit too tightly. And I heard two voices I didn't recognize and one I did. Slowly looking to my left, I saw my mother sitting beside me, holding my hand, looking more stressed and worried than I'd ever seen her.
"Mom?" I spoke, my throat dry and raspy.
My mother gripped my hand even tighter. 
"You're awake. How do you feel?" she asked, searching my face.
I chose not to answer her, instead gradually sitting up, holding my hand to my head in pain. Only to be met with a man in a suit with disheveled beige hair and dark eyes who looked like he hadn't slept in years and a white rat — if you could call him that— Standing at the edge of my hospital bed. I looked at my mother in confusion.
My mother cleared her throat, "This is—"
"My name is Nezu," the rat, Nezu, cut my mother off, "I'm the principal of Yuuei, and this is Yokumiru Mera. He works with the hero public safety commission." He gestured to the man standing next to him. 
"We're here because we saw the viral video of you saving that young man a couple of days ago," Yokumiru spoke sleepily. "We believe that due to the rarity of your quirk, you may be a good fit to become a student at Yuuei and begin training to become a hero."
I stared blankly at him momentarily before speaking, "What do you mean days ago? And what video?" 
"You had been unconscious for about two days." Mom spoke softly as she pulled out her phone, "And as for the video…." She showed me her phone screen, and I watched the young boy I saved carelessly walk into the street. Whoever was holding the phone turned just as a loud crash sounded. After a moment of viewing the sidewalk, the camera was turned back just as a blinding light consumed the surrounding area. The light died down just in time to see me collapse in the street. 
I looked at my mother in shock, "And that got posted online… and did you say it went viral? Is that boy ok?" I said in a rush.
"He's fine, thanks to you," Nezu replied.
"And let me get this straight, now you want to invite me to join Yuuei and train to be a hero? I don't have a quirk particularly well suited for heroing. I've never been taught how to fight either, so I'd be much further behind than my classmates, and besides, I've heard that the practical exam for the hero course at Yuuei is notoriously difficult. I don't see how I'd manage to pass it." I rambled.
"Well, you wouldn't be training the same way as the rest of your classmates, for one thing. You'd mostly be training under the healing hero Recovery Girl. Along with getting combat training from your other teachers. I won't say that it's going to be easy for you by any means, but it'll be worth it in the end." Nezu explained.
"And," Yokumiru yawned, "the commission and the board in charge of Yuuei agreed to bypass the practical exams for you, so as long as you pass the written exam -- which, given your grade history, I don't doubt you that you will-- you'll be officially accepted."
"We were told that Akari should hide her quirk," Mom started, unsure, "because of the likelihood that villains would target her. But now you expect us to willingly sign her up for a school that publicly displays its students and their quirks for the world to see. All that will do is ensure that villains will come for her!"
Nezu just smiled sadly. "I'm afraid in reality it’s the contrary. Due to the video of her healing the young man going viral, now there's nothing you or your daughter can do to stop villains from coming after her. If she enrolls in Yuuei, she will at the least be trained to defend herself and anyone else who may get caught up in the crossfire." 
My mother took a sharp breath before whispering, "I see."
Nezu turned back to me, "So Akari, after hearing all we had to say, what do you think? Will you attend Yuuei, study under Recovery Girl, and train to become a hero?"
I never thought I'd become anything of significance. I was taught not to use my quirk, to hide away. In fact, I'm sure that if my mother had her way, I wouldn't have saved that kid. I'd have waited for the ambulance like everyone else... I'd have pretended not to have the ability to save him. I certainly wouldn’t become a pro hero. She'd have me do something more "practical" like her. But…I've always wanted to help people, to take away their pain and give them a sense of relief. So to be given this opportunity? A chance to do what I've always dreamt of? Under Recovery girl of all people?? I couldn't pass this up if I tried. 
I let my mother's hand go, stared Nezu directly in the eyes, and spoke with as much determination as I could muster, "I'll do it." 
Nezu smiled, and Yokumiru sighed, "Now that that's out of the way," he began, already turning to leave, "I suppose we ought to go and allow the doctors to do their jobs. We'll make sure to send you all of the relevant details. All you need to do is pass the written exam next month, and you'll be good to go."
"I look forward to seeing you at my school," Nezu spoke as he walked out the door.
I looked at my mother, “Where’s dad?”
"He had to go to the clinic today. He’ll be here later to take us home… but Akari, you know you don't have to do this," she said lowly. "I'm sure they'll understand if you choose not to go through with it. We can call them back and tell them you thought about it some more." 
I shook my head, "I want to do this, Mom. I want to use my quirk and help save people." 
Before she could respond (and likely try to convince me to change my mind), there was a soft knock at the door, and in came the Doctor. 
"It's nice to see you awake, Miss Iyashi. I'm Doctor Hiyama, and I suppose I should be saying thank you," he said, "thanks to you and your quirk, the young man you helped is very much alive."
I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly, "I doubt it's all because of me. I mean, the paramedics and the doctors in the hospital must've fixed what I couldn't." 
"No, the young man was uninjured by the time the paramedics got to him. We sent him home the same day. And given how extensive his injuries seem in the video..." he stopped himself before continuing, "As for you, you were brought in to check your vitals and ensure everything was alright. After an examination, we concluded that your quirk had simply drained your energy, and your body just needed fluids and rest. You should be good to go home by the end of the day today should no other symptoms arise."
"Thank you, Doctor." my mother spoke, nodding.
“You’re more than welcome,” Doctor Hiyama replied
The moment the doctor had left the room, Mom turned to face me again.
