This is the second one because the first wasn't long enough. Sorry, I made this one much larger to better accommodate everyone.
If you feel comfortable share how you started or what got you interested.
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♡I made a new longer poll for everyone, so if this wasn't long enough, that one should be.♡
And, if you feel comfortable, why did you started practicing or how you started your practice. Have a wonderful day.
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I would love to know why you do or don't. Everyone's practice is different and I love to see other peoples practices.
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My Religious and Witchcraft Routine
With classes and everything going on it is hard to make and keep a routine. I also have very bad abilities to keep a routine although I am trying. If you have any ideas to add to my routine please let me know.
My religious routines
I try to tell the Goddesses I worship good morning when I wake up.
When I get my coffee in the morning I try to fix them a libation of tea or coffee.
I try to pray and talk to them in this time aswell.
I'm trying to start meditating daily. Meditation is hard to do because I have focus issues. If you have ways to focus when meditating please tell me.
This is about where I'm at with my daily religious routine. I study regularly to learn more I'm trying to learn more about the attic calender and work it into my life. But it is quite overwhelming so I'm working it in slowly.
My witchcraft routine.
When I shower in the morning I am cleansing my self physically and spiritually.
I try to match my clothes to what I want to get out of my day (ex: black protection, red:strength/passion, ect)
When I make my coffee i add spices to bring in what I want for the day (ex: cinnamon:love)
I'm trying to start walking outside to feel closer with nature and earth.
When I clean my room I use this time to cleanse
I'm trying to make this my routine. I do skip sometimes because I just don't have the energy but I try to do it daily.
*You do not have to have a daily practice. A routine can be beneficial but not everyone has the energy or ability to have one.*
♡Have a Great day!♡
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I got very lost in my practice and left this account and found my practice again. My practice has changed so much since I last posted. I want to make updates so I can reflect on my practice and grow.
So an update on my practice
I am a Hellenic polytheist and worship the Goddesses Hekate and Aphrodite. Right now I am working on my worship and devotion to them.
I am still a traditional witch but I am now looking into different forms of magick aswell. I want to start looking into more occult topics that fall in high magic and low magic. I am also trying to learn more about witchcraft in ancient Greece.
I am growing in my practice and hope to document it here.
I hope everyone has a great day
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Laws of Candle Care
Candles, while popular in religion and magik, are rarely properly cared for. Many who use them don't even know how to take care of them. And when you don't take care of your candles, especially candles used for divination, you use them up much quicker and get a lot of false responses.
This guide is important for anyone who burns or wants to burn candles, regardless of how much you think you know.
There are many, many types of candles. This isn't anywhere near all, but the four kinds you should be aware of:
Tealights: (small, round candles, usually about an inch in diameter)
Pillars: (freestanding cylindrical candles of varying sizes)
Container candles: (candles poured directly in a container--includes prayer candles, which are tall glass pillars)
Tapers: (Tall, thin candles that stand in holders--includes chimes, which are miniature tapers)
Wick: The string, wood, etc. in the center of a candle that you light. Usually a cotton string coated with wax.
Hugging the edges: The process where the outer edges of a partly melted candles are pushed in to extend burn time.
Burn time: The amount of time it takes a candle to burn out when properly maintained and/or the amount of time a candle is being burned
Double boiler method: Heating wax in a pot inside another pot of water. This prevents it from catching fire or burning.
Location: Burn candles at least 1 foot from other flammable materials. Never burn a candle directly under anything--candles need at least a meter/yard of space above them to burn safely. Be careful when burning candles on a desk or near other candles. If burning a non-container candle, make sure it's on a heatproof surface like a plate to catch wax.
Wicks: Always trim your wick to 1/4 inch before burning, no exceptions. Wick trimmings should be removed from the candle, not left to accumulate in the pool.
Holders: Use a properly sized holder. This is a holder that the candle can sit in the bottom of, but will not shake or fall if lifted.
Burning: Not all candles can burn unattended. In fact, very few can. Always assume that you can't let a burning candle out of your sight. The main exceptions to this are container candles, but even so, not all container candles can burn alone. Prayer candles are designed to burn continuously, but still require clear, safe space, and should be checked on.
