#this is my apology for all the bakugo angst
cosmiles · 11 months
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➢ accidental injuries with boyfriend bakugo
note: i feel like i always do bakugo dirty with my angst :/ so here's some fluffy crack to make up for it!
characters: bakugo
content: domestic fluff, crack, talks of injuries and stitches
words: 0.4k
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‘Katsuki is going to be pissed,’ was the first thing on your mind as you mindlessly stared at the cut in your hand. It had to be no more than a half-inch, definitely needing stitches but nothing life threatening. Well, besides what your boyfriend would do to you once he found out. 
Despite always acting hard, Bakugo was the biggest softie when it came to you. He was always spoiling you and pampering you like royalty. And even though he didn’t always show it, Bakugo cared deeply about you and your safety. He was constantly reminding you to not try anything stupid that would land you in the hospital. 
And yet here you were, lying on the ground in pain and regretting your life choices. 
It started as a typical day too, you roaming around the house waiting for Bakugo to return. Only, this time, you were utterly and completely bored. There wasn’t anything interesting on YouTube and even the Fresh Prince of Bel Air re-runs were starting to get old. So here you were, mindlessly scrolling through your phone for the nth time hoping anything interesting would pop up. 
Thankfully, it seemed as if the world took pity on you as an ad for ‘Fast n’ Easy, No Mess Cookies!’ popped up on your feed. ‘Seems simple enough,’ you thought as you looked over the instructions. You hadn’t baked in forever but how hard could it be? 
As you grab all your ingredients and utensils, you realized you were missing one item: the mixing bowl. Unfortunately for you, that said bowl was located on the highest shelf, a place you wouldn't be able to reach on your own. 
“Thank goodness for the invention of chairs,” you said to yourself as you dragged a kitchen chair under the cabinet holding the mixing bowl. But even standing on the chair on the tippy tops of your tippy-toes still left you a couple of inches away. Putting all of your strength and concentration into your goal, you finally reached the mixing bowl. 
Yet the second your fingers wrapped around the rim of the bowl, your toes gave out leaving you to fall with the bowl and the surrounding dishes. Not only was there nothing to break your fall but your hand suffered the consequences. And to make matters worse, Bakugo walked through the door mere seconds later, fussing about something. Typical. 
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➢ thank you so much for reading! i hope you enjoyed and don't forget that Jesus loves you, to drink water, eat some food, and get some rest :))
➢ taglist: 🫧
@megurulvr @pnkweb @mypimpademia @dojathascammer @strcnt @haksluvr
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thehusbandoden · 10 months
You Flinch During an Argument -Bakugo Katsuki
I finished this yesterday but forced myself to wait to post it due to my one part a day pattern I've had going on.
Anyways~ as I said in Shoto's part, I did make this one a bit angstier, but I hope I didn't stray too far away from the original prompt :'). It's kinda bittersweet lol but I kinda like it.
Angst to fluff/Comfort | Kinda bittersweet~ | 993 words | female reader
Warnings!: arguing, yelling, being scared of your partner, parents arguing (the kids were not present), kids being left at school (not for very long), caps, excuses, self hatred, and insulting themselves (Bakugo). Please let me know if I miss any <33
Dabi | Hawks | Todoroki Shoto | Bakugo Katsuki | Midoriya Izuku | Shigaraki Tomura | Aizawa Shota | Amajiki Tamaki | Kirishima Eijiro | Shinso Hitoshi
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You both had been fighting for at least half an hour, screaming at one another for this and that. It started with Bakugo 'forgetting' to pick up your sons from school, and has now escalated into you screaming at him for not 'caring about this family' and his yelling about how hard he works for your family.
No one was totally to blame, both parties had some points that were right, and some that were wrong. But it should have never reached that point.
Blazing anger filled Bakugo as he stepped towards you, planning on simply getting closer to you to somehow try and make you see his side of things. He didn't mean to forget about picking up his kids, he loves his kids, he was simply engrossed in talking about them to his friends as he gamed, totally forgetting about the time and the fact that they were at school, waiting for someone to pick them up.
In truth, Bakugo felt bad. Really bad. But you wouldn't stop, so he continued, his unwavering pride making it near impossible to simply apologize and leave the argument behind.
Storming towards you, Bakugo stopped dead in his tracks as you flinched from him, eyes holding a certain terror. Wait- did you- did you think he was going to hurt you?!
Apologies and 'are you okay's were caught in Bakugo's throat as he opened his mouth, too terrified to speak.
Y/n.. his y/n was scared..of him. HIs y/n- the person that tore him out of his 'I don't care about anything or anyone' stage. She brought him out of his dark pit of self loathing, hating himself for how weak he was, how he couldn't do anything compared to that idiot Deku. She brought light into his world, she is his light. His first and last love, his wife, his center, his other half, his partner, his reason for life, the mother of his children, his one and only lover, his queen, his everything.
And he scared her.
Screamed at her for something that was his fault.
Treated her so badly that she flinched away from him- terror filling her eyes.
Her gorgeous e/c eyes. The same eyes that his sons had inherited. Now he's brought tears to three sets of those goregous eyes. What a scum bag.
Pain seared through Bakguo as he embraced his y/n, knowing if he left now she would entirely break, thinking that he was giving up on her. On their love. When in reality, he would't be. He would never dream of leaving her, or their beautiful children.
Because no matter how much of an a-hole Bakugo may be, he would never stoop that low. Never. And so he held her, and continued to hold her as she tearfully cussed him out, telling him how much she loved him and how much of an a-hole he was for treating her like that, their kids like that.
He just held her, telling her that he was sorry, that he knew, that he would make it up to her -and their seven year old twins- somehow.
And for now, that was enough. His love, and comfort was enough as you clung to him, insulting him while telling him that you loved his idiotic self in the same sentence, telling him that you loved him too much to not be able to forgive him.
And that if he was serious about making things right, that you would help him.
Because you were Bakugo y/n*. You chose to take his name and become his wife. Bakugo has helped you through so many up and downs, so you would do the same for him. Because he truly loved you, and you truly loved him.
*Japanese last names go in front of the first name to pay respect to the family name, and that's why Kirishima and Bakugo's other classmates call him Bakugo instead of Katsuki -to pay respect to his family name-. So you would be (in Japan anyway) Bakugo y/n (if you choose to take his last name) and strangers/aquaintnesses/not so close friends and co-workers would call you Bakugo instead of y/n. Annd due to me not liking Bakugo a whole lot I call him Bakugo or Baka/Bakuhoe instead of Katuski and call Todoroki and Midoriya, Shoto and Izuku- do you get what I'm saying?? I hope you do <33
Series' masterlist | Bakahoe's Bakugou's masterlist | Main masterlist | Navigation
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated<33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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sweetnans · 1 month
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Pairing: f.reader/bakugo
t.warning: angst? war flashbacks and fluff
a/n: I'm sorry if I misspelled something. My hand hurts. Enjoy 💖
He be goddammed. Mina had asked specifically for a comic book to give Denki for his birthday, and none of the dumbasses on the squad have found it. So here he is, entering in the twelveth bookstore on his day off. Bakugo couldn't believe his position right now. The last time he had a day off was like ages ago, and now he has to find a stupid book for one of his friends.
He walked in with his usual scowl, looking for the labeled shelf with all the colorful spines highlighting above the bored ones.
The bookstore was empty. He was about to give up on his search when the building appeared on his way back home. It was a tiny store, cozy and brown. All shelves were made of wood, and the sitting area was no different. Brown chairs varnished with fluffy blankets on top. It was like a fairy forest magical paradise kind of shit. He liked the quietness.
"Hey, welcome! How may I help you?" The girl behind the desk spoke out of nothing, putting him in defense mode. He couldn't help it. He is a heroe, after all.
He saw the girl rising his hands in surrender with a comical smile on her face.
"Calm down, I'm only trying to help you," you said, putting your book down in a very slow movement.
"Shit, sorry" he apologized.
He couldn't help but notice how the smile on your face shifted to a weird look, scanning him from tip to toe.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" You tapped your chin while bending over your desk to have a better look on the man who was in front of you.
"Probably from the screen or magazines" He said nonchalantly. He was used to this kinda stuff.
"Mm yeah maybe" you were unsure about that. "So, what are you looking for?"
"Im looking for a comic book." He looked at you while you walked to the comics shelf, and he followed when he noticed that had no other information."It's a special edition, I haven't found it yet, and I'm starting to think that's not in stock"
"Just a few people have found this place, it's not even in the google map, so you have the odds to find it here, I like to keep my stock updated" you said, looking at him. God, where have you seen him? How could you forget such a guy like him?
While Bakugo kept searching the famous comic book on the giant shelf, you tried to search in your mind the sight of him.
"You told me that I could have seen you on magazines. Are you a hero, perhaps?"
Bakugo stopped his search in a bit. He wasn't full of himself like when he was younger, but it was difficult to believe that someone didn't recognize him.
"Yeah, I am"
The look on your face didn't change with realization like he expected. Your facade was even more puzzled than before.
You kept silent trying to think. You found Bakugo particularly special. He had features that weren't easy to forget, so why were you so confused?
"GOT IT!" The two of you screamed at the same time, sharing a look. Bakugo was confused, and you were extremely excited.
You two walked to the register, and he lent you the book he was holding.
"May I ask what you got?" He asked secretly, praying that you would give away the information.
"Oh yeah sorry, I remembered you" you scanned the code and put the book on a paper bag.
"Is that so?" Bakugo wasn't sure if you had like a dementia or a memory problem.
"Yeah" you simply said, "Also, you will love this book, it's so good" you said holding the bag to him after he paid.
"Have you read it?" He was curious. You didn't seem the type of girl fan of comics.
"Yes, I just did"
He would be amazed if he didn't live in society based on quirks. It was odd in the society working on a thing that wasn't related to the individual's quirk.
"How does it work?" Bakugo asked because he found that he liked the quietness your bookstore provided. He didn't want to leave.
"When I touch the book, I just know everything about it, the storyline, the plot, etcetera. It's pretty helpful. it works with people too, " you explained to him.
"That's pretty cool," he said, giving it a moment. "Wait, people? That would be pretty useful. Have you ever thought about working with the police? Or the Pro's?
You sighed with a smile on your face. He was getting used to your mannerisms.
"I worked with them for a while..." You intertwined your fingers above the counter. "When the war started, I was assigned to the special identification unit"
"I never heard of it." When the war started He was so busy fighting and being injured to notice anything else. "What was your job there?"
"I was in charge of the identification of dead and destroyed bodies"
Bakugo was shocked even if his face didn't give it away. You were about his age. He sympathized with you because he lived the same shit that you lived, the same trauma, watching people die and suffer in a different perspective.
"That's...-" He didn't know what to say.
"I know..., they pulled me out of the school to make me help them". It was raw, but the war made its havocs to everyone.
"So you were in the field..."
"Yeah, right after the heroes fought, we used to get the call and head to the battlefield"
"Why did you quit?"
You doubted. Maybe he wasn't ready for the upcoming truth...maybe he didn't even know what happened.
"You know, it all changed when I went to this battlefield. It was one of the last fights that occurred during the war. A lot of people were injured, some of them dead, some of them presumed to be dead...I was so excited when I remembered you because I never got the chance to thank you"
He was stunned. When you made a mention about him, his world stopped its rotation. You really knew him? Like outside the press?
"Thank me about what?" He asked curious.
"Your life vision," you said in a calm way. He didn't understand. "Fights and battles move out faster than you think, sometimes they're fighting in the sky, and then they're on the ground, so me and my team had to be quick following the main focus of them. I was looking for injured people to send them to the EMTs when I found you. I remember holding you in my arms. Your face was destroyed, and there was blood everywhere. I saw who you were, your failures, your accomplishments, your friends, your life, and it amazed me. You were just a kid fighting for the grown-up mistakes, but you liked it. You were devoted to your dreams. I never felt that while working with the police. " You stopped for a bit to breathe again. You couldn't look Bakugo to his eyes. "When I touch a corpse, I see everything in a gray hue, every memory fading away. It's sad. You were in my arms when that gray hue started to change to a bright and the most precious tone of orange and red, you were alive, I've never seen something like that before. I was, god, I didn't even know how to put it in words. I remember crying and thinking that it would be a chance for you to pursue your dreams. It wasn't over for you like it was for the other people I attended. Other colors started to appear as well. I felt your chest move again, and I took you to the EMTs. You were the most beautiful vision I saw during the war. You made me realize that i didn't want to watch other peoples crushed dreams. I wanted to live my own, you had your chance, I wanted a chance too, a chance far away from the sadness and catastrophe"
He kept himself quiet. For the first time in many years, he was out of words.
"This is head spinning, I don't know what to say." He was overwhelmed with everything you've said. He was well aware that someone must've saved him, but he never thought that he was presumed dead when it happened.
"Don't get me wrong, I feel like I did my duty as a citizen, and I'll do it again if they need me, but it was devastating touch those bodies and realize that there were people waiting for them at home or that they had kids that they never will be able to see grow up. I haven't done my peace with the war yet"
"I remember being carried to the ambulance. Was that you?" That was the first memory he had after he woke up. It was a blury one like those memories you don't know if they're real or not.
"Yeah, you were such a heavy lift. No offense, " you giggle a little.
"Not taken, how old were you?" Bakugo scratched the back of his neck, trying to assemble every piece of information.
"I was eighteen at that time. You were sixteen, i think, a major pain in the ass for what i saw. Before you woke up i was upset for you, the people you had around really loved you and cared about you, it was unfair and i started to feel guilty about the lives they would never be able to have, yours included"
"Dont be hard on yourself. It wasn't your fault. I was fighting for the grown-up mistakes, but you were definitely living the consequences of them"
The silence between you two was absolutely necessary. You dreamed about this day, you weren't looking forward to it, you didn't do your research or bother to look for him but it was happening. Bakugo couldn't piece the information right. You saved him. He didn't remember much of it, but he knew that someone, a girl, took him to the ambulance, but until a few hours ago, it was just a thought that appeared in his lonely nights. Now you were in front of him, sharing a crucial part of yourself and himself aligned.
"Fuck" That was the first thing he came up with. It was the perfect word to describe how he felt.
"Same," you said. You weren't sure how to feel either. You let it all out, and you were happy that He was alive. "Did you fulfill your dreams?"
He put a weird look that had you regretting your question.
"I'm the number two pro hero in Japan," You covered your face with your hands in absolute shame and laughed.
"I'm so sorry, I don't watch TV or anything." He smiled as well. Your laugh was contagious enough to make him smile. "I'm happy to see you alive"
You were cute. When he first saw you, he thought to himself that something, outside everything he had known, was pulling him to you, like an invisible string or something. You saved his life, and he didn't even attempt to find you sooner. He couldn't let you go.
"My friend's birthday is this saturday," he started. "I know it's not like a proper date or something, but if you don't have any plans or a boyfriend or something like-
Most of the time, he didn't get that nervous, but you were there, standing in front of him, looking at him with perfect eyes and trying to hide your smile.
"I'd love to," you answered before he could say anything else. He felt relieved for the interruption and for you saying yes.
"Good," he watched while you scribbled down your number in a paper.
You put the paper on his hand, and even though he was skeptical, most of the time, he would've swear that he felt a sort of electricity running up and down his spine.
