Witch tip:
If you aren't a very artistic or creative person, or are like me and cannot draw a lot due to pain, and you need to create some cool looking sigils, try the app Craiyon.
Its an app that has an AI that will draw something based off the key words you give it. Here are some examples:
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My plan is to draw my favorites in my sketchbook with my own twist once, then print them when I need them. But you could honestly just print these as is.
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Practicing Witchcraft & Being in the Broom Closet🌙
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Being in the Broom Closet:
🖤Disclaimer: If practicing is going to put you in danger, then do not practice! It is okay to wait until you are in a safe place before beginning your practice. If you a minor and are dependant on your parents/guardians financially, then please do not jeopardize that support. You have your whole life to practice so be patient!
Let's begin with what does it mean to be in the broom closet. Being in the broom closet is just a saying to describe people who practice witchcraft in secret. They have not told their family or friends about their practice and hide it from those in their lives. Many people spend years in the broom closet before informing their friends due to the potential backlash or ridicule they may face for practicing. Some people live their whole lives without telling others of their practice and some people are very open and up front about it. It really depends on the environment that you're in and the ideologies of those around you. Being able to be open about your practice is a privilege that not everyone has.
Your ability to practice may also vary depending on the time of year, environment and more. For example, when I live at school, I am able to practice openly and freely. My friends are all aware of my practice and take an interest in my workings. However, during breaks and when I'm at home, I am unable to practice and can go many months without performing a single spell. During this time I tend to focus on research rather than spell work which creates a natural ebb and flow in my practice.
Religion & Roadblocks:
Some people may have religious friends or family which prevents them from telling people about their practice. This can be really hard to deal with for many reasons. Obviously concerns about safety are especially relevant (& valid) but for some people, not being able to share the thing that makes them happy is what's hardest. These types of roadblocks can make us feel ashamed of out interests. That's why it is important to remember why you started practicing in the first place. I recommend writing (in your journal or book of shadows) a page on why you started practicing, what motivates you to continue and what you hope to get out of your practice. I say this because even though we may know why we started, when times get tough or motivation gets low, it becomes harder to remember why. Having a page that you can look back on may motivate you to keep going. I plan on writing a post about burnout in witchcraft so be on the lookout for that if you would like to know more.
Tips for Practicing Discretely:
Using folk names- many herb books will list alternative names for herbs (Cunningham's encyclopedia of magical herbs is one of the best known for doing this). If you need to record ingredients for spells and are worried about someone reading them then try using alternative names.
Disguise spells as recipes- if you practice kitchen witchcraft this will be a lot easier for you (obviously) but instead of writing down spells, write them as recipes (you won't be able to write down non edible ingredients but you can still include them without writing it down)
Using paintings as wards- drawing sigils in paint on canvases then painting over top of the sigils is an easy way to mask your wards. Since they will be completely covered no one will know what it is.
Using items found in nature- having a rock collection or picking up cool looking sticks isn't very suspicious. However both of these can be incorporated into your witchcraft for multiple purposes.
Maintaining an online BOS/grimoire- I know most people prefer the pen and paper method but having your book of shadows online can help prevent others from accidentally finding it. For any apple users, we are able to password protect certain notes in the Notes app so that may be something to look into.
Utilizing social media- having a private instagram or a dedicated account to witchcraft is another way to store information secretly. Obviously it gives you a place to save all the witchy information you find online but you can also post copies of notes that you want to keep hidden or discuss results of spells (P.S no one has to follow you for this to work, if you want to maintain these accounts in secret then you can simply deny any follow requests).
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Tarot deck: The Original Rider-Waite Deck, Illustrated by Pamela Colman Smith
*All images are from Pinterest*
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This does not apply to oaths. But this does apply to figure out what path is best for you. I started in Norse Paganism then moved to modern witchcraft and now I'm experimenting with Hellenic Polytheism.
One of the most powerful and liberating things you can do when exploring your magical and spiritual path is to say, "this is just for right now."
The type of magic you practice will evolve and change. Your skills and abilities will grow and shift.
The spirits & gods you're talking to right now might not be the ones you talk to in 3 years. You might spend a year living and breathing folk witchcraft, and wake up one day and decide to be a ceremonial magician.
That's not dabbling, or quitting, or posing. That's you gaining experience and moving up to your own next level.
Don't burden yourself with trying to make decisions that are supposed to Be You for the next 5, 10, 25 years. Make decisions for today, tomorrow, next month. It's all just for right now anyways.
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splitting spell focus isn't your friend!
If you have a spell jar with the intent of "protected," that's 1 intent.
If you then open the jar and add another intent, like, "prosperous," that's 2 intents.
Even if you add a bunch of other correspondences to support the second intent, both intents will be weaker than if you did 1 jar each!
If I can charge my spell jar with 100 units of magical energy, then all 100 units go to the original intent, protected.
