ramspatula · 28 days
Arrowheads | Nya Smith x reader | Part 2
Is a relationship with a woman different to one with a man? Depends, can a man make me feel as good when he compliments me as she does?
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It’s amazing how peaceful life seems when you think you’ve died. I felt light. I felt like the pressure I was so used to feeling was gone. I forgot what it was like to feel this comfortable. Feel like I could do what I want. Like nothing could touch me. Like I was safe. Like the smile on my face was real. I felt like it wasn’t my fault. Like I was innocent again. All of a sudden, I was allowed to smile, think, move, eat, do what I want. I could be confident. I could like what I see. I want to write this feeling. What’s is truly like to be contempt. And how it has nothing to with love, or family, or relations, or a career, or children, or possessions. It has everything to do with the self. Me. To be contempt is to know yourself and accept. Know your faults, but don’t hate yourself because you have them. Know your strengths, but don’t expect them to always be there. Acceptance is hard. Because who really likes themself? Who can truly accept themself? How can someone with twice as many faults as strengths be as happy as someone with a balance. How can someone with twice as many strengths as faults ever see the flaws in themselves? How can you accept what you can’t see? But others can.
“She’s awake.”
I woke with a gasp. Eyes shooting open to stare at the ceiling, there was pattern, cute. Where the hell was I? Why was there a screen next to me? What sort of bed was I on? Why am I speaking in past tense? This is my present. But I can’t seem to live in it. Why am I a spectator of my own life?
“You okay?” A voice coaxed me out my head, I was sat up. I hand was on my shoulder. I had half a mind to hit whoever was touching me. “That’s it, deep breath for me.” I looked at her. Her. Who was this again? Nya? I hadn’t met Nya before. “Deep breath, follow my lead.” She took a deep breath in and I followed. “And out, there we go!” She cheered for me and that was enough to make me smile. “Hey… welcome back to the world.” She said and I nodded.
“What… what happened?” I asked, holding my head. Feeling the incoming headache.
“You passed out. Something about finding out about your brother’s hidden life and then a nindroid opening his chest cavity wasn’t really your thing.” She said and I blinked. Oh yeah. That.
“Which one are you?” I asked, she knew what I meant.
“Water… we’ve met.” Nya said and I nodded.
“Oh…” I said and then smiled, she returned it.
“I shamelessly called you pretty. And flirted.” She ripped he bandaid off. I shrugged.
“You were being nice. I called you pretty too.” I said, she smiled.
“Actually, you said I had a pretty mouth and eyes.” Nya repeated my words and I paused. “So what do you think, do the eyes and mouth match the face?” She asked and I smiled.
“Yes.” I said, we both knew what I meant.
“You sure you’re feeling okay? Because I’m not sure flirting with you is what I’m meant to be doing right now.” Nya said and I laughed.
“Do you have any painkillers?” I asked and she shook her head.
“Uhm, no. We don’t do painkillers here, we have herbal remedies and teas. I think Cole is probably making you one right now, that’s if he’s woke up. Us girls have been watching over you whilst he gets some sleep. He’d been up for 62 hours before you even had passed out so safe to say somewhere around the 72 hour mark, Pearl dragged his ass to bed.” Nya explained and I nodded.
“How long have I been like this for then?” I asked and she checked the time.
“As of now? 18 hours. Cole spent 10 hours watching over you and then Pearl took the first shift, did 2 hours. Cherry took the next, lasted about half an hour before she got too bored. Snowdrops has been here the whole time. Misako spent 3 hours in here. I don’t think it made any difference to her. And then I’ve been here the rest of the time.” Nya told me and I nodded.
“Well thank you.” I said and she shook her head.
“Don’t be, we didn’t want you to wake up alone.” She said and I smiled.
“What do you mean by Snowdrops is always around? I haven’t met her or anything.” I said and she grinned.
“Are you going to pass out again?” She asked, I shook my head. “Hey, Snow? You there?” Nya asked and a figure appeared out of pixals until she became clear. You could see some code running through the body that had just formed.
“Hello.” She greeted, she sounded super nice.
“Hey.” I said.
“This is Snowdrops. Her and Zane are kind of a thing? In love? How do you describe it?” Nya asked.
“We share a deeper sense of communication and reliability than any others. This is our version of what you might call love.” Snowdrops said and I nodded.
“They’re in love, you won’t find one person in this monastery that isn’t in love with someone else in the monastery.” Nya told me and I looked at her.
“Are you in love?” I asked, she sighed.
“I was, I’m not anymore.” She told me, I nodded.
“Could you love again?” I asked, she thought for a moment.
“Papita! Y/n!” Cole’s loud, grating, agitating, annoying, moment- ruining voice cut in. Nya cleared her throat and moved away so Cole could come squat by the bed. “How are you?! You really scared me there.” He told me, I watched as Nya awkwardly, quickly left the room.
“I’m okay.” I said, my head full of new thoughts.
“Are you sure?” He asked, I nodded.
“I got you that tea. I couldn’t wait for the water to heat so I got Kai to do it but ended up burning my hand so Zane had to ice it and then Jay ended up making the tea so thank him when you see him.” Cole said and my eyes snapped back to him and the tea, I took it.
“I like women.”
“Oh… Uhm, I didn’t meant anything by the Jay comment-“ Cole said and I grabbed his hand.
“No I know. I just wanted to tell you. You’ve told me all your secrets, I thought you should know mine.” I said and he nodded.
“Well, if we’re airing it all out… 5 years ago I got turned into a ghost. Thats where this scar came from and it’s why I haven’t seen you in so long.” Cole revealed and I searched his eyes for any hint of lies. He lifted his hair up to show me the scar, it glowed. “I’ll find you a picture if you want proof.” He said and I shook my head.
“Is that why you didn’t come to graduation?” I asked and he shook his head.
“No i was human again by then.” He admitted and I frowned. “That was because Aspheera, the snake who stole Kai’s elemental powers, locked us in a pyramid.” Cole revealed and I gasped.
“The fire snake?” I asked and he nodded. “She almost killed me- like deadass. It wasn’t just paranoia, it was real.” I told him and he held my hand a little tighter.
“I love you.” He said and I smiled.
“Love you too.” I said it back, for the first time in years. He kissed my forehead and walked towards the door.
“Oh and- I knew.” Cole revealed and my face dropped.
“What?” I asked.
“Dad told me.” He said and my eyes widened.
“Dad knows?!” I asked.
“He found a love letter from an ex girlfriend in your old stuff, he called me up asking if ‘Ellie’ was a boy’s name too.” Cole said and I laughed.
“What the fuck.” I said, more to myself.
“I’m happy you told me though.” Cole said and I looked back up at him. “It means a lot, Papita.” He said and I went to drink my tea. He laughed as my face twisted and I tried not to wretch.
“What the hell is this?!” I practically yelled.
“Healers tea. Tastes like shit.” Cole said and I coughed.
“It does!” I said and put the tea on the side table. “I won’t be thanking Jay.”
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
I felt like a stalker. I think I had an obsession. I watched her all the time, outdoor training sessions made it easier because they trained outside the window in the living area. It meant I could make out like I was just mesmerised by the ninja training. The way they moved was impressive and almost melodic. It’s almost how imagined some rhythms to move. She moved like water herself. Smooth, following a certain direction until it hit. And when it did it splashed. Going over everyone. At least that’s what I imagine as she used Kai as a jumping stool, delivering a knee to his chin whilst she was at it, then she managed to kick Cole and land just to swipe out Zane and Jay’s legs. With all of them on the floor she jumped up in victory, flexing her muscles as if to mock to boys. Lloyd clapped and patted her back. It looked like he was leading training. Well leading from where he’d had Peach stood on one hand and staying absolutely still as she made objects glitch in a pattern around her, smoothly.
“Do you want me to explain the training? I feel like I’ve got a grip on it now.” Someone asked, I turned to see Cherry.
“Uhm, okay.” I said and she smiled.
“It’s okay, I know you don’t really care about what they’re doing.” She winked, I blushed. “This is a group spar, Lloyd will make one of them go against the other 4 and tell them to either disarm, take out as quickly or fight them all.” She explained, I nodded. I watched as Nya re-wrapped her hand with the bandage like tape. I noticed only her, Kai and Lloyd had those on but then I watched as Cole punched the floor sending a mini earthquake into the monastery as well as consequently sending all the ninjas to their feet, excluding Peach. How did she not-?
“Cole always does that. It pisses off Lloyd.” Cherry I explained, I nodded. Trying not to fall into complete panic that earthquakes can happen at any time here. “Hey, you good?” Cherry asked, clearly I wasn’t hiding my internal panic well. “Hey, you’re alright. The monastery is the safest place in all of ninjago. The ninja will never use their power for bad. We don’t have to watch training- wanna do something else?” She asked, quickly. I nodded. She took my hand and dragged me into what I’m guessing is hers and Kai’s room. I was confused, it seemed pretty normal until she opened a door in the room that connected to a walking wardrobe. It was full and even had a stand for shoes.
“When my Dad died, this is basically all that could be recovered- my house got blown up with him in it- in case you didn’t know.” Cherry said and I nodded. How many clothes does she have?
“These aren’t all mine, don’t worry. That shelf is Kai’s.” It wasn’t a small shelf but it didn’t compare to the rest of the room. Was she rich?
“Wow, I really like that.” I said, pointing at a sweater that was hung up off to the side.
“Have it if you want.” She said and I shook my head immediately.
“No, it’s okay.” I said and she laughed.
“Take it! God knows when I’m going to wear it again.” Cherry said before sighing and picking the sweater of the hanger. “C’mon, how long have you had that top for? Not to mention it’s so cold here.” She said and I shrugged.
“It used to be Cole’s, before he moved out.” I said and her eyes widened.
“When did he move out again?” She asked, distress in her eyes.
“When he was like 18.” I said and her face dropped, I’m pretty sure she almost gagged.
“That man is like 30. Who knows how old that top is- no! I’m calling it now! Take it and change now. I’ll turn around.” She practically forced the sweater in my hand and turned around. I changed quickly, not sure I’d recovered from the subtle scolding I just got.
“I’m done.” When she turned around it’s like her mood had completely flipped again.
“It looks so good on you!” She said and I smiled. I imagined this is what sleepovers were like. Raiding someone else’s closet, trying on clothes, doing hair and makeup, watching movies.
“When do you want it back?” I asked and Cherry shook me off.
“Never. Keep it. I’ve got too much shit as it is. Kai will thank you for taking something away. He had to convert this whole room for me when I moved in. That was when he realised I had too much stuff.” She explained and I nodded.
“Woah.” I said looking over her vanity. She had all kinds of skincare and makeup on display in those fancy holders.
“You could go shopping in here. But if the ninjas get their ninja cave, I get my own boutique.” She said and I looked at her.
“There’s a ninja cave?” I asked, Cherry stared blank at me.
“Has anyone given you a tour?” She asked, I shook my head. “What are these ninja good for?” She asked, more herself and gestured me to follow her back out the room.
“These are all the bedrooms, Mine and Kai’s is on the end, then it’s Jays, then Zane’s, then Nya’s, then Cole and Pearl’s, then Lloyd and Peach’s is on the other end.” Cherry pointed at everything she spoke out. “That’s a communal bathroom and shower but most of us have onsets except Zane and Nya’s is out of order, the guest rooms don’t have one, so you have to use this one. It locks don’t worry.” She told me, I nodded.
“What’s that?” I asked at the room she left out.
“Laundry.” She explained. “That’s where Pearl spends most her time, I think she finds it therapeutic or something.” Cherry told me, I nodded again. “This whole hallway and around is training rooms, classrooms, dojos and a gym.” She explained, I nodded. “This whole side of the monastery is actually the living area. So kitchen, living room, dining room all in one and big because there’s a lot of us.” She told me, I looked around at all the murals on the ceiling and walls with some engraving in. “Those are prophecies. Most aren’t even decrypted yet.” Cherry told me, my mouth dropped a little. “The monks live all down there. The bald people in case you’re wondering.” She said, I nodded.
“Do you bump into them often?” I asked, Cherry shook her head.
“Not if you’re not training or outside. They have their own living area. This is actually the family area that we live in.” She explained, I nodded.
“Then to get to the ninja cave- we’ve got to cut through here for a moment.” The ninja were training right outside this door. She opened it anyway.
“Babe-!” I heard Kai’s voice immediately.
“You didn’t even see us!” Cherry took my hand and sped into another room.
“Whatever you say, spitfire.” I could almost find their dynamic cute.
“Snowdrops, give me a hand here!” Cherry called out and a bookshelf slid open she gestured me to follow. I did and then the ground started moving, we were going down, this was an elevator. “You okay? It’s completely safe.” She said and I nodded.
“These aren’t really my thing.” I said and she nodded.
“A lot of things aren’t your thing.” Was that just a comment or an insult? “You might actually be normal.” So not an insult then.
This room was massive, full of tech, a couple arcade machines, there was a load of mechs and cars by one wall. I couldn’t stop looking around, especially when I saw the massive screen and someone typing away below it.
“This is Pixal! She’s a nindroid like Zane- don’t pass out this time please.” Cherry said and I shook my head.
“I’m okay.” I said and Pixal smiled. She was fully silver too.
“Hello.” Pixal greeted, I smiled.
“I’m Y/n.”
“Papita, I’ve heard.” I think she was making a joke, yeah she was.
“Cole calls me that.” I said and she nodded.
“I’m touring her around, no one else did.” Cherry explained and Pixal nodded.
“Well welcome to the ninja cave! This is where you can find a ninja if they don’t want to be upstairs or have to work.” Pixal told me, I smiled.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
I had a problem. And that problem was women. Good looking, tall, masc women. The ones that ties their hair up without a care for if there was any bumps or uneven parts. The ones that walked around in loose joggers with baggy shirts and vests, sometimes hoodies. The ones that asked me if I had something she could put her black hair up with when they’re in a rush for training. The one that took my plate or bowl from me whenever I was done eating because she was sat next to me. The ones that made water move in the air to their command. The one that called me pretty. The one that pointed out my new sweater and said it looked really nice, “especially on me” and made me almost swoon. I have a problem. And that problem is Nya Smith. I was getting a crush. No. I had a crush. Already. I had a crush on my brother’s teammate. Someone my brother called family. I had a crush on a ninja. The water ninja.
“How did you know Kai liked you?” I don’t know why I thought Nya would act the same way as Kai just because they’re siblings. Me and Cole are considerably different.
“I didn’t. We were messing about and I hate situationships so I told him he either has to want it or forget it because I don’t want to be friends with benefits… he’s a hopeless romantic so he begged to do everything over again.” Cherry told me. I nodded. “Have you got someone you like?” She asked, I shrugged.
“I don’t know, it’s a bit different because we’re women.” I said and she looked at me, I looked back at her. She sighed.
“No it’s not.” She said and I frowned.
“What?” I asked.
“Relationships are relationships. No matter what gender couple it’s between.” She told me and I frowned. “Love is love. It doesn’t know gender. It knows what you feel. Attraction knows gender. It knows what you see. There’s a difference. People fall in love and start to like each other all the time. It just happens. There’s nothing you can do or have to do differently.” Cherry elaborated and for a moment I realised that I had labelled Cherry as that typical rich kid with a deluded view of society.
“So I don’t have to do anything?” I asked, she shook her head.
“I’m not saying that, relationships don’t happen without effort from both sides. At least they shouldn’t. If you like this girl, then you have to make moves. Let her know you’re into her. And see if she’s into you.” Cherry told me, I frowned.
“How will you know?” I asked, she smiled.
“You’ll know. You just don’t always recognise that you do. The same way you typically don’t recognise when you don’t.” Cherry said and I nodded. I got it, kinda? Maybe not completely. I had to let Nya know I was into her. But wouldn’t that cause complications?!
“What if it’s close to home? Like a friend or someone’s family?” I asked and Cherry sighed.
“You’ve got to weigh up everything. If you really think you lose something over it, you have to decide what’s more important to you. What makes you happier.” She said, I nodded.
How was I supposed to know if someone liked me? How did I recognise it?! There were so many couples in this monastery and they were all different from each other. Cole and Pearl’s dynamic was he was looking over his shoulder for a hurling object whenever he acted like an idiot. Then he was holding her whilst they watched a random documentary. Cherry and Kai’s was argue, love bomb and never spend any time apart. Zane and Snowdrop’s was beyond sweet and innocent. They hugged, he connected to the systems just to be in her world with her. Lloyd and Peach’s relationship was co-dependant. They needed each other. I came to find out that Lloyd is actually half Oni, half Dragon and the scar on Peach’s neck is from where he bit her like a claim without knowing it. I thought Misako and Wu had a nice elderly kind of love that had stayed after so many years just as strong until I found out that she was married to his brother who was Lloyd’s father. Each person held so much love for the other. It was hard to tell what made them click together.
I held my towel and a change of clothes in my arms as I made my way to the bathroom. I saw someone else out the corner of my eye also head to the bathroom and I was fully willing to give up my shower when I saw who.
“Are you using the shower?” She asked, hair down for the first time since we’d met. She looked so pretty with her outgrown layers that framed her face perfectly.
“Yeah…” I answered and she nodded.
“I’ll let you go first, I still need to brush my hair anyway.” Nya told me and I shook my head.
“No you can go first! I can wait!” I protested and she shook her head immediately.
“No! Go! Get clean, I can wait. Pretty girls need more time anyway and I know which one of us is prettier.” She ask and I paused.
“You?” I said and she laughed.
“Go!” She urged, playfully. I laughed before going in. She called me pretty. Was this me knowing? I smiled, full teeth, in the shower before water got in my mouth. When I got out, wet hair draped over my shoulders, I rushed to Nya’s door and knocked. She answered almost immediately.
“Shower is free.” I said and she smiled.
“Thanks, buttons.” Nya called me and I frowned before she tapped the buttons on my pyjama shirt. I smiled and head back to my room. 20 minutes later there was a knock on my door. I rushed to open it, moving the chair I had hooked under the knob and opening the door. It was her, again.
“You left this in the bathroom, I wanted to make sure you didn’t think you’d lost it.” It was my brush. I smiled and took it.
“Thanks, squirter.” I said and she closed her eyes and she tried not to laugh.
“I’m never going to get over that name.” She said and I smiled.
“I can come up with something else?” I asked and she shook her head.
“As long as you don’t say it in front of anyone, I’m happy.” Nya told me, I smiled.
“Okay… So Mommy is off the table too?” I asked and she burst out laughing.
“Defiantly!” She laughed and I watched as she headed back to room. “Goodnight, buttons.” She called out, I smiled.
“Goodnight.” I said and raced back to bed, giggling to myself.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
Nya breathed in. She couldn’t believe what was happening. Was this real? Was she real? Y/n had taken over her mind. Completely. The thought of her, them, together almost felt illegal. Too good of a thought to have. She made her smile be simply being in the room. It shouldn’t be that simple but it was. The way Y/n smiled at anything just to be polite made her swoon. The way her manners were perfect and always in use just emphasised how kind and polite she was. Watching her open up more and more over the past few days felt amazing. Almost like watching a flow grow from a seed. A beautiful flower. One that made her forget how ninja training and forget to be aware of her surroundings. That was obvious enough when she got pulled into her brother’s room.
“We need to talk.” He said, seriously. Nya frowned.
“About what?” She asked and turned to see Cherry passed out.
“Cherry told me to let it go but I can’t.” Kai started, making Nya worry. Her brother got fired up about things often but never at her. “Whatever crush you have, however you’re acting towards Papita has to either stop or- or be less obvious. You’re lucky Cole hasn’t noticed.” Kai said and her heart sunk.
“What?” She asked and Kai sighed, rubbing his temples.
“Be careful and be more subtle. 4 of us just watched you call Papita pretty and then give her cute nicknames. I was more subtle with my head between Cherry’s legs.” Kai told her and she shook her head.
“I don’t even- I don’t want to fuck her…” Nya said and Kai frowned. “She’s something. Something I don’t know how to explain. But I don’t want to just fuck her and that’s it, I like her, I think she’s cute and kind. Is that so bad?” Nya asked and Kai sighed.
“I wanted to break Jay’s ankles when he made a move on you so blatantly… when Cole notices this or finds out. You better hope all he’s seen is how good you are to her. This is different now.” Kai said Nya rolled her eyes.
“If Cole has a problem, he can talk to me himself. I would never treat someone the way I’ve seen all of you treat some girls. Cherry was right, you should’ve let it go. It’s my life, not yours.” Nya hissed out before leaving.
“Told you so.” Cherry called out and Kai sighed.
(Mature themes ahead 🔞)
The obsession hadn’t stopped. I had to go home in a few days and I was dreading it. I had made friends, I had my brother back and I had a crush. This is the furthest I’ve got in years. I couldn’t stand the thought of going home now. Cole was literally the same guy he was 10 years ago. With no secrets, he didn’t have to hold back. But there’s one thing I learnt from being in the monastery., the ninjas liked to drink. As in they could easily buy out a bar in one night. Cherry said it was because of their enhanced metabolism which made sense considering how much Cole used to eat.
“Truths!” Everyone but Peach cheered.
“Fuck off! I hate all of you.” Peach said, taking a shot.
“We’ve not even asked you anything yet!” Kai commented.
“It’s so I can get through this shit game.” Peach told him before leaning back in Lloyd’s arms.
“What’s truths?” I asked, almost everyone turned to look at me.
“A new victim.” Lloyd said, almost excited. Did he inherit any of his Dad’s evilness?
“We ask each other questions and if you don’t want to answer you have to shot.” Jay explained, he was sat next to me. I nodded.
“Okay, sounds fun.” I said and Peach shot up in protest.
“It’s not fun! It’s shit. I hate it.” Peach said and Lloyd pulled her back down. I hadn’t Peach show this much emotion… ever.
“I’ll go first!” Cherry said. Bottle of flavoured vodka in her hand and a masochistic smile on her face.
“Favourite sex position?” Nya asked, almost immediately. My cheeks heated up. She was sat across from me. It was that kind of game.
“Oh… cowgirl easy.” She said and Kai cheered to himself. “You next.” She said and handed him a pre-poured shot.
“Have you ever jacked off whilst any of us, excluding Cherry, have been in the room? And if so, when?” Cole said and Kai shotted.
“Ew! We’ve bunked together for months before!” Jay exclaimed.
“You next.” Kai said and Jay frowned.
“Who’s your new crush you think we don’t know about?” Lloyd asked and Jay immediately shifted.
“Nope! Not doing that.” He said and handed a shot to me, I took it nervously.
“Are you a virgin?” Nya asked, smug smile.
“Are you?!” Cole asked, alarmed. Pearl covered his eyes and I shotted. I shook it off. Why did they need to know. I looked back at Nya, she winked before taking a sip of her drink. Oh.
“You next.” I said, handing a shot to Cole. He looked distressed.
“Have you ever jacked off whilst one of us, excluding Pearl, is in the room? And if so when?” Kai asked and Cole thought about it.
“I have, on the bounty, when we were on our way to the Dark island.” Cole revealed and I had to cover my own mouth as the boys sealed with this revolution.
“I was on the bunk above you!” Kai exclaimed, horrified.
“Yeah I almost didn’t bust because you let out the loudest snore randomly.” Cole said and handed the shot to his grossed out wife.
“How many vibrators do you own? Rank them biggest to smallest.” Cherry asked.
“6. Peach gave them names!” Pearl called out and Peach stood up immediately to defend them.
“I named them when they arrived not after you had used them!” Peach cleared up.
“Anyway, you’ve got big daddy which is a solid 9 inches and then it goes to Grower not shower at 3 inches.” Pearl said, shamelessly. “Zane! Your turn!”
“How does sex happen between you and Snow?” Peach asked, Zane shotted.
“Pleasurably.” He said after. “That’s all you need to know.” Zane said. Peach raised her hand in defence and Lloyd picked up a shot.
“What happened between you and Harumi when we thought Peach was dead?” Pearl asked, shamelessly. The group went silent. Who was Harumi?
“Nothing, there was just sexual tension which was her trying to manipulate me.” Lloyd said but something ugly settled between him and Peach as she fidgeted in his arms. He held on tighter. Peach grabbed a shot.
“Given the chance, would you kill Harumi?” Cole asked, the couple clearly loved drama. Peach shotted.
“I hate this game and her- I don’t care how many times I’ve said it but I told you all.” Peach said and I frowned.
“Who’s Harumi?” I asked, the group faced me.
“She was probably the worst person we’ve gone against.” Kai said, everyone seemed to agree.
“She was the princess who deceived and manipulated the boys and Nya, me and Pearl figured her out immediately and then went to Cherry who was running an underground scheme that unveiled her and her gangs wrongdoings. Then when me and Pearl confronted her and found out she was the quiet one- she trapped me and Pearl and triggered her into seeing into other dimensions and then triggered my powers into taking us there almost killing me because our powers are linked.” Peach explained, I nodded.
“She wronged everyone here badly.” Nya added.
“She tried to sleep with me 2 days after I thought my wife had died because I was mourning that badly that I couldn’t respond.” Lloyd explained, making what he said earlier more reasonable.
“She blew up my house and my Dad when I wasn’t even involved in anything yet.” Cherry said to me and I nodded.
“Everyone got hurt, she manipulated everyone badly, mainly Lloyd.” Jay told me and Harumi seemed like a sore topic of conversation. Lloyd’s scowl didn’t disappear and neither did Peach’s awkwardness.
“Did Lloyd sleep with her?” I asked, confused. Lloyd shook his head wildly, almost choking on his drink.
“No! No i didn’t touch her? She tried to touch me when I was mourning my dead wife!” Lloyd ranted. Oh, this was a bit deeper.
“It’s a long story.” Peach said, “but as you can see, I’m not dead.” Peach cleared up and I nodded. It went silent until Cherry picked up a shot.
“Nya’s turn!” Cherry cut in and handed the woman a shot. “And let’s agree to ban Harumi questions please.” Everyone nodded.
“Do your worst.” She said, cockily.
“What’s your preference in women?” I asked, the confidence in me hitting hard with how this group talked. She blushed and Kai laughed.
“Someone did their worst.” He said and she shoved him.
“Fem and ideally pillow princess.” Nya answered and I could hear my heart in my throat. She winked again.
“Is this lesbian terms I don’t understand?” Lloyd asked and Peach nodded.
“A pillow princess is someone who typically receives and doesn’t do any of the work.” Peach explained.
“You’re like that sometimes.” Peach slapped his chest as he laughed.
The game continued and I now knew so much about the ninja that I didn’t before. Like Garmadon was once good and trained Peach and Pearl. He also killed Cherry’s mother. Kai’s dick was apparently 6inches when not erect and grew to 6.5. Kai almost cried when he learnt Lloyd’s was 7 when not erect. I didn’t really get any of this. When I wanted a dick it was plastic and whatever size I wanted.
“Papita, have you ever had a girlfriend?” Kai asked.
“Yes, once upon a time I actually left the house.” I said and Cole shoved me.
“She went to a place called school.” Cole said and I shoved him. And the game continues.
“Whats your bodycount?” Jay asked Cherry who shotted. Kai didn’t even look surprised.
“I’ve never heard how you and Cherry met.” Lloyd said. “Tell us.” He added and Kai sighed.
“I fucked her in a club bathroom and she blacked out halfway through. I then learnt she was drinking underage and had lied about her age through her ID.” Kai said and Cherry shrugged.
“He refused to touch me for another 2 years.” Cherry said and I could applaud Kai for not just taking advantage of her being young and eager.
“You were 18, I was 23. I wasn’t messing with you. I snitched to your Daddy and all to keep you safe.” Kai and her argued. We ignored them. Soon it was me again.
“Have you ever taken nudes and if so can I have them?” Cherry asked, drunkenly. Nya shoved her and Kai covered her mouth.
“Ignore her.” Kai said.
“No it’s okay and yes.” I said and she grinned smugly.
“I’ll show you mine.” She whispered but not really. I laughed.
“You’ve taken nudes?” Cole asked, almost distressed. Whatever he was drinking was making him really sensitive.
“Of course she has! What girl hasn’t?” Cherry immediately defended.
“It’s true. When they look good you have to get a pick before they go back to normal.” Peach said, grabbing her boobs. Lloyd put his hands over hers, making each other laugh.
Soon the game came to an end with Nya being the last person to be given a truth.
“Would you fuck any of the women in the room and if so, who?” Kai asked and Nya immediately shotted.
“No! You have to say now!” Cole protested.
“It’s actually all of us and it’s what we do when you boys leave.” Pearl said and Cole’s head snapped towards her. She made a scissoring gesture before doing it with Peach’s fingers who laughed. Lloyd used his hand to playfully chop through their hands.
“I knew there was pookie activities I wasn’t apart of.” He said, jokingly and they all laughed. It went silent for a moment as everyone shook off their laughter. Before Cherry interrupted it:
“I’d let you-“ she was immediately holstered over Kai’s shoulder.
“I regret my question and she’s going to bed.” Kai said, making a quick exit. It went silent again before Kai returned again, sitting and joining in on the silence. The music filling the little outdoor area as we basked in the moment and the heat of the fire.
(Mature themes ended 🔞)
“I’m going to bed, I’m tired.” I said and heard the chorus of good nights as I made my way back in. I walked through the massive hallway slowly, taking in everything. When I got to the bedroom hall, I peeked in Cherry’s room quickly to check she was okay. She was passed out in Kai’s t-shirt and snuggled up with her pillow. There was a bucket by the side of the bed. I closed the bedroom door to again and went to head back to my room which I had passed to check on her. On my way I bumped into Nya who was probably walking to her room.
“Hey, nibbles.” She said, I smiled. She remembered the nickname she’d given me.
“Hey.” I said, leaning against the wall as I looked up at her.
“We didn’t scare you out there, right? I know we can be a lot- and out there… I just want to check you’re okay with everything. You can probably guess why Peach hates the game.” Nya said and I nodded.
“She seems pretty private. I still don’t know her actual name.” I said and Nya smiled.
“Let you in on a secret, neither do we. Only Lloyd and Pearl know.” Nya said and I smiled up at her.
“Can I do my own truth?” I asked and Nya nodded.
“Go ahead.” She told me.
“I don’t want to leave.” I told her, she smiled down at me, through her messy bangs that had fallen out her pony tail.
“Can I do mine?” She asked, I nodded. She leaned down to where my ear was.
“I don’t want you to leave either.” She whispered and winked as she walked down to her room. I watched as she walked in and let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I looked around before grinning up at the ceiling and rushing into my room, ignoring how I almost hit my nose on the door frame.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
I couldn’t stop thinking about it. That moment. She said she didn’t want me to leave. Nya Smith. The water ninja. Not only did she think I was pretty, she wanted me to stay. A woman like her, I’ve only dreamed of. And read about. And wrote about. The point is, she wasn’t real. Wasn’t supposed to be because people this perfect didn’t exist. I now knew the feeling I’d wrote about so much. I had new inspiration, Nya smith was my new muse. I watched as she trained outside, all Ninjas stripped down to vests or shirtless with the hot Ninjago weather approaching. Peach wasn’t training for once, she was making fruit bowls with Pearl close by. They both never seemed to be in kitchen by themselves. Lloyd was running a tough training session and it could be seen by the beads of sweat pouring down the ninja’s bodies. Nya’s vest was soaked through and clinging to her back, her skin glistened as she summoned some water and threw it over herself and the other ninja on their break.