"There you go," you said, batting slightly your lashes at him.
He felt weird. He didn't want this encounter to end. He wanted to tell you a lot of things. He wanted to vent about his life. He wanted to make you a part of him.
"Fuck the party" he muttered. "Are you free? Like right now? Let me buy you a coffee."
He was desperate.
"Let me think about it," you tapped your chin jokingly. "Help me close this thing, and I'm all yours"
The air that he was holding left his lungs. He didn't think that he was being impulsive with all this. He just knew that you were something that was meant to happen, but he never thought that he would have a second chance to meet you again.
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doumadono · 6 months
Hiii~ how are you?? Can I request some fluff comfort with a bit of angst, where reader are felling like she's the problem, but her therapist had told her many times that anything that is happening it's not her fault, but she's doesn't believe it..? Can be with Katsuki, Shinso or Sero, im just needing something like this, im passing for some shitty problems rn and want to take my mind off that... thank you for your time 💕
Katsuki, Shinso & Sero with s/o feeling anxious
A/N: first and foremost, please accept my apologies for the delay in meeting your request. I've been under the weather lately, making it challenging to concentrate on writing. Wishing you a speedy recovery, and please, be gentle with yourself.
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Katsuki Bakugo
He becomes increasingly concerned as he observes your struggle.
Katsuki notices the tension in your shoulders, the way you hesitate to speak. "Oi, what's with the brooding? Spit it out already."
When you start blaming yourself, Katsuki grabs your shoulders, forcing eye contact. He doesn't beat around the bush. Katsuki confronts you head-on, telling you to cut the self-blame nonsense. "Stop acting like you're the problem. If anything, it's those idiots around you."
Katsuki starts showing his concern through small acts of kindness. One day, after a particularly tough day, you find a plate of your favorite dessert on your table. Katsuki grumbles, "I made too much. Take it, dumbass."
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Hitoshi Shinso
Shinsou observes your struggles during daily tasks, remaining silent but attentive. He's perceptive, picking up on the underlying issues you're hesitant to voice.
One time, he sits beside you, saying nothing. After a while, Shinso murmurs, "Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. Open up when you're ready."
Shinsou shares a bit about his own experiences, admitting that he, too, used to feel very bad about himself and his inner struggles, but he learnt to deal with it.
Your skepticism doesn't faze him. He smirks and says, "If you're the problem, then we're all screwed. But I don't think that's the case."
He introduces you to mindfulness and meditation techniques. "Close your eyes. Focus on your breath. In this moment, you're not the problem. You're just you."
As trust builds, late-night talks become a regular occurrence. Shinso is an excellent listener, and these conversations become a safe space for you to express your thoughts.
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Hanta Sero
Sero notices the signs of your internal struggle and decides to address it with a light-hearted approach. "Hey, you've been acting weirder than usual. spill the beans, what's up?"
He listens attentively as you share your doubts, interjecting with occasional jokes to lighten the mood. "Come on, you're not the problem. The problem is you thinking you're the problem."
In casual conversations, he slips in affirmations. "You're doing great," or "I believe in you," become his mantras, gradually sinking into your consciousness.
Slowly, you begin to embrace the positivity Sero brings into your life. His easygoing nature and unwavering support become crucial in helping you believe in yourself.
Sero introduces creative outlets to distract the reader from negative thoughts. "Ever tried making origami? It's impossible to be sad while folding paper cranes."
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nakedtoasterr · 1 year
Male reader month | April edition
This one is late so I apologize but life happens, hopefully I can get into a rhythm of getting these done before the end of the month.
I added 3 experimental fics this time around. Two of them are character x GN reader and the other is a Fem character x Male reader. I’m hoping you all will enjoy these and please tell me if you don’t! I won’t add any in the future if that is that case
Ps: if anyone wants to help with these hmu im so slow 😰
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Sfw male reader
Kittens; scoups | @seventeenficsformalereader
Scoups(?) x male reader
None listed
A Tease | @moonbyulsstuff
Kaidou x male reader
None listed
Tea at 9pm | @anystalker707
Vinsmoke Sanji x GN!Reader
babygirl sanji / wholesome relationship / reader is a writer who keeps a journal with the crew's adventures / extremely fluffy ending
Izuku midoryia x male reader | @odue-sp
Izuku x male reader
m/n has a problem with personal space and people touching him. m/n's quirk is tendrils, he is able to form them anywhere on his body they're usually invisible (warped areas). They're supposed to be visible but he's able to make them disappear.
Top male reader
Soft yandere Aether x MR | @dvlboy
Aether x male reader
Soft yandere aether
Sub/bottom Dottore and pantalone hc
Dottore/ pantalone x male reader
crying, (A LOT) spit, sensory deprevation, rp, bj's, (m reader recieving) just general gay men activities
who loves to be marked? | @chaepink
Izuku/Bakugo/kirishima x GN!reader
dom!gn!reader, suggestive, marking, biting, spanking
Tony Stark x Younger Poolboy Male Reader hc
Tony stark x male reader
Sub Tony, age gap (not specific), porn with plot, reader is muscular and tall, manhandling kink, cum, degrading praise, humiliation, mentions of rough sex, and making out (tell me if I messed any, I didn’t double check this)
Bottom male reader
Daddy’s home | @dabisbratz
Gojo x male reader
light angst, daddy kink, bottom male reader, finger sucking, fingering, apology sex, dubcon (gojo’s a lil pushy but everything is consensual), dacryphilia, dirty talk, praise, biting, reader’s kinda bratty, possessiveness, established relationship, secret relationship, reader’s a regular civilian, anal sex, spit, mating press, sexualizing gojo’s thermographic xray vision, amab body terminology
Momo x male reader | @trafalgarya
Nsfw head canons
mommy kink, penetration, strap-on, oral (giving and receiving), soft dom!momo yaoyorozu, sub!male reader, praising kink, sex-toys, teasing, orgasm control, begging, nipple sucking, masturbation, use of "slut", a bit of ooc ig, analingus (receiving, mention of giving too)
The Devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy
Gabriel x male reader
corruption kink, guided masturbation, praise kink, voyeurism, pet names (reader receiving), p.w.o.p, no actual penetration : reader is a follower of gabriel, but not an alternate. . Gabriel is referred to as "Mister Gabriel" once.
Ayato Petplay | @vikeii
Ayato x Male reader
pet play, established relationship, everything is consensual!!!, puppy play, mild praise kink, cockwarming, dumbification, male reader, belly bulge, mild overstim, mild nipple play, collars and leashes !! he/him pronouns for reader, amab reader, marking, biting
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Hey y’all!!! I know I’m super extra late but I really did try… I’ll do my best to start earlier in the month so this doesn’t happen again I’m so sorry guys. Tysm for all the support on my last post!!! Seeing all the reposts and hearts really motivated me to finish this one. ❤️❤️
Extra apologies to the ppl I messaged when it was 3 am over here. I’m not my best when I’m bout ready to pass out
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approvedtrash · 8 months
Say it & Mean it
Pro Hero Bakugo & GN Reader - you have a fight, he's gotta leave.
Angst with happy ending -
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You watched as his hand grabbed the door knob.
"Walk out of this house -" you started.
"Yeah, I know." He replied.
Huffing out a breath so as to not let more tears stream down your face. Wrapping your arms around yourself to give you some semblance of comfort.
"Why? Why do we just hurt each other?" You asked in a whisper. Almost like you didn't want an answer.
He clicked his tongue, "I told you-"
"Not to fall in love I know. It's funny that you think you're so unloveable Katsuki," you responded.
"Well I've hurt you enough, you'd think you wouldn't be so blind to who I am," he whispered.
A shuddering breath left your throat as he said those words. You wanted to walk towards him. Wrap your arms around his waist and will him to stay, but you knew it was worthless. He needed to prove himself to all of Japan, and prove he was what was needed. To everyone but you.
"You know I think that's bullshit," you replied.
"I'm gonna go, so I'll leave this," he said. Dropping his house key into the bowl on the table.
"You think you're not coming home?" You asked.
He almost turned back to look at you, but knew it would only end in more tears.
"I won't hurt you again."
That was all he said as he opened the door and started to walk out. A hand on his shirt pulled him back inside.
"If you think, I'm letting you go because you're scared to feel anything you're a dumbass. Take this goddamn key, and go out the window. I'll lock up and we can talk more when you get back," you said. Forcing the key into his hand and pushing him towards the window.
His slight chuckle startled you but he turned and cradled you in his embrace. With a kiss that was more an apology than anything he slipped out of the window as you watched. He would come back to you, and maybe if he was brave. He would say those words that have been dancing around in his mind.
Watching him leave was hard, but you knew he'd return. You knew in your heart that he wouldn't walk away from you. Not without telling you what you wanted to hear.
Hours passed as you watched the news for updates. There was a terrible villain attack that left the city in flames and under rubble. Watching him save people and help where was needed kept you occupied waiting for him to be able to come home. You ended up falling asleep as the cleanup was happening, the buzzing of your phone woke you up.
"Kats? What's -" you started.
"Hey it's Kirishima actually, he's right here though," you heard the red head hand the phone over.
"Hey Sweets, you see me out there?" His voice a little raspy.
"I did, what's happening? Are you on your way home?" You asked.
A grunt from him shifted his tone, "It's gonna be a bit longer than I expected but wanted, needed, to hear your voice," he said.
"Maybe if you got off the phone you'd get things taken care of quicker and come back home," you said, a little sarcastic but a light tone.
He chuckled and you heard the coughing fit, the wet cough in his throat. You froze.
"This wasn't how I wanted to tell you, but I'm not a goddamn idiot or coward. You deserved better than this, and I told you I didn't wanna hurt you again," he was struggling through his words.
Tears were threatening to spill as he asked you to turn on your camera. He wanted to see you.
"I love you. So fucking much Sweets. You're my everything," he said.
You could hear sniffling in the background who you assumed was Kirishima. Not wanting your own tears to pour out like that. You could hear his smile as he said those words.
"Katsuki I love you more than life itself, you know that?" I responded.
"I know Sweets, I - I gotta go," he pushed out as sirens neared.
"Stay on the phone please-" you said.
"I think it's best if you let him go," you heard Kirishima say clearly.
Shouting now, "No. Put him back on, please!"
The phone call hung up. You tried calling back but no answer came. Checking the location on his phone you grabbed your keys and followed it to where it finally stopped. Outside an ER.
Rushing in you looked around for anything. Anyone who looked familiar. Seeing red hair you bolted.
"Kirishima where is he?!" You yelled as he opened a door.
"Damn Sweets, and I thought I was loud," you heard from a voice you didn't expect.
Rushing into the room you saw a nurse checking vitals that were hooked up to your blonde haired idiot. You rushed over to him and threw your arms around his neck. Which earned a sharp inhale and groan.
"Don't do that," the nurse barked.
"Just be careful, I'm only a little better than death here," he said motioning to how bandaged he was.
"I love you," you said pulling him into a kiss.
He didn't pull away too much as he whispered back, "I love you more."
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viburnt · 7 months
hello!! I'd like to request "I just need a chance!" with pro-hero! katsuki who's kind of a dick to his secretary who has had for a few years, he's always rude, loud, and brash because well...he's katsuki but he's waaay worse with her because he's trying to mask his feelings for her and she gets fed up with her attitude and tries quitting angst with a happy ending please and thank you 💝
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I got carried away with this one a little and it turned longer than expected, I had so much fun! I hope you enjoy it, Anon!
𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 𝐁𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐠𝐨 || 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢���𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬
—The hell you mean you are quitting?— Bakugo asked as your shaky hands held the resignation form, your body stiff like a deer facing a wolf.
You had been his secretary for almost a full year, and even though you'd lasted more than your predecessor, the way your boss treated you had finally gotten under your skin.
"It's fairly common for Dynamight to be strict with his employees," you were told before adventuring to the agency for the first time; you weren't warned whatsoever about how caustic the blond could get with his belittling comments and snarky remarks—especially when he was targeting them at you.
—I- I just got a better offer, sir.— The man heard you utter, leaving his desk to walk up to you. He took the paper sheet from your hands to read it, quickly deciding to discard it into the shredder.
He looked at you up and down, making you feel small.
Why did he always have to make you feel like that lately?
—And who is precisely trying to steal my assistant?— His husky voice asked, sending shivers down your spine. You averted your eyes from him to avoid giving away you were lying, still not having the guts to tell him it was his fault you were leaving your job.
—It's a small company, they are starting to grow.— Your voice meekly answered, praying that he wouldn't tell you were making up an excuse.
Perhaps you should've lied a little better than that.
—Isn't the money I pay you enough?— He asked, lifting your chin with his calloused fingers. You hated how even when you despised him during work hours, your heart would skip a beat whenever he talked like that.
"This cute bastard!" You thought, fighting back the warmth creeping into your cheeks.
—You are terrible at pretending, you know?— He sardonically whispered in your ear. —If you want to go, give me the real reason. I'm not letting you go until then, nerd. —You heard him taunt, and just like a switch, all the anger that had cramped inside you burst.
Your face contorted into a frown that Bakugo could only describe as cute, clenching your fists with intensity. "Feisty," he thought as you looked at him with vexation.
—Fine! You are always scolding me in front of other people like I'm some sort of idiot! A-and you keep treating me like a fucking baby! I know how to use a damn printer-
Bakugo heard your little rant begin, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned on his desk. "Have I pushed her around too much?" He wondered, noticing your distress. If he was honest with himself, he didn't mean to be so harsh on you; he just wanted that stupid fuzzy feeling you gave him to disappear.
With a flustered face, he decided to say one particular phrase you'd never imagine to hear, interrupting your fit of office rage.
—I'm sorry if I've been too hard on you.— He apologized, letting go of your face. —It's just- your stupid face always makes me say lame stuff and all.—
Your eye twitched in annoyance.
—Huh? My stupid face? What the- You were about to snap, interrupted by Bakugo's stern voice.
—What I'm trying to say is that I like you, you dumb ass dork. I've been trying hard to get rid of this shitty corny feeling for months now!— He yelled, not caring if the entire office heard him (not like they could say a word about it). —If you want to quit, fine, do so. I've been a bastard with you for months.
Your mouth dropped in shock, eyes wide at the confession. "Did he really just say he...likes me?" You thought your heart beat grew faster. It was known that when little boys liked someone they sometimes mistreat their crush, but this was on another level.
Inhaling sharply, you landed a slap on the blond's face, small frustration tears rolling down your cheeks. He didn't bother retaliating, acknowledging how deserved that was.
— You made me feel incompetent for months, because you liked me?— You exposed. Bakugo felt shame for his actions, recognizing—lately—that they were not the best course of action.
— If I can somehow convince you to stay after the fucking mess I made, say so. I just need a chance!— He promised, sternly. —But if you want to go...
—What?— The blond said in surprise, watching you trying to calm down. —Dinner. If you want to convince me, take me to dinner.— You said, giving him hope. —And I'm expecting a fancy place; I didn't endure your shit to be eating fast food.
Katsuki's face turned from astonishment to confidence, his signature cocky smile greeting you. You walked up to him with an embarrassed face and planted a chaste kiss on his cheek.
—Pull another stunt like that and you are really going to need a new assistant.— You warned, feeling his hands carefully finding their way to your waist. —Got it... —He muttered, leaning in to give you a real kiss.
