purplemarshal · 1 month
Third instalment of TMNT incorrect quotes based on things that actually happened to me! (In response to that Sonic meme) Mikey: What's that? Donnie: Nonverbal? Mikey: Yeah. Donnie: Well verbal is spoken or oral, and non is not. So to be or go Nonverbal is more of less not speak. Mikey: Who? Donnie: Its common in nerodivergent and- Mikey: Asked? Donnie: You did? Mikey: No, I asked "what's that", not for the dictionary definition. This is why you get no maidens.
The Sonic meme in question:
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purplemarshal · 2 months
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Mars!!! turned 2 yesterday!
I had no clue that on April 6 2022 I made this account? I would've made something!
Also TOH W&D 1 year anniversary tomorrow and a total eclipse, prepare for the draining spell boys, its been real.
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purplemarshal · 2 months
Easier to Cry
(An alternate version of The Power Inside Her ft. some CASEYTELLO yippee! Drable)
(837 words)
Third person P.O.V.
Donatello was dead.
Atoms scattered to who knows where, leaving nothing but a purple mask.
With rain soaking whomever was outside. One of those unfortunate souls was none other than Casey Jones, a teenager who is barely making it through highschool and had just watched as one of his best friends was murdered.
The temperature had dropped significantly but none of the teens felt it as they rapidly tore their way up the channel 6 tower, not caring about the possibility of damage to the building nor themselves.
Donnie was gone and so was April, Abandoning the sight to god knows where.
Casey was mortified, devastated and whatever other words one would use to describe someone in his situation. He couldn’t muster the courage to talk, his thoughts were muddled and overlapping in such a way that had only happened once before while watching as his mother couldn’t escape from the men who pierced her with rusty tools as she begged him to run away with his sister.
Casey stumbled a bit as he felt his breath get stuck in the same spot as his words, barely managing what shaky breaths did escape as he couldn’t control the whimper that his limited stability allowed. 
Donatello was dead.
He did nothing.
He can't do anything.
Bile rose as the moments of his friend's death replayed over and over in his mind, torchering the boy even more while a broken string of hardly held together words fell from his impossibly dry mouth in a pathetic attempt to calm down.
The other three turtles didn’t let Casey's breakdown go unnoticed however as his mumbles turned to screams of pleas and apologies to a god that the teen didn’t believe in.
Leo was the first to make an attempt to calm the mess of their friend.
“Casey, Case, breath man. It’ll be okay, don’t panic.”
The boy's sobs stopped as his throat raw from attempts of forgiveness that made sense to no one but him. Turning to hitching breaths and silent tears that fell with the rain. Leo started slowly approaching him, scared of the possibility of making it worse. 
“Hey, hey Case,” she said no louder than a whisper. “We’ll get through this, I promise nobody is mad at you, or anyone.”
Casey still didn’t look up as Leo pulled him into an embrace, showing what she said was true.
“First we need to get down from here and to-” The eldest turtle froze as her hand was becoming wet. Not from the storm but rather a warm and thicker liquid emerged from her friend's back.
“Okay, I’ll carry you, then we’ll find our friend okay?” She tried desperately to keep her calm so as to not worry anyone else, making the situation worse. The teen in her arms managed a small nod and gripped onto the turtle, ripping some of her skin from how tight and desperate his grasp was. 
The teens collapsed on the pavement in a moment of exhaustion, their adrenalyne returned when the sounds of clanging and talking washed over their ears, without hesitation they followed the noise to find April fighting some members of The Purple Dragons. 
(I really didn’t want to rewrite this whole “fight scene” so just watch it or imagine it, sorry)
Even with his half lidded, blurry eyes Casey admired the tallest of the turtles as they stood fairly frazzled at their current position. 
“Don,” he breathed, trying to get to them but the gash in his back made it practically impossible. “Mh-so sorry.” 
“Case? Casey!” The mutant stumbled, legs weak but the willpower to get to him kept them up until they fell in front of him, lifting his face and fairly roughly checking for any injuries before wrapping him in a tight hug.
“Blood? Are you bleeding?” They lifted their hand, revealing the sticky liquid.
“Hm? Oh, yeah.” With the situation Casey had forgotten about his gaping wound that he had earned while fighting a few of Shredder's infamous goons earlier that night, ignoring the pain and possible consequences to his actions in favor of everyone else's safety. 
Which he had failed to insure.
A muffled groan was audible as he shoved his face in the ladders neck, not wanting to neither make a noise but with how tired he was made him unable to stop it, nor be any farther away from Donnie. 
