#on monthly or these days weekly basis
canisalbus · 6 months
I'm sure you get this a lot but because my cousin and I love that one Danny Trejo action comedy, I always have to snap my brain into the right position when I read Machete's name. Maybe I should draw them both chilling
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dmredwanbd · 2 years
Today you're going to get access to my complete SEO checklist. This is the same checklist I've used to get over 300k monthly visitors from Google (mostly from SEO). Here's some of the stuff we're going to cover in today's video. First, I'll show you the 3 SEO tools that I consider ("must haves"). I personally use 15 SEO tools on a weekly basis. But these are the 3 most important. Then, it's all about keyword research. Here's where you learn how to find keywords that your customers search for every day. Third, I show you how to optimize your site using a handful of on-page SEO strategies. Next up, we get into some basic technical SEO stuff just to make sure that Google can crawl and index all of your site's pages.
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csuitebitches · 7 months
2024 Planning
I started planning for 2024 today. I’ve learned a lot this year, made mistakes, had some successes and now it’s time to take all my learnings, good or bad, and go to the next level.
I prefer starting next year’s routine from 2023’s November and December so that by the time January rolls around, I’m settled into the routine. If there’s any revisions necessary, I can do them without starting my new year on the wrong foot.
I maintain my goals on mostly short and medium term basis. This includes daily, weekly and quarterly planning (I don’t do monthly because it doesn’t work for me).
This may seem complicated (actually, it looks more complicated than it is but it’s just what helps me) but let me show you how exactly I do things.
I keep two diaries. One for daily and weekly and one for quarterly. I have a habit tracker on my phone for my daily non-Negotiables (exercise, meditation, reading and language).
The quarterly diary is my big big diary. Every quarter, it lists out all the big plans, what i want to do and who i want to be. It’s all the messy thoughts I have, all my dreams, my weaknesses, my strengths, etc etc. The only “practical” part of the diary is that there is one general plan made at the end of my mad scribbling. It has the general idea, feedback I’ve received from other people and compilation of all the advice I’ve gotten from my mentors.
2. The daily - weekly diary breaks the plan into manageable bits. I write out the week’s plan (who do i need to meet, who do i need to follow up with, any major presentation coming up, any assignment, what am i reading this week) and write a one sentence daily update on it.
I can’t use a habit tracker for this because i’m not tracking meditation or exercise on here. I’m tracking my career goals, my ambitious goals, into smaller goals. A habit tracker wouldnt cut it because I would have to elaborate more on certain things.
For example:
“20-27th Nov: Weekly list
budget presentation on Monday
1 event to attend on Tuesday. Topic: XYZ
Reading: the inheritors
reach out to mentor, schedule a meeting
7 language essays and 7 videos
Monday, 20th Nov.
work presentation: complete.
Feedback received: i need to work on XYZ.
points they raised that didnt cross my mind: XYZ
follow ups required and if yes, with who: XYZ
reading: complete. Interesting point they brought up: XYZ
essay for the day: complete.
Video complete:
Tuesday, 21st Nov
mentor meeting scheduled
event went well. Met: A, B, C who work in XYZ companies. Follow up with them next week for coffee/ drinks.
essay: complete
video: complete”
Having two diaries helps me because i can find my bigger goals without having to go through the daily entry mess. I like having the two separate.
Nov ‘23 + Dec ‘23 + Q1 2024’s goals include:
Social (meeting new people, maintaining networks)
Intellectual (biographies, documentaries, industry reports)
Personal (soft skills, language studies)
Work (presentations, courses, conferences)
A major change I’ve making this year is actively working on every single weakness I have that I know is a potential strength. I’m ignoring weaknesses that I know are 100% weaknesses like coding because there’s just no way I can sit in front of a computer and learn all that, it’s absolutely not my cup of tea and does not make me happy.
I made a list of every single weakness i have and I’m embarrassed about and ashamed of. 2024 is the year of NO shame. I’m not letting my intrusive thoughts win.
Next to each weakness I wrote out a potential solution.
Ex: not picking up the language i’m studying as fast as i want to -> write 1 short essay and a 1-2 minute video of me talking about anything in that language every single day
I’m not allowing any unnecessary negative self doubt or self talk happen. Constructive criticism is one thing, being a bitch to yourself is another. I plan to learn a lot next year.
I’ve created a manageable exposure therapy plan for myself - I aim to meet 3 new people every month and follow up with 5 new connections every month, whether it’s over chat or irl.
I’ve made a list of business biographies I’m going to read. This year I reached my reading target earlier than anticipated which I’m very happy about. Next year I’m focusing on books that are solely about business, technology and psychology.
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softerglow · 10 months
stress management tips
don't overbook your schedule, and stay as organized as possible. time block the things you have to do at the start of the week, then work your fun and social plans around that. don't be scared to say no to that lunch or that work thing that would look good but you don't actually have time for. being perpetually available is a disservice to yourself and will have your obligations spreading you way too thin.
plan ahead. try to get any assignments or tasks done well before their deadline. if that's not possible, break the item down into smaller tasks and actually schedule them. plan outfits for events ahead of time. plan out your expenses on a monthly, if not weekly basis. plan ahead wherever possible.
maintain an active lifestyle. exercise is cathartic and reduces stress hormones. set aside regular time to exercise, make it a habit. walk instead of driving whenever possible. find hiking trails near your area for whenever you have a day free to enjoy nature and get some blood flowing.
eat well. try to eat a varied diet with plenty of complex carbs, lean proteins, fatty acids and fruits and vegetables with plenty of antioxidants. this will help regulate stress hormones as well as give you more energy on a day to day basis.
consume caffeine and alcohol only in moderation. if you're drinking to get drunk, or you need a cup of coffee or two to start your day, you need to change your habits.
put your phone away. engage in hobbies that don't require a screen. reading is always a good option. constant exposure to blue light screens will increase your stress levels.
cut out or limit contact with people who drain your energy. there might be people that you love who are going through a hard time but you feel as though your mental health is collateral. set boundaries that are healthy for you. it will make you a better friend in the long run.
stress is a good healthy motivator in small amounts, but it can quickly become overwhelming and affect your quality of life. take care of yourself, because you deserve to be loved and cared for.
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honeytonedhottie · 2 months
restocking and replenishing⋆.ೃ࿔*:・✍🏽
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im making this post cuz i think its helpful to keep track of what u normally need and normally buy + how long it lasts u until it needs to be replaced.
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i separate mine weekly/monthly depending on what it is that i need, but by creating a sort of system like this u can save a lot of time when u go shopping, plus it'll bring ur organization to the next level.
so get some paper (preferably graphed paper, simply bcuz i find it neater and more aesthetically pleasing) and on one side write weekly and on the other side write monthly.
remember to use scented glitter gel pens and have FUN, make little doodles on the sides and decorate it with stickers when ur done.
on the weekly side write out what u need on a weekly basis. for example one thing on the weekly side of my list is sheet masks cuz i use them 1-2x a week.
use bullet points so that then everything is concise and easy to read, also when u go and buy them make sure to write the prices of those items, then u can use that data if u have other charts or lists ✨
on the monthly side write out what u need on a monthly basis. for example one thing on the monthly side of my list are my vitamins and my chlorophyll droplets.
have a designated day when u usually go and get whatever is on ur restock and replenish list. have some fun with it and make it a tradition of sorts even.
ur designated day should preferably be before ur week/month starts so that then u are fully equipped with what u need to feel and perform at ur best
my designated day is USUALLY saturdays and on my restock and replenish days i always have a kombucha and treat myself to something else that i want.
