#not tagging as suggestive cause this is not the intent and not the conclusion
thejacketscloset · 7 months
One More Killing (to the Man That Has No Name) - Ch 1
a ghoap Cowboy au where Soap is a bounty hunter and Ghost is the outlaw he's hunting. Check it out here on AO3! I suggest checking tags on ao3 for the warnings, but CW for Burns/branding/torture. It's fairly brief but stay safe!!
The figure halted his movements, a long few seconds passed as he seemed to consider his options. Soap found himself holding his breath again, his freedom depended on a complete stranger who looked to have no intention of helping him. As the second’s stretched on Soap’s fear of being left grew bigger, he needed to do something to sway the man. 
“Please..” he whispered, desperation taking him over.
The door creaked loudly when Soap pushed his way into the Sheriff's office.  He held onto the bounty that he had just captured, slipping slightly as he struggled. Phillip Graves – one of the main leaders of the Shadows gang – was  his latest capture, and Soap wouldn’t say it was an easy catch. Every single man at the outpost was on his ass in seconds, dedicated to their cowardly leader to a fault. The moment there was a sign of Soap, Graves would turn tail and flee, leaving his Shadows for the slaughter. Soap had given chase, managed to round up Graves, and put enough sorry Shadows out of their misery to keep any more from following him to the office. 
“Mactavish! I wasn’t expecting to see you back so soon.” The sheriff called from behind a desk, effectively pulled Soap out of his thoughts. 
“Och, you know me. I like to get mah bounties quick.” 
Soap shoved the outlaw into the nearest cell and slammed the bars shut behind him. The rattles of the metal drown out any curses Graves threw his way. He had heard more than enough from the American man on his ride to the station already. Soap was eager to collect his payment and move onto his next bounty, but the expression the Sheriff wore gave Soap doubts. 
“What? Is there somethin on ma face?” Soap crossed his arms and put on an easy smile, though he could tell he sounded nervous.
“That’s not quite the case, but I'm 'fraid I won't be able to pay you the whole bounty.”
Soap tried to keep his composure after he heard those words. It was difficult for him to not jump to conclusions. 
“An’ why would that be?” he asked, and attempted to keep the annoyance out of his voice. His eyes pierced the Sheriff standing in front of him, his fidgeting didn’t go unnoticed. 
“New bounty order came in and he’s got quite the price on his head, I'm afraid our commissioner has diverted a portion of all his funds towards it.” 
Soap watched the sheriff wring his hands out as he explained. He hardly cared about the details, only that it cheated him out of his rightfully earned money. It was hard enough to scrape by with the wages Soap earned before. 
Soap pinched his brow, considering his next words. It was unlikely he would be able to convince the Sheriff to give him the full bounty, but he couldn't go home with less than he was owed. He let out a long sigh.
"Al'righ, what's this new bounty then?"
The Sheriff scoffed. "It won't be no quick bounty Mactavish, no one even knows his identity," his tone was disbelieving. 
"Ah don't care, jus' give me the details." 
The Sheriff raised an eyebrow at Soap, but no argument was made. Soap watched him walk back towards his desk and rummage around with some papers before he pulled out, what he assumed to be, details about the bounty. 
“Everything you need to know is in there, you can look at it on yer own time. I need to make sure everything is in order with this one” The Sheriff pointed his thumb in the direction of Gaves’ cell, then promptly shooed Soap out of the office. 
The Ghost Rider - wanted dead or alive 
Full identity unknown, recognized from the skull mask + bandana covering entire face. Rides alone, seen rivaling The Shadows and causing trouble with General Shepard’s business. 
Bring The Ghost in and high rewards are yours. 
Soap pressed his lips together as he read over the limited details of his new bounty for the fifth time now. It had been three days since he originally received the bounty and he was nowhere closer to finding his target. 
The restless thoughts swirled in Soap's mind. He looked above into the dark night sky as he tried to unravel the thoughts that haunt him. He laid in a small field surrounded by trees as the soft wind rustled the leaves back and forth.  The spot had served as a perfect place for Soap to camp out in for the previous days. His horse, luckily, hadn't seemed to have any complaints about the sleeping arrangements, she was content to graze nearby while Soap lounged. 
He sighed and pulled out his journal again, flipping through the details. The only lead he had was through the Shadows, but Soap knew better than to go anywhere near them after his capture of Graves. They would be prepared for him, and he was doubtful if he would be able to get out with his life if he was spotted by a single one. 
The bounty hunter’s stomach grumbled, interrupting his thoughts and reminding him of the time. With another sigh, he  tucked his journal away.
“I guess that’s my sign to get some food and rest now, huh girl?” Soap mumbled to his horse. She raised her head from the grass to look at him for a moment before going back to grazing. Soap shook his head.
A fire was prepared and Soap began warming the food he had on hand. The open flames danced and the uniqueness of each swaying motion made Soap feel content while he watched. The heat from the flame bloomed pleasantly against his face, and he closed his eyes. The environment was so serene, he almost missed the noise of bushes shuffling in the distance.
Soap’s eyes snapped open, and his hand hovered near his holster. He scanned the surrounding treeline, but the dark cover of night made it nearly impossible to see in the casted shadows. 
Slowly, Soap rose from his knees and stalked towards his horse. Most of his weapons were still stored with her, and he wanted to be prepared for a quick escape. His eyes never left the treeline, but he couldn’t quite make out any figures. As he flicked his vision around another shift in the bushes sounded right beside him, and in moments Soap felt himself being tackled to the ground. 
His head connected harshly with a rock as he landed, causing his ears to begin ringing. Everything that followed after was fuzzy. Soap thought he heard voices, and he vaguely remembered reaching for his gun, but the last thing he remembered was the sharp pain of a punch knocking him out. 
Soap woke up wishing he had just kept his eye closed. He couldn’t see much through the rough mesh of a bag converting his head, it was almost pitch black. Miniscule amounts of light streamed through the seams of the mesh, but only enough for Soap to assume it was still nighttime. 
Hushed voices whispered from somewhere nearby, drawing Soap’s attention from the feeling slowly returning to his body. He tried leaning towards the voices to discern what was being said, only to realize his hands were bound around a post. The voices silenced at his movement, and a group of footsteps came towards him. They stopped right in front of him, and there wasn’t a sound but the crickets in the night for a long moment.
Soap didn’t dare move, thoughts racing through his mind as fear seized him. This wasn’t a situation people walked away from. If it were any average robbery whoever captured him would have just stolen all his goods while he was knocked out and left him there, holding him like this was intentional. They had something planned for him, Soap was sure of it. He could think of plenty of gangs and bounties who might hold a grudge on him, countless people who would take any opportunity to kill him. Knowing whoever was standing in front of him intentionally waited until he was awake before doing anything sent a chill down Soap’s spine. It was going to be a long night. 
The mesh bag was ripped off of Soap’s head. He took a moment to adjust to the minimal lighting of the night. A group of five stood in front of him, illuminated by the furthest man on the left holding a lantern. It didn’t light their faces up much, but it hardly mattered. Soap didn’t recognize a single person in front of him. 
“Eve’nin lad’s.. Ah don suppose all o’ this is fer a nice friendly chat?” Soap finally spoke, grinning brightly at the men despite his fear. He had talked himself out of worse situations before, what was the harm in trying it now? 
His thought was promptly answered with a shin the the gut, causing him to curl inwards defensively. 
“Enough games Soap. Where did you take Graves?” The closest man growled out. 
“Ah suppose that means yer the Shadow crew then?” Soap's voice strained from the pain of the earlier kick. “Sorry about yer luck, but he’s been turned in.” 
His words only seemed to anger the Shadows more, and Soap couldn’t help but wonder how they were still so dedicated to Graves after what he had seen. The closest Shadow glanced back towards one of his mates and nodded, Soap watched as they walked away and returned with a branding iron. 
Soap’s stomach dropped, his eyes flicked nervously between the shadows standing in front of him. They all wore viscous grins, chuckling at the idea of what would come next for Soap. 
He struggled against his binds, ignoring the harsh bite of the rope on his wrists as the Shadow with the iron grew closer. Another Shadow pulled his collar out far enough to reveal his shoulder, Soap thrashed against his hold. The brand radiated heat as it got closer to Soap’s skin, and he closed his eyes to brace for the pain. 
Soap’s vision went white. A guttural scream was ripped from his throat as the brand made contact with his shoulder. All his senses were overwhelmed, everything was too much. Tears stung his eyes and all he could think of was how badly he needed it all to stop. The pain lingered for what felt like hours while Soap struggled to catch his breath.
When he was finally breathing at a normal pace again, Soap cracked his eyes open again. The sight before him left him shocked. 
All five Shadows were dead on the ground, and a new figure stood looming above him. The moon’s light illuminated the figure’s pale face, making him look otherworldly. If Soap hadn’t been scared shitless at that moment he would’ve thought the ghostly figure was a gorgeous sight, but he was almost certain the man was moments away from putting him out of his misery. 
Blue and Brown eyes connected for a long moment, Soap hardly breathed as he waited for the next move. After a long stretch of silence, the stranger turned around and began walking. Soap was stunned for a few seconds, then promptly realized he needed help if he wanted to get out of the binds. The mystery man didn't kill him, and Soap prayed that it would stay that way after his next words.
"Yer not seriously gonnea leave me ere', are yah?" Soap's voice came out at an embarrassing pitch in his panic.
The figure halted his movements, a long few seconds passed as he seemed to consider his options. Soap found himself holding his breath again, his freedom depended on a complete stranger who looked to have no intention of helping him. As the second’s stretched on Soap’s fear of being left grew bigger, he needed to do something to sway the man. 
“Please..” he whispered, desperation taking him over. The man finally turned back around at that and began walking back over to Soap. For a split second Soap thought he made a mistake, the man in front of him kneeled down to his level and held his eye contact. 
“Don’t make me regret this.”
Soap was stunned by the deep gravel of the accented voice, nodding quickly and practically agreeing to whatever the man expected of him. He moved to behind Soap, and he heard the telltale noise of a knife being unsheathed before he felt the binds on his hands being cut through. The binds finally fell off of his wrists, and Soap immediately brought a hand up to his shoulder to try and ease the still aching burn. 
Silently the stranger shuffled back to be in front of Soap, for a long moment he just stared right into his eyes. Soap shifted to stand up and winced slightly at his shoulder twinging in pain suddenly. The stranger's eyes flicked down to his injury for a moment, and then he stood up fully. 
“Come with me, my camp isn’t far. I have supplies for that.” He ordered simply. If Soap had any more self preservation left he would’ve been suspicious of the offer, but the man had just saved him, and if Soap was being honest he would’ve let him order him around with anything. 
Soap returned to his horse, which the shadows had luckily stolen with him, and followed after the man. It was then that he noticed he didn’t even know his saviors name, and he was instantly curious to find out who was helping him.
“Name’s John, by the way. John Mactavish,” Soap tried, hoping that would spur an introduction out of his companion. 
The stranger glanced back at Soap in response, but said nothing else. Another long few seconds passed before Soap spoke again. 
"You don’t have a name? Or do I have tae earn it?" 
The stranger let out a huff, which Soap assumed was him stifling a laugh. Then, he was graced with the sound of the stranger's voice once again.
"Simon. Simon Riley." 
Soap smiled, and he happily followed Simon the rest of the way to the camp.
Simon's camp was very secure, and almost concerningly well hidden. It put the little camp Soap had put together to shame, and he was suddenly very grateful that he was about to be helped by the man who had put this all together. Once they arrived Simon dismounted his horse and began rummaging around in his bags. Soap stumbled off his own horse and began fidgeting nervously while he watched the other. He wasn’t entirely sure why he felt nervous, it wasn’t out of concern for his safety, but he almost wanted to impress Simon somehow. 
When Simon stopped rummaging he had a small array of plants and what looked to be oils in his hands. Wordlessly he walked over to his fire pit and picked up a mortar and pestle that was set nearby, Soap slowly walked over to join him by the fireside to watch the expert hands work. The process of whatever Simon was creating was captivating to Soap, seeing his hands grind the materials to a salve-like consistency. The dull ache of his shoulder was long forgotten as he watched the calloused hands create the very thing that was supposed to ease that ache. 
After a minute Simon seemed satisfied with his creation and beckoned Soap to move closer. He complied immediately. 
“So… What was your business with the shadows?” Simon’s voice rumbled the question out, Soap nearly missed his cue to respond in the way the other was distracting him. 
“ m’ ah bounty hunter. I brought the Graves bastard in, their leader. They didn’t ‘preciate tha’ too much” 
Soap flinched slightly at the cold salve being applied to his shoulder, focusing intently on the feeling of the rough fingers coating it. Simon hummed in response to him, the intoxicating rumble of it nearly took Soap’s voice away. 
“Ah was actually tryna find a new bounty when they got tae me, this Ghost Rider fellow. Don’t know much about ‘im though.” Soap rambled on, entirely missing how Simon’s eyes flicked up to his face for a moment when explained.
“That so?” 
“Yup, got no idea where tae start lookin either, but ah need the money. Gonnae figure it out eventually.” Soap rambled. He tried to shrug while he spoke, but Simon held his shoulder still when it shifted. Soap smiled sheepishly at him. 
“There’s no other bounties to take?” Simon asked, seeming genuinely curious now. At this point there was no more salve to add to Soap's shoulder, but he continued to gently massage it gently. 
“There are, but tha Ghost fella has quite tha price on ‘is head. It knocked down tha value fer all the other bounties.” Soap frowned.
“That’s too bad. You really think you’ll be able to bring him in with a price like that?” 
“Tha tough ones ‘ave never been an issue fer me before, tha real challenge is finding any info about him.” 
Their eyes connected once more, and John grinned devilishly at Simon. The blonde only frowned at him. Before Soap had a chance to question him, Simon was pulling away. He watched him clean his hands of the excess salve and hand Soap a roll of bandages. 
“Wrap it with that for a day, should heal fine afterwards.” Simon explained almost robotically, suddenly seeming much more closed off. Soap’s frowned deepend. 
“Thanks.. Here, lemme repay you-” 
“No need, just get on your way. I need to pack up this camp by morning.” 
Soap’s emotions swirled in his stomach as he watched Simon begin to pack up his materials. He felt conflicted. He didn’t want to leave like this, with hardly any chance to ever see Simon again, but the other seemed like all he could think about was getting Soap far away from him now. John tried not to feel hurt by it, he definitely should not feel hurt by it. He hardly knew this man. 
But you want to, his mind unhelpfully supplied.
“Yer sure you don’t want anything in return?” Soap asked carefully. Simon hesitated for one, two seconds, then shook his head no. Soap quickly wrapped his shoulder as best he could and wordlessly made his way to his own horse.
“Thank you, for helping me. Ah hope I didnae make you regret it.” Soap said solemnly. Simon’s eyes didn’t leave his task, and with that John rode off. His mind filled cruelly with the millions of “what ifs” the night could have been.
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levmada · 2 years
what are your thoughts on us giving kitty levi a collar for the first time? him all “what’s this for” and reader just going “for you”
(assuming we rescued him as a stray 🥺)
making insecure levi feel pretty and important sign me UP
//kitty levi, implied past abuse, collaring, suggestive
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"Look what came in the mail today."
Levi stared, shifting at the kitchen bar, scrutinizing the leather cinched in your hands with sharp eyes. He refused to jump to any conclusions.
So you went out to do errands and grabbed a leather collar, presumably from the post office, for who?—You two didn’t have any pets.
A more fearful version of Levi would have thought that he was—not that he wouldn’t have fought back—and it took months for him to fiercely believe that he wasn’t.
Was this your weird way of asking if you could dress one of your squishmallows in that thing?
"What's it for?"
You stepped closer, mere feet from him, and upon closer inspection he spotted the little holes in the loop, how tight the bright silver buckle could go. Surprisingly, the D-ring had a tag attached to it, but he couldn't read it.
He said your name in question, ears shifting back.
"It's for you. I thought you might like a reminder that you're mine. I know I do," you told him carefully, thinking of each word before saying it aloud. "It's not about ownership. It's about making you feel secure."
Secure was one word that made his stomach rise with butterflies. He was used to being tossed from person to someone whose actions barely made them human, to owners who didn't have intentions besides claiming their ownership in ways Levi kept buried inside, forgotten.
At the worst of times, he pulled away in outward annoyance, impatience and anger—while the fear festered inside him like rot. He simply didn't know what to do with the shower of good things you made him feel.
Including now: Levi was hearing, but not listening as you gave him the chance to reject it, and it wasn't the end of the world if he wasn't ready, or didn't want it.
Being yours—that meant love, not power over him. He told himself this over and over as he hesitantly reached out and thumbed the leather, which was thicker than it looked. He suppressed a shiver.
"You don't have to accept it," you reminded him. "Do you like it?"
Levi swallowed. "Could you..." He took the sides and mimicked latching it.
Your eyes lit up. "Turn around for me."
Levi did. Just having his back towards you filled him with a sort of giddy anxiety that was totally unfair. You kissed his nape before cool metal fell over it, and the dissonance caused a shudder he couldn’t hide.
The clasp closed. He raised his hands to feel around it, angled his head down, and strained to read the tag. His name read in slightly darker silver, seared into the metal. It was cold to the touch.
He didn't know why it felt so good. The cool leather was a reminder, constantly, hugging his neck enough to make comfort like a blanket wrap around him, but not enough to smother. Heat rose in his lower half.
"I can lock it, too, if you want."
Levi looked over his shoulder at you, and the key that was no longer than his little finger clasped in your palm.
Fear jolted him. He wasn’t ready for that, and he gambled on the hope you wouldn’t mind.
Mouth too dry to speak, he turned, pushing the key aside, and kissed you hard. Your arms scrambled for his waist—otherwise you'd be knocked back.
"Take me to bed," he ordered, begged, against your soft neck. He realized purrs were rumbling in his throat. "Take me."
And so you took his hand in yours, and ushered him in that direction.
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| levi masterlist | main masterlist |
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sparklingpax · 1 year
"Would this make you feel better?" and of course Masterforce for the ask game if you'd like 😄
From this prompt list; yes, requests are still open :3
HII!! I hope this works :D
Quick A/n:
-SORRY theres probably typos/mistakes here and there, this was 100% written on my phone; I finally had a good idea for this after two different tries at a story and then being busy with this sudden art project I've taken upon myself to complete hehe (ok unrelated but worth mentioning maybe?? idk--) anyway so. then I tagged along a trip to the park and had like an hour so...here it is ^^''
-set in canon! (insert my usual disclaimer abt what I mean by that ig)
-also, if anyone reading hasn't watched masterforce/did but might have forgotten, it's eluded to the fact that Cab can understand animals in the actual series! Even in a character song!! So...I slipped that in here briefly...just an fyi. I'm not making it up 👍💫
-Writing Hawk being like a kind parental figure is my favorite thing. Dad Hawk Supremacy™ (actually canon)
-Im gonna just put a slight tw for mentions of animal death. Nothing horrible, but it's part of the premise here so...yeah.
-uhhhhhhh.....thats all! Enjoy, I hope...
It was all a blur, honestly. 
And when Cab had finally returned to the cavern again…it was too late. 
A shrill wail of horror went up into the air. 
"Now, that won't account for irregularities with the alloy when put in contact with the new engine itself." 
"It hasn't been tested to that level of heat yet?" 
"Not quite. So to that, I'd actually like to suggest placing—" 
A loud crash sounded from down the hall, causing Hawk, Ranger, and Diver all to snap upright. Startled, they hesitated to carry on, exchanging looks instead. 
The silence hung for a moment longer before there was another loud noise.
This time, worry had immediately seemed to light Hawk's gaze, and he swiveled sharply in the direction of the door. Something tugged at him to leave the room and see what was up.
Perhaps he couldn't call it "parental" instinct, but it was somewhere in that ballpark.
It had struck him, suddenly, that he hadn't seen Cab at all today.
Though perhaps...this time-sensitive discussion should be concluded properly first...?
But the cloud of worry had already formed, beginning to rain immediately. Hawk was now unable to refocus on the discussion at hand, or the idea of it up again.
Was he maybe...jumping to conclusions?
As if to ask their permission, Hawk glanced at the other two, at the papers, then the door again.
Picking up on this, Diver and Ranger looked to one another and gave a short nod of agreement.
"We can pick this up later," Diver prompted as he reached over and started to fold the blueprints back up. Ranger rounded the table, tapping a stiffened Hawk on the shoulder gently. 
"This isn't so urgent," he agreed quietly. "Let's go see what's up."  
Hawk nodded firmly, gratefully, and took that as a cue to leave the room. He tried to walk out quickly, but found himself almost jogging instead. He figured the others would simply follow, so he didn't think to wait.
Emerging to the hall, he was met with the sight of Shuta's head peeking out from one of the rec rooms. He seemed to be debating stepping out or remaining in place, lip pursed in thought. Catching sight of Hawk and the others, however, seemed to shift his mind to decision, and he scampered up to the three.
"You heard it too?" He asked, blinking up at Hawk as they headed down the corridor. In response, Hawk gave a sharp nod.
They rounded the bend, seeing up ahead a shaft of yellowish light spilling from the crack in the door to the kitchen. Since it was usually the case that doors remained closed when rooms were in use, Hawk deduced that must be where the noise had originated from. 
So far, there hadn't been any other noises, except—
Drawing nearer to the door, Hawk held out an arm and motioned the others to stay back. He leaned forward a bit, listening intently.
At first it was hard to make out, but the sound registered immediately after a couple seconds. 
It was a small, wavering voice….
Hawk felt a twinge in his stomach at the realization. 
He immediately darted forward and to the threshold of the open door. 
And immediately, felt his heart drop to his feet. 
Before him was Cab, knelt on the floor, body wracked with each wordless sob that escaped him. His head was bowed, curled over something he was holding. He seemed unaware of Hawk as stood there, or of the others as they slowly shuffled in, gathering behind him. 
Hawk took another step forward, peering closer to see what Cab was holding. He felt himself stiffen upon realizing.
Oh, Cab...
There was a small puppy in his arms, lying haggard....and limp.
Hawk eyes shut for a moment, turning his head downward. He knew without even having to ask or check...its little soul was no more. 
No one dared utter a word.
A weighted air hung about the room, as the depressing sight took away whatever any of them could have mustered to say for the moment. 
Hawk then listed his eyes and looked over his shoulder at the others, giving a sharp shake of his head. They seemed to get the message. 
"I'll...get the simulation prep started, Hawk," Diver murmured quietly, ducking out of the room.
Meanwhile, Ranger had put a gentle hand on Shuta's shoulder.
"Hey, why don't we go finish that program you were trying to show me the other day…"  
He ushered the boy in the other direction with a forced, light chuckle. Shuta didn't say a word back, eyes cast to the ground as he went along and out of the room.
Hawk watched them go for a moment, then turned back to Cab, his heart wrenching the more he regarded the sight. Weighing whether it would be more helpful to ask about what happened or simply remain as a presence, he drew closer until he stood right over Cab. 
I could never presume to understand how much this hurts for him...
Finally opting for the latter, he knelt carefully and slowly, until they were eye-level, and then said nothing for a couple beats. 
Hawk shifted his gaze to regard the animal, its fur matted slightly and its frame thin. Something didn't look right with its body, its bone structure…Hawk looked away again. It hurt too much. 
It was their mission on this Earth to protect those who could not defend themselves. 
To respect and preserve all life. 
To save it. 
And yet…we must still witness death. 
Then, finally, Cab slowly began to raise his head, revealing a tear-streaked face, and an expression of such raw anguish that it made Hawk's breath catch in his throat. There was a look in the boy's eyes that he'd not yet seen. 
For a moment, he almost panicked, not knowing what he should say or do...
Calm down. You just need to be someone there for him.
Hawk stared back at Cab, his own eyes shining with grief. Having known the animal or not, Hawk did regret its passing. 
Wait for Cab to tell you what he needs, if he needs anything. 
And finally, he did. 
"I-I…um…" he reached up to rub at his eyes, trying to wipe away the tears. He took in another shuddering breath before turning his gaze back to Hawk. 
"...I f-found her on the w-way back from, uhm…t-the...store…." 
Every word wavered with the emotion he seemed to be fighting to hold back. It was like mere sticks holding back a flood. 
Hawk simply nodded slowly, patiently. He gave such a calm and gentle expression, Cab felt his breathing begin to even out. 
It was alright, the boy remembered.
In this place, it would be alright. 
He took another breath and continued. 
"S-she was probably a stray, cause...she was just there...starving on that sidewalk, w-walking under people's feet, so…I took her to a…s-safer place..." 
Cab squeezed his eyes shut, dropping his head again. His shoulders began to shake with the beginnings of another wave of sobs.
"I should've never left her alone!" He exclaimed, voicing rising. "I-I was just…trying to get her something to eat, cause...cause I didn't have anything w-with me…" 
Hawk reached out, gently placing a hand on Cab's shoulder.
"It's my fault she's gone," he whispered, brokenly. The choked noise he made, in an effort to hold back his cries, hurt to hear. But Hawk knew it was necessary for Cab to take his time, let it out as he needed, uninterrupted.
"I-I heard her saying she was hungry so I left...I never shoulda left…" he repeated himself, seeming to clutch the animal closer. 
It was with a heavy heart that Hawk realized the first thing to help Cab would be...distancing him from the animal. But for the moment, he simply continued to pat Cab's shoulder, a calming and rhythmic motion that...seemed to be helping.
And finally, Hawk decided to speak. 
"Cab," he murmured gently. "You didn't do anything wrong." 
"Cab," his tone was still as gentle, yet with more firmness. The boy quieted, as if focusing on Hawk's words before he could start to panic again.
"I know you might...feel that you were too slow in getting this animal what it needed."
"I'm...so sorry, Cab. I'm so sorry you went through this….it hurts and you feel at fault…but don't forget that you were trying to help. That's the most important part of all this." 
He spoke softly and evenly, holding Cab's gaze. 
"All those people in the street, who didn't even think to get someone who could help, that was their choice. You are not at fault for the omission of others." 
One should not be made to feel guilty over what's beyond their control. 
Cab shifted a bit, his breathing having evened out. He seemed in consideration of those words, as if the thought had never once crossed his mind.
Considering the present state of the animal, Hawk surmised it had been beyond saving when Cab had found it. He only hoped he could get Cab to understand...he shouldn't hold himself personally responsible for the unfortunate inevitable.
But Hawk didn't exactly…know how to say that without it sounding insensitive in one capacity or another. Or at least, he was sure of that much.
Hawk considered saying more, but abandoned the thought as quickly as he'd had it. He ultimately figured that, for the moment, letting the words sink in was a better idea. 
And that was the last thing Cab needed at this moment. 
What he needed, was quiet. Gentleness. Patience.
So they sat with the silence for a little bit, listening to distant sounds from outside the room, and out the window. 
Hawk found his gaze drifting to the objects that had fallen to the floor, accounting for the crash earlier. Judging by their positions, it was likely the result of Cab having stumbled into the room without looking. 
Honestly, how could he with what he was preoccupied with? Hawk nodded to himself. Of course, he'd get to cleaning it up later. 
As for—
Hawk jolted a little at his name. He'd gotten lost in his thoughts, he realized. He centered his gaze back on Cab.
"Can…we…bury her?" 
With something of a sad smile, Hawk felt his heart wrench. It was a sight so bittersweet that Hawk felt tears well up in his own eyes. 
"Would...this make you feel better, Cab?" 
He nodded firmly. He reached up and rubbed at his tears again, now probably dried a bit. He then looked back up.
The smile he gave Hawk was as sad as his own.
"Then...let's do it."
"I think..it'd make her feel better, too."
Hawk gave the boy's shoulder another pat before they both stood up. 
Cab smiled, his eyes shimmering with something complex. Somewhere in there, though, they shone with peace.
A single tear slid down his cheek, as he looked at the puppy again, then back at Hawk.
And Cab nodded. 
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funcarthemeparty · 8 months
A Guide to Gracefully Returning Birthday Gifts
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Receiving a birthday gift is usually a joyful experience, but what happens when the gift you receive doesn't quite hit the mark? Whether it's a well-intentioned present that missed the target or something that doesn't quite fit your taste or needs, returning birthday gifts can be a tricky situation to navigate. However, with the right approach, you can gracefully handle gift returns while maintaining the goodwill and love that birthdays are all about.
