#top fashion lifestyle brands
vyapaarjagat · 2 years
KAPDEWALA is founded by Akash Sharma: a lifestyle fashion brand
KAPDEWALA is founded by Akash Sharma: a lifestyle fashion brand
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affluenceandgrace · 2 years
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vrushabhbabariya · 5 months
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Your brand is your identity. Make it unforgettable!
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marjanbaby01 · 2 years
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J Kara Women's Sleeveless Beaded Pop Over Long Dress with Scarf its excellent dress with lots of color and size
Fabric Type……..100% Polyester
Care Instructions……….Dry Clean Only
Closure Type………Zipper
To visit click the below link:
<<J Kara Women's Sleeveless Beaded Pop Over Long Dress with Scarf >>
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sultaul20 · 1 year
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Sports T-Shirts Get Comfortable Stylish Find your perfect T-shirt for sports & shop now!
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russhandy · 1 year
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MIHOLL Women’s Long Sleeve Tops Lace Casual Loose Blouses T Shirts.
Polyester+ Spandex
Zipper closure
Hand wash or machine wash in laundry bag
High quality lace, Soft to touch and breathable, We accept 30 days money back!
Casual Long Sleeve tops, crew neck, ballon sleeve with lace arms, knit top, solid, raglan shirt, loose fit t shirts
Long sleeve shirt with lace design, provides a flattering and elegant look. shows good figure
Fashion ballon sleeve, easy dress up or down. Perfect to paired with shorts, skinny jeans, boots, leggings for a chic look
This womens top is very trendy and cute, suitable for casual, going out, school, office, daily wear, suit for all seasons
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punkpandapatrixk · 9 months
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✨THAT GIRL ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
‘I know everything has its time and you cannot compete with destiny, is what I say. What I thought I wanted when I was younger, it wasn’t my time to have. I wanted to work with Calvin Klein—I did the fashion shows but I never did the ads. So it took me 34 years to do an ad. And, I said, “Okay. It’s okay. That’s my time.”’ – Naomi Campbell
Hey, Gorgeous~♥︎
Why do I get the feeling your fabulous era is coming fast? There’s this thing with Divine Timing, you know. As you work daily on yourself to become a vibrational match to your D E S T I N Y✨ the time will come when the world is ready to witness your S P A R K L E S✨
Your Light is needed by this world, in whatever capacity you feel a resonance with and in whatever fashion you find most exciting! We each have our divine time to be seen and heard. We can’t rush the caterpillar to grow into a butterfly, right? Often, there’s a painstaking process there. So what to do in the meantime? Become THAT GIRL you’ve always known yourself to be🌷
Who are you at the core of your being, Girl? Basically, if you nurture aspects of yourself that feel natural to you, you’ll discover that the key to your Destiny has always been in your hand. You just need to explore your potentials, experiment with yourself, test your limits and expand your horizon until you find the DOOR that’s the right fit for your key🚪🗝️
Live for yourself. Do whatever you wanna do and find yourself in the midst of novelty and temptation. So that you find your UNIQUE strength from within.
All in Divine Timing. Your fabulous era is coming~🦋
SONG: ♥︎Lonely in Gorgeous♥︎ by Tommy february6
SERIES: Paradise Kiss (2005)
[PAC Masterlist] [Part 1] [Part 2]
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Pile 1 – That Happy-Go-Lucky Girl
VIBE: Hot Summer by f(x)
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the most UNIQUE thing about you, babe – 8 of Pentacles Rx
ADMIT IT. You loathe the idea of ‘hard work’. Gosh, the world is full of wonders and humanity has found a way to invent boredom and be depressed! You are definitely a Faery Soul. You have a unique, more sensitive point of view which causes the whole notion of ‘hard work’ to get over your head. Why work and not just play? Why is it so impossible for people to embrace lightheartedness and just, BE, happy? You just want to dip yourself in pastel glitter all day long.
For one, you’re definitely a rebel—whatever your style may be. You have so little regard for rules if you’re being honest. If anything, you make your own rules after careful testing and experimentation. That’s what you do with fashion as well. Fashion is fickle, but style is forever. And to you, there can be more than one style that you can call your own. You don’t like to limit yourself when it comes to things you can do, try or wear.
You can be like a chameleon and you love that fluidity/flexibility of yours. But on top of that, you’re also transformative. You’re a highly creative soul who has a penchant for reinventing your personal brand over and over again. You’re the brazen type that can rock ANY style and people still say, ‘That’s totally THAT GIRL’S style no matter what she does/wears!’ You possess a really strong, magnetic, energy signature.
path of least resistance – 8 of Wands Rx
Your aenergy is reminding me of famous rebels of Harajuku. Harajuku is a tiny, tiny, tiny patch of the entire fabric of Japanese society, but the creative souls who dwell there exude such POWERFUL aura. Exactly because they have a rebellious energetic signature that they express rather unapologetically😊
These are the rebels who know they’re meant to carve out a lifestyle of their own in the midst of Japan’s disgusting policy of conformity. The 8 of Wands in reverse here is literally representing the notion of a koi fish that swims upstream to become a dragon… or something like that. This is a Kafkaesque energy! You go the other way, baby—don’t follow the crowd because even they don’t know where they’ll end up!
The more you try to conform and follow what everyone else is doing, the more miserable and unlucky you become! Because doing so is against the policy of your Faery Soul’s authenticity. Whatever line of occupation you are interested in—genuinely interested in—I just know you’re meant to do your ‘job’ playfully, creatively, lightheartedly, passionately, and BEAUTIFULLY. Whatever you do, it’s pointless if you’re not surrounded by BEAUTY.
accept yourself glamorously!♥︎ – King of Swords Rx
Ay ay, don’t use too much logic, babe. You’re magic🧚🏻‍♀️Your intuition is more reliable than your intellect, trust yourself on this one. You possess this peculiar type of intelligence that is fuelled by passion from your heart. That said, your gut instinct is also that much stronger than your capacity for cognitive calculation. Hope that makes sense. You are essentially an otherworldly being. Though you may often feel like you’re a chaotic pile of confusion because of that.
Actually, you have spidey senses that help you notice a lot of things all at once and you don’t always know how to explain that. You just, absorb so much information from visual cues, auditory cues, and other invisible cues you pick up from the collective or aether. There’s always so much going on inside you because of this. But you’re just processing all of that information, so don’t worry, you’re not as chaotic as you think😆This is a SUPERPOWER!
You just need time to learn to accept this superpower and use it to your advantage. Didn’t Peter Parker also go through some hardships in the beginning? Before he knew how to use his new mutant powers? Yeah, something like that. Go do your weird shit and be a maverick. That’s how you become a vibrational match to your SPARKLY DESTINY🌟
the Hand of Destiny – Priestess of Enchantment
tick tock tick tock VOILA~♥︎ – Priestess of Divination
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Pile 2 – That NU IT Girl
VIBE: LA chA TA by f(x)
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the most UNIQUE thing about you, babe – 10 of Wands Rx
With you, there’s a strong energy of a debutante girl who kinda just popped out of nowhere, springing forth from obscurity. The reality though, is that you worked really hard to grow into this new IT GIRL in town. Your hustle tends to be unseen by others. I’m guessing you have significant placements in the 8th House and 12th House; or those energies ruled by Scorpio/Pluto and Pisces/Neptune.