“Can we all agree hot training sessions are the best?” Cherry asked, shamelessly staring out the window. Sweaty men didn’t attract me. That was disgusting. However, sweaty muscular women. Me and Cherry were in the same position.
“Look at Kai whip his wet hair! He knows he’s being watched.” Pearl pointed out. I loved this group’s dynamic.
“Damn right he is.” Cherry said and I heard Peach sigh.
“I wish he’d stop yelling at them and start doing something. I want to see him do what they’re doing.” Peach complained, about Lloyd of course. As team leader he did the training sessions is what I learnt. Their sensei didn’t train with them anymore due to them mastering their elements and spinjitsu training.
“Nya can splash them again, that’s all I can say.” Pearl added. “Do more fruit, they’re going to eat our portions at that rate.” She added and Peach threatened to stab her.
“Fuck you, grab my melon.” Peach ordered and Pearl did as she said.
“No! They’re finished! Lloyd! I know you can hear me! Make them do another 10 sets.” Cherry said but she didn’t yell.
“I don’t think he can hear you.” I said and Cherry smiled.
“Can we keep her? She still knows nothing?” Cherry asked and Peach smiled.
“He can hear her, he’s got super-hearing because he’s actually half oni, half dragon because the first spinjitsu master is his grandfather.” Peach explained and my jaw dropped. “And it’s not my decision to keep her, it’s her own and Wu’s. It’s not my monastery yet.” Peach said handing us both fruit bowls which I accepted gratefully.
“Thank you- I still haven’t met Wu.” I said and Peach sighed.
“He’s in a funk.” She explained.
“A funk?” I asked.
“His rotting era. He’s thinks he’s useless because the ninja doesn’t need his teachings anymore.” Cherry explained before shoving a grape into her mouth.
“Fuck this, I’m about to steal a katana to cut this melon. This knife is so dull.” I heard Peach complain.
I looked back out the window to see the ninja panting and leaning on their various weapons. Lloyd had just wiped them all out and by the looks of it, called them out on their endurance. Apparently they were bad with cardio when not being currently threatened by some villain. I watched as the ninja’s walked back in, Jay immediately collapsing on the couch near Cherry who flinched away.
“Peach made fruit bowls!” Kai called out, taking his.
“Lloyd you better work her as hard tonight as you did us.” Cole called out taking his bowl and the half of the melon Peach wasn’t currently cutting. She swatted at him in outrage but he didn’t put it back.
“Can we not talk about sex for 2 minutes?!” Jay called out.
“Just because you don’t get any anymore, doesn’t mean you have to take it out on us.” Lloyd told him, kissing his wife before leaning on the counter next to her with his fruit bowl. He grabbed the half of melon out Cole’s hands as he walked past and gave it back to Peach who smiled in thanks.
“Anyone sitting here?” Nya asked me, I shook my head and tried not to blush as she sat next to me.
“No.” I told her even though she was sat down already. “How was training?” I asked, she sighed.
“I think Lloyd might be tougher than our sensei. I think he might be a sadist.” Nya said and my eyes widened.
“He can hear you.” I whispered, Nya smiled.
“I know.” She said and I watched as Lloyd flipped her off. “What have you been doing?” She asked, I tried to clear my throat as I stared at the discarded notebook full of lyrics.
“Uhm, working I guess? I’m a songwriter, mainly ghostwriter.” I told her and she nodded.
“Can I read some lyrics?” Nya asked, I shrugged.
“Sure… some are a bit personal though.” I told her and handed her the notebook. “Some are unfinished so ignore them.”
“These are- these are really good, Y/n.” Nya said and I felt my heart warm.
“You think?” I asked and she nodded.
“Yes! You’re incredibly talented!” She said and I ignored how warm my face became.
“You can literally control water and you’re impressed by me?!” I asked and she nodded.
“I can’t move water as smoothly as these lyrics fit together.” Nya said and I dead panned.
“That was not good.” I said and she shrugged.
“You’re the poet, I’ll be your soldier.” She said and I smiled.
“You’d fight for me?” I asked, she smirked.
“You don’t want to know what I’d do if someone even laid a finger on you.” She said, I smiled.
“Waterboard them?” I asked and she laughed.
“Not a bad idea.” She added and I felt my heart flutter.
“Can you show me then? Your powers?” I asked and she smiled. She looked towards a glass of water before the water was floating out the glass and being formed into different shapes and even animals. “Is that a dolphin?!” I asked and she nodded as she made it jump back into the glass.
“Impressive?” Nya asked, I nodded.
“Definitely.” I said looking back at her, we stared at each other like that for a moment before.
“NYA-!” A voice called and I turned quickly to see the tap had furiously spraying water into Lloyd’s face.
“Sorry!” She called out as the water stopped.
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ramspatula · 1 month
IRON SPIDER | Tony Stark Daughter! Reader (Part 2)
Previous part
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(Y/n) (L/n)
That's what I had to be called there. (Y/n) (L/n). Miss (L/n). I felt like a part of me was taken away.
"I can just stay home right? I don't have to go." I asked my Dad, the field trip slip in front of us both on the table.
"I don't see why not. If you don't wanna go, you don't wanna go. You've seen and have better equipment than anything there." Dad argued and I nodded, agreeing with him but Pepper shook her head.
"No, I think she should go! It's good to have some school enrichment and this is the whole reason we sent her to school! So she actually socialises with people her own age and has some normal experiences!" Pepper argued and Dad raised a finger.
"First of all- you sent her to school -I wanted her to stay home. Second, she has friends now! She goes to school, Monday-Friday, isn't that enough socialising?" Dad argued back and I stood up to put my plate into the sink.
"I'd argue that it's more than enough socialising." I said and Dad nodded.
"It says that it's part of your lessons!" Pepper added and I frowned.
"I didn't go on "the field trip" the first time round! I did this whole course about 2 years ago when I was still being homeschooled by JARVIS!" I told them both and Pepper gave me a look.
"You're going." She said and I frowned before raising a finger but my dad beat me to it.
"Hold on. You're not the one that has to forge the signature of Mr (L/n)!" One look from Pepper made him look away from both of us. "You're going."
"You're such a suck up!"
"You'll be one when I ground you for that."
"Does that mean I won't be able to go then?"
"Switched teams faster than-"
"Stop-  before you make me sound like my Dad. Just go tinker or something and don't forget to take this in the morning." He told me and I groaned.
Early May, 2015
"(Y/n)! You made it!" Liz exclaimed and I smiled, letting her hug me.
"Yeah, Stepmom changed my dad's mind." I told her and she smiled.
"Well, I'm glad! It means I don't have to go on this trip without my bestfriend! Im gonna need you to explain everything to me!" She exclaimed and I smiled.
"What did you pack for lunch?" Liz asked me as soon as we got on the bus. First of all- bus. I saw Happy's car sat outside the school gates ready to follow me for the whole of today.
"Er- my lunchbox broke ages ago so I'm just- I'm just gonna buy something when I'm there." I made up. You had to bring your own lunch?!
"Did you not know you had to bring your own lunch?" Liz joked and I smiled back.
"I didn't read the letter- I didn't even know it existed until I pulled it out from the bottom of my bag last night. I think it was about to start growing mould-" she cut me off with her laughing and playfully shoved me.
"If there's no food there you can always share mine if you want." She offered and I genuinely smiled.
"Thanks." I nodded and watched as she put her head phones on with me copying her soon after.
The song I was listening to almost had me in a trance when I almost jumped out of my skin because of JARVIS randomly in my ear.
"You're approaching the sciencenter 160, please remember that I'm still accessible and security measures are still in place. You are safe, Miss Stark." I sighed in relief and didn't reply but I looked out to see Happy's car following right to the side of the bus. I decided to look away from the window and to the inside of the bus to see a boy in my class called Peter staring at me. He went wide eyed and quickly looked away. I looked back to the window with the song still on full blast in my ears.
"I hope you don't mind bugs! Because there's a lot of them here!" I shivered at the thought and noticed I wasn't the only one so uncomfortable in my own skin right now. I felt like something was crawling on me already.
"Feel free to have your own look!" I heard the tour guide tell us and immediately we were all splitting up around the room.
"(Y/n)! We're going to look at these tarantulas, wanna come?" Liz asked.
"As exciting as that sounds- I'm gonna pass. I'm just going to have my own look for a moment- I'll meet up with you guys at lunch!" I told them and walked off to the furthest table where Happy was wearing a face mask and sunglasses to disguise himself as regular security. No one was around so I felt more comfortable.
"I've never been a big fan of bugs- actually is there something crawling on me right now because I feel infested." I told him and he chuckled.
"You're fine. It's just some bugs and they're contained."
"Don't invalidate my fears. It makes me feel like you don't care about me." I told him and he sighed.
"I'm not having this argument again. I've had it with you father, I've had it with you, I'm not having it again. This is the 5th time now, (Y/n). I wouldn't still be working for you if I didn't care." He told me and I raised my hands up in surrender.
"Wouldn't kill you to show it once in a while, happs." I told him, staring at a centipede.
"You might want these." He told me and handed me a pair of glasses that I originally thought were prototypes. I looked at him in surprise and he lifted his sunglasses up to wink and and pointed them at him and nodded.
"You're good."
"I've known you since the first day your father held you. Don't test me when it comes to knowing you Starks." He told me and I nodded putting the glasses on.
"Jarvis?" ......
"Hello Miss."
"Yay!" I cheered quietly. "Okay, talk to me. Tell me what everything is. Occupy me so I don't get too bored." I told him.
"Of course." He replied and I smiled again.
"It's like being at home!" I said quietly to myself.
"If you go through this door, I believe you will find a more interesting exhibit." Jarvis told me and I walked in to see a bunch of old square TVs that were playing old insect documentaries and movies. Multiple facts about different bugs were being told me by multiple people and narrators.
"Even Howard Stark said spiders were-"
"Hey-" I jumped out my skin to turn around and see Peter.
"Oh my god- you scared the shit out of me. Hey." I told him and he looked at me like he'd realised he don't something horrible to me.
"Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-" He was a little scrawny kid that was only a bit taller than me who I raised a hand to in order to get him to stop talking.
"Don't worry about it..." I told him and looked back the screen with my grandfather on who was holding a tarantula. I cringed and Peter looked at the same screen as me.
"He was an amazing mind- I mean he died before I was born but.... I don't really like bugs that much." He rambled and stumbled through his words and I genuinely laughed, softly but it did get a laugh out of me.
"It's okay, Pete. I don't really like bugs either."
"Oh... do you not like being called that?" I asked and he shook his head.
"No, I'm okay with being called it- I just- I- no one's really gave me that nickname before." He told me and I raised my eyebrows.
"Do you want me to just call you Peter?" I asked and he shook his head again.
"No! You can call me whatever you want- I mean I think this is the first time I've actually spoke to you- I just- Uhm- I just thought you'd call me penis Parker or something like that." He told me and I almost frowned.
"Who calls you Penis Parker?!" I almost laughed. Penis Parker! "Who made that one up then?" I shook my head and a genuine smile came into his face.
"Flash but it's been picked up quite quickly."
"I must be out the loop then- ow!" I hissed as I felt a prick and looked down to see a big-ish spider on my hand. My eyes widened and I gasped starting to freak out. "Oh my god!" I said quickly.
"Oh!" Peter quickly gasped looking at it,
"Get it off! Get it off!" I quickly pleased shaking my hand and Peter without thinking picked it up by the leg and then tried to shake it off to which I landed on the floor and I quickly stamped on it, repeatedly before kicking it under the table.
"I'm burning these shoes!" I said, disgustedly.
"What if that spider was important!" Peter quickly gasped out and I tilted my head.
"Well it's not anymore. We should probably go- that thing bit me!" I told him and he looked at my hand quickly, I missed how he hid his hand from me and his wide eyes somehow became wider.
"It's just a spider-" he began to ramble again and I chuckled walking past him and gesturing him to follow me out to which he did.
"Oh shit..." I said looking at the canteen and noticing the cafeteria was shut. Peter looked at me concerned.
"What's wrong?" He asked and I sighed.
"Nothing I just realised I have no lunch now. It's fine, I'll just get something later." I told him and almost went to walk off.
"You can share mine if you want? I ordered the bigger one today by accident and I didn't want to tell them I was wrong so we can split it if you want." Peter told me and I smiled but shook my head.
"Don't worry Pete. I'll just pick something up when I get home." I told him and he smiled.
"If you want any, just ask." He told me. I noticed that we were some of the first few in the cafeteria so I sat down with him.
"Who are you waiting for?" I asked Peter as he brought his sandwich out his bag.
"Ned! Ned Leeds- he's kind of my best friend... only friend." Peter told me and I smiled.
"I get it. Liz is like my best friend. I didn't have many friends before I came here." I told him and he nodded.
"Where are you from?" He asked, sand which stuffed in his mouth and I smiled.
"Miami." I told him and he went wide eyed.
"Miami?!" He repeated and I smiled.
"Miami.... It was a big move but we were kind of going to and from anyway." I lied and he nodded.
"Where do you live now?- Not in a creepy way!" I chuckled a bit at his franticness.
"Manhattan... I have an apartment in one of the towers." I said and he nodded.
"Like the Avengers' Tower?!" He said shocked like he had just discovered something and I laughed.
"Yes because I'm obviously (Y/n) Stark." I told him and he smiled in amusement.
"Nice try... I live in Queens. I have an apartment too." He told me and I smiled, it went silent after that.
"Want a bite?" Peter asked and I looked at him quizzically before nodding.
"Okay..." He gestured to the other half and I tried a bite. It was surprisingly good. "Oh wow... that's actually better than I was expecting." I told him and he smiled. Cheeks full of food.
"Delamar's! Best sandwiches in Queens!" He said, enthusiastically and I chuckled.
"I can see that now." I told him and saw Liz and that walking in. "My friends have just come in- I'm gonna go join them but it's been nice to talk to you, Pete." I told him and went to walk away.
"Hey!- Do you want the rest of my sandwich?! I'm not that hungry- honestly!" He offered.
"Are you sure? I'll just get myself something on my way home." I told him and he nodded.
"Take it! I mean- if you want to of course!" He told me and I smiled.
"Thanks, Pete. I'll see you after the break." I said, taking the half I had bit into and walked away.
"Hey princess, how was the- the science place?" Dad asked and I made a face.
"Full of bugs! A spider even bit me and I had no lunch because I didn't pack one and there was nowhere to buy anything from. I'm lucky someone offered me half of their sandwich they didn't want." I ranted straight away, dumping my bag and kicking my shoes off- not literally because I always kept them in this one place. "I didn't even wanna go in the first place." I told him and I didn't look at him but I could feel his guilty expression staring at me.
"I'm sorry, honey. I never would've signed if I knew it would've been so bad for you." Dad told me and I pulled open the fridge to get a drink and a snack because all I had ate from 7am-6pm was half a sandwich.
"Yeah well, Pepper told you to do it so you obviously folded." I snapped before storming off to my room.
"Oh come on, honey, don't do this to me. Y'know you come first- Hey! Don't slam your door! You know how this goes from me being calm to you getting grounded when that happens!" He told me and I groaned before shutting my door normally and then shoving it hard when it got to the latch. Not enough to slam but enough to get my way.
Tony sighed and closed his eyes before tilting his head up. He hadn't moved from where he was on the couch but he knew he had to soon.
"Miss Stark is quite upset. I have asked her if she'd like me to call you in and she said no but my protocols override this request." Jarvis announced to Tony who didn't open his eyes.
"Is she crying?" He asked, simply.
Tony stood up and and made his way to his daughter's room. Opening the door to see her laying down on her bed and facing away from the door. Tony sat down on the end of the bed near her head as she stopped her crying and refused to look at him.
"You all good?" He asked her and she nodded.
"Yeah." She said in a small voice.
"Really? Because this doesn't look all good to me." He told her and she shook her head this time letting more tears flow out. Tony just moved her closer and in turn she placed her head on the side of his lap and his hands began to run through her hair.
"It's not been your day, huh? Been there. Except mine was to do with this expo in 1998-" Tony started and (Y/n) chuckled a little. "- I mean she everywhere! I didn't know what she was saying or showing me-" He continued and (Y/n) leaned up to actually look at him. "All good?" He asked and she nodded.
"All good." She repeated and he brought her in for a hug.
"What's really bothering you?" He asked and she leaned into him. Staying quiet for a moment. "I know you're not just upset because you didn't have any food." He told her and she stayed still.
"I- I don't know. I guess I just feel out of place. I'm too young to blend in with all of you at home and I'm not used to anything at school. Y'know how embarrassing it is to not understand that you have to wait in line at a shop for the register? I do. It's very!" She vented and Tony sighed before making her move to siting up so he could actually hug her.
"I don't know what to tell you. You don't experience anything a normal kid would and you never have. You've been walking red carpets since you learned to walk and been kept at home for all your life. Y'know I'm realising that I just said I don't know what to tell you and I just told you something- anyway I'm saying it's my fault. It's my error. I should've done more to stop this from happening. I probably should've sent you to school earlier as well. Looking back there's a lot I could've done." Tony rambled a little and (Y/n) tried drying the rest of her tears with her sleeve.
"I'm scared as well." She added and he frowned.
"Of what?"
"You getting called to go be IronMan and you not coming back. I have this fear when I go to school that it will happen." She told him and he held her a bit tighter.
"That's what you said after New York too. Then it got worse after Miami where you couldn't sleep or be in a different room to me. Honey, you had to go to school in order to help with that. Can't live with this separation anxiety forever because it will eat you up and I can't be here forever so you've got to learn how to live without me too." Tony told her and she shook her head.
"I don't want to." She stubbornly said and Tony chuckled.
"I didn't want to know how to live without my parents either." He admitted before looking at her and she looked at him confused. "Listen, kid. Heres what we're gonna do. You're not going to focus on that. We're gonna go downstairs- get in the car, get food, get ice cream and then we're gonna put Lilo and Stitch on and whoever can remember the most lines gets to choose the next movie night. Deal?" He asked and held his hand out for her to shake. She shook it and nodded.
"Good. No more tears. I'm serious!" He 'reprimanded' jokingly and she laughed following him out her room.
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ramspatula · 1 month
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them pt.2
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ramspatula · 1 month
I am slowly building up my ninjago fics. You can’t stop me and my flower titled fics.
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120 notes · View notes
ramspatula · 1 month
Arrowheads | Nya Smith x reader
I believe that there are things out there that want to hurt me. Will hurt me. That’s a thought I can’t get to ever leave my head. But she calms them. Only her.
Next part
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I had never been to Ninjago city. Cole said it was too unsafe. I was a musician. Well a songwriter. A ghostwriter to be specific. I get paid to not leave my room and write lyrics for some big artist or little artist to take credit for. I wanted to be a singer. I wanted to perform but stages weren’t a place for me to be. The world scared me. People scared me. It requires so much effort to live in the world. Especially as a girl. I needed to look perfect, act perfect, be perfect. And I wasn’t. I had too many flaws to count. My wardrobe doesn’t have a new outfit for everyday. I own more pyjamas than clothes. I talk better in rhyming words on paper than I do to people.
I wasn’t always like this. I wasn’t scared. I’m not now. But too many ghosts walk around outside for me to be comfortable. Not literally. That was years ago. And in stixx. And that was the last time I saw my brother. Granted, he was older. But after mom died and Dad drank himself into sobbing onto his music sheets, I thought we were closer. I understand he raised me. Not a job for a grieving 14 year old boy. Not a job for any teenager to be raising a horribly paranoid 8 year old. I was almost 9. Nether less, Children shouldn’t be raising children. I never got over that paranoia. It grew. It grows inside me even now. After the second round of snakes. Not the serpentine. The one who had fire powers. I covered my apartment windows in newspaper and bought 3 locks for my door. I called Cole in tears for over 4 hours. He didn’t pick up once. After all that, I got a message 4 days later, asking me if everything was okay. We called for 10 minutes before he had to go. He sounded tired and exhausted the whole time. Maybe I was too much. I had grown use to the thought he might resent me. That he wasted the rest of his youth raising me and comforting me through everything before Dad sent me to a programme in Jamankai for young music protégés after he had mailed in my notebook of lyrics and video recording of me playing various instruments and singing. All lessons he made me take. I was 11, almost 12. Cole was 18 and never came home after I left. The programme led to me getting in to a songwriting degree at 16. And last year I graduated. On the day of that snake attack. The fire one. Cole promised to be at my graduation just outside ninjago city. He lived there. He was the only reason I went. He promised to come on the stage with me if I needed him to. He didn’t turn up. Answered none of my calls. Until 4 days later with his infamous everything okay message. Later I got an ‘I’m sorry’. So a year later, I decided I’m tired. I would go to ninjago city. Talk to him myself. That’s what I was doing right now. I decided writing songs about reuniting and rebuilding relationships was not the therapeutic release I needed. It was to see my brother, now 28, as an adult, 21. I deserved to know why he treated me this way, I deserved to not be caged in my room. To see the world I feared so much. Even if the thought of the train ceiling collapsing in on me was the only thought I had right now. Luckily, the train wasn’t too busy but barely anyone lived in Jamankai these days. I might even see a ninja in ninjago. Or a dragon. I hope at least. As long as I am far away from wherever they are headed. I had his address, and I would be there, tonight! Maybe this afternoon if I sped walk.
I hate myself. This was an awful idea. He can hate me. I don’t care. I see a dragon and a ninja. And robots trying to kill me. Why did I do this? They may be on TV but that was close? Right? Ninjago city isn’t that big.
“Don’t look too worried darling, that was yesterday’s highlights. And about 50 minutes away from here.”
“Oh.” I said and walked away. I am utterly embarrassed. Why did I leave my room? Was he trying to be funny?
“Miss do you need a ride anywhere?” I looked back at him and continued walking. “No! It’s not like that! I’m Chen! I own a cab company- here’s my card-! There’s my company car-! I was just trying to do my job! I’m gay!”
“Oh, me too king.” I said and he nodded, with a smile.
“Okay, well, front or back?” He asked and I looked at him weirdly before I realised he was talking about the car and not a weird way of asking me if I was a top or bottom.
“Front. I don’t like the back.” I said and he went to take my bag and I didn’t let him. The ratty bunny teddy I had since I was 2 was in clear view if I moved my jacket off the top and I couldn’t handle anyone seeing it. He nodded and just opened the passenger door for me.
“Where are you going?” Chen asked and I paused before telling him.
“Here.” I said and showed the address in my notes, he frowned before nodding.
“That’ll only cost a 20.” He said with a smile but I didn’t share it. Any money out was money I wouldn’t see again for a month. And I hadn’t paid my water yet.
We sat in silence whilst he played a long playlist of purely Azealia banks. I recognised some songs. And some lyrics. Although I’m sure I hadn’t wrote for her.
“Not much of a talker?” He said and I looked up at him.
“This is the first time I’ve left the house in 3 months.” I said and he nodded, surprisingly understanding.
“My mom had agoraphobia. I get it. I’m proud of you for even getting out at all. She hasn’t left the house in 4 years. The great devourer swallowed her coworkers in front of her and then when the time twins happened she got jumped by all those mini snakes and almost strangled to death so… I should not be telling you this!” I stared at him wide eyed.
“I think I might have agoraphobia…” I said and he nodded.
“Well… uhm. Just stay away from the main part of the city. It’s still pretty levelled from the sons of Garmadon but it’s every new villains favourite part. I’m taking you well out to the outskirts so… actually I’m surprised you even got a train into the city. It’s basically just forests and one blocked off area where a boarding school used to be but crumbled after the stone warriors.” Chen said and I nodded.
“So nothing that can kill me?” I said and he nodded.
“Nothing ever happens there. People don’t even call it part of ninjago city with how barren it is.” My nerves slowly calmed. Emphasis on slowly.
We parked in an empty car park with 3 beat, old cars and one truck that lucked equally beat. We both got out and Chen looked around calmly. Like he hadn’t been here in ages. I immediately called Cole. 1 ring. 2 rings. 3 rings. 4 rings. 5 rings. Voicemail. I sighed. Chen looked at me worriedly. Why would Cole give me a fake address? I sighed before debating to myself. I scrolled down. Well I didn’t have to. I only had 5 contacts. And two were my landlord and the building maintenance man. I tapped on the ‘Pearl (Cole’s girlfriend)’ contact. Were they even still together? I rung anyway. 1 ring, 2 rings, 3 wings…
“Hello?” She didn’t sound too happy.
“Uhm- hi… I’m uh-“ how the hell did I speak.
“Who is this?” She asked and I stuttered before getting my words out.
“I’m Y/n Brookstone. I’m Cole’s sister, he said he lives here but, I’m staring at an empty parking lot-“
“-Wait- Cole’s sister?!” She asked and I nodded.
“Yes, Y/n Brookstone, is this Pearl?” I asked and she took a moment before responding.
“Yes. What- sorry I didn’t catch your name, what was that?” She asked and I repeated myself again.
“Y/n Brookstone.” I said and I heard her sigh.
“That’s not Cole’s sister’s name.” She said and I froze. Yes it was?
“No, that’s my name- I have ID! I can prove it-!” I immediately defended.
“I don’t know what sick prank call this is- I get that his family are upset we didn’t invite them to the our wedding but this is- this is weird.” Pearl said and I froze.
“Cole’s married?” I asked and she sounded even more annoyed.
“Yes! To me! And if you were his sister you’d know my actual name and not just ‘Pearl’- anyone can know that!” She exclaimed and my insides tensed up. I didn’t want to argue with my brother’s apparent wife!
“That’s what he called you- he gave me your number! I have 5 contacts- I’ve tried calling him but he’s not answering-! Please! Is he there?!” I pleaded and she ignored me.
“5 contacts? That just gives burner phone! I don’t know you are- Cole’s sister’s name isn’t Y/n. And I’m not giving it to you! I’m going to block you.” She said and I let out an actual sob.
“No, please! I will send you my location! I am his sister! I don’t know what he said my name was but I wouldn’t have this address if it wasn’t me! He’s really big on privacy and security- you’d know that- but- please just let me talk to him. Is he there?!” I begged and I heard her scoff.
“No. I’m coming outside, and if you’re in that fucking parking lot-“ there was some commotion on the other line, “no it’s just some girl with a fake name, claiming to be Cole’s sister! She’s literally in the parking lot-!”
“End the call then.” It was another girl’s voice. She sounded very unbothered.
“No, please-! I’ve tried calling Cole- I wouldn’t bother you if I didn’t have to.” I said and she ignored me again.
“I’ll tell him you called.” She said.
“Just come outside- I can prove it-“ the line went dead. I stared at my phone in shock. Pearl already hated me and I hadn’t even met her yet. She made Cole so happy. And the one thing that makes him happy, hates me.
“Hey… do you have anywhere to stay?” Chen asked and I turned around quickly, I didn’t know he was still here. “I didn’t want to leave until I knew you were safe.” He said and I sobbed. He quickly hugged me and I held onto him. I had just met him and he was already comforting me.
“No…” i practically whispered.
“Are… are you- what happened? If you don’t mind me asking.” He asked and I had to look up to try and stop the tears.
“She hates me.” I said and he frowned.
“Who hates you?” He asked.
“My brother’s wife! And she makes him so happy- and I-“ he cut me off and separated from the hug.
“Well she sounds like an asshole then. C’mon, it’s starting to rain.” Chen said and we got back in the car.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
The monastery was unusually quiet. With the monks doing outdoors training, Wu’s barking orders couldn’t be heard. The monastery was, for once, all girls. And it was quiet. Misako was sat turning pages of her ancient scripture, Peach was nursing a headache that came from teaching over excited 6 year olds how to stay still for an hour, Cherry was busying herself trying to perfect her own nails. She had to give up getting her nails done after going into ninja-witness protections. Snowdrops was lingering somewhere in her own world of systems. Pixal was sentinel, probably with Snow in their world of digital beings. Pearl was stress-cooking, she had been thinking of the phone call since it had happened. And how she had been so rude and how the girl was so distressed.
“Try meditating, watching you stress like this is not helping my head.” Peach said, mug of some kind of tea pressed to her head.
“I’m sorry…” Pearl said but only stilled for a moment before pacing again. The curry she was making didn’t even get to bubble before it was being stirred again.
It went back to how it was, Peach had took to laying on the counter in this time. She still found it hard to sleep without Lloyd. Her dragon crooned lowly outside and she looked to the window where the eye of the dragon was visible. She smiled and the dragon raised its head again. Peace was nice. Quiet was nice. It was what everyone needed. But it never lasts long. Not in this home. To be a ninja was to be quieter than silence herself but to be a part of this family, was to be on the same volume level as a foghorn:
The bangs and clatter of ninjas coming home was undoubtedly recognisable. It was the same everytime. Groaning, complaining, whining, that all came from the men as they made their way to the living area. Pixal sprung to life again. Making Cherry jump and curse as she smudged her nails. Peach whined as she turned on her side. Pearl sighed as the familiar arms wrapped around her. She could almost ignore the grime and oder that came from the ninja when they had been on a three-week stake out. A kiss was placed on her temple and she smiled before the smell became too much and she pushed the large man off her.
“Smells good.” Cole said and she frowned.
“You don’t.” Pearl said which was backed up by Peach who made a noise of agreement.
“I’m talking about the food, you too.” He said and she smiled.
“It’s not done yet.” She said and smacked his hand that was reaching for the ladle. He laughed and put his hands up. Jay and Nya were next to come in. The recently separated fiancés were better than ever. Both relishing in not having to suffer their deteriorating relationship anymore and Nya’s confession. She wasn’t into men. Not anymore at least. She was ashamed it took her this long to realise that men were not it for her at all. Jay didn’t hold it against her. He took it better than anyone could. He loved Nya but even he could admit that their love for each other had changed. They were friends and they cared for each other. But not in the way they once had. It was refreshing to see both of them so free and happy even after a 3-week stake out.
“Who wants patrol tonight?” Cole asked to which the ninjas in the room groaned. “No one takes it, Lloyd will decide.” He added to which another groan followed.
“I’ll take it. I wasn’t really involved in that last fight.” Nya said to which they both thanked her.
“Did I just hear I don’t have to do patrol?” Kai asked, Zane in tow. Snowdrops physical form appeared to hug Zane in a way that no one was sure was possible with her form. Somehow physical but not?
“I don’t care as long as I’m not moving tonight.” Peach said.
“Well, you’re in luck! Lloyd stayed behind to check everything was still running smoothly! Won’t be back till tomorrow!” Cole said and Peach sighed.
“Perfect.” She said, unamused.
“Anything happen whilst we were gone?” Jay asked.
“Pearl’s been getting prank calls.” Peach said to which Pearl stiffened.
“What?” Cole laughed. Cherry swerved a kiss from Kai in his grimy state to which Kai reacted in outrage.
“You haven’t seen me in three weeks-“
“It was one, and some girl claiming to be your sister- she was outside and all. Used a fake name too-“ Pearl ranted and Cole froze.
“What-?” He said and Pearl nodded.
