#team rocket james fluff
sleepingdeath-light · 5 months
relationship hcs ; james
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requested by ; anonymous (21/05/23)
fandom(s) ; pokémon
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; james
ok ok so uh may I request general dating hcs for both jessie and james please ? (maybe someone who has a good living since both are homeless 🥹) THANK YOU !!”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
despite his work as a member of team rocket, james is an incredibly sweet and attentive partner — the type who has a keen memory for everything you love and who will do anything he can to boost your confidence and make you smile whenever you’re together (he’s your #1 cheerleader even if he isn’t the most confident in himself most of the time — but he’s working on improving that with your help)
he doesn’t talk about his family, or his past in general, all that often but he when he does he always has something positive to say about his grandparents (his parents and ex fiancée less so, he loves his parents but they aren’t on the best terms at the moment and jessiebelle is, well, jessiebelle and enough is said about that) — and when you finally met ‘nanny’ and ‘pop pop’, they absolutely adored you (both as your own person and because of how happy you make their sweet little grandson)
if you wear makeup then he’s more than happy to help you put it on or perfect a look — he has a keen eye and a steady hand that comes in handy if you struggle with symmetry — and on a similar note he’s also happy to let you put makeup on him or to do his makeup alongside yours (he’s far from opposed to dressing up, cross-dressing, or wearing costumes with you, after all)
james loves using terms of endearment with you, to the extent that you’ll rarely even hear him say your first name unless it’s a necessary formality (like a first introduction or for a dinner booking), and they range from cutesy to traditional depending on his mood — for example, when he’s feeling dejected and clingy after being scolded by giovanni then he’ll curl up on your lap and call you ‘hun’ and ‘sweetie’ as he vents his woes to you, but when he’s in a more flirty mood then he might dip you in his arms and call you ‘darling’ or ‘sweetheart’ (context matters more than anything here, but he has been known to use just about any pet name in any situation)
he’s a complete gentleman and will go the full nine yards to woo you even after you’ve been officially together for what feels like forever — partially down to his upbringing and the expectations pushed upon him by it, and partially because he’s just that sweet — which includes him doing things like: bending down and kissing the back of your hands/each of your knuckles, opening car doors for you and helping you step out, holding doors open for you in whatever building you’re in, buying you flowers whenever he can scrape together the funds to do so (he may have been born wealthy but nowadays, not so much), offering you his coat whenever you mention being cold, and other things along those lines
jessie has caught him staring at you, or staring into nothingness whilst clearly thinking about you, more times than she’d ever care to count and this eternal puppy-love state has caused the trio to mess up on missions because james is just too distracted to stick to the plan — it would be adorable in any other situation but it usually frustrates her to the point of anger because that mistake was so avoidable, why can’t you just be normal about them for ten minutes?
when it comes to sleeping, james isn’t too bothered about what position you drift off in as long as the two of you are cuddling — he can fall asleep wherever he is, and being in a proper bed for the first time in weeks helps, but he sleeps most peacefully when he can hear your breathing and can feel your weight and body heat right up against him when he’s with you
whenever his team fails a mission, or he’s scolded by someone, you’re the first person he gets in contact with — either finding a phone to call you or stumbling sadly through your door and collapsing in your arms and just… staying like that for a while as he briefly lets himself forget what had left him feeling so low (you’re his rock, really, and he’d do the same for you if you needed it, but for now all he needs is to hear your voice and know that you still love and accept him as he is — despite all of his mistakes and failures)
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olddirtybadfic · 11 months
Holiday Half Arse: Nyarth Nativity (part two of two)
Twelve!me should not be trusted to plan a Christmas dinner or name mpreg kittens.
Part one is here.
Content Warning: First-person mixed points-of-view; Pokémon/Human romantic relationship; mpreg; absolute character assassination of Jessie (she’s super violent towards Meowth and pregnant James); very shaky understanding of psychological issues and mental institutions; James, Meowth, and their kitten eat the placenta
(Meowth's point of view)
Before we knew it, it was the middle of December. James had gotten pregnant in October, so the ninth week was getting closer.
One day we were sitting in the living room, watching TV. Actually, I was sitting, bored at all the corny Christmas commercials and James was lying down, half-asleep. The couch wasn't the most comfortable place to fall asleep, but I couldn't blame James for not being fully awake. All those commercials were so cheesy and boring.
A commercial came on. I thought James would be falling asleep, but it was a telephone commercial. It was about a couple who couldn't be together for Christmas. They decided if they couldn't be together, they should at least call collect so they save money.
To my surprise, James burst into tears.
"That commercial was so sad. We're lucky we can be together for the holidays," he said.
"We can be together every day," I said. I hugged James. He hugged me too. He winced.
"Did my claws come out?" I asked.
"No. The kitten just kicked," James said.
James was a little round. The kitten would come any day. I wasn't sure if I could call James's Team Rocket uniform a maternity outfit.
I did learn that the kitten moved more whenever James ate anything sweet.
It seemed like the kitten could come out in the eighth week.
On Christmas Eve, James seemed to be really enthusiastic about having the kitten near Christmas.
He went into the bedroom to take a nap. A few minutes later, I heard James call me. He was breathing hard.
"I….I think it's time," he panted.
James pushed while I caught the kitten as it came out. One final push popped out the kitten.
The kitten was okay, of course. James was also okay. He still hurt a little, but he was okay.
"It's beautiful," James breathed.
"Just like you," I said. Then I bit off the kitten's umbilical cord.
The kitten opened its eyes. It had emerald green eyes like James.
James smiled at me. "It's a girl," he said.
"What's her name?" I asked. James was sure to come up with a meaningful name.
"Her name is Jessowth," James said. He started to breastfeed the kitten.
"Jessowth. Interesting name," I said.
The next day, on Christmas, James and I were happy to cuddle up in front of the TV with our daughter. We decided to have the placenta for our Christmas dinner that night.
"I guess we can't have sex tonight," James said.
"Oh, don't worry. The kitten and your love makes up for it," I said.
James began to cry.
"I'm sorry. That was just so sweet. You….You know I really love you, don't you?" James said.
"Yes. And I love you too," I said. "And anyway, you have to wait four or five weeks. You don't want to strain yourself."
James smiled. "You're the doctor."
(James's point of view)
Our little kitten seemed to grow so fast in just five weeks.
Jessie wasn't yet out of the mental institution. I was a little glad. A violent person shouldn't be around a newborn kitten.
After about ten weeks, I began getting sick again: eating a lot and vomiting. And I was craving foods I didn't normally eat.
After three hours of that, I just got out the Pokémon pregnancy test. A few minutes later, Meowth came into the bathroom.
"Are you okay, James? You look flushed," he said.
"Meowth, I'm pregnant again," I said.
"Another kitten?! Wow, you're producing a lot of kittens," Meowth said.
"It's just one," I said.
"Well, we're raising one kitten. We can raise another one," Meowth said.
Meowth was actually little more than a kitten himself. He was an adult (if he was human, he would be only slightly older than my eighteen years), but he hadn't evolved into a Persian (and he didn't plan to). One could say I was having kittens for a kitten.
Both Meowth and Jessowth are my kittens to watch over, care for, and protect.
Epilogue (Meowth's point of view)
Jessie eventually came home from the mental institution. She and James are friends again.
Jessowth is talking. She sounds like a female version of me.
Jessowth seems to be kind of wary of Jessie. Maybe she knew Jessie abused James when he was still pregnant with her.
James is delighted to be having another kitten. He's pretty far along.
We're all one big happy Team Rocket.
Moral of the story: Maybe don't name your newborn kitten after your formerly abusive friend, no matter how much she's improved. Also: tired of that boring bird for Christmas dinner? Try placenta!
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geemyfirstluvstory · 7 months
hey boy, listen…
“my first love story…my angel…and my girls…my sunshine. hey, hey, lets go!”
fem reader. matching halloween costumes with bllk characters. bllk x reader. fluff. characters (separate): michael kaiser, oliver aiku, bachira meguru, hiori yo, chigiri hyoma, kunigami rensuke, itoshi sae+rin, isagi yoichi, shidou ryuusei, nagi seishiro, mikage reo
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michael kaiser - joker x harley quinn
• this man is certified bonkers so of course he’s the joker and as his loyal worshipper you’re harley quinn
• perhaps a prophecy of the status of your relationship perhaps you just look stylish (ITS THE SECOND ONE PLEASE PICK THE SECOND ONE)
• such a softie for you but would never admit it, you chose the costume and he made sure to get the finest ones money could buy though the pictures you took…he’d rather not see himself dressed as a clown criminal mastermind.
oliver aiku - nick & judy (zootopia)
• this was his idea, y’know damn well this man is a party animal so you just have to trust he’s not cheating
• so he decides to make you feel better, he’ll bring you along and do matching costumes. • i just know this man likes putting on animal ears and kids movies thats why y’all are nick and judy
bachira meguru - thing 1 & 2
• remember how he got called a weirdo as a kid? he’s definitely a weirdo. eats toothpaste, drinks milk from the carton, milk before cereal. a total goof ball
• he loves children’s books and even as at his big age of 17 he still makes you read them to him and pretends he’s a kid going to bed (IN A WHOLESOME WAY)
• so when the halloween party came up he wanted to go as his favourite book characters, thing 1 & 2. and of course you agreed
hiori yo - kuromi and my melody
• of course he’s my melody and you’re kuromi. this was his idea so he gets first dibs
• being the gamer he is he enjoys playing with you, you two are always the cringe couple in the lobby with matching usernames and avatars and he does all the carrying but he also enjoys playing those silly little retro girls games like ‘hamham heartbreak’ and the old cardcaptor sakura games.
• in conclusion he’s a total nerd thats a total sucker for the female gaze
chigiri hyoma - team rocket
• this man is a total princess and every year you guys dress as a cartoon couple only to do the same costume the next year but switch the roles so one year he might be james and the next jesse
• this year he’s james, he even did a temporary dye on his hair for accuracy but of course no cutting.
• he loves doing hair with you and for this year’s costume you were the one washing and dyeing his hair
kunigami rensuke - raven and beast boy
• you like cartoons, he likes superheroes, you both need a cute matching costume, easy compromise. you both came up with this together while brainstorming
• this man is a lovesick loser so beast boy was very easy to pull off and the most perfect costume for the two of you. the only real inaccuracy is that he’s pretty big
• homemade costumes for the win, of course you’ll buy bits and pieces but overall a homely look because rensuke will do anything to bond with you
itoshi sae - light and misa
• sae canonically likes chibi maruko san, who’s to say he isn’t a big weeb? in fact this was his idea. he’s really convincing when it comes to halloween
• he’s a lot like light, cold, calculating, smart so it suited him and besides since light dresses similarly it only fit and since you’re so hopelessly in love with him, it was destiny
• sae isn’t the type to work with his hands but he also didn’t like the quality of pre made costumes. living in europe gave him refined taste so you two went on a designer shopping spree for individual pieces to make your costumes.
itoshi rin - coraline’s parents
• you’re probably a total wuss, even if you’re not, rin still can consume more horror, gore, and other gross things than anyone. accumulating in him wanting to do a matching costume with you only if it was some horror character.