I think you genuinely like it that way though. Keep ‘em guessing, is your motto. It’s entertaining to you when people can’t figure out how you’re, YOU. Let the mystery of your growth keep ‘em speculating. You love it when people can’t stop talking about you. You don’t even mind the gossip. As long as all attention is on you~ You’ve got the whole world wrapped around your fingers~
You gravitate towards luxury and you love trends. It’s like, following trends is the only way you feel like you still belong to the Human Race. Unless you do so, you feel left out because you’re a real hustler HAHAH You tend to isolate yourself to study and work on building your empire. Though you may seem shallow to those who just know you on a surface level, I think pretending to be normal like this exhausts the living shit out of you.
path of least resistance – IX The Hermit Rx
You’re probably more spiritually attuned than you let out. Especially if you have significant 8th House/Scorpio or 12th House/Pisces qualities to you. Because of this, you tend to be a hermit, enjoying doing your own thing at your pace. Your inner world is more interesting than the outer world full of shallow and stupid people. You can’t stand that their ambitions are so tiny LMAO
However, it does seem like you can sometimes get obsessive with your studies or work. This is giving me that vibe of someone who’s become so comfortable in the darkness they get blinded once the curtains are lifted. You remind me of Sherlock Holmes played by Robert Downey Jr. A smart, calculating, strategizing weirdo who isn’t that great at social settings🤣
Of all the Piles, you seem the least in need of this kind of reading—because you already have a strong sense of self. You seem to me like you have your identity established already. You’re clear about your likes and interests and these aren’t going to change easily. I think this is partly why you can be into trends—all for you to feel like you’re less boring. Hahah I don’t think you’re boring; you’re timeless, babe✨
accept yourself glamorously!♥︎ – 7 of Wands
With your heightened sense of class and timelessness, you could be prone to envy and jealousy, right? You’re essentially someone who’s incredibly blessed, on top of that, you’re hard working. It’s only natural so much good fortune is bestowed upon you. You’re a go-getter. You aren’t afraid to claim your prizes. And I think you should honour and protect this with your life.
Having said that, I still get this feeling that your Higher Self wants you to share your burdens with someone trustworthy. If you could surround yourself with a tiny inner circle of Soul Friends, that’d be more than enough. It’s good to have a few friends you can count on. But if your trust has been broken and your faith wounded, this could take some time to heal, so that’s also understandable.
The most important thing is that you never settle for less in your friendships and even business relationships. You don’t have to ask for much; you just need to ask for what’s true. I have a feeling when you’re older you will be blessed with amazing rendezvous with a bunch of your Soul Family. Until then, enjoy shining on your own terms. You’re IT~
the Hand of Destiny – Priestess of Prosperity
tick tock tick tock VOILA~♥︎ – Priestess of Faith
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Pile 3 – That Transcendent Alien Girl
VIBE: NU ABO by f(x)
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the most UNIQUE thing about you, babe – 5 of Pentacles Rx
As per usual, Pile 3 often carries an alien vibe—in this case, almost robotic. You’re futuristic and avantgarde in the way you think, do or say things. With two Major Arcana, I can’t help but mention that you’re likely a Starseed or a Lightworker. Being one usually means you’ve had to face many oppositions in Life to get you all prepped up for your Destiny! What are you gonna do about it? Refuse your tasks and let the whole rotten world kill your Light? Hell nah.
What’s incredibly interesting about you is your morality. You have a super strong sense for justice and you carry yourself with high standards of morality. It’s just…because you’re an alien, what is moral to you might not always agree with the convention. You’re the type of person who notices how justice in this world is totally broken. I’m not even talking about a nation’s justice system—I’m talking about the general sense of what’s right and wrong for reward and punishment.
You’re the type that on the inside could be like Genghis Khan, Joseph Stalin or the Joker and Harley Quinn. You aren’t afraid to blow a damage to someone or a situation that’s been unfair. Your being chaotic, destructive, or simply disruptive as a punishment, is what’s JUST in your book of morality. I’m reminded of the story of the German Revenge Mother, so yeah… That’s real justice because this world’s moral compass looks terribly like a joke to you.
‘I am the punishment of God... If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.’ – Genghis Khan
path of least resistance – I The Magician Rx
Because your energetic signature is very alien, you’re a born eccentric. No matter what you do, you’re just…abnormal. Different. Depending who sees you, you’re either an inspiration or an eyesore. You can’t help it. You stand out too much. Those who see you as an inspiration though, usually feel so because your example (or your stories) gives them a sense of validation.
You clearly don’t belong; but you’re carefully doing your own thing; carving out your very own existence; establishing your place in the world through sharing and flaunting your unique talents. THAT is incredibly validating for other rebels, eccentrics, and outcasts who are similar in vibe to you. You are a powerful creator—a Magician—whether or not you’re aware of this at present.
Have you ever had this crazy feeling on the inside, that sometimes, you’ve felt like your moods affect the local weather near you? Or maybe you’ve caused electricity to go haywire when your emotions are heightened? Have you felt like your hands sometimes cause batteries to run out faster? Do you get electric shocks a lot even when the thing you’re touching shouldn’t be a natural conductor for electricity? Wood or even plastic?
Bitch, you possess a crazy amount of creator energy in you. Sometimes it leaks as sparks of insanity in the physical realm because that amount of potent energy needs to be moved. Remember: energy can’t be created or destroyed; it can only be moved or transferred. You were born with this insanity because you’re an alien. You’re more than capable of handling it. All of that is just needing you to learn to channel IT properly into passionate pursuits that can benefit Humanity~♥︎
accept yourself glamorously!♥︎ – VI The Lovers
I know you get shy sometimes. Thinking that your dreams and visions are too cringe or too wild, too crazy. But you wouldn’t even be able to perceive those visions if you weren’t capable of manifesting them. So, there’s a reason for that. And more likely than not, you’re meant to see it through that those visions become Reality. As for the cringe part…
Aish, your imaginations just need polishing. They’ll get better as you refine your senses and develop your tastes. Your Reality is bound to be more high-quality eventually LMAO Trust yourself for that! All great artists also started out quite pathetic if you compare their masterpieces to their pre-debut, or even debut, works. The manifestation of your desires is also a form of Art like that.
The more you merge with your Higher Self the more this will make sense. In the meantime, what you’re meant to be focusing on is your Lower and Higher Selves integration. The Human and the Spirit, ah I mean, the Human and the Alien merging as one navigating existence in this Earth Matrix😉
the Hand of Destiny – Priestess of Ritual
tick tock tick tock VOILA~♥︎ – Priestess of Beauty
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rebirth-eliphas · 3 months
”happy victims"
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In 2008, Kyoichi Tsuzuki documented the fashion brand addiction of young japanese collectors. Through HAPPY VICTIMS, he gives us an insight into their collection, and interior. By putting an interview next to each photograph, he also brings us some explanations about their behavior.
"People find my photos of fashion victims interesting because such top-of-the-line items coexist with their less-than-fabulous everyday lifestyles, all very matter-of-factly. To see top people surrounded top goods by might make people jealous, while the lowest of the low scraping the very bottom of the barrel is merely painful to look at. But when things mix that normally don’t go belong together, now that’s the stuff of excitement and inspiration."
Cr: https://www.disposableteenz.com/single-post/2019/10/19/happy-victims-you-are-what-you-buy-1
this series of photos were taken to warn people about over consumption, I see a lot of people glamorize these pictures or say they’re "goals" and it upsets me! ethical over consumption is still over consumption. That’s something I don’t think many j-fashioners realize :(
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 3 months
If you look at the trademark application for American Riviera Orchard, you’ll see that she’s trademarking it through a newly registered in Delaware company called Mama Knows Best, LLC.
Infact when you dig into the domain names etc, it seems this was thrown together last minute aka 2months ago after KC3/ PssoW C’s illnesses were announced. They are using PR to pretend they were working on it for an entire year, but even Scobie said they had nothing or whatever they had was all over the shop and he had no idea what it would be.
His comments don’t speak to a focused vision that is researched into whatever this is.
And what’s glaring about this launch is the lack of anything to sell. Not videos or actual products which speaks to the theory that this wax thrown together very quickly.
Russell Myers from the Mirror says if you sign up to the website, you get a respinse telling you that you’ll be notified of products when they are created/ available……if this was a year in the making and with proper marketing/ PR people, they’d have products ready to go. What it is right now is a landing/ holding page ( comments turned off on IG) until it produces products. 
