#jacob batalon imagine
iguana-eyanna · 11 months
In Another Universe Pt. 6
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Pairing: Ned Leeds x superhero! reader
Summary: Ned's world turns upside down when his new powers bring a stranger to his world. What's more strange is that she knows who he is.
Everything was set in motion. MJ was assisting Sorcerer Supreme Wong to prepare while Doctor Strange was practicing his incantation. Ned and Peter were sent off to grab everything else.
Ned went straight to get ahold of some herbs in the potion closet, muttering the ingredients to himself.
"Need a hand?" Peter asks.
"Sure, hold these." Ned said in a rush, stacking bottles in Peter's arms.
"Look, about earlier... I'm sorry if I crossed a line." Peter said but Ned doesn't look over.
"You're fine Pete, no worries." Ned said, walking away to get the spell book in the library. Peter followed in tow.
"Ned, I'm trying to apologize. Could we just pause right now?" Peter asks.
"Funny you should say that cause when I wanted to talk to you, you were busy elsewhere." Ned looked over his shoulder as he went up on the ladder to look where it was located.
"Okay, I deserve that. But I feel like you need to take a break and breathe for a sec. You're preparing for something that could kill you."
Ned breathed through his nose as he looks at Peter.
"I am done letting people, especially you, tell me what my limits are. I'm not a kid, I'm not your sidekick, and I'm not rushing this. So you could just let go of your pride for a second and be there for me just this once?" Ned raised his voice.
Peter seemed unsettled with his friend's temper. He never saw Ned angry. Ned returned his focus and turned over to his right, finding the book he was looking for.
It was different than the darkhold or the other books that were on the shelf. This had egyptian hieroglyphs that kept on moving on the cover, glowing a soft gold color.l
"The Book of Thoth." Ned whispered as he went down the stairs.
"That's the God of Knowledge from the Egyptian Mythology. But why does that book sound familiar?" Peter asks, looking down.
"Don't you remember the first issues of the Captain America comic books? He defeated the Witch Queen alongside Bucky when she was resurrected with this book. I thought it was just something they made up but apparently, this is real."
"That's so cool. I gotta ask Mr. Barnes if this is familiar." Peter said, slightly fan boying.
"Only if I get to tag along." Ned joked.
"Of course man! Mr. Barnes is so cool, I think you guys will like each other. He read the first copies of Lord of the Rings."
"No way!" Ned said in disbelief.
The two laugh a bit before Peter looks at Ned.
"I'm truly sorry for the way I've been treating you. It wasn't right to just ignore you like that. You literally took down an evil doppelganger with your powers and you're doing something pretty selfless. I'm proud of you Ned, I hope you know that." Peter said.
"You're my best friend Pete, I don't mind you being with MJ, I like hanging out with her too. I just missed when it was the three of us, or rather me not feeling like a third wheel."
"We're going to change that. No one is going to be left out or forgotten. And Ned? You were never a sidekick."
Ned smiles and gives Peter a hug.
"No matter what happens, I'll be there man." Peter assured Ned.
The two let go and they use their free hand to do their handshake before heading back.
"So, just to clarify, the girl you told us you were dating is or is not your girlfriend?" Peter asks.
"It's more of a cover really... but with these memories I told her that I was falling in love with her."
"WHAT?" Peter half yells which Ned shushed him.
"What?" Peter whispers again this time.
"That's why I'm wanting to do this. Although the memories I have of her are real, it feels more of a movie I watched than actually living them. I need to find the answer if I love her because of me or him."
Peter nods his head.
"Well, I'm glad that both of you are at an understanding. It must have been hard to face those feelings alone." he says
They finally reached the middle where everyone else was as they were busy. You look over at Ned, giving him a soft smile.
"Yeah, you could say something like that." Ned replied.
Ned gave Wong the book as everyone placed the items on the ground. MJ was using chalk on the ground in order to contain the incantation.
"You ready kid?" Strange asked.
Ned nods his head.
"Let's bring Edward up."
Wong opens a portal and out came Edward who looked unfazed of being transported out from his prison.
"If you do anything to jeopardize this, I will make sure you will be transported to the icey glaciars of Greenland." Wong warned him.
"Yeah, that totally makes me want to to do more trouble now." Edward says sarcastically.
"It's a bit unsettling to see them in the same room." Peter whispers to MJ.
"Yeah, I agree." She says.
"Okay. Ned 1 and Ned 2... listen up so I don't accidentally melt your brains into smoothies."
The two Leeds look at Strange with an unsettled look.
"Not the best time for jokes, I get it. But, you should really listen. Here, drawn by MJ, is a circle. Do not step OUT of the circle. This rune will make sure that those inside will only share the others memory. You're not allowed to interrupt my incantation. This hasn't been done for about a hundred years, and we don't want to see the outcome if it goes wrong. Am I clear?"
"So what you're saying is don't step out and shut up?" Edward asks, crossing his arms.
"Pretty much."
Ned looks over at Peter and MJ.
"If anything happens, tell my parents and my Lola I love them."
"You're going to them yourself Ned." MJ reassured him.
"I'm here bud." Peter says, as MJ squeezed Peter's hand as he was nervous.
The two Neds then look at you, expecting any last parting words from you.
"Please... be careful." you whispered.
The two boys stood apart in the circle and looked straight at each other.
"This may hurt a bit." Strange said before reciting the incantation.
Ned was about to ask how much, but soon his eyes glowed yellow. He floated in midair, unresponsive. You were about to go up to him, but Wong held you in your spot.
"We need to do this." Wong stated.
Soon, Dr. Strange waived his hands in a circular motion and brought out the dreams Ned had.
It was like you saw a projection of every moment you had with Edward. They were all in golden colors, and each memory moved as if you were in the moment.
One was when you had your first date at the state fair, and Ned won you a stuffed panda.
One memory that caught you off guard was the second night you spent with this world's Ned on the roof of his apartment. You were looking at the sky and saw how he fell in love with you.
"How is that possible that Ned remembered all of Edward's memories?" Peter asks.
"Any dream you have of yourself is most likely a memory a version of you had in a different universe. Apparently, all these memories of Spidergirl's Ned are the most vivid with our Ned."
Peter walks around the circle, seeing Ned's memories and caught one of them freshmen year of high school. They looked so shy in class, but Ned peered over when he saw that Peter had a star wars comic book on his desk. They started talking, and soon it was the first day of being friends.
Peter sniffles a bit, remembering the time it was them against the world.
Everyone was too preoccupied of looking at the memories floating in the air, the voice in Edward's head became louder.
'Now's our chance, you know what to do.' Hobgoblin said.
Edward reaches into the hidden pocket of the jacket he's wearing, feeling the small explosive he has saved in case of emergencies. He finds where the Book of Thoth was left unguarded. Edward was about to throw the explosive towards it, but then he heard something.
"You won't catch me!" You yelled out loud. "Yes I will!" Ned replied back.
"Huh?" Edward looks back and finds the memory. It appeared him and you were at a park, you wore this white spring dress that was covered in blue flowers. You were smiling, laughing as Ned was chasing you.
"Gotcha!" Ned replied, catching you by your waist as he spinned you back to his chest. "I let you!" You joked, playfully shoving his shoulder. "What will take you for me to release you?" He asks. You hum a bit before an idea pops in your head. "A kiss." Ned becomes easily flushed. This was your fourth date with each other and he has been too shy to kiss you. Maybe it was because he wanted to go slow and be the gentleman he always was, but this was his first kiss. He was worried he was going to mess this up. "Hey... it's okay. I'm not going anywhere. I'm with you till the end of the line." You said, placing a hand on his chest. Ned felt a flutter in his heart as you remembered that was a line from the Captain America and Bucky comic book he showed you. He placed his hand on top of yours and stared at you with such warm eyes. Without hesitation, he tilts his head down and kissed your lips for the first time. Both of you closed your eyes, feeling a thousand stars were surrounding you. Once you pulled away, you brush away a strand of hair that was in his face. "Nothing beats a first kiss." You said, smiling. Ned widen his smile as he picked you by the waist and spun you again and kissed you again with all the love he could give.
"That quote was your favorite movie." Edward whispers, looking down on the ground.
You break away from the memory and look at him.
"Ned?" you call him.
He turns around towards you, his eyes looking almost familiar.
Suddenly, he hisses in pain as he grabbed the sides of his head.
'STOP IT.' The voice yelled in his head.
"What's happening?" MJ asks.
"Something is blocking his mind for the memories to enter. Strange can't do anything when Ned is unconscious." Wong said.
"It's not something... it's someone." You said, hearing a sort of high pitch from your spider sense.
Edward thrashed his head violently, until he paused... giving a bone chilling laugh that filled the air.
He looks at you, smiling at you wickedly.
"Miss me?" Edward's voice slightly changing.
"Hobgoblin." You whispered.
"I can't wait to show you what I have in store." He says, his eyes growing a darker shade.
You don't know what he meant, but you could see Hobgoblin reach for something in his pocket.
"Peter! The book!" You screamed.
Peter ran to wear the book went as Hobgoblin threw the explosive at his direction. Peter almost reached towards, but then the explosive blew up, sending everyone off their feet. Artifacts flown around the room as some laid down on the floor and the book was lost in the chaos. Wong made a magic shield around MJ to protect her from any debris as you and Peter landed on the walls.