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sugolara · 8 months
𝙁/𝙣: 𝙒𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙢𝙚
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ft. Katsuki Bakugo x Shoto Todoroki x Izuku Midoriya x fem! reader
Synopsis: After a deadly virus leaks all over the world, every country is forced to close down it's borders and airports to prevent anyone from coming in and out. Though, it's to late for some people. The dead has rose and is looking for revenge. Cw: gore, quirkless! au, apocalypse! au, zombie! au, weapons, death, angst, lots and lots of blood, cannibalism, suicidal thoughts, slow burn
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The day the outbreak started
The TV echoed through the two story house. The teens, kids and adults listened quietly as the news alarmed them. It broadcasted them to be alarmed and to stay quarantined until the virus is no longer a threat. To not help anyone who might be infected and avoid anyone who seemed or acted strange. 
Then the power cut off and all signal was lost. 
F/n’s mom had gasped quietly, her grandmother and her aunt held her hand near her chest, her grandfather got up along with her father, her little sister was confused, her aunt was panicking and her cousin stayed still. 
Her grandfather and father came into the room with shotguns and ammo. It terrified the rest of the family. Her mother quickly ushered the kids to the kitchen so she can make them something to eat and distract herself. 
From the kitchen, F/n heard arguments coming from the living room. She could hear her aunt and father and grandfather arguing. Her grandmother tried calming them down but it wasn’t working as her voice was too low. 
She eyed her shaking mother as she cooked and then her cousin that sat in front of her, “Mom, me and Hanta are going upstairs to my room.”
Her mother turned around with a nervous look, “Oh, sweetie, I think we should all stay down here. Be together.”
“Don’t worry.” Hanta smiled to reassure his aunt, “If anything happens, we’ll shout out.”
M/n placed her hand on her chest, “Of course, please be careful.”
The two nodded and headed to F/n’s room. While Hanta reached underneath her bed, F/n headed for the radio flipped through channels. She sighed though and sat next to her cousin on the floor, “Nothing but static.”
Hanta opened the shoe box and pulled out a pack of cards, “Your moms kind of high strung.”
“Who wouldn’t be.” F/n continued to flip through channels, “With the news broadcasting about a virus and to be quarantined.”
“Yeah, but,” Hanta pulled out a hunting knife from the shoe box, “You live on a farm with a dad who’s a survivalist. You’re practically isolated.”
F/n looked at him and noted his crestfallen face, “Are you worried about your dad?”
His shoulders fell, “He’s in the city. Who knows how bad it is out there.”
F/n set down the radio and held his hands. She stared into his eyes with a smile, “Whatever happens, Hanta, we’ll stick together, forever.”
Two months had gone; the fences were secured, a small garden was set next to the house as well as one behind the house and the horses stable had to be rebuilt from the storm that happened a few weeks ago. 
Further behind the house, F/n and Hanta held a pistol aiming at the tires that swung from a pole. F/n’s father repositioned her arm and then moved to Hanta, “Don’t be stiff. Let your muscles relax. If you're stiff and holding a bigger and heavier gun, you’ll pull a muscle.”
“We got it dad.” F/n rolled her eyes and pulled the trigger. A bullet lodged into the tire.
“You’re getting better.” Hanta said with a smug smile, “But check mine out.”
F/n eyed his tire, “Four holes. Show off.”
“This is not a competition.” D/n scolded them, “This is for your survival. For you to live. When I’m gone–”
“Here he goes again.” F/n whispered which caused Hanta to muffle a snicker. 
“F/n. Be serious.” D/n continued when she apologized. He let out a low and sad sigh, “I just want you two to be safe. You are family and I want you two to protect each other and everyone else in this farm in case something happens to me. 
“You can’t trust anyone anymore. The most important thing is to trust yourself. Don’t let anyone fool you and do not hesitate.” D/n stared at them for a few seconds and for a moment, he saw them as children once again. He then smiled, “Now let’s get inside before your mothers freak out.”
The two nodded and began to head inside. The moment they were inside, their moms quickly checked and asked them questions. They were annoyed but they let their moms check for any bites or scratches. It was the least they could do to let their nervousness ease. 
After dinner, F/n’s sister had headed to bed along with her mother. Her aunt stayed in the kitchen with her grandmother playing a board game. Her father was cleaning the guns while her grandfather was in the pantry writing down a list of supplies they needed. 
Upstairs, F/n sat on the floor cleaning her gun, “You got to stop smoking. One of these days someone will catch you.”
Hanta let out a small puff out the window, “You think they’d care? Our whole family smokes. You dad, grandpa, my mom and a few other people.”
“Do you really want asthma in a world like this?” F/n’s comment made him laugh, “I’m serious.”
“Like asthma’s the worst thing to happen to me.” He placed his cigarette into his cup of water and swatted the air so the smoke could disappear. 
After F/n was done cleaning, she let out a sigh and held her battery lantern, “Ready for bed?”
Hanta nodded and laid on his mattress, “Night.”
F/n turned the lantern off, “Night.”
The smell of fire washed over acres as it was strong and the cackles it would make could not drown out the growls and moans that came from the rotters; from the farm. It couldn't drown out the terrifying screams and the beg's of help coming from her family. 
She couldn’t do much as she carried her little sister who sprained her ankle. She aimed her pistol at any rotters that came near her. She could hear her sister whimpering into her ear and letting out screams when she spotted a rotter. She could also feel her hands gripping onto her sweater. 
How did it get so bad? One moment she was sleeping and the next she woke up to a frantic Hanta yelling that the farm was in trouble. And when she looked out the window, fire spreaded and she could see the horses running away from the rotters.
And when she headed downstairs, her mother, aunt, sister, and grandmother were crying. Her father and grandfather passed her and Hanta a bag of supplies as well as ammo. F/n tried easing her nervousness but the sound of crying made it difficult. 
Then, before they headed outside, her father ordered them to stay behind as they made their way into their van. Her father and grandfather were in front taking out rotters but they underestimated how many there were. 
In a blink of an eye, F/n had separated from the group. She managed to find her sister when she screamed. Now, F/n tried to look for her family but the horde was making it impossible. As F/n tried getting a better grip of her sister, her left hand that carried her felt wet. 
She looked down only to see blood and a bite mark on the back of her sister. Her mouth gaped open as tears began to form. She then heard a terrified scream and when she turned, the tears began to roll.
Seeing her mother being mauled, her grandmother bleeding out on the floor and her aunt stumbling with her neck ripped caused F/n to trip and let go of her sister. Ringing in her ears was so loud but her fathers scream caught her attention. 
She watched as her father ran out of bullets and began hitting the rotters with his remington. She tried getting up, to help her father but she kept tumbling. She didn’t even notice the rotter that was coming from her until Hanta grabbed her and shoved her back. 
“Get out of here, F/n!” Hanta handed her a bag, “Run and don’t look back. I’ll come find you.”
“Listen, F/n! Your grandpa’s still here and I need to find him! Stay on the road and I’ll find you.” He then gave her a quick hug before running off, “Don’t come back.”
With her heart beating at an impossible pace, F/n ran off in the opposite direction. She ran and ran until the sun began to rise. She was so tired that she let herself fall on the road. She turned to her back and listened to the trees swaying.
It wasn’t long before she saw a pair of worried diopside eyes staring at her, “Are you okay?”
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spaceisout · 1 year
𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 // 𝙠𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙤 𝙩𝙖𝙠𝙖𝙢𝙞
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Pairing: Keigo Takami x F!Reader
Words: 2.221
Summary: being married young was never in either of your plans, more or less being married to a hero and a quirkless human. still, it made an interesting switch to your lives, one you might not regret.
Warning(s): angst, fluff,
A/n: I apologize for the delayed update, my week became a lot more busier than I had expected. Also taglist is available to anyone who would like to be updated. Any donations are appreciated it is a way I can help contribute to pay bills while I'm able to get a job &lt;3
Links: donate to the author, masterlist (coming soon), current series list
Taglist: @alligator-person @bakugosgirl01 @deathkat657 @justanerd1 @multilingual-birb @urdecentartist09 @abbylouamanda @keigo-hawks-takami-simp
(if there is anyone I missed on the list pls let me know, enjoy! <3)
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5 ◁ II ▷ 7
"Can you fly me around with your ice?!" a child exclaimed looking up at the bi-colored hero with excitement.
"Uum... ice is technically to hard to fly around with." He explained with crossed arms, "But I can transport you to places...almost like a car I guess?"
"Why the hell are we even here for?!" The blonde yelled looking annoyed with the amount of weird questions that he kept on getting.
"Come on, Kaachan." His friend calmly said, "You said you wanted to tag along too remember?"
"Y-yeah to teach them about being a hero," Kaachan explained. "N-not to deal with weird kids who won't even listen a word I f-"
"Language, Bakugo." Best Jeanist interrupted him. "Remember we are an example for these future heroes."
He looked away, grumbling under his breath.
"Then why is feathers, flirting with the teachers?" He questioned pointing at Hawks, "I thought we were supposed to talk with the kids!"
Best Jeanist followed his pointing finger and saw Hawks talking with you. He sighed, knowing this was going to happen eventually but thought it would take longer than five minutes.
"Make sure to keep an eye on the students." He said talking to Endeavor and walked over to your group.
"I gotta say I'm amazed at how high the kids spirits are." Keigo said looking at you. "Nowadays it is difficult to make sure they don't lose hope just because they're not like everyone else."
You knew he meant those words sincerely, especially since the cases of bullying have risen recently.
"I honestly at times can't protect them from feeling like an outsider in a world where they belong." You explained looking at them as they surrounded the dirty blonde with happiness. "I want to do all I can to make sure their confidence isn't broken when they go to junior high. They deserve to feel like heroes in their own lives whether they have quirks or not."
"Our colleagues and friends have focused on making sure their worth isn't justified by the family their born into or the quirk their relatives might have that they don't." Mio added, "We want them to live like the kids they are."
"Whether they decide to go into a field of public service or pursue a career of what they're passionate about we don't want them to forget their worth." Hizashi spoke up, "They're just as important as heroes."
Keigo saw the look of endearment and passion in your eyes. It was visibly shown to anyone who looked your way, how much you care about them. Now he understands why you stayed up most nights when he visited your family, you were preparing lesson plans even on your days off.
He jumped back in surprise seeing Best Jeanist standing in front of him. Keigo composed himself and gave him a dazzling smile making Mio swoon over him.
"Hey buddy! How are the kids treating you?"
"You are supposed to be with them as well, they've been asking about you." He said.
"I just came over here for a minute to talk with some of their teachers." Keigo explained, "Let me introduce you to Mio Takahashi, Rio Hizashi, and last but not least (first name) (last name)."
"It's very nice to meet you." Best Jeanist said shaking each of your hands.
"No, the pleasure is all ours." You said as Mio and Hizashi nodded. "I'm very happy to see everyone took some time to come and visit our students during their sports festival. We really appreciate it, it means a lot to them to see you guys."
"Hawks called us over as soon as he got the call from the principle." He explained, "We did not hesitate to agree, we wanted to come and meet them."
You knew he was such a humble hero but your respect for him went far above and beyond.
"Ah, Mr. Hawks! Mr. Best Jeanist!" The principle yelled out. "Our next event is about to start soon, we would love for you to participate with our students."
"Of course we would be honored to help out the little heroes!" Keigo exclaimed.
"Thank you!" She smiled, "The next event will be a tug of war between all classes. You can go ahead and choose a class as well as your students, we would love it if they joined in too."
"I'll go and let them know." Best Jeanist said.
"Do you mind if I tag along too?"
"Not at all."
It was plainly obvious that the principle had a crush on him, or really admired him.
"Mrs. Kimura is a big, fan huh?" Keigo said.
"That goes without saying." You chuckled lightly.
"Oh, (name) do you have the number tags?" Hizashi asked.
"Right, I forgot to bring them out." You sigh, "I'll go get them."
"Is it alright if I tag along?" Keigo asked looking at you sweetly.
"I can go-" Hizashi was about to say but you shook your head.
"It's alright. It shouldn't take me too long."
"I insist, plus I kinda wanna see the school from the inside too." Keigo insisted.
Looking in between them it was hard to choose, still Keigo decided to come and visit you at your work place.
"Okay," you said earning a smile from him. "You did take some time to come see the students so I'll give you a tour then."
You looked at Hizashi, "We'll be back in a bit."
He nodded and you two walked off by yourselves towards your classroom. As soon as you got some more distance and were sure there was no one else you spoke up.
"How come you did not tell me that you were coming?"
Keigo stopped, you mirrored his movement, to look at you.
"I wanted it to be a surprise." He explained, "I've seen the way you work yourself out for them." His hands rested on your shoulders, slowly they went down your arms, giving your body goosebumps, and stopped on both your wrists. "I wanted to meet the students that stole my wife's heart."
"I'm just- I'm still surprised that you're here, Keigo." You softly spoke, "It feels somewhat normal... like you came to visit on a random day..." There was a bit of hesitation on the last words you wanted to say to him.
A smile formed on his face as he used one of his hands to reach up and hold your cheek.
"Like a husband does?" He said, "Visiting his wife at her work place?"
Your lips parted, "Well-"
"I admit it I did not know if it was a good idea to come considering how things have been. But... when I heard it was the name of the same school you were working at I did not want to waste any time and automatically said yes without thinking."
Keigo was... interested in my school, because of me?
"I only heard a few stories about this place." He continued looking around at the colored walls that separates each classroom from the last. His eyes then landed on yours, his smile not faltering. "I wanted to visit the place that holds a special place in your heart... in hopes to learn more about you."
With every person you had ever known, they never managed to make you feel like he does. Given that you have only known him for less than four months, it blows you away. Keigo was different, in your eyes.
"You have no idea how much it means to me that you're here." You confessed, "My parents are far too busy and far away to come see where I work. Himiko... well things are difficult with her at the moment. I wanted to share my everyday life with someone, to tell them about the shenanigans or activities my students did. Now that I got married to you and I have been able to tell you about it all , it's made my life a whole lot better than I ever realized."
Keigo's heart started to pick up a different type of rhythm.
"Keigo I-!" your eyes widened for a moment then they faltered, making his smile disappear.
"Tell me what you're thinking, (name)."
Biting your lip you tried to figure out if what you wanted to say would affect him in some way. Right now you felt blessed to have someone like him in your life. Keigo became another piece to your whole puzzle. A piece you weren't sure yet about how important his part has played a role.
"Whatever it might be," he gently tilted your head back to meet your eyes. "You can tell me."
Your eyes started to get covered with a transparent liquid, making it quite blurry to see.
"I did not realize how much you would change my life..." You blinked the tears letting them roll down your cheek but as always he was there to prevent them from hitting the ground. "I mean I know I-I sometimes over phrase everything and think it but don't say it. Up until now I watched the little things you have done for me even since before we ever got married."
As you spoke, our brain started to replay all those moments.
"You never hesitated to get closer to me even when I was too shy to speak. Anyone else would have given up but you didn't. I don't know if since then I felt safe to be with you but as time passes by and we spend time together... you're someone I do not ever want leaving my side."
"I'm starting to realize the same thing," On instinct he leaned his head down closer trying to close the gap between you both. "Everyday you are making me the happiest person than I ever was. You are molding me into someone better, and I want you to know that you are the reason because of this."