It’s also interesting that the video is showcasing cooking which Markle tried to manifest for years while dating Corey. She auditioned and or popped up on varioys cooking shows/ fashion segments hoping to be hired. Acvording to people magazine, this launch of a lifestyle brand will have a companion show on Netflix. If Network tv won’t hire her for dream job then she’ll use her distribution deal to make it happen aka pay herself to make it happen!!!
However, one thing she revealed which tells me she has no clue about aspirational lifestyles/ branding. Her home kitchen hasn’t been updated from the dated 2000s/ early 2010s decor. It’s tye same kitchen from the sales brochure. 
Infact, glimpses of their home show a distinct lack of updating from the sales brochure. The onpy room thry updated is the one with the dining table as desk and their two side by side chairs. They removed all furniture and painted it white and addedva jute rug and that california bear poster over the fireplace. 
The current trend in kitchens for the wealthy is marble counter-tops and sleek designs meanwhile she’s displaying faux country/ italianate kitchen from the 90s. 
The women she is cosplaying eg GOOP, Martha and Ina Garten have upgraded to the current trend in kitchens. GOOP showed off her new kitchedn in AD. Heck, JLO is showing off her sleek kitchen. 
That they haven’t updated their house to their taste is what I laugh about the most. Are they really that cash-poor? Do they really have that much debt that they can’t afford to redo anything? Surely Markus and Soho House can cough up a few million to keep her happy, and when the Sussexes default on the loans, they can make Soho Olive Garden, a Californian spinoff of Soho Farmhouse. Win-win, if you ask me.
meanwhile she’s displaying faux country/ italianate kitchen from the 90s. ➡️ Remember, Meghan’s whole aesthetic is 90s. Of course she wants the Italian Country kitchen.
And thanks, anon. You’ve just reminded me of a house I looked at when I was moving back in 2022. The homeowners were so into that Italian Country Kitchen theme that they PAINTED the entire kitchen like it was a rustic Italian restaurant. You know you go into a family-owned Italian mom-and-pop place (not a chain like Olive Garden or Maggianos, but something like your neighborhood Italian pizza place) and it’s got that orangey-beige sponge paint that’s supposed to mimic sandstone and there’s a huge wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling mural of Italy and dusty fake vines hanging from decorative columns? Yeah, that was how this kitchen was painted. Even the cabinets. And that was not even the weirdest house I looked at by a mile.)
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This weeks harajuku fashion style is Mori kei!!!
History of mori kei:
Mori girl was founded by a woman named choco on mixi (japanese facebook) in 2006 but this particular style has existed even before its recognision, choco just gave that style a name. Mori stands for forest in japanese and it translates to forest girl. There were several rules created for mori girl, which even the ogs of that style didnt follow completly. In 2012 mori girl was renamed to be mori kei to be more inclusive of its sub-styles
Rise to popularity
After the mori girl mixi group was created, many people started to participate in that style and street photographers began to feature them more often in their magazines. There were also several magazines and issues completly dedicated to mori kei such as: spoon, mori girl lesson and fudge. There was also music created that was inspired by the mori girl style and an anime named honey and clover which features the main character wearing this style.
In 2013-2014 most mori style stores have shutdown because of its decrease in popularity over the years and popular mori kei personalities have deactivated their blogs. Mori kei is still alive but its not as popular as it was before.
Mori kei never seriously relied on brand clothing, but there are still some brands that make/made mori kei styled clothing and this includes:
•Wonder rocket-was the most recognisible Mori brand and opened in 2007 and shutdown after ten years.
•DearLi- a chinese company that has been and is known for its past mori fashion lines
•Q-pot accessoires
•Earth,music & ecology
and many more which you can find on:
Fashion rules
•Natural fabrics: such as cotton and lace
•Natural colors: creams, browns, white, natural greens, light blues and light pinks
•Natural/ nature inspired patterns: flower patterns, nature patterns or even small stripes
•Layers: asymetrical layers, multiple dresses and/ or skirts. For a boyish silhouette: baggy pants, many shirts, scarves and sweaters
•Natural hair
•Minimal or no makeup
•nature themed accessoires: mushroom necklaces, flower crowns and etc.
•practical shoes
•Dark mori: less popular, darker colorscheme, often confused with the western style Strega.
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•Mori boy: masculine appereance, focuses less on light, airy and feminine materials such as lace. Features darker colorschemes.
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•Hama kei: (ocean style)
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•Yama kei (mountain style)
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•Mori gyaru
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•Practical mori
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•Over the top mori
•Trendy mori (also known as street mori)
•Simplistic mori
•Bohemian mori
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•Shabby chick mori
•Dolly mori
•Cult party mori
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•Lolita mori
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•Romantic mori
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Mori kei doesnt really have a lifestyle to follow but I recommend checking this mori kei blog which gives you an idea of a mori kei lifestyle: https://idontknowmuchbutimlearning.blogspot.com/p/navigation.html?m=1
Credits for the information
•japanese fashion wiki
Photos: pinterest
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pinky-glitz · 2 years
ᴍɪʀʀᴏʀ | ʙ. ᴋᴀᴛsᴜᴋɪ
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Tags: Sugar baby!reader, Dilf!Bakugou, Impact play, choking, oral!male receiving, cream-pie, d*gradation, mirror seggs, Daddy kink
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Yeah, you were a woman who loved the finest things in life, the newest fashion brands, the most expensive jewelry, wanting nothing more than to be draped in silk and pearls and driving the most lavish cars. Well, you were exactly that woman and it was no surprise how you even got into the lap of luxury without breaking a sweat.
You were the sugar baby of the top superhero Dynamight.
He knew exactly what you wanted and the lifestyle you craved and he offered it all on a silver platter for his darling baby. Katsuki was awfully fit and gruffly handsome for a man in his 40s, with a chiseled body and a prosthetic arm, he was drool worthy and was always on the catalogues for world’s most successful men.
You looked up at him from your position on your knees while sucking his girth, he wore a nasty snarl and grabbed onto your hair, shoving his c*ck deeper in your mouth till you almost gagged. Your mascara ran down your face and saliva pooled at your chin as little moans left you.
“What did I say, brat.” He growled, watching you bob your head and suck. He yanked you back and you gasped, allowing c*m and drool to fall onto your bre*sts. “Cmon, wh*re. Speak.”
“Not to speak to other men.”
“And you know why.”
“Cause they only want to f*ck me.” You say breathily and his co*k throbs at your tone.
“You sl*t,” He tightens his grip on your hair causing you to wince in pleasure, “You insatiable little sl*t, looking for the next big thing to empty their pockets for your greedy c*nt. I’ll f*ck you so hard till you can finally think with that empty head of yours.”
He rises to his feet and drags you along to your vanity, where all your makeup and jewelry sit, poised and arranged to your liking. Bakugou shoves you onto the table and pulls on your hair making your back arch for him, you stare at the mirror, into your own eyes and see how disheveled and roughened up you are but you love every second of it, to look like a cheap dirty wh*re excited every spark in you.
“Ah! Daddy!” You cry and feel the hot impact of his hand on your a*ss again. Kneading the flesh and hitting it again till you were sure it was bruised, tears rolled down your cheeks and you stared deep into his eyes as he wrapped his rough hand around your neck and rested his cheek against yours.
“Look at your pathetic self.” He hissed, tearing a grin on his hardened features. “None of those low lives can reduce you to such a mess.”
You smiled at him deliriously as his hand squeezed your neck the way you loved it, “No Daddy, they can’t.”
“Of course they can’t.”
He grabbed a hold of his c*ck and aligned it to your sopping entrance, easing in smoothly and yanking a gasp from your bruised lips. At once, he began pounding into you causing you to whine and cry, your legs feeling taut and numb with each harsh thrust into your c*nt. His vermilion eyes laid fixated on you as your mouth hung open and beautiful cries left your lips.
“Ah! Ah! Mmmh! More.” You whimpered and sobbed, his length drove into you so good you were already beginning to see stars.
“Look.” He commanded and forced you back to look at your own debauched expression. He pushed you forward and thrusted hard into your c*nt, letting you arch for him. “Fucking wh*re, look at the way you’re moaning like a b*tch in heat, was that needy hm? Out there looking for attention huh? Looking for the next man to plug you up.”