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♠️ Lustful Glances ♠️
A/N: So, ehm. Actually, this was a request from an anonymous sender, but since Tumblr spun yesterday and the question is no longer there, I have to write it as a normal text now, for better or worse. 😞
I hope the sender reads it anyway and likes the little story! ✨
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Characters: Chishiya
POV: fem!reader ; Smut!
Warnings: NSFW, please don't read if you don't feel comfortable with sexual content and when you are under 18 years old!
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I've known Chishiya long enough to know what he's like. Unlike most people I've met at the Beach, Chishiya is not only a rather quiet and introverted person, but he's also a person who doesn't think twice about drugs, sex and alcohol. He lives his life in a sober state and doesn't have any great lust potential that makes him want to sleep with someone on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. He can be proud of that.
However ... these are sides of his personality that most people are aware of. To be precise, it is no secret. Well, but because of the relationship we have with each other, I have knowledge about him that people around me would define as ... unbelievable.
It's days like these when Chishiya can show a different side of herself. Where he is no longer just the quiet and well-behaved little guy he usually presents himself as. It's hard to believe - but it's true: there are days or moments when even he throws all rationality overboard. Especially at times when his testosterone level tries to play a few tricks on him.
What do I mean by that? I'll tell you.
Imagine the initial situation as follows: I'm just sitting in my room reading one of the books I've discovered in the hotel library. A little more permissive, considering that the temperature is sometimes unbearable. If I had to define "permissive", I'm sitting on the floor in a pair of shorts and a bandeau, leaning against my bed while eating some snacks that Chishiya brought me after a game he finished yesterday.
The man in question came into the room. We spent time talking to each other, as we do very often. We exchanged new experiences or insights in Borderland- the usual. And although nothing happened between us, at some point I noticed Chishiyas eyes on me.
Later, we're laying in bed together. Next to each other. I keep reading my book and pretend not to notice how he keeps his eyes on me while he tries to just rest and relax a little. But when I see him start to look at me for the third time, I can't just leave it at a hidden smirk. And so I close the book and turn my attention to my comrade, who seems to be a little preoccupied at the moment.
"You're doing it again."
"Doing what again?" It is difficult to say whether he meant this question seriously or not.
His words sounded ironic, but his face shows that he knows exactly what I'm talking about.
"Looking at me ... with those eyes." I smirked at him, sliding down a little and turning on my side to be at eye level with him. "Those eyes I see way too rare, if you'd ask me, Chishiya."
"It was just a gaze", he says, but all I could do was shake my head "no", before sitting up a little again, just to look down on him.
"Stop kidding me", I whisper, "I know how you look at me when you are kind of aroused." It's clear to me. "We know very well that I know that best ..." He gulps.
And with his inability to speak I know I was right with what I'm saying. So I took the chance to lean over him, so that our faces are dangerously close to each others. Yes, I can feel his heavier getting breath against my lips, which makes me smile just a little. Especially when I look into his brown, beautiful eyes, giving me the opportunity to tease him.
"So lustful, babe ..."
"Y/N ..."
"No." I know he wants to deny it. "I saw them. Many times. During conversations. While you were talking to others. In our most intimate moments we share together." We aren't a couple so far- yet we slept so many times with one another. ”The sparkle in your eyes is the same they spread when I kissed your lips so intensely. I saw it when you tried your best to make me as horny as you and the sparkle was there, when you fucked me until my biggest satisfaction ..." While I'm talking, I take the liberty of running a hand over the bulge that has already formed in his pants.
A quiet "Hm~" escapes his lips, his eyes do close in contenment.
”Try to convince me otherwise, love ..."
”No." That's all what he says- for now. ”Please ..."
"Don't ... take your hand away ..." What was that?
Chishiya Shuntaro begs me not to take my hand off his dick? Pathetic. But ... not in a bad way. It ... is arousing ... and I like the fact that it seems to be me who has him - in the truest sense of the word - in my hand today.
"Chishiya ..." Starting to place soft kisses on his neck, I can't help but have to grin which gets wider and wider with every moan he tries to hide from me. „You want me that bad today, huh ...?" Now I peck him a kiss onto the corner of his lips, moving my hand, which rested on his even harder getting cock, making him hissing in pain and desire. "Then you have to tell me ..." Whispering these words in his ear, I'm pretty sure it's giving him goosebumps. ”Tell me how much you want my hand around your cock ... Tell me how much you need me right now and tell me what you want me to do to relief you from suffering ..." Looking him into his eyes while saying all those things, is fun to me.
I love how he just gulps and stares at me completely helpless, not being able to say what I want him to say. And because he isn't saying what I want to hear from him, I grin cheekily, giving him a kind of sadistic "Such a pity ..." and hint at letting go of his aroused member. Nothing he allows. Rather, he's overcome by a "Don't...!" as he grabs my wrist jerkily to stop me from letting go of him. Chishiya even goes so far as to simply guide my hand under his pants so that I have even better access to him. That wasn't what I wanted to achieve, but at least I have him where I want him- he's horny. And wants nothing more than to cum through me.
"Want me to satisfy you, Chichiya ... ?"
"Nobody could better than you, Y/N ...", he says, his words making me kind of happy. "Guess you're not in the mood, b-but I need you ... I ... I need you to make me cum ..." His hips are moving as if he were somehow trying to make himself more comfortable than with a still hand, which only increases the pressure he feels. "I'll do what you want. If you want me to cum all over your face, I will. If you want to swallow my sperm, you can. I'll make a mess out of you but please ... please fuck me with your hands as well as you always do ..."
"Just with my hands?"
"I'd like your cunt more, but- damn!" Guess he wasn't expecting that I gonna start the show.
His head abruptly rests on the back of his neck, just as he had to abruptly interrupt his sentence. Only because I started moving my hand up and down to do him a favor. Still:
”But ...?" I look him into his half closed eyes. "Talk to me Chishiya ..."
"Ngh~ ... but ... fuck ... it's so good ... Y/N ... you make me feel ... so good ..."
"I know ..." I say, "but that's not what you wanted to say."
"I-I ... but ... your hands would be enough for me ..." Chuckles. "A blowjob would be nice, too ..."
"You love it when I suck you out, huh? You enjoy it when you see how my hand getting covered by your sperm and you really do like it, when you see me swallow your whole juice with just one gulp, don't you?" He nods.
"Imagine these situations makes me crazy, Y/N ..." He smiles to me, stretching up a little to indicate that he wants to enjoy a kiss, which of course I give him.
Intensive. Lustful. But above all very passionate. I meaned what I said: we are not a couple yet. But sometimes, making out with him - having sex with him - makes me feel like we are. Our kisses are something magical to me. How he adapts to my rhythm. How he grabs my lower lip with his teeth and starts to gnaw on it playfully. And his tongue ... He can work well with it. He do know so well how he has to use it, no matter what.
And so do I know how skilled I am with just my hands. Stroking him up and down, faster and slower, harder and softer- it mades him moan so amazing, it's music to my ears.