“I know-! But her name wasn’t Papita! It was some Y- thing, I can’t remember exactly-“ She said and Cole grabbed her, gently, by the shoulder.
“When was this?!” He questioned, alarm in his eyes.
“A couple hours ago- Cole!” He rushed out the room and the monastery. Pearl turned in shock.
“What just happened?!” Jay asked and Peach sighed.
“I think Pearl may have just left Cole’s sister out in the rain in a city she doesn’t live in.” Peach said, still unmoving.
“What?! Why would you do that?!” Jay asked.
“I didn’t know-! It wasn’t the name I was told-! Her name wasn’t Papita!” Pearl tried to defend herself.
“Oh my god- Papita is a nickname!” Jay said to which Pearl became speechless. “Her actual name is- uhm… Kai?!” Jay asked and Kai sighed.
“I met her a few years ago, it’s Y/n.” Kai said and Pearl’s hand found its way to her mouth, fast.
“Who’s Y/n?” Cherry asked.
“Cole’s sister.” Kai told her and she nodded.
“Where could she have gone?!” Pearl asked and turned immediately to Snowdrop and Zane.
“Her in-phone tracker says that she is in ninjago city.” Zane said and Pearl nodded, trying to process everything. How could she leave her sister-in-law out in the cold? What a great first impression.
“We have to find her!” Pearl said to which Peach finally sat up.
“This is bad.” Peach said and slid off the counter. “Let me know what happens.” She said, walking off and turning to the side to let Cole rush past on her out.
“My phone! Where’s my phone?!” Cole questioned.
“Bedside table!” Pearl said and followed him.
“I’m so sorry-! I didn’t know-“ Pearl apologised, frantically. Cole cursed at the dead phone and immediately put it on charge.
“She’s out there, all alone, in a city she doesn’t know-! This is all my fault! I should have been here.” Cole said, more to himself.
“You were on a mission-!” Pearl tried to justify but Cole ignored her.
“We were planning on coming home early- if I just hadn’t agreed to check out the east side-!” He cursed himself as he waited for the phone to have enough charge to turn back on.
“It’s my fault- I should’ve gone out there! I should’ve heard her out-!” Pearl said and Cole turned to her.
“Why didn’t you?” He asked.
“I don’t know- I just- with everything I thought it was what to do! I didn’t want to risk anything!” She said and Cole shook his head.
“How do you not know your sister-in-law’s name!” Cole asked and Pearl stumbled for an answer.
“You always call her Papita, I thought it was her name! I haven’t heard your call her anything else.” Pearl said and Cole sighed.
“It’s a nickname! It means little potato!” Cole said and Pearl shook her head.
“I’m sorry, I thought I was doing what’s right. Clearly, I wasn’t.” Pearl said and Cole sighed again. The phone lit up and he immediately unlocked it and scrolled to his contacts. Hitting one specific contact.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
Chen took me to some diner. It was near here and we were the only two there. He had ordered us some water and had been speaking with the man behind the bar for a very long time. I couldn’t believe what had happened. Giving me a fake address? His wife yelling at me? He’s clearly been hiding a lot from me. I wondered if Dad knew. Pearl said that his family knew but I didn’t? I was part of that family. I might have to call Dad.
I tried not to jump when the drinks got sat down in front of me. Chen smiles and I had only just noticed the man had followed.
“This is my boyfriend, Reece!” Chen said and I smiled.
“I’m Y/n.” I said and the man smiled.
“Nice to meet you.” He said, politely. I nodded.
“Anyway, we were just wondering if you had any plans tonight, anywhere to go?” Chen asked and I shook my head.
“I don’t have a ticket back to Jamankai for another couple days.” I said and they nodded.
“Want to stay at ours? Until then, hotels around here are quite expensive.” Reece asked and I looked at both of them before nodding.
“Please…” I said and they smiled.
“Our apartment is above the diner so, you can put your stuff up there if you want?” Chen asked and I took a moment to consider how dangerous this is. They were strangers. Gay. But still strangers. They could kill me. We’ve been here for 20 minutes and no one has come in the diner since we sat down.
“Okay…” I said and Reece smiled before leading me to a door around the side of the kitchen which just led to a case of stairs. Reece unlocked the door and let me go through first.
“It’s not much but we don’t have much.” Reece said and I nodded. “The guest bedroom is this way!” He said, cheerily. He held the door open again for me and I looked around the room. There was a bed and a discarded vinyl player with some vinyls.
“There’s so many…” I said, not touching them, scared to get fingerprints on them.
“Oh yeah, Chen had a phase of being really into Jazz. Can you tell he was a theatre kid? Anyway-! We keep them in here because we don’t really use it anymore.” Reece explained and I nodded before the Vinyl next to the player caught my attention.
‘Lou Brookstone’s classics’
I smiled. I hadn’t seen any of my Dad’s albums in a long time. I used to love them. When Cole left and I came home for a few years, my Dad and I bonded over music and his stories of his band and his few classical hits. That life had since been forgotten and now he was a vocalist trainer and a piano teacher. I’d never seen my Dad look so proud and happy as I did when I told him what I had chosen to do my degree in. Those years were still rough. Especially without Cole. Dad had finally started sobering more and had joined Alcoholics Anonymous. I went with him sometimes. He said I reminded him of my mother. One night he slipped and got drunk again, he called me Lilly. That was my mother’s name. I was gone the next day. I went to stay in the college dorms. I should call him. He wasn’t a bad father. At least, he never had bad intent and he tries now. He sends me random musician’s biographies with notes and tags all over it for me to read and maybe gain inspiration.
“I’m going to call my Dad.” I said and Reece nodded.
“Was he a big fan of Jazz too?” He asked and I smiled.
“He’s Lou Brookstone.” I said and he gasped before nodding and walking away.
1 ring- line connected.
“Hello mon chou, it’s lovely to hear from you. Is everything alright?” His words were sincere.
“Hey… I’m in ninjago city.” I said and he made a noise of concern.
“Oh, that’s rather spontaneous.” He said and I nodded, even though I knew he couldn’t see it.
“I know… I came to see Cole.” I said.
“Ah, I see. How is he? I haven’t heard from him since he told me he married that girlfriend of his. Pearl. Very fierce woman, have you met her?” Dad asked and I paused for a moment. “Mon chou?”
“Uhm, not officially. He wasn’t home and I only spoke to Pearl over the phone… I’m at a friend’s house.” I said and he made a teasing noise.
“A girl friend’s house?” He asked and I felt my cheeks heat up.
“No… they’re guys. And gay.” I added quickly before he freaked.
“Okay… is everything alright? You don’t usually call me like this.” Dad pointed out and I sighed.
“I didn’t know Cole was married… and Pearl didn’t know who I was.” I said and he went silent.
“Your brother didn’t tell you? He- he said you and Pearl were going to meet a long time ago. At your graduation?” He pointed out and I tried not to cry.
“Cole didn’t come to my graduation. Neither did Pearl… you had food poisoning from that salmon place.” I said and he sighed.
“I’m sure your brother didn’t leave you for no reason… his job requires him to be on call at all times, you know that.” Dad told me and I shook my head.
“I don’t even know what Cole does other than security.” I said and he sighed.
“I see… well, I’m sure your brother will contact you soon. He’s not one to leave you worrying.” Dad said and I nodded.
“Okay, love you.” I said and I heard Dad chuckle.
“I love you too, mon chou.” The phone line disconnected and I sighed. I stared out the window for a while until a blue, massive dragon flew past it and made me scream. On the back of it, sat the water ninja. 4 more dragons followed and I couldn’t help the way my breathing sped up. I thought the ninja would be more in the main part of the city? I pulled out my headphones quickly and shut the door that had no lock. I wedged my bag between the door and the wardrobe so no one would be able to get in. I put my headphones in quickly before laying back down.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
My phone buzzing made me open my eyes and freeze. I slowly raised my phone to look at the contact. Cole. I debated answering it. I really did. But then I remembered why I had came here in the first place.
“Hello?” I said and I heard a sigh of relief.
“Hey, it’s me. I’m- I was at work! I didn’t have my phone on me- are you okay?!” He asked and I paused.
“Yes.” I said, simply.
“Okay that’s good, where are you?! Ninjago city really isn’t the safest place, Papita.” Cole said and I took a deep breath in. Clearly.
“I’m at a friend’s.” I said and he went silent.
“Friend, what friend?” Cole asked and I paused.
“Chen and Reece.” I said and he didn’t sound happy.
“I’ve never heard of them- you’ve never told me anything about them.” Cole said and I looked out the window.
“I met them today.” I said and he made a noise of distress.
“Today?! And you’re staying there?!” He asked and I hummed in agreement. “Y/n, this is… that’s not safe. I’ll pick you up, see if we can find a hotel or I can see if I can clean up a room here- just-“
“I’m okay here. They’re nice.” I said and he started to sound annoyed.
“It doesn’t matter if they’re nice, you don’t know them!” He exclaimed and I laid back down. “They could be hiding anything from you!”
“Why didn’t you tell me you got married?” I asked and he went silent. “I’m not a kid anymore, Cole. You don’t have to protect me anymore. You don’t have to hide anything from me.” I said and he sighed.
“It’s not like that… I honestly forgot. It wasn’t like a ceremony or anything, we exchanged rings, we haven’t signed any papers yet! Just in traditional terms, we are married.” He said and I sighed.
“This is the first time I’ve left the house in 3 months.” I admitted and I heard his breath hitch.
“You don’t call, you don’t message and if I get a reply sometimes it’s not for months.” I said and he sounded even more stressed.
“It’s my job-! Sometimes I’m gone for months! I don’t mean to-! I’d love to see you again! See you more even!” He said and I looked to the street outside. That noodle stand looked really good.
“I haven’t seen you for 4 years. You’re like a ghost, Cole.” I said and Cole sighed.
“Can I please come and pick you up?” He asked but I ignored him.
“Why would you give me a fake address?” I asked.
“It wasn’t fake-! You have to go into the forest-!”
“Why didn’t Pearl know my actual name? Why don’t I know hers?” I questioned.
“I don’t know- I thought you both knew! I was wrong, okay! I want you both to meet. I want to see you. I want to know you’re safe. Let me pick you up.” He pleaded.
“I’ll message you my address tomorrow. If you’re not there, I’m going home and not my house! I’m moving back in with Dad.” I said and I heard the way Cole took a sharp breath in.
“Okay, fair enough. Send me it tonight and I’ll be there by 9am latest.” He said and I nodded.
“Fine…” it went awkwardly silent.
“Love you, Flump.”
“Bye.” I hated that nickname. I hung up the phone and rubbed my temples. I could smell that noodle stand. I’m getting it. With the last of my confidence, I will get it.
The noodle stand was actually further than it looked. And I chose a horrible time to go. It was getting dark, really dark, and the line was going down very slowly. Finally it was my turn.
“You’ll have to wait 10 minute, the next batch of noodles isn’t ready yet.” I nodded and sat on a bench. Directly under a street lamp. It was really dark now. And slowly getting colder. I looked up to see the man still stirring noodles and sighed. I looked up again to see him making a container for me and I shot up and watched as he put the sauce on top.
“4.65” He told me and I nodded.
“I’ll have what she’s having, it smells really good Pablo. I bet you can rival Chen’s noodles now.” That was a woman. I handed him the money and stepped to the side for her to move in. He put her noodles together quicker than I’d seen him server anyone. It wasn’t until I looked up did I notice that the woman was actually a ninja. She reached into one of the pouches on her gi.
“No! No! You know you don’t pay.” Pablo said and she shook her head.
“C’mon, I’ve been away for 3 weeks and I’m missing out on Pink’s curry which it really good. Let me pay.” She said and the guy shook his head.
“No. Payment comes in saving all our lives and the city.” He said and I didn’t want to interrupt them to tell them I had no chopsticks. So I decided to turn away and walk back home. Except I was more or less walking to the bench again. I wasn’t expecting her to sit next to me a couple moments later. I looked up in shock. This was a real life ninja. I met her eyes before she handed me a pair of chopsticks. I smiled in thanks.
“So what’s a pretty girl like you doing wandering the streets at night like this? Fella done you wrong? Or just hunger?” She asked, enthusiastically and I took a moment to respond. Perplexed that one- a woman was talking to me, two- a ninja was talking to me.
“Hunger… Fellas aren’t really my thing.” I said and she nodded.
“Me either. Well, not anymore.” She said and held her noddles up to cheers mine and I did it, awkwardly, but we did it. She chuckled. Before pulling her mask up and over mouth, I looked away quickly. She laughed. “Don’t worry, you won’t know who I am just from my mouth.”
“Okay… feels weird.” I said and she smiled. “Did you really call me pretty?” I asked, not sure what she had said as I was more in shock.
“Yes, or no- did it weird you out?” She asked and I smiled, shaking my head.
“No, it was nice.” I said the water ninja smiled.
“Then yes. And I’m serious.” She whispered the last part and I smiled harder.
“You’ve got pretty lips…” I said, hoping it didn’t sound weird or suggestive.
“Really? You from around here?” Fuck. It did sound suggestive.
“I’ve never been to ninjago before, I saw your dragon earlier… it was cool. Really scary- but cool.” I said and she smiled.
“Her name is Tidal. I can introduce you two if you want?” She asked and I shook my head.
“No, I don’t think I can handle meeting a dragon right now. Sorry” I said and she chuckled.
“No hard feelings. Dragons are intimidating, especially Peach’s dragon. Her dragon is massive! And powerful. Took down half an army of onis on her own with him.” She said and I nodded.
“I forgot about the Onis.” I said and the water ninja nodded.
“That was a tough fight.” She admitted. “Were you affected by them?” She asked and I shook my head.
“No, I live in Jamankai but I do have 3 locks on my door.” I said and she nodded.
“Not a bad idea.” She told me and I looked up at her. “I’m not going to lie to you, you should head home. Tonight’s quiet but this city is so unpredictable and I don’t think I’d be able to console myself if I heard that your pretty face got hurt.” She said and I flushed, warmth spread across my face and I just hoped she couldn’t tell how flustered I was as she pulled the bottom of her mask back down.
“I’m nearly done.” I said and she frowned.
“Wow, I should call you nibbles. You almost ate that quicker than me.” She joked and I smiled.
“I don’t think nibbles suits me then.” I said she tilted her head in thought.
“No, but dustbin isn’t as cute.” She said and I laughed, actually laughed.
“Okay, what can I call you then?” There was something so easy about talking to someone in a mask.
“Anything but squirt. My brother still calls me that and he’s almost 30.” She told me and I laughed.
“My brother calls me little potato and little cabbage.” I said and she laughed.
“What?!” She asked, amused.
“I refused to eat cabbage when I was younger so he started calling me that to spite me.” I said and she laughed again.
“My brother- fire- just calls every kid that. He still calls Green it.” She told me and I nodded.
“I’m done.” I announced and put my box in the bin.
“Hey, can I walk you home? It’d just make me feel more comfortable knowing you got home safe.” She said and I nodded.
“I’m staying right there!” I told her to which she frowned.
“The diner?” She asked.
“My friends own it, they live above it.” I said and she nodded.
We mainly walked in comfortable silence until we stopped outside the diner. The walk seemed longer, like we were both trying to stretch the moment.
“I guess I’ll see you around then, Nibbles.” The water ninja said to me and I smiled.
“See you later, squirter.” I said and she laughed.
“Squirter?!” She asked, dumbfounded.
“Because of the whole water thing…” I tried to explain before it hit me what is sounded like. “Oh no- not like that…” I tried to defend myself but she waved me off. “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay. Just took me by surprise. Anyway, thank you for turning a boring patrol into a good night. I’ll be thinking of you and your cute face tonight.” She said and I smiled.
“Not that I could see your face, but you have a pretty mouth and eyes.” I said and she met my eyes. She looked smug. She winked and my face fell. This was real.
“Thank you, no one has ever said that before.” She said before disappearing into the dark alleys. Was that flirting? Did we flirt? Were we in love now? Why do I have the urge to ask her what we are?
“Did you just pull the water ninja?!” I heard a voice yell and I looked up to the see Reece and Chen, leaning out the window.
“Oh my god…” I said and rushed inside.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
It wasn’t unusual for Nya not to talk to anyone after patrol. It wasn’t unusual for most the ninja to be catching up on sleep at this time. However, it wasn’t usual for her to bump into Jay around the monastery. He was sat on the counter, bowl of cheerios in his hands. The box itself had a cartoon ninja on. She smiled as she went in pouring a bowl for herself.
“Long patrol?” He asked and she shook her head.
“No, quiet actually. Almost boring.” She said and he laughed.
“Almost?” Jay asked, hinting something in his voice.
“Do you think it’s too soon? I mean… we were together for so long. Do you think it’s too early to even think about moving on?” Nya asked and Jay shook his head.
“No, I think it’s good.” He admitted, to her surprise. “I loved you, I really did Nya and not to say that I don’t still love you but it’s different. When we were good, we were great but… you were never as into me as I was to you, and now we know why. I don’t hold it against you. You shouldn’t hold it against yourself. You shouldn’t hold it against me.” He told her and she sighed.
“I don’t know why I feel so guilty, I was never taught what I am is wrong.” Nya told him and he nodded.
“Buts it’s not what you expect, think of for yourself. You’ve never looked at me the way you look at a girl and thats okay. We can still love each other without having a romantic aspect of our relationship. We’re family here, let’s just be family.” Jay said and Nya smiled.
“You’d be alright if started seeing someone?” Nya asked and Jay smiled.
“What if I’m already seeing someone? Would you be okay?” He asked and she laughed.
“Really?” Jay shrugged.
“I might be.” He said and she smiled.
“What’s her name?” Nya asked and Jay shook his head.
“No! No I’m not doing this! Because once you know, Kai knows and then Cherry knows and if Cherry knows, everyone knows!” Jay exclaimed and Nya nodded.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, I won’t ask again.” She said and Jay smiled.
“I think these cheerios are expired.”
“Yeah, me too.”
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
“Okay I have to pick Y/n up in like 20 minutes, Papita, in case you don’t know her actual name.” Cole announced to the team and Pearl rolled her eyes. “When she gets here, we’ve gotta act normal.” He announced and everyone protested.
“She doesn’t know you’re a ninja?!” Peach’s voice came out on top.
“No, and I don’t plan on telling her today.” Cole said.
“Not telling someone you love you’re a ninja? That always ends well.” Cherry commented to which Kai frowned.
“Even if we all act normal, how’d you suppose we hide the prophecies engraved in the walls? The frames of all of us in our gi? The senseis? The monks? The weapons? My dragon?!” Peach asked to which the dragon himself growled from outside.
“Lloyd was right about not keeping a dragon that can’t disappear by the way.” Kai said.
“Apologise, he saved your life.” Peach said.
“I’m not apologising to a dragon!” Kai argued.
“Apologise!” Peach demanded.
“No!” Kai protested.
“Apologise or I’m not talking to you.” Peach said and Kai shrugged.
“Don’t then!” Peach crossed her arms and faced away. “You’re not serious.” He said but she ignored him.
“I’ll be back in half an hour.” Cole said and kissed Pearl’s cheek before leaving.
Volume: ■■■■■□□□
“Thank you for letting me stay.” I said, turning go to both men as a battered truck, the one from the car park, parked itself outside.
“Anytime.” Chen said with a smile.
“Let us know if you need anything.” Reece said and I nodded before heading outside. I hadn’t seen him in years. Would he be mad? Upset? Annoyed that I even came here? I didn’t tell him, is that a problem?
Cole rushed out the truck and before I could even get a word out he pulled me into a tight hug, I returned it awkwardly before he looked me up and down.
“Have you grown or is it just me?” He asked to which I shrugged.
“I don’t think so.” He took my bag and smiled. I didn’t return it and just got in the car with him.
“I’ve uh- Pearl told me everything- Dad also rang me. She’s really sorry and he’s- he sounds good.” Cole said and I nodded.
“Are you?” I asked, he nodded.
“I was going to ask you that, are you serious about moving back in with Dad?” Cole asked and I shrugged.
“I can’t live alone anymore.” I admitted. “It’s getting worse.” I told him and he sighed.
“I’m sorry I can’t be closer.” He said and I nodded. But were you?
“Why… why can’t you?” I had to think about whether I wanted to know the answer.
“It’s… complicated. If that word even sums it up. My job is unconventional and- I’ll explain everything! -but it’s just hard to find the time to come back.” He said and I nodded.
“What is your job?” I asked as we stopped at a traffic light. He turned to look at me.
“To protect those who can’t protect themselves.” He told me and I paused. What the hell did that mean?
“What?” I asked and he laughed. “Are you a police officer?” I asked.
“No!” He laughed. “I’ll explain everything when we’re inside. The others have made it extremely clear that they won’t cover for me.” Cole said and I frowned.
“Cover what?” I asked.
“You’ll see.” He pulled into the abandoned parking lot where I had been the day before. When we got out he gestured for me to follow him into the forest.
A monastery. There was a monastery inside the forest. There were bald people outside doing chores. Monks. This place was massive. I followed Cole inside as the monks called him ‘master Cole’. It was an upgrade from McCole. Which was his nickname during his teenage years due to the fact he ordered McDonald’s almost everyday. He opened the door for me and let me walk beside him as we went down the long hallway. There were paintings on the wall and ceiling, massive paintings and it took seeing the painting of a gold figure fighting a black dragon with smoke coming off it to realise that they were paintings of the ninja and famous battles. They were murals not paintings. I looked down, not wanting to admit what might be happening here. We stopped at an archway. I looked up to see a small kitchen and then to the side and the bottom of the room was a massive living area with couches, a TV, a gaming console and many people. There was a couple on the couch, a brunette with very well styled hair and a very pretty girl whose own hair looked like it is being taken better care of than a newborn baby. There was another boy and girl on the couch although they were sat well apart with the ginger playing with a controller whilst the other girl, hair tied up high on her head as her bangs fell in front of her face, framing it perfectly. She wore a loose vest, showing off her sculpted arms and scattered tattoos. Mainly in the ancient language. That was hot. Reluctantly, I looked away from her to the two girls in the kitchen. One was eating a bowl of cereal whilst the other pulled out a tray of cookies from the other. The first girl had few scars lingering her bare arms and what looked to be a burn on her forearm and a scar on her exposed neck that looked like a bite mark. She might be a ninja. Somehow, her face remained untouched. The other girl slammed the tray down, making me jump and focus on her again. She was more dressed up than the others, well I think the girl with very nice hair was actually wearing a juicy tracksuit but she made it look like loungewear rather than an expensive tracksuit.
“How do you not burn them?!” The cookie girl complained.
“It’s only burnt on the corners.” The scarred girl said.
“You’d know all about being burnt.” The cookie girl insulted, the scarred girl hit her on the head lightly with her spoon. “Did you just get milk in my hair?!”
“I raised a dragon, what’s your excuse?” Scarred girl clapped back and Cole cleared his throat. Gaining everyone’s attention. Did she just say she raised a dragon?!
“This is Y/n, or Papita, as you may know her as.” I noticed how Cookie girl’s eyes hardened at Cole. The room went silent.
“Hi.” I said, awkwardly.
“Hey.” Scar girl said. Putting her bowl down and coming near me. “Nice to meet you.” She said.
“You too, what’s your name?” I asked. Was this Pearl? What would she do if she knew I called her scar girl in my head?!
“Everyone calls me Peach, nice to meet you Papita.” She said and I nodded.
“Y/n’s fine.” I said and she smiled.
“That’s Cherry, thats Pearl ,who you may know, and Snowdrops is around somewhere. She’s always around. You’ll catch on soon enough.” Peach winked but I didn’t catch on. Not yet at least. Was that not their actual names?
“So what’s your actual name?” I asked and she smiled, I heard Cole stifle his laugh.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She said and walked away. The man with very good hair spoke up and I turned to them. Cherry was the one with really good hair. I knew good hair guy. I had met him before.
“Kai, if you don’t remember. Blabber mouth here is Jay and that’s Nya, my sister. Zane is around somewhere and Pixal is out right now. Lloyd should be home soon.” Kai filled me in and I nodded.
“Hi.” I said again, trying to avoid Nya’s eyes. She was staring hard at me. I turned to face Cole again who smiled.
“As you can tell, we all live together and work together. Lloyd’s the leader, Peach is his wife-“ I looked to Peach and watched as she disappeared in a pink, purple and peach haze that I had only seen on the news before and with the peach ninja. She appeared on the counter again, no bowl in hand this time. “-she’s special.” Cole said and glared, my own mouth hung in shock.
“Don’t be mad because I showed my party trick.” She said and Pearl smiled in amusement. It started to click. It shouldn’t have took a blonde man practically shoving past us clad in green to be my final push to realise everything. He stunk and had dried blood and mud on him and in his hair, the green clothing had been torn in places. He had a dual katana holster strapped to his back with actual katanas sheathed in. The walls looked like they were coming closer. He needed that many weapons for a reason? Was there a threat?
He apologised as he slid past, not noticing my impending panic. He dapped up Cole and leaned in to kiss Peach who didn’t look pleased after. She actually frowned in disgust.
“I’ve missed you too.” He said at her face.
“When was the last time you brushed your teeth?” She asked.
“I don’t want to talk about it- who’s this?!” He asked, pointing to me. Oh my god. This isn’t happening.
“Lloyd, meet Papita, my sister.” Cole said and Lloyd nodded.
“Nice to meet you, sorry I’m all dirty and everything. 3 week stake out.” Lloyd said like I was supposed to know what that meant. “Being a ninja is a lot less cleaner than you’d think.” He tried to joke but I’m pretty sure I had the thousand yard stare right now. Suddenly the green costume with katanas made sense. It wasn’t a costume. It was gi. A green gi.
“I can smell you from over here.” Cherry commented.
“You’re the green ninja?” I asked, well more stated.
“Who would’ve thought? Lloyd Garmadon.” Peach said and Lloyd rolled his eyes.
“You’re all ninja?!” I exclaimed. I looked back at Cole in alarm who looked away from me. Then I looked back at the others and Cherry looked at them all before breaking the silence.
“I’m not! But they all are.” She confirmed, she then hit Kai’s chest.
“Fire.” Kai raised his hand like it was an ice breaker game.
“Lightning.” Jay raised his hand next.
“I don’t need to say, do I?” Lloyd said, eating some multicoloured cereal with his bare hands out the box.
“Peach.” Peach and shrugged. Like it was obvious. I looked back to Cole.
“Earth.” He admitted, my eyes watered. What the hell was going on. Everyone looked towards Pearl.
“Pink. Who else would I be?” Pearl asked.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Cole asked. I felt ill. And my heart was racing. What the fuck was happening?
“Nya! You haven’t-“ Kai’s words distorted in my head as another person walked into the room. Well, what I thought was a person.
“Can someone please check my internal hatch, I believe there is something stuck in there I cannot see.” A tall, metal man said as he walked in the room and proceeded to open his stomach open like it was nothing. Only to reveal a bunch of wires and a few boxes that wires were coming in and out of. Safe to say, I passed out.
I am never leaving my house again.
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20 notes · View notes
ramspatula · 2 months
Zinnias | Lloyd Garmadon x reader | Part 5
Why are big statues coming to life?
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It was oddly domestic how we worked. Lloyd would often have to leave at odd times for work and would come back very late or early in the evening. I felt like a housewife. I had no lessons due to it being the holiday but I had way too much work to do as it was. I hated being in this shit hole but it was better than back ‘home’, here I had friends and Lloyd. The tapping on my window made me frown. Lloyd was at work. I peeked out to see green and I grinned, pulling back the blinds and opening the window.
“Hey, homeboy, where have you been?” I asked and his eyes turned from wide, happy to see me to a dull, unamused, stern gaze.
“I regret coming here already.” He said and I smiled, climbing out the window.
“C’mon, don’t be like that. Where have you been?!” I asked and he shrugged.
“I’ve been busy- you’ve been busy.” Green added and I flushed.
“You know about that?” I asked and he nodded, he looked almost smug? From what I could tell from his eyes.
“Personal stalker, remember?” He asked and I nodded.
“Right, forgot about your obsession.” I said and he rolled his eyes. “What are you doing here then?” It’s mid-day? Just because my dorm building only has 3 rooms occupied at the moment doesn’t mean no one can see you. There’s probably some 13 year old losing her mind right now.” I said and he rolled his eyes.
“I’m on my way to the museum- I’ve just took care of our dragon and I was on strict orders to not come until all its shit was picked up so I’m sorry if I still smell. I feel like I can’t wash it off.” Green explained and I frowned.
“You have a dragon?” I asked and he nodded.
“Yeah- the one with four heads- they’re actually right above us if you want to see.” He casually added and I looked up to see the beast staring down at me. I jumped in shock as it bent down and the two centre heads gently nudged me and one blew really cold air on me. I even shivered and that caused the other one to breathe really hot air on me and now I felt over heated.
“That is really cool but I also feel like I’m in shellshock right now.” I said and he laughed.
“Okay, back off, she’ll pet you guys another time.” The dragon- moped? And got down to allow Lloyd on- Green- why do I think of Lloyd every time I see him?! I watched as the green, oddly familiar, green eyes winked at me and I smiled in response. “I’ll see you soon, bro.” He said and I laughed.
“You admit it- I’m a homeboy!” I yelled but he flew off. What a surreal experience.
“Was that a ninja?!” Fuck.
🪺. *. ⋆
The ninjas were smashing so many of these little figures that had come to life, Lloyd’s arrival almost made no difference.
“How many of these things are there?!” Lloyd asked only to be met with another one jumping at him. He thought with his father’s sudden disappearance he would get a moment of peace.
“Look who decided to turn up! We’ve been at this for an hour!” Jay screeched.
“Yeah, I hear you, I got caught up.” Lloyd excused and Cole scoffed.
“Ever since this guy got laid, he’s been a flake!” Cole said and Kai stopped one from hitting Cole in the back of the head.
“Yet he’s doing better than us in training!” Kai added and Cole shook his head.
“Who’s giving you that good of a fuck, it’s excelling your training?!” Cole asked and Lloyd smashed the figure in front of him, sending a mini earthquake through the room, the vibrations causing the figures on the floor to shatter.
“Okay, we get it, you still have your powers.” Kai said and Nya sent a burst of water into a figure about to attack Kai. “You too.” Some stone warrior figures poured marbles below him and Cole’s feet and that seemed to push Kai over the edge. “Alright, play times over!” He yelled before doing spinjitsu. The other 3 following as Lloyd, Nya and Sensei Wu watched, un-approving of their actions as the whole room was now destroyed. However, all the figures with the exception of one were destroyed. Only Wu seemed to notice this, sprinting out the chase the figure when the other ninjas clocked on a followed.
He managed to chase the little figure down and smash it with his foot. Wu didn’t have time to be proud of himself when he heard a familiar heartbeat. His super-hearing had made him memorise heartbeats in the same way his nephew and brother did. But this one he had spent hours upon hours listening to. When the door behind him creaked open, and the heart he knew so well almost rang in his ears, he turned. The first and only woman, Wu had ever loved stood before him.
“Misako?” The name slipping so effortlessly from his mouth.
“Wu.” She said, her voice still as smooth and charming as it had been some time ago.