“Nooo.” You babbled and tightened around him as he delivered a hard smack to your a*ss, “Only you~”
“Damn right it’ll be only me. Now take it!” He grabbed your hair and tugged, making your eyes roll back as his c*ck mixed your insides and hit your sweet spot with no mercy. Each thrust, sent the dirty sound of your a*ss bouncing on his length through the room, wet and slick and sinful in your ears.
“Gonna c*m Daddy~ Mmmh! Ah! I’m c*mming!” You squealed and folded your legs as it all came crashing down and your sight flashed with white. He groaned in your ear and you whimpered when you felt his thick c*m fill you up to the brim, throbbing within you.
Bakugou grabbed your cheeks and forced you to look back in the mirror, your gaze still hazy and your body trembling.
“Not done with you.” He growled, “we’re just getting started.”
Of all the treasures you had, being with DynaMight had to be your favorite. It wasn’t hard to get him all riled up to f*ck you like you wanted.
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affluenceandgrace · 2 years
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marjanbaby01 · 2 years
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Generic women Casual To Get it under $10
Fabric Type…..95% Cotton, 5% Other Fibers
Care Instructions….WQQZJJ
Closure Type…..WQQZJJ Clearance on sale women dressy tops
Neck Style…..V-Neck
To get click the link:
TO GET<<Generic women Casual >>
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chrollohearttags · 2 years
𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫: 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 • 𝐂𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐒𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐫
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𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲: 𝐬𝐦𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐡
𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐰: 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞
𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞: 𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐰𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥, 𝐚𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐡𝐨𝐥 𝐮𝐬𝐞, 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐥𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐩, 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐭/𝐬𝐞𝐱 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐠𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
📝: finally getting around to posting my kinktober works over here, apologies for the late updates!
cw: 2.1K
dimmed lights flickering from the inside of the confined elevator cascaded over your face..
covered by that of only (y/n)'s side parted, pin curled tresses and Dior shades.
the cherry red tube dress fashioned by Givenchy accented that curvy silhouette, and a mink shawl draped across your shoulders.
quiet dings signaling the passage of a new floor and with each one, your excitement grew.
as did the man's standing next to you with his hand cradling your wide hips.
"Did I tell you how sexy you look tonight?"
"Only for about the fourth time, but who's counting?"
both of your voices cracking into faint chuckles at the remark while he continued holding you close..nuzzling you against that muscular body.
"Well I can't help myself. I just know perfection when I see it."
"Mmm..you flatter me too much, big papa. I'm far from, trust me."
just prior, you were in the downstairs bar, taking shots and now the party was headed upstairs.
his scent intoxicating, imbued with traces of Armani cologne and money; grape scented smoke along with whiskey faint on his breath, a mixture you had grown quite accustomed to.
every following weekend for as long as you could recount, this was the routine.
in and out of the most expensive hotels in the country, only preceded by fully funded shopping sprees and five star dinners..
all in exchange for the best few hours that a man could experience.
but he didn't mind because you were worth every last penny. He'd pay every bill you had and buy whatever you wanted if you kept making him feel this way.
it was give and take: the prize of a vibrant, beautiful young woman on his arm and the stability of a mature, handsome man on yours..
he never bothered to disclose his true name, personal life or anything about himself and maybe for his own protection, it was for the best..
you only knew him by the alias 'Captain Smoker' and the man that single handedly afforded you your extravagant lifestyle.
but there was one thing about this mystery of a man that you had come to learn was that he had an acquired taste for cigars.
he always kept the most expensive brands on his persons and since becoming his personal escort, you'd notice them all the time.
after dinner, with his obligatory glass of scotch and especially after many rounds of love making, he was lighting one up.
weirdly enough, it was quite the turn on!
watching his lips purse around the tip of that rolled Cuban and exhaled as your fingertips danced across his bare chest.
those pillowy clouds circulating above when you were on your knees, taking him by the mouthful with your nimble hands wrapped around his thick member.
occasionally glancing down between heavy breaths and hits to stroke your head with pats of encouragement.
"Good girl...take it all in, just like that. You know what daddy likes.."
his gravelly voice making you quiver, and ache for more each time he spoke to you. Tonight was no exception..
the elevator reached the top floor of the building, housing a hallway full of luxurious suites..rented out for thousands a night but equipped with all that you need.
he'd allow you to step out first, out of courtesy and the privilege of watching those hips and ass sway with each step.
all he could do was shake his head in anticipation of what he was going to do once you reached closed doors.
retrieving the key card from between your bosom, you'd swipe it across the lock and it'd open.
leading him inside, you'd take his hand and your bodies met instantly. He'd scoop you up in his arms only to pin your smaller frame against the wall.
your legs curled his back and your arms coiled his neck for support as he raised the hem of that already short dress.
in one fell swoop, he brought your panties down your thighs and onto the floor at the same time, catching some of your slick on his rugged fingertips.
he was mad with lust, ready to ravage you from head to toe.
but he couldn't take you like this, so he'd set you to your feet and tear that dress off.
you had never seen him so riled up but you loved this newfound aggression! Not even a full minute later, he was straddling you from behind..
snaking those digits between your plump lips and clit. That pretty little heat already foaming and dripping for him, just as he liked!
giggling and yelping while he rendered you nude, he'd bring your ass closer to him so he could feel it grinding on his dick.
"Fuck..that feels so good. Playing with my pussy like that.."
heavy grunts and subtle moans kept escaping his lips and trailing to you ear, making chills creep up your spine.
"Mmm..sorry, but she'll have to wait. Turn around and get on your knees, baby..that face is too pretty for me not to fuck it."
he was so much more vulgar than normal but you didn't mind.  Whatever daddy wanted, he got. That's the way it always was and would be!
crouching to your feet with those heels still supporting your weight, (y/n) waited patiently for him to undo his pants.
that belt came off first and he was quick to lace it around your throat. This way, he could have control of you as he saw fit.
sticking your tongue out, you felt it slapped by his freed cock now.
brushing that thumb against your forehead, he'd prompt you to keep your eyes on him, and don't look down for a second.
as those big voluminous eyelashes batted at him, he couldn't help but want to thrust until they were falling off.
but as always, he had to spark one up before he got started. In the pocket of that button down, he'd retrieve a cigar and ignite the end with a lighter.
he didn't want to be gentle tonight, just get his money's worth.
"Keep your hands by your side until I tell you."
"Yes sir.."
bouncing that tip against the brim of your mouth, Captain grasped the back of your head and slid it in. It was always such a relief to feel your warm jaws wrapped around him.
with that leather strap curled around his knuckles, jolting your neck around, he forms a perfect rhythm as his pelvis met you.
that thick member sliding in and out so casually, as if it were nothing, which is why he couldn't leave you alone.
saliva began to trickle down your chin and throat, along with gagging noises and he wasn't letting up.
all the while, clouds of smoke billowed above your head in intervals as he continued using your throat like a sleeve. Those gulping noises were driving him crazy and it was apparent by his loud moaning.
"Keep going, doll face..until you suck me dry. Make a mess on it like you always do."
it was an absolutely beautiful sight and he wasn't slowing down.
but neither were you..watching him puff and glare at you as if you were nothing more than his pet, his personal slut made you want to please him even more.
he'd tighten that grip and go faster until finally, he was able to work himself entirely down your throat until your forehead was on his v-line and you were slapping his thigh.
"Ohhhh, shit!..yes, hold it in. Keep it in there if you want that new purse, baby."
despite gagging and salivating everywhere, you'd do as he said and brush the underside of his dick with your tongue until he released his grip.
when he did, you were breathing heavily and spitting  everywhere.
"Good girl..that was pretty damn impressive."
gently cooing as he brushed tufts of your curly hair from your face.
that's when he prompted you to hold your hands out and cup them together so that you could catch that falling spit.