Melting: The first time you burn any candle, you must allow the wax to melt up to the edge of the candle before extinguishing it. Ideally, you'd allow this pool to reach the edge every single time. If you don't, the candle will tunnel, shortening its lifespan.
Extinguishing: Blow, pinch, or snuff a candle. Never use water to extinguish a candle--this makes it more likely to explode in future.
Candle wont light: Check if the wick is too short. If it is, hold a flame near the wick and pour out wax in increments until it can light.
Candle is tunneling: Burn it all the way out to the edge. You may need to manually melt the edges with a separate flame. You might also have forgotten to hug the edges.
Flame is smoking: There's a few possible reasons;
Wick is too tall: This one's easy, simply trim it.
Too long burn time: If a candle burns too long (usually 3+ hours at a time), the wick may curl or "mushroom." Extinguish and trim.
Insufficient air: Most smoking comes from a flame not having enough oxygen (which the above two can cause). This can also come if your space isn't well ventilated, or if there's wind, breezes, or other moving air.
Only one side is melting: The candle's wick is likely poorly centered, or you're burning it with one side in a hotter/colder place. You may be able to move it the wick to the middle when melted, or move the candle. Otherwise, it's usually fine to ignore on its own.
"Oh no, what do I do if my candle..."
Spills: Surround the pool with paper towels. Wait for it to cool, then pry off wax with a knife. Beeswax peels easiest. If there's still wax and it's on fabric, put paper to blot on both sides, and iron. Wash as normal.
Explodes/Cracks: If it didn't put itself out, extinguish it immediately. Clean spilled wax and, if present, glass. Do not try to re light the candle, even if the candle is still usable.
Has a curling wick: Extinguish, trim, and wait to fully solidify before burning again.
Catches something on fire: Immediately extinguish both. It's best to own and use a fire extinguisher for this, as water doesn't always work or cool it down well. Avoid blowing if at all possible, as this can feed the flame. Do not reuse the candle afterwards.
Candle FAQ
Q: How are candles made? A: It varies based on the candle! The most common method is by melting down wax in a double boiler and pouring it into a mold, or dipping string repeatedly in a vat of wax.
Q: How do you scent a candle? A: Typically, you would mix in fragrance or essential oils when the wax is melted before pouring it into a bowl.
Q: Can you put herbs in candles? A: Certainly! But please don't do this if you aren't experienced in candle care, it can be dangerous when they catch fire if you don't know what you're doing.
Q: How do you color a candle? A: You use specific wax coloring! It's very important to use colors designed for wax, because those are designed to burn safely. Things like food coloring can and will explode or ruin your candle.
Q: What kinds of candle wax are there? A: There's a few, but the three you're most likely to find are paraffin, soy, and beeswax. Paraffin is essentially plastic, making it the least ecofriendly option, but it's cheapest. Soy wax is from the soy plant, and generally fairly cheap. Beeswax burns the cleanest and longest, and is the best for the environment, but it's the most expensive. They can generally be told apart by texture if there's no label; paraffin is usually hard, flat, and bumpy, soy can be flaky and greasy, and beeswax is smooth and sometimes slightly rippled.
Candles in Magik & Divination
Chances are, if you're here, this is what you use candles for. While it's exciting to see candles doing weird things, remember you should always check for mundane reasons. Fire isn't a toy, and an oddly behaving candle can be a hazard, not just symbolic.
When doing a spell with candles, make sure anything on or around the candle(s) is safe to burn. For example, ensuring you used cotton thread or yarn to tie the candle, not adding dangerous herbs to inhale, and keeping an eye on the type of paper you're burning indoors. (Rolling paper is ideal for burning sigils.)
It's a bit disappointing to learn a "sign" was only a poorly cared for candle, but it's far worse to burn your house down over a false sign from an unsafe candle. So take care of them.
More questions? Send in a DM or ask! Feel free to add on in RBs or notes.
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6 Ways to start your practice in the broom closet as a beginner.
You dont need an altar some practitioners have them some dont. You could just make a space that is for your witchcraft.
If y ok you are wanting an altar you can use a drawer in your dresser for an altar. A shoe box. You could make an altar outside ( make sure the weather in your area conforms with an outside altar. If you have bad storms and weather you may not want to have a outside altar and you may need to make an indoor one instead.)