“I- uh…” He fumbled over his words.
“It’s been a long time..” She added and he nodded.
Her braid still hadn’t changed although it was now covered in grey rather than the rich brown he was accustomed to. Thought of so passionately in his mind. The last time he had even seen her, she was only just starting to grey and had a newborn in her arms. A newborn with red eyes like his father. A newborn who was now an adult and his nephew. Because she had chosen his brother. Married him. And had a child with him. A child she abandoned. Wu was now over aware of who had a hand placed on his shoulder.
“So are you going to introduce us?” Jay asked, trying carefully not to break the moment. Lloyd showed no emotion to the woman and actually chose to eye her with suspicion but she hadn’t focussed on him yet. How would she know it’s him? Lloyd didn’t know her. And Lloyd certainly didn’t look how he was meant to after their 12 year separation. Wu cleared his throat and held the boy’s arm, Lloyd frowned at his Uncle but said no more. His Uncle had a content, almost excited smile on him. It was unusual for any of them to see.
“This is Misako, Lloyd’s mother.” And just like that, Lloyd’s world came tumbling down.
“My mother?!” Lloyd spoke, frozen in his shock.
“Lloyd?” She said, stepping forward. Her smile and tone felt so ironic for a woman who abandoned her 2 year old at a boarding school. “My little boy. You’re so much bigger than I thought you’d be-“ Lloyd smacked his Uncle’s hand away and took a step back. The anger seeped into his veins and did so quickly.
“Yeah, well, it’s been a long time.” He said, moving his arm away from his mother’s attempt at holding his hand.
“I didn’t want us to meet like this. I have a reason why I’ve been away-“ Misako tried to get to her son but he shook his head.
“And I don’t want to hear it.” Lloyd said before storming out. The others were shocked at such a reaction from Lloyd. Most his expected the boy to welcome his mother with open arms with how highly Wu always spoke of her. Garmadon had not spoke so highly, not after learning Lloyd had spent his life in a boarding school. Turns out the over-lord wasn’t pleased to learn his son that he was oblivious to his existence had spent a good 8 years in a boarding school being relentlessly bullied and then homeless at 10. It just wasn’t fair. Lloyd’s whole life wasn’t fair. And now his mother turns up in his life again after 12 years?
He couldn’t take it. He found his way into some room, with a giant pit. And a part of him felt like stepping into it. His mother wouldn’t care but Y/n would. His mind was spiralling. All these memories of mothers days that he had spent alone. How could his evil, tyrannical father care more about him than his mother? Garmadon didn’t know where he was or about him and within the first day of learning about his existence, he had sought his way out the underworld and had moved in with his enemies to kill snakes and reclaim his taken son. The first time they had met after he’d been rescued, his father had broken down. Holding him and spewing so many apologies for being absent when he hadn’t even known he existed. Lloyd held him back because for the first time, he had felt actual love. Like someone cared about him. Now he had grown up, he understood love. What it does to you. How deeply it can affect you when the person you love does something. Which is why Lloyd had always listened closely when Garmadon spoke of Misako. And it wasn’t nicely. It’s funny how a man corrupted by pure evil couldnt understand abandoning his son and only kept Lloyd with Wu because he was destined to be the Green ninja and because he believed that Lloyd would stay at the monastery until he grew up. Garmadon believed Lloyd would be safe. He was not.
“Hey, baby, you alright?” He basked in her voice.
“Is there any way you can make it to the museum right now?” Lloyd asked and he could hear the girl’s confusion on the other line.
“Museum- Lloyd the ninjas are there-! What are you-?!” He loves how concerned she is over him.
“I just met my mother.” He cut her off and she paused.
“I’ll be right there, it’s like a 10 minute walk. Are you okay?” He smiled. Not that she could see it.
“Just, come as quick as you can…” He said and heard her agree before she hung up and he sighed.
🪺. *. ⋆
This museum was a fucking maze. I didn’t even know what room he was in and there was barely anyone here. Lloyd wasn’t responding and I was considering giving up, until I turned around and saw a massive live statue of a stone warrior. It would’ve been cool if it hadn’t started raising its sword at me. I screamed. I’m not afraid to admit it. Before I sprinted. The thing didn’t hit me with the sword but it did make the ground shake which almost made me fall.
“What the fuck?!” I yelled as it was now chasing me?! What the hell?! What did I do?! “No,no,no-“ I screamed again as it almost got me.
“Peach!” Someone called but I didn’t see who. That was before 5 ninjas had jumped down before me. I saw no green in this rainbow and continued running. I heard someone talking, aggressively talking. The doors were closed though but I recognised that voice. I recognised it anywhere. I banged on the door, hearing and feeling as the footsteps got closer again.
“Open up! This massive asshole of a statue is chasing me!” I yelled and the doors swung open and I practically fell into Green’s arms- could’ve sworn that was Lloyd.
“Peach! Are you okay- I never should’ve of told you to come here--!” He looked up at someone cleaning their throat. I saw an older woman with grey hair and a braid, she didn’t look too old though.
“Lloyd-“ I said and his eyes widened.
“What?” Green asked. His hands cupping my cheeks.
“Where’s Lloyd-?!” I asked- almost begged, frightened tears threatened to spill from my eyes.
“He’s okay. You aren’t though.” Green told me and I shook my head.
“No-! I need to find him! It’s serious.” I said, my breathing becoming erratic.
“Lloyd will understand, you’ll see him soon but for now I gotta get you to safety and others because that thing is massive-!” He suddenly yelled at the appearance of the statue and I nodded.
“That was chasing me-!” I yelled and he took my hand, making me sprint with him to another room. The woman followed but I didn’t pay her much attention, I was holding onto Green like a lifeline as we ran away from this thing. We ended up in a large room and I noticed that everyone was here but I couldn’t breathe- I was suffocating. This felt like a panic attack. Green frantically turned to me and held me as I crumbled to the floor. I tried to breathe but I couldn’t.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” He repeated, smoothing my hair as I gripped onto him like a lifeline. I suddenly pushed him off and looked around.
“Lloyd-“ I said again but he turned me back around.
“He’s fine, he’s okay, he’s safe. You’re not. We’ve got to focus on you, Peach.” Green told me and he sounded so much like him, felt like him. His hand moved my cheek and I held the side of his neck to support myself.
“Lloyd.” I said, more stern as I looked into his eyes. Those were Lloyd’s eyes, I swore those were his. His eyes widened more and I swore I saw some red in his iris. “Lloyd.” I whispered more harshly, my eyes widening. He shook his head. The red ninja placed a hand on his shoulder but he shrug it off. All the ninja were here? How embarrassing.
“No…” he said, weakly. He seemed so vulnerable right now. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched.
“Maybe now is not the time for this-“ Wu said. Fucking Wu. I grabbed the man before I could think.
“Peach-!” I heard Green say but I stared into the old man’s eyes.
“Where is he?! I know you know.” I watched as his stern eyes drift up to Green who reached out for me again. I looked back to him. “Don’t say-“ I turned around to look at Green again, he looked guilty. “-what the fuck?!” i looked back at Wu who nodded. I let go of the old man away and stalked away from them all.
“It’s best to let her cool off-“ I heard a woman’s voice as I walked away.
“Don’t touch me.” That was Lloyd’s voice. He was Lloyd. Green was Lloyd. Lloyd was the Green ninja. With that thought in mind I felt like collapsing. The world around me slowed and I knew what came next.
But it didn’t matter because soon arms were around me, shielding me as a green force field encased us, the green turned mixed of peaches and purples before I watched as the statues sword glitched and burst after the colours turned back to green. It now had no weapon. Green held onto me- Lloyd held onto me -tighter as the big statue tried to attack the green bubble with his hand. It didn’t break but I could feel as it exhausted Lloyd. His eyes were closed tightly, in focus. I held him back and his eyes seemed to close even tighter before suddenly the statue was running away, chasing something else. Lloyd let the bubble burst and took a moment to catch his breath again. I just sunk to the floor. Staring blankly at where it had left. Lloyd quickly looked from me to the doorway before holding my head in his hands, making me look at him.
“I know you’re confused and that’s okay, I’ll be back soon, stay here, okay?” Was all he said before running off. I didn’t move, I don’t think I could.
Fuck that I could.
I moved to the doorway and watched as they tried to lead him to the big gaping hole in the middle of the floor of one room but it suddenly turned around a charged at some civilian who came running this way. I heard the ninjas protests and sounds of disappointment at their little trap not working. I watched as it now charged at me again. The blast of green energy on its back didn’t even make it falter as it stared me down and stopped, raising its hand. Ready to pummel me into the earth. I only glared up as I heard the yells, watching as the first came back down.
When the world slowed, everything felt so dramatic. I felt so untroubled. Like nothing really mattered. I felt like I could see the ins and outs of the earth and more, something no one else could. But now I just felt hurt, lied to. Somehow, I had really thought I’d bet on a winner only to realise I’m still by the loser’s side. Losing every time with them. At least I feel like I win when I lose. So I let myself feel the loser’s guilt as the fist came down on me. If only I could escape my problems so easy. It would’ve been easy to let that thing kill me. I started, tears in my eyes as the thing was now lodged into the floor. It glitched and got stuck. It would stay like that unless dug out. Only side of its face and some parts of the body could be seen. I climbed over the piece of forearm sticking out and saw the rest of the ninja. I didn’t let my tears fall but I suddenly had a feeling I knew who these ninjas were and specifically who the red one was. I shook my head at him.
“Peach! Peaches!” I heard his voice but I ignored him as I walked away. I was too tired and I had been deceived. I really believe they were separate people even with their uncanny similarities. “Y/n! Please!” I paused at that. The vase on display next to me, glitched. I let him run in front of me. “Thank you… I can tell you everything-“ I shook my head.
“I don’t want to know.”
“Just- come back to the monastery please. I can explain everything- show you!” Lloyd said and I shook my head.
“No.” I said and he sighed.
“Then I’ll come to yours just please don’t walk away.” He said and I let the tears flow, I quickly tired to wipe them. His hand reached up and grabbed my face again, I let him. Trying not to cry more as his thumbs gently wiped away a few tear tracks.
“Green, we need to go-!” Someone yelled but he growled- actually growled.
“No!” He said immediately. “Please, Y/n.” He whispered and I nodded.
“I’ll go with you.” I said and he rested his forehead on mine.
“Thank you, thank you!” He said quickly, desperately, and I let him lead me out the museum. I stayed silent, letting him decide everything for me. I felt numb. Like I had been overwhelmed to the point of exhaustion. And in a way, I had. He quickly pulled a cloth from the gift shop and wrapped it around the lower half of my face, covering my mouth and nose, before pulling my hood up. “To keep your identity secret.” He explained but I just looked up, blankly.
The dragon bowed and lowered its body to me. It gestured with one of its heads towards its back and I realised it wanted me to get on. I looked to Lloyd who lifted me effortlessly onto the shoulder of the dragon’s front leg and I had to grab onto onto the straps of the saddle to climb onto the saddle itself. If it wasn’t for my static state I might of been freaking out about the fact I was on a dragon, actually I was starting to feel a little freaked, that was until I felt Lloyd behind me. After adjusting himself accordingly, he held me closer to his body and grabbed onto the reigns. This thing was about to take off. I grabbed onto Lloyd’s arm around me, tightly. My eyes widened as it spread its wings and took off, it was a large and terrifying beast and it took its time ascending into the air. I pressed myself back into Lloyd who didn’t say anything, just rested his head against my shoulder. I hadn’t looked up from the saddle.
“It’s really pretty up here.” I heard Lloyd said but I ignored him. “I’ve always liked flying more than driving… feels more peaceful. Especially when it’s not really windy.” He said and I relaxed a little, looking up. I couldn’t tell if that was a bad or good thing. It was pretty but we were so high up. I was more interested in the dragon than the scenery. I placed a hand on the exposed white scale and felt as a rumble went through its body. I quickly retracted my hand. “They’re purring, they like you.” Lloyd added and I just nodded. The dragon head with brown outlines let out a long croon and I froze. “They want you to continue.”
“I’ve always loved dragons…” I said and scratched the scales area. The dragon shook almost shifting us too far off, I did not scream. Lloyd didn’t laugh at the fact I screamed. Because I didn’t scream.
“I’ve got you… if I knew you liked dragons, I would’ve got you to meet them sooner.” He said and it came back, the deceit. I could almost get it but it still hurt. I thought I had two new people and it almost feels like I lost a friend. I slumped again, removing my hand.
“You lied…” I said and he fumbled to try and get his words together.
“I didn’t want to… but I had to! I can’t go around saying I’m the green ninja.” He said and I nodded.
“I get that, I do but- but why would you get so close to me?! I thought I had a friend, Lloyd.” I said, hurt evident in my voice and I felt as he held on a little tighter.
“I wasn’t meant to! But I can’t leave you alone, you’re all I think about- I wasn’t meant to get too involved but then the thought of seeing you and not talking to you got to me- and then I found out about your powers-!” He reminded me and I shook my head.
“You were going to try and teach me as another person?!” I yelled and he cringed.
“Yes…” he admitted and I scoffed.
“And I felt guilty about the fact I didn’t tell you about my powers.” I said and he sighed, digging his face into my shoulder.
“I would’ve told you. I wouldn’t have let you find out like this if things were different.” Lloyd said and I paused.
“You called me…” I started and he pressed his head further into the corner of my neck. “You sounded so… so broken. I’d never been so scared, Lloyd.” I said and he nodded.
“I saw my mother and everyone acted like it was this happy thing. Like the woman hadn’t abandoned me and never came back to visit.” He said and I held onto his hand around my waist. We were started to descend now. Lloyd looked up to be able to our surroundings as we went down. “Wu looked at her like she was amazing. Some sort of spectacle. In reality, even my father used to say she was even more of a monster than him for abandoning a baby and not telling the father anything about him.” Lloyd revealed and my eyes widened. The landing was rougher than I thought and he was jumping off as soon as and encouraged me to slide down before he caught me and placed me firmly on the floor. I held onto for a moment as the sensation in my legs came back. We began walking after a moment, taking his hand in mine as he ripped off his mask and I pulled my hood off and makeshift mask too. “She tried talking to me. To explain everything- I didn’t want to know. I don’t want to know.” He added and I just followed him as he led me to a room that was covered in poster and green ornaments and nerdy things. Like Star Wars Lego sets and funko pops. He closed his door after I stepped in and opened his wardrobe. This was his room, I realised. I looked to his bedside to see a picture of a younger version of Lloyd in a smaller green Gi sat next to his uncle with the others in their Gi surrounding the two. They were all unmasked and poor Lloyd has a bowl cut.
“Your barber did you dirty.” I said and he looked at the frame I was looking at and let out a surprised laugh.
“The boys in my old dorm put a bowl over my hair, it was like a mullet- really long, anyway, one day they put a bow around my head when I was asleep and cut my hair. The teachers tidied it up the best they could but because it was boarding school for bad boys, they were rewarded and I just began hating my hair. Luckily, after the tea, my hair had changed drastically and Kai cleaned it up after.” Lloyd told me and I looked back at him, he was now just in his boxers. Pair of trousers in his hands ready to put on.
“I love your hair.” I said and he looked up before smiling, putting on his trousers as he spoke to me.
“With how much you tug it, I was thinking you were trying to rip it out-“
“Okay, Okay! I get it.” I said and pushed him away as he got seriously close. I laughed as he grabbed me and started kissing all over my face and neck. “Okay! I’m sorry, but I do love you hair. It’s softer than mine.”
“It’s not!” He immediately argued but backed off to go put his shirt on. He kicked the Gi towards a pile of dirty laundry, before turning and picking me up, easily. My legs wrapped around him and I let out a surprised laugh. “Being the green ninja means I get a few extra perks, like Cole’s super strength, meaning you don’t weigh anything to me.” He said and my eyes widened.
“That’s how you left my thighs bruised black.” Lloyd cringed at the reminder.
“I’ve not done that since, have I?” He asked and shook my head, kissing him.
“No, I don’t mind, however you do bite.” I said and tilted my neck to expose the bite a little.
“I don’t know where that came from. I think I tried to give you a hickey?” He questioned himself and I laughed.
“With teeth?!” I questioned and he threw me on his bed. He had a double bed. I starfished immediately. “Oh we’re staying round yours from now on.” I said and heard him laugh.
“We’d get zero privacy.” He said and I sighed in relief.
“I don’t care. This bed has made me forget how upset I am right now… that and I want to hear about your mommy issues.” I said and felt the bed dip, he grabbed my ankle and dragged me down the bed. I laughed as I settled in the new position. Putting my legs in his lap. He rested on arm on them, massaging my leg with his thumb.
“Peach… I don’t want to make this about me.” Lloyd said and I frowned.
“Maybe not, but I want to. So speak green boy. Tell me about your life before I leave.” I said and he grinned, amused.
“I realise how much you’re taking in right now, so I’ll give you the summary and we’ll delve into the specifics later.” He said and I nodded. “When I was 10, I left my boarding school and started some trouble here and there, the others had just started their training and were overly cocky and fed up of being called out to deal with ‘Garmadon’ and it being me.” He started and I frowned.
“You started trouble?” I asked, perplexed and he nodded.
“I was a wild kid, wanted to be just like my Dad. Except I was homeless and had no actual power to my name.” Lloyd said and my eyes widened.
“You were homeless?!” I asked and he nodded.
“For like a year before I was forcefully taken in by my Uncle.” He explained and my eyes saddened. “And that was only because my deviance had excelled to releasing the serpentine.” Lloyd told me and my jaw dropped.
“That was you?!” I questioned and he nodded.
“I thought it would somehow make my father proud enough to take me in. But he didn’t even know I was alive. And I was kicked out by each tribe until I met Pythor who I thought was my friend but he just wanted my serpentine tombs map and he deceived me and then tried to push me off the top of my boarding school but he had to run away before he could actually get me far enough to the edge. That’s when my uncle took me in and taught me to never trust a snake.” Lloyd told me and I smiled.
“Hey, I learnt that lesson too! Except it was on my own and with a bitch called Alabama.” I said and he chuckled. “I still don’t forgive that snake.” I said and he rubbed my leg.
“I don’t forgive Pythor either. I was just a kid. A bad one but nonetheless.” He said and I absentmindedly started playing with the hem of his t-shirt. “Then I got kidnapped by him, and my uncle had to go to the underworld to find my Dad to get his help in getting me back. My Dad tried to rip my Uncle’s throat out for knowing about my existence, and the fact I was alone and how he left me there. My Dad still says that my uncle either should’ve brought me to the underworld when my mother left me or took him in himself. Anyway, he saved me and I met him for the first time. It was weirdly emotional, for him at least, I felt nothing which still surprises me. It just wasn’t what I expected.” He told me and I nodded.
“It sounds like your father loves you a lot. Dare I say unconditionally?” I added and he smiled.
“He loves power more.” Lloyd added and my smile fell. “It’s okay, I know what to expect from my father. He came for me, that’s all that matters. A little while later, we go to find a fangblade and it’s in a volcano. Short story short, it starts erupting and Kai achieves his true potential saving me because somehow he realised that it was to protect me and therefore the green ninja. And I know you don’t know the prophecy of the green ninja, but it is the one destined to defeat darkness and bring back light. That darkness being my father. I have to fight and defeat my father in what’s called ‘the final battle’.” My eyes widened, and I sat up.
“You have to fight him?!” I almost yelled and he nodded, soothing me by patting my leg.
“That didn’t really settle well with my father and he left, the whole thing has sent him into a spiral really. Pythor managed to resurrect the great devourer, the one thing my Dad hates more than himself, and Wu. The ninjas gave up their golden weapons to my Dad so he could kill the devourer. He then took off with them after, creating that mega weapon which the ninjas somehow destroyed, that day is a blur really. Before that however, he used it resurrect the grundle. Which led to aging me to adulthood. The tea is supposed to somehow bring someone to the age that fate needs them to be. The grundle wasn’t needed and me, I’m supposed to be fate’s soldier. And children aren’t very successful in fights.” Lloyd said and I just looked up at him for a moment before jumping up and hugging him. He returned the hug, shifting me to actually be sat in his lap.
“I’m sorry.” I apologised and he shook his head.
“Don’t be. You have nothing to be sorry for.” Lloyd told me and I shook my head.
“Maybe not, but everyone else does. You’ve had the shittiest life I’ve ever heard of, and you haven’t even heard what Pearl’s been through.” I joked and he chuckled, kissing my cheek before holding me again. I held the back of his head and played with his hair and he rested the side of his head on mine.
“It’s not so bad. I have you now.” He said and that made me break, sobbing into his arms.
“That’s so sad.” I said and he laughed.
“Not to me.” Lloyd argued and I shook my head. “Hey, don’t cry over me, that’s a waste. Cry over your own shitty backstory not mine.” He told me and I giggled through my sobs.
“It’s not that shitty though! I was just neglected with a heavy handed sprinkle of bullying, you were actually homeless!” I argued and he shook his head.
“No, yours is so much worse. My mother actually tried speaking to me.” Lloyd said and I smiled.
“You sure that’s better than mine not?” I asked and he contemplated it for a moment.
“Yeah, I win. My life is worse than yours.” He said and chucked me onto the bed, off his lap. I laughed as he stood up.
“Okay, I can accept that loss.” I said and heard him laugh before suddenly he was next to me, laying down and star fishing, half over my body. I groaned at the sudden weight. “You’re so big, you need a whole bigass bed just to fit-.” I said and I saw the smirk come across his face and before I could take it back-
“That’s what you said-“
“Shut up- shut up-“ I covered his mouth and he laughed against my hand before licking it. I brought my hand back.
“Ew, Lloyd!” I said and his eyes snapped open.
“Wait licking your hand is gross but now-“
“Shut up! Someone could hear you-“ I said and he shrugged.
“My family has super hearing, my uncle definitely heard us fucking before he knocked on the door. He probably waited until we were out the shower to knock-“
“Oh my god! Are you serious?!” I asked and he nodded but shrugged a moment later.
“My uncle and Dad are really old. They were around during the times people used to fuck publicly like it was nothing.” Lloyd said and my jaw dropped. He started laughing and I shoved him.
“Not funny!” I scolded but he didn’t care.
“Okay! Okay! I’m sorry. But they are really old. I think my Dad is around 1300 years old.” Lloyd said and I froze.
“How old?!” I asked again and he nodded.
“Well my grandfather is the first spinjitsu master so it makes sense.” I stared at him momentarily.
“I think I’m going to be sick.” I said and he laughed.
🪺. *. ⋆
Peach fell asleep as soon as they spent 5 minutes in silence. Lloyd had listened as her heartbeat slowed and her breathing evened out. They had thrown his covers over them both and spent some time just resting in each other’s arms. It was getting late and he hadn’t spoke to his team since the museum. And he was hungry. He had the appetite of a dragon and he can’t remember the last time he ever felt full. So carefully, he got out the bed. Freezing as Y/n turned whined and then turned over, displeased. He breathed a sigh of relief when she settled back and quietly left his room. His footsteps didn’t make any sound anyway.
The halls of the monastery were simple, but elegant. The monks had spent the past millennia carving prophecies and teachings into the walls, making a beautiful architecture as the heads went on. When Lloyd made it to the kitchen, everyone was there. They all paused to look at him and he stopped for a moment before walking over to a cabinet. He hadn’t noticed his mother sat at the table, initially.
“Are you going to explain to us who that girl is or?” Cole asked, breaking the silence and Lloyd looked up, debating whether to say anything.
“That’s my girlfriend, her name is Peach.” He said and the table shot up in uproar.
“Girlfriend?! When?!” Kai immediately whined.
“How long have you even been seeing her?!” Nya asked, outraged she wasn’t the first to know.
“Before me??” Cole’s grating voice.
“It wasn’t just a hook up?!” Jay asked, perplexed.
“That’s where you’ve been?!” Cole’s voice again.
“I have no records of someone named Peach in the residents of ninjago records.” Zane was the last straw.
“Yes! I have a girlfriend! And her actual name isn’t Peach but she’s got powers too, they’re not elemental and really unpredictable. We call it glitching. As you’ve seen. We think they’re triggered by certain emotional triggers. Her name is apparently one of them.” Lloyd told them and it did not satisfy them at all.
“She lodged that thing in the ground! It’s still there!” Jay yelled and Lloyd nodded.
“We haven’t spoke about that yet so don’t bring it up please.” Lloyd said and they all froze. He was different.
“Congratulations, nephew.” Wu said and Lloyd looked up at him. “I’m sure you 5 have probably connected that this girl is the reason for Lloyd’s sudden excelling in training and skills. Love sharpens the mind, and makes the body more defensive.” Wu said and Lloyd’s eyes widened.
“Woah- not there yet!” He said and moved to take his snacks away from his eager Uncle.
“We may live for long, but we fall in love quick. Your mother would be able to attend to this.” Wu said and Lloyd’s eyes sharpened.
“So would Dad, y’know, until he found out he had a son he didn’t know about.” Lloyd said Misako’s face fell.
“Your father spoke of me?” She asked and Lloyd smiled.
“Oh yeah lots!” He said and she smiled back at him. “Lots of unforgiving, hateful things.” Her face fell again. “I haven’t heard him mention you with a positive tone since he asked me where my mother was!” Lloyd said and the atmosphere soured, dangerously.
“Lloyd.” Wu warned.
“Don’t pretend to care about me.” Lloyd said instead of acknowledging his Uncle. “I don’t need you.” He added and walked out the kitchen.
“He’s really upset.” He heard Nya say.
“Can you blame him? Kid was abandoned multiple times.” Cole.
“Lloyd! Wait up!” He didn’t, but Kai caught up anyway. “Talk to me, dude.” He said but Lloyd only looked at him. “C’mon, we used to talk about everything! I even used to read you to sleep when you first moved in.” Kai reminded and Lloyd smiled a little. “I mean- you got a girlfriend?!” Kai said, with a smile. It made Lloyd willingly open his door wider to reveal the lump under his covers. Hair just visible.
“I did.” He said, Kai smiled looking in as Lloyd rested on the door frame.
“I can’t believe you scored Peach.” He said and Lloyd laughed before nodding.
“I was there when you came over the over day.” Lloyd revealed and Kai paled a little. “She said you are a massive dick.” Lloyd added and Kai laughed.
“Are or have one- because she has walked in on me and Pearl-“ Lloyd shoved him and he laughed.
“Are. And she’s right.” Lloyd added and Kai smiled. “Come in, I don’t want those weirdos listening in on us.” Lloyd said and a faint ‘hey’ from Jay was heard. Kai nodded, at Lloyd’s point being proved. It was soon followed by ‘blabber mouth’ from Cole.
With the door closed, Lloyd sat on the end of his bed as Kai took residence on the floor.
“She won’t mind?” Kai asked and Lloyd shook his head.
“The only thing she’ll mind at the moment is an alarm.” Lloyd said and Kai chuckled. “You awake, Peaches?” Lloyd asked and shook the lump who groaned and aggressively pulled the covers around herself more. “See?” Lloyd said and Kai’s eyes widened. “Do you mind if Kai stays in here?!” Lloyd practically yelled and the lump only whined, shoved him away from her and turned on her side to avoid him. “Not a care in the world.” Lloyd concluded and Kai nodded.
“Oh my god.” Kai said, perplexed and Lloyd smirked. They talked for a solid hour before the lump suddenly shot up and collapsed into Lloyd.
“I can’t sleep without cuddling something.” I said and I heard two voices chuckle. How did it take me this long to realise someone else was in the room? I looked up to see Kai and I turned to Lloyd.
“I told you, no privacy.” He said and I shrugged, settling down.
“Shame, I was going to give you the head of your life.” I shut my eyes, as my head rested comfortably on his thigh, facing away from Kai and towards his stomach.
“Get out.” I heard Lloyd say, most serious I’ve ever heard him. I laughed and so did Kai.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“Late. You slept most the afternoon away, Peaches.” Lloyd told me and I nodded slightly.
“Is Kai still here?” I asked and Lloyd nodded.
“I asked him to leave.” Lloyd said and I sighed.
“You didn’t ask, you ordered.” Kai argued.
“I told him to leave.” Lloyd said, instead and I laughed. Brothers, definitely.
“No head then.” I said and watched as Lloyd glared at Kai.
“Can you even move, Peach?” Kai asked and I didn’t move.
“I’m gonna pass out again.” I said instead and soon surrendered to sleep again.
“You just cock-blocked me so hard!” Lloyd said and Kai shrugged.
“You’ve cock-blocked me so many time, I don’t care.” It was true. The other ninjas used to send him to knock on Kai’s door whenever they knew Kai was having phone sex or make him tell Kai he was meant to babysit him when he was about to go hook up with someone and then his hookup would start talking about how cute his younger brother was.
“Not my fault.” Lloyd defended.
“You did it for a price.” Kai counter-argued and Lloyd shrugged.
🪺. *. ⋆
I woke up to no Lloyd. I was in his bed but no him. I sighed and sat up. How did I feel so tired? And hungry. What do I do until Lloyd comes back? Stay here? I stood up and looked around the room. He had his own bathroom. Good. I stretched in the middle of his room. The t-shirt he had put on me before I fell asleep rose slightly above my ass, exposing the skin and the fact I had nothing on my lower half. I shoved my trousers from yesterday on, keeping his shirt though. I pulled my bra on, clipping the back before listening with my ear against the door to try and hear if anyone was outside. I noticed my phone was on charge and his was next to it. Good, that meant he hadn’t left. I checked it. No messages. The usual. 8:07am. What the hell? I thought it was like 1pm with how I felt and how everything looked. Where the hell did Lloyd have to go at 8pm?
I slowly opened Lloyd’s door and peeked out it, taking one look down the long hallway. I took a deep breath. It’s a long hallway. How big is this place? I didn’t really get a good look at it. It was already bigger than any home I’d been in before. That’s when I made myself pause. This wasn’t a house. It was a monastery. That meant other people lived here, specifically monks. It was also owned and used by Lloyd’s uncle whose father is the first spinjitsu master. That meant that this wasn’t a normal monastery and in fact it was dedicated to ninjitsu and the first spinjitsu master’s techniques and teachings. It was also evident in the engravings and painting in the walls and supporting poles of the building. I didn’t even realise how far I’d walked when looking at the decor until I was staring into a kitchen. Empty. Thank god. I was really hungry. I can’t just take their food though. That would be extremely rude. Unless I just took Lloyd’s food. I bet they all share though. I’ll wait. I’m starving though. My throat is dry. Having some water isn’t rude, is it? Where the hell are the cups? It’s rude to snoop. Why is etiquette so hard? I’ll suffer. I’d rather suffer than be asked the condensing question of ‘what are you doing?’ Before I could leave, a voice made me jump.
“Not hungry?” An older woman’s voice. I frowned as I turned to see her. Her hair was in a singular grey braid. This is the woman I saw with Lloyd before. In the room with the hole. This is his mother. The woman who abandoned him.
“No.” I lied. My stomach stayed quiet. “Just trying to make my way around.” I said and she smiled.
“In Misako, Lloyd’s mother.” She introduced herself and I nodded.
“Peach, Lloyd’s girlfriend.” I said and Misako’s smile didn’t falter.