Reflect on Your Feelings
The first step to gracefully returning a birthday gift is to take a moment to reflect on your feelings. Understand why the gift doesn't work for you, but also consider the giver's intentions. Was it a genuine mistake, or did they genuinely try to select something meaningful? Recognizing these aspects will help you approach the return process with empathy and understanding.
Contact the Giver with Tact
If you decide to return the gift, it's essential to communicate with the giver thoughtfully. A phone call or face-to-face conversation is usually the best way to handle this. Express your appreciation for their thoughtfulness and the effort they put into selecting the gift. Make sure to convey your feelings about why the gift doesn't quite meet your needs. Honesty is key, but remember to be sensitive in your approach.
Keep the Receipt and Tags
When you receive a birthday gift, it's a good practice to hold onto the receipt and any tags or packaging, just in case you need to return it. Having these items makes the return process smoother and can also help the giver if they need to exchange the gift for something more suitable.
Understand the Store's Return Policy
Every store has its own return policy, and it's essential to familiarize yourself with it. Some stores have strict policies, while others are more flexible. Knowing the return window, requirements, and whether store credit or a refund will be issued will help you navigate the process efficiently. If the gift giver provided a gift receipt, it's even easier to process the return.
Be Grateful and Appreciative
Even though you are returning the gift, it's crucial to remain grateful and appreciative for the thought and effort put into it. Make it clear that your decision to return the gift doesn't diminish your gratitude for their gesture. Emphasize the importance of their relationship and the joy of celebrating together.
Explore Exchange Options
If you find a suitable replacement for the gift you received, consider suggesting an exchange rather than a return. This can be a win-win solution, allowing you to get something you genuinely like while still respecting the giver's intentions. Discuss this option with the giver, and ensure they are comfortable with it.
Follow Up with a Thank-You Note
After returning or exchanging the gift, it's considerate to follow up with a thank-you note. Express your gratitude once again for their thoughtfulness and explain how much you appreciate their understanding and support during the return process. This simple gesture goes a long way in maintaining the relationship.
Store Credit Can Be a Valuable Option
Sometimes, the best solution might be to accept store credit instead of a cash refund. Store credit allows you to choose something that suits your preferences, while also acknowledging the giver's efforts. This can be a graceful way to resolve the situation without causing any awkwardness.
Returning a birthday gift doesn't have to be an uncomfortable or unpleasant experience. By approaching the situation with empathy, gratitude, and open communication, you can navigate the process gracefully and ensure that the relationship with the gift giver remains intact. Remember that birthdays are all about celebrating and cherishing the people in your life, and a thoughtful and understanding approach to returning gifts reflects that spirit of love and connection.
A Guide to Gracefully Returning Birthday Gifts by Funcart offers invaluable insights into handling the delicate task of returning birthday gifts with elegance and tact. This expertly crafted guide, courtesy of Funcart, delves into the art of thoughtful communication, understanding the giver's intentions, and navigating store policies. With a blend of gratitude and honesty, readers are equipped to maintain the spirit of celebration while addressing the occasional mismatched present. Whether through exchanges, store credit, or heartfelt thank-you notes, this guide ensures that relationships remain unharmed, emphasizing the importance of cherishing the people who make birthdays special.
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whosscruffylooking · 3 years
The Purest Things-A New Home
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
a/n: this is a repost considering it didn’t show up in any of the tags yesterday. have i mentioned how much i despise tumblr sometimes :) again, i want to give a special shoutout to @avengersbau for giving me a second set of eyes on this one.
word count: 2k
warnings: canon-typical violence and descriptions of injury.
The Purest Things Masterlist
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gif is not mine! credit goes to @hqtchner
au! october 2007
Bookend: “It’s never too late to become who you want to be. I hope you live a life that you’re proud of, and if you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start over.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald
"I am SSA Hotchner. Welcome to the team Agent Y/L/N," his voice reminds you of the transatlantic accents of Hollywood stars of old. The kind you used to hear in the old black and white movies you would watch as a child.
"It's an honor to be here sir," you stare directly into his brown, soulfully deep eyes.
"J.J., get us started, please," SSA Hotchner suggests.
Sitting down, you look to the screen that displays the frightful footage of bombs detonating in various locations.
"Yesterday, an 81-year-old woman was severely injured when a bomb exploded in the toilet of a women's restroom," J.J. informs.
"Interesting spot to hide a bomb," Agent Prentiss sneers.
Jennifer flips through the slides and shows another bombsight located in a subway station, "Last year a similar bomb that had been attached to a phone box detonated. No outstanding injuries were reported. However, the bombs' similar makeup alerted detectives to dig into other bombings throughout the years. They have positively identified attacks over the past twelve years as perpetrated by the same bomber."
Spencer adds, "His M.O. is similar to George Peter Metesky, better known as the Mad Bomber. He terrorized New York City over a period of 16 years. He planted bombs in theaters, subway stations, libraries, and offices. They were left in phone booths, storage lockers and restrooms."
"Do you think we are looking at a copycat?" Derek questions.
"If we are, we need to stop him soon," declared David.
"He's escalating-becoming bolder and more vicious," you say, scanning the report.
"Tell Boston we can be there by 9:30," Hotch notifies J.J...
"It seems like he's a textbook paranoid schizophrenic. People suffering from this disorder may think that other people are regulating them or plotting against them. They tend to be reclusive, antisocial, and obsessed Hwith hatred for their presumed enemies," you twist a loose string from your shirt around your finger, unwind it, then repeat the process.
It's a nervous tick you developed over the years that has worn down numerous tops before achieving their intended lifespan. You glance at Agent Hotchner, seeking a sign of approval. His eyes meet yours, and he poignantly nods.
Did I say too much? No. Don’t overthink this. They can probably smell fear.
"In his letters left at the bombsights, he uses words like 'broad' and 'chick' to signify women," Dr. Reid chimes in.
"Do you think the unsub is motivated by hostility towards women? "
"It's possible," he continues, "These speech patterns age him significantly, however. Phrases such as these were mainly used in the 30's, 40's, and 50's."
Agent Hotchner begins to delegate tasks before the jet lands, "Morgan and Reid, I want you to head to the bombsights and see if you can't work out the motive. J.J. and Prentiss talk to the victim's families, determine our victimology. Y/L/N, Rossi, and I will head to the precinct and familiarize ourselves with the lay of the land and see if we can't formulate a geographical profile."
At the precinct, you observe Agent Hotchner's ability to singlehandedly transition an entire police force's obligation to under his jurisdiction.
"Captain Moreno, this is SSA David Rossi and SSA Y/F/N Y/L/N," the Unit Chief introduces you.
The captain tilts his head at you, "Aren't you a little young to be in the FBI? How old are you anyway?"
You nail him with a you're-full-of-crap look. 
Everyone gets to be young once; your turn is over, old man.
Choosing to take the high road, you say, "I'd like to get my hands on the bombers handwritten notes. There has to be something in those letters that can give us a clue into the who, what, when, and where of this case."
Skeptical of your request, he narrows his eyes and looks to David and Agent Hotchner.
"You hear her," Dave exclaims, "Lead the way!"
Your enigmatic smirk no doubt gives away the great pleasure Dave's gibe brings you.
"Agent Hotchner," you hand him your preliminary geographical profile. With his arms crossed, he intimidatingly peers into your research.
Don't burn a hole in my paperwork; I worked hard on that.
He is impressed by your work, taking in your comprehensive outline of proof that details the unsubs point of origin. For someone so young, your attention to detail puts even his most observant profilers to shame. "How did you come to this conclusion?"
"My family is from Chicago. When I was little, I used to read through my grandfather's old newspapers that he collected throughout the 1950's. On the jet, I knew some of the phrasings that Dr. Reid was using sounded familiar, so I cross-referenced it with some of the particular articles I remember from my childhood and found his wording to be exact iterations of the Chicago Crier."
Without taking his eyes off of the paperwork, he commends you, "Impressive use of your prior knowledge. Often, the information drilled into us through education is lackluster compared to that of real-world experience."
You turn to walk back to your makeshift desk when he calls out to you, "And Y/L/N, call me Hotch."
Your shoulders relax from the tension you hadn't even realized you'd been clinging onto, "Alright. Hotch."
You immediately regretted your decision. In pursuit of the unsub, you had wandered off down an abandoned subway tunnel and cornered him.
"Harold Watts, FBI. Gently place the remote detonator on the ground," You shout. Grappling to keep your gun from slipping between your clammy palms, you grip the weapon tighter.
Ordinary people's first days of work are uneventful; they're given a series of mundane tasks at most. Me? Of course, my first day involves being secluded in a subway tunnel facing down a man decked from head to toe in explosives and wires.
"D-don't come any closer. I have my finger on the trigger! I'm not afraid to die, and I will not hesitate to take you up in flames with me," he stammers.
The stampede of footsteps, no doubt from your colleagues and half of the Boston police force, resonate through the echo chamber you're standing in. Watts spooks and loses his balance. You begin shouting for the people behind you to stand down.
"The tracks are live, one wrong step, and we all blow up. I repeat, stand down!"
Turning your attention back to Watts, you attempt to soothe his irrationality. You slowly return your gun to its holster, raising your hands up in surrender. Hotch yells something unintelligible from behind you, but your focus is on the unsub and trying to prevent any more casualties.
"Harold, let's just talk this through for a couple of minutes. My men behind me will leave us alone. It's you and me now. Before this, you never wanted to hurt yourself. You wanted to be heard. All of your life you felt like you were forced into the shadows, and you began to fester there in your pain and rage."
He tenses up; you have his attention now.
"Those girls who teased you and ripped your masculinity from you needed to be taught a lesson. But you didn't just stop there; you decided to do all women a favor and demonstrate to them the kind of pain they could cause, hoping to prevent them from making the same mistakes. In fact, you helped me to see what I can do better. I never want to make someone feel the way you did."
"Y-you learned that...f-from me?" Harold quietly sobs.
You nod, "Yes! Yes, Harold. And you can still be heard, but not if you die today. I could be your greatest advocate. If we walk out of here right now, think of how famous you could be. Harold, you will never be stuck in the shadows again."
It is crucial to your survival and your teams that you are brave just long enough to analyze the situation and keep your self-control. Panic won't do anyone any good right now.
Your mouth dries as you await Harold's next move. Suddenly, he hunches over, extending the hand gripping the detonator. Pausing for a moment to be sure he isn't making any drastic moves, you promptly hurry to his side and gently pull it from his clutch.
As the police officers and your colleagues rush to your aid, Harold looks up at you with hopeful eyes.
"Make me famous," he murmurs with a grin that churns your stomach.
Hotch ushers you away from the unsub, backing you up against the wall of the tunnel, "You actively defied my orders."
Searching every inch of his face for an accurate reading of his emotions, you are unsure of how to respond.
"I'd like to think it won't happen again," his eyes studying you just as intently.
You swallow hard, aware of the lump in your throat and take a deep breath, "You have my word, Agent Hotchner."
"Good," he affirms, eventually freeing his hold on your arm.
You let out a shaky sigh of relief and relax your spinning head against the wall.
Opening your eyes, you observe your new team tieing up all loose ends. They're safe. You are safe. Despite this first day not being as mundane as others, you wouldn't have it any other way. This feeling is what you signed up for, and it's already fulfilling you in ways you couldn't fathom before stepping inside the BAU office this morning.
Aboard the jet, you tuck your legs underneath you and open up a book to read.
A cup of steaming hot coffee appears on the table in front of you.
Hotch sits across from you with a similar cup and offers you a subtle smile, "Impressive work out there today. I'm sorry your first day of work couldn't be more eventful."
A joke? I didn't take him as the joking kind.
Rolling your eyes, you put on a disappointed tone, "God...if you guys drag your feet like this every day, I might have to consider a transfer."
In a more serious nature, he asks, "How are you feeling?"
"Alright, I guess. You were right, you know, no amount of studying or lectures can truly prepare you for what it's like when you're staring into the eyes of a killer. I've learned the negotiation techniques and memorized the textbook 'put the gun down' speech, but all of that flies out the window when you're in the moment."
"You will find that improvisation at times is the key to success in this job. Just know that this team is a family. You will never face this alone or be at a loss for anything. Your career is in its infancy, but I can tell you have a long and triumphant journey ahead of you. We will do whatever we can to ensure that you are at home here and can use this team as an opportunity to refine your abilities. All I ask in return is that you work with us, not against us. You have nothing to prove. They see your resourcefulness. So do I. You are one of us now."
Some gazes are the promise of protection; his is all that and more. The words "at home" resonate in your mind. You've spent your whole life searching for a home, and here it is, its doors being opened to you. After a lifetime of running from place to place, perhaps this is where you can finally settle down.
"Get some rest," Hotch whispers to you. And with that, you lean your head against the chilled window and shut your eyes.
Tag List 🏷
@chellybear98​ @destiny-tsukino​ @wanniiieeee​ @sweetiecake180 @vampiracontessa @weexinling​ @spaghetti-dad187 @hothskies @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @mac99martin​ @clairedragonessbaker @cecemariee7302​ @halloweenwithreid @megans-txmblr @theoldestguard @purpledragonturtles​ @chazubagi @frogrrylovebot @agentaaronhotass​ @obsssedwithjustaboutanything @mcntsee @ssagube @softhetixx @kenzies-mr-j @peachyotps @cat11-2 @prettylittlemoonlight @ravenmoore14 @gubs-boobs @spencerreidsoulmate @totalmess191 @hopelesslylosttheway @britishspidey @kyliesalvatore
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Only Time Makes It Human 3
Part 1 | Part 2
A/N: hi and sorry for the long wait, I had to squish my brain real hard to get this chapter out, but I hope you like it, I decided a chapter about growth wasn't enough and y'all gave me an idea for angst so I just splashed it there and we'll delve into it more on the next chapter. 10/10 the idea works well enough for me to bring Levi and reader together even more. So don't call me out on being random. This is raw, un fucking edited, I'll edit later 💗
Pairing: Levi/ Reader
Tags: modern au, college au
Warnings: mentions of blood
Special kudos if you figure out why I used this gif ;)
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The problem with your feet being numb in the morning when you woke up wasn't supposed to phase you as much as it currently did, but the weathering cold that had barged its way to your room silently begged to have you feel something other than the everlasting whirlpool of regret.
Which was -unsurpisingly- something you had been spiraling into a lot lately.
Your ringtone -or rather the caller that had caused it to go off- nontheless remained mercilessly unforgiving to your current condition. The brute vibrations that accompanied your once favorite song ripped through the air and bounced on every wall inside your room before it wooshed inside your eardrums.
You fucking finally had to change that ringtone, you thought.
Your feet, moist and heavy as they buzzed with the aftermath of the coma-like sleep you had just gone through, struggled to wiggle from underneath the comfort of your blankets. Your hands instinctively rubbed the underside of your nose as you sniffled all the cold of the room around you. Throwing the blanket off of you, you groaned at the non stop ringing of your phone.
The few steps to your desk felt like an eternity of having to walk with a badgy weight on your feet, but the faint feeling in your body didnt come to an halt even after you picked the device in your hands. Your eyes couldn’t really adjust well to make out the ID of the caller, of course, sleep hadn't rubbed off your eye lids yet, but still you slid the emerald button to acceptance with no resistance.
“Hey” you sleepingly moaned.
“Hellooo! (Y/n)!” Hange called enthusiastically for the other line, her joyous voice piercing your eardrums “Where are you booo?”
“I just woke up why?” you yanwed.
Pacing your eyes around your room you noticed the dull daylight creeping in through your blinds, signaling the gloom of another potentially snowy day for Trost. You blinked as you took notice of the few articles of soon to reside in the laundry bin clothing as well as the dress that hung from your closet door.
And then, it all snapped.
“Oh. shit!”
Anxiety rushed through you like a bullet to the gut, gushing numbness and waves of cold sweat from the point of impact. Forcefully, you ripped your phone off your ear and double tapped at screen to make it light up. The date read December 25, and below it, laid numerous notifications of your alarm and even a pop up reminder from last night to not forget the food you had to take with you.
Thinking back to that, your head started spinning like crazy, the familiar, yet bizarre feeling of your stomach dropping overtaking you. You hadn't cooked, rather, you had spent all night drinking and sulking on your own, cursing yourself for all your choices up to date.
"Yes, oh shit!” Hnge laughed “Oh! You forgot?”
"Hangeeee stop screaming oh my god no I didn't forget, I'm on my way okay?"
A little yelp came out of your mouth as the cable of your charger prevented you from taking another step closer to your bedroom door; letting out a curse under your breath though you quickly unplugged your phone, and rushed over the mess of your room and out to your living room.
"But you said you just woke up."
"Ahhh," you scratched your head, feeling your loose t-shirt sliding down your shoulder "no!" You said, then in a sterner voice you repeated "No! I uhm, I was just-"
Your poor excuse to communicate after having just woken up didn't startled Hange. If anything, she seemed to find it amusing because she burst into joyous, bubbling laughter at the sound of your despair. And you couldn't blame her for it; were you under any other circumstance you would be laughing with yourself as well.
"It's fine. Erwin and I are making a cake for shorty so if you want to cook here you have plenty of time yet. I'm going to say it though, we could really use your pastry skill."
You let out a sigh as you took your phone off your ear and pressed on the speaker icon. Your hands worked fast to grip onto the hem of your shirt and then, even faster, they managed to pull it off of you in shift movements.
"I'm just going to have a shower, dress up and I'll be on my way. It shouldn't take more than 30 minutes."
Hange exhaled in utter relief through the phone and you could practically feel her sheepish smile as Erwin shouted a big fat 'thank you' from the depths of his kitchen. Bringing out a hand to grap your shower cap -the only shower product you loathed using- you ripped the cap off its place on your cabinet and messily shoved all of your hair in it in rushed movements.
"Got any questions before I hit the shower Hange?"
"Please ask her" Erwin was heard and you cocked your head to the side at the sound.
"No Erwiin, we got it under control okay?"
"No we don't."
Shaking your head to prevent yourself from zoning out, you clicked your tongue before opening your mouth to address your two friends. Asking as to what they were referring to was easy, although it was obvious that Hange felt confident in succeeding in the task Erwin was referring to. Knowing Hange though, you thought you could guess perhaps what exactly was going on.
"Please don't mix food coloring with spinach juice to make the cake green like two years ago."
Erwin's laughter was pretty much evident through the other line as Hange went on blubbering about how she wasn't going to do it again giving extreme emphasis as to why she couldn't understand the reason it tasted bad in the first place but would go with what you said nevertheless. At that point Erwin was laughing hysterically, telling you how Hange was once again, indeed, thinking about it and the sound of his laughter grew even louder than Hange's words.
"Do you have food coloring?"
"Yes Hange I have food coloring."
"Plea-pleaee bring some. Dammit Erwin what's gotten into you- gotta go (y/n) see you in a while."
The beeping sound from the other line left you little to no time to properly reply to your friends with a much wanted greeting, though, you didn't think much of it. You were going to spend the whole day with them, so getting upset over not getting the chance to say goodbye over the phone wasn't something that should have caused guilt to spurt in you.
But surely, this wasn't the only cause of your overly bubbling guilt. The actual cause of the knot in your gut laid to the fact that within the time span of two weeks you had managed to to drag Levi and yourself into a rather steep rabbit hole. There was going to be a serious impact of your relationship with your friends had the two of you made it known to them; everyone would scold you -and they'd be right at that- and maybe this time they'd pick sides as to what wrong or not. And you didn't want that.
Although you secretly wished everyone went with Levi. Or at least you had come to the conclusion that that was what you deserved.
You had been feeling bothered and repulsed by what had caused you to make out with him that night, given the fact that you had been the one that initiated the kiss. And just as much, you had been feeling furious over Levi allowing this to ever happen. But looking back at it now, you couldn't say you regretted getting close to him even in such way. And that was probably the most infuriating thing of all.
Nevertheless, there was also the fact that you would be seeing Levi today and frankly you didn't know what to do with that. Should you act like everything was fine? Should you simply ignore him? Was Petra going to be with him?
Speaking of Petra it would be best if you straight up let her know of what had happened. Acting shady with another woman's man behind her back was outrageous for anyone to do and you hated being in that position like the next person.
Your stomach twisted dangerously at your spiraling thoughts, but you chose to ignore the tight knot, attributing the loud growl you had heard to one caused by your excessive hunger.
Perhaps, your shower was going to help you sort out your thoughts and intentions.
With a twist of your wrist the water started sprinting out of the tap in your shower. Your eyes were fixated on your phone, your thumb roaming through Spotify in hopes to find the perfect song to company your bath with. You simply said good for a Christmas playlist that Spotify suggested, tapping on that, a list of numerous jolly songs popped up in your screen and you simply pressed the big shuffle button before putting your head on your cabinet.
The walk to Erwin's house was very much and as previously expected, quiet. The sidewalks on your way were all covered in sugary white snow, decorating each different apartment complex in the non urban side of Trost along with the standard holiday decorations.
Taking a deep sigh you brought the back of your finger to the metallic button of Erwin's doorbell. Blinking rationally, you looked around at the marble front door frame of his apartment complex, your blood subtly rushing to your feet. You dragged the tip of your combat boot over the snow, curling your toes on the fuzzy material that covered the inside of the shoe.
You were beginning to become impatient as you waited on the doorframe, Erwin was taking way too long to open the door and you were practically freezing out there; the dress you wore did almost nothing to keep you warm. Despite you taking precautions by wearing a cardigan and the leather coat that you had snatched from your brother, the cold still pierced through your sheer black pantyhose, as if your efforts to stay warm were ridiculous.
The sound of footsteps was what startled you next but still your head didn't turn to the source of the buzzing noise. Your nose simply nuzzled to the scarf you had wrapped around yourself as you rubbed your face onto its warm fleece material.
"Uh, hi."
This time you could help but turn around to check who had thrown a greeting at you.
A familiar puff of ginger hair greeted you as you snuck your nose out of the edge of your scarf, two big and round hazel eyes stared right at you as you blinked rapidly back at them.
Great. Just great.
Petra wiggled her nostrils once to the left and then to the right, seemingly scratching the awkwardness in the atmosphere away. She blinked her eyes a few times into yours, her lips pursing together slightly as if she was coming up with a good comeback to your greeting, yet it never came.
"uhm, what's up?"
Your fingers slightly clutched the edges of your coat, crossing over your chest as you felt your jaw start clattering. Your pupils gathered at the corners of your eyes, catching small glimpses of Petra as you eyed her up and down.
She too had opted for a cardigan and a dress. A very safe choice if you were in a place to express your opinion but hers, despite being adorned with numerous tiny and dainty coral and red flowers, looked so thin and tule like and it barely covered her thighs, so much that you felt a pinch of concern run through you that you were slow to decide on whether you wanted to brush off or not.
"I'm.. good." She managed to let out, but you noticed how her lip trembled.
She was definitely shivering, if that wasn't concerning enough you didn't know what was, and she looked so frail and out of place that she could definitely beat you at it. Plus, the lack of a warm jacket struck somewhat of a nerve at you. Even feeling so much guilt over being in her presence you couldn't help but feel your motherly friend instincts wash over you; why wasn't she wearing something warmer? And why were you seconds away from taking off your jacket to offer it to her when you knew she wouldn't even accept it.
"Damn, Erwin's sure taking long, do you want my jacket?"
Once again and mostly out of instinct, your finger tapped over the metallic button, covered by the edge of your sleeve. Suddenly, the familiar buzz of the intercom growled in your eardrum and you shook your head to its direction automatically.
"I'm so sorry!" Erwin said. "Come in!"
"Hey Erwin!" Petra spoke before you had a chance to say your wanted reply.
Even if you couldn't see him, you knew how shocked of an expression he was wearing.
Taking the few steps into the apartment complex's yard, you rushed to the next door and waited for the known buzz which signaled that Erwin had finally let you inside. With awkwardness spread over your face though, you pushed your lips into a thing line, holding the door back as you signaled to Petra that she should be the first to come inside.
"Thank you." She muttered.
"No prob."
You watched as Petra hesitated to push the elevator button; with a set of trembling fingers her palm rested only a few inches before the metallic button that was lit in a red arrow. With another smile you came closer to her and went to check in which floor the elevator was currently at. Whether she flinched intentionally or not, you didn't know.
"Wanna share a lift? It'll be a while till it comes down again." You offered.
"Uhm, yeah okay."
Once she responded, Petra tapped onto the elevator button with her thumb.
Petra looked at you and clung onto the edged of her cardigan once again. You took notice of how she looked a little more casual and unkept, despite being dressed on point; the lack of a jacket and her tousled naturally wavy bob betrayed an unwillingness to be present to today's event and it's was painfully obvious.
"I'd like to" Petra hesitated, "I'd like to talk to you about something."
"Oh sure, what is it about?"
"It's about Levi."
Dead silence fell as Petra didn't dare turn her gaze to your direction. The little screen over the elevator button still showed that your lift was taking long to come down as if it mocked you, but you couldn't find it in you to tap into the button once again.
"Would you like to grab some coffee with me tomorrow?"
To say that you were panicked would be an exaggeration and probably a degradation to Petra's feelings. Her breathing was heavier than your own, frankly because for her it must have been even more uncomfortable than it was for you. You couldn't blame her for that.
Nonetheless you couldn't help but be genuinely curious as to what she had wanted to tell you? It was evident that she knew something. What's slipped you was whether or not she want to bash you for your actions.
She had every right to do so.
"Yeah. Of course, uhh, tomorrow sounds good."
Christmas day wasn't as bad as you had expected it to be when Hange had announced to you that Levi would be coming alone with Petra.
For starters, the food was in plehtora; Erwin had cooked your jolly favorite roasted chicken, Mike and Nanaba had brought an enormous plate of their creamiest, most mouth watering souffle, Levi had made some god tasty pumpkin soup and Hange had taken actually good care of fixing a custom non alcoholic cocktail to each one of you.
All of this drool worthy deliciousness had caused, and non surprisingly at that, your body to submit in that peaceful demi slumber that tagged along with the fullness of your tummy. Frankly, it had been so long since you had enjoyed such a good meal and you didn't think you would be enjoying another one until Mikasa's birthday.
Thus, the cool evening sir that entered the room when Erwin opened the window door to the balcony, found you laying on the floor right next to the tangerine fire that danced in the fireplace. You could faintly feel Nanaba's hand scratch at the roots of your hair, her almond tipped nails slowly running in purringly mellow lines over your sculp that sent you to pure delight.
Levi's eyes danced over your form more than he'd like to admit so. Ever so slightly his pupils would travel up and down your thighs and calfs, examining the material of your sheer back pantyhose but whatever emotion overcame him wasn't the animalistic lust he had expected to feel.
He felt rather guilty. And not only for staring at your legs. For bringing himself upon the situation he was in.
It wasn't easy to think with a throbbing head but in Levi's world this poor condition was translated as a prompt to try to get out of whatever shithole he had found himself in. Maybe. Because there was also a certain part inside of him that bashed him to no end about his previous and degrading actions to both Petra's and his person, which part he completely and rationally justified.
With a quick glance at Petra, Levi brought his hand to his face to hopefully wipe any of the numbness his guilt had got him feeling. Petra seemed to enjoy herself as per usual. With her soft smiles and the mellow sway of her hair over her shoulder, she'd often reach for the hem of her white wooly cardigan to cover her shoulder while cooing into the soft material and onto the side of the couch she was seating in.
It would be hard for anyone to guess that the two of them had broken up.
She was unsurprisingly sitting as far off him as she could; the fact that they hadn't announced to anyone they had broken up because they didn't want the Christmas party at Erwin's to be ruined didn't mean she owned Levi to act like his faithful and bubbly dog.
It happened that night after he had stood her up at the movies.
Levi had gathered all of his determination and had managed to push all thoughts aside from the back of his brain, as he was despairate to ignore that feeling your make out session had brushed on him. He had walked up to Petra, all dissolved and stoic, his chest swelling with anxiety. He had stared at her with an agape mouth, he had been muttering words so honest that he felt were fatally brute and Petra had digested them all without any difficulty.
And before he knew it, he was over and done.
Petra hadn't cried, she hadn't wept, she had only answered him with a smile that she'd rather just be friends with him if things weren't going to work between them.