Now when I add my new intent, prosperous, the energy is split. If I'm lucky, 50 units of energy go to my new intent for prosperity. Now my protection intent is really weakened because its energy is diverted. Or maybe my original casting was really strong and 90 units of energy stay with protected, and only 10 units of energy go to prosperous. My first intent is STILL weakened but my second intent is barely charged.
Ok, so what if I am really good with energy work, and I superpower my jar spell. Now it has 200 units of magical energy!
Lucky me, now my original protected intent is now back to full power :) and my prosperous intent is equal power, they each have 100 units of energy.
But if I still did two individual jars.... and superpowered them both to 200 units of energy... I'm still 100% better off. I could have two jars of full power, instead of one jar dividing power.
Splitting spell intents definitely has its place, but IME for most situations its always going to be more powerful and more effective to cast independent spells with singular focus.
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💥struggling polytheist tips💥
from the bean who brought you beginner polytheist tips, here’s some for the experienced and struggling —
💢 first and most importantly, make yourself the priority. step back. stop pressuring and guilt tripping yourself. sometimes this means not making offerings, doing rituals, or just being generally active with your faith - they will forgive you 
💢 remember that they are busy. modern polytheism is on the up and up, sometimes they simply won’t have time for you but you are not forsaken. 
💢 don’t compare yourself to others. everyone’s path and relationship with deities is unique and incredibly personal. criticizing yourself won’t help anything. 
💢 when you’re able to, say thanks. just thanks. Pour out some water, whisper apologies, something to recognize them as still apart of your life 
💢 too busy/no energy when you’re awake? try in your dreams or keep a log if nothing seems obvious. signs might be there that aren’t totally blatant 
💢 plan ahead. the less time pressure you put on yourself, the more energy you’re likely to have to finally Do The Thing™. I like to plan my Things around holidays and moon phases but it can be anything whenever 
💢 godphone out of minutes? write them notes. not letters (i mean, unless you wanna but i find them to be exhausting). Leave them in a box, a bowl, tie them to a plant, privately post them to your blog, burn em up, whatever works 
💢 give them flowers. A simple, universal, “miss you, love you, hope you’re doing well" 
💢 dismantle and reorganize your altar. clear out your doubtful, struggling energies from your personal space. you can wait to set it back up or do so slowly over time 
💢 do you work with spirits? they might be more readily available than your very busy deities if you need a spiritual fix this one helps me a lot
feel free to add your own tips and help out your fellow polytheist~
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Energy Work 101: Basic Shielding
"Shielding" is an energy work technique that puts a protective sphere of energy around you. This technique is basic at its core, but can be continually evolved and upgraded to become very advanced and powerful indeed.
Concepts & Theory
Most all shields are spherical or egg-shaped.
Shields are often sized to be an outstretched arm's length away from your body, plus a foot (30cm) or so extra all around. You can make them any size you like. Because they are made of energy, the bigger they are, the more energy they take.
Shields fade away. Depending on how stable they are when you make them, they may fade within hours or days.
Shields can and will affect your mood and how people perceive you.
It is a good idea to practice dismantling/undoing shields as often as you practice creating them.
While the most basic shield is a bubble of white light, they can be endlessly modified.
You can have more than one shield at once. They can be stacked concentrically. Think about which shields you want to be closer to you and which you want on the outside next to others.
One of the most useful ways to modify a shield is to specifically choose what kinds of energies you want to bet let in, and what kinds you want to keep out.
The basic technique used for energy shielding can also be used for other techniques such as glamours, energy cleansing, object charging, and some forms self-care. Because of this, shielding is a good place to start practicing practical energy work.
Shielding is a cousin of aura-imprinting. The technique I am talking about here puts a bubble of energy on the outside of your aura. Aura-imprinting/strengthening techniques refer to changing your aura itself.
Methods of Shield-Raising
There are as many methods to accomplish shielding as there are people. Here are a couple:
1. Make one hand into a fist and place it over your heart. Place your other palm on top of it. Gently push down on your chest to create pressure - not so much that it hurts. Imagine, feel, believe, or know that within your chest is a wellspring of energy. This energy pools around your fist as you create pressure there. When you are ready, move your fist away from your body (experiment with both fast and slow motions). Imagine, feel, believe, or know that an energy sphere grows from that place in your chest and expands until it surrounds you. It stops expanding about a foot away from your outstretched arms.
2. Breathe in. As you breathe in, consider that you are pulling pure energy out of the air and into your body. Hold your breath for a beat and decide that when you exhale, that pure energy is going to start forming a sphere around your body. As you exhale, imagine, feel, believe, intend, or know that this energy flows around you to start forming an energy shell. Continue breathing in and out with intent until you can easily imagine, feel, or believe that the shell has become solid and complete.
3. Consider a pop-culture method that a character uses to shield themselves. Steven Universe can do that rose quartz thing, for example. Or, imagine Captain Picard of Star Trek saying, "shields up!" and the Enterprise being surrounded by powerful protective energy. Copying a pop-culture technique can be extremely effective for shielding. Put your intent towards causing real power to flow, and let culture be your guide.
