#siege of burial mounds
jiangchengneedstherapy · 10 months
The fact that Jiang Cheng was there seeing it happen as Jiang Yanli pushed WWX out the way, taking the hit for him and still blames it on WWX like they weren't all gathered to pledge death upon him and Wen Remnants after Wen Qing and Wen Ning's death as repayment to leave them alone. Jiang Cheng was also there seeing it happen as the people in Nightless City attacked WWX first, and then 2-3 months later he was the one leading the siege to kill WWX and Wen Remns, (remaining family of WQ and WN, including a granny and a toddler) Yunmeng Jiang was the greatest force even Jins were second in it. Like if he doesn't want to do anything to help don't make it worse? Maybe even a hypothetical "You know my sister died saving this man, I won't tarnish her sacrifice by killing him." and walk away from it or bring small forces like Lans and Nies did? Like LXC wasn't even leading the Lans, LQR was so it doesn't even have to be sect leaders up there, but he not only led the entirety of it but also brought the most men and resources like.. And years later he still makes it WWX's fault like at least tell the truth to Jin Ling?
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irafook · 1 year
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A-yuan ❤
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touchlikethesun · 2 days
i get the feeling that jiang cheng is holding the deaths of jfm yzy and jyl (and jzx) over wei wuxian's head because he feels as tho he needs a more honorable (valid) excuse to hate him, because admitting that he hates him for leaving would be in his eyes to admit to still caring about wwx and to admit to weakness.
"i hate you for the deaths you caused" is noble and righteous.
"i hate you for leaving me" is weak and pathetic.
but i do think it's the latter point that's the real hold-out, if wei wuxian had found a way to stay, to keep his oath to be jiang cheng's subordinate, to keep being half of the twin heroes of yunmeng... i think jiang cheng would have forgiven him.
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only10th · 2 months
Random thought of the day of Jiang Cheng being hunted by Wei Wuxian’s memory.
Jiang Cheng definitely saw Wei Wuxian everywhere he went. It had been months since the siege had happened, yet the shock of it had lingered ever since. It was an odd feeling, he had seen the dark cultivator die with his own eyes. He had the bamboo flute that had created an indescribable terror in the cultivation world to prove it. The evidence of said event was right there… Why couldn’t he shake the feeling that Wei Wuxian would come back?
No matter how many times he gazed at the flute, no matter how many times he would get praised for vanquishing the evil Yiling Patriarch, Jiang Cheng still saw the boy he grew up with running through the empty halls of Lotus Pier, his laughter carried on the wind that made his red ribbon flutter with each movement.
Sometimes the quiet and stillness of the night would be too much to bear, and some nights it was better to remain awake. Just like when they were younger, how he would notice Wei Wuxian’s absence because he used to sneak out and the room would fall quiet without the constant shifting in his sleep and soft sleep filled mumbles.
He’d often wake up in a cold sweat, muttering his name before dragging himself in a daze towards the lake in the middle of the night, because he knew Wei Wuxian liked to sneak out and take a midnight swim, especially after his mother found whatever excuse to punish him. But there was no one there. No one swims under the moonlight, disturbing the still waters of the lotus lake. There was no quick yet quiet sound of a certain sword cutting through the humid air, the head disciple of Yunmeng practicing his sword forms over and over, even if everyone in lotus pier knew he didn’t have a need to do it, because he was already extraordinary and a skillful swordsman.
“Jiang Cheng, It’s so hot in here, let’s go for a swim!” He’d hear that excited, cheerful voice next to him, as if time had remained frozen on the good days. If he focused his gaze towards the horizon, he could trick his mind into thinking Wei Wuxian was sitting next to him. “Look, the sky is so full of stars! I bet they look better from the lake, come on, we’ll be back before anyone notices!”
“I hate you… I hate you so much…” the words are gritted out, fingers gripping the dark bamboo flute tight and closer to his chest. The water sloshes quietly, and he hates how quiet it is. He never thought he would hate the silence so much. “I hate you, Wei Wuxian. You took everything from me…” He whispered over and over, hoping to believe those words over the tears silently sliding down his face.