And to an extended it tortured the ravenette, mostly because he remembered the hurt look in her face before she had managed to hide it with her usual mellow smile.
Taking another sigh, Levi stared at Petra's hand while she played silently with the lettuce hem of her dress. Her hazel orbs were fixed on you, who laid before the fireplace like a stray cat on the tire of car during a snowy day. Levi couldnt exactly place the exact emotion behind Petra's expression, though it would be perceived by most as a saddened one. There were specs of regret gathering at the corners of her eyes, reluctance gathered at her slightly puckered lips and a hint of determination to the front tips of her eyebrows.
Maybe Petra's inner strength was something that Levi deeply admired.
Levi made no effort whatsoever to reach out to her to ask what was going on, not even to show some seemingly convern. The more he looked at Petra, the more it felt utterly wrong for him to simply stand next to her, knowing what he had do behind her back. Whether he loved her or not, it wasn't like him to be caught up in such stupid drama.
Levi looked up to an enthusiastic Hange with much tousled hair and a big grin on her face that spread from one ear to another. With another, more thorough glance, he quickly became aware of the cake in her hands; a cake covered in white frosting, decorated with soft pastel green letters that wrote a simple birthday wish to his person. He couldn't help but let out a sigh.
"For you!" Hange smiled further "Erwiiin, come light up the candles!"
Looking around the room he noticed how all of his friends' gazes were on him. Mike and Nanaba remained cuddled on the couch opposite to the one he was on, Petra was mellowy smiling at his eith her cherry lips pressed into a thin line and you were fiddling with what seating arrangement was most comfortable for you at the moment.
"We're celebrating another year where you went up in age and down in height, how delightful." Mike commented, causing laughter to spark between the small group of people around you.
After the spur of happiness died out your eyes met with Levi's, briefly and then they traveled anywhere else in the room altogether.
"Let's light up the candles!" Smiled Erwin as he flicked the small metallic button of his lighter.
"I don't want too many, shit. The last time you took my lungs out."
"Not our fault that you're old Levi!" You spoke, earning a half smile by the ravenette.
"Very old!" Hange agreed.
"Tch, I'm only turning twenty six shut your shitty mouths!"
The warm light of the fire licked each waxed strip of wick that hung from the candles, illuminating Hange's face in warm orange light. Once done with lighting up the candles, Erwin plopped himself in between Levi and Petra, crossing his hands over his knees as he shifted his bottom in the most uncomfortable seating on a couch you had ever witnessed.
You merely caught a glimpse of Hange kneeling before Levi as you dragged your gaze over to Petra, fixating it on her for the thousandth time this evening.
There only was one thing in your head that bounced between the crevices of your brain like crazy. Just one simple words that held so much behind it.
Tomorrow you were going to apologize to Petra and try to make amends. Being the despicable toxic person you had turned into didn't suit you. Owing up to your mistakes was the first step to redemption and you weren't afraid to take it.
As you fell into a spiral of thoughts and guesses about tomorrow though, you couldn't help but subtly ignore the cheerful sing alone to Levi's birthday song.
"Thank you for coming!"
Petra's hair was messily swaying all over her face, falling a direct victim to the frozen December air, yet she smiled as if nothing was going on.
The park around you was covered in snow. White was primarily the color that was plastered on everything, save for the dry stems of trees that were once covered in forest green leaves.
Your peeping hot coffee did nothing to warm up your hands, despite your best wishes and in the moment you had called victim to some specs of jealousy over Petra's gloved hands as they rubbed soothing over her own coffee.
"Of course, I had been meaning to talk to you as well."
"Oh you did?" Petra spoke with her eyebrows following the little surprise that was masking her tone. "To be honest, I didn't think you'd come."
"Yeah about that-"
"Can I please go first?" Petra cut you off.
Her huge hazel eyes that blinked into yours from your left side left you little to no space to deny her wish. Thus, by taking a sigh, you pushed past the quick beating of your heart and gestured her to go first with a kind smile on your face.
"Okay oof, thanks!" Petra huffed "look. Levi and I broke up. Now I know that you'll say it doesn't concern you, and frankly it'd be ideal if it didn't, but I know it does, because Levi explained to me what happened."
At that Petra slightly paused.
Naturallye first thing that came to your mind was the need to express an apology. Although, you weren't that sure if Petra would perceive the apology as sincere, you felt like you ought to give one to her. Yet her eyes blinked into yours further as she took another turn down the path you were walking on and you wordlessly followed asuit.
"I love Levi you know," she sighed "but Levi loves you. You're not over each other and it's painfully obvious, I mean you did just collided to eachother quite literally, not giving a single care about whether you couldn't have each other or not."
A sheer red colored tint painted your cheeks at her words.
Your skin pricked you, burning up a stingingly painful path to all of the pores on your face as shame took the form of an earth shattering wave. Your heart started heaping beats, hollering into the depths of your chest and you could hear it bounce inside your eardrums as if your whole body was hollow save for the jolting organ and the echo of the sound it made was bouncing around each fleshy wall.
Petra was right and you couldn't help but accept but stand the as she was lightning you with her words.
"It hurts to see that someone that I love doesn't love me back but it hurts more to see that you two are very miserable without eachother. I really thought you were a bitch you know."
At the sound of that, you let out a startled laugh.
"Yeah, you just gave us looks when we'd shoe up together somewhere or you'd simply leave, but I don't like turning my back on people and judging them like that. I'm in no place to judge anyone a coping mechanism."
Petra sighed. Her fingers curled strongly onto her cup, while her left palm went to support the cup by the bottom as she angled it on her lips. She made a tiny gulping noise as she drank a sip from her latte, her nose crinkling up as the hot beverage brushed over her sensitive tongue. In turn, you sipped similarly, mimicking Petra just hoping it would serve as a sign for her to go on with her speech.
"I might be hurt, but I vouch to help you and Levi resolve what's going on and get back together."
"You do?"
"Petra I, I don't know what to say you- you're a literal angel." You admit and the guilt in your stomach only growled in its awakening.
You and Levi had hurt a wonderful person. Petra didn't need to be nice to you, she didn't need to offer to help you with anything but once you made yourself step inside her shoes you were able to see why she had perceived you the way that she initially had.
"I'm sorry."
Your voice was silent and stripped of any emotion other than shame yet Petra was beaming at you in response.
Her warm smile was elegant and comforting as she stared at you, taking another gulp of her drink with a soft giggle. Your eyes were locked with hers, saddened (e/c) irises staring into her hazel ones, as she smiled even more little by little.
It was strange.
There was a different kind of bubbling inside your chest and you knew because your heart wasn't hammering anymore, not was your stomach trying to be ripped apart in tiny pieces after it vored into your other intestines. You felt serene, at peace even.
It clicked to you that this is what must feel to be forgiven.
"It's fine, plus you guys kinda deserve each other." Petra laughed at your chocked inhale, pressing a comforting, gloved palm to your shoulder. "I'd rather find my happiness when I'm not in between two people that struggle to find theirs."
Petra nuzzled to the comfort of her jacket, giving you a scrunched up bunny smile. You knew it's not that she hoped you could be best friends after this. She simply wanted to make sure that she could do her best to help two people find happiness. And it wasn't all that bad, you figured. You didn't know what you would do were you in her place.
In a way, you admired Petra for being so strong.
"Besides, girls shouldn't bring down other girls."
"Yeah, and I'm sorry about what I did behind your back. I own up to my mistake. I can't take it back but I can promise that I won't become this toxic ever again."
You shot an apologetic side smile at her as you followed her tracks.
Taking a new look in your surroundings, you deeply inhaled the cold air, filling your lungs in shivering winter freshness. A few specs of snow were adorning Petra's hair as the fell from the sky in a dainty manner, licking the stray threads that popped from her wooly gloves.
There definitely was a commotion a few blocks away. You could hear sirens go off not so far from your spot but you chose to ignore them, it was typical for a city person to filter out unnecessary noise, and having to live in Trost added tons to what you had to filter or not.
"It's December twenty six and the two is back to being a Mayhem." Petra sighed.
"It's like we're Gotham or some shit."
"Gotham?" Petra blinked at you, earning a gasp from you.
"Step one to being the friend of someone who's majoring in comics-"
"Oh, friends yay!"
Shaking your head, to ignore the child like enthusiasm, you continued, "Please know the most well known fictional city, it's Batman's city too."
"OH!" Petra's mouth fell agape as she took in the information, but she quickly giggled again as she saw that you easily took a gulp of your beverage "you're right."
For what seemed like a second you felt at peace once again. Petra bubbled about how she wanted to apologise to Levi about her rather cold behavior last night, and explained in the most non detailed way how it was the memory of the passing of her mother that had caused her to become this grumpy.
"Don't worry Petra! But beware, you could be turning into Levi version two point oh and-"
A loud sound startled you, sending both you and Petra back a few steps. Dumbfounded, you stared at each other and around you, locking eyes with different by passers that were just as shocked as you.
"Maybe we should go back!" Petra suggested. You simply nodded, hearing a good amount of running footsteps coming to the direction of the block you were in. In any way, getting caught up with a manhunt wasn't in your plans for today
"Yeah maybe we shou-"
Your words were cut off absurdly, harshly and shockingly all together. As gunmetal orbs locked with yours, your eyelids shot open, hour mouth dropping to the snow covered concrete.
Wait, Levi? That was actually so random
Before you could manage to process what was going on around you, or why on earth Levi had just popped up from the alley right across you another head splitting sound filled the air.
Levi -yes, this was indeed Levi, you just didn't really know how to process this- collapsed on his knees like a rag doll, his torso and head giving in to the exhaustion of his body. Once he fell, you stood frozen, shieldimg Petra with one hand as the two of you watched in horror while crimson started littering the sugary snow.
"Call an ambulance." You spoke dryly, eyes still wide with horror.
The people who had seemed to be after Levi quickly fell onto the hands of the hands of a handful of police men who were on their tracks, but you couldn't care to look at their faces. You just run towards Levi, always followed by a petrified Petra, your feet giving in as you kneeled right next to him, your fingers gingery ghosting over him just to inspect what was his condition.
You listened as Petra spoke with the emergency center in horror, explaining what was the scene before her eyes while struggling to keep herself from trembling.
"What's going on?" Shy muttered once she detached the phone off her ear.
"I'm pretty sure now is not the right time for a story, but Levi used to be in a street gang in his teens."
"Oh boy."
Oh boy indeed.
Here's your gentle reminder that constructive criticism makes me cry because I'm a baby
Taglist: @sasageyowrites @liddolwhynot2000 @ackermans-freedom-inc @callmepromise @nobody-knows-anymore @levisbrat25 @thethyri @hawkssnugget @berrijam @melancholicmonologue
128 notes · View notes
patchofsunlight · 3 years
Stand You | Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
SUMMARY: Bakugou insists he can’t stand stupid Y/N, even while he changes his entire routine to fit her in it.
WARNINGS: if this doesn’t show up on tags for the fifth time i will simply give up on it, cursing, bakugou is a lil bitch but he’s also a softie, there’s a nosebleed at one point but nothing concerning tbh, aizawa and recovery girl find young love amusing, shouto is baby
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Y/N wasn’t sure of exactly when she started thinking of Bakugou Katsuki as a friend. Maybe it had been during their first year, after the first time he allowed her to join his study group alongside Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, and Mina; or maybe it had been a bit later, when she hugged him tight in the middle of a crowd, almost as if she could squeeze the pain being kidnapped by the League of Villains had brought him, and he let her — while All Might fought his last battle and all of Japan feared for its future, Bakugou let her hold him.
She was deeply aware of the fact he tolerated her at best, as he made that abundantly clear every chance he got. He didn’t exactly hate her presence, but she was on thin fucking ice, and, even though Y/N knew this, she still managed to somehow develop a crush on the angry ash blond, like the stupid idiot she was.
It was ridiculous, to be honest, especially considering how there was no way he would ever feel the same. She would go as far as saying he didn’t even know her name — “Stupid,” he called her (how enchanting!) —, so, yeah, there was absolutely no possibility of her feelings being reciprocated in any way, and the dumb hug they shared was nothing but a coincidence. He was a bit shaken, a bit shocked, and those few warm minutes didn’t really mean anything.
Y/N didn’t mind. She was okay being Bakugou’s friend, satisfied with study group meetings and the occasional sparring. That way, at least, she could be sort of close to him, and that was pretty much enough.
Katsuki wasn’t sure of exactly when he had stopped thinking of Y/N L/N as another stupid extra. Maybe it had been when he found himself walking a little slower while she accompanied him towards class, or maybe it had been a bit earlier, when she hugged him tight in the middle of a crowd, almost as if she could squeeze the pain being kidnapped by the League of Villains had brought him, and he let her — while All Might fought his last battle and all of Japan feared for its future, Bakugou let her hold him.
He didn’t particularly like her. She talked too much, too fast, too loud; she insisted on walking him to and from the dorms everyday; and she was weak, stupid, useless. To be completely fair, Bakugou would say he despised her.
And yet, he found himself around her way more often than necessary.
“Hey, Bakugou, wait up! Let’s walk together!”
He groaned loudly at the sound of her voice, having been hopelessly hoping she wouldn’t be able to catch up. 
“Fuck, no. Get out of my way, Stupid!”
He slowed down nonetheless, soon walking by her side. Her smile was bright and excited as she kept on blabbering about something Kirishima had done when they were paired up on training that day.
He couldn’t fucking stand her.
“— and then he threw me off the training mat so easily! Who taught him how to do that? I wanna do that!”
“I don’t give a fuck, Stupid.”
“— but I won the second time we sparred, so I guess we’re even. It was fun.”
Y/N never seemed bothered by his harsh words. In fact, she usually either ignored them altogether, unfaltering and patient, or laughed and added some opinion of her own to his rage. It was maddening — she couldn’t take a hint.
Moments like this were common, almost routine. If Bakugou didn’t know better, he would’ve thought the girl had taken quite a liking to him. It was an obvious conclusion, considering she was always around him in some way or another, trying to spark up friendly conversation and letting him know how her day went.
(It was so, so calming to have her here like this. He would never admit it, but hearing Y/N’s endless rants brought him a sense of security he had never really felt before. She talked too much, that was for sure, yet he didn’t really care. It was okay if it was her.)
He couldn’t fucking stand her.
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“Come on, try again. We’ve gone through this already.”
“I can’t, Bakugou. I—I’m sorry.”
The ash blond sighed, running a hand through his hair. The bite to his tone had disappeared after a couple of hours, red gaze intensely attentive to the frustrated tears gathering in the girl’s eyes. Every other student had gone back to their dorms, and the librarian seemed very intent on shooting the duo angry looks as if to tell them to hurry up and leave already, finally allowing their long afternoon shift to end.
“Yes, you can. I know you can. Try again, you’re almost fucking there.”
Katsuki had never been good at positive reinforcement. He was better at screaming and cursing and insulting, and, yes, he had tried that with Y/N a thousand times before, but he could see how hard she was trying. He noticed how disappointed and tired she was, and he couldn’t find it in himself to be anything less than what he recognized as incredibly soft. He was glad they were the only ones in the library — he wouldn’t know how to explain himself if anyone saw him like this, watching this random girl who he refused to call a friend mess up her homework in various different ways, talking quietly to stop her from crying.
“We don’t have all fucking day, Stupid. You can do this, go on.”
Yeah, definitely not good at positive reinforcement.
“Okay,” she inhaled deeply, pencil moving slowly through the paper, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. 
There was a slight crease between her brows as she worked, and Bakugou felt the sudden urge to rub it away, which he rejected immediately. That was ridiculous! There was no reason for things like this to plague his mind — L/N Y/N was an idiot, and he didn’t deliberately think about her in any way, form, or universe. She wasn’t worthy of his thoughts.
“Is this it?”
His attention immediately returned to the equations and messy notes on her notebook while he looked it over, a surprised glint taking his eyes.
“Yeah, that’s basically it. It could be better, but you got it right.”
“I did?”
“You did. I told you you could do it, Stupid.”
Katsuki choked on his own air when the girl jumped towards his place on the table, hugging him tightly by the neck while spouting a great variety of thank you’s and praise, disrupting the angry librarian. Bakugou could feel his cheeks heat up under the worker’s glare, both with irritation born from their silent attitude and from the weird warmth growing in his chest at Y/N’s attention. 
It was the first time she hugged him since the kidnapping accident, and it felt different. It wasn’t a comfort hug like last time, no — it was almost like she had been so happy she couldn’t stop herself from touching him, and that thought alone was enough to send sirens flaring inside his head. Every single inch where her skin touched his seemed to tingle, a calming sensation flowing through his body.
He instantly decided he hated the feeling, pushing her off harshly but still a tad more carefully than he would’ve if it was anyone else.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, no need to freak out. Let’s just get done with this already and go back to the dorms.”
She smiled widely as she picked her things up, shoving them inside her backpack and patiently waiting for him to do the same. Strangely, the explosion boy couldn’t find it in himself to meet her eyes, avoiding the light blush he feared would coat his features when he saw her staring at him like that, with that pretty — no, not pretty, no, he didn’t think she was pretty in anyway — with that stupid smile on her face.
“I’m glad we can walk back together,” the girl declared cheerfully the moment they left the big and lonely library, strolling through the empty path side by side, the sun nowhere to be seen. “It’s late already.”
“Whatever,” he groaned back, refusing to look at her yet still maintaining a pace he was sure she could keep up with.
He couldn’t fucking stand her.
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Bakugou felt hyper-aware of every movement beside him. For a few days now, his heart would pump a bit faster whenever she smiled, and his skin would crawl with what he could only describe as the craving to have her hold him again.
It made him weak, and he wouldn’t have it. Bakugou Katsuki was a lot of things, but he refused to be weak.
Specially because of someone like Stupid.
“What grade did you guys get on last week’s math test?”
They always sat next to each other during lunch. It wouldn’t be that bad if it wasn’t for how her knee touched his ever so softly, her body too close for comfort because of Kaminari’s presence on her other side, pressing onto her enthusiastically each time he spoke. Kirishima had asked her once if she wanted him to exchange places with the electric boy, but she simply laughed it off — Kaminari’s manners were endearing, in a way. For some reason, those words gave Katsuki the urge to break Kaminari’s nose.
“I got an 87,” Y/N declared, delight dripping from her words while she played with the food on her plate.
“Y/N!” Mina’s smile was so big it almost didn’t fit on her face. “That’s almost 30 marks higher than you got on our last test!”
“I know!” Bakugou scowled at her excitement before she turned her head to look at him, a sunny grin directed entirely to him, stealing all the air from his lungs. “Bakugou is an amazing tutor!”
“Damn right I am,” he managed to rasp out, clearing his throat loudly before shoving a bunch of spicy noodles in his mouth. Kirishima and Sero exchanged a look.
He would never admit it, the raw pride that consumed his chest at her happiness. He knew how hard she had worked for that test, and was glad to see it went even better than she expected. 
“Maybe now you could tutor me, Y/N,” Kaminari wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, causing a laugh to escape the girl’s lips while she turned away from Katsuki to stare at him.
“I would love to, but I’m pretty sure I would make your grades even worse.”
“Hey,” Bakugou barked angrily, fighting off the blush creeping up his ears, “don’t sell yourself short, Stupid. You’re not that much of a dumbass.”
A heavy silence fell down on the group, surprised stares pointed to the ash blond. He could feel his stomach twist in anger at the unwanted attention, yet something about the way her smile widened at his words caused his irritation to decrease exponentially.
“What are you idiots staring at?” he lashed out despite the calm settling inside his heart at the sight of her, rolling his eyes at the bunch of morons he called his friends.
“No, nothing,” Kaminari’s voice was high-pitched in obvious lying that brought out snickers from everyone else on the table but Bakugou himself. “Nothing.”
“It better be nothing, Dunce Face, or I’ll kill you.”
“Of course,” Kirishima bit down on his lip to contain his laughter, “don’t worry about it, Bakubro.”
The day went by slowly and way more often than not Bakugou found himself stealing glances towards where he knew Y/N’s seat was. There was a weird whispering in the back of his head, reminding him of how her arms felt around him when they hugged in the library the week before, reminding him of the warmth that invaded his skin and implanted itself in his brain, reminding him of how bright her smiles were and how nice her laughter sounded.
Oh, there was something wrong. Did she have some sort of secondary quirk guilty of making him feel like this? Never before had he ever given her much thought, even though he had to admit his mind wandered to her sometimes and he did try to somehow be nicer to her, but it wasn’t because he cared for her or anything, right? Of course not! He just thought she wouldn’t be able to take his usual self and he didn’t want to deal with her crying or whatever. It wasn’t because he cared about what she thought of him, hell no! Bakugou didn’t waste his time worrying about others, that wasn’t like him at all.
Bakugou Katsuki didn’t think about L/N Y/N, he didn’t, he wouldn’t.
The ash blond forced his gaze away from her once more, trying to make sense of what should’ve been neat notes instead of the mess of scribbles staring right back at him. He snarled to himself, immediately considering his disorganization as entirely her fault. How dare she play with him like this? How dare she think herself worthy of his time like this?
He couldn’t stand her.
And yet, less than two hours later, there he was, listening to her rant about this one movie she desperately wanted to watch while they walked beside each other after class. It would be so easy for Bakugou to pick up his pace and leave her alone, but his body refused to obey his mind’s wishes, and so he kept himself slow enough for her to stay with him.
He couldn’t fucking stand her.
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His whole body was sore, barely able to move his arms after overusing his quirk all evening. Bakugou knew he shouldn’t push himself this hard, but he refused to falter, refused to stay behind and risk being weak again. He needed to get stronger, smarter, and, for better or for worse, that involved long training hours. 
The path back to the dorms was strangely lonely without a certain girl keeping him company — not that Katsuki minded, he obviously didn’t. Some loneliness was very much appreciated after the last couple of weeks, which were filled with study group sessions and stupid walks. 
He sighed heavily when the 2-A dorm finally came into his range of vision, causing his tired figure to relax. He was almost there — he would soon be able to eat something, take a nice shower, and then fall straight into bed. He would soon be able to rest, and that was the only thing in his mind.
The ash blond kicked his shoes away the moment he reached the door, tossing them aside without a second thought. 
He would’ve liked to say he bee-lined to the kitchen.
He didn’t.
“Stupid, what the fuck are you doing?”
Y/N looked up from the common room coffee table, startled by the sudden interruption. She studied him for a second before answering, “I’m just looking over some homework. Why? Did something happen?”
He grunted in distaste, unable to stop himself from sitting down next to her on the couch. Every single one of his muscles felt like it was on fire from overexertion.
“It’s fucking late. Didn’t we study yesterday? Did you even have dinner yet?”
She tensed slightly at his angry questions, returning her stare towards the papers in front of them. “Yeah, but I just thought it’d be good to go over everything once more. I’ll just eat some crackers for dinner, it’s fine,” she shrugged nonchalantly, missing the way his eyebrows furrowed at her words, “where were you anyway?”
Katsuki simply rolled his eyes, arms crossed. “It’s none of your fucking business, Stupid. And you can’t have crackers for dinner, that’s not a proper meal.”
“What are you gonna do about it, Bakugou? Will you cook me dinner?” Her tone was teasing, joking, but he stood up immediately, snatching all the papers and notes from her and walking to the kitchen without a second of hesitation. “Hey, what the fuck!”
“Come with me already, you dumbass,” he snarled angrily, a tint of red covering his cheeks, “what do you want to eat?”
Her voice suddenly went soft, “Bakugou, I was kidding. You don’t need to get me dinner, I can just heat up some ramen or—”
“Shut the fuck up, Stupid. I was already going to cook dinner for myself anyway.”
He wasn’t, actually. He planned on eating leftovers from lunch, but he knew there wouldn’t be enough leftovers for both of them, and it was good to prepare some lunch for the next day, anyway. It wasn’t like he was doing it for her, of course not! It was just… Mutually beneficial. Yeah, it was mutually beneficial, not—not special treatment. He didn’t care about Stupid, he didn’t.
“Can I help with anything?” she asked nervously, face flushed from bashfulness and hands fidgety. Katsuki shook his head, ignoring the twitching pain on his forearms as he stirred the pot.
“Just sit down and wait.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N bit her lower lip with furrowed brows. “You seem tired, I don’t want you to do everything by yourself.”
An angry remark sat on the top of his tongue, but the ash blond hesitated. Well, if she helped with the simpler things this would be done faster, and he could go back to his room and rest earlier. Besides, the idea of cooking and spending time with Y/N in the kitchen caused some type of warmth to take over his chest — a warmth that wasn’t exactly insufferable.
It felt strangely soothing, hearing her hum while slicing vegetables and waiting for the noodles to cook through. It felt even more strangely soothing to sit before her on the kitchen table, staring anxiously while she took the first bite of his food. The worst, however, was the way her smile brightened up the room when she started rambling about how good it tasted and how much of a good cook he was and how he now had to cook for her more often. He disagreed loudly, the tip of his ears burning with embarrassment, saying he didn’t cook for her — he cooked for him, and she just happened to be there too. She cackled, and his heart seemed to burn.
He couldn’t fucking stand her.
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Seventeen minutes. Y/N was seventeen minutes late.
Had she forgotten about it? God, she was the one who brought it up in the first place, and now she was the one making him wait. Katsuki felt incredibly stupid sitting in his dorm floor, a bunch of her favorite snacks neatly organized next to the nightstand and pillows on the ground for them to sit on. It was supposed to be a study date or whatever, even though he repeatedly refused to call it that (“it’s not a date, Stupid, it’s just one of our homework sessions like always!”). 
They had been spending a lot of time together between studying at the library, walking to the dorms, and cooking and eating dinner, and Bakugou had to admit he didn’t absolutely hate it. Don’t get him wrong, Y/N was still annoying and stupid and insufferable but—but something about her made him come back every single time, ignoring the knowing looks from his friends and the snickers from his classmates.
Despite his anger, a bit of worry started to blossom inside the boy’s chest. Stupid Y/N (and he hated how affectionate the mean nickname sounded to himself at this point) was rarely late — he had been seeing her after school hours enough to know. The girl was always on time and, when she wasn’t, she made sure to let others know why.
There was no text from her, though, and it made his fingers twitch uncomfortably with the urge to make a phone call and check if everything was alright.
Not that he cared if she was alright or not, because he didn’t. She was just—just some girl who decided to invade his life with no permission whatsoever and then stayed. He didn’t care about her.
And yet— 
“IcyHot? What are you doing with Y/N’s phone? Where the fuck is she?”
Bakugou couldn’t muster any reason for why Todoroki would’ve been the one to pick up the call instead of her. They weren’t even friends! Yes, they knew each other and he was vaguely aware of the fact the two had sparring sessions every once in a while, but not enough so for Todoroki to feel comfortable using her phone or for Y/N to bail on their study date.
“Oh, Bakugou,” Shouto’s tone was as casual as always, almost as if this was a common occurrence (which it wasn’t), “hey. Y/N is with Recovery Girl right now. She got into a fight, but she is okay, just a few cuts and bruises. I was the one to stop the fight, so Aizawa asked me to wait around while she gets checked up on. Do you want me to tell her anything?”
Bakugou had been out the door when he heard the words “Recovery Girl”, speed walking to the nurse’s office while Todoroki rambled. He could feel his heart picking up its pace. Why would Y/N get into a fight? God, this wasn’t like her, and the prospect of someone purposely picking a fight with her filled him with the most raw type of anger possible.
“What the fuck did she get into a fight for?” he voiced his concerns, and he was pretty sure Todoroki just shrugged.
“These two boys were saying things about—”
“Todoroki? Who are you talking to?”
“Miss L/N, I’m still not done with you—”
Katsuki furrowed his brows at the commotion heard from the other end. He could easily recognize her voice, even though it sounded raspy and tired, but the next bit of conversation was too muffled for him to understand. The future hero could already see Recovery Girl’s office a few meters away, and it made him walk a bit faster.
“Give me the phone, Todoroki.”
“Miss L/N, you are still bleeding—”
The door opened violently. Y/N met Bakugou’s glare and felt a bad shiver go down her spine.
Shit, they were supposed to have that study date today. God, did he come all the way over there just to scold her? 
