ladyrainb0w · 14 days
Tips for writing those gala scenes, from someone who goes to them occasionally:
Generally you unbutton and re-button a suit coat when you sit down and stand up.
You’re supposed to hold wine or champagne glasses by the stem to avoid warming up the liquid inside. A character out of their depth might hold the glass around the sides instead.
When rich/important people forget your name and they’re drunk, they usually just tell you that they don’t remember or completely skip over any opportunity to use your name so they don’t look silly.
A good way to indicate you don’t want to shake someone’s hand at an event is to hold a drink in your right hand (and if you’re a woman, a purse in the other so you definitely can’t shift the glass to another hand and then shake)
Americans who still kiss cheeks as a welcome generally don’t press lips to cheeks, it’s more of a touch of cheek to cheek or even a hover (these days, mostly to avoid smudging a woman’s makeup)
The distinctions between dress codes (black tie, cocktail, etc) are very intricate but obvious to those who know how to look. If you wear a short skirt to a black tie event for example, people would clock that instantly even if the dress itself was very formal. Same thing goes for certain articles of men’s clothing.
Open bars / cash bars at events usually carry limited options. They’re meant to serve lots of people very quickly, so nobody is getting a cosmo or a Manhattan etc.
Members of the press generally aren’t allowed to freely circulate at nicer galas/events without a very good reason. When they do, they need to identify themselves before talking with someone.
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ladyrainb0w · 17 days
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ladyrainb0w · 21 days
Mina thinks she's in a period drama. Jonathan is slowly but surely coming to terms with the fact that he's in a horror film
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ladyrainb0w · 21 days
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I’ve been trying to work on a bunch of other stuff that’s been sitting in my folders for like… months at this point, so OBVIOUSLY my brain coughs up this Bastard Devilman instead and has me obsessively crank it out in two days.
My back hurts.
My fingers hurt.
I need a nap.
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ladyrainb0w · 23 days
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A piece inspired by Bram Stoker’s Dracula - a novel I’m pretty sure I’ve read ten times over at this point between a personal love for the spooky and moody, and a thesis I wrote on Gothic Lit.
As downright silly as it can sometimes be ( Harker is an absolute Himbo and you can fight me on that ; mans has one braincell and the survival instinct of a jar of nutella) I hold it dear to my heart. I always thought Mina was a badass; what do you guys think?
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ladyrainb0w · 1 month
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So I’m really into ghost stories and spooky history; this piece was inspired by the spiritualist movements of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Spook on everyone!
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ladyrainb0w · 3 months
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Palestinian artist Imad Abu Ishtayyah (IG: @imadabushtayyah) painted this piece during Israel's 2014 attacks on Gaza. Named 'We shall Return', the painting shows a Palestinian woman wearing a traditional Palestinian dress (thobe), rising from the buildings destroyed by Israel in Gaza.
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ladyrainb0w · 3 months
I was reading a book (about interjections, oddly enough) yesterday which included the phrase “In these days of political correctness…” talking about no longer making jokes that denigrated people for their culture or for the colour of their skin. And I thought, “That’s not actually anything to do with ‘political correctness’. That’s just treating other people with respect.”
Which made me oddly happy. I started imagining a world in which we replaced the phrase “politically correct” wherever we could with “treating other people with respect”, and it made me smile. 
You should try it. It’s peculiarly enlightening.
I know what you’re thinking now. You’re thinking “Oh my god, that’s treating other people with respect gone mad!”
Happy Valentine’s Day.
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ladyrainb0w · 3 months
Here’s a job you probably never even knew existed but is perfect for episodic stories.
Years and years ago I worked for a substitute/temp company, meaning other companies could ask for, say, five workers for any kind of job for anywhere from a day to a month and my company would then pick out five of their employees with suitable skills and ask us if we wanted to take the job.
You can imagine I ended up getting all sorts of wacky experiences. This was the job where I was hired to clean a dirty old kitchen with 10 other people at a mansion but got lost one day and walked into a cultish room with an altar and thrones lined up along the wall.