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wangxianficrecs · 8 months
💙 as i stumble homewards by the_pretzel
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💙 as i stumble homewards
by the_pretzel (@the-pretzel)
T, 27k, Wangxian
Part of the MXTX Mini Bang
Summary: Six years after the siege at the Burial Mounds, the Jiang Sect looks to Yiling once more as rumors of a young demonic cultivator and the restless spirit which trails behind him reach their ears. Luckily for the two in question, Hanguang-jun has heard the same rumors, and comes trailing behind. A-Yuan, in the meanwhile, is not pleased at having his life disrupted, especially by a man who has mysterious intentions towards his Xian-gege. Kay's comments: You know, I'm always here for stories where A-Yuan is a little bit (a lot) of a strange kid after his time in the Burial Mounds and in this one, he's a certified weirdo in the best way possible. Here, he doesn't get found my Lan Wangji and instead, Wei Wuxian looks for him, at least until Jiang Cheng notices him on his hunt for demonic cultivators... Ah, this story doesn't really pull any punches and I like this exploration of what could have happened to A-Yuan, it feel very true to the story. And of course, Lan Wangji discovers soon enough that A-Yuan is talking to Wei Wuxian and Wangxian can't help each other but gravitate towards each other. Excerpt: Fine, Wei Wuxian tells him, reassuringly, sounding as though he’s back in the present. I’m just fine. Don’t worry about your Xian-gege, he’s very resilient! Lan Wangji is still looking at him, so he does not react, but his stomach unclenches a little. Then-- “You are talking to someone,” Lan Wangji says, and A-Yuan’s stomach clenches right back up again. “What? No,” he hedges, too quickly. It’s a lie so bad Lan Wangji does not even deign to acknowledge it. “What is his name?” “None of your business,” A-Yuan snaps, curling his hands into fists. Lan Wangji only keeps going. “Wei Wuxian?” He rears back. It’s as good as an answer, because Lan Wangji stills, staring at him as though he is somehow surprised to have it confirmed. It doesn’t do anything to comfort A-Yuan. Uh-oh, Wei Wuxian murmurs, tone uncertain. “Come to the jingshi,” Lan Wangji says abruptly, and walks away. For lack of any better options, A-Yuan follows.
pov lan sizhui, canon-divergence, burial mounds settlement days, post-first siege of the burial mounds, canonical character death - wei wuxian, ghost wei wuxian, families of choice, food issues, trauma, fluff, angst with a happy ending, emotional hurt/comfort, demonic cultivator lan sizhui, getting together, mutual pining
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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bamboo-gdn · 1 year
Wei WuXian didn't fail.
Burial Mounds settlement with the Wens wasn't worthless. And I'm not saying this because Sizhui survived. Wei WuXian gave them a place to live together. It wasn't the best place but it was something, more than the cultivation world had allowed them. Because the Wen Remnants were doomed since the end of the war, they were destined to die. So what matters is how they died. They didn't die humiliated in a labour camp but fighting for the life they had a right to live.
Wei WuXian gave them time, time they treasured till the end and even after the end. Because of that, even after being killed unjustified and not being given a proper burial they were able to move on. Because of that, when they came back they decided it was more important to protect those they had left than to harm those who had killed them.
So, Wei WuXian didn't fail.
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sepia-mahogany · 11 months
Re-reading MDZS and reaching the second siege, Wei Wuxian, Wen Ning and the Wen Remnants 😭
This was one of the houses that he had built himself. Before he left, the house had still been fine. Although it was crude, it was a place to seek shelter from the weather, nonetheless holding the people he was familiar with; the people he treasured. In the saying 'the things remain but the people don't', at least 'the things' still remained. With such a scene in front of him, there wasn't even anything to remind him of the people whom he missed. Wei WuXian, "Don't look anymore." Wen Ning, "… I knew that it'd be like this a long time ago. I just wanted to see if there was anything left…"
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Wei WuXian's lips trembled. He seemed as if he wanted to say something, but still he couldn't say it. He lowered his head and bestowed upon them a heavy salute. His voice was rasp, "… Thank you." Lan WangJi saluted as well.
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When they were fighting, the blood corpses seemed as fierce as could be, but right now, when facing them, they still appeared hideous, but their movements seemed somewhat clumsy. At varied times, they bent down and lifted their hands, returning the salute. And then, as if something had sucked out the energy and life within them, they all collapsed at once. Their blood-colored bodies seemed to be fragile porcelain, cracking apart inch by inch, their pieces growing smaller and smaller. If another gust of wind blew over, there might be nothing left. Wen Ning threw himself onto the ground, using his hands to gather up the crimson ashes.
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thatswhatsushesaid · 7 months
currently thinking about just how much su minshan was willing to sacrifice--of himself, and of other people who relied on and trusted in him--to protect jin guangyao
goes 2 my knees, clutches my hair
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haru-with-mdzs · 4 months
I realized that Wei Wuxian's death could have been prevented if Jin Zixuan hadn't died.