"Rub that on my dick, jerk me off nice and slow too..I wanna enjoy every second."
he knew his time with you was limited so he wanted it to count. To make certain that the memories lingered for days on end.
so you'd slather that mixture all over his aching shaft, pumping it between your palms.
you'd put your mouth to use by nursing his swollen balls with those plump, brown and gloss covered lips on them, leaving tiny marks and kisses.
that twisting motion combo and the gentle pecks on his tip were driving him crazy.
"You're too good to an old man, making me feel like this..shit!"
and he could tell just how much you enjoyed pleasuring him, just by the look on your face. He made it so easy, honestly.
the aroma of that fragrant smoke filled the room and tingled your senses, weirdly making you crave him significantly.
it seemed to have triggered something inside of you and each time it hit your nose, you'd become entranced.
that's when jerk your makeshift collar and tell you to stop.
"Open wide, pretty girl. Let me give you your reward.."
"Yes sir...I want all of that nut."
with your eyes closed, you'd tilt your head back with a wide smile and slide that tongue out to receive his cum.
but instead, you were first greeted with smoke being shotgunned down your windpipe. That was certainly new but the feeling was amazing.
"I've always wanted to do that."
that faint buzz of nicotine stimulated your senses and you'd take it without hesitation. Following right after, you'd hear his boisterous grunting and feel that white warmth splatter your face.
the way he wrung his wrist around and painted your throat with every drop.
swallowing just as you promised, the seed trickled down your esophagus and you'd proudly show him it was all gone.
"That's why I can't stop being with you, doll face. You're so goddamned sexy."
being praised like that always made you wetter and by now, you needed him to return the favor. Your legs parted in a spread position as you began to touch yourself..
"Why don't I take care of that for you?..here.."
releasing that grip on the belt, he'd help you back to your feet for the time being as he started to strip from his clothes.
you couldn't help but be infatuated with how damn fine he was, even at his age. That grey hair, washboard abs and impeccable stature..
he was one hell of a man.
once he was nude, he'd go over to the bed, lying flat on his back before proceeding to stroke himself. Patting his thigh, he'd summon you over with the wave of a finger.
"Come sit on this dick for me, doll face."
"Don't have to tell me twice.."
and it was still hard! Standing at full attention in hhs grasp and slapping his bellybutton when he laid it flat.
you didn't hesitate to kick off those heels and come crawling on top of him. You were dripping wet so you needed some good pipe right now.
but before you could get yourself positioned, he'd shake his head and move his finger in a slow twirling motion.
he wanted you to ride him in reverse!
"I want to see that pretty little ass bouncing on my shit..it's so soft and round.."
and you wouldn't hesitate to give him what he asked for; turning around, you'd turn to face the front half of the suite, planting your fingers into his thighs.
your back straight and chest poked out as you propped yourself up on that member. Wrapping your smaller hand around it, you'd feed it in as you lowered your body down.
it felt so good that you couldn't help but to release a little moan, sucking your teeth in the process.
from this angle, he could see your tight grip and tiny butterfly tattooed on your left ass cheek. His rough palms caressed the small of your perfectly arched back and that beautiful brown skin...
saying he was obsessed was an understatement.
"Start slow, doll..we're in no rush tonight."
that tight grip took hold of him instantly and you could feel him pulsating inside of you.
both of you releases sharp gasps from the sensation and he wasn't shy about letting you know how good it felt!
grunting and slapping your ass, he'd grab ahold of that belt again and reign you in. But you needed no help.
each time you went back, that tight pussy wrapped around him like it was nothing. Taking him deep inside of that wet hole..
"Oh shit..ride that fucking dick, baby. You're creaming already? You must not want me to ever leave."
and he was correct. Even though he was paying for your services and you were pleasuring him, no one had ever come close to fucking you the way this man did!
letting out loud, high pitched moans, you'd muster up a giggle while you kept going.
"It's so good..I can't help myself..mmm!"
after a while, you'd gain your rhythm and start throwing it back. Even making those heavy cheeks collide and bounce off of his pelvis.
the smacking from your sticky mess growing louder with each one.
needless to say, you had him losing his mind!
leaning up, he'd tug on your collar and pull you back so that he could swirl his tongue around in your mouth one more time.
his hand clutching your throat at the same time made you clamp down and squeeze him even tighter. You could feel how close he was from the way it pulsated inside of you...
so you were going to milk him for every bit of that nut.
leaning forward again, you'd reach up to grasp his ankles and doubled down on it.
the heavy bouncing and clutching grip was too much for him to bare and soon, he'd pine for your waist, holding you so he could thrust upward.
"Gah!—hold still, baby. Let me fuck you for a minute!.."
with everything he had left, he'd meet you with those thrusts until you felt his nails clawing into your skin; a sure sign that he was about to climax.
and you were directly behind him.
"I'm coming! I can feel it throbbing.."
you'd yell out while stroking your clit in unison and soon, he'd meet you there when he reached your aching g-spot; throwing it inside of you as fast as he could.
there was no way either of you were lasting another minute.
"Together, baby! You ready?"
nodding your head and whimpering while bouncing on him, you'd prepare to release all of that pent up arousal.
"Then come on this dick! Come for me.."
and the way he growled, commanding..done you in and you'd let out a loud cry along with creamy liquids all over his shaft and balls.
he was drenched but he wasn't the only one because at the same time, you could feel that warm cum coating your insides.
it was as if both of you saw heaven at the same time, climaxing as one.
"Oh God..that was..perfect. Come here."
he was barely coherent when you climbed off of him and into his arms. Both of your chests rising and falling to catch your breaths.
like clockwork, he'd scoop you into his grasp and reach over for his second smoke.
and following suit, you'd retrieve his lighter and let the tiny flame hit the tip. He definitely needed something to calm him after the way you fucked him!
kissing your temple, he'd just glare as if you were the most precious, delicate thing on earth. He wanted this everyday..he wanted you around everyday.
but that life wasn't in the cards for either side..so you'd enjoy this moment while it lasted.
"You know, I might sound crazy, but I think I might have a slight problem. I think I'm addicted to you, (y/n). I can't stop."
he wasn't getting any younger but you always managed to make him feel more and more alive. Still, you couldn't help but to giggle at his statement.
"Even more so than your cigars?"
"A man can't choose between his two loves. But if I had to say..you're definitely in first place. I love you, sweetheart."
"Well I'm flattered..and I love you too."
the two of you would find yourselves cracking up, and he'd keep doting on you; reveling in this afterglow until the same came and you left with the moon.
maybe it wasn't forever but like the scent of his cigars, after they are long gone, you'd give him memories that would always linger.
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peanutpinet · 2 years
My Forever Only - grumpy CEO! Jaehyun x sunshine fem reader
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A/N: hi, I've been wanting to write a grumpy x sunshine trope for so long and what better way to write it for my friend @anya-writes-stuff on Tumblr whose birthday just passed! But this is also to everyone who has been struggling and going through uncertainties!
Warnings: toxic working environment, anxiety, sexual talking, cursing, some form of torture
Inspired by Ana Huang's Twisted Love and Twisted Lies
Synopsis: you were working under a company that was going to collaborate with Jaehyun but your ex-company wanted to sue you for something and when you suddenly weren’t the one that would help Jaehyun, he started to question about your presence and when he found out what actually happened, he was ready to make a move and make sure that your ex-company was going to burn for you
Finding a job is one problem. Hoping that the workload was bearable was another. But is getting a job and a decent workload really worth it when your environment is shitty? You were afraid of not doing well in your freelance and that your contract might be terminated so you slowly didn’t realise how much your boss was taking advantage of your skills and selflessness.
Well, it wasn’t until you changed from freelance to part-time, your boss was slowly “pressuring” you to do something that is completely out of your control and specifically requested that you handle it all that you started to realise that while in the beginning he was genuinely thankful for your hard work, ever since you actually worked more with him, he was slowly using you.
Because you didn’t want to disappoint your parents but can’t stand your toxic boss anymore, you secretly tried to look for a new job, hopefully, a full-time one. But it looks like that all the shitty things you had to endure were all worth it when you landed on what might be part of your dream job.