• you agreed and settled on coraline since it’d be fun and easy, to match you dressed as coraline’s parents, specifically the other parents with the button eyes
• your favourite part was doing his hair and makeup, rin is like a cat taking a bath you really had to pin him to his office chair or on the bed to do his makeup properly, and yeah theres plenty of kisses
isagi yoichi - alice and the cheshire cat
• he’s so bland, (im kidding pls dont come for me) but he loves you so, so he’ll sacrifice the main character spot for you just this once. you’re alice and he’s the cat, of course this was completely your idea
• yoichi doesn’t care too much for this kind of thing, he originally intended to spend halloween cuddling and watching movies with you, perhaps invite some friends over or have some fun without them if you know what i mean….
• but he enjoyed being your cute kitty for a night, you dragged him out and about to take pictures and being blue lock’s hero there was no short of attention
shidou ryusei - cleo denile and deuce
• ryusei is very eccentric, kind of weird, in a hot way not in a cute way like meguru. and as you made him watch boo york with you he took one look at cleo and was like “yeah” so in away it was your idea but not really
• you’re his princess and he’s the douche looking boyfriend, i’m not sure about you but it most definitely suits him.
• as you guys went out and about this halloween you know he’s already thinking about next year, perhaps raven queen and derick charming. maybe barbie and ken?
nagi seishiro - veggie tales
• let me tell you i’ve actually done this costume irl, seishiro is a lazy fellow he doesn’t like putting in much effort but he’s a cutie patootie and he does adore his pookie
• matching costumes was your idea, to dress as the cucumbers from veggie tales however was his idea as all he had to do was buy the costumes and look cute
• fan reactions and his friends; they found it so stupid it was hilarious, compared to all the other celebrity couples costumes you two chose….children’s cartoons.
mikage reo - the adam’s parents
• he’s rich so it’s gotta be classy, you two were going to some gala held by his family company, the mikage corporation, cute and classy lets go
• reo really isn’t one for movies so this was your idea, he’s a total simp for you, absolutely floored all the time with no exception. kissing you up and grovelling at your feet like his morticia adams
• in the end your costume really did suit the occasion made for the best pictures. you guys are now pinterest king and queen every halloween
School’s been kicking my ass so i had to do this quickly, anyway what are you guys dressing up as this year?
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Love Across the Galaxy 🌌 | Helmut Zemo Imagine
Contains spoilers for GOTG Vol.3
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Link to my Marvel masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Baron Helmut Zemo x Roman Goddess/Guardians!reader (romantic), The Thunderbolts—Baron Zemo, Bucky Barnes, Thaddeus Ross, Valentina Alegra De Fontaine, John Walker, Ghost, Justin Hammer, Taskmaster, Yelena, & Red Hulk (platonic), The Guardians of the Galaxy—Quill, Mantis, Nebula, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Kraglin, & Cosmo (platonic)
Content Warnings: profanity, light angst, fluff, mentions of death, fighting & violence, spoilers for GOTG Vol.3 (don’t read if you haven’t seen it!) | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 4.9k
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
Premise: In which Baron Helmut Zemo, hater of the Avengers and desire to rid the planet of enhanced beings, becomes a member of the antihero team led by General Thaddeus Ross & CIA Director Valentina Fontaine where he meets the legendary group of misfits turned Guardians of the freakin Galaxy and loses his heart to a Goddess with a love for 80s music and talent for cutting of limbs.
Note: GOTG Vol 3 has permanently altered my brain chemistry and I cannot stop thinking about it. Truly the best film since Endgame & it’s inspired me cause I’m also back to loving Zemo again. I refuse to believe Marvel would give us a Thunderbolts film w/o Zemo so I will make sure he’s in this team.
After learning about all the Gods in Thor: Love & Thunder, picture you are Minerva, the Roman Goddess of Wisdom & War (Roman equivalent to the Greek’s Athena) and has cosmic powers similar to the Eternal’s Thena and has been with the Guardians since the events of the first GOTG film.
Fall 2023
“I don’t see why we need these people to help us,” Zemo rolled his eyes, strolling beside General Ross with the rest of the team around them. Once outside the cool breeze hit him, ruffling the lapels of his coat as his eyes squinted from the bright light.
Ross lets out a tired sigh, “Because, Zemo, as much as it galls me to admit it this threat is far beyond what we can deal with. It’s not terrestrial and chances are these…” he had trouble coming up with the word, “let’s just say they’re more experienced for this situation.”
They all stop before the flight line. It’s clear all around them with no sign of an approaching vessel.
“Who are these guys again?” Justin Hammer popped some jelly beans in his mouth. John looks down at the file in his hands, making a face as he does.
“They call themselves…The Guardians of the Galaxy.”
“Oh God,” Bucky moans, immediately making mental notes to protect his mental arm knowing a certain talking animal was on the hunt for it. He was gonna have to sleep with one eye open.
Zemo raises his brow, “Friends of yours, James?” Bucky is not pleased by the assumption.
“I wouldn’t call them that.”
“Aren’t they part of the Avengers?” Ava’s tone is slightly disapproving. While Scott Lang and the Pym/Van Dyne’s helped her, she still got bad rep despite doing what she did to survive.
Zemo, not happy with the idea of working with Avengers, snatches the file from Walker.
“Not technically,” Ross replies while Zemo reads over the page. ���They arrived with Thor in 2018 against the first battle with Thanos, remained an associate to the team while continuing whatever the hell it is they do in space, and returned in 2023 to defeat the purple bastard once and for all.”
“Did you fight with them, Bucky?” Yelena asks from beside the soldier.
“Yeah,” the memory appears in his mind. Specifically where he grabbed Rocket by the scruff and spun them in circles to cover more area as they fired off their guns. “Our interactions were brief…but memorable.”
The Baron had seen many things over the years, like the rest of humanity with the formation of the Avengers and reveal of intergalactic and enhanced beings, but to stay he wasn’t thinking, ‘what the fuck?’ by the picture in front of him would be a lie.
An earthling turned ravager, a blue mercenary, a woman with antennas, a genetically engineered raccoon, a living tree, a gray alien that could take down Thor, a man with a metal Mohawk, a telekinetic dog, and an exiled sword wielding Goddess. All misfits and outcasts, mostly space criminals turned superhero guardians of the cosmos.
Well….they were quite the bunch.
“They are not still with the Avengers, I take it?” Zemo wanders around, eyes lingering on the Goddess. White streaks adorned her natural hair color, eyes gold and lips painted with what appeared to be a permanent smirk. She wore a gold and white headpiece that had an owl extending its wings.
Name/Alias: Minerva, Goddess of War; Race: Deity; Planet of Origin: Caelum; Age: approx. 2500 yrs (39 Earth yrs); Occupation: Warrior/Mercenary/Defender of the Andromeda Galaxy; Allegiance: The High Council of Caelum (formerly), Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor, God of Thunder, The Avengers (formerly); Abilities: Cosmic manipulation, enhanced strength, agility, speed, & durability, thermal detection & mental teleportation; Specialization: artillery and battle strategy.
Ross let out a sigh, “only when the planet is about to go to shit due to an intergalactic threat. Which we’ve now got on our hands, but considering the Avengers are all on sabbatical I’m sending you in,” he checks his watch, “but I need all the extra hands and like I said, they’re experienced.”
Zemo stares at the blank sky, “How will we know they've arrived?”
“Believe me,” Ross mutters under his breath. “You’ll know.”
A loud rumbling noise caught everyone’s attention, gazes turning upward as a hexagon shaped breech in the sky revealed a very large spaceship in its wake, followed by the distinct lyrics of AC/DC’s ‘Back to Black.’
“Back in black. I hit the sack. I’ve been too long, I’m glad to be back. Yes, I’m let loose. From the noose. That’s kept me hanging about.”
“Oh my,” Yelena breathed out, hair flying back from the gust of wind. Zemo lifted a hand to cover his face from the leaves, as did the others, many wide eyed.
“I’ve been looking at the sky. ‘Cause it’s gettin’ me high. Forget the hearse ‘cause I never die. I got nine lives. Cat’s eyes. Abusin’ every one of them running wild.”
“Great song,” Justin voiced, grinning from ear to ear. The ship made its descent, music getting louder.
“‘Cause I’m back. Yes, I’m back. Well, I’m back,” it approached the tarmac, “Yes, I’m back. Well, I’m back, back.” wheels hit the tarmac, engine powering down but music still blasting, “Well, I’m back in black,” the ship doors opened, revealing steps extending to the ground, “Yes, I’m back in black.”
It was almost like a scene from a movie. Slow-motion if one will by how the Guardians exited their ship and stepped foot on the tarmac with AC/DC on full volume. All dressed in their new suits of red and blue leather with the Ravager flames on the chest.
Arriving in style.
Quill led with the rest flanking his sides. Drax munching on snacks while Nebula looked menacing and Groot towered over everyone. Cosmo had her tongue out in excitement, Rocket carrying his gun strapped to his back. Mantis’s chin held high, like she was on top of the world and Kraglin trying not to appear lost. Lastly Minerva was drinking a caprisun, Ray Bans covering her gold eyes.
Zemo tilts his head in amusement at the sight. He expected the Goddess, of war nonetheless, to have a more menacing approach like Nebula considering her reputation. But she was just as relaxed and laid back as Drax.
The Guardians walked several paces until they were directly in front of the Thunderbolts. It was then the music stopped, Ross being the first to address them. “You sure know how to make an entrance.”
Quill gave a smug grin, “We know.” Hands go to his hips, “You’re wearing a suit so you must be the boss man. Although I believe there’s also a boss lady we’re here to do business with.”
“Director Fontaine is currently occupied. She’ll be arriving in the morning.”
“I assume we won’t be knowing a damn thing until that happens, huh?”
Ross tightens his lips, “You assume correctly.”
“I told you we should’ve handled it on our own,” Minerva’s glances to Quill annoyed. Surprised by her voice, Zemo's eyebrows raised at her sudden input. Her accent was slightly Italian given her mythological origin is Roman.
Quill clicked his tongue, “We don’t have authority here, Minnie.”
“Midgard is part of the Andromeda Galaxy. Technically we should.”
Now the man was giving her a pointed look after Ross’s body language turned defensive, “I’d rather not get our asses thrown in Earth’s prison system. We go by the rules—the ones we established.”
Minerva grumbles under her breath, finishing the last remnants of her juice pouch, “Would’ve finished the job faster. They wouldn’t even know we were here.”
“Okay well, we’re doing things this way. We’re here as a team to work with a team. Right, Mr. Secretary?”
Ross’ disapproving eyes linger on Minerva, who in return rolls her own, before turning his attention back to Quill, “Yes. Now let’s move on shall we?”
He lets out a breath of relief, “Agreed.” Bidding a warning look to each of his teammates, they all wait for what the man in the suit has to say. Ross extends a hand to the people on either side of him.
