pronoun-checks · 11 months
Pronoun check with the name TC and pronouns
(sorry abt this since I legit just requested not too long ago)
It’s no problem!
It’s a good thing we were able to catch TC before it left. Based on what it said, it very much needed its bag. Did love say what love needed its bag for? No, I don’t think love said why love needed loves bag so much. I mean, moth probably just had most of moths things in mothe bag. But you’ve met TC now! Albeit, you and moth only spoke for a few minutes. Anyway, what did you think of bug? See, I told you bug seemed like a nice person. You and bug will have to meet properly another time when we’re not running after bug. I wonder where bug was going to? No, I don’t think vee said where vee was going. Vee seemed like vee was in a bit of a rush, though. I suppose vee just didn’t have the time to talk that much.
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cercamioltreipensieri · 8 months
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Mi fai stare male ma non riesco a fare a meno di te...
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No matter what the detour, the failure, the blockade, or the disruption, the Spiritual Warrior knows those are the times the universe is rerouting the opportunity. Do you need help?
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quaiett · 5 months
Kupikir, semua ini hanya keberuntungan yang aku dapatkan dari tuhanku yang esa.
Aku bisa duduk di bangku itu menatap 'dia' yang dianggap semua orang pintar, kupikir karena tambahan huruf di belakang namanya. Padahal kupikir aku tak sepintar mereka yang lebih ingin menduduki bangku itu. Hartaku cukup untukku menyewa sebuah pulau jikalau ingin dilanda kemiskinan setelah itu. Padahal kupikir aku tak miliki sebuah amalan yang mendatangkan semua dolar itu. Teman-temanku cukup untukku tertawa dan kuminta traktir di kantin fakultas. Padahal kupikir wajahku tak cukup setara dengan mereka yang malah menjadi korban mental. Angka 8 dan 9 atau huruf A selalu tertulis di kertas penyambut liburanku. Padahal kupikir mereka lebih giat untuk membaca huruf-huruf kecil yang berbaris rapi di atas lembaran putih atau laptopnya.
Aku bukan tidak bersyukur
Aku takut
Bukankah keberuntungan juga akan habis layaknya gula yang larut di kopimu malam itu.
Aku iri!
Sungguh iri
Kepada mereka yang memiliki segudang amalan dan setumpuk keistiqamahan saat beramal. Bisakah aku seperti mereka?
Aku tak ingin menjadi pembohong!
Aku ingin pintar karena usahaku. Aku ingin kaya karena peluhku. Aku ingin-
Aku ingin menjadi hambaMu yang sesungguhnya Ya Allah
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specialkim · 1 year
being open and honest
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arenat · 1 year
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Febrero 2023 🕯✨
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check for the name Kitty and pronouns Pastry/Fawn/Love? i like to draw, watch ST and I hyper fixate on Eddie Munson so putting him somewhere in the there would be amazingg
Woah, is that Kitty? I've heard so many good things about pastry! Fawn is super cool, and love should be proud of pastryself for all of fawns accomplishments.
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thefunniestguy · 2 years
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hello i made this guy in a lab by mixing my concept of love and a few conversation hearts in a giant boiling pot :] throwing another drawing of love below the cut bc i dislike how it turned out LOL
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yourlovingsweetheart · 3 months
after I explained the whole situation to them, my hosts said I just have to hold it all in... for 9 months. They told me to focus on building friendships, so next time something tragic happens, like this, that I won't be so alone.
I had no support system and it caused us to nearly relapse more than once..... even now I'm still struggling not to.
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karmhantra · 4 months
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theartblockcentral · 9 months
RE; Of all the things that I know
Of all the things I know, there is only one question that seems to ring in my head with the same warmth you can get from drinking too much wine.
Is it really worth ____?
I had a fight recently with my ma ( which was longer enough ago that I remember but do not care enough to delve into ) after which we had a long chat after. In this, she mentioned, the key to a successful relationship, the key to things, the key to life is, Is it really worth all of this?
Not so much in a grim, is life worth living kinda way, but, yes, I suppose also like that too. I mean, that is how I used to value the question, and in which my life was an internal silence that hurt more than anything. It wasn't an internal peace. Life felt like scraping the inside of my mind with a metal dish scrubber and then filling my skull with hot sauce- that level of discomfort- but the vessel I was in, the vessel I was, has so little value, it became my own dead-weight. My therapist tells me that being depressed and baking in your bedsheets is a way of the person cocooning themselves from the outer world, and she's right. To this day, I'm not sure of what I was scared of... but I think maybe it was the question of whether my actions, whether the way my mind worked second by second, was worth keeping going. I felt like I polluted myself.
Nowadays, after six months in Italy, it's so different. Days feel like days again. Friends feel like people again rather than some kind of puzzle I had to solve. Food tasted. Noise sounded. Things came together as I slowly returned to earth.. and in all that time, I really did learn what was worth doing to keep me going.
While I was away I had a small episode on a night out. But because this wasn't a one time thing, and because it worried everyone and put myself at risk and I ran home, lost and confused, because emotionally I put myself back into survival instinct mode, they turned their back on me. It took enough gaul to apologise. At home I wouldn't have done. I just would have assumed that is what people kinda do my age. It's hard for me to see past myself sometimes when I get into the state of feeling alone, but I knew it was worth it to apologise wholeheartedly, to admit my mistakes, and to keep moving.