4. Consider that your body is permanently connected to your environment and there is always free energy exchange passing between you and the world around you. This process is automatic, but like your breath, you have the ability to take control of this process if you so choose. Feel the parts of you making contact with the world below (your feet, or bottoms of your legs if you are sitting). Decide, intend, choose, or will that the energy passing into your body at those points will instead rise up and surround you in a shield. You may need to actively stay with this process and continually will it to occur; with practice you may need to only check in every now and then.
A Method of Shield-Dissolving
1. Consider that you have placed energy around yourself which exists there whether or not you can feel it. Decide, intend, choose, or will that this energy breaks up and dissolves. You get to choose what to do with the energy. Options include:
Drawing it back into yourself
Pushing it down into the earth
Releasing it into the air around you
Would you like to do a fun experiment? Release the energy into the air around you in a closed room with no open doors or windows :)
Consider drawing energy back into yourself until you feel your storage containers are full, then pushing the rest of it downwards and into the earth.
Basic Shield Programming
For practice in raising and putting down energy, the form or shape your shield takes doesn't really matter. If you need to know what form it will take in order to complete the exercise, the most basic shield is considered to be a smooth bubble of white light; you can choose to practice with any form you like.
Programming a shield basically means to choose its effects. Common effects include limiting emotional intake from others, and blocking out environmental energy.
Form should follow function. If you want an energy shield to totally completely block out 100 of environmental energies, its form may take an opaque, solid black orb. If you want the shield to limit some energies but not others, it may take the form of a chain-link fence, be semi-opaque, or be like vines with gaps-inbetween them.
Experimenting with what forms work best for you is worthwhile. You do not necessarily need to choose a specific form: simply putting willpower behind your intent will also suffice.
Two Methods of Programming
I recommend trying the first technique for initially creating the shield, and the second technique for making adjustments once it exists.
1. Choose the intent of your shield before you even begin making it. As you begin gathering power, hold your intent in the forefront of your mind. Understand, believe, or know that the shield will not be created in general, but that it will be created within the specifications of your intent, like pancake batter poured into a cookie cutter mold. Hold your intent at the forefront of your mind while energy is gathered and released into the shield. (This is what you're doing automatically if you choose a pop culture technique with specific shield purpose and form)
2. Create a general/basic shield in any way you prefer. Observe, believe, feel, understand, or know that this basic shield is under your control and will respond to your intent. Select an intent. Pour your intent into the existing shield. This may be done through the vehicle of the breath, hand symbols, eye gazes, chanting, or any desired method. Observe, believe, feel, understand, or know that the shield responds to your will like a pond rippling when a rock is thrown in. Maintain your focus until you sense the work is complete, or until you're tired or bored.
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Hermes, swift footed messenger of the Gods, I praise and honor You. Friend of man, your embrace is comfort , your laugh is endearing. I trust you. Hail Hermes, god of tricks, creator of lyre, slayer of Argos, allow me to follow where you lead today and everyday.
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Crystal Knot Magic
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Knotting a crystal net is very easy if you are able to use your fingers for this kind of crafting.
They are often called crystal "wraps" and many tutorials can be found on Youtube.
There are many, many ways to make a crystal net. The style you use determines the final appearance. More importantly for us, the style you use determines how many knots there will be, and their size.
We can draw on four common elements of magic: Crystal/mineral correspondences, color correspondences, numerology, and knot magic.
The stone (or other object) is like the battery which holds and radiates power. The object you net should correspond to your core intent.
The color of cord or thread you use can modify or hone your intent. For example, if using clear quartz, the color correspondence might be doing most of the work.
Then again, this spell will work with cotton twine and a river stone, so just do whatever suits you.
The total number of cords you use dictates how many knots total will exist in your spell. Crystal nets are made by tying two strands of cord together. If you use four cords, you will have eight working ends, and therefore you will tie four knots per row. If you have five cords, you will have ten working ends, and you will need to tie five knots per row. I align my numerology to the number of knots, not strands, because the knots themselves are holding the magic.
The knots are used to tie intent and bind power. I create most of my charms in a style that has one big starter knot at the top and one big finishing knot at the bottom. There are tons of ways to utilize knots in this project. The first knot can hold the only intent, while the rest bind powers to support it. Or the intent can be split into its composite parts and each part gets its own knot. Or every single knot can have something unique, or they can all be identical... lots of options.
Conceptually, the inner object is the focal point or battery of the spell. The knots can be understood as tools that the object uses to carry out your will, instructions to guide the object in its work, vessels that carry additional power (like tidepools on a beach), or tangles that capture and bind up unwanted forces.
To perform this sort of magic:
1. Learn how to make the nets first from an arts and crafts perspective :) you can cut the cording off to re-use the same stone later. It is really frustrating to try and do a craft in a ritual headspace if you have to learn the craft simultaneously!