Donnie squinted as gravity seemed to hit them all at once, the universe recognising that Donatello was in fact not dead.
“Canwe stay like, mph, like this for a bitmore?” Casey slurred, struggling to stay awake. 
Donnie smiled softly, “Yeah, that’d be nice.”
Comfort set over the duo as they took in what they could of the moment before passing out in each other's embrace, a cliche that was both warming and concerning to the conscious of the group in fear of their impaired bodies and having to get them back to the lair in a way to not harm them more in the process.
A/N Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed, I wrote this during school today and I think you can tell LOL
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purplemarshal · 3 months
What emotions do you feel when you make a Promise?
This may or may not be very important for an upcoming project, so the more responses the better!
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purplemarshal · 4 months
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You can see Casey already
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These two loved Twyla too
(Me fr)
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purplemarshal · 4 months
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Me fr
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Leo is a pain to color.
(I love this though)
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purplemarshal · 5 months
Rating my siblings drawing on my bases!
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Older brother
Missing pronouns, everyday outfit and hair on the emoji. Put his face in the wrong spot. I like the weapons and pizza. (His random; pizza.) 3/10
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Younger brother
Also put his face in the wrong spot. The everyday outfit is good but the rest isn't usable. I don't like how unfinished and unserious it is. (His random; has five pet red tail catfishes.) 1.5/10
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Probably my favorite, I gave her a more difficult pose than the other two. The glasses on the everyday outfit are a little silly though, forgiven for how our styles combine. (Their random; Mitski on top for real.) 9.5/10
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I was listening to music in the middle of the night and got a little carried away with their pose. Not my worst, but I have drawn them better before. It needs color or shading. (My random; shoes are heelez and, they bite everything.) 7/10
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purplemarshal · 5 months
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As soon as I get home I'm going to rate my siblings drawing over my character bases then this will be easier.
I want to do fanfic commissions but I don't know how.
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purplemarshal · 5 months
Tooth-rotting sweetness
Mitsuri x GN reader (KNY)
The love Hashira, Mitsuri Kanjori was well known for her immense beauty and tooth-rooting sweet personality. But those who spend more time with the girl would know about her impressive strength, and to some, even more impressive eating habits. 
To say Y/N didn’t fall head over heels in love with her would be nothing but a lie. The fear of working for One of the Hashirs, the strongest of the demon slayer corps, faded the instant they were tasked with finding the girl and serving her meal. Mitsuri was training by herself when Y/N found her, and couldn’t help but watch for a few moments at how her muscles flexed with each swing of her bendy sword, a truly mesmerizing sight to behold for their tired eyes that were used to the same strong men and weak girls. Mitsuri soon noticed their presence and after assuring her that they weren’t at all weirded out by her, she invited them to eat with her.
“Meals are best when shared with a friend.” 
She said, and from them on you ate together whenever possible, those were always their favorite meals. 
Time passed and what started as a crush, erupted into full love sickness. They would follow her around like a lost puppy, and when she needed anything, Y/N would be on it with no hesitation. Both retrieved and returned more attention from the other more than anyone else in their lives, and neither minded that fact.
Tonight however Mitsuri was coming back from a long mission and Y/N was going to make sure everything went perfect for their love. Without any hesitation the Hashira jumped into a big hug that the ladder wasn’t surprised by but also wasn’t quite ready for, hands hovering in the air awkwardly for a moment before returning to her embrace, feeling her comforting warmth for a hug that would have been too long if it were anyone else. 
Y/N then escorted her inside, trying to dodge as many people as possible before they made it to Mitsuris room, which Y/N made sure was prepped with a comfortable Yukata and plenty of her favorite snacks. After she changed, during which she was adamant that her arms were sore so she had Y/N assist her, they sat down on the mat on the floor, enjoying eachothers company as she talked about new food she tried and they talked about what needed to be done while she was gone. The snacks were long gone very shortly into the talk, and soon enough, it was time for dinner. Y/N started walking to retrieve the meal when Mitsuri stopped them.
“Come here for a second.” She said, voice stern but still incredibly sweet. Her face however had a hint of mischief that they didn’t quite trust, but nonetheless they still did as she commanded. The girl made grabby hands and her suspicious face made sense, without much fuss, they walked back in front of her. She started making grabby hands and as soon as they took hers, they were dragged back down, now on top of her. Y/N tried to express how startled they were but the sound got stuck in their throat, instead coming out as a gasp rather than something cooler. Mitsuri giggles and repositions them so they're sitting on her lap, legs wrapped around her waist as their arms just froze in the air yet again, helpless without their love's guidance.  The female on the other hand wasted no time with bringing them closer, running a finger down the other spine, causing a shiver, but no attempt to escape. So she continued, moving her hands with grace and gentle care to Y/Ns hair, feeling how soft it was.