You could see all of Ned's memories slightly glitch, as the magic was being disrupted due to the rune on the floor was damaged.
"Someone needs to fix this quick!" Strange grunted, trying to not let any of the memories escape as they now swarmed in the air. Without the book, Strange couldn't maintain the spell. You could hear all the voices of each memory overlap, making it hard to focus.
"I can fix the rune! But you have to keep Hobgoblin inside!" MJ screamed.
"Find the book, I'll deal with him." You said to Peter. He nod his head.
MJ grabbed a chalk and started to connect the runes once more. You went in the opening and went up to Hobgoblin.
"I don't want to hurt you anymore." You said, hoping your Ned would hear you.
"Too late for that." Hobgoblin replied as he threw his fist at you. You knelt down as you caught it in thin air, but it was hard to maintain his grip. Hobgoblin used this opportunity to swing his leg towards your ribs that were already bruised. You let go, groaning, but you stood tall and raised your fists.
"This ends tonight." You gritted before both of you charge.
MJ rushed fixing the symbols on the floor as you and Hobgoblin fought. You ducked most of his punches, but he was almost invincible to take down.
"I'm almost done! You need to get out!" MJ screamed.
"I need more time!" you yelled back, trying to use your web fluid but Hobgoblin breaks free in seconds.
"There's not enough! I can't contain the memories anymore!" Strange yelled.
You look up and see Ned's aura fading like all of his memories. You can't leave Ned like this. And you can't leave Edward either, not again. You look over at MJ and nod your head.
"Do it."
She nods her head and scribbles the last symbol. Finally, the floor glowed around you three. Peter found the book in time and gave it to Strange as he recited the last lines.
"I know you're in their Ned, you can fight against him. You're able to decide for yourself, not him!"
"STOP TALKING" Hobgoblin spoke as you could sense that he was losing control over Edward's body.
"I'm not going anywhere, baby. I'm right here. I-"
You stop as you were now gasping for air.
The air was still for a moment. You could hear your new friends calling your name and you look down, seeing that Hobgoblin found a dagger lying on the floor and pierced you in the stomach.
Hobgoblin smirks back at you.
Suddenly, the soft glow of yellow turned a violent shade of orange. Hobgoblin took notice and turned around, seeing Ned now towering over him, his eyes glowing like raging fires.
"Wong? What's going on?" Strange asks.
"He's still conscious! His emotional ties towards her is stronger than we realized, Ned might not break free from this rage!" He yells back.
Ned took Hobgoblin by the collar and levitated up, flying as Hobgoblin dangled in mid air. Ned didn't even say a word, but his features turned menacing. That innocent kid that he once was is now gone.
"Just do it, kill me now. But if you don't you're just as weak as Edward." Hobgoblin spat.
"Stop, you're better than this!" Peter screamed.
Ned, not facing towards his friends, raised his hands toward them as they became frozen in place, even with Doctor Strange and Wong. But with Strange's lost of control, all the memories began to violently fly around the room. There was screaming, so much screaming. Everyone now saw the horrible things Edward had gone through. His manic episodes when he was lost in the sewers, his destruction towards the city when innocent lives were lost, and the times he fought with you before you were transported towards this world.
Ned looks down as he sees you lying on your back, starting to bleed out.
"I'm with you till the end of the line."
Suddenly, the memories came to a halt as everyone became quiet. Ned lets go of Hobgoblin. He thought he was about to fall to his doom, but he levitates in the air.
"You're wrong about us. We're not weak... we care a lot. And frankly, I think you're time is finished."
And with that, Ned raised his hands to Hobgoblin, blasting all of the memories at Hobgoblin.
Hobgoblin screams out as Edward fights for control as both of the Leed boys shine bright as the sun. Everyone else closes their eyes as the light overcame their senses. Soon, it began to dim as well as the hold that Ned had on them. They break free from their frozen places and look up to where Ned and Hobgoblin once were.
They see Ned holding Edward's shoulders as he seemed half conscious.
"I got you, man." Ned whispered as they soon stood on the floor. Everyone else surrounded them, unsure.
Edward regains his senses, looking straight at Ned.
"It's... it's quiet. I don't hear him anymore." Edward said in disbelief. Both Ned and Edward smiled as they hugged each other, realizing that it worked.
Edward smiles brightly as he tries to look for you, calling your name.
"I remember now! I remember everyth-" Edward stops speaking as he sees you lying on the floor, eyes closed.
"No," Ned whispered.
Both he and Edward race to your side as Edward lifts you in his lap, trying to shake you to wake up as Ned held your hand.
You lied in his arms, cold as your blood decorated the floor. Peter and MJ go up to their friend as Peter knelt down besides Ned.
"I - I killed her." Edward whispers.
"It's not your fault." Ned said.
"It is. She's gone because of me."
Ned looks over and sees his teacher a few steps away, still shocked as he witnessed Ned's power.
"We can't do anything, can we?"
Wong lowers his head.
"It is forbidden. We must not disrupt the balance of the living and the dead."
"How about the book? There has to be a way-"
"There is. But it requires for one soul to be exchanged in order to bring back the other. We're not risking your lives again."
"What if we shared half of our souls to her?" Edward asks.
Everyone turns back to Edward.
"Half of my soul and half of Ned's creates one soul. Can that work?"
Wong and Strange look at each other, unsure.
Ned looks back at you, as you lied there peacefully
"We have to try."
Edward lies you on the ground as Ned took the book and looked at the spell.
"Hold her hand and I'll hold the other. Whatever you do, don't let go."
"I won't." Edward said.
Ned looked down at the book, repeating the words that was written on the page. Everyone around them saw a small glowing orb erupting from Ned's and Edward's chest.
"That's their souls." Wong whispered to Peter and MJ.
They flew in the air at the moment, slowly twirling around each other until the souls flew in your chest. A few seconds past and you gasp for air. Ned and Edward jump back from you unexpectedly. You look down and see that how your stab wound healed completely, barely leaving a scar.
“What- what happened?” You ask, looking around.
"You died for a good 5 minutes. All hope was gone till we decided we split our souls so you could come back."
"We?" You ask.
He looks over your shoulder and you turn around in his direction, seeing Edward standing alone.
Ned helped you get up until you were on your feet and you slowly take a few steps towards him.
He looks so scared as you got closer to him.
"Is it really you?" You ask, your heart still unsure if your Ned was back.
"On our first date... we went to go watch that new Disney movie. You looked cold so I gave you my letterman jacket. And when you wanted to hold my hand, I warned you that I had sweaty hands and you said -"
"-I had calloused hands so it was perfect." you finished his sentence
Edward and you laugh quietly as he looks at you, close to tears.
"I am so sorry, for everything. If I could take everything back, I would-"
You stopped Edward as hugged him tightly.
Besides you two, everyone around you began to tear up. Strange had to step away because he was more of a mess than all of you.
Edward choked as he quickly wrapped his arms around you, needing your touch like it was the only thing that was keeping him alive.
"Thank you, for everything." You said to Peter and MJ as you and Edward were about to leave this dimension.
You've stayed for an extra two days, wanting to regroup all the events this week. But, you two decided it was time to go home.
"Of course, I'm glad that you're able to go back, Ned." Peter said.
"Actually, I think I want to be called Edward from now on... it kinda grew up on me." Edward said, intertwining his hands with yours.
"I like it too." You smiled at him.
At a fair distance, Ned looked at you and Edward happily in love.
"How are you?" Wong asks as he walked up to Ned.
"I'm... i'm alright. Made my piece that they'll be going back. I'm happy for them." Ned said, smiling contently.
Wong nodded his head.
"We need to discuss about your magic. Strange and I were talking and we had never seen someone advanced this quickly during their training. You're powerful Ned, more than you realize."
Ned looks down at his hands, knowing that too.
"Like I told you awhile ago, my Lola told me that we had a long line of people who were gifted."
"It's more than that, Ned. I believe you are a descendant of a powerful lineage. It ties to a mystic artifact that we've encountered: the Ten Rings. No one knows its origin, not even the man that beholds it."
"What's his name?" Ned asked curiously.
"His name is Shang-Chi. I will be meeting him in a few weeks to research more about this from his late mother's homeland, and I want you by my side on my expedition."
"I'm honored, Master Wong. I won't let you down!" Ned replied, about to hug Wong, but decided to bow instead.
Wong smirks and releases a sigh.
"I'll make an exception, just this once."
Ned smiled brightly and hugged Wong.
"Guys! Guys! Guys!" Ned yelled, running toward his friends.
"You didn't tell him everything, did you?" Strange asked.
"That what... he may be a descendant of the most evil sorcerers of ancient times?" Wong asked.
"I get it Wong, he's a good kid. But he needs to know his fate if his powers will corrupt him like The Duwende."
Wong sighs. He thought hearing Edward's alter ego sounded so familiar until he realized that duwende was the Filipino word for elf and goblin, or rather Hobgoblin.
"I will, but for now, we let him live the life he wants. He shouldn't be burdened of a historic destiny when he's finding himself."
The two look over to see Ned smiling and laughing with his friends. He almost died on countless attacks, disappeared from the blip and had to redo half of his education.
But one thing about Ned was that he stilled smiled, even in the face of casualty.
Wong and Strange walked away to give the teens some privacy as they discuss more of their expedition.
In a few minutes, everyone began to say their final goodbyes.
Ned was faced to-face with Edward.