2. Gather up your cording and object to be netted. Do any ritual techniques you prefer to prepare them.
3. Decide how you want your intent to be tied in. Do you want to use the same phrase for each knot? Do you want to chant your intent continuously while you do many knots? Etc.
4. Make the crystal net in your ritual headspace/magic zone. Pour your intent into each knot in whatever methods you choose.
5. I recommend making the final knot of your project into the seal which completes and finishes the amulet ("so mote it be," "as my will it has been done," etc).
6. If you did not raise and direct energy during the spell, ensure the amulet is charged afterwords. Like all amulets and talismans, it requires feeding and repowering as time goes on.
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I feel this is something that seems “basic” and is labeled as such but is actually quite involved and not really talked about.
Because of that I wanted to make a post on how to visualize and create that protection energy and how to direct it.
You NEED to truly BELIEVE that YOU stronger and more powerful than the negative energy being passed on your way.
For meyself I imagine a powerful bright blue light coming from my core, this light then begins to surround my whole body, getting Brighter and stronger with each breath in, to help myself feel calm or promote protection energy. (This visual may be completely different for you! And that’s okay! Maybe you don’t visualize at all, and that’s okay to! It’s all about what makes you feel comfortable and protected!)
⚡️Be stern. DEMAND IT.
you are ruler over your own energy.
You are the ruler of your energetic realm.
You have the power.
That person/energy is just an invader.
DEMAND IT to get it removed from where you reign.
⚡️Think about what you are possessive of. Be that your home, your friends, your aura, whatever it may be. Feel the defensiveness when that thing is being intruded. Now direct that defence towards commanding the Universe of your protection.
For me this looks like my blue light bubble begins to harden around me. and obliterate whatever/whomever tries to penetrate it with malice intent. It also drives any non blue light out of my bubble back to where it was sent from.
Another form that this happens is where my blue light “explodes outwards” and obliterates all negative energy it touches.
Again this may look feel or even be a completely different experience for you so be sure to make note of the things you think feel and see while you’re preforming this.
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Finally I like to finish with some protection mantras to help direct and solidify my energy shield.
✨I am spirituality protected from anybody and anything that is wishing me my downfall, negativity or harm.
✨I am protected from any and all ill will that could have a negative effect on my well being, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.
✨I am powerful beyond measure. And protection exists all around and within me.
✨Any and All negative energy is blocked, washed away and wiped out of my energetic field.
✨I revoke all energy that harms me
I really hope this helped some of you a bit. and if you have anything to add please feel free to add! And please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns💗Merry meet,✨-B
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spirit work is how it sounds, working with spirits. these spirits can be spirits of plants, people, animals, mythical beings/creatures, familiars, and otherworldly spirits. it is communing with these spirits, building a relationship with them (forming trust) and asking for their aid (be that in protection, spell work, etc). 
TYPES OF SPIRITS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
now i should preface this with the types and branching of spirits is vast and wide, and it is dependent on culture, tradition, and religion. i am going to be focusing on animism and the undead spirits, but i will briefly touch on other important/highlighted entities. 
:  ̗̀➛ plant/flora spirits; spirits that are of trees, plants, flowers, rocks, etc. things found in nature that aren’t mammals or animals. most common/popular examples being nymph spirits.
:  ̗̀➛ animal/fauna spirits; spirits of mammals, bugs, birds, and reptiles - spirits of the animal kingdom excluding humans. 
:  ̗̀➛ house/domestic spirits; house spirits have the potential and possibility to be human, but they can also be non-human. domestic spirits (in rome they’re called domestici lares) are guardians of a household and generally the protectors of the home and even the hearth (depending on mythos and region). a common/popular example being saints. 
:  ̗̀➛ tutelary spirits; tutelary/guardian spirits are exactly how they sound, they’re guardians. these spirits can be guardians of a specific place (like a temple or holy ground, see Shi lions), graveyards (this can be any spirit but the most famous is a gargoyle), or of a person (like guardian angels, but any spirit could be a guardian, such as gryphs)
:  ̗̀➛ human spirits/shades; a human soul can and is defined many ways and varies from person to person and tradition to tradition, but human spirits (aka shades, ghosts, etc) can and do reside in our realm alongside the spirit realm (via transport, normally by liminal spots or the aid of a psychopomp, but some can travel on their own). 
:  ̗̀➛ vampiric spirits; vampiric spirits are spirits who drain energy in order to survive or gain strength. back in the day they were known to cause sickness, health issues, and low immune systems, etc. most common/well known spirits are vampires/vampyres, succubi/incubi, some umbra/shadow people, and as i like to call them - dream wyrms. 
:  ̗̀➛ infernus spirits; infernus spirits are those relating to the underworld, this can at times overlap into the demonic, but not all of the demonic are infernus. infernus spirits are mostly those who aid as psychopomps, but they can be the servants and attendants of infernal or chthonic deities. 
:  ̗̀➛ mythical creature spirits; mythical creatures or legendary beasts are those who are not of this plane and reside in the spiritual world. some can be worked with while some cannot (such as faer folk, a note about faer folk is that it’s best to just leave them alone, or yokai). 