"C-Coming ...", he says and breaks away from the lovely kiss we shared.
A loud groan comes over him while I bumped his shaft, sucking and biting his sensitive skin on his neck, to place some hickeys here and there, after which it only takes a few more movements to ensure that my working hand is flooded with warm secretions. Not gonna lie, felling this makes me kind of proud- it's just:
"We have just started, love." His eyes are half-closed as I say these words. "Pull down your pants, darling, I've got something nice planned for you ..." He can try to hide his satisfied grin, while I was licking my hand clean, but he won't be able to.
And although he is still a little out of breath, as is the case when you have just reached your climax, he obeys. Making myself prepared for what is coming now, I lean over him once again, to kiss his lips passionately. To place kisses everywhere where I'm able to. The corner of his mouth, his cheeks, his ears, neck, shoulder, chest, abdomen ... until I finally reached the point I made my goal. Glancing up to him as innocent as I am lol, you are not I kiss along his lower abdomen, placing some hickeys there, too, further along his cock, at the height of his groin. I can feel how he's moving his pelvis, trying to lead me in the correct direction, but that's not working on me.
"Patience, love ...", I whisper up to him, noticing his left hand on the back of my head, burying his fingers into my mane. "It's interesting to see how easy it is to get you hard again ..."
"Don't say such things ..."
"Why not?", I ask, grinning in a little mean way. "Feeling ashamed because of that? Since when? I thought you like to talk about facts ..." His grip on my hair tightens. "So assertive, Chishiya ..."
"Y/N, please ... you ... torture me enough ... please ... seeing you laying in front of my like that with your head almost between my legs, it makes me going insane ..."
"It really does." To tease him a little more, I finally licked over his blood filled cock with just the tip of my tongue, making him hiss another time. "You really want me to suck your dick out, huh? Would that make you happy, Chishiya ...?" He gulps, trying to find his voice back.
"I-It would ..."
"Sure it would", I said calmly, smiling up to him. "You better enjoy this then, honey ... and don't you dare moving your hips yourself or my head, making me suck you as deep as you want- you know what that means, otherwise, so be a good guy~." With that I start taking his dick as deep with my mouth as I could.
He gives me a loud "F-Fuck ...!" but I don't care about it. I concentrate on the essentials. On his satisfaction. However, I can't deny that I'm not getting horny myself from what we're doing here, which is why I occasionally let out a little moan myself. Good for him, I guess. The vibrations that arise for him must bring a certain something with them. At least, he seems to enjoy it.
This is made clear to me by his increasingly loud tones, which leave his lips uncontrollably. Every time I let his cock enter my mouth - where I lick my tongue over his tip, which is covered by his precum - his pleasant voice comes into play.
"Y/N, I-I'm ..." In my head I already say the sentence: do it.
Come inside me. But I can't bring myself to say it. Admittedly, I don't even want to. I don't want to make him wait any longer and deny him his orgasm, so I just keep sucking and bumping my head up and down, until he finally starts shaking a little and starts calling my name, pressing my head a little down by reflex, to inject his seeds as deep as possible into my throat.
And I swallow it. I swallow every drop he is losing or even pressing out of his shaft, until his dick feels finally empty again. I lick and suck him completely clean- and with a satisfied grin, I let go of him with the aim of lying down next to him again while he tries to catch his breath, watching him.
"And?", I ask, "you feeling better now?"
"Stupid question", he says, but laughs while shaking his head and puts his pants back on, before immediately and unexpected rolling a little over me. „Anyways ..." He looks me deep into my eyes, putting his hand onto my naked belly, which now makes me gulp and him smiling a little evil. "Now it's my turn to give you what you deserve ..."
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WIBTA if I make my boyfriend move out of my apartment?
My (27F) boyfriend (28M) has never lived on his own and moved into my apartment straight from his parent's house a little less than a year ago.
Before I get into it: I do not want to stop dating my Boyfriend. I just don't know if I can keep living with him in a shared space. Before he moved in I wasn't fully unpacked or moved in because there was a lot of furniture I didn't own. I kept everything clean though. Dishes got done in a timely manner, I was able to vacuum all the carpets and wash my clothes on a weekly basis and my cats were get their boxes scooped on the daily, and trash would be taken out as needed, usually every 3rd day when I was living solo.
However when my boyfriend moved in the apartment started getting messier and messier. We both have full time jobs and I kept assuring him that I could keep doing the majority of the chores provided he did SOME of the chores. I gave him with a list of everything that should be getting done on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. He selected more than half of the tasks and I was like "okay this isn't what I asked you to do but if you're okay with it that's fine by me!"
Fast forward two months later and everything is a fucking wreck.
I've been able to keep up with laundry but there are a lot of chores I can't do if the trash doesn't get taken out or if the sink is full of dishes. Two of the chored my BF selected. I can't empty the vacuum cleaner or wash the vacuum's filters, I can't scoop the cats' litterboxes and throw away their leavings or wiped own the litter boxes on dump-day and worst of all I can't cook dinner every day as I WANT to do and ENJOY doing when all my pots pans and plates are dirty.
I've tried asking him multiple times to do just these two chores, trash and dishes, and I'll take care of everything else but he just doesn't. The apartment has slowly gotten so disgusting that it's beginning to effect my already delicate mental health.
The worst of it started when I injured my back and could barely walk to the toilet. I couldn't go to work for a full week and I couldn't bend or twist my torso for nearly a month. In that time laundry piled up and my boyfriend never did any of it even though I would ask him too. That was nearly 6 months ago and I'm STILL trying to get caught up on laundry.
Even though all of THAT is happening I still can't bring myself to ask him to do the dishes or take out the trash more than like once a week. His mom is a really mean person and I feel like I'm nagging him the same way his mother does when I ask too frequently.
All that in mind: would I be the asshole if I kept dating my Boyfriend but asked him to find his own place to live?
What are these acronyms?
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yggdraseed · 2 months
Reflecting on Ichigo vs. Grimmjow
This past week, we lost electricity and internet for a few days. In addition to engendering a much deeper appreciation for modern amenities in me, it led me to dust off a bunch of old Shonen Jump issues I bought at Kroger when I was a kid! Someday I'd like to collect a copy of every English monthly and weekly Shonen Jump anthology, but that's not the point of this post.
No, the point is that while thumbing through them, I encountered the last chapter of Ichigo's fight with Grimmjow, and I was struck by how much of the subtext and emotion I missed as a dumb teenager. That's not to say all teenagers are dumb, I don't think they are and I think the way that adults in general look down on and bully adolescents is stupid and wrong; I'm just saying I, myself, was a teenager once, and back then, I was dumb as hell.
Anywho, I remember really, really being struck by that flashback to when Grimmjow was still an Adjuchas and running with his pack that all eventually became his Numeros. When I was a teen, I don't think I had the mental framework to understand why, but now I do. The whole concept of the Arrancar is a hell of a lot more fascinating with all the things I've learned and opened myself up to since then, and looking with fresh eyes at this one chapter of Grimmjow and his interactions with his underlings and Ichigo was a real thrill.