"What are you going to do now?" Ned asked.
"I wanna see my family again. Just thinking about my Lola is making me tear up right now." Edward sighed, brushing his eyes with the back of his hand.
"But I'm going to get help. Even if I'm not Hobgoblin anymore, I need to make things right with the people I've hurt and take responsibility. Thank you, for reminding me of who I am." Edward said, lifting his hand.
"Actually, can we try something?"
Ned quickly taught him the handshake that him and Peter do and were laughing at how cool it was to be doing this with their doppleganger.
"Be kind to yourself, Edward. You were always a good person, don't ever forget that."
Edward smiles at Ned's words as the two hug each other.
"Mind if I steal you for a minute?" You interrupt.
Edward goes next to you and smiles, squeezing your hand before you and Ned were talking.
"I guess this is it." You said, rubbing the side of your arm.
"Yeah... it was um, nice to have you around." Ned said.
You look at him in a bit of disbelief.
"You know I have half of your soul, and that's how you're sending me off?" You sassed.
Ned couldn't help but crack a smile.
Your feels a bit heavy as you went up to him, holding his hand.
"I'm forever grateful for what you did for me these past few days. I'll never forget you Ned Leeds. I have apart of you with me."
Wong steps forward and signals that it's time to go. You look back at Ned and slip your hand away. Wong opens the portal and you and Edward look forward, seeing your New York.
"Ready?" You ask over your shoulder.
"Yeah, let's go home." Edward says.
Everyone waves them goodbye until something in Ned broke.
"Wait!" Ned yells after you.
You turn and see Ned run to you, wrapping his arms around you.
You hold onto Ned as you two began to cry. If these past days taught you anything, it was that love came at the most strangest of places. And you found a different kind of love with him, it was when two people who were hurting found each other.
He gave you a loving look as he wiped his tears away.
"Thank you, for the memories."
You gave him a tearful smile.
"Any time, I hope that one day soon, you'll find someone to share them with." You said, kissing his cheek as you slowly walk away from him as you go back to Edward. You two look back at the people who changed both of your lives.
And it was the last time you ever saw Ned.
1 year later
"Okay, ready? Smile!" Ned said, taking a picture of Pete and MJ by the pond at the Boston Gardens.
It was now breaking into warmer weather, so the gang decided to treat themselves of a day of adventuring after finishing their exams from MIT.
Just when he's about to show them the picture, a soft whimper caught his attention. Ned's eyes lit up with curiosity as he spotted a cute, lost puppy wandering near a cluster of trees.
With a warm smile, Ned crouched down and gently scooped the puppy into his arms.
"Hey little guy." He cradled the adorable canine, looking around for any signs of its owner. Just as he began to worry, he hears a familiar voice.
"Milo? Milo!" the voice came closer as he saw them running to Ned with a dog leash that matched the small bulldog's collar that Ned saw.
"Oh my god- is that-" Peter asks.
"Yep. Our world's version of Spidergirl." MJ said, slightly blown away.
Ned was in utter shock as you came closer with relief on your face.
"Thank you so much for finding my Milo! I wanted to have him run without the leash for a few minutes but he's such a troublemaker, always wanting to find new friends!" You said, a bit out of breath.
Ned broke out of his spell and gave you back your dog in your arms.
"Yeah, I uh- I'm glad I bumped into you." Ned said, still in disbelief that you were standing in front of him.
"What do you mean? I should be the one thanking you! How can I repay you?" You ask, about to look in your purse.
"No no! It's okay. I really don't want anything."
"Are you sure? I mean... I could treat you to a coffee. It's the least I can do." You said, wanting to show your gratitude (especially since you thought the guy in front of you was really cute.)
Ned smiles as he looks over to his friends, giving him a thumbs up.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
In a different world, two of the same people were by the beach side in the west coast, soaking in the sun.
"This is much needed." You whispered, as you cuddled closer to Ned as you were enjoying your first vacation with just the two of you after your first year of college.
"Agreed." He whispers in your ear as you guys relax, hearing the small waves crash against your bare feet.
A lot has changed within the year.
Edward had a tearful reunion with his family, and may or may not have been slapped with his Lola's house slipper of his long disappearance, but she hugged him tightly afterwards, afraid to let him go again.
He get the help he needed during his road to recovery. He had moments where he doubted if he was a good person, but you were always there to remind him all the good things he has done.
"What are you thinking of?" Edward asked.
You took a deep breath as you hug him against your chest.
"Just thinking how lucky I am that you're here."
Edward looks back at you with a loving gaze.
"I think I'm the lucky one."
"Oh yeah?" you ask.
"Yeah... and I'll prove it." He says as he turned more in your direction.
You were about to ask what until he inched closer and kissed your lips. Both of you closed your eyes as you felt fireworks, the same way you felt on the day of your first kiss with him.
You connect your foreheads together, later kissing his head as you two stared off in the sunset together, feeling your souls intertwined.
A part of you felt Ned somewhere in another universe. Somehow, you knew that he felt accomplished and accepted... and found someone that would one day love him with all of her heart:
20 notes · View notes
geekynightowl1997 · 2 years
I think the most disappointing part of Spider-Man No Way Home is that Peter Parker (Toby McGuire) and Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield) never got to try Aunt May's (Marisa Tomei's) cooking.
And while they choke it down- blantly lie about how it's the best food they ever tasted. All the while Peter Parker (Tom Holland,) MJ (Zendaya,) and Ned try not to laugh.
I feel cheated out of a cinematic masterpiece.
0 notes
ogdencollegerp · 5 months
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{ FACECLAIM, AGE, GENDER, PRONOUNS } Is that FIRST NAME LAST NAME? A JUNIOR/SENIOR originally from HOMETOWN, they decided to come to Ogden College to study MAJOR on an ATHLETIC / ACADEMIC / FINANCIAL SCHOLARSHIP (remove if character is not a scholarship student). They’re THE BUSYBODY on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
ABOUT THIS SKELETON: For anyone who need to know any information about what was going on on the Ogden College campus - THE BUSYBODY was the person to ask. Somehow they always knew all the news, everything worth knowing something you’d hear from them first. Except for apparently whatever THE GOLDEN GIRL’s plans had been last year. Or where she was now. And with one student missing and another dead ?? There’s rumors flying so fast, The Busybody hardly knows which way to turn. 
After the time capsule leak, the cops interviewed everyone on campus again - unluckily for THE BUSYBODY, their interview was a disaster, and the officers have reason to suspect they were involved with THE GOLDEN GIRL’s disappearance.
When the Commons was set ablaze during commencement weekend, a group of students had been lured there by G. THE BUSYBODY found themselves on the top floor, shortly before THE SIREN....fell.
Renee Rapp, Belissa Escobedo, Nicole Maines, Marianly Tejada, Lovie Simone, Win Metawin, Anthony Turpel, Elliot Fletcher, Ncuti Gatwa, Sean Berdy, Jacob Batalon, James Majoos, Maris Racal, Devyn Nekoda, Laura Kariuki, Ayesha Madon
THE PUPPETMASTER has everyone on their strings, their influence only growing as they got closer to THE GOLDEN GIRL - and THE BUSYBODY, often hoping for dirt on that inner circle, recognized that, planting themselves firmly as an ally for The Puppetmaster on their journey closer to The Golden Girl. 
So, THE DRAG ALONG felt a little bit bad for THE BUSYBODY sometimes. They knew what it was like, to feel like you were outside of THE GOLDEN GIRL’s circle. It didn’t mean anything they just…felt bad. It’s not like they would ever share secrets from their friends with them.  Probably.
THE JERK JOCK is practically the definition of good gossip. Between the athletics, the attitude, and the closeness with THE GOLDEN GIRL ?? Well, it was no wonder he always had been one of THE BUSYBODY's favorite subjects.
The quiet ones are never noticed - which certainly isn't THE BUSYBODY. So yeah, they always tried to get THE COOL LOSER to help them out. Especially when they found out about them and THE GOLDEN GIRL.
Much to THE CLOSET GAY’s horror, THE BUSYBODY found out the truth of their relationship with THE GOLDEN GIRL…somehow they were convinced not to spill the beans, though. Or maybe it really was just out of the goodness of their heart !!!
THE SOCIAL BUTTERFLY is THE BUSYBODY’s dream - if only everyone was so quick to befriend someone new !!! But of course, The Busybody decided to reach out after their eagle eyes noticed THE GOLDEN GIRL in the picture The Social Butterfly posted after their party the summer of 2022, after all.
Nobody likes a mystery less than THE BUSYBODY. Perpetually fascinated with the mystery of THE GOLDEN GIRL even before she disappeared, imagine how their attention piqued when rumors surfaced that Greer had been heading to the same place THE EXCHANGE STUDENT happened to be studying abroad !!!
THE BUSYBODY has a bit of a fascination with THE GOLDEN GIRL - but with Greer gone, who is the next person that will be the focus of all that ?? Perhaps they’ll shift to focus on the Morrison who can stand up the most closely to Greer - get front row seats in case THE PROUD ELITE cracks.
THE MISCREANT used to never up to any good - which is why THE BUSYBODY was so sure they'd be able to get them to spill on THE GOLDEN GIRL. But along with the new leaf they turned over with their return, they seem to be keeping their lips sealed.