Heavy silence fell over the small group of people. Aizawa and Recovery Girl exchanged a quick look, the small lady’s arm still extended towards the girl in a failed attempt to grab her and drag her back to the hospital bed, even though she was definitely not as hurt as they made her out to be. Yes, she had a bunch of nasty bruises after throwing hands with two random guys from the year above her, and, yes, her nose hadn’t stopped bleeding yet, but she was mainly okay. Todoroki had gotten there pretty quickly and stopped her from making things worse, so she was fine.
“What the fuck did you do, Stupid?”
Yeah, he definitely went all the way there to scold her.
“Uh. Now, that’s a good question!” She consciously chose to ignore the smirk on Aizawa’s face, pulling her phone from Todoroki’s grip a bit more violently than necessary. “You see, I’m sorry for my tardiness, I know we had plans, we still can—”
“I asked you what the fuck you did, Stupid. I’m waiting for my answer.”
“Miss L/N picked a fight with two third years after hearing them talk about one of her colleagues in public. Thankfully, Mr. Todoroki intervened,” their teacher cut in, crossing his arms and staring as the girl cleaned up a stray drop of blood on her lips with the back of her hand. “She’ll be getting a written warning and will hopefully stay out of trouble.”
“Yes, sir,” she muttered, frowning when Recovery Girl started fussing over her again, sticking band-aids all over the small cuts on her face. Y/N had refused to accept Recovery Girl’s quirk treatment, aware that she was very busy and that it wasn’t necessary for the school nurse to tire herself out for just a few bruises. She was so intent on glaring at her elders that she didn’t notice the worry swimming in Bakugou’s red gaze.
“Good. Can you two get her back to the dorms?”
“Yes, I—”
“Fuck off, IcyHot, I’m taking her back by myself. Find something to freeze or whatever.”
Katsuki grabbed her by the arm, dragging her out of Recovery Girl’s office without a second’s worth of hesitation. He wouldn’t even look at her, fuming the whole way to the dorms. Still, he walked slow enough for her to not struggle to keep up.
“Are you mad?”
He snickered humorlessly, “of course I am, Stupid. How the fuck did you get yourself into this? And you fucking left me waiting, too, you idiot.”
Usually, Y/N didn’t care about his harsh words. Y/N didn’t mind his angry remarks. This time, however, she felt tired, and she had just gotten into a fight because of him, so she refused to take it. She had tried so hard to get close to him, to make him like her. The girl could feel tears gathering in her eyes from fury and sadness — how stupid was she to actually believe he would ever like her, be it as a friend or more? She should’ve known better. Dinner and studying and walking together meant nothing to him. She was just a bother, and she should’ve noticed earlier.
Y/N halted, pulling her arm away from his hand with rage and deception coating her every feature, “shut the fuck up, Bakugou. I don’t have to give you any explanations, you piece of shit. If you’re so pissed about it, why don’t you just leave me alone, huh? I’m done keeping up with your bullshit. I always try to be a good friend to you and you just keep doing this! You keep pushing me away and treating me like an idiot, and I deserve more than that!”
The explosion boy had a crease on his forehead, a cold feeling going through his body. The angry look in her eyes was something he didn’t recognize, and suddenly she felt so unreachable, so far away. He quickly decided he hated it.
Why did he hate it, though? They had nothing to do with each other. They were barely friends. Wasn’t this what he wanted? He couldn’t fucking stand her, he didn’t care about her. This was what he had wanted for months now — for her to tell him to leave, for her to not stand him too. Why did it feel so wrong, then? Why did he feel the urge to collect her in his arms like she loved to do with him? Why did he just want to hold her and tell her he was worried and that he couldn’t wait to spend more time with her, that he couldn’t wait for their stupid study date? And, yeah, it could be a date if she wanted it to. God, he’d accept any name or title she gave their meetings if only they could go on forever.
How long had this been going on? When did she make him so attached to her? Why hadn’t he noticed it before?
“Fuck you, Bakugou,” she muttered, slightly out of breath after her short outburst, face dark with frustration, “those idiots were talking about you and about how you should be a villain or whatever, and I got mad. That’s how I fucking got myself into this, because I care about you. Thanks for caring, asshole.”
The girl turned to walk away, and panic bloomed in the boy’s chest. He didn’t know why exactly, but he knew he couldn’t let her leave. He couldn’t let her leave him, couldn’t let her think he didn’t care, because he was just now seeing he did — so, so much. Of course he cared about her and all her silly manners that made their way into his heart and stayed there, on the edge of conditioning him to feel better whenever she was around. Of course he cared about her and the study dates and the sparring sessions and all the stories she loved to tell, of course he fucking did. Of course.
Katsuki was quick to grab her arm again, pulling her so close to him their chests bumped. Y/N furrowed her brows in confusion.
“Bakugou, what the fuck are you—”
“I like you. I really—I really do,” he shook his head, trying to gather his own feelings. “A lot. I was worried. I’m sorry.”
Y/N blinked.
“You were worried? About me?”
“Yes,” he scratched the back of his neck, looking away to hide his blushed cheeks, which didn’t go unnoticed by her attentive eyes. A smile played on the corners of her mouth, and Y/N let herself enjoy the rapid bumping of her heart, the flustered sight of the one boy she had fallen for. Flustered because of her. She could feel a rush of confidence building inside her chest. “I guess… I guess I care about you, too. Even if you’re absolutely insufferable,” he added clumsily, causing her smile to widen considerably, “I can’t fucking stand you, to be honest. You annoy me to no end.”
“Now do I?” she took a step closer, so close that he could feel her breath on his face and it made his head spin. “You don’t seem very annoyed to me, Bakugou.”
“Katsuki,” he corrected thoughtlessly, feeling his face warm up even more when he took notice of his own words.
“Right,” Y/N nodded, smirk on her face, “Katsuki, then.”
He opened his mouth to make a mean remark that would push her away enough to give him space to breathe, but he was suddenly interrupted by her lips on his. Before he could register it, she was gone, speed walking back to the dorms. After a few shocked seconds, he started running after her, calling her name angrily and trying to conceal the dark red on his face, neck, and ears.
“Hey, come back here, Stupid! What the fuck was that?”
Bakugou couldn’t have ignored the way his heart fluttered at the sound of her laugh even if he tried, a lazy smile taking over his lips immediately.
“I can’t stand you either, Katsuki.”
“Oh, shut up.”
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118 notes · View notes
adonis-koo · 4 years
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| 13 |
↳ Summary: You came with the intentions of your best friend landing a job as a stripper. You never meant to catch the eyes of the king stripper of the establishment- Jeon Jungkook, yourself. With what was supposed to be a harmless way of paying off college debt faster you find yourself falling into a very odd and passionate relationship with your new mentor. Between infidelity, passion and jealousy there’s never a dull moment at Cherry Bomb.
↳ Pairing: Stripper!Jungkook/Reader
↳ Genre: Smut, fluff, angst, drama, slice of life, relationship problems without the relationship, reader is such a shy baby protect her, MUTUAL pining, so much sexual frustration,  
Word Count: 12k
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Song Mood
Tags: dirty talk, vibrator toy, soft dom!jungkook, daddy kink, thigh riding, begging, penetrative sex, praise kink, the amount of pet names Jungkook uses should honestly be illegal, overstimulation, considerably soft sex, bondage, nipple play, semi dry humping, breathplay, heavy degradation: bitch, whore, slut etc, hair pulling, MC tries to be a brat and quickly finds out that’s a bad idea, rough manhandling, backtalking, pussy slapping, possession kink, punishment, size kink, I guess it’s a little late to clarify: hard dom!jungkook, spanking, vaginal fingering, humiliation, finger fucking, piss kink I’m sorry guys TwT, it’s really not that bad, MC wets herself :(, cock slapping, oral (m & f receiving) cock worship, deepthroating, in conclusion, don’t be a brat
Warning: This story touches on both sexual harassment and abuse, please read with caution if any of these things are triggers to you. Additional warnings will be given when a chapter presents them.
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Who knew you could be so excited to wake up on two hours of sleep if you had the right motivation. Jungkook for once was acting like a zombie, forcing himself into the shower as you packed your clothes, he had insisted he stay the night at your house so you could get packed up given all that was left was to stop by his apartment and get his suitcase. But still! Despite his constant worry for this weekend you couldn’t help but feel a little excited.
You would be going to Las Vegas, every stripper's dream. Not only that but you’d be arriving earlier to check into your room and get prepared for the weekend, maybe excited wasn’t the right word but it was the only one you could think of. Shoveling last night's late night dinner left overs into your mouth as you danced around the room, Lana Del Rey shamelessly blaring on your speaker, “You got me spinnin’ like a ballerina!”
Jungkook leaned against the doorway, wet hair and a chuckle escaping his lips at the way you pounced around in his sweatshirt, suddenly turning around as your lips quivered into a pout, the sun had barely risen and blue light filled the room yet you could still make out his amused expression as you whined, “Hey don’t laugh at me! This is a good song-” Grabbing his hands you bounced around while fumbling with the lyrics, “You’re the bad boy that I always dreamed of, you're the king and baby I’m the queen of disast- Ow! Koo!” You suddenly whined as he ruffled your hair while laughing.
“You’re so adorable you know that princess?” Jungkook cooed, despite his worry he couldn’t help but smile at your excitement for the trip, whining you tried to push him away as he peppered your hair in kisses, “Need help packing anything?”
Pulling away a little you gave it some thought as he pushed the messy locks of hair from your face as you animatedly puckered your lips in thought, “Oh I know, can you get my laptop charger from my nightstand?” You squeezed out of his arms as you opened the middle drawer of your dresser, hunting down the black mini skirt you were positive you had put in here.
Humming to the music Jungkook walked over as he kneeled down, “Which drawer?” He called out as you huffed in frustration, struggling to close the drawer before opening the top on, this was where your tops where, surely it couldn’t have been up here right?
Unfocused you called back, “Uh- bottom drawer?” Gnawing on your lip you gasped at the sight of the black material you had been searching for, triumphantly pulling it out as you turned around to face Jungkook. Your face suddenly draining at the sight before fumbling, “W-wait…! Not that...drawer....”
“Oh my god.” Jungkook whispered, as you immediately folded into yourself wanting nothing more than to disappear into the void as you set the skirt on the dresser. It was quiet for another moment before you dared to look up again before crying up in embarrassment, “No! Jungkook put that down…! Hey stop laughing!”
You stomped your feet as Jungkook howled out laughing while examining your vibrator, “Holy shit, is this why you’ve been so broke? Babydoll you could have just told me,” You facepalmed as you covered your cheeks, you had accidentally told him the wrong drawer, thus leading him to the discovery of your mass collection of vibrators that you accidentally gained.
“Jungkook…! It’s embarrassing!” You whined stamping your feet again as you turned back around, flustered to hear him howling with laughter again.
Gagging on his own words he inhaled deeply to try and contain himself, “More embarrassing than me finding out you have a toy kink? Jesus baby, these aren’t cheap either, I mean, magic wand, lenina, gess ava.” He let out a whistle as you whined, turning to face him once more looking like a lost puppy, “If you were that needy you should’ve just came to me sweetheart, you know I would’ve been more than happy to help.” He tutted as he stood up fully letting his finger drag against the pastel blue silicon as he licked his lips, “Could’ve done me a favor and sent me a video at least. Bet you look hot as fuck with your legs spread fucking yourself with it.” Your thighs were beginning to become weak and your core becoming hot and sticky as you whined softly, Jungkook menacingly backing you against the wall before pressing a forearm to halfway cage you, “Did you think of me princess?”
Your body was trembling at the sound of him clicking the vibrator to life, the lowest setting humming softly in the silence of the room as he let it drag along your throat slowly, “Asked you a question kitten,” Jungkook’s voice lowered and deepened a little as he growled softly, “Did you think of daddy while playing with yourself?”
“Y-yes daddy.” You whimpered quietly, lips trembling as he circled it softly against your chest, clicking it up a higher setting that caused the hum to become a little harder, the thrum louder and his expression all the more intimidating.
Licking his lips Jungkook finally let a crooked smirk tug on his lips as he dragged the toy down your chest, “Why didn’t you tell daddy baby? You know he loves to play with you princess, loves making that tiny little pussy feel good.” Your hips were beginning to needily buck into the air between you both, having long since felt him and the strong desire to feel him again. Vibrators had been a temporary fix as you had been complaining to Rosé that your fingers just weren’t enough anymore, that’s when she suggested trying a vibrator. And one thing turned into another, and you wanted to explore all different kinds, sizes and shapes.
“Mmm daddy,” You whined softly, your eyes beginning to look doe like and watery when you were being teased, Jungkook clacked his tongue as you obediently answered, “Didn’t wanna bother you, please.”
As reward he slotted his thigh between your legs, your body eagerly grinding against it as you moaned softly, your panties soaked and his sweatshirt riding up to your hips as your clit rubbed in friction with his thigh as you whined softly. Jungkook grabbed onto your chin as he forced you to look at him, “Kitten you’d never bother daddy, look at you all needy for daddy, were toys not enough for that little clit?”
You choked a whine at the thrum of the toy dragging against your stomach, clicking up to the next setting causing the vibration to thrum strongly along your covered skin as your hips excitedly bucked against his thigh, your clit rubbing down and your soaking cunt beginning to form a wet patch over his joggers, “N-No! Need daddy, please…! Daddy please! Need you, need cum.”
Jungkook placed his free hand against your hip in encouragement as your hips rode against him in need as he hushed you, “Shh babydoll, daddy’s going to make that pretty little cunt feel so good. Isn’t that what you want kitten? You want daddy to make you cum all over yourself?”
It was shameful how quick your body was getting worked up and close to orgasming as you whined, hands curling against his shirt as your hips stutter, a loud cry leaving you as he pulled his thigh away.
Your hips needily bucking into nothing but air as your eyes began to water, “Daddy!” He hushed you once more as he tugged along your panties, making them drop in one motion before he grabbed at your left thigh, hauling it up to expose your wet cunt to the chilled air of the room as you whined, “Shhh daddy’s here kitten,” Jungkook pressed little kisses against your neck before letting the vibrator rub gently over your sensitive clit causing a sharp cry to leave your lips, your face burying in his neck with a moan as your hips rolled along the silicon, “Such a good girl for daddy, my poor baby’s cunt has been so needy without daddy’s help hasn’t it?” He rubbed the wand down your clit, slick with arousal as he rubbed along your sweet spot causing a loud whine to leave you as he turned the vibrator onto it’s last setting, “Shh that’s a good girl, my good little kitten, does your clit feel good baby?” Jungkook cooed out as your hips stuttered and you withered against his body with little whines.
Your clit burned and ached and pleasure was beginning to bloom in your body as you whimpered and your nails dug into his shoulders, “A-ah daddy! Daddy! Feels good- mmph! Feels so good daddy please, want cock! Want cock please.”
Your little hole ached to be filled up and fucked until your thighs were shaky, your mind hazed as he pulled the vibrator away from your clit causing a whine to leave your lips, “Does baby need daddy’s cock? Do you need daddys cock to cum babygirl?” Jungkook cooed out as he palmed his hard on, his cock throbbing and aching at the idea of filling you up. Pulling out his fully hardened members he gave the base a few tugs as he forced the moan back in his throat, “Daddy asked you a question princess.”
Wiggling against him you whined as he grabbed at your thigh once more, holding it up as you glanced at him with puppy eyes, “Please daddy, I’ve been good girl! Want cock please! Please!” His dick throbbed and you could see the precum dribbling from his bulbous, thick tip that laid up against his abdominal, positioning himself as best he could he forced the tip inside your unstretched hole.
A whine escaping you as you buried into his neck, “Shh, such a good girl for daddy, my good little kitten. Good little cunt taking daddy’s fat cock so well,” Jungkook praised as he gave a testing little thrust forcing a small whine from your lips as he moaned, pressing the tip of the vibrator back against your clit causing a yelp to escape you, harshly clenching around his thick size as he moaned softly, “Fuck sweetheart, relax, let daddy take care of his princess. I’m going to make you cum as many times as you want kitten.”
Your arms were wrapped tightly around his neck as you whined, trying your best to relax as his hips fluidly began to roll against yours, his thick size squeezing tightly inside you as the thrum of the toy forced your hips to tremble, “Shit babygirl,” Jungkook swore against your neck as he began to gently nibble against the soft skin, “Wanted to fuck you so bad you have no idea, to think my precious princess has been playing with her needy cunt all this time when I could’ve helped. You like that baby? You like daddy wanting to play with your pretty pussy?”
Your breathe was beginning to hitch and whines were escaping your throat left and right as your nails dug harshly into his shoulders, your walls clenching around his throbbing cock harshly as your mind focused on the way the toy thrummed into your clit with ease, “D-daddy, cum. Wan’ cum, please! Daddy…!” Tears were beginning to gloss over your eyes as you whined with frustration.
“Does baby need to cum?” Jungkook cooed, letting his cock bury all the way at the base inside of you as you whined out whither against him as he moaned softly into your neck, letting the toy circle around your sensitive bud as he sucked along your neck, “Cum kitten, be a good girl and cum all over daddy’s cock.”
Your walls rapidly clenched around him as squeals left your lips, your orgasm harshly running through your body as you cried out, tears beginning to streak against your cheeks as you babbled incoherently, “That’s it babygirl,” Jungkook cooed, easing you through your orgasm as he turned off the vibrator letting it fall to the ground so he could properly hold you, “Let that little cunt cream all over daddy’s cock.” Grabbing your hips he kept them still as he begin properly thrusting inside you, letting his hips become fluid and slow as you let out high pitched whines in sensitivity, “Shh daddy’s gonna fill that pretty little cunt until it’s dripping with his cum babygirl.”
He held your thigh up higher as you cried out with a sob despite your hips rolling with his as he began to angle his thrusts to hit along your g-spot, sensitive pleasure spiking through your body as you whined, “D-daddy it hurts…!”
“I know you can take it babydoll,” Jungkook growled softly, feeling the wet substance of your tears trickle against his neck as his cock throbbed inside you, “Don’t you want daddy to fill you up with cum? Let everyone know who his little girl belongs too? Mmm fuck kitten let daddy use that pretty cunt to feel good.”
Your walls harshly clenched around him as he used his free hand to gently circle your hypersensitive bud, a moan escaping him at the way you cried and whined, “Daddy! I’m…! Cum..! Cum again…!”
Your thighs were becoming heavy and shakier by the minute as he quickly began dragging his shaft along your g-spot as you cried out, “Oh yeah princess? Are you gonna cum again already? Does daddy’s cock make you feel that good sweetheart? Cum again for daddy.” He forced your next orgasm quicker than the last as he pressed harshly on your clit a mewl escaping your lips as you sobbed out, obediently letting the pleasure heighten in your body.
Jungkook buried his cock to his base inside you, letting his hips grind into yours as he moaned at the way your little hole sucked him inside, hands running along your body as he softly swore, releasing inside you as you felt his hot cum creaming deep inside you just as he promised.
After a few seconds Jungkook let his half hardened cock slip from you as he moaned, tugging you against his body as you sobbed softly, “Shh, you were such a good girl for daddy princess. But you need to let him know when your cunt is getting needy or else he can’t help.” Pressing little kisses against your forehead you whined as he thumbed away your tears with a small chuckle, “My precious baby, we’re bringing some of these to Vegas, let’s sit down and pick two out to take.” Setting you down on his lap he nibbled against your neck once more as he smirked, “Be prepared babygirl, I’m bringing silk ropes too.”
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Jungkook couldn’t stop the chuckle from escaping his lips. You were so fucking adorable, he couldn’t stop the affectionate gaze even if he wanted too. You had been so excited at the airport despite your whines about why you had to get there so early. He had eventually calmed you down with a snack and coaxed you into taking a nap as best you could. Arms wrapped around his bicep of course when you slept leaned against his shoulder which of course he had to document because you just looked so. fucking. cute.
Even now while bouncing in your seat, the plan had just landed yet nobody was moving yet causing an impatient whine to leave your lips, “Koo! When can we get off the plane.” Your pout didn’t cease as you grabbed his free hand that wasn’t holding his phone, playing with his fingers before measuring your hand against his. How was it possible for his hands to be so big? His fingers not only looked twice as big as yours but you’d even go as far as to say they looked tripled the size, his whole palm looked like it could crush your hand if it wanted too. And briefly you wondered how easier things must have been for him with such long fingers.
“Be patient babygirl,” Jungkook laughed, letting you whine as you continued playing with his fingers, “They’ll announce when we can exit the plane.” One thing you had learned was shockingly Jungkook was fluent in English to which you felt jealous over. You spoke it broken at best and had an easier time reading than speaking, let alone listening.
You nearly jumped out of your seat at the sound of the speaker directing everyone off the plane or so you assumed as Jungkook smiled, shaking his head as he hummed, helping you get the carry on bags before making your way to get the rest of your luggage. Things seemed so lively and bustling here and even in a foreign country where you both were shielded by face masks you weren’t dumb, you could easily see all the foreign girls checking him out making your lips tug into an angry pout beneath your mask.
Arm wrapping around him as he tugged you along with a happy hum not even giving your gesture a second glance. You knew it was wrong to feel jealous, especially when they were only staring but…! He was completely clothed! You could understand girls at Cherry Bomb ogling him when he was stripping that was completely understandable but he was…! They couldn’t even see half of his face!
“What’s up baby? You hungry?” Jungkook attentively glanced down at you as he raised his brows making you whine slightly as you nuzzled your nose into the sleeve of his jacket. Jungkook would tease you relentlessly if he ever found out you were jealous all because girls were glancing at him. Keeping yourself composed you shook your head as you yawned. You had only napped an hour and the jet lag and lack of sleep was beginning to take over your body, “Mm no, just sleepy.”
Jungkook did his best to not coo at you, it was like you were on the cusp of little space that he had been working so hard on getting you to feel comfortable slipping into- especially when in non sexual situations. It seemed the only time you slipped was during sex- and that was great and all but Jungkook didn’t always want you to be in little space all because of it. He wanted to enjoy it non sexually as well, and seeing your sleepy eyes and figure coiled against him had him leaping in victory internally.
Not aware of your childish true intentions.
“Well come on sweetheart, let’s get checked into the hotel and then we can take a nap sounds good?” Jungkook hummed out as you nodded, ready to get out of this god forsaken airport where women kept fluttering their lashes at him.
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“You guys could have eaten on your own.” Jungkook rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his seat, arm curled around your shoulder as you yawned, rubbing your eyes as you pointed at the menu deciding what you wanted. Jungkook had translated for you though technically you could have made out the menu on your own. It was Jimin and Rosé of course who had insisted you all sit down for your ‘last supper’ despite already planning to go out for the night.
The flight had landed in early and it was going to be a busy day tomorrow between doing sound checks, preparing all the tables and chairs and of course the endless amounts of costumes and lingerie, “Oh shut up you just wanna bone Y/n, any other day you’d be volunteering for us to all eat.” Seokjin sipped on his drink as he glanced back at his phone, ignoring Jungkook’s blatant glare.
“I mean he is right,” Namjoon shrugged, cutting Jungkook off once more as he scoffed, ruffled as he shuffled against your side obviously not liking being called out on his blatant behavior, “Y/n doesn’t even look that tired outside of jet lag.” It was true to be fair, you were tired but it wasn’t like you were dead. Jungkook had pressed his tongue into his cheek looking mildly annoyed but said nothing in return as the waiter brought back your order.
“Here you go ma’am.” You couldn’t fully understand what the waiter was saying in english but you couldn’t mistake the wink he sent you with a smile a little too friendly to be considered professional, your cheeks immediately flared and gaze dropped to the table before murmuring your thanks in english.
The arm that had been loosely wrapped around you suddenly tightened, though you didn’t understand what he said you could easily make out the uneasy shift in the waiters face as he gave a nervous laugh before nodding, quickly walking off as Rosé tutted, “You didn’t have to be such an ass Jungkook.”
“And he didn’t have to flirt with MY girl in front of me, but he did,” Jungkook scoffed, tugging you a little closer. Your cheeks burning even harder then before...his...his girl...you closed your eyes and before you could even stop yourself you pressed your hands on your face as Jungkook chuckled, “Don’t act shy babygirl, I know you like it.”
This child…! You did like it and that was the problem! Why...why was he saying you were his girl if…! It wasn’t like you were together! Hadn’t you already had this discussion? Just the idea made your cheeks burn as you settled to glance at the table. This wasn’t like before though, back when you both were still struggling to communicate, back when he acted like he owned all of your actions and body. Where his words would have been sneering and angry not only at the waiter but at you. No, this was different and you weren’t sure how to feel about it. What you did know was he was right; of course he was right, you did like being claimed.
Nibbling on your chicken tenders you watched as everyone bantered, snorting at the way Seokjin huffed about not being the most proclaimed handsome stripper at the event, “Don’t you laugh, you know it’s true, if it weren’t for both my handsome face and body this party would be dead.”
Swallowing thickly you chimed in at his words towards you, “Maybe but I’m sure the party could live without the snark and bad jokes.” Everyone was already cackling at your words as you shrugged, pretending to be more interested in your chicken tenders.
Rosé was gagging on her drink as Seokjin looked offended, scoffing out as he placed a hand on his chest, “My jokes are the best!” You could tell people were shooting your loud table glances but you couldn’t muster the will to care as you began to laugh with everyone, “Hey…! Okay listen- listen! How do you introduce a hamburger?”
Jimin and Jungkook were both already groaning as you snorted another laugh, “How?” “Meat patty!” The table erupted in groans as you threw your head back laughing more at them then the bad joke as Seokjin pointed at your basket, “We’re in America and you choose to eat chicken tenders? The vibes are stale.”
Pulling the basket closer you clacked your tongue, tilting your head as you gave a childish glare unappreciative at the unsolicited opinion, “Leave me and my tenders alone asshole.” You watched his mouth gape animatedly as everyone cried out again, “Hey I’m your elder!”
“I’m just saying what we’re all thinking.” You replied in a sing song voice as you all laughed, sipping on your drink as the conversation continued on, eventually cutting in as you began thinking about Seasonella, what was expected of you anyways? “What’s the shower order for Seasonella? I mean, how much performing are we talking about?”
“Soloist’s are usually on, four, five times a night?” Namjoon answered while taking a sip of his drink, “But fillers are usually on two to three times. Unless you’re real popular day one, that usually only happens to the big tit fillers.”
“Dripping wet too,” Jimin clacked his tongue as he added on, your brows instantly raised at their words. First being was Namjoon implying something in that sentence? Secondly wet? Wet as in….
“What?” You furrowed your brows, rubbing the back of your neck as everyone went quiet for a moment, Jungkook awkwardly pressing his lips together as it clicked in your head, your mouth opening and closing several times before finally getting a sentence out, “Oh hell no! Are you serious? We’re stripping stripping. Like, ass naked stripping?”
You felt your throat dry at everyone's confirmation as Hoseok piped in, “That’s the expectation in America, it’s just one less piece of clothing.” You knew he was trying to console you but you couldn’t stop your mind from spiraling. Yes it was just a pair of panties but that was your last sense of dignity!
No wonder Jungkook about blew a fuse when he found out you accidentally made the list, sighing he rubbed his forehead as he shrugged, you could tell he still wasn’t happy about this and having the reminder wasn’t helping, “You’re taking it better than I expected.”
Sinking back into your seat you sucked in a breath of air, “Well there’s not a lot I can object too, I mean, we’re in Las Vegas, there’s no going back now. And it is like Hoseok said...I mean I’ve been tripping this long now, what’s losing a pair of panties now? I’m sure it’ll be fine”
Sure you didn’t like the idea, but you also didn’t like the idea of flashing your tits every night when you first started at Cherry Bomb and now your tata’s were always on display. What happens at that hotel, will stay in that hotel though.
“Oh great,” Jungkook replied mirthlessly, “At least you’re feeling good about this because I’m not.” He sunk back into his seat with a childish look on his face making you roll your eyes. Why did he have to look so cute while brooding?
It had been a long time since you all had sat down and ate together and while Jungkook dragged his feet the whole time about it you thought it was great. Tired definitely, but it was fun to say the least. The others insisted on doing some shopping around but you wouldn’t deny the jet lag was beginning to get the better of you, taking note in that Jungkook had excused you both saying you’d all catch up later.
Keeping a hold of your hand you couldn’t help but nibble your lip at the sight, his hand was big...really big and the callouses you were used to brushed along the skin of your smaller hand, his grip firm but not tight or too loose. Just right. Yawning you leaned against him as he checked in at the lobby before leading you up to your room.