“Do you mind giving me your real name?” She asked and I nodded.
“I do mind.” I said, finally smiling back. “If I wanted you to know it, I would’ve said it.” I turned on my heel and went to walk out.
“I understand you’ve only heard about me through Lloyd and he is very upset.” Misako started and I rolled my eyes, turning around again.
“Rightfully so.” I said and she just nodded.
“But it was to try and find a way around the final battle- see, I knew from his birth that he would be the green ninja. So I left him at that school to do everything I could to try and stop it.” She said and I narrowed my eyes.
“I’m not following.” I said and Misako sighed.
“I had to try to put a stop to all this.” Misako said and I nodded.
“No, I got that- I just don’t get why you’re telling me and not Lloyd why you left him.” I said and she came a little closer.
“I tried, he didn’t want to hear it.” Misako said and I ‘oh’d’.
“And you want me to try and talk to him?” I asked and she smiled.
“You are in his prophecies, helping him in any way.” That freaked me out. “You have to start playing your part.” She told me and now I was annoyed. Lloyd did not inherit a thing from this woman.
“Where is he, by the way?” I asked and Misako seemed to ease up, thank god. Except she was still sort of close to me.
“You think about him a lot, don’t you?” This felt creepy now. She reached out a hand to put on my shoulder and my arm glitched causing her hand to go through my body. When she retracted her hand and nodded to herself, I remained neutral. “He’s with the others and Wu in the dojo, training.” Misako said and I nodded.
“Okay. Thank you.” I said and sped out. I had no clue what was up with that woman but I was starting to think it was best Lloyd wasn’t raised by her. This whole place was weird and all the authoritative figures were eery and thoroughly made my skin crawl. Back down the long hallway I went, trying to ignore the fact Lloyd’s mother was apparently following me. She split into another room not long after and I thanked any spiritual being listening. I heard voices at one point and stopped at the open door. Actually none of these dojo rooms had doors. There I saw the 5 ninjas surrounding Lloyd who blindfolded.
“Don’t rely on your eyes, use your ears.” Earth said and they all suddenly drew their weapons and charged at Lloyd. I watched in silence as they fought. Lloyd expertly dodging and even disarming them at some points. It wasn’t until the blue one flew past me, into the hallway and onto the floor was I noticed.
“Oh, hey… I’m Jay by the way.” He said and raised his hand from where he was laying on the floor, I shook it and smiled. He was ginger and had a mass of freckles populating his skin that wasn’t as pale as expected from a ginger.
“Peach.” I said and he smiled.
“Nice to meet you!” Jay stood and nodded before jumping back in the fight. I watched as Lloyd wore them down and worked on not exhausting himself before lighting up his green elemental fire which apparently signalled that he had won or the fight was over? I don’t know. However, I tried not to jump when he suddenly turned to me. Sythe in hand and smirked.
“Hey Peaches.” Lloyd said and I tried not to give too physical a reaction. And he have to sound so smug.
“Good morning.” I said and he chuckled.
“Feels like mid afternoon with how early we got up.” Kai said, from where he was sitting on the floor.
“I hate to tell you, Peach, but I don’t think training is over yet so I can’t see you until Cole tells me I can take this off.” Lloyd said and I laughed.
“Shame, I woke up hotter than I was yesterday.” I told him and he whipped around to the others.
“Bro I could not care less-! Just use your stamina on something other than us at the moment! Got I hate not having my powers!” ‘Cole’ vented and I nodded. Lloyd bent his head down and I untied the blind fold. He let his eyes adjust before looking me over.
“Wow, you did.” He said and I shoved him.
“Lloyd has game. Who would’ve thought? Not me.” Kai said and before anyone could retaliate. The ground shook violently and Kai shot up. “I’m sorry, I won’t diss your grandson again!” Kai pleaded and I looked to Lloyd confused.
“That’s not my Grandad, he likes thunder. That’s an actual earthquake.” Lloyd said and I frowned.
“What the-?” I went to question but was shut up by another shake, more violent. Lloyd held on to me, instinctively and I held grabbed onto his arm.
“Okay, that’s not good.” Jay said and Cole smacked him.
“Thanks for stating the obvious!” He said, annoyed. How did Jay annoy him so easily? Lloyd rolled his eyes and turned on a TV I hadn’t even noticed was in here. That seemed dangerous. He sat on the floor and I joined him, following his lead as most the ninja were already on the floor due to exhaustion. The two elders came in not long after and started watching the news too.
“So it’s just earthquakes?” I asked after Gale went on about how the aftershocks were getting stronger.
“It’s never just earthquakes, there’s always something wanting to destroy ninjago behind it. Last time there were earthquakes, it was because the great devourer had become ninjago city’s new train service except the only way on was through the mouth and into its stomach.” Jay said and I nodded, quickly looking up at Lloyd who shook his head.
“What could it be then?” I asked and Lloyd shrugged.
“Anything from my father to a big evil dog a this rate.” He said and I smiled.
“Would’ve be surprised if it was Garmadon, we haven’t seen him for a while.” Kai said.
“He would never.” Misako said and I couldn’t hold back the frown. “Lloyd‘s father is evil, but he would never do anything to put his son in harm’s way.” She added and I looked up to Lloyd who took a deep breath, restraining himself.
“Misako’s right. He only tried to thwart his training. This is something else.” Wu said and Lloyd stood up, offering me a hand which I took as he lifted me up.
“But what is it?” Jay asked and it went quiet before Ice whistled and a bird came out of nowhere. I jumped at the sudden animal appearing.
“My friend. Be my eyes and ears in the streets from above.” He let the bird fly out the window and I stared up at Lloyd, confusion evident.
“Zane is a nindroid. That falcon is a robot.” He explained and I nodded.
“That’s really bad, we’ve gotta get out there and start helping people.” Cole said and I looked to Lloyd.
“Right.” Lloyd said and turned to me, I nodded.
“I think I need a time out anyway.” I said and Lloyd kissed me before pulling up the mask on his gi. “Do you want to go home?” He asked and I nodded. “Come on.”
🪺. *. ⋆
My dorm building was gone. I just watched it crumble to the ground. There was dust everywhere. My eyes burned from the haze of it. The whole building just collapsed after a particular harsh quake. I was on the other side of the road. It came down like it was made out of sticks. What if someone was still in there? I felt sick. I was glad it was the holidays. My ears were ringing too. I only just recognised the crying and screaming from someone next to me. A girl, not even 13.
“My friend-! She was- I don’t know if she got out!” She said when I turned to her and I held her. “When did you speak to her?” I asked and she shook her head.
“Not even 10 minutes ago-!”
“What floor?” I asked and she took a deep breath.
“5th.” Shit.
“Maybe… come on. We’ll go look for her.” I told her and soldiered in to the haze of dust and fresh debris. “What’s her name?” I asked and the girl was still shaking.
“Kaliyah.” She said and I nodded, before yelling the name. I waited for a moment before nothing. I yelled again and the little girl followed.
“Wait- what’s your name?” I asked and she looked up at me.
“Fiona.” She said and I smiled.
“Peach, we’re gonna find your friend.” I said and Fiona smiled gratefully.
🪺. *. ⋆
The ninja had just successfully pulled a woman out essentially a growing sinkhole. All Cole could say was how annoying her dog was as he panted on the floor. In the haste. Everyone had forgotten he no longer had his super strength and was using his raw natural strength and muscle to haul the 5 of them and a woman to safety. Safe to say, his arms felt like they were just ripped off him. The woman had run off and now they were just stood, looking around at the damage as the quakes continued.
“These things keep coming with no warning!” Kai said, trying to remain on two stable feet.
“That’s it! A warning!” Misako said, pulling out a scroll from her satchel. “The scrolls said the earthquakes would be a warning. A warning for something far worse to come.” She finished and Jay immediately spoke up.
“Far worse? What could be far worse?” He asked.
“Misako? The indestructible stone warrior we fought yesterday, where did you find him?” Cole asked and Lloyd’s eyes widened.
“The one Peach put in the ground?!” He asked and Misako responded.
“He was buried under the city.” She told him.
“You don’t think there’s more do you?” Jay asked, worriedly.
“Be on guard ninja. We must be ready for whatever comes our way.” Wu said.
“Uh- Lloyd…” Kai said, and Lloyd turned to see what he was staring at. He followed Kai’s gaze to the TV screen in a shop broadcasting the news, and on it was a crumbled building. It was expected with the quakes. What wasn’t, was the sign of a particular school and the disturbing title under it.
‘Emmer’s boarding school dormitories first building to fall in unexpected earthquakes, deaths and injuries unknown.’
“Shit- I gotta go-!” Lloyd said and started running.
“Go where?!” Jay yelled after him but Kai stopped him.
“Peach’s home has just been destroyed.” Kai filled in and Jay’s eyes widened from behind the mask.
🪺. *. ⋆
I had nothing. Literally nothing. It was all gone now. What the fuck? What do I do? The only thing I could do right now was look for this little girl.
“Kaliyah! Kali-“ I paused at the sound of a sob. It sounded breathless and strained. “Kaliyah?!” I asked again and I heard it, more urgent. I looked around in the direction I heard it and saw a little leg peeling out under some rumble. I gasped and immediately started lifting the bit of rubble on top of her. “Fiona-! I found her-!” I said and heard the girl yell and head my way. I used all my strength to get the first piece of rubble off and the desperate, immediate breath that the girl took broke my heart. She was bloodied and it took all my strength to not cry at the sight. Instead I worked and dislodging the debris that had trapped her arm.
“Kaliyah! Kal-!” Fiona yelled and held the other girl’s hand.
“Help me lift her up.” I said and Fiona helped me position her better in my arms as I was forced to carry her bridal style. “Call an ambulance, now!” I said and Fiona immediately pulled her phone out. “She’s barely breathing- it must’ve crushed her lungs..” I murmured to myself and set the girl down on the flat ground near the road. Another quake came rattling through the ground and I watched as the school itself came crashing down this time. “Cover your eyes!” I yelled and Fiona, even with being on the phone dropped to ground and covered herself. I used my own body to shield Kaliyah’s and thanks to Ninjago city’s top tier healthcare, we had no idea when this ambulance would turn up. Especially with the emergency currently happening. I felt as the cloud of dust and debris came rushing over us, fiercely. I fully covered the little girl and prayed she lived to not remember this and have a happy life. I opened my eyes to check on Fiona when an ember flew in my eyes and I cried out. It stung and I couldn’t open my eye as it burned through the socket. It probably didn’t but it felt like it. I heard sirens and silently thanked the gods above.
I felt numb as they took the girl away, I told Fiona to go with them. She was unsure but I nodded. It didn’t matter about me being alone and having nowhere to go because Lloyd appeared and rushed over to me. Immediately checking me over. I was probably covered in dust and debris and the odd cut.
“What the hell happened?!” He asked and I shrugged.
“My school and dorm collapsed and I just dug out a 12yr old from some rubble and had to dislodge part of a radiator from her arm so her lungs wouldn’t be considerably crushed. Oh by the way! I have nothing and am currently homeless.” I said and he shook his head.
“No you’re not… come live with me.” He said and I nodded.
“Can’t believe we’re already moving in together… can’t believe I almost died.” I said and he held me tighter.
“You’re safe now, okay?” He said and I just leant on him. “Peach? Y/n?” He asked when I didn’t respond and I just smiled.
“I think I’m gonna pass out…” I said and he shook his head and bent his head down to look at me.
“No, you’re not… not atleast until we’re out of here. Buildings keep falling around here.” Lloyd said and I smiled.
“Tell me about it.” I joked and he shook his head.
“C’mon… the stone warriors are going to be attacking soon- well they already are but more.” He told me and I frowned.
“The who?” I asked and Lloyd grabbed my hand, leading me back to ninjago city.
“Y’know that big live statue from yesterday?” He told me and my face dropped.
“And you’re taking me to it?!” I almost screeched.
“No! Everyone is being evacuated to the top of the news tower and then we’re going to use the bounty to evacuate as many as we can.” He added and I frowned.
“The bounty?! Lloyd- what’s going on?!” I asked and he didn’t stop running but briefly looked at me.
“We think the final battle is starting. The earthquakes are meant to be a warning according to my mother.” Lloyd said and I looked up at him.
“What the fuck…?” I questioned.
“My thoughts exactly.”
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ramspatula · 2 months
Zinnias | Lloyd Garmadon x reader | Part 4
The first time leads to a lot more.
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I woke up to light tapping on the window next to my bed. I turned to see Pearl all splayed out on her bed, snoring and fast asleep. Another tap made me whip my head back around to the window. I quickly sat up and peaked through the side of the blinds to see green. I let out a sigh of relief and banged on the window once to get him to stop. I quickly threw some shoes and a jacket on before climbing out the window.
“You scared the shit out of me, greenie.” I told him and he shrugged.
“Sorry, just thought you’d be awake.” He said and I rubbed my eyes. I didn’t check the time. I didn’t care.
“Well I am now, so tell me why you’re here before I go back to sleep.” I told him and he held his hands out before a pure ball of green energy was staring at me. I paused. “Uhm- wow-?!” I said, in shock, I went to touch it and-
“No-!” My hand went straight through the ball. I made the thing turn a mix of peach, purple and pink before it started acting hyper, like it was trying to glitch before it just burst and became green again.
“Did you just corrupt me?!” I asked and he stood in shock before the ball burst and disappeared.
“I- no one’s able to touch it- it’s pure energy-! It should’ve sent you flying-“ he rambled and I took a moment to notice how I’d heard Lloyd do the same when he was flustered. Lloyd was always up late. I’ll message him when Greenie leaves.
“It didn’t though, in fact, it tickled me.” I said and he laughed.
“Tickled?” He asked in disbelief. “It definitely didn’t tickle anyone who’s touched it before.” He said and I laughed.
“Did you come here to show me this, Greenie?” I asked and he did a so-so motion with his head. “Do you have no friends?” I asked, jokingly and he shoved me.
“I have friends.” He counter argued and I made a disbelieving expression. “I do-! Anyway-! I was just wondering if you wanted to train your powers!” He said and I frowned.
“Yes but- right now?!” I asked and he nodded.
“I don’t have much free time so I hope this is good for you too.” He said and I sighed.
“Yeah, it’s alright. Didn’t really like sleep that much anyway.” I told him and I heard him laugh a little. Familiar. Way too familiar. “The green ninja having green eyes is like the most on brand thing I’ve ever seen.” I told him and he laughed.
“You should see my wardrobe. Even when I’m not in this, I still wear green.” He told me and I laughed, Lloyd wore a lot of green. I swore sometimes I could hear Lloyd’s voice behind that mask.
“You’re a man, can I ask you something about men?” I said and he nodded.
“As me anything- apart from my name and all that.” He said and I smiled.
“What do guys do when they like you- like really like you?” I asked and he froze.
“Someone interested in you? Or vice versa?” He asked and I nodded.
“I mean I think he does. My best friend gets screwed over a lot, it’s hard to pick the worst from the best nowadays.” I said and he nodded in agreement.
“Okay, I’m up to speed now.” He said, more to himself, “Does he make you happy?” He asked and I shoved him.
“Yes! Very! Now tell me how a guy acts when he likes someone- like for real!” I said and he nodded, rather happily.
“I don’t need to tell you to know this guy likes you.” He said and I frowned.
“You know the guy I’m on about?” I asked and he nodded.
“Personal stalker, remember?” He said and I nodded.
“Have you stalked the guy?” I asked and he shrugged.
“Bit hard to do- Lloyd Garmadon right?” Greenie asked and I nodded, I couldn’t help the big smile that grew on my face.
“Yeah- and it is hard-! He has no socials!” I said and he laughed before covering my mouth as I rambled on.
“Enough man talk, training.” He reminded me and I smiled.
“Am I one of your bros now? You really have no friends do you?” I asked and he shoved me.
“You are not one of my ‘bros’- who even says that?!” He asked in outrage and I laughed.
“I don’t want to train.” I said as soon as he turned back around and I saw the way his eyes deadpanned as I sat myself down.
“How are you going to learn then?” He asked and I shrugged.
“Maybe my dreams will teach me.” I said and he sat next to me.
“You scared?” He asked and I looked at him.
“Maybe? Probably more of trying something new than anything else.” I said and he wrapped an arm around me.
“It’s okay, I’m here for a reason.” He said and I patted his arm.
“Thanks bro.” He playfully shoved me away from him.
“Last time I try to be nice-“
“Oh don’t be like that- Greenie- come back!”
🪺. *. ⋆
“You better not be trying to scare me!” I shouted at the vacant parking lot. I grew nearer to the forest as I looked around. “The green ninja is like my best friend so don’t-“
“What?!” I heard an amused voice say in shock before hugging me from behind. I turned in Lloyd’s hold to look up at him.
“Hey.” I said and he shook his head.
“Don’t ‘hey’ me- go back to the whole the green ninja is my best buddy thing-“ he said and I shook my head.
“Stop!” I said in embarrassment, trying to bury myself in his chest. “Okay- Okay! He saved me from some serpentines a few weeks ago and since I can’t keep out of trouble I’ve seen him a few times since but I promise you- we’re like this-“ I crossed my fingers “he’s more of a stalker than both of us combined.” I said and he laughed.
“I bet- so I’ve not got to worry about some ninja stealing you away?” He asked and I laughed.
“No, we’re just bros. I’m one of the green ninjas homeboys now-“ he laughed more and shook his head.
“You are so not-!” He said and I gasped in outrage.
“Okay-! Whatever- greenie may have said the same thing but- did you come from the forest?!” I suddenly realised and he paused.
“Maybe?” He said, sheepishly and I smiled.
“Do you live in the forest?” I asked and he shrugged.
“Kind of- well yes -but not like in a public area- my Uncle owns a boarding school and a lot of land- it’s complicated.” He said and I nodded as we started making our way through the forest.
“Uncle Wu?” I asked and he nodded.
“He got me up at 4:30 to clean the do- classrooms this morning as punishment.” He told me and I frowned.
“Punishment?” I asked and he nodded.
“Was out late last night, he didn’t appreciate not knowing where I was or what I was doing.” He told me and I nodded.
“I can see that- aren’t you 18?!” I suddenly asked, realising a legal adult was being punished like a 12 year old for staying out late.
“Yep.” He said, sounding like he had just accepted his fate. “I’d rather not argue with him though, he carries around this staff and he’s got an almighty swing with it- I can still feel where he got me round the head a few days ago.” He said and turned his head and held the back of his head. We soon made it to a clearing that had a dead campfire and a few benches around it that were just logs.
“What did you do?” I asked and he smirked.
“Wasn’t focusing, had someone else on my mind.” He said as I sat next to him.
“Oh…” I said and he smiled as he wrapped an arm around me, I leant against his shoulder. “I’m really cold.” I admitted and he smiled before holding me tighter- since when was he so warm?! “You are so warm.” I said and he laughed before his phone went off and his face dropped. He began messaging quickly and I looked up at him worriedly, I couldn’t see his phone.
“Shit.” He cursed and I frowned.
“What’s wrong?” I asked and he closed his eyes briefly in frustration, before rubbing his temples.
“My Dad is trying to attack the city again, he has this stupid mega-weapon-“ Lloyd told me and I cut him off.
“Do you have to go?” I ask and he sighed.
“I don’t want to, I’m trying to not. My Dads kind of on this thing at the moment where he wants his son back but of course that’s not happening and my Uncle doesn’t like me being openly available for him to take at any minute.” He told me and I nodded.
“Sounds like your Uncle actually cares about you.” I said and he nodded. “Maybe you should go, the only thing I can offer is a dorm room and if we go there you’d have to talk to Pearl and that’s an experience I don’t think anyone is ready for.” I said and he smiled.
“I couldn’t leave you out here anyway.” Lloyd told me and I smiled.
“Lloyd, don’t risk yourself for me.” I told him and he frowned. “Listen, I’m sure if anything happens the ninja will be there and if they’re there then Green will be and he is my personal stalker- not to mention. I can take care of myself, big guy.” I said and he smiled.
“Okay, but I’m walking you home.” He said and I shook my head.
“It’s a 10 minute walk, I’ll be fine. And if your Dad shows up I have one of those TikTok’s for when you think a creepy guy is following you-“ he burst out laughed causing me to laugh too. He dipped down to kiss me and I let him, for a long time. I also let it progress until his tongue was in my mouth, sloppily. It seemed we were both inexperienced. I held his face as he carried on. A sudden crackle and the overwhelming feeling of sudden warmth made us break apart as the campfire was now held a raging fire. I held onto Lloyd in shock who did not look impressed.
“Shit…” He said and helped me, in my shocked state, to stand.
“Did fire just drop from the sky?!” I asked and looked up and he shook his head.
“No, that was the fire ninja.” He told me and I frowned. “That was his sign of telling my ass to get in gear.” Lloyd said and I let out a perplexed laugh.
“I think I’m going to pass out-“ I said and he just smiled. “-How are we supposed to put that out-? Forest fires and all-“ a sudden blob of water fell down on the fire.
“And that’s the water ninja telling me to hurry.” He said and I shoved him, playfully before quickly kissing him again. Another splash of water- “Okay! Okay-! Let a guy say goodbye to his- they have no patience.” He said and I smiled at the slip up.
“See you later, Lloyd.” I said before making my way out the forest and home.
“I’ve only met her once! I knew her briefly-!” A voice called mockingly from above in the trees.
“Shut-!” He warned as his gi was dropped in his hands.
“Sorry- did we ruin your hook up, green boy?” Another voice called, a whinier one, Kai.
“I really don’t like you guys sometimes.” Lloyd told the two siblings who shrugged him off.
“I don’t like your Dad destroying my home but he’s still trying to do it so let’s go!” Kai yelled before running off and Lloyd quickly threw on the Gi.
🪺. *. ⋆
When I got home, I turned to see the dorm room a mess. Pearl’s clothes- and mine- were thrown across the room. Said girl was rushing around and searching frantically. I closed the door loudly making her turn.
“I’m guessing there’s a good reason the doom room looks like a bomb has gone off- you know Garmadon is attacking as we speak?” I said and she rolled her eyes.
“He attacks like every other day-! I don’t care anymore.” She answered and I smiled.
“What’s your opinion on him? Like his family and stuff?” I asked and she frowned.
“I couldn’t care less.” She said and I smiled. “Where is your big winter coat? The one you got for Christmas a couple years ago?!” She asked and I frowned.
“Good, because I’m dating his son.” I said, walking over to the pegs with multiple coats on.
“His son?!” I grabbed the coat from underneath the others and handed it to her.
“I got this when I was 14, I don’t know if it’ll fit?” I said and she grabbed it.
“It was too big at the time anyway but- his son?!” She asked and I nodded.
“Lloyd Garmadon.” I said and Pearl froze. “What can I say? Why do you need my coat anyway?” I asked and she shook her head in disbelief.
“Because my Nan is taking me on holiday up north for two weeks and- what?! Lloyd Garmadon?” She asked again and I nodded.
“Went on our first date a week ago.” I said and she was still in shock.
“Why didn’t you tell me?!” She practically yelled and I deadpanned.
“Because you and macho boy were raw dogging in your bed when I got home.” I said and she looked disgusted. Imagine how I felt.
“Don’t call Kai that- and no-! If he comes here during the two weeks just tell him I’m not here and that there’s no signal where I’m going- if he calls me I will catch feelings.” Pearl told me and I rolled my eyes.
“Why do I always have to kick them out?” I questioned and she shrugged before packing- I did notice some of my clothes being packed too.
“She’s picking me up in an hour and I don’t know how much to pack!” She worried and I rolled my eyes before fetching my suitcase from under my bed, wiping the dust and helping her pack. She looked at me in thanks before sorting her makeup out. I grabbed my phone quickly whilst she was busy throwing all her makeup into her makeup bag.
‘I’ve got an empty dorm for the next 2 weeks’ -sent 4:03pm read 04:04pm
‘Come over?’ -read 4:04pm
‘I can’t tonight but definitely tomorrow :)’ -sent 4:06pm
‘See you then’ - read 4:09pm
🪺. *. ⋆
Lloyd quickly threw himself behind the building he was fighting next to as a random blast from his father’s weapon almost stunned him.
“You may have grown, green ninja, but I am still stronger. You don’t want to fight me, give in, I’m not afraid to admit I don’t want to fight you either!” His father admitted and he tried not to let the words hit him too hard. It was true. On both ends. A horrible twist of fate to make a man fight his son and a boy fight his father. However, Lloyd knew he was fate’s soldier and to give in would never make his father good or give him back the years of fatherhood his Dad has missed. It wouldn’t make up for the years Lloyd had dreamed that his father would walk into his school, tell him how much he loved him and everything they’d do together. This man couldn’t be a father, no matter how much he wanted to. The evil in his veins forbade him to put anything above his desire to destroy. And to be a father, is to put your child, your family, above any and everything. Thats why he would never forgive his mother either. With that thought in mind, a charged green energy blast made its way into the serpentine surrounding his father. Serpentine. His fault but he let go of that thought after seeing how they tried to mug Y/n, over cake and tea?
Y/n. The one thing Lloyd could truly focus on, despite the impending final battle and the prophecy of the Green Ninja being held over his head and life every two minutes. She didn’t know. She didn’t care. She liked him. Actually liked him. The name ‘Garmadon’ meant as much to her as a missing poster. You stop to read it, feel a little bad about it and then move on with your life. She was refreshing. What he needed. No one really understood that. That he needed her. That he obsessed over. He couldn’t sleep until he knew there was no one looming around her dorms, no one was following her home. Nothing happening couldn’t put her in danger. She consumed his mind. Effortlessly throwing away his worries and stresses with a smile. And she was like him. Her powers were unheard of, desired but she didn’t want them. She didn’t like them. Like he hated his. But without them, he wouldn’t be able to teach her how to live with them so even with just being her- she was making him like himself again. He made her happy. Happy enough to talk about him to others freely, not caring for their opinion. Thinking about her made it easy to beat the shit out of serpentine because she wasn’t the distraction. She was the motivation. The sooner they were over with, the sooner he could see her again. Was it normal to feel this way about someone? He hated Kai for ruining their moment earlier. He didn’t understand. Kai hadn’t ever wanted a relationship with someone. He hadn’t ever needed someone. Not like Lloyd needs Y/n. He- he…
He needs to talk to his uncle.
This isn’t normal. This has to be from his Dad’s genes. Some evil in his blood that has corrupted his emotions into making him feel so overly possessive and temperamental over someone he’s known for a month? They’ve been dating a week, kissed a lot and talked endlessly. She already trusted him enough to fall asleep on him on the first date, in that car, TV girl playing in the background. This wasn’t normal.
“You’re distracted son.” His father’s voice rang out. He was practically behind him, behind the seemingly taunting tone, a concerned father could be seen from a certain angle. Lloyd almost believed his father could actually help him, answer for why he is this way but then he remembered that the man before him chose power over him. No matter how much he loves his son, he’ll never be able to show it. He’d just continue to pour his baggage into Lloyd and leave again and again and again until there was no more of Lloyd for him to ruin or take.
“You ruined me.” Lloyd spat out before setting the floor on fire, making Garmadon step back. As the other ninja jumped in. He was told to avoid fighting his father as it could prematurely start the final battle. How he’d love for this all to be over.
It was over. Not it all. The final battle hadn’t happened. His father had just retreated and set to prepare to come back another day to try and ruin the city.
“Good work, everybody- Green!” Lloyd looked up to Cole who patted him on the back.
“Good job, not engaging with him. It takes a lot of strength just to evade attacks rather than just get it over with there and then. There’s a place and time for it and we can’t decide it. I’m proud of you, kid.” Lloyd didn’t respond, just nodding. Cole went on but Lloyd wasn’t focusing. “-Let’s go home!” The ninja cheered but Lloyd couldn’t calm down. Garmadon had ruined him. And he will never forgive him for that.
🪺. *. ⋆
I was bored. Living in a dorm alone was boring. You had no one to talk to. There’s only so many times I can scroll through my Instagram feed and TikTok before I get bored again. I stared at Lloyd’s contact, wanting to call him, just talk to him. I think about him way too much. What he’s doing. If he’s okay. If he likes me? If he thinks as much about me as I do about him? I think about him so much all I see when the Green Ninja talks to me is Lloyd Garmadon some times. Maybe I view him as some sort of hero for myself. My knight in shining armour. Although, Greenie himself was a charmer. Nice guy, caring. Like Lloyd. If I could see his face, I’d probably fall hopelessly in love. Give him the same look I give Lloyd- just Lloyd. He had me in some sort of mind- chokehold. Within a month he had me totally enthralled with him. I didn’t know what to make of myself anymore. TV girl was playing through the speaker, quietly. I threw my phone away and laid down. Bringing my hands to my head. The light tapping on the window had me smiling, I could use company.
“Hey bro- Lloyd?!” I said in shock and he smiled, sheepishly and I laughed in shock. Opening the window fully for him to climb in and he did, shutting the window behind him like a true gentleman. “I thought you couldn’t come!” I said in shock and he smiled.
“Change of plans- that and I was really upset about earlier.” He admitted and I smiled.
“Me too, big guy.” I said and he smiled before dipping down to kiss me and I let him.
It didn’t take long for me to end up below him as he worked down my neck, sloppily, there was no rhythm in his movements but just him had my toes curling on a daily basis so experience didn’t matter, not that I had much if any either. He paused and I let out a disapproving noise.
“What’s wrong?! Is everything okay?” I asked sitting up and he shook his head.
“Yes! Very! I just- I just want to make sure we’re on the same page here and I have no clue what I’m doing- I’ve never had sex before-“ he admitted and I cut him off by kissing him.
“It’s okay, I’m totally clueless too. We don’t have to do anything- I like you, Lloyd.” I finally said it and he looked up at me. “You’re everything I’ve ever wanted in another person. I want to be with you, I want something good to come from this. So if you don’t want to anything- I don’t mind! I’m happy just being with you.” I noticed the tears in his eyes and I swallowed my own.
“I like you too, a lot. An overwhelming amount. I’ve never felt so- strongly before. I don’t know what this is or if it’s normal but I want to do this, I just don’t want to leave you high and dry.” He told me and I smiled, taking my shirt off and his eyes widened.
“You won’t.” I promised and he frowned.
“How can you be sure?” He asked and I smiled.
“I’ll teach you- can I?” I asked and he nodded. I took his shirt off and discarded my own pyjama bottoms off. I tugged on his waistband lightly, “You’ll want these off.” I told him and he took his pants off, leaving him in just his underwear too.
“Teach me.” He told me and I smiled. I took his hand and brought it down until it was flush against my underwear and already applying pressure, I positioned his finger on my clit.
“Press a little harder.” I told him and he put more force into his hold onto my clit. His hand felt secure and his hold felt confident as his other fingers rested near my vagina. “Start making like circle motions, keep the pressure, don’t ever loosen it.” I told him and he nodded.
“Like this?” He asked and I couldn’t help the sharp intake of breath at the unfamiliar touch and I nodded as he continued and I held tighter onto him.
