lesbewriting · 19 days
because i had you
[cc!Quackity x Fem!Reader] [chpt.9]
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SUMMARY: In which Quackity is left reminiscing about his past relationship with his ex-girlfriend after their breakup.
WARNINGS: mainly angst, um crying and mentions of moving on? there's like no fluff here. Sorry, guys
A-N: Okay, so, originally, I was going to change who this was for, but I'm not now bc i couldn't decide, so imma finish it as quackity and then not write for him anymore after it's done. Also, this is pretty rushed and short lol.
[series masterlist]
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Date Two. Quackity couldn't believe it was here already. He didn't think he would end up going for a second date with Caroline, but here they were. A few weeks after, they had gone on their first date to the beach if he were to recall correctly.
Now he stood right outside Caroline's apartment door, his gaze locked onto the door ahead of him. He took in a deep breath, and then one out, allowing the nerves running through his system to subside just a little bit.  He could do this. Quackity was starting to believe that maybe this, what he and Caroline were working toward, could turn out well.
It could help him focus on other things that weren't his– No. He shook his head to rid himself of all the overwhelmingly frustrating thoughts of her. He needed to forget her. He had to. He didn't want to be known as the guy who constantly would think about ex-girlfriends during a relationship.
Finally, Quackity allowed his closest hand to reach up and knock gently on Caroline's apartment door.
He waited, and he waited. Till he finally heard the faintest tap of footsteps against wooden floorboards, making their way over to his direction. Then the gentlest of clicks, and he retracted his hand back to his side and allowed his gaze to lift slightly. Lift slightly to connect with Caroline's, as the door swung inwards, and she came into the view.
"You made it!" The corners of her lips turning upwards slightly, as she felt herself brightening up at the sight of the boy before her. "I was really worried you were going to ditch me."
Quackity allowed a nervous chuckle to slip through and quickly rubbed at the back of his neck sheepishly.
"I might have debated that in my head when I was in the elevator to your apartment." He tried to joke, knowing he definitely did do that exact thing. Awkwardly, he shuffled his weight on his feet as he waited for Caroline to allow him inside. To which she did.
"Well, I'm glad you didn't." Her smile didn't leave her face at her words. Quackity quickly followed in behind the girl, his hand reaching back to shut the front door behind him as he entered inside.
Once he was in, he took the time for his gaze to dance across the open-plan space, which was Caroline's apartment. His feet moved in time with hers as they carefully treaded into her living room. All as well as he took peeks at all the small knick-knacks and plants, which lined many of the shelves inside.
He couldn't help but notice how every corner, table, or floor space was arranged neat and tidily. There was no mess in sight, and he could tell that Caroline definitely liked everything to remain this way.
The two reached their destination. Caroline gestured to the nearest couch that they both stood by, signalling for Quackity to take a seat. He nodded, although a little hesitant at first, and sat down.
His eyes watched as Caroline sat down beside him. Her hand reached towards the remote that lay upon her glass coffee table, and once she had it, she leaned back in her seat. While her face turned in the direction of Quackity.
"You want to watch a movie?" She asked, finger pointing to her TV absent-mindedly. Her gaze still upon the boy in which sat beside herself. But Quackity found himself silently nodding.
He watched silently as she smiled a little again. Mumbling out something along the lines of 'great, I'll go grab some snacks' from her lips. Her feet body lifted from the couch she had nestled herself onto. Her feet carried herself through the hall of her apartment and into the kitchen, hips swaying a little as she went.
As she moved on out of sight, Quackity pursed his lips briefly in confusion as he pulled his phone from his pocket. The vibrations of what he assumed to be either his friends calling or fans interacting with his posts alerted him.
He clicked onto the power button once he had it up in his eye-line and watched as the screen turned on to his lockscreen. Eyes squinting almost as his eyes adjusted to the brightness of it for a moment.
When the phone turned on, Quackity felt his gaze dance over the millions of notifications flooding over his phone background. He skimmed through the small icons and read any texts that his friends had sent him.
He only stopped what he was doing when he heard the shutting of cupboards, the rustle of food packets, and the sounds of footsteps coming back closer in his direction. He knew it was only to be Caroline coming back with their snacks, for their movie date. And so he turned his phone off, allowed a small smile to fall onto his features, and shoved the device back into his pocket without a second glance.
His eyes never noticed the instagram notification for a certain person that appeared across the screen, indicating that they'd posted a photo. Instead, his eyes landed on a certain girl who'd now seated herself beside him once more. Snacks rested between her grasp, as she switched on the television to whatever movie they pleased.
If this were any other day. Quackity would've clicked on that notification. Yet, as of recently, with him so distracted into trying to move on from his previous relationship. It seemed he just forgot, or he just didn't see it.
And she might help me forget.
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lesbewriting · 1 month
[ Platonic!Ghost!Sunset Curve x GN!Ghost!Reader ] [629 words]
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SUMMARY: A moment spent with Luke, Reggie, and Alex atop the Orpheum sign after you all come back as ghosts together.
WARNINGS: anxiety mention, uh...idk...comfort?
A-N: Okay, so it's basically platonic, but if you really wanted to, I guess you could kinda see Luke and Reader as romantic (idkkk). Also, I'm not sure how much I like this tbh, the original fic was way different.
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The sound of oncoming traffic could be heard below you, as you sat with legs dangling over the front of the Orpeum’s sign. You let out a sigh, staring into the far distance of Los Angeles. Eyes' solemn as you attempted to calm the raging anxiety inside of you. It was all a very big change for you and your best friends.
One moment, you're alive, and you're breathing about to perform the biggest gig of your lives with four of your best friends. One that could have boosted your careers. Then, the next four out of five members of Sunset Curve are succumbing to a horrible fate. 
It was weird. A tragic incident of tainted hotdogs that became your downfall. You, oddly enough, found yourself missing the feeling of being alive. You'd honestly be lying to yourself if you said you didn't wish that you had not eaten that stupid hot dog. 
Allowing another sigh to fall past your lips as you continued to lose yourself in thought, you failed to notice the sound of someone(or three someone’s) poofing in from behind you. Until they'd managed to adjust themselves onto the sign near you. 
You peeked your eyes towards the figures who'd just joined you, only to meet the eyes of Luke, then Reggie and Alex. Who had already locked their gazes into you themselves, a small smile of worry barely appearing onto their features.
"Are you ok?" Alex hesitantly asked, watching as you carefully began fiddling with the.
"Fine. Just confused is all." You managed to say, allowing yourself to turn towards the blonde boy, who now sat beside you. Luke and Reggie seated themselves on your other side. "Like, I guess I should be grateful that we technically have a second chance, but i wish people could—" 
"See us? Hear us?" Luke had cut you off suddenly, moving his own gaze from you and onto the wide landscape of Los Angeles before you all. 
You just nodded and once again dropped your gaze from them, allowing your hands to rest comfortably in your lap. You did wish people could see and hear you more, and not just when you played your instruments. 
Luke was right about that. It just sucked that you were not able to be viewed or heard by anyone, except Julie Molina, the girl who’s studio you'd all appeared in. 
It was then quiet for a few minutes, with the four of you spending time looking over the crowds, chatting, and walking below the Orpheum sign. In that time, the three boyshad managed to move in a little closer to you. A brief feeling of hesitance washed over their features as they tried to work out what to do or say next. 
Noticing this, you set a small smile in the direction of each of them, one-by-one. If you were alive, a sudden wave of tiredness probably would’ve hit you right about now. You gently allowed your head to fall onto the shoulder of the closest to you, who just so happened to be Luke. His arm instinctively wrapped around you as you, in return for your action. 
The four of you stayed like that basking in each other's company for the remainder or that night. Allowing yourselves to forget, almost briefly, of what had you so worried then, and for a moment you felt normal, with the boys by you. 
You instantly felt grateful to spend that moment with your boys, the ones who you had always found comfort with the most. You were glad that at least you weren't alone in death. 