Shared room, to be precise.
You scowled at him in the plane when he first told you that he was able to make last minute arrangements so you both would stay together but thinking about it now, you weren’t going to complain anymore. You knew despite his outward appearance he still wasn’t okay with you being here and if it made him feel better knowing you’d be in his room when you weren’t working then you wouldn’t say anything about it.
You wouldn’t lie either, something about sharing a room together made your stomach all warm and fuzzy. You both had gotten changed into more comfortable loungewear and while you wanted nothing more than to bury deep in the thick soft blankets- perks of staying with the most popular stripper- you still had plenty of work to do.
Jungkook had been on his phone, headphones in ears finding his own songs while you were scoping your laptop, headphones also in searching for music to use this weekend. Jungkook had told you choreography wasn’t as dominant in dances here and while you could do it it wasn’t highly stressed.
Groaning he shifted around in his spot before letting his face bury into the open space between your laptop and stomach on your thighs, “What?” You tugged an earbud out of your ear as you glanced down at the brooding dark head of hair, this expression all too familiar.
“Can’t we just fake that you’re sick or something?” Jungkook asked with a muffled voice, his warm breath tickling along your thighs as he nuzzled his nose against the crevice between them. Rolling your eyes despite your soft gaze, it was hard to begrudge him when he was so concerned for you.
Pausing spotify you pulled your other earbud out before letting your hand bury in his soft thick hair, he jolted slightly at the unexpected sensation before relaxing once more, a pleasant noise escaping him at the feeling of your nails gently rubbing along his scalp, “Koo I’ll be fine, look…” You sighed softly as you stroked through his hair, “I know you’re worried, but there’s nothing we can do about it now. So let’s just enjoy ourselves while we can...I mean maybe it’s me but…” You felt the giddy smile tug on your lips as you hummed, “I think it’s cool we’re in Las Vegas, so let’s just enjoy it while we have the chance.”
He gave a childish muffle in objection but didn’t say anything else, looking like a stretched out cat purring at his hair being played with, you couldn’t stop the laugh from escaping your lips as you teased, “Do you like your hair being played with?”
“Shut up and keep going.” Jungkook grumbled, maybe a little bit in embarrassment while stretching his arms over your thighs before making himself comfortable. Tenison you hadn’t even realized he had been carrying was beginning to slip from his shoulders as he let out a small yawn, eyes closed and nose nudging at your thighs, “Damn, your thighs make a great pillow baby. Love being close to that cunt.”
He started laughing as you scowled at his words, of course he had to ruin it! Hurriedly setting your laptop on the nightstand as you attempted to try and get him off you as he wrapped onto your legs, “Stop whining, you’re supposed to be my pillow.” He was the only one truly whining though as he tried to keep a hold on you.
“Stop talking about my vagina like it’s a body pillow!” You screeched causing him to snort another laugh as he finally got up, easily rangling you and getting you caged in his arms despite your objection.
“Do I look like an anime nerd to you babydoll? Hm?” You whined at the warm tongue dragging a stripe up your neck, your body warming up as Jungkook’s breath fanned against your ear, “Do you really think I’d treat something as pretty as your cunt like that?”
Whining you wiggled once more, “You were streaming hentai from your phone onto the TV last Thursday!” That caused another laugh to erupt from him as he pulled away from you, unable to stop the laugh from escaping your own lips as you groaned, pressing your hands against your face, “Tentacles? Seriously?”
“Shut up you little shit,” Jungkook growled playfully, fingers suddenly grabbing at your waist, squirming you could feel tears spring into your eyes as you cried for him to stop his merciless tickling, “Nu uh, not until you admit tentacles are at least a little hot.”
“They’re..disgusting! Ow!” You cried out laughing as he continued tickling down your waist, “A-ah! Jungkook! Ah! Fine, they're hot!” You whined as you kicked your feet beneath him. Triumphantly Jungkook leaned up, straddled against your hips as he ran a hand through his hair, smirking down at your figure that was ready to curl up, “They are, but you wanna know what I think is hotter,” He didn’t bother to give you a chance as he grabbed your chin making you look at him as he leaned in a little closer, “You tied in silk rope.”
Your lips began quivering and Jungkook lived to see those pupils blow out all puppy like for him, tutting he gave your cheek a soft pat, “Wait.” It was a soft demand as he stood up, you only curled up into a ball, hugging his pillow against your body as you let out a small whine at the pastel pink silk tie that was revealed from his bag. Jungkook’s gaze softened at the sight of your curled up figure, kneeling down to be at eye level with your figure as he brushed a strand of hair from your face, “Shhh princess, you’re shaking, are you nervous?”
You squeezed his pillow a little tighter, burying into the soft fabric that unfortunately didn’t carry his smell, but rather the hotel fabric softener, “A little…” you murmured timidly as he sighed, sitting on the bed as he let his fingers trace down your face.
“Roll over kitten.” You whined again, squeezing the pillow once more as Jungkook tutted, grabbing your shoulder it didn’t take more force for you to obediently let go and let your back flush against the mattress once more, straddling your hips Jungkook was careful to distribute his weight as he comfortingly ran his hands down your waist, “Look at me sweetheart,” shuffling beneath him your lips twisted into a sulky pout before glancing up at him, “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want too, okay babygirl? Just say the word and we’re done,” he squeezed at your skin reassuringly, “Tell you what, how about you give me a safe word? Any word you want princess, it’s yours.”
Letting your gaze drop in surely you thought about it for a moment, shuffling in an attempt to get comfortable once more before feeling your face become hotter, “...April?”
“April?” Jungkook repeated, tilting his head a little, as if not expecting your pick of word to be that. He had heard plenty in his life, most obscure, like a favorite cereal, color, but he had never heard one like this before.
Feeling your face flush you nervously shifted as you murmured, “Y-yeah...um- the month we first met...It- it was Seulgi’s birthday...April.” Jungkook pressed his lips together for a moment, his heart feeling all warm and fuzzy at the distant memory, the moment your fates had been sealed together.
“I love it babydoll.” Jungkook murmured fondly, true to his word he never had a safe word that held sentimental value not just for his sub but for him as well, a girlish smile appeared on your lips as he pressed a chaste kiss against your forehead. A sudden whine escaping you at his hands grabbing your wrists, pulling them effortlessly over your head before grabbing the silk ties, “You look so fucking pretty in pink, you know that sweetheart?” Jungkook hummed as he expertly began wrapping the tie around your wrists, securing your binds against the headboard as you gave them a testing tug, your body suddenly warming in excitement at being so laid bare for him even if you were completely dressed.
Jungkook pressed a soft kiss against your neck letting his tongue drag down the warm skin as you let out a breathy whine, teeth nipping at your skin for you to hush despite his hands pushing under your shirt. You squirmed beneath him as you felt your panties beginning to stick to your wet folds as Jungkook pushed your shirt above your chest, your tits soft and on display for his appraising gaze as you whined, tugging at your restraints in futile attempt to cover yourself.
“Nu uh baby, just relax, I’m gonna take such good care of your pretty cunt sweetheart,” Jungkook hushed you as he leaned down letting his tongue drag against your left nipple forcing a whimper to escape your throat, your hips trying to buck into his as he parted his lips, sucking the bud making a breathy moan escape your lips.
“Mmmhp! Jungkook,” you whined as he cupped your other breast in his hand, squeezing gently as his fingers toyed with your hardening nub while sucking against the other.
Jungkook rewardingly lowered his hips letting you excited buck into them searching for his half hardened cock, pinching your right nipple between his fingers making you squeak as you whined, “P-please…!” Letting his lips popped from your tit Jungkook glanced up at you with a lazy smirk, eyes somewhat delirious as if addicted to your taste, “Please what princess?” Your lips trembled at the way his hand brushed over your neck, wrapping around it delicately, thumb stroking your artery, “Use your words baby.”
Your face was getting hotter by the moment, just as you parted your lips he suddenly squeezed your neck airflow cutting off as a loud moan escaped your mouth, “Mmm fuck,” Jungkook grinded his hips against yours, “You like my hand wrapped around that pretty throat baby? You keep moaning like a little bitch everytime I squeeze.” His smirk became more twisted as he parted your legs, letting his hardening cock run against your covered sticky cunt, your sweatpants beginning to show a wet patch.
Your ears felt like they were on fire as you parted your lips to speak once more only for Jungkook to squeeze against your neck once more, a needier moan escaping as your hips rubbed against his, “Look at my pretty little whore,” Jungkook cooed as you cried out a gurgle as he squeezed his thumbs harsher into your artery, his fully hardened cock swollen and imprinted into his sweatpants as he rubbed it along your clit, “You like being all tied up and left to my mercy babygirl? Made to take what I give? You like being forced to choke on your own words?”
Tears were beginning to spring into your eyes as you whined, another gurgle escaping you as he squeezed your neck holding it longer making a strangled moan leave you as your eyes fluttered shut, “Oh my, someone’s little cunt has made a mess hasn’t it?” Jungkook tutted as he released your throat, “Look at your cunt kitten.”
Your lips were trembling and your eyes watery but you felt your lips twitch and without even realizing it you had let out a pathetic bratty whine, you didn’t want to look at the mess you made.
Jungkook’s brows shot up as a scoff left his lips at your attempt to challenge him, roughly grabbed your hair, a whimper escaped you as he yanked it forcing you to look down at your exposed body, “I said: look at your fucking little slutty cunt princess. Are you trying to disobey me now?”
You sobbed as a whimper escaped your lips as you watched his hand harshly slap your throbbing pussy, “No! I don’t wanna!” You gurgled as you struggled against his tight grip on your hair, whines escaping you as he roughly yanked your hair.
Tears beginning to drip down your cheeks as Jungkook sneered, “Well too fucking bad princess, look at this little wet mess you made, what happened to being my good girl huh?” He snapped as he yanked on your hair, your scalp throbbing in pain as a whine escaped your lips making him growl, “Tell me; who does this cunt belong too huh?”
You let out a loud defiant whine, watery eyes glaring as you struggled against your bonds, your mouth faster than your head as you shot back, “Maybe I should ask Jimin.” Your lips suddenly quivered as if realizing just what you had said as Jungkook’s expression twisted from anger to seething. You had royally fucked up.
Your pants completely ruined and wetness soaking through them as Jungkook’s hand made it’s way back up to your throat, roughly squeezing against it making you wheeze as he snarled, “I’m going to fucking ask you again you dumb bitch since you didn’t get it right the right time; Who does this fucking belong too?” Jungkook growled, his hand spanking harshly against your cunt once more as a sob bubbled in your throat despite the whine of defiance, your pussy throbbing in need of stimulation as he slammed his hand down against it once more, “You’re walking on a fine line you slut, keep fucking acting like a brat I dare you. Who does this fucking belong to? Watch.” Jungkook snarled as he forced your legs wider, tears dripping down your cheeks as you rapidly shook your head, “Make me!”
Sneering Jungkook grabbed you by the hair, “Fine you bratty bitch. Watch.” A shriek left your lips as your scalp burned, yanking your head to look at your soiled pants, forced to watched his hand spank against your cunt once more the pain making your walls clench around nothing in excitement as you sobbed, finally cracking as you cried, “It belongs to daddy. A-ah! My pussy belongs to daddy.” He slammed his hand on your cunt once more, this time cupping it as he let your hips rock into his palm.
“That’s right princess,” Jungkook sneered, anger burning in his gaze that had become harsh and domineering, “Your little cunt belongs to daddy, not too Jimin, not too anyone. Just daddy. You’ve been such a disobedient brat and that calls for punishment.” Your lips quivered and tears blurred your stern view of him as you whined.
Jungkook didn’t soften though as he gritted his teeth, “Look at this fucking mess princess, daddy could just slip his fat cock inside you couldn’t he? How could I punish this bratty cunt into behaving?” You squirmed beneath him at the idea, his thumbs hooking around your pants and panties before tugging them down, throwing them over his head without a single care as you whined, attempting to close your legs.
“Don’t you fucking dare try and hide that pretty cunt from daddy, be a good little bitch and keep your little pussy on display.” Jungkook snapped, grabbing your legs as he pried them open again, a whimper leaving you as he forced your glossy cunt on display as you tugged futilely at your restraints, “Someone’s wanting to be a fucking brat today,” Jungkook sneered, letting his fingers run through your slippery folds as you choked out a moan at his fingertips teasing against your clit, his hand suddenly rearing up and slapping down against your exposed cunt once more making a loud cry leave your lips, “Somehow I think you like pissing daddy off, right kitten? You like watching your pussy get spanked?” Your hips nearly met the strong force of his hand as it throbbed in pain, your eyes watery as you whined.
“N-no daddy…! Please! Don’t want my pussy spanked! I’ll be a good girl!” You cried out as he ignored you letting his hand smack against the sensitive skin once more, “A-ah daddy please!” Jungkook paused as he tutted, grabbing your cheeks as he wiped away the fat tears that trickled down your face, “I’m daddy’s good girl! No punishment please!”
“Then why have you been such a fucking brat?” Jungkook gritted his teeth showing his anger, forcing you to keep his stern gaze as he growled, “Show daddy you’re a good girl and use your words, what do you want?” Jungkook asked, keeping hold on your chin as your lips quivered, eyes beginning to water again.
Couldn’t he tell what you wanted? Why did you have to say it? Jungkook clacked his tongue, suddenly grabbing your waist as he managed to roll you over onto your stomach, “Good girls use their words.” You cried out loudly at his hand suddenly slamming against your ass, the sharp sting making your hips buck into the bed, you weren’t even given a chance to speak as he smacked his hand down against your other cheek this time your body squirming as tears dripped down your face, “If you’d use your words I wouldn’t have to punish you. But someone wants to piss daddy off doesn’t she? You like being a little slut? You want to be punished and used like the fucktoy you are?”
You let out a defiant noise, your face scrunching angrily as you took the next spanking, the sharp sting in your ass had your eyes blurring as you growled defiantly, “I’m not daddy’s fucktoy!”
His hand suddenly grabbed full of your hair, roughly yanking it as you cried out, “Are you gonna say that when daddy uses you like one?” He snarled as he used his other hand to slam down against your ass a loud yelp escaping your lips as a red mark in the shape of his hand was surely imprinted, “Do you think this is a fucking game?” He snarled in your ear, “You like being a fucking brat when daddy was going to spoil you?”
You whimpered at the feel of his fingers suddenly shoving inside you, curling into your g-spot as you cried out, the sudden squeeze of your bladder making your face hot as you squirmed to close your legs. Suddenly backtracking as quickly as possible as apologies spilled from your lips, “Daddy! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! P-please!” You whined apologies left and right as your walls clenched uncomfortably.
Jungkook only gritted his teeth yanking your hair once more as you cried out, forcing a second finger inside you as he spat out, “You’ve missed your opportunity to apologize you spoilt brat, if you wanna be a good girl take your punishment.” Your eyes began to water again as your bladder pulsed in discomfort, your thighs trembling as he continued to curl his fingers into the soft little spongy spot, “D-daddy…! Please…!” Your cheeks were burning in embarrassment as you cried, “I-I need to pee…”
Jungkook paused his movement as he let go of your hair, for a split second you thought he was actually going to listen as he leaned down, letting his lips brush against your ear, “Awh does my little baby need to potty?” He roughly jammed his fingers back into your g-spot, “Too fucking bad you dumb bitch,”
Tears began rapidly dripping down your cheeks as he began to finger fuck you, thrusting his fingers into your g-spot harshly, “What are you gonna do baby? I’m not stopping until you cum all over yourself? Are you gonna be a disgusting little bitch and piss all over yourself? Is my little slut gonna wet all over the bed?” He taunted as he curled his fingers continually into your g-spot making you sob into the pillow as your walls squeezed tightly in discomfort despite the pleasure beginning to well in your body.
“No! Daddy no! Please! Please! Don’t want to! Please I’ll be a good girl! I’ll listen! Daddy stop please! I’m going to pee myself!” You muffled into your pillow cries as his other finger began to rub into your clit making your walls tremble and squeeze as you breathed moans into the fabric.
“You have a safe word for a reason you slut,” Jungkook growled, forcing a third finger into your cunt as you cried harder, legs trembling wildly as your orgasm became impending, “Fucking use it princess, if you need to potty that bad use it.” He snarled, crying into your pillow you let out a defiant whine, though defiant a silent okay that you were fine, this however only made him sneer, “You fucking like this you nasty whore, you like wetting yourself all over the bed? Making a big fucking mess for everyone too see who owns your pussy?”
Your walls were beginning to rapidly clench as you cried out, “Cum! Daddy cum! I’m…! Im…!” Your bladder was squeezing so harshly there was no way you could possibly hold it in, shame was beginning to gloss over your hazy figure as tears welt back into your vision.
“Cum you dumb little bitch, show me what a nasty fucking whore you are, piss all over this goddamn bed, do it you slut.” Jungkook taunted, his fingers jamming into your g-spot and others finding the sweet spot of your clit making a muffled scream escape you as your body snapped harshly, tears falling down your cheeks in humiliation despite the mind blowing pleasure as the liquid began trickling from your body, “See that you disgusting fucking whore?” Jungkook sneered as you cried in humiliation, his hand slapping against your ass, “Keep going, keep making a fucking mess all over the place, do you like peeing all over yourself? Do I need to put my bitch in a cage to potty train her?” 
You had never felt so turned on and humiliated at the same time as the liquid spewed from your hole, his fingers having escaped from inside you but continued rubbing into your clit, your body relieved making your next orgasm spike violently as you cried, “N-no daddy! I’m good girl! I’m daddy’s good girl.” It was cried in defeat before the loud moan escaped you, his fingers digging into your clit as the orgasm ripped through you a thousand times more pleasant then the last as his grip began to soften as he helped you ride out your high, your legs trembling softly as you tears dripped down your cheeks.
“Mmm such a good girl,” Jungkook cooed softly at your trembling figure that weeped softly, “You took your punishment so well babygirl, shhh.” He untied you’re restrained as he scooped you up into his arms, puppy like eyes glancing up at him as you sniffled, “Such a good girl, my good baby, let’s get you cleaned up princess.” You let him carry you all the way to the bathroom, setting you up on the counter as he turned on the shower, warming up the water as you shuffled, cheeks still pulsing as you pulled off your shirt.
Stripping himself you couldn’t help but focus on the sight of his cock standing proudly against his abdominal, his thick bulbous tip was a painful red and precum was rapidly oozing making a mess of his chiseled stomach, “Unless you’re volunteering to help it’s rude to stare baby.” Jungkook clacked his tongue, winking at you playfully as your lips quivered into a shy pout letting him pick you up, legs wrapped around his waist as you set your chin against his shoulder, “Down baby, I can’t wash you if you’re stuck to me like this the whole time.”
You wrapped your legs around him tighter as he groaned, “For someone who just got punished I would’ve thought you’d listen better.” He complained as he grabbed hold of you by the ass, a whine leaving you as he purposely squeezed against the sensitive skin, keeping you steady on one hand as he began running a hand through your hair, “Such a brat.”
“You just had to make me piss myself didn’t you?” He snickered at your dry words, cheeks warming again as you buried into his neck, “Did I get any on you?” You felt even more embarrassed but you had to know. How was that even hot for him? More importantly why was that even hot for you?
“Yeah,” You shuffled against him in a loud whine of objection making him howl out laughing, shifting his grip on you as he peppered your head in kisses, “Oh hush I was the one that made you do it, I mean honestly I thought you’d chicken out and use your safe word to use the bathroom. But I guess my baby has big balls huh? Wanting to prove she can take it? Or does she just like being forced to take it?” You...Maybe he was right, you knew you could have stopped at any moment, but just like Jungkook you could be stubborn in your own way too, you did want to prove you could take it, no matter how embarrassing, “Maybe, but we are never doing that again.”
Snorting Jungkook smacked your ass making you jump, successfully getting you to jump off him, “So she says until next time she has to pee during punishment. Clean that pussy princess.” You glared at him turning around to face the hot water as you began cleaning yourself up, “Blame Rosé okay? She’s the one that insisted we get venti size from Starbucks while you guys were getting us a taxi.” It was true, apparently they had different flavors in America and Rosé had bought for you both, you didn’t realize Jungkook was gonna try and jump on your vagina as soon as you got in. Or else you would have made a point to use the bathroom as soon as you checked into the hotel.
“Or you could just owe up to the fact that you thought being humiliated into pissing yourself was hot...But hey whatever something’s are better left in denial,” Jungkook shrugged casually as you whipped around glaring at his cheeky expression, “What? Don’t give me that look, you’re too hot when you’re pissed off.” You groaned as you rubbed your forehead, eyes peeking down only to see his raging boner looking all the more irritated, you thought for sure he’d be half softened by now.
“...Are you sure you don’t need help?” You felt a little bad watching his cock throb and bob as if seeking friction, in fact, it was a miracle he wasn’t stroking off in front of you. Your thoughts had came too soon though as you watched Jungkook smirk, his gaze dropping to his hardened dick before gripping the base, you felt yourself swallowing thickly as you watched his hand slowly pump up to his tip that was a deeper shade of red, precum instantly dripping from his slit, “Is that an invitation?” Jungkook purred, making your lips tug into a pout, “Don’t be shy on me now babygirl, I’m stroking my nice fat cock just for you sense you’re so concerned. Don’t you wanna get on your knees and worship it?”
You felt like something was stuck in your throat at the way his hand pumped himself with such ease, his body relaxing at the way your lips pressed against his skin, eyes fluttering shut as he kept a steady rhythm against his cock, your kisses fluttered down his chest as you slowly began to kneel, letting your tongue drag down his v line as the soft moan escaped his lips. His cock throbbing in excitement as his lidded gaze opened to the sight of you kneeled and naked before him, “Go on princess, suck that cock, wanna cum all over that pretty face.” You jumped a little as he smacked your cheek with its thick shaft, “C’mon open that little mouth.”
Meekly you’re parted your lips, letting him push his tip inside your mouth as he sighed a moan, letting his head drop back and his hand rest against your head, letting thread your head as he stroked your hair, “Fuck...that’s my pretty little girl, keep going sweetheart. I know you love this cock, always so willing to get on your knees for me. How much do you love my cock baby?” Your hands wrapped around his base as you began pumping him, letting your lips pop from his tip as you felt your eyes blurring though unsure if it was from the shower, “Love your cock, wanna make daddy cum, wanna make him feel good.” You babbled out as you took him back into your mouth.
You gave a muffled whine as you felt his hand gently begin to push you further to take more of his cock, “Such a good fucking girl for daddy aren’t you kitten? You love worshipping daddy’s cock don’t you babygirl? So willing to get on your knees for him- mmm fuck,” he kept his eyes shut as you hollowed your cheeks, carefully taking him down your throat despite your jaw aching and your throat harshly burning, “And you know what good girls get? Rewards. Mmm my good little princess, gonna eat the soul from that cute tiny pussy just you wait sweetheart.” His encouragement was making you bob your head, preening under his praise as he let out another breathy moan, “Jesus fuck babydoll, just like that.”
You pulled off him as you gasped for air, whining at his thick cock suddenly smacking your cheek again, “Who said you could stop sucking princess?” Jungkook grabbed you by your cheeks, squishing them in your hands as the lip tugged on your lips, he looked like he was trying his best to keep a scornful expression but was failing due to your cute squished face, “Is daddy’s big cock too much for my baby? Thought you wanted to make me cum? Make daddy feel good?”
Jungkook let his lips tug into a smirk as his eyes lidded, grabbing his cock as he smacked your cheek with it again, “I guess you aren’t that good of a girl baby…” he chuckled at your whine as you opened your lips once more, letting you take him back in your mouth more determined this time as you hollowed your cheeks once more, taking him until your nose nuzzled against his pubic bone. The noises you made had to be unattractive at this point as you bobbed his throbbing cock, his grip against your head loosened and his breath hitches letting you know he was close, “Mmm fuck, fuck, fuck babygirl, you treat me so fucking well princess, be a good girl and keep going.”
He could barely get his words out before he suddenly bucked his length back down your throat a gag escaping you as your eyes blurred once more, a growled moan escaping his lips at the way your little throat strained around him as he released, not even being given a choice to spit out his cum as you felt the warm salty substance trickle down your throat.
You stilled for a moment as his breathes heaved, running a hand through his wet hair as you gently pulled him of out of your mouth, coughing slightly as you rubbed your face. After another moment Jungkook pulled himself together as he offered a hand to you, pulling you up before pecking your nose, “Thank you babygirl.” You suddenly felt bashful at his sincerity, turning around sheepishly to face the shower once more.
Chuckling at your shyness Jungkook hugged you from behind peppering kisses along your shoulder as he helped you get cleaned up.
He was attentive in making sure to dry you off too, rather than get you new clothes however you nearly yelped at your towel suddenly being tugged off and pushed onto the front of the bed, “J-Jungkook! What…! Ah! What are you doing!?” You cried out barely able to fumble your words as he spread your legs, hauling them over his shoulders as he began planting wet kisses against your inner thighs, a whole new level of arousal awakening in you as you whined, “Koo! I’m tired…”
Letting his tongue drag closer to your cunt that was easily beginning to stir Jungkook paused his movements, “I told you I was gonna eat the soul from this little pussy, you’ve only came twice babydoll, don’t act all put out.” Your cheeks were beginning to throb as your lips quivered at his words, talking about two orgasm as if that was nowhere near enough for him, “Just relax babydoll, no more being mean I swear,” He teased lightly as he pressed little kisses against your pubic bone.
 “I just wanna be buried in my babygirl’s cunt for the rest of the day making you cum again and again. Just lay back and relax sweetheart,” he nudged your thigh with his nose, “I’m going to make you feel so good,” he parted his lips as he licked a bold stripe up your cunt, a whine escaping you as his hot wet tongue teased past your sensitive clit, a small whine bubbled in your mouth, your thighs shaky as they pressed against his head.
“Mmm you’re so fucking pretty you know that babygirl?” Jungkook cooed softly, setting your thighs down from his shoulders as pulled up to kiss your nose against, letting his lips pepper down your neck as he hummed, “So fucking pretty,” he nibbled against your collarbones making you squirm beneath him with another whimper, “I know I shouldn’t be jealous,” He growled against your skin, “But I can’t stop fucking thinking about this weekend, about how many people are going to...touch you...how many people will get to see your body, I know I shouldn’t be but I am.”
He squeezed your waist for emphasis as he kissed down your stomach, “I can’t fucking stand it babygirl, I don’t wanna share this sight with anyone and it drives me so fucking insane, if anything happens- and I mean anything you call me.” Jungkook kneeled down as he parted your legs, kissing against your clit making your legs kick as you moaned, cheeks throbbing at his confession as he continually kissed it, “I don’t care how little of a problem it is, you fucking call me.” He growled, taking your clit into his mouth as he lathed against it, a sharp cry escaping your lips as you moaned his name, “Mmph! Jungkook!”
Hands grabbing at his soft wet hair as you tugged against it, “If anyone- anyone hurts my babygirl I swear to god,” You could feel your impending orgasm getting closer and closer, something about his jealousy turning you on even more as your back began to arch, “I’ll crush them,” He released your delicate bundle of nerves from his mouth before letting his tongue lap around it swirling until he hit your sweet spot sending another sharp cry from your lips, “I’ll feed them their own fucking teeth babygirl, you are so goddamn precious to me, I don’t know what I’d do if someone hurt you.” 
Sucking harshly against your clit your legs were shaking as Jungkook pulled your legs over his shoulder, completely devouring you as your breath hitches and whined escaped you, your back arching and tugging his hair as you a soundless cry left your lip.
Your orgasm was so close you could feel it, and just as it was about to rip through your body the loud knock on the door jolted you both, a whimper escaping you as you rapidly squirmed beneath Jungkook, “Hey, hey, hey shhh,” Immediately noticing your panic at being so exposed Jungkook covered you with his body, calming you down as he pressed little kisses into your neck, “Shhh you’re safe baby,” grabbing the fresh shirt he had set on the bed from before he tugged it over your head, your body still trembling and whines escaping you at his lack of closeness.