“You’re already good at this-“ I said in disbelief as he pressed a little harder on a certain area. “There- there-!” I said quickly and he pressed harder, making side to side motions there and I gasped and couldn’t help the way my body almost started convulsing but it wasn’t enough. I quickly sat back again and threw off my underwear. “I need more.” I told him and he continued pushing me onto my back as he started again from where he left off, this time kissing me too, making his way down my neck like he had before. Skin to skin. I’d never felt more alive. He suddenly stopped kissing me and rested his head next to me as the hand holding him up dipped down and I though he was going to start getting himself off too before I felt a finger teasing around my whole.
“I gotta stretch you too, right?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yeah! Yeah! Thats right, I-“ I felt the finger slowly starting to slide inside me and I gasped and the insane pressure build up. “Lloyd-“ I almost screamed when the second one came in prematurely. “Slow down-! This- this bit hurts.” I admitted and he took the second finger out and I breathed in relief. “Work the first one in a few times before adding the next- your fingers are bigger than mine.” I guided him and he nodded.
“Okay!” He said and did as taught. I cried as I almost came close to relief when he loosened a little on my clit before doing it again. His finger curled a little up when he began fingering me again and my back arched as I actually moaned.
“Add the second!” I told him as he did, slowly working the second one in and when he finally did he began the same motion with the second and I practically cried out. “You know what scissoring is, right?” I questioned.
“Yep.” He said before doing it to prove it. “I wanna see you cum.” He told me and I breathed out shakily.
“Go a little faster.” I told him and he did and it took me all of 30 seconds to climax. I dug my nails into his back as my body arched into his chest. I cried out and fell back down before I laid slack. Taking deep breaths. He stopped and took his fingers out. “Your turn.” I said and he laughed.
“You sure you’re good to go?” Lloyd asked and I nodded.
“I’m gonna be a pillow princess, if that’s okay?” I said and he nodded before kissing my cheek quickly and discarding his boxers. I looked down at the thing about to go inside me. I was in trouble.
“You alright?” He asked and I rolled my eyes and chucked the bottle of lotion we’d be now using as lube. He laughed and poured some into his hand before coating himself.
“Quick before I loosen up.” I told him and he laughed before putting go my legs either side of his waist and I spread them as far as I could to try and accommodate him. I was relieved he kept me in missionary, I wanted to see his face. When I felt how he slowly started pushing into me, I gritted my teeth. It burned. I wasn’t expecting it to burn so much. I hissed and he paused, I shook my head. “Just get it in, don’t stop. Give me a minute to get used to it and then go for it.” I told him and he nodded, kissing me again, soothing me as he bottomed out and I tried not to cry. After a few minutes the burn lessened and I felt less intruded on. I held onto him as I gave him the word to continue.
“Let me know if you want to stop, okay?” He said and I nodded.
“I will, I’m okay. You can move.” I told him and he did. He started off slow before he started chasing his own climax. And God could he move fast and hard. He adjusted his own position which gave him a lot more power in his thrusts. My body arched again at the feeling. My stomach felt as if there was something tying up in it and when I pressed down on my stomach I could feel where he was inside me. He really bulged through my stomach and the added pressure made him groan.
“Fuck.” He cursed and I held onto his neck, his eyes snapped up to mine. “Look at me.” He told me and I did, my eyes drifting to his and his movements sped up more somehow. “So fucking beautiful, Peaches.” He swore and bit down on my collarbone. I gasped at his teeth actually breaking my skin before giggling at his antics and this identified kink? I bit on his shoulder briefly to test it out but he has already paused his movements and I felt it. Warmth. Warmth where I’d be never felt so warm before. And it came in spurts. I jolted in sudden realisation. He wasn’t wearing a condom.
“You’re safe, right?” I asked and he blinked in confusion. Stuck in his own satisfied haze. “We didn’t use a condom.” I said and he seemed to catch on.
“I think so? I’ve never done this before.” He added and I smiled.
“I’ll take the risk…” I sighed. “Tomorrow’s problem.” I said as he settled next to me, putting his boxers back on as I unclipped my bra and threw his T-shirt on and put my underwear back on. The twin-bed couldn’t really fit us both but he seemed content letting my rest half on his chest.
“Good I’m tired.” He answered and I laughed.
“You not gonna get a dead arm or something?” I asked and he laughed.
“No… you’re like nothing for me. Practically a feather, Peach.” He told me and I smiled, laying back down as he began playing with my hair.
Lloyd wouldn’t admit how his head had cleared after being so close with Y/n. He wouldn’t admit how much relief he felt when he bit her. Was that some unknown kink of his? Maybe. He couldn’t stop staring at the corner of the bite peeking through the collar of his shirt on her body. She had fell asleep not long after they had settled and he wasn’t far off. There was a looming thought in the back of his head that he should head back to the monastery but he couldn’t. Not yet. He doesn’t think he can leave anyway. It would be wrong. It’d upset Y/n and he doesn’t want to leave. He heard the vibration of his discarded phone against the bedside table and grabbed it.
Cole Brookstone
‘Good work everyone, Wu put us on a late training tomorrow, so don’t wake me up before 10, we earned this ;)’ -sent 8:47pm
Lloyd sighed and put his phone back down. He was a liar. Two faced. Literally. He was deceiving Y/n, letting her believe she had this friend to rely on in the green ninja and a boyfriend to treat her well in Lloyd. He hadn’t even asked her to be his girlfriend. She didn’t deserve him. He had nothing good to give her except emotional baggage and a permanent target on her back. Was this really how he was going to let her live just for liking him? Should someone have to pay that price for a relationship? Not for someone like him. She didn’t know about his age either. His literal age not actual age. He may have skipped a few years and completely developed. He wasn’t 14. His body wasn’t 14 and neither was his mind. That was the problem with that aging tea. It made anyone who had drank it or in this case been consumed by it, age to adulthood. Lloyd’s body was done aging and he had to shave so often, he already had thick stubble. How do you explain to someone that you’ve been alive for 14 years but you are not 14? With that thought in mind he decided to actually try to get some sleep before he’s back to waking up at 4:30 everyday again.
I always hated when the sun woke me up. The shitty dorm blinds did nothing to block the sun and I groaned and tried to turn over, only to realise I was laying on a grown ass man. He face looked like porcelain in the sun, his hair actually glowed a golden colour and I smiled to myself before kissing the underside of his jaw. I leant back down to lay on his chest again but he began shuffling. I sat back up to stare at him and he stared at me for a moment as he came back to consciousness. His eyes were red. Like a blood red. My mouth opened slightly and he smiled before sitting up and taking me with him. I laughed a little as he sleepily trapped me between his arms. I looked back up at his face to see his eyes again and they were still red. Didn’t the green ninja maybe have red eyes. No. They were green. But so were Lloyd’s. Well, one does have an evil overlord as their father with red eyes and 4 arms.
“What’s the time?” He asked me, taking me out my thoughts and I shrugged.
“I don’t know, I haven’t looked yet. I don’t even think I charged my phone last night. I’m probably on like 3%.” I joked and he smiled, checking his.
“Beat you, 2%.” He told me and I laughed, before his smile dimmed into a frown.
“What’s wrong?” I asked and his frown didn’t disappear.
“It seems my sister- Nya- and brother- Zane- have noticed that I’m not at the monastery and are moments away from telling my uncle if I don’t respond- it’s also 8:03, on the dot, literally just changed.” He told me and I smiled, standing up to get dressed.
“Are they worried you’re gonna get lost in a ditch or something?” I asked and he laughed breathlessly.
“No it’s because they can’t help treating me like a kid.” He said and chucked his phone to the side after sending a quick message. “I get these messages all the time whenever I’m away.” He added and I looked at his phone as a new message came through. I didn’t mean to read the message but when I saw the number 14, it was hard to focus on anything else.
Nya Smith
‘I don’t care if you say and have the body and mind of an 18yr old, you’ve only been alive for 14 years and we can tell because you don’t know how to message to say you’re going somewhere???’ -sent 8:04pm
‘It’s cool that you get an en-suite bathroom in your final year, I don’t think I could’ve gotten away with going into the communal bathrooms.” Lloyd joked but I didn’t even look at him.
“I don’t know, you could probably get away with it. All the 14 year olds here have to use it.” I said and he froze.
“I’m not 14.” He said and I shook my head.
“Really?” I asked and he nodded. “I don’t know if you know how age works, Lloyd, but if you’ve been alive for 14 years it makes you 14!” I said and shoved his phone in his hands. He took one look at it and his eyes widened.
“No-!” He quickly stammered and I nodded.
“So you lied to me?!” I said and he stood, frozen in shock.
“Not fully-!” He tried to argue and I gasped.
“You think you stopped growing-?! That doesn’t make you 18- oh my god- 14 year olds can’t give actual consent.” I said and held onto my own chest.
“No, I’m not 14– not- not physically, not mentally, not emotionally- listen, my Dad a few months ago-“ He started and I scoffed.
“Stop it.” I said, not wanting to hear his lies again.
“No- please- listen-!” He begged and grabbed my hands to which I snatched them away but didn’t move away, just glared up at him as I crossed my arms. “Thank you… a few months ago, my Dad used his mega-weapon to make the bones of a grundle de-age and have a thirst for ninja blood. The ninja tried to stop him but got reversed back to childhood in doing so.” He told me and I frowned.
“What the hell does this have to do with you?” I asked, through teary eyes and his eyes lit up, like he was glad I was actually listening.
“The ninja ended up in the comic store I used to hang out in because he lets you read comics without paying for them, you just couldn’t leave with them- anyway - the ninja come in, but they’re children so no one is listening to them. They took these tiny children’s ninja costumes and these light sticks to try and fight the grundle because in the grundle comic, it gets defeated with these light stick things. But of course they’re plastic so it doesn’t work. The only hope was to age back up the grundle and obviously the ninja too. There was this magic tea thing that could sped up an aging process which made this smoke actually but their sensei couldn’t hand it to the ninja in time and it landed right next to me. So I used it. It aged up the ninja back to adults and the grundle back to bones but- I got caught in the crossfire. Physically, I’ve reached full adulthood so older than 18 but mentally and emotionally I’m around the age of 18-21 but we went with 18 because it was the youngest we could go, we did so many tests and everything- I can literally go home and get them-“
“If you weren’t you I’d call bullshit and never talk to you again.” I said and he frowned. “Is this why daddy dearest wants you so desperately, not that you’re a fully grown adult?” I asked and he sighed.
“My Dad is an awful man, but he loves his son. He didn’t take me with him when left 2 years ago because he believed my Uncle would keep me away from all of my Dad’s life and everything- ‘give me a chance’ in his words -and when he found out I had been aged up and was now an adult… it hit him hard. He’s got this crazy guilt that he made me look like a monster and now he’s taken my childhood away from me because of the pure evil he can’t get rid of.” Lloyd said and my eyes widened. “And well, my Dad already missed 10 years of my life so finding out I was now an adult and he had missed even more time made him more insane. He’s now talking about he can only have his family in ‘his image’ and how my Uncle has no right to keep a son from their father- it’s weird.” I paused for a moment, jaw left open in my speechless state, before turning and holding a hand up as if to push him away.
“I can’t- what?!” I said more to myself than anyone. “So you’re 18?” I asked and he nodded. “But 14 also?” He shook his head.
“The laws of time are very complicated, my body experienced aging and my brain developed the same- I’m a biologists best gift.” He said and I shook my head.
“I want those tests.” I said he nodded.
“Of course.” Lloyd nodded and tested out coming closer. I shook my head, just taking his hand and holding it from a distance and he let me.
“You understand that you come with a lot, right?” I asked and he nodded. “This is a really big decision for me, Lloyd. I’m only now learning and realising a lot of things and trust! Trust is a big thing.” I said and he nodded, letting me say my peace. “Last night, I felt safe with you, I felt cared for. I was vulnerable and I exposed myself to you and I’ve never done that before. I really like you, Lloyd, but you can’t hold it against me if I can’t handle everything you come with or don’t react so casually or calmly.” I told him and he nodded.
“I like you too- I’ve never done that either. I want to be with you.” He told me and it was my turn to nod. “I don’t want to hurt you. If anything I want to protect you- I’m sorry- for all of this baggage I come with. You don’t have to carry any of it.” Lloyd said and I shook my head moving closer to hold his other hand.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault someone else ruined you. Someone ruined me too.” I told him and he smiled leaning his forehead on mine.
“Why does everything you say sound like it belongs in a scripture.” He told me and I smiled.
“I think I read too much.” I said and he just tiredly leant more on me. Still not letting go of my hands. He suddenly pulled back with a sudden frown and my eyes widened in confusion as I looked back from the door to him. My face replicated his as I went to ask what was wrong…
A sudden knock made me jump out my skin. Did he seriously hear someone coming?!
“You’ll never guess who’s got a free morning! I was thinking we get it on and then see if the burger place near the south end has started serving yet-!” Lloyd turned to me as the man continued.
“Are you kidding me?!” He asked, angry, letting go of our hands and I frowned. “What the fuck is that?!” Lloyd asked and I stuttered a moment before shoving me and ripping the door open.
“Hey baby, I was thinking we push the beds against each other again, Peach didn’t notice last time- Peach! I didn’t know you were here- I thought you had that group thing today and every week on this day too- that’s what Pearl said.” He elaborated and I rolled my eyes.
“Pearl isn’t here, Kai.” I said, bluntly and he faltered.
“What?! But- where did she go?!” He asked and I shrugged.
“Away, holiday, her Nan took her. She’s alright.” I said and he paused.
“I- I can’t- is there somewhere else in there?! Because I know we’re not exclusive and I can smell a different cologne to mine.” Kai said and I shook my head.
“No-! No one is here, just me.” I said and he frowned.
“Was someone here? That’s a good bite mark on you-“ I slammed the door in his face. “-no! I’m sorry! Peach, c’mon!” I ripped open the door again.
“Fuck you, Kai, leave before I call campus security.” I watched as he sighed and turned around. “And your hair looks shit!” I finished off before slamming the door again.
“Kai?!” Lloyd asked and I held my head in my hands as I slid down the door.
“He’s the worst one of Pearl’s fuck-buddies.” I said. “That’s the easiest he’s ever left before, though. Normally begs to see Pearl and she has a schedule of who she wants to be with and when their turn is so of course I have to get them to leave- and she’s never even here when they want her!” I ranted. “Fuck him.” I said and Lloyd all of a sudden let out the loudest laugh ever, it made me jump.
“That was my brother, Peach!” I froze and he laughed more. “My brother, Kai, that was him!” He said and I couldn’t move.
“Well he’s a massive dick!” I said and he nodded.
“He is, you’re not wrong.” Lloyd agreed.
“I’ve already had a horrible day and it’s not even 9am.” I said.
“Good morning.” He said and knelt in front of me.
“I’ve known you for a month and I think I’m already falling in love with you.” I said and he smiled. “That’s not normal, is it?”
“I don’t care, I don’t think I’ve ever been excited to live before.” Lloyd said and I melted. Tears pooling out. “Oh, don’t cry- no I’m sorry! You mean nothing to me- you have no effect on me! I don’t think about you every waking moment-!” He said and I laughed, moving onto my knees to hug him in our positions on the floor and he placed his knees on the floor in place of his squatting position.
🪺. *. ⋆
It was fair to say that Lloyd didn’t feel overjoyed to see his whole team family waiting for him when he walked through the monastery doors. He simply shrugged off his coat, put it on the over-filled coat rack and turned around to face them. They said nothing, only glaring with stern faces and positions. He nodded and went to walk past them only to be stopped by Cole.
“No! You don’t get to just walk by after disappearing for the night and morning.” He grabbed Lloyd’s shoulders. He hasn’t seen the man this distressed about something in a while. “Where the hell have you been?!” Cole almost screamed and Lloyd cringed. His super-hearing not being helpful when a grown man was whining in his ear.
“What happened to not treating him like a child?” Jay asked and Cole shoved him away, earning a yelp, staring straight back at Lloyd.
“I don’t care, he clearly still can’t take of himself!”Cole said and Cole was known to be more of a motherhen over the team. Making sure everyone had breaks and was doing okay, was eating well and wasn’t too tired. Kai thinks it’s his internal guilt for watching his mother pass and his father deteriorate and not be able to do anything. That’s really sad now that Lloyd thinks about it.
“I’m fine- was fine! I have a life too!” He said shrugging Cole off. Trying to get to his room without harassment, his back kept stinging and he wanted this t-shirt and material off it.
“We were worried about you, Lloyd! Not even a message to say you were staying somewhere else!” Jay yelled as they neared Lloyd’s room. They were really following him.
“Didn’t think I’d have to and I was busy.” He said, entering his room and going to closet to try and find a less rough shirt.
“Busy-?!” Kai asked, and Lloyd nodded.
“Yes, busy! I’m not just a ninja!” He exclaimed, tired of them following him and ripping off his shirt, he heard a gasp and turned around to see their shocked faces.
“You sure were busy.” Jay said and Lloyd frowned.
“What?” He asked, unaware of what was on his back. He turned towards his mirror to see the raw, deep scratches down his back and a sort of hickey/ bite on his shoulder where Y/n had imitated him biting her and it would’ve tipped him over the edge if he wasn’t already there. Thats why his back was stinging. How did he not see that this morning? “Damn you, Peaches.” He murmured to himself, away from the Ninja ears at his doors.
“Who did you fuck?! A bear?!” Kai asked and Lloyd laughed, shaking his head in amusement.
“Sick bastard. He likes getting mauled!” Cole said and Lloyd just smiled.
“So what if I do?” Lloyd said, making the other ninja pause in shock.
“Zane hold me.” Kai said, and the ice ninja did as ordered. Holding the over dramatic ninja in his arms until he cooled down- if that was possible.
“Lloyd had sex, Lloyd has sex-“ Jay repeated and Lloyd frowned.
“Let’s not repeat that to the whole world, okay?” Lloyd said and Jay nodded. Walking away.
“You broke Jay.” Nya informed and he nodded, rubbing his temples. He picked up his phone to message Y/n, ignoring the other ninja’s comments towards him.
‘You left my back looking like a bear had attacked me’ read 12.07pm
‘My family is freaking out.’ read 12.07
Peaches is typing…
I looked a mess. My lips were puffy, even after a shower to cool my body down I felt red hot. The bite mark on my neck was deep. I had to put a cold towel on it for a while before I pressed a little and a load of blood came through my skin. I gasped and had to put a bandage on it. I hoped it would heal okay. I’m not really sure about I feel about a bite mark scar on my neck for my whole life. I was stood in the mirror, just in my underwear before turning around to look at myself from the back and not only gasped but jumped. The back of my thighs were bruised. They were bruised black. I took a picture and sent it to Lloyd.
‘I can rival your back scratches.’ read 12:10pm
*pic. attached*
Lloyd is typing…
“Who the hell could you be messaging at this time?!” Kai asked and Lloyd ignored him. How the hell did he do that?!
“Can I borrow Zane? My back stings?” Lloyd asked instead and Zane immediately left Kai to go run his natural freezing cold hands over Lloyd’s back. Lloyd sighed in relief.
“I believe you’ll need some ointment for this.” Zane said and Lloyd shook his head.
“It’ll go away, soon enough.” It did not.
It didn’t because that night he was back fucking Peach. And the next. And the one after that. Just gentler than the first time.
“Oh my god- let me get you off-“ I went to sit up, he just ate me out for the first time and I was panting. He pushed me back down with one hand before diving back between my legs. He had his hands gripping on my thighs- well one keeping me down by the stomach. He had a thing where he wouldn’t let me touch him and he had to always get me off first before fucking. He learnt what aftercare was and now I’m like a patient after sex.
“I get off from you alone.” Lloyd said and I gasped as he sucked on my clit. “Plus, I really like this.” Lloyd said and I smiled. And when I came again, he let me sit up and kissed me, until we both couldn’t breathe and I ended up on his lap.
“I really want to suck you off.” I said with a smile but his face changed. “What- is that not okay?” I asked and he cleared his throat.
“No it is but- I don’t know- I feel guilty Peach. Whenever, we focus on me you get hurt.” He said and my face dropped.
“Lloyd! I don’t-“ He cut me off.
“You do! Your thighs- your neck-! Multiple times-! I don’t know how to not do that-“ I held his face.
“I have an idea- you teach me.” I said and his eyes widened. I slid off his lap and took off his boxers, I slid to the floor. I took his dick in my hand and looked up for guidance. Something changed in his eyes. He looked almost scary from this position, powerful. And it turned me on.
“Loosen your grip- fuck your hands are softer than mine.” He said and I smiled. “Now move up and down, gently- slowly- fuck you might need both hands.” He said and I put both on, one under the other on his base and he groaned. Loudly. I started moving up and down but testing out doing so with twisting my hands and he threw his head back. We went on like that for a minute before he leant forward and grabbed the back of my head, gently. “Here is where you tell me if you’re hurt okay? Just tap my thigh.” He told me and I nodded. “Open your mouth.” And I did, he used his own hand to move his dick to lay on my lips. “Suck and work your way down.” He told me and I did, I kissed and licked the tip first before taking more and more. He was groaning and grunting like a mad man and his hips twitched, wanting to thrust up into my mouth. “Teeth, Y/n.” He warned me and whined and the tug at the back of my hair. This side of Lloyd was deadly arousing and authoritative. I pushed as much down as I could suddenly, until I gagged but I kept it there for a moment before shoving more down, letting my throat get used to the sensation every time as when I got to the base of his dick, breathing frantically out my nose I could feel his smirk as my nose nestled in his pubes. That’s when he took control, moving my head up and down his cock. I just had to focus on keeping my mouth open wide enough and my jaw did ache. “You’re so fucking good.” He said suddenly and I whined. Not being able to say anything else. I tried to grind on nothing and he noticed, sticking his food below in between my things and I immediately started rocking myself on his leg. “Of course, this turns you on as well.” He said and I hummed, the vibrations causing him to groan again. “You were made for me, in every fucking way, you were always meant for me. You belong to me.” He suddenly said before cumming in my mouth unexpectedly. I whined but refused to take his cock out my mouth even as it slowly went limp. I leant my head on his thigh as we came down from our high. “Peach, you can let go now.” He said and I held onto his thigh some more. I didn’t want to let go. That was so much. I felt safe here. I didn’t want to move. I’d never seen Lloyd like that before. I’ve never realised how much stronger he is than me before. I wanted to stay down here, holding him, feeling like I was everything to him. “Y/n?” He asked again and tears started pouring out my eyes but I still held onto him. I shook my head when he went to pull me off but he did anyway and I almost whimpered. He lifted me off the floor and into his lap. “What’s all this about?” He asked, both my legs on the side of his and my head in the crook of his neck as he held me so protectively. We stayed in silence as he rocked me and held me so protectively. I’d never felt anything this strongly before. And for a moment, I think I was scared and I just wanted to do anything to please him.
“Lloyd?” I asked and he immediately turned towards me, to try and see me from my place in his neck.
“Yeah?” He asked and I closed my eyes for a moment.
“Fuck me, I want to feel like I’m meant for someone again.” I said and his eyes widened. “I want to feel loved again.” I told him and something like anger settled into his eyes and he lifted me up and settled me on his cock, not giving me any time to adjust as he pushed me down and I bottomed out.
“Loved? I don’t need to fuck you to make you feel like that, Y/n. I don’t even need to touch you.” He said and leant back. “Show me if you even love yourself before I do make you feel like you’re meant for me.” He said and I started moving. He didn’t do anything which made me more desperate.
“Lloyd, please!” I begged, leaning closer to him as I fucked myself on him. I was crying and he wasn’t giving in. I started bouncing harder and faster, slamming my hips down as fast as I could. I felt my high building but going no higher. I need him. “Please! I need you- I can’t finish!” I said and he just smiled.
“But you will.” He said from where he was leant on his elbows so I couldn’t even get in his face. He was smiling and I sobbed out as I leaned my whole body down until I was laying my head on his torso, still fucking myself on him. I moved one hand to start toying with my clit and it got me further along but I wanted- no need more. “There we go.” He said and it made me get closer. I just needed him.
“Lloyd…” I became a mess, saying his name over and again, like a breathless plea before I felt his dick twitch and I almost came there and then. He sat up, taking me up with him. I almost screamed when I finally came and he began moving me up and down himself until he spilled not too long after. “Baby…” I said and he chuckled, holding my completely fucked out body.
“You’re a mess…” he said, fondly, before taking us into the shower and placing me down as the water changed temperatures over me as I sat in the bottom of the shower. When he deemed it perfect temperature, he forced me to stand, I leant heavily on him as he washed me and he smiled to himself as he let me sit back down as he quickly washed himself. “We should try shower sex when you can keep your eyes open again.” He said and I whined, hitting his leg.
“I don’t know what you did to me… I felt like I had to do anything and everything you wanted me to. All because I wanted to.” I told him and he frowned.
“A want so strong it’s a need?” He asked and I nodded.
“I’ve never been so turned on as when you switched up then.” I said and he chuckled.
“What?” He asked, wanting me to elaborate.
“When you took control- you should keep it from now on- maybe.” I said and he laughed.
“You like when I tell you what to do?” He asked, perplexed and I shrugged.
“So what if I do?” I asked and he took us both out the shower.
“If we’re being honest about what we like then I fucking loved eating you out.” Lloyd admitted and I laughed.
“Because you love anything to do with your mouth. Biting, sucking, licking-“ I said and he laughed.
“Okay, okay, I know.” He tried to cut me off but I kept going.
“You really loved when I sucked you off.” I said and he smirked.
“You really love when you sucked me off.” He turned the table and I shrugged. “But what was that whole thing about after?” He asked as he dried me off after swiftly drying himself.
“I just felt vulnerable, I felt safe. I haven’t felt like that since I can remember.” I told him and his face changed to something like recognition. “You make me feel safe, content even. I’ve never had that before. You’re special, Lloyd. And I can’t stop thinking about you.” I said and he paused for a moment before kissing me.
“You feel like everything to me. Whenever I’m around you my head goes blank and when I’m not all I can think about is you, how long until I see you again, what you’re doing, where you are, if you’re okay.” He admitted and it sounded obsessive but I didn’t care. I just kissed him again. “I want to be with you, not just like this, but actually. I want a relationship, Y/n.” He admitted and my eyes widened.
“Yes.” I said and he frowned. “I want that too.” I elaborated and he smiled.
“So that’s a yes, you’ll be my girlfriend?” He asked and I nodded, biggest smile on my my face.
“Yes you- you- oh my god!” I said and jumped at the knock at the door. Lloyd laughed before throwing my pyjamas at me and I quickly got them on, almost tripping.
I swung open the door and yelped. Who the fuck was that?! A man with the longest white beard I’ve ever seen and wearing robes was at me door with a bamboo staff and a straw hat. This was the kind of shit you saw in Jamanaki, not here.
“How can I help you?” I asked, feeling a bit bad for how rude mr initial reaction was.
“I’m looking for Lloyd- and don’t bother, I already know he’s here.” I froze. WHO was this man? And how did he know Lloyd. Had he escaped the nursing home?
“Can I at least get a name?” I asked and he gave me a polite nod.
“Sensei Wu, now where is my nephew.” I nodded before turning to where Lloyd still was in the bathroom.
“Give me a minute, I’ll let him know you’re here.” I said and went close the door but she shoved his staff between the frame and door quicker than I could imagine and let himself in.
“I will find him myself.” I was now overly aware of how my dorm smelt of sweat and cum and the slight scent of strawberry from my body wash. He didn’t move further into the dorm, despite his words and I quickly picked up some dirty clothes and our underwear to try and hide what we’d been doing. It wasn’t working and I barged into the bathroom to put it in the dirty basket.
“Your uncle is here.” I said without another word and he froze. Almost cutting himself with the razor he was shaving with. At least he had the decency to put another set of clothes on. Well clothes that he let me have as pyjamas since Pearl took most my clothes for her holiday.
“I made my beg again and sat down, awkwardly facing the sensei.
“Would you like a drink or anything?” I asked, there was a kettle, a sink and a microwave in our dorm and the over 16s had a communal kitchen. We lived much more separate to the others as we were technically in ‘higher learning’.
“Tea will suffice, thank you.” I grabbed a clean mug and boiled the kettle as Lloyd exited the bathroom.
“Uncle.” He greeted.
“Nephew.” The old man greeted back. What a weird family.
“You want a drink?” I asked and he nodded. I knew what he wanted. We became oddly domestic over the past few days that he was staying and leaving for work at certain times. I grabbed another mug as the two began speaking. Lloyd sat on my bed and faced his Uncle.
“I assume you’ve come here for a reason, Uncle.” He said his Uncle nodded, taking the hat off and I only just noticed he had a long white braid. I poured the hot water into the mugs that each had a tea bag. I grabbed myself a can out the mini fridge and the milk.
“Any milk?” I asked and he nodded.
“I would like a weak tea today.” He said and briefly stared at Lloyd who shook his head, telling me he’d explain later. I widened my eyes at him and pointed at the man behind his back and Lloyd sighed.
“Uncle?” He asked again.
“You seemed to have taken residence here over the past few days.” Wu said and I tried not to freeze as I took the tea bags out and handed both the boys their tea, before taking my own can and sitting next to Lloyd, who held me defensively.
“Yeah, didn’t want to leave Peach on her own.” He was careful to use my nickname.
“Peach?” His uncle asked and I nodded.
“Yeah, that’s me… weird name I know.” I said and he gave me a sheepish look before focussing on his nephew.
“Uncle, if you’re here to tell me I’ve been slacking or become lazy-“ Lloyd started but his Uncle wacked him in the side of the head with his staff. I gasped and moved a little away before turning Lloyd’s head towards me to look.
“What was that for?!” I yelled and Lloyd patted my leg, telling me to clam down.
“As much I agree with you, it’s his way of love, Peach.” Lloyd told me and I frowned.
“It was because my nephew cannot keep his mouth closed.” He said and I became speechless.
“Yep, there it is.” Lloyd said and sat up again. I didn’t want to let go of him but he made me.
“I’ve actually come here, to speak to you both.” Wu said and I would’ve gulped if it wasn’t for Lloyd basically doing it for me.
“Nephew, you have been excelling lately. You are much more content and- this may sound rude- much less insatiable than your team mates. You have become focused and are now ahead of your teammates who have been training for longer than you. I’m here to thank, Miss Peach.” Wu said and I froze. “Keep up the good work, you’ve turned my most inexperienced student into one whose skills are currently unmatched. I’ll leave you both now- oh! And a little incense and an open window goes a long way.” He put his mug in the sink as he let himself out. When did he finish the tea?!
“Do you need a moment?” Lloyd asked and I nodded, opening the window.
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ramspatula · 2 months
It’s ur fav ninjago author’s birthday
62 notes · View notes
ramspatula · 2 months
Zinnias | Lloyd Garmadon x reader | Part 3
Lloyd stopped being a child long before he had his body ripped away from its childhood state.
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I smiled at the shop owner as he went on and on about this new drink that he thought I’d ’love’ and should try! I laughed at his nervousness as I finally succeeded in nudging the discarded pack of noodles off the counter and into my bag with a silent thud that couldn’t be heard over his own rambling. Just as I thought he’d stop and let me pay for my singular pack of gum and water, he began talking about a new magazine. I don’t know what made this man think I was interested in a antinques magazine but at least he was trying to sell something. As I asked about a different magazine, he turned to try and find it I grabbed a handful of breakfast bars that were on display underneath the counter and silently dropped them into my bag and cringed when one hit the pack of noodles.