You have always loved being involved in creation; especially if it has something to do with the fashion, lifestyle or entertainment industry. Whether it is just creating ideas or stories that might seem cool to be executed or even execute your imagination. Now, you actually got to do what you love since you were accepted by a Korean fashion brand that you have been loving.
Of course, you were nervous on your first day. Like, who isn’t nervous about starting their first job at one of their dream companies and industry? Wanting to make a good first impression, you took one of your decent-looking top and bottom that fits perfectly with your curves and accentuated your body shape (note: everyone has their own preferences and you all look amazing with whatever you like to wear).
Thankfully, your dad agreed to drop you off on your first day just to make sure the place was correct and you wouldn’t waste any time. Upon arriving, the security guard made sure that you were meeting the HR which they confirmed (well, you still can’t believe you got accepted so you were definitely worried that the HR made a mistake).
Lucky enough, you didn’t mishear the HR and after 10 minutes of waiting, the HR came and brought you and another girl that just came to a room to review the contract for your work. In the midst of going through the contract, you and the girl, who you came to know by Nova, started to get to know each other because apparently, the two of you are going to be working under the same supervisor.
After getting to know the other divisions, you and Nova were brought to the highest floor and into the room where the two of you will be working together. The two of you got to know your supervisor and were immediately given your new laptops and emails. The two of you spent the first hour or so setting up your new emails and laptop, getting used to it and everything when the door opened and revealed a woman somewhat in her 40-50s and was wearing smart casual wear whereas a young man next to her looked to be in his 20s, wearing a casual white top with a denim jacket on top but somehow, looks like a model.
“Mrs Jung, Jaehyun, welcome. Oh, these are the new workers. Nova for social media and (Y/N) for marketing executive. Nova, (Y/N), this is Mrs Jung, she’s the brand owner and fashion designer whereas Jaehyun is her son, he works with brand partnerships, events, photoshoots, etc.” your supervisor, Doyoung announced
“Pleased to meet you girls. We’re happy to have you on board, especially with our new sister brand which Jaehyun will be handling. Also, it’s finally nice to have someone that’s around Jaehyun’s age. I hope that you all will get along with one another. I’m here to just watch over whilst Jaehyun go over about the sister brand and everything” Mrs Jung announced, taking her seat whilst Jaehyun was setting up his presentation
Because it was a sister brand, the fashion styles weren’t that far off from the parent brand. The main difference is that the sister brand’s target audience are millennials and under; the main reason why they’re starting to hire younger people like you and Nova. Long story short, Jaehyun had some of the designs and actual clothing ready and he wanted to have ideas of photoshoots and concepts on where the brand might lead.
Being someone who has been lurking around the fashion industry, getting to know the newest and latest trends, you suddenly pop up on the idea of a sister photoshoot. Somewhere along the lines of two sisters who have quite an age gap, the little sister always looking up to the aesthetic of the older sister and the older sister wanting to help the younger sister find her own style.
You had no idea how on earth you managed to speak up about that idea or how you managed to even continue the idea on the spot. In front of everyone. Especially who is practically your boss and the owner of the brand. What’s more is that the universe seems to be repaying all those hardships you went through because the next words that came out of Mrs Jung not only surprised you but everyone else in the room.
“That is quite the idea you have there, (Y/N). Because the aesthetics are similar and only the cutting and styling are different, that idea of yours might be a great start! What do you think, Jaehyun?” Mrs Jung asked
“It’s definitely something new and fresh. Do you think you can have some mood boards and storyboards sometime end of this week or next week?” Jaehyun asked out of the blue
“Yoonoh, I think that’s too early. You should show her your rough designs, the process of it all and the final product. Don’t just let the poor girl do everything blindly” Mrs Jung commented
“Yes. I will” Jaehyun stated firmly and suddenly his phone was shoved at your face. “Excuse, me?” you asked, looking up at Jaehyun who was staring down at you
“Your number. It’ll be easier for me to see if your vision is aligned with the brand rather than going back and forth through emails or Doyoung. Don’t be mistaken, you still have to get your his acceptance. I just want to make sure that you’re not going off-track or anything. Text me when you’ve finished your lunch, I’ll show you the rough sketches we did in the beginning” Jaehyun stated as you key in your number and handed it back to him as he bowed to everyone and headed out
“Well, that turned out better than I expected. Now, don’t feel pressured girls, it’s just your first day. Enjoy the process. Oh and (y/n), I apologise in advance if my son makes you feel pressured. But I’ll let you in on a little secret. He normally doesn’t agree with my comments like just now about your idea. He’d typically have a debate and ended up scaring my employees. He also practically never saves any employee’s number except your supervisor, his assistant who used to be his nanny, some of the managers and the COO. Just let me know if my son becomes a bit too much for you and I can’t wait to see your idea come to life!” Mrs Jung explained whereas you just paid attention and bowed when she left
Well, you might’ve “escaped” one problem but Jung Jaehyun just might change that. Or, he might actually show you the differences between toxic working culture and boss with a friendly environment where the heads of the company feel like your seniors from university.
Days have gone to weeks and suddenly you’ve already been working for nearly 3 months; which is basically your probation time under Jung Jaehyun. Throughout your probation, you‘ve been working closely with Jaehyun and you can say that he’s basically your boss and supervisor because the time you spend working with him is basically longer than with your own supervisor, Doyoung.
Throughout that time, you’ve come to unintentionally memorise his little habits. How he likes to order or make his coffee, that he almost never wears a suit and when he does, he always has to have someone help tie his tie; on occasion, that person is you. How he scrunched his nose whenever his glasses were slowly dropping. That he doesn't like to smile but that one time you defended him towards some rude business partners, Jung Jaehyun actually smiled and he had dimples!
There were ups and downs working directly under Jaehyun. But never once did he actually push you too far that would make you uncomfortable. He was also a reasonable and understanding man. He never took advantage of your skills and when there are things that you could actually do, Jaehyun would actually do them instead, making the excuse that he wanted to be more involved which made warmed your heart at the thought of a boss actually wanting to be hands-on even on some miscellaneous things.
Though the two of you rarely talked to each other except when it comes to work, it was a nice atmosphere. Sometimes when you had to work overtime with Jaehyun, he would ask what you like to eat and though it was probably different from what he was used to eating, he enjoyed the options that you give him. In return of his kindness, sometimes, when you arrive earlier, you would have his coffee order along with some pastries and a sticky note, telling him to eat breakfast.
Little did you know that Jaehyun was slowly warming up to you and your personality. He didn’t know what hit him but when you voiced out your opinion on your first day, Jaehyun was quite stunned. He wasn’t used to someone, especially someone new, showcasing their thoughts that easily. While asking for your number for work was his original purpose, Jaehyun can’t help but want to try and talk about other things than work with you. Those little texts asking what you typically like to eat, places you visit, and even university experience, they all might look like they’re related to work at first but in reality, it’s just an excuse for Jaehyun to talk to you.
After your probation, Jaehyun had to review your contract and determine whether you’ll get a raise or not. Which, after those 3 months, it was a simple decision on Jaehyun’s end. He already requested the HR and legal team to prepare for both you and Nova’s new contracts. Of course, there were some tweaks for both of you, mainly you because Jaehyun wanted you to officially work under him.
After reviewing the contract and being satisfied with it, Jaehyun was more than ready to personally hand you the new contract the following week. Unfortunately, his hopes were soon crashed when the HR informed him there was a problem with the previous “company” that you worked at as a part-timer and thus your contract had to be postponed.