The door knocking again making you jump as your eyes started tearing up, “Oh baby shhh,” Jungkook cooed, pulling the shirt down to cover your body before gently thumbing your cheeks, “In a minute,” He shouted turning to glare at the door unappreciative to whoever was being demanding, “Asshole.” Jungkook muttered under his breath as he pressed a kiss against your forehead, straightening up as you whined, frantically trying to grab onto his shirt to keep him close, “Baby, sweetheart hey,” Jungkook kneeled down again at the little tears trickling down your cheeks, ignoring the knock on the door once more as he cupped your cheeks, pushing the tears away as he cooed softly, “I’m not going anywhere princess, I just need to answer the door, I’ll be right here, okay?”
“Okay.” You bubbled, a few more stray tears trickling down your cheeks as pressed another kiss against your forehead before standing up, quickly slipping on clothes as he walked to the door before opening it slightly. Wiping your eyes you took a deep breath, forcing yourself to calm down from your emotional high you always reached after being in such a sexual state for so long.
You could only see Jungkook’s back and part of his side profile but you could spot his brooding shoulders and irritation from a mile away, “Yeah she’s here, why?” You could tell his posture was becoming more defensive by the moment as your attention perked up, rubbing your eyes as you wobbled towards the nightstand, your cheeks warming at the sight of the venti sized stain in the sheets. You were going to kill this man.
Taking a sip of water before setting the bottle down, you carefully wobbled your way over to Jungkook, the only ‘her’ in this room was you, which meant somebody Jungkook wasn’t familiar with was asking for you. And given his confession just a few seconds prior of not wanting to share you, his expression was nearly a sneer by the time you wobbled up to him. Peering from behind his broad back you recognized the figure immediately Diego Friar, the son of the client who held Seasonella.
“Oh….um...hi?” You were still trying to recover from your emotional state of mind as you timidly dropped gaze, tugging at your shirt, suddenly noticing the marks from the bondage you had been previously tied up too still prominently stained into your skin, feeling slightly self conscious your lips quivered a little, Jungkook immediately noticed your outer shy demeanor, huddling back against you with his broad figure once more protectively.
Despite Jungkook’s annoyance at being interrupted during a private moment with you, one he wanted to relish in for as long as physically possible before he’d have to part with you later Diego only seemed to ignore Jungkook’s expression as he glanced at you, delighted to see your face, “Ah! I was hoping to talk to you, doll.” He gave you a charming smile.
Jungkook gritted his teeth, sneering at the pet name but Diego decisively ignored him in place of staring at you instead, you looked nothing like you did the night you had lap danced him and you were well aware of this. Hair frizzy and still wet, wearing literally nothing but Jungkook’s shirt as you shuffled closer to his warm body, Diego’s gaze only brief- but sharply glanced at Jungkook in annoyance as he clarified, “Alone.”
Jungkook glared back in return making you shuffle uneasy. Oh great! This was just perfect! Jungkook was many things, but he was not above beating the shit out of one of Cherry Bombs biggest clients' sons.
After he just confessed his own jealousy at you having to perform you really wouldn’t put it past him right now. Jungkook was pumping testosterone at the moment and every sense in his body was saying to protect and defend you from any outside forces.
Nibbling against your lip you shuffled a little away from Jungkook’s brooding figure as you attempted to do damage control, “Well if we’re talking business it would be best if my mentor stays present, I’m still fairly new to the business.” Jungkook’s demeanor didn’t lighten up but it didn’t get any worse and you’d take that as a win.
You could tell Diego Friar however, was a man who had the world served to him on a silver platter, and if he wanted something he was going to get it. And that something was currently you, chuckling he only shook his head, “Easy doll, so presumable. I just wanna have a little chat. One on one. You made quite the impression earlier…”
You did your best to keep your expression neutral, noting that Jungkook stayed quiet to let you speak, debating your options you reserved for a small shrug, “Well sure, just give me a minute to get changed.” You could barely finish your sentence before the door slammed in Diego’s face making you sigh.
“He’s such an egotistical jerk, just talk my ass.” Jungkook sneered at the door quietly, running a hand through his hair as he sighed, “C’mon baby, let’s go back to bed.” He grabbed your wrist gently, giving it a little tug to lead you back to the bed but you stopped making him pause, groaning Jungkook let go of you, “Y/n I promise whatever he has to say isn't worth hearing.”
You were already walking over to your suitcase as you sighed, “Maybe, but we don’t know that Jungkook, look I’ll be fine. You know I can’t just stand up the clients son,” His expression flickered into a scowl at the floor, looking somewhat childish because he knew your words were true, buttoning up your jeans you sighed as you tucked in his shirt, “Jungkook…” You murmured softly as you walked back over to him, his hair dusting over his eyes the way it always did when he was brooding.
“Baby, look at me.” You frowned a little as you cupped his cheeks, his jaw was incredibly tense but relaxed a little under your grip as his hesitant gaze found yours, “It’s fine, it’s just for a few minutes and then I’m all yours the rest of the day. Five minutes and any longer you can stomp out and drag me back, okay?”
“Five minutes?” His gaze dropped back to the floor as his shoulders began to deflate in defeat. Letting your foreheads press together Jungkook let his nose rub against yours as he closed his eyes, leaning into your soft touch as his hands encased yours as if not wanting you to let go as he sighed. Pulling away a little you pecked his nose with a tiny kiss as you have a nod, “Five minutes.” You let go of him despite the little cute noise of disapproval from him, smiling softly you shook your head before opening the door.
Closing it behind you as you ran a hand through your hair, keeping a more professional demeanor then you had a few minutes earlier as you greeted Diego once more, “So what can I do for you?” You asked, taking a step closer. If there was one thing you had learned in stripping, it was that you couldn’t afford to be timid and pushed around by clients, especially on your own.
Diego gave another charming smile, loosening the tie against his dress shirt as he confidently answered, “Well it’s more of what I can do for you doll, you have some talent. But here’s the thing,” You tilted your head, not understanding where he was going with this, “You’re such a pretty little thing, it’s a shame you chose stripping for a career, how’d you get into such an ugly business babydoll?”
It took every fiber in your being to not outright cringe. Pet names that came from anyone else’s lips besides Jungkook just never sat right with you anymore. Besides the point you also couldn’t count how many times you got asked this question, trying to hold in your sigh you replied, “Oh...well...Umm I just...needed a job? My friend was the one who originally went to the audition but Jungkook wanted me as a trainee, the rest is history.”
You usually glossed over all the details to a much more vague version but you got the sense that Diego was well versed in Cherry Bomb’s strippers, or atleast that’s the impression he gave off. Chuckling he almost seemed amused by your cuteness which you didn’t think was cute at all, a slight irritation surging in you as he replied, “Cute, but that’s not what I meant honey. Let me guess, you’re a broke college student, or maybe you’re wanting to study and you don’t have the funds right? You come from a broken background with divorced parents and lived on the bad side of town? Took to stripping because it was a last resort and now here you are.”
If you weren’t irritated before. You were now. Your lips parted before swallowing down all of the less than pleasant words you were wanting to say. How dare he presume your background! In which most was very wrong! “See, I could change that babydoll,” He stepped into your personal space as you leered back a little, a smirk that you assumed was supposed to woo you twisting on his lips, “You’re just what I’m looking for, all cute and dainty but sexy and confident. I’m not free of course,” He laughed as if he told a funny dinner table joke, as if you were the one who should be honored by his offer, “But given your work ethnic I’m sure you wouldn’t mind the charge.” He sent you a wink as if sure that would seal the deal.
...What a fucking prick! Not only did this man just assume your background but he assumed you were an easy lay all because you were a stripper! You couldn’t stop the laugh from escaping you, your expression struggling to not curl incredulously as your brows furrowed, “Thanks for the offer- but I’m actually from a very stable background with two parents who are very much still together- and no I didn’t come from the poor side of town! In fact Mr Friar,” Your smile sharpened as you raised your brows, “Given my work ethnic I’m just fine on my own, have a good day!”
You didn’t stop to hear his words as you shut the door behind you, nearly knocking into Jungkook’s chest who had been shamelessly listening in as best he could to the conversation, he immediately wrapped his arms around you as he buried his nose into your neck, “Fucking cunt, I told you his crusty ass had nothing good to say.”
You snorted a laugh as you wrapped your arms around his neck, “Alright you baby you were right! But atleast it’s dealt with, now I’m all yours. No more sharing the rest of the day.” You leaned away little only to press your forehead back against his.
Jungkook’s previously huffy expression softened considerably at your words, his body relaxing as his hands stroked against your waist, “All mine huh? You got one thing right baby, I’m not sharing you with anyone the rest of the day. I just got a text from Jimin saying they’re going out tonight but we aren’t going.” You snorted again at his emphasis on we.
Letting your fingers thumb against his neck you raised your brows a little, “Oh? Are you telling me the party animal doesn’t wanna go clubbing for once? That’s a first.” Jungkook looked a little bashful at your words as you laughed, letting his hand come up to stroke your hair as he tugged gently against a few strands before softly defending his words, “Well I was thinking,”
“Oh?” You endeared raising your brows making him scowl slightly as he jabbed your stomach making a giggle escape your lips, nipping at your nose playfully he shook his head, trying to huff but unable to keep the smile off his face, “I was thinking; you and me tonight, just us. It’s not my first time in Vegas and I want to show you all the sights,” you curled up into his arms, nuzzling your nose into his neck with a yawn as he wrapped his arms around you, “Mmm that does sound nice.” You felt all warm and fuzzy inside admittedly, he really wanted to take you out to sight see?
Jungkook only chuckled at your sleepy figure as he led you to bed for a well deserved nap, “Then it’s a date babygirl.” You felt your heart skip a beat at his words. Noting the bedspread has been discarded where the clean sheets beneath stayed he laid you down as you snuggled in close, unable to keep the giddy smile on your face as you nudged against his neck, “It’s a date.” You confirmed, feeling all mushy and excited on the inside.
A date sounded really nice.
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Note: This has felt like the LONGEST two weeks ever but! I hope it was worth the wait ~~ 
Taglist: @rkivemagic @megladon1616 @pearlneedstosleep @sincerelyjeohn @epiphany-playingwithfire @maboiisuga @kookphoria91 @taehyungiev13 @134340ismybitch @appreciatethefoolishness @hanhannguyen98 @lurkerarmy @lovelyjkook @repeating-seesaw-game @serendipity-secrets @kimvantaee @timestandstillalittle @yanmi1 @expensive-bangtan-girl @blxckeffect @kimcheeeeeeeeee @rather-not-sayy @pastel-i-decay @taeass @caitlinmarieeblossom @desires-ss @jishookedout134 @w-ing-ss @rjsmochii @lovethatforme97 @bunnyboyenthusiast @adelina1299 @rainbow-zebra-unicorns @namjoonies-dimple @keyaqua123 @kai1697jeon @mochibabycakes @min-chimchim03 @rosewxterbts @zazaluvbts @yannacat13 @copa-c-havana @rapperkookz​ @h-hope-e @xhg-btsx​ @intrepide11​ @thirstyhoe4yoongi @bts-army46​ @jimintaendem​ @sleepyje0n​ @vidaficrecs​ @purplelady85​ @jeonsbbgirl​ @loveyourselfbangtan @ausjeons​ @hajimaoppaa​ @l4life​ 
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perriewinklenerdie · 4 years
Change my plans (Ethan x MC)
Open Heart, Ethan Ramsey x MC
A/N:  Hi guys! How are we doing? I've been writing this fic for a little over a week, in the breaks from being a scientist and sleeping till I drop because uni is starting next week :D I wanted (needed) some fluff for my girl Claire (don't I always, tho?) so I tried to maximize the tooth-aching sweetness in this one, sprinkling in some humor here and there.
Summary: Eager to not have to hide his feelings for Claire and get away from it all, Ethan organizes a trip for them.
Tag list: @paleweasels, @kittykatchoices, @valiantlychaoticbarbarian, @radlovedreamer , @usuallyamazinglyaverage, @awhmilkywey @palestazure, @cordoniaqueensworld, @princess-geek, @faithhasnowords, @mightyfangirlofthefandoms, @drakewalkerfantasy, @timmagicktoad, @laceandlula, @greywitchyshots, @llamasgrl, @gingerjane15, @marywrites-things , @ethanplaysfavorites , @mfackenthal , @betelgeusebee , @simsvetements, @buzz-bee-buzz, @owleyes374, @cora-nova, @aworldoffandoms, @l822, @cream-ray, @ughhhxjazzy, @silverlitskies, @justendlesssummerfeels, @togetherwearerapture, @desmaranj, @edgiestwinter, @friedherringclodthing, @waytooattuned, @choicesgremlin , @lapisreviewsstuff, @the-soot-sprite, @writerapprentice, @chasingrobbie, @choicesobsessedd, @x-kyne-x, @thisperfectmemory, @drakewalker04, @rookie-ramsey, @jlynn12273, @thepinknymph @dr-brianna-casey-valentine, @a-i-n-a-a-s-h @justanotherrookie @mvalentine @starrystarrytrouble @akshara16 @maurine07 @natzz-b @aylamreads @openheartthot @tsrookie
Enjoy! <3
„Is this going to become a ‘thing’ now?” Jackie joked when she opened the door, only to find Ethan Ramsey on the other side. He scoffed and rolled his eyes, hesitation still present in his movements.
By ‘thing’, she meant that it’s been the fourth time that week that she had to let him into the apartment. First time it happened, they both stared at one another in discomfort, unsure how to proceed. It wasn’t that Jackie didn’t know why he was there; she did. Claire made a point to sit all of her friends down and give them a heads-up, and yet, despite all that, they still had to take a moment before moving on from the uneasiness.
“I don’t want any uncomfortable situations or misunderstandings.” She began, her hands shaking with nerves, but most of all, with excitement. She’s waited for an opportunity to finally tell them about her budding relationship with Ethan for what felt like ages, and now that she finally could, even if only to her inner circle, she felt butterflies in her stomach.
“We already know, but we won’t take the satisfaction away from you.” Elijah snickered, leaning away just in time to avoid Sienna’s punch to the shoulder.
“Good. We’re trying. Ethan and I, I mean. We’re trying.” she said, smiling so widely that her cheeks were hurting. Breathing out a sigh of relief at the happy expressions she saw on their faces, she leaned back in her chair.
“Took you long enough.” Aurora smirked, patting her on the shoulder with a knowing look.
“I’m afraid so.” He tried to find the, very familiar by now, sound of the alarm that he usually heard when someone was close to discovering what was going on between him and a certain blonde doctor. To his surprise, he didn’t hear it. In fact, he hasn’t heard it in over a week now. He’s slowly been getting used to letting his heart do the talking when it came to Claire, giving into his desires and feelings every moment he could without the typical for him hesitation. So did she, using every opportunity she got to enjoy the newly gained freedom to express her affections.
“You do know it’s her day off, I assume, so what are you doing here?”
“I’m picking her up.” he explained, explaining immediately when Jackie’s eyebrow shot up in question. “Not for work.”
“Herondale, your boyfriend is at the door! Again! Pick him up or kick him out.” She called out, then waved her hand at him and disappeared into the kitchen, leaving him alone in the doorway.
As he closed the door behind him, blonde locks appeared in his peripheral vision. With a smug grin, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into her room, slamming the door behind them. She stood on the tips of her toes as she simultaneously grabbed the back of his neck and yanked him down towards her, making their lips meet. He hummed gently, his body leaning into her, arms wrapping around her to hold her against him securely.
“I missed you.” she muttered, punctuating her words with small kisses. Ethan leaned back, speechlessly looking at her with mock confusion.
“You literally saw me last night.”
“I missed you all the same, your point being?”
Claire started walking backwards towards her bed, pulling him along with her without breaking the kiss. With every time their lips touched, he forgot why he ever came to see her in the first place, and that wouldn’t do. He trailed towards her ear, breathlessly whispering his true intentions. “Pack a bag.” When she stopped in her tracks to look at him, he explained more. “We’re leaving for three days. Take whatever you want or need.”
“Why? Do you want me to take a longer break? Cause I really don’t need it- “ she jumped into conclusions, shaking her head while trying to reason her way out of it. He stopped her spiraling, silencing her with a slow kiss.
“I want you to go away with me for three days because I want you all to myself. No hiding, no sneaking around, no interruptions.” He nudged his nose against hers playfully, though his eyes betrayed his vulnerability and hesitation to even say anything. “And if we both catch a break from the mess in here, then even better.” Realization dawned on her all at once, and suddenly she was nodding vigorously and throwing her arms around him.
“In that case, do you want to help me pack? You can choose the lingerie.” She teased, alluding to what they both knew would be happening during their trip, sooner or later. He laughed, kissing her forehead before stepping towards the door.
“Surprise me. We both know that if I stay here, we won’t leave this room at all.”
“Wise words, Dr. Ramsey. Wait in the living room, then.” She winked, turning towards her wardrobe as he closed the door, his feet carrying him to the rest of the housemates.
Sienna smiled at him as he leaned against the counter that separated the kitchen from the living room. Over the last few days, they’ve become something that Ethan could only describe as friends. She was there when he finally came to terms with his own feelings for Claire. He wouldn’t say that they were going to start telling each other everything, but Sienna offered him her support, both silent and not so much, whenever he needed it. Not to mention that she was the biggest ally his relationship with Claire could ever ask for.
“So, where are you taking her?” she asked, drumming her fingers against the cup she was holding. Her tone was suggesting, as she was somewhat sure of how far their relationship has progressed already. His cheeks became tinted with a hint of a blush as he answered.
“Knowing, Claire, she’s right behind the corner and eavesdropping, so all I’ll say is ‘away’.”
“Sorry, C, I tried.” She giggled, looking over his shoulder. When he turned around, his girlfriend was standing right behind him, amused smile on her face.
“Don’t worry, he’ll tell me eventually.” She winked at her best friend, then reached for his hand, brushing their fingers against each other gently. “Are we ready to go?”
“After you.”
They said their goodbyes, then walked out to his car. The screen of the GPS didn’t state where they were going, but it did show the time needed to get there, which was all she cared about. Ethan might have thought that she’d probe him until he told her where he was taking her, but the truth was, all she wanted was to get away with him, no matter where that would be.
Sitting comfortably in the passenger’s seat, she had the first-row view of him. He drove the car seemingly without a single care in the world, nothing to worry his mind. His eyes were focused on the road, which meant that he could only see her in his peripheral vision. Well, that, and feel the pleasant warmth of her gaze on his cheek.
“You’re staring.” He stated, the corners of his lips going up. She shrugged, placing her elbow on the cushioned compartment in the space between them and leaning onto it.
“Cause you’re handsome.”
“Am I now?” Smirking, he risked letting his eyes wander towards her. She was much closer than he anticipated, so close that he would be able to see little golden specs in her otherwise emerald eyes if he had enough time to look into them properly.
“Your ego must be really enjoying it, huh?” Claire teased, tilting even closer to him, letting her fingers trace the lines of his muscles beneath the fabric of his shirt. She pressed her lips to his cheek, then brushed her nose against his jaw and went back to her previous position.
They continued their journey in silence for some time. Trees were blurring into a consistently green patch of color, interrupted only by the sky peaking through from time to time. The low hum of the engine would be enough to lull her to sleep if it wasn’t for how excited she was about this trip and endorphins that were rushing through her bloodstream just because of how close they were.
“I want this.” Ethan mused under his breath, shifting in his seat a little. Claire hummed quietly, facing him to hear him better.
“Want what?”
“The freedom to do this.” he clarified, taking her hand in his, his hold firm and secure. “And this.” he pressed his lips to her fingers, keeping them in place for a few breaths. “And this.” he placed her hand back where it was before, and then allowed his own to rest on her thigh with a squeeze. A shiver ran through her, goosebumps appearing on her arms.
“Are these the only things you’re happy to do?” she breathed a little heavier, her teeth grazing her lower lip. For a moment he could only guess what her face looked like, but then the light turned red, giving him a few seconds to turn towards her. Their faces were mere millimeters away from each other. Ethan let his eyes drop to her lips.
“If only there was any place to park…”
“My, oh, my, Ethan! In the car, again?” The corners of her eyes crinkled as a sign of her good humor. He wanted to say more but couldn’t, the light already turning green and pulling his attention away from her and onto the road. He replied after a moment of thinking.
“As if you didn’t enjoy it.”
“I always did. I always do. As you said, whatever, wherever. Maybe not now, but soon.” With a few words, she managed to make his blood rush through his veins faster, the temperature of his body rising slightly. Ethan took in a shaky breath, voice wavering when he spoke.
“You like teasing me, don’t you?”
“Care to tell me why we’re parked outside the supermarket?” Claire’s confusion reflected in the way she looked around hesitantly, waiting for some sort of explanation. Ethan offered her his arm, which she took gladly, allowing him to pull them closer together.
“We need something to eat. Come on, we still have about ten minutes of driving from here.”
They strolled through the alleys at a leisure pace, holding hands as though it was the most normal thing for them in the world; as though they’ve been doing this for years. While he went to the winery section to get a bottle or two, she separated from him, heading off in the opposite direction. When they met up again, she put two boxes of cake in their cart, linking their arms together again. His eyebrows shot up in a mock question, which was met with a shrug.
“What? You said it yourself, we have to eat something.”
“It would be nice if we didn’t get diabetes while we’re at it. What about dinner?” he asked as they made their way towards the main section of the store. She skimmed her gaze along the selection of protein laid out in front of her, shaking her head indecisively.
“You choose. I’ll eat whatever we cook.”
Five minutes later they were back on the road, groceries in the back. The car turned left, off the main road and onto the rocky one, leading deep into the forest.
“It’s as though you want to kill and then bury me somewhere.” Claire joked, pushing his arm lightly. He laughed, throwing her a humorous look.
“I wouldn’t have let that many people know that I was taking you out of town if I wanted to do that.”
A rustic cabin revealed itself after a while, surrounded by what used to be a flower garden during summertime; now it was covered in withered plants and a few bushes here and there. The small winter garden was tucked away in the corner of the whole clearing, partially hidden from the view. The cold wind rustled the leaves, filling the air with soft hum.
Claire stood on her tiptoes, throwing her arms around Ethan’s neck to pull him to her. “It’s beautiful.”
Their lips brushed against each other a few times before the biting coolness of the early winter made them rush inside. Leaving their bags by the entrance, they started with a tour of the house. Kitchen was connected to the living room, a dining table between the two. Bathroom right next to the bedroom, and in the said bedroom, the door to the outside.
She turned towards him, walking backwards with a wink. Her hand was extended in his direction, which he took, twirling her into his arms and leading them out of the room before she could protest.
“Let’s cook first.” He explained, helping her sit down at the bar stool. She pouted playfully.
“You’re no fun.”
“I think we’ve established that I am plenty of fun.” He muttered as his hands gripped her hips, giving them a short squeeze.
Ethan acquainted himself with the layout of the room before he began working. Claire watched, at least at first, before getting bored and jumping off the stool to search for something that could provide them with music. Having set it up, she danced her way to his side, observing what he was doing.
“Do you need me to do anything?” she asked, pressing her lips to his upper arm. He looked at her, feeling content with how easy it was to be with her like this. He could do this more often; all the time, in fact, if only he was allowed to do so.
“Get started on the dough for the dumplings, I’ll join you in the moment.”
She took her rings off her fingers, leaving them next to her phone. After mixing eggs and water with flour in a bowl for a bit, she dumped the dough onto the countertop. Using the back of her hand, she kneaded it for a while, then covered it to let it rest. A wave of heat brushed against the back of her neck.
“I wanted to help you, but it seems as though you don’t need it.” he mused against her ear, running his hands up and down her sides. Claire turned in his arms, locking their eyes in a heated gaze. With an innocent look on her face, she brushed her fingers against his cheeks, smearing flour all over his skin. Surprise bloomed in his expression, then morphed into mischief when he grabbed some more of flour and spread it on the tip of her nose and leading it down to her chin.
“I can cook too, you know. You watched Nigella, I watched Gordon.” She taunted him breathlessly, her eyes fluttering close.
Ethan wrapped his arm around her shoulders, bringing her body closer to his, their lips meeting halfway in a slow kiss. Instead of leaning down, he picked her up, smirking when she gasped in surprise. Her hands, previously unoccupied, now were gripping his shoulders tightly, holding onto him as her feet tangled off the ground. Ethan’s fingers dipped beneath the fabric of her sweater, running along the seam of her jeans with featherlight touch, making her nerve endings go crazy.
By the time the timer on the oven went off, they were both breathless, their lips bruised, and clothes covered in flour.
“Saved by the bell.” He kissed her one last time, stepping away reluctantly to continue their meal.
“As if I ever needed saving from you.” she countered, straightening her sleeves, trying not to make even bigger of a mess around her.
With at least some tension released, they were able to go back to work in relative peace. Food was on the table before they knew it. While he was pouring them each a glass of wine, she went on a hunt for candles, finding two in the cabinet underneath the TV. They sat closely together instead of making use of the large table, preferring the closeness their current seats provided.
“How is it possible that you can’t make pancakes? They’re like, one of the easiest things to cook.” Claire choked on her sip of wine when he complained about the dish, coughing a few times. He threw her an annoyed look, his cheeks reddening slightly.
“It’s just not working for me. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong, but no matter what recipe I try, it’s not coming out right.” His frustration was evident in the way he stabbed a dumpling with his fork. She patted his wrist pitifully, taking great pleasure in having at least one skill over him.
“So that’s decided then, we’re teaching you how to make pancakes in the morning.”
Claire stood up to carry their plates to the sink before Ethan could even push his chair back. As she walked back to her seat, she grabbed cake and two forks, placing it between them, then sat back in her place.
They reached for a fork at the same time, their fingers touching midair. His hand jumped back instantly like he was burned, only to go back in and take her hand properly, stroking her knuckles with his thumb.
“It’s like we’ve just met.” She joked, grabbing the utensil and digging into the sweet treat. He followed suit, taking a bite, only to immediately be overcome with the intensity of the candied orange that cut through the richness of the chocolate, smoothed out by the gentle vanilla frosting.
Claire was deep in thoughts, so she didn’t notice the way his finger swiped against the edge of the cake to pick up the frosting, nor did she notice how it flew towards her cheek. Only after the fact did she turn around, disbelief spelled out on her face, an expression that quickly gave way to the troublemaker grin when she pushed the table away from them, stood up and straddled his thigh, bringing them to the same eyelevel.
She pressed her cheek to his, leaving some of the icing there, then licked it off, her mouth staying in place for a bit. Moving slowly, she traced the lines of his face with openmouthed kisses, listening to how his breathing got caught in his throat when she let her hands wander his body. His arms circled her without a moment of hesitation, pushing the chair further away from the table to make room for her.
Her lips claimed his at long last, the room slowly filling with heavy breaths and sounds of clothes being grabbed and moved out of the way. Ethan stood up abruptly, holding her tightly as he pushed away everything on the table from them to make room for her to sit. As soon as she was steady, he assaulted her neck with hot, lingering kisses. His arms formed a cage of sorts, keeping her in place just as much as she kept him close to her with her legs wrapped around his hips.
Claire grabbed the sides of his face, bringing him back up so they could stare into each other’s eyes. His irises were darkened by desire, so much so that they might as well have been black. Blood was rushing in her ears, filling her head with a soft hum. Their lips brushed softly when she whispered.
“Soon is now.”
He’s never carried her towards the bedroom that fast.
The sun was setting over the horizon, barely visible between the trees that surrounded the house. Ethan ran his hand up and down her back, tracing the line of her spine meticulously. Claire ran her fingers over the gentle rise and fall of his collarbone, resting her head on his chest comfortably. The comforter was thrown over them haphazardly, barely covering their naked bodies.
“Can we just stay here?” she muttered quietly, words muffled with how her mouth was pressing against his skin. Ethan laughed warmly, adjusting his grip on her to pull her closer.
“I won’t let you leave the bed tomorrow, how about that?”
“You know what I mean.” She pretended to be annoyed, but humor in her voice betrayed her. He leaned down, pressing his lips to the crown of her head, inhaling the soft scent of her shampoo that lingered in her hair.
“I do. And I wish I could say that it’s going to be easy from now on.” regret slipped into his tone, but then he shook himself out of it and placed his finger under her chin to tilt her head and make their eyes meet. She waited for him to say something that would burst their bubble; for another shoe to drop. But it never happened. Instead, he smiled smugly, nudging her nose with his. “I’ll just have to steal you whenever I can.”