And when I say any kind of job I mean it. People asked for all sorts of unskilled work but the company also got requests for specialized work that only certain workers could do. I spent a week in an empty building where I only saw the other worker who had been hired along with me attaching wheels to carts. At another job we were sent up through a hole in the ceiling at a mall where we cleaned out old boxes. A particularly beautiful job entailed “braiding” small transparent tubes down a wall at a temporary closed factory while the sun was shining through ceiling windows which made the tubes glitter like glass. No idea what that job was about. We did anything from cleaning to preparing food to clearing a building site to factory work to hauling fish to painting to looking after animals to-
And if you like dressing your characters up you’re going to love this; our company didn’t have their own uniform because we were always dressed in the uniforms of the companies we were hired out to, or the companies would dress us in work appropriate clothes like overalls or aprons. I was once handed a cute long dress to wear while I sold pancakes.
I realize some of it sounds dangerous but it was all perfectly safe. Sometimes companies just needed extra help with something for a few days. The only reason why I stopped was because the work wasn’t stable and you never knew how far you’d have to travel to the next job. It was fun though.
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ladyrainb0w · 3 years
Alright, people of the realm, my children,
Being as we're all seeing this post on the mighty Tumblr, I'm sure we're all to some degree familiar and comfortable with the joy that is the phenomenon of social media, and all the doors it opens for us in terms of communication. Nowadays we have friends all over the world, only a screentap away from us - and it's awesome! It's great! The internet and social media have brought us a lot of great things, and allowed us to meet a lot of great people that we might never have met before, and that's cool.
What's a lot less cool is that there's also, as always, predators out on the prowl in chatboxes, message boards and whatnot (god, I sound like my mother). I don't need to tell you that, probably. All the same, I thought I'd share some of my own experiences with the internet's resident creepsters, and maybe give some of you a look into how they operate. Feel free to add any of your own that you have run into, and remember: "No." is a whole sentence, and the 'block' and 'report' buttons are there for a reason.
Without further adoo, heave-ho and off we go to
✨ Types of Creepy Randos in your DMs; A Beastiary ✨
1.  The Flasher
Y'know that old stereotype of the middle-aged dude in the trenchcoat loitering about on the street or in the park, waiting for some poor, hapless, unsuspecting victim to come ambling by to scar them for life with the ol' carrot and walnut salad? Yeah.
A fair amount of unfortunate drive-through workers could probably already tell you that this particular creature eagerly rides the wave of technological advancement, and this is proven once again by their adaptability to the medium of the internet. In my experience, this particular breed of creep likes to present itself as a hapless, innocent-if-prone-to-accidents friendly dork; sometimes they're middle-aged, 'just lonely and looking for someone to talk to', other times they pretend to be the stuttering awkward 'oh golly me, so sorry about that' school nerd. This is also how they try to get away with the crime: you'll be having a perfectly normal conversation, and then they'll be asking your opinion about something or wanting to show you something and oh, whoopsy, they accidentally send you a picture of their cocktail shrimp instead of the kittens they meant to send you! How silly of them!
As an added bonus, some of these dingleberries like to combine their MO with a hefty side of guilt tripping, whimpering and whining. Remember: it usually takes several button clicks to make and send a picture- that means there's been several conscious decisions made before this picture was 'accidentally' send to you, and not one of these decisions was to just...y'know...NOT be creepy and gross.
2. The Dial
This one likes to gradually dial things up as they go. It's an incredibly sneaky and insidious way of going about things - in fact, I would argue that between the slow-drip method and the quick defense method of 'I didn't mean anything weird by it!' it's just another type of gaslighting.
They start small; just a sincere question about a post you've made, maybe - a foot in the door.  You might end up having a lovely conversation, perhaps even a blooming friendship. But then.
But. Then.
The tone slowly starts to shift. The questions become increasingly...off. You can't really put your finger on it, but something feels wrong.
But this person has been so friendly, so normal, all this time! Surely they don't mean anything by it? This is probably just how they show affection to friends, right? You don't want to be oversensitive or a spoilsport, so you just kind of shake it off. Except it keeps happening, and the feeling of discomfort keeps growing, until one day you realize that your boundaries have been all but annihilated and you're not sure how, or when, or how to adress this now without looking unhinged.
The sad thing about these people is that this particular MO proves that they can be perfectly charming - they can hold a perfectly normal, fun, conversation about normal topics. They are often intelligent, fun to talk to and make a show of being invested and informed. And they know all this - they bank on you growing so comfortable that you'll barely known what's hitting you when they do start to get inappropriate, and might even use that to try and trap you in feelings of guilt or responsibility.
These are also tactics often deployed by predators who groom their victims, so guys, gals and nonbinary pals: be your own best friend. Stand up for yourself. 'No' is a whole sentence, and your discomfort is not an argument to be won or lost.