THE BUSYBODY is always on the look out for good gossip - and THE EXONERATED, former boyfriend of THE GOLDEN GIRL, who was arrested and expelled ?? Oh, he has to have all the tea to spill. If they can just get him to.
THE WANNABE and THE BUSYBODY have one very important thing in common - they both would do almost anything to learn more about THE GOLDEN GIRL. Let’s just hope ‘almost anything’ is just a hyperbolic saying.
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claimsource · 2 years
this will include canon castings that i simply agree with, as well as my own two cents. if you enjoy the castings of media such as titans, just know this is not some kind of hate propaganda against it, just how i personally enjoy imagining the batman-related characters in my own head. if i got anything ethnically wrong, please tell me and i will make sure to try and fix it. also keep in mind a lot of these include actors who are not fluent in english or who do not have any acting experience, so this is more-so for faceclaim purposes rather than true casting suggestions. for the record, all gifs are made by me - feel free to repost them without any credit though, i do not really mind at all.
robert pattinson as bruce wayne
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this would be a younger bruce wayne, since robert was born in 1986. as a disclaimer, i have not watched the batman movie starring him as bruce just yet, so i cannot say whether he did a good job or not. still, i think he is a very good fit visually and i like him as an actor overall. i am not the biggest fan of bruce himself, sue me, so i didn’t exactly feel like going super into possible less mainstream options. i don’t really care that much, sorry.
bálint jaskó as dick grayson
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i’ve heard mixed opinions from romani people on here on whether or not dick should be casted with a romani actor or not. i am not romani, so all i could do is go with what i believe is the majority, which states that, while dick grayson’s portrayal as a romani person is not the best since it was mostly written by white people who fetishize them (source), it should still not be erased and instead should simply be improved to still give romani people the representation they deserve. therefore, i decided on bálint jaskó, who would probably play an older dick grayson. i just think he is really pretty, looks the part and he seems to be a pretty good actor. sadly, he does not speak english from what i could find, so an honorable mention who does speak the language, but is a bit too old in my opinion, is the great òscar jaenada (the accent is on the wrong side because i am typing this on my laptop and i do not have the right key to type it, sorry).
kim hyeonjoong as jason todd
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now, obviously honorable mentions must include the very popular benjamin wadsworth and matthew daddario fancasts. i actually do like them a lot! i just think nobody is here to see extremely widespread fancasts everyone knows of already, so i thought i would be a little edgy this time. this is more a “i imagine jason todd to look like this” rather than a proper, actually probable casting. i could not find anything leading to hyeonjoong being fluent in english, and even if he was, he is mostly an influencer and model rather than an actor and i’m not sure if he could act at all. the most i could find outside of that was he also is apparently a dancer and he was in stray kids’ performance of ‘i’ll be your man’ (source), but no acting stuff at all. still, he looks the part in my opinion, and i wanted to give in my two cents to encourage the east asian jason agenda, since i loathe the black and/or latino jason headcanons (unless they are to project) because hearing people explain it is just a cluster of awful stereotypes, honestly.
jacob batalon as tim drake
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yes, i know they look very different. honestly, though? i just like this fancast a lot, and i think many scenes jacob has as ned leeds in spiderman: homecoming as the ‘guy in the chair’ remind me of tim drake sometimes. honestly, i think he could do a good job, and that’s all that matters to me. this is my little comfort fancast and i refuse to have it taken away. that being said, honorable mentions include jay lycurgo, who played tim in titans and that i actually kind of enjoyed, as well as matt cornett, who i just think could look the part if he had his hair dyed darker. there’s also the very famous fancast that is timothée chalamet as him, which i honestly think works.
aarif lee zhi-ting as damian wayne
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now, obviously, this means he would be aged up. i want to give an elaborated reasoning why i chose him, but ultimately i have to admit he was the only arab-chinese actor i could find. i obviously really care about getting everyone’s ethnicity right, but i am especially passionate when it comes to damian since i am arab myself. for the record, sorry but aidan gallagher is very likely white, and even if he had some arab heritage, he is not part chinese, which means he does not work as a damian fancast. honestly, i just think i would much rather an unknown arab-chinese actor to play damian if they made a live action because, seriously, there is barely any i could find.
cheng xiao as cassandra cain
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honestly, i am still not sure if cassandra is chinese or not. she is surely east asian, but i am pretty sure it was never disclosed where she is from exactly. ascend magazine calls her half chinese on twitter (source) and i have found some people on tumblr saying she is likely chinese (source). however, in birds of prey, ella jay basco was casted, who is of filipino-korean heritage. therefore, i am torn. i went with cheng xiao not only because she’s chinese and looks the part, but she’s had history with ballet dancing (source) and is very flexible (source). i just think she could do a very good job with possible fight scenes, which she has done before in her acting stuff (source). if she is korean-filipino, however, then jin hyeonju, in art known as lucky, or oh hayoung could both work.
grace van dien as stephanie brown
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god knows i love grace more than anything, so i simply couldn’t resist. besides, the concept of steph being a little soft spoken sounds amazing to me and i need it in my life. i know gracie’s most popular role has her with ginger hair, but she’s naturally blonde and has been in several roles as such. i just think she looks like she could fit. bonus points considering she is a twitch streamer and i think twitch streamer stephanie is an absolute possibility that should be canon, idc. honorable mentions include madelyn cline and olivia rose keegan.
savannah welch as barbara gordon
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savannah was cast as barbara in titans, and honestly i just think she is perfect. she looks the part and she’s physically disabled, which i think is a key part of casting someone as barbara. i think she did a good job in the show and i would love to see her more in the role, perhaps in a spin off or something? though, some honorable mentions include cherylee houston and sudha chandran.
kedar williams-stirling as duke thomas
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honestly, i just think he looks the part and could do a very good job. his character in sex education, jackson marchetti, sometimes reminds me of duke in the way he dresses, too. some honorable mentions include caleb mclaughlin and roman wellington banks.
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missaoimpossivelajuste · 11 months
ASSISTIR! — Missão Impossível - Ajuste de Contas: Parte Um em Filme Completo Dublado Grátis-PT
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Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um (2023) ASSISTIR Filme Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um online legendado, Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um online filme legendados, assistir filme Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um completo, Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um assistir filme online, Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um filmes online legendado, Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um assistir filmes netflix, assistir Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um filme completo legendados, assistir Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um filme online gratis,Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um Filme completo legendado
Gênero:Ação, Aventura, Ficção científica Lançado:2023–12–15 Diretor:Sanja Milković Hays, Sarah Halley Finn, Stan Lee, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko Estrelas: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Batalon, Jon Favreau
Sinopse: Pela primeira vez na história cinematográfica do Homem-Aranha, a identidade do nosso herói amigo da vizinhança é revelada, colocando as suas responsabilidades de super-herói em conflito com a sua vida pessoal/normal e colocando em risco aqueles com quem se preocupa. Quando Peter pede ajuda ao Doutor Estranho para restaurar o seu segredo, o feitiço abre um buraco no seu mundo, libertando os vilões mais poderosos que já lutaram contra o Homem-Aranha em qualquer universo. Agora, Peter terá que superar o seu maior desafio até hoje, que não alterará apenas o seu próprio futuro para sempre, mas também o futuro do Multiverso.
Em Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um, a estudante do ensino médio Emily Elizabeth (Darby Camp) conhece um criador de animais mágico (John Cleese) que lhe dá um cachorrinho vermelho. Entretanto, ela nunca imaginou acordar e encontrar um cão gigante de três metros em seu pequeno apartamento em Nova York. Enquanto sua mãe (Sienna Guillory) está viajando a negócios, Emily e seu tio divertido Casey (Jack Whitehall) vão viver uma grande aventura pelas ruas de Nova York com a chegada do novo membro da família.
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Assistir Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um (2023) Filme Completo Dublado Online HD Grátis em PT
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Gênero:Ação, Aventura, Ficção científica Lançado:2023–12–15 Diretor:Sanja Milković Hays, Sarah Halley Finn, Stan Lee, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko Estrelas: Tom Holland, Zendaya, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jacob Batalon, Jon Favreau
Sinopse: Pela primeira vez na história cinematográfica do Homem-Aranha, a identidade do nosso herói amigo da vizinhança é revelada, colocando as suas responsabilidades de super-herói em conflito com a sua vida pessoal/normal e colocando em risco aqueles com quem se preocupa. Quando Peter pede ajuda ao Doutor Estranho para restaurar o seu segredo, o feitiço abre um buraco no seu mundo, libertando os vilões mais poderosos que já lutaram contra o Homem-Aranha em qualquer universo. Agora, Peter terá que superar o seu maior desafio até hoje, que não alterará apenas o seu próprio futuro para sempre, mas também o futuro do Multiverso.
Em Missão: Impossível - Ajuste de Contas - Parte Um, a estudante do ensino médio Emily Elizabeth (Darby Camp) conhece um criador de animais mágico (John Cleese) que lhe dá um cachorrinho vermelho. Entretanto, ela nunca imaginou acordar e encontrar um cão gigante de três metros em seu pequeno apartamento em Nova York. Enquanto sua mãe (Sienna Guillory) está viajando a negócios, Emily e seu tio divertido Casey (Jack Whitehall) vão viver uma grande aventura pelas ruas de Nova York com a chegada do novo membro da família.
Agora você não precisa mais se preocupar e ficar entediado, pois ainda pode assistir filmes sem comprar ingressos e ir ao cinema. Até para fazer um filme aqui, você não precisa pagar ingresso. Basta assistir a casa online com sua família.