“Only if I can steal you too.”
“I thought that was obvious.”
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sweetiepie08 · 3 years
RebelZ (Chapter 9)
Invader Zim fanfic
While analyzing Zim’s PAK for weaknesses, Tak discovers strange coding that sends her on a search for answers. The clues lead her to uncover a conspiracy that governs all of Irken society. When the truth sends her on the run, she has no choice but to return to the one place the Tallest would never willingly go: Urth.
Meanwhile, Dib has noticed odd changes in Zim’s behavior. Has the invader simply grown bored of his mission over the last few years, or is there something more interesting going on?
People who asked to be tagged: @incorrect-invader-zim , @messinwitheddie, @reblogstupids, @cate-r-gunn, @agentpinerulesall​
If anyone else would like to be added to the tag list feel free to message me. Also, if you’re on the tag list and you changed your name, please just let me know.
Chapter 1. Chapter 2. Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. Chapter 6. Chapter 7. Chapter 8. Chapter 9. Chapter 10.
“Care to tell us what the fuck that was?” the Dib shouted as they ran down the hall.
“A coup, obviously,” Zim shot back. “Just not one where you seize power at the end. So, half a coup.”
“So then who seizes power now?”
“The Tallest Red and Purple still have it,”
Dib nearly tripped over his own feet in his shock. “You mean you didn’t kill them?”
“It’s nearly impossible to poison an Irken,” Tak explained. “The PAK filters out most toxins. You can incapacitate them, though, for a short period of time.”
“So you basically just quit your job in spectacular fashion,” Dib said indignantly.
Tak almost couldn’t believe it. Zim must be sincere in his betrayal. He poisoned the Tallest and declared to the entire upper crust of the Irken military that it was intentional. There was no coming back from that. Every other disaster he caused could reasonably be argued as a mistake. But there could be no doubt here. Zim truly had turned on the empire.
Yet, something still didn’t sit quite right with her. If he had gone rebel, if he had truly turned traitor, then his life clock would have gone off like hers did. One would reasonably assume the impotence for this betrayal was her discovery of the Control Brains parasite, but she was with him ever since she told him that news and she never saw his life clock go off. But that could only mean something else prompted him at an earlier date. So the question was, what made Zim finally snap?
They came to a split in the hallway. Tak started going right while Zim went left.
“Uh, the Voot is this way,” Tak called.
“I’m not going to the Voot,” Zim yelled back. “I’m going to the control room.”
Dib and Tak cast each other a glance, then followed him. They found him crouched behind a door at the end of the hall and joined him in his hiding spot. Dib took a peak inside. There, dozens of Irkens worked at their stations. They seemed unaware that, for now, their leaders were incapacitated.
Zim tapped his PAK and a metal ball flew into his hands. He pulled a pin, tossed it in, and smashed the control panel, shutting the door. They heard coughing from the other side and, after a few minutes, opened the door to find the Irkens unconscious on the floor.
“So, what are we doing in here again?” Dib asked, as they stepped into the room.
Zim grabbed one of the Irkens who still slouched in their chair and threw them to the floor. “Wiping Urth off the navigation map.” He sat down and the monitor and started messing with the buttons. “If I’m going to continue to use it as my home base, I can’t have them finding it.”
“Not so fast,” Tak slapped his fingers away from the buttons. “Before this goes any further, I need answers. If you’re truly on our side, there’s only one way your life clock didn’t go off.”
“We don’t have time for this!”
“You had a rebellious thought!” Tak declared. “When?”
“Three Urth years ago.”
“Three years?” Dib shouted, stepping up to them. “But I’ve been watching you. Why were you still trying to conquer Earth if you kinda-quit three years ago?”
“I wasn’t.”
“But I saw you building machines!” Dib argued.
“They weren’t for me!” Zim shot back.
Tak began to ask “But how-” before Zim cut her off.
“Silence!” he shouted. “Silence your questions! I need to concentrate.”
Zim continued typing on the buttons until a picture of the Earth appeared on the screen. The stats were scarce, save for the coordinates and the note, ‘that place where Zim is.’ The little blue ball of dirt and water had gone unnoticed by the empire, noteworthy only as a banishment site. To them, it was merely a place to keep Zim contained, far away from anything important. But after the stunt they pulled today, it would be a target.
Another few clicks of a button and the Urth was gone, leaving only a blank file in its wake. All Irken military ships automatically synced with the Massive. If it was gone from this data base, it was essentially invisible to all Irkens. If they wanted to find Urth again, they’d have to scour the universe for it. But why stop at Urth?
“Let’s dump it all,” Tak said.
“Erase the database,” she said. “It’ll be a crippling blow to the empire.”
“Do we really have time to erase everything?” Dib asked. The human made a good point.
“Jut the maps then,” she suggested. “They would have to rebuild their navigation systems from scratch and it would send the fleet into disarray.”
“Zim is no radical!” Zim snapped. “I’m only doing this to cover my own ass.”
“Not a raical?” Dib scoffed. “You just poisoned your own leaders.”
“That was personal,” Zim argued. “This is political.”
“And what about those weapons you’re building?!” Dib shot back. “If they’re not for Irk, then who are they for?”
“Zim’s business deals are none of your… um… business!”
“Shut up!” Tak commanded, taking a seat at another monitor. “We don’t have time for this! Let’s get these maps erased and get out of here.”
“If you even make it that far,” a chorus of voices answered.
Dib looked around. “Who said that?”
“We did, human.”
Every Irken in the room rose to their feet. Tak prepared herself for a fight. Her eyes darted as she watched them all, poised to deploy the weapons in her PAK. But none made a move to attack. They all stood there, stalk still, with a dead look in their eyes.
Dib gaped at the sight. “H-how are you…”
“Silence Urth Creature!” the possessed Irkens shouted in unison, turning their cold eyes toward Dib. “Do not interrupt us again!” Dib shut his mouth and the Irkens calmed. “Congratulations defectives” they said, now addressing Zim and Tak. “It’s been centuries since we had to resort to total override, but mark our words, you will pay for this waste of food.”
“What do you care for waste?” Tak spat back at them. “You throw Irken lives away every day in your conquest.”
“A calculated cost to bring me more to feed from in the long term,” the Irkens explained with their eerily monotone voices. “You should know about calculated risks. Don’t forget, we see everything you do.”
“When have I ever sacrificed good soldiers?”
Every possessed Irken in the room wore the same mocking smirk. “All through your training days. Don’t you remember? We saw everything you did, every little cheat to get ahead.”
The Irkens tapped buttons on their control boards and soon, every monitor showed various scenes from Tak’s training years. “Electrodes hidden in your boots to cripple race opponents. Stealing test answers and planting them in a rival’s locker after copying them for yourself. You got top scores on your exams and excelled at your drills, but is it really victory if you have to sabotage your competitions? Oh sure, you studied and trained, but it never felt like enough, did it? Never thought you could win a fair fight. Had to tear someone else down first. Maybe, if it weren’t for all your cheating, we’d have let you make up your Elite ranking test. After all, we allowed everyone else who was inconvenienced by the blackout to take it.” Their smirks grew as they twisted the knife further. “Just not you.”
Tak ground her teeth together as she watched the images play out on the screen. There was no denying them. The monitors played footage from her own memory bank. They showed her and everyone else who she really was. She work so hard. She clawed her way to the top and did everything she could to stay there. But it was all a lie. And now they knew it. What was worse, Zim knew it. That little pain in the ass managed to make it to elite the first time, even while being a walking disaster, and he never had to deliberately cheat. The idea of him lording that over her was enough to make her blood boil.
“Perhaps you can prove everyone wrong, though,” the Irken voices went on. “Take the honest route for once in your life. Tell Zim what you learned on your little trip to Refirencee. Tell him what you suspect.”
“Fool!” Zim scoffed. “Zim already accessed Tak’s memories. I know everything she knows about the Control Brain parasite.”
“Yes, you saw the same books. But did you reach the same conclusions?”
“Guys! Don’t you see what it’s doing?” The Dib burst in. “It’s distracting you. It’s keeping you here until your leaders recover. Let’s erase those maps and get out of here!”
“Silence!” Zim snapped at Dib, then turned back to the dead-eyed Irkens. “Tell Zim what you know, creepy hive-mind…thing!”
“Have you ever wondered why you’re such a failure? Why you destroy everything you touch? Why, no matter what you do, everything always blows up in your face? It’s because you have no choice in the matter. It’s what you were made for.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Before we push for something big, we require extra sustenance. We take this sustenance in what some have called a blood toll. On our first planet, we made many mistakes, one was asking our hosts directly for sacrifices. We know better now.”
“Ans what does this have to do with me?” Zim growled impatiently.
“Since the beginning of our reign, one PAK has been passed down through generations, carrying a suppressed impulse for destruction. We need only to activate it and we have our blood toll. Clearly our PAK has become quite damaged over the years. It no longer works quite right. You’re so defective, you couldn’t even declare your name right.”
The screen flashed the name Zim across it. It then reversed the letters and spread them out to reveal an acronym. ZIM became MIZ. And MIZ became Massacre Initiator Z.
“You were supposed to live as a low-ranking drone until we activated your destructive impulse and die in the disaster. You, however, defied us at every turn. We kept you alive out of sheer curiosity. We wanted to see how your life would play out. It’s been entertaining, however, you’ve become too great a burden to bare.”
Zim stood motionless, staring straight ahead. They waited for the typical Zim outburst of “lies!” or declaring his greatness, but nothing came. His eyes looked as dead as the possessed Irkens around them. He said nothing, did nothing. As much as Tak couldn’t stand Zim’s obnoxious voice or erratic behavior, watching him be so still was chilling.
Tak’s antenna perks at the sound of footsteps trooping down the hall. The Dib’s head darted for the door. “Guy! Come on! We’re out of time!”
Tak smacked Zim’s lifeless body away from the control panel. “Do you think you can stop us by getting into our heads?”
“Oh simple Tak,” the Irkens sighed. “We've lived in your heads since you were fitted with your packs.”
Tak sneered at them. “I cut you off for me and I won't rest until every Irken is free of you.”
“Please, you worked your whole life to get our attention. You finally have it. Do you want to throw that away? Perhaps we can find a place with someone of your drive and ingenuity.”
“Liars!” Did they think she was stupid? She knew as well as it that treason of this scale would never go unpunished. Even if they tried to appease her with a higher rank or a cushy job, it’d only be a matter of time before they got rid of her. But even the fact that it was trying to negotiate meant something. She was a threat to it, and she would stay a threat until the day she died.
“We you know you, Tak. You’re a plotter. You won't do anything rash.”
They don’t know me half as well as they think. “Want a bet?” She started hitting buttons on the control board. An alert came up on the screen and the voice blared from the speakers. “All maps queued for deletion. Are you sure you want to proceed?”
She hit one more button and the screen went black. “Deletion successful.”
“Take that you parasite bitch.”
“Come on,” Dib begged, pulling on her arm. The footsteps were noticeably louder. “We have to go now!”
Tak took off running and Dib pulled on the frozen Zim until his legs moved. They burst into the hall and immediately came across a group of Irkan soldiers. “There they are!” one of the soldiers cried.
Tak led the way as they ran toward the ship’s hanger. The soldiers fired at them. A laser cannon popped out of Tak’s pack and returned fire, but it was difficult for her to aim while leading the dash to the Voot. She wished one of her companions had could back her up with a pistol but Zim was still barely conscious and Dib was preoccupied with keeping his legs moving. The sound of little metallic feet running beside them gave her an idea.
“Zim, tell me your SIR unit to go into defensive mode.
There was no response. Zim was as helpful as a sack of empty ginzor cans.
“Hey Zim’s robot,” Dib said to the little SIR unit.
Gir looked up at him curiously. “Hmm?”
“Don't you have any weapons or something?”
“You know, something that makes pretty lights and goes ‘pew, pew’?”
“Oh that. I got that.” A giant laser cannon popped out of his head and he fired wildly into the soldiers behind them, forcing the Irkens to scatter for cover
Finally, they made it to the hangar and all jumped in the Voot. Zim slid zombie-like into the pilot seat.
“Come on,” Dib said, shaking Zim’s shoulder. “Get us out of here!”
“Zim!” Tak snapped. “If you don't fly this ship, I will!”
That seemed to work. Zim shook off whatever stupor he was in and his usual look of single-minded determination returned to his eyes. “No one pilots Zim’s ship but Zim!” He took hold of the controls and the ship roared to life. In a flash, they took off into the stars.
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bastillewolf · 4 years
It’s More About Looks Than Skill (VIII)
Pairing: Ryuk/Reader
Summary: Ryuk finds himself gaining feelings for Light Yagami’s best friend, but she doesn’t know he exists. When he makes the grave mistake of touching her, he makes things a lot more complicated.
Notes: I’m back... I told you I wasn’t giving up on this fic, I just needed some time to get over myself. I’ve plotted down the whole story and its ending, so you don’t have to worry about me not finishing this. It might take some time, but I’ll try not to post once every two months. Sorry, once again!
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list! If I wasn’t able to tag you, please check your settings and send me another ask.
@sarai-ibn-la-ahad​, @rustypotatospork​ @mantisandthemoondragon @baby-queen-girl​ @itscalledtrust​ @emilyshurley​ @killtherandomness​ @selmeuuh​ @felicity291​ @mahou-no-momo​​ @bakarinnie​​ @beccawinter​​ @chantelle-c333​​ @ria-demon29​​
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Chapter VIII
It wasn’t until she’d said goodbye to Soichiro and stepped through the hospital doors into the night’s breeze, did she hear Light speak again. She was standing miraculously placed behind a large bush, where they wouldn’t notice her. It seemed the young man waited to see if anyone stepped through the doors before deciding to continue his talk with the God of death hovering in the air behind him.
“I never once felt cursed since I picked up the Death Note. In fact, the thought never even crossed my mind. I’m happier than I’ve ever been, all thanks to this power. I’m going to create a perfect world.”
“Honestly, I could care less whether you feel cursed or happy to have a notebook. I’ll leave that sentimental crap to you humans. But… Normally humans who come into contact with a Shinigami have nothing but misfortune.”
“That’s interesting. But I have no intentions of repeating that pattern.”
She only allowed her lungs to release the air they’d been holding long after she could no longer hear his footsteps walking off. And only then did she allow herself to finally feel what she’d felt in the pit of her stomach all this time; fear.
“Are you seeing this?” Lights voice carried over the walkie-talkie, but her attention was directed entirely towards what the TV in front of her was broadcasting. Since phones had become a danger as of late, she’d suggested going for a more old-school approach, if it was only to be able to contact Light when her house was feeling a bit too empty. Which was happening more and more frequently.
She hummed in response.
“Even if you don’t agree with me, all I ask is that you not publicise your views in the media. If you can do that, you will be spared. All you have to do now, is be patient. I will create a better world that we can all enjoy. Say goodbye to the world as you know it. Soon, we’ll have a new world ruled by benevolence inhabited by kind-hearted, honest people. Try to imagine it; a world where the police and I-“
“Switch channels. Now.”
She did as was asked of her, and was faced with the collapsed figure of Ukita, a taskforce member she’d just met only a few days prior. “Light… you didn’t-?”
“Of course it’s not me, you fool. I wouldn’t be so reckless. Now L will think I don’t need a name to kill someone. This impersonator is ruining all my plans!”
“Calm down, Light. This might work in our favour. You and I both know L will take all possibilities into consideration, so it could very well be that he’s already figured out about this person acting as a second Kira.”
“Ryuk-“ she heard some muffled noises in the background, “-didn’t give another Death Note to anyone, did you?”
“I only had two,” she could make out, “and I’m surely not stupid enough to give away my second one.”
“Light, please look back at the screen.”
“A vehicle has just driven through the front of the station!”
“Well, that’s one way to stop the broadcast.”
It took a while, but eventually a police car arrived at the scene. And another, and another, until the whole building was surrounded.
“That’s… Soichiro? Light, that’s your father!”
“There you have it! The police refused to cooperate with Kira! Instead, they are prepared to fight. And, as much as I fear for my own life while saying so, this is right, and it must be done! Kira has become a very threat to our constitution, and as citizens, we must fight back. I am NHN’s Golden News anchor, Kouki Tanakabara.”
“I can only say it’s a shame that the answer is no, it’s clear that the police wish to oppose me.”
“How and why is this being broadcasted?” she asked, scooting Light’s chair closer to the television on his desk. It was the next day, and Sakura TV was airing the Kira imposer’s tapes once more.
“This will not go unpunished. So, I’ll start by either taking the life of the director-general of the NPA, or the detective known as L, who is currently leading the investigation against me. The director-general, or L? Who will pay the price in your refusal to cooperate in the creation of a peaceful world? You have four days to decide.”
Light let out a small chuckle. “You were right all along. There is no need to worry.”
“It would appear that another Shinigami has come to the human world, and somehow that Shinigami’s Death Note has fallen into the hands of someone who agrees with Kira. And this person most likely the Shinigami Eyes, which makes him very deadly. His power to kill surpasses even mine.”
“Or her,” she corrected him, to which he rolled his eyes.
“One thing is for certain, if I leave things I’m pretty sure L will be finished off within the next four days. However, I can’t forgive this imposter for the way he’s tarnishing Kira’s image with his senseless killings. Not to mention if he slips and gets caught, the Death Note will be discovered and that I can’t allow. I cannot afford to leave him alone for much longer.”
“Oh, now I definitely hope it’s a girl. If only to watch you struggle.”
“What’s that supposed to mean? I don’t struggle with girls,” he protested.
“You’re right. But let’s just say that it wouldn’t surprise me if you turned out gay.”
“Please do shut up.”
It wasn’t long before L had invited both of them to his secret location. They were currently standing in front of the quirky hotel, after a reasonably lengthy train ride.
“I suppose your father couldn’t have just picked us up?” she asked.
Light shook his head. “That would’ve looked too suspicious. Right now, it just looks like we’re trying to escape our parents by booking a hotel room.”
“Aw, Light,” she cooed, latching onto his arm playfully, “I didn’t think you had it in you.”
He pulled up his nose in irritation, and she felt the Shinigami that had been holding her hand subtly stiffen. “What- what does that mean?”
“Don’t even bother asking, Ryuk,” Light replied.
“I’ll remind you to behave, Light,” she reminded him, “L probably knows this Kira is a copycat because of the fact that they didn’t need a name to kill the person, and you’d do well to think about the possibility that he might have wanted for that last tape to be broadcasted. I’m not sure how you’re going to get out of this one, as you can either choose to be ignorant, or speak up about your ‘deductions’.”
“God, I hope it’s gonna be a girl.”
A short introduction followed between Light and the task force, as she simply gave them all a polite smile. She’d told Light briefly about them, as they’d met once or twice when she had her meetings in the café with L beforehand. At first, Light had been appalled by the fact that she knew more about these men that he did, but eventually did accept the fact that he now had someone who was apparently a more trusted figure in L’s mind.
And as expected, tapes were shown to both of them.
“Do you mind if I ask Light to make his deductions first?” L asked her.
She shook her head. “I understand. You’ve talked to me more than you have with Light. Go ahead.”
“So, what do you make of this, Light? Have you come to any conclusions?”
…It’s a test.
“It’s hard to say, but there might be another person out there with Kira’s power.”
And so it begins.
 You may also write the cause and/or details of death prior to filling in the name of the individual. Be sure to insert the name in front of the written cause of death. You have about 19 days (according to the human calendar) in order to fill in a name.
 “Are you sure you’re gonna pull this off? Pretending to be Kira, I mean?” she nudged him jokingly.
“I sure hope so. As long as I don’t start stuttering like I used to when I was a kid while we go live,” Light replied, almost too innocently. She knew all he wanted to do right now was strangle her for her comment, which is why she made it now; so he couldn’t.
“You used to stutter? Doesn’t seem very like you, Light,” L noted.
“Oh, he did,” Soichiro fondly recalled, “I remember those two reading out loud in Light’s room, giving a presentation to a whole group of stuffed animals, until he stuttered no more. I was so proud of you that day.”
Light shifted in embarrassment, clearly wanting this conversation to go back to business. “Ryuuzaki, does this look okay? I think I managed to make it believable.”
L picked up the sheet of paper. “Hm, I think you’ve done an excellent job with this. However, if we don’t omit the part that says, ‘you’re free to kill L’, then I’m gonna end up dead.”
What a dumbass.
Light laughed accordingly, “Sorry, I guess I got carried away playing the part. I figured if I was him I’d probably demand that he be killed. I was improvising, feel free to change it to whatever you like.”
“Sounds good. Say, just to make sure nothing happens, I’d have Aihara read the script during broadcast. It’s just as a precaution.”
“Of course.”
What a shame.
They’d sat down in front of the television once more, which seemed to be a more regular occurrence these days. Soichiro met her gaze.
“Sweetheart, do you have any idea when your parents are coming back?”
She shook her head, “They usually let me know the day before. Their schedules are too erratic these days to be able to plan home visits ahead.”
She knew he pitied her when she’d said ‘home visits’. Parents shouldn’t be visiting their home. They should visit work, and be home.
“But they let me know they’re getting all of the divorce papers finalized, and that because of their absence they think it would be best to keep the house until I move out.”
“Your parents are getting divorced?” Light asked, genuinely surprised, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
She shrugged. “They told me when we still weren’t on speaking terms because of our fight. Guess it slipped my mind.”
“Well, you’re always welcome to stay at our house, if you’re missing the comfort,” Soichiro reminded her, for which she was grateful. “I was wondering though - and please tell me if I’m stepping out of line here - haven’t you connected with anyone else yet in school?”
“…Connected, sir?”
“W-Well, you know what I mean-“
“…Oh, uh- No, not really.”
“Well, it’s not any of my business anyway, but while your father is gone, please do tell me if you need me to give a young man a stern look.”
She giggled quietly, her cheeks reddening. “Thank you, mister Yagami. But I don’t think that’s necessary.”
“That reminds me,” Light said, “I think I kind of promised someone you’d go out with them.”
Ryuk held his breath.
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1dsource · 4 years
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This list consists almost entirely of newer fics, so please show them some extra love and leave a kudos, and even a comment if you have the time. It’s important we also give the newer, unknown authors a chance so they keep having motivation to write more amazing stories for us all to read <3
Are you afraid of God? by @lightwoodsmagic l 53K l Supernatural Elements
It was supposed to be simple; bring us the boy, wipe away the debt. Watching Harry now, beautiful and almost untouchable where he stood against the railing, it seemed clear to Louis what he should’ve known from the moment he saw him. It was never going to be simple. “Do you think it’s possible to redeem everything that we’ve done?” Louis moved, desperate to be closer, the siren in the background obvious that everything was about to fall apart again. “I don’t know if there’s any point.” Harry kept his gaze on the burning city, eyes weary but bright. “Are you afraid of God, Louis?” “No, but I’m afraid of you.”
A Bioshock Infinite AU where nothing is ever as it seems, and time is always irrelevant.
I'm a Rocket Man by @adoredontour l 47K l Road Trip
All he could hear were the faint sounds of Pina Colada coming from the radio and his own heart beating erratically against his chest.
“Oops,” he heard coming from the other side of the front window. He quickly pushed the grey rubber towards the back of the car, the rubber of the thing groaning and squeaking as he did so. Finally, after wrestling the thing away from him, Harry came into view, face pressed against the other side of the window.
“Hi.” Louis smiled, looking towards Harry, eyes curious. He almost got lost in the way Harry’s face was so cutely pinched, green eyes glowing in the sunlight. He was brought back to reality when Harry tried to move, causing the grey whatever it was to push against Louis again. “What the fuck is this?”
“Uhh... it’s Randy?”
or, Niall is an investigative journalist, Liam is his biggest fan, Zayn is just along for the ride, and Harry probably isn’t an alien. A roadtrip au no one asked for.
Take A Chance On Me by @peachypetalhazz l 39K l University
When Harry receives two tickets to see one of his favourite bands, he'd expected that his best mate would accompany him. However, it is soon learned that the intentions behind this so-called gift were far more wondrous than he initially thought.
with no way out and a long way down by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed l 31K l Royalty l Soulmates
Prince Harry is ten when he receives his soulmark.
Just Let Me Adore You by @chloehl10 l 26K l Kid Fic 
When Louis’ daughter presents him with a Christmas gift far beyond the price range of a four year old, he jumps to the worst of conclusions. He’s pleasantly surprised when he finds out how she isn’t as naughty as he thought she was, and who came to her rescue.
Lovin' you is a gift by @goldbootsandvans l 25K l Fake Dating
With his 28th birthday approaching, Louis was looking forward to celebrating in New York City with an all-expenses paid trip. He just didn't expect to spend it with an escort when he suddenly finds himself single a few days before it. A Pretty Woman AU.
Forever And Always by @jacaranda-bloom l 25K l Vampire Harry
“Right,” Harry says and slaps his hands down on the kitchen benchtop. Now he just has to get home, find this poor Niall guy who is currently camped out in his body, and have them swapped back. What could possibly go wrong?
OR the one where Harry’s neighbour is a crotchety old witch who hates vampires, Niall is the unsuspecting human who ends up inhabiting Harry’s body, and Louis is the caseworker who is assigned to swap them back. How it ends up a love story is anyone’s guess.
Bare Essentials by @onlyforthebravee l 14K l Stripper Harry
Harry works at Bare Essentials as a stripper, but when he loses his first job, he decides to start doing the VIP's, which is how he meets Louis, who is as mysterious as he is fascinating.
i took my love (take it down) by @leedsau l 11K l Historical
“You know you’re crazy right?” Louis says one afternoon while they’re out on a stroll with the twins. All-day Harry had been trying to get cozy with him. He was the one who suggested that they walk to the town square together because he wanted to pick something up, and Louis was the one who made the twins tag along with them as a buffer.
The annoyed look on Harry’s face as he told their parents the plan was almost enough for him to call off this whole thing and just say he was feeling ill and needed to lay down (Louis wouldn’t put passed Harry to try and nurse him back to good health which would mean being in close proximity to each other that so idea was squashed). So he watched Harry suck it up, broke the news to the twins and now here they are walking.
Harry threw the leaves he’d been throwing around, at him, making them laugh. He gave Louis a funny look. “How am I crazy?" He asked, "Is it because I know what I want and I go after it.” Harry gets in Louis’ face, he can feel his heavy breathing on his lips. “Or is it something else?”
Wildflower by @halosboat l 10K l Florist Harry
"So, since you're an expert on the whole flowers thing, what kind of flower do you think I'd be?
"Would fit you," Harry amends, "and that would be sunflowers."
"Okay... and why sunflowers?"
Harry gazes down at him, running his fingers through Louis' soft fringe.
"Simple, because the sun follows you wherever you go."
The one where Harry works as a florist at Wildflower and Louis is a customer who keeps coming back.
temporary fix by @onlyforthebravee l 2K l Bartender Harry l PWP
Harry meets his one time Idol, Louis Tomlinson, while he's working at the bar one night. Louis takes him home.
Again, if you read, please remember to leave kudos and/or a comment so we keep motivating our lovely, talented writers and make them feel valued
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hela-avenger · 4 years
poison & wine- part 19
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1940
Summary: Prince Loki of Asgard is in need of a date to take back home. That’s where you come in with a task of your own to make the whole trip with an insufferable prince worth it. Too bad that things don’t always go as planned and you end up giving more than you can take. Fake-Dating AU.
A/N: So the last update brought the angst and this one makes up for it! Thanks for reading and commenting everyone! Please send me a message if you’ll like to be tagged! 
poison & wine masterlist
After a few minutes, Loki was forced to let you go. You had yet to stop crying and he didn’t know what he was meant to do if this continued on. He couldn’t take you back to the palace in this state but he couldn’t stay on the bridge any longer and risk someone finding you like this too. 
“Mount my horse,” Loki instructs you as he leads you to the black stallion adorned in his colors. “You’re in no state to ride back on your own so you’ll ride with me.” 
“But…” you whisper as your stare turns to the horse you had brought along. 
“I’ll send someone to come pick him up,” Loki assures you. “Just get on my horse.” 
Loki watches as you climb onto his horse and settle into his saddle. When he’s convinced you won’t do anything brash, which he isn’t entirely convinced at the moment, Loki steps away.
“I’ll be back. Just wait for me.” 