"Keigo..." you breathed out feeling tears slipping faster.
His eyes travelled down from your (color lips) lips to your eyes hoping to get a sign or a one word answer to his silent plea.
Little by little you felt yourselves gravitating to towards one another, closing the gap between you both. Your eyes not breaking away from one another. Slowly, leaning in giving the other enough time to pull away in case there was regret.
What seemed like inches away suddenly became just a centimeter between you both. Without any sign of hesitation, your lips finally met in the middle.
Eyes widening with surprise knowing well this was what you both wanted.
Keigo's eyes closed first as he started to lose himself in your lips. His hands holding both your cheeks, feeling him pulling you closer to him, wanting to get as close as possible.
Your body suddenly started to feel lighter. The weight you once felt on every limb suddenly disappeared. You were too shocked to close your eyes until you felt the way his lips moved in sync with your own.
Slowly they began to close, your hands moving to rest on each side of his waist. You started to sense the way your body was feeling against his.
As cliche as it sounds, it truly did feel like both your hearts were connected in that moment.
In his whole life he had vowed to never get romantically involved. All he wanted and focused on was protecting his mom from his villain father. He needed for her to feel safe in this world, without any fear of a villain attacking her.
But his view then changed once he met you. All of a sudden his world didn't seem so closed off. You became part of his life despite knowing everything about him, even then, you stayed. You opened up to him about things he never thought about.
And just like that, he grew accustomed to your routine of waking up, making breakfast, dinner, or waiting up for one another to make it back home safe and sound. It was a ritual, no, a rhythm he wanted to continue feeling for as long as you'd allow him to.
With flushed faces you both parted your lips, but your hold stayed still on one another.
"T-that... um." Keigo chuckled lightly suddenly feeling shy.
But you were in the same boat, "Y-yeah."
Both of you then erupted into soft laughter, you did not quite understood if it was the rush of how amazing it felt kissing one another or the fact that you were embarrassed to look at each other after such an intimate kiss.
Still, you looked at each other with happy filled dazed faces.
The color drained from each other's faces as you heard a familiar voice calling out to you.
"Did you just-" they shook their head not even wanting to finish the sentence. "You didn't really... kiss Hawks, right?..."
Keigo held your hand tightly, intertwining his fingers with your own in a protective gesture.
"Mio..." Your close friend wasn't alone, "Hizashi..."
"What is going on?..." Hizashi questioned not bothering to look at Keigo.
"Listen... I swear that there's a good reason-"
"What reason is there for him to kiss you like that?!" He yelled.
Keigo stepped forward, "Let's not start yelling okay? We can talk it out like the adults we are-"
"I wasn't talking to you." Hizashi retorted, "For all I know you're just using her."
"Hizashi, Mio..." You sighed looking at them both. "I'm sorry I did not tell you the truth... but the person I married his Hawks."
"B-but you said he was a regular person!" Mio exclaimed.
"I'm sorry for deceiving you... I had to make up a fake husband in order to keep my real marriage a secret." You explained, "I had no other choice... we did not want to risk anything bad happening."
"Like what?" Mio asked not fully understanding anything that's going on. "What bad thing could possibly happen?"
"Listen, there's still some villains who are trying to settle the score with me." Keigo said, "The battle may be over but there's no telling when they might attack. I did not want to put (name) in harm's way."
"The why did you even ask her to marry you if this marriage was going to be a secret?"
"He didn't ask me to marry him." You said, "I was the one who asked him in exchange for a favor he was doing for my parents."
"There you guys are!" The principle smiled as she approached you, "Miss (Last Name) did you find those number tags that we need?"
"Y-yeah! I apologize I got side tracked with showing Hawks around the school." You awkwardly chuckled.
"No worries, I understand. But please make sure to hurry the parents have been waiting along with the heroes."
"I will!" You exclaimed trying to smile as she looked at you before walking away. Once she was gone you turned to look at both your friends. "I know there's a lot of questions you both must have and I want to answer them."
"(name)'s right, you both are close to her and deserve to know the truth." Keigo said, "Why don't you two come by our house after the event is over with? We can explain it there more calmly."
Hizashi looked at Mio, and she looked back at him. There was uncertainty in each other's eyes, not knowing if there was any explanation to this situation.
"Okay." Mio said, "We'll come by after school after all this event is for the students and I don't want to ruin it for them."
Hizashi agree. "She's right, it is best if we talk somewhere private."
You nodded feeling a small relief that they'd be willing to hear you out. "Thank you."
"Alright is everyone ready?!" You spoke into the microphone, looking out at the scene in front of you.
"We're not losing!" Bakugo yelled feeling determined to win. "You guys better be pulling your weight too!"
"We are not about to let them win!" Sato exclaimed, "We're going to easily win this round."
"That's what I'm talking about!"
Midoriya started to feel a bit nervous now, "He sure does know how to get them excited it seems."
"Mr. Deku?" Suzuki spoke tugging at his sleeve. "Do you... think we're going to win?..."
Midoriya smiled, "Well they're good opponents I won't lie, but that doesn't mean we're going to lose without a fight right?"
"On my mark," you said. "Ready?... Pull!"
"Start pulling!" Bakugo yelled.
"We can do this!" Midoriya retorted looking straight ahead as he pulled with all the strength he had.
"You're going down nerd!" He smirked gritting his teeth as he tugged at the long rope.
"I gotta say, they're an interesting group." You chuckled.
"I apologize for his sudden outbursts," Best Jeanist spoke. "He's a very explosive hero."
You shook your head, "Not at all. I understand, it's passion. If I had a quirk as well I'd probably be the same way as him."
"Does the principle not hire anyone who has a quirk?"
"Initially that was her plan but lately since more and more people are being born with quirks they usually take the route of becoming a hero." You explained, "These students might be the last ones to come here."
"What do you mean?"
Turning to look at him you continued, "A lot of more schools are being built and are being equipped with qualified teachers to help control their quirks. This school was built for people like us. We're normal teachers, so it won't be so surprising if they decide to tear this school down in the future."
"But there's still students who need teachers like you to guide them into the right path, whether they have a quirk or not."
A small smile formed on your lips, "I still have the thought o continuing to teach even if this school won't be here anymore. But it's hard to find a way to land a job at times."
"I promise we're going to try and figure something out." He said resting his hand on your shoulder. "This school has a great group of teachers, that need to continuing teaching."
"Thank you, Best Jeanist." You said, "It means a lot to have a heroes support for us regular folks."
You jumped back in surprise.
Bakugo yelled looking a you, "Aren't you going to announce the winner?!"
"R-right, sorry about that!" You yelled back and picked up the microphone. "The winner is team Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight!"
Best Jeanist even clapped for him, making him smile wider in victory. The students then surrounded him, Sato ended up being carried and placed on his shoulder for the photo.
"Sorry, we couldn't win." Midoriya apologized.
You spoke walking over to them, "Don't. Everyone put in their effort and I can tell they had fun."
"Miss (last name)!" Suzuki yelled, as he rushed over to hug you.
"You guys did a great job." You wrapped your arm him, smiling softly. "I saw how strong you were pulling, Suzuki."
He shyly smiled, "I-I was able to do it... b-because of Mr. Deku's help. H-he helped me, by encouraging me."
"Thank you for lifting up his spirits. Suzuki tends to be a bit shy sometimes." You said looking at him, "I'm happy he got the chance to be on your team."
"Oh it was nothing." Midoriya smiled with a tilted head. "I'm happy they had fun even though we did not get to win."
"You were amazing!" Suzuki yelled pulling away from you and hugging him instead. "You're an amazing hero, Mr. Deku."
Midoriya's eyes lit up, his hold then tightened as he held Suzuki in his arms.
You decided to walk over to the rest of your students to congratulate them as well.
"Miss (last name)! Did you see me?!" Sato exclaimed. "Did you see how much I was pulling the rope?!"
"I did!" Crouching down in front of her you continued, "You guys did a great job pulling on that rope."
"It was all because I told them how to properly pull." Bakugo spoke with crossed arms in front of his chest.
"He did! Did you know it's best to lean back and plant your feet on the ground?!" She yelled with amazement. "It worked so cool!"
"I did not know that." You looked up at him, "You're quite an impressive hero Mr. Great Murder Explosion God Dynamight."
Bakugo's cheeks turned a light red, "O-of course I am!"
As the events progressed from last rounds of tug of war to the bigger obstacle course between heroes, your mind got distracted.
There was an anxious feeling in your chest, as the sports festival was starting to come to a close. You kept thinking about how your two close friend's would react to knowing the truth about it all.
All you could do was pray and hope that they would stay by your side to support you.
"Everything okay?" Keigo asked as he helped fold up the tables.
He placed the last table down next to the wall, "(name), I can tell something is on your mind."
"I'm just a bit worried about talking with them is all."
"Hey, everything is going to be fine." Keigo softly, reaching over to your hand to hold it for a second before pulling away. "They're your close friends, they care about you. So I'm sure they'll understand."
You nodded, "You're right... Hizashi and Mio will understand."
Keigo gave you a soft smile and looked both ways before he leaned down and pecked your lips.
"Keigo... s-someome could see us."
"Why do you think I did it quickly?" He teased, making you chuckle.
"Mr. Hawks!" You both looked to the side to see some of your students rushing over to him.
"Hey! What are you kiddos still doing here?"
"You're going to come back and visit right?!" Your youngest Sakura asked.
"Yeah you have to!" Hinata yelled, "You need to come back and see us!"
"Well I certainly hope so." Keigo answered ruffling his hair, "I would love to come back and visit you guys."
"Next time you'll take us somewhere to fly right?" Seiyo asked.
"Guys," you interrupted. "He may have a lot of feathers but he doesn't have enough to take you. He's a hero after all, he's going to them too."
"Awe!" Hinata whined, "Then can you make sure to tell him to come again next week, Miss (last name)?!"
"Yeah, will you ever invite me again Miss (last name)?" Keigo tagged along and even made puppy dog eyes.
He did look quite adorable.
"If it was for me I'd be happy to bring him back again to visit but it isn't up to me." You said, hearing their disappointment sighs. "But I will try and ask the principle."
"Yay!" Your students yelled.
"Now it's time to go home, okay?" You said seeing their parents waiting by the gate. "Your parents are waiting for you guys."
They nodded and bid Keigo goodbye, a smile rested on his face as he watched your students running, enjoying themselves without worry.
"They're an interesting group of kids," he said and turned to look at you. "They're going to go far someday."
"I hope I can continue to lead them down the right path."
"You will, they are lucky to have a teacher like you. I wished I had one exactly like you when I was a kid."
"Well if you ever need a teacher, I'm here." you chuckled lightly.
Keigo pulled you into a tight hug, not caring about anyone seeing you two. All he wanted was to hold you close and you weren't going to deny that a hug from him is what you needed the most.
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tartagilasgf · 1 year
Rejecting their kisses prank
characters included- katsuki bakugo and izuku midoriya
My hero academia.
warnings: none but slight angst to comfort in midoriyas if you squint a lil. (If you feel there needs to be a warning i should share with everyone reading this, please do tell me. Id really appreciate it, thank you !) <33
katsuki bakugo: it was a long, tough day for katsuki, and all he wanted to do was freshen up and steal a kiss from you to lighten up his day. Which always does, however…. you had different, and well — the literal opposite objective in mind.
-katsuki unlocks the door, slipping off his shoes with a tired but now relaxed face at the sight of you. He drags his exhausted body to the back of you. “Kats?” You assume by the large hands resting on your waist. he gives a soft grunt in response. “m’ been missin you. All day sweetheart.” he whispers into your ear once lowering his head onto your shoulder, the not often lit used pet name making you so clearly flustered .“that’s awfully… sweet of you, are u sure you’re bakugo?” You giggle. he, (not that you can see) rolls his eyes and gives a huff that’s supposed to signify his annoyance at your little comment towards him. but nonetheless, he still spun you around to face him directly and reached in for a meant to be soft kiss, but his expression quickly changed to a confused, annoyed one when you quickly backed away from him. “maybe later?” you suggested, with a slight smile to make him think it’s genuine. And also to reflect back on his hilarious reaction. (Or at least what you want his reaction to be like). he, instead furrows his brows together in thought for a moment, still shocked by your act that shouldn’t hurt him that badly…. but it did. not only that, it pissed him off. “what the fuck is up with you? did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you?” He badgered you with his painful to hear questions. Despite his reaction, you decided to keep on with your non-funny act and looked away from him slowly. “im just.. um.. tired. you know?” you answer quietly, purposefully fidgeting with your hands. he stands still before gripping onto your right hand, both of his big, scarred hands clearly shaking in your hold. “im.. fuck- sorry if i did something wrong… please ill fix it..” he swears, almost… promising with a obviously worried tone. His reaction was enough, and seeing him so clearly anxious, you reluctantly ended the harsh prank. “im just kidding Kats! You didn’t do anything wrong, promise.” you reach in for a kiss but instead of him just giving in, he backs away from you. “Maybe later?” He suggests. ….(Needless to say, it took a whole lot of sorrowful apologies and begging to make him finally forgive you).
Izuku midoriya: recently he has been having painful nightmares and thoughts about how he was treated back then when he was quirkless. Memories flashed through his head as tears started to flow in his pretty eyes. so he came back home, hoping you can make his day better like you always have. However, you couldn’t have chosen a worse day to prank him.
he shuffled around his pocket, looking for his keys with reddish-pink blotches on his face from crying not so long ago. shivering from the cold, he finally found his keys and opened the door to your lovely, shared home. he (unusually) walked past you and went straight to the bathroom to clear his thoughts. After some time, he came out unsuccessful and mumbling his incoherent thoughts. he took a seat next to you by the fireplace and leaned his head on your forearm, pressing his body weight against your figure. “hi izu.” you said after a short moment of complete silence, “mm… ive been having the worst day babes.” izuku replies with a slight frown plastered on his once happy face. you sigh, debating whether or not you should continue with the prank, considering he’s already had a rough day, but you decided to continue it, plus it’s been a while since you pranked him. “is there anything i can do to make your day better?” you question aloud. izuku nods his head subtly and raises his head to yours, cupping your cheek and turning his head to the side ever so slightly. “yeah.. yeah there is.” he reacts, drawing his soft lips to connect with yours. you jump a little and widen your eyes, “wait I hear my phone going off! hold on!” you say with panic in your voice. his expression saddens more “i don’t hear anything?” He states. “well i do so wait” you counter, a little harsher than intended. you get up and run to the other room, not aware of the fact you left your phone right where you were sitting. No call, izuku noted instantly. his mind floods with negative thoughts, is there something wrong with him? Are you scared of kissing him? are you perhaps falling out of love with him? he abruptly gets up and treads to the bathroom, locking the door behind him he sits on the bathroom floor, clutching his head, pulling his knees up to his now sweating, muscular chest. sobs fall out of his mouth, the exact mouth he now thinks there’s something wrong with. When you finally returned to the fireplace, trying to make a excuse you noticed the spot izuku was in was empty and your phone on the spot you were once sitting in, that you ran out of after izuku initiated his supposed to be kiss with you. your heart drops and you walk around the house calling his name. “Izu? Izuuuu! Babes, where the hell are you??” You yell out multiple times until you hear a click and a screech from a door opening. you see izuku, your now upset boyfriend with a red wet face, puffy eyes, and tear stains on his shirt, this happened because of you. You’re the main reason he’s so — conflicted. “why did you back away? Am i really that.. inferior and not good enough - for you?” He asks, looking directly at you. You take a few steps towards his body, “I’m sorry izuku. It was a extremely stupid prank, a really dumb one. Seriously. I should’ve known not to play this kind of prank on you, especially when you were already sad.” you finally answer to his concerned and far from true thoughts. you look up at him, holding your arms out, not expecting him to hug you back but still trying regardless. he hesitated before returning the hug, tightly squeezing onto you — as if he was afraid of loosing you. “..don’t think I’m forgiving you this easily, just so you know you’re really gonna have to beg for my forgiveness.” He says in a bitter tone, before adding on -“and mercy.”