3. The Love Bomber
This person just loves you so much. They're pretty sure you're soulmates and they're not sure how to go about life without you- about five messages in. They like to interperse their wildly amorous exclamations with the occasional well-timed 'haha' or 'lol' - just to keep it appropriately casual, y'know. They seem drawn to picture-focused media, like instagram, and will often focus on complimenting your physical attributes - not unlike one of those wonderfully generic loveletter-songs churned out by boybands across the world (Bo Burnham's 'Repeat Stuff', anyone?). They're intensely complementary, and want you to know they just admire you so much, you're their idol! Their life wouldn't be complete without you in it! This person agressively pets your ego in the hopes of getting any range of nice-person-points in return. They're very remeniscent of obsessive, rabid fans - willing to die for you, goddamn it, but god forbid they find out their fervour and devotion isn't equally met (because seriously, you barely know this person and they're setting your teeth on edge).
This type has an even louder and more intense, might-be-hiding-a-crusty-collection-of-kink-magazines-in-their-bookbag-and-reading-them-at-family-gatherings cousin:
4. The Weawwy Weird Weeaboo
This person comes in swinging with ALL CAPS LETTERS and an entire arsenal of emojis, plus a whole colourwheel of heart emojis. Hell, they might even toss in some 'rawr XD' for the lulz. They're often found in the nerdier corners of the internet, which is how they'll try to make their way through the door - armed with memes of your favourite show and a lot of game references to make sure you know they're part of the same 'in' crowd as you. They're essentially waging war on your boundaries with a lot of noise and overt enthusiasm bordering on the psychotic, and like their brethren mentioned above make sure to loudly proclaim their undying love for you every couple minutes. Inappropriate messages or picture-sharing is often hidden behind a smokescreen of 'omg so RANDOM lmaoroflcopter' or 'I can't help it, I just get so EXCITED 😥😥😥😥'.
This is also another one that likes to use your feelings of guilt against you, and acts like a kicked puppy if confronted. They know what they're doing - don't force yourself to put up with their bullshit.
5. The 'Kid Just Like You'
This asshole tries to trick their way into your good graces/nudes/private information by lulling you into a false sense of security because you're the same age/gender/sex/(sub)culture/whatever so it's al fiiiiiine, relaaaaaaax, you can totally trust them! Boundaries don't exist when you're like siblings, amirite? How do you do, fellow humanoids? Wanna talk about some totally normal humanoid stuff??
Once again, this is a popular tactic employed by predators out to groom people, so be mindful of what you share, with whom, and why - it's okay to be friendly or even friends with people on the internet, but at the end of the day there's still an anonymity out here that's easily abused by people that are so inclined. You do not owe anybody your trust, especially if something feels off and you're uncomfortable. In fact, I've often seen the book 'The Gift of Fear' by Gavin de Becker mentioned as a great treatise on why there's a very good reason for that weird feeling in your underbelly, and why you should listen to it.
6. The Martyr/The Vampire
The Martyr, or 'the Vampire' for this exact reason, twists themselves into all kinds of knots and pretzels to try and get you to invite them in on your own volition while trying at the same time to look as 'casual' as possible.
Their favourite way is to make sure that you know how much pain they've suffered before coming to your door - somehow they just seem to be perpetually inviting scorn from others, completely unprompted of course! Won't anybody show them just a little bit of kindness in this dark, unforgiving world???
It's once they've been let in, however, that the truth starts coming out and suddenly you find yourself understanding why this person has so much trouble finding - and keeping - friends, and it has very little to do with the world at large and everything to do with this specific person and their behaviour. Common denominators and all that.
This beastie might try to strong-arm you into whatever they want with thinly veiled threats of making you another mark on their growing tally of 'terrible people they have been victimised by' - which, frankly, why would you give a shit? They usually end up shooting themselves in the foot anyway as they work themselves down the line of people to cozy up to.
7. The V E R Y Studious Student
This person has a *lot* of questions for you, and they seem weirdly...intimate. Some of them might even skip right by that step and go for the all-out sexual questions, all the while staunchly mainting that it's all in the pursuit of science/their project/a questionnaire/their own TOTALLY CLINICAL curiousity. In one hilarious example I was presented with an actual, honest-to-god *questionnaire* about my (ahem) bedroom habits, supposedly for a forum about statistics.
Best way to handle: don't answer questions you don't feel comfortable answering, especially if it's to a stranger who doesn't really have any business knowing this information. They're not your doctor.