It's interesting how, while Shinigami get stronger by cloaking themselves in Hollow powers, Hollows get stronger by becoming more like Shinigami. They tear off their masks, assume more-or-less human forms, and store their full Hollow form as zanpakuto for the renewal and empowerment of Resurrección. And I've started to reflect a lot on what monsters taking on humanoid form means for the story's themes.
When I look at the Espada, I see these once animalistic phantoms who exist only to consume and perpetuate their own existence who have now taken on human form and the very human search for meaning in some form. Yammy's a bad example of this like he is for fucking everything, but maybe the point is that he's such a big lug with so much power to throw around that he doesn't need to try to give his life meaning? But that's a reach.
Starting from Number 9 instead, we have Aaroniero, the only Gillian in the Espada. The Gillian are the first stage of Menos Granda, resulting from the hunger that defines all Hollows becoming so great that human souls no longer can satiate them, and so they cannibalize each other in a huge feeding frenzy that eventually produces a Gillian. As a result of smashing all these Hollow personalities together, they lose their individual identity, as seen with how Gillian all have the same appearance until they metamorphose into the next phase, an Adjuchas. When this happens, an individual identity asserts itself.
I don't believe that Adjuchas are actually representative of any one living human's former identity like non-Menos Hollow are. Rather, I think that an Adjuchas is a whole new identity that originates from that congealed mess of interfeeding and assimilation that produces a Gillian. Correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I don't think any of the Arrancar were once living humans, in that I think their experience as individuals begins at their emergence as Adjuchas.
Getting back to Aaroniero, he (they? it?) was probably just on the borderline between Gilian and Adjuchas. So you have this sort of very broad strokes, half-animal consciousness that's only starting to become self-aware again. Aaroniero only has a little more going on in his/their inner life than the primal desire all Hollows have to feed, and I think that bears out in how Aaroniero takes the identity of what's eaten and lives to eat. Aaroniero only has a little more than hunger, but is using that hunger as a basis for meaning and trying to create an identity by eating otthers and integrating them. Perhaps unfortunately, Aaroniero dies before completing self-actualization.
Szayel Aporro, the next rung on the ladder, is also defined by desire in a more broad sense. It's not only hunger, but also lust and more complicated forms of greed that drive him. He's a scientist, but in the sense that he's possessed of avarice for knowledge. And his Resurrección reflects a desire for power over others - over their bodies and over their fates. In that way, following his desires leads to meaning for him, to some sort of goal: acquiring knowledge and more complex, effective means to then acquire more knowledge and satisfy other desires.
Zommari is marked by fanatical love. Love is interesting in that it's simultaneously a desire and a virtue: to love someone or something is to desire them, but also to desire their wellbeing. It's a need to meet the needs of someone or something besides yourself. And yet, Zommari has this very immature, incomplete love: he makes all of these adulations towards love, but in the end, his Resurreción forces others to love him and serve him. He's unable to go outside of himself at this stage, but while he's beginning to see the big picture, it all still comes down to his own primal desire to have, to possess, even if not necessarily to consume.
I could keep going up the list, but I'm going to stop at Grimmjow for now because he's the one on my mind the most due to recency bias. He and his pack of Adjuchas ended up settling on a very different desire from any of the foregoing Arrancar: power. Not consumption, not possession, but growth and evolution. Obviously the latter is attained by and makes it easier to attain more of the former, but the point is that it's a very different relationship to the world and the self from what Aaroniero, Szayel Aporro, and Zommari have going on.
Grimmjow and his underlings have as their primary, guiding objective not to fill their stomachs or secure possessions, but to evolve further and realize their latent potential. This is no longer in the realm of meeting some primal need like hunger, security, or some other form of tangible, useful abundance. Self-improvement for its own sake is something very abstract and symbolic, something downright esoteric if you're only looking at biological utility. It's something almost unspeakably human, to do something not for the benefit of survival, but because you've decided it's meaningful.
That's Grimmjow and his pack. They've declared that strength has meaning even if it doesn't meet your needs and desires, and so they make sacrifices on the altar of strength. And it's why his subordinate Adjuchas are so distraught when they realize they can't go further. Strength is their meaning, their tether guiding them through the dark desert of existence, and now they've obtained all of it that they can. Not for lack of trying, but because they had a built-in limit. I think you could argue that wanting Grimmjow to eat them is partly a suicidal response to realizing they're at the end point of their chosen meaning and can't proceed further with it.
However, it's also fascinating that rather than just ending it themselves in some way, they all choose to offer themselves up to Grimmjow. They see him as the embodiment of strength and of the law of the jungle, the might makes right philosophy that gave their existence meaning and let them continue to try and live. And so they want to sacrifice themselves so that he can reach his full potential and go further beyond, to the frontiers of strength they know they can never reach. It's visceral, animalistic, and short-sighted, but you can't call it anything else than compassion. They choose to give up their needs and desires for the needs and desires of someone else.
And so when Grimmjow's always pushing himself to assert his pride and to get as strong as possible, to defeat anyone and everyone that he can, sure, it's his ego motivating him. However, it's also the fact that now, he's the one carrying the symbolic meaning of strength on his back for his Numeros. Getting stronger is no longer just his own meaning, but it's a responsibility he owes to his comrades who weren't able to get stronger with him. And that meaning keeps him moving forward on a collision force with greater challenges.
Like one Ichigo Kurosaki. When you look back at Ichigo's characterization in early Bleach, it starts to click why he makes this connection with Grimmjow. He sees himself in him - or maybe just a person he could have become if things went differently. Ichigo's kind of a punk who likes to fight and flex his muscles, but he became that way because his natural orange hair he inherited from his mom made him look like a delinquent and turned him into a lightning rod for conflict. Some people see a nail that sticks out and can't rest until they hammer it down, and Ichigo had to learn to fight and to enjoy fighting in order to protect himself and his self-respect. He could just do something as simple as dye his hair black, but then, that would be hiding something he inherited from his dead mother just to make life go a little smoother. It would be stepping on something important to himself just so he could take the easy way out.
Grimmjow is someone who finds meaning in conflict and strength for its own sake. Ichigo finds meaning in conflict and strength only to assert his own self-worth and, with time, to protect the friends who have gradually gathered around him. He's not just some punk slugging people for getting on his case over something as stupid as hair color, his strength represents a responsibility to the people he loves. And that element of strength as meaning, strength as a responsibility to others, ties him and Grimmjow to each other.
It's why Ichigo frustrates Grimmjow so much. He sees himself in Ichigo, but he also sees something not-himself. He sees someone who has pushed himself to get stronger, but someone who doesn't worship at the altar of strength like he does. Instead, he sees someone with this over-abundance of strength who doesn't assert it, doesn't make more sacrifices than necessary for it, but just uses it as a means to an end: that end being the safety of people he cares for.
This creates friction inside of Grimmjow because strength is his rock, his one singular meaning in a dark, barren, stupid world. For strength to just be the means to an end is hard to process. Yet in Ichigo, he starts to see what lies beyond strength for its own sake: a way that strength can form bonds and maintain them, act as the seedbed for new meanings without losing its meaning in itself.
When Ichigo pleads with Grimmjow, "We don't need to fight to the death. Isn't it enough for us to fight each other again and again?" It's him extending an olive branch. He doesn't want to see more death and destruction than necessary anymore, but he knows now that the world of Arrancar like Grimmjow is defined by those things. If he wants to end this conflict without killing an opponent he respects, then he has to meet Grimmjow in the middle. He has to make a commitment to get stronger and fight Grimmjow again, as many times as he wants, if it means Grimmjow will lay down his arms and stop trying to get to him through his friends.