“Akari, you shouldn’t have–”  she started before another knock at the door interrupted her. I (thankful for the interruption) called out for whoever was knocking to come in. The kid I saved, who, now that I’m getting a good look at him –not covered in blood or almost dead– doesn’t look much younger than me, walked in and immediately bowed.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you,” he quickly spoke, “ but my name is Orokana Kodomo, and I need to thank you for saving my life. If you hadn’t healed me when you did, I would’ve died. So thank you!” 
“Really, there’s no need to thank me,” I responded, “I just did what anyone with my quirk would do. I didn’t even think about it.” 
“Still! If it weren’t for you, I’d be dead. I’m forever in your debt!” he said, straightening himself so he stood at his full height.
“No need for that! All I want in return is for you to avoid stepping in front of moving vehicles from now on.” I stated quickly, waving my hand in front of me.
“Heh, yeah. I think I’ve had enough of that to last me the rest of my life.” He mumbled sheepishly. “I shouldn’t take up any more of your time. Thank you again for everything.” 
⠠⠁⠝⠼⠙ ⠼⠊⠍ ⠼⠛⠕⠼⠊⠝⠼⠛ ⠞⠕ ⠼⠃⠼⠑ ⠼⠁ ⠼⠓⠼⠑⠗⠕
Later that day, I was discharged from the hospital and sent home. When we got in my father’s car, Mom finally said what she’d been trying to say since I woke up this morning.
“Akari,” she started, “ You shouldn’t have rushed in to heal that boy like that. You should’ve let the paramedics do their job. All you did was place yourself in unnecessary danger. What would you have done if, the moment that video was posted, villains came for you? If you were attacked right this instant and kidnapped. Would they be gentle as they force you to use your quirk whenever they thought it fit? I-”
“I can’t sit there and watch someone die just to protect myself!”
“It’s possible that he would’ve survived regardless! The paramedics–” 
“Would’ve been too late! I’m sorry for worrying you, Mom, really I am. But I could never live with myself if I had stood there and watched him die!” I said firmly. 
My father, who’d remained quiet as he drove, finally spoke, “Honey, you couldn’t have honestly expected her to not do anything in that situation.“
My mother sat back in her seat in defeat. “Of course not, but… I don’t want her to endanger herself just to save someone she doesn’t even know. What if that had been a villain in disguise waiting for someone with a healing quirk to come save them so they could kidnap them!”
Dad sighed exasperatedly. “See, now you’re going too far. Everything is going to work out fine. Hey, maybe you’ll be making her merch someday!” 
Mom didn’t respond.
⠠⠚⠥⠎⠞ ⠽⠕⠥ ⠺⠼⠁⠞⠼⠉⠼⠓ ⠠⠊⠇⠇ ⠼⠃⠼⠑ ⠎⠞⠗⠕⠝⠼⠛
The following month was honestly a whirlwind. It felt like everyone in Japan had seen that video. Everywhere I went, I could hear people whispering about me. Suddenly, I became one of the popular kids at school instead of the one no one spoke to unless they had to. I spent most of my free time outside of school studying and looking for excuses to use my quirk. After some testing, I realized it’s much easier for me to heal someone when I eat healthily and sleep at least 8 hours a night. I won’t lie and say I enjoyed switching all my sweets for healthier alternatives. Mom has been trying to pretend like she’s OK with everything, but I can tell she’s still upset about the idea of me becoming a hero. I guess I’ll just have to show her everything will be fine in time.
When it finally came time to take the written exam, I was more nervous than I had ever been. Even afterward, I felt like I couldn’t remember a single answer. It was like everything I had ever been taught was just gone. I was almost certain that when my letter from Yuuei finally arrived, it would just be them telling me I must’ve been the stupidest 14-year-old they’d ever seen and I shouldn’t be able to function. In fact, I was so sure that I had failed that when my father came home holding the letter, I couldn’t even feel a little excited. Muttering a small thank you, I took the letter out of his hands, entered my room, and locked the door behind me. I slowly peeled the seal off and watched in surprise as a small metal disk fell out and hit the floor. A video started projecting just as I leaned down to pick it up. 
“Hello! I am here as a projection!” a voice loudly said.
“All Might?” I questioned as I slowly sat on the floor, staring at his face intently.
“ First of all, you passed the written exam with flying colors! Great job! You didn’t get a single question wrong! And on top of that, you showed a tremendous amount of heroism when you rushed to save that boy, so allow me to be the first, Iyashi Akari, to welcome you to Yuuei! I can’t wait to be a part of your journey to becoming a pro!”
The video shut off and left me sitting on my bedroom floor in stunned silence. I looked inside the envelope I was still holding and pulled out the letter inside. I quietly read through it and heard a knock at my door.
“Akari?” I heard my father say, “Have you opened it yet? What’d it say?” 
I stood up, opened the door, and held my acceptance letter up for my father.
“I got in. I’m going to Yuuei.”  
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aheckinmess · 3 months
Below Ground Zero [Deku] (Angst)
(One-shot 4/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Deku x OC, Izuku Midoriya, Deku, UA High School, Rescue Training Gone Wrong, MHA one-shots, fanfiction, My Hero Academia, Deku is a Bean, Angst
Word Count: 1,425 words
Summary: During a training exercise at UA, Tigress rushes to save her friends and finds herself trapped under a building. As time passes and she cries for help, will it prove to be Class 1-A's greatest rescue or a detrimental failure?
Author's Note: This one-shot isn't a part of a series, so if you're ever looking to see what character I'm writing for, I'll give a character name and whether it's angst, fluff, or smut in the title. Enjoy!