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thehusbandoden · 6 months
Last request I'm sending in today! Sorry if it's too much! Again feel free to skip any of these! :) I'd like to see headcannons for first kisses! Can be with anyone! I just want some fluffyness. :>
A/n: I might have gone a little overboard with Shoto's lol but I can't really help it 😅.
I hope you're well! You can talk to me if you ever need to! <33
First Kisses Headcannons (Denki, Kirishima, Shoto, and Shigaraki)
General info:
Genre: fluff, a teeeeeny bit of angst in Shiggy's \\ wc: 1,988 in total \\ posted: 12/5/2023 \\ requested
Warnings!: (Only in Shigaraki's) taking an injury for someone else, Shigaraki dusting someone, death (an enemy). Pls let me know if I miss any! <33
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Kaminari Denki: (420 words)
My goodness this boy was so excited.
He had beed crushing on you since he laid eyes on you, and stopped flirting with other girls once he realized that you were his one and only.
Poor baby didn't really know how to court you so he just flirted.. a lot.
You didn't know that he actually liked you, so you teased him a bit by acting clueless or straight up ignoring him.
His pout was just so cute.. you couldn't help it.
After a few weeks of this you noticed that whenever he was around another girl he didn't flirt with her like he used to. He was polite and respectful.
After studying his behaviors you realized that he actually liked you, and you couldn't help but get really flustered.
You were crushing on him as well, and so it worked out pretty well.
You started to casually flirt back, grinning as his eyes light up and his imaginary tail wagged furiously.
After a few months of flirting back and forth Denki gathered up the courage to confess to you.
(Plus he was scared of being beaten to death by Bakugo because he was taking too long lol.)
He asked you out on a small date the following weekend. His heart was pounding against his chest and he was sweating profuesly. Little schocks ran up and down his arms and spine.
When you agreed he almost kissed you right there and then, but he knew that that wouldn't look good, so he controlled himself.
He took you out on a lovely date, and even managed to hold his hand.
While walking he accidently shocked your hand a few times, but they were so small you just smiled at his cuteness.
The two of you went on a few dates after that before finally becoming official. That night, you two were walking back to the dorms when you found yourselves outside in the middle of the cold.
Denki was grinning down at you, and you couldn't control yourself.
You leaned up and kissed him softly, your hands on his shoulders.
The kiss took him by surprise and he didn't react for a few seconds. Once he recovered he quickly kissed you back, accidently shocking your lips with his own.
He immediatly pulled back, apologizing profuesly. You giggled, watching his cuteness for a few minutes before reasuing him that you were okay, and asking him for another kiss.
His face turned red and he eargerly agreed, kissing you much more carefully this time.
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Kirishima Eijiro (217 words)
You and Eijiro had decided to wait until marriage for any intimacy.
It was hard, and you almost broke the agreement many times.. but thirteen long months later, and it was finally your wedding day.
It was all perfect, just how you and Eijiro had imagined it.
You shared your vows, Eijiro tearing up as he expressed his deep and unconditional love for you, and you doing the same.
And then came the kiss.. as soon as the officiant said the words Eijiro pulled you into a long awaited kiss.
His lips were on yours as he held you in his arms. The kiss was magical, and well worth the wait.
Though neither of you had any experience, the kiss was perfect. It was filled with your love, devotion, and loyalty to one another.
After a few seemingly endless moments Eijiro pulls away, smiling down at you, tears in his eyes.
The rest of the day was filled with one another, you stayed glued to each other's side and shared many more kisses, unable to resist giving each other pecks as you talk with your close friends and family.
The day was amazing, and very memorable. Through out the years you reunited your first kiss whenever you made up after fighting, had an anniversary, or had something exciting happen in your lives.
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Shigaraki Tomura (325 words)
Shigarki has major trust issues, so he wouldn't be intimate with anyone unless he really trusted them..
Shigaraki fell in love with you shortly after you joined the league of villains, but he didn't trust you.
He pushed you away for months, confused and hurt by his feelings.
Eight months later, the league was raiding another villain's hideout, not realizing that they left a few villains as defense.
One of them fired her quirk at Shigarki. You noticed seconds before it happened.
You had just enough time to push Shigaraki out of the way, using your body as a shield.
As he saw a lightning bolt pierce your chest his eyes went wide. He immediately started seeing red as he caught you, glaring up at the villainess that dared touch his y/n.
After checking your pulse, he gently placed you on the floor before sprinting towards the villainess. Unprepared, she hardly had any time to defend herself before he placed a hand on her forearm, watching her decay with a crazed grin on his face.
After she was just a pile of dust he immediately made his way back to you, demanding that Spinner go check the rest of the perimeters for more enemies.
You were in bad condition, and you would probably die in a few hours without medical attention.
Kurogiri teleported both you and Shigarki to a trusted ally, and he patched you up rather quickly.
Shigaraki stayed by your side as you rested, and he was the first thing you saw when you gained consciousness.
Not saying anything, he pressed his lips against yours. They were flaky and obviously weren't taken care of, but you didn't mind as you kissed him back.
After a few moments he pulled back, staring into your e/c eyes.
"You're an idiot." He growled, moving a strand of hair out of your face with three fingers.
"Your idiot." You grin, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"Yes.. my idiot." He murmured, blushing slightly.
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Todoroki Shoto (1,006 words lol 😅)
You and Shoto have been dating for a few months. Due to both of you being socially awkward, the closest thing you've done is hold hands and hug every once in a while. Both of you are popular pro heroes, and work around seventy hours in a week.
You both have Saturday and Sunday off, so you usually sleep for several hours before going out on dates and just hanging out. When you're really tired or just really missing each other, you'll come over and just straight up cuddle and sleep.
It was a very intimate thing between the two of you, and it was quite rare.
By the sixth month of being together, Shoto's family wanted to meet you.
As soon as Shoto heard he immediately shut it down.
But.. after some convincing from Fuyumi and Rei, he accepted on the condition that you stay next to him the entire time and that either of you have the right to leave whenever you desire.
The dinner was planned on Sunday night, two days later.
Shoto was very stressed, worried that his old man would belittle or judge you.
He was extra clingy, staying up an extra two hours to pick you up from your shift and bring you home. Each time was accompanied with a hug and an 'I love you', which was still new to the two of you.
He couldn't sleep Saturday morning. He was pacing around his apartment the entire time, his eyes heavy with exhaustion.
After a few hours he drove to your place, accidentally waking you up from a nap. He apologized, and almost gave up on his idea.
You reassure him and invited him in, asking him why he was awake.
He told you that he couldn't sleep and that he wanted to cuddle.. you agreed of course, blushing as you felt Shoto hug you against him.
He was asleep within two minutes, causing you to quietly giggle.
When it was time to head over he held your hand tightly as he drove, still anxious. You gently stroke his hand in an effort to calm him, which did work to a certain extent.
He continued to tightly hold your hand as he walked through the door. Fuyumi and Rei were waiting for him, smiling as they started to gush over how attractive you were and taking your hands.
Shoto trailed behind you as they dragged you to the living room, cooing over every little detail about you.
They talked with you for quite a while, putting Shoto at ease. You started to open up, smiling and blushing as they complimented you in every sentence. Rei even mentioned something about having grandchildren..
After about half an hour Natsuo walked in. He blushed when he saw you, causing Shoto's eyes to narrow in jealousy. He kept quiet though, watching you as Natuso introduced himself. You were polite, but didn't react to his obvious attraction which made Shoto smile.
Everyone sat down as Fuyumi started to serve dinner. Shoto stayed close to you as he anxiously waited for Endeavor to show up.
Everyone started eating and chatting with you when Endeavor walked in. His large build caused you to grow nervous as you held Shoto's hand under the table.
His eyes traveled his family until he targeted his cold gaze on you. He stared at you for several seconds before moving to sit down next to Fuyumi. Rei kept her gaze trailed on you and Shoto, not even acknowledging the man.
After several tense and silent minutes Fuyumi spoke.
"Y/n kun this is Enji, or as you know him Endeavor." She smiled nervously, trying to make conversation.
You didn't say anything as he stared at you, studying your every movement.
After a while he let out a huff as he started eating. Both you and Shoto let out a relieved sigh.
It was peaceful for a while as you continued eating. Shoto kept hold of one of your hands, still sticking as close to you as possible.
Dinner was eaten in silence until towards the end, when Endeavor decided to speak.
"So.. Shoto, this is your girlfriend?"
"Yes.. this is y/n. I love her very much, and I don't care what you think about her." His words caused you to blush as you squeezed his hand.
Endeavor scoffed. "I expect that she has an outstanding quirk.. yes?"
Shoto's glare hardened. "It doesn't matter what her quirk is."
Endeavor's eyes narrowed. "So you're saying she doesn't have a good one?"
"No, that's not what I'm saying." Shoto growled, his protectiveness flaring.
The tension grew as Endeavor and Shoto went back and forth on the matter. After a while Endeavor's words turned sour.
"How can I trust your judgement? I kept quiet about her appearance but I will not sit here and ignore her quirk. This is the future of my grandchildren!"
"It is not your place to be concerned about grandchildren. We will have children if we desire, and their quirks won't matter." Shoto growled.
They continued to grow more heated and they started to just straight up throw insults at one another. After a particularly nasty one towards Shoto you stood up, glaring.
"Take that back." You hiss, your e/c eyes hardened in rage.
Endeavor scoffed, and the two of you started arguing. You were growing extremely protective over Shoto, and refused to back down.
Unsure what to do, Shoto stood up as well and dragged you outside. Before you could protest he placed his soft lips on yours, completely occupying your mind.
After a few moments you pull away, smiling. "Shoto.." you murmur, caressing his cheek.
"I don't care about what that d-bag thinks.. I love you and I'm going to spend my life with you." He murmured, placing his own hand on your cheek. "If you'll let me..."
You smiled wider, choosing to answer with another kiss instead of words.
It was inexperienced and kind of awkward, but it was filled with love for one another. And that's all that matters.
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Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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ghostxrose · 4 days
Of Monsters and Men | Bakugo Katsuki x OC
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five |
Tags/Warnings ~ Fem!OC, angst, hurt/comfort, eventual fluff, enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, potentionally triggering content, universe-typical violence, Enji Todoroki (yes, that is a warning, he's trash), character death, suicidal ideation, (more tags to be added as story develops <3)
Note ~ Hi, my Lovelies! Hope you all are well! I hope you're enjoying the story! I have a feeling this fic is going to be a pretty long one, so I hope that those who have taken an interest in it stay along for the ride! Anyway, I love and appreciate you all, and I'm glad to be back! <3
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Once she was dismissed, Azusa had burst out of her father’s office feeling way too much at once. She was too wrapped up in forcing herself to calm down and go numb until she could be back in the privacy of her room to notice the tall blonde rushing to hide around the corner. Unbeknownst to her, Bakugo had lingered just outside the door to the Marshal’s office desperate to know if she would actually get reprimanded or not. He had expected to hear her get a pass, to be let off easy for letting herself mess up their Drift sequence. What he hadn’t expected to hear was the Marshal ruthlessly berating her as she tried to choke back sobs.
After a few deep, shaking breaths and forcing her face to be blank and emotionless, Azusa walked back to her bunk. She had walked along numbly, not bothering to acknowledge other Rangers or techs she was familiar with lest her fragile mask crack. She had just barely made it through the doorway of her room when she crumbled, closing and locking the door behind her as she fell to the floor.
Back up against the door and choking on sobs is where she still sits, not having the will or strength to drag herself to her bed. Her father’s words reverberate through her mind, shredding her down to her core. Her hands come up to her mouth to muffle the broken, painful, whining sobs that tear from her chest. Like so many times before, years upon years of emotional turmoil flooded to the surface like hot magma. Far too many times throughout her life has she seen that side of Enji and it tears her down to nothing. Every. Single. Time.
Her puffy, red, and watery eyes solemnly glance over at the picture of Toya on her dresser, and whispered apologies begin falling from her lips. Pathetically, she drags herself over to the dresser, blindly crawling along the floor as tears continue to flow from her eyes. With far more effort than it should have taken, she heaves herself up to stand weakly in front of the dresser.
‘Failure! Disappointment! Embarrassment! Pathetic! Nothing!’ Her mind berates her as she reaches a shaking hand out to the photo of her late brother. Choking on a sobbed-out “sorry” she fixes the frame so that it lays face down on her dresser. Azusa then turns to her bed, letting herself crash into its surface without bothering to change before crying herself to sleep.
“Attention Bravo Inferno, report to Bay 10 immediately following breakfast for your trial Drift sequence. Attention Bravo Inferno, report to Bay 10 immediately following breakfast for your trial Drift sequence. Attention Bravo Inferno-”
Azusa reaches a hand out to shut off the repetitive alarm and lets out a heavy sigh as she sits up. Her body is a bit stiff as she gets out of bed to get ready for the day. Emotions from the day before try worming their way into her psyche, the emotion leading the brigade being guilt. Guilt over everything that had transpired but mostly over ignoring Aizawa when he had stopped by her bunk. She had laid in bed unmoving even when he had knocked multiple times and asked if she was okay from the other side of the door. Eventually, he had left and she was able to go back to berating herself in peace.
Looking at her ragged reflection as she does her hair, Azusa forces herself to go numb. It’s a horrible coping mechanism and she knows that, but it’s all she knows to do when everything feels like too much. Meeting the expressionless face that stares back at her from the mirror, she ignores the bags under her eyes and her bloodshot scleras. Instead, she smooths down any stray flyaways in her hair and leaves the bathroom. When she opens her bunk door to leave, Fuyumi is right there with her hand up ready to knock. She gives Azusa a once-over, then looks back up at her sister with concerned eyes.
“Zusa.. what did Dad say to you, yesterday? You look.. You’ve got that look in your eyes..” Fuyumi voices her worries as she falls into step next to Azusa, the two making their way to the elevator.
“I got a lecture like any other Ranger would have and then I moved on with my day,” Azusa answers in a monotone voice, not meeting her sister’s eyes. “And there is no ‘look’, Yumi, I look how I always do.”
“Oh yeah, sure. Your eyes are always that puffy and red, my bad. And you totally always act this distant and disconnected, sorry for being concerned.” Fuyumi sasses after scoffing. “Look, I know yesterday was rough. You can talk to me, Zusa. You don’t have to close yourself off, you don’t have to shut down like this-”
“I am fine, Fuyumi. Just drop it, alright?” Azusa accidentally says with more bite than she intended and the guilt starts to rear its ugly face, yet again, before she shoves it back down. Fuyumi sends Azusa a slightly startled glance, then shakes her head defeatedly as the elevator door opens up.