“This is my team. All with different levels of skill and experience. Justin Hammer is our tech and weapons specialist,” Justin gives a wave, “Yelena Belova,” Ross points to the blonde in a white tactical suit, “former Black Widow and master assassin.” At the mention of Black Widow Rocket, Nebula, and Minerva all tense, faces becoming solemn at the memory of Natasha. They were the three remaining Guardians during the blip, becoming close with the Avenger.
“Ava Starr, she can phase through anything,” they all look impressed, finding the talent cool. “Antonia Dreykov, who we like to call Taskmaster.”
“Why’s that?” Kraglin asked intrigued.
“She has photographic reflexes and can mimic your fighting powers. Basically use your own moves against you.”
“Niceeee,” all the Guardians echo. Ross points to the two individuals in between Zemo and Yelena.
“Our super soldiers, Captain John Walker and I believe you all know Sergeant Barnes.” Bucky tightens his mouth with a curt nod.
“You still got that arm on ya?” Rocket muses, earning a nudge—well more like a kick—from Minerva. The rest of the Thunderbolts besides Bucky all become wide-eyed at the talking Raccoon…even though it said on the file he could.
But how the fuck else were they suppose to react to a talking raccoon?
All Bucky does is glare, “Don’t even think about it.” Rocket shrugs, “Worth a shot.”
“Why is that one carrying a giant frisbee?” Drax’s mouth is filled with Zargnuts. Walker, the man in question, becomes visibly offended.
“It’s a shield not a frisbee.” Zemo bites back a smirk at the soldier's tone. Not to mention the Guardians' reactions were priceless.
“A shield?” Mantis repeats confused.
“It’s a frisbee,” Drax mumbles.
“Like that circular object Minerva conjures to deflect attacks,” Nebula tiredly explains. Mantis’s mouth forms the shape of an ‘o’.
“And lastly,” Ross sounds just as exhausted as the cyborg, “Baron Helmut Zemo, former intelligence operative.”
“I am Groot,” Zemo’s attention goes to the tree alien, confused by his words. Minerva, seeing his expression, addresses it, “He says he likes your fancy cape.”
‘Cape?’ He thinks, but doesn’t comment on it and his perplexed reaction makes Minerva smirk. Instead Zemo says, “Well, I appreciate the compliment. Thank you.” Groot’s pleased, grinning wide like a child.
It’s then Quill’s turn to formally introduce the Guardians. The Thunderbolts bite back their own amusement at the nicknames and surprise of hearing the dog, Cosmo, speak through her suit with a distinct Russian accent. Afterwards Ross leads them all into the hangar, Minerva removing her sunglasses now that she was inside, allowing her gold eyes to be visible.
From there they all interact, awkwardly for the most part as they have no idea what the hell to do as they wait for further instruction. It soon becomes bickering and even challenging someone in hand-to-hand combat.
Well, what can you expect when a team of heroes meet a team of villains/anti heroes? Rivalry at its finest.
“Any day now, Quill,” Minerva groans, relaxing her stance. Across from her several feet away was Walker, confused by why she was taking so long to attack. They were standing in the middle of the squared off area with the teams surrounding them, but giving enough space to avoid being in the crossfire. Quill was scrolling through his Walkmen.
“What’s he doing?” Zemo whispers to Kraglin, eyes flicking back and forth from the human Guardian and the Goddess.
“Trying to find a good fight song. You know, get the vibes going.” Out on the square Minerva lets out a loud huff signaling her annoyance was increasing.
“Just give me another second—.”
“I almost got it.”
“Pick a goddamn song!”
“Fine!” Quill shouts, randomly selecting the first one his finger hits. A second later Duran Duran’s ‘Hungry Like the Wolf,’ blasts through all the speakers attached to the Guardians arms. The antiheroes become perplexed, while also noting the song choice. Justin and Yelena started to bop their heads.
“Darken the city, night is a wire. Steam in the subway, earth is afire. (Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do)”
Minerva smirked, retaking her stance. As she lifts her hands, cosmic energy around her consorts to physical matter, taking the shape of a spear and shield in either hand. Wide eyes take over the Thunderbolts.
“Woman, you want me, give me a sign. And catch my breathing even closer behind. (Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do)”
“Wow,” Justin exhales. “In touch with the ground. I’m on the hunt, I’m after you.”
“That’s so cool,” Yelena muses, others muttering in agreement. “Smell like the sound, I'm lost in the crowd. And I’m hungry like the wolf.” Keeping his admirations to himself, Zemo watches the scene unfold in silence.
“First one to step or get thrown out of the square loses,” Bucky shouts over the music, “Ready….” Walker clutches the strap of his shield, Minerva twirling her spear once, “Fight!”
“Stalked in the forest, too close to hide,” Walker lets out a cry, charging at the Goddess. “I’ll be upon you by the moonlight side (Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do,” Minerva blocks his attack, pushing back slightly only to crouch to swipe at his legs, “High blood drumming on your skin, it’s so tight,” Walker dodges her spear, but fails to avoid her kick to his chest, sending him backward. “You feel my heat, I’m just a moment behind.” He brings his shield up in time as her spear barrels down at him. “Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do.”
They continue their one-on-one for several minutes, both coming close to getting the other out of the square and the song changing to ‘Cherry Bomb’ by The Runaways—a favorite amongst the Guardians. The entire time Zemo was mesmerized to say the least. Every move she made was effortless, showcasing strengths and ability to predict Walker's moves.
He hadn’t felt such attraction to a woman in so long. And here he was experiencing a feeling that was almost unfamiliar.
Ultimately Minerva wins the battle in what one would call a divine move. At the peak of the song, Minerva’s golden eyes glow bright resulting in the eyes of the owl headpiece to also glow and become animated. It takes form, coming to life and soars straight at Walker, throwing him off by covering his face.
“What the—uuugh!!” He’s flying through the air, back meeting the harsh ground with an audible groan. The owl leaves him, returning to Minerva and consorting back into a headpiece. When it does her eyes dim back to their normal hue. Her team broke out into whistles and hollars, meanwhile Walker’s were unimpressed.
“Guardians for the win!” Rocket cheered.
“I am Groot!”
“Never underestimate the power of Duran Duran!”
Minerva helps Walker up, “Not bad, soldier.” As she turns to head off the pad, her eyes lock with Zemo’s and a wink is sent his way. Heat rises in the Baron, glancing away to hide his smirk.
Oh boy, trouble was on the horizon.
Next Yelena went against Nebula. Their fight was even more intense and nearly ended in a draw. Eventually Yelena overpowered the cyborg and got her to step out of the square. It was a tie. Groot and Rocket teamed up against Ross in the form of the Red Hulk—which took a lot of convincing—the two claiming the win after fooling the General. Taskmaster beat out Quill, handing his ass to him which had the Guardians in a heap of laughter.
“I enjoyed that more than I should have,” Minerva teases, crossing her arms as she takes a spot beside Zemo. He glances at her, mirroring her expression.
“Not a common occurrence for your friend to lose a fight?”
She scoffs, “You’d be surprised by his record.”
Lastly Bucky went toe-to-toe with Drax, and of course Rocket had to yell, “Take his arm and give it to me!” And well….it ended with them tackling each other out of the square.They didn’t know who won at that point, so the teams were tied 2-2 initiating a debate on who should be crowned the best.
“Okay, let’s call it a day,” Ross announces, ending the squabbling between the groups. “Night’s upon us and frankly I could use a drink. We’ll return here first thing in the morning—7am sharp to discuss the threat and where to go,” he turns to Quill, “we’ve got sleeping quarters arranged for you all if you please. Otherwise my guess is you’ll remain in your ship?”
About an hour later, after both teams settled for the night, Zemo decided to take a walk around the flight line. It became a habit of his since joining the Thunderbolts. A way to clear his mind after a long day of briefings and training. He basked in the peace that came with being alone, but there were times he felt lonely and longing for company to share the peace with.
Ten years since losing his family and the pain never strayed. Yet, he managed to live with it. He accomplished his goal in 2016 when he tore apart the Avengers. Likely is to blame for the loss against Thanos resulting in half of the universe’s population turning into dust for five years.
Did he feel remorse for the consequences of his actions? Possibly. Did he regret it? No. At this rate he’s accepted the reputation he painted himself to be.
“Zemo, correct?” The sudden intrusion spooked the Baron, jumping slightly by the glowing eyes in the darkness. A moment later Minerva stepped into the lighting, eyes dimming to normal. She was still in her suit, though her hair was pulled back, white streaks seeping through the natural color.
“Yes, but you may call me Helmut,” he replied, nodding in greeting to the Goddess.
“Helmut,” she tests the name, “like the headwear people use when they ride bikes or spacesuits?”
“That’s one way to look at it, but yes I suppose so.”
“Interesting. What brings you out this late in the evening?”
He shrugs, “wanted to get away from the constant complaining of my comrades,” eyes go to the sky, “and I like to admire the stars.” Minerva moves to his right, glancing up as well.
“They’re much more incredible up close.” He peers down at her, not bothering to question her judgment. She lives in space after all.
“I bet so. I’m sure the view from here is nothing compared to what you’ve witnessed.”
She shrugs, “These stars you don’t even know if they’re still alive. It took years—possibly millions—for the light to reach Earth.” Zemo looks back up, focusing on the North Star.
“For all we know they burnt out ages ago.”
Their eyes connect, Zemo feeling a weight on his chest by the intensity of her gaze. It’s followed by unease when she says, “Natasha told me about you.”
Instantly he looks away, feeling an unfamiliar wave of dread. “Ah.” Here was a discussion he was not expecting, nor willing, to have.
But Minerva didn’t show criticism. In fact, her gaze and tone resembled understanding. “How do you do it?” The question took him aback.
“Do what, exactly?”
“Align yourself with people who go against what you stand for?” Minerva’s tone wasn’t condescending at all, only curious. “Most of your team are enhanced individuals—two are super soldiers to be exact. You went to many lengths to disband the Avengers and put an end to superheroes,” there’s a slight tilt of her head, eyeing the Baron with intrigue, “but you join a group consisting of people who fall between the spectrum of hero and villain where most are the exact thing you wished to eradicate. Not to mention led by two people you wouldn’t say you share similar moral values with. Why join them?”
For the first time in his life, Zemo was at a loss for words. Not a single word uttered as he tried to comprehend what Minerva had just confronted him with. How could he explain? Hell, he didn’t even know the real truth other than wanting to stay out of his cell. A big price to pay in exchange for freedom.
Minerva spoke again before he could respond, “I once committed an act similar to you,” the surprise is evident on Zemo, “Vengeance against those who were responsible for the death of my loved ones. It’s why I was exiled,” a frown appears, her attention returning to the stars. “So I understand you, probably better than anyone here. Understand why you committed those acts to destroy the Avengers. I don’t fault you for what you did—if I did it would make me a hypocrite. You’re not the villain Ross and the Avengers made you out to be.”
“How so?” His voice is strained, “what have you lost?” He didn’t mean to come off as defensive, but the conversation was bringing up emotions Zemo didn’t want to face.