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lesbewriting · 1 month
not yours
[ Charlie Gillespie x GN!Reader ] [929 words]
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SUMMARY: If only you had realised your feelings sooner, then maybe it could've been you instead.
WARNINGS: angst, uh crying, unrequited love, sad reader?
A-N: Do people still even read charlie gillespie fics??? Idk, but I think I only have one or two fics left to edit, lol
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You knew it was too late. You knew you should have tried sooner, but your inner thoughts and worries of whether or not Charlie would return the feelings you felt had kept you back. Why didn’t you confess? 
You felt like your heart had internally shattered in your chest, and you couldn’t stop the tears from falling down the sides of your cheeks, after he had stormed into your shared home saying how he had met the love of his life. Telling himself that his current lover would be the one. Someone you could only ever dream of being.
It only began to hurt even further when it was a few months later, and the brown-haired boy was now announcing his engagement to the lucky person he liked to call his partner. 
Maybe it was your own fault, allowing these feelings to bubble up inside you, refusing to acknowledge that they were even there until it was far too late. Because now as you stood out here, arms rested across the railing out the front of the venue, in a simple outfit with tear stained cheeks. You tried to suppress the sobs that threatened to exit your system. 
Millions of ‘What If’s’ flew through your mind, trying to imagine tons of other scenarios which didn’t end in breaking your own heart. Did you even want to enter the building? Watch as what you believed was your unrequited crush. Stand at the end of the aisle inside. Waiting, your heart aching, as you listen to hear Charlie confess his vows towards another. 
To watch another, walk down that aisle, one of the biggest smiles adorning their face as they were to be handed off and wedded to the boy soon after. 
Yet, you knew you were also his best friend, and he was kind of expecting you to be there on his special day. To be happy for him as he entered the next chapter of his life, with someone that was not you.
You wanted to scream, you wanted to run away from your problems and never look back. You wanted what he had with them, but with you instead. You wanted to know why, why couldn't it be you. 
They were everything you knew you couldn’t be. They were more attractive, at least you thought so. Of course, Charlie would choose them over you. You weren’t anything special at all. Why were you expecting everything to be alright or to go your way? It was your fault. You just had to fall in love with your best friend and roommate. 
“Y/n? Are you coming inside?” The sudden voice knocked you out from your thoughts, your hands quickly wiping at the stray tears left over from your crying fest. 
You plastered a smile across your face as you turned around to meet the worried look of Owen Joyner, another one of your best friends. One of the only other people who knew about your crush. “It’s starting soon…are you gonna be okay?” 
You nodded, faintly hiding a sniffle that had slipped out. You didn’t want him to worry about you. You didn’t want anyone to. You didn’t want these feelings. You wanted everything to return back to how it was before, back to when you hadn’t developed feelings or fallen quite quickly for Charlie Gillespie. 
You hated yourself for allowing yourself to become subject to what you felt was one of the worst heart breaks you’d ever experienced before. You supposed you had it coming. It was expected to be feeling like this. 
You thought that friends to lovers only ever worked out in the media, and even if your feelings were to be required. You knew there was a high chance that it would only make your friendship awkward when you inevitably broke up, eventually. 
“I'll ... .come in soon. Just go on ahead.” Voice cracking slightly, you watched as he allowed another shorter look of worry flash across his features. 
He turned around then, taking a step and heading into the wedding venue himself, following after the other guests. You allowed a small sigh to slip out and turned back around to look out over the scenery before you. 
You needed to mentally prepare yourself if you were to step inside that building and watch the wedding play out. Slowly, you took a deep breath and walked closer to the entrance. 
Yet, as you were about to enter through the door to join the other guests. You stopped, hand carefully shaking when the tears suddenly began to form again. You can’t do this, you can’t go in, sit there with the other guests attending and pretend like everything is ok. 
Pretend like everything is completely fine when it’s really not. You can’t bring yourself to watch as your best friend and crush gets married to another person, when all you can think of is how you want that to be you. How you want to be the one that is walking down that aisle and that you wished you had told him sooner. 
I’m so sorry, Charlie. How am i meant to be happy for you, when all i want is to be in their position was the last thing you remember thinking, as you quickly spun on your heel and rushed  down the stairs that lead to the venue, and back towards your parked car. 
Unaware of the certain pair of eyes that had spotted you leaving the scene with tear-filled eyes after having come to investigate. A confused, yet concerned expression appearing over his features.
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lesbewriting · 1 month
christmas cookies
[ Streamer!Hazel Callahan x Fem!Reader ] [815 words]
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SUMMARY: In which you make Christmas cookies and your girlfriend, Hazel's a little cookie thief.
WARNINGS: Nothing, lol
A-N: Okay, so I didn't know if I should make Hazel as a streamer or not(considering this used to be for Quackity). But also, I didn't really want to change too much of the old fic, lol
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You adjusted the oven mitts over your hands, your e/c eyes glancing up towards the clock situated above the dining table a little further away from you. A sudden loud laugh erupted from the office down the hall of both Hazel's and your apartment. She'd been streaming in there for the past hour or so now.
The rather small kitchen that was only really big enough for the both of you smelt like gingerbread now. Seeing as you'd taken to baking Christmas gingerbread cookies as a means to keep yourself occupied whilst your girlfriend streamed.
A sigh falling out of your lips as you moved your gaze from the clock above and towards the oven behind you, the sound of the timer you had set previously ringing now as you turned. 
You positioned yourself accordingly, reaching your mit-covered hands out towards the oven door in front. You opened it carefully, making sure you weren't in range as a burst of steam flew out from the hot oven. A small, delicate smile fell onto your features as you took a grasp of the tray of gingerbread cookies that lay inside. 
You shut the oven door quickly once you stood, and you placed the tray upon the counter. Hands now slipping from the oven-mits you had, and you allowed them to fall to the countertop beside the tray. Carefully, peeking up at the clock once again. 3:15 p.m., you read.
Surely, Hazel would have to be almost finished with her twitch stream by now. You shook your head briefly, tucking your head into the palm of your hands atop the counter near the cookies, which now sat out cooling.  
A yawn manages to suddenly fall through your lips now, as a few more minutes ticked by waiting for Hazel to finish streaming. Head tilting up a bit as soon as you heard the sound of a door closing and footsteps wandering into the kitchen from the hall. A subconscious yet tired smile befalling your own features at the sight of your girlfriend making her way towards you. 
"How was your stream?" You asked her, turning slightly as she fell in beside you behind the counter. Your eyes flit up to look into her own to the best of your ability, considering the small height difference between the both of you. 
"Fine but tiring." She responded, her arms finding themselves wrapping around your waist as she stood behind you. She sniffed, allowing for her to smell the sweet scent of the cookies that still remained on the counter now. "Did you make these just now?" 
You nodded shortly, reaching over to where you had prepared the packs of Christmas icing and lollies you had bought to decorate them and pull them over. All the while, you remained in the warmth of the girl's embrace. A warmth you'd since come to enjoy tremendously, since you'd begun dating Hazel.  
You allowed a chuckle to slip out, eyes watching as Hazel reached forward with her closest hand in an attempt to snatch an undecorated cookie. 
"At least wait till they're decorated, Haze." You told her, your finger pointing to the icing packet you now held in one hand, as you fiddled to get it open. 
You suddenly discarded the bag of icing back onto the counter, once you had noticed your girlfriend not listening, as she still grabbed one from the plate, with a playful roll of her eyes.
"Ok, and what are you going to do if i eat this now?" She pulled the cookie up to her mouth as she spoke. Just as you had turned around in her arms to face her. 
Your eyes watched as bits of her brunette hair fell partly into her face, and you found your free hand reach up to move it from her eyes. Until, your eyes locked onto the stolen cookie in her hand. 
"Well I'll…" You started before stopping when you couldn't think of anything else to say. You continued to stand there in thought for a few moments until you spotted the cookie now missing from her hand. 
Guess she did end up eating it. 
You felt a feather-light touch to your nose. Hazel suddenly decided to boop it with her finger after she'd finished the cookie. Her eyes connected with your own as she found her other hand now finding its way back around your waist. "See, you did nothing?" 