:  ̗̀➛ familiar spirits; familiars are spirits/entities who are shapeshifters and sometimes called demons who create a pact with a practitioner/witch/mage/etc. in order to aid them in magical practice and even protection. 
it’s important to know and note the basics of spirit work in order to start spirit work. so here are the foundations of what is needed to know for proper and safe spirit work. 
section i. cleansing
let’s firstly begin with what cleansing is and why witches do it. cleansing is a way of forcing negative energy out of an area or person. cleansing is an act that is sort of like a reset button. think of it like showering! you shower because during the day you collected dust, dirt, sweat, etc. and you want to be clean so you take a shower! cleansing is similar, you collect negative energy from weeks of active or inactive craftmenship and even spirits or other entities can latch onto you and your home which then drains your energy. cleansing is needed to keep your space clean and easy to manage energies. it’s important to cleanse yourself, your space and even items. cleansing is important for all magic arguably, but especially spirit work. there are plenty of methods to cleanse, the most popular is smoke (do note it’s important to not smudge smudging is a closed practice to natives and indigenous in north america). but there are other methods such as sound, air/wind, energy work, and water. 
section ii. banishing
banishing is also an important skill to have in your back pocket. banishing is is a more forceful means of cleansing. it’s to forcefully remove an entity and less “nice”. banishing can be done in rituals, spells, using fire (writing the name or being down and burning the paper), air (writing the name or being down and tossing it in the wind), earth (writing the name or being down and burying it), water (writing the name down and tossing it in the sea or river, drowning the paper, etc), etc! loads of ways to banish and more i didn’t mention! 
section iii. grounding
grounding is an extremely important part of spirit work. grounding keeps you in a stable mindset and energy wise keeps you balanced. ways of grounding can be dancing, shaking your hands and feet, stomping/jumping, meditating, taking a walk, listening to music, etc. 
section iv. circle casting/closing
circle casting is important, especially for beginners, it creates a wall and safe zone for yourself and the spirit. one of the easiest ways (physical circles) is to pour a circle of salt around you, candles or crystals at four points (in the position of a pentacle), etc. as far as mental/energy ones, some use their finger or a wand and do a complete circle around them, or, a circle and a pentacle (pentagram). while casting circles some people call upon and evoke deities, angels, the watchers/watch towers, spirit guides, elements, etc. for protection and ensuring safety. some believe you must cast a circle starting north and finish at west, some don’t. no matter where you start the circle you must start and end the circle at the same point, going the opposite direction than what you started with when casting, will close the circle. so if i casted my circle clockwise, i would close it counterclockwise and end at the same point i started with. 
section v. further protection
casting a circle isn’t the only method of protection that should be precautioned, there are also the means of protection such as layering warding (which is a lesson in itself). some examples of warding are; energetic wards, spell jars, spell bags, charms, crystals, sigils, and house guardians to name a few. you can also veil during spirit work, but it’s not necessary. 
section vi. boundaries
setting boundaries with spirits is super important, especially if they’re staying long term (but even if it’s short term have boundaries!) so say you don’t like it when spirits knock, establish the boundary politely of “i don’t like it when you knock at night or during the day, so please don’t do that.” remember, be polite, but be firm too. and if you want a spirit gone tell them sternly! 
section vii. what are vessels?
vessels are what ground spirits and help to stabilize them in our plane, a vessel can be anything too, such as jewelry, dolls, a pen, bones, literally anything. an anchor is similar to a vessel, but an anchor doesn’t “house” the spirit, more so provides it a free range and source of stability. conduits channel the spirits energy, it can be symbols, sigils or other iconography to channel and then utilize a spirits energy. these are all important tools and things to know when it comes to spirit work.
In General
:  ̗̀➛be assertive, but be polite
:  ̗̀➛ do not forcefully bind a spirit to an anchor, vessel, or conduit alike
:  ̗̀➛ always use consent when it comes to using vessels, anchors, or conduits
:  ̗̀➛ ask and negotiate, come to a compromise, have firm boundaries too
:  ̗̀➛don’t forget to feed and provide energy for any vampiric or even familiar spirits
:  ̗̀➛ make a schedule if you really need to/set reminders on when communication is and isn’t ok
:  ̗̀➛ don’t sell, show, or give away spirits 
House Spirits 
:  ̗̀➛ be polite 
: ̗̀➛ treat them like you would treat a living breathing human 
: ̗̀➛ when entering a house, i normally like to whisper a quiet greeting or even in my mind saying “hello”, “good day”, “good afternoon”, “good morning” etc. 
: ̗̀➛ depending on your belief, greet the house guardian 
: ̗̀➛ light a candle to them, do divination, learn about them! 
 : ̗̀➛ don’t take what’s not yours, it’s impolite 
: ̗̀➛ have manners, people from all centuries probably reside there 
: ̗̀➛ greet & give offerings to the guardian at the front gate (this can be a tree, a specific spirit, animal spirits, etc.) 