“As Goddess of War all I knew was bloodshed. How to prevent it and how to fight it. Battle strategy was my domain, and the High Council knew better than to question my judgment,” she releases an exhale, “but Mars, the God of War and my brother, was my ultimate rival. He hated how much our father doted on me and agreed with plans I coordinated. It made him feel inferior. He’d do anything to prove himself.” Her tone remains neutral despite the painful memory surfacing.
Zemo remained quiet, picturing the scene as Minerva relayed it. Though stoic the Baron could see the pain and sadness lurking behind her eyes. Managing it as best she could for the sake of her friends. Who knows how many years it’d been since she lost whoever it was close to her. But the hole would always remain.
“To put it short,” she started again, bidding a glance, “Our home was under attack and his rash decision to slow down the enemy led to the death of my family—my husband and children.” Sympathy arose in the Baron, understanding her anguish, “An intentional move on Mars’ part because he believed I wouldn’t be fit to remain on the High Council after stuffing such a loss, therefore he would take my place as Head Commander of our armies and my father’s second Command.”
“He wasn’t exiled?” The question left Zemo before he could stop it. Confused by how the God avoided persecution for his crime, Minvera was shunned. “Your family was targeted.”
Minerva’s smile was bitter, “because their deaths were a result of war, the High Council viewed it as collateral. They failed to see Mars’ responsibility, believing he didn’t intend to kill them. So, I took it upon myself to bring justice. Not only to Mars but also the High Council.” Her smile fell once more, “I made sure they would pay. And they did, but it was far from over after finishing the job. Those who survived didn’t hesitate to throw me out to the wolves once I was contained.”
Zemo nods his head, “where did you go afterward if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I was imprisoned on Xandar for some time,” well they certainly had some things in common, “Once I escaped I became what your people would call a bounty hunter. Where it led me to meeting those clowns I now call my family,” she pauses before adding, “and escaping prison for a second time. Only it was to save the Galaxy.”
The laugh that escapes Zemo surprises him, “I guess it all worked out then.” Once more they lock eyes, twinkling against the stars shining down above.
“I suppose it did.”
Three Years Later
Zemo raced out the door the moment he awoke to rumbling that shook the foundation of his home. After three years he’d recognize the sound in an instant, only this time it was without warning.
An action that rarely occurred.
Throwing on his coat and house slippers, the clock read 2:30 am, flooding the Baron with worry. ‘What is she doing here at this hour?”
Usually when Minerva drops in she gives Zemo a heads up. A day or two’s notice, but recently he couldn’t get a hold of her and passed it off as the Guardians on a job. With the unexpected visit, so late at night, Zemo instantly knew something was wrong.
Hurrying out to the front lawn right as her ship landed, Zemo jogged to where the stairs extended. When they did, the doors revealed his Goddess, still wearing her suit, standing before him. Zemo noted the exhaustion painting her demeanor. Dark circles beneath her eyes, which appeared dimmer than usual, and scars indicating recently healed wounds.
His arms are around her the moment she’s within distance, her own around his neck, “This is a surprise.”
“Sorry I didn’t call,” the exhaustion was evident in her voice. Barely above a whisper causing Zemo to tighten his hold.
“It’s alright, darling. I’m just glad to see you are okay,” his hand runs along her hair, “wanna tell me what happened?” He hears her sniff, increasing his dread, “Close call?”
“Too many,” her voice cracks and there’s a pause. “We almost lost Rocket. We saved him thankfully, but then we nearly lost Peter. And I almost—,” she stops short, not wanting to relive her near death experience. “This was…it was too much for all of us, Helmut.” A kiss is pressed to her head, offering comfort.
“Let’s get you inside, mein schatz.” Zemo leads Minerva into the home, sitting her in the living room while he goes to put a kettle on the stove. Filling two cups of cherry blossom tea, Minerva’s favorite, he joins her in the living room.
After taking her first sip of the brew, Minerva removes the headpiece from her hair and makes herself comfortable before giving Zemo a play-by-play of the past three days. He stays quiet, listening intently but visibly reacts with each awful detail Minvera relays to him. From the unexpected attack from Adam Warlock, to the disgusting abuse Rocket endured at the hands of the High Evolutionary, to Quill nearly imploading in space had it not been for Adam’s change of heart.
Zemo’s knuckles turned white when Minerva spoke of what happened to her. Anger consumed him and he wished he had been there to protect her. Seeing his distress Minerva placed her hand on his, gently squeezing, “I’m okay, Helmut. I’m here now and we all made it out. There were many close calls, but we’re all alive and that’s what matters.”
Taking her hand, Zemo brought it up to brush his lips against her fingers, softly kissing her knuckles. “I don’t know what I would've done if I lost you, Minnie. I—-,” he stops himself to exhale, squeezing his eyes shut, “I would’ve found a way to fly across the galaxy to avenge you.”
“I know you would,” she murmurs, removing her hand but positioning herself in his lap. Arms snake around his neck, pulling him so they were inches apart. “I’d expect nothing less. Also I’d be a hypocrite considering I would do the same for you.” A playful smirk formed, “I was already plotting when Ross let you get captured by those bastards last year. Had it ended any other way, Ross would cease to exist.”
Zemo snickered, “I see we haven’t really changed completely despite our friends believing the opposite. Neither of us hesitating to return to old ways if it comes down to such circumstances.”
She smirks, “No, I don’t suppose we haven’t.”
“What a pair we are,” leaning in, his lips meet hers in a soft caress. Warmth seeping through his veins. That effortless high he believed he’d never have again after the loss of his family.
But he found it with a Goddess in the stars. Where love swept across the galaxy.
When they pull away after a moment, Zemo keeps his forehead against hers. Gold meeting brown. “I’m not sure I can let you go now, liebling. At least not for a while.”
“You never have to anymore,” her words have him startled, the man pulling away slightly to get a better look at her.
“What are you saying?”
Minerva’s gaze turns soft, though there’s slight nervousness, “After everything we all realized something. We found the family we were searching for, but some of us needed to find ourselves. Peter’s here on Earth to find his grandfather. Mantis is off on her own adventure. Drax and Nebula are on Knowhere to help raise the children we saved from the High Evolutionary. Rocket and Groot are leading a new era of the Guardians. And me,” she stops, emitting a gaze full of love that takes Zemo’s breath away. “I’d like to be here. With you, Helmut. If you’ll have me.”
If his heart could explode from the happiness Zemo was feeling it would. Tears were threatening to prick his eyes, the Baron willing himself to remain composed. “Oh, Schatz,” he croaked, cupping the side of her jaw. “I should be the one asking you that. Of course I’ll have you. I love you more than every star in the galaxy.” With that he kisses her, putting all his love and passion it causes her own eyes to water.
“I love you too,” she kisses him again. They remain on the couch, falling asleep eventually curled up in each other’s embrace. Their last thoughts filled with joy as they awaited the new adventure on the horizon.
An adventure just between them. A reinstated Goddess and a fully pardoned Baron opening the next chapter of their lives. Together.
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Simpler times
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52759495 by ManiacallyCool A look into the earlier years of the Avengers. Follow each of them as they experience teenage angst, high school romance, fights, etc etc. (ALL INTROS ARE ONLY RELEVANT TO EARLIER CHAPTERS! I will not be updating them as the story progresses.) “Thank you for dinner Ms. Rhodes!” Tony said as he scarfed down the last of the green beans in the pot. “Oh, you’re very welcome sweetie. Don’t be afraid to stop by whenever you’re hungry (god knows Howard doesn’t feed you enough).” Rhodey’s mother smiled, muttering the last bit under her breath smugly. Standing up, Rhodey collected all the plates as he yelled “Tony, meet me in my room!” Words: 996, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Avengers (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Loki, Thor, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Marc Spector, Steven Grant, Peter Parker, Peter Quill, Rocket Raccoon, Gamora, Drax, Mantis, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson, Justin Hammer, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, James "Bucky" Barnes, Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, Howard Stark, Maria Stark, Other Characters Relationships: Avengers Team - Relationship, Avengers Team Members & Tony Stark, Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker, Avengers Team Members & Clint Barton, Avengers Team Members & Steve Rogers, Avengers Team Members & Guardians of the Galaxy Team Members (Marvel), Avengers Team Members & Bruce Banner, Avengers Team Members & Thor (Marvel), Avengers Team Members & Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov, Nick Fury & Natasha Romanov, Nick Fury & Clint Barton, Maria Hill & Natasha Romanov, Maria Hill & Clint Barton, Tony Stark & Peter Parker, Tony Stark & Steve Rogers, marc spector & avengers, steven grant & avengers, moonknight & avengers Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic Avengers, Highschool AU, Avengers Family, avengers highschool au, highschool avengers, I dont know what to tag, NO BETA WE DIE LIKE TONY read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52759495
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 1 year
Return to Pangea
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EBPs2uK
by roe87
It's vacation time again! And Bucky really needs a break.
Unfortunately minor irritations keep happening, including annoying team-mates and lost luggage.
But at least through it all he has Steve!
Words: 7110, Chapters: 4/4, Language: English
Series: Part 43 of Canon Shenanigans
Fandoms: Captain America - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Clint Barton, Jessica Drew, Bobbi Morse, Scott Summers, Jean Grey, Logan (X-Men), Remy LeBeau, Rogue (X-Men), Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Rocket Raccoon
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Domestic Avengers, Domestic Fluff, Established Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers, Old Married Couple, Vacation, Summer Vacation, Savage Land (Marvel), Post-Serum Steve Rogers, Bearded Steve Rogers, Bearded Bucky Barnes, Long-Haired Bucky Barnes, Established Relationship, Grumpy Bucky Barnes, Protective Steve Rogers, Hiking, Forests, Hotels, Love Hotels, Banter, X-Men Cameos, Fluff, Comedy, Accidental Voyeurism, Grumpy Steve Rogers, Implied Sexual Content, Nosy Natasha Romanov, Mild Sexual Content, Voyeurism, POV Bucky Barnes, Background Relationships
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EBPs2uK
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ao3feed-thor · 1 year
Identity Within
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/GFd4ISt
by KitCat992
It’s been one year and some change since Tony planned to introduce Spider-Man to the world, and instead put a ring on the finger of the capable, qualified, trustworthy Pepper Potts. Finally, the invitations have gone out.
Meanwhile, Peter’s never been more excited to for something in his entire young life — and he and Ned once got to spend the day at NASA. Nope, Mr. Stark’s wedding easily topped that. Heck, he may be more excited for the wedding than anyone else, including the bride herself. After the crazy year they all had, it felt good to finally have something good happen.
Nothing was going to mess this up, Peter would make sure of it. He just had to handle the rings.
Wait, the rings. Crap, the rings! Where’d he put the rings? All he had to do was find the rings, and then everything would go off without a hitch. Absolutely nothing could go wrong with him trying to find the rings, right? This wedding was going to be perfect.
(Or: Tony swears the universe is out to keep him and Pepper from tying the knot while Peter’s having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. Seriously, who let Norman Osborn into the church?)
The third and final installment of the Identity Saga.
