nannawrites Ā· 6 years
I need this plastered over my desk!
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Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve made a post, and I figured that these tips might be extra helpful with exam season approaching. As someone who struggles a lot with procrastination, I do everything I can to fight the urge to put assignments off until the last minute (even though Iā€™m not always successful).Ā 
As always, good luck! (įµ”į“„įµ”)
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nannawrites Ā· 6 years
If anyone here lives in Bangkok or Budapest, Iā€™ve got short stories set in those cities but have never been to either and would love some outside wisdom!Ā Iā€™ve done lots of research, but assume Iā€™m still making mistakes and want to get them shiny and factually correct before I start trying to publish.
I was unable to consult outside resources while the stories were still being handed in for workshop, but as they are both done their trips through academia, Iā€™d love to make sure Iā€™m getting all the details right.
1. Barefoot
Set in Bangkok
Protagonist is from Bangkok
Logline: A plan to steal a bag goes horribly wrong for two young brothers.
5763 words // 21 double spaced pages
POV: 1st person, present tense
Content warning: Violence/death (somewhat graphic), suicidal ideation (mild)
2. Dramatis Personae
Set in Budapest
Protagonist is a Canadian tourist
If you have travelled to Budapest but not lived there, that would still be helpful
Logline: An actress ends up stranded in a foreign country after sheā€™s dumped and pick-pocketed while backpacking with her boyfriend.
6429 words // 25 double spaced pages
POV: 2nd person, present tense
Content warning: violence (mild), sexual assault (non-graphic, mentioned only briefly, happened before the story), strong language
Message me (or DM me on twitter @shaelinbishop if you prefer) if you have intimate knowledge of one of these cities and are willing to help a gal out! Both stories have been heavily revised and critiqued already, so I am not looking for proofreading, line editing, or content editingā€“only a fact check on setting. Iā€™ll specifically mark places in the documents where I have questions or details Iā€™m unsure of, but am open to corrections on any aspect. This should only require one read through and no longer than an hour (if that) so please donā€™t feel like you need to spend a lot of time on this or anything.
Also, please let me know if you have anymore questions about content warnings in the stories. I can block out sections for you if you like.Ā 
I would be happy to offer a line edit + critique on a chapter or short story in exchange!Ā 
Thank you guys so much!
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nannawrites Ā· 6 years
Quick reminder to support authors.
Like that bit of writing on their blog? Share it.
Think youā€™ll like a book? Buy it if you can.
Finish a piece you liked? Review it.
Support authors. Just donā€™t feed them after midnight.
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
NaNoWriMo is officially over. I hope you all achieved your personal goals and if not are happy with the progress you made.
Iā€™m sorry Iā€™ve been so absent over the past few weeks. I needed to figure out some things about myself and my writing. Big changes are happening.
I have not participated in NaNo since around... 20k into The Blessed Ones. This doesnā€™t mean I havenā€™t been writing. Actually, Iā€™ve been writing more than ever.
As I mentioned in my last update, Iā€™ve been questioning whether I should continue to write in English or switch back to my motherā€™s tongue, Danish. Iā€™ve experimented a bit with Danish and I have fallen back in love with my native language.Ā 
It has been difficult for me to face this realisation. Mostly because I thought for so long that Iā€™d write and publish in English - it might still happen, but it will not be for a long time.
Iā€™m currently working on two projects: The Blessed Ones and The Gatekeeper. By working on two manuscripts, I can switch back and forth whenever I get stuck on one project, and it feels pretty good so far.
My goal is still to finish one of the manuscripts by the 1st of February and who knows? Maybe once Iā€™m done with the Danish draft, Iā€™ll translate it into English, and if Denmark wonā€™t publish it, I might try Britain.