: ̗̀➛ treat them like they’re people 
: ̗̀➛ dont step on the grass (this is respectful to the dead and their families) 
Landmarks (i.e. lakes, forest, plains, oceans, etc.) 
: ̗̀➛ introduce yourself & say a greeting 
: ̗̀➛ spend quality time & respect boundaries
 : ̗̀➛ offer things that will benefit them / the area (i.e. water, compost, etc) 
: ̗̀➛ don’t be shy to strike up conversation and divination
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Unpopular Opinion: The Gods would never let a trickster spirit claim to be them. Most religious people are not scared of malicious entities masquerading as their God(s). Have more faith that your Gods will take care of you.
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Egg cleanse. How to & their meaning!
Have you heard about egg cleanses? If you believe evil or someone is out to get you, this is a sure way to tell.
It's pretty simple!
Start by running your egg under water and setting your intention. Be specific with your intent.
Burn an incense or some herbs (frankincense :)) and let your egg run through the smoke.
Rub your egg on your body from your head to your toes. Focus on the egg absorbing the negative energy in your body.
Crack the egg into a glass of water.
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Next, it's time to read your results.
Here are the meanings of an egg cleanse:
Bubble rising - Negativity
Figures in the yolk - Envy
Nails/Needles shapes - someone does not want you to succeed, you have an enemy
Coating on the yolk - someone is angering you
Red or black spots on the yolk - Illness/disease
Cloudy/Black/Gray yolk - Evil is near you
White halos around the yolk - making decisions too quickly
Clouds/swirls in yolk - people want you to fail
Bubbles around the yolk - good spirits are watching over you
Cobwebs - someone is jealous of you
Follow me for more witchy tips!
Enchanting Nova
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Folklore, Superstition & Protection Magic🕯
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What is Protection Magic & Why do People do it?
Jason Miller (in his book Protection & Reversal Magic) describes protection magic as "taking reasonable precautions" against magical attacks and although this is true, the belief that everyone is out to get me doesn't feel very helpful. I agree that protection magic as a preventative measure is super important but I can't say that I do it because I'm expecting people to hex me. When people do things like send the evil eye your way, most of the time it's subconscious (although people can be assh*les). I like to think of protective magic as a barrier preventing that from sticking or affecting me long term.
Protective magic is also great if you work with spirits or entities. This allows you to have more control on who you are letting into your space. An example would be having a ward that lets your ancestors in but keeps other restless spirits out.
Types of Protection Magic:
🖤I plan on writing more in-depth blog posts about several of these topics so if it is something that interests you, look out for those!
Warding- the best way I like to think of warding is like putting up an energetic shield. These "shields" can be semipermeable or non-permeable and allow us control over what energy & spirits can enter our space. You can ward other things besides a space, you can also ward yourself, your name, image & more.
Banishing- this is the act of forcefully removing either an entity/ energy from yourself or your space. The key word is here is forcefully, it is different from cleansing because of this. Where as cleansing might be equated to dusting or wiping down a countertop, a banishment is like deep-cleaning.
Witches bottles- a form of protection which historically involves bodily fluids. It was originally used to protect from witches but in modern days, it's used by witches to protect themselves and their space.
Poppets- poppets are not to be confused with voodoo dolls. They may have similarities but voodoo dolls (and the tradition they belong to) are closed. Poppets can be used in all kinds of magic, but I like to use them in protection spells. Putting a poppet (with a personal taglock) under your bed can protect you while you sleep.
Baneful protections- baneful protections usually involve some sort of consequence for negative energy they catch. Some have a return-to-sender embedded within them and can pack a real punch if hit. Of course, with any baneful work, the wording and not just the intent is really important here.
Historical Forms of Protection Magic:
**Every culture will have their own protective items, additionally superstitions vary depending on the region. Researching what items are protective in your culture is a great way to connect with your ancestors.**
Red string- we often hear about the red string of fate but red string also has protective properties. Red string as a protective talisman appears in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and more. Red string is usually tied around the wrist as a bracelet (you could also incorporate knot magic and make it a whole spell).
Railroad spikes- not only are they made of iron, which is seen as being able to repel spirits, but their mundane use makes them strongly associated with protection. You often see them placed in the 4 corners of a house or property.
Coffin nails- appear in many different traditions, both closed and open. As a tool, they are open, just make sure if you are researching ritual uses that you aren't stumbling into something that's closed. Most coffin nails are made of iron and can be used in protective magic to break curses, repel evil and reverse spells.
Evil eye (also called the nazar)- appears in many ancient and modern cultures (like Greece, Egypt & more). It was used to ward off the evil eye and is believed to break or go missing when the evil eye is cast.
Bells- bells have many historic uses, in ancient Rome and Greece, bells were used as amulets. Either to incite fear on the battlefield or to protect animals and the home, there is a great deal of archaeological evidence to support their use (source: The sound of Magic? Bells in Roman Britain by Eckardt & Williams). Modern bells can be used as wards & in cleansing.