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merikus · 2 years
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trustvisit · 2 years
Let it snow cast
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After she has an argument with her best friend Dorrie about how ridiculous she is being, she is left stranded in the snow. Next up is Addie (Odeya Rush) and her desperation to keep her boyfriend, who she thinks is about to dump her. Stuart is a very famous singer and trying to escape the trappings of fame if only for a day. Julie (Isabela Merced, Dora and the Lost City of Gold) is struggling with the idea that although she has gotten into Columbia University, she may have to defer as her mother is ill. The first is between Julie and Stuart (Shameik Moore) who meet on a train. All are set in the same town and based around four different relationships over the course of one day.
Thankfully Netflix have decided to go a different route with Let It Snow. We caught up with the stars of Netflixs Holiday movie Let It Snow to talk about the movie possibly becoming a holiday tradition, the funniest bloopers fro. It's a perfectly acceptable Hallmark trope that gets dished out year after year. In a fun interview for the Netflix movie 'Let it Snow,' the cast talks big romantic gestures, kissing on set, and favorite celebrities. Sheet music arranged for Piano/Vocal/Guitar in A Major (transposable). Let It Snow (2019) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more.
Usually, we are bombarded with holiday films that revolve around single city girls that stumble across love somewhere in the mountains in a snow-covered inn. Print and download Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow sheet music by Glee Cast. Though the 2008 book is comprised of three separate stories that intertwine with one another, I imagine the feature film will follow one central storyline.For a perfectly charming, sweet but slightly different Christmas movie, check out Let It Snow. Based on the book by YA best sellers John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle.īAFTA nominee Luke Snellin ( Wanderlust) is set to helm the film based on a script by Victoria Strouse ( Finding Dory). 8, Noel Murray of the Los Angeles Times wrote: 'With its cast of veteran child actors and its baked-in holiday warmth, Let It Snow has some baseline appeal. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow It doesnt show signs of stopping And Ive bought some corn for popping The lights are turned way down low Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow When we finally kiss goodnight How Ill hate going. Cast (in credits order) complete, awaiting verification. Oh the weather outside is frightful But the fire is so delightful And since weve no place to go. It was released on November 8, 2019, by Netflix. It is sung by Blaine (Darren Criss) and Kurt (. Here is the logline for Let It Snow: When a once-in-century snowstorm hits a small town on Christmas Eve, several high school seniors discover unexpected opportunities as well as complications that test their friendships, love lives, and aspirations for the future. The cast of Let It Snow is hopeful their characters will inspire fans with a few of the important lessons they discovered while making the movie. This page was last edited on 16 October 2020, at 18:31. Let It Snow by Vaughn Monroe is featured in Extraordinary Merry Christmas, the ninth episode of Season Three. Once big-screen draws, John Green books are making their way to Netflix, with the Let It Snow adaptation based on the 2008 book he co-wrote with Johnson and Myracle getting developed as the streamer's next holiday feature film.īut Netflix has assembled a pretty magical young cast for the film, with Kiernan Shipka, Shameik Moore, Odeya Rush, and Isabela Moner set to lead, while Jacob Batalon ( Spider-Man: Homecoming), Miles Robbins ( Halloween), Mitchell Hope ( Descendants), Liv Hewson ( Santa Clarita Die), Anna Akana ( You Get Me) and Joan Cusack round out the supporting cast. A snowstorm brings together a group of high-school students in a small midwestern town on Christmas Eve, as they look for love. Love the Coopers (titled Christmas with the Coopers in the UK and Ireland) is a 2015 American Christmas comedy-drama film directed by Jessie Nelson and written by Steven Rogers.
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madmadmilk · 5 years
Hey could you write an imagine where the reader has to constantly hold someone’s hands or link arms or have something of the sort. Doesn’t matter who whether it be Tom, Harrison, Zendaya, or Jacob she just always need that reassurance that someone is there
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Hard to hold ;
Growing up, you learn the importance of showing your affection–– you’ve lost too many friends, too many relationships from people calling you “distant,” and telling you that “you don’t care” because you don’t do this or that.
And that fucking hurts.
Now you go the extra mile to be the one to start the events, send that follow-up text, having conversation topics on hand, words of praise at the ready, and your hands always reaching to be held.
It’s tiring and the balance is never quite right, but you’re still learning how to juggle it.
It wasn’t till you met the spidey cast that you learned the languages of love are not all the same. That for some people  words are enough, actions are enough, physical touch is enough–– it’s the formula that applies differently. 
Who knew love and math could be interchangeable.
Your friends say they love you, and you really love them. 
For now, that’s all you can ask for.
But as time passes you realize, you crave touch. You need to feel like they’re here with you, when they’re with you. Hands held, arms linked, feet touching–– it lets you feel at ease.
With Zendaya, you hold her hand in coffee shop lines, swaying softly between you. She’s the one you feel most comfortable with–– her personality easily adapts to yours. Contrary to what everyone thinks of her, she lets you pull her around, releasing control only around you. You choose the venue, sometimes the drinks and share cheery laughs as she tucks you hair behind your ear and forces you to let her cover the costs. (you let her, sometimes)
She’s soft.
With Jacob, you’re constantly hugging him, linking arms with him, holding hands with him–– and he always holds you back. Touch and time mean the most to him. So, you like watching movies with Jacob and trying out new places together, he’s just excited to just be with you and you with him. Though your movie and music tastes don’t always align, you always end up doubling over with laughter watching something with a 1 star rating that he claims is “a total cinematic masterpiece.”
He’s thoughtful.
With Harrison, you grab his ankles between yours, you lean your weight on him when you walk, you fix his hair when he takes off his hats–– and then he always says your name. Harrison will almost always notice when something is up with you, good or bad, and will always say something about it. If it’s good, he points it out in front of everyone to magnify your praise, and if it’s bad, he pulls you aside and gives you the biggest baby blues. A touch from him means a lot to you, and words of affirmation from you send him over the moon. “Did you make this? It’s amazing,” you say, and his neck grows pink. “I had a good time,” you always remind at the end of the night, to watch him regain all his energy and smile brightly. His sincere “thank you” that follows makes you flush.
He’s kind.
With Tom, you don’t know how to touch him–– but he knows how to touch you, without touching you. He offers to drive you home, he helps with move your furniture, he’s the first one you’d call if you needed something done. Your heart swells at the thought of his attention. And that means a lot to you without you understanding why. You want to reach out and hold him, to show your gratitude, but you second guess yourself. Would giving him a hug hello be too much? Is holding his hand too intimate? Is calling his name to make him turn around too needy? You brush against him when you walk, scratch at his jeans when you sit, and yearn to feel his skin uninterrupted–– but you can’t. instead you wait while sitting your hands. and in the moments in between, when he does holds you, you swim in his cologne and feel a little more whole.
He’s the one you haven’t figured out.
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iguana-eyanna · 1 year
In Another Universe Pt. 4
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Pairing: Ned Leeds x superhero! reader
Summary: Ned's world turns upside down when his new powers bring a stranger to his world. What's more strange is that she knows who he is.
Ned was back in his apartment. Everyone was in the living room while his doppelganger was webbed in his bathroom. (You think there could be a stranger sentence than that, but he begged to differ)
All he was trying to do was make some ramen again for his friends and the girl that came from another dimension.
Peter looked uneasy, probably since he was thinking a million questions at a time.
MJ was more reserved, thinking it wasn't the time to whip out a smart remark.
And then there was you, who sat uncomfortably on the couch.
Ned returned with a tray of ramen, silently giving them to his friends. He sits a seat next to you, as you two haven't said a word to each other since Ned unmasked the Hobgoblin.
You inhaled sharply and looked around the room.
"Okay, all of us have a lot of questions. I think this world's masked hero should take the floor." You said.
Peter's worried state still hasn't changed, but he coughs a bit.
"How-How did you get here?" Peter asks.
"Ned saved me when I was battling Hobgoblin. When I got unconscious, he took me back to your world. We must have not noticed Hobgoblin following us too." You said.
Peter looks over to his friend.
"Dude, that was dangerous. I thought you shouldn't be doing magic outside of your training." Peter says.
Ned knits his eyebrows.
"How was I supposed to know I can open doors to dimensions? I thought I just opened on the other side of town and saw a spider suit. I kept on calling your name but turned out to be her. And don't lecture me on what I can or can't do, Pete. Don't forget how you got rebellious too when you got recognized by Mr. Stark."
Peter felt a bit defensive hearing his old father figure's name, and MJ placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Let's not get off topic here, we still need to clear things up."
Peter relaxes back in his chair as MJ looks over to you.
"i think we need to address the elephant in the bathroom. How did your Ne-"
"Hobgoblin" You corrected.
MJ acknowledged you.
"How did Hobgoblin originate?"
You waivered, scared of the past that still haunted you.
"I was looking for intel about the original Hobgoblin, Roderick Kingsley. He took over the green goblin's old lair and started terrorizing the city. We found him but...
Hobgoblin left his glider that was on self destruct as he took a run for it. You ran towards Ned who was leaning by the wall. You threw your mask away, as your vision was blurred by your tears.
"Ned..." you whispered, trying to control the bleeding.
All he could do was smile at you. Dear God, he was dying but he looked at you so lovingly.