For now, Iā€™ll continue to update you on my progress, share advice, and reblog fun and informativeĀ writerly goods.Ā 
Write on,
- Nanna
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
I need new writeblrs to follow
I need to jazz up my dashboard with more writeblrs. Reblog please I need inspiration and friends šŸ˜‚šŸ™
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
75% of writing is convincing yourself that your story is worth it
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
are you telling me that if i want to have a chapter written, i have to sit down and write the damn thing?? wtf the fuck??? this is outraging
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
Writing Update 12.11.17
I know I havenā€™t made a NaNo update this weekend, but Iā€™ve had a good excuse. I havenā€™t written. Thereā€™s more to it than that, I promise.
As you may know, Iā€™ve gotten an internship at a publishing firm and this weekend there was the biggest book convention in Denmark - and our firm was there. So Iā€™ve spent the entire weekend killing my legs and lower back, standing up for hours selling books and coffee. Last night, I lay sobbing in our bed because my legs hurt so much.
So thatā€™s reason numero uno. The other thing is that after I went to the convention and saw all of these Danish authors gathered in one place, celebrating Danish book culture... I started contemplating whether I should try publishing in Denmark.
I have actually written today. 3,000 words or so to be exact. Those words were spent translating the first 2 chapters of The Blessed Ones into Danish. I have to say... Iā€™ve kinda missed writing in my native language. My vocabulary is much wider and Iā€™m much more comfortable with the grammar. It flows better than I remember.
Does this mean I will not write The Blessed Ones in English? No. It most likely means that first Iā€™ll write it in Danish and then translate it into English. But I donā€™t know. I think I need to experiment a little.
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
NaNoWriMoĀ ā€˜17 Day #9
Today has been another shitty day for writing. As I might have mentioned, Iā€™ve been pantsing my way through this manuscript so far, and Iā€™ve finally reached the part where I donā€™t know where to go from here.Ā 
I have considered creating an outline, but Iā€™m trying to prove something: that you donā€™t needĀ an outline to complete the first draft. I think NaNo has destroyed some of the love I initially felt for this novel. What I wrote before NaNo, I was extremely happy with, because I took it slow and I actually thought about what I was writing. Since NaNo started, Iā€™ve just been trying to get the words done not paying attention to how good those words are.
A few posts ago I mentioned how my goal is not necessarily to write 50k but to be done with the first draft by February 1st, 2018. Thatā€™s three months to complete a draft. That should be plenty of time even if I take it slow.
So thatā€™s what Iā€™ll do. Take it slow.
Iā€™ll go back through the novel and rewrite/revise the chapters Iā€™m not happy with. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll continue to update my word count as Iā€™ll probably cut more than Iā€™ll add.Ā 
I do not see this as a failure. If anything Iā€™ve discovered something about myself. Iā€™m a slow writer and thatā€™s okay... but it might not be optimal for the NaNo format.Ā 
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
NaNoWriMoĀ ā€˜17 Day #8
This has been a great writing day! I sat with my friend Sam for three hours and then continued writing when I got home. And Iā€™m happy to say that I crossed 20k today! I need to change sooo much in revisions, but thatā€™s what theyā€™re for. Iā€™m leaving notes for myself throughout the manuscript and for now Iā€™ll just write as if I have already implementedĀ the changes.
No excerpt today. I have been staring too much at my own writing to look at anything Iā€™ve written and think itā€™s any good. Iā€™ll try to post something more interesting tomorrow.
Day 8 word count: 20.585
Add me as a buddy on the NaNo website @ NannaWrites
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
NaNoWriMoĀ ā€˜17 Day #7
I decided to take a day off from writing. I had to write an essay for my translation class and once I was done it was already late and I didnā€™t want to stress myself out with the thought of having to write even more. Tomorrow, I have a writing date with my friend Sam, so Iā€™m counting on getting lots of words in the bank there.
I love really deep and healthy friendships, so todayā€™s excerpt is a conversation between besties Aaron and Elara:
They sat back down on the soft wool, this time both of them had their backs up against Aaronā€™s bed. He hadnā€™t let go of her hand. Elara had always hated how sweaty his palms got; she didnā€™t seem to mind now.