If you are needing ingredients for your spell look around your house. Herbs that you use for cooking can be great in spells,you just need to learn their uses. You can use candles that haven't been used in your practice (white and black ones are the best because they can replace any other candle color.)
Use a plain note book. A plain note book won't look suspicious and you can just say its for school.
If you dont have herbs easily available learn what the plants' outside uses are. Just when you go to learn their uses make sure to research the other plants that have the same look and are a copycat. You wouldnt like to ingest anything you didnt know what is.
Crystals they arnt as necessary as everyone makes them out to be. You don't need every crystal. There are rocks outside that can be used in your practice as well
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Following Spree
As of July 2021 (after my long hiatus) I have about 400 followers, many of whom are probably deactivated..
Please reblog if you post about witchcraft, paganism, mythology, astrology, herbalism, or similar!!
>>> DNI: if you are racist, homophobic, transphobic, abilist, sexist, etc... 🤮
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Some people seriously need to not just read myths, but study the function of myth. If some of ya'll think a story written by men with political and ulterior agendas in a very patriarchal society is "the truth," where's the line on what you believe to be "the truth?" Anyone who writes anything about the gods is now telling the "truth?" What date is the cut off? Which people do you accept and which do you throw out?
The myths aren't the pagan Bible ffs. They were never meant to be, and if you'd actually studied myth, you'd know that.
Anyway, if anyone is interested in understanding the function of (Greek) myth I highly recommend reading Fritz Graf's Greek Mythology: An Introduction. It's a good starting place.
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So let's start with things that arnt true about Hekate.
Hekate is not the triple moon goddess that is a wiccan concept that is not true.
Hekate is not the moon goddess, that is Selene. Selene is the goddess of the moon.
Hekate will not get angry if you are devoted to other gods/goddesses. This is a myth that is spread for many gods and goddesses, it's not true.
Hekate along with other gods/goddesses will not be angered from a little mistake. This is not saying that she will not push you in a direction through life changes.
Hekate is not just the goddess of witchcraft and magic. This is one I've seen alot actually and it's a very modern day way she is seen, and her other things are just casted aside.
Hekate is not evil.
You have to worship her at a crossroads you can worship her anywhere else, this is something I was told and heard when I first started to research about hekate.
Hekate will only except certain offering and will reject other. This is very wide spread about all the hellinistic gods/goddesses. The gods will except most things as offerings there are specific offerings that are most suited to them but most offering will work. It's the act of devotion that they want not the material things you give them if anything just pray to them.
These are just some misconceptions about Hekate. There are misconceptions about every god in the hellenistic pantheon and you will just need to find out which are not true.
Now let's go to some things that are true about Hekate.
Hekate is the goddess of crossroads, witchcraft and magic, dark moon, the lunar calendar (she is very associated with the moon but she is not the goddess of it like I stated before)
Hekate did assist the search for Persephone, and did witness the capture.
Hekate stood at the crossroads, this could be seen as to assist the spirits to the underworld or to keep evil spirits away.
You can make an altar/shrine to hekate and worship her there
You can pray to Hekate as an offering and just out of devotion you do not have to find extravagant things that are not easily available to you as an offering.
Some things you can use as an offering for Hekate. (These are just some examples there are many other things you can use.)
These are thing that I have used in my practice and are from my own experience. You may find others that you can use more and are better suited for your relationship with Hekate.
Dog imagery, black dogs are the best. You can draw one or even get a little dog statue.
Doing acts of kindness for others, including animals
Give candles (black ones preferably)
Candies ( I've given chocolate as an offering before)
Blood ( this is a offering that is very demonized in the pagan community, but it is an offering you can use.)
Meat is a very traditional offering the not as good parts of the meat would be given to the gods and goddesses, as an offering and the better parts would be kept for you.
You can share parts of your dinner with them
Tea ( I usually use tea that corresponds to them)
A feast was traditionally done under the dark moon
Spells can be done along side her.
I've done spells for good things like happiness of others in her name.
Milk ( I know this one is a little wierd but you can use milk as a good offering for alot of gods/goddesses
Donate to charity in the name of Hekate
These are just some examples. These examples are just to give you an idea of offering for Hekate.
This is just a post for if you are interested in Hekate it is just a small post to kinda introduce her to you. If you are wanting to worship her please use more resources than this one.