Of course, Nnoitra has to show up and fuck it all up like he does most things he involves himself with. I've come to find Nnoitra an interesting character in his own right and might have more to say about him in the future, but for now, I'll say that I think the fact that Grimmjow ends up helping Ichigo and Co. during the final arc indicates he's accepted Ichigo's terms and is expanding his horizons beyond fighting and killing to grow and assert his strength and nothing else besides that.
He's definitely evolved his fashion sense. Did you see those boots? Faboo! To die for! Or, perhaps, to live for?
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(This lovely poster is the handiwork of our wonderful host @sazanes!!)
Welcome to our second edition of the King Liam Appreciation Week!! Just like last year, we are holding it around the time of the International Day for Monuments and Sites, which is on April 18th.
It's been 6 years since we were first introduced to the younger brother of the "Prince" LI from RoE, and he's been capturing the minds and hearts of many Choices players ever since! Whether it's for his romantic sensibilities, his compassion, his vast knowledge of both his country and the world, or his charm and diplomacy - he is a favourite among many Choices players.
As Liam is an avid lover of History and especially of monuments and heritage sites, we continue to hold this event around 18th April! This event will happen over 5 days - from April 17th to 21st. The themes for the days are as follows:
Day 1 - April 17th - Character Appreciation/Throwback
Day 2 - April 18th - King/Historian
Day 3- April 19th - Foodie/Baklava
Day 4 - April 20th - Childhood/Family
Day 5 - April 21st - Friendships/Relationships/AU
Keep in mind that you don't have to send the content on the exact day of the theme - if you give it a little later as well, it's still fine as long as you tag the piece with the day it was meant for (#KLAW Day 1, #KLAW Day 2, etc).
Any content is welcome! Fanfic, fanart, edits, moodboards, meta, interactive media, headcanons, character appreciation... anything! As long as it celebrates Liam as a character, focuses on him and shows positive depictions of him. We also accept WIPs and a specific day (Throwback) is set aside for past pieces on Liam. If you like, you can even tell us about the process of creating that piece (here's an ask list for throwback pieces if you have doubts!).
Make sure you tag @kingliamappreciationweek in your posts, as well as the hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes in your content so we don't miss it! It would also make it easier to track if you use the tags #kingliamappreciationweek and #KLAW in your posts as an extra precaution.
For inspiration, take a look at our KLAW 2022 Masterlist! It's got some brilliant pieces!!
Various fan content blogs have helped in promoting our weeks and also run great events on a weekly/monthly basis. We would definitely love for our participants to check them out in case they'd like to be part of those too: @choicesficwriterscreations, @choicesmonthlychallenge, @choicespride, @choicesprompts, @choicesholidays, @wip-wipeout-weekend, @moodmusicmonday.
Once the week is officially over, we will keep a bonus week for participants who have trouble sending content during the week itself.
We have over a month to get ready for KLAW, and we're super excited to see what our fellow Liam fans might have in store! See you all in April!!
✅✅signal boosts will be highly appreciated!!✅✅
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Okay so I am currently sick af and this is purely comfort writing for myself. I kinda wrote it for myself but in a way that you can insert yourself or your oc, whatever you wish. Also posting this on my fandom blog vs my main because my roommate has called me out for my blue person hyper fixation lmao. Human reader x Lyle Wainfleet, Lyle being a caretaker.
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* Lyle isn’t too fond of scientists. They tend to be boring and super serious and he can hardly understand most of them. But there were 2 scientists in particular that were assigned to the recon squad that he actually enjoyed. Two young kids in their mid twenties from Earth who got the chance of a lifetime to get shipped out to space to work with avatars.
* Your partner/ coworker was low key a genius at understanding Na’vi biology on a totally different level than everyone else. When offered the job he demanded that he be able to take his lifelong best friend with to act as his second hand man and that’s how you got in the picture. You were smart, but everyone could tell you weren’t really a scientist. You had loads of skills from welding, to navigating the stars, first aid training, and being an a pretty big nerd on Pandora flora and fauna. So you had your uses to the team.
* From day one you were labeled as sarcastic and a smart ass which didn’t bother you too much. In fact you were kind of happy to inflict yourself on others, especially the recoms. You and Lyle butted heads from the first minute you met with insults and burns flying both ways.
* He’ll never forget the time he asked you a question and you tried to make him figure it out himself. It wasn’t that he was stupid, but he wasn’t exactly book smart either. Eventually when he got his answer he was quite proud of himself. You on the other hand gave him a snort and shot another comment his way.
* “I’m really surprised! I didn’t think you’d actually get it. I just wanted to see how many brain cells you were capable of using at once.” *Ouch*
* Once you got to know each other a bit better the comments and roasting turned humorous and mildly affectionate. Lyle and you would take turns coming up with burns for each other and eventually the recom team as well.
* “When he wears his sunglasses he looks like a little league coach.” Lyle snorts and gives a little nod.
* “Wainfleet you are so god damn bald I can see my reflection off the back of your head.” You snickered. “Oh really? I didn’t think you could see that high Short stack.” Lyle shot back.
* Your laid back attitude and nonchalantness about wrangling an entire team of marines was kind of impressive. Lyle remembers the first time you got on Colonel’s temper and you were so offended when Quaritch hissed at you that you sprayed him with the water bottle you were holding while gardening.
* “Colonel, you are a grown ass man and I know you have better manners than that.” Quaritch started to growl and was about ready to fire back some insults when you held up the bottle again towards his face. You raised a defying eyebrow at him and said in the most stern voice you could possible manage, “Don’t make me get the hose.”
* Lyle couldn’t hold back his laughter anymore and the pair of you turned to look at him. Colonel scowled and you had such a mischievous sparkle in your eyes. “Short stack you got some balls.” Was all Lyle managed to say before Quaritch was angrily stalking towards him.
* While there weren’t a lot of humans that the recoms interacted with on a weekly or even monthly basis, the scientists still had to get supplies from the main bases. Lyle would accompany you to the commissary shop and watch in curiosity to see what you would pick. Mainly shower supplies, some new clothes to replace your tattered ones, some impulse snacks that get shipped up to generate cash for the base. Okay, mostly snacks like sour gummy worms and chips.
* You even snuck away for a brief minute and came back with some other goods, which upon smelling turned out to be edibles. He just shook his head and laughed while trying not to draw attention. You smiled and winked at him, “I gotta keep myself sane somehow!”
* After about a week and a half of returning from base you started to complain about not feeling good. You were restless at night and didn’t get much sleep so you were extra crabby. For the most part you were alright but when Quaritch pushed you out of bed ridiculously early to make breakfast for everyone you let him have it. There was yelling and a fair bit of cursing about how men are so helpless they can’t even cook for themselves for one freaking morning. You looked everyone straight in the eye and in a hoarse voice you told everyone you were going back to bed.
* The colonel was miffed to say the least, Lyle had never seen him so angry at you before and he grabbed the Colonels arm and said “I’ll handle this.”