Think about it.
The Siege of The Burial Mounds was led after the death of Jin Zixuan and the Jin Clan was one of the major clans that led the siege.
If Jin Zixuan hadn't died, all those cultivation clans wouldn't have gathered to plot Wei Wuxian's death because that is Jin Zixuan's beloved wife's younger brother. He would have naturally prevented this meeting and the other clans would have listened. And if the meeting didn't take part, Jiang Yanli wouldn't have died either.
Who knew Wei Wuxian's life string would have been connected with Jin Zixuan's?
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
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Part 1 Part 2 (you are here) Part 3 (in progress...) ...
For warnings/etc, refer to part 1 (there are no new warnings for this part) Art/more info for this fic can be found in my masterpost.
Part 2
· ✦  Right Here  ✦ ·
The journey to the location the corpse wanted was slow, due to Lan Wangji’s injuries and Wei Wuxian’s rigid body. The ever silent Wen Yuan peered over Wei Wuxian’s shoulders as he held onto them, eyes big and round as he looked at who he onced called rich-gege.
Lan Wangji couldn’t focus enough to even notice.
Upon arrival, Lan Wangji swayed, knees shaking as he collapsed. If not for Wei Wuxian who had been in front of him, he would definitely be on the floor, but his resentment did the job of keeping his legs locked so he didn’t fall with all three of them.
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Wuxian used his resentment to support his arms, supporting Lan Wangji with one while setting Wen Yuan down with the other. “A..Yuan…” He gestured to the dilapidated bed in the abandoned home loosely. “Dust…”
Wen Yuan scampered over quietly to the wooden bed to remove rubble and dust, wiping as much off as he could with his little hands. While he did that, Wei Wuxian very slowly stepped forward, one foot after another until he stood next to it. “Yuan…”
The little boy moved out of the way, starting to look around for anything for the hurt gege to rest his head on. “Ah!” He tugged on the shredded curtains, and with a few big heaves, he fell back in a heap. He popped out of the gray cloth, the sight making the corpse’s eyes squint slightly in what Wen Yuan thinks is his way of laughing now. “Xian-gege...” He speaks very quietly in a hoarse tone, much more quietly than he usually does, as he toddles clumsily back over with the armful of cloth.
“Thank…you…” Wei Wuxian carefully lowered Lan Wangji to the bed first so he was sitting, supporting him with one arm while Wen Yuan helped him fold the curtain into a make-shift headrest with the other.
Once Lan Wangji was comfortably settled on his stomach and his head resting, the corpse exhaled quietly as if whatever he had just done with the little boy was quite the task. Well, it was, but not when he was alive it wasn’t. “A-Yuan…” He holds out his hand slowly for the boy to take, then helps him get on the bed to sit beside the man. “Stay…”
Wen Yuan whimpered and held onto Wei Wuxian’s robes, a little tremor in his shoulders. “S-scared, baba…”
The corpse froze momentarily, but then allowed himself to fall to his knees once more and lean into the arms that came to hug his face. This was no surprise to Wei Wuxian. He’d not seen it all, but the little boy had seen too much. “Baba…will be…outside…pick…herbs.”
He nuzzled the boy to comfort him, but for a time, all Wen Yuan did was cling harder. “Watch…Lan Zhan…Baba…will be…right…here.”
Lan Wangji stared at the two with half-lidded eyes, feeling a deep aching throb move over his back in waves. “I won’t let anything happen to him…” His voice came quiet as if trying to match their volumes without thinking, but really it was just the exhaustion.
Wei Wuxian lifted his head slowly, his hand once more naturally returning to the little one’s back in slow, silent strokes. His gaze was calculating, but then he spoke once more. “You’re hurt.” He repeated, leaning down to hold his mouth against Wen Yuan’s forehead in what seemed to be a mock-kiss before gently scooting him back onto the bed. “Don’t…touch…Lan Zhan..’s….back.” The corpse leaned in and whispered something into the child’s ear, before finally letting him go to get up.
Lan Wangji’s eyelashes lowered in slow, drowsy movements. Ah…his back must be a mess if the other could tell where he was injured. He couldn’t find it in himself to regret it though, not as he watched the slow retreat of black robes through the broken doorway with blurry eyes. 
His eyes felt heavy, but much more so as a small warmth leaned into his side carefully and held his hand. He wanted to turn his head, but it hurt too much, he was too tired…too…
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feamir · 2 years
In the Burial Mounds. WWX got into Uncle Four’s fruit wine.