The two walk into the Mess Hall and immediately Azusa feels like every pair of eyes are on her. Her body tenses, a slight tremble starting in her hands as she heads toward the food line. She mentally fights to keep up the emotionless mask she’s donned while her thoughts try to convince her that every whisper from those around her is about her.
She rushes to fill her tray with food, then she crosses the room to an open table as calmly and collectively as she can. She passes by the table where Bakugo is sitting and accidentally makes eye contact with the blonde. Except, where she expects to find sharp, blood-red eyes glaring at her, she finds that Bakugo is looking at her with a calculating gaze. He’s looking at her like he’s trying to figure something out until he relents with a scoff and turns his eyes back down to his food.
Finally sitting down, Azusa shakes off the confusion from Bakugo’s weird behavior and begins picking at her food. She knows that if she starts thinking, and starts trying to analyze whatever the hell that was about, the other thoughts will begin battering her brain. She needs to be numb. She needs to not think about anything. That’s the only way that this next Drift trial will go smoothly.
After just mostly pushing the food around her tray for what feels like hours, she sees Bakugo get up to clear his place out of the corner of her eye. She waits a respectable minute or so after he has left the Mess Hall to do the same. Standing up, inhaling a long breath as she does, when she feels a tug on her sleeve and she looks down at Fuyumi.
“You hardly ate half your food, Azusa. You should really stay and finish it.” Fuyumi says, concern and what Azusa makes out to be pity lining her features.
Tugging her arm away from her sister’s light grasp, Azusa glares slightly, “I’ll be late for my Drift trial if I stay any longer and you know how the Marshal hates lateness. I’ll see you later, Fuyumi.”
Azusa can hear Fuyumi’s frustrated and tired sigh as she walks away from the table, but chooses not to let her thoughts linger on it. She drops her tray off at the designated area, then forces confidence into her stride as she leaves the Mess Hall. Getting to the elevator she doesn’t see Bakugo anywhere and she internally sighs a breath of relief. Pressing the button to call the elevator, she forces herself to think numb thoughts.
The elevator ride to Bay 10 was simultaneously too short and too long. Dread, fear, and rage had tried clawing their way through the barriers that Azusa had put up with each floor that had passed. All the while, Azusa had been desperately trying to get a fucking grip on her anxiety, which she currently feels like is still not under wraps completely as she steps out of the elevator. But seeing her fath- the Marshal standing at the threshold of the Shatterdome actually helps her with stuffing every single emotion she has back into that little box at the back of her mind.
“Sir.” She says emotionlessly, her features hardened and cold as steel as she stands at attention in front of the man, not bothering to acknowledge Bakugo standing off to his side.
“At ease, Ranger.” Marshal Todoroki says, stoic as ever but guilt swims in his eyes and Azusa has to fight with her inner rage for a moment. The tension is suffocating for a moment until Bakugo clears his throat uncharacteristically awkwardly, reminding the Marshal of his presence.
“Alright, Rangers, myself and Marshal Aizawa have decided to have you both run through a couple more trial Drifts to further test your compatibility. If the next couple of trials prove to be failures, then we will place you both with other co-pilots. If either of you are knocked out of alignment, try your best to bring each other back. You are a team and that means you should be getting through every obstacle as a team. Prove to me and Marshal Aizawa that yesterday was just a fluke, am I understood?” Marshal Todoroki finishes his spiel, his tone as militant and commanding as ever.
“Yes, Sir.” Azusa and Bakugo say at the same time and Marshal Todoroki gives them a singular nod.
“Good. Now, go suit up and get to your Jaeger.” Marshal Todoroki says dismissively before he turns to head for the Loccent Command Center for this Bay.
Silence befalls the two Rangers as they head for the sub-level where techs are waiting to help them suit up. They step into an elevator that’s slightly smaller than the one used for travel through the main floors of the base. Bakugo hits the button for the sub-level they need and the elevator begins moving with a metallic groan.
“You’re acting fucking weird today,” Bakugo states, his agitated voice breaking the silence.
“And why would you care?” Azusa spits, really not in the mood to deal with the blonde’s bullshit.
“I don’t!” Bakugo barks out, overly defensive and irritated. “Just make sure you don’t fuck this up, again! I’ve worked too damn hard for this and I don’t need the Marshal’s defective ass dau-”
“Don’t finish that fucking sentence, asshole.” Azusa seethes through clenched teeth, flames of rage burning behind her eyes as she glares at Bakugo.“I have worked just as hard as you and I am just as much stuck with you as you are with me. I am not the one who got stuck in my memories yesterday, am I? This is a job, Bakugo, one that we both signed up for. We don’t have to like each other, we just have to work well enough together that the job gets fucking done.”
Bakugo’s jaw and fists clench at Azusa’s words, but he doesn’t say anything further, each of their low blows making the other seethe. The two suit up in silence, ignoring the techs around them sending worried glances to each other at the thick tension. As they both enter the Conn-Pod of Bravo Inferno there is, once again, no conversation about side-preferences. Bakugo just automatically goes over to the right, forcing Azusa to take the left side.
Mechanical fasteners click into place and various instruments whir to life as the pilots settle into their harnesses. Taking a moment to close her eyes and take a couple of deep breaths, Azusa lets go of her anger and forces her mind to go numbly blank, once more.
“Good morning, Bravo Inferno pilots! Izuku Midoriya, here to be your trusted Loccent contact, today!” Izuku’s cheery voice comes through the Comms and Azusa feels the smallest tug of a smile at the corners of her lips.
Before Azusa has a chance to greet her childhood friend back, Marshal Aizawa’s voice fills the Comms, “Listen up, Rangers. Once your neural handshake has been finalized and deemed stable, you will be directed to move about the Bay. We have cleared it of all personnel so that you may roam freely. Marshal Todoroki, Izuku, and I will be monitoring your stats the entire time. If either of you goes out of alignment, we are more than prepared to handle the situation, so just focus on getting each other back to the present. Understood?”
“Yes, Sir.” Bakugo and Azusa answer in tandem, once again.
“Good. Prepare for neural handshake.” Marshal Aizawa says before Izuku’s voice comes back through the Comms with the countdown.
Azusa closes her eyes and tips her head back focusing on the mantra playing through her mind, ‘Just be blank. Carry nothing into the Drift. No emotions. No thoughts. Just be blank. Carry nothing into the Drift. No emotion. No thoughts. Just be blan-’
The sharp gasp that leaves Azusa’s mouth cuts off her train of thought and just like yesterday her consciousness is pulled through memory after memory, both her own and Bakugo’s. Memories different than the ones she saw yesterday flash through her mind, but she just lets her consciousness flow through them. Soon enough, she jerks back into the present with the feeling of Bakugo’s psyche rubbing against and melding with her own.
“Right hemisphere calibrating,” Bakugo and Azusa say together as they raise their right hand, repeating the action for their left side.
“Looking good, you two! Neural handshake is strong and stable! I’ve gotten the green light from the Marshals to tell you to go ahead and try moving whenever you’re ready!” Izuku happily informs the two over the Comms.
Azusa can feel Bakugo’s annoyance spike at Izuku’s cheerful tone and she can’t help the rolling of her eyes. Underneath the annoyance, though, is the excitement that the blonde feels along with a sense of power. ‘Jesus, this is just going to make his god complex worse.’ Azusa thinks with an internal groan and she hears a growl come from the blonde three feet away from her.
‘You know that I can hear your thoughts, right idiot?’ The anger-fueled thought flashes across Azusa’s mind leaving her slightly surprised yet smug, a self-satisfied smirk pulling at her lips.
“Get moving, Rangers. We don’t have all day to just sit here. Focus on the task at hand and take it seriously or get the hell out of that Jaeger.” Marshal Todoroki says borderline harshly through the Comms and it takes everything for Azusa not to flinch at his reprimand.
Bakugo must feel something flash through their bond because he looks over to Azusa, the look on his face contradicting what he tells her within their shared mind-space, ‘Don’t listen to him, just focus on keeping yourself stable and present.’
Only half meeting Bakugo’s gaze, Azusa just nods, forcing herself to be blank and numb again. As the two make their Jaeger take a step forward, Azusa offhandedly thinks about how keeping herself completely void of feelings is much more difficult to do with someone else in her brain. It’s an absentminded thought, fast and fleeting in nature. Yet it’s not fast enough for Bakugo to miss, but he chooses to ignore it. For now, at least.
Bakugo and Azusa move Bravo Inferno around the Bay for a while, both of them getting used to a new center of gravity and being in someone’s mind. They’re in the middle of practicing evasive maneuvers when their Comms crackle to life.
“Attention, Rangers. I just wanted to inform you both that Marshal Todoroki had to step out to observe a deployment. There was a Kaiju signature picked up on our radars along the Shizuoka coastline. I am staying here to continue observations.” Marshal Aizawa informs the two pilots, but before either of them can respond Bakugo goes shock-still.
Azusa can feel cold fear flash through her and her body jerks painfully as her reality is shaken. There’s a brief, muted, and echoing sound of sirens, the noise appearing to come from whatever flashback had thrown Bakugo back into the past. But the disruption within Bakugo’s psyche reverberates through Azusa’s and triggers something within her mind.
Suddenly, Azusa is on her knees with the armor of her suit protecting them from the grainy sand beneath her. Then she blinks and she is the 17-year-old version of herself wearing an all too familiar t-shirt and pair of shorts. The grains of sand now dig into the skin of her knees and the blare of the Kaiju Warning Sirens echoes around her.
She watches with paralyzing fear as a Kaiju gets increasingly closer to the shoreline she’s kneeling at. Even if the fear wasn’t freezing her muscles in place, she doesn’t think she would have the will to move. The Kaiju finally reaches the shallows and something akin to relief bleeds into Azusa’s body.
It’s been a month since Toya’s death and it has been nothing short of unbearable. Between the grief and her father’s heightened cruelty, Azusa has been going through hell. She doesn’t feel like she can do it anymore. She can’t handle the pressure of being the oldest Todoroki sibling. She can’t handle being the pillar of support for her brothers, sister, and mother. She can’t handle being just another outlet for her father’s misplaced anger.
It’s been a month and she can’t help but wonder how Toya did this for years without crumbling under the pressure.
The earth beneath her rumbles and shakes with every step the alien monster in front of her takes. It roars as it draws closer and Azusa’s body begins trembling subconsciously, her basic survival instincts screaming at her to run. But she ignores the rational part of her brain and focuses on finally being able to escape life, on the possibility of seeing her brother again. She’s so focused on the Kaiju that’s now right in front of her that she doesn’t register the sound of metallic muscles working to rush the monster staring down at her.
Metal meets alien flesh and the sound resonates through the air, pulling Azusa out of the daze she was stuck in. Beast fights beast and from the blur of limbs crashing into bodies, the tail of the Kaiju swings through the air. Its intention is to hit the Jaeger in the side, but as it travels along its set path it slams into Azusa’s body.
The wind is immediately knocked from her lungs as pain explodes throughout her entire being, her body sent flying through the air. She bounces a couple of times when she lands before she slides along the asphalt of the beachside parking lot. Barely conscious, she cries at the feeling of the cold yet fiery pain engulfing the right side of her body. The metallic smell of blood hits her nostrils and she gags on it in all of her agony.
She dazedly watches the Jaeger land the final blows to the Kaiju that was supposed to kill her. Listens to its dying roars with a mixture of instinctual relief and conscious jealousy. The beast finally lies down dead and the Jaeger’s head turns in her direction. It begins to approach her and she takes the time to really look at it. The familiar black and lime green paint, the emblem of a jaguar with bright yellow eyes stamped on the chest; it’s Aizawa’s and Yamada’s Jaeger.
The massive robot finally reaches her, its towering figure bending over to gently pick her up with one hand. The metal giant brings its hand up to the glass window where its eyes would be. The glass panel slides open and Azusa meets the dark eyes of the man she looks up to the most in her life.
“I’ll keep us steady, you go grab her, Shota!” Yamada calls out as he hits various switches and buttons.
Aizawa is quick to disengage from his harness, rushing over to scoop Azusa up into his arms, uncaring of her blood getting all over his suit. He brings her over to a corner of the Conn-Pod and carefully straps her to a spine board, worry filling his usually tired features.
“What were you even doing out here, kid?” He quietly asks, not really looking for an answer but getting one anyway.
“I just wanted to see Toya again..” Azusa brokenly whispers out just before the severity of her injuries catches up to her and she passes out.
Gasping like she couldn’t breathe the whole time, Azusa crashes back to reality. In a daze still, she disengages from her harness, swaying as her body threatens to give out on her. Her legs shake, then her knees buckle but before her body can hit the floor two strong arms catch her. Hands come up to rip off her helmet and she gulps in all the oxygen she can.
“Guess we’re even now, huh Princess?” Bakugo rasps out quietly from beside her and it’s then that Azusa registers the shouting through the Comms and the various alarms blaring.
“S-sorry,” Azusa whispers, leaning all of her weight against Bakugo.
“Don’t be.” The blonde states quietly instead of spitting out something snarky.
The doors to the Conn-Pod suddenly open causing Bakugo to jerk away from Azusa a bit. Without thinking, one of Azusa’s hands shoots out to grasp Bakugo’s arm, the fear of being left alone overriding her distaste for the blonde.
Footsteps approach the pair and Azusa instantly knows who it is, “Rangers, are you okay? Todoroki, can you stand?” Marshal Aizawa’s voice fills the newfound silence of the Conn-Pod.
“I’m fine,” Azusa says as Bakugo helps her stand. As soon as she’s up she steps away from him despite being shaky on her feet.
Bakugo sends her a confused look before fixing his features back to his usual look of annoyed disinterest, “Yeah, I’m good.”
Aizawa sends a weary glance to Azusa before sighing, “Okay, good. Both of you head back to your bunks, we’re done for the day. I’ll let Marshal Todoroki know what happened.” He states, sending Azusa a brief apologetic glance before turning to walk out of the Conn-Pod.
Bakugo turns slightly to look at Azusa, the scars on the right side of her face more noticeable than they were before. The rest of the memory plays through his head; Azusa waking up in the Hospital Bay, her mother and siblings being sent out of the room, and her father screaming at her for the next hour. Phantom feelings of emotional pain linger in his chest and it makes him grind his teeth.
“You sure you’re fine?” Bakugo asks with feigned disinterest despite his unwelcomed and genuine concern.
“Don’t worry about it, Bakugo. Forget that you saw anything.” Azusa says tiredly as she moves past him to leave the Conn-Pod, refusing to meet his eye at any point.
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Note ~ So, while I am still working on this fic, I want to write some more xReader one or two-parters so hit up that ask button, Lovelies! Drop a comment telling me how you're liking the story so far or if I missed any typos or if I need to add any more tags! Much love and appreciation, Lovelies! <3
Taglist ~ @tomiokasecretlover
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ghostbroccoli · 1 year
Katsuki Bakugo x reader (Angst and comfort for accidentally injuring reader.)