Y/N finally relaxed, giving in and slowly migrating down resting just above their legs as they simultaneously nuzzled their face into the crook of her neck. She smelt like honey, peaches,  dango and everything sweet and good in the world. 
“I missed you a lot, I was worried we wouldn’t get to eat together anymore.”
Mitsuri breathed as though if she were too loud Y/N would run away like a scared kitten. Y/N could barely even manage a hum of acknowledgement, their brain short circuiting. The girl sighed with a mix of both sadness and love, pressing a soft kiss against the top of their head.
The two stayed in that position in silence for a long moment until Y/N seemingly regained their mental capability and tried to squirm away, a signal they had reached their limit. Mitsuri obliged, looking them in their eyes before releasing them from her hold. Shakily they stood up, the girl following their movements almost exactly except she wasn’t 1/8th as frazzled as them. 
“The, the-uh food. I'm going to get, for you.”
They managed out, quickly turning around and moving stiffly. 
“Uh-huh,” The Hashira giggled. “One last thing, honey.”
Grabbing them from behind she smoothly made her way to their neck, holding their waist as she pressed her lips to their neck. Y/N paused, not even breathing. Y/N could feel Mitsuri smirking against their skin, and a visible shiver took their whole body as they softly whined. Taking the hint and respecting her love, Mitsuri left one peck on their cheek and sat back down, proud of what she had accomplished without them completely disintegrating or something.
Y/N slid the door shut behind them, leaning against it for a moment to regain their composure before going out in front of the other people around them.
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(Drops this here gives you a forehead kiss then goes back into my hole)
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purplemarshal · 5 months
Lovers Rock
Possibly the last chapter for my little 2012 Casey x Donnie fic. Unless there's high demand for more.
Casey’s P.O.V.
When I woke up the next morning I wasn’t surprised with the absence of Donnie. Not saying that I have the best memory of last night but I do think we were a little closer than either of us would like to admit. But I wasn’t going to let something as silly as essentially cuddling get in the way of today, but I think we all know Don would. 
After stumbling over a couple loose projects I finally made my way out of the dimly lit lab and into the equally familiar environment of the entrance of the lair. 
I could both hear and feel the turtles training in the dojo, so without any goodbye’s I left, walking through the sewers as though I didn’t have a care in the world. My hands practically froze to the ladder as I was climbing up so the rest of my walk home was already doomed. 
Pausing in front of my apartment door I took a moment to reset. My house was normally quiet, especially when compared to the Hamato household. So considering the time, not even six a.m. yet, and how I stayed at a friend's house last night I should probably make breakfast for the three of us. Silently I turned the doorknob and crept into the dark living room, making sure to not step on any of the floorboards that I knew would cause any form of auditory disturbance. 
Angel, my little sister, slept in the room closest to the entrance, followed by my dad then me. The kitchen and bathroom were on the wall opposite to the bedrooms so I had to be ever so careful with what my next move would be, but because of my experience I worked mainly off of muscle memory, making my Dad’s meal first because his alarm should be going off soon. Next I would make mine, and last I would make Angels. Once everyone was awake, and soon gone I had the apartment to myself.
Hours passed and I barely did anything. The turtles didn’t need me for patrol today and April was coming back tomorrow so all I could do was stay here; and there is nothing to do here. Except for sleep.
Considering how little I slept last night it sounded pretty good. Sprawling onto the living room couch I mentally imagined how the rest of the day should go. Angel is staying at our grandparents house so no need to worry about picking her up today, and dad is going on another business trip so I could sleep however long I wanted. 
‘Someone is watching me.’
I stumbled off of my cramped sleeping arrangement to try and calm my nerves, I was home alone, so why did it feel like I was being watched? That however was resolved as quickly as the green brown and purple flash that sprinted into my room. Why is Donnie here? My eyes quickly found the small digital clock beneath the T.V. damn seven P.M. a four and a half hour nap was probably not the best idea, but that wasn’t my biggest concern right now. 
I called out, putting on my favorite record, turning it up enough to fill the emptiness of the apartment in a pleasant way. Peering into my bedroom I wasn’t surprised to see the oh so familiar mutant sitting on my bed, even though they couldn’t say the same. Their eyes and mouth blasted open at the sight of me, although surprised to see me in my own home. 