He couldn't speak, he couldn't say his words to you. All he could do was smile and held your face in his hands. He closed his eyes and never opened them again.
"No, no, baby wake up. Please wake up!" You screamed, trying to shake him. You released a blood-curling scream, holding onto him as you mourned the death of your first love.
Suddenly, you brought your head up. You turn around frantically as you spot your bag in the water. You ran to it quickly, finding the serum that the original Green Goblin has used but Kingsley corrected it.
"I'm sorry, but I can't let you go." You said, hoping one day Ned would forgive you.
A tear rolled down your cheek as you held yourself.
"The serum didn't work, and I didn't have time to defuse the bomb. I had to go, the sewer closed in when I got out. No one could find anything there. He was just gone, and I was to blame."
Everyone was silent, as all was heard were your sniffles.
"Then how am I alive?" Ned asks.
You can't look at him, as it only brought more pain.
"A few months later, I turned in Kingsley. Then, there were more sightings of a glider on my patrols. I thought it was a copycat of a copycat, but he started to watch my every move. It wasn't until he caught me off guard and chose to fight. It was like he knew my every move, and the only thing he said to me was... that I left him for dead.
That's when I knew and... I never rested till I could save him one more time."
Peter understood, he can count the many times he wishes he could save the people that he couldn't.
You got up from your seat, trying not to break apart.
"Someone needs to watch over him, I'll take the first shift." You said, heading upstairs.
"Hey..." Ned said, making you whip your head to him.
"Be careful." Ned said, but failed to say what he really meant. You hesitate for a moment, but you still went up in silence.
Ned sat back in his seat, burying his hands in his head.
"My doppleganger is locked up in my bathroom. Can this day get any worse?" Ned said out loud.
As if a cruel joke was made towards Ned, there was a knock on the door.
MJ and Peter jumped upright as well as Ned.
Peter walks over carefully and saw who it was through the peep hole.
"It's Wong!" Peter whispers out loud.
"What?" Ned whisper yells.
"What is he doing here?" MJ asks.
"How should I know?"
"You're his apprentice!" MJ and Peter screamed back.
Peter goes up to Ned, placing his hands on his friend's shoulders.
"We need to tell him what's been happening."
"And risk getting into more trouble?"
"Well what do you think we should do?" Peter raises his voice.
Ned combs his hair with his fingers with frustration.
"Go upstairs and warn that Wong is here, I'll try to kick him out."
The two run upstairs as Ned takes a deep breath before opening the door.
"Master Wong! What brings you here?" Ned asks too enthusiastically.
Wong walks in Ned's apartment, hands behind his back.
"I would have used a portal to meet you but Strange said that's 'rude.' I wanted to check on you and see how you were."
"I am A-Okay! Peachy Keen even!" Ned said.
Wong looks at him seriously, making Ned sweat prefusebly.
"I felt I was too harsh on you the last time we spoke. You're still trying to understand your powers, and I felt my responsibilities as Sorcerer Supreme were affecting my judgements on you."
Ned was a bit shocked from Wong's words.
"Oh, um, thank you Master Wong. You didn't have to come all this way." Ned said, hoping he'd leave.
But instead, Wong sat down on the couch, sighing.
"You know Ned, I see so much of myself in you, and I want to see you in your full potential-"
Suddenly, there was a loud thump you could hear from upstairs.
"What is that?" Wong asks.
"That's my... turtle."
Wong raises an eyebrow.
"It sounds like you have a big turtle." Wong says, not convinced.
"Yeah, let me check on it. I'll be back." Ned said, running upstairs.
He goes at the end of the hall and sees MJ trying to hold down the door.
"What's going on?" Ned whispered screamed.
"Your doppelganger woke up in a rampage! I've been holding down the door while the two try to fight him."
The door almost pried open, but MJ and Ned was able to lean against it with force.
"Ned? What's wrong?" Wong calls from downstairs.
"Nothing! I'll make sure to visit the temple this week!" Ned screamed back.
They both tried to hold back the door but it was no use. The door flew back as well as both of them, where MJ was slammed by the wall and Ned at the end of the hall.
He looks up and see you and Peter trying to fight Hobgoblin off, but he was too strong. Peter turned around and saw MJ hurt, so Hobgoblin used the opportunity and threw both of you off of him.
You landed by Ned, groaning as he heard a crack and saw you holding your waist. Hobgoblin takes you by the collar and lifts you up in the air.
He looks down at Ned, grinning.
"You must have loved having her in your life, but let me tell you... you're better off without her." he said, closing his hand around your neck.
"N...Ned... I'm sorry..." You croaked, before fluttering your eyes as you couldn't stay conscious for long.
"Stop!" Ned yelled out, his hands glowing yellow. A string of light wrapped around Hobgoblin's arm. Ned pulled the rope down as Hobgoblin lost grip of you as you landed on the ground.
Hobgoblin tried to free himself from Ned's enchantment but he couldn't.
"Don't. Touch. Her." Ned gritted before moving his hands in a sphere like motion, using magic to bind Hobgoblin.
Ned catches his breath as he never used that much magic before. He bends down towards you and holds you up, trying to call you by your name.
He looks up and sees Wong standing by the staircase, looking at him and Hobgoblin who was still trying to break his binds. In the corner, Peter hugs MJ as she has a minor cut on her forehead. He repeatedly asks if she's alright, and looks over to Ned with an unsure look.
Wong carefully walks over to Ned who's tearing up as all he could do was hold you against his chest.
"She's- she's not breathing." Ned whispered, slightly sobbing.
"Let's bring them to the Sanctum, I'll call Strange to help." Wong said softly, as Ned's hands were still glowing a light shade of yellow.
Ned nodded slowly as he carefully lifted you. Wong used a portal to surround Hobgoblin as he disappeared from their sight.
Wong also opens a portal to the sanctum as Ned followed quickly.
"We need to follow them." MJ said, grabbing Peter's hand.
"But you're still hurt." Peter said, coming to a halt.
MJ looks back at him.
"For the hundredth time, I'm fine. Ned needs us there, Peter... more than ever."
Peter hesitantly nods his head and follows MJ until the portal closed. As they all arrived in the Sanctum, Wong cleared a table as Ned laid you softly there. He took off his varsity jacket, folding it as he placed it behind your head for comfort.
"Will she be alright?" Ned asks.
"I'm not sure, we need Strange here now." Wong said.
As if on cue, a portal opened and entered Strange looking alarmed.
"What happened?" He asks, nearing the table as you laid unconscious.
"I think she cracked her ribs and her larynx is bruised." Ned replied.
"Who did this?" Strange asked as he started to examine you.
"Um- my uh, me. Well- a different form of me-"
"A doppleganger came to our world, she's also not from here." Wong answered for Ned.
"They have some incredible strength to have done this damage. I need you all to leave so I can focus."
"No, I'm staying with her."
"Look kid, I don't need your youthful incompetence. You need to leave NOW." Strange demanded.
"Ned, let Dr. Strange help her." Peter said carefully, never seeing his friend so upset.
Ned takes one glance at you and stormed away, finding the terrace so he could find some air.
Now alone, he begins to cry, slightly sobbing. With his building rage, he created ball of light and threw it in the air, screaming his frustration.
"You took them here, didn't you?" Wong asks as he stood behind Ned.
The Leeds boy takes a deep breath and looks over to his teacher. He didn't look angry... just worried.
"I didn't mean to. I was trying to practice to open portals to show you that I'm committed to be your apprentice. Then I thought the best way to do it right was if I could focus on something. I was envisioning my dreams and thought of her, I didn't think she'd be real."
"You're dreams weren't fictional. You were able to access the memories of your doppelganger when you were unconscious. It's a rare gift because not everyone can remember different memories of themselves for long periods of time." Wong said.
"But out of all people, why her? Why did I have to come in her world and brought her here?" Ned asks, looking out.
Wong walks up to Ned and joins him.
"Our powers are deeply connected to our emotions. Perhaps when you were opening your portal, you were trying to find someone, because you were alone. And maybe... you knew that she felt alone too."
Ned fell silent. He never realized how his answers were right there in front of him.
"How can I make this right?" Ned asked with his head hanging low.
"To find what you're looking for, you must search the answer within you." Wong imparted before he left Ned.
As he left, he raised his head and clenched his fist.
Turning around, he closed his eyes and focused, creating a portal. He entered into a dark room, located at the bottom of the Sanctum. He walked down the steps and saw Hobgoblin imprisoned in the magic cell.
Ned stopped in his tracks as his eyes turned dark.
"We need to talk."
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aucelebrity · 5 years
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Au Meme : Spider-Man: Far From Home’s cast is talking about you playing Elsa in Frozen.
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withahollandontop · 5 years
Butt or Boobs: Harrison, Tom, Jacob
Tom: he seems like a boobs kind of guy. He's always working out or on the carpet or doing interviews. I feel like he would enjoy something soft to lay his head on after a long day. Also, considering that his special someone probably works out with him, the first option would just look good rather than feels good.
Harrison: He seems like the kind of guy that would like butts because he does a lot of running. Cardio tends to flatten your butt so when he's on a run and sees a nice one, he almost trips on air. He just seems like a butt kind of guy.
Jacob: boobs, definitely boobs. He just seems like that kind of guy. He just likes the way they look, regardless of size. I'm also sure that piercings would be great for him.