This time, it was your turn to playfully roll your eyes at her. Yet, you couldn't help but allow a small giggle from slipping out. You weren't really mad, of course you weren't. It was only one, and you had plenty of others. Wait- you spotted her slowly, inching her hand towards the tray again, out of the corner of your eyes.
"Hazel!" You gently smacked her hand away now. "I really do need to ice these now."  
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lesbewriting · 1 month
should have listened
[ Rafe Cameron x GN!Reader ] [664 words]
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SUMMARY: You were warned about Rafe, yet you didn't listen, and now you're left with consequences of involving yourself with him, heartbreak.
WARNINGS: mentions of cheating, rafe, angst, hurt no comfort
A-N: I wasn't entirely sure who I was gonna change this fic to, but in the end i decided on Rafe
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You sat comfortably up against your closed door. Legs tugged into your chest, head resting behind you. You felt your eyes prickle with tears at the corners of your eyes as you stared out the window situated above your desk. 
A million thoughts ran through your mind, eyes briefly glancing at the discarded books you left thrown across your floorboards. You couldn't stop the tears any longer as they found themselves flowing down your cheeks. Violent sobs ripping through your throat as you sat there.
You should've listened to everyone when they told you not to entwine your life with Rafe’s. You shouldn't have engaged in a relationship with him. He was a bad idea, and you were incredibly blind to his red flags. He was—He was a - no, he is a criminal. But most of all, you knew he was just going to use you and that your relationship with each other was destined to crumble. 
But you were so gullible and blinded by his lies and false love that you didn't even think. You didn't even question if he had any ulterior motives at first because if you even did, you wouldn't be in this position right now. 
"I'm so stupid!" You muttered to yourself under your breath, hiding your teary eyes with the palms of your hands. "He's a walking red flag. Any sane person could see that." 
Pulling yourself to your feet, you shakily managed to walk towards your desk. A pretty silver chain sat atop the desk's surface as you approached. The very object in which Rafe had gifted you for your first anniversary together as a couple. You can still remember the exact words he'd told you as he'd given it.
'My heart will always beat for you, and only you.' 
Which was absolute bullshit if you were being honest. He'd even told you when you broke up a few days that everything he said was just that, false. He didn’t mean any of it, of course. He didn't. 
You should have figured it out sooner when you found him tangled between the sheets of his bed with some kook girl a few days ago. When he decided to throw away everything that he'd built with you for a few stupid minutes of pleasure. 
He never actually loved you, and you knew that now. You still wish you had heeded the warnings from your friends, the pogues - hell, everyone always told you. You were angry at yourself for falling for him, but mostly, you were angry at Rafe for taking advantage of you. You wanted him to pay for everything he'd done.
You grabbed the chain, carefully examining it closely, as you spun yourself to face the wall to the right of you. You took in a deep breath, and eventually, you threw the chain. It smacked into the beforehand, sliding to the ground with a thud. 
The impact was somehow enough to break it. It must not have been that expensive than you thought. You wiped the stray tears from your cheeks now, with the sleeve of your shirt. 
Had you known this was where you would be today, you would have never engaged with him that day at the boneyard. You would have not stumbled drunkily into Rafe. You wouldn't be heartbroken over someone who managed to stomp all over your heart. Disregarding your feelings and love for him and using them for his own gain. 
Maybe you were the fool, for really believing that somebody like Rafe could even learn to love somebody like you. Or maybe it was Rafe's fault for picking you out of everyone on that damned island as his next victim, his next conquest.
Either way, what is done is done. You can't take back the past, no matter how much you want to stop yourself from falling.
All you have and are left with now is a newfound hatred for Rafe, anger, and a whole load of heartbreak. 
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lesbewriting · 1 month
only rivals
[ College!Hazel Callahan x College!Fem!Reader ] [1.1k words]
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SUMMARY: All you were meant to be were rivals, nothing more, nothing less. Yet, as a sudden rendezvous whilst drunk comes to light. You're left all confused with your now conflicted feelings.
WARNINGS: Uh, rivals? Um, the reader denies feelings... I don't even know . Also, hints to sex, but not actually described, lol
A-N: so uh enjoy :)
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You hadn't a clue what you were doing there. Tangled between the sheets of the bed which belonged to the girl you despised terribly. Maybe it was all the alcohol that had been flooding through your system for the past hour or so. Whatever it was, you would have never expected to be pinned to the bed by the said rival above you. Her lips attack your neck feverishly with multiple hickeys. 
Maybe if you had been sobre enough, you would have had the guts to shove the girl away from you. Heck, if you weren't heavily intoxicated, you wouldn't even be in this position. You'd much rather be stuck inside your cramped dorm room, studying for your upcoming exams or spending it with anyone that wasn't her. 
Your relationship with Hazel was strictly an academic rivalry that had been occurring since middle school. It was only supposed to be that and nothing more. Yet here you were. You were simply crossing an invisible line that shouldn't have even been crossed.
Nothing was going to change between you two. You just knew that this was to be all forgotten by tomorrow morning. And if not forgotten, then it'll just be viewed as some stupid mistake between two drunk adults. 
The brunette gently reached forward to grip at your shirt you'd been wearing. Her hands fiddled to remove it from your body, only to reveal the plain bra you'd been wearing. You tugged lightly at her short brown locks, reconnecting your slightly chapped lips with her own, soliciting a moan to come from the girl. 
No coherent thought floating through your mind at that moment, and if there were, it only remained slightly muffled. Or it would leave your mind, right as it had entered. Most likely a result of all the alcohol you had consumed earlier that night.
Even through your haste to feel closer to the girl above you, you couldn't deny that she was indeed a good kisser. You would be lying to say if you had never thought about suddenly pulling her in by the collar of her shirt and locking lips with her. 
Although, if asked, you'd simply say that you don't have a crush on her. Why would you? You hated her, and she hated you. There was nothing more there. You two were only rivals, borderlining on common enemies. All the words you ever really shared would always be trying to one-up each other or spew out clear insults. Trying to deflate each other's egos. 
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The following morning soon came by quite quickly, and with it came the remaining alcohol leaving your body, plus a pounding headache. You gently opened your eyes, allowing your eyes to adjust to the lighting of the room.
You moved your hand to rub circles onto your forehead as a means to lessen the sudden pain. A sudden wave of confusion followed your train of thought, peeking around the bedroom you lay in currently. 
It wasn't yours, that's for sure. It didn't have the small knick-knacks and different sortings of decorations you had adorned your dorm room with, so how could it be. So whose room was it? You couldn't be too sure at that moment. Gently, you peeled the rest of the covers from your bare legs, only to notice your lack of clothing. 
You lifted yourself shakily from the mattress, adjusting yourself into a standing position. You turned slightly to spare a glance at the other side of the bed you'd been laying in, only for your eyes to widen largely at the figure lying there now.
That would explain your now lack of clothes and the strong smell of cheap beer that still lingered from you both. Yet you still refused to believe that you even did anything with the girl you hated.
You had to leave. You didn't want to stay there in that room with her any longer. Especially if you didn't have any clothes on. Shaking your head in an attempt to forget the sudden memories of last night flooding your brain, you fought to tug your discarded clothing back on.
Unintentionally, awakening the very person you didn't want to wake in your hurry. As soon enough, you saw her stir just the slightest bit before opening her eyes and sitting up against his headboard.
"What are you doing here?" She asked, still tired from the sleep she'd just woken from. Biting her lip, to try to rack her brain for an answer to her question, once her gaze landed upon you, you stood there. 
"Listen - last night." You finally started, trying to find the words on what you should say to her. Hazel’s paying close attention to what you spoke next. “It shouldn't have happened. What we did was nothing more or less of a mistake.”
When you did finish speaking, you watched as her features contorted into a look of shock and later realisation of the events from last night. For some odd reason, you felt as if your voice had shook slightly when you spoke. Which, you couldn't put your finger on as to why. You just knew that it definitely wasn't a crush. No, it wasn't. You denied silently. 