*First and third images are from Pinterest, second image is a photo I took of a simple protection spell*
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Witchcraft & Elemental Magic
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Why Incorporate the Elements?
Some people believe that the four elements are spirits, other think they just energetic currents in which we can tap into (beliefs may very, to each their own). Most can agree that the four elements are powerful forces which can be incorporated into spells and ritual work to strengthen or empower our intent. The four elements can also be called upon for any number of thing including protection working, to bless or charge objects, circle casting and grounding exercises. Practitioners may choose to incorporate the elements in many different way and using many different forms especially if they feel particularly connected to that element.
For example, my big three are all Earth signs (yes, I am absolutely insufferable) so I feel particularly connected to the element of Earth. In contrast, a storm witch will likely choose to honour the element of Water and work with that element closely. You can also have no particular connection to any of the elements and simply choose to honour them all (or none) and that works to. Elemental magic may interest to you especially if you choose not to work with deities because working with these energies can be more informal (I would argue that deity work is more structured in comparison but that is a personal opinion).
You can incorporate the elements in many ways as well so don’t feel limited by what you see on social media. The sun and lightening can be used to represent Fire instead of a simple candle. The moon can represent Earth, since it was once a part of the earth. Water can be the water you drink but it can also be ice or steam. Air can be wind, smoke or simply breathing. Elemental magic is very versatile and can be incorporated into a lot of your mundane work as well. Washing the laundry can become cleansing with Water and an oven can be used in a working with the element of Fire.
Ways to Honour the Elements:
Making offerings to the elements- offerings for the Earth can be buried, while offerings for Fire can burned. Just remember that some offerings may be toxic so be sure to do your research before offering something (especially with Water since many water sources are threatened).
Build an altar for the elements- you don't need an entirely separate altar, it works equally as well if you just incorporate something to represent each element on your working altar. Many people use dirt for Earth, water for Water, incense for Air and a candle for Fire (but feel free to switch it up).
Take care of the planet- doing things like recycling, eating less meat and picking up trash can all be devotional acts to help keep our planet in good health. Remember that devotional acts should be tailored to your abilities, do not do anything that may jeopardize your health.
Colour magic- different colour are associated with different elements and you can honour the elements by wear certain colours. For example, to honour the Earth, you may choose to wear green.
Traditional Practices & the Elements:
🖤Some of the traditions discussed below are closed practices. Please do your research!
Many different traditions focus on or incorporate the elements. Traditions which involve shamanism often incorporate the elements into their practices. Indigenous communities place a great focus on the elements as well and many of their practices involve honouring elements like Earth and Water. Other religions, like Wicca, also place a great deal of emphasis on the four elements (or 5 elements in the case of Wicca). Additionally, depending on the region, some folk practices may incorporate certain elements as well. For example, folk practices which originated near the sea may honour/incorporate the element of Water.
The elements themselves are open to anyone and can be worked with or honoured by anyone. Depending on the tradition or religion you are apart of, you may have a deeper connection to some elements over others.
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*All Images are from Pinterest*
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What's really in that witch's cauldron?
Folk names for herbs
Ass' Ear- Comfrey
Bat's Wing- Holly Leaves
Beard Of Monk- Chicory
Bear's Foot- Lady's Mantle
Bird's Eye- Germander or Speedwell
Blind Eyes- Poppy
Blood From a Head- Lupine
Blood Of Ares- Purslane
Blood Of Hestia- Chamomile
Bloody Fingers- Foxglove
Calf's Snout- Snapdragon
Cat's Foot- Ground Ivy
Crow's Foot- Wood Anemone
Devil's Ear- Jack In The Pulpit
Devil's Plaything- Yarrow
Dew Of the Sea- Rosemary
Dog's Mouth- Snapdragon
Dragon's Teeth- Vervain
Elf Leaf- Lavender
Englishman's Foot- Common Plantain
Fairy Eggs- Nutmeg
Flower Of Death- Vinca
Goose Tongue- Lemon Balm
Graveyard Dust- Mullein
Hawk's Heart- Wormwood
Juno's Tears- Vervain
Jupiter's Beard- Sempervivums
Lion's Foot- Lady's Mantle
Little Faces- Viola
Man's Bile- Turnip Sap
Mortification Root- Rose of Sharyn
Nose Of Turtle- Turtlehead, Chelone
Nosebleed- Yarrow
Our Lady's Tears- Lily Of The Valley
Old Man's Flannel- Mullein
Ram's Head- Valerian
Scale Of Dragon- Tarragon
Semen Of Ares- White Clover
Semen Of Hermes- Dill
Serpent's Tongue- Dog's Tooth Violet
Sparrow's Tongue- Knotweed
Tree Of Doom- Elder
Unicorn Root- Boneset
Weasel Snout- Yellow Archangel
Wool Of Bat- Moss
Body Parts as Plants:
Eye- Blossom or Seed
Heart- Bud or Seed
Beak, Bill or Nose- Seed, Bud or Bloom
Tongue or Teeth- Petal or Leaf
Head- Blossom
Tail- Stem
Hair- Dried Herbs or Stringy Parts Of Herbs
Privates, Genitals Or Semen- Seeds Or Sap
Blood- Sap
Guts- Roots or Stalk
Paw, Foot, Leg, Wing or Toe- Leaves
Animals as Plants:
Toad- Sage
Cat- Catmint
Dog- Grasses, Specifically Couchgrass
Frog- Cinquefoil
Eagle- Wild Garlic
Blue Jay- Laurel
Hawk- Hawkweed
Lamb-Wild Lettuce
Nightengale- Hops
Rat- Valerian
Weasel- Rue
Woodpecker- Peony
I borrowed this from:
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Protection Magic & Baneful Protections⚡️
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What are Baneful Protections?