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hazsource · 5 years
Hey so I’m thinking of starting to do head cannons/imagines for the boys but I wanted to know if anyone would actually read them. So what do you guys think?
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loverholland · 5 years
blurb night(s).
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since 4th of July is coming up, which means im going to college in a month, i thought we could do a blurb night. we all know how much i love to write and do blurbs so... here we are. make sure you send everything here!
don’t be rude
don’t send racist, sexist, homophobic things into my inbox. also do not send things that romanticize self-harm, suicide, mental health. i will refuse to write them and delete or post as an example of what not to post
some of these might just sit in my inbox as a “request” because i sometimes can get a huge inspo strike with someone of these blurbs.
my favorite blurbs and aus:
spy/cia! au
royal! aus
detective! au
sport! au
theatre! au
acting! au
barista! au
bookstore! au
hogwarts! au
college! au
characters i write for:
peter parker (mcu)
tom holland
ned leeds
jacob batalon
liz allen
harrison osterfield
harry holland
bucky barnes
a short tag list: @afterglowparker, @raspberryparker, @naturallytom, @dej-okay, @hollandroos
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lamptracker · 5 years
40 - making a goofy face until they laugh
(I’m getting ready to head out of town for a few days again so I’m going to try and finish as many of these as I can!)
“Yeah, Mom. I know.” You groan quietly as you pace the living room, your mom yammering on about the latest work drama in your left ear. “I really don’t want to...”
Jacob looks up from his phone for a moment. Mom, you mouth silently to him, pointing to your phone; he just nods and goes back to his scrolling.
“No, I told... I really don’t care if Gloria ate your lunch, Mom, you know that Gloria is a routine lunch-stealer and I already told you how you can... well, the principle of the thing isn’t going to matter if you ask for advice and then don’t take it!” You groan, much more loudly this time; you steal a glance at Jacob, who is sticking his tongue out at you. You chuckle softly and shake your head.
“Mom, okay. I told you. Bring something you can keep in a little cooler at your desk, that way Gloria can’t... well, okay, but if she steals your lunch again don’t come crying to me.” You roll your eyes and spot Jacob again; this time, he’s simultaneously pulling up at the corners of his mouth and down at the corners of his eyes. You can’t help but crack up laughing at him.
“No, Mom! I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing at Jacob, I... oh, okay. I will. Love you too.” You hang up the phone, still laughing. “And just what do you think you’re doing, sir?”
“Trying to make you laugh,” Jacob replies simply.
“Well, you almost got me in trouble. I hope you’re happy.” You walk over to him, settling yourself into his lap.
“To see that smile on your face? Oh, I’m really happy.” Jacob smiles warmly at you, kissing your cheek gently.
You shake your head yet again. “You’re such a goof.”
“But I’m your goof.”
“True.” You giggle again as you bend down to kiss him softly.
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softscottlang · 6 years
Dogfight (Tom Holland) p1
[Military!Tom x Reader] 
Warnings: Referring to women as ugly and cussing
Summary: When there is a contest to see who can get the ugliest date, Tom has trouble finding anyone he thinks is unattractive. 
A/N: This is based off of the Musical “Dogfight” 
Word Count: 3.5k
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“Alright boys, last day before we ship out in the mornin’.” Tom looked up to see his superior talking to the group of marines gathered in the room. “So, enjoy your last night. Report time is 0600, if you are late, you will not be fighting, and you will disgrace your country.”
Tom internally cringed at the aggressive nature of the man’s speech. Meanwhile, the other men were hopping around and screaming in excitement. He felt his spirits start to match that of the people around him, he also felt a hand grab his wrist and pull him out of the room and towards his group of friends.
“C’mon mate, we still need your share for the dogfight.” Tom looked to see the person pulling him was his childhood friend Harrison.
“How much was it again?” Tom asked grabbing his wallet out of his back pocket. It was relatively thin to begin with, consisting of barely enough money to get along with and his required identification.
“Hundred bucks.” Sebastian said from across the little circle that was created. Tom nodded and emptied his wallet of all cash expect a twenty for the rest of the night. He realized that he was going to have to win the dogfight if he wanted to have any money until payday.
“Alright ladies, we remember the rules, right?” Jacob said as he was putting all the money in an envelope before placing it in his travel bag. “Whoever brings the ugliest date to Ceaser’s tonight get all the money in this envelope, no prostitutes, no dudes and they can’t know about the bet.”
Tom had an uneasy feeling in his stomach, he didn’t want to do this. The thought of bringing a date that was, in his friend’s opinion, unattractive was making his chest feel heavy. He may have been getting five hundred dollars, but he didn’t think it was worth putting someone else in harm's way. Despite them not knowing that Tom was ‘using’ them, he felt that it was still offensive.
“What are we waiting around for pussies, get a move on it!” Paul said, smiling from ear to ear as he and Sebastian started walking towards the library.
“Well fuck faces, let’s get some dogs.” Haz said while Jacob hollered with excitement. Tom gave an unconvincing smile, trying to keep his face from frowning. Tom wanted to have friends when he was overseas, but he also didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feeling.
“Come on Tommy boy, you’re not chickening out on us are your asshole?” Haz had thrown his arm around his old friend’s shoulder, pulling him closer into his side.
“No, I-I’m just trying to figure out the best place to find an… um. Ugly girl.” the words felt dirty falling out of his mouth, like they didn’t belong there. Haz and Jacob gave Tom an encouraging shove before giving him advice.
“They’re everywhere bro, all you have to do is open your eyes,” Jacob replied before doing a weird little spin. “Look over there.”
Tom followed Jacob’s gesture to a lady with black hair and dressed in all dark colors. He was confused why she was being referred to, she had a beautiful confidence radiating off of her. Harrison started nodding his head in agreement, a wicked smirk adorning his face.
“You got her or should I?” Jacob said looking to Tom. Tom felt sick to his stomach as he shook his head to turn the offer down. “Alright then, wish me luck.”
Tom and Harrison watched as Jacob straightened his shirt and ran his hand over his bald head. None of the boys had much hair due to having to shave it from being a marine, but Jacob was able to pull off the lack of hair perfectly.
Once Jacob was happy with his appearance, he started walking towards the black clad girl. She had been watching him as he hyped himself up to his friends, she didn’t want him to approach her but she was definitely interested in what he had to say.
“Hey good lookin’, you’re so out of sight. I just had to stop and say hello.” Tom let out a chuckle at his friends attempt at a pick-up line. The girl gave a quick smirk to the tanned man. They exchanged a few more words before Jacob walked off with the girl under his arm.
“Looks like Jacob has his contender.” Harrison said before letting out a hearty laugh. “I’ll see you later, gotta get me an ugly.”
Before Tom could respond, Harrison had walked away leaving him to be all alone. Tom walked down the street looking for an ugly date, but he just couldn’t find one. Either they had pretty eyes, a bubbly personality, naturally gorgeous hair or were just beautiful. He spent hours walking around for just one ugly girl, but there were none.
Tom had decided to give up and just get some food, so he walked into a diner that he had found. It was small and very vintage, something that made his senses calm. He ordered a coffee from a waitress with a cute nose. He had practically wanted to just leave and sleep on the docks for the night before he had looked across the room.
He saw you standing next to the counter, wiping it down with a little cloth. He didn’t know why, but he was drawn to you, to your beauty. You were giving the customers a breath-taking smile as you kept up the friendly conversation.
“Can I get you something Sugar?” a middle-aged woman asked Tom, breaking him from his gaze on you. Her strong southern accent made him look at her.
“Who is she?” Tom motioned his head back towards you, where you were still smiling and nodding along to what was being said.
“Oh that’s Y/N, she’s the owner’s family friend, works here while she gets her classes done for college.” The other waitress, whose name was ‘Sally’ according to her name tag, explained to Tom. “Sweet thing, that Y/N. Her smile lights up the whole place making anyone in a ten-mile radius swoon. Such a shame she has to be into men, I could get her number for you though.” Tom felt his stomach do flips when the waitress implied that you were single
Tom nodded his head as his eyes met yours, your smile softened, and you nodded your head at him. You sure did think he was cute, in a boy-ish kind of way.
“I think I’d like that a lot.” Tom said quietly, still holding your gaze as you looked down in a flustered haze.
“Well, we close in about twenty minutes so if you stay, you can get it yourself sugar.” Sally quipped before topping off Tom’s glass of coffee.
He knew that he was supposed to be at the club for the dogfight in less than an hour. He still had yet to find an ugly girl to take with him. At this point he just wanted to go to bed and sleep until he was supposed to be at the dock for departure. But you were peeking his interest, making him want to have a nice night with a nice girl. Sure, if he brought you then you would lose him the contest hands down, but he would spend the night with a beautiful woman.
“Hey there.” He looked up, and was met with beautiful Y/E/C eyes. He felt a fuzzy feeling in his stomach when you gave him a soft smile. “Sally told me you were waiting on me.”
“Uh… yeah. I don’t want to sound creepy but you’re very pretty.” You looked down in embarrassment again, not knowing whether to thank him or ask what he wanted. “But there’s this party tonight and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me.”
“You ask me the night of the party sir, and I don’t even know your name? How am I supposed to trust that you won’t drag me to an alley and kill me?” You were taken aback by the sudden invitation, not that you thought the man in front of you would do that.