The brunette nodded in agreement. You were right she knew that. Her next words fell effortlessly from her lips in response. "That's fine. It was nothing more than that. I won't mention it at all, if you won't either."
Despite a tiny voice in your head saying to say something more. To suddenly feel the need to want to tell her that the tiniest part of you liked it. Liked the taste of her lips attached to yours. A 'voice' which you hadn't thought had been there till now. You knew you couldn't because you were only rivals. And now, as you exited her own dorm room after adjusting your shoes back onto your feet.
You felt your mind running a mile-a-minute with the constant thoughts and conflicting feelings you felt now. Ones that you still tried to deny, with every last fibre in your being. You knew you hadn't ever thought of before and that you'd ever be thinking because of Hazel. Why was this all happening now? Why now, right after you had slept with her? Was she even still your enemy?
No! Of course she was! You didn't like her! You hate Hazel Callahan! You shook your head to rid yourself of the thoughts flooding your mind. That's all you ever would be. You would get over whatever you were feeling right now. 
At least you hoped you would.
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lesbewriting · 3 months
jealous, are we?
[Rafe Cameron x Pogue!Fem!Reader] [876 words]
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SUMMARY: In which jealousy is the cause to expose yours and Rafe's secret relationship.
WARNINGS: Nope, except jealous Rafe.
A-N: This is not the other rafe fic im working on, as it's not done yet. I'm just focussing on editing my old mcyt fics at the moment. Also, again, this is #25 from my prompt list!
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It wasn't really your intention to keep yours and Rafe's relationship a secret from both your friends and his own. Especially considering you were a pogue, and he was a kook.
You knew you should have at least told them that you had been dating the kook boy for the past two months. So you could avoid this whole situation from happening. Yet, you both kind of just never found the right time to do so and just forgot to mention it to them. 
So now, Rafe sat there with his friends in the Wreck . His gaze locked directly to the furthest table away from him and onto your figure, focussing closely on where your figure sat. Attempting to ignore the guy sitting across from you, as his fists clenched together angrily down by his side. 
He watched as a small smile adorned careful features as you politely nodded your head along towards the conversation the other guy was having with you. You were simply unaware of the true intentions behind the guy talking to you. You had only even gone over there because your own friends had practically begged you to. 
He just knew the other guy was working on the courage to finally ask for your phone number soon. Especially remembering how he overheard your friend, Kie, mentioning how she'd noticed that the guy would constantly steal brief glances in your direction since he had entered the shop. 
Rafe wished he had stopped you from moving over there, as now he was paying the price for that. He blamed your best friend for making you leave her side. But maybe he should have expected this kind of thing to happen at some point. His friends (and yours) weren't even aware of him dating Y/n at that point in time. 
The kook forced himself to not audibly let out a huff in frustration, at the sight of you still over there. A mix of jealousy and anger pooling in the pit of his stomach, as he fought to not let it show how much this situation was bothering him. He did trust you. He knows he does. But the constant worrisome thoughts continued to linger in his mind.
What if you left him for someone better? 
What if you didn't love him anymore? 
What if…What if…
All these thoughts only began to annoy him further, and he knew a scowl must have settled onto his features as of now. He couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't take you sitting over there all friendly and laughing with him.
Abruptly, he stood up from where he sat, catching the attention of both Topper and Kelce nearby. His fists were still clenched tightly at his sides, as his friends looked on in confusion at him.
"Are you okay, Rafe?" Topper asked, but his question remained unanswered as both he and Kelce watched the boy in question storm off.
Both spotted his retreating form till they followed his gaze, and they landed on where you sat now, and that's when it clicked for them. That he was jealous. Why? They weren't sure. 
Meanwhile, Rafe landed beside his pogue girlfriend, who had now noticed him walk up to the table. Your eyes widened a little, as you were suddenly pulled from where you had previously been sitting.
You watched his eyes, in confusion for a moment before he was pulling you from your seat, and you felt his lips fall onto your own. Which you didn't even hesitate to reciprocate in the slightest. 
The boy, most likely a touron, as Rafe didn't recognise him, who sat across from you, in surprise managed to stutter out a few apologies and scurried off out of sight.
You and Rafe now pulled away once he had left you two, embarrassed. You felt your smile widen a little now. Each kiss you both shared still always managed to leave you breathless and in pure bliss every time. 
"Jealous, are we?" Your smile quickly changes into a small smirk, once you remembered how he had stormed over here moments before. Your hands entangling together around his neck and your eyes connecting with his own. 
"No." Rafe lied, but it was obvious from his features to you that he was. His head is now finding its way to bury into the crook of your neck. His jealousy was slowly fading from where it had formed now. A smile on his face finally managed to replace the anger that had previously overcome him.
"But hey, kook or not, at least everyone knows now that you're mine." He nodded, both of you glancing back in the direction of Topper, and Kelce still sat at the table behind you, shocked.
Then, peeking over at Kiara, who also looked in an equal state of shock, from where she was behind the counter, not expecting for you to be dating the kook prince.
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lesbewriting · 3 months
midnight confessions
[ Shawn Mendes x GN!Reader ] [1201 words]
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SUMMARY: A night of stargazing between two friends soon turns into sudden confessed feelings.
WARNINGS: none I don't think
A-N: second edited one. Will edit the other ones when I can
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You carefully looked towards the boy next to you, eyes subtly taking in the gentle features of his face. His brunet hair sat messily on his head, which you'd always wanted to run your fingers through to see how soft it was. 
Your eyes took in the small stubble which he had, barely visible in the moon's lighting, but you knew it was there. All the small details which you liked to take in about him, that you hadn't before noticed. It was like he got more attractive to you every time you saw him. 
You knew you liked him. A lot, in fact. You had come to terms with those feelings you harboured a few weeks ago, and it was quite obvious you liked him too. At least that's what both your friends always told you. You were honestly surprised that Shawn himself hadn't figured out you liked him already. Maybe he really was oblivious.
You hadn't a clue when it had switched from platonic to romantic feelings. But it had. You didn't know when you started wanting to know what it'd be like to have his lips placed on yours. Was he a good kisser? You felt the butterflies in your stomach every time you had those similar thoughts.
Forcing yourself to return your gaze back to the darkened sky so as to not get caught staring. The many stars shone down as you looked up. A small sigh fell past your lips as you observed the few constellations you had managed to spot. 
Unaware, to the many small yet longing glances which Shawn had now decided to direct towards you, in hopes that you didn’t notice him. He knew he liked you. He liked the way your front strands of hair would fall into the front of your face when it was windy. He always has to mentally stop himself from reaching forward and tucking it back behind your ear. 
He liked the way your eyes would look as if they sparkled in the sunlight, the way you could go on and on about all of your favourite topics. He loved how he could never get bored of you or your voice. But most importantly, he loved just sitting in silence with you and basking in each other’s presence. Which was exactly what you two were doing today or tonight really.
The stars gently twinkled and shined down on the pair of you, sharing subtle yet longing glances into the direction of each other. The roof underneath you was rough as you sat there, and you’d have to be careful if you did not want to go sliding down at all. An unexpected drop from where you both were could most likely cause you to break something. 
You adjusted your positioning, tucking your knees up into your chest and resting your arms over the top of them. You allowed a sigh to slip through, watching as the stars continued to form different constellations. You’d always had a thing for stars and astronomy. It has always been a hobby of yours, and resting upon your roof in the night was always a kind of safe space for you. Away from all of your problems you would face each day.
“Do you ever wonder what it's like to be a star?” You asked, turning your head slightly to the side where Shawn was sitting. You didn’t know what brought on this question at all. You suppose it was probably just something you had thought up in the current moment. You weren’t even sure if you wanted an answer from the boy with you.
“I don’t think I ever have. Why do you ask?” He asked, snapping out from his own thought-filled silence now to answer your question. His head tilted to the side in the slightest confusion briefly, and one of his hands quickly ran through his brown hair. 