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Hello @stxrmylxve I'm responding to your comment about a minific about this. And I finished it. I hope it's enjoyable or comforting.(I just started writing a couple years ago but I wasn't spending a lot of my time writing)
You and Bakugo work as heros but your work is separate from the each others. Occasionally you and him have team-up missions.One day you got home early from work and were waiting for bakugo to come home. You had a feeling that today was going to be a hard and shitty day for him so you decided to cook him some of his favorite food. A couple hours after you finished and were setting the table, he slams the door open obviously annoyed and slams it shut before angrily taking off his shoes. You stop setting the table to go see what was wrong and to ask about his day. When you go to do so he walks past you with a deep glare on his face as he heads to the bed room to get changed and to decompress(relax). You follow him in there to go help him decompress but before you could enter the room he says "leave him alone." He said more like a warning, a beg to leave him be so he wouldn't get mad. Although you knew it was a warning your stubbornness to help your partner was to strong to leave him alone so you persisted. You walked over to him and sat on the bed starting to massage his back. He got annoyed. Then growled at you to "stop" before he stood up and walked out of the room. You were puzzled as to why he was avoiding you. You followed him and you continued to try to ask him about his day. Eventually he snapped "WHAT BY 'LEAVE ME ALONE' DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!" He yelled. You shrank back in fear but knew you had to be strong, so you yelled back at him. "WELL SORRY FOR CARING ABOUT HOW MY PARTNER'S DAY WENT!" He was trying to avoid this that's why he was avoiding you so it wouldn't result in an argument. "WELL MAYBE I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT MY SHITTY ASS DAY! He yelled in return. This went on for hours til eventually you accidentally slapped him to get him to shut up. He got pissed. He slapped you back way harder than you had slapped him. Before you could retailiate he grabbed your wrist while unconsciously activating his quirk leading to your wrist to start burning. "Ow shit Katsu you're burning me." Managed to get out while screaming in pain. He eventually realized he was hurting you and pushed you away from him. He looked down at his hands like he was a monster that had hurt the one that he loved all because he was to weak to talk about his day. To vent. He didn't want it to go this way. He was too afraid to look you in the eyes but he built up the courage to take accountability for his actions. When he looked up to make eye contact with you he could see tears streaming down your face as you held your wrist that had severe burn marks on it. He tried to get close to you but you backed away in fear. He had tears at the brim of his eyes. He was so sorry but he didn't know if you were going to willing to accept his apology. "I-I'm so sorry this is all my fault. I should have let you help me. I should have talked to you. I shouldn't have been so weak." He said his voice more of a whisper. You eventually walked slowly towards him giving him a hug. "And I'm sorry for being to stubborn to leave you alone. I just wanted to help make your day better." You whispered in response. He held you close to his chest scared that he might lose you. He released you from the hug and head to the bathroom to get the first aid kit to deal with your burns. He put ointment on it and bandaged it up for you. And for the rest of the night he kept you close to him. Peppering you with kisses and showering you with affection. You both fell asleep cuddling on the couch while watching one of your favorite TV shows.
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hi sry if this is a little weird but if you need a break from write Be mine or you finish could you write a fic about bakugo turning into a dog (because a villain attacked him w/ an animal quirk) and the reader has to take care of him?
the more I think about this the weirder it seems so u do have to write it if you don’t want to
Don't worry it's not weird at all! thanks for giving me something to foucuse on other than my series and i was quite shocked that you knew about it. Thx for the request <3
Cuddle puppy <3
Bakugo x Fem! reader | fluff, slight angst idrk | this is my first time writing a fanfic so if it sucks be quiet | Basically Bakugo gets hit with a quirk that turns him into a puppy making him ditch your plans.
“Is this your place?” asked Mina pointing to the tall apartment building ahead. It wasn't unusual for Mina to walk with you as you live in the same area, though on this trip to your house your other friend Jiro came along. 
“Awww look it’s a puppy” you and Mina cried in unison speed-walking towards it, Jiro following close behind.
“Ya know you can’t just pick up a stray and bring it home,” stated Jiro as Mina tried to pick up the feisty, baby golden Shepard. 
“Uuuugh I know” whined mina “...but know someone who could keep it… here y/n!” 
“What?” you stared dumbfoundedly as mina handed the puppy currently biting her uniform’s sleeve over to your arms. Bolting before you could refuse.
“See ya on Monday!” hollered Mina as she ran towards her house leaving you and Jiro in front of your apartment.
“Sorry but there's no way I'm keeping that,” said Jiro as she wandered off to the radio shop nearby -her primary intent of the trip here-
“I guess it’s just me and you little guy,” you sighed carrying the slightly less pissed small dog to your apartment.
 Just a few steps away, a bright red sign attached to the building caught your eye ‘NO PETS’ astonished that you had never noticed it before. But before you could properly form a half-decent plan a thin, wrinkled, old, staff member waltzed out of the building. You had talked to this woman a few times before and you knew she despised animals, especially dogs, claiming they were “too loud”. Not wanting to get kicked out you hid behind a nearby bush, brain scattered you did the unthinkable. You shoved the poor dog down your shirt. and when the old hag had turned her back you bolted through the entrance and into an elevator. Fate had left you lucky enough to get into an empty elevator, though not wanting to take any risks you quietly apologized to the seemingly silent dog. Thankfully still feeling it breathing and occasionally adjusting itself reassured you that you hadn't crushed it. After what felt like an eternity of awkwardly slightly getting your chest nipped and praying no one else gets on, you finally landed on your floor dashing through the hallway you stopped at 307, your apartment, and yours only. Your parents died in a villain accident many years ago so you are used to living alone, though the thought of finally having something living that can feel and display love made you feel happier. Gently shutting and locking the door behind you, taking off your red tie you scoop into your white button-down and pull out the puppy now realizing how messy it had gotten you. Dragging yourself and the dirt-engulfed raging fur ball to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Once you got the bath water to a decent temperature and amount of bubbles to not wreck your uniform further you started getting undressed. Even if it is just a dog you were not indecent enough to get naked instead you just left for a second to change into a swimsuit.  Clearly not impressed with previously being suffocated between your bust, when you returned in your f/c bikini the deviant of a dog pounced into the full bathtub leaving you covered in water and suds. This along with the earlier actions displaying this puppies personality you decided on what to name him, “ya’ know you remind me of my friend Bakugo” you huffed “but since it’d be weird to give you his actual name I’ll call you Katsu instead!” you’ve had a crush on Bakugo since day one and the closest you two ever gotten was being accepted into the bakusquad where he just barley tolerated you. You continued to muter to yourself not realizing how tranquil the dog had gotten after being given his name. Once the seemingly now calmed dog was washed and dried the ash-blonde dog sat there cozied up in your lap as you watched f/s when an ad popped up for pet supplies. That’s when it dawned on you, how could you keep a dog if you didn't have any food or, really anything on the matter. I mean you used dish soap to wash the poor thing! Thankfully, after rummaging around your apartment's room you had found a purse big enough for the dog to fit comfortably, as you slid through the building and out the front doors without being caught. Finally reaching the pet store you got just a few cheaper necessities being short on cash at the moment, food (you could use bowls at home), collar, leash, a small baggie of treats, and you thought maybe a toy or two would be nice. While you were deciding on either a rubber bone or one of those tugging rope thingies when a man tapped you on the shoulder. Sightly startled, you turn around instantly absorbed into his golden yellow eyes
 “uh, excuse me,” he said smiling, one hand grasping the back of his neck “but what is your name?” 
“Oh! It’s y/n!” you cheerfully stated.
“What a beautiful name,” you couldn't help but blush “though could I call you mine instead?”  This comment leaving you visibly flustered making him smile as you tried to find a way to say you were not interested without coming across as rude, you then realized you didn't have to as Katsu already hopped from your bag bitting the hemming of the left leg of his pants, too small to really do anything.
“Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry” you frantically apologized as you picked up the wriggling dog still trying to attack the stranger.
“Tch whatever maybe try to learn how to control your pets.” the man bluntly stated. Embarrassed you checked everything out and walked back to the apartment muttering under your breath. Back at the apartment you couldn't help but get rather annoyed at the puppy and it seemed he looked almost guilty. Dinner consisted of instant ramen and binging f/s while katsu sat there unsure of what to do. Should he give you space to snuggle next to you? You noticed how the dog was just standing there unsure yourself of what to do, you pat the cushion next to you inviting him to sit there. Katsu gladly obliged and lied his fluffy head on your thigh, ecstatic you weren't still mad at him. After hours of telling yourself one more episode, you finally checked the time. It was 2 am. Regret seeping into your tired body you carefully picked up the sleeping dog and walked to your bedroom. Where you gently placed him facing your back as you lay beside him unaware the quirk only lasts twelve hours. You felt the dog sift a bit as you were seconds away from drifting into your own slumber too, tired to notice the dog had wrapped his arms around you resting his head in the crook of your neck. Spooning you and whispering faint mumbles of I love you y/n. Mindlessly you whispered back I love you too Bakugo, thinking this was just a dream. Bakugo contently hummed to himself imagining how your face would look seeing him in your bed in the morning and how glad he was that this happened. I mean he got to see you half naked and have you all to himself for an afternoon.
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syngasm · 2 months
warnings : angst, breakup, sad ooc kiri
pairing : kirishima x gn!reader (and bakugo in the alt ending)
this made me SAD
“I love you.” Kirishima said, sliding the promise ring across the table, it’s been a year, he thinks it’s time. It’s his first time saying it to anyone besides family. He smiled and his heart fluttered, looking for signs of anything on your stoic expression.
He watched as your face moved into one of almost guilt, and somewhat disgust. His became shock as you didn’t say anything. Immediately, he took the ring back across the table and tried to pick at your brain. “What’s up? Why aren’t you saying it back?”
He cooked dinner, an amazing dinner with appetizers and dessert (he made a lava cake, and was hoping he could dine on you afterwards.), he didn’t understand where he went wrong.
“I don’t love you back.” You had to tell the truth, even if it broke your heart to see the expression he made, any inch of happiness on his face was gone, he was devoid of happiness in seconds.
His eyes welled up with tears, he tucks the ring back into his pocket, which he saved up for three months to buy. You felt as though you needed to explain. “I..It’s hard to commit to you, especially considering your quirks.”
His mouth visibly went dry, he picked up his glass and filled it with the wine, and gulped it down. “Right.”
“It’s not..well it is you, but I dunno. I’m sorry.”
“You should leave.” His voice shakes, he doesn’t look up from the bouquet that sat in your bag, the one he bought and that you called “Beautiful.”
“Please leave.” His hands came up to his mouth, holding each other over his lips. You want to fight, and you open your mouth to apologize again but he shakes with a sob that he clearly didn’t want you to see.
You leave the dining room with that, and the entire house.
A week later, his friends invite you out to lunch, looking at the text from Sero, you wince. Is this appropriate? Nonetheless, you just accept and get ready.
Upon arrival, they’re all inside. Bakugo’s just came back from extensive training, and the lunch was to celebrate.
Kirishima is also inside.
He stands slightly outside of the group, he looks hurt. His eyes show signs of that usual flare just missing. You still walk in, and the group looks at you, kinda unwelcome like. Sero walks from the other side of Bakugo to your side.
“I thought it’d be good to have them here too, as they can..make up.” He looks at Kirishima, who can’t tear his eyes away from you.
His nose flares, and getting a good look at him, his eyes are puffy like he’d been crying, bottom lip bitten raw, nose a tinge of pink, probably from wiping it.
“Sero.” Denki glares and then groans at the exhaustion, the other boy clearly doesn’t understand what he’s done wrong. “The wound is still fresh.”
He watches as the two of you just stare at each other, wondering who’s gonna look away first. Instinctively, you take a step forward, always finding comfort within him, and the friend group.
He takes a step back. “Why are you here?” It’s a shaky whisper, but his voice is more gone than it was just a week ago.
“They’re my friends too.”
Kirishima bites his lip, and crosses his arms. “I’ll leave then.”
Bakugo grabs his collar, but Kirishima shakes him off, leaving the restaurant. “It’s all your fault, what did you do? He won’t say anything, he just keeps crying.”
“I..I didn’t do anything.”
Bakugo huffs, and then pushed past you, going after Kirishima, who realized that Bakugo was his ride, and stood outside of the car.
“I’ll drop you off at home.” Bakugo says to him, as he gets in the car.
“Hey.” You speak, standing behind him in line for a movie. He doesn’t speak back, only shuffling closer to the group that shunned you.
“Cmon, Eijiro. Let’s be friends.”
You reach for his arm, and he moves it away. “We can’t be friends. I can’t just pretend like I wasn’t in love. You did this to me, why can’t you just leave me alone?”
His voice is clear, after a month. He still has redness on the face, but less like he’d been crying.
A year, since both the anniversary and the day that it ended. Strangely enough, you still think about him, the way he laughed and the way his skin would gleam under the sun.
The way he would barge in the bathroom and use the toilet, even if you were in the shower, and his little happy trail, which he also dyed red.
Sero stayed in contact, but not anyone else, Bakugo blocked you on everything, Denki leaves you (and everyone, to be fair) on read, and Mina’s phone is “off”.
Kirishima was Missing In Action.
very rushed ending, cus the ending i wrote i was iffy abt.
the other ending :
A notification comes in, @kirimaximus has posted on his story!
You click on it, a story posted three minutes ago. It’s a video of him and Bakugo. He’s laying in Bakugo’s lap, humming the tune to Bed Peace by Jhene Aiko, and Bakugo is playing the game, he starts whispering the words.
The caption says “my even shittier haired heart” with the fireheart. Then Bakugo posts it on his story with a reply “@kirimaximus shitty hair?? that’s all you ei.”
And Kirishima posted a reply to that. “@bakumaximus says the guy that was running his fingers through it (and pulling it last night)”
“@kirimaximus you literally should not post that on the internet.”
“@bakumaximus who’s gonna stop me, the instagram gods?”
“@kirimaximus didn’t you get banned”
“@bakumaximus i’m sorry instagram gods”
Just seeing their dynamic makes your eye twitch, and you go to text Kirishima.
“kiri wtf”
“why are u flirting with bakugo.”
*sent attachments*
You clicked on it, and it was a picture of Bakugo’s TV, the usernames “kiri’s rebound” and “baku’s situation” on a game you couldn’t recognize, and a picture of Bakugo’s ceiling mirror, both boys look stoned out of their minds, shirtless. They’re under the covers, Bakugo’s naked leg slung over the bed, as he looks up for the picture, and Kirishima taking the photo with his middle finger up.
“You tell me?”
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Switch Pt 10
An: I wish y'all knew what I was going through for this 😭 but it's finally here before the end of the year. The end of my very first fanfic. Whew! It was an undertaking for sure. Crazy that it's actually finished. I'm grateful for anyone who found it, reblogged it and read it all. Much much love and a happy new year to you all!
Genre: Romance, fluff, smut, angst
Cw: 18+ only (mdni), sexual activity, cuss words, talks of cheating, p in v, hospital imagery, lil bit of sadness, barely proofread
Synopsis: Aged up Married Pro hero!Deku, Bakugo and Uraraka.
The truth comes out
Masterlist is here!
“Do you know why he seems so weird?” Ochacho asked Deku once Katsuki disappeared into Kami’s hospital room.
“Yes,” Deku said carefully. He took her hands in his and pulled her to sit in the same chair Katsuki was sitting in not too long ago. He looked at her for a long moment trying to decide what he should say and he realized how long it had been since he just looked at her like this. Really looked at her. She looked sweet, she was sweet. But she was so full of life, full of fire. There was always something brimming beneath her kind demeanor. A fierceness he couldn’t quite match or tame. He chuckled realizing how obvious this all should have been.