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ladyrainb0w · 3 years
I wrote this because I've been particularly crushed and burnt out lately, and it's thanks to one thing: I'm tired of being at the mercy of the Algorithm. I'll rant for a bit here, and explain the problem I'm facing and what it's doing to me.
In order to maximize our visibility on a platform- any platform- we have to perform up to the Algorithm's standards- and these standards are nebulous and subject to change at any time. But, generally speaking, we must post consistently. We must post at specific times of day, at specific times of week, and use the service a lot. The more we use the service and the more consistently we post, the more the robot likes us and allows us to come up in search results. The algorithm would prefer that we post 2 times daily at specific times of day. For artists to regularly churn out beautiful, original content, twice daily, on a consistent schedule in order to be seen? The expectations are crushing. This is especially challenging for artists who do this for a living, like me. We run storefronts, take commissions, create custom merchandise, and struggle to manage our social media accounts on top of everything else.
Because of the unrealistic, crushing expectations of the Algorithm, the accounts that tend to succeed on social media platforms are: *drumroll* thieves. There are people who grow a massive following off of constantly stealing from other artists. They repost other people’s work, often without permission or credits. They often put advertisements to their own storefront on someone else’s hard work.
There are people who grow a massive following off of telling complete lies to their viewers, with heavily edited cuts and “life hacks” that don’t work at best, and are actively dangerous at worst (5 minute crafts, etc.)
There are also people who grow a massive following off of tracing and painting over other artists’ work. Some people are known to steal the hard work of photographers and paint on top of it and pass it off as their own original content. Sure, it does take some artistic knowledge to paint over a photograph and transform it into a different character, but very little of that process involves the artist making informed, stylistic choices on their own merits. It is, at its core, thievery of someone else’s artistic knowledge.
Stealing other people’s work saves a lot of time. It requires very little personal skill, and these people manage to get thousands upon thousands of followers for a fraction of the effort. And the Algorithm loves that.
It actively promotes thieves and liars. The people who actually work hard to earn a place on their own merits, with their own skill, without the crutch of thievery, tracing or paintovers will astronomically fail in comparison. It’s because we simply can’t keep up. We can’t post regular, original content on a consistent schedule. Making an original piece of art takes so much time, effort, and thought. It’s no wonder so many people turn to thievery. We’re backed into a corner. The only way to meet the algorithm’s standards is to either become a 24/7 art factory, which is soul-destroying and a recipe for burnout… or steal. Trace other people’s art. Repost other people’s work. Paint over photographs. Do whatever it takes to churn out content, make the algorithm happy, and grow an audience who will hopefully buy your products, commission you or become your patron. It’s starting to destroy my spirit. To work as hard as I do, and still feel like I’m fighting an uphill battle against people who didn’t earn their spot at the top. That the only way to efficiently win the capitalism game is to become a thief. That the people who make it in this world are the ones that don’t have integrity.
If you want to help your favorite artists, this is how: like it, share/retweet/reblog, comment, subscribe/follow. Remember that this isn’t to give a content creator an ego boost: it’s to tell the robot that’s controlling our livelihoods that you like the content and want to see more of it. We’re all fighting a nameless, faceless, inhuman monster to survive this cutthroat market. Thank you for reading, and for helping us out. Awareness of the problem is the first step to solving it, and hopefully, one of these days, social media sites will recognize the monster they created and start changing the algorithm to favor artists, not thieves and liars.
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ladyrainb0w · 3 years
Trying To Reach The Finance Department Be Like
Dialogue (because my word bubbles and placement are shit):
"Shouldn't we pick up the phone?"
"Nah, they'll call back."
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ladyrainb0w · 3 years
Still high-key want a house like that
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Tangled (2010) concept art © Claire Keane
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ladyrainb0w · 3 years
Excuse me, my man Max is #living
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ladyrainb0w · 3 years
This is positively delightful - fantastic writing with a great sense of personality and character portrayal, wonderfully simple as the scene is
The Long And Short Of It
“I hate these parties.”
“They’re not exactly growing on me either.”
Sunny came out of his bored sulking, relieved to find someone in agreement with him. He looked up. And up. And further up still. “Oh.” he squeaked, ears drooping. “Your majesty.”
Keep reading
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ladyrainb0w · 3 years
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Time for my semi-annual tradition of drawing a pointy fuckboi and slapping a 'Draco Malfoy' sticker on it.
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ladyrainb0w · 3 years
Here, have a page full of face studies
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