Wei Wuxian: *finishes telling stories about his childhood in Lotus Pier*
Wei Wuxian: So, any questions?
Wen Ning: Yes! Several!!
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Three emoji prompt
for @jiaoji who wanted angst.
Ash rose around him, choking the air. Smoke billowing in thick plumes above the site Wei Ying had once called home.
It turned his robes gray, soot settling into the white silk turning him from a light bearing beacon, into a muddled shape against the black, the ash and the blooming plum trees.
Tiny pink and white flowers scattered across the barren, desolate landscape where a man that attempted to stand against the world made his final stand.
Hot, bright, sharp. Up his back. His vision went white, his stomach turned.
Lan Wangji turned to the side, vomiting the megar contents of soup and rice onto the dry and cracked soil.
A radish was growing there. Far away from the Wen crops, hidden from the slaughter and devastation, growing against all the odds against it. Green among the black, white below the dirt, growing among the bones.
He wanted to stop.
He needed to see.
Wei Ying was the brightest star in the sky. So endlessly capable, intelligent, resourceful. He had made a home in the place the Sects feared. He tamed ghosts and won a war, he loved his sister with an intensity that would have leveled a city had he gone on longer.
If anyone could outsmart the sects and survive it would be him.
Pushing to his feet, he wrapped the black cloak tighter around him. He kept between the trees, away from the voices, he paused when Nie cultivators came close, trusting the talismans Wei Ying had once given him in the war to keep him safe, hidden, especially here in this place he called a home.
His back and stomach both protested moving any more, the blackness dancing at the edge of his vision urged him to rest, to return to Cloud Recesses, but he would not…not until he knew. Not until he saw.
His back was wet and sticky, the bandages were sticking to the wounds at the edges, they would pull the scabs off when they had to be changed, leading to fresh pain…and perhaps more damage.
He stopped, holding his breath.
Shufu stood in the middle of the path, on either side of him the ramshackle homes of the Wen’s burned.
Shufu, in his pristine whites, clad in glory and rich silks, stood on a graveyard of the ancient and the new and glared at the destruction around him as if it was distasteful. Like the slaughter of the poor, and the weak, was an errant student that needed strict correction.
He thought of such a student. Wild. Wilful, bright and playful.
Smothered, buried under rumors and lies and mounting distrust because he was not born good enough and didn’t have the good sense to know his place.
He would find no salvation here. There weren’t rules enough to cover the unfilial anger that had his hand on Bichan and two steps out of the trees before he caught himself.
He caught himself, pulling the cloak tight until he was a shade among the smoke, even if shufu did look his way, he would see little.
He watched his shufu, watched him accept papers, drawings of arrays that were undoubtedly Wei Ying’s.
Shufu would be punished for his transgressions. But it was not his to dispense.
He turned from shufu, keeping to the rear of the burning ruins, pushing further towards the cave where Wei Ying once claimed himself a demon.
Yellow dancing among the plum blossoms dragged his eyes away from his destination.
He felt a tug on his sleeve, a voice in his ear whispering. He spun, seeing only the yellow on the tree, fluttering in the wind like the last flag of a dead army.
He’s there! a voice, the wind, cried, go, go hurry, he needs you!
Lan Wangji did not think himself capable of running. He did not feel his back as his feet pounded over the rocks and rain-starved earth. He didn’t feel the pain until he dropped to his knees in front of the tree, ripping off the talismen.
The illusion fell away.
He wanted to throw up, he wanted to die, he wanted to have been here when his shufu came to end it all.
Wei Ying was within the tree. His skin was gray, his eyes, once so bright and dancing, empty. Lifeless. No light. No joy upon seeing his face.
He was holding a bedraggled bundle of hair and robes all covered in blood.
Wei Ying’s blood he realized.
There was nothing left to come up, but that did not stop his stomach from trying.
He spat into the dirt, wiped his mouth on his sleeve.
He reached for the bundle, stopping for a moment as he looked at Wei Ying again.
There was a peaceful acceptance upon his face, blood coated his chin, half his cheek was missing, as well as an entire hand, his robes were caked with mud and blood. Yet he still looked…serene in his repose. Perhaps because he knew, no matter what, all of his ills and sufferings were finally over, that death would be a version of peace.
“Please forgive me.” He whispered before lifting the bundle into his arms.
A-Yuan was dangerously warm, his skin was fever hot and pink, he was small for his age and already far too skinny.
He looked at Wei Ying's body.
Take him away from here.