Ichijiku (Tigress)
"We need to get inside and make sure we find the survivor. That's our priority!" Ashido clenches her fist with determination. "Now, let's hurry! Time is of the essence!"
"Right!" Everyone follows her lead, even though I'm wary and feel a chill down the back of my neck. Didn't Mr. Aizawa say the building was burnt? I wonder if we should check it out to make sure it's stable... But since everyone seems confident, I hold my tongue.
We're already on the ground floor of the building by the time I realize I should have spoken up. I feel a light rumble beneath my feet and dart after my friends, trying to warn them like I should have done to begin with. "Wait, guys! If the building was burnt, it may still be unstable–" No sooner have I said it that the ground gives way beneath me and Toru. I shove her ahead to keep her from falling down with me.
"Tigress!" Their voices follow me as darkness swallows me.
Something cracks against the back of my head and my vision blurs. Sharp pain stabs through my calf as I hit the ground so hard I dry heave in the dirt. For the next few moments - is it five minutes or fifty? - I fight with consciousness. My body from the belly down feels completely immobile, pinned from the rubble.
When my brain finally refocuses, I find enough energy in me to call out instinctively for my boyfriend. "DEKU!"
My default emotion results in tears steaking down my cheeks as I try to analyze my situation. What would Mr. Aizawa do? He's always so logical. See how freely you can move, Little Cub. I grip at the dirt with the claws in my suit, trying to forcefully pull myself out.
A shriek tears through my lungs as my leg throbs from the movement. Dammit...I can't move my legs. Shit. I'm stuck here. I can't free myself. Sometimes, you have to wait for others to help you.  That's only fitting for something as worthless as you. A pathetic failure. Failure and guilt crash around in my head, threatening to break my body more than the building on my back. Mr. Aizawa is going to be so disappointed. I haven't even managed to get through the first quarter of the exercise. And then Dad... A sob rushes out of me as I try to think of something...anything I can do. I can't let him down.
So much for being a hero, huh? You were in the building for all of thirty seconds before it fell on you. Mr. Aizawa is going to expel you when you get out of here...if your own stupidity doesn't kill you first. No wonder your father gave Deku his quirk and not you. My fingers dig into the dirt painfully again, trying to distract from the emotional pain of my doubt, and the physical pain in my legs. There has to be something I can do. Call for help. No one is going to be mad at you. You saved Toru from the same fate.
"DEKU! FROPPY! URAVITY!" I choke out, using the amplifier in my suit to my advantage. "PINKY! INVISIBLE GIRL!" I shove the butt of my palm into my eyes to try and stop the flow of tears. Worthless. Failure. The sound of my doubt is abruptly cut off by the vivid sound of a tiger roaring in my mind.
I keep screaming and calling for help until my voice is tired and I feel my energy waning. What if they've forgotten me? What if they just left me here? I start to worry, calling out every one of my classmate's names at least once.
I'm starting to wonder if I'll die when the sound of footsteps reaches my ears. My breathing is shaky as I look up, and I'm sure my face is a sight, marred by panic, guilt, and blood.
Deku's face isn't smug or disappointed or annoyed like I'd convinced myself it would be. It pulls more tears from my eyes to match his glistening ones as he slides to his knees in front of me.
"TIGRESS!" He exclaims as he assesses the damage. He takes my hand. "The damage looked pretty bad here. Pinky and Invisible Girl said this was the area you'd fallen down. I was hoping this wouldn't be where I found you but–" He looks up at the debris shifting minutely above me, and his eyes widen, but his brows furrow as he takes a determined stance. "I'm going to get you out of here, honeydoodle. I promise. You're going to be okay!" He gives me a smile, and it both mends and breaks me.
He knows how to keep smiling. Why don't you?
"I'm sorry." I choke out. "I'm not...I wasn't...good enough..." I exhale, gritting my teeth. "I'm a monster."
"No, you're not. Don't say that. Invisible Girl said you saved her. I'm proud of you." Deku pats the top of my hair before he calls down the hall of the dilapidated building. "GUYS! SHE'S DOWN HERE!"
More footsteps start approaching. Iida and Tsu are the first ones that come into view, followed by Todoroki, Ojiro, and Ochaco.
I watch them jog closer until there's more movement from the debris above me and I shriek as my vision goes dark again.
"WATCH OUT!" I hear Deku cry and then everything is silent.
Now everything is pinned. There's no way I'm moving.
"DEKU!" I cry through the dusty darkness, coughing out the dirt trying to invade my lungs. "Is everyone okay?!" Please don't tell me others got hurt on my account.
"Tigress! Thank god you're still alive...we're all okay! Todoroki's ice kept the building from falling further. Can you move at all?" He calls.
"No, I can't move anything now, it has me pinned!" And indeed, even as I say this I try. I can't even turn my head; fallen debris renders it stationary.
I close my eyes and try to focus solely on their voices despite a throbbing headache. I listen as they come up with a plan. Iida is to be ready to run and grab me just in case. Ojiro and Ochaco are going to help move debris while Todoroki uses his ice to stabilize it.
The building crushing down on me has me fighting consciousness. One moment, I hear them talking. The next, I can hear the dirt above me starting to shift and settle. The next time I'm awake, I'm already on a stretcher made by Momo.
"S'Invisible Girl okay...?" I grunt out. It doesn't occur to me until I focus on a pounding in the back of my head that my deteriorating status is due to blood loss.
"I'm okay, Tigress." She promises, squeezing my hand.
I blink and then I'm pulled into a warm embrace. I think it's Deku at first, or my dad. But when he speaks, my chest aches as I find it's someone who's hug means that much more.