* Due to part of the mission objective was to “become Na’vi” the RDA custom built a shack and transported it out to the middle of the forest, a few miles away from main base. The shack everyone lived in was one level for the most part with a sectioned off sleeping quarters for the crew. There was also high ceilings to accommodate the recoms height. There was also a kitchen and what you could call a living area of sorts. A few chairs here and there but that was about it.
* For the two humans, there was a second floor added- almost like a horseshoe shaped loft. There were two bedrooms on opposite sides that had curtains for privacy. There was also a middle living/ work area that was were you and your colleague had set up your equipment and offices. There was a open section leading into the loft that Avatars were able to stand up in, which came about chest level for them. This was where many of the recoms physicals and vitals took place since the humans could reach the avatar faces without the recoms having to crouch down.
* You had your curtains drawn shut and he almost hesitated. Lyle knocked his knuckles into the floor and called out to you. “What’s up Short stack?” You didn’t respond but he could hear you rustling in your bed. His ears flicked at the nose and he waited for your response.
* “I don’t feel good, I think I’m getting sick. I have had a headache for the past 2 days and nothing has helped. I also have a sore throat. All I want to do is sleep.” Lyle felt sympathy for you and reached out one long arm to pull the curtain back. You were sitting up, propped against your pillows with the blanket wrapped around you. Lyle could see the redness in your eyes and assumed you had cried a little bit either out of frustration or pain.
* “Is there anything I can do?” Lyle offered and you took a deep breath in. “Well I’d love to get some more sleep honestly. But I think picking up some cold medicine from base would be a good idea.” You huffed angrily, “I can’t believe I go to another freaking planet, I’m hardly around other humans, and I *still* got sick! This sucks.”
* Lyle nods understandingly. “I’ll get you your medicine, so you can go back to sleep. Just try not to piss the Colonel off anymore okay? And make sure you drink some water too.” You nodded but rolled your eyes a bit. “Okay dad.”
* When Lyle came back to the group in the kitchen he cleared his throat and addressed Quaritch. “Sir she’s sick. I think it would be a good idea to let her rest and pick up some medication before it gets any worse. So it doesn’t spread to the other human.” Quaritch huffs but doesn’t say anything other than “Alright.”
* Lyle goes to the commissary like the two of you usually did. The person behind the counter asks what he can do for him. “I need cold medicine.” The man behind the counter laughs. “Good luck finding that around here. I haven’t seen a new shipment of that in a while. Come back in a week and we may have some. In the meantime here is some cough drops and electrolyte replenishers.”
* Lyle’s tail flicked in disappointment. He knew that timing was important and in order to make this better you needed treatment sooner rather than later. So he looked down at the man with sharp eyes and said in his best threatening voice “I’ll be back next week. You better save 2 bottles of whatever you get for me or I will not be happy.” The man’s heart rate spiked and he nodded frantically.
* Lyle came back home with the meager supplies he could get and called to you from the kitchen. You came down wrapped in a big sweater and pulled his tail gently as you walked past. “Did you get some?” He shook his head and sighed. “They’re all out, maybe next week. I promise I’ll go as soon as the shipment comes in. In the meantime drink one of these.” He places a bottle down in front of you, which looks ridiculously small compared to his hand. You drink most of it down and place the cold bottle to your forehead in hopes of persuading your headache to go away.
* You look up at him and see a small frown forming on the corners of his lips. “I’m sorry.” “It’s not your fault, you did what you could. I appreciate it dude.”
* Over the next few days your symptoms end up becoming worse. Now with the sore throat you are congested, coughing, and running a fever. Due to safety concerns your friend is temporarily set up in the recom quarters to prevent contamination. So while you were suffering from a cold you were also isolated too.
* What made it a little better was that your colleague was certain your sickness couldn’t be passed to the recoms so you could still hang out with Lyle. Lyle was hanging out by the railing each day, doing what he could to cheer you up. He brought you some cool rocks he found outside, told you a few funny stories about the shenanigans he got up to in the marines, and of course brought you snacks and water.
* One morning your fever broke 102 and Lyle was seriously freaking out. Unfortunately all he could do was give you acetaminophen and some cold rags to hopefully lower your temp. At this point even the Colonel was worried. They both looked at you on your bed and then at each other. “How many more days until the medicine gets here?” Quaritch asks, worry dancing in his voice. “Day and a half.” The Colonel puts his hand on Lyle’s shoulder and looks at him in the eye.
* “We just got word from base that Jake Sully has been sighted outside of the mountains. I’m getting the team together to go find him. I feel bad about leaving her in this state, but I’m going to put my trust in you that you can take care of her by yourself. We are leaving in an hour.” Lyle’s heart sinks a bit. He wants so badly to get revenge on Sully too but right now his biggest worry is you. Lyle nods and Colonel starts packing up supplies.
* The team leaves and it causes enough noise to wake you up. You head down the stairs slowly, your head bobbing up and down on each step. “Hey Short stack, you hungry?” You look up at Lyle, his hand comes down to rest on your forehead. You put your small hand on top of his and nod your head gently.
* Lyle gets to work heating up some soup and makes you each a sandwich. You eat in silence and when you finish he puts another drink in front of you. Without saying anything you open the bottle and take a few chugs.
* “So,” Lyle’s tail flicks to one side and then another, “What do you want to do now that everyone is gone?” A small smile on his lips, hoping it’ll spread to yours. You put the bottle down and think for a minute. “We could watch some movies or something.” “Okay just no chick flicks.”
* Lyle gets the two of you set up in the den with blankets and pillows and tries to make a comfy spot for you to lay down. You grab your tablet and settle into the pile, leaning against his side for support. You choose something to watch from a list, something animated. He watches it with you somewhat, getting engrossed in the plot. He feels you get heavier against his side and glances down at your now sleeping body. He pick you up gently and sets you in the curve of his arm in a more comfortable position for your back.
* He’s surprised at just how warm your fever is making you. His skin feels like ice compared to yours. He places one hand on your forehead again and you mumble in your sleep a bit. He turns on his side and peers at your sleeping figure.
* Lyle’s ears perk up when he hears your friend come in. “Hey so good news! The medicine is in early, I’m on my way to go get it now. You hold down the fort while I’m gone.” Lyle nods and turns his attention back to the sleeping girl in his arms. For the past few days you had been a shell of who you usually are. No quippy comebacks, no sarcastic interruptions, not even a joke for the past week. He was worried about you. After everything he had been through in his human and avatar life he had not had a relationship like this with anyone else.
* He loved you- platonically of course. He didn’t realize how much he missed the roasting and cursing and well, the normal you. He saw you as his closest friend and he hadn’t had one in so long. Without thinking the words start to fall out of his mouth.
* “Come on Short stack, hurry up and get better so you can kick my ass again.” He lets out a small laugh, lowering his lips to the top of your head. He places a small kiss to your temple. You curl into his body as he pulls away. “I miss you. Please.” He whispers. He moves a pillow under his head and relaxed his body. With the background noise of your wheezy breathing and the show you picked Lyle eventually fell asleep himself.
* He woke up when your friend came back with the medicine and he gently woke you up. Your eyes fluttered open and you reached out for his face, still groggy. He scoops you up in his arms and sits you on his lap so you can drink the medicine. You shudder as it hits your tongue, the nasty taste shaking the sleep from you. You finish it all and within a few hours your fever is gone and so is most of your cough.