Some of the things that have been worth giving my time to to feeling more present have given me hope and meaning. I have friends who are worth the time: they are no effort, they are time well spent, and a part of my world. I go hiking, and get in touch with what my younger self would have loved: she is worth fighting for. Most importantly, is the seasons changing.
Back in England, the sky is so blank and white it collapses in flatly, rendering the world into a tiny white tent. It can get very depressing. The days are dark and cold, the nights are dark and colder, and it all seems to be in a small fish bowl of a place. However, what keeps me going, as a small practice that I so happened to glance upon in Wabi Sabi by Beth Kenton was how people pay attention to the changing of the seasons, and how their are more like 18 seasons than 4. However, after a long and stressful day, I ask myself;
What were the trees doing? Have they changed colour yet?
Was it cold? Did I dress for the weather? (Another thing I've learnt- life is improved the minute you dress right for the weather)
Did I see how the branches moved? Did I hear/ see birds etc?
Did I even leave the house? Sometimes I haven't. It's not such a problem when it's not such an outside kind of day, but to be honest, we are outside creatures. Sifting through my memories of all i've seen and pinpointing tiny things like that that I may have only seen out of a window once that day helps me grapple with the idea of being alive.
Ooh, here's a shocker. You can have an entire social event, day at school, meeting with friends, day at work, night out or dinner Without something bad happening. I have NO EFFING CLUE why this has taken me so long to realise, but to be honest, I never had a stable friendship group, a completely un-chaotic household (love them), day at school... everything went wrong a lot, and problems and whatsuch occured and I guess I was just used to that? The moment I realised was when I went to a birthday party of a friend in Italy, and nothing went wrong. I didn't feel bad, No arguments occured, no one got too drunk, everyone got along, no huge chunks of gossip either. Spoiler: people actually live like that. I loved it. It's helped me not be so afraid of planning my birthday, and I didn't make a scene this year. And it was perfect. It's really never worth being in a place where nothing goes right ever. You've just got to keep moving until you find it.
Conclusively, the answer to the question, Is it worth it?
The answer is yes.
I can't believe I'm finally saying it.
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
The people are worth talking to, the world is worth experiencing, even the sad and scary bits. Hey, you do learn at some point. You've just got to keep moving.
Aaaaand the arguments aren't all that. Not everything is worth being said. If you love someone, even if they don't love you, it is worth telling them, because that takes big effing balls to do, and admit you're willing to give a piece and never stop giving. But arguments, fights, all that, most of what you need to shout at someone, isn't worth it. Leave in peace physically or mentally. Vent to someone, move on from that person.
make it worth it.
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dissociativefox · 9 months
nbeing a non imtroject that looks like a character is so funny. Cuz i look like atsushi bungou stray dogs bit if he dressed pastel and was an arctic foxwolf boy. THATS BASICALLY ME!!!!!IT FEELS SO SILLY NECAUSE ATSU IS MY FAV.
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Without the darkness, there would be no reason for Something Greater. Do you need help?
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luminaryrinn · 1 year
"It can't be sunshine all the time."
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magdatara · 1 year
(Suzanne Toro)
“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” — Buddha  
In this segment, Suzanne will share how to practice being in action for the benefit of all. This practice is rooted in self love, kindness and compassion. The bonus: this is a pathway to ending your suffering.
“Love is simply creation’s greatest joy.” – Hafez
Music ‘All I Need' by Cadre Scott
#suzannetoro #positivevibes #peace #loveself #lovequotes #forthebenefitofall #loveself #love #selflove #loveyourself #beauty #besimply #instagood #selfcare #compassion #yourself #kindness #motivation #quotes #clearmind #happy #emptiness #follow #myself #life #lifestyle #smile #like #goodvibes
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rindubersuara · 1 year
Kala itu, kamu dihadapkan dengan keadaan dimana kamu merasa tidak percaya dengan dirimu sendiri. Kamu melihat di sekelilingmu yang berkilauan akan prestasi, pencapaian, fisik, harta, dan orang-orang yang support. Seketika, kamu merasa sedih karena tidak mampu memiliki itu semua. 
Kamu mempertanyakan keberadaan dirimu. Mempertanyakan apakah kamu sama berharganya dengan mereka. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang menyesakkan kepalamu itu sering kali membuat hari-harimu pilu. Seakan dirimu dirundungi dengan pikiran-pikiranmu sendiri. Kamu mulai membenci dirimu. Merasa dirimu tak becus dan bodoh. 
Hingga pada akhirnya, ada satu hal yang membuatmu tersadar bahwa perjalananmu dan perjalanan orang-orang sangatlah berbeda. Kamu mulai dari garis start yang berbeda, hidup di lingkungan yang tak sama, dan punya pemikiran yang beragam.
Perlahan kamu mulai memaafkan dirimu yang sempat bejat dengan diri sendiri. Memulai untuk lebih mengenal dirimu. Siapa ia sebenarnya. Hal apa saja yang ingin ia lakukan. Ingin menjadi sosok seperti apa ia nanti. Kamu mulai berani menatap dirimu dengan penuh percaya diri. Langkahmu tak lagi ragu menapaki perjalanan yang akan kau tempuh selanjutnya. Kamu memeluk erat lagi dirimu dan kembali tersadar betapa berharganya dirimu dan segala isi cerita hidupmu.
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