You bit your lip, unsure how to continue on with this conversation. A part of you screamed at you to blurt out your growing feelings towards your best friend. Though, you didn't allow that part to win at all. You knew it would only end in rejection, followed by a heap of heartbreak towards you. Despite it killing you not to tell him, you didn’t want to experience that rejection. “Not sure, I’m just bored of this silence right now”
He chuckled, and fuck you loved his laugh. It felt like millions of tiny butterflies were fluttering around your stomach right then. You hated how it always made you so giddy inside whenever you heard it. Plus, it wasn’t really helping your current situation. 
“Do you like anyone right now?” Shawn asked with the slightest bit of hesitation in his tone. He wasn’t entirely sure what pushed him to suddenly ask this. Maybe he was hoping you would blurt out his name. Or it could have been that the question had bugged him for weeks, like it was burned into his brain, and that he desperately wanted an answer. 
“Um..I-” You stumbled, taken aback at first by his words. You weren’t expecting that question, and you had no idea if you should answer him with the truth or not. Should you lie and say a random name? or should you finally get it over with and confess and handle the oncoming that would soon play through? Fuck it you decided, after having a small mental battle with your thoughts. It was now or never.
“You?” You allowed it to slip out, sounding more like a question when you heard it fall out from your mouth. Here you go, you took a deep breath and allowed yourself to brace yourself for the oncoming heartbreak headed your way. The next words would hurt a lot for the following few days, but i suppose with time, you could eventually move on. 
“Oh thank god. I like you too” A breath of relief fell from your lips now at those words, which managed to surprise you at first. You let a shy smile come into play on your features and watched as a similar one showed up on Shawn’s face, too. A gentle hue dusting your cheeks the tiniest bit. 
Shawn slowly moved his hand closer towards you, watching you carefully in case you were to reject his next movements. But when he saw no sign that you were going to. He continued to inch his hand closer till they fell onto your own. You smiled a little larger and allowed your fingers to interlock with his own, a silent confirmation between you two, that you were his.
And as you turned your heads back up onto the sky above you guys, large smiles spread across your faces at the current events that had just taken place. You felt a whole weight lift from your shoulders, the sudden fear of rejection and heartbreak fading completely in that moment from both your minds. 
Maybe you were both idiots, oblivious to the other’s feelings before. But at least now you were both idiots in love. 
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lesbewriting · 3 months
[ Shawn Mendes x GN!Reader ] [928 words]
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SUMMARY: After a rough day, Shawn manages to comfort you and make you feel better.
WARNINGS: hint of angst, but mostly fluff
A-N: Already edited two of my old mcyt fics I deleted. This one, then a sapnap one. Also, again, this is based on a personal experience of mine.
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The curtains remained closed over the large window, stopping the sunlight from seeping into the room. You had closed them to make it appear as dark as possible inside with your only light source coming from a small candle on the night-stand. You were currently lying bundled up underneath the doona covers of your bed. 
H/c locks of hair spread out atop the pillow that your head currently rests on, and your phone neatly settled in your hand, switched on as you stared at it sadly. You felt like shit if you were being completely honest, with tear-filled eyes and slight red tinted cheeks. 
The constant feeling of jealousy rested in the pit of your stomach as you scrolled through instagram, photos of your old best-friend filling up the brightened phone screen as she stood with her new friends and boyfriend, each with a large smile on their faces.
Why did life have to be so difficult? How could it be so cruel? Making you regret every shitty decision you'd made in the past. It was simply a routine for you now, where at least every few or so weeks you'd find yourself crying your heart out at the constant reminder of your friend. At the horrible reminder that you hardly talked anymore to each other.
A sob escaped your mouth, not bothering to cover it with your hand. Your boyfriend was out, he wasn't home at the moment. 
You didn't want to burden him with your problems, especially if he was too focussed on his music without having to worry about you. Instead, you kept it to yourself and allowed the sad emotions to wash over when you were in private, when you were home alone.
It could have been at least one or two hours later with you just lying there in the same position, bawling. You couldn't really tell how long it'd been, though. 
That you had eventually not heard the quiet footsteps of Shawn heading towards the bedroom, nor could you hear the sound of the door opening as he walked inside. His eyes briefly glanced around the medium-sized room until they finally landed on your figure, where your soft sobs and small sniffles could be heard. 
"Y/n? Are you ok?" Shawn asked, the feeling of worry already managing to appear onto his features as he shut the door behind him. He felt like his heart cracked a little at hearing you cry, as he hated when he saw you do it. All he wanted was to be able to make you a little happier. 
"Y-yes?" Your voice felt a tad too hoarse, and it stuttered a bit from how much you'd been crying today. 
You didn't trust yourself to say anything else, as to not let anymore of the sadness you felt become even more evident to him. So biting your lip to suppress more sobs, then shaking your head briefly, you turned onto your side, facing away from Shawn and setting your phone down upon the bedside table. 
You were tired of looking at the exact same images that swarmed your instagram feed. It only ever made you sadder every time. 
Shawn, noticing you didn't want to talk much, carefully ran a hand through this short brown hair and carefully moved himself closer to the bed where you resided. He gently kicked off the shoes he had on and situated himself nearest to where you lay on your side. 
He wanted to pull you into a hug. He wanted to distract you from whatever was making you feel like this. He just wanted you to be happy and your usual self. The man felt himself slip underneath the covers now, turned to face your back, wrapped his strong arms around you, and tugged you gently back into his chest. 
You were surprised at first by this sudden action but eventually managed to relax into his warm and comforting embrace. Turning around in his arms, you buried your head into Shawn's chest. Your eyes felt puffy and red from crying as you let a few more tears slip down onto your cheeks and slightly dampened the cotton of your boyfriend's shirt. 
"A-are you ok?" Shawn hesitated at first before asking again. His hand came to run through the soft and gentle tresses of your hair, with a worried feeling still swimming in those eyes you always managed to get lost in somehow. He wanted you to be ok, but he knew right now you were far from it.
You shook your head, burying your head further into Shawn's hard chest, as his arms wrapped a little tighter around you as if to tell you everything was going to be ok. You could feel his gaze locked onto your smaller figure, as you still struggled to stop the tears from falling down your face at every thought of your old friend. 
How you weren't entirely sure if everything would be fine. You did know, however, that as long as Shawn was in your life, and he was willingly ready to comfort you, then you would be perfectly okay. At least you hoped you would.
And with those last lingering thoughts, you felt yourself distracted once again, as you managed to comfortably fall into a peaceful slumber, surrounded by the warmth of your boyfriend's familiar embrace.
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lesbewriting · 3 months
All mcyt fics will be deleted from my blog either tomorrow, or in a few days sometime! I've basically left the mcyt community (since Dec 2022) and with all this shit happening now, I have finally decided to no longer write for mcyt. As I also no longer keep up with many of them anymore.
UPDATE: I've deleted most of them. But I'm going to edit the ones I can in my google docs and change them into a different character/celebrity instead! Because I still love those plots.
I will also be deleting Because I Had You soon, I just thought I'd keep that up a little longer till I can work out who to change it to
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lesbewriting · 3 months
sneakpeek to a rafe fic im working on 👀
A-N: hopefully will be quite a long(ish) oneshot. As I like the idea I have for it :))))
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lesbewriting · 4 months
[ Hazel Callahan x Fem!Reader ] [812 words]
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SUMMARY: Why didn't you say anything sooner? because right now you felt so stupid, witnessing Hazel with someone else.
WARNINGS: angst, one-sided pining by reader, jealousy. Also, there's no use of Y/N.
A-N: probably shorter than I would've liked it to be :/ But I wrote as much I could manage to lol, and at least it's something
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You should have expected it sooner. You knew it was going to happen sooner or later. It just so happened that it was today, and now you hate yourself for waiting so long. You hate yourself for not speaking up about your feelings sooner.
Because, as you watch from the far side of the school hallways, eyes practically glued to the spot where Hazel stood with her new girlfriend. Where they both stood.
Hands interlocked, as the two speak in such hushed tones, giggling and chatting with each other. Wishing it were you in her position over there, wishing it were you with Hazel, sharing passion-filled kisses, and smiling as widely as you could.