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10 Myths About Hellenismos
Today, let's address some popular myths (and the truths) about Hellenismos and its deities. Not very surprisingly, most of these things come from Wicca or Christian colonization. You can believe these things if you want, they just aren't from the religion.
Myth 1: Deity work is dangerous
Truth: Deity work, in Hellenismos, isn't any more dangerous than worshiping the Christian god is supposed to be. This notion didn't originate in Hellenismos, and is also a largely neopagan idea. Our theoi aren't monsters or aggressive. They won't kill you over tiny mistakes. Just respect them, do what you can, and you'll be fine.
Remember that even in the mythos, people aren't smited for the wrong offering. They're smited for blatant and deliberate disrespect, which by nature can't be done accidentally.
Our deities genuinely aren't easily angered. They wont be mad if you reach out to them, if you confuse them for something else, if you give them the wrong offering, etc.
Myth 2: You need to look out for entities impersonating deities
Truth: Again, this isn't remotely from Hellenismos. Our gods cannot be impersonated by evil entities. Frankly, we don't really have entities with that desire or power in the religion. If you're contacting a Hellenic deity, and you get an affirmative response, you contacted them. The idea you didn't, or that something else is lying to you, is from outside the religion. Our deities are more powerful than random ghosts, and our religion doesn't have that concept.
Myth 3: Hekate is a moon goddess/crone
Truth: Hekate is associated with the moon, but she is not a goddess of the moon. She is the goddess of one lunar phase--the dark moon, which is on the eve of Hekate's Deipnon. She is also not a crone goddess outside of neopaganism and Wicca. Historically, she was depicted as a maiden. Her triple form was also not maiden/mother/crone, simply a triple maiden-esque figure.
Myth 4: Hestia gave her seat to Dionysos/Apollon took Helios's chariot
Truth: Honestly, it's just a difference in counting. Some deities were and weren't Olympians depending on time, culture, and locations. No seats on Olympos were "given up," it's just that sometimes one is there and sometimes the other isn't.
As for the chariot, no. Apollon didn't replace Helios. They were synchronized, but Apollon didn't "take" the chariot, and Helios was never removed. Helios is still the sun--his name is literally "sun."
Myth 5: The myths are history/Hellenic Polytheists believe in the myths
Truth: The characters in myths are real to us, and some myths are literal, but in general, Hellenic mythology is not meant to be taken fully literally. Most of it is symbolic. Additionally, a lot of the r*pe in the mythos is translation errors. We believe in our heroes and our gods, and we believe there is truth in the myths, but no, our mythology isn't like Christian mythology--it's not expected or really encouraged to believe the myths are strictly true history. The myths aren't even consistent over time and location, so it's simply impossible to believe in all of them at once. But no, our gods do not act the way they do in mythology. Myths are by and for mortals, and do not capture the divine.
Myth 6: It's disrespectful to dress up as or write fiction about the gods
Truth: This is just ridiculous and ahistoric. The majority of Ancient Greek theater was deity cosplay and fanfiction. I said what I said.
This can definitely be done disrespectfully, but isn't inherently disrespectful. You also aren't required to represent the theoi fully accurately in this.
Myth 6: X god is Y orientation/gender
Truth: While you can certainly theorize our theoi's sexuality, and none of our gods are cishet by modern standards, none of the gods can only be interpreted as one gender or orientation. The terms we ascribe to them are based on mythos, portrayals, and modern interpretation of historic social roles.
The most common of these theories are maiden goddesses as aroace (ie. Hestia, Athena, Artemis), erastes (top) gods as bi men (ie. Zeus, Apollon, Patroklos), eromenos (bottom) gods as gay men (ie. Ganymedes, Hyakinthos, Akhilleus), and Artemis as a lesbian.
None of these are wrong, to be clear. It's just not as simple as using our modern labels for them. Erastes and eromenos were both considered straight in Ancient Greece; being a 'virgin' didn't always mean celibate; Artemis can be interpreted as bi, lesbian, and/or aroace based on her myths. You can interpret them however you like--I certainly interpret my gods as queer--but there is no single right answer.