Words: 13863, Chapters: 1/31, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Identity Saga
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (Movies), Captain America (Movies), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Thor (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Bruce Banner, Wanda Maximoff, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, May Parker (Spider-Man), Happy Hogan, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Norman Osborn, Stephen Strange, Shuri (Marvel), Thaddeus Ross, Thor (Marvel), Green Goblin
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Avengers Team & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Peter Parker, Avengers Team & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Quill & Guardians of the Galaxy Team, Tony Stark & Guardians of the Galaxy Team, Avengers Team & Guardians of the Galaxy Team, Happy Hogan/May Parker (Spider-Man)
Additional Tags: Found Family, Angst, Drama, Action, Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Whump, Peter Parker Whump, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Peter Parker Needs a Break, Protective Tony Stark, Protective Avengers, Avengers Family, Comic Book Science, Irondad, Iron Dad, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, No Character Death, he's a really good lawyer, Fluff and Humor, Team Bonding, Avengers Found Family, Awesome Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds is a Good Bro, Pepperony - Freeform
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/GFd4ISt
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A Marvelous Christmas
by Candy18a
Tony Stark and Pepper Potts throw a Christmas party for the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy.
A bunch of different scenarios that could happen at a MCU Christmas party.
Words: 717, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Peter Parker, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Mantis (Marvel), Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Stephen Strange, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Rhodey" Rhodes
Relationships: Gamora/Peter Quill, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff/Vision, James "Bucky" Barnes & Sam Wilson, Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Avengers Team & Guardians of the Galaxy Team
Additional Tags: Christmas with the Avengers, Fluff, kissing under the mistletoe
from AO3 works tagged 'Wanda Maximoff/Vision' https://ift.tt/ZhTbHek via IFTTT
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ao3feed-lokitony · 2 years
You Could Still Be Who You Want To
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Bv23o74
by lokihzra
Two years ago Thanos showed up and murdered half of existence. Some people died in the battle against him, and some people got to go home.
Loki is the only one to die and go home, with some side effects.
Words: 777, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Multi
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Ikol (Marvel), Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Clint Barton, Sam Wilson (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon
Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Loki/Sigyn (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark, Loki & Thor (Marvel), Avengers Team & Loki, Bruce Banner & Tony Stark, Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark, Loki & Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton & Loki, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie & Thor (Marvel), Bruce Banner & Thor
Additional Tags: Post-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie), Loki & Tony Stark Friendship, Resurrection, Rebirth, Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, different people got snapped, Amnesiac Loki (Marvel), Tony Stark Has A Heart, Loki Has Issues (Marvel), Past Relationship(s), Past Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Dark Past, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Depressed Thor (Marvel), everyone is depressed, Genderfluid Loki (Marvel), Good Loki (Marvel), Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Pining, more tags added later
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Bv23o74
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
HI!! OKG UR ACC IS SO COOL!! do you have any hc’s for jessie and james related to tickling?? that would be the coolest thing ever <3
(also like parental tickles too after they take y/n under their wing hc’s in a separate paragraph thingy if you have time/interest)
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Hey anon! Aww! Thank you so much! I appreciate it immensely! :3 Sorry for the delay on these- life got outrageously busy, but I’ve finally found the time to write for the iconic Team Rocket! I hope you like it!
Jessie: The tough-loving ler! She’s got a knack for finding people’s tickle spots and the best ways to tickle them, adapting and adjusting as she go for the best laughter output. She’s not afraid to break them out if her target’s scared (James), irritable (Meowth) or she’s just in a mood to do so. It’s really hard to tickle Jessie- this woman’s got incredible athleticism and fast reflexes, so going for her will more often get you tickled back. That said, if she’s in the mood for tickles, she’ll let you have your fun, earning a charming, ladylike giggle out of her. She’s ticklish in the usual spots, but her belly, legs and neck are especially good places to go!
James: The often-”encouraged” lee! James is a darling, but sometimes his theatrics and nerves get the better of him, leading to some quick ‘encouragement’ tickles from the gang to get moving. He’s got a hilarious snicker laugh that gives big dad energy combined with classic cartoon villain. He’s ticklish everywhere, but ribs, hips and feet are all great places to tickle if you really wanna get him going! He likes tickling- he finds the activity quite relaxing and fun! He’s not bold enough to ask for tickles directly though, so he’ll casually hint at them through his actions (stretching his arms out high while saying something dumb, cling to the gang in such a way that his tickle spots are within reach, attempt to tickle Jessie knowing full well he’s gonna get wrecked, etc.) If he does tickle someone, he’s super gentle.
With (Y/N) as their underling
- They took you in upon finding you with no home or family. Normally they wouldn’t bother- any life was better than getting hooked up with crooks, right? But after some consideration of your skill set, they take you in.
- Tickle fights between you and James become a regular thing after some time. Your the only one who he has a chance of winning against- plus it becomes a bit of a bonding thing between the two of you. Usually you still win though- he’s just that ticklish.
- With Jessie she tends to favor more gentle tickles with you. Sneaky pokes to your sides during hugs, soft neck and ear tickles when she helps you with your hair/giving you head pats. occasional distraction tickles while she’s tending to any wounds you may have got on the team endeavors. They’re always sweet and full of good intent.
- She also takes you under her wing in the way of the tickle monster! She’ll teach you all her tricks for maximum chaos!
- Group tickles are only a thing if your comfortable with them. They’ll never gang up on you unless it’s okay. If it is; prepare for Jessie to wrestle you in a hug while James finally get’s his revenge for all the random tickle wars you’ve one over him! Meowth likes to sit on your lap and purr- it doesn’t tickle nearly as much but it’s still enough to make you giggle.
- Post-tickle are always full of cuddles if your comfortable with them and lots of chill time. They’ll take instances to sneak into town and grab food and drinks, find a shady location just to relax, and overall make sure you're comfortable and happy. They just love you so much since you’ve joined their little chaos trio.
I hope this is good!
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sleepingdeath-light · 5 months
relationship hcs ; jessie
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requested by ; anonymous (21/05/23)
fandom(s) ; pokémon
fandom masterlist(s) ; here
character(s) ; jessie
ok ok so uh may I request general dating hcs for both jessie and james please ? (maybe someone who has a good living since both are homeless 🥹) THANK YOU !!”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
if there’s one thing that jessie values it’s her appearance, flying into a rage if her face or hair are even the slightest bit damaged during a mission, and that goes tenfold when it comes to you — she’s constantly trying to look her best and can spend hours perfecting her look before the two of you go out on a date (stressing over her outfit and accessories, doing and redoing her makeup because it wasn’t symmetrical enough, and taking her time to style her hair perfectly) even if it’s something casual like a night spend indoors or a walk around the park, because she can’t imagine not looking her best for you (yes, even if you tell her that she’s beautiful regardless of what she wears as she does take pride in her appearance beyond just your opinion of it)
and, speaking of clothing and accessories, she will ‘borrow’ your things whenever she stays over at your home: using your toiletries to smell like you, borrowing your shirts to sleep in, wearing your hoodies and jumpers out and about, etc. — and you’re also the only person who she’s alright with sharing some of her own items (your stuff is hers and most of her stuff is still hers, she’ll let you know what you can borrow if you ask)
she has an extremely short temper and has a terrifying type of anger about her that is sure to make even those closest to her ready to run and hide — this can make arguments and disagreements between the two of you extremely volatile unless you’re able to appeal to her more vain side and sandwich your concerns between compliments to placate you, but it also means that whenever she’s in a jealous or protective mood that the issue usually sorts itself out before she needs to do anything drastic (aka the offending party runs away as to avoid her wrath)
on a related note: when jessie gets jealous she becomes extremely confrontational with the offending party and extremely clingy with you — externally she’s on the offensive and terrifyingly angry, but internally she’s afraid of you leaving her for someone ‘better’ which leads to her fury worsening (she has a lot of issues stemming from her childhood)
she loves attention and popularity, and at times this can lead to her brushing you off when she’s caught up in whatever wave of positivity she’s in the middle of, but she never goes as far as undermining your relationship — she’s actually fiercely loyal to you and will turn her nose up at anyone who tries to ask her out (she may hate rejection herself but she’s not above doing it to someone else; she is a taken woman, after all)
domesticity really suits jessie and when she’s staying with you between missions for team rocket she seems so very at home doing simple couple things with you: going out on random dates, running errands (and getting side tracked because she’s a shopaholic), doing chores like cleaning and laundry, cooking together, eating meals together, watching whatever crap is on the television whilst cuddled up on the settee, using her knack for sewing to repair any clothes/items that were damaged on her person during missions or at home when she was away, etc. — moments like this are the calmest you’ll ever see your girlfriend and her team mates (who will occasionally stay with you if they can’t find alternate accommodation) also quickly picked up on this and will tease her for becoming your ‘house wife’ (which inevitably causes her temper to return and an argument to start)
if you have any snake like pokemon then you can guarantee that jessie will be making every excuse to spend time with them: training, playing, lounging, and so on — and the same goes for any poison types (bonus points if you have an ekans of your own for hers to play with, or any dratinis or smoochums because she just really loves them)
as far as sleeping arrangements go, she loves being curled up on her side with her face buried in your chest as you wrap your arms around her — it makes her feel loved, safe, and warm, and she never sleeps quite as soundly when she’s away from you
her default pet name for you is ‘darling’, but she’s also been known to call you ‘sweetie’ and variations thereof — and the cuter the pet name you use for her the better as far as she’s concerned
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kameonerd566 · 3 years
Attempt at one shot Team Rocket Jessie x James hurt/comfort fluff
Tw: cursing, emotional abuse memories of being alone
The ground was cold and damp, but in a familiar, welcoming sort of way. Jessie, James and Meowth had just landed on the soft earth after blasting off once again. Thank god for the rain, they all simultaneously thought to themselves, otherwise we would have been in for some nasty bruises. "What a day, huh?" James said outloud to the rest of the group. "Those fucking twerps, we should really look into goddam parachutes or something. Can't have shit in Sinnoh." Jessie sighed in frustration as she brushed the dirt off her white mini skirt.
Her subtle beauty always caught James off guard. How she could do something as simple as brushing the dirt off herself and have it look so gentle, so kind, so effortless, was beyond his comprehension. He allowed himself a short moment to wonder how someone could look so kind while muttering every curse in the language under their breath. He longed to hold her, to tuck the stray hairs behind her ear and hold her face in his hands- he longed to wipe the blood from the fresh little cut along her cheek- he longed to be the dirt that she so gingerly, tenderly, brushed to the ground.
These were their only cloths for the month, Giovanni cut them off after continuously spending too much company money on extravagant disguises. They didnt care though, fashion was worth it. Jessie sat up, satisfied with the cleanliness of her skirt and James was back to reality. Next order of business was setting up camp, the three unrolled their sleeping bags in a triangle around a small campfire that Meowth gathered sticks for. Jessie was off to find something to light it.