"You're going to be okay." Mr. Aizawa tells me, squeezing me. I sniffle and let my head rest on his shoulder for a minute. He reads my mind because as he pulls back and catches my expression he meets it with a stern look. "Don't you dare start apologizing. Just let them take you to Recovery Girl."
I'm too tired to fight it, but I have enough energy to huff at him.
The next in line, not surprisingly, is my dad.
"Ichijiku!" He darts over to my side; even he's not wearing his signature hero smile at first, but he grits his teeth and forces it there in the next moment. "You're okay." He exhales his relief. "Recovery Girl's going to fix you up, okay? I'll be right by your side the whole time."
I reach my hand weakly to pat his, again wanting to apologize but not having the energy. The world starts shifting in focus again.
"Can I go with her, Mr. Aizawa?" I hear Deku's voice in the distance and start glancing around for him.
Soon enough, he's jogging by my stretcher. "Ichan, it's okay. I'll come check on you in a little bit, but I have to finish the training...I'll be with you as soon as I can, okay?" Deku's hero smile is gone and fresh tears paddle down his face. He grips my hand tightly and squeezes before giving it a kiss. "We love you."
I love you too. I think, finally feeling content enough to fall asleep.
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mkendlic · 3 months
Chapters: 7/? Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Original Character(s), Class 1-A (My Hero Academia) & Original Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Original Female Character(s), Bakugou Katsuki/Reader, Midoriya Izuku/Reader, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Reader, Todoroki Shouto/Reader, Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto Characters: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Satou Rikidou, Tokoyami Fumikage, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight, Yaoyorozu Momo, Asui Tsuyu, Jirou Kyouka, Shouji Mezou, Ojiro Mashirao, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kota Koji, Toru Hagakure, Yuga Aoyama, Class 1-B (My Hero Academia), League of Villains (My Hero Academia), Takami Keigo | Hawks, Bakugou Mitsuki, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugo Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku - Character Additional Tags: Graphic Description, Eventual Romance, Original Character(s), Implied/Referenced Character Death, Trauma, Badass, powerful quirk, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, a lot of sarcasm, aizawa is a dad!!, midnight is a great mom, principle nezu is a ray of sunshine, Slow Burn, Fluff and Smut, Sexual Tension, long fic, Past Child Abuse, past trauma, Blood and Injury, Violence Summary:
As a young teen trying to figure what its like to be a normal teenager…well as normal as one can be in a world with QUIRKS! Nozomi Akumu tries to figure out, what its like to even be a student in high school. While being a pro hero at the age of 15. She’s determine to not let her past control her any longer. Will she find revenge in killing the man that destroyed her life? Or will she finally understand the meaning her parents taught her long ago? Come along on the journey that is Nozomi Akumu’s life. And find out why is her quirk so fearful.
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dietstardustt · 1 year
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[ 1h 3m ] he talks too much 🥦💫❤️
test painting/sketch + playing with gradient maps
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shotos-angelic-whore · 7 months
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The One Time Affair m.list
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One drunken mistake a month before her wedding, comes back to bite Mika Hayashi—now Midoriya—in the ass four years later.
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send an ask with your user if you want to be tagged!!
must be 18+ and age in bio!
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one - near death experience, swearing, if i missed anything lmk
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bakushima22 · 1 year
Wolf the Fox and Izuku the Bunny
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yutacest · 2 days
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fashion week!
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chasingtoru · 5 months
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God Complex
Midoriya Izuku + Hayakawa Rintaro
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multifandomlvr · 2 years
Part 4
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"You know you don't have to do this with me. I can go by myself." Izuku asked got the tenth time, and Hikari assured him every time that it was okay, that she didn't have anything to do, and that she would be there for moral support.
"Izuku, if you ask me one more time, I'm going to sneak into your room in the middle of the night and steal your all-might figurine." Hikari joked. Izuku's eyes went wide as saucers.
"A-Alright! Please don't do that!" Izuku begged, and Hikari laughed, which made Izuku laugh. The pair was on their way to the café to meet Uraraka. Izuku didn't want to go alone but didn't want to ask any of his friends because he didn't know how to tell them that he and Uraraka were broken up.
Izuku hadn't realized that he and Hikari had even arrived at their destination. Hikari pulled on Izulu's sleeve, and he was brought out of his deep monologues and looked at her.
"Were here." She said. He looked up; they were.
"Wow, was I out of it the whole time?" Izukue asked. Hikari smiled and nodded her head.
"Yea, I was pulling and pushing you along. You seemed deep in thought, and I didn't want to disturb you." Hikari commented. Izuku took a deep breath, pushed the café doors open, and began scanning those inside the building, looking for Uraraka.
He soon spotted her.
"You got this; I'll be over there." Hikari pointed to a table by the window. Far away." He nodded and walked to the table, and sat down. Uraraka straightened her back and pulled her dress down a little more.
"I bought this especially for you, izu-kun," Uraraka told him. Giving off her smile that Izuku had fallen in love with, but now, he wasn't exactly sure what to feel about it.
"You know, I came here thinking that I was going to yell at you, to ask you why you did what you had done to me. But I can't. All I want to know is why. Why did you do this? To me, to us?" Izuku asked. All of his emotions were going haywire. He was angry, sad, and betrayed.
"If you weren't happy with me or how our relationship was going. Why didn't you tell me? If you had found someone who made you happier than me. I would have let you go; all I have ever wanted since I met you was for you to be happy. I was over the moon when you said yes to going out with me. I loved you in more ways than one. I thought I was a good partner and gave you everything you ever wanted." Izuku explained. He couldn't stop his mouth. When he was done, he looked at Uraraka, who had just sat there. No emotion whatsoever on her face.