Myth 7: You need a patron or to be devoted to someone, or can only have one patron/be devoted to one god, & devotion is an oath
Truth: Patron deities are more of a principle in neopaganism and Wicca than in Hellenismos. Worshiping the theoi does not require you to find a patron or devote to a deity, ever. Patronage is not particularly important or common, unless you are thinking of a patron god of a trade (ie. if you're a blacksmith your patron is Hephaistos).
Devotion is also not exclusive, and never requires an oath. Oaths in Hellenismos are extremely serious, and should never be taken without extreme caution. If you aren't willing to die if you break the oath, don't make it--find something else. You probably wont die, but that's the necessary level of certainty. Devotion, while serious, is not as serious as being oath-bound. You can be devoted to multiple deities, and devotion can be called off if needed. You can't really call off an oath.
Myth 8: X god is a r*pist!
Truth: Please stop it. Just stop it. No. Especially if you're basing that on Lore Olympus. The mythology isn't fact, weird inaccurate mythology fanfic written by someone who doesn't know anything about the myths isn't fact.
The mythology isn't straight up history. The myths were often mistranslated (the Greek word for r*pe didn't just mean r*pe) and they aren't facts. They were also products of their culture. So. No. They are not. And their worshipers aren't r*pe apologists.
Myth 9: Titans are evil and/or Olympians hate titans
Truth: Titans are fine. Really. They're not evil, they're not going to hurt you. They're just another kind of Theoi. Many of them were actually a large part of the historic religion. Hekate's Deipnon was a monthly festival, after all. And no, Olympians don't hate titans. Remember the point about myths not being literal.
Myth 10: The gods are jealous
Truth: No, the gods will not be jealous if you worship another god. They wont be jealous if you worship another pantheon, or if you need a break. If you're a god consort, they won't be jealous if you're interested in other mortals or deities. If you're a devotee, they won't be upset if you devote to other deities.
The most jealous a god gets is upset if you break an oath, promise, or agreement with them. If you promised them a daily libation but skipped it for another deity without permission, they may get upset. But even then, that's not really jealousy.
Myth 11: If you work with X deity, you can't work with Y
Truth: This is usually based on rivalry in mythology, and isn't true at all. Related to the above jealousy point, no deity in real life hates another deity, especially not enough that if you worship both they'll be upset. You can worship Aphrodite and Persephone. You can honor Hera and Leto.
Most of these gods are actually happy if you honor other theoi. Many of them are family, or share domains.
If enough people are interested, I might make a part two, because this is barely the tip of the iceberg. RBs welcome from pagans and non-pagans alike.
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I've redone my palmistry page to include more information on the major & minor lines as well as hand shape.
Again please don't re-upload this to other sites like pinterest
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Research doesn't have to be boring. When you are first starting out in your practice research can sound so tedious and boring. You just want to jump right into spell work. Well, I'm going to share some tips for researching that will make it easier to find information and want to research.
Research what you think is interesting. If you research what you think is interesting you will be able to study it and learn it without getting bored as easy.
If you are starting out and in the broom closet, you can use the internet as a resource you have thousands of resources in your hand. Just check against other resources, to make sure they are reliable.
If you are using book resources check them against other resources just like you would a website.
TIKTOK IS NOT A RELIABLE RESOURCE, there is a lot of misinformation that is spread on tiktok. If someone says one of there primary sources is tiktok, please check their information.
You can take a break from research when you want or research something else aswell do what you what you cant do it wrong.
If you want to start researching witchcraft or practice, do it you wont be able to further your practice or start it if you dont go for it.
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Flame magick
● This is my way of telling the flame, others may read it differently●
Tall flame- the spell is working very well and should work as expected or better.
Flickering, unsteady flame-
Your spell isn't working well and is having trouble manifesting.
Dancing flame- your spell is working not as expected it's going to a be unexpected result.
Normal flame- Your spell is working as expected.
Small blue flame- the spell is not getting through it isn't working.
Cracking/popping- it may have unexpected results.
If the container/candle breaks you need to check if you cut your wick, or if you dropped it. It also could have been interference from a deity, or someone/something is working against you.
I'd the flame keeps going out
Make sure you didn't cut your wick to short or get something wet on your candle. It could also be someone/something is working against you.
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The act of clearing energy from a space or person
Sound- this is a method of cleansing using sound vibrations to break up and clear negative energy, from a space. ( Bells, wind chimes, clapping, singing bowl, ect.)