Its unfair, Jessie thought to herself, how can one person be so perfect? Lately, Jessie found herself falling more and more in love with James. He had always been there for her, he promised never to let her down and he kept his word after all these years. She began realizing that she honestly couldn't picture her life without him and Meowth in it, and on the few days she could conjur an alternate reality she didn't want to. Needing to cool off she decided to go look for a lighter. She hoped to run into a hiker, and battle for some matches, but this seemed unlikely as it was already well past dusk. Sensible trainers would be cozy in bed right now. But not us, she thought to herself, we were never the sensible type.
Back at the camp James helped Meowth stack the wood and kindling they found into a classic teepee campfire. "When are ya gonna tell 'er? The tension is killing me here!! Do you want me to die!! You wanna be responsible for the murder of little old Meowth ova 'ere?! JEEZ guy get some guts already." Meowth teased to break the silence. He could tell something was weighing on James' mind lately, he seemed to space out a lot more than usual. James turned beet red stared doodling in the soft ground with one of the sticks. "Oh come now, you know I'm not trying to kill you. If anything I'm going to be the one who dies from all this." James sighed. He wanted so badly to tell her. To tell her how much she means to him. To tell her how much he admires her strength, and resilience, and independence. She is so strong, he thought to himself, anyone else would have given up a long time ago. He wanted to let her know that she would never have to worry about being alone again; that as long as she would want him he would stay. Stay, he thought to himself, whats a one syllable word doing carrying so much weight like its nothing? Stay. He remembered all the times in his life he has heard that word, thought that word, willed that word. All of the "stay at home with us James, do as you're told" lectures. All of the late nights when he would think about the people who didn't stay. All of the times when he would be raw and vulnerable, only able to croak out the fragile silhouette of those four little letters, to a party long gone. One last look up at them before they closed the door and left him to the dark recesses of his mind. A prison he stayed in, as to endure what was expected of him back at home. Stay he muttered to himself just under his breath. Meowth heard him and tossed a stick at his knee. James looked up and saw a sympathetic smile on the Pokemon, and Meowth said "Ya know you're not alone in those feelings, right? Tha twee of us? We're the best damn team there ever was. So what if some dumb kids keep outsmarting us? Wheres the fun in winning, anyway? Its the chase that keeps us goin', gives us purpose." James was surprised at Meowth's rare moment of genuine seriousness. He barely had time to snap out of his funk when Jessie came back with a handful of damp matches. "Wow where'd you find those at this hour?" James asked. Jessie sighed and replied with a "dunno, just lucky I guess", a hair toss and a wink. She squatted by the fire, lit a match and tossed it in. She didn't want to admit that it was honestly dumb luck and some nearby bidoofs mistook them for sticks in their dam.
His face illuminated by the soft glow of the fire, Jessie it thought to herself once again perfect. James, of course, was not perfect. He was clumsy and goofy and sometimes a bit naïeve, but to her that was perfection. Her whole life she was always tossed aside. She had to fight so hard for everything she has ever had. And here's this perfect person just handed to her, as if by fate. Fate, she snickered to herself, what a bitch of a word. Was it fate that she grew up orphaned and alone? Was it fate that she couldn't complete medical school despite all her hard work? Was it fate that they could never seem to beat these fucking kids even ONCE in their entire god damn career? Was it that same fate that brought her and James and Meowth together? Because if it was, she thought, then hell it was worth it. The fucking nerve, she thought, for that fucking four letter word to carry so much weight. She remembered being a little girl amd wishing with her whole heart that someday soon fate would bring her a home. I guess fate finally did.
Meowth was sick of all the silence, so he devised a plan to help these two idiots he loved so much. "Aah! Ohh my hawrt, my poor little poke heart I am dying oh the pain! The paiiiiiin" Meowth faked a heart attack. Foolproof , he let out an evil grin. The humans rushed over in a jumble of "oh my god!!" and "what's wrong?!" exasperations. "If you two don't fawking tawk about your damn feelings I'm gonna damn near have a real heart attack!! I'm off for a walk." He dismissed as he got up and started to walk away.
Moments passed in silence, James was the first to speak. "I, uh, guess Meowth has noticed I've been a bit spacey lately- not that you can blame me, I mean we are team Rocket after all, gotta have space on the brain you know- but I um, I guess I have been wanting to te-" Jessie cut him off with her finger pressed to his lips. "Fate" she said, "Fate is a real bastard, you know that?". She moved her finger from his mouth and James' eyes were wide, startled from the sudden intensity in her voice. She continued, "Fate... I waited my damn near whole life for this 'fate' fucker to swoop in and fix everything that was broken about me. But you know what? It never did. I did. And once I rolled up my sleeves and stopped waiting? Thats when fate finally decided to show up. And bring me you. I-" now it was James' turn to interject. "Stay" he said softly, "you were the first one to show me how beautiful that word could be. How wonderful it could be to choose to stay. You gave me freedom to be my own person. You gave me a reason to believe again that someone would stay. Please, stay. I- I don't want to even imagine a life different from what we have now." Jessie's eyes danced in the tears forming, her shoulders began to shake as the water fell from her face to her lap, making little droplet marks on her dirt stained mini skirt. The two locked eyes and James melted into a warm smile, as his eyes began to water, too. He offered her his hand, palm up and she grabbed him into an embrace with all the ferocity of the bug type wrap move. Together their shaking bodies made a cocoon of sorts as they softly, quietly, said everything and nothing at the same time. Their shallow breaths and quiet sobs humbling both parties. After a few minutes they pulled apart, mere inches away, and locked eyes once again. Jessie sniffed, wiped her right eye with the back of her hand, and gave a curt smile that bled into a wide grin. Before he knew what he was doing, James used his thumb to wipe a tear from her left eye and pressed their foreheads together, both of them allowing goofy smiles to take over their face. "I love you, James" Jessie whispered. "And I love you, Jessie" James replied. They locked eyes one final time before leaning into a kiss. Passionate and warm, it felt like home. It felt like a promise. It felt like fate.
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animefan-overran · 4 years
Pokecafe (Rocketshipping)
“C’mon everyone, move faster!” Bonnie demanded leading the way to the kitchen. She was so excited to get a tour of Cafe Le Ha, she could hardly contain herself. 
“Yeah, we’re coming,” Clemont huffed, annoyed at his sister’s impatience, trying to keep up with her. Ash and Serena were trailing behind as well, they’ve never seen Bonnie walk so fast in their life. 
“Finally,” Bonnie breathed, making it to the kitchen door. Placing her hand on it, she started to push it open.
“Bonnie, you have no idea if they’re even ready for us to come back yet!” Clemont lightly scolded as he caught up with her.
“But they’re expecting us, so we should be fine,” Bonnie reasoned.
Opening the door to the kitchen, Bonnie’s eyes and mouth immediately widened. She couldn’t believe that she got to have a tour of this place. She instantly took notice of a giant island that was used for chopping and preparing food smack dab in the center of the room. To her left, Bonnie saw a beautiful clear double door fridge that boasted the most delicious looking ingredients. Next to the fridge were three giant ovens, each baking it’s own unique treat. 
“Wow, this place is so cool,” Bonnie gasped as the rest of her friends caught up with her. 
Jessie was over by the island cutting some Pecha berries trying her best to act normal. Removing herself from her present task, she quickly looked up and saw the kids. “Why hello, I hope you all enjoyed your meal. Now you get to see where it all comes together,” Jessie held her hands out to gesture the kitchen. 
“Well we’re excited to be here,” Serena said.
“Yes, well why don’t we start off with meeting the head chef?” Jessie asked as she walked over to a figure huddled over by the stove, stirring what seemed to be a tomato bisque.
The chef turned around only to reveal that it was in fact a Wobbuffet standing on a ladder. 
“Wobbuffet!” Wobbuffett waved.
The quartet gasped in disbelief. How could a pokemon be such a good cook? 
“Wow, I’m interested to know how you guys even understand him when he gives out orders,” Clemont said in the most curious manor. 
Jessie smiled Perfect she thought everything is going according to plan 
“Well, I’m gonna actually let you guys in on a little secret,” she started “You see my uncle is an inventor. He’s always coming out with a new gadget every couple of weeks, and sometimes he asks me to test them out.” 
All of a sudden, James made his way out of a back room connected to the kitchen, wheeling out a giant box like contraption.
“You see, Wobbuffet has certain regular commands that we don’t need a translator, but when there’s something special that he wants us to do, he enters the box, and voila! It translates what he says for us!” Jessie exclaimed. “Wobbuffet, would you be so kind as to show our guests?”
Without wasting any time, Wobbuffet stepped into the box, and started to speak.
“Welcome to Cafe Le Ha’s kitchen. We are so honored to have you here!” a semi electronic sounding voice sounded from some speakers that were attached to the contraption. Little did the kids know that this was no invention at all, but instead a dazzled up box with a secret compartment for Meowth to hide in, so he could translate everything Wobuffet was saying.
“Wow, science is so amazing!” Ash cheered. “I wish we had something like that to talk to our pokemon with!”
“I was just about to say that too,” Clemont agreed. “This truly is a scientific breakthrough! I would love to meet your uncle someday, as I myself am a fellow inventor.” Clemont boasted as he pushed his glasses firmer on his nose. 
“Yes of course,” Jessie nodded “I can go get his contact information now actually!” and with that she walked out of the kitchen. She could not believe that this plan was working out so perfectly. Those twerps will believe anything  she thought as she marveled at her genius for coming up with and thinking out everything. Just one more part needs to work out, and Pikachu will be ours!
When Jessie left the kitchen, it was time for James to enact the final part of their plan. 
“Well, we’ve been testing this contraption out for a couple of days,” he exclaimed “Why don’t you try it out on your pokemon?” he offered pointing to Ash’s Pikachu “What about starting with that Pikachu of yours? He looks like he has a lot to tell you.” 
Ash looked at his Pikachu “What do you say bud, do you want to try it out?”
Pikachu’s face spraked up. “Pika pi” the yellow mouse squealed as he jumped off of Ash’s shoulder and into the translator. As soon as the door closed, a locking sound was instantly heard, which sent the kids into confusion. 
“Um, why did the door just lock?” Serena asked, starting to get a little scared for Pikachu.
“Oh, that’s because I pressed this button,” James said bluntly as he showed the kids a remote that he had been holding in his pocket.
“Wait, something’s going on here!” Ash started to shout a little “I want Pikachu out of that box now!” 
With those words, Jessie came running back into the kitchen just in time for the getaway “I’m afraid we can’t do that twerp! Because we want your Pikachu” she couldn’t contain her excitement any longer “So you can prepare for trouble!” Jessie said.
James smiled, and pressed a second button on the remote that was responsible for controlling the tiles in the floor. Instantly, it separated in two only to reveal the famous Team Rocket hot air balloon, which scooped up Team Rocket and the translator, and started to float away. 
“Hm, and make it double,” James chimed in. By now Jessie and James had ridden themselves of their disguises, and Ash and his friends were no longer oblivious to the situation at hand. 
“Team Rocket!” Serena shouted 
“We should have known it was you guys! Give Pikachu back!” Ash broke out into a full sprint to catch up with them. 
“No can do, twerp! We don’t willingly give things back,” Jessie shook her head.