"I don't know what you want me to say. I wanted to be with you for your money; I made it obvious that I was cheating on you, but you are oblivious to everything around you. I would come home smelling like another alpha, or I would purposefully leave my phone unlocked around you, But that was just the beginning. Then you started getting money. Your mother's bakery was a hit, and multiple stores worldwide were opening. I knew I had to suck it up and be with you. But then I thought! Why not get the best of both worlds? I can be with you for your money and still mess around with people." Uraraka explained. Every word out of her mouth felt like his insides were being cut with a knife.
"Now, You are a powerful alpha. I want us to forget everything that has gone down. I will stop talking to the guys I am, and we can be together again. I want to have your pups so they will grow up to be strong." Uraraka said, leaning in to hold Izuku's hand, but he pulled it away. Then he stood up.
"I am done with you; I don't want anything to do with you anymore. The lease is up on the apartment at the end of the month. I will pay for my half, and you can come up with yours. I don't care how you get it. I wish you the best in everything, and I hope you find someone who will love you for who you are because I don't know what happened, but you changed. We grew up together. We were childhood friends." Izuku said and walked away from the table towards Hikari. Uraraka watched the two of them walk out until she couldn't see them anymore.
"Oh, please… I was always like this; mark my words Izuku Midoriya. You will be mine one way or another. No one will love you like me, and you need me more than you know." She mumbled to herself. She pulled out her purse and fixed her make-up before taking her phone out and calling one of the many guys she knows to come to pick her up.
Hikari waited until they were quiet away from the café before speaking up.
"How did that go? I tried not to watch the two of you, but I wanted to be sure you were okay-"Hikari said before she was enveloped in a hug by Izuku.
"I'm sorry that this is sudden, and I should have asked you for permission before I did this, but I need a hug, and you are the closest thing to me. I might have hugged a tree if it was close enough." Izuku joked, and Hikari laughed and hugged him back.
"I don't mind. You can hug me anytime, and I'm giving you permission infinity." Hikari said softly. Izuku hugged Hikari, waiting for the tears to well up in his eyes, but he was surprised when none of them came out. Izuku let go of Hikari and held her at arm's length.
"Is there something wrong with me? Why am I not crying? "It was more of a rhetorical question than anything. But Hikari answered anyway.
"Because it's drilled into your head from the time you entered elementary school that alpha males are supposed to be strong and not show emotion. But it's okay to cry; I won't make fun of you." Hikari said, patting him on the head. She gave him a warm smile before Izuku pulled her back into a hug.
At that moment, Izuku's vision became blurry, and his cheeks were wet.
"Thank you," Izuku said, sniffling in the process.
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kristamagness · 5 months
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Another OC insert. I do a LOT of these.
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shoshotodo · 1 year
Healing Light |2|
Word count: 3094
Warnings?: light swearing (like... once)
Summary:  Iyashi Akari has been hiding a rare quirk almost all her life, but an absolute idiot decides to play in traffic, she can’t just stand by and watch.
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 The morning of my first day at Yuuei was much more stressful than it needed to be. Personally, I wasn’t too anxious, but my mother, on the other hand, was acting like she was the one who was starting school today. She was so nervous that she wouldn’t sit still (nor would she stop asking me if I had everything), and Dad had to physically drag her away just so I could leave. I smiled gratefully at him as I grabbed my shoes, mouthing thank you. 
“Have a good first day, Akari.” He said, “Your mother and I are proud of you.”
I smiled even wider “Well, I’m off! I’ll see you both later.” I spoke as I excitedly opened the door and stepped into the sun.
After spending an ungodly amount of time walking around Yuuei (thanks, Dad, for helping me be early!), I finally found my classroom, class 1-A. The moment I saw the massive door, the nerves hit. I gripped the edges of my skirt as I breathed in. This is it. This is the place where I’ll be spending the next 3 years. This is the place where I’ll learn to be a true hero. I slowly unclenched my hands from my skirt as I released my breath. I can do this. I opened the door.
There were only 4 students in the classroom when I entered. A blonde-haired boy, who looks like the kid who was attacked by that sludge villain last year sitting at the front of the class. Sitting further back in the class there’s a boy with dark blue hair and glasses, a boy with red and white hair split down the middle, and a girl with black hair pulled tightly into a ponytail. Only having 4 people besides myself in the classroom worked fine for me. It’s much easier to calm down when not many people are around. Taking my seat on the front far left of the classroom, I double-checked the time before breathing in as deeply and slowly as possible. I’m ok. I’ll be fine. I got here with 20 minutes to spare. That’s 20 minutes I can use to calm myself back down. Or at least that was the plan until a vaguely familiar blonde loudly and rudely interrupted my peace.
“Hey! I know you! You’re that girl with the healing quirk! From the incident a few months ago.”
Startled by his volume, I looked up to find a golden-eyed boy with electric yellow hair standing before my desk. I stared at his face trying to figure out if I knew him from somewhere, but with that distinctive black streak, I knew I’d remember him if I did.
Too surprised to verbally respond, I slowly (and confusedly, might I add) nodded.
“You saved my friend!” he said enthusiastically. 
“Your friend?”
“Totally! Orokana Kodomo! He was joking around because he knew our friend was recording him and stepped into the street and got hit by that truck! And you went and healed him! It’s a good thing you were there. He would’ve been a goner if it weren’t for you. It doesn’t surprise me to see you here! My name is Kaminari Denki. It’s great to actually meet you!” 
Oh… so that’s why he seems so familiar. He was one of the boys goofing off that day. He’s part of the reason I’m even here. 