“Hey Don, I’m surprised you're not sick of me yet.”
They chuckled and shook their head, calming down a little but they still looked uncomfortable.  
“Would you like to be?”
The bed creaked under my added weight as I sat next to them. 
“You know what I said the other day on patrol, about how “charming you were? Well what I meant by that was-”
Being the idiot I was while stumbling over my words I didn’t notice them leaning in, and eventually meeting their lips with mine. A short, but extremely effective way to shut me up I suppose. The kiss however got interrupted by the sound of my record skipping, Donnie got up and flipped it over, but when they sat back down, I didn’t fail to notice how they were slightly closer to me. 
“You’ve already said that, asshole.”
Donnie muttered, moving their hand on top of mine. I felt like I was on fire, and if I weren't the Casey Jones I probably would’ve exploded from all of the emotions at once, but instead, matching their tone I mumbled.  
“I might let you stay, but just for tonight, Birdbrain.”
They chuckled into the second kiss, this time it was longer.
“Now, how many men have you kissed?”
We pulled apart, but still touched our foreheads.
“Very few.”
A short answer.
“But you offered me a kiss, why?”
I positioned myself to meet eye to eye, full of adoration. 
“Such a foolish reason I’m afraid, I just wanted to kiss you.”
12:10 a.m. Jan 1 2024 So, yeah. Not sure how to feel, Happy New years everyone!
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purplemarshal · 7 months
Are we just not going to talk about Will and Monty? (Nevermore) Or the fact that they are like legit Billy and Stu (Scream 1996) combined? Like
STU: I can't...I'm bad off, Billy. You cut to deep.
Billy throws the phone at Stu. He mouths to him, so Sid can't hear. "Talk to her..." Then Billy takes off for the kitchen. Stu takes the phone.
SIDNEY: (aware) So Stu, what's your motive? Billy's got one. The police are on their way. What are you going to tell them?
STU: Peer pressure...I'm way too sensitive. Billy flies back in the room, grabbing the phone from Stu. He's completely nuts now, staggering, bleeding, totally insane.
BILLY: (SCREAMING in phone) I'm gonna rip you up bitch. Just like your slut whore mother.
Like dude! I mean Will is calmer I guess? I want to say not as mentaly ill but he's clearly going through it.
Am I drawing this? Perhaps. I have also been listening to Sir Mix A-lot Ride from all the Josh Hutcherson edits, (spiderman should own it though) and I'm in my study hall but I just had to get this out here.
I am working on multiple things and today is night two of the musical so I hope to get something out soon!
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purplemarshal · 7 months
Another TMNT incorrect quote based on things that actually happened to me! Mikey, Raph and Donnie are standing outside waiting for something. Mikey: (circling Donnie while chanting) Casey sucks, Casey sucks, Casey sucks! Donnie: D-deez nutz. Raph: Casey sucks deez nutz? (pause) nice one. (stepping up and slaping their arm) Donnie:
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purplemarshal · 7 months
Vote! (Cause no one comments :'( )
You won't hurt my feelings, and they would just be doodles and small comics. (I do not have a Webtoon of my own yet, so it would be the ones that I enjoy.) I also have Mutant Mayhem stuff. :)
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purplemarshal · 7 months
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CASEYTELLO SCHOOL DOODLES! ft. Ken from the amazing Homesick Webtoon!
Inspired by my Nothings new Caseytello fic (Chap 1) Sorry for going a little awol but here, eat. Not the biggest fan of this Donnie drawing but it'll do.
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purplemarshal · 8 months
TMNT incorrect quotes based on things that happened to me. Splinter: (Driving) Karai: There's a car coming. Casey: Woah, living life on the edge, so metal. Raph: (Done with them) Just like the door that's going to go though your head. (Silence) Raph: And then I'll say, 'that's so glass'.
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purplemarshal · 8 months
I need ideas (Caseytello)
It has been like 4 days since my last post and I have nothing for the next chapter, too many ideas actually. I am also working on making a Mutant Mayhem comic among my knitting, school, musical, and making my sisters Halloween costume shit.
All of it is important to me but I just need some help with this. (Perhaps I got burnt out from two long chapters in two days)
So if y'all could share even like just a song that you think I should use that would be amazing!
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purplemarshal · 8 months
Pretty Boy
Bruv, I am sleeping over at a friends house tonight, and I pulled this out of my ass. Legit 967 words, the last one was over 700 and I told myself that I didn't want to go more than that but here we are.
T.W. Angst , swearing, and Scream.
Donnie P.O.V.