“Yeah,” Meowth added coming out of the translator, “Besides, when we give this Pikachu to the boss,” James stepped in to finish the sentence “We’re gonna finally get that big fat bonus that we rightfully deserve,”
“We’re gonna be rich!” The trio sang in unison.
Ash finally caught up with the balloon, and was quick to call out Froakie and Fletchinder. 
“Ok guys listen up. Fletchinder, I need you to take Froakie and sneak up to that balloon. Froakie, when you get up there, use your best cut attack to pop it. When you guys come down, grab the translator from the balloon. Pikachu is in there” Ash commanded.
Within seconds his pokemon were up in the sky, putting the plan into action. Ash untensed at their perfect execution, putting a giant gash in Team Rocket’s air balloon, and retrieving Pikachu, with little hassle.
However, where one group of people were relieved, another grew more frustrated.
“Ugh, why don’t we ever take into account that twerp’s other pokemon!” Jessie sighed.
James shook his head “It’s ok, we’ll get em next time, but until then,” 
“We’re blasting off again!” Team Rocket shouted as they went flying away.
“Butt-er-free!” Jessie woke up to the pokemon munching on a sitrus berry. She looked around to find herself in the middle of a meadow filled with millions of wild flowers.
She rubbed her eyes, unsure of what just happened, then it all came flooding back. Her brilliant plan, the poke cafe, the twerps ruining the day again. She was certain that this time, everything would work out. She curled her knees into her chest and sat in a quasi-fetal position; she was never one to cry, but presently holding tears was a challenging feat. A rustle of the grass behind her prompted Jessie to turn around, where she saw her blue haired partner.
“Hey, there you are!” James smiled running to her “Meowth and I were looking for you…” James sat down next to Jessie, taking notice of her slumped frame “Do you want to tell me what’s wrong glum chum?” he bantered, nudging Jessie with this shoulder. 
“James, you know I can’t take you seriously when you say that,” Jessie giggled a little.
“Why do you think I said it?” James winked “But seriously what’s up?” 
Jessie picked a flower from her side and started to tear off the petals one by one “Well, it’s just that I really thought that this was going to be the time that we caught Pikachu. I guess I just wanted us to have a victory... especially because you and Meowth were so dejected when we first started this plan. I don’t like seeing you like that…” Jessie blushed a little.
“Wow, I didn’t know you felt that way,” James confessed  “To be honest, I really don’t like seeing you upset either. Actually, my favorite Jessie is the one that gave us that little pep talk.” James stopped to watch Jessie closely, her cheeks donning a brilliant shade of scarlett. “In fact,” James continued “I would even go as far to say that your confidence and persistence is downright hot,” James scratched his head, and looked at the sun that was barely sitting on the horizon.
Jessie’s eyes widened, her body twisting to face James. “You really think that?” she smiled.
“Yeah,as of late, it’s all I can think about” James replied “What guy wouldn’t find your confidence hot?” 
Jessie chuckled a little, and leaned on James’s shoulder “Well, if you find it so hot, maybe I’ll have to give you guys pep talks more often.” she winked.
“I guess you will,” James said, as they both pulled closer into each other, and watched the vibrant sunset fade into night.
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thatblackravenclaw · 2 years
You're The Best Thing
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author note: YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I'VE BEEN WANTING TO WRITE THIS!!!! My excitement for this is beyond compare. I really really hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Sam Wilson x fem!reader
word count: 2.7k (my longest one yet)
song: Never Knew I Needed -Ne-Yo
warning(s): cursing, SMUT!!!!!, p in v, fingering, protected sex, oral (fem receiving), fluff
background info: everyone is alive, Steve didn't go back in time and stay there with Peggy, but still chose to retire and pass the shield to Sam.
For the way you changed my plans
“Sam, I would like you to show the new recruit around.” Tony says to me as he walks into the kitchen.
“Why me? You know that I have more stuff to do now that I’m Captain America, right?”
“Which is why you’re perfect to show her around. Now get to it rocket man. She’s coming up the elevator right now.”
I sigh before turning back to Bucky.
“Can’t believe I’m stuck giving the newbie a tour.”
“Maybe she’s cute.”
“Maybe she’s a child. You know how Tony does recruits. Look at the spider.”
Right as Bucky opens his mouth to respond, I hear the most heavenly voice I’ve ever heard.
“I’m actually 29, but at least I’m not a bitter old man like you.”
I turn around to see her full lips turn into a smirk at me before walking towards us. I have never seen someone so gorgeous in my life. I mean Nat is gorgeous, but this girl is gorgeous.
Her hips sway as she walks towards the kitchen and I can’t help, but to stare. Good Lord.
I shake myself out of the trance I’m in. I must stay focused. I was able to fuck around a bit as Falcon, but just from the one sentence she has said to me, she has me wanting to change my plans up a bit.
“So, Captain America, too busy being you or can you show this child around?”
“I don’t know. Is it okay for this bitter old man to show you around?”
“If you continue to be bitter then maybe I should just explore on my own.”
She’s even able to match my banter.
“Come on. I’ll even let you have one of my juice boxes Stark packed with my lunch today.” She says to me before I can respond to her.
Showing her around wasn’t half bad. She’s amazing. She’s from New Orleans, which is only a bit over 2 hours from Delacroix, her power is being able to multiply herself, she helped take down the Red Room with Nat, and her favorite food is seafood, more specifically, Crawfish.
I tell her about Sarah, my nephews, make fun of Bucky for a bit and then I show her where her room is.
Her bags and boxes are in the room, so I decide to leave her to unpack.
“Tired of babysitting?”
“No, just got Captain America things to do.”
“Mm, well, you know where to find me.”
“That I do.”
For being the perfect distraction
1 month later
“I know it’s a whole team of us, but Steve never talked about how hard it is to be him”
I see y/n roll her eyes before she beckons me over.
“Alright come here old sport. Sounds like you need a music break.”
“I can’t. I need to get the paperwork ready-“
“No. You need to get your ass over here and take a music break with me, because you’re gonna die from stress and I will be the last person to have been with you if you do and I will get blamed for your death, so come here.”
I roll my eyes and begrudgingly walk around the couch to the middle of the living room. A slow song starts to play, but that doesn’t seem to stop her. It’s actually one of our favorite songs, A Sunday Kind of Love by Etta James.
I wrap my arms around her waist, and she wraps hers around my shoulders. She was right, I really did need this. Being in her arms calms me down so much it’s ridiculous. I’m really starting to like her which was not a part of my plans. I was supposed to do the Captain America thing without romance. Steve was able to do it. I needed to focus on being a role model to people like me. I needed to show Isaiah that what I did was not a mistake, but she just came in here and took the idea that I had and of everything that I wanted to have and made me see that there was something missing. Fun, Laughter, Friends, Family, Love.
For the way you’re something that I’d never choose
But at the same time something I don’t want to lose
3 months later on a yet another life threatening mission
“Sam, if I multiply I could go in and save those people!” I hear y/n say through my earpiece
“okay, but the fire is quickly spreading, and you could die.”
I wait to hear a response.
“y/n, do you copy? Do not go in until I give you the all clear.”
Static, then boom, explosion from the 4th floor. Where the victims are.
Please don’t let her be up there. Please let her have listened to me for once.
I feel Pietro run by me. I look over to the direction he was headed and see the people I think y/n was talking about.
I run over there and make sure everyone is okay before I turn to Pietro.
“Where’s y/n?”
“She was right behind me.”
I turn to look in the direction of where he came from and see her. As I start to run over there she disappears in thin air.
She multiplied.  
How could she be so reckless? Why couldn’t she just listen to me just this once?
I hurry up and fly to the 4th floor. I make it through the fire as best as I can before looking around for her. I search for about five minutes before I see her lifeless body on the ground.
No. No. I refuse.
I pick her up and fly to the ground. I hear everyone’s voices, but my only concern is her.
She’s still alive, but her pulse is slow.
I quickly bring her over to the medic and they put an oxygen mask on her.
I don’t want to leave her, but I still have a job to do. I check on everyone else and make sure that there were no casualties. Thankfully everyone is safe. I tell the other Avengers to go to the compound and I’ll stay with y/n.
Once her pulse raises back up to normal I see her eyes flutter open. She looks around confused for a bit before reaching over to take off her mask.
“Told you I could do it.”
The way you smile and how you comfort me (with your laughter)
I must admit you were not a part of my book
But now if you open it I may take a look
You’re the beginning and the end of every chapter
2 weeks later
“Okay, but think about it, if there’s two of me having sex with someone then its technically a threesome because there are three people present.” She says to me.
“It’s just you though. It’s not like your twin or something. It’s literally just you multiplied, so no.” I reply while throwing back another beer.
I honestly don’t know how she came up with this topic. I just came into her room to vent about how I upset I was to find not only Bucky with my sister, but Bucky on a DATE with my sister when y/n decided that she just HAD to ask me this question.
Hearing y/n laugh right now is really the only thing holding me together. It’s so contagious that you can’t help but laugh with her. Everyone else feels the exact same way about her, but I think I’m falling in love with her.
You’re the best thing I never knew I needed
2 more weeks later
She’s out on a solo mission. I have never missed someone so much in my life. Life around the compound is so boring when she’s not around. I don’t even remember what it was like around here before she showed up. She turned everything upside down in the best possible way.
I told Tony that I felt like this mission was too dangerous for her to do. She should have at least brought Nat with her. Not that y/n isn’t capable of doing things on her own I would just feel better if she wasn’t alone.
A week later
She’s on her way back. The mission went successful and she’s on her way back. I need to tell her how I feel. I had no idea how deep my feelings for her were until I had to learn to live my daily life without her.
“Your girlfriend is back.” I hear Tony say to me as he walks past.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” I respond before picking up my pace and running outside to the landing strip.
As soon as she steps foot on the ground I start running at full speed toward her. Once I get to her I hug her while picking her up. I don’t let go for a good minute. Her scent was so overwhelming (in the best way) and something I missed after two weeks of being without.
Who knew that I could be
So unexpectedly
Undeniably happier
I put her down and interlock our fingers while walking into the compound. I don’t let her stop to talk to anyone because if I do I would lose my nerve.
I decide to take us to her room since it’s closer than mine.
I sit her down on the bed and stare at her for a bit.
“Okay, you got me here. Now what? Gonna have your way with me Cap?” she asks me while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively and letting out a short giggle. I know she’s teasing, but some part of me wishes she wasn’t.
“I love you. You were not a part of my plans at all. I was going to focus on my job and just get shit done, but you came here and flipped my world upside down. You’re always around driving me crazy, and I like it.”
I pause to take a breath.
“When you were gone all I could think about was you. I hate being without you. I fought off my feelings for so long. You are not someone I thought I would fall for, but I did and now it’s so clear, I need you here, with me, always.”
There’s a pregnant pause before she starts talking.
“I’ve loved you since the moment I first talked to you Sam.”
Words I never thought I would hear come out of her mouth. I sit down next to her and kiss her. I quickly learn that her kisses are as addicting as her personality. I gently lean her back and continue kissing her without parting from her lips. I could do this all day.