Baneful protections can be considered both a form of baneful magic and a form of protection magic. When beginning baneful work, this is usually what I recommend starting with. Baneful protections are protection spells that produce some sort of consequence when energy hits it. This can be done without the use of physical taglocks (like names or dates of birth) because energy is able to act like a taglock. For example, some of the baneful protections I have set up will reflect any energy that hits it back to its source while others trap that energy instead (so it can used later on).
It is very important that even though you are protecting yourself, you aren't accidentally tethering the energy to you. In my first baneful protection, I used my saliva to tether the protection to me but instead I tethered all the negative energy the spell had trapped to me and had a horrible case of bad luck for weeks before I realized what I had done. As a rule of thumb i personally don’t include any personal taglocks in baneful protections and always make sure to include a petition that details my exact intent for the spell.
When to use Baneful Protections:
Baneful protections can be used instead of or in conjunction with other forms of protection (see my blog posts for more information on alternative forms of protection magic). I personally didn't have any baneful protections before I was hexed (for the first time) and now I have some just as a precautionary measure. Baneful protections are most beneficial (in my opinion) if you are surrounded by a lot of negative energy or work in an environment that is mentally draining. These protections can help combat the toll that it takes and prevent much of that energy from staying with you for an extended period of time.
It is really up to you whether or not you choose to incorporate baneful protections into your practice. It is worth it to note that this spell work is considered baneful magic, so those who believe in "doing no harm" may choose to forgo this and stick to regular protections instead. Whatever you choose, be sure to do your own research before attempting any new forms of spell work.
Return-to-Sender Spells:
Mirrors- mirrors have the ability to reflect an image so they are also able to reflect energy. Putting up a mirror on your altar or incorporating a piece of a mirror into a spell is very effective at returning energy to its source.
Burning the bottom of a candle- this is a common one and it is also my preferred method at returning energy. The way I do it is by burning the top of the candle like normal and visualizing the energy that you wish to return. Once the candle is flat, I will flip it upside down and light the other end of the wick, symbolizing the return of that energy to its source. This can be done many different ways so check out what other practitioners do to come up with your own method.
Petitions- petitioning is a really great tool that I utilize in most of my spell work because it is an effective way at manifesting a specific intent. It helps if you know the name of the person who sent you the energy for this method but it is not necessary. As long as you have a clear intention and some return-to-sender oil you can make an effective spell.
Running water or rivers- running water has been viewed as being able to carry energy from place to place so it is possible to use it to return energy to its source. In the shower, you can imagine the energy running off of you, down the drain and back to the person who sent it. Another method is throwing your petition into a river and having the river carry it back to its source. (This method also works with a toilet if you are feeling especially feisty!)
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*All images are from Pinterest*
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Hermes Offerings
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"Hermes is the Olympian god of herds, trade, heralds, travel, athletes, and thieves."
Large altars:
White wine
Red wine for His chthonic aspect
Chamomile tea
Olive oil
Foreign foods
Virgo or Gemini moon water
Myrrh incense
Lavendar incense
Golden objects
Silver objects
Musical instruments
Small/Hidden altars:
Foreign money/coins
Silver or silver objects
Gold or golden objects
Orange topaz
Strawberry scents
Lavendar scents
Turtle shaped objects or art
Strawberry art or toys
Crocus flowers
Written stories or letters
"Travel food", food you would take on a long car trip, i.e. trail mix, seeds, nuts, candies, etc.
Souvenirs from your trips
Travel to new places
Learn a new language
Learn a new sport
Practice speaking in public or online
Practice writing
Learn astrology
Learn astronomy
Learn about agriculture and animal husbandry
Learn slight-of-the-hand magic tricks
Collect coins
Have a feast in His name
Dice games (yes, this includes DnD!)
Card games
Donate to homeless shelters in His name
Give money to the homeless
Keep a dream journal
Write Him stories, poems, or jokes!
Honor the dead, especially family members who have passed away
Invoke Him on your travels or when looking for a job and always thank Him when you arrive safely or have some luck in your life
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