As the night drew on, my family gradually retreated to their rooms. Starting with Splinter, we don’t know when he left, but he did. Next was Leo, she was worried about how everyone would act tomorrow and convinced Mikey to also go around 10pm. Raph stayed until 12ish.
Leaving me with the one and only Casey Jones.
The only light in the lair was the T.V. playing some horror movie that we had seen several times already, in all honesty I think that Casey fell asleep awhile ago from how still and quiet he was. 
“So, you got a boyfriend?”
“Why? You wanna ask me out?”
“Maybe. Do you have a boyfriend?”
I sigh, no matter how many times I see this movie I can’t get over the fact that she lied about not having a boyfriend and then he got killed like, instantly.
“You never told me your name.”
“Why do you want to know my name?”
“Because I want to know who I'm looking at.”
“What did you say?”
“I want to know who I'm talking to.”
“That's not what you said.”
“What do you think I said?” 
The room turned pitch black as the only source of light went out, so did the sounds of the 1996 horror movie, leaving me with the dripping water and sounds of cars above ground. 
“Casey?” I whispered harshly only to get a small “hm” in response.
“Dumb ass, get up, I think someone cut the power or something.” I nudged the lump of blankets as I stood up, my knees popping from sitting on the floor for so long. Casey however didn’t make any attempts to move. 
So I figured that it would be alright if I took things into my own hands, literally picking him up and placing him in front of me. Only for him to hit the ground with a loud thump.
“Dee?” He muttered, sleep still apparent in his voice. “Wait, why is it so dark?”
I heard him shuffle from his blankets that stayed on top of him even on the floor. 
“Something happened to the power.” I explained as Casey stood up fully, “we need to find out what’s up with it.”
The human snickered, “got too scared to go alone huh Don? Needed big ol’ Casey Jones to help ya?” 
He reached his arm forward a few times before it made contact with me, when it did he pulled the rest of himself to close the gap, leaning most of his weight on me. His hands were soft. How did he keep his hands so soft? He went on patrol and trained with us while still juggling hockey and basically caring for his little sister.
“Riiight.” I said sarcastically. I had forgotten how he asks when tired, extra. Extra everything. “Let’s get to my lab, then we should be able to see what’s up.” I started walking with my muscle memory guiding the two of us to the place that I spent most of my time.
The door slightly creaked as I pushed it open, I smiled at the familiar smell of my lab. Luckily some of my projects offered an ethereal light to the room and its belongings. Not so luckily however, there was a thin layer of smoke that surrounded the desk with all of my chemicals.
“Sorry Casey, I’ve been working on this project for a few days and-” I looked at the limp boy still wrapped around me. “-And you're asleep. Wonderful. Idiot.” I whispered as I set him down in one of my spare chairs before walking away to go to the breaker.
A few minutes passed with me trying to figure out what was going on before the almost silence was broken.
“Do you really mean it?” Casey’s voice was still exhausted, but now there was something else in it. It sounded raw and harsh, but there was still something softer than normal. 
“Idiot, you will have to be more specific.”
“That.” His voice broke. “Do you really think that I’m an idiot?”
I looked in his direction, his face looked softer through the smoke even if it was now red and his eyes were puffy.
“I don’t mean it whenever I say it, you're really smart and strong and, and-” His voice broke as the unwelcomed tears started flowing. “Do you remember what I said the other day?” A sniff. “During patrol?” He sounded hopeless, told you he was extra when he was tired.
I took a deep breath as I walked closer but stopped to take a sip of coffee that I had left out earlier, it was cold now but still tasted good enough. 
“Casey, I think you should go back to sleep.”
“Donnie.” He begged.
My body moved on its own and pulled him into a hug, of which he accepted immediately, holding me tight and stuffing his face into the crook of my neck as he continued to cry. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t even know what I was doing.
The teen kept crying as I started to run my fingers through his hair, but slowed down as I started the sing. I knew he liked the song but I didn't have the words memorized so I mainly mumbled it. 
Leo used to do this for me, but lately she didn’t have the time.  
His breathing slowed and I realized he had fallen back asleep. I wanted to get off of the chair to leave him alone but his arms remained tight on me. So, rather than bothering Casey I opted to stay with him, for his comfort of course! Not because he was warm, and I didn’t have enough strength to get up. Of course not.
God, I hate Pretty boys.
Like I said, I pulled this out of my ass at 10pm last night, my laptop was like 9% and we were watching Be Cool Scooby Doo. Still hope you enjoyed it, there will be even spookier chapters soon. Excpect a short chapter next though.
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