But it's not, and you hate it. You can feel the tears coming, and you have to duck your head into your open locker door so nobody sees them fall. So nobody sees the tears that are threatening to spill, blurring your vision. A strangled sob managing to slip from your lips, right as you smack your hand over your mouth to muffle it the best you could.
I'm so fucking stupid
You think to yourself, as the tears don't stop. Glassy eyes shielded by the cool metal of your locker door, shielding your face from the view of the rushing students around you. You needed to get the fuck out of there. You thought you'd be able to handle it, you really thought you could. You didn't think seeing them together so soon would affect you this much.
I'm so fucking stupid.
The thought comes back, those same four words that won't stop running rampant inside of your brain. The harsh words that you just wanted to leave. If it weren't for you falling for Hazel Callahan, the cute masc who sat in front of you, in your English class (and one of your best friends), then you'd be fine. You wouldn't be like this, heart broken over the girl.
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You took a deep breath in and then out. Inhaling and exhaling as you braced yourself for what you were about to do. Your eyes locked onto the figure sitting on the school bleachers near the edge of the football field. Watching as she was carefully pulling her lunch from her backpack, as you tugged the straps of your backpack further up your shoulder.
You were finally going to do it. You were going to confess your feelings and ask your best friend out. Or at least, you were going to try and do that. But you prayed silently that you wouldn't chicken out once again from this.
Finally, you carefully began moving. Nerves running through your system as you carefully walked on over to where Hazel currently sat. Her eyes did not notice your approaching figure until you were now sitting beside her and dropping your backpack down on the seat in front of you.
She greeted you with a smile as she turned towards you now. You always loved the way she said your name, and you could have sworn, with the way your breath hitched slightly in your throat, when you looked into her eyes. That you fell for her all over again, even deeper than before, and it irked you how down bad you were right now.
“Hey, so I was wondering— Are you doing anything this Sunday?” You spoke carefully, bracing yourself for whatever Hazel would respond with. You begged and hoped with everything in you that it wouldn't be rejection. That she wouldn't reject you when you continued.
You watched her, eyes scanning her face, as you waited patiently.
“No? At least I don't think so, why?”
You bit your lip gently and prepared yourself once more. Racking your brain for the correct words you wanted to say and going about asking her. But you were stopped and taken aback for a moment, snapping right out from the depths of your own mind right now, when Hazel spoke again.
“Oh—wait, yeah, I am, sorry. I’m going on a date then.” She finished quickly, apologising, as if that would make things any better calming your rapid-going thoughts.
“Okay, then that's—fine, I hope you have fun.” It wasn't fine. Of course it wasn't. Though, you weren't going to say that, though. You weren't going to ruin her possible excitement or happiness for it. Besides, it's not like it would possibly turn into anything more, right?
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You were so fucking stupid. So, so, so stupid to think that she maybe there was a chance. A chance that Hazel Callahan might like you back, because here you are, heart breaking even further, the more you watch her and her girlfriend together.
And you obviously couldn't hate whoever she was dating, why would you? She made her happy, and that's all you wanted for Hazel. Even if it couldn't be with you, like you so desperately want it to.
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109 notes · View notes
lesbewriting · 5 months
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💖=personal fav | 🥀=angst | 🧸=fluff | 🎉=holiday | ✨️=requested | 💭=headcannon |
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Hazel Callahan
can i be yours? 💖🧸
stupid 🥀
only rivals 🥀
christmas cookies 💖🎉🧸
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lesbewriting · 5 months
can i be yours?
[Hazel Callahan x Fem!Reader] [1083 words]
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SUMMARY: Who knew all it'd take was getting drunk for you to confess your feelings for her.
WARNINGS: idk, tbh? None?
A-N: I've had the sudden urge to write something for Hazel Callahan, and so here you go.
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“Can I be yours?” You asked, words slurring as you slid onto the couch beside Hazel Callahan. You were too drunk off of the alcohol being served, that you weren’t fully processing anything you were saying right now. 
“I don’t know, but I think you’ve had too much to drink.” 
Hazel turned to you, and she could feel her heart beating quicker than usual because of the closeness between the two of you. 
Reaching over and grabbing the red solo cup from your hands. The liquid that was still in there, sloshing about, as she pulled it out of your reach
As much as she wanted those words you’d spoken before to be true, she knew that by morning, you’d be too hungover to even remember them. 
“Nuh, uh.” You shook your head, leaning forwards to grab at your unfinished drink now. Allowing Hazel to get a strong whiff of the perfume you wore. Fruity? Whatever it was, it was one of her favourite scents. “I’ve only had like…” 
Hazel pulled the cup further away from you as you tried to remember how much you’ve drunk.
She knew that if you drank anymore you’d be regretting it when you woke up tomorrow. So, she tried to soften the effects of tomorrow’s hangover by stopping you. 
You groaned and leaned back against the couch. Your eyes, drooping, closed the slightest bit as you fought the tiredness that was now taking over you. The same tiredness, which was coming as a result of all the alcohol you’d drank that night. 
You could feel an awkward silence overcoming you both for the next few moments. 
Although, it was over as soon as it had begun, when you finally spoke up again. The silence, that is. 
“You know, it’s funny how much I like you caring for me. Like, I love you, but I know you’d never see me as more than a friend.” 
Hazel froze. Her hand, which was holding the red cup, soon dropped it. Her mind is trying to wrap itself around the thought of you liking her. No, liking her back. Something she always thought could never be real. 
There’s no way. No way. This is a dream. She felt the bitter words, entering her thoughts now. Were you serious? Were you just saying this because you were drunk? She didn’t know, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to find out and risk it all being her imagining things. 
But then again, what was that saying again…? Something about drunken words being sober thoughts. Maybe you were being serious, and you really did mean all those words.
“I-I think, I should take you home…now.” She hesitated, after finding herself coming back to reality from her once-rapid-going thoughts. 
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Waking up, groaning, you felt your eyes adjusting to the lights above you. Your left hand reaches up to your forehead in an attempt to rub away at the pounding headache that wouldn’t stop. 
You groan some more and sit up against the decorative pillows that still adorn your bed. Feet kicking against the covers to remove them from your body. 
How much did you drink? You weren’t sure, but you could feel the regret seeping into your features at how like shit you felt right now. 
Unaware, to the door to your bedroom suddenly opening from the outside. And a figure stepped into the room, with a tray that held iced water, a small plate of fruit and a box of ibuprofen, atop it. “Are you okay? Sorry, stupid question, you look like shit.” 
You spun your gaze to face who had just spoken, and you felt the familiar butterflies erupt in your stomach as you recognised it to be Hazel. Hazel Callahan, your long-time crush, stood there.
“I feel like shit…did you bring me home?” You asked, squinting slightly as you watched her step closer to where you sat. 
Hazel nodded in response to your question and set down the tray upon your bed. As you shifted your weight, you didn’t knock it off accidentally. 
You could feel your stomach growl carefully, as you realised you hadn’t eaten since yesterday afternoon. Since before you left for that party, you’d both been invited too. 
Which now that you thought about it, you couldn’t really remember much about what happened there. Did you say anything stupid? Act stupid? Or did you…no you shook your head.
Deciding to voice the first question aloud to Hazel, you waited patiently for a response. Curiosity gnawed at you from the inside.  
Hazel, on the other hand, panicked. Shifting her weight, from foot to foot. Attempting to come up with something. She hoped that you didn’t sense her panic at all.
What should she say? Does she bring up how you practically confessed your feelings to her? And as she looked into your curious gaze, staring almost-eagerly back at her. She caved. 
Her words spilled from her lips as she recounted what you’d said to her. Then she watched.
She watched as you sat there, eyes widening at every little bit, and for a moment, she swore she saw a little bit of panic flicker in your features. 
“I know, you didn’t mean it. It’s okay. We can go back to being friends now, or at least try to.” She rambled, diverting her gaze from where you sat atop your covers. 
Her ears completely missed the call of her name, which exited from your lips.