“Oh, wait a minute,” a guy with red hair gelled up into spikes spoke as he walked over with a girl who was almost wholly pink. “I saw that video too! The way you just ran in and saved that guy! So manly! I’m Kirishima Ejirou.” He yelled, clenching his fists.
Did he just call me manly?? I rubbed the back of my neck shyly with one hand and gripped the edge of my skirt under my desk with the other. “I don’t know about all that.” I mumbled.
“No, no, no, that was totally awesome girl! You totally saved his life, and it was so flashy! I’m Ashido Mina! Pleased to make your acquaintance!” the girl who’d accompanied Kirishima said much too loudly. 
Before I could respond, the guy with the glasses who had gotten here before me approached us.
“I remember seeing that video. I must say that was a true act of heroism, and we should all aspire to be like you.” He spoke sharply, moving his hands like he was doing a karate chop, “I’m Iida Tenya. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”
I blinked at him in surprise, “I’m Iyashi Akari. And I don’t know if it counts as a ‘true act of heroism’ or manly or anything like that, but thank you nonetheless. It’s nice to meet you all too.” 
Iida looked behind me to the right and inhaled sharply, “Excuse me.” He said quickly as he stiffly walked toward our classmate. 
I watched exasperatedly as he started yelling at our classmate –who I’m certain was in the attack with the sludge villain last year– to remove his feet from the desk. 
“Jeez,” I heard Kaminari say, “He’s definitely wound up too tightly.”
“Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?”  Our blonde-haired classmate  (with hair suspiciously similar to Kirishima’s) crudely responded to Iida. 
Kaminari huffed out a laugh. “Or maybe that’s it!”
After getting over how quickly that conversation went south, I turned back to address the three still standing by my desk, “Class is gonna to start soon. You guys should probably head to your seat before the teacher gets here.” 
Ashido laughed good-naturedly, “Yeah, you’re probably right. We’ll talk later.” 
After they walked away, I tried to use the few minutes I had left to calm down again, but the classroom was much too noisy. Iida had (thankfully) chosen to stop arguing with our classmate in favor of approaching the green-haired boy who’d been standing in the doorway for entirely too long. 
“Good morning!” Iida spoke loudly as he walked robotically over to the boy, “ My name is Iida Tenya fro–”
“Yeah, I know. I'm Midoriya Izuku. It's super nice to meet you.” The freckled boy interrupted.
“Midoriya. You realized that there was something more to the practical exam, didn't you?” Iida spoke solemnly again, moving his hands choppily, “You must be very perceptive. And I completely misjudged you, I admit. As a student, you're far superior to me.”
Midoriya made a face that told me he definitely disagreed with that assessment.
“Hey! I recognize that messed‐up hair!”A girl with short brown hair said excitedly from behind him, “Falling boy! That punch was amazing!”
“Oh, hey, hi!” Midoriya turned bright red and responded flusteredly, “Oh my gosh! So, uh, I should probably be thanking you for going in and talking to him.”
“Huh? How'd you know about that?” The girl questioned, tilting her head. 
“Oh, I, um, what?” Midoriya stuttered out.
“What do you think we're doing today besides orientation? I wonder what our teachers are like. I can't wait to meet everybody!” the girl continued.
“If you're just here to make friends, you can pack up your stuff now.” Said a voice from behind the trio, “Welcome to Yuuei’s hero course.” I watched a man stand up and climb out of a yellow sleeping bag. “It took 8 seconds before you all shut up. That's not going to work. Time is precious. Rational students would understand that. Hello, I'm Aizawa Shouta, your teacher.” 
I stared blankly as the man kept talking like it was normal for teachers to enter their classrooms by slithering on the ground like a caterpillar. 
“Right,” Aizawa-Sensei continued as he reached into his bag and pulled out blue, white, and red gym uniforms. “Iyashi Akari, grab your stuff and come with me. The rest of you put these on and head outside. I’ll meet you there shortly.”
I stood and followed behind him as he walked through the halls. 
“I’m taking you to spend the day with Recovery Girl so she can go over her expectations with you.” He droned without looking back at me, “You’ll be missing at least 3 classes every week to study with her in the infirmary. And because you don’t have a combative quirk or experience, it’ll be far easier for you to fall behind. So on the days when you’re in the infirmary, I’ll give you supplementary lessons one on one to help improve your hand-to-hand combat skills in the morning. Do you understand?”
“Yes. I understand.” 
“Good.” He stopped walking and turned to me before continuing, “My expectations for you are high, Iyashi. But if you can’t meet them, then it’d be pointless of you to expect to make it as a pro and, therefore, irrational to keep you here as a student, no matter what that old lady says. This is the nurse’s office. Go ahead inside. I’m going back to the rest of the class.” And with that, he turned on his heel and walked away. I stared at his back until he rounded the corner before sighing and grabbing the door handle. I really hope that not all my teachers will be that intimidating. Sliding open the door, I stepped inside the infirmary. 
“I assume you must be Iyashi Akari, my new student. Correct?” said the old lady sitting at the computer in front of me.
“Did Aizawa take the rest of your class to orientation?”
“I don’t think so. He told them to change out of their uniforms and meet him outside.”
Akari watched the older woman shake her head pitifully, “Sounds about right.” she mumbled before clearing her throat, “Well, I’m Recovery Girl. Welcome to Yuuei.  What all have you been told to expect during your time here?”
“Aizawa-Sensei told me that I’ll be expected to assist in the clinic at least 3 days a week, along with working with him in the morning.” 
Recovery Girl stared at me for a moment, “Is that all he told you?” she questioned.