Wei Ying had given him so many gifts over the years. The one that Lan Wangji thought he would cherish the most was his time. When his juniors and peers avoided him because of is taciturn, frosty nature, Wei Ying had easily danced his way through every wall, tugged on Lan Wangji’s sacred ribbon, laughing as he did so.
He gave Lan Wangji something he never charished, and now something he would have to life without.
He pressed his lips to Wei Ying’s, something he never would have thought himself capable of, but the world had changed so much, forcing Lan Wangji for change right along with it. Kissing the cold corpse of the man he loved seemed the lest offenseive thing he'd done in recent years.
It felt fitting their last kiss tasted of ash and blood.
Standing, he put the talismen back up, hiding Wei Ying’s body from desecration and disrespect. He stepped onto Bichan, rising away from the carnage, from the smoke clouding his vision into the clear sky beyond.
Below him spring was in full bloom. Everywhere he looked, the world was full of flowers.
I hope this is fits with what you were looking for. I'm not convinced it's angsty enough, feedback would be appreciated.
The ending feels a bit too.... hopeful to me, but I was going for the juxtaposition of the flowers with the carnage of the slaughter.
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kitsune1818 · 2 years
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Again, inspired by @robininthelabyrinth fic, because she is awesome like that.
Lwj short hair is a hc of mine after the siege of the BM and wwx death.
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melonnade · 11 months
listening to taylor swift’s new songs has filled me with an insatiable urge to make a wwx animatic for castles crumbling
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only10th · 2 months
Okay, so I’m writing this fic of the first siege at the Burial Mounds (yes, it is hurting my soul to write 😭) but I gotta ask, cause read the book and watched the donghua, but none of these are very specific (unless I’m completely missing it)
Did the siege happened right after the nightless city massacre?
I just need double confirmation cause, I had this thought of… the siege happening close to A-Yuan’s birthday. Why, you may ask, well cause in my mind, wwx killed a lot of cultivators, a looooot, so the clans had to need some time to rebuild their army, right? That could’ve taken from weeks to months.
Not to mention the clan leaders regaining strength, the the Jiangs mourning over JYL passing away. They needed time to strategize and plan out how to get rid of wwx.
I know LWJ was hiding wwx in a cave fir two days after the nightless city massacre, and I know he dragged his injured self to the BM after he got the news of wwx’s passing. Even if it was a month after, he was still in rough and horrendous condition. I bet it still felt like he got the whipping just the day before.
I want to use this for this fic, but I also want to stay to canon as much as I can. I dunno, any insights?
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wangxianficrecs · 2 months
Reclamation by CordialCoroner (CordialCrow)
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by CordialCoroner (CordialCrow) (@cordialcrowe)
M, 6k, Wen Qing
Summary: After her death at the hands of the Jin, Wen Qing's spirit lingers. Kay's comments: As you can tell, I'm currently hungering for Wen Qing deserves a little revenge, as a treat. Wen Qing should have been allowed to go a little apeshit. In this story she gets to do so and I absolutely loved it. After her death, she lingers as a ghost in Lanling and learns of Wen Ning still being alive (and being experimented on) and the upcoming Siege on the Burial Mounds. She tries his best to stop it, but unfortunately, she's just a small little spirit. It's only when the Burial Mounds get involved that she gets the power-up she needs to take revenge. Excerpt: But it is not enough. Wen Qing can see it in their faces as they call for more blood. No one speaks on her brother’s behalf, but Wen Qing does not expect them to. Not even Jiang Wanyin, who’d had Wei Wuxian at his side for years, utters a single word in his defense. Instead, he is one of the ones most adamant about bringing about his downfall. “Yunmeng-Jiang is more than happy to lead the siege against the Burial Mounds,” Jiang Wanyin declares. Wen Qing swarms around him unnoticed, wishing she had hands so that she could wring his neck. Ingrate! Have you forgotten your debts? Of your visit to the Burial Mounds? You know there is no army, only the elderly and a toddler. Wen Qing surges around him, filled with anger yet unable to interact with its source in the slightest. And to think, my brother was willing to lay down his life for you, to give up his core. Jiang Wanyin is undeserving of such a gift. Wen Qing regretted that she allowed herself to be convinced into giving it to him. I should rip that core right out of your chest and make you mundane once more. Wen Qing thinks bitterly. Leave your lower dantian empty and hollow, just like your heart.
pov wen qing, canon divergence, revenge, ghost wen qing, angst, hurt no comfort, post-sunshot campaign, post-first siege of the burial mounds, burial mounds ensemble as a family, anger, grief/mourning, not jiang cheng friendly, first siege of the burial mounds
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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