* You were still in the pillow nest Lyle had made for the two of you and you turn towards him with a smile. “I think I was hallucinating or dreaming or something.” “Oh yeah?” Lyle smiles, happy you’re doing better. “Yeah I could have sworn you kissed me.” You let out a laugh and cover your mouth as you begin to cough.
* “Yeah Short stack, you were definitely dreaming.” His ears flutter for a brief second after being called out. He was so sure you were asleep when he did it. Whatever, at least you were getting better.
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hey random aspec writing question: how would you suggest developing a QPR between two characters with different dating histories and general standings on the spectrum?
for specific context character A is more familiar with their alignment with the demisexual/demiromantic lables while character B is only beginning to question their asexuality and realize that what they want in their relationship with A is different than their previous (failed) romantic relationships.
my question is really just asking for any advice on how you might make those conversations happen without being confusing or perhaps unsatisfying to a larger relationship arc. (and i'm asking as someone with absolutely 0 relationship experience of any kind and is still learning about QPRs in general)
You are in luck because not only am I in a long standing QPR, a few years ago I actually wrote an article all about what a QPR is (or can be) and how beautifully fluid the term can be.
The first thing to ask yourself, therefore, is what this QPR means and looks like for the characters choosing to be in it. Does it mean living apart but prioritizing spending time together as partners weekly, monthly, etc? Does it mean raising kids or living together? Is there going to be a physical or exclusive element to the relationship? Etc.
For example, for my QPR, we both do feel some romantic attraction to each other as we're both on the aromantic spectrum, but for me it's particularly sparse (I'm alterous) and my partner is demiromantic, but the relationship is primarily based on emotional compatibility and friendship, with the romantic fuzzies just being like tiny sprinkles on top that we can easily do without. The life partnership element and the romantic element are two distinct different things that are overlapping, but the former is 100% more important than the latter. With that all said, someone else's QPR might work very differently and include raising children but not living together, for example.
The fact of the matter is also that in practice / the outside, there's not much that makes various kinds of QPRs different than a more traditional relationship; it's the interior feeling of the relationship that is different. None of this is to say that a QPR can never be toxic or anything — people are naturally messy and unintentionally bring unhealthy patterns into all dynamics, and any dynamic has the potential for that mess — but I will say that QPRs tend to have some advantages over more traditional romantic relationships.
Because a queerplatonic relationship is normally formed out of emotional compatibility, there's less of an uphill climb to get to those healthier places, rather than chasing attraction and then having to create emotional compatibility and intimacy from there. This might be different if you're 'blind dating' platonically, but most QPRs I've seen are typically formed after years of friendship / friendship in general ahead of time
There tends to be better communication and subsequently less insecurity
Less pressure! While it can be lonely and/or scary to realize you have to create your own relationship model, it can also be really liberating to realize you fully make the rules and can change or toss out whatever parts of more traditional romantic bonds you didn't want or don't want anymore
For your character who's questioning, a lot of what helped me on my journey as an aspec person was being able to compare how I was feeling to the experiences of other out, aspec people, and going "Huh, this kinda matches up??" + talking more frankly with allo (non aspec people) people and realizing our experiences very much did not match up. So Character B having a comparison basis naturally in Character A, and likely some curiosity just as friends (and then maybe for their own self actualization / searching) is a good basis to build from! If it's set in modern day your character also doing research online or elsewhere (maybe your fantasy world is very chill and cool idk) is also an option.
For concrete examples, I have four main recommendations:
For how to write those conversations and what they might look like, as well as what a QPR may look like between people with slightly differing sexualities, I'd really recommend Alice Oseman's book "Loveless" about a first year student realizing her aroaceness. It's very well done, it resonated me a lot as a sex repulsed ace person in particular, and the QPR in the book is very sweet. "Let's Talk About Love" by Claire Kann also features an asexual biromantic character navigating beginning a relationship with someone who is not likewise asexual and has some good conversations about physical intimacy.
Outside the realm of fiction, Ace Dad Advice on Youtube covers a lot of various subjects for ace, aro, and aspec people, including what different relationships, dynamics, and conversations may look like along a variety of spectrums.
When it comes to TV I have two other recommendations:
"Koisenu Futari" (The Two Who Don't Fall in Love) is a Japanese tv show about a man and a woman who become platonic life partners, and it's about their lives as well as being aroace. I have not watched it myself but it seems like a very heartfelt, meaningful depiction and I know it's resonated with a lot of aspec people
Other TV shows such as Good Omens and The Dragon Prince, while having relationships between the two leads be indeed romantic, are also aspec / QPR-esque as hell, in my opinion. Good Omens has a 6,000 year slowburn, bless their souls, but I'll speak more to TDP, since that's what I'm familiar with.
In the first 3 seasons of the show, elven assassin Rayla and human prince Callum go from being enemies to unlikely allies and fast friends and eventually, best friends who are also in a romantic relationship. Before anything else though, they are partners first and foremost, with that part of their bond being highlighted just as much if not more than their romantic angle. From S2 onwards they very clearly see each other as family, and the bond only grows deeper from there. Even once they get together, they still routinely refer to one another as a friend (not a romantic partner) and it's never treated as lesser.
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However, I think the biggest QPR vibes happen for them in S4 and S5 (the show is still ongoing) as, after a timeskip during which Rayla left to undertake a dangerous mission alone, upon her return things are... well let's just say Callum has a lot of big feelings about not knowing if she was alive for two years.
But despite the fact they don't totally know what they are anymore, precisely, their unconditional love for each other is apparent in every episode. In spite of his anger, Callum keeps his temper in check, lets her stay, and steps in to help her when she needs support / reassurance without question; in spite of his cold shoulder, Rayla is patient and understanding (if disappointed) and gradually learns more to let him actually help her more with her burdens and issues.
While there's still a romantic undercurrent, the show repeatedly makes it clear that their strong bond and love for each other is not dependent on romantic feelings being acted upon and returned. When Rayla thinks she's been romantically rejected in S3, although Callum is a little awkward, they immediately go back to helping and trusting each other and being a team same as always even before Callum clears up the confusion, doing whatever they can to make sure the person is okay and comfortable.
Even into their continued limbo into S5, they're out here saying shit like "I trust her, unconditionally," "I know that I trust you to help me carry this," "But not everything's changed: I would do anything for you," defending each other from bloodthirsty pirates, and treating one another as family.
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And I think that's a core of a QPR, to me. It's "I'm always in your corner, I'll always save you a seat, you are not alone in the world, I am right here with you holding your hand. Build a world with me. An oasis with me. I will be here, always, in whatever way you want me to be." And I think they exemplify that beautifully
That said if you have any follow up questions or want to DM me, absolutely feel free! I'm always happy to talk about this sort of stuff
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ltwilliammowett · 1 year
Mess Bills and other things related to the Mess
I've already told you about the mess, the smaller groups where the men ate together and each group had a mess cook who changed weekly or monthly to collect the food ration for the meal from the purser and take it to the cook. And later to serve the food to his mess. They also fetched the coffee and sugar for Mass, which was kept together with the crockery in a separate chest, the so-called Mess chest.