“Well, Your time here at Yuuei will be considerably more stressful than the average hero student. Like Aizawa told you, you’ll be expected to be in the infirmary at least 3 days a week and do extra lessons with him. You’re going to need to get your hero license along with getting a license to practice medicine. However, you won't have to worry about either of those for quite some time. And when the sports festival comes around, you won’t be allowed to participate in the events like the rest of your peers. My superiors decided that due to the high injury rate, you should remain in the infirmary with me.”
Recovery Girl spent the rest of the day giving me a small tour of the infirmary. “As I expected, no one needs any healing today. It’s only the first day of school.” she’d said, and with less than half an hour left in the school day, my classmate with the messy green hair and freckles opened the door and stepped inside. 
The boy –I forgot what he said his name was earlier– was clutching his hand. And even from where I was sitting, I could see the discoloration of his index finger. 
I watched as Recovery Girl instructed him to sit down and I hid my face in my jacket to stifle my laughter at the way he screamed when she kissed his forehead.
"Woah, thanks, that feels so much better! But, uh, I suddenly feel really tired... I need a nap." He spoke, sounding completely exhausted.
"My Quirk stimulates your ability to heal, but healing takes energy. It's not my fault. That's just how the body works. Get too many big injuries, your stamina will be shot, and you'll die instead of healing, so be careful." Recovery Girl told him, smiling.
"You mean this could kill me?!"
She didn’t answer his question, choosing instead to check her clock. 
“You both go on and head home. I’ll see you soon, Iyashi.” 
I nodded as I stood and grabbed my stuff to leave.
“I’m so tired.” I heard my freckled classmate groan behind me as I closed the door.
I turned to him as we walked down the hall, “I’m Iyashi Akari, by the way.” I said brightly.
I watched his face turn pink as he stuttered, “M-my name is Midoriya Izuku.”
“Aren’t you off to a bad start?” 
“Huh? I-I’m not sure what you mean,” he spoke, rubbing his neck.
“You’ve already broken a bone. And it’s only the first day of the year. That’s definitely some kind of record.” I said teasingly, “What did Aizawa-Sensei have you doing?”
“He had the class doing tests to gauge our potential to be heroes.”
“And how exactly did that lead to you breaking your finger?” I asked him as we stepped outside.
“My body can’t handle the backlash of my power, so whenever I use it…” I watched him frown and stare contemplatively at his hand as he continued, “But I’m going to get stronger. I have to.” 
He quieted for a moment before shyly asking, “You’re in my class, right? I think I saw you earlier today… So uh, why exactly did Aizawa bring you to the nurse instead of you doing the quirk assessment test with the rest of us? If you don’t mind me asking. I know it’s none of my business.” 
“Yea, I’m in class 1-A with you. Sensei said that since I’ll be spending a good amount of time training with Recovery Girl, she needed to review her expectations for me during my time here.”
“You mean you’re going to be learning from Recovery Girl?” I watched as his face brightened up in realization, “Wait a minute, I know who you are!” He spoke excitedly. And like a flip of a switch, he went from acting extremely shy and unsure how to have a conversation to asking me questions so fast I could barely understand him. “You’re that girl from the video that went viral a couple of months ago! Healing quirks are super rare! You really lucked out! How does it work? Is it like Recovery Girl’s and draws from the person you’re healing? But then again,  based on how you passed out immediately after using it, I’d guess that can’t be the case because drawing from them shouldn’t make you tired. It should make them tired. How many people can you heal at once? Can you heal yourself too? Does–” 
“Woah slow down,” I interrupted, laughing lightly, I put my hands up in front of me, “that’s too much to answer at once.”
He put his hands over his mouth, “Sorry!” he squeaked.
“No need to apologize. Now let’s see,” I lightly tapped my chin as I continued, not noticing him pulling out a very beaten up notebook from who knows where, “It’s really difficult to test it to know exactly how it works, but as far as we can figure out, it is a little similar to Recovery Girl’s, but like you guessed, it doesn’t draw from whoever is being healed, it draws from my energy. And the better I eat and sleep, the easier I can heal someone.Healthy habits equal healthy energy. So far, I can only heal one person at a time. Trying to heal two people at once drains my energy way faster, regardless of the injury's severity. It’s super easy for me to heal myself! Depending on how much energy I have, I can even control the speed at which my injuries heal, though I struggle with doing that for others. Do you have any other…” I trailed off as I turned to see him scribbling quickly in a composition book. 
Midoriya stopped suddenly and looked up at me with his hand poised over the page, ready to ask me more questions when suddenly, someone placed their hand on his shoulder. I watched him jump in the air in surprise.
“Oh!” He said, startled, “Hey, there, Iida!” 
“Midoriya,” Iida started, “how’s the broken finger doing?” 
Midoriya chuckled nervously, slipped his notebook into his bag and held up his finger for Iida to see, “It’s doing fine, thanks to Recovery Girl.”
Iida seemed to accept his answer and started walking. “I was a bit concerned by Mr. Aizawa's approach to class. But I trust the school's judgment.” He spoke seriously as he crossed his arms, “Yuuei is the top program. Even so, lying is downright immoral.” 
“Huh? What’d he lie about?” I asked.
“He said that whoever came in last in the quirk assessment test would be sent home and immediately be expelled.
“He said what?” I gasped, looking at Iida. Suddenly whatever sad feelings I had about being the only person in my class to not be there flew out the window, never to be seen again.
Iida grimly nodded, but before he could respond, we heard someone shout behind us.
“Hey! Wait up, you three! Are you going to the station? I'll join you guys!” The girl with short brown hair from our class yelled as she ran up to us.
"Oh, you're the infinity girl," Iida said as he turned.