Aaron wanted to stay like this but he knew that he was only postponing the inevitable. ā€œWhat are the chances?ā€
ā€œWellā€¦ā€ Elara began. She freed her hand from his and began counting her fingers. ā€œThereā€™s approximately twenty-thousand people in Treka so thatā€™s ā€“ā€œ
Aaron laughed. ā€œPlease donā€™t do the math.ā€
ā€œYou asked.ā€ She punched his shoulder. ā€œItā€™s random chance, you know that.ā€
ā€œI know. It could just as well have been me.ā€
ā€œIt could have been anyone,ā€ she ripped a loose piece of wool from the throw, rolling it into a ball. ā€œBut it had to be someone.ā€ She handed Aaron the ball of wool. ā€œA present. Something youā€™ll always remember me by.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re just hoping Iā€™ll forget all the stupid shit youā€™ve done.ā€
ā€œOh Aaron,ā€ Elara wrapped her arms around him and rested her head against his chest. Her hair smelled of vanilla. ā€œThereā€™s no fooling you.ā€
Day 7 word count: 17.567
Add me as a buddy on the NaNo website @ NannaWrites
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
NaNoWriMoĀ ā€˜17 Day #6
Today has been really shitty. After this busy weekend, I kinda just wanted to lay in bed, hide under my duvet, and not speak with anyone. I definitely not felt like writing. I guess Iā€™ve reaching the dreaded week 2 slump. Iā€™ve already decided that my goal is not to necessarily write 50k, but rather my goal is that by February 1st I want to have finished the first draft of The Blessed Ones. Thatā€™s my realistic goal. Iā€™m still gonna try for those 50k though.
Here are some words from an earlier chapter, words Iā€™m more happy with than those Iā€™ve been producing lately:
Downstairs her family sat around the dining room table, a grand breakfast waited for her. Noraā€™s eyes were red and swollen, but mother and fatherā€™s smiles were bright.
ā€œYou didnā€™t have to do this,ā€ Elara said as she sat down.
ā€œNonsense,ā€ Father took her plate and filled it with different kinds of fruits, a peeled egg, and a piece of bread with ham. ā€œYouā€™re the entire cityā€™s saviour; you ought to be treated like one.ā€
She bit into a strawberry and its sweet juice filled her mouth. She sighed but noticed that she was the only one eating. ā€œPlease,ā€ she pointed to the food and laughed. ā€œJoin me.ā€
Mother sent her a warm smile. ā€œThis food is for you. It was brought here by many of the city residents just for you. We canā€™t take something thatā€™s yours.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t be silly,ā€ Elara said and put down the strawberry.
Father placed his hand on top of hers. It was cold. ā€œElara, you will undergo purification of the mind, soulā€¦ and body.ā€
ā€œOh,ā€ Elara pulled her hand away from the table and sat upright, every muscle tight. None of them met her eyes. ā€œThis is my last meal.ā€
Day 6 word count: 17.567
Add me as a buddy on the NaNo website @ NannaWrites
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
NaNoWriMoĀ ā€˜17 Day #5
This weekend has been crazy. Weā€™ve been way too social the past couple of days, Iā€™m mentality exhausted (#introvert4life). Today, Oliver and I went to my parents to celebrate my belated birthday but I did get a good chunk of words written on the train to and from their house. But seriously... no more people for the next couple of days. I canā€™t.Ā 
Todayā€™s excerpt is brought to you by the first draft of chapter 5 in The Blessed Ones
One of the black figures raised its arm and pulled a string. The basement light turned on and Aaron squeezed his eyes shot. When he opened them, he saw the cityā€™s mayor, Konan Elmic, as well as his parents, and Elara. His parents didnā€™t look at him, but Elara met his eyes head on. He wished sheā€™d look away. The love filled look of an eighteen years old friendship was gone. Now she looked at him as if she wished he was the one whoā€™d died yesterday.