“I had an affair with Kami.” He blurted, his voice as hushed as it could be in the busy hospital corridor. He could feel the tension in her hands. “And I know you had one with Kacchan.” Her face fell and he could just hear all the apologies that were about to come his way. “I’m not angry,” and of course that was the truth. He was never angry, could never be angry with her. “A bit hurt but I know why you did it. I can’t say it’s right but neither of us made the right decision. Katsuki didn’t give me details but I know you had an opportunity for something more than I could give you and you took it. I get it. Sometimes I’m more hero than man and I wish I could’ve been what you needed but I know it’s okay that I’m not.”
Ochaco looked stunned and sad. She looked away, bit her lip. The guilt was obvious. After a few moments, she finally spoke. “I have no excuse for what I did. I love you, of course, I do. But being with him is so different. He got me to think about what I wanted and that was so satisfying. And then at times he was so sweet with me…” She buried her face in her hands. “Shit.”
He let out a chuckle. “He really did a number on you, huh?” When she didn’t answer he went on. “I felt the same way. I was actually so selfish. I really only thought about what I wanted when I took the chance to have it. In fact, Kami had to stop me from taking it way too far! But that didn’t really matter in the end.” He sighed, considering how honest to be. But he wanted no more secrets. “I’m in love with her.”
Ochaco immediately raised her head. “In love with Kami?” He couldn’t tell what she could be thinking as her teeth worried over her lip. “Does she…feel the same?” She finally asked.
He slumped down further into his chair thinking about it. At one point, he thought she did. But she never said it. And he started to think maybe it was all in his head. “I don’t know. We’ve never talked about it. It wasn’t really possible to pursue, you know?” He realized he was being so cavalier about all of this and felt the need to clarify. “Bubble, I hope you don’t think I ever lied to you about us.”
She met his eyes, hers full of surprise and sadness. “No, Deku. I know.” He watched her eyes well up. “I’m sorry, I didn’t handle this well. We were working on things and I really fucked it up anyway. I went behind your back and that wasn’t fair. I’ve been hating myself this whole time because I didn’t want you to hate me. I didn’t want to think about the impact of it all and, seriously, you falling in love is nothing I ever expected but I can’t say I’m not glad for it. For you. I always wanted you to be happy even when I was fucking up, even if it wasn’t with me. I sound like a terrible person.”
His smile was sardonic. “I won’t say you cheating on me didn’t hurt. But I think you were so distant and I was so caught up with myself that it was easy to give myself to someone else. That part I don’t regret. Even if she may not feel the same, I can see what I need too.” He ran his hands over his face. His fatigue was catching up to him.
“I think I know what you mean.” He shifted to watch her speak. “Katsuki is…abrasive like always but he’s a lot more than I thought. He challenges me and makes me feel…free somehow. And he does care but he’s not overbearing about it. You and I make sense as a couple because we’re so alike but with him he’s so different that it’s exciting.” She looked dreamy as she spoke but quickly flinched realizing what she was saying. “Sorry. I don’t know how much of this you wanted to hear.”
“No, it’s good. I’ve only ever wanted you happy and a lot of the time I doubted that I could be the one to do that for you. I suppose I was right." A sad smile settled over his lips. "But to know someone can do it gives me a sense of relief."
"I feel the same way, Izuku. If Kami loves you, which there's no way she doesn't, then…that's amazing.”
She gave him a sad smile and he started to chuckle in disbelief at their situation. Both of them cheated on each other and fell for the other person. Or at least he thought so, but to be sure... “Are you in love with him?”
She blinked and sniffled as her cheeks darkened. “Um…I don’t know. I mean our last time seeing each other was so confusing. He made me feel so amazing and so low at the same time. I think I do have feelings for him though.” She wouldn’t meet Deku’s eyes.
He chuckled. “I think he has feelings for you too. It might take time for him to admit it but he’ll get there.”
She sat there in silence for a bit, color covering her face, before she asked, “Do you think we’ll all be okay?”
He thought about it. “Yeah. Yeah, I do. If nothing else, we have each other. Always.”
That was incredibly optimistic, something she didn’t know she could share but she expected nothing less from him. And in a way it was comforting. But now that her body was beginning to relax, she could feel her exhaustion. She found herself craving her bed, although for how long it would remain her bed she had no idea. “I think I’m going to go home.” She mumbled.
Deku nodded. “I think I’ll stay.”
They gave each other tired smiles. She stood and he stood with her. They hugged because it felt right.
“Deku,” Kami tried to coax him awake. His head had been resting on the rail on her bed and she knew he’d get a crick in his neck. “Deku, wake up.” She nudged him gently. He groaned in response and she laughed. “I know you’re not comfortable. Come on, wake up.” She nudged more forcefully this time.
He pulled himself up, finally rubbing his eyes before he opened them. “Okay, I’m up.” The hospital room was darker now with moonlight and the displays from various machines providing the only light. She smiled sleepily at him as his eyes settled on her. “Hi, baby,” he smiled back.
Her heart thrilled hearing him call her that. It meant he still thought of her the way he used to.
“I can’t believe you stayed. I can’t believe they let you.” She spoke almost in a whisper as if speaking any louder would disturb the lovely dream they were in.
“Of course I did. I think they know who I am. Did you not want me to?”
She hated that he asked. “No, I’m happy you stayed.”
“Then I’m happy you’re happy.” He rested his head back on the railing except now he was fully awake giving her his full attention.
“How are you feeling?”
He chuckled. “I think I’m supposed to be asking you that. But I’m okay for now. How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay, too. Sad though.”
“Why are you sad?”
“You’re leaving,” She muttered. She ran a finger over his arm lightly.
He sat up a little straighter as he sighed. He caught her hand in his and stroked the back of her hand with this thumb. “I keep telling myself it’s for the best.”
“Is it really though? I mean my husband is in love with your wife and I-” She stopped short and his eyes shot to hers, wide and piercing even in the dark. She realized she hadn’t had a chance to tell him how she felt about him but he had to know. She sat up a bit more herself and Deku watched her adjust, just waiting. “‘Zuku,” She kissed the back of his hand. “I-I’m so in love with you. It scares me but it’s true. I don’t want to be afraid of it because you don’t seem like you are but you’re also leaving and-”
He pulled her into a searing kiss that wiped her mind clean. It felt like it had been years since they last kissed and her emotions came bubbling to the surface. Tears ran down between their faces and he only held her closer. When he finally pulled back enough to look into her eyes, she could see that he was steady and certain. “Baby, of course I’m afraid,” he chuckled and it was light with relief. “I’m fucking terrified. Especially because I thought I was ruining everyone’s lives.”
“Well now you’re just ruining mine,” She pouted and sniffled. She meant it jokingly but she also meant it to a degree.
He gave her a sad smile as the thumb from the hand still resting on her cheek stroked over her skin.”I’m ruining mine too. Unless you want to come with me.” He said it lightly, like a joke, like it was wishful thinking.
“Take me.” She said, with no hesitation.
His brows pushed together and his mouth twisted as if to say be serious. “Don’t be silly.”
“I’m not. Okay maybe I am but I mean it. Take me with you.”
“Kami,” he sat back away from her and that left her feeling chilly. “You can’t leave everything for me.”
Her face crumpled but she laughed as she spoke around more tears. “You pretty much are everything to me.” He shook his head slowly in disbelief but she could see the hope he tried to hold back. Understanding that completely, she pushed on. “What’s here for me? Watching Katsuki and Ochaco get some kind of happily ever after while I pine away for you? My job isn’t even all that important. Not like you big heroes. I love my friends but I know I’d miss you more than anything.” As she said it, she realized how true it was. Her life wasn’t bad. It was stable and easy. But what would it be without him?
He reached for her again, his hands sliding over her cheeks as he rested his forehead against hers. He shook his head again slowly. “How do you know I’m worth all of that? I can’t be,” he lamented.
She laughed. “Deku, I know I was scared of the risk. I was scared of getting found out and losing everything so I left you instead.” She reached up to touch his face too. “And I’ve regretted it every day since. I don’t think I care anymore, especially after this, after waking up here and having you be the first thing on my mind even before I opened my eyes. It was stupid not to just be honest with you.”
“No, no. I know why you weren’t. To be honest, I thought it was stupid for me to nearly slip up and tell you. It was all too impulsive. No plan for anything after that. I just knew I loved you and I wanted you.”
“I wish I had let you tell me.” Kami whispered. “I wish I could have heard it back then.”
“You looked okay without me before,” he whispered back. “I thought…I thought we were really done.”
She chuckled. “I couldn’t just walk around looking miserable. That would’ve caused more questions.”
He stared at her for a moment. “You’d really come with me?” His voice was still hushed and tense.
“If you let me. Would you?”
His eyes welled as he started to sob softly. “Of course I would. I’d love to take you anywhere with me.” He hugged her as tight as he could to him while she was still hooked up in her hospital bed and she held on tightly to him. Relief flooded into her at his words. And when he clutched her in a hard kiss, she knew no matter what, she would follow him anywhere.
“Surprise!” Deku uncovered her eyes after they stepped into the living room of Kami’s house.
“Deku,” she laughed. “What is this?”
There was a banner hanging up over the kitchen entrance, welcoming her home. On the floor, Deku piled thick blankets in front of the coffee table that was covered with different snacks. On the couch, he laid out pajamas for them both. He shrugged. “You’re ‘welcome home’ picnic. I know the doctor said to take it easy. Do you like it or is it dumb?”
“Deku,” She planted her hands on his chest as she lifted up on her toes to kiss him. “I love it. Really. I can’t wait to relax and watch movies with you.”
His hands came up to her waist as he relaxed and kissed her back. “Okay, baby. Let’s get changed and we can get right to it.” He guided her to the couch and she smiled to herself at the matching green pajamas he picked out for them.
“I’m realizing how corny I am now that you’re here,” he laughed nervously and blushed a bit.
“I wouldn’t have you any other way. I love them. But I may need your help.” Kami’s head and body were still a bit tender after the accident and from lying in a bed for days.
“Sure, of course.” He gingerly tugged her shirt over her head and it made her heart swell in appreciation for his sweetness. After he pulled her shirt away, she couldn’t help but kiss him before he reached for her pants. He smiled at her and she kissed him again, soaking in the warmth from his body and personality. There was nothing but love for her from him and now that she had it again, she refused to let it go. She meant it to be a cute kiss, sweet but her breathing quickened as her body reacted to him pulling her close. Their kisses were languid and naturally, her mouth opened to him. Like muscle memory their tongues met and she could hear his low moan.
“God, I missed you,” he muttered, his voice tight. “But I know we can’t…do anything. I gotta calm down,” he chuckled.
He tried to put distance between them but she held tight to his arms. “I think if we just…take it easy…” Kami tried to reason through her now hazy mind.
He laughed. “Such a bad influence. But I can’t say I don’t want it like you do.” His hand slid slowly down her body and dipped beneath the waistband of her pants. He found his way into her underwear and gently brushed over the top of her clit. Her body tensed. She was more sensitive than she thought she’d be, which seemed perfect for taking it easy. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” She nodded and bit her lip. “I don’t know about you but I haven’t had sex since the last time we did,” he mumbled.
“Really?” She was gasping at the light strokes.
“Really, so this should be interesting.” He chuckled. “Would you be okay with being on top? You could be in control and just move your hips back and forth.”
He removed his pants and hers before sitting on the floor in front of the couch and leaning back against it. He pulled her into his lap and she slid her covered slit over his already hard cock. They both moaned. He rested his hands on her hips and gently guided her over him. She laced her fingers behind his neck and kissed him, meeting his tongue with hers.
He sucked in a sharp breath. “You know I’m not usually rough with you unless you want it but I’m just so happy to have you back in my arms, it’s not hard not to think of going crazy with you.”
She laughed. “I know what you mean. If I wasn’t so achy, I would be bouncing on you as hard as I can.”
His eyes darkened hearing that. “This is okay though? You’re okay?”
“Yes, I want more,” she muttered, moving to kiss and nip at his neck.
He groaned and his head fell back as he pulled himself free of his boxers. “Take it, then. Please.”
His words pierced her core, spreading heat all over as she pulled her panties to the side. She rubbed her bare skin against him a couple more times, driving them both a little crazy before she slowly started to take him in. She was already incredibly wet which wasn’t hard to believe.
He chuckled breathlessly. “As it is, you’ll be going slow for me. Oh my God. Was it always like this?”
“Yes, it was. Every fucking time.” She took him in a little deeper and she felt his thighs bunch beneath her. He hissed and she could see him trying to hold himself together. It made her take him in even farther. The stretch was intense but fulfilling. Her spine was tingling just from feeling him inside of her.
“Baby,” his breathing was labored as he reached forward and put a thumb to her clit. “Are you okay?”
She choked out a laugh. “Are you okay?”
He smiled up at her. “I’ve withstood far worse.”
“What about far better though?” She sank all the way down, their thighs meeting.
His mouth fell open and he pinched his eyes shut.
“Deku,” she panted. “Look at me, I missed you.”
He opened his eyes to slits. “Fuck, I missed you, too. So much.”
She shifted her hips forward and he groaned. She kissed him as she slowly moved her hips. She felt so full, so warm as they moved together. He was reaching places inside of her that were reaching far beyond just between her legs. But it still wasn’t enough. “This is killing me already.”
“I know what you mean. I could move if you want me to. Thrust up while you stay still. I won’t do anything crazy.”
She could see the effort it was taking him not to do it already. She nodded. “Do it, please.”
“Let me know if I’m holding you too hard,” he said just as he took her hips in a vice grip, supporting the full weight of her upper body. She couldn’t really move if she wanted to. They readjusted and he tested a full slide up into her reaching all the way in, causing them both to gasp. “Yes,” he hissed as he slid nearly all the way out and back in. He picked up speed, finding a steady pulse. “Does it feel good?” She nodded, at a loss for words. “Good, because you feel perfect. So perfect. You are perfect.” He started rambling. “I love you. I love your body. I love being inside of you. I just love everything about you.”
She snaked a hand down to rub her fingers over her clit and Deku reacted in excitement, pulsing faster. She knew her legs were already begging to give out but the pain was an afterthought compared to the pleasure swimming through her veins.
“Baby, please tell me you’re close.”
Kami’s eyes had fallen closed and her body started to tense. “Deku, fuck, I love it. Love the way you make me feel. Love you.” She panted as she chased the high that was within reach.
His mouth was closed but he moaned loud anyway. He was coming then, hips thrusting fast, and she followed right behind him, stars behind her lids, heat and pleasure enveloping her as she was flooded with sensations. He let his body sag against the floor and he pulled her down on top of him, resting her head on his shoulder. He stroked a hand over her hair. “Was that okay?”
“It was great.” She folded her hands over one another on his chest and rested her chin on them as she smiled lazily up at him.
“I think you telling me you loved me sent me over the edge.” He laughed and she joined him.
“Good, then I’ll just have to keep saying it.” She leaned up to kiss him. “I love you, Deku.”
“I love you, Kami.” He wrapped her up in his arms and she knew this is what she wanted forever to look like, being in his arms, soaking in his warmth and listening to his heart beat for her.
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