“I'm Uraraka Ochako.” She spoke, smiling happily at us, “Let's see. You are Tenya Iida. And your name is... Deku, right? Midoriya? And I didn't catch your name?”
“Deku?!?!” Midoriya squeaked
“Uh, yeah, isn't that what Bakugo called you? During the fitness test, he said... ‘Deku, you bastard!’ Right?” Uraraka questioned.
“Uh, well. My name's actually Izuku. Deku's what Kacchan calls me to make fun of me.” Midoriya mumbled awkwardly. 
“Oh, I didn't realize that! I'm sorry.” Uraraka said apologetically.
I hummed thoughtfully, “But, you know what? I like ‘Deku.’ It could make a great hero name! It’s just like you’re reclaiming it, ya know?”
“Yeah, I was thinking the same!” Uraraka said, nodding enthusiastically. “Plus, I think it sounds kinda cute.” 
“Great minds think alike! And I’m Iyashi Akari.” I said excitedly.
“Deku it is!” Midoriya exclaimed, his face completely red.
“Just like that? Weren't you saying that it was an insult?” Iida exclaimed. 
“Paradigm shift!” Midoriya spoke as he covered his face. “My whole world is upside down!”
“Wait, what?” Uraraka questioned, looking at me as though I might understand what was happening. I shrugged at her in return.
Needless to say, I had a pretty uneventful first day at Yuuei. And unfortunately, I would soon find out that the rest of my time at this school would not be anywhere near as underwhelming. 
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hanahaki270 · 2 months
♡ Sharing a Dorm ♡
Synopsis ┊Your dorm is going under renovation and you need to find a place to crash in for a while. Luckily a certain someone offers you to stay in theirs for the time being.
Characters ┊Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya.
A/N ┊beginner Writer here, these were harder to think of than I thought ngl. If you have any requests please send them to me, I'm open to do different characters and also different anime's!
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Katsuki Bakugou
❥ By no means whatsoever does he offer his dorm out of the kindness of his heart. He just got pissed off of seeing you sleeping on the couch in the commons area every morning, and accidentally stepping on your blanket or pillows. After stepping on your blanket once more he grabs your shit and puts it in his dorm and acts like he's bothered by this but really he doesn't mind at all.
❥ Makes you sleep on the floor for the first two nights until you convince him to share the bed. He's reluctant at first but then allows it as long as you stay on your side of the bed. Do you really though?
❥ Expect to sleep earlier and get your sleep schedule in check because his dorm, his rules, lights are off at ten pm sharp with no exceptions.
❥ Also expect your grades to go up. While he's your roommate he's going to make you don't slack off on your studies.
❥ When he wakes up in the morning and notices your head resting on his chest he gets somewhat annoyed but secretly likes it. he's willing to get behind on his strict schedule and let you rest on him a little longer. but just a little.
❥ Demands you now be his training partner but is careful to not get carried away. You're strong, but he still doesn't want to run the risk of hurting you. therefore, he always keeps Aid kits in the bathroom just in case you do get any scratches, even if they're minor.
❥ Constantly threatening to kick you out over every little thing but actually has no intention of doing so. He won't admit it but he enjoys your company. "I swear if I see one more sock lying around I'm grabbing your shit and throwing it out."
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Shoto Todoroki
❥ "Why don't you sleep with me." he said boldly unaware of how his sentence had more than one connotation to it. I mean you need help and as your friend he's more than willing to help you out. plus he has the biggest dorm compared to everyone else, if anything he's the most suitable to offer his help he thought.
❥ Asks you what temperature you prefer to sleep in so he can use his quirk to either make the room colder or warmer depending on your preference. and ALWAYS makes sure to make both sides of your pillows cold.
❥ When he's out visiting his mother you make sure the place is clean (though it usually is since he tends to be on the neater side) and prepare some soba for him as a token of your appreciation. After a couple of times he starts to look forward for it and got saddened the one day you forgot.
❥ In return he made sure not turn on the lights when getting ready in the morning as to not wake you up. Part of it was for a selfish reason though, he thought it was cute how you slept soundly on his bed.
❥ Speaking about sleep; During the night he would find himself cozying up next to you, not on purpose though. He just felt comfort in your presence and he realized you felt the same way when you also moved closer to him during the night.
❥ Leaves out coffee for you in the mornings since you tend to stay up late on nights and wake up always running late to your classes.
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Izuku Midoriya
❥ Overheard you talking to Tsuyu and Uraraka about how you need a place to sleep in and walked over to offer his help without a second thought. You already spend most of your time in his dorm room during the day to share notes anyways. The only difference would just be you spending the night.
❥ Offers for you to sleep in his bed while he sleeps on the floor. After you refuse to let him sleep on the floor he shyly agrees to share the bed with you constantly asking you if you're okay with it.
❥ Midoriya stays up late at night writing in his notebook and murmuring thoughts to himself. You persuade him to go to bed and leave his worries for the following day. he deeply apologizes for the burden kind of embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry! was I keeping you up? I'll go to bed in a few minutes don't worry."
❥ Always invites you to go out with him whenever he leaves the dorm, even if it's something as simple as going to the gas station to get some snacks.
❥ he loves to talk your ear off geeking out about the knowledge he knows about the top heroes and their quirks. When he notices he got carried away he gets all types of flustered but even then he doesn't get the sense of being judged.
❥ Since he's constantly getting injured and going to see Recovery girl he always comes back exhausted. regardless, his stubborn ass still tries to go out on missions and push himself to the limits. he get's frustrated when you don't let him do so and force him to rest and leave his chores to you. But he loves you for it.
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