You don’t argue when he turns away and leaves you behind. You simply watch as he makes his way into the dome. 
“Is the Lady Y/N alright?” Heimdall asks as the prince enters. 
“Yes, no thanks to you.”  
“I knew you would catch her, your majesty,” Heimdall remarks. “There was no need for me to intervene.”
Loki shakes his head at the guardian knowing that there was no point in arguing further. 
“What did you tell her, Heimdall?” Loki asks as he glared up at the All-Seer. 
“She wanted to know who her father is,” Heimdall answers. “I reminded her that my loyalty is to the king.”
“Don’t drag this out,” Loki snaps. “She’s deeply upset. What did you tell her?” 
Heimdall knows better than to reveal such a secret to the prince. You had come to the truth on your own and the prince would have to do the same.
“I gave her clues to lead her to an altogether different truth,” Heimdall states. “She was smart enough to find it.” 
Loki hated when Heimdall spoke in riddles but that was all the All-Seer was going to give him. The only way he would find out would be through you if you allowed him to know. 
He turns his back with the intent of heading back to you but Heimdall wasn’t done with him yet. 
“This game you’re playing with her at the moment,” Heimdall speaks. “I suggest you put an end to it.” 
“Is that a threat?” 
“No,” Heimdall answers as his stare shifts to watch something else entirely. “But it can be.” 
Loki scoffs and walks away. 
He held no fear towards the All-Seer and his attempts of intimidation but he couldn’t help but keep the warning in mind. There must be a reason for it and Loki had every intention in figuring it out. 
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The ride was silent and slow. Neither of you were willing to be the first to speak and perhaps it all had to do with the distraction of the thoughts revolving in your mind. You had broken down and out of everyone, it was in front of Loki. You didn’t know how to manage that situation. In fact, you didn’t know how you were meant to manage any situation at all. 
You were in Asgard, a thousand light years away from your home on Earth, and you had found your answer. The answer being something you already knew. That you were on your own. 
“We’re here.” 
You frown when you realize that Loki had steered the horse out of the palace path into some unknown forest. 
“Where are we?” you ask as Loki leads the horse under the shade of a nearby tree. 
“We’re just outside of the city gates,” Loki answers as he dismounts from his horse. “There’s a small river nearby where Thor and I used to play. It’s relatively safe and out of the way that no one ever thinks of coming through here.” 
“But why?” 
“Your eyes are still red from crying,” Loki points out. “We can go back if you like but I believe you and I would prefer to avoid the royal court's attention on this matter.” 
Loki had a point and so you agree on the break. You dismount and the moment you’re off, Loki is quick to whisper something to the horse before sending him off. 
“He’ll be back when I call for him,” Loki tells you. “Just sent him out to get a drink.” 
You nod at his explanation and allow yourself to relax. You take a deep breath of fresh air and take a seat on the shaded grass. Loki follows suit leaning against the tree. 
“Are you going to tell me what you and Heimdall spoke of?” 
You let out a sigh knowing you had to. 
“I asked him about my father,” you answer as you wrap your arms around your knees to rest your head upon. “Heimdall couldn’t tell me much but the little he managed to give away … well, it was enough for me to come to a big conclusion.” 
“Which was?” 
“The reason why my father never came back for me and my mother is because he died before he was able to do so,” you can’t help the dark chuckle that escapes you. “My life is not at risk. I was safe all along apparently.”  
You’re met with silence which doesn’t surprise you. Loki stares out into the forest in front of you and lets out a sigh.
“I… I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be,” you tell him. “I found the answer I was looking for. All matters have been put to rest.”
“No, there’s no more buts, I just… I just want to move past this.” 
You look over at Loki who’s watching you with that same concern he had when he caught you from falling to your death. 
“What?” you ask. 
“I am not the best at managing my emotions but even I know that you can’t simply move past this.” 
He was right but you didn’t want to admit that to him. You wanted to be numb and remain numb. 
“I don’t want to cry anymore,” you whisper. “I don’t…” 
“You don’t what?” Loki asks. 
You swallow not wanting to admit what you feared the most. 
“I don’t want to be alone anymore,” you whisper. “But I don’t… I don’t have anyone. There’s no one left.”
“You have friends down in Midgard,” Loki reminds you. “The Man of Iron and the Captain… the Witch and the Widow.” 
“I can’t call them my friends when all I do is push them away because I’m afraid of growing attached,” you answer. “You and I both know that I will outlive them all anyway and then I’ll be left on my own once again so what’s the point? My father was the only person I could rely on and it turns out he’s been dead all along.” 
“People aren’t meant to be alone. We need a community. We need companionship,” you explain. “I thought I could go without but I have been on my own for two centuries and I can’t take it anymore. So what am I meant to do now? What is there left for me to do?” 
You lean against the tree in resignation trying to find your own answer to the questions you’ve been asking since you left Heimdall. 
“Your father, though he is dead, must have left you a legacy to follow through,” Loki tells you. “All we need to do is find it.” 
“Loki…” you sigh out unsure why he was so intent in dragging this out longer. 
“Just listen,” he interrupts you. “I looked through the travel records and found nothing.” 
“Ok?” you answer confused as to how that mattered. “Maybe someone forgot to write it down.” 
“We are precise here in Asgard. Such a thing wouldn’t happen,” Loki explains. “Which leaves a unique conclusion to explain it all.”
“That is…?” 
“Your father, whatever his role in court was, must have been very important and private for his travel records to Midgard to be sealed. Only Odin has access to those.” 
“But what kind of… That doesn’t make any sense,” you stammer out. “What could he be doing down on Earth that it had to be kept secret?” 
“I don’t know,” Loki answers. “If you no longer wish to find your father, I will let the matter rest but I believe you owe it to yourself to know.” 
You let out a sigh. 
Loki seemed genuinely invested in helping you now. It made you suspicious. 
“You’re not trying to convince me because you still need me to fake court you, are you?”  
“No,” Loki smiles. “I have a feeling you would regret missing the opportunity to find some real answers. You deserve to know the truth.” 
You knew he was right. If you went back to Earth empty-handed, you would regret it for the rest of your life. 
“Ok, I’m in,” you tell him. “You get me my answers and I’ll keep fake courting you.” 
“It’s a deal,” Loki agrees. “Are you ready to head back?” 
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” you sigh out. 
Loki stands up and offers his hand for you to take so you do. He pulls you up and surprisingly doesn’t let your hand go. 
“I uh…” Loki hesitates for a moment before continuing. “I thought I should let you know that… that you’re not alone.”
“How so?” you ask him.
You couldn’t help the smile that fought its way to your lips. He was suddenly nervous that he couldn’t even meet your eyes anymore.
“You have me,” Loki answers. “I am an immortal with nothing but time in my hands. I can be there for you for as many years as you have left.”
You squeeze his hand in gratitude and he finally meets your stare. 
“I would like that,” you tell him. “Thank you.” 
Loki nods at your answer and lets go of your hand. He clears his throat and the simple gesture shifts him back to his usual princely self. He turns away from you and whistles causing his horse to trot back to you instantly. 
Loki grabs the reigns and motions for you to mount first. Once you’re settled, he climbs up and settles himself behind you.
“We should probably come up with a story as to why we left the palace to visit Heimdall,” you tell Loki as he pulls you back to the palace path. 
“Simple, you wanted to check in on your friends in Midgard,” Loki answers. “And if someone asks if you’ve been crying just tell them the truth.”
“My father’s dead?” you ask confused. 
“No,” Loki objects quickly. “I was referring to your bridge incident.”  
You can’t help but be shocked at the reminder.
“I can’t believe I almost fell off the Bifrost,” you mutter in realization. You look back at him with a laugh. “There should really be some kind of warning sign to prevent another accident like mine.”
“A warning sign?” Loki mocks. “It’s common sense to not get close to the ledge.”  
You can’t help but laugh and continue to pester him for a solution. 
“Ok then maybe set up some rails or a fence,” you offer. “Your first order of business when you become king is to put some rails up.” 
Loki shakes his head as you continue to ramble on possible solutions for him to consider. You look back at him in amusement and he can’t help but smile in response. The return of your happiness was contagious and he allowed himself the peaceful reprieve of it.
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poison & wine tag: @damalseer​ @just-the-hiddles​ @jessiejunebug​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @smollest-soybean​ @assassinoftheworld​ @readerbandit​ @doyoufeelikeayounggod​ @strangemcuvlogs​ @ha-tep​ @i-dont-know-eiither​ @gene-king​ @day-dreaming-fox​ @bn-studies​ @is-it-madness​ @sigyn-njorddottir​ @devilbat​ @victor-criss-bish​ @skinny-macncheese​ @musicconversedance​ @baby-bunnyxn​ @fandoms-allovertheplace​ @marvelloonie​ @jinxjinxednova​ @queenmuahaha​ @accio-boys​​ @eternalqueensworld​​ @umlvk​​ @roger-the-reindeer​ @punkrockhufflefluff​
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas​ @thesilentbluesparrow​ @oddly-drawn-muse​ @josiehosiedaninja​ @hp-hogwartsexpress​ @sadwaywardkid​ @wolf-lover74​ @sizzlingbarbarianglitter​​
All Works Tag: @jmb959​ @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​ @hellocookiecutter​ @steve-rogers-personal-hell​ @buckybarnesyard​ @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger
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mbti-notes · 4 years
Heyo, this is the INFJ that asked a year or so ago about learning psychology. Thanks for your last answer! I just wanted to ask about something else I've been having trouble with. I've always loved learning myself, especially in the mathematical/computational sciences. I've been doing so since I was 8 (I'm 18 rn) and I really love it. Since I was reading university-level stuff myself for all these years, I also got an on-campus job in research. However, since I've gotten this job, reading and do
[con’t: ing stuff has kinda lost its charm, the reason being that because I've started to see that I'm good at the field and potentially able to gain a lot of extrinsic reward for it, my motivation has become extrinsic because I have real stakes in not studying now such as not progressing in my career or even losing opportunities (Ryan's SDT theory? lol). I understand that I can just focus COMPLETELY intrinsically, without any focus on what I get from things, but that isn't preferable because I'll just it's just that I've caught a fear of success and procrastinate endlessly on achieving my long-term goals. I think I'm unconsciously afraid of doing too well tbh, because people don't like it (I've seen my peers becoming jealous and withdraw since I got my job and I didn't even realize why they did that until an elder explained to me). I'm also afraid of failing to do what I set out to do and showing myself that I was really in the clouds after all. Do you have tips to help me confront these fears? 
BTW, I saved this for the last: your answer was REALLY helpful; I'm making tons of progress! I've chosen to 'specialize' in cognitive/personality psychology, a tilt towards the personality side, and I've already started applying and seeing the depth in the various theories put together by those intelligent folks. I think I'm starting to analyze theories and put them in a more theory-in-itself perspective, which is really enjoyable and gets me a bunch of insight I didn't know was hidden there. I've also started seeing the value in research and how it is used to forward and refine theory empirically. So thanks :D]
You’re welcome. It seems that your problem is related to function misuse: 
Ni misuse: unrealistic expectations or extreme thinking
Fe misuse: self-image and self-worth problems
Ti misuse: twisted logic and inappropriate methods of judgment
Se misuse: superficial or oversimplistic thinking
The first major issue is that there’s something wrong with the way that you try to envision the future. 1) Oversimplified either/or thinking runs rampant. “Either I succeed or I fail.” “Either I am intrinsically or extrinsically motivated.” 2) From either/or thinking comes the formulation of extreme expectations. “I must be the absolute best to succeed”. “Failing means that I am the absolute worst.” “If I am only intrinsically motivated, I will procrastinate and fail.” “If I am only extrinsically motivated, I will lose myself and fail.” And on and on.
You don’t give yourself many options because your mind is closed or cut off from other options. If your N process is basically only capable of generating ideas that all lead to one conclusion - failure - it speaks to the immaturity of Ni. Listen more carefully to how you talk to yourself. If you talked to someone else the way that you talk to yourself, you’d be causing a lot of hurt. There is a distinct lack of self-compassion in your self-talk. You basically set yourself up for failure so that you can blunt the disappointment that you expect to feel should you fail - you are causing your own failure and disappointment. This is a very sad way to go through life. Sure, if you never really try, then you are able to live in the delusion that you could’ve been great. It is delusion because the fact is that you will never actually know the truth about yourself and your potential. You are saying that protecting your delusion is more important than the truth.
None of this thinking is useful or productive because it is all quite unrealistic. Your thinking is based on pure abstractions, detached from how learning actually works in the real world. Learning is a PROCESS of growth. It cannot be measured merely in stark terms of “success” or “failure”. Would you tell a child that they have failed unless they achieved 100% on the test? Yet that is basically what you tell yourself. Learning is a HUMAN process, nonlinear, unpredictable. It cannot be only intrinsically or only extrinsically motivated because all human beings are motivated by both kinds of factors. Are you a robot? You can just switch things on and off as you like? It doesn’t work that way. The proper approach is to balance the two because you need both. 
The second major issue is that your identity seems completely tied up with how you perform in your learning and work activities. This perhaps speaks to an underlying fear of being inadequate, inferior, unacceptable, worthless, etc - all pointing to deep-seated shame -> unhealthy Fe that uses inappropriate standards to determine your value. Ti loop commonly uses displays of striving, competency, or intelligence to prove oneself and alleviate shame. Shame about what? What’s your shame? Being imperfect? 
If your motivation for learning is actually perfectionism, then, yes, you’re going to have serious motivation problems, because your intention is misguided. As soon as you fail to live up to perfection, your motivation dies. Perfectionism cannot sustain long term growth because it is merely concerned with protecting your feelings and boosting your ego. Perfectionism drains energy rather than energizes you. Would you tell a child that the main reason for doing anything is perfection, that they must do everything perfectly, or else there’s no point? If so, you’d be guaranteeing their failure and depression. You will always fail to live up to perfection because perfection doesn’t exist except as a delusional possibility in your own mind. Always thinking in terms of “failure to live up to an ideal” means that your focus is always trained on the negative, and in that state of mind, there is no space for experiencing the positive aspects of learning and growth.
You need function development. It begins at the top, with the way that Ni+Fe (poorly) conceptualizes you, your self-image, your potential, and your worth. These are common INFJ issues, so I suggest that you read through the related tags and articles.
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kustovshik · 4 years
This post is informative in connection with a dispute that one of the parties decided to make absurd. If you don't want to get involved, just skip it. I don't force anyone to look into it or read it.
Kust is in touch. As many people have noticed, there was a small(not small now) conflict between me and a couple of other people, which could have already been eliminated, but was brought to total clowning. Names/nicknames named in this post will not be in order to avoid any negative towards those people. Also, no correspondence will be shown here, although they will be mentioned. If someone asks , I'm ready to go and personally collect all the screenshots of the two conversations, without losing any moments.
As a person in some way responsible for the current situation, I have a desire to illuminate everything from the side of my vision of things.
The conflict conditionally began three days ago. Let's call the person who initially had a small argument with me a certain person "A".
Well. in March. March 24th. We can assume that almost 5 months ago I published a post: https://kustovshik.tumblr.com/post/613504425335586816/i-want-to-be-in-fiars-stomach-he-looks-like-a
Many people remember it, I hope. I'll attach an old screenshot here just in case.
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The whole conflict initially started because of the double meaning of the context behind the work itself. The problem, I was told, was the tags. Namely, in the tag highlighted in the screenshot above: ‘safe vore(or is it?)’.
This tag was originally put up there not because I didn't know what type of vore to call it, but specifically so that people themselves would sit and think: what do they want to see in my drawing. Simply put, a drawing with an open context. And it seems like no one has had any problems with it for few months.
That's what person A didn't like. I was told in a very unpleasant way for me personally that the person was very offended by this use of tags. And other problems with how they don't like 'fatal vore'. It was also suggested to me that I don't know about how fatal can be quite a painful experience for some.
I admit. My answer was quite abrupt. I can't deny it, and I won't, because that's the kind of person I am. My language is harsh on words and expressions. Instead of a thousand words and a selection of expressions, I usually tell people everything openly, or I am ready to openly indicate that something is wrong. Also, I fully admit that I have problems controlling my emotions, which makes it difficult for me to establish contact with strangers. I grew up in a different mindset, which is why I have a different view of many things. It's like putting two people who know the same language, but from different parts of the world, next to each other and forcing them to express their position on some moral principles or other things, and then wonder why their answers are different. A very exaggerated and crude comparison, but that how it looks like.
Why did I respond harshly? I am a rather rude person, and I do not like when people come to me in private messages, starting to talk about how bad they are feeling, because of things that can be safely ignored or blocked by them, so that there are no problems.
My first fatal mistake was when I decided to answer to "A". Afterwards, I talked to a couple of my friends and got cold feet. And then I apologized, trying to come to some compromise, adding the tag 'open ending' so that no one would be confused. But it seems that this was not enough, because “A” continued to say how it’s bad from what she found, even if not quite fatal stuff. Refusing to compromise in any way, as I suggested.
After that, we parted with apologies to each other, and neither of us wrote to each other again. I honestly thought it was over.
Now, before I go on to the man who has been driving me mad for the past two days, I will make a pure assumption and try to explain my indignation in a different way...
Out of human interest, I went through the 'safe vore' tag. Noted an interesting feature. Both tags had quite a lot of posts there. Namely, tags are 'safe vore' AND 'fatal vore'. Why did my post cause the problem? Have no idea.
Then another point became incomprehensible to me. How did a person get to this post at all? It would be difficult to find it through search, but you can: there is a lot of content by tag. I flipped the feed down from the second account for a long time and didn't come across my own post.
Then, in my little investigation, I looked into Tumblr's alerts. Likes, reblogs, well, you understand in short. And noticed it.
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This is the first appearance of "A" in my notifications.
Hence, I dare to assume that "A" came across one of the reblogs of this post: https://kustovshik.tumblr.com/post/616227708116025344/a-new-player-has-joined-the-game And then "A" went to my blog, along the way ignoring the description specially written for such people at the very top of the blog, and came across my two-meaning post.
But after that, I had a rhetorical question: Why go to the blog of a person who has this written in the description, and hope that there will not be a fatal vore?
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Of course, this theory is based only on my assumptions. But I think this scenario is quite real.
Thus, we can say that I have every right to be angry at the indignation expressed in my direction, because it is not my fault that the person ignored my preferences, scrolled down my blog page and started complaining.
Back to reality.
As you can understand, " A " shared our conversation with their friend, who the next day suddenly came to me with a long message about his position, offering help that was not needed.
Even then, I began to suspect that this person(let's call him "B") was somehow connected with "A". Moreover, the reason for the visit was the same for both of them.
I have already mentioned that I am an irritable and rather rude person. I was already stressed enough by the appearance of "A" and the consequences of my reflections that occurred after what I thought was an end to the conflict. And the repeated mention of the situation has already infuriated me.
I fully admit that I reacted very sharply to the "B" message. I had reasons for this that the other side chose not to consider.
Well. After receiving the message I gave sharp response expressing extreme dissatisfaction, but without insults to "B". Was there passive-aggressive speech? Yes. Were words said that I am not obliged to monitor the health of people who do not concern me? Yes. Do I have the right to think so? Yes. Does this fall under the moral code? It depends on the person's personal worldview.
Yes, I was rude due to the fact that on the second day I was exhausted and angry about this situation. I wanted to end this conflict and repeatedly asked both of them to block me and remain neutral. In addition, I tried to somehow explain that we are people of different mentalities and grew up with different life standards, so in this situation we see this conflict differently. Yes, in a rough way, but I tried to explain it.
I received a ton of direct insults, was accused of narcissism and high self-esteem, as well as refusing to take care of other people's problems. In addition, I received lines like, quote: "...but let me see you talk like you did to me or anyone else simply trying to converse with you over a serious topic and I will not hesitate to have your content and eventually your account removed from this site.".
Isn't this a direct threat?
I understand that passive-aggressive speech itself can offend someone. But you can't call it an insult. Passive-aggression is a hidden way of expressing negative feelings and emotions to a person. This is not an insult. But, Yes, I admit that this is a very harsh and rude way of communicating.
That's just after such an exchange of pleasantries, I snapped. 3 days of unquenchable conflict, when one side refused to listen to the other, at the same time. There were attempts on my part to end the conflict. There was one repeated request to block and disperse, so as not to inflame everything to the point of absurdity.
"Want to stay safe with your own preferences? "Please, God, don't touch me, that's all. Block me already and we will live in peace. "- This was the message of my answers. It's sad, but instead of just ending the conflict, I got the brand of a person with a capitalist mindset, the brand of a bitch-whiner, and other other charms.
And I swear that I was ready to just leave all this and stop responding to such outbursts in my direction, banal blocking "B", if they can’t themselves do it.
As here I get a notification with a post where this person changed my art / tags and basically uploaded the changed image to his blog, hiding behind good intentions. "B" did not receive permission for such actions. Even with an indication of authorship. I am most outraged by such actions at the moment.
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Better look on the two images compared to each other. 
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And after that, everyone wants me to try to understand how bad I was and how poor they are, that from a simple argument that could have ended without even starting, it turned into an absurd clowning with offended people, insults and changing someone else's drawings and whole character reaction. Just a note. Fiar is not so nice, he’s a wild monster leech and he just grumbles about everything as much as he don’t understands why some people willing to let him eat them. He’ll never say something as “I’ll keep you safe”.  
There it is. The comedy of a three days.
This post is for informational purposes only. Namely, how I see this situation.
All I want now is for "B" to delete the post, and for both sides to banal block each other, so that we never meet again.
I refuse to apologize to "B" for their latest act of outraging my drawing by completely distorting the meaning from a neutral drawing to something that only "B" and their friend like. In conclusion I can say, that I do not call myself a good one in that confrontation. I did some terrible mistakes while talking to both of those people. But it’s not only I’m here being on the bad side. People are not black and white. 
After this I’ll not respond to any of the continuation of that conflict anymore. I’m tired of this.
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Fandom: Ikemen Series
Prompt: Wow, did anyone expect this? I certainly didn’t. Anyway, @kamesama​ and I made a little deal and with that deal this exchange came to be. I also added a lil’ surprise, because I like surprises and one may even consider her victim #7.
For someone to deserve Kamemom’s attention the suitor needs to be someone a little more in tune with their emotions. Someone who won’t play (emotional) mindgames, or set unfair expectations. Above all it needs to be someone that can appreciate Kamemom’s duality of being a badass, confident and independent individual whilst also being sensitive with her insecure and childlike moments. Important is that Kamemom finds the comfort and room in her relationship to be herself, express herself, but that it also teaches her to be alright to slow down and not focus on growth and adulthood yet. That enjoying life is also something that can be done when older and that being free and yourself isn’t childish. A relationship that will encourage her intellectually and creatively is of importance as well, but one where she doesn’t feel like she is miles behind to catch up on. For this reason I match her with:
Ranmaru Mori
With the recent release of Kennyo’s route we have come to see more of this young male and his motivations. What moves him and what drives him. It is from there that we can draw the conclusion that he is devoted, attentive and someone who just wants to make his loved ones happy. Despite his youth Ranmaru carries a huge responsibility and task on his small shoulders, much like Kamemom does. It is in this similarity that I believe the two of them to bond over as friends first. Both are sharp in their intuitions and are a whole lot more sensitive from what they like to show themselves. In part, I believe this is what will draw Ranmaru to Kame, because she often tends to sacrifice herself for the happiness of others, or as she put it: she finds her own worth in the smile of another. Much in the same way does Ranmaru weigh himself.
Now imagine, two good beans coming together who just want to make their most precious smile and each other? It is wholesome and it is uplifting. Kamemom being a little shy and reserved in character is no border either, for Ranmaru is bubbly and bright, without being pushy in his friendliness and willingness to get along. He will be exactly what she needs to get coaxed out of her shell and to break open that absolute chaotic energy that she holds within.
They are by no means a perfect match, however. Though not manipulative, Ranmaru holds his secrets and they affect his confidence as much as his mentality. The chances of this being a tipping point in her trust for him could mean the end. His willingness to do absolutely anything to make Kennyo ‘happy’ can mean that he might turn his back on Kamemom believing that to be the right choice. Bright as the young man is, we cannot claim that he is wise, unfortunately. This path of self-destruction will be ultimately what can make everything fall apart. But never fear! The chances of it turning that dramatic are slim for the people surrounding Ranmaru care just as much about him as he does about them, even if he doesn’t realise it.
Date ideas: Visiting all of the candy shops and get high on sugar together, cuddlefests, long hikes to get rid of the excess energy gained from the sugar and sassing the rest of the warlords.
Scenario: The light step of his gait were contradicting towards the energy and excitement he excuded. Rounding the corner Ranmaru’s eyes lit up at the sight of Kame, his smile unconsciously widening even further from what it already was. 
“Just the person I was looking for!” he exclaimed approaching the female with a sway in his movements, “there is a new stand opening in the castle town and they sell delicious peach snacks, do you want to try it with me?” 
The invitation was easily extended, as if it was the most natural thing to do. Though, Ranmaru knew that the beat of his heart suggested otherwise as he felt his breath stall just for a second, as if fearing a rejection heading his way. 
Keiji Maeda
In case the first match is not appreciated I luckily have a second proposal to pitch! He isn’t out yet in the English version, but soon shall be and from the stories I have heard I believe Kamemom and Keiji make an interesting match. Boisterous and confident Keiji is a force to be reckoned with, an older brother figure for many, a friend to all. Once more this affable man is friendly without being pushy and comes with the right amount of adventure to keep Kamemom on her toes.
However, just like Ranmaru this man has a hidden layer that he doesn’t like to show. A hurt child within that only few seem to care and pick up on. An attentive man that pays close attention to everyone's moods and adjusts himself accordingly because he wishes to make everyone smile. Yes, there is a pattern here. The Kamemom that loves to make everyone else smile and laugh meets her match in another soul alike. This wildchild is as much in need of someone who will make him smile just as much as he loves to make everyone else smile.
Now what concerns me the most in this match is the tendency of both to hide behind their masks. As common within these types they will recognise the behaviour, but not call upon it. The question thus remains if they will ever shed said masks. But I have faith that time will undo it all for the both of them, time and timing. The fact that they’re both known as equestrians gives them a shared activity to bond over with.
Date ideas: Horse riding/races, cuddlefests, art hours (poetry, music, everything), going to festivals and parties.
Scenario: Always on the move, always busy with something. Keiji knew how to occupy himself, but that did not mean he didn’t know how to enjoy life. Far be it for him as he lead two horses out of the stables. His trusty steed along with another. 
“We’re going out for a ride and after that I will take you to the festival. If you can beat me I will even treat you!” he had challenged Kame as he handed the horse over, though he already had all of the intention to treat her anyway. Just none in letting her win so easily. 
BONUS: Ikemen Vampire Match 
Charles Henri Sanson
Now, I have come to understand that Kamemom has been matched with this bean multiple times now and whilst this suitor isn’t introduced yet in the English version of the app I have been (suffering) all of the stories related to him. Anyway, Charles is a caring and affectionate young man with the magical ability to make friends with all! Eager to make everyone smile he is just one bundle of joy ready to share his sparkle with the world. And yes, there is a definite pattern here in my ideas of matching Kamemom.
Just like with everyone else Charles has a dark past and his secrets as well as his pain. Wishing to be a doctor, but denied to pursue it because of prejudices and a status as a pariah, he is catching up now on his dreams. This means that Kamemom and Charles can have study sessions together in which they can cuddle up and encourage each other to pursue the path they both are aiming for. All in the meanwhile they could cheer each other on with their bad days and make one another smile.
Admittedly, I don’t know enough about Charles to voice any legitimate concerns, but one that I have seen is perhaps his overly attached nature. Kamemom may be affectionate, but also may feel overwhelmed. She will have to draw clear boundaries with Charles, though I believe that Charles is more than ready to respect all and everything Kamemom is and wishes.
Date ideas: Study sessions, cuddlefests, playing tag, go around and cause mischief while playing doctor
Scenario: “Are you hungry?” the question sounded hollow through the large study hall the two of you occupied in the castle. Books spread out all across the long table along with notes and other curiosa as the redhead looked up at his studymate. 
“I can steal some strawberries for you?” he adds in with a twinkle in his eyes, though the both of you know that it might be better to grab a different snack. 
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