“Can I be yours?” You tried, hoping she’d turn back to you.
Huh? She did, in fact, turn back to you, confused expression on her features. 
“What did you just say?” She asked slowly, in an attempt to see if she had heard right. Did she really hear that? Or was she just imagining things? 
“I said, can I be yours?” You tried once more. Silently praying, Hazel would figure out that you were, in fact, serious. That you were not joking, not even the slightest bit.
Hazel looked up, attempting to find anything in your features that signified that you were kidding. That you were not actually serious and that you were playing with her. But when she couldn’t find anything as such, she sighed in relief.
Her words exited from her lips after she hesitated for a moment. “Yes. Yes, you can be mine…If I can also be yours?”
And you nodded, smiles coming onto both of your faces. A wide smile, knowing that you both returned each other’s feelings. 
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lesbewriting · 10 months
wait for you
[JJ Maybank x GN!Reader] [619 words]
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SUMMARY: In which he'll wait for however long it takes
WARNINGS: pretty angsty, hurt-comfort
A-N: haven't written for JJ in a bit, but I had an idea sooo...
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The door slammed closed to the chateau, right as you shuffled inside the doorway. Your hair was in knots atop your head, eyes glistening from the unshed tears you harboured. You were an idiot. An absolute fucking idiot. How could you have been so stupid? Stupid to think that your boyfriend- sorry ex, actually loved you. You should have seen all the signs and red flags, before you walked in on him in a rather compromising position with another girl. You fucking hated him, hated him for wasting your time these last few months. 
Your thoughts were running a mile-a-minute, and as it did, you failed to notice the curious gaze of a certain blonde boy sitting on the couch nearby. His heart was aching as he watched you from his position, wishing he could take away all of the pain that you were in. You sniffled, struggling to keep your tears at bay. Your hand came up to wipe at the few that had now fallen onto your cheeks. 
"Sorry, I didn't think anyone was–" You halted in your footsteps, words dying on your tongue as you turned slightly to finally notice one of your best friends, JJ Maybank sitting on one of the couches nearby. You got ready to turn on your heel and move back outside. Not wanting for anyone to see you cry over the boy who stood you up. "I can…go somewhere else -" 
But before you could move any further, you felt a hand wrap around your upper arm, stopping you in your tracks. You turned back again, body coming in contact with a hard chest, and as you looked up carefully, you noticed that JJ stood there, a worrying look flickering across his face. Right after, he had quickly lifted himself from his previous seated position and over to you. 
You felt fragile, as if you could break in that very moment. You wanted to cry, you wanted to scream, you felt a whole mix of emotions but mainly sadness and anger. You fought to choke back your sobs, allowing JJ to manoeuvre you over back towards the couch. 
"Are you okay?...sorry stupid question. What happened?" He asked you when you both sat yourselves comfortably. His heart continued to ache inside his chest at your heartbroken figure. He had a few suspicions on who was making you feel like this, mainly that arsehole boyfriend of yours. Who he'd never seemed to like.
You shook your head slowly, forcing your eyes to connect up to look at JJ. Your puffy, tear-filled eyes. You took a deep breath in and answered his question, voice cracking with each word you spoke aloud. "He-he cheated. I walked in on him, fucking some…some kook" 
And with that, you allowed your gut-wrenching sobs to overtake you once more. Burrowing your figure further into JJ's comforting embrace. His strong arms tightly wrapping around you, as if on instinct, holding you to him. JJ felt a wave of anger wash over him, at the piece-of-shit ex, who he wanted to kill. He wanted to kill him for making you hurt like this. You didn't deserve it, and he knew if you were his partner instead, he wouldn't treat you like this. At least, he thinks he wouldn't. 
But you weren't. So he fought back his anger and allowed himself to continue to sit there. Head resting atop yours, listening to each sob that exited your system, muffled by that of his t-shirt now. 
JJ knew he would wait for however long it would take, for you to realise that he wanted something more than to be just friends.  He would wait, till the day you realised he was the one for you. 
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lesbewriting · 1 year
because i had you
[cc!Quackity x Fem!Reader] [chpt. 8]
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SUMMARY: In which Quackity is left reminiscing about his past relationship with his ex-girlfriend after their breakup.
WARNINGS: mainly angst, um crying and mentions of moving on? there's like no fluff here sorry guys
A-N: finally a new chapter, because got the motivation to write again lol
[series masterlist]
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Quackity opened the door for his date, a false smile falling onto place on his features. At least, he thought it was a fake one. He knew he probably had to move on, and a certain part of him definitely desired to do so. You so clearly had, when he thinks back to the few times that he'd peeked at your instagram (which he should probably stop doing soon). His want to move on now leads him to where he is right now. His date. Quackity had indeed taken up that movie theatre worker (whose name he later learned was Caroline) on her offer. Well, at least after a ton of pestering from his friends to even text the phone number he'd been given.
Caroline thanked him with only a small smile, as she got into the car when she'd been picked up. Quackity nodded, shut the door carefully when she was safely seated. His feet soon carrying himself back around to the drivers' side of the car. As he seated and buckled his own seatbelt, he tried his best to suppress his nervousness. Glancing briefly to Caroline in the passenger seat (whom had already been looking at him), he directed his focus back to the road.
Truth be told, Quackity didn't really know where he was going to take his date, which he probably should have thought of before even going out with someone. He's pretty sure the last time he's been on a date was like a month or so before his and your fight. As he continued to drive, the dark-haired boy allowed his mind to wander more and to attempt to figure out the perfect place to go. He was trying for a second date, after all.
He turned his head at the shout of his name, to where you stood. Giggles, bursting from your slightly-chapped lips. You were kicking your feet against the waves of the ocean. Your eyes were wide in delight and excitement, at the way the water splashed out from underneath you. Quackity felt his own lips carefully pull up into a small, delicate smile at the sight of you. His feet move themselves from where he had been stood on the sandy shore. He allowed himself to be carried across and over to where you were located. It wouldn't be fair if he allowed you to have all the fun.
The sun was bright. The waves crashing against the sandy shore as Quackity pulled his car into park in the designated parking lot. He felt himself pull at his seatbelt quickly, urging for it to unbuckle. When it did, he gently tugged it from his body and reached to pull open his door. His gaze carefully moving from the front windshield towards the girl still seated in the passenger seat, Caroline.
Caroline, who had now furrowed her brows gently in confusion. Why was she being taken to the beach? She hadn't even brought her swimsuit. Were the words that she wanted to let slip from her lips. The lips that she had formerly bit in her confusion.
"I-" Quackity started, unsure on what to say. No idea how he was going to explain the sudden urge he had to drive all the way here. How was he supposed to tell Caroline that it was the place he had loved to take you a lot.
'Hey, uh yeah...sorry. I took you here because I had suddenly gotten caught up in memories of my ex-girlfriend, and remembered this was their favourite place. I hope you enjoy the date though.' Now that wouldn't really go down that well, would it? Quackity shook his head and forced himself to respond properly. With an answer that would actually be appropriate for an explanation.
"I don't know, I guess I felt like going for a walk...with you, of course" Quackity hesitated for a moment, hoping it was a decent enough response to the confusion lingering in the air around the two. "There's an icecream place close by though, we can go get some later if you wish"
Caroline, after a taking a second to think it over, nodded carefully, and Quackity had to stop himself from sighing in relief. He didn't really want to have to drive her back home, and cancelling the date before had even properly started. That would be a waste. But as he carefully watched Caroline, admiring her. He noticed how she did indeed still look excited. It was a good sign, this date was turning out great.
As soon as Quackity made it over to where the ocean's waves were hurriedly hitting against the sand. To where, what he considered to be the love of his life, was standing still wide-eyed and largely smiling. Your feet barely being covered by the water that lay below you. And as Quackity came nearer, his bare feet now feeling the coldness that encompassed from the salt water of the beach.
He felt himself, admire your figure. He was unaware to that of your hand which danced carelessly now, through the water beside you. A mischievous chuckle exiting lowly from your lips, he who was choosing to ignore the extra giddiness that overtook you. Choosing to pass it off, as you being excited to be here. With him, and at your favourite place in the entire world.