I feel her hands creep under my shirt which I take as a sign and reluctantly part from her. I take off my shirt and reach to take off hers. I start kissing around to find her sweet spot and whenever I find it I suck a hickey on her while her moans are egging me on.
Once I get down to her cleavage I unzip her bra from the front. Her nipples looked like they were begging to be sucked on, so I did, and it was probably one of the best ideas I’ve ever done. She let out little whimpers and I felt her try to gain friction from anything under me.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll make sure to give you everything you need.” I say while pulling away from her nipple and moving over to the other. I reach down to her bottoms and take them off and feel the pretty panties she’s wearing underneath.
I palm over her clothed pussy while sucking on her nipple for one more minute before moving stopping my hand movement and moving my mouth down past her navel. Once I get her panties off I’m faced with quite possibly the prettiest cunt I’ve ever seen. She’s wet, but I can get her wetter.
“Sam, please. Please don’t tease me. I need you.” I hear her say exasperatedly.
“I gotta get you warmed up for me baby.”
I kitten lick her clit and feel her hips buck up towards me when I move my tongue away from her. I continue licking her clit until I swipe my finger through her lips, and I feel she has gotten more wet. Once I’m satisfied with how turned on I’ve gotten her I ease a finger inside of her.
I stroke my finger in her slowly while continuing the stimulation on her clit. Her moans have gotten a bit louder now and I refuse to tell her to keep it down. I want everyone to hear how I’m making her feel.
Her hips buck up against my mouth and her moans get quicker, signaling she was close, so I start to suck on her clit while pumping my finger faster.
She lets out the most beautiful moan I’ve ever heard while shuddering through her orgasm. I place a small kiss to her clit and stand up.
While giving her time to recover, I grab a condom out of her top dresser and finish undressing. Her blissed out look and the way the shade the light coming from her lamp makes her look ethereal has my dick is brick hard and I can’t wait any longer to be inside of her.
I stroke myself while looking at her. Her pussy all sick from my mouth and her cum and her hands holding on to her tits. A sight for sore eyes.
I tap the head of my cock against her clit and watch her jerk from the overstimulation.
She looks up at me and nods her head to give me permission.
“I need words, honey.”
“Please, fuck me.”
And that’s all I need to hear before I slowly slide inside of her. I hear her let out a low “fuck” as I do so. Once I bottom out a stay there for a bit to get her used to my size. She feels so nice wrapped around me. The throbbing of her pussy making me want to cum right then and there.
She tells me I can continue, and I slowly start to thrust. She lets out quiet whimpers with each stroke.
I pick up the speed after a minute and with each thrust I feel her sucking me back in. She has her legs wrapped around my waist bringing me closer to her which in turns lets me hear her moans in my ear that she’s been trying to keep down.
Her moaning my name is so sweet that it motivates me to move faster. I lift off a bit so I can put some distance between us and rub light, quick circles on her clit before I hear her scream my name and squirt all over me.
Now that was a sight for sore eyes.
Once I feel her relax I move and sit on the end of the bed and have her to sit on my lap facing me and ease back inside of her. I lean back on my elbow while holding her waist with my other hand and start pounding into her.
It’s not long before I feel my impending orgasm.
“Sam, please give me your cum.” I hear her say while looking down at me.
“Fuck” I say with a rasp. I speed up a bit before I hear her talk again.
“Cum in me baby.”
And before I knew it I felt myself tense up and cum inside of her. I try ease her off of me, but she puts her arms around me, holding me tight.
“Stay inside me for a bit longer? Please?”
I chuckle at how flustered she looks and tell her that I need to throw away the condom before it leaks, and she needs to pee before she gets a UTI. She sighs knowing I’m right and we get up to go do what we need to do. About 3 minutes later we come back to her bed, and she lays in my arms.
“You know that wasn’t it, right?”
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from beginning to end by blxrryfxcxd Tony watches his life happen in front of his eyes, from the moment the Avengers lose to Thanos, to the moment Tony watches his two almost-sons get married. Or, a kind-of fix-it for Endgame, with a little bit of Parkner mixed in. Words: 4451, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 7 of parkner one-shots Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Harley Keener, Peter Quill, Mantis (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Stephen Strange, Nebula (Marvel), Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Harley Keener's Sister, Harley Keener's Mother, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Vision (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Steve Rogers, May Parker (Spider-Man), Thor (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Wong (Marvel), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Janet Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Gamora (Marvel), T'Challa (Marvel), Okoye (Marvel), Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Maria Hill, Thaddeus Ross, Thanos (Marvel), Carol Danvers, Nick Fury Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Tony Stark & Avengers Team, Tony Stark & Everyone Additional Tags: Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Canon Divergence - Avengers: Endgame (Movie), Fix-It, Fix-It of Sorts, Future Fic, (kind of), Tony Stark-centric, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Getting Together, First Meetings, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Weddings, Domestic Avengers
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magma-queen · 3 years
This is for my lovely Team Rocket anon! I apologize for the wait sweetie, and I appreciate your patience! Enjoy the fluff!
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“Prepare for trouble!”
“Make it double!”
“To protect the world from devastation!”
“To unite all peoples within our nation!”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love!
“To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Team Rocket, blasts off at the speed of light!”
“Surrender now or prepare to fight!”
“Meowth, dat’s right!”
You had yourself cornered by none other than Team Rocket. You had run into different Rocket grunts, but no one like these three.
“Listen, I don’t want any trouble..” You quivered, backing away from them. “Just let me pass through. I need to get to a Pokemon center as soon as possible!”
Meowth eyes you from head to toe, tilting his head as he pondered. “Jess, James.. this kid looks like their in real trouble. I can’t believe I’m sayin’ this but.. maybe we should let ‘em go.”
“Meowth! You don’t show your soft side to the enemy! Hand over your Pokémon, kid! Don’t make us have to force you into a battle!”
“No! Please!” You cried out, holding your Pokémon in your arms. “I ran away from home, and my Pokemon got hurt while trying to run away! Please..” Tears started to dot the corners of your eyes. “Just let me go.”
The three of them stared at you, and saw your Pokémon in your arms. Looks of sympathy came over their faces. They started to walk towards you.
“Listen, kid…”
“St-stay back!” You shouted.
“Hey, hey…” James looks you in the eyes. “We’re not going to hurt you.”
“Y-you’re not?”
Jessie sighs. “No. We may be evil, but we’re not heartless.” She walks over to you, looking at your Pokémon. “Could I.. take a look?”
You slowly nod your head, questioning yourself if you should even trust them. You knew that Team Rocket were an extremely manipulative group, so you kept your guard up.
“No need to look so tense, kid!” Meowth smiled. “We’re seriously not gonna hoit you!”
Gulping, you handed your Mime Jr to Jessie. She holds it in her arms and takes a look at it.
“James.. what do you think?”
The blue haired man takes his glove off and feels Mime Jr’s forehead.
“It’s got a fever.. hey, kid.. what exactly happened back there? How did Mime Jr get hurt?”
Your face turned pale, and you started to shake in fear. They noticed you tense up, and grew worried.
“Kid, if you’re still worried about us doin’ something.. relax. We’re bein’ completely serious here.” Meowth told you.
Tears started to pour from your eyes, and this startled the trio.
“H-hey, it’s ok! D-don’t cry!” Jessie tried to calm you down, patting your shoulder gently. “James, have you still got that antidote? It looks like it got poisoned.”
“Yeah. Right here.” He took your Pokémon from Jessie and sprayed the antidote on it. Then he took a super potion out of his pocket and sprayed it on Mime Jr too. “There.. It’s not a quick fix.. but I’m sure Mime Jr will be just fine.”
You were flabbergasted, to say the least. You would’ve never thought you’d get help from Team Rocket of all people. As James handed Mime Jr back to you, it opened its eyes.
“Mime! Mime mime!”
“M-mime Jr!” You sobbed as you hugged the Pokemon tight. “A-Are you ok?”
“Mime! Mime!”
“Thank goodness…” You looked up to the trio. “T-thank you.. I don’t know how to repay you…”
James smiled at you. “Well, I think you should tell us why you were running away from home in the first place. Seeing the fear in your eyes… it worries me.”
“Me too.” Jessie agreed. “Are you in danger? What’s your name?”
You almost hesitated in telling them. But somehow, you grew to trust them a little. “I-it’s (Y/N).”
“Okay, (Y/N).. would ya mind tellin’ us what’s goin’ on?” Meowth asks, sitting down on a nearby log.
Sighing in defeat, you sat down next to them on the log and started explaining yourself. You told them in full detail that things weren’t going great at home, and that you decided to run away.. and.. that you didn’t have a family anymore. After finishing your story, you tried wiping away all of your tears.
“Man, kid… we’re so sorry that happened…” Meowth said, hopping into your lap and letting you pet him.
“Th-thanks…” You sniffled.
Jessie and James sat in between you and Meowth, both holding your shoulders.
“Listen, (Y/N)…” James started to speak. “We understand what you’re going through.”
“You do? How?”
Jessie stares down at the ground, closing her eyes and letting out a puff of air. “Our families weren’t there for us, either. I guess that makes us alike, don’t you think?”
“I-I- guess…”
“Do ya want a hug, kid?” Meowth asked, standing up from your lap, opening his arms.
Not saying a word, you nod your head. Meowth smiles at you and cuddles himself into your arms. Jessie and James, from both sides, hug you as well.
“I.. didn’t expect this from you.. I mean, you’re Team Rocket.. aren’t you supposed to be bad guys?”
“See, like we said… we’re not heartless. If we see a kid in trouble, we’re not gonna ignore them.” James tells you, hand on your shoulder. “Say.. (Y/N)… you’re kind of on your own, aren’t you?”
You lift up your head to look at him. “Yeah.. it’s just me and Mime Jr. I’m going to try and start a journey of my own, and never return home.”
“Hey! We’ll be your family!” Meowth exclaimed, making you, Jessie, and James stare at him bewildered.
“What?” All three of you asked.
“I mean, c’mon!“ he hops down from the log. “Kid, you’ve gotta have SOMEONE lookin’ after ya! Why don’t ya stay with us?”
“I.. I don’t know…”
James and Jessie put their arms around you, smiling down at you.
“We promise that we’ll look after you, kid. You don’t have to stay with us, but we can at least keep our eyes on you and make sure you’re safe!”
You smile big at them, appreciating their sudden kindness. After a moment of thinking, you nod your head in agreement.
“Ok! It would be nice to have some folks looking after me.. I’m still kind of a newbie trainer…” You giggled sheepishly. “I appreciate you guys being so kind to me and Mime Jr.”
“Hey, don’t sweat it, (Y/N). We’ll at least walk you into town and into the Pokémon center.”
“I’d like that.” You grinned, and taking both Jessie’s and James’ hands. Meowth hopped onto your shoulder. “Thank you, Team Rocket.”
Together, the four of you walked through the forest and out into the next city. You had a good feeling that these people were completely different from the other grunts you’ve bumped into. And over time, you were sure you would grow to care for them as part of your family.
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