“I think I’m ready to pay now, I really shouldn’t be spending anymore.” I said and he gave me a polite smile.
“1.65” he told me and I smiled and I reached into my pocket to grab some cash and ‘accidentally’ dropped it. I gasped and knelt down to grab my scattered cash. As he scrambled to come help me, I shoved a chocolate bar into my bag and proceeded to pick up the cash. When he got close and I smiled and gave him the cash.
“Don’t worry! Got it all!” I said and quickly grabbed the water and gum and raced out.
“Miss-! Miss-! I’m missing some- Miss! Miss! I- where- she’s stealing! She’s stole from me!”
I started sprinting with my hood up down an alley and had laughed to myself in glee when I turned back and saw no one had ran to his aid. I continued running until I turned and almost crashed into someone.
“Excuse me-“ I went to move around them but they grabbed my wrist.
“Not that quick, Peaches.” I froze. I looked up to see Lloyd. LLOYD. “What is this? You’re a thief?” We’d messaged a few times between now and then but actually seeing him reminded me of how built and stupidly charming he was.
“Not a thief, just may have underpaid him.” I said and looked over my shoulder. He hold became looser and I gave him a sheepish smile to which he raised his eyebrows in disbelief.
“You do know if you can’t afford it, it usually means that you can’t just have it.” He commented and I rolled my eyes.
“What you gonna make me do? Return it? Hand me into the police for some noodles, breakfast bars and chocolate?” I said and there was a glint in his eyes as he looked into mine.
“You’re not doing this for fun, are you?” Lloyd asked and I deadpanned.
“If I was doing this for fun, I would’ve stole 2 vapes and a bottle of Vodka. That way I could sell it to some 14 year old at my school for their dorm party and maybe replace my dying perfume I got for Christmas 5 years ago.” I said and he just stared. “I really love that perfume.” I added and he just laughed and shook his head.
“This goes against all my morals but next time you need food, maybe just ask me for some instead of stealing?” He said and I faltered.
“It’s against your morals to help starving people?” I asked and he immediately cut me off.
“No- that’s not what I meant-“
“Lloyd Garmadon!” I said in accusatory tone.
“-All I meant was-“
“You hate the poor?!” I carried on and he wrapped one arm around my waist to pull me close and used his other hand to cover my mouth. I went silent, letting out a few giggles behind his hand before I looked into his eyes that bored into mine. His eyes were so obviously green.
“Are you done?” He asked and I made a so-so gesture with my head, he let out a breathless laugh before somehow bringing me closer, pushing go me slightly against him. “I meant that it’s against my morals to let people get away with stealing and all this kind of stuff but I want to make sure you’re all good so if you can’t afford food- let me know.” He said and I nodded behind his hand before licking it. He deadpanned. My eyes lit up in amusement but he didn’t remove bis hand so I kept pushing my tongue against his palm but it didn’t faze him. “I have 4 brothers, Peach. None of your moves faze me.” He told me and I looked at him dead in the eyes before licking his palm again and he sighed before taking his palm and rubbing it against my cheek to which I gasped and tried to squirm away.
“No-!” I said and he shook his head.
“It’s your germs, Peach!” He argued and I shook my head before his palm was placed on my cheek again and rubbed down.
“Ew!” I said and moved forward, almost head butting him but luckily didn’t until I looked up to be eye to eye and much closer than anyone could consider friendly. His eyes shared the same glint as mine and I noticed the way my hand had made its way to his neck and the other was still placed on his arm, bicep. Firm bicep.
I gasped when the air was taken out of my lungs and I had to cling to Lloyd to make sure I didn’t go flying. He knelt down and covered my body with his. He looked over his shoulder and I held onto him tighter.
“Don’t make a sound.” He told me and I didn’t as we moved to hide behind a building.
“I swear she ran down here! It’s not my fault Father! She didn’t look like she was stealing!” I looked worriedly at Lloyd who eyes had hardened. He took my hand and guided me, expertly, through the allies before we ended up at a cross road near my dorms.
“Go right here! My dorms are up there!” I said and he did. I held onto him for support and tried not to focus on how he always made sure I was keeping up with him and checking to see if we were being followed. When we stopped, I hugged him immediately.
“You okay?” He asked but I ignored the question.
“Thank you for abandoning your morals for me.” I said and his face softened.
“It’s scares me how disarming you can be, Y/n.” He said and my eyes widened. I forgot he knew that. Lloyd took one look around before dipping down and placing a quick peck on my lips and before he could fully straighten up again, I grabbed hold of his neck and pressed our lips together for longer.
“If you’re going to distract me from the fact I’m being hunted, you could at least put some effort into it.” I told him and he took it as his sign to hold me as close as possible.
“You better keep out of trouble, Peach.” He told me and I smiled at him.
“No promises.” I said and he shook his head, amused. A college bus went past us and I sighed. “I better get going.” I told him and he nodded.
“Me too.” Lloyd said and quickly checked his phone.
“Same time next week?” I asked and he let out a breathless laugh.
“Peach…” He said warningly and I looked if the road was safe to cross.
“See you later, Lloyd.” I told him and he dipped down again to give me another kiss. “I could get used to this.” I told him and he shook his head.
“See you later, Y/n.” A person walked past us and I saw a tree behind him glitch and stay normal. The person freaked out before they kept walking, assuming it was all in their mind. I smiled, nervously before crossing the road.
“Fuck.” Lloyd murmured to himself before his phone buzzed again, aggressively, Nya wouldn’t excuse his lateness for much longer.
🪺. *. ⋆
“Pearl!” I yelled as I walked in the dorm and she whipped around immediately, box in hands. I dumped my bag and all the stuff I had stole plus a blanket had fell out. I put the blanket at the bottom of the bag to muffle the sounds of anything dropping in the bag. “I couldn’t get too much before the guy realised what I was doing.” I said and she sighed before pouring out this box.
“This was all the stuff my manager was going to throw away. All because it’s been on the shelf for more than three days. What a waste.” She huffed and I smiled.
“Not for us.” I said and started putting the food in different cupboards. I picked up the bottle of shampoo and cheered to myself.
“Thank god. I’m fed up of that off brand shit. It’s been making my scalp dry as fuck.” I said and she nodded.
“Don’t even want to talk about mine.” She said before a mischievous glint took over her eyes. “But I do want to talk about tall blondie who you seem to get along with very well.” Pearl said and I slammed the noodles down.
“Are you kidding me? You can see there from here?!” I said and charged over to the window to look at the spot. I had to awkwardly bend my neck to do so. Almost pressing my face against the glass. “Seriously? What did you? Break your neck to watch us?” I asked and she shrugged.
“Actually I was just heading into the dorm.” She said and I rolled my eyes, continuing to put food away. Many people may ask why at 16 we do our own food shop. The answer is that the original tuition for the school doesn’t include meals and provided dorm food anymore. Not that our very attentive parents would know that. How long has it been since I heard from my mother? 3-? 4 months? Last I heard they were celebrating my sister’s graduation and she was still bumming off them as much as she could. Waiting for the “perfect job” whilst keeping my mother from retiring. But she promises she’ll pay rent so I guess that’s fine!
“What did he do? Walk you home?” Pearl continued and I tilted my head.
“Not exactly… I got caught stealing and we practically got chased. He offered to pay for my food next time… he’s a sweet guy I like him.” I said and Pearl scoffed.
“Clearly.” She put some chocolate in her bedside draw.
“Okay I really like him.” I said and she shook her head.
“I thought you guys only met once.” She said and I shrugged.
“We talk a lot, messages of course, few calls, he works. Something to do with security.” I said and she nodded.
“That explains why he’s built like that.” She said, exaggerating the ‘that’.
“Like what?” I questioned, offended for him.
“Like a fucking bouncer! He looks like the guy who throws you out the bar when you’ve had one too many.” Pearl said and I turned around and put my hands on my hip.
“You’ve seen him one.” I said and she shrugged.
“And you’ve seen him twice!” She argued back.
“Yeah! But up close! And I’ve actually had conversations with him.” And a lot more according to what Pearl was making it sound like.
“And a lot more, considering your little show outside.” She said and I closed my eyes, trying to keep my composure.
“Don’t be jealous, you’re still my girl.” I told her and she huffed.
“Better be.” She said and we laughed. Get a best friend like mine.
🪺. *. ⋆
“There he is!” An annoyed voice rung out. “What? Didn’t feel like helping your team?” The same voice continued and Lloyd sighed.
“I was helping out someone being chased… they stole a pack of noodles.” Lloyd added and the red ninja shook his head.
“Whatever, next time your dad tries to demand his son back, I’m giving him you.” Kai warned and Lloyd rolled his eyes. “No-no-no! Don’t you dare roll your eyes at me, kid!” Kai went on but Cole stopped him.
“He’s not a kid anymore, we can’t treat him like one.” Cole reminded and the others backed up a little. “That being said… what the hell is wrong with you?!” He said and slapped the back of Lloyd’s head.
“What happened to not being treated like a kid?” Lloyd asked and Cole smacked him again.
“You’re 18 now, not 13. Act like it.” Cole said.
“14 but I’ll let it slide.” Lloyd commented and Jay shook his head.
“The supposed green ninja.” He said and they all turned from him to continue their mission.
“Who knew turning 20 would make Cole such a grinch.” Lloyd said to himself before jumping off the building too.
“So what happened?” Nya asked as they ran side by side.
“Exactly what I said, she wasn’t stealing for the hell of it… from what I can tell, she’s not just trying to feed herself.” Lloyd told her and she hummed.
“You know this girl?” She asked and Lloyd hesitated.
“Briefly.” He answered and Nya turned away.
“M’kay.” She said, not really believing him and he knew it.
“I saw her before once. In mystake’s shop, she buying actual tea.” Lloyd told her and she laughed.
“She sells actual tea?!” Nya questioned and Lloyd nodded.
“That or she just sold some heavy stuff to a teenager.” He told her only to receive a glare from those in front.
“Enough gossiping! We’re closing in on your father now!” Kai hissed out and the two stared at him before he harshly whipped around to focus on the target, Lloyd’s father. Lloyd and Nya being the youngest members, tended to get on like a house on fire and Kai who classed himself as not only Nya’s but Lloyd’s older brother always seemed to be scolding the two.
“Who pissed in his-“
🪺. *. ⋆
I hated this street. The lights were always out. I don’t know why they would leave a path to student dorms unlit? It’s like the perfect place to kidnap a child. I wrapped my coat around me tighter and tried finding my phone for a flashlight. The only light along these streets were the ones coming off of distant billboards and the orange reflections of people’s home lights through gaps in curtains or blinds. I sighed in annoyance at my dead phone. No flashlight. I just better hope that I’m going the right way. The silence of this part of ninjago was nerving. The city was always loud and here was always so quiet, like it wasn’t meant to be.
“Hey!” I jumped out my skin.
“Oh my- what the hell?!” I took a breath before staring at the green figure in shock. “How are you so quiet?!” I asked and he shrugged.
“I’m a ninja, I’m meant to be silent.” I took a moment to process that before I kept walking.
“Whatever, I’m too tired for heart attacks right now.” I said and he t’sked before following me.
“Long day of stealing?” He asked and I laughed.
“Do I have a bag on me?” I asked and Greenie just held his hands up.
“Didn’t say if it was successful or not.” He added and I shook my head.
“No, I haven’t been stealing- how do you even know about that?” I questioned and he kicked himself off the wall he was leaning on.
“I like to check in any damsel in distresses I come across after so I can make sure they’re not targets…”
“Oh, I’m a damsel in distress now-“
“Absolutely, that’s the perfect description of what you were.” He replied and I shook my head.
“The only thing at risk was that cake, because it was about to end up in those serpentines faces-“
“Both?” He asked and I deadpanned to his amusement.
“Back to you stalking me.” I said and he threw his hands up.
“I was not stalking- anyway! Turns out- you’re a prolific thief.” I shook my head.
“Am not.” I crossed my arms and continued my walk home. My hands were freezing.
“Am too.” He argued, following me. My hands too cold to really focus on anything else. I felt him getting closer by the sheer amount of warmth coming off his body, I turned to him when he was now walking next to me. “That all you have to say?” Greenie asked and I shrugged.
“I’ve got no money. No contacts- I’m on my way back from a meeting agreeing to stay on at the shitty school for 2 more years so I still have a home. I’m just trying to live and I have to steal sometimes to do that. My last job let me off with no warning and no one else is getting back to me right now, it’s not ideal.” I told him and he nodded.
“I get it, you’re 16 right?”
“Almost 17.”
“It’s hard to be taken seriously when people still think you’re a kid, huh?” He asked and I nodded.
“Very hard… I know I’m not being hired because of my age and my only chances are usually around holidays which means they’re usually temporary and shit pay… I’ve spent all my savings now. I can’t get a credit card yet. I don’t want to steal. I just-“ I took a moment before not saying anything and he nodded.
“It’s okay, I’m not going to do anything. I’m just making sure you’re okay. Seeing if you need any help and not to sound rude- but it looks like you do.” Greenie told me and I smiled.
“Thank you, that’s kind of you.” I said and I looked in his eyes, I couldn’t sworn I could see a blonde tuff peaking in front of his gre- red-? cool - eyes. “I like your eyes.” I blurted out, unknowingly and that seemed to make him flush.
“You like the colour green?” He asked and I frowned before seeing his eyes were now green again? Could’ve sworn they were red earlier.
“Yeah, one of my favourites.” I followed along and he shook his head in amusement.
“Glad to hear it.” He told me and I smiled as we continued on towards my dorm building.
“You don’t have to walk me home, you know? I’m sure there’s another damsel in distress out there who needs you.” I told him and he looked at me.
“Maybe, but this one might freeze to death if I leave.” Green counter-argued and I laughed.
“Maybe, but seriously, what if one of your other damsels is actually in distress and being targeted?” I asked and he seemed a little flustered.
“You’re my only damsel, Y/n, I don’t- what the-?!” He pushed me behind him and got in a defensive position, ready to draw the katanas from their holsters on his back at the sudden glitching bench beside us. He frantically looked around and I bit my lip in nervousness before grabbing his arm and making him whip around to look at me. “Don’t-“
“It’s me! Thats me!” I practically yelled, stressed and his eyes widened.
“You?!” He questioned and I nodded.
“I don’t know why or how- but ever since I came here when I was 11, I tend to make things glitch whenever I hear or say my name. Actually- I don’t know if it’s me or-“ I was saying but I got cut off.
“No that’s you alright- I need you to think for me, have you ever made this happen when you’ve been really upset or stressed before?” He asked and I took a moment to try and think.
“I-I don’t know- yes! Yes!” He was holding onto my arm as I tried not to panic.
“Okay, describe that situation for me- whenever you remember it happening like that!” He told me and I tried to rack my memory together to tell him.
“My best friend- Pearl- her stepdad arrived randomly one day- he said he was taking her back but everyone who goes from our school has a whole meeting and there’s a fine- which her parents would never pay- so it didn’t make sense. She hadn’t even spoke to them in 3 years-! I was arguing with him by the stairs and he went to grab me so I pushed him and his whole body glitched and he went through the floor and fell down 3 flights of stairs… he broke his legs and had to be rushed to hospital and no one knew- no one knew that I did that! I could’ve killed him!” I cried and he held me before grabbing my face and forcing me to look at him.
“But you didn’t and you wouldn’t because I know that you have a good heart- it’s not unnatural for things like that to happen- these outbursts… everyone who has powers has them. I had one the other week-! Almost burnt off my brother’s hairs!” I laughed breathily and I swore he was smiling. “But what you can’t do, Y/n.” I took a deep breath as nothing happened and he looked around before nodding at me to which I nodded back. “Is imprison it… it’s a part of you. Think of it as an extra limb. If you don’t use your legs, you lose the muscle, when you lose the muscle it’s harder to stand and after a while you forget how to walk. So you have to learn again… you gotta learn how to use these powers and for good, I hope.” Green told me and I smiled before hugging him.
“No one knows about this…” I admitted and he hugged me back.
“Not true, I do. You’re not alone and you’re not weird for it either.” He told me and I buried my face in his neck.
“I don’t know how to control it.” I admitted and I felt his grip tighten.
“Then we’ll find out, I’ll learn first if I have to! Just promise me that you’re not going to go to bed thinking that you’re wrong or weird for this anymore- I’ve been there, Peach.” He told me and I nodded.
“Promise… take me home?” I asked and he nodded.
“Of course.” And he did. If I weren’t so upset and stung from the sheer shock of admitting that the glitching that had haunted me for years was actually real and I wasn’t crazy or cursed- maybe? I probably would’ve noticed that the green ninja knew more about me than I’ve ever told him, including my name. I only told Lloyd my name.
🪺. *. ⋆
‘You awake?’ -sent 00:23am
‘Yeah’ -read 00:24am
‘What are you doing tomorrow night?’ -sent 00:24am
‘Stealing’ -read 00:25am
‘Not funny :/‘ -sent 00:25am
‘I’m free ;)’ -read 00:25am
‘Meet me at the abandoned car park round the corner from ur dorms at 7’ -sent 00:26am
‘Near the forest?’ -read 00:26am
‘Yes’ -sent 00:27am
‘Is this a date?’ -read 00:28am
‘Yes’ -sent 00:29am
‘What we doing?” -read 0:29am
‘Movies and hopefully still in date beer’ -sent 00:30am
‘Perfect, see you there’ -read 00:31am
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“Oh my god- my hero!” I called out as I saw a blonde man, clad in a green hoodie, worn shoes and black cargos make his way towards me with a large pizza box in hand. “I thought you just said we were gonna watch movies and drink hopefully not expired beer- why am I seeing take out and actual drinks- did you order food to a car park?!” I questioned and he laughed.
“Do you want me to take it back?” He asked, jesting and I fake laughed before taking the box off him.
“Absolutely not- unless you want me to pay because otherwise I’m gonna have to sell my kidney or something-“ I joked- maybe -and he also fake laughed before grabbing me by the waist with one arm and kissing my neck and I squirmed and laughed, trying to get away from him as he led us to his car. Which was a really cool truck.
“My sister is a bit of a mechanic so she’s been working on this thing and she let me have it for the day since my other brothers are no fun and she wanted an out since she couldn’t think of a birthday present.” He told me and I gasped, pizza in mouth as I tried to swallow quickly. I covered my mouth to avoid him seeing the sight I was.
“It was your birthday?!” I asked and he nodded.
“2 months ago.” He said and I sighed in relief.
“Thought I had missed it! I felt so bad.” I said and Lloyd laughed.
“No. You’re all good.” He told me before two biting the biggest pizza slice I ever had. “Did they forget the dip?!” He questioned in outrage and I laughed before going to turn the radio on and pausing.
“What am I doing here? Am I using my phone speaker or does this thing actually work?” I questioned and he chuckled before pressing a few things and slapping the side.
“Lloyd, master of boogers, welcome.” The ai voice said and I burst out laughing.
“Fuck you, Nya- fuck you!” He dropped his head against the wheel and I tried not to choke on my pizza.
“Master of boogers-?!” I burst out and he shook his head.
“I don’t want to talk about it- god I hate being the youngest- no respect.” He said and turned Spotify?! Built in?! On. His playlist was good.
“Oh- not bad. You’re a man of taste.” I told him and I listened to his music.
“Thanks- not my playlist.” He admitted and I laughed again.
“Tell whoever it is, that it’s good.” I told him and Lloyd shook his head.
“I will not be telling Cole that, his head is big enough as it is.” He said and I chuckled.
“Okay, how many siblings do you have? There’s a new name every time you talk about them.” I asked and he did a quick head count.
“6, including myself.” He said and my eyes widened.
“I thought you were Garmadon’s only kid?” I said and he raised an eyebrow.
“You been stalking me?” He asked and I nodded.
“Absolutely.” I admitted and he laughed. “I actually already know all their names and which of them follow my mutuals and how we’re all connected but I’d like you to tell me about them.” I said and his face dropped.
“You’re joking, right?” Lloyd asked, hopefully and I nodded.
“Yes! You have no socials! I’m starting to believe you’re not even real!” I said and he laughed.
“So you tried to stalk me?” He asked and I shrugged.
“You haven’t tried stalking me?” He paused and I pointed an accusing finger at him. “You have!”
“Maybe- not the point-!” He tried to carry on but I cut him off with my laughing.
“Oh- what did you find?! My TikTok is very public- what do you think of my reposts?” I asked and he shook his head.
“I don’t have tiktok- no!” He tried to change topics but I gasped.
“Are you a Facebook stalker-? Did you try to stalk my Facebook?!” I asked and he shook his head more violently this time.
“No- okay! I may have tried to search you up- on Google- nothing more.” He said and I rested my head.
“Google-?! You are so perfect- never change- never update.” I started laughing and he swatted my hand away.
“Whatever- eat your pizza.” He told me and I smiled, talking another bite.
“Yes sir.” I said before Lana Del Ray started playing. “Lana Del Rey-?! This Cole has taste!” I added and he smiled.
“Cole’s the oldest.” He finally started telling me about them and I smiled.
“Yeah?” I encouraged and he went on.
“Then Zane, Kai, Jay, Nya and me. Me and Nya are like 2 years younger than them so we get on like a house on fire and no- we’re not all related! However we all live together and have done for a long time now with my Uncle Wu.” He told me and I nodded.
“He’s like your guys pseudo- dad!” I said and he shook his head immediately.
“No! No! Some of us still have parents-“ he said and I started laughing again.
“Some?!” I questioned and that caused him to laugh.
“Yeah- I mean I haven’t seen my mum since she dropped me off at boarding school for bad boys when I was 3! And my Dad is a raging super-villain who wants to destroy the whole of ninjago but they’re both still alive to my knowledge and Cole doesn’t talk to his dad that much, Zane’s dad is dead and he never had a mother apparently, Kai and Nya’s parents went missing when they were children- Jay has both his parents! They have healthy frequent communication! Just last week-! Mr Walker had me rummaging through his junk pile to find some thing I can’t even remember the name of- or what he called it-!” I couldn’t stop laughing and I started hitting his arm to get him to stop.
“Okay-! Okay!” I tried to catch my breath. “I get it, you’re not all orphans taken in by your Uncle.” I said and Lloyd nodded.
“How’s the accountant?” Lloyd asked and I snorted.
“I wouldn’t know… I have parents to. I just don’t talk to them-“ I said and Lloyd laughed.
“You don’t talk to them?!”
“No! Fuck them!” I bursted out and he laughed.
“When your 11 year old comes to you and says ‘hey! Im being bullied by my useless sister in her mid-20s!’ What’s your solution?! Send her away to a boarding school for 5 years or more and let the bully stay even though she just harasses everyone!” I told him and he shook his head.
“For real?” He asked and I nodded. “Parents and their boarding schools…” he sighed and shook his head in disapproval and I laughed.
“I know right.” I said before leaning my head on his shoulder. He turned his head to look at me before wrapping and arm around me. “Thank you for telling me.” I said and he kissed my head.
“I don’t know why, Peaches, but you’re the first person I’ve ever felt like this about. It feels like I need you, actually need you.” Lloyd admitted and I smiled.
“I know what feeling you’re talking about.” I said and he felt him rest his head atop of mine. I could make out the way he smelled my hair from the cool air that grazed my scalp. I closed my eyes and just rested on him as his hand began to play with my hair.
“I don’t want to ever leave.” He breathed out and held the hand on my head. He instantly intertwined our fingers.
“Then don’t.” I told him.
“Is that the perfume?” He asked and I couldn’t help the breathless laugh that escaped me.
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ramspatula · 2 months
ldk if you do requests or not but l've been DYING to get this out of my head for a while.
So l've been looking far and wide for any ninjago fics
with the ninjas (and the other elemental masters
maybe 😋) as underground racers (l'm talking like fast and furious Tokyo drift typa thing yanno) BUT I
l've always pictured it as a Lloyd x fem!Reader but you can do any of the boys you deem fit for this
Their cars are powered by their, well, powers and elements (wowww so original anon).
Anyway, reader isn't new to racing, but she's new to Ninjago City
itself (god I hope I make sense)
Reader is an elemental master of (I've got no idea, I've always alternated between 'chaos', 'illusion', and 'stars' [I guess they're self explanatory? Stars tho can just be the reader able to create like supernovas, meteors, all that typa space stuff] so you can choose one of these or make one up !!)
The ninja are still, well, ninja, they just do this as a side thing to let out steam and have fun? (ldk if this
could be like plot error but if it is then just completely ignore it)
One of the songs I listen to while thinking about this is Carry Out by Timbaland and Justin Tumberlake + Baby Said by Maneskin
Also I started reading carnations today, and I gotta say I love it, (I'm also supposed to wake up in like 4 hours but I can't because I'm too excited lmao) -sincerely, 🪻
Hey! I’m not sure about requests yet BUT I’m happy to consider one shots as brief pauses from my actual fics! I love this idea though! If you do choose to write it yourself lmk! Otherwise I’d be happy to make it a canon divergence from one of my fics! (When I can get my motivation back)
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ramspatula · 2 months
Hihi 🪻 here, after much thought I thought I should write out a draft of the underground racing idea I sent, any writing tips you can share ?
Hi! I’ve been on a break for a bit so I’ve only just seen your idea! I think it’s great! My only tip is to make sure that whoever you choose to write it about, it fits their character. Like Lloyd isn’t going to be a ladies man out of nowhere or cocky. And if you write about Lloyd… that man is NOT innocent. He gets it 👀. This idea would suit Jay or Lloyd best in my opinion though!
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ramspatula · 3 months
Hi hi!! Do you have a masterlist for Carnations?
Yes!! I’ll tag it here! (Pls join my server as well, or don’t. Do as you’d like!)
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ramspatula · 3 months
Hey everyone! I just want to let everyone know that all my books are fem reader!! I’ve had a few comments with people confused about this, I want my page to be a safe space and no one to accidentally get misgendered by reading my fics. I use she/her pronouns in my books with the reader and my adaption of the reader has physical female characteristics. I’m so sorry if you enjoy my books and all of a sudden it appears that the reader doesn’t resemble you, as it should. That’s all I want to say, I love anyone who reads my fics and appreciate you all!! No discrimination is allowed on my page or in response to this. Be kind. Muah!
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ramspatula · 3 months
Zinnias | Lloyd Garmadon x reader Part 2
When I met you, you were barely a cloud, now you’re a star.
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“-sent me to collect it, he said it was some special mixture-“
“I assure you, young Garmadon. I know exactly what your Uncle speaks of and I will not serve it.”
“Please. You know if I go back empty handed he’s going to have my head and then send one of the others down her and you don’t want Cole storming in here-“
“One moment. Miss how can I help you?” The old woman asked and I paused, feeling like I interrupted something.
“Oh… sorry I don’t really know what I’m doing. I’m just looking for like a selection box of tea- it’s a present for my bestfriend… she really wants to try all of this.” I said and the woman smiled.
“I will make a birthday box filled with samples of my tea? Is that what you’d like?” She asked and I nodded.
“That’d be great- thank you.” I said and she went to go disappear in the back.
“I will get you your tea too, Mr Garmadon.” The boy tensed but bit out a ‘thank you’. I smiled much to his surprise.
“You must get that a lot.” I said and he let out a surprised laugh.
“No… well yeah- but she’s the only person that will serve me willingly in the city.” He said and I smiled.
“I just have a fake ID.” I said and his eyes widened. I laughed and took my ear phones out.
“Wait- really? How old are you?” He asked and I smiled.
“16 but if the corner shop asks I’m 20.” I said and winked to which he laughed.
“Wow.” He said and I turned towards him again.
“How old are you?” I asked and he grinned.
“18.” My eyes widened.
“Wow.” I said and he chuckled.
“What’s your name?” He asked and I felt myself falter.
“Uhm… just call me Peach.” I said and he frowned.
“Peaches? Okay.” He said and I shook my head.
“No- Peach!” I said and he rolled his eyes.
“That’s what I just said, Peaches.” He repeated and I rolled my eyes.
“Whatever, what’s yours?” I said and he raised an eyebrow.
“Lloyd… just call me green.” He said and I shoved his arm… it didn’t move. Wow.
“That’s not funny…” I said and he smiled.
“Whatever, Peaches. What’s your real name?” He really wasn’t giving up. Maybe he deserved to see whatever happened when he said my name.
“Y/n L/n.” I said and he smiled.
“Lloyd Garmadon. It’s nice to meet you, Y/n L/n.” He said and… nothing happened. What the fuck. I looked around and at my hands quickly nothing. “You okay, Peaches?” He asked and I looked back up at him.
“Yeah… yeah I am.” I cleared my throat and looked at him. “It’s nice to meet you too, Lloyd Garmadon.” I said and he chuckled.
“First time I’ve heard that.” He said more to himself and I rolled my eyes.
“Is it because of Lord Garmadon? Assuming he’s your relative or something.” I asked and he briefly looked at me.
“Yeah… father in fact. He’s my Dad.” He clarified and I smiled.
“Thanks for clearing that up for me, I really wondered what father meant then.” I said and he shoved me gently.
“So what’s your favourite tea?” He asked and I blanked. I don’t know?
“Green.” I said and a smug smile took over his face. “Yours?”
“I like green too.” He said and I smiled.
“We have so much in common.” I said and he laughed.
“Yeah like my Dad is an evil overlord and yours is a…?”
“Accountant.” I stifled a laugh and he tried to swallow his.
“Wow, okay, yeah. Same thing basically- like I’m sure if my dad wasn’t trying to take over Ninjago he’d be- he’d be an account- accountant too-!” He burst out in laughter as I started hitting him to get him to stop as I was currently struggling to breathe from my own silent laughter.
“That was too far-“ I said as I tried to regain my breath.
“I think you’re the first person I’ve met who isn’t uncomfortable around me.” He admitted and I smiled.
“You’re in a tea shop. Picking up tea for your uncle. You’re harmless in my eyes.” I said and he smiled.
“I don’t know about that… I look a little threatening.” He tried to adjust himself to look more macho. I ignored how his hoodie clung to his arms and the vein that was protruding from his neck.
“Wow. So threatening. I am terrified.” I said and his face dropped.
“Whatever, Peaches. I’ve got a lot of tricks up my sleeve.” He said and I shook my head.
“I’m sure.” I said and the woman came back. With a box and a bag. She opened the box for me and turned it so I could see her work. It was very simple. Just different samples of tea put in different squares with labels but it was cute. She held the bag out to Lloyd.
“Tell Wu he owes me one.” The woman said and Lloyd bowed his head- oh. Was I supposed to do that?
“Of course, thank you, Mystake.” He said and I smiled in thanks too. Now knowing the woman’s name.
“Thank you too.” I said and closed the box before reaching into my purse. “How much for the box?” I asked and the woman smiled.
“20.” She said and I looked up in surprise. I guess I’ll just walk back to the dorms. I noticed how Lloyd eyed me weirdly.
“Here, thank you!” I said and took the box. “It was nice talking to you, Lloyd. Let me know if your Dad wants to take up the accountant position!” I said and he laughed.