Mayor Elmic squatted down in front of Aaron, resting his arms on his knees. ā€œThis is one big mess youā€™ve made kid.ā€
ā€œSorry, I didnā€™t know our gods were frauds.ā€
Day 4 word count: 16.525
Add me as a buddy on the NaNo website @ NannaWrites
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
NaNoWriMoĀ ā€˜17 Day #4
Today was another productive day. I reached my goal for the weekend which was to hit 15k. This means Iā€™ll have written just about... 7k so far and Iā€™m currently ahead until dayĀ 9. Iā€™m pretty happy with that.Ā 
Today is not so much an excerpt as a quote from the lovely and wise Kyra, a POV character from The Blessed Ones
ā€œBelief brings comfort. Who are we to take that away from them?ā€Ā 
Day 4 word count: 15.063
Add me as a buddy on the NaNo website @ NannaWrites
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
NaNoWriMoĀ ā€˜17 Day #3
I wasnā€™t sure I would get any writing done today as Oliver and IĀ went on a date together that lasted most of the day, but I reached myĀ goal! Iā€™m not super happy with what I wrote, but it moved the story forward - I can always make it pretty in revision.
In todayā€™s excerpt, Iā€™ll share the opening of The Blessed Ones with you:
ā€œMy name was drawn,ā€ Elara said. She neednā€™t say what that meant, Aaron knew. He knew all too well.
They sat on the floor of his bedroom, Elara fiddled with the wool of his sheepskin throw only occasionally meeting his eye. Aaron expected her to say something else, somethingā€¦ more. But she remained silent, awaiting his response. How was he to respond to something like this?
Day 3 word count: 13.362
Add me as a buddy on the NaNo website @ NannaWrites
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
NaNoWriMoĀ ā€˜17 Day #2
Today was not that productive if looking at word counts, but my novel progressed a lot. I finished chapter 4 and began chapter 5 so overall Iā€™m pretty happy.
Please enjoy todayā€™s excerpt from The Blessed Ones
ā€œWhatā€™s your name?ā€ Elara asked. She squatted down to meet the boyā€™s eyes, her teal cotton dress draped on the dusty cobblestone.
ā€œMio.ā€ He said. ā€œIs the Aeon really going to eat you?ā€
ā€œMio!ā€ his mother finally reached them. She grabbed him hard by the arm, pulling him slightly into the air. Mio screamed. ā€œApologise immediately! Iā€™m so sorry Miss, the boy has no filter.ā€
ā€œThereā€™s no need to apologise.ā€ Elara lay a hand on Mioā€™s cheek. It was wet from crying and he kept rubbing the place his mother had grabbed. ā€œI will become one with the Aeon. It decides how that happens.ā€
Mio sniffled. ā€œAnd then weā€™ll continue to be healthy?ā€
ā€œYou and everyone else. Consider me a humble servant to the people of Treka.ā€
He dried his nose with the back of his hand and chuckled. ā€œThank you, Lady!ā€ he threw his arms around her waist and buried his head in her belly. She stroked his hair a few times before gently pushing him away as she stood up.
She folded her hands and bowed her head to the mother. ā€œMay our Blessing continue.ā€
Day 2 word count: 11.613
Add me as a writing buddy on the NaNo website @ NannaWrites
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nannawrites Ā· 7 years
NaNoWriMoĀ ā€˜17 Day #1
Ā And so the madness begins!
NaNoWriMo is upon us and as promised I will be doing daily updates for you guys to keep myself accountable and you included. Iā€™ll try to keep them short and sweet for yaā€™ll.
Each day, I will bring you a treat from my manuscript. Today, I will share the current blurb for WIP The Blessed Ones. Enjoy!
Childhood-friends Aaron and Elara grew up together in Treka, a city blessed by the Aeons. Their friendship faces a sudden termination when Elara is chosen as the next sacrifice to the cityā€™s Aeon; a sacrifice that will secure the blessing of Treka.
While Elara is honoured, Aaronā€™s world is falling apart. How can he stand by and watch as his best friend is devoured?
He canā€™t.
Aware of the consequences, Aaron takes action. An action that throws their society into religious tumult and forces Aaron on the run.
So there you go: the basic premise of my novel!
I am still super excited about writing it and suuuper excited to share the journey with you.Ā 
Day 1 word count: 10.052 (8.600 of these were written over the past few weeks)
Add me as a writing buddy on the NaNo website @ NannaWrites
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