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“For fucks sake, I’m basically her boss. So tell me, what the fuck happened?! She ended her contract with her previous company/boss, which means that she’s able to work freely” Jaehyun growled, running his fingers through his hair, aggressively throwing his tie because he couldn’t tie it properly, especially when the tie reminds him of you
“The thing is sir, h-her previous boss suddenly wants to sue her for some ‘damage’ she caused for their company. I’m not sure what are they suing b-but…” the HR tried to explain but Jaehyun cuts her off immediately
“I want proof. An email, letter, something. Dig deep and find something. Get me Johnny, Yuta and Taeyong. Now. And also, tell Jaemin and Jeno to keep an eye on her, to update me on what’s going around” Jaehyun demanded, the HR immediately rushing out of Jaehyun’s office to get everything he needed
“Where are you?” Jaehyun texted you
“Sir? I informed the HR and Doyoung about my absence. I apologise for my carelessness. Please don’t wait on me. You should find someone else to replace me” you texted him back
“Find someone else, my ass” Jaehyun tsked at the message as Johnny, Yuta and Taeyong came
“You called us?” Johnny asked, Taeyong and Yuta following close behind
“Find out about her previous job, the contract between her and the company…” Jaehyun demanded, showing them everything that the HR emailed regarding your sudden situation
“Ahhh, the girl that’s been working under you for the past 3 months? The only girl in this office aside from your mom, your assistant whose number you saved?” Johnny questioned, smirking when he looked at the files in Jaehyun’s tab
“I want the information in 10 minutes. Taeyong, I need you to go over the contract to make sure if they truly have the right to sue her or something else. Yuta, hack into the communication application that they used, I want to make sure if something happened in those conversations” Jaehyun commanded and everyone immediately got to work
Though Jaehyun requested all the information within 10 minutes, Jeno and Jaemin were in the midst of keeping an eye on you at the same time trying to connect to your device to hopefully retrieve some information. After nearly half an hour, everyone finally got what Jaehyun wanted and after much reviewing, Jaehyun was more than ready to kill someone. If someone thought that he was furious before, he was practically crazy at the information he received because you were actually innocent and your previous boss/company was suing you out of pettiness.
“So basically, she was originally working freelance for the man then transitioned to part-time where he basically took advantage of her kindness and made her do much more work than what he paid for and even made her work on other days just because she was still doing her freelance work for him. Suing her is a very petty move considering that the company’s earnings were pretty much relying on the public, like the fashion industry so it’s very much subjective. The funny thing is that she already voiced out her opinion on how to improve but the boss was pretty much ignorant about her advice and now that he’s suffering the result, he’s trying to get back at her by suing her” Johnny summarised the entire situation
“Fucking hell. You guys can make sure that she wins the case, right?” Jaehyun questioned
“What do you take us for? This is child’s play, Jung. Just make sure that she’s alright. We’ll sort this out” Yuta replied, finishing writing some stuff for the case
“We’ll get Taeil and Jungwoo to help as well. There’s nothing you should worry about other than (Y/N)’s well-being. We’ll let everyone know that you took the rest of the day off” Taeyong added on
“Aside from this case, I don’t want anyone or anything else reaching my personal phone” Jaehyun stated, grabbing some of his things and walking out the door. “Oh, and guys. Find me the boss of her previous company, will you? Thanks” Jaehyun added
Never in his life did he think that he would be that person that would go out of their way, their comfort zone for someone else. Typically, other people would have to adapt to his way but you somehow made him adapt his life to revolve around you. Jaehyun didn’t know exactly when it happen. But one thing was for sure, he wasn’t going to allow the one person that is keeping him sane go just because of some petty person who can’t let go of you. Well, in all honesty, Jaehyun sure as hell wouldn’t want to let you go but he also wouldn’t do anything to sabotage or hurt you.
After a horrendous drive because of traffic, Jaehyun managed to arrive at your home which he found, courtesy of the HR. Ringing the doorbell, he was greeted by the sight of your casual self, wearing an oversized hoodie and shorts that fall right above your knee, you weren’t wearing any makeup but to Jaehyun, you still look stunning.
“Hi” Jaehyun breathed out. “Hi. Are you here to take the company laptop back?” you asked
“W-what?! No. I’m here to take you back. Well, perhaps not immediately. What I’m trying to say is that your suing case is being handled. So, please, come back and work. Work for me” Jaehyun pleaded, almost sounding as if he was begging
“What?! What do you mean? What did you do?” you asked, so many thoughts running through your head that you had to sit down to process what Jaehyun just said
“I know what happened. I mean, I know about your previous company suing you. Technically I’m your boss so I have to know these things but when we dug deeper into the actual situation, he doesn’t have the rights to sue you. But since he did, he won’t win. I’ve made sure of it” Jaehyun explained, sitting in front of you and grabbed your hands in his
“S-sir?” you stuttered. “Jaehyun. Just, call me Jaehyun from now. I, there’s something I want to tell you that I’ve been meaning to tell you for quite some time” Jaehyun started, his breathing got heavier and his voice was not as smooth like usual
“I don’t know when it happened. Maybe it was the first day you came and stunned me with your voiced-out opinion. Or maybe it was during that time you defended me against the rude business partners. Or even when we were sitting on the floor in my office, eating takeouts while watching Disney movies. But one thing for sure is that somewhere along the line, I fell for you. Your cheerful, optimistic, selfless personality. I can’t imagine what the office or myself would be like without you. You’re basically the light to my darkness. Without you, I’d be lost. As much as I want you to be mine, I don’t want you to do it because you were forced to. But whatever happens, please stay. I’d do anything for you so that you’ll stay. Worried about the suing case, I’ve got it covered. Unsure about your career paths? I’ll help you go through each one until you find the one that you like. Worried financially? I’ll take care of you. I’d do it, for you” Jaehyun confessed, bringing your hands closer to his lips until he was kissing your knuckles
“S-sir, I mean, Jaehyun. I, I don’t know what to say. I mean, I used to think that you were so cold and closed from everyone that I almost find it impossible to approach you. But that time the business partners were rude to you, it just, it was out of the line. Sure you were cold and seemed a bit mean, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have feelings either. Plus, you were considerate of your employees. You didn’t push people or force them to do anything they were uncomfortable with and I, I appreciate that. Also, the fact that you were considerate in giving leaves to your employees and secretly worked overtime so your employees don’t have to. And I guess, somewhere, down the line, I might’ve also slowly liked you” you slowly confessed to Jaehyun who suddenly pulled you into his lap
“Y-you’re serious right?! You’re not playing with me right now” Jaehyun questioned, looking into your eyes, worried that it was just some sort of dream
“H-honestly, I thought you were the one that was joking with me. I mean, you were quite cold but because of your warm behaviour, I found myself slowly liking you that I’m not sure if it was possible to get close to you” you stuttered, wrapping your arms around Jaehyun’s neck unconsciously
“I’m glad that I came over then. You don’t have anything to worry about, okay? I’ll take care of you” Jaehyun breathed, both your foreheads touching
“Jae…w-what if you’re the one that gets sued?” you asked, gripping his shirt
“It’ll be fine. Trust me. They won’t get to me. They made a mistake for suing you, for nearly taking you away from me. But let’s not worry about that right now. I want to spend the rest of the night with my girlfriend. Let me make dinner this time, okay?” Jaehyun smiled, kissing your forehead
To say that you weren’t expecting that day to happen was definitely an understatement. The entire week, your anxiety was building up from receiving the message about your previous boss suing you, your work piled up, having to tell the HR about the situation and even making a decision on continuing after your probation ended or not. At first, you really did think of leaving because you didn’t want to be a burden for Jaehyun, plus it would probably help you get rid of the feelings you had for him.
But on the other hand, you were glad that Jaehyun found out about the situation. Seeing him arrive at your home and confess everything lifted a heavy weight on your shoulder. You never imagined that you would actually confess your own feelings to Jaehyun but here the two of you are, in your kitchen, making dinner together.
“What got you all smiling all of a sudden?” Jaehyun asked, placing the dishes on the table
“I’m just. Happy. This all feels so surreal. You have no idea what I’ve been thinking the past week” you replied, leaning onto Jaehyun’s shoulder
“As much as I want to know what is in that pretty little mind of yours, I think it’s a topic saved for next time. Also, you have no idea how much you made me happy” Jaehyun cooed at you melting in his embrace as he placed a kiss on your forehead
By the end of the night, you and Jaehyun cleaned up and then watch some movies whilst cuddling under a blanket. When you started to feel sleepy, Jaehyun helped carry you up to your room and laid you on the bed, making you giggle.