“Well I’m a marine, I have my tags and everything.” He nervously and quickly grabbed for the cool metal that was hanging around his neck, showing you the name engraved upon it.
“Well Holland comma Thomas, I’m Y/F/N, but why should I trust you enough to even leave this store with you?” You were testing him at this point, his eyes went from nervous to sad. Tom knew that he had no way to prove to you that he had good intentions. “I’m pulling your strings Holland, of course I’ll go with you. Just give me a few minutes to run home and freshen up. You can wait for me outside, promise I’ll be right back.”
You quickly walked down the street to your crappy studio apartment, living in the city was expensive and as a college student and a waitress, a studio was the best you could do. You quickly acknowledged your puppy that was in the room before filling his water bowl and running to the closet to pick a dress. You realized then that you hadn’t asked what kind of party you would be attending.
Flustered, you grabbed your go-to dress in the most complimentary cut and color to you. You styled your hair so that it didn’t look like it had when you were working and touched up what makeup you had on, not trying to look like you had overdone yourself.
Once you were happy with your appearance, you walked back past your puppy, petting him and giving him a swift kiss on the head before opening the door and locking it behind you. You walk as fast as your legs could carry you until you were back at the diner.
Tom’s face was being lit up by his fluorescent phone screen, his soft features were hardened in the lighting, making him appear to be more mature and older than you had seen him not to long ago.
“Tom?” You go to get his attention when he locks his phone and looks at you. He let out a little gasp, it was as if he was looking at an angel. You radiated beauty and you looked effortless. The dress was breathtaking and the color made you look phenomenal. He was shocked to say the least, he knew he was for sure going to lose the dogfight now. “Are we going to go or are you going to keep staring at me?”
“Um, yeah, let’s go.” He quickly turned and started to lead the way towards the party, you hurrying after him.
The both of you had been talking and walking slowly, enjoying each other’s company. You talked about your hopes and dreams, what your families were like. You learned that Tom had three younger brothers and a dog that he very much loved. His mother and father were actively supportive in his life and his choices.
“Don’t they worry about you?” you couldn’t help but ask him when he was talking about how his mom supported his decision to join the military. He kept his head forward, obviously too deep in thought to take his cloudy gaze from where ever he had been looking.
“I’m sure they do, they just want me to do whatever makes me happy.” Tom said in a steady voice, not trying to come off too anxious. He has thought about death plenty of times since enlisting, but he never really had anyone to talk to about it.
“Well I know I’d be worried about you.” your voice was quiet, almost too quiet to hear. Fortunately, Tom was close enough where he was able to hear each delicate syllable that passed your lips.
Tom’s eyes were immediately on the side of your face, looking for any sign of you joking or trying to poke fun at him. Your face remained sincere, showing that you were telling the truth.
“Why? You don’t even know me.” Tom was genuinely curious as to why someone he just met would even remotely care if he lived or died.
“Because no one deserves to die away from the people that they love.” You turned to look him in his brown eyes with an unwavering seriousness. Tom’s jaw line softened from him releasing the tension that he held there, you were bringing out a soft side that no one had been able to see since he had started basic training. He had spent so long building his walls up so that he wouldn’t be made fun of for being too weak but here you were, effortlessly knocking down each of those walls without so much as a second thought.
“I’m not going to die Y/N.” Tom looked at you with an intensity that you didn’t know had existed. It made your stomach drop and flip, you were looking at his brown eyes and slowly seeing why your favorite writers talked about eyes being filled with emotion. His were filled with too many to distinguish.
“But what if you do Tom? What happens then?” Your voice stayed soft, you didn’t know why you cared about this man you had just met, but you did. You cared too much to get attached to whom you didn’t really know besides what he had told you. Hell, you didn’t even know if what he said was true but for some reason, you believed him.
Or at least, you wanted to.
“Then I die, but I sure don’t plan on leaving this world yet so you’re going to have to deal with me longer than just tonight.” Tom said throwing his pale hands in the air.
Your mind was processing the words that fell from his mouth. Not knowing how to respond, you reach out and grasp his wrist, pulling him into an hug.
“You’re not allowed to die Tom.” You say, your voice still quiet and soft. He wrapped his hands around you carefully, not knowing if this was the right thing to do or not. You seemed so fragile and broken. He held you for a second, trying to keep all of your pieces together, because maybe if he held you tight enough, he could fix all of your broken bits by pressing them back together gently.
“I won’t.” He softly said. You relaxed and retracted your arms from around him, straightening your dress and running your hands under your eyes to clean the smudged mascara.  
Seeing that you cared so deeply for him made him feel bad for still taking you to the dogfight, despite you being beautiful and not knowing what was happening, he felt guilty. You deserved to go on a nice date and have a good time, not be judged for being ugly, which you were not.
“Y/N, um.. We don’t have to go.” Tom watched as you whipped your head around to look at him, eyes wide with concern. “We can do something else, I don’t want you to feel like you have to go for me.”
“You asked me to go to a party with you, so let’s go!” You say in a blubby tone, confused as to why he had suddenly not wanted to go. Tom decided not to fight with you anymore and to just hold the guilt within.
“Okay, well we’re here then.” Tom gestured towards the pub across the street. There was a neon sign displaying the name of the bar and a musty smell lingering in the air.
You nodded your head and walked towards the entrance, Tom close behind you. You walked in and felt a hand wrap itself around your waist, you looked and saw that Tom was pulling you towards him in what you thought was a protective motive. But to Tom, it was a way to shield you from being seen by the other guys. He didn’t want his friends to see him walking in with a pretty girl, so he pulled your face away from where they were standing,
“Tommy boy, I don’t think you’ve met my date yet.” A tall blonde man had his arm around a middle-aged woman with unbrushed hair and a dirty looking face. Tom wouldn’t say that she was ugly, she just didn’t look like she took care of herself. “This is Billie Jean.”
“Nice to meet ya.” She stuck her hand straight out, offering him a hand shake. Tom could distinctly see the black rim of dirt that had buried itself under her nail bed from not being bathed properly. He held in the cringe that he wanted to let out so bad but suppressed the urge.
“Nice to meet you.” Tom said reluctantly taking her hand. Harrison smirked at Tom, knowing that Tom more than likely had a better-looking date.
“And who is that.” Harrison said gesturing towards you, who had been tucked under Tom’s arm and watching as the dj announced the next singer for the karaoke party.
“This is Y/N” Tom said before nudging you to meet his friend. You turned and saw a tall blonde man standing there. His smile grew when he saw you. You said quick hellos and parted ways when Tom took you onto the dance floor.
You both had danced for what felt like hours until your body was clammy and begging you to go outside and get some of the cool night air.
“I’m going outside, I’ll be right back.” You said to Tom over the thumping music heard throughout the night club. He gave you a quick nod before watching you walk away, making sure that no one harassed you on your way out.
Once you had opened the door and felt the initial wave of cool air hit your body, your attention was on an arguing couple. It wasn’t until your eyes focused that you saw it was Billie Jean and Harrison. He was throwing his hands up in big gestures, obviously angry. It lasted a few more seconds before he flug money at her and stalked back inside, brushing shoulders with you on the way in.
“Are you okay?” You asked the older woman who was picking up the dirty bills that made fallen on the gravel.
“I should have never agreed to this.” The woman growled at you.
“Agreed to what? Didn’t you have a good time?” You thought that she was having a fun time on the dance floor less than a half hour ago.
“This stupid contest, I shouldn’t have come. It’s just for ugly girls and horny boys.” The was still grumbling, scrolling on her phone.
“Tom didn’t bring me here for the contest.” You were quiet, not knowing how to process the information being thrown at you.
“He brought you here because he thought you were ugly darling.”
“Tom wouldn’t do that, he’s not like that.” You were heart broken, in denial that he would be that much of a monster.
“Sorry to break it to ya but that’s what happened. How else do you think my ragged ass got a date with that blonde hunk in there.” She said, her yellowed teeth on display.
“No, I don’t believe you.” You said through tear filled eyes.
“Harrison told me, you saw him throw the money at me. You can’t deny that you were wondering why a good-looking guy like him would be with a girl like you.” Billie Jean was practically screaming at you, making you want to scream out in frustration. You knew it was true from the way that you had been invited to go with him.
You stomped back into the pub, heading straight towards the Holland man in a blind rage. Once he had seen you, his face went from calm contempt to concerned. You didn’t care, as soon as he was within arm reach, you swung your hand that met Tom’s face with a forceful slap. You normally would never do that, it was out of character. Tom looked at you confused, holding his cheek from shock and pain.  
“How dare you bring me here with the motive to exploit me for your own benefits. I’m disgusted that you even participated in something like this. I thought you were better than this Tom, I thought you were different from other guys.” You voice was cracking uncontrollably, filled with so much sorrow and despair.
Tom hadn’t said anything, not knowing how to respond. That made you even more frustrated and even more enraged.  
“I hope you die at war Tom Holland.” You said before stomping off, not caring if you ever saw him again in your life.  
Tags : @yourwonderbelle @ironspiderman98 @leasly @jadedjules @blueeyedbesson @jophiehoe @embrace-themagic @stevieboyharrington @justapotatonow @confusionboner @annymcervantes @cherryhao @robfangirl  @katiekinzs @softspideyboy @starkravingparker @underoosstark @qvidditch @theheartlocker @determinedpines @starryrevelations @logan8546 @anitalasirenita
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