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The sailor's description of a chase & capture, by  George Cruikshank (1792-1878)  
In addition, the day's provisions were usually distributed during the afternoon watch or early in the morning and were to be witnessed by an officer. Complaints concerning the quality of the food are made at the mess by the mess cook. And meat that is prepared is marked with the respective mess number so that all received their allotted portion.  
There is also the Mess Bill, which was a list kept by the Mess Cook of all the little things that his messmates wanted from the Purser. His name was listed, what he wanted, e.g. tobacco or a shirt, etc. This list was then sent to the mess cook once a month. This list was then given to the purser once a month, who then gave out the items in exchange for money or on a credit basis and noted everything in his book. When it was time to hand it out, it was handed out by the mess cook in the presence of an officer and distributed to the men concerned.
The berth-deck is kept clean by the mess cooks, who are excused from work in their own parts of the ship, except at all hands, and from anchor watch in port. They are also excused from duty in boats, when they can pull a fair oar. At sea, especially when short-handed, they are required to stand night watch.That the men’s meal hours should not be interfered with, excepting in cases of actual necessity, is an old established rule of the service, and a good one. There are few more justifiable causes of discontent than frequent calling away of unnecessary boats at meal time, or prolonging “all hands” work until the crew are sent below to a cold dinner. A little attention to minor matters of this kind will go a long way to securing the satisfied condition among the crew which ensures prompt and cheerful obedience to orders.
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hanabeeri · 29 days
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helloooo im back 🧸 <3 i had a very busy week you could say.. if you were to ask me what i did specifically i wouldnt be able to give you an answer, haha. my memory is quite bad.
it was quite warm for a few days, so i was able to wear my pretty summer dresses!! i wish the weather would stay warm.. but itll be cold again for some time. my sweet mutual @zzzzzestforlife tagged me in a challenge (thank u for the tag!!! ill do my best 🩷💕), which im still a bit confused about but ill do my best to participate :)) im not a goal oriented person so instead of setting goals to accomplish ill just make some regular weekly updates until the end of my summer term!! which is why i wont set any amount of days. if were being honest here, its just my diary posts rebranded and me sharing some more details AHAHAH oh well 🥹💦💞
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so what did i do this week?
> I finished two short novels: a psalm for the wild-built by becky chambers and the suitcase by sergei dovlatov! i loved them both, i gave both 4/5 stars > i turned in an assignment for my russian class (my lecturer didnt give me feedback yet, but he praised the entire class for well written texts:)) ) > my friends and i went on an involuntary walk throughout my universitys garden (its huge.. and apparantly has set opening and closing times, we ended up being lead outside haha. momentarily evolved back into monkeys when we walked through a forest) > i cleaned my room and finally (!!!) had the time to sort everything out. its so much easier to navigate throughout my room now > today i had breakfast with my friends in a cafe <33 i didnt see them since lent started, so it was nice seeing them in person again. we are planning on reading two books together. though im not sure if theyll stick to dracula since we wanted to read it in english. their english isnt bad, but they also dont use it as often as i do, so it can be hard sometimes for them to follow a plot when its in english
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for next week i dont have much planned. i want to finish reading fight club by chuck palahniuk and perhaps start the novel my friends and i want to read together (a good girls guide to murder by holly jackson). theres also a test i have to study for and two writing assignments i have to turn in (japanese and russian, if youre curious).
ive been listening to this a lot lately while studying :)) its so calming. and it makes me happy to see that i understand almost all voicelines even without the subtitles! 🥹💕 one day.. also am i delulu for dreaming about lil peep on a monthly basis at this point? i swear, every now and then i have a dream where he appears in. last time i dreamt he got out of a car and walked towards me to comfort me. today i dreamt that i watched him film a music video for a song of his. gus is visiting me in my dreams, dropping hints to get a grip, surely 🥹🥹💦
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I'm using the borders from saradika and enchanthings!! <3 🧸💕💞
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ros3ybabe · 10 months
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Hi everyone!
I've decided to start this blog to keep myself accountable as I continue along on my health journey. This will include working on my mental, physical, and emotional health!
Here are some things about me!
I go by Rose, and I use she/her pronouns
I'm in my very early 20s and a juinor at my university
I am studying Human Nutrition and Dietetics, with a minor in Exercise Science and another minor in Psychology
I am an avid Kpop stan, especially for gg's like Ive, Twice, Blackpink, New Jeans, (G)-Idle, Itzy, NMIXX, etc
Some of my biases include Lisa, Soyeon, Wonyoung, Yuna, Jennie Kim, Sullyoon, Yunjin, etc
I love the pink pilates princess, wonyoungism, it girl energy, and hope to better myself through embracing those values and lifestyles.
I am really hoping that this blog will keep me both accountable and successful in my health efforts
I will be posting daily updates including what I eat/consume daily (without calories or macros mentioned), my daily YouTube workouts that I've completed, weekly or monthly weigh ins, and my daily routines, habits, motivations, and so on.
This is not solely about weight loss but an overall improvement in my health and lifestyle. I will include posts about my goals and habits, current skincare routine, morning routines, night routines, favorite self-help books and tips, my current workout routines and tips, favorite meals, my self care weekend routine, favorite self care/fitness/lifestyle products, and things similar to all of those.
My Current Stats:
Current Weight: 237 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 - 160 lbs
Height: 5'3
Exercise level: Intermediate (I've been a runner, a weight lifter, and I've done many YouTube workouts including yoga, pilates, chloe ting, and so on. )
Current Workout Plan: 30+ min of YouTube workouts a day, including yoga, pilates, dance, hiit, and body weight workouts.
Reasons for this journey: I want to deepen my self-love, strengthen my confidence, lose some weight, and develop habits that will help me to become the best version of myself on a daily basis.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I'll start my daily update later today!
The picture collage included was retrieved from Pinterest!! It is not my own creation or work, but I will be producing my own images as of soon!!
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museofaesthetics · 1 year
isn’t it ironic how on birthday’s people shower you with love but those people don’t shower you with love on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. that one day of the year where everyone shows you so much love then the next day you go back to your life and they go back to theirs. life man.
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nakedbibi333 · 1 year
hi ! my beloved alana ♡ do you have some advices for Self- discipline? because we are not in a high vibration 7/24 ...
Hi love! Discipline is all about being determined to work towards your goals, no matter what. Whether or not you have motivation, you still make the effort to do the work. The trick, at least for me, is to get into a routine and have a set schedule to stick to. Whatever works for you is always going to be best. So, if you prefer to schedule on a daily, weekly, or even monthly basis, then that's up to you!
In my personal experience, I have a daily routine, where I will induce SATS at specific times of the day. In those times, I am able to return to my desired state for whatever desire I want to manifest. This keeps me disciplined to consistently apply the law whenever I can.
Please note that you don't have to do anything that's tedious or difficult to do. Manifestation shouldn't be a chore. I am excited to do my SATS every day. I get excited when the time starts getting nearer. Find something that makes you feel like this or similar.
And sticking to a "high vibration," a positive mentality, or being happy constantly is never important to manifest with the law of assumption. Sticking to your desired state does not have to be a constant 24/7 thing. I've said before, as long as you consciously return to the desired state as much as you can, then you're doing well. Persistence is returning when you waver. It's staying faithful to the truth of your desire. It's remaining loyal to yourself above all else.
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