“Nice to meet you too, Peaches”. He said and I smiled before leaving the shop.
“Don’t be foolish.” Mystake said quickly and Lloyd frowned. “At least get her contact.” She told him and Lloyd smirked.
“Don’t worry. I’ve got it under control.” He said and Mystake grinned.
“I sure hope so.”
🪺. *. ⋆
It was cold and I had about a mile left before I even got back to the dorms. The box of tea and the cake in my hands felt way heavier than they actually were and I was scared I’d soon lose feeling in my hands and drop them. What would be worse? Wet teabags or smushed cake. Both? Or being attacked by two snakes. What?
“Ooh, what do we have here? Cake?!” The blue one hissed at me and I froze.
“I sure love cake. Care to share, little girl?” The red one hissed and I frowned.
“No.” What the fuck was wrong with me?
“Yo do understand that you don’t have a choice, right?” The snake hissed whilst dragging out its ‘s’s but before I could reply another voice cut in.
“Actually, I believe she does.” There was a figure on top of the small building next to us and he was defending me?
“And who are you?” The blue snake hissed.
“Just someone.” He said and jumped down. He was a ninja! And he was green?
“Ninja!” They both hissed before running and jumping into a sewer covering? Ew.
“Talking snake? I’ve seen it all!” I said and heard him laugh.
“You don’t know the half of it… You all good?” He asked and I nodded despite my hands being colder than the ice ninja.
“Yeah, thank you by the way, I’m just a bit shaken I guess… I’ve never had a snake try to rob me… and for cake and tea?” I said and he laughed again.
“Need me to carry those? Your hands must be about falling off with how cold is is.” Yes they were. Thank you for noticing.
“It’s okay, I only have like a mile left-“ I said but he cut me off and reached for the stuff.
“I insist…” He said and I sighed.
“Well, if you insist.” I said and let him take them. I immediately started scrunching my hands before rushing them into my pockets.
“Cold?” He asked and I smiled.
“I could be the ice ninja right now.” I said and saw the amusement in his eyes.
“I’m sure he’d agree.” He said and I smiled. Suddenly it felt so much warmer. Like I was next to a fire.
“Is that you?!” I asked, alarmed and he shrugged.
“Every ninja has their own thing… I just happen to have them all.” He said and I suddenly stopped in my step when stone came out of nowhere and filled the pothole in that I almost tripped over.
“Oh my- all of their powers you have?!” I questioned and he nodded.
“Water is an exception. Not too sure why but yeah.” He said and I laughed.
“Couldn’t quite get them all?” I asked and he sighed.
“I tried!” He joked and I laughed. “So… why are you all alone out here? It’s dark and there’s snakes around.”
“In my defence I didn’t know about the snakes but I’m broke so taking the bus wasn’t an option unless I didn’t get a cake.” I explained and he nodded.
“No boyfriend to help you out?” He asked and I scoffed.
“No… I don’t think anyone would ever see me that way.” I said and he turned to look at me and frown.
“Why?” Greenie asked and I shrugged.
“I don’t know… I guess I’m just not attractive but I’m only 16 so who knows? Maybe it’s the fact my best friend acts like we’re lesbians…” I added and he laughed.
“Are you?” He asked and I shook my head.
“I’ve had my fair share of crushes to know otherwise.” I said and he nodded. “I won’t even begin to try and explain her.”
“Is it her birthday?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yeah, 16. She doesn’t really see her family anymore so I get her cake.” I said and he nodded.
“What about you?” He asked and I shrugged.
“I don’t really keep in contact that much.” I admitted and he frowned.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how come?” Green asked and I sighed.
“We board at our school so I don’t go home often as it is. I started staying over holidays because Pearl- my best friend - stays because her family is horrible and my family is just- too judgmental and everything is a big deal. It’s just tiring to be around I guess.” I told him.
“I get that… my Dad didn’t even know I existed until 2 years ago. I’m 18 by the way.” He revealed and I gasped.
“First of all- you’re 18! Second, how does one not know they have a child?” I asked and he laughed, dryly.
“My mother, who left me for the next 11 years, didn’t tell him and he was kinda out of reach. My uncle would’ve been the only one able to tell him and he didn’t.” He said and I sighed.
“Heavy… if you don’t mind me asking, how is he?” I asked and he shrugged.
“He definitely cares but he’s not a good guy so it makes bonding quite hard when you’re supposed to protect the innocent and he takes advantage of them.” He told me and I nodded. He was still so warm.
“Well, I’ve really enjoyed our little vents and your warmness but I’m home.” I said and I could see the amusement in his eyes. “Thank you for saving me and my cake and my tea. You’ve really been my savour in green. I feel like this is the part where I ask what your name is and do the thing with the sword on the shoulders.” I said and he chuckled, putting the cake and tea on the short wall by the entrance.
“That implies you’d be a princess.” He said and took one katana out its holder and handed it to me. “Here you go, princess.” I gently took it and he got on one knee and leant forward in a bow. I almost swooned. I chuckled and looked down at him.
“What is your name, my savour?” I asked and he looked up at me.
“Just call me Green for now.” He said and I smiled.
“Well, Greenie, you have saved my life. And for that I thank you.” I said and held the sword to each shoulder on the flat side. He stood back up and took the katana again.
“Thank you, Princess.” He said and I looked up at him with a smile. It went silent for a moment as his eyes went soft.
“Seriously, thank you.” I said and he rolled his eyes before bringing me into a hug and I laughed before clinging onto him.
“Don’t ever thank me for doing my job. Do me a favour, though?” He asked and I nodded.
“Of course.” I replied and his eyes were still so soft. They searched mine before he continued.
“Stay out of trouble… no more walking in the dark.” He said and I smiled.
“No promises.” He rolled his eyes and gently shoved me away.
“Go home, princess.” He told me and I laughed before knocking on a window on the ground floor. He raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll see you around, Greenie.” I told him and he shook his head.
“I hope not. That doesn’t mean anything good is happening.” He told me and I smiled as the window opened. I picked up the cake and tea and handed them to the person who opened the window who looked between us weirdly.
“I’ll come looking specially for you.” I told him and he rolled his eyes.
“Goodbye, Peach.” He told me and I faltered as he ran away into the dark.
How did he know my name?
“Was that a ninja?!” Yes Pearl. Yes it was.
“Uhm yeah…”
🪺. *. ⋆
“You were saved by a ninja?!” She questioned and I nodded.
“For the sixth time, yes!” I said and fell back on my bed.
“What was he like?!” She asked and I sighed.
“Awfully charming and polite! Exactly what you’d expect.” I said and she looked at me smugly. “What?” I asked and she shrugged.
“Just sounds like you guys got on really well.” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“He just saved me, that’s all.” I said and Pearl leant forward.
“Mmm, I want to be saved by him too.” She said and I threw my pillow at her.
“Stop it…”
“I want to be saved, walked home, trauma dump and have him hold my shit the whole way too.” She said and I fell back onto my bed again.
“Wasn’t like that.” I said and she deadpanned.
“Whatever, just give me my present.” Pearl said and I handed over the box of tea she left on my bed.
“There’s a bunch of tea in there, I have no idea what any of them are like.” I told her and she chuckled undoing the latches.
“I don’t care, I want to try them all…” she said and opened it before letting out a shocked laugh.
“What?! Is something wrong?” I asked and she lifted a piece of paper and turned it to me.
‘Call me, Lloyd’
“It looks like you caught someone else’s attention too.” Pearl said and I shook my head, burying my face in my hands.
“Oh my god…”
“So who’s this one?” Pearl asked and I just groaned.
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ramspatula · 3 months
Hiya! If you like my posts and want to be involved or talk more about ninjago stuff and fics. I will be giving sneak peaks of fics and other stuff in my server 🤭 Pls join my server! I promise we don’t bite!
8 notes · View notes
ramspatula · 3 months
Hey! I was just wondering if u write 4 lord garmadon?
Hiya! I’m definitely thinking about it 🤭 Maybe a plot where she knew him before he went fully evil and then meeting him years later after him being brought back in S8?? Just lmk what you guys would like to read!!
12 notes · View notes
ramspatula · 4 months
Zinnias | Lloyd Garmadon x reader
This is how our lives worked. We both had such different roles in this life. But I know we can make it work.
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I crept through the woods. Hiding behind every tree I needed too. I was tracking this rogue beast that was apparently harbouring a dragon egg. An object from a realm that wasn’t this one. Being the master of realms meant I had to keep everything in order and objects being in the wrong realm could mean the whole foundation of the different realms could be broken and ultimate destruction. Finally I had reached its nest. I loaded my bow and arrow and listened, apprehensively. Then I heard its footsteps cause some leaves and twigs to crunch and instantly moved to shoot at the beast only to gasp and immediately point my bow at the floor.
“Hey, peaches.”
The man in front of me grinned and shuffled the dragon egg into one hand to allow me to charge at him and wrap my arms around his neck. He spun me around in a princess twirl with one arm and kissed the side of my head as I squealed in glee. I looked up at him in shock.
“What are you doing here?! I thought you were-“
“Tracking some gang members- I was! But I finished early so I got pixal to send me your mission info and I thought I’d come join you for our anniversary.” He said and I gasped.
“Oh my god- first of all, deep voice -second, it’s been that long?” I asked and he nodded, arm wrapping around my waist as we headed out the woods. Leaving the peacefully sleeping (knocked out) beast at its nest.
“It’s been that long…” he said, deflated.
“I’m guessing no leads on Master Wu then.” I said and he nodded.
“Jay and Cole are going to investigate one but I can place all my bets on it being a lost cause.” He said and I leaned on him.
“Hmm… 5 years though. What an accomplishment!” I said and he smiled.
“I’m proud of us… from 17 to 22, well 18-23 for me. How have you stuck with me for so long?” He asked and I laughed.
“It’s not been easy.” I said and he looked at me offended.
“Oh really?” He asked and I laughed.
“Oh yeah.” I said and I moved in front of him and started walking backwards so I could still face him. “Especially when you told me that I was actually in a relationship with a 14 year old.” I said and his face dropped.
“No! No I was not 14! I’m not 19 either. Everything about me says 23- almost 24! The time- if that’s how we’re arguing it works then that would make the others 16 with how young they were turned.” Lloyd defended and I laughed.
“I know, I know. Although, you do sound like you’ve just gone through puberty.” I said and he smiled.
“Y/n, I’ve gone months at a time without speaking.” He explained and I shrugged. He used to be the only who could say my name without me glitching. Now anyone could say it but Peach has stuck for too long now.
“It’s okay, I dig it.” I said and he shook his head in amusement. “Say my name again.” I said and wrapped my arms around his neck and he shook his head and leaned his head against me. “Say it. C’mon.” I said and pretended to bite his nose which made him laugh.
“Y/n, my Peach, Peaches, the Apple of my Eye, my literal prophesied soulmate- your turn.” He said and I laughed.
“My voice isn’t any different?!” I questioned and he pretended to bite my nose this time.
“Just do it, cmon.” He said and I giggled.
“Lloyd, Pookie, love of my life, my literal prophesied soulmate.” I said and he hummed.
“I’m going to ignore the fact you used Pearl’s nickname for us.” Lloyd said and I groaned.
“Pearl! I miss my Pookie!” I said and he rolled his eyes.
“This is the only mission you’ve had without her in a whole year!” He argued and I pouted.
“Still.” I said and he shook his head before remembering the egg in his hand. He moved it towards me. I smiled in thanks.
“What you going to do with it?” Lloyd asked and I smiled.
“Send it home.” I opened a mini vortex into the realm its energy has came from but when I went to put the egg through it almost was destroyed and the vortex closed itself in rejection.
“What was what?” Lloyd asked and I looked at him, perplexed.
“It’s not supposed to go home. I think it’s meant to stay with me.” I said and he frowned before looking from the egg to me.
“I don’t think we can really have pets right now.” He said and I looked at him with big eyes.
“But imagine a baby dragon-“ I said and he deadpanned.
“I can imagine. I can also imagine when it turns into this.” He said and Pooch burst to life in front of us and immediately started nosing around the egg. He then nuzzled me the best he could with his giant snout and I held the lower side of his jaw and leant my head next to his eye. He was a gorgeous dragon. Big and full of glory and power. 4 legs and a wingspan of 340ft. He was giant and powerful but such a beautiful dragon. His scales were green and the shades of the colour varied on all parts of his body with Gold accents and highlights also on his body. His red eyes matched Lloyd’s when he wasn’t hiding them behind his normal green and I kissed next to the dragon’s eye.
“See he wants to keep it.” I said and Lloyd rolled his eyes and he pulled his mask on.
“Get on.” He said, fed up but with a playful tint in his voice and I smiled at him before putting the egg into the large satchel I had with me and pulling my mask and hood on. Mine and Lloyd’s gi’s were a little different. Pooch bent down to allow me to climb up his neck to the saddle and Lloyd followed soon after. I leaned against his back as he grabbed the reigns. “Seriously, we don’t need a massive dragon that cant just poof out of existence.” He said and I looked up at him.
“Please?” I said and he rolled his eyes.
🪺. *. ⋆
One, two, three…
One, two, three…
Four, five, six…
Seven, eight, nine…
Four, five, six…
Eight, nine…
Four, three, Ten!
“Wow!” I’d managed to shoot a target right in the middle of the head before it could even pounce at me. I smiled in relief at finally completing this stupid training sequence. Unlike Zane I didn’t have built in targeting system so I had to train mine. “I’ll never get how you do it, Peaches.” Pearl said and I laughed. Supporting me in my inability to hear my own name. Pearl had started going by Pearl instead of her name and it stuck. Cole called her Doll more than anything.
“It’s literally your bow, dickhead.” I said and she shrugged.
“You’re better with it. I just know the basics. Only Zane has ever got this far in the simulator with a bow before.” She said and I shrugged.
“One of us has to train.” I said and she gasped in outrage before nodding.
“True.” She said, immediately giving up her fight and I laughed.
“Heard from Cole yet?” I asked and she shook her head.
“Not since he said there was a massive snow storm they had to pass through- it’s like he knows exactly what to say to me to get me to freak out!” She said and I smiled, raising the bow and shooting at a random target that was launched in the air. It hit it. I was so proud of myself.
“Well, you’d get a vision of it if you knew he was about to die.” I said and she deadpanned.
“Thanks. Now I’m going to be questioning whether that’s a reoccurring nightmare or vision now.” She said and picked up a strawberry from the fruit platter that she had made and eating it.
“Please, the biggest threat to him is Jay’s blabber mouth. Those two will be lucky to come home together and not take separate ways home.” I said and put down the quiver of arrows and the bow and went to grab the katanas.
“Fair enough… what are you going to do with that egg?” She asked and I shrugged. The simulation began and I started slicing through different images as she watched.
“I don’t know… wait till it hatches-!” I said and quickly deflected a laser that was supposed to imitate a real laser shot.
“That was close- anyway! We’re not allowed a puppy because it’s too dangerous for it but a dragon can protect itself!” Pearl suggested and I smiled before blocking another shot and slicing through a target.
“Lloyd already said no but I’ve never been that great at following his orders.” I said and dodged another shot.
“True, true.” She said before pausing. “We’re technically not elemental masters and I’m not even technically a ninja. Well I am but I’m more the medic. I’ve perfected basic ninjitsu but I’d become a flump if I even tried that thing.” She said and the simulation ended giving me a score of 14/15. I nodded. Taking the 90% for now. My form on the last stretch slipped and I know that. “90%! You didn’t even get hit or slip!” Pearl said in outrage for me and I laughed. Panting.
“I got a little sloppy at the end…” I said and stole a piece of fruit from her platter. “You heard from Kai? Heard he was back in Ninjago last months whilst I was away?” I said and she nodded.
“Oh yeah. He’s got a new girlfriend. He’s actually had one for a while surprisingly. It was their 2 year anniversary a couple months ago.” Pearl revealed and my eyes widened.
“That long?!” I questioned and she nodded. “God, I must’ve stopped listening to him too early.” I said and Pearl laughed.
“I also spoke to Skylor! Happier than ever. Enjoying the quiet life. Good for her.” Pearl told me and I nodded in agreement.
“Must be nice.” I said and helped myself to more fruit.
“Girl I’m going to make you a sandwich in a minute-! When was the last time you ate?” She asked and I shrugged.
“A few days ago. I got used to going without food for a few days when I was doing all those tracking down wrong real objects missions.” I said and she nodded.
“I’m ordering takeout then because they never make me pay when I answer the temple door in my gi and mask.” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“Go ahead. Although don’t order me much- I don’t know how much my stomach can handle.” I said and she deadpanned before turning to the fridge.
“Zane’s frozen left overs then.” She said and I laughed.
“Sorry I ruined your binge.” I said and she stared at me.
“It’s okay, you’ll make it up to me when you can stomach things everyday again.” She said and I rolled my eyes.
“But those days you won’t want to do it. You’ll decide it’s ‘my body is a temple’ season.” I said and she looked at me like I was crazy.
“No! That’s Cole’s thing at the moment. Plus I’ve managed to keep the physique! No one can beat me at basic ninjitsu simulator all around.” She said and I laughed.
“What even is that?!” I laughed and Pixal cut in.
“That, title, is to commemorate the fact that Pearl is the only one to complete the standard ninjitsu simulations 40 times.” She sounded exasperated and I smiled.
“Wow, proud of you Pearl.” I said and she smiled.
“Thank you!” She said before putting the now plated frozen food in the microwave. “Anyway! Speaking of anniversaries-“
“That was 2 conversations ago-“
“-Speaking of anniversaries!” She cut me off and I just shook my head in amusement. “How was yours and Lloyd’s? 5 years.” She asked and I smiled.
🪺. *. ⋆
“-but that lead to another dead end. I stopped by to see my Dad and Pearl but Pearl, for once in her life, was actually on a mission-“ Lloyd ranted and I laughed.
“Without me?!” I gasped and he nodded.
“That’s what I thought!” He said and I smiled. “So I check the date and I see that our anniversary is in 2 days!… Sorry, I haven’t got you any flowers or anything- I was kinda focused on just getting here.” He said and I smiled before grabbing his hand.
“I don’t mind. Just you is enough.” I told him and he laughed.
“You sure I’m worth it?” He asked and I nodded without hesitation. “I don’t feel like it sometimes.”
“Of course you are. I wouldn’t put up with all this bullshit if my heart wasn’t full of you and only you.” I told him and he smiled.
“I’ve really missed you.” He admitted and I nodded.
“Missed you too.” I said before taking a deep breath. “This isn’t very happy conversation for an anniversary.” I smiled and he did too but it didn’t have any warm behind it. My face dropped. “What? What is it?” I asked and he sighed and leant back onto his elbows. I was laying on my side and resting on my hand as we both were ontop of this cliff that overlooked the whole forest.
“I-I can’t stay for too long.” He admitted and I felt my eyes drift away.
“I guessed that.” I said and he sighed before pulling me up into a hug and I settled into his chest before he gave up and decided to just move me between his legs so he could have a better grip on me too. Lloyd way of showing love limited itself to touch and the way he looks at you. But I always knew when he needed more than other times.
“I just wish we could find Wu and end this search.” He said and I nodded.
“Me too.” I agreed and rubbed his hand that interlinked with his with my thumb and he nuzzled into my neck. He always said that I smiled nice.
“You smell really good.” There it was.
“I’ve been in forest for a month and showering in waterfalls- I can’t smell good at all.” I said and he chuckled before kissing my neck.
“You smell really good.” He repeated and I rolled my eyes before he buried his face again. “Really good.”
“This is addictive for you, you know this.” I said and he just licked my neck. I laughed before he started kissing my neck as well and I could help but laugh, it tickled. There was a scar along my collarbone from where he had accidentally bit me too hard once. We were deep in a moment like this one and he forgot he had little fangs gifted from his father. Said dangers grazed my skin and I shuddered.
“Somehow, I can’t help myself.” He said and continued until I shoved him off and moved my neck to rest on his shoulder so I was looking up at him. It took him two seconds to kiss me. With one hand still interlinked and I lifted the other to hold his lower jaw.
“Wow… we should do this again some time.” I told him and he laughed.
“Agreed… you’re going to keep that egg, aren’t you?”
“You know I am.” I said and I could feel him roll his eyes before he looked up at the night sky. “Do not start spurting your astrology bullshit at me-“
“That’s the bounty.” He said and I groaned to his amusement. He continued pointing at stars. “That’s the green ninja.”
“That’s just stars! I don’t see shit!” I yelled and he chuckled but continued.
“There you-! Oh! And a dragon!” He began laughing through his sentence as I tried kneeling up to cover his mouth yet he escaped all my attempts to before we were both sent tumbling down the cliff into a clearing. He was laughing his guts out as I breathlessly laughed and clung to him. “I think there’s a thorn in my ass!” He laughed and that caused me to burst out.
“I didn’t think we were that close to the edge!” I said and he nodded.
“Neither did I.” Lloyd said before sitting up. “So… you gonna take me back to your place? Show me where you’ve been staying whilst it’s taken you a month to track down this beast.”
“I wasn’t just tracking the beast! And I’ve been gone for longer than a month! Just everything to do with this forest has taken me a month!” I said in offence and he laughed.
“Oh sure.” He said and I made my way back up to the cliff and grabbed the satchel with egg in before carefully sliding down. “This is a great view.” He said as I climbed back up.
“Shut up.” I said and he just smiled, mischievously before grabbing me when I was almost down and pulling me off causing me to yelp. “The egg! Be careful!” I told him and he just smiled before taking my hand as I led him to my camp.
The camp consisted of a small crater in side of the flat cliff that you had to climb down some vine to get to. When Lloyd saw it he made the rocks shift and move to form stairs. I looked at him gratefully as I led him into the crater that I had covered the front of with vines. He immediately lit one of the candles and then looked at me to say something. Multiple various things were in the crater.
“This is where I’ve been for a month.” I said and he nodded before sitting on the make shift bed as I placed the egg in a pot above what normally is my fire. “A little help please.” I said and moved out the way when he sent a little green fireball to the bottom and it lit up. “I usually use it for cooking but it can house this for now.” I said and he nodded.
“When are you heading back to the monastery?” He asked and I shrugged.
“Soon I guess.” I said and he nodded. “I’m going to check in to that village at the bottom of the forest. See if they need anything and then I’ll go home…. Wow. Home.” I said and he chuckled.
“Been awhile, huh?” He said and I nodded.
“Doesn’t really feel like home anymore though.” I said and he just looked down. “I don’t like sleeping in an empty bed, Lloyd.” I told him and he sighed.
“I had a feelings that’s why you keep going on these stake out missions.” He said and it was my turn to look away.
“It’s… at least I know no one else is supposed to be sleeping next to me.” I said and he nodded.
“No I get it…” Lloyd paused before continuing. “I freaked out when I learned you were here.” He said and I frowned. “I came back to the temple for you and you weren’t there… I got scared.” He admitted and I paused before moving to sit on the makeshift bed with him. He let himself rest his head on my shoulder as I held him and rested my own head atop his.
“What did you do?” I asked, softly and he took a deep breath.
“I immediately got Pixal to send me your mission logs and access your last known locations.” He revealed and I smiled and shook my head at his antics. “From your logs I could figure out where the beast was heading and where the nest would be.” He said and I let out a breathless laugh.
“Oh my god.” I said and I felt him hold me tighter.
“I had this moment where I realised I didn’t know where you were and it really freaked me out because if I didn’t know where you were? How could I come find you if you don’t come back?” He asked and I kissed the top of his head.
“We’ll find him.” I said and he scoffed.
“How can you be so sure?” He asked and I smiled. “Not everyone comes back.” He added and I leaned off him to look at him.
“Because Ninja never quit.” I told him and he looked at me for a second before shaking his head in a startled laugh.
“Did you really just use that on me?” He asked and I shrugged. “Oh wow, you did.” He said before grabbing and pushing me down onto the bed as I laughed. He was on top of me as soon as my back was on the floor and I laughed as he held my hands down. “I can’t believe you.” He said and I laughed.
“Hey I like this position! You always manage to get me into it during training.” I said and he shook his head.
“This is a little different than training.” He said and kissed me. “How long again?” He asked and I smiled.
“Since we’ve seen each other? 5 months? Since we’ve done anything? 9.” I told him and he frowned.
“Well that’s just not good enough, is it?” He said and started kissing me. “How the hell have you held up?” Lloyd asked and I giggled and he nipped at my ear.
“I haven’t.” I told him and his face turned into a devilish expression before…
“Damn you, Peaches.”
🪺. *. ⋆
“Yeah I’d say it went pretty well since we haven’t seen each other in forever.” I told Pearl who nodded.
“How was yours and Cole’s? 3 years. Thats the changing point there. That’s when a relationship becomes for life in this world.” I said and she laughed.
“We missed it.” She admitted and I said nothing. “It’s okay though because we promised to do something when he comes back. He got Pixal to schedule an order of flowers and chocolates though.” She said and I smiled.
“Carnations?” I asked and she nodded.
“A singular pink carnation for everyday he’s been with me and loved me.” Pearl said and I deadpanned.
“You were watching friends with him again, weren’t you?” I asked and she nodded.
“Thankfully he’s not actually like Ross.” She said and I hummed.
“Joey, maybe.” I said and she placed the microwaved food in front of me and I smiled in thanks.
“Have you spoken to Garmadon yet?” Pearl asked and I shook my head.
“No I’m going to straight after this I just needed a moment to process that I’m home.” I said and she looked at me with understanding.
“Are you doing okay?” She asked and I shrugged.
“It is what it is.” I said and she smiled. “Is everything completely wrong and not normal? Yes. Can I do anything about it? No. So it’s just dealing with it, step by step.” I said and she nodded.
“I get it. I just wish I had more to do sometimes.” She said and I smiled.
“You will. Garmadon not got you training the monks? Since you’re so good at standard ninjutsu?” I asked and she rolled her eyes.
“Garmadon lets me get up late nowadays.” She said and I chuckled. “He’s actually not doing so well… I can see it in his eyes.” Pearl admitted and I looked up concerned.
“Misako still isn’t telling him anything, is she?” I asked and Pearl shook her head. “Her search for Wu is probably as successful as her search for a way to stop the ultimate battle… it wouldn’t be the first time she’s left her family.” I said and Pearl’s eyes widened.
“He cheered up a bit after Lloyd came and saw him… granted I didn’t know he had visited until after but- he has been better.” Pearl said and I smiled.
“That’s probably my cue to go see him, isn’t it?” I asked and she nodded.
“Yeah…” She said and I stood up and bushed the bowl towards her. “You barely ate anything.”
“Thank you.” I said and moved towards the doors that led to the rest of the monastery.
I walked through the halls steadily, with a heavy heart. Seeing how tall some of the young monks had grown in only a couple of months was tugging the strings on my heart. I successfully disrupted a meditation class by walking past the room and waving. When I finally got to the living quarters of the monastery, I knocked on the door of the ‘office’ area which consisted of two arm chairs and a desk with a few scrolls on and a coffee table with a tray of tea on.
“Come in.” I heard his voice and smiled. I pushed open the door and was greeted with a pleasantly surprised man. “Well if it isn’t my star pupil!”
“Miss me?” I asked and he nodded.
“Yes, come, sit.” He gestured over and I gave him a genuine smile as I got comfy on the arm chair and made a little dramatic out of it.
“This is so much better than the forest floor.” I said and he chuckled.
“Never forget where you began, nature’s child.” He said and I laughed.
“Yes, sensei.” I said and he smiled.
“So, tell me of your adventures.” He told me and I sat up and leant over the arm of the chair to talk to him.
“I spent 5 months sleeping on the ground.” I said and he smiled. “Pearl joined me on some of the things I was doing so I wasn’t alone for the whole time but I would’ve been on my own for the last 2 months if Lloyd hadn’t of visited me and helped me to get this dragon egg.” I said and Garmadon lit up at the mention of his son.
“Lloyd came and saw you?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yeah, we spent a few days together over our anniversary and last I heard he was heading towards Ninjago city.” I told Garmadon who nodded.
“Do go on.” He told me and I smiled.
“The dragon egg doesn’t want to go home so I think I’m going to keep it.” I said and Garmadon chuckled.
“Of course you are.” He said and I smiled at the similar response to his son.
“Have any of the others came back?” I asked and his expression dimmed.
“Kai and Zane were here not too long ago but other than that, no one has really been back. Lloyd was here a while ago but I assume that was before he came to see you.” Garmadon said and I nodded.
“He did say he had been.” I affirmed. “Heard anything from Misako.” I asked and he shook his head.
“No.” He sighed. “I’m afraid Misako won’t contact any of us unless she needs to. Whenever she goes on her own journeys, she does it completely alone.” Garmadon said and I nodded.
“Lloyd’s like that… it’s frustrating to be honest.” I admitted and he nodded.
“I am well aware.” He told me and I we shared an empathetic stare. Me and Garmadon were very similar in some parts of our character. I’d always taken better to him than I had Wu. I had met Lloyd not long after he turned older. We met at Mystake’s tea shop. Pearl had wanted to try all these different teas for her birthday and I bought a selection from Mystake as my present to her. I was nervous and didn’t know what I was even talking about. He had asked me what my favourite tea was and I said green with no hesitation even though I had never had it. He looked smug and said that was his favourite too. Before I knew it, I was on the dark island with him and it was where we had our first everything. Everything. I smiled at the memories.
“You know it’s not your fault.” I said to him, I was referring to Misako leaving and Lloyd being Lloyd.
“After being alone for so long, a man begins to wonder if the reason he is left behind is simply himself. I am not the man who wonders but I am the father who wishes he could’ve done more.” Garmadon told me and I took a deep breath.
“Being trapped in an underworld can prevent such things… like being involved in your child’s life. Or knowing he exists. Lloyd doesn’t blame you and his anger is not pointed towards you.” I reassured and Garmadon looked ahead, the desperation in eyes made me feel sick. “Lloyd’s angry at Misako. He struggles with the fact that she left him,… twice now. He cried after telling me he doesn’t understand how to accept her and how he feels so guilty because of it since almost everyone on the team is practically parentless or can only rarely see them.” I said and Garmadon and nodded.
“We’ve had a similar conversation.” He admitted and my eyes widened. “Lloyd’s emotion are that of a dragon. Unpredictable and fierce. The amount of control he has over them, especially for his age, in itself is impressive. The same could be said for you.” He told me and I frowned.
“My life hasn’t been nearly that complex.” I said and he looked to me.
“Even after the dragon has soared over and conquered the world, it doesn’t forget its time in its shell.” Garmadon told me and I frowned. “You need not explain yourself, nor comfort me.” Garmadon told me and looked at him unsurely. “Your mere presence in my son’s life brings me comfort. He trusts no one like he trusts you, my daughter.” He said and I smiled, genuinely. The nickname from my father in law had been established early on and I loved it.
“There’s nothing that means more to me than him.” I assured and Garmadon nodded.
“Then you are lucky that this sentiment is reciprocated.” I smiled and nodded in thanks.
Because it’s true, I love Lloyd Garmadon like no one else could. Because there is truly no other person I could ever be with. In this realm or any other.
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