“The back pain was definitely worth that smile” Jaehyun chuckled, sitting at the edge of your bed
“Well, let me help you out with that” you giggled but helped massage Jaehyun’s shoulders and his back that was tensing
You could tell that Jaehyun wasn’t used to the somewhat intimate interaction with his tensed back but slowly, he relaxed his shoulders and enjoyed the massage you were given. The silence between the two of you was a nice silence, well, until Jaehyun turned to look at you that just stopped your movements.
“W-what?” you asked, heat slowly rising to your cheeks when you realised how close the two of you were
“You’re just breathtaking, even in your casual wear and no makeup. You have no idea how long I’ve been holding back” Jaehyun stated, cupping your cheeks. “Th-then…don’t” you managed to breathe out before Jaehyun slowly pulled you in and closed the gap between you two
The kiss was actually something you did not imagine. You would think that someone that seemed cold as Jaehyun would be a bit rough or awkward but this kiss wasn’t any of that. Instead, it brought warmth to the two of you, like the two of you were destined to complement one another. The grumpy boss with the sunshine employee, the cold attitude with the carefree one.
“Promise that you’ll be my forever only?” Jaehyun asked, pulling away from the kiss
“If you promise to stay and not take advantage of me” you replied, your tone was a bit worrying but Jaehyun left a lingering kiss on your forehead
“Trust me, peach, you’re the only woman that I have eyes for, the only woman that I actually went out of my way to pursue. 사랑해 또 사랑해” Jaehyun replied back, capturing your lips on his again
Bonus scene :D because I want to (Jaehyun’s POV)
The night that I stayed over at (Y/N) felt like a dream that I don’t want to wake up from, that I want to relive every day. Days turn to weeks and (Y/N) came back to work for me, practically also being my assistant. The hard-ass days of work didn’t seem to bother me when I know that she was here, with me.
Unfortunately, when I received a message from Johnny regarding (Y/N)’s previous boss, the one that sued her, bitterness immediately drenched me. I had nearly forgotten about it had Johnny not texted me about it. Sighing, I opened the message from Johnny.
Johnny: I got the guy, took two weeks to track him down but we managed to get him. He’s in the basement, text me when you want to you know…
Jaehyun: why do you always have to ruin my good mood?
Johnny: hey, you already got the girl. It’s not like she’s gonna go anywhere. Well, unless you suddenly scare her
Jaehyun: funny. I’ll be there after work today. I just need to tell (y/n) that there’s a sudden meeting with you then probably ask Sungchan to drop her off
Johnny: she really has you wrapped around her finger, hasn’t she? You’re whipped
Jaehyun: I’ll see you after work, don’t forget to bring Yuta, Jeno and Jaemin.
After my short text with Johnny, (y/n) came into the room with lunch. Thankfully, I was good at switching my emotions. Especially when I started to date (y/n). Whenever I see or even just hear her, my mood immediately lightens up.
It has become known around the office that (y/n) and I are a thing and while some employees became jealous and even tried to get one of us to break, I immediately made them back off unless of course, they wanted to be sent out the door.
The two of us ate lunch whilst going through some of the new projects and collaborations, occasionally ditching work and just feeding each other, talking about our day which reminded me that I had to tell (y/n) that I had a sudden “meeting” with Johnny and told her that I’ll have Sungchan drop her off. She ended the lunch by pecking my lips and telling me not to overwork and that she’ll leave some dinner for me.
The rest of the day was nothing special other than (y/n) visiting me before she left to go home first. As much as I was tempted to just leave Johnny and the rest handle her ex-boss, I too wanted my fair share of “teaching” him a lesson about hurting someone I care and love. Sighing, I reluctantly pulled away from our kiss and send (y/n) off with Sungchan.
After receiving a message from Johnny that he and the others are waiting, I changed my clothing to a basic all-black outfit because there will probably be some bloodshed. Putting on my gloves, I made my way to the basement and opened the door, seeing Johnny, Yuta, Jeno and Jaemin at the center of the room with who seems to be (y/n)’s ex-boss.
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I made my way in front of the man who was bounded onto the chair, with duct tape around his lips to seal his mouth. I roughly pulled the tape off which caused the man to scream. “Are you done screaming?” I questioned, standing back up and looking down at the man
“Who the hell are you people?! What do you think you’re doing?! Just wait till someone finds me, I’ll…” the man shouted and I shot a bullet that grazed his ear
“You’ll sue me? Like you sued my girlfriend because you were petty about her suddenly leaving you? Move on, man. You’re the one that took advantage of her. Which you probably didn’t realise because you were enjoying yourself while she did all the work for you” I scoffed at the memory of all the conversations (y/n) had with him
“You meant (y/n)? She left my business for you? What, the two of you suddenly met, had good sex and slept together? Is that why she suddenly left? What a pathetic b—” the man didn’t even get to finish his sentence because I had punched him with my brass knuckles
“You don’t get to say her name. Especially in here. And here’s another fact. You don’t own her. She’s her own person who just happens to be mine. And you know what I hate the most?” I yanked his hair back so I could get a better look at his beaten face. “I hate when someone hurts someone that I treasure, that I love” I growled, pushing his head as I walked over to grab a blade
“You got lucky that you didn’t go too far. Lucky for you that she’s nice enough to tell me to just tell you to cancel the lawsuit. Unfortunately. I’m not her. Let this be a lesson, hmm? Don’t. Come. For. What. Is. Mine. I assure you that next time, you won’t be as lucky” I stated, piercing the blade into his hands, pushing through the flesh and bones
A/N: I hope that this wasn't a bit much. Hope that everyone has been well and enjoyed the fic! As usual, stay safe and healthy! I'll talk to you guys in the next one! :) xoxo Vinet
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lobotomy17 · 2 months
💜 Modern Y2k💓
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The terms "Mcbling," "Bimbo core," and "Scene" are all associated with Y2K (Year 2000) aesthetics and subcultures that emerged around the turn of the 21st century. Each style has distinct characteristics that have influenced modern Y2K aesthetics in various ways.
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1.McBling: "McBling" refers to the flashy, opulent fashion and lifestyle associated with the hip-hop and rap scenes of the early 2000s. This style is characterized by oversized clothing, designer labels, bling jewelry (such as large chains and diamond-encrusted accessories), and a general emphasis on wealth and status. The excessive use of logos and luxury brands was a key feature of McBling's style.
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2. Bimbo Core: "Bimbo core" is a more recent term that refers to a playful, hyper-feminine aesthetic characterized by bright colors, exaggerated proportions, and a focus on traditionally "girly" items like sparkles, glitter, and pink hues. This style embraces stereotypes of femininity in a provocative and empowering way, often incorporating elements of kitsch and camp to create a bold and unapologetic look.
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3. Scene: The "scene" subculture emerged in the mid-2000s and was closely associated with emo and punk music scenes. Scene fashion was characterized by brightly colored hair, heavy eyeliner, skinny jeans, band t-shirts, studded belts, and accessories like wristbands and neon jewelry. The scene style was known for its DIY ethos, mix of alternative and mainstream fashion elements, and rebellion against traditional norms.
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In modern times, the Y2K aesthetic has returned, drawing inspiration from these earlier subcultures and styles. Contemporary Y2K fashion combines nostalgia with a modern twist, incorporating trends like low-rise jeans, crop tops, platform shoes, mini skirts, and tiny sunglasses. Influencers and celebrities have embraced Y2K aesthetics on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, helping to popularize the look among a new generation.
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The modern Y2K aesthetic retains the boldness, playfulness, and nostalgia of its predecessors while incorporating current fashion trends and influences. By blending elements of McBling, bimbo core, and scene styles with a contemporary twist, the modern Y2K aesthetic celebrates individuality, self-expression, and a diverse range of influences from past eras.
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