Smoke cleansing- Using the smoke of plants/herbs to cleanse. Use a plant that corresponds with your needs. One very well know plant is white sage this plant cleanses all energy from the space.
Salt- You can place salt in family spaces to cleanse the energy from the space. I put salt on my alter to keep my space cleansed. You can also use it to cleanse objects by setting them in the salt.
Crystal- You can carry crystalswith you to cleanse your energy throughout the day. You could set crystals on an object to cleanse it as well. Selenite is a good crystal for cleansing it doesn't need to be charged and it can be used to cleanse.
Sun and moon- Let the light soak up all the energy by letting the light shine on it. (Open a window to clear your space, walk outside under the sun or moon to cleanse your self, set an object in the sun/moon though the day or over night to cleanse it.)
Elements-put whatever you are cleansing in the element to cleanse it. (Soak or sprinkle with water, pass through flames, pass through smoke, sprinkle or bury in the dirt.)
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Baneful magick
Baneful magic is a touchy subject, lots of people believe its evil and shouldn't be done. I do perform baneful magic. All people are different and so are their morals. I dont push my morals on others and I wish others didn't either, but they do.
I will never tell a witch to do baneful magic, but if you are a beginner practitioner be cautious when doing it. I did baneful magic since the beginning of my practice, and it can have consequences. Remember to use proper protection if you do any baneful magic.
•Please just be careful•
4 types of baneful magic
●Warning this is my own definition for it others my have slightly different definitions●
Curse: An act of baneful magic that causes long-term or permanent/to generational harm
Hex: An act of baneful magic that causes short-term or temporary harm
Jinx: An act of baneful magic that doesn't cause harm but will cause severe to minor annoyance/inconvenience
Banishing: The act of magically expelling energies, entities, or people.
Binding: The act of magically restraining something or someone.
These are types of baneful magic.
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5 magical plants right outside your door
Herbs are most commonly used in witchcraft today. But, long ago you couldn't always find specific herbs like we can just order today. We can get any plant with ease, but let's say your new in your practice and in the broom closet you wouldn't be able to get those specific herbs easily with out raising suspicion. Why not use the plants right in your yard? Well, it depends on your region and where you live, but you can use those plants in your yard in your magical practice.
Things to know
When you collect the plants in your yard, make sure you know what your collecting. What do I mean by know what your collecting, well you need to to know if your collecting what you think or its sister who looks very similar. You wouldn't want to collect hemlocks thinking your collecting cow parsley. You need to know what your collecting.
Don't take more then you need. It's a good rule of thumb you don't want to over harvest from the ecosystem. Just take what you need.
Clean what plants you get from outside. The plants you get from outside could have dirt, bugs, and bacteria. If you are going to consume the plant you would need to make sure they are clean. (You can clean them by putting them in warm water and soap. Let the plants set and agitate the water with them in it.
The information can be hard to find as they aren't as main stream and the information can be very sparse and there maybe very little.
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I took this picture I did pretty good, its white clover they grow in clover patches aswell, as red clover.
I will try to give as much information as I could find on the plants.
Gender: Masculine
Planet: mercury
Element: Air
Magical uses: Love spells, luck, Protection, Money, Fair folk magic, prosperity spells, success, fidelity, exorcisms, spirit communication.
Red and white clover can slightly different properties but the ones above still apply to them.
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google, I didn't take this one I got it on google. I didn't have a yellow dandelion in my yard or field.
Folk names: Cankerwort, Lion’s Tooth, Priest’s Crown, Swine Snout, White Endive, Wild Endive
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Air
Magical uses: Calling spirits, Wishes, Divination, luck spells,Body cleansing and purification, Dream magic, promotes psychic powers ( usually drunken as dandelion root tea)
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I didn't take this one either.
 Folk Names: Ortiga Ancha, Stinging Nettle
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Magical uses: exorcism, healing, lust, protection,dispelling evil, body cleansing and purification
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I didn't take this one either sadly I only took the one, there are wasps outside "they scare me".
Folk Names: Duir, Jove's Nuts, White Oak
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Magical uses : Fertility, Healing, Health, Luck, Money, Protection, wards, prosperity spells
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Didn't take
Gender: Masculine
Planet: mars
Element: Air
Magical uses: healing, purification, fertility, protection, exorcism, wealth
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