Your eyes connected with his, as he finally reached you. A similar smile still etched into his features at the sight of you. You could faintly see how he muttered 'so pretty' from the lips, and felt a darker hue to lightly dust your cheeks. Then you finally struck. Your hand went forward through the water, you having to bend down to reach it. It making rapid movements as it soon splashed onto your target.
Just like that, Quackity felt his eyes widen at the sudden coldness which soon splashed at him. Before they narrowed into a playful glare, watching as you smirked at the 'attack' on him, you had played. A few more giggles exiting your system, as you stood there continuing to smirk at his expression.
Then you gasped.
Your triumphant facade fell rather quickly, as the cold ocean splashed back up into you. Seeping lightly into the clothing that you wore. That little- that little-
It was now Quackity's turn to smirk with triumph. His own giggle letting slip out from his mouth, at your almost-flabbergasted expression. As he had taken you completely off-guard completely. Yet, he couldn't be mad or furious even. When it soon turned into a rather abrupt water fight, the both of you loudly laughing joyfully. Chasing hurriedly after each other through the ocean's waves, in fast attempts to completely drench each other with the water. The splashing loudly sounding out across the beach.
Quackity felt the hot sand underneath his bare feet, as he walked beside his date, Caroline. His hand, which wasn't carrying his shoes, carefully brushing passed that of Caroline's own hand. His nerves were to overwhelming to even think of allowing him to grab at it, and entwine their fingers together. It was only the first date after all. He highly doubted that it wouldn't be weird to hold hands, and he didn't think they were quite there yet.
He took in a deep breath, allowing for the scent of the salt in the murky ocean to overcome his sense, before exhaling again. Quackity turned his head slightly, glancing in the general direction of Caroline who was still beside him. He allowed himself, to take a moment to admire her. Her hair which fell down past her shoulders, the way she smiled- almost crookedly, and the eyes which he thought were almost sparkling in the sunlight. She was beautiful, and he couldn't deny that. He was glad to have finally done it. Finally, allowed himself the push he so needed to move on.
And he smiled.
Take her to all the places I took us to
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lesbewriting · 2 years
because i had you
[cc!Quackity x Fem!Reader] [chpt.7]
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SUMMARY: In which Quackity is left reminiscing about his past relationship with his ex-girlfriend after their breakup.
WARNINGS: mainly angst, um crying and mentions of moving on? there's like no fluff here sorry guys
A-N: honestly one of the easiest chapters to write lol. Enjoy :)
[series masterlist]
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The strong stench of popcorn filled the main lobby, as both Quackity and Karl walked in the entrance to the movie theatre. The darker-haired male, allowed his gaze to drift over the crowded room the pair entered into, after his friend had dragged him along to hang out. His eyes soon fell back upon the brown-haired boy beside him.
"I'm telling you Alex, clearly your ex has moved on!" Karl's voice drawled on, running a brief hand through his short hair. "Maybe you should stop with the 'what ifs' and move on too."
Alex nodded slowly, he was really starting to regret telling his friends about his recent breakup. He wished he'd just kept it to himself, and saved himself from the pitiful looks he now constantly receives whenever he's in close proximity of any of his best friends. He didn't want to or need to be pitied at all, especially not by his own friend group. As now he was certainly paying the price for telling them, with all the constant mentions and nagging of how he 'needs to move on' or to 'stop reliving his previous relationship' he now hears.
The boy carried on zoning out, once again allowing his gaze to suddenly wander over to the busy stand tucked to the right ahead of them. The rowdy chatter of young families, couples both young and old, as well as the odd friend group or two, which could only be distinguished as the line to the concessions stand. Plus all the murmurings being that of whatever snacks they were to order.
Quackity glanced back towards Karl, watching as he fiddled around on his phone for a moment. He adjusted his beanie for a moment, before opening his mouth to speak clearly to his friend.
"Hey uh...I'm going to head for some snacks? You want anything, Karl?"
The boy in question, looked up quickly at the call of his first name and to Alex, whose finger had been carefully pointed back towards the line at the snack bar. He smiled briefly, muttering something about a 'packet of m&ms' before turning around to take a seat at a bench nearby, to wait.
Taking that as his cue to head over now, Quackity turned on his heel and joined the queue for the concessions. Which now that he thought about it, as he stood there, it seemed to be a lot longer than it looked from where he previously stood next to Karl.
He dug his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he waited for the line to decrease. Eyes patiently looking ahead of himself, dancing across the parts of the menu board that he could see from where he was. He already knew what he wanted, it was just a matter of time before he could reach the front of the line. Which could be a few more minutes, considering he could spot at least two more families stood ahead of him in the line.
A couple more minutes had ticked by, and as Quackity felt a pair of eyes on him, he moved his eyes back from the clock above. From which he must have took his attention to as he waited, and back to where he now found himself staring at the worker behind the counter. He managed to shuffle forward closer to the counter.
"Hi, what can I get for you today sir?" The girl behind the counter plastering a smile across her lips as she spoke. She seemed fairly tired by the light bags that appeared underneath her eyes. Which as Alex was looking now, he could tell were a pretty shade of hazel that complimented her fair skin tone.
She was definitely pretty, the dark-haired boy couldn't deny that as it was quite obvious for anyone really. And he would have to be a complete idiot to miss that her eyes had been checking himself out. Of course, he wasn't going to make a move on her though. He wasn't ready to start going on dates again. At least, that he didn't think he was ready to.
"Just a bag of skittles and a pack of m&ms thanks" He managed out, awkwardly and fully aware that his friend was still waiting a little further behind him. Digging around in his left pocket for his wallet and once he had grabbed it, and he managed to pull it out. Quackity honestly just wanted to grab this food and leave for the movie he didn't feel like missing.
As he finished paying for the bags of candy, he was just thankful that the cinema clerk hadn't attempted to flirt with him at all. Which made him wonder for a moment, if he had just imagined the brief glances she had tried to sneak at him to check him out. But as far as the thoughts had come, he managed to shake his head in an attempt to rid them.
He clutched the two bags of candy and receipt in his left hand, as he made his way back over towards where Karl was now stood near the entrance to the cinema they were in. His friend's eyes lifting to meet Quackity as he sensed him approaching quickly. The boys eyebrows furrowed in confusion for a moment, at the sudden rapid pace of his friend.
"Woah dude, what's got you in such a rush?" Karl questioned, curious to Quackity's sudden haste to enter the movie theatre. As he'd felt his m&m packet shoved firmly right into his unsuspecting arms only a minute before. "Did something happen or..?"
Alex hesitated briefly, did he really want to share with his friend? I mean...last time he did share something all his friends suddenly made it their mission to get Quackity to move on from his ex-girlfriend he'd just broken up with. Fuck it. "I don't know. The cashier was just checking me out or something."
"Or something? How do you not know if you were being checked out by a girl?" Karl was confused at that moment, surely his friend would have known if someone had their eyes on him and were clearly interested in asking him out. "Well did she give you her numb--wait what's that?"
Quackity peeked down to where the brown-haired boy had suddenly pointed, his eyes landing onto the receipt he'd been given. He allowed a wave of confusion to wash over his features for a  few seconds, before his eyes finally caught onto what Karl had suddenly spotted.
Carefully, Quackity adjusted his hands positions on the receipt he'd been given and brought it up to eye level. Allowing, for both him and Karl to inspect the small piece of paper where at the bottom corner in small, messy bit of handwriting lay and read:
hey :) you're really cute and I'm kind of interested in talking to you more. Call or text me if you wish, ##-###-###
"Alex, are you gonna call her? She just gave you her number!" Karl playfully punched his shoulder, as the two proceeded to enter into the movie theatre to find their seats.
Truthfully, Quackity didn't know if he was going to contact her at all. Was he really ready to start attempting to move on yet? Should he just wait for a few more weeks and then text her? Or should he just do it now?
Maybe, it's time for me to meet somebody new
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