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me showing you guys memes i made that were funny and relevant like a year ago
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One Piece Episode 1100 - Dr. Vegapunk & Sentomaru
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// OC x Canon
That one princess mononoke scene but with my character and the guy I ship her with
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Robin is better than me bc if I was in Jinbei's presence, I'd fold inmediately.
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Because clearly, One Piece Fanbase enjoys overlooking this beautiful man.
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(silly little sketches under the cut)
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A giant axe and a figure that looks like he could just bend you in half only by one hand? Sold.
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"My dear, Aramaki, you wouldn't leave such a pretty lady to die alone, will you?"
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jetsetlifemademeghost · 2 months
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I totally did not name this drawing "Borsalino nghh"
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jetsetlifemademeghost · 3 months
One of the best thing about the marine uniform is how ridiculous they are. NONE OF THE MARINES ARE WEARING IT PROPERLY. NOT EVEN THE FLEET ADMIRAL HIMSELF. They got this Justice Coat and decided that the way theyre going to wear that thing is just PUTTING THE DAMN THING ON THEIR SHOULDERS. NOBODY'S PUTTING THEIR ARM IN THE DAMN SLEEVES, WHY DO YOU EVEN HAVE THEM AT THE VERY FIRST PLACE. JUST GIVE THEM A DAMN CAPE.
And on top of that, the coat just defies gravity. When I put my jackets over my shoulders, they always slip off and it pisses me off sm. BUT LITERALLY BORSALINO WAS DOING WHEELIES, AND A 360 IN THE SKY, AND SPLIT KICKS, AND THAT THING JUST STAYS THERE ON HIS SHOULDERS. HOW TF.
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jetsetlifemademeghost · 3 months
Looking at people getting super frustrated with egghead Kizaru is gotta be my favorite thing. They love him but at the same time they want to choke him and give him a pat in the back.
But I do love every version of the outcome that might happen.
1. Kizaru ended up betraying the WG? An absolute win.
2. Kizaru DON'T end up betraying the WG and just slowly drown in angst and guilt? An absolute win.
3. Kizaru DIDN'T end up betraying them but also didn't kill them and got killed instead bc he just couldn't handle the idea of them getting killed by his own hand? An absolute win.
4. Kizaru died protecting them from the WG and everyone else mourns? An absolute win.
5. Or there's another force that swoops in to egghead and kills either the egghead bunch or Kizaru and the one that survived mourns the one that died? An absolute win.
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jetsetlifemademeghost · 3 months
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Super late part of my collab with @hamstercheese7 for #OPAdmiralsWeek but it's borsalino's birthday tomorrow so im actually early 🫵🤨✨
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jetsetlifemademeghost · 3 months
Man of nowhere.
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jetsetlifemademeghost · 3 months
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Kizaru is a very fascinating character and I love seeing this example of this type of person.
In the beginning of this arc, he also admitted that he's just a tool of the government and the celestial dragons. It's like, he's fully aware of what he is to the government and to people. He's fully aware of all the atrocities they commit and he commits in their name. He's fully aware that most of what they, and he, do and stand for is wrong and awful. He just doesn't care. Or at least just doesn't care enough to do anything or even think for himself. He's lazy. (Yeah that's the whole thing with his character). Dangerously lazy. It seems like he does have feelings on what the government does, like he doesn't like/want it, he cares about these people who he considers friends, he's sad to see them get hurt. But he chooses to be "a cog in the machine" and never stand up for anyone or fight back.
He's knowledgeable of all the horrible shit the government does, doesn't even like it himself, but does nothing. Actually he does worse than nothing, he does whatever they want him to without complaint, and because it's easier I guess? Easier than fighting back? Easier to just do what you're told than fight for people's lives.
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jetsetlifemademeghost · 4 months
it surprises me that there aren't many zolu fans who are also crazy about kidkiller, because they have a lot of VERY similar moments and just general first mate/captain vibes
-kid and killer laughing in the faces of big mom and kaido
-kid saying he'd send everyone who laughs at killer to hell
-kid grieving the man killer was before he ate the smile fruit, and screaming at their enemies that he'd get revenge for his partner's sake
-killer fully believing kid will become king of the pirates, being completely willing to sacrifice himself for kid (sounds real familiar doesn't it)
-killer telling zoro kid is the perfect captain despite his impulsiveness (and zoro saying he feels the same way about luffy????)
kidkiller is just zolu if they were ever so slightly more sick and twisted
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jetsetlifemademeghost · 4 months
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oh to be a first mate gazing tenderly at your captain’s back as he runs off to go fight someone
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jetsetlifemademeghost · 4 months
Zack reminds me so much of Killer, I just had to
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jetsetlifemademeghost · 6 months
The death of Cutty Flam.
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